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Click on booknumber for full information
36131: Desalmand, Paul et Patrick Tort - Vers le Commentaire Compose. [Cover: Profil 417/418 le Francais Aux Examens)
49503: Pauley, Bruce F. - From Prejudice to Persecution; a History of Austrian Anti-Semitism
31991: Paulsen, Wolfgang, hrsg - Aspekte Des Expressionismus; Periodisierung, Stil, Gedankenwelt; Die Vorträge [Vortrage] Des Ersten Kolloquiums in Amherst, Massachusetts
44975: Paulson, Wolfgang, hrsg - Der Dichter Und Seine Zeit; Politik IM Spiegel Der Literatur. Drittes Amherster Kolloquium Zur Modernen Deutschen Literatur 1969
48546: Pauly, Marie-Helene - Fleurs-de-Lys Castors Et Caluments; L'Epopee Francaise Du Ouisconsin
48402: Musee du Jeu de Paume, Paris - Trois Seicles D'Art Aux Etats-Unis. Exposition Organisee En Collaboration Avec le Museum of Modern Art, New York. Musee Du Jeu de Paume, Paris, Mai-Juillet 1938 [Cover: Peinture, Sculpture, Architecture, Art Populaire, Photographie, Cinema; 103 Reproductions]
48722: Pauphilet, Albert - La Queste Du Saint Graal. Translatee Des Manuscrits Du XIII Siecle
8905: Pavan, Vicenzo, ed - Ultime Dimore; Catalogo Della Mostra. A Cura Di... . Agricenter Vorona 13 Settembre - 4 Ottobre 1987
48276: Pavlikova, Bozena - Od Roku Do Roku Uvahy a Nalady
13534: Paylore, Patricia, ed - Desertification; a World Bibliography
43973: Payrot, Ada - Un Secolo Di Libreria, 1848-1948. [Ada Peyrot E Colleghi Di Lavoro Nella Libreria Antiquaria Bourlot Offrono Per IL Centenario Della Sua Fondazione a Carlo Ettore Bourlot in Segno Di Affettuisa Devozione Questa Testimonianza Storica Alla Quale Francesco Pastonchi Ha Dato Per Loro Preghiera Degna Veste Letteraria]
11322: Pearce, Jim - Wildfowl Carving. Foreword by Hrh the Duke of Edinburgh
38939: Pearce, Clifford - The Machinery of Change in Local Government, 1888-1974; a Study of Central Involvement
33842: Pearl, Sydelle - Dear Mr. Longfellow; Letters to and from the Children's Poet
36227: Pears, Sir Edwin - Turkey and Its People
41901: Pearse, John B. - A Concise History of the Iron Manufacture of the American Colonies Up to the Revolution and Pennsylvania Until the Present Time
46846: Pearson, J.D., with the assistance of Julia F. Ashton - Index Islamicus, 1906-1955; a Catalogue of Articles on Islamic Subjects in Periodicals and Other Collective Publications. With Supplements 1 and 2
51776: Pearson, Margaret J., tr - The Original I Ching; an Authentic Translation of the Book of Changes
44747: Pearson, J. Michael - Adventures and Mis-Adventures of Antique Dealers and Collectors
35623: Pecchioli, Arrigo - I Tarocchi Del Duomo Di Siena
53650: Jung, C.G. [Carl Gustav] (Ernst Falzeder, ed.) (Mark Kyburz, John Peck and Ernst Falzeder, trs.) - Consciousness and the Unconscious: Lectures Delivered at Eth Zurich; Vol. 2: 1934
20702: Peck, Richard - The River between Us
26361: Peer, Willie van, ed - The Taming of the Text; Explorations in Language, Literature and Culture
39121: Peers, E. Allison - The Spanish Tragedy, 1930-1936; Dictatorship, Republic, Chaos
45208: Salisbury, Rollin D., assisted by Henry B. Kummel, Chas E. Peet and George N. Knapp - The Glacial Geology of New Jersey; Vol. 5 of the Final Report of the State Geologist
45074: Pegler, Martin M., ed - Storefronts and Facades; Book 2
47804: Pei, Mario A. - French Precursors of the Chanson de Roland
20378: Pejskar, Jozka - Pamatnik Na Zemrele Ceskoslovenske Exulanty V Letech, 1948-1994. (Posledni Pocta, Svazek 4)
34588: Pelayo, D. Marcelino Menedez y. - Historia de Las Ideas Estéticas [Esteticas] En España [Espana]. 14 Volume Set
36811: Pelayo, Don Marcelino Menedez y. - Historia de la Poesia Hispano-Americana. Two Volumes
43786: Sykes, M'Cready (Booth Tarkington, William B. Pell and Harold Imbrie, illus.) - Poe's Run and Other Poems, to Which Is Appended the Book of the Chronicles of the Elis. With Many Pictures by Booth Tarkington, William B. Pell and Harold Imbrie
37794: Pellegri, Marco, ed - Parma Nell'Arte; Rivista Di Lettere, Storia E Arte, Diretta Da Marco Pellegri. 1988
11419: Peltz, W.L.L. - Albany's Oldest Post-Mark, 1773-1790; Block Letters 44 X 7. 5 M.M. Straight Line
37893: Peluso, Vincenzo e Mario Peluso - Caprarica Del Capo (Note Storiche E Documenti)
37548: Pemble, John - Shakespeare Goes to Paris; How the Bard Conquered France
53109: Albany (N.Y.) Penitentiary - Twenty-Second Annual Report of the Inspectors and Superintendent of the Albany Penitentiary, with the Accompanying Documents. Made December 13, 1870
29089: Penn, Courtenay H. (compiler), with the assistance of Mr. Chin Hsien Tseng - The Five Thousand Dictionary and Index to the Character Cards of the College of Chinese Studies, California College in China. Revised American Edition, Based on the Fifth Peking Edition, Which Included Additions and Revisions by George D. Wilder and Mr. Chin Hsien Tseng
37808: Anderson Galleries (Joseph Pennell) - Important Bibliographies, Autograph Letters and Manuscripts; an Extensive Collection of the Artistic and Literary Life Work of Joseph and Elizabeth R. Pennell, First Editions of American and English Authors, American Historical and Other Books of Interest and Importance. [Cover: The Bibliographical Library of the Late Hon. John Boyd Thacher, Albany, N.Y. ; an Imposing Collection of Books, Drawings, Lithographs and Letters by Joseph and Elizabeth R. Pennell, Formed by H. Devitt Welsh, New York, N.Y. ; a Portion of the Library of the Late L.V. Case, Tarrytown, N.Y. And Other Properties]
15554: Penney, Sherry - Patrician in Politics: Daniel Dewey Barnard of New York
34240: Pennington, Howard - The New Ocean Explorers; Into the Sea in the Space Age
53170: Pennington, Paul - How to Read Greek Coins; an Adventure in Epigraphy for Those Who Know No Greek
50071: Pennot, Peter [William Marshall Fitts] - Achsah; a New England Life-Study
9547: Penteado, Antonio Rocha - Belem - Estudo de Geografia Urbana
21466: Penzoldt, Ernst - Süsse [Susse] Bitternis; Die Gesammelten Erzählungen [Erzahlungen]
48673: Peper, Jürgen [Jurgen] - Bewusstseinslagen Des Erzählens Und Erzählte [Erzahlens Und Erzahlte] Wirklichkeiten; Dargestellt an Amerikanischen Romanen Des 19. Und 20. Jahrhunderts Insbesondere Am Werk William Faulkners
37910: Perceau, Louis - Le Cabinet Secret Du Parnasse; Recueil de Poésies Libres, Rares Ou Peu Connues, Pour Servir de Supplément Aux Oeuvres Dites Completes Des Poets Francais; Pierre de Ronsard Et la Pleiade; Theophile de Viau Et Les Libertins; Francois de Malherbe Et Ses Escholiers; Mathurin Regnier Et Les Satyriques. Textes Revus Sur Les éditions Anciennes Et Les Manuscrits Et Publiés Avec Notes, Variantes, Bibliographie Et Glossaire. Four Volume Set
53145: Percy, Bishop (John W. Hales, and Frederick J. Furnivall, eds.) - Bishop Percy's Folio Manuscript; Ballads and Romances. Vol. 1 Only
42301: Percy, Hugh Earl (Charles Knowles Bolton, ed.) - Letters of Hugh Earl Percy from Boston and New York, 1774-1776
48991: Davies, Percy and Frederick Yates - Barefists and Courage; the Adventures of a Welsh Prizefighter During the Reign of Queen Victoria
46887: Peretti, Andre de - L'Independance Du Maroc Et la France: 1946-1956; Memoires Et Temoignage
32913: Escritores de Corumba e Ladarios -MS. (Anela Maria Perez, ed.) - Memorias Pantaneiras-I
53494: Perfetti, Frank - John Martin; an Italian with Custer at the Little Big Horn, 1876-1976
48944: Pergola, Antonio la - Residui "Contrarrualistici" E Struttura Federale Nell'Ordinamento Degli Stati Uniti
20186: Perkin, Harold - The Structured Crowd; Essays in English Social History
52299: Perkins, Theodore E. - The Mount Zion Collection of Sacred and Secular Music; Consisting of Tunes, Anthems, Singing School Exercises, and Songs for the Sabbath School and Social Circle
38978: Perkins, James Breck - France Under Mazarin, with a Review of the Administration of Richelieu. Two Volumes
35067: Perl, Raphael - The Falkland Islands Dispute in International Law and Politics; a Documentary Sourcebook. With an Historic Chronology and Bibliography by Everette E. Larson
51680: Perlis, Vivian - Charles Ives Remembered; an Oral History
48946: Perosa, Sergio - Le Vie Della Narrativa Americana
50202: Perraudin, Michael - Heinrich Heine; Poetry in Context; a Study of Buch Der Lieder
41733: Perrault, Charles - Les Contes Des Fées de Charles Perrault. Publies Sur L'Edition Originale de 1697 Et Suivis Du Texte En Francais Moderne Entierement Gravé Au Burin Pour L'Edition Curmer En 1843
13540: Perreau, Robert - Bibliographie de Meaux Et Coulommiers. Suivi de Biographies Regionales, de Morceax Choisis, Et D'Une Table de Concordance Des Noms de Personnes Et de Lieux
29915: Perrin, Henri - Tagebuch Eines Arbeiterpriesters; Aufzeichnungen Von Henri Perrin, 1943-44
39481: Perrotta, Gennaro - Cesare, Catullo, Orazio E Altri Saggi; Scritti Minori I. A Cura Di Bruno Gentili, Giuseppe Morelli E Gregorio Serrao
38526: Perroux, Francois - Des Mythes Hitleriens a L'Europe Allemande
34382: Perry, Ben Edwin - The Ancient Romances; a Literary-Historical Account of Their Origins
33735: Persson, T., ed - Structure and Function of Northern Coniferous Forests; an Ecosystem Study
44514: Peschken, Bernd - Entsagung in "Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahren
33108: Smart, Peter and N. Keith Tovey - Electron Microscopy of Soils and Sediments; Techniques
15874: Peterich, Eckart - Göttinnen [Gottinnen]: IM Spiegel Der Kunst
24893: Peters, Carmichael C. - A Gadamerian Reading of Karl Rahner's Theology of Grace and Freedom
52149: Peters, H.F. - Red Jenny; a Life with Karl Marx
45284: Peters, Franz - Thermoelemente Und Thermosäulen [Thermosaulen]; Ihre Herstellung Und Anwendung. Mit 192 in Den Text Gedruckten Abbildungen
52939: Petersen, Erich Rob - IM Herzen Kameruns; Auf Busch- Und Kriegspfaden Durch Kamerun
36860: Petersen, Nis - Lyrik; Digte Fra Forskellige Perioder. Med Forord Af Hans Brix
36858: Petersen, Nis - Nattens Pibere; Digte
36857: Petersen, Nis (Povl Christensen, illus.) - Aftenbønnen [Aftenbonnen]. Illustreret Af Povl Christensen
20889: Petershagen, Angelika - Entscheidung Für [Fur] Greifswald; Autobiographie
53573: Peterson, Carla L. - Black Gotham; a Family History of African Americans in Nineteenth-Century New York City
51937: Peterson, Harold L. - Arms and Armor of the Pilgrims, 1620-1692
26019: Peterson, Thomas D. - Wittgenstein for Preaching: A Model for Communication
52655: Peterson, Mendel - History Under the Sea; a Handbook for Underwater Exploration
46610: Peterson, Holly - It's Hot in the Hamptons; a Novel
39377: Peterson, Charles S. - The Military Heroes of the War of 1812 and the War of Mexico, with a Narrative of the War. Two Volumes in One
13317: Peterson, Margaret - Wallace Stevens and the Idealist Tradition
37905: Petimezas, Herakles - Ethnike Antistase Kai Koinonike Epanastase Zervas Kai E.A. M. ; Ho Agonas 1941-44 Vasei Ton Archeion Tes Antistasiakes Homadas "Niketas
53096: Petit, Philippe - To Reach the Clouds; My High Wire Walk between the Twin Towers
36963: Petre, M.D. - The Ninth Lord Petre, or Pioneers of Roman Catholic Emancipation. By His Great-Great-Granddaughter, M.D. Petre
42579: Petri, Eduard IUlevich - Uchebnyi Geograficheskii Atlas
52259: Petrie, Charles, Sir - The Jacobite Movement; the First Phase, 1688-1716
14228: Petronio, Giuseppe, ed - Dizionario Enciclopedico Della Letteratura Italiana. Complete Set
33798: Mussorgsky [Modest Petrovich] - Nursery; a Cycle of Seven Songs for Voice and Piano (Original Key)
28235: Moussorgsky [Modeste Petrovich] - Moussorgsky; Selected Compositions for Piano
12382: Petrovitch, Michel - Lecons Sur Les Spectres Mathematiques, Professees a la Sorbonne En 1928 Par Michel Petrovitch
53715: Petrunin, Mikhail - Comparative Grammar of Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and French; Learn and Compare 4 Languages Simultaneously
49536: Petzold, Hilarion, hrsg - Psychotherapie, Mediation, Gastalt
47910: Peyre, J.F.A. - Lois Des Frances, Contenant la Loi Salique Et la Loi Ripuaire. Suivant le Texte de Dutillet, Revu Avec Soin, Et Eclairci Par la Ponctuation, Avec la Traduction En Regard Et Des Notes, Par M.J. F.A. Peyre. Precede D'Une Preface Par M. Isambert
53013: Museo Poldi Pezzoli - Argenti Italiani Dal XVI Al XVIII Secolo; Catalogo
45280: Pfanhauser, W. - Die Galvanoplastik. Mit 35 in Den Text Gedruckten Abbildungen
38045: Gustav Pfannmüller [Pfannmuller] - Ludwig Wilhelm Luck; Pfarrer Und Chronist Von Wolfskehlen, Ein Freund Friedrich Hebbels
25958: Pfeffermann, Hans - Die Zusammenarbeit Der Renaissancepäpste [Renaissancepapste] Mit Den Türken [Turken]. Mit Geleitwort Von Prof. Fristz Blanke Zürich [Zurich]
20612: Pfeiffer, Johannes - Was Haben Wir an Einem Gedicht?; Drei Kapitel Uber Sinn Und Grenze Der Dichtung. Mit Einem Anhang: Zu Heidegers Deutung Der Dichtung
38825: Pfeiffer, Hans und Friedrich Lindemann, hrsg - Niedersachsen; Norddeutsche Monatschefte Für [Fur] Heimat Und Volkstum, 32 Jahrgang (1927)
2680: Pfister, Kurt - Vittoria Colonna; Werden Und Gestalt Der Fruhbarocken Welt. Mit 58 Abbildungen
52242: Pfister, Ludwig - Nachtrag Zu Der Aktenmässigen [Aktenmassigen] Geschichte Der Räuberbanden [Rauberbanden]
48260: Pfister, Albert - Die Amerikanische Revolution, 1775-1783. Entwicklungsgeschichte de Grundlagen Zum Freistaat Wie Zum Weltreich Unter Hervorhebung Des Deutschen Anteils. Für [Fur] Das Deutsche Und Amerikanische Volk Geschrieben. 2 Bände [Bande]
29474: Pfliegler, Michael - Der Rechte Augenblick; Erwagungen über [Uber] Die Entscheidenden Zeiten IM Bildungsvorgang
24320: Phelps, Robert H. - God and the Editor; My Search for Meaning at the New York Times
52815: Rucker, Philip and Carol Leonnig - A Very Stable Genius; Donald J. Trump's Testing of America
52676: Philip, Cynthia Owen - Robert Fulton; a Biography
49362: Schaff, Philip and S. Irenaeus Prime, eds - History, Essays, Orations, and Other Documents of the Sixth General Conference of the Evangelical Alliance, Held in New York, October 2-12, 1873
52526: Rucker, Philip and Carol Leonnig - A Very Stable Genius; Donald J. Trump's Testing of America
21648: Trewhitt, Philip and Chris McNab - Fighting Vehicles of the World; over 600 Tanks and Afvs of the World
39746: Clendenning, Philip and Roger Bartlett - Eighteenth Century Russia; a Select Bibliography of Works Published Since 1955
51616: Philipp, I. - Some Reflections on Piano Playing
51369: Philips, David - Crime and Authority in Victorian England; the Black Country, 1835-1860
37655: Philips, John (Thomas Park, ed.) - The Poetical Works of John Philips
53137: Philipson, David - The Jew in English Fiction
31891: Phillipps, K.C. - The Language of Thackeray
50851: Phillips, Henry - The True Enjoyment of Angling
49637: Phillips, C. Henry - The Singing Church; an Outline History of the Music Sung by Choir and People. New Edition, Prepared by Arthur Hutchings
49751: Phoenix, Eamon, Padraic O'Cleireachain, Eileen McAuley, et al, eds - Feis Na Ngleann; a Century of Gaelic Culture in the Antrim Glens
53643: Brockmann, Jorg (photo.) and Bill Harris (text) - One Thousand New York Buildings. Foreword by Judith Dupre
53049: Papageorge, Ron (photo.) and Toby Papageorge (ed.) - Hamptons Mansions
38145: Klum, Mattias (photo) and Priit Vesilind (text) - Hästfolk [Hastfolk]
52701: Bernik, Ed (photo.) and Paul Adomites (story) - Pennsylvania Crude; Boomtowns and Oil Barons
51754: McNulty, George F. (photo. and text) and Margaret Scheinin (text) - Essex; the Architectural Heritage
53387: Berenholtz, Richard (photo.) and Amanda Johnson (text) - New York Architecture; a History. Introduction by Carol Willis
50170: Heald, David (photo.) and Terryl N. Kinder (text) - Architecture of Silence; Cistercian Abbeys of France
50292: Schmid, Gregor M. (photo.) and Volker Kinnius (ed.) - Self-Induced Loneliness; Ludwig II. Introductory Texts by Christina Haberlik. Translation by Carole Porter
53239: Tata, Sam (photographer) and Ian McLachlan (text) - Shanghai; 1949; the End of an Era
28672: Plicka, Karel (photographer) and Jaroslav Seifert (text) - Praga, Quando Te Aspiciam. .
53275: Tolstoy, Sophie (photographs) and Pierre Apraxine (text) - Tolstoy and His Circle. Introduction by Serge Tolstoi
13551: Phousaras, G. I. - Bibliographia Ton Ellinikon Bibliographion, 1791 - 1947
19190: Phrankeskou, Vassilike A. - Lysia Demosthene Hypereide: Attikoi Epitaphioi Logoi: Eisagoge - Archaio Keimeno - Metaphrase - Semeiseis
13349: Congress of American Physicians and Surgeons - Transactions of the Congress of American Physicians and Surgeons. Second Triennial Session, Washington, September 22d, 23d, 24th and 15th, 1891
13973: Picard, Emile - Selecta, 1877 - 1927; Cinquantenaire Scientifique de M. Emile Pickard
11317: Picard, A. - Precis de Brevetabilite: Essai de Presentation Mathematique de la Brevetabilite
45787: Picard, Raymond - Corpus Racinianum; Recueil-Inventaire Des Textes Et Documents Du XVII Siecle Concernant Jean Racine
44208: Picart, Caroline Joan - Resentment and the "Feminine" in Nietzche's Politico-Aesthetics
34890: Picasso, Pablo - Picasso; Oeuvres Des Musees de Leningrad Et de Moscou, 1900-1914
51309: Picasso, Pablo (Georges Ramie) - Picasso's Ceramics. Translated from the French by Kenneth Lyons
52764: Pick, Albert - Papermoney; Catalogue of the Americas
52977: Pick, Albert - Catalogue of European Paper Money Since 1900. Second Edition
27101: Pickering, Paul - The Leopard's Wife
39614: Pickert, Rick "Walks in the Night - Primitive Adventures; the Journals of Rick "Walks in the Night" Pickert
41637: Picoche, Jacqueline - Nouveau Dictionnaire Etymologique Du Francais
49624: Pidal, R. Menendez - Romancero Tradicional; I: Romanceros Del Rey Rodrigo Y de Bernardo Del Carpio; II: Romanceros de Los Condes de Castilla Y de Los Infantes de Lara. Vols. 1 and 2 Only (of 3)
48161: Pidal, Ramon Menendez - La Epopeya Castellana a Traves de la Literatura Espanola. Segunda Edicion
29873: Pieper, Josef - Vom Sinn Der Tapferkeit
29879: Pieper, Josef - Traktat über [Uber] Die Klugheit
49904: Pier, Arthur Stanwood - The Story of Harvard. With Illustrations by Vernon Howe Bailey
27069: Pierce, Rev. D. Rand - The Heavenly Pilgrim and Other Poems
43396: Pierce, Edward Lillie - Major John Lillie, 1755-1801; the Lillie Family of Boston, 1663-1896
41492: Pierce, Richard Donald, ed - General Catalogue of the Newton Theological Institution, 1826-1943. With Biographical Sketches of Professors and Students in Andover Theological Seminary, 1931-1943
50077: Pierce, Dexter Vinton - Caleb Abbott
49655: Pierne, Gabriel (Georges Delaw, illus.) - En Avant, Fanfan la Tulipe! Chants Militaires Et Chansons de Route
50816: St. Pierre, Bernardin de - Paul and Virginia. With an Original Memoir of the Author, and Three Hundred and Thirty Illustrations
45201: Balme, Pierre et Louis Tezenas - La Vie a Clermont Au XVIII Siecle (1700-1790). Seize Compositions Originales de Louis Tezenas
39904: Lallemand, Pierre et Maurice Noel - Pont a Mousson
39521: Echinard, Pierre et Michel Martin-Roland - L'Esprit Gymnase; Bicentenaire Du Theatre, 1804-2004
36162: Trahard, Pierre et Pierre Josserand - Bibliographie Des Oeuvres de Prosper Merimee
36147: Caizergues, Pierre et Marie-Christine Movilliat - Raymond Radiguet, 1903-2003; Colloque Du Centenaire. Textes Et Documents Reunis Et Publies Par Pierre Caizergues Et Marie-Christine Movilliat
36144: Caizergues, Pierre et Marie-Christine Movilliat - Raymond Radiguet, 1903-2003; Colloque Du Centenaire. Textes Et Documents Réunis Et Publiés [Reunis Et Publies] Par Pierre Caizergues Et Marie-Christine Movilliat
9598: Etienvre, Jean-Pierre and Leonardo Romero, eds - La Recepcion Del Texto Literario (Coloquio Casa de Velaquez-Departamento de Filologia Espanola de la Universidad de Zarqagoza. Jaca, Abril de 1986. )
31152: Pies, Eike - Goethe Auf Reisen; Begegnungen Mit Landschaften Und Zeitgenossen
21275: Piescikowski, Edward - Boleslaw Prus. Materialy. Redaktor Naukowy Edward Piescikowski
44798: Henriette Annemie van den Oudendijk Pieterse - Dürers [Durers] Rosenkranzfest En de Ikonografie Der Duitse Rozenkransgroepen Van de XV En Het Begin Der XVI Eeuw
36955: Pigallet, Maurice - Memoire de L'Intendant de Franche-Comte. Puplie D'Apres Un Manuscrit de la Bibliotheque de Besancon
36878: Pigallet, Maurice - Memoire de L'Intendant de Fanche-Comte; Publie D'Apres Un Manuscrit de la Bibliotheque de Besancon
35186: Piirainen, Ilpo Tapani - Graphematische Untersuchungen Zum Frühneuhochdeutschen [Fruhneuhochdeutschen]
49641: Conant, Martha Pike and others - A Girl of the Eighties at College and at Home from the Family Letters of Charlotte Howard Conant, and from Other Records. With Illus
49532: Pike, David - Lukacs and Brecht
36768: Pike, Zebulon Montgomery - Exploratory Travels Through the Western Territories of North America, Comprising a Voyage from St. Louis, on the Mississippi, to the Source of That River, and a Journey Through the Interior of Louisiana, and the North-Eastern Provinces of New Spain, Performed in the Years 1805, 1806, 1807, by Order of the Government of the United States
44131: Pilkington, Roger (David Knight, illus.) - Small Boat to Alsace
51872: Pilkington, Roger (David Knight, illus.) - Boats Overland
45264: Pillement, Georges - Demeures Parisiennes En Peril
44770: Pillement, Georges - Destruction de Paris. Illustre de Trente-Deux Planches Hors Texte En Helio Et de Plans
45252: Pillement, Georges - Les Hotels; D'Auteuil Au Palais-Royal. Edition Illustree de 20 Cliches Dans le Texte Et de 65 Photographies Prises Par L'Auteur
45507: Pillement, Georges - Les Environs de Paris Inconnus; Nord; Itineraires Archeologiques. Illustres de 64 Photographies de L'Auteur
45508: Pillement, Georges - Destruction de Paris. Illustre de Trente-Deux Planches Hors Texte En Helio Et de Plans
45326: Pillement, Georges - Les Hotels de Paris; Vol. 1: Rive Droite; Vol. 2: Rive Gauche Et Ile Saint-Louis. Two Volumes in One
48412: Pillionnel, Jaques-Henri - Poemes D'Amerique
48333: Pillionnel, Jaques-Henri - Poemes D'Amerique
44752: Pilon, Edmond - Le Charme de Paris; [Vol. 1: ] Jardins, Quais Et Fontaines; [Vol. 2: ] Eglises Et Vieux Logis; [Vol. 3: ] Monuments. Illustrations En Couleurs de Louis Willaume, Andre de Doba Et Charles Samson
53288: Meng Zi Liao Pin, ed. (Wang Wenijiong, tr.) - The Hidden Tradition; Life Inside the Great Tibetan Monastery Tashilhunpo
8903: Pinagli, M. G., ed - Prolegomeni; Conoscenza E Intuizione in Architettura. A Cura Di...
43818: Pinckney, James D. - Reminiscences of Catskill; Local Sketches. Together with Interesting Articles by Thurlow Weed, Edwin Croswell, S. Sherwood Day and Joseph Hallock
38857: Pineda, Jose M. de Soroa y. - Elayotecnia; Extraccion, Mejora, Empleos Y Subproductos Del Aceite de Oliva
35278: Pines, Shlomo - A New Fragment of Xenocrates and Its Implications
24809: Pingon, Jean de - Les Memoires Du Roi Berold; Recits, Legendes Et Chroniques Des Terres de la Clef; Tome 1: L'Enfant Sur la Colline
47557: Pinksy, Robert, ed - The Mind Has Cliffs of Fall; Poems at the Extremes of Feeling
49768: Pinkus, Oscar - A Second Life
36134: Pinto, Diana - Entre Deux Mondes
39709: Piñuela [Pinuela], Jose Deleito y. - El Declinar de la Monarquia Española [Espanola]
37812: Piper, Klaus, hrsg - 75 Jahre Piper; Bibliographie Und Verlagsgeschichte, 1904-1979
50949: Pirandello, Luigi (Arthur Livingston, tr.) - The Late Mattia Pascal. Translated from the Italian by Arthur Livingston
44403: Pirker, Paul - Ludwig Albrecht Schubart; Eine Monographie
45636: Schuller-Piroli, Susanne - 2000 Jahre Sankt Peter; Die Weltkirche Von Den Anfängen [Anfangen] Bis Zur Gegenwart. [Cover: Die Erste Gesamtdarstellung Der Geschichte Der Apostelkirche, Von Petrus Bis Zur Gegenwart, Zugleich Auch Eine Geschichte Des Papsttums, Der Abendlandischen Kultur, Kunst Und Politik, Mit Kunstdrucktafeln, Zeichnungen Und Plänen (Planen)]
47324: Pirrone, Herta - Amerika Durch Die Hintertür [Hintertur] Gesehen; Ein Kleines Buch über [Uber] Ein Grosses Land
44989: Pischer, Karl - Eduard Mörikes [Morikes]; Künstlerisches [Kunstlerisches] Schaffen Und Dichterische Schöpfungen [Schopfungen]
22405: St. Lawrence University - Frank P. Pisker - The Frank P. Piskor Collection of Robert Frost
45314: Pitaval, M.R. - Die Elektrochemische Industrie Frankreichs. Ins Deutsche übertragen [Ubertragen] Von Max Huth. Mit 35 in Den Text Gedruckten Abbildungen
14006: Pitkänen, Pentti - Fyysisen Kunnon Rakenne Ja Kehittyminen; Structure and Development of Physical Fitness, with English Summary
44455: Pitrou, Robert - La Vie Et L'Oeuvre de Theodor Storm (1817-1888)
51111: Pittenger, William - Capturing a Locomotive; a History of Secret Service in the Late War
16696: Pittenger, W. Norman - Christ and Christian Faith: Some Presuppositions and Implications of the Incarnation
52108: Piwonka, Ruth - A Portrait of Livingston Manor, 1686-1850
38157: Place, Frank - Index of Personal Names in J.H. French's Gazetteer of the State of New York (1860). Compiled by Frank Place. With Added Supplement
29222: Jimenez-Placer, Fernando y Suarez de Lezo - Historia Del Arte Español [Espanol]; Tomo 1: Del Paleolitico Al Renacimiento (Arquitectura); Tomo 2: Del Renacimiento (Escultura) Hasta El Siglo XX. Con Un Estudio Sobre El Arte Del Siglo XX Por Alejandro Cirici Pellicer. Prologo Del Excelentismo Señor [Senor] D. Francisco Javier Sanchez Canton. Two Volume Set
17946: Plaja, Guillermo Diaz - El Intelectual Y Su Libertad
37571: Diaz-Plaja, Guillermo, ed - Historia General de Las Literaturas Hispanicas; Vol. 1: Desde Los Origenes Hasta 1400; Vol. 2: Pre-Renacimiento Y Renacimiento; Vol. 3: Renacimiento Y Barroco. Con Una Introduccion de D. Ramon Menendez Pidal. Vol. 1-3 Only
33519: The American Institute of Planners - Journal of the American Institute of Planners (Planners' Journal); Vols 1-15; 1935-1949. Vols. 1-15 in 6 Volumes
27620: Plantenga, Janneke - Een Afwijkend Patroon; Honderd Jaar Vrouwenarbeid in Nederland En (West-)Duitsland
46486: The Cleveland Playhouse - The Cleveland Playhouse, 1915-1990. (75th Anniversary)
52354: Mann, Katia (Elisabeth Plessen and Michael Mann, eds.) (Hunter and Hildegarde Hannum, trs.) - Unwritten Memories. Translated from the German
20370: Pleva, Frantisek - Toulky Vrchovinou; Strucna Historie Mest, Obci a Vyznamnych Mist Vrchoviny
20439: Pluzanski, Tadeusz - Teilhard de Chardin
51113: Poe, Edgar Allan (Patrick F. Quinn, ed.) - Poetry and Tales
51777: Brenel, Alfred (poems) and George Nama (artwork) - Dreisehn Engel/Thirteen Angels. Poems by Alfred Brenel. Etchings, Drawings, and Sculptures by George Nama. English Versions by the Author with Richard Stokes
51778: Brendel, Alfred (poems) and George Nama (etchings) - Von Teufeln/ Devils' Pageant; Poems by Alfred Brendel, with Etchings by George Nama. English Versions by the Author with Richard Stokes
35251: Pohlenz, Max (Heinrich Dörrie [Dorrie], hrsg.) - Kleine Schriften, 1 Und II. Herausgegeben Von Heinrich Dörrie [Dorrie]. Two Volumes
29928: Pohlmann, Alfred - Unser Wandsbek; Geschichte Und Geschichten Aus Sieben Jahrhunderten
31066: United States Military Academy [West Point] - Annual Report of the Superintendent
2452: Poiree, Elie - Essais de Technique & D'Esthetique Musicales. Premiere Serie: 1. Les Maitres Chanteurs de Richard Wagner; II. Etude Sur le Discours Musical. Faite Principalement D'Apres la Partition Des Maitres. E. Fromont, Editeur
30839: Polak, Henri - Openbare Brief Aan Den Weledelzeer-Geleerden Heer Dr. A.R. Zimmerman
30823: Polak, Henri - Het Bankroet; Eenige Opmerkingen Betreffende "Het Bankroet Der Tegenwoordige Sociale Politiek" Door Mejuffrouw Mr. E.C. Van Dorp
32480: Polak, Ada - Glassboken
51966: Pole, William - Whist
24900: Poleggi, Ennio, ed - La Pittura a Genova E in Liguria; Vol. Uno: Dagli Inizi Al Cinquecento; Vol. Due: Dal Seicento Al Primo Novecento
45664: Polevoi, Boris Nikolaevich - Povest O Nastoiashchem Cheloveke
52382: Polheim, Karl Konrad, hrsg - Literatur Aus ôsterreich/ôsterreichische [Osterreich/Osterreichische] Literatur; Ein Bonner Symposion
53125: Polheim, Karl Konrad - Novellentheorie Und Novellenforschung; Ein Forschungsbericht, 1645-1964
46519: Poliakov, Leon - Les Banchieri Juifs Et le Saint-Siege Du XIII Au XVII Siecle
49396: Police - Police; Greatest Hits. Piano/Vocal/Chords
25009: Polin, Raymond - Plato and Aristotle on Constitutionalism; an Exposition and Reference Source
33173: Polk, William R. - The Opening of South Lebanon, 1788-1840; a Study of the Impact of the West on the Middle East
43392: Pollard, Ray - Warm Chimneys
43171: Pollen, Bella - Meet Me in the in-between
19412: Pollia, Joseph Andrea - The Fundamental Principles of Alveolo-Dental Radiology; a Text Book Dealing with the Technics of Taking Radiographs of the Teeth and Osseous Tissues of the Human Jaws, with an Analytical Treatise on Their Interpretation As a Basis of Diagnosis of Oral Lesions. With 774 Illustrations
42508: Pollok, Robert - The Course of Time; a Poem. Memoir of the Author, an Introductory Notice, a Copious Index, and an Analysis Prefixed to Each Book. Fifteenth American Edition, with Fisk's Improvements
45194: Pöls [Pols], Werner - Sozialistenfrage Und Revolutionsfurcht in Ihrem Zusammenhang Mit Den Angeblichen Staatsstreichplänen [Staatsstreichplanen] Bismarcks
45193: Pöls [Pols], Werner - Sozialistenfrage Und Revolutionsfurcht in Ihrem Zusammenhang Mit Den Angeblichen Staatsstreichplänen [Staatsstreichplanen] Bismarcks
6280: Pommery, Louis - Changes Et Monnaies. Preface de M. Albert Buisson
10868: Oliva, Pompeo et al, Comitato Esecutivo - L'Isolato Di Messina: I Simposio Internazionale Di Progettazione, Messina, 211-29 Marzo 1985...
52274: Le Franc de Pompignan, Jean-Jacques - Oeuvres Diverses de Monsieur L*F****. Ornee de Figures En Taille-Douce. Two Volumes
38210: Ponce, Pablo Samaniego, ed - Mete Gol, Gana; El Futbol Y la Economia. Introduccion Y Seleccion de Textos de Pablo Samaniego Ponce
32057: Poniatowski, Michel - Histoire de la Russie D'Amerique Et de L'Alaska. Preface de Michel de Saint-Pierre. Avec 12 Planche Hors-Texte Et Des Cartes
51323: The Empress Frederick (Sir Frederick Ponsonby, ed.) - Letters of the Empress Frederick
45928: Da Ponte, Lorenzo L. - A History of the Florentine Republic, and of the Age and Rule of the Medici. Vol. 2 Only
53475: Pontual, Roberto - Dicionario Das Artes Plasticas No Brasil. Introducao Historico-Critica de Mario Barata, Lourival Gomes Machado, Roberto Pontual, Carlos Cavalcanti, Flavio Mota, Araci Amaral, Walter Zanini, Ferreira Gullar, Edison Carneiro
52548: Poole, Stanley Lane (Reginald Stuart Poole, ed.) - Catalogue of Oriental Coins in the British Museum; Vol. 1-10. Ten Volume Set
44296: Poore, Ben Perley (compiler) - A Descriptive Catalogue of Government Publications of the United States, September 5, 1774 - March 4, 1881. Two Volumes
29284: Popa, Chris (revised by Charles Garrod) - Jerry Gray and His Orchestra
49160: Pope, Alexander - An Essay on Man, in Four Epistles to Henry St. John, Lord Bolingbroke, to Which Are Added, Notes, Grammatical and Explanatory, Adapting It to the Use of Schools, by Josiah Swett
31823: Pope, Alexander (Bertrand A. Goldgar, ed.) - Literary Criticism of Alexander Pope
29923: Pophal, Rudolph - Zur Psychophysiologie Der Spannungserscheinungen in Der Handschrift. Zweite, Umgearbeitete Und Vermehrte Auflage, Mit 2 Abbildungen, 8 ûbersichstafeln [Ubersichstafeln] Und 1 Schriftprobenheft
28927: Royal Academy (A.E. Popham) - Italian Drawings Exhibited at the Royal Academy, Burlington House, London, 1930. [Preface by A.E. Popham]
13927: Popoff, Kyrille - Le Mouvement D'Un Projectile Autour de Son Centre de Gravite
32234: Popov, Konstantin P. - Iz Istorijata Na Balgarskija Knizoven Ezik
53285: Portanier, Gilbert (Susan Jefferies, Peter Nickl, Peter Siemssen, et al) (Antoinette Chaillard, photo.) - Gilbert Portanier; Oeuvres 2000-2009
15432: Von der Porten, Edward P. - The German Navy in World War II
28042: Porter, Dennis - Rousseau's Legacy; Emergence and Eclipse of the Writer in France
40141: Porter, James - The Operative's Friend, and Defence; or, Hints to Young Ladies Who Dependent on Their Own Exertions
36411: Grasselli, Margaret Morgan, Andrew Robison, Rhoda Eitel-Porter and Jennifer Tonkovich - Private Treasures; Four Centuries of European Master Drawings. Contributions by Judith Brodie, Elizabeth Cropper, Anne Varick Lauder, Et Al.
53614: Porterfield, Nolan - The Life and Times of America's Blue Yodeler, Jimmie Rodgers
42227: Faculdade de Letras do Porto - Os "Ultimos Fins" Na Cultura Iberica Dos Secs. XV a XVIII; Porto, 19 a 21 de Outubro de 1995
32391: Porush, David - The Soft Machine; Cybernetic Fiction
50199: Poser, Michael von - Der Abschweifende Erzähler [Erzahler]; Rhetorische Tradition Und Deutscher Roman IM Achtzehnten Jahrhundert
45240: Possony, Stefan Th - Die Wehrwirtschaft Des Totalen Krieges
24464: Pototschnig, Heinz (Herbert Kuhner, tr.) - Sei Stein Und Allein; Be Stone and Alone. Lyric Poetry
53639: Potter, Beatrix (Anne Carroll Moore) - The Art of Beatrix Potter. With an Appreciation by Anne Carroll Moore
25177: Potter, Rockwell Harmon - Hartford's First Church, with an Appreciation of the Author by Henry Augustus Perkins
48936: Potti, Franz, Grafen (Karl Schloss, hrsg.) - Die Puppenspiele Des Grafen Franz Potti
52315: Monet Claude (Vanessa Potts) - Essential Monet. Introduction by Dr. Claire O'Mahony
53008: Poulsom, N.W. - A Catalogue of Campaign and Independence Medals Issued During the Twentieth Century to the British Army
30170: Pound, Ezra - At the Circulo de Recreo with Ezra Pound; a Letter from Ezra Pound to Viola Baxter, May 9, 1906
40999: Pound, Arthur - Native Stock; the Rise of the American Spirit Seen in Six Lives
13908: Poussin, G. de la Vallée [Vallee] - Lecons Sur L'Approximation Des Fontions D'Une Variable Reelle, Professees a la Sorbonne
36918: Povlsen, Hans - I Himmerlands Dale
53692: Powdermaker, Hortense - Stranger and Friend; the Way of an Anthropologist
42073: Powell, Sheppard T. - Boiler Feed Water Purification
31305: Powell, E.S. & M. - The Ringers' Handbook Consisting of Elementary Instruction in Grandsire, Stedman, Plain Bob and Kent Treble Bob
15927: Power, Garrett, ed - Legal Rights in Potomac Waters: Proceedings of a Conference at Harper's Ferry, West Virginia
11296: Power, Dale - Carving the Coyote. Text Written with and Photography by Jeffrey B. Snyder
37844: Pozzi, Marcello [Marcellast Pozzast] Testo di Lucio Pozzi - Marcellast Pozzast; Re Delle Rane, Imperator Dei Rospi; Disegni, Sculture, Scritti/King of Frogs, Emperor of Toads; Drawings, Sculptures, Writings. Translation by Michael Haggerty
32326: Praag, Jacob Philip van - Henriëtte Roland Holst; Wezen En Werk
48138: Prado, Javier - El Genio de la Lengua Y de la Literatura Castellana Y Sus Caracteres En la Historia Intelectual Del Peru
33011: Prado, C.G. - The Limits of Pragmatism
48682: Pradt, M. de - L'Europe Et L'Amerique Depuis le Congres D'Aix-la-Chapelle. Tome 1 Et 2
53100: Prakash, Vidya - Khajuraho; a Study in the Cultural Conditions of Chandella Society. With 110 Photographs and 350 Line Drawings
11904: Prandtl, Wilhelm - Die Geschichte Des Chemischen Laboratoriums Der Bayerischen Akadmie Der Wissenschaften in München
53128: Prangel, Matthias - Die Pragmatizität [Pragmatizitat] "Fiktionaler" Literatur Zur Rezeption Der Romane Und Erzählungen [Erzahlungen] Ludwig Ganghofers
46506: Von Prantl, Karl - Geschichte Der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität [Universitat] in Ingolstadt, Landshut, München [Munchen]. Zur Festfeier Ihres Vierhundertjährigen [Vierhundertjahrigen] Bestehens IM Auftrage Des Akademischen Senats VerfaßT [Verfasst]. In 2 Bänden [Banden]. Neudruck Der Ausgabe München [Munchen] 1872
52902: Prat, Ferdinand (John J. Heenan, tr.) - Jesus Christ; His Life, His Teaching, and His Work. Translated from the Sixteenth French Edition. Two Volumes
51502: Prator, Ralph - The College President
28128: Pratt, George O. - Fairfield in Connecticut, 1776-1976. Interviews by Daniel M. Lock. Book Design and Compilation by William D. Lee
36951: Pratt, Sisson C. - The Waterloo Campaign; a Study. With Seven Maps and Sketches
21079: Prauss, Wolfgang - Neue Thesen Zur Varusschlacht; Die Schlacht an Der Engpassage Von Teutoburglum
53369: Praz, Mario (Angus Davidson, tr.) - The Romantic Agony. Translated from the Italian
35624: Prebys, Portia - Giorgio Bassani; Bibliografia Sulle Opere E Sulla Vita
33660: Prelog, Milan (Radovan Ivancevic, ed.) - Povijesnoumjetnicke Studije I; Izmedu Antike I Romanike. (Djela 2)
31052: Preminger, Alex, ed - Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics. Enlarged Edition
48599: Prescott, Thomas H. - Amerikanisch Deutsche Encyclopädie [Encyclopadie]; Ein Buch Zur Allgemeinen Belehrung, Umfassend Eine Kurze Zusammenstellung Der Feschichte, Sowie Reisebeschreibungen Und Biographien Hervorragender Männer [Manner]. Mit Mehr Als Hundert Holzschnitten. Aus Dem Englischen Frei übersetzt [Ubersetzt]
47418: The Division for Historic Preservation, Bureau of Historic Sites (New York State) - Schuyler Mansion; a Historic Structure Report
50789: The Pegasus Press - The Bodoni Editions
44854: Kingsport Press - The Kingsport Book of Typefaces; Vol. 1: Linotype Composition Sizes; Vol. 2: Monotype Composition Sizes; Vol. 3: Display Faces; Supplement No. 1: Linotype, Monotype and Display. 3 Vol. Set with Supplement
44818: The Merrymount Press - The Merrymount Press, Boston; Its Aims, Work, and Equipment
21502: Press, John - Guy Fawkes Night and Other Poems
47261: The Vail-Ballou Press - Book of Specimen Pages; Linotype
47262: The Vail-Ballou Press - Book of Display Types
18997: Preston, Geoffrey - Faces of the Church: Meditations on a Mystery and Its Images. Texts Prepared by Aidan Nichols. With a Foreword by Walter Kasper
48256: Preti, Luigi - Dialoghi Della Nuova Frontiera
20803: Preuss, Gunter - Spiegel-Scherben; Geschichten
11934: Prevost, Antoine François - The History of Manon Lescaut and the Chevalier Des Grieur; a Translation from the French of the Abbe Prevost. By D.C. Moylan. Revised and Corrected by Edmund Goldsmid. Volume II Only
50804: Prevost, L'Abbe (Arthur W. Gundry, tr.) - The Story of Manon Lescaut and of the Chevalier Des Grieux. Translated from the French by Arthur W. Gundry from the Edition of 1753
46588: Price, J.L. - Culture and Society in the Dutch Republic During the 17th Century
53556: Price, Elizabeth - Embroidering a Life; Palestinian Women and Embroidery
42926: Price, Gillian - Walking in the Central Italian Alps; Vinschgau, Ortler, Adamello and Their Parks
43605: Prickett, Stephen - Coleridge and Wordsworth; the Poetry of Growth
32809: Priddle, Ruth E., ed - Psychological Perspectives on Dance; San Francisco Conference-Based Series II, Fall, 1974
41878: Priestman, Howard - Principles of Worsted Spinning. With Diagrams
44962: Primakov, Yevgeny (Paul Gould, tr.) - Russia and the Arabs; Behind the Scenes in the Middle East from the Cold War to the Present. Translated from the Russian by Paul Gould
28313: Primavera, Gaetano - Atlante Di Microscopia Clinica; Fatto Tutto in Cromolitografia, Composto Di Sessantotto Grandi Tavole, Ciascuna Con Sei Figure Circolari
53689: Prime, Alfred Coxe, Mrs. (ed.) - Three Centuries of Historic Silver; Loan Exhibitions Under the Auspices of the Pennsylvania Society of the Colonial Dames of America
52495: Prime, Alfred Coxe (collector) - The Arts and Crafts in Philadelphia, Maryland and South Carolina, 1786-1800; Series 2: Gleanings from Newspapers
40798: Prince, Gerald Joseph - Metaphysique Et Technique Dans L'Oeuvre Romanesque de Sartre
48399: Princell, Josephine, ed - Alliansmissionens Tjugufemarsminnen, 1891-1916
8925: Principe, Ilario, ed - 1783/ IL Progetto Della Forma; la Ricostruzione Della Calabria Negli Archivi Di Cassa Sacra a Catanzaro E Napoli. A Cura Di...
50829: North End Union School of Printing - Lectures to Printers' Apprentices; Reports of a Series of Lectures Delivered at the North End Union School of Printing, Conducted by Master Printers of Boston, 1908-1909
20939: Prinz, August - Der Buchhandel Vom Jahre 1815 Bis Zum Jahre 1843; Bausteine Zu Einer Späteren [Spateren] Geschichte Des Buchhandels
20938: Prinz, August - Stand, Bildung Und Wesen Des Buchhandels
33749: Prinz, Friedrich - Hans Kudlich (1823-1917); Versuch Einer Historisch-Politischen Biographie
49103: Pritchard, Duncan - What Is This Thing Called Knowledge
25862: Probszt, Günther [Gunther] - Der Schatz Des Ordens Vom Goldenen Vliesse; Eine Kulturgeschichtliche Betrachtung
37585: Probszt, Günther [Gunther] - Die Münzen [Munzen] Salzburgs; Zweite Ergänzte [Erganzte] Auflage Besorgt Durch Erich B. Cahn
20972: Proebst, Eugen, ed - Due Neue Musik; Dokumente Zu Ihrem Verständnis [Verstandnis]
33060: National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (Susan I. Sherwood, Frederick W. Lipfert, and others) - Distribution of Materials Potentially at Risk from Acidic Deposition
33061: National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (Philip A. Baedecker, and others) - Effects of Acidic Deposition on Materials
33062: National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (Susan I. Sherwood, and others) - Processes of Deposition to Structures
47503: The New York State Historical Records Survey Project - Transcriptions of Early County Records of New York State; Minutes of the Board of Supervisors of Ulster County, 1710/1 to 1730/1
47339: The New York City Historical Records Survey Project - Transcriptions of Early Town Records of New York; Town Minutes of Newtown, 1656-1688; Volume 1 (All Published?)
41288: Colonial Albany Social History Project - A Trolley Ride Back to Old Albany
45295: Pronteau, Jeanne - Les Numerotages Des Maisons de Paris Du XV Siecle a Nos Jours. Preface de Pierre Lavedan
45045: Pronteau, Jeanne - Les Numerotages Des Maisons de Paris Du XV Siecle a Nos Jours. Preface de Pierre Lavedan
40112: Proserpio, Leo - St. Gemma Galgani. With a Foreword by His Excellency the Most Rev. Dr. Leo Peter Kierkels
24434: Pross, Harry - Politische Symbolik; Theorie Und Praxis Der öffentlichen [Offentlichen] Kommunikation
53646: Proust, Marcel - A la Recherche Du Temps Perdu; Vol. 1. Texte Etabli Et Presente Par Pierre Clarac Et Andre Ferre
47185: Proust, Marcel (Lucien Daudet) - Autour de Soixante Lettres de Marcel Proust
33145: Proust, Jacques - Diderot Et L'Encyclopédia [L'Encyclopedia]
51621: Proust, Marcel - On Life, Love and Letters. Chosen and Translated by Ronald and Odette Cortie. Illustrated by Feliks Topolski. Introduction by D.J. Enright
4248: Provoost, Guido - Vijfentwintig Jaar Vlaamse Beweging; Bibliografie 1945-1970. (Dokumenten Dosfel, 10/11)
48301: Pruseika, Leonas - Karolius Marksas; Jo Gyvenimo Ir Mokslo Charakteristika
53196: Ptak, Diane Snyder - A Compilation of American and Canadian Passenger/Emigration Registers
37443: Ptak, Diane Snyder - Cast in Stone; Selected Albany, Rensselaer and Saratoga County, New York Burials, 18th and 19th Century
40317: Puaux, Frank - Les Defenseurs de la Souverainete Du Peuple Sous le Regne de Louis XIV
46670: Comitato Nazionale di Consultazione per la Partecipazione della Donna alla Vita Pubblica - La Donna E le Scelte Della Societa' Italiana Per Gli Anni '70. Atti Del Convegno Tenuto a Roma IL 24 E 25 Giugno 1970
24494: Institut Internationsl de Finances Publiques - Le Budget Et la Distribution Du Revenu National. The Budget and the Distribution of National Income; Congres de Prague; Septembre 1967, Xxiiie Session
3562: Pucci, Luigi - Lodovico Ricci. Dall'Arte Del Buon Governo Alla Finanza Moderna, 1742-1799
52207: Puchtinger, F. - Goethe in Karlsbad
43968: Puga, Pedro Herrera - Una Personalidad Inedita de la Ilustracion El P. Jose de Silva (1750-1829)
38551: Puhle, Matthias und Claus-Peter Hasse, hrsg - Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation, 962 Bis 1806; Von Otto Dem Grossen Bis Zum Ausgang Des Mittelalters; Katalog. 29. Ausstellung Des Europarates in Magdeburg Und Berlin Und Landesausstellung Sachsen-Anhalt
13351: Pullan, Richard Popplewell - Elementary Lectures on Christian Architecture
20408: Nikolaj Pume; A V Magritski; I I Siniagin - Omioizvczny Sownik Rolniczy Rosvieski, Bugarski, Czeski, Polski, Wgierski, Rumuski, Niemiecki, Angielski. Complete Set
52877: Punch, Terrence M. - Genealogical Research in Nova Scotia
49995: Pundt, Alfred G. - Arndt and the Nationalist Awakening in Germany
46972: Puntous, Th - Les Etats Particuliers Du Diocese de Toulouse Aux XVII Et XVIII Siecles
8917: Puppi, Lionello - IL Terzo Nome Del Gatto; Raffaello la Metamorfosi E IL Labirinto; Quesiti Sul Significato Dell'Arte
46284: Purcell, William - Onward Christian Soldier; a Life of Sabine Baring-Gould; Parson, Squire, Novelist, Antiquary, 1834-1924. With an Introduction by John Betjeman
41771: Pure, Abbe Michel de (Emile Magne, ed.) - La Pretieuse Ou le Mystere Des Ruelles. Texte Publie D'Apres L'Edition Originale Avec Une Notice Inedite Sur L'Abbe de Pure, Une Bibliographie Et Des Notes Par Emile Magne. Two Volumes
28301: Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees - Jubile de M. Jacques Hadamard. [Cover Title: "Volume Jubilaire Offert a M. Jacques Hadamard"]
35809: Puri, B.N. - Cities of Ancient India
32667: Purser, John W. - The Literary Works of Jack B. Yeats
41692: Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich - Graf Nulin
45581: Leconte de Lisle (Putter, Irving) - La Derniere Illusion de Leconte de Lisle; Lettres inédities a Emilie Leforestier
51344: De Puy, Henry W. - Ethan Allen and the Green-Mountain Heroes of '76. With a Sketch of the Early History of Vermont
20710: Pye, Michael - The Pieces from Berlin
42133: Pylypiuk, V. - L'VIV = L'Vov = Lwow
53338: Pym, Barbara - The Sweet Dove Died
20085: Pynsent, Robert B., and S.I. Kanikova, eds - Reader's Encyclopedia of Eastern European Literature
50121: Pyritz, Hans - Goether Und Marianne Von Willemer; Eine Biographische Studie. Dritte Auflage
50901: Pyron, Darden Asbury - Liberace; an American Boy
47455: Bowman, Fred Q. and Arthur C. Kelly, eds - New York's Detailed Census of 1855; Greene County
47360: Bowman, Fred Q. and Arthur C.M. Kelly - New York's Detailed Census of 1855; Greene County
48825: Quackenbush, Wagoner & Reynolds Architects - The 1848 Watervliet Meeting House; an Historic Structure Report
48226: Quadrelli, Paolo, ed - Modern Applications of Cycloaddition Chemistry
45204: Les Quarante - Trois Siecles de L'Academie Francaise
31377: Bernard Quaritch - A Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts Issued to Commemorate the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Firm of Bernard Quaritch, 1847-1947. With a Portrait-Study of the Founder by His Daughter Charlotte Quaritch Wrentmore
32437: Musee du Quebec - L'Art Du Paysage Au Quebec (1800-1940)/Landscape Painting in Quebec (1800-1940)
51713: Queiroz, Eca de (Roy Campbell, tr.) - The City and the Mountains. Translated from the Portuguese by Roy Campbell
41671: Queneau, Anne-Isabelle - Album Raymond Queneau. Iconographie Choisie Et Commentee Par Anne-Isabelle Queneau
34630: Querner, Emil - Der Selbstarzt, Oder, Doctor Und Apotheker IM Eigenen Hause; Medizinisch-Chirurgisches Handbuch Für [Fur] Das Volk. . Eine Zuverlässige [Zuverlassige] Anweisung, Sich Vor Krankheiten Zu Schützen [Schutzen] Und Durch Selbstbereitung Der Vorzüglichsten [Vorzuglichsten] Mittel Von Ihnen Zu Besreien, Auch Bei Unheilbaren Und Chronischen Krankheiten Sich Wenigstens Möglichst [Moglichst] Erleichterung Zu Verschaffen. Mit Erläuternden [Erlauternden] Abbildungen
12029: Quesada, J. Daniel - La Linguistica Generativo-Transformacional: Supuestos E Implicaciones
22224: Hall-Quest, Olga - Flames over New England; the Story of King Philip's War: 1675-1676. Illustrated by Christine Price
51847: Taylor, Rene, with contributions by Lydia A. Quigley and Marimar Benitez - Jose Campeche Y Su Tiempo/Jose Campeche and His Time
53478: Quimby, Ian M.G., ed - Winterthur Portfolio 10
44135: Quinn, Kenneth, ed - Approaches to Catullus. Selected and Introduced by Kenneth Quinn
35695: Quinn, David B., ed - North American Discovery; Circa 1000-1612
53446: Quinn, Bradley - The Fashion of Architecture
45021: Pierre-Quint, Leon - Proust, Marcel; Sa Vie, Son Oeuvre
43249: Merrill, Kenneth R. and Robert W. Shahan, eds - David Hume; Many-Sided Genius. Edited and with an Introduction by Kenneth R. Merrill and Robert W. Shahan
17828: Marmor, Theodore R. and Jerry L. Mashaw, eds - Social Security; Beyond the Rhetoric of Crisis
52775: Bellinger, Alfred R. and Marjorie Alkins Berlincourt - Victory As a Coin Type
52626: Grellman, J.R. and Jules Reiver - Attribution Guide for United States Large Cents, 1840-1857. Second Edition
46856: Blachere, R. et M. Gauderfroy-Demombynes - Grammaire de L'Arabe Classique (Morphologie Et Syntaxe). Troisieme Edition Revue Et Remaniee
40393: Sauer, John R. and Sam Droege, eds - Survey Designs and Statistical Methods for the Estimation of Avian Population Trends
14281: Hamilton, H.R. et al. - Systems Simulation for Regional Analysis; an Application to River-Basin Planning
24684: Glentworth, R. and J.W. Muir - The Soils of the Country Round Aberdeen, Inverurie and Fraserburgh (Sheets 77, 76 and 87/97)
18387: Havens, George R. and Donald F. Bond, eds - A Critical Bibliography of French Literature; Volume IV: The Eighteenth Century
46016: Leavis, F.R. and Q.D. Leavis - Lectures in America
36325: Raabe, August - Idealistischer Realismus; Eine Genetischhe Analyse Der Gedankenwelt Friedrich Schillers
29590: Raabe, Paul - Die Briefe Hölderlins [Holderlins]; Studien Zur Entwicklung Und Persönlichkeit [Personlichkeit] Des Dichters
51538: Rabelais, Francoys [Francois] - Oeuvres de Maitre Francoys Rabelais Contenant Cinq Livres de la Vie, Faits Et Dits Heroiques de Gargantua Et de Son Fils Pantagruel, Mis En Francais Moderne Par Messire Jehan Garros Et Congruement Illustres de Cent Vingt-Cinq Dessins a la Plume D'Oye Par Messire Van Rompaey
43554: Rabelais, Francis - Five Books of the Lives Heroic Deeds and Sayings of Gargantua and His Son Pantagruel. Translated Into English by Sir Thomas Urquhart of Cromarty and Peter Antony Motteux. With Sketch of His Life. An Introduction by Anatole de Montaiglon and Etchings by Emile Boilvin. Two Volumes
50135: Rabelais, Francois (Ruth Calder) - Gargantua; Premiere Edition Critique Faite Sur L'Edition Princeps. Texte Etabli Par Ruth Calder. Avec Introduction, Commentaires, Table Et Glossaire Par M.A. Screech. Preface Par V.L. Saulnier
48340: Raboy, Isaac - Mayn Lebn. Two Volumes
53547: Rabson, Carolyn (Nancy Hansen, illus.) - Songbook of the American Revolution
47909: Rabutin, Roger de, Comte de Bussy - Memoires Secrets de M. Le Comte de Bussy Rabutin Contenant Sa Vie Publique Et Privee, Ses Aventures Galantes, Ses Expeditions Militaires, Les Intrigues de la Cour, Et Les Evenmens Les Plus Interessans de L'Europe Depuis L'Annee 1617, Jusqu'En L'Annee 1667. Two Volumes
41793: Racan, Honorat de Bueil (M. Tenant de Latour, ed.) - Oeuvres Completes de Racan. Nouvelle Edition, Revue Et Annotee Par M. Tenant de Latour. Avec Une Notice Biographique Et Litteraire Par M. Antoine de Latour. Two Volumes
39395: Rachiteanu, Eugen - L'Icona; Sentiero Tra Visibile E Invisibile
48694: Racine, Louis - La Religion, Poeme. Neuvieme Edition, Revue, Corrigee, Et Augmentee Par L'Auteur
14022: Racinet, Albert - Weltgeschichte Der Kostüme [Kostume]. Einführung [Einfuhrung]: Aileen Ribeiro
3647: Radcliffe, C. W. - Middlesex; the Jubilee of the County Council, 1889-1939
29477: Radecki, Sigismund v. [von] - Die Welt in Der Tasche
39242: Raff, Diether - Die Ruprecht-Karls-Universität [Universitat] in Vergangenheit Und Gegenwart. Mit Fotos Von Karl Schacherl Und Ingeborg Klinger. Englisch Von Elaine Griffiths. Französisch [Franzosisch] Von Helene Loetz
8441: Ragazzi, Franco, ed - Delle Magie E Dei Miti; Presenze Nell'Arte Contemporanea in Liguria. [Based on an Exhibition] Genova, Palazzo Ducale, Liguria Spazio Aperto, 23 Aprile-15 Maggio 1999
51990: Ragsdale, Hugh - Detente in the Napoleonic Era; Bonaparte and the Russians
45058: Rahlfs, Alfred, ed - Septuaginta; Id Est Vetus Testamentum Graece Iuxta LXX Interpretes. Editio Quinta. Two Volume Set
15100: Rahn, Suzanne - Children's Literature: An Annotated Bibliography of the History and Criticism
37942: Rahner, Hugo (text) Leonard von Matt (photo) - Ignace de Loyola. Textes Et Legendes Par Hugo Rahner. Deux Cent Vingt-Six Photos Par Leonard Von Matt
29559: New York Central Railroad - The One Hundredth Anniversary, 1826-April 17-1926, of the New York Central Railroad
46528: Raimo, Veronica (Stash Luczkiw, tr.) - The Girl at the Door. Translated from the Italian by Stash Luczkiw
40824: Raleigh, Sir Walter - The Arts of Empire, and Mysteries of State Discabineted. In Political and Polemical Aphorisms, Grounded on Authority and Experience. And Illustrated with the Choicest Examples and Historical Observations. By the Ever-Renowned Knight Sir Walter Raleigh, Published by John Milton Esq
26097: Raman, C.V. (Chandrasekhara Venkata) - The Specific Heats of Some Metallic Elements; Part I: Analysis of the Experimental Data; Part II: Approximate Theoretical Evaluation; Part III: The Characteristic Frequencies; Part IV: The Residual Spectrum
26098: Raman, C.V. (Chandrasekhara Venkata) - The Specific Heats of Crystals; Part I: General Theory; Part II: The Case of Diamond; Part III: Analysis of the Experimental Data
19193: Ramaty, R. [Reuven]; T.L. Cline, and J.F. Ormes, eds - Essays in Space Science. Proceedings of a Symposium Held at Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, April 23, 1985
36986: Rambaud, Mireille - Les Sources de L'Histoire de L'Art Aux Archives Nationales. Avec Une Etude Sur Les Sources de L'Histoire de L'Art Aux Archives de la Seine Par Georges Bailhache Et Michel Fleury. Avant-Propos de Charles Braibant
28385: Rambert, E. - Alexandre Vinet: Histoire de Sa Vie Et de Ses Ouvrages
45293: Rambuteau, Claude-Philibert Barthelot, comte de - Memiors of the Comte de Rambuteau. Edited by His Grandson. Translated from the French by J.C. Brogan. With an Introduction and Notes by M. Georges Lequin
46128: Rameau, Jean - Nature. Avec Une Eau-Forte de A. Lalauze
48238: Sial, Alcides N., Claudio Gaucher, Muthuvairavasamy Ramkumar and Valderez Pinto Ferreira, eds - Chemostratigraphy Across Major Chronological Boundaries
50715: Ramsay, David - The History of the American Revolution. Two Volumes in One
51622: Ramsden, George (compiler) - Edith Wharton's Library; a Catalogue. With a Foreword by Hermione Lee
28593: Ramuz, C.F./Igor Strawinsky [Stravinsky] - Noces Et Autres Histoires D'Apres le Texte Russe de Igor Strawinsky. Illustrations de Theodore Strawinsky
7464: Rand, Theodore H. - At Minas Basin, and Other Poems
29722: Randa, Alexander - Das Weltreich; Wagnis Und Auftrag; Europas IM Sechzehnten Und Siebzehnten Jahrhundert
28382: Randall, Dale B. J., and Porter, Joseph A. [eds.] - Renaissance Papers, 1986
53565: [Randall, David] - Familiar Quotations; a Collection of Their Earliest Appearances
53581: Randall, Willard Sterne - Ethan Allen; His Life and Times
13308: Randolph, N. A., and Dixon, Samuel G., eds - Notes from the Physiological Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania
51563: Ranhofer, Charles - The Epicurean; a Complete Treatise of Analytical and Practical Studies on the Culinary Art, Including Table and Wine Service, How to Prepare and Cook Dishes, an Index for Marketing, a Great Variety of Bills of Fare for Breakfasts, Luncheons, Dinners, Suppers, Ambigus, Buffets, Etc. , and a Selection of Interesting Bills of Fare of Delmonico's from 1862-1894, Making a Franco-American Culinary Enyclopedia. Illustrated with 800 Plates
20611: Reich-Ranicki, Marcel - Reden Auf Hilde Spiel
7405: Ränk [Rank], Aino, comp - A Bibliography of Works Published by Estonian Philologists in Exile, 1944-1970: (Linguistics, History of Literature, Theatre). (Institutum Litterarum Estonicum, Folia Bibliographica 3)
29721: Ranke, Leopold von - Alexander Der Grosze; Aufstieg Und Untergang Der Mazedonischen Weltmacht
29568: Ranke, Leopold von - Historische Charakterbilder. Ausgewählt [Ausgewahlt] Und Eingeleitet Von Geheimrat Dr. Richard Sternfeld
51888: Rankin, Robert H., Colonel - Small Arms of the Sea Services; a History of the Firearms and Edged Weapons of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard from the Revolution to the Present. With Forewords by Admiral E.R. Zumwalt Jr. , General L.F. Chapman Jr. , and Admiral C.R. Bender
48575: Rankin, Edwin Moore - The Role of the Mageiroi in the Life of the Ancient Greeks, As Depicted in Greek Literature and Inscriptions
53515: Ransom, James M. - Vanishing Ironworks of the Ramapos; the Story of the Forges, Furnaces, and Mines of the New Jersey-New York Border Area
41751: Rapin, Rene (E.T. Dubois, ed.) - Les Reflexions Sur la Poetique de Ce Temps Et Sur Les Ouvrages Des Poetes Anciens Et Modernes. Edition Critique Publiee Par E.T. Dubois
21313: Rasch, Wilfried - Forensische Psychiatrie
44479: Rasch, Wolfdietrich - ûber [Uber] Robert Musils Roman "Der Mann Ohne Eigenscaften
47000: Rasche, Friedrich, hrsg - Goslar; Porträt [Portrat] Einer Stadt
24596: Rashi - Neviim Ve-Ketuvim: Ve-' Alehem Targum Yonatan, Pirushe Rashi, Ibn Ezra, Rasag, Radak, Ralbag. .
36869: Rasmussen, Knud (Søby [Soby], Regitze Margrethe) - Inuit Fortaeller; Knud Rasmussen; Grønlaendernes [Gronlaendernes] Sagn Og Myter; Vol. 1: Frederikshab, Julianehab Og Nanortalik; Vol. 2: Godthab, Sukkertoppen, Holsteinsborg, Egedesminde Og Upernavik; Vol. 3: Syndostgronland Og Angmagssalik
29379: Rastello, Luca (Jonathan Hunt, tr.) - I Am the Market; How to Smuggle Cocaine by the Ton, in Five Easy Lessons. Translated from the Italian by Jonathan Hunt
10367: Jouguet, E., A. Rateau et de Sparre - Etude Theorique Et Experimentale Sur Les Coups de Belier Dan Les Conduites Forcees; Rapports de... . Etablis a L'Occasion Du 2 Congres de la Houille Blanche (1914)
19220: Rathgeber, Theodor / Evangelische Kirche im Rheinland, eds - Wirtschaftliche, Soziale Und Kulturelle Rechte in West-Papua; Soziale Realität Und Politische Perspektiven. In Zusammenarbeit Mit Der Evangelischen Kirche Von Westfalen, Weltkirchenrat, Der Vereinten Evangelischen Mission, Misereor, Südwind, West-Papua-Netzwerk
25774: Rathschlag, Hans - Die Bedeutung Der Antinomien Für [Fur] Den Kritizismus
3481: Biermann-Ratjen, Hans Harder - Kultur Und Staat; Reden Und Schriften Aus Den Jahren 1945-1959
44938: Rattner, Abraham - The Gallows of Baghdad
50937: Rauch, Christian H. - Des Deutschen Bauers Und Landmanns Rechenbuch Und Des Schullehrers Gehülfe [Gehulfe], Oder, Ein Kurzer Inbegriff Der Praktischen Rechenkunst
4103: Rausch, Wilhelm von - Die Städte [Stadte] Mitteleuropas IM 17. Und 18. Jahrhundert. IM Auftrag Des Osterreichischen Arbeitskreises Fur Stadtgeschichtsforschung Und Des Ludwig-Boltzmann-Instituts Fur Stadtgeschichtsforschung
48247: Rautenstrauch, Luis Montoto y. - Personajes, Personas Y Personillas Que Corren Por Las Tierras de Ambas Castillas. Tomo I Y II. Segunda Impresion Aumentada Y Corregida
30834: Ravesteijn, W. v. - Wereldoorlog
30574: Ravesteyn, W. van - De Wording Van Het Communisme in Nederland, 1907-1925
52718: Krause, Delbert Ray (with the assistance of Lawrence Block) - Swiss Shooting Talers and Medals
42205: Ray, Rachael - 30-Minute Meals
53570: Ray, Man - Man Ray. With an Essay by Jed Perl
52023: Rayment, Tarlton - Profitable Honey Plants of Australasia; a Handbook, the First of Its Kind, on Australasian Plants That Fill the Treasury of the Bee-Hive, and Render Possible the Financial Success of the Modern Bee-Farm. A Complementary Volume to "Money in Bees in Australasia. " with Numerous Illustrations Expressly Drawn by the Author to Illustrate the Remarkably Rich Honey-Resources of Australasia, with an Annotated List, and Two Appendices Containing a Census of the Acacias and Eucalupts
52767: Raymond, Doris - Macedonian Regal Coinage to 413 B.C.
53120: Raymond, Cornelia M. - Memories of a Child of Vassar
40829: Raymond, Marcel - Paul Valery Et la Tentation de L'Esprit
50430: Ar-Razi, Abu Becr Mohammed Ibn Zacariya (Rhazes) - A Treatise on the Small-Pox and Measles. Translated from the Original Arabic by William Alexander Greenhill
49707: Read, Philip M. - Anglicans in North Jersey; the Episcopal Diocese of Newark. Foreword by Rr. Rev. John Palmer Croneberger
51441: Reagan, Alice Elizabeth - North Carolina State University; a Narrative History
48865: Reardon, B.P. - The Form of Greek Romance
10356: Reau, Louis - Peter Vischer Et la Sculpture Franconienne Du XIV Au XVI Siecle
44745: Reau, Louis - Le Rayonnement de Paris Au XVIII Siecle
45509: Reau, Louis - Le Rayonnement de Paris Au XVIII Siecle
20736: Rebe, Bernd; Klaus Lompe, and Rudolf von Thadden, eds - Idee Und Pragmatik in Der Politischen Entscheidung; Alfred Kubel Zum 75 Geburtstag
40978: Rebeck, Theresa - I'm Glad About You
37939: Reber, Kurt - Das Notrecht Des Staates; Die Schweizerische Verfassungspraxis Notrecht Und Verfassungsrecht Die Gesetzgebungspolitische Aufgabe
52912: Rebman, Georg Friedrich (Hedwig Voegt, hrsg.) - Hans Kiekindiewelts Reisen in Alle Vier Weltteile Und Andere Schriften. Mit 1 Frontipiz, 2 Abbildungen Und 15 Faksimiles
44800: Universitatsbibliothek Heidelberg (Armin Schlechter und Martina Rebmann, hrsg.) - Ein Knab Auf Schnellem Roß [Ross]; Die Romantik in Heidelberg. Ausstellungskatalog. Bearbeitet Von Armin Schlechter Unter Mitwirkung Von Martina Rebmann
48328: Nationalverein der Töchter [Tochter] der Amerikanischen Rebolution, hrsg - D.A. R. Handbuch Für [Fur] Den Erwerb Des Amerikanischen Bürgerrechts [Burgerrechts]. (German Edition)
13998: Rechtenstamm, Lothar Schrutka Edlem Von - Theorie Und Praxis Des Logarithmischen Rechenschiebers
42020: Rechy, John - After the Blue Hour; a True Fiction
15340: Fellowship of Reconciliation - America's Political Prisoner's in South Vietnam: A "White Paper" on the Total Suppression of All Political Dissent by the Government of South Vietnam. A Special Pre-Print of a Soon-to-Be-Published Pamphlet
46909: Recouly, Raymond (Joyce Davis, tr.) - Foch; My Conversations with the Marshal
49566: Rectanus, Mark W. - German Literature in the United States; Licensing Translations in the International Marketplace
16116: Redding, J. Saunders - To Make a Poet Black
48644: [Redenstierna, Alfred] ("Sigurd") - I Svenska Bondehem; Berattelser Ur Svenskt Folklif. Med Talrika Illustationer
15729: Reding, Marcel - Politische Ethik: Eine Einführung [Einfuhrung]
26976: Reed, Rev. Thos. [Thomas] C. - Christian Consolation; a Sermon Occasioned by the Death of Mrs. Sarah Maria Potter, Preached in St. George's Church, Schenectady, on Sunday, March 24, 1839
46710: Reed, Brian, ed - Locomotives in Profile. With Illustrations by David Warner, Peter Warner and Arthur Wolstenholme. Complete Two Volume Set
43593: Reed, Mark L. - Wordsworth; the Chronology of the Early Years, 1770-1799
47241: Rees, J. Rogers - The Brotherhood of Letters
38272: Reeve, Clara (James Trainer, ed.) - The Old English Baron; a Gothic Story. Edited with an Introduction by James Trainer
48374: Reeves, George M. - Thomas Wolfe Et L'Europe
8908: Regin, Corneila - Tesori Di Carta; Guida Agli Archivi E Alle Collezioni Degli Istituti Membri Dell'Unione Internazionale Degli Istituti Di Archeologia, Storie E Storia Dell'Arte in Roma
52122: Reginato, James - Growing Up Getty; the Story of America's Most Unconventional Dynasty
34884: Rego, A. da Silva - O Ultramar Portugues No Século [Seculo] XVIII (1700-1833). (Palestras Na Emissora Nacional de 23 de Abril a 26 de Novembro de 1966)
37178: Rehberg, Andrea, and Rachel Jones, eds - The Matter of Critique; Readings in Kant's Philosophy
25380: Rehm, Walther - Späte [Spate] Studien
39476: Reich, Lucian - Hieronymus; Lebensbilder Aus Der Baar Und Dem Schwarzwald. Entworfen Und Geschildert Von Lucian Reich. Mit 25 Bildtafeln Nach Den Steinzeichnungen Von J. Nepomuk Heinemann. Jubiläumsausgabe [Jubilaumsausgabe]
20946: Reichel, Peter, ed - Theatertexte
24435: Reif, Prof. Dr. Hans - Europäische [Europaische] Intergration
53005: Reifenberg, A. - Ancient Jewish Coins. Fifth Edition
41094: Reilly, Christine - Sunday's on the Phone to Monday
41497: Reim, Gunter - Studien Zum Alttestamentlichen Hintergrund Des Johannesevangeliums
21376: Reinert, Claus - Detektivliteratur Bei Sophokles, Schiller Und Kleist, Oder Das Rätsel Der Wahrheit Und Die Abenteuer Des Erkennens
3322: Reinhard, Marcel R. - Histoire de la Population Mondiale de 1700 a 1948
46245: Reinhardt, Dana - Tomorrow There Will Be Sun
34931: Reinhardt, Nancy S. - Danish Literature; Saxo Grammaticus to Isak Dinesen; an Exhibition at the Houghton Library, October 16-November 21
3471: Reischle, Irmhild - Konstantin Paustovskijs Auffassung Vom Dichterischen Schaffen. (Phd Diss. , Eberhard-Karls-Universitat)
51970: Reisenberg, Felix - The Men on Deck; Master, Mates and Crew, Their Duties and Responsibilities; a Manual for the American Merchant Service
45584: Le Vicomte de Reiset - Louise D'Esparbes; Comtesse de Polastron. Avec Un Portrait En Heliogravure. Quatrieme Edition
29784: Reker, Stefan - Roman Herzog. Mit 34 Fotos
29713: Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate - War Powers Legislation; Hearings Before the Committee on Foreign Relations, United State Senate, Ninety-Second Congress, First Session on S. 731, S.J. Res. 18 and S.J. Res. 59; March 8, 9, 24 and 25, April 23 and 26, May 14, July 26 and 27, and October 6, 1971
41428: Rembrandt, van Rijn (Alan Chong, ed.) - Rembrandt Creates Rembrandt; Art and Ambition in Leiden, 1629-1631. Essays by Arthur K. Wheelock Jr. , Mariet Westermann, Christopher White and Alan Chong
42769: Remick, Daniel G., and Jon S. Friedland, eds - Cytokines in Health and Disease. Second Edition, Revised and Expanded
52750: Remmelts, A.A., hrsg - Chinesische Käschmünzen [Kaschmunzen]
45196: Renaudet, A. - Les Sources de L'Histoire de France Aux Archives D'Etat de Florence; Des Guerres D'Italie a la Revolution (1494-1789)
15636: Render, Lorne E. - The Mountains and the Sky
45506: Weiss, Rene et Nicolas Bourgeois - L'Hotel de Ville de Paris. Couverture de Paul Leroy
51923: Kistemaker, Renee and Roelof van Gelder - Amsterdam; the Golden Age, 1275-1795
39099: Renouf, M.A.P. - Ancient Cultures, Bountiful Seas; the Story of Port Au Choix
53266: Van Rensselaer, Philip - Rich Was Better
52141: Renton, Edward H. - Heraldry in England; the History and Science of Heraldry Concisely Explained, Together with a Glossary of Terms. The Whole Illustrated with Numerous Examples
50635: Renzi, Thomas C. - H.G. Wells; Six Scientific Romances Adapted for Film
22159: Requadt, Paul - Unbürgerliche [Unburgerliche] Dichterporträts [Dichterportrats] Des Expressionismus. Vorwort Von Friedrich Strack
44520: Requadt, Paul - Goethes "Faust I"; Leitmotivik Und Architektur
37839: Essential Oils Data Research, Inc - Melaleuca Alternifolia; a Compilation of Articles and Papers About Australian Tea Tree Oil
45012: Retz, Jean François Paul de Gondi de; Claude Bernard Petitot - Memoires Du Cardinal de Retz Adresses a Madame de Caumartin Suivis Des Instructions Inedities de Mazarin Relatives Aux Frondeurs. Nouvelle Edition Revue Et Collationneesur le Manuscrit Original. Avec Une Introduction Des Notes, Des Eclaircissements Tires Des Mazarinades Et Un Index, Par Aime Champollion-Figeac. Vol. 1: 1628-1649; Vol. 2: 1649-1650; Vol. 3: 1651-1652; Vol. 4: 1652-1655. Four Volumes
51725: Reuben, David M. - Gols and Guls; Exhibition of Turkmen Carpets from the 18th and 19th Centuries from the Collection of Dr. And Mrs. David M. Reuben
42827: Cushing, H.P., H.L. Fairchild, R. Reudemann and C.H. Smyth - Geology of the Thousand Islands Region; Alexandria Bay, Cape Vincent, Clayton, Grindstone and Theresa Quadrangles
48164: Sanchez-Reulet, Anibal, ed - Homenaje a Ruben Dario (1867-1967); Memoria Del XIII Congreso Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana (Primera Reunion). Universidad de California, Los Angeles, California (18-21 de Enero, 1967)
38419: Revel, Jean-Francois - 3000 Anni a Tavola. Traduzione Di Giovanni Bogliolo
25761: Lord Revelstoke - British Staying Power; Lord Revelstoke's Views; Anglo-American Sympathies
42766: Bill, Roslyn M., Leigh Revers and Iain B.H. Wilson - Protein Glycosylation. Foreword by Harry Schachter
19235: Revesz, G. - Ursprung Und Vorgeschichte Der Sprache
50106: Mounteney-Jephson, A.J. (with the revision and co-operation of Henry M. Stanley) - Emin Pasha and the Rebellion at the Equator; a Story of Nine Months Experiences in the Last of the Soudan Provinces. With Map and Illustrations
13541: Reyes, Jorge Muñoz - Bibliografia de Bolivia
44013: Reynaud, L. - Histoire Generale de L'Influence Francaise En Allemagne
51857: Reynolds, Helen Wilkinson - Dutch Houses in the Hudson Valley Before 1776. With an Introduction by Franklin D. Roosevelt. Photography by Margaret M. Brown
26930: Reynolds, Robert L. - Europe Emerges; Transition Toward an Industrial World-Wide Society, 600-1750
45801: Reynolds, Reginald - Beards; an Ominium Gatherum
50577: Rezneck, Samuel - Profiles out of the Past of Troy, New York, Since 1789
52932: Rezneck, Samuel - Profiles out of the Past of Troy, New York, Since 1789
31272: Rheinberger, Josef - Mass in C Major; Opus 169 for Soli, Chorus and Orchestra (Choral Score, K 06414)
28527: Rhys, Hedley Howell - Maurice Prendergast, 1859-1924
32911: Ribeiro, Rene - Religião [Religiao] E Relacões [Relacoes] Raciais. Prefacio de Gilberto Freyre
40225: Riberette, Pierre - Les Bibliotheques Francaises Pendant la Revolution (1789-1795); Recherches Sur Un Essai de Catalogue Collectif
48200: Ricapito, Joseph V., ed - Hispanic Studies in Honor of Joseph H. Silverman
25281: Ricardo, David - Grundsätze [Grundsatze] Der Volkswirtschaft Und Besteuerung; Aus Dem Englischen Original, Und Zwar Nach Der Ausgabe Letzter Hand (3. Auflage 1821), Ins Deutsche übertragen [Ubertragen] Und Eingeleitet Von Heinrich Waentig in Halle A.S.
52124: Rice, Anne - Merrick; a Novel
52516: Rice, Norman S. - Albany Silver, 1652-1825. Foreword by Laurence Mckinney. Introduction by Kathryn C. Buhler. Catalog of an Exhibition of Albany Silver, 1652-1825; March 15-May 1, 1964
53264: Rice, Dennis G. - The Illustrated Guide to Rockingham Pottery and Porcelain
7267: Rice, William Gorham - A Tale of Two Courts; Judicial Settlement of Controversies between the States of the Swiss and American Federations
53681: Rich, Shebnah - Truro-Cape Cod, or, Land Marks and Sea Marks. Seventy-Seven Illustrations
27052: Cowan, Richard and David H. Thomas - The Archaeology of Barrel Springs Site (Nv-Pe104), Pershing County, Nevada (Cowan); Analysis of Faunal Remains (Thomas)
34933: Mortensen [Richard] - Måleri [Maleri], Teckningar, Grafik
51404: Dawkins, Richard (with additional research by Yan Wong) - The Ancestor's Tale; a Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution
25540: Richards, G.C. - Cicero; a Study
50945: Richards, William C. - The Mountain Anthem; the Beatitudes in Rhythmic Echoes
47966: Richards, Robert Samuel - Code Napoleon; Being the French CIVIL Code. Literally Translated from the Original and Official Edition Published in Paris in 1804
45534: Richards, Bryan E., ed - Measurement of Unsteady Fluid Dynamic Phenomena
51367: Richardson, Joanna - Victor Hugo
37168: Richardson, Ralph W. - Historic Districts of America; New England: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont
46184: Richardson, Virginia (A. Margaret Landis, ed.) (John Davis Gummere, illus.) - Feasts for Feast Days
34450: Richler, Nancy - The Imposter Bride
21571: Richmond, Velma Bourgeois - The Popularity of Middle English Romance
20813: Jean Paul (Johann Paul Friedrich Richter) - Der Luftschiffer Giannozzo. Mit Bildern Und Texten Von Zeitgenossen. Herausgegeben Von Hansjörg Schmitthenner
17577: Richter, Gisela M.A., ed - Catalogue of Greek Sculptures, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
21635: Richter, Gisela M.A. - Etruscan Terracotta Warriors in the Metropolitan Museum of Art with a Report on Structure and Technique by Charles F. Binns
20739: Richter, Claus - Leiden an Der Gesellschaft; Vom Literarischen Liberalismus Zum Poetischen Realismus
52234: Richter, Karl - Resignation; Eine Studie Zum Werk Theodor Fontanes
24842: Richter, Werner - Kronprinz Rudolf Von ôsterreich [Osterreich]. Mit Fünf [Funf] Bildnissen
44488: Richter, Helmut - Franz Kafka; Werk Und Entwurf
16067: Richter, Gisela M. A. - The Metropolitan Museum of Art: Handbook of the Greek Collection
49954: Richter, Hans - Gottfried Kellers; Frühe [Fruhe] Novellen
34597: Carrier, Rick and Barbara - Dive; the Complete Book of Skin Diving. Revised by Gene Parker
41877: Rickard, T.A., ed - Concentration by Flotation
43390: Rickard, Chauncey, ed - The Old Stone Church and Fortress; Catalogue and Historical Notes
23983: Ricks, Beatrice (compiler) - Henry James: A Bibliography of Secondary Works
22402: Rideal, Samuel - Water and Its Purification; a Handbook for the Use of Local Authorities, Sanitary Officers, and Others Interested in Water Supply, with Numerous Illustrations and Tables
21150: Ried, Georg - Weltliteratur Unserer Zeit
24667: Maurer, K., P. Riederer and H. Beckmann, eds - Alzheimer's Disease; Epidemiology, Neuropathology, Neurochemistry, and Clinics
22303: Riefenstahl, Leni - Korallengärten [Kindergarten]
50938: Riehn, Richard - 1812; Napoleon's Russian Campaign
28544: Riemann, Hugo - Geschichte Der Musik Seit Beethoven (1800-1900)
4292: Riemenschneider, Rainer, ed - Widerstandsbewegungen in Deutschland Und in Polen Während [Wahrend] Des Zweiten Weltkrieges. X. Deutsch-Polnische Schulbuchkonferenz Der Historiker. .
35653: Riemer, Elke - E.T. A. Hoffmann Und Seine Illustratoren. Mit 160 Abbildungen. 2. Auflage
45211: Riemer, Friedrich Wilhelm [Arthur Pollmer, hrsg.] - Mitteilungen über [Uber] Goethe; Auf Grund Der Ausgabe Von 1841 Und Des Handschriftlichen Nachlasses. Mit 23 Abbildungen
43011: Ries, Heinrich - Clays of New York. (in New York State Museum. 54th Annual Report of the Regents, 1900; Vol. 2. Museum Bulletin No. 35. With Bulletin No. 36: 16th Report of the State Entomologist on Injurious and Other Insects). Clays of New York Is 455p. , with Plates. )
41503: Ries, Heinrich - Berliner Galerie; Porträts [Portrats], Aussagen, Einsichten
48667: Riese, Teut - Das Englische Erbe in Der Amerikanischen Literatur; Studien Zur Entstehungsgeschichte Des Amerikanischen Selbstbewusstseins IM Zeitalter Washingtons Und Jeffersons
51731: Riesenberg, Felix - Log of the Sea
36057: Rigby, Andrew - Alternate Realities; a Study of Communes and Their Members
32209: Kingston Bicentennial Commission (Harry Rigby, ed.) - Kingston Bicentennial. [New York]
42225: Rigobello, Armando - Ricerche Sul Trascendentale Kantiano
20402: Riha, Karl, ed - Rodrigo Semmelschmarn Und Rosamunda Blüthenthau [Bluthenthau]. Ausgegraen Und Mit Einem Nachwort Herausgegeben Von Karl Riha
44446: Riikonen, Hannu - Die Antike IM Historischen Roman Des 19. Jahrhunderts; Eine Literatur- Und Kulturgeschichtliche Untersuchung
53012: Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam - Catalogus Van Goud En Zilverwerken Benevens Zilveren, Loden En Bronzen Plaquetten. Tweede Geheel Herziene En Vermeerderde Druk
33825: Riley, B.F. - Alabama As It Is; or, the Immigrant's and Capitalist's Guide Book to Alabama, Furnishing the Most Accurate and Detailed Information Concerning the Varied Elements of Wealth in Alabama, Whether of Mine, Field, or Forest, Together with Carefully Prepared Maps and Charts Illustrative of the Numerous Advantages Possessed by the State
52928: Riley, Gregory J. - The River of God; a New History of Christian Origins
43209: Riley, P.W.J. - King William and the Scottish Politicians
21811: Rilke, Maria Rainer - Der Neuen Gedichte, Anderer Teil
49564: Rilke, Rainer Maria (Violet M. Macdonald, tr.) - Letters to Merline, 1919-1922. Translated by Violet M. Macdonald. Introduction by J.B. Leishman
52221: Rilke, Maria Rainer - Briefwechsel in Gedichten Mit Erika Mitterer, 1924-1926
52222: Rilke, Maria Rainer - Aus Dem Nachlass Des Grafen C.W. ; Ein Gedichtkreis
52223: Rilke, Maria Rainer - Die Briefe an Gräfin [Grafin] Sizzo, 1921-1926
48665: Rilke, Rainer Maria und Stefan Zweig (Donald A. Prater, hrsg.) - Rainer Maria Rilke Und Stefan Zweig in Briefen Und Dokumenten
48928: Rilke, Rainer Maria (Ernst Zinn, ed) - Aus Taschen-Büchern [Buchern] Und Merk-Blättern [Blattern] in Zufälliger [Zufalliger] Folge, 1925
52352: Rilke, Maria Rainer - Briefe an Baronesse Von Oe
52396: Rilke, Maria Rainer - Die Weise Von Liebe Und Tod Des Cornets Christoph Rilke
21810: Rilke, Rainer Maria - Das Buch Der Bilder
44515: Rilke, Rainer Maria - Ewald Tragy
28095: Rima, Ingrid H. - Readings in the History of Economic Theory
50806: Rimanelli, Giose - IL Tempo Nascosto Tra le Righe
13239: Rinaker, Clarissa - Thomas Warton; a Biographical and Critical Study
52987: Ring, Jennifer - The Political Consequences of Thinking; Gender and Judaism in the Work of Hannah Arendt
24478: Rings, Werner - Advokaten Des Feindes; Das Abenteuer Der Politischen Neutralität [Neutralitat]
53187: Ringwald, Donald C. - The Mary Powell; a History of the Beautiful Side-Wheel Steamer Called "Queen of the Hudson
51757: Ringwald, Donald C. - Hudson River Day Line; the Story of a Great American Steamboat Company
30430: Rio, Angel del - Estudios Galdosianos
27254: Riorden, Shane - Having the Last Word; a Personal History of the Twentieth Century
31312: Ripley, Charles - Life in a Large Manufacturing Plant. With Introduction by E.W. Rice, Jr.
42685: Ripp, Victor - Hell's Traces; One Murder, Two Families, Thirty-Five Holocaust Memorials
31568: Robertson, Ritchie and Edward Timms, eds - Gender and Politics in Austrian Fiction
44020: Durkee, Cornelius, Henry C. Ritchie and Howard I. Becker - Names in Sylvesters' History of Saratoga County, 1878. [Cover Title: "Name Index to... "]
43926: Ritchie, Leitch (Turner, Joseph Mallord William) - Liber Fluviorum, or River Scenery of France, Depicted in Sixty-One Line Engravings from Drawings by J.M. W. Turner. With Descriptive Letter-Press by Leitch Ritchie; and a Biographical Sketch by Alaric A. Watts
44021: Durkee, Cornelius, Henry C. Ritchie and Howard I. Becker - Names in Sylvesters' History of Saratoga County, 1878. [Cover Title: "Name Index to... "]
36738: Ritchie, William A. - An Introduction to Hudson Valley Prehistory
20755: Ritscher, Hans, comp - Georg Büchner [Buchner] Woyzeck
3375: Ritsert, Theodor - Hundert Jahre Darmstädter [Darmstadter] Schulgeschichte; Realschule, Realschule I. Ordnung, Realgymnasium. 1826-1926
3702: Ritter, Gerhard - Die Neugestaltung Europas IM 16. Jahrhundert; Die Kirchlichen Und Staatlichen Wandlungen IM Zeitalter Der Reformation Und Der Glaubenskämpfe [Glaubenskampfe]
21766: Ritter, Alexander und Günter Schnitzler, Hrsg - Schriftenreihe Der Charles-Sealsfield-Gesellschaft, Band V/1990
20386: Ritter Alexander, and Günter [Gunter] Schnitzler, eds - Schriftenreihe Der Charles - Sealsfield - Gesellschaft; Band IV, 1989
28537: Ritter, Gerhard - Stein; Eine Politische Biographie
43572: Ritter, William - The Dire King. A Jackaby Novel
41638: Ritter, William - Ghostly Echoes; a Jackaby Novel
20403: Rittler, Franz - Die Zwillinge; Ein Versuch Aus Sechzig Aufgegebenen Worten Einem Roman Ohne R Zu Schreiben. Faksimile Der Dritten, Verbesserten Und Vermehrten Auflage, Wien, 1820
50580: Rittner, Don - Remebering Troy; Heritage on the Hudson
40627: Ritzen, Quentin - Simenon; Avocat Des Hommes. Preface de Gilbert Sigaux
51835: Ritzenthaler, Robert E. - The Oneida Indians of Wisconsin
19765: Riukulehto, Sulevi - The Concepts of Luxury and Waste in American Radicalism, 1880-1929
10700: Rivelli, Carmen - Eduardo Mallea: La Continuidad Tematica de Su Obra
24101: Rivlin, Richard - Desert Capitalists; How Merchant Families and Private Equity Investors Are Changing the Middle East
42602: Rizoff, D. - The Bulgarians in Their Historical, Ethnographical and Political Frontiers (Atlas with 40 Maps). Preface by D. Rizoff
32110: Rizvi, S.M.Z. - A Reader in Basic Democracies
52882: The Washington Post (Glenn Kessler, Salvador Rizzo and Meg Kelly) - Donald Trump and His Assault on Truth; the President's Falsehoods, Misleading Claims and Flat-out Lies
35992: Roarke, J. Madeleva - Father Damasus and the Founding of Mount Saviour
48837: Robb, Marywebb Gibson - Shakerism in Kentucky; Founded in America by Ann Lee
19780: Robbins, Lois Brown - The South's Finest Hour; Essays on the War between the States
13782: [Robbins, Sarah Stuart] - Turning a New Leaf, or, the Story of Charles Terry
53443: Robbins, Richard G. - The Tsar's Viceroys; Russian Provincial Governors in the Last Years of the Empire
6303: Robbins, Thomas - A Sermon Preached at Mattapoisett-Village, Rochester, at the Funeral of the Rev. Lemuel le Baron, Who Died Nov. 26, 1936, in the 90th Year of His Age, and 65th of His Ministry. By... , His Surviving Colleague
25766: Roberston, J.M. - The German Idea of Peace Terms
52606: Winter, Robert and Alexander Vertikoff - At Home in the Heartland; Midwestern Domestic Architecture
51881: Jarvenpa, Robert and Hetty Jo Brumbach, eds - Circumpolar Lives and Livelihood; a Comparative Ethnoarchaeology of Gender and Subsistence
32922: Holloway, Joseph (Hogan, Robert and Michael J. O'Neill, eds.) - Irish Theatre; Vol. 1: 1926-1931; Vol. 2: 1932-1937; Vol. 3: 1938-1944. Complete
32443: Robert, Guy - La Peinture Au Quebec Depuis Ses Origines. Documentation Et Production Michel Bigue Et Guy Robert
53473: Upstone, Robert and Angela Weight - William Orpen; an Onlooker in France; a Critical Edition of the Artist's War Memoirs
51811: Pinner, Robert and Michael Frances, eds - Turkoman Studies I: Aspects of the Weaving and Decorative Arts of Central Asia. With 574 Black and White, and 28 Color Illustrations
51493: Schaus, Robert and James Arnone - University at Buffalo Law School; 100 Years, 1887-1987; a History
41472: Fine, Robert and Charles Turner, eds - Social Theory After the Holocaust
14945: Curtat, Robert and Rosa Th. Creton - Morges: Sept Siecles D'Histoire Vivante, 1286-1986. Relates Par Robert Curtat D'Apres Les Documents Reunis Par Rosa Th. Creton. Preface de Bernard Clavel
49408: Iovino, Roberto and I. Aliprandi - I Palcoscenici Dell Lirica; Dall'Impresariato All'Ente Lirico IL Nuovo Carlo Felice
24080: Helen Kurz Roberts and others (trs.) - A Treasury of German Ballads; Bilingual Edition
17620: Roberts, Charles G.D. (Desmond Pacey, ed.) - The Selected Poems of Sir Charles G.D. Roberts. Edited with an Introduction by Desmond Pacey
47655: Robertson, Guilliaume - Histoire de L'Amerique. Traduite de L'Anglois, Par M.E. Three Volumes, 1-3 (out of 4)
29390: Robertson, Barbara R. - Gingerbread and House Finish of Every Description
26943: Robijns, M.J.F. - Radicalen in Nederland (1840-1851)
15678: May, Robin and Gerry Embleton - The British Army in North America, 1775-1783. Revised Edition
28426: Harvie, Robin and Stephanie Meyers, eds - The Atheist's Guide to Christmas
21293: Skelton, Robin and Ann Saddlemeyer, eds - The World of W.B. Yeats; Essays in Perspective. A Symposium and Catalogue Edited by Robin Skelton and Ann Saddlemeyer on the Occasion of the W.B. Yeats Centenary Festival Held at the University of Victoria, February 14 to March 16, 1965
42770: Seibel, Markus J., Simon P. Robins and John P. Bilezikian, eds - Dynamics of Bone and Cartilage Metabolism
34596: Robinson, Bill - Where the Trade Winds Blow; a Yachting Guide to Southern Waters; Florida, the Bahamas, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Windwards and Leewards
34842: Robinson, Lolly, ed - Beatrix Potter in America. An Exhibition Selected and Introduced by Lolly Robinson
53568: Robinson, Frank S. - Albany's O'Connell Machine; an American Political Relic
53298: Robinson, John Martin - Requisitioned; the British Country House in the Second World War
32658: Robinson, Lennox - Pictures in a Theatre; a Conversation Piece
51142: Robinson, W.W. - Land in California; the Story of Mission Lands, Ranchos, Squatters, Mining Claims, Railroad Grants, Land Scrip, Homesteads
53613: Robinson, Charles M. - Hurricane of Fire; the Union Assault on Fort Fisher
52647: Robinson, David M. - A Hoard of Silver Coins from Carystus
27007: Robinson, Henry (T.M. Fleming, illus.) - Inventors & Inventions
43598: Clare, John (Eric Robinson and Geoffrey Summerfield, eds.) - Selected Poems and Prose of John Clare. Chosen and Edited by Eric Robinson and Geoffrey Summerfield. With Wood-Engravings by David Gentleman
37914: Robles, Frederico Carlos Sainz de - Monasterios de España [Espana]; Su Historia, Su Arte, Sus Leyendas. Edicion Ilustrada Con 55 Laminas
37580: Robotham, Tom - Varga
3140: Roche, Jean de la - La Federation Francaise; Contacts Et Civilisations D'Outre-Mer
46840: Rochefort, Robert - Ta Parole Est Verite; la Bible Approche Du Christ
47737: Rochefort, Henri (Ernest W. Smith) - The Adventures of My Life. Arranged for English Readers by the Author and Ernest W. Smith. In Two Volumes
45013: Rochejaquelein, Madame la Marquise de la - Memoires de Madame la Marquise de la Rochejaquelein, Ecrits Par Elle-Meme. Quatrieme Edition, Revue, Corrigee Et Augmentee de Differenties Pieces Relatives Aux Evenements de 1815, Et D'Une Table Raisonnee Et Analytique
48474: Rochelle, M. Roux de - Etats-Unis D'Amerique
48926: Roux de Rochelle, Jean Baptisite Gaspard - Vereinigte Staaten Von Nord-Amerika. Translated from the French by C.A. Mebold
41111: Rock, Howard B. - Haven of Liberty; New York Jews in the New World, 1654-1865. With a Foreword by Deborah Dash Moore and with a Visual Essay by Diana L. Linden
52148: Rocker, Rudolf (Joseph Leftwich, tr.) - The London Years
37032: Rode, Helge - Den Rejsende; Historier Og Skildringer. Ny Samling
49016: Roderick, A.J., ed - Wales Through the Ages; Vol. 1: From the Earliest Times to 1485; Vol. 2: From 1485 to the Beginning of the 20th Century. Two Volume Set
45340: Rodgers, David - Coronation Souvenirs and Commemoratives
49878: Rodgers, W.T., ed - Hugh Gaitskell, 1906-1963
49882: Rodgers, W.T., ed - Hugh Gaitskell, 1906-1963
28373: Rodin, Auguste - Rodin. [Dust Jacket Title: Rodin Sculptures]
43805: Rodin, Alvin E. - The Influence of Matthew Baillie's Morbid Anatomy; Biography, Evaluation and Reprint
43622: Rodin, Alvin, E. - Oslerian Pathology; an Assessment and Annotated Atlas of Museum Specimens
53651: Rodman, Selden (Rudolf C. von Ripper, illus.) - The Revolutionists; a Tragedy in Three Acts
47164: Rodmell, Graham E. - French Drama of the Revolutionary Years
21867: Rodriguez, Jean-François - Barbantini-Soffici; Un'Amicizia Intellettuale Tra Apollinaire Ed Agnoletti (Parigi, Firenze, Venezia, 1913-1932)
48202: Rodriguez, Oscar Perea - Estudio Biografico Sobre Los Poetas Del Cancionero General
39052: Roels, Jean - La Notion de Representation Chez Roederer; Etudes Presentees a la Commission Internationale Pour L'Histoire Des Assemblees D'Etats; XXXIII
22040: Bragard, Roger and Ferdinand J. de Hen - Musical Instruments in Art and History. (Translated by Bill Hopkins)
16773: Latham, Roger et al. Foreword by Bing Crosby - There's No Fishing Like Fly Fishing
52589: Phillips, Roger and Martyn Rix - The Botanical Garden; the Definitive Reference with More Than 2000 Photographs; Vol. 1: Trees and Shrubs; Vol. 2: Perennials and Annuals. Two Volumes in Slipcase
34311: Rogers, Samuel - Italy; a Poem. Illustrated with 12 Elegant Mezzotinto Engravings
50787: Dunster House Bookshop (Bruce Rogers) - A Selection of Books from the Library of the Late John Williams White, Formerly Professor of Greek in Harvard University
51336: Campbell, Thomas, Samuel Rogers and Mark Akenside - The Book of Pleasures; 1: The Pleasures of Hope (Campbell); 2: The Pleasures of Memory (Rogers); 3: The Pleasures of Imagination (Akenside)
52103: Rogers, Gay Ann - American Silver Thimbles
37616: Rogers, Ammi - Memoirs of the Rev. Ammi Rogers, A.M. ; a Clergyman of the Episcopal Church, Educated at Yale College in Connecticut, Ordained in Trinity Church in the City of New York; Persecuted in the the State of Connecticut, on Account of Religion and Politics, for Almost Twenty Years, and Finally, Falsely Accused and Imprisoned in Norwich Jail for Two Years, on the Charge of Crimes Said to Have Been Committed in the Town of Griswold, in the County of New London, When He Was Not Within About One Hundred Miles of the Place, and of Which He Was Absolutely As Innocent As the Judge Who Pronounced the Sentence, or As Any Other Person in the World. Composed, Compiled, and Written by the Said Ammi Rogers
46023: Rogers, Alan - Approaches to Local History. Preface by W.G. Hoskins
24457: Roghr, Karl - In Jedes Menschen Gesichte Steht Seine Geschichte; Lehrbuch Der Physiognomik; Neu Bearbeitete Ausgabe Mit 202 Ubbildungen 14. -16. Tausend
49690: Rohan, Henri de - Le Parfait Capitaine, Ou Abrege Des Guerres Des Commentaires de Cesar. Nouvelle Edition, Augmentee
33508: Rohan, Henri duc de - Interets Et Maximes Des Princes, Et Des Estats Souverains
39212: Rohden, Peter Richard - Robespierre; Die Tragödie [Tragodie] Des Politischen Ideologen
48342: Rev. A..A. R. [Rohnstrom, A.A.] - Regnbagen
46683: Rohr, Deborah Adams - A Profession of Artisans; the Careers and Social Status of British Musicians, 1750-1850
42755: Seifert, Roland and Thomas Wieland, eds - G-Protein-Coupled Receptors As Drug Targets; Analysis of Activation and Constitutive Activity
42716: Pochet, Roland with Rosario Donato, Jacques Haiech, et al, eds - Calcium; the Molecular Basis of Calcium Action in Biology and Medicine
27415: Roland, Albert E. - Geological Background and Physiography of Nova Scotia
52289: Rollinson, T.H., ed - Treatise on Harmony, Counterpoint, Instrumentation and Orchestration, with an Appendix, Treating Upon the Instrumentation of Military Bands
48638: Rolnick, Joseph - Zichroines (Memoirs)
48487: Rolland, Romain and Malwida von Meysenbug (Thomas J. Wilson, tr.) - Letters of Romain Rolland and Malwida Von Meysenbug, 1890-1891. Translated from the French by Thomas J. Wilson
37407: Societe d'Histoire du Valais Romand - Valaisannes Annales, 2009; Bulletin Annual de la Societe D'Histoire Du Valais Romand
44582: Romanelli, Pietro, ed - Metropoli E Colonie Di Magna Grecia; Atti Del Terzo Convegno Di Studi Sulla Magna Grecia Tenuto a Taranto Dal 13 Al 17 Ottobre 1963
47016: Societe des Etudes Romantiques (Beauverd, J., J.H. Bornecque, P. Brunel, et al) - La Petite Musique de Verlaine; "Romances Sans Paroles, Sagesse
32348: Romein, Jan - Op Het Breukvlak Van Twee Eeuwen. Two Volume Set
44461: Romeyko, Marian, ed - Ku Czci Poleglych Lotnikow; Ksiega Pamiatkowa
28317: Asociatia Slavistilor din Republica Populara Romina - Romanoslavica. Vols. 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16 Only
51694: Romines, Ann - The Home Plot; Women, Writing and Domestic Ritual
20802: Rommel, Manfred - Holzwege Zur Wirklichkeit; Meine Derzeitige Weltsicht
43994: Preserve It Now (Ron and Wanda Burch) - Of Beams and Brackets; a Sampler of Mohawk Valley Architecture. [Photography by Clarke Blair]
53601: Christensen, Tom, Per Laegreid, Paul G. Roness and Kjell Arne Rovik - Organization Theory and the Public Sector; Instrument, Culture and Myth
39190: Roniger, Emil - Theophil Roniger-Blatt; Der Mann Und Seine Leistung
15453: Van Ronkel, Ph. S. (Phillipus Samuel) - De Roman Van Amir Hamza
53571: Röntgen [Rontgen], Robert E. - Marks on German, Bohemian and Austrian Porcelain, 1710 to the Present [1981]
18462: Van Roo, William A. - Telling About God. Complete Set
19154: Van Roo, William A. - The Mystery
51957: Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (Glenn Horowitz Bookseller/Donald S. Carmichael) - Books, Manuscripts, and Letters by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1882-1945. From the Collection Donald S. Carmichael. Introduction by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.
51886: Root, Edward W. - Philip Hooker; a Contribution to the Study of the Renaissance in America
49826: Roots, Ivan, ed - Cromwell; a Profile
22414: Rooymans, Coenraad Jozef Maria - Structural Investigations on Some Oxides and Other Chalcogenides at Normal and Very High Pressures
46239: Roper, Richard - How Not to Die Alone
46606: Roper, Richard - How Not to Die Alone
6543: Rosaldo, Renato, ed - La Literatura Iberoamericana Del Siglo XIX. Renato Rosaldo Y Robert Anderson, Editores. Memoria Del XV Congreso Internacional de Literatura Iberoamericana, 1971
43196: Mitchison, Rosalind and Peter Roebuck, eds - Economy and Society in Scotland and Ireland, 1500-1939
39478: Roscalla, Fabio, ed - L'Autore E L'Opera; Attribuzioni, Appropriazioni, Apocrifi Nella Grecia Antica. Atti Del Convegno Internazionale (Pavia, 27-28 Maggio 2005). A Cura Di Fabio Roscalla
43440: Roscoe, William E. - History of Schoharie County, New York, 1713-1882. Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of Its Prominent Men and Pioneers
52798: Rose, Alfred (compiler) - Register of Erotic Books. 2 Volume Set
39983: Roseberry, C.R. (Susanne Dumbleton, ed.) - Flashback; a Fresh Look at Albany's Past. Edited by Susanne Dumbleton
41283: Roseberry, C.R. - Albany; Three Centuries a County
50072: Roseboro, Viola - Players and Vagabonds
29829: Roselius, Ludwig - Reden Und Schriften Zur Böttcherstrasse [Bottcherstrasse] in Bremen
48303: Rosen, Erwin - Der Deutsche Lausbub in Amerika; Erinnerungen Und Eindrücke. Drei Teile in Einem Band
53431: Rosen, Laura - Manhattan Shores; an Expedition Around the Island's Edge
47579: Rosenauer, Michael - Modern Office Buildings
53032: Rosenberg, Marc - Der Goldschmiede Merkzeichen. Dritte Erweiterte Und Illustrierte Auflage. Four Volumes
52471: Rosenberg, Marc - Der Goldschmiede Merkzeichen. Dritte Erweiterte Und Illustrierte Auflage. Bänden [Banden] 1-4
52472: Rosenberg, Marc - Der Goldschmiede Merkzeichen. Zweite Vermehrte Auflage. Mit Einem Anhang über [Uber] Byzantinische Stempel
52443: Rosenberg, Rita - Mushrooms, Wild and Tamed; over 100 Tantalizing International Recipes
44942: Richarz, Monika, ed. (Stella P. Rosenfeld and Sidney Rosenfeld, trs.) - Jewish Life in Germany; Memoirs from Three Centuries. Translated by Stella P. Rosenfeld and Sidney Rosenfeld
48477: Rosenfeld, Morris (E. Litschutz, ed.) - Moris Rozenfels Briv
43766: Rosenfeld, Alvin H., ed - William Blake; Essays for S. Foster Damon. Edited by Alvin H. Rosenfeld
46242: Rosewood, Abbagail N. - If I Had Two Lives
48663: Rosicka, Marie - Narodni Domaci Kucharka Cesko-Americka; Vyzkousene a Prakticke Navody Ku Priprave Pokrmu Zpusobem Ceskym I Americkym, S Pripojenim Uzitecnych Predpisu Pro Ruzne Potreby V Domacnosti. Ctvrte Rozsirene Vydani
29916: Rosing, Klaus - Münster [Munster] in Alten Und Neuen Reisebeschreibungen. Ausgewählt [Ausgewahlt] Von Klaus Rosing
41392: Rosoff, Meg - Jonathan Unleashed; a Novel
51610: Rosowski, Susan J., ed - Willa Cather's Ecological Imagination
51663: Rosowski, Susan J., ed - Cather Studies; Volume 1
41016: Grattan, Paul E., M. Lillian Ross and Lena M. Cremisio - The White Homestead on Wheels. [Cover: A Review of Its Moving and Saving and a Survey of Waterford's Landmarks, Past and Present]
51361: Ross, Sandy Thomas (Charles Summers, illus.) - Bairnsangs; Nursery Rhymes in Scots. With Illustrations by Charles Summers
29816: Galbert of Bruges (James Bruce Ross, tr.) - The Murder of Charles the Good, Count of Flanders. Translated with an Introduction and Notes by James Bruce Ross
51203: Ross, Alf - On Law and Justice
44918: Ross, John F. - The Promise of the Grand Canyon; John Wesley Powell's Perilous Journey and His Vision for the American West
53010: Ross, Marvin C. - The Art of Karl Faberge and His Contemporaries; Russian Imperial Portraits and Mementoes (Alexander III - Nicholas II); Russian Imperial Decorations and Watches. With a Foreword by Marjorie Merriweather Post
19821: Ross, David R.B. - Preparing for Ulysses: Politics and Veterans During World War II
53528: Phelan, Thomas, D. Michael Ross and Carl A. Westerdahl - Rensselaer; Where Imagination Achieves the Impossible; an Illustrated History of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
45249: Ross, George - Workers and Communists in France; from Popular Front to Eurocommunism
42141: Rosset, B.C. - Shaw of Dublin; the Formative Years. [Cover: A Revealing Inquiry Into the Little-Known Youth of Gbs. With a Foreword by Stanley Weintraub]
45464: Rosset, Theodore - Les Origines de la Prononciation Moderne; Etudiees Au XVII Siecle D'Apres Les Remarques Des Grammairiens Et Les Textes En Patois de la Banlieue Parisienne
51335: Rossetti, D.G. [Dante Gabriel] - Hand and Soul
48420: Rossi, P. Carlo - O Ingles Dos Estados Unidos
39522: Rossi, Guido Alberto (photographies), Jean-Louis Houdebine (texte) - La France; à [a] Vol D'Oiseau
48607: Rossnagel, Paul - Die Stadtbevölkerung [Stadtbevolkerung] Der Vereinigten Staaten Von Amerika Nach Herkunft Un Verteilung. Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung [Berucksichtigung] Des Deutschen Elements. Ein Siedlungsgeographischer Versuch, Mit 2 Bildern, 5 Karten Und 8 Kartenskizzen
40616: Rossotto, Anna Maria Gasparri - Tebaldi; la Mia Amica
37779: Rostand, Jean - La Parthenogenese Des Vertebres
11863: Rostotskii, B. I. - Maiakovskii I Teatr
40643: Hoffmann, Stanley (avec la collaboration de Michel des Accords, Serge Hurtig, Jean du Rostu et Jean-Michel Royer) - Le Mouvement Poujade. Preface de Jean Meynaud
38317: Rota, Enrico - L' Universo E le Sue Origini; la Scienza Moderna Alla Scoperta Della Creazione
37831: Rotert, Rebecca - Last Night at the Blue Angel
51445: Roth, Mitchel - Fulfilling a Mandate; a History of the Criminal Justice Center at Sam Houston State University
51227: Weber, Max (Guenther Roth and Claus Wittich, eds.) - Economy and Society; an Outline of Interpretive Sociology. Translated by Ephraim Fischoff, Hans Gerth, A.M. Henderson, Et Al. Three Volumes
35446: Roth, Walter E. [Edmund] - Games, Sports and Amusements. (North Queensland Ethnography, Bulletin No. 4, March 1902)
52653: Rothert, Matt - A Guide Book of United States Fractional Currency; an Illustrated History and Catalog Listing with Valuations for All Issues of Postage and Fractional Currency of the United States, 1862-1876
40264: Rothfels, Hans - Bismark Und Der Stadt; Ausgewahlte Dokumente. Eingeleitet Von Hans Rothfels
28307: Rothfels, Hans - Bismark Und Der Staat; Ausgewählte [Ausgewahlte] Dokumente
49761: Rothman, David J. - The Discovery of the Asylum; Social Order and Disorder in the New Republic
45986: Rothman, Andrea - The Dna of You and Me; a Novel
46307: Rothwell, Catherine - My Lancashire Childhood
8304: Rotili, Mario - Wiligelmo E IL Romanico
17446: Rouault, Jacques - Linguistique Automatique: Applications Documentaires. Avec la Participation de G. Antoniadis Et G. Lallich-Boidin
43959: Roubakine, Nicolas - Introduction a la Psychologie Bibliologique; la Psychologie de la Creation Des Livres, de Leur Distribution Et Circulation, de Leur Utilisation Par Les Lectuers, Les Ecoles, Les Bibliotheques, Les Librairies, Etc. ; Theorie Et Practique. Two Volumes
48292: Rouge, Robert - L'Inquietude Religieuse Dans E Roman Americain Moderne
46694: Rougier, Louis - Les Accords Secrets Franco-Britanniques de L'Automne 1940; Histoire Et Imposture
21688: Roulerius, Andrianus - Stuarta Tragoedia, Hrsg. Roman Woerner
2913: [Renault-Roulier, G.] - Comment Meurt Un Reseau (Fin 1943), Par Remy [Pseud]
36958: [Roullier, Jean Alphonse; Lancelot, Claude] - The Primitives of the Greek Tongue; with Rules for Derivation
51885: Rousmaniere, Leah Robinson - Anchored Within the Vail; a Pictorial History of the Seamen's Church Institute
47855: Rousseau, Jean-Jacques (Pierre-Paul Plan) - Jean Jacques Rousseau Et Malesherbes; Un Dossier de la Direction de la Librairie Sous Louis XV; Publie Sur Les Documents Orginaux
47816: Rousseau, J.J. [Jean Jacques] (Marcel Raymond, ed.) - Les Reveries Du Promeneur Solitaire. Edition Critique Par Marcel Raymond
44295: Roussel, Charles Francois, Abbe - Le Diocese de Langres; Histoire Et Statistique. Volumes 1 and 4 Only
33737: Rousselot, Jean - Acrippe D'Aubigne; Un Tableau Synoptique de la Vie Et Des Oeuvres D'Agrippa D' Aubigne Et Des Evenements Artistiques, Litteraires Et Historiques de Son Epoque; Une Suite Iconographique Accompagnee D'Un Commentaire Sur Agrippa D'Aubigne Et Son Temps; Une Etude; Un Choix de Jugements; Une Bibliographie
44617: Rousset, Marie-Odile - L'Archeologie Islamique En Iraq; Bilan Et Perspectives
27064: Rowland, Henry A. - Light in a Dark Alley
51605: Rowlandson, Mary - The Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. First Printed in 1682 at Cambridge, Massachusetts, and London, England; Whereunto Are Annexed a Map of Her Removes and Biographical and Historical Notes. (the National Bicentennial Edition)
46195: Rowse, A. L. - Tudor Cornwall; Portrait of a Society
46189: Rowse, A.L. - Transatlantic; Later Poems
46304: Rowse, A.L. - A Life; Collected Poems
46276: Rowse, A.L. - Selected Poems
48206: Roxlo, Carlos - Historia Critica de la Literatura Uruguaya; El Romanticismo. Two Volumes
38379: Roy, Rustum, ed - Materials Science and Engineering in the United States. [Proceedings of the National Colloquy on the Field of Materials Held at the Pennsylvania State University, April 14-16, 1969]
2572: Roy, Rai Bahadur G. K. - Gheraos, Strikes and Lockouts
18126: Roy, Louis - Self-Actualization and the Radical Gospel
6051: Roy, G. Ross, comp - Robert Burns; an Exhibition, February 1971
44753: Royale, Abbaye - Histoire de St. Germain Des Pres
50632: Royce, Josiah (John J. McDermott, ed.) - The Basic Writings of Josiah Royce. Edited, with an Introduction, by John. J. Mcdermott. Including an Annotated Bibliography of the Publications of Josiah Royce, Prepared by Ignas K. Skrupskelis. Two Volume Set
25492: Royce, Josiah - Herbert Spencer; an Estimate and Review, Together with a Chapter of Personal Reminiscences by James Collier
47247: Royce, William Hobart - A Balzac Bibliography; Writings Relative to the Life and Works of Honoré de Balzac. [Bound with] Indexes to a Balzac Bibliography
50069: Goodwin, Maud Wilder, Alice Carrington Royce and Ruth Putnam, eds - Historic New York; Being the First Series of the Half Moon Papers. Illustrated
52144: Lyle, Royster and Pamela Hemenway Simpson (Sally Munger Mann, photo.) - The Architecture of Historic Lexington
45256: Roz, Firmin - La Lumiere de Paris
38424: Rozett, Martha Tuck - The Doctrine of Election and the Emergence of Elizabethan Tragedy
21235: Rozhdestvenskii, Vsevolod - Russkie Zori; Lirika Raznykh Let
29777: Stern-Rubarth, Edgar - ... Aus Zuverlässiger [Zuverlassiger] Quelle Verlautet... ; Ein Leben Für [Fur] Presse Und Politik
41181: Rubens, Peter Paul (Leone Detiege, ed.) - P.P. Rubens Als Boekillustrator. Tentoonstelling 7 Mei - 4 Juli 1977
20428: Rübensam [Rubensam], Erich - Uber Fragen Der Organischen Und Mineralischen Düngung [Dungung] Auf Sandböden [Sandboden]. Vortage D. Internationalen Wissenschaftl. Arbeitstagung Vom 22. Bis 24. Juni 1961 IM Inst. F. Acker-U. Pflanzenbau Muncheberg D. Dt. Akademie D. Landwirtschaftswissenschaften Zu Berlin
21176: Ruber, B., and Peer Corstiaan, eds - De Sociale Gids; Socialistisch Tijdschrift Voor Noord- En Zuid -Nederland. Januari - [December] 1893
40525: Rubin, Shmuel, ed - Sefer Edutan Shel Rabanim. [English Title Page]: The Book; Testimony of the Rabbis 1 and 2, in Which Were Assembled a Great Part of Nearly Three Thousand Letters of Blessing and Encouragement from the Great and the Sages of Our Generation and Prominent Bani Torah, Friends and Suppoeters of 'Vaad Hotzuas Sifrei Schechite Ve'Kashrus' (the Committee for Publishing Books on Ritual Slaughter and Kosher Affairs) of the 'Machon Lehozuas Sifrei Yehunda V'Israel' (the Institute for Publishing Books of Judah and Israel), All Greeting and Beseeching the Well-Being of the Author - That Were Received by the Committee
40638: Rudel, Aime - Les Volcans D'Auvergne
25195: Rüden [Ruden], Peter von, hrsg - Beiträge [Beitrage] Zur Kulturgeschichte Der Deutschen Arbeiterbewegung, 1848-1918. Unter Mitwirkung Von Gerhard Beier, Knut Hickethier, Kurt Koszyk, Dieter Schwarzenau Und Hans-Josef Steinberg
29690: Rudloff, P. Leo von - Kleine Laiendogmatik
31264: La Rue, Pierre de - Requiem and Motet
18031: Rueda, Lope de - Lope de Rueda; Teatro. Edicion de J. Morena Villa, Corregida Y Aumentada En Sus Notas
9086: Ruffié [Ruffie], J., ed - Definition Et Analyse Biologique Des Populations Amerindiennes; Etude de Leur Environnement
3725: Ruffy, Eugene - La Notion de la Valeur; Son Evolution Depuis Adam Smith Jusqu'a Nos Jours. (Phd Dissertation, University of Lausanne)
11276: Ruge, R., P. Muhlens, and M. Zur Verth - Krankheiten Und Hygiene Der Warmen Lander. Ein Lehrbuch Fur Die Praxis Von Prof. Dr. P. Muhlens, Prof. Dr. E. Nauck, Doz. Dr. H. Vogel, Und Flottenarzt Prof. Dr. H. Ruge
13550: Ruge, Sophus - Die Entwicklung Der Kartographie Von Amerika, Bis 1570. Mit 32 Kärten [Karten] Auf 2 Tafeln
44064: Rühl [Ruhl], Peter - Lipsius Und Gryphius; Ein Vergleich
20989: Rühle [Ruhle], Günther [Gunther] - Theater Für [Fur] Die Republik, 1917-1933; IM Spiegel Der Kritik
24455: Ruhmer, Dr. Otto (unter Mitwirklung von Robert Schloesser) - Entstehungsgeschichte Des Deutschen Genossenschaftswesens; Die Ersten Deutschen Genossenschaften
52969: Rulau, Russell - Latin American Tokens; Catalog and Guide Book; an Illustrated, Priced Catalog of the Unofficial Coinage of Latin America - Used in Plantation, Mine, MILL and Dock - from 1700 to the 20th Century
11074: Rundberg, Arvid - Upp Periskop: En Bok Om Det Svenska Ubatsvapnet
44387: Van Runset, Ute - Ironie Und Philosophie Bei Voltaire, Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung [Berucksichtigung] Der "Dialogues Et Entretiens Philosophiques
30567: Ruppert, M. - De Nederlandse Vakbeweging; Deel 1: De Opkomst; Deel 2: De Opbouw En Het Werk
45794: Rush, Chris - The Light Years; a Memoir
51524: Rush, Benjamin, Noah Webster, Robert Coram, et al (Frederick Rudolph, ed.) - Essays on Education in the Early Republic. (the John Harvard Library)
35325: Rushdie, Salman - Shalimar the Clown; a Novel
53379: Rushdie, Salman - The Satanic Verses
35324: Rushdie, Salman - Fury; a Novel
38190: Rusinek, Michal (tekst) i Magdalena Rusinek-Kwilecka (Zdjecia) - Ziemia Kopernika
52442: Russ, Tony - Sheep Hunting in Alaska; the Dall Sheep Hunter's Guide
51020: A.E. [George William Russell] - The Hero in Man
35456: Russell, Dora Isella - Habia Una Vez Una Isla. .
17432: Russell, Stanley - The Stapeley Books of Water Gardens. Illustrated by George Telford
51812: Russell, Raymond - The Harpsichord and Clavichord; a Introductory Study
50232: Russell, Dora - The Religion of the Machine Age
11263: Russo, F. - Histoire Des Sciences Et Des Techniques: Bibliographie
37913: Russo, Giuseppe - Napoli Come Citta. Prefazioni Di Gino Doria E Marcello Canino
46069: Rutenberg, V.I., et al (Barry Jones, tr.) - Feudal Society and Its Culture. [Translated from the Russian by Barry Jones]
30620: Rüter, A.J.C. - De Spoorwegstakingen Van 1903; Een Spiegel Der Arbeidersbeweging in Nederland
19827: Brandon, Ruth and Christie Davies - Wrongful Imprisonment; Mistaken Convictions and Their Consequences
53665: Hölzer [Holzer], Max (Ruth and Matthew Mead, trs.) - Amfortiade and Other Poems. Translated from the German
34121: Borchers, Elisabeth (Ruth and Matthew Mead, trs.) - Elisabeth Borchers. Translated by Ruth and Matthew Mead
50596: Rutstrum, Calvin (Les Kouba, illus.) - North American Canoe Country
24032: Van Rutten, Pierre-M - Le Langage Poetique de Saint-John Perse
49531: Ruttmann, Irene - Die Bedeutungskomponente Des Trügerischen [Trugerischen] in Mhd. 'Wan' Und 'Waenen'; Dargestellt Anhan Ausgewählter Ausgewahlter] Dichtungen Von Ca 1130-Bis 1220
39413: Ruwiere, Jeanne de la - La Peinture Flamande Aux Xveme Et Xvieme Siecles
29964: Ruz, Alberto - The Mayas
31866: Ryals, Clyde de L. - Theme and Symbol in Tennyson's Poems to 1850
18363: Ryan, Pat M., ed - Rochester Recollected: A Miscellany of Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Descriptions
24156: Ryan, Frank L., ed - Irish Literary Criticism, 1900-1970
40503: Rybalka, Michel - Boris Vian; Essai D'Interpretation Et de Documentation
35241: Ryle, John Charles - Old Paths; Being Plain Statements on Some of the Weightier Matters of Christianity
52717: Rynearson, Paul F. - Byzantine Coin Values; a Guide
42750: Rea, Mark S. and Brian J. Thompson, eds - Selected Papers on Architectural Lighting. [Cover: A Reprint Collection of Outstanding Papers from the World Literature on Optical and Optoelectronic Science, Engineering, and Technology]
25111: Woolworth's - Woolworth's First 75 Years; the Story of Everybody's Store, 1879-1954
51539: Haldane, J.S. and J. Ivon Graham - Methods of Air Analysis. With 34 Illustrations. Fourth Edition, Revised Throughout and Enlarged
26587: Christie's - Important Frank Lloyd Wright and American Arts and Crafts Furnishings Including Ceramics; the Properties of the Estates of Mr. And Mrs. Leon Saltz, the Walnut Creek Historical Society and Various Other Properties
34260: MacElwee, Roy S. and Alfred H. Ritter - Economic Aspects of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Ship Channel
28713: Heffner, R.M.S. and W.P. Lehmann - A Word-Index to the Poems of Walther Von Der Vogelweide
53212: Smith, Michael S. (with Julia Reed) - The Curated House; Creating Style, Beauty, and Balance
52051: Povie, Donald S. and Richard Loomis - You Can Judge a Book by Its Cover (and Text); Defining, Using and Manufacturing Cover and Text Papers
31130: Miller, Gerrit S. and Remington Kellogg - List of North American Recent Mammals
9680: Gligoric, S. and V. Sokolov - Sizilianische Verteidigung, Band I.
37482: Sabates, Fabien - Alfa Romeo. ûbersetzung [Ubersetzung] Und Adaption Der Deutschen Fassung Von Ursula Rahn-Huber
53593: Sabato, Ernesto - Nunca Mais; Informe Da Comissao Nacional Sobre O Desaparecimento de Pessoas Na Argentia
17996: Sabell, Domingo Garcia - Testimonio Personal
53694: Sachar, Howard M. - The Emergence of the Middle East: 1914-1924
53586: Sachar, Howard M. - A History of the Jews in America
45818: Sachs, Maurice - Le Sabbat; Souvenirs D'Une Jeunesse Orageuse
26202: Sacy, Jacques Silvestre de - Le Quartier Des Halles
53103: Safranski, Rüdiger [Rudiger] - Schopenhauer Und Die Wilden Jahre Der Philosophie; Eine Biographie
20259: Sagarin, Edward - Raskolnikov and Others: Literary Images of Crime, Punishment, Redemption, and Atonement. With a Foreword by Marvin E. Wolfgang
37846: Saggio, Antonino - Un Architetto Americano Louis Sauer. Presentazione Di Paola Coppola Pignatelli
39533: Sahagun, Carlos Alejandro Reyes - Aguascalientes; Tierra de Corazones Calidos/Aguascalientes; Land of Warm Hearts
38017: Saile, Wolfgang - Hermann Wagener Und Sein Verhältnis [Verhaltnis] Zu Bismark; Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Des Konservativen Sozialismus
48954: Sailer, Johann Michael - Die Weisheit Auf Der Fasse, Oder Sinn Und Geist Deutscher Sprichwörter [Sprichworter]; Ein Lehrbuch Für [Fur] Uns Deutsche, Mit Unter Auch Eine Ruhebank Für [Fur] Gelehrte, Die Von Ihren Forschungen Ausruen Möchten [Mochten]
12991: Sainer, A. L. - The New York Law Quizzer; Substantive and Adjective Law
21268: Sainian, A. - Garni I Gegard
51996: Sainton, Roger - Art Nouveau; Posters and Graphics
25960: Saito, Dr. Kinsaku (tr.) - Vorentwurf Eines Japanishen Strafgesetzbuches Vom 20. Dezember 1961
51160: Sakolski, Aaron M. - Land Tenure and Land Taxation in America
30560: Saks, J. - Socialistische Opstellen
44589: Sal, Renata Del - Edizioni Del Cinquecento. Catalogo a Cura Di Renata Del Sal
48265: Saladich, F. Estrada - Norteamerica Vista Por Un Hombre de Negocios (Vision Del Viajero)
37399: Salah, Nejiba Soussou-Ben - Des Lieux Et Des Hommes; L'Homo Tunisianus Dans la Nouvelle Preindependante
47930: Salam, Anbara - Belladonna
19321: Salasin, Susan E., ed - Evaluating Victim Services. Foreword by Bertram S. Brown. Published in Cooperation with the Evaluation Research Society
21169: Salcman, M., and A. Galactionov - Principles of Town Planning in the Soviet Union
44796: Salerno, Luigi - Salvator Rosa. 24 Tavole a Colori. 113 Illustrazioni in Nero. 5 Illustrazioni Fuori Testo
36557: Sales, Jean Baptiste Claude Izouard de - Histoire Des Hommes Ou Histoire Nouvelle de Tous Les Peuples Du Monde, Partie de L'Histoire Moderne; Allemagne. Three Volume Set
28147: Salkever, Louis R. - Toward a Wage Structure Theory
46643: Sallander, Hans - Medeltidens Boktryckerihistoria; Ein översikt
24791: Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales la Salle - El Archipielago de Los Roques Y la Orchila
36739: Salmon, Lucy M. - The Dutch West India Company on the Hudson. With Six Illustrations
43425: Salomon, David A. - Examinations of Conscience; Robert Parsons' Christian Directory and Catholic Spirituality in Post-Reformation England
51397: Salter, H.E., Rev - Registrum Annalium Collegii Mertonensis, 1483-1521
10153: Salu, Herbert - Kauged Rannad Ja Oma Saar: Esseid Eesti Kirjandusest/ Distant Shores and Mine Own Island: Studies in Estonian Literature
12059: Salvato, Vincenzo - Palazzo Dogana; Dalle Origini Al Giorni Nostri
37884: Comune di Abbadia San Salvatore; Comitato Promotore per il 950º dell'Abbazia - Abbadia San Salvatore; Comune E Monastero in Testi Dei Secoli XIV-XVIII
40624: Salvioni, Carlo - Fonetica Del Dialetto Moderno Della Citta Di Milano
32695: McCready, Sam and Joan - The Great Yeats!
24093: Samardzic, Radovan - Pisci Srpske Isorije. 2-a Knjiga
30411: Michel van der Plas (samensteller) - Uit Het Rijke Roomsche Leven; Een Documentaire over de Jaren, 1925-1935. Nawoord Van Kees Fens
48841: Die Neue Sammlung - The Shakers; Life and Production of a Community in the Pioneering Days of America. An Exhibition by the "Neue Sammlung", Munich
52369: Sammons, Jeffrey L. und Ernst Schürer, hrsg - Lebendige Form; Interpretationen Zur Deutschen Literatur; Festschrift Für [Fur] Heinrich E.K. Henel
31097: Sampson, Adamantios A. - Euboean Kyme; Adamantiou Samps on Euboïke Kume
40961: Samuelsson, Kurt - Religion and Economic Action; the Protestant Ethic, the Rise of Captialism, and the Abuses of Scholarship. Translated from the Swedish by E. Geoffrey French. Edited and with an Introduction by D.C. Coleman
49356: Sanborn, Kate - Memories and Anecdotes. With Sixteen Illustrations
50593: Sanchez, Martha Camargo - Restorative Justice for Girls, Boys and Teenagers in Family, and School Conflicts and Antisocial Behaviour Where Violence Influences
40415: Sancroft, Archbishop William - Collectanea Curiosa; or Miscellaneous Tracts, Relating to the History and Antiquities of England and Ireland, the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, and a Variety of Other Subjects. In Two Volumes. Complete Set
30027: Sande, Theodore Anton - Industrial Archeology; a New Look at the American Heritage
16047: Sanderson, Harold I. - Whispers from the Past: A Source Book of CIVIL War Veterans' Personal Histories
21280: Sandfeld, Kr - Balkanfilologien; En Oversigt over Dens Resultater Og Problemer. (Festskrift Udgivet Af Kobenhavns Universitet I Anledning Af Universitetets Aarsfest, November 1926. )
45593: Sandvoss, E. - Hitler Und Nietzsche. [Cover Subtitle: Eine Bewusstseingeschichtliche Studie]
41201: Sanfilippo, Matteo - Roma; Capire la Citta
46352: Basetti-Sani, P. Giulio - Dal Corano Al Vengelo
36206: Ichikawa, Sanki and Harushige Kodzu, eds - An Introduction to the Languages of the World. Vol. 1 Only
40420: Sanna, Manuela - Catalogo Vichiano Napoletano. Supplemento Al Bollettino Del Centro Di Studi Vichiani, Anno XVI (1986)
28070: Sanne, Harald - Readaptation After Myocardial Infarction
30840: Sannes, G.W. - Op Weg Naar Het Staatspensioen; Rede Gehouden Op Het Congres Van N.V. V. En S.D. A.P. Ter Bespreking Van Het Vraagstuk Van Het Staatspensioen Op Zaterdag 25 Februari 1928 Te Amsterdam
30841: Sannes, G.W. - Ontwapening!
30816: Sannes, G.W. - De Internationale Gedachte En de Oorlog
30831: Sannes, G.W. - De Kiesrechtstrijd En de Verkiezingen Van 1913
40530: Sanouillet, Michel - Dada a Paris
48485: Santander, Teresa - Reseña [Resena] Sobre la Biblioteca Y Archivo Universitatios de Salamanca Durante Los años [Anos] 1974-1985
3193: Ferreira dos Santos, Geralda Maria Marques - A Freguesia de S. Martinho de Arrifana de Sousa de 1700-1729 (Ensaio de Demografia Historica)
53436: Santry, Claire - The Family Tree Genealogy Guide; Irish; How to Trace Your Ancestors in Ireland
53537: Van Santvoord, C. - The One Hundred and Twentieth Regiment, New York State Volunteers; a Narrative of Its Services in the War for the Union
49742: Santvoord, Seymore van - The House of Caesar and the Imperial Disease
39375: Santvoord, Seymour Van - The House of Caesar and the Imperial Disease
6466: Sanz, Victor - La Historia Y El Futuro. Universidad de la Republica, Facultad de Humanidades Y Ciencias
25610: Sapidus, Johannes (Wolfgang F. Michael, ed.) - Anabion, 1540; Text Lateinisch Und Deutsch. Herausgegeben, übersetzt Und Kommentiert Von Wolfgang F. Michael Und Douglass Parker
10579: Sapru, Tej Bahadur, et al. - Constitutional Proposals of the Sapru Committee
50603: Saracheck, Joseph - The Doctrine of the Messiah in Medieval Jewish Literature
44393: Saracino, Antonio - Roca E IL Salento
46680: Sarjala, Jukka - Music, Morals, and the Body; an Academic Issue in Turku, 1653-1808
26683: Sarkar, Husain - A Theory of Method
34198: Sarmiento, Domingo Faustino - Paginas de Sarmiento. Prologo de V. Lillo Catalan
47797: Sarte, Jean-Paul (Kitty Black, tr.) - Kean, or Disorder and Genius. Based on the Play by Alexandre Dumas. [Translated from the French by Kitty Black]
44695: Sarvas, Mark - Memento Park
41184: Sass, Hans-Martin, hrsg - Genomanalyse Und Gentherapie; Ethische Herausforderungen in Der Humanmedizin
4130: Sass, Else Kai - Studier I Christiern II's Ikonografi. (Festskrift Udgivet Af Kobenhavns Universitet)
26426: Sassower, Raphael - Knowledge without Expertise; on the Status of Scientists
30429: Sastre, Alfonso - Teatro: Escuadra Hacia la Muerte/Tierra Roja/Ana Kleiber/Muerte En El Barrio/Guillermo Tell Tiene Los Ojos Tristes/El Cuervo
48664: Sattler, Otto - Stille Und Sturm; Gedichte
53328: Satyawadi, Sudha - Proto-Historic Pottery of Indus Valley Civilisation; Study of Painted Motifs (Illustrated with Photographs, Charts and Drawings). With a Foreword by Prof. B.B. Lal
32754: Saul, George Brandon - Traditional Irish Literature and Its Backgrounds; a Brief Introduction. A Revision of the Shadow of the Three Queens
26064: Morson, Gary Saul and Caryl Emerson, eds - Rethinking Bakhtin; Extensions and Challenges
51434: Saunders, Kenneth - The Ideals of East and West
26646: Saunders, Paul - Edward Jenner; the Cheltenham Years, 1795-1823; Being a Chronicle of the Vaccination Campaign. Preface by William le Fanu
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