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14849: Lynch, Patricia: - The Bookshop on The Quay. (Great Children's Books 9).
3016: Lynch, Patricia: - Brogeen And The Lost Castle.
15403: Lynch, Patricia Illust. by Harry Kernoff: - A Storyteller's Childhood.
15542: Lyne, Nairda: - Tasmanian Tales.
2136: Lynn-Allen, Esmond: - Leaves From The Country.
778: Lyon, Ninette: - Chicken and Game.
4628: Lyons, A. Neil: - Sixpenny Pieces.
10399: Lysaght, S. R.: - My Tower In Desmond.
10553: Lytel, Allan: - Introduction To Lasers And Masers.
9183: The Earl Of Lytton: - Mickla Bendore.
2922: Lytton, Lord: - The Last Days of Pompeii.
11931: Lytton, Edward George: - The Last Days Of Pompeii. In Three Volumes: Volume III (Three).
12942: Lord Lytton: - Godolphin.
4608: Lytton, Lord: - The Last Of The Barons.
14591: Mabry, Phyllis Culp: - It's A Dog's Life Without You.
7990: Macandrew, Rennie: - Friendship Love Affairs And Marriage: An Explanation Of Men To Women and Women To Men.
15082: Macaulay, Thomas Babington: - Lays of Ancient Rome: With Ivry and The Armada. New Edition
11108: Macaulay, Lord: - Literary Essays: From 'The Edinburgh Review'.
13950: Macaulay, Thomas Babington: - Napoleon And The Restoration of the Bourbons.
1164: Macaulay, David: - Mill.
6219: Macbeath, John: - Lilies Among The Wheat: Talks To Young People.
1894: Macbeth, George and Margaret Gordon: - Noah's Journey.
14953: MacCulloch, Diarmaid (Ed. by): - The Chorography of Suffolk. Vol. 19.
169: MacDonald, John D.: - The Last One Left.
353: Macdonald, Colin: - Highland Journey or Suil Air Ais.
6625: Macdonald, David Illust. by David and Thea Nockels: - Vulpina: The Story Of A Fox.
10588: Macdonald, Isobel: - A Family In Skye: 1908 - 1916.
7414: MacDonald, William; Brooks, Cyril H.: - Guide To Christian Growth: An Emmaus Correspondence Course.
14497: Macdonald, Donald: - Lewis: A History of the Island.
10995: Macdonald, Betty: - The Egg And I.
15329: Macdonald, Henrietta: - Australian Stories Poems Etc.
650: Macdonald, J. D.: - Instructions to Young Ornithologists: Bird Biology.
3689: Macdonell, A. G.: - My Scotland.
14503: MacDougall, H.: - Island of Kerrera. Mirror of History.
6979: Mace, David R.: - Whom God Hath Joined: A Book Of Christian Marriage.
11722: Macfall, Haldane: - Aubrey Beardsley: The Man and His Work.
857: MacGregor, Alastair and Karen Daws (illustrator): - Cat Calls: Cat-Egories For The Naming Of Cats.
4677: MacGregor, A. J. Verses by W. Perring: - The First Day of The Holidays.
13845: Machiavelli, Niccolo: - The Prince.
5153: MacInnes, C. M. and W. F Whittard (Editors): - Bristol And Its Adjoining Counties.
9642: Macintyre, Robert (Edited By): - Tales Of Mystery.
9412: Mackay, Dick: - Nantucket! Nantucket! Nantucket! An Insider's Guide.
7921: Mackenzie, Compton Illust by Peter Edwards: - The Dining Room Battle.
15350: Mackenzie, Donald: - The Spreewald Collection.
3741: Mackenzie, Robert: - The Nineteenth Century.
5307: Mackenzie-Grieve, Averil: - Clara Novello 1818-1908.
15358: MacKenzie, Donald: - Raven's Shadow.
12159: Mackenzie, Sir Compton and Christopher Stone: - The Gramophone: June 1950 - May 1951. Volume XXVIII. Index To Volume XXVIII (28 Twenty Eight).
10263: Mackintosh, Hugh: - Middle East Movers. Royal Engineer Transportation In The Suez Canal Zone 1947 - 1956.
6023: Mackintosh, Mabel: - The Girls Of St Olaves.
14732: Maclean, Alistair: - Caravan To Vaccares.
13648: Maclean, Charles illust. by Sylvia Macartney: - Only.
12827: Maclean, Catharine M.: - Alexander Scott, Montgomerie, and Drummond of Hawthornden as Lyric Poets. Lord Rector's Prize 1911-12.
15152: MacLeod, Charlotte: - Something The Cat Dragged In.
15153: MacLeod, Charlotte: - Exit The Milkman. A Peter Shandy Mystery.
15550: MacLeod Raine, William: - Courage Stout.
15587: Macleod, R. D.: - Key To The Names of British Fishes, Mammals, Amphibians and Reptiles.
12399: MacLeod, Kathleen M. Illust. by F T Holmes: - Meet The Lorimers.
9040: Macleod, Kathleen M.: - Derry & Co. Life Boys.
15586: Macleod, R. D.: - Key To The Names of British Butterflies and Moths.
12833: Macmichael, Dr W. Additions by Dr William Munk: - The Gold-Headed Cane. A Reprint of the Edition of 1884.
11779: Macmillan, Norman: - The Chosen Instrument.
7524: Macmunn, Lt.-Gen. Sir George: - Gustavus Adolphus: The Northern Hurricane.
7435: Macnab, John: - Trigonometry Simplified With Nautical Astronomy For Seamen and Others.
12053: Macnell, James: - Mettle Dives Deep.
7217: Macnell, James: - Mettle At Woomera.
7585: Macnell, James: - Captain Mettle, V.C.
2936: Macpherson, Alexina: - Poems.
9896: MacSorley, Catherine Mary Illust by W H Overend: - A Seaside Story.
12059: Macvicar, Angus: - Satellite 7.
1769: Madelin, Louis: - Napoleon.
14692: Maggs, Colin G.: - Branch Lines of Devon: Exeter and South, Central and East Devon.
9594: Magness, T. A.: - Hill Of The Jackals.
1783: Magnus, Philip: - King Edward The Seventh.
10468: Maguire, Michael: - Mylor: The Most Powerful Horse In The World.
2514: Mahon, Brid: - The Wonder Tales Of Ireland.
8089: Mahy, Margaret Illust. by Honey de Lacey: - The Tin Can Band & Other Poems.
6441: Mahy, Margaret Illust. by Steven Kellogg: - The Boy Who Was Followed Home.
2477: Mahy, Margaret: - The Fiddle And The Gun.
13229: Mahy, Margaret Illust. by Patricia MacCarthy: - The Five Sisters.
2865: Mahy, Margaret: - The Good Fortunes Gang: Cousins Quartet: Book 1.
2536: Mahy, Margaret: - Tangled Fortunes: Cousins Quartet: Book 4.
14703: Mahy, Margaret Illust. by Margaret Chamberlain: - The Birthday Burglar & A Very Wicked Headmistress.
2683: Maiden, Cecil: - The Borrowed Crown.
14041: Maidment, Brian (Ed. 1977-1980) Aidan Day (Ed. 1981- ): - Tennyson Research Bulletin: Contents List and Index to Volume Three (3 III) 1977 - 1981. Includes Publication List.
15097: Daily Mail: - Daily Mail General War Map of Europe.
8118: Maillard, John: - Healing In The Name Of Jesus. A Book Of Devotion.
2660: Main, Carol: - Planet of Adventure.
6813: Mais, S. P. B.: - Caper Sauce.
8: Mais S P B, Street A G, Flower W.: - The Countryside and how to enjoy it.
12727: Maisey, Neva (Compiled and written by): - No Man Alone: The Pastoralists & Graziers Association of Western Australia (Inc) 1907 - 1979. Its Background and History.
10475: Maitland Bradfield, Richard: - The Newent Carved Stones Unravell'd.
13967: Maitland, Pat: - 35 Years of 'L' in Norfolk. Pat Maitland recounts his experiences as a Driving Instructor.
10900: Maitland, Agnes C.: - Nellie O'Neil Or Our Summer Time.
14701: Maitland, Agnes C.: - The Afternoon Tea Book.
7502: Major, Lt.-Cdr. F. S. W. (from stories written and collected by): - A Century And A Half Of Skegness Lifeboats: An Account of Skegness Lifeboat Stain.
1221: Makin, Irene: - Wild Cat.
12422: Makower, Stanley: - The Biography of Richard Savage: The Mystery Man of the Eighteenth Century.
10732: Malet, Lucas: - The History of Sir Richard Calmady. A Romance.
15309: Mallalieu, M. (Editor): - Sussex Bird Report: No. 74 2021.
11213: Malleson, Colonel G. B.: - The Indian Mutiny of 1857. With Portraits and Plans.
6170: Mallinson, Jeremy: - The Shadow Of Extinction: Europe's Threatened Wild Mammals.
13680: Malvern, Gladys Dodo Adler (Illust. by): - Dancing Star. The Story of Anna Pavlova.
5637: Mamour, Alys: - Literature Recitals: A Pageant Of English Literature.
1575: Mandelbaum, Pili: - Alexander The Menace.
11662: Mankowitz, Wolf Illust. by Ron Sandford: - The Biggest Pig in Barbados.
15338: Mann, Jessica: - The Survivor's Revenge.
14612: Mannering, Rosslyn: - Fowls And How To Keep Them. The Pet and Live Stock Series.
4654: Mannin, Ethel: - Bavarian Story.
11149: Mannin, Ethel: - Land of The Crested Lion. A Journey Through Modern Burma.
2068: Mannin, Ethel: - Fragrance of Hyacinths.
8960: Manning, Henry Edward: - Sermons: Volume The Second.
15432: Manning-Sanders, Ruth Illust. by Robin Jacques: - A Book of Giants.
6818: Manning-Sanders, Ruth Illust. by Scoular Anderson: - A Cauldron Of Witches.
11569: Manning Sanders, Ruth: - Luke's Circus.
7215: Manning, Rosemary: - Man On A Tower.
2203: Manning, Rosemary: - Heraldry.
1552: Manning, Peter: - The Batsford Colour Book of Cornwall.
14366: Manning, Stanley A.: - Broadland Naturalist: The Life of Arthur H Patterson A.L.S. ("John Knowlittle").
4058: Manning, Rosemary: - Dragon in Danger.
15434: Manning-Sanders, Ruth Illust. by Robin Jacques: - A Book of Ghosts & Goblins.
13136: Mannix, Daniel Illust. by Russell Peterson: - The Last Eagle.
9808: Mansbridge, Arthur: - The Pinktails Pic-Nic.
8879: Mansbridge, Norman: - The Pale Artist: Studio Peeps For The Curious.
11653: Manser, Rodney N.: - Circus: The Development and Significance of the Circus, Past, Present and Future.
12543: Mansfield Poole, W. and Michel Becker: - Commercial French In Two Parts: Part 1 (One I).
14956: Mansfield, Kenneth: - Perch: How To Catch Them.
8803: Mantell, Keith: - Dovedale Guide.
8494: Mantle, Ruth (artist): - More Country Walks Around Cambridge. 12 Walks described with Sketch Maps.
9889: Manville Fenn, G.: - The Kings' Esquires Or The Jewel Of France.
10004: Manville Fenn, George Illust. by W. Boucher: - Diamond Dyke Or The Lone Farm On The Veldt. A Story of South African Adventure.
5785: Manville Fenn, George: - Fire Island: Being The Adventures of Uncertain Naturalists In An Unknown Track.
4041: Manwaring, Randle: - Crossroads of The Year: Songs of the Four Seasons.
15228: Manzarek, Ray: - The Poet In Exile.
930: Mapes Dodge, Mary Illustrated by H. Baumhauer: - Hans Brinker or The Silver Skates.
14201: Maples, William R. and Michael Browning: - Dead Men Do Tell Tales: The Strange and Fascinating Cases of a Forensic Anthropologist.
12398: Mapple, Nelson: - The Carne Cross Mystery.
887: Mapple, Nelson: - The Carne Cross Mystery.
14216: Maquet, Jacques J.: - The Premise of Inequality in Ruanda: A Study of Political Relations in A Central African Kingdom.
14720: Marana, Giovanni P. (Selected and Edited by Arthur J Weitzman): - Letters Writ By A Turkish Spy.
13011: General Bon De Marbot: - Memoires Du General Bon De Marbot III Polotsk - La Berensina - Leipzig - Waterloo.
2006: Marchant, Bessie: - Norah To The Rescue: A Story Of The Philippines.
4128: Marchant, Bessie Illust. W. Bryce Hamilton: - The Triumphs Of Three.
13693: Marchant, Bessie Illust. by Francis E Hiley: - Felicity's Fortune.
6942: Marchant, R. A.: - Man And Beast.
2003: Marchant, Bessie: - The Fortunes of Prue.
2004: Marchant, Bessie: - Two On Their Own.
2007: Marchant, Bessie: - The Adventurous Seven.
8687: Mare, Walter De La Illust. by Irene Hawkins: - The Old Lion And Other Stories.
8471: Mare, Walter De La Illust. by Irene Hawkins: - The Scarecrow And Other Stories.
11959: De La Mare, Walter: - The Picnic And Other Stories.
10766: Marec, Erwan: - Hippone La Royale: Antique Hippo Regius.
8000: Marek, George R.: - Puccini.
14132: Maresch, Eugenia (Ed. by): - Polish Forces In Defence of the British Isles 1939 - 1945.
10829: Margerison, John S.: - Turret And Torpedo: Tales of The Navy Trade.
10342: Mariner, David: - Symbol Of Vengeance.
14052: Marinoff, Lou: - Plato Not Prozac! Applying Eternal Wisdom To Everyday Problems. (Greek text).
2164: Mark, Jan: - The Snow Maze.
3244: Markham, Harold: - The Amateur Theatrical Handbook: A Guide To The Amateur Production of Plays.
14886: Markham, M. E.: - Little Saint Barbara.
6885: Markham, Major C. A.: - Chaffers' Handbook To Hall Marks On Gold & Silver Plate: With Revised Tables Of The Annual Date Letters Employed in The Assay Offices Of England, Scotland and Ireland.
2710: Marko, Katherine: - The Sod Turners.
12396: Marks, Michael Illust. by Rosie Barlow: - The Prince Of The Golden Apple.
13236: Markus, Adrie (Illust. by): - In The Garden With Peter And Clare.
9671: Marlowe, Francis: - The Sunset Express. A Story Of Canadian Railway Life For Boys.
6309: Marlowe, John (Compiled By): - An Anthology Of Leisure.
6879: Marney, B. R. Ashton, A. N. Parle, S. M.: - Poetry Plus: Creatures Real And Make-Believe. Book Two.
12531: Marquand, Allan and Arthur L Frothingham: - A Text-Book Of The History of Sculpture.
15267: Marr, B. A. E.; J Reaney; W H Truckle and E J Wiseman: - Spring Migration (1959) At The Butt of Lewis. (Reprinted from 'Bird Migration' Vol I, No. 2 July 1959.
10687: Marr, J. E.: - Deposition Of The Sedimentary Rocks.
13035: Marriott, Sir J. A. R.: - The Remaking of Modern Europe: From the Outbreak of the French Revolution to the Treaty of Berlin. 1789 - 1878.
473: Marryat, Captain: - Masterman Ready. Or 'The Wreck of the Pacific'
4813: Marryat, Florence (Mrs Francis Lean): - Under The Lilies And Roses.
1132: Marryat, Capt.: - The Children of the New Forest.
10129: Marsden, Monica Illust. by Greta Jones: - Bronze Bell Mystery.
12903: Marsden, Monica: - The Hidden River and Adventure Ahoy! Two Adventure Stories.
9031: Marsden, Colin J.: - British Rail Operations In The 1980's.
8771: Marsden-Jones, E. M. and W. B. Turrill: - Bladder Campions.
14392: Marsh, Winifred Petchey (Portrayed in watercolours by): - People of the Willow: The Padlimiut Tribe of the Caribou Eskimo.
14506: Marsh, Jan: - Jane And May Morris: A Biographical Story 1839 - 1938.
10421: Marsh, D. E.: - The Cat-Eyed Patrol. The War Adventure Series.
2595: Marshall, Bruce: - Thoughts of My Cats.
8323: Marshall, James (illust by): - Old Mother Hubbard And Her Wonderful Dog.
8033: Marshall, Peter Selected by Stanley Hendricks Illust. by Richard Hook: - New and Inspiring Messages.
10089: Marshall, K.: - David Goes To Zululand.
5681: Marshall, Alan: - The Gay Provider: The Myer Story.
14465: Marshall, Sybil Illust. by Ewart Oakeshott: - Fenland Chronicle. Recollections of William Henry and Kate Mary Edwards Collected and Edited by Their Daughter.
6138: Marshall, Mrs (Emma): - The Old Gateway.
15449: Marshall, Bruce: - Only Fade Away.
235: Marshall Ward, H.: - The Oak.
11377: Marshall, Mrs Emma: - Over The Down Or A Chapter of Accidents.
5186: Marshall, Archibald: - The Squire's Daughter.
9861: Marshall-Hardy, E.: - Mirror Of Angling. Volume II.
6350: Marshall, Edison: - American Captain.
14610: Marshall, James Vance Illust. by Lydia Rosier: - A Walk To The Hills Of The Dreamtime.
9343: Marshall-Hardy, E.: - Coarse Fish.
4957: Marshall, John: - Ollie Takes The Road: Vintage Cars 1918 - 1930.
14674: Marshall, Emma: - Lizette And Her Mission.
10727: Martelli, George: - The Man Who Saved London. The Story of Michel Hollard.
5321: Martin, David: - The Shoes Men Walk In.
7916: Martin, Dorothy Illust. by Joan Kiddell-Monroe: - Munya The Lion.
10870: Martin, P. H. (Editor): - Happy Greetings.
9408: Martin, Robert: - Joey And The Helicopter.
4169: Martin, William: - The Site Of The Globe Playhouse of Shakespeare.
10437: Martin, David Illust. by Astra Lacis: - Mister P And His Remarkable Flight.
3048: Martin, Valerie: - Alexandra.
6798: Martin, Joe: - Mister Boffo: Unclear On The Concept.
6115: Martin, Bernard: - Poor Bloody Infantry: A Subaltern On The Western Front 1916-17.
1650: Martin, Robert: - Joey And The City Ghosts.
5075: Martin, Eleanor: - Sunday Work With Country Children.
6034: Martin, Dahris Illust. by Lilly Somppi: - Little Lamb.
9711: Martin, Eleanor: - Church Teaching For The Kindergarten: Kindergarten Grade Sunday School Lessons.
9713: Martin, Eleanor and Brenda Russell: - The Children's Friend: Kindergarten Syllabus Lessons..
5069: Martin, Peter: - Blake's Fag.
4413: Martin, David: - The Shoes Men Walk In.
1782: Martin-Jenkins, Christopher: - A Cricketer's Companion.
768: Martindale, Thomas: - With Gun and Guide.
699: Marwick, Arthur: - The Illustrated Dictionary of British History.
7469: Marx, K. and Engels, F.: - K. Marx and F Engels On Religion.
13999: Marx, Karl and Friedrich Engels Intro. by A J P Taylor: - The Communist Manifesto.
10752: Marz, Ron Illust. by Igor Kordey: - Batman Tarzan: Claws Of The Cat-Woman. Part 1 of 4.
10753: Marz, Ron Illust. by Igor Kordey: - Batman Tarzan: Claws Of The Cat-Woman. Part 2 of 4.
10754: Marz, Ron Illust. by Igor Kordey: - Batman Tarzan: Claws Of The Cat-Woman. Part 3 of 4.
10755: Marz, Ron Illust. by Igor Kordey: - Batman Tarzan: Claws Of The Cat-Woman. Part 4 of 4.
5689: Masefield, John: - The Widow In The Bye Street.
5696: Mason, A. E. W.: - The Courtship of Morrice Buckler.
9424: Mason, A. E. W.: - Konigsmark.
6678: Mason, D. Gregory: - The A B C Guide To Music.
12985: Mason, Frank: - The Before And After Dinner Book.
11072: Mason, Ed: - Signers Of The Constitution: Builders Of A Nation Series Book Two.
12487: Mason, A. W.: - The Drum.
14326: Mason, Laura & Catherine Brown: - From Norfolk Knobs to Fidget Pie. Traditional Foods From The Midlands and East Anglia.
5886: Mason, Howard: - The Red Bishop.
5792: Mason, A. E. W.: - Running Water.
6242: Mason, A. E. W.: - The Prisoner In The Opal.
1653: Mason, A. E. W.: - The Four Feathers.
11670: Massey, Anna: - Telling Some Tales.
4301: Massey, Craig: - A Midnight Adventure.
8113: Massie, Allan: - Nero's Heirs.
1795: Masson, Madeleine, compiled and edited by. Illustrated by Joan Wolfenden: - The Grand Salad: From John Evelyn's Acetaria (1699).
8762: Masson, Rosaline: - Scotia's Darling Seat. 1875 - 1925.
15253: Masson, Gustave and G W Prothero: - Le Directoire Considerations Sur La Revolution Francaise, Troisieme Et Quatrieme Parties, Par Madame La Baronne De Stael-Holstein; With a Critical Notice of the Author.
8119: Masterman, J. Howard B.: - The Dawn Of Mediaeval Europe 476-918. Volume 1.
1243: Masters, Anthony: - Mel's Run.
4079: Masters, Anthony Illust. by Ian Heard: - Get Real! Mountain Horror.
5395: Mather, F. C.: - Chartism.
3985: Matheson, Jean: - The Island.
4171: Matheson, Hugh: - Puritan's Progress.
2056: Mathews, Basil: - World Tides In The Far East.
2750: Mathieu, Catherine Illustrations by Pef: - L'Aventure Peugeot for Little Lion Cubs: Merry Christmas 1999 From All At Peugeot Motor Company.
13915: Matthew, Christopher David Eccles (Decorations By): - Now We Are Sixty.
2285: Matthewman, Phyllis: - Robert Morrison.
2859: Matthews, Andrew: - Mallory Cox and His Magic Socks.
10318: Matthews, Leonard J. Illust. by Quinto: - Fairy Tales From Many Lands.
14174: Matthews, Anne: - Tour Guide Australia.
12780: Matthews, Patrick and Mollie: - Teddy Edward In Timbuctoo.
5171: Matthews, Andrew Illust. by Tony Ross: - The Quiet Pirate. A Scurvy Tale of Derring-Do.
10418: Mattimore, Nancy: - Let's Have A Circus. Collins Wonder Colour - A Read-With-Me Book.
945: Mattingley, Christobel Illustrations by Helen Sallis: - The Long Walk.
4571: Mattingley, Christobel Illustrated by Patricia Mullins: - Duck Boy.
12389: Matz, B. W.: - The Dickensian: A Magazine for Dickens Lovers And Monthly Record of The Dickens Fellowship. Vol. 1.
10233: Maugham, W. Somerset: - The Letter. (The Casuarina Tree).
6042: De Maupassant, Guy: - Queen Hortense And Short Stories.
80: du Maurier, Daphne: - Vanishing Cornwall, The Spirit and history of Cornwall.
15402: Du Maurier, George: - Trilby.
13878: Mauss, Marcel intro. by E. E. Evans-Pritchard: - The Gift. Forms and Functions of Exchange in Archaic Societies.
2200: Maxwell, William D.: - Stories of The Saints: St Ninian.
7665: Maxwell, Sir Herbert: - The Creevey Papers: A Selection From The Correspondence & Diaries Of The Late Thomas Creevey, M.P. Born 1768 - Died 1838.
718: Maxwell, Arthur S.: - Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories.
12424: Maxwell, E. A.: - An Analytical Calculus For School And University. Volume III. (Volume Three).
9676: Maxwell, Arthur S.: - Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories: Volume 45.
781: Maxwell, John: - The Greatest Billy Cotton Band Show.
15111: Maxwell Bart MP, Sir Herbert: - Sixty Years A Queen: The Story of Her Majesty's Reign. Parts 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
15400: May, Lizzy Sara: - Vater Und Tochter.
3921: May, Vera: - So Many Paths.
14106: May, Maggie Illust. by R Enrut Al Turner: - Scrambling For Survival. A Third Collection of Poems.
15229: May, Robert L.: - Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer.
14987: Mayer, Mercer: - Little Monster's Word Book. A New Gold Medal Book.
11783: Mayer, Alfred M. and Charles Barnard: - Nature Series. Light: A Series of Simple, Entertaining, and Inexpensive Experiments in The Phenomena of Light, For the Use of Students of Every Age.
13742: Mayer, Mercer: - Oops.
13620: Mayhew, Henry: - The Morning Chronicle Survey of Labour and The Poor: The Metropolitan Districts Volume 1 (One I).
4633: Mayhew, Joy: - A-Z Guide To Dressmaking.
9636: Maynard, Moya: - Quick And Easy Indian Food: Exotic Recipes That Can Be Made In Minutes.
15635: Mayne, William Illust. by Shirley Hughes: - The World Upside Down.
1074: Mayne, William: - The Yellow Aeroplane.
13801: Mayne, William Illust. by Mary Russon: - Rooftops. (Reindeer Books).
12274: Mayne, Ethel Colburn: - The Life and Letters of Anne Isabella, Lady Noel Byron.
15464: Mayne, William Illust. by C. Walter Hodges: - A Swarm In May.
6716: Mayne, Lynn: - Fabric Games: 15 Decorative Games To Make, To Play, To Hang On The Wall.
14945: Mayne, William Illust. by Christopher Brooker: - The Fishing Party. (Antelope Books).
15143: Mays, Robert: - Henry Doubleday: The Epping Naturalist.
14467: Mays, Spike: - Reuben's Corner.
14783: McBain, Ed: - Ice: A Major New Novel About the World of the 87th Precinct.
14784: McBain, Ed: - Long Time No See. An 87th Precinct Mystery.
15122: McBratney, Sam Illust. by Brita Granstrom: - Bert's Wonderful News.
11159: McCabe, Bernard Illust. by Axel Scheffler: - Bottle Rabbit And Friends.
14727: McCaffrey, Anne: - Dragonsong.
15601: McCaffrey, Anne and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough: - Deluge: Book Three of the Twins of Petaybee.
14724: McCaffrey, Anne: - DragonQuest. (Dragon-Quest). Being The Further Adventures of the Dragonriders of Pern.
13317: McCarthy Sears, Ruth: - In The Shadow Of The Tower.
9345: McCaskie, H. B.: - The Guileless Trout.
4081: McCaughrean, Geraldine: - Cowboy Jess Saddles Up.
15468: McCaughrean, Geraldine: - The White Darkness.
7569: McCaughrean, Geraldine and Ian Beck: - Little Angel.
2761: McCaughren, Tom: - The Silent Sea.
2162: McClenaghan, Jack: - The Ice Admiral.
15663: McCloud, Scott: - Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art.
14435: McConnell, J. D. R.: - Eton Repointed: The New Structures of an Ancient Foundation.
12857: McCormick, Donald: - Islands For Sale.
11060: McCraith, Sir Douglas: - Dancing Streams In Many Lands.
12587: McCreath, W. L. A. and B. Arthur (F. M. Cowe Historical Introduction): - A History of The Tweed Bridges Trust.
7880: McCullagh, Sheila K.: - The Three Princes. Dragon Pirate Stories.
9801: McCullagh, Sheila K.: - Snip And The Dragon's Skin.
3280: McCullagh, Sheila K.: - The Mer-King's Son: Dragon Pirate Stories Book C4.
13806: McCullagh, Sheila Illust. by John Dillow: - Christmas In Puddle Lane.
3284: McCullagh, Sheila K.: - Snip And The Dragon's Skin: Dragon Pirate Stories Book B4.
15034: McCullagh, Sheila K. Illust. by Eccles: - Roger Rings The Bell. One Two Three And Away! Red Book 4.
3285: McCullagh, Sheila K.: - A Dragon In The Wood: Dragon Pirate Stories Book B2.
9802: McCullagh, Sheila K.: - Snip And The Dragon's Skin.
13730: Fougasse and McCullough: - You Have Been Warned: A Complete Guide to the Road.
15337: McCullough, W. D. H. and Fougasse: - Aces made Easy or Pons Asinorum in a Nutshell.
14944: McCully, Emily Arnold: - Squirrel and John Muir.
1493: McCutcheon, Elsie: - Smokescreen.
12187: McDermott, F.: - How To Be Happy In Switzerland (Winter Sports).
13346: McDermott, Gerald: - The Voyage of Osiris. A Myth of Ancient Egypt.
13247: McDonald, Joan: - Rousseau and the French Revolution 1762-1791.
13751: McDriver, James: - Staring At The Sun. A Collection of Poems Reflecing In A Minds Eye.
14604: McEwan, Ian: - Amsterdam.
6129: McFee, William: - Spenlove In Arcady.
5355: McGill, Angus: - Evening Standard: London Pub Guide 1997.
6096: McGough, Roger James Bery, Jackie Kay, Adrian Mitchell, Grace Nichols, Brian Patten, Helen Dunmore, Libby Houston, Philip Gross and Matthew Sweeney: - Ten Banana More! An Anthology Of Poems For Children By Ten Of The Best Poets Writing Today.
13778: McGraw, Eloise: - The Seventeenth Swap.
3497: McGredy, Sam and Sean Jennett: - A Family of Roses.
10364: McGregor, R. J. Illust by William Grimmond: - The Young Detectives.
5508: McGregor, Elizabeth: - Before I Was Ten. Memories of a Rural Childhood.
11628: McInerny, Ralph: - Romanesque.
7973: McIntosh, Jean Illust. by Clara Olmstead: - Happy As Kings Or Stories Of Home And Holidays.
15025: McIver, Colin Gordon C Wilson (Ed. of 2nd Edition): - Marketing.
9506: McK, C.: - Meditations On The Book Of Ruth.
2540: McKay, Hilary: - Dog Friday.
13235: McKay, Hilary Illust. by Hilda Offen: - Practically Perfect.
15295: McKee, David: - King Rollo's Letter And Other Stories.
3132: McKee, Alexander: - Death Raft: The Human Drama of the Medusa Shipwreck.
15668: McKee, David: - Two Can Toucan.
5314: McKenna, Stephen: - The Secret Victory.
15483: McKenzie, Alice Rev. Ed. compiled by Alice Margaret Leaker: - Pioneers of Martins Bay. Life In New Zealnd's Most Remote Settlement.
8225: McKenzie, Vernon: - Here Lies Goebbels!
13881: McKenzie, Julie: - Clothes Lines: Off-The-Peg Stories From the Closets Of The Famous.
4254: McKie, Anne and Ken McKie: - The Cat That Played The Flute.
4895: McKie, Anne (adapted by) Illustrated by Kevin McKie: - A Treasury of Fairy Tales.
12521: McKillop, M. and A. D. McKillop: - Efficiency Methods: An Introduction To Scientific Management.
11611: McKinstry, Carol E.: - The Return of Rudolph Valentino.
5783: McKnight, Charles: - Captain Jack: A Story of Indian Adventure Or Old Fort Duquesne.
14736: McLean, Allan Campbell: - The Year of The Stranger.
13490: McLean, Roderick R: - Royalty And Diplomacy in Europe, 1890 - 1914.
14034: McLean, Alan C.: - Born To Run. New Wave Readers. Beginner Level 2.
6504: McLean, Alan C.: - The Missing Madonna: New Wave Readers. Level 5.
488: McLean, Alison: - In The Shadow Of The Hills.
13604: McLenighan, Valjean Illust. by Richard Brown: - Special Delivery. CTW Sesame Street Book Club.
9602: McLure, Scott: - Blood On The Sun. (Cougar Western No. 365)
15413: McMillan, James: - The Way It Happened 1935 - 1950. Based on the Files of the Express Newspapers.
14258: McMullen, Jeanine Illust. by Fiona Silver: - My Small Country Living.
15371: McMurtry, Stan: - The Bunjee Venture.
14721: McNaught, Noel: - Canoe Cruising Manual.
15260: McNaughton, E. J.: - Be Introduced: Wherein You Meet Everyday Types of Asiatic People Drawn in Pencil From Life.
3254: McNaughton, Frank and Walter Heymeyer: - This Man Truman.
8919: Sapper or H. C. McNeile: - The Man in Ratcatcher and Other Stories.
9571: McNeill, Janet Illust. by Douglas Hall: - Just Turn The Key and Other Stories.
7067: McPhail, David: - Pig Pig and The Magic Photo Album.
11785: McRobbie, Kenneth and R P Hoople (Editors): - Mosaic: A Journal For The Comparative Study of Literature And Ideas. 1:2.
11121: McTaggart, M. F. Illust. by D. M. Cafferata: - Hints On Horsemanship.
3195: McVey, Frank L.: - Modern Industrialism.
9997: Meade, L. T.: - The Children's Kingdom: The Story of A Great Endeavor.
15518: Meade, L. T.: - Beyond The Blue Mountains.
5059: Meade, L. T.: - A Knight of Today.
5054: Meade, L. T. Illust. by F S Wilson: - In The Time Of Roses.
5980: Meade, L. T.: - The Children's Kingdom: The Story of A Great Endeavor.
15388: Meadows, Jack: - Leicestershire: Some Legends and Stories.
3745: Meadows, Alice Maud: - A Million Of Money.
14545: Meakin, Ann: - Anna Hinderer: Pioneer Missionary.
13539: Medlicott, Cecil: - The Syren: A Story In One Volume.
15515: Mee, Arthur: - The King's England: Suffolk Our Farthest East.
13937: Mee, Arthur: - The King's England: Arthur Mee's Norfolk. Green Pastures and Still Waters.
13939: Mee, Arthur Rev. and Ed. by E. T. Long Photographs by A. F. Kersting: - The King's England: Essex.
178: Mee, Arthur: - The King's England Sussex.
12710: Meechan, H. L. and C. M. Walker Illust. by Alison Taylor: - Racontez-moi.
4853: Megaw, The Rev. W. R.: - Nature's Speech: A Series Of Addresses To Children.
15232: Meighn, Moira: - A Little Booke of Conceited Secrets & Delightes For Ladies: Wherein is contained the most Incomparable Recipes & Choicest Curiosities of many Good Huswives & Learned Doctours of Phisicke Newly set forth by Moira Meighn.
14546: Melchiori, Giorgio (Ed. by) Shakespeare, William: - The Second Part of King Henry IV. The New Cambridge Shakespeare.
13079: Melly, George: - Rum, Bum and Concertina.
15459: Meloy, Colin Illust. by Carson Ellis: - WildWood: The Wildwood Chronicles, Book 1.
2001: Melville Nicholas, B.: - The Nutkin Family.
13738: Melville Nicholas, B.: - Round The Year.
4379: Melville, Herman: - Moby Dick.
15602: Melville, James: - The Death Ceremony: A Superintendent Otani Mystery Set In Moder Japan.
14426: Menchu, Rigoberta with Dante Liano Illust. by Domi: - The Honey Jar.
2839: Mendel, Jo: - Tom Tucker and Dickie-Bird.
1917: Mendel, Jo: - Here Come The Tuckers.
10453: Mendelssohn: - Bees' Wedding. Lilac Series of World Famous Classics. For Piano.
732: Menegas, Peter: - Mrs Bad Gun.
12230: Mentgen, G.: - Postal Markings Somaliland Protectorate 1903 - 1960.
9923: Meras, Albert A.: - Le Petit Vocabulaire: A List of Two Thousand French Words Arranged In Logical Groups For Sentence Building.
8071: Mercer, I. D.: - The Geography Of The Alberbury Breccia: Field Studies Vol. 1, No. 1.
7976: Mercer Adam, G. Intro. by Rev. Henry Scadding: - Toronto, Old And New: A Memorial Volume Historical, Descriptive and Pictorial, Designed To Mark The Hundredth Anniversary of the Passing Of The Constitutional Act Of 1791.
9297: Mercer, I. D.: - The Natural History Of Slapton Ley Nature Reserve. Introduction and Morphological Description
13307: Meredith, John: - Verging On Work: The Head verger At Southwell Minster 1980 - 1999 Reveals All.
11948: Merimee, Prosper. D. S. Blondheim (Edited by): - Carmen Et Autres Nouvelles.
11709: Merimee, Prosper (Intro. notes and vocabulary by J A Fontaine): - Colomba. Heath's Modern Language Series.
13353: Merlen, R. H. A.: - The Motte-And-Bailey Castles of The Welsh Border.
13208: Merrall, Tony: - One Fateful Hour.
3296: Merrick, Anne: - A Message From A Mouse: Alacrity's Story.
5923: Merriman, H. S. (Henry Seton Merriman): - In Kedar's Tents.
5925: Merriman, H. S. (Henry Seton Merriman): - The Vultures.
13061: Merrow Smith, L. W. in collab. with James Harris: - Prison Screw.
8982: Merry, Kim Music arranged by Julia Neate Illust. by Gabrielle Radiguet: - The Big Big Multi-Cultural Music Book.
12588: Merson, A. J. Illust. by W. Browning White: - Heritage English: Book Two - Starting Out.
12657: Merz, Teresa: - The Junto.
7848: Meserve, Harry C.: - No Peace of Mind.
13070: Metcalfe, Philip: - Berlin 1933: Das Jahr der Machtergreifung - ein authentischer Roman.
4390: Methley, Violet M.: - Ella Of The Islands.
7320: Meunier, Pierre Illust. by Abdel Latif Satti: - The Baobab And Other Rhymes.
1887: Meyer, Michael (Editor): - Summer Days: Writers on Cricket.
12718: Meyer, Kuno: - A German Grammar For Schools: Based on the Principles and Requirements of the Grammatical Society. Part 1. Accidence (Revised).
12395: Meyler, Eileen Illust. by Ruth Scales: - Adventure On Ponies.
13192: Meynell, Esther: - Grave FairyTale. A Romantic Novel.
12394: Meynell, Laurence Illust. by Tony Hart: - The Man In The Hut. (Early Bird Series).
3919: Meynell, Laurence: - The Affair At Barwold.
4441: Meynell, Alice: - The Last Poems Of Alice Meynell.
4155: Meynell, Esther: - Small Talk In Sussex.
6862: Meyrick, S. R. (Samual Rush Meyrick): - Observations Upon The History Of Hand Fire-Arms.
13683: Miall, Agnes M.: - Pigeons of Leyden. A Story of the Siege of Leyden.
171: Michael, George: - The Michaels in Africa.
14143: AA (Automobile Association) St Michael: - The Seond Touring Guide To Britain.
13522: Michael, Charles D: - James Hannington: The Merchant's Son Who Was Martyred For Africa.
4107: Michaels, Ralph and Charles H. Goren: - Imperial Canasta With the Full Text of the Official British Rules.
13888: Michelin: - London In Your Pocket: Michelin.
15336: Michelin: - Michelin Italia 1977
3121: Michener, James A.: - Sayonara.
8889: Middleton, C. H. Illust by Jack Matthew: - Village Memories: A Collection Of Short Stories & Reminiscences of Village Life.
12432: Middleton, George: - Some Old Wells Trees And Travel-Tracks Of Wordsworth's Parish.
6870: Midgely, (nee Starke) Thelma: - Familia Starke: The Stud Book 1972 With Pedigrees Or Genealogical Tables.
9484: British Gas East Midlands: - Home Service Recipes From British Gas East Midlands.
8172: Mikes, George: - Not By Sun Alone.
4071: Mikes, George Illust. by David Langdon: - Little Cabbages (France Revisited).
14851: Miles, Alfred H.: - The New Anecdote Book.
3994: Miles, Bernard Illustrated by Victor G Ambrus: - Robin Hood His Life And Legend.
11205: Miles, Valerie and Norma Procter: - A Tao of Pekingese: A Snuffle of Pekes.
8551: Miles, J.: - Autocar Guide For The L Driver.
6239: Miles, Edith: - The Red Umbrella.
596: Miles, Edith: - The Girl Chums of Norland Road.
1876: Miles, Edith: - Jill For Julia: A Story For Girls.
13657: Millar, Margaret: - Spider Webs. Gollancz Crime.
11376: Millar, Ann: - Kids' Corner.
4368: Miller, Edna: - Mousekin's Close Call.
9873: Miller, Margaret J.: - Plot For The Queen.
8168: Miller, Keith: - Cricket Crossfire.
10528: Miller, Nancy: - First Book Of Wild Flowers.
15100: Miller, Charles: - Battle For The Bundu. The First World War in East Africa.
14584: Miller, Margaret J.: - The Queen's Music.
1691: Miller, Hugh: - Casualty.
12494: Miller, Moira and Maria Majewska: - Oscar Mouse Finds A Home.
12098: Miller, May Merrill: - House of Cedar.
11262: Miller, A. Donald: - A Bridge of Compassion.
12401: Miller, Moira: - The Doom Of Soulis.
12915: Miller, Mark Charles: - Coyote Cafe: Foods From The Great Southwest.
11442: Miller, Carey: - The World of the Unknown: Monsters.
8565: Miller, Carey Illust. by David Till: - Submarines! True Adventures.
6318: Miller, Martin: - Antiques The Collector's Guide: The Definitive Guide To Retail Prices for Antiques And Collectables.
1839: Miller, Graham: - Beyond The Barrier.
7565: Miller, James: - The Crack O' The Parish.
3605: Milligan, Elsie: - Penny Goes Home Again.
13450: Million, Ivor R.: - A History of Didsbury.
10676: Mills, John Fitzmaurice: - Paint!
9123: Mills, Carol Illust. by Susanne Ferrier: - Bedtime Stories & Verses.
15150: Milne, Christopher Line drawings by Tim Wood: - The Path Through The Trees.
14609: Milne, A. A. Illust. by E H Shepard: - The World of Christopher Robin: Containing When We Were Very Young and Now We Are Six.
4350: Milne, A. A.: - If I May.
13445: Milne, A. A. Illust. by Ernest H. Shepard: - Winnie-The-Pooh's Magic Wheel Book.
6908: Milnes, Dorothy M.: - A Portrait of Sir Charles Tennyson In Old Age.
6257: Milton, G. H. A.: - Oak Farm Or Charlie.
4753: Miltoun, Francis Illustrations by Blanche McManus: - Rambles In Normandy.
10715: Milward, Richard: - A New Short History of Wimbledon.
6433: Milward, R. J.: - Early Wimbledon: History Of Wimbledon Part I (To c.1540).
7370: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF): - Silage: Bulletin No. 37.
15066: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries And Food: - Wild Oats: Advisory Leaflet 452.
15067: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries And Food: - The Road of Local Material. Fixed Equipment of the Farm Leaflet No. 12.
12807: Ministry Of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (MAFF), National Agricultural Advisory Service: - Bale Handling Methods: N.A.A.S. Technical Report No. 14. Farm Mechanization Technique Study No. 13.
12806: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food: - Farm Safety: Guide to Safety, Health and Welfare Act and Regulations. Keep Farming Safe.
7358: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries And Food: - The Farm As A Business: A Handbook Of Standards And Statistics For Use In Farm Management Advisory Work.
7362: Ministry Of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) National Agricultural Advisory Service: - Terrington Experimental Husbandry Farm Review 1961.
7365: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food (MAFF): - Farm And Estate Roads: Leaflet No. 12.
15119: Mitchell, Elyne: - Silver Brumby's Daughter.
3971: Mitchell, Jean (Editor): - Great Britain: Geographical Essays.
1039: Mitchell, Scott: - Over My Dead Body.
10138: Mitchell, Charles: - Mouth Of Honey.
11473: Mitchell, W. R. and R. W. Robson: - Lakeland Birds: A Visitor's Handbook.
1117: Mitchell, Lane: - The Black Bog Mystery.
7518: Mitchell, W. R.: - Yorkshire Dalesfolk.
290: Mitchell, Adrian: - The Baron Rides Out.
7383: Mitchell, W. R.: - Wild Cumbria.
15381: Mitchell, Elyne Illust. by Michael Cole: - Jinki: Dingo of the Snows.
14694: Mitchell, Vic and Keith Smith: - Branch Lines To Seaton and Sidmouth.
13393: Mitchison, Naomi; Eric J. Barker; John F Davis; Mary Waugh. Illust. by G W Lennox Paterson; J P McCrum; Kenneth Hauff.: - People Of Britain (Series One).
13698: Mitchison, Naomi Illust. by Barry Wilkinson: - Sun And Moon.
14526: Mitchison, Naomi; Eric J. Barker; John F Davis; Mary Waugh. Illust. by G W Lennox Paterson; J P McCrum; Kenneth Hauff.: - People Of Britain (Series One).
4790: Mitton, G. E.: - The Children's Book of London.
14348: Mockler, Geraldine Illust. by S B Pearse H M Brock (Frontis.): - Edie's Adventure.
796: Mockler, Geraldine: - The Girls of St. Bede's.
15580: Mogridge, Stephen Illust. by Winslade: - New Forest Adventure.
10444: Mogridge, Stephen: - The Empty Boat Mystery.
10087: Mogridge, Stephen Illust. by George Lane: - The Scooter Adventure.
15087: Moir, J Reid (Plan by Dr Leslie Armstrong): - Grime's Graves Weeting, Norfolk (Ancient Monuments and Historic Buildings).
15325: Moir, J Reid (Plan by Dr Leslie Armstrong): - Grime's Graves Weeting, Norfolk (Ancient Monuments and Historic Buildings).
14502: Moir, Guthrie Ed. by Lt-General Sir Brian Horrocks: - The Suffolk Regiment. Famous Regiments.
5801: Mole, A. H. Wullenweber: - Dictionnaire Francais - Allemand Et Allemand - Francais. En Deux Volumes Seconde Partie Allemand - Francais.
10469: Mole, William: - The Lobster Guerilla.
3213: Molesworth, Mrs: - Little Miss Peggy: Only A Nursery Story.
11742: Molesworth, Mrs Illust. by L. Lesle Brooke: - Nurse Heather Dale's Story. Nurse Heatherdale's Story.
8308: Molesworth, Mrs or Mary Louisa Molesworth Illust. by Walter Crane: - The Children Of The Castle.
11712: Moliere, (Ed. with Intro. and Notes by G Eugene Fasnacht): - Le Malade Imaginaire: Comedie En Trois Actes. Macmillan's Foreign School Classics.
11707: Moliere (Intro. Notes to play and note on French versification by R P L Ledesert) (General Intro. on Moliere by Ronald A Wilson): - Le Tartuffe. Harrap's Modern Language Series.
11711: Moliere (Ed. with notes, glossary etc... by Gustave Masson): - Les Femmes Savantes: Comedie En Cinq Actes Et En Vers.
684: Moliere: - Oeuvres Completes: Precedee de la Vie de Moliere par Voltaire.
8401: Molineux, Jane: - PandaMonium In The Kitchen. A World Wildlife Fund Publication.
9693: Molison, Sylvia: - Stable Studies: Characters Good and Bad.
15298: Mollo, Victor: - Bridge Psychology: Or Reading Between The Cards.
5097: Molloy E. (Editor): - Motor Repair And Overhauling: Electrical And Accessory Equipment Volume IV.
13176: Molony, Eileen Illust. by Victor Ambrus: - Folk Tales From The West.
15509: Molyneux, Nicholas A. D. and John E McGregor: - The Medieval Tiles At Great Malvern Priory Worcestershire.
8376: Monahan, Margaret & Mary Entwistle Illust. by Nora Unwin: - Monkey Village: Stories Of India For 7 - 9 Year Olds.
12584: Monckton, R. F. P: - Hunting Reflections.
3350: Moncrieff, Mrs Scott: - The Story of Noah's Ark.
4738: Monk, W. H. and C. Steggall (Edited By): - Hymns Ancient And Modern For Use In The Services Of The Church With Accompanying Tunes: Old Edition 1889.
4398: Monk, F. V. and H. T. Winter: - Great Exploits In The Air.
9434: Monk, W. H. and C. Steggall (Edited By): - Hymns Ancient And Modern For Use In The Services Of The Church With Accompanying Tunes: Old Edition 1889.
5209: Monmouth, Jack: - The Donovan Case.
179: Monsarrat, Nicholas: - The Nylon Pirates.
13569: Montalembert, Count De: - Saint Columba: Apostle of Caledonia.
13611: Montefiore, Arthur: - H. M. Stanley: The African Explorer.
10019: Montgomery, Florence: - Wild Mike.
1492: Montgomery, Rutherford: - McGonnigle's Lake.
7168: Montgomery, John: - Mr Sparrow.
7046: Montgomery, James: - Poems: To Which Is Added A Memoir Of The Author.
15533: Montgomery, L. M.: - Anne's House of Dreams.
425: Moody, Peggie C.: - Jerry of St. Winifred's.
10720: Moody, Berna: - Doorways Into Beverley's Past.
6499: Moody, S. B. V.: - The Tornado: Comets Collins Educational.
10481: Mookherjee, Kushal: - Birds And Trees Of Tolly.
1384: Moon, Pat: - Ben's Bean.
15438: Moon, Cliff Illust. by Chris Masters: - The Boy and the Robbers. (Jumpers)
4018: Moonen, Ries and Martin Hogeweg: - Animals of the Stream 1: The Frog.
14633: Mooney, Sarah (Retold by) Illust. by Aloha Shaw: - Star Seed Story.
10400: Moor, George: - Darnbrook.
8606: Moore, Thomas: - Letters And Journals Of Lord Byron: With Notices Of His Life. Complete in One Volume.
15230: Moore, Clement C. Illust. by Rene Cloke: - The Night Before Christmas.
6812: Moore, George: - Avowals.
7065: Moore, W. G.: - Anna Follows The Reindeer.
6875: Moore, Margaret Illust. by Nora Unwin: - Willie Without.
89: Moore, Dorothea: - Brenda of Beech House.
1922: Moore, Robert: - The Birds of Devon.
12609: Moore, George: - The George Moore Calendar: A Quotation From The Works of George Moore For Every Day in The Year.
13432: Moore, Steve Illust. by Ed Traquino: - "Fortean Times" Close Shaves and Amazing Luck.
1152: Moore, Clement C.: - A Visit From St. Nicholas (Twas The Night Before Christmas).
11378: Moore, Dorothea: - Judy Lends A Hand.
13369: Moore, Lilian Illust. by Beatrice Darwin: - I Feel The Same Way.
13763: Moore, Bernard Illust. by John Berry: - Overland To The East: The Adventure Book Library.
13330: Moore, Dorothea: - A Young Pretender.
13411: Moore, Richard (Exec Ed.) Beryl Sanders (Drawings): - Fodor's Rome.
7796: Moore, Amos: - Royce Of The Royal Mounted.
7058: Moore, Thomas Illust. by Keeley Halswelle: - Poems By Thomas Moore.
15162: Moore, Patrick: - Patrick Moore's Armchair Astronomy.
601: Moore, Dorothea: - Tenth at Trinders.
7422: Moore, Richard (Ed): - Fodor's 1981 Guide To Holland.
352: Moore, John: - Brensham Village.
13827: Moorhouse, Earl: - Wake Up, It's A Crash! The story of the First Jumbo Jet Disaster A Survivor's Account.
13515: Moorhouse, Sydney: - Nidderdale Rural District (Yorkshire).
14986: Moorhouse, Geoffrey: - Apples in the Snow. A Journey to Samarkand.
3046: Moorsom, Sasha: - In The Shadow Of The Paradise Tree.
11086: Mora, A.: - Plywood: Its Production, Use And Properties.
11668: Moray, Jeremy Illust. by Dee Gale: - Timmy The West Coast Tug.
14401: Moray Williams, Ursula: - The Three Toymakers.
2434: Mordal, Jacques: - Dieppe The Dawn of Decision.
14429: Morgan, Helen Illust. by Shirley Hughes: - Mrs. Pinny and the Salty Sea Day.
15630: Morgan, Geoffrey Illust. by Nicholas Fisk: - Tea with Mr Timothy.
15285: Morgan, John Jonathan Pugh (Cartoons by): - The Times Book of Modern Manners. Perfect Behaviour in an Imperfect World.
12339: Morgan, I. S.: - The Compleat Anglican.
13022: Morgan, Timothy Illust. by Audrey M Smith: - The Wrong Track.
12872: Morgan, John Scott: - The Corris Railway Company.
12966: Morgan, Geoffrey: - Summer Of The Seals.
13452: Morgan, Ruth: - Woman Cookery Book: The Basic Principles of Cookery Clearly Explained for the "Beginner," With Kitchen-Tested Recipes Compiled By The Cookery Editress of Woman.
7173: Morgan, G. Campbell: - The Westminster Pulpit: The Preaching of G. Campbell Morgan. Vol. VI; Vol. VII; Vol VIII; Vol. IX; Vol. X.
10041: Morgan, G. E.: - In School And Playground. Five Minute Talks With Young People.
2760: Morgan, Alison: - The Raft.
3824: Morgan, Helen Illust. By Shirley Hughes: - Mary Kate And The Jumble Bear And Other Stories.
7994: Morgan, Bryan S.: - Vain Citadels.
14317: Moriarty, Cecil C. H.: - Police Law: An Arrangement of Law and Regulations for the Use of Police Officers.
14774: Morland Hooper, Dorothy (Rev. by Ian B Hampton): - The Springer Spaniel.
2852: Morley, Arthur and William Inchley: - Elementary Applied Mechanics.
10401: Morley, John M.: - The Miniature Sun.
11677: Morley, Paul: - Joy Division: Piece By Piece. Writing About Joy Division 1977-2007.
1444: Morley, Elisabeth: - Girls in Green.
3235: Morley, Christopher: - Thunder On The Left.
4080: Morpurgo, Michael Illust. by Tony Kerins: - The King In The Forest.
6110: Morris, Marcus (Editor): - The Best Of Eagle.
15596: Morris, William (with introductions by his daughter May Morris): - the Collected Works of William Morris Volume VIII (8 Eight). Journals of Travel in Iceland 1871 - 1873.
10494: Morris, Neil and Ting Illust. Anna Clarke: - Little Bear And The White Horse. Tales of the North American Indians - No. 2.
2550: Morris, Marcus: - Robin Bible Stories Of The Old Testament.
12470: Morris, G. W. and L. S. Wood: - The Golden Fleece: An Introduction To The Industrial History Of England.
11447: Morris, R. J.: - Scotland 1907. The Many Scotlands of Valentine and Sons Photographers.
12043: Morris, W. G.: - The Homeland Guide To London With Illustrations & Plans. Post-War London Fully Described.
12811: Morris, Dave Illust. by Bob Harvey: - The Trans Formers Adventure Game Books: Dinobot War. The Transformers Adventure Game Books: Dinobot War.
560: Morris, Marcus: - The Ninth Eagle Annual. Eagle Annual No. 9.
15017: Morris, Marcus (Ed.): - Swift Annual Number Two.
1699: Morris, Lewis: - The Ode of Life
5227: Morris, David et al...: - School Stories For Boys.
7580: Morris, John (Editor): - Domesday Book: Lincolnshire (Part One).
10404: Morrison, Humphrey R.: - The Masque of Saint Eadmundsburg.
12105: Morrison, Margaret: - Christopher And Christina.
9637: Morrison, Emmeline: - Mark.
1084: Morse-Boycott, Rev. Desmond: - Is It A Sin?
7175: Morsley, Clifford: - News From The English Countryside: 1851 - 1950.
2557: Mortimer, Mike: - Rugby Law Explained.
15334: Morton, Anthony: - Career For The Baron.
1549: Morton, Stella: - The Unfamiliar Name.
1978: Morton, Hugh: - Diseases Of The Stomach.
13951: Morton Shand, P.: - A Book Of French Wines.
8976: Morton, T. Ralph: - The Household Of Faith: An Essay On The Changing Pattern Of The Church's Life.
15195: Morton, Thomas D. Embleton, William (Tech. Ed.): - Reed's Motor Engineering Knowledge For Marine Engineers: Volume 12 (SI Units).
8438: Moscow, Alvin: - The Longest Minute.
6591: Moser, Erwin: - A Bed For The Mouse.
14345: Moses, Belle: - Louisa May Alcott: Dreamer and Worker.
462: Moss, Stirling: - My Favourite Car Stories.
9390: Motley, Mary: - Devils In Waiting.
11942: Motley, John Lothrop: - Peter The Great.
15207: Motley, John Lothrop: - The Rise of The Dutch Republic: Volume III (3 three).
12372: Mottu, Philippe: - The Story of Caux From La Belle Epoque To Moral Re-Armament.
8568: Moyle, Donald: - An Elf To The Rescue. Language Patterns Readiness.
15015: Mozart W. A.: - Streichquartett D moll Re mineur, D minor Fur 2 Violinen, Viola und Violoncell: Eulenburg's Kleine Orchester-Partitur-Ausgabe Symphonien No. 15.
15013: Mozart, W. A.: - Symphonie No. 47 nach Kuchel: Eulenburg's Kleine Orchester-Partitur-Ausgabe Symphonien No. 15.
15016: Mozart W. A.: - Streichquartett D moll Re mineur, D minor Fur 2 Violinen, Viola und Violoncell Quartet No. 2: Eulenburg's Kleine Orchester-Partitur-Ausgabe Symphonien No. 15.
14804: Mucha, Jiri: - The Problems of Lieutenant Knap.
9737: Muckle, John: - Cyclomotors.
10608: Mudd, Jack: - Here's Mudd In Your Eye. Bush Tales From 1960 - 2002.
11802: Mudie, Robert: - British Birds. Volume 1.
9628: Muir, Thomas: - Death Without Question.
9352: Muir, Ramsay: - Future For Democracy.
14122: Muir, Dexter: - The Pilgrims Meet Murder.
7764: Muirlite: - Muirlite Warm Domed Hollow Floor.
12677: Mulgrew, Peter: - No Place For Men.
6852: Mulloy, Patrick: - Andy Tinpockets.
12270: Munro, Captain D. J.: - Scapa Flow: A Naval Retrospect.
14466: Munro Fox, H. & Gwynne Vevers: - The Nature of Animal Colours;
9: Munson, Tunie. (illustrations by Richard Cuffari).: - A Fistful Of Sun.
13605: Muntean, Michaela Illust. by Carol Nicklaus: - Grover's Book of Cute Little Words.. CTW Sesame Street Book Club.
13599: Muntean, Michaela Illust. by Tom Cooke: - The Runaway Soup And Other Stories. CTW Sesame Street Book Club.
4974: Munthe, Axel: - The Story Of San Michele.
7972: Murche, Vincent T.: - Object Lessons In Elementary Science Following The Scheme Issued By The London School Board. Vol. II.
8656: Murche, Vincent T.: - Nature Knowledge Readers (Rural Readers) Senior.
7993: Murchison, Kenneth: - The Dawn Of Motoring.
12967: Murphy, Dervla: - Where The Indus Is Young: A Winter In Baltistan.
14527: Murphy, Robert Illust. by Keith Shackleton: - Varda: The Flight of a Falcon.
2372: Murphy, Burt: - Complete Lighting Guide.
15290: Murray, Donald S.: - Speak To Us Catriona: New Tales and Traditions of the Lews.
1638: Murray, Frances: - Ponies On The Heather.
5644: Murray, Katharine W.: - Gates of Horn And Ivory: Collins' Biographical Histories. Volume 1.
15265: Murray, Donald S.: - The Guga Hunters.
8700: Murray, Philippa and Alison Sinclair: - New Story Books: The Siamese Cats. Lime Group No. 10.
7194: Murray, Gilbert: - A History Of Ancient Greek Literature.
10416: Murray, Frederick: - A Crackling of Thorns.
15302: Murray, Stuart: - Birds of St Kilda. Scottish Birds - the Journal of the SOC Supplement to Volume 23 (2002).
11533: Murray, D. L.: - Hands of Healing.
13706: Murray, W. Illust. by Martin Aitchison: - On The Beach. The Ladybird Sunstart Reading Scheme. Book 2.
14623: Murray, Peter J: - Poppy Warrior.
13895: Murray, Rosalind: - The Forsaken Fountain.
14255: Murray, John A (Ed. By): - The Islands And The Sea: Five Centuries of Nature Writing from the Caribbean.
11204: Murrell, Cyril E.: - From The Pilot's Seat. An Airman's View of England And Wales.
6873: Murschetz, Luis: - Hamster's Journey.
2558: Trustees of The British Museum (Natural History): - British Museum (Natural History): Instructions For Collectors No. 3: Fishes.
688: Musgrave, Mrs: - A Little Hero.
12798: Musgrave, Clifford (Intro. by): - The Shilling Guides: Sussex.
13050: Musgrove, Gordon: - Operation Gomorrah: The Hamburg Firestorm Raids.
8890: Muskett, Netta: - Alley-Cat.
5820: Musson, Margaret Illust. by Kathleen Burrell: - Mr Popplecorn & Four Little Hens.
8794: Mussorgsky, Modest: - Boris Godunov: English National Opera Guide No. 11
13036: Mutton, Frederick C. Ed. by L. Russell Muirhead: - Derbyshire And The Peak District. Penguin Guides.
14367: Mutton, Eric: - I Czeched It Out For Myself.
14195: Myers, A. Wallis: - Lawn Tennis Its Principles & Practice: A Player's Guide to Modern Methods. The Lonsdale Library Volume V.
6396: Nabb, Magdalen: - Josie Smith.
510: Naden, Corinne J.: - Grasslands Around The World.
14771: Naiyn, Doug K: - English Setter: Training, Dog Care, Dog Behavior, for English Setters By D!G THIS Dog Training. Training Begins From The Car Ride Home.
6633: De Nalca, John: - The Town Of FunnyMenvil.
13141: Napier, Priscilla: - The Kingdom Of Edmund AD 841 - 870.
11799: Nares, Robert James O Halliwell and Thomas Wright: - A Glossary; Or, Collection of Words, Phrases, Names, And Allusions To Customs, Proverbs, Etc., Which Have Been Thought To Require Illustration, in The Works Of English Authors Particularly Shakespeare And His Contemporaries.
2460: Nash, S. Elizabeth: - Cooking Craft.
273: Naughton, Bill: - Pony Boy
15058: Naydler, Merton: - The Penance Way. The Mystery of Puffin's Atlantic Voyage.
15420: Naylor, A. H. Illust. by Heather Copley: - The Study Book of Time & Clocks.
10632: Neale, W. T.: - Cacti And Other Succulents. With 160 Illustrations From Actual Photographs, and Descriptive Catalogue.
15257: Necker, M: - De L'Administration Des Finances De La France. Tome Second
15415: Necker, M: - De L'Administration Des Finances De La France. Tome Premier
11226: Nedreaas, Torborg: - Trylleglasset.
5090: Needham, Kate Lindy Dark and Non Figg (Designers) Annabel Spenceley and Kuo Kang Chen (Illustrators): - Why Do People Eat?
12202: Needham, Violet Illust by Joyce Bruce: - The Woods Of Windri.
589: Needham, A.: - How To Study An Old Church.
5231: Needle, Jan: - My Mate Shofiq.
1096: Needle, Jan: - Springy and Sam As Seen On TV.
3086: Needle, Jan: - A Fine Boy For Killing.
8582: Weldon's Practical Needlework: - Weldon's Practical Crochet. 3 Magazines: No. 230 Vol. 20; No. 252 Vol. 21; No. 336 Vol. 28.
15627: Needs, Paul Illust. by Colin Wyatt: - The Poddington Peas: Zip-Pea's Shadow.
15626: Needs, Paul Illust. by Colin Wyatt: - The Poddington Peas: Well Done Dump-Pea.
15625: Needs, Paul Illust. by Colin Wyatt: - The Poddington Peas: A Mound of Trouble.
15628: Needs, Paul Illust. by Colin Wyatt: - The Poddington Peas: Creep-Pea Gets Carried Away.
15629: Needs, Paul Illust. by Colin Wyatt: - The Poddington Peas: Dough-Pea Gets Lost.
13251: Neill, Margaret P.: - Secrets At Sidleigh.
13506: Neilson, J. B.: - Great Men of the East: Great Men and Great Events Book 1.
7048: Neilson, G. A.: - Pointing The Young to Christ: Original Bible Object and Flannelgraph Lessons.
12859: Nelken, Dinah: - Ich An Dich: Ein Roman in Briefen mit einer Geschichte und Ihrer Moral fur Liebende und Solche, die es werden wollen.
13809: Nelkon, M: - Principles of Physics.
13795: Nelkon, M: - Revision Notes In Physics Book One and Two. A Level. Heat, Light and Sound (Bk 1); Electricity, Magnetism, Mechanics, Properties of Matter (Bk 2).
6180: Nelson, C. B.: - Church Mice and Mrs Cluckabiddy's Friends.
8228: Nelson, Hank: - P.O.W. Prisoners Of War: Australians Under Nippon.
13303: Nelson, Nina: - The Nile.
10974: Nepean Longridge, C.: - The Anatomy of Nelson's Ships.
13993: Nesbit, E. Illust. by C Walter Hodges: - The Story of The Treasure Seekers.
14229: Nesbit, Troy: - Fury And The Mystery At Trappers' Hole.
13839: Ness, H.: - Practical Transistor Novelty Circuits.
6450: Nestrick, Nova (Edited By) Illust. by Barbara Remington: - The Billy Goats Gruff: An Early Fun-To-Read Classic.
14259: Netboy, Anthony: - The Atlantic Salmon: A Vanishing Species?
13649: Netchayev, Vadim Illust. by Anthony Colbert Transl. by Anthea Bell: - Petya and His Dog.
13768: Nettell, Stephanie (Ed) Leon Garfield; Joan Aiken; K M Peyton; John Christopher; Gillian Avery; Richard Adams; Barbara Willard; Winifred Cawley; Peter Dickinson. Diana Wynne Jones; Peter Carter et al: - Guardian Angels: Fifteen new stories by winners of the Guardian Children's Fiction Award.
9229: Netzer, Hans-Joachim: - Alle Strassen Enden Am Meer. Streifzuge Durch Die Britischen Inseln.
2505: Neumann, Alfred: - The New Caesar.
14852: Nevill Fitt, H.: - The Scientific Education of Dogs For The Gun (History of Shooting Series - Gundogs & Training).
6613: Neville, Derek: - Nature And The Lord's Prayer.
8881: Neville, C. J. Illust. by William Reeves: - Salifu The Detective.
8024: Newby, Jack: - The Sitting Member.
1441: Newby, P. H.: - A Guest and His Going.
13142: Newby, J W: - The Patrick Stead Hospital: The Authentic Story of Halesworth's Hospital.
11870: Newcombe, S. Prout: - Pleasant Pages: A Journal Of Instruction For The Family And The School. Volume I (One).
8327: Newman, Marjorie Illust by Peter Bowman: - The King And The Cuddly.
8198: Newman, Bernard: - Second Front - First Spy.
15520: Newman, Bernard: - The Blue Danube: Black Forest to Black Sea.
2383: Newman, Edward: - Oddbod & Timmy.
4308: Newman, Jacquie Compiled by: - Childrens Hospital Research in Sheffield Recipe Book.
2816: Newman, Nanette: - Nanette Newman's New Fun Food Factory.
8313: Newman, G. B. (Ed.): - Daily Mail Year Book 1956.
14485: Newsham, J. C. Revised by J. Gunston Preface by Viscount Bledisloe: - Crops and Tillage.
7552: Newsom, John: - Galloway Gamble.
11073: Newton, Rev. Richard: - The Giants And How To Fight Them.
6701: Newton, G C (photographer): - Rough Seas: Studies From Nature.
3570: Niall, Ian: - Feathered Friends.
14869: Nicholl, Noel E: - I Will Think Of Jesus.
270: G. F. Nicholls: - Cornwall Water Colours.
14048: Nicholls, Mard (ED): - 8th Air Force. Fields of Glory: Classic Aircraft Series No. 10.
2910: Nichols, T. L.: - Esoteric Anthropology (The Mysteries Of Man).
13867: Nichols, Beverley: - Crazy Pavements.
15054: Nicholson, Mavis: - What Did You Do In The War, Mummy?
11965: Nicholson, R. T.: - Dust And Cobwebs.
12384: Nicholson, Nita: - Aspects of Life In Wells-Next-The-Sea.
12300: Nicholson, T. R.: - The Vintage Car 1919 - 1930.
14530: Nickalls, G. O. (Gully): - A Rainbow in The Sky.
2306: Nickless, Will: - Molepie.
9578: James Shaw Illust by Will Nickless: - Valley o' Bones.
4942: Nickless, Will: - The Nitehood.
5868: Nicolson, Nigel: - Long Life: Memoirs.
12619: Niemeyer, Nannie: - Stories For The History Hour. From Augustus to Rolf.
5528: Niesewand, Nonie: - Holiday Homes: Creative Styling For Carefree Living.
11960: Nietlispach, Madame F.: - Egg, Flour Rice and Cheese Dishes.
12973: Nightingale, Natalie (Ed.): - Whispering Thoughts: An Anthology of Poetry.
2611: Nimmo, Jenny: - The Stone Mouse.
13511: Nisbet, J. Ronald (Ed. by): - Year Book of the Grand Lodge of Antient Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland.
2804: Nixon, Joan Lowery Illustrated by Lorinda Bryan Cauley: - If You Say So, Claude.
9792: Nodel, Norman (illust by): - Aladdin And His Magic Lamp.
6827: Nokes, Ethel: - Old Brolly.
779: Nolan, Christopher: - Under the Eye of the Clock: The Life Story of Christopher Nolan.
14185: Nolan, Liam: - Once in August Long Ago. A Week In The Life of an Autistic Boy.
11962: Nolan, Frederick: - No Place To Be A Cop.
14253: Noonan, MIchael Illust. by R E Hicks: - Flying Doctor Shadows The Mob.
11624: Norbu, Jamyang: - The Mandala of Sherlock Holmes. The Adventures of the Great Detective in Tibet.
10565: Eurotunnel and Comite Departemental Du Tourisme Nord: - Discover Lille & The Nord.
15588: Nordhagen, Rolf Miranda Bodtker (Tegninger Av): - Norsk flora - Illustrasjonsbind. Forste Hefte Karsporeplanter og bartraer.
1644: Norling, Winifred: - St. Ann's On The Anvil.
7274: Norling, Winifred: - The Worst Fifth On Record.
11954: Norman, Norman: - Recollections Of A Rolling Stone: Being The Reminiscences of a Globe-Trotter and Philosopher.
9583: Norman, James: - An Inch Of Time.
11451: Normand, Tom: - Scottish Photography: A History.
14219: Norrie, Ian: - Sabbatical: Doing Europe For Pleasure.
3310: Norris, Charles G.: - Seed.
14776: Norris, Leslie: - Sliding short stories.
12603: Norris, Kathleen: - The Beloved Woman.
15363: Norris, Leslie: - The Girl from Cardigan.
15441: North, Gil: - Sergeant Cluff and the Day of Reckoning.
15279: North, J. J.: - English Hammered Coinage: Volume 2 Edward I to Charles II 1272 - 1662.
8704: North, Sterling Illust. by Carl Burger: - Little Rascal.
300: North Bedford, Annie: - Frosty The Snowman.
14879: North, Myles & Eric Simms Intro. by James Fisher: - Witherby's Sound-Guide To British Birds. The Songs & Calls of 194 Species on Two Long Playing Records (Not Present).
15308: Northcote Parkinson, C. Illust. by Osbert Lancaster: - Parkinson's Law Or The Pursuit of Progress.
15272: Northesk, Robin Illust. by Catherine James: - Diary of An Island Glen.
2600: Nortje, P. H.: - Wild Goose Summer.
11240: Norton, Mary Illust. by Diane Stanley: - Lanerne.
2157: Norton, Margaret: - Brantub The Dancing Bear.
7278: Norwood, Cyril: - The English Tradition of Education.
14419: Nostlinger, Christine Illust. by Angelika Kaufmann Transl. by Anthea Bell: - Lollipop.
14420: Nostlinger, Christine: - Luke And Angela.
14532: Nostlinger, Christine: - Guardian Ghost.
13690: Nostlinger, Christine Transl. by Andrea Bell Illust. by F J Tripp: - Mr Bat's Great Invention.
14413: Nostlinger, Christine: - Marrying Off Mother.
14835: Nostlinger, Christine: - Luke And Angela.
14834: Nostlinger, Christine: - But Jasper Came Instead.
14836: Nostlnger, Christine: - Four Days In The Life of Lisa.
14996: Nourmand, Tony: - Audrey Hepburn: The Paramount Years.
2702: Nowak, Karin: - The Children's St Francis.
185: Noyes, Alfred: - Collected Poems, Volume 1.
1029: Nuttall, Nesta: - Simon and the Pet Show.
14260: Nye, Robert: - Faust.
11244: Nyquist, Arild Illust. by Olav Mosebekk: - Barndom.
13850: Oakes, Philip: - Dwellers All in Time and Space: A Memory of the 1940s.
665: Oakley, Michael: - B R Diesel Freight in the Era of Specialisation.
14574: Oakley, Graham: - Hetty and Harriet.
7654: Oddy, Jo and Rita Duckham: - Key Into Europe.
8984: Odell, Carol Dorothy Wall Illust. by Louis Silvestro: - Meet Blinky Bill.
6134: Oemler, Marie Conway: - The Butterfly Man.
8353: The Intelligence Officer: - The Boy Galloper.
14807: Offord, Lenore Glen: - Distinguished Visitors.
9289: Ogawa, Dennis M.: - Kodomo No Tame Ni. For The Sake of The Children. The Japanese American Experience in Hawaii.
10210: Ogden, Anglea: - Mrs Fluster's Circus.
655: Ogilvie, M. A.: - The Bird-Watcher's Guide to the Wetlands of Britain.
2802: Ogle, Richard: - Mystery of the Migrants: The Romance of Animal Migration Told For Children.
4465: Old, Margaret V. and Elspeth M. Stephenson: - Sing To God.
15293: Oldale, Adrienne & Peter: - Navigating Britain's Coastline: Portland to Dover.
15292: Oldale, Adrienne & Peter: - Navigating Britain's Coastline: Land's End to Portland.
11000: Oldenberg, Otto: - Introduction To Atomic Physics.
13673: Oldenburg, Carl Jonathan M Nelson (Illust. by): - Frog Croaks: Haiku Tongue In Cheek.
4372: Older, Jules and Effin: - Hank and Henrietta Take Off!
6820: Older, Effin Illust. by Russell Ayto: - Trouble At The North Pole.
15372: Oldfield, Pamela Illust. by Lesley Smith: - The Gumby Gang Again.
9373: Oldmeadow, Katharine L.: - Princess Prunella.
702: Oldmeadow, Katharine L.:Clifford, Maurice: Talbot, Ethel: Alexander, V. C.: Millard, Edith E. et al.: - Cheery Elves
5346: Olfers, Sibylle V.: - Etwas Von Den Wurzelkindern.
15570: Oliver, Jane: - Sunset At Noon.
15572: Oliver, Jane: - Candleshine No More.
15166: Oliver, Marjorie Mary Illust. by Stanley Lloyd: - Horseman's Island.
14241: Olsson, J. G.: - In An Old Welsh Farmhouse.
6069: Oman, C. W. C.: - A History Of Greece: From The Earliest Times To The Death of Alexander The Great.
10094: Ommanney, F. D. Illust. by Deborah Fulford: - Frogs, Toads & Newts. A Bodley Head New Biology.
2963: Onions, Oliver: - In Accordance With The Evidence.
15442: Onstott, Kyle: - Mandingo. A Novel in the Falconhurst Series.
13558: Minister of Education For Ontario: - Ontario Public School Grammar.
11228: Oordt, Lotte Marie Van: - Werken Met Raffia.
5690: Oppenheim, E. Phillips: - Peter Ruff.
3939: Oppenheim, E. Phillips: - Madame.
4736: Oppenheim, E. Phillips: - The Mischief-Maker.
68: Oppermann, C. J. A.: - Lost Muriel - The Story of a Little Girl's Influence.
9426: Orczy, Baroness: - The Scarlet Pimpernel.
1889: Ord, H.: - Engineering Drawing and Materials: For Mechanical Engineering Technicians. Volume 1.
9736: Orgill, Douglas: - The Astrid Factor.
14346: Origo, Iris: - A Chill In The Air: An Italian War Diary 1939 - 1940.
6881: Orme, Frank W. Illust. by Michael Stringer: - Cyclopaedia Of Coldwater Fish And Pond Life.
6899: Ormond, Leonee: - Tennyson And Thomas Woolner.
6902: Ormond, Leonee: - Tennyson And The Old Masters.
15317: The Committee on Classification and Nomenclature of the American Ornithologists' Union: - Check-List of North American Birds: The Species of Birds of North America from the Arctic Through Panama, Including the West Indies and Hawaiian Islands.
12794: Ortner, Helmut: - Gnadenlos Deutsch: Aktuelle Reportagen Aus Dem Dritten Reich.
4863: Orton, D. A.: - Where To Fish 1988-1989.
15255: Orwell, George: - Burmese Days: A Novel.
12402: Orzeszko, E.: - Bona Sinjorino. Esperanta Biblioteko Internacia. No. 3.
622: Osborn Hann, Mrs A. C.: - The Sunshine Shop.
8717: Osborn Hann, Mrs A. C.: - Pam's Patrol.
12505: Osborn, Mary: - Good and Gay: A Picture Book of Prayer and Praise For Boys and Girls.
14509: Osgood, Bob Editor: - The Basic Movements of Square Dancing.
14940: Osman, Colin: - Racing Pigeons.
10566: Ostenso, Martha: - Wild Geese.
10963: Osterlanger, H. (illust by): - We Travel By Train.
7394: Oswald Sanders, J.: - On To Maturity.
11279: Otis, James Illust. by Charles Mozley: - Toby Tyler.
7510: Urban District of Otley: - Bye-Laws Made By the Urban Distric Council Of Otley With Respect To Markets.
13829: Otter, Patrick: - Maximum Effort: One Group At War.
15527: Ottley, Roi: - Black Odyssey: The Story of the Negro in America.
8309: Outram Tristram, W. Illust. by Hugh Thomson & Herbert Railton: - Coaching Days And Coaching Ways.
8722: Owen, Jean A.: - Ruth Thornton Or Two Girls And A Summer.
4546: Owen, Annie: - From Snowflakes To Sandcastles: A Child's Year In Words And Pictures.
1895: Owen, Jean A.: - Ruth Thornton Or Two Girls and A Summer.
4502: Owen, D. Gareth: - Clouds Across The Moon.
5968: Owen, Evan: - Circus Adventure: Adventures of Bill & Betty. Book Two.
4964: Tackline Illust. by Will Owen: - Holiday Sailor.
14920: Owen, Brian: - Transportation by Montgomeryshire Courts 1788-1868 (for the most part to Australia).
11852: Owen, Jean A. (Mrs Visger): - The Story of Hawaii.
12731: Owen, M. W.: - A Study of The Properties and Behaviour of Muds: Literature Review. Hydraulics Research Station: Ministry of Technology. Report No. INT 61.
11650: Owen, H.: - Aids To Stability: A Practical and Comprehensive Guide To The General Principles of Ship Stability, Designed to Meet the Present Requirements of The Mercantile Marine.
15545: Owen, Jean A. (Mrs Visger): - The Story of Hawaii.
20: Owsley, Sibyl B.: - A Madcap Brownie.
5259: Oxenham, John: - Great Heart Gillian.
13978: Oxenham, Elsie J.: - The New Abbey Girls.
9890: Oxenham, Roy Illust. by Edith Harries: - Postman's Knock. Letters And Things For Girls And Boys.
13014: D'Oyley, E.: - Composition From English Models. Book III (3 three)
13766: Oymak, Mehmet: - Urfa And Harran: The Prophets City. Peygamberler Sehri Urfa Ve Harran.
10740: Oz, Amos Jacob Pins (Woodcuts By): - Unto Death. Crusade and Late Love.
4089: Pacholek, Emil: - The Adventures of Badger's Set.
14537: Pacholek, Emil Illust. by Colin McNaughton: - A Ship To Sail The Seven Seas.
14595: Pack, S. W. C.: - The Battle of Matapan.
7839: Packard, Frank L.: - Pawned.
15217: Packer, William (text by): - Elizabeth Blackadder.
1436: Padfield, Peter: - Rule Britannia: The Victorian and Edwardian Navy.
13416: Padover, S. K.: - The Revolutionary Emperor: Joseph The Second 1741-1790.
13389: Page, Kathy: - The Unborn Dreams of Clara Riley.
13145: Page, Robin Illust. by John Paley: - Carry On Regardless.
14754: Page, Gwendoline: - Growing Pains: A Teenager's War.
9024: Paget, Guy: - The Rose Of London, The Life, Career And Character of Jane Shore, The Mistress Of King Edward The Fourth, Together With A Pageant of Her Times And Contemporaries.
898: Paice, Margaret: - They Drowned a Valley.
12617: Painter, Eleanor: - Spring Symphony: A Novel.
6171: Paisley, Bob: - Bob Paisley's Liverpool Scrapbook.
15499: Pakenham, Antonia Illust. by Geoffrey Whittam: - Robin Hood (Heirloom Library).
7092: Pakington, Humphrey: - Bid Time Return: An Autobiography.
5738: Palin, Michael Illust. by Caroline Holden: - Cyril And The House Of Commons.
838: Palmer, H. W.: - Asia, Africa & America - Outside the British Empire. Lands and Their Stories: Book VII.
6248: Palmer, Peggy: - Four Short Christmas Stories.
14030: Palmer, Michael Illust. by David Mitcheson: - The Smiling Buddha.
14031: Palmer, Michael Illust. by David Mitcheson: - The Smiling Buddha.
14032: Palmer, Michael Illust. by David Mitcheson: - The Smiling Buddha.
14033: Palmer, Michael Illust. by David Mitcheson: - The Smiling Buddha.
14617: Palmer, Susann: - Ancient Portland: Archaeology of the Isle.
6503: Palmer, Michael: - Killer In The Jungle: New Wave Readers. Level 5.
6943: Palmer, Terry: - Discover The Lower Stour.
14927: Pankhurst, Alex: - Who Does Your Garden Grow?
11997: Pannett, Mike: - You're Coming With Me Lad. Tales of a Yorkshire Bobby.
13207: Pansy: - Christie's Christmas.
2572: Paradise, Paul R.: - Amazon Parrots.
5995: Parcell, Albert E. Words by Faith Chiltern: - A Floral Service Of Recitations & Melodies Entitled God's Beautiful Flowers.
12722: Pardoe, Rex: - The Battle Of London, The Full Story of the Rivalry Between Arsenal and Tottenham Hotspur from the 1880s to the 1970s.
15051: Parey, Paul: - Rien Poortvliet Das Erbe.
12793: Paris, Erna: - Unhealed Wounds: France And The Klaus Barbie Affair.
9650: Park, Ruth: - Callie's Castle.
4296: Park, Barbara: - Operation Dump The Chump.
2420: Park, Barbara: - My Mother Got Married (and other disasters).
456: Parker, B. M.: - Reptiles.
7947: Parker, John: - Jalopys: The Tale Of Mini Jalopy.
8014: Parker, E., W. (Chosen by): - Discovering Poetry 1.
5793: Parker, Sir Gilbert: - An Adventurer Of The North.
5234: Parker, Richard: - Lion At Large.
602: Parker, Mary Louise: - Suzette Wins Her Way.
15269: Parker, Elinor (Compiled by): - Poets & the English Scene.
2562: Parker, Richard: - Quarter Boy.
11996: Parker, Eric Illust. by Beryl Irving: - The Countryman's Week-End Book.
11337: Parker, Alan: - Un Cartoon De.
1567: Parkin, R. C.: - A Life of St. Paul For Young People.
164: Parkinson Keyes, Frances: - Madame Castel's Lodger.
914: Parkinson Keyes, Frances: - The Explorer.
2942: Parkinson, A. C.: - A First Year Engineering Drawing: Covering The First Year National Certificate Course In Mechanical Engineering.
172: Parkinson Keyes, Frances: - The Explorer.
14135: Parkinson, Roger: - Moore of Corunna.
9353: Parkinson Keyes, Frances Illust by Addison Burbank: - Once On Esplanade: A Cycle Between Two Creole Weddings.
2468: Parr, Will: - Ma Rooney's Mine.
13189: Parramon, Josep Illust. by Carme Sole Vendrell: - Winter.
8673: Parrish, J. M. (Edited by): - Wonder Atlas. A New Atlas Of The World.
8215: Parry, John and Sahari bin Sulaiman: - Malay In 3 Weeks. An Introduction To Modern Colloquial Malay.
13396: Parry, Richard and W R Jenkins: - An Elementary Text Book on Land Surveying.
13920: Parsonage, Principal W. R.: - A Short Biography of George Stephenson.
1801: Parsons, Anthony: - Hotel Homicide.
11923: Parsons, Anthony: - Death On The Mall.
14161: Parsons, Geof: - "only one 'f' in Geof" Autobiography of Comedy Entertainer Geof Parsons.
5447: Parsons, C. R.: - The Vicar Of Berrybridge.
259: Partridge, Jenny: - Colonel Grunt.
14141: Partridge, Burgo: - A History of Orgies.
257: Partridge, Jenny: - Harriet Plume.
256: Partridge, Jenny: - Peterkin Pollensnuff.
258: Partridge, Jenny: - Mr Squint.
6233: Passmore, Aileen E.; Griffiths, Charles; Hulley, Leslie C.; Booker, Ann; Collier, Madeleine; Taylor, Gladys; Douglas, Penelope etc...: - Our Little Story Book.
11031: Pasternak, Boris: - Letters To Georgian Friends.
8287: De La Pasture, Mrs Henry: - The Unlucky Family.
10007: Patchett Burt, J.: - Old Proverbs Illustrated; Or, Homely Chats With Homely People.
1011: Patchett, Mary: - Hunting Cat.
14231: Patchett, Mary Elwyn Illust. by Juliet McLeod: - The Brumby.
11641: Patchin, Frank Gee: - The Battleship Boys In Foreign Service. Earning New Ratings in European Seas.
7832: Paterson, Margaret: - Reality.
13545: Paterson, Rev. J (Ed. by): - Richard Weaver's Life Story.
3886: Paterson, Barbara: - Henny Takes A Hand.
14661: Paterson, Kathleen Illust. by Mandy Minors: - Jack and The Tree Elf. Egon Reading Made Easy. Book 2 'ee'.
7712: The Medical Staff of The Department Of Pathology.: - Practical Notes On Hospital Pathology.
145: Patience, John: - Tales from Fern Hollow - Brock The Balloonist.
207: Patience, Jane: - New Friends.
4311: Patten, Marguerite: - Junior Cook Book.
2561: Patten, Brian: - The Impossible Parents Go Green.
1990: Patten, Marguerite and Madame Simone Prunier: - The Pure Gold Of Spain: The First Olive Oil Cook Book.
14442: Patti, Ercole Transl. by Isabel Quigly: - That Wonderful November.
3602: Paul, Bette: - Ladlass.
3809: Paulden, Sydney Illust. by David McKee: - Yan And The Firemonsters.
5349: Paull, M. A.: - Willie's Choice; Or, All Is Not Gold That Glitters.
12410: Pavey, A. A. G. (Ed.): - Brixworth Church.
10131: Paxton, Guy and Edward V. Hoile: - Painted Sparrows. A Play in Three Acts.
1118: Paxton, Alan: - The Long Haul.
7638: Payne, Darwin: - The Man of Only Yesterday: Frederick Lewis Allen. A Biography of The Former Editor of Harper's Magazine, Author and Interpreter of His Times.
11457: Payne, Mary L.: - From The Valley To the Mountain.
6460: Paynter, Barbara: - The Grass Widow And Her Cow: An Enchanting Account Of Country Life In Wartime Britain.
15411: Peabody, Polly: - Occupied Territory.
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