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005800: MCCAIG ROBERT - The Sun and the Dust
2012257: MCCARTHY CORMAC - Cities of the Plain
2012032: MCCARTHY JOHN - You CanT Hide the Sun a Journey Through Israel and Palestine
005397: MCCLOSKEY MOLLY - SolomonS Seal
005407: MCCULLOUGH COLLEEN - A Creed for the Third Millenium
005651: MCCULLOUGH COLLEEN - An Indecent Obsession
005297: MCDERMOTT ALICE - That Night
005534: MCDONALD ROGER - Flynn
005543: MCDONALD ROGER - Flynn
006331: MCDONNELL JINNY - A Kim Aldrich Mystery, Miscalculated Risk
2012071: MCDOWALL DAVID - Palestine and Israel the Uprising and Beyond
005418: MCEWING FRASER BEATH - Feel the Width
003308: MCFARLAW DONALD - Wizard of the Great Lake
2012186: MCGEOCH IAN - Mountbatten of Burma Captain of War, Guardian of Peace
2017040: MCGEOUGH PAUL - Manhattan to B Aghdad Despatches from the Frontline in the War on Terror
004108: MCGIVERN MAUREEN AND WILLIAM - Mention My Name in Mombasa
005274: MCGREGOR ELIZABETH - The Ice Child
005275: MCGRORY BRIAN - The Incumbent
003076: MCKENZIE COMPTON - The Monarch of the Glen
005424: MCKIE RONALD - The Mango Tree
2012429: MCKINNON WALTER - In the Dark the Future Role of Airmen in Air Defence
2017051: MCLACHLAN MAT - Walking with the Anzacs a Guide to Australian Battlefields on the Western Front
002946: MCLAREN PHILIP - Scream Black Murder
007613: MCLARTY RON - Traveller
005745: MCLEAN ALLAN CAMPBELL - Ribbon of Fire
2012348: MCMURRY RICHARD M. - Atlanta 1864 Last Chance for the Confederacy
002315: MCNAB ANDY - Agressor
2012315: MCNAIR E.J. - A British Army Nurse in the Korean War
2012142: MCNEAL SHAY - The Plots to Rescue the Tsar the Truth Behind the Disappearance of the Romanovs
2019116: MCNICOLL RONALD - The Royal Australian Engineers 1902 to 1919
007877: MEADER STEPHEN W. - Topsail Island Treasure
2012047: MEIER ANDREW - Black Earth Russia After the Fall
005293: MELVILLE HERMAN - Typee
005421: MENDELSOHN ROBERT - The Hibiscus Trail
2012273: MERCER PATRICK - Dust and Steel
2012108: MERULLA ANNABEL AND WENBORN NEIL - British Military Greats
2012430: METTCALFE EMILY ANNIE THEOPHILA - The Golden Calm an English LadyS Life in Mughul Delhi
2012244: MEYER KARL AND BRYSAC SHAREEN - Tournament of Shadows the Great Game and the Race for Empire in Asia
2012176: MEYER MICHAEL - The Year That Changed the World the Untold Story Behind the Fall of the Berlin Wall
005210: MICHENER JAMES A. - Journey
008286: MICHENER, JAMES - Tales of the South Pacific
005416: MICHIE DAVID - Pure Deception
008475: MIDDLEBROOK MARTIN - The Peenemunde Raid the Night of 17-18 August 1943
008675: MIDDLETON, HAYDN - GrimmS Last Fairytale: A Novel
2022004: MILES FRANKLIN - The Diaries of Miles Franklin
2012393: MILLAR GEORGE - Oyster River One Summer on an Inland Sea
2012439: MILLER JAMES - The North Atlantic Front
003525: MILLER S.P. - The SharkS Fin Five
005544: MILLER HUGH - Teen Eastenders: Solid Gound
005545: MILLER HENRY - A Devil in Paradise
005526: MILLER HENRY - Nexus: The Rosy Crucifixion
005527: MILLER HENRY - Plexus
003074: MILLIGAN SPIKE - SpikeS Bike Book - for Parents of Little Kids
003806: MILLS GEORGE - Major and Minor
2012230: MILLS SGT DAN - Sniper One the Blistering True Story of a British Battle Group Under Siege
003524: MILLS GLYNN - The Secret of the Forest
007437: MILNE A.A. AND SHEPARD E.H. - A World of Winnie the Pooh
006292: MILNE A. A. - Winnie-the-Pooh
008758: MILTON, JAMES - Goodbye Mr Chips
005542: MINER VALERIE - All Good Women
005295: MINOT STEPHEN - Surviving the Flood
000946: MITCHARD JACQUELYN - Christmas, Present
003550: MITCHELL MARGARET - Lost Laysen
006973: MITHCARD JACQUELYN - Christmas, Present
003820: MITSON EILEEN N. - Stairway of Suprises
007129: MONSARRAT NICHOLAS - The Master Mariner
006943: MONTEFIORE SANTA - Last Voyage of the Valentina
005301: MONTERO GLORIA - The Villa Marini
2017008: MOODY JOANNA - From ChurchillS War Rooms Letters of a Secretary 1943-45
002513: MOORE DOROTHEA - Judy Patrol Leader
006912: MOORE DOROTHEA - The Children of the Marshes
005541: MOORE BRIAN - Lies of Silence
005074: MORAVIA ALBERTO - The Woman of Rome
006852: MORGAN SALLY - Wanamurraganya: The Story of Jack Mcphee
2012087: MORGAN JANET - The Secrets of Rue St Roch Intelligence Operations Behind Enemy Lines in the First World War
2012293: MORGAN JANET - The Secrets of Rue St Roch Intelligence Operations Behind Enemy Lines in the First World War
005557: MORGAN CHARLES - A Breeze in the Morning
005529: MORIARTY JACLYN - Feeling Sorry for Celia
007373: MORRELL DAVID - Long Lost
007430: MORRIS MARK - Genesis
006738: MORRIS WILLIAM - News from Nowhere
005410: MORRISON SALLY - Against Gravity
2018015: MORT TERRY - The Hemingway Patrols Ernest Hemingway and His Hunt for U-Boats
2012357: MORTON JOHN WATSON - The Artillery of Nathan Bedford ForrestS Cavalry; the Wizard of the Saddle (1909)
2019016: MORTON H.V. - Atlantic Meeting
2012245: MOSS MARGI - Freedom of the Skies Adventure Around the World in a Light Aircraft
2012094: MOSTYN TREVOR - Iran, Iraq and the Arabian Peninsula 1945-1990
2012317: MOXHAM ROY - The Great Hedge of India the Story of One of the Least-Known Wonders of Queen VictoriaS India.
008592: MRS GEORGE DE HORNE VAIZEY - About Peggy Saville
008404: MULHOLLAND ROSA - Four Little Mischiefs
2019041: MUNGO MACCALLUM - The Whitlam Mob
2016006: MUNSTER GEORGE - A Paper Prince Rupert Murdoch
002647: MURDOCH IRIS - The Sand Castle
005558: MURDOCH IRIS - BrunoS Dream
2012346: MURE DAVID - Practise to Deceive
2012190: MURPHY CARYLE - Passion for Islam Shaping the Modern Middle East: The Egyptian Experience
005282: NABOKOV VLADIMIR - NabokovS Quartet
2012173: NAISH NORA - Passage from the Raj Story of a Family 1770-1939
2022002: NANCY WAKE - The White Mouse
2022003: NANCY WAKE - The White Mouse
007381: NASAW JONATHAN - Fear Itself
2012405: NASH JEFFREY N. - Destroyer of the Iron Horse General Joseph E. Johnston and Confederate Rail Transport, 1861-1865
2019046: NATHANIEL PHILBRICK - Sea of Glory the Epic South Sea Expedition 1838-1842
004975: NEEDHAM VIOLET - The House of the Paladin
2021010: NEIL J GILLESPIE - A History of a Pioneer Family of the Limestone Plains
2021007: NEV POLLARD - The Story of the South Western Line
002486: NEWMAN MAJORIE W. - JeanS Great Race
005940: NEWTH, MICHAEL A.H. TRANSLATION BY - Aymeri of Narbonne (a French Epic Romance)
005942: NEWTH MICHAEL A.H. TRANSLATED BY - The Song of Roland (the Epic Tales of Medieval France: Vol: 1)
2019051: NIALL ARDEN - Desert Fire the Sas in Iraq - a Shocking True Store
008739: NICHOLLS, BRON - Reasons of the Heart
2012359: NICHOLS BRUCE - Guerrilla Warfare in Civil War Missouri, 1862
2012366: NICOLSON HAROLD EDITED BY STANLEY OLSON - Harold Nicolson Diaries Diaries and Letters 1930-1964 New and Condensed Edition
2018013: NICOLSON NIGEL - Portrait of a Marriage
003310: NIEH HUALING - Two Women of China
008394: NILAND DARCY - The Shiralee
006907: NILAND DARCY - The Shiralee
002041: NIVEN LARRY - The Descent of Anansi
002197: NN NBBBBF - The Summer of the Great Secret
004990: NUNES LYGIA BOJUNGA - My Friend the Painter
002472: NUNN JAMES - Saved from the Wreck
004139: O'HARA JOHN - Pal Joey
005664: O'BRIEN KATE - The Flower of May
004103: O'CONNELL JEAN S. - The Doll House Caper
2012042: O'NEILL JOSEPH - Blood-Dark Track a Family History
005531: O'HARA JOHN - Appointment in Samarra
005532: O'BRIAN PATRICK - Master and Commander
005553: O'HARA JOHN - Sermons and Soda-Water
005554: O'BRIEN EDNA - The Love Object
005555: O'BRIEN KATE - The Flower of May
005559: O'BRIEN EDNA - Girls in Their Married Bliss
005519: O'FAOLAIN JULIA - The Irish Signorina
005521: O'HARA JOHN - Sermons and Soda-Water
2018006: O'NEILL RICHARD - Suicide Squads the Men and Machines of World War 11 Special Operations
005535: OAKLEY BARRY - A Salute to the Great Mccarthy
004270: OATES JOYCE CAROL - Last Days Stories
002987: ODGERS FARRELL SALLY - The Powerful Pickle Problem
001839: OLDENBOURG ZOE - Catherine the Great; a Biography of the Empress of All the Russias
003892: OLDMEADOW KATHERINE L. - The Fortunes of Jacky
2012159: ORCHARD COMMANDER ADE RN - Joint Force Harrier
2012402: ORTZEN LEN - Fighting Ships in the Age of Steam
2012472: ORWELL GEORGE, EDITED BY W.J. WEST - George Orwell the War Commentaries
008750: OSCAR WILDE (ILLUSTRATED BY CECIL BEATON) - The Importance of Being Earnest
2022019: OSCAR I BELL - Tales of Old Gundagai No. 2
003305: OTIS JAMES - Toby Tyler & Rip Van Winkle
2012497: OUSBY IAN - The Road to Verdun France, Nationalism and the First World War
008427: OUTHWAITE, IDA RENTOUL - Blossom a Fairy Story
2016067: OVENDALE RITCHIE - The Origins of the Arab-Israeli Wars
2012233: OWEN JAMES & WALTERS GUY (EDTS.) - The Voice of War the Second World War Told By Those Who Fought It
2012520: OWEN MAJOR-GENERAL DAVID LLOYD - The Long Range Desert Group 1940-1945
005530: OWENS AGNES - Gentlemen of the West
002539: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Maid of the Abbey
002542: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Selma at the Abbey
002554: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Stowaways in the Abbey
002556: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Strangers at the Abbey
002557: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Selma at the Abbey
001951: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - The Abbey Girls
002580: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Robins in the Abbey
002581: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Robins in the Abbey
002582: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Selma at the Abbey
002583: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Jandy Mac Comes Back
009000: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Two Queens at the Abbey
004897: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Selma at the Abbey
002590: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - The Abbey Girls at Home
002592: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Maid of the Abbey
002595: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - The Abbey Girls at Home
002600: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - The Abbey Girls in Town
002634: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Selma at the Abbey
002638: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - The Abbey Girls Again
002642: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Maid of the Abbey
002644: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Strangers at the Abbey
002695: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - The Abbey Girls at Home
002696: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - The Abbey Girls Go Back to School
002711: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Expelled from School
002712: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Expelled from School
006516: OXENHAM E.J. - The Abbey Girls on Trial
002538: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Robins in the Abbey
002565: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Strangers at the Abbey
002566: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Jandy Mac Comes Back
002570: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Selma at the Abbey
002576: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Maid of the Abbey
002577: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Stowaways in the Abbey
003835: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - The Girl Who WouldnT Make Friends
003833: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Maid of the Abbey
002564: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Stowaways in the Abbey
002561: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Jandy Mac Comes Back
002584: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Schooldays at the Abbey
002586: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Stowaways in the Abbey
002587: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Strangers at the Abbey
003831: OXENHAM ELSIE J. - Jen of the Abbey School
005355: PAICE MARGARET - DolanS Roost
2012428: PARET PETER - French Revolutionary Warfare from Indochina to Algeria the Analysis of a Political and Military Doctrine
2016012: PARKER GEOFFREY EDITED BY - The Cambridge Illustrated History of Warfare
005630: PARKIN STUART - Trade Secret
2012546: PATERNOSTRO SILVANA - My Colombian War a Journey Through the Country I Left Behind
2018024: PATRICK O'BRIAN - H.M. S. Surprise
005661: PATTERSON HARRY - The Valhalla Exchange
2012448: PATTON PHIL - Travels in Dreamland the Secret History of Area 51
2019038: PATTY SHERIDAN - Vernie and His Men from HannahS Bridge
2012523: PAYNE STANLEY G. - A History of Fascism 1914-45
004803: PEACHMENT CHRISTOPHER - Caravaggio
005475: PENFIELD THOMAS - Lost Treasure Trails
007371: PERETTI FRANK - The Visitation
002190: PERKINS KENNETH - Three Were Thoroughbreds
2017002: PERRETT BRYAN - Seize and Hold Master Strokes on the Battlefield
2012207: PERRETT BRYAN - The Changing Face of Battle from Teutoburger Wald to Desert Storm
2012044: PETER FITZSIMONS - Tobruk
003865: PETERS LINDA - Adventure at Brackendale
007236: PETIT CHRIS - The Human Pool
2012141: PHILBRICK NATHANIEL - Sea of Glory
2022012: PHILIP TOYNBEE EDITED BY - The Distant Drum
2020002: PHILIP ZIEGLER - Osbert Sitwell
008366: PHILLIPS JOCELYN TOLD BY - Walt DisneyS Mickey, Mouses Moon Trip
2012196: PIEKALKIEWICZ JANUSZ - Sea War 1939-1945
004288: PILLAI RAYMOND - The Celebration Collection of Short Stories
004386: PILPEL ROBERT H. - To the Honor of the Fleet
005522: PLAIN BELVA - Promises
008668: PLATER, ALAN - The Beiderbecke Tapes
008643: PLOWMAN, STEPHANIE - My Kingdom for a Grave
008666: POE, EDGAR ALLAN - Tales of Mystery and Imagination
002057: POGORELSKY ANTONI - The Little Black Hen, Or the Underground People
007137: POLLARD ELIZA F. - Not Wanted
2012333: PONTING CLIVE - The Crimean War the Truth Behind the Myth
005663: POOLMAN KENNETH - Illustrious
2012055: POOLMAN JEREMY - The Road of Bones a Journey to the Dark Heart of Russia
2016003: POOLMAN KENNETH - Ark Royal the Courageous Story of One of the Best-Loved and Best-Fought Ships to Fly the White Ensign
2012007: PORCH DOUGLAS - HitlerS Mediteranean Campaign in World War 11
003520: PORTER ELEANOR H. - Pollyanna Grows Up
2018021: PORTER VALERIE - MasonS World Dictionary of Livestock Breeds, Types and Varieties
006917: PORTER HAL - A Handful of Pennies
2012456: POWELL JILLIAN - Animals in War
008074: POWYS COWPER JOHN - Porius a Romance of the Dark Ages
002445: POYNTER H.M - A Fair Jocobite
2012461: PRESTON PAUL - Doves of War Four Women of Spain
005571: PRIESTLY J.B - Topside Or the Future of England: A Dialogue
005628: PRIESTLY J.B - ItS an Old Country
005629: PRIESTLY J.B - The Shapes of Sleep
006594: PROULX E. ANNIE - The Shipping News
005627: PUIG MANUEL - Betrayed By Rita Hayworth
2017044: PURCELL HUGH - After the Raj the Last Stayers-on and the Legacy of British India
005618: PURSER ANN - The NeighbourS Wife
2018026: RAMPTON SHELDON AND STAUBER JOHN - Weapons of Mass Deception the Uses of Propaganda in BushS War on Iraq
2012227: RANKIN NICHOLAS - ChurchillS Wizards the British Genius for Deception 1914-1945
2019086: RANULPH FIENNES - Captain Scott
006258: RAWLINSON JANE - The Lion and the Lizard
2012469: RAY JOHN - The Battle of Britain Dowding and the First Victory, 1940
2012392: RAYMENT SEAN - Bomb Hunters in Afghanistan with BritainS Elite Bomb Disposal Unit
006405: READ MISS - Winter in Thrush Green
007283: READ PIERS PAUL - Alice in Exile
002474: REED TALBOT BAINES - The Master of the Shell
004422: REED DOUGLAS - All Our Tomorrows
2012160: REED JOHN - War in Eastern Europe Travels Through the Balkans in 1915
004375: REEMAN DOUGLAS - The Destroyers
2012531: REES JOAN - Amelia Edwards Traveller, Novelist and Egyptologist
2012290: REES SIAN - The Floating Brothel the Extraordinary True Story of an Eighteenth-Century Ship and Its Cargo of Female Convicts
2018040: REES LAURENCE - World War 11 Behind Closed Doors, Stalin, the Nazis and the West.
2012158: REES LAURENCE - Auschwitz the Nazis & the Final Solution
2012426: REEVE JOHN AND STEVENS DAVID EDITED BY - The Face of Naval Battle the Human Experience of Modern War at Sea
2022005: REG C. SPRIGG - Arkaroola-Mount Painter in the Northern Flinders Ranges, Sa the Last Billian Years
2016014: REGAN GEOFFREY - The Guinness Book of Decisive Battles Fifty Battles That Changed the World from Salamis to the Gulf War
005821: REID, POPE, BOULLE, BRICKHILL - Great War Stories
005358: RENAULT MARY - The Praise Singer
2018002: REYNOLDS QUENTIN - Dress Rehearsal
888003: REYNOLDS MICHAEL - The Young Hemingway
2012148: RHODERICK-JONES ROBIN - Pedro the Life and Death of Fighter Ace Osgood Villiers Hanbury Dso, Dfc and Bar
003989: RHODES ANTHONY - The ProphetS Carpet
006992: RHYS JEAN - Quartet
2022024: RICA ERICKSON A.S. GEORGE N. G. MARCHANT M.I. MORCOMBE - Flowers and Plants of Western Australia
2019089: RICHARD WEST - River of Tears the Rise of the Rio Tinto Zinc Corporation Ltd.
004302: RICHARDS PHYLLIS - Ann & Peter in Rome
003812: RICHARDS FRANK - Jack of the Circus
005975: RICHARDS FRANK - Billy Bunter - Sportsman
005398: RICHARDSON HENRY HANDEL - The Young Cosima
002983: RICHLER MORDECAI - St. UrbainS Horseman
005860: RICHMAN ALYSON - The Mask CarverS Son
2019102: RICK KEMP - Exhibition Poultry BreederS Handbook
2012249: RIGDEN DENIS - Kill the Fuhrer Section X and Operation Foxley
004094: RIMANELLI GIOSE - The Day of the Lion
2017015: RIVAS MANUEL - The CarpenterS Pencil
007139: ROBERTS KENNETH - Boon Island
006978: ROBERTS CECIL - Wide If the Horizon
003315: ROBERTSON WILFRID - The Lost Gold Bars
2018036: ROBINSON JOHN (EDITOR) - Full Steam Ahead for the Railways of Central & Eastern England 2010-2011
2018037: ROBINSON JOHN (EDITOR) - Full Steam Ahead for the Railways of Northern England and Scotland 2010-2011
003810: ROBINSON J.G. - Wings Beyond Rio
2017055: ROBSON R. W. - Pacific Islands Year Book 1944
2012291: ROLLINGS CHARLES - Prisoner of War Voices from Captivity During the Secand World War
2016045: ROMAGNOLI G. FRANCO - The Bicycle Runner a Memoir of Love, Loyalty and the Italian Resistance
005623: ROSE M.J. - Infidelity
007103: ROSS MARGARET - Mr. BadgerS Successful Plan
2012182: ROSSITER MIKE - Ark Royal the Life, Death and Rediscovery of the Legendary Second World War Aircraft Carrier
005277: ROUAUD JEAN - Fields of Glory
002188: ROWLING J.K. - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
005601: ROWNTREE KATHLEEN - Brief Shining
2019077: ROY KYLE - An AnzacS Story
2018044: RUBINSTEIN NELA - NelaS Cookbook
006927: RUHEN OLAF - The Day of the Diprotodon
002802: RUSSELL GARY - Doctor Who
007791: RUTHERFURD EDWARD - The Forest
2012092: RYAN ROBERT - Empire of Sand
2012371: RYAN MICHAEL J. AND FRATER MICHAEL R. - Tactical Communications for the Digitized Battlefield
008416: RYMAN REBECCA - Olivia & Jai
005588: SADLEIR MICHAEL - Fanny By Gaslight
004281: SAGAN FRANCOISE - Bounjour Tristesse
001804: SAGAN FRANCOISE - La Chamade
005162: SAN-ANTONIO - Les Clefs Du Pouvoir Sont Dans la Boite a Gants
005867: SANDFORD JOHN - Chosen Prey
005606: SANDOM J.G - The Hunting Club
2020001: SATHERLEY WHITEHAND - The Tin Armada
003526: SAVERY CONSTANCE - GillyS Tower
004075: SAVORY THEODORE H. - The Pheasant Hunter
2012132: SAY ROSEMARY AND HOLLAND NOEL - RosieS War an English WomanS Escape from Occupied France
2012100: SAY ROSEMARY AND HOLLAND NOEL - RosieS War an English WomanS Escape from Occupied France
2012287: SCARROW SIMON - The Fields of Death Two Commanders, One Battle, Waterloo
2019031: SCHEPPER LUC DE - Full of Life How to Achieve and Maintain Peak Immunity
2012486: SCHOENBERGER NANCY - Dangerous Muse, a Life of Caroline Blackwood
2012395: SCHWARZ ZOLTAN AND EDI - The Army Cap Boy the Story of a Teenage BoyS Survival in HitlerS Europe
002140: SCOTT NATALIE - Wherever We Step the Land Is Mined
003846: SCOTT JANEY - Sara Gay, Model Girl in Mayfair
003847: SCOTT JANEY - Sara Gay, Model Girl in Monte Carlo
005580: SCOTT SIR WALTER - Old Mortality
2017021: SEELING CHARLOTTE AND LANDAU CARINA - Gardens of Mallorca
005605: SEGAL ERICH - Only Love
008736: SEGAL, LORE AND JARRELL, R (TRANSLATE) - The Juniper Tree and Other Tales from Grimm
2018008: SEGARS J. H. - In Search of Confederate Ancestors; the Guide
002964: SELTZER RICHARD - The Name of Hero
2012170: SENGOOPTA CHANDAK - Imprint of the Raj How Fingerprinting Was Born in Colonial India
2012396: SETH RONALD - Stalingrad - Point of Return
2012449: SETON-WATSON HUGH - Neither War Nor Peace the Struggle for Power in the Post-War World
007681: SEUSS DR. - Dr SeussS Abc
008016: SHAKESPEARE NICHOLAS - Secrets of the Sea
006763: SHAKESPEARE WILLIAM - A Midsummer NightS Dream
005869: SHAMES LAURENCE - Sunburn
005611: SHARP MARGERY - The Foolish Gentlewoman
005587: SHARPE TOM - Wilt on High
002507: SHAW JANE - CrookS Tour
2012355: SHAW DAVID W. - Sea Wolf of the Confederacy the Daring Civil War Raids of Naval Ltd. Charles W. Read
002506: SHAW JANE - SusanS Helping Hand
005590: SHAW CHARLES - The Treasury of the Hills
005284: SHAW GEORGE BERNARD - Major Barbara
2012078: SHEEHAN JAMES - The Monopoly of Violence Why Europeans Hate Going to War
2012171: SHEELY IRVING EDWARD, EDITED BY LAWRENCE D. SHEELY - Sailor of the Air the 1917-1919 Letters and Diary of Usn Cmm/a Irving Edward Sheely
2012263: SHEERS OWEN - Resistance
004128: SHELDON SIDNEY - The Other Side of Midnight
005589: SHELDON MARY - The Blue Unicorn
2017045: SHEPHERD PETER J. - Three Days to Pearl Incredible Encounter on the Eve of War
2012197: SHEPHERD PETER J. - Three Days to Pearl Incredible Encounter on the Eve of War
2012204: SHERIDAN DOROTHY, EDITED BY - Wartime Women Anthology 1937-45
005619: SHOLTO ANNE - Return Again
007043: SHUKER CARL - The Method Actors: A Novel
006702: SHUTE NEVIL - Beyond the Black Stump
006493: SHUTE NEVIL - Requiem for a Wren
2012082: SIEPMANN HARRY - Echo of the Guns Recollections of an Artillery Officer 1914-18
008662: SILAS K HOCKING - The Great Hazard
002822: SIMMONS KIM - Jacko and the Volunteers
008326: SIMONS, JOHN - Prisoners in Arcady, German Mariners in Berrima 1915-1919
2012080: SINCLAIR DAVID - Hall of Mirrors One Moment in Time That Changed the Face of the Twentieth Century
005626: SISMAN ROBYN - Special Relationship
002811: SLAUGHTER KARIN - Indelible
008382: SLOANE EUGENE A - SloaneS Complete Book of Bicycling
008083: SMITH ANNETTE - The Hitch HikerS Guide to the Galaxy Study Guide
2012048: SMITH MICHAEL - The EmperorS Codes Bletchley Park and the Breaking of JapanS Secret Ciphers
2017069: SMITH TOM ROB - The Secret Speech
002316: SMITH WILBUR - The Triumph of the Sun
005372: SMOLENS JOHN - The Invisible World
004478: SMYTH W.M. - Books for Us All
2012066: SNELLING JOAN - A Land GirlS War
006164: SNICKET LEMONY - A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Penultimate Peril
005583: SNOW LYNDON - Poor Relation
005597: SNOWDEN RITA F. - I Turn to Ducks'
007779: SOLMSSEN ARTHUR - A Princess in Berlin
2012168: SOLZHENITSYN ALEXANDER - August 1914
005616: SOMMERS BEVERLY - Cat and Mouse
003910: SOUTHALL IVAN - Bread and Honey
005827: SOUTHALL IVAN - To the Wild Sky
2012479: SOUZA CORINNE - BaghdadS Spy a Personal Memoir of Espionage and Intrigue from Iraq to London
2012089: SOUZA CORINNE - BaghdadS Spy a Personal Memoir of Espionage and Intrigue from Iraz to London
001627: SPEDDING SALLY - Wringland
005594: SPENCER LA VYRLE - That Camden Summer
2012544: STAFFORD DAVID - Secret Agent BritainS Wartime Secret Service
2012111: STARNS PENNY - Odette World War TwoS Darling Spy
007128: STEAD C.K. - All Visitors Ashore
007521: STEAD CHRISTINA - For Love Alone
2019120: STEFANO DE PIERI AND LORETTA SARTORI - A Gondola on the Murray a Feast By the River
007060: STEGNER WALLACE - Crossing to Safety
2018004: STEIN GERTRUDE - Paris France Personal Recollections
003209: STELMAKH MIKHAILO - Let the Blood of Man Not Flow
2012358: STERN PHILIP VAN DOREN - Secret Missions of the Civil War
004836: STERNE EMMA GELDERS - The Long Black Schooner
2016066: STEVENS, DAVID EDITOR - In Search of a Maritime Strategy the Maritime Element in Australian Defence Planning Since 1901
005868: STEVENS LEONIE - Glue
003896: STEVENSON R.L. - Kidnapped
2012057: STEVENSON HELEN - Instructions for Visitors
2012070: STEWART ADRIAN - The Underrated Enemy BritainS War with Japan Deember 1941 to May 1942
002903: STEWART JAMES - Danger from Grassen
006916: STEWART JOY - The Jolly Warreners
006636: STEWART MARY - The Hollow Hills
2012017: STILWELL ALEXANDER - Special Forces in Action Afghanistan, Africa, Balkans, Iraz, South America
007702: STOCKWIN JULIAN - Kydd
003984: STONE IRVING - The Passionate Journey
006742: STONE LOUIS - Jonah: The Great Novel of AustraliaS Larrikin Days
005356: STONE ALMA - Now for the Turbulence
2012381: STONE DEWITT BOYD JR. EDITED BY - Wandering to Glory Confederate Veterans Remember Evans" Brigade
002485: STRANG HERBERT - The Adventures of Dick Trevanion
002390: STRANG HERBERT, EDITED BY - Gateway to Romance; Stories for Girls
004521: STRANGER JOYCE - Rex
006419: STREATFEILD NOEL - The Growing Summer
008006: STREATFEILD NOEL - The Noel Streatfeild Birthday Story Book
008824: STRIPP, ALAN - Code Breakers in the Far East
008038: STROUD JONATHAN - The Amulet of Samarkand Book 1 of the Bartimaeus Trilogy
008641: SULMAN, FLORENCE - Wildflowers of Nsw
2012193: SUTHERLAND GRANT - The Cobras of Calcutta the First Volume of the DeciphererS Chronicles
006111: SUTHERLAND JOAN - Gates of Brass
2012445: SWANSTON ALEXANDER AND MALCOLM - Atlas of Air Warfare
005956: SWARTHOUT GLENDON - They Came to Cordura
002527: SWINBURNE DOREEN - Jean, S.R. N
002528: SWINBURNE DOREEN - Jean at JoS Hospital
002522: SWINBURNE DOREEN - Jean S.R. N a Young Nurse Faces Her Finals
002523: SWINBURNE DOREEN - Jean, S.R. N a Young Nurse Faces Her Finals
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002525: SWINBURNE DOREEN - Jean, S.R. N a Young Nurse Faces Her Finals
005615: SWINNERTON FRANK - The Woman from Sicily
008827: SYME, RONALD - Switch-Points at Kamlin
2019098: T.D.G. TEARE - Evader
006434: TAFFRAIL - Eurydice
002793: TAGORE RABINDRANATH - The Gardener
004930: TALBOT ETHEL - The Girls of the Big House
006969: TALBOT ETHEL - The Girls of the Rookery School
003211: TALBOT ETHEL - Diana the Daring
003527: TALBOT ETHEL - The Magic Island
003893: TALBOT ETHEL - Between Two Terms
005734: TANGYE DEREK - The Winding Lane
008180: TAWHAI ALICE - Festival of Miracles
005692: TAYLOR PETER - The Old Forest
005732: TAYLOR UNA - Bird of Wonder
008673: TAYLOR, BRIAN KEITH - A Swag of Memories
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2012463: TAYLOR A.J.P. - The Origins of the Second World War
004163: TEMPANY G.H. - The Eight Days' Feud
005681: TEMPLETON EDITH - The Suprise of Cremona
008764: TERLICH, KEVIN - Forselect Pioneers
2019037: THE CHEFS OF LE CORDON BLEU - Cuisine Foundations
001920: THE BRAMBLEDOWN TALES - Tiny ChickS Tail
001921: THE BRAMBLEDOWN TALES - Henry HedgehogS Hat
002935: THEOBALDS PRUE - The Teddy Bear: An Antholoby
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2012063: THEROUX PAUL - Riding the Iron Rooster By Train Through China
004481: THOMAS LESLIE - The Magic Army
007964: THOMAS CRAIG - Playing with Cobras
2012511: THOMAS DONALD - The Enemy Within
2012211: THOMPSON MAJOR GENERAL JULIAN - Dunkirk Retreat to Victory
2012389: THOMPSON MAJOR GENERAL JULIAN - Dunkirk Retreat to Victory
2018031: THORNHILL JOHN - Sign and Promise a Theology of the Church for the Changing World
2012147: THUBRON COLIN - Among the Russians from the Baltic to the Caucasus
005671: TICKELL JERRARD - The Hero of Saint Roger
2012387: TIEKE WILHELM - The Caucasus and the Oil the German-Soviet War in the Caucasus 1942/43
008407: TIMMS E.V. - The Valleys Beyond
008395: TIMMS E.V. - Forever to Remain
004161: TINNISWOOD PETER - The Brigadier Down Under
006642: TOD MICHAEL - The Second Wave
000894: TOLKIEN J.R.R. - The Lord of the Rings a Boxed Set of the Three Books "the Fellowship of the Ring", "the Two Towers" and "the Return of the King"
2017005: TOLLEY KEMP - Caviar and Commissars the Experiences of a U.S. Naval Officer in StalinS Russia
2019056: TOM RONAN - Holeskin Midas
005772: TOMLINSON H.M. - All Our Yesterdays
2022017: TONY GERAGHTY - Guns for Hire the Inside Story of Freelance Soldiering
2012407: TONY GERAGHTY - March Or Die a New History of the French Foreign Legion
005695: TOWNSEND SUE - Ghost Children
007101: TOWNSEND W. AND L. - Rex the Rectory Mouse
005687: TRACY LOUIS - The Wings of the Morning
001895: TRANTER NIGEL - Something Very Fishy
004071: TREBLE DON - Death on the Beam
005693: TREVELYAN ROBERT - His Highness Commands Pendragon
005770: TREW ANTONY - The Antonov Project
006116: TREWIN J.C. EDITED BY - The West Country Book
005679: TRIOLET ELSA - A Fine Two Hundred Francs
005674: TROLLOPE ANTHONY - Phineas Finn: The Irish Member
005678: TRUSS LYNNE - With One Lousy Free Packet of Seed
2018030: TURNER E.S. - The Phoney War on the Home Front
005682: TUTTON DIANA - Guard Your Daughters
2012481: TYLER PATRICK - A World of Trouble the White House and the Middle East - from the Cold War to the War on Terror
2012086: TYRER NICOLA - Sisters in Arms British Army Nurses Tell Their Story
2012026: UFFINDELL ANDREW - The National Army Museum Book of WellingtonS Armies
005707: ULLMAN JAMES RAMSEY - WindomS Way
2019062: UNESCO - The Care of Paintings le Traitement Des Peintures
003097: UNKNOWN - Eunice
005735: UPCHER CAROLINE - Falling for Mr Wrong
006440: UPDALE ELEANOR - Montmorency
005706: UPDIKE JOHN - S.
005715: UPDIKE JOHN - Rabbit Redux
002870: URIS LEON - OHaraS Choice
2012037: URQUHART ALISTAIR - The Forgotten Highlander
005705: USTINOV PETER - Krumnagel
004926: UTTLEY ALISON - John at the Old Farm
002628: UTTLEY ALISON - Tales of Little Grey Rabbit
006249: UTTLEY ALISON - Magic in My Pocket
004887: UTTLEY ALISON - John at the Old Farm
007514: VACHA ROBERT - A Spy for Churchill
005701: VALLAND ROGER - The Law
2016001: VARHOLA MICHAEL J. - Fire and Ice the Korean War, 1950-1953
002475: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Empire Annual for Australian Girls
004745: VARIOUS - Homespun Christmas
004106: VARIOUS - Random Preview 1991, a Sample of New Fiction
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006585: VARIOUS - The Friday Miracle and Other Stories
006545: VARIOUS - Film Ink Sampler- the Original Novels Behind the Classic Films
005709: VASSI MARCO - The Other Hand Clapping
007915: VELCH KATE - Listen
005704: VERNE JULES - Around the World in Eighty Days
2012344: VERNON ALEX - The Eyes of Orion Five Tgank Lieutenants in the Persian Gulf War
004089: VESEY-FITZGERALD BRIAN - Survival: Town Fox, Country Fox
005726: VIDAL GORE - The Judgement of Paris
2012364: VIET HA MAI (FORMER COLONEL, ARVN) - Steel and Blood South Vietnamese Armor and the War for Southeast Asia
2012468: VINTER HELEN - The Long Way Home
008098: WAGNER JENNY - The Bunyip of BereleyS Creek
005739: WAIN JOHN - Strike the Father Dead
004511: WAINWRIGHT NAOMI - Island Pony Club
002389: WAITHMAN LILLA - White Magic
2017062: WALDEN GEORGE - China a Wolf in the World?
2012009: WALKER DAVID E. - Adventure in Diamonds
005754: WALLACE EDGAR - The Law of the Four Just Men
008638: WALLACE, EDGAR - The Steward
005727: WALLER ROBERT JAMES - Border Music
2016071: WALLING EDNA - A GardenerS Log
005710: WALSH JILL PATON - Goldengrove Unleaving
005746: WALSH JILL PATON - The Serpentine Cave
007554: WALSH MAURICE - The Hill Is Mine
2019103: WALTER BEDELL SMITH LIEUTENANT-GENERAL - Moscow Mission 1946-1949
2021011: WALTER B. PRIDMORE - Ross on the Argyle Plains
2012157: WANDYCZ PIOTR S. - The Price of Freedom a History of East Central Europe from the Middle Ages to the Present
006489: WARD K. AND EMANUEL C. - Portrait of Perth
008728: WARDE, E.J. - Crisis in Cedar Close
006911: WARNER ESTHER - Trial By Sasswood
005753: WASSMO HERBJORG - DinaS Book
004238: WATERBURY JOHN AND GERSOVITZ MARK (EDS) - The Political Ecnomy of Risk & Choice in Senegal
005751: WATERHOUSE KEITH - Maggie Muggins
2012534: WATERS FIONA SELECTED BY - A Corner of a Foreign Field the Illustrated Poetry of the First World War
002244: WATKINS NARI - The Kangaroo Connection
2012492: WATKINS GWEN - Cracking the Luftwaffe Codes the Secrets of Bletchley Park
005711: WATSON LARRY - Montana 1948
005718: WAUGH ALEC - Island in the Sun
005741: WAUGH ALEC - Fuel for the Flame
004099: WAUGH EVELYN - A Handful of Dust
003731: WAUGH EVELYN - Scoop
2016056: WEAD DOUG - The Raising of a President
005876: WEBB MARY - Precious Bane
005144: WEBB KAYE - I Like This Story
2016046: WEBSTER PAUL - PetainS Crime the Full Story of French Collaboration in the Holocaust
004229: WEIGALL ARTHUR - Madeline of the Desert
2012539: WEINTRAUB STANLEY - Silent Night the Remarkable 1914 Christmas Truce
005752: WELDON FAY - A Hard Time to Be a Father
005757: WELDON FAY - Affliction
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005760: WELDON FAY - Praxis
2012102: WELLESLEY JANE - Wellington a Journey Through My Family
005877: WELLMAN PAUL L. - JerichoS Daughters
008090: WELLS HELEN - Cherry Ames Visiting Nurse
003845: WELLS HELEN - Cherry Ames, Student Nurse
003785: WELLS HELEN - Cherry Ames, Cruise Nurse
005568: WELLS REBECCA - Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
002182: WELSH THEA - Welcome Back
008245: WELSH LOUISE - Tamburlaine Must Die
2018033: WERENFRIED VAN STRAATEN - 100 Words of Father Werenfried
006118: WEST JERRY - The Happy Hollisters and the Cuckoo Clock Mystery
005702: WEST MORRIS L. - Kundu
005713: WEST MORRIS - The DevilS Advocate, the Salamander
005719: WEST REBECCA - The Fountain Overflows
001894: WEST MARGARET - Mountain Holiday
2019007: WEST LATHROP - Jet Sled Dog of the North
2016052: WEST W.J. - The Larger Evils Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Truth Behind the Satire
005835: WESTALL ROBERT - Gulf
005236: WESTERMAN J.F.C. - John Wentley Wins Through
005870: WHEATLEY DENNIS - The SultanS Daughter
008720: WHIPPLE, DOROTHY - The Priory
002473: WHISHAW FRED - ClutterbuckS Treasure
003875: WHITE CONSTANCE M. - The Muddles of Monica
2012131: WHITE ANDREW - The Vicar of Baghdad Fighting for Peace in the Middle East
006535: WHITEHAND SATHERLY - The Tin Armada
006163: WHITEMAN KATE - The Treasure House
008698: WHITFIELD, J.M. - Tom Who Was Rachel
2012250: WHITING CHARLES - Bloody Bremen IkeS Last Battle 1945
003530: WHITMAN WALT - The Portable Walt Whitman
003354: WICKER TOM - Unto This Hour
2012372: WIEDER JOACHIM AND EINSIDEL HEINRICH GRAF VON - Stalingrad Memories and Reassessments
2012050: WILCOX JOHN - The Guns of El Kebir
008206: WILCOX BARBARA - Susan at HerronS Farm
2012269: WILCOX JOHN - The Shangani Patrol
2012270: WILCOX JOHN - The Road to Kandahar Blood Is Spilt on the Battlefields of Afghanistan
2012400: WILCOX ROBERT K. - Black Aces High the Story of a Modern Fighter Squadron at War
005738: WILDER ROBERT - Plough the Sea
004692: WILDER ROBERT - An Affair of Honour
005803: WILKERSON DAVID - The Cross and the Switchblade
2012351: WILLETT, ROBERT L. JR. - One Day of the Civil War America in Conflict April 10, 1863
2021004: WILLIAM H. HYLTON EDITOR - The Rodale Herb Book, How to Use, Grow and Buy NatureS Miracle Plants
2019012: WILLIAMS TONY WITH PRICE HUMPHREY - Uncle Jack the True Identity of Jack the Ripper BritainS Most Notorious Murderer Revealed at Last
001971: WILLIAMS MARCUS - The Way to LordS Cricketing Letters to the Times
2019014: WILLIAMS KATE - EnglandS Mistress the Infamous Life of Emma Hamilton
004129: WILLIAMSON THAMES - North After Seals
004699: WILLIS TED - Man-Eater
005714: WILSON ANGUS - Late Call
002476: WILSON THEODORA WILSON - Pat Joins the Laughing Band
006550: WILSON B. K. - Ann & Peter in Paris
005826: WILSON AUGUSTA J. EVANS - Inez: A Tale of the Alamo
005761: WILTSE DAVID - The Edge of Sleep
005025: WINN ROWLAND - Lord Highport Dropped at Dawn
2018012: WINSTONE H.V.F. - Gertrude Bell
2016039: WINTERBOTHAM F. W. - The Nazi Connection the Personal Story of a Top-Level British Agent in Pre-War Germany
008734: WINTON, TIM - Blueback a Fable for All Ages
007843: WODEHOUSE P.G. - Blandings Castle and Elsewhere
002791: WOLCOTT JAMES - The Catsitters
008761: WOOD JAMES - Rare Summer
004271: WOOD CHRIS - Secret at the Mill
007175: WOODCOCK PERCY - Fog in the Channel
003986: WOODS WILLIAM - A Yugoslav Adventure
005750: WOODS ELEANOR - Above Suspicion
2012259: WORCESTER DONALD - Bolivar
007204: WOUK HERMAN - The Caine' Mutiny
2012474: WRIGHT DERRICK - Pacific Victory Tarawa to Okinawa 1943-1945
2012191: WU HARRY AND WAKEMAN CAROLYN - Bitter Winds a Memoir of My Years in ChinaS Gulag
2017017: WYETH JOHN A. - Life of General Nathan Bedford Forrest
005250: WYNNE IAN - The Pawn
003023: YAHP BETH - The Crocodile Fury
2020005: YAN LIANKE - Serve the People!
005843: YASTROW SHELBY - Undue Influence
003065: YATES RENATE - Fine Bones
007837: YELDHAM PETER - The Murrumbidgee Kid
008729: YELDHAM PETER - The Murrumbidgee Kid
003737: YONGE C.M - A Year on the Barrier Reef
005824: YOSHIMOTO BANANA - Kitchen
2017048: YOUNGER MAJOR-GENERAL TONY - Blowing Our Bridges a Memoir from Dunkirk to Korea Via Normandy
2017029: ZIRING LAWRENCE - Pakistan at the Crosscurrent of History
001847: ZOLA EMILE - La Bete Humaine
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