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Title: Études géologiques dans le Rif méridional. Tome I. Stratigraphie, Sédimentation, Paléogéographie, T. II. Tectonique.
Description: 1934. Maroc Serv. Mines et Carte Géol. Notes et Mém. Rabat. vii, 660 pp. 120 fig. 29 photoplts. h.t. with descript. pages including many figs. 11 plts. h.t. between text, folding-out, 7 plts. h.t. at end with maps & sections folding out, including 1 large aerial phot. with transp. overlay. Orig. wrps. excellent condition, uncut. 2.2 kg]


Price: EUR 45.00 = appr. US$ 48.91 Seller: Lingua Terrae Books
- Book number: 85506

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