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37623: PIDGEON Monica (ed) - Architectural Design - Volume 39, Issue 3 (March 1969)
34690: PIDGEON Monica (ed) - Architectural Design Magazine Volume 40 November 1970 ("Instant City" issue)
38715: PIDGEON Monica (ed) - Architectural Design Magazine Volume 42 August 1972 Munich Olympics; Map Guide - West Germany and West Berlin
38706: PIDGEON Monica (ed) - Architectural Design Magazine Volume 41 August 1971
37617: PIDGEON Monica (ed) - Architectural Design - Volume 38, Issue 11 (November 1968)
37586: PIDGEON M (ed) - Architectural Design - Volume 34, 1964 (12 volumes bound together)
37582: PIDGEON M (ed) - Architectural Design - Volume 30, 1960 (12 volumes bound together)
38707: PIDGEON Monica (ed) - Architectural Design Magazine Volume 41 September 1971 The 'Beaux Arts' Since '68
37637: PIDGEON Monica (ed) - Architectural Design - Volume 39, Issue 11 (November 1969)
38693: PIDGEON Monica (ed) - Architectural Design Magazine Volume 40 October 1970 Cedric Price Supplement
38689: PIDGEON Monica (ed) - Architectural Design Magazine Volume 40 March 1970 Hollein Feigen Gallery, Kuwait Sports Centre, Valencia Fair, Renzo Piano, Rogers System
36573: PIDGEON Monica (ed) - Architectural Design Magazine Volume 32 September 1962 ("Switzerland" issue)
37636: PIDGEON Monica (ed) - Architectural Design - Volume 39, Issue 11 (November 1969)
38711: PIDGEON Monica (ed) - Architectural Design Magazine Volume 42 January 1972 Archizoom; Byzantine Churches of Greece; Cedric Price (Final Supplement)
37618: PIDGEON Monica (ed) - Architectural Design - Volume 38, Issue 12 (December 1968)
37619: PIDGEON Monica (ed) - Architectural Design - Volume 39, Issue 1 (January 1969)
37621: PIDGEON Monica (ed) - Architectural Design - Volume 39, Issue 2 (February 1969)
38533: PIFCO - Oil-Gas Lamps
38523: PIFCO - Catalogue 1975/1976 75th Anniversary 1900-1975
38534: PIFCO - Oil-Gas Lamps
37374: PIGGOTT J R - Palace of the People. The Crystal Palace at Sydenham 1854-1936
38621: PILCHER Donald - The Regency Style 1800 to 1830
34018: PINCHON Jean-Francois - Edouard & Jean Niermans. Du Tracedero a la Maison de la Radio/From Tracadero to the Radio Center.
36873: PINELLI Antonio, ROSSI Orietta - Genga Architetto: Aspetti Della Cultura Urbinate Nel Primo '500
30432: PINK Louis H and SMITH Alfred E - The New Day In Housing
35682: PIPER David - Vincent van Gogh: Portrait of Provence
27517: PIRONNE Giovanni, MARSIGLIA Nunzio et al - Teatro Massimo V. E. di Palermo. Progretto di intervento 1980.
34262: PLAID CYMRU - TVA for Wales
35191: PLANAHOME - The Planahome Book of House Plans: 33 Exciting Designs for Homes From £1250
21277: PLANNING BOARD, VILLAGE OF MINEOLA - Report on a Master Plan for the Village of Mineola. Nassau County New York.
36038: PLUCHE Abbé (translated from the French of...) by De FREVAL JB - The History of the Heavens, Considered according to the Notions of the Poets and Philosophers Compared with the Doctrines of Moses (volume 1).
30144: POCOCK W. F. - Designs for Churches and Chapels.
33691: POËTE Marcel - Une Vie de Cité Paris. De sa Naissance a Nos Jours [3 uniform volumes]. Tome 1- La Junesse; Tome 2 - La Cité de la Renaissance; Album.
29985: POL Krzysztof - Pracownia plakatu frontowego.
29413: POL Krzysztof - Pracownia plakatu frontowego
7884: POLLARD Sidney & SALT John (eds) - Robert Owen: Prophet of the Poor. Essays in Honour of the Two-Hundredth Anniversary of his Birth.
26476: POMMIER Marcel (text) - Plombières-Les-Bains
35774: DU PONT DE NEMOURS & Co. Inc. - Harmonia das côres em nossos lares
37387: POORE GV - London (Ancient and Modern) From the Sanitary and Medical Point of View
27120: POPLE Nicholas - Experimental Houses
34300: POPLE Nicolas - Experimental Houses
35041: PORLOCK Kit - The Naked City: The Book of the Film
23914: PORT M. H. - Six Hundred New Churches. The Church Building Commission 1818-1856.
28364: PORTEOUS Colin & SHARPE Tim (authors) - Building Health in Glasgow. The exhibition, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, August-November 1999.
34562: POSENER Julius - Anfänge des Funktionalismus. Von Arts and Crafts zum Deutschen Werkbund.
33477: POTTER James E - A Room with a World View: 50 years of Inter-Continental Hotels and its people 1946-1996.
37324: POTTER Margaret and Alexander - The Building of London
20054: POWELL Kenneth - City Transformed. Urban Architecture at the Beginning of the 21st Century
32845: POWELL Ken - Leeds-a lost opportunity?
35066: POWELL David (ed) - Quiet Revolution. The Tesco Papers, 1975-1987
31339: POWELL Kenneth - Will Alsop 1990-2000
15709: POWELL Robert - Rethinking the Skyscraper: The Complete Architecture of Ken Yeang
27121: POWELL Kenneth - Stansted. Norman Foster and the architecture of flight.
34026: POWELL Robert, STEPHENSON Nicola et al (Production Team) - Making Places. Working with Art in the Public Realm.
34027: POWELL Kenneth - City Reborn. Architecture and Regeneration in London, from Bankside to Dulwich.
34633: POWELL FE - Electric Bells and Alarms: The Model Engineer Series No. 3
32586: POWELL Ken - The Fall of Zion. Northern chapel architecture and its future.
32021: POWELL Kenneth (intro) - John Lyall. Contexts and Catalysts
18861: POWELL Kenneth (intro) & MOORE Rowan (ed) - Structure, Space and Skin: the Work of Nicholas Grimshaw and Partners
33561: POWERS Alan - Shop Fronts
33491: POWERS Alan and HARWOOD Elain - Post-War Houses
37223: PREECE Arthur Henry - The Electricity Supply of London (Paper No. 3110) (extract from the Minutes of Proceedings of Institute of Civil Engineers, Vol. CXXXIV, Session 1897-98, Part IV)
38297: Prepared for the STIRLINGSHIRE, WEST LOTHIAN AND FALKIRK GROWTH AREA JOINT PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE and SCOTTISH DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT by (for volume 1) THE UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW, ROBERTSON DJ (ed) and (for volume 2) MATTHEW Sir Robert and JOHNSON-MAR - The Grangemouth/Falkirk Regional Survey and Plan (Vol I - Economic and Social Issues; Vol II - Physical Planning Issues)
32306: PREUSS Dieter & WECKESSER Hans - Auf Achse und Schiene 100 Jahre Nahverkehr in Mannheim.
36779: DU PREY Pierre de la Ruffinière - Sir John Soane: Catalogue of Architectural Drawings in the Victoria & Albert Museum.
34005: PRICE C Matlack - The Practical Book of Architecture
34582: PRICE Cedric and HOLMES Andrew - Andrew Holmes - Addition. A folio of 20 silkscreen prints which assembled form a print 1525x1120mm published as an edition of one thousand numbered 1/1000 to 1000/1000 with twenty artist's proofs signed and numbered by the artist printed in 3 colours on 300gsm fabriano 5 liscia paper at G&B Arts, London.
36539: PRINCIPAL CITY OFFICER with TOWN CLERK - City and County of Newcastle: Delegation from Council and Committees. Report of the...
38348: PRITCHARD RM - Housing and the Spatial Structure of the City Residential mobility and the housing market in an English city since the Industrial Revolution
26429: PROCTER Stephen - Stephen Procter. Thoughts About Light
31980: PROCTOR AND MATTHEWS - Pattern Place Purpose. Proctor and Matthews Architects
34029: PROTETCH Max - A New World Trade Center. Design Proposals from leading architects worldwide
32817: PROUST Marcel - A la Recherche du Temps Perdu. Selections edited and with notes by H F Brookes.
33686: PRYKE R W S & DODGSON J S - The Rail Problem
36458: H.M.S.O. (publ) - Royal Commission on Population. Report (Cmd 7695)
26869: PUBLIC RELATIONS OFFICE - CITY OF AMSTERDAM - Amsterdam in the Year 2000. an example of Town Planning.
34406: PUDNEY John (verses) and BOSWELL James (drawings) - Low Life
27802: PUGH Kate - Estate Villages. Who Cares?
38659: PUGIN A Welby - An Apology for The Revival of Christian Architecture in England by ......
32144: PUGIN A.W.N. - The Present State of Ecclesiastical Architecture in England.
38656: PUGIN A Welby - A Treatise on Chancel Screens and Rood Lofts, their Antiquity, Use, and Symbolic Signification.
38657: PUGIN A Welby - The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture: Set Forth in Two Lectures Delivered at St. Marie's, Oscott.
34631: PUGIN A Welby - The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture: Set Forth in Two Lectures Delivered at St. Marie's, Oscott.
21497: PUGIN A Welby - Details of antient timber houses of the 15th & 16th centuries selected from those existing at Rouen, Caen, Beauvale, Gisors, Abbeville, Strasbourg etc drawn on the spot and etched by..............
5151: PUMPHREY Roland - Industry and Town Planning
37196: PUNCH MAGAZINE - Punch Vols. XX & XXI (January to June 1851; July to December 1851, bound as one volume)
37203: PUNCH MAGAZINE - The Festival of Punch: Part I The Bouverie Street Exhibition; Part II. The Pageant of Punch. Part III. The Festival of Charivari [3 parts in one]
35817: PUNTER John - A History of Aesthetic Control 1909-1947 (vol 1) and 1947-1985 (vol 2): The Control of the External Appearance of Development in England & Wales (Working Papers in Land Management and Development 2 and 7)
39034: PUPPI Lionello - Guida a Niemeyer
35021: PURBECK DISTRICT COUNCIL - North East Purbeck Local Plan: Consultative Draft
29911: PURCHLA Jacek - Jan Zawiejski. Architek y Przelomu XIX i XX Wieku.
37306: PURDOM C. B. - How Should We Rebuild London?
30304: PUTNOKY Dr-Ing - Die Technik der Schaufenster Beleuchtung. [2 volumes]
38889: QUANTRILL Malcolm - Alvar Aalto: A Critical Study.
15969: RAAB Horst &WURM Katharina (eds) - Ackermann und Partner Buildings and Projects 1978-1998.
34030: RAAB Rex, KLINBORG Arne Arne et al - Eloquent Concrete: How Rudolf Steiner Employed Reinforced Concrete.
34318: RABINO MHL - Le Monastère de Sainte-Catherine Mont-Sinai Souvenirs épigraphiques des anciens pélerins
34302: RABREAU Daniel - Architectural Drawings of the Eighteenth Century
34936: RADFORD ARCHITECTURAL COMPANY - The Radford Ideal Homes: 100 House Plans
29433: RADIG Werner - Frühformen der Hausentwicklung in Deutschland. Die frühgeschichtlichen Wurzeln des deutsches Hauses
38626: RAE Isobel - Charles Cameron. Architect to the Court of Russia
28808: RAE Isobel - Charles Cameron. Architect to the Court of Russia.
35707: RAGAZZINI Enzo - Ragazzini: Photographs of Bomarzo (Pentagram Papers 7)
34587: RAINE Kathleen - David Jones and the actually loved and known.
26379: RAMBERT Charles - Magasins. Devantres Vitrines Enseignes
33489: RAMIREZ Jan Seidler (ed) - Painting the Town: Cityscapes of New York. paintings from the Museum of the City of New York.
33485: RAMIREZ Juan Antonio - The Beehive Metaphor. From Gaudi to Le Corbusier
32869: RAND KARDEX SERVICE CORPORATION - The Age of Vision in Business Affairs [cover title] The First Aid to Better Business. Facts and Assurance Instead of Guesswork and Argument.
36122: RANDAL PHILLIPS R - The Book of Bungalows
38797: RANK ORGANISATION - The Murphy Range 1966 / Television: Go for Bush, Your Set for Life (2 leaflets)
34260: RANKIN, NH - Social Adjustment in a North-West Newtown (reprint from The Sociological Review, Vol 11, No 3, new series)
38256: RASMUSSEN Steen Eiler - Towns and Buildings. Described in drawings and words
36372: RASMUSSEN Steen Eiler - Towns and Buildings. Described in drawings and words
38567: RASMUSSEN Steen Eiler - Experiencing Architecture
35580: RASMUSSEN Steen Eiler - Towns and Buildings. Described in drawings and words
39008: RASMUSSEN Steen Eiler - Experiencing Architecture
19043: RAUDA Wolfgang - Lebende Städtebauliche Raumbildung. Asymmetrie und Rhythmus in der Deutschen Stadt.
38495: RAWLPLUG CO. LTD. - Industrial Pocket Catalogue
38486: RAWLPLUG LIMITED - Modern Fixing Practice. A Technical Handbook Dedicated to All Who are Engaged in Handling Fixing Problems (Volume I)
38502: RAWLPLUG CO. LTD. - Tips on Odd Jobs About the House
38500: RAWLPLUG CO. LTD. - Rawlplug Instructional Booklet
38501: RAWLPLUG CO. LTD. - Tips on Odd Jobs About the House
38499: RAY-O-THERM - Rheumatism? Relieve it with Home-Made Sunshine
36409: READ Herbert (Intro) - The Practice of Design
39006: REDGRAVE Gilbert R - Manual of Design, compiled from the writings and addresses of Richard Redgrave, RA. by...
37504: REECE Philip - An Introduction to the Design of Timber Structures
35797: REEDER David A - Suburbanity and the Victorian City
36609: REES Abraham (ed Neil COSSONS) - Rees's Manufacturing Industry (1819-20). a Selection from the Cyclopaedia; or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature (5 Volume Set)
34721: REGIONAL STUDIES ASSOCIATION, HALL Peter and HANCOCK Tom (eds) - Built Environment (Vol 4, No. 3) The Use, Misuse and Abuse of Built Stock in the Inner City
37283: REGISTRAR GENERAL et al - Census of England and Wales. 1901. County of London. Area, Houses and Population; also Population Classified by Ages, Condition as to Marriage, Occupations, Birthplaces, and Infirmities.
34571: REICHOW Hans Bernhard - Organische Stadtbaukunst: Von der Grossstadt zur Stadtlandschaft
37251: RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY - Waifs and Strays: A Story of London's Streets
33510: REPS John W with MACLEAN Alex (modern photographs) - Cities of the Mississippi: Nineteenth-Century Images of Urban Development
15940: REPS John W - Washington On View: The Nation's Capital Since 1790
15946: REPS John W - Tidewater Towns: City Planning in Colonial Virginia and Maryland
15950: REPS John W - Bird's Eye Views Historic Lithographs of North American Cities
15952: REPS John W - Cities of the American West: A History of Frontier Urban Planning
21852: REPS John W - Saint Louis Illustrated: Nineteenth-Century Engravings and Lithographs of a Mississippi River Metropolis
33484: REPS John W. - The Forgotten Frontier. Urban Planning in the American West before 1890
34941: REPS John W. - Town Planning in Frontier America
29101: REPS John W. - Cities on Stone. Nineteenth Century Lithograph Images of the Urban West.
15675: REPS John W. - Panoramas of Promise. Pacific Northwest Cities and Towns on Nineteenth-Century Lithographs.
32256: THE REUBEN H DONNELEY CORPORATION (publ) - Official View Book A Century of Progress
36517: REVIERS-HOPKINS A E - Little Books About Old Furniture - English Furniture Vol IV - The Sheraton Period - Post-Chippendale Designers 1760-1820
36523: REYNOLDS Trefor, KENT Lewis - Introduction to Structural Mechanics for Building and Architectural Students
19690: REYNOLDS Jack - Saltaire: An Introduction to the Village of Sir Titus Salt.
28090: REYNOLDS John - Windmills & Watermills
12155: RHEIMS Maurice - Art on the Market: Thirty-five centuries of art collecting and collectors from Midas to Paul Getty
38807: RIANI Paolo - Kenzo Tange
33820: RIBA (ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS) - Office Buildings: Report of a Symposium held on 12 April 1956
32226: RICE Brian and EVANS Tony - The English Sunrise. Sonnenaugänge von..
35856: RICHARDS Raymond - Old Cheshire Churches. A Survey of their History, Fabric and Furniture with Records of the Older Monuments
36464: RICHARDS J M (ed), with notes by SUMMERSON John - The Bombed Buildings of Britain: A Record of Architectural Casualities 1940-41
38662: RICHARDSON Charles James - Studies from Old English Mansions. Their Furniture, Gold & Silver Plate (Series One)
38862: RICKMAN Thomas (with additions by John Henry Parker - Gothic Architecture [Cover title]; An attempt to discriminate the styles of architecture in England, from the conquest to the reformation : with a sketch of the Grecian and Roman orders / by the late Thomas Rickman ; with considerable additions, chiefly historical, by John Henry Parker
36918: RIDDELL Robert - The Carpenter and Joiner, Stair Builder and Hand-Railer. With fifty-eight plates, and a series of cardboard models.
36618: RIDDELL Robert - The Carpenter and Joiner, Stair Builder and Hand-Railer. With thirty-three plates.
33693: RIETDORF Werner - Stadterneuerung. Innerstäadtisches Bauen als Einheit von Erhaltung und Umgestaltung mit 168 Zeichnungen und 343 Fotos
9037: RIEWOLDT Otto - Intelligent Spaces: architecture for the information age
38812: RILKE Rainer Maria (translated and illustrated by Harry BEHN) - The Duino Elegies
8765: RIPLEY Dillon - The Sacred Grove: Essays on Museums
19112: RITCHIE, MATTHEWS and LONG (prepared and brought in by) - Housing of the Working Classes Acts Consolidation. A Bill to consolidate the Acts relating to Artisans and Labourers Dwellings and the Housing of the Working Classes
34851: RITTER Paul - Planning for Man and Motor.
33688: RITTER Paul - Planning for Man and Motor.
31453: RIVOIRA G T - Lombardic Architecture. Its Origin, Development and Derivatives. Translated by G McN Rushforth. Two Uniform Volumes
36162: RIVOIRA G T - Lombardic Architecture. Its Origin, Development and Derivatives. Translated by G McN Rushforth. Two Uniform Volumes
25517: RIZZI Renata - Mistico Nulla. L'opera di Peter Eisenman
25937: Roads & Streets. REINER W - Handbuch der neuen Strassenbauweisen mit Bitumen, Teer und Portlandzement als Bindemittel.
29944: ROBERT A REID - Official Souvenir View Book of The Panama Pacific International Exposition at San Francisco 1915
29945: ROBERT A REID - Colortypes of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition of San Francisco 1915. Official Publication.
32277: ROBERT ALLAN REID (publ) - St Louis and the World's Fair. An Illustrated Courier and Advance Souvenir of the Louisana Purchase Exposition
29933: ROBERT A REID (publ) - The Official Panama-Pacific International Exposition Illustrated
15039: ROBERTS Gareth E. - University of Queensland. Observations on the future Development of the Campus
32569: ROBERTS M Hugh P - Urban Profile of the Middle East
37016: ROBERTS AW - Coasting Bargemaster
37331: ROBERTS Sir Howard and GODFREY Walter H (general eds) - Survey of London vol. XXII Bankside (The Parishes of St. Saviour and Christchurch Southwark)
37329: ROBERTS Sir Howard and GODFREY Walter H (general eds) - Survey of London vol. XXIII South Bank and Vauxhall (The Parish of St Mary, Lambeth, Part I)
35268: ROBERTSON Howard - Reconstruction and the Home
38598: ROBERTSON John - Housing and the Public Health
33079: ROBERTSON Bryan - Elisabeth Frink. Sculptures and Drawings 1950-1990
36434: ROBERTSON Howard (foreword by Robert ATKINSON) - The Principles of Architectural Composition
37521: ROBERTSON Manning and ROBERTSON NK - Approach to Architecture
34031: ROBERTSON Howard & YERBURY F. R. - Travels in Modern Architecture 1925-1930.
3553: ROBERTSON Sir John - The House of Health: what the modern dwelling needs to be.
35298: ROBERTSON Howard - Reconstruction and the Home
13477: ROBINSON Albert J - Economics and New Towns: A Comparative Study of the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia
36922: ROBINSON Henry Peach - The Elements of a Pictorial Photograph
21799: ROBINSON W - Garden Beautiful. Home Woods and Home Landscape.
33333: ROBINSON John Martin - The Latest Country Houses
27847: ROBINSON P F - An Attempt to Ascertain the Age of the Church of Mickelham, in Surrey, with Remarks on the Architecture of that Building.
37062: ROBSON Edward Robert; SEABORNE Malcolm (introduction) - School Architecture: being Practical Remarks on the planning, designing, building, and furnishing of school-houses
37302: ROBSON William A - The Government and Misgovernment of London
29671: ROBSON Philip A - School-Planning Being a Practical Treatise on the Planning of British Training Colleges and Schools
31116: ROBSON Edward Robert - School Architecture: being Practical Remarks on the planning, designing, building, and furnishing of school-houses.
27172: RODIGER-DIRUF Erika and BIEBER Sylvia (eds) - Gründerzeit-Adolf Loos. Jahrhundertwende: Rückblick und Ausblick im Spiegel der Wiener Architecktur. inter Einbeziehung der Gründerzeit-architecture Josef Durms
34150: RODRIGUES Carlos - A Historia de Brasilia / History of Brasilia
33692: RODRIGUEZ-LORES Juan & FEHL Gerhard (Hrsg.) - Die Kleinwohnungsfrage: zu den Ursprüngen des sozialen Wohnungsbaus in Europa.
36177: RODWELL Warwick - The Archaeology of the English Church The Study of Historic Churches and Churchyards
34880: RODWIN Lloyd (ed) - The Future Metropolis
36465: ROE Fred - Ancient Church Chests and Chairs in the Home Counties round Greater London. Being a tour of an antiquary with pencil and camera through the churches of Middlesex, Hertfordshire, Essex, Kent and Surrey.
38665: ROE John - Metropolitan Sewers: Prelimary Report by ... Chief Surveyor... On The Form and Construction of the Kilns Now Used for the Burning of the various kinds of Clay Ware, with a view to ascertain if any, and what Improvements can be made upton them, either as to Economy or Efficiency
27569: ROGER TYME & PARTNERS - An Evaluation of the Stockbridge Village Trust Initiative.
36448: ROGERS J C - Modern English Furniture.
36847: ROGERS P G - The Sixth Trumpeter The story of Jezreel and his tower
34270: ROGERSON Frederick and O HUIGINN Pádraig - Pleanáil in Eirinn / Planning in Ireland
34556: ROH Juliane - Die Moderne Wohnung
23816: ROHDE Eleanour Sinclair - A Garden of Herbs
34085: ROLOFF-MONIN, Ulrich (intro) - Ein Museum für Berlin: Positionen zum Erweiterungsbau des Berlin Museums mit Jüdischem Museum von...
38564: RÖRIG Fritz - The Medieval Town
35263: ROSE Hilary - The Housing Problem
1620: ROSENAU Helen - The Ideal City: Its Architectural Evolution
2616: ROSENAU Helen - The Ideal City: in its architectural evolution
17400: VAN ROSSEM Vincent - Civil Art: Urban Space as Architectural Task. Rob Krier in the Hague.
38905: ROTH Leland M. - The Architecture of McKim, Mead & White 1870-1920: A Building List
33871: ROTH Alfred - La Nouvelle Architecture/ Die Neue Architektur/ The New Architecture
32674: ROTHENSTEIN John (intro) - Edward Burra Watercolours and Drawings October 7th-31st 1970
34628: ROTHENSTEIN John - The Life and Death of Conder
26799: ROUBIQUET Jean (text) - Société Anonoyme des Magasins Réunis [cover title "S.A.M.R. en son Hotel du Grand Veneur de Louis XV")
34410: ROUGHTON Roger - 3 Surrealist Poems
38537: ROWE Eleanor - French Wood Carvings from the National Museums: Third Series
33459: ROWE Colin & KOETTER Fred - Koetter Kim & Associates: Place/Time
12714: ROWE Colin & KOETTER Fred - Koetter Kim & Associates: Place Time
38536: ROWE Eleanor - French Wood Carvings from the National Museums: Second Series
38535: ROWE Eleanor - French Wood Carvings from the National Museums: First Series
33672: ROWE William T - Hankow. Conflict and Community in a Chinese City, 1796-1895.
36831: ROWE Eleanor - French Wood Carvings from the National Museums: First, Second, Third Series
36833: ROWE Eleanor - French Wood Carvings from the National Museums: Second Series
36834: ROWE Eleanor - French Wood Carvings from the National Museums: Third Series
36835: ROWE Eleanor - French Wood Carvings from the National Museums: Second Series
36515: ROWNTREE Seebohm and LASKER Bruno - Unemployment: A Social Study
36425: ROWNTREE B Seebohm & LAVERS G R - English Life and Leisure: A Social Study
36413: ROWNTREE B Seebohm - Poverty and Progress: A Second Social Survey of York
38963: ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE ANCIENT MONUMENTS OF SCOTLAND - An Inventory of the Ancient and Historical Monuments of the City of Edinburgh With the thirteenth report of the Commission
35555: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS - Handbook for Delegates to the Annual Conference at Norwich 18th to 21st June, 1930
37348: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS - Greater London. Towards a Master Plan: The Second Interim Report of the London Regional Reconstruction Committee of.....
37448: ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE POLLUTION OF RIVERS (Chairman Robert RAWLINSON) - First Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Inquire Into the Best Means of Preventing the Pollution of Rivers (River Thames)
35802: ROYAL COLLEGE OF ART - XIII Printmakers (RCA Degree Show, June 13-18 1974)
34080: ROYAL INST. OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS - The Architecture of Gustav Peichl. Exhibition Catalogue
37284: ROYAL COMMISSION ON THE CITY OF LONDON - Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Inquire Into The Existing State of the Corporation of the City of London, and to Collect Information, Respecting its Constitution, Order, and Government etc, Together with The Minutes of Evidence and Appendix
39060: ROYAL INST. OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS - Industrial Architecture: The book of the Exhibition and Conference at the R.I.B.A....1949.
34219: ROYAL TOWN PLANNING INSTITUTE - Planning and the Future
38274: ROYAL TOWN PLANNING INSTITUTE - Planning and the Future
37379: ROYAL COMMISSION - Official, Descriptive, and Illustrated Catalogue of the Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations, 1851. Part I, Introductory, and Section I - Raw Materials - Classes 1 to 4.
36419: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS - One Hundred Years of British Architecture 1851-1951
35819: ROYAL FINE ART COMMISSION - Twenty-Second Report: October 1971-December 1984
36475: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS (publ) - Towards a New Britain
34818: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS - High Flats: Report of a Symposium held on 15 February 1955
32189: ROYAL ACADEMY OF ARTS (publ) - Lord Leverhulme: Founder of the Lady Lever Art Gallery and Port Sunlight on Merseyside. A Great Edwardian Collector and Builder. Paintings Ceramics Furniture Architecture.
39018: ROYAL INSTITUTE OF BRITISH ARCHITECTS - Exhibition of Books and Drawings From the Library of the Royal Institute of British Architecture: February 11 March 6 1935
37233: ROZIN Mordechai - The Rich and the Poor: Jewish Philanthropy and Social Control in Nineteenth-Century London
31620: RSA - The Channel Tunnel. A Public Discussion. Supplement to the Society's Journal containing the proceedings of a conference entitled....
34033: RUBINO Luciano - Frank O Gehry Special.
21464: RURAL RECONSTRUCTION COMMISSION (Publ.) - First - Eighth Reports, [8 uniform volumes] I, "A General Rural Survey; II, Settlement and Employment of Returned Men on the Land"; III, "Land Utilization and Farm Settlement"; IV, "Financial and Economic Reconstruction of Farms"; V, "Rural Credit"; VI, "Farming Efficiency and Costs and Factors Relating Thereto"; VII, "Rural Amenities"; VIII, "Irrigation, Water Conservation and Land Drainage".
38628: RUSKIN John - Verona and Other Lectures
36416: RUSKIN John - The Seven Lamps of Architecture
38667: RUSKIN John - The Elements of Drawing: In Three Letters to Beginners
16520: RUSSEL Frank (ed), GARNER Philippe (intro), READ John (drawings) - A Century of Chair Design
38528: RUSSELL Gordon - How to Buy Furniture
34146: RUSSELL Ronald - Lost Canals of England and Wales
31554: RUSSELL Frank (ed) - Architectural Monographs: Terry Farrell
29156: RUSSELL Gordon and GRAOG Jacques - The Story of Furniture
33486: RYBCZYNSKI Witold - The Look of Architecture
14843: RZHEKHINA O. I. & BUROVA R. G. (eds) - Andre Konstantinovich Burov.
38893: SAARINEN Aline B (ed) - Eero Saarinen On His Work: A selection of buildings dating from 1947 to 1964 with statements by the architect
34011: SAFRAN Yehuda & WANG Wilfred - The Architecture of Adolf Loos: An Arts Council Exhibition.
26274: SAIDMAN BROS (publ) - Blackpool Illuminations Souvenir
37419: SAINSBURY Peter - Suicide in London: An Ecological Study (Maudsley Monographs Number One)
33369: SAINSBURY'S - Car Parking for Supermarkets A Policy Statement 1982
37161: SAINT Andrew (ed) - Politics and the People of London : The London County Council 1889-1965
36722: SALKIELD T (foreword by Sir Charles BRESSEY) - Road Making and Road Using
28188: SALKIELD T - Road Making and Road Using.
37311: SALMON James - Ten Years' Growth of the City of London. Report, Local Government and Taxation Committee of the Corporation, with the Results of the Day-Census, 1891
35503: SALWEY Jasper - Sketching in Lead Pencil for Architects and Others
32701: SAMPERI Frank - The Kingdom
28974: SAMSON G Gordon - Houses Planned for Comfort and with Special Conveniences For Invalids and the Aged.
33568: SAMUEL GRATRIX JUNR. & BRO. LTD - Fireside Charm
34036: SANCHEZ Miguel - Bahnhöfe der Zukunft
29190: SANDAKER Bjorn Normann and EGGEN Arne Petter - The Structural Basis of Architecture
12298: SANDERS S. E. & RABUCK A. J. - New City Patterns: the analysis of and a technique for urban reintegration.
29566: SANDERSON Ivan (text) - A Century of Sanderson 1860-1960.
35718: SANDLE Michael with CROSBY Theo and GUEDES Pedro - The Battle of Britain Monument
37032: SANDS Mollie - Invitation to Ranelagh 1742-1803
35029: SANOFF Henry et al - Gibson Design Workbook
37224: SARGENT George E - The Story of a City Arab
32743: SARION Martinez (intro) - José Hernández
34136: SATRA (Service d'Aménagement du Territoire de la Région Aéroportuaire) - A Territory; Atlas of the Airport Region (vol 1); A Territory - It's (sic) People (vol 2); A Territory - Its People - Its Plan (vol 3)
33563: SAUNDERS, Matthew - The Historic Home Owner's Companion
37079: SAUNDERS Ann - The Regent's Park Villas
35428: SAVAGE Sir William - The Making of our Towns
34868: SCARFE Norman - The Suffolk Landscape
26753: SCARZELLA Patrizia - Steel & Style. The story of Alessi household ware
34037: SCHACHE Wolfgang and SZYMANSKI Norbert - Das Reichssportfeld. Architektur im Spannungsfeld von Sport und Macht
34934: SCHAFER Robert (ed) - Plätze Urban Spaces. Plätze und städtische Freieräume von 1993 bis heute. Recent European promenades, squares and city centres.
21626: SCHAPER G - Die Gründungsarbeiten für die Brucke über den Kleinen Belt in Dänemark.
30939: SCHAPER Gottwalt - Einiges über Mauerwerk, Widerlager, Pfeiler und die Gestaltung von steinernen und stählernen Brücken.
26917: SCHEFFLER Karl - Moderne Baukunst
31793: SCHILLING Rudolf - Der Hang und Zwang zum Einfachen. Ausblick auf eine andere Wohnarchitektur.
27580: SCHIMMELMAN Janice G - Architectural Books in Early America. Architectural Treatises and Builidng Handbooks Available in American Libraries and Bookstores through 1800.
27620: SCHIMMELMAN Janice G - Architectural Books in Early America. Architectural Treatises and Building Handbooks available in American Libraries and Bookstores through 1800.
29428: SCHLAGEHECKE Wilhelm - Holzhaus im Landschaftsraum. Reichsarbeitsdienst in Tirol.
29856: SCHMIDT Rudolf - Architekturplastik. Bildhauer Richard Kuöhl
33234: SCHMITT Dr. Hans - Der Neuaufbau der Stadt Köln.
32551: SCHMITT Peter - Glas Silber 1980
26853: SCHMITT Peter (foreword) - Glaskunst der Gegnwart
32550: SCHMITT Peter (intro) - Ebbe Weiss-Weingart Schmuck 1946-1983
34336: SCHMITZ Marcel - "L'Artisan et les Arts Liturgiques". Revue trimestrielle d'art sacre publiee par les Benedictins de l'Abbaye de Saint-Andre. Special issue on L'Abbaye d'Orval [nos 2 and 3 XVIe Année, 1947]
25465: SCHNECK Adolf G - Das Möbel als Gebrauchsgegenstand, Ausgeführte möbel mit genauen angaben über herstellung und konstruktion von...
34012: SCHNEIDER Bernhard (text) MULLER Stefan (photos) - Daniel Libeskind Jewish Museum Berlin
33490: SCHNEIDERMAN Dr Richard S & RAYSOR Frank W, II - The Catalogue Raisonné of the Prints of Charles Meryon
26260: SCHNELL Eric and HAAKE Ulrich - Kleinsiedlung von Morgen.
36269: SCHOFIELD Maria (ed) - Decorative Art and Modern Interiors 1980 Environments for People
19947: SCHRANK Gilbert - An Orkney Estate. Improvement at Graemeshall 1827-1888
36849: SCHUBRING Paul - Die Architektur der Italienischen Frührenaissance
34038: SCHUHMACHER Adolf - Ladenbau: Anordnung, Einbau und Ausgestaltung kleiner und grosser Läden aller Geschäftszweige.
25636: SCHUITEN Robert - Concevoir sa Maison
34305: SCHULER Stanley - The Cape Cod House: America's Most Popular Home
37232: SCHULTS Raymond L - Crusader in Babylon: W.T. Stead and the Pall Mall Gazette
27965: SCHULTZE-NAUMBURG Paul - Die Einrichtung Des Wohnhauses
8779: SCHULZ Professor Dr. Fritz Traugott - Das Germanische Museum von 1902-1927: Festschrift zur Feier seines 75 jährigen Bestehens: Im Auftrag der Direktion verfasst von.... Hauptkonservator am Germanischen Museum
21980: SCHUMACHER Fritz - Stromungen in Deutscher Baukunst seit 1800.
34816: SCHUMACHER EF - Think About Land
34039: SCHUMACHER Adolf - Ladenbau. Anordnung, Einbau und Ausgestaltung kleiner und grosser Läden in alten und neuen Häausern. An deutschen und ausländischen Beispielen in 491 Ansichten und Grundrissen und 70 Blatt Werkzeichungen dargestellt von..
38436: SCIENCE AND ART DEPARTMENT OF THE COMMITTEE OF COUNCIL ON EDUCATION - Catalogue of the Special Loan Collection of Scientific Apparatus at the South Kensington Museum
32890: SCIOLLA Gianni C - Canova, la trilogia dell'amore, della morte, dell'eroismo
20281: SCOLARI Massimo (intro) - Gustav Peichl
38828: SCOLARI Massimo - Hypnos
31732: SCOTT BURN Robert - Mechanics and Mechanism: being Elementary Essays and Examples for the use of Schools and Students.
37090: SCOTT WS - Green Retreats. The story of Vauxhall Gardens
38853: SCOTT Anthony RN (City Planning Officer) - Langley Moor Local Plan
34940: SCOTT Mel - American City Planning Since 1890. A history commemorating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the American Institute of Planners.
38292: SCOTTISH HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE (issued by) - Council House Communities: A Policy for Progress
38293: SCOTTISH HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE (issued by) - The Demand for Private Houses in Scotland
38340: SCOTTISH SPECIAL HOUSING ASSOCIATION - A Chronicle of Forty Years: 1937-1977
38291: SCOTTISH HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE (issued by) - Scotland's Older Houses: Report of the Sub-Committee on Unfit Housing
38286: SCOTTISH DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - Central Scotland. A Programme for Development and (Cmnd. 2188)
14293: SCRATCHLEY Arthur - A Practical Treatise on Benefit Building Societies and Local Enterprise Encouragement Companies.
37170: SEABORNE Mike (ed), ELLMERS Chris (text) - George Reid: River Thames in the late Twenties and Early Thirties
27099: SEARLES-WOOD H D & ADAMS Henry (eds) - Modern Building (5 volumes)
35058: SECRETARIA DA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO - Inventário de Proteção do Acervo Cultural (Vol 1 - Monumentos do Município do Salvador Bahia)
35098: SECRETARY OF STATE FOR INDUSTRY - The North East. A programme for regional development and growth
38359: SECRETARY OF STATE FOR SCOTLAND - Development and Growth in Scotland 1963-64 (Cmnd. 2440)
35356: SECRETARY OF STATE FOR THE ENVIRONMENT - Housing Policy: A Consultative Document
25583: SEEFF Norman - Hot Shots. Photographs by Norman Seeff
20362: SEGRE Roberto (ed) - Latin America in its Architecture
38803: SEKAI BUNKA SHA (published by) - Kateigaho International Edition. Japan's Arts & Culture Magazine (2006 Summer Issue, Vol. 12)
37403: SEKON GA - Locomotion in Victorian London
37282: SELECT COMMITTEE ON THE METROPOLIS WATER BILL - Metropolis Water Bill: Minutes of Evidence Taken Before The...
37279: SELECT COMMITTEE ON THE STATE OF LONDON BRIDGE - Report on London Bridge 1821 [Two reports bound together: Report from the Select Committee on the State of London Bridge, 24th July 1820, with Minutes of Evidence taken before the Select Committee; Report from the Committee of the State of London Bridge, 25th May 1821, with Minutes of Evidence taken.
38369: SELF Peter - Town Planning in Greater London (Greater London Papers No. 7)
38267: SELF Peter - Metropolitan Planning: The Planning System of Greater London
35597: SELF Peter - The Planning of Industrial Location
38239: SELF Peter - Cities in Flood. The Problems of Urban Growth
21941: SENATSVERWALTUNG FUR STADTENTWICKLUNG UND UMWELTSCHUTZ (ed) - Raumliches Strukturkonzept. Grundlagen fur die Flachennutzungsplanung.
33571: SENTRY BOILERS - Constant Hot Water Warm Rooms Economical Cooking (cover) Hot water boilers, ovens, towel rails, gas fires
11147: SEROTA Nicholas - Experience or Interpretation: The dilemma of museums of modern art
34576: SETRIGHT L J K - Mini: the design icon of a generation
34564: SEVERINI Gino - Edouardo Manet with 33 reproductions in phototype
10757: SEVERINO Renato - Meta-Realism in Architecture: in quest of the ideal city
34814: SEWELL HARRIS E and MOLLOY PN - The Watling Community Association The First Twenty-One Years
22856: SEYMOUR Charles - Notre-Dame of Noyon in the Twelfth Century. A Study in the Early Development of Gothic Architecture.
38802: SHAKESPEARE William, Donald WOLFIT (Introduction), Isamu NOGUCHI (Designs in colour for sets and costumes) - The Tragedy of King Lear
39017: SHAND P Morton - Building: the Evolution of an Industry
37107: SHARP Thomas - Town and Countryside: some aspects of urban and rural development
33964: SHARP Dennis (ed) - Santiago Calatrava
35996: SHARP Thomas - Newer Sarum: a Plan for Salisbury
38866: SHARP Thomas, GIBBERD Frederick & HOLFORD W G - Design in Town and Village
33145: SHARP Lady - Transport Planning: The Men for the Job. A Report to the Minister of Transport by...
38270: SHARP Thomas, GIBBERD Frederick & HOLFORD W G - Design in Town and Village.
35980: SHARP Thomas - Town and Townscape.
35114: SHARP Thomas - English Panorama
36400: SHARP Thomas - The Anatomy of the Village.
35573: SHARP Thomas, GIBBERD Frederick & HOLFORD W G - Design in Town and Village
35957: SHARP Thomas - Exeter Phoenix. A Plan for Rebuilding
35959: SHARP Thomas - Northumberland: A Shell Guide.
38568: SHARP Thomas - Oxford Replanned
35947: SHARP Thomas - Newer Sarum: a Plan for Salisbury
33649: SHARP Thomas - Exeter Phoenix. A Plan for Rebuilding
37304: SHARP Thomas, GIBBERD Frederick & HOLFORD W G - Design in Town and Village.
38727: SHARP Dennis - Sources of Modern Architecture: A Bibliography Compiled by......
35231: SHARP Thomas - Newer Sarum: a Plan for Salisbury
32974: SHARPE Edmund - The Seven Periods of English Architecture Defined and Illustrated
38654: SHAW Henry - Examples of Ornamental Metal Work. Drawn and Engraved by...
37022: SHAW CW - The London Market Gardens: On Flowers, Fruits and Vegetables as Grown for Market
36883: SHEARER Cresswell - The Renaissance of Southern Italy. A study of Frederick II of Hohenstaufen and the Capua Triumphator Archway and Towers.
35931: SHEARN WB (general editor), JEFFS Wilfred A (associate editor) - The Practical Fruiterer and Florist (Vols I, II and III) A Complete Guide on all Matters Relating to the Retail Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Trades.
37072: SHEPHERD Thomas H (ills) & ELMES James (text) - Metropolitan Improvements or London in the Nineteenth Century: Being a Series of Views of the New and Most Interesting Objects in the British Metropolis & its Vicinity From Original Drawings by Thomas H. Shepherd with Historical, Topographical & Critical Illustrations by James Elmes,
37074: SHEPHERD Thomas - London And its Environs in the Nineteenth Century, Illustrated by a Series of Views From Original Drawings, by Thomas H Shepherd, with Historical, Topographical and Critical Notices. Series the First, Comprising the Earlier Edifices, Antiquities, &c
36233: SHEPHERD David - David Shepherd: The Man and His Paintings
36738: SHEPPARD Richard and WRIGHT Hilton (introduction by John GLOAG) - Building for Daylight
37342: SHEPPARD FHW (general ed) - Survey of London vol. XXIX The Parish of St. James Westminster: Part One: South of Piccadilly (vol 1 only)
28181: SHEPPARD Richard with an introduction by PEARCE J G - Cast Iron in Building.
37343: SHEPPARD FHW (general ed) - Survey of London vol. XXXI The Parish of St. James Westminster: Part One: North of Piccadilly (vol 1 only)
32350: SHEPPARD Richard, WRIGHT Hilton - Building For Daylight by...... With an Introductory Historical Note on English Window Design by John Gloag.
35157: SHERATON Thomas (preface by Ralph EDWARDS) - Sheraton Furniture Designs from the Cabinet-Maker's and Upholsterer's Drawing-Book 1791-94
27967: SHIMOMURA Junichi - Art Nouveau Architecture. Residential Masterpieces 1892-1911
22156: SHORT Ernest H - A History of Religious Architecture
33330: SHOSHKES, Ellen - Jaqueline Tyrwhitt: A Transnational Life in Urban Planning and Design
37314: SHRUBSOLE OA - Where To Live Round London (Northern Side). With a Chapter upon The Geology and Subsoils [The Homeland Reference Books No. 2]
37313: SHRUBSOLE W H - Where To Live Round London (Southern Side). With a Chapter upon The Geology and Subsoils [The Homeland Reference Books No. 1]
36688: SHVIDKOVSKY O A - Building in the USSR 1917-1932.
33249: SIBLEY Brian - The Book of Guinness Advertising.
23084: SIEDLER Ed. Jobst - Die Gärten und Gartenarchitekturen Friedrichs des Grossen.
38763: SIEMENS BROTHERS & Co. Limited - The Stannos System of Electric Wiring Designed for Use in Castle or Cottage
33984: SIGEL PAUL (intro) - Zaha Hadid; Nabern. Arthotel Billie Strauss, Kircheim-Nabern.
33573: SIKA-FRANCOIS, LTD - Waterproofing Handbook
25723: SILVERMAN Maxwell and BOWMAN Ned A - Contemporary Theatre Design. An illustrated survey. A checklist of publications 1946-1964
37358: SIMMONS Jack (revised and with an additional chapter by Robert THORNE) - St Pancras Station
32209: SIMON E D and FITZGERALD Marion - The Smokeless City
14058: SIMON E D - How to Abolish the Slums.
33674: SIMON Shena - A Century of City Government. Manchester 1838-1938
38228: SIMPSON William, revised with notes and a biographic sketch by AH MILLAR - Glasgow in The "Forties"
1155: SIMPSON M A & LLOYD T H (eds) - Middle Class Housing in Britain
17640: SIMPSON Michael - Thomas Adams and the Modern Planning Movement: Britain, Canada and the United States, 1900-1940
25580: SIMPSON Grant G (ed) - Scotland's Medieval Burghs an archaeological heritage in danger. A report by the Council of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
35870: SIMS George R (ed) - Living London (3 volumes) Its Work and Its Play, Its Humour and Its Pathos, Its Sights and Its Scenes
37149: SINCLAIR Robert - Metropolitan Man: The Future of the English
13100: SINCLAIR Robert - Metropolitan Man: The future of the English
35044: SINCLAIR Upton - The Metropolis
30936: SINGLETON-GREEN J - Limestone Concrete
18767: SIRELIUS U T - The Hand-Woven Rugs of Finland
34366: SITWELL Sacheverell - Conversation Pieces: A Survey of English Domestic Portraits and Their Painters
39023: SKELTON R. A. (fwd) - The Growth of London AD 43-1964. Catalogue of an exhibition at The Victoria and Albert Museum 17th July-30th August 1964.
38720: SKEMPTON AW - The Boat Store, Sheerness (1858-60) and its Place in Structural History (Excerpt Transactions of the Newcomen Society, Vol XXXII, 1959-60)
34041: SLAWINSKA Jadwiga - Ekspresja Sil w Nowoczesnej Architekturze.
38465: SLOAN ELECTRICAL Co. LTD - Slonetric Catalogue, 1939
35899: SLUYTERMAN K (in collaboration with Councillor AH Cornette), translated into English by Oscar Schepens. - Ancient Interiors in Belgium
36983: SMALL John William - Scottish Woodwork of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries Measured and Drawn for the Stone by...
36600: SMALL Tunstall & WOODBRIDGE Christopher - English Brickwork Details 1450-1750 A Portfolio of Full-size Mouldings
33799: De SMET Catherine - Vers une Architecture du Livre Le Corbusier: édition et mise en pages 1912-1965
14422: SMITH Wallace - Memorandum upon Estate Management.
36508: SMITH T Sumner - Building Specifications: Principles and Practice
26622: SMITH P.W. - Specifications of Playing Facilities.
39028: SMITH G E Kidder - Sweden Builds: Its modern architecture and land policy, background, development and contribution.
35591: SMITH Wilfred (ed) - A Scientific Survey of Merseyside
37305: SMITH Trevor (ed) - Daily Mail Ideal Home Exhibition House Plans
38589: SNODIN Michael (ed) - Karl Friedrich Schinkel: A Universal Man
34042: SNODIN Michael (ed) - Karl Friedrich Schinkel: A Universal Man
37452: SNOWDEN Philip (Chancellor of the Exchequer) - Revised Financial Statement (1931-32): Tables Illustrating the Income Tax Payable Under the Proposals of the Chancellor of the Exchequer As Compared with the Income Tax Payable in the Years 1913-14, 1929-30 and 1930-31 (Cmd. 3954.)
35829: SOBIESCEK Robert - This Edifice is Colossal: 19th Century Architectural Photography
38325: SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH COUNCIL (Various authors) - The Inner City in Context: Set of 11 Reports 1. Understanding Urban Land Values: A Review; 2. Changes in the Resident Populations of Inner Areas; 3. Transport and the Inner City; 4. Technological Change and the Inner City; 5. The Inner City Problem in Historical Context; 6. Local Government Fiscal Problems: A Context for Inner Areas; 7. The Inner City in the Context of the Urban System; 8. The Inner City in the United States; 9. Rural Development and its Relevance to the Inner City Debate; 10. Housing Market Processes and the Inner City; 11. Urban Governments and Economic Change
31442: SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING THE STUDY OF GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE - Some Account of the Abbey Church of St Peter and St Paul at Dorechester
9762: SOCIOLOGICAL SOCIETY: CITIES COMMITTEE (publ) - City Survey preparatory to Town Planning.
35858: SOLDEVILA Carlos (ed) - Belleza de Espana Arte y Paisaje
23708: SOLERI Paolo - What if? Quaderno 3 Earthcasting
33551: SOLOMON R. GUGGENHEIM FOUNDATION & HORIZON PRESS (pub) - The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum: Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright
36015: SORIA Y MATA Arturo - Filosofia Barata Apuntes Sociologico-Cientificos.
27443: SORKIN Michael, VIDLER Anthony et al - George Ranalli. Buildings and Projects
35801: SOTHEBY'S - Glass Since 1945: The Dan Klein Collection (London, Thursday 29th November 1984 at 2.30pm)
34365: SOTHEBY & Co. - Catalogue of valuable printed books and a few manuscripts from the renowned library formerly at Britwell Court, Burnham, Bucks, the property of the Trustees of the late S R Christie-Miller
33414: Sottsass CARR, Richard - ...With Sottsass: Catching Up
38329: SOUTH EAST ECONOMIC PLANNING COUNCIL - South East Study of Sub-Divisions The Final Report of a Research Project Carried Out at the University of Reading
34692: SOUTH-WEST LANCASHIRE JOINT TOWN PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE - The Future Development of South-West Lancashire (two uniform vols).
38355: SOUTH GLAMORGAN COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT (edited by) - The Urban Crisis: Economic Problems and Planning
35125: SOUTH EAST JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE - Strategic Plan for the South East. A Framework [cover title]
38235: SOUTH EAST ECONOMIC PLANNING COUNCIL - A Strategy for the South East. A first report by the......
38328: SOUTH EAST JOINT PLANNING COMMITTEE - Strategic Plan for the South East: A Framework; Studies Volumes 1-5; Index to Studies [7 volumes in total]
34179: SOUTH HAMPSHIRE PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE - South Hampshire Structure Plan: for the south-east part of the County of Hampshire: City of Portsmouth: City of Southampton
35144: SOUTH-WEST LANCASHIRE JOINT TOWN PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE - The Future Development of South-West Lancashire (vol I):
35466: SOUTH-WEST LANCASHIRE JOINT TOWN PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE (The Report of the) - The Future Development of South-West Lancashire
36546: SOUTH WEST ECONOMIC PLANNING COUNCIL - A Strategic Settlement Pattern for the South West
34203: SOUTH WEST ECONOMIC PLANNING COUNCIL - A Region with a Future: A Draft Strategy for the South West
33757: SOUTH-WEST LANCASHIRE JOINT TOWN PLANNING ADVISORY COMMITTEE - The Future Development of South-West Lancashire (vol I):
38356: SOUTH GLAMORGAN COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT (edited by) - The Urban Crisis: Social Problems and Planning
38381: SOUTH EAST JOINT PLANNING TEAM - Strategy for the South East: 1976 Review Report with Recommendations by...
35436: SOUTH EAST ECONOMIC PLANNING COUNCIL - A Strategy for the South East. A first report by the......
36440: SOUTH WEST ECONOMIC PLANNING COUNCIL - A Region with a Future: A Draft Strategy for the South West
34176: SOUTH HAMPSHIRE PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE - South Hampshire Structure Plan: Report of Survey
38784: SOUTHERN METROPOLITAN GAS COMPANY - Gas Plug Points for Comfort and Convenience
37092: SOUTHWORTH James Granville - Vauxhall Gardens: A Chapter in the Social History of England
38430: SPENCER Herbert (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1965 (Vol. 58)
38432: SPENCER Herbert (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1968 (Vol. 61)
38429: SPENCER Herbert (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1964 (Vol. 57)
37167: SPENCER Herbert - London's Canal: An Illustrated History of the Regent's Canal
38431: SPENCER Herbert (ed) - Penrose's Pictorial Annual, The Process Year Book 1966 (Vol. 59)
32694: SPENDER Stephen - Poems of Dedication
38775: SPENSERS - Silverlite Petrol-Gas: Its Application and Advantages (no. 29)
34043: SPIEGELHALTER Thomas - Gravel Pit Architecture. Architektur in der Kiesgrube. Projekte, Projects 1980-1990
36980: SPIERS R Phené - The Orders of Architecture: Greek, Roman and Italian Selected from Normand's Parallel and Other Authorities
33906: SPINKS Wm - House Drainage Manual: A guide to the design and construction of systems of drainage and sewage disposal from houses
34511: SPITERI Helena (ed) - Millennium Dome Model Pack: Build Your Own Dome
36537: SPORTS COUNCIL - Planning for Sport: Report of a Working Party on Scales of Provision
38933: SPRAGUE Paul E. - The Drawings of Louis Henry Sullivan: A catalogue of the Frank Lloyd Wright collection at the Avery Architectural Library
30323: STAAL Gert - Between Dictate & Design: the architecture of office building.
38216: STACEY Margaret, BATSTONE Eric, BELL Colin and MURCOTT Anne - Power, Persistence and Change : A Second Study of Banbury
37242: STALLARD JH - London Pauperism amongst Jews and Christians: An Inquiry into the Principles and Practice of Out-Door Relief in the Metropolis and the Result upon the Moral and Physical Condition of the Pauper Class
33675: STAMMER Otto (ed) - Max Weber and Sociology Today. Translated by Kathleen Morris
36474: STAMP L Dudley - The Land of Britain: its Use and Misuse
38333: STANDING CONFERENCE ON LONDON AND SOUTH EAST REGIONAL PLANNING - Development Trends in the South East Region (1981) The First Report of the Regional Monitoring Group (SC 1467R)
38385: STANDING CONFERENCE ON LONDON AND SOUTH EAST REGIONAL PLANNING - South East: A Region in Transition Report by the Industry and Commerce Working Party of the Regional Monitoring Group (SC1618R)
38332: STANDING CONFERENCE ON LONDON AND SOUTH EAST REGIONAL PLANNING - 1981 Census: South East Regional Monitor (SC 1750)
38545: STANLEY TOOLS - Carpenters' and Mechanic's Tools Catalogue No. 120 [Facsimile]
34342: STANNUS Hugh - Alfred Stevens and his Work
37433: STANSFIELD James (Chairman) - Report from the Select Committee on the Toll Bridges (River Thames) Bill (HC244)
33242: STANTON Phoebe B - The Gothic Revival & American Church Architecture. An Episode in Taste 1840-1856.
33102: STAPLEDON Olaf - Star Maker
35670: STAPLEDON Sir R George - Make Fruitful the Land! A Policy for Agriculture (The Democratic Order, No 3)
31539: STAPLETON Darwin H (ed) - The Engineering Drawings of Benjamin Henry Latrobe. Edited and with an essay by......
38327: STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF COOK, CITY OF CHICAGO, in co-operation with US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE - Chicago Area Transportation Study: Vol. One - Survey Findings; Vol. Two -Data Projections ; Vol. Three - Transportation Plan)
36102: STATHAM H. Heathcote - Architecture for General Readers: A Short Treatise on the Principles and Motives of Architectural Design. With a Historical Sketch.
34323: STATHAM H Heathcote, revised by BRAUN Hugh - A History of Architecture
37511: STATHAM H Heathcote - A Short Critical History of Architecture
35031: STATNI USTAV PAMATKOVE PECE - Mestské Památkové Rezervace: Katalog - Pudorysy Mest
39033: STÄUBLI Willy - Brasilia
37013: STAYTON George Henry - Wooden Pavement in the Metropolis
34809: STEAD Peter (ed) - Local Initiatives in Great Britain 1982: Vol III Housing
31044: STEEL AND RADIATION LTD - "Steelcrete" Expanded Metal and "Klutch" Bar Concrete Reinforcement. No. S-5
33549: STEELE James - California Aerospace Museum: Frank Gehry
27109: STEEN Athena Swentzell, STEEN Bill, BAINBRIDGE David - The Straw Bale House.
27460: STEINER Dietmar (intro) - Gustav Peichl. A Viennese Architect
29851: STEINMETZ Georg - Grundlagen für das Bauen in Stadt und Land von.. Dritte Band
8824: STEPHENS Suzanne (ed) - Building the New Museum: The annotated proceedings of "Art Against the Wall", a three-part symposium on the architecture of art museums, sponsored by The Architectural League of New York...
35910: STEPHENSON John (ed) - Upholsterer & Interior Decorator (vols 64a, 66, 67, 68)
35633: STEPHENSON Tom - Parks for the Nation: A survey of how the National Parks Act is working
35926: STEPHENSON John (ed) - The Upholsterer and Interior Decorator (1919 Jan to November) in three volumes.
35260: STEPHENSON Henry & Lilian - Eating Sleeping & Living. A guide to design in the home
34770: STEPHENSON Flora & POOL Phoebe - A Plan for Town and Country
35450: STEPHENSON Flora & POOL Phoebe - A Plan for Town and Country
35925: STEPHENSON John (ed) - Upholsterer & Interior Decorator, 3 bound volumes - 1924 (vols 72-73), 1925 (74-75), 1926 (76-77).
33772: STEPHENSON Flora & POOL Phoebe - A Plan for Town and Country
38801: STEVENS Carol (Editor) - PRINT: America's Graphic Design Magazine - January/February 1991 (XLV: I)
37371: STEVENS Henry (preface) - An Account of the Proceedings at the Dinner Given by Mr. George Peabody to the Americans Connected with the Great Exhibition, at the London Coffee House, Ludgate Hill, on the 27th October 1851
35768: STEWART WFR - Children in Flats: A Family Study
31976: STEWART David B (intro) - On Maki Architecture. Maki on Architecture
35002: STEWART Carol (chosen by) and COLQUHOUN Robert (original lithographs) - Poems of Sleep and Dream.
34079: STICHTING ARCHITECTUUR MUSEUM (publ) - Berlage 1856-1934. Monografieen van de Stichting Architectuur Museum
33084: STICHTUNG 'HAVENBELAGEN' - Rotterdam Freer Than A Free Port. A guide for Cargo-handling in the Port
35067: STIPE Robert E (ed) - Perception and Environment: Foundations of Urban Design
34214: STOCK Cecil Haden (revised by Richard FARROW) - A Treatise on Shoring and Underpinning, and generally dealing with ruinous and dangerous structures.
33909: STOCK Cecil Haden (revised by Richard FARROW) - A Treatise on Shoring and Underpinning, and generally dealing with ruinous and dangerous structures.
36610: STOCK Cecil Haden - A Treatise on Shoring and Underpinnng and generally dealing with ruinous and dangerous structures.
35750: STOCKHOLM - Exposition d'Art Decoratif Stockholm 1909
37523: STOKES Geo. - The History of the Jews, from The Call of Abraham, to The Birth of Christ (Vol. I only)
26109: STOLPER Hans and JP - Built-in Fitments for Modern Homes
29112: STOPPANI Leonard et al (texts) - William Morris & Kelmscott
36704: STOREY Walter Rendell - Furnishing with Color
35688: STRESS AREAS HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS GROUP - Housing Associations and the Inner City
25338: STRONG Roy (preface) - Towards a New Iron Age
35886: STRONG Lawrence J and STRONG Charles J - The Art of Show Card Writing. A Modern Treatise Covering All Branches of the Art
34417: STUART Vincent (ed) - Harvest: Travel (vol 1)
34418: STUART Vincent (ed) - Harvest: Household (vol 2)
37490: THE STUDIO - The Studio: An Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art (Volume Forty Five) (including Issues 187 to 190, October 1908 to January 1909)
37491: THE STUDIO - The Studio: An Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art (Volume Fifty Three) (including Issues 219 to 222, June 1911 to September 1911)
37497: THE STUDIO - The Studio: An Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art (Volume Nineteen and Volume Twenty) [Two volumes bound as one] (including Issues 83 to 86, 87 to 90)
26958: THE STUDIO (pub.) - "The Studio" Year-Book of Decorative Art 1912. A Review of the latest developments in the artistic construction decoration and furnishing of the house.
37492: THE STUDIO - The Studio: An Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art (Volume Forty Eight) (including Issues 199 to 202, October 1909 to January 1910)
35850: THE STUDIO (pub.), HOLME Geoffrey (ed) - "The Studio" Year-Book of Applied Art, 1921.
26465: THE STUDIO (pub.), HOLME Geoffrey (ed) - "The Studio" Year-Book of Decorative Art, 1919. With special articles on cottage design, decoration & equipment
26048: THE STUDIO (pub), HOLME Geoffrey (ed) - The "Studio" Year Book of Decorative Art, 1919. with special articles on cottage design decoration & equipment.
37494: THE STUDIO - The Studio: An Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art (Volume Forty Three) (including Issues 179 to 182, February 1908 to May 1908)
37493: THE STUDIO - The Studio: An Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art (Volume Forty Four) (including Issues 183 to 186, June 1908 to September 1908)
37495: THE STUDIO - The Studio: An Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art (Volume Fifty Two) (including Issues 215 to 218, February to May 1911)
37496: THE STUDIO - The Studio: An Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art (Volume One-Hundred One) (comprising the Six Issues from January to June 1931)
35887: THE STUDIO - The Studio (Vols XLII and XLIII, October 1907-May 1908) (including Issues 175 to 182)
35852: THE STUDIO (pub.), HOLME Geoffrey (ed) - "The Studio" Year-Book of Applied Art, 1923.
24885: THE STUDIO (pub.), HOLME Geoffrey (ed) - "The Studio" Year-Book of Applied Art, 1921.
24886: THE STUDIO (pub.), HOLME Geoffrey (ed) - "The Studio" Year-Book of Decorative Art, 1919. With special articles on cottage design, decoration & equipment
37498: THE STUDIO - The Studio: An Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art (Volume Sixty Nine) (Issues 273 to 276)
38299: THE STUDY TEAM (Report of....) - Reading Wokingham Aldershot Basingstoke Sub-Regional Study
38300: THE STUDY TEAM (Report of....) - Reading Wokingham Aldershot Basingstoke: The Future of the Sub-Region
34849: SUDELL Richard - Landscape Gardening. Planning - Construction - Planting
31560: SUDJIC Deyan (text) SAYER Phil (photos) - The 100 Mile City
34703: SUDJIC Deyan (ed) - Blueprint: February 1992, Number 84
36673: SUMMERSON John (ed) - Concerning Architecture: Essays on Architectural Writers and Writing Presented to Nikolaus Pevsner.
35429: SUMMERSON John - The London Building World of the Eighteen-Sixties Walter Neurath Memorial Lecture 1973
37292: SUMMERSON John - The London Building World of the Eighteen-Sixties Walter Neurath Memorial Lecture 1973
37510: SUMMERSON John - Architecture in England
21153: SUSSEX RURAL COMMUNITY COUNCIL - To-morrow in East Sussex
38186: SUTCLIFFE Anthony - The Autumn of Central Paris: The Defeat of Town Planning 1850-1970
38560: SUTCLIFFE Anthony (ed) - British town planning: the formative years.
36861: SUYS FT and HAUDEBOURT LP - Palais Massimi a Rome: Dessiné et Publié par FT Suys et LP Haudebourt
38644: SWAN Abraham - The British Architect: or, the Builder's Treasury of Stair-Cases
38757: SWAN - Electical Appliances & Ground Base Holloware 1969 Catalogue No. 93
8754: SWANTON E W - A Country Museum: The rise and progress of Sir Jonathan Hutchinson's educational museum at Haslemere: outlined by the curator.....
32402: SWENARTON Mark - Artisans and Architects. The Ruskinian Tradition in Architectural Thought.
37159: SWINTON Captain George SC - London: Her Traffic, Her Improvement and Charing Cross Bridge
28163: SYKES Sir Alan John - Concerning the Bleaching Industry
35159: SYMONDS RW (preface) - Chippendale Furniture Designs From the Gentleman and Cabinet-Makers' Director 1762
35160: SYMONDS RW (preface) - The Ornamental Designs of Chippendale From the Gentleman and Cabinet-Makers' Director 1762
34626: SYMONDS RW (preface) - Chippendale Furniture Designs From the Gentleman and Cabinet-Makers' Director 1762
33419: Syndicat d'Initiative de Césarée - Au pays des Villes d'Or. Une ancienne capitale de l'Afrique latine. Cherchel.
37152: SZEMBERG Henryk (ed) - Plakat Polski
29169: SZERELMEY LIMITED - The Cause and Cure of Damp and Decay in Masonry. Centenary Edition
34105: SZLUMPER COMMISSION - The Gateway to South Africa: Description of the Cape Town Foreshore Plan
38978: SZMIDT Boleslaw (ed) - The Polish School of Architecture 1942-1945
33336: TAKAMATSU, Shin - Works: the architectural of Shin Takamatsu
38825: TAKEDA Atsushi, SASAKI Yoriko - Japanese Glass in the Showa Period
34419: TAMBIMUTTU (ed) - Poetry: London - New York (vol 1, no. 1)
36799: TANDRUP Harald (translated by AG Chater) - Jonah and the Voice
38559: TANDY Cliff - Landscape of Industry
34190: TANKARD Arnold R - Survey of imports, raw materials, and synthetic products, & their relationships to the old and newer industries, with special reference to the position in the Humber area
30179: TANKARD Arnold R - Survey of imports, raw materials, and synthetic products, & their relationships to the old and newer industries, with special reference to the position in the Humber area
36615: TANNER Henry Jnr - English Interior Woodwork of the XVI, XVII & XVIII Centuries. A series of the best and most characteristic examples of chimney-pieces, panelling, staircases, doors, screens, etc. Measured and drawn and with introductory and descriptive text.
35900: TANNER Henry Jnr - English Interior Woodwork of the XVI, XVII & XVIII Centuries. A series of the best and most characteristic examples of chimney-pieces, panelling, staircases, doors, screens, etc. Measured and drawn and with introductory and descriptive text.
36912: TARBUCK Edward Lance (ed) - The Encyclopaedia of Practical Carpentry and Joinery comprising......a complete system of lines for the Carpenter, Joiner & Staircasebuilder....illustration of the most remarkable executed works.
36958: TARBUCK Edward Lance (ed) - The Encyclopaedia of Practical Carpentry and Joinery comprising......a complete system of lines for the Carpenter, Joiner & Staircasebuilder....illustration of the most remarkable executed works.
21172: TASCH Dieter - Zeuge einer stürmischen Zeit
29454: TATARKIEWICZ Wladyslaw - Dominik Merlini
35934: TAYLOR Derek & BUSH David - The Golden Age of British Hotels
36231: TAYLOR William Frederick - The Charterhouse of London: Monastery, Palace, and Thomas Sutton's Foundation
33497: TAYLOR Jeremy - The Architect and the Pavilion Hospital: Dialogue and Design Creativity in England 1850-1914
37046: TAYLOR Tom - Leicester Square: Its Associations and Its Worthies
35595: TAYLOR H Ralph - An Urban Renewal Program for Chile Report prepared for the US International Cooperation Administration - USOM / Chile and for the Ministry of Public Works of Chile Planning Division
36823: TAYLOR Brian Brace - La Cité de Refuge di Le Corbusier 1929/33
31779: TAYLOR Nicholas - The Village in the City
36822: TAYLOR Brian Brace - Le Corbusier: The City of Refuge, Paris 1929/33
36176: TAYLOR Jeremy - The Architectural Medal: England in the Nineteenth Century
28387: TAYLOR William T - Practical Water-Power Engineering. A treatment of technical and commercial factors; with special reference to field work involving study of stream flow, pondage capacity, developed waterways, power tranmission lines etc, etc
10574: TAYLOR Francis Henry - Pierpont Morgan as collector and patron, 1837-1913
35660: TCPA - Inner Cities of Tomorrow: Policy Statement by the Town and Country Planning Association
38357: TCPA - London Under Stress A study of the planning policies proposed for London and its region
38368: TCPA - Region in Crisis An independent view of the Greater London Development Plan
35732: TCPA - Town and Country Planning Policy: A Statement on the Town and Country Planning Bill (1944) and White Paper on the Control of Land Use by the Executive Committee (Reconstruction Leaflet No 7)
33701: TCPA/ TPI Summer School. PEPLER Richard - Town and Country Planning Summer School 1933-1983. A history of the Summer School during its first fifty years.
18669: TEIRLINCK Herman - Henry van de Velde
23742: TEITZE Hans - Otto Wagner
34283: TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY - TVA: Dividends to the Nation
38940: TERSONS - Tersons Prefabricated Multistory Structures
38230: TETLOW John & GOSS John - Homes, Towns and Traffic
34713: THE THIRTIES SOCIETY (various editors) - The Thirties Society Journal: Complete Run (Issues 1 to 7)
32822: THOMAS D M - The Shaft
36521: THOMAS W Norman - Surveying
32649: THOMAS D M - Lilith-prints
37417: THOMAS J P - Handling London's Underground Traffic.
36529: THOMAS Geoffrey (for the SOCIAL SURVEY) - Population and Housing in England and Wales, Mid 1945: Some figures derived from an inquiry carried out in May, June, July, 1945 (New Series 60)
27769: THOMAS Percy - Pupil to President (Memoirs of an Architect).
38733: THOMPSON Benjamin (COUNT RUMFORD) - An essay on chimney fire-places : with proposals for improving them, to save fuel ... Illustrated with engravings
35062: THOMPSON M W - Ruins: Their Preservation and Display.
33759: THOMPSON F Longstreth - Merseyside Plan 1944
34141: THOMPSON A Hamilton - The Abbey of St. Mary of the Meadows, Leicester
36719: THOMPSON A H - The Historical Growth of the English Parish Church
33303: THOMPSON F M L (ed) - The Rise of Suburbia
33756: THOMPSON W Harding - Somerset Regional Report: A Survey and Plan Prepared for the Somerset County Council
15412: THOMSEN Christian W - Visionary Architecture From Babylon to Virtual Reality
15661: THOMSEN Christian W - Sensuous Architecture: The Art of Erotic Building
37415: THOMSON J. Michael - Motorways in London: Report of a Working Party led by...
38631: THOMSON David - Renaissance Paris. Architecture and Growth 1475-1600
34065: THORNTON Peter and DOREY Helen (text) and WOLDBYE Ole (photos) - A Miscellany of Objects from Sir John Soane's Museum. Consisting of Paintings, Architectural Drawings and other Curiosities from the Collection of Sir John Soane.
34297: THORNTON Peter - Authentic Decor: The Domestic Interior 1620-1920
34495: THOROLD Henry (with photographs by Peter BURTON and Harland WALSHAW) - The Ruined Abbeys of England, Wales and Scotland
35087: THURSTON Albert Peter (ed) - Molesworth's Handbook of Engineering Formulae and Data, 34th Edition
31410: THURSTON Bryan - Module 1 Grid Proportion Spatial Aspects construction..... WITH Module 2 Exciting Architecture Alignment Proportion (Golden Section).....
27146: TIETZE Hans (ed) - Alt-Wien in Wort und Bild. Vom ausgang des Mittelalters bis zum ende des XVIII Jahrhundert
27329: TIETZE-CONRAT Erica - Georg Ehrlich
30279: TIHANY Adam D, with McCARTHY Nina - Tihany Design.
20959: TILBURG Carolien van - Curiosity. 30 Designs for Products and Interiors.
38758: TILLEY LAMP COMPANY - Six Lamp and Similar Leaflets
35109: TILLEY Michael F - Housing the Country Worker
38734: TILLEY LAMP COMPANY - Tilley for Outdoor Living
33498: TILLOTSON G. H. R. (ed) - Paradigms of Indian Architecture: Space and Time in Representation and Design.
35341: TIMBER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION - Prefabricated Timber Houses
38698: TIMBER DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION - Prefabricated Timber Houses
34143: TIMMIS SMITH P - The Glory of the Saxon Crosses at Sandbach Cheshire. The sepulchral monument of King Egbert with its picture language explained
26681: TIMMS Duncan - The Urban Mosaic. Towards a Theory of Residential Differentiation
36509: TITMUSS Richard - Birth, Poverty and Wealth: A Study of Infant Mortality
26897: TOCA Antonio and FIGUEROA Anibal - México: nueva arquitectura.
26955: TOLEDO AND LUCAS COUNTY PLAN COMMISSIONS - What About Our Future? A preview of planning for Toledo and Lucas County adopted by the Toledo and Lucas County Plan Commissions
37212: TOMBS RC - The General Post Office, St. Martin's-le-Grand: Visitor's Handbook.
36979: TOMLINSON Charles - Cyclopedia of Useful Arts, Mechanical and Chemical, Manufactures, Mining and Engineering (Volume 1, Division 4)
36978: TOMLINSON Charles - Cyclopedia of Useful Arts, Mechanical and Chemical, Manufactures, Mining and Engineering (Volume 1, Division 1)
38473: TOPPING BROTHERS, NEW YORK - Heavy Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Contractors' and Railroad Supplies (No. 8)
35345: TORONTO INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION - Toronto and the Toronto Area
37536: TOTHILL PRESS (pub) - Building: The Monthly Journal for Architects, Builders and Specialists (Volume XII) With which is incorporated the British Builder.
34261: TOWN PLANNING INSTITUTE - Report on Planning in the London Region
38272: TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ASSOCIATION - The Intelligent Voter's Guide to Town and Country Planning
36543: TOWN PLANNING INSTITUTE, NORTHERN BRANCH - The Quality of the Environment
32259: TOWN PLANNING COMMITTEE - Report on the Metropolitan Area of Adelaide 1962.
35671: TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ASSOCIATION - The Intelligent Voter's Guide to Town and Country Planning
36396: TOWN PLANNING INSTITUTE - Town and Country Planning Act 1947: Amendment of Financial Provisions: Memorandum by the Council of the Institute on the White Paper (Cmd. 8699)
35735: TOWN & COUNTRY PLANNING ASSOCIATION - Town and Country Planning (Vol XIV, No 53, Spring 1946): New Towns - Better Cities
34206: TOWN PLANNING INSTITUTE - Report of the National Survey and National Planning Committee
38361: TOWN PLANNING INSTITUTE - Planning in Scotland 1971 Town Planning Institute Conference Handbook Edinburgh May 1971
38362: TOWN PLANNING INSTITUTE - Planning in Scotland 1971 Town Planning Institute Conference Handbook Edinburgh May 1965
35680: TOWN PLANNING REVIEW - Issue 46:4 - A Special Issue to Commemorate European Architectural Heritage Year 1975
35799: TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ASSOCIATION - Planning a New Britain - how you can help
35474: TOWN PLANNING INSTITUTE - Report on Planning in the London Region
36129: TOWNDROW Kenneth Romney - The Works of Alfred Stevens at the Tate Gallery
36092: TOWNDROW Kenneth Romney - Alfred Stevens: Architectural Sculptor, Painter and Designer: A Biography with New Material
38744: TOWNSON & COXSON - Electrical Fitting Manufacturers: Catalogue Edition 15
21594: TRACY Charles & HARRISON Hugh - The Choir-Stalls of Amiens Cathedral.
32711: TREECE Henry - Hunter Hunted
32713: TREECE Henry - The Exiles
38215: TREMLETT George - Living Cities
38860: TRIGGS H Inigo - Town Planning: Past, Present and Possible.
36700: TROOSTWYK David - Private Act
36701: TROOSTWYK David - Imitation
35013: TROUT Joseph - Progressive Grocer's Display and Merchandising Idea Book: A Calendar of Profitable Tips for Seasonal Promotions and Holiday Selling
35681: TROUTMAN Philip - Francisco Goya: Paintings, Drawings and Prints
36031: TRUEB Aug. - Räume und Menschen. Mit Einführenden Gedanken von Hanns H Josten.
38287: TRUSTEES OF THE CENTRAL MANUFACTURING DISTRICT OF CHICAGO - Central Manufacturing District Magazine (5 issues, June-Oct 1955 - special issues with the history of the CMD from 1905 to 1955 in five separate articles)
36242: TUCHMAN Maurice, BARRON Stephanie - David Hockney: A Retrospetive
35987: TUNNARD Christopher - A World With a View. An Inquiry into the Nature of Scenic Values
35451: TUNNARD Christopher - The City of Man
35512: TUNNARD Christopher & PUSHKAREV Boris - Man-Made America; Chaos or Control? An Inquiry into Selected Problems of Design in the Urbanised Landscape
31981: TUNNARD Christopher - The City of Man
36237: TURNER Judith (introduction by John HEJDUK) - Photographs Five Architects
36723: TURNER Hamilton H - Architectural Practice and Procedure
36919: TURNER T Hudson, completed by JH PARKER - Some Account of Domestic Architecture in England (3 volumes in 4 parts): From the Conquest to the End of the Thirteenth Century (vol I); From Edward I to Richard II (vol II); From Richard II to Henry VIII (vol III) With Numerous Illustrations of Existing Remains from Original Drawings
35267: TURNER Mark (fwd) - Little Palaces. The Suburban House in North London, 1919-1939.
37287: TURNER Merfyn (for the London Council of Social Service at the request of the Gulbenkian Foundation) - Forgotten Men
31989: TURNER Janet - Designing With Light. Public Spaces. Lighting solutions for exhibitions, museums and historic places.
37366: TUTTON Michael - Paddington Station 1833-1854
37040: TWEEDIE Mrs Alec. - Hyde Park: Its History and Romance
19496: TWOMBLY Robert and MENOCAL Narciso G - Louis Sullivan. The Poetry of Architecture
33500: TWOMBLY Robert and MENOCAL Narciso G - Louis Sullivan. The Poetry of Architecture
38542: TWYFORDS LTD, SANITORY POTTERS - Twyfords Latest Designs
34841: TYERMAN Donald (ed) - Ways and Means of Rebuilding, being the Report of the London Conference of the Town & Country Planning Assoc. 1943.
36935: TYMMS W. R. & WYATT M.D. - The Art of Illuminating As Practised in Europe from the Earliest Times
36083: TYRWHITT Jaqueline (ed) - Patrick Geddes in India.
34466: TZONIS Alexander (guest editor) - Drawings from the Le Corbusier Archive: Villas, Public Buildings, Ronchamp. Architectural Design Vol 55 No 7-8
29009: "UBIQUE" - Modern Warfare or How Our Soldiers Fight
27304: UHL Ottakar - Moderne Architecktur in Wien von Otto Wagner bis heute.
33783: UMBDENSTOCK, Gustave - Recueil de Compositions Architecturales par G. Umbdenstock
33722: UML Ltd (publ) - Port Sunlight Village
15396: UNESCO - Planning Buildings and Facilities for Higher Education
36477: UNITED NATIONS - World Population Trends 1920-1947
35287: UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL, Dept of Social Science - Social Aspects of a Town Development Plan: A Study of the County Borough of Dudley
38983: UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL - Prospectus of the Liverpool School of Architecture, Together with An Appendix Descriptive of the Department of Civic Design - Session 1930-31
38979: UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL - Prospectus of the Liverpool School of Architecture, Together with An Appendix Descriptive of the Department of Civic Design - Session 1926-27
38980: UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL - Prospectus of the Liverpool School of Architecture, Together with An Appendix Descriptive of the Department of Civic Design - Session 1927-28
38981: UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL - Prospectus of the Liverpool School of Architecture, Together with An Appendix Descriptive of the Department of Civic Design - Session 1928-29
38982: UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL - Prospectus of the Liverpool School of Architecture, Together with An Appendix Descriptive of the Department of Civic Design - Session 1929-30
38984: UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL - Prospectus of the Liverpool School of Architecture, Together with An Appendix Descriptive of the Department of Civic Design - Session 1931-32
38985: UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL - Prospectus of the Liverpool School of Architecture, Together with An Appendix Descriptive of the Department of Civic Design - Session 1932-33
38986: UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL - Prospectus of the Liverpool School of Architecture, Together with An Appendix Descriptive of the Department of Civic Design - Session 1923-24
35585: UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL, Dept of Social Science - Social Aspects of a Town Development Plan: A Study of the County Borough of Dudley
35027: UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY - Making Better Civic Places: Urban Design at the University of Calgary
28267: UNRAU John - Ruskin and St. Marks
36718: UNWIN Francis Sydney (author), DEARMER Percy (series editor) - The Chancel and the Altar (The Arts of the Church, no. 11)
35941: UNWIN Raymond - Town Planning in Practice. An Introduction to the Art of Designing Cities and Suburbs
30427: UNWIN Raymond - Grundlagen des Städtebaues: Eine Anleitung zum Entwerfen Städtebaulicher Anlagen.
36457: URBAN MOTORWAYS COMMITTEE - New Roads in Towns: Report of the... the Secretary of State for the Environment
36019: URBANSKI Stanislaw - Kontakt od kontemplacji do agitacji: Contact from contemplation to agitiation. Exhibition at Palace of Art Krakow Szezepanski sq. 4 June-August 1980
34639: USGSA - Sandra Day O'Connor United States Courthouse, Phoenix, Arizona
34637: USGSA - John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse and Harborpark, Boston, Massachusetts
34638: USGSA - A Model of Excellence: The New Federal Building, San Francisco, California
38792: VACUUM LIGHT & POWER, LTD. - The Vacuum Power Oil Lamp
34291: VALE Brenda and Robert - Green Architecture: Design for a sustainable future
4218: VALENTINE & SONS LTD (publ) - London Festival of Britain Souvenir (Title page has, "Memories of London. A Picture Souvenir of the World's Greatest City")
37315: VANDERKISTE RW - Notes and Narratives of A Six Years' Mission, Principally Among The Dens of London
34473: VANNELLI Valter - Economia dell'architettura in Roma liberale in centro urbano
33528: VARIOUS. - PARU: L'actualité littéraire (Juillet 1945, no 9)
36949: VELTER André & LAMOTHE Marie-José - Le Livre d'Outil
5184: VEREENIGING VAN NEDERLANDSCHE GEMEENTEN EN NEDERLANDSCH INSTITUUT VOOR VOLKSHUISVESTING EN STEDEBOUW - Netherlands. Rapport Over De Wettelijke Regeling Van Het Gewestelijk Plan: Uitgebracht door een commissie denoemd door de ...
34113: VEREY David - Herefordshire a Shell Guide
8740: VERGO Peter (ed) - The New Museology
34364: VERHEYEN Egon - The Paintings in the Studiolo of Isabella d'Este at Mantua
35771: VERLDHUIJZEN VAN ZANTEN Victor and MEES Tjarda - Van Gogh Museum: Scale Model 1:250
35564: VERNEY John - Verney Abroad
25143: VERNIERS Louis - Bruxelles. Esquisse Historique.
19945: VERNON Anne - A Quaker Business Man. The Life of Joseph Rowntree 1836-1925
34339: VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM - Early Christian and Byzantine Art
24909: VIERA SOUTO, Prof L R (Commissare général) - Pavillon du Bresil
36954: VINCENT John - Country Cottages : A Series of Designs for an Inproved Class of Dwellings for Agricultural Labourers
36896: VIOLLET-LE-DUC Eugène - Dictionnaire Raisonné de l'Architecture Française du XIe au XVI Siècle [10 uniform volumes, complete].
38599: VIOLLET-LE-DUC Eugene (translated by Benjamin Bucknall) - The Habitations of Man In All Ages
38639: VIOLLET-LE-DUC - Dictionnaire Raisonné du Mobilier Français: de l'époque Carlovingienne à la Renaissance
38582: VIOLLET-LE-DUC Eugène - Dictionnaire Raisonné de l'Architecture Française du XIe au XVI Siècle [ten volumes]
38648: VIOLLET-LE-DUC Eugène - Entretiens sur l'Architecture: Atlas
21939: VIRTUE & CO - Paris Exhibition Catalogue 1867 published with 'The Art Journal' 1867-1867. [2 uniform vols].
36271: VLACK Don - Art Deco Architecture in New York: 1920-1940
34047: VOGT-GOKNIL Ulya - Les Mosquees Turques.
35179: VU - L'Amérique Lutte...
35786: WADHAM Professor SM - Reconstruction and The Primary Industries (Realities of Reconstruction No. 7)
33502: WAGNER Otto - Modern Architecture. A Guidebook for his students to this Field of Art
38457: WAILES Rex - The English Windmill With drawings by Vincent Lines
1863: WALCOTT Mackenzie E C - Church and Conventual Arrangements: with copious references, a complete glossary, and an index....
34563: WALES Rod (text) - Jon Shaw. Designer and Maker of Fine Furniture
3484: WALKER Alan - Coaltown. A Social Survey of Cessnock, N.S.W.
33897: WALKER T - Foundry Sands with Special Reference to Steel Foundry Practice
34280: WALL PAPER MANUFACTURERS LTD - Specifications for Wallpaper
34281: WALL PAPER MANUFACTURERS LTD - A Service for Architects. A description of the services and products available to the architect, interior designer and decorator.
36638: WALL J Charles - Porches and Fonts
8742: WALLACH Alan - Exhibiting Contradiction: Essays on the Art Museum in the United States
20422: WALLER P. J. - Town, City and Nation. England 1850-1914.
33264: WALLICK Ekin - The Small House for a Moderate Income
33565: WALPAMUR COMPANY LIMITED (pub) - Decorative Schemes No. 4: Offices & Factories
36246: WALTERS Thomas - Art Deco
35186: WALTHAM & CO, Artists in Metal - Church Screens and Rails (and other sheets)
39063: WARD Edmund, SHIELDS Jane, BAXTER Jennifer (eds) - Systems for Housing and Schools
36837: WARING John Burley (Selected and Described by), - Masterpieces of Industrial Art and Sculpture at the International Exhibition, 1862 (Volumes I, II and III). Chromolithographed by and under the direction of W. R. Tymms, A. Warren, and G. MacCulloch from photographs supplied by the London Photographic and Stereoscopic Company, taken exclusively for this work by Stephen Thompson
38577: WARING John Burley (Selected and Described by), - Masterpieces of Industrial Art and Sculpture at the International Exhibition, 1862 (Volume III only). Chromolithographed by and under the direction of W. R. Tymms, A. Warren, and G. MacCulloch from photographs supplied by the London Photographic and Stereoscopic Company, taken exclusively for this work by Stephen Thompson
34378: WARRELL Ian - Turner on the Loire
37368: WARREN Samuel - The Lily and the Bee. An Apologue of the Crystal Palace
37003: WARREN Geoffrey - Vanishing Street Furniture
37264: WARREN Mrs. - How I Managed My House on Two Hundred Pounds a Year; A House and Its Furnishings - How to Choose a House and Furnish it at a Small Expense; Comfort for Small Incomes; How I Managed My Children From Infancy to Marriage [Four separate publications bound as one volume]
38618: WARTON Rev T, BENTHAM Rev J, GROSE Captain and MILNER Rev J - Essays on Gothic Architecture. Illustrated with twelve plates of ornaments etc, selected from Ancient Buildings; calculated to exhibit the various Styles of different Periods. (bound with) MILLERS George: A Description of the Cathedral Church of Ely with some account of the Conventual Buildings
35487: WATERHOUSE Paul, BLOMFIELD Sir Reginald et al - Sir Christopher Wren 1632-1723. With Contributions by... Stanley C Ramsey, Frederick R Hiorns, Walter H Godfrey, Patrick Abercrombie et al.
35515: WATERHOUSE Paul, BLOMFIELD Sir Reginald et al - Sir Christopher Wren 1632-1723. With Contributions by... Stanley C Ramsey, Frederick R Hiorns, Walter H Godfrey, Patrick Abercrombie et al.
38627: WATKIN David - Athenian Stuart. Pioneer of the Greek Revival.
38623: WATKIN David - Thomas Hope 1769-1831 and the Neo-Classical Idea.
38745: WATSON & SONS (Electro-Medical) LTD - Artificial Sunlight Apparatus (Bulletin No. 94)
10587: WATSON Thomas Lennox - The Double Choir of Glasgow Cathedral
33105: WATSON F R - Acoustics of Buildings including Acoustics of Auditoriums and Soundproofing of Rooms.
35230: WATSON Alan - Price's Village: A Study of a Victorian Industrial and Social Experiment
38460: WATT Francis (ed) - Pictorial Records of Remarkable Events in the History of the World: Being a Narrative of the Most Illustrious Deeds in the Annals of Our Race; the Whole Forming a Valuable, Instructive, and Interesting Historical Compendium
38742: J & WB SMITH, LONDON - Catalogue: Gas Fittings, Arc Lamps, Globes and Accessories
38743: J & WB SMITH, LONDON - Gas Fittings, Globes and Accessories: Supplement to General Catalogue 1908-9
35185: WEAVER Lawrence - The Scottish National War Memorial: A Record and Appreciation by...
29800: WEAVER Sir Lawrence - High Wycombe Furniture
29798: WEAVER Lawrence - Gas Fires and their Settings
33506: WEAVER Lawrence Trevelyan - Lawrence Weaver 1876-1930: an annotated bibliography
35184: WEAVER Lawrence - The Scottish National War Memorial: A Record and Appreciation by...
35529: WEAVER Lawrence (ed) - Small Country Houses. Their Repair and Enlargement. Forty Examples chosen from Five Centuries.
36073: WEAVER Sir Lawrence - Cottages: Their Planning, Design and Materials
35004: WEBB Jon (ed), WEBB Louise (Assoc Ed) - The Outsider, Vol. 1, No. 3 (Spring, 1963)
35005: WEBB Jon (ed), WEBB Louise (Assoc Ed) - The Outsider, Vol. 1, No. 2 (Summer, 1962)
37285: WEBB Sir Aston (ed) - London of the Future. By The London Society.
37148: WEBB Sidney and Beatrice - The History of Liquor Licensing in England Principally from 1700 to 1830 (English Local Government Volume 11).
37346: WEBB Sidney - The London Programme
35006: WEBB Jon (ed), WEBB Louise (Assoc Ed) - The Outsider, Vol. 2, No. 4/5 (Winter 1968/69)
38324: WEBBER Richard and CRAIG John, OFFICE OF POPULATION CENSUSES AND SURVEYS - Socio-Economic Classification of Local Authority Areas
37036: WEBSTER AD - London Trees. Being an account of the trees that succeed in London, with descriptive account of each species and notes on their comparative value and cultivation. With guide to where the finest London trees may be seen.
32995: WEBSTER Christopher - R. D. Chantrell (1793-1872) and the architecture of a lost generation.
32161: WEIDAUER Walter - Inferno Dresden. Uber Lügen und Legenden um die Aktion "Donnerschlag".
34584: WEIL Daniel - Light Box
36280: WEINREB Matthew and BIDDULPH Fiona - Metropolitan: A Portrait of Paris
31239: WELCH Charles, BARRY J Wolfe and BENHAM Rev Canon - History of The Tower Bridge and of other bridges over the Thames built by the Corporation of London. Including an account of the Bridge House Trust from the Twelfth Century, based on the Records of the Bridge House Estates Committee.
37165: WELCH Charles, BARRY J Wolfe and BENHAM Rev Canon - History of The Tower Bridge and of other bridges over the Thames built by the Corporation of London. Including an account of the Bridge House Trust from the Twelfth Century, based on the Records of the Bridge House Estates Committee.
36064: WELLS Percy A and HOOPER John - Modern Cabinet Work: Furniture and Fitments An Account of the Theory and Practice in the Production of all kinds of Cabinetwork and Furniture with Chapters on the Growth and Progress of Design and Construction Illustrated by over 1000 Practical Workshop Drawings Photographs and Original Designs
38726: WELLS-COLE Anthony - Historic Paper Hangings: from Temple Newsam and other English Houses
34566: WEMBER Paul - Die Jugende der Plakate 1887-1917.
34100: WENGRAF Paul (ed) - English and French Romantic Painting. Apropos number 4.
33991: WERNER Frank (foreword) - Coop Himmelblau. Die Faszination der Stadt/The Power of the City.
33748: WEST MIDLANDS GROUP ON POST-WAR RECONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING - English County: A Planning Survey of Herefordshire
35461: WEST MIDLANDS GROUP ON POST-WAR RECONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING - English County: A Planning Survey of Herefordshire
38376: WEST MIDLANDS ECONOMIC PLANNIG COUNCIL - The West Midlands: Patterns of Growth: a first report by the...
36156: WEST Anthony - John Piper
29690: WEST Anthony, VEREY David (revised by) - Gloucestershire a Shell Guide
35407: WEST MIDLANDS GROUP ON POST-WAR RECONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING - English County: A Planning Survey of Herefordshire
34850: WEST MIDLANDS GROUP ON POST-WAR RECONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING - English County: A Planning Survey of Herefordshire
36005: WEST MIDLANDS GROUP ON POST-WAR RECONSTRUCTION AND PLANNING - Land Classification in the West Midland Region
30014: WESTPHAL Regelindas (Hrg) - Die Frau im Politischen Plakat.
34055: WESTWOOD Bryan and Norman - Smaller Retail Shops
34824: WESTWOOD Bryan & Norman - The Modern Shop
33572: WHEATLEY Dennis - 1749-1949. The Seven Ages of Justerinis
36181: WHEELER Richard - Oxfordshire's Best Churches
34969: WHIFFEN Marcus - Stuart and Georgian Churches. The Architecture of the Church of England outside London 1608-1837
33505: WHITAKER Craig - Architecture and the American Dream.
26534: WHITE Joseph H - Houses for Mining Towns
32644: WHITE Kenneth - The Cold Wind of Dawn
36693: WHITE Arthur - Palaces of the People. A Social History of Commercial Hospitality
26362: WHITE L. E. - New Towns: Their Challenge and Opportunity.
35250: WHITE L E - Small Towns. Their Social and Community Problems
39007: WHITE Gleeson (ed) - Practical Designing: A Handbook on the Preparation of Working Drawings
35194: WHITEHEAD Russell F - Good Houses: Typical Historic Architectural Styles For Modern Wood-Built Homes
10145: WHITESON Leon - The Watts Towers of Los Angeles
33679: WHITTICK Arnold - F.J.O. - Practical Idealist. A biography of Sir Frederic J Osborn
36633: WHITTICK Arnold - Eric Mendelsohn
38207: WHITTICK Arnold - F.J.O. - Practical Idealist. A biography of Sir Frederic J Osborn
36650: WHITWORTH ART GALLERY - The Order of the Day: 1744 Thomas Harrison 1829 and Architecture of the Greek Revival.
28857: WICHMANN Hans (ed) - Polnische Plakate der Nachkriegszeit. Eine Auswahl aus den verborgenen Depots.
25640: WIESENMAYER Ingrid - Erich Buchholz 1891-1972. Architecturentwürfe, Innenraumgestaltung und Typographie eines Universalkünstlers der frühen zwanziger Jahre.
33815: WILCOX Robert - Metropolitan Los Angeles: A Study in Integration (vol IV: Law Enforcement)
33816: WILCOX Robert - Metropolitan Los Angeles: A Study in Integration (vol VII: Law Enforcement)
34052: WILHIDE Elizabeth - The Millennium Dome.
35593: WILKINSON HR - Geography of Merseyside
30967: WILLIAM DIBBEN & SONS, LTD - William Dibben & Sons Ltd Builders' Merchants and Ironmongers Southampton. Catalogue No. 36
34915: WILLIAMS Jennifer (Prefaces), BIRCH Roger (Photos) - The Artist in the Changing City
35956: WILLIAMS-ELLIS Clough & Amabel - The Pleasures of Architecture
34864: WILLIAMS Gwyndaf - The Enterprising City Centre: Manchester's Development Challenge
34050: WILLIAMS Stephanie - Hongkong Bank: The building of Norman Foster's masterpiece
6196: WILMERDING John - A History of American Marine Painting
34229: WILSON Hugh and WOMERSLEY Lewis in association with Drivers Jonas and Jamieson and Mackay - Inner Areas Study: Liverpool. Project Report
34240: WILSON Hugh and WOMERSLEY Lewis in association with Drivers Jonas and Jamieson and Mackay - Inner Areas Study: Liverpool. Area Resource Analysis: Methodology and Tables (2 vols)
34287: WILSON Hugh and WOMERSLEY Lewis in association with Drivers Jonas and Jamieson and Mackay - Inner Areas Study: Liverpool. Progress Report (Report to the Steering Committee)
8725: WILTON Brian - A Cornucopia of Fascination and Delight celebrating One Hundred and Twenty Five Years of Crieff Hydro Hotel
33836: WINDMILLS - Seven Pamphlets on Windmills North Leverton Windmill: History and Guide, 1970; Stansted Windmill: a pictorial guide, 1966; Saxted Green Mill, by Rex Wailes (incl. 3 post cards), 1960; Nutley Windmill Restoration, Phase One, 1979 (vg photos and diagrams); Stevington Mill by A F Cirket, 1966 (good photos etc); Ballycopeland Windmill, County Down, 1962 (incl nice fold-out diagram); Danske Mollers Venner, Regnskab 1972/3 (on Danish windmills).
36820: WINDSOR Alan - Peter Behrens. Architect and Designer 1868-1940
34585: WINES James - Museum of Modern Art Frankfurt. Drawings by James Wines for the unpremiated competition submission by SITE
28153: WINKLER Oszkar - Alvar Aalto
27972: WINTHER Fritz - Kroppsutbildningen Som Konst Och Plikt
35033: WISSENBACH Vicente, TSUKUMO Vivaldo - Cadernos Brasileiros De Arquitetura 5: Paisagismo
35034: WISSENBACH Vicente, TSUKUMO Vivaldo - Cadernos Brasileiros De Arquitetura 11: Paisagismo II
38596: WITTKOWER Rudolf - Palladio and English Palladianism
38749: Wm. A MEYER LTD - Quality Hardware and Tools: Catalogue No. 400
38475: WN FROY & SONS Ltd. - General Catalogue No. 53 (Bathrooms, Fittings, Kitchen Equipment, Plumbing Materials etc)
33289: WOHL Robert - A Passion For Wings. Aviation and the Western Imagination 1908-1918.
31528: WOHL Robert - A Passion For Wings. Aviation and the Western Imagination 1908-1918.
18971: WOHL Martin & MARTIN Brian V - Traffic System Analysis for Engineers and Planners.
30196: WOJTOWICZ Jerzy and FAWCETT William - Architecture: Formal Approach
35609: DE WOLFE Ivor (ed) - The Italian Townscape: A Special Issue of the Architectural Review
31184: WOLFE Lawrence - The Reilly Plan - A New Way of Life
2701: WOOD Edith Elmer - Introduction to Housing Facts and Principles.
35596: WOOD Jack - Town Planning in India: Status and Education
33261: WOOD Margaret - The English Mediaeval House
38573: WOOD H Trueman (preface), WESTGARTH William (introductory remarks) - Essays on the Street Re-Alignment, Reconstruction, and Sanitation of Central London and on the Re-Housing of the Poorer Classes. To which prizes offered by William Westgarth were awarded by the Society of Arts, 1885.
38875: WOOD AA (City Planning Officer) - Norwich City Walls
38725: WOODS Christine (ed) - Sanderson 1860-1985.
38669: WOODWARD Frank - Oxfordshire Parks
31852: WOODWARD Charles (ed) - Digest of War-Time Legislation of Interest to Architects
37034: WOODWARD Marcus - Near Londond
37145: WOOLLARD Dorothy & BOXER PN - Riverside London: A Sketch-Book
38935: WORSKETT Roy - The Character of Towns: An Approach to Conservation.
10739: WREDE Stuart - Mario Botta
35935: WRIGHT Lawrence - Home Fires Burning: the history of domestic heating and cooking
26552: WRIGHT Frank Lloyd - The Future of Architecture
35603: WRIGHT Myles and BRENIKOV Paul - Ellesmere Port: A Report Concerning Future Extensions of the Town Centre and Related Problems
19958: WRIGHT Frank Lloyd - A Testament
3997: WRIGHT Councillor R - The Housing Problem of the Small Authority. A paper presented at the 4th Annual General Meeting and Conference of the Institution.
34276: WRIGHT Lawrence - Clean and Decent: The History of the British Bathroom and WC. Together with sundry illustrations of the habits, fashions and accessories of the toilet. A Descriptive Souvenir of the Exhibit at the Building Exhibition, Olympia, November 13-27, 1957.
35570: WRIGHT Olgivanna Lloyd - The Work of Frank Lloyd Wright: The Great Wendingen Edition
35572: WRIGHT H Myles (ed) - The Planner's Notebook: A compendium of information on town and country planning and related subjects
37258: WRIGHT Frank - The Great Unwashed, by the Journeyman Engineer
24279: WRIGHT Lance and BROWNE Kenneth - A Future for Dublin.
36455: WRIGHT H Myles (ed) - The Planner's Notebook: A compendium of information on town and country planning and related subjects
33911: WRIGHT CLARKE J - Hydraulic Rams, Their Principles and Construction A Handbook for Practical Men
35588: WRIGHT Myles - The Dublin Region: Advisory Regional Plan and Final Report (Parts One and Two)
39024: WRIGHT H Myles and GARDINER-MEDWIN R - The Design of Nursery and Elementary Schools.
35592: WRIGHT Myles - The Dublin Region: Preliminary Report
39030: WRIGHT H Myles (ed) - Small Houses £500-£2,500.
33680: WRIGLEY Neil (ed) - Store choice, store location and market analysis
37044: WROTH Warwick - The London Pleasure Gardens of the Eighteenth Century
30839: XARAIT (pub) - Antonio Fernandez Alba Arquitecto 1957-1980
24614: YARWOOD Doreen - Robert Adam
24917: D'YDEWALLE Charles (preface) - Belgique Joyeuse. Album Souvenir
37173: YEE Albert (foreword by Lord Holford) - London Bridge: Progress Drawings 1968-1973
25532: YELTON Michael & SALMON John - Anglican Church-Building in London 1915-1945.
35216: YERBURY F R (ed) - Modern Homes Illustrated
36827: YOCKNEY Alfred - The Art of E Blair Leighton (The Art Annual, Christmas 1913)
34577: YORKE Malcolm - The Spirit of Place. Nine Neo-Romantic artists and their times
35299: YORKE F R S and WHITING Penelope - The New Small House
38936: YORKE F R S & GIBBERD Frederick - The Modern Flat
34611: YOUDS Bryn - Susie Cooper: An Elegant Affair
38177: YOUNG Ken and KRAMER John - Strategy and Conflict in Metropolitan Housing: Suburbia versus the Greater London Council, 1965-75
38516: YOUNG, OSMOND & YOUNG LTD - Heating & Ventilating by Electricity
37317: YOUNG Ken and KRAMER John - Strategy and Conflict in Metropolitan Housing: Suburbia versus the Greater London Council, 1965-75
38214: YOUNG Ken and MILLS Liz - Managing the Post-Industrial City
31664: YOUNG OSMOND & YOUNG - Heating & Ventilating by Electricity.
36667: YOUNG Andrew McLaren (Catalogue) - Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868-1928). Architecture, Design and Painting
22281: YOUNG Tony and CRESSWELL Roy (eds) - The Urban Transport Future. A contribution to the Council of Europe's European Campaign for Urban Renaissance.
36934: YOUNG Francis Chilton - Every Man His Own Mechanic. a Complete and Comprehensive Guide to Every Description of Constructive and Decorative Work That May be Done By the Amateur Artisian at Home and in the Colonies. In Three Parts
23906: YPMA Herbert - London Minimum
25519: ZAPATKA Christian (text) MISS Mary (photos) - Mary Miss Costruire luoghi.
38880: ZARDINI Mirko - Santiago Calatrava. Secret Sketchbook
34454: ZARDINI Mirko (text), FUTAGAWA Yukio (photos) - Mario Botta: GA Architect 3
27514: ZDRAZIL Hedwig - Biedermeier rund um Wien.
35542: ZEDNICEK Walter (photographer) - Otto Wagner. Zeichnungen und Pläne
33697: ZEUCHNER Gerd - Stadtgestaltung. Herausgegeben vom Institut für Städtebau und Architektur der Bauakademie der DDR
30813: ZEVI Bruno - Erich Mendelsohn. Opera Completa, Architetture e Immagini Architettoniche. Con note biografiche di Louise Mendelsohn.
9414: ZEVI Bruno - Sert's Architecture in the Miró Foundation
33583: ZIETZSCHMANN Ernst und DAVID Gertrud - Wie wohnen? Homes and Housing/Mon Habitation
34059: ZOELLY Pierr (text) and SCHUTZ Christoph (photos) - Anybody Home? Architectural Notes by.....
34877: ZUBE Ervin, BRUSH Robert, FABOS Julius - Landscape Assessment
14614: ZUCKER Paul - Raumdarstellung und Bildarchitekturen im Florentiner Quattrocento
20287: ZUKOWSKY John, with Laney-Lupton, Kennie Anne et al - The Many Faces of Modern Architecture: Building in Germany between the World Wars.
30276: ZUKOWSKY John - Japan 2000. Architecture and Design for the Japanese Public.
33494: ZUKOWSKY John (ed) - Building for Air Travel: Architecture and Design for Commercial Aviation.
34734: ZWIERS L - Kleine Woningen.
25362: ZWIRNER W. G. O (Catalogue) - Scharoun 1893-1972.
34961: ZWIRNER W. G. O (Catalogue) - Scharoun 1893-1972.
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