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b24472: Rossetti, Dante Gabriel. William Michael Rossetti, preface - The Complete Poetical Works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti
5738: Rossetti, Christina and Caroline Gemmer. - "Friendship By Royal Mail: Letters edited by Antony H. Harrison in Victorian Institute Journal (1996)
b20629: Rossetto, Louis, editor - Wired, 4.06 (June, 1996)
b20628: Rossetto, Louis, editor - Wired, 3.02 (February, 1995)
b20627: Rossetto, Louis, editor - Wired, 3.01 (January, 1995)
b20626: Rossetto, Louis, editor - Wired, 2.12 (December, 1994)
b20624: Rossetto, Louis, editor - Wired, 2.09 (September, 1994)
b20625: Rossetto, Louis, editor - Wired, 2.11 (November, 1994)
b20622: Rossetto, Louis, editor - Wired, 4.05 (May, 1996)
b20621: Rossetto, Louis, editor - Wired, 4.04 (April, 1996)
b20620: Rossetto, Louis, editor - Wired, 3.12 (December, 1995)
b20619: Rossetto, Louis, editor - Wired, 3.10 (October, 1995)
b20618: Rossetto, Louis, editor - Wired, 3.04 (April, 1995)
b20617: Rossetto, Louis, editor - Wired, 3.03 (March, 1995)
b20615: Rossetto, Louis, editor - Wired, 4.03 (March, 1996)
b20614: Rossetto, Louis, editor - Wired, 5.05 (May, 1997)
b20610: Rossetto, Louis, editor - Wired, 3.07 (July, 1995)
b20611: Rossetto, Louis, editor - Wired, 4.06 (June, 1996)
b20623: Rossetto, Louis, editor - Wired, 2.06 (June, 1994)
b21281: Rossi, Oreste. Silvio Riolfo Marengo - Oreste Rossi
b11650: Rostand, Edmond - "Le Verger" in Harper's Weekly (November 28, 1903)
b36283: Rostand, Edmond. Gladys Thomas and Mary F. Guillemard, translators - Cyrano de Bergerac
b43547: Roth, Sanford, Dave Heath, Howard Sochurek, Lawrence M. Shustak, Mark Shaw, Tanaka, Burt Glinn, Raymond Jacobs, Marvin Koner, and other ontributors - Photography Annual 1963
b44656: Roth, Allan, editor - Who's Who in Baseball 1961
b37451: Roth, Philip - "The Last Days on Herman Roth" in New York Times Magazine (December 30, 1990)
b34724: Roth, Philip - Reading Myself and Others
b34604: Roth, Henry - Nature's First Green
dn15: Roth, Philip - The Anatomy Lesson
dn205: Roth, Philip - "The Ghost Writer" (Part One) in The New Yorker (June 25, 1979)
dn206: Roth, Philip - "The Ghost Writer" (Part Two) in The New Yorker (July 2. 1979)
dn227: Roth, Philip - My Life as a Man
dn518: Roth, Philip - Philip Roth: Why Write? (LOA 300): Collected Nonfiction 1960-2014 (Library of America Philip Roth Edition)
T93: Roth, Philip and LeRoi Jones - "Channel X" (exchange of letters to editor) in New York Review of Books (July 9, 1964)
b29905: Roth, Philip, Walker Percy, Scott Spencer, Alison Lurie, Madison Smartt Bell, Mary Gordon, Jim Harrison, T. Coraghessan Boyle, and John Hawkes - "Tom Wolfe's Novel Ideas" [individual letters to the editor on TXom Wolfe) in Harper's (February, 19940
b29305: Roth, Henry H. - In Empty Rooms: Tales of Love
b40869: Roth, Philip - "Communist" in New Yorker (August 3, 1998)
b40900: Roth, Philip - "The Lesson of the Master" [front-page review of The Ghost Writerby Robert Towers] AND "A Visit with Philip Roth" by James Atlas in New York Times Book Review (September 2, 1979)
b22156: Roth, Henry - "Somebody Always Grabs the Purple" in New Yorker (March 23, 1940)
b21396: Roth, Philip and John Updike - "Slight Revision" [Roth's letter to the editor and Updike's Reply] in New York Review of Books (March 4, 1999)
b10891: Roth, H. Ling - The Yorkshire Coiners 1767 - 1783 and Notes on Old and Prehistoric Halifax
ag149: phiilp roth - the aqnatomy lesson
b42642: Roth, Philip - The Plot Against America: A Novel
022454: (Albee, Edward) Roth, Philip - "The Play That Dare Not Speak Its Name" [on Tiny Alice] in New York Review of Books (February 25, 1965)
b44866: Roth, Philip (contributors to this issue include John Berryman and William Stafford, and others) - "Courting Disaster (or, Serious in the Fifties)" in Esquire (May, 1971)
b17051: Rothbart, David - Found Magazine 1
b22958: Rotrou, Jean. Thomas Frederick Crane, editor - Jean Rotrou's Saint Genest and Venceslas
b30035: Rouault, Georges. James S. Plaut. preface. Lionello Venturi, introduction - Georges Rouault: Retrospective Loan Exhibition.
b10919: Round, J. H. [Horace] - The Sphere of an Archaeological Society
b10910: Round, J. Horace - Studies in Peerage and Family History
b11416: Rousseau, Henri - "The Revenge of the Russian Orphan" in Transition 48, No. 3 (1948)
b34942: Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Edmund Wilson, preface - The Confessions of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Two volumes
b44714: Rousseau, Henri - Henri Rousseau: Exhibition
b35223: Rowe, O.M.E. - "The Education of Nurses" in Lippincott's (December, 1883)
b34670: Rowe, L.S. - The Possibilities of Intellectual Co-operation Between North and South America
b17592: (McKean, Thomas) Rowe, G.S. - "A Valuable Acquisition in Congress: Thomas McKean, Delegate from Delaware to the Continental Congress, 1774-1783" in Pennsylvania History (July, 1971)
b24461: Rowland, Tim - Strange and Obscure Stories of the Civil War
b33516: Rowlett, John - Rowlett's Tables of Discount, or Interest, on Every Dollar . . . .
b22468: Rowling, J. K. - Harry Potter and the Half blood Prince
b25163: (Tagore, Rabindranath) Roy, Bilip Kamur - "Tagore Muses on Woman's Soul" in New York Times Magazine (August 14, 1927)
b19724: Roy, Arundhati - "The End of Imagination" in Nation (September 28, 1998)
z617: Roy, Lillian Elizabeth - Polly and Her Friends Abroad
021282: Roy, Arundhati - "Elvis Presley in the Cinema Toilet: Q & A" in Boswell 3 (1999)
b37458: Royce, Josiah - "Fremont" in Atlantic (October, 1890)
b6912: Royce, Josiah - "Present Ideals in American University Life" in Scribner's (September, 1891)
dn672: Royce, Josiah - "Recent Psychical Research" in The Nation (August 11, 1887)
b40755: Royce, Josiah. John Clendenning, editor - The Letters of Josiah Royce
b7645: Royer, Ric - from Leather A
b36469: (Wilson, E.O.) Royte, Elizabeth - "The Ant Man" [profile of E.O. Wilson] in New York Times Magazine (July 22, 1990)
x1606: Anatoly Rozenblat - Rozenblat's Innovations for the Twenty-First Century
ag74: Rraffaelli, Ron (photographer) - Rapture 13 erotic fantasies
b16397: Rred, Arze Z. - Evolution Versus Involution: A Popular Exposition of the Doctrine of True Evolution, a Refutation of the Theories of Herbert Spencer, and a Vindication of Theism
b33704: Ruark, Robert, Harrison Forman, Phyllis Duganne, Waverly Root, John D. Weaver, and other contributors - Liberty (May 19, 1945)
b33202: Rubin, Barry - The Long War for Freedom: The Arab Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East
b29973: (Rugby) Rubin, Rick, Herb Oxstein, Donald Benson, and other contributors - Gentleman, volume 2, number 1 (August, 1961)
b25070: Rubin, Jerry - "Shake 'em up tonight" in The East Village Other (February 2-8, 1968)
b21456: Rubin, William - Picasso in the Collection of the Museum of Modern Art, Including Remainder-Interest and Promised Gifts
z519: Rubin, James H. - Realism and Social Vision in Courbet and Proudhon
b20498: (Gehry, Frank) Rubino, Luciano - Frank O. Gehry Special
b32507: Rubinstein, Anton - "A Critical Digest of Music and the Masters of Music" in Etude (May, 1931)
b16473: Rubinstein, Artur - "Problems of the Advanced Piano Student: A Conference with Artur Rubinstein" in Etude (June, 1941)
b43605: Rubinstein, Raeanne, Lita Eliacu, Dean Latimer, Milbert Shelton, C.R. Man, John da Swede, Alex Gross, David Walley, James Lichtenberg, and other contributors - The East Village Other, volume 4, number 48 (1969)
b7749: Ruchames, Louis - "Charles Sumner and American Historiography" in Journal of Negro History (April, 1953)
z1419: Ruchames, Louis - "William Lloyd Garrison and the Negro Franchise" in Journal of Negro History (January 1965)
b33310: Ruddick, Sara and Pamela Daniels, editors. Adrienne Rich, foreword - Working It Out: 23 Women Writers, Artists, Scientists, and Scholars Talk About Their Lives and Work
b7201: Rudisill, George - Five YsJs Papers (on Anatole France, Jules Massenet and Thais, Thomas Hardy, and others)
b16890: Rudkin, David. Gordon Crosse, music - The Grace of Todd
b29303: Rudolf, Anthony - The Same River Twice
b19508: Matt Ruff - Sewer, Gas & Electric: The Public Works Trilogy : A Novel
b21085: Ruffin, Edmund, Jr. Mrs. Kirkland Ruffin, editor - "School-Boy Letters of Edmund Ruffin, Jr., 1828-1829" in North Carolina Historical Review (October, 1933)
b34938: Ruhl, Arthur, Charles E. Van Loan, Victor Murdoch, Samuel A White, Peter C. Macfarlane, and othr contribtors - Collier's (February 5, 1916)
b34937: Ruhl, Arthur and other contributors - Collier's (January 15, 1916)
b32134: Ruhl, Arthur - "Behind the Battle Front. Continuing a War Correspondent's Journal" in Collier's (January 9, 1915)
b37530: (Price, Reynolds) Ruhlman, Michael - "A Writer at His Best" (profile of Reynolds Price) in New York Times Magazine (September 20, 1987)
C5189: Rukeyser, Muriel - "Rabbits in a Strange Wood" (review) in American Scholar (Summer, 1969)
b7782: Rumble, Ken - from St. Apples
b33790: Runyon, Alfred Damon - "A Song of Panama" in The Munsey (January, 1907)
b32044: Runyon, Damon - "A Story Goes With It" in Cosmopolitan (November, 1931)
b24998: Runyon, Damon. - "Delegates at Large" in Cosmopolitan (July, 1932).
b23988: Runyon, Damon - "Old Em's Kentucky Home" in Collier's (June 17, 1939)
b16157: Runyon, Damon. - "Dark Delores" in Cosmopolitan (November, 1929)
7159: Runyon, Damon. - "It Comes Up Mud" in Collier's (June 10, 1933).
3491: Runyon, Damon. - "Earthquake" in Cosmopolitan (January, 1933).
12986: Runyon, Damon. - "Delegates at Large" in Cosmopolitan (July, 1932).
12981: Runyon, Damon. - "So You Won't Talk!" in Cosmopolitan (May, 1937).
T578: James E Ruoff - Crowell's handbook of Elizabethan & Stuart literature
b21388: Ruppert, Jim - Natural Formations
b36559: Ruscha, Ed and Deborah Solomon - "The Picture of an All-American" [interview] in New York Times Magazine (June 12, 2005)
b16969: Rush, James, M.D. - Rhymes of Contrast on Wisdom and Folly. A Comparison Between Observant and Reflective Age, Derisively Called Fogie, and a Senseless and Unthinking American Go-Ahead
b43554: Rushdie, Salman - "The Duniazat" in New Yorker (June 1, 2015)
b10577: Rushdie, Salman - "An Exclusive Talk with Salman Rushdie" in Newsweek (February 12, 1990)
b11463: Rushdie, Salman - "Bosnia on My Mind" in Index on Censorship (May/June, 1994)
b12309: Rushdie, Salman - "Notes on Writing and the Nation" in Index (June, 1997).
b12333: Rushdie, Salman - Cover photograph of Rushdie and the rear cover is "World Statement by the International Committee forthe Defence of Salman Rushdie and His Publishers". Index on Censorship (March, 1989)
b15927: Rushdie, Salman - "Salman Rushdie Talks with Terry Gilliam" in The Believer, volume 1, number 1 (March, 2003)
b36343: Rushdie, Salman, Bruce Chatwin, Carlos Fuentes, Paul Theroux, Edward Gorey, Craig Claiborne, James Michener, Tom Robbins, Joel Meyerowitz, Annie Dillard, and other contributors - Essays in The Sophisticated Traveler (March 16, 1986)
b34725: Rushdie, Salman - Jaguar Smile: A Nicaraguan Journey
b34584: Rushdie, Salman - The Moor's Last Sigh
b34586: Rushdie, Salman - Fury
b33800: Rushdie, Salman - "On the plane home I sat beside a Nicaraguan woman . . ."
dn218: Rushdie, Salman - from "The Jaguar Smile: A Nicaraguan Journal " (Broadside)
b29566: Rushdie, Salman - "Out of Kansas" [on The Wizard of Oz) in New Yorker (May 11, 1992)
b40842: Rushdie, Salman - "The Ground Beneath My Feet" in Nation (July 9, 2001)
b23227: Rushdie, Salman - "Crash" in New Yorker (September 15, 1997)
b23048: Rushdie, Salman - Is Nothing Sacred?
b22212: Rushdie, Salman - "America and Anti-Americans" in New York Times (February 4, 2002)
b21394: Rushdie, Salman - "Midnight Cowboys" [essay] in Sunday Times (March 12, 1999)
b20678: Rushdie, Salman and Charles McGrath - "Rushdie Unplugged" [interview] in New York Times Book Review (April 18, 1999)
b19438: Rushdie, Salman - "The Shelter of the World" in New Yorker (February 25, 2008)
b22211: Rushdie, Salman - "The Most Dangerous Place in the World" in New York Times (May 30, 2002)
b10578: Rushdie, Salman - "Hunted by an Angry Faith" in Time (February 27, 1989)
7288: Rushdie, Salman. - "Playboy Interview: Salman Rushdie" in Playboy (April, 1996).
10968: Rushdie, Salman. - "Chekov and Zulu" in New Yorker (August 22 / 29, 1994).
021519: Rushdie, Salman - The 'Satanic Verses' Uproar: ABC News Nightline
b44782: Rushdie, Salman - Good Advice is Rarer than Rubies
b44781: Rushdie, Salman - Haroun And The Sea Of Stories
b44784: Rushdie, Salman - The Ground Beneath Her Feet: A Novel
b44783: Rushdie, Salman - East, West
014152: Rushdie, Salman - "What's It Like to Join U2 on Stage" in Sunday Times Culture [magazine] (June 3, 2001)
b23302: Rushton, Bill, Theodore Rosengarten, and other contributors - Southern Exposure, Vol. 2, No. 2&3(Fall, 1974)
6005: (Vietnam War) Dean Rusk, Lucien Pye, William Bundy, Barry Goldwater, Gerald Ford, and Art Buchwald - "American Objectives in Southeast Asia" [Vietnam] in Political, volume one, number one (July, 1965)
b12030: Ruskin, John - Time and Tide By Weare and Tyne. Twenty-five Letters to a Working Man of Sunderland on the Laws of Work (The Works of John Ruskin, Volume V)
b12031: Ruskin, John - The Eagle's Nest. Ten Lectures on the Relation of Natural Science to Art, Given at the University of Oxford in the Last Term, 1872 (The Works of John Ruskin, Volume IV)
b12033: Ruskin, John - The Queen of the Air: Being a Study of the Greek Myths of Cloud and Storm (The Works of John Ruskin, Volume IV)
b12037: Ruskin, John - A Joy For Ever (And Its Price in the Market) Being the Substance (With Additions) of Two Lectures on the Political Economy of Art, Delivered at Manchester, July 10th and 13th, 1857 (The Works of John Ruskin, Volume XI)
b44747: Ruskin, John - The Art of England: Lectures Given in Oxford. Lecture II: Mythic Schools of Painting
b34605: Ruskin, John - Seven Lamps of Architecture
b6947: (Sharpe, William) Ruskin, John - The Elements of Drawing; In Three Letters to Beginners. With Illustrations, Drawn by the Author
dn468: Ruskin, John - The King of the Golden River and Dame Wiggins of Lee
b44748: Ruskin, John - The Art of England: Lectures Given in Oxford. Lecture III: Classic Schools of Painting
b44749: Ruskin, John - The Art of England: Lectures Given in Oxford. Lecture IV: Fairyand
b44750: Ruskin, John - The Art of England: Lectures Given in Oxford. Lecture V: The Fireside
b44751: Ruskin, John - The Art of England: Lectures Given in Oxford. Lecture VI: The Hill-side
b24017: Ruskin, John - Time and Tide, By Weare and Tyne: Twenty-Five Letters to a Working Man of Sunderland on the Laws of Work
b12084: Ruskin, John, editor - Bibliotheca Pastorum. Vol. IV. A Knight's Faith. Passages in the Life of Sir Herbert Edwardes
b12038: Ruskin, John - The Crown of the Wild Olive. Four Lectures on Industry and War (The Works of John Ruskin, Volume VI)
b12032: Ruskin, John - Ariadne Florentina. Six Lectures on Wood and Metal Engraving. With Appendix. Given before the University of Oxford, in Michaelmas Term, 1872 (The Works of John Ruskin, Volume IV)
b12014: Ruskin, John - Aratra Pentelici: Six Lectures on the Elements of Sculpture Given Before the University of Oxford in Michaelmas Term, 1870 (The Works of John Ruskin, Volume III)
b12005: Ruskin, John - Val D'Arno. Ten Lectures on the Tuscan Art Directly Antecedent to the Florentine Year of Victories, Given Before the University of Oxford in Michaelmas Term, 1873 (The Works of John Ruskin, Volume VIII)
b12004: Ruskin, John - The Two Paths: Being Lectures on Art, and Its Application to Decoration and Manufacture, Delivered in 1858-9 (The Works of John Ruskin, Volume X)
b44695: Russel, William C. John Lockwood - Address and Poem Before The Association of the Alumni of Columbia College ("Address" by Russel, pp. 5-44 and "Palermo . . . 1860: A Broken Ballad" by Lockwood)
b10727: Russell, John - "Amok" in Collier's (June 21, 1919)
b11141: Russell, Bertrand - "Modern China. I. The Feast and the Eclipse" in Nation (December 14, 1921)
b11142: Russell, Bertrand - "Modern China. II. Chinese Ethics" in Nation (December 21, 1921)
b11398: Russell, Bertrand - "Do We Survive Death?" in The First Occult Review Reader
b12379: Russell, Bertrand - "The Future of Man" in Atlantic (March, 1951)
b37559: (Hodgkin, Howard) Russell, John - "A Hodgkin Original" (profile of Howard Hodgkin) in New York Times Magazine (November 11, 1990)
b40377: Russell, Bertrand, Maurice Maeterlinck, Knut Hamsun, John Dos Passos, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. (short fiction), Paul Whiteman, Paul Gallico, and other contributos - Esquire (March, 1934)
b33241: Russell, Charles Edward - Railroad Melons Rates and Wages
b32371: Russell, Bertrand - Human Society in Ethics and Politics
b40616: Russell, Bertrand (other contributors include e.e. cummings, Antonin Atraud, Graham Hough and others) - "Sin" in Horizon (January, 1948)
b31385: (Zeppelins) Russell, Isaac - "Wilhelm's Nighthawk's" (on the use of Zeppelins in battle) in Harper's Weekly (October 3, 1914)
b31127: Russell, Bertrand - "The Functions of a Teacher" in Harpers (June, 1940)
b31120: Russell, Bertrand - "Is a Permanent Peace Possible?" in Atlantic (March, 1915)
b29435: Russell, Bertrand - "The Harm That Good Men Do" in Harper's (October, 1926)
b25423: Russell, Bertrand - "Power by Seizure" in Coronet (April 1937)
b24468: Russell, Don - The Wild West or, A History of the Wild West Shows Being an Account of the Prestigious, Peregrinatory Pageants Pretentiously Presented Before the Citizens of the Republic, the Crowned Heads of Europe . . .
b23430: Russell, David L. - Scott O'Dell
b20538: Russell, Bertrand - "The Taming of Power" in Atlantic (October, 1938)
b19976: Russell, Bertrand - "What I Believe" in Nation (March 30, 1940)
b22260: Russell, Bertrand - Human Knowledge: Its Scope and Limits
b18449: Russell, Bertrand - "Freedom or Authority in Education" in Century (December, 1924)
b17886: Ron Scribner and Russ Russell, photographers - Super Bowl Champs Dallas Cowboys Official 1993-94 Calendar
b16801: Russell, Bertrand - "Gladstone and Lenin" in Atlantic (February, 1951)
b16682: Russell, Bertrand - "Voice of Freedom" [letter to editor] in Nation (August 15, 1953)
b16675: Russell, Bertrand - "The World I'd Like: An Unprophetic Vision" in National (November 7, 1953)
b16522: Russell, Bertrand - "How Washington Could Help China" in New Republic (January 4, 1922)
b15830: Russell, Bertrand - "The Limitations of Self-Help" in Esquire (October, 1934)
b11811: Russell, Bertrand - "The ABC of Relativity". Complete serialization in four issues of the Nation (June 3, 10, 17, and 24, 1925)
b11831: Russell, Bertrand - "Soviet Russia -- 1920" [part five of serialization] in Nation (August 7, 1920)
9612: Russell, Bertrand. - "Freedom in Education" in Dial (February, 1923).
AG41: Russell, John Malcolm - From Nineveh to New York: The Strange Story of the Assyrian Reliefs in the Metropolitan Museum and the Hidden Masterpiece at Canford School
7894: Russell, Bertrand. - "Bertrand Russell on India" [full-page letter to the editor] in The Nation (September 5, 1942).
10785: Katheryn K. Russell-Brown; Judith Jones; Heather Pfeifer; Heather L. Pfeifer; Judith Lynne Jones; Katheryn K. Russell - Race and Crime: An Annotated Bibliography (Bibliographies and Indexes in Ethnic Studies)
015577: Russell, Bertrand - "Why I Changed My Mind" in Saturday Review (May 31, 1958)
014198: (Faraday, Michael) Russell, J. Scott - "Faraday, A Discoverer" in Macmillan's (June, 1868)
b43474: Russo, Richard, Jeffrey Eugenides, Charles McGrath, Luc Sante, - New York Times Magazine (October 17, 1999)
b24659: Rustin, Bayard - Three Essays by Bayard Rustin
b32102: Ruth, Babe - "Why I Hate to Walk" in Collier's (July 10, 1920)
b32436: Rutherford, General Robert L. - Air Mobility Command Plight Plan
Q55: Rutsala, Vern - "Other Lives" in New Republic (3/13/71)
b31091: Rutter, Frank - "Manet's 'Bar aux Folies-Bergere'" in Apollo (May, 1934)
b35243: Ruyssen, Theodore - The Problems of Nationality
b34784: Ruyssen, Theodore. John Mez, translator - The Principle of Nationality and What Is Nationality? (part two of The Principle of Nationality)
b17509: Rya, Nolan - Cover portrait of Ryan and front-page story, "A Number of Memories: Fans Cheer as Rangers Retire Ryan's 34" (September 16, 1996)
b34601: Ryan, John Fergus - Watching
b33362: Ryan, John Fergus, Charles Taylor, Richard Rubin, and other contributors - Oxford American (October/November, 1995)
z1487: Ryan, James Gilbert - "The Memphis Riots of 1866: Terror in a Black Community During Reconstruction" in Journal of Negro History (July 1977)
b20679: Ryan, Nolan - "Welcome to the 300 Club, Nolan" [Ryan wins 300th Game]. Special edition of the Dallas Times Herald (August 1, 1990)
b20675: Ryan, Nolan - Front-page, "Fastball to the Hall," Ryan elected to Hall of Fame in Fort Worth Star-Telegram (January 6, 1999)
b20673: Ryan, Nolan - Nolan Ryan's Last Baseball Game, "Nolan Ryan's career comes to a painful end" in Fort Worth Star-Telegram (September 23, 1993)
b20674: Ryan, Nolan - Front-page, "Ryan caps career with election to Hall of Fame" in Dallas Morning News (January 6, 1999)
b16612: Nolan Ryan, California Angels - Nolan Ryan cover. Sporting News (May 5, 1973)
b10409: Ryan, Jim - Beat Street Poetry
021269: Bob Cousy; Bob Ryan - Cousy on the Celtic Mystique
b11222: Ryder, David Warren - "Aimee Semple McPherson" [letter to editor] in Nation (June 28, 1926)
z1502: Ryon, Roderick N. - "An Ambiguous Legacy, Baltimore Blacks and the CIO, 1936-1941" in Journal of Negro History (Winter 1980)
b4634: Pritchett. V.S. - "Exuberant Victorians" in New York Review of Books (September 30, 1965)
b40610: F.W.S. (F. Wayland-Smith) - "Communism and the Labor Question" in The American Socialist (August 30, 1877)
dn128: Curtis. Edward S. - "The Rush to the Klondike" in Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine (March 1898)
b23148: G.H.S. - "The Story and Origin of Christmas Cards" in Illustrated London News (Christmas Number, 1938)
b16953: James S., Ph.D. Perlman - Science Without Limits: Toward a Theory of Interaction Between Nature and Knowledge
014784: (Meredith, George) C.S. - "George Meredith and the Abbey" in Nation (May 29, 1909)
b6962: Sabatier, Armand - Etudes sur le coeur et la circulation centrale dans la série des vertébrés. Anatomie et physiologie comparées. Philosophie naturelle
b5833: Sabatini, Rafael - The Banner of the Bull. Three Episodes in the Career of Cesare Borgia
b5239: Sabin, Edward L. - "The Outlaw" in Everybody's Magazine (June, 1906)
b32114: Sabin, Edward L. - "He Didn't Know He Was Licked" in Collier's (January 29, 1922)
b30523: Sabor, Peter, editor - Horace Walpole: The Critical Heritage
dn163: Sabuda, Robert - Christmas Alphabet Cards
022140: (Civil War) Sachse, Edward - Camp Belger, Baltimore, Md. 114th Regt. New York S. Volunteers
b34042: Sacks, Oliver, Cass Sunstein, John Ashbery, J.D. McClatchy, George Soros, and other contributors - New York Review of Books (April 24, 2014)
dn283: Sacks, Oliver - Everything in Its Place: First Loves and Last Tales
b40758: Sacks, Oliver - Uncle Tungsten: Memories of a Chemical Boyhood
b29708: Sacks, Oliver - Hallucinations
b17136: Sacks, Oliver - "An Anthropologist on Mars" in New Yorker (January 3, 1994)
b16657: Sadaghdar, Alireza - A Selection of Artworks by Alireza Sadaghdar
b22791: de Sade, D.A.F. (Donatien Alphonse François) - Les infortunes de la vertu
b20794: de Sade, Marquis. Wade Baskin, introduction - Crimes of Passion
r50: Safire, William; Baker, Russell; Claiborne, Craig; Gelb, Leslie H. - New York Times Magazine (March 30, 1986)
b44055: Sagan, Francoise. Translated by Christine Donougher - With Fondest Regards
b31163: Sagan, Francoise - "Le Rendez-Vous Manque" Drama-Ballet in Two Acts
x122: Sagan, Francoise; Israel, Abigail - The Unmade Bed
b41220: Sagan, Carl - "The Cosmic Adventure: An Introduction to The New Solar System" in Lone Star Review (Setptember, 1981)
z1728: Keith M Sagar - D. H. Lawrence, a calendar of his works
z1740: Keith Sagar - A D. H. Lawrence Handbook
b21325: Sagar, Keith, Harry T. Moore, G.B. Crump, George Zytaruk, Leslie M. Thompson, L.D. Clark, James R. Bennett, Richard D. Beards, and other contributors - D.H. Lawrence Review (Spring, 1971)
b19314: Sagar, Keith - "The Genesis of The Rainbow and Women in Love" in D.H. Lawrence Review, volume 1, number 3 (Fall, 1968)
2896: Sagar, Keith. - Intersections: Hyderabad.
b10285: Sagara, Prof. Tokuzu - Japanese Fine Arts
b31110: Said, Edward, Linda Wagner, Malcolm Bradbury, and other contributors - Kenyon Review (January, 1967)
b11184: Saifulina, L. - "The Tale of Lenin and the Czar" in Nation (August 5, 1925)
T582: Saintsbury, George - A History of Nineteenth Century Literature (1780-1895)
014494: Saintsbury, George - "Christopher North" in Macmillan's (July, 1886)
014497: Saintsbury, George - "Three Humourists" in Macmillan's (December, 1893)
014505: Saintsbury, George - "William Cobbett" in Macmillan's (December, 1891)
b35583: Saintsbury, George - "James Hogg" in Macmillan's (November, 1889)
b6442: Saintsbury, George - Primer of French Literature. Third edition, revised
b32963: Saintsbury, George, editor - Seventeenth Century Lyrics
b19394: Saintsbury, George - "The Historical Novel. Part I" in Macmillan's (August, 1894)
b19391: Saintsbury, George - "The Historical Novel. Part II" in Macmillan's (September, 1894)
002352: Oheneba-Sakyi, Yaw - Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services in Ghana
b21947: Sala, Charles - Caspar David Friedrich: The Spirit of Romantic Painting
b24619: Salander, Lawrence B. - A Long Time Dying
b11455: Michael Salcman - The Clock Made of Confetti
022546: Michael Salcman - A Season Like This
b21909: (Bruce, Lenny) Sales, Grover - "The Lenny Bruce Years" in City of San Francisco (February 11, 1976)
dn528: Salinger, J.D. - "Zooey" in New Yorker (May 4, 1957)
dn67: Salinger, J.D. - Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters and Seymour: An Introduction
b44888: Salinger, J.D. - "The Young Folks" in Story (March-April, 1940)
b43640: Salinger, J.D. - "A Boy in France" in Saturday Evening Post (March 31, 1945
b31286: Salinger, J.D. - "Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut" in New Yorker (March 20, 1948)
b31261: Salinger, J.D. - "The Laughing Man" in New Yorker (March 19, 1949)
dn527: Salinger, J.D. - "Seymour. An Introduction" in New Yorker (June 6, 1959)
b45067: Salinger, J.D. - "Both Parties Concerned" in Saturday Evening Post (February 26, 1944).
b40930: Salinger, J.D. - "The Hang of It" in Collier's (July 12, 1941)
b22046: Salinger, J.D. - "A Boy in France" in The Saturday Evening Post Stories 1942-1945
b44573: Salinger, J.D. - "Raise High the Roofbeam, Carpenters" in New Yorker (November 19, 1955)
b17513: Salinger, J.D. - "Go See Eddie" in New Letters (Fall, 1978)
13160: Salinger, J.D. - "Just Before the War with the Eskimos" in New Yorker (June 5, 1948).
b33700: Salisbury, Harrison, Phyllis Duganne, Richard J. Hubler, Bruce Douglas, and other contributors - Liberty (February 10, 1945)
b7076: Salley, A.S., Jr. - "A Bibliography of the Women Writers of South Carolina" in Publications of the Southern History Association (March, 1902)
b32019: (Simms, William Gilmore) Salley, A.S., Jr. - "A Bibliography of William Gilmore Simms" in Publications of the Southern History Association (October, 1897)
7022: Salokar, Rebecca M. and Mary Volcansek - Women in Law: A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook
015343: (Johnson, Samuel) Salpeter, Harry - Doctor Johnson and Mr. Boswell
b36555: Salter, James - "Michelin Man" in New York Times Magazine (January 2, 2005)
b36356: Salter, James, Jose Yglesias, John Russell, A. Alvarez, Romare Bearden, Ivan Doig, Donald Keene, Mary Lee Settle, Frederic Raphael, Seiji Ozawa, Elizabeth Tallent, and other contributors - Essays in The Sophisticated Traveler (October 6, 1985)
b34061: Salter, James, Helen Vendler, Iain Sinclair, Juliet Mitchell, Jenny Diski, John-Paul Stonard, Anne Wagner, and other contributors - London Review of Books (November 6, 2014)
b40915: McGuane. Edmund White. James Salter - Publicity folder announcing the Penguin American Fiction Series with the first two books in the series Panama (McGuane) and Nocturnes for the King of Naples (White)
b12444: Salter, James. - "Splendid" in Esquire (August, 1989)
b42295: Salveson, Paul, Joann P. Krieg, Carmine Sarracino, and Jerome K. Loving - Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, XIV, 2/3(Fall, 1996/Winter, 1997)
b15739: Samaras, Lucas - "Autopolaroid" and "Autointerview" in Art in America (November-December, 1970)
b11466: Sample, Paul - Four paintings in Fortune (January, 1937)
b33680: Sampson, Henry - A History of Advertising from the Earliest Times. Illustrated by Anecdotes, Curious Specimens,and Biographical Notes
b17826: Samuel, Maurice - Blood Accusation: The Strange History of the the Beiliss Case
b29473: (Jordan, Michael) Samuels, Allison and John Leland - Cover photograph of Jordan and "MJ's Court" in Newsweek (January 25, 1999)
b18135: Benjamin Forkner; Patrick Samway - Stories of the Modern South
b44006: Sanborn, I.E. - "Science vs. Skill in Baseball: Tricks That Are Fair and Unfair" in American Boy (September,1910)
b30658: Sanborn, I.E. - "Science vs. Skill in Baseball" in The American Boy (May, 1910)
b40495: Sand, George - "The Man of Snow" (chapter 7) in New York Semi-Weekly Tribune (September 16, 1859)
b40496: Sand, George - "The Man of Snow" (chapter 9) in New York Semi-Weekly Tribune (September 23, 1859)
b40498: Sand, George - "The Man of Snow" (chapter 10 continued) in New York Semi-Weekly Tribune (September 30, 1859)
b40491: Sand, George - "The Man of Snow" (chapter 5) in New York Semi-Weekly Tribune (September 2, 1859)
b40540: Sand, George - "The Man of Snow" (chapter 20 and conclusion) in New York Semi-Weekly Tribune (October 28, 1859)
b40541: Sand, George - "The Man of Snow" (chapters 18-19) in New York Semi-Weekly Tribune (October 25, 1859)
b40542: Sand, George - "The Man of Snow" (chapters 16-17) in New York Semi-Weekly Tribune (October 21, 1859)
b40544: Sand, George - "The Man of Snow" (chapter 15) in New York Semi-Weekly Tribune (October 18, 1859)
b40547: Sand, George - "The Man of Snow" (chapters 14) in New York Semi-Weekly Tribune (October 14, 1859)
b40548: Sand, George - "The Man of Snow" (chapters 13) in New York Semi-Weekly Tribune (October 11, 1859)
b22779: Sand, George - Mont-Reveche
b34976: Sandborn, Ellen, Arthur J. Larsen, John E. Cox, and other contributors - North Dakota History, Vol. 6, no. 1(October, 1931)
b32088: Sandburg, Carl - "Mary Todd Lincoln" (part three of serialization) in Woman's Home Companion (November, 1932)
b20902: Sandburg, Carl - "Poems" ("St. Joe: The Big Muddy: Jesse James", "Hemstitches", "Frog Spring Songs", and "Striped Cats, Old Men and Proud Stockings") in New Republic (March 12, 1924)
b21352: Sandburg, Carl - "Four Poems" in American Mercury (October, 1928)
b24622: Sandburg, Carl - Abraham Lincoln, The War Years (Complete Four Volume Set)
b16793: Sandburg, Carl - "Trying to Write" in Atlantic (September, 1950)
001680: Sandburg, Carl. - "Santa Fe Sketches" in American Mercury (March, 1927).
b19053: David Sander - Wood Engraving (A Studio book)
b17713: Sanders, Barry - "Gustav Stickley: A Craftsman's Furniture" in American Art & Antiques (July-August, 1979)
ag85: Sandler, Martin W. - The Story of American Photography: An Illustrated History for Young People
uh28: Sandoz, Mari (Dick, Everett) (DeVoto, Bernard) - "Sodbusters" (rev. of 'The Sod-House Frontier, 1854-1890 by Everett Dick) in The Saturday Review of Literature Vol. XVII No. 8 (December 1937)
b24959: Sandoz, Mari - "Nebraska" in Holiday (May, 1956)
b17327: Sandoz, Mari - "FDR's Governess" [letter to the editor] in New Republic (May 6, 1946)
b8067: Sandvik, Todd - Of and To Aime Cesaire
b36295: Saner, Reg, Clarence Major, Michael Kennedy, Linda Hogan, Amy Levin, Lawrence Dunning, Jean Queneau, and other contributors - Aspen Anthology 6
b30033: Saner, Reg, Douglas Flaherty, Thomas Kerrigan, and other contributors - Cottonwood Review (Summer, 1974)
b11430: Sanford, John - French Chateaux: Chiefly of the Loire Valley
b30369: Sanford, H.S. - The Different Systems of Penal Codes in Europe: Also, A Report on the Administrative Changes in France, Since the Revolution of 1848
b29722: Sanford, John L. - Address of John L. Sanford Before Maryland Lodge No. 120
b29719: Sanford, John L. - Brief for The Grad Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Maryland, In the Circuit Court of Baltimore City
b4918: Sanger, Donald B. - "A Brief Survey of the Growth of Nullification and Its Relation to Secession" in Tyler's Quarterly Historical and Genealogical Magazine (April, 1938)
b29502: Sanger, Margaret - "This Is Why I Fight for Birth Control" in Look (August 15, 1939)
b10680: Sangree, Allen - "The Big Leaguer Goes to a Bull Fight" in Sunday Magazine of the Sunday [Chicago] Record-Herald (October 20, 1907)
b7253: Sansom, William - "Coffs, Pools and Bikes" in Punch (November 2, 1953)
b33237: Sansom, William - Fireman Flower
b40352: Madonna and Gus Van Sant - "Madonna" [interview] in Interview (May, 2010)
b10458: Van Sant, Gus - "A Man on a Horse" in All-Story (Spring, 2006)
T424: Santamour, Frank S., Jr. et al - Better Trees for Metropolitan Landscapes: Symposium Proceedings
b31107: Santayana, George. Other contributors to this issue: Zona Gale, Bliss Perry, Ida M. Tarbell, Babette Deutsch, Edward Arlington Robinson, and others - "Preface to a System of Philosophy" in Yale Review (April, 1924)
b36471: (Ballard, J.G.) Sante, Luc - "Tales from the Dark Side" [profile of J.G. Ballard] in New York Times Magazine (September 9, 1990)
d230: Sante, Luc - "The Cat In The Hat" in Vanity Fair (May, 1983)
b43819: Sante, Luc, Geoffrey James, Carroll Dunham, Karen Armstrong, Arthur Ganson, Doug and Mike Starn, Joel-Peter Witkin, George Condo, Catherine Chalmers, essays - "Triumph of the Image" in New York Times Magazine (September 19, 1999.
b29679: Sante, Luc - "Smashed Palaces: The Demise of Manhattan Movie Theaters" in Interview (June, 1989)
b25042: Sante, Luc, Kathryn Harrison, Rick Moody, and other contributors - Bookforum (Winter, 2002)
b23242: Sante, Luc - "Resume" [essay] in New York Review of Books (November 20, 1997)
b21647: Sante, Luc - "What Secrets Tell" in New York Times Magazine (December 3, 2000)
b15722: (James, Will) Santee, Ross - "'I'll Pack This One Book'" [front-page review of Lone Cowboy] in New York Herald Tribune Books (August 3, 1930)
b11223: Sapir, Edward - "Music Brings Griefs" [poem] in Nation (June 28, 1926)
b35021: Sapphire - "Push" in New Yorker, (April 29-May 6, 1996)
b40351: Sarandon, Susan and Carey Mulligan - "Carey Mulligan" [interview] in Interview (April, 2010)
dn270: Saravia, albertina - Popol Wuh: Ancient Stories of the Quiche Indians of Guatemala
b11646: (Dumas, Alexandre) Sardou, Andre - "The Plaza of the Three Dumas" in Harper's Weekly (November 21, 1903)
dn571: Sargeant, Winthrop - "Prodigy's Progress (Part 1)" (profile of Yehudi Menuhin) in The New Yorker (October 8, 1955)
b15861: Sargeant, Winthrop - "Veronese in Venice [profile of Giuseppe Cipriani, proprietor of Harry's Bar]" in New Yorker (July 22, 1972)
b32654: (Avedon, Richard) Sargeant, Winthrop - "A Woman Entering a Taxi in the Rain" [profile of Richard Avedon] in New Yorker (November 8, 1958)
b11149: Sarnoff, David - "The Freedom of the Air: Uncensored and Uncontrolled" in Nation (July 23, 1924)
b7997: Saroyan, William - "The Television Impeachment of the Boy President's Assassin's Financial Backer" in The Texas Arts Journal, Number One (1977)
b7994: Saroyan, William - "The Television Impeachment of the Boy President's Assassin's Financial Backer" in The Texas Arts Journal, Number One (1977)
015617: Saroyan, William - "The Poor and Burning Arab" in Atlantic (June, 1940)
b15426: Saroyan, William - "A Great Writer Protests" [letter to editor] in Nation (April 23, 1938)
b33510: Saroyan, William, Julian Bond, Al Richmond, Herbert Aptheker, Roger Aselineau, and other contributors - American Dialog, volume 2, numbr 3 (October-November, 1965)
b31227: Saroyan, Aram, Tom Hayden, Dan Wakefield, and other contributors - Rolling Stone, No. 159 (April 25, 1974)
b31113: Saroyan, William - "O What a Man Was O. Henry" in Kenyon Review (November, 1967)
b30017: Saroyan, William - "'A Soft Word to the Grave Digger, or What Success Did to Me'" in Cavalier (June, 1965)
b29784: Saroyan, William - "The Doctor Didn't Understand" in Saturday Evening Post (Ausgust 16, 1958)
b29419: Saroyan, William - "Wesley Finds His Girl " in Argosy (January, 1947)
020833: Saroyan, William - "Someday I'll Be a Millionaire": 34 More Great Stories
C5265: Sarton, May - "Two Songs" in New York Quarterly, No. 23 (1978)
b32598: Sarton, May, Nadine Gordimer, and other contributors - New Yorker (October 16, 1954)
b32570: Sarton, May - "O My America" in New Yorker (February 6, 1954)
b32568: Sarton, May - "Wondelgem -- The House in the Country" in New Yorker (January 23, 1954)
b32415: Sarton, May - "The Olive Grove" in New Yorker (August 13, 1955)
b32298: Sarton, May - "The Town Will Talk" in Ladies' Home Journal (June, 1947)
dn597: Sarton, May - "Mediterranean" in New Yorker (Oct 29, 1955)
b32565: Sarton, May - "In My Father's House" in New Yorker (January 9, 1954)
b21920: Sarton, May - "In Deep Concern" in Atlantic (May, 1942)
7983: Sarton, May. - "Who Wakes" in New Republic (August 6, 1944).
022017: Sarton, May - "My Sisters, O My Sisters" in Kenyon Review (Spring, 1946)
020627: Sarton, May - "Unlucky Soldier" in Atlantic (August, 1944)
b12206: Sartre, Jean Paul, directeur and contributor - Les Temps Modernes (Mars, 1954)
b36568: Sartre, Jean-Paul and Catherine Chaine - "A Conversation About Sex and Women with Jean-Paul Sartre" in Playboy (January, 1978)
b30192: Sartre, Jean-Paul, editor. Hannah Arendt, Wlodzimiers Odojewski, Michel Tort, Renee Saurel, and other contributors - Les Temps Modernes (Mars, 1966)
b22974: Sartre, Jean-Paul - Le mur
b22762: Sartre, Jean-Paul - L'Existentialisme est un humanisme
b22659: Sartre, Jean-Paul - "American Novelists in French Eyes" in Atlantic (August, 1946)
b20516: Sartre, Jean Paul - "American Novelists in French Eyes" in Atlantic (August, 1946)
b20253: Sartre, Jean Paul - "The Chances of Peace" in Nation (December 30, 1950)
5525: Sartre, Jean-Paul. - Portrait of the Anti-Semite. PR Series, Number One.
015975: Sartre, Jean-Paul - "Conversation with Jean-Paul Sartre" in Penthouse (June, 1975)
b24935: Sass, Steven A. and Robert K. Triest, editors - Social Security Reform
b29646: (Lewis, John L.) Sassaman, Walter - Cover photograph of Lewis and "Watch Lewis" AND "Mining Means Dirt and Death" in Friday (April 4, 1941)
b11015: Sassoon, Siegfried - "Gloria Mundi" in New Statesman and Nation (March 11, 1939)
b40050: Sassoon, Siegfried - Memoirs of an Infantry Officer
dn656: Sassoon, Siegfried - "They Were Not True" (poem) in The Saturday Review (January 23, 1936)
b19953: Sassoon, Siegfried - "Revisitation" in Nation (January 29, 1936)
b3559: Roger Gastman; Ian Sattler - Morning Wood
b19948: Satz, Kate Davis and Richard T. York - Passion and Reverence: Joseph Stella and the Natural World
b43552: Saunders, George - "The Semplica-Girl Diaries" in New Yorker (October 15, 2012)
b12211: Saunders, George. Kevin Larimer - "The Very Persistent Mapper of Happenstance" [interview] in Poets and Writers (July/August, 2000)
b36715: Saunders, George, Dave Eggers, Jorie Graham, Richard Powers, Elmore Leonard, Gish Jen, Duane Michaels, Chuck Close, Nan Goldin, and other contributors - New York Times Magazine (May 7, 2000)
b36558: Saunders, George - "The Absololutely No-Anything Diet" in New York Times Magazine (March 13, 2005)
z318: Saunders, James Robert; Walker, Alice; Hurston, Zora Neale - "Womanism as the Key to Understanding Zora Neale Hurston's "Their Eyes
dn281: Saunders, George - Lincoln in the Bardo
b30359: Saunders, George - "Interview" in Night Train, No. 3 (2004)
b30224: Saunders, George - Pastoralia
b41276: Saunders, George - "Bohemians" in New Yorker (January 19, 2004)
ag101: Sauvageot, Claude - Photographer
b24714: Savage, Anne, translator and editor - The Ango-Saxon Chronicles
b23875: Sawin, Nancy Churchman and Barbara McEwing - North from Wilmington by Oulde Roades and Turnpikes
b34404: Sawtell, William - The Brownville Junction Railroad Y.M.C.A.
b16948: Sawyer, Virginia - Salute to the Navy: March
b7248: Sayers, Dorothy - "The Cosmic Synthesis" in Punch (November 2, 1953)
b29647: Sayers, Michael - Cover photograph of Hitler with Joseph P. Kennedy, both smiling, and "Appeasement International" in Friday (March 14, 1941)
b29638: Sayers, Michael - "Inside Defeated Facist France" in Friday (August 23, 1940)
b15544: Sayers, Dorothy - "The Sport of Noble Minds" in Life and Letters (January, 1930)
b22369: Lord Chesterfield Selected by Charles Sayle - Essays by Leigh Hunt
b4980: Sayles, John - "Peeling" in Atlantic (September, 1993)
b11970: Sayles, John interview by Ray Pride - "John Sayles" in Hollywood Scriptwriter (July, 1999)
b21321: Sayles, John - "Keeping Time" in Rolling Stone (December 9, 1993)
C1814: Sayoyan, William - "The Girl at the Bar" in Argosy (April, 1955)
b41235: (Dylan, Bob) Scaduto, Anthony - "Bob Dylan: An Intimate Biography", part one in Rolling Stone, No. 103 (March 2, 1972)
b41237: (Dylan, Bob) Scaduto, Anthony - "Bob Dylan: An Intimate Biography", part two in Rolling Stone, No. 104 (March 16, 1972)
b3199: Scannell, Vernon - "Voyeur" in Encounter (January, 1964)
b44598: Schadeberg, Jurgen, compiler and photographer. Nelson Mandela and other prisoners on Robben Island. Tokyo M.G. Sexwale, introductory poem - Voices from Robben Island
C5125: Schaeffer, Susan Fromberg - "Lightning Storm" in American Scholar (Spring, 1973)
C5129: Schaeffer, Susan Fromberg - "Climbing the Mountain" in American Scholar (Summer, 1975)
b20594: Schaeffer, Susan Fromberg, Peter Wild and other contributors - The Greensboro Review, No. 41 (Summer, 1986-87)
b33155: Scham, Paul, Walid Salem, and Benjamin Pogrund, editors - Shared Histories: A Palestinian-Isreali Dialogue
b19445: (Sweets, Michael) Schama, Simon - "Another Dimension" (the paintings of Michael Sweets) in New Yorker (October 28, 2002)
b23713: Schapiro, Meyer - Vincent Van Gogh [Great Art of the Ages]
b16114: Jane Schapiro - Tapping This Stone
b40694: Scharf, J. Thomas - History of Baltimore City and County from the Earliest Period to the Present Day:Including Biographical Sketches of Their Representative Men
b12091: Scharf, Col. J. Thomas - The Chronicles of Baltimore
ag116: Scharper, Diane - Reading Lips and Other Ways to Overcome a Disability
b31154: Schary, Dore - "The Tides of Popularity" in Lithopinion 4 (1966)
12177: Schaubeck, Richard J. - "Frank Hallmann and Aloe Editions: A Bibliographical Checklist" in American Book Collector (May/June, 1983).
b45131: (Colombo, Gianni) Schefer, Jean Louis and Marco Meneguzzo, text - Gianni Colombo
b30366: Scheffler, Judith, Simon J. Bronner, John Davies, Kenneth A. Dietreich, Amy C. Schutt, James P. Myers, Jr., Arthur R. Jarvis, and other contributors - Pennsylvania History (Summer, 1999)
b23215: Schehade, Georges - Histoire de Vasco
b29264: Scheibli, Silvia - Invisible Paths
b30127: Scheick, William J., editor - The Critical Response to H.G. Wells
b21314: Scheick, William J., editor - The Critical Response to H.G. Wells
b36491: Schell, F.C. - "Comprehensive View of the Grand Naval Parade at New York on Friday, September 29th" in Leslie's Weekly (October 7, 1899)
z1420: Schell, Kempes - "Anti-Slavery Influences on the Status of Slaves in a Free State" in Journal of Negro History (October 1965)
b23712: Schenck, Edgar C., Bernard Myers, Patrick J. Kelleher, and Roger Squire, essay contributors - Expressionism in American Painting
b40814: Schevill, James, Rainer Schulte, Edwin Honig, Walter McDonald, and other contributors - Sand: A Journal of Poeetry and Translation
b12461: (Kosinski, Jerzy) Schiff, Stephen - "The Kosinski Conundrum" in Vanity Fair (June, 1988)
b34072: Schiller, Friedrich. Robert Walling Deering, editor with introduction and notes - Wilhelm Tell
b20510: (Doctorow, E.L.); Schillinger, Liesl - Review of "Homer & Langley" in New York Times Book Review (September 13, 2009)
b36699: Schine, Cathleen - "The Dead and the Naked. Chapter 15: No Stone Left Unturned" in New York Times Magazine (December 23, 2007)
b36698: Schine, Cathleen - "The Dead and the Naked. Chapter 14: And the Deed, as They Say, Was Done" in New York Times Magazine (December 16, 2007)
b36688: Schine, Cathleen - "The Dead and the Naked. Chapter 9: Here Comes Death" in New York Times Magazine (November 4, 2007)
b36685: Schine, Cathleen - "The Dead and the Naked. Chapter 8: Foul Play" in New York Times Magazine (October 28, 2007)
b36684: Schine, Cathleen - "The Dead and the Naked. Chapter 7: Time Will Tell" in New York Times Magazine (October 21, 2007)
b36682: Schine, Cathleen - "The Dead and the Naked. Chapter 4: Who Said Anything About a Crime?" in New York Times Magazine (September 30, 2007)
b36689: Schine, Cathleen - "The Dead and the Naked. Chapter 10: Terrible Things Happen There" in New York Times Magazine (November 11, 2007)
b36693: Schine, Cathleen - "The Dead and the Naked. Chapter 11: Busy, Busy, Busy" in New York Times Magazine (November 25, 2007)
b36694: Schine, Cathleen - "The Dead and the Naked. Chapter 13: I Fear Thee" in New York Times Magazine (December 2, 2007)
b36679: Schine, Cathleen - "The Dead and the Naked. Chapter 3: The Arrival of G.G." in New York Times Magazine (September 23, 2007)
b36676: Schine, Cathleen - "The Dead and the Naked. Chapter 2: A Litle World of Murder and Deceit" in New York Times Magazine (September 16, 2007)
b36675: Schine, Cathleen - "The Dead and the Naked. Chapter 1: Perhaps he Forgot" in New York Times Magazine (September 9, 2007)
b36290: Schlegel, Frederick [Karl Wilhelm Friedrich] - Lectures on the History of Literature, Ancient and Modern
b15246: Schlerf, Gary W. - The History of the Canton Railroad Company: Artery of Baltimore's Industrial Heartland
b33012: Schlesinger, John - "Dialogue on Film" in American Film (December, 1979)
b32463: Schlesinger, Arthur Meier - A Critical Period in American Religion 1875-1900
dn30: Schlesinger, Arthur Meier - A Life in the 20th Century: Innocent Beginnings, 1917-1950
b40782: Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. - "Matthew Brady, Photographer" [cover review] in New York Times Book Review (February 10, 1946)
z1403: Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr. - "Nationalism and History" in Journal of Negro History (January 1969)
b23305: Schlesinger, Tom, John Egerton, and other contributors - Southern Exposure, Vol. 15, No. 2(Summer, 1987)
b20015: Schlesinger, Arthur M. - "Rise of the Loco-Focos" in New Republic (April 29, 1946)
b17324: Schlesinger, Arthur M. - "Jackson and the Intellectuals" in New Republic (May 13, 1946)
018416: (Oppenheimerr, J. Robert) Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr. - "The Oppenheimer Case" in Atlantic (October, 1954)
b12051: Schmeckebier, Laurence Frederick - History of the Know Nothing Party in Maryland
T440: Gary Schmidgall - Literature as Opera
b16602: Mike Schmidt, Philadelphia Phillies - Mike Schmidt cover. Sporting News (April 2, 1977)
b29470: Schnabel, Julian. Thomas McEvilley, essay. Lisa Phillips, essay. - Julian Schnabel: Paintings, 1975-1987
b17085: Schnabel, Julian - Five photographs of Reinaldo Arenas in Esquire (January, 2001)
b29292: Schneberg, Willa / Larkin Warren - Box Poems / Old Sheets
b11297: Schneider, Isidor - "Announcement of Night" [poem] in Nation (January 4, 1928)
12186: Schneider, G.W. - "Exploration of the South Polar Region" in Literary Digest (January 22, 1898).
d279: Schneller, Robert J., Jr. - A Quest for Glory: A Biography of Rear Admiral John A. Dahlgren
b40749: Schnitzler, Arthur - Hands Around
b16936: Schoeller, Martin - "Sumo Cum Laude" [seven color photographs] in New Yorker (March 18, 2002)
b21663: Scholes, Percy A. - The Oxford Companion to Music
z1497: Schor, Joel - "The Rivalry Between Frederick Douglass and Henry Highland Garnet" in Journal of Negro History (Winter 1979)
b10569: (Lewis, Sinclair) Schorer, Mark - "Sinclair Lewis As a Young Publisher" in Publisher's Weekly (July 24, 1961)
022328: Schorer, Mark - "Picking Up the Pieces" in New Yorker (July 2, 1949)
b22548: (Tarkington, Booth) Joseph Schrank, television adaptation. Alex Segal, director - The Magnificent Ambersons
12178: Schreiber, Fred and Richard Marschall. - "Collecting Comic Strip Art" in American Book Collector (May-June, 1983).
b44198: Schreiner, Olive - "The African Boer" (complete serialization in two issues) in Cosmopolitan (September and October, 1900)
b32224: Schrodinger, Erwin - "Einstein Explained" in World's Work (June, 1929)
016974: Schulberg, Bud. - "The Typical Gesture" in Good Housekeeping (October, 1946)
d213: Schulberg, Budd - "The Battle Of The Bare-Knuckled Champions" in True (December, 1953)
b5564: Schulman, Grace - For That Day Only
b24658: Schulman, Marc. Alexandra Murphy, essay - Theodore Rousseau: The Language of Nature
d57: Schulte, Rainer, Editor-In-chief - Mundus Artium: Japanese, Turkish, Cuban, Arabic Selections
022435: Schulte, Rainer - "Translation and the Publishing World" In Translation Review, Nos. 34/35 (1990-1991)
z1729: Fred Schultz - History Makers: Interviews
b30688: Schultz, James Willard, Beth B. Gilchrist, C.A. Stephens, Arthur Woods, Fisher Ames, and other contributors - The Youth's Companion (September 29, 1921)
b19678: James Schultz - Richmond: A River City Reborn : A Contemporary Portrait
b32060: Schulz, Charles M. - Christmas Is Together-Time" (text + nine Peanuts illustrations) in McCall's, XCII, No. 3 (December, 1964)
b17860: Schulz, Claire - "Collecting Evelyn Waugh" in Firsts (March, 1995)
z506: Schulz, Charles M. - Who Do You Think You Are, Charlie Brown?
x1142: Schulz, Charles M. - You're My Hero, Charlie Brown!
b24699: Schulze, Bruno - Adam and Evelyn
b22624: Schumann, Mary - Bright Star (The Sunday Novel)
b33246: Schumpeter, J. [Joseph] A. - Das Wesen des Geldes
b10752: Schurz, Carl - "Manifest Destiny" in Harper's (October, 1893)
b36505: Schurz, Carl - "Wanted -- A Republican Form of Government" in Harper's Weekly (April 10, 1897)
b35212: Schurz, Carl - :Carl Schurz's Speech at Cincinnati" in The Watertown Reformer (September 30, 1875)
b32187: Schurz, Carl - "Rutherford Burchard Hayes" [front-page] in Harper's Weekly (January 28, 1893)
B40639: Schurz, Carl - "The Questions to be Decided" in the New York Semi-Weekly Tribune (September 14, 1860)
b44919: Schurz, Carl - "Civil Service Reform and the People" in Harper's Weekly (January 1, 1898)
b45123: Schurz, Carl (contributors to this issue also include Ellen Terry, Walter Wellman , Mrs. Woodrow Wilson, and others) - "The Battle of Gettysburg" in McClure's (July, 1907)
b23541: Schurz, Carl - "Present Aspects of the Indian Problem" in North American Review (July, 1881)
b23540: Schurz, Carl - "Party Schisms and Future Problems" in North American Review (May, 1892)
b41113: Schurz, Carl - "Manifest Destiny" in Harper's (October, 1893)
b41120: Schurz, Carl - "Daniel Webster" in Harper's (November, 1897)
021087: Schurz, Carl - "Talks with Bismarck" in McClure's (August, 1908)
b43482: Schurz, Carl - "Reform of the Primaries" in Harper's Weekly (February 5, 1898)
b43483: Schurz, Carl - "'Cold Facts' and Hawaii" in Harper's Weekly (February 12, 1898)
b43484: Schurz, Carl - "Impending Dangers" in Harper's Weekly (February 19, 1898)
b43485: Schurz, Carl - "Annexing Hawaii by Joint Resolution" in Harper's Weekly (February 26, 1898)
b43488: Schurz, Carl - "About War" in Harper's Weekly (March 5, 1898)
b43490: Schurz, Carl - "France After the Zola Trial" in Harper's Weekly (March 12, 1898)
b43491: Schurz, Carl - "The Campaign Against Civil Service Reform" in Harper's Weekly (April 2, 1898)
b43493: Schurz, Carl - "The Philanthropic Policy" in Harper's Weekly (April 9, 1898)
b43494: Schurz, Carl - "About Patriotism" in Harper's Weekly (April 16, 1898)
b43495: Schurz, Carl - "A Case of Self-Sacrsifice" in Harper's Weekly (April 23, 1898)
b32124: Schwab, Charles - "What Does Business Want from the Government?" in Collier's (December 11, 1920)
015888: Schwartz, Delmore. - "Ezra Pound and His Poetry" in The Griffin (February, 1960)
b11759: Schwartz, Delmore - "Karl Shapiro's Poetics" [review] in Nation (November 10, 1945)
b3957: Schwartz, Delmore - "During December's Death" in New Yorker (December 20, 1958)
b5561: Schwartz, Lynne Sharon - Balancing Acts
b5563: Lynne Sharon Schwartz - Rough Strife
b22501: Helen S. Schwartz, photographs. Katherine A. Sloan, text - "Tell then all about it, won't you?" Gettysburg: Images of the Present, Voices of the Past
b20250: Schwartz, Delmore - "The Life of a Hero" [review] in Nation (July 15, 1950)
022299: Schwartz, Delmore - "The Track Meet" in New Yorker (February 28, 1959)
b34089: Schwarz, Jeno - A Peomise Redeemed
b43480: Scidmore, Eliza Ruhamah - "The Porcelain-Artists of Japan" in Harper's Weekly (January 22, 1898)
b12251: Scofield, Sandra - More Than Allies
b33995: Scorsese, Martin - "The Persisting Vision: Reading the Language of Cinema" in New York Review of Books (August 15, 2013)
b21183: Scorsese, Martin - "The Leading Man" in Rolling Stone (May 15, 2003)
b6938: Scott, Sir Walter. Andrew Lang, introduction - "An Unpublished Work of Scott: Private Letters of King James's Reign" in Scribner's (December, 1893)
z1536: Scott, Frederick Dent - "Letters of Severn Teackle Wallis, 1816-1894" in Maryland Historical Magazine (June 1944)
b12503: Scott, Sir Walter - "Death of Lady Scott" in New-York Mirror (April 28, 1838)
b36745: (Sontag, Susan) Scott, A.O. - "The Critical Gaze" (profile of Susan Sontag) in New York Times Magazine (February 23, 2003)
b34929: Scott, James Brown - Elihu Root's Services to International Law
b34810: Scott, James Brown - The Sixth International Conference of American States
b34669: Scott, James Brown - The Work of the Second Hague Conference
b34083: Scott, Darieck - Traitor to the Race
b32445: Scott, Sir Walter - Waverley; or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since. Two volumes in one
b40625: Dixon-Scott, J. - Just Cambridge
b31510: Scott, Robert F. - "The Story of the New 'Farthest South'" in Harper's Weekly (September 17, 1905)
uh9: Scott, Sir Walter - "The Bard of Abbotsford" in Harper's New Monthly Magazine No. 256 (September 1871)
b29798: Scott, F.N. - "The Battle of Bunker Hill Considered from a Military Standpoint" in American Historical Register (September, 1896)
dn676: Scott, Sir Walter - "The Dying Bard" (poem) in The Boston Review (July 1807)
z2: Scott, J. W. Robertson - The Story of the Pall Mall Gazette
b29140: Scott, Sir Walter - Tales of a Grandfather, Third Series; Being Stories Taken from Scottish History. Humbly Inscribed to Hugh Littleton, Esq. in Two Vols.
b24621: Scott, Sir Walter. Francis Turner Palgrave, biographical and critical memoir - Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott. The Globe Edition
b24522: Scott, Jerry and Jim Borgman - Teenage Tales: Zits Sketchbook 8
b21615: (Prince Albert) Scott, G.G. - "Design for the National Memorial of the Prince Consort, by G.G. Scott, R.A." [large two-page engraving] in Illustrated London News (July 11, 1863)
b16878: Scott, Sir Walter (J. Logie Robertson, Editor) - The Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott
b16398: Charles F. Stuckey; William P. Scott - Berthe Morisot, Impressionist
b10121: Scott, Sir Walter - "Epitaph" in Select Reviews of Literature (April, 1812)
022414: Scott, Leader - The Renaissance of Art in Italy: An Illustrated History
018581: Scott, Sir Walter - "Extract from the Lay of the Last Minstrel" in The Repertory (November 15, 1805)
9602: Scottoline, Lisa - Moment of Truth
b24909: (Whitman, Walt) Scovel, James Matlack - "Walt Whitman as I Knew Him" in National Magazine (May, 1904)
022672: Charles Scribner - Scribner Writers Series on Cd-Rom, Release 2.0
021199: Charles Scribner - Scribner Writers Series on Cd-Rom, Release 2.0
b17427: Scriven, George R. - "Maryland Medicine in the Seventeenth Century" in Maryland Historical Magazine (March, 1962)
015927: Scully, Vincent, Jr. - "Louis I Kahn: Form, Design and the Human City" in Show (May, 1965)
b44158: Seabrook, E.B. - "The Poor Whites of the South" in Galaxy (October, 1867)
b43793: Seale, WIlliam - The Imperial Season: America's Capital in the Time of the First Ambassadors, 1893-1918
b44663: Seale, William, foreword. Essays by Alysha E. Black, Alan Fern, Bruce White, and Betty C. Monkman - Essays on White House Documentary Sources in the National Archives, Symbolic and Real Images of the White House, "Photographing WHite House Furnishings", Research Sources in the White House Curator's Office in White History, Number nine (Spring, 2001)
b44664: Seale, William, foreword. Essays by Seale, Clifford Krainik, William G. Allman, and Wendy Kail - Essays on Imagery from the 1840 Election, "Prsincely Objects" in Charles Ogle's Speech, Speech of Mr. Ogle on the regal splendor of the "President's Palace", letter of Martha Custis Peter from 1841 in White History, Number ten (Winter, 2002)
b44666: Seale, William, foreword. Essays by Pamela Kilian, Dallas Finn, XRobert L. Anderson, Claire A. Faulkner, and William G. Allman - Essays on Harriet Lane and Buchanan's White House, Japanese Visit to Buchanan, Prince of Wales in Buchanan's White House, and others in White History, Number twelve (Winter, 2003)
017211: (Melville, Herman) Sealts, Merton M., Jr. - Review of White Jacket in The Albion (March 30, 1850)
C1128: Searle, Ronald. - "Have a Good Rum for your money," illustration for a rear cover ad in London Magazine (December, 1954).
b6133: Searle, Ronald - Two illustrations in Punch (June 24, 1953)
b7257: Searle, Ronald - Illustration in Punch (December 16, 1953)
b7280: Searle, Ronald - "La Pariola e d'Argento" in Punch (November 25, 1953)
b7283: Searle, Ronald - Three illustrations in Punch (September 2, 1953)
b7289: Searle, Ronald - Illustrations of Bowell and Rousseau in Punch (September 9, 1953)
b7293: Searle, Ronald - Illustrations of Boswell and Voltaire in Punch (September 30, 1953)
b7299: Searle, Ronald - Two illustrations of James Boswell in Punch (September 23, 1953)
b7303: Searle, Ronald - Illustration in Punch (August 19, 1953)
b7306: Searle, Ronald - Two illustrations of James Boswell in Punch (August 26, 1953)
b33591: Searle, Ronald - Cover illustration, "After Picasso", in Punch (June 29, 1960)
b29316: Searle, Ronald - Slightly Foxed -- But Still Desirable. Ronald Searle's Wicked World Book of Collecting
b23945: Searle, Ronald - Mush, Mush -- Alaskan Sketches" in Holiday (July, 1963)
b23939: Searle, Ronald - Cover illustration in Holiday (March, 1964)
b23938: Searle, Ronald - Cover illustration in Holiday (February, 1965)
11083: Searle, Ronald. - "Lots to See in Town" in Holiday (April, 1962).
11086: Searle, Ronald. - Seven illustrations for "The Tribal American" by William Manchester in Holiday (July, 1962).
b33042: Searles, Ronald - "Festival Celebrations at St. Trinians" in Lilliput (April, 1951)
b25433: Sears, Peter - Tour
b10195: Seaton, A.E. - "Speed in Ocean Steamers" in Scribner's (July, 1891)
b22638: Seaver, Tom as told to Dave Sendler - "Tom Seaver: Amazin' All-Star Rookie" in Boy's Life (May, 1968).
b44295: Seawell, Molly Elliot - "A Charming Family" in Illustrated London News (May 4, 1901)
b19329: Sebald, W. G - "The Rings of Saturn: An Excerpt" in Brick (Spring, 1998)
AG48: Seckel, Al - Masters of Deception: Escher, Dalí & the Artists of Optical Illusion
r35: Sedaris, David - "Keeping Up" (nonfiction) in New Yorker (April 18, 2005)
b10525: Sedaris, David - "The Girl Next Door" in New Yorker (August 18 & 25, 2003)
b12459: Sedaris, David - "An American Satirist in Paris: An INterview with David Sedaris" in Inside Borders (June, 2000)
b15952: Sedaris, David - "Road Trips" in New Yorker (November 27, 2006)
b30791: Sedaris, David - "I Used to Be a Smart Guy" and "Big Boy" in Esquire (November, 1999)
b30653: Sedaris, David - "Me Talk Pretty One Day" in Esquire (March, 1999)
b30570: Sedaris, David - "The Man Upstairs" in Esquire (October, 2001)
b21837: Sedaris, David - "Who's the Chef?" in New Yorker (March 10, 2003)
b19702: Sedaris, David - "Mr. Popular" in Esquire (February, 2002)
b17542: Sedaris, David - "The Way We Are" in New Yorker (February 19 & 26, 2007)
018465: Sedaris, David - "Selections from The Mother's Day Project: An Oral History" in Esquire (May, 2000)
018447: Sedaris, David - "This Way Out" in Esquire (August, 2000)
018428: Sedaris, David - "You Can't Kill a Rooster" in Esquire (June, 1998)
018430: Sedaris, David - "Working Stiffs" in Esquire (April, 1998)
018439: Sedaris, David - "The Fatty Suit" in Esquire (August, 1998)
018449: Sedaris, David - "Mr. Popular" in Esquire (February, 2002)
018457: Sedaris, David - "The Lives of Men" in Esquire (December, 2002)
018460: Sedaris, David - "This Way Out" in Esquire (February, 2000)
014884: Sedaris, Richard - "The Man Who Mistook His Hat for a Meal" in Esquire (June, 1999)
b32954: Seder, Arthur R., Jr. - The American Natural Resources Company
b7317: Sederholm, Fr. Clement - Elder Anthony of Optina
11107: Sedgwick, A.G. - "Constitutional Protection of Property Rights" in North American Review (September, 1882).
b35053: Sedlak, Francis - "Life in a Moravian Villege" in Spectator (May 15, 1915)
b40261: Sedley, Henry - "The Booths -- Father and Son: Some Personal Reminiscences" in Harper's Weekly (November 11, 1893)
b23407: Seduro, Vladimir - Dostoevsky in Russian and World Theatre
6537: (Nearing, Scott) Seeger, Pete - "Scott Nearing, August 6th, 1883 - August 24, 1983" in Rolling Stone (October 13, 1983).
11668: Cesare Segre - Introduction to the Analysis of the Literary Text (Advances in Semiotics)
b33986: Seidel, Frederick - "Remembering Elaine's" in New York Review of Books (June 4, 2015)
b20885: Seidner, David - "Portfolio" [five photographs] in Bomb (Fall, 1989)
b22348: Seigel, Jules Paul, editor - Thomas Carlyle: The Critical Heritage
b22256: Seiler, R.M., editor - Walter Pater: The Critical Heritage (The Critical Heritage Series)
017173: Selby, John E. - A Chronology of Virginia and the War of Independence 1763-1783 (First edition)
b29650: Seldes, Gilbert - "We Lied About the War" [on World War I] in Friday (May 30, 1941)
dn2: Self, Will - The Quantity Theory of Insanity
b30582: Self, Will - "Hot House Flower" in New York Times Style Magazine (Spring, 2012)
b23613: Self, Will - Great Apes
b21853: Self, Will - "Inclusion" in Esquire (February, 1995)
b44798: Self, Will - The Quantity Theory of Insanity
b16979: Will Self - Dorian: An Imitation
2878: Self, Will. - Great Apes.
022433: Self, Will - "A Steady Iron-Hard Jet" in Modern Painters (Summer, 1994)
b43567: Seligman, Craig, Daniel Birnbaum, Joel Sanders, Neville Wakefield, Dave Hickey, Arthur C. Dandto David Frankel, Ronald Jones, John Waters, and other contributors - Essays and commentary of Dieter Roth Todd Haynes, Yoko Ono, Pop Surrealism, and other topics in Artforum (October, 1998)
b5778: (Peale, Charles Willson) Sellers, Horace Wells - "Charles Willson Peale, Artist - Soldier" in The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography (July, 1914)
b11268: Selroos, Olof - The Frequency, Clinical Picture and Prognosis of Pulmonary Sarcoidosis in Finland
b36470: Selzer, Richard - "Trial and Tribulation" in New York Times Magazine (September 23, 1990)
b37537: Selzer, Richard - "Hospital: A Meditation" in New York Times Magazine (May 1, 1988)
b37541: Selzer, Richard - "The Pen and the Scalpel" in New York Times Magazine (August 21, 1988)
b25380: Selzer, Richard, Marvin Bell, David B. Morris, Gerald L. Burns, and Sydney Lea - "A Symposium on the Languages of Paid and Fear" in Iowa Review (Summer, 1980)
b19723: Selzer, Richard - "The Masked Marvel's Lost Toehold" in Esquire (April 10, 1979)
b17274: Selzer, Richard - "All Right, What Is a Laugh, Anyway?" in Esquire (July 1975)
b17259: Selzer, Richard - "The Corpse" in Esquire (May, 1975)
b17238: Selzer, Richard - "Twelve Spheres fo Influence, Eight Bodily Forces, and Good Old Yin and Yang" in Harper's (January, 1975)
b17235: Selzer, Richard - "What I Saw at the Abortion" in Esquire (January, 1976)
b17229: Selzer, Richard - "The Art of Surgery" in Harper's (January, 1976)
b17223: Selzer, Richard - "The Art of Surgery" in Harper's (October, 1975)
b17277: Selzer, Richard - "The Belly" in Esquire (March, 1975)
b33308: (Civil War) Semmes, Thomas M. / Leighton Parks - "A Pupil's Recollections of 'Stonewall' Jackson" (Semmes) and "What a Boy Saw of the Civil War" (Parks) in Century (June, 1905)
b30542: Sendak, Maurice - "Sendak and Marshall" [interview] in Inside Borders (June, 1999)
b23256: Sendak, Maurice - Cover illustration and article on Sendak by Jonathan Cott in Rolling Stone (December 30, 1976)
b16177: Choon-Leon Seow - Ecclesiastes: A New Translation with Introduction (Anchor Bible)
b30210: Serling, Rod - "Somebody Has to be Practical, or TV Writing When It Is Done for Real" in Writer's Year Book 1954
b25009: Serling, Rod and Joe Mizrabi - "Rod Serling: Requiem for an Industry" [interview] in Topper, volume one, number four (1961)
022599: Serling, Rod - Original script of The Rack
b10575: Serrano, Andres. Derek Guthrie - "Sexual Censorship and the New Authoritarianism" in New Art Examiner (September, 1989)
b16707: Serrett, J.R.S. - "Vampires" in Nation (August 31, 1899)
ag79: Blue Ridge Parkway Folklife Project; American Folklife Center; United States National Park Service - Blue Ridge Harvest: A Regions Folklife in Photographs (Publications of the American Folklife Center)
n35608: Seth - "George Sprott (1894-1975). Chapter 20" in New York Times Magazine (February 25, 2007)
b35616: Seth - "George Sprott (1894-1975). Epilogue" in New York Times Magazine (March 25, 2007)
b35615: Seth - "George Sprott (1894-1975). Chapter 23" in New York Times Magazine (March 18, 2007)
b35612: Seth - "George Sprott (1894-1975). Chapter 22" in New York Times Magazine (March 11, 2007)
b35607: Seth - "George Sprott (1894-1975). Chapter 19" in New York Times Magazine (February 18, 2007)
b35611: Seth - "George Sprott (1894-1975). Chapter 21" in New York Times Magazine (March 4, 2007)
b35604: Seth - "George Sprott (1894-1975). Chapter 17" in New York Times Magazine (February 4, 2007)
b35603: Seth - "George Sprott (1894-1975). Chapter 18" in New York Times Magazine (February 11, 2007)
b35600: Seth - "George Sprott (1894-1975). Chapter 16" in New York Times Magazine (January 28, 2007)
b35598: Seth - "George Sprott (1894-1975). Chapter 15" in New York Times Magazine (January 21, 2007)
b35593: Seth - "George Sprott (1894-1975). Chapter 14" in New York Times Magazine (January 14, 2007)
b35596: Seth - "George Sprott (1894-1975). Chapter 13" in New York Times Magazine (January 7, 2007)
b43797: Seth - "George Sprout (1894-1975). Chapter 2" in New York Times Magazine (September 24, 2006)
b40676: Seth, Vikram - From A Suitable Boy beginning, "Ash and bones, that was all Mrs. Mahesh. . . ."
b43711: Seth - "George Sprott (1894-1975). Chapter 6" in New York Times Magazine (October 29, 2006)
b43714: Seth - "George Sprott (1894-1975). Chapter 8" in New York Times Magazine (November 19, 2006)
b43712: Seth - "George Sprott (1894-1975). Chapter 7" in New York Times Magazine (November 5, 2006)
b43707: Seth - "George Sprott (1894-1975). Chapter 4" in New York Times Magazine (October 15, 2006)
b43704: Seth - "George Sprott (1894-1975). Chapter 3" in New York Times Magazine (October 8, 2006)
9545: Seth, Vikram. - "Nanjing Night" in New Yorker (June 10, 1985).
b43708: Seth - "George Sprott (1894-1975). Chapter 5" in New York Times Magazine (October 22, 2006)
b32915: Dr. Seuss (Theodor Geisel) - "Three Summer Problems and How to Solve Them" in Liberty (July 9, 1932)
dn4: Dr. Seuss - The Cat in the Hat ("Educational Edition")
ag6: Sevaraid, Eric - Small Sounds in the Night
b11835: Sevareid, Eric. - "Censors in the Saddle" in Nation (April 14, 1945)
b23733: Severens, Martha R. - Andrew Wyeth in Maine: Selections from the Holly and Arthur Magill Collection 27 July - 24 September 1989 Portland Museum of Art
b34934: (Burroughs, William S.) Severo, Richard - "William S. Burroughs, the Beat Writer Who Distilled His Raw Nightmare Life, Dies at 83" in New York Times (August 4, 1997)
b36273: Sewall, Thomas - An Address on the Effects of Intemperance on the Intellectual, Moral, and Physical Powers. Originally delivered before the Washington City Temperence Society
b34692: Seward, William H. - Reconciliation. Speeh of William H. Seard at Auburn, May 22, 1866, on the Question of Reconciliation
b32716: Seward, William H. - The Admission of Kansas. Speech of William H. Seward, of New York, Delivered in the Senate of the United State, Feb. 29, 1860. (Tribune Tract No. 3)
b32715: Seward, William H. - The Usurpations of Slavery. Speech of William H. Seward, in the Senate of the United States, on the Bill to Protect Officers of the United States. February 23, 1855
b3987: Sexton, Anne - "The Fortress" in New Yorker (September 22, 1962)
b3768: Sexton, Anne and Patricia Marx - "Interview with Anne Sexton" in Hudson Review (Winter, 1965-66)
b3966: Sexton, Anne - "Grandfather, Your Wound" in New Yorker (September 30, 1972)
b3163: Sexton, Anne - "Menstruation at Forty," "To Lose the Earth," "Crossing the Atlantic," "Imitations of Drowning," and "Two Sons" in Hudson Review (Spring, 1965)
b30827: Sexton, Anne - "Introduction" to The Real Tin Flower in Ms. (March, 1975)
b30820: Sexton, Anne - "A Small Journal" in Ms. (November, 1973)
b21815: Shackleton, Robert and Eugene Monchablon - "His FIrst and Last Battle: A Personal Story of the Battle of Sedan, as Told by a Survivor, Eugene Monchablon, in Paris, to Robert Shackleton" in Harper's Weekly (September 30, 1911)
b17591: Shade, William G., editor. David M. Potter, Margaret B. and Harry M. Tinkcom, Philip S. Klein, Russell F. Weigley, Jeannette P. Nichols, and Roy F. Nichols, contributors - Special issue, "The Worlds of Roy Franklin Nichols" in Pennsylvania History (January, 1971)
b20108: (Malevich, Kazimir) Shadowa, Larissa A. - Suche und Experiment. Aus der Geschichte der russischen und sowjetischen Kunst zwischen 1910 und 1930
b19564: Shaffer, Peter. - Lettice and Lovage
b44801: Shaffer, Peter. - Five Finger Exercise
2914: Shaffer, Peter. - "Universal Poet, Perhaps; Universal Storytellers, Certainly" Dramatists Guild Quarterly (Summer, 1992)
b29538: Shahn, Ben. Bernarda Bryson Shahn, text - Ben Shahn
b33162: Shai, Aron - Ben Hazar, Son to a Stranger
b10492: Shakespeare, William. - The Works of William Shakespeare. Complete in Twelve Volumes
b44568: Shakespeare, William. A.T, Quiller-Couch, introductory essay, "The Story of Twelfth Night" - Shakespeare's Comedy of Twelfth Night Or What You Will.
b16364: Julie Taymor; William Shakespeare - Titus: The Illustrated Screenplay
b40954: Shakespere (Shakespeare), William. Charles Knight, editor - The Works of Shakespere [Shakespeare]. Imperial Edition. 2 Volumes
015511: (Allen, Woody) Shales, Tom - "Woody: The First FIfty Years" in Esquire (April 1987)
b30029: (Lennon, John) Shames, Laurence - "John Lennon, Where Are You?" in Esquire (November, 1980)
b4989: Shange, Ntozake and Edward K. Brown, II - Cover Portrait of Shange and "Interview with Ntozake Shange" in Poets and Writer (May/June, 1993)
015161: Ntozake Shange - Ridin' the Moon in Texas
b10763: Shange, Ntozake and John Powers and Don Chan Mark - "Poetry Verite: A Conversation with Ntozake Shange" in Poetry Flash (July, 1987)
x1797: Shange, Ntozake - "a layin' on of hands" and "from Cypress" in "Shocks" (No. 6)
b44932: Shange, Ntozake, Rachel Blau DuPlessis, and other contributors - Shocks. Issue No Six: The Andrgyny Issue. Men looking adt the Womne in themselves / Women looking at the Men
b33504: Shange, Ntozake, Gail Mazur, Carol Moran, Don Gordon, Renny Golden, Bill Herron, Antar Sudan Katara Mberi, Dona Stein, and other contributors. John F. Crawford and Gail Darrow Kaliss, editors - West End, volume 4, number 1 (Spring, 1976)
b30844: Shange, Ntozake - "Wow . . .Yr Just Like a Man!" in Ms. (December, 1978)
b30808: Shange, Ntozake - "Sassafrass" in Ms. (August, 1976)
b44797: Shange, Ntozake - From Okra to Greens: A Difference Love Story
12658: Shange, Ntozake, Audre Lord, et al. - "The Black Scholar Forum on Black Male / Female Relationships" in Black Scholar (May/June, 1979).
z1696: Shanley, John Patrick - Doubt
b23110: Shann, Renee - Air Force Girl. Gold Seal Novel Complete in this Issue. Philadelphia Inquirer (May 23, 1943)
b44619: Shapiro, Michael Edward - Cast and Recast: The Sculpture of Frederic Remington
z1429: Shapiro, Herbert - "The Ku Klux Klan During Reconstruction: The South Carolina Episode" in Journal of Negro History (January 1964)
b23844: Shapiro, Karl - "How Long Ago the Home" in Nation (January 11, 1941)
b21967: Shapiro, Karl and Ernst Lert, libretto. Hugo Weisgall, music - The Tenor: Opera in One Act. Based on Der Kammersanger by Frank Wedekind
b17328: Shapiro, Karl - "News to Australia" [long poem] in New Republic (June 3, 1946)
7985: Shapiro, Karl. - "Troop Train" in New Republic (August 23, 1944).
021745: Shapiro, Karl - "The Southerner" in New Yorker (September 27, 1947)
b32903: Shaplen, Joseph and David Shub, editors. Abraham Cahan, S. Portugeis, William Ellenbogen, Karl Kautsky, David Shub, I Yourievsky, and Joseph Shaplen, essays - Socialism Facism Communism
b32584: Shaplen, Robert - "The Beecher-Tilton Case" (parts one and two of serialization) in New Yorker (June 5 and June 12, 1954)
b45081: (Nobel, Alfred) Shaplen, Robert (contributors to these issues include Dwight Macdonald, Peter Arno, William Maxwell, Charles Addams, and John Updike) - "Adventures of a Pacifiist" (two-part serialization) in New Yorker (March 15 and March 22, 1958)
b40460: Sharapova, Maria - Unstoppable: My Life So Far
z1408: Sharma, Mohan Lal - "Martin Luther King: Modern America's Greatest Theologian of Social Action" in Journal of Negro History (July 1968)
017066: Sharp, Evelyn - "Working Wives in Council" in Nation (June 27, 1908)
b22366: (Browning, Robert) Sharp, William - Life of Robert Browning
b22358: (Heine, Heinrich) Sharp, William - Life of Heinrich Heine
b10637: Sharp, William, editor - Sonnets of This Century
12304: Sharp, James Roger and Nancy Weatherly Sharp, editors - American Legislative Leaders in the Northeast, 1911-1994
016010: Sharp, Evelyn - "Women's Sufferage" [letter to editor] in Nation (November 2, 1907)
T236: Shattuck, Roger (Clark, Eleanor) - "Fruits de Mer" (review of "The Oysters of Locmariaquer" by Eleanor Clark) in "The New York Times Book Review" (July 30, 1964)
T246: (Gass, William H.); Shattuck, Roger - "Fiction a la Mode" (review of "Omensetter's Luck") in New York Review of Books (June 23, 1966)
T247: (Connell, Evan S., Jr.) Shattuck, Roger - "Fiction a la Mode" (review of "The Diary of a Rapist") in New York Review of Books (June 23, 1966)
T30: (Pynchon, Thomas); Shattuck, Roger - "Fiction a la Mode" (review of "The Crying of Lot 49") in New York Review of Books (June 23, 1966)
b29206: Shattuck, Roger, Cleanth Brooks, Czeslaw Milosz, Gertrude Himmelfarb, Robert Brustein, Catherine Stimpson, Robert Alter, James Atlas, and other contributors - "The Changing Culture of the University" in Partisan Review (Spring, 1991)
b24013: Shattuck, Roger - Marcel Proust
b17840: Shattuck, Roger, Jack Goody, Brian Stock, Jerome Bruner, Carol Fisher Feldman, David R. Olson, Rolena Adorno, and Christopher Miller - "Selections from the Symposium on "Literaracy, Reading, and Power" in The Yale Journal of Criticism, volume 2, number 1 (1988)
dn605: (Ted Williams) Dan Shaughnessy - "The Kid" (about Ted Williams & his baseball career) in Sports Plus: The Boston Globe (August 5, 1994)
b44467: Shaver, Richard S., Don Wilcox, Berkeley Livingston, John & Dorothy de Courcy, Henry S. Whitehead, and other contributors - Amazing Stories, volume 20, number 5 (August, 1946)
b18559: Shavin, Norman (Compiler) - The Atlanta Cen tury: America's History (1860-1865) in Weekly Newspaper Format
d242: Shaw, George Bernard - "The Mistakes of The Copyright Bill" in The Nation (August 27, 1910)
b44067: Shaw, George Bernard - "Back to Methuselah" in Everybody's Magazine (June, 1922)
b7012: (Ali, Muhammad) Shaw, Irwin - "Muhammad Ali and the Little People" in Esquire (November, 1969)
b12339: Sam Shaw - The joy of Marilyn: In the camera eye
b34617: Shaw, George Bernard - "The Artstruck Englishman" [review] in New Republic (February 17, 1917)
b34611: Shaw, George Bernard - "On British Squealing, and the Situation After the War" [lengthy review] in New Republic (January 6, 1917)
b34284: Shaw, Ralph R. - "Engineering Books Available in America Prior to 1830" [complete serialization in five issues] in Bulletin of the New York Public Library (January-April and June, 1933)
b33689: Shaw, George Bernard, Frederick Lewis, Westbrook Pegler, Eleanor DeLamater, Clara Wallace Overton, B.F. Porter, and other contribtors - "The U-Boat Meance" in Liberty (May 10, 1941)
b32874: Shaw, George Bernard - "Is America in the War?" in Liberty (May 24, 1941)
b32578: Shaw, Irwin - "Instrument of Salvadtion" in New Yorker (April 24, 1954)
b32100: Shaw, Bernard. - "Make Them Do It WELL" in Collier's (June 24, 1922)
b32573: Shaw, Irwin - "Tip on a Dead Jockey" in New Yorker (March 6 6, 1954)
b31743: Shaw, George Bernard - Imprisonment
b30564: Shaw, Irwin - "Letter from Tel Aviv" in New Yorker (August 13, 1949)
T355: Shaw, Irwin - "The Art of Fiction IV continued" in Paris Review No. 75 (Spring 1979)
b29338: Shaw, George Bernard - "The Irish and the German" in Liberty (November 9, 1940)
b24546: Shaw, George Bernard - "Bernard Shaw Defends Socialism" in Forum (November, 1926)
b23838: Shaw, Irwin - "The Verterans Reflect" in Accent (Winter, 1943)
b23109: Shaw, Irwin - The Young Lions. Philadelphia Bulletin (May 8, 1949)
b22994: Shaw, Sam and Norman Rosten - Marilyn: Among Friends
b22144: Shaw, Irwin - "Movie in Galilee" in New Yorker (July 30, 1949)
b21858: Shaw, George Bernard, Ford Madox Ford, and other contributors - American Mercury (August, 1935)
b19634: Shaw, Bernard. - Collected Letters, 1874-1950 (4 volumes)
b19059: Shaw, J. Byam - The Drawings of Francesco Guardi
b16717: Shaw, George Bernard - Cashel Byron's Profession
11349: Shaw, George Bernard. - Press Cuttings: A Topical Sketch Compiled from the Editorial and Correspondence Columns of the Daily Papers
10434: Shaw, Irwin - "The Dry Rock" in New Yorker (May 31, 1941).
016884: Shaw, George Bernard - "Chesterton on Shaw" [review of Chesterton's George Bernard Shaw] in Nation (August 28, 1909)
014462: Shaw, George Bernard - "The War Indemnities" in American Mercury (August, 1935).
014364: Shaw, George Bernard - "'Waste' and the Censor" [long letter to editor] in Nation (February 8, 1908).
b34610: Shawn, Wallace - The Fever
b34609: Shawn, Wallace - The Designated Mourner
b34608: Shawn, Wallace - The Fever
d6: Shawn, Wallace; David Mamet; John Guare; Steve Tesich - Interviews in Performing Arts 15 Journal
b20974: Shawn, Wallace and Mark Strand - "The Man Behind the Voice" [interview] in Interview (March, 1989)
b15535: Shawn, Wallace - Aunt Dan & Lemon
b23814: (Whitman, Walt) Shay, Frank - The Bibliography of Walt Whitman
b36417: Shea, John Gilmary - The Cross and the Flag: Our Church and Country. Volume II
015389: Sheckley, Robert. - "On Not Speaking French" in Left Bank 5 (December. 1993)
5949: Sheckley, Robert. - "Something for Nothing" in Galaxy (June, 1954).
013571: Sheckley, Robert. - "The Impacted Man" in Argosy (October, 1954).
b16775: (Shaw, George Bernard) Sheehan, Vincent - Cover portrait of Shaw and "My Last Visit with Shaw"" in Atlantic (January, 1951)
b24940: Sheets, Millard. - Recent Paintings
b21013: Shein, Keith - An Intimate Distant
b40478: Shelley, Percy Bysshe, Mary WollStonecraft, Thomas Love Peacock, William Godwin, and others. Kenneth Neill Cameron, editor - Shelley and His Circle 1773-1822. Volume One
b40479: Shelley, Percy Bysshe, Mary WollStonecraft, Thomas Love Peacock, William Godwin, and others. Kenneth Neill Cameron, editor - Shelley and His Circle 1773-1822. Volume Two
b40480: Shelley, Percy Bysshe, Mary WollStonecraft, Thomas Love Peacock, William Godwin, and others. Kenneth Neill Cameron, editor - Shelley and His Circle 1773-1822. Volume Three
b40481: Shelley, Percy Bysshe, Mary WollStonecraft, Thomas Love Peacock, William Godwin, and others. Kenneth Neill Cameron, editor - Shelley and His Circle 1773-1822. Volume Four
dn291: Shelley, Percy Bysshe - Select Letters of Percy Bysshe Shelley
b30448: Shelley, Percy Bysshe. George Edward Woodberry, notes and postscript - The Shelley Notebook in the Harvard College Library
b43533: Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Thomas Hutchinson, editor - The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
015006: Shelley, Percy Bysshe. Bruce R. McElderry, Jr. , editor - Shelley's Critical Prose
b16556: [Shelton, Maurice] - An Historical and Critical Essay on the True Rise of Nobility, Political and Civil; From the First Ages of the World, thro' the Jewish, Grecian, Roman Commonwealths, &c. down to this present time
b11796: Shepard, Sam - "The Art of Theater XII" in Paris Review (Spring, 1997)
b3637: Sam Shepard - States of Shock, Far North, and Silent Tongue
b34751: Shepard, Sam - States of Shock, Far North and Silent Tongue
b34750: Shepard, Sam - Cruising Paradise
b34748: Shepard, Sam - Plays: 1
b34720: Shepard, Sam - Cruising Paradise
b34752: Shepard, Sam - La Turista
b34718: Shepard, Sam - A Lie of the Mind
dn152: Shepard, Sam - Spy of the First Person
dn159: Shepard, Sam - Spy of the First Person
Z28: Shepard, Sam - Buried Child & Seduced & Suicide in B Flat
b30132: Shepard, Sam and Jerome Chaikin - "The War in Heaven (Angel's Monologue)" in Performing Arts Journal 26/27 (1985)
b25121: Shepard, Sam - Simpatico
b19449: Shepard, Sam - "An Unfair Question" in New Yorker (March 11, 2002)
b21276: Shepard, Sam - "The Tooth of Crime" in Performance (March/April, 1973)
b44799: Shepard, Sam - True West
b44802: Shepard, Sam - Buried Child & Seduced & Suicide In Bb
001099: Shepard, Sam - Hawk Moon
z599: Richard F. Shepard - The Paper's Papers: A Reporter's Journeys Through the Archives of The New York Times
b17612: Shepard, Sam, Philip Glass, Lou Reed, Michael Cunningham, and others - "My First Year in New York" [short essays collectively titled) in New York Times Magazine (September 17, 2000)
b17528: Shepard, Sam - Motel Chronicles & Hawk Moon
b17530: Shepard, Sam - Rolling Thunder Log Book
b15494: Shepard, Sam - "The Rock Garden" in Scripts 3 (January, 1972)
5945: Shepard, Sam. - The Unseen hand and Other Plays.
021727: Shepard, Sam - Chicago and Other Plays
021725: Sam Shepard - Cruising Paradise
001100: Shepard, Sam. - Five Plays.
001007: Sam Shepard - Simpatico
b43453: Shepardson, Whitney, William D. Scroggs, J.N. Carmical, E.R. Pineda, Arthur W. Baum, Herbert George, Wiliam S. Culbertson, D. Thomas Curtin, Frank Kluckhorn, Owen P. White, Rudolfo Brito Foucher, Benjamin H. Hunnicutt, John B, Glenn, William Wills Davies - "The Trouble Below the Border" in The Atlantic Presents, volume one, number one (July, 1938)
b9910: Shepherd, Thomas H.; John Preston Neale - Modern Athens! Displayed in a Series of Views: or Edinburgh in the Nineteenth Century . . . [Bound with "Scotland Illustrated"]
b11674: (Gehrig, Lou) Sher, Jack - Cover portrait of Gehrig and "Lou Gehrig: The Man and the Legend" in Sport (October, 1948)
b11675: (Robinson, Jackie) Sher, Jack - Color, full-page portrait of Robinson and "Jackie Robinson: The Great Experiment" in Sport (October, 1948)
b25010: (Miller, Henry) Sher, Larry - "Henry Miller: The Lion Who Lives Like a Lamb" in Topper, volume one, number five (December, 1961)
b23312: Sher, Jonathan, Steve Fisher, and other contributors - Southern Exposure, Vol. 14, No. 5-6(September/December, 1986)
b44167: Sheridan, Richard Brinsley. Cecil Price, editor - Plays
b22425: (Sheridan, Major-General Philip H. - Front-page illustration: "Major-General Philip H. Sheridan" in Harper's Weekly (October 8, 1864)
b22422: (Sheridan, Major-General Philip H. - Front-page illustration: "Major-General Philip H. Sheridan" in Harper's Weekly (October 8, 1864)
b11499: Sherman, Stewart C. - "The Library Company of Baltimore, 1795-1854" in Maryland Historical Magazine (March, 1944)
b12313: Sherman, Cindy with Therese Lichtenstein - "Cindy Sherman" [interview] in Journal of Contemporary Art (Fall, 1992)
b37453: Sherman, Cindy - "Mrs, Claus" (cover phtograph) in New York Times Magazine (December 23, 1990)
b32487: Sherman, Frederic Fairchild - Early Connecticut Artists & Craftsmen
b40512: Sherman, William T. Brooks D.Simpson and Jean V. Berlin, editors - Sherman's Civil War: Selected Correspondence of William T. Sherman, 1860-1865
dn269: Sherman, William T. - "General Sherman in Russia" in Century Illustrated Montly Magazine" (April 1899)
b31249: Sherman, Gen. William T. - "General Sherman's Last Speech. The Old Army" in Century (June, 1891)
b31186: Sherman, Cindy - Four photographs from the Bus Series in Bomb (Fall, 1984)
b40925: Sherman, William T. - "A Little Story by General Sherman" (short article on the front-page) in The Salinas City Index (July 15, 1875)
b23165: Sherman, William Tecumseh - Cover portrait in Harper's Weekly (June 4, 1864)
b20910: Sherman, Cindy and Gretchen Bender - "Gretchen Bender" [interview] in Bomb (Winter, 1987)
x1708: Sherman, Richard - Return to Mardi Gras
b22469: Sherman, Harold M. - Captain of the Eleven
b16170: Sherman, William Tecumseh - "Sherman. Columbia [South Carolina] Burned" in New York Herald (March 2, 1865)
b40404: Sherwood, Robert E., Arthur Somers Roche, Julian Street, Webb Waldron, and other contributors - Collier's (August 27, 1921)
b23393: Sherwood, William Robert - Circumference and Circumstance: Stages in the Mind and Art of Emily Dickinson
b22619: Sherwood, Robert E. - Abe Lincoln in Illinois (Philadelphia Record supplement)
dn519: Sherwood, Topper - Carla Rising
b29148: Shestack, Alan, Director Yale University Library - Two offprints: A Tribute to Heinrich Schwarz AND Prints at Wesleyan University
b20563: (Shepard, Sam) Shewey, Don - Sam Shepard
b708: David Shields - Remote
b34026: Shields, David and Shane Salerno - Salinger
z97: Carol Shields - Various Miracles
b40125: Shim, Moon Seup. Essays by Oh Kwang-Su, Antonio d'vossa, Huang Du, and Henri-Francois Debailleux - Shim Moon Seup. CAA: Contemporary Artist Archive
b34403: Shipman, William D. - The Early Architecture of Bowdoin College and Brunswick, Maine
b7358: Doris Bryant; Judy Kessler; Lynda Shirar - The Family Inside: Working With the Multiple
b5691: Shirley, John W. - "George Percy at Jamestown, 1607-1612" in Virginia Magazine of History and Biography (July, 1949)
b29877: Shivers, Frank R., Jr. and Mary Ellen Hayward, editors - The Architecture of Baltimore: An Illustrated History
b17974: Natalie W. Shivers - Those old placid rows: The aesthetic and development of the Baltimore (Maryland) rowhouse
b34102: Shoemaker, Innis Howe - Mad for Modernism: Earl Horter and his Collection
b40337: Shoffner, Charles, photography - Univeristy of Virginia: Then and Now
b34743: Sholokhov, Mikhail - Virgin Soil Upturned, Book Two
b32345: Shomette, Doug, editor - The Critical Response to Tom Wolfe
b34749: Short, Luke - Rimrock
b30381: Short, Luke - "Fool's Treasure" (fifth part of serialization) in Saturday Evening Post (May 14, 1955)
d241: Shorter, Dora Sigerson - "Faith" in The Nation (Aug 20, 1910)
017057: Shorter, Dora Sigerson - "The Pauper" in Nation (June 6, 1908)
b36496: Shorter, Dora Sigerson - "The Prayer" in Nation (March 25, 1911).
b35066: Shorter, Dora Sigerson - "In Any Garden" in Spectator (February 8, 1906)
b10921: Mrs. Gaskell. Clement K. Shorter, introduction and notes - The Life of Charlotte Bronte. (The Life and Works of Charlotte Bronte and Her Sisters, Volume 7)
b34813: Shotwell, James T. - The Pacdt of Paris. [historical commentary by Shotwell]
b34805: Shotwell, James T. / David Mitrany - Locarno and the Balkans: A Turning Point in History (Shotwell) and The Possibility of a Balkan Locarno
b34762: Shotwell, James T. - The Student and the Citizen. Phi Beta Kappa Address at Columbia University, March 16, 1922
b34757: Shotwell, James T., introduction and commentary - A Practical Plan for Disarmament
b34759: Shotwell, James T., introduction - Protocol for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes: Text and Analysis
b45048: Shotwell, James T., Col. Clarence Browning Smith, and other contributors - The Portorose Conference
b17801: Shotwell, James T. and Raymond B. Fosdick - Studies in World Economy, No.1. [two essays] The Conditions of Enduring Prosperity [Shotwell] and "THe International Implications of the Business Depression [Fosdick]
b15604: (Oates Joyce Carol) Showalter, Elaine - "My Friend, Joyce Carol Oates: An Intimate Portrait" in Ms. (March, 1986)
b17830: Showalter, Elaine, Michael Riffaterre, Gerald Graff, Barbara Johnson, and Margaret Ferguson - "Positions: Selections from the Symposium on "Literary Theory and the Curriculum" in The Yale Journal of Criticism, volume 1, number 2 (1988)
x1151: Shreve, L. G. - The Phoenix with Oily Feathers
b29141: (Mather, Cotton) Shryock, Richard H. - "Cotton Mather: First Significant Figure in American Medicine" in Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society, April 15, 1953, volume 63, part 1
12632: Shultz, Fred. - History Makers: Interviews.
b20326: Shumway, David, Elizabeth Wilson, Geraldine Murphy, Henry J. Schmidt, and others contribute - "Episodes in the History of Criticism and Theory" special issue of Poetics Today, vol. 9, no. 41988)
b16832: Ta-Shun, Pai - "Chinese Lyrics: Out of Mencius, The Temple Bell, In the Garden" in Harper's Weekly (May 2, 1914)
b26103: Shurbutt, Sylvia Bailey, editor. Marc Levitt, James Lewin, and other contributors - Anthology of Applachian Writers (Ron Rash Volume IV)
b6878: Shurtleff, Nathaniel B. - A Topographical and Historical Description of Boston
b32384: Shurtleff, Mark L. - Am I Not A Man?: The Dred Scott Story
b31759: Shute,Nevil - "Pastoral" in Ladies' Home Journal (August, 1944)
z316: Shute, Kathleen Westfall; Carver, Raymond - "Finding the Words: The Struggle for Salvation in the Fiction of
b6963: Sibeko, David - An Address on Malcolm X's Legacy to the Black Struggle in Azania & the U.S.A.
021864: Garcia Marques [sic, Marquez], Gabriel - "Blacaman the Good Miracle Seller" in London Magazine (March, 1970)
b35025: Sickert, Walter. Gabriel White, introductory essay - Notes & Sketches by Sickert from the Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool
b18044: Sidey, Hugh - John F. Kennedy, President: A Reporter's Inside Story (First edition)
b16221: Colette [Gabrielle Sidonie]. - La Retraite Sentimentale
b33819: Siegel, Elizabeth - Galleries of Friendship and Fame: A History of Nineteenth-Century American Photograph Albums
b11826: Siegel, Eli - "Hot Afternoons Have Been in Montana" [The Nation's Prize Poem for 1925] in Nation (February 11, 1925)
b31561: Siegmeister, Elie - "A Long, Long Road: An American composer tells why his Plough and the Stars, which receives its Eurpean premiere on March 13, was a decade in the making" in Opera News (March 14, 1970)
b6590: Sieja, Janine, editor. Collier Schorr, Francesco Bonami, Thomas L. Friedman, Louis Grachos, Joann Phillips and Bobbie Foshay-Miller - TRUCE: Echoes of Art in an Age of Endless Conclusions
b32494: Sifredo, Armando Garcia, Rafael Guas Inclan, E. Pizzi de Porras, Manuel Atorresagasti, Angel Blanco, Hernando D'Aquino, Jorge Medina, Cardinal Richard Cushing, and other contributors - Defensa Intitucional Cubana (April, 1966)
b12533: Mrs. Sigourney - "Washington's Tomb" in New-York Mirror (July 8, 1837)
b11934: Sigourney, L.H. - "Lines on Leaving Edinburgh" in Albion (December 12, 1840)
b33981: Sigsbee, C.D., Edith Wheeler, Maximillian Foster, Edwin WIldman, Anne O'Hagan, Katharine Aldrich, Horace Wyndham, Ethelwyn Wetherald, Charles Michelson, Stanley J. Weyman, Minna Irving, John B. McDonald, Anna McClure Sholl, and other contributor - Munsey's Magazine (May, 1901)
b33969: Silber, John - Architecture of the Absurd: How "Genius" Disfigured a Practical Art
b44789: Sillitoe, Alan - The City Adventures of Marmalade Jim
b34742: Sillitoe, Alan - Sun Before Departure
b34739: Sillitoe, Alan - Every Day of the Week
b34721: Sillitoe, Alan - Down From the Hill
b34741: Sillitoe, Alan - Shaman
b34717: Sillitoe, Alan - Life Goes on
b44790: Sillitoe, Alan - Marmalade Jim and the Fox (Signed 1st Edition)
b29774: Sillitoe, Alan - The Mentality of the Picaresque Hero
b29652: Sillitoe, Alan - Shylock the Writer
12120: Sillitoe, Alan - Travels in Nihilon
12091: Sillitoe, Alan. - Last Loves (First edition, SIGNED)
021213: Sillitoe, Alan - Three Poems (MIR Poets Ten)
b34316: Sills, Kenneth C.M. - Joseph McKeen (1757-1807) and the Beginnings of Bowdoin College 1802
b25003: Silone, Ignazio - "Return to Fontamara" in Tomorrow (July, 1949)
b19988: Silone, Ignazio - "A Communication: Sympathy for Tito" in Nation (July 25, 1949)
b20008: Silone, Ignazio - "The Things I Stand For" in New Republic (November 2, 1942)
b45165: Silone, Ignazio - "Italian Anti-Semitism" in New Republic (November 23, 1938)
b29126: Silver, Norman, editor - Country Song Roudup, No. 19 (August, 1952)
b33344: (Dean, Dizzy, baseball) Silverman, Al - "Ol' Diz: The Strong Arm of the Gas House Gang" in Saga (August, 1955)
z1689: Bob Litwin; Chip Silverman - The Last Bookmaker
b31917: Silverstein, Shel - Two contributions "Silverstein's Zoo" and "The Big Surprise" in Playboy (December, 1960)
b17914: David Mamet; Shel Silverstein - Things Change (A Methuen screenplay)
b17079: Silverstein, Shel - Two contributions "Silverstein's Zoo" and "The Big Surprise" in Playboy (December, 1960)
b17070: Silverstein, Shel - "The Wings" in Playboy (March, 1961)
b17072: Silverstein, Shel - "The Golfer" in Playboy (August, 1960)
b16159: Silverstein, Shel - "Uncle Don" and ". . . And He Has Never Been Heard from Since" in Playboy (March, 1980)
b16142: Silverstein, Shel - "Claifornia C's" in Playboy (November, 1980)
x1858: [Simenon, Georges]; Flagg, Nancy - "Simenon's Wasteland" [review of THE SHADOW FALLS] in "New York Times Book Review" (Sept 23, 1945)
b17777: Simenon, Georges - "The Stolen Snuff-Box" in Coronet (November, 1939)
b10905: Simenon, Georges - Maigret and M. Labbe
b10906: Simenon, Georges - Maigret Travels South
b20512: Simic, Charles - Review of "How to Be Perfect" by Ron Padgett and "Messenger: New and Selected Poems, 1976-2006" by Ellen Bryant Voigt in New York Review of Books (December 18, 2008)
b33051: Simkin, Pter and Barry Gibbs - The Guards: Changing the Guard, Trooping, Regimental Histories
b34754: Simmons, Dan - The Crook Factory
b15786: Simmons, Charles V., Clifton S. Wady, A.L. Ralston, Arthur S. Allen, Edmund G. Gress, Bruce Rogers, Francis William Vreeland, and other contributors - The American Printer, Volume 46, No. 5 (July, 1908)
b43409: Simms, William Gilmore, James Russell Lowell, Lewis Jacob Cist, Thomas Willis White, Matthew Fontaine Maury, Charles Campbell, George E. Dabney, Rufus Wilmot Griswold, Elizabeth Oakes Prince Smith, Charles Lanman, and other contributors - The Southern and Western Literary Messenger and Review (April, 1840)
C5041: (Lowell, Robert) Simon , John - "Lowell as Translator" in Hudson Review (Winter, 1967-68)
C5044: (Stoppard, Tom) Simon, John - "Theatre Chronicle" [on Rosencrantz and Guildenstern] in Hudson Review (Winter, 1967-68)
b33563: Simon, Neil, Mike Nichols, Terence McNally, Mildred Natwick, and Elizabeth Ashley - "Landmark Symposium: Barefoot in the Park" in Dramatists Guild Quarterly (Winter, 1985)
b32947: Simon, Neil - "Dialogue on Film" in American Film (March, 1978)
b44791: Simon, Neil - Rewrites: A Memoir (Uncorrected Proofs, Signed)
b23884: Simon, Oliver and Julius Rodenberg. Aldous Huxley, introduction - Printing of To-day: An Illustrated Survey of Post-war Typography in Europe and the United States
b17568: John H. Gagnon; William Simon - Sexual Conduct: The Social Sources of Human Sexuality
b16138: Simon, Paul - "Playboy Interview: Paul Simon" in Playboy (February, 1984)
ag200: howard simon - 500 years of art and iilustration
b33788: Simonds, Frank H., Mark Sullivan, Edward Marshall, John Erskine, George B. Ford, Philip W. Wilson, Andrew F. West, Philip W. Wilson, Theodore M. Knappen, Lyman Powell, Henry van Dyke, and other contributors - Original essays in The American Review of Reviews (October, 1919)
b33787: Simonds, Frank H., Elbert H. Gary, Hermann Hagedorn, George E. Vincent, Dean Mathey, David F. Houston, William B. Shaw, and other contributors - Original essays in The American Review of Reviews (November, 1919)
b33786: Simonds, Frank H., Josephus Daniels, Franklin K. Lane, Elwood Mead, Talcott Williams, Lothrop Stoddard, John M. Goodell, Hollis Godfrey, Waldemar Kaempffert, and other contributors - Original essays in The American Review of Reviews (March, 1919)
b33785: Simonds, Frank H., Albert W. Atwood, Herbert T. Wade, C.W.A. Veditz, Elbert Francis Baldwin, Sylvester Baxter, Owen E. McGillicuddy, Joseph Schafer, Sylvester Baxter, and other contributors - Original essays in The American Review of Reviews (August, 1919)
b31449: De Simone, Daniel - A Heavenly Craft: The Woodcut in Early Printed Books
b44536: Simone, Andre - "J'accuse! The Men Who Betrayed France" (cover photograph and headline, "Woman Behind the Collapse of France") in Friday (November 22, 1940)
C5121: Simpson, Louis - "Strangers" in American Scholar (Spring, 1973)
z1718: Simpson, Lewis P. (editor) - The Federalist Literary Mind
014824: Simpson, Mona - Off Keck Road
014836: Simpson, Mona - Anywhere But Here
b15919: Simpson, Mona - "Admissions" in Harper's (Fall, 2001)
b37513: Simpson, Mona - "Somebody to Talk About" (on Spalding Gray) in New York Times Magazine (March 8, 1987)
b34704: Mona Simpson - Anywhere But Here
b40406: Simpson, Lillian W., James Whitcombe Riley, Jessie Lynch Riley, Edwin Balmer, John Russell, Heywood Broun, Julian Street, and other contributors - Collier's (January 27, 1917)
C5254: Simpson, Harold - "To a Friend -- Killed in Action" in The Poetry Review (January-February, 1915)
b32657: Simpson, Louis - "Music in Venice" in New Yorker (November 22, 1958)
b3177: Simpson, Louis - "The Marriage of Pocahontas" in Hudson Review (Summer, 1963)
b31543: Simpson, Mona with Jonathan Bing - "Mona Simpson: Return of the Prodigal Father" (PW Interview) in Publishers Weekly (November 4, 1996)
b30008: Simpson, Brooks D. - Ulysses S. Grant: Triumph over Advcersity, 1822-1865
b29814: Simpson, Marc, Mary Panzer, Wendy Moffat, Lucy R. Lippard, Charles H. Duncan, Christine I. Oaklander, Rhea Anastas, John Waters, and Suzannah Lessard, contributors - "Bohemians". Archives of American Art Journal, volume 49, numbers 3-4 (Fall, 2010)
b22504: Simpson, Mona - Absence Has Qualities . . . Broadside exceprt from The Lost Father
b21263: Simpson, Mona - "Coming of Age on Long Island" [review] in Atlantic (December, 2002)
b18161: Simpson, Mona, Lorrie Moore, Susan Minot and others contribute. Debra Spark, editor - 20 Under 30: Best Stories By America's New Young Writers
b17378: Simpson, O.J. - "Simpson Not Guilty. Drama Ends 474 Days After Arrest" front-page headline of Los Angeles Times (October 4, 1995)
b44584: Simpson, George. Thomas C. Russell, editor - Narrative of a Voyage to California Ports in 1841-42. Together with Voyages to Sitka, the Sandwich Islands & Okhotsk. . . .
b15886: Simpson, Mona - "Loosie" [review] in Atlantic (September, 2003)
022300: Simpson, Louis - "The Legend of Success, The Saleman's Story" in New Yorker (February 28, 1959)
014838: Mona Simpson - The Lost Father
014834: Simpson, Mona - Anywhere But Here
b35237: Sinatra, Frank, Louella Parsons, Elliot Paul, Adela Rogers St. John, Nunnally Johnson, and other contributors - Photoplay (August, 1945)
b20680: Sinatra, Frank. Stephen Holden, Robert D. McFadden, Jennifer Dunning, Janny Scott, essays - "Frank Sinatra Dies at 82; Matchless Style of Pop" and other essays in New York Times (May 16, 1998)
b43579: Sinclair, John, D.A. Latimer, Alex Gross, Lita LSQ, Jaakov Kohn, Caw (Ed Botts), Michael Horowitz, Elfrida Rivers, Claudia Dreifus, Art Johnston, Keith Lampe, and other contributors - The East Village Other (June 4, 1969)

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