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Click on booknumber for full information
%23270601: Castenmiller, Peter G. - De levende werkzaamheid : politieke betrokkenheid van burgers bij het lokaal bestuur.
%23193143: Casteren, M.J.W. van. - Schadevergoeding bij rechtmatig EG-optreden.
%23107705: Casteren, M.J.W. van. - Schadevergoeding bij rechtmatig EG-optreden.
%23238205: Casteren, M.J.W. van. - Schadevergoeding bij rechtmatig EG-optreden.
%2348824: Castermans, A.G. - De mededelingsplicht in de onderhandelingsfase.
%23187647: Castermans-Holleman, Monique C. - Het Nederlands mensenrechtenbeleid in de Verenigde Naties.
%2370927: Castiglioni, Luigi. - Luigi's Castiglioni's Viaggio. Travels in the United States of North America 1785-87. (with Natural History Commentary and Luigi's Castiglioni's Botanical Observations.)
%23252902: Castillion, Joannis Baptistae Ludovici de. - Sacra Belgii chronologia : in duas partes distributa.
%23238005: Castillionei, Johannis. - Oratio in connexionarios
%23244275: Castle, Jennifer - The Methodology and Practice of Econometrics: A Festschrift in Honour of David F. Hendry.
%23235075: Castle, Ian. - Austerlitz 1805 : the fate of empires.
%23229741: Castle, Marjorie & Ray Taras. - Democracy in Poland.
%23286206: Castles, Francis Geoffrey, Franz Lehner & Manfred G. Schmidt (eds.) - Managing Mixed Economies.
%2382909: Castles, Francis Geoffrey & Rudolf Wildenmann (eds.) - Visions and realities of party government.
%23292877: Castles, Stephen; Hein de Haas and Mark J. Miller. - The age of migration : international population movements in the modern world
%23208832: Castles, Francis G. (ed.) - The comparative history of public policy.
%23296728: Castro, Juan E. De. - Bread and beauty : the cultural politics of José Carlos Mariátegui.
%23251933: Castronovo, Russ. - Necro citizenship : death, eroticism, and the public sphere in the nineteenth-century United States.
%23272949: Casu, Giovanni & Giancarlo Laurini. - Codice del notaio : annotato con giurisprudenza di legittimità, studi e circolari. 2a edizione.
%2312281: Catalano, N. ... [et al.] - Droit communautaire et droit national = Community law and national law : semaine de Bruges 1965.
%23231336: Auction catalogue. - Collection Dr. Kurt Zander, geh. Regierungsrat Berlin : art mahométan, tapis persans, faïences et arts textiles de l'Orient, manuscrits persans, sculptures grecques et romaines, terres cuites : la vente ... le 14 mai 1914 ... à Amsterdam ... direction Frederik Muller & Cie.
%23135984: Catano, James V. - Language, history, style : Leo Spitzer and the critical tradition.
%2317093: Cate, C.L. ten. - Tot Glorie der Gerechtigheid : de Geschiedenis van het Brandmerken als Lijfstraf in Nederland.
%2344489: Cate, Mattheus Geerrit ten. - Strafrechtspraak op de Nederlandsche drankwet.
%23210586: Cate, Arthur ten - Waarnemers op heilige grond : Nederlandse officieren bij UNTSO, 1956-2003.
%23294075: Catelani, Giulio. - I Rapporti internazionali in materia penale : Estradizione, rogatorie, effetti delle sentenze penali straniere.
%23135483: Cathcart, Kevin J. & Michael Maher (eds.) - Targumic and Cognate Studies. Essays in Honour of Martin McNamara.
%23256190: Cather, Kirsten. - The art of censorship in postwar Japan.
%23216887: Cathers, David M. - Gustav Stickley.
%23143551: Cathrein, Victor. - Moralphilosophie : eine wissenschaftliche Darlegung der sittlichen, einschiesslich der rechtlichen Ordnung.
%23277332: Cattan, Henry. - Palestine and international law : the legal aspects of the Arab-Israeli conflict.
%23288079: Cattelan, Maurizio. - Maurizio has left the building : retrospective of Maurizio Cattelan's last exhibition at the Guggenheim, New York.
%23295265: [Catullus, Lucrezius, Virgilus, Tibullus, Properzius, Orazius, Ovidius, Aulius Sabinus, Manilius, Fedrius, Persius, Lucanus, Silius Italicus, Papinius Statius, Valerius Flaccus, Juvenalis, Sulpicius, Marzialis, Ausonius, Claudianus, Plautus, Terenzius, Se - Poetae latini veteres ad fidem optimarum editionum expressi. Tome 1-2.
%23294077: Catz, Paul. - Industry in the Netherlands.
%2316175: Catz, E.W. - Bemiddelende rechtstoepassing bij de nakoming van overeenkomsten. Diss.
%23294078: Catz, Paul. - De industrie in Nederland.
%23219813: Caudill, David S. - Disclosing tilt : law, belief and criticism.
%23263665: Caudill, Maureen & Charles Butler. - Naturally Intelligent Systems.
%23200052: Caudri, Johan Ferdinand Maurits. - Over de snelheid der hydrolyse en alcoholyse in mengsels van twee en drie oplosmiddelen.
%23282957: Caudron, Marc (ed.) - Faith and society = Foi et société = Geloof en Maatschappij : Acta Congressus Internationalis Theologici Lovaniensis 1976.
%23273161: Caufield, Catherine. - Multiple Exposures: Chronicles of the Radiation Age
%23282734: Caute, David - The Fellow-Travellers : intellectual friends of communism.
%23282735: Caute, David - The Fellow-Travellers : intellectual friends of communism.
%23278328: Cauter, Lieven De. - Metamoderniteit voor beginners : filosofische memo's voor het nieuwe millennium.
%2360757: Cavallini, Emilio. - Emilio Cavallini : Hosiery and Art.
%23254480: Cavalloro, Raffaele (ed.) - Influence of environmental factors on the control of grape pests, diseases and weeds : proceedings of a meeting of the EC Experts' Group, Thessaloniki, 6-8 October 1987.
%23237435: Cavelaars, Adriana Elisabeth Johanna Maria. - Cross-national comparisons of socio-economic differences in health indicators = Internationale vergelijkingen van sociaal-economische verschillen in gezondheidsindicatoren.
%23278103: Cavelier, Ru le & George Kettmann - De vlam der steden.
%23276437: Caves, Richard E. - Multinational enterprise and economic analysis.
%23146294: Caws, Mary Ann. - The Surrealist Look : an Erotics of Encounter.
%23176307: Caws, Peter. - Yorick's world : science and the knowing subject.
%23140747: Cawthorne, Nigel - The Art of the Aztecs.
%23274682: Cawthra, Gavin. - African security governance : emerging issues.
%23176626: Cazacu, C. Andreian - Complex analysis : fifth Romanian-Finnish seminar : proceedings of the seminar held in Bucharest , June 28 - July 3, 1981.
%2383476: Cazaux, Yves - De geboorte van een natie : de Nederlanden in de 16de en 17de eeuw.
%23251957: Cazdyn, Eric M. - The flash of capital : film and geopolitics in Japan.
%2358292: Cazelles, Brigitte. - The lady as saint : a collection of French hagiographic romances of the thirteenth century.
%23228812: Wetenschappelijk Instituut voor het CDA. - Gaven in overvloed : Europees cultuurbeleid in christen-democratisch perspectief.
%23283579: Fédération hypothécaire auprès de la CE. - Le Crédit hypothécaire dans la Communauté européenne.
%23185236: Ceaser, James W. - Liberal democracy and political science.
%23296656: Ceawford, Grey. - Grey Crawford : El Mirage.
%23292348: Cecco, Marcello De & Alberto Giovannini (eds.) - A European Central Bank? : perspectives on monetary unification after ten years of the EMS.
%2347494: Ceci, Stephen - On Intelligence . . . More or Less: A Biological Treatise on Intellectual Development, Expanded Edition.
%23293092: Cecil, Henry. - Trial of Walter Graham Rowland.
%23232537: Cede, Franz & Lilly Sucharipa-Behrmann (eds.) - The United Nations : law and practice.
%2394316: Celada, Diego de. - Judith illustris perpetuo commentario litterali et morali. Cum tractatu appendice de Judith figurata, in quo Virginis Deiparae laudes in Juditha adumbratae praedicantur ... Editio ultima a mendis expurgata.
%23221808: Celant, Germano (ed.), Oldenburg, Claes & Coosje van Bruggen. - Claes Oldenburg, Coosje van Bruggen.
%2319502: Çelik, Nuri. - Die Schadenstragung der Reeder beim Zusammenstoss von Schiffen durch gemeinsames Verschulden der Besatzungen im deutschen und türkischen Recht historisch entwickelt.
%23238678: Céline, Louis-Ferdinand. - London Bridge : Guignol's Band II.
%23238338: Cellier, André. - La viticulture française et les projets d'office national du vin.
%2369283: Censer, Jack R. - On the Trail of the D.C. Sniper: Fear and the Media.
%23283783: Centelles, Augustí. - Agustí Centelles : 1909-1985, fotoperiodista.
%23247748: Cento Bull, Anna & Paul Corner. - From peasant to entrepreneur : the survival of the family economy in Italy.
%2334440: Centore, F.F. - Robert Hooke's contributions to mechanics : a study in seventeenth century natural philosophy.
%23287144: Office central [des transports internationaux par chemins de fer]. - Convention internationale du 14 octobre 1890 sur le transport de marchandises par chemins de fer, avec les modifications apportées par l'Arrangement additionnel du 16 juillet 1895 et par les Conventions additionnelles des 16 juin 1898 et 19 septembre 1906 et déclaration additionnelle du 20 septembre 1893 conclues entre l'Allemagne, l'Autriche et la Hongrie, la Belgique, le Danemark, la France, l'Italie, le Luxembourg, les Pays-Bas, la Roumanie, la Russie, la Suède et la Suisse : texte en vigueur à dater du 22 décembre 1908 ... = Internationales übereinkommen über den Eisenbahn-Frachtverkerhr vom 14. Oktober 1890, mit den Aenderungen und Ergänzungen in der Zusatzvereinbarung vom 16. juli 1895 und in den Zusatzübereinkommen vom 16. Juni 1898 und vom 19. September 1906 und Zusatzerklärung vom 20. September 1893 vereinbart zwischen Belgien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Luxemburg, den Niederlanden, Oesterreich und Hungarn, Rumänien, Russland, Schweden und der Schweiz : vom 22. Dezember 1908 an gültiger Text ... Gedrukt boek Taal: Meerdere talen Uitgever: Berne : Office central [des transports internationaux par chemins de fer], [1908]
%23258226: Statistiska Centralbyrå . - Minnesskrift med anledning av den Svenska befolkningsstatistikens 200-åriga bestånd [= Mémoir à l'occasion du deuxième centenaire de la statistique démographique suédoise].
%2314260: Cairo Demographic Centre - Urbanization and migration in some Arab and African countries.
%23282741: Centre International d'Études sur le Fascisme [Cinef], Lausanne. - Centre International d'Études sur le Fascisme. Annuaire 1929 : deuxième Année.
%23280920: Centre, South Asia Human Rights Documentation. - Human Rights And Humanitarian Law.
%23113007: Cairo Demographic Centre - Demographic aspects of manpower in Arab countries.
%23256861: Centre de Droit de la Consommation, Louvain-la-Neuve. - The consumer and new information technology : Brussels, 30 and 31 March 1981.
%23280801: Centrum voor Economisch en Sociaal-Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek in Suriname, CESWO. - Algemene referenties voor de discussie over de structurele aanpassing van de economie van Suriname.
%23227348: Cerrutti, F.F.X. - Hoofdstukken uit de Nederlandse rechtsgeschiedenis : samenvatting en teksten van zes colleges over bijzondere onderwerpen.
%2349237: Cerrutti, F.F.X. & F.A. Brekelmans. - (ed.). Middeleeuwse rechtsbronnen van stad en heerlijkheid Breda. Deel I: Inleiding - rechtsbronnen tot 1405; Deel II: Rechtsbronnen 1405-1477; Deel III: Rechtsbronnen 1477-1504. Supplement op delen I en II. Indices.
%2330290: Cerrutti, F.F.X. - Middeleeuwse rechtsbronnen van stad en heerlijkheid Breda. Deel II: Rechtsbronnen 1405 tot 1477.
%23280534: Ceruzzi, Paul E. - A history of modern computing.
%23279595: Cervenka, Zdenek. - The Organisation of African Unity and its Charter.
%2394784: Césari, Paul. - Les déterministes et les êtres.
%2333969: Ceterchi, I. (a.o.). - Law and population growth in Romania.
%23275947: Cézanne, Paul; Pavel Machotka. - Cézanne : la sensation à l'oeuvre = the eye and the mind : Reproductions
%23284278: Cézanne, Paul; Pavel Machotka. - Cézanne : la sensation à l'oeuvre = the eye and the mind : Reproductions
%23278688: Cézanne, Paul; - Cézanne and the past : tradition and creativity.
%23119021: CGB (Commissie Gelijke Behandeling). - Gelijke behandeling: oordelen en commentaar 1999.
%23235185: Cha, Jina. - Sozialstaatliche Gebote und Besteuerung : Verwirklichung der sozialstaatlichen Gebote durch den Steuergesetzgeber in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in der Republik Korea.
%23287942: Chabanol, Daniel. - Code de justice administrative. 2me édition.
%23283506: Chabot, Hendrik Theodorus. - The role of law in changing society = [Peran hukum dalam mengubah masyarakat]
%2335716: Chabot, C. Barry. - Freud on Schreber : psychoanalytic theory and the critical act.
%23287297: Chabot, Jarl; J.W. Harnmeijer; Pieter H Streefland - African primary health care : in times of economic turbulence.
%23277299: Chadwick, Elizabeth. - Self-determination, terrorism and the international humanitarian law of armed conflict.
%23287492: Chagall, Marc. - Marc Chagall : der wache Träumer.
%23189045: Chagall, Marc. - Marc Chagall : werk van latere jaren = L'oeuvre des dernières années.
%23137964: Chai, Leon. - Aestheticism : the religion of art in post-romantic literature.
%23290445: Chaiken, Jan M. & Marcia R. Chaiken. - Varieties of criminal behavior : summary and policy implications.
%2379688: Chailley, Marcel ... [et al.] - Notes et études sur l'Islam en Afrique Noire.
%23289812: Chainais, Cécile; Frédérique Ferrand & Serge Guinchard. - Procédure civile : droit interne et européen du procès civil. 33e édition, 2016.
%23105730: Chajes, Saul. - Thesaurus pseudonymorum... : Pseudonymen-Lexikon der hebräischen und jiddischen Literatur.
%23160239: Chakovsky, Serge & M. Thomas Inge (ed.). - Russian eyes on American literature.
%23168691: CHALIAND, GÉRARD AND RAGENAU, JEAN-PIERRE. - Atlas strategique. Géopolitique des rapports de forces dans le monde. Cartographie: Catherine Petit.
%23171815: Chalklin, Christopher. - English counties and public building 1650-1830.
%2341676: Challis, David - Case Management in Community Care.
%23217974: Challoner, Jack. - The science of -- aliens.
%23290228: Chalmers, Damian ... [et al.] - European Union law : text and materials.
%23290229: Chalmers, Damian & Giorgio Monti. - European Union law : text and materials : updating supplement.
%23200102: Chamalaun, François Jean. - Intensiteitsverhouding van 2p-1S tot 2p2-1s in het boogspectrum der aardkaliën.
%23225830: Chamalaun, M., & H,T, Waterbolk. - Voltooid verleden tijd ? : een hedendaagse kijk op de prehistorie.
%23110634: Chamberet - Enquête sur la condition du Fellah Egyptien au triple point de vue.
%23296587: Chamberlain, Houston S. - Mensch und Gott : Betrachtungen über Religion und Christentum.
%23217144: Chamberlain, Andrew & Michael Parker Pearson - Earthly remains : the history and science of preserved human bodies.
%23283132: Chamberlain, Samuel (ed.) - Rockefeller Center : a photographic narrative.
%2387126: Chamberlin, John. - Medieval arts doctrines on ambiguity and their place in Langland's poetics.
%23135974: Chamberlin, John. - Medieval arts doctrines on ambiguity and their place in Langland's poetics.
%23267272: Chambers, Nicholas. - Warhol in China.
%233810: Chambers, Samuel A. - The Lessons of Rancière.
%23160988: Chambers, Robert G. & John Quiggin. - Uncertainty, production, choice, and agency : the state-contingent approach.
%23110688: Chambliss, J.J. - Educational theory as theory of conduct. From Aristotle to Dewey.
%23254513: Chambon, Pierre. - Le juge d'instruction : théorie et pratique de la procédure. 4e édition.
%23291351: [ESPERANTO] - Chamisso, Adelbert von. - [Adelberto de Chamisso]. La mirinda historio de Petro Schlemihl. [ESPERANTO].
%23101191: Chamisso, A. VON. - Über die hawaiische Sprache,
%23296344: Chammah, Maurice. - Let the Lord sort them : the rise and fall of the death penalty.
%2375522: Champine, George A. - Computer technology impact on management.
%23229461: Champion, Daryl. - The paradoxal kingdom : Saudi Arabia and the momentum of reform.
%23129638: Champion, Daryl. - The paradoxical kingdom : Saudi Arabia and the momentum of reform.
%23149439: Champion, Dean J. - Probation, parole and community corrections. 2nd edition.
%2379159: Champlin, Peggy. - Raphael Pumpelly : Gentleman geologist of the Gilded Age.
%23296689: Chan, Dany. - Flower power : the meaning of flowers in Asian art.
%23141888: Chan, Ming K. & David J. Clark (eds.) - The Hong Kong Basic law. Blueprint for Stability and Prospertity under Chinese sovereignty?
%2310026: CHANAN, Noel - William, Earl of Craven: and the art of photography.
%23156361: Chancer, Lynn S. - High-profile crimes : when legal cases become social causes.
%23178758: Chancey, C.C. & M.C.M. O'Brien. - The Jahn-Teller effect in C60 and other icosahedral complexes.
%23244659: Chandler, Stuart. - Establishing a Pure Land on Earth: The Foguang Buddhist perspective on modernization and globalization
%23194150: Chandler, Susan M. - Backstage in a bureaucracy : politics and public service.
%23125009: Chandler, Andrew (ed.) - The Moral Imperative. New Essays on the Ethics of Resistance in National Socialist Germany, 1933-1945.
%23227973: Chandler, David P. - In Search of Southeast Asia: A Modern History (Revised).
%23277243: Chaney, Sandra. - Nature of the miracle years : conservation in West Germany, 1945-1975.
%23295540: Chang, Jung & Jon Halliday. - Mao : de biografie van de man die het leven van miljoenen chinezen bepaalde.
%23120263: Chang, K.W. & Howes, F.A. - Nonlinear Singular Perturbation Phenomena: Theory and Application. Serie: Applied Mathematical Sciences, deel 56.
%23290352: Changching, Cao & James D. Seymour (eds.) - Tibet through Chinese dissident eyes : essays on self-determinaton.
%23219178: Chen Changfen. - The Great Wall of China : photographs by Chen Changfen.
%23286921: Chao-Duivis, M.A.B. & J.W.F. Wamelink. - Juridische aspecten van ketensamenwerking : naar een multidisciplinaire benadering.
%23297162: Chao-Duivis, M.A.B. - Dwaling bij de totstandkoming van de overeenkomst : een onderzoek naar de eigenlijke en oneigenlijke dwaling.
%23148191: Chao-Duivis, M.A.B. - Dwaling bij de totstandkoming van de overeenkomst : een onderzoek naar de eigenlijke en oneigenlijke dwaling.
%23265847: Chaplin, Jonathan P. - Dooyeweerd's theory of public justice : a critical exposition.
%23285174: Chapman, H. Perry ... [et al.]. - Jan Steen, schilder en verteller.
%2335776: Chapman, H. Perry, Wouter Th. Kloek & Arthur K. Wheelock - Jan Steen : schilder en verteller.
%23257870: Chapman, Jane Roberts & Margaret Gates (eds.) - The victimization of women.
%2351411: Chapman, John W. & William A. Galston (eds.) - Virtue.
%237415: Chapman, Dennis. - Sociology and the stereotype of the criminal.
%23181530: Chapman, J.E. - The cocoa, chocolate and confectionery alliance 1951-1981 : an
%23190284: Chapman, Brian. - The profession of government : the public service in Europe.
%23275311: Chapman, H. Perry ... [et al.]. - Jan Steen, schilder en verteller.
%23280469: Chapman, Chris & Toole, Nikki. - Nikki Toole : Skater.
%2341172: CHAPPEY, J. - La révolution économique du XXe siècle. tome 1 : La naissance de la cité nouvelle.
%2395080: CHAPPLE, J.A.V. - Documentary and imaginative literature, 1880-1920.
%23278780: Chappuis, H.Th. - Napoleon.
%23287940: Chapus, René. - Droit du contentieux administratif.
%23287094: Chapus, René. - Droit administratif général. Tome 1-2. 14e édition.
%23292375: Charbit, Denis (ed.). - Sionismes : Textes fondamentaux.
%2330005: Charcot, J.M. - Leçons sur les maladies du système nerveux. Tome I-III. [Oeuvres complètes de J.-M. Charcot, 1-3).
%2333897: Charcot, J.M. - Lectures on the diseases of the nervous system. 4 Vols.
%23253907: Chardin, John. - Sir John Chardin's travels in Persia.
%23173930: Chardot, Marc. - La collaboration financière des administrations publiques et des entreprises privées.
%23291922: Chargaff, Erwin. - Warnungstafeln : die Vergangenheit spricht zur Gegenwart.
%23295269: Charitakis, Stelios. - Acces denied : the role of the European Union in ensuring accessibility under the United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
%23180762: Charité, J. (ed.) - Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland. Deel 1.
%23180765: Charité, J. (ed.) - Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland. Deel 3.
%23180766: Charité, J. & A.J.C.M. Gabriëls (eds.) - Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland. Deel 4.
%23180760: Charité, J. & A.J.C.M. Gabriëls (eds.) - Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland Deel 1-6.
%23180764: Charité, J. (ed.) - Biografisch Woordenboek van Nederland. Deel 2.
%23291052: Charles, Victoria. - Factories.
%2334175: Charlesworth, J. - The principles of mercantile law.
%23290161: Charlot, Jean. - The Gaullist phenomenon : the Gaullist Movement in the Fifth Republic.
%2331416: Charm, Stanley E. - The Fundamentals of Food Engineering.
%23270982: Charm, Stanley E. - The Fundamentals of Food Engineering. 2nd edition.
%23218304: Charman, Sarah & Keith Williams. - The parliamentarians' role in the Alliance : the North Atlantic Assembly, 1955-1980.
%23101194: Charmoy, F.B. (ed/tr) - Expédition de Timour-i-Lenk [Tamerlan, 1336-1405] contre Toqtamiche...
%23108343: Charnes, A. & W.R. Lynn (eds.) - Mathematical analysis of decision problems in ecology : proceedings of the NATO Conference held in Istanbul, Turkey, July 9-13, 1973.
%2380730: Charney, Jonathan I. & Lewis M. Alexander (eds.) - International maritime boundaries. Volume I-II.
%23225165: Charns, Alexander. - Cloak and gavel : FBI wiretaps, bugs, informers, and the Supreme Court.
%23291626: Charrière, Isabelle de [Belle van Zuylen]. - Isabelle de Charrière, une aristocrate révolutionnaire : écrits, 1788-1794.
%23285253: Charrière, Isabelle de [Belle van Zuylen]. - Oeuvres complètes. [Tome] II : Correspondance : 1767-1786.
%233433: Charrière, Isabelle de [Belle van Zuylen]. - There are no letters like yours: the correspondence of Isabelle de Charriere and Constant d'Hermenches.
%23285257: Charrière, Isabelle de [Belle van Zuylen]. - Oeuvres complètes. [Tome] VI : Correspondance : 1800-1805 : glossaire / index des tomes I-VI.
%23285254: Charrière, Isabelle de [Belle van Zuylen]. - Oeuvres complètes. [Tome] III : Correspondance : 1787-mars 1793.
%23285251: Charrière, Isabelle de [Belle van Zuylen]. - Oeuvres complètes. [Tome] I : Correspondance : 1753-1766.
%23287405: Charrière, Isabelle de [Belle van Zuylen]. - Oeuvres complètes. [Tome] VII : Theatre : 1764-1801.
%23256419: Chartier, Gary. - Economic justice and natural law.
%23256453: Charvet, John & Elisa Kaczynska-Nay (eds.) - The liberal project and human rights : the theory and practice of a new world order.
%23233696: Chase, John. - LA 2000 + : new architecture in Los Angeles.
%23209028: Chase, John. - Glitter stucco & dumpster diving : reflections on building production in the vernacular city.
%23296579: Chasles, Philarète. - Etudes sur l'Allemagne : ancienne et moderne
%23244968: Chateau, Henri. - Le Syndicalisme des Techniciens en France.
%23296377: Châtillon, Jean; P. Colin, D. Dubarle, H. Faes, J. Greisch, P.J. Labarrière, B. Quelquejeu. - Le pouvoir.
%23255419: Chatterjee, Charles. - International law and diplomacy.
%2332574: Chatterjee, S.K. - Legal Aspects of International Drug Control.
%23226947: Chatterton, Mark. - U2 : the ultimate encyclopedia.
%2375690: Chattopadhyaya, D.P. - Anthropology and Historiography of Science.
%23190000: Chatty, Dawn & Annika Rabo (eds.) - Organizing women : formal and informal women's groups in the Middle East.
%23288363: Chaudhary, Kaiser. - Pakistani marriages and the private international laws of Germany and England : a legal comparison of the private international law approaches of Germany and England concerning the assessment of the validity of marriages celebrated in Pakistan.
%23294964: Chauhan, Surender Singh. - Biodiversity, biopiracy, and biopolitics : the global perspective.
%23124942: Chaume, Maurice. - Les origines du Duché de Bourgogne.
%23181754: Chaumeil de Stella, Jean-Marie, Santeül, Auguste de - Essai sur l'histoire du Portugal depuis la fondation de la monarchie jusqu'à la mort de D. Pèdre IV (1080-1834).
%23149233: Chauncey, Helen R. - Schoolhouse Politicians : locality and state during the Chinese Republic.
%23189355: Chauveau, Adolphe & Faustin Hélie. - Théorie du code pénal. 2me édition Belge augmentée.
%23242732: Chauveau, Michel. - Cleopatra : beyond the myth.
%237222: Chauveau, Adolphe & Faustin Hélie. - Théorie du Code Pénal. Édition augmentée. 4 Vols.
%2380662: Chavez, Daniel (Editor) - The New Latin American Left: Utopia Reborn.
%23187675: Chaytor, Beatrice & Kevin R. Gray (eds.) - International Environmental Law and Policy in Africa.
%23196064: Cheah, Pheng & Suzanne Guerlac (eds.) - Derrida and the time of the political.
%23282736: Cheah, Pheng. - Inhuman conditions : on cosmopolitanism and human rights.
%23288685: Chebel, Malek. - Dictionnaire des symboles musulmans : rites, mystique et civilisation.
%23249379: Cheek, Timothy. - Living with reform : China since 1989.
%23101196: Cheikho, Louis (ed.) - La version arabe de Kalîlah et Dimnah : ou les fables de Bidpai.
%23296199: Chélin, Henri. - Friedrich Schlegels Europa.
%23296354: Chemerinsky, Erwin & Gillman, Howard. - Free speech on campus.
%23254274: Chemiakin, Mihail. - The magic nut : a prologue to The nutcracker.
%23197079: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. - The chemistry of natural products.
%23197081: International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. - The chemistry of natural products 2.
%23283904: Chen, Shumin. - Floc size and aspects of flocculation processes of suspended particulate matter in the North Sea area.
%23194711: Chen, Min. - Asian management systems : Chinese, Japanese, and Korean styles of business.
%234736: Chen, Henry T. - Taiwanese distant-water fisheries in Southeast Asia, 1936-1977.
%2341149: Chen, Lung-Chu. - An introduction to contemporary international law: a policy-oriented perspective.
%23295785: Chen, Huizhen. - Towards a market-based climate regime in China?: A legal perspective on the design and implementation of greenhouse gas emissions trading.
%23110322: Yung Ping Chen. - Chinese political thought. Mao Tse-Tung and Liu Shao-chi.
%23178898: Chen, Lung-Chu. - An introduction to contemporary international law: a policy-oriented perspective.
%23149288: Chen, Yongping. - Labour flexibility in China's companies : an empirical study.
%23156126: Chen, Bo. - Worst-case performance of scheduling heuristics.
%23197085: Chen, K.K. and B. Mukerji. - Pharmacology of oriental plants.
%23293140: Cheng, Eugenia. - The art of logic in an illogical world.
%23212514: Chenieux-Gendron, Jacqueline. - Surrealism.
%23277907: Chénon, Émile. - Histoire générale du droit Français public et privé des origines à 1815. Tome premier : Période Gallo-romaine; Période Franke; Période féodale et coutumière (Sources du droit, droit public). Tome deuxième, premier fascicule : Période féodale et coutumière (du Xe aux XIVe siècle); Période monarchique.
%23280137: Chénon, Émile. - Histoire générale du droit Français public et privé des origines à 1815. Tome premier : Période Gallo-romaine; Période Franke; Période féodale et coutumière (Sources du droit, droit public).
%23275974: Cheong, Yong Mun. - H.J. van Mook and Indonesian independence: a study of his role in Dutch-Indonesian relations, 1945-48. Thesis.
%238592: Cheong, Yong Mun. - H.J. van Mook and Indonesian independence: a study of his role in Dutch-Indonesian relations, 1945-48.
%23282144: Cherbuliez, Antoine-Elisée & Hoffmann, E.A. - Geschichte der Musikpädagogik in der Schweiz.
%23224598: Cherednychenko, Olha O. (ed.) - Publiek/privaat: vervlechten of ontvlechten? : handelingen van het oprichtingscongres van het Netherlands Institute for Law and Governance 2009.
%23269323: Cherednychenko, O.O. ... [et al.] (eds.) - Het publieke van het privaatrecht : hoe regulering van publieke belangen het privaatrecht beïnvloedt : NILG Congresbundel 2010.
%23125593: Cherf, W.J. (ed.) - Alpha to Omega : studies in honour of George John Szemler on his 65th birthday.
%23284506: Cherix., Christophe & Manuel Borja-Villel. - Marcel Broodthaers : eine Retrospektive.
%2326348: Cherkasova, M.P. - Collected problems on numerical methods. An educational ais for students in universities and technical colleges. Transl. from the Russian by G.L. Thomas and R.S. Anderssen.
%23119783: Chern, S.S. (ed.) - Seminar on Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations. (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications 2.)
%2397457: Cherns, A.B.; R. Sinclair, W.I. Jenkins. - Social science and government : policies and problems.
%2347639: Cherry, Edited By Lewis - Picasso, Graphic Magician, Prints from the Norton Simon Museum.
%235186: Cherry, Colin (ed.) - Pragmatic aspects of human communication.
%23280677: Cheru, Fantu. - The millennium development goals : raising the resources to tackle world poverty.
%23253656: Cheshin, Amer., Bill Hutman & Avi Melamed. - Separate and unequal : the inside story of Israeli rule in East Jerusalem.
%23286278: Chessex, Luc. - Castro, Coca, Che, Chessex : photographies = photographs : Collection Musée de l'Elysée Lausanne : Collection Fondation A Stichting Bruxelles.
%23129044: Chessman, H.S. - The public is invited to dance. Representation, the Body, and Dialogue in Gertrude Stein.
%23121649: Chester, D.N. & Willson, F.M.G. - The Organization of British Central Government 1914-1956.
%2318870: Cheuk, Terry H.F. - Exotic options.
%23283346: Chevalier, Alice. - Rulhière, Jean-Jacques Rousseau et la Comédie de Caractère de 1770 à 1778 : d'après des documents inédits.
%23288542: Chevalier, Tracy. - Girl with a pearl earring : a novel.
%23204326: Chevalley, Heinrich. - Hundert Jahre Hamburger Stadt-Theater.
%2387940: Chevallier, P. (red.). - La scolarisation en France depuis un siècle. Colloque tenu à Grenoble en mai 1968.
%23263975: Chew, Rosalind ... [et al.] - Human Capital Formation as an Engine of Growth: Development Strategies in Asia.
%23101198: CHEYNE, T. K. - Critica Biblica, or critical, linguistic, literary and historical notes on the text of the Old Testament writings...
%23149413: Chhina, Ramandeep Kaur. - Standby letters of credit in international trade.
%2341382: Chiapponi, Pietro. - Studi sull'idroterapia : opera onorato del premio di Instituzione del dottore dell'Aqua di Milano e della medaglia d'incoraggiamento dell'Academia di Bologna.
%23156527: Chiba, Masaji (ed.) - Asian indigenous law : In interaction with received law.
%23243302: The renaissance society at the university of Chicago. - The Body.
%23178298: Chicherin, Boris Nikolaevich - Liberty, equality, and the market : essays.
%23279230: Chicoteau, Christine. - Chère Rose : a biography of Rosalie de Constant (1758-1834).
%23285858: Chiesa, Lorenzo. - Subjectivity and Otherness: A Philosophical Reading of Lacan.
%23243869: Chihara, Charles S. - A structural account of mathematics.
%23215159: Bellamy & Child. - Common market law of competition. 4th edition.
%23244403: Bellamy & Child. - Materials on European Community law of competition. 2008 edition.
%23129241: Bellamy & Child. - Bellamy & Child common market law of competition. 4th edition.
%23240420: Bellamy & Child. - Materials on European Community law of competition. 2013 edition.
%23246447: Childers, Joseph W. & Gary Hentzi (eds.) - The Columbia dictionary of modern literary and cultural criticism.
%23205518: Government of Chile. - Relaciones chileno-argentinas : la controversia del Canal Beagle. Algunosdocumentos informativos = Chilean-Argentine relations : the Beagle Channel controversy. Some background papers.
%23165450: Chin-A-Fat, Brigitte & Majone Steketee. - Bemiddeling in uitvoering : evaluatie experimenten scheidings- en omgangsbemiddeling.
%23285846: Chin, Annping. - Confucius: A Life of Thought and Politics.
%23283797: {China]. - Directory of Chinese Communist Officials : biographic reference aid. Volume I.
%23258508: Chinard, Gilbert (ed.) - Code de la Nature; ou, le véritable esprit de ses lois (1755).
%2358278: Chirot, D. (ed.). - The crisis of Leninism and the decline of the Left.
%23110760: Chisholm, Roderick M. - Brentano and Meinong Studies.
%23278781: Chitham, Anne. - A life of Anne Brontë.
%23295668: Chiti, Edoardo & Giulio Vesperini (eds.) - The administrative architecture of financial integration : institutional design, legal issues, perspectives.
%23190512: Chittick, Neville. - Manda : excavations at an island port on the Kenya coast.
%23269502: Chittolini, Giorgio & Dietmar Willoweit (eds.) - Hochmittelalterliche Territorialstrukturen in Deutschland und Italien.
%23278793: Chledowski, Casimir von. - Neapolitanische Kulturbilder : XIV-XVIII Jahrhundert.
%23118038: Chloros, A.G. (ed.) - The reform of family law in Europe : (the equality of the spouses - divorce - illegitimate children) : a seminar of the University institute of Luxembourg.
%23256865: Chloros, A.G. (ed.) - The reform of family law in Europe : (the equality of the spouses - divorce - illegitimate children) : a seminar of the University institute of Luxembourg.
%23235388: Cho, Euiyon. - Some interactions of grammar and pragmatics in Korean.
%23235451: Cho, Euiyon. - A study of Korean pragmatics : deixis and politeness.
%23213991: Chocarne, B. - Le R.P. H.-D. Lacordaire de l'ordre des frères prêcheurs, sa vie intime et religieuse. Deuxième édition, corrigée et augmentée. (2 volumes).
%23195687: Office international du cacao et du chocolat. - Congrès international des fabricants de chocolat et de cacao : Lausanne 1950. Volume préparatoire & Compte rendu officiel.
%23195689: Office international du cacao et du chocolat. - Congrès international des fabricants de chocolat et de cacao : Anvers 1930 (du 8 au 11 septembre). Volume préparatoire & Compte rendu officiel.
%23195712: Office international du cacao et du chocolat. - Assemblée générale des membres de l'office : (Associations nationales et membres individuels) : Amsterdam, les 18, 19 et 20 avril 1955 : Compte rendu officiel.
%2342468: Choisy, Abbe De - The Transvestite Memoirs of the Abbe de Choisy.
%23175806: Chojnacki, Stanley. - Women and men in Renaissance Venice : twelve essays on patrician society.
%23173641: Cholakian, Patricia Francis. - Rape and writing in the Heptaméron of Marguerite de Navarre.
%23215615: Chomsky, Noam. - For reasons of state.
%23234598: Chomsky, Noam. - Radical priorities. Expanded 3rd edition.
%2377611: Chomsky, Noam. - Rules and representations.
%23277728: Chomsky, Noam. - Language and problems of knowledge : the Managua Lectures.
%23223223: Chomsky, Noam. - Rules and representations.
%23262518: Chomsky, Noam. - Some concepts of consequences of the theory of government and binding.
%23205028: Chomsky, Noam. - At war with Asia.
%23296286: Chomsky, Noam. - Chronicles of dissent : interviews with David Barsamian, 1984-1996.
%23296287: Chomsky, Noam. - Culture of terrorism.
%23230610: Chong-hak, Yi. - A collection of the historiography: the forced occupation of Korea by Japan in 1910 = 1910 nyon Hanguk kang-jom charyo-jip.
%23276406: Chong, Kim-chong. - Early confucian ethics : concepts and arguments.
%23251123: Chong, Elizabeth. - The Heritage of Chinese Cooking.
%23119777: Chorin, A.J. & Majda, A.J. (eds.) - Wave Motion: Theory, Modelling, and Computation. Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Peter D. Lax. ( Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Publications 7.)
%2384002: Choufour, H.G. - Prolegomena voor een alternatieve wijsgerige anthropologie.
%2343512: Chow, Ju-Chin - Verlobung und Eheschliessung in China: Das Eherecht im IV. Buch des Nankinger BGB «Familienrecht» vom 26.12.1930 (in der Fassung vom 3.6.1985) und das Pekinger Ehegesetz vom 10.9.1980.
%23285845: Chowers, Eyal. - The Modern Self in the Labyrinth: Politics and the Entrapment Imagination.
%23296731: Chretien, Todd (ed.). - Eyewitnesses to the Russian Revolution.
%23294234: Christen, Markus; Carel van Schaik, Johannes Fischer, Markus Huppenbauer & Carmen Tanner. - Empirically informed ethics : morality between facts and norms.
%2398770: Christiaanse, J.H. - De inkomstenbelastingvrijstelling voor de internationale ambtenaren.
%23156128: Christiaanse, Ellen. - Strategic advantage and the exploitability of information technology. An empirical study of the effects of IT on supplier-distributor relationships in the US airline industry.
%23289143: Christiaens, Jenneke. - De geboorte van de jeugddelinquent : België, 1830-1930 .
%23284304: Christiansen, Olaf. - Gerechtigkeitsethos und rhetorische Kunst in Grillparzers : ein Brudertwist in Habsburg.
%23153470: Christianson, Gale E. - Edwin Hubble : Mariner of the Nebulae.
%23283939: Christie, Agatha. - They do it with mirrors.
%23291274: Christie, Manson & Woods. - [The Lyne Stephens Collection : illustrated catalogue]. Catalogue of the celebrated collection of pictures, porcelain, objects of art and decorative furniture of Mrs. Lyne-Stephens, deceased : removed from Lynford Hall, Norfolk, Upper Grove House, Rochampton, and from Paris.
%2373373: Christie, Bruce (ed.) - Human factors of the user-system interface : a report on an ESPRIT preparatory study.
%23283940: Christie, Agatha. - Third Girl.
%23285673: Christie, Agatha. - A Pocket Full of Rye
%2385140: Christine, de Pisan - Christine de Pizan, Le Livre du duc de vrais amans.
%23197755: Christmann, Alfred & Gerhard Leminsky. - Wirtschaftliche Mitbestimmung im Meinungsstreit.
%23195177: Christopoulos, N. - De advocateneed : een onderzoek naar het gebruik van de eed in het heden en verleden.
%23295772: Christou, Theodora A. - European cross border : A case study of the EAW.
%2359434: Christyn, Jean Baptiste. - Jvrisprvdentia heroica sive de jure Belgarum circa nobilitatem et insignia : demonstrato in commentariis ad edictum serenissimorum Belgii principum Alberti et Isabellae emulgatum 14. Decembris 1616 : liber prodromus.
%23266742: Christyn, Jean-Baptiste. - Brabandts recht dat is Generale costumen vanden lande ende hertoghdomme van Brabandt midtsgaders van het hertoghdom van Limborgh, stede ende lande van Mechelen [...].
%23190943: Chrysologus, Petrus. - Divi Petri Chrysologi forocorneliensis ravennatum Archiepiscopi Homiliae Sacrae, sive aurei Sermones nunc primum maxima ex parte illustrati, expurgati...recogniti, emendati...aucti, scholiis...elucidati...ac ipsius D. Chrysologi Vita locupletati, opera, et studio Dominici Mitae.
%2379717: Chrysostomus, Joannes [Joannis Chrysostomi]. - [Sancti Joannis Chrysostomi, archiepiscopi Constantinopolitani]. Opera Omnia, castigata ad manuscriptos codices Gallicos, Vaticanos, Anglicanos, Germanicos, etc.
%2328721: Chu, Yin-wah - East Asia's New Democracies: Deepening, Reversal, Non-liberal Alternatives (Politics in Asia).
%23209332: Chuah, J.C.T. - Law of international trade.
%23223627: Chuang, Yih-chyi - China and the World Economy: China's Economic Rise after Three Decades of Reform.
%23198125: Chuang, Richard Y. - The international air transport association : a case study of a quasi-governmental organization.
%23279765: Sturgess; Garry & Philip Chubb - Judging the World: Law and Politics.
%2358749: Chubin, Shahram & Sepehr Zabih. - The foreign relations of Iran : a developing state in a zone of Great Power conflict.
%23121735: Chudnovsky, D.V., Chudnovsky, G.V. & Nathanson, M.B. (eds.) - Number Theory. New York Seminar 1991-1995.
%2343042: Chufrin, Gennady - ASEAN-Russia Relations.
%23292052: Church, Stephen D. - King John : and the road to Magna Carta.
%23148273: Churcher, C.S. (ed.) - Athlon : essays on palaeontology in honour of Loris Shano Russell.
%23292509: Churchill, Robert Paul. - Women in the crossfire : understanding and ending honor killing.
%2346895: Churchland, Paul M. - Matter and Consciousness: A Contemporary Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind.
%23292034: Churchland, Patricia Smith. - Conscience : the origins of moral intuition.
%23219002: Churton, Mel. - Theory and method.
%2361419: Chused, Richard H. - Private Acts in Public Places. A social history of divorce in the formative era of American Family law.
%23101200: Chwolson, Daniel. - Über die Überreste der altbabylonischen Literatur in arabischen Übersetzungen...
%23101202: Chwolson, Daniel. - Die Ssabier und der Ssabismus : Geschichte und orientalische Quellen der harranischen Ssabier oder der syro-hellenistischen Heiden im nördlichen Mesopotamien und in Bagdad zur Zeit des Chalifats. Vol. 1: Die Entwickelung der Begriffe Ssabier und Ssabismus und die Geschichte der harrànischen Ssabier oder der Syro-hellenistischen Heiden im nördlichen Mesopotamien und in Bagdâd zur Zeit des Chalifats; Vol. 2: Orientalische Quellen zur Geschichte der Ssabier und des Ssabismus.
%23101201: Chwolson, Daniel. - Das letzte Passamahl Christi und der Tag seines Todes.
%2327559: CIABURRI, G. - Die Vivisektion.
%23197580: Cian, Giorgio & Alberto Trabucchi. - Commentario breve al Codice civile.
%23272948: Cian, Giorgio & Alberto Trabucchi. - Commentario breve al Codice civile. 2a edizioni.
%23178544: Ciani, Maria Grazia (ed.) - Lexikon zu Lycophron.
%23199892: Ciapalo, Roman T (ed.) - Postmodernism and christian philosophy
%2341757: Ciaramitaro, Vivian - A New Look at Some Old Mechanisms in Human Newborns: Taste and Tactile Determinents of State Affect and Action.
%2370657: Cibo Ghisi, Innocent. - Discovrs moravx svr les sept pseavmes penitentiavx [Discours moraux sur les sept pseaumes penitenteaux].
%23153949: Cicero, Marcus Tullius. - M. Tullii Ciceronis Epistolae selectae ac temporum ordine dispositae.
%23296550: Cicero, Marcus Tullius. - Brutus.
%23205030: Cicovacki, Predrag. - Anamorphosis : Kant on knowledge and ignorance.
%23140949: Ciesla-Korytowska, Maria (ed.) - Slavs in the Eyes of the Occident, the Occident in the Eyes of the Slavs.
%23101203: Cihak, Vaclav. - Les Provinces-Unies et la Cour Impériale, 1667-1672.
%2340442: Ciobanu, Dan. - Preliminary objections related to the jurisdiction of the United Nations political organs.
%2346207: Cipriani, Donald Joseph. - Children's rights and the minimum age of criminal responsibility : a global perspective.
%23280238: Cirullies, Michael. - Die Rechtsterminologie des Stadtgerichts Babenhausen in der 2. Hälfte des 14. Jahthunderts.
%2372254: Cirullies, Michael. - Die Rechtsterminologie des Stadtgerichts Babenhausen in der 2. Hälfte des 14. Jahthunderts.
%23272617: Cismas, Ioana. - Religious Actors and International Law.
%23101688: Citters-Eymers, J.G. van. - Albertus van Beek (1787-1856).
%23237676: Ciuha, Delia (ed.) - The other collection : homage to Ernst and Hildy Beyeler.
%23254030: Ciuha, Delia & Raphael Bouvier (eds.), Leger, Fernand. - Fernand Leger Paris - New York : [Exhibition: Fondation Beyeler, Riehen / Basel June 1 - September 7, 2008].
%23242045: Ciutacu, Florin. - Drept comercial : culegere de spete : legislatie comerciala, modele de contracte, modele de cereri si modele de actiuni.
%23251128: Direction generale de l'aviation civile. - Manuel du pilote. Vol. A: voile.
%23110618: Cixous, Hélène. - Chemins d'une écriture.
%239264: Claasen, J.Y. - Stakingsreg in dienstverband in Suid-Afrika. Diss.
%23293558: Claassens, Aninka - Land, power & custom : controversies generated by South Africa's communal land rights act.
%23152424: Clack, Robert J. - Bertrand Russell's philosophy of language.
%23286183: Claerbout, David. - David Claerbout : drawings and studies.
%2318159: Claes, Monica Liesbeth Hilde Katelijne. - The national courts' mandate in the European constitution.
%23104841: Claes, Guil. Marcellum. - Ethicae seu Moralis. Pars Prima. De cognitione sui et dei.
%23294688: Claes, Paul H. - Groupes de pression en Belgique : les groupes intermédiaires socio-économiques : (contribution à l'analyse conparative).
%23295758: Claessen, Jacques [et..al]. - Voorstel van Wet strekkende tot de invoering van herstelrechtvoorzieningen in het Wetboek van Strafvordering, inclusief Memorie van Toelichting : eindversie d.d. 1 juni 2018 aangeboden aan de Minister voor Rechtsbescherming drs. S. Dekker, aangeboden aan de Vaste Kamercommissie voor Justitie & Veiligheid van de Tweede Kamer.
%23165191: Claessen, M.S. - Enkele beschouwingen naar aanleiding van de vertaling van het artikel Monopolie en Monopolist door Condorcet.
%23270169: Claeys Bouuart, F & G. Simenon. - Manuale juris canonici : ad usem seminariorum.
%23285825: Clair, Joseph Allan (ed.). - Maritain and America.
%23227017: Clamann, Fritz. - Der medizinische Sachverständige im hamburgischen Strafverfahren : ein geschichtlicher Überblick bis zu den Reformen am Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts.
%23263670: Clancey, William J. - Knowledge-Based Tutoring: The GUIDON Program (MIT Press Series in Artificial Intelligence).
%23287760: Clancy, William J. & Elliot Soloway (eds.) - Artificial Intelligence and Learning Environments.
%23210264: Clapham, Andrew - Human rights and the European Community : a critical overview.
%23286140: Clapham, Andrew - Human rights and the European Community : a critical overview.
%23284700: Clapp, James E., Elizabeth G. Thoernburg, Marc Galanter & Fred R. Shapiro. - Lawtalk : the unknown stories behind familiar legal expressions.
%23115693: Clara van Groenendael, V. - Java en Madura in de uitvoerende kunsten.
%23183189: Clare, George. - A money-market primer, and key to the exchanges.
%23225247: Claridge, Gordon. - Origins of mental illness : temperament, deviance, and disorder.
%23205744: Claringbould, M.H. & K.F. Haak. - 10 jaar Weg en wagen.
%236960: Claringbould, M.H. - Toelichting op de Algemen Vervoerscondities 1983.
%23284467: Claris, A. - La proscription française en Suisse 1871-1872.
%23255654: Clark, Andrew J. - Corpus vasorum antiquorum : Fascicule. 25 / The J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu : Fascicule 2: Molly and Walter Bareiss Collection: Attic black-figured oinochoai, lekythoi, pyxides, exaleiptron, epinetron, kyathoi, mastoid cup, skyphoi, cup-skyphos, cups, a fragment of an undetermined closed shape, and lids from neck-amphorae.
%2360130: Clark, John Bates. - The distribution of wealth : a theory of wages, interest and profits.
%23261477: Clark, Nobby - Nobby Clark's Theatre. 25 years of photographs.
%23283199: Clark, F. Le Gros; Henry Collins, Thomas Hodgkin & Amanke Okafor; Davidson, Basil & Adenekan Ademola (eds.) - The new West Africa : problems of independence.
%23276441: Clark, Ian. - Waging war : a new philosophical introduction. 2nd edition.
%2344881: Clark, Cindy Dell - Flights of Fancy, Leaps of Faith: Children's Myths in Contemporary America.
%23238999: Clark, Thomas Ralph. - Defending rights : law, labor politics, and the state in California, 1890-1925.
%23221741: Clark, John R. K. - Guardian of the sea : Jizo in Hawai'i.
%23289047: Clark, George. - A History of The Royal College of Physicians of London. Volume One.
%23284246: Clark, Ronald William. - The birth of the bomb : the untold story of Britain's part in the weapon that changed the world.
%23285320: Clark, Ronald W. - The life of Bertrand Russell.
%23285085: Clark, Ann Marie. - Diplomacy of Conscience : Amnesty International and Changing Human Rights Norms.
%2318130: Clark, John G. - Energy and the federal government : fossil fuel policies, 1900-1946.
%2361359: Clark, R.P. - Negotiating with ETA : obstacles to peace in the Basque Country, 1975-1988.
%233413: Clark, Roger S. & Madeleine Sann (eds.) - The prosecution of international crimes.
%2371650: Clark, Douglas - Patent Litigation in China.
%23278003: Clark, P.B. - Planning import substitution.
%23110317: Clark, Malcolm. - Perplexity and knowledge : an inquiry into the structures of questioning.
%2370484: Clark, Cal & K.C. Roy. - Comparing development patterns in Asia.
%2388175: Clark, Kathleen Clara & James MacInnes. - Positioning in radiography.
%23250413: Clark, Peter & Katherine Hawley (eds.) - Philosophy of science today.
%2388234: Clark, Charles Grant. - A colour atlas of upper gastrointestinal surgery.
%23129794: Clark, H. Nichols B. - Francis W. Edmonds : American Master in the Dutch Tradition.
%2389348: Clark, W.E. LeGros. - The fossil evidence for human evolution. Revised edition.
%2331561: Clark, Roger S. - The United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Program: Formulation of Standards and Efforts at Their Implementation (Procedural Aspects of International Law).
%23156412: Clark, Gordon L. - Judges and the cities : interpreting local autonomy.
%23174296: Clark, Charles E. - Real covenants and other interests which Run with Land: including licenses, easements, profits equitable restrictions and rents.
%23192390: Clark, Geoffrey A. - The Asturian of Cantabria : early Holocene hunter-gatherers in Northern Spain.
%23290671: Clark, Rodney. - The Japanese Company.
%23274315: Clark, Roger S. - The case against the bomb : Marshall Islands, Samoa, and Solomom Islands before the International Court of Justice in Advisory Proceedings on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons : questions posed by the General Assembly and the World Heal
%23270090: Clark, Michael. - Michel Foucault : an annotated bibliography : tool kit for a new age.
%23263659: Clark, Andy. - Microcognition: Philosophy, Cognitive Science, and Parallel Distributed Processing.
%23194031: Clark, John Bates. - Essentials of economic theory : as applied to modern problems of industry and public policy.
%23280901: Clark, Bruce. - Native Liberty, Crown Sovereignty: The Existing Aboriginal Right of Self-Government in Canada (Volume 4).
%23264047: Clark, Ian. - Legitimacy in International Society.
%23284681: Clarke, Deborah. - Driving women : fiction and automobile culture in twentieth-century America.
%23256430: Clarke, Kamari Maxine. - Fictions of justice : the International Criminal Court and the challenge of legal pluralism in Sub-Saharan Africa.
%23288134: Clarke, Ronald V. & John E. Eck. - Probleemgericht werken en de rol van criminaliteitsanalyse in 60 kleine stappen.
%23145642: Clarke, John Alfred - Le Laie Bible. A Poem of the Fourteenth Century, with Introduction, Notes, and Glossary.
%23224383: Clarke, Robert B. - An order outside time : a Jungian view of the higher self from Egypt to Christ
%2332577: Michael (ed.) Clarke - Corruption, causes, consequences, and control.
%23272662: Clarke, Erskine. - Dwelling place : a plantation epic.
%23248245: Clarke, Kamari Maxine. - Fictions of justice : the International Criminal Court and the challenge of legal pluralism in Sub-Saharan Africa.
%23161233: Clarke, Ronald V. & David Lester. - Suicide : closing the exits.
%23277237: Clarkson, Carrol, - Drawing the line : toward an aesthetics of transitional justice.
%2394721: Clason, A.T. - Animal and man in Holland's past : an investigation of the animal world surrounding man in prehistoric and early historical times in the provinces North and South Holland.
%23282915: Clason, W.E. - Elsevier's dictionary of library science, information and documentation, in six languages : English-American, French, Spanich, Italian, Dutch and German. 2nd edition.
%2372261: Class, Wilhelm. - Grenzen des Tatbestandes. (Versuch eines Abrisses der Tatbestandstheorie. 1. [einziger] Teil: Die Lehre vom Tatbestand.)
%23110630: Classen, Albrecht. - Die autobiographische Lyrik des europäischen Spätmittelalters. Studien zu Hugo von Montfort, Oswald von Wolkenstein, Antonio Pucci, Charles d'Orléans, Thomas Hoccleve, Michel Beheim, Hans Rosenplüt und Alfonso Alvarez de Villasandino.
%23265280: Claude, H. & P. Rubenovitch. - Thérapeutiques biologiques des affections mentales.
%23196466: Christo & Jeanne-Claude. - Over de river : (project for Arkansas River, state of Colorado) : a work in progress.
%2379803: Christo & Jeanne-Claude. - Christo and Jeanne-Claude : Palazzo Bricherasio : (wrapped floors and stairways and covered windows, Torino, Italy).
%2379820: Christo & Jeanne-Claude. - Christo and Jeanne-Claude : over the river : (project for the Arkansas River, state of Colorado).
%23140776: Christo & Jeanne-Claude. - The Gates. Project for Central Park, New York City. A Work in Progress.
%23285943: Christo & Jeanne-Claude. - Christo and Jeanne-Claude : the Gates : (project for Central Park, New York City).
%23208759: Claus, Hugo. - De geruchten : roman.
%23132280: Claus, Hugo. - Het verdriet van België.
%23282801: Claus, F.J.L.M. - Juridische beletselen voor politie¨le beleidssamenwerking tussen Nederland en België.
%23284483: Claus, Hugo. - Het goudland : spel naar de roman van Hendrik Conscience.
%23276992: Claus, Hugo. - Karel Appel, schilder.
%23278264: Clausen, Christopher. - Faded mosaic : the emergence of post-cultural America.
%23258433: Clausen, Meredith L. - Spiritual space : the religious architecture of Pietro Belluschi.
%23208789: Clausen, A.W. - The development challenge of the eighties : A. W. Clausen at the World Bank : major policy addresses, 1981-1986.
%2320991: Clausing, Elisa Theodor. - De plaatsvervulling volgens het Nederlandsche recht.
%2317173: Clausing, Pierre Eliza. - De toevoeging van raadslieden in het strafproces.
%23222570: Clausing, P. (e.a.) - Mr. C. Assers handleiding tot de beoefening van het Nederlands burgerlijk recht. 5: Bijzondere overeenkomsten. Deel 6: De verzekeringsovereenkomst.
%23227399: Claussen, Hans-Kurt; Gerhard Eis & Günther Ullrich. - Das Freisinger Rechtsbuch : die handschriftliche Entwicklung des Textes und der Ueberlieferungswert der Handschriften; Das Reimnachwort im Meissner Rechtsbuch; Zu den Quellen des Meissner Rechtsbuch. [Germanenrechte Neue Folge; Deutschrechtliche Archiv, 1. Heft].
%2312474: Clavareau, P.J.A. - Eenige hulpovereenkomsten.
%23283206: Claveau, François. - Causal reasoning in economics : a selective exploration of semantic, epistemic and dynamical aspects.
%23289345: Clavel, Sandrine. - Droit international privé. Deuxième édition.
%2365292: Clay, Marie M. - Quadruplets and higher multiple births
%23295871: Clay, Maude Schuyler. - Mississippi history.
%23869: Clay, Edward & Olav Stokke (eds.) - Food aid reconsidered : assessing the impact on Third World countries.
%23285879: Claydon, Jennifer. - Earring Chic: 35 Hand-Selected Projects.
%23156042: Clayton, D.J. (eo). - Trade, devotion and governance: papers in later medieval history.
%23289020: Clear, Todd R. - Imprisoning Communities : how mass incarceration makes disadvantaged neighborhoods worse.
%23285874: Cleary, Aelmuire Helen. - The Cooking of Venice and the North-East.
%23160255: Clegern, Wayne M. - Origins of liberal dictatorship in Central America : Guatemala, 1865-1873.
%23220587: Clegg, Brian. - The man who stopped time : the illuminating story of Eadweard Muybridge : pioneer photographer , father of the motion picture , murderer.
%2363300: Cleiren, C.P.M. & J.F. Nijboer (eds.) - [Tekst & Commentaar] Strafrecht.
%23253939: Cleiren, C.P.M. & G.K. Schoep (eds.) - Rechterlijke samenwerking.
%23216857: Cleiren, C.P.M. & J.F. Nijboer (eds.) - [Tekst & Commentaar] Internationaal strafrecht : de tekst van het Wetboek van Strafvordering Boek IV Titel X en enkele aanverwante wetten voorzien van commentaar, aangevuld met aanverwante nationale en internationale regelgeving.
%2345181: Cleiren, C.P.M. & J.F. Nijboer (eds.) - [Tekst & Commentaar] Internationaal strafrecht : de tekst van het Wetboek van Strafvordering Boek IV Titel X en XI en andere voor het enkele internationaal strafrecht relevante nationale en internationale regelgeving voorzien van commentaar, aangevuld met aanverwante regelgeving.
%2322495: Cleiren, C.P.M. & J.F. Nijboer (eds.) - [Tekst & Commentaar] Strafvordering : De tekst van het Wetboek van Strafvordering en enkele aanverwante wetten voorzien van commentaar. 3e druk.
%2337937: Cleiren, C.P.M., R.H. de Bock, C.J.M. Klaassen. - Het procesrecht en de waarheidsvinding.
%23297434: Cleiren, C.P.M. - De neutrale strafrechter : instrumenten en waarborgen voor onafhankelijkheid en onpartijdigheid.
%23141971: Cleiren, C.P.M. & J.F. Nijboer (eds.) - [Tekst & Commentaar] Strafrecht : De tekst van het Wetboek van Strafrecht en enkele aanverwante wetten voorzien van commentaar. 4e druk.
%23233187: Cleiren, C.P.M. ... [et al.] (eds.) - Criteria voor strafbaarstelling in een nieuwe dynamiek : symbolische legitimiteit versus maatschappelijke en sociaalwetenschappelijke realiteit.
%23226450: Cleiren, C.P.M. ... [et al.] (eds.) - Nieuwsbrief strafrecht select.
%2319031: Cleiren, C.P.M. (ed.) - Jurisprudentie Strafrecht Select.
%23261844: Cleiren, C.P.M., R.M.G.E. Foqué ... [et al.] (eds.) - Voor risico van de overheid? : vooruitzichten van de aansprakelijkheid van de overheid in bestuurs-, straf- en civielrechtelijk perspectief.
%23216856: Cleiren, C.P.M. & J.F. Nijboer (eds.) - [Tekst & Commentaar] Strafvordering : de tekst van het Wetboek van Strafvordering en enkele aanverwante wetten voorzien van commentaar. 5e druk.
%23282620: Cleland, Elizabeth H. - Grand design : Pieter Coecke van Aelst and Renaissance Tapestry.
%23265853: Clemen, Otto (ed.), Luther, Martin. - Luthers Werke in Auswahl : Studienausgabe. 8 Bände. 1. Band. Schriften von 1517 bis 1520; 2. Band. Schriften von 1520 bis 1524; 3. Band. Schriften von 1524 bis 1528; 4. Band. Schriften von 1529 bis 1545; 5. Band. Der junge Luther; 6. Band. Luthers Briefe; 7. Band. Predigten; 8. Band. Tischreden.
%2370636: Clemens, A.H.P. & J.Th. Lindblad. - Het belang van de buitengewesten : economische expansie en koloniale staatsvorming in de buitengewesten van Nederlands-Indië, 1870-1942.
%2375920: Clemens, Clay. - Reluctant realists: the CDU/CSU and West German Ostpolitik, 1969-1982.
%23289050: Clemens, Theo; Willemien Otten & G.A.M. Rouwhorst (eds.) - Het einde nabij? : toekomstverwachting en angst voor het oordeel in de geschiedenis van het christendom.
%23289484: Clement, Louisa. - Louisa Clement : remote control.
%23236849: Clement, Clara Erskine. - Legendary and mythological art.
%2393142: Clément, Philippe. - Infinite dimensional stochastic analysis : proceedings of the colloquium, Amsterdam, 11-12 February 1999.
%23101694: Clement, A.A. - Das Blut Jesu und die Lehre von der Versohnung im Werk Johann Sebastian Bachs.
%23292729: Clement, Marcel. - Transport en economische ontwikkeling : analyse van de modernisering van het transportsysteem in de provincie Groningen (1800-1914).
%2396255: Clément-Mullet, Jacques. - Essai sur la minéralogie arabe : une étude historique et philologique, particulièrement sur les gemmes ou pierres précieuses basée sur le traité de Teifaschiavec un index des mots expliqués suivi de recherches sur l'histoire naturelle et la physique chez les Arabes.
%23164594: Clément, Félix. - Beroemde toonkunstenaars van de zestiende eeuw tot op onzen tijd.
%23272714: Clemente, Francesco. - Francesco Clemente : works 1971-1979.
%23278840: Clémentin-Ojha, Catherine & Pierre-Yves Manguin. - Un siècle pour l'Asie : l'école francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 1898-2000.
%23277297: Clementis Placentina, Ivlii (Clemente Scotti, Giulio) - De potestate pontificia in Societatem Iesu &c. : qui in octo partes tribuitur liber.
%23113984: Clements, K.W. - The Theology of Ronald Gregor Smith.
%2314984: Clements, Luke J. - European human rights : taking a case under the convention.
%23277084: Clements, Paul. - Rawlsian political analysis : rethinking the microfoundations of social science.
%23225642: Clements, L.J. - European Human Rights: Taking a Case Under the Convention.
%23293980: Clerc, François. - Du pourvoi en nullité au Tribunal fédéral suisse.
%23282825: Clerides, Glafkos. - Negotiating for Cyprus 1993-2003.
%23289134: Clermont, Georges. - De la Liberté commerciale et d'autres réformes urgentes.
%2358440: Cleuting, Nicolaes Joostzoon. - Protocol Cleuting : het protocol van Nicolaus Judoci Cleuting (Nicolaes Joostzoon Cleuting), notaris te Leeuwarden van 1554-1585.
%2386690: Cleveringa, R.P. - Ontwikkelingslijnen van het rechtsbestel der stad Appingedam, in het bijzonder vóór de 18de eeuw.
%23248656: Cleveringa, Piet. - 'n Kijkje op kunst bij Piet Cleveringa : 31 maart 1974.
%2316133: Cleveringa, R.P. - Gemeene Landswarf en Hoofdmannenkamer te Groningen tot 1601.
%2316149: Cleveringa, R.P. - Clauwgerechtigde Ommelander Heerd en de Eisch van Gegoedheid van den Redger.
%23234406: Le Clézio, J.-M. G. - The prospector.
%23289056: Cliffe, David & David Berridge. - Closing children's homes : an end to residential childcare?
%23255447: Clifford, James. - Formal semantics and pragmatics for natural language querying.
%23206490: Clift, Eleanor. - Founding sisters and the Nineteenth Amendment.
%23226966: Clifton, James - The Plains of Mars: European War Prints, 1500-1825, from the Collection of the Sarah Campbell Blaffer Foundation.
%2314690: Clifton, James - The Plains of Mars: European War Prints, 1500-1825, from the Collection of the Sarah Campbell Blaffer Foundation.
%23174574: Cline, Eric H. - The battles of Armageddon : Megiddo and the Jezreel valley from the bronze age to the nuclear age.
%23160799: CLINE, SALLY. - Radclyffe Hall: a woman called John.
%23275238: Cline, Barbara H. - Diamond chain quilts : 10 skill-building projects : dynamic star, daisy & pinwheel designs.
%23280699: Cline, Erin M. - Confucius, Rawls, and the Sense of Justice.
%23219370: Clingermayer, James C. - Institutional constraints and policy choice : an exploration of local governance.
%23294188: Cliquet, A. ... [et al.] - Wie beschermt het natuurbeschermingsrecht? : Verslag van de 100e ledenvergadering van de Vereniging voor Milieurecht, georganiseerd in samenwerking met de Vlaamse Vereniging voor Omgevingsrecht, gehouden in Tilburg op 29 mei 2008.
%2315813: Cliteur, Paul B. - Conservatisme en cultuurrecht.
%23118238: Cliteur, Paul B. (e.a.). - It ain't necessarily so : opstellen aangeboden aan Prof. mr. H. Franken.
%23205717: Cliteur, P.B. & A. Ellian. - Encyclopedie van de rechtswetenschap I : grondslagen.
%23156845: Cliteur, Paul B. & M.A Loth (eds.) - Rechtsfilosofen van de twintigste eeuw.
%2331824: Cliteur, Paul B. (e.a.).(ed.) - Burgerschap, levensbeschouwing en criminaliteit. Humanistische, katholieke en protestantse visies op de kwaliteit van de huidige samenleving.
%2374954: Cliteur, P.B. & A. Ellian. - Encyclopedie van de rechtswetenschap II : positief recht.
%23248943: Cliteur, Paul B. - Moreel Esperanto : naar een autonome ethiek.
%23276051: Cloet, Jean Joseph De. - Handboek voor staatsmannen, kooplieden, fabrijkanten, trafijkanten, en manufakturiers, of statistiek tafereel der nederlandsche nijverheid.
%23284223: Cloos, Walther. - Lebensstufen der Erde : Beiträge zu einer organischen Gesteins- und Mineralkunde.
%23279966: Closa, Carlos. - Ratifying European Union treaties : processes and actors.
%23219458: Close, F.E. - Antimatter.
%23293559: Clough, Paul - Morality and economic growth in rural West Africa : a descriptive economics of the common people of Hausaland.
%23284930: Clough, Paul. - Morality and Economic Growth in Rural West Africa: Indigenous Accumulation in Hausaland.
%23291072: Clubbe, John. - Beethoven : the relentless revolutionary.
%23225319: Clumpkens, R.W. ... [et al.] - Zekerhedenrecht in ontwikkeling.
%23263617: Clunies-Ross, Anthony - Economic Stabilization for Developing Countries.
%23124227: Cluseau, Max. - Taxation rationnement et science économique : étude théorique et pratique des prix réglementés et d'une économie distributive.
%23283913: Clusius, Carolus. - A treatise on tulips by Carolus Clusius of Arras.
%23174413: Clute, Robert E. - The international legal status of Austria.
%2342293: Cnoop Koopmans, Wopco. - Art. 967 B.W.
%23238202: Cnossen, Sijbren (ed.) - Theory and practice of excise taxation : smoking , drinking , gambling , polluting , and driving.
%2375660: Joyce & Co. - Vijf verhalen uit de Franse Zwarte Romantiek.
%23254762: Coady, C.A.J. - Morality and political violence.
%23295473: Coakley, John & Trent, John E. - History of the International Political Science Association 1949-1999.
%23215943: The Hague Academic Coalition. - From peace to justice : impressions of the first conference by the Hague Academic Coalition held from 25 to 27 March 2004.
%2395787: Coate, Roger A. (ed.) - U.S. policy and the future of the United Nations.
%23209070: Coates, Bradley A. - Divorce with decency : the complete how-to handbook and survivor's guide to the legal, emotional, economic, and social issues. 3rd edition.
%23258968: Coates, Bradley A. - Divorce with decency : the complete how-to handbook and survivor's guide to the legal, emotional, economic, and social issues. 4th edition.
%23135855: Coats, George W. - The Moses Tradition.
%23285854: Cobb, John B. - Existence and Actuality: Conversations With Charles Hartshorne (Chicago Original Paperback).
%23157184: Cobban, Alfred. - The social interpretation of the French revolution.
%23224869: Cobussen, Marcel. - Deconstruction in music.
%23277190: Cocceji, Samuel Freiherr von. - [Samuelis de Cocceji, Henr. Fil.] Jus civile controversum ubi illustriores juris controversiae breviter & succincte deciduntur, ... : Opus ad illustrationem Compendii Lauterbachiani ...
%23206165: Cochran, Thomas Childs a.o. - Première conférence internationale d'histoire économique = First international conference of economic history : contributions and communications, Stockholm, août 1960.
%23131816: Cochran, A. Smith - Catalogue of Persian Manuscripts. Including also some Turkish and Arabic.
%23277107: Cochrane, Feargal. - Northern Ireland : the reluctant peace.
%23266162: Cochrane, Eric W. - Tradition and enlightenment in the Tuscan academies, 1690-1800.
%23251781: Cock, Hendrik de. - Verzamelde geschriften.
%23164990: Cock Buning, M. de. - Auteursrecht en informatietechnologie : over de beperkte houdbaarheid van technologiespecifieke regelgeving.
%23287327: Cockbain, Ella. - Offender and victim networks in human trafficking.
%2340244: COCKBURN, H. - -- MILLER, K. Cockburn's millennium.
%23258598: Coddington, Walter. - Environmental Marketing: positive strategies for reaching the green consumer.
%23101205: CODRINGTON, R. - The Melanesian languages...
%2346179: Codrington, Andrea - Kyle Cooper.
%23169671: Cody, Richard. - The landscape of the mind : pastoralism and Platonic theory in Tasso's Aminta and Shakespeare's early comedies.
%23279619: Coe, Jonathan. - The Rain Before It Falls.
%23285163: Coe, Sophie D. & Michael D. - The true history of chocolate.
%2333937: Coebergh, P.M. - Het Drostambt Tüddern.
%23178473: Coenen, Wilhelmina Louise Catharina. - Bijdrage tot de kennis van de maatschappelijke verhoudingen van de zestiende-eeuwsche Doopers.
%23180820: Coenen, Jo. - Schetsen Noordknoop Céramique, Maastricht = Roughs Noordknoop Céramique, Maastricht.
%23295392: Coenen, Claudia (text) & Peter van Goeningen (photography). - Daarom Haarlemmermeer.
%23139916: Coenen, Wilhelmina Louise Catharina. - Bijdrage tot de kennis van de maatschappelijke verhoudingen van de zestiende-eeuwsche Doopers.
%23101699: Coetsem, Fr. van. - Das system der starken Verba und die Periodisierung im älteren Germanischen.
%23281849: Coetsier, Leo ... [et al.]. - Analyse van en predictiemogelijkheden met een differentiele geschiktheidsbatterij voor de overgang van het lager naar het secundair onderwijs.
%2329877: Coetzee, P.H. - Die plek van die staatsadministrasie in Friedrich Darmstaeder se regs- en staatsbeskouing.
%2317935: COFFEY, P. & M.S. WIONCZEK. - (ed.). The European Economic Community and Mexico.
%2399746: Coffey, Joseph I. & Gianni Bonvicini (eds.). - The Atlantic Alliance and the Middle East.
%23258960: Coffman, Tom. - I Respectfully Dissent: a biography of Edward H. Nakamura.
%23275189: Cogliano, Francis D. - Emperor of liberty : Thomas Jefferson's foreign policy.
%23215217: Cognat, Joseph. - Vie de mgr. Alexandre-Raymond Devie : évéque de Belley.
%23241982: Cohen, Irun R. - Regen und Auferstehung : Talmud und Naturwissenschaft im Dialog mit der Welt.
%23215433: Cohen, Jean L. - Regulating intimacy : a new legal paradigm.
%23249386: Cohen, Robin & Shirin M. Rai (eds.) - Global social movements.
%2343454: Cohen, I. Bernard (ed.). - Puritanism and the rise of modern science : the Merton Thesis.
%2323464: Cohen, Ernst & W.A.T. Cohen-de Meester. - Der vermisste Brief Antoni Leeuwenhoeks an Herman Boerhaave vom 26. August 1717.
%23212944: Cohen, Naomi Wiener. - The Americanization of Zionism, 1897-1948.
%23278824: Cohen, William B. - The French encounter with Africans : white response to blacks, 1530-1880.
%23291379: Cohen, R.S. ... [et al.] (eds.) - PSA 1974 : proceedings of the 1974 Biennial Meeting Philosophy of Science Association.
%23281771: Cohen, B.A.J.; H. Holtslag & H J Leliefeld (eds.) - Forensische geneeskunde : raakvlakken tussen geneeskunst, gezondheidszorg en recht.
%23193429: Cohen, Jon. - Shots in the dark : the wayward search for an AIDS vaccine.
%23291384: Cohen, Robert S. & Marx W. Wartofsky (eds.) - [Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science 1964-1966] : in memory of Norwood Russell Hanson.
%23246981: Cohen Jonathan, Gérard ... [et al.] - Droits de l'homme en france : dix ans d'application de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme devant les judiciaires françaises,
%23253536: Cohen, Benjamin J. - In whose interest? : international banking and American foreign policy.
%2348245: Cohen, Paul S. - America's scientific treasures : a travel companion.
%23288744: Cohen, Peter & Iem Roos. - Aanzet voor een rationele oplossing voor een irrationeel probleem : discussiestuk voor de heroïneconferentie van het wijkcentrum D'Oude Stadt op 13 mei 1982 in het Binnengasthuis te Amsterdam.
%2351214: Cohen, Amnon & Bernard Lewis. - Population and revenue in the towns of Palestine in the sixteenth century.
%23275804: Cohen Stuart, Maarten Harpert. - Bezwaard gemoed : een fenomenologische bijdrage tot de anthropologische psychiatrie der zogenaamde endogene depressie.
%23238381: Cohen Jehoram, Herman. - Goodwillrecht.
%23294345: Cohen, M.J. & John Major. - History in quotations.
%23247817: Cohen, I. Bernard. - Howard Aiken : portrait of a computer pioneer.
%23169964: Cohen, Lenard J. - Serpent in the bosom : the rise and fall of Slobodan Milosevic.
%2360743: Cohen, Amnon. - Political parties in the West Bank under the Jordanian regime, 1949-1967.
%2334029: Cohen, D. - Schets van het notariaat in het oude Egypte, in het Hellenistisch tijdvak en de eerste drie eeuwen van de Romeinse keizertijd.
%23206427: Cohen, Josh. - Interrupting Auschwitz : art, religion, philosophy.
%23249456: Cohen, Naomi Wiener. - The year after the riots : American responses to the Palestine crisis of 1929-30.
%23278811: Cohen, William B. - The French encounter with Africans : white response to blacks, 1530-1880.
%23203087: Cohen-Solal, Annie - Naar levend model : de opkomst van Amerikaanse kunstenaars, Parijs 1867-New York 1948.
%23200324: Cohen, Antonie. - The Phonemes of English: A Phonemic Study of the Vowels and Consonants of Standard English.
%23283027: Cohen, William & David J Danelski. - Constitutional law : civil liberty and individual rights. 3rd edition.
%23109431: Cohen, Stanley. - Visions of social control : crime, punishment and classification.
%23290754: Cohen, Morris R. & Ernest Nagel. - An Introduction to logic and scientific method.
%23291498: Cohen, John. - John Cohen : look up to the Moon.
%23190304: Cohen, Ernst & W. Schut. - Piezochemie kondensierter Systeme.
%2380216: Cohen, I. Bernard. - Science and the founding fathers : science in the political thought of Jefferson, Franklin, Adams, and Madison.
%23222946: Cohen, Steven. - Understanding environmental policy.
%23283949: Cohen, Thomas V. - Love and Death in Renaissance Italy.
%23116596: Cohen, L. Jonathan. - The Implications of Induction.
%23119126: Cohen, Jeffrey E. - The Politics of the U.S. Cabinet. Representation in the Executive Branch 1789-1984.
%23119488: Cohen, H. & Muncaster, R.G. - The Theory of Pseudo-Rigid Bodies.
%23133361: Cohen-Solal, Annie - Jean-Paul Sarte: Zijn biografie.
%23202257: Cohen, Ernst. - Wat leeren ons de archieven omtrent Gerrit Jan Mulder?
%23138273: Cohen, Amnon. - World Within : Jewish life as reflected in Muslim Court documents from the Sijill of Jerusalem (XVIth Century).
%2380289: Cohen, Robert. - De samenwerking van de socialistische partijen in het kader van de Europese Gemeenschap, 1952-1972 = the cooperation between socialist parties within the framework of the European Community, 1952-1972. Diss.
%23296607: Cohen Tervaert, Herman Mortinus. - De rechten van den grondeigenaar bij het aanleggen van telegrafen en telefonen.
%23140738: Cohen, Steven, Sheldon Kamieniecki, & Matthew A. Cahn. - Strategic planning in environmental regulation : a policy approach that works.
%23285848: Cohen, Ted (Foreword). - The Great Latke-Hamantash Debate.
%2335530: Cohen, L. Jonathan ... [et al.] - Logic, methodology, and philosophy of science. Volume VI: Proceedings of the sixth International congress of logic, methodology and philosophy of science, Hannover, 1979.
%2358102: Cohen, Edward M. (ed.) - New Jewish voices : plays produced by the Jewish Repertory Theatre.
%2383820: Cohen Jehoram, Herman., Petra Keuchenius & Lisa M. Brownlee. - (eds.). Trade-Related Aspects of Copyright. (The 10th Annual of the Dutch Foundation for Copyright Promotion).
%23287525: Cohen, Peter & Arjan Sas (eds.) - Cannabisbeleid in Duitsland, Frankrijk en de Verenigde Staten.
%23248869: Cohen, Arthur Allen. - An Arthur A. Cohen Reader: Selected Fiction and Writings on Judaism, Theology, Literature, and Culture.
%23173307: Cohen, Arjeh M., Hans Cuyoers & Hans Sterk (eds.) - Some tapas of computer algebra.
%2310694: Cohen, Max Arnold. - Het blijversrecht : een notarieel-juridische studie over het Oost-Nederlandse recht betreffende de vererving en overgang bij leven van landbouwbedrijven.
%23284238: Cohen, Godfried G. - Het Joods Nationaal Fonds in Nederland.
%2380241: Cohen, Ernst & W.A.T. Cohen-de Meester. - Katalog der wiedergefundenen Manuskripte und Briefwechsel von Herman Boerhaave.
%2335163: Cohen, Ernst. - Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff : sein Leben und Wirken.
%23293150: Cohen, Asley L. - The Global Indies British Imperial Culture and the Reshaping of the World, 1756-1815.
%2315709: Cohen, M.J. - Studierechten in het wetenschappelijk onderwijs.
%23183235: Cohen, Jonathan N. (ed.) - Hebraica and Judaica : printed before 1900 : catalogue of the Jaap Meijer collection.
%2345941: Cohen, Benjamin J. - In whose interest ? : international banking and American foreign policy.
%23295004: Cohen, Jillian Clare ; Illingworth, Patricia M.L. & Schüklenk, Udo. - The power of pills : social, ethical, and legal issues in drug development, marketing, and pricing.
%23271593: Cohen, Ted. - Jokes: Philosophical Thoughts on Joking Matters.
%23274381: Cohen, Daniel J. - Equations from God : pure mathematics and Victorian faith
%23295422: Cohen, Morris R. & Felix S. Cohen. - Readings in jurisprudence and legal philosophy.
%23275289: Cohen, Jeffrey E. - The politics of the U.S. Cabinet : representation in the Executive Branch, 1789-1984.
%23210965: Cohen, Stanley & Andrew Scull (eds.) - Social control and the state.
%23202314: Cohen, Ernst & W.A.T. Cohen-de Meester. - Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit : (geb. zu Danzig 24. Mai 1686; gest. im Haag 16. Sept. 1736).
%23260134: Cohler, Bertram J. & Robert M. Galatzer-Levy. - The course of gay and lesbian lives : social and psychoanalytic perspectives.
%2384711: Cohn, Haim H. - Of law and man : essays in honor of Haim H. Cohn.
%23262023: Cohn-Wiener, Ernst. - Die jüdische Kunst : ihre Geschichte von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart.
%232158: Cohn, Willy. - Hermann von Salza.
%23124945: Cohn, Willy. - Die Geschichte der sizilischen Flotte 1060-1266. Mit Anhang : Die Basler Konzilsflotte des Jahres 1437 / Die Bedeutung der Seemacht in der Geschichte.
%23124947: Cohn, Willy. - Die Geschichte der sizilischen Flotte unter der Regierung Konrads IV. und Manfreds (1250-1266).
%23125026: Cohn, Willy. - Das Zeitalter der Hohenstaufen in Sizilien : ein Beitrag zur Entstehung des modernen Beamtenstaates.
%23125025: Cohn, Willy. - Juden und Staufer in Interitalien und Sizilien : Aufsätze zur Geschichte der Joden im Mittenalter, über ihr Verhältnis zu den Stauferkaisern und den Königen von Sizilien, sowie zur allgemeinen Staufergeschichte.
%23216552: Cohn-Sherbok, Dan. - The dictionary of Jewish biography.
%2388454: Coicaud, Jean-Marc. - The Globalization of Human Rights.
%23241446: Coicaud, Jean-Marc. - Legitimacy and Politics : a contribution to the study of political right and political responsibility.
%23296113: Gautier de Coincy. - Les miracles de la Sainte Vierge.
%23232144: Coing, Helmut. - Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte : [Helmut Coing zum 28. Febr. 1972 von seinen Schülern und Mitarbeitern].
%23257876: Coipel, Michel ... [et. al]. - Le droit des 'contrats informatiques' : principes - applications.
%23283780: Van Deren Coke - Avantgarde photography in Germany : 1919-1939.
%23129120: Coker, Christopher. - Twilight of the West.
%23248177: Cokinos, Christopher. - The fallen sky : an intimate history of shooting stars.
%23221265: Colby, Robert R. & Kent R. Fuller. - Equivalence and duality for module categories : with tilting and cotilting for rings.
%234426: Colchester, Marcus. - Forest politics in Suriname.
%23215023: Cole, Roger L. - The ethical foundations of Rudolf Binding's 'gentleman'-concept.
%23281499: Cole, David C. & Lyman, Princeton N. - Korean Development : The Interplay of Politics and Economics.
%23234558: Cole, David (ed.) - The torture memos : rationalizing the unthinkable.
%23292909: Cole, Jennifer & Deborah Lynn Durham (eds.) - Generations and globalization : youth, age, and family in the new world economy
%23103838: Cole-Turner, Ronald (ed.) - Design and destiny : Jewish and Christian perspectives on human germline modification.
%2323642: Cole, David. - Enemy aliens : double standards and constitutional freedoms in the war on terrorism.
%23119166: Cole, Charles C. - Lion of the forest. James B. Finley, frontier reformer.
%2342299: Cole, Susan - Wisdom's Feast: Sophia in Study and Celebration.
%23280684: Cole, David C. - Building a modern financial system : the Indonesian experience.
%23221907: Coleman, Terry. - Olivier.
%23289584: Coleman, Simon & John Elsner (eds.). - Pilgrim voices : narrative and authorship in Christian pilgrimage.
%23231679: Coleman, Terry. - Olivier.
%23131807: Coleman, Arthur P. - Humor in the Russian Comedy from Catherine to Gogol.
%2361150: Colenbrander, H.T. - Inlijving en opstand.
%23296417: Colenbrander, H.T. (ed.) - Gedenkstukken der algemeene geschiedenis van Nederland van 1795 tot 1840. 8e Deel : Regeering van Willem I : 1815-1925 (1e stuk).
%23296421: Colenbrander, H.T. (ed.) - Gedenkstukken der algemeene geschiedenis van Nederland van 1795 tot 1840. 10e Deel : Regeering van Willem I : 1830-1840 (1e-5e stuk).
%23296420: Colenbrander, H.T. (ed.) - Gedenkstukken der algemeene geschiedenis van Nederland van 1795 tot 1840. 9e Deel : Regeering van Willem I : 1825-1930 (2e stuk).
%23296418: Colenbrander, H.T. (ed.) - Gedenkstukken der algemeene geschiedenis van Nederland van 1795 tot 1840. 9e Deel : Regeering van Willem I : 1825-1930 (1e stuk).
%23296419: Colenbrander, H.T. (ed.) - Gedenkstukken der algemeene geschiedenis van Nederland van 1795 tot 1840. 8e Deel : Regeering van Willem I : 1815-1925 (3e stuk).
%23292410: Colerus, Egmont. - Leibniz : de levensroman van een universeelen geest.
%23188551: Coles, Robert. - The secular mind.
%2323172: Coles, Robert. - Erik H. Erikson. The growth of his work.
%23295963: Colet, Louise - Lui : roman contemporain.
%23277717: Colijn, H. - Saevis tranquillus in undis : toelichting op het antirevolutionair beginselprogram.
%23241041: Colijn, H. - Neerlands-Indië: land en volk, geschiedenis en bestuur, bedrijf en samenleving. 2 Delen.
%2315432: Colijn, A.J. - De vertrouwensregel in het wegenverkeersrecht.
%2360471: Colinvaux, Raoul P. - [Carver on] Carriage by Sea. 2 Vols. 11th edition.
%23209264: Coliver, Sandra (ed.) - Striking a Balance: Hate Speech, Freedom of Expression, and Non-Discrimination.
%23287037: Coljee, P.D. ... [et al.] - Law and welfare economics : op het raakvlak van economie en recht.
%23210156: Colla, Enrico. - La grande distribuzione in Europa : evoluzione delle formule distributive, strategie e strutture aziendali, rapporti con l'industria.
%23130409: Collander, Runar. - The History of Botany in Finland 1828-1918.
%23292244: Colle, Philippe. - Handboek bijzonder gereglementeerde verzekeringscontracten.
%23293537: Colle, Philippe. - Algemene beginselen van het Belgisch verzekeringsrecht.
%23216864: Collectif - L'Europe de Robert Schuman.
%23283691: Moosewood Collective. - Moosewood Restaurant cooks for a crowd : recipes with a vegetarian emphasis for 24 or more.
%23293081: Coller, Ian. - Muslims and citizens : Islam, politics, and the French Revolution.
%23284208: Collet, M.W. (M.W.C.) - Reply to an enquiry concerning a proposal to amend the Bank act of 1844, contained in a letter from Mr. Samuel Smith to the Liverpool chamber of commerce, dated 13th Nov., 1873.
%23130340: Collet, P. & Eckmann, J.-P. - Instabilities and Fronts in Extended Systems.
%2394082: Collet, Pièrre. - Sermons pour les retraites, avec des discours ecclésiastiques, des panégyriques, &c... Tome I [-II].
%2324928: Collier, James Lincoln. - The rise of Selfishness in America.
%2340068: Collier, Paul - Breaking the Conflict Trap: Civil War and Development Policy (Policy Research Reports).
%23212328: Collier, Paul - Trade Shocks in Developing Countries: Volume 1: Africa.
%23224046: Collier, Aine. - The humble little condom. A History.
%2385976: Collier, Simon. - A history of Chile, 1808-1994.
%23212560: Collier, Paul - Trade Shocks in Developing Countries: Volume 2: Asia and Latin America.
%23148133: Collier, John & Vaughan Lowe. - The Settlement of Disputes in International Law. Institutions and procedures.
%23150181: Collier, J.F. - From duty to desire: remaking families in a Spanish village.
%23279769: Collignon, Stefan. - European Republic: Reflections on the Political Economy of a Future Constitution.
%23285259: Collingwood, R.G. & J.N.L. Myres. - Roman Britain and the English settlements.
%23241272: Collins Petersen, Carolyn & John C. Brandt. - Visions of the cosmos.
%23294707: Collins, Lawrence. - The Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982.
%23104857: Collins-Clinton, J. - A Late Antique Shrine of Liber Pater at Cosa.
%23246844: Collins, Michael. - Banks and industrial finance in Britain , 1800-1939.
%23140293: Collins, C.M. & D. Cohen (eds.) - The African Americans.
%23205032: Collins, Tony & Wray Vamplew. - Mud , sweat , and beers : a cultural history of sport and alcohol.
%23218618: Collins, Brad. - Gwathmey Siegel : buildings and projects, 1992-2002.
%23192177: Guy Collins. - Europe in space.
%2317261: Collins, Hannah - The fragile feast : routes to Ferran Adrià.
%23146342: Collinson, Sarah. - Beyond borders : West European migration policy towards the 21st century.
%23289715: Collinsworth, Eden. - Behaving badly : the new morality in politics, sex, and business.
%2357059: Collison Black, R.D. - A Catalogue of Pamphlets on Economic Subjects published between 1750 and 1900 and now housed in Irish Libraries.
%2399809: Colmjon, Gerben. - Conrad Busken Huet : een groot Nederlander.
%23282278: Colombe, Marcel. - L'Évolution de L'Egypte, 1924-1950.
%23287753: Dorigo; Marco & Marco Colombett (eds.) - Robot shaping : an experiment in behavior engineering
%23286762: Colombi Ciacchi, Aurelia; Michiel Heldeweg; B M J van der Meulen & A R Neerhof. - Law & governance : beyond the public-private law divide?
%2333482: Colombijn, Freek. - Patches of Padang : the history of an Indonesian town in the twentieth century and the use of urban space.
%2390348: Colombotos, John & Corinne Kirchner. - Physicians and Social Change.
%23290269: Colomer, Joseph M. (ed.) - Comparative European politics : political institutions in Europe . Third edition.
%23284498: Colomer, Josep M. (ed.) - Comparative European politics : political institutions in Europe. Third edition.
%23199888: Colomo, Pablo Ibanez - European Communications Law and Technological Convergence. Deregulation, Re-regulation and Regulatory Convergence in Television and Telecommunications.
%23187594: Colonia, Dominique de (1660-1741). - Dictionnaire des livres Jansénistes ou qui favorisent le Jansénisme.
%2372290: Colonna, Egidio (Ägidius Romanus / Gilles de Rome / Giles of Rome) - De regimine principum libri III. Per Fr. Hieronymum Samaritanium recogniti et una cum vita autoris in lucem editi.
%2369827: Colorni, Vittore. - Die drei verschollenen Gesetze des Reichstages bei Roncaglia, wieder aufgefunden in einer Pariser Handschrift (Bibl. Nat. Cod. Lat. 4677.) Deutsch von Gero Dolezalek.
%23286337: Colpaart, Adri (ed.) - SAIL Amsterdam.
%23183113: Columbus, Christopher. - Accounts and letters of the second, third, and fourth voyages.
%23283574: Colussi, Vittorio & Paolo Zatti. - Diritto commerciale.
%23185248: Colvin, Sarah. - The rhetorical feminine : gender and orient on the German stage, 1647-1742.
%23131823: Colvin, Ian D. (ed.) - The Cape of Adventure. (Being strange and notable discoveries, perils, shipwrecks, battles upon sea and land, with pleasant and interesting observations upon the country and the natives of the Cape of Good Hope)
%23176759: Combet, Edmond. - Intégrales exponentielles : développements asymptotiques, propriétés lagrangiennes.
%23105943: Combrink-Kuiters, C.J.M. - Kennis van zaken : een jurimetrisch onderzoek naar rechterlijke besluitvorming inzake voogdij en omgang.
%23142799: Combrouze, Alain & Alexandre Dede. - Probabilités et statistiques [2] : voie économique, 2e année.
%23283020: Combrouze, Alain & Alexandre Dede. - Probabilités et statistiques [1] : Cours et exercices corrigés. 1e année.
%23275937: Comenius, Johann Amos. - Orbis sensualium pictus.
%2383339: Cometti, Jean-Pierre. - Robert Musil : de Törless à L'homme sans qualités.
%23225204: Comijs, D.E. - Europese structuurfondsen : uitvoering en handhaving in Nederland.
%23165282: Comijs, D.E. - Europese structuurfondsen : uitvoering en handhaving in Nederland.
%23227736: Coming out of our shells., Müller, Christine. - Local knowledge and gender in Ghana.
%23267113: Comis, Guido & Bettina Della Casa (eds.) - Klee - Melotti.
%23188939: Comision Europea, Representacion en España. - Las acciones estructurales comunitarias en España y sus comunidades autónomas : Périodo 2000-2006. Volumen I : Visión general se su applicación en España; Volumen II : La aplicación de los recursos estructurales en las comunidades autónomas (monografias regionales). ISBN 928945069X 9289450703
%23292671: United Nations. International Law Commission. - The work of the International Law Commission. Third edition.
%23295987: Australia. Law Reform Commission. - Securing compliance : civil and administrative penalties in Australian federal regulation.
%23283177: The Monopolies Commission. - Films : a Report on the Supply of Films for Exhibition in Cinemas.
%23284412: Great Britain. Law Commission. - Criminal law : consent in the criminal law.
%23277371: European Commission. - Beschikkingen van de Commissie op het gebied van staatssteun, 1964-1995 : artikel 93, lid 2 (negatieve eindbeschikkingen).
%2329463: Commission., European - Manual para las relaciones europeo-latinoamericanas : Tomo II: Instituciones y organizaciones en America Latina y el Caribe =: Handbook for European-Latin American relations : Volume II : Institutions and organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean.
%23294015: Attorney General's National Committee. - The attorney general's national committee to study the antitrust law.
%2334802: Commons, John R. & John B. Andrews. - Principles of labour legislation.
%2389125: Commons, John R. & John B. Andrews. - Principles of labor legislation. 4th revised edition.
%239105: Commons, John R. - Proportional representation.
%2331914: Commons, John R. & John B. Andrews. - Principles of labor legislation.
%23289886: Commission of the European Communities. - The legal protection of the financial interests of the community : progress and prospects since the Brussels seminar of 1989.
%23284403: House of Lords. Select Committee on the European Communities. - Europol : with evidence.
%23185994: Commission of the European Communities. - Television without frontiers : green paper on the establishment of the common market for broadcasting, especially by satellite and cable : communication from the Commission to the Council. (COM (84) 300 final).
%23140007: Cour de Justice des Communautés Européennes = Court of Justice of the European Communities. - Conventions de Bruxelles et de Lugano : édition multilingue = Brussels and Lugano Conventions : multilingual edition.
%23284594: Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry. Committee on Psychiatry and the Community; - A family affair : helping families cope with mental illness : a guide for the professions.
%2341698: Compaine, Benjamin M. - The Digital Divide: Facing a Crisis or Creating a Myth?
%23140860: Knoedler & Company (ed.) - David Smith. To and From the Figure.
%23179691: A.E. Staley Manifacturing Company. - A bibliography of Phytin and Inositol.
%23233135: Centre français de Droit comparé. - Le droit comparé : aujourd'hui et demain.
%2383924: Centre Interuniversitaire de Droit Comparé. - Rapports belges au VIIIe Congres international de droit comparé : Pescara, 29 août - 5 septembre 1970.
%2381623: Comparini, Francesca Campana & Sergio Risalti. - Jackson Pollock : the figure of the fury.
%23265679: Compayré, Gabriel. - L'évolution intellectuelle et morale de l'enfant.
%2388058: Confédération internationale des sociétés d'auteurs et compositeurs. - Compte rendu du trente-quatrième congrès de la confédération internationale des sociétés d'auteurs et compositeurs : Tokyo du 12 au 17 novembre 1984.
%2388056: Confédération internationale des sociétés d'auteurs et compositeurs. - Compte rendu du trente-troisième congrès de la confédération internationale des sociétés d'auteurs et compositeurs : Rome du 3 au 8 octobre 1982.
%23259026: Comte, Auguste. - Principes de philosophie positive.
%23269413: Comtois, Suzanne & Kars de Graaf (eds.) - On lawmaking and public trust.
%23293928: Conac, Gérard. - La fonction publique aux États-Unis : essai sur le régime du Civil Service fédéral.
%2358301: Conant, Michael. - The constitution and the economy. Objective theory and critical commentary.
%23165964: Conant, Roger. - Mercer's belles : the journal of a reporter.
%2330387: Concina, Daniele. - Theologia Christiana dogmatico-moralis auctore F. Daniele Concina ordinis praedicatorum. [Tomus primus - decimus] (FOLLOWED BY:) Ad theologiam Christianam dogmatico-moralem apparatus...accedunt plures constitutiones...[Tomus primus-secundus]
%23236319: Condé, H. Victor. - A Handbook of International Human Rights Terminology.
%23188025: Condé, Maryse. - Tim tim , bois sec [Mandala ; jrg. 3, no. 3].
%23212809: Condia, Bob. - Roesling Nakamura Architects : objectives in practice.
%23184118: Condon, Thomas J. - New York Beginnings. The commercial origins of New Netherland.
%23237045: Condorcet, Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas Caritat Marquis de. - Esquisse d'un tableau historique des progrès de l'esprit humain.
%23180409: Condorcet, Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas Caritat Marquis de. - Esquisse d'un tableau historique des progrès de l'esprit humain.
%23107343: Condorcet, Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas Caritat Marquis de. - Beschouwingen over de negerslavernij [Réflexions sur l'esclavage des nègres].
%23150377: Conefrey, M. & T. Jordan. - Icemen: a history of the Artic and its explorers.
%23147623: Conen de Prépéan, Louis-Félix. - Sténographie, ou L'art d'écrire aussi vite que parle un orateur. Méthode qui n'omet aucun des éléments de la parole [...].
%23165171: PENNSYLVANIA MANIFACTURING CONFECTIONERS' ASSOCIATION. - Proceedings of the Annual Production Conference.
%23277098: Confino, Alon. - A world without Jews : the Nazi imagination from persecution to genocide.
%23277099: Confino, Alon. - A general view of the criminal law of England (Selected writings of James Fitzgerald Stephen).
%23232554: Conforti, Benedetto. - The law and practice of the United Nations.
%23289210: Congar Y.M.-J. - Sacerdoce et laïcat : devant leurs taches d'évangelisation et de civilisation.
%23247825: Congleton, Roger D. & Birgitta Swedenborg (eds.) - Democratic constitutional design and public policy : analysis and evidence.
%23297107: Nederlandsch Maria-congres (26-08-1910 - 28-08-1910). - Eerste Nederlandsch Maria-congres : Averbode (Belgie¨) 26-28 augustus 1910 : verslagboek.
%23297108: Nederlandsch Maria-congres (5-8-1912 - 18-8-1912). - Tweede Nederlandsch Maria-congres te Maastricht van 15 tot en met 18 Augustus 1912 : verslagboek.
%23176641: Library of Congress. - A list of geographical atlases in the Library of Congress : with bibliographical notes.
%2314073: Coninck Liefsting, F.B. - Algemeene beginselen van de Leer der Regtsgeldigheid van verbindtenissen uit overeenkomst, zooals die zich in het Romeinsche Regt gevormd en later in Europa ontwikkeld heeft.
%23126761: Coninck Liefsting, F.B. - Algemeene beginselen van het bezitrecht en Nederlandsche bezitactiën.
%23140868: Conisbee, Philip - Georges de La Tour and His World.
%23253639: Conlan, Timothy J. - New federalism : intergovernmental reform from Nixon to Reagan.
%23225595: Conley, Patrick T. & John P. Kaminski (ed.) - The Bill of Rights and the States : the colonial and revolutionary origins of American liberties.
%23190514: Connah, Graham. - Kibiro : the salt of Bunyoro, past and present.
%2320679: Connah, Roger (ed.) - 40/40 : Young architects from Finland.
%23273885: O'Connell, Mary Ellen - The Power and Purpose of International Law
%23285026: Conner, Lois. - China : The photographs of Lois Conner.
%23221692: Connew, Bruce. - Stopover.
%23286070: Connolly, Anthony J. - Cultural difference on trial : the nature and limits of judicial understanding.
%23279061: Connolly, Brian. - Domestic intimacies : incest and the liberal subject in nineteenth-century America.
%23223697: O'Connor, John. - Shakespearean afterlives : ten characters with a life of their own.
%23274385: Connor, Steven - Living by numbers : in defence of quantity
%23279303: Conquest, Robert. - Stalin: Breaker of Nations.
%23279304: Conrad, Peter. - Creation : artists, gods and origins.
%2323005: Conrad, J. - Finanzwissenschaft. [Grundriss zum Studium der politischen Ökonomie. Dritter Teil].
%23254582: Conrad, J. - Finanzwissenschaft. [Grundriss zum Studium der politischen Ökonomie. Dritter Teil].
%23210107: Conrad, Lawrence I. - Women and modern medicine.
%23250331: Conrad, Hermann. - Deutsche rechtsgeschichte. Band I: Frühzeit und Mittelalter; Band II: Neuzeit bis 1806.
%23284615: Conrad, Peter. - De metamorfose van de wereld : de cultuurgeschiedenis van de twintigste eeuw.
%2332750: Conrad, J. - Grundriss zum Studium der politischen Ökonomie. Teil 1. Nationalökonomie. Teil 2. Volkswirtschaftspolitik.
%23248786: Conrad, Hermann. - Deutsche rechtsgeschichte. Band I: Frühzeit und Mittelalter; Band II: Neuzeit bis 1806.
%23254583: Conrad, J. - Statistik. 1. Teil: Die Geschichte und Theorie der Statistik. Bevölkerungsstatistik; 2. Teil: Die Statistik der wirtschaftlichen Kultur. 1. Hälfte : Berufsstatistik, Agrarstatistik, Forst- und Montanstatistik; 2. Hälfte : Gewerbestatistik von A. Hesse. [Grundriss zum Studium der politischen Ökonomie. Vierter Teil I., II/1 & II/2].
%23254580: Conrad, J. - Volkswirtschaftspolitik. [Grundriss zum Studium der politischen Ökonomie. Zweiter Teil].
%23254581: Conrad, J. - Nationalökonomie. [Grundriss zum Studium der politischen Ökonomie. Erster Teil].
%23289501: Conrad, Klaus ... [et al.] - Pommersches Urkundenbuch. Band 1-9.
%23289722: Conradt, David P. ... [et al.] (eds.). - A Precarious Victory : Schroeder and the German Elections of 2002.
%23279151: Conrat (Cohn), Max. - Geschichte der Quellen und Literatur des römischen Rechts im frühen Mittelalter. 1. (einziger) Band.
%23252585: Conrat (Cohn), Max. - Zum römischen Vereinsrecht : Abhandlungen aus der Rechtsgeschichte.
%2372357: Conrat (Cohn), Max. - Die sogenannte actio de eo quod certo loco : eine Untersuchung aus dem römischen Recht.
%2372346: Conrat (Cohn), Max. - Die Epitome exactis regibus.
%23291143: Conrat (Cohn), Max. - Die Lex Romana Canonice Compta : römisches Recht im frühmittelalterlichen Italien.
%23280583: Conrat (Cohn), Max. - Beiträge zur Bearbeitung des römischen Rechts.
%2372363: Conring, Hermann. - Opera. Tome 1-2: Varia scripta ad historiam, jus publicum, prudentiam civilem Imp. Germanici; Tome 3-4: Varia scripta politica et historica. Tome 5-6: Scripta miscellanea; Tome 7: Repertorium Conringianum id est index in 6 tomos Operum.
%23293329: Conring, Hermann. - Hermann Conring's New discourse on the Roman-German emperor.
%23284528: Consani, Caterina. - Noncommutative geometry, arithmetic, and related topics.
%23181757: Conscience, Hendrik. - Geschiedenis mijner Jeugd, gevolgd door het onuitgegeven werk Lucifer ou Satan Converti, herschreven van noten voorzien en iconografisch verlucht door M.Gijsen ( Geschiedkundige commentaren van E.H. Kossmann en A.Verhulst)
%23229940: Council of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe (ed.) - Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights = Annuaire de la Convention Européenne des Droits de l'Homme; Vol. 48, 2005.
%2365584: Council of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe (ed.) - Human Rights of Aliens in Europe : proceedings of the Colloquy on Human Rights of Aliens in Europe Funchal-Madeira (Portugal) 17-19 October 1983.
%2319052: Council of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe (ed.) - European Convention on Human Rights. Collected texts = Convention Européenne des Droits de l´Homme. Receuil de textes.
%2353783: Council of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe (ed.) - The role of the Judicial Service Commission. Proceedings multilateral meeting organised by the Council of Europe and the General Council of the Judiciary of Spain, 1993.
%23203102: Council of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe (ed.) - European Convention on Human Rights. Collected texts [1987] = Convention Européenne des Droits de l´Homme. Receuil de textes [1987].
%23106478: Council of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe (ed.) - Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights - Volume 34, 1991.
%23116863: Council of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe (ed.) - Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights - Volume 38A. 1995.
%23135593: Council of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe (ed.) - Digest of Strasbourg case-law relating to the European Convention on Human Rights. Vol. 1: Articles 1-5; Vol. 2: Article 6; Vol. 3: Articles 7-12; Vol. 4: 13-25; Vol. 5: Aricles 26-66, Protocols to the Convention; Vol. 6: General Index to Volumes 1-5.
%23152523: Council of Europe/Conseil de l'Europe (ed.) - Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights = Annuaire de la Convention Européenne des Droits de l'Homme; Volume 35, 1992.
%23284166: Consi, Thomas R. (Editor). - Biorobotics.
%231621: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerhe, Institute per la documentazione giuridica. - Pre-proceedings of the International Study Congress on Logica, Informatica, Diritto : Florence 6-10 April 1981 : provisional texts and abstracts of the lectures, December 1980.
%23251666: Constance-Marie, Soeur. - L'ame noir : essai d'adaption II.
%23215111: Constandse, Anton L. - De derde wereldoorlog : analyse van de voorbereidingen.
%23215113: Constandse, Anton L. (e.a.) - De Alarmisten: 1918-1933 : [politieke teksten, gedichten, essays en tekeningen uit de anarchistische tijdschriften: Alarm en Opstand].
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%23215115: Constandse, Anton L. - Le baroque espagnol et Calderon de la Barca.
%23156371: Constandse, Anton L. - De jaren der verleugenis: internationale politiek sinds 1945.
%2363565: Constant, Benjamin. - Journal intimé : prércédé du Cahier rouge et d'Adolphe.
%23165049: Constant. - Constant 1945-1983.
%23288952: Constant (= Constant A. Nieuwenhuis). - Constant : Space + colour : from Cobra to New Babylon.
%23108798: Constantin, François & Christian Coulon (eds.) - Religion et transition démocratique en Afrique.
%23274369: P. (Peter) Constantin - Navier-Stokes equations
%23250865: Constantopoulou, Photini & Thanos Veremis (eds.) - Documents on the history of the Greek Jews : records from the Historical Archives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
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%23253273: Ministère de la Construction [France]. - Urbanisme en France : Bagnols-sur-Cèze.
%23253275: Ministère de la Construction [France]. - Urbanisme en France : Behren Farebersviller (Moselle)
%23253277: Ministère de la Construction [France]. - Urbanisme en France : La Défense.
%23274533: Conteh-Morgan, Earl (Editor). - Peacekeeping in Africa.
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%23183289: Content, Eli. - Eli Content : kleine schilderijen.
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%23256364: Conwill, Kinshasha H. - Testimony : vernacular art of the African-American South : the Ronald and June Shelp Collection.
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%23249457: Cook, Roger F. - By the rivers of Babylon : Heinrich Heine's late songs and reflections.
%23284300: Cook, C. John & Christopher Stephen Kerse. - E.C. merger control. Fourth edition.
%23292733: Cook, Philip J.; Stephen Machin, Olivier Marie, and Giovanni Mastrobuoni (eds.) - Lessons from the economics of crime : what reduces offending?
%23178502: Cook, Stanley Arthur. - A glossary of the Aramaic inscriptions.
%23276345: Cook, Mariana Ruth. - Justice : faces of the human rights revolution.
%23183403: Cook, Peter & Rosie Llewellyn-Jones. - Neuer Geist in der Architectur.
%23275251: Cooke, Mervyn. - The chronicle of jazz.
%2347843: Cooke, Maeve. - Language and reason : a study of Habermas's pragmatics.
%23292135: Cooke, Maeve. - Language and reason : a study of Habermas's pragmatics.
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%235480: Cooksey, Thomas L. - Plato's 'Symposium': a reader's guide.
%23170413: Cool, Thomas & Hans Hulst. - De ontketende kiezer : vrijheid en democratie in een sociale economie.
%2377958: COOLEY, J. (ed). - Mark Twain's aquarium. The Samuel Clemens Angelfish correspondence 1905-1910.
%2372526: Cooley, Alexander - Logics of Hierarchy: The Organization of Empires, States, and Military Occupations.
%23181639: Cooley, John K. - Unholy Wars: Afghanistan, America and International Terrorism.
%23173474: Coolhaas, C.; Hendrik Jacob de Fluiter & Herbert P. Koenig. - Kaffee.
%23260660: Coolhaas, Willem Ph. (ed.) - Generale missiven van gouverneurs-generaal en raden aan Heren XVII der Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie. Deel VII: 1713-1725.
%2382509: Coolhaas, Willem Ph. - Het regeerings reglement van 1827 : het werk van 1818 aan de ervaring getoetst.
%23260687: Coolhaas, Willem Ph. (ed.) - Generale missiven van gouverneurs-generaal en raden aan Heren XVII der Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie. Deel VIII: 1725-1729.
%2318514: Cools, Rudolf H. A. - De geografische gedachte bij Jean Brunhes.
%23274172: Cools, A. R. - Psychobiology of the Striatum
%23297082: Cooman, Heiner. - Die Kohärenztheorie der Wahrheit : eine kritische Darstellung der Theorie Reschers vor ihrem historischen Hintergrund.
%23235980: Coomans, Fons & Fried van Hoof (eds.) - The right to complain about economic, social and cultural rights : proceedings of the expert meeting on the adoption of an optional protocol to the International covenant on economic, social and cultural rights held from 25-28 January 1995 in Utrecht.
%232653: COOMANS, P., T. DE JONGE & E. NIJHOF. - De Eenheidsvakcentrale (EVC) 1943-1948.
%23198228: Coomans-Eustatia, Maritza ... [et al.]. - De horen en zijn echo : verzameling essays opgedragen aan Dr. Henny E. Coomans ter gelegenheid van z?n afscheid van de Universiteit van Amsterdam op 9 september 1994.
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%23149850: Coomans, Henry E. - Antillean seashells : the 19th century watercolours of caribbean molluscs painted by Hendrik van Rijgersma.
%23295270: Coomans, Fons ; Grünfeld, Fred & Kamminga, Menno T. - Methods of human rights research.
%23283768: Coomans, H.E. - A Survey of the littoral gastropoda of the Netherlands Antilles and other Caribbean Islands.
%2380634: Coope, Marian G.R. - Reality and time in the Oleza novels of Gabriel Miró.
%23205455: Cooper, Charles Purton. - Lettres sur la cour de la Chancellerie d'Angleterre, et sur quelques points de la jurisprudence anglaise : Ouvrage mis en rapport avec la législation des Pays-Bas.
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%23259764: Cooper, William E. & Jeanne Paccia-Cooper. - Syntax and speech.
%23250766: Cooper, Jeremy. - The legal rights manual : a guide for social workers and advice centres.
%23263406: Cooper, Lynn A. (Editor) - Neural Connections, Mental Computation (Computational Models of Cognition and Perception).
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%23137476: Coornaert, Émile. - Les Corporations en France avant 1789.
%23174794: Coornhert, Dirck Volkerrtsz. - Zedekunst dat is wellevenskunste : vermids waarheyds kennisse vanden mensche, vande zonden ende vande dueghden nu alder eerst beschreven int Neerlandsch (1586).
%23100266: Coornhert, Dirck Volkerrtsz. - Op zoek naar het hoogste goed.
%23143113: Coote, Stephen. - Napoleon and the Hundred Days.
%2340744: Coote, Belinda - The trade trap : poverty and the global commodity markets.
%23160855: Cooter, Robert & Thomas Ulen. - Law and Economics.
%23275426: Cooter, Robert & Hans-Bernd Scha?fer. - Solomon's knot : how law can end the poverty of nations.
%2366432: Cope, Kevin L. - Criteria of certainty: truth & judgment in the English enlightenment.
%23244649: Copeland, Rebecca L. and Esperanza Ramirez-Christensen. - The father-daughter plot. Japanese literary women and the law of the father.
%2314450: Copeland, Lynn Preston. - A controlled Investigation of the Reliability and Validity of Machover's Human Figure drawing projective Test.
%23114174: Copernicus, Nicolaus. - Gesamtausgabe. Band I: De revolutionibus : Faksimile des Manuskriptes : mit einem Vorwort zur Gesamtausgabe und einem Vorbericht über das Manuskript.
%23278527: Coplan Hurowitz, Sharon; John Baldessari - John Baldessari : a catalogue raisonné of prints and multiples, 1971-2007.
%23231520: Copland, Aaron. - The Selected Correspondence of Aaron Copland.
%23214832: Copland, Aaron. - The selected correspondence of Aaron Copland.
%23239240: Copland, Aaron. - The selected correspondence of Aaron Copland.
%23279726: Copland, Aaron. - The Selected Correspondence of Aaron Copland.
%23247398: Coppieters, Bruno., Legvold, Robert. - Statehood and security : Georgia after the Rose Revolution.
%23287517: Cops, Diederik. - Angst voor criminaliteit bij jongeren : een gei¨ntegreerde benadering van een vergeten sociale groep.
%23196957: Copson, David A. - Microwave heating : in freeze-drying, electronic ovens, and other applications.
%2391159: Coq, Albert von Le (ed.) - Kurdische Texte : Kurmangí-Erzählungen und -Lieder : nebst einer Zaza Erzählung. 90-6022-221-0
%23286043: Cora, Galeazzo & Angiolo Fanfani. - La maiolica di Cafaggiolo.
%2344506: Corballis, Michael C. - The Lopsided Ape: Evolution of the Generative Mind.
%2372371: Corbett, Percy Ellwood. - The Roman law of marriage.
%23128910: Corbett, Percy Ellwood. - Law in diplomacy.
%23122117: Corbey, D. - Stilstand is vooruitgang : de dialectiek van het Europese integratieproces.
%23139840: Corbijn, Anton - Anton Corbijn : 33 still lives.
%23273808: Corbin, Alain. - Het verlangen naar de kust.
%2376792: Corbin, Alain. - Het verlangen naar de kust.
%23165253: Corbin, Alain. - Pestdamp en bloesemgeur. Een geschiedenis van de reuk.
%23295990: Corbineau-Hoffmann, Angelika & Albert Gier (eds.) - Aspekte der Literatur des fin-de-siècle in der Romania.
%23277999: Corbo Lioi, V. - Inflation in developing countries : an econometric study of Chilean inflation.
%23212555: Corbridge, Stuart - Reinventing India - Liberalization, Hindu Nationalism and Popular Democracy.
%23287515: Le Corbusier. - Le Corbusier : le jeu du dessin = Le Corbusier : Zeichnen als Spiel
%23296513: Corcoran, Paul E. - Political language and rhetoric.
%23181660: Cordaro, Paulo D. & Francois Treves. - Hyperfunctions on Hypo-Analytic Manifolds.
%23215424: Cordasco, Francesco. - A bibliography of vocational education : an annotated guide.
%2361376: Cordell, Dennis D. - Hoe and wage: a social history of a circular migration system in West Africa.
%23295462: Cordell, Karl. - Poland and the European Union.
%23286329: Cordfunke, E.H.P. (ed.) - Kennemer historie : uit de geschiedenis van Alkmaar en omstreken
%23193144: Corelli, Marie. - Een visioen van den millionair.
%23279305: Cork, Richard. - Kate Whiteford: Land Drawings/Installations/Excavations.
%2358911: Corkery, J. - Management of Public Service Reform: A Comparative Review of Experiences in the Management of Programs of Reform (International Institute of ... Administrative Sciences Monographs, Volume 8).
%23294233: Corlett, J. Angelo. - Responsibility and punishment. [Revised] Fourth edition.
%23294241: Corlett, J. Angelo. - Responsibility and punishment. Revised second edition.
%23294215: Corlett, J. Angelo. - Responsibility and punishment. Revised second edition.
%23294214: Corlett, J. Angelo. - Responsibility and punishment.
%23185735: Cornelis, Petrus-Arsène. - Europeans about Europe. Young intellectuals of six countries express their attitudes about the unification of Europe. A study in social psychology.
%23139170: Cornelis, Arnold. - Logica van het gevoel : filosofie van de stabiliteitslagen in cultuur als nesteling der emoties.
%23297177: Cornelis, Pieter C.M. - Attraction accountability : predicting the unpredictable?
%23292316: Cornelisse, R.P.C. - Enige fiscale aspecten van goodwill.
%23220473: Cornelisse, R.P.C. - Enige fiscale aspecten van goodwill.
%23287626: Cornelisse, Wilma. - Waar licht is, is vreugde : een eeuw gemeentelijke energievoorziening in Amsterdam.
%2391934: Cornelissen, R.C. - Europese coördinatie van invaliditeits- en weduwenverzekeringen.
%23225487: Cornelissen, A.J.M. - Democratie : einde of opgang?
%23280428: Cornelissen, J.A. - Te wapen!! : lezing gehouden door den Heer J.A. Cornelissen, Leraar aan de Rijks-Kweekschool voor Onderwijzers te Nijmegen, voor de afdeeling Nijmegen der Pensioenvereeniging voor burgerlijke ambtenaren aldaar.
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