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G79327: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Metaponto. Atti del tredicesimo (13e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto, 14-19 ottobre 1973
G79252: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ausgrabungen in Deutschland, gefördert von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft 1950-1975 [4 volumes]
G79196: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 21: Caruso - Castelnuovo
G79231: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 35: Indice A-C
G79230: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 37: Della Frata - Della Volpaia
G79228: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 33: D'Asaro - De Foresta
G79229: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 38: Della Volpe - Denza
G79227: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 34: Primo Supplemento A-C
G79226: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 39: Deodato - Di Falco
G79201: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 17: Calvart - Canefri
G79197: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 20: Carducci - Carusi
G79225: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 31: Cristaldi - Dalla Nave
G79224: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 36: De Fornari - Della Fonte
G79194: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 28: Conforto - Cordero
G79195: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 41: Donaggio - Dugnani
G79223: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 1: Aaron - Albertucci
G79220: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 9: Berengario - Biagini
G79218: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 3: Ammirato - Arcoleo
R73604: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ursulinen in Köln (1639-1989). Festschrift zum 350jährigen Bestehen der Ursulinenschule Köln
X77029: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Istorija, archeologija i etnografija Srednej Azii: k 60-let. so dnja rozdenija S.P. Tolstova [= "History, archaeology and ethnography of Central Asia"]
G78109: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Festschrift zum fünfzigjährigen Bestehen der [Schweizerische] Gesellschaft [für Volkskunde]. Archives Suisses des traditions populaires, Tome 43
R65885: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica, vol.73 (Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico)
R65882: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica, vol.72 (Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico)
G79216: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 7: Bartolucci - Bellotto
G79217: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 6: Baratteri - Bartolozzi
R65881: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica, vol.78 (Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico)
G79215: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 11: Boccadibue - Bonetti
G79212: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 10: Biagio - Boccaccio
R65880: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica, vol.70 (Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico)
G77677: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Tabona. Revista de prehistoria y de arqueologia. Volume VIII Tomo 1 (1992-1993)
G77676: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Proceedings of the fifth Greek-Serbian symposium. 1: Serbia and Greece during the first world war, 2: The ideas of the French Revolution, the enlightenment and the pre-romantic period in the Balkans 1780-1830
G77675: VARIOUS AUTHORS (PAPOULIA BAS. & BABRITSAS ANDR., EDS.) - E istorike, archaiologike kai laografike eruena gia te Thrake : Symposio. Xanthe, Komotene, Alexandroupole, 5-9 Dekembriou 1985. Praktika
R65879: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica, vol.76 (Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico)
R65878: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica, vol.77 (Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico)
G79211: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 12: Bonfadini - Borrello
G79210: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 14: Branchi - Buffetti
G79209: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 15: Buffoli - Caccianemici
G79208: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 18: Canella - Cappello
R68158: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 29 (1991)
R73594: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Festschrift zum vierten centenarium des Ursulinenordens (zugleich IX. Jahrbuch des Verbandes Selbständiger Deutscher Ursulinenklöster
R113683: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliotheke Ellenon Pateron Kai Ekklesiastikon Suggrapheon. Volume 40 : Megas Antonios, Ammonas, Amon 'e Ammonios, Pahomios, Pahomiou Ellenikoi Vioi protos vios, Paraleipomena, Eteros vios
G76530: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Benediktbeurer Gespräche der Allianz Umweltstiftung 2002-2006
R68350: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica editi a professoribus Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae; vol.33 (1952) (complete volume)
R68345: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica editi a professoribus Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae; vol.37 (1956) (complete volume)
R68344: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica editi a professoribus Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae; vol.38 (1957) (complete volume)
S88411: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Die Portugiesen in Indien. Die Eroberungen Dom Joao de Castros auf Tapisserien 1538-1548
R68348: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica editi a professoribus Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae; vol.35 (1954) (complete volume)
R68342: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica editi a professoribus Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae; vol.48 (1967) (complete volume)
R68343: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica editi a professoribus Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae; vol.39 (1958) (complete volume)
G75778: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Thracia 8
R68339: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.51 (1970) (complete volume)
R68338: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.52 (1971) (complete volume)
R68337: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.58 (1977) (complete volume)
R68335: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.60 (1979) (complete volume)
R68334: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.61 (1980) (complete volume)
R68333: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.62 (1981) (complete volume)
R68347: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica editi a professoribus Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae; vol.40 (1959) (complete volume)
R68346: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica editi a professoribus Pontificiae Universitatis Gregorianae; vol.36 (1955) (complete volume)
H114016: VARIOUS AUTHORS (SOCIÉTÉ DES BOLLANDISTES, ED.) - Analecta Bollandiana : Revue critique d'hagiographie. A journal of critical hagiography. Tome 133 1/2, juin & décembre 2015
R94183: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Movimento religioso femminile e Francescanesimo nel secolo XIII. Atti del VII convegno internazionale, Assisi, 11-13 ottobre 1979
G68636: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Burg und Stadt in Geschichte und Gegenwart
R101661: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Jaargang XXI (21) 1972-1973 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity])
R68330: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.55 (1974) (complete volume)
H114017: VARIOUS AUTHORS (SOCIÉTÉ DES BOLLANDISTES, ED.) - Analecta Bollandiana : Revue critique d'hagiographie. A journal of critical hagiography. Tome 131 1/2, juin & décembre 2013
R68326: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.67 (1986) (complete volume)
R68327: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.66 (1985) (complete volume)
R68328: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.57 (1976) (complete volume)
R68308: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 90 (1995, complete volume)
G86171: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Frühmittelalterliche Studien, 7.Band (1973). Jahrbuch des Instituts für Frühmittelalterforschung der Universität Münster
G86172: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Frühmittelalterliche Studien, 1. Band (1967). Jahrbuch des Instituts für Frühmittelalterforschung der Universität Münster
X75957: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Belleten (türk Tarih Kurumu), Cilt XII Sayi 47 (Temmuz 1948) / Beleten (Revue publiée par la Société d'Histoire Turque), Tome XII No.47 (Juillet 1948)
X75956: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Belleten (türk Tarih Kurumu), Cilt XX Sayi 77 (Ocak 1956) / Beleten (Revue publiée par la Société d'Histoire Turque), Tome XX No.77 (Janvier 1956)
R96103: VARIOUS AUTHORS (DE BOER P.A.H., ED.) - Oudtestamentische Studiën, volume II (2)
G68123: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Melngalvju Nams Riga / Das Schwarzhäupterhaus in Riga / The Blackheads House in Riga
X75955: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Belleten (türk Tarih Kurumu), Cilt VII-2 Sayi 28 (Tesrin 1943): Cumhuriyetin yirminci yildönümü münasebetiyle özel sayi / Beleten (Revue publiée par la Société d'Histoire Turque), Tome VII-2 No.28 (October 1943): numéro spécial publié à l'occasion du XXe anniversaire de la république
X75954: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Belleten (türk Tarih Kurumu), Cilt XII Sayi 45 (Ocak 1948) / Beleten (Revue publiée par la Société d'Histoire Turque), Tome XII No.45 (Janvier 1948)
G67548: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Deutsches Archiv für Erforschung des Mittelalters. 64.Jahrgang Heft 2
X76565: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Siam Society fiftieth anniversary, commemorative publication: selected articles from The Siam Society Journal. Volume I: 1904-1929
G71254: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Magische Götterwelten. Werke aus dem Museum für Indische Kunst, Berlin
R68300: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 81 (1986, complete volume)
G68646: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studia historica Slovaca II
X76562: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume LV (55), Part 1 + 2 (January + July 1967)
X76561: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume LIV (54), Part 1 + 2 (January + July 1966)
X76560: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 65 Part 2, July 1977
R106043: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& MOSSAY JUSTIN, ED.) - II. Symposium Nazianzenum, Louvain-la-Neuve, 25-28 août 1981. Actes du colloque international
G80050: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bollettino di Archeologia (Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali). Volume 4 (giugno-luglio 1990)
X76559: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume XLVII (47), Part 2: November 1959
X113864: VARIOUS AUTHORS (SCHREINER PETER & STRAKHOV OLGA, EDS.) - Chrysai pilai - Zlataa vrata : Essays presented to Professor Ihor Sevcenko on his eightieth birthday by his colleagues and students [in: Palaeoslavica X-2002 nos.1-2]
R68296: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 67 (1972, complete volume)
R68295: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 66 (1971). Heft 1-2
R68292: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 57 (1962, complete volume)
R68293: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 64 (1969, complete volume)
R68291: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 62 (1967, complete volume)
R68290: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 55 (1960, complete volume)
R68289: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 54 (1959, complete volume)
R68288: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 53 (1958, complete volume)
R68287: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 50 (1955, complete volume)
R68228: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontificii Instituti Biblici. vol.61
X76467: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Istorija i filologija Bliznego Vostoka: Semitologija [="History and philology of the Middle East: semitology"]
B102782: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gedenkboek der Plantin-dagen 1555-1955. International congres voor boekdrukkunst en humanisme, 4-10 september 1955 (Mémorial des Journées Plantin, Memorial Volume of the Plantin-Celebration, Gedenkbuch der Plantin-Tage)
R84111: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XXII-XXIII & XXIV (22-24, 1946-1948, complete)
R90927: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Espansione del Francescanesimo tra Occidente e Oriente nel secolo XIII. Atti del VI convegno internazionale, Assisi 12-14 ottobre 1978
S88081: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Das Reich der Jahreszeiten
R101451: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Jaargang XXXIII, 1992-1993 ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity]
J111383: VARIOUS AUTHORS (BURGMANN LUDWIG & KAUFHOLD HUBERT, DIRS.) - Bibliographie zur Rezeption des byzantinischen Rechts im alten Russland sowie zur Geschichte des armenischen und georgischen Rechts
R68246: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.19
R68243: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.17
R68242: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.24
R68241: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.22
R68240: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.23
R68237: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.28
R68239: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.16
G61035: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Medioevo latino. Bollettino bibliografico della cultura europea da Boezio a Erasmo (secoli VI-XV). Volume 29 (2008)
R68233: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.26
R68234: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.18
R68221: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontificii Instituti Biblici. vol.65
R68230: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontificii Instituti Biblici. vol.74
X113892: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik. 37. Band (1987)
S88418: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Bayeux tapestry. A comprehensive survey
R68227: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontificii Instituti Biblici. vol.54
X93134: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 20 (1950)
X93133: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 19 (1949)
R68231: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.13
G79222: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 32: Dall'Anconata - Da Ronco
X72429: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 11 (1992). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
X85961: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Proceedings of the seminar for Arabian studies, volume 39, 2009. Papers from the forty-first meeting of the Seminar for Arabian studies held in London, 24-26 July 2008
R68219: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontificii Instituti Biblici. vol.67
R68217: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontificii Instituti Biblici vol.57
R68212: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam. Index generalis vol.1-25 (1920-1944)
R68211: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontifici Instituti Biblici. vol.50
R68210: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontifici Instituti Biblici. vol.51
R68206: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontifici Instituti Biblici. vol.48
R68207: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontifici Instituti Biblici. vol.47
R68205: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.49
X113891: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik. 38. Band (1988)
R68235: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.20
G41035: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Mitbestimmung und Miteigentum in Europa (Internationale Begegnung europaïscher christlicher Arbeitnehmer am 31.März und 1.April 1960 in Konstanz-)
R98869: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Collectanea Mechliniensia [Commentarius scientiarum ecclesiasticarum] Volume 47, 1962 (complete year)
R107276: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 43, 2000
R68193: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.38
R68191: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.31
R102233: VARIOUS AUTHORS (KADLOUBOVSKY E. & PALMER G.E.H., TRANSL.) - Early Fathers from the Philokalia, together with some writings of St Abba Dorotheus, St Isaac of Syria and St Gregory Palamas, selected and translated from the Russian text
X72597: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Semitskie jazyki 2/1: Materialy pervoj konferencii po semitskim jazykam (26-28 oktabrija 1964 g.) / Semitic languages. Issue 2 (part 1): Papers presented for the First Conference on Semitic languages (26-28 October 1964)
R68164: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 35 (1997)
R68165: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 36 (1998)
X113799: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Katalogos ton ellinikon nomikon cheirographon - Ton apokeimenon sto kentro slavo-byzantinon spoudon 'Ivan Dujcev" tou panepistemiou "Sv. Kliment Ohridski" tes Sophias
S88412: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Patrimonio Nacional. Antic reial patrimoni. Tapissos, Armes i Arnesos. Llonja agost 1990
X72438: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 21 (2007). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
R66534: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte. Band VI: Die Kirche in der Gegenwart. Zweiter Halbband: Die Kirche zwischen Anpassung und Widerstand (1878 bis 1914)
R68155: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 26 (1988)
R68150: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 17 (1979)
X72437: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 20 (2006). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
X72435: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 17 (2001-2002). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
R68148: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 14 (1976)
R68146: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 11 (1973)
R68145: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 10 (1972)
R68144: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 9 (1971)
X72436: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 19 (2005). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
X72434: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 16 (1999-2000). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
X72433: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 15 (1997-1998). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
X72423: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 5 (1985). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
S88409: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The conservation of tapestries and embroideries. Proceedings of meetings at the Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique, Brussels, Belgium, September 21-24, 1987
R65861: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.11
R68143: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 8 (1970)
R68142: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 7 (1969)
R68141: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 6 (1968)
R68140: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 5 (1967)
R68138: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 2 (1964)
R68139: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 4 (1966)
R68136: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 1 (1963)
R68137: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 3 (1965)
X72432: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 14 (1996). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
X72419: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 1 (1981). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
X71857: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Journal of the Pali Text Society. Complete series from I-XXIX (1-29) (1882-2007)
X72446: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Band 42 Heft 1-4 (1970) . International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
X72445: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Band 43 (1971) . International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
G21968: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Geldrischer Heimatkalender 1974
X72444: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Band 44 (1972) . International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
G21972: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Kalender für das Klever Land, auf das Jahr 1970
G21970: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Geldrischer Heimatkalender 1972
G21971: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Kalender für das Klever Land, auf das Jahr 1972 (+ Beiheft I.Kultur und Landschaft im Rheinischen Niederland - Verzeichnis der gedruckten Schriften 1933-1971, von Fr.Gorissen)
G21969: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Geldrischer Heimatkalender 1973
X72440: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Band 48 (1976). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
X72441: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Band 47 (1975). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
X72442: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Band 46 (1974). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
X71736: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jiabs. Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies. Vol.26 (2003) nr.1
X111381: VARIOUS AUTHORS - XVI. Internationaler Byzantinistenkongress Wien 4.-9. Oktober 1981, Akten I/1-2 [in: Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik, 31/1 & 31/2 Band (1981)]
H70640: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Hagiographica. Rivista di agiografia e biografia / Journal of Hagiography and Biography, III (1996)
R101655: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume IX (9) 1957 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity])
R101660: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Volume XXX (30) 1987-1988 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity])
X111440: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studia Indo-Europaea ad Dacoromanos pertinentia, II: Studii de Tracologie, Linguisitca
R107302: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Hairesis - Festschrift für Karl Hoheisel zum 65. Geburtstag
R107299: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Chartulae - Festschrift für Wolfgang Speyer
R92175: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sechster Internationaler Marianischer Kongress in Trier vom 3. bis 6. august 1912 [3 parts] I: Festbericht, II-1: Die deutschen Referate, II-2: Die fremdsprachlichen Referate
F66264: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Atti del II convegno internazionale su Francesco d'Appignano [Francesco de Marchia] (Appignano del Tronto, 2004)
F66263: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Atti del 1° convegno internazionale su Francesco d'Appignano [Francesco de Marchia] (Appignano del Tronto, 26-27 maggio 2001)
F66254: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The metaphysics and natural philosophy of John Buridan
R95587: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Il magistero di Paolo VI nell'enciclica "Populorum progressio". Giornata di studio, Milano, 16 marzo 1988
G100250: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Festschrift zur Kantonal-Jahrhundertfeier der Unabhängigkeit Luxemburgs zu Mersch am 23. Juli 1939, 1839-1939 [Jorhonnertfeier zu Miersch den 23. Hemo'nd 1939]
X114459: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& MENACHERY GEORGE, ED.) - The Nazranies [in: Indian Church History Classics, volume I]
F66240: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Roger Bacon in der Diskussion
R69332: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Der einheimische Klerus in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Festschrift P.Dr. Laurenz Kilger O.S.B. zum 60. Geburtstag dargeboten
S94825: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Cobra 40 jaar later, 40 years after. Collectie J. Karel P. Van Stuijvenberg
F66038: VARIOUS AUTHORS - St. Thomas Aquinas (1274-1974) Commemorative studies [2 volumes]
S94824: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Mondriaan ; Zeichnungen, Aquarelle, New Yorker Bilder. Tekeningen, aquarellen, New Yorkse schilderijen. Drawings, Watercolours, New York Paintings
S96988: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Textile Arts of India - Kokyo Hatanaka Collection
S96987: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Patterns and poetry ; No robes from the Lucy Truman Aldrich Collection at the Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design
F66858: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The art of persuasion in law and politics
R101654: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris erudiri - Volume 10 (1958) (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity])
X94009: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume XLVII (47), Part 1 + 2 (January + July 1959)
X94010: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 72, Part 1 + 2 (January + July 1984)
X94012: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 67 (1979), Part 1 + 2 (January + July 1979)
X71593: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Mongolian studies. Journal of the Mongolia Society, vol.4 (1977)
X71589: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Minns volume, sive Opuscula quaedam praehistorica & archeologica ad barbarorum praesertim regiones quae inter orientem et aquilonem spectant pertinentia
T20095: VARIOUS AUTHORS - SCRIPTORIUM : Revue internationale des études relatives aux manuscrits - International Review of Manuscript Studies, T.XXXVII (37), 1983 No.1
X77199: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Turk dilleri arastirmalari 1992 (Dizisi: 4) [Researches in Turcic languages, vol.4, 1992]
X71453: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archives of Asian art, vol. LII
R107277: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 44, 2001
R84110: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XIX & XX (19-20, 1943-1944/45, complete)
X71260: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Beiträge zur Indienforschung. Ernst Waldschmidt zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet
M95172: VARIOUS AUTHORS (HUSCHEN EINRICH, ED.) - Festschrift Karl Gustav Fellerer zum sechzigsten Geburtstag am 7. Juli 1962, überreicht von Freunden und Schülern
G104602: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Mozia - XI : Zona C. Il Tempio del Kothon
R93174: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Analecta Praemonstratensia, tomus LXI (61) 1985, fasciculus 1-2
G104049: VARIOUS AUTHORS (MOSCHONAS N.G., ED.) - Le Repubbliche marinare italiane - Amalfi, Pisa, Genova, Venezia - e Il Mediterraneo Orientale
G104046: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Deutschland und Europa in der Neuzeit. Festschrift für Karl Otmar Freiherr von Aretin zum 65. Geburtstag [2 volumes]
M27240: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Organ Institute quarterly : separate issues available from vol.2 to 11 (1953-1964)
X74890: VARIOUS AUTHORS & THOMSEN VILH. - 1) Inscriptions de l'Orkhon, recueillies par l'expédition finnoise 1890 et publiées par la Société Finno-Ougrienne & 2) Inscriptions de l'Orkhon, déchiffrées par Vilh. Thomsen
X72443: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Band 45 (1973) . International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
R107278: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 45, 2002
F105493: VARIOUS AUTHORS (MORAUX PAUL & HARLFINGER DIETER, EDS.) - Untersuchungen zur Eudemischen Ethik. Akten des 5. Symposium Aristotelicum (Oosterbeek, Niederlande, 21-29. August 1969)
F105492: VARIOUS AUTHORS (IRMSCHER JOHANNES & MULLER REIMAR, EDS.) - Aristoteles als Wissenschaftstheoriker
X110589: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Byzantine Thrace, Evidence and Remains - International Symposium on Thracian Studies, Komotini, 18-22 April 2007 Proceedings [in: Byzantinische Forschungen - Internationale Zeitschrift für Byzantinistik. Band XXX (30)]
R69632: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Syntax and meaning. Studies in Hebrew syntax and biblical exegesis [in: Oudtestamentische Studiën, 18]
R68358: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Rivista trimestrale di studi teologici e filosofici; vol.1 (1920): Fasc.1
R69631: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studies on Psalms [in: Oudtestamentische Studiën, 13]
R107263: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 29, 1986
R107264: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 31, 1988
R107265: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 32, 1989
R107275: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 41, 1998
R67639: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jüdisches Leben in Deutschland seit 1945
R107274: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 40, 1997
X72428: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 10 (1991). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
R107272: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 38, 1995
G105879: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Historia geral da civilizacao brasileira, Tomo II: O Brasil monarquico, volume 2: Dispersao e unidade
R67615: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Handbuch der Marienkunde
X92887: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number Thirty-Three (33) 1979
X92888: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number Thirty (30) 1976
R67573: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Judentum, Urchristentum, Kirche. Festschrift für Joachim Jeremias
R67256: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Itinera domini. Gesammelte Aufsätze aus Liturgie und Mönchtum. Emmanuel v. Severus O.S.B. zur Vollendung des 80. Lebensjahres am 24. August 1988 dargeboten
R67249: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Miscellanea liturgica in honorem L. Cuniberti Mohlberg. Vol. I + II [complete in 2 volumes]
X63216: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Die Religionen Südostasiens
R67542: VARIOUS AUTHORS - A 75 anii dalla morte del Servo di Dio P. Giovanni Semeria. Una coscienza insoddisfatta. Atti del convegno (Roma, 15 marzo 2007)
R67541: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Atti del Convegno tenutosi a Napoli il 23 novembre 2008 (Barnabiti studi, 26)
R107266: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 30, 1987
R107267: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 33, 1990
G105878: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Historia geral da civilizacao brasileira, Tomo II: O Brasil monarquico, volume I: O processo de emancipacao
G105877: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Historia geral da civilizacao brasileira, Tomo I: A epoca colonial [2 volumes] I: Do descobrimento a expansao territorial, II: Administracao, economia, sociedade
T91037: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Butlleti de dialectologia catalana, publicat per les oficines del Diccionari de llengua catalana. Almost complete series from volume I (1914) to volume 24 (1937) [all published, except missing: volumes 3 and 19]
T92827: VARIOUS AUTHORS - A bibliography of Pidgin and Creole languages
R66217: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Augustine and the Bible
F62506: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Logica, linguaggio e comunicazione (vol. 4 in: Atti del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia, Venezia, 12-18 Settembre 1958)
F62504: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Storia della filosofia moderna e contemporanea (vol. 12 in: Atti del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia, Venezia, 12-18 Settembre 1958)
F62497: VARIOUS AUTHORS - L'uomo e la natura (vol. 2 in: Atti del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia, Venezia, 12-18 Settembre 1958)
F62498: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Metafisica e filosofia della natura (vol. 6 in: Atti del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia, Venezia, 12-18 Settembre 1958)
F62499: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Filosofia dei valori, etica, estetica (vol. 7 in: Atti del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia, Venezia, 12-18 Settembre 1958)
F62502: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Filosofia politica e sociale, filosofia della cultura, del diritto, dell'educazione e della storia (vol. 8 in: Atti del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia, Venezia, 12-18 Settembre 1958)
F62503: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Filosofie orientali e pensiero occidentale (vol. 10 in: Atti del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia, Venezia, 12-18 Settembre 1958)
R59471: VARIOUS EDS. [RATHERIUS VERONENSIS] - Ratherius Veronensis - Praeloquiorum Libri VI. Phrenensis. Dialogus confessionalis. Exhortatio et preces. Pauca de vita sancti Donatiani. Fragmenta nuper reperta [in: Corpus Christianorum. Instrumenta lexicologica latina, 18A]
T92929: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Slownik biograficzny teatru polskiego 1765-1965
R68202: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.41
R68203: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.40
R68204: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.39
X114387: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bulletin of Yerevan University. Philology 134.2
X71546: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Beiträge zur Turkologie und Zentralasienkunde. Annemarie von Gabain zum 80. Geburtstag am 4. Juli 1981 dargebracht von Kollegen, Freunden und Schülern
R68199: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.43
R68200: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.46
R68201: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.42
R68197: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.44
R68198: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.45
R68356: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica et philosophica; vol.17 (1936): fasc.3
R107287: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vivarium - Festschrift Theodor Klauser zum 90. Geburtstag
X114342: VARIOUS AUTHORS (CORI BERARDO & MEINI MONICA, EDS.) - L'Armenia : un'isola nella montagna
R107622: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& NIEDERKORN-BRUCK META, ED.) - Liber Amicorum James Hogg. Kartäuserforschung 1970-2006, Band 6, (Internationale Tagung Kartause Aggsbach, 28.8 - 1.9.2006 Kartause Mauerbach)
R107259: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 24, 1981
R68332: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - periodicum trimestre a Pontificia Universitate Gregoriana editum ; vol.53 (1972) (complete volume)
T114448: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Cinquant'anni di ricerche linguistiche : problemi, risultati e prospettive per il terzo millenio. Atti del IX Convegno Internazionale di Linguisti tenuto a Milano nei giorni 8-10 ottobre 1998
R68149: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 16 (1978)
R107253: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 18, 1975
R107251: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 16, 1973
R107252: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 17, 1974
R107248: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 13, 1970
S29585: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Corporate showcase 3 - Photography & Illustration
F78198: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, new series vol.CI (101), containing the papers read before the Society during the 122th session 2000/1
X94030: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 81, Part 2, 1993
X94031: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 77, Part 1, 1989
R107243: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 6, 1963
F75135: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Proceedings of the 2nd International Humanistic Symposium at Athens, Delphi and Pelion (september 24-October 2, 1972)
X114388: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bulletin of Yerevan University. Philology 133.2
X114389: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bulletin of Yerevan University. Philology 132.2
X114390: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bulletin of Yerevan University. Philology 131.2
X114391: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bulletin of Yerevan University. Philology 130.2
X114396: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Transcaucasica II
X114408: VARIOUS AUTHORS (SOMMER F., LAROCHE E., PEDERSEN J., BILGIC E., FRIEDRICH J., ROSENKRANZ B. & NEUMANN S.) - Hittitica philologica : Convolute of 10 works on the Hittite language
X114409: VARIOUS AUTHORS (HOUWINK TEN CATE PH.H.J., FRIEDRICH J., OBERMANN J., HERMANN J., COWLEY A.S., FRANK C., CAMBEL K., BOSSERT TH., & DUPONT-SOMMER A.) - Hittitica : Convolute of 13 works on the Hittite history and language
F77180: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Antropologica, Metafisica, Teologia. Saggi in onore di Battista Mondin
F65818: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Cartesian views. Papers presented to Richard A. Watson
F75136: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Proceedings of the 3rd International Humanistic Symposium at Athens and Pelion (september 24-October 2, 1975). Topic: The case of objectivity
F66581: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The legacy of Aristotle's political thought. Essays in honour of Prof. Dr. Gerard Verbeke, permanent secretary of the academy 1978-1997
F66585: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Essays on Aristotle's ethics
F75041: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Il valore universale dell'umanesimo. Atti della Riunione costitutiva (Roma, 20-23 settembre 1949)
V96780: VARIOUS AUTHORS - IKAT International textile exhibition - Internationale textieltentoonstelling
F75011: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Summaries of papers, World Congress on Aristotle (Thessaloniki 7-14 August 1978) / Perilepseis anakoinoseon, Pagkosmio sunedrio Aristoteles
R66506: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Religion and superstition in reformation Europe
R66494: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Heterodoxy in early modern science and religion
F73243: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Philosophical studies. Volume XXX
S97477: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Hermitage. Western European Drawing
R107250: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 15, 1972
R66490: VARIOUS AUTHORS - From Irenaeus to Grotius. A sourcebook in Christian political thought (100-1625)
G94441: VARIOUS AUTHORS (CAPASSO MARIO & PERNIGOTTI SERGIO, EDS.) - Studium atque urbanitas. Miscellanea in onore di Sergio Daris [in: Papyrologica Lupiensia, 9 / 2000]
G94440: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vesuviana, an international journal of archaeological and historical studies on Pompeii and Herculaneum. Volume 1 (2009)
G94439: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Medioevo latino. Bollettino bibliografico della cultura europea da Boezio a Erasmo (secoli VI-XV). Volume XVII (17) 1996
G94438: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Medioevo latino. Bollettino bibliografico della cultura europea da Boezio a Erasmo (secoli VI-XV). Volume XVI (16) 1995
G94437: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Medioevo latino. Bollettino bibliografico della cultura europea da Boezio a Erasmo (secoli VI-XV). Volume XVIII (18) 1997
R68188: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.34
R115089: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& LIVINSTONE ELIZABETH A., ED.) - Historica, Theologica et Philosophica, Critica et Philologica [in: Studia Patristica vol.XXIX]
R93168: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Analecta Praemonstratensia, tomus XLV (45) 1969, fasciculus 1-2 & 3-4 [complete]
G114008: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Atti e Memorie dell'Accademia Toscana di Scienze e Lettere 'La Colombaria' : Volume LXXV (75), Nuova serie LXI, Anno 2010
S21697: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Arte mediterranea [arts periodical]
F67602: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& LUBBE HERMANN, ED.) - Die Hegelsche Rechte. Texte aus den Werken von F.W. Carové, J.E. Erdmann, K. Fischer, E. Gans, H.F.W. Hinrichs, C.L. Michelet, H.B. Oppenheim, K. Rosenkranz und C. Rössler
F66580: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Values and virtues. Aristotelianism in contemporary ethics
F66572: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Aristotle and after
F66343: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Albertus Magnus & der Albertismus. Deutsche philosophische Kultur des Mittelalters
F66359: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Was ist Philosophie im Mittelalter? Qu'est-ce que la philosophie au Moyen Age? What is philosophy in the Middle Ages? Akten des X. Internationalen Kongresses für mittelalterliche Philosophie -
X94028: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume XLVI (46), Part 2: November 1958
F66321: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Pedro Hispano. No 675o aniversário da sua morte (1277-1952)
F66384: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Graceful reason. Essays in ancient and medieval philosophy presented to Joseph Owens, CSSR, on the occasion of his seventy-fifth birthday and the fiftieth anniversary of his ordination
F66382: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Das Problem der Willensschwäche in der mittelalterlichen Philosophie / The problem of weakness of will in medieval philosophy
R65884: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica, vol.79 (Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico)
R65872: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.9
R65869: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.10
X103629: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& NEU ERICH, ED.) - Investigationes philologicae et comparativae. Gedenkschrift für Heinz Kronasser
R65864: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.4
M94863: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Kongress-Bericht Internationale Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft, Utrecht 1952. International Society for Musical Research, Fifth congress, Utrecht 3-7 July 1952, Report
R65862: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.6
H108563: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gratianopolitana seu Parisien. Beatificationis et canonizationis servi Dei Petri Iuliani Eymard fundatoris Congregationis Sanctissimi Sacramenti
F62507: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Logica, gnoseologia, filosofia della scienza, filosofia del lniguaggio (vol. 5 in: Atti del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia, Venezia, 12-18 Settembre 1958)
F62505: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Libertà e valore (vol. 3 in: Atti del XII Congresso Internazionale di Filosofia, Venezia, 12-18 Settembre 1958)
R113690: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliotheke Ellenon Pateron Kai Ekklesiastikon Suggrapheon. Series almost complete from volume 1 to volume 61 (missing: vols. 43 & 50 & 58)
G114013: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Atti e Memorie dell'Accademia Toscana di Scienze e Lettere 'La Colombaria' : Volume LXXXII (82), Nuova serie LXVIII, Anno 2017
F66402: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Il commento filosofico nell'occidente latino (secoli XIII-XV) / The philosophical commentary in the Latin west (13-15th centuries)
F66400: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Meeting of the minds. The relations between medieval and classical modern European philosophy
F66396: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Roger Bacon and the sciences. Commemorative essays
R113654: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliotheke Ellenon Pateron Kai Ekklesiastikon Suggrapheon. Volume 2 : Klemes o Romes (meros 2), Didakhe ton dodeka apostolon, Barnaba epistole, e pros Diogneton epistole, Ignatios
R113655: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliotheke Ellenon Pateron Kai Ekklesiastikon Suggrapheon. Volume 3 : Polykarpos, Ermas, Papias, Kodratos, Aristeides, Ioustinus (meros 1)
R113656: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliotheke Ellenon Pateron Kai Ekklesiastikon Suggrapheon. Volume 4 : Ioustinos (meros 2), Tatianos Meliton, Athenagoras
R113657: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliotheke Ellenon Pateron Kai Ekklesiastikon Suggrapheon. Volume 5 : Theophilos o Antiocheias, Ermeias, Egesippos, Eirenaios, Ippolytos (meros 1)
R113668: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliotheke Ellenon Pateron Kai Ekklesiastikon Suggrapheon. Volume 18 : Methodios, Petros Alexandreias, Alexandros Alexandreias, Eustathios Antiocheias
R113669: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliotheke Ellenon Pateron Kai Ekklesiastikon Suggrapheon. Volume 19 : Titos Bostron, Theodoros Erakleias, Alexandros Lykopoleos, Eusebios Kaisareias (meros 1)
S94485: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Coloquio sobre a influencia do ultramar na arte
G12040: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Südtirol - Eine Frage des europäischen Gewissens
R113880: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliotheke Ellenon Pateron Kai Ekklesiastikon Suggrapheon. Volume 3 : Polykarpos, Ermas, Papias, Kodratos, Aristeides, Ioustinus (meros 1)
X88954: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume I, 1970
G111806: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Renaissance Children - Art and Education at the Habsburg Court (1480-1530)
X88977: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica. Volume 26, 1995
X98935: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Near Eastern Studies, volume XLIV (44) 2007
X98934: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Near Eastern Studies, volume XLVIII (48) 2011
R66550: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Albert the Great. Commemorative essays
R65552: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 4, 1961
G113831: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Annalen des historischen Vereins für den Niederrhein, insbesondere die alte Erzdiöcese Köln. Einunddreissigstes Heft (31), 1877
R106302: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Volume XXXVIII (38), 1998-1999 ; A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity
R106303: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Volume XLIII (43), 2004 ; A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity
R106305: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Volume XLVI (46), 2007 ; A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity
R106306: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Volume XLI (41), 2002 ; A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity
R106307: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Volume XLII (42), 2003 ; A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity
R106308: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Volume XLIV (44), 2006 ; A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity
R65553: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 5, 1962
R65551: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 3, 1960
R65550: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 2, 1959
R65549: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 1, 1958
R66535: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Handbuch der Kirchengeschichte. Band II: Die Reichskirche nach Konstantin dem Grossen. Erster Halbband: Die Kirche von Nikaia bis Chalkedon
R104555: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& NIEDERKORN-BRUCK META, ED.) - Kartäusisches Denken und daraus resultierende Netzwerke vom Mittelalter bis zur Neuzeit, Band I (Internationale Tagung: Kartause Aggsbach 23-27 August 2011 zum Anlass des 80. Geburtstages von James Hogg) [in: Analecta Cartusiana, 276]
F105711: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& MACPHERSON C.B., ED.) - Property. Mainstream and Critical Positions
F105712: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Suarez en el cuarto centenario de su nacimiento (1548-1948)
R70343: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Glaube und Eschatologie. Festschrift für Werner Georg Kümmel zum 80. Geburtstag
R107256: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 21, 1978
T93156: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Parnassos, Literary journal of the Parnassos Literary Society. Volume 41 (1999)
G68849: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sympozja kazimierskie. Poswiecone kulturze swiata poznego antyku i wczesnego chrzescijanstwa II
T93153: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Parnassos, Literary journal of the Parnassos Literary Society. Volume 38 (1996)
T93154: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Parnassos, Literary journal of the Parnassos Literary Society. Volume 39 (1997)
T93152: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Parnassos, Literary journal of the Parnassos Literary Society. Volume 34 (1992)
X71785: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Annual report of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University for the Academic Year 1999. Vol.3
X114412: VARIOUS AUTHORS (OSE FR., MESSERSCHMIDT L., WEIDNER E.F., ZIMMERN W., FRIEDRICH J., GOTZE A., E.A.) - Hittitica : Convolute of 12 works on the Hittite history and language
X104050: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Prof. Jackson Memorial Volume. Papers on Iranian Subjects, in honour of the late Prof. A.V. Williams Jackson
M27660: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Zeitschrift für Kirchemusik ; 73.Jahrgang 1953 nrs.1 to 11 [nr.12 missing]
X103742: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bulletin of the Ancient Orient Museum, volume V dedicated to director Namio Egami in honour of his seventyseventh birthday
X113802: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Centre d'archéologie méditerranéenne polonaise des sciences. Etudes et travaux, VI (1972)
G79330: VARIOUS AUTHORS - I Messapi. Atti del trentesimo (30e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto-Lecce, 4-9 ottobre 1990
G98420: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch der Gesellschaft für lothringische Geschichte und Altertumskunde. Jahrgang XXVII und XXVIII, 1915 und 1916
X103532: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Prosopographisches Lexikon der Palaiologenzeit (PLP). Addenda zu Faszikel 1-12
F80706: VARIOUS AUTHORS - S. Agostino e le grandi correnti della filosofia contemporanea. Atti del congressi italiano di filosofia agostiniana, Roma 20-23 ottobre 1954
R68371: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.43 (1997)
R68372: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.42 (1996)
R68373: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.41 (1995)
R68374: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.40 (1994)
R68375: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.39 (1993)
R68376: VARIOUS AUTHORS - New Testament Studies. An international journal, published quarterly under the auspices of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas. Vol.38 (1992)
G113835: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Annalen des historischen Vereins für den Niederrhein, insbesondere die alte Erzdiöcese Köln. Zweiundvierzigstes Heft (42), 1884
R73292: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Unsere liebe Frau. Eine Ausstellung im Krönungssaal des Rathauses zu Aachen (7.Juni-14.September 1958)
M27662: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Zeitschrift für Kirchemusik ; 75.Jahrgang 1955 nrs.2 to 12 [nr.1 missing]
T94417: VARIOUS AUTHORS (KIEDRON STEFAN & KOWALSKA-SZUBERT AGATA, EDS.) - Thesaurus polyglottus et flores quadrilingues. Festschrift für Stanislaw Predota zum 60. Geburtstag
F101443: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Documenti e Studi sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale, volume XVII, 2006. An international journal on the philosophical tradition from late antiquity to the late middle ages
R63427: VARIOUS AUTHORS (HATTRUP DIETER & HOPING HELMUT, HRSG.) - Christologie und Metaphysikkritik. Peter Hunermann zum 60.Geburtstag
R84112: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XXV & XXVI (25-26, 1949-1950, complete)
X100072: VARIOUS AUTHORS (VON GABAIN ANNEMARIE, PRITSAK OMELJAN, POPPE NIKOLAUS, BENZING J., A.O.) - Handbuch der Orientalistik, Erste Abteilung, Fûnfter Band: Altaistik, Erster Abschnitt: Turkologie
X100071: VARIOUS AUTHORS (VON GABAIN ANNEMARIE, PRITSAK OMELJAN, POPPE NIKOLAUS, BENZING J., A.O.) - Handbuch der Orientalistik, Erste Abteilung, Fûnfter Band: Altaistik, Erster Abschnitt: Turkologie
G98799: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume LIX (59), 2010
G98797: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume LX (60), 2011
G98798: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume LXIV (64), 2015
G98795: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume LXII (62), 2013
R68147: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae - Volume 12 (1974)
X71454: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archives of Asian art, vol. LIII
X71452: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archives of Asian art, vol. LI
R63159: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Christian Mysticism. An International Conference
K113896: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Charis - Konstantino I. Vourvere [Bourberes] Aphieroma ton matheton tou epi te exekontapentaeteridi tou viou autou
R68236: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii ad rem biblicam scientifice investigandam a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.27
H108458: VARIOUS AUTHORS [NICOLINI GALILEO - GALILAEUS] - Beatificationis et Canonizationis servi Dei Galilaei Nicolini novitii Congregatonis SS. Crucis et Passionis D.N.J.C., Positio super introductione causae : Nullius SS. Vincentii et Anastasii ad Aquas Salvias
H108453: VARIOUS AUTHORS [GABRIEL DELL'ADOLORATA] - Pinnen. Canonizationis B. Gabrielis a Virgine Dolorosa clerici professi e Congregatione Clericorum Regularium Excalceatorum a SS.Ma Cruce et Passione D.N.I.C., Positio super Tuto
H108452: VARIOUS AUTHORS [GABRIEL DELL'ADOLORATA] - Compendium vitae virtutum et miraculorum necnon actorum in causa canonizationis Beati Gabrielis a Virgine Dolorosa clerici professi e Congregatione Clericorum Regularium Excalceatorum a SS. Cruce et Passione D.N.C.I., ex tabulario Sacrae Rituum Congregationis
H108451: VARIOUS AUTHORS [GABRIEL DELL'ADOLORATA] - Pinnen. Canonizationis B. Gabrielis a Virgine Dolorosa clerici professi e Clericorum Regularium Excalceatorum a Christi Passione. Positio super Reassuptione Causae
H108450: VARIOUS AUTHORS [GABRIEL DELL'ADOLORATA] - Pinnen. Canonizationis B. Gabrielis a Virgine Dolorosa clerici professi e Congregatione Clericorum Regularium Excalceatorum a SS. Cruce et Passione D.N.I.C., Novissima Positio super Miraculis
H108448: VARIOUS AUTHORS [GABRIEL DELL'ADOLORATA] - Pinnen. Beatificationis et canonizationis ven. Servi Dei Fr. Gabrielis a Virgine Dolorosa clerici professi e Congr. Clericorum Regularium Excalceatorum a Christi Passione
X114410: VARIOUS AUTHORS (ROSENKRANZ B., LAROCHE E. & NEUMANN GUNTER) - Luvica : Convolute of 3 works on Luvica (Luvian, Luvischen, louvite)
X114411: VARIOUS AUTHORS (GOTZE ALBRECHT, WITZEL MAURUS O.F.M., PEDERSEN H., OTTEN HEINRICH, E.A.) - Hittitica : Convolute of 10 works on the Hittite history and language
S113858: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Japonisme [Exhibition catalogue : Paris, Galeries nationales du Grand Palais, 17 mai-15 août 1988 & Tokyo, Musée national d'art occidental, 23 septembre-11 décembre 1988]
S87222: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ten essays for a friend : E. De Jongh 65
S87217: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Artibus et historiae. An art anthology (IRSA nr.20, X), 1989
W94701: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada devoted to the advancement of Astronomy and allied sciences. Volume IV (4) 1910 [Complete volume]
W94700: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada devoted to the advancement of Astronomy and allied sciences. Volume VI (6) 1912 [Complete volume]
X111376: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik. 30. Band (1981)
X111377: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik, 24. Band (1975)
W94698: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada devoted to the advancement of Astronomy and allied sciences. Volume VIII (8) 1914 [Complete volume]
W93304: VARIOUS AUTHORS (TROSCHEL F.H., HRSG.) - Archiv für Naturgeschichte. Sieben und Zwanzigste (27e) Jahrgang (1861), Erster Band - Zweiter Band [2 volumes]
R68301: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 82 (1987, complete volume)
F107694: VARIOUS AUTHORS (D'AMORE BENEDETTO & GIORDANO AGOSTINO, EDS.) - Teoria e prassi [2 volumes] Atti del VI Congresso Internazionale (Genova-Barcellona 8-15 Settembre 1976)
G115155: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Medioevo latino. Bollettino bibliografico della cultura europea da Boezio a Erasmo (secoli VI-XV). Volume XXXV (35) 2014
F107684: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& SESONSKE ALEXANDER, ED.) - Plato's Republic - Interpretation and criticism
F107678: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Etienne Gilson - filosofo cristiano (Numero speciale di "Doctor Communis" dell'Accademia Romana di S. Tommaso alla memoria del suo illustre socio nel centenario della nascita))
F107674: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Los fundamentos metafisicos del Orden Moral. Homenaje a Monsenor Octavio Nicolas Derisi (XXVIII Semana Tomista)
F105752: VARIOUS AUTHORS (CENTRO DI STUDI FILOSOFICI DI GALLARATE) - Enciclopedia Filosofica [6 volumes]
X100154: VARIOUS AUTHORS (POPPE NIKOLAUS, POSCH UDO, DOERFER GERHARD, E.A.) - Altaistik. Zweiter Abschnitt: Mongolistik [in: Handbuch der Orientalistik, Erste Abteilung: Der Nahe und der mittlere Osten, Band V-2]
F105701: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Actas del 5e Congreso Internacional de Filosofia Medieval [2 volumes]
X114494: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Institut vostokovedenija RAN prosloe i nastojascee : k 200-letiju osnovanija
F105565: VARIOUS AUTHORS (DURING I. & OWEN G.E.L., EDS.) - Aristotle and Plato in the mid-fourth Century. Papers of the Symposium Aristotelicum held at Oxford in August 1957
F105543: VARIOUS AUTHORS (MORAUX PAUL & WIESNER JURGEN, EDS) - Zweifelhaftes im Corpus Aristotlicum. Akten des 9. Symposium Aristotelicum (Berlin, 7-16 September 1981)
F105580: VARIOUS AUTHORS (BARNES JONATHAN, SCHOFIELD MALCOLM & SORABJI RICHARD, EDS.) - Articles on Aristotle, 4. Psychology & Aesthetics
F105597: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& BAMBROUGH RENFORD, ED.) - New Essays on Plato and Aristotle
F105455: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& PANAGIOTOU SPIRO, ED.) - Justice, Law and Method in Plato and Aristotle
F105474: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& DURRANT MICHAEL, ED.) - Aristotle's De Anima in focus
F105407: VARIOUS AUTHORS (FURLEY DAVID J. & NEHAMAS ALEXANDER, EDS.) - Aristotle's Rhetoric - Philosophical Essays
F105386: VARIOUS AUTHORS (LLOYD G.E.R. & OWEN G.E.L., EDS.) - Aristotle on Mind and the Senses. Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium Aristotelicum
F105330: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& ALLEN R.E., ED.) - Studies in Plato's Metaphysics
F105332: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& NORTH HELEN F., ED.) - Interpretations of Plato. A Swarthmore Symposium
F105298: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& FLASCH KURT, ED.) - Parusia - Studien zur Philosophie Platons und zur Problemgeschichte des Platonismus. Festschrift für Johannes Hirschberger
F105238: VARIOUS AUTHORS (MARTIN E.X. O.S.A & RICHMOND J.A., EDS.) - From Augustine to Eriugena. Essays on Neoplatonism and Christianity in Honor of John O'Meara
F105258: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& GAISER KONRAD, ED.) - Das Platonbild. Zehn Beiträge zum Platonverständnis
G79199: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 40: Di Fausto - Donadoni
H65760: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Per la festa di San Tommaso d'Aquino (7 Marzo 1923)
H84286: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Hagiographica, VII (2000). Rivista di agiografia e biografia della Società internazionale per lo studio del Medio Evo Latino / Journal of Hagiography and biography
H74877: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Hagiographica, IV (1997). Rivista di agiografia e biografia della Società internazionale per lo studio del Medio Evo Latino / Journal of Hagiography and Biography
H75961: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Hagiographica, II (1995). Rivista di agiografia e biografia della Società internazionale per lo studio del Medio Evo Latino / Journal of Hagiography and biography
H75962: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Hagiographica, I (1994). Rivista di agiografia e biografia della Società internazionale per lo studio del Medio Evo Latino / Journal of Hagiography and biography
H75963: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Hagiographica, VI (1999). Rivista di agiografia e biografia della Società internazionale per lo studio del Medio Evo Latino / Journal of Hagiography and biography
H75964: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Hagiographica, VIII (2001). Rivista di agiografia e biografia della Società internazionale per lo studio del Medio Evo Latino / Journal of Hagiography and biography
H75965: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Hagiographica, II (1995). Rivista di agiografia e biografia della Società internazionale per lo studio del Medio Evo Latino / Journal of Hagiography and biography
H76039: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Hagiographica, V (1998). Rivista di agiografia e biografia della Socièta internazionale per lo studio del Medio Evo Latino / Journal of hagiography and biography
F105064: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& DEPEW DAVID J., ED.) - The Greeks and the Good Life. Proceedings of the ninth annual philosophy symposium, California State University, Fullerton
F105147: VARIOUS AUTHORS (VAN DEN BROEK R., BAARDA T. & MANSFELD J., EDS.) - Knowledge of God in the Graeco-Roman World
F105128: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epicurea in memoriam Hectoris Bignone
F105000: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& BREZIK VICTOR B., ED.) - One Hundred Years of Thomism. Aeterni Patris and Afterwards. A Symposium
F104988: VARIOUS AUTHORS (KAMINSKI STANISLAW, KURDZIALEK MARIAN & ZDYBICKA ZOFIA J., EDS.) - W 700-lecie smierci sw. Tomasza z Akwinu, Proba uwspolczesnienia jego filozofii. Saint Thomas d'Aquin pour le septieme centenaire de sa mort, Essais d'actualisation de sa philosophie
G115154: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Medioevo latino. Bollettino bibliografico della cultura europea da Boezio a Erasmo (secoli VI-XV). Volume XXXIV (34) 2013
F105094: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& TAYLOR C.C.W., ED.) - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Volume XIII 1995
C99690: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Problemi attuali di scienza e di cultura ; Atti del Convegno internazionale di Studi Etiopici, Roma 2-4 aprile 1959
R95589: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Educazione, intellettuali e societa in G.B. Montini-Paolo VI. Giornata di studio, Milano, 16-17 novembre 1990
F104935: VARIOUS AUTHORS (ELDERS L.J. S.V.D. & HEDWIG K., EDS.) - The Ethics of St. Thomas Aquinas - Proceedings of the Third Symposium on St. Thomas Aquinas' Philosophy, Rolduc, November 5 & 6, 1983
F104918: VARIOUS AUTHORS (ROSZAK PIOTR & VIJGEN JORGEN, EDS.) - Reading Sacred Scripture with Thomas Aquinas, hermeneutical tools, theological questions and new perspectives
F104885: VARIOUS AUTHORS (CASTELLI E., PACI E., VASA A., DORFLES G., E.A.) - Il senso comune
F104892: VARIOUS AUTHORS (PEREZ DE LABORDA MIGUEL, ED.) - Sapienza e Liberta. Studi in onore del prof. Lluis Clavell
F104858: VARIOUS AUTHORS - La filosofia della natura nel medioevo - Atti del terzo congresso internazionale di filosofia medioevale, Passo della Mendola (Trento) 31 agosto - 5 settembre 1964
F104743: VARIOUS AUTHORS (PALMER ROBERT B. & HAMERTON-KELLY ROBERT, EDS.) - Philomathes - Studies and essays in the humanities in memory of Philip Merlan
F104693: VARIOUS AUTHORS - De doctrina Ioannis Duns Scoti. Vol.IV: Scotismus decursu saeculorum (Acta Congressus Scotistici Internationalis, Oxonii et Edimburgi 11-17 sept. 1966 celebrati)
F104694: VARIOUS AUTHORS - De doctrina Ioannis Duns Scoti. Vol.III: Problemata theologica (Acta Congressus Scotistici Internationalis, Oxonii et Edimburgi 11-17 sept. 1966 celebrati)
F104725: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& BIEMEL WALTER, ED.) - Die Welt des Menschen - Die Welt der Philosophie. Festschrift für Jan Patocka
F104728: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& ZIMMERMANN ALBERT, ED.) - Der Begriff der Repraesentatio im Mittelalter. Stellvertretung, Symbol, Zeichen, Bild
C90947: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Coloquios Cabo-Verdianos
F104674: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Attualita del pensiero di Maurice Blondel. Atti del I Convegno di studio sul pensiero di Maurice Blondel tenuto all'Aloisianum di Gallarate il 21 e 22 marzo 1975
R107261: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 26, 1983
G111742: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studia per Laura Breglia [3 volumes] I: Generalia, Numismatica greca, II: Numismatica romana, medioevale e moderna, III: Archeologia e storia
F102690: VARIOUS AUTHORS (BUYTAERT E.M., ED.) - Peter Abelard. Proceedings of the International Conference, Louvain, May 10-12, 1971
R63498: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae. Volume 20 (1982)
R63499: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae. Volume 25 (1987)
R63497: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae. Volume 19 (1981)
R63495: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae. Volume 23 (1985)
R63496: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae. Volume 24 (1986)
R63494: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae. Volume 22 (1984)
R63493: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historiae Pontificiae. Volume 21 (1983)
G79285: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Premières rencontres du patrimoine Amérique latine - Europe. Monuments, sites et documents historiques. First Latin America-Europe Heritage Encounters. Monuments, Sites and historical documents
G79289: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LXIV (64), Anno accademico 1991-1992. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79290: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LIX (59), Anno accademico 1986-1987. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79291: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LX (60), Anno accademico 1987-1988. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79293: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LXIX (69), Anno accademico 1996-1997. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79295: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LXX (70), Anno accademico 1997-1998. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79296: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LXI (61), Anno accademico 1988-1989. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79297: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LXII (62), Anno accademico 1989-1990. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79298: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LIII-LIV (53-54), Anni accademici 1980-1981 & 1981-1982. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79300: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LVII (57), Anno accademico 1984-1985. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79302: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LXXII (72), Anno accademico 1999-2000. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79303: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LXIII (63), Anno accademico 1990-1991. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79305: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LXXVI (76), Anno accademico 2003-2004. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79306: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LXXVII (77), Anno accademico 2004-2005. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79307: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LXXIII (73), Anno accademico 2000-2001. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79308: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LXXIV (74), Anno accademico 2001-2002. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79309: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LXXV (75), Anno accademico 2002-2003. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79310: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LXVIII (68), Anno accademico 1995-1996. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79311: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LXV (65), Anno accademico 1992-1993. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79312: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LXVI (66), Anno accademico 1993-1994. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79313: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rendiconti volume LXVII (67), Anno accademico 1994-1995. Atti della Pontificia Accademia Romana di Archeologia (serie III)
G79314: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Le Magna Grecia e i grandi santuari della Madrepatria. Atti del trentunesimo (31) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 4-8 ottobre 1991
G79315: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Megale Hellas nome e immagine. Atti del ventunesimo (21) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 2-5 ottobre 1981
G79316: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Magna Grecia e mondo Miceneo. Atti del ventiduesimo (22e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto 7-11 ottobre 1982
X98759: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Near Eastern Studies, volume LII (52) 2015
X98758: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ancient Near Eastern Studies, volume LIII (53) 2016
W87945: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Elektrische en magnetische eigenschappen van dunne metaallaagjes. Electric and magnetic properties of thin metallic layers. Propriétés électriques et magnétiques des couches métalliques minces
F101208: VARIOUS AUTHORS (FATTORI MARTA, ED.) - Il vocabolario della République des Lettres. Terminologia filosofica e storia della filosofia. Problemi di metodo
W87944: VARIOUS AUTHORS - International colloquium on the Evolution of lower and non specialized mammals, 7,8,9 September 1960 [2 volumes]. Colloque international sur l'évolution des mammifères inférieurs et non spécialisés
X98427: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Altaica. Proceedings of the 19th annual meeting of the permanent international altaistic conference, held in Helsinki 7-11 June 1976
G115151: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Medioevo latino. Bollettino bibliografico della cultura europea da Boezio a Erasmo (secoli VI-XV). Volume XXXII (32) 2011
S87643: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rubenstextiel - Rubens's Textiles
G79334: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Orfismo in Magna Grecia. Atti del quattordicesimo (14e) convegno di studi sulla Magna Grecia, Taranto, 6-10 ottobre 1974
E100955: VARIOUS AUTHORS (VAN DER LINDEN MARCEL, ED.) - The International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
R103474: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Alvarium - Festschrift für Christian Gnilka
R84108: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus XV & XVI (15-16, 1939-1940, complete)
R113681: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliotheke Ellenon Pateron Kai Ekklesiastikon Suggrapheon. Volume 38 : Peri ten apeianiken erin : Asterios Sofistes. Aetios Antiocheias, Eunomios Kuzikou, Eudoxios K/poleos. Loukios Alexandreias kai Eunomios Beroiees, Akakios Kaisareias, Eusebios Emeses, Nemesios Emeses
X72430: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 12 (1993). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
R84105: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus X (10, 1934), fascicules 1 to 4 (complete)
E72055: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Proceedings, Tenth International Economic History Congress (Leuven, August 1990) [18 parts in 5 vols.]
R84104: VARIOUS AUTHORS [COMMISSIO HISTORICA ORDINIS PRAEMONSTRATENSIS] - Analecta Praemonstratensia, Tomus IX (9, 1933), fascicules 1 to 4 (complete)
C94442: VARIOUS AUTHORS (CAPASSO MARIO, ED.) - Ricerche su Soknopaiou Nesos e altri studi [in: Papyrologica Lupiensia, 16 / 2007]
C91425: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Las comunicaciones euro-africanas a traves del estrecho de Gibraltar. Tomo VI
R68298: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 71 (1976, complete volume)
G114012: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Atti e Memorie dell'Accademia Toscana di Scienze e Lettere 'La Colombaria' : Volume LXXIX-LXXX (79-80), Nuova serie LXV-LXVI, Anno 2014-2015
R28509: VARIOUS AUTHORS - American College Bulletin, Vol.XXI (1928) vol.I
W66082: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Green's functions for monatomic simple cubic lattices
R27651: VARIOUS AUTHORS - OPUS DEI - Revista liturgica mensual ; vol.9 complete (12 fasc., nov.1934-oct.1935)
G80058: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bollettino di Archeologia (Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali). Volume 16-17-18 (luglio-dicembre 1992)
S97151: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Decorative arts of Sumba
R27691: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum (periodicum trimestre-); vol.61 fasc.1 (1980)
R96088: VARIOUS AUTHORS (DE BOER P.A.H., ED.) - Oudtestamentische Studiën, volume 10
R96089: VARIOUS AUTHORS (DE BOER P.A.H., ED.) - Oudtestamentische Studiën, volume 9
R96092: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Instruction and Interpretation. Studies in Hebrew language, Palestinian archaeology and biblical exegesis [in: Oudtestamentische Studiën, 20]
R96093: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Language and Meaning. Studies in Hebrew language and biblical exegesis [in: Oudtestamentische Studiën, 19]
R96094: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Crises and Perspectives. Studies in Ancient Eastern polytheism, Biblical Theology, Palestinian Archaeology and Intertestamental Literature [in: Oudtestamentische Studiën, 24]
C79189: VARIOUS AUTHORS - A few medicinal plants used in traditional veterinary medicine in sub-saharan Africa. A data bank
W83884: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Internationaal colloquium over biochemische problemen der lipiden (Brussel 11, 12, 13 juni 1953). International conference on biochemical problems of lipids. Colloque international sur les problèmes biochimiques des lipides
W83883: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Colloquium over ultrasonore trillingen. Colloque international sur les ultrasons. International Conference on ultrasonics (Brussel, 7-8-9 juni 1951)
X93132: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 18 (1948)
X93131: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 17 (1941)
X93130: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 16 (1940)
X93129: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 15 (1939)
R69304: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Rivista di archeologia cristiana. Pubblicazione trimestrale per cura della Pontificia Commissione di Archeologia Sacra e del Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana. Vol.66 (1990) [complete]
R27652: VARIOUS AUTHORS - OPUS DEI - Revista liturgica mensual ; vol.10 complete (11 fasc., nov.1935-oct.1936)
X103877: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Altkleinasiatische Sprachen [in: Handbuch der Orientalistik, 1e Abt.: Der Nahe und der Mittlere Osten, Band II: Keilschriftforschung und alte Geschichte Vorderasiens, 1-2)
R21411: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu - Anno LIX (Iul.-Dec.1990) Fasc.118 (periodicum semestre)
X93128: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 13 (1937)
X93126: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 11 (1935)
X93127: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 12 (1936)
X93125: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 10 (1933)
G80220: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XXXIV A-B (34 A & B, 1985). 34A: Roma Humanistica Studia in honorem Rev' adm. Dni Dni Iosaei Ruysschaert, collegit et edidit Iosephus Ijsewijn
X93124: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 9 (1932)
X93123: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 8 (1931)
X93122: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 7 (1930)
X93121: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 5 (1928)
S96954: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Silk & Stone - The art of Asia (The third Hali annual)
X93120: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 4 (1927)
X92889: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number Twenty-Nine (29) 1975
X92885: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number Forty-Two (42) 1988
X92886: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number Thirty-four and Thirty-five (34-35) 1980-1981
G79221: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 8: Bellucci - Beregan
X92882: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dumbarton Oaks Papers, number Eighteen (18) 1964
C103318: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studies presented to F. LL. Griffith
G65611: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Apoteosis de Eugenio Espejo en el Segundo Centenario de su nacimiento
W20058: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Symposium (Zürich, Dolder Hotel 5-6/05/1969) : Die Verfestigung von Stahl / Steel-strengthening mechanisms / Mécanismes de durcissement des aciers
W20047: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Revue "Elektroschweissung - Zeitschrift für die Gebiete der elektrischen Schweissverfahren und deren Anwendung" (Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Elektroschweissung E.V.) 7.Jahrgang (1936) [complete]
F62777: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Phenomenological Perspectives. Historical and systematic essays in honor of Herbert Spiegelberg
X111416: VARIOUS AUTHORS (BALADOUNI VAHE & MAKEPEACE MARGARET, EDS.) - Armenian merchants of the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries - English East India Company Sources
X111404: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& ERVINE ROBERTA R., ED.) - Worship Traditions in Armenia and the Neighboring Christian East. An International Symposium in Honor of the 40th Anniversary of St Nersess Armenian Seminary
X111396: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Cutik Halleakan - Kleine Sammlung armenologischer Untersuchungen
X111395: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& GREPPIN JOHN A.C., ED.) - Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Armenian Linguistics. Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio, September 14-18, 1991
X111392: VARIOUS AUTHORS (GREPPIN JOHN A., ED.) - First international conference on Armenian linguistics : Proceedings - The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 11-14 July 1979
X111382: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Byzantinische Zeitschrift, 2016, Band 109 Heft 1
S114018: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ksiega pamiatkowa ku czci Boleslawa Orzechowicza [2 volumes]
R99484: VARIOUS AUTHORS (GARCIA MARTINEZ F., HILHORST A., VAN RUITEN J.T.A.G.M. & VAN WOUDE A.S., EDS.) - Studies in Deuteronomy, In honour of C.J. Labuschagne on the occasion of his 65th birthday
F104977: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Tommaso d'Aquino nel suo VII centenario. Congresso Internazionale, Roma-Napoli, 17-24 aprile 1974 ; Il pensiero di Tommaso d'Aquino e i problemi fondamentali del nostro tempo
F62855: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Images of Man in Ancient and Medieval Thought. Studia Gerardo Verbeke ab amicis et collegis dicata
R98873: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Collectanea Mechliniensia [commentarius scientiarum ecclesiasticarum] Volume 53, 1968 (complete year)
R113875: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliotheke Ellenon Pateron Kai Ekklesiastikon Suggrapheon. Volume 18 : Methodios, Petros Alexandreias, Alexandros Alexandreias, Eustathios Antiocheias
S96887: VARIOUS AUTHORS - La collezione Gandini ; Tessuti del XVIII e XIX secolo (Musei Civici de Modena)
R98870: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Collectanea Mechliniensia [Commentarius scientiarum ecclesiasticarum] Volume 48, 1963 (complete year)
C103939: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Coptic Studies in honor of Walter Ewing Crum
R106517: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& SPIAZZI RAIMONDO O.P., PREF.) - La vita contemplativa nella Congregazione della Passione. Relazioni tenute nei Convegni di Spiritualita Passionista negli anni 1955-1956
R106310: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Volume XXXIX (39), 2001 ; A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity
R106311: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Volume XXXVII (37), 1997 ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen
R98866: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Collectanea Mechliniensia [Commentarius scientiarum ecclesiasticarum] Volume 49, 1964 (complete year)
W101106: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Det kongelige Danske videnskabernes selskabs naturvidenskabelige og mathematiske afhandlinger. Tredie deel (1828)
X114471: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vizantijskie ocerki : trudy sovetskich ucenych k XVI mezdunarodnomu kongressu vizantinistov
R98864: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Collectanea Mechliniensia. Commentarius scientiarum ecclesiasticarum. Volume XXXIX (39), novae seriei t. XXIV, 1954 (complete year)
S96836: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Nuova oggettivita. Germania e Italia 1920-1939. Omaggio a Emilio Bertonati
R79552: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Mysterium et Ministerium. Miscelanea en honor del profesor Ignacio Onatibia Audela en su 75e cumpleanos
G114010: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Atti e Memorie dell'Accademia Toscana di Scienze e Lettere 'La Colombaria' : Volume LXXVII (77), Nuova serie LXIII, Anno 2012
X69003: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Turkic languages
R115088: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& LIVINSTONE ELIZABETH A., ED.) - Augustine and his opponents, Jerome, other Latin Fathers after Nicaea, Orientalia [in: Studia Patristica vol.XXXIII]
S87288: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Zur Geschichte der Erfindung des Porzellans, durch Joh. Friedr. Böttger (Vortrags-Beilage)
R68357: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica et philosophica; vol.17 (1936): fasc.1
R106050: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& MOSSAY JUSTIN, ED.) - II. Symposium Nazianzenum, Louvain-la-Neuve, 25-28 août 1981. Actes du colloque international
G72468: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Festschrift Walter Baetke, dargebracht zu seinem 80. Geburtstag am 28. März 1964
G79219: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dizionario biografico degli Italiani, volume 2: Albicante - Ammannati
R15891: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Jaargang XXXIV (34), 1994 ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity]
R15892: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Jaargang XXXVI (36), 1996 ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity]
R15890: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Volume XXXIII (33), 1992-1993 ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity])
R15888: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Volume XXX (30) 1987-1988 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity])
X113800: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studi di filologia bizantina, IV
R15887: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Jaargang XXI (21) 1972-1973 (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity])
R15886: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - volume XVII-2 (1966) (Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen [A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity])
R15885: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Volume XV (15) 1964 ; Jaarboek voor godsdienstwetenschappen (A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity)
J115304: VARIOUS AUTHORS (VERWILGHEN MICHEL, ED.) - Acces to Equality between Men and Women in the European Community - L'accès à l'égalité entre femmes et hommes dans la Communauté Européenne
X114503: VARIOUS AUTHORS - E politismike prosphora tou ellenismou apo ten Archaioteta os ten Anagennese : A' Lykeiou
S96813: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Musei e gallerie di Milano ; Arazzi, tappeti, tessuti copti, pizzi, ricami, ventagli
R113879: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Bibliotheke Ellenon Pateron Kai Ekklesiastikon Suggrapheon. Volume 4 : Ioustinos (meros 2), Tatianos Meliton, Athenagoras
R65870: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.1
R65867: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.12
R65868: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.7
R68216: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontificii Instituti Biblici. vol.55
R68297: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und für Kirchengeschichte ; Band 70 (1975, complete volume)
R68215: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontificii Instituti Biblici. vol.64
R68214: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontificii Instituti Biblici. vol.56
R13160: VARIOUS AUTHORS - In memoriam illustrissimi ac Reverendissimi Domini Paulini Ladeuze - Episcopi Tit. Tiberiensis - Rectoris Magnifici Universitatis Catholicae in oppido Lovaniensi
R15873: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Miscellanea moralia in honorem eximii domini Arthur Janssen Universitatis Catholicae in oppido Lovaniensi professoris [2 volumes]
R70105: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gegenwart und kommendes Reich. Schülergabe Anton Vögtle zum 65. Geburtstag
R96104: VARIOUS AUTHORS (DE BOER P.A.H., ED.) - Oudtestamentische Studiën, volume I
R106309: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Sacris Erudiri - Volume XL (40), 2001 ; A journal on the inheritance of early and medieval christianity
B95809: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ulenspiegel, revista bimestral organo de la Associacion belgo-ibero-americana, Volume I (1934) ; no.1 (1 enero 1934) & no.2 (marzo 1934)
X93110: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Byzantina. Annual Review of the Center for Byzantine Studies of the School of Philosophy, University of Thessaloniki. Volume 6 (1974)
X111380: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik, 25. Band (1976)
X94033: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 69, Parts 1 & 2: January and July 1981
X94034: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume 63 Part 1, January 1975
B55756: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Botany in the Low Countries (end of the 15th century - ca.1650)
R107621: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& NIEDERKORN-BRUCK META, ED.) - Liber Amicorum James Hogg. Kartäuserforschung 1970-2006, Band 5, (Internationale Tagung Kartause Aggsbach, 28.8 - 1.9.2006 Kartause Mauerbach)
R77589: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Religion, Children's literature and modernity in Western Europe 1750-2000
M95177: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Musica Antica. volume VII: Acta Scientifica, Bydgoszcz 1985 Polska (Filharmonia Pomorska imiena Ignacego Paderewskiego)
G102174: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Aus Reichstagen des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. Festgabe dargebracht der historischen Kommission zur Feier ihres hundertjährigen Bestehens von den Herausgebern der deutschen Reichstagakten
X94026: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume LI (51), Part 1: July 1963
M95229: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Dialoghi musicali di diversi eccelentissimi autori, a sette, otto, nove, dieci, undeci & dodeci voci [Facsimile edition: Venetia, Angelo Gardono, 1590]
M95173: VARIOUS AUTHORS (LIPPMANN FRIEDRICH, ED.) - Studien zur italienisch-deutschen Musikgeschichte XI [in: Analecta Musicologica, Band 17]
G115152: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Medioevo latino. Bollettino bibliografico della cultura europea da Boezio a Erasmo (secoli VI-XV). Volume XXXIII (33) 2012
M95222: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Selectae harmoniae quatuor vocum de Passione Domini [Facsimile-edition Wittenberg G.Rhau 1538, in 4 volumes]
S94822: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Mondrian from figuration to abstraction [Mondriaan]
G80214: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Humanistica Lovaniensia - Journal of Neo-Latin Studies. Volume XXVIII (28, 1979)
M95212: VARIOUS AUTHORS (ALTENBURG DETLEF, ED.) - Ars musica, Musica scientia. Festschrift Heinrich Hüschen zum 65. Geburtstag
X114386: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& GOLTZ HERMANN, ED.) - Akten des Internationalen Dr. Johannes-Lepsius-Symposiums 1986 an der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
M95092: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Studia Memoriae Belae Bartok sacra
G94479: VARIOUS AUTHORS (PIDDINGTON RALPH, ED.) - Kinship and geographical mobility
X114159: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Iranica Antiqua, volume LV
X114163: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Harp - A review of Syriac, Oriental and Ecumenical Studies. Volume XXXII, 2017
R68220: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii periodici Pontificii Instituti Biblici. vol.68
X93119: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Epeteris Hetaireias Byzantinon Spoudon. Volume 3 (1926)
X114455: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& KEKELIA VLADIMER, ED.) - The repoussé metal covers of Georgian Manuscripts from the collection of the National Center of Manuscripts
X114458: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& MOUTON ALICE, ED.) - Hittitology today : Studies on Hittite and Neo-Hittite Anatolia in Honor of Emmanuel Laroche's 100th Birthday. L'hittitologie aujourd'hui: Etudes sur l'Anatolie hittite et néo-hittite à l'occasion du centenaire de la naissance d'Emmnauel Laroche
X72426: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 8 (1988). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
X72425: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 7 (1987). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
X72424: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Ural-Altaische Jahrbücher. Neue Folge, Band 6 (1986). International Journal of Uralic and Altaic Studies
X94027: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Journal of the Siam Society (JSS), volume LII (52), Part 2: July 1964
R65860: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica. Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico. vol.8
R78747: VARIOUS AUTHORS (DINKLER ERICH, HRSG.) - Zeit und Geschichte. Dankesgabe an Rudolf Bultmann zum 80. Geburtstag
X114462: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Vizantijskie Ocerki : trudy sovetskich ucenych k XV mezdunarodnomu kongressu vizantistov
M27661: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Zeitschrift für Kirchemusik ; 74.Jahrgang 1954 complete (12 nrs.of which 4 double-issues)
R107620: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& NIEDERKORN-BRUCK META, ED.) - Liber Amicorum James Hogg. Kartäuserforschung 1970-2006, Band 4, (Internationale Tagung Kartause Aggsbach, 28.8 - 1.9.2006 Kartause Mauerbach)
S92458: VARIOUS AUTHORS - L'arte di Gaetano Previati nella stampa italiana. Articoli critici-biografici e conferenze
M94211: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Internationale Gesellschaft für Musikwissenschaft Vierter Kongress, Basel 29. Juni bis 3. Juli 1949 Kongressbericht. International musicological Society Forth Congress, Basle, Report, June 29 - July 3, 1949
M94206: VARIOUS AUTHORS (RUHNKE MARTIN, ED.) - Festschrift Bruno Stäblein zum siebzigsten Geburtstag
S108141: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Mystery of the young Rembrandt
R96095: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Prophets, Worship and Theodicy. Studies in Prophetism, Biblical Theology and Strcutural and Rhetorical analysis and on the place of music in worship [in: Oudtestamentische Studiën, 23]
R104557: VARIOUS AUTHORS (& NIEDERKORN-BRUCK META, ED.) - Kartäusisches Denken und daraus resultierende Netzwerke vom Mittelalter bis zur Neuzeit, Band 4 (Internationale Tagung: Kartause Aggsbach 23-27 August 2011 zum Anlass des 80. Geburtstages von James Hogg) [in: Analecta Cartusiana, 276]
X76792: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft. Band 158 Heft 2 (2008)
X76786: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. Third series, vol.7, part 2 (july 1997)
M94157: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Miscelanea en homenaje a monsenor Higinio Angles. Volumen I, volumen II [2 volumes]
R95993: VARIOUS AUTHORS - De mariologia et oecumenismo
X111379: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch der österreichischen Byzantinistik, 20. Band (1971)
G81877: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume VI (6), 1849 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
G81876: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume X (10), 1853 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
S86360: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Weisses Gold aus Fürstenberg. Kulturgeschichte im Spiegel des Porzellans 1747-1830
G81874: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XV (15), 1858 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
G81875: VARIOUS AUTHORS - The Archaeological Journal- for the encouragment and prosecution of researches into arts and monuments of the early and middle ages. Volume XII (12), 1855 [by The Royal Archaeological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland]
R107273: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum, Jahrgang 39, 1996
S86147: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Silber und Gold. Augsburger Goldschmiedekunst für die Höfe Europas
M95151: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Recercare, volume III (1991) Rivista per lo studio e la pratica della musica antica. Journal for the study and practice of early music
R68359: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Gregorianum - Commentarii de re theologica et philosophica; vol.14 (1933): Fasc.3
R65886: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Biblica, vol.69 (Commentarii editi a Pontificio Instituto Biblico)
S86359: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Möbel für Sammler ; Schatzkästchen und Kabinettschrank
T93155: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Parnassos, Literary journal of the Parnassos Literary Society. Volume 40 (1998)
X111444: VARIOUS AUTHORS (STONE MICHAEL E. & COWE S. PETER, EDS.) - Essays in honour of Archbishop Norayr Bogharian on the occasion of his eightieth Birthday (17.1.1984)
X111509: VARIOUS AUTHORS - Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan, volume XXXVII (37) : Kenneth Wayne Russell Memorial Volume
R101132: VARKEMAA JUSSI - Conrad Summenhart's theory of individual rights and its medieval background
C44501: VARLAMOFF N. - Géologie des gisements stannifères de symétain (Maniema, Congo belge)
T78131: VARSAVSKIJ VLADIMIR [VARSAVSKY] - Ozidanie [Ozhidanie]
M109021: VAS NUNES ABRAHAM - Experimenteel onderzoek van klokken van F. Hemony
E72081: VASANNE A. - L'argent-métal. Nouvel aspect du problème
S61413: VASARELY VICTOR - Victor Vasarely - un'arte in cui l'occhio gioca le sue possibilita piu raffinate nell'incessante desiderio di un'oggettiva irrealta e di un'illusione percettiva
R32898: VASELLA OSKAR - Reform und Reformation in der Schweiz - Zur Würdigung der Anfänge der Glaubenskrise
Y48811: VASILI PAUL COMTE - La Société de Madrid (édition augmentée de lettres inédites)
X101692: VASILIEV A.A. (BRODIN P. & BOURGUINA A., TRAD.) - Histoire de l'empire byzantin [2 volumes]
G110642: VASILOIU VICTOR - Der Einfluss Fr. Lists auf den rumänischen wirtschaftlichen Gedanken im 19. Jahrhundert
G62124: VASOLI CESARE (A CURA DI) - Idee, instituzione, scienza ed arti nella Firenze dei Medici
C80298: VASSILIKA ELENI - Ptolemaic Philae [in: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, 34]
R105790: VAN DER VAT ODULIO O.F.M. - Principios da Igreja no Brasil
T18894: VAN DE VATE KATHERINE, - Books from the arab world - a guide to selection and acquisition
G86715: VATEL C. & VERGNIAUD - Recherches historiques sur les Girondins. Vergniaud manuscrits, lettres et papiers, pièces pour la plupart inédites, classées et annotées par C. Vatel [2 volumes]
R27423: VATIER ANTOINE (S.J., BAYEUX 1591 - PARIS 1659) - Entretiens pour une retraite de huit jours
R107226: VATTASSO MARCUS & CARUSI HENRICUS - Codices Vaticani Latini, Codices 10301 - 10700 [in: Bibliothecae Apostolicae Vaticanae codices manu scripti recensiti]
T40423: VATTASSO MARCO - Per la storia del drama sacro in Italia
F77187: VATTIMO GIANNI - Vocazione e responsabilita del filosofo
F104727: VATTIMO GIANNI - Schleiermacher filosofo dell'interpretazione
G65614: VAUCAIRE MICHEL - Bolivar. El Libertador. Edición commemorativa del primer centenario de la muerte de Simón Bolívar (1830-1930)
M109051: VAUCLAIN ANDRE CONSTANT - Symphony in one Movement
R46182: VAUDON JEAN - Jésus-Christ et Satan - L'église et le travail - Allocutions et panégyriques
R45652: VAUDON JEAN - Monseigneur Henry Verjus évèque titulaire de Limyre, de la Société des missionnaires du Sacré-Coeur, premier apôtre de la Nouvelle-Guinée - Sa vie
R50212: VAUDON JEAN - Histoire générale de la Communauté des Filles de Saint-Paul de Chartres, enseignantes, hospitalières, missionnaires. Tome III: De 1840 jusqu'à nos jours
R47005: VAUDON JEAN - Monseigneur Henry Verjus évèque titulaire de Limyre, de la Société des missionnaires du Sacré-Coeur, premier apôtre de la Nouvelle-Guinée - Sa vie
R44282: VAUDON JEAN - L'évangile du Sacré Coeur - les mystères d'amour du Coeur de Jésus
R41653: VAUDON J. & JANS PAUL M.S.C. (BEWERKT DOOR) - Een zaaier voor Christus - Leven van Mgr. St. Henry Verius bisschop van Limyra, missionaris van het Heilig Hart
R106280: VAUDON JEAN - Monseigneur Henry Verjus évèque titulaire de Limyre, de la Société des missionnaires du Sacré-Coeur, premier apôtre de la Nouvelle-Guinée - Sa vie
Y65514: VAUDOYER JEAN-LOUIS - Ombres portées
B63908: DE VAUGHAN BARONNE - Presque reine. Mémoires de ma vie
X71384: VAUGHAN AGNESS CARR - Zenobia of Palmyra
G101841: DE VAULABELLE ALFRED - Histoire générale de Semur-en-Aussois
G63976: VAULON JEAN - Guy de Larigaudie. Voortrekker van grote stijl
G59751: VAULTIER FRÉD. - Histoire de la ville de Caen depuis son origine jusqu'à nos jours contenant la description de ses monuments
R44142: VAUSSARD M.-M. - Charles de Foucauld maître de vie intérieure
S87160: VAUTIER DOMINIQUE - Todos los caminos llevan a Roma. Viajes de artistas entre los siglos XVI y XIX
X114373: VAUX BERT RICHARD - Armenian Phonology
G94047: DE VAUX BARON (& DE MAUPASSANT GUY, PREFACE & BIBESCO PRINCE, LETTRE) - Les tireurs au pistolet (Le sport a Paris)
R57364: DE VAUX R. O.P. - L'archéologie et les manuscrits de la Mer morte (The Schweich lectures of the British Academy 1959)
R63800: DE VAUX G. & RIONDEL H. S.J. - Le Père Jean Roothaan, XXIe Général de la Compagnie de Jésus (1785-1853)
P49518: VAVASSEUR P. (DIR.) - Nouveau manuel complet des aspirants au doctorat en médecine, ou Résumé analytique de toutes les connaissances nécessaires aux élèves- Troisième examen: Pathologie génrale, pathologie spéciale, pathologie interne et pathologie externe
S80097: VAVRA JAROSLAV R. - Das Glas und die Jahrtausende
F79378: VAZ HENRIQUE C. DE LIMA S.J. - Ontologia e historia
G65608: VAZ FERREIRA CARLOS - Sobre la propiedad de la tierra
T71487: VEBER GYULA - Hongaars Handwoordenboek / Holland-Magyar szótár
R53333: VECCHI JUAN E. - La Societa di San Francesco di Sales nel sessennio 1990-1995 (relatione del vicario del Rettor Maggiore don Juan E. Vecchi)
R79366: VECOLI FABRIZIO - Il sole e il fango. Puro e impuro tra i padri del deserto
T111866: VEDDERMAN FRANK - Von der ambivalenten Utopie zur utopischen Ambivalenz. Auf dem Wege zur 'kritisch-konstruktive Dystopie'
C91342: VEDY DR. - Ethnographie congolaise: Les A-Babuas [dans: Société Royale Belge de Géographie, Bulletin, 28e année 1904 nos.3 et 4]
H55891: V.C. S.J. [& VAN VEEN TH.H. S.J.] - Leven van den H. Petrus Claver apostel der slaven [samengebonden met:] Levensschets der heilige Jezuïeten Petrus Claver, Joannes Berchmans en Alphonsus Rodriguez, heilige verklaard door paus Leo XIII den 15den januari 1888 (Amsterdam, Bekker, 1888)
T27702: VAN DER VEEN ADRIAAN [°VENRAY, 1916] - Geld speelt de groote rol
R37357: VAN VEEN J.M. - Nathan Söderblom - Leven en denken van een godsdiensthistoricus
Y91273: VAN VEEN OTTO [VENIUS VAENIUS OCTAVIUS] & EPICTETUS & CEBES THEBANUS - Theatro moral de la vida humana, en cien emblemas ; con el Enchiridion de Epicteto, y la Tabla de Cebes, philosofo platonico
N34593: VAN VEEN S.D. - Historische studiën en schetsen
H65821: VAN VEEN TH. H. S.J. (NAAR HET ENGELSCH DOOR) - Levensschets der Heilige Jezuïeten Petrus Claver, Joannes Berchmans en Alphonsus Rodriguez, heilig verklaard door Paus Leo XIII, den 15den januari 1888
J30050: VEENHOVEN W.A. & EWING W.C. (EDITORS) - Case studies on human rights and fundamental freedoms - A world survey ; Volume 1
J30049: VEENHOVEN W.A. & EWING W.C. (EDITORS) - Case studies on human rights and fundamental freedoms - A world survey ; Volume 2
J19552: VEENHOVEN W.A. & EWING W.C. (EDITORS) - Case studies on human rights and fundamental freedoms - A world survey [5 volumes]
F14239: VAN DER VEER TED - Op verkenning in het onbekende - interviews op de grens van ruimte en tijd
T65441: VAN VEERDEGEM ARMAND - Langs stille paden. Met voorwoord van Caesar Gezelle
R16372: VAN VEERDEGEM ARMAND - De laatste kruisridders - Geschiedenis der Pauselijke Zouaven
H107801: VAN VEERDEGHEM FRANS (ED.) - Leven van sinte Lutgart, tweede en derde boek, naar een Kopenhaagsch handschrift
B104196: VEESTRATEN JAN - In liefde dienen. Tweehonderd jaar Zusters Jozefienen 1814-2014
J41562: DE LA VEGA JOSÉ (& LAFERRIÈRE M.J., PRÉFACE) - Démocratie et Soviétisme - Essais d'histoire constitutionnelle
F77174: VAN VEGHEL HARALD - Op goddelijke grond. Heidegger over de theologische fundering van de filosofie
G80132: VEIL SIMONE, ROUDY YVETTE, E.A. - De positie van de vrouw in de Europese Gemeenschap. Beraadslagingen in het Europese Parlement
C74653: VEISSE ANNE-EMMANUELLE - Les "révoltes égyptiennes". Recherches sur les troubles intérieurs en Egypte du règne de Ptolémée III à la conquête romaine [in: Studia Hellenistica, 41]
R101726: VEISSIERE MICHEL (& LE BRAS G., PREF.) - Une communauté canoniale au Moyen Age ; Saint-Quiriace de Provins (XIe - XIIIe siècles)
G113182: VEIT URSULA - Justus Gruner als Schöpfer der Geheimen Preussischen Staatspolizei
R59865: VEIT ANDREAS LUDWIG - Kirche und Kirchenreform in der Erzdiözese Mainz im Zeitalter der Glaubensspaltung und der beginnenden tridentinischen Reformation (1517-1618)
R67938: VEITH LAURENTIUS S.J. - De gemina delectatione caelesti ac terrena relative victrice
R105949: VEITH LAURENTIUS S.J. - Edmundi Richerii doctoris parisini Systema de Ecclesiastica et Politica Potestate singulari Dissertatione confutatum
T112917: VEJDOVSKY BORIS - Ideas of order : ethics and topos in American literature
F52653: VAN DER VEKEN J. - Denken aan al wat is - een hedendaagse fundamentele wijsbegeerte
J94542: VELAERS JAN - De Grondwet en de Raad van State, afdeling wetgeving. Vijftig jaar adviezen aan wetgevende vergaderingen, in het licht van de rechtspraak van het Arbitragehof
J111929: DE VELASCO Y CALVO RECAREDO FERNANDEZ - El derecho de revolucion y la revolucion conforme a derecho
R99943: VELAT BERNARD - Me'eraf [Meeraf] commun de l'Office Divin éthiopien pour toute l'année. Texte éthiopien avec variantes [in: Patrologia Orientalis, tome XXXIV (34), fascs.1-2]
S36989: VELBRUCK (STIENNON JACQUES, INTRODUCTION) - Velbruck et son temps (Catalogue de l'exposition, Liège, Société Libre d'Emulation, Commission des Beaux-Arts, 9 oct.-2 nov.1948)
B111259: VELBRUCK (DE FROIDCOURT GEORGES & YANS MAURICE, EDS.) - Lettres autographes de Velbruck, prince-évêque de Liège 1772-1784, rassemblées et publiées avec une introduction et des notes critiques [2 volumes]
W30344: VAN DE VELDE A.J.J. - A.L. Lavoisier 1743-1943
M99416: VAN DE VELDE ERNEST - Anecdotes Musicales. Excursions fantaisistes et véridiques à travers le monde des Musiciens
S94085: VAN DE VELDE HENRY, E.A. - Cahiers Henry Van de Velde, no.5 (1965), no.6 (1965), no.7 (1966), no.8 (1967), nos.9-10 (1968), nos. 12-13 (1974)
S85819: VAN DE VELDE CARL - Frans Floris (1519/20 - 1570). Leven en werken [2 volumes] I: Tekst, II: afbeeldingen
C96215: VAN DE VELDE MARCEL W. - Souvenirs de voyage à travers l'Afrique Centrale, de l'Océan Atlantique à l'Océan Indien
T12486: VAN DE VELDE R.G. - De studie van het Gotisch in de Nederlanden -Bijdrage tot een status quaestionis over de studie van het Gotisch en het Krimgotisch
S85179: VAN DE VELDE HENRY - Les formules de la beauté architectonique moderne. Ce livre contient et resume les essais, se rapportant au "style nouveau", paru dans l'intervalle des années 1902 à 1912 par Henry Van De Velde
P88270: VAN DE VELDE ALB. J.J. - Zuid- en Noord-Nederlandse bibliographie over de natuurlijke en geneeskundige wetenschappen tot 1800. 12e laatste bijdrage (U tot Z), met addenda en corrigenda
R53638: VAN DE VELDE FERNAND - Priester Poppe te Moerzeke 1918-1922
R65937: TE VELDE RUDI - Aquinas on God. The 'divine science' of the Summa Theologiae
P23880: VAN DE VELDE TH.H. - De bestrijding van den echtelijken afkeer - een bijdrage tot de studie der psychologie van het huwelijk
B73124: VAN DE VELDE A.J.J. - Het Vlaamsch natuur- en geneeskundig congres van zijn oorsprong in 1897 tot in 1944. Historische schets
R49942: VAN DE VELDE FERNAND - De wereld van Edward Poppe
B99161: VAN DE VELDE A. - De ambachten van de timmerlieden en de schrijnwerkers te Brugge, hun wetten, hun geschillen en hun gewrochten van de XIVe tot de XIXe eeuw
F432: VAN DER VELDE I. - Jean-Jacques Rousseau pedagoog - een introductie
B31577: VAN DE VELDE ANTON - Pelgrimage door Antwerpen
W32785: VAN DE VELDE A.J.J., DE SMEDT J., FLORIN H. & VAN HOUTTE J.A. - Simon Stevin 1548-1948
H23702: VAN DE VELDE STANISLAS O.F.M. - St. François d'Assise et la langue maternelle
C10776: VAN DE VELDE, MARCEL - Le Congo et l'économie belge (Conférence donnée à la tribune de l'Université Coloniale à Anvers le 28 janvier 1937)
T21681: VAN DE VELDE ANTON - Passio Christi - het spel van den heiligen Kruisweg
T29461: VAN DE VELDE MARCEL - Brugge, die wondere - klassieke en onbekende Brugse legenden
T29458: VAN DE VELDE MARCEL - Heimelijkheden uit het Brugse Vrije - Verborgen sproken en volkse verbeeldingen
T27713: VAN DE VELDE ANTON - De rechtvaerdige trou - evocatie van Vondel's leven
T21911: VAN DE VELDE ANTON - Het eeuwige masker [geschiedenis van toneel en drama]
T24595: VAN DE VELDE ANTON - Lotje - prettig speel-vrhaaltje in drie deelen
T14623: VAN DE VELDE EDG. - Vondel en de plastische kunsten
T9875: VAN DE VELDE ANTON - Nele van Ingedal
T9864: VAN DE VELDE ANTON - God en de wormen
F33607: VAN DE VELDE HEYMERIC (& HOENEN M.J.F.M., ED.) - Eenheid in de tegendelen (uitgegeven, ingeleid en van aantekeningen voorzien door M.J.F.M.Hoenen)
R52265: VAN DE VELDE FERNAND - Priester Poppe op Sint-Coleta 1916-1918
E73983: VAN DE VELDE G. - Le rendement des placements (1865-1939)
W73112: VAN DE VELDE A.J.J. - Herinneringen aan de ontdekkingen van Claude Bernard (1846), Victor Regnault (1846), en Walthère Spring (1896)
W73113: VAN DE VELDE A.J.J. - Elie Metchnikoff
W74543: VAN DE VELDE A.J.J. - Het atoom in de geschiedenis tot John Dalton
W19186: VAN DE VELDE A.J.J. - John Dalton (1766-1844) en de atoomtheorie
R53637: VAN DE VELDE FERNAND - Priester Poppe te Leopoldsburg 1922-24
H70487: VAN VELDEKE HENDRIK (G.A. VAN ES, ED.) - Sint Servaes Legende, in Dutschen dichtede dit Heynrijck die Van Veldeke was geboren. Naar het Leidse handschrift uitgegeven
N74502: VAN DER VELDEN G.M. O.PRAEM., GELENS KOOS & VAN OOIJEN RUDY - Eeuwenlang. Klooster Mariënschoot en Dorp Zennewijnen
N54570: VAN DER VELDEN H.E.J.M. - Rodolphus Agricola (Roelof Huusman) een Nederlandsch humanist der vijftiende eeuw
R95984: VAN DER VELDEN PIUS F. O.F.M. - Praxis administrandi sacramentum poenitentiae, principiis theologiae moralis accomodata
R43911: VAN DER VELDEN F. O.F.M. - Principia theologiae moralis theoretice et practice exposita [2 vols.]
R41282: VAN DER VELDEN G. O.PRAEM. (BEWERKT DOOR) - Het necrologium van Arnold van Vessem uit 1574 - aangevuld met namen van de abdijleden tot 1986
N103569: VAN DER VELDEN H.E.J.M. - Rodolphus Agricola (Roelof Huusman) een Nederlandsch humanist der vijftiende eeuw. Eerste gedeelte
R20353: VAN DEN VELDEN PETRUS CORNELIUS - Responsio ad quaestionem ab ordine philosophicae theoriticae et literarum humaniorum in Academia Gandavensi : "Quam partem habuerunt Belgae in Bellis Sacris, et quosnam fructus ex iis perceperunt ?
F59113: TEN VELDHUYS GERARD JAN - De misericordiae et clementiae apud Senecam philosophicum usu atque ratione
P43420: VELDKAMP D.F. - The Ivory Cross Expedition - verslag van den cursus
P43413: VELDKAMP D.F. (SAMENSTELLING) - De cursus kindertandheelkunde (georganiseerd door de stichting voor wetenschappelijk tandheelkundigen arbeid)
J30496: VELDKAMP G.M.J. - Inleiding tot de sociale verzekering
R110122: VAN DER VELDT P.TH. S.J. - Franz Neumayr S.J. (1697-1765) Leben und Werk eines spätbarocken geistlichen Autors
S79093: VELEZ SANTIAGO LONDONO - Colombian Art. 3500 years of history. Collection Banco de la Republica
F109723: VELEZ CORREA JAIME S.J. - Kant su refutacion del idealismo
G59875: VELEZ JUAN FERNANDO - 5 Ensayos sobre el comunismo - Del Socialismo utopico a la realidad Sovietica
C91419: VELEZ VILLANUEVA JOAQUIN - Ensayo sobre la agricultura, el commercio y la industria en Marruecos
C91418: VELEZ VILLANUEVA JOAQUIN - Recopilacion legislativa vigente en la zona de influencia de Espana en Marruecos. Organzacion del protectorado
B42192: VELGE HENRI - L'organisation professionnelle - Projet de réalisation en Belgique
J31770: VELGE HENRI - Les tribunaux pour enfants. Précis de législation, de doctrine et de jurisprudence belges sur la matière
W74090: VELGHE A. - Over de bepaling van afstanden, uitgestrektheden en absorpties van donkere melkwegnevels
W73122: VELGHE A. - Over kleuraequivalenten van sterren in de Selected Areas 40 en 41 van Kapteyn
K75660: VELLEIUS PATERCULUS C. [CAIUS, GAIUS] (THYSIUS ANTONIUS, ED.) - C. Velleius Paterculus cum selectis variorum notis
N59501: VELLENGA S.Y.A. - Katholiek Zuid Limburg en het fascisme ; een onderzoek naar het kiesgedrag van de Limburger in de jaren dertig
N26061: VELLENGA S.Y.A. - Katholiek Zuid Limburg en het fascisme ; een onderzoek naar het kiesgedrag van de Limburger in de jaren dertig
Q79137: VAN VELSEN PROSPER - Hypnotisme, suggestion, psychothérapie
T113354: VELTE MOWBRAY - The Bourgeois Elements in the Dramas of Thomas Heywood
R110116: VELTENAAR CORNELIS - Het kerkelijk leven der gereformeerden in Den Briel tot 1816
B103177: VAN VELTHEM LODEWIJK (VANDER LINDEN HERMAN, DE KEYSER PAUL & VAN LOEY ADOLF, UITG.) - Lodewijk van Velthem's voortzetting van den Spiegel Historiael (1248-1316). Derde deel
B77773: VAN VELTHEM LODEWIJK (VANDER LINDEN HERMAN, DE VREESE WILLEM & DE KEYSER PAUL, UITG.) - Lodewijk van Velthem's voortzetting van den Spiegel Historiael (1248-1316). Tweede deel
B99733: VAN VELTHEM LODEWIJK (VANDER LINDEN HERMAN, DE VREESE WILLEM, DE KEYSER PAUL & VAN LOEY ADOLF, EDS.) - Lodewijk van Velthem's voortzetting van den Spiegel Historiael (1248-1316) opnieuw uitgegeven [3 volumes]
F101517: VAN VELTHOVEN THEO - Gottesschau und menschliche Kreativität. Studien zur Erkenntnislehre des Nikolaus von Kues
J115299: VELU JACQUES - Les effets directs des instruments internationaux en matière de droits de l'homme
J29991: VELU JACQUES (CASSIN RENÉ, PRÉFACE) - Le droit au respect de la vie privée (Conférences données à la Faculté de Droit de Namur Chaire René Cassin)
J115298: VELU JACQUES & ERGEC RUSEN - La Convention européenne des droits de l'homme
P60479: VAN DER VEN I.G. (PROF.) - Kronen en brugankers
H103469: VAN DEN VEN PAUL - S. Jérome et la vie du moine Malchus le captif
F21175: VAN DER VEN F.J.H.M., - Schaduwen van het modernisme
N92507: VAN DER VEN D.J. - Van vrijen en trouwen op 't boerenland
H106199: VAN DE VEN PAUL - La vie ancienne de S. Syméon stylite le jeune (521-592) [2 volumes] I: Introduction et texte grec, II: Traduction et Commentaire, Vie grecque de sainte Marthe (mère de S. Syméon), Indices
H106019: VAN DE VEN PAUL - La vie ancienne de S. Syméon stylite le jeune (521-592). Tome II: Traduction et Commentaire, Vie grecque de sainte Marthe (mère de S. Syméon), Indices
R89359: VAN DER VEN D.J. - Van driekoningen-avond en keuninkje spelen
N57349: VAN DE VEN JEROEN M.M. - Over Brabant geschreven - Handschriften en archivalische bronnen in de Tilburgse Universiteitsbibliotheek [2 vols.] I.Middeleeuwse handschriften en fragmenten, II.Jonge handschriften en archivalische bronnen
H34196: VAN DEN VEN PAUL - S. Jérome et la vie du moine Malchus le captif
N59802: VAN DER VEN D.J. - Van vrijen en trouwen op 't boerenland
R97633: VAN DE VEN SILVESTER O.PRAEM. - De abdij van Berne, een verhaal over ideaal en werkelijkheid
T50386: VAN DE VEN J. S.J. - Gebruik der naamvallen, tijden en wijzen in den "Héliand"
J19555: VAN DER VEN J.J.M., - existentie en recht - schets van een antropologische rechtsbeschouwing
G41851: VAN DE VEN E.J. - David rend visite à Goliath ; Belgique - Etats-Unis (Un reportage édifiant sur les Etats-Unis de 1934)
B57348: VAN DE VEN JEROEN M.M. - In Facie Ecclesiae - De katholieke huwelijksliturgie in de Nederlanden, van de 13de eeuw tot het einde van het Ancien Régime
N42328: VAN DER VEN F.J.H.M. - Economische en sociale opvattingen in Nederland
B89515: VAN DE VEN H. - Kapelle-op-den-Bos in oude prentkaarten
H103206: VAN DEN VEN PAUL - S. Jérome et la vie du moine Malchus le captif
R46888: VENANT DE ROULERS O.F.M.CAP. - De la méditation à la contemplation sous l'égide de Marie
H46998: VENARD THÉOPHANE & NN - Le vénérable martyr J. Théophane Vénard missionnaire apostolique (Prêtre de la Société des Missions Etrangères, martyrisé au Tonkin le 2 février 1861) - Vie et correspondance
R99911: VENARD MARIE FDNSC - Marie Louise Hartzer 1837-1908. Levensbeschrijving van Marie Louise Hartzer, eerste Algemene Overste der Congregatie van de Dochters van O.L.Vrouw van het Heilig Hart. Ontstaan en eerste ontwikkeling der Congregatie
R97677: VENARD THEOPHANE - Lettres choisies du bienheureux Théophane Vénard
H48638: VENARD J. THEOPHANE - Vie et correspondance du bienheureux J.Théophane Vénard prêtre de la Société des missions étrangères, décapité pour la foi au Tong-King le 2 février 1861
R43007: VENARD MARIE FDNSC - Moeder Maria Louise Hartzer eerste algemene overste van de Dochters van Onze Lieve Vrouw van het Heilig Hart van Issoudun. Haar brieven
X114443: DE VENDOSME GENTIL & ACHELIS ANTOINE (& PERNOT HUBERT, ED.) - P. Gentil de Vendosme & Antoine Achélis : Le siège de Malte par les Turcs en 1565, publié en français et en grec d'après les éditions de 1567 et de 1571
R101013: VENDRICKX ARCHANGELUS O.F.M.-RECOLLECT - Sermonen over de waarheden van den katholieken godsdienst [10 volumes]
R97666: VENDRICKX ARCHANGELUS O.F.M.-RECOLLECT - Het Heilig Evangelie van onzen Heer Jesus-Christus, verdeeld in zes-en-negentig hoofdstukken, met historische, letterlijke en mystieke uitleggingen en godvruchtige bemerkingen achter ieder hoofdstuk
R16382: VENDRICKX ARCHANGELUS O.F.M. - Sermoonen over de waarheden van den katholieken godsdienst - 2e boekdeel
W104110: VENE - Sur l'élimination entre deux équations à deux inconnues
J94513: VENEMA DERK - Rechters in oorlogstijd. De confrontatie van de Nederlandse rechterlijke macht met nationaal-socialisme en bezetting
N79667: VENEMA ADRIAAN - Schrijvers, uitgevers & hun collaboratie. Deel 2: De harde kertn
N79668: VENEMA ADRIAAN - Schrijvers, uitgevers & hun collaboratie. Deel 1: Het systeem
T65592: VENEMA ADRIAAN - Het dilemma
N64786: VENEMA ADRIAAN - Kunsthandel in Nederland (1940-1945)
N65590: VENEMA ADRIAAN - Verleden tijd. Memoires
F109807: VENGALOOR MATHUKUTTY - The Concept of Peron in the Philosophical Anthropology of Antonio Rosmini
L82335: VENKEN JAAK - Gids voor de Maaskant & Voeren
L100561: VENKEN JAAK - Oud Sint-Truiden en omgeving. Borgloon, Gingelom, Heers, Nieuwerkerken, Wellen
L114820: VENKEN JAAK (& DUFLOU LUK, ILLS.) - Het zwarte gild van de bokkerijders
B100533: VENKEN JAAK - Vroom Vlaanderen. Legenden en cultusplaatsen
L18095: VENKEN JAAK - Gids voor de Kempen
L17827: VENKEN JAAK - Uchteren in Maaseik
R74519: VAN VENLO SIMON - Boexken van der officien ofte dienst der missen / Little book of the offices or service of the mass [2 vols.]
F65176: VENMANS PETER - Over de zin van nut. Een filosofisch essay
N40639: VAN DE VENNE J.M. - Geschiedenis van het kasteel van Valkenburg zijne heren en hun drossaarden
L46107: VENNER J.G.C. - Beeldenstorm in Hasselt 1567 - Achtergronden en analyses van een rebellie tegen de prins-bisschop van Luik
F101930: VENNIX AD - Wat is waarheid ? De 'virtus quaestionis' in het licht van Thomas van Aquino. Een wetenschappelijke proeve op het gebied van de Wijsbegeerte
R95885: VENRAAI BENVENUTUS V. O.F.M.CAP. - Handleiding der patrologie
M109042: VAN VENROOIJ ALEX - Classification in Popular Music. Discourses and Meaning Structures in American, Dutch and German Popular Music Reviews
M22286: VENTE M.A. & OUSSOREN H.L. & JANSSEN C.F. & DE KLERK J. - Nederlandse orgelpracht [diverse bijdragen over de geschiedenis van orgels en hun bespelers vnl. te Haarlem, n.a.v. de tentoonstelling t.g.v. de restauratie van het orgel der Grote Kerk te Haarlem]
E72863: VENTEN ERNST - "Balanced growth" und "unbalanced growth" als operationale Entwicklungsstrategien in unterschiedlichen Entwicklungsstadien
G92114: VENTRE MADELEINE - L'imprimerie et la librairie en Languedoc au dernier siècle de l'Ancien Régime 1700-1789
J79966: VENTRE DE LA TOULOUBRE CHRISTOPHE-FELIX-LOUIS - Collection de jurisprudence sur les matieres féodales et les droits seigneuriaux ; utile aux différentes cours & jurisdictions du royaume, & en usage principalement en Provence & en Languedoc
R48725: VENTURA JOACHIM - La Mère de Dieu mère des hommes ou Explication du mystère de la Très-Sainte Vierge au pied de la croix
R48546: VENTURA DE RAULICA - Les femmes de l'évangile - Homélies prechées à Paris, à saint-Louis d'Antin [2 tomes]
R47268: VENTURA DE RAULICA - La raison philosophique et la raison catholique. Conférences prêchées à Paris dans l'année 1851 (augmentées et accompagnées de remarques et de notes)
F28055: VENTURA DE RAULICA JOACHIM - La philosophie chrétienne (pour faire suite à La tradition par le même auteur) [2 vols.]
F43591: VENTURA DE RAULICA JOACHIM D. - La philosophie chrétienne (pour faire suite à La tradition par le même auteur) [2 tomes]
F43603: VENTURA DE RAULICA [JOACHIM] - La tradition et les semi-pélagiens de la philosophie ou le semi-rationalisme devoilé
R47276: VENTURA DE RAULICA D. JOACHIM - La femme catholique (faisant suite aux femmes de l'Evangile) [2 tomes]
J112308: VENTURA CARMELO RODRIGUEZ - La competencia del principe en el matrimonio de los infieles (Estudio monografico-historico de la controversia del S. XIX)
F48515: VENTURA DE RAULICA - Essai sur le pouvoir public ou Exposition des lois naturelles de l'ordre social (pour faire suite à l'ouvrage 'Le pouvoir politique chrétien')
F80478: VENTURA DE RAULICA - Essai sur l'origine des idées et sur le fondement de la certitude, suivi de nouvelles observations sur le cartésianisme, à l'occasion d'un nouvel écrit de m.le vicomte de Bonald
R47461: VENTURA DE RAULICA - Gloires nouvelles du catholicisme ou Eloges funèbres, vies et exemples de quelques grands catholiques qui ont vécu dans la première moitié de ce siècle
R27645: VENTURI PIETRO TACCHI (DIRETTA DA) - Storia delle religioni [2 vol.]
M108870: VENUS DANKMAR - Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Melischen Struktur der Singstimmen in den Liedern von Arnold Schönberg, Alban Berg, Anton Webern und Paul Hindemith
L114814: VER ELST ANDRE - De Limburgse buurttram in beeld
B108369: VER ELST ANDRE - Verdwenen Belgische windmolens in beeld - Moulins à vent belges disparus en images
F54804: VER EECKE WILFIRED - Negativity and subjectivity - A study about the function of negation in Freud, linguistics, childpsychology and Hegel
X75712: VER EECKE JACQUELINE - Le Sihalavatthuppakarana. Texte Pali et traduction
B55134: VER ELST ANDRÉ - Folkloristische tijdspiegel voor België
X75711: VER EECKE JACQUELINE - Le dasavatthuppakarana. Edité et traduit
B89343: VER ELST ANDRE & PERCKMANS FRANS - Frans Perckmans, Mechels folklorist, letterkundige, tekenaar en schilder
F80554: VERA A. - Introduction à la philosophie de Hegel
R109847: VERA SOTO CARLOS FRANCISCO - La formacion del clero diocesano durante la persecucion religiosa en Mexico (1910-1940)
N102676: VERAART J.A. - Joden van Nederland
S88860: VERACHTER FREDERIC - Généalogie de Pierre Paule Rubens et de sa famille
B56657: VERACHTERT FRANS E.A. - Voorsale des hemels ofte het begijnhof in de XVII Provinciën
T17474: VERACHTERT FRANS - Brigands in 't geweer
Y25823: VERALDI GABRIEL - La machine humaine (roman)
B39726: VERAX - Nos finances 1884-1904
B89128: VERBAUWEN PAUL - Ons Vlaamsch tooneel te Gent
T11404: VERBEECK RENE - Van eros tot requiem
T29224: VERBEECK RENÉ - Pieter G.Buckinx
C104197: VERBEEK LEON S.D.B. - Mythe et culte de Kipimpi (Rép. Du Zaïre)
C104178: VERBEEK LEON S.D.B. - Contes de l'inceste, de la parenté et de l'alliance chez les Bemba (République démocratique du Congo)
C104186: VERBEEK LEON S.D.B. - Mort et douleur dans une société africaine ; Chansons de deuil, de tristesse et de levée de deuil du sud-est du Katanga [2 volumes]
C104173: VERBEEK LEON S.D.B. - Le monde des esprits au sud-est du Shaba et au nord de la Zambie. Recueil de textes oraux précédés d'une introduction
C104560: VERBEEK LEON S.D.B. - Mouvements religieux dans la région de Sakania (1925-1931) [dans: Enquetes et documents d'histoire africaine, 5]
L25567: VERBEEK GERARD (& JUDO PAUL, VOORWOORD) - Virga Jesse - schat van de Hasselaar
T88531: VERBEEK E. - The measure and the choice. A pathographic essay on Samuel Johnson
C34503: VERBEEK LEON S.D.B. - Filiation et usurpation - Histoire socio-politique de la région entre Luapala et Copperbelt
F66683: VERBEEK THEO (ED.) - Johannes Clauberg (1622-1665) and Cartesian philosophy in the seventeenth century
C104561: VERBEEK LEON S.D.B. - L'histoire dans les chants ety les danses populaires : La zone culturelle Bemba du Haut-Shaba (Zaïre) [dans: Enquetes et documents d'histoire africaine, 10]
L71089: VERBEEK GERARD (ED.) - Dankbaarheid en waardering. Sint-Jozefscollege, Hasselt (1882-1982)
F110264: VERBEEK TH. (& DE LA METTRIE) - Le Traité de l'Ame de la Mettrie [2 volumes] I: Edition critique du texte avec une introduction et un commentaire historiques, II: Etudes sur les sources du matérialisme de la Mettrie et sur ses rapports avec les courants de pensée de la première moitié du XVIIIe siècle
R17475: VERBEEK LEON S.D.B. - Ombres et clairières - Histoire de l'implantation de l'Eglise catholique dans le diocèse de Sakania Zaïre (1910-1970)
B89218: VERBEEMEN J. - De vroegste geschiedenis van Mechelen. De waarde van de oudste Mechelse kronieken voor de vroegste geschiedenis der stad in het licht van de andere bestaande bronnen
R73559: VERBEET G.J.B. - 750 jaar Minderbroeders in Maastricht (1234-1984). Een terugblik op een stuk kerkelijke geschiedenis met het accent op de laatste 50 jaren, geschreven ter gelegenheid van het 750-jarig jubileum van de Minderbroeders in Maastricht
G45085: VERBEKE LUC - Vlaanderen in Frankrijk
T74592: VERBEKE W., JANSSENS J., SMEYERS M., VAN HOECKE W. & TOURNOY G. (EDS.) - Arturus Rex [2 volumes] Volumen 1: catalogus. Koning Artur en de Nederlanden. La matière de Bretagne et les anciens Pays-Bas. Volumen 2: Acta conventus Lovaniensis 1987
B67095: VERBEKE DEMMY (ED.) - Soo een plaets verciert met Boeken. Schaderegistratie in Antwerpse kloosterbibliotheken. Methode, onderzoek en aanbevelingen
F83865: VERBEKE G. - Kleanthes van Assos
R74610: VERBEKE WERNER, HAVERALS MARCEL, DE KEYSER RAFAEL & GOOSSENS JEAN (EDS.) - Serta devota in memoriam Guillelmi Lourdaux. Pars posterior: cultura mediaevalis
R74609: VERBEKE WERNER, HAVERALS MARCEL, DE KEYSER RAFAEL & GOOSSENS JEAN (EDS.) - Serta devota in memoriam Guillelmi Lourdaux. Pars prior: Devotio Windeshemensis
R74608: VERBEKE WERNER, HAVERALS MARCEL, DE KEYSER RAFAEL & GOOSSENS JEAN (EDS.) - Serta devota in memoriam Guillelmi Lourdaux [2 vols.]. Pars prior: Devotio Windeshemensis. Pars posterior: Cultura mediaevalis
B41058: VERBEKE NELLY (& CARDIJN MGR., PRÉFACE) - Détresse des filles de joie
T74593: VERBEKE W., JANSSENS J. & SMEYERS M. (EDS.) - Arturus rex. Volumen 1: catalogus. Koning Artur en de Nederlanden. La matière de Bretagne et les anciens Pays-Bas
F54801: VERBEKE G. & VERHELST D. (EDS.) - Aquinas and problems of his time
F106234: VERBEKE GERARD & THEMISTIUS - Thémistius. Commentaire sur le traité de l'ame d'Aristote, traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke. Edition critique et étude sur l'utilisation du commentaire dans l'oeuvre de saint Thomas
F104936: VERBEKE G. & VERHELST D. (EDS.) - Aquinas and problems of his time
G50787: VERBEKE G. & IJSEWIJN J. (EDS.) - The late middle ages and the dawn of humanism outside Italy - proceedings of the international conference Louvain May 11-13 1970
F62854: VERBEKE GERARD - D'Aristote à Thomas d'Aquin. Antécédents de la pensée moderne. Recueil d'articles
B93411: VERBERCKMOES JOHAN - Schertsen, schimpen en schateren. Geschiedenis van het lachen in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, zestiende en zeventiende eeuw
B106119: VERBESSELT J. - Het ontstaan en de ontwikkeling van de parochie Overijse
B99647: VERBESSELT JAN - Het parochiewezen in Brabant tot het einde van de 13e eeuw. Deel VII: Tussen Zenne en Dender, boek 6
B111639: VERBESSELT JAN - Het parochiewezen in Brabant tot het einde van de 13e eeuw. Delen 1 tot en met 26 volledig [26 volumes]
B99655: VERBESSELT JAN - Het parochiewezen in Brabant tot het einde van de 13e eeuw. Deel IV: Tussen Zenne en Dender, boek 3
B99649: VERBESSELT JAN - Het parochiewezen in Brabant tot het einde van de 13e eeuw. Deel XII: Tussen Zenne en Dijle, boek 2
B99645: VERBESSELT JAN - Het parochiewezen in Brabant tot het einde van de 13e eeuw. Deel V: Tussen Zenne en Dender, boek 4
B94293: VERBESSELT J. - Het parochiewezen in Brabant tot het einde van de 13e eeuw. Deel VI: Tussen Zenne en Dender, boek 5
B99642: VERBESSELT JAN - Het parochiewezen in Brabant tot het einde van de 13e eeuw. Deel II: Tussen Zenne en Dender, boek 1
B99613: VERBESSELT J. - Het parochiewezen in Brabant tot het einde van de 13e eeuw. Deel VIII: Tussen Zenne, Schelde en Rupel
B79799: VERBIST A. E.A. - Feestbundel Prof. A. Verbist
B90794: VERBIST P.J. (ABBÉ, MISSIONNAIRE) - Les Belges au Canada
T60870: VERBIST BERT - Felix Timmermans schilder met het woord, verteller met het penseel. Zo heb ik u begrepen
H52602: VERBIST BERT - De heilige Liduina van Schiedam
R106916: VERBIST THEOPHILE C.I.C.M., E.A. (VERHELST DANIEL C.I.C.M., DANIELS HYACINT C.I.C.M. & PYCKE NESTOR C.I.C.M., EDS.) - La Congrégation du Coeur Immaculé de Marie (Scheut), édition critique des sources [2 volumes] Tome IIA: La correspondance de Théophile Verbist et ses Compagnons 1865-1866, Tome IIB: idem, 1866-1869
R60080: VERBIST - Les missionnaires belges en Mongolie. Lettre de M.Verbist, provicaire apostolique de Mongolie
R97953: VERBIST THEOPHILE C.I.C.M., E.A. (VERHELST DANIEL C.I.C.M. & DANIELS HYACINT C.I.C.M., EDS.) - La Congrégation du Coeur Immaculé de Marie (Scheut), édition critique des sources. Tome IIA: La correspondance de Théophile Verbist et ses Compagnons 1865-1866
L60881: VERBOIS RAPH. - Geschiedenis der kerken, kloosters en kapellen van Rekem
L114704: VERBOIS RAPH. - Geschiedenis van Rekem en zijn keizerlijk Graafschap

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