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kAdeBoeken Antiquariaat Nijverheidsweg Noord 90, 3812PN Amersfoort, The Netherlands. Tel.: +31 (0)683349311 Email: info@kadeboeken.nl | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
12000: MERRIAM, Alan P. - Ethnomusicology of the Flathead Indians.
33176: MERRILL, Linda - The Peacock Room - A Cultural Biography.
32889: MERRITT, Natacha - Natacha Merritt - Digital Diaries.
20070: MERTEN, Hiltrud - Die Trierer Domgrabung - Die Funde - Band 1 - Die Ausgrabungen auf dem Domfreihof (Nordwest-Bereich) + Band 2 - ISBN 398078956x - Die Ausgrabungen in der Kurie von der Leyen und der Liebfrauenstrasse (Südwest-Bereich)
34726: MERTENS, Eberhard - Die Hapag-Riesen der Imperator-Klasse. Die Geschichte der Luxusschiffe Imperator - Vaterland - Bismarck in Bildern und Zeitdokumenten. [2. Nachdruckauflage].
34116: MERTENS, Thom, Dieuwke E. van der POEL [Eindred.] - Middeleeuwse verzamelhandschrift Berlijn 190 - Hs. Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin - Preussischer Kulturbesitz germ. oct. 190.
24631: MERZ - Susanne MEYER-BUSER & Karin ORCHARD [Eds.] - Merz - In the beginning was Merz - from Kurt Schwitters to the present day.
30926: MESIC, Lana - Lana Mesi - Clever Eyes. - [No. 269/600]
21327: MESLAY, Olivier, Arlette SÉRULLAZ, Bathélémy JOBERT - d'outre-Manche - l'art britannique dans les collections publiques françaises.
3558: MESLIN-PERRIER, Chantal - The National Museum Adrien Dubouché Limoges.
14927: MESSERSCHMIDT, Wolfgang - Geschichte der italienischen Dampflokomotiven. + Geschichte der italienischen Elektr- und Diesellokomotiven.
11576: METZ, Louis [Samensteller / Composed by / Verfasser] - Het Concertgebouw-Orkest - Amsterdam [booklet + 15 photographs].
5059: METZ, Tracy - On the Ground. Observations from Harvard.
29408: METZ, Tom - Herman Brood Backstage ('77-'78) - Feel like doing it. [Tweede druk] + DVD. - [New]
34077: METZ, Bercis G. - Bercis G. Metz - Transitions to Magic.
18693: METZLER-ZENS, Nicole & Jeannot, & Patrice MÉNIEL - Lamadelaine - une nécropole de l'oppidum du titelberg - avec des contributions de Helmut Kroll et Raymond Weiller.
30019: MEULEN, J. van der - Een Holtense jongen in oorlogstijd - 1940-1945.
32276: MEUTER, Ingrid De - Vlaamse wandtapijten - Productie en handel - De Oudenaardse familie Van Verren (1680-1740).
34180: MEUWISSEN, Daantje - Gekoesterde traditie - De portretreeks met de landcommandeurs van de Utrechtse Balije van de Ridderlijke Duitsche Orde - Proefschrift - Cherished Tradition [...] / Gepflege Tradition [...] - summary in English / Zusammenfassung in deutscher Sprache.
4673: MEYER, Wilhelm & B. SCHWALBE - Diesterwegs populäre Himmelskunde und mathematische Geographie. Neu bearbeitet von Wilhelm Meyer unter Mitwirkung von B. Schwalbe. Vierzehnte und fünfzehnte Auflage.
16889: MEYER, Annette - Annette Meyer - ICON DRESSED.
31919: MEYER-HERMANN, Eva - Künstler Bücher I - John Baldessari - Marcel Broodthaers - Daniel Buren - Gilbert & George - Sol LeWitt - Richard Long - Edward Ruscha - Lawrence Weiner.
19830: MEYER, Johann Daniel - Johann Daniel Meyer - Vorstellung mancherley fremder und seltener Thiere. Ausgewählt und mit einer Einleitung von Brigitte Klosterberg.
34112: MEYERE, Jos de - Het grafmonument van Reinoud III van Brederode in de Grote Kerk te Vianen - Een meesterwerk van de Utrechtse beeldhouwer Colyn de Nole.
31506: MEYEROWITZ, Joel - Joel Meyerowitz - Out of the Ordinary 1970-1980. - [Dutch edition]. - [Signed].
14378: MEZZROW, Milton 'Mezz' & Bernard WOLFE - Really the Blues. [Fourth printing].
25709: MICHAEL, Edmund - Führer für die Pilzfreunde. Ausgabe B - Drei Bände mit 345 naturwahren farbigen Abbildungen der wichtigsten Pilze in natürlicher Grösse (darunter 164 essbare Sorten). - [3 volumes].
32403: MICHAELS, Jake - Jake Michaels - c.1950 - The Mennonites of Belize.
28334: MICHALS, Duane - Duane Michals- Salute, Walt Whitman.
28271: miche - Love Sonnets and Madrigals to Tommaso de 'Cavalieri - Translated from the Italian and with an introduction by Michael Sullivan.
32404: MICHEL, Anne-Marie - Anne-Marie Michel - Sisters of the Road.
3324: MICHEL, Ernest - Le Tour du Monde en 240 Jours. Canada - Etats-Unis - Japon - Chine - Hindoustan.
16497: MICHIELS, Toon - [Tekst / text by Ronald de LEEUW, Theo van GOGH, Dave SMITH, Peter THOBEN & Paul MERTZ - Toon Michiels. Zeldzame mensen - Rare people. [Vijfde / Fifth edition]. [New]
34630: MICHNA-BALES, Jeanine & Adam REYNOLDS - COUNTDOWN - A Visual Exploration of the Cold War's Opposing Nuclear Architecture - Fallout / No Lone Zone, - [New]
34631: MICHNA-BALES, Jeanine & Adam REYNOLDS - COUNTDOWN - A Visual Exploration of the Cold War's Opposing Nuclear Architecture - Fallout / No Lone Zone
11327: MIEDEMA, J. & W.A.L. STOKHOF [Edited by] - Memories van Overgave - No. 2: Afdeling West Nieuw-Guinea (Part I).
11324: MIEDEMA, J. & W.A.L. STOKHOF [Compiled and edited by] - Bird's Head Studies from the 1950s - 1960s. J. Pouwer (1958), R.R. Bergh (1958), A.E.M.J. Pans (1960) and W. Zevenbergen (1962), (Texts in Dutch).
11325: MIEDEMA, J. [Compiled and elaborated + edited by] - Texts from the Oral Tradition in the South-Western Bird's Head Peninsula of Irian Jaya: Teminabuan and Hinterland. + Inanwatan-Berau, Arandai-Bintuni, and Hinterland. + Inventory, Transcripts, and Reproductions of (Origin) Stories in Dutch and Indonesian c. 1955-1995. [Three volumes].
11322: MIEDEMA, J. & W.A.L. STOKHOF - Irian Jaya Source Materials - No. 1 Introduction. Series A: Memories van Overgave. Series B: Special Manuscripts.
30763: MIELKE, Friedrich - Die Geschichte der Deutschen Treppe.
27034: MIGAYROU, Frédéric - XTU Architects - La Cité du Vin.
20971: MIJKSENAAR, Paul - Mart. SPRUIJT - Spruijt's Merken Kalender '80.
24021: MIJKSENAAR, Paul - Mart. SPRUIJT - Spruijt's Kalender '81/2
24163: MIJKSENAAR, Paul - Mart. SPRUIJT - Spruijt's Kalender 1982/83 - Plattegronden & Kaarten.
18151: MIJNLIEFF, A. - De verpleging van kraamvrouw en kind. Door Dr. A. Mijnlieff, Arts te Breukelen. Tweede herziene en verbeterde druk.
32654: MIK, Edzard & Dirk van WEELDEN [Ed.] - The lines of the landscape.
33858: MIKAMI, Yuzo - Utzon's Sphere - Sydney Opera House - how it was designed and built.
29621: MIKHAILOV, Boris - Boris MICHAILOV - Boris Michailov - SMA Cahiers 14.
30342: MILITAIRE SPECTATOR - De Militaire Spectator, Tijdschrift voor het Nederlandsche Leger en dat in in de Overzeesche Bezittingen - Vierde Serie, Vierde deel - Verzameling van Wetten, Besluiten, Verordenigen [...] Biiblad behoordende bij den Militaire Spectator [...] + Bijlage I + XII + Recueil Militair (26 November 1879 t/m 25 November 1879).
20412: MILL, J. van - Infinite-Dimensional Topology. Prerequisites and Introduction.
18770: MILLAIS, John Everett - John Everett Millais - Le Petit Musée - 32 Postcards.
20048: MILLER, Henry - Quiet Days in Clichy. Photographs by Brassaï. [Second edition]
27066: MILLER, Kristine F. - Almost Home - The Public Landscape of Gertrude Jekyll.
15940: MILLER, Judith - Chairs. Chair portraits by Nick Pope.
11363: MILLER, George [Compiled and Introduced by] - To the Spice Islands and Beyond. Travels in Eastern Indonesia.
14002: MILLER, Richard - Cobra - [French edition].
10178: MILLER, Gerry Fabian - Gerry Fabian Miller - Home Dartmoor.
34535: MILLER, Abbott - Abbott Miller: Design and Content. - [New].
29453: MILLER, Charles H. - History of the 13th/18th Royal Hussars (Queen Mary's Own) 1922-1947. By Major-General Charles H. Miller.
19176: MILLER, Arthur G. [Ed.] - The Soicial Psychology of Good and Evil.
7024: MILLER, Gerold - Gerold Miller. [With signed letter].
23692: MILLIN, Piper Bill - Invasion.
13513: MILNE, William C. - La vie réelle en Chine. Par le révérend William C. Milne. Traduite par André Tasset. Avec une introduction et des notes par M.G. Pauthier. Deuxième édition. Revue, corrigée et augmentée du plan de Chang-haï.
33852: MIN, Maarten - Van poppenhuis naar torenflat - de architectuur van Maarten Min.
2665: MIN, Eric [Tekst] - Keep still.
31016: MINA, Gianne A. & Tomas LOCHMAN [A cura di / hrsg.] - Carl Burckhardt 1878-1923 - Uno scultore tra Basilea, Roma e Ligornetto / Ein Bildhauer zwischen Basel, Rom und Ligornetto.
25028: MINDLIN, Henrique E. - Modern architecture in Brazil. Preface by Prof. S. Giedion
33187: MING, Li [Designing Editor] - China's Rare Stones in New Century.
15043: MININI, Fabio / G. BONANATE [Textes] - Elementi. Cahiers d'etudes nouvelles recherches - Année VI-no. 1.
15038: MININI, Fabio / Mila PISTOI [Texte] - Elementi. Cahiers d'etudes nouvelles recherches - Année V-no. 1.
15041: MININI, Fabio / Mila PISTOI [Texte] - Elementi. Cahiers d'etudes nouvelles recherches - Année IV-no. 3.
15042: MININI, Fabio / Mila PISTOI [Texte] - Elementi. Cahiers d'etudes nouvelles recherches - Année V-no. 2.
30618: MINISTERIE VAN MARINE AFDELING HYDROGRAFIE - Meteorologie Nederlands Nieuw Guinea - Voorlopige atlas - Auteursrechten zijn voorbehouden ten behoeve van de Staat der Nederlanden.
34459: MINNIS, A.J. & A.B. SCOTT [Ed.] - Medieval Literary Theory and Criticism c.1100 - c.1375 - The Commentary-Tradition.
23302: MIRALDA, Antoni - Miralda - De Gustibus Non Disputandum.
23586: MIRO, Joan - Miro Round Trip.
9750: MIRÓ - Jean-Louis PRAT - Joan Miró - Oiseaux dan L'Espace.
33128: MIRVISS, Joan B. & John T. CARPENTER - The Frank Lloyd Wright Collection of Surimono.
11229: MISCHKE, Joachim & Miachel ZAPF - [HERZOG & DE MEURON] - Elbphilharmonie Hamburg.
24898: MISERACH, Xavier - Miserachs Barcelona.
7958: MISHIN, Valerii - ReRe. Residual Realism. Poetic Commentary by Tamara Bucowskaya.
5193: MISRACH, Richard - Richard Misrach - Violent Legacies. Three cantos. Fiction by Susan Sontag.
6043: MISTER MOTLEY - Mister Motley # 33 - oktober/november/december 2012. Over onze ouders. Alma Mathijsen. Maziyar Pahlevan. Feiko Becker. Nare Leoyan. Dominik Lang. Hans Aarsman.
24516: MITCHEL, Adrian - Out Loud. [Second edition].
26272: MITCHELL, Jerry - The Amazing Mets. Cartoons by Willard Mullin.
34698: MITCHELL, Peter - Peter Mitchell - Early Sunday Morning. - [Small edition] - [New].
29548: MITSCH, Ralf - Ralf Mitsch - Why I Love Sex - Personal stories about embracing eroticism and sexuality in life and work.
24823: MITSCH, Ralf - Ralf Mitsch - Why I Love Sex - Personal stories about embracing eroticism and sexuality in life and work. [New]
14694: MITSUMORI, Yoshihiro - Yoshihiro Mitsumori - Touch.
23435: MITTON, G.E. - The lost cities of Ceylon.
31540: MITUTOYO - Yehan NUMATA [Publ.] - The 50-Year History of Mitutoyo.
33752: MIYAKE, Issey - Issey Miyake & Miyake Design Studio 1970-1985.
34246: MIYAMOTO, Takeshi - Takeshi Miyamoto - Spectrum.
24129: MIYAMOTO, Katsuhiro - Katsuhiro Miyamoto & Associates.
33819: MIYAMOTO, Ryuji - Ryuji Miyamoto - KOBE 1995 After the Earthquake.
33909: MIZUNO, Masao - Japan - day by day - Roots of Japanese culture.
7541: MOAVENZADEH, Fred [Ed.] - Concise Encyclopedia of Building & Construction Materials.
32393: MOCHIZUKI, Mia M. - The Netherlandish Image after Iconoclasm 1566-1672 - Material Religion in the Dutch Golden Age
1220: MODE FOTOGRAFIE - Mode fotografie. Fashion photography. Objectif mode de 1850 a nos jours. Modefotografia. Fotografía de moda. Fotografi di moda.
32891: MODEL, Lisette - Lisette Model - A Retrospective. Exhibition catalog. New Orleans Museum of Art - Summer 1981 - Museum Folkwang - Spring 1982.
31726: MODIGLIANI - Claude ROY - Modigliana.
31727: MODIGLIANI - Mason KLEIN [Ed.] - Modigliani - Beyond the Myth.
31728: MODIGLIANI - Thérèse CASTIEAU-BARRIELLE - La vie et l'oeuvre de Amedeo Modigliani.
28714: MODIGLIANI - Marc RESTELLINI - Modigliani - L'ange au visage grave.
18460: MODRAK, Rebekah & Bill ANTHES - Reframing photography - theory and practice.
33686: MOELLER, Magdalena M. & Günther GERCKEN - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner - Peter Schlemihl's Wondrous Story.
29209: MOERKERKEN, E. van - E. van Moerkerken - Foto's.
19629: MOERKERKEN, E. van - E. van Moerkerken - Reportages in licht en schaduw. Met een voorwoord van S. Carmiggelt.
14697: MOERLOOSE, Lydwine de - SPA - Ville-écrin des Jolités / Treasure trove of Jolités.
32888: MOESER, Robert D. - U.S. Navy : Vietnam - Photography by Robert D. Moeser.
10438: MOEYES, Paul - Buiten schot. Nederland tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog 1914-1918.
31420: MOFFAT, Curtis - Martin BARNES [Ed.] - Curtis Moffat - Silver Society.
25123: MOHNEY, David & Keller EASTERLING [Ed.] - Seaside - Making a Town in America.
29666: MOHOLY-NAGY, Hattula & Iguchi TOSHINO a.o. - Moholy-Nagy Laboratory of Vision.
29665: MOHOLY-NAGY, Hattula & Iguchi TOSHINO a.o. - Moholy-Nagy Laboratory of Vision.
29647: MOHOLY-NAGY, Laszlo - Ute ESKILDSEN & Robert KNODT - Laszlo Moholy-Nagy - Fotogramme 1922-1943.
21625: MOHOLY-NAGY, Sibyl - Matrix of Man - An Illustrated History of Urban Environment. [Third printing].
33833: MOL, Johannes A., Klaus MILITZER & Helen J. NICHOLSON - The Military Orders and the Reformation - Choices, State building, and the Weight of Tradition. Papers of the Utrecht Conference, 30 September - 2 October 2004.
29750: MOLE, Arthur - Arthur Mole - Living photographs. [Text by Louis Kaplan]. - [New].
25228: MOLEMA, Jan - The New Movement in the Netherlands 1924-1936.
9897: MOLEN, W. van der - Javaanse tekstkritiek. Een overzicht en een nieuwe benadering, geïllustreerd aan de kunjarakarna.
16268: MOLEN, J.R. ter - Zilver - Catalogus van de voorwerpen van edelmetaal in de collectie van Museum Boymans-van Beuningen.
32737: MOLEN, Awoiska van der - The Living Mountain - Awoiska van der Molen. - [New]
10526: MOLEN, Willem van der & Bernard ARPS [Red.] - Woord en schrift in de oost. De betekenis van zending en missie voor de studie van taal en literatuur in Zuidoost-Azië.
28931: MOLKENBOER, Kees - Kees Molkenboer. Rotterdam 1945-1953.
27297: MOLL, Herman - MAP - The Island of Celebes, or Macassar with The Islands of Banda, Amboyna, and the Molucca's. Agreable to Modern History By H. Moll Geographer.
34969: MÖLLER, Renate - Empire- und Biedermeier- Möbel - Fakten - Preise - Trends. [3. Auflage].
18308: MÖLLER-WIERING, Susan - War and Worship. Textiles from 3rd to 4th-century AD Weapon Deposits inDenmrk and Northern Germany.
15634: MOLTMAKER, Azing - John Lennon - The solo collection vol. 1 - The making of Imagine + vol. 2 John Lennon in New York.
15639: MOLTMAKER, Azing & Samuel COOMANS - The Beatles EP's from Europe - Illustrated Discography Vol. 3 1962-1970.
27153: MON TRICOT - Revue Périodique - Mon Tricot - No. 11 - 140 Modèles et point nouveaux pour tous les ages.
18858: [MONDE, N. van der] - Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, Oudheden en Statistiek van Utrecht - 3e Jaargang - 1837 + Naamlijst der Geborenen, Gehuwden en Overledenen binnen Utrecht.
18857: [MONDE, N. van der] - Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, Oudheden en Statistiek van Utrecht - 5e Jaargang - 1839 + Naamlijst der Geborenen, Gehuwden en Overledenen binnen Utrecht.
21466: MONDEJAR Publio López - Photography in Franco's Spain.
34826: MONDRIAAN - COOPER, Harry & Ron SPRONK - Mondrian: The Transatlantic Paintings.
29780: MONDRIAAN. - JOOSTEN, Joop M. & Robert P. WELSH - Piet Mondrian. Catalogue Raisonné. I - Naturalistic Works (until early 1911). II - Work of 1911-1944. III - Appendix. - [Two volume boxed set]
24145: MONGGAARD, Christian - Die Olsenbande.
29376: MONIER, Albert - Albert Monier - Paris. Préface de Henri Pourrat.
20269: MONK, J. Donald - Introduction to Set Theory.
18753: MONK, Jonathan - Jonathan Monk - Alakazam - Colours, shapes, words (pink, blue, square, circle, etc.).
20273: MONK, J. Donald - Mathematical Logic.
34083: MONNIKENDAM, Joep - Joep Monnikendam - Jopa - [Nr. 27/65].
14660: MONSTIERS, Julien des - Julien des Monstiers.
16512: MONT, Miquel - Miquel Mont. Texte / text Tristan Trémeau.
34378: MONTAIGNE - Zinspreuken. Vertaling en samenstelling: Paul Claes. - [Nr. 154/200].
34643: MONTELBAN - Friedrich PFAFF [Hrsg.] - Reinolt von Montelban oder die Heimonskinder.
32467: MONTELEONE, Davide - Davide Monteleone - La linea inesistente. viaggio lungo la ex cortina di ferro.
34716: MONTESQUIEU - Montesquieu - Over de geest van de wetten. Vertaling en nawoord Jeanne Holierhoek.
35018: MONTGOMERY, B.L. [Foreword] & L.o. LYNE [Introduction] - A Short History of 7th Armoured Division - June 1943 - July 1945.
34345: MONTIAS, John Michael - Art at Auction in 17th Century Amsterdam.
34175: MONTIJN, Ileen & Alied OTTEVANGER - Altijd heimwee. Agnes van den Brandeler, een aristocrate in de kunst.
26460: MONTYN [MONTIJN], Jan - Leo DUPPEN [Samenstelling] - Jan Montyn - Asia - Aquarellen, tekeningen & gedichten.
32670: MONTYN, Jan - Jan Montyn - Alle jaren - [Gedichten] - [Gesigneerd / nr. h.s. 1/7].
29426: MONTYN [MONTIJN], Jan - Jan Montyn - Het grafisch werk. Samenstelling Leo Duppen. Inleiding Frans Duister. Gedichten Jan Montyn.
10069: MOODY, John - The Railroad Builders. A Chronicle of the Welding of the States.
22939: MOOIJ, Charles de - Geloof kan Bergen verzetten. Reformatie en katholieke herleving te Bergen op Zoom 1577-1795.
18228: MOOK, Piet van - Piet van Mook - Mobiles - Stabiles - Cahier de structures / Book of constructions / Structuurconstructies.
28215: MOOLENBROEK, Jaap van - Sabrina CORBELLINI, Koen GOUDRIAAN, Johannes A. MOL & Ad TERVOORT [Red.] - Wonderen voor alledag - Elf opstellen over godsdienst en samenleving in de Middeleeuwen door Jaap van Moolenbroek opnieuw uitgegeven bij zijn afscheid van de Vrije Universiteit.
32015: MOON, Sarah - Sarah Moon.
11545: MOON, Geoff - The Reed Field Guide to New Zealand Birds.
34634: MOORE, Oliver - Irma BOOM [Design] - Bryophytes of and Lichens of Letterewe.
14924: MOORE, G.S. - Catalogue of Nasmyth Wilson & Co. Limited - No. 829 - 1907 Patricoft Manchester.
26247: MOORE, Jack B. - Joe DiMaggio. Baseball's Yankee Clipper.
13567: MOORE, W.J. - Shanghai Century or 'Tungsha Flats to Soochow Creek'.
16848: MOORE, Henry - Chris STEPHENS - Henry Moore. - [New].
32918: MOORE, Oliver - Irma BOOM [Design] - Bryophytes of and Lichens of Letterewe.
25259: MORALES, Nelson - Nelson Morales - Fantastic Woman. [Signed].
7939: MORAN, Mark F. - Warman's Arts & Crafts Furniture. Identification & Price Guide.
33883: MORANDI - Franz Armin MORAT - Giorgio Morandi - Ölbilder - Aquarelle - Zeichnungen - Radierungen.
35060: MORANDI - Morandi - 50 gravures. Préface de Jean-Michel Folon.
33881: MORANDI - Margriet van BOVEN - Giorgio Morandi 1890-1964 - Noordbrabants Museum 22 mei - 20 juli 1980.
34401: MORANDI - Franz Armin MORAT - Giorgio Morandi - Ölbilder - Aquarelle - Zeichnungen - Radierungen. [2. Auflage]
33713: MORANDI - Franz Armin MORAT - Giorgio Morandi - Ölbilder - Aquarelle - Zeichnungen - Radierungen.
16690: MORATH, Inge - Inge Morath - Iran. Texts by Monika Faber and Azar Nafisi. Edited and with a preface by John P. Jacob. [New].
21413: MORATH - Olga CARLISLE - Grosse Photographen unserer Zeit: Inge Morath
30607: MOREIRA, Sebastiao - Sebastiao Moreira - Casa Sabrosa.
14206: MORELL, Abelardo & Diana GASTON - Abelardo Morell and the Camera Eye.
13863: MORGAN, Dale [Ed.] - Overland in 1846: Diaries and letters of the California-Oregon Trail I-II. [Two volume set].
26663: MORIARTY, Tim and Joe BERESWILL - The Dynamic Islanders. From Cellar to Stanley Cup.
29700: MORINEAU, Camille & Lucia PESAPANE [Ed.] - Women House.
25731: MORITA, Toshiro - Toshiro Morita - Kumadori.
22429: MORIYAMA, Daido - Daido Moriyama - Record No. 30.
34250: MORIYAMA, Daido - Daido Moriyama - Memories of Light.
34249: MORIYAMA, Daido - Daido Moriyama - Memories of Light.
29855: MOROSOW, S., A. WARTANOW, G. TSCHUDAKOW, O. SUSLOWA & L. UCHTOMSKAJA [Hrsg.] - Sowjetische Fotografen 1941-1945.
33736: MOROZZI, Cristina & Silvio San PIETRO - Contemporary Italian Furniture / Mobili italiani contemporanei.
30834: MORPHOSIS - Morphosis. Crawford Residence - Montecito, Californis, U.S.A., 1987-91 / Blades Residence - Santa Barbara, California, U.S.A., 1991-97. Text by Yoshio Futagawa. Photographed by Yukio Futagawa
Residential Masterpieces 15.
28201: MORRÉE, Cécile de - Voor de tijd van het jaar - Vervaardiging, organisatie en gebruikscontext van Middelnederlandse devote liedverzamelingen (ca. 1470-1588).
33905: MORRIS, Frances - Paris Post War - Art and Existentialism 1945-55.
29161: MORRISON, P. Crosbie [Editor] - Wild Life - Australian Nature Magazine - From June 1942 - June 1948 - 7 years in 7 volumes.
12571: MORRISON, George Ernest - An Australian in China. Being the narrative of a quiet journey across China to Burma. [Second edition].
15912: MORSINK, SImon G. [Red.] - Uit het hart van Rusland - Ikonen en miniaturen.
34470: MORTAROTTI, Vittorio - Vittorio Mortarotti - The First Day of Good Weather. - [New]
32014: MORTENSEN, William - William Mortensen - Monsters & Madonnas. - [Third printing].
32028: MORVAN, Yan - Gangs Story - Photographies de Yan Morvan - Récit de Kizo - [Signed].
9397: MOSCOW, Alvin - Collision course. The classic story of the most extraordinary sea disaster of our times - the collision at sea of the S.S. Andrea Doria and the M.S. Stockholm.
33403: MOSEHOLM, Anders - Anders Moseholm - Beat.
33004: MOSS, Hugh, Victor GRAHAM & Ka Bo TSANG - A Treasury of Chinese Snuff Bottles - The Mary and George Bloch Collection - Volume 4 Part 1 + 2 - Inside Painted - [Nr. 815/1000] - [Boxed two-volume set].
24490: MOSS, Paul - Between Heaven and Earth - Secular and Divine Figural Images in Chinese Paintings and Objects.
30879: MOSSEL, Kaat - Johanna BREEVOORT - Kaat Mossel - Tooneelen uit het leven van eene Rotterdamsche Oranjeklante. Voor ons volk geschetst door Johanna Breevoort. [3 verschillende edities uit 1913].
25631: MOSTAFAVI, Mohsen & Peter CHRISTENSEN - Instigations - engaging architecture landscape and the city - GSD075 - Harvard University Graduate School of Design.
27047: MOSTARD, Yvonne - Yvonne Mostard - [Inleiding: Ge van Steenbergen - Over Yvonne Mostard] - [Nr. 15/500].
20409: MOSTOWSKI, A. - Construction Sets with Applications.
30707: MOTT THE HOOPLE - Mott the Hoople - All the Young Dudes - Anthology - Box with 3 x CD + booklet 56 pp.
23797: MOTTURA, Giona - Giona Mottura - Diane.
27215: MOUASHER, M. [Ed.] - Modern and Contemporary Arab Art from the Levant - The Majida Mouasher Collection.
17976: MOURTHÉ, Christophe - Christophe Mourthé - Confidences. - [0092/1000].
13733: MOUSSET, Paul - Le chemin de l'extrême-orient. Texte et photographies de Paul Mousset. [De Marseille à Saigon, Tokyo, Séoul...].
24946: MOZAS, Javier & Aurora Fernández PER - Densidad - Nueva vivienda colectiva / Density - New Collective Housing.
34577: MTHETHWA, Zwelethu - Zwelethu Mthethwa. Interview by Isolde Brielmaier - Essay by Okwui Enwezor. - [New].
21399: MUCHA - Graham OVENDEN - Alphonse Mucha Photographs.
12984: MUCHA - MOUCHA, Josef - Alfons Mucha. [Second, enlarged edition] . - New.
18544: MUDA, Tomohiro - Tomohiro Muda - Icons of time. Memories of the Tsunami that Struck Japan.
30941: MUECK, Ron - Ron Mueck - A Girl.
1570: MUELLER, Marianne - The Proper Ornaments - Combine 1995-2005. Texte / Text by Martin Jaeggi & Bice Curiger
10855: MUKHERJEE, Ramkrishna - The Rise and Fall of the East India Company. A sociological apparaisal.
30779: MUKHIN, Igor - Igor Mukhin - In search of Monumental Propaganda. [New]
34183: MULDER, Liek & Willem FRIJHOFF - Een onderschatte universiteit - 350 jaar Gelderse Academie in Harderwijk.
5459: MULDER, Lodewijk & Willem STARING - De Stokvischorders, in der tijd toegelicht door Lodewijk Mulder, en thans in beeld vertoond door Willem Staring Jr.
31843: MULDERS, Esther - Omnia vincit Amor - Het antieke beeld van de aardse liefde in middeleeuws-encyclopedische context (ca. 200 - ca. 1300) - Academisch Proefschrift.
11267: MULDERS, Marc - Marc Mulders Archief #1 Glas / Marc Mulders Archive #1 Glass.
25605: MULDERS, Jan - Jan Mulders - De Boys. - [Nr. 80/100].
2768: MÜller, Dr. Joh. - Lehrbuch der Physik und Meterorologie.Achte und Neunte umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage von Leop. Pfaundler [drei Teile in vier Bänden]. Mit gegen 2000 Holzstichen, Tafels, zum Theil in Farbendruck, und einer Photographie.
6365: MULLER, S. - De De Dom van Utrecht. Dertig platen met tekst van S. Muller.
30533: MÜLLER, Heinrich - Deutsche Bronzegeschützrohre 1400-1750.
34790: MÜLLER, Peter & Peter VOS - Mussenlust - de huismus in 50 gedichten en 150 tekeningen van Peter Vos.
27642: MÜLLER, Frank Heinrich [Hs] - EAST - Zu Protokoll / For the Record.
20228: MULLER, Robert-Jan & Paul ANDRIESSE [Red. / Ed.] - Erik Andriesse.
17599: MÜLLER, Paul - Chr. Garves Moralphilosophie und seine Stellungnahme zu Kants Ethik. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Doktorwürde der hohen philosophischen Fakultät der Friedrich-Alexanders-Universität Erlangen - vorgelegt von Paul Müller aus Rathenow.
14671: MULYANI, Elisabeth Ida - Elisabeth Ida Mulyani - Inside Embassies. Design and editing Jurgen Maelfeyt.
33404: MUNCH - Haakon MEHREN - Munch through New Eyes - His Holy Universe.
22436: MUNDINE, Djon et al - They are Meditating: Bark Paintings from the MCA's Arnott's Collection.
16627: MUNIZ, Vik - Peter GALASSI & Régis DURAND - Vik Muniz.
14489: MUNIZ, Vik - Vik Muniz - CAC Málaga - Centro de Arte Contemporáno de Málaga 4 Septiembre - 2 Diciembre 2012 / 4 September - 2 December 2012.
32103: MUNKACSI, Martin - Martin Munkacsi - Biographical profile by Susan Morgan.
17915: MUNOZ, Juan - Double Bind at Tate Modern.
32504: MÜNSTER, Sebastian - Cosmographei, oder Beschreibung aller Länder [...] - Basel 1550.
7002: MUNSTER, Jan van - Lisette PELSERS [text] - De Beyerd, Breda - Landesmuseum , Oldenburg - Provinciaal Museum, Hasselt, België.
28242: MUNSTERBERG, Hugo - Zen & Oriental Art. [Third printing].
34382: MURDOCH, Iris - The Flight from the Enchanter. [Collected Edition].
24996: MURRAY, Peter & MaryAnne STEVENS - New Urban Environments - British Architecture and its European Context.
13515: MURRAY - A handbook for travellers in India, Burma and Ceylon including all British India, the Portuguese and French possessions, and the Indian States. Eleventh edition. With eighty-five maps and plans.
9639: MURRAY, Hubert - Native Custom and the Government of Primitive Races with Especial Reference to Papua. A paper read by Sir Hubert Murray, K.C.M.G., Lieutenant-Governor of Papua, at hte third Pan-Pacific Science Congress, Tokyo, 1926.
29435: MUSCH, Jeroen [fotografie] - Bob WITMAN [tekst] - Vathorst Amersfoort - Nieuw leven op oude grond.
16641: Museum Folkwang [Ed.] - Voyage Retour. [New].
22615: MUSEUM OVERHOLLAND - Museum Overholland - Vergezichten - in Teylers Museum Haarlem.
31030: MUSI, Pino - Pino Musi - _08:08 Operating Theatre. - [No. 149/400 - Signed].
25633: MUSIAL, Joe - The Katzenjammer Kids.
33081: MUSIL, Robert - Adolf FRISÉ [Hrsg.] - Tagebücher + Anmerkungen - Anhang - Register. - [Neu durchgesehene und ergänzte Auflage].
33082: MUSIL, Robert - Adolf FRISÉ [Hrsg.] - Robert Musil - Gesammelte Werke in neun Bänden.
30033: MUSSERT, A.A. - De plannen voor de scheepvaartverbinding Amsterdam-Rijn - Historisch overzicht en beschouwingen - (Met overzichtskaart) - September 1929. - + FOCKEMA ANDREAE & J. de LANGE - Verbinding van Amsterdam met den Boven-Rijn - 2 bijlagen. Gemeente Utrecht, 30 Maart 1929. [leaflet [4] pp. with 2 large folding maps.
30651: MUTH, Frid - Gepanzerter Westen.
10136: MUTHESIUS, Hermann - Der Zeichenunterricht in den Londoner Volksschulen. Sondernabdruck aus den Pädagogischen Blättern für Lehrerbildung.
26298: MUTHESIUS, Stefan - The Poetic Home - Designing the 19th-Century Domestic Interior.
17090: MUTHESIUS, Hermann a.o. - Sommer- und Ferienhäuser aus dem Wettbewerb der Woche - 10. Sonderheft der Woche.
31621: MYERS, John - John Myers - The Guide. [+ signed Postcard] - [New].
34492: MYERS, Jack Fredrick - The Language of Visual Art - Perception as a basis for design.
28365: MYJER, Eric P.J. - Militaire veiligheid door afschrikking - Verdediging en het geweldverbod in het Handvest van de Verenigde Naties.
32846: N.H.N. MODY - A Collection of Nagasaki Colour Prints and Painting - Showing the Influence of Chinese and European Art on that of Japan. [Second printing]
9420: N.S. - N.S. Maandblad der Nederlandsche Spoorwegen. Februari 1937 - 3e jaargang - No. 1.
9419: N.S. - N.S. Maandblad der Nederlandsche Spoorwegen. Augustus 1937 - 3e jaargang - No. 1.
34635: NAAR, Jon - Jon Naar - Getting the picture. Re-discovering my photography / In het spoor van mijn fotografie. - [+ persbericht, kleine poster & 4 kaarten]
17611: NAAS, Jozef & Hermann Ludwig SCHMID - Mathematisches Wörterbuch - mit Einbeziehung der theoretischen Physik. 3. Auflage.
8418: NABOKOV, Vladimir - Uitnodiging voor een onthoofding. Roman. Vertaling Anneke Brassinga.
26216: NADAR - Adam BEGLEY - The Great Nadar - The Man behind the Camera. + Les Catacombes vue par Nadar [Scala, 2016. 64 pp.].
7059: NAEF, Weston - Photographers of Genius at the Getty. [Second printing].
18160: NAEGELE, Daniel [text & photographs] - Naegele's Guide to The Only Good Architecture in Iowa.
15413: NAGAI, Takashi - We of Nagasaki - The story of survivors in an atomic wasteland.
28746: NAGANO, Shigeichi - Nagano Shigeichi - Distant Gaze - Dark Blossom of Winter. [Signed].
31542: NAGASAKA, Fumi - Fumi Nagasaka.
30516: NAGEL, Günter - Atomversuche in Deutschland - Geheime Uranarbeiten in Gottow, Oranienburg und Stadtilm. [2. Auflage].
27602: NAGOSHI, Keisuke - Keisuke Nagoshi - Chicano.
26183: NAJJAR, Michael - Michael Najjar - Outer Space.
33002: NAKADA, Shigekatsu - The Interior Book II - Living Interiors Japan 1980-1985.
35044: NAKAHIRA, Takuma - Takuma Nakahira - Overflow.
33144: NAKAMURA, Ichisaburo - Catalogue of the National Treasures of Paintings and Sculptures in Japan.
19512: NAKAMURA, Hajime - Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples - India, China, Tibet, Japan.
33676: NAKAYAMA, Kazuya - Kazuya Nakayama - The banana jam jar lid could not be opened, so mom switched to another banana jam jar and asked dad to open the lid on that one, we all ate crepe with this banana jam on it.
33759: NAKOV, Andrei et al - Dada and Constructivism.
33901: NAKOV, Andrei et al - Dada y Constructivismo - Centro Arte Reine Sofia, Madrid 9 de marzo - 1 mayo 1989.
31522: NAMUTH, Hans - Hans Namuth - l'Atelier de Jackson Pollock. Essais de Rosalind Krauss & Francis V. O.'Connor. Les textes de Jackson Pollock.
30366: NANCE, R. Morton29 x 22.5 - Sailing-Ship Models - A selection from European and American collections with introductory text by R. Morton Nance. (Revised Edition).
13517: NANCE, F.R. - Soochow - The Garden City.
29336: NANNING, Barbara - Titus M. ELIËNS - Barbara Nanning - Eternal Movement - Ceramics, Installations and Glass Art.
25074: NARANJO, Juan, Joan FONTCUBERTA, Pere FORMIGUERA, Laura Terré ALONSO & David BALSELLS - Introducció a la Història de la Fotografia a Catalunya.
33192: NARAZAKI, Muneshige - The Japanese Print: Its Evolution and Essence.
30786: NASGAARD, Roald & Marie FLEMING - [Catalogue] - Spring Hurlbut - Ron Martin - John Massey - Becky Singleton. - [No. 9/1000]
34386: NASH, Graham - SOTHEBY's - Photographs from the Collection of Graham Nash - New York Wednesday, april 25, 1990. - [Signed - Nr. 434/500].
18879: NASH, Paul - Andrew CAUSEY - Paul Nash's photographs - Document and Image. [Second impression].
33096: NATIONS, Opal L. & Felipe EHRENBERG - The Man Who Entered Pictures - written by Opal L. Nations & interpreted by Felipe Ehrenberg. - [Nr. 80/150]
12186: NAUDÉ, Daniel - Daniel Naudé - Sightings of the Sacred. Cattle in Uganda, Madagascar and India.
24696: NAUWELAERTS, Mandy, Erwin JOOS, Torsten FEYS et al - One foot in America - De Joodse migranten van de Red STar Line en Eugeen Van Mieghem.
22155: NAUWELAERTS, Mandy & Petra GUNST [Red.] - Red Star Line - People on the move. [Text in Dutch]
31089: NAZAR, Ahmad Amin - Ahmad Amin Nazar - Metamorphosis.
32796: NAZARETH, Paulo - Paulo Nazareth - Melee.
30715: NEAT, Timothy - Part Seen, Part Imagined - Meaning and Symbolism in the Work of Charles Rennie Mackintosh and Margaret Macdonald.
9423: NEDERLANDSCHE ZEEWEZEN - Tijdschrift van de Vereeniging Het Nederlandsche Zeewezen - Jaargang 1914.
7655: NEDERLANDSCHE AMBACHTS- & NIJVERHEIDS-KUNST - Nederlandsche Ambachts- en Nijverheids-Kunst Jaarboek 1919.
7654: NEDERLANDSCHE AMBACHTS- & NIJVERHEIDS-KUNST - Nederlandsche Ambachts- en Nijverheidskunst 1921.
33884: NEEL, Alice - Jeremy Lewinson & Dirk LUCKOW [Hrsg.] - Alice Neel - Painter of Modern Life. - [German].
34136: NEERLANDS WEERBAARHEID - Neêrlands weerbaarheid - Jaarboekje - Nederlandsche Vereenigingen tot vrijwillige oefening in den wapenhandel - Vijfde jaargang - Met het portret van Z.K.H. Prins Alexander der Nederlanden - Uitgegeven door het Centraal-Comité van den Nederlandschen Weerbaarheidsbond.
7414: NEGRYN, Bob - The flat view. Landscape photographs. [+ signed letter related to the special edition and book presentation card Kunsthal KAdE Amersfoort]
4102: NEHREN, Rudolf - Zur Prähistorie der Maghrebländer. (Marokko - Algerien - Tunesien). Teil 1 + 2.
27184: NEIDHARDT, Uta [Hrsg.] - Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von Annalies Mayer-Meintschel am 26. Juni 2008.
25719: NEIMAN, Leroy - Leroy Neiman - Posters - 29 Events of Our Time.
33279: NEISWANDER, Judith & Caroline SWASH - Stained & Art Glass - A Unique History of Glass Design & Making.
31224: NEITZEL, Sönke - Die deutschen Ubootbunker und Bunkerwerften - Bau, Verwendung und Bedeutung verbunkerter Ubootstützpunkte in beiden Weltkriegen.
3897: NELSON, George - Building a New Europe. Portraits of Modern Architects, Essays by George Nelson 1935-1936. Introduction by Kurt W. Forster. Foreword by Robert A.M. Stern.
31019: NELSON, Mike - Mike Nelson - L'atteso.
24938: NELSON, Zed - Zed Nelson - Love Me.
20393: NEMHAUSER, George L. & Laurence A. WOLSEY - Integer and Combinatorial Optimization.
33808: NEPOS, Cornelius - Macht en moraal - Nagelaten werk - Vertaald en toegelicht door Peter Burgersdijk, Diederik Burgersdijk en Richard Haasen.
34566: NERDRUM, Odd - Allis HELLELAND - Odd Nerdrum - Self Portraits - [New].
11958: NERO - Nero - UK Issue. Stuart Murdoch Lawrence - Years and Years - Only Real - Mark Ronson. [New]
24450: NERVAL, Gérard de - Hersenschimmen / Les Chimères.
21995: NESS, Anneliese - Braunsberg / Ostpreussen und sein Kreis. Heimat im Wandel der Zeit. Nach alten Postkarten, Fotos, Aquarellen. 2. Auflage.
30817: NESS, Leland - Jane's World War II Tanks and Fighting Vehicles -The Complete Guide.
33995: NETHERLANDS MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT - Plan - S.S. Groote Beer - S.S. Waterman - S.S. Zuiderkruis.
29835: NETOOLS, J. van - Het oude Rotterdam - Overzicht van het Ontstaan en Uitbreiding er Stad Rotterdam [...] Ter gelegenheid der herdenking van het 600 Jarig bestaan der Stad Rotterdam.
30267: NETSCHER, E. - De Nederlanders in Djohor en Siak. 1602 tot 1865. Historische beschrijving. [Reprint].
15798: NEUENSCHWANDER, Br. - Kijken naar dezelfde maan. Japanse en westerse kalligrafie van nu - Looking at the same moon. Modern Japanese and western calligraphy.
26039: NEUFELD, Jolan - DOSTOJEVSKI - Dostojewski - Skizze zu einer Psychoanalyse.
33761: NEUMANN, Dietrich [Ed.] - Film Architecture: Set Designs from Metropolis to Blade Runner.
18327: NEUMANN, Hans-Rudolf [Bearb.] - Erhalt und Nutzung historischer Zitadellen.
29222: NEUSÜSS, Floris M. - Das Fotogramm in der Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts - Die andere Seite der Bilder - Fotografie ohne Kamera.
30413: NEW IMPERIAL 'DE BLAUWE PRINS' - 25.000 K.M. Rit met New Imperial Motor 'De Blauw Prins' van 5-31 December 1930 door de rijders A.P. van Hamersveld, P. van Dinter en G. Timmer. [Georganiseerd door de N.V. Wander - Assen].
1876: NEW YORK - Photographic views of the Statue of Liberty and New York Harbor. From recent original photographs
20656: NEWMAN, Morris - Integral Matrices.
17227: NEWMAN, Arnold - Artists - Portraits from four decades by Arnold Newman.
33238: NEWMAN, Arnold - Arnold Newman -The Early Work.
28676: NEWMAN, Barnett - Ann TEMKIN [Ed.] - Barnett Newman.
29794: NEWMAN, Barnett - Harold ROSENBERG - Barnett Newman.
29221: NEWTON, June & Walter KELLER [Eds] - Helmut Newton - Pages from the Glossies. Facsimiles 1956-1998.
35020: NEWTON, Helmut & Alice SPRINGS - Us and Them.
19522: NEWTON, Gael - Picture Paradise - Asia-Pacific Photography 1840s-1940s.
28356: NEWTON, Helmut / Zdenek FELIX [Ed.] - The Best of Helmut Newton - Selections from his Photographic Work. With essays by Noemi Smolik and Urs Stahel.
28721: NEWTON, Helmut - Helmut Newton. Portraits. Bilder aus Europa und Amerika. Mit einem Text von Klaus Honnef.
34750: NEWTON, Helmut - Manfred HEITING [Ed.] - Helmut Newton - Work.
12721: NGUYEN VAN HUY - Vietnam Museum of Ethnology.
32822: NIANG, Mame-Diarra - Mame-Diarra Niang - The Citadel - a trilogy - I: Sahel Gris - II: At The Wall - III: Metropolis. - [New + Signed]
33302: NICHOLS, Lora Webb - Nicole Jean HILL [Ed.] - Encampment, Wyoming - Selections from the Lora Webb Nichols Archive, 1899-1948. [New]
33008: NICHOLS, Lora Webb - Nicole Jean HILL [Ed.] - Encampment, Wyoming - Selections from the Lora Webb Nichols Archive, 1899-1948. [New]
22162: NICHOLS, Chris - The leisure architecture of Wayne McAllister.
6495: NICHOLSON, H.B. [Ed.] - Origins of Religious Art & Iconography in Preclassic Mesoamerica.
27797: NIEDERMAYR, Walter - Walter Niedermayr - Koexistenzen. - [New].
34962: NIEHÜSER, Elke - Die Französischer Bronzeuhr - Eine Typologie der figürlichen Darstellungen. Von Göttern, Helden, Edlen Wilden ... Mit einer Übersicht von 1365 nachweisbaren Bronzependulen, zusammengetragen von Clemens von Halem.
25970: NIEKUS, Theo - Theo Niekus -Passanten.
10118: NIELSON, Claire - The Spirit of Beardsley. A Celebration of his Art and Style. Foreword by George Melly.
29784: NIEMEYER, Oscar - Christian HORNIG - Oscar Niemeyer - Bauten und Projekte.
29785: NIEMEYER, Oscar - Alexander FILS [Hrsg.] - Oscar Niemeyer - Selbstdarstellung - Kritiken - Oeuvre.
34295: NIEROP, Henk van - The Life of Romeyn de Hooghe 1645-1708 - Prints, Pamphlets, and Politics in the Dutch Golden Age.
31064: [NIESTADT, G.B.H.] - Verdronken Walcheren.
27425: NIESWAAG, H. [Red.] - De vloeibare vormgeving in de 21ste eeuw - Construeren in gietwerk - Symposium 3 december 1997 Aula Congrescentrum Technische Universiteit Delft.
34797: NIETZSCHE - Longinus J. DOHMEN - Nietzsche over de menselijke natuur - Een uiteenzetting van zijn verborgen antropologie.
34796: NIETZSCHE, Friedrich - Herwaardering van alle waarden - [De wil tot macht]
27860: NIEUPOORT, G.H. [Willem Hendrik Nieupoort] - Rituum, qui olim apud Romanos obtinuerunt, succinta explicatio; ad intelligentiam veterum Auctorum facili methodo conscripta. Editio sexta, cui praeter alia acess. Columna Rostrata Duilli ut et Io. Matt. Gesneri prolusio.
28949: NIEUPOORT, G.H. [Willem Hendrik Nieupoort] - Rituum, qui olim apud Romanos obtinuerunt, succinta explicatio; ad intelligentiam veterum Auctorum facili methodo conscripta [...] C.F. Nagel. Editio nova.
19659: NIEUWENHUIS, Gerrit & Richard LATTEN - Spoorwegen 1978 - Spoorwegen 2017 - [40 delen].
7681: NIEUWENKAMP, W.O.J. - Heilige steden. Engelsch-Indië. [214/475].
12565: NIEUWKERK, J.R. van - The Postal History of the Lesser Sunda Islands, Moluccas, and New Guinea during the Japanese Occupation and Immediate Aftermath 1942-1946.
20974: NIJBURG, Rinke - DWVH - De werken van Herkules - Een getijdenboek in honderd tekeningen. [115/200]. - With loose inserted letter by artist]
17888: NIJBURG, Rinke - Rinke Nijburg - Playing Card Gemini [Print] + [Book] Schlafwandler und Seelentiere / Slaapwandelaars en Zielsverwanten. - Both book + print with signed dedication.
22919: NIJENHUIS, Vincent & Koen GOUDRIAAN e.a. - Vrouwen en vroomheid. De boetvaardige zusters van het Sint-Ursulaklooster in Purmerend (1392-1572).
29724: NIJMEIJER, Bert - Heyboer. Een biografische speurtocht. - [New]
26734: NIJS, Joachim - Japan - Nation Building Nature.
32651: NIKONOWICZ, Drew - Drew Nikonowicz - This World and Others Like It.
12812: NILSSON, Per L-B - Per L-B Nilsson - Chicago Ireland.
33696: NIPPON YUSEN KAISHA - Voyage of a Century. Photo Collection of NYK Ships.
27799: NIRO, Shelley - Shelley Niro - Scotiabank Phtography Award.
33012: NISHIMURA, Kimio [Ed.] - Architectural Stained Glass in Japan - Vol. 2 - Public Facilities - Chruches, Temples - Educational Facilities - Hospitals - Commercial Facilities - Residences - List of Works - List of Studios.
34227: NISHINO, Sohei - Sohei Nishino - Tokyo.
24815: NISKANEN, Anna - Anna Niskanen - Lustrum.
30850: NISPEN, Constant van - Eduard Cuypers - architect met een eigen koers. [New].
2611: NITOBÉ, Inazo - Japanese Traits and Foreign Influences.
26959: NITZAN, Lior - Jacob Sigismund Beck's Standpunctslehre and the Kantian Thing-in-itself Debate - The Relation Between a Representation and its Object.
28982: NIX, Lori - Bettina PAUST & Alexander GRÖNERT - Lori Nix - The Power of Nature. Herausgegeben von der / Published by Stiftung Museum Schloss Moyland.
34576: NIXON, Nicholas - Nicholas Nixon. - [English] - [New].
34565: NIXON, Nicholas - Nicholas Nixon - Closing the Distance. - [New].
24976: NLA PARTNERS - London's Growing Up! Project Showcase.
813: [NOBEL] - Nobelstiftelsen. The Nobel Foundation. Code of Statutes given at the R. Palace in Stockholm on the 29th June 1900
31208: NOBLE, Joseph Veach - The Techniques of Painted Attic Pottery. Revised edition.
15011: NOCK, O.S. - Railways of Southern Africa.
18330: NOELKE, Peter - Friedeike NAUMANN-STECKNER & Beate SCHNEIDER [Hrsg.] - Romanisation und Resistenz in Plastik, Architektur und Inschriften der Provinzen des Imperium Romanum. Neue Funde und Forschungen.
33805: NOI - Bernardina SANI [A cura di] - Noi - 1917-1925 - Rivista d'Arte Futurista.
30753: NOOIJER, Paul de - Adi MARTIS & Rik SUERMONDT - Paul de Nooijer. [New]
27557: NOOIJER, Paul & Menno de - Paul & Menno de Nooijer - Dreams & Nightmares.
27351: NOORDEGRAAF, Leo & Carla ROGGE [Eds.] - De Alkmaarse Kapelkerk - Geschiedenis en restauratie.
33683: NOORDENBOS, Corinne - Corinne Noordenbos - Black Country Lungs. - [Nr. 55/100 - Signed].
23066: NOORDERVLIET, Nelleke - 'Op de zeef van de tijd'. Een geschiedenis van Nederland.
17008: NOORDWIJK, Bernard van, Albert SCHEFFERS, Veronica FRENKS - Van kaft tot kaft.
23052: NOORT, Wim van & Rob WICHE - Nederland als voorbeeldige natie.
8006: [NOOTHOORN, Anthony Engelbertus van] - Reizen en Lotgevallen van Lodewijk Vermeer, in de Nederlandsch Oost-Indische bezittingen.
34224: NOOY, Arjan de - Arjan de Nooy - Photology.
24809: NOOY, Arjan de - Arjan de Nooy - 99:1.
32892: NORD, Max. Inleiding - Amsterdam tijdens den hongerwinter. Ruim 100 foto's met een inleiding van Max Nord. + De Hongerwinter. Weekeinde [speciale uitgave bij] De Telegraaf / Nieuws van de Dag - 14 Januari 1995]
34288: NORDEN, John - William RAVENHILL - John Norden's Manuscript Maps of Cornwall and its Nine Hundreds.
31571: NORDENSKIÖLD, Erland - Indianerleben - El Gran Chaco (Südamerika).
23144: NORTH SEA JAZZ FESTIVAL - Jan Willem LUYKEN - The Art of North Sea Jazz - 33 years of memories and posters 1976-2008.
24811: NORWEGIAN PHOTOGRAPHY - The Norwegian Journal of Photography - #1 + #2.
24944: NORWOOD, Vanessa & Vicky RICHARDSON - Venice Take Away - Ideas to Change British Architecture.
20079: NOSE, Yoko [Ed.] - Antigravity.
25935: NOTEN, Ted - Ted Noten - Ubiquist. Texts by Jennifer Allen & Gert Staal. + DVD Ted Noten: gold, sweat & pearls - a film by Simone de Vries. [New]
31017: NOTO SOEROTO, Raden Mas [Hoofdredactie] - Oedaya - Geïllustreerd tijdschrift voor Nederland en Indonesië - Vierde Jaargang 1927 - No. 44-55.
10440: NOTO SOEROTO, Raden Mas - La chanson du Wayang. Traduit du néerlandais par Lode Roelandt. [With signed dedication by Noto Soeroto].
24707: NOVITCH, Miriam, Lucy DAWIDOWICZ & Tom. L. FREUDENHEIM [Essays] - Spiritual Resistance - Art from Concentration Camps 1940-1945 - A selection of drawings and paintings from the collection of Kibbutz Lohamei Haghetaot, Israel. [ + Janet BLATTER & Sybil MILTON. Art of the Holocaust. London, Pan Books, 1982].
24813: NOZOLINO, Paulo - Paulo Nozolino - Bone lonely - poems by Rui Baiao.
34418: NUCHELMANS, Gabriel - Judgment and proposition. From Descartes to Kant.
34475: NUCHELMANS, Gabriel - Dilemmatic arguments - Towards a history of their logic and rhetoric.
13097: NUSSBAUM, Martha - De nieuwe religieuze intolerantie. Een uitweg uit de politiek van de angst. [Vijfde druk].
1049: NUSSENZVEIG, H.M. - Introduction to Quantum Optics.
32923: NUUR, Navid - Navid Nuur - When text becomes my ex. [Book + poster]. [New].
18585: NYEN, Ho Tzu - Ho Tzu Nyen - The Cloud of Unknowing.
34432: O'NEILL, P.G. - A Reader of Handwritten Japanese. [Second printing].
26966: O'CONNOR, Sue & Peter VETH [Eds] - East of Wallace's Line - Studies of past and present maritime cultures of the Indo-Pacific region.
28685: O'HARA, Frank - Donald ALLEN [Ed.] - Frank O'Hara - Poems Retrieved. [Revised edition - second printing].
26064: O'TOOLE, Erin, Hilton ALS & Zackary DRUCKER [Eds.] - April Dawn Alison.
26063: O'TOOLE, Erin, Hilton ALS & Zackary DRUCKER [Eds.] - April Dawn Alison. - [New]
28833: O'KEEFFE, Georgia - Ruth E. FINE & Barbara Buhler LYNES - O'Keeffe on Paper.
5637: OAKES, Jill & Rick RIEWE - Spirit Oo Siberia. Traditional Native Life, Clothing and Footwear.
16770: OBERHOLZER, Obie - Obie Oberholzer - The Hotazel Years.
18156: OBISPO, Jaysha - Jaysha Obispo - She who takes fear from the trees. [a photographic poem].
26714: OBODIAC, Stan - The Toronto Maple Leafs 1979/1980.
22329: OCW - Monumenten van de prille welvaartsstaat - Selectievoorstel Beschermingsprogramma Wederopbouw 1959-1965 - Adviesaanvraag door de minister van OCW aan de Raad voor Cultuur 2013.
1801: ODDENS, Joris - Een vorstelijk voorland. Gerard Hinlopen op reis naar Istanbul (1670-1671). [Nieuw]
33438: ODERMATT, Arnold - Urs ODERMATT [Hrsg. /Ed.] - Arnold Odermatt - Feierabend - Après le boulot - After Work. - [New].
33555: ODERMATT, Arnold - Urs ODERMATT [Hrsg. /Ed.] - In Zivil - Hors service - Off Duty. - [New].
25538: ODO, David - The Journey of 'A Good Type' - From Artistry to Ethnography in Early Japanese Photographs.
31722: OEPTS, Willem Anthonie - Marie-Louis van AUBEL, Marieke JOOREN & Caroline ROODEBURG-SCHADD - Willem Anthonie Oepts 1904-1988 - Monografie en oeuvrecatalogus.
33678: OESCHGER, Christoph - Christoph Oeschger - They've Made Us Ghosts.
5748: OESTREICH, Karl - Land und Leute im Nordwestlichen Himalaya. Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Karl Oestreich.
33822: OESTREICHER, Helly - Beppe KESSLER, Marjan BOOT, Thimo te DUITS et al - Helly Oestreicher. - [Signed]
33821: OESTREICHER, Helly - Beppe KESSLER, Marjan BOOT, Thimo te DUITS et al - Helly Oestreicher.
23224: OFFENBACH, Jacques - SHEET MUSIC - Offenbach Album - 1 - Hoffmanns Erzählungen / 2 - Die schöne Helena / 3 - Orpheus in der Unterwelt / 4 - Die Grossherzogin von Gerolstein / 5 - Verschiedene Werke. - Album-Ausgabe der Musik Für Alle.
23813: OGSTON, Derek - The Life and Work of George Leslie Hunter 1877-1931.
32979: OHIO ZEITSCHRIFT FÜR PHOTOGRAPHIE - Uschi HUBER & Jörg Paul JANKA [Hrsg./Ed.] - Ohio Zeitschrift für Photographie - # 2 - # 4 - # 5 - # 6 - # 7 VHS- # 8 VHS - # 9 VHS - # 10 - # 11 - # 12 - # 13 DVD - # 14 - [Together 12 issues].
7776: OISTEANU, Valery - Moons of Venus.
32130: OJEIKERE - André MAGNIN - J.D. 'Okhai Ojeikere - Photographs.
25048: OJIMA, Toshio - Process Architecture 99: Imageable Tokyo: Projects by Toshio Ojima.
14726: OKUHARA, Shinko - Shingko Okuhara - Kuuki.
30187: OKUYAMA, Yoshiyuki - Yoshiyuki Okuyama - Best Before. [2nd Edition].
33946: OLAF, Erwin - Erwin Olaf - Violence and Passion - Royal Blood - Fashion Victims - Mature.
33112: OLAF, Erwin - Erwin Olaf - April Fool 2020. [No. 206/350 / Signed].
29961: OLAF, Erwin & Koos BREUKEL et al - Janine van den ENDE & Marcel FEIL - DELAMAR THEATER PHOTO COLLECTION - One Love Three Acts - fourteen photographers - one hundred and sixty six photos & one theater.
31716: OLBRECHTS, Frans M. - Constantijn PETRIDIS [Red.] - Frans M. Olbrechts 1899-1958 - Op zoek naar kunst in Afrika.
31242: OLDEWARRIS, Hans, Peter de WINTER, Jan PESMAN & Hans KAMPHUIS [Red.] - Utopia 5 - Tweemaandelijks tijdschrift voor wetenschappelijk amusement nr. 5 - [Thema: beweegplaten en bouwplaten].
29950: OLFERS, Sybille von - Marietje in Sneeuwland - Een nieuw prentenboek van Sybille von Olfers. Tekst van Tante Lize (Mevrouw E. Dopheide-Witte).
32562: OLIE Jr, Jacob - Laura ROSCAM ABBING - Colour in the Home - Autochromes by Jacob Olie Jr.
20548: OLIVA, Achille Bonito - Avanguardia Transavanguardia.
30235: OLIVE, Michael & Robert EDWARDS - Blitzkrieg France 1940.
14691: OLIVET, Lucas - Lucas Olivet - Black Water Ballad.
23278: OLIVETTI - Walter BALLMER - Segno e disegno di una Firma. [Design: Walter Ballmer / Testi [text]: Franco Fortini.
23734: OLIVIER, J. - Merkwaardigheden uit den Tiendaagschen Veldtogt der Nederlanders in België. [Dampstained but complete copy].
30191: OLSSON, Mikael - Mikael Olsson - Olsson Mikael.
26246: OLTHETEN, Paulien - Paulien Oltheten - NON.
16485: OLTHOF, Marc [Ed.] - Hugo Roelandt - Let's Expand the Sky.
30016: OMA - Yukio FUTAGAWA [Ed.] - GA - OMA - Recent Project.
30015: OMA - Rem KOOLHAAS - OMA - 30 colours - Rem Koolhaas - New colours for a new century. / Sikkens
19615: OMI, Saiful Huq - Saiful Huq Omi - 136 - I Am Rohingya. - [New + Signed].
16655: OMIYA, Ellie - Ellie Omiya - Emotional journey.
2569: OMORI, Katsumi - Katsumi Omori - Stars and Stripes. All photographs were taken on January 20, 2009, New York City. - Incarnation. All photographs were taken in August, 2009, Tokyo. - Bonjour. All photographs were taken on October 15, 2009, Blitvenica.
4083: ONDERWIJS & OPVOEDING - Nieuwe Bijdragen, ter bevordering van het Onderwijs en de Opvoeding, voornamelijk met betrekking tot de Lagere Scholen in het Koningrijk der Nederlanden, voor den Jare 1859. - [Compleet jaar]
12820: ONNA, Edwin & Norbert van - The Eindhoven Connection - Starring - Rob van Gijzel | Hans de Jong | Thom Aussems | Charles Esche | Jo van Ham.
9632: ONVLEE, L. - Kamberaas (Oost-Soembaas) - Nederlands Woordenboek. Met Nederlands-Kamberaas register. In samenwerking met Oe.H. Kapita en met medewerking van P.J. Luijendijk.
22814: OOMEN-DELHAYE, Amber - De Amsterdamse Schouwburg als politiek strijdtoneel. Theater, opinievorming en de (r)evolutie van Romeinse helden (1780-1801). - Academisch Proefschrift.
18498: OORTHUYS, Cas - C.J. KELK [tekst] - Nederland in foto's / the Netherlands in photographs / les Pays-Bas en photos / die Niederlände in Fotos.
18852: OORTHUYS, Cas [2] & Ad WINDIG [2] Foto's - Denkbeelden inzake het kwaliteitsbeheer van de oppervlaktewateren in Noord-Holland benoorden het Noordzeekanaal. [het Hoogheemraadschap van de Uitwaterende Sluizen in Kennemerland en West-Friesland en de kwaliteit van het oppervlaktewater in Noord-Holland benoorden het Noordzeekanaal].
18811: OORTHUYS, Cas [photography] - D.A. WITTOP KONING [text] - N.V. Koninklijke Pharmaceutische Fabrieken. v/h Brocades-Stheeman & Pharmacia 1800-1950. Historische gegevens tot 1927.
25173: OORTHUYS, Cas - D. Thys van den AUDENAERDE & M. CREEMERS-PALMERS - Mensen aan de stroom - Reisimpressies van Cas Oorthuys in Belgisch-Kongo, 1959 / Gens du fleuve - Impressions de voyage de Cas Oorthuys au Congo Belge, 1959. Foto-album / Album de photos.
18810: OORTHUYS, Cas [photography] - D.A. WITTOP KONING [text] - N.V. Koninklijke Pharmaceutische Fabrieken. v/h Brocades-Stheeman & Pharmacia 1800-1950. Historische gegevens tot 1927.
26062: OOSTERKAMP, Ilse - Ilse Oosterkamp - melle - [Signed - No. 149/300].
31565: OOSTERWAL, Gottfried - People of Tor. A cultural-anthropological study on the tribes of the Tor Territory (Northern Netherlands New-Guinea). Proefschrift [Thesis]. [+ stellingen].
34718: OOSTHOUT, Henri - Het schandaal van de filosofie - Hoofdlijnen van het sceptisch denken van de oudheid tot heden.
21962: OOSTING, R. & K. VLIERMAN - de 'de zeehond' een groninger tjalk gebouwd in 1878, vergaan in 1886 - opgravingsverslag 13 - flevobericht nr. 323 + bijlagen.
30052: OOSTROM, Martin van - NS-motorrijtuigen omBC en omC. Moderne tractie voor lokaalspoorwegen.
30124: OOSTROM, Martin van - Stoomlocomotieven serie NCS-71-78 (NS 3600).
19419: OOSTVOGEL, Leoni - Leoni Oostvogel - Found footage.
5445: OPHUIJSEN, van - Kijkjes in het huiselijk leven der Bataks.
20554: OPHUIS, Ronald - Ronald Ophuis. [Text: Ernst van Alphen - Painful Painting / Pijnlijke Schilderijen / La peinture douloureuse].
33060: OPIE, Catherine - Catherine Opie. - [New + Signed].
26892: OPIE, Catherine - Catherine Opie - Skyways & Icehouses.
2526: ORBIGNY, Alcide d' - Voyage dans les Deux Amériques augmenté de renseignments exacts jusqu'en 1853 sur les différents États du Nouveau Monde.
26711: ORR, Frank - Puck is a four letter word. A novel.
26271: ORR, Jack [Ed] - Baseball's Greatest Players Today.
27556: ORRI - Orri JÓNSSON - Orri - Interiors.
32499: ORTON, Jason - 350 miles - An Essex Journey - Photographs by Jason Orton / Essay by Ken Worpole.
26283: ORWELL, George - Animal Farm / Nineteen Eighty-Four.
34113: OS, Henk van, Jan Piet FILEDT KOK, Reinier Baarsen, Gijs van der HAM et al - 1 - Nederlandse kunst 1400-1600 - 2 - Nederlandse kunst 1600-1700 - 3 - Nederlandse kunst 1700-1800 - 4- Nederlandse kunst 1800-1900.
10465: OS, H.W. van - H.N. Werkman - uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van de Werkmantentoonstelling in het Instituut voor Kunstgeschiedenis van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
19567: OSGERBY, Bill - Playboys in Paradise - Masculinity, Youth and Leisure-style in Modern America.
12847: OSLER, Margaret J. - Atoms, Pneuma, and Tranquillity. Epicurean and Stoic Themes in European Thought.
4542: OSMAN, Colin [Ed.] + Text by Martin CAIGER-SMITH - George Rodger. Magnum Opus. Fifty Years in Photojournalism.
34052: OSMAN, Mona - Mona Osman - Both Sides.
33464: OSMAN, Mona - Mona Osman - Both Sides.
28269: OSTA, Jaap van - Een geschiedenis van het moderne Italië. [Zesde, herziene en uitgebreide druk].
31761: OSTADE - Peter van der COELEN [Ed.] - Everyday Life in Holland's Golden Age - The Complete Etchings of Adriaen van Ostade.
18278: OSTEN, Gert von der & Horst KELLER [Hrsg.] - Kunst der sechziger Jahre. Sammlung Ludwig im Wallraf-Richartz Museum Köln 1969. [Dritte, erweiterte und korrigierte Auflage]. [Art of the Sixties 3rd enlarged edition]. - [Text in German and English].
26242: OSTER, Jur & Vera van de SANDT - Love Land Stop Time. [No. 13/250].
14381: OSTER, Harrry - Living Country Blues. [Includes 230 lyrics to blues songs, 16 photographs].
28510: OSTMEIER, J.J.B. - Platen behoorende tot de handleiding bij het schatten. Samengesteld ten behoeve van het Personeel bij den Pandhuisdienst J.J.B. Ostmeier, Technisch-Instructeur. - [Plate-volume only].
26184: OSTOYA, Anna [images] & Ben LERNER [text] - The Polish Rider.
32788: OSUMI, Yusuke & Ayaka ISOZAKI [Ed.] - Gajoen - A Museum Hotel of Japan Beauty.
25081: OTANI, Shinji, Cassander EEFTINCK SCHATTENKERK - Amsterdam Irregulars.
21902: OTTARSDÓTTIR, Katrin - DVD - Katrin Ottarsdóttir - Bye Bye Blue Bird.
25344: OTTE, Henk & Samuel OTTE - Henk Otte & Samuel Otte - Citizen of Two Worlds - G.H.. Kersten.
34218: OTTE, Samuel - Samuel Otte - Hereafter Called: Subject. - [New].
34219: OTTE, Henk & Samuel OTTE - Henk Otte & Samuel Otte - Citizen of Two Worlds - G.H.. Kersten.
34005: OTTEVANGER, Alied - Dick Ket. Over zijn leven, ideeën en kunst. Met een oeuvrecatalogus samengesteld door Mieke Mekkink
24124: OTTINGER, Ulrike - Ulrike Ottinger - Image Archive - Photographs 1970-2005.
27061: OU, Arthur - Arthur Ou - The world is all that is the case.
23068: OUD, P.J. - [Affiche] - Aan de Burgerij van Rotterdam 'Oranje Boven! - Holland is Vrij!' - Leve de Koningin! - Leve het Vaderland! - Leve Rotterdam! Rotterdam, 7 Mei 1945.
33924: OUDENHOVEN, Jacobus van - Beschryvinge der Stadt Heusden, Waar in het Begin, Aanwasch, en Tegenwoordige Staat dier Stadt verhaalt worden: Als mede [...].
16004: OUDHEUSDEN, Jan van - De Stappende Stadhouder of de lotgevallen van ''ú heit''. Getekend door Jan van Oudheusden naar een idee van Rob Hoelen.
3689: [OUR EARTH COLLECTION] - Factories.
18089: OURSLER, Tony & Gustavo ROL - Paranormal - Tony Oursler vs Gustavo Rol.
28335: OUTERBRIDGE Jr, Paul - Paul Outerbridge Jr: Photographs. Edited by Graham Howe and G. Ray Hawkins. Text by Graham Howe and Jacqueline Markham.
22097: OUTUMURO, Manuel - Manuel Outumuro: Up Close Close Up. Textos Joana Bonet.
34289: OVERSCHIE - J. v.d. BERG - De ouderdom vertelt aan de jeugd of Wat ik in mijn dorp heb beleefd.
11323: OVERWEEL, Jeroen A. - Archival Sources Related to Netherlands New Guinea History. The Archives of the Ministry of Colonial Affairs 19th century + The archieves of the Ministry of colonial Affairs 1901-1921. Both with diskette by Pieter D. Smit.
31933: OVID - [OVIDIUS] - Metamorphoses - Books XIII-XV. Edited with an introduction, translation & commentary by D.E. Hill.
27843: OVIDIUS - J.W. BINNS - Ovid. Edited by J.W. Binns.
27844: OVIDIUS - Brooks OTIS - Ovid as an Epic Poet. Second edition.
27846: OVIDIUS -Ronald SYME - History in Ovid.
34748: OVSYANNIKOVA, Elena & Nikolai VASSILIEV - Boris Velikovsky 1878-1937 - Architects of the Russian Avant-Garde 01. - [New].
28751: OWENS, Bill - Bill Owens - Leisure. Foreword by Sofia Coppola. Introduction Gregory Crewdson. Edited y Robert Harshorn Shimshak.
25345: OYARZABAL, Gloria - Gloria Oyarzabal - Picnos Tshombé.
24219: OZAKI, Masaaki [Ed.] - Kayama Matazo Retrospective 1927-2004.
32833: OZAWA, Toshiki - Toshiki Ozawa - Missing pages of his works plate - Part III - Creative computer photography - Overseas sketch & Pair Expression
32832: OZAWA, Toshiki - Toshiki Ozawa - Missing pages of his works plate - Part II - Creative computer photography - Overseas sketch.
33372: ÖZMEN, Emin - Emin Özmen - Olay. - [New + Signed].
30271: OZORAK, Paul - Bunkers Bunkers Everywhere.
24167: PACE, David & Stephen WIRTZ - Images in Transition - Wirephotos 1938-1945.
27462: PACE, Alessandra - Alessandra Pace - Ocean | Atmosphere.
16659: PACI, Adrian - Adrian Paci - Vies en transit / Lives in Transit.
30259: PACKARD, WYMAN H. - A Century of U.S. Naval Intelligence.
24726: PACQUEMENT, Alfred - Design: Irma BOOM OFFICE - Alexander Calder in het | at the Rijksmuseum.
24444: PADILLA, Heberto - Legacies - Selected Poems.
3637: PADRÓN, Francisco Morales [Ed.] - Journal of Don Francisco Saavedra de Sangronis during the commission which he had in his charge from 25 June 1780 until the 20th of the same month of 1783. Edited and introduced by Francisco Morales Padrón. Translated by Ailee Morre Topping.
26688: PAEPEN, Jef - Jef Paepen - Transciency.
30689: PAGÁN, Victoria Emma - Conspiracy Narratives in Roman History.
17602: PAGE, D. Edgar - Correlated interplanetary and magnetospheric observations. Proceedings of the seventh ESLAB Symposium held at Saulgau, W. Germany, 22025 May, 1973.
15827: PAGE, Susanne & Jake - Hopi.
30562: PAGLIUSO, Jean - Jean Pagliuso - In Plain Sight - The Photographs 1968-2017. - [New]
29094: PAIEWONSKY, Isidor - Eyewitness Accounts of Slavery in the Danish West Indies - also Graphic Tales of Other Slave Happenings on Ships and Plantations.
34181: PAINTER, George D. - William Caxton - A Quincentenary Biography of England's First Printer.
1195: PAIS, Abraham - Einstein lived here.
31136: PAKHALÉ, Satyendra - Alberto ALESSI, Gabrielle AMMANN, Paola ANTONELLI et al - Satyendra Pakhalé - Culture of Creation.
17794: PALAMAS, Kostes - The Twelve Words of the Gipsy. Translated by Theodore Ph. Stephanides and George C. Katsimbalis.
31704: PALAU, Josef Palau i - Picasso. From the Ballets to Drama (1917-1926).
34911: PALLANDT, Charlotte van - Gerdien VERSCHOOR [samenstelling] - Charlotte van Pallandt - gipsen en schetsen.
3531: PALMENAER, Els De [Eindredactie Nederlandse versie] - Aethiopia. Geschiedenis. Bevolking. Geloof. Kunst & Ambacht.
31115: PALMER, Daniel & Martyn JOLLY - Installation View - Photography Exhibitions In Australia (1848-2020) + Appendix [16] pp.
26373: PALMER, Sutton - Surrey - Painted by Sutton Palmer - Described by A.R. Hope Moncrieff. ADDED: Sussex - Painted by Wilfrid Ball. London, Adam & Charles Black, 1913.
18075: PALOTAI, Gabor - Gabor Palotai - Zoo.
33392: PALSSON, Frida Brismar, Lotten SKEPPSTEDT & Stina SJÖWALL [Eds.] - Nordic Graphic Designers.
31816: PANOFSKY, Erwin - Three Essays on Style - Edited by Irving Lavin. With a Memoir by William S. Heckscher.
21838: PANOFSKY, Erwin - Early Netherlandish Painting. Volume One - Text + Volume Two - Plates.
13534: PANORAMIC CHINA - Shanghai Down the Centuries.
35022: PAPI, Stefano & Alexandra RHODES - 20th Century Jewelry & the Icons of Style. Revised edition.
31073: PAPP, Gergely - Gergely Papp - 1938-1963 Ecsegfalva, Hungary - Essays by David Franklin and Tibor Miltenyi. - [New]
25513: PAPP, Gergely - Gergely Papp - 1938-1963 Ecsegfalva, Hungary - Essays by David Franklin and Tibor Miltenyi. - [New]
28229: PAQUAY, Valentijn - Johan Carel BIERENS DE HAAN [Red.] - De Sint Nicolai Broederschap in Arnhem - Gasthuis, preuven en passende hulp sinds 1351.
32642: PARKEHARRISON, Robert - Robert ParkeHarrison - The Architect's Brother.
29992: PARKER, John Henry - ABC of Gothic Architecture. Fifteenth Edition.
35071: PARKINSON, Norman - Parkinson - Photographs 1935-1990 - Selected and with a text by Martin Harrison.
12545: PARKINSON, Norman - Norman Parkinson - Sisters under the skin.
29458: PARLOUR, Andy & Sue - Phantom at War - The British Army's Secret Intelligence and Communication Regiment of World War Two.
14832: PARMENTIER, Jan [Red.] - Noord-Zuid in Oost-Indisch perspectief.
2759: PARR, Martin - Postcards.
13452: PARR, Martin - The Protest Box edited by Martin Parr with an essay by Gerry Badger. [New]
19435: PARR, Martin - Martin Parr - Tbilisi. With an essay by Aka Morchiladze. [New].
34549: PARR, Martin - Ralph GOERTZ [Ed.] - Kleingärtner photographs by Martin Parr - [New].
31977: PARR, Martin - Martin Parr - The Non-Conformists - Text Susie Parr.
6315: PARR, Martin - Objects.
32468: PARR, Martin - Martin Parr - Common Sense.
16733: PARR, Martin - Martin Parr - The cost of living. Text: Robert Chesshyre.
31356: PARR, Martin - Martin Parr - Life's a Beach.
31355: PARR, Martin - Reporters Without Borders 39 - 100 Photos of Martin Parr for Press Freedom.
16392: PARR, Martin - Martin Parr - Flowers. [446/2500]
34665: PARR, Martin & WassinkLundgren - The Chinese Photobook - From the 1900s to the Present. [Second edition]. - [New]
31335: PARR, Martin - Martin Parr - Early Works. - [New].
7707: PARR, Martin - From Our House to Your House. [New]
32114: PARR, Martin & Gerry BADGER - The Photobook: A History - volume II.
31330: PARR, Martin - From A to B tales of modern motoring. Photographs Martin Parr. Text Nicholas Barker.
26204: PARR, Martin - Martin Parr - Toilet Paper - [Toilet Paper Magazine].
29202: [PARR, Martin & John GOSSAGE] - Martin Parr & John Gossage - Obvious & Ordinary - America 2006.
31298: PARR, Martin - Martin Parr - The Last Resort - Photographs of New Brighton. Text by Ian Walker.
32113: PARR, Martin & Gerry BADGER - The Photobook: A History - volume I.
34548: PARR, Martin - Martin Parr - Only Human. - [New + Signed].
22635: PARRA, Manuel Gonzáles de la [Fotografías / Photographies] - Noires lumières - Mexique - Colombie / Luces de raíz negra - México - Colombia. Textos / Textes Odile Hoffmann - Adriana Naveda - Sylva Navarrete - Alfredo Vanin.
6413: PARRINDER, Geoffrey - African Mytholoy.
1494: PARRY, W.E. [Ed.] - Essays in Theoretical Physics. In Honour of Dirk ter Haar.
34747: PARRY, Nigel - Nigel Parry - Sharp. Introduction by Liam Neeson.
12967: PARSONS, Bec - Bec Parsons - Coney Island.
25851: PARTENHEIMER, Jürgen - Jürgen Partenheimer - Roma - Sao Paulo - Zeichnungen / Drawings.
21806: PASOLINI, Pier Paolo - DVD - Pier Paolo Pasolini - Arabian Nights [Il fiore delle mille e una notte].
21805: PASOLINI, Pier Paolo - DVD - Pier Paolo Pasolini - The Canterbury Tales [Il Raconti di Canterbury].
21811: PASOLINI, Pier Paolo - DVD - Pier Paolo Pasolini - Salò o le 120 giornate di Sodomo.
21809: PASOLINI, Pier Paolo - DVD - Pier Paolo Pasolini - Mamma Roma.
27626: PASQUA, Philippe - Fernando FRANCÉS - Philippe Pasqua - El Lado Oscuro.
28594: PASQUI, Iacopo - Iacopo Pasqui - 1999
9954: PASSELECQ, Fernand - De ''oprechte kanselier'' [Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg]. Overgenomen (met permissie) uit de "Nineteenth Century and After" van Mei 1917.
24443: PASTERNAK, Boris - Selected Poems. Translated from the Russian by John Stallworthy and Peter France.
23592: PASTOE - PasToe fotopocket - Een boekje over meubelen [+ [los bijgevoegd] Prijslijst bij het PasToe Foto-Pocketboek].
32876: PASTOUREAU, Michel - Les Chevaliers de la Table Ronde. [Nr. 34/[100] total 900]
22338: PATRIOTTENSTRIJD - UTRECHT - 2 PAMFLETTEN - Biographia Ultrajectina of Gulde Legende van de Stichtsche Sinter-Klaas cum suis Tweede Stuk. Ter Drukkery van de Olikoek-Bakker, der Zeeven Dorpen in Brand daar de Schout en Secretaris uithangt. + Bericht uit het Ryk der Dooden, Toegezonden aan de Oliekoek-Bakker [...] bevattende een Zamenspraak tusschen Mr. Hendrik Assuerus Wttewaal, Heere van Stoetewegen, en Mr. Bartholomeus de Gruyter, Heere van Groenewoude [...] en Mr. Jan Frederik Röell [...].
25787: PATTERSON, Christian - Christian Patterson - Bottom of the Lake / Fond du Lac. - [New].
21169: PATTERSON, Helen [Ed.] - Bridging the Tiber - Approaches to Regional Archaeology in the Middle Tiber Valley.
24465: PAUSTOVSKY, Konstantin - The Story of a Life. Translated from the Russian by Joseph Barnes.
30326: PAUW, J.L. van der - Rotterdam 40-45.
32152: PAVITT, Nigel - Kenya - A Country in the Making 1880-1940.
22602: PAWELEC, Katharina - Aachener Bronzegitter. Studien zur karolingischen Ornamentik um 800.
5340: PAYNE, Alexander & James ZEMAITIS - The Coffee Table Coffee Table Book.
33083: PAZOUMIAN, Alexis - Alexis Pazoumian - Sacha. [New].
19766: PAZOUMIAN, Alexis - Alexis Pazoumian - Faubourg Treme.
32725: PEARSON, Anthony - Anthony Pearson.
25957: PECK, Amelia - Interwoven Globe - The Worldwide Textile Trade, 1500-1800.
31114: PECKMEZIAN, Mark - Mark Peckmezian - Nice.
3318: PEEL, J.D.Y. - Aladura: A Religious Movement Among the Yoruba.
24334: PEELS, Wiesje & Steffen MAAS - GoghFlow.
30236: PEERS, C.J. - Soldiers of the Dragon - Chinese Armies 1500 BC - AD 1840.
30363: PEERS, Douglas M. [Ed.] - Warfare ans Empires - Contact and conflict between European and non-European military and maritime forces and cultures
34975: PEET, Gerard - Binnenweg Rotterdam - Kroniek 1260-2013 / Binnenweg Rotterdam - Momentopname - 2013.
27735: PEET, Corjan van der & Guido STEENMEIJER [Red.] - De Rijksbouwmeesters - Twee eeuwen architectuur van de Rijksgebouwendienst en zijn voorlopers.
26578: PEETERS, Heleen - Heleen Peeters - Horse. - [Signed + New].
13232: PEH-T'I WEI, Betty - Old Shanghai.
13687: PEISSEL, Michel - Tibetan Pilgrimage. Architecture of the Sacred Land. Text and watercolors by Michel Peissel.
16135: PELLANDER, Michel & Dirk van WEELDEN - Werk 1980 1990. Fotoggrafie Michel Pellander / Tekst Dirk van Weelden.
13198: PELLICER, Raynal - Photobooth. The Art of the Automatic Portrait. [New].
34336: PELLIOT, Paul & J.J.L. DUYVENDAK - T'oung Pao Archives - Concernant l'histoire, les langues, la géographie, l'ethnographie et les arts de l'Asie Orientale - Vol. XXXV Livr. 1-3 - 4 - 5 - [5 parts in 3 volumes].
24547: PELSERS, Lisette, Toos van KOOTEN & Bas MUHREN [Samenstelling] - Kröller-Müller Museum.
34268: PENCK, A.R. - Hans JANSSEN [Cur.] - A.R. Penck - How it Works.
28553: PENCK, A.R. - Sanfte Theorie über Arsch, Asche und Vegetation. [Dialektische Repräsentation].
28662: PENCK, A.R. - Durs GRÜNBEIN [Text] - A.R. Penck - 'resurrection' und andere Bilder.
20779: PENCK, A.R. - A.R. Penck - Concept Conceptruimte.
32135: PENN, Irving - Irving Penn - Cranium Architecture.
26163: PENN, Irving - Irving Penn.
30308: PENN, Irving - Maria Morris HAMBOURG & Jeff L. ROSENHEIM - Irving Penn | Centennial.
33780: PENN, Irving - Worlds in a Small Room by Irving Penn as an ambulant photographer.
32985: PENN, Irving - Irving Penn - Passage - a work record - with the collaboration of Alexandra Arrowsmith and Nicola Majocchi. Introduction by Alexander Liberman. Produced by Nicholas Callaway.
27851: PENN, Irving - Irving Penn - En Passant - mémoires de travail - avec la collaboration de Alexandra Arrowsmith et Nicola Majocchi. Introduction de Alexander Liberman.
20964: PENTAGRAM - Pentagram - Theo Crosby - architect - Alan Fletcher - Colin Forbes - Mervy Kurlansky - John McConnell - graphic desginers - Kenneth Grange - industrial designer. [First edition 1972, reprinted 1974].
8305: PEREBOOM, Hanneke - Beelden in steen. Beeldhouwtechnieken in speksteen, albast en serpentijn.
29471: PEREIRA, J. - A Distant Drum - War Memories of the Intelligence Officer of the 5th Bn. Coldstream Gueards 1944-45 - by Captain J.Pereira - With a Foreword by General Sir Charles Loyd.
1761: PERELMAN, Yakov - Figures for Fun. Stories and conundrums.
28399: PERESS, Gilles [Fotos] & Eric STOVER [Text] - Die Gräber - Srebenica und Vulkovar. [Erste Auflage].
15351: PERETZ, Jean-Claude, Marcel VÉRONÈSE & Alain WIENC - Love Story - Une production de Marcel Véronèse.
30530: PERÉZ, José Luis Calvo & Luis Grávalos GONZÁLEZ - Banderas de Espana.
30818: PÉREZ, Artemio Mortera & José Luis Infiesta Pérez - Material de Origen Italiano - Importado por el Ejercito Nacional.
26467: PERIER-D'IETEREN, Catherine & Nicole GESCHE-KONING [Ed.] - Conservation-restauration et techniques d'exécution des biens mobiliers - Enseignements théoriques.
21605: PERIER, Jean-Marie - Jean-Marie Périer - mes années 60 - Tome 2. Préface de Patrick Modiano.
32561: PERLINO, Elena - Elena Perlino - Pipeline. Human trafficking in Italy. [New & Signed].
34405: PERMEKE, Paul - Walter BRAECKMAN - P. Permeke.
20799: PERMUTH, Jaime - Jaime Permuth - Yonkeros. - [New].
28415: PERRE, Harold Van de - Harold Van de Perre - Verlangen naar schoonheid. Met inleidingen door Jozef Dauwe, Sabine Alexander en Ledjaar van Houten.
35023: PERRY, Grayson - Grayson Perry Guerilla tactics.
34264: PERRY, Grayson - Grayson Perry Guerilla tactics.
21231: PERRY, George - New York in the Sixties.
26151: [PERSMAP] - Cor van Eesteren 1897-1997 - Manifestatie '97.
34993: PERSOON, Kars & Agnes ROELOFSE [Red.] - Kars Persoon - The partaker partakes of that which changes him. - [Nummer 122/250].
21227: PESIC, Peter - Labyrinth - A Search for the Hidden Meaning of Science.
29943: PESSOA, Fernando - Hert uur van de Duivel. Vertaald en van een nawoord voorzien door August Willemsen.
33204: PESSOA, Fernando & Ofélia QUEIROZ - Liefdesbrieven 1920/1929-1932. Vertaald door August Willemsen & Harrie Lemmens.
34449: PETER STUYVESANT COLLECTIE - Grafiek - Peter Stuyvesant Grafiekcollectie.
29552: PETER, Korniss - Korniss Péter - A vendégmunkaás - Fényképregény / The Guest Worker - A novel of photographs - Essay by Ágnes Losonczi.
32076: PETERLINI, Patrizio & Martina CORGNATI - Fluxus, arte per tutti. Edizioni italiane della collezione Luigi Bonotto / Fluxus, art for all. Italian editions of the Luigi Bonotto Collection.
20005: PETERSEN, Ad - A Curator's Camera. Preface by Roland Topor.
32056: PETERSEN, Anders - Anders Petersen - Color Lehmitz. - [New]
33341: PETERSEN, Ad & Edmundo DESNOES - Cubaanse affiches - Katalogusnummer 507.
34771: PETERSEN, Ad. [Red.] - De Stijl. [1917-1932] Complete Reprint 1968. Two volumes
24687: PETERSEN, Ad [Com.] - Mondrian, Van der Leck, Van Doesburg - Obra sobre papel. - IVAM Centre Julio González.
23824: PETERSON, Brian H. - The Cities, the Towns, the Crowds: The Paintings of Robert Spencer.
29063: PETERSON, Christian A. - After the Photo-Secession - American Pictorial Photography, 1910-1955.
27564: PETERSON, Richard - Looking at Painting in Florence 13th - 16th Centuries.
2035: [PÉTIGNY, Jules de] - Dissertation etymologique, historique et critique sur les diverses origines du mot COCU. Avec des notes et pièces justificatives par un membre de l'Académie de Blois. [Augmentée de l'origine du Cocuage]
13070: PETRAEUS, Bram & Guido de WIJS - De straat volgens Bram & Guido.
4650: PETRIE, Graham - Tunis, Kairouan & Carthage. Re-issued by Stacey International with a foreword by Stephen Day, CMG.
18501: PETROVA, Yevgenia & Anna LAKS [Eds.] - Pioneers of Photography - Russian and Soviet Photography from Swiss Collections - 1880s - 1930s - The State Russian Museum.
31881: PETROVA, Yevgenia [Ed.] - Russian Futurism and David Burliuk, 'The Fater of Russian Futurrism'. The State Russian Museum.
29953: PETRY, Carl F. [Ed. vol. 1] & M.W. DALY [Ed. vol. 2] - The Cambridge History of Egypt - Volume 1 - Islamic Egypt, 640-1517 & Volume 2 - Modern Egypt, from 1517 to the end of the twentieth century.
32791: PEUTZ, Frits - Emile HOLLMAN - Frits Peutz 1896-1974 - Beeldbepalend architect. - [Nieuw].
26523: PEY, Ineke - Herstel in Nieuwe Luister - Ideeën en praktijk van Overheid, Kerk en Architecten bij de restauratie van het middeleeuwse katholieke kerkgebouw in Zuid-Nederland. Proefschrift.
30927: PEY, Ineke & Tjeerd BOERSMA [Red.] - J.H.W. Leliman (1878-1921) - Architect en publicist.
34820: PEYTON, Elizabeth - Kirsty BELL - Elizabeth Peyton - Dark Incandescence - 5: 2009-2014.
34682: PFLÜGER, Peter - Peter Pflüger - Now Is Not The Right Time.
16787: PHAIDON - The Art Museum - Phaidon.
30277: PHILIPPART, Frank - De Atlantikwall aan de Pas de Calais. [Derde uitgebreide uitgave].
23492: PHILIPS - Het goed verlichte huis - Waarom goed licht?
14322: PHILLIPS, Jocelyn - Collect contemporary photography.
24194: PHILLIPS, Sandra S. - Exposed - Voyeurism, surveillance and the camera.
16509: PHILLIPS, Cara - Cara Phillips - Singular Beauty.
29206: PHILLIPS, Christopher [Ed.] - Photography in the Modern Era - European Documents and Critical Writings, 1913-1940.
18787: PHOTO ALBUM - LA RENZONI - La Renzoni - Filmdrama naar den roman van Melati van Java.
15311: PHOTOBLÄTTER - Photoblätter - Monatszeitschrift für alle Fragen der Photographie und Kinematographie - 13. Jahrgang - Heft 1-12. + Sachregister. - [Added: 4 odd numbers 12. Jahrgang].
24808: PHOTOGRAPHER HAL - Photographer HAL - Zatsu-Ran.
29547: PHOTOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT PRIZE - Taylor Wessing - Photographic Portrait Prize 2019.
35058: PHOTOGRAPHY ANNUAL - Photography Annual of the Netherlands / Nederlands Jaarboek Vakfotografie. [The first 20 volumes]
32206: PHUNTSHO, Karma - The History of Bhutan. [Second impression].
29007: PIA, Paule - Paule Pia - Zwart-Witfotografie 1956-1989. - [met los bijgevoegd Paule Pia - Een bloemlezing. [16] pp.].
33776: PIANO, Renzo - GA Architect 14 - Renzo Piano Building Workshop - Edited and photographed by Yukio Futagawa - Criticism by Kenneth Frampton.
28834: PICABIA - Francis Picabia (1879-1953) - Exposició Antològica - Barcelona 1985.
31698: PICASSO - Josep Palau i FABRE - Picasso - der Kubismus 1907-1917.
33537: PICASSO - Jonathan FINEBERG, Dan LEERS & Barbara ROSE - Picasso & Jacqueline - The Evolution of Style.
22686: PICASSO - Picasso - Suite Vollard. [Text Spanish].
31699: PICASSO - Josep Palau i FABRE - Picasso - The Early Years 1881-1907.
21481: PICASSO - Objectif Picasso - [Picasso vu par les photographes] - 11 avril -31 mai 2001.
21999: PICASSO - Ellen WILLIAMS - Picasso's Paris - Walking Tours of the Artist's Life in the City.
31696: PICASSO - Olivier Widmaier PICASSO - Picasso - The Real Famiy Story. - [+ bookmark with family tree].
31697: PICASSO - Valerie J. FLETCHER & Kathryn A. TUMA - Picasso - The Cubist Portraits of Fernande Olivier.
32036: PICASSO - Werner SPIES [Ed.] - Picasso - The Sculptures - Catalogue Raisonné of the Sculptures in collaboration with Christine Piot.
1378: PICCIRELLI, R.A. [Ed.] - Topics in Statistical Mechanics and Biophysics: A Memorial to Julius L. Jackson (Wayne State University - 1975).
4112: PICKFORD, Peter & Beverly - Forever Africa. A Journey from the Cape of Good Hope to Morocco.
17002: PICTON, John & John MACK - African textiles. [Second edition].
27512: PIEPENBURG, Conrad & Erwin KLEIN - Mille Miglia - Die legendären Tausend Meilen.
33181: PIER, Garrett Chatfield - Temple Treasures of Japan.
20568: PIERIK, Perry [Hg.] - Der Vierjahrensplan - Zeitschrift für Nationalsozialistische Wirtschaftspolitik 1939.
31424: PIERRE et GILLES - Pierre et Gilles - La Création du Monde. - Signed
33106: PIERSON, J.L. [Compiled by] - Character Dictionary of the Manyosu + General Index of the Manyosu.
24668: PIETERSON, Lex van - Lex van Pieterson - LVST [Laos - Vietnam - Singapore - Thailand] - A photographic road document of South East Asia - featuring nightlife, advertising, architecture, interiors, food and fashion.
32696: PIETRI, Paola De - Paola De Pietri - Istanbul New Stories. [New].
26160: PIETRUSZA, David, Lloyd JOHNSON & Bob CARROLL [Eds] - The Total Baseball Catalog. Great Baseball Stuff and How to Buy It.
23616: PIETSCH, Susanne, Eireen SCHREURS, Sereh MANDIAS & Dolf BROEKHUIZEN - The New Craft School.
33190: PIETSCH, Ulrich - Frühes Meissner Porzellan - Sammlung Carabelli / Early Meissen Porcelain - Carabelli Collection.
29009: PIGOZZI, Jean - A Short Visit to Planet Earth - Photographs by Jean Pigozzi. Introduction by Ettore Sottsass.
8361: PIJPER, Willem & Rie CRAMER - Noëls de France. Arrangement et accompagnement de piano de Willem Pijper. Illustrations en couleurs de Rie Cramer. + Envelope.
24637: PIJUAN - Hernández Pijuan - Sentiment de paisatge - 1972-1998.
34458: PIKHAUS, P. - Het tafelspel bij de Rederijkers - Deel I + II.
24593: PILLEMENT, Jean - Fleurs Oiseaux et Fantaisies par J. Pillement 1719-1808.
34596: PILLER, Peter - Christoph KELLER [Hrsg.] - Peter Piller - Von Erde Schöne. - [New].
32986: PILLER, Peter - Archiv Peter Piller - Band 1 - Durchsucht und versiegelt - Tatorthäuser - Vorzugsausgabe Nr. 010.
32987: PILLER, Peter - Archiv Peter Piller - Band 2 - Diese Unbekannten - Täter - Vorzugsausgabe Nr. 028.
32988: PILLER, Peter - Archiv Peter Piller - Band 3 - Noch ist nichts zu sehen - Bauerwartungsflächen - Vorzugsausgabe Nr. 012.
11954: PINCHBECK, Cara - Art from Milingimbi: taking memories back.
27009: PINCKERS, Max - Max Pinckers - A book by Hans Theys. - [New + Signed].
25568: PINCKERS, Max & Daisuke YOKOTA - Max Pinckers & Daisuke Yokota - Floating Worlds.
25428: PINCKERS, Max & Sam WEERDMEESTER - Controversy.
25384: PINCKERS, Max & Quinten De BRUYN - Max Pinckers & Quiten De Bruyn - Lotus. - [New].
17708: PINTA, Maurice - Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. Translated by K.M. Greenland and F. Lawson.
12508: PINTO, Alberto - Alberto Pinto - Classics.
33684: PIOTROWSKA, Joanna - Joanna Piotrowska - Stable Vices. - [Signed].
32367: PIPERCIC, Misha - Misha Pipercic - Once, when we were happy. [Signed - no. 465/500 + print].
34430: PIRANDELLO, Luigi - De pijn om zo te leven. Met tekeningen door Alfons van Heusden. - [Nr. 34/175].
23534: PIRANI, Leila & Edith HARRHY - Play Day in Happy Holland - A Juvenile Operetta - Verses & Dialogue by Leila Pirana - Music by Edith Harrhy.
23277: PIRELLI - I cavi Pirelli [Monografia sul settore cavi nel centenario della Pirelli 1972].
28778: PIRENNE, M.H. - Optics, Painting & Photography.
28752: PITHART, Petr, Jaroslav VALENTA & Jan VIT - Listopad '89.
34051: PITOZZI, Enrico - La composizione coreografica di | La composition choréographique de | The Choreographic Composition of Cindy Van Acker. + 2 DVD's.
29434: PITZ, Fritz - Fritz Pitz - Deel 1 - de fotograaf + Deel 2 - de kunstenaar. Inleiding Ed Wingen.
24708: PLACEK, Max - Double Signature - Portraits of Personalities from the Terezín Ghetto.
30884: PLAN 1913 - ZWOLLE - Overijsselsche Nijverheidstentoonstelling - Plan 1913, te Zwolle van af 31 Juli tot 2 September.
25615: PLANT, Margaret - Venice - Fragile City 1797-1997.
24729: PLAS, Els van der & Marlous WILLEMSEN [Eds.] - Design: Irma BOOM - Prince Claus Awards 1999 - [Creating Spaces of Freedom].
30444: PLASSCHAERT, B.F. - Beknopt practisch leerboek der burgerlijke en waterbouwkunde - Deel I - Burgerlijke Bouwkunde - Eerste deelte + Tweede gedeelte - Derde veel vermeerderde en omgewerkte druk.
27301: PLATHER, Leif Einar - Conservare necesse est - Festkrift til Leif Einar Plahter pa hans 70-arsdag / For Leif Einar Plahter on his 70ieth birthday.
24281: PLATO - Platon - Oeuvres complètes I + II. - [2 volume set] - Bibliothèque de la Pléiade.
18385: PLATZ-HORSTER, Gertrud - Die antiken Gemmen aus Xanten - I - im Besitz des Niederrheinischen Altertumsvereins, des Rheinischen Landesmuseums Bonn, der Katholischen Kirchengemeinde St. Viktor und des Regionalmuseums Xanten. II - im Besitz des Archäologischen Parks / Regionalmuseums Xanten, der Katholischen Kirchengemeinde St. Mariae Himmelfahrt Marienbaum sowie in Privatbesitz.
27849: PLINIUS - PLINY - Letters and Panegyricus in two volumes - I & II. Translated by Betty Radice.
23973: PLISSART, Marie-Françoise - Marie-Françoise Plissart - A World Without End. - [New]
31674: PLOKKER, J.H. - Geschonden Beeld - Beeldende expressie bij schizophrenen. [Tweede herziene druk].
31981: PLOSSU, Bernard - Bernard Plossu - Des mots de lumière dans les musées de Strasbourg.
31982: PLOSSU, Bernard - Yannick VIGOUROUX [texte] - Bernard Plossu - Paris-Matic 1970-1990.
29298: PLOSSU, Bernard [photographies] & William Lord COLEMAN [textes] - Avant l'âge de raison / Before the age of reason. - [Signed by Plossu].
31835: PLOSSU, Bernard - Bernard Plossu's New Mexico. Text by Gilles Mora. Foreword by Edward T. Hall.
34512: PLOSSU, Bernard - Bernard Plossu - Western colors.
31836: PLOSSU, Bernard - Bernard Plossu - Roma 1979-2009. Textes - Alain Bergala - Patrick Talbot.
27607: PLOSSU, Bernard - Bernard Plossu - The Still Hour - La hora immóvil. Texts / textos Ricardo Vazquez & Juan Manuel Bonet.
34256: PLUIJM, Ananda van der - Ananda van der Pluijm - An Incomplete History. - Signed.
34437: PLÜSS, Marco - Marco Plüss - Rekonstruktion - [Signed].
30889: PLÜSS, Marco - Poltava med guds hjälp - En berättelse i bild av Marco Plüss met texter fran Karolinska krigares dagböcker. Inledning av Peter Englund.
33036: [POCKET GUIDE JAPAN] - Livret-Guide du Japan 1923.
24566: POELS ZANDERS, Stephanie - Stephanie Poels Zanders - Het hermetisch zwart - een zoektocht. - [Gesigneerd & genummerd 13/21].
24669: POELSTRA, Willem - Willem Poelstra - FSFTP - for Hanna, Future Stories from the Past ...
19977: POL, Liesbeth van der - Liesbeth van der Pol - architect. Inleiding van / Introduction by Herman Zeinstra. - Stichting Rotterdam-Maaskant Foundation.
21787: POLANSKI, Roman - DVD - Roman Polanski - Cul-de-Sac
32819: POLAT, Ahmet - Ahmet Polat - Kemal's dream.
16532: POLAT, Ahmet - Ahmet Polat - Kemal's dream - Special Edition + print 2/15 'Besiktas, Istanbul 2010'
12610: POLIAKOFF, Serge - Serge Poliakoff - Cahier [Facsimile].
34916: POLIDORI, Robert - Robert Polidori - Chronophagia. [New].
31395: POLIDORI, Robert - Robert Polidori - Eye & I. [New].
17560: POLIDORI, Robert - Robert Polidori - Hotel Petra. [New].
13322: POLIDORO, Massimo - Final Séance. The Strange Friendship Between Houdini and Conan Doyle.
13690: POLING, Clark V. - Kandinsky - Lessen aan het Bauhaus. Kleurentheorie en analytisch tekenen beschreven aan de hand van voorbeelden uit de verzameling van het Bauhaus-Archiv, Berlijn
15865: POLKE, Sigmar - Petra LANGE-BERNDT & Dietmar RÜBEL [Hs] - Sigmar Polke: Wir Kleinbürger! Zeitgenossen und Zeitgenossinnen - Die 1970er Jahre.
33544: POLKE, Sigmar - Les infamies photographiques de Sigmar Polke / Sigmar Polke's Photographic Infamies.
1805: [POLKE]. - Sigmar Polke. Voorwoord / Preface Wim A.L. Beeren.
35043: POLKE, Sigmar - Sigmar Polke - December 17 2004 - March 31 2005.
34409: POLKE, Sigmar - Les infamies photographiques de Sigmar Polke / Sigmar Polke's Photographic Infamies.
31007: POLKE, Sigmar - Sigmar Polke - Frühe Arbeiten.
34919: POLL, Willem van de - Nazi Hel SS. De uitgave van deze reeks tragische documenten [...] werden bijeengebracht en van bijschriften voorzien door den Nederlandschen oorlogsfotograaf, geaccrediteerd bij SHAEF, Willem van de Poll.
33017: POLY AUCTION - The Ullens Collection of Important Chinese Gold.
20263: POLYA, G. - Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning. Volume I - Induction and analogy in mathematics. + Volume II - Patterns of plausible inference. - [a guide to the art of plausible reasoning].
26953: POMA, Andrea - The Impossibility and Necessity of Theodicy - The 'Essais' of Leibniz.
32708: PONOMAREV, Sergey - Sergey Ponomarev - Exposition Effondrement.- [New]
26898: PONOMAREV, Sergey - Sergey Ponomarev - Exposition Effondrement.
19192: POORT, Johan - Jan Andreas Goedhart 1919-1991 'een Rotterdams schildergenie'. Research Lijda Brockbernd. Inleiding Dolf Welling.
32965: POORTENAAR, Jan - Etskunst. Techniek en geschiedenis. [Derde druk] - [Nr. 357/550]
33515: POOS, Françoise [Ed.] - The Bitter Years - Edward Steichen and the Farm Security Administration Photographs. - [New].
31531: POPOVA, Irina - Irina Popova - Welcome to LTP.
33113: POPOVA, Irina - Irina Popova - If you have a secret. [edition 2, changed and improved -] [184/400]. - [New]
20473: PORTEOUS, Ian R. - Topological Geometry.
33971: PORTOGHESI, Paolo, Giuseppe MAZZARIOL & Anna GIANETTI [Introduction] - Silver and Architects in the Cleto Munari Collection.
33913: PORTOGHESI, Paolo, Vincent SCULLY, Charles JENCKS & Christian NORBERG-SCHULZ - The Presence of the Past - First International Exhibition of Architecture - Venice Biennale 80.
25693: POS, Gert Jan & Willem THIJSSEN [Samenstelling] - Filmfanfare - De geschiedenis van de Nederlandse film verbeeld in 51 strips - beschreven door Dana Linssen.
10299: POS, G.A. - A.N.W.B. - Rijwieltochten over rustige wegen [Eerste druk] + Rijwieltochten langs rustige wegen II [Tweede herziene druk].
26675: POST VAN DER MOLEN, Gerard - Tot de laatste bout - Vademecum voor en over margedrukkers. Werkgroep Techniek & Informatie (Stichting Drukwerk in de Marge) + De magie van margedrukken - Veertig jaar Stichting Drukwerk in de Marge. [Stichting Neerlandistiek Leiden, 2015].
31921: POST, Liza May & Waling BOERS [Ed.] - Liza May Post - Post Liza May 7, 1965 35c - Vacuum Packed Pub. [Second edition].
34537: POST, Frans - Pedro & Bia Corrêa do LAGO - Frans Post (1612-1680) - Catalogue Raisonné. - [New].
13870: POSTEL, Michel - Ear Ornaments of Ancient India. [No. 7/200].
26079: POSTEL, Dirk Jan - Philip JODIDIO et al - Dirk Jan Postel - Transparencies.
25254: POSTHUMA DE BOER, Eddy - Voor het oog van de wereld. Met een voorwoord van Cees Nooteboom en bijdragen van Hugo Camps, Johan van der Keuken, Cees Nooteboom.
22032: POTAPENKO, J.N. - Das Recht auf Glück. [&] Kluge Berechnung. Zwei Erzählungen. Aus dem Russischen von L.A. Hauff.
8359: [POTSDAM] - Erinnerungen an Potsdam. Twelve steelengraved views.
4831: POTTIER, René - Le Sahara.
20973: POULS, Geer - De Bloemenwinkel van Geer Pouls - Grutto Gusto.
13644: POZORNY, Reinhard [Hg.] - Deutsches National-Lexikon. [5. Auflage].
24132: PRAET, Frans L. Van - Willem Elias & Donatella G. BIANCHI - Frans L. Van Praet - De Jaarringen - Rings of Growth - met een essay van / essay by Johan Valcke.
27501: PRATLEY, David - Lola's First: Definitive History of the Mark 1. Foreword by Graham Broadley.
13443: PREBLE, Duane & Sarah - Artforms. An introduction to the visual arts. Fifth edition.
17788: PREM, Sr Krishna & Shri Madhava ASHISH - Man, the Measure of all Things - In the Stanzas of Dzyan.
26177: [PRENTENBOEK] - Willij's Rekenboek 1 x 1 = 1.
5680: PRESSMAR, Emma - Ringe Reden. Die Sammlung Emma Pressmar im Ulmer Museum.
31067: PREUSS, Eric, Hans-Joachim KIRSCHE & Andreas BUTTER - Berlin Ostkreuz - Geschichte und Gegenwart der Nahverkehrs-Drehscheibe.
33356: PRICE, Ken [photography & text] - the Leisure Nudist - Volume One Number One - adults only - Collector's Item.
29510: PRICKETT, Ivor - Ivor Prickett - End of the Caliphate. With an essay by Anthony Loyd. [First edition - Signed].
34062: PRIDMORE, F. - The Coins of The British Commonwealth of Nations to the end of the reign George VI 1952 - Part 3 - Bermuda, Britiish Guiana, British Honduras and the British West Indies.
34063: PRIDMORE, F. - Coins and Coinages of the Straits, Settlements and British Malaya 1786 to 1951 - Including Tokens issued by the Merchants of Singapore, 1828-1853.
23200: PRIMUS, Zdenek - Tschechische Avantgarde 1922-1940 - Reflexe europäischer Kunst und Fotografie in der Buchgestaltung. Mit einem Essay von Martin Parkan. [2. Auflage: 1000 Exemplare].
31858: PRINCE CLAUS AWARDS - Irma BOOM OFFICE [design] - Prince Claus Awards 2012 - Box with 12 booklets.
29021: PRINCE CLAUS AWARDS - Irma BOOM & Julia NELLER [design] - 2011 Prince Claus Awards + 15 Years Prince Claus Awards [Culture is a basic need].
35001: PRINCE, Richard - Yilmaz DZIEWIOR [Hrsg./Ed.] - Richard Prince - It's a Free Concert.
30793: PRINCE, Richard - Nancy SPECTOR - Richard Prince.
15831: PRINCEN, Bas - Bas Princen - Reservoir [signed & dated] + C-print Cavern (Chapel), 2010 no. 4/20
31145: PRINCEN, Bas - Bas Princen - REFUGE - Five cities portfolio - Bes sehir dosyasi [Istanbul - Beirut - Amman -Cairo - Dubai]. - [New].
22943: PRINS, Andrea - Onno Greiner (1924-2010) - Een zoektocht naar helderheid en geborgenheid. Aan de oeuvrecatalogus werkten mee: Tine van Merwijk, Soscha Monteiro de Jesus & Marthe Stallenberg. - [New].
27312: PROBERT, H.A. - History of Changi. Compiled by Squadron Leader H.A. Probert.
20099: PRODGER, Phillip - E.O. Hoppé - The German Work 1925-1938
2070: [PROGRAMME] - Miyako Odori or Cherry Dance for 1937. Furyu O-Kuni Kabuki (O-Kuni's Elegant Play).
20199: PROJECT RUSSIA - Bart GOLDHOORN [Ed.] - Project Russia No. 1 - International journal on architecture, urbanism and design.
33665: PROKUDIN-GORSKII, Sergei - Serge Prokudin-Gorskii - True Colours. Trichromatic Photography. [New]
33754: PROKUDIN-GORSKII, Sergei - Serge Prokudin-Gorskii - True Colours. Trichromatic Photography.
9968: PROOS-BERLAGE, C. - Sierkunst en vrouwenkleeding.
30285: PROST, Philippe - Les Forteresses de l'Empire - Fortifications, villes de guerre et arsenaux napoleéoniens.
29703: PROUVÉ, Jean - W.A.L. BEEREN a.o. - Constructeur Jean Prouvé.
26887: PROVOOST, Michelle [Ed.] - Cape Town - Densification as a cure for a segregated city - International New Town Institute.
29207: PRUDNIKOV, Vasily a.o. - World Press Photo Laureates from Russia and the Soviet Union 1955-2013. - [New].
16530: PRUS, Timothy - Timothy Prus - The Luton Augories.
4578: PRUSSIN, Labelle - African Nomadic Architecture. Space, Place, and Gender. With contributions by Amina Adan, Peter A. Andrews, Arlene Fullerton, Anders Grum, and Uta Holter.
27063: PRÜST, Marc - North Korean Perspectives - an exhibition on our perception of North Korea through photographic representation.
34945: PRUYSER, Bas - De Capitole - 40 jaar DÉ afvalbak van Nederland. Ontwerp Bas Pruyser. Producent Koninklijke Bammens. [Nieuw].
33018: PTAK, Roderich - China, the Portuguese, and the Nanyang - Oceans and Routes, Regions and Trade (c. 1000-1600).
24069: PTT - Kunst & Vormgeving bij de Koninklijke PTT Nederland NV 1982 -1992 / Art & Design at the Royal PTT 1982 -1992.
31505: PUBBEN, Wil & Aad SPEKSNIJDER [Eds.] - G.P. HOEFNAGELS [Foreword] - Moord In Rotterdam - Diverse photografieën 1905-1967 / Murder In Rotterdam - Diverse Pictures 1905-1967.
13790: PUBLICITÉ ET ARTS GRAHIPQUES - Publicité et Arts Graphiques - Werbung und Graphische Kunst - Advertising and Graphic Art - Numéro spécial - Sondernumer - Special Issue - PHOTO 49.
9474: PUCCI, Indanna - The Epic of Life. A Balinese Journey of the Soul.
24896: PUE, Pieter-Jan De - Pieter-Jan De Pue - Kings of Afghanistan. [New]
22470: PUFLEB, Robert - Robert Pufleb - Transformer.
33878: PUGLISI, Catherine - Caravaggio. - [New]
26016: PUJADE-LAURAINE, Gregoire - Gregoire Pujade-Lauraine - Double Orbit. - [Signed].
20287: PULTR, Ales & Vera TRNKOVA - Combinatorial Algebraic and Topological Representations of Groups, Semigroups and Categories.
31689: PUNI - Annja MÜLLER-ALSBACH, Andress PARDEY & Heinz STAHLHUT [Eds.] - 0,10 Ivan Puni - Works from the Collection Herman Berninger, Zurich and Photographs of the Russian Revolution from the Collection Ruth und Peter Herzog, Basel.
20148: PURVIS, Alston W. - H.N. Werkman - De drukpers als schildersgereedschap. [Tweede druk].
10877: PURWANI WILLIAMS, Catharina - Maiden voyages. Eastern Indonesian Women on the Move.
8400: PUTMAN, Robert - Early Maps and Charts of the West Coast of North America. On the history of maps and sea charts, cartographers and publishers and on some periods of American history. [Nr. 500/500].
34210: PUTTELAAR, Carla van de - Adornments. - [New]
33572: PUTTELAAR, Carla van de - Carla van de Puttelaar - Jewel Box - Light on Legs.
29344: PUY, Robin de - Robin de Puy - Down by the Water. [First edition + New]
34233: PYPERS, Pieter - t' Dorp Baere - Zes gedichten over Baarn en omstreken, uit 'Eemlandsch Tempe' van Pieter Pypers. Oorspronkelijke uitgave Pieter Johannes Uylenbroek - Amsterdam, 1803. - [Nr. 24/90].
15793: QINGXIN, Li - Maritime Silk Road. Translated by William W. Wang.
11436: QU LEI LEI - Handboek Chinese kalligrafie - 15 projecten met Chinese karakters stap voor stap uitgelegd.
4962: QUELLEC, Jean-Loïc le [Translated by Paul Bahn] - Rock Art in Africa. Mythology and Legend.
28837: QUENEAU, Raymond - Raymond Queneau - Journaux 1914-1965 - Édition établie, présentée et annotée par Anne Isabelle Queneau.
25981: QUERCETANI, R.L. - A World History of Track and Field Athletics 1864-1964.
34925: QUETSCH, Armand - Armand Quetsch / Dystopian Circles - Fragments ... All Along.
32653: QUETSCH, Armand - Armand Quetsch / Dystopian Circles - Fragments ... All Along.
27300: QUINZE, Arne - Arne Quinze - Reclaiming cities / Se réapproprier les villes.
31615: QUIST, Wim - Wim Quist - Meubelen. - [Signed].
24414: R.S. STOKVIS & ZONEN N.V. - Fantastische objecten 1 t/m 8 - [Acht architectuurverhandelingen van R.S. Stokvis & Zonen N.V. voor het promoten van de ERRES LINIAlijn radiatoren.
34696: RAAD, Jacqueline de, Emke RAASSEN-KRUIMEL, Jan de VRIES a.o. - Jan Sluijters 1881-1957. - [New]
32153: RAAD, Jacqueline de, Emke RAASSEN-KRUIMEL, Jan de VRIES a.o. - Jan Sluijters 1881-1957. - [New]
29282: RABANI, Pasi - Pasi Räbäni - Kauneden Paino / The Print of Beauty.
23021: RABELAIS - Oeuvres complètes. - Bibliothèque de la Pléiade.
27211: RABINOVICH, Ilya - Museutopia - A Photographic Research Project by Ilya Rabinovich.
32179: RACCHIUSA, Santi - Soldatini Confalonieri - il Gioco della Storia - Confalonieri Toy Soldiers - the History Game.
34648: RACKHAM. Arthur - Arthur Rackham's Book of Pictures. With an Introduction by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch. - [First edition].
31555: RACTCLIFFE, Jo [photography] & Zadie SMITH [story] - Two Men Arrive in a Village.
1595: RAE, Inés [Photography] and Simon Grennan [Permutations'] - Kurl Up 'n' Dye.
20732: RAE, Fiona - Fiona Rae - John Good Gallery 28 April - 4 June 1994.
20733: RAE, Fiona - Fiona Rae - Waddington Galleries 22 May - 15 June 1991.
33505: RAEVEN, L.A. - [Liesbeth & Angelique] - L.A. Raeven - Analyse/Research Paris - [Signed].
25962: RAFAELI, Eldad - Eldad Rafaeli - The way to the high mountain.
32256: RAFMAN, Jon - Kate STEINMANN [Ed.] - Jon Rafman: Nine Eyes.
32620: RAFMAN, Jon - Kate STEINMANN [Ed.] - Jon Rafman: Nine Eyes.
29853: RAHIMIAN, Behzad - The Prophetic Dream - A Comprehensive Chronicle of the Advent of Iranian Cinema in the Silent Era - [Boxed 2 volume-set] - [Persian Only].
33026: RAHULA, Walpola - History of Buddhism in Ceylon - The Anuradhapura Period 3rd Century BC - 10th Century AC.
9491: [RAILWAYS] - Los Ferrocarriles en Espana 1848-1958.
35033: RAINER, Arnulf - Arnulf Rainer Museum [Hrsg./Ed.] - Arnulf Rainer - 'Aller Anfang ist schwer' - Frühe Arbeiten 1949-1961 / 'The Beginning is Always the Hardest' - Early Works 1949-1961.
33908: RAINER, Arnulf - Barbara CATOIR [Ed.] - Arnulf Rainer - Campus Stellae, - [English].
32281: RAIZMAN, David - History of Modern Design - Graphics and Products since the Industrial Revolution. - Second Edition.
31912: RAKIER, Mischa - Mischa Rakier - Blind Spot -: 21 ontwerpen voor tekeningen / 21 designs for drawings.
26279: RAKOS, Mafalda - Mafalda Rakos - I want to dissappear - Approaching Eating Disorders.
34946: RAKOS, Mafalda [photography] & Ruben de THEIJE [text] - A Story to Tell, or: Regarding Male Eating Disorders.
24762: RAKOS, Mafalda [photography] & Ruben de THEIJE [text] - A Story to Tell, or: Regarding Male Eating Disorders.
23891: RAKOW, W.A. - Russische und sowjetische Dampflokomotiven.
25184: RAKT, Claudette van de - Claudette van de Rakt - OMG It's Me. [New copy in unopened silver foil envelope].
14906: RAMAER, R. - The Railways of Thailand. [Second expanded edition]. - [Author's copy].
14862: RAMAER, R. - The Railways of Thailand. [Author's copy]
6040: RAMBOSSON, Yvanhoë - Le Nu d'après Nature. I - La Femme. [2e Mille].
34960: RAMOND, Pierre - Chefs-d'oeuvre des marqueteurs - Tome III - Marqueteurs d'exception.
34959: RAMOND, Pierre - Masterpieces of Marquetry - From the Beginnings to Louis XIV.
20480: RAMSEY, F.P. - Foundations - Essays in Philosophy, Logic, Mathematics and Economics. Edited by D.H. Mellor. With Introductions by D.H. Mellor, L. Mirsky, T.J. Smiley, Ricgard Stone.
30214: RAMSEY, Winston G. - The War in the Channel Islands - Then and Now.
27598: RAPAPORT, Brooke Kamin - Houdini - Art and Magic.
26230: RAPAPORT, Louis - Stalin's War against the Jews - The Doctors' Plot and the Soviet Solution.
30886: RAPONDA-WALKER, André & Roger SILLANS - Rites et croyances des peuples du Gabon. Essai sur les pratiques religieuses d'autrefois et d'aujourd'hui. Préface de Théodore Monod. Avant-propos de Hubert Deschamps.
9260: RAPPARD-BOON, Charlotte van - Félix Bracquemond 1833-1914.
20565: RASHKE, Richard - Flucht aus Sobibor.
25198: RASP, Markus [Ed.] - Contemporary German Photography.
20968: RASSEGNA - Rassegna (Il campo della grafica italiana) - [Rivista trimestrale - Anno III, n. 6 - aprile 1981].
30287: RATHGEN, Bernhard - Das Geschütz im Mittelalter - Neu herausgegeben und eingeleitet von Volker Schmidtchen - Erstmaliger Reprint von 1928.
23664: RATIA, Armi [Ed.] et al - The Ornamo Book of Finnish Design.
30514: RAUDZENS, George [Ed.] - Technology, Disease, and Colonial Conquests, Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries - Essays Reappraising the Guns and Germs Theories.
19344: RAULET, Sylvie - Van Cleef & Arpels.
26624: RAUSCHENBERG, Robert - Joao FERNANDES & Maria RAMOS - Robert Rauschenberg - Em viagem 70-76 / Travelling '70-'76. [2nd edition].
27707: RAUSCHENBERG, Robert - Susan DAVIDSON & David WHITE [Ed.] - Robert Rauschenberg - Photographs 1949-1962. With an introduction by Nicholas Cullinan.
29400: RAUSCHENBERG, Robert - Rauschenberg - Photos In + Out City Limits - Boston.
34883: RAYNES, John - Perspectief - Teken- en schildertechnieken.
23252: READ, Benedict & Joanna BARNES [Edited by] - Pre-Raphaelite Sculpture - Nature and Imagination in British Sculpture 1848-1914.
13037: REBEL, Ben e.a. - Ben Merkelbach - Architect en Stadsbouwmeester.
26045: REBETEZ, Virginie - Virginie Rebetez - Malleus Maleficarum. - [Signed].
26611: REBETEZ, Augustin - Augustin Rebetez - Anthill (Meteorites).
34541: REDDING, Harvey & Joris BUIKS [Ed.] - Stripped - Uncensored.
30354: REDEKE, H.C. - ZUIDERZEE-RAPPORT - Rapport over onderzoekingen betreffende de visscherij in de Zuiderzee ingesteld in de jaren 1905 en 1906 - Uitgegeven door het ministerie van landbouw, nijverheid en handel.
33182: REDESDALE, Lord - [A.B. Mitford] - Tales of Old Japan.
24441: REDGROVE, Peter - Sons of My Skin - Redgrove's Selected Poems 1954-1974. Chosen and introduced by Marie Peel.
35014: REEDE, Rien de [ Hrsg.] - Die Flöte in der 'Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung' (1798-1848) - [+ 2 others].
22743: REGEER, Rob - Lac de Gaube - schilderijen van Rob Regeer.
22055: REGO, Yvonne Felman Cunha - Arpad Szenes - Vieira da Silva.
32339: REGTOP, Cedric - G.J. Delfgaauw 18821947 - Schilder van lucht, licht en water.
26647: REH, Wouter, Clemens STEENBERGEN & Diederik ATEN - The polder as an experimental atlas of Dutch landscape architecture.
5479: REHMAN, Sherry & Naheed JAFRI - The Kashmiri Shawl. From Jamavar to Paisley.
29788: REHORST, Chris - Jan Buijs - Architect van de volharding. De architectuur van het Bureau Ir. J.W.E. Buijs en J.B. Lürsen.
20143: REICH, Hanns - Hanns Reich - The World From Above. Introduction and text by Oto Bihalji-Merin. Other texts by Rudolf Braunburg and Klaus Völger.
34310: REICH, Wilhelm - Cosmic Superimposition - Man's Orgonotic Roots in Nature.
14926: REICHEL, Rudolf & Hans HUFNAGEL - Wälder und Dampf. 1000 km auf den Waldbahnen Rumäniens. Eine Dokumentation in Word und Bild.
832: REICHL, Linda E. - The Transition to Chaos. In Conservative Classical Systems: Quantum Manifestations.
1604: REID, Guy - Nous.
10495: REID, Anthony [Ed.] - Southeast Asia in the Early Modern Era. Trade, Power, and Belief.
26251: REIDENBAUGH, Lowell - The Sporting News: Take Me Out to the Ball Park. Illustrations by Amadee.
14680: REIJNDERS, Frank - Masterpieces / Masterstrokes.
28936: REIJNGOUD, Joop & Linda MALHERBE et al - Pact op Zuid presenteert - Rotterdam - De Zuiderlingen - 155 groepsportretten. - [met opdracht van Ivo Opstelten].
31579: REIJNGOUD, Joop & Linda MALHERBE et al - Pact op Zuid presenteert - Rotterdam - De Zuiderlingen - 155 groepsportretten. + Rotterdam Noorderlingen - 101 groepsportretten in het oude noorden, agniesebuurt en provenierswijk
22335: REIMANN, Lotte & Christian GALLATI - Lotte Reimann - Bis morgen im Nassen. [Text in English].
6840: REINALD: OFM , Fr - S. Franciscus-Map. [1226 -1926]. Origineele lino's door P. Fr. Reinald Rats O.F.M. - Lino's met de hand gedrukt en gekleurd.
15054: REINDERS, H.A. a.o. - The City of New Halos and its Southeast Gate.
29424: REINHARDT, Brigitte [Ed.] - Emil Nolde - Blick Kontakte. Frühe Porträts / Eye Contact. Early Portraits
24585: REININK, Wessel - Herman Hertzberger. Architect. Fotografie: Klaus Kinold.
2978: REINSTRA, Albert - Menno Baron van Coehoorn. Een veldheer in Wijckel.
27154: [REITH, Bernardus Antonius J.] - Monki's reis om de wereld, 50 avonturen in Afrika + Monki's reis om de wereld, 50 avonturen in Amerika.
19810: REITINGER, Franz - Aloys Zötl oder Die Animalisierung der Kunst. Wie aus einem Färber der Donaumonarchie ein Surrealist wurde. [Mit einem Text von André Breton].
16960: REITSMA, Ella - Het huis van de kunstenaar. Herinneringen aan een leven.
34205: REMBRANDT - Kees van DONGEN - Rembrandt. Holland - Vrouwen - Kunst.
33980: REMBRANDT - Ernst van de WETERING - Bob van den BOOGERT [Ed.] - Rembrandt - Quest of a Genius.
21460: REMY, Patrick [Ed.] - Strip.
30153: REN HANG - Dian HANSON [Ed.] - Ren Hang. - [New]
24995: RENALDI, Richard - Richard Renaldi - Figure and Ground. Essay by Roger Hargreaves.
27680: RENALDI, Richard - Richard Renaldi - Manhattan Sunday. - [New].
28884: RENAN, Ernest - Souvenirs d'enfance et de jeunesse.
27658: RENARD, Hubert - Alain FAIRFALL - Hubert Renard - Catalogue raisonné, 1969-1998.
8977: RENCKHOFF, Dirk - Japan, Harmonie und Widerspruche. Schwarzweissphotographien.
25718: RENEVEY, Monica J. [Réd.] - Le Grand Livre du Cirque. Volume I + II. - [2 volume-set].
29482: RENGER-PATZSCH, Albert - Klaus HONNEF - Industrielandschaft - Industriearchitektur - Industrieprodukt - Fotografien 1925-1960 von Albert Renger-Patzsch.
28502: RENGER-PATZSCH, Albert - Albert Renger-Patzsch - Sylt - Bild einer Insel. [2. Auflage].
34344: RENKEMA, Jan - Verwarwoordenboek.
24590: RENNERT, Jack [Ed.] - The poster art of Toni Ungerer.
23259: REPNIK, Anton & Ton PETERS & Toon WEGNER - Anton Repnik - 9 originele hoogdrukken - Ton Peters - 9 x 9. [No. 47/50].
14367: RESPIS, G.L. - Das Heilige Land. Eine Sammlung von 66 Farbenphotographien mit Erläuterungen von G.L. Respis.
27151: RESTAURANT AUX 4 MARCHES - Un Art de France: le Savoir-Boire - Restaurant aux 4 Marches - Santerre 50, Chaussée-d'Antin - Paris (Opéra) + Une vraie Folie - Folies-Bergère. [3 pp].
26006: RETERA, W. [Hoofdredacteur] - Het Landhuis - waarin opgenomen onze tuinen met huis en hof - 27e Jaargang - 1932.
6070: RETS, Gabi - Gabi Rets. Das Wunder der Raute. 14 karten.
27494: REUSS, Michel - Michel Reuss - Everanst. - [No. 53/100].
30765: REUZÉ, Sébastien - Sébastien Reuzé - Colorblind Sands.
29046: REVERDOT, Jean-Philippe - Jean-Philippe Reverdot - Zoo - Texte de Bernard Lamarche-Vadel.
31401: REYES, Raquel A.G. & William G. CLARENCE-SMITH [Ed.] - Sexual Diversity in Asia, c. 600 - 1950
34276: REYNAERT - The Booke of Raynarde the Foxe - London 1550.
34710: REYNAERTS, Jenny - Spiegel van de werkelijkheid - 19de-eeuwse schilderkunst in Nederland. [Design Irma Boom]
28948: REYNEKE VAN STUWE, Jeanne - Liefde. [Eerste drukl].
27438: REYNOLDS, Tamara - Tamara Reynolds - The Drake. - [New].
25656: REZZA, Massimiliano Tommaso - Massimiliano Tommaso Rezza - Psalm - Controcanto alla poesia Psalm di Paul Celan.
33636: RHEBERGEN, Michael - Michael Rhebergen - De nieuwe kust / The New Coast.
31390: RHEIMS, Bettina - Bettina Rheims - BONKERS! A Fortnight in London.
28383: RHEIMS, Bettina - Bettina Rheims - Ein Raum im Museum für Moderne Kunst in Frankfurt am Main.
29059: RHEIMS, Bettina - Bettina Rheims Exhibition.
29367: RHEIMS, Bettina - Bettina Rheims - Les Espionnes. Préface par Bernard Lamarche-Vadel.
32121: RHEIMS, Bettina - Bettina Rheims - Modern Lovers. [German]
25909: RHIE, Marylin M. & Robert A.F. THURMAN - Worlds of Transformation - Tibetan Art of Wisdom and Compassion.
34677: RHIJN, C.H. van - Ik zal gedenken. Rede, uitgesproken aan den avond voor den 225sten gedenkdag van Groningen's ontzet, 27 Augustus 1897, in de Martinikerk te Groningen.
26884: RHO, YoonKyung - YoonKyung Rho - Wooridongin Architects, Inc.
29204: RIBOUD, Marc [photographs] & William WARREN [text] - Marc Riboud - Bangkok.
4610: RICARD, Prosper - Les Guides Bleus - Le Maroc. 3e édition.
19688: RICARD, Matthieu & Antje von Graevenitz [Introductie] - Babeth Mondini-VanLoo - Van Beuys tot Boeddhisme. Kunst = Leven = Kunst.
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