Lost and Found Books PO Box 1296, Healesville Vic 3777 Australia. Tel: +61 39722 1926 Email: lostandfoundbooks1@bigpond.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
10839: Horler, Sydney - The man in the shadows.
11062: Horn, Werner, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. - Causal AI models : steps toward applications.
18148: Hornby, John - Undersea world.
43007: Horne, Brenda - Enjoy Entrelac knitting.
54206: Horne, Donald - Time of hope: Australia, 1966-72.
54143: Horne, Donald - The lucky country revisited.
49040: Horne, Craig - Bureaucracy blues.
51905: Horne, Brenda - Oddball knitting.
16756: Horne, Patience and Bowden, Stephen - Patons book of knitting and crochet.
55253: Horner, D. M. - The gunners : a history of Australian artillery.
18637: Horner, Isabel - Knitting for girls.
13256: Horowitz, Irving Louis, comp. - Cuban communism.
15817: Horsbrugh, Wilma - Puppies to the rescue.
39086: Horsfield, Yvonne - Meg, Mog and Miss Molly.
23757: Horsfield, Debbie - The Red Devils Trilogy : Red Devils, True Dare Kiss and Command Or Promise.
40956: Horsley, Reginald - The yellow god : a tale of some strange adventures.
23958: Horton, John - Perry Merry Dixy : 106 Nursery and Infant Songs Old and New.
20069: Horton, Derek - Television's story and challenge.
19115: Horton, John - The Chamber Music of Mendelssohn.
52824: Horton, Thomas and Morris, Kenneth - The Andersons Of Western Port : The Discover and Exploration of Western Port, Victoria, and the Life of the First Settler in Eastern Victoria, Samuel Anderson, and His Two Brothers, Hugh and Thomas from 1797 to 1903.
54500: Horton, D. C. - Fire Over the Islands : the Coast Watchers of the Solomons.
17507: Horton, Samuel - The rum runner.
53037: Horwood, J. F. and Hopkins, J. H. B. - Australian business mathematics.
34564: Horwood, Jo - The Rayner family of Bright : notes compiled for the reunion, 20 October, 1979.
34565: Horwood, Jo - The Rayner family of Bright : notes compiled for the reunion, 20 October, 1979.
54742: Hoser, Raymond - The Hoser files : the fight against entrenched official corruption.
52113: Hoser, Raymond - The Hoser files : the fight against entrenched official corruption.
53801: Hoskins, Ian - Australia & the Pacific : a history.
42802: Hospital, Janette Turner - The last magician.
22444: Hospital, Janette Turner - Collected Stories: 1970 to 1995.
43593: Hospital, Janette Turner - Charades.
55085: Hoss, Rudolf - Death Dealer : The Memoirs of the SS Kommandant at Auschwitz.
11638: Hotchin, Betty - A goodly heritage : a history of the Monbulk Methodist/Uniting Church 1893 - 1993.
52717: Hotham Street Ladies - Hotham Street Ladies : a Book for Kids!
48661: Houghton, Graham - Brass Bob.
10786: Houghton, Frank - Amy Carmichael of Dohnavur : the story of a lover and her beloved.
51729: Houlihan, Denise - Readers, rogues & red dust.
52908: Hourdebaigt, Jean-Pierre - Equine Massage : A Practical Guide.
39246: Hourigan, Pamela - Born mid ocean : memories of a special childhood.
28720: Hourihane, Ursula - Sugar and Spice.
52716: House, Richard - The Kills : The Complete Collection.
46067: House of Barker - Philip the frog.
48771: House, A. P. N. and Harwood, C. E. - Australian dry-zone acacias for human food : proceedings of a workshop held at Glen Helen, Northern Territory, Australia, 7 - 10 August 1991.
23036: Housman, A. E. and Peel, Graham - In Summertime on Bredon.
23007: Housman, A. E. and Peel, Graham - In Summertime on Bredon.
39581: Houston, Jayne - Painting Birds with Jayne Houston.
39582: Houston, Jayne - Painting Portraits with Jayne Houston.
38012: Houston, Jayne - Painting Dresden Flowers with Jayne Houston Book II.
25932: Houston, L. G. - Ministers of Water Supply in Victoria.
41421: Houston, Jayne - Painting Dresden Flowers with Jayne Houston.
41420: Houston, Jayne - Painting Flowers with Jayne Houston.
25365: Houston, Jayne - Painting Birds with Jayne Houston.
36760: Hovland, Egil - Chorale Partita on Lord God, thy glorious name and honour.
52848: How, Duncan - Historic Mines of Western Tasmania : A Walking Guide.
21833: Howard, Tom - Howard's Price.
36608: Howard, Graham and Wilson, Stewart - Australian touring car championship : 25 fabulous years.
21415: Howard, Tom - Fast Times in Paradise.
11559: Howard, John A. and Mitchell, C. W. - Phytogeomorphology.
46624: Howard, Ted - Mud and man : a history of earth buildings in Australasia.
2070: Howard-Williams, Jeremy - Sails.
11407: Howard, Vickie - The venerer's brand.
39196: Howard, Joy and Harris, Rob - The Australian Travel Agency.
29281: Howard, Tom - Beach Front Murder.
40269: Howard, Mary - Sixpence in her shoe.
13085: Howard, J. Mark - Builders of the wheat industry.
13075: Howard, J. Mark - Ross Smith and Bert Hinkler.
28614: Howard Payne - Hammer Throwing.
32964: Howard, Roger - Slaughter Night and Other Plays.
24394: Howard, Tom - The Last Generation.
55157: Howard, David; and Ayers, John - Masterpieces of Chinese Export Porcelain from the Mottahedeh Collection in the Virginia Museum.
22246: Howarth, Lesley - The Pits.
53539: Howden, Marjorie and Victoria. Education Department. - Holidays. The Victorian Readers second book.
49515: Howe, Adrian - Sexed Crime in the News.
19163: Howe, Albert - The step by step sight-reader. Book I infants.
19164: Howe, Albert - The step by step sight-reader. Book II junior.
19165: Howe, Albert - The step by step sight-reader. Book III senior.
49302: Howe, David J. - The Target book : the history of the Target Doctor Who books.
29564: Howe, Adrian - Lindy Chamberlain Revisited : A 25th Anniversary Retrospective
37363: Howe, George - Australia's first gardening guide of 1806 : observations on gardening.
16012: Howe, W. H. - Everybody's book of epitaphs being for the most part what the living think of the dead.
33976: Howell, Vickie - New Knits on the Block : A Guide to Knitting What Kids Really Want.
17443: Howell, George - Gold and Silver Commission : A Synopsis of the Final Report of the Royal Commission Appointed to Inquire Into the Recent Changes in the Relative Value of the Precious Metals.
17145: Howells, A. F. - Against the Stream: The Memories of a Philosophical Anarchist, 1927-1939.
36135: Howes, Jim - Rocky on Assignment.
19196: Howes, Jim - Rocky on assignment.
33415: Howes, Edith - Drums of the sea : the story of Captain Cook.
34460: Howes, Paul - Confessions of a Faceless Man : Inside Campaign 2010.
52076: Howie, George - Educational theory and practice in St. Augustine.
43703: Howie, Ann C. - Who's who in Australia 1991.
43775: Howitt, Gordon - South Westland - Haast Road.
14136: Hoxha, Enver - On the further revolutionization of the party and the whole life of the country. Speeches (1969-1970).
13906: Hoxha, Enver - Report on the activity of the Central Committee of the Party of Labor of Albania. Submitted to the 6th Congress of the Party of Labor of Albania, November 1, 1971.
16293: Hoysted, Peter and Kidd, Paul B. - Shallow graves : the concealment of killers.
50537: Hrisoulas, Jim - The complete bladesmith : forging your way to perfection.
11421: Hromic, Alma A. and Deckert, R.A. - Letters from the fire.
55407: Hrysomallis, Con, Buckley, Nathan and Buttifant, David - Weight training for Australian football.
32807: Hub Cottage Industries - How do towns change? Tallangatta.
11792: Hubbard, L. Ron - Hubbard dianetics seminar.
52645: Hubbard, Graham, Pocknee, Graeme and Taylor, Graeme A. - Practical Australian strategy.
51422: Hubbard, B. A. F. and Karnofsky, E. S. - Plato's Protagoras : a Socratic commentary.
34993: Hubbard, Graham - The not-for-profit director.
50734: Hubber, Brian - All that glitters : Australian colonial gold and silver from the Vizard Foundation.
13808: Huber, Stephen - Countryknits II: Complete Patterns and Instructions for 20 Casual Sweaters Inspired by American Folk Designs.
23488: Huch, Renate, and Rooth, Gosta, and Huch, Albert - An Atlas of Oxygen-Cardiorespirograms in Newborn Infants.
27154: Hucker, Joyce - Woollen crafts from unspun fleece.
27152: Hucker, Joyce - Woollen crafts from unspun fleece, book two.
51013: Hucker, Joyce - Woollen crafts from unspun fleece.
53478: Hudson, Terry - The big splash : the adventures of Michael Brendan.
40619: Hudson, Terry - The billy cart race : the adventures of Michael & Brendan.
53479: Hudson, Terry - The Pony Ride : the adventures of Michael Brendan.
53480: Hudson, Terry - The billy cart race : the adventures of Michael & Brendan.
13788: Hudson, Michael R., and Hall, John - Collect phonecards of Australia.
25943: Hudson, Harry - Explorers of Australia : Written and Illustrated for Trans-Australia Airlines.
39209: Hudson, Marian - The Media Game : An Insider's Guide to Powerful Publishing.
51542: Hudson, Nicholas - Modern Australian usage : a practical guide for writers & editors.
16674: Hudson, Eric and Richards, H. Grahame - Ye gods! The story of the fantastical farce.
16647: Hudson, Eric and Richards, H. Grahame - Ye gods! The story of the fantastical farce.
53586: Huf, Liz, McDonald, Lorna and Myers, David - Sin, Sweat and Sorrow : The Making of Capricornia Queensland 1840s to 1940s.
50257: Huggins, Edward - Blue and green wonders, and other Latvian tales.
40038: Hughes, Len - Laser cosmology.
50121: Hughes, Barrie, Drury, Jane and Barrett, Margaret - The Penguin working words : an Australian guide to modern English usage.
15373: Hughes, Jimmy and Lane, Frank - Bless 'Em All: The Service Song.
20361: Hughes, Jimmy and Lane, Frank - Bless 'Em All. 'The Service Song'.
51137: Hughes, Ted - Tales from Ovid.
54594: Hughes, Craig - Urban Beekeeping : A Guide to Keeping Bees in the City.
27716: Hughes, Ted - Ffangs the Vampire Bat and the Kiss of Truth.
19231: Hughes, P A - Beams and Jets in Astrophysics.
39130: Hughes, Merran and Waller, Lisa - Colours of the Country : Celebrating Ten Years of the Alice Springs Beanie Festival.
23829: Hughes, Herbert and Colum, Padraic - O men from the fields.
13382: Hughes, Alan Hugo - Psychology and the political experience.
33434: Hughes, Gayle - Bush cooking in style.
50604: Hughes, Ted - What is the truth? A farmyard fable for the young.
17960: Hughes, William - Secret ceremony.
54498: Hughes, Barbara - Praevius leading the way : a history of the Shire of Ballarat.
54775: Hughes, Barrie, Drury, Jane and Barrett, Margaret - The Penguin working words : an Australian guide to modern English usage.
45089: Hughes, Christa and Hughes, Dick - 21st Century Blues.
21212: Huie, William Bradford - The execution of Private Slovik : the hitherto secret story of the only American soldier since 1864 to be shot for desertion.
13844: Huie, William Bradford - Can do! the story of the Seabees.
38442: Hull, Robin - Just a GP : a biography of Professor Sir Michael Drury.
27449: Hull, Thomas - Origami 3 : Third International Meeting of Origami Science, Math, and Education.
53298: Hull, Mick - Mountain Memories : Sixty Years Of Skiing.
32350: Hull, Alan - Charting in a nutshell.
32351: Hull, Alan - Charting in a nutshell.
32275: Hull, Terence H. - People, Population, And Policy In Indonesia.
33840: Hull, Alan - Charting in a nutshell.
24392: Hull, Valerie J. and Simpson, Mayling - Breastfeeding, Child Health and Child Spacing : Cross-Cultural Perspectives.
51421: Hulm, Neil - The rivers roar no more.
48958: Human Rights Commission, World Congress of Free Ukrainians - The Persecution of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group, fifth anniversary update.
11386: Humbert, Agnes - Jean-Jacques Morvan. Text by Agnes Humbert, photos by Guy de Belleval, translation by Joan Dalrymple.
50679: Humes, Helen - An artist's bouquet.
50678: Humes, Helen - Painting roses.
50677: Humes, Helen - Painting grapes and berries.
50672: Humes, Helen - Helen Humes techniques in china painting.
50993: Humes, Helen - In class.
11923: Humphreys, Christmas - Zen comes West: the present and future of Zen Buddhism in Britain.
52941: Humphries, Laurie T. - The history of a great football club : Collegians centenary 1892 - 1992.
46697: Humphries, Barry - Tears before bedtime.
51128: Humphries, Barry - Moonee Ponds muse, vol. 1.
35697: Humphries, Barry - Back to my roots and other suckers.
55239: Humphries, Barry - The Complete Barry McKenzie.
26730: Huneke, Craig L. and Eisenbud, David - Free Resolutions in Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry : Sundance 90.
36645: Hunt, Paula and Manton, Glenn - Mongrel Punts and Hard Ball Gets : An A-Z of Footy Speak.
53880: Hunt, Chris - A guide to Australian white cockatoos : their management, care & breeding.
29862: Hunt, Helen - The alphareptile book : a book about reptiles of Australia for children.
13456: Hunt, Douglas and Kari - The art of conjuring.
53126: Hunt, Nan - A Rabbit Named Harris.
31904: Hunt, John - Creating an Australian garden.
50623: Hunt, Paula - Outlaw son : the story of Ned Kelly.
16430: Hunt, P.S. - An introduction to problem solving surgery.
50240: Hunter, Max - Have Yer Seen Me Rooster?
21599: Hunter, Evan - The blackboard jungle.
20922: Hunter, William B. - A Milton Encyclopedia. Volume 7 Pr-Sl.
20920: Hunter, William B. - A Milton Encyclopedia. Volume 5 Le-N.
20918: Hunter, William B. - A Milton Encyclopedia. Volume 3 Ed-Hi.
35893: Hunter, John - The Loves of Alice Brandt.
30017: Hunter, Lyndel - The Campaign Fires : North-East / East Gippsland Fires 2003.
51099: Hunter, Francis - Homoeopathic first-aid treatment for pets.
41427: Hunter, Max - Have Yer Seen Me Rooster?
13470: Hunter, Norman - Sneeze and be slain and other incredible stories.
52132: Hunter, Alan - Gently to the Summit.
52131: Hunter, Alan - Gently Does It.
33599: Hunter, Alan - Gently With the Painters.
13301: Hunter, Evan - Every little crook and nanny.
45488: Hunter, Cynthia and McDonald, Kevin - Essays on Seaham.
53087: Hunter, John, Roberts, Charlotte and Martin, Anthony - Studies in Crime : An Introduction to Forensic Archaeology.
43599: Hunter, Lyndel - The Campaign Fires : North-East / East Gippsland Fires 2003.
31592: Hunter, Lyndel - The Campaign Fires : North-East / East Gippsland Fires 2003.
22855: Hunter, Richard - The dam : a novel.
10355: Hunter, Evan - Buddwing.
3859: Hunter, Stanley Armstrong - The music of the Gospel.
12123: Hunter, Mollie - I'll go my own way.
16201: Hunter, Jim - The flame.
41077: Hunting, Robert - Regional collaboration in mathematics education, ICMI, Monash University, Melbourne, April 19 - 23 1995.
44386: Huntington, Peter and Cleland, Fran - Horse sense : the Australian guide to horse husbandry.
46020: Huntington, Peter and Cleland, Fran - Horse sense : the Australian guide to horse husbandry.
45604: Huntington, Peter, Myers, Jane and Owens, Liz - Horse sense : the guide to horse care in Australia and New Zealand.
32549: Hurle, Garry - The most important building in town.
43844: Hurley, Susan - Australian Homespun No. 138, November 2014.
24677: Hurley, Frank - Brisbane and environs : colour photographs by Capt. Frank Hurley.
40149: Hurley, Trisha - Place making for the future : 14 case studies in sustainable urban design.
13300: Hurry, Michael J. - Who Hold the Balance?
43777: Hurt, Freda M. - Andy Looks for Gold.
18003: Hurt, Freda M. - Two to make friends.
30660: Husqvarna - Husqvarna Sewing Manual.
43227: Husqvarna - Operating Manual Husqvarna 5710.
47911: Husqvrarna Viking - Husqvarna Viking Gallery of Quilt Art 2004 Masterpieces Colorcouleurcolorekulor.
27222: Hussein, Aamer - Cactus Town and Other Stories.
9431: Hussey, John - Henry Backhaus, Doctor of Divinity : pioneer priest of Bendigo.
17855: Hussey, Maurice - The Chester Mystery Plays: Sixteen Pageant Plays from the Chester Craft Cycle.
14135: Hutcheson, John C. - Afloat at last: a sailor boy’s log of his life at sea.
10730: Hutchings, Donald - Late seventeenth century scientists.
22532: Hutchinson, Garrie - The Great Australian Book of Football Stories.
54274: Hutchinson, Sheila - Heritage and history on my doorstep : a journey back in time including past tales of Dry Creek, Tallangallook, Barjarg, Tolmie, Toombullup.
32298: Hutchinson, Garrie - The Great Australian Book of Football Stories.
44655: Hutchinson, Jodie, Ludeman, Brett, Pryor, Alex and Whiteley, David - Ten years : Red Stitch Actors Theatre.
46597: Hutchinson, Les - Bright hopes for tomorrow : the true story of one man's voyage through life.
49729: Hutchinson, Beryl - Textiles & design : Book 2.
41508: Hutchinson Horace G. - The golfing pilgrim on many links.
47294: Hutchinson, Les - How Muriel made history : the Muriel McGivern story 1904 - 2000.
33517: Hutchinson, William - The Spirit of Masonry.
39114: Hutchinson, Les and Arnott, Geoff - Sharing Memories of the 20th Century Volume 1: A Summary of the Casey Electorate Oral History.
53614: Hutchinson, Beryl - Textiles & design : Book 2.
47079: Hutchinson, Les - Bright hopes for tomorrow : the true story of one man's voyage through life.
48444: Hutchinson, Garrie - Remember them : a guide to Victoria's wartime heritage.
42196: Hutchison, David - Fremantle Town Hall 1887 - 1987.
32550: Hutchison, Frances - Creating a native garden for birds.
54458: Hutley, Lesley - A guide to Lamington National Park.
19546: Hutson, Shaun - Shaun Hutson omnibus : Lucy’s Child, Slugs.
35147: Hutson, Clare - Sketchbook of the Dandenongs.
23160: Hutson, Shaun - Shaun Hutson omnibus : Lucy’s Child, Slugs.
45790: Hutton, Barbara - Chain reaction. Volume 5 No. 2, 1979.
18446: Hutton, Joseph Bernard - The great illusion.
47615: Hutton, Wendy - Tropical fruits of Thailand.
51888: Huxley, Aldous - The Perennial Philosopy.
17048: Hyatt, S. Quentin - Yogi Bear.
30601: Hyde-Clarke, E. M. - March to Freedom.
41363: Hyde, G. E. - The Kingfishers of Clay Bottom.
55556: Hyland, Bruce - 120 Seconds of Karate : Skills & Strategies.
47160: Hyland, Barry - The python who cried.
18336: Hylton, Jane, and Francis, Ivor, and Art Gallery of South Australia - Ivor Francis, an Adelaide modernist : sixty years of painting.
51511: Hylton, Jane - Nora Heysen : light and life.
47049: Hymns, Gerald - The Gun Owner's Guide to South African Law and the Safe Handling of Firearms.
49175: Hyndman, Ian - Thomas Ladson of Ladson's store, Tarrawingee.
18639: Hyne, Cutcliffe C. J. - The wild catters : a tale of the Pennsylvanian oil-fields.
30246: I.B.V.M. and Jones, Percy - An Australian Christmas carol : for mixed voices S.A.T.B.
47035: Iacono, Albert and Anthony, Iacono - I only eat Bertoni : homemade Italian food.
48825: Ian, Janis - At Seventeen.
53838: Ibbotson, John - Lighthouses of Australia : the offshore lights.
45279: Ibrahim Naci - Farewell : a Turkish officer's diary of the Gallipoli Campaign.
14157: 100 Idees. - The embroidery book.
13747: 100 Idees - French style family knits.
53444: Idriess, Ion - The Wild North.
46510: Idriess, Ion L. - Challenge of the north : wealth from Australia's northern shores.
50456: Idriess, Ion L. - Opals and sapphires : how to work, mine, class, cut, polish, and sell them.
48779: Idriess, Ion L. - The wild white man of Badu.
55351: Idriess, Ion L. - The Desert Column.
51589: Idriess, Ion L. - Over the range.
34496: Idriess, Ion - Flynn of the inland.
13953: IEEE Computer Society. - The IEEE international workshop on Defect & Fault-Tolerance in VLSI Systems, Proceedings, 1995.
18513: Iglesias, Julio Cesar and Alguersuari, Jose Maria - Sports in Spain 1939 - 1992.
18514: Iglesias, Julio Cesar and Alguersuari, Jose Maria - Sports in Spain 1860 - 1939.
34702: Ihaka, Kingi M. - A Pukeko in a Ponga Tree (The Twelve Days of Christmas).
33302: Iida, Shotaro - Facets of Buddhism.
38584: Iles, G. W. - Breeding Australian finches.
12867: Iliffe, C. E. - An introduction to nuclear reactor theory.
55119: Illes, Judika - The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells.
12657: Illingworth, Charles Frederick William, Sir - Wound healing: a symposium based upon the Lister Centenary Scientific Meeting held in Glasgow, September, 1965.
21524: Illustrated Tasmanian Mail. - The Illustrated Tasmanian Mail 1933 Christmas Number.
51716: Ilyin, M. - Russian decorative folk art.
53761: Image International - 1992 Pennsylvania International Airshow featuring USAF Thunderbirds.
49732: Imms, Wesley, Cleveland, Benjamin and Fisher, Kenn - Evaluating learning enviroments : snapshots of emerging issues, methods and knowledge.
36662: Impco Carburetion - Impco Carburetion service manual.
43146: Imperial Chemical Industries of Australia and New Zealand. - ICIANZ magazine, Volumes 4 and 5, 1952 to 1953.
51648: Ince, Ronald A. C. - What a day for it : his early life.
19824: Inchbold, A.C. - Sallie of Painter's Bakery.
48856: Independent State of Rainbow Creek - Independent State of Rainbow Creek stamp release.
19739: Index Publishers - The Official ABC Coach Guide for Great Britain No. 3, 1955. Winter services, 1955-1956.
8609: India Command - Victory : the weekly for India Command, vol.XIII, no.12, December 25 1944.
36326: Industrial Skills Training Centre - Dogging manual : a guide to slinging loads and directing cranes.
11874: Infante, Anne - Death in green.
6362: Infield, Glenn B. - Hitler's secret life : the mysteries of the Eagle's Nest.
46231: Ingamells, Rex - Jindyworobak anthology, 1940.
54213: Ingamells, Rex - Jindyworobak review, 1938-1948.
43798: Ingamells, Phil - Discovering the Prom.
37269: Ingels, Jack E. - Landscaping Principles and Practices.
11488: Ingleton, Roy D. - Police vehicles of the world.
12256: Inglis, Jill - Your dog's star sign.
51254: Ingpen, Robert - The boy from Bowral : the story of Sir Donald Bradman.
35671: Ingpen, Robert - The Idol Bear and The Age of Acorns.
54475: Ingpen, Robert - The boy from Bowral : the story of Sir Donald Bradman.
10561: Ingram, G. W. - Radio interference suppression.
33540: Ingvarson, Lawrence and Chadbourne, Rod - Valuing teachers' work : new directions in teacher appraisal.
30366: Inman, Marshall - Inman's Beginning Bridge and Beyond : A Step By Step Quick Reference Manual.
43524: Inman, Marshall - Inman's Beginning Bridge and Beyond : A Step By Step Quick Reference Manual.
10029: Innes, Sir Thomas - The Scottish tartans : with historical sketches of the clans and families of Scotland : the arms of chiefs of clans and families and clansmen's badges.
11317: Institute of Physics. Victorian Division. - Exhibition of scientific instruments and apparatus, University of Melbourne, Carlton, Victoria, February 1951: handbook.
11082: Institute of Petroleum. - Guidelines for the use of oil spill dispersants.
51047: Institute of Economic Democracy - The money trick.
11701: Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Great Britain). Automobile Division. Advanced School of Automotive Studies - Vibration and noise in motor vehicles : a symposium arranged by the Automobile Division of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and the Advanced School of Automotive Studies (formerly the Advanced School of Automobile Engineering).
19631: Institution Of Civil Engineers. - Hydraulic Modelling in Maritime Engineering: Proceedings of the Conference organized by the Institution of Civil Engineers, held in London on 13-14 October 1981.
12062: Institution of Engineers, Australia - Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Volume 2 1921.
12064: Institution of Engineers, Australia. - Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Volume 6 1925.
12065: Institution of Engineers, Australia. - Transactions of the Institution of Engineers, Australia, Volume 4 1923.
22346: Inter-Art - No, but I'll be a sister to you.
11811: International Tin Research and Development Council - Historic tinned foods.
41285: International Culture Appreciation and Interchange Society - Exhibition of contemporary nihonga by leading Japanese artists.
13432: International Dairy Federation - Dictionary of dairy terminology in English, French, German, and Spanish.
52799: Ionesco, Eugene - Killing Game.
29461: Ireland, Patrick John - Drawing and designing menswear.
21036: Irenaeus, pseudonym of Thomas, Ebenezer John - Death and beyond: a Christian's reply to Sir Hartley Williams.
10018: Iron Maiden - The Beast on the Road.
54784: Irvine, Susan - The garden at Forest Hall.
54452: Irvine, Susan - A Hillside of Roses.
55585: Irving, Kay - 21 Lessons for Young Riders.
21104: Irving, Mimi, and Biro, Val - Mr Purpose.
23953: Irving, Mimi and Biro, Val - Mr Purpose.
43212: Irving, Barbara L. - The puppy book.
41259: Irving, Barbara L. - The puppy book.
45634: Irving, Helen - The Centenary companion to Australian federation.
52677: Irwin, Ron - Blackened Tanner : the Dennis Tanner story.
4564: Irwin, Grace - The seventh earl : a dramatized biography.
52789: Irwin, Ron - Blackened Tanner : the Dennis Tanner story.
38523: Isaac-Williams, Mark L. - An introduction to the orchids of Asia.
11226: Isaacs, Edith S. - Love affair with a city: the story of Stanley M. Isaacs.
43922: Isaacs, Jeff, Tracey, Michael and Coombes, Irene - Return to Greece : 50th anniversary of the campaign.
43951: Ishida, Takeo and Herring, Ann - Whuff wants to see winter.
55259: Isin, Priscilla Mary - The Turkish Kitchen.
10988: Islam, M. Rafiqul - A tale of millions.
52871: Isobelle, Carmody - The Wrong Thing.
55181: Isobelle, Carmody - The Wrong Thing.
45770: Ison, Graham - The cold light of dawn.
10293: Israelian, V. L. - Soviet foreign policy : a brief review 1955-65.
12742: Itakura, Yasumasa - Integrated environmental management : development information and education in the Asian-Pacific region.
50007: Ivan, Victor - The queen of deceit.
27248: Ivanov, Ury - Ten years of my life in the great cultural revolution.
27915: Ivanovici, J. and Manhire, Wilson - Waves of the Danube (Donauwellen).
6841: Ive, Josephine - Table napkin folding : an elegant art.
18266: Ive, Josephine - Table napkin folding: an elegant art.
28659: Iverach, James - Theism in the Light of Present Science and Philosophy.
54798: Iverson, Jon - Home Winemaking Step by Step : A Guide to Fermenting Wine Grapes.
14533: IVF Friends - Patient letters - personal experiences of I.V.F.
11318: Iwata, Michiko - Ohana no hon.
52062: Izawa, Tadasu and Hijikata, Shigemi - Little Red Riding Hood.
49658: J. Blackwood & Son - General catalogue 1970.
31103: J. P. - An Immortal Touch of The Death Railway and River Kwai Bridge.
55038: J.A. Prestwich - JAP models 4/2, 4/3, 5 & 6 industrial engines reference book and spare parts list.
45346: J. C. Williamson Theatres - J. C. Williamson Theatres Ltd. presents Fiddler on the roof.
52583: Jaafar, Rosita - Teknik sulaman nyonya kerawang = Nyonya and kerawang embroidery techniques.
24567: Jabbour, Nabeel - The Rumbling Volcano : Islamic Fundamentalism in Egypt.
51452: Jack the Insider as told to Richard Fidler and Peter Hoysted - The Insider's guide to power in Australia.
55320: Jackomos, Alick and Fowell, Derek - Living Aboriginal histories of Victoria : stories in the oral tradition.
16452: Jackowski, Andrzej - Eleven thirtytwo.
38466: Jackson, Nigel, Reid, Irving and Tudor, Keith - Melbourne University Magazine : Mum May 1961.
20686: Jackson, Andy - Junk Instruments.
53065: Jackson, Donna T. - Art and social change : Dust : a case study.
39190: Jackson family - The Jackson family cookbook.
31818: Jackson, K., Jackson, B. and Tenggren - The saggy baggy elephant.
48893: Jackson, David and Schuster, Danny - The production of grapes & wine in cool climates.
18144: Jackson, Anthony - The Pictish Trail: a travellers guide to the Old Pictish Kingdoms.
23005: Jackson, K., Jackson, B. and Tenggren - The saggy baggy elephant.
48743: Jackson, Davina - Designs on wool : 37 original hand knits from Australian designers.
12755: Jackson, W. Eric (William Eric) - Achievement : a short history of the London County Council.
54730: Jackson, Chris - Radio Controlled Racing Sailboats.
4333: Jackson, John - Arsenal pocket annual 1994 - 1995.
31566: Jacob, Judith M. - A Concise Cambodian-English Dictionary.
54882: Jacobs, M. R. - A survey of the genus Eucalyptus in the Northern Territory.
11363: Jacobs, Michael - Between hopes and memories: a Spanish journey.
13619: Jacobs, T. C. H. - The black box.
51676: Jacobs, Philip A. - The practice of the county court : being the County Court Act 1928, the Imprisonment of Fraudulent Debtors Act 1928, Part II, the Instruments Act 1928 Part 1, and rules thereunder, and the Service and Execution of Process Act 1901-1928, and regulations thereunder : with notes.
17693: Jacobs, T. C. - The Tattooed Man.
17128: Jacobs, Joseph - Ardizzone's English Fairy Tales: Twelve Classic Tales.
16459: Jacobs, Thomas Curtis Hicks - Women are like that.
17804: Jaggard, Geoffrey - Blandings the blest and the blue blood : a companion to the Blandings Castle Saga of P. G. Wodehouse, with a complete Wodehouse peerage, baronetage & knightage ...
17805: Jaggard, Geoffrey - Wooster's World: a companion to the Wooster-Jeeves cycle of P.G.Wodehouse, LL.D : containing a modicum of honey from the Drones, and reviewing a surging sea of aunts, brief instances, collectors' corner, a pleasing diversity of dumb-chummery, racing...
42276: Jagtenberg, Yvonne - The first day at school.
35888: Jaguar Cars - Jaguar 2.4 litre model operating, maintenance and service handbook.
51087: Jaguar Cars - Jaguar XJ-S, XJ-SC 3.6, XJ-S 4.0 Service Manual.
18862: Jahan, Rounaq - Bangladesh: Promise and Performance
34611: Jaivin, Linda - The Infernal Optimist.
46600: Jakes, Alan - English summary.
12741: Jakowlew, B. (Boleslaw), and Szymaski, Andrzej, and Wlosiski, W. (Wladyslaw) - Synthetic materials for electronics : proceedings of the second international summer school, Jachranka near Warsaw, October 8-10, 1979.
52795: Jaku, Eddie - The Happiest Man on Earth.
40049: James, William G. and Baylis, Richard - Bush night-song
26932: James, Pansy and Kine, Bertha - Memories of yesterday : the life and poetry of a Slinfold woman, Bertha Kine 1882 - 1976.
44571: James, Rodney and McCulloch, Susan - After Van Gogh : Australian artists in homage to Vincent : an MRPG exhibition : Mornington Peninsula Regional Gallery, 6 September - 30 October 2005.
14104: James, C. S. - Analytical Chemistry of Foods.
14115: James, David - Scott of the Antarctic : the film and its production.
52509: James, K. N. - Werribee, the first one hundred years.
35878: James, H. J. - Songs of Scotland : a selection of traditional and national songs.
42594: James, William and Green, Dorothy - The paddocks gleam with moving gold : an Australia carol for two-part female chorus.
54901: James, G. F. and Murray, Robert - State insurance in Victoria : the history of the SIO, 1914-1996.
52318: James, Ross - Growing Houseplants in Temperate and Cool Climates.
32017: James, Winifred - Three Births in the Hemingway Family.
48105: James, William G. - Sea sketches : for pianoforte.
45998: James, John - Men went to Cattraeth.
54055: James, Bill - Collecting Australian gemstones.
45849: James, Rodney - John Perceval : painting down the bay.
41095: James Flood Charity Trust - James Flood Presents Cars of the Vintage Drivers Club.
39038: James, William - Prostate : the cure for me.
38889: James Flood Charity Trust - James Flood Presents Cars of the Vintage Drivers Club.
48560: James, William G. - Tiggy-Tiggy Touch Wood.
53143: James, Ann - Finding Jack.
17006: James, Kathleen - The basement clown.
47083: James, Allison M. - Batemans Bay : story of a town.
43618: Jameson, Glen - Learning from the land : stories of Australian rangers.
23902: Jan, Milan - A few windy dreams.
25559: Jane Austen Society of Melbourne - Observations Volume Two, 1999.
47847: Janome - Janome Mylock : creative sewing guide.
37174: Jansen, Margaret - Pioneers' register : Warrnambool township and shire, 1839 - 1900.
53209: Jansons, Ivars - Ivar Jansons Oils and Watercolors.
28785: Janssen, Berni and Sasnaitis, Jurate - Syllable Winter 1985, No. 3.
49412: Janusz Krasinski - Gdybys poszedl pierwszy.
39840: Jarman, Chas A. - Gondollied and Ripples.
47525: Jarratt, Suzy - Heath Harris movie horses down under.
53392: Jarratt, Maisie - Tambour beading with a ring frame.
44186: Jarratt, Maisie - Embroidery beading with Australian flowers, birds and butterflies.
49009: Jarratt, Maisie - Tambour beading with a ring frame.
23101: Jarrell, Randall and Sendak, Maurice - The bat-poet.
43459: Jauncey, Leslie C. - Australia's government bank.
13990: Javadekar, A.G. - Axionoetics: valuational theory of knowledge.
34297: Jean-Javal, Lily - Fortune's Caravan.
41552: Jeans, Angela - Image of joy.
44060: Jeep, Elizabeth McMahon and Smith, Margaret - Daily prayer under the Southern Cross 2004 : for schools, parish groups and families.
44444: Jefferies, D. C. - Jesus the mystery : what price knowledge?
46395: Jefferies, Jennifer - The scentual way to success : an aromatherapy experience for business and life.
12094: Jefferis, Roger, and McDonald, Kendall - The wreck hunters.
36470: Jeffers, Jim - Ball Lightning and the Cold Duck.
35060: Jefford, Jacqui and Swain, Anne - The Encyclopedia of Nails.
52574: Jeffreys, Elizabeth, Croke, Brian and Scott, Roger - Studies in John Malalas.
36846: Jeffries, Alan - Among the Living.
55251: Jeffs, Sandy - Birds of Eltham.
26304: Jeffs, Sandy, and Staines, Deborah - Poems from the Madhouse / Now Millenium.
19502: Jenkin, Ann Timoney - Midwinter light : poems.
43245: Jenkins, Bessie - Craft handbook.
54413: Jenkins, Ron - P. J. Hall : famous name in trotting.
35985: Jenkins, C. C. - The Cocker Spaniel.
51144: Jenkins, Roy - Mr. Attlee : an interim biography.
13740: Jenkins, R. J., and Meredyth-Young, J., and Waugh, G. D. - Mussel cultivation in the Marlborough Sounds (New Zealand).
13620: Jenkins, Ivor - Controlled atmospheres for the heat treatment of metals.
43839: Jenkins, C. C. - The Cocker Spaniel.
28770: Jenkins, John - Blind Spot.
17657: Jenkins, Alan C., and Floyd, Gareth - The man who rode a tiger : an Indian folk-story.
53763: Jennens, Frank - Brown and White.
40033: Jennings, Karen - Sites of difference : cinematic representations of Aboriginality and gender.
36473: Jennings, T. H. - Holiness, or, the Christian life : what it is, and how to live it.
50815: Jennings, Paul - The fisherman and the theefyspray.
55412: Jennings, Kate - Moral hazard.
39599: Jennings, Peter - Searching for insecurity : why the Secure Australia Project is wrong about defence.
54386: Jennings, Hanneke - Handbook for higher learning.
52438: Jennings, Kate - Snake.
54385: Jennings, Hanneke - Meditations with the Ascended Masters.
54387: Jennings, Hanneke - Preparing for full consciousness.
41119: Jennings, Harry - Cop that young 'Arry : memories of a kid from London's East End.
54715: Jennings, Hanneke - A step on the journey into wholeness. Part 1 & Part 2.
55265: Jennings, Bessie - Country ways, in the good old days.
50630: Jenny, Ernst and Roussy, Albert - Die Alpen Les Alpes Le Alpi, Volume VII, 1931.
50631: Jenny, Ernst and Roussy, Albert - Die Alpen Les Alpes Le Alpi, Volume IX, 1933.
50632: Jenny, Ernst and Roussy, Albert - Die Alpen Les Alpes Le Alpi, Volume X, 1934.
50854: Jensen, Rolf - Cities of vision.
20796: Jensen, Klaus Bruhn and Jankowski, Nicholas W. - A Handbook of Qualitative Methodology for Mass Communication Research.
29582: Jensen, Virginia Allen - The Gnome from Timsgaard.
48977: Jensen, Jean - Candlewicking : colonial stitchery, Volume 6, land, sea & air.
48978: Jensen, Jean - Candlewicking : colonial stitchery, Volume 7, hearts, teddy bears and others.
48976: Jensen, Jean - Candlewicking : colonial stitchery, Volume 3.
42807: Jensz, David - David Jensz, sculpture.
46349: Jephcott, Barbara - Brus : a biography of the Hon. Sir Bruce Jephcott K.B., C.B.E, B.Sc.
49767: Jepson, Selwyn - Snaggletooth.
16800: Jepson, Edgar - The Lady Noggs Peeress.
35546: Jess, Mary - Centenary year 1788 - 1988 Jess family recipes.
39870: Jesse, Louie - The Golden Gate.
50784: Jessica Dame Illichmann - Damed Magazine Issue 3 and Issue 4.
32097: Jessop, R. S. and Wright, R. L. - New Crops : Agronomy and Potential of Alternative Crop Species.
38595: Jewell, Matina - Caught in the Crossfire : An Australian Peacekeeper Beyond the Front-line.
18951: Jewett, John Howard - Friends of the hunted.
47211: Jewish Museum of Australia - Mask auction : The Jewish Museum of Australia.
50669: Jiguang, Xin - The Red-crowned crane.
55242: Jill, Duchess of Hamilton - Napoleon, the Empress and the artist : the story of Napoleon, Josephine's garden at Malmaison, Redoute & the Australian plants.
34504: Jim's Wife - Gordon League Ballads for Working Men and Women.
43912: Jin, Li - Eat Drink, Man, Woman.
51728: Jin, Lu - Aerial photography panorama of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River.
44476: Jindera Bicentennial Book Committee - Jindera : a town and its people.
48726: Joan Baez - Joan Baez : Country Girl Album.
42297: Job, William - The building of Brisbane : 1828 - 1940.
17327: Job, John H. - Ten years of song : the story of the Endeavourers from 1966-1976.
26943: Joel, Leonard - The Astor Theatre presents the Grand Movie Poster & Memorabilia Auction.
41360: Joffe, Mick - Endangered characters of Australia : their yarns & caricatures. Volume 1.
43098: Johannessen, Lyn - By the light on the bay : McCrae Yacht Club, the first fifty years : 1961 - 2011.
55283: Johanson, Tom - Through Pain to Freedom.
53311: John, Arthur W. - Uneasy Lies the Head : A History of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force in Japan.
7155: John-Brooks, R. - Second International Congress for Microbiology, London, 25 July - 1 August, 1936. Report of Proceedings.
20822: John, Geraint and Heard, Helen - The Handbook of Sports and Recreational Building Design : Volume 2 : Indoor Sports.
20823: John, Geraint and Heard, Helen - The Handbook of Sports and Recreational Building Design: Volume 3: Outdoor Sports.
49363: John Doe - Just Like Daddy.
23297: John, Elton and Taupin, Bernie - Bennie and the Jets.
51665: John Brunner, Lan Wright, Jack Williamson, John Kippax, Brian W. Aldiss, Dan Morgan, Peter Phillips and Julian Frey - Science Fantasy. Volume 6 Number 18 May 1956.
10769: John, Augustus, and Rothenstein, John, Sir - Augustus John.
28204: John Kissling - 70 Years : a history of the Metropolitan Golf Club, Oakleigh, Victoria, which includes the History of the Caulfield Golf Club and a short account of early golf in Victoria.
24471: John, Elton - Song For Guy.
27917: John, Elton and Taupin, Bernie - Candle in the wind.
41451: Johns, W. E. and Cook, Patrick - Biggles in Australia.
52993: Johns, John - Know your camera.
52944: Johnson, Patricia - Geckos and Moths.
42199: Johnson, Win - Clare cameos : reminiscences of some of the senior citizens of Clare and district.
8680: Johnson, Chris, Brown, Cathy and Nelson, Wendy - The gender trap.
36360: Johnson, Reg - One man's dream : Whimpey and the Little Desert Lodge.
52641: Johnson, Penelope - When the buffalo wakes.
53044: Johnson, Bruce - Antipodean Riffs : Essays on Australasian Jazz.
13933: Johnson, Audrey - Bread & roses : a personal history of three militant women and their friends, 1902-1988.
53889: Johnson, Glen and Nield-Fest, Catherine - Reptiles & frogs of North East Victoria : an identification and conservation guide.
55463: Johnson, David and Johnson, Betty - Antique radios : restoration and price guide.
55146: Johnson, Vivian Elaine - The windows of their lives : a biography of John and Eleanor Goehring Yackel.
55291: Johnson, Carl - Mud over blood : stories from the 39th Infantry Battalion 1941-43, Kokoda to Gona.
51373: Johnson, Penelope - When the buffalo wakes.
25239: Johnson, Dick and Browning, George - Ballarat and district.
21987: Johnson, Anne - A Student's Guide to the Ferns of Singapore Island.
55204: Johnson, Phillip - Connected : the sustainable landscapes of Phillip Johnson.
12033: Johnson, Joseph - Birdies and billabongs : a history of the Kew Golf Club 1894-1994.
54884: Johnston, David, Dunbar, Margaret and Johnston, Peg - They came, they settled, they prospered.
42649: Johnston, Robert - The Italians.
49686: Johnston, Wayne (with Ron Reed) - The dominator.
25787: Johnston, Jack - Patrol of the dead.
39249: Johnston, Mary - Didgeridoo the kangaroo.
54816: Johnston, Peter and Don, Alan - Grow Your Own Wildlife : How to Improve Your Local Environment.
40391: Johnston, Elin - Bishop George : man of two worlds.
53254: Johnston, Rosemary Ross - Australian Literature for Young People.
52010: Johnston, Peter - Footprints in the forest.
33387: Johnston, Peter and Don, Alan - Grow Your Own Wildlife : How to Improve Your Local Environment.
54943: Johnston, Gary - Short circuits, Volume 1.
45753: Johnston, Gary and Simmelhaig, Helen - Frontpage history.
51003: Johnston, Wayne (with Ron Reed) - The dominator.
53925: Johnston, Hetty - In the Best Interests of the Child.
23008: Johnston, Lyell - Three Northern County Folk Songs.
22941: Johnston, Richard F. - Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, Volume 6, 1975.
10724: Johnston, Sir Harry - Relations.
34551: Johnston, Marjorie - Growing up in the 50s.
34553: Johnston, Sue - Australia Will Be There : Growing up in the First World War.
16156: Johnston, W. Ross - A documentary history of Queensland.
46873: Johnstone, Elsie - Our little town : growing up in Lakes Entrance.
46579: Johnstone, Geoffrey - The gumtree pulpit.
13833: Johnstone, Megan-Jane - Bioethics: a nursing perspective.
39159: Johnstone, Elsie and Johnstone, Graeme - Lover husband father monster : a novel in two voices.
39160: Johnstone, Elsie and Johnstone, Graeme - Lover husband father monster : a novel in two voices.
38887: Johnstone, J. Alfred - Essentials in Piano-Playing and Other Musical Studies.
46935: Joint House Department under the authority of the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives - Commonwealth of Australia Parliament House, Canberra : descriptive handbook.
20076: Jokai, Mor, and Bicknell, Percy Favor - Manasseh, a romance of Transylvania.
35163: Jolliffe, Anne - Freckles.
32551: Jolliffe, Anne - Freckles.
46786: Jolly, Stephen - Behind the lines : Richmond Secondary College : a school that dared to fight.
55498: Jolly, Emma - Tracing your ancestors using the census : a guide for family historians.
17007: Jolly, Susan - Benjamin Brindle's pets.
54801: Joly, Nicholas - Wine from Sky to Earth : Growing & Appreciating Biodynamic Wine.
46855: Jones, Howard - One to one.
21420: Jones, Liz - The La Mama collection : six plays for the 1990s.
51263: Jones, Mary Lucille - An Australian pilgrimage : Muslims in Australia from the seventeenth century to the present.
36325: Jones, Rod and Moody, Helen - Caring for cut flowers.
11683: Jones, Yvonne - Sweet victor-y : an autobiography.
54892: Jones, Graham - Bushrangers of the north east.
39520: Jones, Barry and Horrocks, Heather - Work in progress : Barry Jones : recent speeches.
54051: Jones, Max - A man called Possum.
51414: Jones, L. W. - The Population of Borneo : A Study of the Peoples of Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei.
19966: Jones, Rhoda and Ringrose, John - Left-Handed in Love.
23642: Jones, Graham - Bushrangers of the north east.
55058: Jones, Barbara - Birdwatching on the Far South Coast New South Wales : places to go, birds to see.
55072: Jones, David and Jones, Barbara - Native plants of Melbourne and adjoining areas : a field guide.
44225: Jones Sewing Machine Co. Limited - Directions for Operating the Jones New Family C. S. Sewing Machine.
42053: Jones, Sandy - Classroom cooking without chaos.
52180: Jones, Shirley - There Was a Time : Chronicles of a Railway Family.
43938: Jones, Alan R. - History of the Warragul Bowling Club, 1897 - 1997.
45793: Jones, Francesca - Frannie on the Orient Express.
27605: Jones, W. E. - Phonetics in Linguistics : A Book of Readings.
50987: Jones, Trevor - Seville : the vision and the reality, 100 years 1886 - 1986.
50986: Jones, Trevor - Seville : the vision and the reality, 100 years 1886 - 1986.
45437: Jones, Granny - Gossip and facts about Richmond.
13062: Jones, Sidney, and Hall, Owen, and Greenbank, Harry - The geisha, a story of a tea house : Japanese musical play in two acts.
40952: Jones, Brian L. - Parkin's passion : a history of the Parkin Congregational Mission of South Australia Incorporated 1882 - 2007.
12811: Jones, E. Stanley (Eli Stanley) - Conversion.
17496: Jones, Liz - The La Mama collection : six plays for the 1990s.
47909: Jones, Elwyn - Dick Barton, special agent.
17379: Jones, Noragh - In Search of Home: Women Working, Caring, Sharing.
28260: Jones, Michael - Managing local government : leadership for the 21st century.
17105: Jones, Stephen, and Sutton, David - Dark terrors 4.
34398: Jones, Trudi - Parent to parent : raising your child with special needs.
36851: Jones, Trudi - Parent to parent : raising your child with special needs.
10362: Jones, E. B. - Instrument technology, volume 3 : Telemetering and automatic control.
48447: Jones, David and Jones, Barbara - Native plants of Melbourne and adjoining areas : a field guide.
16047: Jones, Jenkin - The Welsh hermit.
53683: Jong-Duldig, Eva De - Driftwood : escape and survival through art.
18305: Jong, H. C. J. de - A. C. motor design with conventional and converter supplies.
20338: Jons, Hal - Montana nemesis.
23802: Joplin, Scott - The Entertainer : a Rag-Time Two-Step. From the film 'The Sting'.
43242: Jordan, David - Education and the nature of creativeness.
53806: Jordan, Mary Ellen - Balanda : My Year in Arnhem Land.
37805: Jordan, M. R. - Motor maintenance : an introduction.
22079: Jordan, Christopher - Severn enterprise : the story of the old and new passage ferries.
48824: Jordan, John - The pleasures of Gaelic literature.
22907: Jordan, Louise - How to write for children and get published.
33948: Jorgensen, Cheryl - The taint.
15620: Joscelyn, Archie - Boss of the Northern Star.
14177: Jose, Nicholas - The Red Thread: A Love Story.
45802: Jose, Arthur W. - The romantic nineties.
47603: Jose, Jane - Places women make.
44712: Joseph, Sarah and Castan, Melissa - Federal constitutional law : a contemporary view.
13165: Joseph, Shirley - If their mothers only knew: an unofficial account of life in the Women's Land Army.
47623: Joseph, Sarah, Castan, Melissa and Schultz, Jenny - The International covenant on civil and political rights : cases, materials, and commentary.
17130: Joseph, Helen - If this be treason.
44991: Joseph, Sarah and Castan, Melissa - Federal constitutional law : a contemporary view.
54440: Joshi, Vijaya - Indian Daughters Abroad : Growing Up in Australia.
51307: Jossien, Sandra - Travelling With Thermomix.
49512: Joudry, Patricia and Joudry, Rafaele - Sound therapy : music to recharge your brain.
47307: Joudry, Rafaele - Triumph over tinnitus : a recovery handbook for tinnitus sufferers.
22457: Jowett, C. E. - The engineering of microelectronic thin and thick films.
36836: Jowett, Geoff and Hillier, Vicky - Myths, Lies and Exercise : an expose into the fitness, food and weight loss industry's dirty little secrets.
55541: Joy, Edward H. - The old corps : how we fought in the early days.
44912: Joyce, David - The Royal Horticultural Society garden plant selector.
39602: Joyce, Michael - A stitch in time : repairing the social fabric.
52032: Joyce, Lindsay and Norris, Keith - Valuers liability.
28729: Joyce, Jayne - Marriage of revenge.
22798: Joyeux, Odette - Open arms.
9917: Joynes, Heather - Old-fashioned flowers in ribbons and threads.
50543: Judd, Craig - Still life Stuart Black.
50542: Judd, Craig - Still life Stuart Black.
54524: Juddery, Mark - 1975 : Australia's Greatest Year.
51446: Judge, Cliff - Retarded Australians.
29562: Judge, William Q. - Path correspondence.
29560: Judge, William Q. - Occult phenomena.
29552: Judge, William Q. - Cyclic evolution.
29555: Judge, William Q. - Theosophical adepts.
29556: Judge, William Q. - Thoughts on the path.
29557: Judge, William Q. - Theosophic themes.
29558: Judge, William Q. - Mesmerism and hypnotism.
29559: Judge, William Q. - Wisdom from the past.
29551: Judge, William Q. - Cycles.
29550: Judge, William Q. - Occult philosophy.
29547: Judge, William Q. - H. P. Blavatsky.
29548: Judge, William Q. - The theosophical movement.
29549: Judge, William Q. - Work for theosophy.
50943: Judge, Cliff - Civilization and mental retardation : a history of the care and treatment of mentally retarded people.
54082: Jugiong Writers' Festival - Bringing it to Light : poetry and prose from the Jugiong Writers' Festival writing competitions 2015-2021.
19487: Julen, Hans - The Penal Settlement of Macquarie Harbour 1822- 1822. An Outline of its History.
53185: Julian, Peter - Fly fishing for trout down under.
50390: Julius, Kevin C. - The Abolitionist Decade, 1829 - 1838 : A Year-by-Year History of Early Events in the Antislavery Movement.
52070: Jumbuk Wools - Knitting for all seasons.
52071: Jumbuk Wools - All time favourites.
52072: Jumbuk Wools - Just right!
52073: Jumbuk Wools - Naturally.
53045: Jung, Anees - Beyond The Courtyard.
12171: Junge, Hans Dieter - Dictionary of technical cybernetics : fundamentals and applications : English/German, German/English
11809: Junker, Hans Dieter - Gouachen, Zeichnungen, Cartoons.
44637: Jupp, James - The English in Australia.
54438: Jupp, James and Nieuwenhuysen, John - Social Cohesion in Australia.
11827: Jurgensen, Manfred - The partiality of harbours.
10364: Jurgensen, Manfred - Ethnic Australia.
25112: Just, Jennifer - Goblet of happiness.
24508: Just, Malcolm - Oh Yes, the Crunchy Bits!
29404: Jutsum, Captain - Knots, Bends, Splices, with Tables of Strengths of Ropes Etc., and Wire Rigging.
52709: K-Tel International - The Original K-Tel Knitter : a Revolutionary New Method of Knitting and Crocheting with One Needle.
9837: Kacew, Sam, and Lock, Simon - Toxicologic and pharmacologic principles in pediatrics.
50810: Kaeppler, Adrienne L. and Love, J. W. - The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music : Australia and the Pacific Islands.
11097: Kaewert, Julie Wallin, and Frost, John M. - Developing expert systems for manufacturing : a case study approach.
50597: Kafka, Franz - The Castle.
17710: Kakar, Sudhir - The Inner World : A Psychoanalytic Study of Hindu Childhood and Society.
35274: Kalan, Sylvia - Classic Ribbon Embroidery.
35278: Kalan, Sylvia - Embroidery from yesteryear.
21185: Kalla-Bishop, P. M. - Future railways: an adventure in engineering.
14261: Kallas, Aino, and Matson, Alex (trans.) - Eros the slayer: two Estonian tales.
10295: Kallen, Lucille - C.B. Greenfield : a little madness.
46623: Kallidis, George - Not just bricks and mortar : the complete guide to home building in Australia.
46143: Kallidis, George - Not just bricks and mortar : the complete guide to home building in Australia.
47726: Kallidis, George - Not just bricks and mortar : the complete guide to home building in Australia.
32900: Kalorama - Mt Dandenong Rural Fire Brigade - Recipe book : over 200 culinary ideas and hints to help you in the kitchen.
49863: Kamenshchikov, G. - Forging practice.
19858: Kamin, Philip and Goddard, Peter - Genesis : Peter Gabriel, Phil Collins, and Beyond.
9229: Kaminsky, Stuart M. - Rostnikov's corpse.
17462: Kaminsky, Stuart M. - The devil met a lady.
10123: Kaminsky, Stuart M. - When the dark man calls.
14345: Kamp, Jos A. F. op den (Jos Arnoldus Franciscus) - Dynamics and biogenesis of membranes.
39808: Kan, Diana - The bird-man.
50610: Kane, John and Macken, Rhonda - Sing! collectors' edition 1975 - 1984.
22922: Kane, Henry - Dead in Bed.
12251: Kane, Joe - Running the Amazon.
30691: Kanganas, Ethel and Sauer, Margaret - Orlif the Gentle Giant.
31526: Kantor, Hal - The degenerates.
52181: Kanzaki, Noritake - Japanese Teapots (Form and Function Series).
11259: Kao Yu-pao (and others) - My hometown: six reportage articles by Kao Yu-pao and others.
53895: Kapitany, Attila and Schulz, Rudolf - Succulents for the Garden
55017: Kapitany, Attila and Schulz, Rudolf - Succulent Success in the Garden.
22954: Kaplan, Morris - 5 years to financial freedom.
53198: Karatzias, Despina - Adventures of a Balloon Girl.
45155: Karmel, Marjorie - Babies without tears : a mother's experiences of the Lamaze method of painless childbirth.
34949: Karnbach, James and Bernson, Carol - The complete recording guide to the Rolling Stones.
23109: Karp, Lila - The queen is in the garbage.
49326: Kartini, Raden Adjeng and Cote, Joost - Letters from Kartini : an Indonesian feminist, 1900 - 1904.
39242: Kartomi, Margaret J. - Musical instruments of Indonesia.
35189: Kasperczyk, Richard T. and Francis, Ronald D. - The manual of private psychology practice.
48704: Kasperczyk, Richard T. and Francis, R. D. - Private practice psychology : the new Australian manual.
49019: Kassimeris, George - Inside Greek terrorism.
45724: Kate Grenville - Lilian's story.
40227: Kates, Graeme - Arthur's Pass : a climbing guide to Arthur's Pass National Park : also including the Black, Craigieburn and Torlesse Ranges.
42603: Katherine Writers' Guild - Ella and the rubber thong : fantasy and fact through the eyes of the Katherine Writers' Guild.
32360: Katiforis, Nick - Professional options strategies for private traders : a guide to trading financial and commondity markets.
40416: Katts, Letty - A town like Alice.
40845: Katts, Letty - A town like Alice.
41905: Katz, Danny - Click, clack : buckled in your booster seat.
37967: Katz, Danny - Dork geek Jew.
39320: Katz, Danny - Spit the Dummy.
37739: Katz, Danny - Dork geek Jew.
40980: Katz, Ruth J. - Card weaving.
21936: Kauffman, Reginald Wright - Share and Share Alike : An Adventure Story.
42618: Kaufmann, Johannes - Parasitic infections of domestic animals : a diagnostic manual.
50539: Kaus, David - A different time : the expedition photographs of Herbert Basedow 1903 - 1928.
26493: Kausman, Les - What's Golf? The First 50 Years of the Cranbourne Golf Club.
26268: Kautzsch, Eberhard - A guide to the waterfalls of Sri Lanka.
51131: Kavanagh, John - The life and works of W. B. Yeats.
29302: Kavanagh, Patrick F. - A Popular History of the Insurrection of 1798 : Derived from Every Available Written Record and Reliable Tradition.
11551: Kawasaki Heavy Industries - Kawasaki GPZ1000RX motorcycle service manual supplement.
15452: Kay, Hilda - Advanced styling : the home couturier.
53394: Kay, Hilda - Patternmaking : the home couturier.
51971: Kay, Peter - Jan & Dean and the Flying Fandango Family.
22313: Kaye, Harold B. - Death is a black camel.
43183: Kaye, Louis - Tybal men.
18004: Kaye, Geraldine - The call of the wild wood.
17060: Kaye, Geraldine, and Fortnum, Peggy - Kassim goes fishing.
12293: Kaye, Peter - Play and enjoy the didjeridu of the Australian Aboriginal.
19808: Keam, Rick - The Australian and New Zealand Flyfishers Annual (Volume 4).
19807: Keam, Rick - The Australian and New Zealand Flyfishers Annual (Volume 4).
47921: Kearney, Neil - Tasmania's greatest sportsmen.
48463: Kearney, Neil - Tasmania's greatest sportsmen.
43345: Kearns, Karen - The business of childcare.
47420: Keat, Connie - Amy's diaries : the travel notes of Elizabeth Amy Cathcart Payne 1869 - 1875.
19785: Keat, Russell - The politics of social theory : Habermas, Freud and the critique of positivism
36219: Keating, Michael - Who Rules? : How Government Retains Control in a Privatised Economy.
11054: Keating, H. R. F. - Inspector Ghote goes by train.
54995: Keating, Christopher - Surry Hills, the city's backyard.
48490: Keating, Jenny - The drought walked through : a history of water shortage in Victoria.
18090: Keats, J. A. and Halford, Graeme S. - Cognitive Development: Research Based on a Neo-Piagetian Approach.
29350: Keatts, Henry and Farr, George - Dive into history Volume 1 : Warships.
29349: Keatts, Henry and Farr, George - Dive into history Volume 1 : Warships.
19463: Keay, Mark - William Wordsworth's Golden Age theories during the Industrial Revolution in England, 1750-1850.
54619: Keel, John A. - Operation Trojan Horse : an exhaustive study of unidentified flying objects - revealing their source and the forces that control them (UFOs).
9642: Keeler, Harry Stephen - The search for X - Y - Z.
43956: Keen, Liane - I haven't a thing to wear : a practical handbook on how to dress.
23126: Keene, Carolyn - The clue in the diary.
25256: Keene, H. G. - A Handbook for Visitors to Agra and Its Neighbourhood.
53054: Keil, Melissa - Rabbit's Year.
6648: Keilhau, Wilhelm - Norway and the Bergen Line.
8780: Keith, Billy - Days of anguish, days of hope.
20065: Keith, B.R. - The Geelong College 1861-1961.
37868: Kelemen, Zsuzsa - Sajat mintam : Horgolokonyv.
41958: Kellaway, Frank - Beanstalk.
13325: Kelle, Maurice E. - Australian trains.
32731: Kellehear, Allan - The unobtrusive researcher : a guide to methods.
35166: Kellehear, Allan - The unobtrusive researcher : a guide to methods.
36701: Kellehear, Allan - The unobtrusive researcher : a guide to methods.
22772: Kelleher, Jo - Intriguing Masdevallias.
55361: Kelleher, Victor - Johnny Wombat.
46413: Keller, Shoshanna - The self in the almond tree : an inner journey.
15323: Kelley, Tom - Dolls: a calendar for 1989.
15324: Kelley, Tom - Dolls: a calendar for 1988.
55448: Kelley, Lee - Hot Rod September 1978.
49045: Kellogg, Joseph - Trading From the Inside.
21416: Kelly, Terence - Hurricane in Sumatra.
32317: Kelly, Robert - The shavings of truth : twenty-three papers.
55548: Kelly, Aileen - The passion paintings : poems 1983-2006.
54425: Kelly, Paul - Swansong : The Paul Kelly Story.
46417: Kelly, Paul - November 1975 : the inside story of Australia's greatest political crisis.
13772: Kelly, A. Fenwick - Seed production of agricultural crops.
50470: Kelly, I. Margaret - Twas Thus and Thus They Lived.
41328: Kelly, A. C. - The Vine in Australia : Its Culture and Management.
44013: Kelly, Paul - November 1975 : the inside story of Australia's greatest political crisis.
13306: Kelly, Anthony - Skarratt: a novel.
54049: Kelly, Frances - The illustrated language of flowers : magic, meaning and lore.
12673: Kelly, M. J. - Low-dimensional semiconductors : materials, physics, technology, devices.
37158: Kelly , Michael J. - Peace Operations : Tackling the Military Legal and Policy Challenges.
17225: Kelly, Delos H. - Deviant Behavior: Readings in the Sociology of Deviance.
50853: Kemp, Jenny - The black sequin dress.
50167: Kemp, Kenneth - Tales of the big game hunters.
49759: Kemp, Jeff and Miller, Les - The Australian timber buyer's guide.
32682: Kemp, Roger - Roger Kemp : cycles and directions 1935 - 1975.
55435: Kemp, Rick - Exhibition Poultry Breeder's Handbook.
41281: Kemp, Rick - Pure breed poultry raising.
34758: Kemp, Peter - Day trips plus.
11362: Kempster, M. H. A. - Principles of jig and tool design.
54390: Ken, P. M. - Crosspoint.
46646: Kenchington, Richard, Stocker, Laura and Wood, David - Sustainable coastal management and climate adaptation : global lessons from regional approaches in Australia.
41865: Kendall, Carol - The other side of the tunnel.
50520: Kendall, Henry - The last of his tribe.
53355: Kendall, Jamie - Roller Derby / Girl Gang : An Art Anthology.
10899: Kendall, James - Young chemists and great discoveries.
12978: Kendall, Leon T. and Fishman, Michael J. - A primer on securitization.
54878: Kendall, Norah - With naught but kin behind them : the Shetland of its early emigrants.
52930: Kendall, Norah - With naught but kin behind them : the Shetland of its early emigrants.
55100: Kendall, Norah - With naught but kin behind them : the Shetland of its early emigrants.
53789: Kendon, Adam - Gesture : Visible Action as Utterance.
34164: Keneally, Thomas and Cook, Kenneth - Halloran's Little Boat : A Play Based on the Novel Bring Larks and Heroes and Stockade : a musical play of the Eureka Stockade.
53048: Keneally, Tom - Roos in shoes.
23745: Kenna, Len - The putting-down of Ned Kelly.
23941: Kennedy-Fraser, M. and Macleod, Kenneth - An Eriskay Love Lilt.
36150: Kennedy, Gary - Popeye : 4 Knitting Patterns.
36151: Kennedy, Gary - The Flintstones : 4 Knitting Patterns.
36149: Kennedy, Gary - Tom & Jerry : 4 Knitting Patterns.
54321: Kennedy, Ewan - Peugeot : the Australian story.
46202: Kennedy, Gary - Yogi Bear.
46200: Kennedy, Gary - The Flintstones.
46198: Kennedy, Gary - Daffy Duck with Elmer Fudd.
52244: Kennedy, Gary - Wind in the Willows : 4 Knitting Patterns.
51063: Kennedy, Ewan - Building a tougher Ford No. 2.
43996: Kennedy, Alan - Peter Brock : the book.
55437: Kennedy, Brian P., Konau, Britta and Boles, Margo Smith - Dreaming Their Way : Australian Aboriginal Women Painters.
23816: Kennedy-Fraser, M. and Macleod, Kenneth - An Eriskay Love Lilt.
23817: Kennedy-Fraser, M. and Macleod, Kenneth - The Peat-Fire Flame.
43114: Kennedy, Lisa - Lielle's spirit bird.
23815: Kennedy-Fraser, M. and Macleod, Kenneth - The Road to the Isles.
51881: Kennedy, Gary - Laurel and Hardy : 5 Knitting Patterns.
51880: Kennedy, Gary - Roland Rat Superstar : 5 Knitting Patterns.
39027: Kennedy, Gary - Bugs Bunny with Yosemite Sam.
51811: Kennedy, Gary - Tom & Jerry : 4 Knitting Patterns.
51797: Kennedy, Gary - Betty Boop : 4 Knitting Patterns.
51796: Kennedy, Gary - Sesame Street : 4 Knitting Patterns.
53387: Kennedy, Ewan - Peugeot : the Australian story.
23010: Kennedy-Fraser, M. - The Road to the Isles.
33114: Kennedy, Gary - Mr. Men : 9 Knitting Patterns.
51315: Kennedy, Brian Patrick - The Irish Kennedys : the story of the rebellious O'Kennedys.
54424: Kennel, Moritz - Old MacDonald had a farm.
16433: Kennel, Moritz - Old MacDonald had a farm.
16157: Kennel Control Council - Dogs of Australia.
15888: Kennel Control Council - Dogs of Australia.
34209: Kennelly, Tadhg and Gullan, Scott - Tadhg Kennelly : Unfinished Business.
54406: Kennelly, Tadhg - Unfinished business.
36757: Kennett, Linda and Fletcher, Meredith - Changing Landscapes : A History of Settlement and Land Use at Driffield.
37563: Kenney, John - Robbie Tobbie the kangaroo boy.
50130: Kenny, Joan M. - Melbourne long ago.
44614: Kenny, Joan M. - Australian family life in 1938.
36031: Kenny, H. T. - In lightest Africa.
39575: Kenny, Joan M. - Shipwrecks : time capsules of the deep.
34523: Kenny, Tom - Pickwick in Sydney : who wrote the Pickwick papers : Dickens? The answer.
34214: Kent, Margaret - Little Plays for Many Players.
38756: Kent, Nora - Unto us a child.
45269: Kent, Alexander - Enemy in sight!
24846: Kent, Alexander - Stand Into Danger.
31506: Kent, Jim - Women of the earth.
31490: Kent, Jim - Slaves of pleasure.
27949: Kent, Graeme - Gypsy's warning.
55325: Kentish, Thomas - The pyrotechnist's treasury : the complete art of firework-making.
51278: Kentridge, William - William Kentridge : universal archive (parts 7-23) : films, sculptures, drawings, tapestries, etchings.
19668: Kenward, James - The Roof-Tree.
54818: Kenworthy, Morna - Aftermath of fire : a people's triumph.
55604: Kenyem, Nyoman Sujana - Symphony Of Life.
46892: Keogh, Colonel E. G. - The Cadet journal : journal of the Australian Cadet Corps. Number 4, June 1953.
53858: Keogh, Colonel E. G. - South West Pacific 1941-45.
47318: Keogh, E. G. - Middle East, 1939 - 43.
45307: Keogh, E. G. - Middle East, 1939 - 43.
18646: Keppel, Frederick Paul - Philanthropy & Learning with Other Papers.
42900: Ker Wilson, Barbara - The day of the elephant.
51377: Ker, Alan - Castaway cat.
51619: Ker, Alan - Castaway cat.
40167: Ker Wilson, Barbara - Meltdown.
53961: Keramic Supply Co. - Colors and coloring in china painting.
38298: Kerford, Brett and Nieman, John - Mud, blood and survival : a history of the Silvan Football Club.
12962: Kerimov, Lyatif - Persian rug motifs for needlepoint : charted for easy use.
53891: Kerin, Jackie - Phar Lap the wonder horse.
55469: Kerin, Jackie - A true story : Lyrebird!
21988: Kerley, Neil and Rosevear, Jim - Knuckles II : Kerl's favourites and more.
43508: Kerley, Neil and Rosevear, Jim - Knuckles II : Kerl's favourites and more.
16233: Kern, Jerome, Wodehouse, P. G. and Hammerstein II, Oscar - The Showboat song album.
50292: Kerr, Ronald - The Australian orchid review, Volume 48 1983 to Volume 49 1984.
38004: Kerr, Edith A. - Can a leopard change his spots?
37994: Kerr, John - Cop Killers.
27622: Kerr, Greg - Lost Anzacs : The Story of Two Brothers.
42352: Kerr, Philip - Gridiron.
43576: Kerr, Gordon - Doe a deer : animal families.
51650: Kerr, William - Kerr's Melbourne almanac and Port Phillip directory for 1841 : a compendium of useful and accurate information connected with Port Phillip.
24646: Kerr, Jim - Theory of Straight Line Basic Energy : a Modern Story of Genesis.
28070: Kerr, Harry D. and Fifer, C. Arthur - Happy days.
55362: Kerr, Judith - How Mrs Monkey Missed the Ark.
55201: Kerrigan, Robert H. and France, Shaun L. - Horses Basics for Beginners.
18070: Kerrigan, John - Fireball.
17759: Kerrigan, John - Fireball (SBS1).
12534: Kerrod, Robin - Apollo.
52847: Kershaw, Esther - Walking the Beket.
48678: Kershaw, Esther - Walking the Beket.
26012: Kersley, Gillian - Darling Madame : Sarah Grand and Devoted Friend.
16528: Kertesz, Adam, and Kovacs, Zoltan - New perspectives in Hungarian geography : contribution[s] to the 27th International Geographical Congress, Washington, D.C., 1992.
10485: Kessel, Joseph - They weren't all angels.
15783: Kessler, Leo - Blood mission.
35476: Kessler, Leo - The Wolf Pack.
13451: Kessler, Leo - Blood mission.
51335: Kessler, Shari - Postcards from Ha Noi.
41339: Kestel, Bernard R. - Chainsaw operator's handbook.
15573: Kester, Max and Collier, Edwin - Writing for the B.B.C.: practical hints on how to write successfully for the Light Entertainment Department of the B.B.C.
43261: Ketels, Olive - Olive Ketels exclusive knitwear for baby No. 3.
52389: Ketels, Olive - Exclusive knitwear for little folk : featuring simplified directions.
38199: Kewley, Gretchen - Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflicts.
37880: Keyte, Brian and Baines, Richard - Enter the players : a drama workbook.
43032: Keyte, Brian - Making connections : six Australian short story writers.
49039: KeyTek Instrument Corporation - Surge protection test handbook.
46379: Khadra, Mohamed - Terminal decline : a surgeon's diagnosis of the Australian health-care system.
1987: Kibby, Leigh - Mignon and Peter : Stories for happiness : volume 2.
52547: Kidd, Diana - Paddymelon.
31802: Kidd, Paul B. - The Australian Crime File 2 : More Stories from Australia's Best True Crime Collection.
8308: Kiddle, Margaret - West of sunset.
51371: Kiddle, Margaret - Moonbeam stairs.
54093: Kidman, Bill - On the wallaby : a true story about the Great Depression in Australia in the 1930's.
14490: Kielholz, P. - Psychosomatic cardiovascular disorders - when and how to treat?
46396: Kiem, Paul - Our heritage.
50183: Kiernan, V. G. - The duel in European history : honour and the reign of aristocracy.
21460: Kiernan, R. H. - Wavell.
38593: Kiernan, Brian and Lawson, Henry - The essential Henry Lawson : the best works of Australia's greatest writer.
41569: Kiewe, Heinz Edgar - History of knitting: is it earlier than weaving? Textile design anthropology. First exhibition, arranged by Heinz Edgar Kiewe, Oxford.
19675: Kifayatullah, Allamah Mufti Muhammad and Qaderi, Mahmood (Translator) - Taleem-Ul-Islam: Part 4.
42286: Kihm, Georges - Impressions du Pacifique.
40470: Kilbourn, Matt - Face The Quick Gun.
36717: Kilbourne, Tulip - Even More Poems To Make You Puke.
55438: Killeen, Gretel - Cherry Pie.
28694: Killeen, Gretel - Cherry Pie.
17384: Killeen, Gretel - Baby on board : a beginner's guide to pregnancy.
55363: Killingbeck, Lesley - Reef superstar.
39372: Kilmore Mechanics Institute - Mechanics' institutes : the way forward.
10344: Kilworth, Garry - The princely flower.
9825: Kim, J. H. and Yang, Wen-Jei - Transport Phenomena Dynamic Design. (Part I Transport phenomena in rotating machinery, and Part II Dynamics of rotating machinery).
11007: Kim, J. H., Hyun, Jae Min and Lee, Chung-Oh - Fluids engineering : Korea-U.S. progress.
55611: Kimball, Kevin T. - A corvette story : naval memoirs of World War II.
54691: Kimber, R. G. - Man from Arltunga : Walter Smith, Australian bushman.
53658: Kincaid, Lucy and Kincaid, Eric - Skittles in Action.
53659: Kincaid, Lucy and Kincaid, Eric - The Skittles Clock Book.
53660: Kincaid, Lucy and Kincaid, Eric - The Skittles A.B.C.
53727: King, Scott Alexander - Animal dreaming : the symbolic and spiritual language of the Australian animals.
40716: King, Geoffrey - The art of Geoffrey King.
54089: King, Stephen and Chizmar, Richard - Gwendy's Button Box.
40676: King, John Anthony - The Days when we went swimming.
55190: King, Michael - Beneath the surface : tales of a sailing marine biologist.
54829: King, Rachael - Pattern pulse : exploring the art of Australian surface designers.
52650: King, Jenny - The tartan rug : crocheted in 8 ply.
14025: King, S. G. (Sheila G.) - The boomerang information book.
32150: King, Angela - Rowan Yarns C527 Classic Cardigan & Vest Top.
40445: King, Tom - Boggo Road & beyond.
52195: King, Phillis - Scarlet Stiletto : the second cut : award-winning stories from the Sisters in Crime Australia.
54941: King, Joanne - Nobody will ever believe you : memoirs of a psychic medium.
51374: King, John Anthony - An uncommonly fine day : January 26, 1788.
10906: King, Charles - The story behind an aeroplane.
51660: King, E. S. J., Lowe, T. E. and Cox, L. B. - Studies in pathology : presented to Peter MacCallum.
17813: King, Kenneth and Hedgehoppers Anonymous - It's good news week.
51562: King-Smith, Dick - Alphabeasts.
16333: King, Kelly - Sea of dreams.
53972: Kinghorn, J. R. - The Snakes of Australia.
39386: Kingsley, Henry - The recollections of Geoffry Hamlyn.
23200: Kingsley, Charles and Liddle, Samuel - A Farewell Song.
23201: Kingsley, Charles and Liddle, Samuel - A Farewell Song.
23197: Kingsley, Charles and Liddle, Samuel - A Farewell Song.
23198: Kingsley, Charles and Liddle, Samuel - A Farewell Song.
23199: Kingsley, Charles and Liddle, Samuel - A Farewell Song.
23195: Kingsley, Charles and Liddle, Samuel - A Farewell Song.
23196: Kingsley, Charles and Liddle, Samuel - A Farewell Song.
23188: Kingsley, Charles and Liddle, Samuel - A Farewell Song.
23189: Kingsley, Charles and Liddle, Samuel - A Farewell Song.
23190: Kingsley, Charles and Liddle, Samuel - A Farewell Song.
10543: Kingsley, Henry - Geoffry Hamlyn.
23537: Kingsmill, Richard - The J Files Compendium
50236: Kingston, Daphne - Hawkesbury sketchbook.
11686: Kingston, William H. G. - A yacht voyage round England.
17448: Kingston, W. H. G. - My first cruise and other stories.
53525: Kinsky, Roger - Charting Made Simple : A Beginner's Guide to Charting Success.
17096: Kipling, Rudyard, and Pinney, Thomas - Kipling's India : uncollected sketches 1884-88.
50116: Kirby, Cyril - Canary breeding in Australia : a practical volume on all branches of a fascinating activity.
41587: Kirby, Mary - Designing on the loom.
50201: Kirchner, Paul - Dueling with sword and pistol : 400 years of one-on-one combat.
7727: Kirchner, Emil J. and Sperling, James - The Federal Republic of Germany and NATO : 40 years after.
22050: Kirk, Alison - The Ballarat Tippings.
22800: Kirkham, Margaret - Jane Austen, feminism and fiction.
23055: Kirkland, Angus and Brown, Paul D. - The Electron : Proceedings of the International Centennial Symposium on the Electron - Churchill College, Cambridge, England 15-17 September 1997.
45422: Kirkland, David - The pocket guide to the Kimberley.
31841: Kirkpatrick, Russell - Across the Face of the World.
45434: Kirkpatrick, J. B. - Cradle : Cradle Mountain Lake St Clair National Park.
17613: Kirkpatrick, E. M. - Book of home remedies.
42783: Kirner, Michael - Ballad of the Postie's muster.
55305: Kis, Karmela - Cooking in Croatia and Bosnia.
12671: Kissin, Y. V. - Isospecific polymerization of olefins with heterogeneous Ziegler-Natta catalysts.
41008: Kitchin, M. le S. - Tune of Youth.
19153: Kitson, C. H. - The elements of musical composition.
19069: Kitson, C. H. - Contrapuntal harmony for beginners.
19067: Kitson, C. H. - Applied strict counterpoint.
19065: Kitson, C. H. - The elements of fugal construction.
26793: Kitzelman, Kerry - How to Draw Australian Sealife.
54517: Klara - Little man look at this farmyard ABC.
27895: Klein, E., Burdon-Sanderson, J. et. al. - Handbook for the Physiological Laboratory : Text.
55487: Klein, Robin - Thingnapped!
55520: Klein, Robin - The Robin Klein Collection : People Might Hear You, Seeing Things and The Listmaker.
40672: Klein, Robin - Amy's bed
26265: Klein, Robin and McRae, Rodney - Brock and the dragon.
26359: Klein, Robin and Hocking, Geoff - I shot an arrow.
26360: Klein, Robin - Snakes and Ladders : Poems About the Ups and Downs of Life.
26123: Klein, Robin and Hocking, Geoff - I shot an arrow.
37958: Klein, Robin - Birk the Berserker.
35635: Klein, Robin - Tearaways.
35249: Klein, Robin - Christmas.
35137: Klein, Robin - Birk the Berserker.
55028: Klein, Robin - Junk Castle.
37492: Klein, Robin - Annabel's ghost & Don't tell Lucy : two ghost stories.
33323: Klein, Trevor - Slumber rhymes.
54944: Klein, Robin - Snakes and Ladders : Poems About the Ups and Downs of Life.
36799: Klein, Robin - Birk the Berserker.
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