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Kalamos Books 2020 Old Station Rd, Streetsville, Ontario, Canada L5M 2V1. Tel.: +1 905-542-1877 Email: kalamosbooks@gmail.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
039884: - Pote Pia 1916-1923 : To 16o Synedrio tis Pampontiakes Omospondias HPA-Kanada
26191: - Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. Supplementary Volume I.1940 Athenian Studies Presented to William Scott Ferguson
043181: - Myconos Delos
045011: - Santa's Favorite Cookies : Sweet Treats for the Christmas Season
039337: - The dogs of Oakville : then and now
039916: - Architecture Canada 2004 (Governor General's Medals in Architecture)
039886: - Et in Arkadia Ego :4o Pankosmio Panarkadiko Synedrio kai 41o Synedrio Panarkadikes Omospondias KanadaGO
045009: - The Christmas List Book
045317: - Meteora : The Sacred Rocks and Their History
045085: - Family Circle Big Book of Christmas
22180: - The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction October 1970
045272: - Journal of Hellenic Studies Vol 1 1880
045339: - O Andreas Papandreou kai e Epoche tou
043340: - Hung Parliament: An Entertainment
045243: - Animal Number Fun
045244: - Birdwatcher's Digest : November - December 2015
045163: - Richard III: England's Black Legend
045041: - The Everything Christmas Crafts Mini Book
32007: - Mouseio Synchrones Technes - Andros, Hidryma Vasile kai Elizas Goulandre = Andros, Muse e d'art moderne, Foundation Basil et Elise Goulandris = Museum of Modern Art, Basil and Elise Goulandris Foundation
045036: - Favourite Christmas Recipes
045249: - Synaxe : Vimeniaia ekdose spoudes tin 0rthodoxia .Vol 6 Spring 1983 /?????? : ????????? ?????? ??????? ??? ?????????
039817: - Synora, Symvola, Statheroteta : Zetemata Sketizomene Me Tin Anagnorisi Tis Giougkoslavikes Demokratias Tis Makedonias
37581: - Makedoniki Zoe Ho Chrysaphi Makedonon # 152, Jan 1979
045337: - Annual Writing Contest 1992
36967: - Byron
044768: - Polyphony : Vol.6 No1.Spring/Summer 1984 : Toront's People
038177: - Shin fugaku hyakkei = A bird's eye view of Mt.Fuji
33258: - Makedonski Folklor / Le Folklore Macedonien Vol 1 No.1, 1968
045361: ABRAMS, M. H. - A Glossary of Literary Terms
36472: ABRANOWICZ, WILLIAM - The Greek File: Images from a Mythic Land
039879: SYLLOGOS ACHAION - San Natan Chthes. 25 Chronia 1964-1989
34381: ADLER, BILL [ED] - Querido Harry Potter - Los ninos del mundo le escriban al aprendiz da mago - Dear Harry Potter
045367: BIBLE SOCIETY OF SOUTH AFRICA - Die Bybel : Nuwe Vertaling
30375: TITCHMARSH. ALAN - Green and Pleasant Land: Includes his bestselling autobiography Trowel and Error plus two audiobooks on four CDs: England, Our England & Nobbut A Lad
045256: ALBRIGHT, WILLIAM FOXWELL. - From the Stone Age to Christianity: Monotheism and the Historical Process
044466: DE FRANCISCIS,ALFONSO & BRAGANTINI, IRENE - Pompeii-Herculaneum and Capri : Past and Present with reconstructions
039905: ANDERSON, ALLAN & TOMLINSON, BETTY - Greetings from Canada: An Album of Unique Canadian Postcards from the Edwardian Era, 1900-1916
045091: ALLEN,DARINA - A Simply Delicious Christmas
042681: AHEARN, ALLEN & PATRICIA AHEARN - Book Collecting
33385: CARROLL, MARGARET, THEODOSIADES , AMELIA & KAKULAS, ROSE - Come to Greek / Elate Sta Ellenika : Part 2, Book 5, Units 17-20
33386: CARROLL, MARGARET, THEODOSIADES , AMELIA & KAKULAS, ROSE - Come to Greek / Elate Sta Ellenika : Part 2, Book 6, Units 21-24
33384: CARROLL, MARGARET, THEODOSIADES , AMELIA & KAKULAS, ROSE - Come to Greek / Elate Sta Ellenika : Part 2, Book 4, Units 13-16
044983: MCKENZIE, ANDREA & LEDWELL, JANE - L.M. Montgomery and War
038351: ANDREW, SYLVIA / ALLEN, LOUISE - Lord Calthorpe's Promise / The Society Catch
045054: ANDREWS, DONNA - Six Geese A-Slaying: A Meg Langslow Christmas Mystery (Meg Langslow Mysteries)
29647: BENT, MABEL VIRGINIA ANNA & BRISCH, GERALD - World Enough, and Time: The Travel Chronicles of Mrs J Theodore Bent. Volume 1, Greece and the Levantine Littoral
038377: DE COURCY. ANNE - The Fishing Fleet: Husband-Hunting in the Raj
28179: ANTONAKOS, TOULA - Through a Cat's Eyes
040236: MATHAS, ANTONIS & GABARAS,LAZAROS - Palia Diatheke gia tin Triti Taxi tou Demotikou (IN GREEK)
043827: APPLEBAUM, MOLLY - Buried Words: The Diary of Molly Applebaum
039374: ARCHIBALD, ZOFIA - Discovering the World of the Ancient Greeks
045375: ARNAKIS, GEORGE GEORGIADES - The Near East in Modern Times Volume 1 : . The Ottoman Empire and the Balkan states to 1900
039992: ASHER,MICHAEL - A Desert Dies
038348: ASHFORD, JANE - The Three Graces
041004: ASHLEY,MIKE (ED.) - The Mammoth Book of Historical Detectives
041006: ASHLEY,MIKE [ED] - The Mammoth Book Of New Historical Whodunnits
043274: ASHLEY,MIKE (ED.) - The Mammoth Book Of New Historical Whodunnits
045060: ASIMOV, ISAAC [GARDNER R DOZOIS; SHEILA WILLIAMS] - Isaac Asimov's Christmas
37579: PAN-MACEDONIAN ASSOCIATION - Eternal Flame / Aionia Phloga 2005
042359: ASTROM, PAUL - Arkeologiskt detektivarbete =: Archaeological detective work (Studies in Mediterranean archaeology :) (Swedish Edition)
35715: JEAN M. AUEL - The Mammoth Hunters- Earth's Children
038225: AUSTEN, JANE - Northanger Abbey (Arcturus Paperback Classics)
038283: AUSTEN, JANE - Sense and Sensibility : Jane Austen Note Cards -
045328: MORROW. AVRUM [AVI] - A Life Thru Art
038220: AYLMER, JANET - Julia and the Master of Morancourt: A Novel
045027: BAILEY, DON (EDITOR); UNRUH, DAILE (EDITOR) - Canadian Christmas Stories in Prose and Verse
038293: BALOGH, MARY - A Christmas Promise
045043: BALOGH, MARY - Under the Mistletoe
045044: BALOGH, MARY; JUSTISS, JULIA; CORNICK, NICOLA - Christmas Keepsakes [ A Handful Of Gold] [ The Three Gifts] [The Season For Suitors]
045042: BALOGH, MARY - A Christmas Bride [and] A Christmas Beau
045292: BANTOCK, NICK - Griffin and Sabine : An Extraordinary Correspondence
042977: BANTOCK, NIGEL - The Forgetting Room: A Fiction
042979: BANTOCK, NICK - Sabine's Notebook : In Which the Extraordinary Correspondence of Griffin and Sabine Continues
045291: BANTOCK, NICK - The Golden Mean : In Which the Extraordinary Correspondence of Griffin and Sabine Concludes
043654: BARAN, MUSA - Ephesus and Its Surroundings
038384: BARR, PAT - A Curious Life for a Lady : The Story of Isabella Bird
039914: BARROLL, CLARE - The Iron Crown
045286: BARTOCCINI, RENATO - The Etruscan Paintings Of Tarquinia
045230: BEILENSON, NICK - The Merry Christmas Tree Kit
040021: BERTON, PIERRE - Invasion of Canada 1812 1813
045045: BEVERLEY, JO; MOORE, MARGARET; SIMMONS, DEBORAH - The Brides of Christmas: An Anthology
32451: BIBLE - NEW TESTAMENT - He Kaini Diathiki Se Neohelleniki Apodose
36193: BIBLE - Pavitra Bible juno ane navo Karar [IN GUJARATI].
039921: BIBLE - The On Line Bible . De Luxe Edition
044533: BIBLE - Szent Biblia, azaz: Istennek o ?e?s u?j Testamentoma?ban foglaltatott ege?sz szent ira?s magyar nyelure fordittatott Ka?roli Ga?spa?r
35060: BIBLE - NEW TESTAMENT - Novum Testamentum Graece post Eberhard Nestle et Erwin Nestle editione vicesima septima revisa communiter ed. Barbara Aland etc
35062: BIBLE - Sveto Pismo Staroga I Novoga Zavjeta
35061: BIBLE - NEW TESTAMENT - New Testament Psalms & Proverbs [Farsi]
32502: BIBLE - OLD TESTAMENT - La Biblia Hebreo-Espanol. Volumen I : Pentateuco, Profetas Primeros
32503: BIBLE - OLD TESTAMENT - La Biblia Hebreo-Espanol. Volumen II : Profetas Posteriores Hagiografos
039806: BICHENO, HUGH - Crescent and Cross: The Battle of Lepanto 1571
045058: BINCHY,MAEVE - This Year it Will be Different and Other Stories
038372: BIRD, ISABELLA LUCY [KAY CHUBBUCK (ED.)] - Letters to Henrietta
038376: BIRKETT, DEA - Spinsters Abroad: Victorian lady explorers
039969: BIRMINGHAM, STEPHEN - Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis
35986: BLANCHARD, ALICE - Darkness Peering
038273: DE BLASI, MARLENA - A Thousand Days In Venice: An Unexpected Romance
039962: BLYTH, HENRY - A Fatal Passion
043750: BODGER, JOAN - The Crack in the Teacup: The Life of an Old Woman Steeped in Stories
044191: BOETHIUS (ANICIUS MANLIUS SEVERINUS) - The Consolation of Philosophy [ De Consolatione Philosophiae]
044996: BOLGER, FRANCIS W. P. - The Years Before Anne : the Early Career of Lucy Maud Montgomery, Author of "Anne of Green Gables"
041813: BONAVENTURA,MARIA ANTONIETTA LOZZI - Pompeii, Herculaneum, Villa Jovis on Capri: Guide to the Excavations
039897: BOUCHARD, AURELIAN [DIRECTOR] - To write an icon : an introduction to the process of creating Icons - Box 6
039896: BOUCHARD, AURELIAN [DIRECTOR] - To write an icon : an introduction to the process of creating Icons - Box 5
039894: BOUCHARD, AURELIAN [DIRECTOR] - To write an icon : an introduction to the process of creating Icons - Box 3
039892: BOUCHARD, AURELIAN [DIRECTOR] - To write an icon : an introduction to the process of creating Icons - Box 1
039895: BOUCHARD, AURELIAN [DIRECTOR] - To write an icon : an introduction to the process of creating Icons - Box 4
039893: BOUCHARD, AURELIAN [DIRECTOR] - To write an icon : an introduction to the process of creating Icons - Box 2
045246: BOWDER, DIANE [ED] - Who Was Who in the Greek World 776 BC - 30 BC
039977: BOXER, ARABELLA [ GRAHAME, KENNETH] - The Wind in the Willows Country Cookbook
039917: BOYER, BARBARANNE - The Boardwalk Album: Memories of the Beach
30494: BOYLE, LEONARD - A short guide to St. Clement's, Rome
039951: BRADFORD, SARAH - America's Queen : The Life of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
039901: BRADSHAW,GILLIAN - Bearkeeper's Daughter
039900: BRADSHAW,GILLIAN - The Beacon at Alexandria.
039801: BRAZIL, ANGELA - The Girls of St. Cyprian's : a Tale of School Life
039733: BRAZIL, ANGELA - The Princess of the School
039926: BREEZE, DAVID J - Hadrian's Wall : A Souvenir guide to the Roman wall
24181: BREEZE, DAVID J - Hadrian's Wall : A Souvenir guide to the Roman wall
045393: BRIGGS, RAYMOND - The Snowman / Le Bonnhomme de Niege
045344: BRISHA, ALY - Nfr IWN: The City of the Sun
044271: BROADFOOT, BARRY - The City of Vancouver
37462: BROOKS, GERALDINE - People of the Book
039383: BROWNING, ROBERT - Greek World : Classical, Byzantine and Modern
044987: BRUCE, HARRY - Maud : The Life of L.M.Montgomery
045242: BRUCE, HARRY - Maud : The Life of L.M.Montgomery
044986: BRUCE, HARRY - Maud : The Life of L.M.Montgomery
045022: BUDAY, GEORGE [GYHORGY BUDAY] - The History of the Christmas Card
039915: BUNN, T DAVIS - To the Ends of the Earth : A Novel of the Byzantine Empire
045391: ANTHONY BURGESS - Little Wilson and Big God: Being the First Part of the Confessions of Anthony Burgess
36124: BURGH, ANITA - The Family
045236: BURGIN, RICHARD - Conversations With Jorge Luis Borges
045374: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - Tarzan Lord of the Jungle
31437: BUTLER, SAMUEL - Erewhon
31438: BUTLER, SAMUEL - Erewhon
22624: BYRON,GEORGE GORDON NOEL (LORD BYRON) - The Poetical Works of Lord Byron Complete Volume IV : Tales
36961: BYRON,GEORGE GORDON NOEL (LORD BYRON) - Selected Poetry of Lord Byron
22626: BYRON,GEORGE GORDON NOEL (LORD BYRON) - The Poetical Works of Lord Byron Complete Volume VIII : Dramas
22625: BYRON,GEORGE GORDON NOEL (LORD BYRON) - The Poetical Works of Lord Byron Complete Volume VI : Dramas
22621: BYRON,GEORGE GORDON NOEL (LORD BYRON) - The Poetical Works of Lord Byron Complete Volume III : Childe Harold's Pilgrimage
22622: BYRON,GEORGE GORDON NOEL (LORD BYRON) - The Poetical Works of Lord Byron Complete Volume I : Miscellanies
22623: BYRON,GEORGE GORDON NOEL (LORD BYRON) - The Poetical Works of Lord Byron Complete Volume V : Tales
039961: BYRON,GEORGE GORDON NOEL (LORD BYRON) - Lord Byron : Selected Letters and Journals
041381: KUMPIKEVICIUS. GORDON C. & TOOTH, MARK E. - A Bibliography of Classical Numismatics in Canada
045357: GIRALDUS CAMBRENSIS, GERALD OF WALES [EDITED LEWIS THORPE] - The Journey Through Wales and the Description of Wales (Penguin Classics)
045414: CAMBRON, KRISTY - The Butterfly and the Violin
045348: CAMERON, LOU - The Amphorae Pirates
045394: CAPOTE, TRUMAN [ DUANE POOLE] - A Christmas Memory
34618: CAROUZOU, SEMNI [POLYSEMNI PAPASPYRIDI-KAROUZOU ] - Mycenae :12 Plates in colour - Frescoes, Figures in Gold Foil
33387: CARROLL, MARGARET, POLITIS, AMELIA, & KAKULAS, ROSE - Come to Greek / Elate Sta Ellenika : Teacher's Handbook. Part 1, Units 1-12
33383: CARROLL, MARGARET, POLITIS, AMELIA, & KAKULAS, ROSE - Come to Greek / Elate Sta Ellenika : Part 1, Book 3, Units 9-12
33382: CARROLL, MARGARET, POLITIS, AMELIA, & KAKULAS, ROSE - Come to Greek / Elate Sta Ellenika : Part 1, Book 2, Units 5-8
33380: CARROLL, MARGARET, POLITIS, AMELIA, & GEORGIOU, JOHN - Come to Greek / Elate Sta Ellenika : Part 1, Book 1, Units 1-4
038297: BARBARA CARTLAND - Crowned with Love
045063: TRENT,LYNDA; CAMERON,CARYN & SCOTT,DELORAS - Harlequin Historical Christmas Stories 1991
039982: CASSON, STANLEY - Ancient Greece:A Srudy
038216: CECIL, DAVID - A Portrait of Jane Austen
038350: CHASE, LORETTA - Miss Wonderful
23017: CHATTO, JAMES - The Greek for Love : A Memoir of Sorrow and Joy
33494: CHEETHAM, NICOLAS - Mediaeval Greece
039768: CHIGOUNIS, EVANS - Secret Lives
045316: CHOPRA, ANNE BHANU - Beyond The Mirror -- Seeing Ourselves As We Are
29594: CHRISTIDIS, ANASTASIOS - PHOEBUS - Historia Tis Archaias Ellenikes Glossas
039344: CHRISTIE, AGATHA - Herkulese Vagiteod
25553: CHRISTOU, CHRYSANTHOS - Greek Painting 1832-1922
039809: CHRISTOU, CHRYSANTHOS - Greek Painting 1832-1922
039798: VARDA, CHRYSSA & SCHULTZ, DOUGLAS - Chryssa : Cityscapes
041394: CIMRIN, HUSEYIN - Ephesus : The Metropolis of the Antique Age
045382: THE BOOK OF CLAUDIA - Franken, Rose [Rose Dorothy Lewin Franken]
045035: COLE, WILLIAM E. (EDITOR) - Bah, Humbug! Grumping Through the Season
039831: COLEMAN, LYNN A.;PANAGIOTOPOULOS, MELANIE;SATTLER, GAIL;Y'BARBO, KATHLEEN - Olympic Memories: Four Stories of Inherited Athleticism and Love
042735: SASKATOON WOMEN'S CALENDAR COLLECTIVE. - Herstory 1976 : a Canadian Women's Calendar
039797: COMEAU, NATALIE ANN; KIRNER, BOB (EDITOR) - The Lobster Kids' Guide to Exploring Toronto : 12 Months of Fun (The Lobster Kids' City Explorers Ser.)
045387: ALL SAINTS COMMUNITY - Koinotis Ton Agion Panton Pascha 1989
044952: CONKIE,HEATHER [MONTGOMERY,LUCY MAUD] - Felix and Blackie ("Road to Avonlea" series # 22)
044967: CONKIE,HEATHER [MONTGOMERY,LUCY MAUD] - The Materializing of Duncan McTavish (Road to Avonlea Series # 4)
044947: CONKIE,HEATHER [MONTGOMERY,LUCY MAUD] - Dreamer of Dreams ("Road to Avonlea" series # 18)
044941: COOPER, AMY JO [MONTGOMERY,LUCY MAUD] - Aunt Abigail's Beau ("Road to Avonlea" series # 7)
12387: COPLESTONE,FREDERICK - A History of Philosophy Volume I : Greece and Rome (Part II)
043899: COREN, MICHAEL - J.R.R.Tolkien : Mannem Som Skapade "Sagan om Ringen" (IN SWEDISH)
045258: COREN, MICHAEL - The Man who created Narnia : the story of C.S. Lewis
039819: COSTA, PROCOPE S. [PROCOPE SARANTOS KOSTAS - Listen and Learn: Modern Greek [Audio and Book]
045245: COTTRELL, LEONARD - The Anvil of Civilization
038298: COURTNEY, CAROLINE - The Tempestuous Affair
038299: COURTNEY, CAROLINE - A Lover's Victory
045040: CRAGER,MEG - Christmas Trees : Choose,Maintain and Decorate the Perfect Tree
045039: CRAGER,MEG - Christmas Trees : Choose,Maintain and Decorate the Perfect Tree
045087: CRIST, ROBERT - Betty Crocker's Best Christmas Cookbook
044895: DOMINGUEZ. ALBERTINTO DA CRUZ - Rouxinol De Toronto = Toronto Nightingale
039928: MUSEUM OF BYZANTINE CULTURE, THESSALONIKI /HOLY COMMUNITY OF MT.ATHOS - Thesavroi tou Agiou Oros / Treasures of Mount Athos
045406: CUSSLER,CLIVE - Treasure
33441: TURNER, DAN & SAFDIE, MOSHE - Safdie's Gallery : An Interview with the Architect
040565: DANIEL, ROBERT L. - American philanthropy in the Near East : 1820-1960
045304: DONOVAN, DANIEL & HOLUBIZKY,IHOR - Signs of the spirit : the Donovan Collection at St. Michael's College
045030: DANIELSON, SARAH PARKER - Miracle on 34th Street
045398: DAVIS, MULDREDDAVUSM, - Walk into Yesterday
36046: HELLENIC FOUNDATION FOR DEFENSE AND FOREIGN POLICY - Memorandum of Greece Concerning the application of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia for Admission to the United Nations New York. January 1993
040014: VYZANTIOS, SKARLATOS DEMETRIOS & POLYMERES, GEORGIOS - Lexikon tes kath'hemas hellenikes dialektu methermeneumenes eis to archaion hellenikon kai to gallikon : meta geographiku pinakos ton neoteron kai palaion onomaton .
039948: DEMPSTER,NIGEL - Heiress : The Story of Christina Onassis
039949: DEMPSTER,NIGEL - Heiress : The Story of Christina Onassis
039693: DEMPSTER,NIGEL - Heiress : The Story of Christina Onassis
039923: DEREKSEN, DAVID - The Crescent and the Cross; the Fall of Byzantium, May, 1453
045395: DEVERAUX, JUDE - A Knight in Shining Armor
045059: DICKSON, HELEN - Wicked Pleasures
039983: DIOLE, PHILIPPE - The Seas of Sicily
042572: DODER, DUSKO - Albania Opens the Door [ IN Vol 182 # 1 July 1992 Pp.66-93]
23064: DOHERTY, PAUL - The House of Death : A Mystery of Alexander the Great
33238: DOLLMA, BAKI - Vende Dhe Ngjarje Historike Tee Krujes e Kurbinit: Historical Places And Events Of Kruja And Kurbin
039793: DOUGLAS,NORMAN - South Wind
039794: PILAF BEY = DOUGLAS,NORMAN - Venus in the Kitchen: Or Love's Cookery Book.
039943: DURRELL, GERALD - Rosy is My Relative
039942: LAWRENCE DURRELL - Weigel, John A.
039947: DURRELL, GERALD - The Whispering Land
039941: DURRELL, GERALD - A Zoo in My Luggage
37394: DURRELL, LAWRENCE - Prospero's Cell : A Guide to the Landscape and Manners of the Island of Corcyra
039944: DURRELL, GERALD - Golden Bats and Pink Pigeons
039945: DURRELL, JACQUIE - Intimate Relations
039940: DURRELL, GERALD - The Stationary Ark
31094: DURRELL, GERALD - The Ark's Anniversary
039933: DURRELL, GERALD - The Stationary Ark
31093: DURRELL, GERALD - Menagerie Manor
044345: KOREY, MARIE ELENA; PORTEBOIS, YANNICK; SPIERS, DOROTHY E & LANDON, RICHARD. - Vizetelly & Compan(ies) A Complex Tale of Victorian Printing and Publishing
040019: BURRIS, ELI E. & CASSON, LIONEL - Latin and Greek in Current Use
25491: MANNING, MARY E.& TOLTON, WILLIAM - Mills & Waterwheels of Streetsvillle
040018: BURRIS, ELI E. & CASSON, LIONEL - Latin and Greek in Current Use
039815: PALMER, STEPHEN E. & KING, ROBERT R. - Yugoslav Communism and the Macedonian Question
045010: ECKSTEIN, BOB - The history of the snowman : from the ice age to the flea Market
039329: GOURMET MAGAZINE EDITORS - The Best of Gourmet 1997: Featuring the Flavors of Greece
038349: EDWARDS, RACHELLE - Lord Heathbury's Revenge
038386: EDWARDS, AMELIA B. - Untrodden Peaks and Unfrequented Valleys : A Midsummer Ramble in the Dolomites
038346: EDWARDS, RACHELLE - Lord Trenton's Proposal
042832: EGOFF, SHEILS A. - Republic of Childhood: Critical Guide to Canadian Children's Literature in English
039813: MARCOPOULOS-GAMBAROTTA, ELENI & SCAMP, JENNIFER - Breakthrough Greek: Language Pack
038760: ELEVSIS - Elevsis : Trimeni Politistiki Ekdose Logou,Technis kai Historias. # 7-8 (Spring-Summer 1995)
045301: MEITANIS-ELISSEOU, ERASMIA - Lament in Prose
038381: ELSNER, ELEANOR - The Romance of the Basque Country & the Pyrenees
039366: ENGEL, HOWARD - A Victim Must be Found
044999: ENGELMANN, KAREN - Ornaments : Twelve Days of Christmas
045329: ERDEMGIL, SELAHATTIN - Ephesus : Past and Present [Selcuk]
045067: SEEGER, MARA, YORKE, ERIN & WILLIAMS, BRONWYN - Harlequin Historical Christmas Stories 1992
045062: EVANS, RICHARD PAUL - The Christmas Box Collection : The Christmas Box , Timepiece, The Letter
045092: EVEREST, ELAINE - Christmas at Woolworths
045008: EVERT, LORI - The Christmas Wish
045365: FARJEON, ELEANOR - The Old Nurse's Stocking-Basket
039869: FARMAKIDES, ANNE - Manual of Modern Greek, I: For University Students Elementary to Intermediate
039868: FARMAKIDES, ANNE - A Manual of Modern Greek : Elementary to Intermediate
044290: FARMAKIDES, ANNE - Advanced Modern Greek Including an Addendum With Answers to Exercises
045294: FARMAKIDES, ANNE - Manual of Modern Greek, I: For University Students Elementary to Intermediate
042684: FARMAKIDES, ANNE - A Manual of Modern Greek : Elementary to Intermediate
045072: FEATHER, JANE; JEFFRIES, SABRINA; LONDON, JULIA - Snowy Night with a Stranger (A Holiday Gamble] [When Sparks Fly] [Snowy Night with a Highlander]
28576: FERRANTE, ELENA - My Brilliant Friend
045411: FITZGERALD, DORIS M - Old Time Thornhill
038360: FOLEY, GAELEN - Devil Takes a Bride
043184: FOLLETT, KEN - The Man from St. Petersburg
045404: FORBES, COLIN - Tramp in Armour
32448: FOX, ADAM - Meet the Greek New Testament : Two Essays And A Dialogue Intended For Those Who Have Little or No Greek
045415: FRAME, JANET - The Carpathians
039369: FRANCE, PETER - Greek as a Treat : An Introduction to the Classics
038379: FRANK, KATHERINE - Lucie Duff Gordon: A Passage to Egypt
045247: FRANKFORT, HENRI - The Birth of Civilization in the Near East
040015: DORNSEIFF, FRANZ. & HANSEN, BERNHARD - Reverse-lexicon of Greek proper-names = Rückläufiges Wörterbuch der griechischen Eigennamen
045383: FRAZER, JAMES GEORGE - The Golden Bough ; A Study in Magic and Religion [Abridged]
039986: FREETHY, RON - Exploring Villages With Ron Freethy
38020: FUDGE, THOMAS A - The Magnificent Ride : The First Reformation in Hussite Bohemia
29234: FUNK, ROBERT W. - A Beginning-Intermediate Grammer of Hellenistic Greek III : Appendices, Paradigms, Index
039996: VALAVANI, ELENI G & TSOUREKI, IOANNA D - Alphabetario B
37018: DESIPRIS, G & PETRIS, T - Corfu: Achilleio - The Island of the Phaecians
045049: GALLOWAY, SHELLEY - Cinderella Christmas (Harlequin American Romance)
044985: GAMMEL, IRENE - Looking For Anne: How Lucy Maud Montgomery Dreamed Up a Literary Classic
039976: GARDINER,LESLIE - Curtain Calls : Travels in Albania,Romania and Bulgaria.
044643: GARDNER, JOHN - Death is Forever
045032: GARNER,JAMES FINN - Politically Correct Holiday Stories for an Enlightened Yuletide Season
044735: WILTON, GARRY & COOPER, RUSS - Brampton Firefighters : 150 years of dedicated service, 1853-2003
042400: GAVALAS, ELAINE - Secrets of Fat-Free Greek Cooking : Over 150 Low-Fat and Fat-Free, Traditional and Contemporary Recipes from Baklava to Moussaka (Secrets of Fat-Free Cooking Ser.)
039919: GAY, LAVERNE - Wine of Satan : A Tale of Bohemund, Prince of Antioch
039918: GAY, LAVERNE - Wine of Satan : A Tale of Bohemund, Prince of Antioch
039911: GEANAKOPLOS, DENO JOHN - Constantinople and the West : Essays on the Late Byzantine (Palaeologan) and Italian Renaissances and the Byzantine and Roman Churches
042568: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC - Vol.187 # 4 April 1995
040032: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC - National Geographic Society Research Reports: Abstracts and Reviews of Research and Exploration Authorized Under Grants From the National Geographic Society During the Years 1890-1954
042571: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC - Vol.182 # 1 July 1992
33710: BALBAR. GEORGE - Niagara-on-the-Lake: Images of a Town
038363: ST. GEORGE, MARGARET - The Pirate and His Lady
045047: GEORGE, CATHERINE - Fiance For Christmas
045376: ARNAKIS, GEORGE GEORGIADES & VUCINICH. WAYNE S. - The Near East in Modern Times Volume 2 : Forty Crucial Years 1900 - 1940
039820: GERVAISE , MARY - The Fourth - and Fenella. A school story for girls
039804: GHAFOUR, HAMIDA - The Sleeping Buddha : The Story of One Family's Past and Afghanistan's Search for a Future
37896: GHAFOUR, HAMIDA - The Sleeping Buddha : The Story of One Family's Past and Afghanistan's Search for a Future
33189: GIBBON, EDWARD - The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Volume IV of Five}
33187: GIBBON, EDWARD - The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Volume II of Five}
33188: GIBBON, EDWARD - The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Volume III of Five}
040036: GIBBONS, HERBERT ADAMS - Venizelos
044977: GILLEN,MOLLIE - Akage no an no sekai : sakusha Mongomeri no ikita hibi. Sakusha Mongomeri no ikita hibi = Lucy Maud Montgomery
045313: GILLIS, SUSAN - The Rapids
36960: GIOCHALAS, TITOS P [YOCHALAS TITOS P., YIOCHALA, TITO P] - O Georgios Kastriotis-Skenderbeis eis tin Neoelliniken Istoriographian kai Logotechnian
039929: GIORDANO, GIUSEPPE - Sicilia Dalla Grecia a Roma Monumenti
039177: GLOVER, T.R. [TERROT REAVELEY] - Greek Byways
041442: GOKOVALI, SADAN - Ephesus [Phototours of Ephesus with 109 Pictures in colour]
043338: GOUDGE,ELIZABETH [BALDWIN, MARY [ED,] - The Ten Gifts : An Elizabeth Goudge Anthology
043341: GOUDGE, ELIZABETH - A Book of Faith
038387: GOVIER, KATHERINE (ED.) - Without a Guide : Contemporary Women's Travel Adventures
039867: GRABAR, ANDRE - Art of the Byzantine Empire : Byzantine Art in the Middle Ages
039342: GRABBI, HELLAR - Seisata, aeg! : Ma?lestuslikud esseed
045401: GRANGE, AMANDA - Harstairs House
039913: GRAVES,ROBERT - Count Belisarius
039912: GRAVES,ROBERT - 0299118843
038374: GRAY, BEVERLY - Counting cats in Zanzibar
045335: GRECO, EMANUELE - Paestum Past and Present: Guide with Reconstruction of Ancient Monuments
36709: GREEN, ROGER LANCELYN - The Tale of Troy Retold from the Ancient Authors By Roger Lancelyn Green
039795: GREEN, PETER - The Expanding Eye: A First Journey to the Mediterranean
039783: GREEN, PETER - The Expanding Eye: A First Journey to the Mediterranean
045237: GREENE, GRAHAM - Lord Rochester's Monkey: Being the Life of John Wilmot, Second Earl of Rochester
039997: GREGOROVICH, ANDREW - Canadian ethnic press bibliography : ethnic, multilingual and multicultural press of Canada selected bibliography : Ethno Press '91, May 10-12, 1991, Toronto.
039358: GREGOROVICH, ANDREW - Canadian ethnic groups bibliography; selected bibliography of ethnocultural groups in Canada and the Province of Ontario.
039880: GREGORY, VALISKA - Through the Mickle Woods
045273: GREWAL, ROYINA - In Rajasthan
045345: GREY, C. T. - Fifty Sheds Damper: A Parody
045051: GRISHAM, JOHN - Skipping Christmas / Christmas With The Kranks
35260: GROSECLOSE,ELGIN - Olympia : A Novel
045390: LASER PUBLISHING GROUP - Type & Learn Greek = Miliate Ellenika
045388: LASER PUBLISHING GROUP - Beginers Greek + Everyday Greek
039910: GUERDON,RENE - Byzantium : Its Triumphs and Tragedy
042241: GUMUS, DOGAN - Ancient Ephesus
039858: GUTHRIE, GEORGE H & DUVALL, J. SCOTT - Biblical Greek Exegesis
044672: DOBSON, JOHN H. & TWITTY, LARRY W - GreekTools / Learn New Testament Greek
045350: ABRAMS M. H [ET AL] - Norton Anthology of English Literature
045037: HADDON, CELIA - A Christmas Posy
045020: HAMILTION, MARY M. - Christmas Magic: A Multi-Ethnic Christmas Fable
039154: HAMILTON,EDITH - The Echo of Greece
044975: HAMILTON,GAIL [MONTGOMERY,LUCY MAUD] - The Story Girl Earns Her Name (Road to Avonlea Series # 2)
044946: HAMILTON,GAIL [MONTGOMERY,LUCY MAUD] - Conversions ("Road to Avonlea" series # 6)
044951: HAMILTON,GAIL [MONTGOMERY,LUCY MAUD] - Family Rivalry ("Road to Avonlea" series # 16)
044955: HAMILTON,GAIL [MONTGOMERY,LUCY MAUD] - May The Best Man Win ("Road to Avonlea" series # 17)
038388: HARDYMENT, CHRISTINA - Heidi's Alp : One Family's Search for Storybook Europe (I|UK Tirle "The Canary Coloured Cart")
30830: HARRIS, LESLIE - Robert Adam and Kedleston: The Making of a Neoclassical Masterpiece
045303: HARRIS, LAUREN S. [STEWART] - Maligne Lake, Jasper National Park
039927: HARRIS, ROBIN S. - University of Toronto: A time to Remember
039354: HARRISON, JANE ELLEN - Themis : A Study of the Social Origins of Greek Religion
36705: HATT, GORDON [ED] - Portrait of a Patron : The Dukszta Collection
045346: HAYNES, AMBROSE - Heroic Messenger
045347: HAYNES, AMBROSE - Heroic Messenger
34599: HEALEY, ROBIN [ED] - Hopeful Travellers: Italian Explorers, Missionaries, Merchants and Adventurers from the Middle Ages to Modern Times, an Exhibition in the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto, 30 January - 27 April 2007
045364: HEATH, JOSEPH - Filthy Lucre: Economics for People Who Hate Capitalism
038354: HEATH, SANDRA - Mally
045061: HEATH, SANDRA - Mistletoe Mischief
045000: FEINGOLD, HELEN & CRISANTI, MARY LEE - The Joy of Christmas
039336: AAVER, EVA; LAANEKASK, HELI & OLESK, SIRJE - Lydia Koidula 1843-1886
045004: HELLER, STEVEN - Artists' Christmas Cards
37848: HEYERDAHL, THOR - Aku-Aku : Paskeoyas Hemmelighet
35751: HIONIDES, HARRY T - Greek- English Dictionary / English-Greek
31188: AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO - SAINT - Confessions
039906: AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO - SAINT - The Confessions of Saint Augustine
040020: HOFFMAN, HORACE ADDISON - Everyday Greek: Greek words in English, including scientific terms
045285: HOFFNUNG, GERARD - Hoffnung's Little Ones
045090: HOHL, JOAN - Wolfe Winter
039963: HOLLAND, TOM - The Vampyre : The Secret History of Lord Byron
042797: HOLST,GAIL - Road to Rembetika : Music of a Greek Sub-culture
23820: HOWE, SAMUEL GRIDLEY - An Historical Sketch of the Greek Revolution.
31260: HRISTOV, ALEXANDER - The Creation of Macedonian Statehood (1893-1945)
045002: HUBERT, MARIA [ED] - Jane Austen's Christmas: The Festive Season In Georgian England
038725: HUMPHRIES, JOHN - The Essential Saffron Companion
038356: HUNTINGTON, KATE - Town Bronze (Zebra Regency Romance)
045377: HURFORD, DAPHNE M. - To Read or Not to Read: Answers to All Your Questions About Dyslexia
039864: HUTTER,IRMGARD - Early Christian and Byzantine Art
039863: HUTTER,IRMGARD - Early Christian and Byzantine Art
039974: HYSA, RAMAZAN JOHN - Albanian-English/English-Albanian Dictionary and Phrasebook
37765: ASZTASOVA, N.I. & MURASEVA, V.V. - Put' iz varjag v greki i iz Grek = The road from the Varangians to the Greeks and from the Greeks : Katalog Vu¨sztavki
040033: IATRIDES, JOHN O. - Greece in the 1940s: A Bibliographic Companion.
24688: IATRIDES, JOHN O. - Greece in the 1940s: A Bibliographic Companion.
045298: IGNATIEFF, MICHAEL - Virtual War: Kosovo and Beyond
045389: EUROTALK INTERACTIVE - Talk Now! Learn Greek
045082: BETA SIGMA PHI INTERNATIONAL - The Beta Sigma Phi Holiday Cookbook
34476: COOKE, NATHALIE; MIHALACHE, IRINA & RIDOLFO. ELIZABETH - Mixed messages : making and shaping culinary culture in Canada
045078: MCCARTHY, MICHAEL J.& LANNON, ALICE - Yuletide Yarns: Stories of Newfoundland Christmases Gone by
039796: MCCARTHY, MICHAEL J.& LANNON, ALICE - Yuletide Yarns: Stories of Newfoundland Christmases Gone by
041395: JARRE, EMIL L. - Ephesus
32799: ENRIGHT, ROBERT; BLODGETT, JEAN & WIGHT, DARLENE - The Faye and Bert Settler Collection: Inuit Art
045065: JEFFERIES, SABRINA - 'Twas the Night After Christmas
045019: JENKINS, JERRY B. - T'was the Night Before : A Love Story
045306: JENNINGS, MAUREEN - Heat Wave
045403: CONWAY, JIM & CONWAY, SALLY - Women in Midlife Crisis
33197: COLOMBO, JOHN & ROUSSANOFF,NIKOLAS (EDS) - The Balkan range : A Bulgarian Reader.
045397: JOHNSON, TOM - The story of Berry Bros. & Rudd : Wine and spirit merchants
040007: JONES, PETER - Learn Ancient Greek
043222: JUDGE,JOSEPH - A Buried Roman Town Gives up Its Dead (Vol.162# 6) December 1982 (pp.687-693)
36638: PETTIFER, JULIA & PETTIFER, JAMES - Butrinti: Rrethinat e Tij dhe Bregdeti Jugor I Shqiperrise
045354: GODFREY-JUNE, JEAN - Free Gift with Purchase: My Improbable Career in Magazines and Makeup
045068: JUSTISS, JULIA; BURROWS, ANNIE; BRISBIN, TERRI - One Candlelit Christmas: An Anthology
039975: KADARE, ISMAIL - Chronicle in Stone: A Novel [Kronike ne Gur]
038726: KAKRIDIS, IOANNIS TH. [ED] - Elleniki Mythologia : Tomos B - Kosmogonia Dodekatheos , Dias Ka Hera
039873: KALOGIANNIS, THEOPHANO - The Death of the Knight of Celano and other stories : a Selection
045373: KALYVAS, STATHIS N. - The Rise of Christian Democracy in Europe
045231: MANIATES. BELLE K. [KANARIS] - Mildew Manse
039339: KANGRO, BERNARD - Eesti Rootsis : u?levaade so~nas ja pildis
039338: KANGRO, BERNARD - Universitas Tartuensis : Eesti Vabaragii Tartu Ulikool ja u?lio~pilaskond so~nas ja pildis
041171: KAPSES, GIANNES P. [GIANNES PANTELE] - Kouventiazontas sto Kremlino
045351: FRIGYES KARINTHY - Voyage to Faremido ; Capillaria.
33260: KEPESKI, KRUME - Gramatika na makedonskiot literaturen jazik : za ucilistata za sredno Obrazovanie
045066: LYNN KERSTAN - Gwen's Christmas Ghost
038389: KHALIFA, SAIDA MILLER - The Fifth Pillar : The Story Of a Pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina
038310: KIDD, ELIZABETH - Hero for Antonia : A Romance of Regency England.
039792: KING, RUSSELL - Sicily
039991: KINGLAKE, ALEXANDER W. - Eothen : Traces of Travel Brought Home from the East
36826: KINGLAKE, ALEXANDER W. - Eothen : Traces of Travel Brought Home from the East
039990: KINGLAKE, ALEXANDER W. - Eothen : Traces of Travel Brought Home from the East
045405: KINGTON, MILES [ED] - The Pick of Punch : selected and introduced by Miles Kington
039799: KISSOPOULOS, D - Georgios Andr. Esaias 1873-1957
039882: KITZINGER, SHEILA - Being Born
039630: KLEIN , DANIEL - Travels with Epicurus : Meditations from a Greek Island on the Pleasures of Old Age
039357: KNIGHT, LORNA [ED] - Let us compare mythologies : Half a century of Canadian poetry in English = Comparons nos mythologies : un demi-siecle de poesie canadienne en anglais
038390: KOBAK,ANNETTE - Isabelle : The Life of Isabelle Eberhardt
039386: VRBOVSKO: MUNICIPAL ASSEMBLY. KRUNOSLAV, ANTIC [ED] - Opccina Vrbovsko : njena proslost, njena sadasnjost
37888: KUNZE, MAX - The Pergamon Altar: Its Rediscovery, History and Reconstruction
040041: LUCAS, F. L. & LUCAS, PRUDENCE - From Olympus to the Styx
039978: AHMED. LALITA. - Indian Cooking
045055: LAMB, CHARLOTTE - Yuletide Child
039395: LATHEN,EMMA - Accounting For Murder
36580: LATHEN,EMMA - When in Greece
36579: LATHEN,EMMA - When in Greece
039396: LATHEN,EMMA - A Stitch in Time
039392: LATHEN,EMMA - Murder Makes the Wheels go Round
039393: LATHEN,EMMA - By Hook or By Crook
039391: LATHEN,EMMA - Murder Without Icing
039390: LATHEN,EMMA - The Longer the Thread
043759: LAURENCE, MARGARET - The Library
045413: LAURENS, STEPHANIE - Captain Jack's Woman
039355: LAWRENCE,A.W. [ ARNOLD WALTER] - Later Greek Sculpture and its Influence on East and West.
045314: LAYTON, IRVING - The Pole-Vaulter
043811: LEE, FLORENCE CHAE-YOL = JAE YEOL YI [ CHAE-YOL YI] - Insam kwa kon'gang /Ginseng : pullo changsaeng ui yongyak .????? / = Ginseng and Health: Elixir of Immortality
039334: LEGRIS, SYLVIA - Nerve Squall
042299: LESKOV, A [ALEKSANDR MIKHAILOVICH] - Novyye sokrovishcha kurganov Ukrainy = Treasures from the Ukrainian barrows: latest discoveries.
039394: LESLIE, DORIS (DORIS FERGUSON-HANNAY) - A Wreath for Arabella
039370: LEVESQUE, PIERRE - The Greek Adventure
039842: LEVI,PETER - Grave Witness
039531: LEWIS, GLADYS FRANCIS - Joshua Doan
039845: LEWNES, GEORGE P. - Tikla
039909: LIDDELL,ROBERT - Byzantium and Istanbul
039376: ROGER LING - The Greek World
039846: LIVINGSTON, NANCY - Incident at Parga
038391: LIVINGSTONE,W.P. - Mary Slessor of Calabar : Pioneer Missionary
039851: LLEWELLYN,SAM - Gurney's Revenge
039852: LLEWELLYN,SAM - Gurney's Reward (US Title : Devil's Reward)
37133: LODWICK, JOHN - Aegean Adventure [UK Title - Myrmyda : A Novel of the Aegean
045025: LOFTS,NORAH - How Far to Bethlehem ?
038200: LOGUE, MARK; CONRADI, PETER - The King's Speech
039844: LORAINE,PHILIP - The Dead Men Of Sestos
039848: LOTTMAN, EILEEN - The Greek Tycoon
039847: LOTTMAN, EILEEN - The Greek Tycoon
044341: FALLING IN LOVE WITH POETRY - Jernigan, Kim [ed]
038392: LOVELL, MARY S. - A Rage to Live: A Biography of Richard and Isabel Burton
039849: LOWDEN, DESMOND - Bandersnatch
039791: LOWE, ALFONSO - The Barrier and the Bridge: Historic Sicily
039843: LUMIERE, CORNEL - Kalavrita ; A Greek Tragedy,A Strange Love
32262: LYON, ANNABEL - The Golden Mean
32099: LYON, ANNBEL - The Sweet Girl
26530: LYON, ANNBEL - The Golden Mean
045341: PASOK PANELLE?NIO SOSIALISTIKO KINE?MA - Dialogos me ton Politi
038382: MACAULAY, ROSE - Fabled Shore : From the Pyrenees to Portugal
045399: MACDONALD, ANN-MARIE - Fall On Your Knees
30481: MACHEN, J. GRESHAM - New Testament Greek for Beginners
36015: MACINNES,HELEN - Decision at Delphi
34299: MACINNES,HELEN - Decision at Delphi
34300: MACINNES, HELEN - Decision at Delphi
039964: MACINNES,HELEN - The Double Image.
36016: MACINNES,HELEN - Horizon
038321: MACINNES, HELEN [HELEN CLARK HIGHET] - Home is the Hunter: A Comedy Three Acts
039853: MACINNES,HELEN - The Double Image.
039931: MACINNES,HELEN - Decision at Delphi
039930: MACINNES, HELEN - Decision at Delphi
19652: MACKENZIE,COMPTON - Theseus (Golden Tales of Greece series)
039856: MACLEAN,ALISTAIR - The Guns of Navarone
35836: MACLEAN, ALASTAIR - Force 10 from Navarone
35834: MACLEAN,ALISTAIR - The Guns of Navarone
34573: MACLEAN,ALISTAIR - Santorini
34574: MACLEAN,ALISTAIR - Santorini
045013: MACNEIL, RITA - Christmas at Home with Rita MacNeil [Late December CD]"
045052: MACOMBER, DEBBIE - Twelve Days of Christmas: A Christmas Novel
039388: MANCHESTER, WILLIAM - The Last Lion: Winston Spencer Churchill - Alone 1932-1940
040012: MANDESON, ARNOLD - Teleion Angloellenikon lexikon : meta teleiou kai akrivous systematos dia ten prophoran ton Lexeon
045251: MANLEY, DEREK - Ydatanthrakes : Diaita me hydatanthrakes
040005: MARACLE, LEE - My Conversations With Canadians
045356: MARCUSE, HERBERT - The Aesthetic Dimension: Toward a Critique of Marxist Aesthetics
30473: DE MARE, ERIC - Wren's London
045396: YAVUZ UNAT [CONSTANTINOS MARITSAS ] - Dörtöge Felsefe ve Bilim Tarihi Yazilari [Hakemli Dergi Yil:1 Sayi:1]
039822: MARTIN, LIZ - A Rage to Love
039826: MARTIN, JUDITH - Style and Substance: A Comedy of Manners
32847: MARTIN,SHANE (PSEUD. GEORGE JOHNSTON) - Twelve Girls in the Garden
36042: MARTIS,NICOLAOS K. (TRANS. JOHN PHILIP SMITH) - The Falsification of Macedonian History.
36043: MARTIS,NICOLAOS K - He Plastopgrahese tis Historias Makedonias / Falsification of Macedonian History.
045262: SAPPHO & BARNARD, MARY - Sappho: A New Translation by Mary Barnard
040350: MARYSMITH, JOAN - Holy Aspic
16979: MATHER, MELISSA - Damian
34395: MATTHEWS, JOHN F. - El Greco (1541-1614) [Pocket Libray of Great art series]
044966: ADAIR,DENNIS & ROSENSTOCK,JANET [MONTGOMERY,LUCY MAUD] - The Journey Begins ("Road to Avonlea" series #1)
045265: DU MAURIER, DAPHNE - The Scapegoat
045266: DU MAURIER, DAPHNE - The Flight of the Falcon
045421: ZERWICK, MAXIMILIAN & SMITH JOSEPH - Biblical Greek, Illustrated by Examples, English Edition Adapted from the Fourth Latin Edition By Joseph Smith S.J.
045384: CHESHIRE, MAXINE & JOHN GREENYA - Maxine Cheshire, Reporter
36009: MAYBURY,ANNE - Walk in the Paradise Garden
23884: MAYLE, PETER - Anything Considered
042569: MAZZATENTA, O. LOUIS - Brindisi Bronzes: Classical Castoffs recliamed from the Sea [ IN Vol 187 # 4 April 1995] Pp 88-101]
045075: MCALLISTER,ANNE ; MICHAELS, KESEY - Christmas Celebration [Gifts of The Spirit] [To Marry at Christmas
039367: MCDONALD, ROY - Living : A London Diary
044961: MCHUGH,FIONA [MONTGOMERY,LUCY MAUD] - The Anne of Green Gables Storybook : Based on the Kevin Sullivan film of Lucy Maud Montgomery's classic Novel
044962: MCHUGH,FIONA [MONTGOMERY,LUCY MAUD] - The Anne of Green Gables Storybook : Based on the Kevin Sullivan film of Lucy Maud Montgomery's classic Novel
044957: MCHUGH,FIONA [MONTGOMERY,LUCY MAUD] - Of Corsets and Secrets and True,True Love ("Road to Avonlea" series # 14)
044960: MCHUGH,FIONA [MONTGOMERY,LUCY MAUD] - Song of the Night ("Road to Avonlea" series # 3)
045293: MCINTYRE,BOB [ ROBERT B.] - Canadair CF-5 - Canadian Profile
040002: MCLENNAN, ROB - Miss Canada (International)
040003: MCLENNAN, ROB - It's Still Winter
040004: MCLENNAN, ROB - Cervantes' Bones
039330: MEAD,G.R.S. - Apollonius of Tyana the Philosopher-Reformer of the First Century A.D.
039871: MELAS, SPYROS - The King and the Mongrel : A play in Three Acts
045050: MERRILL, CHRISTINE - A Regency Christmas Carol
045295: MERRY, HERBERT C. [CARTER] - God is in the Attic
045296: MERRY, HERBERT C. [CARTER] - Try the Boogie Hole
045297: MERRY, HERBERT C. CARTER] - Dead Dogs don't Bark
36467: METCALFE, ERIC - The Attic Project
039818: METROPOULOS, KOSTAS - He Koinonia Tis Aphthonias
039902: METZGER, BRUCE MANNING - The Bible in Translation: Ancient and English Versions
039903: METZGER, BRUCE M. - Lexical Aids for Students of New Testament Greek
039373: MICHAELIDES, ALEX - The Silent Patient
045264: MICHAELS, BARBARA - Houses of Stone
038394: MILLER, LUREE - On top of the world: five women explorers in Tibet
045017: MILLER, LINDA LAEL - A Mckettrick Christmas (The McKettricks)
045253: MILLER, HENRY - Protes Entyposeus apo tin Ellada = ?????? ?????????? ??? ??? ?????? / First Impressions of Greece
038393: MILLER, LUREE - On Top of the World: Five Women Explorers in Tibet
039381: MILLER, HELEN HILL - Greek Horizons
36048: MITSAKIS, K [KARIOPHILIS] [METSAKES, KARIOPHILES] - Macedonia Throughout the Centuries.
039877: KERR, MOIRA & BENNETT, JOHN - Myth
044978: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD (ED. REA WILMSHURST) - Akin to Anne : Tales of Other Orphans
044948: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD - Emily Climbs
045223: MONTGOMERY, L.M. - Anne's Diary / Anne of Green Gables
044970: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD (ED. MARY RUBIO & ELIZABETH WATERSTON) - The Selected Journals of L.M.Montgomery Volume I 1889-1910
044971: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD (ED. MARY RUBIO & ELIZABETH WATERSTON) - The Selected Journals of L.M.Montgomery Volume I 1889-1910
044972: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD (ED. MARY RUBIO & ELIZABETH WATERSTON) - The Selected Journals of L.M.Montgomery Volume I 1889-1910
044973: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD (ED. MARY RUBIO & ELIZABETH WATERSTON) - The Selected Journals of L.M.Montgomery Volume III 1921-1929
044974: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD - The Story Girl
044976: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD (ED. REA WILMSHURST) - Zapach wiatru i inne opowiadania = Along the Shore
044939: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD - Anne Quitte son Ile = Anne of the Island
044940: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD (ED. REA WILMSHURST) - At the Altar : Matrimonial Tales
044982: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD - Emily of New Moon
044943: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD (ED. REA WILMSHURST) - Christmas With Anne and Other Holiday Stories
044942: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD (ED. REA WILMSHURST) - Christmas With Anne and Other Holiday Stories
044969: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD - The road to yesterday
044993: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD - The Golden Road
044950: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD - Emily's Quest
044953: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD - Further Chronicles of Avonlea
044954: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD - Further Chronicles of Avonlea
044968: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD - The Poetry of Lucy Maud Montgomery
044963: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD - The Golden Road
044964: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD - The Golden Road
044965: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD - The Golden Road
044958: MONTGOMERY, UCY MAUD - Rainbow Valley
044959: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD - Rilla of Ingleside
044944: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD - Chronicles of Avonlea
044945: MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD - Chronicles of Avonlea
045077: MOORE, CLEMENT C. - The Night Before Christmas with Puzzle Pictures
044168: MORAY, HELGA - Tisa
29926: GOMEZ-MORENO, MARIA ELENA - A Visit to the House and Museum of El Greco
33149: MORLEY, EDWIN - Canada - Prints
038395: MORRIS, JAN - Pleasures of a Tangled Life
37505: MORTON, DESMOND - Tarikh Kanada = Short History of Canada
038396: MOTLEY, MARY PENICK - Home to Numidia
039950: MOUTSATSOS, KIKI FEROUDI; KARAS, PHYLLIS - The Onassis Women: An Eyewitness Account
039832: MUIR, JEAN - The Smiling Medusa
045034: MULHERIN, JENNIFER - The Little Book of Christmas
038364: MULVANY, CATHERINE - Shadows All Around Her
039833: MUNRO, JAMES - Die Rich, Die Happy
043272: MEDIEVAL MURDERERS - Hill of Bones
043273: MEDIEVAL MURDERERS - King Arthur's Bones
039855: MURPHY, JOHN [RONAN GRADY] - The El Greco Puzzle
038397: MURPHY, DERVLA - Cameroon with Egbert
038380: MURRAY, RONA - Journey Back to Peshawar
038236: MURRAY, VENETIA - An Elegant Madness: High Society in Regency England
039802: PATTERN AND LIGHT : AGA KHAN MUSEUM - Jodidio,Philip [ed]
33443: MYER, WILL - People of the Storm God: Travels in Macedonia
045420: AVIGAD, NAHMAN & YADIN, YIGAEL - A Genesis Apochryphon: A Scroll from the Wilderness of Judaea
039821: NASH, F.O.H [FRANCES OLIVIA HARTOPP NASH] - Kattie of the Balkans
34447: NEILAN, SARAH - The Braganza Pursuit
044998: NEWDICK,JANE - Ultimate Christmas
045080: NEWDICK,JANE - Ultimate Christmas Dining
045290: NEWMAN, DAVID - Hope's Reprise
32963: NICHOLL, CHARLES - The Lodger Shakespeare: His Life on Silver Street
36575: NICHOLAS, NICK & BALOGLOU, GEORGE. - An Entertaining Tale of Quadrupeds
045287: [KAZANTZAKIS. NIKOS] - Anthony Quinn is Zorba with Lila Kedrova
039924: NORMAN, HILARY - Laura
038398: NORTH, MARIANNE - A Vision of Eden: The Life and Work of Marianne North
36191: NYBAKKEN, OSCAR E. - Greek and Latin in Scientific Terminology
040011: OIKONOMIDES, K - Orthographiko kai ermeneutiko lexiko
039908: OLSON, TOBY - Dorit in Lesbos : a Novel
039922: OLSON, NEIL - The Icon : a Novel
039816: PAMMAKEDONIKI ENOSI ONTARIO /PANMACEDONIAN ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO - Makedonikos Menas 2012 : 1912-2012 Ekato Chronia Apo Tin Apeleftherosi Tis Makedonias [IN GREEK]
045372: OPPENHEIM, E. PHILLIPS - The Zeppelin's Passenger
33320: OSBORNE, EDGAR - A Token for Friends, Being a Memoir of Edgar Osborne, an Appreciation of the Osborne Collection of Early Children's Books and a Facsimile of His Catalogue "From Morality & Instruction to Beatrix Potter"
044981: OUZOUNIAN, RICHARD; NORMAN, MAREK - Emily : a New Musical Based on "Emily of New Moon"." Emily Climbs" and "Emily's quest"
35655: MALOUCHOS, GEORGIOS P. & THEODORAKIS, MIKIS - Axios Esti : Apo ton Mesopolemo Ste Chreokopia
039834: PANAGIOTOPOULOS, MELANIE KARIS - Love from Greece: Three Modern Women Find Love Is as Priceless as Their Grecian Roots
34225: PAPADIAMANTIS, ALEXANDROS - The Murderess [He Phonissa] A Novel in Purist Modern Greek
044997: PAPAIOANNOU, EVANGELOS - The Monastery of St. Catherine, Sinai
045084: PAPPAS, LOU SEIBERT - The Christmas Cookie Book
37899: PARRY, HUGH - Civilizations at War : The Struggle Between Greece and Persia
045363: PARSON, MARY JEAN - Managing the One-Person Business
045064: ROBERTS,NORAH; POTTER,PATRICIA & LANGAN.RUTH - Harlequin Historical Christmas Stories 1990
045281: PATTISON, JEAN L. - The Group of Seven and Tom Thomson
039925: PAVIC,MILORAD - Landscape Painted with Tea
038399: PEMBLE, JOHN - Miss Fane in India
045250: PERKINS, DONALD M. - Vathy Laryngi 2 = Deep Throat II
35621: PEROCCO, GUIDO - I Cavalli Di S.Marco = The Horses of St. Mark's
045400: PETERS,TOM & AUSTIN, NANCY K, - A Passion For Excellence: The Leadership Difference
044787: PETERS, ELLIS - The Hermit Of Eyton Forest
044788: PETERS, ELLIS - St. Peter's Fair
044790: PETERS, ELLIS - One Corpse Too Many
044770: PETERS, ELLIS - Brother Cadfael : Monk's Hood [VIDEO]
044771: PETERS, ELLIS - Brother Cadfael : The Leper of St. Giles [VIDEO]
044789: PETERS, ELLIS - The Rose Rent
045419: PETERS, ELLIS - Brother Cadfael's Penance
044769: PETERS, ELLIS - Brother Cadfael : One Corpse Too Many [VIDEO]]
044772: PETERS, ELLIS - Brother Cadfael : The Sanctuary Sparrow [VIDEO]
044896: PETROFF, LILLIAN [ED.] - Our Multicultural Heritage 1990 [Diary]
044897: PETROFF, LILLIAN [ED.] - Our Multicultural Heritage 1989 [Diary]
042736: PETROFF, LILLIAN [ED.] - Our Multicultural Heritage 1992 [Diary]
36626: PETTIFER, JAMES (ED.) - Albania and the Balkans: Essays in Honour of Sir Reginald Hibbert
36629: PETTIFER, JAMES - Ushtria Clirimtare e Kosoves : nga nje lufte e fshehte ne nje kryengritje te Ballkanit, 1948-2001
36633: PETTIFER, JAMES - Ekspresi I Kosoves : udheim ne kohe lufte = Kosovo Express: travel in time of war
25365: KEELEY,EDMUND & SHERRARD, PHILIP - Six Poets of Modern Greece
31419: POLETTO, PAOLA; BEESLEY,PHILIP & MOLNAR,CATHERINE - Ourtopias: Cities and the Role of Design
039824: PHILLIPS, JOHN - Macedonia: Warlords and Rebels in the Balkans
045359: PHILLIPS, CARLY - Cross My Heart
36470: PIGNATARO, ANTHONY M. - From Under A Linden Tree Notes from My Garden
35040: PIGNATARO, ANTHONY M. - From Under A Linden Tree Notes from My Garden
039372: PLANTOS, TED - The Seasons are my Sacraments
038369: PLUMLEY, LISA - Once Upon a Christmas
045018: PLUMLEY, LISA - Once Upon a Christmas
36215: POLDON, AMELIA - The Amelia Poldon history of the Norwiches
039379: LE POMMELET, -
37200: PRATT, T. K. - Dictionary of Prince Edward Island English
045003: PRESLEY, ELVIS - Elvis Presley's The First Noel
038361: PREVEL, MONA - A Kiss For Lucy
040016: PROBERT, PHILOMEN - A New Short Guide to the Accentuation of Ancient Greek
044979: THE CHARLOTTETOWN FESTIVAL PRODUCTION - Anne of Green Gables : Charlottetown Festival
35325: PROKOSCH, FREDERIC - The Missolonghi Manuscript
039890: PUPPI, LIONELLO - El Greco
045028: PUTNEY, MARY JO - Christmas Revels
28418: PUZO, MARIO - Dorduncu K = The Fourth K
038358: PYKARE, NINA - A Matter of Honor
045255: QUILLER-COUCH, ARTHUR THOMAS "Q" & ROBERTS,S.C. - Memories & Opinions: An Unfinished Autobiography
040017: MORTON, ANDREW Q. AND WINSPEAR, ALBAN .D - It's Greek to the Computer.
044984: QUAILE, DEBORAH - L.M. Montgomery: The Norval Years, 1926-1935
34704: QUENNELL, PETER - Byron : The Years of Fame
039958: QUENNELL, PETER - Byron : The Years of Fame
045056: QUINN, TARA TAYLOR - The Promise of Christmas
045029: RAE,SIMON [ED] - The Faber Book of Christmas
039269: RAGGHIANTI, LICIA COLLOBI - The Magnificent Heritage of Ancient Greece: 3,000 Years of Hellenic Art
043876: RANSOME, ARTHUR - We didn't Mean to go to Sea
045280: RANSOME, ARTHUR - Peter Duck
045278: RANSOME, ARTHUR - Swallowdale
045275: RANSOME, ARTHUR - The Picts and the Martyrs, or Not Welcome At all
045277: RANSOME, ARTHUR - Secret Water
045276: RANSOME, ARTHUR - Pigeon Post
045007: READ, MISS (PSEUD .DORA JESSIE SAINT ) - Miss Read's Christmas Book
21934: READY, WILLIAM - Understanding Tolkien and the Lord of the Rings (original Title "The Tolkien Relation"
36205: REAMAN, G ELMORE - A History Of Vaughan Township
36049: REED, FRED A - Salonica Terminus : Travels into the Balkan Nightmare
045079: REEKIE, JENNIE - The London Ritz Book of Christmas : The Art and Pleasures of a Traditional Christmas
041500: HELLENIC CANADIAN COMMUNITY OF YORK REGION - Commemorative Carnival Dance,
045289: REICHEL, CLEMENS - Mesopotamia: Inventing Our World
039874: REKAI, KATI - Miji, Tajie, Pupo, Xika, Duolundo tan shuo ji = Mickey, Taggy, Puppo & Cica discover Toronto
045073: RICE, LUANNE - Silver Bells
039807: RICE,TAMARA TALBOT (ED. ELIZABETH TALBOT RICE) - Tamara : Memoirs of St.Petersburg,Paris,Oxford and Byzantium
34650: HOME, ALAN; LANDON, RICHARD & UPJOHN, GUY - Eric Gill : His Life and Art
039904: RIFE, JOHN MERLE - A Beginning Greek Book Based on the Gospel According to Mark
045012: RITCHIE, JUDY - Stamp-a-Christmas Book
33102: ROBERSON, PETER - The London of Charles Dickens: Dickens Centenary 1970
045031: ROBERTS, SHEILA - The Snow Globe
038401: ROBINSON, JANE - Unsuitable for Ladies : An Anthology of Women Travellers
038402: ROBINSON, JANE - Parrot Pie for Breakfast : An Anthology of Women Pioneers
045088: RODGERS, RICK - Christmas 101: Celebrate the Holiday Season from Christmas to New Year's
039814: RODLEY, LYN - Byzantine Art and Architecture: An Introduction
045038: ROSE, PETER G. - Festive Chocolate
039979: ROUTH, CAROLINE - In style: 100 years of Canadian women's fashion
042188: RUDENKO, SERGAI L. - Frozen Tombs of Siberia: The Pazyryk Burials of Iron-Age Horsemen
039998: RUNCIMAN, STEVEN - A Traveller's Alphabet: Partial Memoirs
33593: RYUNOSUKE, AKUTAGAWA - Cogwheels and Other Stories
045270: SACKAS, GEORG K - Myconos - Delos [A Tourist guidebook]
045309: SHALOM OF SAFED - Passover Haggadah = Hagadah shel pesah.
045407: SANSOM, JOSEPH [ELIAS CORNELIUS] - Travels In Lower Canada. With The Author's Recollection Of The Soil And Aspect: The Morals,Habits And Religious Institutions
045368: SARTWELL, MATTHEW - Bosses from Hell: True Tales from the Trenches
32834: SAZDOVA, VINKA - Polinja So Divi Narcisi
045315: SCHONMAIER, ELEONORE - Passion Fruit Tea
31214: SCOPACASA, GIOVANNI - Cento campane con canti e lamenti d'Italiani Emigranti
040489: SEDARIS, DAVID - Holidays on Ice
038179: SEFERIS,GEORGE (GIORGIOS SEFERIADES] - Delphi (Des Kleine Kunstbuch)
045074: SEGER, MAURA - Starbright
039014: SELTMAN, CHARLES - Riot in Ephesus; Writings on the Heritage of Greece
039790: SEQUEIRA,MELANIE [ED] - Food Stop : The complete Goan Food and Drink Guide
041835: SERVETAS, GIANNIS [YIANNIS] - Dagkomenos Kourampies
045283: SHABTAI,YAAKOV - Uncle Peretz takes off & other stories
040030: SHELDON.,SIDNEY - Memories of Midnight
040029: SHELDON.,SIDNEY - Memories of Midnight
038048: SHIMIZU, KOSABURO - Kosaburo Shimizu, the Early Diaries, 1909-1926
039808: GLUBOK, SHIRLEY & TAMARIN, ALFRED - Olympic Games in Ancient Greece
045006: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS STAFF; SHOHL, MICHAEL (EDITOR); SPAIN, TOM (EDITOR) - I'll Be Home for Christmas : The Library of Congress Revisits the Spirit of Christmas During World War II
039985: SHUTE, NERINA - Victorian Love Story. A study of the Victorian romantics.
039984: SHUTE, NERINA - Victorian Love Story. A study of the Victorian romantics.
045217: DE SILVA, L.W.[LIONEL WILMOT DE SILVA] - Latin Elegaic Versions [ "Garland of the Muses"]
044431: SILVERSTEIN, SHEL - Where the Sidewalk Ends: The Poems & Drawings of Shel Silverstein
045308: SILVERSTEIN, SHEL - A Light in the Attic
24146: SIMIC, CHARLES - My Noiseless Entourage
37840: SIMMEL, JOHANNES MARIO - He Mitera Mou Then Prepei Na to Pote.
040028: SIMONDS, MERILYN - The Lion in the Room Next Door
045268: SITWELL, EDITH - Taken Care of : the Autobiography of Edith Sitwell
039410: SKOTT, STAFFEN - Romanovid: Tsaarilugu,. Kes nad olid? Mis neist Saii?
045371: SMETHURST, WILLIAM - Sinai
045005: SMITH, DELIA - Delia Smith's Christmas
038362: SMITH, JOAN - Escapade
039881: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY - How things work
040031: NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY - National Geographic Index 1947-1976 Inclusive
045370: SOMERS, SUZANNE - The Sexy Years: Discover the Hormone Connection--The Secret to Fabulous Sex, Great Health, and Vitality, for Women and Men
045026: SOUCOUP, DAN [ED] - The Christmas Secret: An Atlantic Canadian Christmas Reader
32835: SPARKS, NICHOLAS - Stranici za nasata Ljubov = The Notebook
044465: STACCIOLI, R. A. [ ROMOLO AUGUSTO ] - Rome Past and Present - A Guide to the Monumental Centre of Ancient Rome, with Reconstructions of the Monuments.
045334: STACCIOLI, R. A. [ ROMOLO AUGUSTO ] - Rome Past and Present - A Guide to the Monumental Centre of Ancient Rome, with Reconstructions of the Monuments.
040797: STAVRIANOS, L.S. [LEFTERI STAVROU] - Greece : American Dilemma and Opportunity
045385: STAVRIANOS, L. S. [LEFTERI STAVROU ] - Global Rift: The Third World Comes of Age
045349: FRANCIS STEEGMULLER - Silence at Salerno: A Comedy of Intrigue
039973: STEFANLLARI, ILO - Albanian-English/ English-Albanian
038404: STEINBACH, ALICE - Without Reservations : The Travels of an Independent Woman
045016: STELTEN, GENE [ED .] - A Christmas Housewarming
045355: STERN, MARC JEFFREY - The Pottery Industry of Trenton: A Skilled Trade in Transition, 1850-1929 (Class and Culture)
35257: STEWART,MARY - My Brother Michael
35259: STEWART,MARY - My Brother Michael
039859: STEWART,MARY - My Brother Michael
039841: STEWART,MARY - My Brother Michael
37156: STEWART,MARY - The Moonspinners
35256: STEWART,MARY - My Brother Michael
32325: STILLMAN, WILLIAM J.; EHRENKRANZ, ANNE (EDITOR); EISLER, COLIN (EDITOR) - Poetic Localities : Photographs of the Adirondacks, Cambridge, Crete, Italy and Athens
038366: STUART, ANNE - The Devil's Waltz
039340: SUITS, GUSTAV - Luule = Poetry
044980: SULLIVAN, KEVIN - Anne of Green Gables: A New Beginning
34330: SUVAROV, VICTOR [SUWAROW, WIKTOR] [VLADIMIR BOGDANOVIC REZUN] - Ostatnia Defilada : Czarta Czesc Cyklu "Lodolamacz"
34329: SUVAROV, VICTOR [SUWAROW, WIKTOR] [VLADIMIR BOGDANOVIC REZUN] - GRU: Radziecki Wysiad Wojskowy = GRU. Soviet military Intelligence
34328: SUVAROV, VICTOR [SUWAROW, WIKTOR] [VLADIMIR BOGDANOVIC REZUN] - Ostatnia Republika: Trzecia Czesc Cyklu "Lodolamacz"
045076: SWITZER, ELLEN - The Nutcracker: A Story and a Ballet
37464: WRAY, SYLVIA & WRAY, ROBERT - ... and they came to East Flamborough: A celebration of East Flamborough Township's pre-Confederation Heritage
039887: PANARKADIKO SYNEDRIO - A' Pankosmio Panarkadiko Syned Kai 29 Synedrio Panarkadikes Omospondias Kanada 1988
31443: PANARKADIKO SYNEDRIO - 4o Pankosmio Panarkadiko Synedrio Kai 41 Synedrio Panarkadikes Omospondias Kanada 2000
31446: PANARKADIKO SYNEDRIO - 40th Anniversary 1963-2003
31444: PANARKADIKO SYNEDRIO - 3 Pankosmio Panarkadiko Synedrio Kai 37 Synedrio Panarkadikes Omospondias Kanada 1996
039348: SZADO, ANIA - Studio Saint-Ex
039872: TAMVAKAKIS, PHAIDON - Philomila's landscapes : a Novel
039907: TATARYN, MYROSLAV - How to Pray with Icons
039899: TAYLOR, DON - All For The Cause : A Illustrated History of the CBRT & GW
37284: J.A.C.T.JOINT ASSOCIATION OF CLASSICAL TEACHERS - Reading Greek : The Intellectual Revolution: Selections from Euripides, Thucydides and Plato (Reading Greek)
37283: J.A.C.T.JOINT ASSOCIATION OF CLASSICAL TEACHERS - An Independent Study Guide to Reading Greek
37286: J.A.C.T.JOINT ASSOCIATION OF CLASSICAL TEACHERS - Reading Greek : A World of Heroes
045252: TERZAKIS, ANGELOS - Ho Progonos (IN GREEK)
045015: TESDELL, DIANA SECKER - Christmas Stories
044832: THOMSEN, SIGRID - Palle Graa
044830: THOMSON, TOM - Morning, Algonquin Park
045392: THOMSON, TOM - Tom Thomson
044831: THOMSON, TOM - Woods in Winter
039989: THUBRON,COLIN - The Hills of Adonis : A Journey in Lebanon.
039988: THUBRON,COLIN - The Hills of Adonis : A Journey in Lebanon.
045202: WAPSHOTT, TIM & WAPSHOTT, NICHOLAS - Older: Unauthorized Biography of George Michael
045023: TIPTON, MARLA - The 12 Days Of Christmas Cookbook: The Ultimate In Effortless Holiday Entertaining
37909: TOEWS, MIRIAM - A Boy of Good Breeding
30493: TOKSOZ, CEMIL - Ephesus : Legends and Facts
045260: TOLKIEN, J. R. R - Vlastelin Kolets : Dve trevdyni = The Two Towers
045259: TOLKIEN, J. R. R - Vlastelin Kolets : Druzhestvo koltsa = ????????? ?????. ????????? ?????? = The Fellowship of the Ring
27707: TOLKIEN, J.R.R. - Poems and Songs of Middle Earth
045261: TOLKIEN, J. R. R - Vlastelin Kolets : Vozvraschenie Gosudarya = Return of the King
045204: TOLKIEN, J. R. R - Drzewo I Lisc Oraz Mythopoeia [IN POLISH]
045305: TOLMIE, KEN - A Rural Life
039857: TOMBAIDIS, DIMITRIOS E.[ED.] - Elleniki Seira Mathemata [GREEK LANGUAGE]
044562: TOMLINSON,H.M. - Norman Douglas
039878: ADELPHOTITA PONTION TORONTO - PANAGHIA SOUMELA - Taxidia Mnemis Kai Agapes [17 o Ethniko Synedrio PamPontiakes Omospondias H.P.A - Kanada ]
044400: TOWNSEND, JOHN ROWE. - Written For Children: An Outline of English Language Children's Literature
038290: TRACK, NORMAN S.CHAMBERS. DOUGLAS - Canada's Royal Garden : Portraits and Reflections
039960: TRELAWNY, E.J. (EDWARD JOHN) - Records of Shelley, Byron and the Author
045408: TRIMBLE, BERNIECE [1919-1923] - "Bellfountain" [ Belfountain] caves, castles and quarries in the Caledon Hills
039955: TURNEY, CATHERINE - Byron's Daughter. A Biography of Elizabeth Medora Leigh
039839: URIS,LEON - The Angry Hills
039865: URIS,LEON - The Angry Hills
32090: VACALOPOULOS, APOSTOLOS E (TRANS.IAN MOLES) - Origins of the Greek Nation :The Byzantine Period 1204-1461
039866: VALDES, IVY - The Drury Affair
039812: VALLENTIN, ANTONINA - El Greco
045284: VANCE, JACK - Araminta Station
34013: ASIMOMYTIS, VASILIS [ET.AL] [ BASILES ASEMOMYTES] - Sta Vyzantina Chronia. Historia E'Taxis
045282: VASSANJI, M.G. - The Assassin's Song
038405: VENNING, ANNABEL - Following the Drum: The Lives of Army Wives and Daughters
045014: VICTORIA - A Woman's Christmas: Returning to the Gentle Joys of the Season
039343: VIIRES, ANTS - Eesti rahvakultuuri leksikon = Dictionary of Estonian folk culture
039368: DE VISSER, JOHN - University of Toronto: A time to remember
045070: VOTH, NORMA JOST - Festive Breads of Christmas
28253: WATSON,J & W - Morayshire Described Being a Guide to Visitors Containing Notices of Ecclesiastical and Military Antiquities, Topographical Descriptions of the Principal Residences Towns and Villages, and Geneaological notes of the Leading Families in the County.
039356: WADDINGTON, MIRIAM - The Glass Trumpet
045083: WADEY, ROSEMARY - Cooking for Christmas
039860: WAGNER, SHARON - Echoes of an Ancient Love
34995: WALSH, F.MICHAEL [FREDERICK] - Philosphy and Bibliophily : An Exhibition Introducing the Walsh Philosophy Collection
044383: WALSH, F.MICHAEL [FREDERICK] - Philosophy and Bibliophily : An Exhibition Introducing the Walsh Philosophy Collection
045412: WARBY, MARJORIE - Desmond's Daughters
039825: WARD, PHILIP - Bulgaria, a Travel Guide
045218: WATKIS, JOSHUA "SCRIBE - Tethered
039827: WATSON, P. - Stones of Treason
040006: WAUGH, EVELYN - Must murjan : Romaan / Black Mischief [IN ESTONIAN]
044992: BOLGER FRANCIS W.P; BARRETT,WAYNE & MACKAY,ANNE - Spirit of Place : Lucy Maud Montgomery and Prince Edward Island
044988: BARRETT, WAYNE & MACKAY, ANNE - Prince Edward Island : True Colours
044989: BARRETT, WAYNE & MACKAY, ANNE - Prince Edward Island Address Book
044991: BOLGER FRANCIS W.P; BARRETT,WAYNE & MACKAY,ANNE - Spirit of Place : Lucy Maud Montgomery and Prince Edward Island
045360: YAGER,DEXTER & DOUGLAS WEAD - Don't Let Anybody Steal Your Dream
045416: WEINER, JENNIFER - Good in Bed
045069: WENK, DIANA - Crafts for an Old-Fashioned Christmas
039384: WERNER, PAUL - Life in Greece in Anciant Times
039861: WESLEY, KATHRYN - Swept Away
039959: WEST, PAUL - Byron and the Spoiler's Art
039840: WHEATLEY,DENNIS - Mayhem in Greece
12473: WHITTOW, MARK - The Making of Byzantium 600-1025
040755: WIGRAM, GEORGE V. - Analytical Greek Lexicon of the New Testament
039810: WILLS, GARRY - Venice : Lion City: The Religion of Empire
044995: WILSON, ERIC - The Green Gables Detectives
040023: WILSON, EDMUND - Europe Without Baedeker : Sketches Among the Ruins of Italy, Greece and England together with Notes from a European Diary 1963-64
044053: STEWART-WILSON, MARY - Queen Mary's Dolls' House
044994: WILSON, ERIC - The Green Gables Detectives
040025: WILSON, EDMUND - Europe Without Baedeker : Sketches Among the Ruins of Italy, Greece and England
36628: WINNIFRITH, T. J. - Nobody's Kingdom :A History of Norhern Albania
038365: WOLF, JOAN - White Horses
044727: WOLFE, GENE - Soldier of the Mist
038932: WOLFE, TOM - Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers
045086: COUNTRY WOMAN - Christmas Country-Style
039835: WOODHOUSE, SARAH - Other Lives
039838: WORBOYS,ANNE - Lion of Delos
039837: WORBOYS,ANNE - Lion of Delos
039965: WRIGHT,WILLIAM - All The Pain That Money Can Buy : The Life of Christina Onassis
040000: XENOPHONTOS - Kyrou paideía : to proto istoriko mythistorima Tomos 01
040001: XENOPHONTOS - Kyrou paideía : to proto istoriko mythistorima Tomos 03
34429: YEHOSHUA, A.B. - Mr.Mani : A Novel
045343: HERE IS NEW YORK - White, E.B.
045302: ZIGDI, IOANNI G [IOANNE G. ZIGDE ] [ZIGHDIS, JOHN G] - Gia te demokratia kai ten Kypro: Tessereis Mines agona stis H.P.A.
039335: ZOUROUDI, ANNE - The Doctor of Thessaly: A Seven Deadly Sins Mystery
044956: ZWICKER,LINDA [MONTGOMERY,LUCY MAUD] - Misfits and Miracles ("Road to Avonlea"series # 20)
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