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b29446: Haldane, J.B.S. - "On Expecting the Unexpected" in The Rationalist Annual for the Year 1960
b15518: Haldane, J.B.S. - "Aunt Jobisca, the Bellman, and the Hermit" in The Rationalist Annual for the Year 1957
12401: Haldane, J.B.S. - "In Defense of Cain" in Harper's (October, 1934)
015596: Haldane, J.B.S. - "Scientific Calvinism" in Harper's (October, 1929)
b15903: Hale, Edward Everett - "Common Errors in English. III. Pedantry and Slang" in Chautauquan (May, 1887)
b15905: Hale, Edward Everett - "Common Errors in English. II. Provincialisms in English" in Chautauquan (April, 1887)
b30337: [Hale, Edward Everett.] Sewell, William, editor - Margaret Percival In America: A Tale
b22244: Hale, Nathan G. - The Rise and Crisis of Psychoanalysis in the United States: Freud and the Americans, 1917-1985
b15908: Hale, Edward Everett - "Common Errors in English" [part one of a continuing series] in Chautauquan (March, 1887)
019094: Hale, Edward Everett - "Magellan and the Pacific" [illustrated] in Harper's (August, 1890)
b22472: Haley, J. Evetts. Chandler A. Robinson - J. Evetts Haley and the Passing of the Old West: A Bibliography of His Writings, with a Collection of Essays upon His Character, Genius, Personality, Skills, and Accomplishments
T601: G.K. Hall - Women's Studies Index, 1997 (Gk Hall Women's Studies Index)
b9917: Hall, S.C. [Samuel Carter] - The Old Mansions of England
b6508: Doug Hall - Doug Hall: In Finite Spaces
022533: (Gandhi, Mahatma) Hall, William W., Jr. - "On Gandhi's Front Porch" [interview] in North American Review (July, 1928)
022551: Hall, Donald - "Praise for Death" in Gettysburg Review (Spring, 1989)
b33677: Hall, Peter and Robert Bolt, essays - Royal Shakespeare Theatre Company 1960-63
b3209: Hall, Donald - "Digging" in Encounter (March, 1964)
b31975: Hall, A. Wlford, editor - The Scientific Arena, volume I, nos. 1-12 (June, 1886 to May, 1887)
b43980: Hall, Dove K., editor - North Temperate Edible Vegetables (September, 2002)
b31362: Hall, Donald - The Donal Hall issue of the Tennessee Poetry Journal, Volume 4, number 2 (Winter, 1971)
b26092: Hall, Brian - The Saskiad
b22712: Hall, N. John - Max Beerbohm: A Kind of a Life
b41246: Hall, Donald - Names of Horses
b17874: Brian Hall - The Saskiad
b16814: Hall, Donald - "The Wild Heifers" in New Yorker (September 2, 1961)
b15594: (Mencken, H.L.) Hall, David S., Jr., editor - "Mencken and the National Scene" in Hypocrisy. volume one, number one (May, 1938)
12686: Hall, Donald. - Passage.
z312: Hall, Donald - Birch Maple Ash
b32245: Hallam, Elizabeth, editor. Hugh Trevor-Roper, preface - The Four Gothic Kings: The Turbulent History of Medieval England and the Plantagenet Kings
b32246: Hallam, Elizabeth, editor - Chronicles of the Crusades: Nine Crusades and Two Hundred Years of Bitter Conflict for the Holly Land Brought to Life Through the Words of Those Who Were Actually There
b32244: Hallam, Elizabeth, general editor - The Plantagenet Encyclopedia : An Alphabetical Guide to 400 Years of English History
b32247: Hallam, Elizabeth, editor - The Plantagenet Chronicles
b11590: Hallam, Henry - View of The State of Europe During The Middle Ages. Two volumes
b19234: Halleck, Fitz-Greene - "Musick" in New-York Mirror (February 13, 1836)
b32163: Haller, Sephen A. - Post & Park: A Brief Illustrated History of the Presidio of San Francisco
b4571: Hallett, Salina. John Fowles, foreword - Lyme Voices 1
b10242: Halley, R.A. - "A Rebel Newspaper's War Story: Being a Narrative of the War History of the Memphis Appeal" in American Historical Magazine (April, 1903)
x1599: Halliburton, Richard - The Flying Carpet
b22189: Hallion, Richard - Taking Flight: Inventing the Aerial Age from Antiquity Through the First World War
b30558: Hallstead, William F. - "Literary Maryland" with a "Literary Map of Maryland" in Maryland (Winter, 1974)
b25311: Halperin, Mark - Place Made Fast
b21974: Halpert, Stephen and Richard Johns, editors. Kenneth Rexroth, introduction - A Return to Pagany: The History, Correspondence, and Selections from a Little Magazine, 1929-1932
b23167: (Carver, Raymond) Halpert, Sam, editor - When We Talk About Raymond Carver
dn516: Clarence L. Barnhart; William D. Halsey; Et Al - The New Century Cyclopedia of Names
b43544: (Dali, Salvador) Halsman, Philippe - "Dali" in Photography Annual 1965
b20283: Halsman, Philippe - Centerfold photograph in Esquire (May, 1956)
b20284: Halsman, Philippe - Centerfold photograph in Esquire (December, 1956)
b31125: (Blaine, James G.) Halstead, Murat - "The Defeat of Blaine for the Presidency" in McClure's (January, 1896)
b40807: (Roosevelt, Theodore) Halstead, Albert - "Roosevelt at Work -- His Methods" in Leslie's Weekly (June 9, 1904)
x1670: Ham, Debra Newman (editor) - The African-American Mosaic: A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History and Culture
8412: Hamburger, Michael - Roots in the Air
022607: Hamer, Marguerite B. - "Anti-Jeffersonianism in the Ante-Bellum South" in North Carolina Historical Review (April, 1935)
b30204: Hamerton, Philip Gilbert - Etching & Etchers
b40061: Hamilton, Edith - "Sophocles: The Quintessential Greek" in Theatre Arts (February, 1929)
b40053: Hamilton, James McClellan. A.L. Strand, foreword. Merrill G. Burlingame, editor - Turner
b6685: Masha Hamilton - The Distance Between Us
b33280: Hamilton, Jane, Gary Amdahl, Jim Heynen, Camille Lefevre, and other contributors - Ruminator Review (Summer, 2003)
dn220: Hamilton, Edmond; Murray Leinster: L. Sprague de Camp; Tjhomas L. McClary et al - Fantastic Story Magazine (January 1953)
b31179: Hamilton, James McClellan. A.L. Strand, foreword. Merrill G. Burlingame, editor - From Wilderness to Statehood: A History of Montana, 1805-1900
uh27: Hamilton, Edith (Stegner, Wallace) (Jung, C.G.) (Fowler, Gene) - "The First Anti-War Play" in The Saturday Review of Literature Vol. XVI No. 25 (October 1937)
b30000: Hamilton, Kendra Y., editor - Essence of a People II. African Americans Who Made Their World Anew in Loudoun County, Virginia, and Beyond
b24310: Hamilton, Iain - Anna Karenina: An Opera in Three Acts. Libretto
b21906: Hamilton, William. Nan Blitman. - Cover drawing by Hamilton and "Hamilton O'Mania" [profile of New Yorker cartoonist William Hamilton] in City of San Francisco (November 25, 1975)
b21377: Hamilton, Ian, editor. - The Modern Poet
b18156: (Murdoch, Iris and John Bayley) Hamilton, Ian - "An Oxford Union" [profile] in New Yorker (February 19, 1996)
016493: Hamilton, Iain - The Catiline Conspiracy
b32166: Hamke, Lorethea A. - All About William Henry Harrison
016445: Hamley, Edward Bruce - Lady Lee's Widowhood
b23594: Hamlin, Talbot - "Benjamin Henry Latrobe: The Man and the Architect" in Maryland Historical Magazine (December, 1942)
b4505: Hammerstein, Oscar - "The Romance of an Emigrant Boy" in Cosmopolitan (September, 1898)
b29758: Hammerstein, Oscar, II - "Radio Gangs Up on Music ASCAP Represents America's Music Traditions" in Friday (December 6, 1940)
b40336: Hammerton, Philip Gilbert - Portfolio Papers
b44368: Hammett, Dashiell - "A Man Called Spade" in American Magazine (July, 1932)
b44369: Hammett, Dashiell - "Too Many Have Lived" in American Magazine (October, 1932)
dn463: Hammett, Dashiell; Charles Dickens; Ellery Queen - Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine (January 1947)
b16487: Hammett, Dashiell - "Woman in the Dark" (part three of serialization) in Penthouse (November, 1987)
017422: Hammett, Dashiell - "The Thin Man" (first draft) in City of San Francisco (November 4, 1975)
z1636: Hammond, Muriel - Cathedrals of Britain
b34598: (Edison, Thomas A.) Hammond, John Winthrop - "The Edison Pioneers" in The Mentor (June, 1928)
b34300: (Thomson, Hugh) Hammond, Lansing V. - "Hugh Thomson" in Yale Library Gazette (April, 1951)
b44571: Hammond, John Martin - Quaint and Historic Forts of North America
020875: Hammond, Arthur - Pictorial Composition in Photography
T290: Hampl, Patricia - "Relics of Saint Katherine" in "The American Scholar" (Summer 2001)
b36297: Hamsun, Knut - Sult (Hunger)
b26032: Hamsun, Knut - Markens Grøde
b26033: Hamsun, Knut - Markens Grøde
b10032: Lori Cox Han - Governing from Center Stage: White House Communication Strategies During the Television Age of Politics
b11659: Hancock, Irving - "The New West Point -- and What It Signifies" in Harper's Weekly (November 7, 1903)
b43477: (King, Stephen) Hand, Elizabeth - 'The Metamorphosis of Stephen King" in the Village Voice (September 21, 1999)
b31353: Handke, Peter - "The Left-Handed Woman" in New Yorker (November 7, 1977)
b26055: Handke, Peter. Michael Roloff, translator - Nonsense and Happiness
b21653: Handke, Peter - "Slow Homecoming" in New Yorker (December 10, 1984)
b18036: Hanff, Helene - John F. Kennedy: Young Man of Destiny
b35143: Nam June Paik. John G. Hanhardt, text - "The Worlds of Nam June Paik" in Guggenheim (Winter/Spring, 2000)
b35014: A Student in Arms [Donald Hankey] - "A Student, His Comrades and His Church" in Spectator (February 5, 1916)
b35015: A Student in Arms [Donald Hankey] - "Marching Through France" in Spectator (February 12, 1916)
b35008: A Student in Arms [Donald Hankey] - "The Citizen Army: An Experiment in Democracy" in Spectator (December 25, 1915)
b35009: A Student in Arms [Donald Hankey] - "Discipline and Leadership" in Spectator (January 1, 1916)
b35010: A Student in Arms [Donald Hankey] - "The Mobilization of the Church" in Spectator (January 8, 1916)
b35011: A Student in Arms [Donald Hankey] - "The Beloved Captain" in Spectator (January 15, 1916)
b35012: A Student in Arms [Donald Hankey] - "The Army and the Universities: A Study in Educational Values" in Spectator (January 22, 1916)
b35013: A Student in Arms [Donald Hankey] - "A Book of Wisdom" in Spectator (January 29, 1916)
b35005: A Student in Arms [Donald Hankey] - "The Honour of the Brigade" in Spectator (December 11, 1915)
b35006: A Student in Arms [Donald Hankey] - "The Religion of the Inarticulate" in Spectator (December 18, 1915)
b12053: Hanna, Hugh Sisson - A Financial History of Maryland (1789-1848)
b31319: (Baseball) Hanna, William B. - "Post Mortem" [on the World Series between the Boston Braves and the Philadelphia Athletics] in Harper's Weekly (October 31, 1914)
b21226: Barry Hannah, William F. Buckley, Jr., Florence King, Richard Ford, Lewis Nordan, John Grisham, Larry Brown, Louis D. Rubin, Roy Blount, Fred Chappell, John Updike, Charles Bukowski, and other contributors - The Oxford American, volume one, number one (Spring, 1992)
b24885: Hannavy, John - Case Histories: The Packaging and Presentation of the Photographic Portrait in Victorian Britain 1840-1875
b33384: Hansberry, Lorraine - "The Buck Williams Tennessee Memorial Association" in Southern Exposure (September/October, 1984)
b26053: Hansen, Ron - Atticus
b23235: Hansen, Ron - "Writing as Sacrament" in Window (Winter, 1996-97)
019880: Hansen, Ron - Nebraska
015413: Hanson, Lawrence and Elisabeth Hanson - Verlaine: Fool of God
b33745: Hanson, Lawrence and Elisabeth Hanson - The Tragic Life of Toulouse-Lautrec
b32508: Hanson, Howard (Also in this issue are interviews with John Philip Sousa and Sergei Rachmaninoff) - "Conditions Affecting the Development of American Music" in Etude (April, 1932)
b25309: Hanson, Jim - Reasons for the Sky
b3984: O'Hara, John - "And You Want a Mountain?" in New Yorker (June 11, 1938)
b3461: O'Hara, John - "Requiescat" in New Yorker (April 3, 1948)
b31299: O'Hara, John - "The Heart of Lee W. Lee" in New Yorker (September 13, 1947)
dn370: O'Hara, John - "Drawing Room B" in The New Yorker (April 19, 1947)
b30629: O'Hara, John - "Sterling Silver" in New Yorker (March 11, 1961)
uh37: O'Hara, John (Lardner, John) (Rovere, Richard H.) - "Conversation in the Atomic Age" in New Yorker (January 12, 1946)
uh40: O'Hara, John (Panter-Downes, Mollie) (Lang, Daniel) - "Eileen" in New Yorker (December 20, 1947)
x1716: O'Hara, John - "That Benny Greenspan" [review of Hat Man Is Here Again] in The New York Times Book Review (December 8, 1946)
b23772: O'Hara, John - Five Plays: The Farmers Hotel, The Searching Sun, The Champagne Pool, Veronique, The Way It Was
b22154: O'Hara, John - "The Erloff" in New Yorker (February 3, 1940)
b22141: O'Hara, John - "Joey on the Cake Line" in New Yorker (December 23, 1939)
b22122: O'Hara, John - "Do You Like It Here?" in New Yorker (February 18, 1939)
b22121: O'Hara, John - "Invite" in New Yorker (December 10, 1938)
b22151: O'Hara, John - "Clara" in New Yorker (April 27, 1946)
b22160: O'Hara, John - "The King of the Desert" in New Yorker (November 30, 1940)
b20574: O'Hara, John - "Explain Me Something" [letter to editor] in New Republic (April 29, 1940)
b19168: O'Hara, John - "Saffercisco" in The Dude volume one, number five(May, 1957)
b17183: O'Hara, John - "Everything Satisfactory" in New Yorker (March 23, 1946)
b17185: O'Hara, John - "Doctor and Mrs. Parsons" in New Yorker (February 23, 1946)
b17157: O'Hara, John - "The Decision" in New Yorker (May 18, 1946)
b16811: O'Hara, John - "The Public Dorothy" in New Yorker (December 15, 1962)
b15766: O'Hara, Frank - "Robert Motherwell" in Art in America (October-November, 1965)
8266: O'Hara, John. - "For Heywood Broun" in New Republic (January 15, 1940).
6882: O'Hara, John. - "On Cars and Snobblism" in Holiday (August, 1966).
5483: O'Hara, John. - "Take It!" in New Republic (December 27, 1939).
10471: O'Hara, John. - "Now We Know" in New Yorker (June 5, 1943).
021561: O'Hara, John - "The Frozen Face" in New Yorker (April 23, 1949)
020649: O'Hara, John - "Grief" in New Yorker (October 22, 1949)
b35121: Harbaugh, William H. - Theodore Roosevelts' [sic] Retreat in Southern Albemarle: Pine Knot 1905-1908
b40000: Harden, Edgar F. - The Emergence of Tackeray's Serial Fiction
z1674: Harding, Michael; Mac Intyre, Tom; O'Kelly, Donal; Donnelly, Neil; Williams, Niall - New Plays from the Abbey Theatre
b44679: Harding, Capt. George - "The American Artist at the Front" in The American Magazine of Art, Volume 12, number 12 (October 1919)
b4612: (Albee, Edward) Hardwick, Elizabeth - "Straight Play" (review of A Delicate Balance) in New York Review of Books (October 20, 1966)
b4644: (Sartre, Jean-Paul) Hardwick, Elizabeth - "We Are All Murderers" (review of The Condemned of Altona) in New York Review of Books (March 3, 1966)
b33243: Hardwick, Charley D. - Events of Grace: Naturalism, Existentialism, and Theology
b33231: Hardwick, Michael and Mollie Hardwick - The Charles Dickens Companion
T117: Hardwick, Elizabeth - "Selma, Alabama: The Charms of Goodness" (essay) New York Review of Books (April 22, 1965)
T18: Hardwick, Elizabeth - "The Theatre of Decadence" [essay] in New York Review of Books (April 28, 1966)
b19462: Hardwick, Elizabeth, editor. Joyce Carol Oates, contributor - The Best American Essays 1986
T87: (Isherwood, Christopher) Hardwicke, Elizabeth - "Sex and the Single Man" (review and D. Levine drawing) New York Review of Books (August 20, 1964)
014341: Hardy, Thomas - "The Woodlanders" Chapters XXVI-XXIX in Macmillan's (November, 1886)
b44759: Hardy, Thomas - "The Man He Killed" in Harper's Weekly (November 8, 1902)
b36269: Hardy, Thomas - "In Time of Slaughter" in Spectator (August 19, 1916)
b35548: Hardy, Thomas - The Well-Beloved
b36547: Hardy, Thomas - Under the Greenwood Tree
b36549: Hardy, Thomas - A Pair of Blue Eyes
b36550: Hardy, Thomas - The Mayor of Casterbridge
b36551: Hardy, Thomas - The Return of the Native
b36552: Hardy, Thomas - Desperate Remedies
b36553: Hardy, Thomas - The Woodlanders
b36554: Hardy, Thomas - The Trumpet Major
b35067: Hardy, Thomas - "The Edjected Member's Wife" in Spectator (January 27, 1906)
C5586: Hardy, Thomas - The Romantic Adventures of a Milkmaid
dn123: Hardy, Thomas - The Famous Tragedy of the Queen of Cornwall
b30531: Hardy, Thomas - "Hearts Insurgent" [serialization part] in Harper's (April, 1995)
b30530: Hardy, Thomas - "Hearts Insurgent" (Jude the Obscure) [serial conclusion] in Harper's (November, 1895)
b26078: Hardy, Thomas - Human Shows Far Phantasies
b25018: Hardy, Thomas - "Return of the Native" (book third, chapters 5-8 of serialization) in Harper's (August, 1878)
b25019: Hardy, Thomas - "Return of the Native" (book third, chapters 1-4 of serialization) in Harper's (July, 1878)
b25020: Hardy, Thomas - "Return of the Native" (book fourth, chapters 5-8 of serialization) in Harper's (October, 1878)
b25021: Hardy, Thomas - "Return of the Native" (conclusion of serialization) in Harper's (January, 1879)
b22576: Hardy, Thomas - "Wessex Folk. Part III" in Harper's (May, 1891)
b22278: Hardy, Thomas - "Wessex Folk. Part IV" in Harper's (June, 1891)
b22272: Hardy, Thomas - "Wessex Folk. Part II" in Harper's (April, 1891)
b22275: Hardy, Thomas - "Wessex Folk. Part I" in Harper's (March, 1891)
b41102: Hardy, Thomas - "A Laodicean: Book the Sixth -- Paula" in Harper's (January, 1882)
b41293: Hardy, Thomas - A Group of Noble Dames
b41295: Hardy, Thomas - Jude the Obscure
b41296: Hardy, Thomas - Wessex Tales
b41297: Hardy, Thomas - Tess of the D'Urbervilles
7165: Hardy, Thomas. - "The Noble Lady's Story" in Harper's Weekly (February 18, 1905).
5470: Hardy, Thomas. - "The Woman I Met" in Living Age (June 18, 1921).
014179: Hardy, Thomas - "The Woodlanders" (serialized part) in Macmillan's (September, 1886)
C160: Hare, David. - "Terribly Brave: An Actor's Diary" in Talk (October, 1999)
014875: Hare, David - "A Great Feeling for Volatire" in Modern Painters (Spring, 1999)
b34389: Hare, David - The Early Plays: Slag, The Great Exhibition, Teeth 'N' Smiles
b45053: Hare, David - Murmuring Judges
b45020: Hare, Augustus J.C. - Walks in London. Two volumes
b26089: Hare, David - The Secret Rapture and Other Plays
b26086: Hare, David - The Asian Plays: Fanshen, Saigon, A Map of the World
b26085: Hare, David - Paris by Night
b26084: Hare, David - Secret Rapture
b26083: Hare, David - Saigon: Year of the Cat
b26081: Hare, David - Permanent Way, or La Voie Anglaise
b26080: Hare, David - Acting Up: A Diary
b26079: Hare, David - Acting Up: A Diary
b26043: Hare, David - Absence of War
B26042: Hare, David - The Blue Room: Freely Adapted from Arthur Schnitzler's La Ronde
b25325: Hare, David - The Breath of Life
b25324: Hare, David - The Secret Rapture
b25323: Hare, David - The Judas Kiss
b23157: Hare, David - "When Stars Collide in Old New York" in The Independent (December 6, 1998)
B26041: Hare, David - Wetherby
b26082: Hare, David - Skylight
b17520: (Tynan, Kenneth) Hare, David - "All Passion Spent" (review of The Diaries of Kenneth Tynan" in Observer (London) (October 7, 2001)
b17401: Hare, David. - "Peter's Principles" [review of Peter Brook's Threads in Time] Observer [London] (May 10, 1998).
4067: Hare, David. - "Goodbye Cool World" The Observer (May 24, 1998).
10811: David Hare - Plenty
018954: Hare, David, Robert Gittings, Brigid Panet, et al - Fanshen Background Pack
000391: Hare, David - Plays One (Plays 1)
b23348: (Crews, Harry) Hargraves, Michael - Harry Crews: A First Bibliography
C1796: Hargrove, Marion - "Mess Sargeants I have Known" in Argosy (December, 1952)
b22621: Hargrove, Marion - Something's Got to Give (Bulletin Book-of-the-Week)
b29174: Harjo, Joy - The Woman Who Fell from the Sky
b22932: Harjo, Joy. - "New Orleans" in Southern Exposure (November/December, 1985)
001043: Harjo, Joy - The Woman Who Fell from the Sky (book and audiotape as issued)
b34970: Harlan, John Marshall, the majority opinion of the Supreme Court. Stephen Johnson Field, dissenting opinion - Decision of the United States Supreme Court on the Kansas Appeals, Affirming the Constitutionality of Prohibition and Denying the Right of Compensation: December 5, 1887
b32974: Harland, Marion - From My Youth Up
b40457: D''Harnoncour, Anne. Germano Celant, essay - Futurism and the International Avant-Garde
ag189: D'Harnoncourt And McShine Kynaston [editors] - Marcel Duchamp
b32397: Harper, Charles G. - The Bath Road: History, Fashion and Frivolity on an Old Highway. Second and revised edition.
022577: Harraden, Beatrice - Fronispiece photograph of Harraden and "The Bird On Its Journey" in Stories by English Authors: Germany
b43691: O. Henry (William Sydney Porter). Mary Sunlocks Harrell, editor - "An Unknown Romance" in Redbook (March, 1937)
b43690: O. Henry (William Sydney Porter). Mary Sunlocks Harrell, editor - "Vereton Villla" AND "The Finding of Unknown O. Henry Stories" (by Harrell) in Redbook (January, 1937)
b21745: O. Henry (William Sydney Porter) and Mrs. Sydney Porter. Mary Sunlocks Harrell, editor - "Binkley's Practical School of Journalism" AND "O. Henry Himself" (by Mrs. Porter) in Redbook (February, 1937)
b22158: (Porter, Cole) Harriman, Margaret Case - "Words and Music" [profile of Cole Porter) in New Yorker (November 23, 1940)
10460: Harriman, Margaret Case. - "Hi-Yo Platinum!" [profile of Moss Hart] in New Yorker (September 11, 1943).
10437: (Hellman, Lillian) Harriman, Margaret Case. - "Miss Lily of New Orleans" [profile of Lillian Hellman] in New Yorker (November 8, 1941).
b12276: Esther Harriott - American Voices: Five Contemporary Playwrights in Essays and Interviews
b10237: Harris, Joel Chandler - "The Colonel's 'Nigger Dog'" in Scribner's (December, 1895)
b11660: Harris, Joel Chandler - "Events in Middle Georgia" in a special issue on Georgia. Harper's Weekly (October 10, 1903)
b40100: (Lord Byron) Harris, Frank - "The Truth About Byron. Published Privately. By the Earl of Lovelace. Part I" in Vanity Fair (November 25, 1908)
b35102: (Shaw, George Bernard) Harris, Frank - "George Bernard Shaw and Jesus the Christ" in Pearson's (November, 1916)
b6309: Harris, Joel Chandler - "The Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann. How She Went Into Business" in Scribner's (May, 1899)
b34035: Harris, Ann - Mortar and Pestle: The World of Dr. Harry Schrader
b33322: Harris, Frank, comments - "The Truth About Byron. 'Astarte'. Published Privately. By the Earl of Lovelace", part two of serialization in Vanity Fair (December 9, 1908)
b33323: (Bennett, Arnold) Harris, Frank - "A Great Realistic Novel" [on The Old Wives' Tale) in Vanity Fair (December 9, 1908)
b33321: Harris, Frank, comments - "The Truth About Byron. 'Astarte'. Published Privately. By the Earl of Lovelace", part one of serialization in Vanity Fair (December 2, 1908)
b31955: Harris, Frank - "A Visit to Paris: Thirty Years After. The Louvre, The Bois, Notre Dame, St.e. Chapelle" in Vanity Fair (December 23, 1908)
b31450: Harris, Elizabeth - Personal Impressions: The Small Printing Press In Nineteenth-Century America
b30526: (Whitman, Walt) Harris, Robert O., Jr. - Walt Whitman: An Exhibition from the Collection of Robert O. Harris, Jr.
b25326: Harris, Joel Chandler. John Erskine, foreword - On the Plantation: A Story of a Georgia Boy's Adventures During the War
b24101: Harris, Joel Chandler - "An Uncle Remus Rhyme. Mr. Rabbit run fur -- Mr. Rabbit run 'fas'" in Saturday Evening Post (September 19, 1903)
b24041: Harris, Joel Chandler - "An Uncle Remus Rhyme: Mr. Rabbit and His Big Boo-hoo" in Saturday Evening Post (April 15, 1905)
b23977: Harris, John - Washington's First Victory: Liberation of Boston
b40976: Harris, Joel Chandler - "Trouble on Lost Mountain" in Century (January, 1886)
b41030: Harris, Joel Chandler - "Little Compton" in Century (April, 1887).
b41033: Harris, Joel Chandler - "Azalia" (part one of seriialization) in Century (August, 1887)
b41032: Harris, Joel Chandler - "Azalia" (part two of seriialization) in Century (September, 1887)
b41048: Harris, Joel Chandler - "Azalia" (concluding part of seriialization) in Century (October, 1887)
b41052: Harris, Joel Chandler - "Free Joe and the Rest of the World" in Century (November, 1884)
b21379: Harris, Michael, editor - Studies in Newspaper and Periodical History 1993 Annual
b21114: Harris, Reginald - 10 Tongues: Poems
b17498: Harris, A.W.. President of Northwestern University - "College and Business Life" in Youth's Companion (June 11, 1914)
b15485: Harris, Joel Chandler - Uncle Remus Returns
020229: Harris, Mark - "Double Solitaire" in Story (November-December, 1939)
016847: Harris, Joel Chandler - "A Rainy Day with Uncle Remus" [serialization] in Scribner's (June, July, and August, 1881)
r79: (Winfrey, Oprah) Harrison, Barbara Grizzuli - "The Importance of Being Oprah" (essay) in New York Times Magazine (June 11, 1989)
016681: Michael Harrison - Fire from Heaven
017000: Harrison, Jim - "Old Faithful and Mysterious" in Sports Illustrated (February 14, 1972)
b36644: Harrison, Jim (Richard Selzer also contributes to this issue) - "First Person Female" in New York Times Magazine (May 16, 1999)
b36275: Harrison, Tony - Anno Forty Two
b4997: Harrison, Kathryn - "A Beating Heart" in At Random (Winter, 1993)
b31093: Harrison, Jim - Letters to Yesenin
dn513: Harrison, Jim - After Ikkyu
b29593: Harrison, Jim - "After Ikyuu" in Tricycle (Spring, 1995)
B44440: Harrison, Jim, John Ashbery, John Irving, Kenneth Rexroth, Charles Simic, and other contributors - Ploughshares, volume 4, number 1 (1977)
b25321: Harrison, Jim - Just Before Dark: Collected Nonfiction
b25320: Harrison, Tony - Theatre Works 1973-1985
b25152: Harrison, Benjamin - "This Country of Ours. I -- Introductory Paper" in Ladies' Home Journal (December, 1895)
b40937: Harrison, G.B., editor - The Elizabethan Journals. 2 volumes. Volume I: Being a Record of Those Things Most Talked About During the Years 1591-1597 and Volume II: Being a Record of Those Things Most Talked About During the Years 1598-1603
b24094: Harrison, Benjamin - "This Country of Ours. XII -- XThe Judicial Department of the Government" in Ladies' Home Journal (December, 1896)
b24092: Harrison, Benjamin - "This Country of Ours. X -- The Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of the Interior" in Ladies' Home Journal (October, 1896)
b24090: Harrison, Benjamin - "This Country of Ours. II -- Presidential Office" in Ladies' Home Journal (February, 1896)
b24088: Harrison, Benjamin - "This Country of Ours. I -- The Constitution" in Ladies' Home Journal (January, 1896)
b24069: Harrison, Benjamin - "This Country of Ours. IX -- Three Departments of Government" in Ladies' Home Journal (September, 1896)
b24066: Harrison, Benjamin - "This Country of Ours. VII -- The Secretary of State" in Ladies' Home Journal (July, 1896)
b24062: Harrison, Benjamin - "This Country of Ours. V -- Two Important Powers of the President" in Ladies' Home Journal (May, 1896)
b24061: Harrison, Benjamin - "This Country of Ours. IV -- The Enforcement of the Law" in Ladies' Home Journal (April, 1896)
b24055: Harrison, Benjamin - "The Domestic Side of the White House" in Ladies' Home Journal (May, 1897)
b24057: Harrison, Benjamin - "This Country of Ours. III -- The Duties of the President" in Ladies' Home Journal (March, 1896)
b24063: Harrison, Benjamin - "This Country of Ours. VI -- The Pardoning Powers and Impeachment" in Ladies' Home Journal (June, 1896)
b24067: Harrison, Benjamin - "This Country of Ours. VIII -- The Secretary of the Treasury" in Ladies' Home Journal (August, 1896)
b23413: Harrison, Jim - "Eat or Die: Food, Fitness, and Death" in Brick (Winter, 2005)
b23136: Harrison, Jim - "Four Poems" ("Modern Times", "Dream Love", "Becoming" and "Hakuin and Welch") in American Poetry Review (January/February, 2006)
b21958: Harrison, Jim - "A River Never Sleeps" in Esquire (August, 1976)
b20542: Harrison, William - Brubaker
b19648: Harrison, Jim and Dan Gerber, editors. - Sumac, volume 1, no. 1 (Fall, 1968)
b19599: Harrison, Jim - "Salvation in the Keys" in Esquire (June, 1976)
b19649: Harrison, Jim and Dan Gerber, editors. Editor Jim Harrison, Denise Levertov, Jerome Rothenburg, William Kittredge,and others contribute - Sumac, volume 1, no. 3 (Spring, 1969)
b19650: Harrison, Jim and Dan Gerber, editors. Russell Banks, Paul Blackburn, Galway Kinnell, Carl Rakosi, Joseph Bruchac, Donald Hall, Charles Simic, W.S. Merwin, Daniel Halpern, William Stafford and others contribute - Sumac, volume 3, no. 3 (Spring, 1971)
b19652: Harrison, Jim and Dan Gerber, editors. Carl Rakosi, Russell Banks, Carol Berge, Clayton Eshelman, Michael Palmer, Michael Benedikt, Paul Blackburn and others contribute - Sumac, volume 3, no. 1 (Fall, 1970)
b19579: Harrison, Jim - "Don't Feed the Poets" in New York Times Book Review (January 28, 2007)
b19331: Harrison, Jim with Eleanor Wachtel - "An Interview with Jim Harrison" in Brick (Fall, 1999)
b19222: Harrison, Benjamin - "The President-Elect. General Harrison's Address [in Baltimore during his inaugural journey to Washington] in New-Yorker (February 13, 1841)
b18081: Jim Harrison - After Ikkyu and Other Poems
b18026: Harrison, Jim, Dan Gerber, George Quasha, J.D. Reed, and Charles Simic. - 5 Blind Men
b17869: Harrison, Jim - "Jim Harrison: Master Craftsman" [interview] in Inside Borders (December, 1998)
b17848: Harrison, Jim and Dan Gerber, editors. - Sumac, volume 3, no. 2 (Winter, 1971)
b41280: Harrison, Jim - Sketch for a Job Application Blank
b17309: (Beatles) Harrison, George - "A Conversation with George Harrison" by Mick Brown in Rolling Stone (April 19, 1979)
5633: Kathryn Harrison - Thicker Than Water
b43406: Harrison, Jim - "American Girl" and "Lullaby for a Daughter" in Fire Exit, Volume one, number one (1968)
020474: Harrison, William Henry (Gen.) - "Letter from General William H. Harrison" in New Yorker (February 2, 1839)
017885: Harrison, Jim - "Principles" in Esquire (December, 1991)
017891: Harrison, Jim - "The Last Best Place" in Esquire (February, 1992)
017894: Harrison, Jim - "A Huge Hunger in Paris" in Esquire (December, 1993)
017897: Harrison, Jim - "Contact" in Esquire (April, 1992)
017898: Harrison, Jim - "Coming to Our Senses" in Esquire (May, 1992)
017899: Harrison, Jim - "The 10,000 Calorie Diet" in Esquire (June, 1992)
017903: Harrison, Jim - "Back Home" in Esquire (September, 1992)
017907: Harrison, Jim - "Repulsion and Grace" in Esquire (October, 1992)
017909: Harrison, Jim - "Unmentionable Cuisine" in Esquire (December, 1992)
017919: Harrison, Jim - "The Raw and the Cooked: One Foot in the Grave" in Esquire (April, 1991)
017921: Harrison, Jim - "The Raw and the Cooked: Eating Close to the Ground" in Esquire (September, 1991)
017228: Harrison, Jim - "Sporting Life Recaptured" in Sports Illustrated (October 14, 1974)
b12049: Harry, James Warner - The Maryland Constitution of 1851
b33123: Hart, Frederick. Tom Wolfe, commentary. J. Carter Brown, indtroduction. Homan Potterton, James M. Goode, Frederick Downs, Jr., Frederick Turner, Donald Martin Reynolds, James F. Cooper, and Robert Chase, essays - Frederick Hart, Sculptor
b32971: Hart, Albert Bushnell - The Monroe Doctrine: An Interpretation
b31713: (Washington, George) Hart, Albert Bushnell - Washington to Order
b23865: Hart, Liddell - "Military Lessons from Spain" in New Republic (August 4, 1937)
b45041: Hart, Albert Bushnell - "The Status of Athletics in American Colleges" in Atlantic Monthly, volume 66, number 393 (July, 1890)
b16233: John Hart - The climbers (Pitt poetry series)
b10406: Hart, Pamela, Allen Strous, Victoria Givotosky, and Noah Kucij - The Fifth Voice
7387: Hart, Liddell. - "Wings of Terror Over Europe: The New Air Fleets, Built in Secrecy, Spread Fear and Also Upset Military Calculations" in New York Times Magazine (February 9, 1936).
11285: Hart, Francis Russell - The Scottish Novel: From Smollett to Spark.
021305: Hart, Katherine - Pease Porridge Hot: Recipes, Household Hints and Home Remedies of the Pease Family
016460: Hart, B.H. Liddell - "Britain's Military Situation" in Yale Review (Winter, 1939)
014797: Harte, Bret - "A Widow of the Santa Ana Valley" Saturday Evening Post (June 23, 1900)
b40097: Harte, Bret - "The Bell-Ringer of Angel's" (part one of serialization) in Harper's Weekly (November 18, 1893)
b40098: Harte, Bret - "The Bell-Ringer of Angel's" (part two of this two-part serialization) in Harper's Weekly (November 25, 1893)
b44290: Harte, Bret - "A Mercury of the Foothills" (part 2) in Illustrated London News (June 15, 1901)
b44291: Harte, Bret - "A Mercury of the Foothills" (part 1) in Illustrated London News (June 8, 1901)
b32549: Harte, Bret - "Mr. Bilson's Housekeeper" in Collier's Weekly (August 19, 1899)
b29192: Harte, Bret. Geoffrey Bret Harte, editor - The Letters of Bret Harte
b24068: Harte, Bret - "The Indiscretion of Elsbeth" in Ladies' Home Journal (August, 1896)
b20965: Harte, Bret - "Of William Francis Bartlett" in Scribner's (March, 1877)
b11877: Harte, Bret - "Miss Edith Makes It Pleasant for Brother Jack" in Scribner's (September, 1878)
4490: Harte, Bret. - "Fate" in Supplement to the Courant [the weekly supplement, large literary, to the Connecticut Courant] February 4, 1871.
b23781: Hartigan, Grace - "An Artist Speaks" in Carnegie Magazine (February, 1961)
014493: Hartley, G.W. - "Night in the Cromarty Firth" in Macmillan's (January, 1891)
b11040: Hartley, G.W. - "James Joyce" [letter to editor] in New Statesman and Nation (June 3, 1939)
b34497: Hartley, L.P. - "Antic Hay" (review) in Spectator (December 22, 1923)
b34486: Hartley, L.P. - "Mr. Swinnerton" (review) in Spectator (November 24, 1923)
b25331: Hartley, Hal - Flirt
b19393: Hartley, G.W. - "Sir Simon's Courtship" in Macmillan's (August, 1894)
b15553: Hartley, L.P. - "Three, or Four, for Dinner?" in Life and Letters (December, 1952)
b30687: Hartman, Robert, Charles Traub, and other phtoographers - Camera Arts (January, 1983)
b36516: Hartmann, Wolfram; Patricia Hayes, and Jeremy Silvester, editors - The Colonising Camera: Photographs in the Making of Namibian History
b42327: Hartmann, Sadakichi - "The Carnegie Art Institute in Piitsburg" in Burr McIntosh Monthly (October, 1908)
b40239: (Ozick, Cynthia) Harvey, Giles - "The Fanatic" (profile of Cynthia Ozick) in New York Times Magazine (June 26, 2016)
b7328: Diana Karanikas Harvey; Diana Karanikas; Jackson Harvey - Katharine Hepburn: A Life in Pictures
b33566: Harvey, Karen G. and Ross Stansfield - Alexandria: A Pictorial History
b33281: (Roosevelt, Theodore) Harvey, Charles M., Franklin Coe, - "President Theodore Roosevelt" (by Harvey), "The Burial of the Late President McKinley" (five photographs), "Justice Swiftly Dealt to the President's Assasin" (by Coe) in Leslie's Weekly (October 5, 1901)
b31682: Harvey, George - Henry Clay Frick: The Man
b19093: J. R. Harvey - Victorian Novelists and Their Illustrators
017777: Harvey, W.F. - "Sarah Bennet's Possession" in Nation (December 21, 1907)
b44035: Harwell, David Horace - Walker Percy Remembered: A Portrait in the Words of Those Who Knew Him
016825: Ronald Harwood - Reflected Glory
b35026: Harwood, H.W. - The Dialect of Halifax Parish
b23596: Harwood, Nicholas. Edith Rossiter Bevan, editor - "Letters from Nicholas Harwood, M.D., U.S.N.: Prisoner of War in Tripoli, 1803-'05" in Maryland Historical Magazine (March, 1945)
b19186: Harwood, Richard R., III, editor - St. Paul's Parish
b34281: Haskell, Daniel C. - "American Historical Prints, Early Views of American Cities, Etc." in Bulletin of the New York Public Library (December, 1927)
b24569: Haskell, Barbara - Elie Nadelman : Sculptor of Modern Life
019561: Haskell, L., introduction - Good Comrades
C5117: Hassan, Ihab - "The Dismemberment of Orpheus: Reflections on Modern Culture, Language and Literature" in American Scholar (Summer, 1963)
b21492: Hassan, Ihab Habib - Contemporary American Literature, 1945-1972; An Introduction
11650: Hassan, Ihab. - "Fictions of Power: A Note on Ideological Discourse in the Humanities" in American Literary History, Volume 1, number 1 (Spring, 1989).
b10318: Hassler, F.R. and A.D. Bache, superintendents. W.M.C. Fairfax, M.J. McClery, and A. Palmstein, drawing. A. Rolle, A. Petersen, and W.A. Thompson, engraving. - Patapsco River and the Approaches (Survey of the Coast of the United States)
b21900: (D.W. Griffith) Hastings, Charles Edward and Herman Holland - A Biography of David Wark (D.W.) Griffith and A Brief History of the Motion Picture in America
b32528: Hatch, William Henry Paine - Greek and Syrian Miniatures in Jerusalem With an Introduction and a Description of Each of the Seventy-ne Miniatures Reproduced
b16234: Hattinger, Frans - Les Très Riches Heures Du Duc De Berry
b22191: Hauge, Eiliv Odde and Vera Hartmann - Flight from Dakar
022086: Haugen, Einar - Scandinavian Languages: An Introduction to Their History
b18480: Marc Hauser; Alisa Hauser - Images from Within: Portraits of People Confronting Mental Illness
b29478: Hauswedell, Dr. Ernst - "The Art of the Book in Germany (1920-1970" in Gazette of The Grolier Club, New Series, No. 18 (June, 1970)
r16: Havel, Vaclav - "Revolutionary" (essay on Frank Zappa) in New Yorker (December 20, 1993)
b25432: Havel, Vaclav, Robert MacNeil, Victor Navasky, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, and other contributors - "Media and Democracy" special issue of Media Studies Journal (Summer, 1995)
12900: Havel, Vaclav. - "An Open Letter" in Encounter (September, 1976).
12946: Havel, Vaclav. - "The State of the Republic" in New York Review of Books (March 5, 1998).
b16596: John Havlichek, Boston Celtics - John Havlichek cover. Sporting News (April 3, 1976)
b29668: Thunder Hawk, Cal / Rodney Nelson - Lesson of the Feather / A Fine Green Bubble
b19264: Hawk, Pat - Hawk's Author's Pseudonyms for Book Collectors: A Collector's Reference of Modern Auithor's Pseudonyms
b36747: Hawkes, John; Walker Percy; William Styron (Selectors) - The American Literary Anthology I
b19941: Hawkes, John, W.H. Auden, Adrienne Rich, Gary Snyder, Jonathan Kozol, Kay Boyle, Richard Eberthart, Donald Hall, Howard Nemerov, Denise Levertov, and others contribute - Harvard Advocate, Centennial Issue (Fall, 1966)
b15633: Hawkes, John - "Interview with John Hawkes" by Gillian Conoley
12758: Hawkes, Lory, Christina Murphy, and Joe Law. - The Theory and Criticism of Virtual Texts: An Annotated Bibliography, 1988-1999.
C5303: Hawthorne, Julian - "Atonement" in Harper's (January, 1891)
b9942: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Notes of Travel. Volume 1-4 (Volumes 19-22 of The Old Manse Edition of the Complete Writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne
b6930: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - "Passages from Hawthorne's Note-Books" (serialization part) in Atlantic (November, 1866)
022536: Hawthorne, Julian - "The Men of the Dark" in Metropolitan (August, 1906)
b36304: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Marble Faun, Or, The Romance of Monte Beni, Illustrated with Photogravures. Two volumes
b33827: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - "A London Suburb" in Atlantic (March, 1863)
b33828: Hawthorne, Nathaniel. - "Up the Thames" in Atlantic (May, 1963).
b33407: Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Edward H, Davidson, Claude M. Simpson, and L. Neal Smith, editors - The American Claimant Manuscripts: The Ancestral Footstep, Etherege, Grimshawe (The Centenary Edition of the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Volume XII)
b33409: Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Thomas Woodson, editor - The French and Italian Notebooks (The Centenary Edition of the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Volume XIV)
b33403: Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Roy Harvey Pearce, historical introduction. Fredson Bowers, textual introduction - True Stories from History and Biography (The Centenary Edition of the works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Volume VI)
b32561: Hawthorne, Julian - "The Ships that Did the Work" [U.S. Navy in the Spanish American War] in Collier's Weekly (September 3, 1898)
b32795: (Putnam, F.W.) Hawthorne, Julian - The Secret of Solomon
b31613: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Our Old Home: A Series of English Sketches
b30676: Hawthorne, Julian - "Village Types" in American Magazine (August, 1887)
T338: Hawthorne, Julian - "Lottery" (poem) in Harper's New Monthly Magazine No. 281 (October 1873)
b29178: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Our Old Home and English Note-Books (Complete Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne, Riverside Edition). Two volumes
b25217: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Transformation. New Edition
b24549: Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Julian Hawthorne, editor - "The Elixir of Life" (first part of serialization) in Lippincott's (January, 1890)
b40980: Hawthorne, Julian - "Hawthorne's Philosophy" in Century (May, 1886)
b25176: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - "Sketch from Hawthorne's Blithedale Romance" poem on the front-page in the Essex County Freeman (August 7, 1852)
b15797: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - "Passages from Hawthorne's Not-Books" [serialization part] in Atlantic (May, 1866)
5798: Hawthorne, Nathaniel. - "The Two Widows" in Portland Transcript (November 1, 1851).
020207: Hawthorne, Julian - "Ellery and His Kin" in Dearborn Independent (October 29, 1927)
b21082: (Calhoun, John C.) Hay, Thomas Robson - "John C. Calhoun and the Presidential Campaign of 1824" in North Carolina Historical Review (January, 1935)
b5679: Hayden, Horace Edwin, editor - Proceedings and Collections of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, For the Years 1915. Volume XIV
b5681: Hayden, Horace Edwin, editor - Proceedings and Collections of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, For the Years 1913-1914. Volume XIII
b34099: (Scott, Sir Walter) Hayden, John O. - Scott: The Critical Heritage
z693: Hayden, Rev. Howard Edwin - Procceedings and Collections of the Wyoming State Historical and Geological Society, Volume XIV
b30335: Hayden, Horace Edwin, editor - Proceedings and Collections of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society, for the Year 1915. Volume XIV
z689: Hayden, Rev. Howard Edwin - Procceedings and Collections of the Wyoming State Historical and Geological Society, Volume XIV
b10916: (Washington, George) Hayden, Sidney - Washington and His Masonic Compeers
021769: Hayden, Tom - "A Visit to Hanoi" in Liberation (May-June, 1966)
b9960: Haydon, Benjamin Robert. Tom Taylor, editor and compiler - Life of Benjamin Robert Haydon, Historical Painter, from His Autobiography and Journals. Two volumes
020114: Hayes, Nina. Illustrated by Jean Staples - Granny's Birds
b25193: Haygood, Atticus G., President of Emory College - The New South: Gratitude, Amendment, Hope
016158: Ronald Hayman - Brecht: A Biography
b3969: David Haynes - The Full Matilda
b31615: Haynes, David - Poster for The Full Matilda
b3063: David Haynes - All American Dream Dolls
b3059: David Haynes - Heathens
b16458: Haynes, David - Somebody Else's Mama Publicity Folder
021317: Haynes, David - We Housewrights have never been famous . . .
b11185: Hays, Arthur Garfield - "The Strategy of the Scopes Defense" in Nation (August 5, 1925)
b5596: Hayter, Earl W. - "The Ponca Removal" in North Dakota Historical Quarterly (July, 1932)
b42313: Hazlitt, William - The Miscellaneous Works. Table Talk: Opinions on Books, Men, and Things. [First Series] Part One AND [First Series] Part Two. Two volumes bound as one.
b42308: Hazlitt, William. William Carew Hazlitt, editor - Table Talk
b42307: Hazlitt, William. William Carew Hazlitt, editor - Sketches and Essays and Winterslow
b42309: Hazlitt, William. William Carew Hazlitt, editor - Lectures on the Literature of the Age of Elizabeth AND Characters Shakespear's Plays
b42311: Hazlitt, William. William Carew Hazlitt, editor - The Round Table: Northcote's Conversations, Characteristics, and Miscellanea
b42312: Hazlitt, William - The Miscellaneous Works. Table Talk: Opinions on Books, Men, and Things. Second Series--Part One AND Second Series--Part Two. Two volumes bound as one.
021063: Hazlitt, William. Charles E. Robinson, editor - "William Hazlitt to His Publishers, Friends, and Creditors: Twenty-Seven New Holograph Letters" in The Keats-Shelley Review (Autumn, 1987)
b19296: Hazzard, Wilton, Arthur T. Wynant, Francis J. Powers, George Trevor, George W. White, Edwin Camp, Frederick Ware, Braven Dyer, and William F. Boand contribute. Malcolm Reiss, editor - Illustrated Football Annual 1936
b20393: (Roosevelt, Theodore) Head, Louis R. - "Mr. Theodore Cromwell Roosevelt" (drawing) in Life (November 1904)
r6: Heaney, Seamus - "A Shiver" (poem) in New Yorker (October 25, 2004)
r38: Heaney, Seamus - "In Iowa" (poem) in New Yorker (April 18, 2005)
r29: Heaney, Seamus - "Quitting Time" (poem) in New Yorker (February 14 and 21, 2005)
r27: Heaney, Seamus - "Telescope" (poem) in New Yorker (January 17, 2005)
b7103: Heaney, Seamus - "Place, Pastness, Poems" in Salmagundi (Fall, 1985 - Winter, 1986)
014144: Heaney, Seamus - "Poetry's Power Against Intolerance" in New York Times (August 26, 2001)
014696: Heaney, Seamus - "Viking Dublin! Trial Pieces" New Review (July, 1974)
b7175: Heaney, Seamus - "In a Loaning" in New York Times (December 31, 2005)
b33064: Heaney, Seamus, Pablo Neruda, Richard Eberhart, Anne Beattie, Charles Simic, Robert Penn Warren, Linda Pastan, and other contributors - New England Review, volume one, number one(Autumn, 1978
b31463: Heaney, Seamus - "Gifts of Rain" and "May" in Poetry (February, 1972)
b31193: Heaney, Seamus - "The Preacemakers. The Hedgehog and the Fox" in Irish Times (October 17, 1998)
b29805: Heaney, Seamus, Derek Walcott, and Joseph Brodsky - Homage to Robert Frost
b40793: Heaney, Seamus - "New Staves" [cover title, 'On the Function of Poetry'] in Threepenny Review (Fall, 1999)
b40804: Heaney, Seamus - "The Last Sursvivor. A Translation of Beowulf, lines 2241-70" in TLS (November 4, 1997)
b29550: Heaney, Seamus - "The Gutteral Muse" in New Yorker (June 25, 1979)
b25085: Heaney, Seamus - Redress of Poetry: An Inaugural Lecture Delivered Before the University of Oxford Oct 24 1989
b23961: Heaney, Seamus, editor. Ted Hughes, Seamus Deane, Brian Friel, Derek Mahon, and other contributors - Ploughshares, Volume 6, No. 1
b23189: Heaney, Seamus - Beowulf
b21847: Heaney, Seamus - "Sophoclean" in New Yorker (March 3, 2003)
b21392: Heaney, Seamus - "Two Paintings by La Douanier Rousseau" [poem] in Irish Times (December 12, 1998)
b21284: Heaney, Seamus, A.S. Byatt, Joyce Carol Oates, William Boyd, Terry Eagleton, Susan Sontag, and other contributors - TLS (December 5, 2003)
b19542: Heaney, Seamus - "On First Looking Into Ted Hughes's 'Birthday Letters'" in New Yorker (October 5, 1998)
b19339: Heaney, Seamus - "Green Man: The Art of Barrie Cooke" in Modern Painters (Autumn, 2000)
b17815: Heaney, Seamus - "A Kite for Michael and Christopher," "Near Anahorish" and "An Interview with Seamus Heaney" in Ploughshares, volume 5, number 3 (1979)
b17803: Seamus Heaney - Stepping Stones (Audio, Faber)
b17310: Heaney, Seamus - Cover portrait of Heaney and "A Special APR Supplement: From Beowulf Translated by Seamus Heaney" in American Poetry Review (January/February, 2000)
b10223: Heaney, Seamus and Michael Longley - An Upstairs Outlook: An Evening of Poetry
b10221: Leos Janacek. Seamus Heaney, translator - Diary of One Who Vanished
b10220: Seamus Heaney - The makings of a music: Reflections on the poetry of Wordsworth and Yeats : delivered on 9 February, 1978 (The Kenneth Allott lectures)
6792: Heaney, Seamus. - "Leavings" and "Polder" in Paris Review (Spring, 1979).
4084: Heaney, Seamus. - "The Reciprocity of Tears. The Omagh Bombing." Irish Times (August 22, 1998).
020635: Seamus Heaney - The Haw Lantern
017636: Heaney, Seamus - "Electric Light" in New Yorker (June 19 & 26, 2000)
014915: Heaney, Seamus - "Bog Queen" in Antaeus (Spring, 1975)
b43599: Heaney, Seamus - "The Birch Grove" in TLS The Times Literary Supplement (March 18, 2005)
013974: Heaney, Seamus - "The Nobel Lecture, Crediting Poetry" in Artes (1996)
021316: Heard, William - The Bright Side of African Life (First Edition)
C5279: Hearn, Lafcadio - "At Grand Anse" in Harper's (November, 1889)
b21925: (Baum, L. Frank) Hearn, Michael Patrick - "When L. Frank Baum was "Laura Bancroft" in American Book Collector (May, 1987)
020587: Hearn, Lafcadio - "The Tryst" in Harper's (February, 1890)
b45118: Hearon, Shelby - Twenty-Seven Buildings in Austin, Texas
021222: (Texas) Hearon, Shelby - At Home After 1840 (First edition, SIGNED)
b16306: Hecht, Ben. - "One Thousand and One Afternoons in New York: A Dead Irishman Speaks" in PM Daily ((January 30, 1941)
b30212: Ruehrwein and Hecht - Chesapeake & Ohio Canal Coloring Book
b29529: Heck, Christian, Frabcois Boespflug, Valerie Da Costa, and other contributors - Special issue: "Le Christ de la Renaissance a nos jours dans l'art" of Le monde de la Bible (April-May, 2000)
b24590: Heckscher, Morrison H. and Leslie Greene Bowman - American Rococo, 1750-1775: Elegance in Ornament
b30134: Hefferman, Jeffrey A.W., Mary Ann Caws, Charles Altieri, Charles Bernheimer, Wendy Steiner, MariannaTorgovnick, Christie McDonald, Alan Filreis, Dick Higgins, and other contributors - "Art and Literature II" issue of Poetics Today, vol. 10, no. 2(Summer, 1989)
b21264: Hefner, Hugh, editor - Show Business Illustrated (October 3, 1961)
b45121: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich. Knox, T.M., translator - Hegel's Philosophy of Right
015962: Heilbroner, Robert L. - "Growth and Survival" in Foreign Affairs (October, 1972)
b44373: Heilbroner, Robert L. and Arthur M. Ford - Is Economics Relevant? A Reader in Political Economics
T232: Heilbroner, Robert L. - "Utopia or Bust" (review of "People or Personnel" by Paul Goodman) in "The New York Review of Books" (May 20, 1965)
b29259: Heilbroner, Robert - "Inflationary Capitalism" in New Yorker (October 8, 1979)
b44009: Heillein, Robert - "The Green Hills of Earth" in Saturday Evening Post (February 8, 1947)
b7657: Heiman, Julia R., editor - Annual Review of Sex Research 2002
b7656: Heiman, Julia R., editor - Annual Review of Sex Research 2001
b15643: David Hein - Noble Powell and the Episcopal Establishment in the Twentieth Century (Studies in Anglican History)
b10364: Heine, Heinrich - The Book of Songs
b40020: Heine, Heinrich. Gustav Karpeles, editor. Gilbert Cannan, translator - The Memoirs of Heinrich Heine: From His Works, Letters, and Conversations. Two volumes
b30992: Heine, Heinrich. Emma Lazarus, translator - Poems and Ballads
b32041: Heinlein, Robert - "Double Star" (complete serialization) in Astounding Science Fiction (February, March and April, 1956)
b17766: Heinlein, Robert, John D. MacDonald, Robert Bloch, Frank Gruber, Allison Harding, E. Everett Evans, Snowden T. Herrick, Harold Lawlor, Eric Frank Russell, Stephen Grndon, Nary Eizabeth Counselman, and other contributors - "Our Fair City" in Weird Tales (January, 1949).
12889: Heisenberg, Werner. - "The Great Tradition" in Encounter (March, 1975).
b44028: Hejna, Matthew, editor. Martin Vargas, Calvin Murry, Rand B. Cason, Randall Brown, Michael A. Patterson, Diane Hamill Metzger, John Mack, David J. Andrews, D.L. Klauck, and other contributors - Inside/Out, volume one, number one (Spring 1980)
z652: Held, John, Jr. - The Saga of Frankie & Johnny
b878: Joseph Heller - Good as Gold
014282: Joseph Heller - Something Happened
b11611: Heller, Joseph - "Nothing To Be Done" in Esquire (August, 1948)
001901: Heller, Joseph. - "Love, Dad" in Playboy (December, 1969).
b37505: Heller, Joseph - "The Road Back" in New York Times Magazine (January 12, 1986)
b36646: Heller, Joseph, Louis Begley, Kenzaburo Oe, William Manchester, Louis Simpson, and other contributors - "Untold War Stories" in New York Times Magazine (May 7, 1995)
b36300: Heller, Joseph - Catch-22: A Dramatization
b34051: Heller, Zoe, T.J. Clark, John Lanchester, Ian Jack, Anne Carson, and other contributors - London Review of Books (June 5, 2014)
b3228: Heller, Erich - "The Importance of Nietzsche: On the Modern German Mind" in Encounter (April, 1964)
dn104: Heller, Joseph - Catch-22
dn365: Heller, Joseph - 25 Translations of Catch-22
b29713: Heller, Joseph - God Knows
b29172: Heller, Joseph - Gold as Gold
b23929: Heller, Joseph - "Catch-22 Revisited" in Holiday (April, 1967)
b22641: Heller, Joseph - "The Last Laugh" in Connoisseur (October, 1988)
b20988: Heller, Joseph - "Just Coffee, Thanks" in Forbes FYI (Spring, 1998)
B19689: Heller, Joseph. - Catch-22 (Uncorrected proof, Agent's copy)
AG45: Heller, Joseph - Picture This
4431: Heller, Joseph. - "A Man Named Flute" in Cavalcade (April, 1964).
12556: Heller, Joseph. - No Laughing Matter.
022137: Heller, Joseph and Bill Moyers - Joseph Heller: Bill Moyer's World of Ideas
000924: Heller, Joseph. - "A Man Named Flute" Atlantic, (August, 1948).
b32161: Hellman, Lillian, book. Richard Wilbur, lyrics. Dorothy Parker and John Latouche, other lyrics. - Marguerite's Heritage, or Love After Marriage
b31753: Hellman, George S., Edward R. Smith, A.E. Gallatin, Henry L. Seaver, and Frank Weitenkampf, contributors - Essays: "Drawings by Dutch and Flemish Artists", "Hollar's London", "Some Rare Portraits of Whistler", "The Golden Book of Landscape Lithography", and "John La Farge, Illustrator" in Print-Collector's Quarterly, volume five, number four (December, 1915)
b31736: Hellman, George S., Louis R. Metcalfe, John Cotton Dana, Wiiliam Aspenwall Bradley, and Robert J. Wickenden, contributors - Essays: "Eighteenth Century French Engravings", "The Etchings of Antonio Canale, Called Canaletto", "Print Collections in Small Libraries", "Maxime Lalanne" and "'The Men of 1830'" in Print-Collector's Quarterly, volume three, number one (February, 1913)
b31728: Hellman, George S., Robert W. Wickenden, William Aspenwall Bradley, E.L. Allhusen, and William M. Ivins, Jr. - Essays: "The Kit-Cat Club", "Auguste Raffet", "The Van de Veldes", "The Etched Work of Augustus John" and "The Print Department at the Metropolitan Museum of Art" in Print-Collector's Quarterly, volume seven, number 1 (February, 1917)
b31331: (Knopf, Alfred A.) Hellman, Geoffrey T. - "Publisher" (part one of a three-part serialization) in New Yorker (November 20, 1948)
b31332: (Knopf, Alfred A.) Hellman, Geoffrey T. - "Publisher" (part two of a three-part serialization) in New Yorker (November 27, 1948)
uh38: Hellman, Geoffrey T. (Lang, Daniel) (Taylor, Robert Lewis) - "Onward and Upward with the Social Sciences" in New Yorker (September 13, 1947)
b29644: [Hellman, Lillian] Sayers, Michael - "Watch on the Rhine" in Friday (May 2, 1941)
b29441: Hellman, Lillian and Peter Feiblemann - "Raising Hellman" (lengthy interview with essay and 10 photographs) in Interview (July, 1988)
b23931: Hellman, Lillian - "Interlude in Budapest" in Holiday (November, 1967)
b23257: Hellman, Lillian and Christine Doudna - "A Still Unfinished Woman: A Conversation with Lillian Hellman" in Rolling Stone (February 24, 1977)
b21197: Hellman, Lillian - "Plain Speaking with Mrs. Carter" in Rolling Stone (November 18, 1976)
b15876: Hellman, Geoffrey T. - "Out of the Cocoon on the Fifty-Sixth Floor" [profile of the Rockefeller Foundation] in New Yorker (November 4, 1972)
021244: Hellman, Geoffrey - "The Enigmatic Bequest" (history of the Smithsonian, part two of three part serialization) in New Yorker (December 10, 1966)
021247: Hellman, Geoffrey - "The Enigmatic Bequest" (history of the Smithsonian, part three of three part serialization) in New Yorker (December 17, 1966)
021250: Hellman, Geoffrey - "The Enigmatic Bequest" (history of the Smithsonian, part one of three part serialization) in New Yorker (December 3, 1966)
b44672: Billy & Hells, Bob Mizer, Tim Hetherington, Salvatore Arnone, Mark Morrisroe, Antanas Sutkus, Gideon Ansell, Dan Estabrook, Andrew Polushkin, Matthias Olmeta, Laura El Tantawy, Lisa Rinzler, Victor Cobo, Giesen & Leenders, Serge Gainsbourg, Yan Zhixiong, - Eyeamzing, Issue 1 - 2011
b36523: Helprin, Mark - Ellis Island and Other Stories
b40670: Helprin, Mark - From A Soldier of the Great War beginning, "Now he had been riding since early morning, . . ."
b17162: Helprin, Mark - "Jesse Honey, Mountain Guide" in New Yorker (February 28, 1983)
6821: Helprin, Mark Henry. - "Beause of the Waters of the Flood" in New Yorker (September 27, 1969).
5331: Helprin, Mark. - "Waiting for the 20th Century" in Esquire (November, 1986).
10907: Helprin, Mark. - "The Schreuderspitze" in New Yorker (January 10, 1977).
b26109: Helsabeck, Wyat. Maud Spencer, foreword - Poems Written in an Army Hospital
b25096: Hemans, Felicia - The Poetical Works of Mrs. Hemans
b44886: Hemingway, Ernest - "The Green Hills of Africa" (serialized completely in seven consecutive issues) in Scribner's (May, 1935 through November, 1935)
b44281: Hemingway, Ernest - "United We Fall Upon Ken" in Ken (June 2, 1938)
b44279: Hemingway, Ernest - "Dying, Well or Badly" in Ken, no. 2 (April 21, 1938).
b44278: Hemingway, Ernest. - "The Time Now, The Place Spain" in Ken, number one (April 7, 1938).
b44277: Hemingway, Ernest. - "The Time Now, The Place Spain" in Ken, number one (April 7, 1938).
b35118: Hemingway, Ernest - "In Another Country" and "A Canary for One" in Scribner's (April, 1927)
b44897: Hemingway, Ernest (contributors include Upton Sinclair, John Dos Passos, George Petty, William Saroyan, and others) - "He Who Gets Slap Happy" in Esquire (August, 1935)
b44140: Hemingway, Ernest, interviewed. Robert Van Gelderr - "Ernest Hemingway Talks of Work and War" in New York Times Book Review (August 11, 1940)
b7778: Hemingway, Ernest - For Whom the Bell Tolls
b33035: Hemingway, Ernest - "Across the River and Into the Trees" (part one of serialization) in Cosmopolitan (February, 1950)
b44027: Hemingway, Ernest - "London Fights the Robots" in Collier's (August 19, 1942)
dn237: Hemingway, Ernest. - "Night Before Battle" in Esquire (February 1939).
b31536: Hemingway, Ernest - "Notes on the Next War" in Esquire (September, 1935)
b31534: Hemingway, Ernest - "Monologue to the Maestro" in Esquire (October, 1935)
b31459: Hemingway, Ernest - "A Program for U.S. Realism" in Ken (August 11, 1938)
b31462: Hemingway, Ernest and A.E. Hotchner - "Hemingway Talks to American Youth" [interview] in This Week Magazine (December 18, 1959)
b30785: Hemingway, Ernest - "A Farewell to Arms" [serialization part] in Scribner's (June, 1929)
b30552: Hemingway, Ernest - "Great Blue River" in True (April, 1955)
b40877: Hemingway, Ernest - "Green Hills of Africa: Part III, In Droopy Country" in Scribner's (July, 1935)
b44918: Hemingway, Ernest and Robert Van Gelder - "Ernest Hemingway Talks About Work and War" in Neww York Times Book Review (August 11, 1940)
b25160: Hemingway, Ernest. - "Night Before Battle" in Esquire (February 1939).
b25007: Hemingway, Ernest - "A Christmas in Paris" in Tales from Topper, volume one, number one (1961)
b25006: Hemingway, Ernest - "Milan and the Misletoe" in Topper (February, 1961)
b40934: Hemingway, Ernest - "The Cardinal Picks a Winner" in Ken (May 5, 1938)
b23569: Hemingway, Ernest, introduction - Men at War (S-127)
b21721: Hemingway, Ernest - "Miss Mary's Sorrow" in New Yorker (May 24, 1999)
b21297: Hemingway, Ernest - "Wine of Wyoming" in Scribner's (August, 1930)
b20665: Hemingway, Ernest - Program for the American Premiere of The Spanish Earth
b19008: (Hemingway, Ernest) Hemingway, Lorian - "Ernest Hemingway's Farewell to Art" in Rolling Stone (June 5, 1986)
b18060: Hemingway, Ernest - "An African Betrayal" in Sports Illustrated (May 5, 1986)
b17821: Hemingway, Ernest - "Greenhills of Africa. Part VII: The End of Pursuit as Happiness" in Scribner's (November, 1935)
b44895: Hemingway, Ernest (contributors include F. Scott Fitzgerald, Havelock Ellis, George Petty, John Dos Passos, and others) - "The Tradesman's Return" in Esquire (February, 1936)
b45094: Hemingway, Ernest, John Dos Passos, Andre Maurois, Jack Dempsey, Westbrook Pegler, William Steig, George Petty, Margaret Bourke-White, and Other contributors - Esquire (January, 1934).
b17117: Hemingway, Ernest - "An African Betrayal" in Sports Illustrated (May 5, 1986)
b45032: Hemingway, Ernest (Contributors also include Ezra Pound, Ford Madox Ford, e.e. cummings, Thomas Wolfe, George Petty, Conrad Aiken, and other contributors) - "On Being Shot Again" in Esquire (June, 1935)
b15827: Hemingway, Ernest - "Genio After Josie" in Esquire (October, 1934)
5142: Hemingway, Ernest. - "Two Tales of Darkness" ['A Man of the World' and 'Get a Seeing-Eye Dog'] in Atlantic (November, 1957).
4389: Hemingway, Ernest. - "Fresh Air on an Inside Story" in Ken (September 22, 1938).
13154: Hemingway, Ernest. - "The Denunciation" in Esquire (November 1938).
13131: Hemingway, Ernest. Bruccoli, Matthew J., editor - Conversations with Ernest Hemingway (Literary Conversations Series)
10205: Hemingway, Ernest. - "Hemingway: A World View," a special issue of the Saturday Review (July 29, 1961) following the death of Hemingway.
020004: Hemingway, Ernest - "Homage to Switzerland" in Scribner's (April, 1933)
020005: Hemingway, Ernest - "Give Us a Prescription, Doctor" in Scribner's (May, 1933)
b45035: Hemingway, Ernest (Contributors also include Ezra Pound, Frank Capra, John Gunther, John Dos Passos, H.E. Bates, Frank O'Connor, George Petty, and other contributors) - "Wings Always Over Africa" in Esquire (January, 1936)
002049: Hemingway, Ernest - "London Fights the Robots" Collier's (August 19, 1944)
014877: Hempel, Amy - "Alan Werner" in Bomb (Spring, 1999)
b22352: Hempel, Amy, introduction. Jason Brown, Ben Marcus, Terese Svoboda, David Gilbert, Ian Lirenman, Steve Lattimore, Karen Shepard, Ron Nyren, Brett Berk, Kristi Coulter, Sandra Jacobs, Dennis Hathaway, Alyson Hagy, Peter C. Brown, Marty Levine, contributors - The Mississippi Review (Summer 1993)
b43503: (Chast, Roz and Lynda Barry) Hempel, Amy - Laugh Lines (dual profiles of Roz Chast and Lynda Barry) in New York Times Magazine (November 27, 1988)
b22380: de Hemptinne, Chantal, illustrations. Franz de Voghel, presentes. Jean Mogin, preface - Versets du Coran
b24738: Hemstreet, Charles - Literary New York: Its Landmarks and Associations
b33968: Henderson, Mary - The New Amsterdam: The Biography of a Broadway Theater
b11602: Henderson, Archibald - "The Spanish Conspiracy in Tennessee" In Tennessee Historical Magazine (December, 1917)
12223: Henderson, Archibald. - The Changing Drama.
ag104: Tony Hendra - Brotherhood
b44153: Hendrick, Burton J. - "The Mormon Revival of Polygamy" in McClure's (January, 1911)
b17585: Hendrickson, Kenneth E., Jr. - "The Socialists of Reading, Pennsylvania and World War I" in Pennsylvania History (October, 1969)
b29152: Hendy, Philip - Matthew Smith
b22071: Henighan, Tom - Brian W. Aldiss
b16237: Henkel, Kathryn. Don Denny and James D. Farquhar, introductory notes - The Apocalypse
b32483: Henkels, Stan V. - The Important Collection of Engraved Portraits of Washington Belonging to the late Henry Whelen, Jr. . . . Also The Engraved Portraits of Franklin
b19304: Henkin, Bill, editor - Cover portraits of Peter Townsend, Charles Mingus, Seiji Ozawa, Paul Newman, Toshiro Mifune, and Bob Dylan on these eight issues of City, volume 4, issues 25-32 (1973-1974)
b19297: Henkin, Bill, editor - Cover portraits of Timothy Leary, Bette Midler, Rod Stewart, Feedge Cranson, Liv Ullmann, and Josephine Baker on these six issues of City, volume 3, issues 17-21, and 23 (1973)
dn336: Henley, W.G. - "Dr. Clutterbuck's Champagne: A West Indian Reminiscence: Part 1"
b44586: Henley, William Ernest - Sir Henry Raeburn: A Selection from His Portraits Reproduced in Photogravure
b18502: Pope-Hennessy, John - Italian Renaissance Sculpture (An Introduction to Italian Sculpture, Part II)
b32352: Henri, Col Raymond, USMC, text - Vietnam Cambat Art
b22789: Henriot, Émile - Poètes Français. De Lamartine à Valéry
b34122: Henrix, Janie L., compiler - Himi Hendrix: The Lyrics
b5241: O. Henry - "The Lotus and the Cockleburrs" in Everybody's Magazine (October, 1903)
b10481: O. Henry - "The Lotos and the Bottle" in Smart Set (January, 1902)
b11357: O. Henry - "The Snow Man" in Hampton's (August, 1910)
b12061: O. Henry - "A Departmental Case" in The People's Home Journal (August, 1908)
b33758: O.Henry - "The Best-Seller" in Munsey (April, 1909)
b33759: O.Henry - "The Higher Pragmatism" in Munsey (March, 1909)
b33736: O. Henry - "The Handbook of Hymen" in Munsey (July, 1906)
b33732: O. Henry - "Calloway's Code" in Munsey (September, 1906)
b33735: O. Henry - "The Higher Abdication" in Munsey (August, 1906)
b33753: O. Henry - "The Head-Hunter" in Everybody's Magazine (May, 1908)
b33756: O. Henry - "Next to Reading Matter" in Everybody's Magazine (December, 1907)
T665: O. Henry - The Voice of the City: Further Stories of the Four Million
b29212: Henry, Francoise, study of the manuscript - The Book of Kells: Reproductions from the Manuscript in Trinity College, Dublin
b20380: Henry, Lieut. W.W. - "Fredericksburg--My First Battle" in Blue and Gray: the Patriotic American Magazine (February 1895)
b11071: O. Henry - "Bulger's Friend" in Youth's Companion (December 26, 1901)
10424: Henry, Joseph, Secretary. - Eighth Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution.
017838: O. Henry - "No Story" in Metropolitan Magazine (June, 1909)
b36616: Hensel, Sebastian. Carl Klingemann, translator. George Grove, notice - The Mendelssohn Family (1729-1847) from Letters and Journals, Two volumes, Second revised edition
b15715: Hentoff, Nat, Dave Brubeck, Quincy Jones, Leonard Feather, Ralph J. Gleason, John Tynan, Barry Ulanov, Jerry Lewis, and others - Down Beat (February 6, 1957)
b22475: Hentoff, Nathan - First Freedom: The Tumultuous History of Free Speech in America
b22479: Hentoff, Nat - Does Anybody Give a Damn? Nat Hentoff On Education
5057: Hentoff, Nat. - "Jimmy Gillespie: Blues in Counterpoint" in Saturday Review (July 13, 1957).
b7982: Henty, G.A. - Both Sides the Border: a Tale of Hotspur and Glendower
z1737: Henty, G.A. - For the Temple
b29379: Henty, G.A. - The Dragon and The Raven: or The Days of King Alfred
013954: Hans Werner Henze - We come to the river: Actions for music
014348: Herbage, Walter. - "Fame" in Nation (January 4, 1908).
b11253: Herbert, A.P. - Helen: A Comic Opera in Three Acts
b12078: Herbert, Zbigniew - Journey
b44265: Herbert, Frank and Ed Limbacher - "Frank Herbert: The Ecology of Survival" (interview) in Fusion, 34 (May 29, 1970)
b32042: Herbert, Frank - "Under Pressure" (complete serialization) in Astounding Science Fiction (November and December, 1955 and January, 1956)
T272: Herbert, A.P. - Tantivy Towers: A Light Opera in Three Acts
b25094: Herbert, A.P. - The Bomber Gipsy and Other Poems
b25093: Herbert, A.P. - Derby Day. A Comic Opera in Three Acts
b18466: John Herbert - Christies Review of the Season 1974
b25316: Herbert, Frank. William M. Schuyler, Jr., - Worlds of Frank Herbert
4681: Herbert, Frank. - "Try to Remember" in Amazing Stories (October, 1961).
017038: Herford, C.H. - "Milton Agonistes" in Nation (March 27, 1909)
b33695: Hergesheimer, Joseph, Faitdh Baldwin, Oscar Schisgall, Jack Dempsey, Eddie Cantor, and other contributors - Liberty (October 25, 1941)
b16190: Heringa, Rens and Harmen C. Veldhuisen - Fabric of Enchantment: Batik from the North Coast of Java
r93: (Van Allsburg, Chris) Heron, Kim - "Van Allsburg's Express" (essay) in New York Times Magazine (December 24, 1989)
b17640: Herr, Michael - "The War Correspondent: A Reappraisal" in Esquire (April, 1970)
b24648: Herreman, Frank, editor - African Forms Addendum
016429: Herrick, Sophie B. - "The Johns Hopkins University" in Scribner's (December, 1879)
b34309: Hersey, John - "The Mechanics of a Novel" in Yale Library Gazette (July, 1952)
b29385: Hersey, John - "A Bell for Adano" in Liberty (April 15, 1944)
b22153: Hersey, John - "The Happy, Happy Beggar" in New Yorker (May 11, 1946)
z597: John Hersey - Blues
b36329: Hersh, Reuben - What is Mathematics, Really?
b34047: Hersh, Seymour, Nicholas Phillips, Christian Wolmar, Keith Gessen, Ian Penman, Marina Warner, Michael Wood, and other contributors - London Review of Books (April 17, 2014)
b44739: Hershey, John - "Two Weeks' Water Away" (part one of serialization) in New Yorker (May 18, 1946)
b44740: Hershey, John - "Two Weeks' Water Away" (part two of serialization) in New Yorker (May 25, 1946)
b25314: Hershon, Robert - Into a Punchline
b33194: Hertsgaard, Mark. Elie Robert-Nicoud, translator - L'art des Beatles
b33195: Hertsgaard, Mark - On Bended Knee: The Press and the Reagan Presidency
b20796: Hertzman, Marc and Douglas E. Feltner, editors - The Handbook of Psychopharmacology Trials: An Overview of Scientific, Political, and Ethical Concerns
b17389: Hertzog, Carl - "A Remarkable Letter" [facsimile of letter to J. Frank Dobie on Interwoven] in Library Chronicle (November, 1970)
b10477: Hervey, James - Meditations and Contemplations
b7208: Herwig, Gottfried - The Urban & Schwarzenberg Collection of Medical Illustrations Since 1986
d254: Heseltine, Michael - "A Country House" in Nation (October 1, 1910)
017762: Heseltine, Michael - "The Outcast" in Nation (September 21, 1907)
z688: Hesiod - Hesiod: Theogony, Works and Days, Shield
b44072: Hess, Earl J. - Pickett's Charge -- The Last Attack at Gettysburg
b45132: (de Kooning, Willem) Hess, Thomas - Willem de Kooning
b30201: Hesse, Herman. Edward W. Titus, translator - "The Song of Abel's Death" in This Quarter (December, 1930)
6197: Katherine L. Hester - Eggs for Young America (Middlebury/Bread Loaf Book)
b36292: Hettich, Ernest L. - "Exhibition Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Adoption of the Declaration of Independence, 1776-1926" serialized in two issues of the Bulletin of the New York Public Library (October and November, 1927)
b30981: Heuffer, Ford Maddox - "Family Letters of Christina Rossetti" [review] in Nation (January 2, 1909)
b16781: (Thurber, James) Hewes, Henry - Cover portrait of Thurber and "The Evening with Thurber" in Saturday Review (March 19, 1960)
b16212: Robert Hewison - John Ruskin: The Argument of the Eye
b34589: Hewison, Robert - John Ruskin: The Argument of the Eye
b19560: (Conrad, Joseph) Hewitt, Douglas - "Joseph Conrad's Hero: 'Fidelity' or 'The Choice of Nightmares'" in Cambridge Journal (August, 1949)
b16620: Hewitt, John - "In Memory of Shelley Wang" in New Statesman and Nation (April 20, 1940)
013852: Heyen, William. - Ice (First edition, SIGNED)
b11792: Heyen, William - The Trophy
C5191: Heyen, William - "The Bear" in American Scholar (Winter, 1968-69)
z313: Heyen, William - "Two Poets"
b40657: Heyen, William - Mermaid
dn514: Heyen, William - Magnifying Glass (Numbered, Signed Broadside and Copy of Manuscript)
b25315: Heyen, William - "William Heyen Issue" of Manassas Review (Summer-Fall, 1978)
b17532: William Heyen - Brockport, New York : beginning with and
b16013: Heyen, William - Four from Brockport
b16012: Heyen, William - Four from Brockport
b15840: William Heyen - Brockport, New York : beginning with and
b10487: Heyen, William - "Four Songs" in New Yorker (August 26, 1972)
020502: Heyen, William - Auction
015743: William Heyen - Brockport New York: Beginning With and
b29771: Heyerdahl, Thor, Pete Martin, Robert Nathan, Robert Standish, George Kell, and other contributors - Saturday Evening Post (Septenber 13, 1958)
b32536: Heyward, Dubose, Carol Sandburg, and other contributors - Woman's Home Companion (December, 1932)
b32087: Heyward, Dubose - "Peter Ashley" (part four of serialization) in Woman's Home Companion (November, 1932)
z433: Heyward, Dubose - "Charleston: Where Past and Present Meet" in National Geographic (March, 1939)
015513: (Boulez, Pierre.) Heyworth, Peter. - "Taking Leave of Predecessors" [profile of Pierre Boulez] a two-part serialization in New Yorker (March 24 and March 31, 1973)
b17497: Hibben, John Grier, President of Princeton University - "Trail of Honor" in Youth's Companion (June 4, 1914)
b21851: Hichens, Christopher - "Acts of Partition" in Atlantic (March, 2003)
b26107: Hichens, Robert - Barbary Sheep
b6507: Bridget Riley. Dave Hickey, essay - Paintings, 1982-2000 and Early Works on Paper
5375: Hickham, Homer. - "Launching Your Memoir" in Writer's Digest (February, 1999).
z1771: Hicks, Granville (Editor); Contributors: Saul Bellow, Ralph Ellison, Wright Morris, Flannery O'Connor; Jessamyn West - The Living Novel: A Symposium
b43615: (Cary, Joyce) Hicks, Granville - "Joyce Cary's Last Novel" in Saturday Review (January 24, 1959)
b17725: Hiden, Mrs. Philip Wallace - "The Money of Colonial Virginia" in Virginia Magazine of History and Biography (January, 1943)
b18142: Hieronimus, Robert R. - Tyson: The Man; The Mural
b34464: Higgins, Bertram - "Charles Chaplin's Comedy of Shyness" in Spectator (September 8, 1923)
b33715: Higgins, Joanna - Dead Center
C5605: Higginson, T.W. (Thomas Wentworth) - "Political Economy for Women" in The Woman's Journal (December 5, 1874)
b22205: Higham, Robin, editor - A Guide to the Sources of British Military History (Conference on British Studies Biographical Series)
b33284: Highsmith, Patricia - "The Trouble with Mrs. Blynn, The Trouble with the World" in New Yorker (May 27, 2002)
b25328: Highwater, Jamake - The Mythology of Transgression
b25312: Highwater, Jamake - The Sun, He Dies
b25090: Hijuelos, Oscar. - The Fourteen Sisters of Emilio Montez O'Brien
b16588: John Hildebidle - Stubbornness: A Field Guide
b22478: Hildesley, C. Hugh - Sotheby's Guide to Buying and Selling at Auction
b36411: Hildreth, Margaret Holbrook - Harriet Beecher Stowe: A Bibliography
b7162: Hill, Harry W. - Maryland's Silver Service: Presented to the U. S. S. Maryland By the Citizens of the State of Maryland, May 31, 1906
b12363: Stuart Hill - Blade of Fire: The Icemark Chronicles
b34053: Hill, Rosemary, Martin Hickman, Owen Bennett-Jones, Michael Wood,Charles Hope, August Klienzahler, and other contributors - London Review of Books (July 17, 2014)
b34052: Hill, Rosemary, Julian Bell, Jenny Diski, David Harsent, and other contributors - London Review of Books (July 3, 2014)
C5229: Hill, Norman L. - Post-War [World War I] Treaties of Security and Mutual Guarantee
b31415: Hill, Geoffrey, Rene Hague, C.H. Sisson, N.K. Sandars, Michael Alexander, Ane Baresford, John Heath-Stubbsm Alan Massey, Peter Redgrove, Richard Tillinghast, Michael Hamburger, and other contributors - Special Issue on Myth. Agenda, volume 15, number 2-3 (Spring-Autumn, 1977)
dn307: Hill, Rosemary - "How Peculiar It Is: "The Eccentric Life and Mysterious Genius of Edward Gorey" by Mark Dery (review)
b29306: Hill, Nellie, David Hoag and Elizabeth Keeler - Astrolabes
b25089: Hill, Susan - Air and Angels
b25088: Hill, Geoffrey - Mercian Mymns
b22204: Hill, Reuben, et al - Family Development in Three Generations
b21367: Hill, Susan - Shakespeare Country
019599: Hill, Norman L. - British Arbitration Policies
019590: Hill, Norman - International Commisions of Inquiry and Conciliation
019583: Hill, Chesney - Recent Policies of Non-Recognition
014177: (Johnson, Samuel) Hill, Birbeck - "Dr. Johnson's Style" in Macmillan's (January, 1888)
b33031: Hillenbrand, Laura, foreword - Unbroken
z111: Tony Hillerman - Seldom Disappointed: A Memoir
b22498: Hillerman, Tony and Patricia Holt - "Tony Hillerman: PW Interviews" in Publishers Weekly (October 24, 1980)
b17628: Hillerman, Tony - "Albuquerque Found at Last" in New York Times (November 1, 2004)
b30214: Hilliker, Douglas H., Carl Lathrop, Joe Easley, Harry Bedwell, Clifford Funkhouser, B.R. Dixon, Albert J. Miller, and other contributors - Railroad Magazine (August, 1942)
b30215: Hilliker, Douglas H., Joe Easley, Jimmie Burton, Dick Shaw, Milton Figen, Steve D. Maguire, Frank H. Reed, Don Livingston, Ed Samples, Lou Martin, Ernie Plant, and other contributors - Railroad Magazine (December, 1942)
b32932: Hilton, James - "We Are Not Alone" in McCall's (February, 1937)
b31471: Himes, Chester - "The Snake" in Esquire (October, 1959)
b40864: Himes, Chester - "The Visiting Hour" in Esquire (September, 1936)
b24975: Himes, Chester (fiction), Ben Hogan (golf essay), Arthur Szyk (full-page illustration), George Hurrell (full-page photograph), and other contributors - Esquire (February, 1942)
b15828: Himes, Chester - "To What Red Hell" in Esquire (October, 1934)
z1690: Karen Hinckley; Barbara Hinckley - American Best Sellers: A Reader's Guide to Popular Fiction
C1707: Hind, Arthur M. - An Introduction to a History of Woodcut. 2 volumes
b31739: Hind, Arthur M., Thomas R. Way, Arthur Jeffrey Parsons and William Aspenwall Bradley, contributors - Essays: "Marcantonio Raimondi", "Whistler's Lithographs", "The Division of Prints of the Library of Congress" and "Charles Meryon, Poet" in Print-Collector's Quarterly, volume three, number three (October, 1913)
b30271: Hindle, Brooke and Steven D. Lubar - Engines of Change: The American Industrial Revolution, 1790-1860
b30699: Hindus, Milton - Walt Whitman: The Critical Heritage
b15641: Hine, Lewis W. Debra P. Patnaik, essay - 27 photographs of Lewis W. Hine and "The Committed Camera" in New Letters (June, 1979)
b41182: (Garfield, James A.) Hinsdale, B. [Burke] H. - The Life and Character of James A. Garfield
b31361: (Lea, Tom) Hinshaw, Glennis and Lisabeth Lovelace - A Bibliography of Writings and Illustrations by Tom Lea
b32737: (Sumner, Charles) Hinton, Richard J. - Senator Sumner's Arraignment of President's [Grant] Foreign Policy
b26110: Hipkins, A.J. - Musical Instruments: Historic, Rare and Unique
b11331: Hirsch, Edward - "Impressions: Monet" in New Yorker (October 1, 1979)
b30067: (Poe, Edgar Allan) Hirsch, David H. - Poe as Moralist: "The Cask of Amontillado" and the Transvaluation of Values
b29902: Hirsch, Edward - "Simon Weil: The Year of Factory Work (1934-35)" in New Yorker (January 13, 1992)
b29606: Hirsch, Edward - "Blue Hydrangea" in New Yorker (May 16, 1994)
b24484: Hirsch, Foster - Kurt Weill on Stage: From Berlin to Broadway
b21556: Hirsch, E.D. - The Philosophy of Composition
b41247: Hirsch, Edward - How to Read a Poem
b15730: Hirsch, Edward - "A Poetry That Matters" in New York Times Magazine (December 1, 1996)
b37562: (Tarantino, Quentin) Hirschberg, Lynn - "The Man Who Changed Everything" (profile of Quentino Tarantino) in New York Times Magazine (November 16, 1997)
b36722: (Almodovar, Pedro) Hirschberg, Lynn - "The Redeemer" (profile of Pedro Almodovar) in New York Times Magazine (September 5, 2004)
C116: Hirschfeld, Al. - Cover illustration of Jose Quintero and Eugene O'Neill in Theatre Arts (April, 1957).
b10628: Hirschfeld, Al - Caricature of Sheila Barrett in Stage (May, 1936)
b19928: Hirschfeld, Al - "You'll Never See This Show" [text and illustrations] in Holiday (February, 1951)
b16770: Hirschfeld, Susan B. - Kandinsky in Munich.
8836: Hirschfeld, Al. - "You'll Never See This Show" in Holiday (February, 1951).
8664: Hirschfeld, Al. - "Americans in London" in Holiday (May, 1952).
b29298: Hirschman, Jack - The Proletarian Arcane
b10760: Hirshfield, Jane - "Sounding the Earth" in Poetry Flash (April-May, 1996)
b43679: Hirsimaki, Eric - Black Gold - Black Diamonds: The Pennsylvania Railroad & Dieselization Volume I
020753: Hislop, Codman and W.R. Richardson (Editors) - America's Lost Plays, Volumes V-VI
b31196: (Koufax, Sandy and Carl Yaztremski) Hisrt, Clyde, editor - Sports Quarterly Presents. Baseball, 1964
b3224: Hitchcock, Alfred - "Age of Man" [letter to editor] in Encounter (November, 1963)
b16280: Hitchcock, Henry Russell - "The Brown Decades and The Brown Year" [on Depression architecture] in Hound & Horn (January-March, 1932)
b36465: Hitchens, Christopher - "Why We Don't Know What We don't Know" [profile of E. D. Hirsch] in New York Times Magazine (May 13, 1990)
b11192: Hitler, Adolf - "Class Justice in Germany" [letter to editor] in Nation (September 2, 1925)
b16325: Hitler, Adolf - "Mr. Cudahy Meets the Nice Mr. Hitler" [interview] in PM Daily (June 8, 1941)
b21748: Hitler, Adolf - "Handsome Adolf" [with a photograph of Hitler] in Time (October 6, 1930)
b19402: Hitler, Adolf - "Speech of Chancellor Hitler at Nuremburg, September 9, 1936" in International Conciliation (November, 1936)
b11567: Burkhard Fröhlich - Concrete Architecture: Design and Construction
z1658: Hoagland, Edward - "The Sprucey Pond" in New York Times Magazine (December 20, 1992)
b25327: Hoagland, Edward - Cat Man
b21848: Hoagland, Edward - "Circus Music" in Harper's (February, 2002)
b17534: Hoagland, Tony, Liam Rector, C.P. Cavafy, Timothy Liu, R.M. Ryan, and other contributors. Stephen Reichert, editor - Smartish Pace 13
b17230: Hoagland, Edward - "A Paradox Among Us" in Harper's (January, 1976)
b15900: Hoagland, Edward - "Strange Perfume" in Esquire (June, 1994)
b15729: Hoagland, Edward - "Generational Power" in New York Times Magazine (December 8, 1996)
022247: (Updike, John) Hoagland, Edward - "A Novelist's Novelist" [front-page review of Bech: A Book] in New York Times Book Review (October 17, 1982)
022443: (Kent, Rockwell) Hoagland, Edward - "Drawing on a Daring Life" in Civilization (January / February, 1996)
015979: Hoagland, Edward - "Seven Rivers West" in Esquire (September, 1986)
b17464: Hobhouse, Charles / Gilbert Murray - "Sanctions" (two essays on The League of Nations) in Contemporary Review (August, 1937)
T122: Hobsbawm, Eric - "The Rioting Crowd" (review) New York Review of Books (April 22, 1965)
b22201: Hobsbawm, Eric - On History
uh6: Hobson, Richmond Pearson - "The Sinking of the 'Merrimac' Part IV: Prison Life in Santiago and Observations of the Siege" in The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine Vol. LVII, No. 5 (March 1899)
b34401: Hockney, David, A.M. Homes, Simon Armitage, Luc Sante, Geoff Dyer, Matthew Collings, David D'Arcy, Lance Esplund, Martin Gayford, and other contributors - Modern Painters (Spring, 2004)
b33599: Hockney, David / Dewey Schurman - "David Hockney" [essay] in Photographer's Forum (November, 1988)
b31555: Hockney, David - "Better Than TV" in Observer (April 5, 1998)
b45061: Hockney, David - Picasso
b22636: Hockney, David - "Hockney's Final Frontier" [interview] in London Observer (March 30, 1999)
021828: Hockney, David - Some Very New Paintings
b41185: (Peckinpaugh, Sam) Hodenfield, Chris - "Sam Peckinpaugh Breaks a Bottle" in Rolling Stone, No 82 (May 13, 1971)
b630: Susan; Hodgkin, Howard Sontag - The Way We Live Now
b45073: Hodgkinson, Harold L., foreword. Robert Beare, preface. - Fifteenth to Eighteenth Century Rare Books on Education: A Catalog of the Titles Held by the Educational Research Library
z1630: Hodgson, Godfrey - The Colonel: The Life and Wars of Henry Stimson, 1867-1950
b32119: Hodkinson, H.W. - "Why You Don't Get Better Films" in Collier's (December 16, 1922)
b29180: Hoeg, Peter - The History of Danish Dreams
b26040: Hoeg, Peter - Borderliners
b34765: Hoetzl, Jiri and V. Joachim, introduction - The Constitution of the Czecho-Slovak Republic
b17698: Hoffer, Eric - "In Defense of Indolence" in Playboy (December, 1968)
b17224: Hoffer, Eric - "Work and Days" in Harper's (October, 1978)
b12535: Hoffman, C.F. - "The Last Arrow" with an accompanying full-page engraved illustration in New-York Mirror (July 1, 1837)
b12540: Hoffman, C.F. - "The Natural Tunnel of Virginia" in New-York Mirror (June 3, 1837)
b12549: Hoffman, C.F. - "The Dead-Clearing" in New-York Mirror (December 30, 1837)
b30329: Hoffman, Frederick J. - The Art of Southern Fiction
b29654: Hoffman, Daniel - Vane
b29170: Hoffman, Alice - Illumination Night
b29171: Hoffman, Alice - Illumination Night
b26049: Hoffman, Alice - Seventh Heaven
b22477: Hoffman, Allan M. and Randal W. Summers, editors - Teen Violence: A Global View
b19603: Hoffman, Abbie and Anita - "Love Letters from the Underground" in Esquire (April, 1976)
b18489: Hoffman, Werner - Wilhelm Lehmbruck
b26048: Alice Hoffman - At Risk
b26050: Hoffman, Alice - Angel Landing
b17132: Hoffman, Daniel - "Moonlight dries no mittens": Carl Sandburg Reconsidered
7083: (Milosz, Czeslaw) Hoffman, Eva. - "The Poet of the Polish Diaspora" [profile] in New York Times Magazine (January 17, 1982).
b43600: Hoffman, Abbie and and Jaakov Kohn - "If You're searching for a machine that practdices what it promises, , , : An Interview with Abbie Hoffman" in The East Village Other, volume 4, number 24 (May 21, 1969)
b30333: Hogan, Robert - The Independence of Elmer Rice
b34456: Hogben, Lancelot - "Science: The Riddle of Sex" in Spectator (August 4, 1923)
b20328: Hoge, James O., editor - Review. Volume 18
b8149: Hogg, James, "The Ettrick Shepherd" - Songs
020589: (De Quincey, Thomas) Hogg, James - "Nights and Days with De Quincey" in Harper's (February, 1890)
b25361: Hoggard, James - Two Gulls, One Hawk
b32350: Holborn, Mark - Black Sun: The Eyes of Four. Roots and Innovation in Japanese Photography. Complete text of Aperture, No 102
b16898: Holbrook, David, libretto. John Joubert, music - The Quarry
b45079: Holden, Edith - The Country Diary of an Edwardian Lady
b21083: Holder, Edward M. - "Social Life of the Early Moravians in North Carolina" in North Carolina Historical Review (July, 1934)
z1579: Holiday, Mamie - Joshua and the Gaurdian Protector Courage
b4035: F. Ross Holland - Maryland Lighthouses of the Chesapeake Bay: An Illustrated History
b6104: Holland, Celia M. - Ellicott City: Maryland's 18th Century Mill Town
C5225: Holland, Sir Thomas H. - Minerals and International Relations
b19184: Holland, Faith M - What a Difference a Year Made: John Work Garrett Finds a Diplomatic Career
b25429: Hollander, John, David Simpson, Elizabeth Honig, and other contributors - The Yale Journal of Criticism, volume 3, number 1 (Fall, 1989)
022406: Hollander, J.H. - The Financial History of Baltimore
b42341: Hollis, Jeff, editor of this issue - Local Railroad History, Berkeley County, WV (special issue of The Berkeley Journal, 12)
b22220: Hollis, Daniel W. III - The ABC-Clio World History Companion to Utopian Movements
b26039: Hollo, Anselm - Heavy Jars
B723: Watson L. Holloway - William Gass (Twayne's United States Authors Series)
b31638: Holman, David and Wind River Press - A small grouping of six pieces of early ephemera designed and printed by David Holman
022662: Holman, David and Billie Persons. Stanley Marcus, foreword - Buckskin and Homespun. Frontier Texas Clothing 1820 - 1870
021224: Holman, David, compiler. Joe B. Frantz, introduction - Letters of Hard Times in Texas 1840-1890
b22389: Holme, Thea - The Carlyles at Home
b43642: Holmes, Oliver Wendell - "Dr. Holmes on Doctors" in New-York Times (February 12,1869)
b34340: Holmes, W.H., W.H. Jackson, Emil Bessels, E.A. Barber (three essays), and Samuel H. Scudder - Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, Volume IV, Number 3 (July 29, 1878)
b32493: Holmes, Oliver Wendell - Grandmother's Story of Bunker Hill Battle
dn216: Holmes, Oliver Wendell - Border Lines of Knowledge in Some Provinces of Medical Science: An Introductory Lecture
b31521: Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Bayard Taylor, James Russell Lowell, and other contributors - Atlantic (December, 1860)
b31520: Holmes, Oliver Wendell - "The Stereoscope and Stereograph" in Atlantic (June, 1859)
b31137: Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Bayard Taylor, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, and other contributors - Atlantic Monthly (October, 1865)
b31135: Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Bayard Taylor, James Russell Lowell, William Cullen Bryant, William Dean Howels, - Atlantic Monthly (January, 1869)
b29800: Holmes, Oliver Wendell, Francis Parkman, Elizabeth Robins Pennell, and other contributors - Atlantic Monthly (October, 1894)
b25405: Holmes, W.H. - On the Race History and Facial Characteristics of the Aboriginal Americans
b23249: Holmes, Oliver Wendell - "My Aunt" in Portland Transcript (June 22, 1844)
b22982: Holmes, Edward. Christopher Hogwood, editor - The Life of Mozart Including His Correspondence
b17855: Holmes, Oliver Wendell - "The Autocrat Gives a Breakfast to the Public" in Atlantic Monthly (December, 1858)
b16968: Holmes, Oliver Wendell - The Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. Every Man His Own Boswell
b10884: Holmes, Oliver Wendell - The Autocrat at the Breakfast Table
8609: Holmes, Oliver Wendell. - "Lectures and Lecturing" in The Portland Transcript (March 27, 1852).
z1597: Holmes, George F. - Holmes' Sixth Reader
020637: A. Ray Stephens; William M. Holmes - Historical Atlas of Texas
020473: Holmes, Oliver Wendell. - "A Week of Frailty" in New Yorker (February 2, 1839)
b1259: Michael Holroyd - Bernard Shaw, Vol. 2: 1898-1918 - The Pursuit of Power
b1260: Michael Holroyd - Bernard Shaw: Volume III: 1918-1950: The Lure of Fantasy (Bernard Shaw)
b40794: Holroyd, Michael - "The Case Against Biography" in Threepenny Review (Fall, 1999)
b19730: Holroyd, Michael - "The Irish" in New Review (October, 1976)
12866: Holroyd, Michael. - "History and Biography" in Salmagundi (Fall, 1979).
b24934: Holst, Gustav - Savitri. An Episode from the Mahabharata. Words and Music by Gustav Holst. Libretto
b26047: Holub, Miroslav. Stuart Friebert and Dana Habova, translators. Lewis Thomas, introduction - Sagittal Section: Poems, New and Selected (Field translation series)
b16150: Holzer, Jenny and Steven Evans - "Not All About Death: Jenny Holzer Interviewed" in Artscribe (Summer, 1989)
b489: Homden, Carol - The Plays of David Hare
b33748: Homer, Winslow - Winslow Homer: Wood Engraved Illustrations
b40606: Homer, Winslow. Philip C. Beam, essay - Winslow Homer Watercolors
dn257: Homer, William Innes - Thomas Eakins: His Life and Art
b21803: Homer, Winslow - "Rebels Outside Their Works at Yorktown Reconnoitring with Dark Lanterns" (cover drawing) of Harper's Weekly (May 17, 1862)
b20824: Homer, Winslow, illustrator. Maurice Sendak, introduction - The Eventful History of Three Blind Mice
b20289: Homer, Winslow - Five Illustrations in Harper's Weekly (August 1, 1857)
C1838: Homes, Geoffrey - "The Man Who Murdered Goliath" in Cosmopolitan (February, 1938)
016454: A. M. Homes; A.M. Homes - The Safety of Objects
016455: Homes, A.M. - "Remedy" in Bomb (Summer, 2002). SIGNED
016457: A.M. Homes - In A Country Of Mothers
b36714: Homes, A. M., George Saunders, T. Coraghessan Boyle, Amy Bloom, Chang-rae Lee, Martha Stewart, Michael Pollan, and other contributorsq - New York Times Magazine (April 9, 2000)
b6762: Homes, A.M. - "The Former First Lady and the Football Hero" in Zoetrope (Fall, 2002)
b29712: Homes, A. M. - Things You Should Know
b29711: Homes, A. M. - Appendix A: An Elaboration on the Novel the End of Alice
b29378: Homes, A. M. - The End of Alice
b29377: Homes, A. M. - The End of Alice
6148: Homes, A.M. - "Music for Torching" in New Yorker (February 6, 1995).
020853: A. M. Homes - Things You Should Know: A Collection of Stories
b19030: Klaus Honnef - Warhol (Basic Art)
11681: (Warhol, Andy) Honnef, Klaus. - Andy Warhol 1928-1987: Commerce Into Art.
b19088: Honour, Hugh - The European Vision of America
b12500: Hood, Thomas - "Hood's Own" [with five illustrations] in New-York Mirror (May 5, 1838)
b12501: Hood, Thomas - "Right and Wrong -- A Sketch at Sea" in New-York Mirror (April 28, 1838)
019433: Hood, Thomas - The Poetical Works of Thomas Hood
b6964: Hook, Sidney - "Marxism, Metaphysics, and Modern Science" in Modern Quarterly, Volume 4, Number 4
b11361: Hook, Sidney - "Literature of Disenchantment" In New York Times Book Review (May 16, 1948)
b11732: Hook, Sidney - "Charles Beard's Political Testament" [review of The Republic] in Nation (October 23, 1943)
b12529: Hook, Theodore - "A French Dandy of the Present Day: As Painted by Fashionable Novelists" in New-York Mirror (July 29, 1837)
b15393: Hook, Sidney - "Whitehead's Final Views" [review] in Nation (April 4, 1942)
b3232: Hook, Sidney - "The Politics of Science Fiction" [review essay] in Encounter (May, 1963)
b3189: Hook, Sidney - "Hegel Rehabilitated" in Encounter (January, 1965)
b40789: Hook, Sidney - "Meeting of Logic and the Arts" in New York Times Book Review (January 11, 1948)
b20829: Hook, Sidney - "Friedenburg" [lengthy letter to editor] in New York Times Book Review
021549: Hook, Sidney - "Literature of Political Engagement" in American Association of University Professors Bulletin (AAUP) (Autumn, 1949)
b32454: Hooker, Sarah Jo and Nadell Fishman - What's Still Good [and] Seven Beauties (Writer's Hotel Chapbook Series, Volume I)
014138: (Dore, Gustave) Hooper, Lucy. - "Gustave Dore's Death -- Reminiscences and Remembrances" in The Evening Telegraph (February 21, 1883)
020472: Hooper, Lucy - "The Queen's Petition" in New Yorker (February 2, 1839)
ag160: Hoopes, Donelson F - American Watercolor Painting
b32113: Hoover, Herbert - "Your Automotive Industry" in Collier's (January 7, 1922)
022168: Hoover, Herbert - The Challenge to Liberty (review copy)
019997: Hoover, J. Edgar - Criminal Identification
014514: Hope, Andree - "A Mystery of Old Gray's Inn" in Macmillan's (April, 1891)
022578: Hope, Anthony - Fronispiece photograph of Hope and "The Philosophy in The Apple Orchard" in Stories by English Authors: England
b3711: Terry Hope - Lexical Borrowing in the Romance Languages: A Critical Study of Italianisms in French and Gallicisms in Italian from 1100 to 1900
b33299: Hope, Anthony - "Miss Gladwyn's Chance" in Century (September, 1905)
b34015: Holly Hopkins, Joseph Brodsky, Clive James, and other contributors - TLS The Times Literary Supplement (May 23, 2014)
b31605: Hopkins, Kenneth - Body Blow
017934: (Clinton, De Witt) Hopkins, Vivian C. - "The Empire State -- De Witt Clinton's Laboratory" in New York Historical Quarterly (January, 1975)
b44478: Hoppel, Joe, editor - Baseball : From the Archives of The Sporting News
014146: Hopper, Dennis, guest designer - Zoetrope (Summer, 2001)
b5238: (San Francisco Earthquake) Hopper, James, Vernon Howe Bailey, WilI Irwin - "Our San Francisco" and "San Francisco a Month Ago" [both in response to the earthquake] in Everybody's Magazine (June, 1906)
019438: Hopwood, John A. - The Monkey Family
b19147: Horga, Ioan, editor. - El Greco
002607: Horgan, Paul. - "Nightmare" in Saturday Evening Post (June 12, 1948).
12274: Horgan, Paul. - "The Escape of Olin Rainey" in Saturday Evening Post (January 23, 1960).
002538: Horgan, Paul. - "The Man Called K" in Saturday Evening Post (March 24, 1956).
013492: Horler, Sydney - The Secret Service Man
b25099: Horler, Sydney - Peril
b20793: Horn, Milton. Paula Garrett-Ellis, Harold Haydon, Meilach, and Alan Priest, texts - Milton Horn, Sculptor 1906-1995
b10879: Hornberger, Theodor, Max Miller, et al. Sheila Scheer Cockbaine, translator - Baden-Wuerttemberg.The Face of South-Western Germany
b17120: Hornby, Nick - "The Bonkus Mirabilis" in Esquire (September, 1995)
ag133: Peter Hornby - Winslow Homer in England
b37561: (McMurtry, Larry) Horowitz, Mark - "Larry McMurtry's Dream Job" (profile of bookseller Larry McMurtry) in New York Times Magazine (November 30, 1997)
x1300: Alan Horsman - The Victorian Novel (Oxford History of English Literature (New Version))
017021: Hort, G.M. - "The Seer" in Nation (January 30, 1909)
b33204: Horvat, Branko. Helen M. Kramer, translator - Business Cycles in Yugoslavia
b33190: Horvat, Branko - The Theory of Value, Capital and Interest
b33141: Horvat, Branko, Mihailo Markovic, Rudi Supek, editors - Self-Governing Socialism. Volume Two: Sociology and Politics, Economics
b33140: Horvat, Branko, Mihailo Markovic, Rudi Supek, editors - Self-governing Socialism. Volume One: Historical Development, Social and Political Philosophy
b25098: Hotchner, A. E. - Papa Hemingway: The Ecstasy and Sorrow
015190: Houghton, Louise Seymour - The Log of the Lady Grey
b34800: Houghton, N.D. - Policy of the United States and Other Nations with Respect to the Recognition of the Russian Soviet Government, 1917-1929
ag192: Halcyon House - Art In America A Complete Survey
C5102: Housman, A.E. - "Swinburne" in American Scholar (Winter, 1969)
b34534: Housman, Laurence - "The Drowned Lover" in Spectator (August 12, 1922)
b34499: Housman, Laurence - "Badcome Fair-Night" in Spectator (December 16, 1922)
b34429: Housman, Laurence - "The Dead Warrior" in Spectator (March 3, 1923)
b31391: Housman, A.E. - A Shropshire Lad
b29165: (Ames, Joseph Alexander) Houston, Jourdan and Alan Fraser Houston - "'Mr. Webster's Greatest Painter': New Hampshire-Born Artist Joseph Alexander Ames" in Historical New Hampshire (Spring/Summer, 2001)
b19356: Pam Houston - Cowboys Are My Weakness (UK Edition)
b10244: Houston, Sam - "Letters of Gen. Sam Houston" [including his letter of resignation as Governor of Tennessee] in American Historical Magazine (October, 1899)
018591: Houston, Sam - "General Houston on Americanism" in New York Times (July 19, 1859)
C5051: Howard, Maureen - "Sherry" in Hudson Review (Autumn, 1964)
b34298: Howard, Deborah and Malcolm Longair - "Harmonic Proportion and Palladio's Quattro Libri" in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (May, 1982)
z1395: Howard, Victor B. - "The Black Testimony Controversy in Kentucky, 1866-1872" in Journal of Negro History (April 1973)
b40911: H. Casser-Jayne. John Howard, "Forward" [sic], Superintendent of the Antietam and Monocracy Battlefields, Thomas G. Clemens, introduction - Still Life: Images of Antietam
4400: Richard W. Etulain; N. Jill Howard - A Bibliographical Guide to the Study of Western American Literature
12271: (Capote, Truman) Howard, Jane. - Cover portrait of Capote (with Robert Blake and Scott Wilson on location for the movie of In Cold Blood) and "A Nightmare Lived Again" in Life (May 12, 1967).
021344: Howard, Richard - "The Landscape Garden" in New Yorker (November 5, 1966)
000646: Howard, Maureen. - Bridgeport Bus.
C5679: Howe, Irving - "Jewish Immigrant Artists" in American Scholar (Spring, 1976)
b44046: Howe, Julia Ward - "Death in Two Forms" in Galaxy (March, 1871)

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