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54116: BURL, AUBREY - A brief history of Stonehenge. A complete history and archaeology of the world’s most enigmatic stone circle.
75339: BURL, AUBREY - Prehistoric Avebury.
97845: BURLEY, S.D. & R.H. WORDEN (EDS.) - Sandstone diagenesis. Recent and ancient.
80070: BURLEY, S.D. & R.H. WORDEN (EDS.) - Sandstone diagenesis. Recent and ancient.
56978: BURMANN, G. - Diacrodien aus dem unteren Ordovizium.
28537: BURMANN, G. - Sporen aus dem Tournai von Rügen.
28538: BURMANN, G. - Sporen und Phytoplankton aus dem Devon/Karbon Grenzschichten des Harzes (lepidophytus-Zone).
92484: BURNAY, L.P. & A.A. MONTEIRO - Seashells from Cape Verde Islands.
76433: BURNEY, CHARLES - From village to empire. An introduction to Near Eastern archaeology.
76293: BURNHAM, HORWATH, JENNIFER L. AND DONALD L. JOHNSON (EDS.) - Mima mounds. The case for polygenesis and bioturbation.
46987: BURRE, O. - Die quartären Terrassen der Wied.
94291: BURRI, M. - La zone de Sion-Courmayeur au Nord du Rhone.
90277: BURROW, CAROLE J. - Earliest Devonian gnathostome microremains from central New South Wales (Australia) .
85367: BURSCH, F.C. ET AL. - An early Palaeolithic site on the northern Veluwe.
78797: BURTON, C.J. AND N. ELDREDGE - Two new subspecies of Phacops rana [Trilobita] from the Middle Devonian of North-West Africa.
98980: BURTON, PEGGY - The New Zealand Geological Survey 1865-1965. New Zealand Geological Survey handbook.
89134: BUSBEY, A.B. & C.E. GOW - A new protosuchian crocodile from the Upper Triassic Elliot Formation of South Africa.
94570: BUSCALIONI, A.D. ET AL. - A new species of the eusuchian crocodile Diplocynodon from the Eocene of Spain. [Duero basin]
92709: BUSCALIONI, A.D. ET AL. - A new species of the eusuchian crocodile Diplocynodon from the Eocene of Spain.
103962: BUSCH, A. E.A. - Römer Museum in het archeologisch Park Xanten.
102759: BUSCH, D.A. - Stratigraphic traps in sandstone: exploration techniques
79127: BUSCHENDORF, F. - Die Blei-Zink-Erzgänge des Oberharzes.
84477: BUSCHENDORF, F. ET AL. - Die Blei-Zink-Erzvorkommen des Ruhrgebietes und seiner Umrandung. Lief. 2. C. Der erzgang Christian Levin in den Blei-Erz-Feldern König Wilhelm III/IV und Rheinstahl (...).
1816: BUSCHENDORF, F. - Die Blei-Zink-Erzgänge des Oberharzes.
54118: BUSCHOR, ERNST - Grab eines attischen Mädchens. 2. Aufl.
44514: BUSECK, P.R. & J.I. GOLDSTEIN - Olivine compositions and cooling ratyes of pallasitic meteorites.
90561: BUSKER, F. ET AL. - New remains of Cephalomys arcidens (Rodentia, Caviomorpha) and a redefinition of the enigmatic Cephalomyidae.
20661: BUSNARDO, R. - Découverte de phyllopodes conchostracés dans le Trias subbétique (Andalousie, Espagne).
94571: BUSNARDO, ROBERT - Découverte de phyllopodes conchostracés dans le Trias subbétique (Andalousie, Espagne).
94572: BUSNARDO, ROBERT - Prébétique et subbétique de Jaén à Lucena (Andalousie). Le Lias.
94573: BUSNARDO, R. ET AL. - Symposium on the geology of the Betic Cordilleras, 13th-14th December 1963 at Amsterdam.
63124: BUSSCHERS, F.S., H.J.T. WEERTS ET AL. - Sedimentary architecture and optical dating of Middle and Late Pleistocene Rhine-Meuse deposits -- fluvial response to climate change.
45703: BUSSCHERS, F.S. - Unravelling the Rhine. Response of a fluvial system to climate change, sea level oscillation and glaciation.
62714: BUSSE, E. - Die Gastropoden-Gattungen Undularia Koken und Postularia Koken im obersten Mittleren Muschelkalk des westlichen Meissner-Vorlandes.
80659: BUSSON, GEORGES - Sur la coupe du Crétacé supérieur et de l'Éocène inférieur du Tinrhert Central (Saqhara Algérien).
80657: BUSSON, G. - La série du Crétacé supérieur au forage de Messouda-Fort-Thiriet (confins Algéro-Tuniso-Lybiens).
98850: BUSSON, GEORGES - Principes, méthodes et résultats d'une étude stratigraphique du Mésozoïque saharien.
98207: BUSSON, GEORGES - Principes, méthodes et résultats d'une étude stratigraphique du Mésozoïque saharien.
80803: BUSSON, GEORGES - Principes, méthodes et résultats d'une étude stratigraphique du Mésozoïque saharien.
74115: BUSSON, G. - Sur les bois fossiles (Angiospermes) d'age tertiaire inférieur du nord de la hamada de Tinrhert et du nord-est du Tademait (Sahara algérienne).
94574: BUSTILLO, A. & J. LóPEZ GARCíA - Age, distribution and composition of Miocene diatom bearing sediments in the Guadalquivir Basin, Spain.
94575: BUSTILLO, M.A., M.E ARRIBAS & M BUSTILLO - Dolomitization and silicification in low-energy lacustrine carbonates (Paleogene, Madrid Basin, Spain).
84923: BUSTILLO, A. & J. LóPEZ GARCíA - Age, distribution and composition of Miocene diatom bearing sediments in the Guadalquivir Basin, Spain.
54577: BUTCHER, N.E. & F. HODSON - A review of the Carboniferous goniatite zones in Devon and Cornwall.
9120034: BUTCHER, A. - Early Llandovery chitinozoans from Jordan.
1340072: BUTLER, E.A. - Miocene - Upper Oligocene foraminifera of Louisiana.
20443: BUTLER, J.J. & H. SARFATIJ - Another bronze ceremonial sword by the Plougrescant-Ommerschans smith.
44170: BUTLER, PERCY M. - Evolutionary radiation of the cheek teeth of Cretaceous placentals.
83127: BUTLER, M. - The giant erinaceid insectivore, Deinogalerix Freudenthal, from the upper Miocene of Gargano, Italy.
92750: BUTLER, M. - The giant erinaceid insectivore, Deinogalerix Freudenthal, from the upper Miocene of Gargano, Italy.
103453: BUTLER, JAMES J. - The design, performance, and analysis of slug tests.
85368: BUTLER, J.J. - Einheimische Bronzebeilproduktion im Niederrhein-Maasgebiet.
102412: BUTLER, M. - Lower Carboniferous conodont faunas from the eastern Mendips, England.
82573: BUTLER, J.J. - Nederland in de Bronstijd.
88504: BUTLER, M. - The giant erinaceid insectivore, Deinogalerix Freudenthal, from the upper Miocene of Gargano, Italy.
10210045: BUTLER, P.M. - A review of the early allotherian mammals.
21087: BUTLER, P.M. - Erinaceidae from the Miocene of East Africa.
507052: BUTLER, J.J. - Nederland in de Bronstijd. 2de dr.
90562: BUTLER, P.M. & J.R.E. MILLS. - A contribution to the odontology of Oreopithecus.
77718: BUTT, A.A. - Late Oligocene Foraminifera from Escornebeou, SW France.
98340: BUTT, A.A. - Formanifera of the type Turonian.
93310: BUTT, A. - Depositional environments of the Upper Cretaceous rocks in the northern part of the Eastern Alps.
89726: BUTT, A. - Depositional environments of the Upper Cretaceous rocks in the northern part of the Eastern Alps.
103216: BUTT, A.A. - Late Oligocene Foraminifera from Escornebeou, SW France.
85542: BUTTER, J. - Uit de praehistorie van Overijssel.
79573: BUTTER, J. - Mesolithicum in podsolprofielen in Beerserveld en Beerserveen bij Ommen.
99860: BUTTER, J. - The excavation at Koerhuisbeek, Deventer, Netherlands. 1935-1937. Cadastre: C. 2, Ns. 632-640.
76376: BUTTER, J. - Mesolithicum in podsolprofielen in Beerserveld en Beerserveen bij Ommen. /&/ Podsolprofielen in de gemeente Ommen.
8051247: BUTTER, J. - The fluorine dating method a useful help for finds in the valley of the river IJssel, The Netherlands.
74138: BUTTER, J. - Over Mesolitische vondsten in Overijssel en elders.
1340075: BUTTERLIN, J. - Grandes foraminiferos del pozo Palizada num. 2, municipio de Palizada, Estado de Campeche.
10991757: BUTTERWORTH, M.A. AND E. SPINNER - Lower Carboniferous spores from north-west England.
506406: BUTTERWORTH, M.A. & E. SPINNER - Lower Carboniferous spores from North-west England.
6100350: BUTTGENBACH, H. - Contribution à l`étude des Calcites belges.
8110395: BUTTGENBACH, H. - Description des éléments des sulfures, chlorures et des oxydes des métaux du sol belge.
98232: BUTTLER, E. ANN - Ostracoda and correlation of the upper and Middle Frio from Louisiana to Florida, with a discussion of the Gulf Coast Miocene-Oligocene boundary.
18344: BUTTLER, C.J. ET AL. - Upper Ordovician to lowermost Silurian solitary rugose corals from the Beaverfoot Formation, southern Rocky Mountains, British Columbia and Alberta.
98233: BUTTLER, E.A. & D.E. JONES - Cretaceous Ostracoda of Protho and Rayburns salt domes, Bienville Parish, Louisiana.
73346: BUTTS, CHARLES - Geological map of the Appalachian Valley of Virginia with explanatory text.
100382: BUTTS, CHARLES - Geologic atlas of the United States. No. 221. Bessemer-VanDiver folio, Alabama.
100386: BUTTS, CHARLES - Geologic atlas of the United States. No. 226. Montevallo-Columbiana folio, Alabama.
100387: BUTTS, CHARLES - Geologic atlas of the United States. No. 227. Hollidaysburg-Huntington folio, Pennsylvania.
56624: BUTZER, K.W. ET AL. - The geology, archaeology and fossil ammals of the Cornelia Beds, O.F.S.
54074: BUTZER, K.W. - Environment and archeology. An introduction to Pleistocene geography.
95499: BUTZER, K.W. & J. CUERDA - Coastal stratigraphy of southern Mallorca and its implications for the Pleistocene chronology of the Mediterranean Sea.
1060958: BUTZER, K.W. & G.L. ISAAC (EDS.) - After the Australopithecines. Stratigraphy, ecology, and culture change in the Middle Pleistocene.
8110896: BUTZER, K.W. - Environment and archeology. An introduction to Pleistocene geography.
94576: BUTZER, K.W. - Pleistocene geomorphology and stratigraphy of the Costa Brava region (Catalonia).
97062: BUUREN, P.A. VAN - De plannen tot droogmaking der Zuiderzee.
103635: BUURMAN, P. - Paleopedology and stratigraphy on the Condrusian peneplain (Belgium), with reconstruction of a paleosol.
85371: BUURMAN, J. - Carbonised Plant Remains and Phosphate Analysis of two Roman period House Plans with Sunken Byres at Oosterhout.
85370: BUURMAN, J. - A Middle Bronze Age Corn-Stack at Twisk, Province of North Holland.
56147: BUURMAN, P. ET AL. - The genesis of Belgian and Dutch flints and cherts.
47511: BUURMAN, J. - Economy and environment in Bronze Age West-Friesland, Noord-Holland.
44605: BUURMAN, P. ET AL. - Genesis of the flint eluvium and related beds in South Limburg, The Netherlands.
91939: BUURMAN, P. - Mineralization of fossil wood.
28320: BUWALDA, J.P. & G.E. LEWIS - A new species of Merychippus.
28501: BUWALDA, J.P. - Tertiary mammal beds of Stweart and Ione valleys in west-central Nevada.
93904: BUXTORF, A. ET AL. - Geologische Führer der Schweiz. Fasc. IV. Eisenbahnfahrten / Trajaets en chemin de fer.
93906: BUXTORF, A. ET AL. - Geologische Führer der Schweiz. Fasc. XII & XIII & XIV. Ostschweiz / Suisse orientale. [3 vols.]
94445: BUXTORF, A. - Geologische Generalkarte der Schweiz 1:200 000. Erläuterungen zu Blatt 2 Basel-Bern.
93312: BUXTORF, A. - Über die Geologie der Doldenhorn-Fisistockgruppe und den Gebirgsbau am Westende des Aarmassivs.
60603: BUXTORF, A. & O.P. SCHWARZ (EDS.) - Hundert Jahre Schweizerische Geologische Kommission.
97291: BUXTORF, A. & E. TRUNINGER - Über die Geologie der Doldenhorn-Fisistockgruppe und den Gebirgsbau am Westende des Aarmassivs.
89415: BUXTORF, RUDOLF - Géologie du front septentrional des Pyrénées au Nord de St. Girons (Ariège).
87390: BUZEK, CESTMIR - Tertiary flora from the northern part of the Petipsy area (North-Bohemian Basin).
1340077: BYBEL, L.M. & J.M. SELF-TRAIL - Evolutionary, biostratigraphic, and taxonomic study of calcareous nannofossils from a continuous Paleocene-Eocene boundary section in New Jersey.
21488: BYBELL, L.M. - Middle Eocene calcareous nannofossils at Little Stave Creek, Alabama.
67619: BYRON R. PARIZEK, RICHARD B. ALLEY - Implications of increased Greenland surface melt under global-warming scenarios: ice-sheet simulations
65103: BYSTRICKY, J. - Physoporella croatica Herak, 1958 of the Slovak karst Anisian (Slovakia, the west Carpathians Mts.).
74495: BYUNG-SU LEE - Late Cambrian conodonts from Cheungsan, Kangwon Province, Korea.
73421: BYVANCK, A.W. - De Voorgeschiedenis van Nederland. Vierde opnieuw verbeterde en aangevulde druk.
82158: BYVANCK, A.W. - Nederland in den Romeinschen tijd I & II. 2de druk.
67346: CABIOCH, G. ET AL. - Reef coralgal assemblages as recorders of paleobathymetry and sea level changes in the Indo-Pacific province.
94577: CABRAL, J. - Neotectónica em Portugal continental.
6500602: CABU, F. - Contribution à l'étude de la répartition des Kwés au Katanga.
66951: A. CABURLOTTO, L. DE SANTIS, C. ZANOLLA, A. CAMERLENGHI, J.K. DIX - New insights into Quaternary glacial dynamic changes on the George V Land continental margin (East Antarctica)
92485: CACHIA, C. ET AL. - The marine shelled Mollusca of the Maltese Islands (Part One: Archaeogastropoda).
84825: CADéE, M.C. & A.W. JANSSEN - A taxonomic revision of NW European Oligocene and Miocene Fasciolariidae traditionally included in the genus Streptochetus (Mollusca, Gastropoda).
96685: CADéE, G.C. - Lunitiform Bryozoa from the Guyana shelf.
56148: CADéE, M.C. & L.M.B. VAESSEN - Lithostratigrafische beschrijving van Oligocene afzettingen in een weginsnijding bij Valkenburg, Limburg. /&/P. Buurman & W.D. Langeraar: Depositional features on Oligocene tidal sediments of Valkenburg, Province of Limburg, the Netherlnds, with the description of a new lithostratigraphical unit: Valkenburg Deposit.
92888: CADéE, G.C. ET AL. - Fossielen van de Vlijt. Mollusca en Pisces uit de Boven-Rupelien septariënklei van Winterswijk.
2223: CADÉE, G.C. - Lunitiform Bryozoa from the Guyana shelf.
92486: CADéE, G.C. - Molluscan biocoenoses and thanatocoenoses in the Ria de Arosa, Galicia, Spain.
94579: CADéE, G.C. - Molluscan biocoenoses and thanatocoenoses in the Ria de Arosa, Galicia, Spain.
92964: CADéE, M.C. ET AL. - Een profiel door Tertiaire en Kwartaire afzettingen tussen Tongeren en Waltwilder (België, provincie Limburg).
94440: CADISCH, J. ET AL. - Geologische Atlas der Schweiz 1:25 000 Blatt: 420 Ardez und Teile von Blatt 416bis Gross Litzner. Erläuterungen. [ohne Karte]
94441: CADISCH, J. ET AL. - Geologische Atlas der Schweiz 1:25 000 Blatt 249: Scuol-Schuls-Tarasp (Atlasblatt 44). Erläuterungen. [ohne Karte]
93313: CADISCH, JOOS - Geologie der Schweizeralpen.
93314: CADISCH, J. - Geologie der Schweizer Alpen. 2. Aufl., verfasst unter mitarbeit von E. Niggli.
97292: CADISCH, J. - Geologie der Schweizer Alpen. 2. Aufl., verfasst unter mitarbeit von E. Niggli.
82251: CADOGAN, GERALD - Palaces of Minoan Crete.
91807: CAGNOLARO, L. ET AL. - Collections of extant cetaceans in Italian museums and other scientific institutions. A comparative review.
81601: CAHEN, D. ET AL. - An early Middle Palaeolithic site at Mesvin IV (Mons, Belgium). Its significance for stratigraphy and palaeontology.
81582: CAHEN, D. ET AL. - An early Middle Palaeolithic site at Mesvin IV (Mons, Belgium). Its significance for stratigraphy and palaeontology.
54120: CAHEN-DAELHAYE, A. (RED.) - Het goud der Skythen. Schatten uit de Hermitage, Leningrad.
1433011: CAHEN, D. - Le site archéologique de la Kamoa (région du Shaba, République du Zaïre), De l'âge de la pierre ancien à l'âge du fer.
506201: CAHIERS DE MICROPALÉONTOLOGIE 3&4, - Événements de la partie moyenne du Crétacé. Symposium de Soria, Septembre 1977.
73216: CAHIERS DE MICROPALéONTOLOGIE 197, 3&4 - Événements de la partie moyenne du Crétacé. Symposium de Soria, Septembre 1977.
92487: CAHUZAC, B. & A.W. JANSSEN - Eocene to Miocene holoplanktonic Mollusca (Gastropoda) of the Aquitaine Basin, southwest France.
87545: CAILLEUX, ANDRé - La era Cuaternaria, problemas y métodos de estudio.
94580: CAILLEUX, ANDRé - La era Cuaternaria, problemas y métodos de estudio.
81866: CALAND, P. - Verslag over den stormvloed van 14/15 October 1881.
81795: CALAND, P. - Verslag over den stormvloed van 30/31 Januari 1877.
62081: CALDWELL, M.W. - Ichthyosauria: a preliminary phylogenetic analysis of diapsid affinities.
99111: CALDWELL, W.G.E. ET AL. - A foraminiferal zonal scheme for the Cretaceous system in the inerrior plains of Canada.
1060959: CALDWELL, R. (ED.) - New roads to yesterday.
98226: CALDWELL, W.G.E. ET AL. - A foraminiferal zonal scheme for the Cretaceous system in the Interior Plains of Canada.
99695: CALDWELL, W.G.E. ET AL. - A foraminiferal zonal scheme for the Cretaceous system in the inerrior plains of Canada.
50797: CALDWELL, W.G.E. & H.A.K. CHARLESWORTH - Viséan coral reefs in the Bricklieve Mountains of Ireland.
97482: CALDWELL, W.G.E. ET AL. - A foraminiferal zonal scheme for the Cretaceous system in the Interior Plains of Canada.
95575: CALDWELL, W.G.E. & H.A.K. CHARLESWORTH - Viséan coral reefs in the Bricklieve Mountains of Ireland.
75689: CALEDE, JONATHAN J. M. AND JENNIFER W. GLUSMAN - Geometric morphometric analyses of worn cheek teeth help identify extant and extinct gophers (Rodentia, Geomyidae).
59112: CALEGARI, GIULIO - Le incisioni rupestyri di Taouardei (Gao, Mali) problematica generale e repertorio iconografico.
85508: CALEMBERT, L. - Le Crétacé supérieur de Glons. /&/ J. Hofker: Les foraminifères du Crétacé supérieur de Glons.
88260: CALKER, F.J.P. VAN - Beiträge zur geologie der Provinz Groningen. Grundbohrungen.
1540085: CALKER, F.J.P. VAN - Mikroskopische Bilder Schonenscher Basalte /&/ Basaltgeschiebe aus den Provinzen Groningen, Friesland und Drenthe.
1540084: CALKER, F.J.P. - Beiträge zur Kenntniss des Groninger Diluviums.
1133017: CALLAGHAN, F.R. ET AL. - Report of the Hawke`s Bay earthquake (3rd February, 1931.).
83563: CALLISON, GEORGE - Intracranial mobility in Kansas mosasaurs.
63579: CALLOMAN, J.H. & T. BIRKELUND - The ammonite zones of the boreal Volgian (Upper Jurassic) in East Greenland.
78742: CALLOMON, J.H. - On the type species of Macrocephalites Zittel 1884 and the type specimen of Ammonites macrocephalus Schlotheim 1813.
1520031: CALLOMON, J. H. & G. DIETL, H.-J. NIEDERHÖFER - Die Ammonitenfaunen-Horizonte im Grenzbereich Bathonium/Callovium des Schwäbischen Juras und deren Korrelation mit W-Frankreich und England.
18451: CALLOMON, J.H. - Jurassic ammonites from the northern North Sea.
90146: CALLOMON, J. H. & G. DIETL, H.-J. NIEDERHöFER - Die Ammonitenfaunen-Horizonte im Grenzbereich Bathonium/Callovium des Schwäbischen Juras und deren Korrelation mit W-Frankreich und England.
90147: CALLOMON, JOHN H. ET AL. - Zur Stratigraphie des Mittel- und untersten Oberjuras in Sengenthal bei Neumarkt/Opf. (Fränkische Alb).
90148: CALLOMON, J. H. ET AL. - On the true stratigraphic position of Macrocephalites macrocephalus (Schlotheim, 1813) and the nomenclature of the standard Middle Jurassic Macrocephalus Zone.
55566: LE CALLONNEC, LAURENCE ET AL. - Approche geochimique (isotopes du carbone et iridium) de la limite Cretace/Paleocene dans les montagnes d'Oman; un evenement catastrophique au sein d'une succession d'evenements geologiques au cours du Maastrichtien et du Danien.
88158: CALOI, L. & M.R. PALOMBO - Osservazioni sugli ippopotami nani delle isole dei Mediterraneo.
88505: CALOI, L. & M.R. PALOMBO - Osservazioni sugli equidi italiani del Pleistocene medio inferiore.
5100946: CALOI, L. & M.R. PALOMBO - Resti di Mammiferi del Pleistocene medio di Malagrotta (Roma).
5100945: CALOI, L. & M.R. PALOMBO - La fauna Quaternaria di Venosa: Bovidi.
94581: CALSTEREN, P.W.C. VAN - Geochronological, geochemical and geophysical investigations in the high-grade mafic-ultramafic complex of Cabo Ortegal and other pre-existing elements in the Hercynian basement of Galicia (N.W. Spain).
92008: CALSTEREN, P.W.C. VAN - Catalogue of meteorites in Dutch collections.
94582: CALVET, FRANCESC & MAURICE E. TUCKER - Outer ramp cycles in the Upper Muschelkalk of the Catalan Basin, northeast Spain.
102041: CALVINO, FLORIANO ET AL.. - Relazione preliminare sui rilevamento geologico nel foglio n. 195 Orosei (Sardegna) /&/ Rilevamento geologico della parte meridionale del foglio n. 195 Orosei (Sardega).
52121: CALVO, J.P. ET AL. - Pattern of sedimentary infilling of fossil mammals traps formed in pseudokarst at Cerro de los Batallones, Madrid Basin, central Spain.
103017: CALZADA, S. & A. POCOVI - Braquiópodos senonienses de la sierra del Mont-Roig (Prepirineo de Lérida).
94583: CALZADA, S. & A. POCOVI - Braquiópodos senonienses de la sierra del Mont-Roig (Prepireneo de Lérida).
94584: CALZADA, S. & M. MAR URQUIOLA - Catálogo de los holotipos conservados en el Museo geológico del Seminario de Barcelona.
102673: CALZADA, S. & A. POCOVI - Braquiópodos senonienses de la sierra del Mont-Roig (Prepirineo de Lérida).
89678: CALZADA, S. & M. MAR URQUIOLA - Catálogo de los holotipos conservados en el Museo geológico del Seminario de Barcelona.
91447: CALZADA, SEBASTIáN - Sobre Nerinea fournieri Vidal, 1917. /&/ Sobre algunas Nerineas cretácicas.
64806: CAMBELL, K.S.W. - Carboniferous fossils from the Kuttung rocks of New South Wales.
88531: CAMBIER, RENé & ARMAND RENIER - Observations sur Cyclostigma Macconochiei Kidston sp. et Omphalophloios anglicus Sternberg sp.
1210032: CAMELBEECK, T. ET AL. (EDS.) - Contributions the the Belgian Symposium on structural geology and tectonics.
6500229: CAMELBEECK, T. ET AL. (EDS.) - Evaluation of the potential for large earthquakes in regions of present day low seismic activity in Europe.
99399: CAMELBEECK, T. ET AL. (EDS.) - Evaluation of the potential for large earthquakes in regions of present day low seismic activity in Europe.
44419: CAMERON, A.R. & S.K. BABU - The petrology of the No. 10 (Balmer) coal seam in the Natal area of the Fernie Basin, British Columbia.
66821: CAMERON B. HOLLANDS, GERALD C. NANSON, BRIAN G. JONES, CHARLIE S. BRISTOW, DAVID M. PRICE, TIMOTHY J. PIETSCH - Aeolian-fluvial interaction: evidence for Late Quaternary channel change and wind-rift linear dune formation in the northwestern Simpson Desert, Australia
65208: CAMERON, CHRISTOPHER B. - Saccoglossus testa from the Mazon Creek fauna (Pennsylvanian of Illinois) and the evolution of acorn worms (Enteropneusta: Hemichordata).
80323: CAMERON, T.D.J. ET AL. - The history of Quaternary sedimentation in the UK sector of the North Sea Basin.
97428: CAMOIN, G.F. (ED.) - Microbial mediation in carbonate diagenesis.
58433: CAMOIN, G. & J. WEBSTER (EDS.) - Carbonate response to sea-level and environmental changes : Reading the past, informing the future.
50798: CAMOIN, G.F. & L.F. MONTAGGIONI - High energy coralgal-stromatolite frameworks from Holocene reefs (Tahiti, French Polynesia).
53218: CAMP, C.L. ET AL. - Bibliography of fossil vertebrates 1939-1943, 1944-1948, 1949-1953, 1954-1958, 1959-1963, 1964-1968, 1969-1972. [7 vols.]
94270: CAMPANA, BRUNO - Géologie des nappes préalpines au nordest de Chateau-d'Oex.
1340081: CAMPBELL, A.S. & B.L. CLARK - Radiolaria from Upper Cretaceous of Middle California.
1340080: CAMPBELL, A.S. & B.L. CLARK - Miocene radiolarian faunas from southern California.
89007: CAMPBELL, K.S.W. & J. BEIN - Some Lower Carboniferous crinoids from New South Wales.
62978: CAMPBELL SMITH, W. - Seventy years of research in mineralogy and crystallography in the Department of Mieralogy, British Museum (Natural History) under the Keepership of Story-Maskelyne, Fletcher, and Prior: 1857-1927.
98981: CAMPBELL, H.J. ET AL. - Cretaceous-Cenozoic geology and biostratigraphy of the Chatham Islands, New Zealand.
102162: CAMPBELL, M.R. & W.C. MENDENHALL - Geologic section along the New and Kanawha rivers in West Virginia.
100366: CAMPBELL, M.R. ET AL. - Geologic atlas of the United States. No. 189. Barnesboro-Patton folio, Pennsylvania.
88851: CAMPBELL, ANGUS S. (ED.) - Geology and history of Turkey.
98860: CAMPBELL, F.H.A. - Proterozoic basins of Canada. Proceedings of a symposium held in Halifax, May 1980.
99699: CAMPBELL, MARIUS R. - The Glacier National Park. A popular guide to its geology and scenery.
59361: CAMPBELL, H.J. & J.A. GRANT-MACKIE - Jurassic Pholadomyidae (Bivalvia) from New Zealand and New Caledonia.
10990863: CAMPBELL, K.S.W. - The type species of three Upper Palaeozoic punctate spiriferoids.
102674: CAMPBELL, K.S.W. - The Martiniopsis-like spiriferids of the Queensland Permian.
8110047: CAMPBELL, K.S.W. - The fauna of the Permo-Carboniferous Ingelara Beds of Queensland.
11215: CAMPBELL, K.S.W. AND R.E. BARWICK - A new species of the lungfish Dipnorhynchus from New South Wales.
102721: CAMPBELL, K.S.W. ET AL. - Evolution of dipnoans (lungfish) in the Early Devonian of southeastern Australia.
86898: CAMPBELL, W.D. - The geology and mineral resources of the Norseman District, Dundas godfield.
46806: CAMPBELL, N.P. - Caves of Montana.
90278: CAMPBELL, R.J. - Selachian scales from the Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous) of Bathurst Island, northern Australia.
90563: CAMPBELL, KENNETH E. (ED.) - The Paleogene mammalian fauna of Santa Rosa, Amazonian Peru.
91621: CAMPBELL, K.S.W. & R.E. BARWICK - New alternate explanations of the origin of the Devonian dipnoan tooth-plates.
91622: CAMPBELL, K.S.W., BARWICK, R.E. & DEN BLAAUWEN, J.L. - Structure and function of the shoulder girdle in Dipnoans: New material from Dipterus valenciennesi.
100442: CAMPHUIJSEN, F. ET AL. (RED.) - Mens en natuur in de Middeleeuwen.
74425: M.J. CAMPI, SHUZHONG SHEN, G.R. SHI & MOHD SHAFEEA LEMAN - First record of Permianella He & Zhu, 1979 (Permianellidae; Brachiopoda) from Peninsular Malaysia.
44311: CAMPO, ELISE VAN & FRANCOISE GASSE - Pollen- and Diatom-Inferred Climatic and Hydrological Changes in Sumxi Co Basin (Western Tibet) since 13,000 yr B.P..
95208: VAN CAMPO, ELISE - La flore pollinique du Miocène supérieur de Venta del Moro (Espagne).
23031: CAMPO VIGURI, J. - Estudio de los microfósiles Mio-Pliocenicos de Iznatoraf (Jaén).
87505: VAN CAMPO-DUPLAN, MME - Recherches sur la phylogénie des Abiétinées d'après leurs grains de pollen.
57839: CAMPREDON, R. ET AL. - Carte géologique détaillée de la France 1/50.000. Entrevaux (945/XXXV-41). [De la montagne de Maurel au mont St Honorat]
99562: CAMPREDON, ROBERT - Les formations paléogènes des Alpes maritimes franco-italiennes.
54578: CAMUS, G. & J.-P. THIEULOY - Quelques ammonites nouvelles ou peu connus du Jurassique supérieur de la Montagne de Crussol (Ardèche).
94585: CANALES, M.L. - Los foraminíferos del Aaleniense (Jurásico Medio) en la Cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica (N de España).
66908: CANDACE O. MAJOR, STEVEN L. GOLDSTEIN, WILLIAM B.F. RYAN, GILLES LERICOLAIS, ALEXANDER M. PIOTROWSKI, IRKA HAJDAS - The co-evolution of Black Sea level and composition through the last deglaciation and its paleoclimatic significance
88064: CANDELA, YVES - Late Ordovician brachiopods from the Bardahessiagh Formation of Pomeroy, Ireland.
67679: I. CANDY, S. BLACK, B.W. SELLWOOD - Interpreting the response of a dryland river system to Late Quaternary climate change
81115: CANNON, R.S., JR. - Geology of the Piseco Lake Quadrangle.
65058: CANNON, MICHAEL D. & DAVID J. MELTZER - Early Paleoindian foraging: examining the faunal evidence for large mammal specialization and regional variability in prey choice
67658: CANNON, MICHAEL D. & DAVID J. MELTZER - Early Paleoindian foraging: examining the faunal evidence for large mammal specialization and regional variability in prey choice
64930: CANNON, MICHAEL D. - Geographic variability in North American mammal community richness during the terminal Pleistocene
1560084: CANRIGHT, J.E. - Fossil plants of Indiana. [Carboniferous].
86181: CANTRAINE, F. - Malacologie méditerranéenne et littoral, ou description des mollusques qui vivent dans la Méditerranée ou sur le continent de l'Italie, ainsi ... Premiére partie. [all published].
74435: D.J. CANTRILL - A petrified cycad trunk from the Late Cretaceous of the Larsen Basin, Antarctica.
80886: CANTU CHAPA, A. - Etude biostratigraphique des Ammonites du Centre et de l'Est du Mexique (Jurassique supérieur et Crétacé).
63580: CANTú-CHAPA, A. - New Upper Tithonian (Jurassic) ammonites from the Chinameca Formation in southern Veracruz, eastern Mexico.
96767: CANTU CHAPA, A. - Etude biostratigraphique des Ammonites du Centre et de l'Est du Mexique (Jurassique supérieur et Crétacé).
100504: CANU, F. - Iconographie des bryozoaires fossiles de l'Argentine I & II.
54512: CANU, M.F. - Les bryozoaires du Patagonien. Échelle des bryozoaires pour les terrains tertiaires.
77343: CANU, F. - Iconographie des bryozoaires fossiles de l'Argentine I & II.
79070: CANU, F. - Revision des Bryozoaires du Crétacé figurés par d'Orbigny. II. Cheilostomata.
96686: CANU, FERDINAND - Iconographie des bryozoaires fossiles de l'Argentine I & II.
7426: CANU, F. & R.S. BASSLER - The bryozoan fauna of the Galapagos Islands.
75575: CANU, F. & R.S. BASSLER - Contribution à l'étude des bryozoaires d'Autriche et de Hongrie.
2244: CANU, F. & R.S. BASSLER - The bryozoan fauna of the Vincentown Limesand.
2241: CANU, F. & R.S. BASSLER - A synopsis of American early Tertiary cheilostome Bryozoa.
2240: CANU, F. - Bryozoaires bartoniens de bassin franco-belge.
2239: CANU, F. - Bryozoaires crétacés des Pyrénées.
2235: CANU, F. - Contributions à l'étude des Bryozoaires fossiles. XIII. Bryozoaires jurassiques.
2225: CANU, F. - Bryozoaires du Cénomanien de Saint-Calais (Sarthre).
2226: CANU, F. - Étude sur les ovicelles des Bryozoaires du Bathonien d'Occaignes.
2228: CANU, F. - Les bryozoaires du Patagonien. Échelles des bryozoaires pour les etrrain tertiaires.
92458: CANU, FERDINAND & RAY S. BASSLER - North American early Tertiary Bryozoa.
15543: CANU, M.F. 1904, FACS. 1966. - Les bryozoaires du Patagonien. Échelle des bryozoaires pour les terrains tertiaires.
50883: CANU, F. - Les Bryozoaires fossiles de la région des Corbières. [Spanacien-Lutétien]
50884: CANU, F. - Bryozoaires Crétacés des Pytrénées.
50799: CAO RUIJI ET AL. - [ Late Precambrian stromatolites from north Anhui province ].
88159: CAPASSO BARBATO, L. ET AL. - Nuovi resti e osservazioni filogenetiche su Hippopotamus creutzbergi Boekschoten & Sondaar (Hippopotamidae, Mammalia) del Pleistocene di Creta (Grecia).
88156: CAPASSO BARBATO, L. & M.R. MINIERI - Nuovi resti di carnivori del Pleistocene medio dei dintorni di Roma.
94586: CAPDEVILA, R. ET AL. - Reunión de xeoloxía do noroeste peninsular.
66888: CAPE-LAST INTERGLACIAL PROJECT MEMBERS - Last Interglacial Arctic warmth confirms polar amplification of climate change
67419: CAPE PROJECT MEMBERS - Holocene paleoclimate data from the Arctic: testing models of global climate change.
81809: CAPELLINI, GIOVANNI - Della pietra leccese e di alcuni suoi fossili.
81780: CAPELLINI, GIOVANNI - Di un' Orca fossile scoperta a Cetona in Toscane.
7050338: CAPPELLE, H. VAN - Bijdrage tot de kennis van Friesland's bodem V. Kaartering van het Diluvium van Gaasterland en Hemelumer-Oldephaert en Noordwolde.
7050337: CAPPELLE, H. VAN - Eenige mededeelingen over de glaciale en praeglaciale vormingen in Twente en den oosthoek van Gelderland.
7050336: CAPPELLE, H. VAN - Les escarpements du << Gaasterland >> sur la cote méridionale de la Frise, suivi d`une étude sur les roches silicieuses à spicules de spongiaires du boulder clay du Roode Klif par George Jennings Hinde.
54844: CAPPELLE, H. VAN - Het Diluvium van West-Drenthe.
1540093: CAPPELLE, H. VAN - Bijdrage tot de kennis van Friesland's bodem V. Kaartering van het Diluvium van Gaasterland en Hemelumer-Oldephaert en Noordwolde.
1540092: CAPPELLE, H. VAN - Bijdrage tot de kennis van Friesland's bodem IV. Eenige mededeelingen over de diluviale heuvels in de gemeente Hemelumer-Oldephaert en Noordwolde.
1540090: CAPPELLE, H. VAN - Het Diluvium van West-Drenthe.
86552: CAPPELLE, H. VAN - Bijdrage tot de kennis van het gemengde Diluvium.
86551: CAPPELLE, H. VAN - Eenige geologische waarnemingen in de omstreken van Baarn.
56151: CAPPELLE, H. VAN - Eenige geologische waarnemingen in de omstreken van Baarn.
56149: CAPPELLE, H. VAN - Bijdrage tot de kennis van Friesland’s bodem.
1530027: CAPPELLE, H. VAN - Bijdrage tot de kennis van de landijs-vormingen in de provincie Friesland en van het oudere fluviatiele diluvium in den ondergrond van Noord-Nederland.
103932: CAPPELLE, TORSTEN - Die frühgeschichtlichen Metallfunde von Domburg auf Walcheren 1&2.
82204: CAPPELLE, H. VAN - Nieuwe waarnemingen op het Nederlandsche Diluviaalgebied, voornamelijk met het oog op de kaarteering dezer terreinen I. & II.
57492: CAPPELLE, H. VAN - Diluvialstudien im südwesten von Friesland.
103857: CAPPERS, R.T.J. - Botanical macro-remains of vascular plants of the Herveskesklooster terp (The Netherlands) as tools to characterize the past environment.
85611: CAPPETTA, HENRI - Fossilium catalogus I: Animalia, Pars 142 Elasmobranchii Post triadici (Index specierum et generum).
84853: CAPPETTA, HENRI - Découverte du genre Gymnura (Batomorphii, Myliobatiformes) dans le Thanétien des Ouled Abdoun, Maroc. Observations sur la denture de quelques espèces actuelles.
84852: CAPPETTA, HENRY - Sur la découverte des genres Ischyrhiza et Ptychotrygon (Selachii, Batomorphii) dans le Crétacé supérieur de Vendée (France).
42855: CAPPETTA, HENRI - Fossilium Catalogus I: Animalia, pars 142. Elasmobranchii Post-Triadici. (Index specierum et generum).
79981: CAPPETTA, HENRI ET AL. - A new elasmobranch assemblage from the Lower Cretaceous of Thailand.
55789: CAPPETTA, H. - Révision de Cestracion duponti Winkler, 1874 (Selachii, Batomorphii) du Bruxellien de Woluwe-Saint-Lambert (Eocène Moyen de Belgique.
86233: CAPPETTA, HENRI - Fossilium catalogus I: Animalia, Pars 142 Elasmobranchii Post triadici (Index specierum et generum).
84031: CAPPETTA, H. & D. NOLF - Révision de quelques Odontaspididae (Neoselachii: Lamniformes) du Paléocène et de l'Éocène du bassin de la mer du Nord.
90279: CAPPETTA, H. - Hexanchiforme nouveau (Neoselachii) du Crétacé inférieur du Sud de la France.
91623: CAPPETTA, HENRI - Sélaciens nouveaux (Chondrichthyes, Neoselachii) du Paléocène supérieur de la région d'Ouarzazate, Maroc.
9120922: CAPPON, C.M. ET AL. (RED.) - Ad fontes. Opstellen aangeboden aan prof. dr. C. van de Kieft ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid als hoogleraar in de middeleeuwse geschiedenis aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.
1340082: CARALP, M. - Les foraminifères planctoniques du Pleistocène terminal dans le Golfe de Gascogne. Interprétation biostratigraphique et paléoclimatique.
98006: CARALP, M. & A. LAMY - Étude paléoécologique de la lignée miocène du Nonion dollfusi Cushman.
99113: CARALP, M. & D. GAVOILLE - Les Miogypsinidae de la coupe profonde de Salles (Gironde).
99112: CARALP, M. & D. GAVOILLE - Étude des Miogypsinidae de la coupe oligo-miocène du forage de Saucats (Gironde).
52977: CARASCO, D.G. & M. CARSACO-KOK (RED) - Abcoude en Baambrugge 900 jaar. Uit de historie van twee dorpen.
91697: CARBALLIDO, JOSé L. & P. MARTIN SANDER - Postcranial axial skeleton of Europasaurus holgeri (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) from the Upper Jurassic of Germany: implications for sauropod ontogeny and phylogenetic relationships of basal Macronaria.
91698: CARBALLIDO, JOSE LUIS ET AL. - The appendicular skeleton of the dwarf macronarian sauropod Europasaurus holgeri from the Late Jurassic of Germany and a re-evaluation of its systematic affinities.
73890: CARBONI, M.G. & M.A. CONTI - Le associazioni faunistiche tardo-cenozoiche di Valle Ricca (Monterotondo, Roma) e loro implicazioni biostratigrafiche.
90564: CARDOSA, J.L. - Presença de Equus hydruntinus Regalia, 1905 no Würm recente de Portugal.
53258: CARDOSO, JOãO LUíS - Les grands Mammifères du Pléistocène supérieur du Portugal. Essai de synthèse.
94588: CARDOSO, JOãO LUíS - Les grands Mammifères du Pléistocène supérieur du Portugal. Essai de synthèse.
90565: CARDOSO, J.L. & F.T. REGALA - O Leopardo, Panthera pardus (L., 1758), do Algar da Manga Larga (Planalto de Santo António, Porto de Mós).
44079: CARETTO, P.G. - Un raro lamellibranco perlifero nel Pliocene piemontese.
97117: CAREZ, L. - CGI, Paris. Excursion en France XIX. Pyrénées, terrains sédimentaires.
67499: CARI ZAZO, JOSé LUIS GOY, CLAUDE HILLAIRE-MARCEL, PIERRE-YVES GILLOT, VICENTE SOLER, JOSé ÁNGEL GONZáLEZ, CRISTINO J. DABRIO, BASSAM GHALEB - Raised marine sequences of Lanzarote and Fuerteventura revisited-a reappraisal of relative sea-level changes and vertical movements in the eastern Canary Islands during the Quaternary.
90567: CARILLO, JUAN D. ET AL. - The Neogene record of northern South merican native ungulates.
67618: CARL WUNSCH - Quantitative estimate of the Milankovitch-forced contribution to observed Quaternary climate change
67579: CARL WUNSCH - Greenland-Antarctic phase relations and millennial time-scale climate fluctuations in the Greenland ice-cores.
67527: CARL WUNSCH - Determining paleoceanographic circulations, with emphasis on the Last Glacial Maximum.
7860: CARLÉ, W. - Geologie und Hydrologie der Heilwässer von Bad Mergentheim.
84465: CARLé, WALTER - Geologie und Hydrologie der Heilwässer von Bad Mergentheim.
1762: CARLÉ, W. - Bau und Entwicklung der Südwestdeutschen Grossscholle.
77848: CARLé, W. - Bau und Entwicklung der Südwestdeutschen Grossscholle.
9120453: CARLETON, M.D. & R.E. ESHELMAN - A synopsis of fossil grashopper mice, genus Onychomys, and their relationship to recent species.
23840: CARLING, P.A. ET AL. - The morphodynamics of fluvial sand dunes in the River Rhine, near Mainz, Germany. I. Sedimentology and morphology. II. Hydrodynamics and sediment transport.
66865: CARLO BARONI, FRANCESCO FASANO - Micromorphological evidence of warm-based glacier deposition from the Ricker Hills Tillite (Victoria Land, Antarctica)
94589: CARLS, PETER - Die Conodonten des tieferen Unter-Devons der Guadarrama (Mittel-Spanien) und die Stellung des Grenzbereiches Lochkovium/Pragium nach der rheinischen Gliederung.
94590: CARLS, PETER - Die Conodonten des tieferen Unter-Devons der Guadarrama (Mittel-Spanien) und die Stellung des Grenzbereiches Lochkovium/Pragium nach der rheinischen Gliederung.
94591: CARLS, PETER - Die Proschizophoriinae (Brachiopoda; Silurium-Devon) der östlichen Iberischen Ketten (Spanien).
94592: CARLS, PETER - Howellella (Hysterohowellella) knetschi (Brachiopoda, Spiriferacea) aus dem tiefen Unter-Gedinnium Keltiberiens.
94593: CARLS, P. & J. GANDL - Stratigraphie und Conodonten des Unter-Devons der östlichen Iberischen Ketten (NE-Spanien).
102413: CARLS, PETER - Die Conodonten des tieferen Unter-Devons der Guadarrama (Mittel-Spanien) und die Stellung des Grenzbereiches Lochkovium/Pragium nach der rheinischen Gliederung.
89983: CARLS, PETER - Die Proschizophoriinae (Brachiopoda; Silurium-Devon) der östlichen Iberischen Ketten (Spanien).
91355: CARLS, PETER - Howellella (Hysterohowellella) knetschi (Brachiopoda, Spiriferacea) aus dem tiefen Unter-Gedinnium Keltiberiens.
91356: CARLS, P. - Neue Arten von Vandercammenina und Hysterolites (Brachiopoda, Acrospiriferinae; Devon).
91808: CARLS, N. & G. RABEDER - Die Arvicoliden (Rodentia, Mammalia) aus dem Ältest-Pleistozän von Schernfeld (Bayern).
96948: CARLSON, A.B. & J.L. SOLLID - Fullsenn. Beskrivelse til kartaergeologisk kart 1717 III M 1:50.000.
11176: CARLSON, S.J. - Phylogeny and evolution of 'pentameride' brachiopods.
9120454: CARLSON, S.J.; KRAUSE, D.W. - Enamel Ultrastructure of Multituberculate Mammals: An Investigation of Variability'
96898: CARMICHAEL, I.S.E., F.J. TURNER & J. VERHOOGEN - Igneous petrology.
20167: CARMIGGELT, A. (ED.). - Opgespoord verleden. Archeologie in de Betuweroute.
85372: CARMIGGELT, ARNOLD - De 'Koningsterp' van Wijnaldum. De Friese elite in de Middeleeuwen.
76749: CARMIGGELT, A. (ED.) - Handel, handelsplaatsen en handelswaar vanaf de Vroege Middeleeuwen in de Lage Landen.
97412: CARMIGGELT, ARNOLD - Kruisende sporen. Handleiding voor amateur-archeologen in Nederland.
60532: CARMIGGELT, A. & M. VAN TRIERUM - Ontdekt ! Vijftig jaar archeologie in Rotterdam en omgeving.
58211: CARMIGGELT, ARNOLD - Kruisende sporen. Handleiding voor amateur-archeologen in Nederland.
92276: CARMIGGELT, A. & M. VAN TRIERUM - Ontdekt ! Vijftig jaar archeologie in Rotterdam en omgeving.
103287: CARNEVALE, G. - A new snake mackerel from the Miocene of Algeria.
91624: CARNEVALE, GIORGIO & THEODORE W. PIETSCH - †Caruso, a new genus of anglerfishes from the Eocene of Monte Bolca, Italy, with a comparative osteology and phylogeny of the teleost family Lophiidae.
91625: CARNEVALE, GIORGIO & JAMES C. TYLER - A new pufferfish (Teleostei, Tetraodontidae) from the Middle Miocene of St. Margarethen, Austria.
80665: CARNEY, F. - The raised beaches of the Berea, Cleveland, and Euclid sheets, Ohio.
66924: CAROL J. PUDSEY, JOHN W. MURRAY, PETER APPLEBY, JEFFREY EVANS - Ice shelf history from petrographic and foraminiferal evidence, Northeast Antarctic Peninsula
74479: CAROLE J. BURROW - Redescription of the gnathostome fish fauna from the mid-Palaeozoic Silverband Formation, the Grampians, Victoria.
93316: CARON, M. - Etude biométrique et statistique de plusieurs populations de Globotruncanidae. 2. le sous-genre Rotalipora (Thalmanninella) dans l`Albien supérieur de la Breggia (Tessin).
100725: CARON, M.H. - Het zwavelvoorkomen van den Kawah Idjen.
10990346: CARON, M. - Globotruncanidae du Crétacé supérieur du synclinal de la Gruyère (Préalpes médianes, Suisse).
1340085: CAROZZI, A. - Dasycladacées du Jurassique supérieur du bassin de Genève.
93318: CAROZZI, A. - Étude stratigraphique et micrographique du Purbeckien du Jura Suisse.
102789: CAROZZI, ALBERT - Pétrographie des roches sédimentaires.
97103: CAROZZI, A.V. ET AL. - Microfaciès du Jurassique d'Aquitaine.
83481: CARPENTER, P.H. - On some new Cretaceous Comatulae.
80003: CARPENTER, K., & CURRIE, PH.J. (EDITORS) - Dinosaur systematics. Approaches and perspectives.
80002: CARPENTER, K. - Eggs, nests, and baby dinosaurs. A look at dinosaur reproduction.
103003: CARPENTER, F.M. - Studies on Carboniferous insects from Commentry, France. Part II. The Megasecoptera.
48978: CARPENTER, P.H. - On some new Cretaceous Comatulae.
48977: CARPENTER, P.H. - On some undescribed Comatulae from the British Sedcondary rocks.
88432: CARPENTER, P. HERBERT - On some new or little-known Jurrasic crinoids.
60797: CARPENTER, DAVID K., HOWARD J. FALCON-LANG, MICHAEL J. BENTON AND MELISSA GREY - Early Pennsylvanian (Langsettian) fish assemblages from the Joggins Formation, Canada, and their implications for palaeoecology and palaeogeography.
58555: CARPENTER, DAVID K., HOWARD J. FALCON-LANG, MICHAEL J. BENTON AND ELSA HENDERSON - Carboniferous (Tournaisian) fish assemblages from the Isle of Bute, Scotland: systematics and palaeoecology.
1450486: CARPENTER, K. (ED.). - The armored dinosaurs.
99114: CARPENTER, WILLIAM B. - Researches on Foraminifera. Part II. On the genera Orbiculina, Alveolina, Cycloclypeus and Heterostegina.
96029: CARPENTER, P.H. - On some undescribed Comatulae from the British Secondary rocks.
1630015: CARPENTER, F.M. - The geological history and evolution of insects.
90378: CARPENTER, KENNETH - History, sedimentology, and taphonomy of the Carnegie Quarry, Dinosaur Monument, Utah.
90379: CARPENTER, K. & M.C. LAMANNA - The braincase assigned to the ornithopod dinosaur Uteodon McDonald, 2011, reassigned to Dryosaurus Marsh, 1894: implications for iguanodontian morphology and taxonomy.
90380: CARPENTER, K. & Y. WILSON - A new species of Camptosaurus (Ornithopoda: Dinosauria) from the Morrison Formation (Upper Jurassic) of Dinosaur National Monument, Utah, and a biomechanical analysis of its forelimb.
91041: CARPENTER, KENNETH - History, sedimentology, and taphonomy of the Carnegie Quarry, Dinosaur Monument, Utah.
98420: CARPENTER, F.M. - The geological history and evolution of insects.
91241: CARPENTER, F.M. - Studies on Carboniferous insects from Commentry, France. Part II. The Megasecoptera.
78824: CARPENTIER, CH.A. & P. LAMARE - Végétaux fossiles du Yémen.
79597: CARPENTIER, A. ET AL. - Recherches paléontologiques sur quelques gisements carbonifères de la Sarthe.
82672: CARPENTIER, ALFRED - Observations sur des Callipteris.
86277: CARPENTIER, ALFRED - Étude de quelques végétaux jurassiques du Doubs.
56980: CARPENTIER, A. - Empreintes végétales du Carbonifère de la Sarthe et de la Mayenne I & II.
82031: CARPENTIER, ALFRED - Études paléobotaniques sur le groupe de la Sakoa et le groupe de la Sakamena (Madagascar). [Trias]
67563: S.J. CARR, J. ROSE - Till fabric patterns and significance: particle response to subglacial stress.
100239: CARRACEDO, JUAN CARLOS & SIMON DAY - Canary Islands.
44151: CARRANO, MATTHEW T., CHRISTINE M. JANIS & J. JOHN SEPKOSKI, JR. - Hadrosaurs as ungulate parallels: Lost lifestyles and deficient data.
90381: CARRANO, MATTHEW T. ET AL. - New materials of Masikasaurus knopfleri Sampson, Carrano, and Forster, 2001, and implications for the morphology of the Noasauridae (Theropoda: ceratosauria).
91699: CARRANO, MATTHEW T. ET AL. - The phylogeny of Tetanurae (Dinosauria: Theropoda).
28324: CARRANZA-C, O. & A.H. WALTON - Cricetid rodents from the Racho el Ocote fauna, Late hemphillian (Pliocene), State of Guanajuato.
28321: CARRANZA-C, O. & L. ESPINOSA-A - Late Tertiary equids from the state of Hidalgo, Mexico.
28323: CARRANZA-C, O. & W.E. MILLER - Roedores caviomorfos de la mesa centra de Mexico, Blancano temprano (Plioceno tardío) de la fauna local Rancho Viejo, Estado de Guanajuato.
90566: CARRANZA-CATENADA, O. ET AL. - The early late Hemphilian (Hh2) faunal assemblage from Juchipila basin, State of Zacatecas, Mexico, .... etc.
61055: CARRASCO, MARC A. & WAHLERT, JOHN H. - The cranial anatomy of Cricetops dormitor, an Oligocene fossil rodent from Mongolia.
76586: CARRATELLI, G.P. (ED.) - Grecs en Occident. De l'âge mycénien à la fin de l'Hellenisme.
91401: CARRERA, MARCELO G. & JöRG MALETZ - Ordovician sponge spicules from Spitsbergen, Nevada and Newfoundland: new evidence for hexactinellid and demosponge early diversification.
103018: CARRILLO, EMILI, LAURA ROSELL AND FEDERICO ORTí - Multiepisodic evaporite sedimentation as an indicator of palaeogeographical evolution in foreland basins (South-eastern Pyrenean basin, Early-Middle Eocene).
28152: CARRIOL, R.-P. - Balanoidea du Néogène de Vendée (France).
67500: CARRIóN, J.S. - Patterns and processes of Late Quaternary environmental change in a montane region of southwestern Europe. [Sierra de Segura, SE Spain]
94594: CARRIóN, J.S. ET AL. - The palaeoecoloical potential of pollen records in caves: the case of Mediterranean Spain.
67316: J.S. CARRIóN, M. MUNUERA, C. NAVARRO, F. BURJACHS, M. DUPRé, M.J. WALKER - The palaeoecoloical potential of pollen records in caves: the case of Mediterranean Spain.
81687: CARROLL, R.L. - A new family of Carboniferous amphibians. [Acherontiscidae]
83329: CARROLL, R.L. & D. BAIRD - The Carboniferous amphibian Tudianus [Eosauravus] and the distinction between microsaurs and reptiles.
8050339: CARROLL, R.L. - The relationships of the rhachitomous amphibian Prioxys.
8050340: CARROLL, R.L. & D. BAIRD - The Carboniferous amphibian Tuditanus [Eosauravus] and the distinction between microsaurs and reptiles.
63779: CARROLL, R.L. - Problems of the phylogenetic analysis of Paleozoic choanates.
59465: CARROLL, R.L. - The early differentiation of diapsid reptiles.
59464: CARROLL, R.L. - Labyrinthodonts from the Joggins Formation. [Nova Scotia, Westph. B]
84046: CARROLL, R.L. & W. LINDSAY - Cranial anatomy of the primitive reptile Procolophon.
84045: CARROLL, ROBERT L. - A Middle Pennsylvanian captorhinomorph, and the interrelationships of primitive reptiles.
74107: CARROLL, R.L. - An articulated gymnarthrid microsaur (Amphibia) from the Upper Carboniferous of Czechoslovakia.
15614: CARROLL, R.L. - A tiny microsaur from the Lower Permian of Texas: size constraints in Palaeozoic tetrapods.
1450487: CARROLL, R.L. - Galesphyrus capensis, a younginid eosuchian from the Cistecephalus zone of South Africa.
9120214: CARROLL, R.L. - Early evolution of the dissorophid amhibians.
91700: CARROLL, R.L. & D. BAIRD - The Carboniferous amphibian Tuditanus [Eosauravus] and the distinction between microsaurs and reptiles.
96687: CARRUTHERS, R.G. - On the evolution of Zaphrentis delanouei in Lower Carboniferous times.
96949: CARSTENS, C.W. - Oversigt over Trondhjemsfeltets bergbygning.
76434: CARSWELL, JOHN & C.J.F. DOWSETT - Kütahya tiles and pottery from the Armenian Cathedral of St. James, Jerusalem, Vol. I & II.
1340086: CARTER, A.N. - Tertiary foraminifera from Gippsland, Victoria, and their stratigraphical significancea.
85606: CARTER, E.S. ET AL. - Biochronology and paleontology of Lower Jurassic (Hettangian and Sinemurian) radiolarians, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia.
101529: CARTER, E.S. ET AL. - Lower and Middle Jurassic radiolarian biostratigraphy and systematic paleontology, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia.
85548: CARTER, J.G. & M.J.S. TEVESZ - Shell microstructure of Middle Devonian (Hamilton Group) bivalve fauna from central New York.
98565: CARTER, R.W.G. - Coastal environments. An introduction to the physical, ecological and cultural systems of coastlines.
85490: CARTER, E.S. ET AL. - Biochronology and paleontology of Lower Jurassic (Hettangian and Sinemurian) radiolarians, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia.
96012: CARTER, D.J. & M.B. HART - Aspects of mid-Cretaceous strtigraphical micropalaeontology.
81391: CARTER, JOHN L. - New genera of spiriferid and brachythyridid brachiopods.
86468: CARTER, R.W.G. & C.D. WOODROFFE (EDS.) - Coastal evolution. Late Quaternary shoreline morphodynamics.
84758: CARTER, E.S. ET AL. - Biochronology and paleontology of Lower Jurassic (Hettangian and Sinemurian) radiolarians, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia.
48984: CARTER, CLAIRE - A Middle Ordovician graptolite fauna from near the contact between Ledbetter Slate and the Metaline Limestone in the Pend Oreille Mine, northeastern Washington State. & Ordovician-Silurian graptolites from the Ledbetter Slate, northeastern Washington State.
79943: CARTER, R.M. - Functional studies on the Cretaceous oyster Arctostrea.
97901: CARTER, D.J. & M.B. HART - Aspects of mid-Cretaceous stratigraphical micropalaeontology.
96664: CARTER, CLAIRE - A Middle Ordovician graptolite fauna from near the contact between Ledbetter Slate and the Metaline Limestone in the Pend Oreille Mine, northeastern Washington State. & Ordovician-Silurian graptolites from the Ledbetter Slate, northeastern Washington State.
89984: CARTER, JOHN L. - Early Mississippian brachiopods from the Glen Park Formation of Illinois and Missouri.
97483: CARTER, D.J. & M.B. HART - Aspects of mid-Cretaceous stratigraphical micropalaeontology.
49027: CARTHEW, R. & D. BOSENCE - Community preservation in recent shell-gravels, English Channel.
60999: CARVALHO, M.G.P. DE - Devonian trilobites from the Falkland Islands.
88962: CARVALHO, M. DA G.P. DE & G.D. EDGECOMBE - Lower-Early Middle devonian calmoniid trilobites from Mato Grosso, Brazil, and related species from Paraná.
18184: CARVALHO, M. DA G.P. DE & J. MOODY - A Middle Devonian trilobite assemblage from Venezuela.
18183: CARVALHO, M. DA G.P. DE & G.D. EDGECOMBE - Lower-Early Middle devonian calmoniid trilobites from Mato Grosso, Brazil, and related species from Paraná.
94595: CARVALHO, A.M. GALOPIM DE - Contribuiçao para o conhecimento geológico da Bacia Terciória do Tejo.
9051011: CARY, M. ET AL. - The Oxford classical dictionary.
9053002: CASANOVA, R. & R.P. RATKEVICH - An illustrated guide to fossil collecting. 3rd rev. ed.
95029: CASANOVAS, M.L. ET AL. - Losillasaurus giganteus, un nuevo saurópodo del tránsito Jurásico-Cretáceo de la cuenca de Los Serranos (valencia, España).
90382: CASANOVAS, M.L. ET AL. - Losillasaurus giganteus, un nuevo saurópodo del tránsito Jurásico-Cretáceo de la cuenca de Los Serranos (valencia, España).
90815: CASAS-GALLEGO, M. & E. BARRóN - New pollen genera and species from the Oligocene of northern Spain and a systematic, biostratigraphic and biogeographic re-evaluation of coeval taxa.
75721: CASCALES-MIñANA, BORJA AND PHILIPPE GERRIENNE - Teruelia diezii gen. et sp. nov.: an early polysporangiophyte from the Lower Devonian of the Iberian Peninsula.
7050203: CASE, E.C. - A collection of stegocephalians from Scurry County, Texas.
7050202: CASE, E.C. - Arthrodirian remains from the Devonian of Michigan.
7050201: CASE, E.C. - The Permo-Carboniferous Red Beds of North America and their vertebrate fauna.
88142: CASE, E.C. ET AL. - Permo-Carboniferous vertebrates from New Mexico.
73766: CASE, E.C. - The vertebral column of Coelophysis Cope.
49152: CASE, J.A. ET AL. - A new genus of polydolopid marsupial from Antarctica.
49110: CASE, E.C. - The osteology of Embolophorus dollovianus, Cope, with an attempted reconstruction.
55818: CASE, E.C. ET AL. - Permo-Carboniferous vertebrates from New Mexico. /&/ The Permo-Carboniferous Red Beds of North America and their vertebrate fauna..
74032: CASE, E.C. - A possible explanation of fenestration in the primitive reptilian skull, with notes on the temporal region of the genus Dimetrodon.
1450497: CASE, E.C. - A perfectly preserved segment of the armor of a phytosaur, with associated vertebrae.
1450498: CASE, E.C. - A nearly complete turtle skeleton from the Upper Cretaceous of Montana.
1450495: CASE, E.C. - Description of a new species of Buettneria, with a discussion of the brain case.
1450492: CASE, E.C. - On the lower jaw of Brachysuchus megalodon.
1450491: CASE, E.C. - Description of a nearly complete skeleton of Ostodolepis brevispinatus Williston.
1450490: CASE, E.C. - Indications of a cytolosaur and of a new form of fish from the Triassic beds of Texas, with remarks on the Shinarump conglomerate.
1450489: CASE, E.C., S.W. WILLISTON AND M.G. MEHL - Permo-Carboniferous vertebrates from New Mexico.
76558: CASE, E.C. - The Permo-Carboniferous Red Beds of North America and their vertebrate fauna.
46661: CASE, E.C. - The vertebral column of Coelophysis Cope, and 4 other shortpapers by the same on fossil reptiles.
9120215: CASE, E.C. - A specimen of Stylemys nebrascensis Leidy, showing the bones of the feet and limbs.
9120455: CASE, E.C. - A Specimen of Long-Nosed Dolphin from the Bone Valley Gravels of Polk County, Florida'.
81136: CASEY, R. - The ammonite succession at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in eastern England.
10991068: CASEY, R. - A Lower Cretaceous gastropod with fossilized intestines.
63582: CASEY, RAYMOND, H.MARK BAYLISS & MARTIN I. SIMPSON - Observations on the lithostratigraphy and ammonite succession of the Aptian (Lower Cretaceous) Lower Greensand of Chale Bay, Isle of Wight, UK.
63581: CASEY, RAYMOND - The age of the Argiles à Bucaillella of Normandy, the systematic position of the Cretaceous ammonite genera Bucaillella and Arcthoplites, and the delimitation of the Aptian/Albian boundary.
82176: CASEY, RAYMOND - A monograph of the ammonoidea of the Lower Greensand. Part VII.
10990024: CASEY, R. - The stratigraphical palaeontology of the Lower Greensand.
10990748: CASEY, R. - A Lower Cretaceous gastropod with fossilized intestines.
82020: CASEY, RAYMOND - A monograph of the ammonoidea of the Lower Greensand. Part VIII.
81937: CASEY, RAYMOND - A monograph of the ammonoidea of the Lower Greensand. Part VI.
79445: CASIER, E. - Le squelette céphalique de Éochelone brabantica L. Dollo, du Bruxellien (Lutétien inférieur) de Belgique et sa comparison avec celui de Chélone mydas Linné.
89400: CASIER, EDGARD - La faune ichthyologique de l'Yprésien de la Belgique.
79141: CASIER, E. - Poisson fossiles de la Série de Kwango (Congo). [Néocrétacique]
79108: CASIER, E. - Matériaux pour la faune ichthyologique éocrétacique du Congo.
89122: CASIER, EDGARD - La faune ichthyologique de l'Yprésien de la Belgique.
97597: CASIER, J.-G. & A. PRéAT - Late Givetian to Middle Frasnian ostracods from Nismes (Dinant Synclinorium, Belgium) and their lithological context.
82941: CASIER, E. - Matériaux pour la faune ichthyologique éocrétacique du Congo. /&/ Addenda aux connaissances sur la faune ichthyologique de la série de Bokungu (Congo)
53224: CASIER, E. - Poisson fossiles de la Série de Kwango (Congo). [Néocrétacique]
84351: CASIER, J.-G. ET AL. - Sedimentology, conodonts and ostracods of the Devonian-Carboniferous strata of the Anseremme railway bridge section, Dinant Basin, Belgium.
84350: CASIER, J.-G. & A. PRéAT - Ostracods and lithofacies close to the Eifelian-Givetian boundary (Devonian) at Aisemont (Namur Synclinorium, Belgium).
98475: CASIER, EDGARD - Sur un materiel ichthyologique des <> du Qatar (Golfe Persique).
63736: CASIER, EDGARD - Origine des ptychodontes.
82761: CASIER, EDGARD - La faune ichthyologique de l'Yprésien de la Belgique.
82759: CASIER, EDGARD - La faune ichthyologique de l'Yprésien de la Belgique.
75657: CASIER, E. - Contributions à l'étude des poissons fossiles de la Belgique XIII. Présence de ganopristinés dans la Glauconie de Lonzée et le Tuffeau de Maestricht.
75656: CASIER, E. - Origine des ptychodontes.
55821: CASIER, E. - Le squelette céphalique de Éochelone brabantica L. Dollo, du Bruxellien (Lutétien inférieur) de Belgique et sa comparison avec celui de Chélone mydas Linné.
96305: CASIER, J.-G. - Les ostracodes des schistes à aspect Matagne de la partie supérieure du Frasnien de l'affleurement protégé de Boussu-en-Fagne, Belgique.
96306: CASIER, J.-G. - La zone à Svantovites lethiersi n. sp., zone nouvelle d'ostracodes de la fin du Frasnien et du début du Famennien des bassins de Namur et de Dinant.
96307: CASIER, J.-G. - Les Entomozoacea (ostracodes) du Frasnien de l'extrémité occidentale du bord sud du bassin de Dinant, Belgique.
96308: CASIER, J.-G. - Les Entomozoacea (ostracodes) du Frasnien de l'extrémité occidentale du bord sud du bassin de Dinant, Belgique.
96310: CASIER, J.-G. ET AL. - Ostracods and fore-reef sedimentology of the Frasnian-Famennian boundary beds in Kielce (Holy Cross Mountains, Poland).
96309: CASIER J.G. - Les ostracodes de la partie supérieure de la Formation de Téferguenite (givétien) et de la Formation de Marhouma (givétien-famennien) de la coupe du km 30 (Saoura, Sahara algérien).
58830: CASIER, J.-G. & A. PREAT - Sédimentologie et ostracodes de la limite Eifelien-Givetien à Resteigne (bord sud du Bassin de Dinant, Belgique).
1460774: CASIER, E. - Poisson de l'Éocène inférieur de Katherinenhof-Fehmarn (Schleswig-Holstein).
1460775: CASIER, E. - Sur un materiel ichthyologique des <> du Qatar (Golfe Persique).
1460768: CASIER, E. - Constitution et évolution de la racine dentaire des Euselachii. [in 3 parts].
1460769: CASIER, E. - Origine des ptychodontes.
1460766: CASIER, E. - Contributions à l'étude des poissons fossiles de la Belgique XII. Sélaciens et holocéphales sinémuriens de la province de Luxembourg.
1460764: CASIER, E. - Contributions à l'étude des poissons fossiles de la Belgique VII. Morphologie du dentaire de Sphyraenodus lerichei Casier.
1460760: CASIER, E. - Contributions à l'étude des poissons fossiles de la Belgique II. Restes du genre Lepidosteus du Landénien de la Hesbaye.
1460761: CASIER, E. - Contributions à l'étude des poissons fossiles de la Belgique III. Quelques espèces nouvelles ou peu connues du Landénien marin.
1460763: CASIER, E. - Contributions à l'étude des poissons fossiles de la Belgique V. Les genres Trichiurides (Winkler (s.str.) et Eutrichiurides nov. Leurs affinités respectives, VI. Sur le Sphyraenodus de l'Éocèneet sur la présence d'une Sphyraenidé dans le Bruxellien
1450501: CASIER, E. - Les iguanodons de Bernissart. 2e éd.
1450500: CASIER, E. - Le squelette céphalique de Éochelone brabantica L. Dollo, du Bruxellien (Lutétien inférieur) de Belgique et sa comparison avec celui de Chélone mydas Linné.
50993: CASIER, E. - Matériaux pour la faune ichthyologique éocrétacique du Congo.
91037: CASIER, E. - Matériaux pour la faune ichthyologique éocrétacique du Congo.
91038: CASIER, E. - Poissons fossiles de la série du Kwango (Congo).
47420: CASPAR, J.-P. ET AL. - Nouveau éléments dans le groupe de Blicquy en Belgique : le site de Vaux-et-Borset «Gibour» «À la Croix Marie-Jeanne». II. Céramique.
76377: CASPARIE, W.A. ET AL. - Vondsten uit het verleden. Oudheidkundig Bodemonderzoek. Archeologisch Jaarboek 1986.
44312: CASSIE, V. - Seasonal changes in diatoms and dinoflagellates off the east coast of New Zealand during 1957 and 1958.
49153: CASSILIANO, M. - Stratigraphy and vertebrate paleontology of the Horse Creek-Trail Creek area, Laramie County, Wyoming.
93320: CASSINIS, G. ET AL. (COORD.) - Stratigraphy and facies of the Permian deposits between eastern Lombardy and the western Dolomites. Field trip guidebook Inter. Congress: The Continental Permian, Brescia 1999.
58572: CASTANERA, DIEGO, JORGE COLMENAR, VíCTOR SAUQUé AND JOSé I. CANUDO - Geometric morphometric analysis applied to theropod tracks from the Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian) of Spain.
94596: CASTANERA, DIEGO ET AL. - Geometric morphometric analysis applied to theropod tracks from the Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian) of Spain.
82471: CASTANY, GILBERT - Étude géologique de l'Atlas oriental. [2 vols., text plus atlas]
64079: CASTEL, I.I.Y. - Late Holocene eolian drift sands in Drenthe (The Netherlands).
1540096: CASTEL, I.I.Y. ET AL. - De vallei van de Leuvenumse beek.
102498: CASTELL, C.P. ET AL. - British Mesozoic fossils. 2nd ed.
102499: CASTELL, C.P. ET AL. - British Mesozoic fossils. 5th ed.
28130: CASTELLANI, C. ET AL. - Exceptionally well-preserved isolated eyes from Cambrian ‘Orsten’ fossil assemblages of Sweden.
73496: CASTELLANOS, A. - Restos de Boreostracon corondanus n.sp. descubiertos en la provincia de Santa Fe (Argentina).
74737: CASTELLANOS, A. - Nuevos restos de Lomaphorops corallinus (Rov.).
82293: CASTELLANOS, ALFREDO - Descripcion preliminar de un craneo de Macroeuphractus morenoi (Lyd.) del Yocahuilense (Araucanense des Valle de Yocahuil (Santa Maria) de las provincias de Catamarca, Tucuman y Salta.
58602: CASTELLANOS, A. - Sobre un nuevo gliptodontido chapadmalense « «Urotherium simplex  n. gen et n. sp. y las formas afines.
58601: CASTELLANOS, A. - Un nuevo dasipodino extinguido de la parte meridional de Bolivia. Dasypodon atavus n. g. et n. sp.
1440010: CASTELLANOS, A. - Restos de Boreostracon corondanus n.sp. descubiertos en la provincia de Santa Fe (Argentina).
101996: CASTELLARIN, A. ET AL. - Note illustrative della Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scale 1:100.000 Foglio 36 Schio.
95541: CASTELLO BRANCO, G. ZBYSZEWSKI, ET AL. - Étude géologique de la région de Furnas dans l'ile de S. Miguel (Açores).
87237: CASTER, KENNETH E. - A Devonian fauna from Colombia.
5100799: CASTER, K.E. - Two siphonophores from the Paleozoic.
1630381: CASTER, K.E. & H.K. BROOKS - New fossils from the Canadian-Chazyan (Ordovician) hiatus in Tennessee. [Chasmataspis & Douglasocaris].
101997: CASTIGLIONI, BRUNO - Ricerche morfologiche nei terreni pliocenici dell'Italia centrale.
95891: CASTON, V.N.D. ET AL. - Quaternary deposits of the central North Sea 1-6. [in 5 vols.].
97063: CASTON, V.N.D. ET AL. - Quaternary deposits of the central North Sea 1-6. [in 5 vols.].
96999: CASTON, V.N.D. ET AL. - Quaternary deposits of the central North Sea 1-6. [in 5 vols.].
77407: CATE, J.A.M. TEN & G.C. MAARLEVELD - Geomorfologische kaart van Nederland 1:50.000. Toelichting op de legenda. [2 vols.].
80325: CATE, J.A.M. TEN, ET AL. - Vergelijking van de nieuwe geologische kaart, de geomorfologische kaart en de bodemkaart, schaal 1:50 0000, toegelicht met een fragment van Blad 17 Oost.
80324: CATE, J.A.M. TEN - Valley coversand ridge, a new morphological element in the Guelders Valley.
45704: CATE, J.A.M. TEN & H.P. WOLFERT - Practical applications of geomorphological mapping in The Netherlands.
66827: CATHERINE H. YANSA - The timing and nature of Late Quaternary vegetation changes in the northern Great Plains, USA and Canada: a re-assessment of the spruce phase
43839: CATI, F. ET AL. (EDS.) - In search of the Plaeogene/Neogene boundary sratotype. Part I. Potential boundary stratotype sections in Italy and Greece and a comparison with results from the deep-sea.
72419: CATOR, W.J. - Radjaschappen in West-Nieuw-Guinea.
95892: CATT, J.A. & L.F. PENNY - The Pleistocene deposits of Holderness, East Yorkshire.
80223: CATT, JOHN A. (ED.) - Paleopedology manual.
100233: CATTERMOLE, PETER - Auvergne.
74373: CAUDRI, C.M.B. - De foraminiferen-fauna van eenige Cycloclypeus-houdende gesteenten van Java.
100726: CAUDRI, C.M.B. - De foraminiferen-fauna van eenige Cyclopeus-houdende gesteenten van Java.
100727: CAUDRI, C.M.B. - De foraminiferen-fauna van eenige Cyclopeus-houdende gesteenten van Java.
100728: CAUDRI, C.M.B. - Tertiary deposits of Soemba.
100729: CAUDRI, B. - Lepidocyclinen von Java. [Tertiary]
92341: CAUDRI, C.M.B. - The larger Foraminifera of Punta Mosquito, Margarita Island, Venezuela. [Eocene]
77516: CAUDRI, C.M.B. - Tertiary deposits of Soemba.
99115: CAUDRI, C.M. BRAMINE - The larger Foraminifera from San Juan de los Morros, State of Guarico,Venezuela.
10990145: CAUDRI, C.M.B. - The larger Foraminifera of Trinidad (West Indies).
73501: CAULET, J.-P. - Les radiolaires des boues superficielles de la Méditerranée.
9120036: CAULET, J.-P. - Les radiolaires des boues superficielles de la Méditerranée.
89669: CAUMONT, A. DE - Abécédaire ou rudiment d'archéologie. I & II.
81462: CAVAGNETTO, C. & Y. TAMBAREAU - Palynologie du Selandien d'Oraas (Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France): comparaison avec le microplancton du Danien-Selandien connu dans le monde.
81434: CAVAGNETTO, C. & Y. TAMBAREAU - Palynologie du Selandien d'Oraas (Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France): comparaison avec le microplancton du Danien-Selandien connu dans le monde.
42945: CAVAGNETTO, C. & Y. TAMBAREAU - Palynologie du Selandien d’Oraas (Pyrénées-Atlantiques, France): comparaison avec le microplancton du Danien-Selandien connu dans le monde.
57846: CAVAILLé, A. - Carte géologique détaillée de la France 1/50.000. Saverdun (1036/XXI-45).
57841: CAVAILLé, A. - Carte géologique détaillée de la France 1/50.000. Fleurance (954/XVIII-42).
57845: CAVAILLé, A. - Carte géologique détaillée de la France 1/50.000. Cazères (1034/XX-45).
57836: CAVAILLé, A. ET AL. - Carte géologique détaillée de la France 1/50.000. St-Nicolas-de-la-Grave (929/XIX-41).
58449: CAVALLO, O. & G. REPETTO - Conchiglie fossili del Roero, Atlante iconografico.
1630016: CAVALLO, O. & P.A. GALLETTI - Studi di Sturani su Odonati e altri insetti fossili del Messiniano albese (Piemonte) con descrizione di Oryctodiplax gypsorum n. gen. n. sp. (Odonata, Libellulidae).
80251: CAVARETTA, G. ET AL. (EDS.) - Quaternary stratigraphy in volcanic areas.
99284: CAVARRETTA, G. ET AL. (EDS.) - La terra degli elefanti. / The world of Elephants. Proceedings of the 1st International Congress.
95873: CAVE, R. ET AL. - Geology of the Malmesbury district. Explan. one-inch sheet 251.
18185: CAVET, P. & J. PILLET - Contribution à l’étude stratigraphique et paléontologique du synclinal d’Ancenis (Massif armoricain).
103668: CAVET, PIERRE - Le Paléozïque de la zone axiale des Pyr;enées orintales françaises entre le Roussillon et l'Andorre (Étude stratigraphique et paléontologique).
100091: CAVIEDES, CéSAR N. - El Niño. Klima macht Geschichte.
82804: CAVIN, L. ET AL. (EDS.) - Fishes and the Break-up of Pangaea.
103288: CAVIN, L. AND V. SUTEETHORN - A new semionotiform (Actinopterygii, Neopterygii) from Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous deposits of north-east Thailand, with comments on the relationships of semionotiforms.
91626: CAVIN, LIONEL, PETER L. FOREY & SAMUEL GIERSCH - Osteology of Eubiodectes libanicus (Pictet & Humbert, ) and some other ichthyodectiformes (Teleostei): phylogenetic implications.
78632: CAYEUX, L. - Les preuves de l'existence d'organismes dans le terrain précambrien. Première note sur les radiolaires précambriens.
78629: CAYEUX, L. - Les preuves de l'existence d'organismes dans le terrain précambrien. Première note sur les radiolaires précambriens.
99048: CAYEUX, A. DE, ET AL. - La France au temps des mammouths.
1060960: CAYEUX, A. DE, ET AL. - La France au temps des mammouths.
78312: CAYEUX, LUCIEN - Introduction à l'étude pétrographique des roches sédimentaires. Texte + Atlas.
67303: CAYRE, O,IVIA, LUC BEAUFORT & EDITH VINCENT - Paleoproductivity in the Equatorial Indian Ocean for the last 260,000 yr: A transfer function based on planktonic foraminifera.
44112: CECCA, F. ET AL. - Ammoniti del Malm dell’Appennino Marchigiano conservante nel Museo del Servizio Geologico d’Italia.
24228: CECCA F. - Le genre Richterella AVRAM (Ammonitina, Perisphinctidés) dans le tithonique inférieur de la bordure ardéchoise (SE de la France): dimorphisme et variabilité.
74675: CECCA, F., R. ENAY & G. LE HEGARAT - L’Ardescien (Tithonique supérieur) de la région stratotypique : séries de référence et faunes (ammonites, calpionelles) de la bordure ardéchoise.
63587: CECCA, F. ET AL. - Field trip across the representative sections for the Upper Hauterivian-Barremian ammonite biostratigraphy in the Maiolica exposed at Monte Nerone, Monte Petrano and Monte Catria (Umbria-Marche, Apennines).
63584: CECCA, F. - Étude des Périsphinctidés de la zone à Darwini (Tithonique inférieur) des Apennins des Marches (Italie): Paléontologie et paléobiostratigraphie.
63583: CECCA, F. - Alcune ammoniti provenienti dalla Maiolica dell'Appennino Centrale (Umbria, Marche e Sabina).
81001: CECCA, F. ET AL. - L'Ardescien (Tithonique supérieur) de la région stratotypique : séries de référence et faunes (ammonites, calpionelles) de la bordure ardéchoise.
80918: CECCA, F. (ED.) - 3rd Workshop on Early Cretaceous Cephalopods.
20863: CECCA, F. - Studio paleontologico di alcuni rappresentanti del genere Danubisphinctes Zeiss (Ammonitina) della zona a Fallauxi, Sottozona a Biruncinatum (Titonico inferiore), di due sezioni dell’Appennino Marchigiano (Italia centrale).
66869: CéCILE L. BLANCHET, NICOLAS THOUVENY, THIBAULT DE GARIDEL-THORON - Evidence for multiple paleomagnetic intensity lows between 30 and 50 ka BP from a western Equatorial Pacific sedimentary sequence
103454: CEDERGREN, HARRY R. - Seepage, drainage, and flow nets. 2nd ed.
102330: CéLéBONOVIC, S. & G. GRIGSON - Old Stone Age.
53790: CELET, P. - Contribution à l'étude géologique du Parnasse-Kiona et d'une partie des régions méridionales de la Grèce continentale.
506661: CELET, P. - Contribution à l'étude géologique du Parnasse-Kiona et d'une partie des régions méridionales de la Grèce continentale.
95542: CENDRERO UCEDA, A. - Estudio geológico y petrolágico del complejo basal de la isla de la Gomera (Canarias).
93323: CENTR. STUD. OROG. ALPI OCCID., TORINO - High pressure - low temperature metamorphism of the oceanic and continental crust in the western Alps.
49485: CENTRALE COMMISSIE VOOR DRINKWATERVOORZIENING - Rapport van de Commissie Drinkwatervoorziening Westen des Lands.
28539: CEPEC, A.G. & K. ERD - Das Holstein-Interglazial im Raum Neuruppin -- ein neues pollenstratigraphisches Richtprofil und seine quartärgeologische Bedeutung.
73661: CEPEC, PAVEL - Zur Vertikalverbreitung von Coccolithen-Arten in der Oberkreide NW-Deutschlands.
80461: CEPEK, A.G. & W.D. HEINRICH - Ein neuer Kleinsäuger-Fundpunkt im Jungmoränengebiet von Buchow-Karpzow (Bezirk Potsdam).
80460: CEPEK, A. & K. ERD - Das Holstein-Interglazial im Raum Neuruppin - ein neues pollenstratigraphisches Richtprofil und seine quartärgeologische Bedeutung.
80037: CEPEK, A. & K. ERD - Das Holstein-Interglazial im Raum Neuruppin - ein neues pollenstratigraphisches Richtprofil und seine quartärgeologische Bedeutung.
20057: CERAM, C.W. (RED.) - Schatkamer der archeologie. Een anthologie.
53259: CERDEñO, ESPERANZA - Prosantorhinus, the small teleoceratine rhinocerotid from the Miocene of Western Europe.
60675: CERDEñO, ESPERANZA. 1996. - Rhinocerotidae from the Middle Miocene of the Tung-gur Formation, Inner Mongolia (China).
94598: CERDENO, E. - New remains of the rhinocerotid Hispanotherium matritense at La Retama site: Tagus Basin, Cuenca, Spain.
94599: CERDEñO, E. - Spanish Neogene rhinoceroses.
96822: CERDEñO, E. - Rhinocerotidae from the Middle Mocene of the Tung-gur formation, Inner Mongolia (China).
15672: CERMáK, S. 2004. - A new ochotonid (Lagomorpha) from the Early Pleistocene of Slovakia.
90383: CERNANSKý, ANDREJ & MARC LOUIS AUGé - The Oligocene and Miocene fossil lizards (Reptilia, Squamata) of Central Mongolia.
91701: CERNANSKý, ANDREJ - Another piece of the puzzle: the first report on the Early Miocene lizard fauna from Austria (Ottnangian, MN 4; Oberdorf locality).
91702: CERNANSKý, ANDREJ ET AL. - The Early Miocene squamates of Amöneburg (Germany): the first stages of modern squamates in Europe.
62918: CéSARI, SILVIA N. & CARLOS O. LIMARINO - Palynology of glacial sediments from the Guandacol Formation (Middle Carboniferous) in the Cerro Bola area, Paganzo Basin, Argentina.
75048: CESàRO, G. - Description de quelques cristaux de calcite belge.
57593: CESàRO, C. - Les formes cristallines de la calcite de Rhisnes.
74649: CESTARI, R. & M. SIRNA - Giacimenti fossiliferi a Hippuritidae e Radiolitidae (Hippuritacea) in Italia centro-meridionale.
92489: CEULEMANS, LUC, VAN DINGENEN & LANDAU - The lower Pliocene gastropods of Le Pigeon Blanc (Loire-Atlantique, northwest France). Part 5. Neogastropoda (Conoidea) and Heterobranchia (fine).
81805: CEULEMANS, LUC, VASN DINGENEN & LANDAU - The lower Pliocene gastropods of Le Pigeon Blanc (Loire-Atlantique, northwest France). Part 5. Neogastropoda (Conoidea) and Heterobranchia (fine). /&/ Landau, B.M., Ceulemans & Van Dingenen: The upper Miocene gastropods of northwestern France, 2. Caenogastropoda.
49094: CHABANAUD, P. - Affinités morphologiques, répartition stratigraphique et géographique des poissons fossiles et actuels de la famille des Gonorhynchidés, avec la description de deux genres nouveaux et d’une espèce nouvelle.
82665: CHABANAUD, P. - Sur un poisson téléostéen du Turonien.
91628: CHABANAUD, PAUL - Les gonorhynchidés fossiles du Meséum de Marseille et du Musée d'Aix-een-Provence.
88670: CHABOT, G. - Les plateaux du Jura central. Étude morphogénique.
1440013: CHAFFEE, R.G. - The Deseadan vertebrate fauna of the Scarritt Pocket, Patagonia.
53174: CHAIX, CHRISTIAN, BRUNO CAHUZAC & ALAIN CLUZAUD - Les Scléractiniaires du Serravallien de Pessac (Nord-Aquitaine, France); approche paléoécologique.
94103: CHAIX, A. - Les coulées de blocs du Parc National Suisse d'Engadin (Note préliminaire).
100092: CHALINE, J. & L. WERDELIN (EDS.) - Modes and tempos of evolution in the Quaternary.
1060962: CHALINE, J. - Le Quaternaire. L’histoire humaine dans son environnement.
79777: CHALINE, J. & L. WERDELIN (EDS.) - Modes and tempos of evolution in the Quaternary.
80231: CHALINE, J. & L. WERDELIN (EDS.) - Modes and tempos of evolution in the Quaternary.
100018: CHALINE, ERIC - 50 mineralen die de geschiedenis veranderd hebben.
15056: CHALLINOR, A.B. - The succession of Belemnopsis in the late Jurassic of eastern Indonesia.
77126: CHALMERS, M.C. - The genus Gastrioceras occurring in the Lower Coal Measures of the Lancashire coalfield.
103963: CHALON, R. - Les seigneurs de Florennes, leurs sceaux et leurs monnaies, pour faire suite aux recherhes sur les monnaies des comtes de Namur.
96151: CHALONER, W.G. - Early Devonian plant fossils from a southern England borehole.
96152: CHALONER, W.G. & M.E. COLLINSON - An illustrated key to the commoner British Upper Carboniferous plant compression fossils.
10991760: CHALONER, W.G. - Non-vascular land plants from the Devonian of Ghana.
63376: CHALONER, W.G. & J.D. LAWSON (EDS.) - Evolution and environment in the Late Silurian and Early Devonian.
56983: CHALONER, W.G. - Mississippian megaspores from Michigan and adjacent states.
45131: CHAMALAUN, M. & H.T. WATERBOLK (RED.) - Voltooid verleden tijd ? Een hedendaagse kijk op de prehistorie.
83887: CHAMBERLAIN, C. KENT - Carboniferous trilobites; Utah species and evolution in North America.
15057: CHAMBERLAIN, J.A. - The role of body extension in cephalopod locomotion.
55736: CHAMBERLAIN JR., J.A. AND R.B. CHAMBERLAIN - Septal fracture in Nautilus: implications for cephalopod paleobathymetry.
54381: CHAMBERLIN, T.C. & R.D. SALISBURY - Geology. Vol. II. Earth history. Genesis-Paleozoic. 2nd rev. ed.
75240: CHAMBERLIN, T.C. - Preliminary paper on the terminal moraine of the second glacial epoch.
103203: CHAMBERS, ROBERT - Vestiges of the natural history of creation.
64347: CHAMBERS, F.M. (ED.) - Climate change and human impact on the landscape.
9051012: CHAMBRY, É. (TRAD.] - Théatre d'Eschyle.
94600: CHAMINé, H.I. ET AL. - Tectonostratigraphy of Middle and Upper Palaeozoic black shales from the Porto-Tomar-Ferreira do Alentejo shear zone (W Portugal): new perspectives on the Iberian Massif.
96688: CHAMPERNOWNE, A. - On some Zaphrentoid corals from British Devonian beds.
20058: CHAMPION, T. ET AL. - Prehistoric Europe.
85540: CHAND, FATEH - Geology and mineral resources of the Ulu Paka area, Trengganu.
6100203: CHANDLER, M.E.J. - Some upper Cretaceous and Eocene fruits from Egypt.
6100209: CHANDLER, M.E.J. - Fruiting organs from the Morrison Formation of Utah, U.S.A..
44202: CHANDLER, M.E.J. - Geological history of the genus Stratiotes.
62919: CHANDLER, M.E.J. - Some upper Cretaceous and Eocene fruits from Egypt.
96153: CHANDLER, MARJORIE ELIZABETH JANE - Geological history of the genus Stratiotes.
96154: CHANDLER, M.E.J. - Plant remains of the Hengistbury and Barton Beds.
96156: CHANDLER, M.E.J. - The Oligocene flora of the Bovey Tracey lake basin, Devonshire.
96155: CHANDLER, M.E.J. - The Schizaeaceae of the south of England in early Tertiary times.
90816: CHANDLER, M.E.J. - The Schizaeaceae of the south of England in early Tertiary times.
90817: CHANDLER, M.E.J. - The Oligocene flora of the Bovey Tracey lake basin, Devonshire.
90818: CHANDLER, M.E.J. - Plant remains of the Hengistbury and Barton beds. [Eocene]
102163: CHANEY, R.W., L. MILLER ET AL. - Studies on the fossil flora and fauna of the western United States.
79847: CHANG, W.T. - On the classification of R edlichiacea, with description of new families and new genera.
54461: CHANG, W.T. - A classification of the Lower and Middle Cambrian trilobites from north and northeastern China, with description of new families and new genera.
84781: CHANG, W.T. - On the classification of Redlichiacea, with description of new families and new genera.
47717: CHANG, W.T. - New trilobites from the Middle Cambrian of North China.
55491: CHANG, KWANG-CHIH, G.W. GRACE & W.G. SOLHEIM II - Movement of the malayo-Polynesians: 1500 B.C. to A.D. 500.
77826: CHANG, W.T. - Fossil Cochostraca from the Nengkiang Shale, NW Heilungkiang. [Cretaceous]
99985: CHANNEL, J.E.T. ET AL. - Adria, the African promontory, in Mesozoic Mediterranean palaeogeography.
77162: CHANNEY, T.P. - New species of Foraminifera, Cretaceous-Jurassic boundary, Arctic America.
65113: CHAO KINGKOO - Some Permian ammonoids from Kwangsi and their significance.
1133020: CHAPIN, C.E. (ED.) - Ash-flow tuffs.
28325: CHAPMAN, F. - Some Tertiary cetacean remains.
28326: CHAPMAN, F. - On an apparently new type of cetacean tooth from the Tertiary of Tasmania.
98883: CHAPMAN, CARLETON A. - The geology of Acadia National Park. [Maine]
60946: CHAPMAN, A.J., R.B. RICKARDS & R. F. GRAYSON - The Carboniferous dendroid graptolites of Britain and Ireland.
59390: CHAPMAN, F. - Some Tertiary Cephalopoda.
59320: CHAPMAN, A. J. ET AL. - A provisional classification of the graptolite Order Dendroidea.
18399: CHAPMAN, F. - On fossiliferous grits and cherts, presumably of Cretaceous age, associated with the Nullagines of Western Australia.
18320: CHAPMAN, F. _ I. CRESPIN - The Austral Rhynchonellacea of the Nigricans Series, with a special description of the new genus Tegulorhynchia.
74650: CHAPMAN, F. & F.A. SINGLETON - Descriptive notes on Tertiary Mollusca from Fyansford and other Australian localities, Part I.
74637: CHAPMAN, F. - New or little known Victorian fossils in the National Museum, Part II. Some Silurian Molluscoidea.
51386: CHAPMAN, KEITH - North Sea oil and gas. A geographic perspective.
67183: CHAPPELL, J. ET AL. - Late Quaternary coseismic uplift history of Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea.
100730: CHAPPELL, J. & H.H. VEEH. - Late Quaternary tectonic movements and sea level changes at Timor and Atauro Island.
7254: CHAPPIUS, P.A. - Die Tierwelt der unterirdischen Gewässer.
6100060: CHAPUIS, F. - Nouvelles recherches sur les fossiles des terrains secondaires de la province de Luxembourg (1ère partie).
97104: CHAPUT, E. - Terasses alluviales de la Seine entre La Manche et Montereau.
89845: CHARBONNIER, SYLVAIN & DENIS AUDO - A new stenochirid lobster (Crustacea, Decapoda, Stenochiridae) from the Early Jurassic of France.
59115: CHARD, C.S. - Man in prehistory. 2nd. ed.
99239: CHARIG, A. - A new look at the dinosaurs.
67075: CHARLES W. MARTIN - Radiocarbon ages on late pleistocene loess stratigraphy of Nebraska and Kansas, Central Great Plains, U.S.A..
67203: CHARLES HARRIS, GRAHAM WILLIAMS, PETER BRABHAM, GRAHAM EATON, DANNY MCCARROLL - Glaciotectonized Quaternary sediments at Dinas Dinlle, Gwynedd, North Wales, and their bearing on the style of deglaciation in the Eastern Irish Sea
95940: CHARLESWORTH, J.K. - The glacial geology of the southern uplands of Scotland, west of Annandale and upper Clydesdale.
95941: CHARLESWORTH, J.K. - The readvance, marginal kame-moraine of the south of Scotland, and some later stages of retreat.
95578: CHARLESWORTH, J.K. - Historical geology of Ireland.
95577: CHARLESWORTH, J.K. (CO-ORD.) - The geology of North-East Ireland.
95576: CHARLESWORTH, J.K. - The glacial geology of the north-west of Ireland.
74484: CHARLOTTE H. JEFFERY & RICHARD B. EMLET - Sexually dimorphic sea urchins: identifying the sexes in Pentechinus mirabilis.
99116: CHAROLLAIS, J. ET AL. - Les marnes à foraminifères et les schistes à Meletta des chaînes subalpines septentrionales (Haute-Savoie, France).
84371: CHAROLLAIS, J.-J. - Recherches stratigraphiques dans l'Est du Massif des Bornes (Haute-Savoie).
99563: CHAROLLAIS, J. ET AL. - Les marnes à foraminifères et les schistes à Meletta des chaînes subalpines septentrionales (Haute-Savoie, France).
99618: CHAROLLAIS, J. ET AL. - Les marnes à foraminifères et les schistes à Meletta des chaînes subalpines septentrionales (Haute-Savoie, France).
102042: CHARRIER, GIOVANNI - Gli scisti cristallini della Sardegna settentrionale. Studio geologico e petrografico.
95710: CHARSLEY, T.J. - A standard nomenclature for the Triassic formations of the Ashbourne district.
22548: CHASE, P.G., A. DEBENATH, H.L. DIBBLE & S.P. MCPHERRON - The Cave of Fontechevade: Recent Excavations and Their Paleoanthropological Implications?.
10991764: CHATEAUNEUF, J.-J. - Palynostratiraphie et paléoclimatologie de l'Éocène supérieur et de l'Oligocène du Bassin de Paris.
51127: CHATEAUNEUF, J.-J. - Palynostratigraphie et paléoclimatologie de l'Éocène supérieur et de l'Oligocène du Bassin de Paris.
84870: CHATTERJEE, S. - Indosuchus and Indosaurus, Cretaceous carnosaurs from India.
15615: CHATTERJEE, S. - A primitive parasuchid (phytosaur) reptile from the Upper Triassic Maleri Formation of India.
85551: CHATTERTON, B.D.E. & D.G. PERRY - Acanthalomina Prantl & Pribyl, a valid subgenus of the trilobite genus Diacanthaspis.
81398: CHATTERTON, B.D.E. ET AL. - Spicules in Silurian tabulate corals from Canada, and implications for their affinities.
11320: CHATTERTON, B.D.E. ET AL. - Silicified Lower Devonian trilobites from New South Wales.
93324: CHATTON, M. - Géologie des Préalpes médianes entre Gruyère et Charmey.
95696: CHATWIN, C.P. - East Anglia and adjoining areas. 4th ed.
95698: CHATWIN, C.P. - The Hampshire Basin and adjoining areas. 3rd ed.
87624: CHAUDOIR, HYACITHE - Tableaux récapitulatifs de la flore et e la faune houillères récoltées dans le Massif de Herve et la partie orientale dy synclinal de Liège).
1560089: CHAUDOIR, H. - Tableaux récapitulatifs de la flore et de la faune houillères récoltées dans le massif de Herve et la partie orientale du synclinal de Liège.
92039: CHAUDOIR, H. ET AL. - Etude géologique du bassin houiller de Liège. Le Massif de Herve. Région orientale. /&/ Région occidentale.
102414: CHAUFFE, K.M. AND P.A. NICHOLS - Differentiating evolution from environmentally induced modifications in mid-Carboniferous conodonts.
81713: CHAUVEL, JEAN - Données nouvelles sur le genre Destombia Chauvel (Echinoderme cystoïde. Ordovicien de l'Anti-Atlas marocain).
99180: CHAUVEL, J. & J. LE MENN - Sur quelques echinodermes (cystoides et crinoides) de l'Ashgill d'Aragon (Espagne).
78936: CHAVAN, A. - Un groupe africain de Carditidés : Cossmanella Mayer-Eymar.
62718: CHAVAN, A. - Remarques sur les Tellinacea du Jurassique supérieur.
74651: CHAVAN, A. - Sur quelques Crassatellidae tertiaires: Chattonia, Crassatina, Crassinella.
10991297: CHECA, A. - A model for the morphogenesis of ribs in ammonites inferred from associated microsculptures.
89080: CHECA, A.G. & A.P. JIMéNEZ-JIMéNEZ - Regulation of spiral growth in planorbid gastropods.
54544: CHECA, A.G. & A.P. JIMéNEZ-JIMéNEZ - Regulation of spiral growth in planorbid gastropods.
84842: CHECA A. - Phylogenetic relations among Oxfordian and Kimmeridgian Aspidoceratinae classic species, deduced from the subbetic record (South Spain).
95022: CHECA-SOLER, LLUíS - Los perisodáctilos (Mammalia, Ungulata) del Eoceno catalán.
59391: CHECA, A. & D. MARTIN-RAMOS - Growth and function of spines in the Jurassic ammonite Aspidoceras.
90568: CHECA-SOLER, LLUíS - Los perisodáctilos (Mammalia, Ungulata) del Eoceno catalán.
20691: CHECCHIA-RISPOLI, G. - Echinidi cretacei della Tripolitania.
20692: CHECCHIA-RISPOLI, G. - Su alcuni echinidi eocenici della Migiurtinia.
45217: CHECCHIA-RISPOLI, G. - Nuove osservazioni sulla fauna nummulitica dei dintorni di Castelluccio Valmaggiore (Capitanata).
18541: CHEEMA, I.U. ET AL. - Miocene small mammals from jalalpur, Pakistan, and their biochronological implications.
74034: CHEEMA, I.U. ET AL. - Early Vallesian mammals from the Siwaliks of northern Pakistan.
20812: CHEETHAM, A.H. - Functional morphology and biofacies distribution of cheilostome Bryozoa in the Danian Stage (Paleocene) of southern Scandinavia.
98454: CHEETHAM, A.H. - Late Eocene zoogeography of the eastern Gulf Coast region.
89060: CHEETHAM, A.H. & P.A. SANDBERG - Quaternary Bryozoa from Louisiana mudlumps.
103246: CHEETHAM, A.H. - Functional morphology and biofacies distribution of cheilostome Bryozoa in the Danian Stage (Paleocene) of southern Scandinavia.
87273: CHEETHAM, A.H. - Cheilostome Bryozoa of Late Eocene age from Eua, Tonga.
87272: CHEETHAM, ALAN H. - Functional morpholohy and biofacies distribution of cheilostome Bryozoa in the Danian stage (Paleocene) of southern Scandinavia.
23243: CHEETHAM, A.H. - Cheilostome Bryozoa of Late Eocene age from Eua, Tonga.
98884: CHEETHAM, A.H. - Late Eocene zoogeography of the eastern Gulf Coast region.
82220: CHELIUS, C. - Chronologische Uebersicht der geologischen und mineralogischen Literatur über das Grossherzogtum Hessen.
83370: CHEN PEI-JI ET AL. - A further research into Late triassic Kazacharthra fauna from Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, NW China.
56720: CHEN XU ET AL. - Late Ordovician to earliest Silurian graptolite and brachiopod biozonation from the Yangtze region, South China, with a global correlation.
88066: CHEN, Z.Q., G.R. SHI AND K. KAIHO - A New Genus of Rhynchonellid Brachiopod from the Lower Triassic of South China and Implications for Timing the Recovery of Brachiopoda After the End-Permian Mass Extinction.
88065: CHEN, ZHONG-QIANG AND GUANG R. SHI - A new tribe of dictyoclostid brachiopods from the Lower Permian of the Tarim Basin, north-west China.
88033: CHEN XU ET AL. - Hirnantian (latest Ordovician) graptolites from the upper Yangtze region, China.
62673: CHEN Z.Q. & G.R. SHI - Late Carboniferous to Early Permian brachiopod faunas from the Bachu and Kalpin areas, Tarim Basin, NW China.
62672: CHEN Z.Q. & G.R. SHI - Chuiella gen. nov. (Brachiopoda) and palaeoecology from the Lower Carboniferous of the Kunlun Mountains, NW China.
62663: CHEN XU, ZHANG YUAN-DONG & CHARLES E. MITCHELL - Early Darriwilian graptolites from central and western China.
83729: CHEN GUANFANG & NORBERT SCHMIDT-KITTLER - The deciduous dentition of Percrocuta Kretzoi and the diphyletic origin of the hyaenas (Carnivora, Mammalia).
1060090: CHEN J. ET AL. - The early Cambrian medisform metzoan Eldonia from the Chengjiang Lagerstätte.
18322: CHEN, Z.Q. & G.R. SHI - Revision of Prelissorhynchia Xu & Grant, 1994 (Brachiopoda) from the Upper Permian of south China.
52035: CHEN JIN-HUA - A study of bivalve zonal succession from upper part of Middle Triassic in northwest Guangxi, S. China.
51990: CHEN, ZHONGQIANG Q. & GUANG R. SHI - Bashkirian to Moscovian(Late Carboniferous) brachiopod faunas from the Western Kunlun Mountains, Northwest China.
51989: CHEN, ZHONGQIANG & NEIL W. ARCHBOLD - Tournaisian-Visean brachiopods from the Gancaohu area of Southern Tienshan Mountains, Xinjiang, NW China.
102675: CHEN, XIU-QIN & ZHAO-GUI YAO - Early Devonian (late Emsian) brachiopods from Zhongping, Xiangzhou, central Guangxi, China.
10990801: CHEN XU ET AL. - Hirnantian (latest Ordovician) graptolites from the upper Yangtze region, China.
74473: CHEN XIUQIN, ZHANG ZIXIN & JIN YUGAN - Late Devonian (Famennian) brachiopod Yunnanella from the Junggar Basin, northern Xinjiang, China.
74445: Z.Q. CHEN & G.R. SHI - Late Carboniferous to Early Permian brachiopod faunas from the Bachu and Kalpin areas, Tarim Basin, NW China.
74442: CHEN XU, ZHANG YUAN-DONG & CHARLES E. MITCHELL - Early Darriwilian graptolites from central and western China.
74421: Z.Q. CHEN & G.R. SHI - Chuiella gen. nov. (Brachiopoda) and palaeoecology from the Lower Carboniferous of the Kunlun Mountains, NW China.
1660015: CHEN XU - Silurian graptolites from southern Shaanxi and northern Sichuan with special reference to classification of Monograptidae.
67318: F.H. CHEN, J. BLOEMENDAL, Z.D. FENG, J.M. WANG, E. PARKER, Z.T. GUO - East Asian monsoon variations during Oxygen Isotope Stage 5: evidence from the northwestern margin of the Chinese loess plateau.
18603: CHêNE, J. DU, ET AL. - Étude géologique et stratigraphique (palynologie et nannoflore calcaire)n des Grès des Voirons (Paléogène de Haute-Savoie, France).
1060259: CHENEVAL, J. - Révision du genre Palaelodus Milne-Edwards, 1863 (Aves, Phoenicopteriformes) du gisement Aquitanien de Saint-Gérand-le-Puy (Allier, France).
73203: CHENG, YEN-NIEN - Taxonomic studies on Upper Paleozoic radiolaria.
66833: CHENG-BANG AN, ZHAO-DONG FENG, LOUKAS BARTON - Dry or humid? Mid-Holocene humidity changes in arid and semi-arid China
94602: CHERCHI, A. & R. SCHROEDER - Über die Wandstruktur von Septachaetetes eocenus (Desmospongea) aus dem Eozän der spanischen Pyrenäen.
23163: CHERCHI, A. & R. SCHROEDER - Über die Wandstruktur von Septachaetetes eocenus (Desmospongea) aus dem Eozän der spanischen Pyrenäen.
99117: CHERCHI, A. & R. SCHROEDER - Lamarmorella sarda n. grn., n. sp. (Foram.) del Senoniano della Sardegna nord-occidentale.
10991069: CHERNS, L. - Chelodes and closely related Polyplacophora (Mollusca) from the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden.
94603: CHESNEL, V. ET AL. - Facies, geometry and growth phases of the Valdorria carbonate platform (Pennsylvanian, northern Spain).
76667: CHESNUT, D.R. & F.R. ETTENSOHN - Hombergian (Chesterian) echinoderm paleontology and palaeoecology, south-central Kentucky.
90569: CHESTER, S.G.B. & K.C. BEARD - New micromonyid plesiadapiforms (Mammals, Euarchonta) from the Late Paleocene of Big Multi QWuarry, Washakie Basin, Wyoming.
94604: CHEVALIER, MARCEL - Les paysages Catalans. Leurs aspects, leur structure et leur évolution.
96689: CHEVALIER, J.P. & G. DEMERCQ - Les madréporaires miocènes de la vallée du Rhone.
87274: CHEVALIER, JEAN-PIERRE - Recherches sur les madréporaires et les formations récifales miocènes de la Méditerranée occidentale. [with atlas]
97413: CHEVALIER, C. - Herculaneum et Pompéi. 3me éd.
2250: CHI, Y.S. - Permian corals from south-eastern Yunnan.
56985: CHIARUGI, A. - Fossili de Pliocene e del Pleistocene. 4. Legni fossili della Somalia Italiana.
75431: CHICA, IVAN - Stratigraphical problems of the Miocene in Europe.
75395: CHICA, IVAN - Stratigraphical problems of the Miocene in Europe.
76407: CHILDE, V.G. - The dawn of Europan civilization.
102676: CHILDS, ALAN - Upper Jurassic rhynchonellid brachiopods from northwestern Europe.
103378: CHILINGAR, G.V. ET AL. (EDS.) - Carbonate rocks. Origin, occurence and classification.
103379: CHILINGAR, G.V. ET AL. (EDS.) - Carbonate rocks. Physical and chemical aspects.
103362: CHILINGAR, G.V. ET AL. (EDS.) - Carbonate rocks. Origin, occurence and classification.
103363: CHILINGAR, G.V. ET AL. (EDS.) - Carbonate rocks. Physical and chemical aspects.
91978: CHILINGARIAN, G.V. & K.H. WOLF (EDS.) - Diagenesis, I, II, III & IV.
83211: CHINZEI, K. - Molluscan fauna of the Pliocene Sannohe Group of northeast Honshu, Japan. II. Faunule of the Tagawa Formation.
83163: CHINZEI, K. - Molluscan fauna of the Pliocene Sannohe Group of northeast Honshu, Japan. II. Faunule of the Tagawa Formation.
42819: CHINZEI, K. - Morphological and structural adaptations to soft substrates in the Early Jurassic monomyarians Lithiotis and Cochlearites.
98462: CHINZEI, KIYOTAKA - Molluscan fauna of the Pliocene Sannohe Group of northeast Honshu, Japan. II. Faunule of the Tagawa Formation.
101646: CHINZEI, KIYOTAKA - Molluscan fauna of the Pliocene Sannohe Group of northeast Honshu, Japan. I. The faunule of the Kubo Formation, II. The Faunule of the Togawa Formation.
10991071: CHINZEI, K. - Shell structure, growth, and functional morphology of an elongate Cretaceous oyster.
22549: CHIPPINDALE, C. & G. NASH - The Figured Landscapes of Rock-Art.
54580: CHIRAT, R. & M. RIOULT - Occurrence of early post-hatching Jurassic Nautilida in Normandy, France: palaeobiologic, palaeoecologic and palaeobiogeographic implications.
89846: CHIRIVELLA MARTORELL, J.B. ET AL. - Systematic and biostratigraphy of the genera Parasolenopleura, Badulesia, and Pardailhania in the Iberian Chains: a useful zonation for the Miaolingian Series (former middle Cambrian) in the Mediterranean region.
96031: CHISHOLM, J.I. - Teichichnus and related trace-fossils in the Lower Carboniferous at St. Monance, Scotland.
95877: CHISHOLM, J.I. ET AL. - Geology of the country around Ashbourne and Cheadle. Memoir for 1:50 000 geological sheet 124 (England and Wales).
98566: CHIVAS, A.R. & P. DE DECKER (EDS.) - Palaeoenvironments of salt lakes.
67191: CHLACHULA, J. - Geology and Quaternary environments of the first preglacial palaeolithic sites found in Alberta, Canada.
74604: CHLUPá?, IVO - Ecostratigraphy of Silurian trilobite assemblages of the Barrandian area, Czechoslovakia.
78720: CHLUPáC, I. - Some trilobites from the Silurian/Devonian boundary beds of Czechoslovakia.
101374: CHLUPáC, IVO - Geology of the Barrandian. A field trip guide.
101375: CHLUPáC, IVO - Cyclicity and duration of Lower Devonian stages: Observations from the Barrandia area, Czech Republic.
101376: CHLUPAC, I. ET AL. - Palaeozoic of the Barrandian (Cambrian to Devonian).
87117: CHLUPAC, IVO - Assemblages of phyloocarid crustaceans in the Silurian and Devonian of Bohemia and their analogues.
77916: CHLUPáC, IVO - Phyllocarid crustaceans from the Silurian and Devonian of Czechoslavakia.
81851: CHLUPAC, I. ET AL. - Palaeozoic of the Barrandian (Cambrian to Devonian).
77827: CHLUPAC, I. - Middle Devonian trilobites from Celechovice in Moravia (Czechoslovakia).
89847: CHLUPáC, I. ET AL. - Early Devonian eurypterids with Bohemian affinities from Catalonia (NE Spain).
88104: ?CHOFFAT, PAUL - Description de la faune jurassique du Portugal. Classe des céphalopodes. Première série: Ammonites du Lusitanien de la Contrée de Torres-Vedras.
67528: J.H. CHOI, A.S. MURRAY, M. JAIN, C.S. CHEONG, H.W. CHANG - Luminescence dating of well-sorted marine terrace sediments on the southeastern coast of Korea.
91703: CHOINIERE, JONAH N. ET AL. - A juvenile specimen of a new coelurosaur (Dinosauria: Theropoda) from the Middle-Late Jurassic Shishugou Formation of Xinjiang, People's Republic of China.
57318: CHOMBART DE LAUWE, P. (ED.) - La découverte aérienne du monde.
76409: CHOQUER, G. - Découvertes d'archéologie aérienne. Europe, 10.000 and d'histoire.
100094: CHORLEY, R.J., SCHUMM & SUGDEN - Geomorphology.
98567: CHORLTON, WINDSOR - IJstijden.
99403: CHORLTON, W. - IJstijden.
101463: CHOROWICZ, JEAN - Étude géologique des Dinarides le long de la structure transversale Split-Karlovac (Yougoslavie).
100571: CHOUBERT, BORIS - Les granites précambriens des Guyanes et leur origine probable.
80643: CHOUBERT, G. (INTRO/ED.) - Tectonique de l'Afrique / Tectonics of Africa.
99986: CHOUBERT, G. & A. FAURE-MURET (EDS.) - The Precambrian in mobile zones. Final Report IGCP Project No. 2.
57827: CHOUBERT, B. ET AL. - Carte géologique détaillée de la France 1/50.000. Langogne (839/XXVII-37).
100336: CHOUBERT, G. ET AL. - Carte géologique du Haut Atlas au Nord du Ksar ed Souk et de Boudenib: feuilles Rich et Boudenib.
79918: CHOUBERT, G. ET AL. - Note préliminaire sur les Collenia de l'Anti-Atlas.
100570: CHOUBERT, B. - Essai sur la morphologie de la Guyane.
99684: CHOUBERT, G. (INTRO/ED.) - Tectonique de l'Afrique / Tectonics of Africa.
78240: CHOW, M.M. - On a mandible of Palaeoloxodon from Peking, with discussion on the fossil elephants of Namadicus group of China.
47852: CHOW MINCHEN - New species of fossil Proboscidea from South China.
61096: CHOW, MIN-CHEN ET AL. 1996. - A new species of Chungchienia (Tillodontia, Mammalia) from the Eocene of Lushi, China.
78858: CHOWDHURY, T.R. - Two new dicynodonts from the Triassic Yerrapalli Formation of central India.
85745: CHOWDHURY, K.R. - Distribution of Recent and fossil palynomorphs in the south-eastern North Sea (German Bay).
85720: CHOWDHURY, K.R. - Distribution of Recent and fossil palynomorphs in the south-eastern North Sea (German Bay).
85709: CHOWDHURY, K.R. - Distribution of Recent and fossil palynomorphs in the south-eastern North Sea (German Bay).
66859: CHRIS S.M. TURNEY, A. PETER KERSHAW, ET AL. - Climatic variability in the southwest Pacific during the Last Termination (20-10 kyr BP)
66846: CHRIS CASELDINE, RALPH FYFE - A modelling approach to locating and characterising elm decline/landnam landscapes
67428: CHRIS R. STOKES, CHRIS D. CLARK - Palaeo-ice streams.
67390: CHRIS D. CLARK, JANE K. KNIGHT, JAMES T. GRAY - Geomorphological reconstruction of the Labrador Sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet.
93329: CHRIST, PETER - Geologische Beschreibung des Klippengebietes Stanserhorn-Arvigrat am Vierwaldstättersee.
87319: CHRIST, HANS A. - Beiträge zur Stratigraphie und Paläontologie des Malm von Westsizilien.
96768: CHRIST, HANS A. - Beiträge zur Stratigraphie und Paläontologie des Malm von Westsizilien.
89487: CHRISTA, EMMANUEL - Der Schwanberg im Steigerwald. Eine geologische studie mit einer geologischen Karte M. 1:12.500.
10991298: CHRISTENSEN, W.K. - Belemnites from the Coniacian to Lower Campanian chalks of Norfolk and southern England.
44113: CHRISTENSEN, WALTER KEGEL - Palaeobiogeography and migration in the Late Cretaceous belemnite family Belemnitellida
102804: CHRISTENSEN, BETH A. & JACQUES GIRAUDEAU (EDS.) - Neogene and Quaternary evolution of the Benguela upwelling system.
78610: CHRISTENSEN, W.K. - Upper Campanian and Lower Maastrichtian belemnites from the Mons Basin, Belgium.
103083: CHRISTENSEN, BETH A. & JACQUES GIRAUDEAU (EDS.) - Neogene and Quaternary evolution of the Benguela upwelling system.
18453: CHRISTENSEN, W.K. - Late Turonian-early Coniacian belemnites from western and central Europe.
18452: CHRISTENSEN, W.K. - Belemnitella propinqua propinqua (Moberg, 1885)m from Scandinavia.
59392: CHRISTENSEN, WALTER KEGEL, CAJUS DIEDRICH & ULRICH KAPLAN - Cenomanian belemnites from the Teutoburger Wald, NW Germany.
75630: CHRISTENSEN, W.K. ET AL. - Belemnitella mucronata mucronata (Schlottheim, 1813) from the Upper Campanian: Neotype, biometry, comparisons and biostratigraphy.
75629: CHRISTENSEN, W.K. - Upper Campanian and Lower Maastrichtian belemnites from the Mons Basin, Belgium.
97749: CHRISTENSEN, W.K. ET AL. - Belemnitella mucronata mucronata (Schlottheim, 1813) from the Upper Campanian: Neotype, biometry, comparisons and biostratigraphy.
52067: CHRISTENSEN, W.K. - Morphometric analysis of Actinocamax plenus from England.
96311: CHRISTENSEN, OLE BRUUN - Some deposits and microfaunas from the Upper Jurassic in Scania with new species of ostracods.
96312: CHRISTENSEN, O.B. & T.I. KILENYI - Ostracod biostratigraphy of the Kimmeridgian in northern and western Europe.
1560091: CHRISTENSEN, B.B. - Pollenanalytisk datering af et moselig fra Bredmose, Store Arden, Himmerland.
1560092: CHRISTENSEN, E.F. - The Søby flora: fossil plants from the Middle Miocene delta deposits of the Søby-Fasterholt area, central Jutland, Denmark. Part I & II. [2 vols.].
96769: CHRISTENSEN, WALTER KEGEL - Palaeobiogeography and migration in the Late Cretaceous belemnite family Belemnitellida
91519: CHRISTENSEN, W.K. - Actinocamax primus Arkhangelsky (Belemnitellidae; Upper Cretaceous). Biometry, comparison and biostratigraphy.
44626: CHRISTIAENS, L. - Evolutie van de Belgische West- en Middenkust in de periode 1948-1969.
103157: CHRISTIAN, DAVID - Maps of time. An introduction to big history.
67055: CHRISTIAN SCHLüCHTER - Terrestrial Quaternary Stratigraphy.
59466: CHRISTIAN, ANDREAS, DOROTHEE KOBERG & HOLGER PREUSCHOFT - Shape of the pelvis and posture of the hindlimbs in Plateosaurus.
95711: CHRISTIE, J.M. - The Moine Thrust Zone in the Assynt Region Northwest Scotland.
98861: CHRISTIE, R L & N.J. MCMILLAN (EDS.) - The geology of Melville Island, Arctic Canada.
64516: CHRISTIE, R L. & N.J. MCMILLAN (EDS.) - Tertiary Fossil Forests of the Geodetic Hills, Axel Heiberg Island, Arctic Archipelago.
1560093: CHRISTIE, R.L. & N.J. MCMILLAN (EDS.) - Tertiary fossil forests of the Geodetic Hills, Axel Heiberg Island, Arctic Archipelago.
74503: CHRISTINE ARGOT - Functional-adaptive features and palaeobiologic implications of the postcranial skeleton of the late Miocene sabretooth borhyaenoid Thylacosmilus atrox (Metatheria).
74492: CHRISTINE ARGOT - Postcranial functional adaptations in the South American Miocene borhyaenoids (Mammalia, Metatheria): Cladosictis, Pseudonotictis and Sipalocyon.
66876: CHRISTOPH SPöTL, AUGUSTO MANGINI, DAVID A. RICHARDS - Chronology and paleoenvironment of Marine Isotope Stage 3 from two high-elevation speleothems, Austrian Alps
66894: CHRISTOPHER CARCAILLET, PIERRE J.H. RICHARD, HANS ASNONG, LIDIA CAPECE, YVES BERGERON - Fire and soil erosion history in East Canadian boreal and temperate forests
100352: CHRONIC, HALKA - Roadside geology of New Mexico.
67548: CHRONIS TZEDAKIS - Timing and duration of Last Interglacial conditions in Europe: a chronicle of a changing chronology.
75480: CHU, S. - Corals and brachiopoda of the Kinling limestone. [Lower Carboniferous].
75576: CHU, S. - Corals and brachiopoda of the Kinling limestone. [Lower Carboniferous].
75550: CHU, S. - Corals and brachiopoda of the Kinling limestone. [Lower Carboniferous].
5100803: CHUBB, L.J. - Some rarer rudists from Jamaica, B.W.I..
5100805: CHUBB, L.J. - Rudists of Jamaica.
58450: CHUBB, L.J. - Thyrastylon, a new rudist genus from the Upper Cretaceous of Guatemala, The Antilles, and persia, with a discussion of the functions of rudist oscules and pillars.
67680: CHUN CHANG HUANG, JIANGLI PANG, QUNYING ZHOU, SHU'E CHEN - Holocene pedogenic change and the emergence and decline of rain-fed cereal agriculture on the Chinese Loess Plateau
10991379: CHURCHER, C.S. & G. DE IULIIS - A new species of Protopterus and a revision of Ceratodus humei (Dipnoi: Ceratodontiformes) from the Late Cretaceous Mut Formation of eastern Dakhleh Oasis, Western Desert of Egypt.
84892: CHURCHER, C.S. - Pleistocene ungulates from the Bow River gravels at Cochrane, Alberta.
50909: CHURKIN, M. & C. CARTER - Devonian tentaculitids of east-central Alaska; systematics and biostratigraphic significance.
46544: CHURKIN JR., M., H. JAEGER AND G.D. EBERLEIN - Lower Devonian graptolites from southeastern Alaska.
56781: CHWIEDUK, E. - Biology Of The Famennian Heterocoral Oligophylloides Pachythecus.
77624: CICHA, IVAN - Stratigraphical problems of the Miocene in Europe.
73604: CICHA, I. ET AL. - Stratigraphical range of Eggenburgian-Badenian Foraminifera in West Carpathian basins.
92293: CICHA, I. ET AL. - Chronostratigraphie und Neostratotypen. Miozän M3 (Karpatien) Die Karpatische Serie und ihr Stratopypus.
74676: CIESLINSKI, STEFAN - [ The Albian and Cenomanian in the northern periphery of the Swiety Krzyz Mountains. ]
53260: CIFELLI, R.L. & C.L. GORDON - Symmetrodonts from the Late Cretaceous of southern Utah and distribution of archaic mammals in the Cretaceous of North America.
60845: CIFELLI, RICHARD. & SORIA, MIGUEL F. 1983. - Systematics of the Adianthidae (Litopterna, Mammalia).
60844: CIFELLI, RICHARD 1983. - Eutherian tarsals from the late Paleocene of Brazil.
86255: CIFELLI, RICHARD L. - Therian mammals of the Terlingua local fauna (Judithian), Aguja Formation, Big Bend and Rio Grande, Texas.
60730: CIFELLI, RICHARD 1983. - The origin and affinities of the South American Condylarthra and early Tertiary Litopterna (Mammalia).
96823: CIFELLI, RICHARD - The origin and affinities of the South American Condylarthra and early Tertiary Litopterna (Mammalia).
90570: CIFELLI, RICHARD L. & SCOTT K. MADSEN - Spalacotheriid symmetrodonts (Mammalia) from the medial Cretaceous (upper Albian or lower Cenomanian) Mussentuchit local fauna, Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah, USA.
79446: CINAR DURGUT, N. & E. ÜNAY - Cricetodontini from the Early Miocene of Anatolia.
83452: CINTRACT, RAYMONDE - Catalogue des échantillons types des collectons de paléontologie du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Mammifères (Multituberculés, Marsupiaux, Primates, Tillidontes, Carnivores et Condylarthrés).
83436: CINTRACT, RAYMONDE - Catalogue des échantillons types des collectons de paléontologie du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris. Mammifères (Multituberculés, Marsupiaux, Primates, Tillidontes, Carnivores et Condylarthrés).
99765: CIOCHON, R.L. & J.G. FLEAGLE - The human evolution source book.
99766: CIOCHON, R. ET AL. - Other origins. The search for the giant ape in human prehistory.
91629: CIONE, ALBERTO L. ET AL. - The first shark from the Triassic-Jurassic of South America.
6030606: CIPARISSE, G. & J. ROUWEZ - Yaka.
101998: CIRILLI, S. ET AL. - Stratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental analysis of the Permian-Triassic transition in the Badia Valley (Souther Alps, Italy).
86631: CIRY, R. (DIR.) - Livret-guide de l'excursion A 1. Alsace-Vosges-Bourgogne.
73918: CIRY, R. & P. RAT - Description d'un nouveau genre de Foraminifère Simplorbitolina manasi nov. gen., nov. sp..
42788: CISNE, J.L. AND G.O. CHANDLEE - Taconic Foreland Basin graptolites: age zonation, depth zonation, and use in ecostratigraphic correlation.
42678: CISNE, J.L. ET AL. - Evolution in a cline: the trilobite Triarthrus along an Ordovician depth gradient.
90384: CISNEROS, JUAN CARLOS ET AL. - A new reptile from the lower Permian of Brazil (Karutia fortunata gen. et sp. nov.) and the interrelationships of Parareptilia.
62676: CISTERNA, GABRIELA A. ET AL. - Permian brachiopods from the Tupe Formation, San Juan Province, Precordillera, Argentina.
101999: CITA, MARIA BIANCA - Studi geologici sulla Val Ferret Italiana (Alta Val d'Aosta).
102000: CITA, M.B. - Il Paleogene in Lombardia.
45224: CITA, M.B. ET AL. - Foraminiferi planctonici del Tortoniano-tipo.
99118: CITA, M.B. & G. PASQUARé - Studi stratigrafici sul sistema Cretaceo in Italia. Nota IV: Osservazioni micropaleontologiche sul Cretaceo delle Dolomiti.
74677: CITA, M.B. - Ammoniti del Lias medio di N. Castello di Tagnale (Lago di Garda).
47590: CITA, M.B. - Planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the Mediterranean Neogene.
73919: CITA, M.B. - L'affirramento neocretaceo di Sirmone e la sua microfauna.
98025: CITA, M.B. - Biostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy and paleoenvironment of the Pliocene of Cape Verde (North Atlantic).
56008: CITTERT, J.H.A. VAN - Palaeobotany of the Mesophytic II. New and noteworthy Jurassic ferns from Yorkshire.
102001: CIVETTA, L. ET AL. - Geology, geochronology and chemical evolution of the island of Pantelleria.
85535: CIVITELLI, G. ET AL. - Marine sedimentation in the Valanginian-Hauterivian of northern Mozambique, with a description of Lower Cretaceous belemnites.
102220: CIZANCORURT, H. DE, ET AL. - Remarques sur la structure de l'Hindou-Kouch.
87932: CIZANCOURT, M. DE - Grands foraminifères du Paléocène, de l'Éocène inférieur et de l'Éocène moyen du Venezuela.
74150: CIZANCOURT, M. DE - Note sur quelques nummulites du Rif marocain.
74067: CIZANCOURT, H. DE - Remarques sur le genre Orbitocyclina Vaughan.
86971: CIZANCOURT, M. DE - Grands foraminifères du Paléocène, de l'Éocène inférieur et de l'Éocène moyen de Venezuela.
7120009: CIZANCOURT, M. DE & L.R. COX - Contribution à l'étude des faunes teriaires de l'Afghanistan. I. Nummulites et assilines du flysch de Gardez et du Khost, Afghanistan oriental, II. Fossiles éocènes de l'Afghanistan. [Ostrea].
18513: CLACK, J.A. & R. HOLMES - The braincase of the anthracosaur Archeria crassidisca with comments on the interrelationships of primitive tetrapods.
59468: CLACK, J.A. - The neurocranium of Acanthostega gunnari Jarvik and the evolution of the otic region in tetrapods.
59467: CLACK, J.A. - New material of the early tetrapod Acanthostega from the Upper Devonian of east Greenland.
103421: CLAESSENS, LIEVEN - Modelling landslide dynamics in forested landscapes. Adressing landscape evolution, landslide soil redistribution and vegetation patterns in the Waitakere Ranges, west Auckland, New Zealand.
103833: CLAESSENS, LIEVEN - Modelling landslide dynamics in forested landscapes. Adressing landscape evolution, landslide soil redistribution and vegetation patterns in the Waitakere Ranges, west Auckland, New Zealand.
99249: CLAESSENS, LEON P.A.M. ET AL (EDS.) - Anatomy of the Dodo (Raphus cucullatus L., 1758): an osteological study of the Thirioux specimens.
55557: CLAEYS, PHILIPPE, JAN SMIT, ALESSANDRO MONTANARI AND WALTER ALVAREZ - L'Impact de Chicxulub et la limite Cretace-Tertiaire dans la region du golfe du Mexique.
100339: CLAGUE, JOHN ET AL. - At risk. Earthquakes and tsunamis on the West Coast.
100341: CLAGUE, JOHN ET AL. - At risk. Earthquakes and tsunamis on the West Coast.
18605: CLAPHAM, W.B. - Nature and paleogeography of Middle Permian flora of Akllahoma as inferred from their pollen record.
103843: CLAPPERTON, CHALMERS M. - Geomorphology of the Stromness Bay-Cumberland Bay area, South Georgia.
103521: CLAPPERTON, CHALMERS M. - Geomorphology of the Stromness Bay-Cumberland Bay area, South Georgia.
67013: CLAPPERTON, C.M. (ED.) - Quaternary glaciations in the southern hemisphere.
80246: CLAPPERTON, C.M. (ED.) - Fluctuations of local glaciers 30-8 ka BP.
93335: CLAR, E. & G. RIEHL-HERWIRSCH (EDS.) - Symposium über den Verrucano in den Ost- und Südalpen mit Exkursionen in Österreich und Italien.
74414: CLARA STEFEN - Tooth enamel structure of some Australian carnivorous marsupials.
506241: CLARK, B.L. - Fauna from the Markley Formation (Upper Eocene) on Pleasant Creek, California.
103168: CLARK, J.D. - Fractured chert specimens from the Lower Pleistocene Bethlehem Beds, Israel.
1340104: CLARK, B.L. & A.S. CAMPBELL - Eocene radiolarian faunas from the Mt. Diablo area, California.
20694: CLARK, T.H. - New blastoids and brachiopods from the Rocky Mountains.
77777: CLARK, W.B. - Correlation Papers: Eocene.
54480: CLARK, A.M. - Starfishes and their relations.
28327: CLARK, W.E. LE GROS - History of the primates. 2nd ed.
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96032: CLARKSON, E.N.K. AND Y. HOWELLS - Upper Llandovery trilobites from the Pentland Hills, Scotland.
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