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042412: Voorbroek, Jakob - Codices Perizoniani
041239: Voorgang, Dietrich - Nordische Vornamen
016247: Voorhees, Melvin B. - Korean Tales
050090: De Vooys, C. G. N. - Inleiding Tot de Studie Van de Woordbetekenis
048703: Voretzsch, Karl - Einführung in Das Studius Der Altfranzösischen Literatur IM Anschluss an Die Einführung in Das Studium Der Altfranzösischen Sprache
007316: Vorpahl, Ben Merchant - My Dear Wister; the Frederic Remington-Owen Wister Letters
045717: De Vos, Christiane - Klage Als Gotteslob Aus Der Tiefe; Der Mensch Vor Gott in Den Individuellen Klagepsalmen
021295: De Vos, George A. - Socialization for Achievement; Essays on the Cultural Psychology of the Japanese
029111: Voss, Reinhard - Geschichte Der Gemeinde Lenne (Kr. Olpe) IM Sauerland Von Den Anfängen Bis Zum Zweiten Weltkrieg
041602: Voßkamp, Wilhelm, Ed - Schäferdichtung; Referate Der Fünften Arbeitsgruppe Beim Zweiten Jahrestreffen Des Internationalen Arbeitskreises Für Deutsche Barockliteratur Vom 28. Bis 31. August 1976 in Wolfenbüttel
041950: Vossler, Karl - Algunos Caracteres de la Cultura Española
029984: Vossler, Otto - Alexis de Tocqueville; Freiheit Und Gleichheit
042958: Voznesenskij, Andrej - Antisvetovi
026747: Voznesensky, Andrei - An Arrow in the Wall; Selected Poetry and Prose
043957: Vries, Jan De - De Skaldenkenningen Met Mythologischen Inhoud
025361: De Vries, Johan, et al., Eds - Worldwide Banking: Abn Amro Bank 1824-1999
053194: Vriezen, Theodoor Christiaan - An Outline of Old Testament Theology
042615: Vroman, Adam Clark - Photographer of the Southwest, Adam Clark Vroman, 1856-1916
002889: Vrooman, Jack Rochford - René Descartes; a Biography
022829: Vryonis, Speros, Jr. - The Mechanism of Catastrophe; the Turkish Pogrom of September 6-7, 1955, and the Destruction of the Greek Community of Istanbul
022242: Vucinich, Alexander - Science in Russia Culture; a History to 1860
004651: Vucinich, Wayne S., Ed - Contemporary Yugoslavia; Twenty Years of Socialist Experiment
049076: Vürtheim, J. J. G. - Teukros Und Teukrer; Untersuchung Der Homerischen Und Der Nachhomerischen Ueberliefrung
024638: Vyse, Stuart A. - Believing in Magic; the Psychology of Superstition
018317: Vyverberg, Henry - Human Nature, Cultural Diversity, and the French Enlightenment
041453: Vzdkornov, Gerol'd Ivanovich - Issledovanie O Kievskoi Psaltiri
048869: Hicks, Roger W. and Frances E. Schultz - Battlefields of the CIVIL War
047231: Anderson, Ronald W. and Chantal Kegels - Transition Banking; Financial Development of Central and Easter Europe
047166: Bakewell, Georffrey W. and James P. Sickinger, Eds - Gestures; Essays in Ancient History, Literature, and Philosophy Presented to Alan L. Boegehold on the Occasion of His Retirement and His Seventy-Fifth Birthday
047130: Meighan, Clement W. and V. L. Pontoni, Eds - Seven Rock Art Sites in Baja California
050011: Bennett, J. A. W. and G. V. Smithers - Early Middle English Verse and Prose
047049: Smith, Douglas W. and Gary Ferguson - Decade of the Wolf; Returning the Wild to Yellowstone
046822: Heinrich, W. and R. Abart, Eds - Mineral Reaction Kinetics: Microsturctures, Textures, Chamical and Isotopic Signature. University Textbook
044929: Force, Roland W. and Maryanne Force - The Fuller Collection of Pacific Artifacts
044870: Hedgpeth, Joel W. and Harry S. Ladd, Eds - Treatise on Marine Ecology and Paleoecology
043380: Stover, Carl W. and Jerry L. Coffman - Seismicity of the United States, 1568-1989 (Revised)
042819: Hall, John W. and Marius B. Jansen, Eds - Studies in the Institutional History of Early Modern Japan
041150: Steel, Robert W. and R. Mansell Prothero, Eds - Geographers and the Tropics: Liverpool Essays
002154: Householder, Fred W. And Sol Saporta - Problems in Lexicography
039719: Salisbury, John W. and Peter E. Glaser, Eds - The Lunar Surface Layer; Materials and Characteristics
039595: Engle, Gale W. and Gabriele Taylor, Eds - Berkeley's Principles of Human Knowledge; Critical Studies
039446: Kendrick, John W. and Beatrice N. Vaccara, Eds - New Developments in Productivity Measurement and Analysis
039388: Potts, W. T. W. And Gwyneth Parry - Osmsotic and Ionic Regulation in Animals
039375: Polsby, Nelson W. and Aaron Wildavsky - Presidential Elections; Strategies and Structures of American Politics
039204: Curtis, Charles W. and Irving Reiner - Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associative Algebras
036367: Jentleson, Bruce W. and Thomas G.Paterson, Eds - Encyclopedia of U.S. Foreign Relations
034407: Tucker, Robert W. and David C. Hendrickson - Empire of Liberty; the Statecraft of Thomas Jefferson
033880: Shaw, Margery W. and A. Edward Doudera, Eds - Defining Human Life: Medical, Legal and Ethical Implications
033700: Beresford, M. W. and J. K. S. St. Joseph - Medieval England; an Aerial Survey
033626: Stephens, W. R. W. and William Hunt, Eds - A History of the English Church
028811: Hammond, P. W. and Anne F. Sutton - Richard III; the Road to Bosworth Field
027515: Dolzall, Gary W. and Mike Danneman - The Spirit of Railroading; a Color Celebration of North America's Trains
025654: Levine, Lawrence W. and Cornelia R. Levine - The People and the President; America's Conversation with Fdr
025371: Levy, Leonard W. and Kenneth L. Karst, Eds - Encyclopedia of the American Constitution
023755: Lima, Carolyn W. and John A. Lima - A to Zoo; Subject Access to Children's Picture Books
022976: Weisgal, Meyer W. and Joel Carmichael - Chaim Weizmann; a Biography by Several Hands
022672: Hoffman, George W. and Fred Warner Neal - Yugoslavia and the New Communism
022233: Gawalt, Gerard W. and Ann G. Gawalt - First Daughters; Letters between U.S. Presidents and Their Daughters
020915: Warwick, Ronald W. And William H. Flayhart III - Qe 2
050810: Krummel, D. W. and Stanley Sadie, Eds - Music Printing and Publishing
017658: Levine, Lawrence W. And Cornelia R. Levine - The People and the President; America's Conversation with Fdr
053173: Burgess, R. W. and Michael Kulikowski - Mosaics of Time; the Latin Chronicle Traditions from the First Century Bc to the Sixteh Century Ad. Volume I: A Historical Introduction to the Chronicle Genre from Its Origins to the High Middle Ages
017097: Keen, Peter G. W. And Michael S. Scott Morton - Decision Support Systems; an Organizational Perspective
014269: Mote, Frederick W. And Hung-Iam Chur - Calligraphy and the East Asian Book
012870: Smith, Edwin W. And Andrew Murray Dale - The Ila-Speaking Peoples of Northern Rhodesia
011451: Wever, J. W. And D. B. Redford, Eds - Studies on the Ancient Palestinian World Presented to Professor F.V. Winnett on the Occasion of His Retirement, 1 July 1971
050345: Fowler, H. W. and F. G. Fowler - The King's English
010229: Hall, John W. And Richard K. Beardsley - Twelve Doors to Japan
008978: Sparks, B. W. And R. G. West - The Ice Age in Britain
007869: Thompson, Arthur W. And Robert A. Hart - The Uncnertain Crusade; America and the Russian Revolution of 1905
005977: Thompson, Arthur W. And Robert A. Hart - The Uncertain Crusade; America and the Russian Revolution of 1905
004429: Rowe, James W. And Margaret A. Rowe - New Zealand
049818: Oliver, John W. And J. C. Smith, Eds - Scots Anthology from the Thirteenth to the Twentieth Century
002724: Wolstenholme, G. E. W. And Cecilia M. O'Connor - Ciba Foundation Symposium on Medical Biology and Etruscan Origins
013362: Waag, Albert - Kleinere Deutsche Gedichte Des XI. Und XII. Jahrhunderts
045537: Waal, Frans De - Peacemaking Among Primates
025349: De Waal, Ronald Burt - The World Bibliography of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson
013220: Waas, Adolf - Die Bauern IM Kampf Um Gerechtigkeit 1300-1525
027014: Wace, Alan J. B. - Mycenae; an Archaeological History and Guide
024044: Wacher, John - The Towns of Roman Britain
024043: Wacher, John - The Coming of Rome
035710: Wachs, Eleanor - Crime-Victim Stories; New York City's Urban Folklore
019828: Wachtler, Sol - After the Madness; a Judge's Own Prison Memoir
019161: Wackerl, Georg - Goethes Tag- Und Jahres-Hefte
032749: Waddell, James I. - C.S. S. Shenandoah; the Memoirs of Lieutenant Commanding James I. Waddell
050072: Waddell, Helen - The Wandering Scholars
037769: Waddington, Mary KIng - My War Diary
036436: Waddington, Mary KIng - Letters of a Diplomat's Wife 1883-1900
021015: Waddington, Raymond B. - The Mind's Empire; Myth and Form in George Chapman's Narrative Poems
051151: Wade, Peter - Music, Race, & Nation; Música Tropical in Colombia
024769: Wade, Ira O. - The Search for a New Voltaire; Studies in Voltaire Based Upon Material Deposited at the American Philosophical Society
015603: Wade, Louise C. - Graham Taylor, Pioneer for Social Justice, 1850-1938
005700: Wade, Rex A. - The Russian Search for Peace, February-October 1917
014548: Wadham, Samuel, et al. - Land Utilization in Australia
026100: Wadley, Nicholas - Cubism; Movements of Modern Art
025740: Wadley, Nicholas - Cézanne and His Art
022136: Wadlington, Warwick - The Confidence Game in American Literature
010405: Wadsworth, Frank W. - The Poacher from Stratford; a Partial Account of the Contoversy over the Authorship of Shakespeare's Plays
049753: Waetzoldt, Wilhelm - Deutsche Kunsthistoriker Von Sandrart Bis Rumohr
007880: Van Wagenen, Jared, Jr. - The Golden Age of Homespun
029112: Wagenführ, Horst - Handelsführsten Der Renaissance
042788: Wagenhammer, Hans - Das Wesen Des Christentums; Eine Begriffsgeschichtliche Untersuchung
024450: Wagenknecht, Edward - Ambassadors for Christ; Seven American Preachers
021016: Wagenknecht, Edward - Dickens and the Scandalmongers; Essays in Criticism
049499: Wagenknecht, Edward, Ed - Chaucer; Modern Essays in Criticism
018963: Wagg, Alfred - Know Your Camera
027893: Wagley, Charles - Welcome of Tears; the Tapirapé Indians of Central Brazil
048005: Wagner, Richard - Briefwechsel Zwischen Wagner Und Liszt
047633: Wagner, Richard - Richard Wagner: Briefe an Hans Richter
047492: Wagner, Jack R. - Gold Mines of California; an Illustrated History of the Most Productive Mines with Descriptions of the Interesting People Who Owned and Operated Them
046839: Wagner, Irmgard - Critical Approaches to Goethe's Classical Dramas: Iphigenie, Torquato Tasso, and Die Natörliche Tochter
046778: Wagner, Nike - The Wagners; the Dramas of a Musical Dynasty
045723: Wagner, Friedrich - Der Sittlichkeitsbegriff in Der Christlichen Ethik Des Mittelalters
044875: Wagner, Warren L., Et al. - Manual of the Flowering Plants of Hawai'i
044396: Wagner, Max Leopold - Dizionario Etimologico Sardo
001882: Wagner, Richard - Mein Leben
001881: Wagner, Richard - Familienbriefe Von Richard Wagner, 1832-1874
039566: Wagner, Richard - Tristan Und Isolde; Partitura
039332: Wagner, Blanche Collet - Tales of Mayaland
038642: Wagner, Heinrich - Linguistic Atlas and Survey of Irish Dialects. Vol. I, Introduction, 300 Maps
051560: Wagner, Richard - Siegfried
031616: Wagner, Richard - Götterdämmerung. In Full Score
031615: Wagner, Richard - Lohengrin. In Full Score
031614: Wagner, Richard - Die Meistersinger Von Nürnberg. Complete Vocal and Orchestral Score
031613: Wagner, Richard - Parsifal. In Full Score
031608: Wagner, Richard - Siegfried. In Full Score
031611: Wagner, Richard - Das Rheingold. In Full Score
031606: Wagner, Richard - Tannhäuser. In Full Score
031605: Wagner, Richard - Tannhäuser
031604: Wagner, Richard - Tristan and Isolde
031603: Wagner, Richard - Twilight of the Gods. Götterdämmerung
031591: Wagner, Wolfgang - Acts; the Autobiography of Wolfgang Wagner
031590: Wagner, Richard - Die Walküre. Complete Vocal and Orchestral Score
029365: Wagner, Anne Middleton - Three Artists (Three Women); Modernism and the Art of Hesse, Krasner, and O'Keeffe
027899: Wagner, Erica - Ariel's Gift; Ted Hughes, Sylvia Plath, and the Story of Birthday Letters
025696: Wagner, Richard - The Ring of the Nibelung
051559: Wagner, Richard - The Rhinegold
020584: Wagner, Hugo - Italienische Malerei, 13. Bis 16. Jahrhundert
013402: Wagner, Hugo - René Auberjonois: Zeichnungen
050608: Wagner, David L., Ed - The Seven Liberal Arts in the Middle Ages
006807: Wagner, Frederick - Submarine Fighter of the American Revolution; the Story of David Bushnell
003675: Wagner, R.-L - L'Ancien Français: Points de Vue, Programmes
051633: Wagner, Richard - Werke. Opern Und Musikdramen
030672: Wah, Fred - The False Laws of Narrative; the Poetry of Fred Wah
044538: Wahle, Hermann - Die Pharsale Des Nicolas Von Verona
013364: Wahlgren, Erik - The Vikings and America
006808: Wahlgren, Erik - The Kensington Stone; a Mystery Solved
019162: Wain, John - Samuel Johnson
034944: Wainwright, J. A. - Blazing Figures; a Life of Robert Markle
021469: Wainwright, J. A., Ed - Every Grain of Sand; Canadian Perspectives on Ecology and Environment
036835: Waissenberger, Robert - Vienna Secession
051443: Waite, William G. - The Rhythm of Twelfth-Century Polyphony; Its Theory and Practice
033772: Waith, Eugene M. - The Herculean Hero in Marlowe, Chapman, Shakespeare and Dryden
013308: Waitley, Douglas - The Age of the Mad Dragons; Steam Locomotives in North American
008491: Waitley, Douglas - Portrait of the Midwest; from the Ice Age to the Industrial Era
021552: Wakefield, Dan - New York in the Fifties
050099: Wakelin, Martyn F. - English Dialects; an Introduction
045771: Wakeman, Frederic E., Jr. - Telling Chinese History; a Selection of Essays
015018: Wakeman, Frederic, Jr. - The Fall of Imperial China
037844: Walbank, F. Alan, Ed - England Yesterday & to-Day in the Works of the Novelists 1837 to 1938
006651: Walcutt, Charles Child - Man's Changing Mask; Modes and Methods of Characterization in Fiction
033883: Wald, Robert M. - Space, Time, and Gravity; the Theory of the Big Bang and Black Holes
029246: Wald, Alan M. - Exiles from a Future Time; the Forging of the Mid-Twentieth-Century Literary Left
045539: Waldegg, Richard - Sittengeschichte Von Wien
039860: Walden, Beryl M. - Wild Flowers of Hong Kong Around the Year; Paintings of 255 Flowering Plants from Living Specimens
006171: Walden, Hilary - Pâtisserie of France
043274: Schönburg-Waldenburg, Heinrich, Prinz Von - Erinnerungen Aus Kaiserlichen Zeit
031690: Waldmann, Emil - Attische Kultstätten
034717: Waldock, A. J. A. - Sophocles the Dramatist
025473: Waldorf, John Taylor - A Kid on the Comstock; Reminiscences of a Virginia City Childhood
022806: Waldron, Ann - Close Connections; Caroline Gordon and the Southern Renaissance
031592: Waleffe, Pierre - Giuseppe Verdi
048270: Waler, Diana - Public & Private; Twenty Years Photographing the Presidency
007060: Waler, George - Saratoga; Saga of an Impious Era
046939: Waley, Arthur - Yuan Mei, Eighteenth Century Chinese Poet
034825: Waley, Arthur - An Introduction to the Study of Chinese Paining
013166: Waley, Arthur - Translations from the Chinese
051750: Wali, Kameshwar C. - Chandra; a Biography of S. Chandrasekhar
048626: Walkden, George - Syntactic Reconstruction and Proto-Germanic
048790: Bynum, Caroline Walker and Paul Freedman, Eds - Last Things; Death and the Apocalypse in the Middle Ages
046258: Walker, Douglas C. - An Introduction to Old French Morphophonology
002056: Baudusch-Walker, Renate - Klopstock Als Sprachwissenschaftler Und Orthographiereformer; Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Deutschen Grammatik IM 18. Jahrhundert
042282: Walker, Gloria P. - Afro-American Linguistic Patterns: Impact on Academic Success
040594: Walker, Gregory - Soviet Book Publishing Policy
039579: Walker, Alice - Banned
038658: Walker, J. B. R. - The Comprehensive Concordance to the Holy Scriptures
034382: Walker, Nigel - Behaviour and Misbehaviour; Explanations and Non-Explanations
033948: Walker, Paul Robert - The Feud That Sparked the Renaissance. How Brunelleschi and Ghiberti Changed the Art World
029532: Walker, Gregory - Soviet Book Publishing Policy
028572: Walker, Sheila S. - The Religious Revolution in the Ivory Coast; the Prophet Harris and the Harrist Church
050134: Walker, Melissa - Living on Wilderness Time
019662: Walker, Margaret - Richard Wright, Daemonic Genius: A Portrait of the Man, a Critical Look at His Work
019196: Walker, Franklin - A Literary History of Southern California
014224: Walker, John - Joseph Mallord William Turner
009592: Walker, Hugh - The English Essay and Essayists
009119: Walker, Alexander - Vivien; the Life of Vivien Leigh
049504: Walker, Deward E., Jr. - Conflict & Schism in Nez Perce Acculturation; a Study of Religion and Politics
031545: Wall, Steve - Shadowcatchers; a Journey in Search of the Teachings of Native American Healers
007910: Wall, Joseph Frazier - Henry Watterson, Reconstructed Rebel
048070: Wallace, Peter G. - Communities and Conflict in Early Modern Colmar: 1575-1730
041366: Wallace, James D. - Early Cooper and His Audience
025247: Wallace, Anthony F. C., Ed - Selected Papers of the Fifth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Philadelphia, September 1-9, 1956: Men and Cultures
012510: Wallace, David Rains - Idle Weeds; the Life of a Sandstone Ridge
012043: Wallace, Anthony F. C. - The Social Context of Innovation; Bureaucrats, Families, and Heroes in the Early Industrial Revolution, As Foreseen in Bacon's New Atlantis
007896: Wallace, Edward S. - The Great Reconnaissance; Soliders, Artists and Scientists on the Frontier, 1848-1861
002715: Wallace, W. P. - The Euboian League and Its Coinage
043865: Wallach, Luitpold - Diplomatic Studies in Latin and Greek Documents from the Carolingian Age
027161: Walldene, Karl F. - In Busch Und Savannen Australiens
052488: Wallensköld, A., Ed - Les Chansons de Thibaut de Champagne, Roi de Navarre
047558: Waller, Maureen - 1700; Scenes from London Life
033461: Wallerstein, Ruth - Studies in Seventeenth-Century Poetic
052538: Wallis, R. T. - Neo-Platonism
013423: Wallis, Mieczyslaw - Canaletto; Malarz Warszawy
007898: Wallmann, Jeffrey - The Western; Parables of the American Dream
044234: Wallner, Björn - The Middle English Translation of Guy de Chauliac's Treatise on Wounds
003229: Wallner, Friedrich - Die Grenzen Der Sprache Und Der Erkenntnis; Analysen an Und IM Anschluß an Wittgensteins Philosophie
052162: Wallon, Henri Alexandre - Saint Louis
039503: Walpole, Ronald N. - Philip Mouskés and the Pseudo-Turpin Chronicle
036099: Walpole, Reginald Chalres - The Walpole Villages and Their People
026210: Walpole, Horace - An Honest Diplomat at the Hague; the Private Letterls of Horatio Walpole 1715-1716
040827: Walravens, Jan - Verzameld Proza
044508: Walsh, T. J. - Second Empire Opera; the theâtre Lyrique, Paris, 1851-1870
040094: Walsh, P. G. - Love Lyrics from the Carmin Burana
036296: Walsh, Judith E. - Growing Up in British India; Indian Autobiographers on Childhood and Education Under the Raj
031593: Walsh, T. J. - Second Empire Opera; the Théâtre Lyrique Paris, 1851-1870
051716: Walsh, James - Pre-Reformation English Spirituality
017338: Walsh, William - The Use of Imagination; Educational Thought and the Literary Mind
014128: Walsh, Michael - An Illustrated History of the Popes, Saint Peter to John Paul II
008815: Walsh, Craig - Insite; Installations and Collaborations
029781: Walshe, M. O'C - Medieval German Literature; a Survey
017566: Walsingham, Thomas - Thomae Walsingham de Archana Deorum
048947: Walter, Bruno - Thema Und Variationen
044543: Walter, Philippe - Perceval, le Pêcheur Et le Graal
043662: Krämer, Walter and Reiner Pogarell, Eds - Sternstunden Der Deutschen Sprache
039481: Walter, Joseph - Sainte Odile D'Alsace: Sa Montagne, Ses Monuments, Son Iconographie
039346: Isard, Walter and Vincent Whitney - Atomic Power; an Economic and Social Analysis. A Study in Industrial Location and Regional Economic Development
029287: Walter, Gérard - Marat
025571: Alva, Walter and Christopher B. Dunnan - Tumbas Reales de Sipan
052527: Walter, of Châtillon - Die Lieder Walters Von Chatillon in Der Handschrift 351 Von St. Omer
052484: Walter, Philippe - Galaad; le Pommier Et le Graal
048190: Walters, F. P. - A History of the League of Nations
016361: Walters, Ronald G. - American Reformers, 1815-1860
006809: Walters, Ronald G., Ed - Primers for Prudery; Sexual Aadvice to Victorian America
051514: Walther, Johann Gottfried - Musikalisches Lexikon Ober Musikalische Bibliothek 1732
014983: Walther, Ingo F., Ed - Impressionist Art, 1860-1920
047868: Walton, John - An Introduction to the Study of Fossil Plants
047624: Walton, Izaak - The Complete Angler & the Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert & Sanderson
006811: Walton, Richard J. - Henry Wallace, Harry Truman, and the Cold War
006810: Walton, Richard J. - Cold War and Counterrevolution; the Foreign Policy of John Kf. Kennedy
028860: Walworth, Arthur - Black Ships Off Japan; the Story of Commodore Perry's Expedition
037642: Walz, Barbra - Starring Mothers; 30 Portraits of Accomplished Women
047634: Walzel,, Oskar - Richard Wagner in Seiner Zeit Und Nach Seiner Zeit; Eine Jahrhundertbetrachtung
026855: Walzer, Lee - Between Sodom and Eden; a Gay Journey Through Today's Changing Israel
014129: Wand, J. W. C. - The Anglican Communion; a Survey
036035: Wandycz, Damian S., Ed - Studies in Polish Civilization; Selected Papers Presented at the First Congress of the Polish Institute of Arts & Sciences in Ameirca, November 25, 26, 27, 1966 in New York
030692: Wandycz, Piotr S. - The Price of Freedom; a History of East Central Europe from the Middle Ages to the Present
010379: Wandycz, Piotr S. - Soviet-Polish Relations, 1917-1921
041182: Wang, N. T. - New Proposals for the International Finance of Development
049358: Wangermée, Robert - La Musique Flamande Dans la Société Des Xve Et Xvie Siècles
029063: Wankel, Heinrich - Bilder Aus Der Mährischen Schweiz Und Ihrer Vergangenheit
034379: Wankenne, A. - La Belgique Au Temps de Rome; Des Tribus Celtiques Au Royaume Franc
009314: Wapshott, Nicholas - Peter O'Toole; a Biography
040696: Waraidel, Laure - Coffee with Pleasure; Just Java and World Trade
047434: Ward, Benedicta - The Venerable Bede
050538: Ward, Geoffrey C. - Jazz; a History of America's Music
041330: Ward, Aengus, Ed - Teoría Y Práctica de la Historiografia Hispánica Medieval
036592: Ward, Nowell - Picture Making with Paper Negatives
036545: Ward, Ritchie R. - The Living Clocks
036519: Ward, R. H. - A Gallery of Mirrors; Memories of Childhood, Boyhood and Early Youth
035780: Ward, Artemas - The Encyclopedia of Food; the Stories of the Foods by Which We Live--How and Where They Grow and Are Marketed--Their Comparative Values and How Best to Use and Enjoy Them
034384: Ward, Andrew - Our Bodies Are Scattered; the Cawnpore Massacres and the Indian Mutiny of 1857
032984: Ward, Geoffrey C. - Baseball; an Illustrated History
032658: Ward, Geoff, Ed - Bloomsbury Guides to English Literature: Romantic Literature. A Guide to Romantic Literature: 1780-1830
032071: Ward, Peter Douglas - On Methuselah's Trail; Living Fossils and the Great Extinctions
023300: Ward, Peter D. - The Call of Distant Mammoths; Why the Ice Age Mammals Disappeared
051681: Ward, A. G., Et al. - The Quest for Theseus
018320: Ward, Wilfrid - The Lifle and Times of Cardinal Wiseman
014948: Ward, Susan - A Catalog of American Antiques
014858: Ward, William S. - British Periodicals & Newspapers, 1789-1832; a Bibliography of Secondary Sources
008345: Ward, Geoffrey C. - Before the Trumpet; Young Franklin Roosevelt 1882-1905
006566: Ward, James F. - Language, Form, and Inquiry; Arthur F. Bentley's Philosophy of Social Science
005770: Ward, Alan - A Show of Justice; Racial "Amalgamation" in Nineteenth Century New Zealand
004926: Ward, J. A. - The Imagination of Disaster; Evil in the Fiction of Henry James
004504: Ward, Michael - The Role of Investment in the Development of Fiji
046248: Ware, Vron - Beyond the Pale; White Women, Racism and History
027939: Ware, George W. - German and Austrian Porcelain
050555: Ware, Mary Clementina Hibbert - The Life and Correspondence of the Late Samuel Hibbert Ware
033937: Waridel, Laure - Coffee with Pleasure; Just Java and World Trade
045107: Warkel, Harriet G., Et al. - The Herron Chronicle
037261: Warlock, Peter - The English Ayre
035560: Warmack, William - Composition with Cat; Lost Masterpieces of the Twentieth Century
023122: Warman, Arturo - We Come to Object"; the Peasants of Morelos and the National State
009326: Warman, Arturo - We Come to Object"; the Peasants of Morelos and the National State
028639: Van Warmelo, Dietlof - Kriegsbilder Aus Südafrika; Meine Erlebnisse IM Felde, Insonderheit IM Guerillakriege
017499: Warne, William E. - Mission for Peace: Point 4 in Iran
010355: Warne, William E. - The Bureau of Reclamation
047554: Warner, John - Fragrant Harbour; Early Photographs of Hong Kong
037027: Warner, Sylvia Townsend - The Music at Long Verney; Twenty Stories
031965: Warner, Rex - Men of Athens; the Story of Fifth Century Athens
012520: Warner, Marina - The Dragon Empress; Life and Times of Tz'u-Hsi, 1835-1908, Empress Dowager of China
012516: Warner, Marina - The Dragon Empress; the Life and Times of Tz'u-Hsi, Empress Dowager of China, 1835-1908
012044: Warner, Aaron W., Et al., Eds - The Impact of Science on Technology
901: Warner, Philip - The Medieval Castle; Life in a Fortress in Peace and War
010838: Warner, Philip - The Crimean War; a Reappraisal
007900: Warner, Sam Bass, Jr. - The Urban Wilderness; a History of the American City
031267: Warnke, Frank J. - European Metaphysical Poetry
024452: Warnock, G. J. - Berkeley
036678: Warnod, André - Gavarni
047594: Warrack, Grace - Dal Cor Gentil D'Italia Canti Dal Veneto Aala Sardegna. Out of the Heart of Italy Folk Songs from Venetia to Sardinia
042584: Warrack, John H. - The Cathedrals and Other Churches of Great Britain
031594: Warrack, John - Tchaikovsky Ballet Music
018814: Warrack, John - Carl Maria Von Weber
043326: Warren, Ina Russelle, Ed - The Doctor's Window; Poems by the Docotr, for the Doctor and About the Doctor
039046: Warren, William - Warren's Book
029959: Warren, Dawson - The Journal of a British Chaplain in Paris During the Peace Negotiations of 1801-2
029835: Warren, W. L. - Henry II
023123: Warren, Kay B. - The Symbolism of Subordination; Indian Identity in a Guatemalan Town
021733: Warren, David B. - Bayou Bend; American Furniture, Paintings and Silver from the Bayou Bend Collection
012045: Warren, J. Collins - To Work in the Vineyard of Surgery; the Reminiscences of J. Collins Warren (1842-1927)
011654: Warren, C. Henry - Content with What I Have
011440: Warren, J. Leicester - Greek Federal Coinage
009785: Warren, Austin - The New England Conscience
007902: Warren, Frank A., III - Liberals and Communism; the "Red Decade" Revisited
007079: Rogers, William Warren and Robert David Ward - August Reckoning; Jack Turner and Racism in Post-CIVIL War Alabama
030967: Warsh, David - Knowledge and the Wealth of Nations; a Story of Economic Discovery
045761: Warshawsky, Abel G. - The Memories of an American Impressionist
002021: Wartburg, Walther Von - Von Sprache Und Mensch; Gesammelte Aufsätze
042582: Wartburg, Walther Von - La Fragmentacion Lingüistica de la Romania
018208: Wartburg, Walther Von - Einführung in Probelmatik Und Methodik Der Sprachwissenschaft
047428: Warwick, Henrietta Holm - A Vergil Concordance
005190: Warwick, Paul - The French Popular Front; a Legislative Analysis
036058: Washington, Mary A. - Sir Philip Sidney; an Annotated Bibliography of Modern Criticism, 1941-1970
023319: Washington, Elsie B. - Uncivil War; the Struggle between Black Men and Women
007903: Washington, George - Friends and Fellow Citizens; Washington's Address to the People of the United States
001883: Wasielewski, Wilhelm Joseph Von - Die Violine Und Ihre Meister
030199: Wasiolek, Edward - Tolstoy's Major Fiction
030117: Wasiolek, Edward - Dostoevsky; the Major Fiction
035543: Wasserman, Abby - Praise, Vilification & Sexual Innuendo, or, How to Be a Critic; the Selected Writings of John L. Wasserman 1964-1979
049893: Wasserman, Abby, Ed - Mary Tuthill Lindheim; Art and Inspiration
005076: Wasserman, Earl R., Ed - Aspects of the Eighteenth Century
052110: Wasserman, Gerald S. - Color Vision: An Historical Introduction
051711: Wassermann, Jakob - Lebensdienst. Gesammelte Studien, Erfahrungen Und Reden Aus Drei Jahrzehnten
023698: Wasserstein, Bernard - Britain and the Jews of Europe 1939-1945
014130: Wasson, David Atwood - Beyond Concord; Selected Writings of David Atwood Wasson
001884: Watanabe, Ruth T. - Introduction to Music Research
008632: Waterhouse, Ellis - Painting in Britain, 1530 to 1790
049952: Waterman, John T. - A History of the German Language with Special Reference to the Cultural and Social Forces That Shaped the Standard Literary Language
046286: Waterman, Thomas Glasby - The Justice's Manual: Or, a Summary of the Powers and Duties of Justices of the Peace, in the State of New-York; Containing a Variety of Practical Forms, Adapted to Cases CIVIL and Criminal
041145: Waterman, William Randall - Frances Wright
022197: Waterman, John T. - Perspectives in Linguistics
005164: Waterman, Harvey - Political Change in Contemporary France; the Politics of an Industrial Democracy
048783: Waters, Geoffrey R. - Three Elegies of Ch'u; an Introduction to the Traditional Interpretation of the Ch'u Tz'u
018816: Waters, Ethel - His Eye Is on the Sparrow; an Autobiography
049871: Waters, Alice - The Art of Simple Food II
035775: Waterson, Merlin - The Servant's Hall; a "Downstairs" History of a British Country House
018321: Watkin, E. I. - A Philosophy of Form
005776: Watkin, Jacob - The Rise of Democracy in Pre-Revolutionary Russia; Political and Social Institutions Under the Last Three Czars
052056: Watkins, Mark Hanna - A Grammar of Chichewa, a Bantu Language of Britishcentral Africa
037460: Watkinson, Raymond - Pre-Raphaelite Art and Design
023408: Watkinson, Ray - William Morris As Designer
014463: Watkinson, Raymond - Pre-Raphaelite Art and Design
046935: Watson, William - China Before the Han Dynasty
046578: Watson, William - Ancient Chinese Bronzes
045749: Watson, Don - Indians of the Mesa Verde
033637: Watson, George, et al., Eds - The New Cambridge Bibliography of English Literature
033074: Watson, Anthony - Juan de la Cueva and the Portuguese Succession
032511: Watson, Thomas - Thomas Watson's Latin Amyntas (1585)
032370: Watson, Burton - Early Chinese Literature
053124: Watson, Curtis Brown - Shakespeare and the Renaissance Concept of Honor
020694: Brownley, Martine Watson and Allison B. Kimmich, Eds - Women and Autobiography
019986: Seton-Watson, Hugh - The Russian Empire 1801-1917
017568: Watson, Andrew G. - The Manuscripts of Henry Savile of Banke
016552: Watson, William - Cultural Frontiers in Ancient East Asia
016254: Watson, Bruce W., Et al. - Military Lessons of the Gulf War
014307: Watson, William - Ancient Chinese Bronzes
014294: Watson, William - Style in the Arts of China
013167: Watson, James L. - Emigration and the Chinese Lineage; the Mans in Hong Kong and London
011442: Watson, William - China Before the Han Dynastry
005940: Watson, Ritchie Devon, Jr. - Yeoman Versus Cavalier; the Old Southwest's Fictional Road to Rebellion
040456: Watt, W. Montgomery - Islamic Philosophy and Theology
006861: Watt, Ian - Conrad in the Nineteenth Century
051259: Watt, W. Montgomery - A History of Islamic Spain
045188: Wattenbach, Wilhelm - Anleitung Zu Lateinischen Palaeographie
043524: Seiffert-Wattenberg, Richard - Deutsche Maler Von Runge Bis Menzel 1800-1850
038943: Wattenmaker, Richard J. - Maurice Prendergast
028041: Wattenmaker, Richard J. - The Art of Charles Prendergast. Rugers University Art Gallery; Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
041814: Watters, Reginald Eyre, Ed - British Columbia: A Centennial Anthology
038396: Watts, Lewis - Lewis Watts. South to West Oakland
030749: Watts, John, Ed - The Journal of the Donizetti Society. No. 2
051112: Waugh, Alexander - The House of Wittgenstein; a Family at War
037828: Waugh, Evelyn - A Tourist in Africa
035895: Waugh, F. W. - Iroquois Foods and Food Preparation
019664: Waugh, Evelyn - The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold; a Conversation Piece
028652: Wavrin, Robert, Marquis De - Das Geheimnis Des Orinoko; Erlebnisse Und Forschungen
027105: Wax, Nelson, Ed - Selected Papers on Noise and Stochastic Processes
034673: Waxman, Meyer - The Philosophy of Don Hasdai Crescas
019469: Towne, Charles Wayland and Edward Norris Wentworth - Cattle & Men
022804: Attoe, Wayne and Donn Logan - American Urban Architecture; Catalysts in the Design of Cities
031595: Wayner, Robert J. - What Did They Sing at the Met
039637: U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Ways and Means - Overview of Entitlement Programs; 1992 Green Book; Background Material and Data on Programs Within the Jurisdiction of the Committee on Ways and Means
039636: U. S. Congress. House. Committee on Ways and Means - Overview of Entitlement Programs; 1991 Green Book; Background Material and Data on Programs with the Jurisdiction of the Committee on Ways and Means
051337: Weakland, Rembert G. - A Pilgrim in a Pilgrim Church; Memoirs of a Catholic Archbishop
1611: Weatherby, Harold L. - Cardinal Newman in His Age; His Place in English Theology and Literature
042231: Weaver, William - The Golden Century of Italian Opera from Rossini to Puccini
040640: Weaver, Jane Calhoun, Ed - Sadakichi Hartmann, Critical Modernist; Collected Art Writings
034887: Weaver, Bobby D. - Hotter'n Pecos
031596: Weaver, William - Verdi; a Documentary Study
030900: Weaver, Muriel Porter - The Aztecs, Maya, and Their Predecessors; Archaeology of Mesoamerica
050777: Weaver, Mike - Alvin Langdon Coburn, Symbolist Photographer 1882-1966; Beyond the Craft
014407: Weaver, John D. - Warren: The Man, the Court, the Era
035783: Webb, Michael - The Magic of Neon
030389: Webb, Alexander S. - The Peninsula; Mcclellan's Campaign of 1862
020008: Webb, Howard, W., Jr., Ed - Illinois Prose Writers; a Selection
019907: Webb, Kempton E. - The Changing Face of Northeast Brazil
012614: Webb, Walter Freeman - Handbook for Shell Collectors; Illustrations and Descriptions of over 2,000 Marine Species Foreign to the United States of America
011720: Webb, Catherine J. - A Family History of California
008878: Webb, Beatrice - The Diaries of Beatrice Webb
007911: Webb, Beatrice - Beatrice Webb's American Diary, 1898
006696: Webb, Walter Prescott - The Great Frontier
040638: Webber, Christopher L. - American to the Backbone; the Life of James W.C. Pennington, the Fugitive Slave Who Became on E of the First Black Abolishonists
005909: Webber, Melvin M., Et al. - Explorations Into Urban Structure
051995: Weber, Gottfried - Das Nibelungenlied; Problem Und Idee
046699: Weber, Dietrich - Deutsche Literatur Seit 1945 in Einzeldarstellungen
042216: Weber, Giorgio - Sensata Veritas; L'Affiorare Dell'Anatomia Patologica, Ancora Innominata, in Scritti Di Anatomisti Del '500
041144: Weber, Adolf - Schein Und Wirklichkeit in Der Volkswirtschaft; Sechs Jahrzehnte IM Dienste Der Volkswirtshcaftslehre. Beiträtrage Zur Klärung Sozialökonomischer Gegenswartsprobleme
039931: Weber, Niciholas Fox - Balthus; a Biography
034661: Weber, George W., Jr. - The Ornaments of Late Chou Bronzes; a Method of Analysis
034582: Weber, Philipp - Entwickelungsgeschichte Der Absichtssätze
034055: Weber, Frank G. - Eagles on the Crescent; Germany, Austria, and the Diplomacy of the Turkish Alliance 1914-1918
032636: Weber, Robert J. - The Miau Manuscript of Benito Pérez Galdós
032542: Weber, Christiane - Hans Christian Andersen in Weimar
031597: Weber, Carl Maria Von - Der Freischütz. Complete Vocal and Orchestral Score
028833: Weber, A. R. - Kontorrock Und Konsulatsmütze
023551: Weber, Nicholas Fox - Patron Saints; Five Rebels Who Opened America to a New Art, 1928-1943
020836: Weber, Adna Ferrin - The Growth of Cities in the Nineteenth Century; a Study in Statistics
018818: Weber, Carl Maria Von - Weber in London 1826; Selections from Weber's Letters to His Wife and from the Writings of His Contemporaries
051848: Weber, Marianne - Max Weber; Ein Lebensbild
013367: Weber, Max - Zur Geschichte Der Handelsgesellschaften IM Mittelalter; Nach Südeuropäischen Quellen
011443: Weber, Wilhelm - Untersuchungen Zur Geschichte Des Kaisers Hadrianus
010841: Weber, David J. - The Spanish Frontier in North America
010715: Weber, Wilhelm - Konvergenz Der Wirtschaftsordnungen Von Ost Und West
006157: Weber, R. L. - A Random Walk in Science; an Anthology
047386: Webster, T. B. L. - Everyday Life in Classical Athens
046026: Webster, Daniel - The Works of Daniel Webster
044515: Webster, James Bertin - The African Churches Among the Yoruba 1881-1922
044442: Webster, Graham - The Roman Imperial Army of the First and Second Centuries A.D.
042236: Webster, Graham - Celtic Religion in Roman Britain
041418: Webster, T. B. L. - Studies in Later Greek Comedy
034635: Webster, T. B. L. - From Mycenae to Homer
031968: Webster, T. B. L. - An Introduction to Sophocles
031967: Webster, T. B. L. - Hellenistic Poetry and Art
031966: Webster, T. B. L. - The Greek Chorus
027016: Webster, T. B. L. - Athenian Culture and Society
020450: Webster, Edna Robb - Early Exploring in Lands of the Maya
014884: Webster, J. Carson - Erastus D. Palmer
014133: Webster, Richard - Equilibrium; a Constructive Attack on the Atheism of "Oxford Philosophy" and Certain Assumptions of Linguistic Analysis
007913: Webster, Daniel - The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster
007912: Webster, Warren, Jr. - The Life and Times of Warren Webster
050733: Webster, James - Haydn's "Farewell" Symphony and the Idea of Classical Style; Through-Composition and Cyclic Integration in His Instrumental Music
005622: Webster, John - The White Devil, 1612
018820: Wechsberg, Joseph - Verdi
018819: Wechsberg, Joseph - Red Plush and Black Velvet; the Story of Dame Nellie Melba and Her Times
038087: Wechsler, Jeffrey, Ed - Asian Traditions, Modern Expressions; Asian American Artists and Abstraction, 1945-1970
036810: Weckler, J. E. - Polynesians, Explorers of the Pacific
047864: Weddige, Hilkert - Die "Historien Vom Amadis Auss Franckreich"; Dokumentarische Grundlegung Zur Entstehung Und Rezeption
052679: Weddige, Hilkert - Einführung in Die Germanistische Mediävistik
016897: Wedeck, H. E. - Dictionary of Aphrodisiacs
011185: Homann-Wedeking, E. - The Art of Archaic Greece
042949: Wedgwood, C. V. - Velvet Studies
039201: Wedgwood, Josiah - The Economics of Inheritance. With a New Introduction
033201: Wedgwood, C. V. - Poetry and Politics Under the Stuarts
012665: Weed, Clarence M. - Butterflies Worth Knowing
017406: Weeden, Curt - Corporate Social Investing; the Breakthrough Strategy for Giving and Getting Corporate Contributions
019665: Weeks, Donald - Corvo; Saint or Madman
009711: Weeks, Albert L. - The First Bolshevik; a Political Biography of Peter Tkachev
002717: Wegenast, Klaus - Das Verständnis Der Tradition Bei Paulus Und in Den Deuteropaulinen
051764: Wegener, Wilhelm - Böhmen/Mähren Und Das Reich IM Hochmittelalter. Untersuchungen Zur Staatsrechtlichen Stellung Böhmens Und Mährens IM Deutschen Reich Des Mittelalters 919-1253
037108: Wegman, William - Little Red Riding Hood
037109: Wegman, William - Cinderella
035259: Wegman, William - Fashion Photographs
051333: Wegman, Rob C. - Born for the Muses; the Life and Masses of Jacob Obrecht
037883: Wehdeking, Volker und Günter Blamberger - Erzählliteratur Der Frühen Nachkriegszeit (1945-1952)
041497: Wehli, Max - Das Barocke Geschichtsbild in Lohensteins Arminius
019885: Wei, Shao - Pulling a Dragon's Teeth
025688: Ledermann-Weibel, Ruth - Zürcher Hochzeitsgedichte IM 17. Jahrhundert; Untersuchungen Zur Barocken Gelegenheitsdichtung
023795: Weidenbaum, Murray - Small Wars, Big Defense; Paying for the Military After the Cold War
044698: Weidenbusch, Waltraud - Funktionen Der Präfigierung; Präpositionale Elemente in Der Wortbildung Des Französischen
012047: Weidenreich, Franz - Apes, Giants and Man
013226: Weidlé, Wladimir - Mosaici Veneziani
014372: Weidner, Marsha, et al. - Views from Jade Terrace; Chinese Women Artists, 1300-1912
025259: Weigall, Arthur - Histoire de égype Ancienne
011444: Weigall, Arthur - The Life and Times of Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt
005627: Weigand, Hermann J. - Surveys and Soundings in European Literature
034004: Weigel, Paul - Leipzig; Ein Blick in Das Wesen Und Werden Einer Deutschen Stadt. Festgabe Der Stadt Leipzig 1913
010697: Weigel, Wolfgang - Theorien Der Verkehrsmittelwahl Zur Planung Und Kontrolle Bimodaler Verkehrskorridore
904: Weigelt, Curt H. - Giotto; Des Meisters Gemälde. Stuttgart, Etc.
027737: Weigert, Hans - Kleine Kunstgeschichte Der Vorzeit Und Der Naturvölker
008633: Weigert, Hans - Geschichte Der Deutschen Kunst Von Der Vorzeit Bis Zur Gegenwart
039458: Weigley, Russell F. - Towards an American Army; Military Thought from Washington to Marshall
016809: Weigley, Russell F. - A Great CIVIL War; a Military and Political History, 1861-1865
039541: Weijnen, A. - Nederlandse Dialectkunde
044863: Weil, Oscar - Oscar Weil: Letters and Papers
039331: Weil, Oscar - Letters and Papers
029725: Weil, Bruno - Der Prozeß Des Hauptmanns Dreyfus
043279: Weinberg, Robert - Stalin's Forgotten Zion; Birobidzhan and the Making of a Soviet Jewish Homeland. An Illustrated History, 1928-1996
029273: Weinberg, Henry H. - The Myth of the Jew in France 1967-1982
026491: Weinberg, Bill - Homage to Chiapas; the New Indigenous Struggles in Mexico
015543: Weinberg, Bernard - The Art of Jean Racine
008738: Weinberg, Gerhard L. - A World at Arms; a Global History of World War II
009148: Weinbraub, Stanley - Private Shaw and Public Shaw; a Dual Portrait of Lawrence of Arabia and G.B. S.
039445: Weiner, James F. - The Heart of the Pearl Shell; the Mythological Dimension of Foi Sociality
031599: Weiner, Marc A. - Richard Wagner and the Anti-Semitic Imagination
019829: Weiner, Jonathan - His Brother's Keeper; a Story from the Edge of Medicine
005309: Weiner, Myron - The Politics of Scarcity; Public Pressure and Political Response in India
046465: Weingarten, Robert - Earthscapes; an Exhibition Catalog
033854: Weingarten, Marc - The Gang That Wouldn't Write Straight; Wofle, Thompson, Didion, and the New Journalism Revolution
013368: Weingartner, Josef - Gotische Wandmalerei in Südtirol
010151: Weingartner, Josef - Der Geist Des Barock
040675: Weinmann, Kalr, Ed - Kiirchenmusikalisches Jahrbuch. 23. Jahrgang
009913: Weinrich, Harald - Linguistik Der Lüge
022361: Weinstein, Norman C. - A Night in Tunisia; Imaginings of Africa in Jazz
010274: Weinstein, Martin E. - Japan's Postwar Defense Policy, 1947-1968
036392: Weinstock, Herbert - Handel
031601: Weinstock, Herbert - Vincenzo Bellini; His Life and His Operas
018823: Weinstock, Herbert - Rossini; a Biography
018822: Weinstock, Herbert - Music As an Art
041211: Weintraub, Sidney - The Foreign-Exchange Gap of the Developing Countries
039214: Weintraub, Sidney - Keynes and the Monetarists and Other Essays
039202: Weintraub, Sidney - A Keynesian Theory of Employment Growth & Income Distribution
050140: Weintraub, Stanley - The Last Great Victory; the End of World War II, July/August 1945
016260: Weintraub, Stanley - The Last Great Cause; the Intellectuals and the Spanish CIVIL War
011656: Weintraub, Stanley - Four Rossettis; a Victorian Biography
008717: Weintraub, Stanley - Whistler; a Biography
007788: Weintraub, Sidney, Ed - Modern Economic Thought
049136: Weir, Alison - The Princes in the Tower
051883: Weisbard, Eric - Songbooks; the Literature of American Popular Music
036136: Weisberg, Gabriel P. - Art Nouveau Bing; Paris Style, 1900
023124: Weisbrod, Burton A., Et al. - Disease and Economic Development; the Impact of Parasitic Dieeases in St. Lucia
005970: Weisbrod, CArol - The Boundaries of Utopia
047119: Weise, Georg - IL Manierismo; Bilancio Crtico Del Problema Stilistico E Culturale
031970: Weise, Oscar - Language and Character of the Roman People
022199: Weisgerber, Leo - Der Buchstabe Und Der Geist
022198: Weisgerber, Johann Leo - Die Grenzen Der Schrift; Der Kern Der Rechtsschreibreform
002340: Weisgerber, Leo - Die Vier Stufen in Der Erforschung Der Sprachen
026540: Weishampel, David B., Et al., Eds - The Dinosauria
052612: Weisl, Angela Jane - Conquering the Reign of Femeny; Gender and Genre in Chaucer's Romance
026711: Weismann, Donald L. - The Visual Arts As Human Experience
015205: Weismann, Donald L. - The Visual Arts As Human Experience
045279: Weiss, Lee - Watercolors II, the Seventies
041587: Weiss, Emil Rudolf - Weiss-Schriften Nach Entwürfen Von Professor E.R. Weiß: Antiqua, Kursiv, Kapitale, Lapidar
035678: Weiss, Peter - Bodies and Shadows; Two Short Novels
031564: Weiss, Harvey, Ed - Ebla to Damascus; Art and Archaoelogy of Ancient Syria
016419: Weiss, Richard - The American Myth of Success; from Horatio Alger to Norman Vincent Peale
015658: Weiss, Peg - Kandinsky in Munich; the Formative Jugendstil Years
1619: Weiss, Paul - The Making of Men
051524: Weiss, Piero - L'Opera Italiana Nel '700
006568: Weiss, Bernhard - Die Drei Briefe Des Apostel Johannes
041841: Weissenberger, Klaus - Die Elegie Bei Paul Celan
017088: Weissman, Paul R., Et al., Eds - Encyclopedia of the Solar System
048008: Weissmann, Adolf - Verdi
021747: Weisstein, Ulrich - Comparative Literature and Literary Theory; Survey and Introduction
021599: Weisstein, Ulrich - Comparative Literature and Literary Theory; Survey and Introduction
028019: Weitzman, David - Traces of the Past; a Field Guide to Industrial Archaeology
029114: Weitzmann, Kurt - The Miniatures of the Sacra Parallela, Parisinus Graecus 923
016261: Weizman, Ezer - The Battle for Peace
039726: Weizsäcker, Carl Friedrich Von - Wahrnehmung Der Neuzeit
034017: Weizsäcker, Carl Friedrich Von - Die Geschichte Der Natur; Zwölf Vorlesungen
021036: Wekesser, Carol, Ed - Feminism; Opposing Viewpoints
036083: Welch, Stuart Cary - Room for Wonder; Indian Painting During the British Period, 1760-1880
006882: Welch, Robert - A History of Verse Translation from the Irish, 1789-1897
053223: Reed, Sue Welch and Richard Wallace - Itlian Etchers of the Renaissance & Baroque
050198: Weld, John - Fly Away Home
027018: Wellard, James - The Search for the Etruscans
027017: Wellard, James - Babylon
034046: Wellbery, David E., Ed - A New History of German Liteirature
019391: Weller, Emil - De Tribus Impostoribus Anno Mdiic
041329: Wellers, Georges - Les Chambres à Gaz Ont Existé; Des Documents, Des Témoignages, Des Chiffres
027019: Wellesley, Kenneth - The Long Year A.D. 69
040101: Wellesz, Egon, Ed - Ancient and Oriental Music
051407: Wellesz, Egon - Music of the Troubadours; Six Songs in Provenal by Bernart de Tentadorn (Twelfth Century)
025091: Wellhausen, Julius, et al. - Geschichte Der Christlichen Religion. Mit Einleitung: Die Israelitisch-Jüdische Religion
052201: Welling, Dolf - The Expressionists; the Art of Prewar Expressionism in the Netherland
045953: Wellman, Paul I. - Glory, God and Gold; a Narrative History
036516: Wellman, Rita - Victoria Royal; the Flowering of a Style
043657: Wells, Henry W. - Traditional Chinese Humor; a Study in Art and Literature
041025: Wells, Colin - Sailing from Byzantium; How a Lost Empire Shaped the World
039921: Wells, Carolyn - Folly for the Wise
037722: Wells, F. A. - The British Hosiery and Knitwear Industry; Its History and Organisation
033188: Wells, Stanley, Ed - The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare Studies
027604: Wells, Stanley, Ed - Shakespeare; a Bibliographical Guide
027581: Wells, Stanley - Shakespeare; a Life in Drama
027530: Wells, Stanley - Shakespeare for All Time
027255: Wells, Stanley - Shakespeare and Co. : Christospher Marlowe, Thomas Dekker, Ben Jonson, Thomas Middleton, John Fletcher, and Other Player in His Story
025332: Wells, Robert W. - This Is Milwaukee
021017: Wells, Henry W. - Iintroduction to Emily Dickinson
019848: Wells, Celia Townsend - Brood Bitch; a Mother's Reflection
019666: Wells, H. G. - The Desert Daisy
006570: Wells, Albert N. - Pascal's Recovery of Man's Wholeness
006465: Wells, Barbara - Shell at Deer Park; the Story of the First Fifty Years
035907: Welsch, Roger L. - Omaha Tribal Myths and Trickster Tales
026465: Welsch, Wolfgang - Unsere Postmoderne Moderne
047443: Welsh, Alexander - The Hero of the Waverley Novels with New Essays on Scott
042961: Welsh, Doris Varner - A Catalog of the William B. Greenlee Collection of Portuguese History and Literature and the Portuguese Materials in the Newberry Library
016265: Welsh, Douglas - The Usa in World War 2: The European Theater
016264: Welsh, Douglas - The History of the Vietnam War
028183: Internationale Fritz Buri-Gesellschaft für Denken und Glauben im Welthorizont - Bulletin 1 (1998)
014253: Welti, Albert - Albert Welti: Gemälde Und Radierungen
031221: Welty, Eudora - One Writer's Beginnings
053100: Prick Van Wely, F. P. H. - Cassell's English-Dutch, Dutch-English Dictionary
043001: Welzig, Werner - Der Typus Der Deutschen Balladenanthologie
050531: Welzig, Werner - Der Deutsche Roman IM 20. Jahrhundert
038860: Wenck, H. E. - Phantoms of Old Tombsone
026450: Holmes, Oliver Wendell and Frederick Pollock - Holmes-Pollock Letters; the Correspondence of Mr. Justice Holmes and Sir Frederick Pollock 1874-1932
041427: Wendling, Ronald C. - Coleridge's Progress to Christianity; Experience and Authority in Religious Faith
046078: Pfeffer, Wendy and Robert A. Taylor - Bibliographie de la Littérature Occitane: Trente Années D'études (1977-2007)
046079: Pfeffer, Wendy and Jean Thomas - Nouvelles Recherches En Domaine Occitan: Approches Interdisciplinaire. Colloque de L'Association Internationale D'Etudes Occitanes, Albi, 11 & 12 Juin 2009
050910: Davies, Wendy and Paul Fouracre, Eds - The Settlement of Disputes in Early Medieval Europe
052236: Wenin, Christian, Ed - L'Homme Et Son Univers Au Moyen Age. Actes Du Septième Congrès International de Philosophie Médiévale (30 Aout-4 Septembre 1982)
038559: Weninger, Peter - Volkskunst in Den Alpen
002895: Wenner, Valentin - Die Bibel Zwischen Wissenschaft Und Theologie. Welche Glaubens- Und Erkenntnislehre, Heute
018299: Evans-Wentz, W. Y., Ed - Tibet's Great Yogi, Milarepa; a Biography from the Tibetan Being the Jetün-Kahbum or Biographical History of Jetsü-Milarepa, According to the Late Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup's English Renndering
047221: Wenzel, Siegfried - Monastic Preaching in the Age of Chaucer
052293: Wenzel, Siegfried - Verses in Sermons. Fasciculus Morum and Its Middle English Poems
003232: Wenzl, Aloys - Wissenschaft Und Weltanschauung; Natur Und Geist Als Probleme Der Metaphysik
032926: Werne, Joellen, Ed - Treating Eating Disorders
026742: Werneke, Diane, Ed - United States Foreign Trade Highlights; Trends in the Global Market
047399: Werner, Sylvia Townsend - Elinor Barley
041307: Werner, Bette Charlene - Blake's Vision of the Poetry of Milton; Illustrations to Six Poems
030932: Forman, Werner and Stephen Quirke - Hieroglyphs and the Afterlife in Ancient Egypt
029839: Werner, Ingrid - Zwischen Mittelalter Und Neuzeit: Heinrich Julius Von Braunschweig Als Dramatiker Der ûbergangszeit
025255: Forman, Werner and Bedrich Forman - Egyptian Art
025113: Beierwaltels, Werner and Wiebke Schrader, Eds - Weltaspekte Der Philosophie; Rudolph Berlinger Zum 26. Oktober 1972
016266: Werner, Herbert A. - Iron Coffins; a Personal Account of the German U-Boat Battles of World War II
010604: Krause, Werner and Günther Rudolph - Grundlinien Des ôkonomischen Denkens in Deutschland 1848 Bis 1945
007919: Werner, Emmy E. - Pioneer Children on the Journey West
013370: Wernham, R. B. - Before the Armada; the Emergence of the English Nation, 1485-1588
002896: Wernham, James C. S. - James's Will-to-Believe Doctrine; a Heretical View
016267: Wert, Jeffry D. - Mosby's Rangers
006819: Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson - Princeton, 1746-1896
016917: Wertheim, Anne - The Intertidal Wilderness
033956: Wertheimer, Oskar Von - Kleopatra, Die Genialste Frau Der Weltgeschichte
006571: Wertheimer, Roger - The Significance of Sense; Meaning, Modality, and Morality
008630: Wescher, Paul - Die Romantik in Der Schweizer Malerei
045313: Weschler, Lawrence - Shapinsky's Karma, Boogs's Bills, and Other Tru-Life Tales
021377: Weschler, Lawrence - A Miracle, a Universe; Settling Accounts with Torturers
050484: Wesenbecius, Matthaeus - In Pandectas Iuris Civilis Et Codicis Iustinianei Iibros Commentarii, Olim Paratitla Dicti
006820: Weslager, C. A. - Dutch Explorers, Traders and Settlers in the Delaware Valley, 1609-1664
036104: Cowan, C. Wesley and Patty Jo Watson, Eds - The Origins of Agriculture; an International Perspective
049169: Wespi, Hans-Ulrich - Die Geste Als Ausdrucksform Und Ihre Bezihungen Zur Rede; Darstellung Anhand Von Beispielen Aus Der Französischen Literatur Zwischen 1900 Und 1945
049023: Wessén, Elias - Svensk Språkhistoria
040882: Wessen, Elias - Om Vikingatidens Runor
050078: Wessen, Elias - Svensk Språkhistoria. Vol. III, Grundlinjer Till En Historisk Syntax
042914: Wessetzky, Vilmos - Die ägyptischen Kulte Zur Römerzeit in Ungarn
043461: West, Richard Samuel - Satire on Stone; the Political Cartoons of Joseph Keppler
042976: West, Rebecca - 1900
039913: West, D. J. - The Other Man; a Study of the Social, Legal and Clinical Aspects of Homosexuality
036476: West, Rebecca - A Train of Powder
035512: West, N. S. - Diet Daily or Die Early (Farming the Bottom of the Seas for Longer Life Thru Better Diet). A Treatise on the Nutritional Value of Sea Vegetation
024667: West, E. G. - Adam Smith
052578: West, G. D. - An Index of Proper Names in French Arthurian Verse Romances 1150-1300
021509: Fischer-West, Lucy - Child of Many Rivers; Journeys to and from the Rio Grande
021318: West, Rebecca - Cousin Rosamund
021231: West, Rebecca - Pagina Pellicola Pratica; Studi Sul Cinema Italiano
019164: West, Rebecca J. - Eugenio Montale, Poet on the Edge
051865: West, George - The Practical Principles of Plain Photo-Micrography
017057: West, Paul - The Women of Whitechapel and Jack the Ripper
016270: West, Richard - Tito and the Rise and Fall of Yugoslavia
016269: West, Nigel - The Circus; Mi5 Operations, 1945-1972
007852: West, Carrol Van - Tennessee's Historic Landscapes; a Traveler's Guide
006573: West, Thomas R. - Nature, Community, & Will; a Study in Literary and Social Thought
037099: Westall, Robert - Children of the Blitz; Memories of Wartime Childhood
047717: Westenholz, Anders - The Power of Aries; Myth and Reality in Karen Blixen's Life
021771: Westerfield, H. Bradford - Foreign Policy and Party Politics, Pearl Harbor to Korea
004581: Westerman, Gayl S. - The Juridical Bay
046850: Westermann, William L. - The Slave Systems of Greek and Roman Antiquity
027744: Westermann, Diedrich, Ed - Die Heutigen Naturvölker IM Ausgleich Mit Der Neuen Zeit
052130: Westermarck, Edward - Wit and Wisdom in Morocco; a Study of Native Proverbs
042199: Westermayer, Anton - Luthers Werk IM Jahre 1883 Oder Der Heutige Protestantismus in Seinem Verhältnis Zu Katholicismus Und Christenthum; Ein Wort Zur Selbstprüfung Bei Der Feier Des 400jährigen Geburtstages Martin Luthers
014136: Westermayer, Anton - Die Erschaffung Der Welt Und Der Menschen Und Deren Geschichte Bis Nach Der Sündfluth
050864: Westernhagen, Curt Von - Wagner; a Biography
037329: Westfall, Richard S. - Science and Religion in Seventeenth-Century England
006574: Westfall, William - Two Worlds; the Protestant Culture of Nineteenth-Century Ontario
045884: Westlake, H. D. - Essays on the Greek Historian and Greek History
034208: Westlake, Donald E., Ed - The Best American Mystery Stories
048225: Westland, Pamela - Oat Cuisine
031657: Westland, Pamela - The Encyclopedia of Spices
049078: Weston, Mark - Giants of Japan; the Lives of Japan's Greatest Men and Women
038474: Weston, George F., Jr. - Boston Ways; High, by, and Folk
029840: Weston, Jessie L. - The Quest of the Holy Grail
006822: Westrate, E. V. - Those Fatal Generals
001758: Westrich, Sal Alexander - The Ormée of Bordeaux; a Revolution During the Fronde
048115: Westrup, J. A. - Purcell
018825: Westrup, J. A. - Schubert Chamber Music
013320: Westwood, J. N. - Soviet Railways Today
051231: Wetherbee, Winthrop - Platonism and Poetry in the Twelfth Century; the Literary Influence of the School of Chartres
005568: Wetherill, P. M. - The Literary Text; an Examination of Critical Methods
032154: Wetterhahn, Ralph - The Last Battle; the Mayaguez Incident and the End of the Vietnam War
035432: Wettre, Asa - Old Swedish Quilts
035435: Wex, Michael - Just Say Nu; Yiddish for Every Occasion (When English Just Won't Do)
016271: Wexler, Alice - Emma Goldman in Exile from the Russian Revolution to the Spanish CIVIL War
052858: Weyand, Klaus - Kants Geschichtsphilosophie; Ihre Entwicklung Und Ihr Verhältnis Zur Aufklärung
042897: Constantin-Weyer, Maurice - Mon Gai Royaume de Provence
024475: Wezler, Inge - Vier Predigten Aus Dem Mihanovic-Homiliar
003233: Whale, J. S. - The Protestant Tradition; an Essay in Interpretation
038675: Wharton, Edward Ross - Etymological Lexicon of Classical Greek; Etyma Graeca
027178: Wharton, Edith - Novels: The House of Mirth; the Reef; the Custom of the Country; the Age of Innocence
027134: Wharton, Edith - Novellas and Other Writings: Madame de Treymes; Ethan Frome; Summer; Old New York; the Mother's Recompense; a Backward Glance
019668: Wharton, Edith - The Fruit of the Tree
007920: Wharton, Anne Hollingsworth - Social Life in the Early Republic
042980: Whatmough, Joshua - Poetic, Scientific and Other Forms of Discourse; a New Approach to Greek and Latin Literature
052543: Whatmough, Joshua - The Dialects of Ancient Gaul; Prolegomena and Records of the Dialects
018209: Whatmough, Joshua - Language; a Modern Synthesis
010831: Wheal, Elizabeth-Anne, et al. - A Dictionary of the Second World War
035559: Wheat, Joe Ben - The Gift of Spiderwoman; Southwestern Textiles, the Navajo Tradition
024767: Wheat, Leonard F. - Paul Tillich's Dialectical Humanism; Unmasking the God Above God
038002: Wheatcroft, Andrew - The Tennyson Album; a Biography in Original Photographs
015396: Wheatcroft, Andrew, Comp - Dolin: Friends and Memories
051744: Wheatland, David P. - The Apparatus of Science at Harvard 1675-1800
042872: Wheaton, Barbara Ketcham - Savoring the Past; the French Kitchen and Table from 1300 to 1789
041663: Wheeler, Max W. - The Phonology of Catalan
035326: Wheeler, William - Le Potager Du Roi; Fruits Et Légumes Du Château de Versailles
033408: Wheeler, Richard P. - Shakespeare's Development and the Problem Comedies; Turn and Counter-Turn
029101: Wheeler, Mortimer - Alms for Oblivion; an Antiquary's Scrapbook
023906: Wheeler, Richard - On Fields of Fury. From the Wilderness to the Crater: An Eyewitness History
022425: Wheeler, Harvey, Ed - Beyond the Punitive Society. Operant Conditioning: Social and Political Aspects
022202: Wheeler, Marcus - The Oxford Russian-English Dictionary
019193: Wheeler, Benjamin Ide - The Abundant Life
016276: Wheeler, Richard - Witness to Appomattox
016275: Wheeler, Richard - A Rising Thunder; from Lincoln's Election to the Batle of Bull Run; an Eyewitness History
016274: Wheeler, Richard - Lee's Terrible Swift Sword; from Antietam to Chancellorsville, an Eyewitness History
008576: Wheeler, Monroe - Looking South; Latin American Art in New York Collections
005323: Wheeler, Mortimer - Early India and Pakistan, to Ashoka
003066: Wheeler, Arthur Leslie - Catullus and the Traditions of Ancient Poetry
027560: Wheelock, Arthur K., Jr., Ed - Johannes Vermeer
025610: Wheelock, Arthur K., Jr. - Vermeer
031366: Whelan, Michael - The Art of Michael Whelan: Scenes/Visions
006823: Whelpton, Pascal K, et al. - Fertility and Family Planning in the United States
026418: Wherry, Josephy H. - Indian Masks and Myths of the West
046177: Dampier-Whetham, William Cecil Dampier - A History of Science and Its Relations with Philosophy & Religion
045415: Whicher, George Frisbie - This Was a Poet; a Critical Biography of Emily Dickinson
034511: Whigham, Frank - Ambition and Privilege; the Social Tropes of Elizabethan Courtesy Theory
017202: Whipple, A. B. C. - Yankee Whalers in the South Seas
038044: Whistler, Laurence - The English Festivals
037759: Whistler, Anna McNeill - Whistler's Mother's Cook Book
036153: Whistler, Rex - Designs for the Theatre
040727: Whitaker, Dana Elizabeth - Transforming Lives $40 at a Time. Women + Microfinance: Upending the Status Quo. Photographs and Stories
033510: Whitaker, Virgil K. - Shakespeare's Use of Learning; an Inquiry Into the Growth of His Mind & Art
048691: White, Alan R. - Modal Thinking
048394: White, Alan R. - Modal Thinking
048089: White, Edmund - Rimbaud; the Double Life of a Rebel
047850: White, John H., Jr. - The American Railroad Passenger Car
047628: White, Lynn, Jr., Ed - The Transformation of the Roman World; Gibbon's Problem After Two Centuries
041383: White, John Lee - The Form and Structure of the Official Petition; a Study in Grek Epistolography
041361: White, Eric Walter - Stravinsky; the Composer and His Works
041313: White, Simon, et al., Eds - Robert Bloomfield; Lyric, Class, and the Romantic Canon
040646: White, Gerald T. - Formative Years in the Far West; a History of Standard Oil Company of California and Predecessors Through 1919
037508: White, Jon Manchip - Diego Velazquez, Painter and Courtier
037493: White, Lynn, Jr. - Medieval Technology and Social Change
035013: White, Stephen - The Bolshevik Poster
034899: White, Richard D., Jr. - Will Rogers; a Political Life
033331: White, Helen C. - The Metaphysical Poets; a Study in Religious Experience
032987: White, Joyce C. - Ban Chiang; Discovery of a Lost Bronze Age
031589: White, Eric Walter - Benjamin Britten; His Life and Operas
030621: White, Jerry - The Radio Eye; Cinema in the North Atlantic, 1958-1988
028484: White, Glenn - The Ball State Story; from Normal Institute to University
027332: White, Edmund - The Burning Library; Essays
026858: White, Edmund, Ed - The Faber Book of Gay Short Fiction
025872: White, Stephen, Ed - Harry Smith: Magic Moments
025334: White, Philip L. - Beekmantown, New York; Forest Frontier to Farm Community
023951: White, Philip - The Clearing
051721: White, Edward - The Tastemaker; Carl Van Vechten and the Birth of Modern America
020157: White, Ray Lewis, Ed - The Achievement of Sherwood Anderson; Essays in Criticism
018826: White, Eric Walter - A History of English Opera
050450: White, William Charles - Tomb Tile Pictures of Ancient China; an Archaeological Study of Pottery Tiles from Tombs of Western Honan, Dating About the Third Century B.C.
014138: White, Morton - Toward Reunion in Philosophy
012511: White, Gilbert - Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne
009279: White, Gerald T. - Formative Years in the Far West; a History of Standard Oil Company of California and Predecessors Through 1919
006824: White, G. Edward - The American Judicial Tradition; Profiles of Leading American Judges
005498: White, Beatrice - Cast of Ravens; the Strange Case of Sir Thomas Ovebury
005331: White, Osmar - Parliament of a Thousand Tribes; a Study of New Guinea
052819: Sherwin-White, A. N. - Roman Foreign Policy in the East 168b. C. To A.D. 1
029187: Whitehead, F., Ed - La Chanson de Roland
027882: Whitehead, Hal - Voyage to the Whales
027035: Whitehead, R. B. - Catalogue of Coins in the Panjab Museum, Lahore. Vol. 1: Indo-Greek Coins
012050: Whitehead, Don - The Dow Story; the History of the Dow Chemical Company
009694: Whitehead, John - This Solemn Mockery; the Art of Literary Forgery
003234: Whitehead, Alfred North - Essays in Science and Philosophy
004816: Whitehill, Walter Muir - Boston in the Age of John Fitzgerald Kennedy
027036: Whiteley, D. E. H. - The Theology of St. Paul
009916: Whiteley, W. H. - A Short Description of Item Categories in Iraqz (with Material on Gorowa, Alagwa and Burunge)
033169: Whiter, Walter - A Specimen of a Commentary on Shakspeare, Being the Text of the First (1794) Edition Revised by the Author and Never Previously Published
032385: Whitfield, Roderick, Ed - Treasures from Korea; Art Through 5000 Years
032270: Whitfield, Roderick - In Pursuit of Antiquity; Chinese Paintings of the Ming and Ch'Ing Dynasties from the Collection of Mr. And Mrs. Earl Morse
026032: Whitfield, Roderick, Ed - Treasures from Korea; Art Through 5000 Years
040172: Whitford, Noble e. - History of the Barge Canal of New York State
016278: Whiting, Charles - Bloody Aachen
016279: Whiting, Charles - Hunters from the Sky; the German Parachute Corps, 1940-1945
032698: Whitlock, Ralph - Bulls Through the Ages
044501: Whitman, Cedric H. - Homer and the Heroic Tradition
041191: Whitman, Maina von Neumann - International and Interregional Payments Adjustment: A Synthetic View
039764: Whitman, Walt - The Correspondence. Volume IV: 1886-1889
039765: Whitman, Walt - The Correspondence. Volum V: 1890-1892
039763: Whitman, Walt - Leaves of Grass; a Textual Variorum of the Printed Poems
038319: Whitman, Walt - The Tenderest Lover; the Erotic Poetry of Walt Whitman
020615: Whitman, Walt - Walt Whitman. Walt Whitman's Autograph Revision of the Analysis of Leaves of Grass (for Dr. R.M. Bucke's Walt Whitman)
008348: Whitman, Alden - Portrait: Adlai E. Stevenson, Politician, Diplomat, Friend
007790: Whitnah, Donald R., Ed - Government Agencies
016280: Whitney, Craig R. - Spy Trader; Germany's Devil's Advocate and the Darkest Secrets of the Cold War
050395: Whitney, William Dwight - Sanskrit Grammar Including Both the Classical Language, and the Older Dialects, of Veda and Brahmana
049430: Whitney, William Dwight - Die Wurzeln, Verbalformen Und Primären Stämme Der Sanskrit-Sprache; Ein Anhang Zu Seiner Indischen Grammatik
014924: Whiton, Sherrill - Elements of Interior Decoration
007922: Whitridge, Arnold - No Compromise! the Story of the Fanatics Who Paved the Way to the CIVIL War
053179: Whitsell, Leon O. - One Hundred Years of Freemasonry in California
039715: Whittaker, E. T. - A Treatise on the Analytical Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies with an Introduction to the Problem of Three Bodies
014903: Whittemore, Reed - Whole Lives; Shapers of Modern Biography
005800: Whittier, John Greenleaf - The Letters of John Greenleaf Whittier
029841: Whittingham, Selby - A Thirteenth-Century Portrait Gallery at Salisbury Cathedral
032020: Fearnley-Whittingstall, Jane - Ivies
006061: Whittle, Tyler - Victoria and Albert at Home
010849: Whittlesey, Derwent - Environmental Foundations of European History
013230: Whittock, Trevor - A Reading of the Canterbury Tales
023206: Gullan-Whur, Margaret - Within Reason; a Life of Spinoza
026734: Whyburn, Gordon Thomas - Topological Analysis
024260: Whyburn, Gordon Thomas - Analytic Topology
045298: Wick, Rainer, Ed - Hunde Vor Der Kamera; 150 Jahre Photographie Aus Der Sammlung Uwe Scheid; Dogs in Focus; 150 Years of Photography, the Uwe Scheid Collection
007449: Wickens, Andrew P. - The Causes of Aging
038728: Wickersham, J. B. - Victorian Ironwork; a Catalogue by J.B. Wickersham
022350: Wickert, Erwin - China Von Innen Gesehen
014250: Wickey, Harry - Thus Far; the Growth of an American Artists
012481: Wickson, E. J. - California Garden-Flowers, Shrubs, Trees and Vines, Being Mainly Suggestions for Working Amateurs
012241: Wideman, John Edgar, Ed - 20: The Best of the Drue Heinz Literature Prize
047866: Wiebenson, Dora - Sources of Greek Revival Architecture
021338: Wiechert, Ernst - Wälder Und Menschen; Eine Jugend
041085: Wieckenberg, Ernst-Peter - Zur Geschichte Der Kapitelüberschirft IM Deutschen Roman Vom 15. Jahrhundert Bis Zum Ausgang Des Barock
1631: Wiedmann, Franz - Das Problem Der Gewiáheit; Eine Erkenntnismetaphysische Studie
043923: Wiegand, Friedrich - Das Apostolische Symbol IM Mittelalter
015301: Wiegand, Wilhelm - Friedrich Der Grosse
052306: Wieger, Leo - A History of the Religious Beliefs and Philosophica Opinions in China from the Beginning to the Present Time
015204: Wiegersma, H. - Volkskunst in Den Niederlanden: Klein-Bildhauerei
050187: Wieland, Liza - Bombshell; a Novel
009207: Wielandt, Friedrich - Münz- Und Geldgeschichte Des Standes Zug
028692: Wiemann, Hermann - Die Malerei Des Barock
028691: Wiemann, Hermann - Die Malerei Der Renaissance
041680: Cohn-Wiener, Ernst - Die Jüdische Kunst; Ihre Geschichte Von Den Anfängen Bis Zur Gegenwart
027106: Wiener, Norbert - Generalized Harmonic Analysis and Tauberian Theorems
026728: Wiener, Norbert - Nonlinear Problems in Random Theory
003564: Wiener, Joel H. - The War of the Unstamped; the Movement to Repeal the British Newspaper Tax, 1830-1836
046677: Wiese, Berthold - Altitalienisches Elementarbuch
039783: Wiese, Benno Von - Die Deutsche Novelle Von Goethe Bis Kafka; Interpretationen
020955: Wiesel, Elie - All Rivers Run to the Sea; Memoirs
019672: Wiesel, Elie - All Rivers Run to the Sea
009920: Wiesinger, Peter - Die Wiener Dialektologische Schule; Grundsätzliche Studien Aus 70 Jahren Forschung
009409: Wiesinger, Peter, Ed - Beiträge Zur Bairischen Und Ostfränkischen Dialektologie; Ergebnisse Der Zweiten Bayerisch-ôsterreichischen Dialektologentagung, Wien, 27. Bis 30. September 1983
029843: Wiesiolowski, Jacek - Ambrozy Pampowski--Starosta Jagiellonow
045470: Wiessner, Edmund, Ed - Der Bauernhochzeitsschwank; Meier Betz Und Metzen Hochzit
042881: Wiet, Gaston - Cairo, City of Art and Commerce
002027: Wiget, Wilhelm - Altgermanische Lautuntersuchungen
022203: Wiget, Wilhelm - Die Laute Der Toggenburger Mundarten
037122: Wigg, Julia - Bon Voyage! Travel Posters of the Edwardian Era
050649: Wigger, Marianne - Tempora in Chrétiens "Yvain"; Eine Textlinguistische Untersuchung
027463: Wiggins, Peter DeSa - Figures in Ariosto's Tapestry; Character and Design in the Orlando Furioso
039915: Wigginton, Eliot, Ed - Foxfire 4; Saddle Making, Springhouses, Horse Trading, Sassafras Tea, Berry Buckets, Gardening, and Furth Affairs of Plain Living
048880: Wight, Frederick S. - Seeing the Light; Postmodern Luminous Landscapes by Frederick S. Wright, April 12-June 7, 2008
025939: Wight, Frederick S. - Hans Hoffman
027037: Wightman, Edith Mary - Roman Trier and the Treveri
045206: Van Wijk, W. R. - Physics of Plant Environment
049583: Van Wijk, N. - Die Baltischen Und Slavischen Akzent- Und Intonationssysteme; Ein Beitrag Zur Erforschung Der Baltisch-Slavischen Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse
047277: Van Wijngaarden, Hilde - Zorg Voor de Kost; Armenzorg, Arbeid En Onderlinge Hulp in Zwolle, 1650-1700
002028: Wiklund, K. B. - Lule-Lappisches Wörterbuch
048216: Wilber, Donald N. - Afghanistan; Its People, Its Society, Its Culture
022963: Wilber, Donald N. - Iran Past and Present
049747: Wilber, Donald N., Ed - Afghanistan
048738: Wilbert, Johannes, Ed - Folk Literature of the Yamana Indians; Martin Gusinde' Collection of Yamana Narratives
023126: Wilbert, Johannes - Survivors of Eldorado; Four Indian Cultures of South America
033834: Wilbur, Richard - A Bestiary
005822: Sanders, Wilbur and Howard Jacobson - Shakespeare's Magnanimity; Four Tragic Heroes, Their Friends and Families
003867: Wilcken, Ulrich - Griechische Geschichte IM Rahmen Der Altertumsgeschichte
023433: Wilcox, Wayne A. - India, Pakistan and the Rise of China
014755: Wilcox, Herbert - Twenty-Five Thousand Sunsets; the Autobiography of Herbert Wilcox
010159: Wilcox, Clair, et al., Ed - America's Recovery Program
042619: Wild, Georg - Protestantism in Eastern Middle Europe
006576: Wild, John - The Challenge of Existentialism
043977: Wilde, John - The Truth About Wine; Book Preview
043152: Wilde, William R. - Wilde's Loch Coirib; Its Shores and Islands with Notices of Loch Measga
017612: Wilde, Oscar - The Ballad of Reading Gaol
034312: Wilden, Anthony - Man and Woman, War and Peace; the Strategist's Companion
035470: Wildenstein, Georges - Ingres
013463: Wildenstein, George - The Paintings of Fragonard: Complete Edition
019675: Wilder, Thornton - The Ides of March
014449: Wilder, Thornton - The Journals of Thornton Wilder, 1939-1961: With Two Scenes of an Uncompleted Play, "the Emporium
014140: Wilder, Amos N. - Early Christian Rhetoric
033578: Wilders, John - The Lost Garden; a View of Shakespeare's English and Roman History Plays
025774: Wildgans, Anton - Kirbisch Oder Der Gendam, Die Schande Und Das Glück. Ein Episches Gedicht
014655: Wilding, Peter - An Introduction to English Silver
008631: Wilenski, R. H. - English Painting
039378: Wiles, Peter - Distribution of Income: East and West
033459: Wiley, W. L. - The Early Public Theatre in France
020768: Wiley, Peter Booth - A Free Library in This City; the Illustrated History of the San Francisco Public Library
019413: Wiley, W. L. - The Formal French
016660: Wiley, Bell Irvin - The Life of Billy Yank; the Common Soldier of the Union
030311: Wilford, John Noble - The Riddle of the Dinosaur
033887: Dorman, Wilfred and Leo Cristofar - Psychosomatic Illness Review
046710: Brennecke, Wilfried and Hans Haase, Eds - Hans Albrecht in Memoriam; Gedenkschrift Mit Beiträgen Von Freunden Und Schülern
049402: Pape, Wilhelm and Gustav Benseler - Wörterbuch Der Griechischen Eigennamen
003355: Kubitschek, Wilhelm and Franziska Dick - Carnuntum IM 18. Jahrhundert; Ein Archäologisch-Numismatischer Bericht Des Obersten Von Below
037543: Wilhide, Elizabeth - The Mackintosh Style; Design and Decor
033826: Wilhide, Elizabeth - Laura Ashley Windows
053082: Wilken, Robert L. - The Land Called Holy; Palestine in Christian History and Thought
048867: Wilkerson, Isabel - The Warmth of Other Suns; the Epic Story of America's Great Migration
043247: Wilkes, George - Shakespeare, from an American Point of View; Including an Inquiry As to His Religious Faith, and His Knowledge of Law, with the Baconian Theory Considered
004669: Wilkie, Raymond - San Miguel, a Mexican Collective Ejido
025900: Wilkin, Karen - David Smith
049029: Wilkins, George - The Miseries of Enforced Marriage, by George Wilkins 1607
047019: Wilkins, Ernest Hatch - The University of Chicago Manuscript of the Genealogia Deorum Gentilium of Boccaccio
031976: Wilkins, A. S. - Roman Education
024458: Wilkins, Burleigh Taylor - Hegel's Philosophy of History
052172: Wilkins, Nigel - Music in the Age of Chaucer
006031: Wilkins, Burleigh Taylor - Carl Becker; a Biographical Study in American Intellectual History
047905: Wilkinson, L. P. - The Georgics of Virgil; a Critical Survey
051380: Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel - The Modern Invention of Medieval Music: Scholarship, Ideology, Performance
046878: Wilkinson, Endymion - Chinese History; a Manual Revised and Enlarged
034770: Wilkinson, L. P. - Horace and His Lyric Poetry
030702: Wilkinson, Richard H. - The Complete Temples of Ancient Egypt
019339: Wilkinson, Christopher - Jazz on the Road; Don Albert's Musical Life
016281: Wilkinson, Burke - By Sea and by Stealth
051351: Leech-Wilkinson, Daniel - Machaut's Mass; an Introduction
005205: Wilkinson, David - Malraux; an Essay in Political Criticism
012052: Wilks, Stephen - Industrial Policy and the Motor Industry
051626: Will, George F. - The Conservative Sensiblity
016089: Rogers, Will and Sharon Rogers - Storm Center; the Uss Vincennes and Iran Air Flight 655
006577: Will, Frederick L. - Induction and Justification; an Investigation of Cartesian Procedure in the Philosophy of Knowledge
005013: Willaimson, Harold, et al. - The American Petroleum Industry
041829: Willam, Franz Michel - Das Leben Marias Der Mutter Jesu
046122: Willard, Charity Cannon - Christine de Pizan; Her Life and Works
029297: Willard, Nancy - A Nancy Willard Reader; Selected Poetry and Prose
005589: Willard, Nancy - Testimony of the Invisible Man: William Carlos Williams, Francis Ponge, Rainer Maria Rilke, Pablo Neruda
007926: Willcox, Orlando B. - Forgotten Valor; the Memoirs, Journals, & CIVIL War Letters of Orlando B. Willcox
006654: Wille, Lois - Forever Open, Clear and Free; the Historic Struggle for Chicago's Lakefront
048325: Willems, Bonifac A. - Erlösung in Kirche Und Welt
045855: Willems, Willem, et al., Eds - Nijmegen; Geschiedenis Van de Oudste Stad Van Nederland
011450: Willems, Pierre - Les élections Municipales à PompéI
046837: Willer, Heinrich - Die Münzen Der Römischen Kolonien: Lugudunum, Vienna, Cabellio Und Nemausus
046838: Willers, Heinrich - Die Münzen Der Römischen Kolonien: Lugudunum, Vienna, Cabellio Und Nemausus
019311: Willers, Heinrich - Italische Bronzebarren Aus Der Letzten Zeit Des Rohkupfergeldes
004829: Willett, George - Birds of the Pacific Slope of Southern California
038081: Willetts, William - Chinese Art
027039: Willetts, R. F. - The Civilization of Ancient Crete
038584: Willey, Basil - The Eighteenth Century Background; Studies on the Idea of Nature in the Thought of the Period
020375: Willey, Gordon R. - The Altar de Sacrificios Excavations: General Summary and Conclustions
020372: Willey, Gordon R. - The Artifacts of Alter de Sacrificios
1632: Willhoite, Fred H., Jr. - Beyond Nihilism; Albert Camus's Contribution to Political Thought
043515: William, Gordon - Virgil's Fourth Eclogue
041793: William, Dorian - The Wilton House Riding School
038074: William, C. A. S. - Outlines of Chinese Symbolism and Art Motives; an Alphabetical Compendium of Antique Legends and Beliefs, As Reflected in the Manners and Customs of the Chinese
037949: Rathje, William and Cullen Murphy - Rubbish! the Archaeology of Garbage
035655: Juhasz, William and Abraham Rothberg, Eds - Flashes in the Night; a Collection of Stories from Contemporary Hungary
034390: Barrett, William and Theodore Besterman - The Divining-Rod; an Experimental and Psychological Investigation
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