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7881: Harrison, Sarah - Life After Lunch.
7088: Harrison, Frederick - The Boys of Wynport College A Story of School Life.
7371: Harrison, Michael - The World of Sherlock Holmes.
6862: Harrison, Michael - The House In Fishergate.
6481: Harrison, David - Along Hadrian's Wall.
2080: Hart, Suzanne - Life With Daktari.
4857: Harte, Bret - Bret Harte's Short Stories of Today and Yesterday.
6300: Harte, Bret - Tales, Poems, And Sketches.
5933: Harte, Bret - Tales, Poems and Sketches.
11346: O. Henry and Edgar Wallace and Poe and Conrad and L P Hartley et al - Great Tales of Detection.
7361: Hartley, Marie and Ingilby, Joan - Yorkshire Village.
2617: Hartley, Norman - Shadowplay.
5260: Hartley, Rachel - No Mean City A Guide to the Ecoomic City of London.
14068: Hartmann, Betsy and Boyce, James K - A Quiet Violence View from A Bangladesh Village.
6413: Harvey, Alfred - Bristol A Historical and Topographical Account of The City.
7831: Harvey, John - York.
5270: Harvey, Gabriel - Four Letters and Certeine Sonnets Especially Touching Robert Greene and Other Parties By Him Abused 1592.
13517: Harvey, W J - The Art of George Eliot.
8900: Haselden, John - 'Allo 'Allo The War Diaries of Rene Artois.
8049: Haselden, John - 'Allo 'Allo The War Diaries of Rene Artois.
11954: Hastings, Adrian - Robert Runcie.
3510: Hastings, Michael - The Puma Quest.
9814: Hathaway, L B - The Vanishing of Dr Winter A Posie Parker Mystery.
9716: Hattatt, Lance - Gardening With Colour.
5067: Haun, John D (ed) - Methods of Estimating the Volume of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources.
9040: Havilton, Jeffrey - A Waiting Game.
7226: Havilton, Jeffrey - George Goes One Better.
8655: Havran, Martin J - Caroline Courtier The Life of Lord Cottington.
2245: Haward, Winifred I - This House Shall Stand.
8344: Hawthorn, Mike - Champion Year My Battle for the Drivers' World Title.
10946: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - A Wonder-Book and Tanglewood Tales.
10410: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Scarlet Letter A Romance.
4568: Hawthorne, Nathaniel and Longfellow, H W and Homer and Wragbyu, Harold and Heine, H and Klingensmith, Anna et al - The Golden Pathway To A Treasury Of Knowledge Volume III When The World Was Young.
8114: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Tanglewood Tales A Wonder-Book For Girls and Boys.
10914: Hay, George - Bellini.
7755: Hay, Ian - The Unconquered Isle The Story of Malta G C.
5999: Hay, Ian - The Lucky Number.
720: Haydn, Hiram - The Hands of Esau.
7047: Haydon, A L (Ed) E Talbot and Charles Edwardes and V R Price and V M Methley et al - The Empire Annual For Boys Volume Fifteen.
9808: Hayes, Nancy M - Meg - All - Alone A Girl Guide Story.
7661: Haylock, E F - Water Wisdom.
13326: Hayman, Caroline and Wakefield, Loui - More Ladies of Letters.
12247: Hazlitt, William - The Classical Gazetteer A Dictionary of Ancient Sites.
3891: Heal, Jeanne - A Thousand And One Australians.
6832: Heath, Irene - Capricorn Colony.
2968: Heath-Miller, Mavis - Always Say Goodbye.
10061: Heath, Ambrose - Good Food Without Meat.
13231: Heaton, Vernon - The Oberammagau Passion Play.
11203: Hedges, A A C - Let's Collect Goss China.
6185: Hedges, A A C - The Voyages of Captain James Cook.
14210: Hedley, Beatrice - Prayers for Young Children.
3118: Hedworth, Barbara - Husbands Are So Kind.
1713: Heinemann, Larry - Cooler By The Lake A Comedy.
5581: Heller, Mary Jo and Price, Dorothy (eds) - Consider The Lilies Great Inspirational Verses From The Bible.
9267: Hellman, Lillian - Pentimento A Book Of Portraits.
6753: Hellyer, A G L (ed) - Herbaceous Borders Amateur Gardening Picture Book No. 5.
10668: Hemans, Mrs - The Poetical Works of Mrs Hemans.
5810: Henbest, Nigel and Couper, Heather - The Restless Universe.
14156: Henderson, Sir Hubert - Supply and Demand.
4645: Henderson, Meg - Chasing Angels.
3302: Henriques, Robert - A Stranger Here.
1324: Henriques, Robert - Through The Valley.
12385: Hensher, Philip - The Bedroom of the Minister's Wife.
2151: Hensley, Joe L - A Killing In Gold.
11853: Hepplewhite, Peter - World War I On Land.
10053: Herbert, Ivor - Red Rum The Story of A Horse of Courage.
11785: Herbert, A P - Holy Deadlock.
1531: Herbert, A P - Made For Man.
2746: Herbert, Charles - Robin Hood And His Merry Men.
10739: Herbertson, Jessie Leckie - The Secret of the Marshes.
6771: Herriot, James - Vet In A Spin.
4286: Herriot, James - Vets Might Fly.
10505: Hervey, Lord and Sedgwick, Romney - Lord Hervey's Memoirs Edited from as copy of the Original Manuscript in the Archives of Windsor Castle.
1312: Herzog, Maurice - Annapurna.
12685: Hessayon, D G - The Rose Expert.
5980: Hession, Brian - The Gentle Step.
13932: Heward, Edmund - Matthew Hale.
13655: Heyer, Georgette - They Found Him Dead.
13256: Heyer, Georgette - Bath Tangle.
12554: Heyer, Georgette - They Found Him Dead.
12483: Heyer, Georgette - My Lord John.
11921: Heyer, Georgette - Devil's Cub.
10953: Heyer, Georgette - A Blunt Instrument.
11910: Heyer, Georgette - Charity Girl.
13260: Heyer, Georgette - Friday's Child.
13278: Heyer, Georgette - The Quiet Gentleman.
9392: Heyer, Georgette - Detection Unlimited.
8153: Heyer, Georgette - Sprig Muslin.
7880: Heyer, Georgette - These Old Shades Sprig Muslin Sylvester The Corinthian The Convenient Marriage.
568: Heyerdahl, Thor - The Ra Expeditions.
10456: Heyerdahl, Thor - The Tigris Expedition.
12612: Hickman, Peggy - A Jane Austen Household Book with Martha Lloyd's Recipes.
6569: Hicks, Roger W and Schultz, Frances - Long Stays in Portugal A Complete Practical Guide to Living and Working In Portugal.
12691: Higgie, Jennifer - Far Too Noisy My Dear Mozart A Collection of Historical Insults.
11823: Higgins, Jack - Storm Warning.
5880: Higgins, Jack - Solo.
11792: Higgins, Jack - Bad Company.
5811: Higgins, Jack - Thunder Point.
7544: Higgins, Paul - Puzzlebone Wood.
8364: Higgins, Jack - The Last Place God Made.
2220: Higgins, Jack - Confessional.
14051: Dearne High - Out of the Shadows An Anthology of Fantasy Stories.
9179: Higman, Dennis - Laura Jordan.
4188: Hilary, Evelyn - White Spring.
4919: Hildick, E W - The Questers And The Whispering Spy.
11263: Hill, Reginald - Good Morning, Midnight.
11264: Hill, Reginald - A Pinch of Snuff.
14321: Hill, Dilys M - Participating in Local Affairs.
13419: Hill, Reginald - Bones and Silence.
11262: Hill, Reginald - Singing the Sadness.
12208: Hill, R D - A History of St Edward's School.
8408: Hill, Susan - Mrs De Winter.
13100: Hill, Reginald - On Beulah Height.
14026: Hill, Reginald - There Are No Ghosts In The Soviet Union.
8008: Hill, Susan - Mrs De Winter.
13585: Hill, Reginald - Recalled to Life.
12886: Hill, Rosalind T (ed) - The Register of William Melton Archbishop of York 1317 - 1340 Volume III.
7870: Hill, Susan - Mrs De Winter.
4073: Hill, Simona - Folk Art Gifts.
12040: Hill, Reginald - Good Morning, Midnight.
5248: Hillaby, John - Journey Home.
6705: Hillaby, John - Journey Through Love.
6034: Hillary, Louise - A Yak For Christmas The Story of A Himalayan Holiday.
8988: Hillary, Edmund - High Adventure.
11973: Hills, Margaret - Curing Coughs, Colds and Flu The Drug - Free Way.
860: Hines, Joanna - The Fifth Secret.
6227: Hinkle, Thomas C - Gray The Story of a Brave Dog.
14279: Hironaka, Ann - Greening the Globe World Society and Environmental Change.
2693: HMSO - Manual Of Driving And Maintenance for Mechanical Vehicles (Wheeled) 1937.
9780: Hoag, Tami - Dark Horse.
12503: Hobart, Alice Tisdale - The Cup and the Sword.
6352: Hobson, Oscar R - A Hundred Years Of The Halifax.
1849: Hocking, Silas H - Alec Green.
4499: Hocking, Silas K - God's Outcast.
1336: Hocking, Silas K - Caleb Carthew.
14047: Hocking, Mary - Letters From Constance.
13035: Hodges, Richard - Wall to Wall History The Story of Roystone Grange.
12026: Hodgson, Derek - The Official History of Yorkshire County Cricket Club.
14431: Hoffmann, E T A - Das Fraulein Von Scuderi Erzahlung Aus Dem Zeitalter Ludwigs XIV.
9386: Hoffmann, Kate and McBride, Julie and Browning, Dixie - Summer Lovers.
16778: Hogarth, Peter J and Anderson, Ewan W - 'The Most Fortunate Situation' The Story of York's Museum Gardens.
17868: Hogarth, Peter and Palliser, David et al - York Historian 40 2023.
17871: Hogarth, Peter and Palliser, David et al - York Historian 40 2023.
9860: Hogg, Bill - Bill Hogg's Most Excellent Guide To Praying.
3815: Hoggart, Simon - House of Ill Fame.
10830: Holden, Wendy - Azur Like It.
2068: Hollamby, Lilian - Young Children Living And Learning.
9686: Holland, John - Bird Spotting.
725: Holli, Melvin G and Green, Paul M - Bashing Chicago Traditions Harold Washington's Last Campaign Chicago 1987.
6196: Holme, Constance - The Splendid Fairing.
11479: Holmes, Edmond - Sonnets To The Universe.
16049: Holmes, Richard - Dr Johnson and Mr Savage.
8002: Holmes, Richard - Dr Johnson & Mr Savage.
10597: Holmes, Rev E E - The Meaning of the Months.
11741: Holroyd, Michael - Augustus John A Biography Volume I The Years of Innocence.
2887: Holt, Victoria - The Devil On Horseback.
12966: Holt, Victoria - The Devil On Horseback.
2965: Holt, Victoria - Secret For A Nightingale.
4509: Holt, Victoria - The Devil On Horseback.
9910: Holt, Victoria - The Time of the Hunter's Moon.
12787: Holtby, Winifred - Anderby Wold.
3639: Home, Lord - Letters To A Grandson.
14847: Honeybourne, Marjorie B (ed) - Transactions of the Ancient Monuments Society New Series Volume Fifteen.
3811: Honig, Donald - The Journal Of One Davey Wyatt.
10742: Honour, Hugh - The Companion Guide To Venice.
3781: Hood, Thomas (ed) - Hood's Own Or Laughter From Year To Year.
13424: Hoole, K - The Railways of York.
2966: Hope, Laura Lee - The Bobbsey Twins Own Little Ferry Boat.
10623: Hope, Ascott R - Round The World.
10640: Hope-Wallace, Philip, and MacDiarmid, Hugh and Comfort, Alex et al - Twentieth Century Spring 1965.
9147: Hope, David - The Fireside Book 1982.
1330: Hope, Bob - I Owe Russia $1200.
317: Hope, Anthony - The Prisoner of Zenda.
1913: Hope, Laura Lee - The Bobbsey Twins On A Houseboat.
6346: Hopfinger, K B - Beyond Expectation The Volkswagen Story.
10064: Hopkins, Billy - High Hopes A Lancashire Life.
5453: Hopkins, Kenneth - The Powys Brothers A Biographical Appreciation.
6615: Hopkins, Harry - The New Look A Social History of the Forties and Fifties in Britain.
11487: Hopkins, A B - Elizabeth Gaskell Her Life and Work.
1747: Horler, Sydney - The 13th Hour.
5541: Horn, Alfred Aloysius and Lewis, Ethelreda and Galsworthy, John - Trader Horn The Ivory Coast in the Earlies.
11906: Hornby, Nick - How To Be Good.
10464: Horne, Kenneth - The Devil Was Sick A Comedy.
6844: Horne, Una - A Time To Heal.
8453: Horovitz, Frances - The High Tower.
798: Horovitz, Frances - The High Tower.
13046: Horrobin, Peter and Leavers, Greg - Mission Praise Combined Words Edition.
10789: Horton, Samuel - Wheat and Chaff.
5370: Horwood, J V - British Columbia An Introduction To Geographic Studies.
11359: Horwood, William - The Willows in Winter.
10488: Hosie, Lady - Jesus and Woman.
5547: Hoskins, W G and Stokes, H G - About Britain No 8 East Midlands And The Peak.
5473: Hoskins, W G - Chilterns to Black Country About Britain No 5.
17226: Hoskins, W G - English Landscapes How to Read the Man Made Scenery of England.
11919: Hosseini, Khaled - A Thousand Splendid Suns.
12584: Hough, Graham - The Dark Sun A Study of D H Lawrence.
427: Hough, Richard - Former Naval Person Churchill and the Wars at Sea.
3938: Hough, Richard - Mountbatten, Hero Of Our Time.
8561: Hough, Richard - Edward and Alexandra Their Private and Public Lives.
8740: Houghton, Philip - Land From The Masthead A Circumnavigation of New Zealand.
2472: Hougron, Jean - The Fugitive.
10341: Household, H W - Rome Republic and Empire Volume One The Republic.
3954: Housman, Laurence and Shepard, E - The Golden Sovereign.
72: Housman, Laurence and Shepard, Ernest - Victoria Regina, A Dramatic Biography.
4543: Housman, A E - The Collected Poems Of A E Housman.
10878: Howard, Michael and Louis, Wm Roger - The Oxford History of the Twentieth Century.
2331: Howard, Elizabeth Jane - After Julius.
9516: Howard, John Wesley - Easy Company and the Cherokee Beauty.
9422: Howard, Audrey - Strand of Dreams.
8892: Howard, Elizabeth Jane - The Sea Change.
9939: Howard, Johnny 'Two Combs' - Direct Action.
8468: Howarth, Patrick - George VI A New Biography.
9005: Howarth, Patrick - Undercover The Men and Women of the Special Operations Executive.
9205: Howatch, Susan - Cashelmara.
7391: Howe, P P - The Life of William Hazlitt.
13308: Howells, Sheila - Favourite Welsh Recipes.
2063: Howells, John Mead - Lost Examples Of Colonial Architecture.
5866: Hoyer, Maria A - A Forgotten Link.
2088: Hubbard, L Ron - The Enemy Within.
13815: Hubbard, T L W - A Baton For The Conductor.
2573: Hudson, Derek - The Forgotten King And Other Essays.
6502: Hudson, W H - Afoot in England.
7177: Hudson, W H - Men, Books and Birds.
13187: Hudson, Roger - London Portrait of a City.
3143: Hudson, W H - Green Mansions.
3334: Hudson, W H - A Shepherd's Life.
3335: Hudson, W H - The Book Of A Naturalist.
1237: Hughes, Henry - Through Mighty Seas.
13849: Hughes, Mrs of Uffington and Hutchinson, Horace G (ed) - Letters and Recollections of Sir Walter Scott.
5187: Hughes, Ethel M - Japan And Her People.
4510: Hughes, Thomas - Tom Brown's Schooldays.
8864: Hughes, Thomas - Tom Brown's Schooldays.
9167: Hughes, Thomas - Tom Brown at Oxford.
5134: Hughes, Thomas - Tom Brown's Schooldays.
4791: Hughes, Emlyn - My Great Britons 16 Sporting Champions Talk to Emlyn Hughes.
4131: Hughes, Jill - Find Out About Aztecs.
14436: Hugo, Victor - La Poesie De Victor Hugo Extraits.
7134: Hume, Rob and Sullivan, Sylvia (eds) - A Year Of Bird Life.
12782: Humphreys, Christmas - Buddhism.
7945: Humphreys, Emyr - Salt of The Earth.
12989: Humphreys, Christmas - Buddhism.
8405: Humphrys, John and Humphrys, Christopher - Blue Skies & Black Olives A Survivor's Tale of Housebuilding and Peacock Chasing in Greece.
5509: Hunnicutt, Gayle (ed) - Dearest Virginia Love Letters from a Cavalry Officer in the South Pacific.
902: Hunt, Rachel - Will To Win.
8824: Hunt, John - Managing People At Work.
8795: Hutchins, Chris and Thompson, Peter - Athina The Last Onassis.
12593: Hutchinson, R C - March The Ninth.
2431: Hutchinson, Peggy and Crabtree, W H - Peggy Hutchinson's Home Made Wine Secrets.
9816: Von Hutten, Baroness - What Became of Pam.
1078: Hutter, Catherine - The Out- Numbered.
1331: Hutton, Len - Cricket Is My Life.
3790: Hyde, Anthony - China Lake.
3878: Hyde, Christopher - Crestwood Heights.
5545: Hyde, H Montgomery - Norman Birkett The Life of Lord Birkett of Ulverston.
13550: Hyland, Stanley - Top Bloody Secret.
4687: Hylson Smith, Kenneth - The Churches in England from Elizabeth I to Elizabeth II Volume II 1689 - 1833.
2526: Iacocca, Lee with Novak, William - Iacocca An Autobiography.
3126: Ibarguengoitia, Jorge - The Lightning Of August.
12330: Ibsen, Henrik - Rosmersholm The Lady From The Sea.
9641: Ibsen, Henrik - Ghosts The Warriors at Helgeland An Enemy of the People.
5574: Ibsen, Henrik - The Master Builer and Other Plays.
3497: Ibsen, Henrik - Brand A Dramatic Poem.
6175: Ibsen, Henrik - A Doll's House The Wild Duck The Lady From The Sea.
11249: Iles, Greg - Black Cross.
5073: Illing, R - A Dictionary of Music.
5275: Illing, Robert - A Dictionary Of Music.
4422: Illingworth, Captain J H - Where Seconds Count A Text Book of Yacht Match Racing.
6866: Ilton, Paul - Digging In The Holy Land.
11016: Inchfawn, Fay - Songs of The Ups and Downs.
7584: Ingamells, John - York Art Gallery Catalogue of Paintings III.
7586: Ingamells, John - York Art Gallery Catalogue of Paintings II English School 1500 - 1850.
17876: Ingamells, John and Green, Richard - Hans Hess 1908 - 1975.
17882: Ingamells, John - York Art Gallery Catalogue Supplement Amendments and Additions to Catalogue Volumes I and II.
7587: Ingamells, John - York Art Gallery Catalogue of Paintings I Foreign Schools 1350 - 1800.
5335: Ingham, Edward - 'Draughtsmanship' edited by the Professional Staff of the Bennett College For The Use of Students Vol 1.
13314: Ingham, Bernard - Kill the Messenger.
4235: Inman, Sue - Teddy And The Beanstalk.
3391: Innes, Hammond - Golden Soak.
1458: Innes, Hammond - The White South.
1128: Innes, Hammond - The Strode Venturer.
10772: Innes, Michael - Death At The President's Lodgings.
9747: Innes, Hammond - The Mary Deare.
7892: Innes, Hammond - The Big Footprints.
9672: Innes, Hammond - The Strode Venturer.
9673: Innes, Hammond - Sea And Islands.
2609: Innes, Hammond - Medusa.
11798: Innes, Hammond - The Black Tide The Big Footprints.
11818: Innes, Hammond - The Strode Venturer.
8815: Innes, Hammond - North Star.
2854: Innes, Hammond - Golden Soak.
8451: Innes, Hammond - The Strange Land.
823: Innes, Hammond - The Strange Land.
4405: Innes, Hammond - The Big Footprints.
2446: Innes, Hammond - The Strange Land.
8351: Iremonger, F A - William Temple Archbishop of Canterbury His Life and Letters.
9556: Ireson, Barbara (ed) - Ghostly Laughter.
11527: Irvine, Alexander - My Lady Of The Chimney Corner & The Souls Of Poor Folk.
8737: Irvine, A M - Cliff House A Story For School Girls.
14282: Irvine, Elizabeth E (ed) - Casework and Mental Illness.
12100: Irwin, Margaret - None So Pretty.
13361: Irwin, Margaret - Young Bess.
520: Irwin, Margaret - Elizabeth Captive Princess.
6391: Irwin, Margaret - That Great Lucifer A Portrait of Sir Walter Ralegh.
5088: Irwin, Margaret - Royal Flush.
2640: Irwin, Margaret - That Great Lucifer.
4634: Irwin, Margaret - Elizabeth Captive Princess.
494: Irwin, Margaret - Royal Flush.
3241: Irwin, Margaret - The Gay Galliard The Love Story Of Mary Queen Of Scots.
8435: Irwin, Margaret - Royal Flush.
8776: Isherwood, Christopher - All The Conspirators.
14002: Ives, Suzy - Ideas For Patchwork.
12392: Izner, Claude - The Pere Lachaise Mystery.
10584: Uncle Jack - Ring O'Roses Pictures and Stories For Litle Folk.
9697: Jackson, Judy - Microwave Vegetable Cooking.
482: Jackson, Robert - Air Force The RAF in the 1990s.
8914: Jackson, Francis and Moore, Patrick - Life In The Universe.
9253: Jackson, O T - Aftermath.
12223: Jacob, Naomi - A Passage Perilous.
3797: Jacob, Naomi - A Passage Perilous.
3817: Jacob, Naomi - The Founder Of The House.
5670: Jacob, Naomi - Leopards And Spots.
4733: Jacob, Naomi - The Heart Of The House.
12323: Jacob, Naomi - Every Other Gift.
4739: Jacob, Naomi - Every Other Gift.
8140: Jacob, Naomi - The Irish Boy.
2381: Jacob, Naomi - Gollantz and Partners.
11192: Jacobson, Dan - The Confessions of Josef Baisz.
15100: Jaffrey, Madhur - Flavours of India.
3675: Jagger, Brenda - Days Of Grace.
2023: Jagger, Brenda - Days Of Grace.
10756: James, John - Continuation & Additions to the History of Bradford and Its Parish Volumes 1, 2 and 3.
9733: James, Bill - In Good Hands.
7942: James, Vincent - The Long Ride Out.
8320: James, Naomi - Courage At Sea.
3463: James, P D - Original Sin.
8517: James Morris, David Taylor Desmond Morris Arthur Weingarten - The Readers Digest Great Books For Today 1980.
8063: James, Henry - What Maisie Knew.
8683: James, P D - Original Sin.
11282: James, P D - The Skull Beneath the Skin.
14211: Jameson, J R - The Unexpected Present.
13824: Jameson, Storm - The Early Life of Stephen Hind.
2354: Jameson, Derek - Touched By Angels.
17751: Jameson, John Franklin and Donnan, Eizabeth Stock, Leo, F - An Historian's World Selections from the Correspondence of John Franklin Jameson.
4296: Jameson, Storm - The Intruder.
14089: Jameson, Storm - Cloudless May.
3273: Jameson, Storm - Cloudless May.
12018: Jardine, Quintin - Unnatural Justice.
5043: Jarman, Rosemary Hawley - Crown In Candlelight.
5831: Jarman, Rosemary Hawley - Crown In Candlelight.
6837: Jasper, Ronald - Herbert Newell Bate 1871-1941 A Reticent Genius.
3081: Jeal, Tim - Until The Colours Fade.
3132: Jeans, Sir James - The Universe Around Us.
12476: Jefferies, Richard and Eric Fitch Daglish (ed) - Out of Doors with Richard Jefferies.
6077: Jefferies, Richard - Hodge And His Masters.
2742: Jefferson, Alan - Sir Thomas Beecham A Centenary Tribute.
9656: Jenkin, John (ed) - John Major Prime Minister.
12882: Jenkins, Geoffrey - Scend of the Sea.
12822: Jenkins, Simon - Discover Britain's Historic Houses Yorkshire.
10691: Jenkins, R J H - The Byzantine Empire on the Eve of the Crusades.
1061: Jenkins, Alan C - Markets Through The Ages.
9465: Jenkins, David and Rogers, Sue - Richard Burton A Brother Remembered.
13159: Jenkins, Alan C - Introducing Horses.
2736: Jenkins, Alan C - The Naturalists Pioneers Of Natural History.
2747: Jenkinson, A S - In Search Of Romantic Britain.
14215: Jessop, J C - Teach Yourself Golf.
1073: Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer - Three Continents.
9921: Jocelin and Butler, H E (ed) - The Chronicle of Jocelin of Brakelond concerning the Acts of Samson Abbot of the Monastery of St Edmund.
13756: John, Augustus - Finishing Touches.
10607: John Strachey, Glyn Jones et al - Penguin Parade II.
9828: John Betjeman and Lycett Green, Candida (ed) - John Betjeman Letters Volume One 1926 - 1951.
5785: Johns, Captain W E - Biggles Of The Special Air Police.
944: Johns, Capt. W E - Biggles and The Black Peril.
401: Johns, Capt W E - Biggles Pioneer Air Fighter.
13057: Johnson, Michelle Berriedale - The Kitchen Library Quick Meals.
11358: Johnson, Dr and Postgate, Raymond (ed) - The Conversations of Dr Johnson Extracted from The Life By James Boswell.
12248: Johnson, Lionel - The Art of Thomas Hardy To Which Is Added a Chapter on the Poetry By J E Barton and A Bibliography By John Lane Together With a New Portrait By Vernon Hill and the Etched Portrait By William Strang.
12418: Johnson, Pamela Hansford - The Unspeakable Skipton.
11844: Johnson, Joan - The Gloucestershire Gentry.
10751: Johnson, Samuel and Chapman, R W - Johnson Prose & Poetry with Boswell's Character Macaulay's Life and Raleigh's Essay Selections and Criticism.
13810: Johnson, Thomas and Gilmour, J S L (Ed) - Botanical Journeys in Kent & Hampstead A Facsimile Reprint with Introduction and Translation of His Iter Plantarum 1629 and Descriptio Itineris Plantarum 1632.
499: Johnson, Alan Campbell - Viscount Halifax A Biography.
1425: Johnson, Paul - Consolidated Gold Fields A Centenary Portrait.
8091: Johnson, Paul - Consolidated Gold Fields A Centenary Portrait.
1516: Johnston, Brian - It's Been A Piece Of Cake.
1933: Johnston, Susanna - Parties A Literary Companion.
14343: Jones, Howard - Crime in a Changing Society.
12745: Jones, Alison - The Wordsworth Dictionary of Saints.
12260: Jones, Edmund D - English Critical Essays Sixteenth Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.
10819: Jones, Mervyn - That Year in Paris.
10472: Jones, Chris - Eskdale Base 2002.
11588: Jones, Lloyd - Mister Pip.
11602: Jones, F C - The Far East A Concise History.
12261: Jones, Edmund D - English Critical Essays Sixteenth Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries.
12269: Jones, B M - Henry Fielding Novelist and Magistrate.
9875: Jones, Melissa - Sick At Heart.
6322: Jones, J R - Country and Court England 1658 - 1714.
3074: Jones, Nard - Evergreen Land A Portrait Of The State Of Washington.
12558: Thucydides Edited By Henricus Stuart Jones - Historiae Tomus Prior Libri I - IV.
3896: Jones, Dennis - The Minstrel Boy.
10593: Jones, Percy H - William Carey The Pioneer of Missions to India.
4648: Jones, Morgan - Our National Story Book III Stories and Biographies.
4821: Jong, Erica - Fear Of Fifty A Midlife Memoir.
10743: Jonson, Ben - Five Plays Volpone Every Man In His Humour Bartholomew Fair The Alchemist Sejanus.
12995: Jonson, Ben and Congreve, William and Goldsmith, Oliver and Sheridan, R B - Four English Comedies of the 17th and 18th Centuries Volpone The Way of the World She Stoops to Conquer The School for Scandal.
9242: Jordan, Penny - A Perfect Family.
9247: Jordan, Penny - Coming Home.
11795: Jordan, Neil - Sunrise with Sea Monster.
1134: Joseph, Marie - The Travelling Man.
237: Joseph, Richard - Michael Joseph Master of Words.
8445: Joseph, Marie - A World Apart.
9170: Eichendorff. Joseph Von - Aus Dem Leben Eines Taugenichts.
8772: Joss, Morag - Funeral Music.
4205: Joy, Charles R - Island In The Desert The Challenge of The Nile.
7031: Joy, Margaret - Allotment Lane School Again.
11450: Jump, John D and Webster, John - The White Devil and The Duchess of Malfi.
1396: Jupp, Peter (ed) - The Letter Journal of George Canning 1793 - 1795.
13895: Kagan, Sasha - The Sasha Kagan Sweater Book.
14423: Kahn, J H (Chairman) - Child Guidance and Child Psychiatry as an Integral Part of Community Services.
708: Kaiser, Janice - Lotus Moon.
3583: Kalpakian, Laura - Cosette.
11195: Kanon, Joseph - The Good German.
2268: Kassindja, Fauziya and Bashir, Layli Miller - Do They Hear You When You Cry.
12917: Katz, Eliakim (ed) - Old Age Comes At A Bad TIme Wit and Wisdom for the Young at Heart.
6868: Kaufman, Pamela - Shield Of Three Lions.
12858: Kaufmann, Helen L - Stories of 100 Operas.
7368: Kavanagh, P J - Scarf Jack.
10700: Kay-Shuttleworth, UK et al - Transactions of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science Edinburgh 1880.
3606: Kay, Ernest - Pragmatic Premier An Intimate Portrait Of Harold Wilson.
8523: Kaye, M M - The Far Pavilions.
3060: Kaye, H B - The Man In My Chair.
11968: Kean, Victor J - The Disk from Phaistos.
8142: Keates, Jonathan - The Companion Guide to the Shakespeare Country.
11179: Keating, H R F - The Soft Detective.
8786: Keating, H R F - The Bad Detective.
12620: Keating, H R F - Inspector Ghote His Life and Crimes.
2318: Keating, H R F - Inspector Ghote Plaays a Joker.
11724: Keaveney, Raymond - Views of Rome From the Thomas Ashby Collection in the Vatican Library.
8471: Keay, Douglas - Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother.
13856: Kebbel, T E - Life of George Crabbe.
13882: Kedslie, Moyra J M - Firm Foundations The Development of Professional Accounting in Scotland 1850 - 1900.
11870: Keeling, Jim - The Terracotta Gardener Creative Ideas from Leading Gardeners.
3240: Keller, Werner - The Bible As History Archaeology Confirms The Book Of Books.
4593: Keller, Helen - The Story Of My Life.
10090: Kellerman, Jonathan - Billy Straight.
10096: Kellerman, Jonathan - Bad Love.
9724: Kellerman, Jonathan - Devil's Waltz.
3022: Kellerman, Jonathan - Billy Straight.
12563: Kelly, Chris (Introduction) - The Yorkshire Pantry Recipe Book.
7072: Kelly, Sheelagh - A Long Way From Heaven.
6988: Kelly, Fanny - Narrative of My Captivity Among the Sioux Indians.
7739: Kelly, Danny (ed) - The Q Omnibus Press Rock'N'Roll Reader.
2721: Kelman, John - The Faith Of Robert Louis Stevenson.
13827: Kemble, Frances Anne - Records of a Later Life Vol II.
2676: Kendall, Alan - The Life Of Beethoven.
10533: Kendon, Frank - Thirty - Six Psalms an English Version.
7104: Kennedy, Grace - Dunallan or Know What You Judge.
11193: Kennedy, A Kieran and Giblin, Thomas and McHugh, Deirdre - The Economic Development of Ireland in the Twentieth Century.
14266: Kennedy, Judith M and Reither, James A (eds) - A Theatre for Spenserians l.
9186: Kennedy, Adam - In A Far Country.
11856: Kenton, Leslie - Stress and Relaxation.
12557: Aristotle Edited by F G Kenyon - Aristotelis Atheniensium Respublica.
710: Kenyon, Michael - Brainbox and Bull.
3075: Kenyon, Michael - Brainbox And Bull.
8472: Kermode, J I and Phillips, C B (eds) - Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire for the Year 1985 Volume 135.
5408: Kerr, James - Eastern Europe And The Soviet Union.
3176: Kerrigan, Philip - Blood Libel.
5063: Kesler, Stephen E - Our Finite Mineral Resources.
9514: Kessler, Leo - The Traitors.
12039: Keverne, Richard and Innes, Hammond - Tales of Old Inns.
1415: Keyes, Frances Parkinson - Madame Castel's Lodger.
12074: Keyes, Frances Parkinson - Fielding's Folly.
11348: Keyes, Marian - Sushi For Beginners.
12098: Keyes, Frances Parkinson - I, The King.
3568: Keyes, Frances Parkinson - The Letter from Spain.
7632: Keyes, Frances Parkinson - The Gold Slippers.
838: Keyes, Frances Parkinson - The Royal Box.
3423: Keyes, Frances Parkinson - Joy Street.
423: Keyes, Frances Parkinson - The Gold Slippers.
4395: Keyes, Frances Parkinson - Steamboat Gothic.
4738: Keyes, Frances Parkinson - Joy Street.
8027: Kiefer, Warren - The Pontius Pilate Papers.
12650: Kightly, Charles - A Traveller's Guide to Places of Worship.
13713: Kilpatrick, Cathy - Wildlife in Towns.
6060: Kilvert, Francis and Plomer, William (ed) - Kilvert's Diary 1870 1879 Selections from the Diary of the Rev Francis Kilvert.
13621: King, W T C - The Stock Exchange Written for the Council of the Stock Exchange.
11256: King, Charles - Mama's Boy.
10841: King, Karen - Busy Little Postman.
8633: King Smith, Dick - The Invisible Dog.
11302: King, John - White Trash.
14285: King, Roma A - The Bow and the Lyre the Art of Robert Browning.
11965: King, Francis (ed) and Scott-Kilvert, Ian and Liddell, Robert et al - Introducing Greece.
12220: Kingsley, Charles - Alton Locke The Tailor and Poet.
13117: Kingsley, Charles - Westward Ho! Or The Voyages and Adventures of Sir Amyas Leigh.
2838: Kingsley, Charles - The Heroes.
13513: Kingsley, Charles - The Water Babies.
11878: Kingsley, Charles - Westward Ho!.
13506: Kingsley, Charles and Kingsley Mrs (ed) - Charles Kingsley His Letters and Memories of His LIfe Edited By His Wife.
8358: Kingsley, Charles - The Heroes or Greek Fairy Tales For My Children.
8790: Kingsley, Charles - Westward Ho!.
8656: Kingston, W H G - The Wanderers.
8383: Kingston, Beryl - Two Silver Crosses.
8724: Kingston, W H G - The Three Midshipmen.
6757: Kinne, Jane S - House Plants National Audubon Society Nature Program.
1557: Kinsolving, William - Born With The Century.
13058: Kipling, Rudyard - Selected Poems from Rudyard Kipling.
3803: Kipling, Rudyard - The Seven Seas.
12182: Kipling, Rudyard - Under The Deodars.
8807: Kipling, Rudyard - The Jungle Book.
9562: Kipling, Rudyard - The Jungle Book.
7879: Kipling, Rudyard - The Jungle Book.
7159: Kipling, Rudyard - Puck of Pook's Hill.
11475: Kirk, Pauline - No Cure In Tears.
8301: Kirkaldy, J F - Fossils In Colour.
12457: Kitson Clark, G - An Expanding Society Britain 1830 - 1900.
13776: Klaeber, Fr. (ed) - Boewulf and The Fight at Finnsburg.
9427: Klavan, Andrew as Keith Peterson - The Scarred Man.
9420: Klein, Zachary - Still Among The Living.
14442: Von Kleist, Heinrich - Michael Kohlhaas.
10322: Knight, Diana - Flaubert's Characters The Language of Illusion.
13295: Knight, India - The Shops.
11408: Knight, Charles Brunton - This Is York A Personally Conducted Tour.
8661: Knox, James - Robert Byron.
14730: Homer Translated By Robert Fagles Introduction and Notes By Bernard Knox - The Iliad.
7725: Knox, George F - The 'Fourth' of the Fernandina.
7552: Knox, Collie - Atlantic Battle.
3608: Kobal, John - Gotta Sing Gotta Dance A Pictorial History Of Film Musicals.
12281: Kochan, Lionel - Russia in Revolution.
10924: Konody, Paul G - Chardin.
1400: Konrad, Evelyn - Indiscretions.
6358: Konsalik, Heinz G - Die Weisse Front Drei Romane.
9862: Kossoff, David - Bible Stories.
8268: Kraemer, Konrad W - Das Schone Munster - York Munster.
8269: Kraemer, Konrad W - Das Schone Munster - York Munster.
5655: Kraus, Gottfried - Mozart Und Die Marionetten Von Salzburg.
13762: Krylova, Anastassia - St Petersburg.
2312: Kubly, Herbert - Gods And Heroes.
3301: Kubly, Herbert - Gods And Heroes.
12630: Kundera, Milan - Ignorance.
13533: Kupferberg, Herbert - Classical Music Lists.
5825: Kuusisto, Stephen - Planet of the Blind.
11530: Kyd, Thomas and Ross, Thomas W (ed) - The Spanish Tragedy.
14238: Labiche, E and Martin, Ed - Le Voyage De Monsieur Perrichon et Autres Comedies.
12633: Lacey, Robert and Danziger, Danny - The Year 1000 What Life Was Like at the Turn of the First Millennnium.
9625: Mencap Ladies' Committee - No Effort Bakes.
12196: Lagarde, Andre and Michard, Laurent - La Litterature Francaise XVIIe Siecle Les Grands Auteurs Du Programme III.
12197: Lagarde, Andre and Michard, Laurent - La Litterature Francaise XVIIIe Siecle Les Grands Auteurs Du Programme IV.
12198: Lagarde, Andre and Michard, Laurent - La Litterature Francaise XXe Siecle Les Grands Auteurs Du Programme VI.
4146: Lagarde, Andre and Michard, Laurent - La Litterature Francaise Du Moyen Age A L’Age Baroque.
632: Laidlaw, Ross - The Lion is Rampant A Political Thriller.
14195: Laight, I E - JJangu Osome Engero Ekitabo 2.
13981: Laing, Jennifer - Finding Roman Britain.
2204: Laird, Elizabeth - Arcadia.
9856: Laishley, A L and Brown, John (eds) - York Official Guide To The City and Miniguide.
12608: Laland, Claire (ed) - Family Favourite Cookbook.
12667: Lalor, Brian - Blue Guide Dublin.
3612: Lamb, Charlotte - Treasons Of The Heart.
8492: Lamb, Charles - Essays of Elia.
10111: Lamb, Charles And Vallance, Rosalind and Hampden, John - Essays.
12987: Lambelet, Kurt (ed) - Tut Ankh Amen Tutankhamen.
9728: Lambert, Derek - The Gate of the Sun.
5272: Lambert, A C - The Story Of A Pillow.
14170: Lord Morrison of Lambeth - Government and Parliament A Survey from the Inside.
12993: Lamborn, E A G and Harrison, G B - Shakespeare The Man and His Stage.
1576: Lambot, Isobel - Still Waters Run Deadly.
1179: Lamoine, Georges (ed) - Charges to the Grand Jury 1689 - 1803 Camden Fourth Series Volume 43.
11006: Lancaster, Osbert - The Littlehampton Bequest.
13611: Lancaster, W T et al - Thoresby Society Miscellanea 1899 Vol IX Part III.
7708: Lancaster, Sheila - Dark Sweet Wanton.
8659: Lancaster, Osbert - With An Eye to the Future.
11789: Landesman, Peter - The Raven.
2490: Landis, JD - Lying In Bed.
11489: Lane, Margaret - Purely For Pleasure.
8493: Lane, Margaret - The Bronte Story.
2906: Lane, Margaret - A Calabash Of Diamonds.
11836: Langley, Andrew - Medieval Life.
6474: Lannion, Philippe - Chateaux of the Loire.
5065: Laporte, Leo F - Ancient Environments.
9908: Larkin, Philip and Thwaite, Anthony (ed) - Letters to Monica.
2404: Larson, Charles R - The Insect Colony.
14426: Laurent, Andre - La Bataille De La Somme 1916 The Battle of The Somme 1916.
4571: Laver, James - Wesley.
12894: Lawrence, D H - Stories, Essays and Poems.
12334: D H Lawrence, Willa Cather, Homer, Dante, Yeats et al - Great Love Stories of the World.
13949: Lawrence, D H - Sons And Lovers.
10868: Leach, Christopher - RiverRun An Autobiographical Novel.
7152: Leakey, Richard E - The Making of Mankind.
8102: Leathes, Mrs Stanley - Little Pearl or All Among The Daisies.
2569: Lechtape, Andreas and Buske, Stefan - Munster.
10244: Horace Edited By James Lonsdale And Samuel Lee - The Works Of Horace Rendered Into English Prose.
3672: Lee, Lisa - Owen's Second Story Book Further Welsh Fairy Tales.
9012: Lee, Hermione - Penelope Fitzgerald a Life.
9771: Lee, Hermione - Penelope Fitzgerald A Life.
7877: Lee, Wendy - Step-By-Step Vegetarian Chinese Cookery.
5742: Legge, Martine - Etiquette.
13425: Leigh, Val - Outstanding Churches in the Yorkshire Dales.
1971: Leigh, Lis - Greed.
14021: Leon, Donna - Fatal Remedies.
14023: Leon, Donna - A Noble Radiance.
12404: Leon, Donna - Acqua Alta.
7532: Leonard, Alison - Tinker's Career.
5286: Leonard, R M (ed) - A Book Of Light Verse.
4766: Leslie, Doris - That Enchantress.
12437: Leslie, Doris - Royal William The Story of a Democrat.
362: Leslie, Doris - The Perfect Wife.
2858: Leslie, Doris - The Peverills.
9611: Leslie, Andrew (ed) - The Which? Guide To Scotland.
8271: Leslie, Doris - Polonaise.
3051: Leslie, Doris - That Enchantress.
809: Leslie, Doris - Peridot Flight.
9054: Lessing, Doris - Walking in the Shade Volume Two of My Aurobiography 1949 - 1962.
3464: Lessing, Doris - Love, Again.
9213: Lette, Kathy - Girls' Night Out.
5048: Levorsen, A I (ed) - Stratigraphic Type Oil Fields.
5848: Lewin, Ronald - Ultra Goes to War The Secret Story.
13183: Lewis, Roy - Cock of the Walk A Mid Victorian Rumpus.
9603: Lewis, Peter and Porter, Brian - Walking in Northern Lakeland.
13112: Lewis, Bernard - About The Old Curiosity Shop A Short Account of the Quaint Old Shop Immortalised By Charles Dickens as The Home of Little Nell and Her Grandfather.
3625: Day-Lewis (ed) - Last Letters Home.
744: Lewis, David - Mind Skills Giving Your Child A Better Future.
10713: Lewycka, Marina - A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian.
8663: Leyland, Eric - No Quarter A Red Lawson Story.
3772: Lichfield, Patrick Earl Of - The Most Beautiful Women.
9328: Liddell, Helen - Elite.
9349: Lightfoot, Freda - Lakeland Lily.
704: Lim, Janet - Sold For Silver.
10604: Linder, Leslie an Potter, Beatrix - A History of The Writings of Beatrix Potter Including Unpublished Work.
831: Lindop, Audrey Erskine - I Thank A Fool.
1448: Lindsay, Maurice - Thank You For Having Me.
8585: Lindsay, Sir Harry - British Commonwealth Objectives.
1296: Linklater, Eric - A Year Of Space.
6136: Linklater, Eric - Private Angelo.
409: Linklater, Eric - Juan In America.
3950: Linklater, Eric - Ripeness Is All.
1350: Linklater, Eric - The Faithful Ally.
1315: Linklater, Eric - The Faithful Ally.
3047: Linklater, Eric - The Faithful Ally.
10519: Linnell, C L S (ed) - The Diaries of Thomas Wilson d d 1731 - 37 and 1750 Son of Bishop Wilson of Sodor and Man.
9448: Lipman, Maureen - How Was It For You?.
17177: Lister, Anne and Whitbread, Helena (ed) - The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister Vol 1.
7896: Listfield, Emily - Acts of Love.
13335: Little, J Raymond and Cotterell, T Sturge - Sketches of Georgian Bath.
1411: Litwak, Leo - Waiting For The News.
11815: Lively, Penelope - Judgement Day.
4721: Lively, Penelope - Passing On.
11939: Plato Edited By Sir R W Livingstone - Plato Selected Passages.
2419: Llewellyn - Jones, Derek - Everywoman A Gynaecological Guide For Life.
13817: Llewellyn, Richard - At Sunrise The Rough Music.
13910: Lloyd, Richard - The Christmas Cavalier A Pantomime.
2430: LLoyd-Jones, Robin - Where The Forest And The Garden Meet.
14154: Locke, John - Two Treatises of Government.
11055: Locke, William J - The Demagogue and Lady Phayre.
13116: Locke, D M - Cast Not A Stone A Novel.
9604: Locke, Tim (ed) - Holiday Which? Good Walks Guide.
10736: George R Lockwood - The New Harmony Movement.
1984: Lockyer, K G - Production Control In Practice.
11699: Lodge, David - How Far Can You Go?.
11700: Lodge, David - Paradise News.
11701: Lodge, David - Therapy.
12014: Lofthouse, Jessica - Off To The Dales Walking By The Aire, Wharfe, Ure and Swale.
1249: Lofts, Norah - The King's Pleasure.
8442: Lofts, Norah - Her Own Special Island.
9700: Lofts, Norah - A Rose For Virtue.
12958: Loftus, Harry - Lett's Tour The Lake District The Pennines and Yorkshire Dales.
8867: London, Jack - White Fang.
14475: Long, W Harwood - A Survey of The Agriculture of Yorkshire.
11876: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - The Poetical Works Of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Reprinted From The Revised American Edition With Explanatory Notes.
8509: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - Selections From Longfellow.
3783: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth - The Poetical Works Of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow With Explanatory Notes.
6258: Loomis, Roger Sherman - The Development of Arthurian Romance.
1328: Van Loon, Hendrik - The Home Of Mankind.
10620: Van Loon, Hendrik Willem - The Home of Mankind The Story of the World We Live In.
12629: Lord, Walter - Day of Infamy.
5830: Lord, Walter - The Dawn's Early Light.
12441: Loti, Pierre and Super, O B - Pecheur D'Islande.
14071: Lousada, Patricia - Cooking With Herbs.
14246: Louys, Pierre - La Femme et Le Pantin Roman Espagnol.
11284: Lovell, K - Educational Psychology and Children.
14098: Lovesey, Peter - Keystone.
12355: Loving, Pierre - The Cat of Heaven.
9610: Lowther, Kenneth - The Holiday Which? Guide To The Scottish Highlands.
6259: Loxton, Howard and Warner, Peter - Guide To The Cats of the World.
1511: Hunter Straker Templeton Ltd - Heads And Tails A 60th Anniversary Souvenir Of Minting in Canada..
13309: Innocent Ltd - Innocent Smoothie Recipe Book 57 !/2 Recipes from Our Kitchen to Yours.
12868: Luard, Nicholas - Gondar.
12209: Lucas, S Beresford - Stolen Documents An Adventure Story For Boys.
7230: Lucas, Victor - Tolstoy In London.
1697: Lucas, Russell - Lip Service.
8609: Luce, J V - The End of Atlantis New Light On An Old Legend.
9891: Lucy, Mary Elizabeth and Fairfax-Lucy, Alice - Mistress of Charlecote.
9193: Ludlum, Robert - The Icarus Agenda.
11199: Ludlum, Robert - The Bourne Supremacy.
9210: Ludlum, Robert - Trevayne.
9245: Ludlum, Robert - The Gemini Contenders.
6867: Lurie, Alison - Women And Ghosts.
13891: Van Luttervelt, R - Dutch Museums.
14462: Luttrell, Barbara - The Prim Romantic A Biography of Ellis Cornelia Knight 1758 - 1837.
5147: Lykova, L - USSR Yesterday Today Tomorrow Social Security.
1009: Lytton, Earl Of and Barrie, J M - Antony.
6452: Lytton, The Rt Hon Lord - The Last Days Of Pompeii.
13640: Mabey, Richard - Nature in Your Basket Wild Plants That You Can Pick And Eat.
13017: Macaulay, Lord - Historical Essays.
10378: Macaulay, Thomas Babington - Critical and Historical Essays Volume Two.
6700: Macaulay, James - The Gothic Revival 1745 1845.
5771: MacCaig, Norman, and Silkin, Jon, and Holbrook, David, and Ndebele, Njabulo and Redgrove, Peter - Words The New Literary Forum Sixth Issue.
7869: Macdonald, Malcolm - The Rich Are With You Always.
9237: Macdonald, Patricia - A Stranger In The House.
9026: MacDonald, George - The Princess and Curdie.
7234: Macdonald, Malcolm - The Rich Are With You Always.
8056: Macdonogh, Katharine - Reigning Cats and Dogs.
6256: Macdowall, H C - Henry of Guise and Other Portraits Agrippa D'Aubigne and Catherine of Navarre.
715: Mace, Elisabeth - The Freedom Cage.
11406: MacGillivray, J Alexander - Minotaur Sir Arthur Evans and the Archaeology of the Minoan Myth.
5482: MacInnes, C M and Whittard, W F (eds) - Bristol And Its Adjoining Counties.
12357: Mackay, James - I Have Not Yet Begun to Fight A Life of John Paul Jones.
10833: Mackay, Shena - The World's Smallest Unicorn and Other Stories.
1320: Macken, Walter - Rain On The Wind.
17855: Mackenzie, Donald A - Crete and Pre Hellenic Myths and Legends.
9251: Mackenzie, Lee - Emmerdale Farm All That A Man Has....
10366: Mackenzie, Donald A - India Myths and Legends.
7786: Mackenzie, Compton - My Life and Times Octave Two 1891 - 1900.
9257: Mackenzie, Lee - Emmerdale Farm Good Neighbours.
12659: Mackerchar, E - Mary Reed of Chandag.
4809: Mackey, James P (ed) - The Cultures of Europe The Irish Contribution.
14166: Mackintosh, John P - The British Cabinet.
11946: Mackley, Lesley - The Book of Pasta.
11267: Maclean, Alistair - The Lonely Sea.
4908: Maclean, Alistair - Floodgate.
393: Maclean, Alistair - Where Eages Dare.
3617: Maclean, Alistair - Force 10 from Navarone.
2278: Maclean, Alistair - When Eight Bells Toll.
1925: Maclean, Alistair - Athabasca.
12320: Maclean, Rory - Falling for Icarus A Journey Among the Cretans.
8818: Maclean, Alistair - Breakheart Pass.
9439: Maclean, Alistair - When Eight Bells Toll.
3090: Maclean, Alistair - Athabasca.
7411: Maclean, Alistair - Athabasca.
3651: Maclean, Alistair - Seawitch.
4080: Maclean, Alistair - Bear Island.
11202: Maclean, Alistair - Partisans.
12598: Macleod, John - Dynasty The Stuarts 1560 - 1807.
728: Macleod, Angus - The Eighth Seal.
3683: MacMahon, Ryan - Tramp Royal An Autobiography.
13194: Macmillan, W B - The Hunting of Zakaroff.
4887: Macmillan, Harold - Winds Of Change 1914 - 1939.
2227: Macnair, James I - Livingstone's Travels.
6544: MacNally, L - Highland Year.
13744: Macpherson, Stewart - Melody and Harmony Book Two Elementary Harmonic Progression.
8266: MacPherson, Stewart - Music and Its Appreciation or The Foundations of True Listening.
9683: MacPike, Loralee - Dostoevsky's Dickens A Study of Literary Influence.
9669: MacSelf, A J - Sanders' Encyclopaedia of Gardening.
5974: Macvicar, Angus - The Grey Pilot.
1572: Maddock, Shirley and Whyte, Don - Islands Of The Gulf.
7952: Maddox, Brenda - The Married Man A Life of D H Lawrence.
13748: Madeley, H M - The Oxford Post Card Albums Old English Churches.
7867: Mader, Fritz and Hoffmann, Hans-C - Hameln Hamlin.
8131: Magnus, Philip - Gladstone A Biography.
2928: Maher, Terry - Against My Better Judgement.
9169: Mahfouz, Naguib - Respected Sir.
1373: Mailer, Norman - An American Dream.
3528: Mailer, Norman - An American Dream.
3546: Maine, Basil - Maine On Music.
12491: Mais, S P B - Norwegian Odyssey.
4379: Maitland, Sara - Virgin Territory.
13999: Maiuri, Amedeo - Pompeii.
13411: Major, Norma - Joan Sutherland.
3113: Makhanlall, David P - Brer Anansi's Joy Ride And Other Stories.
3964: Makower, Stanley and Blackwell, Basil (eds) - A Book Of English Essays 1600 1900.
7409: Malamud, Bernard - The Magic Barrel.
9238: Malamud, Bernard - The Natural.
10598: Mallinson, Rufus H - Free-Lance Journalism With A Camera.
11847: Mallinson, Allan - A Regimental Affair.
11025: Maltz, Steve - Now Everything Changes One Man's Search for Truth in a World Gone Mad.
7037: Maniates, Belle I - Amarilly of Clothes Line Alley.
7386: Mann, Thomas - Confessions of Felix Krull Confidence Man Memoirs Part I.
12589: Mann, Thomas - Death In Venice Tristan Tonio Kroger.
5151: Mann, Ida and Pirie, Antoinette - The Science of Seeing.
11709: Manning, Olivia - The Great Fortune.
8694: Manning, Olivia - The Battle Lost and Won.
9277: Manning, Olivia - The Levant Trilogy (The Danger Tree The Battle Lost and Won The Sum of Things )).
8644: Mansfield, Katherine - Bliss and Other Stories.
6570: Mansfield, A J and Powrie, P J and Williams, K E - France and Benelux.
14069: Mantel, Hilary - Wolf Hall.
1403: Manton, Jo - The Story Of Albert Schweitzer.
8830: Manwaring, Tony and Sigler, Nick (eds) - Breaking the Nation A Guide to Thatcher's Britain.
3573: Maqueen- Pope, W - Twenty Shillings In The Pound.
9311: Marchant, Catherine (Catherine Cookson) - The Iron Facade.
5411: Marden Smedley, Philip and Klinke, Jeffrey (eds) and Thubron, Colin - Views From Abroad The Spectator Book of Travel Writing.
11766: De La Mare, Walter - The Listeners and Other Poems.
6908: De La Mare, Walter - The Picnic and Other Stories.
11837: Margeson, Susan M - Viking.
10085: Margolin, Phillip M - The Burning Man.
9195: Margolin, Phillip M - The Burning Man.
12710: Markham, Sarah - John Loveday of Caversham 1711 - 1789 The Life and Times of an Eighteenth Century Onlooker.
14171: Markham, Christopher A - Chaffers' Hand Book to Hall Marks on Gold & Silver Plate.
684: Markham, Mrs - A History of France From the Conquest of Gaul to the Death of Louis Philippe.
13782: Markus, Julia - Dared and Done The Marriage of Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning.
12412: Marlowe, Christopher - The Complete Plays.
2315: Marlowe, Christopher - The Plays Of Christopher Marlowe.
13962: Marlowe, Christopher - Tamburlaine the Great Parts I & II.
8361: Marlowe, Derek - Nancy Astor The Lady From Virginia.
10375: Marnham, Patrick - Crime and the Academie Francaise.
577: Marquand, John P - So Little Time.
3269: Marquand, John P - H. M. Pulham, Esquire.
10473: Marquez, Gabriel Garcia - Chronicle of a Death Foretold.
12678: Marriner, Brian - Forensic Clues to Murder Forensic Science in the Art of Crime Detection.
10922: Marriott, J W (ed), Bennett, Pinero, Coward, Maugham, Dane, Galsworthy et al - Great Modern British Plays.
11086: Marriott, J W (ed), Bennett, Pinero, Coward, Maugham, Dane, Galsworthy et al - Great Modern British Plays.
11112: Marriott, J W (ed), Bax, Milne, Colum, Malleson et al - One-Act Plays of Today Fourth Series.
3441: Marryat, Captain - Children Of The New Forest.
1709: Mars Jones, Adam - The Waters Of Thirst.
6457: Marsden-Smedley, Philip and Klinke, Jeffrey (eds) and Thubron, Colin - Views From Abroad The Spectator Book Of Travel Writing.
6329: Marsden, C - Solvents And Allied Substances Manual With Solubility Chart.
13397: Marsden, Barry M - Discovering Regional Archaeology North Western England.
13652: Marsh, Ngaio - Light Thickens.
13871: Marsh, Ngaio - Overture to Death.
13872: Marsh, Ngaio - Vintage Murder.
732: Marsh, John - Operation Snatch.
8494: Marsh, Ngaio - Clutch of Constables.
14397: Marsh, David C - The Changing Social Structure of England and Wales 1871 - 1961.
3614: Marsh, Jean - Iris.
2939: Marsh, Joan - Conflict of The Heart.
430: Marsh, Ngaio - Photo Finish.
12084: Marsh, Ngaio - Colour Scheme.
13588: Marsh, Ngaio - Spinsters in Jeopardy.
9309: Marsh, Ngaio - Final Curtain.
917: Marshall, Rosalind K - The Days of Duchess Anne Life in the Household of the Duchess of Hamilton 1656 - 1716.
1074: Marshall, Gary - Red Mesas.
4505: Marshall, Dorothy - Fanny Kemble.
13763: Marshall, James W D - Floreat Per Saecula From Age to Age Excel A History of the Leeds Grammar School 1854 - 1997.
5988: Marshall, Arthur - Whimpering in the Rhododendrons The Splendours and Miseries of the English Prep School.
6992: Marshall, James Wilson and Buffum, Edward Gould - From Mexican Days to the Gold Rush.
6993: Marshall, James Wilson and Buffum, Edward Gould - From Mexican Days to the Gold Rush.
14277: Marshall, T H - Social Policy.
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