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10503: Stretton, Hesba - Alone In London.
7077: Stribling, T S - Bright Metal.
2084: Strieber, Whitley - Unholy Fire.
12382: Strong, Roy - A Little History of The English Country Church.
8399: Stuart, James - Within The Fringe An Autobiography.
9855: J Stuart Syme, F Harrison et al - Guide ToThe City of York.
6022: Stuart, Esme - Tangled Threads.
3444: Stuart, Esme - Harum Scarum.
8400: Stuart, James - Within The Fringe An Autobiography.
9302: Stubbs, Jean - Kit's Hill.
9930: Stubbs, John - Donne The Reformed Soul.
6179: Studd, Commander R G - A Fortnight In Switzerland.
11931: Styan, J L - The Dark Comedy The Development of Modern Comic Tragedy Second Edition.
3710: Sullivan, Clare - The Aforesaid Child.
4677: Sullivan, Clare - The Aforesaid Child.
2552: Sullivan, Faith - The Cape Ann.
10112: Sully, Sue - The Daisy Chain.
9705: Summers, Claude J, and Pebworth, Ted Larry (eds) - The Wit of Seventeenth Century Poetry.
6178: Surinach, Juan Marques - Pals A Town Of Archaeology And Tourism.
10541: Surry, N W and Thomas, J H (eds) - Portsmouth Record Series Book of Original Entries 1731 - 1751.
12624: Ordnance Survey - Landranger 1:50000 Map Inverness & Strathglass Sheet No. 26.
12623: Ordnance Survey - Landranger 1:50000 Map Kingussie & Monadhliath Mountains Sheet No. 35.
13439: Sutcliffe, Halliwell - Lonesome Heights.
12804: Sutherland, James (ed) - Early Eighteenth Century Poetry.
2161: Sutton, Jessica - Vital Signs.
7044: Swan, Annie S and Wilmot-Buxton, E M and Chesterton, Alice M - The Girl Who Helped And Other Stories.
12163: Swanton, M J (ed) - The Archaeological Journal for 1972 Volume 129.
11116: Swift, Jonathan - Gulliver's Travels.
12230: Swift, Graham - Shuttlecock.
3557: Swift, Jonathan - Gulliver's Travels To Lilliput And Brobdingnag.
5920: Swinburne, Algernon Charles - Locrine A Tragedy.
5993: Swinburne, Algernon Charles - Poems And Prose.
9693: Swindells, Madge - Song of the Wind.
177: Swindells, Robert - World Eater.
1555: Swindells, Madge - Shadows On The Snow.
2675: Swinglehurst, Edward - Britain Then & Now.
9321: Swinnerton, Frank - Quadrille.
5601: Swinnerton, H H - The Earth Beneath Us.
8309: Swinnerton, H H - The Earth Beneath Us.
13005: Swinton, R B - Chess for Beginners and The Beginnings of Chess.
8279: Swiridoff, Paul - Schwabisch Gmund.
133: Sykes, John - Family in Peru.
5022: Sykes, Norman - Man as Churchman.
757: Sykes, Pamela - The Flying Summer.
13828: Sylva, Ann - Daughter of the Norsemen.
11820: Symons, Julian - The Narrowing Circle.
13555: Symons, Julian - The Players and the Game.
4154: Synge, John M - Collected Plays.
565: Synge, John M - Deirdre of the Sorrows. A Play.
10081: Szynski, Jill A and Kavet, Herb I - Women Over 50 Are Better Because....
12310: Taber, R N - A Feeling for the Quickness of Time.
4530: Taffrail - Chenies.
8591: Talbot, Godfrey - Ten Seconds From Now A Broadcaster's Story.
1705: Talbot, Ethel - Rangers And Strangers And Other Stories.
8175: Talbot, Ethel - Jan at Island School.
8454: Talbot, Godfrey - Speaking From The Desert A Record of The Eighth Army in Africa.
4629: Talbot, Godfrey - Permission To Speak.
12424: Talbot, Dorothy Howard - Hints on Stage Make-Up.
12572: Tangye, Derek - The Evening Gull.
13921: Tangye, Derek - Sun on the Lintel.
12030: Tanner, Lawrence E - Westminster School Its Buildings and Their Associations.
10134: Tanous, Peter - The Earhart Mission.
7307: Tanton, Bruce - Time's Lost Hero.
909: Tarsky, Sue - Open The Door.
4403: Tartt, Harry - The Letters Of Harry Tartt The Light And Bitter Years.
12224: Taylor, Norman - For Services Rendered An Anthology of Thanksgiving for the Book of Common Prayer.
9274: Taylor, Gordon - Place of the Dawn.
6652: Taylor, Walt (ed) - English Sonnets.
9003: Taylor, Richard - How to Read A ChurchA Guide to Images Symbols and Meanings in Churches and Cathedrals.
480: Taylor, John W R - Aircraft Aircraft.
8075: Taylor, Basil - Cezanne.
14351: Taylor, Eric - The House of Commons at Work.
17854: The Joint Association of Classical Teachers - An Independent Study Guide to Reading Greek.
17853: The Joint Association of Classical Teachers - Reading Greek Grammar Vocabulary and Exercises.
6000: Temple- Perkins, E A - Kingdom of The Elephant.
4845: Temple, Philip - The Explorer.
1417: Templeton, Charles - Act Of God.
9266: Templeton-Burger, Karen - All She Wants.
16783: Tennyson, Alfred Lord and Meynell, Alice - Poems By Alfred Lord Tennyson.
4391: Terres, John K - Flashing Wings The Drama Of Bird Flight.
9914: Tettmar, Elizabeth - The Road Back.
11763: Tey, Josephine - The Franchise Affair.
11667: Thacker, Cathy Gillen - Tangled Web.
4176: Thackeray, W - Vanity Fair.
10753: Thackeray, W M - Vanity Fair A Novel Without A Hero.
13855: Thackeray, W M - Christmas Books (The Rose and the Ring and Other Stories).
6453: Thackeray, Wiliam Makepeace - Vanity Fair.
13854: Thackeray, W M - The English Humourists and the Four Georges.
4097: Thackeray, William Makepeace - Roundabout Papers and Little Travels and RoadSide Sketches.
4671: Thackeray, W M - The History Of Henry Esmond.
2723: Thackeray, William - The Newcomes Volume I.
13806: Thackeray, W M - Pendennis Volume One.
2837: Thackeray, W M - Henry Esmond.
6468: Thackeray, W M - The History of Henry Esmond, Esq.
10117: Thapa, Netra B - A Short History of Nepal.
1895: Thayer, W M - From Log Cabin To White House Life Of James A Garfield.
6551: Theas, Most Rev Pierre Marie Bishop of Tarbes and Lourdes - Lourdes Land of Mary.
6438: Theroux, Paul - World's End and Other Stories.
14066: Theroux, Paul - Travelling The World The Illustrated Travels of Paul Theroux.
2642: Theroux, Paul - Picture Palace.
616: Theroux, Paul - The London Embassy.
14429: Thierry, A - Recits Des Temps Merovingiens.
2305: Thirtle, Ernest - Time's Winged Chariot Memories And Comments.
2890: Thomas, D M - Ararat.
14203: Thomas, A H - A Refresher Course in Economics.
1231: Thomas, Craig - Jade Tiger.
11234: Thomas, W R - A Short Course in the Old Testament and Apocrypha for Schools and Study Circles.
10039: Thomas, Dylan - Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Dog.
10031: Thomas, Dylan - Under Milk Wood.
14478: Thomas, Sarah and June Lewis (ed) - The Secret Diary of Sarah Thomas 1860 - 1865.
3712: Thomas, Rosie - Strangers.
4907: Thomas, Craig - Jade Tiger.
6338: Thomas, Bob - I Got Rythm! The Ethel Merman Story.
9916: Thomas, Rosie - Moon Island.
14174: Thomas, S Evelyn - Teach Yourself Economics.
1995: Thomas, H H - Making Love To Mother Earth.
2004: Thomas, Dylan - The Doctor and the Devils from the Story By Donald Taylor.
2503: Thomas, Leslie - The Magic Army.
12356: Thomas, Donald (ed) - Treason and Libel State Trials Volume I.
6482: Thomas, Leslie - Orange Wednesday.
4480: Thomas, Lowell - With Lawrence In Arabia.
11895: Thompson, Flora - Lark Rise.
11854: Thompson, Jim - The Getaway.
8420: Thompson, , Eric - Brian Zebedee from the BBC TV Series Magic Roundabout.
1939: Thompson, Peter - Sharing The Success The Story Of NFC.
3692: Thompson, Paul (ed) - All Stars Football Book 1981.
9341: Thompson, Vicki Lewis, and Lewis, Sherry and Fox, Roz Denny - In Hot Pursuit.
5682: Thompson, Francis - Essays of To-day and Yesterday Francis Thompson.
3867: Thompson, Francis - The Works Of Francis Thompson Poems Volume II.
13805: Thompson, Flora - The Illustrated Still Glides The Stream.
6043: Thompson, Francis - Portrait of The Spey.
262: Thompson, J M - The French Revolution.
14304: Thomson, David - England in the Nineteenth Century 1815 - 1914.
12722: Thomson, David - England in the Nineteenth Century 1815 - 1914.
11152: Thomson, June - The Dark Stream.
8600: Thomson, H Douglas (ed) and Christie, Agatha and Sayers, Dorothy L and Checkhov, Anton and Conan Doyle, Arthur et al - The Mystery Book.
12621: Thomson, George Malcolm - The First Churchill The Life of John 1st Duke of Marlborough.
8787: Thomson, June - The Spoils of Time.
2606: Thomson, June - The Dark Stream.
2124: Thomson, A A - Cricket My Happiness.
10586: Thomson, H Douglas and Ramsay, C Clark (eds) and Wodehouse, P G and Christie, Agatha and Saki and Farjeon, Eleanor et al - The Holiday Book.
937: Thomson, June - No Flowers, By Request.
5709: Thomson, June - A Dying Fall.
2436: Thomson, June - No flowers, by request.
4681: Thomson, June - No Flowers, By Request.
10501: Thomson, James and Robertson, J Logie - The Complete Poetical Works of James Thomson Edited with Notes By J Logie Robertson.
10529: Thorne, James - Handbook to the Environs of LOndon Containing an Account of Every Town and Village and All Places of Interest Within a Circle of Twenty Miles Round London.
9404: Thorne, Nicola - Where The Rivers Meet.
11661: Thornhill, Valerie - In Restoration.
4168: Thornton, R D - James Currie the Entire Stranger and Robert Burns.
3008: Thorpe, Susan - The Four Seasons Wholefood Cookbook.
7235: Thorpe, Adam - Still.
9150: Thrower, Percy - Percy Thrower's Every Day Gardening.
5731: Thrower, Percy - Percy Thrower's First Time Gardening.
6405: Thubron, Colin - Behind The Wall A Journey Through China.
10930: Thurber, James and Bradbury, Ray, Lawrence D H, Dickson, Carter et al - Argosy April 1952.
588: Thurston, E Temple - The Wandering Jew A Play In Four Phases.
13179: Thwaite, Ann - Edmund Gosse A Literary Landscape.
12050: Thynne, Jane - The Winter Garden.
6990: Tibbles, Thomas Henry - Buckskin and Blanket Days Memoirs of a Friend of the Indians.
6989: Tibbles, Thomas Henry - Buckskin and Blanket Days Memoirs of a Friend of the Indians.
4182: Tickell, Jerrard - Whither Do You Wander?.
3659: Tiltman, Marjorie Hessell - God's Adventurers.
6858: Tindall, Gillian - To The City.
2630: Tindall, Gillian - To The City.
12823: Titchmarsh, Alan - The Nature of Britain A Celebration of our Landscape and Wildlife.
13061: Titley, Chris - Joseph Rowntree.
12767: Toch, Henry - Economics for Professional Studies.
8521: Todd, James and Janet Maclean - Peoples of the Past.
7281: Todd, Loreto - York Notes on William Shakespeare Hamlet.
10829: Toksvig, Sandi - Whistling for the Elephants.
1714: Tolkin, Michael - Among The Dead.
13628: Tolstoy, Leo - Sevastopol and Other Stories.
11101: Tolstoy, Leo - War and Peace A Novel By Count Leo Tolstoy.
11613: Tomasson, Katherine and Buist, Francis - Battles of the '45.
12493: Tomlinson, John (ed) - Additional Grenville Papers 1763 - 65.
1201: Tomlinson, H M - The Trumpet Shall Sound.
4862: Tomlinson, H M - Gifts of Fortune with Some Hints for Those About to Travel.
5786: A Tommy - If I Goes West.
14157: Tompson, Richard S - The Atlantic Archipelago A Political History of the British Isles.
9434: Tompson, Riichard S - Classics or Charity? The Dilemma of the 18th Century Grammar School.
10939: Topolski, Feliks - Portrait of G. B. S..
12358: Toussaint-Samat, Maguelonne and Alberny, Renaud and Horman, Ian - 2 Million Years of the Food Industry.
10908: Townsend, William - Canterbury.
8011: Townsend, Sue - Adrian Mole The Cappuccino Years.
858: Townsend, Lindsay - Voices In The Dark.
11070: Tracey, Herbert (ed) - The British Labour Party Its History, Growth Policy and Leaders Vol III Biographies.
696: Train, K S S (ed) - Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire Volume LXXVII 1973.
695: Train, K S S (ed) - Transactions of The Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire Volume LXXVI 1972.
11839: Trapido, Barbara - The Travelling Hornplayer.
4843: Travers, Joseph and Frank Travers - Chronicles of Cannon Street Joseph Travers & Sons Ltd.
5791: Travis, Gretchen - The Cottage.
10845: Treahy, Iona - Bob The Builder Spud The Dragon.
221: Trease, Geoffrey - Samuel Pepys and his World.
12576: Treherne, John - The Canning Enigma.
11158: Tremain, Rose - The Swimming Pool Season.
11170: Tremayne, Peter - The Subtle Serpent.
6963: Trevelyan, G M - English Social History Chaucer to Queen Victoria.
1921: Trevor, Elleston - The Penthouse.
930: Trevor Hughes, H - The Piety of Jeremy Taylor.
11392: Trew, Cecil G - Wild Horse of the West.
7535: Trewin, J C (ed) and Brown, Ivor and Gielgud, Val and Hobson, Harold and Bevan, Ian et al - Theatre Programme.
11948: Trigiani, Adriana - Lucia, Lucia.
6915: Trimmer, Mrs - A Concise History of England Comprised in A Set of Easy Lessons Volume II.
12701: Trollope, Anthony - Barchester Towers.
12657: Trollope, Anthony - Doctor Thorne.
12402: Trollope, Anthony - The Eustace Diamonds.
11605: Trollope, Anthony - Framley Parsonage.
12857: Trollope, Anthony - The Belton Estate.
12086: Trollope, Anthony - The Prime Minister Vol I and Vol II.
13288: Trollope, Anthony and Rendell, Ruth - Barchester Towers.
12265: Trollope, Anthony - Framley Parsonage.
8946: Trollope, Joanna - The Rector's Wife.
8947: Trollope, Joanna - The Men And The Girls.
8948: Trollope, Joanna - Next of Kin.
8949: Trollope, Joanna - A Passionate Man.
13626: Trollope, Anthony - Framley Parsonage.
8909: Trollope, Joanna - Girl From The South.
13501: Trollope, Anthony - The Warden.
2509: Trollope, Joanna - Next Of Kin.
4401: Trollope, Joanna - Other People's Children.
7347: Trollope, Joanna - The Rector's Wife.
3169: Trollope, Joanna - The Best Of Friends.
8972: Trollope, Joanna - Marrying The Mistress.
3170: Trollope, Joanna - Next Of Kin.
5616: Trueman, A E - The Scenery Of England And Wales.
10999: Truss, Lynne - Talk To The Hand.
12097: Truss, Lynne - Talk To The Hand.
13793: Tully, Mark and Wright, Gillian - India in Slow Motion.
5887: Tully, Mark - The Heart Of India.
13119: Tunnicliff, H G (after Bunyan) - A Child's Pilgrim's Progress.
11528: Turnell, Martin - The Classical Moment Studies Of Corneille Moliere and Racine.
13185: Turner, Larry - Rideau.
14451: Turner, Paul - The Life of Thomas Hardy A Critical Biography.
8249: Turner, W J - English Music.
6536: Turner, W J (ed) and O'Brien, Kate and Cecil, David and Greene, Graham and Bowen, Elizabeth and Woodward, E L - Impressions of English Literature.
6506: Twain, Mark - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
13515: Twain, Mark - A Treasury of Mark Twain.
13149: Twain, Mark - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
8865: Twain, Mark - Huckleberry Finn.
12904: Twain, Mark - Huckleberry Finn.
10446: Tway, Patricia - People Common Sense and the Small Business.
8831: Tweedie, Jill - Internal Affairs.
11810: Twelve Hawks, John - The Traveller.
12348: Tyler, Anne - The Amateur Marriage.
10828: Tyler, Anne - The Amateur Marriage.
14390: Tyler, Anne - Ladder of Years.
8624: Tyler, Anne - A Patchwork Planet.
13973: Underhill, Paco - Why We Buy The Science of Shopping.
7823: Undset, Sigrid - Kristin Lavranstochter Der Kranz.
1679: Unwin, David - The Governor's Wife.
10142: Urbani, Maria Da Villa - St Mark's Basilica.
1571: Ustinov, Peter - The Loser.
505: Uttley, Alison - Moldy Warp The Mole.
12468: Vachell, Horace Annesley - The Waters of Jordan.
12471: Vachell, Horace Annesley - John Verney.
12473: Vachell, Horace Annesley - John Charity.
4046: Vailland, Roger - The Law.
698: Vailland, Roger - The Law.
9265: Valenti, Justine - Twin Connections.
315: Valentine, Alan - The Education of an American.
6379: Valett, Robert E - Dyslexia A Neuropsychological Approach to Educating Children With Severe Reading Disorders.
502: Vallois, G M - First Steps In Collecting Furniture, Glass, China.
8212: Various - The Methodist Hymn Book.
9017: Varley, Benjamin - The History of Stockport Grammar School Including The Life of Sir Edmond Shaa (Founder).
12301: Vasaka, Martha and Kokkinidou, Marina - Emvathynontas Sta Ellenika.
13637: Vaughan, John - The English Guide Book c 1780 - 1870 An Illustrated History.
5366: Venuti, Lawrence - Our Halcyon Dayes English Prerevolutionary Texts and Postmodern Culture.
12801: De Vere White, Terence - Tom Moore The Irish Poet.
7338: De Vere White, Terence - My Name Is Norval.
11316: Verne, Jules - Around the World in Eighty Days.
10515: Verney, Margaret Maria Lady - Verney Letters of the Eighteenth Century from the MSS at Claydon House 1696 to 1717Vol I.
12964: Vernon, M D (ed) - Experiments in Visual Perception Selected Readings.
14411: Vernon, Anne - A Quaker Business Man The LIfe of Joseph Rowntree 1836 - 1925.
13460: Vesey-Fitzgerald, Brian - Town Fox, Country Fox.
4314: Vicary, Tim - Alfred's Oak.
1662: Victor, Barbara - Misplaced Lives.
10673: Vidler, Alec R - The Orb and the Cross a Normative Study in the Relations of Church and State with Reference to Gladstone's Early Writings.
14402: De Vigny, Alfred Edited By E Allison Peers - Poemes Choisis.
14249: De Vigny, Alfred - Chatterton Drame.
5223: De Vigny, Alfred - Servitude Et Grandeur Militaires.
5181: Vilnay, Zev - Israel Guide.
12824: Vincent, Adrian - Victorian Watercolours Children.
14112: Vine, Barbara (Ruth Rendell) - The Birthday Present.
9031: Vine, Barbara - The Brimstone Wedding.
7179: Vining, Elizabeth Gray - Flora Macdonald Her Life in the Highlands and America.
10310: Virgil - The Eclogues and Georgics of Virgil Translated Into English Verse.
13160: Vivian, E Charles - Robin Hood And His Merry Men.
5162: Volodarski, Leo - L'URSS Chiffres Faits Comparisons.
8951: Voltaire (tr. John Butt) - Candide or Optimism.
11816: Vorderman, Carol and Bean, Anita - Detox For Life The 28 Day Detox Diet and Beyond.
13193: Waddington-Feather, John - Leeds The Heart of Yorkshire A History and Guide to the City and Its Surroundings.
1918: Wade, Anne and Catherall, Arthur and Robinson, Clare Etc - Holiday Stories For Girls.
3940: Wagenknecht, Edward (ed) - Chaucer Modern Essays in Criticism.
12512: Wagner, Richard - The Mastersingers of Nuremberg An Opera in Three Acts.
7536: Waite, John C - Dear Mr Booth Some Early Chapters of the History of the Salvation Army in New Zealand.
6154: Waldman, Milton - Elizabeth and Leicester.
14307: Walker, Kenneth - The Physiology of Sex and Its Social Implications.
14419: Walker, John A - Jessie Dyson A Tale For The Young.
12881: Walker, David - Ash.
10481: Walker, F Deaville - India And Her Peoples.
6325: Walker, Alexander - The Shattered Silents How The Talkies Came To Stay.
9252: Walker, Lucy - Six for Heaven.
4926: Walker, David - Harry Black.
3529: Walker, David - Harry Black.
1288: Wallace, Edgar - The Clue Of The Silver Key.
11180: Wallace, Christopher - The Resurrection Club.
4586: Wallace, Lew and Byron and Bowwow, George and Freeman, E A and Hardy, Thomas and Power E & A et al - The Golden Pathway To A Treasury Of Knowledge VolumeVII Behind The Scenes Of History.
10030: Waller, Leslie - The American.
10032: Waller, Leslie - Number One.
4631: Walmer, Max - An Illustrated Guide To Modern Elite Forces.
12216: Walpole, Hugh - Jeremy and Hamlet.
3366: Walpole, Hugh - The Sea Tower.
6532: Walpole, Hugh - Mr Perrin and Mr Traill.
3365: Walpole, Hugh - The Blind Man's House.
2773: Walsh, Colin - The Grown-Up's Xmas Book.
5562: Walt Whitman, Alexis Tolstoi et al - Russian Review 2.
12459: Walters, Julie - That's Another Story The Autobiography.
8911: Walters, Minette - The Shape of Snakes.
7105: Walters, E W - The 'New' Lloyd George and the Old.
8300: Waltham, A C - The World of Caves.
7508: Walton, Mrs O F - Christie's Old Organ.
10694: Walvin, James - Victorian Values.
13705: Ward, Peter (producer) - Nature BBC Radio For Schools Spring Term 1975.
2831: Ward, A W - Dickens.
1612: Ward, Christopher - Our Cheque Is In The Post.
11928: Ward, Mrs Humphry - The Marriage of William Ashe.
2035: Ward, A C - Illustrated History Of English Literature Volume One.
10881: Warner, Pelham - The Book of Cricket.
1607: Warner, Esther - Trial By Sasswood.
603: Warner, Esther - The Crossing Fee A Story of Life In Liberia.
6161: Warner, Oliver - A Portrait of Lord Nelson.
12543: Warren, Janet - A Feast of Scotland.
12318: Warren, Pat - A Bride For Hunter.
11265: Van Wart, Alice (ed) - Necessary Secrets The Journals of Elizabeth Smart.
868: Washburn, Stan - Into Thin Air.
10327: Waterfield, Robin - Athens A History From Ancient Ideal to Modern City.
2522: Waterhouse, Keith - Unsweet Charity.
16239: Waterson, Alec - On the Manchester Bolton & Bury Canal.
13281: Sophocles Edited By E F Watling - The Theban Plays King Oedipus Oedipus at Colonus Antigone.
5449: Watson, John - The Upper Room.
14104: Watson, William - Ancient China The Discoveries of Post Liberation Archaeoloby.
12062: Watson, Winifred - Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day.
8903: Watson, David and Jenkins, Simon - Jesus Then and Now.
13395: Watson, H - Woodland Mosses.
11198: Watson, Patrick - Alter Ego.
13480: Watson, Mabel M - The Shadow of a Lie.
6017: Watson, Nigel - In Hortis Reginae A History of Queenswood School 18941994.
8082: Watson, George (ed) - The Concise Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature 600 - 1950.
10652: Watts, Mabel - Read-Aloud Horse Stories.
12289: Watts, Isaac - A Short View of the Whole Scripture History with a Continuation of The Jewish Affairs from the Old Testament to the Time of Christ and an Account of the Chief Prophecies That Relate to Him.
438: Watts, W W - Geology For Beginners.
13794: Waugh, Evelyn - Brideshead Revisited The Sacred and Profane Memories of Captain Charles Ryder.
7776: Waugh, Teresa - A Friend Like Harvey.
8989: Waugh, Eileen - No Man An Island A Biography Of Peter Spencer.
11650: Waugh, Evelyn - Men at Arms.
9174: Wayre, Philip - The River People.
8054: Weatherby, W J - Murder at the U.N..
13286: Weaver, William - Puccini the Man and His Music.
602: Weaver, John D - Warren The Man The Court The Era.
10493: Webb, Pauline M - Women of Our Company.
2996: Webb, Mary - Gone To Earth with an Introduction By John Buchan.
3376: Webb, Mary - Seven For A Secret A Love Story.
10324: Webster, T B L - Greek Terracottas.
11531: Webster, John and Hart, Clive (ed) - The White Devil.
13272: Webster, John and Ford, John - Webster and Ford Selected Plays.
2585: Webster, H - 20th Century News.
11747: Wechsberg, Joseph - Verdi.
16960: Weddon, Zoe - Jane Austen's Best Friend The Life and Influence of Martha Lloyd.
6389: Wedgwood, C V - The Trial of Charles I.
11633: Wedgwood, C V - Montrose.
17891: Weekes, Henry - The Prize Treatise on the Fine Arts Section of the Great Exhibition of 1851 Submitted to the Society of Arts in Competition For Their Medal.
14418: Weekley, Ernest - A Higher French Reader.
1375: Weil, Barry - Dossier IX.
13692: Weir, Vincent - The Otter.
8835: Weir, Arabella - Does My Bum Look Big In This?.
3778: Weir, Tom - East Of Katmandu.
4799: Weir, Winnifred Ariel - Tales Of The Windermere.
11829: Weldon, Fay - Darcy's Utopia.
11363: Weldon, Fay - Wicked Women.
418: Weldon, Fay - The Hearts and Lives of Men.
2159: Weldon, Fay - The Hearts And Lives Of Men.
13416: Wellburn, Alan R - Leck Cowan Bridge & the Brontes.
10949: Wells, H G - The World of William Clissold Book the Third Book the Fourth.
13955: Welsh, Louise - Tamburlaine Must Die.
7400: Welty, Eudora - Why I Live At The P.O..
13129: Wendon, Edith A - The Schoolgril Pilot.
9408: Wendorf, Patricia - Blanche.
11320: Wengierek, Martina - So Schon Ist Munster.
2973: Wensby-Scott, Carol - Proud Conquest.
12453: Wentworth, Patricia - The Watersplash.
13878: Wentworth, Patricia - The Girl In The Cellar.
13874: Wentworth, Patricia - The Watersplash.
12594: Wersba, Barbara - A Song for Clowns.
12627: Wesker, Arnold - Chicken Soup With Barley.
11162: Wesley, Mary - An Imaginitive Experience.
12560: Wesley, Mary - Jumping The Queue.
3920: Wesley, Mary - A Dubious Legacy.
8780: West, Rebecca and Marcus, Jane (ed) - The Young Rebecca Writings of Rebecca West 1911 - 17.
3923: West, Christopher - Death Of A Blue Lantern.
2142: West, Morris - Proteus.
4404: West, Morris - Proteus.
11259: Westacott, H D - The Walker's Handbook.
958: Westcott, E N - David Harum.
11393: Westell, W Percival and Harvey, Kate - Wild Life of the Garden.
11492: Westerman, Percy F - Standish Gets His Man.
7106: Westerman, Percy F - The Airship 'Golden Hind'.
6365: Westin, Alan and Salisbury, Stephan (eds) - Individual Rights In The Corporation A Reader on Employee Rights.
13074: Westlake, Jean - Gipsy Caravan A 100 Years' Story.
1245: Wetherall, E - The Old Helmet.
140: Wetherell, Elizabeth - Melbourne House.
5766: Wheatley, Dennis - The Scarlet Imposter.
13966: Wheatley, Dennis - Black August.
638: Wheatley, Dennis - The Island Where Time Stands Still.
2850: Wheatley, Dennis - The Sultan's Daughter.
4654: Wheatley, Dennis - Bill For The Use Of A Body.
870: Wheatley, Dennis - Bill For The Use Of A Body.
4659: Wheatley, Dennis - Traitor's Gate.
6859: Wheatley, Dennis - The Island Where Time Stands Still.
12267: Wheeler, C B (ed) Thomas Dekker, John Webster, Beaumont and Fletcher, Philip Masssinger - Six Plays By Contemporaries of Shakespeare The Shoemaker's Holiday The White Devil The Knight of the Burning Pestle Philaster The Duchess of Malfi A New Way to Pay Old Debts.
302: Wheeler, Sir Mortimer - Greece and the Islands.
11501: White, G W and Kennedy, E C - Roman History Life and Literature.
10059: White, Bailey - Quite A Year For Plums.
13976: White, James and Elizabeth - Good Food From Denmark and Norway.
7807: White, Robin - His Own Kind.
8327: White, J F (ed) - Study of the Earth Readings in Geological Science.
8148: White, Gillian - Unhallowed Ground.
10872: Whitehead, Barbara - The Caretaker Wife.
11751: Whitehead, Bertrand T - Brags and Boasts Propaganda in the Year of the Armada.
11049: Whitehead, Stanley B - Honey Bees and Their Management.
12519: Whitehouse, J Howard - John Ruskin.
9191: Whitelaw, Stella - Sweet Seduction.
4074: Whitman, Edmund S - Revolt Against The Rain God.
521: Whitney, Phyllis A - Silversword.
2445: Whittier, John Greenleaf - The Poetical Works Of John Greenleaf Whittier.
4607: Whittle, Norah M - The Moated Manor.
10554: Steed. Wickham - The Press.
10245: Horace Edited By E C Wickham - Horace For English Readers.
8868: Wickham, Madeleine - The Gatecrasher.
10704: Wicks, Ben - Waiting For The All Clear.
9161: Wicks, Keith - Wine and Wine-Making.
4889: Widdemer, Margaret - Angela Comes Home.
9666: Wilcox, Ella Wheeler - Poems of Ella Wheeler Wilcox.
3893: Wilde, Oscar - Oscar Wilde An Illustrated Anthology.
6266: Wilde, Larry - The Official Cat Lovers/ Dog Lovers Joke Book.
11319: Wilder, F L - English Sporting Prints.
974: Wilder, Robert - Fruit Of The Poppy.
3286: Wilder, Thornton - The Bridge Of San Luis Rey.
6507: Wilkins, Vaughan - And So - Victoria.
5183: Wilkins, Vaughan - Fanfare For A Witch.
2458: Wilkins, Vaughan - Fanfare For A Witch.
1300: Wilkins, Vaughan - Fanfare For A Witch.
4048: Wilkinson, Burke - Run, Mongoose.
6193: Wilkinson, Canon W E - Ripon Cathedral.
13791: Wilkinson, John T - 1662 and After Three Centuries of English Nonconformity.
6935: Willetts, R F - The Baths of Aphrodite.
12827: Williams, Elma M - Paul's Secret Courage.
12036: Williams, John - Cardiff Dead.
10035: Williams, Eric - The Wooden Horse.
2704: Williams, S B C - Enlarging For The Amateur.
2186: Williams, Nigel - 2 1/2 Men In A Boat.
14394: Williams, Peter - Wedgwood A Collector's Guide.
8253: Williams, Parry - A Music Course for Students.
5081: Williams, Emlyn and Dickens, Charles - Readings From Dickens.
4029: Williams, Eric - Dragoman Pass An Adventure In The Balkans.
243: Williams, Emlyn - George.
2174: Williams, Dorian - Showing Horse Sense.
12464: Williamson, C N and A M - The Princess Passes.
14128: Williamson, Jack - The Humanoids.
11327: Williamson, George - Seventeenth Century Contexts.
1720: Williamson, Henry - The Sun In The Sands.
12470: Williamson, C N and A M - The Car of Destiny and Its Errand in Spain.
13392: Williamson, Sid - Memories of the Broomhill Shopping Centre.
252: Williamson, Geoffrey - Changing Greenland.
8085: Williamson, James A - The Age of Drake.
14395: Willoughby, L A - The Classical Age of German Literature 1748 - 1805.
6970: Wilmot, Chester - The Struggle For Europe.
4840: Wilson, John Rowan - Means To An End.
12645: Wilson, Guy - The Carthaginian Hoard.
11826: Wilson, Laura - Hello Bunny Alice.
11415: Wilson, Anne (ed) - The Transactions of the Johnson Society 1997.
11411: Wilson, Anne (ed) - The Transactions of the Johnson Society 1996.
11062: Wilson, Sloan - The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit.
10916: Wilson, Jacqueline - The Werepuppy.
10674: Wilson, Stanley - The Way of the Sea and Other Stories.
14013: Wilson, Robert - A Small Death In Lisbon.
3898: Wilson, Eric - Vancouver Nightmare.
4864: Wilson, Peter - The After Dinner Olympics.
9781: Wilson, Bob - Stanley Bagshaw and the Fourteen Foot Wheel.
14060: Wilson, A N - Betjeman.
5828: Wilson, Richard - I Don't Believe It! Richard Wilson's Book Of Absurdities.
915: Wilson, Eric - Spirit In The Rainforest.
8313: Wilson, Colin and Damon - World Famous Crimes of Passion.
6020: Wilson Wilson, Theodora - Into The Arena.
4576: Wilson, John Dover - Life In Shakespeare's England A Book Of Elizabethan Prose.
11643: Wilson, A N - C S Lewis A Biography.
7056: Wilson, John Mackay - Wilson's Historical Traditionary and Imaginative Tales of The Borders and of Scotland with an Illustrative Glossary Volume III.
14018: Winbolt, S E - Britain B C.
11455: Winchcombe, Anna - Hardy's Cottage Dorset.
11784: Winder, Simon (ed) - Sea Longing.
4165: De Windt, H - From Pekin To Calais By Land.
12052: Winn, Christopher - I Never Knew That About England.
7218: Winslow, Pauline Glen - The Witch Hill Murder.
1248: Winsten, Stephen - Days With Bernard Shaw.
1956: Winston, Daoma - Maybe This Time.
7520: Winston, Daoma - The Traficante Treasure.
12105: Winston, Daoma - Castle of Closing Doors.
2408: Winterson, Jeanette - Art & Lies A Piece For Three Voices And A Bawd.
5489: Wintherbotham, H S L - A Key To Maps.
14459: Winton, Calhoun - Sir Richard Steele M P The Later Career.
5210: Wirth, Zdenek - Prague in Pictures Of Five Centuries.
7222: Wiseman, Thomas - The Day Before Sunrise.
10308: Witt, Mary H (Mrs Robert Clermont Witt) - The German and Flemish Masters in the National Gallery.
11147: Wodehouse, P G - The Luck of the Bodkins.
5754: Wodehouse, P G - The Small Bachelor.
13837: Wodehouse, P G - Ukridge.
7120: Wodehouse, P G - The Man Upstairs and Other Stories.
5266: Wodehouse, P G - Money for Nothing.
4413: Wolverton, Dave - Star Wars The Courtship Of Princess Leia.
10936: Wood, Mrs Henry - Danesbury House.
3314: Wood, D Neville - Metric Measures For Britain.
2649: Wood, James - Star Witness.
3890: Wood, Ted - Flashback.
934: Wood, Mrs Henry - Danesbury House.
5484: Wood, G Bernard - North Country Profile.
7710: Woodcock, George - Thomas Merton Monk and Poet a Critical Study.
12191: Woodforde, John - The Observer's Book of Furniture.
1327: Woodham-Smith, Cecil - Florence Nightingale.
9564: Woodham-Smith, Cecil - The Great Hunger Ireland 1845 - 9.
5413: Woodham Smith, Cecil - Florence Nightingale 1820 - 1910.
412: Woodham-Smith, Cecil - Queen Victoria Her Life and Times 1819 1861.
2478: Woodhouse, Martin and Ross, Robert - The Medici Guns.
10855: Woodruff, William - Beyond Nab End.
3245: Woodruff, Philip - Call The Next Witness.
10419: Woods, Frederick - Further Legends and Traditions of Cheshire.
5943: Woods, Katharine Pearson - The True Story Of Captain John Smith.
14370: Woodward, B B (preface) - Maunder's Treasury of Knowledge and Library of Reference.
8397: Woodward, Bob - The War Within A Secret White House History 2006 - 2008.
8498: Woodward, G W O - King Richard III.
5585: Woodward, G W O - King Richard III.
11196: Woodworth, Robert S - Contemporary Schools of Psychology.
12743: Woolf, Virginia - Night and Day.
11160: Woolf, Virginia - The Captain's Death Bed and Other Essays.
7343: Woolf, Virginia - To The Lighthouse.
5572: Woolley, Sir Leonard - Excavations at Ur A Record of Twelve Years' Work.
13459: Woosnam Savage, Robert C (ed) - 1745 Charles Edward Stuart and the Jacobites.
17715: Wooster, Robert (ed) and Utley, Robert M (preface) - Recollections of Western Texas Descriptive and Narrative Including an Indian Campaign 1852 - 55 Interspersed with Illustrative Anecdotes By Two of the U S Mounted Rifles.
13315: Wootton, Anthony - Inscts are Animals Too.
13629: Wordsworth, William - The Poetical Works Of William Wordsworth.
11460: Wordsworth, Dorothy and William - Home at Grasmere Extracts from the Journal of Dorothy Wordsworth and from the Poems of William Wordsworth.
13844: Worley, George - Jeremy Taylor A Sketch of His Life and Times with a Popular Exposition of his Works.
11454: Worrall Thompson, Antony and Gluck, Malcolm - Supernosh 350 Dishes with 1500 Wines.
5872: Worsley, Peter - Inside China.
3119: Wouk, Herman - The Caine Mutiny A Novel of World War II.
12670: Wright, Rachel - Crafty Crime-Busting.
8580: Wright, Daphne - The Distant Kingdom.
1461: Wylie, L A R - The Undefeated.
1246: Wyndham Lewis, D B - The Hooded Hawk Or The Case Of Mr Boswell.
5916: Wynne, May - The Brave Brigands.
7259: Wynne-Tyson, Jon - Accomodation Wanted.
8857: Wyss, Jan - The Swiss Family Robinson.
9833: Wyss, J D - The Swiss Family Robinson.
10185: Plato and Xenophon - Socratic Discourses.
9103: Yates, Dornford - Valerie French.
12656: Yates, Dornford - Jonah & Co.
153: Yates, Dornford - Jonah & Co.
9106: Yates, Dornford - The House That Berry Built.
3707: Yates, Dornford - Jonah And Co.
1889: Yates, Dornford - The Berry Scene.
3947: Yates, Dornford - The Berry Scene.
9108: Yates, Dornford - This Publican.
7196: Yates, Dornford - The House That Berry Built.
9966: Yates, Dornford - Cost Price.
1653: Yeates, G K - Bird Haunts in Northern Britain.
11344: Yee, Chiang - The Silent Traveller in Boston.
5145: Yefimov, Anatoli and Anchishkin, Alexander - Economics Management Planning.
9692: Yerby, Frank - The Treasure of Pleasant Valley.
967: Yerby, Frank - The Serpent And The Staff.
4726: Yerby, Frank - Floodtide.
5528: York, Archbishop of - Land of Hope & Glory?.
12935: Yorke, Margaret - Almost the Truth.
12842: Yorke, Margaret - Admit to Murder.
11626: Yorke, Margaret - Crime in Question.
11804: Yorke, Margaret - Pieces of Justice.
4489: Young, John Robert and Deighton, Len - The French Foreign Legion.
7702: Young, Desmond - Rommel.
13144: Young, Ernest - The Kingsway Geography Readers Travellers' Tales.
6109: Young, Francis Brett - A Man About The House.
13493: Young, George K - Merchant Banking Practice and Prospects.
3067: Young, Arthur - The Surgeon's Knot.
11692: Younger, Calton - Ireland's Civil War.
11971: Youngson, Dr Robert - Coping With Eczema.
12641: Zaczek, Iain - Clans & Tartans of Scotland.
298: Zangwill, I - The Mantle of Elijah.
12394: Zeldin, Theodore - An Intimate History of Humanity.
13469: Zim, Herbert S and Cottam, Clarence - Insects A Guide to the Insects of Europe and South America.
10179: Zimmern, Alfred - The Greek Commonwealth Politics and Economics in Fifth Century Athens.
8282: Zink, Jorg - Mehr Als Drei Wunsche.
7973: Zsolt, Bela - Nine Suitcases.
12246: Zuba, Jesse - The First Book Twentieth Century Poetic Careers in America.
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