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1243554: Boris Pasternak - Doctor Zhivago
39759: Ludwig Pastor - Johannes Jannssen, 1829-1891
42639: Ludwig Pastor - Zur Beurtheilung Savonarolas
197512: Ludwig Pastor - The History of the Popes from the Close of the Middle Ages, Volumes 1-40
206891: Universidad Pontifica De Salamanca - Instituto Superior de Pastoral - Cuatro Prioridades Pastorales de la Iglesia En Espana: XX Semana de Estudios de Teologia Pastoral
95984: Etudes de Pastorale - Christianisme Et Propagande
64324: Sig. Pastorini - The General History of the Christian Church from Her Birth to Her Final Triumphant State in Heaven, Chiefly Deduced from the Apocalypse of St. John, the Apostle and Evangelist
73106: Lawrence J. Paszek, ed - United States Air Force History: A Guide to Documentary Sources
193113: Raphael Patai - The Children of Noah: Jewish Seafaring in Ancient Times
189940: Walter Pater - Marius the Epicurean: His Sensations and Ideas
1244124: Velleius Paterculus - Velleius Paterculus: Novissime Recognitus Emendatus Et Illustratus Praemittuntur Henrici Dodwelli Annales Velleiani Studiis Societatis Bipontinae
131348: Arthur Paterson - George Eliot's Family Life and Letters
174584: Helena Paterson - The Handbook of Celtic Astrology: The 13-Sign Lunar Zodiac of the Ancient Druids
173920: John M. Paterson - Gaelic Made Easy: A Gaelic Guide for Beginners, Part 4
126564: Helena Paterson - The Celtic Tarot
172755: Helena Paterson - The Celtic Moon Sign Kit
143682: Patience, Richard, and Johnny Abbe - Of All Places!
195868: M. Corbridge-Patkaniowska - Teach Yourself Polish: A Complete Course for Beginners
132344: Deba Prasad Patnaik - A Merton Concelebration: Tributes from Friends of the Poet-Monk
195312: H.J. Paton - The Moral Law: Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysic of Morals
170513: David M. Paton - R.O. : The Life and Times of Bishop Ronald Hall of Hong Kong
199046: Anne E. Patrcik - Women, Conscience, and the Creative Process
190180: Angelo Patri - The Parents Daily Counselor
32802: Sister Margaret Patrice - Up the Shining Path
207092: Patricia Wilson-Kastner, G. Ronald Kastner, Ann Millin, Rosemary Rader, and Jeremiah Reedy - A Lost Tradition: Women Writers of the Early Church
184505: Patricia O'Connor, Linda Headrick, and Peter Coveney - Women: A Selected Bibliography
206275: Dale Patrick - The Rhetoric of Revelation in the Hebrew Bible: Overtures to Biblical Theology
207277: Huma Patrick - Cases of Violence Against Women in Pakistan
125087: Anne E. Patrick - Liberating Conscience: Feminist Explorations in Catholic Moral Theology
191836: Rembert W. Patrick - The Reconstruction of the Nation
199844: Bo Patrick - Whitewash and Pink Feathers: The Story of Petros the Pelican
199027: Anne E. Patrick - Liberating Conscience: Feminist Explorations in Catholic Moral Theology
108250: Joseph Patsch - Maria Die Mutter Des Herrn
81170: Daniel & Aline Patte - Structural Exegesis: From Theory to Practice
206316: Daniel Patte, General Editor - Global Bible Commentary
196023: Fred Lewis Pattee, ed - Century Readings in American Literature
97556: Richard Pattee - The Religious Question in Spain
1276061: Richard Pattee - The Case of Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac
180149: Elizabeth B. Patterson, ed - Saint Francis and the Poet: Poems on Saint Francis of Assisi, 1200 A.D. To the Present
111818: Lawrence Patterson - U-Boats in the Mediterranean 1941-1944
99638: Webster T. Patterson - Newman: Pioneer for the Layman
207011: L.G. Patterson - God and History in Early Christian Thought
124309: Bob E. Patterson - Reinhold Niebuhr
185240: Stanislav Lushin; Sally Patterson, tr - The Bolshoi Theatre of the Ussr: History, Opera, Ballet
131423: Annabel M. Patterson - Marvell and the CIVIC Crown
184442: Rino J. Patti with Phillip Osborne - Management Practice in Social Welfare: An Annotated Bibliography
310927: T. Harwood Pattison - The History of Christian Preaching
208174: E. Mansell Pattison - Pastor and Parish - a Systems Approach
195173: Anthony Pattison - The Spirit Enshrined: Meditations on Mary, Spouse of the Holy Ghost
181009: Mark Pattison - Memoirs
190767: Wilhelm Pauck, ed - Luther: Lectures on Romans
168423: Daughters of St. Paul - The Vatican II Sunday Missal: A B C Cycles from 1975 to 1999 and Thereafter
184622: Paul Beaujon, Edward Alden Jewell, John T. Winterich, and Philip Van Doren Stern - Ten Years and William Shakespeare: A Survey of the Publishing Activities of the Limited Editions Club from October 1929 to October 1940
168697: Daughters of St. Paul - The Vatican II Sunday Missal: A B C Cycles from 1975 to 1999 and Thereafter
206125: Paul J. Achtemeier, Joel B. Green, and Marianne Meye Thompson - Introducing the New Testament: Its Literature and Theology
191758: Daughters of St. Paul - A Brief Summary of the Ten Commandments
207554: Rev. George A. St. Paul, S.J. - Here and Hereafter
193821: Paul D. Converse, Harvey W. Huegy, and Robert V. Mitchell - Elements of Marketing
1271908: Daughters of St. Paul, comp - Queen of Apostles Prayerbook
1278450: Daughters of St. Paul - The Catechism of Modern Man: All in the Words of Vatican II and Related Documents
206435: Paul De Jaegher, S.J., ed., intro, and notes; Donald Attwater, tr - An Anthology of Mysticism
195349: Daughters of St. Paul - In Caelo Et in Terra: 365 Days with the Saints
92380: Daughters of St. Paul - The Dimensions of the Priesthood
198767: Daughters of St. Paul - Morality Today: The Bible in My Life
186908: A priest of the Congregation of St. Paul - An Order for the Service of the Three-Hours' Agony: Good Friday Afternoon, with Appropriate Hymns, with Tunes and Prayers
193339: Daughters of St. Paul, Press Office of the Holy See - John Paul II in America: Talks Given on the Papal Tour, September 1987
142337: Paul Kevin Meagher, Thomas C. O'Brien, and Consuelo Maria Aherne, eds - Encyclopedic Dictionary of Religion, Vols. I-III
207895: Press Office of the Holy See / Daughters of St. Paul - John Paul II in America: Talks Given on the Papal Tour September 1987
180638: Mother St. Paul - Sponsa Christi: Meditations for Religious
310414: Daughters of St. Paul - The Vatican II Sunday Missal: A B C Cycles
190268: Daughters of St. Paul - The Vatican II Sunday Missal: A B C Cycles from 1975 to 1999 and Thereafter
199466: A Team of Daughters of St. Paul - Looking Ahead to Marriage
94090: Daughters of St. Paul - Pope John Paul II: He Came to Us As a Father - Pastoral Visit to the United States
197971: Shalom M. Paul - Amos: A Commentary on the Book of Amos
310401: Daughter of St. Paul - The Vatican II Weekday Missal for Spiritual Growth
172125: Paul E. Flesner, Robert A. Noblett, David R. Rogne, Stephen M. Crotts, and Cathy A. Ammlung - Sermons on the Gospel Readings: Series I, Cycle B.
179837: Daughters of St. Paul - A Gamble for God: St. Camillus de Lellis
144778: Daughters of St. Paul - Basic Catechism with Scripture Quotations
166743: Robert S. Paul - Freedom with Order: The Doctrine of the Church in the United Church of Christ
300351: A Daughter of St. Paul - Mother Cabrini
1242712: Society of St. Vincent de Paul - The Manual of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul
1224325: Daughters of St. Paul - Basic Catechism with Scripture Quotations
123153: Daughters of Saint Paul, ed - The Dimensions of the Priesthood: Theological, Christological, Liturgical, Ecclesial, Apostolic, Marian
207585: Paul Thigpen, Father Ray Ryland, and Father Francis Hoffman - Catholic Answers to Catholic Questions
190430: Daughter of St. Paul, comp - Devotion to the Sacred Heart
193089: Daughters of St. Paul - 57 Saints for Boys and Girls
146656: Rev. Father Paul - The British Church from the Days of Cardinal Allen
300022: Daughters of St. Paul - Woman of Faith: A Profile of the Sercvant of God Mother Thelca Merlo
1263665: Daughters of St. Paul - The Vatican II Weekday Missal for Spiritual Growth: Complete Texts of Every Weekday Mass Throughout the Year from 1975 to 1999 and Thereafter
202944: Daughters of St. Paul and Maxine Mayer - More Than a Knight: The True Story of St. Maximilian Kolbe
179256: Daughters of St. Paul - Mary, Queen of Apostles
198507: Daughters of St. Paul - Every Man's Challenge: Profiles of Great Men and Women
145695: Andre Paul - Et L'Homme Crea la Bible
126236: Daughters of St. Paul - The Vatican II Sunday Missal: A B C Cycles from 1975 to 1999 and Thereafter
169798: Paul R. Hanna, Genevieve Anderson, and William S. Gray - David's Friends at School
198312: Elliot Paul - The Life and Death of a Spanish Town
1279073: Daughters of St. Paul - The Vatican II Weekday Missal for Spiritual Growth: Complete Texts of Every Weekday Mass Throughout the Year from 1975 to 1999 and Thereafter
199174: Sister Mary Paul with C. Edmund Fisher - An American Nun in Taiwan
189566: Paul Royall, Nina Grover, et al. - Nephi in the Promised Land: A Book of Mormon Story Book to Color (Book Two)
1249828: Eugene Paulin and Joseph A. Becker - New Wars: The History of the Brothers of Mary (Marianists) in Hawaii 1883-1958
205665: Sister Pauline - Frances Schervier: Mother of the Poor
125461: Sr. Mary Pauline - God Wills It!: Centenary Story of the Sisters of St. Louis
1254788: William O. Paulsell - Letters from a Hermit with Letters from Matthew Kelty
61050: Friederich Paulsen - System Der Ethik (2 Vols)
183570: Don Paulson with Roger Simpson - An Evening at the Garden of Allah: A Gay Cabaret in Seattle
200627: Arvid Paulson and Clayton Edwards - The Story of Don Quixote
206978: Jean-Marie Paupert - What Is the Gospel
62727: R. Pautrel, ed - La Sainte Bible: L'Ecclesiaste
186079: Adua Pavarotti with Wendy Dallas - Pavarotti: Life with Luciano
198496: John E. Paver - Theological Reflection and Education for Ministry: The Search for Integration in Theology
92558: Rev. George Pavloff - Papal Judge Delegates at the Time of the Corpus Iuris Canonici
66144: Rev. George G. Pavloff - Papal Judge Delegates at the Time of the Corpus Iuris Canonici
170359: Prof. Petko Pavlov - Bulgarian Order, Medals and Decorations, Part I: Bulgarian Orders and Medals
170358: Prof. Petko Pavlov - Bulgarian Military Decorations
199057: Frank Pavone - Proclaiming the Message of Life: Weekly Reflections from the Lectionary
146605: Bernard Pawley - Looking at the Vatican Council
198021: John Pawlikowski and Donald Senior, eds - Economic Justice: Ctu's Pastoral Commentary on the Bishops' Letter on the Economy
160846: G.P.H. Pawson, comp - Edward Keble Talbot: His Community and His Friends
194333: Wolfgang E. Pax - In the Footsteps of Jesus
206541: Steven Payne, OCD - Saint Therese of Lisieux: Doctor of the Universal Church
202798: Robert Payne - The History of Islam
167597: Robert Payne - The Christian Centuries from Christ to Dante
175785: Edward F. Payne - Dickens Days in Boston: A Record of Daily Events
192913: Richard A. Payne - How to Get a Better Job Quicker
125987: Kerry Payne - Langenscheidt's European Phrasebook
177144: Robert Payne - The Chieftain: A Story of the Nez Perce People
189919: Robert Payne - The Fathers of the Western Church
193877: Richard A. Payne - Market Yourself for Success
177061: John Payne, trans - The Decameron of Giovanni Boccacci, Volumes I-II
181577: Graham Payne and Sheridan Morley, eds - The Noel Coward Diaries
191244: David Peace - Glass Engraving: Lettering and Design
197999: J.V. Peach - Cosmology and Christianity
180743: Marguerite D. Peacocke - A Royal Family Album from the Days of Queen Victoria to H.R. H. Prince Charles of Edinburgh
163885: Norman Vincent Peale - The Positive Power of Jesus Christ
170071: Norman Vincent Peale - My Christmas Treasury
184033: Dionysius Longinus; Zacharias Pearce and P. Wilson - De Sublimitate Commentarius
176299: T.M. Pearce - The Beloved House
192849: Jenny Pearce - Under the Eagle: U.S. Intervention in Central America and the Caribbean
191154: Joseph Pearce - The Unmasking of Oscar Wilde
190731: Matthew Pearl - The Taking of Jemima Boone: Colonial Settlers, Tribal Nations, and the Kidnap That Shaped America
204182: N.H. Pearl and H.E. Brown - Health by Stunts
204253: Gerry Gomez Pearlberg, ed - The Zenith: Contemporary Lesbian Poems About Sex
179158: Barry R. Pearlman - A Certain Faith: Analogy of Being and the Affirmation of Belief
179183: Barry R. Pearlman - Fatima: A Heart for the World
188919: Daniel D. Pearlman and Paula R. Pearlman - Guide to Rapid Revision
50844: Thomas Hall Pearne, D.D. - Sixty-One Years of Itinerant Christian Life in Church and State
147257: P.H. Pearse - The Story of a Success
203323: Carol Lynn Pearson - Beginnings
179621: Glenn L. Pearson - The Book of Mormon Key to Conversion
168181: Roy Pearson - Prayers for All Occasions: For Pastors and Lay Leaders
104272: Donald Stuart Pearson - Basic Energy Converters: Electro-Mechano
179439: Carol Lynn Pearson, comp - Daughters of Light
205838: Eleanor Fairchild Pease - The Jolly Little Clown and Other Stories
1240670: Howard Pease - The Jinx Ship: The Dark Adventure That Befell Todd Moran When He Shipped As Fireman Aboard the Tramp Steamer "Congo," Bound out of New York for Caribbean Ports
166009: Harold R. Peat - Private Peat
162966: Harold R. Peat - Private Peat
177827: F. David Peat - Superstrings and the Search for the Theory of Everything
310930: Rev. George B. Peck - The Gate and the Cross; or Pilgrim's Progress in Romans. (an Excursus and Parallelism)
207136: M. Scott Peck, M.D. - The Different Drum: Community-Making and Peace
101363: Abraham J. Peck - Jews and Christians After the Holocaust
189361: George W. Peck - Peck's Bad Boy and His Pa / Peck's Sunshine: A Collection of Articles Generally Calculated to Throw Sunshine Instead of Clouds on the Faces of Those Who Read Them
310868: George Peck, ed - Sketches & Incidents; or, a Budget from the Saddle-Bags of a Superannuated Itinerant
184982: Donald Peck - The Right Place, the Right Time! Tales of Chicago Symphony Days
203073: Howard H. Peckham - The Colonial Wars 1689-1762
179637: Howard H. Peckham - The War for Independence: A Military History
198739: Keith F. Pecklers - Dynamic Equivalence: The Living Language of Christian Worship
201559: Keith F. Pecklers - Worship: A Primer in Christian Ritual
207633: Keith F. Pecklers, S.J. - The Unread Vision: The Liturgical Movement in the United States of America: 1926-1955
201515: Keith F. Pecklers - The Genius of the Roman Rite: On the Reception and Implementation of the New Missal
1230748: Ferdinand Pecora - Wall Street Under Oath: The Story of Our Modern Money Changers
199515: Johannes Pedersen - Israel: Its Life and Culture I-II
197568: Troels Engberg-Pedersen, ed - Paul in His Hellenistic Context
202518: Carl O. Pederson - The Story of God's Kingdom: A First Year Confirmation Book
43591: Angelo Pedroni - IL Consenso Matrimoniale E la Teoria Della Simulazione
188927: Chris Cook; Douglas Peebles, photography - From the Skies of Paradise: Hawaii
162568: Robert Peel - Mary Baker Eddy: The Years of Discovery / the Years of Trial / the Years of Authority
162612: Robert Peel - Health and Medicine in the Christian Science Tradition: Principle, Practice, and Challenge
199764: Alexandra Peeler - Parish Social Ministry: A Vision and Resource; a Catholic Charities Perspective
194222: Achiel Peelman - Christ Is a Native American
67088: Dean Peerman - Frontline Theology
205629: Dean G. Peerman and Martin E. Marty, eds - A Handbook of Christian Theologians
188109: E. Allison Peers - Fool of Love: The Life of Ramon Lull
310344: E. Allison Peers - Mother of Carmel: A Portrait of St. Teresa of Jesus
189197: E. Allison Peers - Handbook to the Life and Times of St. Teresa and St. John of the Cross
193032: Nelson Peery - The Future Is Up to Us: A Revolutionary Talking Politics with the American People
207346: Marguerite A. Peeters - La Mondialisation de la Revolution Culturelle Occidentale: Concepts-Clefs, Mecanismes Operationnels
300266: Anton C. Pegis - At the Origins of the Thomistic Notion of Man
1275235: Anton C. Pegis, ed - Introduction to Saint Thomas Aquinas
185480: Anton C. Pegis - Christian Philosophy, the World, and Science
64481: Anton C. Pegis - Introduction to Saint Thomas Aquinas
60382: Anton C. Pegis, ed - Essays in Modern Scholasticism in Honor of John F. Mccormick, 1874-1943
197165: Charles Peguy - The Mystery of the Charity of Joan of Arc
145664: Charles Peguy - Mystique Et Politique
207233: Sister Doris Pehowski, OSF - By God's Providence: The Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi
162022: Mario A. Pei - The World's Chief Languages: Formerly Languages for War and Peace
195884: Mario Pei - Talking Your Way Around the World
123812: Claude J. Peifer, O.S.B. - Monastic Spirituality
1276545: Claude J. Peifer, O.S.B. - Monastic Spirituality
198743: Rudolf Peil - A Handbook of the Liturgy
145801: Dr. Edmund Peiris - Ceylon and the Assumption: Historical Survey
43593: Josephus Pejska, C.SS.R. - Ius Canonicum Religiosorum
197474: Athanasius B. Pekar - You Shall Be Witnesses Unto Me": Contribution to the Martyrology of the Byzantine Catholic Church in Subcarpathian Ruthenia
206901: Marcelino Menendez Pelayo - Historia de Los Heterodoxos Espanoles: Realismo Y Enciclopedia Los Afrancesados Y Las Cortes de Cadiz Reinados de Fernando VII E Isabel II Krausismo Y Apologistas Catolicos
96978: Rabbi Raphael Pelcovitz - Sforno: Commentary on Pirkei Avos
126080: Pinchas H. Peli - Shabbat Shalom: A Renewed Encounter with the Sabbath
310012: Jaroslav Pelikan - The Excellent Empire: The Fall of Rome and the Triumph of the Church
168550: Jaroslav Pelikan, ed - The World Treasury of Modern Religious Thought
206966: Jaroslav Pelikan - Credo: Historical and Theological Guide to Creeds and Confessions of Faith in the Christian Tradition
207445: Jaroslav Pelikan - The Riddle of Roman Catholicism
160890: Jaroslav Pelikan - The Idea of the University: A Reexamination
310763: Jaroslav Pelikan - Historical Theology: Continuity and Change in Christian Doctrine
191163: Jaroslav Pelikan - The Illustrated Jesus Through the Centuries
208051: Jaroslav Pelikan - The Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine Volumes 1-5
310338: Jaroslav Pelikan - Credo: Historical and Theological Guide to Creeds and Confessions of Faith in the Christian Tradition
179642: Jaroslav Pelikan - Jesus Through the Centuries: His Place in the History of Culture
198922: Jaroslav Pelikan - The Vindication of Tradition
125444: Jaroslav Pelikan - Obedient Rebels: Catholic Substance and Protestant Principle in Luther's Reformation
207033: Jaroslav Pelikan - The Finality of Jesus Christ in an Age of Universal History: A Dilemma of the Third Century
144420: John Pell - Ethan Allen
204447: John Pellam - Geoffrey Bradfield: Defining Millennium Modern
208044: Edmund D. Pellegrino and Alan I. Faden - Jewish and Catholic Bioethics: An Ecumenical Dialogue
310941: William Dudley Pelley - Star Guests: Design for Mortality
310942: William Dudley Pelley - Nations-in-Law: An Unconventional Interpretation
310943: William Dudley Pelley - Stairs to Greatness
310272: William Dudley Pelley - The Door to Revelation
310944: William Dudley Pelley - Behold Life: Design for Liberation
310611: William Dudley Pelley - New Quatrains of the Modern Michel Nostradamus
181710: Paul Pellicoro - Paul Pellicoro on Tango
168082: Susan Pellowe, ed - A Wesley Family Book of Days
195481: Donald E. Pelotte - John Courtney Murray: Theologian in Conflict
1240996: Rev. Owen D. Pelt and Ralph Lee Smith - The Story of the National Baptists
68882: Robert S. Pelton, C.S.C., ed - Proceedings of the Institute for Local Superiors: 1962
151039: Robert S. Pelton, ed - Small Christian Communities: Imagining Future Church
47921: Saint Isidore of Pelusium, Isidori Pelusiotae - De Interpretatione Divinae Scripturae Epistolarum
208061: Dr. Morris Pelzel - The Church As Communion and Mission: Ecclesiology
196819: David Penchansky - What Rough Beast? Images of God in the Hebrew Bible
171525: Christopher Penczak - The Inner Temple of Witchcraft: Magick, Meditation and Psychic Development
1236603: Christopher Penczak - The Temple of High Witchcraft
1236660: Christoper Penczak - The Inner Temple of Witchcraft
199213: Sister Mary Carita Pendergast - Havoc in Hunan: The Sisters of Charity in Western Hunan, 1934-1951
207272: Sister Mary Carita Pendergast, S.C. - Havoc in Hunan: The Sisters of Charity in Western Hunan 1924-1951
310303: J.M. Pendleton - Church Manual Designed for the Use of Baptist Churches
169367: Robert J. Penella, trans - The Private Orations of Themistius
183431: Julia Penelope and Susan J. Wolfe, eds - Lesbian Culture: An Anthology; the Lives, Works, Ideas, Art and Visions of Lesbians Past and Present
183419: Julia Penelope, ed - Out of the Class Closet: Lesbians Speak
200181: Samuel Penhallow - The History of the Wars of New-England with the Eastern Indians, or a Narrative of Their Continued Perfidy and Cruelty, from the 10th of August, 1703, to the Peace Renewed 13th of July, 1713. And from the 25th of July, 1722, to Their Submission 15th December, 1725, Which Was Ratified August 5th, 1726
163616: Isaac Penington - The Light Within and Selected Writings of Isaac Penington
126849: William Penn - Fruits of Solitude in Reflections and Maxims Relating to the Conduct of Human Life
175578: W.S. Penn - The Telling of the World: Native American Stories and Art
190538: Thomas Penn - Winter King: Henry VII and the Dawn of Tudor England
176593: [Richard Penn] - Maxims and Hints for an Angler, and Miseries of Fishing. Illustrated by Drawings on Stone; to Which Are Added Maxims and Hints for a Chess Player
13280: Joseph Pennell - A London Reverie: 56 Drawings
183561: Nigel Pennick - The Pagan Book of Days: A Guide to the Festivals, Traditions, and Sacred Days of the Year
300109: M. Basil Pennington - The Song of Songs: A Spiritual Commentary
310177: M. Basil Pennington - Daily We Follow Him: Learning Discipleship from Peter
143381: M. Basil Pennington - O Holy Mountain! Journal of a Retreat on Mount Athos
196584: M. Basil Pennington - Lectio Divina: Renewing the Ancient Practice of Praying the Scriptures
149143: M. Basil Pennington - In Peter's Footsteps: Learning to Be a Disciple
40519: Jeanne G. Pennington - Some Marked Passages and Other Stories
142452: M. Basil Pennington, ed - Toward an Integrated Humanity: Thomas Merton's Journey
148384: Kenneth Pennington and Robert Somerville, eds - Law, Church, and Society: Essays in Honor of Stephen Kuttner
192246: M. Basil Pennington - Pocket Book of Prayers
200682: M. Basil Pennington, ed - The Cistercian Spirit: A Symposium in Memory of Thomas Merton
204393: John Pennino - Rise Stevens: A Life in Music
207771: Michael Pennock - Living the Message of the New Testament
199068: Michael Pennock - Celebrating the Signs of God's Love: The Sacraments (Teacher Manual)
207770: Michael Pennock and James Hogan - Living the Message of the New Testament: Teacher Manual
199944: Michael Pennock - Celebrating the Signs of God's Love: The Sacraments
199945: Michael Pennock - The Sacraments & You: Living Encounters with Christ
188429: J. Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman, eds - Constitutionalism
184086: University of Pennsylvania - 1921 University of Pennsylvania Yearbook
192463: Daniel Burton-Rose with Dan Pens and Paul Wright, eds - The Celling of America: An Inside Look at the U.S. Prison Industry
196817: Lee M. Penyak and Walter J. Petry, eds - Religion and Society in Latin America: Interpretive Essays from Conquest to Present
196972: Lee M. Penyak and Walter J. Petry, eds - Religion in Latin America: A Documentary History
195725: Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples - Instruction on the Sending Abroad and Sojourn of Diocesan Priests from Mission Territories
74029: Curtis Bill Pepper - An Artist and the Pope
310006: Curtis G. Pepper - The Pope's Back Yard
72048: Curtis Bill Pepper - An Artist and the Pope
181608: Michael Peppiatt - Francis Bacon: Studies for a Portrait; Essays and Interviews
181415: Michael Peppiatt - Francis Bacon: Anatomy of an Enigma
199807: Rev. Jorge Perales, ed - Oracional Bilingue: A Prayer Book for Spanish-English Communities
186351: Rev. Jorge Perales, ed - Oracional Bilingue: A Prayer Book for Spanish-English Communities
196423: St. Bernardino of Siena; Pacifici M. Perantoni, ed - Opera Omnia, Volumes I-V
177022: Gary Percesepe - Philosophy: An Introduction to the Labor of Reason
66683: Maurice Percheron - Buddha and Buddhism
141506: Leo G. Perdue and W. Clark Gilpin (editors) - The Voice from the Whirlwind: Interpreting the Book of Job
310449: Giacomo Perego - Atlas Biblico Interdisciplinar: Escritura, Historia, Geografia, Arqueologia Y Teologia Confrontadas
310448: Giacomo Perego - Interdisciplinary Atlas of the Bible: Scripture, History, Geography, Archaeology and Theology
194393: Giacomo Perego - Interdisciplinary Atlas of the Bible: Scripture, History, Geography, Archaeology and Theology
186484: Manuel Sousa Pereira - The Story of Our Lady of Good Success and Novena
102617: Benjamin Pereira - Teologia de Los Santuarios Marianos
175624: S.J. Perelman - The Dream Department
310080: Benjamin Bravo Perez - Procesos de Conversion 1 / Preparacion a Los Procesos de Conversion: Precatecumenado
145754: P. Nazario Perez - Maria Esperanza de la Iglesia
95888: [Catholic periodicals] - The Beauties of Mary, Queen of Literature: Volume One
68241: Johann Perk, S.S. - Leben Jesu IM Evangelium: Und Personen IM Leben Jesu
148536: William Rufus Perkins - History of the Trappist Abbey of New Melleray, in Dubuque County, Iowa
191601: Frances Perkins - The Roosevelt I Knew
187137: Al Perkins - Hugh Lofting's Travels of Doctor Dolittle
310165: Pheme Perkins - Resurrection: New Testament Witness and Contemporary Reflection
310180: Pheme Perkins - Ministering in the Pauline Churches
177940: Bryan Ward-Perkins - The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization
188729: David Perkins - Archimedes' Bathtub: The Art and Logic of Breakthrough Thinking
206041: Pheme Perkins - Ephesians
205840: Lucy Fitch Perkins - The Puritan Twins
203709: David Perkins - King Arthur's Round Table: How Collaborative Conversations Create Smart Organizations
121530: Roger Perkins - The Punjab Mail Murder: The Story of an Indian Army Officer
10148: Whitney Perkins - Constraint of Empire: The United States and Caribbean Interventions
197589: Pheme Perkins - Introduction to the Synoptic Gospels
189727: Pheme Perkins - First and Second Peter, James, and Jude
171680: Pheme Perkins - Gnosticism and the New Testament
205986: Pheme Perkins - Peter: Apostle for the Whole Church
192687: Nicanor Perlas - Shaping Globalization: CIVIL Society, Cultural Power and Threefolding
194082: Regine Pernoud - Those Terrible Middle Ages! Debunking the Myths
179235: Rev. Paul C. Perotta - Pope John XXIII: His Life and Character
166944: St. Charles of Sezze; Fr. Leonard Perotti, trans - St Charles of Sezze: Autobiography
166833: Stewart Perowne - Caesars and Saints: The Rise of the Christian State A.D. 180-313
172972: Gilles Perrault - The Red Orchestra
102630: Salvatore M. Perrella - Le Apparizioni Mariane
310618: Rev. C. Perren - Outline Sermons and Plans for Evangelistic Work by Eminent Pastors and Evangelists
201136: Preston B. Perrenot - United States Coast Guard Grade Insignia Since 1834
203035: Geoffrey Perret - A Country Made by War: From the Revolution to Vietnam - the Story of America's Rise to Power
194923: A.S. Perret - Toward Our Father's House
144461: Bryan Perrett - Knights of the Black Cross: Hitler's Panzerwaffe and Its Leaders
178402: Bryan Perrett - British Military History for Dummies
178823: Bryan Perrett - For Valour: Victoria Cross and Medal of Honor Battles
188837: Bryan Perrett - Heroes of the Hour: Brief Moments of Military Glory
202599: Bryan Perrett - The Battle Book: Crucial Conflicts in History from 1469 Bc to the Present
183898: Noel Perrin, ed - The Adventures of Jonathan Corncob, Loyal American Refugee
201405: Norman Perrin - Jesus and the Language of the Kingdom: Symbol and Metaphor in New Testament Interpretation
68776: J.-M. Perrin, O.P. - Sous L'Egide Ste Catherine de Sienne
203727: Norman Perrin - What Is Redaction Criticism
173687: Norman Perrin - Parable and Gospel
184023: M. Perrodin - Caracteres Chretiens Et Religieux Ou Regles de Conduite Pour Reformer Son Caractere Et Perfectionner L'Education
68139: Joanne Perrone, S.J. - De D.N. Jesu Christi Divinitate [Vols. I-II]
162587: D.V. Perrott - Teach Yourself Swahili
181646: Henri Perruchot - Toulouse Lautrec
184417: Ralph Barton Perry - Annotated Bibliography of the Writings of William James
191713: Lawrence Perry - Our Navy in the War
171612: Michael Perry - Tales from Cincinnati Bearcats Basketball
173405: Ben Edwin Perry - The Metamorphoses Ascribed to Lucius of Patrae: Its Content, Nature, and Authorship
177740: Bliss Perry - Richard Henry Dana 1851-1931
196361: Bliss Perry - The American Spirit in Literature (Chronicles of America #34)
190001: Dick Perry; Lawrence Zink - Fascinating Spirited Cincinnati
203106: Maria Perry - The Sisters of Henry VIII: The Tumultuous Lives of Margaret of Scotland and Mary of France
169387: Ben Edwin Perry - The Ancient Romances: A Literary-Historical Account of Their Origins
183606: Dick Perry - Vas You Ever in Zinzinnati
1250818: James M. Perry - Arrogant Armies: Great Military Disasters and the Generals Behind Them
165838: Janice Kapp Perry and Joy Saunders Lundberg - Just One Little Light: Songs Correlated with the Young Women's Program, Appropriate for All Youth
171667: Dick Perry - Not Just a Sound: The Story of Wlw
162293: Edward Delavan Perry - A Sanskrit Primer
208117: Michael J. Perry - Love and Power: The Role of Religion and Morality in American Politics
146678: St.-John Perse - Seamarks
180089: Persius and Juvenal; C. Lucilii - A. Persii Flacci Et Dec. Jun. Juvenalis Satirae Ad Optimas Editiones Collatae Accedit Sulpiciae Satira
173555: Persius; Juvenal; W.V. Clausen - A. Persi Flacci Et D. Ivni Ivvenalis: Saturae
173419: Persius; John Conington, trans., and H. Nettleship, ed - The Satires of A. Persius Flaccus
175659: Stow Persons - Free Religion: An American Faith
191449: Stow Persons - Ethnic Studies at Chicago 1905-45
130390: Jose Joaquin Pesade - Poesias Originalis Y Traducidas de Jose Joaquin Pesado
165895: Christian Pesch - Our Best Friend
37218: Christian Pesch - Die Helige Jungfrau Maria
66969: Christian Pesch - Theologische Zeitfragen
179970: Christian Pesch - Our Best Friend
168353: Christiano Pesch - Praelectiones Dogmaticae, Vols. I-IX
187685: Christiano Pesch - Compendium Theologiae Dogmaticae, Tomus I: De Christo Legato Divino - de Ecclesia Christi - de Fontibus Theologicis
69431: Tilmann Pesch - Christliche Lebensphilosophie, Gedanken Uber Religiose Wahrheiten
60234: Tilmann Pesch, S.J. - Institutiones Philosophie Naturalis
183488: Lisa Peschel - A Practical Guide to the Runes: Their Uses in Divination and Magick
199663: John Petek - Archbishop Joseph Beran
192931: Peter Phillips, Andrew Roth, and Project Censored, eds - Censored 2009: The Top 25 Censored Stories
180899: Peter Bien, Peter Constantine, Edmund Keeley, and Karen van Dyck, eds - A Century of Greek Poetry 1900-2000
199075: Peter Coughlan, Ronald C.D. Jasper, and Teresa Rodrigues - A Christian's Prayer Book: Poems, Psalms and Prayers for the Church's Year
124333: Peter C. Phan/Fr. Val J. Peter and Fr. William J. Byron - Church and Theology: Essays in Memory of Carl J. Peter/Funeral Homilies for Father Carl J. Peter
106657: Peter and Ruth Wallis - Newton and Newtoniana 1672-1975: A Bibliography
196460: Peter J. Potichnyj, Marc Raeff, Jaroslaw Pelenski, and Gleb N. Zekulin, eds - Ukraine and Russia in Their Historical Encounter
131374: F.E. Peter - Mecca: A Literary History of the Muslim Holy Land
176943: Alexander Peterkin - The Life and Works of Robert Burns; As Originally Edited by James Currie, M.D. To Which Is Prefixed, a Review of the Life of Burns, and of Various Criticisms on His Character and Writings. (Volumes 1-4)
189248: James Peters - Very Simple Arabic Script
202195: Edward Peters, ed - Christian Society and the Crusades 1198-1229
207076: F.E. Peters - Allah's Commonwealth: A History of Islam in the Near East 600-1100 A.D.
206145: Tiemo Ranier Peters and Claus Urban, eds.; J. Matthew Ashley, tr - The End of Time? the Provocation of Talking About God Proceedings of a Meeting of Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Johann Baptist Metz, Jurgen Moltmann, and Eveline Goodman-Thau in Ahaus
46697: Prof. Dr. J. Peters - Siebenstellige Werte Der Trigonometrischen Funktionen Von Tausendstel Zu Tausendstel Des Neugrades
185794: Fritz Peters - Gurdjieff Remembered
203573: Charles Peters - Five Days in Philadelphia: 1940, Wendell Wilkie, and the Political Convention That Freed Fdr to Win World War II
197804: Edward N. Peters - 100 Answers to Your Questions on Annulments
194197: Edward N. Peters - Excommunication and the Catholic Church: Straight Answers to Tough Questions
174463: Richard Peters - Report of the Case of Edward Prigg Against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Argued and Adjudged in the Supreme Court of the United States, at January Term, 1842. In Which It Was Decided That All the Laws of the Several States Relative to Fugitive Slaves Are Unconstitutional and Void; and That Congress Have the Exclusive Power of Legislation on the Subject of Fugitive Slaves Escaping Into Other States
175719: Mike Peters - The Nixon Chronicles
71673: Edward H. Peters, C.S.P., ed - The Constitution on the Church of Vatican Council II
192641: Cynthia Peters, ed - Collateral Damage: The New World Order at Home and Abroad
32351: Harry T. Peters - Currier & Ives: Printmakers to the American People
123779: Thomas C. Peters - The Christian Imagination: G.K. Chesterton on the Arts
113339: Edward Peters - Europe and the Middle Ages
177571: William E. Peters - Ohio Lands and Their Subdivision
62642: Dr. Norbert Peters - Unsere Bibel: Die Lebensquellen Der Heiligen Schrift
83360: Johannes Peters - Einfuhrung in Die Allgemeine Informationstheorie
198831: David L. Petersen - Late Israelite Prophecy: Studies in Deutero-Prophetic Literature and in Chronicles
179013: Mark E. Petersen - Children of Promise: The Lamanites: Yesterday & Today
161891: Mark E. Petersen - For Time or Eternity
175855: Mark Twain; Svend Petersen, arr - Mark Twain and the Government
166323: LaMar Petersen - The Creation of the Book of Mormon: A Historical Inquiry
196827: John Petersen - Reading Women's Stories: Female Characters in the Hebrew Bible
206830: Norman R. Petersen - Rediscovering Paul: Philemon and the Sociology of Paul's Narrative World
101602: Eugene T. Petersen - France at Mackinac 1715-1760
178701: Emma Marr Petersen - About Prayer: A Boy's Prayer Is Answered
203409: Mark E. Petersen - For Righteousness' Sake
196705: David L. Petersen - The Prophetic Literature: An Introduction
207851: Rodney L. Petersen with Nancy M. Rourke - Theological Literacy for the Twenty-First Century
66233: Rev. Casimir M. Peterson - Spiritual Care in Diocesan Seminaries: A Historical Synopsis and a Commentary
197729: Dwight N. Peterson - The Origins of Mark: The Markan Community in Current Debate
202227: Ingrid Peterson, ed - Clare of Assisi: A Medieval and Modern Woman; Clarefest Selected Papers
201603: James W. Peterson - Chinese Nationalist Medals and Awards
166620: H. Donl Peterson - The Story of the Book of Abraham: Mummies, Manuscripts, and Mormonism
1243378: Cicero; W. Peterson, ed - M. Tulli Ciceronis Orationes
203449: John Alton Peterson - Utah's Black Hawk War
200521: Roger Tory Peterson - A Field Guide to Western Birds
204335: Xaver Scharwenka; William E. Petig, ed - Xaver Scharwenka: Sounds from My Life Reminiscences of a Musician
199661: Jean Petit - Descending Fire: The Journal of a Soul Aflame
94275: Maxime Petit - Les Sieges Celebres de L'Antiquite Du Moyen Age Et Des Temps Modernes
181516: Christopher Petkanas - Loulou & Yves: The Untold Story of Loulou de la Falaise and the House of Saint Laurent
192750: James Petras and Henry Veltmeyer - Globalization Unmasked: Imperialism in the 21st Century
192749: James Petras - Rulers and Ruled in the Us Empire: Bankers, Zionists, Militants
192502: James Petras and Morris Morley - The United States and Chile: Imperialism and the Overthrow of the Allende Government
192904: James Petras - Politics and Social Structure in Latin America
192580: James Petras and Henry Veltmeyer - Multinationals on Trial: Foreign Investment Matters
192470: James Petras - The Power of Israel in the United States
205635: James Petras and Morris Morley - Empire or Republic? American Global Power and Domestic Decay
192471: James Petras - Global Depression and Regional Wars
192581: James Petras and Henry Veltmeyer - Multinationals on Trial: Foreign Investment Matters
73497: G.I. Petrasen and K.P. Latysev, eds - Asymptotic Methods and Stochastic Models in Problems of Wave Propagation
39439: M.D. Petre - Catholicism and Independence Being Studies in Spiritual Liberty
1214745: M.D. Petre, ed - Autobiography and Life of George Tyrrell: In Two Volumes
146660: M.D. Petre - Catholicism and Independence: Being Studies in Spiritual Liberty
200425: F. Loraine Petre - Napoleon & the Archduke Charles: A History of the Franco-Austrian Campaign in the Valley of the Danube in 1809
206868: Simone Petrement - Simone Weil: A Life
185663: Roderic Petrie - Brother Leo Remembers Francis
150935: George Petrie - The Round Towers of Ireland: The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Ireland
201191: Fr. Clement J. Petrik - Sent to Preach: A Collection of Homilies
183065: Oreste Maria Petrillo with Francesco Schipani - The Black Book of Old School Training: How to Quicky Improve Your Muscle Mass and Stength with No Plateau
188815: Thomas W. Petrisko - Glory to the Father: A Look at the Mystical Life of Georgette Faniel
188818: Thomas W. Petrisko - The Fatima Prophecies: At the Doorstep of the World
64694: C. Petroccia - Praelectiones Dogmaticae de Ss. Eucharistia Ad Privatum Auditorum Usum
310392: Enzo Petrolino, ed - Compendium on the Diaconate: A Resource for the Formation, Ministry, and Life of Permanent Deacons
201242: V. Petrow - Bulgarische Armeeabzeichen 1883-1993
46507: I.G. Petrowski - Vorlesungen Uber Partielle Differentialgleichungen
195059: Samuel B. Pettengill - Smoke-Screen
124184: Samuel B. Pettengill - Jefferson: The Forgotten Man
149794: Samuel B. Pettengill - Jefferson: The Forgotten Man
310019: Giovanni Pettinato - The Archives of Ebla: An Empire Inscribed in Clay
310627: William L. Pettingill - Simple Studies in Romans
99665: Rhea Ferne Pettit - The Madonna Story
163770: Jakob J. Petuchowski - Prayerbook Reform in Europe: The Liturgy of European Liberal and Reform Judaism
188482: Ludwig Petzendorfer, ed - Treasury of Authentic Art Nouveau Alphabets, Decorative Initials, Monograms, Frames & Ornaments
122638: Aime Peuch - Histoire de la Litterature Grecque Chretienne: Vols. 1 & 2
60099: Cornelis A. van Peursen - Duquesne University Philosophical Studies #28: Phenomenology and Analytical Philosophy
108153: Henri Peyre - Pensees de Baudelaire
145177: Karen Peyton - Love Song
198359: Rev. Patrick Peyton - The Story of the Family Rosary
189874: Daniel Pezeril - Blessed and Poor: The Spiritual Odyssey of the Cure of Ars
1275770: Benedict Anthony Pfaller - The Ipso Facto Effected Dismissal of Religious
145962: Brother Anthony J. Pfarr - Seek His Face: Short Meditations for Sundays and Some Feast Days, Based on Readings from the Lectionary
98174: John R. Pfeiffer - Fantasy and Science Fiction: A Critical Guide
199700: Charles F. Pfeiffer - Tell El Amarna and the Bible
181726: Herbert Pfeiffer - Paul Wegener
199019: Robert H. Pfeiffer - Introduction to the Old Testament
206642: Victor C. Pfitzner - Romans
200790: Otto Pfleiderer - The Influence of the Apostle Paul on the Development of Christianity
39966: Dr. Michael Pfliegler - Dokumente Zur Geschichte Der Kirche
68628: Rev. Michael Pfliegler - Priestly Existence
105390: Rev. Michael Pfliegler - Priestly Existence
54425: Otto Pfuelf - Joseph Graf Zu Stolberg-Westheim 1804-1859
188896: John-Peter Pham - Heirs of the Fisherman: Behind the Scenes of Papal Death and Succession
208093: Peter C. Phan - Mission and Catechesis: Alexandre de Rhodes and Inculturation in Seventeenth-Century Vietnam
199873: Peter C. Phan - Vietnamese-American Catholics
197522: Peter C. Phan - Christianity with an Asian Face: Asian American Theology in the Making
67765: Rev. John Phelan - An Appeal for Unity in Faith Being an Appeal to Anglicans and Protestants of Other Denominations to Return to the Unity of the Faith
198569: Francis J. Phelan - How to Found Your Own Religion and Other Stories
172603: Rev. Thomas P. Phelan - Catholics in Colonial Days
193833: D.M. Phelps - Sales Management: Policies and Procedures
164751: G. Allison Phelps - Inspiration: Essays and Poems
145332: Elizabeth Stuart Phelps - Jack the Fisherman
39615: William Lyon Phelps - Autobiography with Letters
165130: Mrs. E.B.W. Phelps - Annals of the Church of Christ from the Beginning to the Present Time with a Glance at the Churches in America
165131: Mrs. E.B.W. Phelps - Annals of the Church of Christ from the Beginning to the Present Time with a Glance at the Churches in America
147945: American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia - Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia Vol. 108 No. 1-2
161181: An Eminent Writer of Philadelphia - A Short System of Polite Learning, Being an Epitome of the Arts and Sciences; Designed for the Use of Schools
175339: Charles Erskine; Thomas Philbrick, ed - Twenty Years Before the Mast
175333: Isabella Bird; Thomas Philbrick, ed - The Englishwoman in America
201392: Yves Congar; Paul Philibert, tr - At the Heart of Christian Worship: Liturgical Essays of Yves Congar
170429: Paul J. Philibert, ed - Living in the Meantime: Concerning the Transformation of Religious Life
163133: Dietrich Philip - Enchiridion or Hand Book of the Christian Doctrine and Religion, Compiled by the Grace of God) from the Holy Scriptures for the Benefit of All Lovers of the Truth
206142: Philip A. Cunningham, Norbert J. Hofmann, and Joseph Sievers, eds - The Catholic Church and the Jewish People: Recent Reflections from Rome
103294: J.A. Philip - Pythagoras and Early Pythagoreanism
1258611: M.M. Philipon - The Spiritual Doctrine of Sister Elizabeth of the Trinity
102297: F. Philipp - Betrachtungen Uder Das Leben Die Tugenden Und Vorzuge Der Allerseligsten Jungfrau Maria
208016: David Philippart - Basket Basin Plate and Cup: Vessels in the Liturgy
196120: Jacques Philippe - The Way of Trust and Love: A Retreat Guided by St. Therese of Lisieux
195394: Jacques Philippe - In the School of the Holy Spirit
197409: Rev. M. Philipps - The Baltimore Catechism No. 2 Simplified with Explanations
170030: Dr. A. Th. Philips - Daily Prayers with a Revised English Translation
142482: Mary Schuyler Phillips - Colonial Massachusetts
182402: John A. Phillips - The Sermon on the Mount
206620: D.Z. Phillips and H.O. Mounce - Moral Practices
203272: Graham Phillips - Atlantis and the Ten Plagues of Egypt: The Secret History Hidden in the Valley of the Kings
203066: Graham Phillips and Martin Keatman - King Arthur: The True Story
164880: Frances Phillips - Short Sketches of Fathers of the English Church, for Young Readers
164743: J.B. Phillips - Ring of Truth: A Translator's Testimony
191070: Graham Phillips - The Virgin Mary Conspiracy: The True Father of Christ and the Tomb of the Virgin
188982: Charles Phillips and Michael Kerrigan - Forests of the Vampire: Slavic Myth
185672: Betty Lou Phillips - French Influences
169468: J.A. Phillips - Papal Paganism
181326: Charles Phillips - High in Her Tower
198141: E. Lee Phillips - Prayers for Worship
186342: F. Scott Fitzgerald; Larry W. Phillips, ed - F. Scott Fitzgerald on Writing
198173: D.Z. Phillips, ed - Religion and Understanding
199389: John C. Phillips - A Sportsman's Second Scrapbook
121863: Marie Tello Phillips - Marie Tello Phillips' Book of Verses
126065: J. B. Phillips - Your God Is Too Small
199050: J.B. Phillips, tr - The New Testament in Modern English
167963: E. Lee Phillips - Prayers for Worship
310860: J.B. Phillips; introduction by C.S. Lewis - Letters to Young Churches: A Translation of the New Testament Epistles
191944: Ulrich Bonnell Phillips - Life and Labor in the Old South
207761: J.B. Phillips - The Living Gospel of Jesus Christ
36161: Institut International de Collaboration Philosophique - Bibliiographie de la Philosophie [15 Volumes]
191313: Thomas Lee Philpott - The Slum and the Ghetto: Neighborhood Deterioration and Middle-Class Reform, Chicago, 1880-1930
310091: Ernesto Piacentini - Panorama of the Marian Doctrine of Bl. Maximilan Kolbe
207913: F. Compagnoni, G. Piana and S. Privitera - Nuevo Diccionario de Teologia Moral
195049: Celestino Piana - Assumptio Beatae Virginis Mariae Apud Scriptores Saec. XIII
95820: Michele Piano - Istruzioni Dogmatiche Parrocchiali E Discorsi Evangelici: Volume III
180387: Stephane J. Piat - Riches and the Spirit
35768: Clodius Piat - L'Idee
180163: Stephane Joseph Piat - Principles and Paradoxes of the Militant Life
180164: Stephane Joseph Piat - Principles and Paradoxes of the Militant Life
61197: Clodius Piat - Socrate
1268038: [Abram Piatt] - Postcard: Castle Piatt Mac-a-Cheek
199957: Bernard Piault - What Is a Sacrament
206369: Gina Hens-Piazza - 1-2 Kings
72181: Adeodato Giovanni Card. Piazza - Problemi Religiosi E Insegnamenti Pastorali
207978: Ambrogio M. Piazzoni with Francesca Manzari - The Bible from Late Antiquity to the Renaissance: Writing and Images from the Vatican Library
94217: Gabriel Picard - Le Problem Critique Fondamental [Archives de Philosophie Vol. I #2]
112293: Hymen W.J. Picard - Gentleman's Walk: The Romantic Story of Cape Town's Oldest Streets Lanes and Squares
186496: Luisa Piccarreta - Book of Heaven: The Kingdom of the Divine Fiat in the Midst of Creatures, Volume 7
186497: Luisa Piccarreta - Book of Heaven: The Kingdom of the Divine Fiat in the Midst of Creatures, Volume 8
194653: Michele Piccirillo - The Journey of the Jubilee to the Origins of Our Faith and of Our Church
125456: Charles Pichon - The Vatican and Its Role in World Affairs
174334: Albert Pick, Jr. - Pick-Ups
200349: Samuel T. Pickard - Life and Letters of John Greenleaf Whittier, Volumes I-II
186063: Arthur E. Pickens, Jr. - The Golf Bum
168029: James H. Pickering and Jeffrey D. Hoeper - Literature
183466: David Pickering - Cassell Dictionary of Witchcraft
171448: David Pickering - Casell Dictionary of Witchcraft
150058: A. Picket - The Juvenile Expositor, or American School Class-Book No. 4
68124: Rev. Josef Pickl - Messiaskonig Jesus: In Der Auffassung Seiner Zeitgenossen
190527: Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince - The Stargate Conspiracy: Revealing the Truth Behind Extraterestrial Contact, Military Intelligence and the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt
189535: Clifford A. Pickover - Computers, Pattern, Chaos and Beauty: Graphics from an Unseen World
188714: Clifford A. Pickover - The Loom of God: Mathematical Tapestries at the Edge of Time
188717: Clifford A. Pickover - Time: A Traveler's Guide
177916: Clifford A. Pickover - Keys to Infinity
202376: Clifford A. Pickover - Surfing Through Hyperspace: Understanding Higher Universes in Six Easy Lessons
170521: Marmaduke Pickthall - The Glorious Koran: A Bi-Lingual Edition with English Translation, Introduction and Notes
190072: Columbia Pictures - Lawrence of Arabia Souvenir Program
190071: Columbia Pictures - Nicholas and Alexandra Souvenir Program
113634: Janusz Piekalkiewicz - Sea War 1939-1945
198892: Josef Pieper - In Defense of Philosophy: Classical Wisdom Stands Up to Modern Challenges
300271: Josef Pieper - Guide to Thomas Aquinas
206872: Josef Pieper - Tradition: Concept and Claim
91043: Dr. Karl Pieper - Die Simon-Magus-Perikope (Apg 8 5-24)
150053: Josef Pieper - Reality and the Good
183622: Rudolph Pieper - Neue Bundel: Unkraut, Knospen Und Bluten Aus Dem Blumigen Reiche Der Mitte
185056: Gregory F. Augustine Pierce, ed - Christmas Presence: Twelve Gifts That Were More Than They Seemed
201650: LaRue W. Piercy - Hawaii: Truth Stranger Than Fiction; True Tales of Missionary Life and Historic Characters Fictionized by Michener
67234: Armand Pierhal - The Living God
144041: Marie Pierik - The Song of the Church
206242: Marie Pierik - Gregorian Chant Analyzed and Studied
131147: John Pierpont - Airs of Palestine, and Other Poems
1274720: Sister Mary Pierre - Mary Was Her Life: The Story of a Nun, Sister Maria Teresa Quevedo 1930-1950
206219: Pierre Blet, Angelo Martini, and Burkhart Schneider, eds - The Holy See and the War in Europe March 1939 - August 1940
189400: Pierre Verlet, Michel Florisoone, Adolf Hoffmeister, and Francois Tabard; - Great Tapestries: The Web of History from the 12th to the 20th Century
1249278: Michel de Saint-Pierre - Bernadette and Lourdes
195414: David F. Pierre, Jr. - Sins of the Press: The Untold Story of the Boston Globe's Reporting on Sex Abuse in the Catholic Church
182611: Sister Mary Pierre - Mary Was Her Life: The Story of a Nun, Sister Maria Teresa Quevedo 1930-1950
146930: Philippe Pierrel - A Missionary Journey with William Joseph Chaminade, Founder of the Marianists (1761-1850)
50453: General Pierron - Strategie Et Grande Tactique, Vol. I.
190998: Alba C. Piersel - The Gospel in Miniature: An Exposition of the Prayer That Jesus Taught Men to Pray
310701: Arthur T. Pierson - The Miracle of Missions: Modern Marvels in the History of Missionary Enterprise (Third Series)
177566: Adelle Evans Pierson - My Ohio Childhood
151335: Donald Pierson - Cruz Das Almas - a Brazilian Village
199499: Kazimierz Pierzchala - W Poszukiwaniu Godnosci Czlowieka
103870: Christian Pietsch - Prinzipienfindung Bei Aristoteles
131044: Charles J.G. Mazimin Piette - Le Secret de Junipero Serra: Fondateur de la Californie-Nouvelle 1769-1784: 2 Volumes
187787: Charles J.G. Maximin Piette - Evocation de Junipero Serra: Fondateur de la Californie
207243: Xabier Pikaza - Diccionario de la Biblia Historia
175598: James A. Pike - A Roman Catholic in the White House
193222: Apuleius; Joseph B. Pike, ed - The Short Stories of Apuleius
196654: Daniel E. Pilarczyk - Live Letters: Reflections on the Second Readings of the Sunday Lectionary
191984: Daniel E. Pilarczyk - Our Particular Church 1821-1996
207132: Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk - We Believe
194367: Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk - Bringing Forth Justice: Basics for Just Christians
194444: John J. Pilch - The Cultural Dictionary of the Bible
196794: John J. Pilch and Bruce J. Malina, eds - Handbook of Biblical Social Values
310153: John J. Pilch - Introducing the Cultural Context of the New Testament
193989: John J. Pilch - The Cultural World of the Prophets: The First Reading and the Responsorial Psalm, Sunday by Sunday, Year C.
207678: John J. Pilch - The Cultural Dictionary of the Bible
197104: John J. Pilch - Flights of the Soul: Visions, Heavenly Journeys, and Peak Experiences in the Biblical World
199078: John J. Pilch - The Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday, Cycles a, B, and C.
193987: John J. Pilch - The Cultural World of the Apostles: The Second Reading, Sunday by Sunday, Year B.
193985: John J. Pilch - The Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday, Cycle A.
193986: John J. Pilch - The Cultural World of the Apostles: The Second Reading, Sunday by Sunday, Year C.
193984: John J. Pilch - The Cultural World of Jesus: Sunday by Sunday, Cycle C.
193988: John J. Pilch - The Cultural World of the Apostles: The Second Reading, Sunday by Sunday, Year A.
193990: John J. Pilch - The Cultural World of the Prophets: The First Reading and the Responsorial Psalm, Sunday by Sunday, Year B.
193991: John J. Pilch - The Cultural World of the Prophets: The First Reading and the Responsorial Psalm, Sunday by Sunday, Year A.
205987: John J. Pilch - Stephen: Paul and the Hellenist Isrealites
182301: John F. Pile - Interior Design
205555: John Pilger - Hidden Agendas
205606: John Pilger - Heroes
205596: John Pilger - The New Rulers of the World
196712: Walter E. Pilgrim - Uneasy Neighbors: Church and State in the New Testament
170486: J. Maya Pilkington and the Diagram Group - Who Are You? Age-Old and Modern Techniques for Discovering the Kind of Person You Are - Your Attitudes, Abilities, Characteristics, and Personality
23949: Matthew Pilkington - A General Dictionary of Painters. .
177456: Parker Pillsbury - Acts of the Anti-Slavery Apostles
300397: W.B. Pillsbury - The Essentials of Psychology
196651: Stephen Pimentel - Witnesses of the Messiah: On Acts of the Apostles 1-15
130393: Francisco Pimentel - Historia Critica de la Poesia En Mexico
44154: Francois Houtart & Emile Pin - The Church and the Latin American Revolution
164942: Father John Peter Pinamonti - The Immaculate Heart of Mary from the Original Italian Considerations of Father John Peter Pinamonti of the Society of Jesus
207313: Charles Pinches and Jay B. McDaniel - Good News for Animals? Christian Approaches to Animal Well-Being
206785: Servais Pinckaers, OP; Benedict M. Guevin, OSB, tr.; Michael Sherwin, OP, foreword - Passions & Virtue
184142: Stephen Pincock - Codebreaker: The History of Codes and Ciphers, from the Ancient Pharaohs to Quantum Cryptography
173471: Pindar; Dawson W. Turner - The Odes of Pindar, Literally Translated Into English Prose
43293: Wilhelm Pinder - Deutsche Dome Des Mittelalters
189904: Wilhelm Pinder - Deutsche Dome Des Mittelalters
186535: John de Pineda - Commentaria in Librum Iob, Tomus I-II
98691: David Pines - Topics in Public Economics
184557: Jack R. Pingry and Monroe Murphy Bird, comp - Industrial Marketing: A Selected and Annotated Bibliography
310624: Arthur W. Pink - Exposition of the Gospel of John, Volume II
310623: Arthur W. Pink - Exposition of the Gospel of John, Volume I.
189283: Steven Pinker - The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language
163338: Yoko Pinkerton and Masumi Hiraga - The Easy Interpreter: A Japanese Phrasebook
163194: E. Pino and T. Witterman - Kamus Inggeris-Indonesia, Indonesia-Inggeris (2 Volumes)
68342: Johannes Pinsk - Toward the Centre of Christian Living: A Liturgical Approach
188491: Robert Pinsky and Maggie Dietz with Rosemary Ellis, eds - An Invitation to Poetry: A New Favorite Poem Project Anthology
300057: Padre Pio - The Agony of Jesus
198828: Antonio Piolanti - The Holy Eucharist
177058: [Chevalier de Piossens] - Memoirs of the Regency of His Royal Highness the Late Duke of Orleans, During the Minority of His Present Most Christian Majesty Lewis the Xvth. Containing the Publick Treaties, State-Instruments, and Principal Matters of the Court of France; with All the Negotiations and Remarkable Events Which Have Happen'd in the Several Courts of Europe, During the Administration of That Prince
110108: Hester Lynch Piozzi - Letters to and from the Late Samuel Johnson LL. D. To Which Are Added Some Poems Never Before Printed
191045: Watty Piper, ed - Tick-Tock Tales
188053: Seymour Eaton (Paul Piper) - The Traveling Bears Across the Sea: Their Travels and Adventures
180982: John Piper and John Betjeman - Poems in the Porch
175614: James Pipes - Ziba
200744: Wesley G. Pippert, comp - The Spiritual Journey of Jimmy Carter in His Own Words
122803: Ella Pipping - Soldier of Fortune: The Story of a Nineteenth Century Adventurer
148631: Eduardo Cardinal Pironio - Preparing for Easter
73810: His Eminence Eduardo Cardinal Pironio - Preparing for Easter
199158: Cardinal Eduardo F. Pironio - We Wish to See Jesus
310438: St. THomas Aquinas; P.F. Angeli M. Pirotta, ed - In Aristotelis Librum de Anima: Commentarium
172081: Christine de Pisan - L'Oroyson Nostre Dame: Prayer to Our Lady
188779: Gary P. Pisano - Science Business: The Promise, the Reality, and the Future of Biotech
43631: Marius Pistocchi - De Bonis Ecclesiae Temporalibus
86392: Dennis Piszkiewicz - Kinetics of Chemical and Enzyme-Catalyzed Reactions
178988: Anthony S. Pitch - The Burning of Washington: The British Invasion of 1814
98742: John Pitchford - The Current Account and Foreign Debt
150856: Hanna Fenichel Pitkin - Wittgenstein and Justice: On the Significane of Ludwig Wittgenstein for Social and Political Thought
191145: Walter B. Pitkin - How to Get a Good Job and Keep It!
300392: Walter B. Pitkin - The Art of Learning
150846: Hanna Fenichel Pitkin - The Concept of Representation
184711: Tacitus; H. Pitman, ed - Cornelii Taciti: Annalium, Libri XIII-XVI with Introduction and Notes Abridged from the Larger Work of Henry Furneaux, M.A.
104010: H. Pitman - Cornelii Taciti: Annalium Libri I-IV
197271: Brant Pitre - Jesus the Bridegroom: The Greatest Love Story Ever Told
194274: Brant Pitre - The Case for Jesus: The Biblical and Historical Evidence for Christ
1231562: Brant Pitre - Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist
207560: Alyssa Lyra Pitstick - Light in Darkness: Hans Urs Von Balthasar and the Catholic Doctrine of Christ's Descent Into Hell
192602: William Rivers Pitt - The Greatest Sedition Is Silence: Four Years in America
113202: Leonard Pitt - Study Guide for We Americans: A Topical History of the United States, Volumes I-II
125413: Fanny Maria Pittar - A Protestant Converted to Catholicity by Her Bible and Prayer-Book
166788: W. Norman Pittenger - Sacraments, Signs and Symbols with Essays on Related Topics
37866: W. Norman Pittenger, S.T.M. - Sacraments, Signs and Symbols with Essays on Related Topics
198809: Norman Pittenger - The Pilgrim Church and the Easter People
179242: W. Norman Pittenger - The Life of Saint Peter
141357: Francesco Pitteri - La Storia Dell'Anno 1746. Divisa in Quattro Libri. Dove Si Vedono I Principali Avvenimenti Di Quest'Anno . .
205540: Frances Fox Piven and Richard A. Cloward - The Breaking of the American Social Compact
193068: FRances Fox Piven - The War at Home: The Domestic Causes and Consequences of Bush's Militarism
192412: Frances Fox Piven - Challenging Authority: How Ordinary People Change America
178103: Francois Pivert - Schism or Not? the 1988 Episcopal Consecrations of Archbishop Lefebvre
181568: Lilian Pizzichini - The Blue Hour: A Life of Jean Rhys
206049: Vincent A. Pizzuto - A Cosmic Leap of Faith: An Authorial, Structural, and Theological Investigation of the Cosmic Christology in Col. 1: 15-20
195538: Michael D. Place - A Pastoral Guide to the Revised Code
167067: Jean Plaidy - The Third George
33410: Jean Plaidy - Beyond the Blue Mountains
59815: Jean Plaidy - The Spanish Bridegroom
17344: Jean Plaidy - Beyond the Blue Mountains
59814: Jean Plaidy - Beyond the Blue Mountains
184907: Neil Plakcy and Sharon Sakson - Paws and Reflect: Exploring the Bond between Gay Men and Their Dogs
207349: National Pastoral Plan; Second Plenary Council of the Philippines - In the State of Mission: Towards a Renewed Integral Evangelization
125137: Thomas G. Plante, ed - Bless Me Father for I Have Sinned: Perspectives on Sexual Abuse Committed by Roman Catholic Priests
168367: Alvin Plantinga - Warrant: The Current Debate
186757: Thomas Plassmann - From Sunday to Sunday: An Interpretation of the Proper of the Mass That Seeks to Place the Venerable Liturgy in Modern Focus
195047: Rev. Thomas Plassmann - The Radiant Crown of Glory: The Story of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception
194365: James Plastaras - The God of Exodus: The Theology of the Exodus Narratives
198029: James Plastaras - The God of Exodus: The Theology of the Exodus Narratives
197955: James Plastaras - Creation and Covenant
97400: Charles D. Plater - The Apostolate of the Press
184684: Pliny the Younger; Samuel Ball Platner, ed - Selections from the Letters of the Younger Pliny
181014: Samuel Ball Platner - A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome
144511: Plato - Meno and Other Dialogues: Charmides, Laches, Lysis, Meno
111192: Plato - Laches and Charmides
310883: Rutherford H. Platt, Jr., ed - The Lost Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden
192290: Colin Platt - Medieval England: A Social History and Archaeology from the Conquest to 1600 A.D.
173279: Colin Platt - The Parish Churches of Medieval England
182868: P. Wallace Platt - Gentle Eminence: A Life of Cardinal Flahiff
207767: Elizabeth E. Platt - Four Portraits of Jesus
60504: John R. Platt, ed - New Views of the Nature of Man
181446: Steven Platzman - Cezanne: The Self-Portraits
163769: W. Gunther Plaut - Children's Service for the High Holy Days
169062: Plautus - The Pot of Gold and Other Plays
169381: Plautus and Terence - Five Comedies
143977: Plautus - T. Macci Plavti: Captivi
173510: Plautus; W.M. Lindsay - T. Macci Plauti: Comoediae, Tomus I.
189890: Albert Ple - Chastity and the Affective Life
201862: A. Ple, Louis Bouyer, L. Cerfaux, Ian Hislop, and A. Leonard - Mystery and Mysticism
185395: Henry Pleasants - The Great Singers from the Dawn of Opera to Our Own Time
198042: J. David Pleins - The Psalms: Songs of Tragedy, Hope, and Justice
196987: Michael Plekon - Living Icons: Persons of Faith in the Eastern Church
54426: Wilhelm Plenkers - Der Daene Niels Stensen
189936: Joseph Plevnik - What Are They Saying About Paul and the End Time
1276118: Joseph Plevnik - What Are They Saying About Paul and the End Time
198285: Theodor Plievier - Berlin
174711: An Operator; George Plimpton, foreword - Selections from the Fancy; or True Sportsman's Guide
173601: Pliny the Younger, et al.; Christopher G. Schwarz, commentary - Panegyrici Veteres Ex Editionibus Chr. G. Schwarzii Et Arntzeniorum Cum Notis Et Interpretatione in Usum Delphini Variis Lectionibus Notis Variorumrecensu Editionum Et Codicum Et Indicibus Locupletissimis Acuurate Recensiti. (4 Volumes)
193039: Chris Kaspar de Ploeg - Ukraine in the Crossfire
147437: J. Van der Ploeg - The Excavations at Qumran: A Survey of the Judean Brotherhood and Its Ideas
63206: J. Van Der Ploeg - The Excavations at Qumran: A Survey of the Judaean Brotherhood and Its Ideas
132541: Henry R. Plomer - William Caxton 1424-1491
198941: Albert Plotkin - The Ethics of World Religions
195160: Urban Plotzke - God's Own Magna Charta
206992: Urban Plotzke, O.P. - God's Own Magna Charta
203601: Alison Plowden - Lady Jane Grey: Nine Days Queen
131324: Max Plowman - An Introduction to the Study of Blake
131386: Max Plowman - An Introduction to the Study of Blake
1240568: The League of Prayer for the Canonisation of Blesed Oliver plunket - Blessed Oliver Plunket: Historical Studies
190011: Dudley Plunkett - Queen of Prophets: The Gospel Message of Medjugorje
180180: Raoul Plus - Christ in Our Time
197635: Raoul Plus - In Christ Jesus
194869: Raoul Plus - How to Pray Well
182471: Raoul Plus - Some Rare Virtues
173002: Raoul Plus - Christ in Our Brethren, Part I.
145758: Raoul Plus - Les Congregations Mariales
69432: R. Plus, S.J. - Vivre Avec Dieu
300299: Raoul Plus - How to Pray Well
181908: Raoul Plus - In Praise of Work
181909: Rev. Raoul Plus - Progress in Divine Union
300236: Raoul Plus - Inward Peace
197608: Raoul Plus - Meditations for Religious
197604: Raoul Plus - Toward the Eternal Priesthood
68149: Raoul Plus, S.J. - Le Christ: Dans Nos Freres
168587: Godfrey Poage - Secrets of Successful Recruiting: The Priciples of Religious Vocational Guidance and Tested Techniques of America's Most Successful Religious Recruiters
149133: A.P. Melchiore a Pobladura - Regina Immaculata: Studia a Sodalibus Capuccinis Scripta Occasione Primi Centenarii a Proclomatione Dogmatica Immaculate Caonceptionis
66191: Rev. Elias Olarte Poblete - The Plenary Council: A Historical Synopsis and a Commentary
190321: Rev. C.E. Pocknee; Dominic Pyle-Bridges; M.J. Stephenson - St. Charles Booklet Library (Tracts for the Times): Holy Scripture and Tradition / Vestments / the Seeven Sacraments / the Apostolic Succession and Ordination / Sacramentals
177945: Tom Pocock - Battle for Empire: The Very First World War 1756-63
85228: Felix M. Podimattam - The Primacy of Prayer
168021: Euripides; A.J. Podlecki, trans - Euripides' Medea Translated with an Introduction and Notes
176144: Sophie A. Poe - Buckboard Days
1249814: Edgar Allan Poe - The Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe: 4v Set
175671: Edgar Allan Poe - Tales of Edgar Allan Poe
196697: Edgar Allan Poe - Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe
199022: Cornelius J. van der Poel - The Search for Human Values
196568: Abbe Roger Poelman - How to Read the Bible
85440: Roger Poelman - Times of Grace: The Sign of 40 in the Bible
102764: D.N. Poenaru and N. Vilcov - Measurement of Nuclear Radiation with Semiconductor Detectors
112719: John Taylor the Water Poet - A Dog of War
189148: Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski - Hippocrene Standard Dictionary: Polish-English, English-Polish
195648: Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski - Polish-English, English-Polish Dictionary with Complete Phonetics
204076: Beryl Pogson - Commentary on the Fourth Gospel
188463: Don Troiani; Brian C. Pohanka, text - Don Troiani's CIVIL War
149118: Kenneth H. Pohly - Transforming the Rough Places: The Ministry of Supervision
188660: Robin Le Poidevin - Travels in Four Dimensions: The Enigmas of Space and Time
46810: L. Poincare - Die Moderne Physik
195026: J.R. Poinsett - Defences - Frontiers. Letter from the Secretary of War, Transmitting Information in Relation to the State of the Defences of the Atlantic Seaboard and Gulf of Mexico, and on the Northern and Eastern Frontier
195019: J.R. Poinsett - Negroes, &C, Captured from Indians in Florida, &C. Letter from the Secretary of War, Transmitting the Information Required by a Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 28th Ultimo, Respecting the Disposition of Negroes and Other Property Captured from Hostile Indians During the Present War in Florida, &C
184032: J.L.M. Poiret - Lecons de Flore. Cours Complet de Botanique: Explication de Tous Les Systemes, Introduction a L'Etude Des Plantes
103739: Michel Poirier - Christopher Marlowe
200089: Wilhelm. Pokel - Phiolologisches Schriftsteller-Lexikon
161828: Prof. Dr. Julius Pokorny - Altirische Grammatik
67769: W.H. Van De Pol, D.D. - The Christian Dilemma: Catholic Church Reformation
39435: W.H. van de Pol - The End of Conventional Christianity
147529: Willem Hendrik Van de Pol - World Protestantism
169638: W.G. Polack - The Building of a Great Church: A Brief History of the Lutheran Church in America with Special Reference to the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States
199556: Andre Polaert - Lord, Show Us Your Face: Reflections for Every Day During Lent
38392: Cardinal Pole - A Treatise of Justification
149344: Reginald Pole - Epistolarum Reginaldi Poli S.R. E. Cardinalis Et Aliorum Ad Ipsum Pars III. Que Scriptas Complectitur Annis Mdxxxx. Mdxxxxi. Mdxxxxii. Scilicet Ab Exitu Legationis Suae Hispanicae Usque Ad Mortem Card. Contareni Paremittuntur Apologetica Praefatio Bifariam Divisa, Diatriba, & Plura Monumenta Ad Epistolas Bujus Voluminis Spectantia
310923: William Robert Polhamus - Mountain Scenes from the Bible or "Soul Heights in Scriptural Geography
192505: Joint Committee on Bases of Sound Land Policy - What About the Year 2000
196546: Gianmaria Polidoro - Francis of Assisi: Innovator for a New Society
191818: Alexander Polikoff - Housing the Poor: The Case for Heroism
146631: Daniel A. Poling - The Romance of Jesus
1271270: James K. Polk - Original Presidential Land Grant Dated Dec. 1, 1848
190999: R.K. Polkinghorne and M.I.R. Polkinghorne - People of Long Ago
202851: John Polkinghorne - Quantum Theory: A Very Short Introduction
197350: John Polkinghorne and Nicholas Beale - Questions of Truth: Fifty-One Responses to Questions About God, Science, and Belief
203450: Richard D. Poll - History and Faith: Reflections of a Mormon Historian
93013: Andrew Pollack - Historical Sketches of the C. Pp. S. : Revised Edition
170656: Herman Pollack - Jewish Folkways in Germanic Lands (1648-1806): Studies in Aspects of Daily Life
126556: Rachel Pollack - Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom, a Book of Tarot: Part 1, the Major Arcana
45971: Andrew Pollack, C.PP.S. - Historical Sketches of the C. Pp. S. : Revised Edition
195152: Gustav Pollak - Franz Grillparzer and the Austrian Drama
1260772: Edward A. Pollard - The Romance of the Negro
207131: Rev. John E. Pollard - Exploring Our Catholic Faith: Basic Teachings and Practices
182537: Miriam Pollard - The Laughter of God: At Ease with Prayer
203661: A. F. Pollard - Henry VIII
178755: Justin Pollard - Wonders of the Ancient World: Antiquity's Greatest Feats of Design and Engineering
195888: Asuman Celen Pollard and David Pollard - Teach Yourself Turkish: A Complete Course for Beginners
182099: Stewart M.L. Pollard - Tied to Masonic Apron Strings: Humorous Events Connected with Masonry
182577: John Hungerford Pollen - Saint Ignatius of Loyola: Imitator of Christ, 1494 to 1555
1249214: John Hungerford Pollen - The English Catholics in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth: A Study of Their Politics, CIVIL Life and Government
192448: Robert Pollin - Countour of Descent: U.S. Economic Fractures and the Landscape of Global Austerity
183916: Alyce Pollock and Ruth Goode - Don Gaucho
169149: Katherine Pollock - Sky Ride
183205: Norman Polmar and Thomas B. Allen - The Encyclopedia of Espionage
167478: Norman Polmar, foreword - Soviet Naval Developments: Based on a Report Prepared at the Direction of the Chief of Naval Operations by the Director of Naval Intelligence and Chief of Information, Department of the Navy, Washington, D.C.
177670: Tikhon Polner - Tolstoy and His Wife
177908: Nelson W. Polsby, ed - What If? Explorations in Social Science Fiction
173749: Willow Polson - Pagan Rituals: Scripts and Inspiration for All Occasions
188942: Kenneth Pomeranz and Steven Topik - The World That Trade Created: Society, Culture, and the World Economy, 1400 to the Present
202337: Sarah B. Pomeroy - Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity
64748: Alfonso M. Pompei - La Remissione Dei Peccati
170464: Charles Ponce - The Game of Wizards: Roots of Consciousness & the Esoteric Arts
183424: Lily Pond and Richard Russo, eds - The Book of Eros: Arts and Letters from Yellow Silk
207078: Guillermo Pons - Jesucristo En Los Padres de la Iglesia
184959: Rosa Ponselle and James A. Drake - Ponselle: A Singer's Life
141336: Marie Ponsot - The Bird Catcher
187149: Marie Ponsot, tr - Chinese Fairy Tales
184290: Luis du Pont - Meditations Sur Les Mysteres de la Foy
187683: Maurice Pontet - L'Exegese de S. Augustin, Predicateur
173385: Renatus du Pontet - C. Iuli Caesaris: Commentariorum, Pars Posterior Qua Continentur, Libri III; de Bello CIVILI
198506: John Pontifex and John Newton, eds - Persecuted and Forgotten? a Report on Christians Oppressed for Their Faith: 2011 Edition
198535: Mark Pontifex - Freedom and Providence
199596: Evagrius of Pontus - Talking Back: A Monastic Handbook for Combating Demons
207450: David De Sola Pool, ed - Book of Prayer According to the Custom of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews
73574: James C.T. Pool, ed - Mathematical Aspects of Statistical Mechanics
167489: Ernest Poole - Giants Gone: Men Who Made Chicago
184186: William F. Poole - The Tyler Davidson Fountain Given by Mr. Henry Probasco to the City of Cincinnati
178830: Stanley B.-R. Poole - Royal Mysteries and Pretenders
39911: Little Sisters of the Poor - Ernest Lelievre 1826-1889
205664: Franciscan Sisters of the Poor - Our Response in Love and Joy
148373: Mark L. Poorman, ed - Labors from the Heart: Mission and Ministry in a Catholic University
187547: Rien Poortvliet - He Was One of Us
195616: Gregory K. Popcak, ed - Renewing Catholic Family Life: Experts Explore New Directions in Family Spirituality and Family Ministry
193541: Thomas Canon Pope - The Council of the Vatican, and the Events of the Time
13150: Dudley Pope - Drumbeat
197321: Peter Cardinal Gasparri; Rev. Hugh Pope, tr - The Catholic Catechism Drawn Up by His Eminence Peter Cardinal Gasparri
187967: Rev. Hugh Pope - English Versions of the Bible
178862: Stephen Pope - Dictionary of the Napoleonic Wars
12585: Dudley Pope - Galleon
108532: Dudley Pope - Ramage and the Guillotine
108540: Dudley Pope - Ramage
108541: Dudley Pope - Ramage and the Drumbeat
199398: Pope Paul VI, et al. - Humanae Vitae with Statements from Blessed Paul VI, St. John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI, Pope Francis, and Selections from Human Life in Our Day
172665: Arthur Upham Pope - An Introduction to Persian Art Since the Seventh Century A.D.
1275761: Alphonse Sylvester Popek - The Rights and Obligations of Metropolitans
197314: Popes Leo XIII, Pius X, Benedict XV, and Pius XI - The Pope and the People: Select Letters and Addresses on Social Questions
189861: Richard H. Popkin - The History of Scepticism from Erasmus to Spinoza
198923: Karel R. Popper - The Open Society and Its Enemies, Volume II: The High Tide of Prophecy: Hegel, Marx, and the Aftermath
197466: Eugene Portalie - A Guide to the Thought of Saint Augustine
113431: Edward P. Von der Porten - The German Navy in World War II
198182: Norman W. Porteous - Daniel: A Commentary
198946: Jean Porter - Moral Action and Christian Ethics
164429: Harry Boone Porter, Jr. - Keeping the Church Year
143436: Andrew Porter - Musical Events: A Chronicle: 1980-1983
206099: Stanley E. Porter - Handbook to Exegesis of the New Testament
191109: Darwin Porter and Danforth Prince - Love Triangle: Ronald Reagan, Jane Wyman & Nancy Davis; All the Gossip Unfit to Print
145336: Horace Porter - Our Young Aeroplane Scouts in the Balkans or Wearing the Red Badge of Courage Among the Warring Legions
200069: James I. Porter, ed.; Jane O. Newman, trans - Time, History, and Literature: Selected Essays of Erich Auerbach
188918: Darwin Porter and Danforth Prince - Frommer's Spain 2004 with Majorca & Ibiza
174587: H.H. Porter - A Short Autobiography Written for His Children and Grandchildren
175413: General Horace Porter - Campaigning with Grant
198955: Jean Porter - The Recovery of Virtue: The Relevance of Aquinas for Christian Ethics
205835: Gene Stratton Porter - Freckles
141540: James A. Porter - A Prince of Anahuac: A Histori-Traditional Story Antedating the Aztec Empire
180974: Roy Porter - Gibbon: Making History
1213626: Jonathan Porter - Macau: The Imaginary City
1268040: [Gene Stratton-Porter] - Postcard: Back Wall of Limberlost Cabin, Home of Gene Stratton-Porter
1230749: Porter and Company - Porter's Patent Anchors
103787: Raymond Porter and James Brophy - Modern Irish Literature: Essays in Honor of William York Tindall
203182: A. N. Porter, ed - Atlas of British Overseas Expansion
189076: Miguel Leon-Portilla, ed - Native Mesoamerican Spirituality: Ancient Myths, Discourses, Stories, Doctrines, Hymns, Poems from the Aztec, Yucatec, Quiche-Maya and Other Sacred Traditions
130122: D. Anselmo de la Portilla - Mejico En 1856 Y 1857. Gobierno Del General Comonfort
64617: A. Portmann - Das System Der Theologischen Summe Des Hl. Thomas Von Aquin
188671: Robert A. Portnoy - Leadership: 4 Competencies for Success
173609: M. Aemilio Porto - Dictionarium Ionicum Graeco-Latinum, Quod Indicem in Omnes Herodoti Libros Continet, Cum Verborum Et Locutionum in His Obervatu Dignarum Accurata Descritione, Quae Varias Ionicae Linguae Proprietates, Regulasque Diligentissime Notatas, Et Herodoteis Exemplis Illustratas, Demonstrat
175948: Viktor Poschl - The Art of Vergil: Image and Symbol in the Aeneid
189125: Bernhard Poschmann - Penance and the Anointing of the Sick
310813: S. Posener - Adolphe Cremieux: A Biography
44016: Walter Brownlow Posey - Religious Strife on the Southern Frontier
174737: Walter Brownlow Posey - Frontier Mission: A History of Religion West of the Southern Appalachians to 1861
202954: Gerald Posner - God's Bankers: A History of Money and Power at the Vatican
195415: Gerald Posner - God's Bankers: A History of Money and Power at the Vatican
195390: Victor J. Pospishil - The Law on Persons: Rites - Persons in General - Clergy and Hierarchy - Monks and Religious - Laity
195389: Victor J. Pospishil - The Law on Marriage: Interritual Marriage Law Problems
189730: Victor J. Pospishil - Divorce and Remarriage: Towards a New Catholic Teaching
310462: Stefano Possanzini - Serafina Di Dio: Mistica Carmelitana
176273: C.C. Post - Driven from Sea to Sea; or, Just a Campin'
125865: Waldron Kintzing Post - Harvard Stories: Sketches of the Undergraduate
208045: Stephen G. Post - Inquiries in Bioethics
310077: Don Postema - Space for God: The Study and Practice of Prayer and Spirituality
107492: Raymond Postgate and Aylmer Vallance - England Goes to Press
103976: J.P. Postgate - Lucan: De Bello CIVILI VII
104437: Raymond Postgate - Story of a Year: 1798
183215: N.F. Potapova - Russian: Elementary Course, Book II
183214: Nina Potapova - Russian (Elementary Course), Book II
145694: Jean Potin with Pierre Chavot - La Bible Rendue a L'Histoire
160654: Chaim Potok - Old Men at Midnight
196993: Thomas Pott - Byzantine Liturgical Reform: A Study of Liturgical Change in the Byzantine Tradition
170883: Right Reverend the Bishop of New York [Henry C. Potter] - Addresses to Women Engaged in Church Work
195425: G.R. Potter, ed - The New Cambridge Modern History, Volume I: The Renaissance 1493-1520
205767: Beatrix Potter - Tales of Peter Rabbit and His Friends: 13 Tales by Beatrix Potter with Her Illustrations in Full Color
205722: Beatrix Potter - Tales of Peter Rabbit and His Friends: 13 Tales by Beatrix Potter with Her Illustrations in Full Color
202459: David Potter - Emperors of Rome: The Story of Imperial Rome from Julius Caesar to the Last Emperor
1245665: David S. Potter - Literary Texts and the Roman Historian
160691: Stephen Potter - Steps to Immaturity
190925: Neil Potter and Jack Frost - The Queen Mary
175693: Beatrix Potter - A Treasury of Bunny Stories
187903: Rev. Thomas J. Potter - The Two Victories: A Catholic Tale
200517: Philip J. Potter - The Mighty Warrior Kings: From the Ashes of the Roman Empire to the New Ruling Order
310088: Ignace de la Potterie - Mary in the Mystery of the Covenant
190440: Charles S. Pottie - A More Profound Alleluia! Gelineau and Routley on Music in Christian Worship
184641: Frederick Albert Pottle - The Literary Career of James Boswell, Esq. : Being the Bibliographical Materials for a Life of Boswell
172147: James Boswell; Frederick A. Pottle, ed - Boswell's London Journal 1762-63
200867: James Boswell; Frederick A. Pottle, ed - Boswell's London Journal 1762-1763
166087: Frank E. Potts - The Contented Canary: A Fairy Tale
1247190: Frank E. Potts - Petruck: Prayer to God
198009: William Pouget and Jean Guitton - The Canticle of Canticles
1275907: A. Poulain - The Graces of Interior Prayer (Des Graces D'Oraison): A Treatise on Mystical Theology
185549: Francis Poulenc - Dialogues of the Carmelites
196994: George Poulos - Orthodox Saints: Spiritual Profiles for Modern Man, January 1 to March 31
178488: Terrence Poulos - Extreme War: The Military Book Club's Encyclopedia of the Biggest, Fastest, Bloodiest, & Best in Warfare
166042: Rev. Dr. John A. Poulos - Great Vespers of Saints Peter Paul
186836: Ezra Pound - Selected Poems
310808: J. Presley Pound, ed - Voices of the Age
203934: Ezra Pound and Rudd Fleming - Elektra: A Play
149323: Paul Poupard - What Catholics Believe Today
150646: Paul Poupard - What Catholics Believe Today: An Inspired Summary of Catholic Doctrine and Life Today
310490: Antonio Benlloch Poveda - Codigo de Derecho Canonico: Edicion Bilingue, Fuentes Y Comentarios de Todos Los Canones
191430: Terence V. Powderly - The Path I Trod
207185: John Powell, S.J. - The Christian Vision: The Truth That Sets Us Free
194716: John Powell - The Mystery of the Church
310689: Newman M. Powell - Time Was: A New Chronology
310908: Emma Moody Powell - Heavenly Destiny: The Life Story of Mrs. D.L. Moody
175332: MaLin Wilson-Powell - David Kimball Anderson: Works 1969-2017
206045: Mark Allan Powell - God with Us: A Pastoral Theology of Matthew's Gospel
148103: Susan Powell, ed - The Advent and Nativity Sermons from a Fifteenth-Century Revision of John Mirk's Festial
199827: Karan Hinman Powell and Joseph P. Sinwell, eds - Ninety Days: Resources for Lent Ande Easterime in the Rcia
189872: Robert Powell - The Sophia Teachings: The Emergence of the Divine Feminine in Our Time
1249257: John J. Powell - A Stranger at Your Door
145870: John Powell - Abortion: The Silent Holocaust
310854: John Henderson Powell, Jr. - The Ten Commandments
310852: Warren T. Powell - Recreational Leadership for Church and Community
310840: Marie Cole Powell - Junior Method in the Church School
197289: Mark Allan Powell, ed - The New Testament Today
201279: David N. Power - The Word of the Lord": Liturgy's Use of Scripture
201529: David N. Power - Sacrament: The Language of God's Giving
201558: David N. Power - Unsearchable Riches: The Symbolic Nature of Liturgy
201483: David Noel Power - Love without Calculation: A Reflection on Divine Kenosis
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