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2459: STEL, J.H. - Morphology of the Silurian Desmosponges Desmidopora Nicholson and Nodulipora Lindström: affinities of Favositids.
2457: STEL, J.H. - Environment and quantitative morphology of some Silurian tabulates from Gotland.
98070: STEL, J.H. - Lower Palaeozoic erratic favositids from the island of Sylt, Germany.
8050311: STEL, J.H. - Lower Palaeozoic erratic favositids from the island of Sylt, Germany.
53191: STEL, JAN H - Studies on the palaeobiology of favositids.
62705: STEL, J.H. - Environment and quantitative morphology of some Silurian tabulates from Gotland.
98459: STEL, JAN H. - Morphology of the Silurian desmosponges Desmidopora Nicholson and Nodulipora Lindström: affinities of favositids.
97724: STEL, J.H. - Lower Palaeozoic erratic favositids from the island of Sylt, Germany.
101339: STEL, JAN H. - The Paleozoic hard substrate trace fossils Helicosalpinx, Chaetosalpinx and Torquaysalpinx.
50868: STEL, J.H. - Environment and quantitative morphology of some Silurian tabulates from Gotland.
44286: STEMMERIK, LARS (ED.) - Palynology and deposition in the Wandel Sea Basin, eastern North Greenland.
67272: STEN R. EKMAN - Middle pleistocene pollen biostratigraphy in the central North Sea.
96986: STENESTAD, ERIK - Københavnområdets geologi isaer baseret på citybaneundersøgelserne.
55802: STENSIö, E.A. - The sensory lines and dermal bones of the cheek in fishes and amphibians.
55770: STENSIö, E.A. - The sensory lines and dermal bones of the cheek in fishes and amphibians.
1060325: STENSIÖ, E.A. - The sensory lines and dermal bones of the cheek in fishes and amphibians.
83904: STENZEL, H.B. - A new Paleocene catometope crab from Texas, Tehuacana tehuacana. /&/ A new Cretaceous crab, Graptocarcinus muiri, from Mexico.
28230: STENZEL, H.B. & F.E. TURNER - The gastropod genera Cryptochorda and Lapparia in the Eocene of the Gulf coastal plain.
28192: STENZEL, H.B. - New Eocene brachiopods from the Gulf and Atlantic coastal plain.
5100374: STENZEL, H.B. ET AL. - Pelecypoda from the type locality of the Stone City Beds (Middle Eocene) of Texas.
74122: STEPANEK, I. - Zur Flora der oberkarbonischen Ablagerungen bei Diersberg-Berghaupten (Offenbach, Baden).
101340: STEPANEK, J. & G. GEYER - Spurenfossilien aus dem Kulm (Unterkarbon) des Frankenwaldes.
88525: STEPHAN-HARTL, R. - Die altmiozäne Säugetierfauna des Nordbassin und der Niederrader Schleusenkammer (Frankfurt/M., Hessen) und ihre stratigraphische Stellung.
88524: STEPHAN-HARTL, RENATE - Die altmiozäne Säugetierfauna des Nordbassin und der Niederrader Schleusenkammer (Frankfurt/M., Hessen) und ihre stratigraphische Stellung.
83000: STEPHAN-HARTL, R. - Die altmiozäne Säugetierfauna des Nordbassin und der Niederrader Schleusenkammer (Frankfurt/M., Hessen) und ihre stratigraphische Stellung.
53252: STEPHAN, B. - Urvögel. Archaeopterygiformes. 2. überarb. Aufl.
66893: STEPHAN STEINKE, HAN-YI CHIU, PAI-SEN YU, CHUAN-CHOU SHEN, HELMUT ERLENKEUSER, LUDVIG LöWEMARK, MIN-TE CHEN - On the influence of sea level and monsoon climate on the southern South China Sea freshwater budget over the last 22,000 years
82110: STEPHAN-HARTL, R. - Die altmiozäne Säugetierfauna des Nordbassin und der Niederrader Schleusenkammer (Frankfurt/M., Hessen) und ihre stratigraphische Stellung.
89508: STEPHAN-HARTL, RENATE - Die altmiozäne Säugetierfauna des Nordbassin und der Niederrader Schleusenkammer (Frankfurt/M., Hessen) und ihre stratigraphische Stellung.
89180: STEPHAN-HARTL, RENATE - Die altmiozäne Säugetierfauna des Nordbassin und der Niederrader Schleusenkammer (Frankfurt/M., Hessen) und ihre stratigraphische Stellung.
90494: STEPHAN, BURKHARD - Die nachweisbare Strukturen der Federn von Archaeopteryx mit Bemerkungen zu Longisquama und diversen Proavis-Modellen.
66867: STéPHANIE DESPRAT, MARIA FERNANDA SáNCHEZ GOñI, JEAN-LOUIS TURON, JOSETTE DUPRAT, BRUNO MALAIZé, JEAN-PIERRE PEYPOUQUET - Climatic variability of Marine Isotope Stage 7: direct land-sea-ice correlation from a multiproxy analysis of a north-western Iberian margin deep-sea core
66933: STEPHEN WROE, JUDITH FIELD - A review of the evidence for a human role in the extinction of Australian megafauna and an alternative interpretation
74506: STEPHEN WROE, JUDITH FIELD, RICHARD FULLAGAR & LARS S. JERMIN - Megafaunal extinction in the late Quaternary and the global overkill hypothesis.
67414: STEPHEN C PORTER - Snowline depression in the tropics during the Last Glaciation.
67398: STEPHEN R HICOCK, JOHN MENZIES - Aleksis Dreimanis: a legacy in Quaternary science.
67348: STEPHEN T. JACKSON, ROBERT S. WEBB, KATHARINE H. ANDERSON, JONATHAN T. OVERPECK, THOMPSON WEBB III, JOHN W. WILLIAMS, BARBARA C.S. HANSEN - Vegetation and environment in Eastern North America during the Last Glacial Maximum.
5100376: STEPHENSEN, L.W. - A new Upper Cretaceous rudistid from the Kemp Clay of Texas.
56806: STEPHENSON, L.W. - New Upper Cretaceous Ostreidae from the Gulf region.
81490: STEPHENSON, L.W. ET AL. - XVI International Geological Congress Guidebook 5, Excursion A-5. Chesapeake Bay region.
56016: STEPHENSON, J. & A.C. SCOTT - The geological history of insect-related plant damage.
79958: STEPHENSON, L.W. - Cretaceous deposits of the eastern Gulf region and species of Exogyra from the eastern Gulf region and the Carolinas.
87831: STEPHENSON, L.W. & W.H. MOORE - The Upper Cretaceous deposits.
96743: STEPHENSON, L.W. - North American Upper Cretaceous corals of the genus Micrabacia.
74666: STEPHENSON, L.W. - New Upper Cretaceous fossils from Mississippi and Texas. 1. Fossils from deep wells in Mississippi. 2. A Venericardia from Uvalde County, Texas.
83587: STEPHENSON, D.G. - Some Miocene Cidaridae (Echinoidea) from Kenya.
21883: STEPHENSON, L.W. - Fossils from the Eutaw Formation, Chattahoochee River region, Alabama-Georgia.
21882: STEPHENSON, L.W. - Owl Creek (Upper Cretaceous) fossils from Crowleys Ridge, southeastern Missouri.
21881: STEPHENSON, L.W. - Additions to the fauna of the Raritan Formation (Cenomanian) of New Jersey.
6500132: STEPHENSON, L.W. - Mollusks from the Pepper Shale Member of the Woodbine Formation, McLennan County, Texas.
5100375: STEPHENSON, L.W. - A new Upper cretaceous rudistid from the Kemp Clay of Texas.
506302: STEPHENSON, L.W. - Cretaceous deposits of the eastern Gulf region and species of Exogyra from the eastern Gulf region and the Carolinas.
89828: STEPHENSON, LLOYD W. - Additions to the Upper Cretaceous invertebrate faunas of the Carolinas.
46732: STERZEL, J.T. - Ueber Palaeojulus dyadicus Geinitz und Scolecopteris elegans Zenker.
49617: STETTNER, G. - Erläuterungen zur Geologischen Karte von Bayern 1:25 000 Blatt Nr. 5837 Weissenstadt. [Erläut. mit Karte]
48292: STETTNER, G. - Geologischen Karte von Bayern 1:25 000 Blatt Nr. 5937 Fichtelberg.
60962: STEUBER, THOMAS AND MARTINA BACHMANN - Upper Aptian-albian Rudist Bivalves from Northern Sinai, Egypt.
59382: STEUBER, THOMAS - Neue Rudisten (Radiolitidae) aus der Oberkreide Böotiens Mittelgriechenland.
98812: STEUER, A. - Die Gliederung der oberen Schichten des Mainzer Beckens und über ihre Fauna.
98813: STEUER, A. - Kurze Beschreibung des Tertiärs im Mainzer Becken und Führer für vier Exkursionstage.
22375: STEUER, A. - Marine Conchylien aus dem Mainzer Becken I. [Tertiary] [ all publ.].
97237: STEUER, A. - Die Gliederung der oberen Schichten des Mainzer Beckens und über ihre Fauna /&/ Kurze Beschreibung des Tertiärs im Mainzer Becken und Führer für vier exkursionstageer Keupergraben von Balbronn.
97172: STEUER, A. - Der Keupergraben von Balbronn.
21884: STEUER, A. - Marine Conchylien aus dem Mainzer Becken I. [Tertiary] [ all publ.].
77142: STEUR, G.G.L. E.A. - Bodemkartering. Een kwarteeuw onderzoek met boor en spade.
75747: STEUR, H. - De Boven-Carboonflora van Ibbenbüren.
92871: STEUR, G.G.L. E.A. - Bodemkaart van Nederland schaal 1:50 000 Blad 36 Goedereede & Blad 42 Oost Zierikzee (Goereese deel).
92948: STEUR, G.G.L. & I. OVAA - Afzettingen uit de pre-romeinse transgressieperiode en hun verband met de loop van de Schelde in Midden-Zeeland.
1120148: STEUR, G.G.L. ET AL. - Bodemkaart van Nederland 1:50.000. Blad 22 West en Blad 22 Oost/Coevorden.
56217: STEURBAUT, E. & D. NOLF - Revision of Ypresian stratigraphy of Belgium and northwestern France.
56216: STEURBAUT, E. - Late Middle Eocene to Middle Oligocene calcareous nannoplankton from the Kallo well, some boreholes and exposures in Belgium and a description of the Ruisbroek Sand Member.
93003: STEURBAUT, ETIENNE - Les otolithes de Téléostéens de l'Oligo-Miocène d'Aquitaine (sud-ouest de la France).
55599: STEURBAUT, E. - Late Middle Eocene to Middle Oligocene calcareous nannoplankton from the Kallo well, some boreholes and exposures in Belgium and a description of the Ruisbroek Sand Member.
6500484: STEURBAUT, E. & D. NOLF - Revision of Ypresian stratigraphy of Belgium & northwestern France.
6500054: STEURBAUT, E. - Late Middle Eocene to Middle Oligocene calcareous nannoplankton from the Kallo well, some boreholes and exposures in Belgium & a description of the Ruisbroek Sand Member.
98814: STEUSLOFF, ULRICH - Neue Beobachtungen und Erkenntnisse über Flora, Fauna und Klimageschichte (Allerödphase) des Würmperiglaziales in der Niederterrasse der Emscher und der Lippe.
97238: STEUSLOFF, ULRICH - Neue Beobachtungen und Erkenntnisse über Flora (Potamogeton vaginatus; Armeria iverseni), Fauna (Mollusken, Ovibos) und Klimageschichte des Würmperiglaziales in der Niederterrasse der Emscher und der Lippe.
67621: STEVE P. TAYLOR, ALAN M. HAYWOOD, PAUL J. VALDES, BRUCE W. SELLWOOD - An evaluation of two spatial interpolation techniques in global sea-surface temperature reconstructions: Last Glacial Maximum and Pliocene case studies
67116: STEVEN BRUMBY, HIROYUKI YOSHIDA - ESR dating of mollusc shell: Investigations with modern shell of four species.
66882: STEVEN N. BACON, RAYMOND M. BURKE, SILVIO K. PEZZOPANE, ANGELA S. JAYKO - Last glacial maximum and Holocene lake levels of Owens Lake, eastern California, USA
66878: STEVEN HOSTETLER, NICKLAS PISIAS, ALAN MIX - Sensitivity of Last Glacial Maximum climate to uncertainties in tropical and subtropical ocean temperatures
67212: STEVEN W. HOSTETLER, PETER U. CLARK - Climatic controls of Western U.S. Glaciers at the last glacial maximum
79389: STEVENS, G.R. - A revision of the Lytoceratinae (Subclass Ammonoidea) including Lytoceras taharoaense n. sp., Upper Jurassic, New Zealand.
99017: STEVENS, G.R. - A tramper's geology of the Tararuas.
99018: STEVENS, G.R. - Rugged landscape. The geology of central New Zealand.
99019: STEVENS, GRAEME - The theory of continental drift in a New Zealand setting.
89119: STEVENS, G.R. - A new belemnite from the Upper Jurassic of Indonesia.
89118: STEVENS, G.R. - The belemnite genera Dicoelites Boehm and Prodicoelites Stolley.
83737: STEVENS, MARGARET SKEELS - Merychyus verrucomalus, a new species of oreodont (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the Middle Miocene Runningwater Formation.
1520398: STEVENS, G.R. - The systematic status of Oppel`s specimens of Belemnites gerardi.
9120416: STEVENS, MARGARET SKEELS - Merychyus verrucomalus, a new species of oreodont (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the Middle Miocene Runningwater Formation.
102191: STEVENSON, J.J. - Report of progress in the Fayette and Westmoreland District of the bituminous coal-fields of western Pennsylvania. Part I. Eastern Allegheny County and Fayette and Westmoreland counties west of Chestnut Ridge, Part II. The Ligonier Valley.
21885: STEWART, R.B. - Gabb’s California Cretaceous and Tertiary type lamellibranchs.
67391: STEWART, I.S. ET AL. (EDS.) - Glacio-seismotectonics: ice sheets, crustal deformation and seismicity.
89762: STEWART, WENDELL J. - The stratigraphic and phylogenetic significance of the fusulinid genus Eowaeringella, with several new species.
58591: STIDHAM, T.A. - A new species of Limnofragia (Pelcaniformes: Fragatidae) from the Early Eocene Wasatch Formation of Wyoming: implications for palaeoecology and palaeobiology.
7120754: STIEFEL, J. - Ein Beitrag zur Gliederung der oberen Süsswassermolasse in Niederbayern.
98071: STIER, CHRISTINE, ET AL. - Wüsten, Meere und Vulkane, Baden-Württemberg in Bildern aus der Erdgeschichte.
47043: STIER, K. - Strukturbild des Benther Salzgebirges.
20519: STIERLIN, HENRI - The art of Maya.
94209: STIFTUNG AMREIN-TROLLER - Gletscher-Garten Luzern.
97326: STIFTUNG AMREIN-TROLLER - Gletscher-Garten Luzern.
96938: STIFTUNG AMREIN-TROLLER - Gletscher-Garten Luzern.
80354: STIGCHEL, J.W.B. VAN DER - Langs het spoor der eeuwen. Een geologische zwerftocht door Nederland. 2de vermeerderde druk
61887: STIGTER, H.C. DE - Recent and fossil benthic Foraminifera in the Adriatic Sea: distribution patterns in relation to organic carbon flux and oxygen concentration at the seabed.
77764: STILLE, H. - Das mitteleuropäische variszische Grundgebirge im Bild des gesamteuropäischen.
85345: STILLE, HANS - Geotektonische Probleme des pazifischen Erdraumes.
93100: STILLE, H. (ED.) - Göttinger Beiträge zur saxonischen Tektonik, I, II & III.
1767: STILLE, H. - Die assyntische Tektonik im geologischen Erdbild.
1754: STILLE, H. - Die geotektonische Werdegang der Karpaten.
1748: STILLE, H. - Das mitteleuropäische variszische Grundgebirge im Bild des gesamteuropäischen.
48251: STILLE, H. - Der Gebirgsbau des Teutoburger Waldes zwischen Altenbeken und Detmold.
97239: STILLE, HANS - Das tektonische Bild des Benther Sattels.
8050879: STILLE, H. - Zur Palaeogeographie des nordöstlichen Niedersachsens.
8050878: STILLE, H. - Das tektonische Bild des Benther Sattels.
8050877: STILLE, H. - Das Aufsteigen des Salzgebirges.
8050876: STILLE, H. - Die Faltung des deutschen Bodens und des Salzgebirges.
20780: STILLER, F. - An early isocrinid sea lily from the middle to late Anisian boundary (Middle Triassic) of south-west China – evidence for a far-east Tethyan origin of the family Isocrinidae
81387: STILLER, F. - Echinoid Spines from the Anisian (Middle Triassic) of Qingyan, South- western China.
10991227: STILLER, F. AND CHEN JINHUA - New Mysidiellidae (Bivalvia) from the Anisian (Middle Triassic) of Qingyan, south-west China.
62632: STILWELL, JEFFREY D. - Macropalaeontology of the Trochocyathus-Trematotrochus band (Paleocene/Eocene boundary), Dilwyn Formation, Otway Basin, Victoria.
97741: STILWELL, J.D. - Patterns of biodiversity and faunal rebound following the K-T boundary extinction event in Austral Palaeocene molluscan faunas.
91500: STILWELL, JEFFREY D. ET AL. - Early Paleocene mollusks of Antarctica: Systematics, paleoecology and paleobiogeographic significance.
28231: STIMP, T.E. - Pleistocene molluscan paleoecology and community structure of the Puerto Libertad region, Sonora, Mexico.
86002: STINCHCOMB, BRUCE L. - New Monoplacophora (Mollusca) from Late Cambrian and Early Ordovician of Missouri.
56280: STINDER, T. - Mikropaläontologie und Biostratigraphie des Unteren Malm (Koralleloolith) im Wesrergebirge (Norddeutschland).
55600: STINDER, T. - Mikropaläontologie und Biostratigraphie des Unteren Malm (Koralleloolith) im Wesrergebirge (Norddeutschland).
96608: STINDER, T. - Mikropaläontologie und Biostratigraphie des Unteren Malm (Koralleloolith) im Wesrergebirge (Norddeutschland).
97240: STINDER, T. - Mikropaläontologie und Biostratigraphie des Unteren Malm (Koralleloolith) im Wesrergebirge (Norddeutschland).
92835: STINGL, HELMUT - Ein periglazialmorphologisches Nord-Süd-Profil durch die Ostalpen.
93964: STINI, JOSEF - Zur technisch-geologischen Kenntnis der Radstätter Tauern.
91915: STINNESBECK, SARAH R. ET AL. - Xibalbaonyx oviceps, a new megalonychid ground sloth (Folivora, Xenarthra) from the Late Pleistocene of the Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico, and its paleobiogeographic significance.
79668: STINTON, F.C. & H.S. TORRENS - Fish otoliths from the Bathonian of southern England.
96140: STINTON, F.C. - Fish otoliths from the English Eocene. Part 1-5. [complete in 5 parts]
96141: STINTON, F.C. & H.S. TORRENS - Fish otoliths from the Bathonian of southern England.
78856: STINTON, F.C. - Fish otoliths from the English Cretaceous.
59439: STINTON, F.C. & D. NOLF - A teleost otolith fauna from the sands of Lede, Belgium.
86078: STINTON, F.C. - Fish otoliths from the English Eocene. Part 1-5. [complete in 5 parts]
21065: STINTON, F.C. - Teleost otoliths from the Lower London Tertiaries.
90336: STINTON, F.C. - Teleost otoliths from the Lower London Tertiaries.
7120846: STIROS, S.C. & P.A. PIRAZZOLI (EDS.) - Late Quaternary coastal changes in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Tectonics, earthquakes, archaeology. Guidebook for the Gulf of Corinth field trip, 14-16 September 1998.
82353: STIRTON, R.A. - Relationships of the protoceratid artiodactyls, and description of a new genus.
82189: STIRTON, R.A. - A review of the macropodid genus Protemnodon.
506396: STIRTON, R.A. & W.K. GEALEY - Reconnaissance geology and vertebrate paleontology of El Salvador, central America.
28526: STIRTON, R.A. - A new genus of Soricidae from the Barstow Miocene of California.
99350: STIRTON, R.A. - Relationships of the protoceratid artiodactyls, and description of a new genus.
9120292: STIRTON, R.A. - Relationships of the protoceratid artiodactyls, and description of a new genus.
81520: STITT , JAMES H. - Functional Morphology and Life Habits of the Late Cambrian Trilobite Stenopilus pronus Raymond.
76800: STITT, J.H. - Late Cambrian and earliest Ordovian trilobites, Timbered Hills and Lower Arbuckle Groups, western Arbuckle Mountains, Murray County, Oklahoma.
89941: STITT, JAMES H. - Enrolled Late Cambrian trilobites from the Davis Formation, Southeast Missouri.
45895: STIVE, M.J.F. ET AL. - Kustgenese. Grootschalige vorming en ontwikkeling van de Nederlandse kust. Vorming en toetsing van hypothesen. [6 vols.]
48846: STJERNQUIST, B. - Präliminarien zu einer Untersuchung von Opferfunden. Begriffsbestimmung und Theoriebildung.
95832: STOBBS, JOH T. & WHEELTON HIND - The marine beds in the coal measures of North Staffordshire, with notes on their palaeontology.
100164: STOBBS, J.T. & WHEELTON HIND - The marine beds in the coal-measures of North Staffordshire, with notes on their palaeontology.
101589: STOBBS, J.T. & WHEELTON HIND - The marine beds in the coal-measures of North Staffordshire, with notes on their palaeontology.
99881: STOCK, CHESTER, REVISED BY JOHN M. HARRIS - Rancho la Brea. A record of Pleistocene life in California. 7th ed.
100348: STOCK, CHESTER, REVISED BY JOHN M. HARRIS - Rancho la Brea. A record of Pleistocene life in California. 7th ed.
75591: STOCK, C.W. - Upper Silurian (Pridoli) Stromatoporoidea of New York.
82506: STOCK, CARL W. - Upper Devonian (Frasnian) Stromatoporoidea of North-central Iowa; Mason City Member of the Shell Rock Formation.
86015: STOCK, CARL W. AND ANN E. HOLMES - Upper Silurian/Lower Devonian Stromatoporoidea from the Keyser Formation at Mustoe, Highland County, West-Central Virginia.
67308: STOCKHAUSEN, H. & B. ZOLITSCHKA - Environmental changes since 13,000 cal. BP reflected in magnetic and sedimentological properties of sediments from Lake Holzmaar (Germany).
100491: STOCKLEY, G.M. - Report on the geology of Basutoland.
98217: STOCKLEY, G.M. - The geology of the Ruhuhu coalfields, Tanganyika Territory. /&/ L.R. Cox: Lamellibranchia from the Karroo Beds of the Ruhuhu coalfieds. /&/ S.H. Haughton: On a collection of vertebrates from Tanganyika Territory.
97360: STOCKLEY, G.M. - Report on the geology of Basutoland.
93965: STöCKLIN, J. - Zur Geologie der nördlichen Errgruppe zwischen Val d'Err und Weissenstein (Graubünden).
73539: STOCKMANS, F. & Y. WILLIèRE - Étude paléobotanique du toit de la veine Cinq Paumes (Gros Pierre) aux charbonnages de Boubier (Bassin de Charleroi).
89409: STOCKMANS, F. & Y. WILLIèRE - Étude paléobotanique du toit de la veine Cinq Paumes (Gros Pierre) aux charbonnages de Boubier (Bassin de Charleroi).
6100236: STOCKMANS, F. & Y. WILLIÈRE - Acritarches du Famennien inférieur.
78788: STOCKMANS, F. & Y. WILLIèRE - Les acritarches du Dinantien du sondage de l'asile d'aliénés à Tournai (Belgique).
82894: STOCKMANS, F. ET AL. - Documents paléobotaniques pour l'étude du houiller dans le Nord-Ouest de l'Espagne.
79726: STOCKMANS, F. & Y. WILLIèRE - Un Annularia garni de poils en association avec Cingularia typica.
57742: STOCKMANS, F. ET AL. - Étude botanique du gisement de tourbe de la région de Pervijze (Plaine maritime belge).
57740: STOCKMANS, F. - Végétaux Éodévoniens de la Belgique.
57738: STOCKMANS, F. - Végétaux éocènes des environs de Bruxelles.
76084: STOCKMANS, F. ET AL. - Étude botanique du gisement de tourbe de la région de Pervijze (Plaine maritime belge).
76083: STOCKMANS, F. & Y. WILLIèRE - Palmoxylons paniséliens de la Belgique.
76082: STOCKMANS, F. & Y. WILLIèRE - Liste des spécimens figurés se trouvant dans les collections paléobotaniques du Musée royal d'Histoire naturelle de Belgique.
76081: STOCKMANS, F. - Végétaux du Dévonien supérieur de la Belgique.
76080: STOCKMANS, F. - Végétaux de l'assise des sables d'Aix-la-Chapelle récoltés en Belgique (Sénonien inférieur).
75758: STOCKMANS, F. ET AL. - Étude botanique du gisement de tourbe de la région de Pervijze (Plaine maritime belge).
75757: STOCKMANS, F. & Y. WILLIèRE - Palmoxylons paniséliens de la Belgique.
75756: STOCKMANS, F. & Y. WILLIèRE - Liste des spécimens figurés se trouvant dans les collections paléobotaniques du Musée royal d'Histoire naturelle de Belgique.
75753: STOCKMANS, F. - Végétaux du Dévonien supérieur de la Belgique.
75752: STOCKMANS, F. - Végétaux de l'assise des sables d'Aix-la-Chapelle récoltés en Belgique (Sénonien inférieur).
75751: STOCKMANS, F. - Au sujet de Lepidodendron dissitum Sauveur.
75750: STOCKMANS, F. - Posidonia perforata Saporta et Marion des marnes de Gelinden (Paléocène).
75748: STOCKMANS, F. - Sur les épidermes de dicotylédonées (Dewalquea gelindensis Saporta et Marion et Litsea elatinervis Saporta et Marion) des marnes de Gelinden (Paléocène).
86300: STOCKMANS, F. & Y. WILLIèRE - Acritarches du Famennien inférieur.
95176: STOCKMANS, F. ET AL. - Documents paléobotaniques pour l'étude du houiller dans le Nord-Ouest de l'Espagne.
95177: STOCKMANS, F. ET AL. - Documents paléobotaniques pour l'étude de houiller dans le Nord-Ouest de l'Espagne.
87636: STOCKMANS, F. & Y. WILLIèRE - Flores Namuriens de la Belgique. Incertitudes et hypothèses de travail.
89215: STOCKMANS, F. & Y. WILLIèRE - Étude paléobotanique du toit de la veine Cinq Paumes (Gros Pierre) aux charbonnages de Boubier (Bassin de Charleroi).
8110197: STOCKMANS, F. & Y. WILLIÈRE - Acritarches de la <> (Frasnien supérieur et Famennien inférieur).
8110043: STOCKMANS, F. & Y. WILLIÈRE - Acritarches de la <> (Frasnien supérieur et Famennien inférieur).
62338: STOCKMANS, F. & Y. WILLIèRE - Acritarches de la <> (Frasnien supérieur et Famennien inférieur).
62337: STOCKMANS, F. & Y. WILLIèRE - Acritarches du Famennien inférieur.
6500218: STOCKMANS, F. & Y WILLIÈRE - Les hystrichosphères ou mieux les acritarches du Silurien belge. Sondage de la Brasserie Lust à Courtnai (Kortrijk).
6500217: STOCKMANS, F. & Y WILLIÈRE - Hystrichosphères du Dévonien belge (sondage de l'aliénés à Tournai) /&/ Hystrichosphères du Dévonien belge (sondage de Wépion).
96862: STOCKMANS, F. - Végétaux éocènes des environs de Bruxelles.
87498: STOCKMANS, F. & Y. WILLIèRE - Flores Namuriens de la Belgique. Incertitudes et hypothèses de travail.
1560433: STOCKMANS, F. - Les lignites icniens de Mol (Belgique).
1560434: STOCKMANS, F. - Végétaux de l'assise des sables d'Aix-la-Chapelle récoltés en Belgique (Sénonien inférieur).
1560438: STOCKMANS F. & F. MATHIEU - La flore paléozoïque du bassin houiller de Kaiping Chine, 1e & 2e Partie.
57207: STOCKMANS, F. - Végétaux éocènes des environs de Bruxelles.
57209: STOCKMANS, F. - Végétaux Éodévoniens de la Belgique.
57211: STOCKMANS, F. ET AL. - Étude botanique du gisement de tourbe de la région de Pervijze (Plaine maritime belge).
80060: STOCKMARR, J. - Species identification of Ulmus pollen.
85931: STOCKTON, W.L. & R. COWEN - Stereoscopic vision in one eye: paleophysiology of the schizochroal eye of trilobites.
50869: STODDART, D.R. - Geography and ecology of Diego Garcia Atoll, Chagos Archipelago.
20487: STOEPKER, H. - Medieval parish churches in northeastern North Brabant and Limburg, I.
20430: STOEPKER - Archeologische kroniek van Limburg over 1986.
76501: STOEPKER, H. (ED.) - Archeologische kroniek van Limburg over 1990.
76479: STOEPKER, H. (ED.) - Archeologische kroniek van Limburg over 1988 en 1989.
76474: STOEPKER, H. - Church archaeology in the netherlands: problems, prospects, proposals.
76463: STOEPKER, H. (ED.) - Archeologische kroniek van Limburg over 1987.
47523: STOEPKER, H. - De Petruskerk van Hilvarenbeek in archeologisch perspektief.
47505: STOEPKER, H. - Het nut van historische kaarten voor de archeologie.
507210: STOEPKER, H. - Archeologische kroniek van Limburg over 1987.
101987: STOERMER, N. & E. WIENHOLZ - Mikrobiostratigraphie an der Lias/Dogger-Grenze in Bohrngen nördlich der Mitteldeutschen Hauptscholle.
92351: STOERMER, N. & E. WIENHOLZ - Mikrobiostratigraphie an der Lias/Dogger-Grenze in Bohrngen nördlich der Mitteldeutschen Hauptscholle.
101582: STOERMER, N. & E. WIENHOLZ - Mikrobiostratigraphie an der Lias/Dogger-Grenze in Bohrngen nördlich der Mitteldeutschen Hauptscholle.
93101: STOERMER, N. & E. WIENHOLZ - Mikrobiostratigraphie an der Lias/Dogger-Grenze in Bohrngen nördlich der Mitteldeutschen Hauptscholle.
101566: STOERMER, N. & E. WIENHOLZ - Mikrobiostratigraphie an der Lias/Dogger-Grenze in Bohrngen nördlich der Mitteldeutschen Hauptscholle.
44521: STOFAN, E.R. ET AL. - Geology of a rift zone on Venus: Beta Regio and Devana Chasma.
83450: STOK, J.P. VAN DER - Études des phénomènes de marée sur les côtes Néerlandaises. IV. Les marées principales.
95950: STOKER, M.S. - Stratigraphic nomenclature of the UK North West Margin. 3. Mid- to Late Cenozoic stratigraphy.
95951: STOKER, M.S. ET AL. - A revised Quaternary stratigraphy for the central North Sea.
97081: STOKER, M.S. ET AL. - A revised Quaternary stratigraphy for the central North Sea.
97042: STOKER, M.S. ET AL. - A revised Quaternary stratigraphy for the central North Sea.
87220: STOKES, ROBERT B. - The echinoids Micraster and Epiaster from the Tutonian and Senonian of England.
67558: S. STOKES, S. INGRAM, M.J. AITKEN, F. SIROCKO, R. ANDERSON, D. LEUSCHNER - Alternative chronologies for Late Quaternary (Last Interglacial-Holocene) deep sea sediments via optical dating of silt-sized quartz.
85175: STOKHUYZEN, FREDERICK - The Dutch windmill.
85103: STOL, P.T. & B. VRIJHOF - De landbouwwaterhuishouding in de provincie Zuid-Holland.
44062: STOLARSKI, J. - Gardineria - a scleractinian living fossil
44061: STOLARSKI, J. - Ontogenetic development of the thecal structures in caryophylliine scleractinian corals
1640219: STOLL, E. - Die Brachiopoden und Mollusken der pommerschen Doggergeschiebe.
62964: STOLLER, J. - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der diluvialen Flora (besonders Phanerogamen) Norddeutschlands. II. Lauenburg a. Elbe (Kuhgrund).
83199: STOLLER, J. ET AL. (ED.) - Handbuch der vergleichende Stratigraphie Deutschlands. Alluvium.
73286: STOLLER, J. - Geologische Führer durch die Lüneburger Heide.
8050881: STOLLER, J. - Der jungdiluviale Lüneburger Eisvorstoss.
63229: STOLLER, J. - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der diluvialen Flora (besonders Phanerogamen) Norddeutschlands. II. Lauenburg a. Elbe (Kuhgrund).
47044: STOLLEY, E. - Studien an Gipszwillingen aus dem Neokomtonen der Umgebung Braunschweigs.
46640: STOLLEY, E. - Die Hiboliten und Neohiboliten der unteren Kreide in de Lethaea geognostica.
8050883: STOLLHOFEN, H. & I.G. STANISTREET - Interaction between bimodal volcanism, fluvial sedimentation and basin development in the Permo-Carboniferous Saar-Nahe Basin (south-west Germany).
1060219: STOLOARSKI, J. ET AL. - Antiquity of the scleractinian-sipunculan symbiosis.
96523: STOLTIDIS, ILIAS - Ostracoden aus dem Unterdevon des Bergischen Landes.
98400: STOLTIDIS, ILIAS - Ostrakoden aus dem Unterdevon des Bergischen Landes (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge).
10991228: STONE, H.M.I. - On predator deterrence by pronounced shell ornament in epifaunal bivalves.
100134: STONE, R.O. - A desert glossary.
100135: STONE, R.O. - A desert glossary.
1440411: STONE, R. - Mammoth. The resurrection of an ice age giant.
84912: STONE, R. - Mammoth. The resurrection of an ice age giant.
96208: STONELEY, H.M.M. - The Upper Permian flora of England.
90849: STONELEY, H.M.M. - The Upper Permian flora of England.
28527: STONER, R.C. - Recent observations on the mode of accumulation of the Pleistocene bone deposits of Ranch La Brea.
82879: STOPA, S.Z. - [ Les feuilles de fougères (Pteridophylla) du Namurien supérieur et du Westphalien le plus bas dans le bassin houiller de la Haute Silésie. ]
83036: STOPES, MARIE C. - Flora carbonifère des Assises à fougères de Saint-Jean, Nouveau-Brunswick.
78460: STOPPEL, D. ET AL. - Zur Biostratigraphie und Fazies des höheren Mitteldevons und Oberdevons im Westharz mit Hilfe der Conodonten- und Ostracodenchronologie.
78444: STOPPEL, D. ET AL. - Zur Biostratigraphie und Fazies des höheren Mitteldevons und Oberdevons im Westharz mit Hilfe der Conodonten- und Ostracodenchronologie.
1956: STOPPEL, D. - Monographien der deutschen Blei-Zink-Erzlagerstätten. Die Blei-Zink-Erzgänge des Oberharzes. Lieferung 3: Beschreibung der Oberharzer Erzgänge (Einschließlich der Neuaufschlüsse im Erzbergwerk Grund seit Erscheinen der Lieferung 2).
1530147: STOPPEL, D. & J.W.C. DOPPERT (EDS.). - Flözunregelmässigkeiten im Oberkarbon.
96524: STOPPEL, D. ET AL. - Zur Biostratigraphie und Fazies des höheren Mitteldevons und Oberdevons im Westharz mit Hilfe der Conodonten- und Ostracodenchronologie.
83362: STORCH, GERHARD & A.M. LISTER - Leptictidium nasutum, ein Pseudorhyncocyonide aus dem Eozän der Grube Messel bei Darmstadt (Mammalia, Proteutheria).
83361: STORCH, GERHARD - Eurotamandua joresi, ein Myrmecophagide aus dem Eozän der Grube Messel bei Darmstadt (Mammalia, Xenarthra).
83341: STORCH, GERHARD - Eurotamandua joresi, ein Myrmecophagide aus dem Eozän der Grube Messel bei Darmstadt (Mammalia, Xenarthra).
62064: STORCH, G. & K. WEDDIGE (EDS.) - Advances in vertebrate palaeontology.
102056: STORCH, P. & E. SERPAGLI - Lower Silurian graptolites from southwestern Sardinia.
88053: STORCH, P. & E. SERPAGLI - Lower Silurian graptolites from southwestern Sardinia.
82399: STORCH, G. ET AL. - Die altpleistozäne Saugerfauna (Mammalia) von Hohensülzen bei Worms.
51117: STORCH, GERHARD & SHUDING QIU - Insectivores (Mammalia:Erinaceidae, Soricidae, Talpidae) from the Lufeng hominoid locality, late Miocene of China.
83551: STORCH, GERHARD - Eomanis waldi, ein Schuppentier aus dem Mittel-Eozän der Grube Messel bei Darmstadt (Mammalia, Pholidota).
1440412: STORCH, G. - The Neogene mammalian faunas of Ertemte and Harr Obo in Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongol), China. - 11. Sorididae (Insectivora).
81875: STORCH, G. & K. WEDDIGE (EDS.) - Advances in vertebrate palaeontology.
62175: STORCH, G. - The Neogene mammalian faunas of Ertemte and Harr Obo in Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongol), China. 11. Sorididae (Insectivora).
57213: STORCH, D. - Die Arten der gattung Sphenophyllum Brongniart im Zwickau-Lugau-Oelsnitzer Steinkohlenrevier.
77829: STORCH, P. - Earliest Monograptidae (Graptolithina) on the lower Llandovery sequence of the Prague Basin (Bohemia).
90767: STORCH, GERHARD - Quartäre Fledermaus-Faunen von der Insel Malta.
90768: STORCH, GERHARD - Eomanis waldi, ein Schuppentier aus dem Mittel-Eozän der Grube Messel bei Darmstadt (Mammalia: Pholidota).
90769: STORCH, GERHARD & VLADIMIR S. ZAZHIGIN - Taxonomy and phylogeny of the Paranourosorex lineage, Neogene of Eurasia (Mammalia: Soricidae: Anourosoricini).
91890: STORCH, GERHARD - The Neogene mammalian fauna of Ertemte and Harr Obo in Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongol), China. 7 Muridae (Rodentia).
91916: STORCH, GERHARD & A.M. LISTER - Leptictidium nasutum, ein Pseudorhyncocyonide aus dem Eozän der Grube Messel bei Darmstadt (Mammalia, Proteutheria).
91917: STORCH, G. - Morphologie und Paläobiologie von Macrocranium tenerum, einem Erinaceomorphen aus dem Mittel-Eozän von Messel bei Darmstadt (Mammalia, Lipotyphia).
91918: STORCH, G. & Z. QIU - The Neogene mammalian faunas of Ertemte and Harr Obo in Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongol), China. 2. Moles, Insectiovora: Talpidae.
98815: STORCK, ULRICH - Das Kalilager in den Grubenfeldern Bernburger Kaliwerke und Gröna und seine Beziehungen zu den übrigen Ablagerungsgebieten der Stassfurt-Region.
99351: STORER, JOHN E. (ED.) - 3rd International Mammoth Conference, 2003: Program and abstracts.
99806: STORM, PAUL - Korte hoektanden, lange benen en een sexy brein. Het ontstaan van de mens door natuurlijke en seksuele selectie.
99807: STORM, P. & A.J. NELSON - The many faces of Wadjak Man.
99075: STORM, PAUL - The evolutionary significance of the Wajak skulls.
58273: STORM, P. - The evolutionary significance of the Wajak skulls.
83479: STøRMER, LEIF - Planktonic crustaceans from the lower Didymograptus shale (3b) of Oslo.
76925: STøRMER, L. & C.D. WATERSTON - Cyrtoctenus gen. nov., a large Late Palaeozoic arthropod with pectinate appendages.
82330: STøRMER, LEIF - Dictyocaris, Salter, a large crustcean from the Upper Silurian and Downtonian.
1630410: STøRMER, L. - Dictyocaris, Salter, a large crustacean from the Upper Silurian and Downtonian.
58402: STøRMER, L. - Sculpture and microstructure of the exoskeleton in chasmopinid and phacopid trilobites.
20106: STORMS, G. - The Sutton Hoo ship burial: an interpretation.
74716: STORMS, R. - Troisième note sur les poissons du terrain rupelien. Chondroptérygiens-.
74715: STORMS, R. - L'ichthyologie fossile. [Bibliographie]
88491: STORMS, R. - Sur le Cybium (Enchodus) Bleekeri du terrain Bruxellien.
6500193: STORMS, R. - Sur un Carcharodon du terrain Bruxelien. Mémoire posthume].
6500191: STORMS, R. - Première note sur les poissons Wemmelien (Éocène supérieur) de la Belgique.
79794: STöRR, M. (ED.) - Symposium on Rotliegendes in Central Europe.
80500: STöRR, M. (ED.) - Symposium on Rotliegendes in Central Europe.
99097: STöRR, M. (ED.) - Symposium on Rotliegendes in Central Europe.
99616: STöRR, M. (ED.) - Symposium on Rotliegendes in Central Europe.
59548: STORRS, GLENN W. - The systematic position of Silvestrosaurus and a classification of Triassic sauropterygians (Neodiapsida).
51053: STORRS, G.W. - An examination of Plesiosauria (Diapsida: Sauropterygia) from the Niobara Chalk (Upper Cretaceous) of central North America.
100385: STOSE, GEORGE W. & F. BASCOM - Geologic atlas of the United States. No. 225. Fairfield-Gettysburg folio, Pennsylvania.
63942: STOTT, PHILIP - Historical plant geography.
59221: STOTT, REBECCA - Darwin and the barnacle.
67294: STöTTER, J. - Holocene palaeoclimatic reconstruction in northern Iceland: approaches and results.
73808: STOUTHAMER, ESTHER - Sedimentary products of avulsions in the Holocene Rhine-Meuse Delta, The Netherlands.
53514: STOUTHAMER, E. & W. TEN BRINKE (EDS.) - Fluvial sedimentology.
6100335: STOUTJESDIJK, PH. - Heaths and inland dunes of the Veluwe.
54728: STOVER, L.E. & A.D. PARTIDGE - Eocene spore-pollen from the Werillup Formation, Western Australia.
98401: STOVER, LEWIS E. - Ostracoda from the Windom Shale (Hamilton) of western New York.
100492: STOW, GEORGE W. - Geological notes upon Griqualand West.
98218: STOW, GEORGE W. - Geological notes upon Griqualand West. [South Africa]
24684: STRAATEN, L.M.J.U. VAN - Recent sandstones on the coasts of The Netherlands and of the Rhone delta.
1540461: STRAATEN, L.M.J.U. VAN - Directional effects of winds, waves and currents along the Dutch North Sea coast.
1540462: STRAATEN, L.M.J.U. VAN & PH.H. KUENEN - Accumulation of fine-grained sediments in the Dutch Wadden Sea.
53516: STRAATEN, L.M.J.U. VAN - Composition of shell beds formed in tidal flat environment in The Netherlands and in the bay of Arcachon (France).
1530200: STRAATEN, L.M.J.U. VAN & J.D. DE JONG (EDS.). - The excavation at Velsen.
75027: STRAATEN, L.M.J.U. VAN - Thythmic patterns on Dutch North Sea beaches.
75026: STRAATEN, L.M.J.U. VAN - Megaripples in the Dutch Wadden Sea and in the basin of Arcachon (France).
76022: STRAATEN, L.M.J.U. VAN - Composition and structure of recent marine sediments in the Netherlands. [mainly Waddensea].
76021: STRAATEN, L.M.J.U. VAN - Environment of formation and facies of Waddensea sediments.
85231: STRAATEN, L.M.J.U. VAN - Dendrites.
95178: STRAATEN, H.C. VAN DER - The Abarán Basin - A Neogene pull-apart basin in SE Spain.
80356: STRAATEN, L.M.J.U. VAN - Coastal barrier deposits in South- and North-Holland, in particular in the areas around Scheveningen and IJmuiden.
92950: STRAATEN, L.M.J.U. VAN - Composition and structure of recent marine sediments in the Netherlands. [mainly Waddensea].
84944: STRAATEN, L.M.J.U. VAN - Dendrites.
46922: STRAATEN, L.M.J.U. VAN - Sedimentology of recent tidal flat deposits and the Psammites du Condroz (Devonian).
9120173: STRAATEN, L.M.J.U. VAN - Marine mollusc shell assemblages of the Rhone delta.
96101: STRACHAN, ISLES - A synoptic supplement to a monograph of British graptolites by Miss G.L. Elles and Miss E.M.R. Wood.
96102: STRACHAN, I. - A bibliographic index of British graptolites (Graptoloidea). [in 2 parts].
82121: STRACHAN, ISLES - A synoptic supplement to a monograph of British graptolites by Miss G.L. Elles and Miss E.M.R. Wood.
1660055: STRACHAN, I. - A bibliographic index of British graptolites (Graptoloidea). [in 2 parts].
1540655: STRADNER, H. ET AL. - Electron microscope studies of Albian calcareous nannoplankton from the Delft 2 and Leidschendam 1 deepwells, Holland.
73223: STRADNER, H. & K. PERCH-NIELSEN (EDS.) - International nannoplankton Association, Vienna Meeting 1985. Proceedings.
84765: STRADNER, H. & A.R. EDWARDS - Electron microscopic studies on Upper Eocene coccoliths from the Oamaru Diatomite, New Zealand.
84764: STRADNER, H. & A. PAPP - Tertiäre Discoasteriden aus Österreich und deren stratigraphische Bedeutung, mit Hinweisen auf Mexico, Rumänien und Italien.
93966: STRADNER, H. & A. PAPP - Tertiäre Discoasteriden aus Österreich und deren stratigraphische Bedeutung, mit Hinweisen auf Mexico, Rumänien und Italien.
1340428: STRADNER, H. ET AL. - Electron microscope studies of Albian calcareous nannoplankton from the Delft 2 and Leidschendam 1 deepwells, Holland.
89633: STRADNER, H. & A.R. EDWARDS - Electron microscopic studies on Upper Eocene coccoliths from the Oamaru Diatomite, New Zealand.
75509: VAN STRAELEN, V. - Note sur les phyllocarides paléozoïques ou Archaeostraca de la Belgique et remarques sur la systématique de ces crustacés.
75508: VAN STRAELEN, V. - Sur des crustacés décapodes cénozoiques du Venezuela.
101036: STRAELEN, V. VAN - Description de Raniniens nouveaux des terrains tertiaires de Borneo.
54475: STRAELEN, V. VAN - Portunus brouweri, portunien nouveau du Tertiaire de l’ile de Célébes.
96643: STRAELEN, VICTOR VAN - Contribution à l'étude des Crustacés décapodes de la période jurassique.
78888: STRAELEN, VICTO VAN - Sur quelques crabes du Sahélien moyen des environs d'Oran (Algérie).
83756: VAN STRAELEN, V. - Description de brachyoures montiens du Cominges.
42756: STRAELEN, V. VAN - Contribution à l’étude des crustacés décapodes fossiles de la Catalogne.
42757: STRAELEN, V. VAN - Sur une forme larvaire nouvelle de stomatpodes du Cénomanien du Liban.
42753: STRAELEN, V. VAN - Contribution à l’étude des Crustacés décapodes de la période jurassique.
42755: STRAELEN, V. VAN - Contribution à l’étude des crustacés décapodes fossiles de la Catalogne.
42752: STRAELEN, V. VAN - Les Mysidacés du Callovien de la Voulte-sur-Rhône (Ardèche).
42751: STRAELEN, V. VAN - Quelques eumalacostracés nouveaux du Westphalien inférieur d’Argenteau.
83658: VAN STRAELEN, V. - Note sur les phyllocarides paléozoïques ou Archaeostraca de la Belgique et remarques sur la systématique de ces crustacés.
83657: VAN STRAELEN, V. - Sur des crustacés décapodes cénozoiques du Venezuela.
61970: STRAELEN, V. VAN - Contribution à l'étude des lsopodes méso- et cénozoïques.
101035: STRAELEN, V. VAN - Portunus brouweri, portunien nouveau du Tertiaire de l'ile de Célébes.
1630420: STRAELEN, V. VAN - Contribution à l’étude des lsopodes méso- et cénozoïques.
90495: STRAELEN, V. VAN - Les oeufs de reptiles fossiles.
93967: STRAETER, HENRI E.G. - Geologische Untersuchungen zwischen Winterstaude und Subers Ach (Vorarlberg).
95833: STRAHAN, A. - Guide to the geological model of the Isle of Purbeck. 2nd ed.
85002: STRAHLER, A.L. & A.N. STRAHLER - Modern physical geography. 4th ed.
42935: STRAIN, W.S. - Blancan mammalian fauna and Pleistocene formations, Hudspeth County, Texas.
63944: STRAKA, HERBERT - Die spätquartäre Vegetationsgeschichte der Vulkaneifel. Pollenanalytische Untersuchungen an vermoorten Maaren.
64209: STRAKA, HERBERT - Die spätquartäre Vegetationsgeschichte der Vulkaneifel. Pollenanalytische Untersuchungen an vermoorten Maaren.
1560447: STRAKA, H. - Zur spätquartären Vegetationsgeschichte der Vulkaneifel.
75426: STRAKHOV, N.M. - Principles of historical geology. [2 vols.]
42759: STRAND, T. - The ontogeny of Olenus gibbosus.
85062: STRAND, T. - Aurdal. Beskrivelse til det geologiske gradteigskart.
85061: STRAND, T. - Slidre. Beskrivelse til det geologiske gradteigskart.
85059: STRAND, T. - Nordre Etnedal. Beskrivelse til det geologiske gradteigskart.
86017: STRAND, T. - Geology and structure of the Prestberget area.
8050233: STRAUB, E.W. - Mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen im tertiär zwischen Ehingen und Ulm a. d. Donau.
47046: STRAUB, E.W. - Mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen im tertiär zwischen Ehingen und Ulm a. d. Donau.
98402: STRAUB, ERNST WILHELM - Mikropaläontologische Untersuchungen im tertiär zwischen Ehingen und Ulm a. d. Donau.
92846: STRAUCH, FRIEDRICH - Zur Geologie von Tjörnes (Nordisland).
93102: STRAUCH, F. (ED.) - Paläontologische und paläoökologische Untersuchungen insbesondere aus dem Känozoikum des Nordseebeckens.
6500556: STRAUCH, F. (ED.) - Postorogene Entwicklungen der Peloponnes und benachbarter Räume.
92622: STRAUCH, FRIEDRICH - Phylogenese, adaptation und Migration einiger nordischer mariner Molluskengenera (Neptunea, Panomya, Cyrtodaria und Mya).
90869: STRAUCH, FIEDRICH - Sedimentgänge von Tjörnes (Nord-Island) und ihre geologische Bedeutung.
22376: STRAUSS, K. - Zur Petrogenese des süddeutschen Wellenkalks.
51153: STRAUSS, C. & J.J. LUND - A middle Miocene dinoflaggellate cyst microflora from Papendorf near Hamburg, Germany.
66953: STRAW, A. - Pre-Devensian glaciation of Lincolnshire (eastern England) and adjacent areas.
93968: STRECKEISEN, A. - Geologie und Petrographie der Flüelagruppe.
28577: STREEL, M. ET AL. - Études stratigraphiques des spores du Dévonien inférieur au bord sud du synclinorium de Dinant (Belgique) et leurs applications.
83633: STREEL, M. - Etude palynologique du Dévonien du sondage de Booischot. Note préliminaire.
6500220: STREEL, M. ET AL. (EDS.) - Advances in Paleozoic botany.
7080454: STREHL, E. - Stratigraphische und tektonische Untersuchungen in der westlichen Blankenburger Faltenzone zwischen St. Andreasberg und Braunlage (Harz).
78544: STREIF, H. - Stratigraphie und Faziesentwicklung im Küstengebiet von Woltzeten in Ostfriesland.
46020: STREIF, H. - Geologische Karte von Niedersachsen 1:25 000. Erläuterungen zu Blatt Nr. 2414 Wilhelmshaven.
78370: STREIF, H. - Geologische Karte von Niedersachsen 1:25 000. Erläuterungen zu Blatt Nr. 2414 Wilhelmshaven.
60920: STREIF, H. & C. HINZE - Geologisch-bodenkundliche Aspekte zum holozänen Meeresspiegelanstieg im niedersächsischen Küstenraum.
78215: STREIF, H. & B. ZIMMERMANN - Das Küstenholozän von Rysum/Knock im Gebiet der Emsmündung.
1806: STREIF, H. - Limnogeologische Untersuchung des Seeburger Sees (Untereichsfeld). (Geologische Untersuchungen an niedersächsischen Binnengewässern VII).
58943: STREIF, H. (ED.) - Deutsche Beiträge zur Quartärforschung in der südlichen Nordsee.
58823: STREIF, H. (ED.) - Deutsche Beiträge zur Quartärforschung in der südlichen Nordsee.
49623: STREIT, R. & W. WEINELT - Erläuterungen zur Geologischen Karte von Bayern 1:25 000 Blatt Nr. 6020 Aschaffenburg. [Erläut. mit Karte auf CD]
21022: STRéMOOUKHOFF, D. - Note sur le Phylloceras zignodianum d'Orb. et le Lytoceras adelae d'Orb. des schistes de Balaclava.
63517: STRENG, MICHAEL ET AL. - A new family of Cambrian rhynchonelliformean brachiopods (Order Naukatida) with an aberrant coral-like morphology.
86508: STRIBERGER, J. ET AL. - Climate variability and glacial processes in eastern Iceland during the last 700 years based on varved lake sediments.
55760: STRIDSBERG, S. - Evolution within the Silurian cephalopod genus Inversoceras.
6500534: STRIEGLER, R. & U. (EDS.) - Eem von Schönfeld I.
53007: STRIEWE, K. (RED.) - Bronzestreif am Horizont. 1000 Jahre vor kelten, Römern und Germanen.
76827: STRIGEL, A. - Das süddeutsche Buntsandsteinbecken.
97241: STRIGEL, A. - Zur Palaeogeographie des Schwarzwaldes. Die Abrasionsfläche als klimatisc-tektonisches Problem des oberen Perms.
99504: STRIJBOS, JAN P. - Svalbard. Zwerftocht langs de koele stranden van Spitsbergen.
20781: STRIMPLE, H.L. - Crinoid studies Part I-VII.
20782: STRIMPLE, H.L. & J.M. COCKE - Tabulate corals and echinoderms from the Pennsylvanian Winterset Limestone, Hogshooter Formation, northeastern Oklahoma.
75542: STRIMPLE, H.L. - The genus Paragassizocrinus in Oklahoma.
75543: STRIMPLE, H.L. - Crinoids from the Oologah Formation (Pennsylvanian), Tula County, Oklahoma.
92406: STRIMPLE, H.L. - The genus Paragassizocrinus in Oklahoma.
92407: STRIMPLE, H.L. - Crinoids from the Oologah Formation (Pennsylvanian), Tula County, Oklahoma.
77662: STRIMPLE, H.L. - Crinoids from the Oologah Formation (Pennsylvanian), Tula County, Oklahoma.
74630: STRIMPLE, H.L. - Late Desmoinesian crinoid faunule from Oklahoma.
74629: STRIMPLE, H.L. - The genus Paragassizocrinus in Oklahoma.
76693: STRIMPLE, H.L. & W.T. WATKINS - Carboniferous crinoids of Texas with stratigraphic implications.
5100912: STRIMPLE, H.L. & W.T. WATKINS - Carboniferous crinoids of Texas with stratigraphic implications.
5100911: STRIMPLE, H.L. - Studies of Carboniferous crinoids.
6113: STRIMPLE, H.L. - Late Desmoinesian crinoid faunule from Oklahoma.
6112: STRIMPLE, H.L. - The genus Paragassizocrinus in Oklahoma.
9120174: STRIMPLE, H.L. & J.M. COOKE - Tabulate corals and echinoderms from the Pennsylvanian Winterset Limestone, Hogshooter Formation, northeastern Oklahoma.
99808: STRINGER, C. & C. GAMBLE - In search of the Neanderthals. Solving the puzzle of human origins.
100430: STRINGER, CHRIS - Overlevers. Hoe het komt dat wij de enige mensachtigen op aarde zijn.
83751: STRITZKE, R. - Saniwa feisti n. sp., ein Varanide (Lacertilia, Reptilia) aus dem Mitteleozän on Messel bei Darmstadt.
93969: STRöBITZER, MARGIT - Die fossile Blattvergesellschaftung von Lintsching (Tamsweger Becken, Salzburg; Miozän).
85456: STROCKA, V.M. - Römische Fresken in der Antikensammlung des Württembergischen Landesmuseums Stuttgart.
48847: STRöMBERG, M. - Kultische Steinsetzungen in Schonen.
85043: STRöMBERG, A.G.B. - Zum Gebirgsbau der Skanden im mittleren Härjedalen.
85044: STRöMBERG, A.G.B. - On the tectonics of the Caledonides in the south-western part of the County of Jämtland, Sweden.
44196: STROMER, ERNST - Mitteilungen über die Wirbeltiere aus dem Mittelpliocän des natrontales (Ägypten). 1. Affen, 2. Raubtiere.
1580506: STROMER, R. - Gesicherte Ergebnisse der Paläozoologie.
83130: STROMER, E. - Huftierreste aus dem unterstpliocänen Flinzsande Münchens.
75709: STROMER, ERNST - Mitteilungen über Wirbeltierreste aus dem Mittelpliocän des Natrontales (Ägypten). 1. Affen, 2. Raubtiere.
65228: STROMER V. REICHENBACH, ERNST FREIHERR - Ein Aceratherium-Schádel aus dem Dinotherien-Sand von Niederbayern.
1450705: STROMER, E. - Sauropoda.
1450706: STROMER, E. - Die procölen Crocodilia.
1450707: STROMER, E. - Dinosauria.
1450708: STROMER, E. - Testudinata.
1450709: STROMER, E. - Plesiosauria.
85993: STROMER, E. - Dinosauria.
90770: STROMER, ERNST - Mitteilungen über Wirbeltierreste aus dem Mittelpliocän des Natrontales (Ägypten). 5. Nachtrag zu 1. Affen, 6. Nachtrag zu 2. Raubtiere.
60959: STROTHER, P.K. ET AL. - Micro-organisms from the late Precambrian Narssârssuk Formation, north-western Greenland.
17271: STROTHER, P.K. ET AL. - Micro-organisms from the late Precambrian Narssârssuk Formation, north-western Greenland.
54563: STROUGO, A. - Le groupe de Ostrea (Turkostrea) multicostata Deshayes, 1832.
5100381: STROUGO, A. - Carolia lefevrei Fischer, 1880 (Rivalvia, Anomiidae).
5100379: STROUGO, A. - Les Nuculidae et Nuculanidae de l'Éocène supérieur d'Égypte.
5100378: STROUGO, A. - Les Corbulidae de l'Éocène supérieur d'Égypte.
58471: STROUGO, A. - Carolia lefevrei Fischer, 1880 (Bivalvia, Anomiidae).
90124: STROUGO, AMIN - Le groupe de Ostrea (Turkostrea) multicostata Deshayes, 1832.
84522: STRUCKMANN, C. - Die Grenzschichten zwischen Hilsthon und Wealden bei Barsinghausen am Deister.
101940: STRUNZ, HUGO (ED.) - Zur Mineralogie und Geologie der Oberpfalz.
77052: STRUSZ, D.L. - Disphyllidae and Phacellophyllidae from the Devonian Garra formation of New South Wales.
96744: STRUSZ, D.L. - Disphyllidae and Phacellophyllidae from the Devonian Garra formation of New South Wales.
10990981: STRUSZ, D.L. - Spongophyllidae from the Devonian Garra Formation, New South Wales.
58426: STRUSZ, D.L. - A new species of rhynchonellid brachiopod from the Devonian of New South Wales. [Machaeraria catombalensis]
90006: STRUSZ, DESMOND L. - Brachiopods of the Orders Protorthida and Orthida from the Silurian of the Yass Syncline, southern New South Wales.
90007: STRUSZ, DESMOND L. - Late Silurian strophomenate brachiopods from Yass, New South Wales.
92392: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Phacopacea (Trilobita), 4: Volkops volki n. g., n. sp., ein Phacopinae aus dem deutschen Ordovizium. 5: Gourdonia destombesi n. sp. (Asteropyginae) aus dem Mitterl-Devon von S-Frankreich.
83426: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Einige Trilobiten aus dem Ordovizium von Hessen und Thüringen.
89050: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Über einige Arten von Subtransmena und Devonaria (Strophomenida).
89049: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Erörterung des Alters der Refrath-Schichten und Darstellung einiger devonischer Atrypinae.
89048: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Über einige homöomorphe Brachiopoden-Arten (Meristellidae).
89047: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Cimicinella simulatrix n.sp (Terebratulacea) aus dem Eifelium der Eifel. /&/ Über einige Terebratulacea (Subrensselandia, Cimicinella).
89046: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Über Alatiformia-Arten und andere, äusserlich ähnliche Spiriferacea.
89045: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Spinatrypa kelusiana n. sp., eine Zeitmarke im Theinischen Mittel-Devon (Brachiopoda).
83257: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Die Zeliszkellinae.
78607: STRUVE, W. - Zur Stratigraphie der südlichen Eifler Kalkmulden (Devon: Emsium, Eifelium, Givetium).
87253: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Schaltier-Faunen aus dem Devon des Schwarzbach-Tales bei Ratingen, Rheinland.
78234: STRUVE, W. - Atrythyris n. g. und ihre Arten (Arthyridae.
92391: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Phacopacea (Trilobita), 1: Die Zeliszkellinae. 2: Acastavinae n. subfam. 3: Treveropyge n. gen. und Comura ('Delocare) n. subgen. (Asteropyginae).
87724: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Schaltier-Faunen aus dem Devon des Schwarzbach-Tales bei Ratingen, Rheinland.
78028: STRUVE, W. - Schizophoria striatula und Schizophoria excisa in ihrer ursprünglichen Bedeutung.
95179: STRUVE, W. & M. MOHANTI - A Middle Devonian atrypid brachiopod fauna from the Cantabrian Mountains, northwestern Spain, and its stratigraphic significance.
83576: STRUVE, WOLFGAND - Volkops volki n.g., n.sp., eine Phacopinae aus dem deutschen Ordovizium.
87529: STRUVE, W. - Aus der Geschichte des Senckenberg-Museums, 15: Zur Geschichte der Paläozoologisch-Geologischen Abteilung des Natur-Museums und Forschungs-Instituts Senckenberg. Teil 1: Von 1763-1907.
7080059: STRUVE, W. - Curvate Spiriferen der gattung Rhenothyris und einige andere Reticulariidae aus dem Rheinischen Devon.
60480: STRUVE, W. - Aus der Geschichte des Senckenberg-Museums, 15: Zur Geschichte der Paläozoologisch-Geologischen Abteilung des Natur-Museums und Forschungs-Instituts Senckenberg. Teil 1: Von 1763-1907.
89942: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Einige Trilobiten aus dem Ordovizium von Hessen und Thüringen (Phacopina, Asaphina).
89944: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Phacops (Omegops) n. sg. (Trilobita; Ober-Devon).
90008: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Einige Atrypina aus dem Silurium und Devon.
90009: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Curvate Spiriferen der Gattung Rhenothyris und einige andere Reticulariidae aus dem Rheinischen Devon.
90010: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Arten von Fitzroyella (Rhynchonellida; Givetium und Frasnium von Europa und Australien).
90011: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Zur Paläökologie fixo-sessiler articulater Brachiopoden aus dem Rheinischen Schiefergebirge.
90990: STRUVE, W. - Aus der Geschichte des Senckenberg-Museums, 15: Zur Geschichte der Paläozoologisch-Geologischen Abteilung des Natur-Museums und Forschungs-Instituts Senckenberg. Teil 1: Von 1763-1907.
91297: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Neue Untersuchungen über Geesops (Phacopinae; Unter- und Mittel-Devon).
91383: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Grünewaldtia aus dem Schönecker Richtschnitt (Brachiopoda, Mittel-Devon der Eifel).
91384: STRUVE, WOLFGANG - Über einige Arten von Subtransmena und Devonaria (Strophomenida).
100165: STUART, ANTHONY J. - Life in the ice age.
66896: STUART A. ROBINSON, STUART BLACK, BRUCE W. SELLWOOD, PAUL J. VALDES - A review of palaeoclimates and palaeoenvironments in the Levant and Eastern Mediterranean from 25,000 to 5000 years BP: setting the environmental background for the evolution of human civilisation
97420: STUART, P. - Provincie van een imperium. Romeinse oudheden uit Nederland in het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden.
1061055: STUART, P. - Provincie van een imperium. Romeinse oudheden uit Nederland in het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden.
90771: STUART, A.J. & A.M. LISTER - Patterns of Late Quaternary megafaunal extinctions in Eurpe and northern Asia.
83427: STUBBLEFIELD, C.J. - Cephalic sutures and their bearing on current classifications of trilobites.
81521: STUBBLEFIELD, C.J. - Some aspects of the distribution and migration of trilobites in the British Lower Palaeozoic faunas.
53131: STUBBLEFIELD, C.J. - Evolution in trilobites.
82659: STUBBLEFIELD, C.J. - Some Devonian and supposed Ordovician fossils from south-west Cornwall.
96103: STUBBLEFIELD, C.J. - Some aspects of the distribution and migration of trilobites in the British Lower Palaeozoic faunas.
95657: STUBBLEFIELD, C.J. - A new komaspid trilobite genus of wide distribution in early Ordovician times. [described from western Éire]
57958: STüBNER, K. - Das Luftbild im Dienste geomorphologischer Feinanalyse insbesondere der Bodenerosionsforschung.
57353: STüBNER, K. - Das Luftbild im Dienste geomorphologischer Feinanalyse insbesondere der Bodenerosionsforschung.
101427: STUCHLIK, L. (ED.) - Atlas of pollen and spores of the Polish Neogene. Volume 1. Spores.
101428: STUCHLIK, L. (ED.) - Atlas of pollen and spores of the Polish Neogene. Volume 2. Gymnosperms.
5101074: STUCHLIK, L. (ED.) - Atlas of pollen and spores of the Polish Neogene. Volume 2. Gymnosperms.
5101073: STUCHLIK, L. (ED.) - Atlas of pollen and spores of the Polish Neogene. Volume 2. Spores.
5101072: STUCHLIK, L. (ED.) - Proceedings of the Fifth European Palaeobotanical and Palynological Conference, June 26-30, 1998, Krakòw.
101745: STUCHLIK, L. (ED.) - Proceedings of the Fifth European Palaeobotanical and Palynological Conference, June 26-30, 1998, Kraków.
91501: STUDENCKA, BARBARA & MAREK JASIONOWSKI - Bivalves from the Middle Miocene reefs of Poland and Ukraine: A new approach to Badenian/Sarmatian boundary in the Paratethys.
92231: STUDT, F.-E. ET AL. - Carte géologique du Katanga et notes descriptives.
24971: STUHLINGER, E. - Die Schwäbische Alb. Entstehungs- und Lebensgeschichte.
74826: STUIJTS, I.-L. M. - Late Pleistocene and Holocene vegetation of West Java, Indonesia.
94330: STUIJVENBERG, J. VAN - Geology of the Gurnigel area (Prealps, Switzerland).
7050169: STUMM, E.C. ET AL. - Silurian corals from Maine and Quebec.
93970: STUMM, F. - Das Tertiär des Basler Tafeljura mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der miocaenen Ablagerungen.
91296: STUMM, E.C. & E.G. KAUFFMAN - Calymenid trilobites from the Ordovician rocks of Michigan.
85948: STUMPFL, E.F. & B.A. STUART - A preliminary account of the geochemistry and ore mineral parageneses of some Caledonian basic igneous rocks from Sørøy, northern Norway.
88189: STUR, D. - Die Carbon-Flora der Schatzlarer Schichten. Abth. I: Die Farne der Carbon-Flora der Schatzlarer Schichten.
93971: STUR, DIONYS - Die Neogenen Ablagerungen im gebiete der Mürz und Mur in Ober-Steiermark.
16056: STUR, D. 1886. - Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Flora des Kalktuffes und der Kalktuff-Breccie von Hötting bei Innsbruck.
93972: STURANI, CARLO - Il complesso sedimentario autoctono all'estremo nord-occidentale del Massicio dell'Argentera (Alpi maritime).
42760: STURGEON, M.T. ET AL. - Rare crustaceans from the Upper Devonian Chagren Shale in northern Ohio.
82513: STURGEON, M.T. ET AL. - New and revised taxa of Pennsylvanian cephalopods in Ohio and West Virginia.
6100155: STURM, F. - Der Sandstein von Kieslingswalde in der Grafschaft Glatz und seine Fauna.
7120169: STURM, F. - Der Sandstein von Kieslingswalde in der Grafschaft Glatz und seine Fauna. [Cretaceous].
1630085: STURM, H. & L.F. MENDES - Two new species of Nicoletiidae (Zygentoma, Apterygota, Insecta) in Dominican amber.
7050023: STÜRMER, W. ET AL. - Versteinertes Leben in Röntgenlicht.
62541: STüRMER, W. ET AL. - Versteinertes Leben in Röntgenlicht.
8050057: STURTEVANT, A.H. - A history of genetics.
101037: STUURMAN, J.R. - Aardrijkskundige beschrijving der onderafdeeling Si Pirok.
6500137: STUWE, TH. - Erstfunde von Ophiuren (Schlangensterne) im Obercampanium des östlichen Münsterland.
1540778: STUYFZAND, P.J. - Samenstelling, genese en kwaliteitsvariaties van ondiep grondwater in kustduinen.
60722: STWORZEWICZ, E. - Early Pleistocene land snails from Kielniki and Kozi Grzbiet (Poland).
90125: STWORZEWICZ, EWA & ZBIGNIEW SOLTYS - Miocene land snails from Belchatów (Central Poland). I. Cyclophoridae, Pomatiasidae (Gastropoda Prosobranchia), II: Aciculidae (Gastropoda Prosobranchia).
91502: STWORZEWICZ, EWA ET AL. - Miocene land snails from Belchatow (Central Poland), I. Cyclophoridae, Pomatiasidae (Gastropoda Prosobranchia). & II: Aciculidae (Gastropoda Prosobranchia).
93973: STYGER, GEROLD ANTON - Bau und Stratigraphie der nordhelvetischen tertiärbildungen in der Hausstock- und westlichen Kärpfgruppe.
45312: STYK, OLGA - Foraminifera from the Lower and Middle Triassic of Poland.
99928: SUAREZ, M.E. ET AL. - An early Miocene elasmobranch fauna from the Navidad Formation, central Chile, South America.
1640223: SUCIC-PROTIC, Z. - Mesozoic Brachiopoda of Yugoslavia. Middle Liassic Brachiopoda of the Yugoslav Carpatho-Balkanids (Part II). [Terebratulida & Spiriferida].
101039: SUDRADJAT, A. - A preliminary account of the 1990 eruption of the Kelut volcano.
75837: SUDRADJAT, A. - A preliminary account of the 1990 eruption of the Kelut volcano.
82448: SUDRE, J. - Révision des artiodactyles de l'Éocène moyen de lissieu (Rhône).
82366: SUDRE, J. - Les gisements de Robiac (Éocène supérieur) et leurs faunes de mammifères.
90772: SUDRE, J. ET AL. - Une faune du niveau d'Egerkingen (MP14; Bartonien inférieur) dans les phosphorites de Quercy (Sud de la France).
90496: SUES, HANS-DIETER & WOLFGANG MUNK - A remarkable assemblage of terrestrial tetrapods from the Zechstein (Upper Permian: Tatarian) near Korbach (northwestern Hesse).
93974: SUESS, EDUARD - Über das Inntal bei Nauders.
93975: SUESS, FRANZ E. - Der lugische Bau in seinem Verhältnis zur variszischen Orogenese.
94391: SUESS, E. ET AL. - Geologische Spezialkarte der Republik Österreich. (TK 4455) Zone 10, Kol. XIII. Drosendorf 1:75 000.
90497: SUESS, H.-D. ET AL. - On the skull of Massospondylus carinatus Owen, 1854 (Dinosauria: Sauropodomorpha) from the Elliott and Clarens Formations (Lower Jurassic) of South Africa.
99020: SUGGATE, R.P. - Late Pleistocene geology of the northern part of the South Island, New Zealand.
6120288: SUGGS, R.C. - The hidden worlds of Polynesia. The chronicle of an archaeological expedition to Nuku Hiva in the Marquesas Islands.
58443: SUGIYAMA, TOSHIO - Stratigraphical and palaeontological studies of the Gotlandian deposits of the Kitakami mountainland.
56862: SULC, J. - Les otolithes du Paléocène des environs de Biarritz.
96833: SULIMSKI, A. - Pliocene insectivores from Weze.
96834: SULIMSKI, A. - Supplementary studies on the insectivores from Weze 1 (Poland).
96835: SULIMSKI, A. - Pliocene Lagomorpha and Rodentia from Weze 1 (Poland).
96836: SULIMSKI, A. - Pliocene Lagomorpha and Rodentia from Weze 1 (Poland).
97811: SULIMSKI, A. - Pliocene insectivores from Weze.
88149: SULIMSKI, A. - Macrocephalosauridae and Polyglyphanodontidae (Sauria) from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia.
97812: SULIMSKI, ANDRZEJ - Supplementary studies on the insectivores from Weze 1 (Poland).
97813: SULIMSKI, A. - Pliocene Lagomorpha and Rodentia from Weze 1 (Poland).
64544: SULIMSKI, A. - Macrocephalosauridae and Polyglyphanodontidae (Sauria) from the Late Cretaceous of Mongolia.
97814: SULIMSKI, A. - Pliocene Lagomorpha and Rodentia from Weze 1 (Poland).
60887: SULIMSKI, A. - On some Oligocene insectivore remains from Mongolia.
82400: SULIMSKI, ANDRZEJ - On some Oligocene insectivore remains from Mongolia.
60753: SULIMSKI, A. - New data on the genus Adamisaurus Sulimski 1972 (sauia) from the Upper cretaceous of Mongolia.
82297: SULIMSKI, ANDRZEJ - Paleocene genus Pseudictops Matthew, Granger & Simpson 1929 (Mammalia) and its revision.
5101008: SULIMSKI, A. - Pliocene Lagomorpha and Rodentia from Weze 1 (Poland).
46694: SULIMSKI, A. ET AL. - The Middle Pleistocene micromammals from central Poland.
59603: SULLIVAN, ROBERT M. & SPENCER G. LUCAS - Brachychampsa montana Gilmore (Crocodylia, Alligatoroidea) from the Kirtland Formation (Upper Campanian), San Juan Basin, New Mexico.
59602: SULLIVAN, CORWIN, ROBERT R. REISZ & WILLIAM J. MAY - Large dissorophoid skeletal elements from the Lower Permian Richards Spur Fissures, Oklahoma, and their paleoecological implications.
59551: SULLIVAN, ROBERT M. ET AL. - The type locality of Coelophysis, a Late Triassic dinosaur from north-central New Mexico (USA).
59550: SULLIVAN, C. & R.R. REISZ - First record of Seymouria (Vertebrata: Seymouriamorpha) from Early Permian fissure filss at Richards Spur, Oklahoma.
10991868: SULLIVAN, H.J. - Miospores from the Drybrook Sandstone and associated measures in the Forest of Dean Basin, Gloucestershire. [Upper Visean].
82631: SULLIVAN, ROBERT M. - Fossil lizards from Swain Quarry Fort Union Formation, middle Paleocene (Torrejonian), Carbon County, Wyoming.
1450712: SULLIVAN, R.M. ET AL. - Color pattern on the selmacryptodiran turtle Neurankylus from the early Paleocene (Puercan) of the San Juan basin, New Mexico.
60573: SULLIVAN, R.M. - Revision of the Paleogene genus Glyptosaurus (Reptilia, Anguidae).
57412: SULPIZIO, R. ET AL. - Deposits and physical properties of pyroclastic density currents during complex Subplinian eruptions: the AD 472 (Pollena) eruption of Somma-Vesuvius, Italy.
1640224: SULSER, H. - <> (=?Cymatorhynchia) schardti Haas, eine bemerkenswerte Brachiopoden-Art aus den Mytilus-Schichten der westschweizerischen Voralpen.
50785: SUM YUAM-LIN - Fossil brachiopods from Eifelian-Givetian boundary bed of Liung section, Guangxi, China.
84885: SUMIDA, STUART S. - New information on the pectoral girdle and vertebral column in Lupeosaurus (Reptilia, Pelycosauria).
59613: SUMIDA, S.S. & C.A. BROCHU - Phylogenetic context for the origin of feathers.
59552: SUMIDA, S.S. & D.S. BERMAN - The pelycosaurian (amniota: Synapsida) assemblage from the Late Pennsylvanian Sangre de Cristo Formation of central Colorado.
10991490: SUMIDA, S.S. ET AL. - A new trematopid amphibian from the Lower Permian of central Germany.
100136: SUMMERFIELD, MICHAEL A. - Global geomorphology.
88124: SUMMESBERGER, HERBERT - Eine obersantone Ammonietenfauna aus dem Becken von Gosau (Oberösterreich).
93976: SUMMESBERGER, H. ET AL. - New ammonites, inoceramids, chinoids, crustacean and nannofossils from the Upper Cretaceous of the Gschliefgraben tectonic window (Gmunden, Upper Austria).
93977: SUMMESBERGER, H. ET AL. - Integrated biostratigraphy of the Santonian/Campanian Gosau Group of the Gams area (Late Cretaceous; Styria, Austria).
91603: SUMMESBERGER, H. & W.J. KENNEDY - Barremian and Early Aptian ammonites from the Godula Facies of the Silesian Unit in the OuterWestern Carpathians, Czech Republic.
60875: SUMRALL, C.D. & RONALD L. PARSLEY - Morphology and biomechanical implications of isolated discocystinid plates (Edrioasteroidea, Echinodermata) from the Carboniferous of North America.
56786: SUN, NING, ROBERT J. ELIAS AND DONG-JIN LEE - The biological affinity of Amsassia: new evidence from the Ordovician of North China.
23152: SUN DONGLI - Discovery of Early Cretaceous Peregrinella (Brachiopoda) in Xizang (Tibet) and its significance.
86019: SUN DONG-LI - [ Early Cretaceous brachiopods from Baingoin and Xainza, northern Xizang. ]
60683: SUNDBERG, F.A. & L.B. MCCOLLUM - Early and Mid Cambrian trilobites from the outer-shelf deposits of Nevada and California, USA.
56282: SUNKEL, G. - Devonischer submariner Vulkanismus im Ostsauerland (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge): Vulkanaufbau, Magmenzusammensetzung und Alteration.
86018: SUNTHARALINGAM, T. - Quaternary geology of the coastal plain of Beruas, Perak.
86011: SUNTHARALINGAM, T. - Quaternary geology of the coastal plain of Taiping, Perak.
90249: SUPANOW, I.G. - Stratigraphische Probleme im Oberjura des westlichen Balkangebirges.
101040: SUPARAN, P. ET AL. - The Quaternary geological map of Jatibarang, West Java, Indonesia.
87499: SURANGE, K.R. - Indian fossil pteridophytes.
98223: SURLYK, F. ET AL. - Stratigraphy of the Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous sediments of Jameson Land and Scoresby Land, East Greenland.
15041: SURLYK, F. AND V.A. ZAKHAROV - Buchiid bivalves from the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of East Greenland.
97696: SURLYK, FINN - Autoecology and taxonomy of two Upper Cretaceous carniacean brachiopods.
63548: SURLYK, F. AND V.A. ZAKHAROV - Buchiid bivalves from the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of East Greenland.
97770: SURLYK, F. ET AL. - Stratigraphy of the Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous sediments of Jameson Land and Scoresby Land, East Greenland.
67335: SUSHMA PRASAD, S.K. GUPTA - Luminescence dating of a 54 m long core from Nal region, western India - implications..
62967: SüSS, H. - Anatomische Untersuchungen über die Lorbeerhölzer aus dem Tertiär des Hasenberges bei Wiesa in Sachsen.
83091: SüSS, H. & S. SCHULTKA - Koniferenhölzer (Fusite) aus dem Oberjura vom Tendaguru (Tansania, Ostafrika).
83628: SüSS, H. - Holzfossilien der Morphogattung Spiroplatanoxylon gen. nov. aus dem Tertiär von Europa und Vorderasien.
67590: SUSUMU TANABE, KAZUAKI HORI, YOSHIKI SAITO, SHIGEKO HARUYAMA, VAN PHAI VU, AKIHISA KITAMURA - Song Hong (Red River) delta evolution related to millennium-scale Holocene sea-level changes.
67550: SUSUMU TANABE, YOSHIKI SAITO, YOSHIO SATO, YUICHIRO SUZUKI, SIN SINSAKUL, SUWAT TIYAPAIRACH, NIRAN CHAIMANEE - Stratigraphy and Holocene evolution of the mud-dominated Chao Phraya delta, Thailand.
91919: SUTCLIFFE, A.J. & K. KOWALSKI - Pleistocene rodents of the British Isles.
93978: SUTER, R. - Geologie der Umgebung von Maisprach (Schweizerischer Tafeljura).
93979: SUTER, H. & R. HANTKE - Geologie des Kantons Zürich.
2471: SUTHERLAND, P.K. - Rugose corals of the Henryhouse Formation (Silurian) in Oklahoma.
95952: SUTHERLAND, D.G. - The Quaternary deposits and landforms of Scotland and the neighbouring shelves: A review.
97927: SUTHERLAND, D.G. - The Quaternary deposits and landforms of Scotland and the neighbouring shelves: A review.
49019: SUTHERLAND, P.K. - Rugose corals of the Henryhouse Formation (Silurian) in Oklahoma.
79915: SUTHERLAND, P.K. & F.H. HARLOW - Late Pennsylvanian brachiopods from north-central New Mexico.
47663: SUTHERLAND, S.J.E. - Ludlow chitinozoans from the type area and adjacent regions.
83487: SUTHERLAND, P.K. - Ardmosteges orchamus New Genus, new species, in the Early Pennsylvanian of Oklahoma ? possible ancestor of the Richthofenoid brachiopods.
91385: SUTHERLAND, P.W. & F.H. HARLOW - Pennsylvanian brachiopods and biostratigraphy in Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico.
92244: SUTHERLAND, P.W. & F.H. HARLOW - Pennsylvanian brachiopods and biostratigraphy in Southern Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico.
10991289: SUTTNER, T.J. & B. KRÖGER - Late ordovician to Early Silurian Gondwanan cephalopods of the Pin Frmation (Spiti, northern India).
20632: SUTTNER, T.J. - Conodont Stratigraphy, Facies-Related Distribution Patterns and Stable Isotopes (Carbon and Oxygen) of the Uppermost Silurian to Lower Devonian Seewarte Section (Carnic Alps, Carinthia, Austria).
54593: SUTTNER, T.J. & B. KRöGER - Late Ordovician to Early Silurian Gondwanan cephalopods of the Pin Formation (Spiti, northern India).
10991039: SUTTNER, T.J. & A. ERNST - Upper Ordovician bryozoans of the Pin Formation (Spiti Valley, northern India).
95834: SUTTON, J. & J. WATSON - The pre-Torridonian metamorphic history of the Loch Torridon and Scourie areas in the north-west Highlands, and its bearing o the chronological classification of the Lewisian.
10991229: SUTTON, M.D. ET AL. - Computer reconstruction and analysis of the vermiform mollusc Acaenoplax hayae from the Herefordshire Lagerstätte (Silurian, England), and implications for molluscan phylogeny.
88078: SUTTON, M.D. ET AL. - Lingulate brachiopods from the Lower Ordovician of the Anglo-Welsh Basin. [complete in 2 parts].
95835: SUTTON, J. & J. WATSON - The structure and stratigraphical succession of the Moines of Fannich Forest and Strath Bran, Ross-shire.
7121101: SUTTON, J.E.G. - The archaeology of the western highlands of Kenya.
95836: SUTTON, J. & J. WATSON - Some aspects of the Torridonian stratigraphy in Skye.
75622: SUTTON, M.D. ET AL. - Computer reconstruction and analysis of the vermiform mollusc Acaenoplax Hayae from the Herdfordshire Lagerstätte (Silurian, England), and implications for molluscan phylogeny.
96104: SUTTON, M.D. ET AL. - Lingulate brachiopods from the Lower Ordovician of the Anglo-Welsh Basin. [complete in 2 parts].
95971: SUTTON, J. & J. WATSON - The structure of Sark, Channel Islands.
18682: SUZUKI, N. - Late Tertiary maples from northeastern Hokkaido, Japan.
82240: SUZUKI, K. - 1. Some non-marine shells from the Oligocene Isikari Series, Hokkaido, 2. Notes on the Tertiary non-marine mollusca from the Coal-Field of Uryu, Hokkaido, 3. The Palaeogene Corbiculids of noprthwestern Kyushyu.
82174: SUZUKI, K. - 1. Some non-marine shells from the Oligocene Isikari Series, Hokkaido, 2. Notes on the Tertiary non-marine mollusca from the Coal-Field of Uryu, Hokkaido, 3. The Palaeogene Corbiculids of noprthwestern Kyushyu.
7120170: SUZUKI, S. & S. UOZUMI - Organic components of prismatic layers in molluscan shells.
73942: SVABENICKá, L. - Calcareous nannoplankton of the Turonian and Coniacian stages from the Ohre-River region in the Bohemian Cretaceous basin.
59385: SVAGROVSKY, J. - Gastropoda, Euthyneura, Ophistobrachia des Oberen Badeniens aus der Umgebung von Borsky Mikulas (NO-Teil des Wiener Beckens) und ihre stratigraphische Bedeutung.
66814: SVANTE BJöRCK, TAMMY RITTENOUR, PETER ROSéN, ZILDA FRANçA, PER MöLLER, IAN SNOWBALL, STEFAN WASTEGåRD, OLE BENNIKE, BERND KROMER - A Holocene lacustrine record in the central North Atlantic: proxies for volcanic activity, short-term NAO mode variability, and long-term precipitation changes
67529: SVANTE BJöRCK, NALâN KOç, GöRAN SKOG - Consistently large marine reservoir ages in the Norwegian Sea during the Last Deglaciation.
67349: SVANTE BJöRCK, NANNA NOE-NYGAARD, JULIE WOLIN, MICHAEL HOUMARK-NIELSEN, HANS JøRGEN HANSEN, IAN SNOWBALL - Eemian Lake development, hydrology and climate: a multi-stratigraphic study of the Hollerup site in Denmark.
67522: SVEIN OLAF DAHL, JOSTEIN BAKKE, ØYVIND LIE, ATLE NESJE - Reconstruction of former glacier equilibrium-line altitudes based on proglacial sites: an evaluation of approaches and selection of sites.
58665: SVENDSEN, J.I. & J. MANGERUD - Sea level changes and pollen stratigraphy on the outer coast of Sunnmøre, western Norway.
85046: SVENONIUS, FREDR. - Om Sevegruppen in nordligaste Jemtland och Ängermanland samt dess förhållande till fossilförande lager.
85045: SVENONIUS, F.V. - Bidrag till Norrbottens geologi.
86000: SVERDRUP, T.L. - The pegmatite dyke at Rømteland. A description of the minerals and a discussion of the mineral paragenesis, especially ... etc.
101429: SVOBODA, J. & F. PRANTL - Barrandium. Geologie des mittelböhmischen Silur und Devon in Bildern.
98256: SWAIN, FREDERICK M. - Ostracoda from the Gulf of California.
96525: SWAIN, FREDERICK M. - Ostracoda from the Upper Tertiary Waccamaw Formation of North Carolina and South Carolina.
10990982: SWAN, A.R.H. AND S. KERSHAW - A computer model for skeletal growth of stromatoporoids.
10991358: SWAN, A.R.H. - Heterochronic trends in Namurian ammonoid evolution.
96991: SWANENBERG, H.E.C. - Fluid inclusions in high-grade metamorphic rocks from S.W. Norway.
76927: SWANN, D.H. - The Favosites Alpenensis lineage in the Middle Devonian Traverse Group of Michigan.
8054431: SWANN, BRUCE - Swann's Australia.
96526: SWANSON, K.M. - Strategies for, and evolutionary implications of, carapace conservation in some living, benthis, marine Ostracoda.
21241: SWANSON, D.A. ET AL. - Displacement of the south flank of Kilauea Volcano: the result of forceful intrusion of magma into the rift zones.
21242: SWANSON, D.A. ET AL. - Chronological narrative of the 1969-71 Mauna Ulu eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii.
21240: SWANSON, D.A. ET AL. - The February 1969 East Rift eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii.
98609: SWART, ROB ET AL. - Europe adapts to climate change. Comparing national adaptation strategies.
102192: SWARTZ, CHARLS K. ET AL. - Silurian.
97627: SWARTZ, FRANK MCKIM - Revision of the ostracode family Thlipsuridae, with descriptions of new species from the Lower Devonian of Pennsylvania.
97628: SWARTZ, FRANK MCKIM - Dimorphism and orientation in ostracodes of the family Kloedenellidae from the Silurian of Pennsylvania.
98403: SWARTZ, F.M. - Revision of the ostracode family Thlipsuridae, with descriptions of new species from the Lower Devonian of Pennsylvania.
98404: SWARTZ, F.M. - Dimorphism and orientation in ostracodes of the family Kloedenellidae from the Silurian of Pennsylvania.
24264: SWEET, W.C. & A.K. MILLER - Ordovician cephalopods from Cornwallis and Little Cornwallis islands, District of Franklin, Northwest territories.
101041: SWEETING, M.M. ET AL - Symposium on the geomorphology of the Mulu Hills. [Sarawak].
76024: SWEMLE, I. & H. UITTIEN - Handleiding bij de bestudeering van het Palaeozoisch botanisch materiaal van het Geologisch en Botanisch Museum te Utrecht.
75759: SWEMLE, I. & H. UITTIEN - Handleiding bij de bestudeering van het Palaeozoisch botanisch materiaal van het Geologisch en Botanisch Museum te Utrecht.
16057: SWEMLE, I. & H. UITTIEN 1925. - Handleiding bij de bestudeering van het Palaeozoisch botanisch materiaal van het Geologisch en Botanisch Museum te Utrecht.
84861: SWIDNICKI, JACEK - Juveniles of some Oligocene Antigonia (Caproidae, Teleostei) from the Polish Carpathians.
87948: SWIFT, ANDREW - Conodonts from the Late Permian and Late Triassic of Britain..
21133: SWINDLER, D.R. - Dentition of living primates.
101684: SWINNERTON, H.H. & A.E. TRUEMAN - The morphology and development of the ammonite septum.
87998: SWINNERTON, H.H. - Suggestions for a revised classification of trilobites.
1520403: SWINNERTON, H.H. - The rocks below the Red Chalk of Lincolnshire, and their cephalopod faunas.
61858: SWINNERTON, H.H. - Outlines of Palaeontology.
86961: SWINNERTON, H.H. - On the study of variation in fossils. [Address]
49140: SWINTON, W.E. - The history of Chirotherium.
55895: SWINTON, W.E. - Ichthysaur embryos.
55896: SWINTON, W.E. - A Canadian armoured dinosaur.
51054: SWINTON, W.E. - On Congosaurus bequaerti Dollo.
1450713: SWINTON, W.E. - The crocodile of Maransart (Dollosuchus dixoni (Owen).
91034: SWINTON, W.E. - On Congosaurus bequaerti Dollo.
99809: SWISHER, C.C., G.H. CURTIS & R. LEWIN - Java Man. How two geologists' dramatic discoveries changed .... etc.
10992317: SWISHER, C.C., G.H. CURTIS & R. LEWIN - Java Man. How two geologists changed our understanding of human evolution.
93980: SWOLFS, H.C.A. - De geologie van het westelijke deel van de Presolana-groep (Valle Seriana).
27566: SYCH, L. 1967. - Unworn teeth of Hypolagus brachygnathus Kormos (Leporidae, Mammalia).
27567: SYCH, L. 1977. - Evolutionary Trends in the Dentition of Lagomorpha.
60805: SYCH, LUCJAN - Mixodontia, a new order of mammals from the Paleocene of Mongolia.
60806: SYCH, LUCJAN - Lagomorpha from the Oligocene of Mongolia.
6120097: SYCH, L. - Fossil Leporidae from the Pliocene and Pleistocene of Poland.
15097: SYKES, R.M. AND J.H. CALLOMON. - The Amoeboceras zonation of the Boreal Upper Oxfordian.
50981: SYKES, R.M. & F. SURLYK - A revised ammonite zonation of the Boreal Oxfordian and its application in northeast Greenland.
99098: SYLVESTER-BRADLEY, P.C. (ED.) - The species concept in palaeontology.
86026: SYLVESTER-BRADLEY, P.C. - Environmental parameters for the origin of life.
95837: SYLVESTER-BRADLEY & T.D. FORD. - The geology of the East Midlands.
66844: SYLVIE COUTARD, JEAN-PIERRE LAUTRIDOU, ED RHODES, MARTINE CLET - Tectonic, eustatic and climatic significance of raised beaches of Val de Saire, Cotentin, Normandy, France
77200: SYMEONIDIS, N.K. ET AL. (EDS.) - Field guide to the Neogene of northern Greece.
77093: SYMEONIDIS, N.K. ET AL. (EDS.) - Field guide to the Neogene of Attica.
77092: SYMEONIDIS, N.K. ET AL. (EDS.) - Field guide to the Neogene of Crete.
77091: SYMEONIDIS, N.K. - Ein bemerkenswerter Wirbeltierfund aus dem Lignit von Atalanti (Phthiotis, Griechenland). [Nashornreste: Aceratherium]
77083: SYMEONIDIS, N.K. - Ein bemerkenswerter Wirbeltierfund aus dem Lignit von Atalanti (Phthiotis, Griechenland). [Nashornreste: Aceratherium]
77068: SYMEONIDIS, N.K. ET AL. (EDS.) - Field guide to the Neogene of Megara-Pelopponisos-Zakynthos.
55978: SYMEONIDIS, N. ET AL. - Ergebnisse weitere Grabungen in de Höhle von Vraona (Attika, Griechenland).
6100471: SYMEONIDIS, N. ET AL. (EDS.) - Field guide to the Neogene of Megara - Pelopponisis - Zakynthos.
99673: SYMEONIDIS, N.K. - Ein vollständiges Geweih von Pliocervus pentelici (Gaudry) aus Pikermi (Griechenland).
99675: SYMEONIDIS, N.K. & G. RABEDER (EDS.) - Das jungpleistozän inder Höhle von Vraona auf Attica in Griechenland.
99674: SYMEONIDIS, N.K. - Ein bemerkenswerter Wirbeltierfund aus dem Lignit von Atalanti (Phthiotis, Griechenland). Rhinocerotid]
99676: SYMEONIDIS, N.K. & J. DE VOS - Grosssäuger-Funde aus den plistozänen Spaltenfülllingen von Turkovunia in Athen.
99677: SYMEONIDIS, N.K. & H. ZAPFE - Priatenzähne (Cercopithecidae) aus einer plistozänen Spaltenfülllingen im Steinbruch Tourkobounja, Athen.
99355: SYMEONIDIS, N.K. & J. DE VOS - Grosssäuger-Funde aus den plistozänen Spaltenfülllingen von Turkovunia in Athen.
99354: SYMEONIDIS, N.K. & G. RABEDER (EDS.) - Das jungpleistozän inder Höhle von Vraona auf Attica in Griechenland.
99353: SYMEONIDIS, N.K. - Ein bemerkenswerter Wirbeltierfund aus dem Lignit von Atalanti (Phthiotis, Griechenland). Rhinocerotid]
99352: SYMEONIDIS, N.K. - Ein vollständiges Geweih von Pliocervus pentelici (Gaudry) aus Pikermi (Griechenland).
78938: SYMONDS, M.F. - New species of Neritidae (Gastropoda, Neritimorpha) from the Solent Group (late Eocene and early Oligocene) of the Hampshire Basin.
95658: SYNGE, FRANCIS M. - The glacial deposits of Glenasmole, County Dublin, and the neighbouring uplands.
79960: SZABO, J. & K. JAITLY - Contributions to the Jurassic of Kachchh, western India VIII. The gastropod fauna. Part II: Discohelicidae, Neritomorpha, Caenogastropoda.
76425: SZABó, M. - Auf den Spuren der Kelten in Ungarn. 2. verb. Aufl.
79112: SZAFER, W. - Flora Pliocenska z Kroscienka n/Dunajcem [The Pliocene flora of Kroscienko in Poland, I. General part, II. Descriptive part]. [2 vols.].
101430: SZAFER, W. - Pliocenska flora okolic Czorsztyna i jej stosunek do Plejstocenu [Pliocene flora from the vicinity of Czorsztyn (West Carpathians) and its relationship to the Pleistocene].
101431: SZAFER, W. - Miocenska flora ze Starych Gliwic na Slasku [Miocene flora from Stare Gliwice in Upper Silesia].
101432: SZAFER, W. - Miocenska flora ze Starych Gliwic na Slasku [Miocene flora from Stare Gliwice in Upper Silesia].
1560451: SZAFER, W. - Miocenska flora ze Starych Gliwic na Slasku [Miocene flora from Stare Gliwice in Upper Silesia].
1560450: SZAFER, W. - Pliocenska flora okolic Czorsztyna i jej stosunek do Plejstocenu [Pliocene flora from the vicinity of Czorsztyn (West Carpathians) and its relationship to the Pleistocene].
82924: SZALAY, FREDERICK S. - Mixodesctidae, Microsyopidae, and the insectivore-primate transition.
83740: SZALAY, FREDERICK S. - Origins of the Apatemyidae (Mammalia, Insectivora).
83739: SZALAY, FREDERICK S. - The tarsus of the Paleocene leptictid Prodiacodon (Insectivora, Mammalia).
83738: SZALAY, FREDERICK S. - First evidence of tooth replacement in the subclass Allotheria (Mammalia).
82298: SZALAY, F.S. - The Picrodontidae, a family of early primates.
82133: SZALAY, F.S. & S.J. GOULD - Asiatic Mesonychidae (Mammalia, Condylarthra).
83565: SZALAY, FREDERICK S. - The European adapid primtes Agerina and Pronycticebus.
89181: SZALAY, FREDERICK S. - Uintasoricinae, a new subfamily of early tertiary mammalas (?primates).
83525: SZALAY, FREDERICK S. - The Hapalodectinae and a phylogeny of the Mesonychidae (Mammalia, Condylarthra).
1440427: SZALAY, F.S. & S.J. GOULD - Asiatic Mesonychidae (Mammalia, Condylarthra).
1440423: SZALAY, F.S. - Mixodectidae, Microsyopidae, and the insectivore-primate transition.
45322: SZANIAWSKI, HUBERT AND RYSZARD M. WRONA - Polychaete jaw apparatuses and scolecodonts from the Upper Devonian of Poland.
45321: SZANIAWSKI, HUBERT - Some Mesozoic scolecodonts congeneric with Recent forms.
45319: SZANIAWSKI, HUBERT - Jaw apparatuses of the Ordovician and Silurian polychaetes from the Mielnik borehole.
43921: SZANIAWSKI, HUBERT AND MINORU IMAJIMA - Hartmaniellidae -- living fossils among polychaetes
43920: SZANIAWSKI, HUBERT AND KRZYSZTOF MALKOWSKI - Conodonts from the Kapp Starostin Formation (Permian) of Spitsbergen.
43919: SZANIAWSKI, HUBERT AND ANDRZEJ GAZDZICKI - A reconstruction of three Jurassic polychaete jaw apparatuses.
86509: SZANIAWSKI, HUBERT AND KRZYSZTOF MALKOWSKI - Conodonts from the Kapp Starostin Formation (Permian) of Spitsbergen.
97584: SZANIAWSKI, HUBERT AND RYSZARD M. WRONA - Polychaete jaw apparatuses and scolecodonts from the Upper Devonian of Poland.
86125: SZANIAWSKI, HUBERT AND KRZYSZTOF MALKOWSKI - Conodonts from the Kapp Starostin Formation (Permian) of Spitsbergen.
5100779: SZANIAWSKI, H. (ED.) - Proceedings of the Sixth European Conodont Symposium (ECOS VI).
81890: SZANIAWSKI, H. (ED.) - Proceedings of the Sixth European Conodont Symposium (ECOS VI).
96616: SZANIAWSKI, HUBERT AND RYSZARD M. WRONA - Polychaete jaw apparatuses and scolecodonts from the Upper Devonian of Poland.
99505: SZANIAWSKI, HUBERT AND KRZYSZTOF MALKOWSKI - Conodonts from the Kapp Starostin Formation (Permian) of Spitsbergen.
2472: SZCZECHURA, J. - Margial bryozoan Calvina from the Paleocene of Poland.
43892: SZCZECHURA, JANINA - Microproblematics Bolboforma and Bachmayerella from the Middle Miocene of Central Paratethys.
97571: SZCZECHURA, JANINA - Middle Miocene foraminiferal biochronology and ecology of SE Poland.
73224: SZCZECHURA, J. & K. POZARYSKA - Foraminiferida from the Paleocene of Polish Carpathians (Babica Clay).
87943: SZCZECHURA, J. & K. POZARYSKA - Foraminiferida from the Paleocene of Polish Carpathians (Babica Clay).
97635: SZCZECHURA, J. - Monoceratina Roth (Ostracoda) from the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Paleocene of north and central Poland.
97636: SZCZECHURA, JANINA - Ostracods from the Upper Eocene of East Poland.
97637: SZCZECHURA, JANINA ET AL. - Late Albian to early/mid Cenomanian ostracodes from northern Galala Plateau, Egypt.
96527: SZCZECHURA, JANINA - Ostracods from the Upper Eocene of East Poland.
96528: SZCZECHURA, JANINA - Paijenborchellina libyca sp. n. from the Upper Miocene of Libya.
96529: SZCZECHURA, JANINA AND EZZAT ABD-ELSHAFY - Ostracodes and foraminifera from the ?Middle Miocene of the western coast of the Gulf of Suez, Egypt.
96623: SZCZECHURA, J. - Monoceratina Roth (Ostracoda) from the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Paleocene of north and central Poland.
62968: SZE, HSING-CHIEN - Beiträge zur liasischen Flora von China.
57354: SZEKIELDA, K.-H. - Satellite monitoring of the earth.
82378: SZéNáSSY, I.L. (RED.) - Oudheden in het Bonnefantenmuseum.
65214: SZENTE, I. - Bivalve ecology in the Pliensbachian (Lower Jurassic) of the Bakony Mts. (Hungary). Description of a new species Eopecten.
100468: SZILVáSSY,J. ET AL. - Anthropologie. Entwicklung des menschen. Rassen des menschen. Führer durch die Anthropologische Schausammlung.
98816: SZöLLöSI, D. & G. LANGER (EDS) - Universität Greifswald 525 Jahre.
60453: SZöLLöSI, D. & G. LANGER (EDS.) - Universität Greifswal 525 Jahre.
91672: SZREK, PIOTR - Coelacanths (Actinistia, Sarcopterygii) from the Famennian (Upper Devonian) of the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland.
80412: SZTRáKOS, KáROLY & ÉLODIE DU FORNEL - Stratigraphie, paléoécologie et foraminifères du paléogène des Alpes Maritimes et des Alpes de Haute-Provence (Sud-Est de la France).
60411: SZYNDLAR, Z. & J.-C. RAGE - Non-erycine Booidea from the Oligocene and Miocene of Europe.
6120098: SZYNDLAR, Z. & J.-C. RAGE - Non-erycine Booidea from the Oligocene and Miocene of Europe.
90499: SZYNDLAR, Z. & H. SCHLEICH - Description of Miocene snakes from Petersbuch 2 with comments on the Lower and Middle Miocene ophidian faunas of southern Germany.
95180: TABERNER, C. ET AL. - Celestite formation, bacterial sulphate reduction and carbonate cementation of Eocene reefs and basinal sediments (Igualada, NE Spain).
96530: TABUKI, R. AND T. HANAI - A new sigillid ostracod from submarine caves of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan.
20317: TADEMA, R.W. - Verslag over het oude grafelijk-Bergsche archief te ‘s Heerenberg.
72522: TADEMA SPORRY, B. - De Borobudur, monument aan verval ontrukt.
101433: TAEGER, HEINRICH - Regionale Geologie des Bakony. I.
90126: TAGUCHI, EIJI - Stratigraphy, molluscan fauna and paleoenvironment of the Miocene Katsuta Group in Okayama Prefecture, Southwest Japan.
91102: TAGUCHI, EIJI - Stratigraphy, molluscan fauna and paleoenvironment of the Miocene Katsuta Group in Okayama Prefecture, Southwest Japan.
95838: TAITT, A.H. & P.E. KENT - Deep boreholes at Portsdown and Henfield (Sussex).
88332: TAJ-EDDINE, KAMAL - Le Jurassique terminal et le Crétacé basal dans l'Atlas atlantique (Maroc). Biostratigraphie, sédimentologie, stratigraphie sequentielle et géodynamique.
5100383: TAKAGI, T. - On some Dosinia from the Pliocene and Pleistocene formations in Hokkaido, Japan.
99219: TAKAGI, T. - On some Dosinia from the Pliocene and Pleistocene formations in Hokkaido, Japan.
18684: TAKAHASHI, K. - Palynologische-stratigraphischen Untersuchung der tertiären Schichten im Kasuya und Fukuoka Kohlenfeld von Nordkyushu, Japan.
18683: TAKAHASHI, K. - Zur fossilen Flora aus der Oya-Formation von Kiushiu, Japan.
7583: TAKAHASHI, H. - Stratigraphy and ammonite fauna of the Jurassic System of the southern Kitakami Massif, northeast Honshu, Japan.
1560454: TAKAHASHI, K. - Sporen und Pollen der oberkretazeischen Hakobuchi-Schichtengruppe, Hokkaido.
85943: TAKAHASHI, H. - The Isokusa Formation and its Late Upper Jurassic and Early Lower Cretaceous ammonite fauna.
57216: TAKAHASHI, K. - Pollen und Sporen des westjapanischen Alttertiärs und Miozäns.
86264: TAKAI, F. - Fossil elephants from Tiba Prefecture, Japan.
99155: TAKAYANAGI, YOKICHI - Cretaceous Foraminifera from Hokkaido, Japan.
74159: TAKEDA, M. & I. FUJIYAMA - Three decapod crustaceans from the Lower Cretaceous Miyako Group, Northern Japan.
67503: TAKESHI NAKAGAWA, PAVEL E. TARASOV, KOTOBA NISHIDA, KATSUYA GOTANDA, YOSHINORI YASUDA - Quantitative pollen-based climate reconstruction in central Japan: application to surface and Late Quaternary spectra.
91503: TAKEYAMA, TOSHIO - Notes on the genus Vicarya, wit description of two Japanese forms. [Miocene]
97844: TALBOT, M.R. & K. KELTS (EDS.) - The Phanerozoic record of lacustrine basins and their environmental signals.
28094: TALENT, J.A. ET AL. - Early Ordovician and Devonian conodonts from the western Karakoram and Hindu Kush, northernmost Pakistan.
59274: TALENT, J.A. - The Silurian and Early Devonian faunas of the Heathcote District, Victoria.
18169: TALENT, J.A. & M. PHILIP - Devonian brachiopods and pelecypods of the Buchan Caves Limestone, Victoria /&/ Siluro-Devonian Mollusca from Marble Creek, Thomson River, Victoria /&/ Siluro-Devonian brachiopods from Marble Creek, Thomson River, Victoria.
50786: TALENT, J. A., R.T. GRATSIANOVA & E.A. YOLKIN - Latest Silurian (Pridoli) to Middle Devonian (Givetian) of the Asio-Australia hemisphere: rationalization of brachiopod taxa and faunal lists; stratigraphic correlation chart.
88333: TALTASSE, P. - Recherches géologiques et hydrogéologiques dans le bassin lacustre de Fès-Meknès.
86365: TALWANI, M. & W.C. PITMAN (EDS.) - Island arcs, deep sea trenches, and back-arc basins.
55556: TAMBAREAU, Y. ET AL. - Communautes fossiles benthiques aux alentours de la limite Cretace/Tertiaire dans les Pyrenees.
98405: TAMBAREAU, YVETTE - Les ostracodes et l'histoire géologique de l'Atlantique sud au Crétacé.
59614: TAMBUSSI, C. ET AL. - Fossil records and palaeoenvironmental implications of Chloephaga picta (Gmelin, 1789) (Magellan Goose) and Cariama cristata (Linnaeus, 1766) (Seriema) from the Late Pleistocene of Uruguay.
87617: TAMMES, P.M.L. ET AL (RED.) - Rapport van de Adviscommissie Noordhollands Duinreservaat.
67757: TAMMY M. RITTENOUR, RONALD J. GOBLE, MICHAEL D. BLUM - Development of an OSL chronology for Late Pleistocene channel belts in the lower Mississippi valley, USA
57390: TAMSMA, R. - The Netherlands in fifty maps. An annotated atlas.
81290: TAMURA, M. ET AL. - The Triassic system of Malaysia, Thailand and some adjacent areas.
81242: TAMURA, M. ET AL. - The Triassic system of Malaysia, Thailand and some adjacent areas.
102291: TAN, B.K. ET AL. (EDS.) - Orogenesis in action. Tectonics and processes at the west equatorial Pacific margin.
101043: TAN SIN HOK - Over de samenstelling en het ontstaan van krijt- en mergelgesteenten van de Molukken.
101042: TAN, B.K. ET AL. (EDS.) - Orogenesis in action. Tectonics and processes at the west equatorial Pacific margin.
102243: TAN, B.K. ET AL. (EDS.) - Orogenesis in action. Tectonics and processes at the west equatorial Pacific margin.
9053059: TAN SIN HOK - On Polypidinia, Orbitocyclina and Lepidorbitoides.
15098: TANABE, K. - Palaeoecological analysis of ammonoid assemblages in the Turonian Scaphites facies of Hokkaido, Japan.
59410: TANABE, K. AND Y. FUKUDA - Buccal mass structure of the Cretaceous ammonite Gaudryceras.
18486: TANABE, K. ET AL. - Analysis of ammonoid assemblages in the Upper Turonian of the Manji area, central Hokkaido.
21024: TANABE, K. - Functional evolution of Otoscaphites puerculus (Jimbo) and Scaphites planus (Yabe), Upper Cretaceous ammonites.
18689: TANAI, T. & N. SUZUKI - Miocene maples from southwestern Hokkaido, Japan.
52181: TANAI, T. & T. ONOE - A Miocene flora from the northern part of the Joban coal field, Japan.
7120277: TANAI, T. & A. YOKOYAMA - On the lobed oak leaves from the Miocene Kobe Group, western Honshu, Japan.
7120275: TANAI, T. - Revision of Tertiary Acer from East Asia.
7120276: TANAI, T. & N. SUZUKI - Additions to the Miocene floras of southwestern Hokkaido, Japan.
85979: TANAI, T. & T. ONOE - A Miocene flora from the northern part of the Joban coal field, Japan.
1560457: TANAI, T. - The revision of the Pliocene Mogi Flora, described by Nathorst (1883) and Florin (1920).
85949: TANAI, T. - The revision of the so-called Cercidiphyllum leaves from the Palaeogene of North Japan.
57219: TANAI, T. - Miocene maples from southwestern Hokkaido, Japan.
57220: TANAI, T. & J.A. WOLFE - Revisions of Ulmus and Zelkova in the middle and late Tertiary of western North America.
57218: TANAI, T. - Illustrated catalogue of Tertiary plants in Japanese coal Fields. I. Early and Middle Miocene floras.
75685: TANAKA, IKUKO - Ecological implications of the correlation of avian footprints with wing characteristics: a mathematical approach.
50949: TANAKA, H. - Mesozoic formations and their molluscan faunas in the Haidateyama area, Oita Prefecture, southwest Japan.
98717: TáNCZOS, ILKA C. - Selective transport phenomena in coastal sands.
21243: TANEDA, S. - Grain-size and -shape, median diameter, and proportion of pumice and lithic fragments as a key to movement and emplacement mechanism of pumice flow deposits. The „Shirasu“ pumice flow deposits in Kyushu, Japan.
102034: TANELLI, G. (ED.) - Giornata di Studi geologici, petrologici e giacimentlogici sulla Toscana: Bernardino Lotti.
86366: TANKARD, A.J. & H.R. BALKWILL (EDS.) - Extensional tectonics and stratigraphy of the North Atlantic margins.
99393: TANKARD, A.J. & H.R. BALKWILL (EDS.) - Extensional tectonics and stratigraphy of the North Atlantic margins.
86012: TANNER, W.F. (ED.) - Tertiary sea level fluctuations.
1061056: TANNER, CLARA LEE - Prehistoric southwestern craft arts.
95659: TANNER, P.W.G. ET AL. - New constraints upon the structural and isotopic age of the Oughterard Granite, and on the timing of events in the Dalradian Rocks of Connemara, Western Ireland.
92200: TANNER, D.C. & J.H. BEHRMANN - The Variscan tectonics of the Moldanubian gneisses, Oberpfälzer Wald : A compressional history.
90850: TANRATTANA, MéLANIE ET AL. - Climatic evolution in Western Europe during the Cenozoic: insights from historical collections using leaf physiognomy.
100281: TANTOW, MATTHIAS S. - Stratigraphie und seismisches Erscheinungsbild des Oberkarbons (Westfal, Stefan), Emsland.
20673: TAO DAI & XINGLIANG ZHANG - Ontogeny of the eodiscoid trilobite Tsunyidiscus acutus from the Lower Cambrian of South China
10991577: TAO DENG - A new species of the rhinoceros Alicornops from the Middle Miocene of the Linxia Basin, Gansu, China.
98220: TAPPAN, HELEN - Cretaceous biostratigraphy of northern Alaska.
83856: TAPPAN, H. - Foraminifera from the arctic slope of Alaska. General Introductian and Part 1, Triassic Foraminifera, Part 2, Jurassic Foraminifera, Part 3, Cretaceous Foraminifera. [in 3 vols.].
99889: TAPPAN, H. & A.R. LOEBLICH - Evolution of the oceanic plankton.
97572: TAPPAN, H. & A.R. LOEBLICH - Evolution of the oceanic plankton.
89763: TAPPAN, HELEN - Microplankton, ecological succession and evolution.
101567: TAPPAN, H. & A.R. LOEBLICH - Geobiologic implications of fossil phytoplankton evolution and time-space distribution.
84766: TAPPENBECK, D. - Ueber tertiäre Foraminiferengesteine von Sipoera (Mentawei-Inseln).
101044: TAPPENBECK, D. - Ueber tertiäre Foraminiferengesteine von Sipoera (Mentawei-Inseln).
101045: TAPPENBECK, D. - Geologie des Mollogebirges und einiger benachbarter Gebiete (Niederländisch Timor).
101046: TAPPENBECK, D. - Geologie des Mollogebirges und einiger benachbarter Gebiete (Niederländisch Timor).
9090177: TARD, L.M. - Canada.
77545: TARGARONA I PUJOLà, J. - Climatic and oceanographic evolution of the Mediterranean region over the Last Glacial ? Interglacial transition; a palynological approach.
91504: TARLAO, ALCEO - Le rudiste: morfologia, sistematica e paleogeografia nell'ambito tetidea.
87530: TARLING, D.H. & S.K. RUNCORN (EDS.) - Implications of continental drift to the earth sciences. Vol. 1 & 2.
100010: TARLING, D.H. - Principles and applications of palaeomagnetism.
56864: TARLO, L.B. - Rhinopteraspis cornubica (McCoy) with notes on the classification and evolution of the pteraspids..
98482: TARLO, L.BEVERLY - A preliminary note on new ostracoderms from the Lower Devonian (Emsian) of central Poland.
59553: TARLO, L.B. - The scapula of Plisaurus macromerus Phillips.
97784: TARLO, L.BEVERLY - Rhinopteraspis cornubica (McCoy) with notes on the classification and evolution of the pteraspids.
98483: TARLO, L.B. - Rhinopteraspis cornubica (McCoy) with notes on the classification and evolution of the pteraspids.
98484: TARLO, L.B. - The Downtonian ostracoderm Corvaspis kingi Woodward, with notes on the development of dermal plates in Heterostraci.
96804: TARLO, L.B. - Rhinopteraspis cornubica (McCoy) with notes on the classification and evolution of the pteraspids.
96805: TARLO, L.B. - The classification and evolution of Heterostraci.
10991492: TARLO, L.B. - Stretosaurus gen. nov., a giant Pliosaur from the Kimeridge Clay.
7080107: TARLO, L.B. - The Downtonian ostracoderm Corvaspis kingi Woodward, with notes on the development of dermal plates in Heterostraci.
98485: TARLO, L.B. - The classification and evolution of Heterostraci.
60376: TARLO, L.B. HALSTEAD - Psammosteriformes (Agnatha), a review with description of new material from the Lower Devonian of Poland. I. General part, II. Systematic part. [2 vols].
97785: TARLO, L.B. - The classification and evolution of Heterostraci.
9540018: TARR, R.S. & B.S. BUTLER. - The Yakutat Bay region, Alaska.
51015: TARRANT, P.R. - The ostracodem Phialaspis from the Lower devonian of the Welsh Boderland and South Wales.
91299: TASCH, PAUL - Fauna and paleoecology of the Upper Cambrian Warrior Formation of central Pennsylvania.
7050172: TASHIRO, M - Bivalve faunas of the Cretaceous Himenoura Group in Kyushu.
18432: TASHIRO, M. ET AL. - Selected bivalve fossils from the Maastrichtian, Danian and Eocene of Madagascar.
80740: TáSLER, R. (ED.) - Owen 90 ** New Zealand.
80268: TáSLER, R. (ED.) - Owen 90 ** New Zealand.
45619: TASSEL, R. VAN, ET AL. - A noteworthy fragment of the Santa Catharina meteorite recovered from a Belgian museum collection.
62251: TASSI, FRANCO, O. VASSELLI & A. TOMAS (EDS.) - Copahue volcano.
61859: TASSY, PASCAL - The message of fossils.
22022: TASSY P. - Découverte de Zygolophodon turicensis (SCHINZ) (Proboscidea, Mammalia) au lieu-dit Malartic à Simorre, Gers (vindobondien moyen); implications paléoécologiques et biostratigraphiques.
86035: TASSY, P. & P. DARLU - Analyse cladistique numérique et analyse de parcimonie; l'exemple des Elephantidae. /&/ Les Elephantidae: nouveau regard sur les analyses de parcimonie.
1440430: TASSY P. - Nouveaux Elephantoidea (Mammalia) dans le miocène du Kenya.
84914: TASSY, P. & M. PICKFORD - ?Un nouveau mastodonte zygolophodonte (Proboscidea, Mammalia) dans le Miocène d'Afrique orientale: systématique et paléoenvironnement.?
1060329: TASSY, P. & M. PICKFORD - Un nouveau mastodonte zygolophodonte (Proboscidea, Mammalia) dans le Miocène d'Afrique orientale: systémaique et paléoenvironnement.
90773: TASSY, PASCAL - L'émergence du concept d'espèce fossile : le mastodonte américain (Proboscidea, Mammalia) entre clarté et confusion.
90774: TASSY, PASCAL - L'odontologie de Gomphotherium angustidens (Cuvier, 1817) (Proboscidea, Mammalia) : données issues du gisement d'En Péjouan (Miocène moyen du Gers, France) .
53053: TATE, R. - On some Secondary fossils from South Africa.
89786: TATGE, URSULA - Conodonten aus dem germanischen Muschelkalk I. u. II. Teil.
99810: TATTERSALL, IAN & JEFFREY SCHWARTZ - Extinct humans.
56647: TATTON-BROWN, TIM - Excavations at the Custom House site, City of London Part 1 & 2.
83905: TAUBER, E.H. ET AL. - The trilobite Actinopeltis (Valongia) wattsoni Curtis, 1961 from the Valongo Formation (Ordovician) of North Portugal.
79205: TAUBER, HENRIK - Investigation of aerial pollen transport in a forested area.
93981: TAUBER, A.F. - Grundzüge der Geologie von Burgenland.
15012: TAUSCH, LEOPOLD 1886. - Über die Fauna der nicht-marinen Ablagerungen der Oberen Kreide des Csingerthales bei Ajka im Bakony (Veszprimer Comitat, Ungarn) und über einige Conchylien der Gosaumergel von Aigen bei Salzburg.
93983: TAVEL, H. VON - Stratigraphie der Balmhorngruppe mit Einschluss des Gemmipasses (Berner Oberland).
56866: TAVERNE, L. - Sur le premier exemplaire complet d’Enneles audax Jordan, D.S. et Branner, J.C., 1908 (Pisces Holostei, Amiidae) du Crétacé supérieur du Brésil.
6100198: TAVERNE, L. - Ostéologie, phylogénèse et systématique des Téléostéens fossiles et actuels du super-ordre des Ostéoglossomorphes I-III. [3 vols.].
97786: TAVERNE, L. & D. NOLF - Les Priacanthidae (Teleostei, Perciformes) des Sables de Lede (Éocène moyen, Belgique): ostéologie et otolithes.
79200: TAVERNE, L. - Les poissons fossiles et quelques dents de reptiles récoltés par C.R. Hoffmann dans le Crétacé supérieur de Vonso (Bas-Congo).
101047: TAVERNE, N.J.M. - Bijdrage tot de geologie van de Gajo-Lesten en aangrenzende gebieden. /&/ W.F. Gisolf : Microscopisch onderzoek van de uit de Gajo-Lesten verzamelde gesteenten.
101048: TAVERNE, N.J.M. - Merkwaardige uitbarstingen van den Papandajan.
101051: TAVERNE, N.J.M. - Bijdrage tot de geologie van de Gajo-Lesten en aangrenzende gebieden.
101049: TAVERNE, N.J.M. - De aardbevingen van Wonosobo op 12 november en 2 december 1924 /&/ Ch. E. Stehn: De aardbeving van Maos op 15 mei 1923.
101050: TAVERNE, N.J.M. - De aardbevingen van Wonosobo op 12 november en 2 december 1924 /&/ Ch. E. Stehn: De aardbeving van Maos op 15 mei 1923.
75674: TAVERNE, L. - Ostéologie et position systématique d'Arratiaelops vectensis gen. nov., téléostéen élopiforme du Wealdien (Crétacé inférieur) d'Angleterre et de Belgique.
75673: TAVERNE, L. - Sur la position systématiques et les affinités de Greenwoodella tockensis Taverne , L. et Rioss, P.H. 1973 (Pisces elopiformes) de l'Aptien inférieur de l'île d'Helgoland (Allemagne).
92704: TAVERNE L. & CAPASSO L. - Osteologie et Phylogenetiques des Coccodontidae, une famille remarquable de poissons pycnodontiformes .... etc. /&/ Osteologie et Relations Phylogenetiques des Gebrayelichtyidae (Halecostomi, Pynodontomrpha), .... etc /&/A Propos du Pycnodonte Paramesturus (Gyrodontidae) de l'Aptien Inferieur Marin ... etc.
74717: TAVERNE, L. - Étude complémentaire de Wenzia congolensis (Arambourg, C., et Schneegans, D., 1935), téléostéen salmoniforme fossile du Wealdien du Gabon, précédemment décrit dans le genre Leptolepis Agassiz, L., 1832.
84040: TAVERNE, L. ET AL. - Belgocaranx luypaertsi gen. and sp. nov., a new skeleton-based carangid fish from the Boom Clay (Rupelian, Early Oligocene) at Kallo (N. Belgium).
1133158: TAVERNE, N.J.M. - De aardbevingen van Wonosobo op 12 november en 2 december 1924 /&/ Ch. E. Stehn: De aardbeving van Maos op 15 mei 1923.
21975: TAVERNE L. - Ostéologie de Clupavus maroccanus (crétacé supérieur du Maroc) et considérations sur la position systématique et les relations des Clupavidae au sein de l'ordre des Clupéiformes sensu stricto (Pisces, Teleostei).
6500197: TAVERNE, L. - Sur Pattersonella formosa (Traquair 1911) et Nybelinoides brevis (Traquair 1911), téléostéens salmoniformes argentoides du Wealdien Inférieur de Bernissart, Belgique, précedemment attribués au genre Leptolepis Agassiz 1832.
21246: TAVERNE, N.J.M. - De aardbevingen van Wonosobo op 12 november en 2 december 1924 /&/ Ch. E. Stehn: De aardbeving van Maos op 15 mei 1923.
90337: TAVERNE, L. - Nouvelles données ostéologiques et phylogénétiques sur Palaeonotopterus greenwoodi, notoptérideé (Teleostei, Osteoglossomorha) du Cénomanien inférieur continental (Crétacé) du Maroc.
90339: TAVERNE, LOUIS - Ostéologie de Pentanogmius evolutus (Cope, 1877) (Teleostei, Tselfatiiformes) n. comb. du Crétacé supérieur des États-Unis. Considérations systématiques sur le genre Pentanogmius Taverne, 2000.
91673: TAVERNE, LOUIS - Tselfatia formosa, téléostéen marin du Crétacé (Pisces, Actinopterygii), et la position systématique des Tselfatiiformes ou Bananogmiiformes.
91674: TAVERNE, LOUIS - Révision du genre Bananogmius (Teleostei, Tselfatiiformes), poisson marin du Crétacé supérieur d'Amérique du Nord et d'Europe.
91675: TAVERNE, LOUIS & BRUNO CHANET - Faugichthys loryi n. gen., n. sp. (Teleostei, Ichthyodectiformes) de l'Albien terminal (Crétacé inférieur marin) du vallon de la Fauge (Isère, France) et considérations sur la phylogénie des Ichthyodectidae.
92224: TAVERNE, L. - Les poissons fossiles et quelques dents de reptiles récoltés par C.R. Hoffmann dans le Crétacé supérieur de Vonso (Bas-Congo).
75075: TAVERNIER, R. & J. LARUELLE - Bijdrage to de petrologie van de recente afzettingen van het Ardennese Maasbekken.
61044: TAYLOR, PAUL D. AND ANDREA WAESCHENBACH - Phylogeny and diversification of bryozoans.
1060223: TAYLOR, P.D. - Carboniferous and Permian species of the cyclostome bryozoan Corynotrypa Bassler, 1911 and their clonal propagation.
60991: TAYLOR, BERYL E. & WEBB, S. DAVID 1976. - Miocene Leptomerycidae (Artiodactyla, Ruminantia) and their relationships.
83092: TAYLOR, T.N. ET AL. (EDS.) - Plant reproduction in the fossil record.
10991230: TAYLOR, J.D. - Structural evolution of the bivalve shell.
87294: TAYLOR, T. GRIFFITH - The Archaeocyathinae from the Cambrian of South Australia with an account of the morphologies and affinities of the whole class.
81255: TAYLOR, MICHAEL E. - Indigenous and Redeposited Trilobites from Late Cambrian Basinal Environments of Central Nevada.
45398: TAYLOR, D.G. - Paradiscamphiceras: un nouveau genre d’ammonites du Lias inférieur. /&/ Two species of paracaloceras from the Canadense zone (Hettangian-Sinemurian stages in Nevada (USA).
73753: TAYLOR, PAUL D. - Competition between encrusters on marine hard substrates and its fossil record.
15043: TAYLOR, J.D. ET AL. - Predatory gastropods and their activities in the Blackdown Greensand (Albian) of England.
15042: TAYLOR, J.D. ET AL. - Food specialization and the evolution of predatory prosobranch gastropods.
75593: TAYLOR, T. GRIFFITH - Preliminary note on Archaeocyathinae from the Cambrian coral reefs of South Australia.
75592: TAYLOR, P.D. & E. VOIGT - An unusually large cyclostome bryozoan (Pennipora anomalopora) from the Upper Cretaceous of Maastricht.
10991045: TAYLOR, P.D. AND R.M. BADVE - A new cheilostome bryozoan from the Cretaceous of India and Europe: a cyclostome homeomorph.
18263: TAYLOR, M.E. - Indigenous and redeposited trilobites from Late Cambrian basinal environments of central Nevada.
10991043: TAYLOR, P.D. - Multilamellar growth in two Jurassic cyclostomatous Bryozoa.
60787: TAYLOR, ROD S. - A New Bivalved Arthropod from the Early Cambrian Sirius Passet Fauna, North Greenland.
95700: TAYLOR, B.L. ET AL. - Northern England. 4th ed.
1450717: TAYLOR, M.A. - The plesiosaur's birthplace: the Bristol Institution and its contribution to vertebrate paleontology.
67592: K.C. TAYLOR, J.W.C. WHITE, J.P. SEVERINGHAUS, E.J. BROOK, P.A. MAYEWSKI, R.B. ALLEY, E.J. STEIG, M.K. SPENCER, E. MEYERSON, D.A. MEESE, G.W. LAMOREY, A. GRACHEV, A.J. GOW, B.A. BARNETT - Abrupt climate change around 22 ka on the Siple Coast of Antarctica.
28529: TAYLOR, W.P. - The problem of aquatioc adaption in the Carnivora, as illustrated in the osteology and evolution of the sea-otter.
97771: TAYLOR, DAVID G. - Late Hettangian-Early Sinemurian (Jurassic) ammonite biochronology of the Western Cordillera, United States.
21886: TAYLOR, D.W. - Indez and bibliography of Late Cenozoic freshwater Mollusca of western North America.
7080061: TAYLOR, P.D. - The spiral bryozoan Terebellaria from the Jurassic of southern England and Normandy.
7080060: TAYLOR, J.D. - Faunal response to the instability of reef habitats: Pleistocene molluscan assemblages of Aldabra atoll.
5100385: TAYLOR, D.W. - Nonmarine mollusks from Barstow Formation of southern California.
70793: TAYLOR, P.D. & R.J. CUFFEY - Cheilostome bryozoans from the Upper Cretaceous of the Drumheller area, Alberta, Canada.
83526: TAYLOR, BERYL E. & WEBB, S. DAVID - Miocene Leptomerycidae (Artiodactyla, Ruminantia) and their relationships.
64624: TAYLOR, DWIGHT D. - Late Cenozoic Molluscan faunas from the High Plains.
15557: TAYLOR, P.D. - Bryozoa from the Jurassic Portland Beds of England.
81709: TAYLOR, D.G. - Two species of Paracaloceras from the Canadense Zone (Hettangian-Sinemurian stages) in Nevada (USA).
96624: TAYLOR, K. ET AL. - The pre-Westphalian geology of the Warwickshire coalfield.
90065: TAYLOR, P.D. & F.K. MCKINNEY - Cretaceous Bryozoa from the Campanian and Maastrichtian of the Atlantic Gulf Coastal Plain, United States.
9120176: TAYLOR, P.D. - Ailsacrinus gn. nov., an aberrant millecrinid from the Middle Jurassic of Britain.
9120177: TAYLOR, P.D. - Charixa Lang and Spinicharixa gen. nov., cheilostome bryozoans from the Lower Cretaceous.
47271: TAYMAZ, T. ET AL. (EDS.) - The geodynamics of the Aegean and Anatolia.
7120173: TAZAWA, J. - Waagenoconcha (Brachiopoda) from the Permian of the southern Kitakami Mountains, northeast Japan.
90012: TAZAWA, JUN-ICHI ET AL. - Collection of ca. 28 papers on Permo-Carboniferous brachiopods.
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