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%23290562: Adler, Sigmund. - Über das Erbenwartrecht nach den altesten bayerischen Rechtsquellen.
%23294084: Adler, Max. - Kant und der Marxismus : gesammelte Aufsätze zur Erkenntniskritik und Theorie des Sozialen.
%23209220: Adler, Bill (red)., Bruna, Dick (omslagontwerp). - Vlinders voor de president.
%23151623: Adlerblum, N.H. - A Study of Gersonides in his Proper Perspective.
%23178327: Adlung, Alfred. - Vergleichende Zusammenstellung der ältesten deutschen Apothekerordnungen.
%2331016: ADM, VICTOR. - L'evolution nationale de l'Egypte (1892-1945).
%23293954: Institut belge des Sciences Administratives. - Les organismes parastataux : 30 avril 1938 = De parastatale instellingen : 30 April 1949.
%23283867: Adomakoh, C.C. ... [et al.] - Advances in the drug therapy of mental illness : based on the proceedings of a symposium jointly sponsored by the World Health Organization and the Internat. Task Force on World Health Manpower, Geneva, 21-23 Nov. 1973.
%23290344: Adorno, Theodor W. - Gesammelte Schriften. [Band] 9 : Soziologische Schriften II, Erster Hälfte.
%23290343: Adorno, Theodor W. - Gesammelte Schriften. [Band] 1 : Philosophische Frühschriften.
%23275543: Adorno, Theodor ... [et. al]. - Sociologica I : Aufsätze Max Horkheimer zum Sechzigsten Geburtstag gewidmet.
%23273873: Adorno, Theodor W. & Alban Berg. - Correspondence 1925-1935
%23268800: Adorno, Theodor W. - Eingriffe : neun kritische Modelle.
%23228284: Adri Colpaart, Albert Eenink, Jan Commandeur (1954-)., Paul Steenhuis (1958-) - Jan Commandeur.
%23239917: Adriaanse, P.C. ... [et al.] - Implementatie van EU-handhavingsvoorschriften.
%23240966: Adriaanse, Paul Christiaan. - Handhaving van EG-recht in situaties van onrechtmatige staatssteun.
%2385649: Adriaanse, J.A.A. - Informele reorganisatie in het perspectief van surseance van betaling, WSNP en faillissement.
%23260965: Adriaanse, J. - Art. 1223 Al. 2 Burg. Wetb. : de beteekenis van de door den hyp. crediteur bedongen onherroepelijke machtiging tot verkoop van het verbonden perceel.
%23295682: Adriaanse, Paul; Frank van Ommeren, Willemien den Ouden & Johan Wolswinkel. - Scarcity and the State / I.
%23217111: Adriaanse, J.A.A. - Restructuring in the shadow of the law : informal reorganisation in the Netherlands.
%23286924: Adriaanse, A.M.; E.M. Bruggeman & J.T. Voordijk. - Digitale transformatie van het bouwproces en haar juridische en organisatorische aspecten.
%23182465: Adriaansens, H.P.M. - Talcott Parsons en het conceptuele dilemma.
%23295612: Adriaansens, C.A. & Fortgens, A.C.H. - Volkshuisvestingsrecht. Vijfde druk.
%23280855: Adriaens, Luc. - Ben ik zo anders?: Ervaringen met misdadigers.
%2322240: Adriani, Götz - Cezanne paintings.
%23296938: Adriani, P.J.A. - Vergelijking tussen de Belgische en Nederlandse belastingstelsels.
%2313050: Adriani, P.J.A. - Tractatus Tributarii : opstellen op belastinggebied aangeboden aan Prof. Dr. P.J.A. Adriani.
%239482: Adriani, P.J.A. - De Wet op de Vermogensbelasting en Verdedigingsbelasting 1.
%23169269: Adrichem, Jan van ... [et al] (eds.) - Beelden in Rotterdam.
%23216609: Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten (red.). - Vademecum advocatuur 2013 : wet en regelgeving.
%23198941: Adwan, Sami; Efrat Ben- Ze'ev & Menachem Klein. - Zoom in : Palestinian refugees of 1948, Remembrances. [English - Hebrew Edition].
%23216341: Aebi, Marcelo Fernando. - European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics 2006. Third edition.
%23254994: Aengenendt, Joseph. - Die Aussage von Kindern in Sittlichkeitsprozessen.
%2316213: Stichting Ars Aequi. - Staats- en strafrechtelijke jurisprudentie gepubliceerd in Ars Aequi 1951-'67.
%23277545: Aerts, M.C.M. - De zelfstandige in het sociaal recht : de verhouding tussen juridische status en sociaal-economische positie.
%23294390: Aerts, Remieg ... [et al.] - Land van kleine gebaren : een politieke geschiedenis van Nederland 1780-1990.
%23281689: Aerts, Willem J. ... [et al.] - Scholia : studia ad criticam interpretationemque textuum graecorum et ad historiam iuris graeco-romani pertinentia viro doctissimo D. Holwerda oblata.
%23140230: Aerts, M.C.M. - De zelfstandige in het sociaal recht : de verhouding tussen juridische status en sociaal-economische positie.
%23123648: Aerts, W. (ed.) - The Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp.
%23292408: Aeschlimann, Florence. - Recherches sur la notion de système physique.
%23287197: Aeschylus. - De Orestie van Eschylus.
%23213635: Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs (United Nations) - Women in politics and decision-making in the late twentieth century : a United Nations study.
%23232382: Polish Institute of International Affairs - The Polish Yearbook of International Law I : 1966/67.
%23290037: China Institute of International Affairs (TAIPEI). - China and the United Nations. Report of a study group set up by the China Institute of International Affairs, etc.
%23288008: United Nations. Department of Economic and Social Affairs. - Tax treaties between developed and developing countries. Sixth report.
%23244496: South African Institute of International Affairs - The illegal drug trade in Southern Africa: International dimensions to a local crisis.
%2362231: Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs. - Selected Documents on Germany and the question of Berlin, 1961-1973.
%23284411: Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs (United Nations). - Compendium of United Nations standards and norms in crime prevention and criminal justice.
%23212747: Royal Institute of International Affairs. - The British yearbook of international law. Vol. 1 (1921) - 67 (1996).
%23198336: Ministry of External Affairs [India]. - Report of the Committee on the Indian Foreign Service.
%23292254: Afflito, Matteo d'; Ubaldi, Baldo degli (Baldus Perusinus); Marco Mantova Benavides - Tractatus de iure prothomiseos. Excellentissimi iurecons. Matthaei de Afflict. et Baldi de Perusio nuperrime recognitus a plurimis quibus, scatebat erroribus vindicatus. Subsequenti Commentariolo ... Marci Mantuae Bonauiti Patauini, ad l. dudum. c. de contrahen. emptio. Summarijsque, ac elementario indico superadditis diligentissime exornatus.
%23288516: Afkhami, Mahnaz. - Faith and freedom : women's human rights in the Muslim world.
%23280935: Africa., Africa Institute of South. - Africa's development thinking since independence : a reader.
%23247248: Aftalion, Albert. - L'or et sa distribution mondiale.
%2375970: Aftalion, Albert. - La femme mariée : ses droits et ses intérêts pécuniaires : histoire, pratique française : droit comparé et étude de législation.
%2317688: AG, Eternit Werke Ludwig Hatschek - 91°: AG, Eternit Werke Ludwig Hatschek [Volume 4].
%2318312: AG, Eternit Werke Ludwig Hatschek - 91°: More than Architecture. [Volume 3].
%23273998: Agacinski, Sylviane - Parity of the Sexes
%23143408: Agahd, Konrad. - Kinderarbeit und Kinderschutz : (mit Text des Kinderschutzgesetzes).
%23248379: Agassi, Joseph & R.S. Cohen (ed.). Bunge, Mario. - Scientific Philosophy Today: Essays in Honor of Mario Bunge.
%23256732: Agassi, Joseph & Abraham Meidan. - Philosophy from a skeptical perspective.
%23129332: Agassi, Joseph. - Towards a Rational Philosophical Anthropology.
%23248718: Agassi, Joseph. - Science in flux.
%23283789: Agassiz, Louis & Elizabeth Cabot Cary Agassiz. - Voyage au Brésil.
%23135042: Agathangelou, Anna M. - The global political economy of sex : desire , violence , and insecurity in Mediterranean nation states.
%23114014: Agbeti, J.K. - West African Church History.
%2390158: Agee, William C., Irving Sandler, & Karen Wilkin. - American vanguards : Graham, Davis, Gorky, de Kooning, and their circle, 1927-1942.
%23245725: Agee, William C. and Ausan C. Faxon. - Coming of Age. American Art, 1850s to 1950s
%23280821: Ageeb, Osman A. - Wheat production and improvement in the Sudan : proceedings of the National Research Review Workshop, 27-30 August 1995, Agricultural Research Corporation, Wad Medani, Sudan.
%23189364: Agénor de Gasparin, Graaf. - Een groot volk dat zich verheft : de Vereenigde Staten in 1861.
%2342708: Agénor, Pierre-Richard - Development Macroeconomics.
%23208520: Agerholm, Edvard & Valdemar Berggreen. - Den danske Skueplads : 1722-1922.
%23259012: Ages-van Weel, Aleid. - Godslampje.
%23283561: Ages-van Weel, Aleid. - De Hooge Luwe.
%23110320: Ages, Arnold. - The Diaspora Dimension.
%2384578: Agger, Ben. - Fast capitalism : a critical theory of significance.
%2352839: Agger, Ben. - Socio(onto)logy : a disciplinary reading.
%23248467: Agmon, Tamir, Robert G. Hawkins, Richard M. Levich. - The Future of the international monetary system.
%23163705: Ago, Roberto. - L'opera scientifica di Arrigo Cavaglieri.
%2362522: Agócs, Sándor. - The troubled origins of the Italian Catholic Labor Movement, 1878-1914.
%2396344: Agolla, Mathias. - Zedelycke sermoonen op de sondagen van het jaer. Seer dienstigh voor alle predicanten ende ziel-bestierders, om de geloovige te verwecken tot afstandt van sonden, en aen te moedigen tot een christelijck leven. Deel I-II.
%23284673: Agor, Weston H. - The Chilean senate : internal distribution of influence.
%23205340: D'Agostino, Fred. - Incommensurability and commensuration : the common denominator.
%23132114: AGRICULTURE. Uilkens, J.A. ... [et al.] - Convolute. Beknopte handleiding voor alle eigenaars en administrateurs van vaste goederen; Uilkens, J.A. Handboek van de Vaderlandse Landhuishoudkunde; Voorschrift on de Rupsen van de Vruchtboomen te weren; Wardenburg, B.D.G. De Tusschenteelt op Bouwlanden. Tiel,1852; Jennes, J. Het stelsel van F. Guenon, om aan de uitwendige kenmerken te kunnen zien: de hoeveelheid en hoedanigheid der Melk, ...
%23286598: Agt, J.J.F.W. van. - De Nederlandse monumenten van geschiedenis en kunst. Deel VIII. De provincie Noord-Holland. Eerste stuk. Waterland en omgeving.
%23202320: Aguilar Jr., F.V. - Clash of Spirits : the history of power and sugar planter hegemony on a Visayan island.
%23251961: Aguirre, Carlos. - The criminals of Lima and their worlds : the prison experience , 1850-1935.
%2349175: Aguirre, José Antonio de. - Escape via Berlin : eluding Franco in Hitler's Europe.
%233117: Agung, Ide Anak Agung Gde. - 'Renville' als keerpunt in de Nederlands-Indonesisiche onderhandelingen.
%23280813: Agyemang, K. - Village N'Dama cattle production in West Africa: Six years of research in the Gambia.
%23210157: Ahanotu, Austin Metumara (ed.) - Religion, state and society in contemporary Africa : Nigeria, Sudan, South Africa, Zaire and Mozambique.
%23140608: Ahearn Jr., Daniel J. - Wages of Farms and Factory Laborers, 1914-1944.
%23289610: Ahern, Daniel R. - The Smile of Tragedy : Nietzsche and the Art of Virtue.
%2398318: Ahlgren, Gregory & Stephen Monier. - Crime of the Century : the Lindbergh Kidnapping Hoax.
%23231741: Ahmad of Quadian, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam. - The essence of Islam : extracts from the writings of the promised messiah.
%2331152: Ahmad, Feroz - The Young Turks: The Committee of Union and Progress in Turkish Politics, 1908-1914 (Columbia/Hurst).
%23108982: Ahmad Ali, H.A. - De Toescheidingsovereenkomst inzake nationaliteiten tussen Nederland en Suriname.
%23135106: Ahmad, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud. - Ahmadiyyat or the true Islam.
%23272988: Ahmad, Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud (ed.) - De Heilige Qor'aan : met Nederlandse vertaling.
%23175112: Ahmad, Mirza Tahir. - Revelation, rationality, knowledge and truth.
%23288693: Ahmad Dhahabi, Muhammad ibn & Ben Osman Az-Zahabi. - Les grands peches (al-kabaïr).
%23181145: Ahmed, Akbar S. - Islam today : a short introduction to the Muslim world.
%2374140: Ahmed, Arif. - Saul Kripke (Bloomsbury Contemporary American Thinkers).
%23224704: Ahmed, Nizam. - The Parliament of Bangladesh..
%23280885: Ahnert, Thomas. - The Moral Culture of the Scottish Enlightenment: 1690-1805 (The Lewis Walpole Series in Eighteenth-Century Culture and History).
%23226191: Aho, Alfred V. & Jeffrey D. Ullman. - The theory of parsing, translation, and compiling. 2 Volumes.
%23283650: Ahoud, W.F.M. - Inventaris van het oud-rechterlijk archief van de gemeente Zutphen 1389-1811 (1818).
%23198622: Al-Ahram (publisher) - Al-Tali'a : tariq al-munadilin ila al-fikr al-tawri al-mu'asir [Al-Talia; the Vanguard].
%23290401: Ahrens, Wilhelm. - Mathematische Unterhaltungen und Spiele. Band I (Dritte, vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage); Band II ((Zweite, vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage).
%2376123: Ahrens, Heinrich. - Naturrecht oder Philosophie des Rechts und des Staates auf dem Grunde des ethischen Zusammenhanges von Recht und Kultur.
%2331073: Ahsmann, Margreet J.A.M. - Bibliografie van Hoogleraren in de Rechten aan de Utrechtse Universiteit tot 1811.
%2335383: Ahsmann, Margreet J.A.M. - Collegia en colleges : juridisch onderwijs aan de Leidse Universiteit 1575-1630 in het bijzonder het disputeren.
%2331074: Ahsmann, Margreet & Robert Feenstra. - Bibliografie van Hoogleraren in de Rechten aan de Leidse Universiteit tot 1811.
%2386631: Ahsmann, Margreet J.A.M. - Over meesters in de rechten en priesters van het recht : feit en fictie in hun opleiding.
%2313676: Ahsmann, Margreet J.A.M. - Collegia en colleges : juridisch onderwijs aan de Leidse Universiteit 1575-1630 in het bijzonder het disputeren.
%23295239: Ahsmann, M.J.A.M. [et...al]. - Herijking van de juridische opleidingen. Preadviezen.
%23294829: Ai, Weiwei. - Human flow : stories from the global refugee crisis.
%23259459: Aicher, Josef. - Das Eigentum als subjektives Recht : zugleich ein Beitrag zur Theorie des subjektiven Rechts.
%23294840: Aicher, Joseph & Duhl, Leonard J. - Designing healthy cities : prescriptions, principles, and practice.
%2333591: Aichinger, Eric - Ingo Mittelstaedt - Pictorial.
%23201443: Aigrisse, Gilberte. - Psychanalyse de Paul Valery.
%23231932: Aikema, Bernard & Boudewijn Bakker. - Schilders van Venetie : oorsprong en bloei van de Venetiaanse vedute.
%23130231: Aikema, Bernard - Jacopo Bassano and His Public: Moralizing Pictures in an Age of Reform, ca. 1535-1600
%23260907: Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y. - The Manambu language of East Sepik, Papua New Guinea.
%23232557: Aikk, Juha. - Do we need minority rights? : conceptual issues.
%23286530: Ailly, A.E. d' & H.F. Wijnman. - Historische gids van Amsterdam.
%2359539: Ailly, A.E. d' - Historische gids van Amsterdam.
%23283679: Ailly, A.E. d'. - Wandelingen om Amsterdam.
%23287544: Ainsworth Mitchell, C. - Oils : animal, vegetable, essential, and mineral.
%23143620: Airaksinen, Timo - Ethics of coercion and authority: a philosophical study of social life.
%23297293: Airey, Jennifer L - Religion around Mary Shelley.
%2370877: Aisenstein, Leo. - Staries et surestaries en droit Français et comparé.
%2381090: Aitken, M.J.; C.B. Stringer & P.A. Mellars (eds.) - The origin of modern humans and the impact of chronometric dating.
%23286737: Aitken, C.G.G. & D.A. Stoney. - The use of statistics in forensic science.
%23294826: Aizenberg, Salo. - Hatemail : anti-Semitism on picture postcards.
%23265340: Ajuriaguerra, J. de (ed.) - Monoamines et système nerveux central : Symposium Bel-Air, Genève, Septembre 1961.
%23281222: Ajuriaguerra, J. de (ed.) - Cycles biologiques et psychiatrie.
%23288704: Aka, Yapo Firmin. - La protection des transports de marchandises par mer en droit Ivoirien : sécurité de la marchandise et sûreté de la navigation.
%23229699: Akaha, Tsuneo (ed.) - The future of North Korea.
%23140249: Akar, P. a.o. - The Industrial Challenge of Nuclear Energy. Research-Uses-Social Problems. Papers given during the second Information Conference on Nuclear Energy for Management.
%2322493: Ake, Claude. - Democracy and development in Africa.
%2343541: Akehurst, Michael. - A modern introduction to international law.
%2325698: Akehurst, Michael. - A modern introduction to international law.
%23242722: Akenson, Donald H. - An Irish history of civilization. 2 Volumes.
%23296064: Aker, Gudrun. - Die Gute Frau : höfische Bewährung und asketische Selbstheiligung in einer Verserzählung der späten Stauferzeit.
%23173504: Åkerman, Johan. - Ekonomisk teori. I : De ekonomiska kalkylerna ; II : Kausalanalys av det ekonomiska skeendet.
%23173515: Åkerman, Johan. - Ekonomiskt skeendet och politiska förändringar.
%23199084: Åkerman, Dieter von. - Das Diskriminierungsverbot im EWG-Vertrag und seine Bedeutung für multilaterale und bilaterale Handelsabkommen aus der Sicht der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
%23240615: Akerman, Achim von. - Die Namen der Kindheit : Gedichte.
%23288521: Akgündüz, Ahmed. - Introduction to Islamic law.
%23217632: Akhavi, Shahrough - Religion and Politics in Contemporary Iran: Clergy-State Relations in the Pahlavi Period.
%23204360: Akiba, Okon - Constitutionalism And Society In Africa (Contemporary Perspectives on Developing Societies).
%2328105: Akiba, Okon - Nigerian Foreign Policy Towards Africa: Continuity and Change.
%23240276: Akinrinade, Babafemi - Human Rights and State Collapse in Africa.
%2369478: Akins, Kathleen (ed.) - Perception.
%23264041: Akintan, S. A. - The law of international economic institutions in Africa.
%23297336: Akiyama, Isami (ed.) - Japan Air Selfe-Defense ForcemF-4 Phantom II : photobook and modelling guide : The glorious 301st Squadron.
%2396600: Akkerman, Tjitske. - Women's vices, public benefits. Women and commerce in the French Enlightenment.
%23107329: Akkerman, Tjitske. - Democratie : de Grondslagen van het moderne idee.
%23261041: Akkerman, Robert J., Peter J. van Krieken & Charles O. Pannenborg (eds.) - Declarations on principles : a quest for universal peace : [Liber amicorum discipulorumque Prof. Dr. Bert V.A. Röling at his retirement as professor of international law and peace research, Groningen State University, The Netherlands].
%23296786: Akkermans, A.J.M.; M.A.M. van den Heuvel & G.J.H. Krosenbrink (eds.) - Zevenaar, stad in de Liemers.
%23240359: Akkermans, P.W.C., D.J. Elzinga & E. Pietermaat-Kros (eds.) - Constitutionalism in the Netherlands : the Dutch contributions to the fourth World Congress of the International Association of Constitutional Law in Tokyo (September 1995).
%23296534: Akkermans, T. - Corporatisme en verzorgingsstaat.
%23281709: Akkermans, D.H.M. - Economic power and labour market segmentation : transfer and the creation of labour market structure.
%23259094: Akkermans, P.W.C. ... [et al.] - Staatsrechtconferentie 1985 : staatsrecht: geleerdheid, wetenschap?
%23259665: Akmajian, Adrian ... [et al.] - Linguistics : an introduction to language and communication. 3rd edition.
%2388186: Aksar, Yusuf - Implementing International Humanitarian Law: From The Ad Hoc Tribunals to a Permanent International Criminal Court.
%23240938: Aksu, Meryem. - Straatsburgse kaders voor terrorismebestrijding : EVRM, strafrecht en terrorisme.
%23142751: Akveld, J.E.M. (eds.) - Hoofdstukken Handelsrecht.
%23278763: Akyürek-Kievits, H.E. - Tussen protectie en concurrentie : marktwerking of regulering voor bedrijven met een taak van algemeen belang.
%23107707: Akyürek-Kievits, H.E. - Tussen protectie en concurrentie : marktwerking of regulering voor bedrijven met een taak van algemeen belang.
%23286064: Akyürek, Elkan. - The boundaries of attention.
%23280688: Alaerts, G.J. & N.L. Dickinson (eds.). - Purpose and structure of the Proceedings.
%2364326: Alain, Touraine - L'apres Socialisme.
%23286444: Alao, Abiodun. - The burden of collective goodwill : the international involvement in the Liberian Civil War.
%23280674: Alarcon, Jorge. - The Social accounting framework for development : concepts, construction and application.
%23196920: Alba - Kostbarkeiten ferner Laender.
%23179578: Albarda, Jan. - Iets over boedelscheiding.
%239921: Albarda, Horatius. - Stellingen, ter verkrijging van den graad van doctor in de rechtswetenschap aan de Rijks-Universiteit te Utrecht.
%23207768: Albeda, Willem. - De nadagen van de verzorgingsstaat : kansen en perspectieven voor morgen.
%23296616: Alberda van Ekenstein, Willem. - De huisvrede in het strafrecht.
%23156883: Alberdingk Thijm, Jos. A. (ed.) - Karolingsche verhalen.
%23280418: Alberegtse, D.A. - Buitengewone lasten. 2e druk.
%23246114: Albers, Josef. & László Moholy-Nagy. - Albers and Moholy-Nagy : from the Bauhaus to the new world.
%23284295: Albers, L.J.P. & Marius van Rijn. - De stoomtram : Alkmaar-Bergen aan Zee, 'Bello' en daarna
%23173443: Albers, Lucia H. - Het gewichtloze gewogen : cultuurhistorische betekenis van landgoederen geëvalueerd met behulp van multicriteria analyse.
%23284561: Albers, H.S.J. - Europees gemeenschapsrecht en cultuur: eenheid en verscheidenheid.
%23282125: Albers, C.L.G.F.H.; M.L. van Emmerik, C.M. Saris & Frans-Jozef Haas. - Boetes en andere bestraffende sancties : een nieuw perspectief? : preadviezen.
%23119253: Albers, H.S.J. - Europees gemeenschapsrecht en cultuur: eenheid en verscheidenheid.
%23176303: Albers, Martin Otto. - Het ontslag van Bismarck.
%2346549: Albers, O. ... {et al.] - Deeltijdarbeid.
%23268758: Albers, C.L.G.F.H. - Bestuursrecht begrepen.
%23297075: Albersmeier, Franz-Joseph. - Bild und Text : Beitra¨ge zu Film und Literatur (1976-1982).
%2385700: Albert, Hans. - Traktat über rationale Praxis.
%23176639: Albert, Claude (ed.) - Géométrie symplectique et mécanique : colloque international , La Grande Motte , France , 23 - 28 mai , 1988.
%23296961: Albert, P.G.H. - Deelnemingsvrijstelling.
%23131292: Albert, Wolf-Dieter. - Darstellungen des Eros in Unteritalien.
%23133100: Albert, Hans. - Traktat über Kritische Vernunft.
%2362358: Albert, Hans & Ernst Topitsch (eds.) - Werturteilsstreit.
%23278354: Albert, Hans. - Die Wissenschaft und die Fehlbahrkeit der Vernunft.
%23278355: Albert, Hans. - Traktat über kritische Vernunft. 4. verbesserte Auflage.
%23169388: Albert, Hans. - Rationaliteit in wetenschap en samenleving : opstellen over wetenschap, ideologie en politiek.
%23210956: Heinrich. Albert (ed.) - Bibliographie Verlag C.H. Beck, 1913-1988 : Biederstein Verlag, 1946-1988, Verlag Franz Vahlen, 1970-1988.
%23290217: Alberts, G. & J. Schut (eds.) - Wiskunde en praktijk in historisch perspectief : syllabus & reader.
%23291880: Alberts, G., H.J.M. Bos & J. Nuis. - Om de wiskunde : stimulansen voor toepassingsgerichte wiskunde rond 1946.
%2371353: Alberts, G. & H.J. Zuidervaart (eds.) - De KNAW en de Nederlandse wetenschap tussen 1930 en 1960.
%23291884: Alberts, G., F. van der Blij & J. Nuis. - Zij mogen uiteraard daarbij de zuivere wiskunde niet verwaarlozen.
%23176660: Albeverio, Sergio, Combe, Philippe & Sirugue-Collin, Madeleine. - Stochastic aspects of classical and quantum systems : proceedings of the 2nd French-German Encounter in Mathematics and Physics, held in Marseille, France, March 28-April 1, 1983.
%23201977: Albi, Anneli. - The European Constitution and national constitutions: Ratification and Beyond.
%23276048: Albin, Johann Georg. - Tractatio ivridica de ivre miserabilivm: von Rechte der Armseligen und Noth-bedrängten Personen
%23103177: Alblas, J.B.H. - Johannes Boekholt (1656-1693), the first Dutch publisher of John Bunyan and other English authors.
%2313282: Albrecht, Max. - De invloed van het kiesstelsel op de samenstelling van de volksvertegenwoordiging en op de vorming van de regering.
%23291664: Albrecht, Johannes Coenraad Hendrikus. - Contribution to the geology of the region between Soengai Klindjau and Soengai Belajan, Northern Koetai, Borneo.
%2376124: Albrecht, Wilhelm Eduard. - Die Gewere als Grundlage des älteren deutschen Sachenrechts.
%23255714: Albrecht, Andrea. - Kosmopolitismus : Weltbürgerdiskurse in Literatur, Philosophie und Publizistik um 1800.
%23289412: Albrecht, Hans-Jörg. - Rechtstatsachenforschung zum Strafverfahren : empirische Untersuchungen zu Fragestellungen des Strafverfahrens zwischen 1990 und 2003.
%23117453: ALBRECHT, H.U. - Die Röntgendiagnostik des Verdauungskanals.
%23143135: Albrecht, Hans-Jörg. - Strafzumessung bei schwerer Kriminalität : eine vergleichende theoretische und empirische Studie zur Herstellung und Darstellung des Strafmasses.
%23154349: Albrecht, Hans-Jörg & Anton van Kalmthout (eds.) - Drug policies in Western Europe.
%23280379: Albregtse, D.A. - De persoonsgebonden aftrek.
%23143278: Albritton, Claude C. - The abyss of time : changing conceptions of the earth's antiquity after the sixteenth century.
%23217046: Alcalá, Luisa Elena., Esteras Martín, Cristina., Hecht, Johanna., Phipps, Elena. - The colonial Andes : tapestries and silverwork , 1530-1830.
%23218143: Alces, Peter A. - A theory of contract law : empirical understandings and moral psychology.
%23136987: Aldcroft, Derek H. - The Inter-war Economy: Britain, 1919-1939.
%23236504: ALDEN, CHRIS - Apartheid's Last Stand: The Rise and Fall of the South African Security State.
%23285875: Alden, Nancy. - Simply Stunning Jewelry: A Treasury of Projects, Techniques, and Inspiration.
%23279684: Alder, Ken. - The Lie Detectors: The History of an American Obsession.
%2359856: Alders, Koos; Kees, Koedijk; Clemens Kool & Carlo Winter (eds.) - Monetary policy in a converging Europe : papers and proceedings of an internationl workshop organised by De Nederlandsche Bank and the Limburg Institute of Financial Economics of the University of Limburg, 1995.
%23137573: Alders, Peter - Family Ties in an Aging World. Causes and Consequences of Fertility Shifts. Diss.
%2367118: Alderse Baas-Budwilowitz, Peggy. - Blijvend in verbeelding : de verwerking van de Tweede Wereldoorlog in de beeldende kunst.
%2357750: Aldersey-Williams, Hugh. - The most beautiful molecule : an adventure in chemistry.
%23176293: Aldous, D.J., I.A. Ibragimov, J. Jacod. - École d'été de probabilités de Saint Flour XIII - 1983.
%23176655: Aldous, D.J. , I.A. Ibragimov & J. Jacod. - École de Éte de Probabilités de Saint-Flour XIII - 1983.
%2373925: Aldrich, Brian C. - Housing the Urban Poor: A Guide to Policy and Practice in the South (Urban Studies).
%23253463: Aleinikoff, Alexander T. (ed.) - From migrants to citizens: membership in a changing world.
%23277199: Alejandro, Roberto. - Nietzsche and the drama of historiobiography.
%23229145: Aleksandar, Fatic. - Reconciliation via the war crimes tribunal ?.
%23287214: Alen, André & Jean Dujardin. - Casebook Belgisch grondwettelijk recht.
%23112342: Aler, Jan (ed.). - Martin Heidegger 1889-1976 : filosofische Weerklank in de Lage Landen.
%23231302: Aletrino, A. - Is celstraf nog langer geoorloofd en gewenscht?
%23233643: Alexander, William Hardy. - The Tacitean non liquet on Seneca.
%23297506: Alexander, L.M. ... [et al.] (eds.) - Ocean Management : [journal for ocean management). Vol. 1 (1972) - 4 (1978).
%2384761: Alexander, Larry & Emily Sherwin. - Demystifying Legal Reasoning.
%23287881: Alexander, Jonathan J.G. - The painted book in Renaissance Italy : 1450-1600.
%23285527: Alexander, Jennifer. - Trade, traders, and trading in rural Java.
%23165986: Alexander, David - Natural disasters.
%2355023: Alexander of Tunis, Earl. - The Alexander memoirs : 1940-1945.
%23256786: Alexander, Gregory S. & Eduardo M. Peñalver (eds.) - Property and community.
%23245896: Alexander, Yonah & Abraham H. Foxman (eds.) - The 1987 annual on terrorism.
%23198310: Alexander, Ruth M. - The Girl Problem : female sexual delinquency in New York, 1900-1930.
%23118728: Alexander, Willy. - The EEC Rules of Competition.
%2376126: Alexander III, Papst. (Magister Rolandus, Orlando Bandinella). - Summa. Mit Anhang: Incerti auctoris quaestiones.
%2341948: Alexander, Willy. - Brevets d'invention et règles de concurrence du Traité CEE.
%23155399: ALEXANDER, PATRICK PROCTOR. - Mill and Carlyle. An examination of Mr. John Stuart Mill's Doctrine of Causation in relation to moral freedom.
%23247594: Alexander, Dean C. (ed.) - Contemporary international law issues: sharing pan-european and american perspectives. 1991 Joint Conference of the American Society of International Law and Nederlandse Vereniging voor Internationaal Recht, July 4-6,1991.
%23254475: Alexander, Dennis J. (ed.) - Newcastle disease.
%23278080: Alexander, Lewis M. (ed.) - The law of the sea : offshore, boundaries and zones.
%23211024: Alexander, Willy. - Brevets d'invention et règles de concurrence du Traité CEE.
%2328261: Alexander, Hartley Burr. - The problem of metaphysics and the meaning of metaphysical explanation : an essay in definitions.
%2386523: Alexandre, Noel (1639-1724). - Theologia dogmatica et moralis secundum ordinem catechismi concilii Tridentini in quinque libros distributa, opus aureum...accessit novae huic Editioni Index Concionatorius in omnes totius anni Dominicas & festa. [Tomus primus - secundus].
%23296807: Athanasius Alexandrinus. - Tou en agiois patros emon Athanasiou archiepiskopou Alexandreias ta euriskomena apanta = Sancti patris nostri Athanasii archiepiscopi Alexandriae opera qvae reperivntvr omnia..
%23255349: Alexandrov, Stanimir A. - Self-defense against the use of force in international law.
%23284544: Alexandrova, Alena; Ignaas Devisch, Laurens ten Kate, & Aukje van Rooden (eds.) - Re-treating religion : deconstructing Christianity with Jean-Luc Nancy.
%23215705: Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry. - The law of global communications.
%23282520: Alexandrowicz, Charles Henry. - The law-making functions of the specialised agencies of the United Nations.
%2331905: Alfange, Dean. - The Supreme Court and the National Will.
%23291959: Alfoneh, Ali. - Iran unveiled : how the revolutionary guards Is turning theocracy into military dictatorship.
%23200496: Al, Bernardus Silvester Alfonsus. - De mannelijke en de vrouwelijke godheid van de boomcultus in de Minoïsche godsdienst. Amst
%23154135: Algaze, Guillermo (ed.) - Town and Country in Southeastern Anatolia. Volume II - The Stratigraphic Source at Lurban Hoyuk. Volume A: Text; Volume B: Plates.
%23230730: Alger, Chadwick F. (ed.) - The Future of the United Nations System: Potential for the Twenty-First Century.
%23208275: Algra, N.E. & H.R.W. Gokkel. - Fockema Andreae's rechtsgeleerd handwoordenboek.
%23254509: Algra, N.E. & H.R.W. Gokkel. - Fockema Andreae's rechtsgeleerd handwoordenboek.
%23240172: Algra, N.E. & H.R.W. Gokkel. - Fockema Andreae's Juridisch Woordenboek.
%23161569: Algra, N.E. & H.R.W. Gokkel. - Fockema Andreae's Juridisch Woordenboek.
%23247442: Algra, N.E. & H.R.W. Gokkel. - Fockema Andreae's verwijzend en verklarend Juridisch Woordenboek.
%23183533: Algra, N.E. - Ein : enkele rechtshistorische aspecten van de grondeigendom in Westlauwers Friesland.
%23189471: Algra, N.E. (e.a.) - Rechtsaanvang : enkele hoofdstukken over recht en rechtswetenschap voor het onderwijs in de inleiding tot de rechtswetenschap te Utrecht.
%239298: Algra, N.E. - Inleiding tot het Nederlands Privaatrecht. 3e druk.
%23154587: Algra, N.E. & H.R.W. Gokkel. - Fockema Andreae's verwijzend en verklarend Juridisch Woordenboek.
%23226744: Algra, N.E. - Rechtsuitgang : opstellen aangeboden aan prof. mr. N.E. Algra ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid als hoogleraar.
%2315552: Algra, N.E. - De tekstfiliatie van de 17 keuren en de 24 landrechten : een voorbereidend onderzoek.
%23246070: Algranti, Gilberto. - Titian to Tiepolo : three centuries of Italian art.
%23206336: Ali, Tariq. - The stone woman : a novel.
%2344310: Ali, Maulana Muhammad - De Heilige Koran.
%23185397: Ali, Abdul Sahib Mehdi. - A linguistic study of the development of scientific vocabulary in standard Arabic.
%23287298: Ali, Taisier M. & Robert O Matthews (eds.) - Civil wars in Africa: roots and resolution.
%23263808: Ali, Maulana Muhammad - De religie van de Islam : een uitvoerige verhandeling van de bronnen, beginselen, wetten en voorschriften van de Islam.
%23280757: Alia†, Valerie. - Names And Nunavut: Culture And Identity in the Inuit Homeland.
%23230982: Alida, Caroline - Bori : guerisseurs de l'aime = healers of the soul.
%231167: Dante Alighieri. - Dante's divine comedy : Paradise : Journey to Joy, Part three.
%2371057: Dante Alighieri. - Dante-verklaring.
%2315715: Dante Alighieri. - Monarchie (De monarchia).
%23279247: Alimi, Eitan Y. - The dynamics of radicalization : a relational and comparative perspective.
%23257886: Alisjahbana, Sutan Takdir., Udin, S. (ed.) - Spectrum : essays presented to Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana on his seventieth birthday.
%2376128: Alivisatos, Hamilkar S. - Die kirchliche Gesetzgebung des Kaisers Justinian I.
%23214847: Alizadeh, Abbas. - Excavations at the prehistoric mound of Chogha Bonut, Khuzestan, Iran : seasons 1976/77, 1977/78, and 1996.
%23283534: Alizadeh, Abbas (ed.) - The origins of state organizations in prehistoric highland Fars, Southern Iran : excavations at Tall-e Bakun.
%236907: Alkema, E.A. - Studies over Europese grondrechten : de invloed van de Europese Conventie op het Nederlandse recht.
%23281415: Alkemade, Gerard van - Al ga je er aan kapot! : Het leven van vredesactivist Kees Koning.
%23134248: Alkemade, Kornelis van. - Behandeling van 't Kamp-recht; d'aaloude en opperste Regts-Vordering voor den Hove van Holland onder de eerste Graven.
%23175082: Alkemade, J. van Rijn van. - Grensoverschrijdend privaatrecht : een bundel opstellen over privaatrecht in internationaal verband.
%23293734: Alkemade, A.J.M. - Vrouwen XIX : geschiedenis van negentien religieuze congregaties 1800-1850.
%23214805: Alker Jr., Hayward Rose. - Mathematical approaches to politics.
%23292898: Nothing All.[= pseud. van J.G.G. Nottrot]. - Inzicht in de vierde dimensie.
%23224530: Allan, J. A.. - Water in the Middle East: Legal, Political and Commercial Implications..
%23215810: Allan, D.C.G. & John L. Abbott. - The Virtuoso tribe of arts & sciences : studies in the eighteenth-century work and membership of the London Society of Arts.
%23280503: Allan, F. - De stad 's-Gravenhage en hare geschiedenis : voorafgegaan door eene algemeene geschied- en aardrijkskundige beschouwing der provincie Zuid-Holland : met eene kaart van Zuid-Holland, plattegrond der stad 's-Gravenhage, houtsneden en steendrukplaten.
%23238450: Allard, James W. - The logical foundations of Bradley's metaphysics : judgment , inference , and truth.
%2376130: Allard, Albéric. - Histoire de la justice criminelle au seizième siècle.
%23171981: Allas, Yasmine. - De generaal met de zes vingers.
%23285909: Allegaert, Sophie. - Colorful Retreats: by Chris Mestdagh.
%23177380: Alleman, James H., Crandall, Robert W. - Broadband : should we regulate high-speed internet access?.
%2323212: Allen, Barry - Artifice and design: art and technology in human experience
%23282269: Allen, Carleton Kemp. - Law in the making.
%23290156: Allen, David; Reinhardt Rummel & Wolfgang Wessels (eds.) - European political cooperation : towards a foreign policy for Western Europe.
%2347603: Allen, James A. Van - 924 Elementary Problems and Answers in Solar System Astronomy.
%23209349: Allen, Charles. - God's terrorists : the Wahhabi cult and hidden roots of modern Jihad
%23295587: Allen, Carleton Kemp. - The Queen's peace.
%23153940: Allen, Joan deRis, Allen, P.M. - Francis of Assisi's Canticle of the creatures: a modern spiritual path.
%23284269: Allen, Phillip. - The atlas of atlases.
%2376132: Allen, Carleton Kemp. - Bureaucracy triumphant.
%23247478: Allen, N.J. - Categories and classifications : Maussian reflections on the social.
%2321604: Allen, Theodore W. - The invention of the white race : [volume 1] : racial oppression and social control.
%23278218: Allen, Danielle S. - Our Declaration : a reading of the Declaration of Independence in defense of equality.
%2376134: Allen, Carleton Kemp. - Legal duties and other essays in jurisprudence.
%2321668: Allen, R.G.D. - Mathematical Economics.
%23144031: Allen, Jeffner. - Reverberations across the shimmering. Cascades.
%23149437: Allen, Harry E. & Clifford E. Simonsen. - Corrections in America : an introduction.
%2343463: Allen, Ronald J. - An analytical approach to evidence : text, problems, and cases.
%23171737: Allen, Jelisaveta S. - Literature on Byzantine art, 1892-1967. Vol. I (part 1 and 2) and II.
%23207329: Allen, John Logan (ed.) - North American exploration. Volume 2: A continent defined.
%23207330: Allen, John Logan (ed.) - North American exploration. Volume 3: A continent comprehended.
%232118: Allen, Howard W. - Poindexter of Washington. A study in progressive politics.
%23274461: Allen, Colin - Logic primer
%23274501: Allen, Garth. - Tourism in the New South Africa: Social Responsibility and the Tourist Experience (Tourism, Retailing and Consumption).
%23270715: Allen, Jennifer ... [et al.] - Atelier Van Lieshout.
%23227726: Allen, Robert Clyde. - Channels of discourse , reassembled : television and contemporary criticism.
%23237299: Allen, Tim. - Trial justice : the international criminal court and the Lord's Resistance Army.
%23287677: Allesandro, Jill d' & Reina Lewis. - Contemporary Muslim Fashion.
%23214426: Allewijn, D. ... [et al. - De mondelinge behandeling, negen jaar met het nieuwe burgerlijk procesrecht.
%2361099: Allewijn, D. ... [et al.] - Tussen partijen is in geschil... : de bestuursrechter als geschilbeslechter.
%2376137: Allfeld, Philipp. - Lehrbuch des deutschen Strafrechts. Allgemeiner Teil.
%2376135: Allfeld, Philipp. - Der Einfluss der Gesinnung des Verbrechers auf die Bestrafung.
%23296077: Allgaier, Karl. - Der Einfluss Bernhards von Clairvaux auf Gottfried von Strassburg.
%2319662: Allinson, Gary D. - Japan's Postwar History. 2nd Edition.
%2381646: Allinson, Gary D. - The Columbia guide to modern Japanese history.
%23143378: Allioli, Joseph Franz (ed.) - Biblische Erd- und Länderkunde.
%2396350: Allioli, Joseph Franz von. - Biblisches Wörterbuch zugleich Register über die sämmtlichen Ausgaben der heiligen Schriften des alten und neuen Testamentes von Dr. Joseph Franz von Allioli.
%23290724: Allison, David B. - The New Nietzsche : Contemporary Styles of Interpretation.
%2331465: Allison, J. W. F. - The English Historical Constitution: Continuity, Change and European Effects.
%2391549: Allison, Roy. - The Soviet Union and the strategy of non-alignment in the Third World.
%23260620: ALLISON, LINCOLN - The Utilitarian response : the contemporary viability of Utilitarian political philosophy.
%23286197: Allman, James. - Social mobility, education and development in Tunisia.
%23275290: Allston, Washington. - The correspondence of Washington Allston.
%23251949: Allworth, Edward. - Muslim communities reemerge : historical perspectives on nationality , politics , and opposition in the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia.
%23216300: Alma, R.H. & W.E. Goelema (eds.) - Rechtspraak in Drenthe.
%2334814: ALMARA. - Manual for the spirographic apparatus : model Sanatorium Berg en Bosch.
%23143093: Almeder, Robert F. - Harmless naturalism : the limits of science and the nature of philosophy.
%23122402: Almeida, Guido Antônio de. - Sinn und Inhalt in der genetischen Phänomenologie E. Husserls.
%23294217: Almeida, Michael J. - Imperceptible harms and benefits.
%23296431: Almekinders, Geert J. - Foreign exchange intervention : theory and evidence.
%2368894: Almelo, Lex van (e.a.) - Feiten maken het recht : forensic accounting revisited.
%23117221: Almelo, A.E. van & P.G. Wiewel (eds.) - Politiezorg in de jaren '90.
%23231033: Almond, Peter. - Aviation: The Early Years.
%23196522: Almond, Peter. - Aviation : the early years = die Anfänge der Luftfahrt = les premières années de l'aéronautique.
%2367871: Almquist, Jan Eric. - Svensk Juridisk Litteratur Historia.
%23210834: Alofs, Ben. - More than tear-gas : harrassing agents and their use in the Israeli occupied territories.
%23297460: Aloni, Shlomo. - Israeli F-15 Eagle units in combat.
%23297412: Aloni, Shlomo. - 101 : Israeli Air Force First Fighter Squadron.
%2361168: Alonso, Harriet Hyman. - Peace as a women's issue : a history of the U.S. movement for world peace and women's rights.
%23215412: Alpert, Yakov. - Making waves : stories from my life.
%23159940: Alpert, Geoffrey P. - Legal rights of prisoners : an analysis of legal aid.
%23259525: Alphen, Willem van. - Papegay, ofte Formulier-boek, van allerhande requesten ... dienende voor de Hoven van Justitie in Hollandt.
%2351038: Alphen, P.H.W. van. - Eenige opmerkingen over de kiezerslijsten in verband met het onderzoek der geloofsbrieven.
%23259496: Alphen, Hieronymus van. - Literair-theoretische geschriften. Deel 1: teksten; Deel 2: Commentaar.
%23252066: Alphen, P.H.W. van. - Eenige opmerkingen over de kiezerslijsten in verband met het onderzoek der geloofsbrieven.
%23216889: Alphen, J. van., Ray, Ranesh. - Tejas : eternal energy : 1500 years of Indian art.
%23235277: Alpízar Durán, Lydia., Payne, Noël D., Russo, Anahi. - Building feminist movements and organizations : global perspectives.
%23257777: Alsaif, Taqfiq. - Islamic democracy and its limits : the Iranian experience since 1979.
%23241499: Alschuler, Albert W. - Law without values : the life , work , and legacy of Justice Holmes.
%23236454: Alsdorf, Friedrich Karl. - Untersuchungen zur Rechtsgestalt und Teilung deutscher Ganerbenburgen.
%23162393: Alston, Philip (ed.) - The United Nations and human rights : a critical appraisal.
%23236287: Alston, Philip & D.W. Greig (eds.) - The Australian Yearbook of International law, Volume 12.
%2370660: Alston, Philip (ed.) - The EU and human rights.
%23196863: Alston, R.E. and B.L. Turner. - Biochemical systematics.
%23294310: Alston, Philip G. & James Crawford. - The future of UN human rights treaty monitoring.
%23277456: Alston, Philip & Mary Robinson. - Human rights and development : towards mutual reinforcement..
%2337243: Altavilla, Enrico. - La Colpa. Vol. 1: Parte prima: La Colpa Aquiliana; Parte seconda: La Colpa Penale; Vol. 2: Parte prima: La Colpa professionale; Parte secunda: Etiologica e profilassi del dilitto colposo; Parte terza: Peicolosita. Classificazione mezzi di difesa sociale.
%23235340: Altbach, Philip G. & Toru Umakoshi (eds.) - Asian universities : historical perspectives and contemporary challenges / edited by Philip G. Altbach and Toru Umakoshi
%23263047: Altbach, Philip G. & Gail P. Kelly (eds.) - New approaches to comparative education.
%23133668: Altena, Ernst van. - Jij goudgepunte lans : bloemlezing uit de Franse erotische poëzie van de zestiende en zeventiende eeuw.
%2376789: Altena, P. ... [et al.] - Feit en fictie in misdaadliteratuur (±1650-±1850).
%23286007: Altena, Bart & Dick van Lente. - Vrijheid en rede : geschiedenis van westerse samenlevingen 1750-1989.
%23292972: Altena, Peter & Myriam Everard (red.). - Onbreekbare burgerharten : de historie van Betje Wolff en Aagje Deken.
%23294709: Altenburger (geb. Tsai), Li-chao - Internationales Schuldvertragsrecht im deutschen, japanischen und nationalchinesischen internationalen Privatrecht.
%23293261: Alter, Nora M. - Sound matters : essays on the acoustics of modern German culture.
%23233679: Alter, Torin Andrew. - Phenomenal concepts and phenomenal knowledge : new essays on consciousness and physicalism.
%23293365: Alter, Nora M. & Lutz Koepnick (ed.) - Sound Matters : essays on the Acoustics of German Culture.
%23231409: Althaus, Anette. - Amtshilfe und Vor-Ort-Kontrolle : Rechtsfragen der internationalen Zusammenarbeit unter Bank- und Finanzmarktaufsichtsbehörden mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Regelung in der Schweiz.
%23257436: Althaus, Thomas & Sabine Seelbach (eds.) - Salomo in Schlesien : Beiträge zum 400. Geburtstag Friedrich von Logaus (1605-2005).
%2375057: Althuizen, Niek. - Analogical reasoning as a decision support for weakly-structured marketing problems.
%2376089: Althusius, Johannes. - Dicaeologicae libri tres. Totum et universum ius, quo otimur methodice complectens, cum parallelis huius et Judaici iuris, tabulisque insertis...
%2376092: Althusius, Johannes. - Politica methodice digesta atque exemplis sacris et profanis illustrata. (Cui adiuncta est Oratio panegyrica de necessitate, utilitate et antiquitate scholarum). Ed. III.
%2368410: Althusser, Louis. - De toekomst duurt lang. De feiten.
%23241141: Alting von Geusau, Frans A.M. - Realism and Moralism in International Relations: Essays in Honor of Frans A. M. Alting Von Geusau.
%23292405: Alting, Peter. - Van Spin tot Fokker 100 : de bekendste civiele Fokkervliegtuigen.
%2346540: Alting von Geusau, F.J. ... [et al.] - Ex Iure. 14 Opstellen bij het 14e lustrum van Societas Iuridica Grotius en de 405e geboortedag van Grotius.
%23192472: Alting von Geusau, Frans A.M. - Beyond containment and division : Western cooperation from a post-totalitarian perspective.
%2313257: Alting von Geusau, Frans A.M. - European Organzations and foreign relations of states. A comperative analysis of decision-making.
%232270: Alting von Geusau, Frans A.M. - The security of Western Europe. A handbook.
%23186982: Altink, Sietske - De mythe van de minderheid.
%23259663: Altman, Gerry T.M. (ed.) - Cognitive models of speech processing : psycholinguistic and computational perspectives.
%23127843: Altman, I. & J. Ginat - Polygamous families in contemporary society.
%23256387: Altmann, Simon L. - Is nature supernatural? : a philosophical exploration of science and nature.
%23290721: Altmann, Alexander & Samuel Miklos Stern. - Isaac Israeli : a neoplatonic philosopher of the early tenth century.
%2376392: Altrichter, Helmut. - Die Zisterzinser in Mähren bis zu Karl IV : Besitz, Volkstum und Siedlungstätigkeit.
%23284374: Altvater, Elmar. - Die Währungskrise.
%2381799: ALTWASSER, E. a.o. - Tunnel : Orte des Durchbruchs.
%23145152: Aluthge, Chandana. - Financial sector liberalisation in Sri Lanka. A macro level inquiry into capital accumulation, investment, growth, and stability.
%23277705: Alvarez, Alejandro. - Le droit international nouveau dans ses rapports avec la vie actuelle des peuples.
%2365437: Alvarez, José E. ... [et al.] (eds.) - Journal of international criminal justice. Volume 1-8.
%23194980: Alvarez, Alejandro. - Le droit international nouveau dans ses rapports avec la vie actuelle des peuples.
%23147073: Alvarez, Walter C. - Nervousness indigestion and pain.
%23288032: Alvazzi del Frate, Anna ... [et al.] (eds.) - Understanding crime : experiences of crime and crime control ; acts of the international conference, Rome, 18-20 November 1992.
%23288030: Alvazzi del Frate, Anna. - Victims of crime in the developing world.
%23289611: Alvermann, Dirk. - Dirk Alvermann : Algeria.
%23260589: Alverson, Hoyt. - Semantics and experience : universal metaphors of time in English, Mandarin, Hindi, and Sesotho.
%23268679: Alwall, Ellen. - The religious trend in secular Scottish school-books, 1850-1861 and 1873-1882 : with a survey of the debate on education in Scotland in the middle and late 19th century.
%23177199: Aly, Lucille F. - John G. Neihardt : a critical biography.
%23295924: Aly, Bachtiar. - Geschichte und Gegenwart der Kommunikationssysteme in Indonesien : eine Untersuchung zur publizistischen Entwicklung.
%23226228: Aly, Götz & Michael Sontheimer. - How Julius Fromm's Condom Empire Fell to the Nazis
%23165408: Amaducci, Sandro - Dictionary of Definitions of EU Regulated Products: Dictionary and CD-ROM
%23185613: Amann, Edmund. - Economic liberalization and industrial performance in Brazil.
%23176649: Amar, E., Roger Gay &Thanh Van Nguyen (eds.) - Analyse Complexe : proceedings of the Journées Fermat - Journées SMF , held at Toulouse , May 24-27 , 1983.
%2344132: Amato, Astolfo di - Criminal Law in Italy.
%23168850: D'Amato, Anthony A. - International law and political reality. (Collected papers, 1).
%2376215: Amaya Castro, Juan M. - Human rights and the critiques of the public-private distinction.
%23275982: Proyecto Radargramétrico del Amazonas [PRORADAM]. - La Amazonia Colombiana y sus recursos. Tomo 1: Memoria tecnica; Tomo 2: Mapa de geologia; Tomo 3: Mapa de suelos; Tomo 4: Mapa de bosques; Tomo 5: Mapa de aptitude de uso agropecuario; Mapa de uso potencial de la vegetacion natural.
%23283482: Ambasta, Ashesh. - Capitalist restructuring and formation of adivasi proletarians : agrarian transition in Thane District (Western India), c.1817-1990.
%23291612: Ambos, Kai. - Internationales Strafrecht : Strafanwendungsrecht, Vo¨lkerstrafrecht, Europäisches Strafrecht : ein Studienbuch.
%23281784: Ambos, Kai; Ezequiel Malarino & Jan Woischnik (eds.) - Temas actuales del derecho penal internacional : contribuciones de América Latina, Alemania y España.
%23291411: Ambos, Kai. - Der Allgemeine Teil des Völkerstrafrechts : Ansätze einer Dogmatisierung. 2. unveränderte Auflage.
%23254596: Ambrock, Erich. - Ehe und Ehescheidung : Kommentar zu den Vorschriften des materiellen Rechts (BGB, EheG, RVO u.a.) und des Verfahrensrechts (GVG, ZPO, FGG u.a.).
%23256167: Ambros, Barbara R. - Bones of contention : animals and religion in contemporary Japan.
%2376411: Ambrose, Alice & Morris Lazerowitz. - Logic: the theory of formal inference.
%23175615: Ambrosius, Saint (340-397) - Opera, ad manuscriptos codices vaticanos, Gallicanos, Belgicos, & nec-non ad editiones veteres emendata, studio et labore monachorum Ordinis S. Benededicti, e Congregatione S. Mauri
%23286877: Ambroziak, Brian M. - Michael Graves : images of a grand tour.
%23209337: Ambrus, Mónika. - Enforcement mechanisms of the racial equality directive and minority protection : theory and four cases studies : the interpretation of the enforcement provisions of the racial equality directive, their implementation in four member states (Belgium, Estonia, Hungary and the Netherlands) and their implications for minority protection.
%2329752: Ambuel, David - Image and paradigm in Plato's Sophist.
%23271570: Amega, Atsu-Koffi ... [et al.] - La situation des droits de l'homme et de la justice en République du Congo : rapport de mission.
%23296723: Amel, Mahdi. - Arab marxism and national liberation : selected writings of mahdi amel.
%23283217: Amelsvoort, Adri van. - Handleiding confrontatie.
%23294798: Amelsvoort, Adri van. - Handleiding confrontatie.
%23283216: Amelsvoort, Adri van. - Handleiding confrontatie.
%23269524: Amend, Anja, Anette Baumann, Stephan Wendehorst und Steffen Wunderlich (eds.) - Die Reichsstadt Frankfurt als Rechts- und Gerichtslandschaft im Römisch-Deutschen Reich.
%231657: EIMER & AMEND. - Illustrated wholesale catalogue with prices current of Chemical & Physical Apparatus and assay goods.
%23258384: Amendola, Aurelio & Bruno Contardi. - St. Peter's - St. Peter.
%23283967: Amerasinghe, Chittharanjan F. - Jurisdiction of international tribunals.
%23101483: Amerine, M.A.; H.W. Berg & W.V. Cruess. - The Technology of Wine Making. 3rd edition.
%2370549: Amerine, Maynard A. , Rose Marie Pangborn and Edward B. Roessler. - Principles of sensory evaluation of food.
%2331291: Amerine, M.A.; H.W. Berg & W.V. Cruess. - The Technology of Wine Making. 2nd edition
%23294491: Amerongen, Martin van. - Wagner : de buikspreker van God.
%23268027: Amerongen, J. ... [et al.] - Bijdragen tot de geschiedenis van West Zeeuwsch-Vlaanderen. Nr. 2.
%23226021: Ames, Roger T. - The aesthetic turn : reading Eliot Deutsch on comparative philosophy.
%23271465: Ames, Russell. - Citizen Thomas More and his Utopia.
%23295441: Arti et Amicitiae. - Tentoonstelling van teekeningen door leden der maatschappij : October 1890.
%23240585: Amiel, Denys ... [et al.] - Les spectacles à travers les âges. Tome [I]: Théatre, cirque, music-hall, cafés-concerts, cabarets artistiques; Tome [II]: Musique, danse.
%23243419: Amineh, Mehdi Parvizi - Globalisation, Geopolitics and Energy Security in Central Eurasia and the Caspian Region.
%23117576: Amira, Karl von. - Das altnorwegische Vollstreckungsverfahren : eine rechtsgeschichtliche Abhandlung.
%23228043: Amira, Karl von. - Festschrift für Karl von Amira : zu seinem 60. Geburtstag gewidmet von seine Schülern.
%2376093: Amira, Karl von. - Das altnorwegische Vollstreckungsverfahren. Eine rechtsgeschichtliche Abhandlung.
%23221836: Amiran, Eyal & John Unsworth (eds.) - Essays in postmodern culture.
%23293130: Amit, Vered (ed.) - Going first class? : new approaches to privileged travel and movement.
%2368828: Ammelrooy, Anneke van - Vrouwenhandel.
%23247683: Ammerlaan, Victoria Cathrine. - Na de ramp : de rol van de overheid bij de (schade-)afwikkeling van rampen vanuit een belangenperspectief van de slachtoffers.
%23226743: Ammers-Küller, Jo van. - De appel en Eva.
%23245746: Amnesty International, afd. Nederland. - Mensenrechten hebben geen grenzen.
%2332153: Amonn, Alfred. - Objekt und Grundbegriffe der theoretischen Nationalökonomie.
%23278720: Stichting LNSC Amsterdam (red.) - Notariële rechtszekerheid bij vastgoed : 45e landelijk notarieel studentencongres.
%2397225: Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. - Nationale Herdenking 1813-1963 : 150 jaar Nederlandse Kunst : schilderijen, beelden, tekeningen, grafiek 1813-1963, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam 6 juli - 29 september 1963
%23193625: Amsterdam, A.M. van. - Insolventie in economisch perspectief.
%2311634: Zoologisch Museum der Universiteit van Amsterdam. - Het dier als motief in de antieke kunst.
%23179544: The Municipality of Amsterdam. - The port of Amsterdam : a short account of the docks, harbour works and trading establishments of the City of Amsterdam.
%2344202: Commissie voor de bestuursvorm van Groot-Amsterdam. - Voor-ontwerp van wet tot instelling van een openbaar lichaam voor het gebied van Groot-Amsterdam.
%23146701: UNIVERSITEIT VAN AMSTERDAM - Verslag van de Herdenking van het Derde Eeuwfeest van de Universiteit van Amsterdam.
%2393045: Gemeentewaterleidingen Amsterdam. - 100 jaar waterleiding : extract uit de archieven der Gemeentewaterleidingen-Amsterdam.
%23121396: Amsterdamski, Stefan (ed.) - The significance of Popper's thought.
%23282848: [Deutschland]. Auswärtiges Amt. - Polnische Dokumente zur Vorgeschichte des Krieges. Erste Folge.
%23259280: Amtenbrink, F. & S.B. van Baalen (eds.) - Europa; eenheid in verscheidenheid? : Groningse beschouwingen over de Europese Grondwet.
%23293529: Amtower, Laurel & Kehler, Dorothea - The single woman in medieval and early modern England : her life and representation.
%23279248: Amtower, Lauret & Dorothea Kehler. - The single woman in medieval and early modern England : her life and representation.
%23293414: Amussat, J.Z. - Election poster, dated May, 24th 1848, for the 1848 French National Assembly election.
%23156709: Amyx, D.A. & Patricia Lawrence. - Archaic Corinthian pottery and the Anaploga well.
%23288258: An-Na'im, Abdullahi Ahmed. - Islam and the Secular State : negotiating the future of Shari'a.
%2334072: Anabtawi, Munzer Fayek. - Arab unity in terms of law.
%23223221: Anagnost, Ann. - National past-times : narrative, representation, and power in modern China.
%23296318: Anagnostopoulos, Ilias G. - Haftgründe der Tatschwere und der Wiederholungsgefahr (§§112 Abs. 3, 112a StPO) : kriminalpolitische und rechtssystematische Aspekte der Ausweitung des Haftrechts
%23279752: Anal, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Anal CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy. - Challenging Neighbours: Rethinking German und Dutch Economic Institutions.
%23280678: Analoui, Farhad . - The realities of managing development projects.
%23293966: Anasel, Mackfallen Giliad. - Family planning programme implementation : differences in contraceptive prevalence rates across Local Government Authorities in Tanzania.
%2374844: Anastaplo, George. - The American moralist : on law, ethics and government.
%23283473: Anastasi, Anna (ed.) - Testing problems in perspective: twenty-fifth anniversary volume of topical readings from the invitational conference on testing problems.
%23293788: Ancel, Marc (ed.) - La réforme pénale soviétique : Code pénal, Code de procédure pénale et Loi d'organisation judiciaire de la R.S.F.S.R. du 27 octobre 1960)
%2367713: Ancel, Marc. - Utilité et méthodes du droit comparé : éléments d'introduction générale à l'étude comparative des droits.
%23295371: Ancel, Marc. - Traité de la capacité civile de la femme mariée d'après la Loi du 18 février 1938.
%23176676: Ancona, Alano, Geman, Donald, Ikeda, Nobuyuki & Hennequin, Paul Louis. - Ecole d'été de probabilités de Saint-Flour XVIII, 1988.
%23235011: Andall, Jacqueline (ed.) - Gender and ethnicity in contemporary Europe.
%23281620: Andel, C.C.T. van. - De directeur; bestuurder en werknemer.
%23205124: Andel, W.J.M. van & F.M.J. Verstijlen. - Materieel faillissementsrecht : de Peeters/Gatzen-vordering en de overeenkomst binnen faillissement.
%2380180: Andel, Schalk-Jan van - Anticipatory Water Management - Using ensemble weather forecasts for critical events: UNESCO-IHE Phd Thesis.
%23101519: Andel, J. van, W.P.M. Hoekstra & A. de Knecht-van Eekelen [et al.] (red.) - Stress : leven in verandering.
%238830: Andel, J. van ... [et al.] - Pacht en grondgebruik : een bundel opstellen t.g.v. het 25-jarig bestaan van het maandblad De Pacht.
%2312840: Andel, Frans Gerard van. - Evaluatie van formularium en eigen bijdrage wetgeving in Nederland, West-Duitsland, en Engeland.
%23157988: Andel, C.C.T. van. - De directeur; bestuurder en werknemer.
%23274088: Andel, Hendrikus van - Handboek beleidspsychiatrie : de psychiater als manager, coach, adviseur en onderhandelaar
%23217343: Anderman, Steven & Ariel Ezrachi (eds.) - Intellectual property and competition law : new frontiers.
%2337374: Anders, Josef Freiherr von. - Beiträge zur Lehre vom literarischen und artistischen Urheberrechte. Ein civilistische studie mit besondere Beziehung auf das deutsche und österreichische Recht.
%2386733: Anders, Timot. - The evolution of evil : an inguiry in the ultimate origins of human suffering.
%2371136: Anders, Gerhard. - Civil servants in Malawi : cultural dualism, moonlighting and corruption in the shadow of good governance.
%23295089: Andersen, Jens & Waight, Caroline. - Astrid Lindgren : the woman behind Pippi Longstocking.
%23290152: Andersen, Svein S. & Kjell A. Eliassen (eds.) - Making Policy in Europe. Second edition.
%2398699: Andersen, Troels; Graham Birtwistle & Johannes Gachnang., Jorn, Asger. - Asger Jorn 1914-1973 : Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam 8.10.1994 - 27.11.1994.
%23260896: Andersen, Mikael Skou & Paul Ekins (eds.) - Carbon-energy taxation : lessons from Europe.
%23248904: Andersen, Robin & Lance Strate (ed.) - Critical studies in media commercialism.
%23219073: Andersen, I.B. - On the art of doing field studies : an experience-based research methodology.
%2370790: Andersen, Christopher P. - Katharine Hepburn.
%23259604: ANDERSON, ELIJAH. - Streetwise : race, class, and change in an urban community.
%23289587: Anderson, Douglas R. - Strands of system : the philosophy of Charles Peirce.
%2375656: Anderson, Nels (ed.) - Studies in Multilingualism.
%2325504: Anderson, Bonnie S. & Judith P. Zinsser. - A history of their own : women in Europe from prehistory to the present.
%2347654: Anderson, Malcolm & Johanna Apap (eds.) - Police and Justice Co-operation and the new European Borders.
%23158744: Anderson, Terence & William Twining. - Analysis of evidence. : how to do things with facts.
%23280764: Anderson, David M. (ed.). - The Poor Are Not Us: Poverty and Pastoralism in Eastern Africa.
%2343630: Anderson, John R. - Architecture of Cognition.
%23108350: Anderson, Albert A. - Universal Justice : a dialectical approach.
%23287841: Anderson, Philip. - ISM Code : a Guide to the Legal and Insurance Implications.
%23241792: Anderson, Sarah (Sarah Denny), Cavanagh, John, 1955-, Lee, Thea. - Field guide to the global economy.
%23296269: Anderson, Perry. - Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism
%23293603: Anderson, James A.; Edward Rosenfeld & Andras Pellionisz (eds.) - Neurocomputing 2 : directions for research.
%2361306: Anderson, D. - Before the knight´s tale : imitation of classical epic in Boccaccio´s Teseida.
%23123802: Anderson, Hugh G. - Lutheranism in the Southeastern States 1860-1886.
%23140890: Anderson, Bonnie - Joyous greetings: the First International Women's Movement, 1830-1860.
%23293475: Anderson, Carol - The Second : race and guns in a fatally unequal America
%23276373: Anderson, Robert G.W. - Cradle of chemistry : the early years of chemistry at the University of Edinburgh.
%2344188: Anderson, Stephen R. - Phonology in the Twentieth Century: Theories of Rules and Theories in Representations.
%2359592: Anderson, O.D., J.K. Ord & E.A. Robinson (eds.) - Time series analysis : theory and practice 6 : hydrological, geophysical, and spatial applications : proceedings of the international conferenece held at Toronto, Canada, 10-14 August 1983.
%23277239: Anderson, Douglas R. & Carl R. Hausman. - Conversations on Peirce : reals and ideals.
%23207591: Anderson, John R. - Learning and memory : an integrated approach.
%23178152: Anderson, James, Liam O'Dowd and Thomas M. Wilson (eds.) - Culture and cooperation in Europe's borderlands.
%2381624: Anderson, Malcolm ... [et al.] - Policing the European Union.
%23284612: Anderson, O.D. (ed.) - Analysing time series : proceedings of the International Conference held on Guernsey, Channel Islands, October 1979.
%23185609: Anderson, Ronald W. & Chantal Kegels. - Transition banking : financial development of Central and Eastern Europe.
%23210320: Anderson, Malcolm & Johanna Apap (eds.) - Police and justice co-operation and the new European borders.
%23252519: Anderson, Frederick R., Daniel R. Mandelker & A. Dan Tarlock. - Environmental protection : law and policy.
%23225884: Andersson Toussaint, Paul. - Staatssecretaris of seriecrimineel : het smalle pad van de Marokkaan.
%23192978: Andersson, Thomas, Torbjörn Fredriksson & Roger Svensson. - Multinational restructuring, internationalization and small economies : the Swedish case.
%23259830: Andeweg, Rudy B. & Galen A. Irwin. - Dutch governement and politics.
%23288969: Andeweg, Rudy B., K. Dittrich & Th. van der Tak. - Kabinetsformatie 1977.
%2345346: Ando, Yoshiro. - La liberté du commerce et la Société des Nations.
%23148429: Ando, Clifford. - The matter of the gods : religion and the Roman Empire.
%23157442: Ando, Nisuke. - Surrender, occupation, and private property in international law : an evaluation of US practice in Japan.
%23294883: Andrade, Tonio. - The last embassy : the Dutch mission of 1795 and the forgotten history of western encounters with China.
%23278068: Andrassy, Juraj. - International law and the resources of the sea.
%23140766: André, Paul - Central Asian Art.
%23149950: André de la Porte, Gilles. - Wraak en straf.
%23174305: André, Achim. - Beweisführung und Beweislast im Verfahren vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof.
%23166912: André de la Porte, Eric. - De Telastelegging in Strafzaken.
%23229536: Andrea, Pat., Maurik, C. van & P. Sterckx (eds.) - Pat Andrea.
%23292255: Andrea, Petrus Casparus. - Eenige opmerkingen over art. 1122 Burgerlijk Wetboek.
%23274142: Andreasen, Nancy C. & Donald W. Black. - Introductory Textbook of Psychiatry. 3rd Edition.
%23129172: ANDRÉN, NILS. - Modern Swedish government.
%23295744: Andres, Ingrid. - Der Erbrechtsentwurf von Friedrich Mommsen : ein Beitrag zur Enstehung des BGB.
%23101093: ANDRESEN, A. - Jost Amman (1539-1591), Graphiker und Buchillustrator der Renaissance.
%23264667: Andresoin, Bruno (ed.) - Kastello : palato ale Promilor din România = palaces of the Roma in Romania.
%23241567: Andreu, Guillemette. - Egypt in the age of the pyramids.
%23187597: Andrew, Donna T. & Randall McGowen - The Perreaus and Mrs. Rudd : forgery and betrayal in eighteenth-century London.
%23279249: Andrew, Christopher Maurice. - Het Mitrokhin-archief.
%2392661: Andrew;, Christopher. - Secret Service : the Making of the British Intelligence Community.
%23166808: Andrew, Geoff. - Stranger than paradise : maverick film-makers in recent American cinema.
%23276282: Andrews, Guy (ed.) - Magnum : grosse Radrennen im Visier berühmter Magnum-Fotografen
%2312342: Andrews, F.E. (comp.). - Legal Instruments of Foundations.
%23166512: Andrews, Geoff (ed.) - Citizenship.
%23177027: Andrews, William G. & Stanley Hoffmann (eds.) - The Fifth Republic at twenty.
%23252660: Andreyev, Catherine & Ivan Savicky. - Russia abroad : Prague and the Russian Dispora, 1918-1938.
%23240625: Andrian, Leopold. - Fragmente aus Erwin und Elmire.
%23178095: Andrian-Werburg, Ferdinand Freiherrn von. - Prähistorisches und Ethnologisches : gesammelte Abhandlungen.
%23218382: Andriesse, Edo - Institutions and Regional Development in Southeast Asia: A Comparative Analysis of Satun (Thailand) and Perlis (Malaysia).
%23101521: Andriessen, J.H.T.H., P.J.D. Drenth & C.J. Lammers. - Medezeggenschap in Nederlandse bedrijven.Verslag van een onderzoek naar participatie- en invloedsverhoudingen.
%23289519: Androuët, Pierre. - Guide du fromage.
%23223275: Anema, Anne. - De fascistische leuze van den corporatieven staat.
%23286489: Anema, Taco & Bert Verhoeff. - De rode Loper : de partij van de arbeid honderd jaar later.
%23189867: Anema,Taco, Michel Szulc-Krzyzanowski & Jan Heijn. - World of energy.
%239281: Anema, Anne. - Redevoeringen.
%23174050: Anema, Anne. - Vindiciae en interventie.
%23196486: Anema, Taco. - Holland Festival.
%2315850: Anema, A. & P.A. Diepenhorst. - Opstellen op het gebied van Recht, Staat en Maatschappij, Aangeboden aan Prof.Dr. A. Anema en Prof.Dr. P.A. Diepenhorst.
%2316108: Anema, Anne. - De gronden voor echtscheiding in het Nederlandsch Burgerlijk Recht.
%23227428: Anema, Anne. - Grondslag en karakter van de italiaansch-fascistische staatsleer.
%23264569: Anes, P.S. ... [et al.]] - De uitwateringssluizen van Katwijk : 1404-1984.
%23277175: Anfam, David. - Jackson Pollock's mural : energy made visible.
%2316146: Ang, Tiong. - Tiong Ang : not dark yet.
%23240806: Ang, Ien. - Het geval Dallas : populaire kultuur, ideologie en plezier.
%23185569: Ang, Ien. - Desperately seeking the audience.
%23236067: l'Ange, François Joseph. - Remède à tout ou constitution invulnérable de la félicité publique : projet donné maintefois sous différants formes.
%23236092: l'Ange, François Joseph. - Plaintes et représentations d'un citoyen décrété passif, aux citoyens décerétés actifs.
%23181758: Ange Huet, Josué l'. - De methode der positieve filosofie volgens Auguste Comte.
%23281994: Angehm, Emil & Bernhard Baertschi (eds.) - Menschenwürde = La dignité de l'être humain.
%2335127: Angel, William D. (ed.) - The international law of youth rights : source documents and commentary.
%23297282: Angela, Alberto. - Cleopatra : the queen who challenged Rome and conquered eternity.
%23218625: Angelillo, Maria. - India : history and treasures of an ancient civilization.
%23194624: d'Angelo, Edward. - The teaching of critical thinking.
%23257791: ANGELO CORLETT, J. - Race, racism, and reparations.
%2362631: Angenent, Huub. - Achtergronden van jeugdcriminaliteit.
%237445: Angenent, Huub. - Kleine criminaliteit.
%23278305: Angeren, J.A.M. van. - De gewone rechter en de bestuursrechtspraak. 3e druk.
%2340098: Angeren, J.A.M. van. - De gewone rechter en de administratieve rechtsgangen.
%23278682: Angeren, J.R. van ... [et al.] . - Klimaatverandering en rechtsontwikkeling anno 2005 : preadviezen en verslag van de 89e ledenvergadering van de Vereniging voor Milieurecht op 30 september 2005.
%23117938: Angers, Julien-Eymard d'. - L'Humanisme chrétien au XVIIe Siècle : St. François de Sales et Yves de Paris.
%23118891: Anglade, Jean - Pascal, l'Insoumis.
%23127625: Anglin, Douglas G. - Zambian crisis behaviour: confronting Rhodesia's Unilateral Declaration of Independence, 1965-1966.
%2343199: Anglin, Jeremy M. - Vocabulary Development: A Morphological Analysis (Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development).
%23243864: Angress, Werner T. - Between fear & hope : Jewish youth in the Third Reich.
%23192261: Angress, Werner T. - Between fear and hope : Jewish youth in the Third Reich.
%23215716: Angus, Ian H. - (Dis)figurations : discourse/critique/ethics.
%23208943: Angus, Ian H. - (Dis)figurations : discourse/critique/ethics.
%23200417: Tuan le Anh. - Intelligent control of vehicle-based internal transport systems.
%23183994: Anholt, Salomon. - Die sogenannten Spervogelsprüche und ihre Stellung in der älteren Spruchdichtung.
%23275541: Anianensis, Bendictus. - Codex regularum quas Sanctii Patres monachis & virginibus sanctimonialibus servandas praescripsere.
%2324445: D'Anieri, Paul - Understanding Ukrainian Politics: Power, Politics, And Institutional Design.
%23275206: Anjaria, Dhara. - Curzon's India : networks of colonial governance, 1899-1905.
%23280148: Harryvan; Anjo G. - Voor Nederland en Europa : politici en ambtenaren over het Nederlandse Europabeleid en de Europese integratie, 1945-1975.
%2328408: Anken, J. van. - De strafrechtelijke bescherming van de rechten van de scheppende mens in de Benelux-landen.
%2396604: Anker, Hans - Normal vote analysis.
%23101527: Ankersmit, Frank R. ... [et al.] (eds.) - Akademische beschouwingen over het post-modernisme : tien voordrachten over de betekenis van het postmodernisme op vijf gebieden van wetenschappelijk onderzoek.
%23232795: Ankum, Hans. - Nueva antología romanística.
%23103712: Ankum, J.A. - Collatio Ivris Romani : études dédiées à Hans Ankum à l'occasion de son 65e anniversaire. [iuris]
%23176133: Ankum, Hans. - Secundum datur! : negen studies en een laudatio aangeboden aan Hans Ankum.
%23199472: Ankum, J.A. - Tertium datur : drie opstellen aangeboden aan Prof. mr. J.A. Ankum.
%23245751: Ankumah, Evelyn A. - The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights : practice and Procedures.
%23248764: Ankumah, Evelyn A. - The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights : practice and procedures.
%23165915: Ankumah, Evelyn A. & Edward K. Kwakwa (eds.) - The legal profession and the protection of human rights in Africa.
%23262216: Annand, Ruth E. & Helen E. Norman. - [Blackstone's] Guide to the Community trade mark.
%23255022: Annas, George J. - Standard of care: the law of American bioethics.
%2388702: Annas, George J. - The rights of hospital patients : the basic ACLU guide to a hospital patient's rights.
%23201801: Ans, André-Marcel d'. - Le créole français d'Haïti : étude des unités d'articulation, d'expansion et de communication.
%23199605: Ans, André-Marcel d'. - Le créole français d'Haïti. Étude des unités d'articulation, d'expansion et de communication.
%23113990: Ansari, G. & P.J.M. Nas (eds.) - Town-Talk. The Dynamics of Urban Anthropology.
%2362169: Ansay, Tugrul & Don Wallace (eds.) - Introduction to Turkish law.
%2368468: Ansay, Tugrul & Don Wallace (eds.) - Introduction to Turkish law.
%23272482: Ansay, Tugrul & Don Wallace (eds.) - Introduction to Turkish law. Third edition.
%23294172: Anschütz, Gerhard. - Die Verfassung des Deutschen Reichs vom 11. August 1919 : ein Kommentar für Wissenschaft und Praxis : 3. Bearbeitung.
%23280195: Anschütz, Gerhard. - Die Verfassung des Deutschen Reichs vom 11. August 1919. ein Kommentar für Wissenschaft und Praxis in 4. Bearbeitung.
%23212348: Anselm, Saint. - Memorials of St. Anselm.
%23244875: Anselmo, Antonius. - Commentaria ad perpetuum edictum serenissimorum Belgii Principum Alberti & Isabellae evulagtum 12. Iulii M. DC. XI.variis interpretationibus, & declarationibus concilii collateralis, necnon supremarum Curiarum arrestis illustrata, provincialium quoque, aliorumque Tribunalium Sententijs, aucta, multis denique turbis, seu inquisitionibus, turmatim, decumatim habitia, locupletata....editio secunda, dimidia plus parte, plurimis in locis auctior, & indice copiosore, locupletior, tersior, & castigatior...
%23269846: Anson, Peter F. - De visscherman en zijn werk.
%2341175: Anstey, Vera. - The economic development of India.
%23258536: Antalffy, György, Ignác Papp & Béla Popovics. - Lectures on the history of political and legal thinking.
%2371334: Theophilus Antecessor. - Institutionum Graeca paraphrasis. Theophilo Antecessori vulgo tributa, ad fidem librorum manu scriptorum recensuit, prolegominis, notis criticis, versione Latina instruxit E.C. Ferrini. Accedit epistula C.E. Zacharia von Lingenthal.
%23258292: Anthony, Diana. - The Small Food Garden. Growing organic fruit and vegetables at home.
%23201321: Sutcliffe Anthony. - The History of Urban and Regional Planning. An Annotated Bibliography.
%23273578: Anthony, Clare - Art of the Handbag
%23207114: Nederlandse Stichting voor Culturele Samenwerking met Suriname en de Nederlandse Antillen [Sticusa]. - Jaarverslag Sticusa 1960.
%2385926: Antlov, Hans - Exemplary Centre, Administrative Periphery: Rural Leadership and the New Order on Java (Nordic Institute of Asian Studies Monograph Series).
%23148905: Antlöv, H. Cederroth, S. (ed.) - Leadership on Java : gentle hints, authoritarian rule.
%23120702: Antman, S., Ericksen, J.L., Kinderlehrer, D. & Mueller, I. (eds.) - Metastability and Incompletely Posed Problems. Serie: The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, deel 3.
%2363205: ANTOINE, C. - Cours d'économie sociale.
%23157247: ANTOINE, C. - Cours d'économie sociale.
%23286691: Antokolskaia, Masha V. ... [et al.]. - Koude uitsluiting : materiële problemen en onbillijkheden na scheiding van in koude uitsluiting gehuwde echtgenoten en na scheiding van ongehuwd samenlevende partners, alsmede instrumenten voor de overheid om deze tegen te gaan.
%23286760: Antokolskaia, Masha V. ... [et al.]. - Meeroudergezag : een oplossing voor kinderen met meer dan twee ouders?
%23269274: Antokolskaia, M.V. & B. Breederveld (eds.) - Partner- en kinderalimentatie : knelpunten en voorstellen voor verbetering.
%23294407: Antonaki, Ilektra. - Privatisations and golden shares : bridging the gap between the State and the market in the area of free movement of capital in the EU.
%23238441: Antonelli, G. Aldo. - Grounded consequence for defeasible logic.
%23110946: Antonelli, Mauro. - Die experimentelle Analyse des Bewustseins bei Vittorio Benussi.
%23272669: Antonelli, G. Aldo. - Grounded consequence for defeasible logic.
%23101531: Antonides, G., W. Arts & W.F. van Raaij. - The Consumption of Time and the Timing of Consumption : toward a New Behavioral and Socio-Economics
%23296868: Antonini, Francesca. - Revisiting Gramsci's Notebooks.
%23296767: Antonini, Francesca. - Caesarism and Bonapartism in Gramsci : hegemony and the crisis of modernity.
%23280507: Antoniou, Grigoris. - Nonmonotonic reasoning.
%23251082: Antoniou, Grigoris - A Semantic Web Primer.
%2388070: Antonissen, Petrus J. - Den lydenden en stervenden Jesus, in honderd-twintig meditatiën afgebeeld, zeer dienstig voor pastoors, predikanten en alle waere Christenen..[Eerste - vierde deel].
%23297016: Antos, Gerd. - Grundlagen einer Theorie des Formulierens :Textherstellung in geschriebener und gesprochener Sprache.
%23108452: Antosh, Ruth B. - Reality and Illusion in the Novels of J.-K. Huysmans.
%2320326: Antunes, Maria João - Código Penal.
%2372773: Stad Antwerpen. - Tentoonstelling Het Diamant 1948. Herinneringsalbum.
%23284928: Antze, Paul (ed.) - Illness and Irony: On the Ambiguity of Suffering in Culture.
%23260969: Anyjang, Yohannes Cyprianus Thambun. - Taman Daya Kalimantan : suatu studi etnografis organisasi sosial dan kekerabatan dengan pendekatan antropologi hukum = De Taman Daya Kalimantan : een etnografische studie van sociale organisatie en verwantschap vanuit een rechtsantropologisch perspectief.
%235484: Anz, Heinrich (ed.) - Das grosse nordische Orakel : Henrik Ibsen als Leitbild der Moderne.
%23174316: Aoki, Masahiko (ed.) - The economic analysis of the Japanese firm.
%2344154: Aoun, Joseph - A Grammar Of Anaphora.
%23108479: Aparicio Maydeu, Javier. - Calderón y la máquina barroca. Escenografía, religíon y cultura en 'El José de las mujeres'.
%23275442: Aparicio, Carmen Ferna?ndez. - Miro? : the experience of seeing : late works, 1963-1981.
%23279250: Aparna, Rao. - The practice of war : production, reproduction and communication of armed violence.
%23293049: Apel, Karl-Otto. - Understanding and Explanation : a transcendental pragmatic perspective.
%2329895: Apeldoorn, L.J. van; P. van Dijk ... [et al.]. - Van Apeldoorn's Inleiding tot de studie van het Nederlandse recht.
%2348866: Apeldoorn, L.J. van (ed.) - Uit de Practijk van het Hof van Holland in de tweede helft van de Zestiende Eeuw : een handschrift.
%23296445: Apeldoorn, L.J. van (ed.) - Uit de Practijk van het Hof van Holland in de tweede helft van de Zestiende Eeuw : een handschrift.
%2359402: Apeldoorn, L.J. van. - De kerkelijke goederen in Friesland. Beschrijving van de ontwikkeling van het recht omtrent de kerkelijke goederen in Friesland tot 1795. 2 Dln.
%23207816: Apeldoorn, L.J. van. - Inleiding tot de studie van het Nederlands recht. 14e druk.
%2352364: Apeldoorn, L.J. van. - Van Apeldoorn's inleiding tot de studie van het Nederlands recht. 18e druk.
%2316568: Apeldoorn, L.J. van. - Inleiding tot de studie van het Nederlands recht.
%2366234: Apelt, Willibalt. - Geschichte der Weimarer Verfassung.
%2376917: Apelt, Otto. - Beiträge zur Geschichte der griechischen Philosophie.
%2379048: Apelt, Otto. - Platonische Aufsätze.
%23113995: Aphek, Edna & Yishai Tobin. - Word Systems in Modern Hebrew. Implications and Applications.
%2322341: Apicella, Mary Ann Hollihan - Scottish Cabinetmakers in Federal New York.
%23163151: Apistola, Martin. - Advocaat en kennismanagement.
%23106324: APITZSCH, U. - Gesellschaftstheorie und Aesthetik bei Georg Lukacs bis 1933.
%23176175: Apostolic Fathers, Cotelier, Jean-Baptiste (1629-1686), Editor. - SS. Patrum, qui temporibus apostolicis floruerunt, Barnabae, Clementis, hermae, Ignatii, Polycarpi opera, vera, et suppositicia; Una cum Clementis, Ignatii, Polycarpi, Actis atque Martyriis....Accesserunt, in hac nova editione...Gulielmi Beveregii...Jacobis Usserii...Joan. Pearsonii..atque alia...recensuit & notulas aliquot suas & aliorum adspersit Joannes Clericus. Editio Altera auctior & Adcuratior.
%23233113: Appel, René. - Language Contact and Bilingualism.
%23285541: Appel, Karel. - Karel Appel : ik wou dat ik een vogel was : berichten uit het atelier.
%23285941: Appel, Karel. - Karel Appel over Karel Appel.
%23116808: Appelbaum, Peter M. - Popular culture, educational discourse, and mathematics.
%23129463: Appelbaum, David. - The vision of Hume.
%23196008: Appeldoorn, J.F. - Eenheid in verscheidenheid : de gespreide toepassing van artikel 81 EG.
%2368536: Appelman, Jaco. - Governance of global interorganizational tourism networks : changing forms of co-ordination between the travel agency and aviation sector = Coordinatie van mondiale interorganisationele toerisme netwerken : veranderende vormen van coordinatie tussen
%23227128: Appels, A. - Political economy and enterprise subsidies.
%23259612: Appiah, Kwame Anthony. - Identities.
%23286413: Appignanesi, Lisa. - Mad, bad and sad : a history of women and the mind doctors from 1800 to the present.
%23147871: Appignanesi, Lisa (ed.) - Ideas from France. The Legacy of French Theory ICA Documents.
%23220668: Appignanesi, Richard., Thody, Philip. - Introducing Sartre.
%2376098: Appleton, Charles. - Histoire de la propiété prétorienne et de l'action publicienne.
%23236243: Appleton, Catherine A. - Life after life imprisonment.
%23131007: Applewhite, Harriet B. - Political Alignment in the French National Assembly 1789-1791
%23291525: Applewhite, E.J. - Paradise mislaid : birth, death & the human predicament of being biological AuteursE J Applewhite Gedrukt boek19911st ed. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1991.
%23221394: Appleyard, Reginald (ed.) - Emigration Dynamics in Developing Countries. Vol. 2: South Asia.
%23221375: Appleyard, Reginald - Emigration Dynamics in Developing Countries. Volume 4: the Arab Region.
%23221392: Appleyard, Reginald - Emigration Dynamics in Developing Countries. Vol. 1: Emigration Dynamics of Developing Countries: Sub-Saharan Africa.
%23221393: Appleyard, Reginald - Emigration Dynamics in Developing Countries. Volume 3: Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean.
%2389687: Apt, Leon. - Louis-Philippe de Ségur. An Intellectual in a Revolutionary Age.
%235242: Apt, Charles M. (ed.) - Flavor: Its Chemical, Behavioural and Commercial Aspects.
%2344210: Aptheker, Herbert. (red.). - The World of C. Wright Mills.
%23296944: Apuleius. - De gouden ezel : methamorphosen.
%23181211: Aquina, H.J. - Overeenkomsten tussen overheden : de politieke betekenis van overeenkomsten als vorm van complementair bestuur.
%23146165: Aquinas, St. Thomas. - [Divi Thomae Aquinatis]. Summa Theologica.
%2337649: Aquino, S. Tommaso d'. - La legge : summa theologiae Ia - IIae, qq. 90-97.
%23195616: Aquino, Thomas van. - Summa theologica S. Thomae Aquinatis,...in tres partes ab auctore suo distributa...castigata, ..repurgata...citationibus superadditis...in hac quidem novissima editione omnia diligentius recognita. Lugduni, Sumptibus Ioannis Baptistae Devenet, 1655 [Prima Pars] ...Lugduni, Irenaei Barlet, 1655 [Prima Secundae - Tertia Pars]
%23281984: The Arab Office, London. - The future of Palestine.
%2333345: Arac, Jonathan - Commissioned spirits : the shaping of social motion in Dickens, Carlyle, Melville, and Hawthorne.
%23257579: Arago, J. - Narrative of a Voyage Round the World, in the Uranie and Physiocicienne Corvettes, Commanded by Captain Freycinet, during the years 1817, 1818, 1819, and 1820.
%23287172: Arago, François. - Populäre Vorlesungen über die Astronomie.
%23285303: Arakawa, Hirokazu ... [et al.] - Traditions in Japanese design : kacho : bird and flower motifs.
%23108966: Arambulo, Kitty. - Strengthening the Supervision of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
%23266360: Arangio-Ruiz, Vincenzo. - Instituzioni di dritto romano.
%2386357: Arany, László. - The Phonological System of a Hungarian Dialect : an Introduction to Structural Dialectology.
%23264870: Arasse, Daniel. - Le sujet dans le tableau : essais d'iconographie analytique.
%23280897: Arato, Andrew. - The imposed revolution and its constitution : Iraqi constitutional politics during the American occupation.
%23131319: Araujo, Gabriel Antunes de. - A grammar of Sabanê : a Nambikwaran language.
%23223215: Aravamudan, Srinivas. - Tropicopolitans : colonialism and agency, 1688-1804.
%23211318: Arbab, Farzam - The Lab, the Temple, and the Market: Reflections at the Intersection of Science, Religion and Development.
%2380239: Directie van den Arbeid. - Onderzoek naar den Fabrieksarbeid van gehuwde vrouwen in Nederland.
%23250019: Hooge Raad van Arbeid. - Advies over een voorontwerp van een bedrijfsradenwet.
%232805: Sociaal-Democratische Arbeiderspartij (S.D.A.P.). - Gedenkboek ter gelegenheid van het vijf en twintig-jarig bestaan van de Sociaal-Democratische Arbeiderspartij in Nederland opgericht 26 augustus 1894.
%23292090: Internationale Arbeitskonferenz. - Förderung der Wohlfahrt der Schiffsleute in den Häfen : dritter Punkt der Tagesordnung.
%23292091: Internationale Arbeitskonferenz. - Zwangsarbeit : erster Punkt der Tagesordnung.
%23263686: Arbel, Ami - Exploring Interior-Point Linear Programming: Algorithms and Software (Foundations of Computing).
%23280947: Arbib, Michael A. - Vision, brain, and cooperative computation.
%2364587: ARBIB, M.A., CONKLIN, E.J. & HILL, J.C. - From schema theory to language.
%23280946: Arbib, Michael A. ... [et al.]. - Vision, brain, and cooperative computation.
%23232606: International Bureau of the Permanent Court of Arbitration - Institutional and procedural aspects of mass claims settlement systems.
%23244602: Permanent Court of Arbitration. - The Rhine chlorides arbitration concerning the auditing of accounts (Netherlands--France) : award of 2004 = L' arbitrage protection du Rhin contre les chlorures concernant l'apurement des comptes (Pays-Bas--France) : sentence de 2004.
%23287286: Permanent Court of Arbitration. - The Hague court reports : Great Britain, Spain and France versus Portugal in the matter of the expropriated religious properties in Portugal.
%23287659: Arbus, Diane. - Diane Arbus.
%2379251: Arbusow Jr., Leonid. - Die Einführung der Reformation in Liv-, Est- und Kurland.
%23196603: Arcangeli, Francesco. - Poggeschi : 39 tavole a colori, 27 disegni e incisioni.
%2337911: Arce, Wilfredo F. and Alvarez, Gabriel C. (eds.) - Population change in Southeast Asia.
%2379686: Archer, Clive & John Main (eds.) - (eds.). Scotland´s Voice in International Affairs. The Representation of Scottish Interests, with Particular Reference to the European Economic Community.
%2371392: Archetti, Francesco & Marco Cugiani (eds.) - Numerical techniques for stochastic systems : a collection of papers based on the lectures presented at the conference on Numerical Techniques for Stochastic Systems, held at Gargnano, Italy, September 1979.
%23150234: Archetti, Eduardo P. - Guinea-pigs : food, symbol and conflict of knowledge in Ecuador.
%23108842: Archibugi, Daniele & Mario Pianta. - The technological specialization of advanced countries : a report to the EEC on international science and technology activities.
%2320213: Nederlandsch Economisch-Historisch Archief. - Zeventien studiën van Nederlanders, verzameld t.g.v. vijftigjarig bestaan NEHA. (Serie Economisch-Historische Herdrukken).
%2320706: Nederlandsch Economisch-Historisch Archief. - The interactions of Amsterdam and Antwerp with the Baltic region, 1400-1800 : de Nederlanden en het Oostzee gebied, 1400-1800.
%2317501: Enzmann Fischer Architecten. - Transformation: vom Industriebau zum universitäten Gebäude = From industrial construction to th University of Lucerne building.
%2322069: PRP architects. - Place and Home: the Search for Better Housing
%23164302: Arcuri, Alessandra Sofia. - Governing the risks of ultra-hazardous activities : challenges for contemporary legal systems.
%23147231: Arcy, Francois d'. e.o. - Essais sur l'économie de de l'Algérie nouvelle.
%23137076: Ardach, John - France Today. A New & Revised Edition of France in the 1980's.
%23290744: Ardal, Pall S. - Passion and value in Hume's treatise.
%23293918: Ardant, Gabriel. - Technique de l'état : de la productivité du secteur public.
%23275383: Ardener, Shirley (ed.). - Persons and powers of women in diverse cultures : essays in commemoration of Audrey I. Richards, Phyllis Kaberry, and Barbara E. Ward.
%2384633: Ardley, Gavin. - Berkeley's renovation of Philosophy.
%2375409: Arebi, Saddeka. - Women and words in Saudi Arabia : the politics of literary discourse.
%23255039: Areen, Judith., Patricia A. King & Steven Goldberg. - Law, science and medicine.
%23166373: Aregger, Josef. - Rechtsfragen der Transformation in Polen : schweizerisch-polnisches Kolloquium : Referate und Diskussionsbeiträge des schweizerisch-polnischen Kolloquiums von 11.-14. Mai 1994 in Warszawa.
%23244729: Arend, Stefanie ... [et al.] - Anthropologie und Medialität des Komischen im 17. Jahrhundert (1580-1730).
%2346942: Arendonk, H.P.A.M. van. - Inkoop van eigen aandelen : civielrechtelijke en fiscaalrechtelijke beschouwingen.
%23188845: Arends, Toos ... [et al.] - Salut au Monde. Deel I: Het Friese landschap in de schilderkunst van 1900 tot nu = Die friesische Landschaft in der Malerei von 1900 bis heute; Deel II: Het Friese landschap: eerste indrukken en herinneringen = Die friesische Landschaft: erste Eindrücke und Erinnerungen.
%23288686: Arends, Inge ... [et al.] - Islam van A tot Z.
%2346544: Arendsen de Wolff, G.J.W. - De informatieplicht van de onderneming : informatieverstrekking en geheimhouding in de betrekkingen tussen de onderneming en de werknemersvertegenwoordigers.
%23252527: Arendsen, Rex. - Geen bericht, goed bericht : een onderzoek naar de effecten van de introductie van electronisch berichtenverkeer met de overheid op de administratieve lasten van bedrijven.
%23285862: Arendt, Hannah. - Lectures on Kant's Political Philosophy.
%23268937: Arendt, Hannah. - Over geweld.
%23296791: Arendt, Hannah. - Imperialisme
%23118965: Aresin, L., Hörz, H., Hüttner, H. & Szewczyk, H. (eds.) - Lexikon der Humansexuologie.
%2341932: Arets, Wiel. - Wiel Arets.
%23269894: Arets, Wiel. - Wiel Arets [works, projects, writings].
%23294577: Arfazadeh, Homayoon. - Ordre public et arbitrage international a` l'e´preuve de la mondialisation : une the´orie critique des sources du droit des relations transnationales.
%23230365: Argent, D. - Les Modèles macroéconomiques de séquence : L'exemple de Lundberg.
%23297077: Argyle, Gisela. - German elements in the fiction of George Eliot, Gissing, and Meredith.
%23280785: Arhinful, Daniel Kojo. - The solidarity of self-interest : social and cultural feasibility of rural health insurance in Ghana.
%2339928: Arianrhod, Robyn. - Seduced by logic : Émilie du Châtelet, Mary Somerville, and the Newtonian revolution.
%23108577: ARIARAJAH, S. WESLEY - Hindus and Christians. A Century of Protestant Ecumenical Thought.
%23262904: Arias, M. Beatriz & Ursula Casanova (eds.) - Bilingual education: politics, practice, and research (National Society for the Study of Education Yearbooks)
%23175155: Arias, J. M, Gallardo, M. I. & Lozano, M. - Response of the nuclear system to external forces : proceedings of the V La Rábida International Summer School on Nuclear Physics, held at La Rábida, Huelva, Spain, 19 June-1 July, 1994.
%23286011: Ariëns, Alphons. - Bronnen van de katholieke arbeidersbeweging in Nederland : toespraken, brieven en artikelen van Alphons Ariëns, 1887-1901.
%23196811: Ariëns, Catrien. - In de beste tradities.
%23295466: Ariff, K.A. Mohamed & Khalid, Ahmed M. - Liberalization, growth and the Asian financial crisis : lessons for developing and transitional economies in Asia.
%2338264: Arioli, Simone. - Frauenförderungsmassnahmen im Erwerbsleben : unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Verfassungsmässigkeit von Quotenregelungen.
%23287710: Aris, Emmanuel Marie Daniel. - Statistical causal models for categorical data.
%23119329: Aris, R., Aronson, D.G. & Swinney, H.L. (eds.) - Patterns and Dynamics in Reactive Media. (IMA 37).
%23178888: Aristophanes. - The Acharnians of Aristophanes.
%23241691: Plato & Aristophanes. - Four texts on Socrates : Plato's Euthyphro , Apology , and Crito , and Aristophanes' Clouds.
%23224296: Aristoteles., Waitz, Theodor. - Aristoteles. Organon graece. Pars prior : Categoriae, Hermeneutica, Analytica priora; Pars posterior : Analytica posteriora, Topica.
%23217785: Aristoteles. - Vier Bücher über die Teile der Tiere (Aristoteles Werke. Band 5).
%23217787: Aristoteles. - Politik. Teil 2: Inhaltsübersicht und Anmerkungen. (Aristoteles Werke. Band 7).
%23217786: Aristoteles. - Politik. Teil 1: Text und Übersetzung (Aristoteles Werke. Band 6).
%2330602: Aristoteles. - Hauptwerke.
%23217783: Aristoteles. - Fünf Bücher von der Zeugung und Entwickelung der Tiere (Aristoteles Werke. Band 3).
%23217784: Aristoteles. - Über die Dichtkunst (Aristoteles Werke. Band 4).
%23140374: Aristoteles. - Vier Bücher über das Himmelsgebäude und Zwei Bücher über Entstehen und Vergehen (Aristoteles Werke. Band 2).
%23217788: Aristoteles. - Über die Farben.
%2331113: Arjomand, Said Amir. - After Khomeini: Iran Under His Successors.
%23234309: Arjomand, Said Amir. - Constitutional Politics in the Middle East: With Special Reference to Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan.
%23291908: Arkel, A.E. van. - Moleculen en kristallen.
%2385041: Arkel, P.C. van. - Bijdrage tot de toepassing van de waarschijnlijkheidsrekening in de natuurkunde.
%23115323: Arkel, A.E. van & J.H. de Boer. - Chemische Bindung als elektrostatische Erscheinung.
%2399080: Arkes, Hadley. - The Return of George Sutherland : restoring a jurisprudence of natural rights.
%2373465: Arkes, Hadley. - Beyond the Constitution.
%23198401: Conférence pour la réduction et la limitation des armements = Conference for the Reduction and Limitation of Armaments. - Délégués et membres des délégations (liste revisée) = Delegates and members of delegations (revised list).
%23169526: Armando. - Armando.
%23271289: Armando. - Beeldhouwer Armando : oeuvrecatalogus bronssculpturen 1988-2006 = Bildhauer Armando : Werkverzeichnis der Bronzeskulpturen 1988-2006 = Sculptor Armando : oeuvre catalogue of the bronze sculptures 1988-2006
%23288679: Armbrüster, Christian; Nicola Preuss, Thomas Renner, Diether Huhn & Hans-Joachim von Schuckmann. - Beurkundungsgesetz und Dienstordnung für Notarinnen und Notare : Kommentar. 5. Auflage.
%23291443: Arminjon, Pierre; Boris Nolde & Martin Wolff. - Traité de droit comparé. Tome 1-3.
%23270275: Arminjon, Pierre. - Précis de droit international privé commercial.
%2375572: Arms, Caroline (ed.) - Campus networking strategies.
%2343193: Armstrong, Susan - Using Large Corpora (ACL-MIT Series in Natural Language Processing).
%23294626: Armstrong, D.M. - Belief, truth and knowledge
%23192243: Armstrong, Gary & Richard Giulianotti (eds.) - Fear and loathing in world football.
%23270193: Armstrong, Karen. - Een geschiedenis van God : vierduizend jaar jodendom, christendom en islam.
%234825: Armstrong, John. - The vital spark : British coastal trade 1700-1930.
%23189948: Armstrong, Stephen (a.o). - Inside out : underwear and style in the UK.
%23233721: Armstrong, Tom. - An American odyssey : the Warner collection of American fine and decorative arts , Gulf States Paper Corporation , Tuscaloosa , Alabama.
%23263802: Armstrong, Warwick & James Anderson (eds.) - Geopolitics of European Union Enlargement: The Fortress Empire.
%23210610: Armstrong, Karen. - Islam: A Short History.
%23212813: Arnaboldi, Mario. - Resolution :4 architecture : an idea of a site text.
%23289890: Arnaldo, Carlos A. (ed.) - Child abuse on the internet : ending the silence.
%23249618: Arnau i Segarra, Pilar (ed.) - Narrative Neuanfänge : der katalanische Roman der Gegenwart ; Einzelinterpretationen.
%23212825: Arnaudo, Gianni & Maurizio Vogliazzo. - Gianni Arnaudo : opacity and transparency.
%23203582: Arnauld, Antoine & Pierre Nicole - La Logique ou l'Art de Penser : contenant, outre les Régles communes, plusieurs observations nouvelles propres à former le jugement.
%2394521: Arnauld, Antoine & Pierre Nicole - Réponse générale au nouveau livre de Mr. Claude. Nouvelle édition. Suivant la copie, Paris, chez la veuve de Charles Savreux, 1704. (2), 186, (4) pp. Vignettes. BOUND WITH: Arnauld, Antoine, La créance de l'église grecque touchant la transsubstantiation, defendue contre la Réponse du Ministre Claude au livre de Mr. Arnaud. Partie premiere-seconde ... (& Tradition de l'eglise touchant l'eucharistie). Nouvelle édition.
%23208772: Arnauné, Aguste. - La monnaie, le crédit et le change.
%23244191: Arnbak, Jens (ed.) - ISDN in Europe: Innovative services or innovative technology?
%23279022: Arndt, Matthias. - Sip! : Indonesian art today.
%23269675: Arndt, Helmut (ed.) - Lohnpolitik und Einkommensverteilung : Verhandlungen auf der Tagung des Vereins für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften in Berlin, 1.- 4. Oktober 1968.
%23203290: Arndt, Herbert. - Bundesnotarordnung : vom 24. Februar 1961 (BGBl. I S. 97), zuletzt geändert durch Gesetz zur Gleichstellung behinderter Menschen und zur Änderung anderer Gesetze vom 27. April 2002 (BGBl. I S. 1467, 1475).
%23282562: Arndt, Helene. - Studien zur inneren Regierungsgeschichte Manfreds.
%23282012: Arndt, Rudolf. - Lehrbuch der Psychiatrie für Ärzte und Studirende.
%23294026: Arndt, Hans-Joachim. - Die Besiegten von 1945 : Versuch einer Politologie für Deutsche samt Würdigung der Politikwissenschaft in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
%23270431: Arndt, Klaus Friedrich. - Parlamentarische Geschäftsordnungsautonomie und autonomes Parlamentsrecht.
%23235907: Arndts von Arnesberg, Ludwig. - Festgabe für Ludwig Arndts von Arnesberg : Festgabe zum 50. Doktorjubiläum des Herrn Hofrats und Professors Dr. Ludwig Arndts Ritter von Arnesberg im Auftrag der Juristenfakultät zu München.
%23293931: Arné, Serge. - Le président du Conseil des ministres sous la IVe République.
%23260675: Arner, Douglas W. - Financial stability, economic growth, and the role of law.
%23219629: Arnett, Ronald C. & Pat Arneson. - Dialogic civility in a cynical age community , hope , and interpersonal relationships.
%23173540: Arnheim, Rudolf. - The split and the structure : twenty-eight essays.
%23158105: Arnheim, Rudolf. - Parables of Sun Light: Observations on Psychology, the Arts and the Rest.
%23293017: Arnhold, Hermann (ed.) - Bauhaus and America : experiments in light and movement.
%23289726: Arno, Andrew. - Alarming Reports : Communicating Conflict in the Daily News.
%2323003: Arnold, Dean E. - Ecology and Ceramic Production in an Andean Community.
%23293935: Ising. Arnold. - In de Kamers der Staten-Generaal : herinneringen en indrukken, 1850-1886.
%23204427: Arnold, Robert M. (ed.) - Procuring organs for transplant.
%23223430: Arnold, Friedrich Christian von. - Beiträge zum deutschen Privatrecht. 1. Theil: Familienrecht und Erbrecht; 2. Theil ; Dinglisches und persönliches recht.
%2318065: Arnold, Christianus J. C. - Oorzaak en schuld van den Tweeden Punischen Oorlog.
%23254028: Arnold, Eve. - Handbook (with footnotes).
%2352922: Arnold, Robert M. - Procuring organs for transplant : the debate over non-heart-beating cadaver protocols.
%2376100: Arnold, Wilhelm. - Kultur und Recht der Römer.
%2376101: Arnold, Wilhelm. - Zur Geschichte des Eigentums in den deutschen Städten.
%23297416: Arnold, Robert F. (ed.) - Das deutsche drama : in Verbindung mit Julius Bab, Albert Ludwig, Friedrich Michael, Max J. Wolff und Rudolf Wolkan.
%23285160: Arnold, Eve. - In America.
%23288145: Gymnasium Arnoldinum (Steinfurt, Westfalen). - Vierhundert 400 Jahre Arnoldinum : 1588-1988 ; Festschrift.
%23255604: Arnoldt, Daniel Heinrich. - Ausführliche und mit Urkunden versehene Historie der Königsberger Universität. Band C. Zusätze zur Historie der Königsbergischen Universität. Mit 250 Lebensbeschreibungen preussischer Gelehrter. Fortgesetzte Zusätze zur Historie der Königsb. Universität nebst Nachrichten von 311 preussischen Gelehrten;
%23255605: Arnoldt, Daniel Heinrich. - Ausführliche und mit Urkunden versehene Historie der Königsberger Universität. Band D. Goldbeck, Johann Friedrich, Nachrichten von der kgl. Universität zu Königsberg i. Pr. und den daselbst befindlichen Lehr-, Schul- und Erziehungsanstalten. (1782). Metzger, Johann Daniel, Über die Universität zu Königsberg. Ein Nachtrag zu Arnoldt und Goldbeck. (1804).
%23238223: Arnoldt, Daniel Heinrich. - Ausführliche und mit Urkunden versehene Historie der Königsberger Universität. Band A. Ausführliche und mit Urkunden versehene Historie der Königsbergischen Universität (Teil 1).
%23255778: Arnoldt, Daniel Heinrich. - Ausführliche und mit Urkunden versehene Historie der Königsberger Universität. Band B. Ausführliche und mit Urkunden versehene Historie der Königsberger Universität. (Teil 2).
%2379549: Arnoldt, Daniel Heinrich. - Ausführliche und mit Urkunden versehene Historie der Königsberger Universität.
%2363537: Arnoldussen, Paul - Verdachte portretten : rechtbanktekeningen.
%23220800: Arnon, Ya'el D., Stieglitz, R. Raphael. - Tel Tanninim : excavations at Krokodeilon Polis , 1996-1999.
%2331131: Arnott, Richard - Economics for an Imperfect World: Essays in Honor of Joseph E. Stiglitz.
%23245023: Arnou, André. - La participation des travailleurs à la gestion des entreprises : la collaboration ouvrière.
%23249510: Arnoux-Farnoux, Lucile & Anne-Rachel Hermetet (eds.) - Questions de réception.
%23249367: Arnove, Anthony. - Iraq : the logic of withdrawal.
%23190017: Arnscheidt, Julia. - Debating' Nature Conservation: Policy, Law and Practice in Indonesia: A Discourse Analysis of History and Present.
%23281897: Arnswaldt, Albrecht von. - De vicariatus controversia : Beiträge Hermann Conrings in der Diskussion um die Reichsverfassung des 17. Jahrhunderts.
%23282963: Arntzen, Terje; Trond Larsen & Nicolay Vold. - Aksjebeskatning : med soerlig vekt pa RISK-beregning og gevinstbeskatning.
%23182152: Arnull, Anthony. - The general principles of EEC law and the individual.
%23282184: Arnull, Anthony. - The European Union and its Court of Justice.
%23176740: Aroca, J.M ... [et al.] - Algebraic geometry : proceedings of the international conference on algebraic geometry held at La Rábida, Spain, January 7 - 15, 1981
%23294619: Aron, Raymond. - République impériale : les États-Unis dans le monde, 1945-1972.
%23296373: Aron, Raymond. - Études politiques.
%23296364: Aron, Raymond. - Essai sur la libertés.
%23296376: Aron, Raymond; George Kennan, Robert Oppenheimer et autres. - Colloques de Rheinfelden.
%23296378: Aron, Raymond. - Immuable et changeante : de la IVe à la Ve République.
%23296380: Aron, Raymond. - Espoir et peur du siècle : essais non partisans.
%23296379: Aron, Raymond, François Bondy, George F Kennan ... [et al.] - La démocratie à l'épreuve du XX siècle (Colloques de Berlin)..
%23171122: Aron, Raymond. - Penser la guerre, Clausewitz. I. L'âge européen; II. L'âge planétaire.
%23244215: Aron-Beller, Katherine - Jews on Trial: The Papal Inquisition in Modena, 1598-1638.
%23296368: Aron, Raymond. - Les guerres en chaine.
%23296365: Aron, Raymond. - Trois essais sur l'âge industriel.
%23296363: Aron, Raymond. - Les désillusions du progrès : essai sur la dialectique de la modernité.
%23296375: Aron, Raymond. - Dimensions de la conscience historique.
%23290407: Aronson, J. - The Encyclopaedia of Furniture. 3rd revised edition.
%23275670: Aronson, Ronald. - Sartre's second Critique.
%23236398: Aronstein, Claude Serge (ed.) - International handbook on contracts of employment.
%2326259: Arp, Robert - Scenario Visualization: An Evolutionary Account of Creative Problem Solving.
%23277904: Van Cleef & Arpels - Exercise in style : Van Cleef & Arpels.
%23206189: Arribas, Alfredo. - Alfredo Arribas: Works 92 -> 2000.
%23283956: Arrizabalaga, Jon. - The Great Pox : Syphilis and Its Antecedents in Early Modern Europe.
%23223213: Arrom, Silvia Marina. - Containing the poor : the Mexico City Poor House, 1774-1871.
%2357339: Arrow, Kenneth J. - Arrow and the ascent of modern economic theory. Ed. by George R. Feiwel.
%23228586: Arrow, Kenneth J. & Michael D. Intriligator (eds.) - Handbook of mathematical economics. Volume 1.
%23149793: Arrow, Kenneth J. - Studies in linear and non-linear programming.
%23244872: Arrowsmith, Carol & Rupert McNeil (eds.) - Reward governance for senior executives.
%23202985: Arrowsmith, Sue & Arwel Davis (eds.) - Public procurement : global revolution.
%23282521: Arsanjani, Mahnoush H. - International regulation of internal resources : a study of law and policy.
%2342824: Arschinow, Peter. - Anarchisten im Freiheitskampf : die Geschichte der Machno-Bewegung, 1918-1921.
%23212829: Arsene, Vladimir. - Westfourth Architecture : New York calls Bucharest.
%23282873: Arsjinof, P. - Geschiedenis der Machnobeweging, 1918-1921.
%23176818: Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) - Fifteenth- to eighteenth-century European drawings : Central Europe, the Netherlands, France, England.
%23248865: Art, Robert J. - A Grand Strategy For America.
%2382808: ARTHUR, JETT C. - Textile and paper chemistry and technology.
%23281896: Artner, Michael. - Agere praescriptis verbis. : Atypische Geschäftsinhalte und klassisches Formularverfahren.
%23148043: Arts, Karin. - Integrating Human Rights into Development Cooperation : the Case of the Lomé Convention.
%23261071: Arts, Bas. - The political influence of global NGOs : case studies on the climate and biodiversity conventions.
%23294438: Arts, Karin; Lianne Boer, Martijn Scheltema, Tineke Strik, Ashley Terlouw & Wouter Werner. - De grenzen voorbij : de actualiteit van territorialiteit en jurisdictie : preadviezen.
%23177764: Arumaeus, Dominicus. - Disputatio De Iurisdictionis Secularis Origine, definitione & divisione.
%2311154: Arup, Christopher. - The new World Trade Organization agreements : globalizing law through services and intellectual property.
%23290965: Aryanpur Kashani, Manoochehr. - The Aryanpur Progressive English-Persian Persian-English Dictionary : comprehensive.
%23101533: Arzoumanian, Z., F. van der Hooft & E.P.J. van den Heuvel. - Pulsar Timing, General Relativity and the Internal Structure of Neutron Stars. : Proceedings of the colloquium, Amsterdam, 24-27 September, 1996.
%23203977: as-Sjaikh, Hanaan. - Vrouwen tussen hemel en zand.
%2352684: As, G.G. van. - November-alarm. De revolutie-bedreiging in Nederland November 1918. Gedenkboek.
%23211506: Asad, Muhammad. - The principles of state and government in Islam.
%23286259: Asaert, G. ... [et al.] (eds.) - Maritieme geschiedenis der Nederlanden. 4 Delen. Deel 1. Prehistorie, romeinse tijd, middeleeuwen, vijftiende en zestiende eeuw; Deel 2. Zeventiende eeuw, van 1585 tot ca. 1680; Deel 3. Achttiende eeuw en eerste helft negentiende eeuw, van ca 1680 tot 1850-1870; Deel 4. Tweede helft negentiende eeuw en twintigste eeuw : van 1850-1870 tot ca. 1970.
%23179434: Asbeck, F.M. van. (e.a.). - United Nations textbook: texts of important U.N. documents with annotations, including constitution of International Labour Organization and texts of modern regional pacts (A.O. treaty of the European Coal and Steel community).
%23276653: Asbury, Herbert. - Sucker's progress; an informal history of gambling in America from the colonies to Canfield.
%23261262: Asch, Peter. - Economic theory and the antitrust dilemma.
%23290541: Asch, Paul. - Die moderne Therapie der Gonorrhöe beim Manne : ein Leitfaden für Studierende und Ärzte
%237585: Aschaffenburg, Gustav. - Das Verbrechen und seine Bekämpfung : Kriminalpsychologie für Mediziner, Juristen und Soziologen : ein Beitrag zur Reform der Strafgesetzgebung.
%237668: Aschaffenburg, Gustav. - Das Verbrechen und seine Bekämpfung. 3. Aufl.
%23294570: Aschbach, Joseph von. - Geschichte Kaiser Sigmunds. Band 1. Sigmunds frühere Geschichte bis auf die Eröffnung des Konstanzer Konzils (1838); Band 2. Die Zeit des Konstanzer Konzils bis zum Anfang der Hussitenkriege. (1839); Band 3. Die Zeit der Hussitenkriege bis zur Eröffnung des Basler Konzils. (1841); Band 4. Sigmunds letzte Regierungsjahre zur Zeit des Basler Konzils. (1845).
%2380148: Aschbach, Joseph von. - Geschichte Kaiser Sigmunds. Band 1. Sigmunds frühere Geschichte bis auf die Eröffnung des Konstanzer Konzils (1838); Band 2. Die Zeit des Konstanzer Konzils bis zum Anfang der Hussitenkriege. (1839); Band 3. Die Zeit der Hussitenkriege bis zur Eröffnung des Basler Konzils. (1841); Band 4. Sigmunds letzte Regierungsjahre zur Zeit des Basler Konzils. (1845).
%23160503: Ascher, Carol. - Simone de Beauvoir : a life of freedom.
%23230261: Ascheri, Carlo. - Feuerbachs Bruch mit der Spekulation : Einleitung zur kritischen Ausgabe von Feuerbach : Notwendigkeit einer Veränderung (1842).
%2389184: Aschheim, Steven E. - Culture and Catastrophe : German and Jewish confrontations with National Socialism and other crises.
%23179142: Aschheim, Steven E. (ed.) - Hannah Arendt in Jerusalem.
%23169150: D'Ascoli, Sylvia. - Sentencing in International Criminal Law : the UN ad hoc Tribunals and Future Perspectives for the ICC.
%2348057: Ashall, Dr Frank - Remarkable Discoveries!.
%23154019: Ashall, Frank - Remarkable Discoveries!
%2376102: Ashburner, Walter. - Nomos Rhodioon nautikós : the Rhodian sea-law, edited from the manuscripts.
%23108725: Ashby-Beach, Genette. - The Song of Roland : a Generative Study of the Formulaic Language in the Single Combat.
%23180289: Ashford, Jose B. - Death Penalty Mitigation: A Handbook for Mitigation Specialists, Investigators, Social Scientists, and Lawyers.
%2348433: Ashihara, Taro. - Taro Ashihara : program and style.
%2315273: Ashley, W.J. - Surveys : historic and economic.
%23225468: Ashton, Dore. - Terence La Noue.
%23276654: Ashton, John. - The history of gambling in England.
%23223311: Ashworth, Andrew. - Principles of criminal law. 3rd edition.
%23255163: Ashworth, Andrew. - The criminal process : an evaluative study. 2nd edition.
%2352452: David Barry Desmond Asker. - Aspects of metamorphosis : fictional representations of the becoming human.
%23232818: Askin, Kelly D. & Dorean M. Koenig (eds.) - Women and International Human Rights Law. Volume 1: Introduction to Women's Human Rights Issues; Volume 2: International courts, instruments, and organizations and select regional issues affecting women; Volume 3.
%23284688: Aslami, Zarena. - The Dream Life of Citizens : Late Victorian Novels and the Fantasy of the State.
%2371887: Asma, Stephen T. - On Monsters: An Unnatural History of Our Worst Fears.
%2335633: Asmuth, Christoph (ed.) - Kant und Fichte - Fichte und Kant.
%23295255: Asp, Petter ... [et al.] - The European Public Prosecutor's Office : legal and criminal policy perspectives.
%23292672: Aspaturian, Vernon V. - Process and power in Soviet foreign policy.
%23187566: Asperen, Geertruida Maartje van. - Het bedachte leven : beschouwingen over maatschappij , zingeving en ethiek.
%23283336: Asperen, Evelien van. - Interculturele communicatie & ideologie.
%23291881: Aspers, W.A.M. & H.M. Nieland (eds.) - Wetenschap in bedrijf.
%23242655: Aspeslagh, Rob & Susanne Raven (ed.) - De multiculturele samenleving, een wensdroom? : de integratie van migranten in de samenlevingen van Nederland en Duitsland.
%23274589: Aspeslagh, Robert. - Im historischen Wu?rgegriff : die Beziehungen zwischen Ungarn und der Slowakei in der Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft.
%23280509: Aspray, William. - John von Neumann and the origins of modern computing.
%23240416: d'Aspremont, Jean. - Formalism and the sources of international law : a theory of the ascertainment of legal rules.
%23292183: Asquith, Peter D. & Ian Hacking (eds.) - PSA 1978 : proceedings of the 1978 biennial meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association. Vol. 1, Contributed papers.
%23248364: Assche, Ferdinand van. - De consumptie der inlanders te Elizabethstad [Congo] : proeve van onderzoek naar haar structuur en ontwikkelingstendens.
%2333999: Asscher, B.J. ... [et al.] - Onverwijlde spoed : het kort geding en andere spoedprocedures in het Nederlands recht : bundel, verschenen ter gelegenheid van het 7e lustrum van de Vereniging De Jonge Balie Utrecht.
%2373271: Asscher, A. William & Eric Sanders. - Farbatlas der Nephrologie.
%23277537: Asscher-vonk, I.P. & A.C. Hendriks. - Gelijke behamdeling en onderscheid bij de arbeid. 2e druk.
%23294324: Asscher, Lodewijk. - Communicatiegrondrechten : een onderzoek naar de constitutionele bescherming van het recht op vrijheid van meningsuiting en het communicatiegeheim in de informatiesamenleving.
%2380783: Asscher-Vonk, I.P. - Equality in Law between Men and Women in the European Community. The Netherlands.
%2324828: Asscher-Vonk, I.P. - Toegang tot de dienstbetrekking.
%23107900: Asscher-Vonk, I.P. (et al.) - De zieke werknemer.
%23119231: Asscher, Lodewijk. - Constitutionele convergentie van pers, omroep en telecommunicatie.
%2346570: Asscher-Vonk, I.P. (et al.) - Wet gelijke behandeling van mannen en vrouwen.
%23277646: Asscher-Vonk, I.P. ... [et al.] - De zieke werknemer. 4e druk.
%23277230: Asselain, Jean Charles. - Planning and Profit in Socialist Economies.
%23101538: Asselbergs, W.J.M.A. (beter bekend als Anton van Duinkerken). - Guido Gezelle's kerkhofblommen, 1858-1958.
%23207668: Asseldonk, Antonius Gerardus Martinus van. - Mass-individualisation : business strategies applying networked order to create economic value in heterogeneous and unpredictable markets.
%23201129: Asseldonk, Gerardus A. van. - De Nederlanden en het westers schisma (tot 1398).
%23199620: Asseldonk, Gerardus A. van. - De Nederlanden en het westers schisma (tot 1398).
%23295685: Asselt, Marjolein van; Michelle Everson & Ellen Vos (eds.) - Trade, health and the environment : the European Union put to the test.
%2376104: Assemani, Giuseppe Simone. - Bibliotheca iuris orientalis canonici et civilis. 1: Codex canonum ecclesiae Graecae; 2: Codex juris civilis ecclesiae Graecae; 3: Appendix I ad Codicem juris canonici et civilis ecclesiae Graecae; 4: Appendix II; 5: Appendix III. (1766).
%23279585: Western European Union Assemby. - Collected texts adopted during the first, second and third ordinary sessions : 1955-1957 = Recueil des textes adoptés au cours des première, deuxième et troisième sessions ordinaires.
%23201631: Assen, Marcel Fulco van. - Empirical studies in discrete parts manufacturing management.
%2311809: Asser, T.M.C. - Het Bestuur der buitenlandsche betrekkingen volgens het Nederlandsche Staatsregt.

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