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Island Books [formerly of Devon] White House, Storrington Road, Thakeham, RH20 3EQ West Sussex, UK. Tel.: +44 (0)1798 812223 Email: islandrarebooks@btinternet.com | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
40044: NURSE Bernard - London Prints and Drawings before 1800. The Gough Collection, Bodleian Library, University of Oxford. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
44343: NUTLEY WINDMILL. - Nutley Windmill Restoration Appeal. A RARE SURVIVAL
9783: NUTTALL G.C. - Trees and how they grow. [Second Edition].
22673: NUTTING Anthony - I Saw for Myself. The Aftermath of Suez. NEAR FINE COPY
24811: NYASALAND - Nyasaland Protectorate. The Resident's Handbook, being a Compilation of the Standing Orders, Rules and Regulations in Force in the Nyasaland Protectorate, revised to the 31st March 1911. Second Edition. Published by Authority. BRIGHT, CLEAN INTERLEA
48348: NYE Doug - Goodwood Revival: The First Ten Years. [Fiftieth Anniversary Signed Limited Edition.] FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY EDITION: 750 COPIES WERE ISSUED
20964: NYE R.B. - Midwestern Progressive Politics. A Historical Study of its Origins and Development 1870-1950. SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY
28843: NYE Doug - Goodwood Revival: the First Ten Years. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
40721: O'BRIEN Terence - The Moonlight War. The Story of Clandestine Operations in South-East Asia, 1944-5. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
41057: O'CONROY Taid - The Menace of Japan. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
34301: O'BRIEN Captain F.T. - Early Solent Steamers. A History of Local Steam Navigation. SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY
41635: O'FAOLAIN Sean - I Remember! I Remember! Stories. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
24347: O'BRIAN Patrick - The Yellow Admiral. [Read by Gordon Griffin. Unabridged audio book]. FINE SET IN OYSTER CASE
39078: O'BRIEN Edna - The Country Girls [with] The Lonely Girl [with] Girls in their Married Bliss. O'BRIEN'S 'COUNTRY GIRLS' TRILOGY IN FULL MOROCCO
34534: O'BRIEN, ed. Phillips Payson - Technology and Naval Combat in the Twentieth Century and Beyond. Edited by Phillips Payson O'Brien. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
18914: O'KEEFFE Paul - A Genius for Failure. The Life of Benjamin Robert Haydon.
17899: O'DONNELL James P. - The Berlin Bunker. [Second Impression].
35542: O'CONNOR Neal W. - Aviation Awards of Imperial Germany in World War I and the Men who earned them. Volume VII: The Aviation Awards of Eight German States and the Three Free Cities. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
13870: O'SULLIVAN Timothy - Percy Thrower. A Biography. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
38772: O'NEILL Eugene - The Emperor Jones, The Straw, and Diff'rent. Three Plays. [Second Impression.] BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
43642: O'CONNELL Geoffrey - Southwick. The D-Day Village that went to War. NEAR FINE COPY
26086: O'CONNOR Garry - Sean O'Casey. A Life.
39012: O'BRIEN Edna - Lantern Slides. Short Stories. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
30895: O'BRIAN Patrick - Joseph Banks. A Life. FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
29231: O'BRIEN Terence - Out of the Blue. A Pilot with the Chindits. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
18957: O'CASEY Eileen - Sean. Edited with an Introduction by J.C. Trewin.
18961: O'NEILL Eugene - A Touch of the Poet. A Play in Four Acts.
48600: O'BRIAN Patrick - The Final Unfinished Voyage of Jack Aubrey. Including Facsimile of the Manuscript. Foreword by William Waldegrave. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
29257: O'BRIEN Terence - The Moonlight War. The Story of Clandestine Operations in South-East Asia, 1944-5. SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY
48285: O'CONNOR, ed. Frank - Modern Irish Short Stories. Selected with an Introduction by Frank O'Connor. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
15296: O'BRIAN Patrick - The Fortune of War [A Jack Aubrey novel]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
25651: O'DONNELL James P. - The Berlin Bunker. [First UK Edition].
34108: O'FLAHERTY Liam - The Informer. Lithographs by Nigel Lambourne. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
48294: O'SULLIVAN Maurice - Twenty Years A-Growing. Rendered from the original Irish with a Preface by Moya Llewelyn Davis and George Thomson. With an introductory Note by E.M. Forster. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
8658: O'FLAHERTY Liam - The Fairy Goose and Two other Stories. SIGNED LIMITED ISSUE
2408: O'CONNOR Frank - The County Books. Leinster, Munster and Connaught. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
24118: O'CONNOR Flannery - A Circle in the Fire and other Stories. Introduced by C E Morgan. Illustrated by Deanna Staffo. FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
26041: O'BRIEN Kate - English Diaries and Journals. [Britain in Pictures series]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
39799: O'BALANCE Edgar - Arab Guerilla Power 1967-1972. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
11488: OAK KNOLL BOOKS - A. Edward Newton. A Collection of his Works. [Oak Knoll Books. Catalogue 86]. NEAR FINE COPY
13446: OAKDEN J.A. - The Place-Names of Staffordshire. Part 1. Cuttlestone Hundred [This volume only].
38575: OAKES Clifford - The Birds of Lancashire. NEAR FINE COPY
27226: OAKESHOTT Walter - The Artists of the Winchester Bible. And an Introduction by Walter Oakeshott.
35227: OAKLEY Derek - Fiddler on the March. A Biography of Lieutenant Colonel Sir Vivian Dunn. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
11469: OATTS L.B. - Famous Regiments. The Highland Light Infantry. (The 71st H. .I. And 74th Highlanders). [Introduction by Lt.-Gen. Sir Brian Horrocks]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
16535: OATTS L.B. - Proud Heritage. The Story of the Highland Light Infantry. Volume One. The 71st HLI 1777-1881. [Foreword by Major-General Alexander Telfer Smollett of Bonhill]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
18572: OATTS Lieut.-Col. L.B. - Emperor's Chambermaids. The Story of the 14th/20th King's Hussars. Foreword by M.R.D. Foot. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
18176: OBELISK GALLERY, LONDON - [Exhibition Catalogue of] Magritte Paintings, Drawings, Gouaches. 28 September - 27 October 1961. Catalogue compiled and edited by Philip M Laski. NEAR FINE COPY
43173: OBERG Erik - Iron and Steel. A Treatise on the Smelting, Refining and Mechanical Processes of the Iron and Steel Industry. Second Printing. NEAR FINE COPY
35818: OBERMAIER Ernst - Die Ritterkreuztrager der Luftwaffe. Volume i: Jagdflieger 1939-1945. SIGNED BY SIX LUFTWAFFE FIGHTER ACES
15107: OBORNE - St. Cuthbert's Old Church, Oborne, Dorset. NEAR FINE COPY
30238: ODELL Mary Theresa - The Old Theatre, Worthing. The Theatre Royal, 1807-1855. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
30239: ODELL Mary Theresa - Some Playbills of the Old Theatre, Worthing. The Theatre Royal, 1807-1855. The Theatre Royal, 1807-1855. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
23591: of HIPPO St. Augustine - Unless the Grain Die. [Decorations by Margaret Adams]. 160 COPIES WERE PRINTED
39301: OFFENBERG Jean - Lonely Warrior. The Journal of Battle of Britain Fighter Pilot Jean Offenberg. Edited by Victor Houart. With a Preface by Group Captain Peter Townsend. IN FULL MOROCCO
5613: OFFENCES AGAINST THE PERSON 1837 Act of Parliament - An Act to amend the Laws relating to Offences against the Person. WITH FINE WOODBLOCK ARMS ON COVER
43297: OGDEN Derek - Ganzel and Wulff. The Quest for American Milling Secrets. FINE COPY
35491: OGDEN Bob - Aviation Museums (World Wide excluding USA).. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
40947: OGILVIE Squadron-Leader Eain G. - Libyan Log. Empire Air Forces Western Desert July 1941 - July 1942.. [Second Impression.] GOOD, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
42522: OGILVIE Malcolm Alexander - Wild Geese. Illustrations by Carol Ogilvie. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
42535: OGILVIE Malcolm Alexander - Ducks of Britain and Europe. Illustrated by Carol Ogilvie. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
42930: OGILVIE, ed.] [Malcolm - BWP Update. Volume 1. Nos. 1-3 [THESE NUMBERS ONLY]. THE FIRST THREE BWP UPDATES
30965: OGILVY C. Stanley - Thoughts on Small Boat Racing. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
8271: OGILVY James S. - A Pilgrimage in Surrey. BRIGHT, CLEAN, EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED COPY
40225: OGLEY Bob - Kent at War. The Unconquered County 1939-1945 NEAR FINE COPY
36239: OGORKIEWICZ R M - Swiss Battle Tanks. [AFV Weapons Profile 50]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN WRAPPERS
16539: OHNET G. - Les Battailles de la Vie. Le Doctor Rameau. Quatre-Vingt-Unieme Edition. CONTEMPORARY MOROCCO BINDING WITH INLAY
37895: OKEY Thomas - The Story of Venice. Illustrated by Nelly Erichsen. NEAR FINE COPY
47107: OKEY Thomas - The Story of Avignon. Illustrated by Percy Wadham. BRIGHT, CRISP COPY
19031: OKIE Howard Pitcher - Old Silver and Old Sheffield Plate. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
35009: OKUDZHAVA Bulat - The Extraordinary Adventures of Secret Agent Shipov. in Pursuit of Count Leo Tolstoy in the Year 1862. Translated by Heather Maisner. [First English Edition.] FIRST ENGLISH EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
30501: OLD MASTER PAINTINGS. - Important Old Master Paintings. And European Works of Art including Property of the Albright-Knox Art Gallery. 8 June 2007. Sale Code: N08321. FINE COPY
44374: OLD MILL GARDENS, WANNOCK. - Old Mill Gardens, Wannock. The Counterfoil Album. Containing 6 Cabinet Views and 6 Postcards, printed in sepia Photogravure. A RARE SURVIVAL
30381: OLD TESTAMENT. - The Bible in Art. Miniatures, Paintings, Drawings and Sculptures inspired by the Old Testament. [Introduction by Marcel Brion. Notes on the Plates by Heidi Heimann]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
28035: OLD WATER-COLOUR SOCIETY'S CLUB - The Old Water-Colour Society's Club. Fifty-Ninth Annual Volume. Edited by Adrian Bury. NEAR FINE COPY
28032: OLD WATER-COLOUR SOCIETY'S CLUB - The Old Water-Colour Society's Club. A short run of Annual Volumes as follows: Vols 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28,29. BRIGHT, CLEAN RUN
28034: OLD WATER-COLOUR SOCIETY'S CLUB - The Old Water-Colour Society's Club. A short run of Annual Volumes as follows: Vols 50, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57. Edited by Adrian Bury. BRIGHT, CLEAN RUN
28033: OLD WATER-COLOUR SOCIETY'S CLUB - The Old Water-Colour Society's Club. A short run of Annual Volumes as follows: Vols 38, 40, 42, 43, 47, 48, 49. Edited by Adrian Bury. BRIGHT, CLEAN RUN
13910: OLDHAM Eric - British Railways Steam in Retrospect.
28075: OLDROYD Harold - Insects and their World.
12400: OLIVER Richard - A Guide to the Ordnance Survey One-Inch Fifth Edition. NEAR FINE COPY
12402: OLIVER Richard - A Guide to the Ordnance Survey One-Inch New Popular Edition. NEAR FINE COPY
24820: OLIVER the Younger Stephen - Scenes and Recollections of Fly-Fishing, in Northumberland, Cumberland and Westmorland. IN PUBLISHER'S CLOTH
28579: OLIVER John - Dickens' Rochester. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
49472: OLIVER Richard - Ordnance Survey Maps. A Concise Guide for Historians. Third Edition, Revised and Expanded. FINE COPY
4469: OLIVER Jane - The Ancient Roads of England.
26756: OLIVER R.L. - Malta Besieged.
12020: OLIVER David - Airborne Espionage. International Special Duties Operations in the World Wars. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
19152: OLIVER J. - Railways round the World. Compiled by Jocelyn Oliver.
39223: OLIVER Richard - A Guide to the Ordnance Survey One-Inch Popular Edition of Scotland. NEAR FINE COPY IN WRAPPERS
47020: OLIVER Richard - A Guide to the Ordnance Survey One-Inch Seventh Series. [Second Edition]. FINE COPY IN ORIGINAL WRAPPERS
3256: OLIVER G. - The History of Exeter. WITH THE ERRATA LEAF
3552: OLIVER G. - The History of Exeter. JACK SIMMONS' COPY IN PERIOD CALF
3255: OLIVEY H.P. - North Curry: Ancient Manor and Hundred. Notes upon the History of the three Parishes: North Curry, Stoke St. Gregory, West Hatch contained therein.
32662: OLSEN Victoria - From Life. Julia Margaret Cameron and Victorian Photography FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
35021: OLSEN Jack - Silence on Monte Sole. [First UK Edition]. FIRST ENGLISH EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
20383: OLYSLAGER Piet - Handbook for the Morris Minor 1000. Saloon. Convertible. Estate Car. Morris Series III. Quarter-Ton Van. Quarter-Ton Pick-Up. All Models from 1956. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
29182: OMMANNEY F.D - Flat-Top. The Story of an Escort Carrier. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
42506: ONDAATJE Michael - The English Patient. FIRST ISSUE IN DUSTWRAPPER
41045: OOCUPIED FRANCE. - Heros et Martyrs 1940-45. Les Fusilles. BRIGHT, CLEAN WORKING COPY
24632: OOKA Shohei - Fires on the Plain. Translated from the Japanese by Ivan Morris. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
25227: OOSTEN F.C. van - Warship Profile 40: Her Netherlands Majesty's Ship De Ruyter. NEAR FINE COPY IN ORIGINAL WRAPPERS
43810: OPIE Iona - Children's Games in Street and Playground. Chasing. Catching. Seeking. Hunting. Racing. Duelling. Exerting. Daring. Guessing. Acting. Pretending. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
19526: OPIE Iona - The Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes. Edited by Iona and Peter Opie.
16135: OPPITZ Leslie - Sussex Railways Remembered [Second Impression]. ussex Railways Remembered [Second Impression].
27110: ORANGE, Vincent - Winged Promises. A History of No 14 Squadron RAF, 1915-1945. [Foreword by His Majesty King Hussein I. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
33176: ORBELL John - From Cape to Cape. The History of Lyle Shipping Company. With Edwina Green and Michael Moss. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
12640: ORDANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey [Tourist] Map of Dorking & Leith Hill. One Inch to One Mile. ['Official Royal Arms' cover].
12387: ORDANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey One-Inch Map. Fifth Edition. Reigate & Tunbridge Wells. Sheet 125.
26085: ORDISH George - The Living House. Illustrated by Graham Oakley. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
27461: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Newquay. Popular Edition. One Inch, Sheet 143. [Ellis Martin cover].
32201: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Road Map of Whitby and Scarborough. Sheet 7. Layers. Scale: Half-Inch to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE 1915 ISSUE
28571: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ancient Britain. North Sheet. A Map of the major visible Antiquities of Great Britain older than AD. 1066. Second Edition NEAR FINE COPY
32198: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Road Map of Brecon and Lampeter. Sheet 21. Layers. Scale: Half-Inch to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE 1936 ISSUE
12612: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Norwich and Great Yarmouth. Popular Edition. One Inch. Sheet 67. [Ellis Martin cover].
46637: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Quarter-Inch Map of Great Britain. Sheet 2. England, North Central. Fourth Edition with National Grid. [Scale: Quarter-Inch to One Mile]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE 1946 ISSUE
32196: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Road Map of Liverpool, Manchester and Chester. Sheet 12. Layers. Scale: Half-Inch to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE WWII ISSUE
41097: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Barmouth and Aberystwyth. Popular Edition. Sheet 68. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
41098: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Cardiff and Mouth of the Severn. Popular Edition. Sheet 110. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
41118: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Map of Isles of Scilly. Fifth Relief Edition. Scale: Two Inches to One Mile. UNIQUE VARIANT OF THE FIRST POST-WAR OS COVER DESIGN
29846: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Portmadoc and Criccieth. Sheet 49. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. NEAR FINE COPY
35138: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey One-Inch Map of Lowestoft. New Popular Edition. Sheet 137. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. [First Issue thus]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
10803: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Map of Roman Britain (Third Edition). Scale: Sixteen Miles to One Inch. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
12564: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Bicester. Popular Edition. One Inch, Sheet 94. [Ellis Martin cover]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
12567: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Bridgwater and District. Popular Edition. One Inch. Sheet 120. [Ellis Martin cover].
25810: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey One-Inch Map. Fifth Edition. SE London and Dartford. Mounted on Linen. Sheet 15. [Ellis Martin cover].
27464: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Truro and St. Austell. One Inch, Sheet 143. [Ellis Martin cover].
27459: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Clacton-on-Sea and Harwich. Popular Edition. One Inch, Sheet 98. [Ellis Martin cover].
32257: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Wales and the Marches. Quarter Inch Map. [Quarter-Inch Fifth Series Special Sheet. Scale: Quarter-Inch to One Mile]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE FIRST ISSUE WITH UNIQUE COVER
32197: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Road Map of Norwich and Great Yarmouth. Sheet 19. Layers. Scale: Half-Inch to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE WWII ISSUE
33871: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Clacton-on-Sea and Harwich. Sheet 98. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
33459: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey One-Inch Map. Chichester. New Popular Edition. Sheet 181. Full revision 1930. Roads 1947 with later corrections. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY ON LINEN
49520: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey One-Inch Map. Stratford-on-Avon and District. Popular Edition. Sheet 82. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. UNUSUALLY BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
12573: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Road Map of Oxford and Swindon. Sheet 28. Layers. alf Inch to One Mile. [Ellis Martin cover]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
29893: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Map of Shrewsbury and District. Sheet 61. Coloured Edition. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
29847: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Portsmouth and Southampton. Sheet 132. Popular Edition. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
29848: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Wimborne and Ringwood. Sheet 131 . Popular Edition. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. FIRST ISSUE OF THE POPULAR EDITION
25805: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Portsmouth and Southampton. Popular Edition. One Inch. Sheet 132. [Ellis Martin cover].
29435: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Road Map of North Devon. Sheet 31. Layers. Scale: Half-Inch to One Mile NEAR FINE COPY
29850: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Oxford and Henley-on-Thames. Sheet 105. Popular Edition. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
29877: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Weald of Kent. Sheet 126. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
35139: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey One-Inch Tourist Map. The North York Moors. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
32267: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey.Quarter-Inch Map. The Eastern Highlands. Fourth Edition with National Grid. Sheet 5. [Scale: Quarter-Inch to One Mile]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE 1946 ISSUE
32265: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey. [Carlisle. Newcastle upon Tyne]. Sheet 1. Scale: Quarter Inch to One Mile. BRIGHT, SOUND COPY WITH SCARCE ADHESIVE COVER
43459: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey One-Inch Map. Torquay and Dartmouth. Popular Edition. Sheet 145. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
32250: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Aldershot Command. Popular Edition. Scale: One Inch to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE ALDERSHOT COMMAND 1925 ISSUE
32251: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey 'One-Inch' Map. Fifth Edition. Exeter. Sheet 138. [Scale: One Inch to One Mile]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE FIFTH EDITION
32253: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey 'One-Inch' Map. Fifth Edition. Truro and St. Austell. Sheet 143. [Scale: One Inch to One Mile]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE 1936 REVISION
32254: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey 'One-Inch' Map. Fifth Edition. Bodmin. Sheet 136. [Scale: One Inch to One Mile]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE 1936 REVISION
27462: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Barnstaple and Exmoor. Popular Edition. One Inch, Sheet 118. [Ellis Martin cover].
29854: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Yeovil and Blandford. Sheet 130. Popular Edition. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. FIRST ISSUE OF THE POOPULAR EDITION
46638: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Quarter-Inch Map of Great Britain. Sheet 3. The Forth, Clyde and Tay. Fourth Edition with National Grid. [Scale: Quarter-Inch to One Mile]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE 1945 ISSUE
29885: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Wells, Frome and District. Sheet 121. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
29886: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Stratford-on-Avon and District. Sheet 82. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. GOOD WORKING COPY
29868: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of N.E. London and Epping Forest. Sheet 107. Popular Edition. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
29851: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Winchester and District. Sheet 123. Popular Edition. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. FIRST ISSUE OF THE POPULAR EDITION
29880: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Luton. Sheet 95. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
32232: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Road Map of Sheffield. Sheet 13. Hill-Shaded. Scale: Half-Inch to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE 1915 ISSUE
48226: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey One Quarter-Inch Map. Eastern Counties (N). Sheet 6. [Third Edition.] Scale: One-Quarter Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
32231: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Fakenham. Sheet 57. Popular Edition. Scale: One Inch to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE 1921 ISSUE
32258: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Half-Inch Map. The Peak District and its Approaches. [Scale: Half-Inch to One Mile]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE SOLE ISSUE WITH UNIQUE COVER
32896: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Reading and Newbury. Popular Edition. Sheet 113 Scale: One Inch to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
33276: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Road Map of Weymouth, Yeovil and Taunton. Sheet 37. Layers. Scale 1/2 Inch to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
45609: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Windsor. Sheet 114. Popular Edition. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. REMARKABLY BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
29869: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Truro and St. Austell. Sheet 143. Popular Edition. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
12572: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Road Map of Sheffield. Sheet 13. Layers. Half-Inch to One Mile. [Ellis Martin cover].
36012: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map. [Wimborne & Ringwood]. Sheet 31. Scale: One Inch to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
36011: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Road Map of North Devon. Sheet 31. Scale: Half-Inch to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
48165: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey One-Inch Map. Truro and St. Austell. Sheet 143. Fifth Edition. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
29845: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Chichester and Worthing. Sheet 133. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
29436: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Map of Sidmouth, Exmouth and District. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. NEAR FINE COPY
45954: ORDNANCE SURVEY - A Description of the Ordnance Survey Large Scale Plans. Published by the Director General of the Ordnance Survey. NEAR FINE COPY IN ORIGINAL WRAPPERS
33594: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of The Dukeries. Popular Edition. Sheet 46 Scale: One Inch to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
25807: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Torquay and Dartmouth. Popular Edition. One Inch. Sheet 145. [Ellis Martin cover].
25808: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Carmarthen. Popular Edition. One Inch. Sheet 89. [Ellis Martin cover].
25809: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Land's End and Lizard. Popular Edition. One Inch. Sheet 146. [Ellis Martin cover].
32261: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Two and a Half Inch Map. [Petersfield. Chichester. Worthing]. Sheet 41/90. Scale: 1: 25,000. Two and a Half Inches to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
32263: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey. Canterbury. Sheet 40. Scale: 2 Miles to One Inch. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE 1909 REVISION
46108: ORDNANCE SURVEY - [Map of] Roman Britain. Scale 1:625 000 about Ten Miles to One Inch. [Fourth Edition.] NEAR FINE COPY
12834: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Stow-on-the-Wold and District. Popular Edition. One Inch, Sheet 93. [Ellis Martin cover].
12837: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey. St. Albans. (Large Sheet Series with Layers). Sheet 29. Scale: Two Miles to One Inch.
29876: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Bridgwater and Quantock Hills. Sheet 120. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
32200: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Road Map of Carlisle. Sheet 2. Layers. Scale: Half-Inch to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE 1929 ISSUE
32894: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Worcester. Popular Edition. Sheet 81. Scale: One Inch to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
37026: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey One-Inch Map of Bournemouth. New Popular Edition. Sheet 179. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
29879: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Bicester. Sheet 94. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
27465: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Map of Colchester and District. Coloured Edition. One Inch, Sheet 99. [Ellis Martin cover].
32230: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Tunbridge Wells. Sheet 125. Popular Edition. Scale: One Inch to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE 1936 ISSUE
28347: ORDNANCE SURVEY - One-Inch Map. Barnstaple. Sheet 163. New Popu ar Edition. [With Ellis Martin cover]. FIRST POST-WWII EDITION
29873: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Dolgelley and Lake Vwynwy. Sheet 59. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. FIRST ISSUE OF THE POPULAR EDITION
46640: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Quarter-Inch Map of Great Britain. Sheet 6. North Midlands and Lincolnshire. Fourth Edition with National Grid. [Scale: Quarter-Inch to One Mile]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE 1946 ISSUE
25804: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Hastings. Popular Edition. One Inch. Sheet 135. [Ellis Martin cover].
29887: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Northampton and District. Sheet 83. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
29867: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Sidmouth and Bridport. Sheet 139. Popular Edition. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. GOOD, FIRM COPY
29866: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Torquay and Dartmouth. Sheet 145. Popular Edition. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. GOOD, FIRM COPY
29865: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Reading and Newbury. Sheet 113. Popular Edition. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. GOOD, FIRM COPY
29858: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Pembroke and Tenby. Sheet 99. Popular Edition. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. FIRST ISSUE OF THE POPULAR EDITION
29878: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of River Torridge and District. Sheet 127. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
29857: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Norwich and Great Yarmouth. Sheet 67. Popular Edition. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. FIRST ISSUE OF THE POPULAR EDITION
29855: ORDNANCE SURVEY - Ordnance Survey Contoured Road Map of Tavistock and Dartmoor. Sheet 137. Popular Edition. Scale: One Inch to to One Mile. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
24834: ORIENTAL CERAMICS SOCIETY - Transactions of the Oriental Ceramics Society 1982-1983. [Volume 47.]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
24839: ORIENTAL CERAMICS SOCIETY - Transactions of the Oriental Ceramics Society 1975-1976; 1976-1977. [Volume 41]. [Volume 41]. NEAR FINE COPY
46973: ORIENTAL ART GALLERY, Ltd. - Oriental Works of Art. Opening Tuesday 7 June 1994. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
19725: ORIENTAL ART GALLERY - [Catalogue of an Exhibition of] Oriental Works of Art. Opening 9 December 1992. [Introduction by Margaret Medley].
37054: ORIOLI G. [Giuseppe] - Adventures of a Bookseller. 300 COPIES WERE PRINTED
24233: ORLEAN Susan - The Orchid Thief. [A True Story of Beauty and Obsession]. FINE PROOF COPY
26249: ORLEAN Susan - The Orchid Thief. [First UK Edition]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
20843: ORME A. R. - The Raised Beaches and Strandlines of South Devon. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
34901: ORSKA Irena - Silent is the Vistula. The Story of the Warsaw Uprising. Translated from the Polish by Marta Erdman. THE ORIGINAL EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
33886: ORTON Joe - The Orton Diaries including the Correspondence of Edna Welthorpe and Others. Edited by John Lahr. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
34809: ORWELL George - The War Commentaries. Edited with an Introduction by W.J. West. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
49414: ORWELL George - Nineteen Eighty-Four. A Novel. BRIGHT, CRISP COPY OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION
43893: ORWELL George - A Life in Letters and Diaries. Selected and introduced by Peter Davison. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
44006: ORWELL George - Reportage. [Illustrated with archive photography.] NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
44847: ORWELL George - Nineteen Eighty-Four. The Facsimile of the Extant Manuscript. Edited by Peter Davison. With a Preface by Daniel G. Siegel. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
47972: ORWELL George - Homage to Catalonia. Illustrated with archive photography. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
46984: ORWELL George - Nineteen Eighty-Four. Introduced by Alan Rusbridger. Illustrated by Jonathan Burton. FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
49551: ORWELL George - Nineteen Eighty-Four. Illustrated by La Boca. Introduced by Elif Shafak. 750 COPIES WERE PRINTED
17358: OSBORN J. Lee - The Homeland Handbooks. Volume 91. Worthing with its Surroundings. [Second Edition]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
4867: OSBORN J. Lee - Malmesbury. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
19746: OSBORNE S. - Germany and her Jews.
18124: OSBORNE John - Inadmissible Evidence. [First Paperback Edition]. NEAR FINE COPY
11190: OSBORNE Brian D. - The Clyde at War.
31950: OSBORNE Brian D - The Ingenious Mr Bell. A Life of Henry Bell (1767-1830), Pioneer of Steam Navigation. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
39256: OSBORNE John - A Better Class of Person. An Autobiography 1929-1956. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
46448: OSBORNE, Richard - Armed Merchant Cruisers 1878-1945. FINE COPY
19732: OSCAR & PETER JOHNSON, Ltd., LOWNDES LODGE GALLERY - [Catalogue of] Jubilee Exhibition. The Country House & English Landscape. 29 June - 15 July 1977. 29 June - 15 July 1977. NEAR FINE COPY
30145: OSWALD Felix - Alone in the Seeping-Sickness Country. [Second Impression]. SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY
17191: OTLEY - Official Guide to Otley. Historic Market Town. Issued by Authority of Otley Town Council. [Second Edition.] NEAR FINE COPY
40893: OTTER Patrick - Maximum Effort. One Group at War. NEAR FINE COPY
7156: OTTER VALLEY - The Lower Otter Valley. Sketches on Local History. NEAR FINE COPY
34303: OTTLEY George - A Bibliography of British Railway History. Compiled by George Ottley. Foreword by Professor Jack Simmons. [Second Edition]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
24372: OTTLEY R. - Black Odyssey. The Story of the Negro in America.
16214: OTTO Bertram - The World's Largest Model Railway. A RARE SURVIVAL
41173: OTWAY Lieutenant-Colonel T. B. H. - Airborne Forces. [Official History of] The Second World War 1939-1945. Army. [Commemorative reissue.] NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
32089: OTWAY Thomas - The Orphan; or, The Unhappy Marriage. Adapted for Theatrical Representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane, and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the Prompt-Books, by Permission of the Managers. BRIGHT, CRISP COPY IN BOARDS
32090: OTWAY Thomas - Venice Preserved. Or, A Plot Discovered. A Tragedy. Adapted for Theatrical Representation, as performed at the Theatres-Royal, Drury-Lane, and Covent-Garden. Regulated from the Prompt-Books, by Permission of the Managers. BRIGHT, CRISP COPY IN BOARDS
46350: OUGHTON Frederick - Ace with One Eye. The Life and Combats of Major Edward Mannock. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
33927: OURSLER Fulton - The Happy Grotto. A Journalist's Account of Lourdes NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
46921: OUSBY Ian - The Road to Verdun. France, Nationalism and the First World War. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
14031: OUSBY I. - Occupation. The Ordeal of France 1940-1944.
49157: OUTWOOD MILL. - The Story of Outwood Mill. NEAR FINE COPY
49648: OUVRY Col. Henry Aime - Stein and his Reforms in Prussia, with Reference to the Land Question in England: and an Appendix containing the Views of Richard Cobden and J.S. Mill's Advice to Land Reformers. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
15137: OVER Luke - The Royal Hundred of Bray. [Illustrated by C. Tyrell].
44893: OVERSTREET Harry Allen - The Mature Mind. [First UK Edition.] FIRST UK EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
17442: OVERY Richard - Bomber Command 1939-1945. Foreword by Sir Michael Beetham. Interviews conducted by Alex Beetham and Sally Lindsay. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
35029: OVERY Richard - Interrogations. The Nazi Elite in Allied Hands, 1945. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
37900: OVID Publius Ovidius NASO - The Art of Love. Translated by James Michie. Paintings by Grahame Baker. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
23116: OVID - The Metamorphoses. Translated by Arthur Golding. Edited by Madeleine Forey. Essay on Titian and Ovid by Michael Prodger. Illustrated with the Poesie and other Works inspired by the Metamorphoses by Titian. 2750 COPIES WERE PRINTED
6927: OVID - P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon Libri XV. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon Libri XV. Cum Versione Anglica, ad Verbum, quantum fieri potuit, facta. Or. Ovid's Metamorphoses. With an English Translation, as Literal as possible, and the Original Text carefully corrected [by J. Clarke]. BRIGHT, CRISP COPY
6961: OVID Publii Ovidii Nasonis - Publii Ovidii Nasonis. Fastorum Libri VI. Ovid's Fasti; with Notes and an Introduction by Thomas Keightley. [Text in Latin; Introduction and Notes in English]. VESEY BLIGH'S COPY IN PERIOD BINDING
23645: OVINGTON Ray - Spinning in America. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
31851: OWEN D. Huw - Early Printed Maps of Wales. FINE COPY IN WRAPPERS
32733: OWEN James - Danger UXB. The Heroic Story of the WWII Bomb Disposal Teams. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
33899: OWEN Harold - Journey from Obscurity. Wilfred Owen 1893-1918.. Memoirs of the Owen Family. I: Childhood; II: Youth; III: War; IV: Aftermath. [Complete extended set]. PRESENTED BY THE AUTHOR TO JOHN & MYFANWY PIPER
41414: OWEN Wilfred - Selected Poems. Introduced by Owen Sheers. With original Engravings by Neil Bousfield. EDITION LIMITED TO 1250 SIGNED COPIES
42275: OWEN James - Nuremberg. Evil on Trial. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
49529: OWEN David Lloyd - The Desert My Dwelling Place. With a Foreword by Field-Marshal Sir Gerald Templer. [Special Forces Library]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
10381: OWEN Hugh J. - Merioneth Volunteers and Local Militia during the Napoleonic Wars (1795-1815). With a Foreword by Lord Atkin. REMARKABLY BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
38424: OWEN Kenneth - Concorde. New Shape in the Sky. [British Aerospace Edition.] NEAR FINE COPY OF THE BRITISH AEROSPACE EDITION
40236: OWEN Frank - Our Ally China. The Story of a Great People and its Man of Destiny - Chiang Kai-Shek. [With a Foreword by the Chinese Ambassador Dr. Wellington Koo.] A RARE SURVIVAL
23797: OWEN Harold - Journey from Obscurity. Wilfred Owen 1893-1918. Memoirs of the Owen Family. BRIGHT, CLEAN SET IN DUSTWRAPPERS
35641: OWEN David - Battle of Wits. A History of Psychology and Deception in Modern Warfare. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
34393: OWEN Kenneth - Concorde and the Americans. International Politics of the Supersonic Transport. [First UK Edition]. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
44727: OWEN, ed. Dora - The Book of Fairy Poetry. Edited by Dora Owen. Illustrated by Warwick Goble. IN FULL MOROCCO WITH GOBLE PLATES
36919: OWEN Myrfyn - Wildfowl of Europe. Foreword by Sir Peter Scott. Colour Plates by Hilary Burn. [Line Drawings by Joe Blossom. Maps by Brian Crosby.] NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
6676: OWEN (ed.) Dorothy M. - [Devon and Cornwall Record Society. New Series, Vol. 20]. Historical Manuscripts Commission JP22. John Lydford's Book. Edited, with an Introduction by Dorothy M. Owen.
36904: OWEN Bryn - Welsh Militia and Volunteer Corps 1757-1908. I. Anglesey & Caernarfonshire. [Foreword by Maj.-Gen. Morgan Llewellyn.] FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
11710: OWEN T.M. - Welsh Folk Customs [Second Edition]. elsh Folk Customs [Second Edition].
16373: OXENHAM John - The Splendour of the Dawn. IN THE DUSTWRAPPER
19180: OXFORD. - The Oxford University and City Guide, on a New Plan. Containing a full Description of the Colleges, Halls, Public Buildings, Libraries, Gardens, Walks, Pictures and Statues, in Oxford [with] a Guide to Blenheim. SLATTER & ROSE IN ORIGINAL CLOTH
3866: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS - Oxford Publishing since 1478. NEAR FINE COPY
45902: OXFORD. - Mowbray's Guide to Oxford with Plan and Illustrations. NEAR FINE COPY IN ORIGINAL WRAPPERS
10343: OXFORD HISTORICAL SOCIETY - Collectanea Fourth Series. [Vol. XLVII]. Edited by the Committee of the Society.
17111: OXFORD UNIVERSITY - Parecbolae, sive Excerpta e Corpore Statutorum Universitatis Oxoniensis accedunt Articuli Religionis XXXIX in ecclesia anglicana recepti….
16189: OXLEY Cyril T. - Curiosities of Old Yorkshire. Illustrated by Stanley Bond. NEAR FINE COPY
18640: OXLEY Charles - Bristol. An Illustrated History. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR
18641: OXLEY Charles - Bristol. The Quiet Survivor. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
36061: P&O Steamship Navigation Co. - P&O in the Falklands.. A Pictorial Record 5 April - 25 September 1982. NEAR FINE COPY IN WRAPPERS
43526: PABST Helmut - The Outermost Frontier. A German Soldier in the Russian Campaign. [Second Edition.] NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
14184: PACK Captain S. W. C. - Invasion North Africa 1942. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
47619: PACK [Captain] S. W. C. - Operation HUSKY. The Allied Invasion of Sicily. Introduction by Vice-Admiral Lord Ashbourne. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
26198: PACKE Michael - First Airborne.
20743: PACKE Michael - Winged Stallion. Fighting and Training with the First Airborne. [Second Edition].
34816: PACKE Michael - Winged Stallion. Fighting and Training with the First Airborne. [Second Edition; First Edition titled thus.] NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
26463: PACKER Joy - The High Roof. A Novel. IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
23794: PACKULL Werner O. - Mysticism and the Early South German-Austrian Anabaptist Movement 1525-153. SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY
40196: PADDOCK Alfred H. - US Army Special Warfare. Its Origins. Psychological and Unconventional Warfare, 1941-1952 BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
43530: PADDON J. B. - Windmills in West Sussex. A complete Account of every Windmill at present standing in West Sussex. A SCARCE SURVIVAL
43531: PADDON J. B. - Windmills in East Sussex. A complete Account of every Windmill at present standing in East Sussex. A SCARCE SURVIVAL
44372: PADDON J. B. - Windmills in Surrey. Being a Collection of Drawings and Lino-cuts illustrating those Windmills at present standing in the County. A SCARCE SURVIVAL
45240: PADFIELD Peter - Maritime Power and the Struggle for Freedom. Naval Campaigns that shaped the Modern World 1788-1851. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
34550: PADFIELD Peter - Rule Britannia. The Victorian and Edwardian Navy NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
32229: PADFIELD Peter - Donitz: The Last Fuhrer. Portrait of a Nazi War Leader. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
29567: PADFIELD Roger - The Teifi Valley Railway. NEAR FINE COPY
48938: PAEZ Pedro - Pedro Paez's History of Ethiopia, 1622. Edited by Isabel Boavida, Herve Pennec and Manuel Joao Ramos. Translated by Christopher J. Tribe. [Complete set.] NEAR FINE SET IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPERS
23036: PAGE (ed.)] [Terry - Historic Buildings of West Sussex. Drawings by Gerald Lip. From the Series in the Evening Argus. [Edited by Terry Page]. FINE COPY
28888: PAGE Martyn - Pike. In Pursuit of Esox Lucius. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
3705: PAGE J.L.W. - The Coasts of Devon and Lundy Island. Their Towns, Villages, Scenery, Antiquities and Legends. LARGE PAPER COPY IN CALF
10068: PAGET Guy - The County Books. Leicestershire. BRIGHT COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
47747: PAGET Julian - Hougoumont. The Key to Victory at Waterloo. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
19850: PAGET Clarence G. - By-Ways in the History of Croydon. [Introduction by J..Pelton]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN MODERN BOARDS
13997: PAGET Julian - The Yeomen of the Guard. Five Hundred Years of Service 1485-1985.
30402: PAGET Guy - Sporting Pictures of England. [Britain in Pictures series]. BRIGHT COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
48833: PAGETT, ed. Tom - Water Mill Sites in North Worcestershire. NEAR FINE COPY
30990: PAGHAM. - St. Thomas a Becket's, Pagham. A Guide to the Church, Parish and Harbour. [New Edition]. NEAR FINE COPY
48838: PAIKERT G. C. - The Danube Swabians. German Populations in Hungary, Rumania and Yugoslavia, and Hitler's Impact on their Patterns. [Studies in Social Life X.] NEAR FINE COPY OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
20518: PAINE Thomas - The Rights of Man. Introduction by Arthur Seldon. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
43269: PAINE Thomas - Rights of Man. Introduced by M.R.D. Foot. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
11255: PAINTER] [G. D. - [Review of] 'How Dear is Life' [in] The Listener. Vol. LII. No. 1341. 11 November 1954. A SCARCE SURVIVAL
35619: PAINTER Robin - A Signal Honour. With the Chindits and XIV Army in Burma. [Foreword by Major General D.R. Horsfield]. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
49670: PAKINGTON Humphrey - English Villages and Hamlets. With a Foreword by E.V. Knox and an Introduction by G.M.Young. Illustrated from Drawings by Sydney R Jones and from Photographs by Will F Taylor. Third Edition, revised and enlarged. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
30327: PALEOLOGUE Maurice - Tragic Empress. The Story of Elizabeth of Austria. Translated and annotated by H.J. Stenning. [First English Edition]. FIRST EDITION IN ENGLISH
38654: PALEY Tony - The Sparrows. [The Story of 79th LAA Bty RA.] NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
38005: PALGRAVE Francis Turner - Palgrave's Golden Treasury. [Introduction by Edward Hutton. First Edition in Everyman's Library.] PALGRAVE'S FIRST APPEARANCE IN EVERYMAN
38057: PALGRAVE Francis Turner - The Treasury of Sacred Song. Selected from the English Lyrical Poetry of Four Centuries. With Notes explanatory and biographical. IN PUBLISHER'S DE LUXE ART NOUVEAU BINDING
35388: PALIT Major General D.K. - War in the High Himalaya. The Indian Army in Crisis, 1962. [First English Edition]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
23763: PALLIS Marietta - Tableaux in Greek History. London: 25 March 1943 - 25 March 1944. NEAR FINE COPY
19489: PALLISER Mme. B. - Histoire de la Dentelle. Traduit par La Comtesse Gedeon de Clermont-Tonnerre. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
42239: PALLUD Jean Paul - Blitzkrieg in the West Then and Now. Edited by Winston G. Ramsey. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
45628: PALLUD Jean Paul - Ruckmarsch Then and Now. The German Retreat from Normandy. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
45973: PALLUD Jean-Paul - Battle of the Bulge Then and Now. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
49213: PALMAR C.E. - Forestry Commission Leaflet No. 46. Titmice in Woodlands. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN WRAPPERS
49215: PALMAR C.E. - Forestry Commission Leaflet No. 37. The Capercaillie. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN WRAPPERS
18661: PALMER W. M. - Further Excavations at the Bran Ditch. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
41933: PALMER William Thomas - Things Seen in North Wales. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION
41936: PALMER W. P. - Things Seen on the English Lakes. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION
35064: PALMER Alan - The Kaiser. Warlord of the Second Reich NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
11798: PALMER John - The Midland Line to London. NEAR FINE COPY
45238: PALMER Derek - [No. 19] Fighter Squadron. [Foreword by Air Marshal Sir Laurence Jones]. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
20874: PALMER David M. - M.G. Cars. A Practical Guide to Maintenance and Repair covering Models from 1946. [Third Edition].
2572: PALMER E.M. - The Birds of Somerset.
14003: PALMER Warren James - The Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. The Inside Story of the Royal Air Force Memorial Flight. [Foreword by Rick Groombridge]. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
21556: PALMER William T. - Wanderings in Surrey.
1001: PALMER R.L. - English Monasteries in the Middle Ages. An Outline of Monastic Architecture and Custom from the Conquest to the Suppression.
32560: PALMER Susan - The Soanes at Home. Domestic Life at Lincoln's Inn Fields. NEAR FINE COPY IN WRAPPERS
29317: PALMER W.T. - North Wales. The Penguin Guides. [Second Impression]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN WRAPPERS
9891: PALMER John - Luck on my Side. The Diaries and Reflections of a Young Wartime Sailor 1939-1945.
48121: PAM David - A History of Enfield. [Comprising:] A Parish near London [with] A Victorian Suburb [with] A Desirable Place to Live [with] A Time of Change. [Complete set.]. NEAR FINE SET IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPERS; FIRST VOLUME SIGNED BY AUTHOR
638: PANNELL J.M. - Old Southampton Shores.
36189: PARE Ambroise - The Apologie and Treatise of Ambroise Pare, containing the Voyages made into divers Places with many of his Writings upon Surgery.. Edited and with an Introduction by Geoffrey Keynes. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
24566: PARES Richard - King George III and the Politicians. The Ford Lectures delivered in the University of Oxford 1951-2. [Second Impression]. IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
23859: PARGETER C. J. - Hipper Class Heavy Cruisers. FINE COPY
30369: PARHAM H.J. - Unarmed into Battle. The Story of the Air Observation Post. With a Foreword by Field Marshal Viscount Alanbrooke. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
25190: PARIS Henry John - English Watercolour Painters. [Britain in Pictures series]. IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
18198: PARIS - [Paris]. L'Ile Saint-Louis. L'Ile de la Cite. Le Quartier de l'Ancienne Universite. Le Quartier de l'Ancienne Universite. Preface Pierre Gaxotte. Introduction Yvan Christ. Monographies des Hotels, des Eglises, des Colleges Jacques Sylvestre de Sacy, Philippe Sigur 3500 COPIES WERE PRINTED
36470: PARISH, ed. W.D. - Domesday Book in relation to the County of Sussex. Edited for the Sussex Archaeological Society by W.D. Parish. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S BINDING
20453: PARISH Charles - The History of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Newcastle upon Tyne. Volume II 1896-1989. [With Contributions by Others].
45876: PARISH Michael Woodbine - Aegean Adventures 1940-1943 and the End of Churchill's Dream. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
32108: PARK Mungo - Travels in the Interior of Africa. Introduction and Epilogue by John Keay. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
47919: PARK Mungo - Travels in the Interior of Africa. Introduction and Epilogue by John Keay. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
40195: PARK S.J. - The British Military: its System and Organization 1803-1815. NEAR FINE COPY
40928: PARKER Lieutenant Colonel Gary W. - A History of Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 161. NEAR FINE COPY
20247: PARKER Eric - Lonsdale Library Volume IV. Fine Angling for Coarse Fish. BRGHT, CLEAN COPY
20251: PARKER, et al. Eric - Lonsdale Library Volume XXVI. The Lonsdale Keeper's Book. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
31582: PARKER, ed. William Belmont - Paraguayans of To-Day. Edited by William Belmont Parker. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
22344: PARKER R.A.C. - Struggle for Survival. The History of the Second World War. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
18672: PARKER Captain L.A. - Roach. How To Catch Them. [Third Impression]. BRIGHT COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
2951: PARKER] [John Henry - A Glossary of Terms used in Grecian, Roman, Italian and Gothic Architecture. Exemplified by Four Hundred Wood-Cuts. IN CONTEMPORARY MOROCCO
23891: PARKER Eric - Highways and Byways in Surrey. With Illustrations by Hugh Thomson. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION
17650: PARKER Captain L.A. - Roach. How To Catch Them. [Second Impression]. WORKING COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
42543: PARKER, ed. Eric - Lonsdale Library Volume XX. Game Birds, Beasts and Fishes. Natural History for Sportsmen. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
42557: PARKER, ed. Eric - Lonsdale Library Volume XII. The Lonsdale Anthology of Sporting Prose and Verse. Edited and with an Introduction by Eric Parker. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
19157: PARKER Eric - Surrey Gardens. Illustrated by William McLaren.
39338: PARKER Matthew - The Sugar Barons. Family, Corruption, Empire and War. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
25751: PARKER John - Black Watch. The Inside Story of the Oldest Highland Regiment in the British Army. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
25154: PARKER T. - Golden Hours. The Paintings of Arthur J Elsley 1860-1952. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
47255: PARKER Rowland - Men of Dunwich. The Story of a vanished Town. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
45266: PARKER Steve - Scott's Last Expedition. NEAR FINE COPY
25774: PARKER (ed.) Eric - Lonsdale Library Volume XX. Game Birds, Beasts and Fishes. Natural History for Sportsmen. BRIGHT, FIRM COPY
26000: PARKER Eric - Memory looks Forward. An Autobiography. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
17931: PARKER James A. - The Western Highlands.. The Scottish Mountaineering Club Guide. [Third Edition, Revised]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
46050: PARKER Eric - Highways and Byways in Surrey. With Illustrations by Hugh Thomson. Second Edition. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
38497: PARKER John - SBS. The Inside Story of the Special Boat Service. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
47174: PARKER Dorothy - The Best of Dorothy Parker. Introduction by Mervyn Horder. Illustrations by Helen Smithson. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
38850: PARKER Eric - Highways and Byways in Surrey. With Illustrations by Hugh Thomson. Second Edition. NEAR FINE COPY OF THE REVISED EDITION
14468: PARKER Eric - Highways and Byways. Surrey. With Illustrations by Hugh Thomson. [First Edition in Parts.] FINE SET OF FIRST ISSUE IN PARTS
21154: PARKER (ed.) Danny S. - Hitler's Ardennes Offensive. The German View of the Battle of the Bulge. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
30657: PARKER Eric - The Shooting Week-End Book. With Illustrations by Beryl Irving. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
25376: PARKER Eric - Highways and Byways in Surrey. With Illustrations by Hugh Thomson. [Pocket Edition, Second Impression.] SECOND POCKET EDITION
26829: PARKER, ed. Eric - Lonsdale Library Volume III. Shooting by Moor, Field and Shore. A practical Guide to modern Methods. Edited by Eric Parker [with Contributions from Leslie Sprake, Major Portal, Major Pollard, J.C.M. Nichols and many others]. NEAR FINE COPY
17127: PARKES Oscar - British Battleships. 'Warrior' 1860 to 'Vanguard' 1950. A History of Design, Construction and Armament. New and Revised Edition. With a Foreword by Admiral of the Fleet The Earl Mountbatten of Burma. [Fourth Impression]. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
47485: PARKES Oscar - British Battleships. 'Warrior' 1860 to 'Vanguard' 1950. A History of Design, Construction and Armament. With a Foreword by Admiral of the Fleet The Earl Mountbatten of Burma. BRIGHT, CRISP COPY OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION
43571: PARKES James - The Story of Three David Salomons at Broomhill. NEAR FINE COPY
11264: PARKIN E. W. - Wingham. A Medieval Town.. NEAR FINE COPY
34998: PARKINSON Roger - A Day's March Nearer Home. The War History from Alamein to VE Day based on the War Cabinet papers of 1942 to 1945. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
46673: PARKINSON Norman - Sisters under the Skin. SIGNED BY THE PHOTOGRAPHER
35111: PARKINSON Roger - Dawn on our Darkness. The Summer of 1940. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
25497: PARKINSON Norman - Would you let your Daughter?. IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
24192: PARKINSON C. Northcote - The Life and Times of Horatio Hornblower. IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
27623: PARKINSON S. - Scenes from 'George Eliot' Country. BRIGHT, FRESH COPY WITH POSTCARDS
9141: PARKINSON S. - Scenes from 'George Eliot' Country.
9272: PARKINSON C.N. - Trade in the Eastern Seas 1793-1813. SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY
21661: PARKMAN Francis - [The Centenary Edition of the Works of Francis Parkman]. THE CENTENARY EDITION COMPLETE IN PUBLISHER'S BINDING
18849: PARKMAN Francis - The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada. [Introduction by Thomas Seccombe]. FIRST EDITION IN EVERYMAN
48784: PARKMAN Francis - The Oregon Trail. Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life. With an Introduction by Martin Ridge and Lino-cuts by Peter Pendrey. [Second Impression.] NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
46789: PARKMAN Francis - The Oregon Trail. Introduced by Frank McLynn. [Map drawn by Neil Gower. Second Impression.] NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
45231: PARKS COLLECTION. - [Sale Catalogue of] Manuscripts, Books, Periodicals, Ephemera, Critical Works. Robert Frost and Edna St. Vincent Millay. From the Library of Mrs. George W. Parks, Kingston, Rhode Island. 1 October 1968. NEAR FINE COPY
39485: PARKYN Major H.G. - A Short History of the Rifle Brigade. With an Introduction by Colonel Willoughby Verner. Second [and Best] Edition. BRIGHT COPY OF THE SECOND EDITION
24999: PARLOUR Sue - HMS Tarana [SOE Trawler]. Under Two Flags. Foreword by Major General A.J. Deane-Drummond. SIGNED BY CO-AUTHORS
48639: PARLOUR Andy - Phantom at War. The British Army's Secret Intelligence and Communication Regiment of World War Two. Foreword by Sir Robert Mark. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
34819: PARNELL Wilma - The Killing of Corporal Kunze. With Robert Taber. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
30419: PAROISSIEN ROMAIN. - Paroissien Romain tres complet. Approuve par S.G. Mgr. Metreau. Partie de Printemps [with] Ete [with] Automne [with] Hiver. No. 666. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
46182: PARRATT Geoffrey - The Royal Navy. The Sure Shield of the Empire. With a Foreword by Vice-Admiral J.E.T. Harper. PARRATT IN SIGNED ARDINGLY PRIZE BINDING
14951: PARRY-JONES D. - Welsh Country Characters. With Drawings by Lynton Lamb. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
49120: PARRY Edward Abbott - Katawampus. Its Treatment and Cure. Illustrated by Archie Macgregor. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
49682: PARRY Major Gambier - Sketches on a Yachting Cruise. With Illustrations by the Author. REMARKABLY BRIGHT, CRISP COPY
906: PARRY J.D. - An historical and Descriptive Account of the Coast of Sussex. BRIGHT, CRISP, CLEAN COPY
24902: PARSONS Richard T. - The Observer's Book of Automobiles. With a Foreword by Stirling Moss. FIRST EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
1768: PARSONS C.E. - All Saints' Church, Horseheath. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
136: PARSONS FRAGMENT - [Sale Catalogue of] The Parsons Fragment of Italian Prototypography. The Property of the Grandchildren of the Hon. Edward Alexander Parsons. 23 November 1998. Sale Code: BLUNDELL-6055. FIRST BOOK PRINTED IN ITALY
9037: PARSONS W. G. L. - A 'Mellstock Quire' Boy's Recollections of Thomas Hardy. NEAR FINE COPY
40643: PARSONSON Major Jack - A Time to Remember. Edited by Tom Frisque. Cover by Steve Ferguson. NEAR FINE COPY
170: PARTINGTON Wilfred - Thomas J. Wise in the original cloth. The Life and Record of the Forger of the Nineteenth-Century Pamphlets. With an Appendix by George Bernard Shaw.
43040: PARTRIDGE Walter - Journeyman. A Printer's Impressions through Eighty Years in a rapidly changing World. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
19715: PARTRIDGE FINE ARTS - Summer Exhibition 1984. To Commemorate the Opening of Five new Showrooms. 4 June to 28 July. [Preface by John Partridge]. NEAR FINE COPY
49532: PARTRIDGE Frances - A Pacifist's War [with] Everything to Lose [with] Hanging On [with] Other People [with] Good Company [with] Life Regained [with] Ups and Downs. [Diaries 1939-1975]. THE PARTRIDGE DIARIES COMPLETE IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPERS; FIRST VOLUME SIGNED
39354: PASCOE Margaret - Blackwork Embroidery. [Design and Technique.] NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
41691: PASSARINI F - Observations on an Inscription at Spello. Read at the Society of Antiquaries, 1771. IN MODERN BOARDS
1137: PASSINGHAM W.J. - London's Markets. Their Origin and History.
19029: PASSONI F. - Dali nella terza Dimensione.
37624: PASTERNAK Boris - The Last Summer. Translated by George Reavey. With an Introduction by Lydia Slater. FIRST APPEARANCE IN PENGUIN
49133: PASTERNAK Boris - Doctor Zhivago. Translated from the Russian by Max Hayward and Manya Harari. [Tenth Impression]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
49193: PASTERNAK Boris - Doctor Zhivago. Translated from the Russian by Max Hayward and Manya Harari. [First UK Edition.] NEAR FINE COPY OF THE FIRST UK EDITION
23883: PASTERNAK Boris - Doctor Zhivago. Translated from the Russian by Max Hayward and Manya Harari. [First English Club Edition]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
43207: PASTON LETTERS. - The Paston Letters. A Selection in Modern Spelling. Edited with an Introduction, Notes and Glossary by Norman Davis. NEAR FINE XL COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
19986: PASTON FAMILY - The Paston Letters 1422-1509 AD. A Reprint of the Edition of 1872-5, which contained upwards of Five Hundred Letters, etc. till then unpublished, to which are now added Others in a Supplement. COMPLETE SET IN BUCKRAM
29600: PASTOUNA Andrew - Rolls-Royce State Motor Cars. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
48397: PASTURE Mrs Henry de la - The Unlucky Family. Introduced by Auberon Waugh. Illustrated by John Lawrence. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
41023: PATER Walter - Marius the Epicurean. His Sensations and Ideas. 1000 COPIES WERE PRINTED: WITH ORIEL COLLEGE BOOKPLATE
34510: PATERSON L.J. - 'Only Thirty Birthdays'. British Marine Mutual, 1876-1996. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTRAPPER
34552: PATERSON Alan J.S. - The Golden Years of the Clyde Steamers (1889-1914). NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
17139: PATERSON Lawrence - Weapons of Desperation. German Frogmen and Midget Submarines of World War II. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
7260: PATERSON Daniel - A New and Accurate Description of the all the Direct and Principal Cross Roads in England and Wales. The Fourteenth Edition. BRIGHT, FIRM COPY
19524: PATERSON'S GUIDE - Paterson's Guide to the Rhine and its Provinces.
35517: PATIENT Joe - Pilot. A Tale of High Adventure. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
23644: PATMORE Coventry - Principle in Art. Second Edition.
41114: PATON James - John G.Paton. Missionary to the New Hebrides. An Autobiography edited by his Brother. [First Banner edition.] BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
1582: PATON Alan - Too Late the Phalarope.
19435: PATRICK Simon - A Brief Account of the New Sect of Latitude-Men (1662). Introduction by T. . Birrell. [Facsimile reissue]. NEAR FINE COPY IN ORIGINAL WRAPPERS
30915: PATRIDES, ed. C.A. - George Herbert. The Critical Heritage. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
48019: PATTEN Marguerite - Classic British Dishes. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
26056: PATTERSON A.H. - A Norfolk Naturalist. Observations on Birds, Mammals and Fishes. REMARKABLY BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
23441: PATTERSON L. - Donitz's Last Gamble. The Inshore U-Boat Campaign 1944-45. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
39105: PATTERSON Lieut.-Col. J.H. - In the Grip of the Nyika. Further Adventures in British East Africa. [Second Impression.] REMARKABLY BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
40389: PATTERSON Arthur H - Nature in Eastern Norfolk. With coloured Illustrations by Frank Southgate. Second Edition. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE SECOND EDITION
18842: PATTERSON A.T. - Jellicoe. A Biography. UNCORRECTED PROOF COPY
24528: PATTERSON James - 8th Confession. With Maxine Paetro. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
24687: PATTERSON James - Cross Country. [An Alex Cross novel]. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
34545: PATZERT Captain Rudolph W. - Running the Palestine Blockade. The Last Voyage of the Paducah. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
13038: PAUL PROUTE SA - Jacques Callot. Printemps 1992. [Trade catalogue]. NEAR FINE COPY
14218: PAUL PROUTE, SA - Robert Nanteuil. Catalogue No. 99. Printemps 1992. [Trade catalogue]. NEAR FINE COPY
14233: PAUL Wolfgang - Hermann Goering. Hitler Paladin or Puppet? Translated by Helmut Boegler.
49665: PAULL Bernard - Loders Back-Along. Schoolboy Memories from the 1950s and Pictures from even Earlier. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR
3184: PAVING HAYMARKET 1697 Act of Parliament - An Act for Paving and Regulating the Hay-Market. in the Parishes of St. Martin in the Fields, and St. James, within the Liberty of Westminster PAVING HAYMARKET AND ST. JAMES
34718: PAWLE Gerald - The War and Colonel Warden. Based on the Recollections of Commander C.R. Thompson, Personal Assistant to the Prime Minister 1940-45. With a Foreword by W. Averell Harriman. [Second Impression]. BRIGHT COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
4351: PAWLOWSKI Gareth L. - Flat-Tops and Fledglings. A History of American Aircraft Carriers. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
28232: PAXTON George - Illustrations of Scripture. from the Geography, Natural History, and Manners and Customs of the East. Third Edition, revised and greatly enlarged by Rev. Robert Jamieson. Vol. I: Manners and Customs; Vol. II: Geography [wanting Vol. III]. MANNERS, CUSTOMS AND GEOGRAPHY COMPLETE
40717: PAYNE Michael - Messerschmitt Bf 109. Into the Battle. SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY
119: PAYNE J.R. - W.H. Hudson. A Bibliography. Foreword by Alfred J. Knopf. FINE COPY
42448: PAYNE-GALLWEY Sir Ralph - The Fowler in Ireland. or, Notes on the Haunts and Habits of Wildfowl and Seafowl, including Instructions in the Art of Shooting and Capturing them. REMARKABLY BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN PUBLISHER'S BINDING
35215: PAYNE Michael - La Bataille d'Angleterre. Traduction de J-P De Cock. NEAR FINE COPY
19469: PAYNE Henry Nevil - The Fatal Jealousie (1673). Introduction by Willard Thorp. [Facsimile reissue]. NEAR FINE COPY IN ORIGINAL WRAPPERS
6537: PAYNE A. A. - A Handbook of British and Foreign Orders, War Medals and Decorations awarded to the Army and Navy. Chiefly described from those in the Collection of A.A. Payne of which there are some 2,500.
34323: PAYNTER Barbara - The Grass Widow and her Cow. An enchanting Account of Country Life in Wartime Britain. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
8998: PAYNTER William H. - The Parish Church of St. Martin, Liskeard. NEAR FINE COPY
30282: PAYRE B. - Histoire de Merindol en Provence. [Facsimile reissue]. 400 COPIES WERE PRINTED
20332: PAYTON Mary. - The Observer's Book of Glass. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
49573: PEACH L. Du Garde - Sir Walter Raleigh. Illustrations by John Kenney. [An Adventure from History.] NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
40519: PEACOCK Lindsay T - Strategic Air Command. [First UK Edition.] BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
35070: PEACOCK Don - The Emperor's Guest. The Diary of a British Prisoner-of-War of the Japanese in Indonesia. Introduced by Derek Jameson. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
43964: PEACOCK Thomas Love - Nightmare Abbey. Introduced by Marilyn Butler. Drawings and Wood Engravings by Peter Forster. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
25390: PEACOCK (ed.) W. - Selected English Essays. Chosen and Arranged by W. Peacock. [Worlds Classics Edition]. IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
46795: PEAKE Mervyn - The Gormenghast Trilogy complete. Titus Groan [with] Gormenghast [with] Titus Alone. Introduced by Neil Gaiman. Illustrated by Dave McKean. 775 COPIES WERE PRINTED
49338: PEAKE Mervyn - Captain Slaughterboard Drops Anchor. [Second Edition]. BRIGHT COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
34600: PEAKE Nigel - City at War. A Pictorial Momento of Portsmouth, Gosport, Fareham, Havant and Chichester during World War II. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
34589: PEARCE Frank - Heroes of the Fourth Service. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
21702: PEARCE Frank - Last Call for HMS Edinburgh. A Story of the Russian Convoys. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
37549: PEARCE, ed. Ernest Harold - The Register of Thomas de Cobham, Bishop of Worcester 1317-1327. Edited for the Worcestershire Historical Society. NEAR FINE COPY
11060: PEARCE E.H. - The Monks of Westminster. Being a Register of the Brethren of the Convent from the Time of the Confessor to the Dissolution. With Lists of the Obedientiaries and an Introduction. IN THE DUSTWRAPPER
35730: PEARCY Arthur - Fifty Glorious Years. A Pictorial Tribute to the Douglas DC3 1935-1985. [Second Impression]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
31318: PEARCY Arthur - The Dakota. A History of the Douglas Dakota in RAF and RCAF Service. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
31235: PEARCY Arthur - Douglas Propliners DC-1-DC-7. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
35485: PEARCY Arthur - Lend-Lease Aircraft in World War II. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
35791: PEARCY Arthur - Sixty Glorious Years. A Tribute to the Douglas DC3 Dakota.. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
49442: PEARL. SIR GAWAIN. - Pearl. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Edited with an Introduction by A.C. Cawley. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
26148: PEARLMAN Moshe - The Capture of Adolf Eichmann. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
35417: PEARS Commander Randolph - Young Sea Dogs. Some Adventures of Midshipmen of the Fleet. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
37702: PEARSALL W. H. - New Naturalist 53. The Lake District. A Landscape History. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
316: PEARSALL W. H. - New Naturalist 11. Mountains and Moorland. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
37922: PEARSALL W. H. - New Naturalist 11. Mountains and Moorlands. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
40459: PEARSON Neil - Obelisk. A History of Jack Kahane and the Obelisk Press. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
20458: PEARSON'S CANAL COMPANION - [Collection of 6 vols.]. East Midlands [with] Grand Union [with] 4 Counties Ring [with] Pennine Waters [with] Black Country Ring [with] South Midlands. COMPLETE SET OF PEARSON'S CANAL COMPANIONS
20459: PEARSON'S CANAL COMPANION - South Midlands & Warwickshire Ring. Also includes the Ashby Canal. NEAR FINE COPY
13785: PEARSON Hesketh - Johnson and Boswell. The Story of their Lives.
13783: PEARSON Hesketh - Extraordinary People.
13788: PEARSON Hesketh - Doctor [Erasmus] Darwin. octor [Erasmus] Darwin.
13797: PEARSON Hesketh - Bernard Shaw. His Life and Personality [with] G. .S. A Postscript. [The Shaw biography complete].
13805: PEARSON Hesketh - Dickens. His Character, Comedy and Career. SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY
48102: PEARSON R. H. - Baynton House. With Illustrations by David Knight. BRIGHT COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
47698: PEATLING Robert - Without Tradition. 2 Para 1941-45. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR
35637: PECK Taylor - Round-Shot to Rockets. A History of the Washington Navy Yard and US Naval Gun Factory BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
20647: PEDGLEY Berenice - Crowmarsh. A History of Crowmarsh Gifford, Newnham Murren, Mongewell and North Stoke. NEAR FINE COPY
26859: PEDRICK M. - Moor Park: The Grosvenor Legacy. FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
34605: PEEBLES Hugh B. - Warshipbuilding on the Clyde. Naval Orders and the Prosperity of the Clyde Shipbuilding Industry, 1889-1939. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
4511: PEEBLES Hugh B. - Warshipbuilding on the Clyde. Naval Orders and the Prosperity of the Clyde Shipbuilding Industry, 1889-1939. FINE COPY IN ORIGINAL WRAPPERS
21443: PEEL George - The Tenth Richard Cobden Lecture. The Work of Sir Robert Peel and its Lessons for To-day. Given under the Auspices of the Dunford House (Cobden Memorial) Association, 22 June 1938. Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler in the Chair. IN THE ORIGINAL WRAPPERS
25078: PEEL J.H.B. - Country Talk [with] More Country Talk [with] New Country Talk [with] Country Talk Again [with] Country Talk Continued [with] Latest Country Talk [with] Another Country Talk. 'COUNTRY TALK' COMPLETE IN DUSTWRAPPERS
48429: PEEL J.H.B. - People and Places. Illustrated by Valerie Croker. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
41306: PEGGE Mr. - Observations on Stone Hammers. By. Mr. Pegge. Read at the Society of Antiquaries, 8 November 1770. ORIGINAL PAPER FROM ARCHAELOGIA II
44313: PELHAM R. A. - The Old Mills of Southampton. NEAR FINE COPY
7270: PELLEGRINI FEDERIGO - Discorso sopra il primo salmo penitentiale. THE BANGOR COPY
45358: PELLETIER Alain - Boeing. The Complete Story. Translated by Ken Smith. [First English Edition.] FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
19116: PELTOR Rev. L. F. - Kilburn, Yorkshire. NEAR FINE COPY
34614: PENGELLY Colin - The First Bellerophon. With a Preface by Prof. Christopher Lloyd. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
41205: PENIAKOFF Lietenant-Colonel Vladimir ['Popski'] - Private Army. IN FULL MOROCCO
26785: PENKALA Maria - Magic Blanc de Chine. A Handbook for the Collector. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
17188: PENN] [Arthur - St. Gregory's Minster, Kirkdale. Compiled by the Vicar and published by the Parochial Church Council. [Third Impression]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
33153: PENN William - Fruits of Solitude in Reflections and Maxims. relating to the Conduct of Human Life. A New Edition. PENN IN MINIATURE
18002: PENNELL (illus.) Joseph - A London Reverie. Fifty-Six Drawings by Joseph Pennell. Arranged with an Introductory Essay and Notes by J.C. Squire.
31783: PENNELL H. Cholmondeley - The Muses of Mayfair. Selections from Vers de Societe of the Nineteenth Century. NEAR FINE COPY IN SIGNED ADAMS BINDING
24019: PENNIE Robin - John Ramsbottom. A Victorian Engineering Giant. FINE COPY
26388: PENNINGTON Rev. C. B. - St. Wulfran's, Ovingdean, Brighton. Historical Survey and Notes of the Parish of Ovingdean, 1050-1928. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
28271: PENNY Malcolm - The Birds of Seychelles and the Outlying Islands. [Illustrated by] Chloe Talbot-Kelly. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
46735: PENROSE Boise - The celebrated Library of Boies Penrose removed fom Barbados Hill, Devon, Pennsylvania. Part I: Travel and Exploration; Navigation and Trade A-L. Part II: Travel and Exploration; Navigation and Trade M-Z; Manuscripts and Books. 7 June and 9 November 1971. Sale Codes: BARBADOS and HILL respectively. NEAR FINE SET
36763: PENROSE Boies - [The Story of the Renaissance. Complete set.]. [Second Impression.] FINE SET IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
34378: PENROSE Harald - Cloud Cuckooland. Illustrated by David Gibbings. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
27103: PENTECOST Hugh - The Girl with Six Fingers. A John Jericho Mystery Novel. IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
41532: PENTLAND Geoffrey - The P-40 Kittyhawk in Service. With Illustrations by the Author. SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY; EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED
28474: 'THE PEOPLE' NEWSPAPER - The People. A Weekly Newspaper for All Classes. Sunday February 3, 1901. A RARE SURVIVAL
42038: PEPYS Samuel - The Diary of Samuel Pepys. A New and Complete Transcription edited by Robert Latham and William Matthews. NEAR FINE SET IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPERS
42623: PEPYS Samuel - The Letters of Samuel Pepys and his Family Circle. Edited by Helen Truesdale Heath. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
28609: PEPYS Samuel - Correspondence of Samuel Pepys. From the Family Papers in the Possession of J. Pepys Cockerell. Edited by J.R. Tanner. BRIGHT, CLEAN SET IN PUBLISHER'S CLOTH
28018: Percival John - The Roman Villa. An Historical Introduction. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
17004: PERCY Henry - The Household Papers of Henry Percy, Ninth Earl of Northumberland (1564-1632). Edited for the Royal Historical Society by G.R. Batho. NEAR FINE COPY
19679: PERCY] [Thomas - Reliques of Ancient English Poetry: consisting of Old Heroic Ballads, Songs, and other Pieces of our earlier Poets. Together with some Few of later Dates. The Third Edition. MICHAEL CHERNIAVSKY'S COPY
10056: PERELMAN S.J. - The Ill-Tempered Clavichord.
34855: PERGRIN Colonel David - Engineering the Victory. The Battle of the Bulge. A History. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
40665: PERKINS Paul - Thunderbolt P-47. Photographs by Dan Patterson. NEAR FINE COPY
40671: PERKINS Roger - Pathfinder Pilot. The Search for Selwyn Alcock DFC. NEAR FINE COPY
40731: PERKINS Roger - Regiments of the Empire. A Bibliography of their Published Histories. Compiled by Roger Perkins. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
29606: PERKINS Paul - The Lady. Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress. Photographs by Dan Patterson. FINE COPY
34662: PERKINS Dave - Canada's Submariners 1914-1923. Foreword by Vice-Admiral James C. Wood. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
40161: PERKINS Major Norris H. - Roll Again Second Armored. The Prelude to Fame 1940-43. NEAR FINE COPY IIN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
45660: PERKINS Rev. Thomas - Wimborne Minster and Christchurch Priory. A Short History of their Foundation and Description of their Buildings. [Third Edition.] BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
27772: PERKINS Rev. Jocelyn - Westminster Abbey. Its Worship and Ornaments. COMPLETE SET IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPERS WITH A.L.s
14018: PERKINS Paul - Mustang. North American P-51. Text by Paul Perkins. Photographs by Dan Patterson.
32423: PEROUSE Jean-Francois de Galup de la - The Journal of Jean-Francois De Galaup De La Perouse, 1785-88. Translated and edited by John Dunmore. NEAR FINE SET IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPERS
31961: PERRAULT] [Charles - A Fairy Garland. being Fairy Tales from the Old French. Illustrated by Edmund Dulac. [Limited Signed Edition]. EDITION LIMITED TO 1000 SIGNED COPIES
47502: PERRAULT Charles - Cinderella. The Sleeping Beauty. Retold by C. S. Evans and Illustrated in Silhouette by Arthur Rackham. 750 COPIES WERE PRINTED
24624: PERRETT A.J. - Royal Marines in East Devon. A History of Lympstone amd Dalditch Camps.
35014: PERRETT Bryan - A History of Blitzkrieg. Foreword by General Sir John Hackett. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
44672: PERRETT Bryan - Tanks Illustrated no. 20. Allied Tanks Italy. World War Two. NEAR FINE COPY
30541: PERRETT Bryan - The Valentine in North Africa 1942-43. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
32745: PERRETT Bryan - The Churchill. Armour in Action 4. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
38075: PERRETT Bryan - Tank Tracks to Rangoon. The Story of British Armour in Burma. Foreword by Major-General Ralph Younger. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
12475: PERRETT Anthony John - Royal Marines in East Devon. A History of Lympstone amd Dalditch Camps. FINE COPY
24203: PERRIN (ed.) W.G. - The Naval Miscellany. Volume III.
20228: PERRY Peter J. - An Extraordinary Commission. The Story of a Journey through Europe's Disaster. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
35980: PERRY F.W. - Nourse Line. FINE COPY
37898: PERRY Maria - Elizabeth I. The Word of a Prince. A Life from Contemporary Documents. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
6488: PERRY Frances - Scent in the Garden. Photographs by Deni Brown. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
30886: PERSICO Joseph E - Piercing the Reich. The Penetration of Nazi Germany by OSS Agents during World War II. [First UK Edition.] BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
46308: PERY Jenny - Alan Cotton. On a Knife Edge. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
48247: PESKETT S. John - Strange Intelligence. From Dunkirk to Nuremberg. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
17197: PETAVIUS Dionysius - Dionysii Petavii Aurelianensis e Societate Jesu. Rationarii Temporum. Pars Prima [and Secunda]. IN WHOLLY UNRESTORED PERIOD BINDING
31954: PETERLOO POETS. - An Enormous Yes. In Memoriam Philip Larkin (1922-1985). Edited by Harry Chambers. NEAR FINE COPY
40991: PETERS G.W.H. - Famous Regiments. The Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment. (The 16th Regiment of Foot). [Introduction by Lt.-Gen. Sir Brian Horrocks]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
7412: PETERS Ellis - The Potter's Field. The Seventeenth Chronicle of Brother Cadfael. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
3136: PETERS Ellis - The Holy Thief. The Nineteenth Chronicle of Brother Cadfael. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
11077: PETERS Ellis - Monk's Hood. Read by Stephen Thorne. [The third Chronicle of Brother Cadfael. Unabridged audio book].
23108: PETERSSON R.T. - Sir Kenelm Digby. The Ornament of England 1603-1665. REGINALD SPENCE PRESENTATION COPY
34214: PETIT J. Percival - Freedom's Four Square Miles. A Brief and Romantic History of the Men and Forts of the Charleston Periphery and how they preserved the American Way of Life. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR
48750: PETRIE Glen - The Dorking Gap Affair. A Mycroft Holmes Adventure. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
14655: PETRIE Flinders - Egyptian Architecture. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
47431: PETRIE Sir Charles - The Jacobite Movement. The First Phase 1688-1716 [with] The Last Phase 1716-1807. BRIGHT, CLEAN SET OF THE EXPANDED EDITION
27572: PETRIE Charles - The Jacobite Movement. WITH A.L.s FROM THE AUTHOR
22275: PETROVA Ada - The Death of Hitler. The Final Words from Russia's Secret Archives]. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
30214: PETWORTH - Petworth (Sussex). Rural District Guide. NEAR FINE COPY
40577: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Surrey. FIRST CLOTH EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
41371: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Lancashire 1. The Industrial and Commercial South. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
32937: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. [Second Impression]. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
40788: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Cornwall. THE FIRST PEVSNER IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
31140: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Sussex. [Third Impression]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
11286: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Bedfordshire and the County of Huntingdon and Peterborough. [First Cloth Edition]. FIRST CLOTH EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
41711: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Derbyshire. NEAR FINE COPY OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION
14724: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Cheshire. FIRST EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
10878: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Shropshire. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
25734: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Wiltshire. With Notes on the Prehistoric and Roman Antiquities by Derek Simpson. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
29261: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Yorkshire: York and the East Riding. With Contributions from John Hutchinson. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
16675: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Buckinghamshire. [First Cloth Edition]. FIRST CLOTH EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
32316: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Sussex. [Second Edition]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
10120: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Worcestershire. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
25142: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. London. I. The Cities of London and Westminster. [Second Edition, extensively revised]. SECOND CLOTH EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
39944: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Yorkshire The West Riding. Revised by Enid Radcliffe. [Second Edition, Second Impression.] NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
43645: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. London I. The Cities of London and Westminster. FIRST CLOTH EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
24077: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Buckinghamshire. [Second Cloth Impression]. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
19802: PEVSNER Nikolaus - An Outline of European Architecture. [Jubilee Edition]. NEAR FINE COPY
24078: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Cumberland and Westmorland. [Third Impression]. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
43938: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Hertfordshire. THE ORIGINAL EDITION
8660: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Staffordshire. THE FINAL PEVSNER
44194: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Yorkshire. The North Riding. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
47499: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Nottinghamshire. NEAR FINE COPY OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION
30907: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Dorset. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
47272: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Sussex. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
4451: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Cambridgeshire. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
37079: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. County Durham. [First Cloth Edition]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED FIRST-STYLE DUSTWRAPPER
44732: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. County Durham. [First Paperback Edition]. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION
8096: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Lancashire 2. The Rural North. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
8112: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Herefordshire. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
8115: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Shropshire. FIRST CLOTH EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
45119: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Berkshire. [First Cloth Edition]. FIRST CLOTH EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
46700: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Leicestershire and Rutland. [First Cloth Edition]. FIRST CLOTH EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
20680: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Devon. [Second Edition]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
11572: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. North Devon. [First Cloth Edition]. FIRST CLOTH EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
47134: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. North Somerset and Bristol. FIRST CLOTH EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
31691: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Herefordshire. [First Cloth Edition]. FIRST CLOTH EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
14371: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Northumberland. With Notes on the Roman Antiquities by Ian A. Richmond. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
11409: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. South and West Somerset. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
36002: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. South and West Somerset. [First Yale Edition]. FIRST YALE EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
46048: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Middlesex. THE ORIGINAL EDITION
19879: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Sussex. [Fifth Impression]. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
13715: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Oxfordshire. THE ORIGINAL EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
34043: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. London except the Cities of London and Westminster. [First Paperback Edition]. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION
7345: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Cumberland and Westmorland. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
46517: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. County Durham. [First Paperback Edition.] FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
6269: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. South Devon. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
48813: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. North Devon [with] South Devon. BRIGHT, CLEAN SET OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION
45281: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. North Somerset and Bristol. [First Paperback Edition.] FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
1778: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Cambridgeshire. [Second Cloth Edition]. SECOND CLOTH EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
17219: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Warwickshire.. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
9615: PEVSNER Nikolaus - The Buildings of England. Buckinghamshire. [First Paperback Edition]. FIRST PAPERBACK EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
6293: PFEIFFER Ida - Visit to Iceland and the Scandinavian North. Translated from the German of Madame Ida Pfeiffer. With explanatory Notes. To which are added an Essay on Icelandic Poetry, from the French of M. Bergmann; a Translation of the Icelandic Poem 'The Voluspa'; and a brief Sketch of Icelandic History REMARKABLY BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN PERIOD BINDING
48557: PHELPS Major-General L.T.H. - A History of the Royal Army Ordnance Corps 1945-1982. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
35013: PHIBBS Brendan - The Other Side of Time. A Combat Surgeon in World War II. [First UK Edition] NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
25305: PHILBIN Tobias R.G. - Warship Profile 37: SMS Konig. NEAR FINE COPY IN WRAPPERS
47433: PHILBRICK Nathaniel - Mayflower. Introduced by Paul Theroux. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
44601: PHILBY H. St. John - Arabia. IN FULL MOROCCO
41099: PHILIPP Dr. G. - Deutschlands Flugzeugfuhrer Nr. 1 zu seinem 70 Geburtsag am 20 November 1938.. [A 70th Birthday encomium.] PRESENTATION COPY SIGNED BY AUGUST EULER; WITH OBITUARIES IN TS
28277: PHILIPS [Ambrose] - The Distrest Mother. A Tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's Servants. Third Edition. IN FULL MOROCCO
48094: PHILLIPS C .E. Lucas - The Greatest Raid of All. With Foreword by Admiral of the Fleet the Earl Mountbatten of Burma. THE ORIGINAL EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
19651: PHILLIPS FRS John - The Rivers, Mountains, and Sea-Coast of Yorkshire with Essays on the Climate, Scenery, and Ancient Inhabitants of the County. EARLY ISSUE OF THE FIRST EDITION
48251: PHILLIPS C.E.Lucas - The Greatest Raid of All. With Foreword by Admiral of the Fleet the Earl Mountbatten of Burma. VETERAN'S COPY OF THE FIRST EDITION IN FULL MOROCCO
42001: PHILLIPS C.E. Lucas - Cockleshell Heroes. With the Co-operation of Lieutenant-Colonel H. G Hasler and with a Foreword by Admiral The Earl Mountbatten of Burma. THE ORIGINAL EDITION IN FULL MOROCCO
23586: PHILLIPS Robert - A Geological, Historical and Topographical Description of the Borough of Reigate. Edited by T.R. Hooper. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
40314: PHILLIPS Ernest - Hitler's Last Hope. A factual Survey of the Middle East war-zone and Turkey's vital strategic position, with a special Chapter on Turkey's Military Strength by Noel Barber. A RARE SURVIVAL
285: PHILLIPS E. Cambridge - The Birds of Breconshire. [First Trade and Best Edition]. NEAR FINE COPY OF SCARCE CENTRAL WALES AVIFAUNA
47135: PHILLIPS C.E. Lucas - Cockleshell Heroes. With the Co-operation of Lieutenant-Colonel H. G Hasler and with a Foreword by Admiral The Earl Mountbatten of Burma. [Second Impression.] SECOND IMPRESSION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
44004: PHILLIPS C.A. - The Sporting Spaniel. [Second Edition]. NEAR FINE COPY
36298: PHILLIPS Roger - The Botanical Garden. Volume I: Trees and Shrubs [with] Volume 2: Perennials and Annuals. NEAR FINE SET IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
31985: PHILLIPS Hugh - Mid-Georgian London. A Topographical and Social Survey of Central and Western London about 1750. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
34236: PHILLIPS Alan - The Living Legend. The Story of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
47180: PHILLIPS C.E. Lucas - Cockleshell Heroes. With the Co-operation of Lieutenant-Colonel H. G Hasler and with a Foreword by Admiral The Earl Mountbatten of Burma. THE ORIGINAL EDITION IN DUSTWRAPPER
10543: PHILLIPS W.V. - Wanstead through the Ages. Colour Illustrations by Arthur Parsons. Black and White Sketches by Arthur H. Barns. [Second Edition. With 'A Message to Youth' by Winston S. Churchill]. SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY
23479: PHILLIPS Graham - The Shakespeare Conspiracy. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
34584: PHILLIPS Jo - A Bloody-Minded Sailor. [Foreword by William Douglas-Home]. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR
49394: PHILLIPS C.E.Lucas - The Greatest Raid of All. With Foreword by Admiral of the Fleet the Earl Mountbatten of Burma. THE ORIGINAL EDITION IN FULL MOROCCO
37603: PHILLPOTTS Eden - My Devon Year. [Illustrated by J. Ley Pethybridge]. 500 COPIES WERE PRINTED
21667: PHILLPOTTS Eden - A Hundred Lyrics by Eden Phillpotts. Hundred Lyrics by Eden Phillpotts.
18573: PHILLPOTTS Eden - A Hundred Lyrics by Eden Phillpotts. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
40904: PHILPOTT Bryan - Airwar 1. RAF Fighter Units Europe 1939-42. Colour Plates by Michael Trim and Gerry Embleton. NEAR FINE COPY
40908: PHILPOTT Bryan - Airwar 10. RAF Fighter Units Europe 1942-45. Colour Plates by Michael Roffe and Gerry Embleton. NEAR FINE COPY
40911: PHILPOTT Bryan - Airwar 19. RAF Bomber Units July 1942-1945. Colour Plates by Terry Hadler and Richard Hook. NEAR FINE COPY
23301: PHILPOTT Bryan - German Fighters over England. World War 2 Photo Album No. 10 NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
23302: PHILPOTT Bryan - Fighters defending the Reich. [Second Edition]. NEAR FINE COPY
39575: PHILPOTT Bryan - German Fighters over the Med. World War 2 Photo Album No. 6. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
23299: PHILPOTT Bryan - German Fighters over Russia. World War 2 Photo Album No. 16. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
22245: PHILPOTT Bryan - Famous Fighter Aces. [Second Impression]. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
35597: PHILPOTT Bryan - In Enemy Hands. Revealing true Stories behind wartime Allied Aircraft Losses. Foreword by Sir Douglas Bader. NEAR FINE COPY
23631: PICARD Giblert Charles - The Life and Death of Carthage. A Survey of Punic History and Culture from its Birth to the final Tragedy. Translated from the French by Dominique Collon. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
47512: PICASSO Pablo - Je Suis le Cahier. The Sketchbooks of Picasso. Edited by Arnold Glimcher and Marc Glimcher. With Contributions by Claude Picasso [and several others]. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER WITH PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
35360: PICASSO Pablo - Avant Garde 8. Picasso's Erotic Gravures. CRISP, CLEAN COPY IN WRAPPERS
39188: PICCIOTTO Cyril M. - The Treaty of Peace with Germany: Clauses affecting Mercantile Law. (Recovery of Debts, Contracts, Property, Rights and Interests, etc). With an Introduction, Commentary and Index. FOREIGN OFFICE COPY WITH BOOKPLATE
19845: PICENI E. - Giorgio Belloni. [With extended and illustrated Introduction by Piceni]. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
16657: PICKARD Tom - We Make Ships.
47294: PICKERING Roly - Fallschirmjager. Volume 2. THIS VOLUME ONLY. Specialist Clothing and Equipment of the German Paratrooper in WWII. NEAR FINE COPY
47295: PICKERING Roly - Fallschirmjager. Volume 1 [with] Volume 2. [Complete set.]. Specialist Clothing and Equipment of the German Paratrooper in WWII. NEAR FINE SET
47302: PICKERING Roly - Ausrustung. Field Equipment of the German Forces in World War II. NEAR FINE COPY
47293: PICKERING Roly - Fallschirmjager. Volume 1. THIS VOLUME ONLY. Specialist Clothing and Equipment of the German Paratrooper in WWII. NEAR FINE COPY
46877: PICKLES Thomas - Intermediate Map Reading. Illustrated with Extracts from Ordnance Survey Maps BRIGHT COPY IN ORIGINAL WRAPPERS
12114: PICKNETT, Lynn - Double Standards. The Rudolf Hess Cover-Up. With additional Research by Robert Brydon. PRESENTATION COPY SIGNED BY ALL FOUR AUTHORS
16429: PICKTHORN K. - Early Tudor Government. Henry VII [Second and Revised Edition].
39117: PICOT Geoffrey - Accidental Warrior. In the Front Line from Normandy till Victory. Foreword by Sir Philip Goodhart. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR
5970: PIDGEON H. - Memorials of Shrewsbury. Being a concise Description of the Town and its Environs adapted as a general Guide for the Information of Visitors and Residents. WITH ADDENDA AND ERRATA LEAVES
35188: PIEHL Hauptmann - The German Fallschirmjager in World War II. With a Foreword by General der Flieger Kurt Student. Translated from the German by David Johnston. [First English Edition]. FINE COPY IN ORIGINAL BOARDS
34773: PIEKALKIEWICZ Janusz - Schweiz 39-45. Krieg in einem neutralen Land. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
27699: PIEKALKIEWICZ Janusz - Operation Citadel. Kursk and Orel: The Greatest Tank Battle of the Second World War. Translated from the German by Michaela Nierhaus. [First English Edition]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
27694: PIEKALKIEWICZ Janusz - Moscow 1941. The Frozen Offensive. [First English Edition]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
23347: PIEKALKIEWICZ Janusz - The Air War 1939-1945. Translated from the German by Jan van Heurck. [First English Edition]. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
34924: PIEKALKIEWICZ Janusz - Cassino. Anatomy of the Battle. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
20750: PIEKALKIEWICZ Janusz - Arnhem 1944. Translated by H.A. and A.J. Barker. [First English Edition] FIRST ENGLISH EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
8805: PIERPONT MORGAN LIBRARY - Samuel Johnson (1709-1784). [Catalogue of] An Exhibition of First Editions, Manuscripts, Letters, and Portraits to commemorate the 250th Anniversary of his Birth, and the 200th Anniversary of the Publication of Rasselas. [Foreword by Herbert Cahoon]. NEAR FINE COPY
39263: PIERRE-GOSSET Renee - Algiers 1941-1943. A Temporary Expedient. Translated from the French by Nancy Hecksher. [First English Edition.] BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF FIRST ENGLISH EDITION
6897: PIERRE BERES - Catalogue 53. Livres Romantiques et Modernes. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
45051: PIGGOTT Bill - Triumph by Name - Triumph by Nature. The Sidescreen TR Compendium. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
17231: PIGGOTT Juliet - Famous Regiments. Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps. [Introduction by Lt. General Sir Brian Horrocks]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
17962: PIGGOTT Major-General Francis - Broken Thread. An Autobiography. With Preface by Field-Marshal the Lord Milne of Salonika and Rubislaw, and Foreword by Lord Hankey.
22129: PIGNATORRE Theodore - The Ancient Monuments of Rome. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
37976: PILGRIM David - So Great A Man. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
19330: PILKINGTON Roger - Robert Boyle. Father of Chemistry.
787: PILLING John - Oxfordshire Houses.
35239: PIMLOTT, ed. Dr. John - Wehrmacht. The Illustrated History of the German Army in WWII. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
44153: PINCHER Chapman - A Web of Deception. The Spycatcher Affair.. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
30491: PINION F. B. - A Jane Austen Companion. A Critical Survey and Reference Book. UNCORRECTED PROOF COPY
43386: PINNEY R.C. - Sussex Windmills and their Restoration. A 1970s Perspective. NEAR FINE COPY
20541: PIPER F. - Auschwitz Death Camp. The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Oswiecim. [Second Edition].
49545: PIPER John - Romney Marsh. Illustrated and described by John Piper [King Penguin 55]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
49656: PIPER John - Buildings and Prospects. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
22079: PIPER John - [King Penguin 55]. Romney Marsh. Illustrated and described by John Piper. IN FULL MOROCCO
27396: PIPER John - Oxfordshire (not including the City of Oxford). A Shell Guide. [Second Edition]. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
33584: PIPER John - British Romantic Artists. [Britain in Pictures series. Second Impression]. NEAR FINE COPY
6303: PIPER A. Cecil - Alfriston. The Story of a Sussex Downland Village. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
25080: PIRES Lino - Fantastic! The Extraordinary Life of Lino Pires. Foreword by David Hobbs. SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY
33034: PIRIE David B. - William Wordsworth. The Poetry of Grandeur and of Tenderness. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
30334: PISAN Christine de - Christine de Pisan's Ballades, Rondeaux, and Virelais. An Anthology. Edited by Kenneth Varty. EDITOR'S PRESENTATION COPY
37770: PITCAIRN-KNOWLES Richard - The Edwardian Eye of Andrew Pitcairn-Knowles (1871-1956). [Foreword by Mark Howarth-Booth.] NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
34431: PITCHFORK Air Commodore Graham - Shot Down and in the Drink. RAF and Commonwealth Aircrews saved from the Sea 1949-1945. Foreword by Flight Lieutenant John Cruickshank VC. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
49057: PITCHFORK Air Commodore Graham - Forever Vigilant. Naval 8/208 Squadron RAF. A Centenary of Service from 1916 to 2016. Foreword by Air Marshal Sir Robert Wright SIGNED BY AUTHOR AND FOREWORDER
26994: PITMAN Jenny - Jenny Pitman. The Autobiography. [Third Impression]. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR
18575: PITSLIGO Lord - Jacobite Letters to Lord Pitsligo 1745-1746 preserved at Fettercairn House. Edited with Notes by Alistair and Henrietta Tayler.
47139: PITT Barrie - The Crucible of War. Western Desert 1941 [with] Year of Alamein 1942. [Complete set.]. NEAR FINE SET IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPERS
49411: PITT-RIVERS Michael - Dorset. A Shell Guide. Incorporating Notes by Andrew Wordsworth. [Third Edition]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
42888: PITT Barrie - Special Boat Squadron. The Story of the SBS in the Mediterranean. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
11335: PITT, ed. [Barrie - Purnell's History of the Second World War. New Monthly Edition. Volume 6.. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
11334: PITT, ed. [Barrie - Purnell's History of the Second World War. New Monthly Edition. Volume 1. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
28974: PITT Barrie - The Chronological Atlas of World War II. [Foreword by Field Marshal Lord Carver]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
44771: PIUS II. Pope - Secret Memoirs of a Renaissance Pope. The Commentaries of Aeneas Sylvius Piccolomini Pius II. An Abridgement. Translated by Florence A. Gragg. Edited with an Introduction by Leona C. Gabel. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
20823: PLAICE] [E. - Red Berets '44. [Official Publication of the Airborne Forces].
25758: PLAIDY Jean - The Captive of Kensington Palace [with] The Queen and Lord M [with] The Queen's Husband [with] The Widow of Windsor. THE QUEEN VICTORIA SEQUENCE COMPLETE IN DUSTWRAPPERS
18751: PLAIDY Jean - The Murder in the Tower [with] The Wandering Prince [with] A Health Unto His Majesty [with] Here Lies Our Sovereign Lord [with] The Three Crowns [with] The Haunted Sisters [with] The Queen's Favourites. THE STUART SAGA COMPLETE IN DUSTWRAPPERS
21403: PLAIDY Jean - A Rose without a Thorn. [Katherine Howard]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
22773: PLAIDY Jean - The Pleasures of Love. [Catherine of Braganza]. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
22772: PLAIDY Jean - The Queen's Secret. [Katherine of Valois]. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
20898: PLAIDY Jean - The Follies of the King [Plantagenet Saga]. NEAR FINE COPY IN THE DUSTWRAPPER
44723: PLAIDY Jean - Victoria Victorious. [Queen Victoria]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
47508: PLAIDY Jean - Uneasy lies the Head. [Tudor Novels series]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
45845: PLAIDY Jean - Castile for Isabella [with] Spain for the Sovereigns [with] Daughters of Spain. THE FERDINAND AND ISABELLA TRILOGY COMPLETE IN DUSTWRAPPERS
18745: PLAIDY Jean - The Heart of the Lion.
5265: PLAIDY Jean - Light on Lucrezia. UNCORRECTED PROOF COPY
45944: PLAISTED Arthur H. - The Romance of a Chiltern Village, 5,000 BC to 1957 AD. [Medmenham, Buckinghamshire]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
13399: PLANCHE J.R. - A Corner of Kent; or, some Account of the Parish of Ash-next-Sandwich, its Historical Sites and Existing Antiquities. FIRST DEDICATED HISTORY OF THE PARISH
28735: PLANCHE J. R. - History of British Costume from the Earliest Period to the Close of the Eighteenth Century. New Edition, corrected and enlarged. BRIGHT, FRESH COPY IN CONTEMPORARY CALF
3437: PLANTA (comp.) J. - A Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Cottonian Library, deposited in the British Museum. ANTHONY WAGNER'S COPY
44310: [PLASTOW] [Norman] - Wimbledon Windmill. NEAR FINE COPY
48470: PLATH Sylvia - The Bell Jar. Introduced by Heather Clark. Illustrated by Alexandra Levasseur. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
48336: PLATH Sylvia - The Bell Jar. Introduced by Heather Clark. Illustrated by Alexandra Levasseur. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
27849: PLATO - Socratic Discourses by Plato and Xenophon. [Introduction by A.D. Lindsay. Everyman's Library]. FIRST APPEARANCE IN EVERYMAN
17993: PLATT J.R.I. - The Royal Wiltshire Yeomanry (Prince of Wales's Own) 1907-1967. WITH THE REGIMENT'S PRESENTATION SLIP
30658: PLATTS W. Carter - Modern Trout Fishing. [Third Edition]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
26703: PLATTS-MILLS John - Muck, Silk and Socialism. Recollections of a Left-wing Queen's Counsel. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
44788: PLAYER Gary - Positive Golf. Understanding and Applying the Fundamentals of the Game. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR
46171: PLAYFAIR et al Major-General I. S. O. - History of the Second World War. The Mediterranean and Middle East. Volumes I - V. By I.S.O. Playfair, C.J.C. Molony, General Sir William Jackson and others. BRIGHT, CLEAN RUN IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPERS
39164: PLEHWE Friedrich-Karl - The End of an Alliance. Rome's Defection from the Axis in 1943. With a Foreword by F.WD. Deakin. Translated from the German by Eric Mosbacher. [First English Edition.] NEAR FINE COPY OF THE FIRST ENGLISH EDITION
35109: PLEHWE Friedrich-Karl von - The End of an Alliance. Rome's Defection from the Axis in 1943. With a Foreword by F.W.D. Deakin. Translated from the German by Eric Mosbacher. [First English Edition]. FIRST ENGLISH EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
35611: PLETSCHACHER Peter - Lufthansa Junkers Ju 52. Die Geschichte der alter 'Tante Ju'. [Fourth Impression]. FINE COPY
6991: PLEVY Harry - Battleship Sailors. The Fighting Career of 'HMS Warspite' recalled by her Men.
48405: PLINY. - A Self Portait in Letters. Translated and introduced by Betty Radice. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
32248: PLINY THE YOUNGER. - The Letters of Pliny the Consul with occasional Remarks. [Translated] by William Melmoth. REMARKABLY BRIGHT, CRISP COPY
175: PLOMER Henry - Wynken De Worde and his Contemporaries from the Death of Caxton to 1535. BRIGHT, CLEAN, CRISP COPY
25640: PLOWDEN Alison - Caroline and Charlotte. The Regent's Wife and Daughter 1795-1821. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
25219: PLOWDEN Alison - Henrietta Maria. Charles I's Indomitable Queen. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
46105: PLOWDEN Alison - The Young Elizabeth [with] Danger to Elizabeth [with] Marriage to my Kingdom [with] Elizabeth Regina. [The Elizabethan Quartet complete. First Omnibus Edition.]. THE ELIZABETHAN QUARTET COMPLETE
46211: PLOWDEN Alison - The Young Elizabeth [with] Danger to Elizabeth [with] Marriage to my Kingdom [with] Elizabeth Regina. [The Elizabethan Quartet complete.]. THE ELIZABETHAN QUARTET COMPLETE IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPERS
48419: PLOWMAN Stephanie - To Spare the Conquered. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
47286: PLOWMAN Jeff - The Battles for Monte Cassino Then and Now. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
24567: PLUCKNETT T.F.T. - Legislation of Edward I. The Ford Lectures delivered in the University of Oxford in Hilary Term 1947. IN DUSTWRAPPER
29116: PLUTARCH - Fall of the Roman Republic. Six Lives by Plutarch. Marius. Sulla. Crassus. Pompey. Caesar. Cicero. Translated by Rex Warner. [Penguin Classics].
28274: PLUTARCH. - Plutarch's Lives. Translated from the original Greek, with Notes Critical and Historical; and a Life of Plutarch. By S[amuel] Langhorne, William Langhorne, John Dryden etc. New Edition, with Corrections and Improvements. CRISP, CLEAN SET IDEAL FOR BINDING OR RESTORATION
49358: PLYMOUTH. - The Pageant of Plymouth Hoe. [18th-25th July 1953.]. Written by Crispin Gill. Produced by Cyril Penrose. 100 COPIES WERE PRINTED
48704: POCOCK Tom - The Terror before Trafalgar. Nelson, Napoleon and the Secret War. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
37076: POCOCK Tom - Fighting General. The Public and Private Campaigns of General Sir Walter Walker. NEAR FINE COPY WITH T.L.s AND EPHEMERA
13372: POCOCK Lovell - With those in Peril. A Chaplain's Life in the Royal Navy.
35035: POCOCK Rowland F. - German Guided Missiles of the Second World War. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
49239: POCOCK Tom - Fighting General. The Public and Private Campaigns of General Sir Walter Walker. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
34982: POETT General Sir Nigel - Pure Poett. The Memoirs of General Sir Nigel Poett. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
23490: POGUE Forrest C. - George C. Marshall. Education of a General, 1880-1939. With the editorial Assistance of Gordon Harrison. Foreword by General Omar N. Bradley.
40628: POLAK Tomas - No. 310 (Czechoslovak) Squadron 1940-1945. NEAR FINE COPY
23121: POLE J.R. - Political Representation in England and the Origins of the American Republic. PUBLISHER'S REVIEW COPY
38456: POLISH AIR FORCE. WWII. - Memorial to the Polish Airmen who fell in World War II.. [Edited by Zbigniew Kumos.] PRESENTATION COPY TO AIR MARSHAL SIR ERIC DUNN
29917: POLLARD Evelyn H. - The Birds of My Parish. BRIGHT, FIRM COPY
19930: POLLARD W.C. - Pioneering in the Prairie West. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
11490: POLLARD A. W. - A Short-Title Catalogue of Books Printed in England, Scotland & Ireland and of English Books Printed Abroad 1475-1640. [Third Impression.] NEAR FINE COPY
23334: POLLARD VC Captain A.O. - The Boy's Romance of Aviation. IN FULL THEMED MOROCCO
3012: POLLARD Alfred W. - Shakespeare's Fight with the Pirates and the Problems of the Transmission of his Text. Second [and Best] Edition, revised with an Introduction. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
9371: POLLARD E.F. - True unto Death. A Story of Russian Life.
47305: POLLENDINE Chris - Campaign 1914. Volume 1. Uniforms and Equipment of the British Soldier in the First World War. NEAR FINE COPY
47306: POLLENDINE Chris - Campaign 1915. Volume 2. Uniforms and Equipment of the British Servicemen in the First World War. NEAR FINE COPY
29292: POLLET Maurice - John Skelton. Poet of Tudor England. Translated by John Warrington. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
13499: POLLITT William - Southend before the Norman Conquest. Being the Second (Revised) Edition of the Archaeology of Rochford Hundred and South East Essex. NEAR FINE COPY
46406: POLLOCK George - The Jervis Bay. [Second Impression.] NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
47644: POLO Marco - The Travels. Translated and Introduced by Nigel Cliff. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
13488: POLPERRO - Polperro Official Guide. Published under the Authority of the Lansallos Parish Council. NEAR FINE COPY
9869: POMPEI - Ricordo di Pompei, 32 Vedute. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
22666: PONOMARENKO et al - Behind the Front Line. Being an Account of the Military Activities, Exploits, Adventures and Day to Day Life of the Soviet Guerrillas operating behind the German Lines, from the Finnish-Karelian Front to the Crimea. IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
1101: PONTING Kenneth G. - The Woollen Industry of South-West England.
15687: POOL P.A.S. - William Borlase. SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR
2551: POOLE Monica - The Wood Engravings of John Farleigh. With a Foreword by H.R.H. The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
48715: POOLE, ed. Austin Lane - Medieval England. A New Edition, rewritten and revised. Edited by Austin Lane Poole. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPERS
42141: POOLMAN Kenneth - The Kelly. Foreword by Admiral The Earl Mountbatten of Burma. [Second Edition.] BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
34645: POOLMAN Kenneth - Allied Escort Carriers of World War Two in Action. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
30868: POOLMAN Kenneth - Zeppelins over England. With a Foreword by Marshal of the Royal Air Force Sir John Slessor. [Second Edition]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
34664: POOLMAN Kenneth - Allied Submarines of World War Two. FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
34548: POOLMAN Kenneth - The Sea Hunters. Escort Carriers v. U-Boats, 1941-1945. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
47323: POOLMAN Kenneth - Escort Carrier: 1941-1945. An Account of British Escort Carriers in Trade Protection. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
18026: POOLMAN Kenneth - The Kelly. Foreword by Admiral The Earl Mountbatten of Burma. IN FULL THEMED MOROCCO
43977: POOLMAN Kenneth - Zeppelins over England. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
36534: POOLMAN Kenneth - The Winning Edge. Naval Technology in Action, 1939-1945. [Second Edition]. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
8602: POOLMAN Kenneth - Focke-Wulf Condor. Scourge of the Atlantic. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
45778: POOLMAN Kenneth - The Kelly. Foreword by Admiral The Earl Mountbatten of Burma. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
37452: POOLMAN Kenneth - The Kelly. Foreword by Admiral The Earl Mountbatten of Burma. IN FULL MOROCCO; SIGNED BY AUTHOR
9418: POOLMAN Kenneth - The British Sailor.
750: POOR RELIEF IN FOREHOE 1776 Act of Parliament - An Act for the better relief and Employment of the Poor. within the Hundred of Forehoe, in the County of Norfolk. FIRST SEPARATELY PUBLISHED REFERENCE TO THE HUNDRED
12427: POPE Alexander - The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope. Edited, with a Critical Memoir, by William Michael Rossetti. Illustrated by Thomas Seccombe.
18754: POPE Dudley - The Great Gamble. [Nelson at Copenhagen].
34976: POPE Dudley - Harry Morgan's Way. The Biography of Sir Henry Morgan 1635-1684. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
39959: POPE Alexander - A Collection of Essays, Epistles and Odes. FIRM WORKING COPY IN UNRESTORED CONTEMPORARY BINDING
35424: POPE Dudley - The Devil Himself. The Mutiny of 1800. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
23566: POPE Dudley - Ramage and the Rebels. A Novel. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
19673: POPE Alexander - The Poetical Works of Alexander Pope. [Aldine Edition]. SPLENDID SET IN ORIGINAL CLOTH
3137: POPE Dudley - Ramage at Trafalgar. A Novel.
47331: POPE Alexander - Alexander Pope's Collected Poems. Edited with an Introduction by Bonamy Dobree. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
21860: POPE Alexander - The Beauties of Pope. Selections from his Poetical and Prose Works [with] The Beauties of Byron. Consisting of Selections from his Works.. Selections from his Poetical and Prose Works [with] The Beauties of Byron. Consisting of Selections from his Works. POPE AND BYRON TOGETHER
45158: POPE Dudley - Ramage. [The Ramage sequence complete.].. THE RAMAGE SEQUENCE COMPLETE IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPERS
32658: POPE Alexander - Pope's Own Miscellany. Being a Reprint of 'Poems on Several Occasions' 1717 containing new Poems by Alexander Pope and Others. Edited by Norman Ault. [Designed by Francis Meynell]. 750 COPIES WERE PRINTED
45899: POPE Dudley - The Battle of the River Plate. Foreword by Admiral Sir Edward Parry. Preface by Admiral Sir Charles Woodhouse. NEAR FINE COPY OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION
37467: POPE Dudley - The Battle of the River Plate. Foreword by Admiral Sir Edward Parry. Preface by Admiral Sir Charles Woodhouse. [Third Impression]. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
11458: POPHAM Hugh - Famous Regiments. The Dorset Regiment. (The 39th/54th Regiment of Foot). [Introduction by Lt.-General Sir Brian Horrocks]. SIGNED BY AUTHOR AND SERIES EDITOR
22190: POPHAM Hugh - The FANY in Peace and War. The Story of the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry 1907-2003. [Revised and Expanded Edition. Line Drawings by Tim Jacques]. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
43523: POPHAM Hugh - The FANY in Peace and War. The Story of The First Aid Nursing Yeomanry 1907-2003. [Second Edition] FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
29577: POPHAM Hugh - FANY. The Story of the Women's Transport Service 1907-1984. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
9938: POPHAM Hugh - Famous Regiments. The Somerset Light Infantry (Prince Albert's). (The 13th Regiment of Foot). [Introductions by Lt.-General Sir Brian Horrocks]. SIGNED BY AUTHOR AND SERIES EDITOR
46137: POPLE Kenneth - Stanley Spencer. A Biography. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
16627: PORPHYRY - On Abstinence from Animal Food. Translated from the Greek by Thomas Taylor. Edited and introduced by Esme Wynne-Tyson. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
40971: PORRET D - Les AS Francais de la Grande Guerre. Tome I [with] Tome II. Service Historique de l'Armee de l'Air. NEAR FINE COPY IN ORIGINAL WRAPPERS
7934: PORRITT Edward - The Fiscal and Diplomatic Freedom of the British Oversea Dominions. Edited by David Kinley. A FOREIGN OFFICE COPY
40046: PORT M. H. - The Palace of Westminster. Surveyed on the Eve of the Conflagration 1834. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S PORTFOLIO
1584: PORTEOUS Crichton - Teamsman. With Wood Engravings by Kingsley Cook. IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
12166: PORTEOUS Patrick A. - A.L.s from Patrick Porteous VC.
5235: PORTEOUS Crichton - The Well-Dressing Guide. NEAR FINE COPY
34725: PORTER Cathy - Moscow in World War II. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
42529: PORTER, R.F. - Flight Identification of European Raptors. [Illustrations by Ian Willis. Second Edition] NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
38167: PORTLAND GALLERY. - Brian Grimwood. 1st Works on Canvas. September 16 - October 8, 1993. NEAR FINE COPY IN WRAPPERS
39122: PORTWAY Christopher - Journey to Dana. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
34768: PORTWAY Christopher - Czechmate. [Foreword by Lord Brockway.] NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
44391: POSSE D. R. - The Windmill at Bocking has been preserved for Posterity. NEAR FINE COPY
29461: POST OFFICE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT - Technical Pamphlets for Workmen. Submarine Cables. [Group I]. NEAR FINE COPY IN ORIGINAL WRAPPERS
29466: POST OFFICE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT - Technical Pamphlets for Workmen. D 15. Telephone Testing Equipment. NEAR FINE COPY IN ORIGINAL WRAPPERS
29467: POST OFFICE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT - Technical Pamphlets for Workmen. D 20. Superposed Circuits. Transformers. Bridging Coils and Retardation Coils. NEAR FINE COPY IN ORIGINAL WRAPPERS
29465: POST OFFICE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT - Technical Pamphlets for Workmen. [Group C]. Wireless Transmission and Reception. NEAR FINE COPY IN ORIGINAL WRAPPERS
13782: POSTGATE R. - That Devil Wilkes.
45036: POSTHUMUS Cyril - Land Speed Record. A Complete History of the Record-Breaking Cars from 39.24 to 600+ MPH. Colour Illustrations by Michael Roffe. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
48195: POSTORINO Rosella - The Women at Hitler's Table. Translated from the Italian by Leah Janeczko. [First English Edition.] FIRST ENGLISH EDITION IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
30405: POTTER Beatrix - The Art of Beatrix Potter. With an Appreciation by Anne Carroll Moore. [Fourth Edition]. NEAR FINE COPY WITH EPHEMERA
49617: POTTER Simon - Clayton Windmills. FINE COPY
35361: POTTER Beatrix - The Art of Beatrix Potter. With an Appreciation by Anne Carroll Moore and Notes to each Section by Enid and Leslie Linder. FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S MAILING CASE
31096: POTTER Beatrix - Beatrix Potter's Journal. Abridged with an Introduction by Glen Cavaliero. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
28140: POTTER Stephen - New Naturalist 56. Pedigree. Essays on the Etymology of Words from Nature. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
40540: POTTER Ursula Barnett - I'll Fly No More. An Airwoman's Diary. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
7428: POTTER Beatrix - Appley Dapply's Nursery Rhymes.
22382: POTTER Terry - Reflections on Blackpool.
16534: POTTER David - Catalogue of Great Britain Railway Letter Stamps 1957-1970. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY
28985: POTTER Stephen - Supermanship. or how to continue to stay top without actually falling apart. Illustrated by Lt.-Col. Frank Wilson. FIRST APPEARANCE IN PENGUIN
16045: POTTLE Frederick A. - Boswell and the Girl from Botany Bay.
42464: POUCHER W.A - The Surrey Hills. With Photographs by the Author. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
42465: POUCHER W.A - Over Lakeland Fells. With Photographs by the Author. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
18952: POUCHER W.A. - Peak Panorama. Kinder Scout to Dovedale. With Eighty-Five Photographs by the Author.
39140: POUCHER W.A. - Escape to the Hills. [Third Impression.] BRIGHT, CLEAN, CRISP COPY
33497: POUCHER W.A. - Over Lakeland Fells. With 110 Photographs by the Author. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION
45307: POULTERS COMPANY. - A List of the Court of Assistants, Livery and other Freemen of the Worshipful Company of Poulters. 1927. NEAR FINE COPY
30588: POUND Ezra - A Selection of Poems. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
9158: POUND Reginald - Evans of the Broke. A Biography of Admiral Lord Mountevans.
7997: POURTALES G. de - Chopin ou le Poete. Illustre de nombreuses photographies d'apres les documents de l'epoque. THE MAXWELL-SCOTT COPY IN QUARTER MOROCCO
40996: POWELL J.R. - Documents relating to the Civil War 1642-1648. NEAR FINE COPY OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION
32310: POWELL Anthony - Temporary Kings. A Novel. ['A Dance to the Music of Time', 11]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
42537: POWELL Geoffrey - The Devil's Birthday. The Bridges to Arnhem, 1944. Foreword by General Sir John Hackett. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
23683: POWELL Anthony - The Soldier's Art. A Novel ['A Dance to the Music of Time', 8]. NEAR FINE COPY IN PRICE-CLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
23306: POWELL Anthony - Journals 1982-1986 [with] Journals 1987-1989. With an Introduction by Violet Powell. NEAR FINE SET IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPERS
35503: POWELL Wing-Commander H.P.'Sandy' - Men with Wings. BRIGHT, CLEAN COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
11471: POWELL Geoffrey - Famous Regiments. The Green Howards. (The 19th Regiment of Foot). [Introduction by Lt.-Gen. Sir Brian Horrocks]. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
45837: POWELL Geoffrey - The Book of Campden. History in Stone. ORIGINAL SUBSCRIBER'S COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
49672: POWELL Geoffrey - The Devil's Birthday. The Bridges to Arnhem, 1944. Foreword by General Sir John Hackett. [Revised Edition]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
24397: POWER Eileen - Medieval People. Introduced by Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
47618: POWER Eileen - The Wool Trade in English Medieval History. Being the Ford Lectures. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
16995: POWNALL General Henry - Chief of Staff. The Diaries of Sir Henry Pownall. [1933-1944]. [Edited by B. Bond]. COMPLETE SET IN DUSTWRAPPERS
8959: POWYS John Cowper - The Meaning of Culture. [First US Edition]. SIGNED COPY IN FULL MOROCCO
37794: POWYS Llewellyn - The Twelve Months. With Engravings by Robert Gibbings. BRIGHT, CRISP COPY
40274: POWYS Theodore Francis - Rosie Plum and other Stories. Drawings by John Ward. [Foreword by Francis Powys.] NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
27766: POWYS T.F. - Goat Green or The Better Gift. Engravings by Gwenda Morgan. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
14134: POWYS Theodore Francis - Bottle's Path and other Stories.
46903: POWYS John Cowper - A Glastonbury Romance. [First UK Edition]. IN FULL MOROCCO
39764: POWYS Theodore Francis - When Thou wast Naked. A Story by T.F.Powys. With Engravings by John Nash. 500 COPIES WERE PRINTED
32838: POWYS Llewellyn - Henry Hudson. BRIGHT, CRISP COPY
48535: POWYS John Cowper - The Pleasures of Literature. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
39450: POYNTER Midshipman C.W. - The Discovery of the South Shetland Islands. The Voyages of the Brig WILLIAMS, 1819-1820, as recorded in contemporary documents and the Journal of Midshipman C.W. Poynter. Edited by R.J. Campbell. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
30555: POYNTER J. W. - Hilaire Belloc keeps the Bridge. An Examination of his Defence of Roman Catholicisim. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S WRAPPERS
40042: PRAGNELL, Hubert - The Stone Gallery Panorama. Lawrence Wright's View of the City of London from St. Paul's Cathedral, c.1948-56. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
19937: PRAGNELL Hubert - The Styles of English Architecture.
35015: PRANGE Gordon W. - Target Tokyo. The Story of the Sorge Spy Ring. With Donald M. Goldstein and Katherine V. Dillon. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
46797: PRANGE Gordon W. - December 7, 1941. The Day the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. With Donald M. Goldstein and Katherine V. Dillon. [First UK Edition.] NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
34195: PRASAD, ed. Bisheshwar - Defence of India: Policy and Plans. Official History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War 1939-1945. General Editor: Bisheshwar Prasad. BRIGHT WORKING COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
49296: PRATCHETT Terry - I Shall Wear Midnight. [A Discworld novel]. SIGNED [WITHOUT DEDICATION] BY THE AUTHOR
18767: PRATCHETT Terry - The Last Continent. [A Discworld Novel]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
49163: PRATCHETT Terry - Night Watch. [A Discworld novel]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
49653: PRATCHETT Terry - The Shepherd's Crown. A Discworld Novel. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
24305: PRATCHETT Terry - Soul Music. [A Discworld Novel]. SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY
49315: PRATCHETT Terry - Wintersmith. A Story of Discworld. SIGNED [WITHOUT DEDICATION] BY THE AUTHOR
48846: PRATCHETT Terry - Mort. Introduced by A.S. Byatt. Illustrated by Omar Rayyan. FIRST ILLUSTRATED EDITION; NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
39426: PRATCHETT Terry - Thief of Time. [A Discworld Novel]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
43818: PRATCHETT Terry - The Truth. [The 25th Discworld novel]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
37585: PRATCHETT Terry - The Truth. [The 25th Discworld novel]. SIGNED [WITHOUT DEDICATION] BY THE AUTHOR
49652: PRATCHETT Terry - Hogfather. [A Discworld novel. Fifth Impression]. SIGNED [WITHOUT DEDICATION] BY THE AUTHOR
49632: PRATCHETT Terry - Interesting Times. [A Discworld Novel.] SIGNED [WITHOUT DEDICATION] BY THE AUTHOR
44496: PRATCHETT Terry - The Fifth Elephant. [A Discworld Novel]. SIGNED PRESENTATION COPY
49514: PRATCHETT Terry - Thud!. [A Discworld novel]. SIGNED [WITHOUT DEDICATION] BY THE AUTHOR
49513: PRATCHETT Terry - Hogfather. [A Discworld novel]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
46804: PRATCHETT Terry - Making Money. [A Discworld novel]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
24765: PRATCHETT Terry - Unseen Academicals. [A Discworld Novel]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
45261: PRATCHETT Terry - A Blink of the Screen. Collected Shorter Fiction. [With a Foreword by A. S. Byatt.] NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
45276: PRATCHETT Terry - Raising Steam. [A Discworld novel]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
45428: PRATCHETT Terry - Going Postal. [A Discworld Novel]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
10495: PRATCHETT Terry - Mort. [A Discworld novel]. NEAR FINE COPY IN DUSTWRAPPER
49467: PRATCHETT Terry - Maskerade. [A Discworld Novel]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
48887: PRATCHETT Terry - The Wee Free Men. A Story of Discworld. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
45884: PRATCHETT Terry - Monstrous Regiment. [A Discworld novel]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
11947: PRATCHETT Terry - Carpe Jugulum. [A Discworld novel]. NEAR FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
11948: PRATCHETT Terry - Wintersmith. A Story of Discworld. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
11949: PRATCHETT Terry - Thud!. [A Discworld novel]. FINE COPY IN UNCLIPPED DUSTWRAPPER
46219: PRATCHETT Terry - Small Gods. Illustrated by Omar Rayyan. NEAR FINE COPY IN PUBLISHER'S SLIP-CASE
Next 1000 books from Island Books [formerly of Devon][an error occurred while processing this directive]