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43553: [Republican Party. Free Trade. Election of 1894] - [Three Pamphlets Issues by the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee on Free Trade]
29188: (---) - Sovetskaia Aziia: Obshchestvenno-Nauchnyi Zhurnal. 1931. [Two Volumes]
19988: ------- - Who's Who in State Politics 1910
45338: [Election of 1876] - Visitors Ticket for Congressional Vote Count in Bitterly Contested 1876 Presidential Election
25682: (---) - Czechoslovakia: Its Beauties and Features of Interest
12564: (----) - Parergon
24474: (-) - The Republic of Transkei
14948: (---) - Railroad Strike or Federal Inquiry? Public and Press Demand Peaceful Settlement of Railway Wage Controversy by the Interstate Commerce Commission or by Arbitration
42978: [Paris Commune of 1871] - Hommes Et Choses Du Temps de la Commune; Récits Et Portraits Pour Servir à L'Histoire de la Première Revolution Sociale
37352: [Election of 1888] - The Temple of Justice a Sink of Injustice.
12397: (-) - 275th Anniversary. Harwich, Massachusetts. A Sketch of the Years 1694-1969, in Text and Pictures
37592: [War of 1812] - Report of the Committee of Ways and Means, on So Much of the President's Message As Relates to the Finances of the United States. October 10, 1814. Read and Referred to a Committee of the Whole House on Thursday Next
46324: [Chilean Revolution of 1891] - La Nacion (Diario de la Tarde) Ano 1 No. 281 Enero 10 de 1891- Ano 2 No. 371 Abril 23 de 1891 [91 Issues]
46085: (Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, and Chicago Railway Company) - Circular. To the Bondholders and Stockholders of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne, and Chicago Railway Company
12583: (---) - Souvenir of the Mohawk Trail. Massachusetts
16823: (Alberto Moravia, John D. MacDonald, and V. S. Pritchett) - Playboy. Vol. 21, No. 6. (June 1974)
44269: [New Hampshire. Election of 1810] - [Manuscript Document Signed] Letter of Election Results of Concord Nh for the 13th Congress, Addressed to Samuel Spanhawk, Secretary of State Nh
38560: (Queen Elizabeth 2) - [Map of Queen Elizabeth 2's Passage Through the North Atlantic, Signed]
29109: Bennigsen, A. and D'Encausse, H. Carrere - La Litterature Anti-Religieuse Dans Les Republiques Sovietiques Musulmanes
31682: Wittich, C.A. [with] La Barre Duparcq, Ed [Edouard] de., trans - Ueber Die Befestigung Und Vertheidigung Grosser Platze [Bound with] de la Fortification Et de la Defense Des Grandes Places
41204: Alfonso, Jose A. and Reyes, Miguel Luis Amunategui - Discurso de Incorporacion de Don Jose A. Alfonso Y Contestacion de Don Miguel Luis Amunategui Reyes
35220: Liebig, Gustav A. and Rohé, George H. - Practical Electricity in Medicine and Surgery
38148: Pastor, Robert A. and Castañeda, Jorge G. - Limits to Friendship. The United States and Mexico
43190: Quevedo A., Sergio A. - Ensayos de Antropologia Fisica. Los Antiguos Pobladores Del Cuzco. (Regíon de Calca. )
36801: Randall, David A. and Bennett, Josiah Q. - The David A. Randall Retrospective Memorial Exhibition: Twenty Years' Acquisitions
36485: Seddon, James A. and Trenholm, G.A. Confederate States of America - Correspondence between the Secretaries of War and the Treasury, on the Subject of a Deficiency of Funds. Confederate States of America, War Department, Richmond, Va. , Dec. 29, 1864
29887: Frank-Kameneckii, A. and Kontsevich, V. - Das Wasser Des Selenga-Flusses" [from] Doklady Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk Sssr. Comptes Rendus de L'Academie Des Sciences de L'Urss
36944: Heitmann, John A. and Rhees, David J. - Scaling Up. Science, Engineering, and the American Chemical Industry
32744: Abbott, John S.C. (John Stevens Cabot) - Lives of the Presidents of the United States of America, from Washington to the Present Time. Containing a Narrative of the Most Interesting Events in the Career of Each President; Thus Constituting a Graphic History of the United States
37638: Abert, J.J. [John James]. Marcy, W.L. - Report of the Secretary of War, in Answer to a Resolution of the 18th December, in Relation to the Removal of the Raft in Red River, in Louisiana. December 29, 1845. Read, Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and Ordered to Be Printed
42049: Abt, Isaac A., ed - The 1947 Year Book of Pediatrics
42041: Abt, Isaac A., ed - The 1939 Year Book of Pediatrics
42042: Abt, Isaac A., ed - The 1940 Year Book of Pediatrics
42048: Abt, Isaac A., ed - The 1946 Year Book of Pediatrics
42046: Abt, Isaac A., ed - The 1944 Year Book of Pediatrics
42043: Abt, Isaac A., ed - The 1941 Year Book of Pediatrics
42044: Abt, Isaac A., ed - The 1942 Year Book of Pediatrics
42045: Abt, Isaac A., ed - The 1943 Year Book of Pediatrics
42047: Abt, Isaac A., ed - The 1945 Year Book of Pediatrics
31130: U.S. Merchant Marine Academy - Midships 1949. The Log Book of the Graduating Class
39941: Royal West of England Academy; Lord Methuen - Retrospective Exhibition of Paintings and Water-Colours by Lord Methuen. 24th April - 20th May, 1972
34846: Acevedo, Eduardo - Manual de Historia Uruguaya. Artigas. [Volume One Only]
30842: Achdjian, Albert - Un Art Fondamental: Le Tapis. A Fundamental Art: The Rug
15398: Achilles, Rolf, Ed - Humanities' Mirror. Reading at the Newberry, 1887-1987
37032: Ackerman, Carl W. - The Dawn of the XXI Century
41519: Acollas, Emile - L'Anthropologie Et le Droit
39890: Acquavella, Nicholas M. - Paintings by Old Masters. Exhibition April 14 Through May 14, 1945
38215: Valdés Acuña, Abel - La Calidad de Empleado Público Determinada Por la Contraloria General
40812: Adams, James Truslow, ed. [Nevins, Allan] - Dictionary of American History [Six Volumes]
44682: [Postal]. Adams, George - [Manuscript Receipt Signed] Balance for the Postage of Post Master General, George Adams, July Through October, 1798
27904: Everett, Edward; John Quincy Adams and George Canning - The Monroe Doctrine. Paper by Edward Everett. Letter of John Quincy Adams. Extract from Speech of Geo. Canning (Loyal Publication Society No. 34)
36338: [Whig Party]. Adams, Charles Francis - The Charles F. Adams Platform, or a Looking Glass for the Worthies of the Buffalo Convention
13768: Adams, Randolph G. - The Dignity of George Washington
37388: Adams, Gerald M. - The Post Near Cheyenne. A History of Fort D.A. Russell, 1867-1930
38873: Adams, John Quincy - Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting the Information Required by the Resolution of the House of Representatives, of the 27th Instant, in Relation to the Instructions Given to the Minister of the U. States to the Government of Mexico; As Also in Relation to Any Pledge on the Part of the United States to the Governments of Mexico or Southern American, &C. March 30, 1826. Read, and Laid Upon the Table
45682: Adams, Daniel - Geography; or, a Description of the World. In Three Parts. Part I. --Geographical Orthography... Part II. --a Grammar of Geography... Part III. --a Description of the Earth... To Which Is Added, an Easy Method of Constructing Maps, Illustrated by Plates. For the Use of Schools and Academies
37729: Adams, Alexander B. - The Disputed Lands
17646: (Adams, Alice). Sonnenberg, Ben, ed. Minot, Susan, ass't. ed - Grand Street. Vol. 5, No. 4. Summer 1986
26225: Adler, Elmer; Stanford, Alfred; Winterich, John T., eds - The Colophon: A Book Collectors' Quarterly. Part Fourteen
24433: Chicago Historical Society. Works Progress Administration - The Lincoln Dioramas from the Chicago Historical Society As Reproduced in Abraham Lincoln Friend of the People, a Distinguished Book by Clara Ingram Judson
35064: [Basler, Adolphe and Kunstler, Charles] - La Peinture Indépendante En France. 1. De Monet à Bonnard
36068: Adrain, G.B. [Garnett Bowditch] - Great Right of Self-Government - and the Union. Speech of Hon. G.B. Adrain, of New Jersey, on the Election of Speaker. Delivered in the House of Representatives, December 14, 1859
27570: Massachusetts. Committee on Mercantile Affairs - Report on the Depression of Commerce, by the Committee on Mercantile Affairs. Senate... . No. 104
39517: [Guatemala]. [Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs] - Guatemala. Volcanic But Peaceful. [Guatemala, Land of the Trees]
34171: Afonso, João - Bibliografia Geral Dos açores: Sequência Do Dicionário Bibliográfico Português. Tomo I: A-Bo
34172: Afonso, João - Bibliografia Geral Dos açores: Sequência Do Dicionário Bibliográfico Português. Tomo II: Br-Cu
34220: Afonso, João - Cantigas Do Terramoto Para Ler E Passar [with Als]
29586: Central Intelligence Agency - Jerusalem: A Geographic Overview
35564: Central Intelligence Agency - Ussr: Estimates of Personal Incomes and Savings
44089: [Crime] Wiggin & Wood Detective Agency - [Typed Letter Signed] Wiggin & Wood Detective Agency of Boston Announces Its New Branch in Providence, Rhode Island
27498: Connecticut. State Board of Agriculture - Annual Report of the Secretary of the Connecticut Board of Agriculture (1866-1922) [with] Annual Report of the Connecticut Agricultural Experimental Station (1879-1895) [with] Annual Report of the Storrs School Agricultural Experimental Station, Storrs, Conn (1888-1896) [Forty-Three Volumes]
45674: [Casal y Aguado, Manuel]. pseud Lucas Alemán - El Gavilán Volando ó Sea El Tribunal de Los Descontentos Y Mártires Casados: Carta de Don Lucas Aleman á El Lector Blanco ó Tinto Que le Depare la Suerte
38233: Aguilera, Francisco, ed - Works by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra in the Library of Congress
34341: Guzman Aguilera, Antonio - Los Motivos Del Aguila: Cantos a la Raza Y a Los Heroes
41203: Munizaga A. [Aguirre], Roberto - La Filosofia Educacional de Fröbel
41211: Arenas Aguirre, L. (Luis) Alfredo - Crónicas Sobre Revolución Y Evolución Social En Europa Y Chile
24879: Ahnlund, Nils - Gustav Adolf the Great
35815: Jockey Club de Buenos Aires - Catálogo de la Seccion Argentina de la Biblioteca Del Jockey Club de Buenos Aires
33814: Pan American World Airways. Pan American-Grace Airways - Welcome to Argentina: A Few Suggestions to Help You Get the Most out of Your Visit
15823: (Akenside, Mark) - The Poetical Works of Mark Akenside
32572: Akimoto, Shunkichi - The Lure of Japan
37058: Alanis, Rodolfo - Material Arqueológico de la Civilización Diaguita
45631: Ruiz de Alarcón, Juan; Hartzenbusch, Juan Eugenio - Comedias de Don Juan Ruiz de Alarcón Y Mendoza
43410: Alba, Armando - Bolivar Antologia. IMágenes Del Libertador El Hombre, El Héroe, El Genio Idearium, Huella de la Grande Hombría
44780: Soares de Albergaria, Jacinto. Eduíno de Jesus - Açória. Fascículo de Cultura E Arte. Issue 1 & Issue 2 [All Published]
26753: [Field, Louise A.]. Illustrations by Virginia Albert and Ernest Aris - Peter Rabbit Runs Away
43809: L.L. [Albertani, Giuseppe] - Eccitamento Di Un Vero Patriota Sopra L'Ultimo Scritto Delli Fratelli Contarini Qu. Carlo
28225: Albertini, Georges - Cent Ans Boulevard Haussmann
43405: Polanco Alcántra, Tomás - Gil Fortoul: Una Luz En la Sombra
34151: Llanos y Alcaráz, Adolfo - La Mujer En El Siglo Diez Y Nueve
43009: Alcocer y Martínez, Mariano. Velázquez de Figueroa, Vicente, et al. - Historia de la Universidad de Valladolid Transcrita Del "Libro de Bezerro" Que Compuso El R.P. Fray Vicente Velázquez de Figueroa, Complementada Con Notas Y Apéndices Por D. Mariano Alcocer Martínez,... Seguida de Los Estatutos En Latín Traducidos Por D. Francisco Fernández Moreno,... Con Una Introducción Del Excmo. Sr. D. Calixto Valverde Y Valverde
39617: Arteaga Alemparte, Justo - El Charco
35832: Arteaga Alemparte, Domingo - Obras Completas. Tomo I. Poesías. [All Published]
35889: Alexander, L. [Levy] - Alexander's Hebrew Ritual, and Doctrinal Explanation of the Whole Ceremonial Law, Oral and Traditional, of the Jewish Community in England and Foreign Parts; Being a Necessary Companion to the Holy Scriptures. Together with Several Remarkable Events Relative to the People of the Jews, from the Most Ancient Records
35340: Rutsch, Alexander and Mayröcker, Friederike - Alexander Rutsch, Paintings, Sculptures and Drawings
31210: Kirscher, Alexander and Killinger, Manfred von - Deutschlands Flotte Vom Dritten Jahrhundert Bis Zum Dritten Reich
35024: Alexander, Robert J. - The Peron Era
40268: [Alexander, William] - Picturesque Representations of the Dress and Manners of the Russians: Illustrated in Sixty-Four Coloured Engravings, with Descriptions
26261: Alexandre, Noel (Natalis, Alexander); Roncaglia, Constantino; Mansi, Giovan Domenico - R.P. Natalis Alexandri... Historia Ecclesiastica Veteris Novique Testamenti Ab Orbe Condito Ad Annum Post Christum Natum Millesimum Sexcentesimum: Et in Loca Ejusdem Insignia Dissertationes Historicae, Chronologicae, Criticae, Dogmaticae... [with]... Supplementum. [Twenty Volumes]
32806: Mignet. M. (Francois-Auguste-Marie-Alexis) - Vita de Franklin
39608: Alfonso, J. [Jose] - Algunas Observaciones Sobre Los Preceptos Jenerales Del Código de Comercio
35532: Alger, William Rounseville - The Genius and Posture of America. An Oration Delivered Before the Citizens of Boston, July 4, 1857, by William Rounseville Alger
34616: Alicke, Walter (Interlibrum, Vaduz) - Travel in Woodcut, Engraving, Aquatint, Colour Plate and Lithography, Catalogue 245 [with] Travels in Various Parts of the World, Catalogue 267
34617: Alicke, Walter (Interlibrum, Vaduz) - Fine Illustrated Books. From the Renaissance to Expressionism. Catalogue 266
34614: Alicke, Walter (Interlibrum, Vaduz) - Berühmte Schweizer Forscher. Geschichte Der Wissenschaften in Der Schweiz 16. -20. Jahrhundert. Catalogue 260
46371: [Kentucky] Allan, Chilton - Pensions to Persons Engaged in Indian Wars, Etc. [to Accompany Bill H.R. No. 353. ]
35813: Alledor, Fernan [ pseud. Fernandez Rodella, Francisco] - La Mano de Dios
31839: Wisconsin. Secretary of the State. (Thomas S. Allen) - List of Persons, Residents of the State of Wisconsin, Reported As Deserters from the Military or Naval Service of the United States
32516: Allen, G. C. - Japanese Industry: Its Recent Development and Present Condition
30364: Allen, David O. - India Ancient and Modern. Geographical, Historical, Political, Social, and Religious; with a Particular Account of the State and Prospects of Christianity
39789: Allenson, Alec R. - Christian Theology: An Historical Catalogue, No. 232
28508: Alley, Rewi - Leaves from a Sandan Notebook
36065: Alley, John B. - Speech of Hon. John B. Alley, of Mass. , on the Principles and Purposes of the Republican Party. Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, Monday, April 30, 1860
29624: Allworth, Edward, ed - Central Asia. A Century of Russian Rule
45497: Lozier Almazán, Bernardo P. - Liniers Y Su Tiempo
42204: Almeida, Manuel Antônio de - Memoirs of a Militia Sergeant
36261: Almeyda, Aniceto - Libros de Derecho En El Annuario de la Prensa Chinena (1877-1885)
16094: Aloian, Christine - A History Outline of Port Dalhousie 1650-1960
45632: Alvarez, Eduardo G. - Caseros ó 3 de Febrero de 1852
45761: [Science. Chemistry] Alvarez, Francisco - Semanario Instructivo, Periodico Popular de Ciencias Naturales, Y Conocimientos Utiles En Todos Los Ramos Del Saber. Año 1. Número 1 [with] año 1. Número 2 [with] año 1. Número 3
35979: Alvarez, Francisco - Noticia Del Establecimiento Y Poblacion de Las Colonias Inglesas En la America Septentrional: Religion, Orden de Gobierno, Leyes Y Costumbres de Sus Naturales Y Habitantes; Calidades de Su Clima, Terreno, Frutos, Plantas Y Animales; Y Estado de Su Industria, Artes, Comercio Y Navegacion
39589: Chile., Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores. Covarrubias, Alvaro and Pinto, Jose Manuel - Counter Manifest of the Minister of Foreign Relations of Chile, on the Present War between the Republic and Spain
35161: Alves, Alfredo - Dom Henrique O Infante. Memoria Historica. Primeiro Premio de Concurso No. 5. 0 [Quinto] Centenario
44533: Alvíres, José Manuel Teodocio; Castañón Rodríguez, Jesús - Reflecsiones Sobre Los Decretos Episcopales Que Prohiben El Juramento Constitucional
34920: Amadeo, Santos P. - Argentine Constitutional Law. The Judicial Function in the Maintenance of the Federal Reserve System and the Preservation of Individual Rights
17654: Ambros, August Wilhelm - Geschichte Der Musik IM Zeitalter Der Renaissance Von Patestrina an. Fragment. Vierter Band
29073: Amedroz, H.F. - The Office of Kadi in the Ahkam Sultaniyya of Mawardi" from Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, July 1910
37054: (Ameghino, Florentino) - La Nacionalidad Y la Obra de Ameghino
35416: Hispanic Society of America - Bibliographie Hispanique 1906
35417: Hispanic Society of America - Bibliographie Hispanique 1907
28325: General Convention of the New Jerusalem in the United States of America - Journal of the Proceedings of the Ninth General Convention of Receivers of the Doctrines of the New Jerusalem in the United States... [with] Eleventh [with] Twelfth [with] Thirteenth [with] Fourteenth [with] Sixteenth... [Six Volumes]
40106: Hispanic Society of America - South American Historical Documents Relating Chiefly to the Period of Revolution. From the Collection of George M. Corbacho. Exhibited at the Hispanic Society of America 1919
37478: Amic, Yolande - L'Opaline Française Au Xixe Siècle
15691: De Amicis, Edmondo - Holland and Its People
32678: Amman, Bernard - A Selection of Catalogues Issued During 1957 & 1958: Arctic, Canadian Economics & Politics, New France, Canadian Literature, Western Canada, Antarctica, the Canadian Atlantic Provinces, Alaska, Ontario, Canadian Music, French Canada, the Indians of Canada
41801: Ammen, Daniel - The Errors and Fallacies of the Inter-Oceanic Transit Question. To Whom Do They Belong
36597: American Protective Tariff League. Ammidown, Edward H. - The Defender. Devoted to the Protection of American Labor and Industries [Eight Issues]
36845: Houghton Library. Amory, Hugh - Steven Day's First Type
38200: Amory, Hugh - First Impressions. Printing in Cambridge, 1639-1989
41206: Amunátegui, Miguel Luis - La Alborada Poética En Chile Después Del 18 de Setiembre de 1810
42996: Santa Ana, Manuel M. de - Compendio de Mitologia
30401: Anand, Mulk Raj - Kama Kala. Some Notes on the Philosophical Basis of Hindu Erotic Sculpture
30404: Anand, Mulk Raj, et al. - Homage to Kalamkari
44525: Arroyo de Anda, Agustin - Defensa Producida Ante la Suprema Corte Militar En Favor Del Sr. D. Rodrigo Anguiano
39416: Anders, Evan - Boss Rule in South Texas. The Progressive Era
30699: Andersen, Peter B. - Ritual Friendships As a Means of Understanding the Cultural Exchanges between Santal and Hindu Cultures,"Temenos, Vol. 22, 1986
13494: Arthur Andersen - The Players
36484: Anderson, Charles; Stillé, Charles J. - Loyal Publication Society, No. 17. The Cause of the War: Who Brought It on, for What Purpose? [Bound with] No. 13. How a Free People Conduct a Long War
34993: Anderson, Maxwell Lincoln. Whitney Museum of American Art - On Its Own Ground. Celebrating the Permanent Collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art
29686: Andersson, J.G. [Johan Gunnar] - Der Weg Uber Die Steppen
44531: Andrade, Vicente de P. - Noticias Biográficas Sobre Los Ilustrísimos Prelados de Sonora, de Sinaloa Y de Durango, Compiladas Por Vicente de P. Andrade
27592: Andrew, John A. - Address of His Excellency John A. Andrew, to the Two Branches of the Legislature of Massachusetts, January 3, 1862. Senate... . No. 1
30035: Societe des Etudes Indochinoises. Nguyen Thuy-Anh - Bulletin de la Societe Des Etudes Indochinoises. Nouvelle Serie - Tome XLI, Nos. 3 & 4, 3e Et 4e Trimestres 1966
43554: Santa Anna, Antonio López de. Jose Maria Tornel y Mendivil; Juan Suárez y Navarro; Lino J. Alcorta - Archive of 47 Mexican Manuscript and Printed Documents -Laws, Decrees, Circulars- from the Ministry of War and Navy: June - December 1853
37486: [Annan, James Craig]. Duke of Hamilton. Christie, Manson & Woods - Catalogue of the Collection of Pictures, Works of Art, and Decorative Objects, the Property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton, K.T... . Saturday, June 17, and Monday, June 19, 1882, and the Following Day [Five Portions Complete]
45282: Anninger, Anne. Houghton Library - The Renaissance in France: Illustrated Books
42983: D'Annunzio, Gabriele - Le Elegie Romane Di Gabriele D'Annunzio Novamente Impresse
42982: [D'Annunzio, Gabriele]. Forcella, Roberto - D'Annunzio 1863-1883. Guide Bibliografiche
43628: Anstey, Christopher - A Familiar Epistle from C. Anstey, Esq. To C.W. Bampfylde, Esq. Translated and Addressed to the Ladies
41520: Association pour l'enseignement des sciences anthropologiques - Légende Internationale Des Cartes Et Publications Palenthnologiques
29191: Congres international des sciences anthropologiques et ethnologiques - Viime Congres International Des Sciences Anthropologiques Et Ethnologiques, Moscou (3 Aout-10 Aout 1964). VII Mezdunarodnyj Kongress Antropoligiceskih I Etnograficeskih Nauk, Moskva (3-10 Avgusta 1964). [Eleven Volumes]
29205: AntikWest - Chinese Porcelain from Swedish Collections
34620: Ludwig Rosenthal's Antiquariaat - Collection of 4 Catalogues of Books from Ludwig Rosenthal's Antiquariaat
42757: De Graaf Antiquarian - Catalogue 114. Sciences. Astrology - Astronomy - Chemistry - Chronology - Geography - Mathematics - Medicine - Natural History - Natural Philosophy - Pharmacy - Physics - Psychology - Technology Etc.
34619: Koehlers Antiquarium - Collection of Seven Catalogues from K.F. Koehlers Antiquarium
39270: Institute for the Preservation of Yankang Antiquities, Shansi - The Yunkang Caves
33017: [Chinese Antiquities] - Historical Relics Unearthed in New China. Xin Zhongguo Chu Tu Wen Wu
45531: Antolín, P. Guillermo, ed - Catálogo de Los Códices Latinos de la Real Biblioteca Del Escorial [Five Volumes]
39898: Antuña, Enrique M. - Arte E Historica. Cuadros Históricos de Episodios de la Independencia Pintados Por Diógenes Héquet
34469: [Chile. Corte de apelaciones] - Memorias I Actas de Las Visitas Quinquenales Practicadas Por Los Señores Ministros de la Iltma. Corte de Apelaciones de Concepcion En Los Diversos Departamentos de Su Jurisdiccion Desde Diciembre de 1880
20640: Apollinaire, Guillaume - The Poet Assassinated
44119: Appleton, Daniel Sidney - [Autograph Letter Signed] Letter of Recommendation from D. Appleton & Co. Publishing
31312: Appleyard, H.S. - The Constantine Group
42222: Aquila, August J. - Alonso de Ercilla Y Zúñiga. A Basic Bibliography
23017: Aquino, John - Science Fiction As Literature
43491: Aragno, Piero - IL Romanzo Di Silone
45745: Lista y Aragon, Alberto - Ensayos Literarios Y Criticos. Tomo Primero [with] Tomo Segundo [2 Volumes in 1]
35474: Barros Arana, Diego - Un Decenio de la Historia de Chile (1841-1851). [Two Volumes]
34084: Aranda, Ricardo. Peru. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores - Colección de Los Tratados, Convenciones Capitulaciones, Armisticios, Y Otros Actos Diplomáticos Y Políticos Celebrados Desde la Independencia Hasta El Día, Precedida de Una Introducciín Que Comprende la época Colonial. Tomo 1-8 [Eight Volumes]
38514: Araújo, José Ignacio de - Quero E Nao Quero Casar," in 'o Mensageiro Das Damas. Jornal de Modas,' No. 74, Fevereiro. 1859
34827: Araújo, Orestes - Geografía Económica Del Uruguay
39621: Nuñez de Arce, G. [Gaspar] - Raimundo Lulio. Poema
42226: Pérez de Arce, H. [Hermógenes] - El Alcohol Considerado Bajo Su Aspecto Económico I Social
39633: Larmig. (Pseud. Luis A. Ramírez Martínez y Güertero). Gasper Núñez de Arce, prólogo - Mujeres Del Evanjelio. Cantos Religiosos
39712: Nuñez de Arce, G. [Gaspar] - La Visión de Fray Martín. Poema
43253: Archer, Michael; Hilty, Greg - Material Culture: The Objects in British Art of the 1980s and '90s
43092: Archer, [William Segar]; Sparks, Jared. United States Congress - Washington's Books and Papers. (to Accompany Amendment to Bill H.R. No. 283. ). April 1, 1834. Report by the Committee on Foreign Affairs, to Which Has Been Referred a Resolution, Directing Them to Inquire Into the Expediency of Purchasing the Library and Official and Private Papers of General Washington, to Be Deposited in the Department of State, Have Had the Same Under Consideration, and Report
40026: Exeter Diocesan Architectural and Archaeological Society - Transactions of the Exeter Diocesan Architectural and Archaeological Society. Third Series. Vol. III. Part 3
34917: Ardao, Arturo - La Universidad de Montevideo Su Evolución Histórica
41528: Arentz, F. [Fredrik] - Palaeolithic Chronology
44490: [Argentina] - Small Archive of Five Publications on Argentine Trade and Finance: 1928-1945
34055: Asociacion Libreros Anticuarios de la Argentina - Alada. Organo de la Asociacion Libreros Anticuarios de la Argentina. Año I. No. 2. Noviembre 1952 [with] Ano II. No. 3
36322: Sociedad de Bibliófilos Argentinos, Buenos Aires - Estatutos de la Sociedad de Bibliofilos Argentinos
30535: Institut arkheologii - Kratkie Soobshcheniia O Dokladakh I Polevykh Issledovaniiakh Instituta Arkheologii. 116: Severnoe Prichernomor'e V Antichnuiu Epokhu
30537: Institut arkheologii - Kratkie Soobshcheniia. 136. Arkheologiia Srednei Azii Sibiri I Povolzh'Ia
29983: Institut arkheologii - Kratkie Soobshcheniia O Dokladakh I Polevykh Issledovaniiakh Instituta Arkheologii. 105: Drevnosti Severo-Zapadogo Prichernomor'Ia
29982: Institut arkheologii - Kratkie Soobshcheniia O Dokladakh I Polevykh Issledovaniiakh Instituta Arkheologii. 93: Issledovaniia Pamiatnikov Epokhi Eneolita I Bronzy
42761: Arkway, Richard B. - An Occasional List of Rare Books in the History of Science
34446: Trousseau, A. (Armand) and Pidoux, H. - Tratado de Terapéutica Y Materia Médica, Escrito En Francés [Four Volumes]
45627: [Risorgimento]. Armandi, Pier Damiano - Ma Part Aux éVénements Importants de L'Italie Centrale En 1831
23654: Armstrong, Walter; Stevenson, Robert Alan Mowbray; Caw, James Lewis - Sir Henry Raeburn. Plates on India Paper
43061: [Armstrong, John] - Notice of Mr. Adams' Eulogium on the Life and Character of James Monroe
32333: Armstrong, Robert Cornell - Just Before the Dawn. The Life and Work of Ninomiya Sontoku
31068: Arpa - Frachtendienst: Antwerpen 1930. VIII Jahrgang 11. Januar 1930. Nr. 4
45626: Romo Arregui, Josefina - Vida, Poe Ia Y Estilo de D. Gaspar Núñez de Arce
35514: Silva A. [Arriagade], L. [Luis] Ignacio - La Novela En Chile. (Ensayo Bibliografico Sobre la Literatura Chilena)
39641: [Fundación Arrieta ] - Centro de Entretenimientos Populares "José Arrieta
38192: Lopez-Rey y Arroyo, Manuel - Endocrinologia Y Criminalidad
22897: National Gallery of Art - The National Gallery of Art: A Twenty-Five Year Report
32692: University of Iowa Museum of Art - Ars Librorum Medicorum Per Quinque Saecula. November 19, 1983 - January 15, 1984. Selections from the John Martin Rare Book Room of the Health Sciences Library
28549: Metropolitan Museum of Art - The Age of Exploration. Pictures of Explorers Who Sought New Routes for Eastern Trade & Found the New World on the Way, of Rulers Who Urged Them on, of Places They Visited & of the Treasures They Found in the East
25120: (Metropolitan Museum Of Art) - French Painting and Sculpture of the XVIII Century
42866: Museum of Modern Art - Circulating Exhibitions 1966-1967. Museum of Modern Art
42870: Univ. of Nebraska Department of Art - University of Nebraska Department of Art Faculty Exhibition. Sheldon Memorial Gallery. Lincoln, Nebraska. Spring, 1970
35819: Amigos del Arte - Exposicion Del Libro Antiguo
42825: Robertson Center for the Arts and Sciences - The Fine Art of Craftsmanship
31289: Ecole nationale superieure des beaux-arts - Les Concours D'Architecture de L'Annee Scolaire 1924-1925. Vingtieme Annee
28117: Arwas, Victor - Art Deco
46123: Ashburner, Charles A.; Winslow, Arthur - New Methods for Estimating the Contents of Highly Plicated Coal Beds As Applied to the Anthracite Fields of Pennsylvania
35348: Antiquariaat Julius Steiner-Asher - Botany. Catalogue Twenty
35347: Antiquariaat Forum. Antiquariaat Julius Steiner-Asher - Historical Gardens, Garden Architecture, Horticulture: Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts & Prints Jointly Offered for Sale
29006: International Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa - 30 Internaional Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa. 30 Congreso Internacional de Ciencias Humanas En Asia Y Africa Del Norte [Six Volumes]
31866: Societe Asiatique - Journal Asiatique. Recueil de Memoires Et de Notices Relatifs Aux Etudes Orientales. Dixieme Serie, Tome XIX. No. 2 - Mars-Avril 1912
15623: Asimov, Isaac - The Human Body: Its Structure and Operation
13441: Asimov, Isaac - Guida Alla Scienza Per L'Uomo Moderno. 2 Vol. (the Intelligent Man's Guide to Science)
37614: [Ohio. General Assembly] - Report of the Committee Appointed to Collect Information, Prepare and Report. A System of Common Schools. Friday, January 14, 1825
25888: New York State. Commissioners to Revise Laws for Assessment and Collection of Taxes. Wells, David Ames; Dodge, Edwin; and Cuyler, George W. - Local Taxation: Being a Report of the Commission Appointed by the Governor of New York, Under the Authority of the Legislature, to Revise the Laws for the Assessment and Collection of State and Local Taxes
28329: Mohawk River Baptist Association - Minutes of the First Annual Meeting of the Mohawk River Baptist Association, Held at Newport, Herk. Co. , on Wednesday, & Thursday, June 3 & 4, 1840
41139: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries - Important Tapestries of Brussels, Flemish Renaissance and Gobelins Weaves. English and French Furniture, Kirman & Persian Silk Carpets; Together with Other Important Oriental Rugs. Sale 4014. January 12, 13, 14, 1933
41177: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries - Diamond Jewelry. Fine Stones of Varied Cut Set in Handsome Mountings. Sale 4013. January 10 and 11, 1933
41180: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries - Diamond Jewelry; Pearl Necklaces. Sale No. 4097. March 31, 1934
30878: Tea Districts Labour Association - Castes and Tribes on the Tea-Estates of North-East India
41072: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries - Oil Paintings Mainly of the XVIII-XIX Centuries. British, French and American Examples Including... Peale, Sully, Inness, Duveneck, Ziem,... Van Ruisdael and Other Early Artists and a Group of French Moderns. May 10 & 11, 1933. Sale No. 4043
41067: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries - Oil Paintings of the XVII-XX Century and Earlier Schools. Two Portraits by Rembrandt Peale. Works by French Artists. American Landscapes. English Landscapes & Portraits. A Few Early Dutch, Flemish and Spanish Works. Sale 4016. January 19, 1933
41060: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries - A Small and Select Collection of Eighteenth Century Sculptures Including a Bust of George Washington by Houdon. Believed to Be the Original Plaster. Sale No. 3944. January 29, 1932
41061: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries - Important Old Masters of the Italian, Flemish, Dutch, French and English Schools. A Collection Including Works Formerly in the Possession of the Imperial Families of Hohenzollern and Hapsburg, and Other Princely Houses. Sale No. 3884. January 22, 1931
38686: [Ohio State Teachers' Association] - The Ohio Journal of Education. Vol. VII. No. 8. August, 1858
39497: Western History Association - Western History Association Annual Conference [Materials]: 1969-2008
41059: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries - Paintings of the British School Including a Group of Portraits... Early Dutch, Flemish, French and Italian Works with Examples... From the Collection of the Ehrich Galleries. Sale No. 3903. April 2, 1931
44261: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries - American and English Furniture of Superlative Quality Including Rare Examples Attributed to Foremost Makers of the American Revolutionary Period. Sale 4094. March 17, 1934
38835: American Bankers' Association - Proceedings of the Convention of the American Bankers' Association, Held at Saratoga Springs, N.Y. , September 3d, 4th and 5th, 1890, with the Constitution and by-Laws, and Appendices, Also Certified Lists of Officers and Members of the Association
38829: [Women] College Settlements Association - Second Annual Report of the College Settlements Association for the Year 1891
38810: Fairfield East Association - Historical Sketches, and Rules, of Fairfield East Association and Consociation, with Statistical Notices of the Consociated Churches
41170: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries - French & Italian Furniture. Oriental Rugs, Brocades & Velvets, Linens & Laces, Table Porcelains & Silver, Sculptures & Other Objects of Art. Sale No. 4105. April 21, 1934
41156: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries - Rare Old Velvets and XVI-XVIII Century Damasks, Brocades and Embroideries, Together with Important Majolica, Urbino, Siena, Deruta, Cafaggiolo, and Gubbio Lustre Ware of the XV & XVI Centuries. Sale 3997. November 10, 11, and 12, 1932
41161: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries - Early American Furniture, Historical Staffordshire China, Early Glass & Other Decorations Including the Trumbull - Silliman Heirlooms. Sale No. 3890. February 21, 1931
41056: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries - Oil Paintings by Nicolas Berchem, Pierre Mignard, Oudry Van Huysum, Ribera, John Constable, Romney, Ranger, Bunce, Blakelock, Murphy, Ryder, Inness, Sully, Chase, Monet, and the Barbizon School. Sale No. 3846. May 1, 1930
41041: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries - An Important Collection of Old Masters & Early American Paintings. A Choice Selection from the Collection of the Ehrich Galleries, New York. Sale No. 1660. May 9, 10, 1922
32361: Nihon Onsen Kyokai (Japan Spa Association) - Me de Miru Nihon No Onsen
30850: New York State Historical Association - The Acting Director's Report for 1974
27627: Tolland County Association - Reply to Mr. Abbot's Statement of Proceedings in the First Society in Coventry, Connecticut
41073: American Art Association, Anderson Galleries - Fine Etchings by Old & Modern Masters. Whistler Venetian and Thames Subjects Selected by the Late William M. Chase from Whister's Porfolios for the Easton Collection... . Including Dürer's "Great Fortune. " May 12, 1933. Sale 4044
16491: (Atget, Eugene).Trottenberg, Arthur D., ed - A Vision of Paris: The Photographs of Eugene Atget, the Words of Marcel Proust
10589: Atkinson, Thomas G. - Essentials of Visual Psychology
34591: Atkinson, Reginald - Collection of 7 Catalogues of Books from Reginald Atkinson
42178: Atkinson, Geoffroy - La Littérature Geographique Francaise de le Renaissance, Répertoire Bibliographique: (Avec 300 Reproductions Photographiques). Description de 524 Impressions D'Ouvrages Publiés En Français Avant 1610, Et Traitant Des Pays Et Des Peuples Non Européens, Que L'on Trouve Dans Les Principales Bibliothèques de France Et de L'Europe Occidentale [with] Supplément Au Répertoire Bibliographique Se Rapportant a la Littérature Géographique Française de la Renaissance [Two Volumes]
34905: Editorial Atlántida - Atlántida. Junio, 1953. Año 369, Num. 1036
30459: Auboyer, Jeannine - Les Influences Et Les Reminiscences Etrangeres Au Kondo Du Horyuji. Ministere de L'Education Nationale Et Des Beaux-Arts. Publications Du Musee Guimet. Documents D'Art Et D'Archeologie - Tome Second
37342: Austin, Harmon, et al. - Garfield As Candidate. Did He Meet with Opposition or Defection in His Own Party. A Broad, Comprehensive Refutation of Democratic Allegations. The Vote and Circumstances of Each Congressional Canvass Stated. The Nineteenth District Executive Committee Speaks with No Uncertain Sound. [No. 48. ]
29066: Ave, Joop - Nafas Islam: Kebudayaan Indonesia
46282: Ayala, Francisco - El Hechizado. Cuadernos de la Quimera
35169: [Azores] - Archivo Dos açores. Publicação Destinada a Vulgarisação Dos Elemento Indispensaveis Para Todos Os Ramos Da Historia açoriana. Volume Segundo. [Volume II Only]
28394: Towle, Charles B. et al, eds - The Beacon. Vol. V. No. 4. Boston University. January 20, 1880
38163: Carmoney, Neil B. and Brown, David E., eds - Mexican Game Trails. Americans Afield in Old Mexico, 1866-1940
28392: Towle, Charles B. et al, eds - The Beacon. Vol. IV. Nos. 1-6. Boston University. October 15, 1878 - March 15, 1879
44076: Lewis, Albert B. and Laufer, Berthold - Tobacco in New Guinea
36612: Babcock, Joseph W. - Looking Forward" from "Three Evenings with Silver and Money. " a Talk of Four Neighbors About Money and Silver. Part Two: "Looking Forward. " from the Remarks of Hon. Joseph W. Babcock of Wisconsin in the House of Representatives, Washington D.C. June 8, 1896
31987: Bachhofer, Ludwig - Die Kunst Der Japanischen Holzschnittmeister
39314: Bachhofer, Ludwig - Der Zug Nach Dem Osten. Einige Bemerkungen Zur Prähistorischen Keramik Chinas
37675: [Bacon, Edgar Mayhew] - A Centennial Souvenir. " a Brief History of Tarrytown, from 1680 to September 1880. With a Map of Tarrytown As It Was One Hundred Years Ago
29657: Bacon, Elizabeth E. - Central Asians Under Russian Rule. A Study in Culture Change
29844: Bader, Otto Nikolaevich - Balanovskii Mogil'Nik; Iz Istorii Lesnogo Povolzh'Ia V Epokhu Bronzy
36662: Badt, Karin Luisa - The Story of the Mississippi Flood of 1993. (Cornerstones of Freedom)
36432: Baedeker, Karl - Italien Von Den Alpen Bis Neapel
36429: Baedeker, Karl - Switzerland
39896: Baer, Joseph - Graphik. Kupferstiche Und Holzschnitte Des XV. Und XVI. Jahrhunderts. Japanische Holschnitte. Handzeichnungen, Aquarelle Und Miniaturen Des XII. Bis XIX. Jahrhunderts. Handbücher Zur Geschichte Der Graphischen Kunste Und Der Miniaturmalerei. Katalog 730
42156: Solveira de Báez, Beatriz - Actas de la Legislatura de la Rioja, años 1844 a 1852
36582: Bailey, J.W. [Joseph Weldon]; Teller, Henry M. - Free Coinage of Silver. Speech Delivered by Hon. J.W. Bailey at Sherman, Texas, June 11, 1895, and Printed by Hon. Geo. C. Pendleton, in the Congressional Record, February 5, 1896. [with] Silver Coinage and Coin Redemption. Speech of Hon. Henry M. Teller, of Colorado, in the Senate of the United States, Tuesday, January 28, 1896
38407: Bain, David Haward - Sitting in Darkness. Americans in the Philippines
46086: Baird, Henry Carey - Memoir of Col. Alexander Biddle
34231: Baker, Thomas S. - La Terre Du Réalisme. L'Esprit Américain. Machinisme Et Standardisation. L'Opinion Publique Américaine
35052: Baker, G.-P - Charlemagne Créateur D'Empire
46113: [Baker, Edward D.] U.S. Congress - Addresses on the Death of Hon. Edward D. Baker, Delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives on Wednesday, December 11, 1861
20215: Baker, Will - Dawn Stone. An Antediluvian Tale
39793: Baker, G.A. - A Classified Catalogue of Books of General Interest. No. 31. 1925
37489: Baldry, A.L. - The Wallace Collection at Hertford House
37245: Baldwin, C.C. - A Centennial Law Suit. Western Reserve and Northern Ohio Historical Society. Tract Thirty-Five. December 1876
46061: [Baldwin, C. C.] - Memorial of Colonel Charles Whittlesey, Late President of the Western Reserve Historical Society
36851: Balesi, Charles J., ed - Pen and Press in Revolutionary France. Documentary Sources of the Newberry Library. An Exhibition at the Newberry Library, 8 May-5 August 1989
26395: Seligmann, Leopold. Hermann Ball and Paul Graupe - Die Sammlung Dr. Leopold Seligmann, Koln. Eingeleitet Von Paul Clemen, Otto Von Falke Und Georg Swarzenski
45750: [Sociedad Jurídico Literaria]. Bustamante y Ballivián, Enrique - Revista de la Sociedad "Jurídico-Literaria. " Nueva Serie. Tomo XIX, Setiembre Y Octubre de 1917, NúM 52 Y 53
28301: Ballou, Hosea - A Sermon Delivered in Bleeker Street Church, New York, at the Session of the General Convention of Universalists, September 16th, 1847
39624: Marin [Balmaceda], Raul - Filosofía de la Tragedia Alemana
39610: [Balmaceda, José Manuel] - Algunas Piezas Relativas Al Pleito Sobre la Vinculacion de Bucalemu Entre El Mui Reverendo Arzobispo Don Manuel Fernandez Cereceda and José Manuel Balmaceda
46247: [Balmaceda, José Manuel]. Club Jose Manuel Balmaceda - Balmaceda
35509: Balmaceda, Manuel José - Manual Del Hacendado Chileno. Instrucciones Para la Direccion I Gobierno de Los Fundos Que En Chile Se Llaman Haciendas
37988: Baltimore, Frederick Calvert, Baron. Gurney, Joseph - The Trial of Frederick Calvert, Esq; Baron of Baltimore, in the Kingdom of Ireland, for a Rape on the Body of Sarah Woodcock; and of Eliz. Griffinburg, and Ann Harvey, Otherwise Darby, As Accessaries Before the Fact, for Procuring, Aiding and Abetting Him in Committing the Said Rape. At the Assizes Held at Kingston, for the County of Surry, on Saturday, the 26th of March, 1768. Before the Hon. Sir Sydney Stafford Smythe, Knt. One of the Barons of His Majesty's Court of Exchequer. Published by Permission of the Judge. Taken in Short-Hand by Joseph Gurney
46320: Bamberg, Maria; (de Bamberg, María Brunswig) - Allá En la Patagonia
27918: Bancroft, Aaron - A Sermon, Delivered at the Installation of the Rev. Andrew Bigelow, to the Pastoral Care of the Church in Medford, July 9, 1823. By Aaron Bancroft, D.D. Pastor of the Second Congregational Church in Worcester
41963: Chemical Corn Exchange Bank - International Economic Survey. [Thirteen Issues on Latin American Countries 1954-1958]
38332: [Puerto Rico. Law]: Lopez de Baños, Miguel - Capitania General Y Gobierno Superior Politico de la Isla de Puerto-Rico. Circular NúM. 119. [Instruccion Para la Renovacion Parcial de Ayuntamientos]
32541: Banzai, Mayumi - A Visit to the Old Post Town in Japan
37482: Bapst, Germain - études Sur L'Orfèvrerie Française Au Xviiie Siècle; Les Germain, Orfèvres-Sculpteurs Du Roy
43395: Baralt, Rafael Maria - Discurso de Recepcion Pronunciado En la Real Academia Española
29722: Baranskii, N.N. - Istoricheskaia Geografiia Sssr. 1950. Voprosy Geografii: Sbornik 20
31077: Barbance, Marthe - Histoire de la Compagnie Generale Transatlantique. Un Siecle D'Exploitation Maritime
22365: Barber, Malcolm - The Two Cities: Medieval Europe 1050-1320
45654: Calderón de la Barca, Pedro - Comedias Del Célebre Poeta Español Don Pedro Calderon de la Barca... Que Saca a Luz Don Juan Fernandez de Apontes... Tomo Octavo [of XI]
35699: Barcia, José F. [Fernandez] - Andanzas
34152: Barcia, José F. [Fernandez] - Sonatina Gijonesa
36934: Barclay, A.; Science Museum - Pure Chemistry. A Brief Outline of Its History and Development. Part I - Historical Review
23680: Barclay, John - Jo. Barclaii Argenis Cum Clave, Hoc Est, Nominum Propriorum Elucidatione Olim Quidem Edita
24994: Barcott, Bruce - The Measure of a Mountain: Beauty and Terror on Mount Rainer
37443: Bardac, Joseph - Catalogue Des Tableaux Anciens... Gouaches... Objets D'Art Et D'Ameublement... Sièges Et Meubles... Composant la Collection de M. Joseph Bardac Et Dont la Vente Aux Enchères Publiques Aura Lieu à Paris, Galerie Georges Petit... Le... 9 DéC. 1927
23484: (Lilly Library). Robert P. Bareikis - The Transition to Modern Germany: The Eighteenth Century
27856: Baring, Alexander - An Inquiry Into the Causes and Consequences of the Orders in Council; and an Examination of the Conduct of Great Britain Towards the Neutral Commerce of America
24184: Barlach, Ernst - Aus Dem Plastischen Werk
24088: Barnard, Frederick A. P., ed - Johnson's New Universal Cyclopaedia: Scientific and Popular Treasury of Useful Knowledge. Illustrated with Maps, Plans, and Engravings (Four Volumes in Eight)
38785: Barnard, F.A.P. (Frederick Augustus Porter) - Improvements Practicable in American Colleges. A Paper Read Before the American Association for the Advancement of Education, at Its Fifth Annual Session, in the Chapel of the University of New York, on the 30th of August, 1855
36477: Barnard, J.G. - The Peninsular Campaign and Its Antecedents, As Developed by the Report of Maj. Gen. Geo. B. Mcclellan, and Other Published Documents
32909: Barnes, Albert - The Way of Salvation; a Sermon, Delivered at Morristown, New-Jersey, February 8, 1829... Together with Mr. Barnes' Defence of the Sermon, Read Before the Synod of Philadelphia, at Lancaster, October 29, 1830, and His "Defence" Before the Second Presbytery of Philadelphia, in Reply to the Charges of the Rev. Dr. George Junkin
18884: Barnett, Correlli - The Swordbearers. Supreme Command in the First World War
24562: Barney, W. Pope. William Dewey Foster, ed.; F. R. Yerbury, photos - Some Domestic Architecture in Surrey and Sussex. (the Tuileries Brochures: A Series of Monographs on European Architecture with Special Reference to Roofs of Tile. Volume II, Number 4, July 1930)
24564: Barney, Marian Greene. William Dewey Foster, ed.; F. R. Yerbury, photos - The Towers of Dorset. (the Tuileries Brochures: A Series of Monographs on European Architecture with Special Reference to Roofs of Tile. Volume II, Number 6, November 1930)
37731: Barnhart, Joe Edward - The Southern Baptist Holy War
26408: Barratt, Glynn - The Russian Discovery of Hawai'i
43282: [Barrell, James E.], master - [Manuscript] Statement of General Average Case of the Schooner "David Currie.
32942: Barrett, John - Admiral George Dewey. A Sketch of the Man
45828: Barrett, C. Waller - Henry Adams: An Address Before the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, May 3, 1951
32670: Barrette, Ward J. - The Efficient Plantation and the Inefficient Hacienda
39627: Barros, Miguel; Solar, Félix Antonio del - Alegato Por Parte de D.J. De la Cruz Gandarillas En El Juicio Promovido Contra éL. Por D. Felix Antonio Del Solar Sobre Uso Del Monte de la Hacienda de Chocalau
43084: Barry, William T. [Taylor] - Letter of William T. Barry, Postmaster General, to the House of Representatives of the United States Reviewing the Report of the Select Committee of That House, Appointed to Investigate the Affairs of the Post Office Department. March 2, 1835
27636: New York Chamber of Commerce. Barstow, Caleb - Usury Law Reform. Reports of the Chamber of Commerce of New York, from 1854 to 1864
42245: Bartels, Adolphe - Documens Historiques Sur la Révolution Belge
39794: Bartfield, J.N. - J.N. Bartfield Fine Book Studios. Part I. June 1952. Standard Sets of Famous Authors in Fine Bindings, Limited Editions Beautifully Printed and Illustrated at Low Prices
24687: Barthel, Diane - Putting on Appearances: Gender and Advertising
36592: Bartine, Horace F. - Free Coinage of Silver. Speech of Hon. Horace F. Bartine of Nevada, in the House of Representatives, Thursday, March 24, 1892
27624: Bartlet, William - Essex Resolutions
43570: [Bartlett, J.S] - Albion or British, Colonial, and Foreign Weekly Gazette. New Series. Vol. 4 No. 33. Saturday, August 16, 1845. [with] Vol. 8. No 5. Feb. 3, 1849 [with] Vol. 9, No. 52. December 28th, 1850 [Three Issues]
29045: Bartow, Virgina [New York Public Library] - Ninety from the Nineties. A Decade of Printing. New York Public Library: November 7, 2003-May 28, 2004
42939: Basadre, J.S. Rey - Rapport Présenté Au Premier Congrès International Du Froid a Paris Par le Delégué Officiel de la République Argentine
28123: Baschet, R. - La Fin Du Titanic," in L'Illustration. Journal Universel Herbomadaire. Samedi 27 Avril 1912. No. 3609
39665: Bascuñan, Homero - La Rebelión de Los árboles
30246: Basu, B.D. [Baman Das] - Rise of the Christian Power in India
43468: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Tomo XX / 1871-1874 [Seccion Doctrinal]
43471: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique. Grases, Pedro - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Volumen 23 / Tomo IX-B-B / 1872-1874 [Seccion Legislativa]
43467: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Tomo XIX / 1866-1869 [Seccion Estadística]
43463: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Tomo XII / 1858-1863 [Seccion Doctrinal]
43462: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Tomo X / 1853-1857 [Seccion Legislativa]
43460: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Tomo VII / 1847-1853 [Secciones Doctrinal Y Legislativa]
43461: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Tomo IX / 1854-1857 [Seccion Doctrinal]
43348: Carrillo Batalla, Tomás Enrique - Historia Critica de la Teoria de Las Fluctuaciones Economicas Y Analisis de Caso Venezolano. Volumen I and II [Two Volumes in Five]
43472: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique. Grases, Pedro - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Volumen 24 / Tomo IX-C / 1871-1874 [Seccion Estadistica]
43466: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Tomo XVII / 1866-1870 [Seccion Doctrinal]
43476: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique. Grases, Pedro - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Volumen 28 / Tomo XI-B / 1878-1886 [Seccion Legislativa]
43459: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Tomo VI / 1842-1846 [Secciones Legislativa Y Estadistica]
43464: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Tomo XV / 1863-1865 [Seccion Doctrinal]
43465: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Tomo XVI / 1863-1865 [Seccion Legislativa Y Estadística]
43475: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique. Grases, Pedro - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Volumen 27 / Tomo XI-a / 1878-1886 [Seccion Doctrinal]
43474: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique. Grases, Pedro - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Volumen 26 / Tomo X-C / 1874-1877 [Seccion Estadistica]
43473: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique. Grases, Pedro - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Volumen 25 / Tomo X-a Y B / 1875-1877 [Secciones Doctrinal Y Legislativa]
43455: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Tomo II / 1837-1841 [Seccion Doctrinal]
43456: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Tomo III / 1837-1841 [Secciones Legislativa Y Estadistica]
43457: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Tomo IV / 1842-1846 [Seccion Doctrinal]; Primera Parte: 1842- 1843
43458: Carrillo Batalla, Tomas Enrique - Historia de Las Finanzas Públicas En Venezuela. Tomo V / 1842-1846 [Seccion Doctrinal]; Segunda Parte: 1844- 1846
46046: Batchelder, Samuel Francis - Notes on Colonel Henry Vassall (1721-1769). His Wife Penelope Royall. His House at Cambridge and His Slaves Tony and Darby
32687: Bates, Donald, ed - Spectrum. Volume I. Fall 1965. Undergraduate Literary Magazine Northeastern University
45772: [Bates, Joseph; Tilden, Henry A.] - The Journal of Materia Medica, Devoted to Materia Medica, Pharmacy, and Chemistry. Vol. 12. October, 1873. No. 10
45773: [Bates, Joseph; Tilden, Henry A.] - The Journal of Materia Medica, Devoted to Materia Medica, Pharmacy, and Chemistry. Vol. XIII. November, 1874. No. 11
27292: Bates, W.G. (William Gelston); Stearns, Charles - A Statement of Facts in Connection with the Petition of the Springfield Aqueduct Company, for an Addition to Their Act of Incorporation. Also Hon. W.G. Bates' Argument Before the Committee of the Legislature, on the Subject, March 23, 1849
45769: [Bates, Joseph; Hutchins, Alexander; Tilden, Henry A.] - Journal of Materia Medica, and Pharmaceutic Formulary. New Series. January, 1858
41663: Baudet, Pol - Objets Préhistoriques de Montigny-Sur-Crécy (Aisne)
23321: Baum, L. Frank, verse; and Kennedy, Harry, pictures - The Navy Alphabet
26039: Baur, John I.H. - Philip Evergood
41546: Baurain, Eugène - Une Pseudo-Hache Plate, Silex Poli Ayant Dû être Utilisé à la Main Comme Grattoir, Observations Sur le Non Emmanchement Et le Mode D'Emploi D'Un Outil Néolithique Trouvé Près Pierrefonds (Oise)
39727: Baya, Eulogio - Voto Verbal Del Ministro. Eulogio Bayá, En El Proceso de Asesinato de María Montaño
27645: New York Chamber of Commerce. Bayard, William - Memorial of the New York Chamber of Commerce, to the Hon. The Senate and House of Representatives of the United States, in Congress Assembled: With Statements, Prepared by Order of the Chamber, to Show the Present Rate of Duties, and the Rate of Duties Proposed by the Tariff Bill, Now Before Congress. With Remarks, &C
27640: New York City Chamber of Commerce. Bayard, William - Memorial of the Chamber of Commerce of the City of New York. December 27, 1819. Referred to the Committee on Commerce [20]
28113: Bayer, Patricia - Art Deco Interiors. Decoration and Design Classics of the 1920s and 1930s
24259: Bazin, Rene - La Sarcelle Bleue
25205: Beamish, Richard J. - The Boy's Story of Lindbergh: The Lone Eagle
33450: Bean, Cathy Bao - The Chopsticks-Fork Principle. A Memoir and Manual
42217: Beardsley, Jr., Theodore S. - Clara Louisa Penney (1888-1970). Necrology
36594: Beatty, John; Carlisle, John G. - To the Readers of Coin's Financial School. An Answer. Vol. I, No. 1. Issued Quarterly [All Published]
24559: La Beaume, Louis. William Dewey Foster, ed.; F. R. Yerbury, photos - From Chipping Campden to Bath. (the Tuileries Brochures: A Series of Monographs on European Architecture with Special Reference to Roofs of Tile. Volume 1, Number 6, November 1929)
26877: Newhall, Beaumont and Newhall, Nancy, eds - Masters of Photography
28972: Beaumont, Adalbert de - Venise, 185... ," from le Tour Du Monde. Nouveau Journal Des Voyages. 1862. VI. Deuxieme Semestre
43115: Poland, C. Beauregard et al. - Story of the San Francisco Earthquake and Fire. The Partially Destroyed Metropolis Now Being Rebuilt," in California Magazine. (the Travelers' Blue Book). May, 1906
41713: Frederick, King of Prussia; Louis de Beausobre and Jean-Baptiste de Boyer Argens, marquis d' - Poësies Diverses
44993: Beccaceci, Marcelo D.; Hayskar, Bonnie J. - Patagonia Wilderness
43370: Becco, Horacio Jorge - Contribución a la Bibliografía de Rómulo Betancourt
33998: Americanus [pseud. Becerra, Ricardo] - El Liberalismo En Colombia I Sus Detractores de Por Acá
35994: Becher, Emilio. (Colombo Press) - Dialogo de Las Sombras
13443: (Beck, Kurt Gustav) - Graphik Der Gegenwart 1959
21234: Beckford, William - Vathek
35040: Zorraquin Becu, Ricardo - Marcelino Ugarte 1822-1872. Un Jurista En la época de la Organización Nacional
39348: Bedford, Nicole Russell, Duchess of Bedford. Bour, Danièle, illus - The Joyful Ghost
42955: [Miñano y Bedoya, Sebastian] - Las Cartas Del Madrileño, Sacadas Del Censor, Periodico Español
38795: [Beecher, Lyman]; [Wisner, Benjamin B.]; [Marvin, Theophilius Rogers] - Review of a Pamphlet on the Trust Deed of the Hanover [Street] Church
28069: Beecher, Lyman - A Sermon, Delivered at Woolcot (Con. ) Sept. 21, 1814, at the Installation of the Rev. John Keyes, to the Pastoral Care of the Church in That Place. By Lyman Beecher, Pastor of the Church of Christ in Litchfield
23692: Beerbohm, Max - And Even Now
38138: Beezley, William H. - Judas at the Jockey Club and Other Episodes of Porfirian Mexico
39023: Beitz, Les - Treasury of Frontier Relics. A Collector's Guide
29662: Belenickij, Aleksandr - Zentral-Asien
38372: Sotheby Parke Bernet. Sotheby's Belgravia - The G.S. Mottershead Collection of Good Oriental and European Ivories. March 8, 1979
40087: Belinzon, Lorenzo - Baltasar Brum En El Espiritu de Su Inmolacion
33852: Bell, Jr., Whitfield J. - The Founding of a Lodge. One Hundred Twenty-Fifth Anniversary January 12, 1950
35186: Bell, Jr., Whitfield J. - Lives in Medicine: The Biographical Dictionaries of Thacher, Williams, and Gross
40561: Hafiz; Bell, Gertrude Lowthian, trans - Teachings of Hafiz
46108: Bell, Isaac Lowthian - Notes on the Progress of the Iron Trade of Cleveland on the North-East Coast of England
34605: Bell, Deighton - Collection of 7 Catalogues of Books from Deighton Bell
43043: Bellaver, Tony & Marsh, Mary V. [Quite Contrary Press] - Journeying
35162: Bellermann, Christian Fr. [Friedrich] - Die Alten Liederbücher Der Portugiesen Oder Beiträge Zur Geschichte Der Portugiesischen Poesie Vom Dreizehnten Bis Zum Anfang Des Sechzehnten Jahrhunderts Nebst Proben Aus Handschriften Und Alten Drucken
37579: Bellin, Jacques Nicolas. Schley, Jacob van der - Carte Des Costes de France Et D'Espagne. Kaart Van de Kusten Van Vrankryk En Van Spanje
34028: Bello, Jose Maria - A History of Modern Brazil 1889-1964
45459: Bello, Andrés; Jaksic´, Ivan [editor] - Selected Writings of Andrés Bello
24595: Bellows, Robert P. - Country Meeting Houses Along the Massachusetts- New Hampshire Line. (the White Pine Series of Architectural Monographs, Volume XI, No. 5, 1925)
37272: Beltrami, J.C. (Giacomo Costantino) - A Pilgrimage in Europe and America, Leading to the Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi and Bloody River; with a Description of the Whole Course of the Former, and of the Ohio. [Two Volumes]
35181: Bemis, Samuel Flagg - Early Diplomatic Missions from Buenos Aires to the United States 1811-1824
38212: Rueda Benavides, Roberto - Rasgos Principales de la Constitucion de la Propiedad Inmueble En Nuestro Pais Legislación Comparada
24563: Bendall, Francis. William Dewey Foster, ed.; F. R. Yerbury, photos - Rural Architecture in Buckinghamshire. (the Tuileries Brochures: A Series of Monographs on European Architecture with Special Reference to Roofs of Tile. Volume II, Number 5, September 1930)
30588: Bender, Ernest, ed - Journal of the American Oriental Society. Volume 105, Number 3, July-September 1985. Special Issue. Indological Studies. Dedicated to Daniel H.H. Ingalls
39521: Benech, C.F. - Los Israelitas, El Mesias Y Los Gobiernos En Presencia Del Concilio Vaticano Y de Las Naciones Europeas
21347: Benedict, Pinckney - Town Smokes
22835: Benedikt, Michael, ed - Cyberspace: First Steps
35521: Benelli, Alejandro - Bibliografia General de Vicuña Mackenna. Integrada Con Trabajos de Ramón Briseño, Carlos Vicuña M. , Guillermo Feliú Cruz Y Eugenio Orrego Vicuña
31672: Ordnance Department. United States Army. Benet, S. V. [Stephen Vincent] - Annual Report of the Chief of Ordnance to the Secretary of War for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1878
28328: Benevolent Fraternity of Churches. Central Board. Rogers, H.B., et al. - The Second Annual Report of the Central Board of the Benevolent Fraternity of Churches
21308: Eklundh, Claes. Adlers, Bengt and Nilsson, Bo - Claes Eklundh: Malningar / Paintings 1981-1986
43761: Benjamin, William Evarts - The Autograph Collection of a Modern Collector. Together with Some New Stock Recently Accumulated and Some Clearance Lots at Low Prices. No. 48. January, 1893
36668: Benjamin, Mary A. - Autographs. A Key to Collecting
24272: Benkovitz, Miriam J. - Aubrey Beardsley: An Account of His Life
37788: Bennett, James - Overland Journey to California. Journal of James Bennett Whose Party Left New Harmony in 1850 and Crossed Plains and Mountains Until the Golden West Was Reached
44765: [New York City] Benson, Robert; Willett, Marinus - 18th C. Court Warrant for Trespassing Signed by Former General Marinus Willett, Sheriff, and Former Secretary of the New York Provincial Congress, Robert Benson (New City Clerk)
27820: Benton, Thomas Hart - Speech of Mr. Benton, of Missouri. In Senate, January 6, 1840: On Mr. Benton's Resolutions Against the Constitutionality and Expediency of Assuming, or Providing for the Payment of the State Debts, or Diverting the Land Revenue to That Object
38008: Berber, Fritz - Jahrbuch Für Auswärtige Politik
35060: Berdrow, Wilhelm - Krupp. D'Après la Correspondance Intime Et Les Archives de la Maison Krupp
29692: Berendsohn, Walter A. - The Oriental Studies of August Strindberg (1849-1912). Central Asian Collectanea No. 5
28091: Berenholtz, Richard (photos); Reynolds, Donald Martin (text) - Manhattan Architecture
25174: Berenson, Bernhard - The Study and Criticism of Italian Art. First Series [and] Second Series. [Two Volumes]
25921: Berenson, Bernard - Alberto Sani: An Artist out of His Time (Un Artista Fuori Del Suo Tempo)
35382: Berès, Pierre - Livres Badins érudits, Curieux, Dévots, Libidineux, Etc. Catalogue 84
35383: Berès, Pierre - Livres Précieux Des Xvie & Xviie Siécles. Catalogue 74
34481: Berès, Pierre - A Collection of 7 Catalogues from Pierre Berès
31886: Beres, Huguette. Findlay, H. Peter - A Closed and Floating World. Japan Before Perry. May 31-June 21, 1975. Organized with Huguette Beres, Paris
40493: Berg, Gustav von; Madden, Henry Miller, trans - From Kapuvár to California 1893. Travel Letters of Baron Gustav Van Berg
36253: Berger, Paulo - Bibliografia Do Rio de Janeiro de Viajantes E Autores Estrangeiros 1531-1900
42957: Bergsträsser, L. [Ludwig] - Geschichte Der Politischen Parteien in Deutschland
38681: Wartburg Orphans' Farm School]. Berkemeier, G.C. - Twenty-First Annual Report of the Wartburg Orphans' Farm School of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Located Near Mount Vernon, Westchester Co. N.Y. From May 1st 1886, Until May 1st, 1887
43994: [Bermuda] - Bermuda. Steamship and Aircraft Services, Hotel and Transportation Rates, Greens Fees.
43399: Bermudez, Luis Julio - Cuento Y Recuento
30011: Bernard, Paul - Le Probleme Economique Indochinois
32179: Barber, Bernard and Levy, Dana - Water. A View from Japan
38364: Sotheby Parke Bernet - Important Asian and Japanese Works of Art. November 18 and 19, 1975
16782: (Sotheby Parke Bernet) - Oriental Rugs and Carpets: Saturday, June 19, 1982
16785: (Sotheby Parke Bernet) - Oriental Rugs and Carpets: Friday, June 9, 1978
38369: Sotheby Parke Bernet - Japanese and Other Asian Works of Art, and a Highly Important American Collection of Early Japanese Buddhist & Shinto Paintings and Sculpture (Part 1). November 3 and 4, 1977
38375: Sotheby Parke Bernet - Chinese and Japanese Ceramics and Works of Art. Property from Mr. And Mrs. Jack Snelson [and] Various Owners. June 4, 1981
38376: Sotheby Parke Bernet - Later Japanese and Chinese Works of Art. June 27, 1981
38377: Sotheby Parke Bernet - Fine Later Japanese and Chinese Works of Art. March 27, 1981
42916: Sotheby Parke Bernet - Japanese, Korean, Tibetan, Nepalese, Gandharan, Indian and Southeast Asian Works of Art. November 27, 28, 29, 1973
24621: Sotheby Parke Bernet - British Drawings and Watercolours 1760-1930 and Watercolours of Military Interest Including Property from the Collection of the Late George Francis Hugh, 2nd Marquess of Cambridge, G.C. V.O.
24619: Sotheby Parke Bernet - The Thomas G. Rizzo Collection of Important American Folk Art and Related Decorative Arts
24620: Sotheby Parke Bernet - European Ceramics Including English and Continental Pottery and Porcelain
34477: Bernett, F.A. - A Collection of 134 Catalogues from F.A. Bernett Books
39221: Bernier, M; Morison, Theodore, trans - Minute by M. Bernier Upon the Establishment of Trade in the Indies, Dated 10th March, 1668. [from the] Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 1933. Part I. January
40598: Bernoulli, Rudolf - Ausgewählte Meisterwerke Ostasiatischer Graphik in Der Bibliothek Für Kunst Und Kunstgewerbe in Berlin
30191: Bernstein, Jeremy - The Wildest Dreams of Kew. A Profile of Nepal
28005: Berrien, John Macpherson, et al. - In Senate of the United States. February 28, 1843. Submitted, and Ordered to Be Printed. Mr. Berrien Made the Following Report: The Committee on the Judiciary to Whom Was Referred the Memorial of the 1st Municipality of the City of New Orleans Praying That They Be Put in Possession of a Square of Ground Situated in Said City, and Now in Possession of the Government of the United States. .
19844: Almgren, Bertil et. al - The Viking
41488: [Bertrand, Alexandre] - Projet de Classification Des Haches En Bronze
32525: Bertuccioli, Giuliano - La Voce Giappone Nella Enciclopedia Dantesca. Vol. III
39284: Bertuccioli, Giuliano - La Voce Cina Nella Enciclopedia Dantesca. Vol. II
39285: Bertuccioli, Giuliano - La Voce Marco Polo Nella Enciclopedia Dantesca. Vol. IV
23816: Besant, Walter - London North of the Thames. [Survey of London]
20035: Betjeman, John - Vintage London
12190: Beurdeley, Michel - Chinese Trade Porcelain
30828: Beurdeley, Michel - Porcelaine de la Compagnie Des Indes
44552: Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin. Staal, Gustave, illus - Galería de Mujeres Célebres
30603: Bhatt, G.H., ed - Journal of the Oriental Institute. M.S. University of Baroda, Baroda. Vol. III, No. 4, June, 1954
30632: Bhawe, S.S. - The Conception of a Muse of Poetry in the Rgveda
29936: Wimon Phongphiphat (Bhongbhibhat, Vimol,); Reynolds, Bruce; Sukhon Polpatpicharn - The Eagle and the Elephant. 150 Years of Thai-American Relations. Fu'n Khwamlang Thai-`Amerikan 150 Pi
25730: [Bible] - The Holy Bible Containing the Old and New Testaments Translated out of the Original Tongues, and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised
24948: [Bible] - Le Nouveau Testament de Notre Seigneur Jesus-Christ. Imprime Sur L'Edition de Paris, de L'Annee 1805. Ed. Stereotype Revue Et Corrigee Avec Soin D'Apres le Texte Grec
34640: Bickersteth, David - Collection of 5 Catalogues of Books from David Bickersteth
16478: Bickford, J. T. - Scandal
45826: Bickford, Christopher P.; The Connecticut Historical Society - The Connecticut Historical Society 1825-1975. A Brief Illustrated History
45821: Bickford, Christopher; Connecticut Historical Society - Literary Piracy in New Haven: Sidney Babcock and the Publication of Children's Books" in the Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin, Volume 40, Number 3, July 1975
27598: [Bidwell, Barnabas] - An Address to the People of Massachusetts. February, 1805
30809: Biermann, Georg - Jahrbuch Der Asiatischen Kunst. Erster Band
46048: Biggs, Asa; Connor, R.D.W. [editor] - Autobiography of Asa Biggs: Including a Journal of a Trip from North Carolina to New York in 1832
44087: Billings, John Shaw. National Library of Medicine - John Shaw Billings. An Autobiographical Fragment. 1905. A Facsimile Copy of the Original Manuscript
45823: Bingham, Alfred M.; Connecticut Historical Society - Squatter Settlements of Freed Slaves in New England" in the Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin, Volume 41, Number 3, July 1976
35111: (National cyclopaedia of American Biography) - Endorsements. The National Cyclopedia of American Biography
39364: Biro, Val - The Honest Thief. A Hungarian Folktale
23571: Birrell, T.A. - The Library of John Morris: The Reconstruction of a Seventeenth-Century Collection
40644: Bishop, Carl Whiting; Swanton, John R.; Hrdlicka, Ales - Origin of the Far Eastern Civilizations: A Brief Handbook [with] the Evolution of Nations. [with] the Peoples of the Soviet Union. Smithsonian Institution War Background Studies, Numbers One, Two and Three
34460: Bishop, Cortlandt F. - History of Elections in the American Colonies
45280: Bishop, John L., ed; A. Fang, John Hightower, Y. Kojiro, G.W. Baxter - Studies in Chinese Literature
15898: Black, John D. - The Dairy Industry and the Aaa
44990: Blackburn, Paul; Sorrentino, Gilbert, et al. - Promethean. The Literary Magazine of the City College. Vol. XIV. 1966-67. No. 2
44989: Blackburn, Paul; Sorrentino, Gilbert, et al. - Promethean. The Literary Magazine of the City College. Vol. XIV. 1966-67. No. 2
44985: Blackburn, Paul; Miriam, Eve, et al. - Promethean. The Literary Magazine of the City College. Vol. XIV. 1966-67. No. 1
42745: Blackwell, B.H. - Antiquarian Science. Blackwell's Catalogue A1106
34658: Blackwell's (B. H. Blackwell) - Collection of 250 Catalogues of Rare, Used, and New Books from Blackwell's
42744: Blackwell, B.H. - Antiquarian Science. Blackwell's Catalogue A1088
39369: Blackwood, Alan - Doctor Crotchet's Symphony
35909: Blair, Francis Preston - Republican Documents. Gen. Jackson and James Buchanan. Letter from Francis P. Blair. To the Public
28975: de Saint-Blaize - Voyages Dans Les Etats Scandinaves, 1856, Suede Et Laponie" from le Tour Du Monde. Nouveau Journal Des Voyages. 1862. VI. Deuxieme Semestre
36683: Blake, N.F. - Caxton and His World
36299: Sacramento Blake, Augusto Victorino Alves - Diccionario Bibliographico Brazileiro Pelo Doutor Augusto Victorino Alves Sacramento Blake [Seven Volumes]
32337: Blakemore, Thomas L., trans - The Criminal Code of Japan. As Amended in 1954 and the Minor Offenses Law of Japan
34080: Blanchard, P.; Dauzats, Adrien; Maissin, Eugene, ed - San Juan de Ulua, Ou, Relation de L'Expedition Francaise Au Mexique, Sous Les Ordres de M. Le Contre-Amiral Baudin. Suivi de Notes Et Documents, Et D'Un Apercu General Sur L'Etat Actuel Du Texas, Par M.E. Maissin
35694: Blanchard Chessi, Enrique; Galvarino Riveros, M. B. Martinez, J. Boonen Rivera, and Wilhelm Frick - [Sammelband of Six Pamphlets Related to the Chilean Military]
37474: Blanchet - Sièges Et Meubles Du Xviiie Siècle... , Tableaux Modernes... , Tableaux Et Dessins Anciens... , Orfèvrerie Ancienne... : Composant la Collection Blanchet; Galerie Jean Charpentier, le Jeudi 17 Mai 1934
32611: Blanck, Jacob, ed - Bibliography of American Literature. Volume Five. Washington Irving to Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
43394: Blanco, Santiago - Y a Usted ¿Cómo le Va
34395: Blanco, Alberto, ed - Revista Cubano de Derecho. Año XXIV (Nueva Serie). Enero-Junio, 1950. Nos. I-II (93-94)
29070: Bland, N. - Account of the Atesh Kedah, a Bibliographical Work of the Persian Poets, by Hajji Lutf Ali Beg, of Ispahan" from Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, VII, 1843
42218: Blasier, S. [Stewart] Cole - Chile: A Communist Battleground
42420: Bleicher, [Gustave] - Commerce Et Industrie Des Populations Primitives de L'Alsace Et de la Lorraine
36031: Bliss, Philemon - Complaints of the Extensionists - Their Falsity. Speech of Hon. Philemon Bliss, of Ohio. In the House of Representatives, May 21, 1856
35164: Bliss, Horacio William - Del Virreinato a Rosas. Ensayo de Historia Económica Argentina: 1776-1829
37782: Bliss, Carey S. - Autos Across America. A Bibliography of Transcontinental Automobile Travel: 1903-1940
32698: Block, Andrew - Key Books of British Authors 1600-1932
21592: Block, Andrew - The English Novel 1740-1850. A Catalogue Including Prose Romances, Short Stories, and Translations of Foreign Fiction
30422: Block, Theodor - Supplementary Catalogue of the Archaeological Collection of the Indian Museum
17412: Blomley, James H. - Boston Fires of the 1950s and 1960s
43322: British Library Board - Giovanni Boccaccio
36522: Böcklin, Arnold - Arnold Böcklin. Eine Auswahl Der Hervorragendsten Werke Des Künstlers in Photogravure
23277: Bodenheim, Maxwell. Ben Hecht - Minna and Myself
42851: La Boetie - Selection of Major Twentieth Century Paintings, Sculpture and Drawings
42234: Bogardus, Guillermo - La Compañia Nacional Y Thompson Bonar Y Ca, Consignatarios Del Guano En Inglaterra Y Agentes Financieros Del Peru En Londres. Dedicado Al Público Y Muy Especialmente a Los Diputados Al Congreso de la Restauración
21512: Bogart, Ernest l. - Economic History of Europe 1760-1939
18399: Bogdanor, Vernon, ed - The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Political Institutions
30135: Bogoliubov, M. N.; Boldyrev, A. N.; Kholodovich, A. A., eds - Filologiia I Istoriia Stran Vostoka
43653: Bolívar, Simón; Academia Nacional de la Historia (Venezuela) - Correo Del Orinoco 1818-1821. Angostura (Venezuela) 1818-1821
37071: (Bolivia) - El Amigo de Los Hombres, Y de la Justicia Increpa la Conducta Del Brigadier D. Jose Manuel de Goyeneche General En Xefe Del Exercito Del Virey de Lima, En El Desaguadero; Por la Siguiente Carta Que le Ha Dirigido de Arequipa: Belativa a Otra, Que Sobre Lo Mismo le Escribio El Ciudadano Imparcial de Chuquisaca
11825: Boll, Heinrich - On His Death. Selected Obituaries and the Last Interview
37743: Boller, Henry A.; Mattison, Ray H., ed - Henry A. Boller. Missouri River Fur Trader
34862: Bollo, Luis Cincinato - Geografía de la República Oriental Del Uruguay
43006: [Bologna] - Parere Sopra Tre Pareri Del Cittadino Luigi Morandi, Parroco Di S. Sebastiano
36689: Bologna, Giulia - Illuminated Manuscripts. The Book Before Gutenberg
43254: Bolton, Linda - Art Revolutions Pop Art
41119: Bond, Jr., Marshall - Gold Hunter. The Adventures of Marshall Bond
23458: Bond, W. H. (Houghton Library, Harvard University) - The Houghton Library, 1942-1967: A Selection of Books and Manuscripts
38968: Bones, Jim - Texas. Images of the Landscape
40079: Bonet, Carmelo M. - El Alma Uruguaya. Las Revoluciones: Su Génesis, Su Proceso Y Su Remedio (Ensayo de Psicología Colectiva). Estirpe é Idioma. Primer Premio Concurso de "El Diario Español", año 1910
26023: Bonhams - Old Master Paintings Wednesday 12th December 2001. Sale 28709
24622: Bonhams - Fine British Pottery, Porcelain, and Glass. Wednesday 10 December 2003
29839: Bonneff, M. (Marcel) - Bali
34449: Bonnycastle, R.H. - Spanish America; or a Descriptive, Historical, and Geographical Account of the Dominions of Spain in the Western Hemisphere, Continental & Insular
28220: Bono, Remo; Grezet, Jean-Jacques, photos - Trains Et Bateaux a Vapeur de Chez Nous
36846: Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library - The Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library. A Guide to Its Collections
36837: Shirley, Betsy Beinecke; Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library - Read Me a Story - Show Me a Book. American Children's Literature, 1690-1988, from the Collection of Betsy Beinecke Shirley: An Exhibition at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University, October-December 1991
42709: Dawson Rare Books - Science. Catalogue 280
42737: Asher Rare Books - Catalogue of Rare and Important Books, Drawings and Manuscripts on Natural History Including Expeditions, Earth Sciences and Gardening
39647: Marlborough Rare Books - Collection of 8 Catalogues on the Fine and Applied Arts and Illustrated Books from Marlborough Rare Books
40052: [Medical Books] - Nouvelle Bibliographie Méthodique Des Livres de Médecine. 1921
23574: Library of Congress. Rare Books and Special Collections Division - Vision of a Collector: The Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection in the Library of Congress / Rare Books and Special Collections Division
42739: Asher Rare Books - 205 Rare and Important Atlases, Books, Manuscripts, Charts, Maps and Views. Catalogue 32
42832: Ursus Books - Rare Books. Catalogue 124
39787: Acme Books - Scarce First Editions English & American Literature and Other Choice out-of-Print Books. Catalogue No. 8
39788: Acme Books - Belles Lettres, Literary Criticism, Books About Books. Catalogue #5 (1963)
42736: Asher Rare Books - Rare and Important Books and Atlases Including Some Maps. Catalogue 28
42708: Dawson Rare Books - Rare Books on Natural History. Catalogue 275
34580: Marlborough Rare Books - Collection of 10 Catalogues from Marlborough Rare Books
34582: Marlborough Rare Books - Collection of 8 Catalogues on Architecture and Allied Arts from Marlborough Rare Books
34579: Marlborough Rare Books - Collection of 10 Catalogues of Books About Books, Bibliography, Calligraphy and Typography from Marlborough Rare Books
42758: Ylem Books - History of Medicine. Catalog No. 19, 2001
39833: Old Hickory Bookshop - Medicine and Science. Americana. General Literature. Catalogue No. 45
34489: Goodspeed's Bookshop - First Books. Goodspeed's Catalogue Five Sixty-Six
39809: Dauber & Pine Bookshops - Fascinating New Collection Old and Modern Books. Mid-January, 1955. Catalogue No. 501
39844: Scribner Bookstore - English Literature. Catalogue 162
27120: Bookwalter, John W. - Siberia and Central Asia
34120: Borao, D. Gerónimo - La Imprenta En Zaragoza. Con Noticias Preliminares Sobre la Imprenta En General
30542: Bordeaux, Jean-Luc, curator - The Art of India. An Historical Profile. Selections from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, April 13-May 18, 1975
32924: Dominguez Bordona, J. Sociedad Espanola de Amigos del Arte - Exposicion de Codices Miniados Espanoles. Catalogo
16063: Borer, Eva Maria - Die Echte Schweizer Kuche
45473: Borges, Jorge Luis. Burgin, Richard, editor - Jorge Luis Borges: Conversations
45539: Borges, Jorge Luis - Selected Poems
45996: Borges, Milo A. - Procedimiento En Los Tribunales de Los Estados Unidos [from] Cursos Monograficos
13533: Borich, Michael - A Different Kind of Love
43268: Bormann, Charles Guillaume - [Printed Manuscript Signed]: Surle Mémoire: "Nouveau Système de Shrapnells de L'Artillerie Neerlandaise. " Addressed to J.A. Dahlgren, Superintendent of the Naval Ordinance, United States
38211: Borquez, Luis Soto - La Adopción En Nuestra Legislación CIVIL
16613: Borradaile, L. A. - The Animal and Its Environment: A Text-Book of the Natural History of Animals
32462: Borton, Hugh - Japan Since 1931. Its Political and Social Developments
36022: Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne; Villiers, Marc-Albert de, Abbé, ed - L'Esprit de Bossuet, Ou Choix Des Pensées Tirées de Ses Meilleurs Ouvrages [Bound with] Principes Sur la Fidélité Due Aux Rois Extraits de M. Bossuet,... Dans Sa Politique Tirée de L'écriture Sainte... Par M. L'Abbé de Villiers. .
27621: Boston - Eleventh Annual Report of the Receipts & Expenditures, of the City of Boston, and County of Suffolk. June 1, 1823
27544: Committee of Citizens [Boston] - The Public Rights in Boston Common. Being the Report of a Committee of Citizens
38815: [Council of the Orthodox Congregational Churches of Boston] - Result of Council Held in the Lecture Room of the Essex-Street Church, Boston, Jan. 31, Feb. 8, 15, and 21, 1866
27539: Boston - Fifteenth Annual Report of the Receipts & Expenditures of the City of Boston, and County of Suffolk, May 1, 1827
24973: Boswell, James - The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL. D. Including a Journal of His Tour to the Hebrides; by James Boswell, Esq. To Which Are Added, Anecdotes by Hawkins, Piozzi, Murphy, Tyers, Reynolds, Steevens, &C. And Notes by Various Hands. In Ten Volumes
40636: Boulting, William - Four Pilgrims
19945: Bourget, Paul - Pastels of Men. (Second Series)
41472: Geslin de Bourgogne, Jules Henri - Coup D'Oeil Général Sur Les Monuments Des Côtes-Du-Nord
34133: Bourne, Edward Gaylord - Rejimen Colonial de España En América
27634: Bouton, Nathaniel - The Responsibilities of Rulers. A Sermon, Delivered at Concord, June 5, 1828, Before the Constituted Authorities of the State of New Hampshire
36368: Boutwell, George S. - Speech of Hon. George S. Boutwell, of Massachusetts, on the Constitutional Amendment Reported from the Joint Committee on Reconstruction; Delivered in the House of Representatives, May 9, 1866
36370: Boutwell, George S. - Speech of Hon. George S. Boutwell, of Massachusetts, in the Senate of the United States, February 18, 1875. Senator from Louisiana
44317: [Rhode Island] Bowdish, Nathaniel - [Manuscript Document Signed] Colonial Rhode Island Promissory Notes
41245: Bowen, Emanuel - [Map] a New and Accurate Map of Anatolia or Asia Minor
37557: Bowen, Emanuel. Harris, John - A New & Accurate Map of the Whole Russian Empire, As Contained Both in Europe and Asia: Drawn from Authentic Journals, Surveys, and Most Approved Modern Maps, and Regulated by Astronomical Observations
41243: Bowen, Emanuel - [Map] a New and Accurate Map of Peru and the Country of the Amazones. Drawn from the Most Authentick French Maps &C. And Regulated by Astronomical Observations
43732: Rhode Island. General Assembly. [Bowen, Henry] - June, 1836. At the General Assembly of the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Begun and Holden by Adjournment at Newport, Within and for Said State, on the Third Monday in June, in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Thirty Six, and of Independence the Sixtieth
22922: Bowen, Frank C. - The Sea: Its History and Romance. Volume III [1784-1814]
46079: Bower, William - Sermon Preached in the First Presbyterian Church, Newark, Ohio, Sunday, September 19th, 1875. In Memory of the Rev. Henry Martyn Hervey, Late Pastor of the Above Church
32300: Bowers, Faubion - Japanese Theatre
32152: Bowie, Henry P. - On the Laws of Japanese Painting. An Introduction to the Study of the Art of Japan
31972: Bowie, Theodore - Japanese Drawing
46323: Robert Boyers, ed - Salmagundi: No. 118-119, Spring-Summer 1998. The Consciousness Industry: Virtuality, Voyeurism, and Cool at the End of the Century.
37716: Boylan, Anne M. - Sunday School. The Formation of an American Institution 1790-1880
11776: Bozeman, Adda B. - The Future of Law in a Multicultural World
33636: Bozhang, Tong - Xue Wen San Yao
37587: [Brachel, Johann Adolph]. Brachelius, Adolphus. Van Den Bos, Lambert - Historia Nostri Temporis, Dat Is: Geschiedenis Onses Tijts, Door Adolphus Brachelius... Beginnende Met Het Jaer 1618, En Vervolght Tot Het Jaer 1654. Uyt de Latijnsche in de Nederduytsche Tael Overgeset Door L.V. B.
26087: Lindsay-Brady, Nina - The Chosen Messengers. A Book and Twelve Sculptures
35155: Braga, Theophilo [Teófilo] - Pequenos Escriptos. Questões de Litteratura E Arte Portugueza
29729: Braginskii, I. S. [Iosif Samuilovich] - Problemy Vostokovedeniia: Aktual'Nye Voprosy Vost. Literaturovedeniia
28064: Brainard, Israel (Brainerd, Israel) - Two Sermons on the Doctrines of Grace, the Free Agency of Man, & the Use of Means; by Israel Brainerd, Pastor of the Congregational Church in Verona, Oneida County, State of New-York
34259: Braman, Milton P. - The Mexican War. A Discourse Delivered on the Annual Fast, 1847
36500: Bramer, Leonard, Illustrator; Bredt, Ernst Wilhelm, ed - Leben Und Abenteuer Des Lazarillo Von Tormes
38222: Brandau, Valentin - De la Represion I Prevencion Del Delito En Chile
35178: Branner, John C. - A Brief Grammar of the Portuguese Language with Exercises and Vocabularies
26540: Branner, Robert - Burgundian Gothic Architecture
34178: Colloguium Internacional de Estudos Luso-Brasileiros - Exposição de Livros Portugueses Catálogo
30956: Bratter, Herbert M. - Public Finances of Far Eastern Countries Fourth (1929) Survey
21325: Brautigan, Richard - Dreaming of Babylon
45735: Álvarez Bravo, Manuel; Rodríguez, José Antonio - Manuel Alvarez Bravo: Los ãnos Decisivos, 1925-1945: Exposición Homenaje Del 12 de Marzo Al 14 de Junio, Galería Fernando Gamboa, Museo de Arte Moderno
43918: [Brazil] - [Decreto] Achando-Se Felizmente Concluido O Matrimonio Da Princeza Dona Maria Thereza, Minha Muito Amada, E Presada Filha Com O Infante Dom Pedro Carlos, Meu Muito Amado, E Presado Sobrinho, E Filho Do Infante de Hespanha Dom Gabriel, E Da Infanta Dona Marianna Victoria, Minha Muito Amada, E Presada Irmã: . .
43917: [Brazil] - Eu O Principe Regente: Faço Saber Aos Que Este Alvará Com força de Lei Virem, Que Sendo-Me Presente Em Consulta Da Real Junta Do Commercio, Agricultura, Fabricas, E Navegação Deste Estado Do Brazil, E Dominios Ultramarinos, Haver Mostrado a Experiencia Que Algumas Pessoas Com O Fim de Se Izentarem Do Pagamento Das Contribuições . .
45136: [Brazil] - Collection of Eight 19th Century Images of Brazil, Mainly Rio de Janeiro
46339: Breen, Matthew P. - Thirty Years of New York Politics Up-to-Date
37637: Breese, [Sidney] - In Senate of the United States. February 24, 1846. Submitted, and Ordered to Be Printed. Mr. Breese Made the Following Report: (to Accompany Bill S. No. 52. ) the Committee on the Public Lands, Having Had Under Consideration, "a Bill to Grant to the State of Illinois Certain Alternate Sections of the Public Lands, to Aid in the Construction of the Northern Cross and Central Railroads, in Said State," Respectfully Ask Leave to Report.
36799: Breslauer, B.H. - Historic & Artistic Bookbindings from the Bibliotheca Bibliographica Breslaueriana
44987: Bresnick, Paul; Kutcher, Charles, eds. Sorrentino, Gilbert, et. al - Promethean. The Literary Magazine of the City College. Vol. XV. 1967-68. No. 1
44988: Bresnick, Paul; Feld, Ross, eds - Promethean. The Literary Magazine of the City College. Vol. XV. 1967-68. No. 2
18420: Beakley, Brian and Peter Ludlow, eds - The Philosophy of Mind: Classical Problems / Contemporary Issues
40498: Bricker, Charles - Landmarks of Mapmaking. An Illustrated Survey of Maps and Mapmakers
42057: Bridges, James Winfred - An Experimental Study of Decision Types and Their Mental Correlates
21739: Bridges, Robert - The Testament of Beauty. A Poem in Four Books
29978: H.H. Prince Dhaninivat Kromamun Bidyalabh Bridhyakorn and Yupko, Dhanit - The Nang
14720: O'Brien, Tim - In the Lake of the Woods
33109: Briessen, Fritz van - Chinesische Maltechnik
26007: Briest, Francis - Art Contemporain. Succession Bernard Lamarche-Vadel Vente de 26 Photos 'Tat' Au Profit de L'Association Planete-Enfants a Divers Amateurs 23 Juin 2001, a 11 Heures Et a 21 Heures
37969: Brieux, Alain - Histoire Des Sciences, de la Medecine Et Des Techniques
37971: Brieux, Alain - Histoire Des Sciences Et de la Médecine
46076: Briggs, James F. - Sketch of General James Wilson of New Hampshire
24702: Brink, Charles O. - Horace on Poetry: Prolegomena to the Literary Epistles
38199: Contreras Briones, Pablo - Estudio Sobre la Transaccion. Memoria de Prueba Para Optar Al Grado de Licenciado En la Facultad de Leyes I Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Chile
35745: (Briseño, Ramon). Montt, Luis, ed - Catálogo de la Biblioteca Chileno-Americana de Ramon Briseño
34224: Briseño, Ramon - Repertorio de Antigüedades Chilenas, O Sea, de Los Primeros Pasos Por Chile Dados En Las Distintas Sendas de Su Vida Pública, Desda Que Fué Descubierto Hasta Que Logró Sacudir El Yugo Colonial
45989: [Canada. Labrador]. Great Britain - An Act for Allowing, Until the First Day of August, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Two, the Importation of Certain Fish from Newfoundland and the Coast of Labrador and for Granting a Bounty Thereon
37387: Brock, J. Elmer; Hanson, Margaret Brock, ed - Powder River Country. The Papers of J. Elmer Brock
42965: Brodhead, John Romeyn - Commemoration of the Conquest of New Netherland, on Its Two Hundreth Anniversary... Oration on the Conquest of New Netherland, Delivered Before the New York Historical Society, on Wednesday, the Twelfth of October, 1864
36762: Brody, Judit, ed - A Catalogue of Books Printed Before 1641 in the Science Museum Library [with] Supplement Comprising Acquisitions to End of 1981
27875: Brooks, Erastus - Speech of Hon. Erastus Brooks, in Senate, April 6, 1857. Upon the Trinity Church Bill
38428: New Mexico Book League; Brooks, Connie - Book Talk. Vol. VIII, No. 2. March 1979. Writer's Oasis on the Llano Estacado
44133: [War of 1812]. [Massachusetts. Militia]. Brooks, John - [Broadside] Commonwealth of Massachusetts. General Orders. Head-Quarters, Boston, June 17th, 1815... That His Excellency Be Advised to Issue His Order for the Discharge of All the Volunteer Corps Raised for the Defence of the Commonwealth. .
40646: Maggs Bros - Biblotheca Asiatica. No. 452. 1924. Part I.
45019: Maggs Bros - [Collection of 12 Catalogues] Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern
45015: Maggs Bros - Bibliotheca Typographica: [Part 1: ] Books on Printing, Bibliography Illuminated Manuscripts and Bookbinding. Part II: Books from Famous Presses 15th to 20th Century. [Catalogue] No. 509
45016: Maggs Bros - Important Books on History, Literature, Biography, Bibliography, Typography, Travel, Art, Etc. [Catalogue] No. 648
45017: Maggs Bros - Illuminated Manuscripts and Miniatures European & Oriental. [Catalogue] No. 404
45018: Maggs Bros - Important and Valuable Books. Historical, Bibliographical and Literary. [Catalogue] No. 440
45087: Maggs Bros - First Editions of English Literature 19th & 20th Centuries Catalogue No. 947 (October 1972)
45088: Maggs Bros - First Editions of English Literature 19th & 20th Centuries Catalogue No. 979 (April 1977)
45028: Maggs Bros - Early Printing Autograph Letters & Documents Indian Miniatures Etc. London Antiquarian Book Fair 13th to 15th June 1972. Catalogue 944
45083: Maggs Bros - [Archive] "Uriah Ernst Maggs 1876-1955" with Seven Other Pieces of Ephemera, Mainly Book Announcements
45097: Maggs Bros - Voyages and Travels. Vol. VII Part 6 Catalogue No. 1009. Pamphlets, Ephemera and Manuscript Material - Including 180 Items on Slavery
45029: Maggs Bros - Rare and Interesting Autograph Letters and Mss. [Cover Title: Autograph Letters and Historical Documents. Catalogue 819]
45086: Maggs Bros - First Editions of English Literature 19th & 20th Centuries Catalogue No. 996 (1979)
45013: Maggs Bros - Important and Valuable Books on Literature, Art, Biography, History, Bibliography, Heraldry, Voyages and Travels, Etc. Catalogue No. 518
45022: Maggs Bros - Books from the Library of Lord Herbert of Cherbury, 1583-1648. Together with Works by Him and His Friends. Catalogue No. 837
45023: Maggs Bros - Seven Centuries of Colour 14th to 20th Century a Catalogue of Illuminated Mss. Miniatures and Printed Books Illustrated in Colour No. 802
45085: Maggs Bros - Engraved Portraits and Decorative Prints. Naval and Military. Etchings by Old & Modern Masters. Americana. [Catalogue] No. 466
45020: Maggs Bros - Sports & Pastimes. A Catalogue of Books and Illustrations Relating to Sport. Catalogue 883 & Catalogue 896 [Two Volumes]
45082: Maggs Bros - Books from Famous Presses of the 19th & 20th Centuries. Catalogue No. 831, 855, 879, 900, 940, 969, 981, 992. 1955-1979. [Eight Volumes]
45940: Maggs Bros - Catalogue 893: Bookbinding in Great Britain Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century
34507: Holland Bros - Collection of 30 Catalogues from Holland Bros
45025: Maggs Bros - Florence & Tuscany. Music. Catalogue No. 849
45026: Maggs Bros - Four Centuries of Military Books. Catalogue No. 915
45089: Maggs Bros - First Editions of English Literature 19th & 20th Centuries Catalogue No. 962. (January 1975)
45090: Maggs Bros - First Editions of English Literature 19th & 20th Centuries [Catalogue] No. 919. 1969
45091: Maggs Bros - First Editions of English Literature 19th & 20th Centuries. With a Supplement of Books Illustrated in Color and Sporting Books [Catalogue] No. 820. 1954
45093: Maggs Bros - Voyages and Travels. Vol. VII Part I Catalogue No. 972. Including a Selection of Books on the Islamic World
45094: Maggs Bros - Voyages and Travels. Vol. VII Part 2 Catalogue No. 984. Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific
45095: Maggs Bros - Voyages and Travels. Vol. VII Part 3 Catalogue No. 989. British Colonization in Australasia and North America
45096: Maggs Bros - Voyages and Travels. Vol. VII Part 5 Catalogue No. 1004
45021: Maggs Bros - Manuscripts, Rare Books, Oriental Miniatures. Catalogue 871
34514: Maggs Bros - Collection of 39 Issues of Mercurius Britanicus or Mercuries Swift Messenger
45012: Maggs Bros - English Verse & Dramatic Poetry. From Chaucer to the Present Day. Catalogue 517
45084: Maggs Bros - Books on Printers and Printing, Bibliography, Manuscripts, Bookbinding. With an Appendix on Beautiful Books from Famous Modern Presses [Catalogue] No. 478
43087: Brown, Mary Sumner - Footprints of Calvin Coolidge
11021: Brown, David - Aiga Graphic Design Usa 2. The Annual of the American Institute of Graphic Arts
19245: Brown, Horatio F.; painted by Walter Tyndale - Dalmatia
30671: Brown, W. Norman - The Basis for the Hindu Act of Truth," [Reprinted from] the Review of Religion, V, 1940
38397: Brown, Ronald C. - Hard-Rock Miners. The Intermountain West, 1860-1920
31880: Brown, Louise Norton - Block Printing & Book Illustration in Japan
36108: Brown, B. [Benjamin] Gratz - Immediate Abolition of Slavery by Act of Congress. Speech of Hon. B. Gratz Brown, of Missouri, Delivered in the U.S. Senate, March 8, 1864
38096: Brown, Jonathan C. - A Socioeconomic History of Argentina, 1776-1860
23677: Brown, Tom - Amusements Serious and Comical and Other Works
46147: Brown, Allen H. - Historical Sketch of the Synod of New Jersey for the Quarter of a Century, from 1861 to 1886. A Discourse Delivered in the First Presbyterian Church of Camden, N.J. , at the Opening of the Synod, October 18th, 1886...
19838: Ballinger, Louise Brown and Raymond A. - Sign, Symbol, and Form
39667: Brown, P., ed., et al. - The Mackay School Review
42158: Brown, Guillermo; Mitre, Bartolomé - Memorias Del Almirante Brown
20210: Brown, Percy W. [hiting] - Land and Borderland
21917: Brown, Alice - Meadow-Grass. Tales of New England Life
46333: Brown, Henry Collins, ed - Valentine's Manual of Old New York. No. 7, New Series 1923
33960: Brown, Richard F., et al. - Art Treasures from Japan
23108: Brown, Henry Collins - Old New York: Yesterday and Today
26251: Browne, Thomas - Sir Thomas Browne's Letter to a Friend 1690
41024: Browning, Robert - The Poetic and Dramatic Works of Robert Browning. (Seven Volumes)
23358: Browning, Elizabeth Barrett - Sonnets from the Portuguese
16027: (Browning, Robert) - Works of Robert Browning from the Author's Revised Text. 12 Volumes
23184: Browning, Robert - The Poetical Works of Robert Browning with Portraits in Two Volumes
22912: Bruce, Philip Alexander - The Virginia Plutarch. Two Volumes
26393: Bruegel, Pieter; Mont, Pol de - Pieter Breughel, Dit L'Ancien: Choix de 50 Phototypies D'Apres Ses Oeuvres
36553: Bruegel, Peter; Glück, Gustav - Bruegels Gemälde
34624: Zeitlin & Ver Brugge - Collection of 10 Catalogues of Books from Zeitlin & Ver Brugge
34626: Zeitlin & Ver Brugge - Collection of 8 Catalogues of Books on Science and Medicine from Zeitlin & Ver Brugge
28103: Brunhammer, Yvonne. (Arbus, Andre) - Andre Arbus. Architecte-Decorateur Des Annees 40
27456: Bruno, Vincent J., ed - The Parthenon
34803: Bruyssel, Ernest [Jean] van - La République Orientale de L'Uruguay
35572: Plutarch. Bryan, Augustine. (Plutarchus. Bryanus, Augustinus) - Plutarchi Chaeronensis. Vitae Parallelae, Cum Singulis Aliquot. Graece Et Latine. Addunter Variantes Lectiones Ex Mss. Codd. Veteres & Novae, Doctorum Virorum Notae & Emendationes, Et Indices Accuratissimi [Five Volumes]
36606: Bryan, William Jennings - Speech of Hon. William J. Bryan, Democratic Nominee for President, Delivered at Notification Meeting, Madison Square Garden, New York, August 12, 1896
46042: Bryce, George - Sketch of the Life of John Tanner, a Famous Manitoba Scout. A Border Type
33267: Editorial Board of Who s Who in China. "Zhongguo ren ming da ci dian" bian ji bu - Who's Who in China. Current Leaders. Zhongguo Ren Ming Da CI Dian. Xian Ren Dang Zheng Jun Ling Dao Ren Wu Juan
37663: Buchanan, James - Message from the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress : Communicating a Certified Copy of the Constitution of Kansas, Framed by the Convention Recently Assembled at Lecompton
27286: [Buchanan, James; Reed, William Bradford, attributed] - Words of Counsel to Men of Business. By a Man of Business
30660: Buchannan, Paul - 'Land', 'Tenure' and Land-Tenure. Ltc Reprint No. 105. November 1973
38014: Buchler, Justus - Toward a General Theory of Human Judgement
43582: Buckingham, Joseph T. & Foster, Been B. - Boston Courier. Thursday, September 2, 1847. Volume XI, No. 555
43730: Buckingham, William A. - Message of His Excellency William A. Buckingham, Governor of Connecticut, to the Legislature of the State, May Session, 1861. Printed by Order of the Legislature
36098: Buffinton, James - Position of Massachusetts on the Slavery Question. Speech of Hon. James Buffinton, of Massachusetts, in the House of Representatives, April 30, 1856
31935: Buhot, Jean - Histoire Des Arts Du Japon. I. Des Origines a 1350
32736: Bulau, Alwin E. - Footprints of Assurance
42066: Bulnes, Alfonso - Errázuriz Zañartu. Su Vida
35145: Bunkley, Allison Williams - The Life of Sarmiento
39668: Buonocore, Domingo - Libros Y Bibliófilos Durante la Epoca de Rosas
43072: Burdick, William - An Oration on the Nature and Effects of the Art of Printing. Delivered in Franklin-Hall, July 5, 1802, Before the Boston Franklin Association
25668: New York (State). Weather Bureau; United States Weather Bureau; New York (State) Dept. of Agriculture.  - Tenth Annual Report of the New York Weather Bureau 1898. Eleventh Annual Report of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Cornell University. (State of New York Department of Agriculture Sixth Annual Report Vol. II. 1899)
32549: Tourist Industry Bureau - Japan. The Official Guide
41290: Brazilian Government Trade Bureau - Brazil at a Glance. [with] What Is Your I.Q. On Brazil
37632: Van Buren, Martin - Message from the President of the United States, Concerning the Description of Papers Deemed Necessary to Be Provided by Law for the Use and Protection of American Vessels Engaged in the Whale Fisheries. December 27, 1839. Read, Referred to the Committee on Commerce, and Ordered to Be Printed
37634: Van Buren, Martin - Message from the President of the United States, to the Two Houses of Congress, at the Commencement of the Second Session of the Twenty-Sixth Congress
28408: Burke, Edmund - A Letter from the Right Honourable Edmund Burke to a Noble Lord, on the Attacks Made Upon Him and His Pension, in the House of Lords, by the Duke of Bedford and the Earl of Lauderdale, Early in the Present Sessions of Parliament
35087: Burke, Edmund. Lynd Ward, illus - On Conciliation with the Colonies and Other Papers on the American Revolution
39339: Burke, William - The China Trade
40597: Burland, Cottie A. - The Exotic White Man. An Alien in Asian and African Art
16000: Burlingame, Roger - Engines of Democracy: Inventions and Society in Mature America
44110: [Burlington, VT] [Whitehall, NY] [Lake Champlain] - [Broadside] 1839. Lake Champlain. The New & Splendid Steam-Boats, Burlington and Whitehall, Will Run in the Following Order Until Further Notice... .
18853: Burner, David - Herbert Hoover
20374: Burns, Ernest D., ed - Cinemabilia: Catalogue IV
12362: Burnside, George D. - Life of Gen. U.S. Grant. Description of Tomb
40966: Convention of Rail Road Officers. [Burrall, William P.] - Journal of the Proceedings of the General Railroad Convention, Held at Springfield, August 24th and 25th, 1852
14029: Compton-Burrnett, I. - A Heritage and Its History
30982: Burrows, Millar - What Mean These Stones? the Significance of Archeology for Biblical Studies
28045: Burton, Asa - A Sermon Delivered Before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, at Their Anniversary, at Dartmouth College, the Day Preceding Commencement, August 26, 1800. By Asa Burton, A.M. Pastor of the Church of Christ in Thetford
23495: de Bury, Richard. Besso, Marco. (assoc. Sir James Rennell Rodd) - IL "Philobiblon" Di Riccardo de Bury... Testo, Note Illustrative, Traduzione E Documenti. Accompagnato Da Trenta Tavole Iconografiche
45493: Busaniche, José Luis - Historia Argentina
25076: Busch, Frederick - Absent Friends
38809: Bushnell, Horace - Speech for Connecticut. Being an Historical Estimate of the State, Delivered Before the Legislature and Other Invited Guests, at the Festival of the Normal School in New Britain, June 4, 1851
30825: Bussagli, Mario - Oriental Architecture
37617: Bussard, William - Letter from William Bussard, Surveyor, to the Hon. William Hendricks, Chairman of the Committee on Roads and Canals, Relative to the "Bill for Subscription to Stock in the Washington and Fredericktown Turnpike Road Company. " February 16, 1829. Laid on the Table, and Ordered to Be Printed
26767: Bussing, Irvin - Railroad Debt Reduction: Outline of a Plan for the Gradual Reduction of Railroad Debt, Tested by Application to the Financial History of Three Bankrupt Railroads
40092: Villagrán Bustamante, Héctor - Elogio de Juan Carlos Gómez. Conferencia Pronunciada El 16 de Marzo de 1918 En "la Lira
20113: Butler, Jack - Hawk Gumbo and Other Stories
25425: Butler, Kathleen T. - A History of French Literature in Two Volumes
46143: Butler, J. - An Eulogy Upon the Character of George Swan
35560: Butler, Benjamin F. U.S. House of Representatives - Letter from the Secretary of War, Transmitting a Plan and Estimate for Improving the Mouth of Black River, in the State of New York. January 10, 1837. 24th Congress, 2d Session. Doc. No. 74. Dept. War
37628: United States. War Department. Topographical Bureau] Butler, B.F. - Report from the Secretary of War, in Compliance with a Resolution of the Senate, Transmitting a Chronological Statement of Reports of Surveys, &C. January 24, 1837. Read. January 28, 1837. Ordered to Be Printed
36013: Clemens, Jeremiah; Andrew Pickens Butler and Jefferson Davis - Remarks of Messrs. Clemens, Butler and Jefferson Davis, on the Vermont Resolutions Relating to Slavery. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 10, 1850
28908: Butler, Frank Hedges - Round the World
44243: Butler, Benjamin F. - [Als] Benjamin Franklin Butler, U.S. Attorney General, to Prosper M. Wetmore on the Eve of a New York Gubernatorial Election
25347: Butler, Samuel; Towneley, John, trans - Hudibras. A Poem Written in the Time of the CIVIL Wars. Adorned with Cuts. Hudibras. Poeme Ecrit Dans le Tems de Troubles D'Angleterre Et Traduit En Vers Francois. Avec Des Remarques & Des Figures. [Three Volumes]
23626: Butterworth, Emma Macalik - As the Waltz Was Ending
27652: New York State. Buxton, Luther - A Statistical List of the Members and Officers of the Assembly of the State of New York, at the Session of 1854 [State of New York No. 124]
27270: Buzby, George L. - Forty-Ninth Annual Report of the Philadelphia Board of Trade Presented to the Association, January 23, 1882
33079: Bylin, Margit - Notes Sur Quelques Objects Neolithiques Trouves a Formose
46348: Byron, Joseph; Lancaster, Clay - Photographs of New York Interiors at the Turn of the Century: From the Byron Collection of the Museum of the City of New York
25857: Byron, George Gordon Lord - The Works of the Right Hon. Lord Byron. In Eight Volumes [Volumes III, IV, V, and VI Only]
35540: (Byron, John) - A Woman and Boy of Patagonia... Engraved for Millar's New Complete & Universal System of Geography
39001: [Bywaters, Jerry] Carraro, Francine - Jerry Bywaters a Life in Art
33568: Hazelton, George C. and Benrimo - The Yellow Jacket. A Chinese Play Done in a Chinese Manner in Three Acts
39662: Moraleda C., Salatiel - La Industria de Las Ciruelas Secas
36328: Villacorta C., J. Antonio, ed - Bibliografia Guatemalteca
44543: Caballero, Fermín - Pericia Geográfica de Miguel de Cervantes: Demostrada Con la Historia de D. Quijote de la Mancha
42151: Pérez Cabrera, José Manuel - Don José Toribio Medina, Ciudadano Y Gloria de América. Discurso leído En la Sesión Solemne Celebrada El Día 21 de Octubre de 1952, En Conmemoración Del Centenario Del Nacimiento Del Gran Erudito E Historiador Chileno
42135: Perez Cabrera, Jose Manuel - Historiografia de Cuba
45757: Comisión provincial de monumentos históricos y artísticos de Cadiz - Boletin de la Comisión Provincial de Monumentos Históricos Y Artisticos de Cádiz. Año V, Numero 17, Mayo 1912
45753: Comisión provincial de monumentos históricos y artísticos de Cadiz - Boletin de la Comisión Provincial de Monumentos Históricos Y Artisticos de Cádiz. Año 1, I Trimestre 1908. No. 1, 30 de Marzo de 1908
45754: Comisión provincial de monumentos históricos y artísticos de Cadiz - Boletin de la Comisión Provincial de Monumentos Históricos Y Artisticos de Cádiz. Año II, Numero 5. 1909
46251: Comisión provincial de monumentos históricos y artísticos de Cadiz - Boletin de la Comisión Provincial de Monumentos Históricos Y Artisticos de Cádiz. Año IV, Numero 16, Noviembre 1911
45755: Comisión provincial de monumentos históricos y artísticos de Cadiz - Boletin de la Comisión Provincial de Monumentos Históricos Y Artisticos de Cádiz. Año III, Numero 14, Octubre 1910
26377: Cahier, Charles; Martin, Arthur - Nouveaux Melanges D'Archeologie D'Histoire Et de Litterature Sur le Moyen Age Par Les Auteurs de la Monographie Des Vitraux de Bourges... Collection Pub. Par Ch. Cahier [Four Volumes]
43350: Caldera, Rafael - Habla El Presidente. Dialogo Semanal Con El Pueblo Venezolano [Five Volumes]
40259: Ceballos y Calderón, José Antonio - Alegato Del Doct. D. Joseph Antonio Ceballos Y Calderón, Cura Y de San Pedro de Carabayllo Suburio de Esta Ciudad
43046: Republican Party. Caldwell, John; Jonathan W. Edwards, Thomas S. Williams - (Circular). Sir, in the Present Crisis of Our Political Affairs, It Is of the Utmost Importance, That the Friends of the Republican Institutions of This State Should Be Active and Vigilant, to Counteract the Efforts of Their Adversaries
43674: [California. San Francisco. Calendar] - [Photograph] Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, California, Circa 1914
12357: (Californians, Inc.) - San Francisco. Center of the California Vacationland. A Guide Book for Visitors
23245: (Westvaco). Callihan, John C. Foreword & Biographies - Voices from an Earlier America. An Anthology of Poetry Seventeenth to Nineteenth Centuries
39902: Calmann, H.M. - H.M. Calmann Dealer in Old Master Drawings
41016: Calvin, Ross - Sky Determines. An Interpretation of the Southwest
42145: Chacón y Calvo, José Ma. [María] - Cervantes Y El Romancero. Conferencia Pronunciada El 10 de Diciembre de 1916, En El Ateneo de la Habana
24140: Cameron, Elisabeth - Encyclopedia of Pottery and Porcelain 1800-1960
34173: [Camões, Luiz de]. Braga, Theophilo [Teófilo] - Bibliographia Camoniana
34174: [Camões, Luiz de]. Coordenada pela Commissão litteraria das festas - Bibliographia Camoniana, Servindo de Catalogo Official Da Exposicão Camoniana Do Centenario. Mdlxxx-Mdccclxxx
40075: Camões, Luiz de. Reinhardstoettner, Carl von - Os Lusiadas de Luiz de Camoes. Unter Vergleichung Der Besten Texte, Mit Angabe Der Bedeutendsten Varianten Und Einer Kritischen Einleitung Herausgegeben Von Dr. Carl Von Reinhardstoettner. [Two Volumes]
45628: [Risorgimento] Camozzi, Gabriele - Cenni E Documenti Della Guerra D'Insurrezione Lombarda Del 1849
40631: Campbell, Alex - Unbind Your Sons. The Captivity of America in Asia
23470: (Lilly Library) Gibson, Rebecca Campbell and Beckman, Roger E. - Indians of Latin America: An Exhibition of Materials in the Lilly Library
35896: Campbell, Thomas, ed - The Scenic Annual for Mdcccxxxviii
36576: Republican State Committee. [Campbell, Milon D., attrib.] - Evils of Free Trade. Effect Upon Michigan Farmers and Laboring Men. Viewed in the Light of Facts and Statistics
39803: Campbell, William J. - A Catalogue of Scarce Books. Selections from the Recently Purchased Libraries of Dr. Samuel S. Kneass, James C. Stillwell, Esq. , Edwin C. Jellett and Ethan Allen Weaver, with Additions from Other Sources. No. 62
39802: Campbell, William J. - A Catalogue of Books. Comprising a Selection of Books from the Library of the Late Rev. Dr. John Baer Stoudt with Additions from Other Recent Purchases. No. 70
45688: Campero, Narciso - Proyecto de Revolución
43380: Herrera Campins, Luis - Bolivar: Documentario de la Libertad. Actas Del Congreso Constituyente de 1830. Tomo 2
27628: New Hampshire. Campton - Annual Report of the Officers of the Town of Campton Comprising Those of the Treasurer, Selectmen, Overseer of the Poor, School Committee, Etc. , Etc. , for the Year Ending March 1, 1885
34417: [Suez Canal] - Carte de L'Isthme de Suez 1870
42421: Candolle, Alphonse de - Les Types Brun Et Blond Au Point de Vue de la Santé
38177: Cane, Miguel. Delhez, Victor, illus - El Canto de la Sirena
37057: Canepa, Luis - Antecedentes Historicos de la Plaza de Mayo Y de Los Medios de Transporte Nacionales
38197: Santa Cruz Cánepa, Santiago - El Derecho de Sufragio a Las Mujeres
36936: Caneva, Kenneth L. - The Form and Function of Scientific Discoveries. Dibner Library Lecture November 16, 2000
23089: Canfora, Luciano; Alessiani, Piccarda Quilici, et al. - L' Oggetto Libro: Arte Della Stampa, Mercato E Collezionismo
40983: Canler, Louis - Autobiography of a French Detective from 1818 to 1858 Comprising the Most Curious Revelations of the French Detective Police System
34453: Gutiérrez del Caño, Marcelino - Catálogo de Los Manuscritos Existentes En la Biblioteca Universitaria de Valencia. [Three Volumes]
37289: Canovai, Stanislao - Elogio Di Amerigo Vespucci Che Riportò IL Premio Dalla Nobile Accademia Etrusca Di Cortona. Nel Dì 15 Ottobre Dell' Anno 1788. Con Una Dissertazione Giustificativa Di Questo Celebre Navigatore Del Lp. Stanislao Canovai Delle Scuole Pie
35159: Canto, Ernesto do - Quem Deu O Nome Ao Labrador? (Breve Estudo)
35701: Perez Canto, Julio - El Conflicto Despues de la Victoria. Recuerdos E Impresiones de Un Ex-Diplomatico Chileno En El Perú. La última Discusión Del Problema de Tacna Y Arica
21640: Cantor, Norman F., ed - Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages
41583: Capitan, L. - Les Cupules a L'époque Paléolithique Et Sur Les Milliaires Romains
44535: Capitan, Louis - Décades Américaines. 1 Série
42335: [Oriental Art Magazine]. Capon, Edmund, ed - Oriental Art. [a Quarterly Publication Devoted to the Study of All Forms of Oriental Art. New Series Volume XXI Number 2. Summer 1975]
42343: [Oriental Art Magazine]. Capon, Edmund, ed - Oriental Art. [a Quarterly Publication Devoted to the Study of All Forms of Oriental Art. New Series Volume XXVIII Number 4. Winter 1982/83]
42339: [Oriental Art Magazine]. Capon, Edmund, ed - Oriental Art. [a Quarterly Publication Devoted to the Study of All Forms of Oriental Art. New Series Volume XXII Number 4. Winter 1976]
42336: [Oriental Art Magazine]. Capon, Edmund, ed - Oriental Art. [a Quarterly Publication Devoted to the Study of All Forms of Oriental Art. New Series Volume XXI Number 4. Winter 1975]
42340: [Oriental Art Magazine]. Capon, Edmund, ed - Oriental Art. [a Quarterly Publication Devoted to the Study of All Forms of Oriental Art. New Series Volume XXIII Number 4. Winter 1977]
42342: [Oriental Art Magazine]. Capon, Edmund, ed - Oriental Art. [a Quarterly Publication Devoted to the Study of All Forms of Oriental Art. New Series Volume XXVII Number 4. Winter 1981/82]
30074: Capus, G. (Guillaume) - Production Et Amelioration Des Riz D'Indochine. Rapport Introductif Presente Au Congres D'Agriculture Coloniale de 1918
34041: [Carabantes, J.] - Informe Sobre El Reconocimiento de la Region Aurífera de Ccapac-Orco, Challuma Y Pucamayo de la Provincia de Sandia (Perú)
38227: Carayon, P. Auguste - Bibliographie Historique de la Compagnie de Jésus Ou Catalogue Des Ouvrages Relatifs a L'Histoire Des Jésuites Depuis Leur Origine Jusqu'a Nos Jours
34831: Carbajal, Miguel. Testoni, Julio. Testoni, Hector - Uruguay: Lo Mejor de Lo Nuestro. The Best It Has to Offer. Two Volumes
24381: Carden, Joy - Music in Lexington Before 1840
25647: Carew, Thomas - The Poems of Thomas Carew: With His Masque Coelum Britannicum
33763: Carey, M. [Matthew] - The Crisis. An Appeal to the Good Sense of the Nation, Against the Spirit of Resistance and the Dissolution of the Union. August 14, 1832
41793: Carey, Mathew. Scott, J.T. - An Accurate Map of Hindostan or India, from the Best Authorities. J.T. Scott Sculp. Engraved for Carey's American Edition of Guthrie's Geography Improved
22972: Carleton, Lieutenant J. Henry - The Prairie Logbooks: Dragoon Campaigns to the Pawnee Villages in 1844, and to the Rocky Mountains in 1845
39321: Carlson, Ellsworth C. - The Wu-Shih-Shan Incident of 1878. [from] a Festschrift for Frederick B. Artz; Duke University Press, 1964
24572: Carlu, Jacques. William Dewey Foster, ed.; F. R. Yerbury, photos - Falaise - the Heart of Normandy. (the Tuileries Brochures: A Series of Monographs on European Architecture with Special Reference to Roofs of Tile. Volume IV, Number 2, March 1932)
16366: Carlyle,Thomas - Oliver Cromwell's Letters and Speeches, Including the Supplement to the First Edition with Elucidations. (Two Volumes Complete)
32785: Rinderknecht, Carol and Scott Bruntjen - A Checklist of American Imprints for 1845: Items 45-1-45-7137
20877: Stebbins, Theodore E., Troyen, Carol and Fairbrother, Trevor F., eds - A New World: Masterpieces of American Painting 1760-1910
16716: Wells, Carolyn and Goldsmith, Alfred F. - A Concise Bibliography of the Works of Walt Whitman with a Supplement of Fifty Books About Whitman
19928: Carotti, Giulio - Architettura Italiana. Di Tutti I Tempi
36371: Carpenter, Matt. H. [Matthew Hale] - Louisiana Affairs. Speech of Hon. Matt. H. Carpenter, of Wisconsin, Delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 29 and 30, 1874
38028: Carpenter, Frederic Ives - A Reference Guide to Edmund Spenser
32724: Carpenter, Kenneth E. - The First 350 Years of the Harvard University Library. Description of an Exhibition
45475: Carranza, Angel Justiniano - El Jeneral Lavalle Ante la Justicia Póstuma
34874: Carranza, Jacinto - Cuantos Eran Los Treinta Y Tres
35080: Gomez Carrillo, E. - Le Mystère de la Vie Et de la Mort de Mata Hari
41133: Carroll, Michael P. - The Penitente Brotherhood. Patriarchy and Hispano-Catholicism in New Mexico
22189: Carroll, Eugene, ed. Peter Charlap, Harry Roseman, Richard Ryan - Charlap Roseman Ryan
26071: Carson, S. L., McCown, Robert, eds - The Manuscript Society News [19 Issues]
37790: Carter, Harvey L. - Zebulon Montgomery Pike. Pathfinder and Patriot
27996: Cass, Lewis - Harbor of Presque Isle. Letter from the Secretary of War, Transmitting a Report in Relation to the Harbor of Presque Isle. February 27, 1836. Referred to the Committee on Commerce
27841: Cass, Lewis - Speech of Hon. Lewis Cass, of Michigan, on the Bill to Protect the Rights of American Settlers in Oregon. Delivered in the Senate of the United States, Monday, June 1, 1846
37805: Cassedy, James H. National Library of Medicine - Highlights in the Development of Medical History in the United States
39856: Cassel, Gustavo - La Crisis Del Sistema Monetario Mundial
23146: Cassin, John - Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America
39683: Castedo, Leopoldo, dir - Boletin de la Biblioteca Nacional. Año IX. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4-5. Enero - Febrero, Marzo, Abril, Mayo-Junio 1947. [Four Volumes]
34033: Castillo, Abel Romeo - Don Pedro Franco Dávila, El Sabio Guayaquileño Olvidado. (Fragmentos Del Discurso de Incorpoación Al Centro de Investigaciones Históricas de Guayaquil)
39543: Castillo, Antonio Fernández del., dir - Memoria de la Academia Nacional de Historia Y Geografia Patrocinada Por la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Segunda Boletin Extraordinario año Noveno Segunda Epoca
45509: Silva Castro, Raúl - Balmaceda
35810: [Castro, Víctor W.] - MI Vindicacion Al Publico
41225: Silva Castro, Raúl, ed - Antologia de Poetas Chilenos Del Siglo XIX
39615: Bermúdez de Castro, Manuel - Bombardment of Valparaiso. Speech of the Spanish Minister for Foreign Affairs; Together with the Diplomatic Circulars, Report of the Spanish Admiral, &C. &C. &C. Referred to Therein
38184: Silva Castro, Raúl - Asistentes Al Cabildo Abierto de 18 de Setiembre de 1810
38178: Silva Castro, Raúl - Los Primeros años de la Biblioteca Nacional (1813-1824)
34463: Rodriguez de Castro, Jose - Biblioteca Española [Two Volumes]
22183: Pereznieto Castro, Fernando. Intro. Juan Jose Arreola - La Ciudad de Queretaro
43356: Catala, Jose Agustin - La Ejecucion de Sentencia En El Procedimiento Inquilinario Especial
34083: Jimenez Catalan, Manuel - Ensayo de Una Tipografia Zaragozana Del Siglo XVIII
34656: [Americana Catalogues] - Collection of 10 Catalogues of Books on Americana
34660: [European Bookseller Catalogues] - Collection of 18 Catalogues of Rare Books from European Book Dealers
36195: Cathcart, C.W. [Charles William] - Rivers and Harbors. Speech of Mr. C.W. Cathcart, of Indiana, in the House of Representatives, February 4, 1847, in Favor of Appropriations for Rivers and Harbors, Delivered in Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union
22126: Powell, Catherine and Tajima, Noriyuki - Landscape Transcripts: Landscape and Urban Artworks by Makoto Yoshida
38792: [Anti-Catholic] - The Protestant Episcopalian and Church Register. Devoted to the Interests of Religion in the Protestant Episcopal Church. Volume VI. August, 1835. Number 8
37648: [Catlin, George]. Gurley, R.R. [Ralph Randolph] - Memorial of R.R. Gurley Praying the Purchase of Catlin's Collection, of Paintings and Curiosities Illustrative of the Manners and Customs of the North American Indians. July 10, 1848. [with] Catlin's North American Indians. Report No. 820. House of Representative. August 8, 1848
34295: Catlin, George - Illustrations of the Manners, Customs, & Condition of the North American Indians. With Letters & Notes Written During Eight Years of Travel and Adventure Among the Wildest and Most Remarkable Tribes Now Existing [Two Volumes]
36793: III Congresso Internacional dos Médicos Católicos - Exposição Bibliográfica Catálogo
35551: Catullus, Gaius Valerius.; Tibullus.; Propertius, Sextus - Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius, Ad Optimorium Exemplarium Fidem Recensiti, Cum Mss. Codicum Variis Lectionibus Margini Appositis
45820: Caulfield, Ernest; Connecticut Historical Society - Connecticut Gravestones XIII" in the Connecticut Historical Society Bulletin, Volume 40, Number 2, April 1975
35047: Caullery, Maurice - Le Problème de L'évolution. Le Fait de L'évolution S'Impose; Seul Son Mécanisme Demeure Incertain
40091: Caviglia, Buenaventura - Discurso En Rio. Ubique Patriae Memor
40110: Caviglia, Buenaventura - [Prospectus and Two Printed Poems]
40078: Caviglia, Buenaventura - Carmen Saeculare
38989: Steinfeldt, Cecilia and Stover, Donald Lewis - Early Texas Furniture and Decorative Arts
43365: Bruni Celli, Marco Tulio - Los Primeros Programas Politicos Del Plan de Barranquilla a la Candidatura Simbolica de Romulo Gallegos 1931-1941
43346: Bruni Celli, Blas - Actas de la Sociedad de Ciencias Fisicas Y Naturales de Caracas (1867-1878). Tomo I and II [Two Volumes]
39834: Out-of-Print Book Center - Old, Rare & Unusual Books for Every Taste and Every Inclination. Catalogue No. 102
31902: Pratt Graphics Center and the Ukiyo-e Society of America - Life and Customs of Edo As Portrayed in Woodblock Prints of the 17th Through 19th Centuries
39835: Out-of-Print Book Center - Old, Rare & Unusual Books. Catalogue No. 108
42884: Design Center, Iowa State Univ - Iowa Invitational '73. The Regents' Universities. Exhibition Dates April 8-May 7, 1973
41675: Société des antiquaires du centre - Objets Du Dernier Age Du Bronze Et Du Premier Age Du Fer, Découverts En Berry
45463: Bioy Cesares, Adolfo; Martino, Daniel - Adolfo Bioy Casares: álbum : Premio de Literatura En Lengua Castellana "Miguel de Cervantes", 1990
42970: [Cesari, Zenocrate, ed.] - IL Cimento Rivista Di Scienze, Lettere Ed Arti. [Volumes I & II. Two Volumes in One]
37493: Cescinsky, Herbert - English Furniture from Gothic to Sheraton; a Concise Account of the Development of English Furniture and Woodwork from the Gothic of the Fifteenth Century to the Classic Revival of the Early Nineteenth
41544: Cessac, [Paul] de - Rapport Sur Les Fouilles Exécutées Dans Les Buttes de la Tour-Saint-Austrille, Pendant L'Automne de 1865
37023: Ceuleneer, Ad. de. (Adolphe de) - Type D'Indien Du Nouveau Monde Représente Sur Un Bronze Antique Du Louvre. Nouvelle Contribution a L'Interprétation D'Un Fragment de Cornélius Népos
37707: Chaffin, Tom - Pathfinder. John Charles Fremont and the Course of American Empire
38770: Chamberlain, D. H. [Daniel Henry] - Political Letters. September, 1883
23568: Chambers, R. W. (Dante) - Catalogue of the Dante Collection in the Library of University College London with a Note on the Correspondence of Henry Clark Barlow
32747: Chambers, Robert, ed - Cyclopaedia of English Literature: A Selection of the Choicest Productions of English Authors, from the Earliest to the Present Time, Connected by a Critical and Biographical History. [Two Volumes]
33393: Chamonal, François & Rodolphe - Voyages, Geographie, Marine, Americana
46259: Chamonal, François & Rodolphe - Voyages, Geographie, Marine, Americana
37018: Chandler, Charles Lyon - Inter-American Acquaintances
30378: Chandra, Pramod - On the Study of Indian Art
33628: Shanghai Huo Chai Chang - Ji Xiang Hua Huo Hui Cui
28315: Channing, William E. - A Sermon, Preached at the Annual Election, May 26, 1830, Before His Excellency Levi Lincoln, Governor, His Honor Thomas L. Winthrop, Lieutenant Governor, the Honorable Council, and the Legislature of Massachusetts
41468: Chapelet, H. - Présentation D'Une ébauche de Hache de Grande Dimension Trouvée Dans le Département de la Mayenne. Complément à la Présentation D'Une ébauche de Hache de Grande Dimension Préparée Pour le Polissage. A Propos D'Une Hache-Herminette Provenant de Carnac (Morbihan)
36949: Chapelle, Howard I. - Fulton's "Steam Battery": Blockship and Catamaran
29737: Chaplin, Dorothea - Mythological Bonds between East and West
37016: Chapman, Charles Edward - Republican Hispanic America: A History
37989: Chapple, Joe Mitchell - To Bagdad and Back
31219: Lockwood, Charles and Hyland, Jeff - The Estates of Beverly Hills: Holmby Hills, Bel-Air, Beverly Park
31142: Dollfus, Charles and Bouche, Henri. [Editee] par l'Illustration - Histoire de L'Aeronautique
39914: Slatkin, Charles and Slatkin, Regina, eds - Four Centuries of European Drawing
36804: Etude de Me Jean Morelle. Morin, Charles and Emery-Morin, Sylvie - Art Dentaire. Médicine Et Chirurgie Ancienne. Livres Anciens
38870: Charlevoix, [Pierre-François Xavier de] - The History of Paraguay. Containing Amongst Many Other New, Curious, and Interesting Particulars of That Country, a Full and Authentic Account of the Establishments Formed There by the Jesuits, from Among the Savage Natives, in the Very Centre of Barbarism: Establishments Allowed to Have Realized the Sublime Ideas of Fenelon, Sir Thomas More, and Plato. Written Originally in French, by the Celebrated Father Charlevoix. [Two Volumes]
36885: Charon, Annie - Cinquante [50] Reliures Françaises a Décor Sur Des Textes Importants Et Provenant de Collections Renommées
37446: Galerie Charpentier - Liquidation Founès, Objets D'Art Et de Trés Bel Ameublement Du Xviiie Siècle, Tableux Et Dessins Anciens... Objets de Vitrine, Miniatures, Porcelaines Anciennes... Bronzes, Pendules, Meubles Et Sièges Anciens... Tapisseries Anciennes Dont la Vente
35899: Chase, S. [Salmon] P. - Message of the Governor of Ohio, to the Fifty-Third General Assembly at the Adjourned Session, Commencing January 3, 1859
42650: Pickering & Chatto - Science and Mathematics. List 27. September 1983
42657: Pickering & Chatto - Science Books. Catalogue 671
42656: Pickering & Chatto - Economics. Catalogue 670
42654: Pickering & Chatto - Science. Catalogue 665
42655: Pickering & Chatto - Economics Philosophy and Political Economy. Catalogue 667 [with] List 86. A Supplement to the Autumn Catalogue
42653: Pickering & Chatto - Science and Engineering. Catalogue 659
42662: Pickering & Chatto - Science. List 112. February 1990. 50 Recent Acquisitions
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42651: Pickering & Chatto - Science Technology Medicine. Catalogue 654
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42661: Pickering & Chatto - Science and Medicine. Catalogue 675
42663: Pickering & Chatto - Incunabula and Sixteenth Century Books. Catalogue 680
30609: Chattopadhyaya, D.P. - Journal of Indian Council of Philosophical Research. Volume III, Number 2. Spring, 1986
25230: Chaucer, Geoffrey. Corson, Hiram ed - Legende of Goode Women. Ed. , with an Introduction, and Notes, Glossarial and Critical by . .
34845: Comision pro-Fomento de la Biblioteca Social. Centro Proteccion Chauffeurs - Indice de la Biblioteca Social
43728: Chauncy, Charles - A Discourse Occasioned by the Death of the Reverned Jonathan Mayhew, D.D. Late Pastor of the West-Church in Boston: Who Departed This Life on Wednesday Morning, July 9, 1766. Aetatis 46. Delivered the Lord's Day After His Decease
27777: Checkley, John - The Speech of Mr. John Checkley, Upon His Trial at Boston. In 1724
41467: Chédeville, P.J. - La Patine Des Silex
16028: Cheever, Harriet A. - A Rescued Madonna
43362: Chen, Chi-Yi - Economia Laboral
36969: Chenery, William L., ed - The University Club Yesterday and Today
30155: Chernikov, S. S. (Sergei Sergeevich) - Zagadka Zolotogo Kurgana: Gde I Kogda Zarodilos' "Skifskoe Iskusstvo.
35685: Blanchard Chessi, Enrique - Noticias Biográficas Del Jeneral Don Manuel Búlnes Pinto
39784: Blanchard-Chessi, Enrique - Discurso de Enrique Blanchard-Chessi, Miembro Cooperador Honorario Del Centro Social Argentino de Santiago de Chile. Pronunciado El 25 de Mayo de 1905 En Los Salones de Dicho Centro Con Motivo Del Aniversario de la Independencia de Argentina
30735: Chhabra, B. Ch - Kirti: Its Connotation," [Reprinted from] Siddha-Bharati or the Rosary of Indology Being the Dr. Siddheshwar Varma Presentation Volume
39209: Wu-chi, Liu - The Original Orphan of China
46127: Chicago, Alton, and St. Louis Railroad Company - Proceedings of Meeting of Bondholders of the Chicago, Alton, and St. Louis R.R. Co
43367: Alvarez Chicon, Francisco - La Soberanía Del Petróleo
12895: Childs, Maryanna - The Sounds of Ireland
35797: Childs, James B. - The Bibliophilic Societies of South America
33986: [Chile] - Ley No. 3165. Sobre Patentes Profesionales E Industriales. Promulgada En El Diario Oficial de 27 de Diciembre de 1916
33860: [Chile] - Ley Sobre Accidentes Del Trabajo Y Reglamento Dictado Por El Supremo Gobierno Para Su Aplicacion
44491: [Chile] - Small Archive of 19 Publications on Chilean Trade and Finance: 1927-1945
39632: [Chile] - Lei de Organizacion I Atribuciones de Las Municipalidades. Promulgada El 22 de Diciembre de 1891 I Reformada Por Lei N,O 2960 de 18 de Diciembre de 1914. Edicion Oficial
39631: [Chile] - Lei de Elecciones de la República de Chile Con Las Modificaciones à Probadas Por Leyes NúM. 343 de 18 de Febrero de 1896, NúM. 1295 de 26 de Diciembre de 1899 I Núms. 1806 I 1807 de 8 de Febrero de 1906. Edicion Oficial
39640: [Chile] - Constitución Política de la República de Chile Promulgada El 18 de Setiembre de 1925. Conforme a la Edicion Oficial
35811: [Chile] - Chilian Chicane. The Right of Force Versus the Force of Right
41248: Universidad de Chile - El Museo Nacional Benjamin Vicuña Mackenna
41220: Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile - Memoria Anual 1946-1947. Santiago, 31 de Marzo de 1947
38194: [Chile] - Veinte años de Legislacion Social
42190: Compañía de Seguros La Protectora (Chile) - 88. A Memoria de "la Protectora" Cia [Compañia] Chilena de Seguros Contra Incendios Y Contra Toda de Riesgos Terrestres
42084: [Chile] - Constitución Política de la República de Chile, Jurada Y Promulgada El 25 de Mayo de 1833, Con Las Reformas Efectuadas Hasta El 10 de Agosto de 1888
35518: [Chile] - Chile
37281: Santiago de Chile - Reglamento Del Panteon General de Santiago de Chile, Dictado Por El Supremo Gobierno año de 1824
34039: [Chile] - Ley de Alcoholes. Promulgada En El Diario Oficial de 18 de Enero de 1902. Texto de la Circular Dirigida Por El Ministerio Del Interior á Los Intendentes Y Gobernadores, El 30 de Marso de 1905, Sobre El Cumplimiento Del Artículo 79 de Esta Ley
34005: [Chile] - Escrito de Excepciones En Juicio Ejecutivo de Don Juan Tomás Calderón Con la Sra. Mercedes Varela. 4 Juzgado - Abril de 1914
39713: [Chile] - Juicios de la Prensa Sobre Don Manuel Montt Publicados Con Motivo de Su Fallecimiento Y Documentos Referentes á Su Vida Pública
39758: [Chile] - Chile Y Estados-Unidos. Historia de Una Amistad Ininterrumpida
38202: [Chile] - Juicio. Seguido Entre Don Victor Parra, Don Pedro L. Bravo Y Otros, En Contra de Don Cardenio Avello Y El Obispado de Concepción. Antecedentes Para Casar de Oficio la Sentencia Expedida Por la Corte de Apelaciones de Concepción El 30 de Julio de 1923
39721: [Chile] - División Territorial de la Republica de Chile En Provincias, Departamentos, Territorios Y Comunas. Decretos Numeros 8582-8583, Publicados En El Diario Oficial, El 28 de Enero de 1928
36293: Servicio Bibliografico Chileno - Servicio Bibliografico Chileno (Chilean Bibliographic News Service). Números 1-84, Septiembre de 1940 - Agosto de 1947. Todos Los Libros de Interés Americano, Publicado En Chile... (All the Books of American Interest Published in Chile... )
39875: Sociedad de Bibliófilos Chilenos - El Bibliófilo Chileno. Organo de la Sociedad de Biblófilos Chilenos. Año II Agosto de 1948, No. 4
39878: Sociedad de Bibliófilos Chilenos - El Bibliófilo Chileno. Organo de la Sociedad de Biblófilos Chilenos. Año V Octubre de 1952, No. 9
39876: Sociedad de Bibliófilos Chilenos - El Bibliófilo Chileno. Organo de la Sociedad de Biblófilos Chilenos. Año III Agosto de 1949, No. 5 [with] año IV Agosto de 1950, No. 6 [Two Volumes]
39877: Sociedad de Bibliófilos Chilenos - El Bibliófilo Chileno. Organo de la Sociedad de Biblófilos Chilenos. Año IV Agosto de 1951, No. 7
33304: People's Republic of China - The Genius of China. An Exhibition of Archaeological Finds of the People's Republic of China
39274: [China] - Chinese Calligraphy. [China and the Chinese]
43191: Núñez Chinchilla, Jesús - Copan Ruins. Complete Guide of the Great Mayan City
43387: Chiossone, Tulio - Lexico Y Refranero En "Tierra Nuestra" de Samuel Darío Maldonado
31643: Chipman, George. Continued by John W. Butterfield - A Digest of the Decisions in the Office of the Second Comptroller of the Treasury, Compiled Under the Direction of the Comptroller
41469: Chiris, Marcellin - Sur Trois Huttes Préhistoriques
27767: Choate, Rufus - Hon. Rufus Choate on the Presidential Question
45596: [Pennsylvania Cavalry] Chormann, Ernest G. - Manuscript Document Signed by Five CIVIL War Officers Concerning Chorman's Mounted Rifle Rangers
37937: Chouinard, Jeffrey - Mouths of Stone. Stories of the Ancient Maya from Newly Deciphered Inscriptions and Recent Archaeological Discoveries

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