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Click on booknumber for full information
58384: CLARKSON, E.N.K. & J.-L. HENRY - Sur une nouvelle espèce du genre Crozonaspis (Trilobite) découverte dans l’Ordovicien de la Mayenne.
46506: CLARKSON, E.N.K. - A functional study of the Silurian odontopleurid trilobite Leonaspis deflexa (Lake).
89848: CLARKSON, E.N.K. - Fine structure of the eye in two species of Phacops (Trilobita).
20444: CLASON, A.T. - The antler, bone, and tooth objects from Velzen: a short description.
99049: CLASON, A.T. - Jacht en veeteelt van prehistorie tot middeleeuwen.
54077: CLASON, A.T. - Animal and man in Holland’s past. An investigation of the animal world surrounding man in prehistory ... etc. [2 vols.].
7080794: CLASON, A.T. - Jacht en veeteelt van prehistorie tot middeleeuwen.
66996: CLAUDE HILLAIRE-MARCEL, ANNE-MARIE AUCOUR, RAYMONDE BONNEFILLE, GUY RIOLLET, ANNIE VINCENS, DAVID WILLIAMSON - 13C/Palynological evidence of differential residence times of organic carbon prior to its sedimentation in East African Rift Lakes and peat bogs.
66872: CLAUDIO VITA-FINZI, FRED LEANEY - The direct absorption method of 14C assay-historical perspective and future potential
67672: CLAUDIO VITA-FINZI - Buckle-controlled seismogenic faulting in peninsular India
62041: CLAUSEN, D.-D. & HAUSER, J. - Cyrto- und orthocone Nautiloideen aus dem Oberdevon der Wallersheimer Mulde (Wallersheim/Loch, Prümer Mulde; Eifel).
7120670: CLAUSEN, C.-D. ET AL. - Zur geologie des Briloner Riffs. Teil 1.
24979: CLAUSEN, C.-D. ET AL. - Geologische Karte von Nordrhein-Westfalen 1:100 000. Erläuterungen zu Blatt C 4718 Korbach. [Erläuterungen mit Karte].
90149: CLAUSEN, C.-D. - Geschichte, Umfang und Evolution der Gephuroceratidae (Ceph.; Oberdevon) in heutiger Sicht.
95500: CLAUSS, K.A. - Über Oberdevon-Korallen von Menorca.
23164: CLAUSS, K.A. - Über Oberdevon-Korallen von Menorca.
78940: CLAYDEN, A.W. - On the occurrence of footprints in the lower sandstones of the Exeter District. [Perm/Trias ?]
95579: CLAYTON, G. ET AL. - Palynological correlations in the Cork Beds (Upper Devonian-?Upper Carboniferous) of southern Ireland.
77513: CLAYTON, G. ET AL. - Carboniferous miospores of western Europe: illustration and zonation.
87394: CLEAL, C.J. ET AL. - Architecture of the Upper Carboniferous pteridosperm frond Macroneuropteris macrophylla. /&/ Further observations on the Upper Carboniferous pteridosperm frond Macroneuropteris macrophylla.
87392: CLEAL, C.J. & C.H. SHUTE - Systematics of the Late Carboniferous Medullosalean Pteridosperm Laveineopteris and Its Associated Cyclopteris Leaves.
87393: CLEAL, C.J. & E.L. ZODROW - Epidermal structure of some medullosan Neuropteris foliage from the Middle and Upper Carboniferous of Canada and Germany.
87391: CLEAL, C.J. & P.M. REES - The Middle Jurassic flora from Stonesfield, Oxfordshire, UK.
99080: CLEAL, C.J. ET AL. (EDS.) - Late Moscovian terrestrial biotas and palaeoenvironments of Variscan Euramerica.
96158: CLEAL, C.J. - Plant macrofossils from the Edgehills Sandstone, Forest of Dea.
96159: CLEAL, CHRISTOPHER J. - The Westphalian macrofloral record from the cratonic central Pennines Basin, UK.
96160: CLEAL, C.J. - The Westphalian-Stephanian macrofloral record from the South Wales Coalfield, UK.
96161: CLEAL, C.J. & P.M. REES - The Middle Jurassic flora from Stonesfield, Oxfordshire, UK.
96162: CLEAL C.J. AND THOMAS B.A. - Late Carboniferous palaeobotany of the upper Bideford Formation, north Devon: a coastal setting for a Coal Measures flora.
28541: CLEAL, C.J. - The Westphalian–Stephanian macrofloral record from the South Wales Coalfield, UK.
10991765: CLEAL, C.J. & P.M. REES - The Middle Jurassic flora from Stonesfield, Oxfordshire, UK.
10991767: CLEAL, C.J. ET AL. - Architecture of the Upper Carboniferous pteridosperm frond Macroneuropteris macrophylla.
22037: CLEAL, C.J. & B.A. THOMAS - Introdution to plant fossils.
16013: CLEAL, C.J. AND E.L. ZODROW - Epidermal structure of some medullosan Neuropteris foliage from the middle and upper Carboniferous of Canada and Germany.
99367: CLEAL C.J. & B.A. THOMAS - The Westphalians fossil floras from the Cattybrook Claypit, Avon (Great Britain).
91940: CLEAL, CHRISTOPHER J. & CEDRIC H. SHUTE - The systematic and palaeoecological value of foliage anatomy in Late Palaeozoic medullosalean seed-plants.
59469: CLEARY, TERRI J. ET AL. - The fossil record of ichthyosaurs, completeness metrics and sampling biases.
1530302: CLEEF, A. ET AL. (EDS.). - Palynology, a key to climatic and geographic change - A tribute to Thomas van der Hammen.
1060092: CLEEVELY, R.J. & N.J. MORRIS - Taxonomy and ecology of Cretaceous Cassiopidae (Mesogastropoda).
79593: CLEMENS, W.A. - Wealden mammalian fossils.
82632: CLEMENS, W.A. - Wealden mammalian fossils.
82182: CLEMENS, WILLIAM A. - Fossil mammals of the type Lance Formation, Part III. Eutheria and summary.
67699: S.C. CLEMENS - Millennial-band climate spectrum resolved and linked to centennial-scale solar cycles
61046: CLEMENT, GAëL - Large Tristichopteridae (Sarcopterygii, Tetrapodomorpha) from the Late Famennian Evieux Formation of Belgium.
78265: CLéMENT, B. ET AL. - Problèmes posés par une série flyschoïde et des latérites chromo-nickelifères associées dans la région d'Antikyra (Béotie, Grèce continentale).
80038: CLEMENT-WESTERHOF, J.A. ET AL. - Aspects of Permian, Triassic and early Jurassic palynology of Western Europe ? a research project.
91318: CLEMENT, C.R. & C.E. BRETT - Echinoderm faunas of the Decatur Limestone and Ross Formation (Upper Silurian to Lower Devonian) of west-central Tennessee.
74678: CLEMENTS, THOMAS ET AL. - Buoyancy mechanisms limit preservation of coleoid cephalopod soft tissues in Mesozoic Lagerstätten.
21965: CLEMET, A.M. - A new species of long-snouted lungfish from the Late Devonian of Australia, and its functional and biogeographical implications.
101841: CLEMMENSEN, ANNE & ERIK THOMSEN - Palaeoenvironmental changes across the Danian-Selandian boundary in the North Sea Basin.
79447: CLERICI, E. - Sopra alcune specie di felini della Caverna al Monte elle Gioie presso Roma.
103858: CLERINX, HERMAN - Romeinse sporen. Het relaas van de Romeinen in de Benelux met 309 vindplaatsen om te bezoeken.
103964: CLERINX, HERMAN - Romeinse sporen. Het relaas van de Romeinen in de Benelux met 309 vindplaatsen om te bezoeken.
44313: CLEVE-EULER, A. & I. HESSLAND - Vorläufige Mitteilung über eine neuentdeckten Tertiär-Ablagerung in Süd-Schweden.
88261: CLEVERINGA, J. - Reconstruction and modelling of Holocene coastal evolution of the western Netherlands.
103537: CLEVERINGA, JELMER - Reconstruction and modelling of Holocene coastal evolution of the western Netherlands.
99522: CLEVERINGA, P. ET AL. - Vegetational and climatic developments duribg thr Late Glacial and the early Holocene and aeolian sand sedimentation as recorded in the Uteringsveen (Drente, The Netherlands).
53478: CLEVERINGA, J. & A.P. OOST - The fractal geometry of tidal channel systems in the Dutch Wadden Sea.
58790: CLEVERINGA, P. & W. DE GANS - Stuifmeelonderzoek van enkele dobben op het Drents Plateau.
20445: CLEVIS, H. - Nijmegen: Investigations into the historical topography and development of the lower town between 1300 and 1500 Part I & II & III. [all published]
78527: CLEVIS, H. ET AL (RED.) - Archeologie en bouwhistorie in Zwolle 4.
103859: CLEVIS, H. & S. WENTINK (RED.) - Overijssels erfgoed. Archeologische en bouwhistorische Kroniek 2006.
76843: CLEVIS, H. ET AL. (RED.) - Spiegelbeelden. Werra-keramiek uit Enkhuizen 1605.
82243: CLEVIS, H. & A. VERLINDE - Bronstijdboeren in Ittersumerbroek. Opgraving van een Bronstijdnederzetting in Zwolle-Ittersumerbroek.
47422: CLEVIS, H. & M. SMIT - Verscholen in vuil. Archeologische vondsten uit Kampen 1375-1925.
86913: CLEVIS, H. & A. VERLINDE (RED.) - Bronstijdboeren in Ittersumerbroek. Opgravingen van een Bronstijd nederzetting in Zwolle-Ittersumerbroek.
96034: CLIFT, S.G. & A.E. TRUEMAN - The sequence of non-marine lamellibranchs in the Coal Measures of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.
103122: CLIFT, P.D. ET AL. (EDS.) - The tectonic and climatic evolution of the Arabian Sea region.
21767: CLIFT, S.G. & A.E. TRUEMAN - The sequence of non-marine lamellibranchs in the Coal Measures of Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.
43156: CLINGEBORG, A.E. - Bodemkaart van Nederland 1:50.000. Blad 7 Oost / Groningen - Blad 8 / Nieuweschans.
67697: CLOETINGH, S.A.P.L. & T.G.M. CORNU (EDS.) - Neotectonics and Quaternary fault-reactivation in Europe's intraplate lithosphere.
67696: CLOETINGH, S.A.P.L. & T.G.M. CORNU (EDS.) - Neotectonics and Quaternary fault-reactivation in Europe's intraplate lithosphere.
98688: CLOETINGH, S.A.P.L. (ED.) - Environmental Tectonics and Climate: The Netherlands Environmental Earth System Dynamics Initiative.
98586: CLOETINGH, S.A.P.L. (ED.) - Environmental Tectonics and Climate: The Netherlands Environmental Earth System Dynamics Initiative.
63050: CLOOS, HANS - Der Mechanismus tiefvulkanischer Vorgänge.
86807: CLOOS, ERNST - Microtectonics along the western edge of the Blue Ridge, Maryland and Virginia.
86320: CLOOS, ERNST - Microtectonics along the western edge of the Blue Ridge, Maryland and Virginia.
82033: CLOOS, HANS - Gespräch mit der Erde.
103308: CLOOS, HANS - Einführung in die Geologie.
73900: CLOSE, ROGER A. ET AL. - Mosaicism in a new Eocene pufferfish highlights rapid morphological innovation near the origin of crown tetraodontiforms.
45230: CLOSS, D. & M.C. BARBERENA - Foraminiferos recentes da Praia da Barra (Salvador, Bahia).
45231: CLOSS, D. & M. MADEIRA - Tecamebas e foraminiferos do Arroio Chuí (Santa Vitória do Palmar, R. Grande do Sul, Brasil.
101907: CLOSS, H. ET AL. - Bemerkungen zur Karte der Schwerestörungen des deutschen Alpenvorlandes.
75515: CLOSSET, JULIETTE - Ctenocrinus arduennensis (Crinoidea camerata), espèce nouvelle du Dévonien inférieur de la Belgique.
96690: CLOUD, P.E. & M.A. SEMIKHATOV - Proterozoic stromatolite zonation.
21727: CLOUD, P. ET AL. - Giant stromatolites and associated vertcal tubes from the Upper Proterozoic Noonday Dolomite, Death Valey region, Eastern California.
95868: CLOUGH, C.T. ET AL. - The geology of the Glasgow District. 2nd rev. ed.
101823: CLOUGH, CH.TH. ET AL. - The cauldron-subsidence of Glen Coe, and the associated igneous phenomena.
90280: CLOUTIER, RICHARD - Morphologie et variations du toit crânien du Dipneuste Scaumenacia curta (Whiteaves) (Sarcopterygii), du Dévonien supérieur du Québec.
91630: CLOUTIER, R. ET AL. - The Miguasha fossil-fish-Lagerstätte: a consequence of the Devonian land-sea interactions.
57795: CLOZIER, L. ET AL. - Carte géologique détaillée de la France 1/50.000. Sancoins (548 / 2525).
62811: CLUVER, M.A. - The skeleton of the mammal-like reptile Cistecephalus with evidence for a fossorial mode of life.
62812: CLUVER, M.A. & G.M. KING - A reassessment of the relationships of Permian Dicynodontia (Reptilia, Therapsia) and a new classification of dicynodonts.
62809: CLUVER, M.A. - The palate and mandible in some specimens of Dicynodon testudirostris Broom & Haughton (Reptilia, Therapsida).
62808: CLUVER, M.A. - The cranial morphology of the dicynodont Lystrosaurus.
1450507: CLUVER, M.A. - A new dicynodont reptile from the Tapinocephalus zone (Karoo System, Beaufort Series) of South Africa, with evidence of the jaw adductor musculature.
1450506: CLUVER, M.A. - The cranial morphology of the Lower Triassic dicynodont Myosaurus gracilis.
62781: COATES, M.I. & S.E.K. SEQUEIRA - A new stethacanthid chondrichthyan from the Lower Carboniferous of Bearsden, Scotland.
89252: COATES, DONALD R. (ED.) - Environmental geomorphology and landscape conservation. Volume II: Urban areas.
11217: COATES, M.I. - New actinopterygian fish from the Namurian Manse Burn Formation of Bearsden, Scotland.
49261: COATS, R.R. - Geology of Buldir Island, Aleutian Islands, Alaska.
83394: COBBAN, W.A. & G.R. SCOTT - Multinodose scaphitid cephalopods from the lower part of the Pierre Shale and equivalent rocks in the conterminous United States.
73484: COBBAN, W.A. & E.A. MEREWETHER - Stratigraphy and paleontology of Mid-Cretaceous rocks in Minnesota and contiguous areas.
56817: COBBAN, W.A. ET AL. - Pachydiscus (Ammonoidea) from Campanian rocks in the Western interior of the United States.
56791: COBBAN, W.A. ET AL. - Occurence of the Rudistid Durania cornupastoris in the Upper Cretaceous Greenhorn Limestone in Colorado.
81137: COBBAN, W.A. - Cenomanian ammonite fauna from the Mosby Sandstone of central Montana.
62719: COBBAN, W.A. - Molluscan record from a mid-Cretaceous borehole in Weston County, Wyoming.
49067: COBBAN, W.A. & J. KENNEDY - Evolution and biogeography of the Cenomanian (Upper Cretaceous) ammonite Metoicocveras Hyatt, 1903, with a revision of Metoicoceras praecox Haas, 1949.
49066: COBBAN, W.A. & J. KENNEDY - Pachydesmoceras Spath, 1922, a Cretaceous ammonite from Colorado. plus 5 other papers on Cretaceous ammonites and one on rudistids
49065: COBBAN, W.A. & J. KENNEDY - Observations on the Cenomanian (Upper cretaceous) ammonite Calycoceras (Calycoceras) obrieni Young, 1957 from Arizona and New Mexico.
49064: COBBAN, W.A. & J. KENNEDY - Variation and ontogeny of Calycoceras (Proeuclaicoceras) canitaurinum (Haas, 1949) from the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) of the Western Interior of the United States.
15059: COBBAN, W.A. AND W. J. KENNEDY. - Campanian Trachyscaphites spiniger ammonite fauna in north-east Texas.
89104: COBBAN, WILLIAM A. - The Late Cretaceous Ammonites Scaphites leei Reeside and Scaphites hippocrepis (DeKay) in the western interior of the United States.
21910: COBBAN, W.A. & E.A. MEREWETHER - Stratigraphy and paleontology of Mid-Cretaceous rocks in Minnesota and contiguous areas.
21768: COBBAN, W.A. - Characteristic marine molluscan fossils from the Dakota Sandstone and intertongued Mancos Shale, west-central New Mexico.
81002: COBBAN, W.A. - New and little-known ammonites from the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian and Turonian) of the Western Interior of the United States.
80942: COBBAN, W.A. & G.R. SCOTT - Stratigraphy and ammonite fauna of the Graneros Shale and Greenhorn Limestone near Pueblo, Colorado.
20865: COBBAN, W.A. - Ammonites from the Navesink Formation at Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey.
91520: COBBAN, W.A. & S.C. HOOK - Collignoniceras woollgari wollgari (Mantell) ammonite fauna from Upper Cretaceous of Western Interior, United States.
91521: COBBAN, W.A. & S.C. HOOK - Mid-Cretaceous (Turonian) ammonite fauna from Fence Lake area of west-central New Mexico.
91522: COBBAN, W.A. ET AL. - Upper Cretaceous rocks and ammonite faunas of southwestern New Mexico.
92239: COBBAN, W.A. & S.C. HOOK - Mid-Cretaceous (Turonian) ammonite fauna from Fence Lake area of west-central New Mexico.
96035: COBBOLD, E.S. - Additional fossils from the Cambrian rocks of Comley, Shropshire.
48955: COBBOLD, E.S. - Le genre Olenopsis en France.
48945: COBBOLD, E.S. - Additional fossils from the Cambrian rocks of Comley, Shropshire.
82329: COBBOLD, E.S. - Trilobites from the Paradoxides beds of Comley (Shropshire).
54122: COBET, J. ET AL. (RED.) - Schliemanns Troje.
100095: COCH, NICHOLAS K. - Geoharards, natural and human.
84949: COCHERIE, ALAIN - Interaction manteau-croûte. Son rôle dans la genèse d'associations calco-alkalines, constraintes géochimiques (élements en traces et isotopes du strontium et de l'oxygène).
73570: COCKERELL, T.D.A. - British fossil insects.
1060097: COCKERELL, T.D.A. - New species of Unio from the Tertiary rocks of Wyoming.
1060093: COCKERELL, T.D.A. & J. HENDERSON - Mollusca from the Tertiary strata of the West.
1060094: COCKERELL, T.D.A. - Tertiary Mollusca from New Mexico and Wyoming.
1060096: COCKERELL, T.D.A. - Gastropod Mollusca from the Tertiary strata of the West.
83654: COCKERELL, T.D.A. - New Tertiary insects.
74028: COCKERELL, T.D.A. - New species of North American fossil beetles, cockroaches, and Tsetse flies.
73620: COCKERELL, T.D.A. - Eocene insects from the Rocky Mountains.
73898: COCKERELL, T.D.A. - Some American fossil insects.
1630017: COCKERELL, T.D.A. - Fossil hymenoptera from Florissant, Colorado.
1630019: COCKERELL, T.D.A. - Fossil insects from Florissant, Colorado.
90281: COCKERELL, T.D.A. - Some American Cretaceous fish scales with notes on the classification and distribution of Cretaceous fishes.
88068: COCKS, L.R.M. & RONG JIA-YU - A review of the Late Ordovician Foliomena brachiopod fauna with new data from China, Waes, and Poland.
88067: COCKS, L.R.M. - The origin of the Silurian Clarkeia shelly fauna of South America, and its extension to West Africa.
88895: COCKS, L.R.M. & R.B. RICKARDS (EDS.) - A global analysis of the Ordovician-Silurian boundary.
80071: COCKS, L.R.M. (ED.) - The evolving earth. Chance, change & challenge.
87101: COCKS, L.R.M. AND D. PRICE - The biostratigraphy of the upper Ordovician and lower Silurian of south-west Dyfed, with comments on the Hirnantia fauna.
79901: COCKS, L.R.M. - The commoner brachiopods of the latest Ordovician of the Oslo-Asker district, Norway.
96677: COCKS, L.R.M & T.L. MODZALEVSKAYA - Late Ordovician brachiopods from Taimyr, Arctic Russia, and their palaeogeographical significance.
10990866: COCKS, L.R.M. - Llandovery stropheodontids from the Welsh Borderland.
10990867: COCKS, L.R.M. AND T. L. MODZALEVSKAYA - Late Ordovician brachiopods from Taimyr, Arctic Russia, and their palaeogeographical significance.
102677: COCKS, L.R.M. & M.G. LOCKLEY - Reassessment of the Ordovician brachiopods from The Budleigh Salterton Pebble Bed, Devon.
21649: COCKS, L.R.M. - A silicified brachiopod fauna from the Silurian of Iran.
21650: COCKS, L.R.M. & M.G. LOCKLEY - Reassessment of the Ordovician brachiopods from the Budleigh Salterton Pebble Bed, Devon.
21651: COCKS, L.R.M. & ZHAN REN-BIN - Caradoc brachiopods from the Shan States, Burma (Myanmar).
58416: COCKS, L.R.M. - Some strophomenacean brachiopods from the British Lower Silurian.
46554: COCKS, L.R.M. - Generic identities and relationships within the brachiopod family Sowerbyellidae.
9120089: COCKS, R.M. & L.E. POPOV - Generic homes for British Silurian linguloid brachiopods.
95580: COE, KENNETH - Intrusive tuffs of west Cork, Ireland.
103987: COELEWIJ, P.A.J. - Borneo (Malaysia). Foto's lotgevallen van vóór de grote houtkap.
103988: COELEWIJ, P.A.J. - Cambodja. Foto's en lotgevallen uit het binnenland van vóór de Rode Khmer (1961).
80326: COELEWIJ, P.A.J. ET AL. - Magnesium-salt exploration in the northeastern Netherlands.
83956: COEN-AUBERT, MARIE - Rugueux fasciculés et solitaires du Givetien supérieur dans le Tafilalt et le Ma'der (Maroc).
83955: COEN-AUBERT, MARIE - Two new species of Themnophyllids (Rugosa) from the Upper Givetian of Belgium.
83954: COEN-AUBERT, MARIE - Temnophyllids and Spinophyllids (Rugosa) from the Givetian Mont d'Haurs Formation in Belgium.
78851: COEN-AUBERT, M. - Réprésentants Frasnien du genre Scruttonia Tcherepnina 1974 (Rugosa en Belgique.
78646: COEN-AUBERT, M. - Réprésentants des genres Phillipsatrea d'Orbigny 1849, Billingsastraea Grabau 1917, et Iowaphyllum Stumm 1949 du Frasnien du Massif de la Vesdre et de la bordure orientale du Bassin de Dinant.
81399: COEN-AUBERT, M. - Révision d'Heliophyllum halli Milne-Edwards et Haime, espèce-type du genre Heliophyllum Hall in Dana (Tétracoralliaire dévonien).
1060101: COEN-AUBERT, M. - Stratigraphy and additional rugose corals from the Givetian Mont d'Haurs Formation in the Ardennes
79588: COEN-AUBERT, M - Espèces du genre Peneckiella Soshkina, 1939 dans le Frasnien de la Belgique.
1060100: COEN-AUBERT, M. - Description de quelques rugeux coloniaux de la formation givetienne du Mont d'Haurs en Ardenne.
75579: COEN-AUBERT, M. - Description of a few rugose corals from the Givetian Terres d'Haurs Formation in Belgium.
75578: COEN-AUBERT, M. - Rugueux massifs cérioides du Givétien et du Frasnien de la Belgique.
75577: COEN-AUBERT, M. - Réprésentants des genres Phillipsatrea d'Orbigny 1849, Billingsastraea Grabau 1917, et Iowaphyllum Stumm 1949 du Frasnien du Massif de la Vesdre et de la bordure orientale du Bassin de Dinant.
74185: COEN AUBERT, M. & T. WRZOLEK. - Redescription of the rugose coral Macgeea (Rozkowskaella) sandaliformis (Rozkowska, 1980) from the Upper Frasnian of the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland).
8110396: COEN-AUBERT, M. - Le Givetien et le Frasnien du Massif de la Vesdre. Stratigraphie et paléogéographie.
2258: COEN-AUBERT, M. - Révision d'Heliophyllum halli Milne-Edwards et Haime, espèce-type du genre Heliophyllum Hall in Dana (Tétracoralliaire dévonien).
2259: COEN-AUBERT, M. - Représentants des genres Sociophyllum Birenheide, 1962 et Beugniesastraea à la base du Calcaire de Givet de Prodrome et de Resteigne (bord sud du Bassin de Dinant, Belgique).
2263: COEN-AUBERT, M. - Thamnophyllides et Acanthophyllides près de la limite Eifelien-Givetien à Wellin et prodrome.
47783: COEN-AUBERT, M. - Représentants des genres Sociophyllum Birenheide, 1962 et Beugniesastraea n. gen à la base du calcaire de Givet de Pondrôme et de Resteigne (bord sud du Bassin de Dinant, Belgique.
103127: COEN, M. ET AL. (EDS.) - Papers on the Devonian-Carboniferous transition beds of central Hunan, South China.
79490: COEN-AUBERT, M - Description de quelques rugueux coloniaux du Couvinien supérieur de Wellin (bord sud du Bassin de Dinant, Belgique).
58434: COEN-AUBERT, M. - Deuxième note sur les rugueux coloniaux de l’Eifelien supérieur et de la base du Givetien à Wellin (bord sud du Bassin de Dinant, Belgique).
92966: COEN-AUBERT, M. ET AL. - Sédimentologie, paléoécologie et paléontologie des calcaires crinoidiques au voisinage de la limite Couvinien-Givetien à Wellin (bord sud du Synclinorium de Dinant, Belgique).
92040: COEN-AUBERT, M. - Le Givetien et le Frasnien du Massif de la Vesdre. Stratigraphie et paléogéographie.
7080815: COESÈL, M. - Natuurlijk Verkade. Het verhaal van de albums.
85615: COGELS, P. & E. VAN DEN BROECK - Observations géologiques faites à Anvers à l'occasion des travaux de creusement des nouvelles cales sèches et de prolongement du bassin du Kattendyk.
62024: COGGI, L. - Fossili triassici della Gefara Tripolina.
74529: COHEE, G.V., GLAESSNER & HEDBERG (EDS.) - Contributions to the geologic time scale.
101530: COHEN, C.L.D. - Coccoliths and discoasters from Adriatic bottom sediments.
96118: COHEN, S. ET AL. - The dinosaur egg & embryo project.
103538: COHEN, ERNST - Eene onbekende autobiographie van Martinus van Marum (1750-1837).
103539: COHEN, KIM M. - Differential subsidence within a coastal prism. Late-Glacial ? Holocene tectonics in the Rhine-Meuse delta, The Netherlands.
89135: COHEN, S. ET AL. - The dinosaur egg & embryo project.
78116: COHEN, PHOEBE A. ET AL. - Vase-shaped microfossils from the Tonian Callison Lake Formation of Yukon, Canada: taxonomy, taphonomy and stratigraphic palaeobiology.
10990869: COHEN, B.L. ET AL. - The brachiopod fold: a neglected body plan hypothesis.
9120503: COIFFARD, C. ET AL. - Intramarginal veined Lauraceae leaves from the Albian-Cenomanian of Charente-Maritime (western France).
23145: COKE, C. & J.C. GUTIéRREZ-MARCO - Braquiópods linguiformea del Ordovícico inferior de la Serra do Marão (Zona Centroibérica, N de Portugal).
73453: COKER, R.E. - Habits and economic relations of the guano birds of Peru.
102002: COLACICCHI, ROBERTO - Relazione sul rilevamento delle tavolette Galati mamertino e Naso (F. 252) (Sicilia attentrionale).
96808: COLAGRANDE, JOHN & LARRY FELDER - In the presence of dinosaurs.
60568: COLAGRANDE, JOHN & LARRY FELDER - In the presence of dinosaurs.
88532: COLANI, M. - Étude sur les flores tertiaires de quelques gisements de lignite de l'Indochine et du Yunnan.
76051: COLBACH, R. ET AL. - Un remarquable site fossilifère dans le Sinémurien inférieur de Bertrange (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg).
76050: COLBACH, R. ET AL. - Nouvelles données paléontologiques dans l'Hettangien du Plateau de Burmerange (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg).
75631: COLBACH, R. ET AL. - Nouvelles données paléontologiques dans l'Hettangien du Plateau de Burmerange (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg).
83331: COLBERT, EDWIN H. - Lystrosaurus from Antarctica.
89136: COLBERT, E.H. & J.W. KITCHING - Scaloposaurian reptiles from the Triassic of Antarctica.
59470: COLBERT, EDWIN H. - A saurischian dinosaur from the Tiassic of Brazil. [Staurikosaurus]
82693: COLBERT, EDWIN H. - Adaptations for gliding in the lizard Draco. [Modern]
82692: COLBERT, EDWIN H. - The Triassic dinosaur genera Podokesaurus and Coelophysis.
83682: COLBERT, EDWIN H. - The skull and mandible of Conohyus, a primitive suid from the Siwalik beds of India.
82517: COLBERT, EDWIN H. - Relationships of the saurischian dinosaurs.
82518: COLBERT, EDWIN H. - A gliding lizard from the Triassic of New Jersey.
82478: COLBERT, E.H. & J.W. KITCHING - The Triassic reptile Procolophon in Antarctica.
82440: COLBERT, EDWIN H. - A saurischian dinosaur from the Triassic of Brazil.
60727: COLBERT, E.H. - Chalicotheres from Mongolia and China in the American Museum.
6120063: COLBERT, E.H. - Chalicotheres from Mongolia and China in the American Museum.
1450508: COLBERT, E.H. - Studies of the phytosaurs Machaeroprosopus and Rutiodon.
60569: COLBERT, E.H. - The mammal-like reptile Lycaenops.
83500: COLBERT, EDWIN H. - A Jurassic pterosaur from Cuba.
89153: COLBERT, EDWIN H. - Tertiary deer discovered by the American Museum Asiatic Expeditions.
99240: COLBERT, EDWIN H. - The age of reptiles.
61097: COLDIRON, RONN W. 1977. - On the jaw musculature and relationships of Petrodromus tetradactylus (Mammalia, Macroscelidea).
1340120: COLE, W.S. & J. BRIDGE - Geology and larger foraminifera of Saipan Island.
1340119: COLE, W.S. - Larger foraminifera from deep drill holes on Midway Atoll.
99123: COLE, W.S. & S.M. HERRICK - Two species of larger Foraminifera from Paleocene beds in Georgia.
99120: COLE, W.S. - Larger Foraminifera from Carriagou, British West Indies.
102298: COLE, W.S. & J. BRIDGE - Geology and larger foraminifera of Saipan Island.
56684: COLE, W.S. & P.J. BERMUDEZ - New foraminiferal genera from the Cuban Eocene.
56683: COLE, W.S. - Larger Foraminifera from Carriagou, British West Indies.
97484: COLE, W. STORRS - Collection of 14 papers from Bulletin s of American Paleontology on micropaleontology, being issues: 186, 190, 195, 197, 200, 203, 205, 208, 212, 219, 228, 243, 248, 258.
95581: COLE, G.A.J. & T. CROOK - On rock-specimens dredged from the floor of the Atlantic off the coast of Ireland, and their bearing on sunmarine geology.
99119: COLE, W.S. - Late Oligocene larger Foraminifera from Barro Colorado Island, Panama Canal Zne.
82262: COLE, C.J. & T.R. VAN DEVENDER - Surface structure pf fossil and recent epidermal scales from North American lizards of the genus Sceloporus (Reptilia, Iguanidae).
74069: COLE, W.S. - Larger Foraminifera from Guam.
74068: COLE, W.S. - Oligocene orbitoids from near Duncan Church, Washington County, Florida.
73663: COLE, W.S. - Names of and variation in certain Indo-PacificCamerinids.
86976: COLE, W.S. - Larger foraminifera from deep drill holes on Midway Atoll.
86975: COLE, W.S. - Additional comments on the foraminiferal genus Camerina.
86974: COLE, W.S. - Structure and classification of some reent and fossil peneroplids.
86973: COLE, W.S. - Geology and larger Foraminifera of Saipan Island.
86972: COLE, W.S. - Eocene and Oligocene larger Foraminifera from the Panama Canal Zone and vicinity.
101531: COLE, W.S. & J. BRIDGE - Geology and larger foraminifera of Saipan Island.
99121: COLE, W.S. - Faunal associations and the stratigraphic position of certain American Paleocene and Eocene larger Foraminifera.
99122: COLE, W.S. - Illustrations of conflicting interpretations of the biology andclassification of certain larger Foraminifera.
78633: COLEMAN, P.J. - Tertiary larger foraminifera of the British Solomon Islands, southwest Pacific.
99987: COLEMAN, PATRICK J. - On island arcs.
75241: COLEMAN, J.M. & H.H. ROBERTS - Deltaic coastal wetlands. [Mississippi delta].
59362: COLEMAN, P.J. & S.K. SKWARKO - Lower Triassic and Middle Jurassic fossils at Enanty Hill, Mingenew, Perth Basin, West Australia.
96313: COLES, G.P. ET AL. - The ostracod genus Krithe from the Tertiary and Quaternary of the North Atlantic.
79439: COLETTE, J.R.F. - Note sur la présence de fragments de nids fossiles d'insectes dans le Pleistocène du Stanley-Pool (Congo belge).
89589: COLETTE, J.R.F. - Note sur la présence de fragments de nids fossiles d'insectes dans le Pleistocène du Stanley-Pool (Congo belge).
67128: COLHOUN, ERIC A., GUUS VAN DE GEER, SEAN J. FITZSIMONS, LINDA E. HEUSSER - Terrestrial and marine records of the last glaciation from western Tasmania: Do they agree?
95582: COLHOUN, E.A. & G.F. MITCHELL - Interglacial marine formation and lateglacial freshwater formation in Shortalstown Townland, Co. Wexford.
67119: COLIN V. MURRAY-WALLACE - Quaternary marine and terrestrial records in Australasia: Do they agree? An introduction.
98366: COLIN, J.P. & D.L. DANIELOPOL - Sur la morphologie, la systématique, la biogéographie et l'évolution des ostracodes Timiriaseviinae (Limnocytheridae).
67038: COLIN A. WHITEMAN, JAMES ROSE - Thames River sediments of the British Early and Middle Pleistocene.
97598: COLIN, JEAN-PAUL - Contribution à l'étude des ostracodes du Crétacé supérieur de Dordogne.
66909: COLIN K. BALLANTYNE, DANNY MCCARROLL, JOHN O. STONE - Vertical dimensions and age of the Wicklow Mountains ice dome, Eastern Ireland, and implications for the extent of the last Irish Ice Sheet
96314: COLIN, JEAN-PAUL - Contribution à l'étude des ostracodes du Crétacé supérieur de Dordogne.
66964: COLINVAUX, P. - Amazon diversity in light of the paleoecological record.
86918: COLL. - Palaeohistoria 53/54.
99929: COLLECTIEF - Themanummer Mosasaurus, project Vivat Mosasaurus.
103540: COLLECTIEF NAM - Bodemdaling door aardgaswinning. Groningen veld en randvelden .... etc., Samenvatting.
103945: COLLECTIEF (VOORWOORD: DAVID CHANDLER) - Chronologie van de militaire geschiedenis. 3000 v.C. tot heden.
76729: COLLECTIEF - Natuur dichtbij. De landschappen.
58213: COLLECTIEF - Archaeologische Berichten 15.
58212: COLLECTIEF - Archaeologische Berichten 14. Brabant nummer.
98742: COLLECTIF - A la découverte des paysages géologiques. De Paris à Avallon.
98054: COLLECTIV - Geotagung '77, Göttingen. Exkursions-Führer II. Nordhessen, Südniedersachsen.
102204: COLLECTIV - Contribution à l'étude des marges orientale et méridionale de la plaque Caraïbes (Petites Antilles, Venezuela, Colombie.
101908: COLLECTIV - Zur Geologie Nordrhein-Westfalen. Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstage Wilhelm Ahrens.
101909: COLLECTIV - Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag Paul Woldstedt.
98053: COLLECTIV - Geotagung '77, Göttingen. Exkursions-Führer I. Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, Harz.
102343: COLLECTIV - Kartografische Relieggesellschaft M.B.H.
100531: COLLECTIV - Contribution à l'étude des marges orientale et méridionale de la plaque Caraïbes (Petites Antilles, Venezuela, Colombie.
100240: COLLECTIVE - Miscelánea en Homenaje a Emiliano Aguirre, Vol I: Geologia, Vol. II: Paleontologia, Vol. III: Paleoantropologia, Vol. IV: Arqueologia. [4 vols.]
88287: COLLECTIVE - Au chanoine Félix Demanet en hommage.
97429: COLLECTIVE - Colloque du Jurassique à Luxemborg 1967.
79111: COLLECTIVE - Paléontologie houillère.
103820: COLLECTIVE - The petroleum geology and resources of Malaysia.
96843: COLLECTIVE - Paléontologie houillère.
99700: COLLECTIVE - The cellars of time. Paleontology and archaeology in Nebraska.
76212: COLLECTIVE - Beiträge zur Bodenkunde. Ein Symposium.
76211: COLLECTIVE - Beiträge zur Hydrogeologie. Ein Symposium.
76208: COLLECTIVE - Beiträge zur Ingenieurgeologie. Ein Symposium.
103669: COLLECTIVE - Carte géologique de la France au millionième. 6ème éd.
98626: COLLECTIVE - Geology of Finnmark. A collection of papers on the geology, gephysics, geochemistry, metallogeny and Quaternary geology of Finnmark.
103348: COLLECTIVE - Well Evaluation Conference Nigeria 1985.
94267: COLLET, LéON W. - La nappe de Morcles entre Arve et Rhône.
88222: COLLET, L.W. - Les lacs. Leur mode de formation, leurs eaux, leur destin.
94446: COLLET, L.W. - Notice explicative. Carte géologique générale de la Suisse 1:200 000 Feuille 5 Genève-Lausanne.
100733: COLLETTE, B.J. - On the gravity field of the Sunda region (West Indonesia).
100734: COLLETTE, B.J. - On the gravity field of the Sunda region (West Indonesia).
48095: COLLETTE, B.J. - The gravity field of the North Sea.
93149: COLLIER, ARTHUR J. - Geology of northeastern Montana.
102165: COLLIER, ARTHUR J. - Geology of northeastern Montana.
100342: COLLIER, MICHAEL - A land in motion. California's San Andreas Fault.
96315: COLLIER, W.W. - Phylogeny of the Devonian ostracod genus Ctenoloculina Bassler.
81681: COLLIGNON, MAURICE - Ammonites crétacées des rides prérifaines (région du Dahar-en-Nsour).
84005: COLLIGNON, MAURICE - Ammonites néocrétacées de la Nouvelle-Calédonie.
98087: COLLIGNON, MAURICE - Beitrag zur Kenntnis der eozänen Echinidenfauna des Krappfeldes (Kärnten).
97663: COLLIGNON, MAURICE - Beitrag zur Kenntnis der eozänen Echinidenfauna des Krappfeldes (Kärnten).
96770: COLLIGNON, MAURICE - Les ammonites pyriteuses de l'Albien supérieurdu Mont Raynaud à Madagascar. /&/ H. Besaire: Fossiles caractéristiques du Nord et du Nord-Ouest de Madagascar.
99181: COLLIGNON, MAURICE - Beitrag zur Kenntnis der eozänen Echinidenfauna des Krappfeldes (Kärnten).
96634: COLLINS, J.S.H. ET AL. - Late Cretaceous anomurans and brachyurans from the Maastrichtian type area.
79848: COLLINS, J.S.H. & S.K. DONOVAN - Eocene crabs (Crustacea, Brachyura) from Bonaire, Netherlands Antilles.
77278: COLLINS, J.S.H. - A new Stramentum (Cirripedia) from the Lower Turonian of Nigeria.
78882: COLLINS, J.S.H. & S.F. MORRIS - A new crab from the Middle Eocene of Libya.
77077: COLLINS, J.S.H. & F.F. MELLEN - Cirripedes from the Upper Cretaceous of Alabama and Mississippi, Eastern Gulf region, U.S.A. I. Palaeontology, II. Geology.
1060967: COLLINS, D. - The human revolution, from ape to artist.
74530: COLLINS, L.S. & A.G. COATES (EDS.) - A paleobiotic survey of Caribbean faunas from the Neogene of the Isthmus of Panama.
76844: COLLINS, DESMOND (ED.) - The origins of Europe. Four new studies in archaeology and history.
97064: COLLINS, J.S.H. ET AL. - Late Cretaceous anomurans and brachyurans from the Maastrichtian type area.
79696: COLLINS, J AND SMITH, R - Ypresian (Lower Eocene) crabs (Decapoda, Crustacea) from Belgium.
101592: COLLINS, JOE S.H. - A systematic survey of the genus Notopocorystes McCoy, 1849 (Crustacea: Decapoda, Raninidae).
101593: COLLINS, JOE S.H. ET AL. - Crabs and barnacles (Crustacea: Decapoda & Cirripedia) from the late Pleistocene Port Morant Formation of southeast Jamaica.
1630384: COLLINS, J.S.H. & F.F. MELLEN - Cirripedes from the Upper Cretaceous of Alabama and Mississippi, Eastern Gulf region, U.S.A. I. Palaeontology, II. Geology.
21653: COLLINS, M.J. ET AL. - Macromolecules in brachiopod shells: characterization and diagenesis. /&/ Immunological responses from brachiopod skeletal macromolecules; a new technique for assessing taxonomic relationships using shells.
100417: COLLINS, DESMOND - The human revolution. From ape to artist.
20869: COLLINS, D.H. - Endocone diaphragms and the „phragmocone of Ecdyceras“ (Nautiloidea).
102734: COLLINS, JANICE I. - The chelonian Rhinochelys Seeley from the Upper Cretaceous of England and France.
46507: COLLINS, J.S.H. - Some decapod crustaceans from the Lower Cretaceous of Poland and England.
90866: COLLINS, J.S.H. & S.L. JAKOBSEN - New crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the Eocene (Ypresian/Lutetian) Lillebaelt Clay Formation of Jutland, Denmark.
91242: COLLINS, J.S.H. & S.L. JAKOBSEN - New crabs (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the Eocene (Ypresian/Lutetian) Lillebaelt Clay Formation of Jutland, Denmark.
82472: COLLOMB, G.R. - Étude géologique du Jebel Fezzan et de sa bordure paléozoïque.
83688: COLLOT, L. - Pliocène et Quaternaire de la région du Bas-Rhône.
67707: COLM Ó COFAIGH, JULIAN A. DOWDESWELL, CLAIRE S. ALLEN, JOHN F. HIEMSTRA, CAROL J. PUDSEY, JEFFREY EVANS, DAVID J.A. EVANS - Flow dynamics and till genesis associated with a marine-based Antarctic palaeo-ice stream
67427: COLM Ó COFAIGH, JULIAN A DOWDESWELL - Laminated sediments in glacimarine environments: diagnostic criteria for their interpretation.
67389: COLM Ó COFAIGH, JOHN ENGLAND, MAREK ZREDA - Late Wisconsinan glaciation of southern Eureka Sound: evidence for extensive Innuitian ice in the Canadian High Arctic during the Last Glacial Maximum.
66920: S.M. COLMAN, D.S. KAUFMAN, J. BRIGHT, C. HEIL, J.W. KING, W.E. DEAN, J.G. ROSENBAUM, R.M. FORESTER, J.L. BISCHOFF, M. PERKINS, J.P. MCGEEHIN - Age model for a continuous, ca 250-ka Quaternary lacustrine record from Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho
82154: COLMAN-SADD, S. & S.A. SCOTT - Newfoundland & Labrador Traveller's guide to the geology.
67392: S.M. COLMAN, J.W. KING, G.A. JONES, R.L. REYNOLDS, M.H. BOTHNER - Holocene and recent sediment accumulation rates in Southern Lake Michigan.
51991: COLMENAR, JORGE, DAVID A. T. HARPER AND ENRIQUE VILLAS - Morphofunctional analysis of Svobodaina species (Brachiopoda, Heterorthidae) from south-western Europe.
79902: COLO, G. - Au sujet de Terebratula Termieri.
79903: COLO, G. - Sur la faune de térébratules multiplissées d'un gisement du Lias moyen de la région d'Ifrane (Causse moyen-atlasique).
94605: COLOM, G. - Estudio de las biozonas con foraminíferos del Terciario de Alicante.
95501: COLOM, G. - Estudios litologicos sobre el Jurasico de Mallorca.
95502: COLOM, G. - Estudios sobre la sedimentacion profunda de las Baleares desde el Lias superior al Cenomanense-Turonense.
95503: COLOM, G. - Estudios sobre la sedimentacion profunda de las Baleares desde el Lias superior al Cenomanense-Turonense.
95504: COLOM, G. - La geología del Cabo Pinar, Alcudia (Mallorca).
95505: COLOM, D. GUILLERMO - Estudios sobre la sedimentaciòn costera Balear (Mallorca y Menorca).
95506: COLOM, G. - Estratigrafía y paleontología del Andaluciense y del Plioceno de Mallorca.
95507: COLOM, G. & Y. RANGHEARD - Données nouvelles sur l'extension de niveaux lacustres dans des formations du Miocène inférieur de la Sierra Norte de Majorque (Baléares).
91810: COLOMBERO, SIMONE ET AL. - Messinian rodents from Moncucco Torinese, NW Italy: palaeobiodiversity and biochronology.
94606: COMAS-RENFIGO, M.J. & A. RODRIGO - Cuersithyris gijonensis (Dubar, 1925) del Lías inferior y medio de la Cordillera Ibérica (España).
94620: COMAS-RENFIGO, M.J. (ED.) - Jurassic stratigraphy of Iberian Peninsula I.
23146: COMAS-RENFIGO, M.J. & A. RODRIGO - Cuersithyris gijonensis (Dubar, 1925) del Lías inferiopr y medio de la Cordillera Ibérica (España).
95286: COMBA, A. ET AL. - Mapa geológico de España escala 1:50.000. Explicación de la Hoja No. 21 La Coruña. [explic. without the map]
95285: COMBA, A. ET AL. - Mapa geológico de España escala 1:50.000. Explicación de la Hoja No. 6. San Salvador de Serantes.
81440: COMBE, A.D. - The Katunga volcano, south-west Uganda. /&/ A. Holmes: The petrology of Katungite.
84843: COMBEMOREL, R. - Les belemnites de Madagascar.
88831: COMBIER, M. - Carte géologique de Dakar.
56002: COMBOURIEU-NEBOUT, NATHALIE, SEVERINE FAUQUETTE AND PIERRE QUEZEL - What was the late Pliocene Mediterranean climate like; a preliminary quantification from vegetation.
67249: COMBOURIEU-NEBOUT, C. ET AL. - A high-resolution record of the last deglaciation in the central mediterranean sea: palaeovegetation and palaeohydrological evolution.
100596: COMITE DE LA CARTA GEOLOGICA DE MEXICO - Carta geologica de Republica Mexicana 1:2,000,000.
103456: COMM. FRACTURE CHARACTERIZATION AND FLUID FLOW, ET AL. - Rock fractures and fluid flow. Contemporary understanding and applications.
102344: COMM. VII. INT. SOC. PHOTOGRAMM. (ED.) - Transactions of the symposium on photo interpretation, Delft, The Netherlands September 1962.
20563: COMMISSIE INZAKE WATERONTREKKING AAN DEN BODEM 1940. - Verslag van het Onderzoek-Enschede (Haagsche Bosch en omgeving) over de jaren 1931 tot en met 1940.
75965: COMMISSIE DUINBEPLANTING, BOERBOOM, J.H.A. ET AL. - Beplanting en recreatie in de Haagse duinen. /&/ Begroeiing en landschap van de duinen onder Scheveningen en Wassenaar van omstreeks 1300 tot heden. Een historisch-vegetatiekundige studie.
92891: COMMISSIE DUINBEPLANTING, BOERBOOM, J.H.A. ET AL. - Beplanting en recreatie in de Haagse duinen. /&/ Begroeiing en landschap van de duinen onder Scheveningen en Wassenaar van omstreeks 1300 tot heden. Een historisch-vegetatiekundige studie.
21769: COMPAGNONI, B. & V. CONATO - Il Quaternario ad “Arctica Islandica” a NO di Anzio (Roma).
63597: COMPANY, M. - La subzona de Verrucosum (Valanginiense superior) en el barranco de la Querola (SE de Espana).
103687: COMTE, PIERRE - Recherches sur les terrains anciens de la Cordillère Cantabrique.
90571: COMTE, B. - Rythme et modalités de l'évolution chez les rongeurs à la fin de l'Oligocène; leurs relations avec les changements de l'environnement.
2265: CONDRA, G.E. & M.K. ELIAS - Study and revision of Archimedes (Hall).
20059: CONE, P. (ED.) - Treasures of early Irish art 1500 B.C. to 1500 A.D. from the collections of the National Museum of Ireland, -
59268: CONG, PEI-YUN, XIAN-GUANG HOU, RICHARD J. ALDRIDGE, MARK A. PURNELL AND YI-ZHEN LI - New data on the palaeobiology of the enigmatic yunnanozoans from the Chengjiang Biota, Lower Cambrian, China.
58375: CONG, PEI-YUN, XIAN-GUANG HOU, RICHARD J. ALDRIDGE, MARK A. PURNELL AND YI-ZHEN LI - New data on the palaeobiology of the enigmatic yunnanozoans from the Chengjiang Biota, Lower Cambrian, China.
74862: CONGRèS GéOLOGIQUE INTERNATIONAL, ALGER - La paléovolcanologie et ses rapports avec la tectonique.
65101: CONGREVE, CURTIS R. AND JAMES C. LAMSDELL - Implied weighting and its utility in palaeontological datasets: a study using modelled phylogenetic matrices.
79809: CONIL, R. & M. LYS - Utilisation stratigraphique des foraminifères du Dinantien.
83695: CONIL, RAPHAEL & EVA PAPROTH - Foraminifers from the uppermost devonian and the dinantian of the rhenish massif (Federal Republic of Germany).
6100352: CONIL, R. - Localités et coupes types pour l`étude du Tournaisien inférieur.
1210048: CONIL, R. - Recherches stratigraphiques sur les terrains Dinantiens dans le bord du Bassin de Namur (Région s'étendant de la Dendre à l'Orneau).
92041: CONIL, R. - Recherches stratigraphiques sur les terrains Dinantiens dans le bord du Bassin de Namur (Région s'étendant de la Dendre à l'Orneau).
92042: CONIL, R. - Localités et coupes types pour l'étude du Tournaisien inférieur.
1340123: CONINCK, J. DE - Dinophyseae et arcritarcha de l'Yprésien du sondage de Kallo.
1340124: CONINCK, J. DE - Organic walled phytoplankton from the Bartonian and Eo-Oligocene transitional deposits of the Woensdrecht borehole, southern Netherlands.
6100211: CONINCK, J. DE - Microfossiles planctoniques du Sable Yprésien à Merelbeke. Dinophyceae et Acritarcha.
44238: CONINCK, J. DE 1999. - Organic-walled phytoplankton biostratigraphy of the Eocene-Oligocene transition in the Kallo Borehole and the Rupelian stratotype area (northwestern Belgium).
44237: CONINCK, J. DE 1999. - Phytoplancton à paroi organique et phases transgressives vers la transition Paléocène-Éocène dans la partie méridionale du Bassin de la Mer du Nord.
44236: CONINCK, J. DE 1986. . - Organic walled phytoplankton from the Bartonian and Eo-Oligocene transitional deposits of the Woensdrecht borehole, southern Netherlands.
44235: CONINCK, J. DE 1968. - Dinophyseae et arcritarcha de l'Yprésien du sondage de Kallo.
44234: CONINCK, J. DE 1965. - Microfossiles planctoniques du Sable Yprésien à Merelbeke. Dinophyceae et Acritarcha.
6100022: CONINCK, J. DE, ET AL. - L'age des faunes d'Erquelinnes.
6100021: CONINCK, J. DE - Microfossiles planctoniques du Sable Yprésien à Merelbeke. Dinophyceae et Acritarcha.
88453: DE CONINCK, JAN - Over de molluskenfauna van het Laatste Glaciaal in West-Vlaanderen.
1530157: CONINCK, J. DE. - Organic walled phytoplankton from the Bartonian and Eo-Oligocene transitional deposits of the Woensdrecht borehole, southern Netherlands.
1530131: CONINCK, J. DE. - Organic walled microfossils from the Eocene of the Woensdrecht borehole, southern Netherlands.
78253: CONINCK, J. DE - Corrélations entre les dépots du Lutétien au Rupélien du Bassin belge, et des bassins de Hampshire et de Paris.
74116: CONINCK, J. DE - Organic-walled microfossils from the Upper Danian and Middle Paleocene of southern Sweden.
6500460: CONINCK, J. DE, ET AL. - L'age des faunes d'Erquelinnes.
56990: CONINCK, J. DE - Dinophyseae et arcritarcha de l'Yprésien du sondage de Kallo.
1560099: CONINCK, J. DE - Organic walled phytoplankton from the Bartonian and Eo-Oligocene transitional deposits of the Woensdrecht borehole, southern Netherlands.
88654: DE CONINCK, JAN - Over de molluskenfauna van het Laatste Glaciaal in West-Vlaanderen.
77885: CONINCK, J. DE - Microfossiles à paroi organique du Bartonien, Priabonien et Rupélien inférieur dans le sondage de Kallo; espèces significatives dans les sondages de Woensdrecht, Kallo et Mol.
77863: CONINCK, J. DE - Microfossiles à paroi organique du Bartonien, Priabonien et Rupélien inférieur dans le sondage de Kallo; espèces significatives dans les sondages de Woensdrecht, Kallo et Mol.
56721: CONKIN, J.E. - Stratigraphy of the New Providence Formation (Mississippian) in Jefferson and Bullit Counties, Kentucky, and fauna of the Coral Ridge Member.
20978: O’CONNELL, M. - The Jurassic ammonite fauna of Cuba.
20979: O’CONNELL, M. - Phylogeny of the ammonite genus Ochetoceras.
73493: O'CONNOR, B. - Radiolaria from the late Eocene Oamaru Diatomite, South Island, New Zealand.
89605: O'CONNOR, JIM E. ET AL. - Debris-flows from failures of Neoglacial-age moraine dams in the Three Sisters and Mount Jefferson Wilderness areas, Oregon.
89696: O'CONNOR, R. - Thomas Hawkins and geological spectacle.
95634: O'CONNOR, P.J. - Geochemical and isotopic studies of the Late Caledonian granites in Ireland.
90694: CONNY KURZ - The opossum-like marsupials (Didelphimorphia and Peradectia, Marsupialia, Mammalia) from the Eocene of Messel and Geiseltal. Ecomorphology, diversity and palaeogeography.
93336: CONRAD, M.A. - Les calcaires urgoniens dans la région de Genève.
6100023: CONRAD, M.A. & B. PEYBERNÈS - Hauterivian-Albian Dasycladaceae from the Urgonian limestones in the French and Spanish eastern Pyrenees.
82591: CONRAD, G. - L'évolution continentale post-hercynienne du Sahara Algérien (Saoura, Erg Chech-Tanezrouft, Ahnet-Mouydir).
102003: CONSORZIO VENEZIA NUOVA - The morphological restoration of the Venice lagoon. /&/ Measures for the protection of Venice and its lagoon.
10992297: CONSTANDSE-WESTERMANN, T.S. ET AL. - Human biological background of population dynamics in the Western Europe Mesolithic.
88092: CONTI, M.A. & J.-. FISCHER - La fauna à gastropodes du Jurassique moyen de Case Canepine (Umbria, Italie). Systématique, paléobiographie, paléoécologie.
28197: CONTI, S. & E. SERPAGLI - Functional morphology of the cap-like apparatus in autozooids of a Palaeozoic trepostome bryozoan.
83666: CONTI, M.A. & J. SZABó - A revision of the Jurassic gastropod fauna from Cape San Vigilio (S. Alps, Italy), published y M. Vacek (1886).
52037: CONTI, M.A. & S. MONARI - Middle Jurassic Gastropods from the Central High Atlas, Morocco.
49071: CONTINI, D. & P. HANTZPERGUE - Le Kimméridgien de Haute-Saône.
49070: CONTINI, D. - Le Portlandien en Franche-Comté septentrionale.
80943: CONTINI, D. - L'Aalénien et le Bajocien du Jura franc-comtois. Étude stratigraphique.
9050081: CONTINI, D. & P. HANTZPERGUE - Le Kimméridgien de la région de Montbéliard.
82897: CONWAY MORRIS, SIMON - Fossil priapulid worms.
60725: CONWAY MORRIS, S. - Ediacaran-like fossils in Cambrian Burgess Shale-type faunas of North America.
97000: CONWAY, B.W. - The Black Ven landslip, Charmouth, Dorset.
87558: CONWENTZ, H. - Untersuchungen über fossile Hölzer Schwedens.
94607: COO, J.C.M. DE - Lithostratigraphy of the Devonian Santa Lucía Limestones in Leon, Spain.
83300: COOK, C. WHYTE & STUART MOSSOM - Geological map of Florida.
90078: COOK, ALEX G. ET AL. - Late Devonian gastropods from the Canning Basin, Western Australia.
103158: COOKE, H.B.S. - Changing perspectives on the age of Man. A geologist's personal view.
77078: COOKE, C.W. - Pliocene echinoids from Okinawa.
96648: COOKE, C.W. - Pliocene echinoids from Okinawa.
86470: COOKE, R., A. WARREN & A. GOODIE - Desert geomorphology.
49028: COOKE, C.W. - Orthaulax, aTertiary guide fossil.
48897: COOKE, C.W. & J.A. CUSHMAN - The Byram calcareous marl of Mississippi and its Foraminifera. [Oligocene]
88506: COOKE, H.B.S. - Dinofelis barlowi (Mammalia, Carnivora, Felidae) cranial material from Bolt's Farm, collected by the University of California African Expedition.
9120090: COOKE, C.W. - Pliocene echinoids from Okinawa.
9120223: COOKE, H.B.S. & R.F. EWER - Fossil Suidae from Kanapoi and Tothagam, northwestern Kenya.
102536: COOKSON, I.C. & A. EISENACK - Upper Mesozoic microplankton from Australia and New Guinea.
18607: COOKSON, I.C. & M.E. DETTMANN - Some trilete spores from Upper Mesozoic deposits in the eastern Australian region.
101774: COOL, H. - Eenige mededelingen en beschouwingen naar aanleiding van een onderzoek aan den kraterwand van den Kloet in Mei 1907.
101166: COOL, H. - Eenige mededelingen en beschouwingen naar aanleiding van een onderzoek aan den kraterwand van den Kloet in Mei 1907.
1133024: COOL, H. - Krakatau in 1908.
102254: COOL, H. - Eenige mededelingen en beschouwingen naar aanleiding van een onderzoek aan den kraterwand van den Kloet in Mei 1907.
72422: COOLHAAS, W.PH. - Bijdrage tot de kennis van het Manggaraische volk (West-Flores).
72421: COOLHAAS, W.PH. - De overgave van Amboina in 1810 en de executie van Kolonel Filz.
21321: COOMANS, H.E. - Antillean seashells. The 19th century watercolours of Caribbean molluscs painted by Hendrik van Rijgersma.
102233: COOMáRASWáMY, ANANDA K. - The crystalline limestones of Ceylon.
83405: COOMBS, M.C. - Status of Simidectes (Insectivora, Pantolestoidea) of the Late Eocene of North America.
98982: COOMBS, D.S. ET AL. - The Dun Mountain ophiolite belt, New Zealand, its tectonic setting, constitution, and origin, with special reference to the southern portion.
82519: COOMBS, WALTER P. - Osteology and myology of the hindlimb in the Ankylosauria (Reptilia, Ornithischia).
15616: COOMBS, W.P. - The families of the ornithischian dinosaur order Ankylosauria.
15617: COOMBS, W.P. - Juvenile specimens of the ornithischian dinosaur Psittacosaurus.
90385: COOMBS, WALTER P. - Osteology and myology of the hindlimb in the Ankylosauria (Reptilia, Ornithischia).
67234: G.R. COOPE, P.L. GIBBARD, A.R. HALL, R.C. PREECE, J.E. ROBINSON, A.J. SUTCLIFFE - Climatic and environmental reconstructions based on fossil assemblages from middle Devensian (Weichselian) deposits of the river Thames at South Kensington, central London, UK
20800: COOPER, G.A. & R.E. GRANT - Permian brachiopods of West Texas, I-VI. [in 8 vols.] & New Permian brachiopods from West Texas.
79658: COOPER, R.A. ET AL. - Cambrian trilobites from Reilly Ridge, northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, and their stratigraphic implications.
80879: COOPER, M.R. - Revision of the Late Valanginian Cephalopoda from the Sundays River Formation of South Africa, with special reference to the genus Olcostephanus.
89027: COOPER, G. ARTHUR - New genera of Middle Paleozoic brachiopods.
56768: COOPER, G.A. - Generic characters of brachiopods.
92420: COOPER, G.A. - Tertiary and Pleistocene brachiopods of Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands.
92421: COOPER, G. ARTHUR - Eocene brachiopods from Eua, Tonga.
78537: COOPER, R.A. - Taxonomy and evolution of Isograptus Moberg in Australasia.
103307: COOPER, BARRY C. (ED.) - INHIGEO Newsletter 43 for 2010.
98983: COOPER, R.A. - Ordovician geology and graptolite faunas of the Aorangi Mine area, north-west Nelson, New Zealand.
81392: COOPER, G. ARTHUR - Lower Cambrian Brachiopods from the Rift Valley (Israel and Jordan).
92422: COOPER, G.A. & R.E. GRANT - Permian brachiopods of West Texas, I-VI. [in 8 vols.] & New Permian brachiopods from West Texas.
89137: COOPER, M.R. - A reassessment of Vulcanodon karibaensis Raath (Dinosauria : Saurischia) and the origin of the Sauropoda.
88069: COOPER, G.ARTHUR - Tertiary and Cretaceous brachiopods from Cuba and the Caribbean.
88034: COOPER, R.A. & NI YUNAN - Taxonomy, phylogeny, and variability of Pseudisograptus Beavis.
24183: COOPER, G.A. - Tertiary and Quaternary brachiopods from the southwest Pacific.
87988: COOPER, G.A. ET AL. - Cambrian stratigraphy and paleontology near Caborca, northwestern Sonora, Mexico.
87971: COOPER, G.A. ET AL. - Cambrian stratigraphy and paleontology near Caborca, northwestern Sonora, Mexico.
92423: COOPER, G.A. & R.E. GRANT - Permian brachiopods of West Texas, I.
92424: COOPER, G.A. & R.E. GRANT - Permian brachiopods of West Texas, II.
92425: COOPER, G.A. & R.E. GRANT - Permian brachiopods of West Texas, IV (part 1 & 2, text and plates).
92426: COOPER, G.A. & R.E. GRANT - Permian brachiopods of West Texas, V.
92427: COOPER, G.A. & R.E. GRANT - Permian brachiopods of West Texas, VI.
97675: COOPER, R.A. & K. LINDHOLM - A precise worldwide correlation of early Ordovician graptolite sequences.
63599: COOPER, M.R. & W.J. KENNEDY - Uppermost Albian (Stoliczkaia dispar zone) ammonites from the Angolan littoral.
96316: COOPER, CHALMER L. - Chester ostracodes of Illinois. [Carboniferous]
92649: COOPER, M.R. - Towards a phylogenetic classification of the Cretaceous ammonites III. Scaphitaceae.
92650: COOPER, M.R. - Towards a phylogenetic classification of the Cretaceous ammonites. IV. Phlycticriocerataceae.
92651: COOPER, M.R. - Towards a phylogenetic classification of the Cretaceous ammonites V. Euomphaloceratidae.
10990802: COOPER, R.A. - Taxonomy and evolution of Isograptus Moberg in Australasia.
10990803: COOPER, R.A. & NI YUNAN - Taxonomy, phylogeny, and variability of Pseudisograptus Beavis.
97366: COOPER, WILLIAM S. - Coastal sand dunes of Oregon and Washington.
102415: COOPER, B.J. - Toward an improved Silurian conodont biostratigraphy.
102416: COOPER, B.J. - Early Ordovician conodonts from the Horn Valley Siltstone, central Australia.
81000: COOPER, M.R. & W.J. KENNEDY - Uppermost Albian (Stoliczkaia dispar zone) ammonites from the Angolan littoral.
21654: COOPER, G.A. & T. PHELAN - Stringocephalus in the Devonian of Indiana.
96928: COOPER, WILLIAM S. - Coastal sand dunes of Oregon and Washington.
92652: COOPER, M.R. - Towards a phylogenetic classification of the Cretaceous ammonites. VI. Mammitinae.
92653: COOPER, M.R. - Towards a phylogenetic classification of the Cretaceous ammonites VII. Turrilitidae.
11160: COOPER, R.A,. AND I.R. STEWART. - The Tremadoc graptolite sequence of Lancefield, Victoria.
103305: COOPER, BARRY C. (ED.) - INHIGEO Newsletter 41 for 2008.
103306: COOPER, BARRY C. (ED.) - INHIGEO Newsletter 42 for 2009.
46555: COOPER, G.A. - Tertiary and Cretaceous brachiopods from Cuba and the caribbean.
90150: COOPER, M.R. - Towards a phylogenetic classification of the Cretaceous ammonites VII. Turrilitidae.
90386: COOPER, MICHAEL R. - A Mid-Permian to earliest Jurassic tetrapod biostratigraphy and its significance.
98449: COOPER, R.A. - Ordovician geology and graptolite faunas of the Aorangi Mine area, north-west Nelson, New Zealand.
91523: COOPER, M.R. - Towards a phylogenetic classification of the Cretaceous ammonites III. Scaphitaceae.
91524: COOPER, M R. - A revision of the Turrilitidae (Cretaceous Ammonoidea) from the Cambridge Greensand.
91525: COOPER, M.R. - Towards a phylogenetic classification of the Cretaceous ammonites. VI. Mammitinae.
88338: COPE, E.D. - The Vertebrata of the Tertiary formations of the West. Book I. [all published].
6100071: COPE, J.C.W. - The early philogeny of the class Bivalvia.
88129: COPE, E.D. - The Vertebrata of the Tertiary formations of the West. Book I. [all published].
1520061: COPE, J.C.W. - The ammonite faunas and stratigraphy of the upper part of the Upper Kimmeridge Clay of Dorset.
82753: COPE, E.D. - Synopsis of the vertebrate fauna of the Puerco series.
10991075: COPE, J.C.W. - Middle Ordovician bivalves from Mid-Wales and the Welsh Borderland.
96752: COPE, J.C.W. - Early Ordovician (Arenig) bivalves from the Llangynog inlier, South Wales.
96753: COPE, J.C.W. - The early philogeny of the class Bivalvia.
76967: COPELAND, M J. - Canadian fossil Ostracoda, Conchostraca, Eurypterida, and Phyllocardia.[Paleozoic]
18034: COPELAND, M.J. ET AL. - A Lower Ordovician microfauna from Ottawa, Ontario.
97485: COPELAND, CHARLES W. - Eocene and Miocene Foraminifera from two localities in Duplin County, North Carolina.
96317: COPELAND, M J. - Canadian fossil Ostracoda: some Silurian species.
89728: COPELAND, CHARLES W. - Eocene and Miocene Foraminifera from two localities in Duplin County, North Carolina.
1060968: COPPENS, Y. ET AL. (EDS.) - Earliest Man and environments in the Lake Rudolf basin.
99767: COPPENS, YVES (ED.) - Origines de l'homme.
55492: COPPENS, Y. ET AL. - 5 miljoen jaar menselijk avontuur.
10992298: COPPENS, Y. ET AL. - Origines de l’homme.
78732: COPPER, P. - Bifida and Kayseria (Brachiopoda) and their affinity.
78133: COPPER, P. - A new Middle Devonian atrypid brachiopod from the Eifel, Germany.
18323: COPPER, P. - Evolution of the earliest smooth spire-bearing atrypoids (Brachiopoda: Lissatrypidae, Ordovician-Silurian).
82504: COPPER, PAUL - Early Silurian atrypoids from Manitoulin Island and Bruce Peninsula, Ontario.
10990836: COPPER, P. - Unusual structures in Devonian Atrypidae from England.
101633: COPPER, PAUL - Atrypa (Planatrypa), a new Devonian brachiopod species-group.
11178: COPPER, P. - Zygospira and some related Ordovician and Silurian atrypoid brachiopods.
89985: COPPER, P. - A new Middle Devonian atrypid brachiopod from the Eifel, Germany.
89986: COPPER, P. - The Atrypa zonata brachiopod group in the Eifel, Germany.
89987: COPPER, P. - Spinatrypa and Spinatrypina (Devonian Brachiopoda).
100096: COQUE, ROGER - Géomorphologie.
56991: COQUEL, R. & R.M. RODRIGUEZ - Étude palynologique du Cantabrien et du Barruélien dans les régions de Barruelo et de Tejerina (Nord-Ouest Espagne).
103004: CORBIN, P. & N. OULIANOFF - Carte géologique du Massif deu Mont-Blanc à 1:20.000 Feuille Servoz-Les Houches. Notice explicative. [sanns carte].
20170: CORDFUNKE, E.H.P. ET AL. (EDS.) - “Loffelijke verdiensten van de archeologie” C.J.C. Reuvens als grondlegger van de moderne Nederlandse archeologie.
52978: CORDFUNKE, E.H.P. - Opgravingen in Egmond. De abdij van Egmond in historisch-archeologisch perspectief.
87881: CORDFUNKE, E.H.P. - Kennemerland in prehistorie en Middeleeuwen.
507056: CORDFUNKE, E.H.P. - Alkmaar in Prehistorie en Middeleeuwen. Tien jaar stadskernonderzoek.
507058: CORDFUNKE, E.H.P. ET AL. (EDS.) - De Hollandse stad in de dertiende eeuw.
9120924: CORDFUNKE, E.H.P. & F.W.N. HUGENHOLTZ - Gravin Petronilla van Holland, ca. 1082-1144. Holland in het begin van de 12e eeuw.
66892: S. CORDIER, D. HARMAND, M. FRECHEN, M. BEINER - Fluvial system response to Middle and Upper Pleistocene climate change in the Meurthe and Moselle valleys (Eastern Paris Basin and Rhenish Massif)
102500: CORDY, J.-M. (ED.) - Van bacterie tot Lucy. 4 miljard jaar leven op aarde.
90387: CORIA, RODOLFO A. & PHILIP J. CURRIE - A new carcharodontosaurid (Dinosauria, Theropoda) from the Upper Cretaceous of Argentina.
103860: CORMAN, H.H.M. (EINDRED.) - Jaarboek Numaga jrg. XLVII.
100735: CORNELIS, W. - Overblijfselen van rivierbeddingen in de Java-zee.
102255: CORNELIS, W. - Overblijfselen van rivierbeddingen in de Java-zee.
94240: CORNELIUS, H.P. - Vorläufige Mitteilung über geologische Aufnahmen in der Pizz d'Err-Gruppe (Graubünden).
93337: CORNELIUS, H.P. - Zur Kenntniss der Wurzelregion im unteren Veltlin.
93339: CORNELIUS, H.P. - Zur Schichtfolge und tektonik der Mürztaler Kalkalpen.
93340: CORNELIUS, H.P. ET AL. - Der Tennengebirgs-N-Rand mit seinen Manganerzen und die Berge im Bereich des lammertales.
94361: CORNELIUS, H.P. - Erläuterungen zur geologischen Karte des Raxgebietes 1:25.000. [Erläuterungen mit Karte]
94362: CORNELIUS, H.P. - Geologische Spezialkarte des Bundesstaates Österreich Zone 15, Kol. XIII Mürzzuschlag.
94364: CORNELIUS, H.P. - Geologische Karte des Raxgebietes 1:25.000.
94365: CORNELIUS, H.P. - Die Geologie des Schneeberggebietes (Erläuterungen zur Geologische Karte des Schneeberggebietes 1:25.000).
93338: CORNELIUS, H.P. - Schichtfolge und Tektonik der kalkalpen im Gebiete der Rax.
94261: CORNELIUS, H.P. - Geologie der Err-Julier-Gruppe. I. Baumaterial (Stratigraphie ...), & II. Teil. Der Gebirgsbau, III. Teil. Quartär und Oberflachengestaltung ....
98088: CORNELIUS, H.P. - Gesteine und Tektonik im Ostabschnitt der nordalpinen Grauwackenzone vom Alpen-Ostrand bis zum Aflenzer Becken.
97335: CORNELIUS, H.P. - Geologische Spezialkarte des Bundesstaates Österreich Zone 15, Kol. XIII Mürzzuschlag.
94262: CORNELIUS, H.P. - Geologie der Err-Julier-Gruppe. II. Teil. Der Gebirgsbau.
76052: CORNET, F.-L. & A. BRIART - Sur la division de l'étage de la Craie blanche du Hainaut en quatre assises.
88671: CORNET, CéCILE - Évolution tectonique et morphologique de la Provence depuis l'Oligocène.
88653: CORNET, J. & G. SCHMITZ - Note sur les puits naturels du terrain houiller du Hainaut et sur le gisement de Iguanodons à Bernissart.
54603: CORNUEL, J. - Nouvelle note sur des Pycnodontes portlandiens et néocomiens de l'est du bassin de Paris, et sur des dents binaires de plusieurs d'entre eux.
60616: CORNUEL, J. - Note sur de nouveaux débris de pycnodontes portlandiens et néocomiens de l'Est du bassin de Paris. /&/ Nouvelle note sur des Pycnodontes portlandiens et néocomiens de l'est du bassin de Paris, et sur des dents binaires de plusieurs d'entre eux.
58435: CORONADO, ISMAEL, ALBERTO PéREZ-HUERTA AND SERGIO RODRíGUEZ - Crystallographic orientations of structural elements in skeletons of Syringoporicae (tabulate corals, Carboniferous): implications for biomineralization processes in Palaeozoic corals.
86924: CORRêA, ANT. MENDES & CARLOS TEIXEIRA - A jazida pré-histórica de Eira Pedrinha (Condeixa).
102562: CORRèGE, THIERRY - Late Quaternery palaeoceanography of the Queensland Trough (western Coral Sea) based on Ostracoda and the chemical composition of their shells.
89417: CORROY, G. & G. DENIZOT - Guide géologique de la Provence occidentale.
99768: CORRUCCINI, R.S. & R.L. CIOCHON (EDS.) - Integrative paths tot he past. Paleoanthropological advances in honour of F. Clark Howell.
84373: CORSIN, P. & G. DUBOIS - Description de la flore dinantienne de Champenay.
75722: CORSIN, P. - Sur la position systématique du Zeilleria avoldensis Stur.
47867: CORSIN, P. - Reconstruction de Pécoptéridées: genres Caulopteris Lindley et Hutton, Megaphyton Artis et Hagiophyton nov. gen.
22038: CORSIN P. & STAMPFLI G. - La Formation de Shemshak dans l'Elburz oriental (Iran). Flore, stratigraphie, paléogéographie.
45432: CORSIN, P. & P. CORSIN - Un siècle et demi de paléobotanique dans le nord de la France.
84103: CORSIN, P. & G. DUBOIS - Description de la flore dinantienne de Champenay.
85186: CORSINI, M. ET AL. - Guides géologiques. Parc national de Mercantour.
93170: CORVINUS, G. & A.C. NANDA - Stratigraphy and paleontology of the Siwalik Group of Surai Khola and Rato Khola in Nepal.
92254: CORVINUS, GUDRUN & LILA NATH RIMAL - Biostratigraphy and geology of the neogene Siwalik group of the Surai Khola and Rato Khola areas in Nepal.
82626: COSGRIFF, J.W. - The Pangean reptile, Lystrosaurus maccaigi, in the Lower Triassic of Antarctica.
46663: COSGRIFF, J.W. - A new genus of Temnospondyli from the Triassic of Western Australia.
1340127: COSIJN, A.J. - Statistical studies on the phylogeny of some Foraminifera. Cycloclypeus and Lepidocyclina from Spain, Globorotalia from the East-Indies.
100737: COSIJN, J. - Voorlopige mededeeling omtrent het voorkomen van fossiele beenderen in het heuvelterrein ten noorden van Djetis en Perning (Midden-Java) // Tweede mededeeling over het voorkomen van fossiele ...etc.
100736: COSIJN, A.J. - Statistical studies on the phylogeny of some Foraminifera. Cycloclypeus and Lepidocyclina from Spain, Globorotalia from the East-Indies.
93343: COSIJN, J. - De geologie van de Valli di Olmo al Brembo.
86980: COSIJN, A.J. - Statistical studies on the phylogeny of some Foraminifera. Cycloclypeus and Lepidocyclina from Spain, Globorotalia from the East-Indies.
1440020: COSIJN, J. - Voorlopige mededeeling omtrent het voorkomen van fossiele beenderen in het heuvelterrein ten noorden van Djetis en Perning (Midden-Java) // Tweede mededeeling over het voorkomen van fossiele ...etc.
10990948: COSSEY, P.J. - Hexaphyllia: a spiny heterocoral from Lower Carboniferous reef limestones in Derbyshire, England.
83975: COSSGNANI, TIZIANO - Bursidae of the world.
88093: COSSMANN, MAURICE - Pélécypodes du Montien de Belgique.
10990151: COSTA, L.I. AND C. DOWNIE - The distribution of the dinoflagellate Wetzeliella in the Palaeogene of north-western Europe.
80393: COSTE, E. - Nouvelles contributions a la Topographie souterraine du Bassin de la Loire. Texte. (Suite a la Topographie souterraine du Bassin de la Loire, par M. Grüner, 1882).
90572: COSTER, P. ET AL. - New hystricognathus rodents from the early Oligocene of central Lybia (Zallah Oasis, Sahara Desert): systematic, phylogenetic and biochronologic implications.
91979: CôTEZ, EMMANUEL ET AL. - 1802-2018: a 220-year history of the Muséum periodicals.
85198: COTILLON, P. & J. MEDUS - Données stratigraphiques et palynologogiques sur un horizon albin dans l'arc de Castellane (Basses-Alpes, Alpes-maritimes, Var); consequences paléogeographiques.?
84926: COTILLON, P. & J. MEDUS - Données stratigraphiques et palynologogiques sur un horizon albin dans l'arc de Castellane (Basses-Alpes, Alpes-maritimes, Var); consequences paléogeographiques.?
89679: COTILLON, P. (INTRO) - Colloque sur le Cénomanien (france-Europe occidentale).
90893: COTILLON, P. (INTRO) - Colloque sur le Cénomanien (france-Europe occidentale).
91980: COTILLON, P. (ED.) - Mesozoic eustacy record on western Tethyan margins.
92066: COTILLON, P. (ED.) - Mesozoic eustacy record on western Tethyan margins.
20696: COTTEAU, M. - Note sur quelques échinides du terrain Crétacé du Mexique.
89008: COTTEAU, G. - Description des échinides tertiaires des Iles St. Barthélemy et Anguilla.
94608: COTTEAU, G. - Échinides éocènes de la province d'Alicante. fasc. 1 & 2.
77342: COTTEAU, G. - Description des Échinides tertiaires de la Belgique.
78733: COTTEAU, JEAN - Invertébrés Jurassique de la région de Harar (Abyssinie).
96649: COTTEAU, G. - Description des Échinides tertiaires de la Belgique.
56207: COTTEAU, M. - Description des Échinides du Calcaire Grossier de Mons.
82762: COTTEAU, G. - Échinides éocènes de la province d'Alicante. fasc. 1 & 2.
6120020: COTTEAU, G. - Description des Échinides tertiaires de la Belgique.
6120019: COTTEAU, G. - Description des Échinides tertiaires de la Belgique.
70784: COTTEAU, M. - Description des Échinides du Calcaire Grossier de Mons.
8100103: COTTEAU, G. - Description des Échinides tertiaires de la Belgique.
101604: COTTEAU, G. - Échinides éocènes de la province d'Alicante. fasc. 1 & 2.
54123: COTTERILL, H.B. - Oud Hellas. Zijn kunst, letterkunde en wijsbegeerte in verband met zijn staatkundige geschiedenis - etc.
98984: COTTON, C.A. - Landscape as developed by the processes of normal erosion. 2nd ed.
98985: COTTON, C.A. - New Zealand geomorphology.
87119: COTTON, T.J. - The phylogeny and systematics of blind Cambrian ptychoparioid trilobites.
102678: COTTREAU, JEAN - Invertébrés Jurassique de la région de Harar (Abyssinie).
95584: COUDé, A. - Géomorphologie structurale du batholite de Galway (Connemara, Irlande occidentale).
95583: COUDé, A. - Formations superficielles et dernière glaciation en Irlande occidentale.
100573: COUDERT, P. - Géologie du Bassin du Lawa. /&/ Choubert, B.: Essai sur la morphologie de la Guyane.
45405: COUJET, D. & A. BLIECK - Les vertébrés de l’'Assise des schistes et grès de Pernes (Dévonien du Nord de la France).
103965: COULON, G. ET AL. - Reisen im Imperium Romanum von Bliesbruck-Reinheim nach Rom met dem Antikenmaler Jean-Claude Golvin.
101230: COUREL, L. & G. DEMATHIEU - Données récentes sur le Trias du Mont d'Or lyonnais dans les domaines de la stratigraphie et de l'ichnologie.
101231: ???COUREL, L. ET AL. - Figures sédimentaires et traces d'origine biologique du Trias moyen de la bordure orientale du Massif central.
94621: COUREL, L. & A. RAMOS (EDS.) - Continental Permian in Europe.
42869: COUREL, L. & G.R. DEMATHIEU - une nouvelle ichnoespèce Coelurosaurichnus grancieri du Trias supérieur de Ardèche, France.
24063: COUREL, , L. & A. RAMOS (EDS.) - Pérmico continental en Europa / Continental Permian in Euriope.
82553: COUREL, L. & G. DEMATHIEU - Données récentes sur le Trias du Mont d’Or lyonnais dans les domaines de la stratigraphie et de l’ichnologie.
82520: COUREL, L. & G. DEMATHIEU - Données récentes sur le Trias du Mont d’Or lyonnais dans les domaines de la stratigraphie et de l’ichnologie.
21982: COUREL, L. & G. DEMATHIEU - Données récentes sur le Trias du Mont d’Or lyonnais dans les domaines de la stratigraphie et de l’ichnologie.
1440021: COURT, N. - The periotic of Moeritherium (Mammalia, Proboscidea): homology or homoplasy in the ear of Tethytheriaq McKenna, 1975?
87395: COURTINAT, B. & C. GAILLARD - Les dinoflagelles des Calcaires Lités de Trept (Oxfordien supérieur). Inventaire et repartition comparée à celle de la microfaune benthique.
87638: COURTINAT, B. & C. GAILLARD - Les dinoflagelles des Calcaires Lités de Trept (Oxfordien supérieur). Inventaire et repartition comparée à celle de la microfaune benthique.
97129: COURTY, G. - Principes de géologie stratigraphique avec développements sur le Tertiaire parisien. Ouvrage rédigé d'après des documents inédits de Munier-Chalmas.
20060: COUTAGNE, D. (ED.) - Archéologie d’Entremont au Musée Granet.
99051: COUTAGNE, D. (ED.) - Archéologie d'Entremont au Musée Granet.
98569: COUTARD, J.-P. ET AL. - Recherches de gélifraction experimentale. II, III & IV.
98743: COUTARD, J.P. ET AL. - Cartes des formations superficielles et cartes géomorphologiques de Basse-Normandie au 1:50.000e. Feuille de Caen.
98744: COUTARD, J.P. ET AL. - Cartes des formations superficielles et cartes géomorphologiques de Basse-Normandie au 1:50.000e. Feuille Bayeux-Courseulles.
64110: COUTEAUX, M. - Recherches palynologiques en Gaume, au pays d'Arlon, en Ardenne méridionale (Luxembourg belge) et au Gutland (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg).
63838: COUTEAUX, M. - Recherches palynologiques en Gaume, au pays d'Arlon, en Ardenne méridionale (Luxembourg belge) et au Gutland (Grand-Duché de Luxembourg).
81631: COUTO, C. DE P. - On two small Pleistocene ground-sloths.
73285: COUTO, C. DE PAULA - As sucessivas faunas de mamíferos terrestre no continente Americano.
63839: COUWENBERG, J. & H. JOOSTEN (EDS.) - C.A. Weber and the raised bog of Augstumal, with a translation of the 1902 monograph by Weber on the Vegetation and development of the raised bog of Augstumal in the Memel delta.
86321: COWARD, M.P. ET AL. (EDS.) - Continental extensional tectonics.
79904: COWEN, R. - A new type of delthyrial cover in the Devonian brachiopod Mucrospirifer.
47825: COWEN, R. ET AL. - Camouflage patterns in Nautilus, and their implications for cephalopod paleobiology.
47784: COWEN, R. & J. RIDER - Functional analysis of fenestellid bryozoan colonies.
64656: COWEN, RICHARD - History of life. 1st ed.
96036: COWIE, J. & K.J. MCNAMARA - Olenellus (Trilobita) from the Lower Cambrian strata of north-west Scotland.
28009: COWIE, J.W. ET AL. - Symposium on the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary.
28008: COWIE, J.W. (INTRO) - Special issue on the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary.
102501: COWIE, J.W. ET AL. - Symposium on the Precambrian-Cambrian boundary.
79058: COWPER REED, F.R. - Upper Carboniferous fossils from Tibet.
97644: COWPER REED, F.R. - Sedgewick Museum Notes. New fossils from the Haverfordwest District, III, IV & V.
18154: COWPER REED, F.R. - Anthracolithic faunas of the Southern Shan States.
97902: COWPER REED, F.R. - Sedgewick Museum Notes. New fossils from the Haverfordwest District, III, IV & V.
73962: COWPER REED, F.R. - Non-marine lamellibranchs, etc., from the 'Speckled sandstone' Formation (Punjabian) of the Salt Range.
81674: COX, L.R. - On the Jurassic lamellibranch genera Hartwellia and Pronoella.
79442: COX, L.R. - Further mollusca from the Lualaba beds of the Belgian Congo.
88547: COX, A. & R.R. DOELL - Reveiw of paleomagnetism.
81404: COX, L.R. - Further mollusca from the Lualaba beds of the Belgian Congo.
95714: COX, A.H. - The geology of the Cader Idris Range (Merioneth).
95715: COX, A.H. & A.K. WELLS - The Lower Palaeozoic rocks of the Arthog-Dolgelley district (Merionethshire).
81256: COX, M.M. & F.A. MIDDLEMISS - Terebratulacea from the Cretaceous Shenley Limestone.
87238: COX, M.M. & F.A. MIDDLEMISS - Terebratulacea from the Cretaceous Shenley Limestone.
8050282: COX, L.R. - The molluscan fauna and probable Lower Cretaceous age of the Nanutarra Formation of Western Australia.
100159: COX, A.H. & A.K. WELLS - The Lower Palaeozoic rocks of the Arthog-Dolgelley District (Merionethshire).
96844: COX, DONALD D. - Some postglacial forests in central and eastern New York State as determined by the method f pollen analysis.
59471: COX, C.B. - The Pangaea dicynodont Rechnisaurus and the comparative biostratigraphy of Triassic dicynodont faunas.
59419: COX, C.B. & P. HUTCHINSON - Fishes and amphibians from the late Permian Pedra de Fogo Formation of northern Brazil.
82521: COX, C. BARRY - On the palate, dentition, and classification of the fossil reptile Endothiodon and related genera.
78119: COX, L.R. - The Rhaetic-Hettangian bivalve genus Pteromya Moore.
97903: COX, A.H. - The geology of the district between Abereiddy and Abercastle (Pembrokshire).
15618: COX, C.B. AND LI JIN LING - A new genus of Triassic dicynodont from East Africa and its classification.
97367: COX, DONALD D. - Some postglacial forests in central and eastern New York State as determined by the method f pollen analysis.
7080027: COX, M.M. & F.A. MIDDLEMISS - Terebratulacea from the Cretaceous Shenley Limestone.
5100062: COX, L.R. - Further mollusca from the Lualaba beds of the Belgian Congo.
103366: COX, K.G. ET AL. - The practical study of crystals, minerals, and rocks. rev. ed.
9050082: COX, L.R. - On the occurrence of the marine Oligocene in Palestine.
95893: COXON, P. ET AL. - New evidence on the vertebrate fauna, stratigraphy and palaeobotany of the interglacial deposits at Swanton Morley, Norfolk.
46673: COXON, P. ET AL. - New evidence on the vertebrate fauna, stratigraphy and palaeobotany of the interglacial deposits at Swanton Morley, Norfolk.
59166: COYNE, JERRY A. - Why evolution is true.
95585: CóZAR, P. & I.D. SOMERVILLE - Stratigraphy of upper Viséan carbonate platform rocks in the Carlow area, southeast Ireland.
94609: CóZAR, P., I.D. SOMERVILLE, S. RODRíGUEZ, R. MAS & P. MEDINA-VAREA - Development of a late Viséan (Mississippian) mixed carbonate/siliciclastic platform in the Guadalmellato Valley (southwestern Spain).
95586: CóZAR, P. ET AL. - Correlation of Mississipian (Upper Viséan) formaniferan, conodont, miospore and ammonoid zonal schemes, and correlation with Asbian-Brigantian boundary in northwest Ireland.
83773: CRACRAFT, J. & J.J. MORONY - A new Pliocene woodpecker, with comments on the fossil Picidae.
102166: CRADDOCK, J.C. - Stratigraphy and structure of the Kinderhook quadrangle, New York, and the Taconic Klippe. /&/ Weaver: Stratigraphy and structure of the Copake quadrangle, New York.
78135: CRAIG, G.Y. & A. HALLAM - Size-frequency and growth-ring analysis of Mytilus edulis and Cardium edule, and their palaeoecological significance.
102679: CRAIG, R.S. - The Cenozoic brachiopods of the Carnarvon Basin, Western Australia.
103349: CRAIG, J. ET AL. (EDS.) - History of the European oil and gas industry.
15505: CRAME, J.A. - Ecological stratification in the Pleistocene coral reefs of the Kenya coast.
15503: CRAME, J.A. - Succession and diversity in the Pleistocene coral reefs of the Kenya coast.
1060104: CRAME, J.A. & S.R.A. KELLY - Composition and distribution of the inoceramid bivalve genus Anopaea.
15021: CRAME, J.A. - Late Jurassic inoceramid bivalves from the Antarctic Peninsula and their stratigraphic use.
10991079: CRAME, J.A. - A new oxytomid bivalve from the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous of Antarctica.
10991077: CRAME, J.A. - Lower Cretaceous inoceramid bivalves from the Antarctic Peninsula region.
10991078: CRAME, J.A. - Occurrence of the bivalve genus Manticula in the Early Cretaceous of Antarctica.
54419: CRAMER, F.H. - Microplankton from three Palaeozoic formations in the province of León, NW-Spain.
83840: CRAMER, F.H. - Microplankton from three Palaeozoic formations in the province of León, NW-Spain.
18608: CRAMER, F.H. & M.C. DIEZ DE CRAMER - Consideraciones taxonómicas sobre las acritarcas del Silúrico Medio y Superior del norte de España. Las acritarcas acantomorfítas.
48303: CRAMER, F. - Erläuterungen zur Geologischen Karte von Bayern 1:25 000 Blatt Nr. 6227 Iphofen. [Erläut. mit Karte]
56994: CRAMER, F.H. - Palynomorphs from the Siluro-Devonian boundary in NW Spain. /&/ Additional morphographic information on some characteristic acritarchs of the San Pedro and Furada formations (Silurian devonian boundary) in Leon and Asturias, Spain.
86981: CRAMER, F.H. - Microplankton from three Palaeozoic formations in the province of León (NW-Spain).
84105: CRAMER, F.H. - Microplankton from three Palaeozoic formations in the province of León, NW-Spain.
47552: CRAMPON, N. (ED.) - La Craie: objet géologique. reservoir, materiau et paysage.
15022: CRAMPTON, J.S. - A new species of Late Cretaceous wood-boring bivalve from New Zealand.
49265: CRANDELL, D.R. - Deposits of pre-1980 pyroclastic flows and lahars from Mount St. Helens volcano, Washington.
102167: CRANDELL, D.R. - Surficial geology of Mount Rainier National Park.
1133030: CRANDELL, D.R. & D.R. MULLINEAUX - Volcanic hazards at Mount Rainier, Washington.
1133029: CRANDELL, D.R. - Postglacial lahars from Mount Rainier Volcano, Washington.
1133028: CRANDELL, D.R. - The geologic story of Mount Rainier.
21196: CRANDELL, D.R. - Recent eruptive history of Mount Hood, Oregon, and potential hazards from future eruptions.
21197: CRANDELL, D.R. - Recent eruptive history of Mount Hood, Oregon, and potential hazards from future eruptions.
18609: CRANE, P.R. ET AL. - Morphology and phylogenetic significance of the angiosperm Platanites hebridicus from the Palaeocene of Scotland.
96163: CRANE, P.R. ET AL. - Morphology and phylogenetic significance of the angiosperm Platanites hebridicus from the Palaeocene of Scotland.
7120260: CRANE, P.R. & D.L. DILCHER - Lesqueria: an early angiosperm fruiting axis from the Mid-Cretaceous.
59308: CRASKE, A.J. & R.P.S. JEFFERIES - A new mitrate from the Upper Ordovician of Norway, and a new approach to subdividing a plesion.
97599: CRASQUIN, SYLVIE ET AL. - Ostracods across the Permian-Triassic boundary in western Tethys: The Bulla Parastratotype (Southern Alps, Italy).
96318: CRASQUIN-SOLEAU, S. ET AL. - Palaeoecological changes after the end-Permian mass extinction: Early Triassic ostracods from northwestern Guangxi Province, South China.
96319: CRASQUIN-SOLEAU, S. & F. DEPêCHE - Paleoecology of ODP LEG 122 Triassic Ostracodes (Wombat Plateau, NW Australia).
96320: CRASQUIN-SOLEAU, S. ET AL. - Forme et environnement: Étude de cas, application a un ostracode paléozoïque.
96321: CRASQUIN-SOLLEAU, S. ET AL. - Ostracods as markers of the Permian/Triassic boundary in the Khuff Formation of Saudi Arabia.
96322: CRASQUIN, SYLVIE ET AL. - Ostracods (Crustacea) through the Permian-Triassic boundary in South China: the Meishan stratotype (Zhejiang Province).
91112: CRASQUIN-SOLEAU, S. & P. DE WEVER (EDS.) - Peri-Tethys stratigraphic correlations 3.
87525: CRASQUIN-SOLEAU, S. & E. BARRIER (EDS.) - Peri-Tethys Memoir 4. Epicratonic Basins of Peri-Tethyan Platforms.
87524: CRASQUIN-SOLEAU, S. & E. BARRIER (EDS.) - Peri-Tethys Memoir 3. Stratigraphy and evolution of Peri-Tethyan Platforms.
91110: CRASQUIN-SOLEAU, S. & P. DE WEVER (EDS.) - Peri-Tethys stratigraphic correlations 1.
91111: CRASQUIN-SOLEAU, S. ET AL. (EDS.) - Peri-Tethys stratigraphic correlations 2.
89680: CRASQUIN-SOLEAU, S. & P. DE WEVER (EDS.) - Peri-Tethys stratigraphic correlations 1.
89681: CRASQUIN-SOLEAU, S. ET AL. (EDS.) - Peri-Tethys stratigraphic correlations 2.
89682: CRASQUIN-SOLEAU, S. & P. DE WEVER (EDS.) - Peri-Tethys stratigraphic correlations 3.
93344: CRAUSAZ, C.U. - Géologie de la région de Fribourg.
89850: CRAWFORD, R.S. ET AL. - Mass mortality of fossil decapods within the Monte Léon Formation (Early Miocene), southern Argentina: victims of Andean volcanism.
96164: CRAWLEY, M. - Dicotyledonous wood from the lower Tertiary of Britain.
16015: CRAWLEY, M. - Dicotyledonous wood from the lower Tertiary of Britain.
10991770: CREBER, G.T. AND S. R. ASH - The Late Triassic Schilderia adamanica and Woodworthia arizonica trees of the Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona, USA.
82872: CREDNER, HERMANN - Die Stegocephalen und Saurier aus dem Rothliegenden des Plauen'schen Grundes bei Dresden. X. Sclerocephalus labyrinthicus H.B. geinitz species; H. credner emend.
80462: CREDNER, H. - Ueber Gletscherschliffe auf Porphyrkuppen bei Leipzig und über geritzte einheimische Geschiebe.
86242: CREDNER, HERMANN - Die Stegocephalen aus dem Rothliegenden des Plauen'schen Grundes bei Dresden.
86241: CREDNER, HERMANN - Die Stegocephalen (Labyrinthodonten) aus dem Rothliegenden des Plauenschen Grundes bei Dresden.
86166: CREDNER, H. - Die Brachiopoden der Hilsbildung im norwestlichen Deutschland.
48198: CREDNER, H. - Ueber Schichtenstörungen im Untergrunde des Geschiebelehmes, an Beispielen aus dem nordwestlichen Sachsen und angrenzenden landstrichen.
1133031: CREDNER, H. - Die sächsischen Erdbeben während der Jahre 1889 bis 1897 onsbesondere das sächsisch-böhmische Erdbeben vom 24. October bis 29. November 1897.
88497: CREDNER, HERMANN - Die Stegocephalen und Saurier aus dem Rothliegenden des Plauen'schen Grundes bei Dresden. Achter Theil. Kadaliosaurus priscus Cred.
88496: CREDNER, HERMANN - Die Stegocephalen aus dem Rothliegenden des Plauen'schen Grundes bei Dresden. Dritter Theil.
88495: CREDNER, HERMANN - Die Stegocephalen (Labyrinthodonten) aus dem Rothliegenden des Plauenschen Grundes bei Dresden. Erster u. Zweiter Theil.
46988: CREDNER, HERMANN - Das Oligocän des Leipziger Kreises, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des marinen Mittel-Oligocäns.
67188: CREER, K.M. & N. THOUVENY (EDS.) - The Euromaars project. A multidiciplinary approach directed to the reconstruction of palaeoenvironmental, plalaeoclimatic and palaeogeomagnetic changes recorded by sediments deposited in naar lakes located in western Europe.
99988: CREER, K.M. - A review of palaeomagnetism.
7618: CRÉGUT-BONNOURE, E. - Un nouveau Caprinae, Hemitragus cedrensis nov. sp. (Mammalia, Bovidae) des niveaux pléistocène moyen de la grotte des Cèdres (Le Plan d'Aups, Var). Intéret biogéographique.
20061: CREMILLIEUX, A. - Stratigraphie, typologie et paléthologie de quelques remplissages d’abris sous basaltiques en haute vallée de la Loire (Velay).
99052: CREMILLIEUX, A. - Stratigraphie, typologie et paléthologie de quelques remplissages d'abris sous basaltiques en haute vallée de la Loire (Velay).
100044: CRESCENTI, U. ET AL. - La grande frana di Ancona del 13 dicembre 1982.
73920: CRESPIN, IRENE - Upper Devonian Foraminifera from Western Australia.
2128: CREUTZBURG, N. & J. PAPASTAMATIOU - Die Ethia-Serie des südlichen Mittelkreta und ihre Ophiolithvorkommen.
100241: CRIADO, HERNáNDEZ, C. - La evolución del relieve de Fuerteventura.
64348: CRIADO BOADA, F.C. ET AL. - La construcción del paisaje: Megalitismo y ecología en la Sierra de Barbanza (Galicia).
21912: CRICK, R.E. - Buoyancy regulation and macroevolution in nautiloid cephalopods.
91526: CRICK, REX E. - Buoyancy regulation and macroevolution in nautiloid cephalopods.
89028: CRICKMAY, C.H. - Discrimination of Late Upper Devonian.
20872: CRICKMAY, C.H. - The stratigraphy of Parson Bay, British Columbia. [Trias/Jura].
10991771: CRIDLAND, A.A. - Amyelon in American coal balls.
101232: CRIMES, T. PETER & GERARD J. B. GERMS - Trace fossils from the Nama Group (Precambrian-Cambrian) of Southwest Africa (Namibia).
101233: CRIMES, T.P. ET AL. - Trace fossil assemblages of deep-sea fan deposits, Gurnigel und Schlieren Flysch (Cretaceous-Eocene), Switzerland).
96037: CRIMES, T.P. - Trilobite traces from the Lower Tremadoc of Tortworth.
77172: CRIMES, T.P. - Trilobite traces from the Lower Tremadoc of Tortworth.
17285: CRIMES, T.P. ET AL. 1995. - A rigid-bodied Ediacaran Biota from Upper Cambrian strata in Co. Wexford, Eire.
47719: CRIMES, T.P. - The production and preservation of trilobite resting and furrowing traces.
99182: CRIPPS, A.P. - A new genus of stem chordate (Cornuta) from the Lower and Middle Ordovician of Czechoslovakia and the origin of bilateral symmetry in the Chordates.
83976: CROCHET, B. - La faune malacologique des calcaires éocènes de la région de Sabarat (Pyrénées ariégeoises).
82945: CROCHET, JEAN-YVES - Les marsupiaux du Tertiaire d'Europe. [2 vols.]
82620: CROCHET, J.-Y. ET AL. - Les nouvelles faunes de vertébrés antérieures à la Grande Coupure découvertes dans les phosphorites du Quercy. [Eocene]
83600: CROCHET, J.-Y. ET AL. - Les nouvelles faunes de vertébrés antérieures à la Grande Coupure découvertes dans les phosphorites du Quercy. [Eocene]
91811: CROCHET, J.-Y. - Insectivores pliocènes du sud de la France (Languedoc-Roussillon) et du nord de l'Espagne.
10991525: CROFT, D.A. - The middle Miocene (Laventan) Quebrada Honda fauna, southern Bolivia and a description of its notoungulates.
90573: CROITOR, ROMAN & DIMITRIS S. KOSTOPOULOS - On the systematic position of the large-sized deer from Apollonia, Early Pleistocene, Greece.
64875: CROMBAGHS, M. ET AL. - The first absolute gravity measurements in The Netherlands. Period 1991-1999.
1540105: CROMMELIN, R.D. - De herkomst van het waddenslib met korrelgrootte boven 10 micron.
19233: CROMMELIN, R.D. - A contribution to the sedimentary petrology of the Dollart as compared to adjoining areas.
19232: CROMMELIN, R.D. - De herkomst van het waddenslib met korrelgrootte boven 10 micron.
43120: CROMMELIN, R.D. & J.J. DE GRUYTER - Cluster analysis applied to mineralogical datab from the coversand formation in The Netherlands.
19070: CROMMELIN, R.D. & G.C. MAARLEVELD - Een nieuwe geologische kaartering van de zuidelijke Veluwe.
19061: CROMMELIN, R.D. - Sediment-petrologische onderzoekingen, IV. Sediment-petrologische onderzoekingen in Midden-Nederland, in het bijzonder van het Jong-Pleistoceen.
76017: CROMMELIN, R.D. & A. MAASKANT - Sedimentpetrologische Onderzoekingen V. Sedimentpetrologische Untersuchungen im Stromgebiet der Weser und der Elbe.
76016: CROMMELIN, R.D. - Sedimentpetrologische Onderzoekingen IV. Sediment-petrologische onderzoelingen in Midden-Nederland, in het bijzonder van het jong-Pleistoceen.
75967: CROMMELIN, R.D. - De herkomst van het waddenslib met korrelgrootte boven 10 micron.
75966: CROMMELIN, R.D. - De herkomst van het zand van de Waddenzee.
77985: CROMMELIN, R.D. - Een karrenveld bij Winterswijk. & K. Oestreich: Beschouwingen omtrent een blootgekomen karstoppervlak bij Winterswijk.
80329: CROMMELIN, R.D. - Enkele opmerkingen over kalkzandsteenbanken in het preglaciaal van midden-Nederland.
80328: CROMMELIN, R.D. & L. VAN DER PLAS - Viridine, a rare constituent of Pleistocene sands.
80327: CROMMELIN, R.D. - De herkomst van het waddenslib met korrelgrootte boven 10 micron.
62813: CROMPTON, A.W. & F. ELLENBERGER - On a new cynodont from the Meltono Beds and the origin of the tritylodontids. /&/ L.D. Boonstra: The moschopid skulls in the South African Museum.
55823: CROMPTON, A.W. - Postcanine occlusion in cynodonts and tritylodontids.
55824: CROMPTON, A.W. & F. ELLENBERGER - On a new cynodont fromthe Molteno beds and the origin of the Tritylodontids.
1450512: CROMPTON, A.W. - A revision of the Scaloposauridae with special reference to kinetism in this family.
1450515: CROMPTON, A. W. AND N. HOTTON III. - Functional morphology of the masticatory apparatus of two dicynodonts (Reptilia, Therapsida).
88723: CRONACHER, RUDOLF - Der Ehrenberg bei Ilmenau.
9050224: CRONE, A.J. ET AL. - Geologic investigations of the 1988 Tennant Creek, Australia, earthquakes. Implications for paleoseismicity in stable continental regions.
20873: CRONEIS, C. - New cephalopods from the Fayetteville Shale.
61943: CRôNIER, C. & R. FEIST - Evolution et systématique du groupe Cryphops (Phacopinae, Trilobita) du Dévonien supérieur.
67023: CRONIN, T.M. & H.J. DOWSETT (EDS.) - Pliocene climates.
82569: CRONIN, B.T. ET AL. - Vertical and lateral organization of a carbonate deep-water slope marginal to a submarine fan system, Miocene, southern Turkey.
97407: CRONIN, T.M. ET AL. (EDS.) - Cenozoic climate and paleogeographic changes in the Pacific region.
44203: CROOKALL, R. - The relative value of fossil plants in the stratigraphy of the Coal Measures.
96166: CROOKALL, R. - The relative value of fossil plants in the stratigraphy of the Coal Measures.
98674: CROOKHALL, R. - On the fossil flora of the Bristol and Somerset Coalfield.
86446: CROSS, W. - Lavas of Hawaii and their relations.
75820: CROSS, W. - Lavas of Hawaii and their relations.
57840: CROUZEL, F. ET AL. - Carte géologique détaillée de la France 1/50.000. Eauze (953).
67105: G.M. CROWLEY - Quaternary soil salinity events and Australian vegetation history.
82000: CROWTHER, P.R. - The fine structure of graptolite periderm.
89138: CRUICKSHANK, A.R.I. - The pes of Erythrosuchus africanus Broom.
99828: CRUMLIN-PEDERSEN, O. - Archaeology and the sea.
83273: CRUSAFONT-PAIRó, M. & G. PETTER - Contribution à l'étude des Hyaenidae. La sous-famille des Ictitheriinae.
94611: CRUSAFONT PAIRó, M. - Los jiráfidos fósiles de España.
94612: CRUSAFONT PAIRO, M. - El desarrollo de los caninos en algunas Driopitecidos del Vallesiense en Cataluña.
94613: CRUSAFONT-PAIRó, M. & J.M. GOLPE-POSSE - Associación de Anchitherium Mey. 1834, con Hipparion Christ, 1832, en el Alto Mioceno del Vallés.
94614: CRUSAFONT PAIRO, M. & J.MA GOLPE POSSE - Les nuevos yacimientos de mamíferos del Eoceno español.
94781: CRUSAFONT,M. ET AL. - Villafranchien de Villarroya.
23335: CRUSAFONT-PAIRó, M. & J.M. GOLPE-POSSE - Associación de Anchitherium Mey. 1834, con Hipparion Christ, 1832, en el Alto Mioceno del Vallés.
83610: CRUSAFONT-PAIRó, M. & D.E. RUSSELL - Un nouveau Paroxyclaenidé de l'Éocène d'Espagne.
1440023: CRUSAFONT PAIRÓ, M. - Los jiráfidos fòsiles de Espana.
46674: CRUSAFONT PAIRO, M. - El desarrollo de los caninos en algunas Driopitecidos del Vallesiense en Cataluña.
100148: CRUTZEN, PAUL J. & THOMAS E. GRAEDEL - Weer en klimaat. Atmosfeer in verandering.
90819: CSAKI, C. & M. URLICHS - Typen und Originale im Staatlichen Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart: Paläobotanik.
100600: CSERNA, Z. DE & B.H. KENT - Mapa geologica de reconocimiento y secciones estructurales de la region de San Blas y El Fuerte, Estados de Sinaloa y Sonora.
90079: CTYROKY, PAVEL - Die Molluskenfauna der Rzehakia-(Oncophora)-Schichten Mährens. [Miocene]
50955: CUBAYNES, R. ET AL. - Le mégas’quence d’ouverture du Lias quercynois (bordure sud-ouest du Massif Central français.
80019: CUENCA BESCóS, G. - Revisión de los Sciuridae del Aragoniense y del Rambliense en la fosa de Catalyud-Montalban.
94627: CUENCA BESCóS, G. - Revisión de los Sciuridae del Aragoniense y del Rambliense en la fosa de Calatayud-Montalbán.
55931: CUENCA BESCóS, G. - Revisión de los Sciuridae del Aragoniense y del Rambliense en la fosa de Calatayud-Montalbán..
90574: CUENCA BESCóS, G. - Revisión de los Sciuridae del Aragoniense y del Rambliense en la fosa de Calatayud-Montalbán.
91813: CUENCA BESCóS, G. - Revisión de los Sciuridae del Aragoniense y del Rambliense en la fosa de Calatayud-Montalbán.
94628: CUEVAS GONZáLEZ, JAIME - Estado actual de los conocimientos paleontológicos y estratigráficos de los yacimientos aragonienses de Somosaguas (Pozuelo de Alarcón, Madrid).
94629: CUEVAS GOZALO, MARGARITA C. - Sedimentary facies and sequential architecture of tide-influenced alluvial deposits. An example from the middle eocene Capella Formation, south-central Pyrenees, Spain.
94630: CUEVAS GOZALO, M.C. - Sedimentary facies and sequential architecture of tide-influenced alluvial deposits. An example from the middle eocene Capella Formation, south-central Pyrenees, Spain.
94631: CUEVAS GOZALO, M. & P.L. DE BOER - Tide-influenced fluvial deposits; examples from Eocene of the southern Pyrenees.
52015: CUFFEY, C.A. ET AL. - Epizoic bryozoans and corals as indicators of life and post-mortem orientations of the Devonian brachiopod Meristella.
20813: CUIF, J.-P. - Structure et position systématique du genre heterastridium Reuss 1865 (Hydrozoaire).
1560105: CULIBERG, M. - Late glacial vegetation in Slovenia.
84657: CULP ZEITNER, JUNE - Southwest mineral & gem trails. New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana.
56653: CULVER, S.J. & P.F. RAWSON (EDS.) - Biotic response to global change. The last 145 million years.
98986: CUMBERLAND, KENNETH B. - Moas and Men: New Zealand about A.D. 1250.
96691: CUMINGS, E.R. - Development of some Paleozoic Bryozoa.
15720: CUMONT, F. & E. CUMONT 1906. - Voyage d'exploration archéologique dans Le Pont et La Petite Arménie. [Asia Minor].
67363: CUNHAI GAO, DAVID H KEEN, STEVE BOREHAM, G RUSSELL COOPE, MARY E PETTIT, ANTHONY J STUART, PHILIP L GIBBARD - Last Interglacial and Devensian deposits of the River Great Ouse at Woolpack Farm, Fenstanton, Cambridgeshire, UK.
103160: CUNLIFFE, BARRY - Europe between the oceans. Themes and variations: 9000 BC-AD 1000.
88724: CUP, C. - Tectonics and genesis of the lead-zinc ores of Tellig (Hunsrück, W. Germany).
75341: CüPPERS, H. ET AL. - Führer zu vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern. Trier, Teil I. Text, II. Beilagen.
75340: CüPPERS, H. - Römische Villa Otrang.
59117: CüPPERS, H. ET AL. (EDS.) - La civilisation romaine de la Moselle à la Sarre. Vestiges romaines en Lorraine, au Luxembourg, dans la r’;egion de Trèves et en Sarre.
81047: CüPPERS, H. ET AL. - Führer zu vor- und frühgeschichtlichen Denkmälern Bd. 32. Trier, Teil I. Text, II. Beilagen.
80394: CURNETTE, R. & P. DUBOIS - Evolution mésozoïque des grands bassins sédimentaires français: bassin de Paris, d'Aquitaine et du Sud-Est.
101234: CURRAN, H. ALLEN - A Trace Fossil Brood Structure of Probable Callianassid Origin.
20697: CURRIE, E.D. - Palaeontology of Harrar province, Ethiopia. part 2. Echinoidea.
84871: CURRIE, P.J. - A new younginid (Reptilia: Eusuchia) from the Upper Permian of Madagascar.
89139: CURRIE, P.J. - Hovasaurus boulei, an aquatic eosuchian from the Upper Permian of Madagascar.
66956: CURRIE, R.G. & R.W. FAIRBRIDGE - Periodic 18.6-year and cyclic 11-year induced drought and flood in northeastern China and some global implications.
49112: CURRIE, P.J. & D.A. RUSSELL - Osteology and relationships of Chirostenotes pergracilis (Saurischia, Theropoda) from the Judith River (Oldman) Formation of Alberta, Canada.
84047: CURRIE, P.J. - Cranial anatomy of Stenonychosaurus inequalis (Saurischia, Theropoda) and its bearing on the origin of birds.
24281: CURRY ROGERS, K.A. & J.A. WILSON - The sauropods. Evolution and paleobiology.
64456: CURRY ROGERS, K.A. & J.A. WILSON - The sauropods. Evolution and paleobiology.
54463: CURTIS, M.L.K. - The Upper Llandovery trilobites of the Tortworth inlier, Gloucestershire.
28064: CURTIS, D.M. (ED.) - Depositional environments and paleoecology: Foraminiferal paleoecology.
95894: CURTIS, L.F. ET AL. - Soils in the British Isles.
56769: CUSACK, MAGGIE AND ALWYN WILLIAMS - Evolutionary and Diagenetic Changes in the Chemico-structure of the Shell of Cranioid Brachiopods.
10991082: CUSACK, M. ET AL. - Chemico-structural evolution of linguloid brachiopod shells.
82069: CUSHING, E.J. & H.E. WRIGHT - Quaternary paleoecology.
82035: CUSHING, E.J. & H.E. WRIGHT - Quaternary paleoecology.
1340132: CUSHMAN, J.A. - The smaller fossil foraminifera of the Panama Canal Zone.
1340134: CUSHMAN, J.A. - An introduction to the morphology and classification of the foraminifera.
1340136: CUSHMAN, J.A. - The foraminifera of the Choctawhatchee Formation of Florida.
1340140: CUSHMAN, J. - Upper Cretaceous foraminifera of the Gulf coastal region of the United States and adjacent areas.
1340147: CUSHMAN, J. & W. MCGLAMERY - Oligocene foraminifera from Choctaw Bluff, Alabama.
73520: CUSHMAN, JOSEPH A. - Foraminifera from the north coast of Jamaica.
73432: CUSHMAN, J.A. & E.D. CAHILL - Miocene Foraminifera of the coastal plain of the Eastern United States.
99126: CUSHMAN, J.A. & J.H. MCMASTERS - Middle Eocene foraminifera from the Llajas Formation, Ventura County, California.
99125: CUSHMAN, JOSEPH A. - The American Cretaceous foraminifera figured by Ehrenberg.
77657: CUSHMAN, J.A. ET AL. - Recent Foraminifera of the Marshall Islands. .
77437: CUSHMAN, J. - Upper Eocene foraminifera of the southeastern United States.
73295: CUSHMAN, J.A. - An introduction to the morphology and classification of the foraminifera.
102537: CUSHMAN, J.A. & R.M. STAINFORTH - Tertiary Foraminifera of coastal Ecuador: Part I, Eocene.
88915: CUSHMAN, JOSEPH A. - Paleocene Foraminifera of the Gulf coastal region of the United States and adjacent areas.
73724: CUSHMAN, J.A. - The foraminiferal fauna of the Upper Cretaceous Arkadelphia Marl of Arkansas.
78016: CUSHMAN, J.A. - Tertiary foraminifera from St. Croix, Virgin Islands.
97486: CUSHMAN, J.A. & P.W. JARVIS - Upper Cretaceous Foraminifera from Trinidad.
73607: CUSHMAN, J.A. & Y. OZAWA - Some species of fossil and recent Polymorphinidae found in Japan.
88394: CUSHMAN, J.A. - An illustrated key to the genera of the Foraminifera.
86984: CUSHMAN, J.A. - Paleocene Foraminifera of the Gulf Coastal Region of the United States and adjacent regions.
86983: CUSHMAN, J.A. - Upper Cretaceous Foraminifera of the Gulf Coastal Region of the United States and adjacent regions.
86982: CUSHMAN, JOSEPH A. - A preliminary report on the Foraminifera of Tennessee.
77910: CUSHMAN, J. & W. MCGLAMERY - Oligocene foraminifera near Millry, Alabama.
6500026: CUSHMAN, J.A. & F.L. PARKER - Bulimina and related foraminiferal genera.
99124: CUSHMAN, JOSEPH A. - Some characteristic Mexican fossil foraminifera. [Cretaceous/Tertiary]
101533: CUSHMAN, J.A. - The foraminiferal fauna of the Upper Cretaceous Arkadelphia Marl of Arkansas.
101532: CUSHMAN, J.A. - A monograph on the foraminiferal family Nonionidae.
94253: CUSTER, W. - Étude géologique du pied du Jura vaudois.
82221: CUSTODIS, A. ET AL. - Zur Geologie der Allgäuer Alpen zwischen Grünten und Hochvogel. (Erläuterungen zu einer geologische Karte des Osterach-Gebietes 1:25 000).
20698: CUTRESS, B.M. 1980. - Cretaceous and Tertiary Cidaroida (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) of the Caribbean area.
103311: [ CUVIER ] THEUNISSEN, B. - Theorie en praktijk van Cuviers Recherches sur les ossements fossiles.
103309: CUVIER, GEORGES - Essay on the theory of the earth.
103310: [ CUVIER ] BUFFETAUT, ERIC - Cuvier. Bedenker van de catastrofetheorie.
97487: CUVILLIER, J. & V. SZAKALL - Foraminifères d'Aquitaine. Première partie (Reophacidae à Nonionidae).
75432: CUVILLIER, J. - Corrélations stratigraphiques par microfaciès en Aquitaine occidentale.
98007: CUVILLIER, J. & V. SZAKALL - Foraminifères d'Aquitaine. Première partie (Reophacidae à Nonionidae).
88395: CUVILLIER, J. & V. SZAKALL - Foraminifères d'Aquitaine. Première partie (Reophacidae à Nonionidae).
59118: CUYPERS, J.-B. - L’alimentation chez les Shi.
67049: CYRIL G. RODRIGUES - Successions of invertebrate microfossils and the late quaternary deglaciation of the central St Lawrence Lowland, Canada and United States.
49154: CZAPLEWSKI, N.J. - Middle Blancan vertebrate assemblage from the Verde Formation, Arizona.
56995: CZECZOTT, H. - [ The fossil flora of Turow near Bogatynia. ] [Tertiary]
91814: CZERWONOGORA, ADA & RICHARD A. FARIñA - How many Pleistocene species of Lestodon (Mammalia, Xenarthra, Tardigrada)?
87396: CZIER, Z. - Ginkgo foliage from the Jurassic of the Carpathian Basin.
73497: CZYZEWSKA, T. - Deers from Weze and their relationship with the Pliocene and recent Eurasiatic Cervidae.
97800: CZYZEWSKA, T. - Deers from Weze and their relationship with the Pliocene and recent Eurasiatic Cervidae.
44171: CZYZEWSKA, TERESA AND ZBIGNIEW RYZIEWICZ - Pinocetus polonicus gen.n., sp.n. (Cetacea) from the Miocene Limestones of Pinczów, Poland.
55932: CZYZEWSKA, T. - Remains of the Cervidae (Mammalia) from R?bielice Królewskie in Poland.
27570: CZYZEWSKA, T. 1969. - Nyctereutes sinensis Schlosser (Canidae, Mammalia) from the Pliocene Breccia in W??e (Poland).
96824: CZYZEWSKA, TERESA AND ZBIGNIEW RYZIEWICZ - Pinocetus polonicus gen.n., sp.n. (Cetacea) from the Miocene Limestones of Pinczów, Poland.
10991103: FRÝDA, J. ET AL. - Odontomariinae, a new Middle Paleozoic subfamily of slit-bearing euomphaloidean gastropods.
18346: DA SILVA, A.-C. ET AL. - Stromatoporoid palaeoecology in the Frasnian (Upper Devonian) Belgian Platform, and its application in interpretation of carbonate platform environments.
99192: DA SILVA, A.-C. ET AL. - Stromatoporoid palaeoecology in the Frasnian (Upper Devonian) Belgian platform, and its application in interpretation of carbonate platform environments.
87361: DAAMS, R. ET AL. - Aragonian, a new stage for the continental deposits of Miocene age.
94633: DAAMS, R. - Miscellaneous Gliridae from the Miocene of the Clatayud-teruel Basin, Aragón, Spain.
94634: DAAMS, R. - The micromammal fauna from the Upper Oligocene of Sayatón 6, Madrid Basin, prov. of Guadalajara, Spain.
94635: DAAMS, R. - Hypsodont Myomimimae (Gliridae, Rodentia) from the Miocene and Oligocene-Miocene boundary interval of Spain.
94636: DAAMS, R. & M. FREUDENTHAL - Early Miocene Cricetidae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from Bunol (Prov. Valencia, Spain).
94637: DAAMS, R. ET AL. - Upper Oligocene micromammals from Pareja, Loranca Basin, prov. of Guadalajara, Spain.
28337: DAAMS, R. ET AL. - Upper Oligocene micromammals from Pareja, Loranca Basin, prov. of Guadalajara, Spain.
28334: DAAMS, R. - The micromammal fauna from the Upper Oligocene of Sayatón 6, Madrid Basin, prov. of Guadalajara, Spain.
28332: DAAMS, R. - Gliridae (Gliridae, Rodentia) from the type area of the Aragonian and adjacent areas (provinces of Teruel and Zaragoza, Spain).
28333: DAAMS, R. - Miscellaneous Gliridae from the Miocene of the Clatayud-teruel Basin, Aragón, Spain.
92751: DAAMS, R. - Hypsodont Myomimimae (Gliridae, Rodentia) from the Miocene and Oligocene-Miocene boundary interval of Spain.
92752: DAAMS, R. & M. FREUDENTHAL, - Aragonian: the Stage concept versus Neogene Mammal Zones.
64736: DAAMS, R. - Pseudodryomys (Gliridae, Rodentia, Mammalia) from early and middle Miocene deposits in Spain.
97430: DAAMS, R. & M. FREUDENTHAL, - Aragonian: the Stage concept versus Neogene Mammal Zones.
83611: DAAMS, R. & M. FREUDENTHAL - Early Miocene Cricetidae (Rodentia, Mammalia) from Bunol (Prov. Valencia, Spain).
86940: DAAMS, R. ET AL. - Aragonian, a new stage for the continental deposits of Miocene age.
91815: DAAMS, R. - Hypsodont Myomimimae (Gliridae, Rodentia) from the Miocene and Oligocene-Miocene boundary interval of Spain.
62929: DABER, R. - Abbildungen und Beschreibungen unterkarbonischer Pflanzenreste aus der Mongolischen Volksrepublik.
1560106: DABER, R. - Die Mittel-Visé-Flora der Tiefbohrungen von Doberlug-Kirchhain.
98026: DABRIO, C.J. ET AL. - Turbiditas asociadas a evaporitas (Mioceno, La Mala, depression de Granada).
58887: DACHROTH, W. - Stratigraphie und Tektonik im Hauptbuntsandstein des östlichen Saarlandes.
8050079: DACI-DIZER, A. - Contribution à l'étude paléontologique du Nummulitique de Kastamonu.
56654: DACQUé, EDGAR - Versteinertes Leben.
1580405: DACQUÉ, E. - Das fossile Lebewesen. Eine Einführung in die Versteinerungskunde.
78346: DACQUé, E. - Urwelt, Sage und Menschheit. Eine naturhistorisch-metaphysische Studie. 2. wenig veränd. Aufl.
76793: DACQUé, E. - Die Erdzeitalter.
7080001: DACQUÉ, E. - Die Erdzeitalter.
81825: DACQUé, E. - Die fossilen Schildkröten Aegyptens.
1060012: DACQUÉ, E. - Grundlagen und Methoden der Paläogeographie.
1060013: DACQUÉ, E. - Die Erdzeitalter.
103457: DAGAN, GEDEON - Flow and transport in porous formations.
90575: DAGUENET, THIBAULT & SEVKET SEN - Phylogenetic relationships of Nyctereutes Temminck, 1838 (Canidae, Carnivora, Mammalia) from early Pliocene of Çalta, Turkey.
18454: DAGUIN, F. - Sur une faune du Lias supérieur des environs de Beni Tadjit (Maroc oriental).
63602: DAGUIN, F. - Sur une faune du Lias supérieur des environs de Beni Tadjit (Maroc oriental).
92987: DAGUIN, FERNAND - L'Aquitaine occidentale.
50957: DAGYS, A.S. & W. WEITSCHAT - Ammonite jaws from the Boreal Triassic realm (Svalbard and Siberia).
99222: DAGYS, A.S. AND W. WEITSCHAT - Extensive intraspecific variation in a Triassic ammonoid from Siberia.
79362: DAHLGRüN, F. - Die paläogeographischen Verhältnisse der Unterkreide im Bildungsraume des Erzlagers von Salzgitter.
84466: DAHLGRüN, FRITZ - Stratigraphische und tektonische Fragen im Selkegebiete des Harzes.
57906: DAHLGRüN, FRITZ - Analogien und Unterschiede im geologischen Bau des Ober- und Unterharzes.
79530: DAHLGRüN, FRITZ - Zur Verbreitung und Ausbildung des Salzgitterer Erzlagers.
7080414: DAHLGRÜN, F. - Harz und Harzvorland. Die geologische Literatur unter einschluss der Nachbarwissenschaften 1912-1957.
9050585: DAHLGRÜN, F. - Stratigraphische und tektonische Fragen im Selkegebiet des Harzes.
51072: DAHLMANN, TH. - Die Kleinsäuger der unter-pliozänen Fundstelle Wölfersheim in der Wetterau (Mammalia: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Rodentia).
90576: DAHLMANN, THOMAS - Die Kleinsäuger der unter-pliozänen Fundstelle Wölfersheim in der Wetterau (Mammalia: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Rodentia).
90577: DAHLMANN, T. & G. STORCH - Eine pliozäne (ober-ruscinische) Kleinsäugerfauna aus Gundersheim, Rheinhesses. 2. Insektenfresser: Mammalia, Lipotyphla.
76207: DAHM, H.-D. (ED.) - Zur Geologie des nordwestdeutschen Steinkohlengebirges. Ein Symposium. [2 vols. plus cassette]
76206: DAHM, H.-D. (ED.) - Zur Geologie des nordwestdeutschen Steinkohlengebirges. Ein Symposium. [2 vols. plus cassette]
76203: DAHM, H.-D. (ED.) - Unterscheidungsmöglichkeiten mariner und nichtmariner Sedimente. Ein Symposium.
76200: DAHM, H.-D. (ED.) - Die tiefere Untergrund der Niederrheinischen Bucht.
7120044: DAHM, H. - Das marine Niveau über Flöz Finefrau Nebenbank (Obere Wittener Schichten, Westfal A) im niederheinisch-westfälischen Steinkohlengebirge.
79298: DAHMER, G. - Die Fauna der obersten Koblenzschichten am Nordwestrand der Dillmulde.
79273: DAHMER, GEORG - Die Fauna der Gedinne-Schichten von Weismes in der Nordwest-Eifel (mit Ausschluss der Anthozoen und Trilobiten). /&/ R. & E. Richter: Die Trilobiten der Weismes-Schichten am Hohen Venn.
62025: DAHMER, GEORG - Die Fauna des Koblenzquartzits (Unterdevon, Oberkoblenz-Stufe) vom Kühlkopf bei Koblenz.
78695: DAHMER, GEORG - Lebensspuren aus dem Taunusquartzit und den Siegenr Schichten (Unterdevon).
78536: DAHMER, GEORG - Fauna der belgischen Quartzophyllades de Longlier in Siegener Rauhflaserschichten auf Blatt Neuwied.
79584: DAHMER, GEORG - Die Fauna der Unterkoblenz-Schichten vom Landstein im östlichen Taunus (Blatt Grävenwiesbach).
98463: DAHMER, G. - Die Fauna der Siegener Schichten im Ahrgebiet (Nordost-Eifel).
59269: DAHMER, G. - Die Fauna der Siegener Schichten von Unkel (Bl. Königswinter).
63603: DAHMER, G. - Die Cephalopoden des Oberharzer Kahleberg-Sandstein (Unter-Devon).
87678: DAHMER, GEORG - Die Fauna der Gedinne-Schichten von Weismes in der Nordwest-Eifel (mit Ausschluss der Anthozoen und Trilobiten). /&/ R. & E. Richter: Die Trilobiten der Weismes-Schichten am Hohen Venn.
88726: DAHMER,G. - Studien über die Fauna des Oberharzer Kahlebergsandsteins. II.
93034: DAHMER, GEORG - Die Fauna der Obersten Siegener Schichten von der Unkelmühle bei Eitorf a. d. Sieg.
92491: DAHMER, GEORG - Die Fauna der Obersten Siegener Schichten von der Unkelmühle bei Eitorf a. d. Sieg.
82063: DAHMER, G. - Die Fauna der Seifener Schichten (Siegenstufe).
62349: DAHMER, GEORG - Die Fauna des Koblenzquartzits (Unterdevon, Oberkoblenz-Stufe) vom Kühlkopf bei Koblenz.
82012: DAHMER, G. - Die Fauna der Seifener Schichten (Siegenstufe).
46989: DAHMER, G. - Fauna der belgischen “Quartzophyllades de Longlier” in Siegener Rauflaserschichten auf Blatt Neuwied.
21534: DAHMER, G. - Die Fauna der Unterkoblenz-Schichten (Unter-Devon) von Oppershofen.
89821: DAHMER, GEORG - Die Fauna der Obersten Siegener Schichten von der Unkelmühle bei Eitorf a. d. Sieg.
90942: DAHMER, GEORG - Die Fauna der Obersten Siegener Schichten von der Unkelmühle bei Eitorf a. d. Sieg.
10991083: DAILEY, D.H. & W.P. POPENOE - Mollusca from the Upper Cretaceous Jalama Formation, Santa Barbara County, California.
103350: DAKE, L.P. - Fundamentals of reservoir engineering.
75242: DALE, T.N. - The Rensselaer grit plateau in New York.
81113: DALE, N.C. - Geology of the Oswegatchie Quadrangle.
99701: DALE, T.N. - The chief commercial granites of Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island.
101764: DALE, T.N. - The chief commercial granites of Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Rhode Island.
54481: DALEY, P.E.J. - Anatomy, locomotion and ontogeny of the solute Castericytis vali from the Middle Cambrian of Utah.
14006: DALEY, P.E.J. - Two new cornutes from the lower Ordovician of Shropshire and southern France.
50701: DALEY, A.C. ET AL. - New anatomical information on Anomalocaris from the Cambrian Emu Bay Shale of South Australia and a reassessment of its inferred predatory habits.
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