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021168: Sereny, Gitta - The Healing Wound; Experiences and Reflections on Germany, 1938-2001
022106: Serine, Florival - Ensaios de Interpretação Lingüistica
017532: Serino, Franco - The Monuments of Egypt and Nubia by Ippolito Rosellini
040353: Serke, Jürgen - Böhmische Dörfer; Wanderungen Durch Eine Verlassene Literarische Landschaft
032609: Serlio, Sebastiano - The Book of Architecture
031452: Seroff, Victor - Renata Tebaldi
020051: Seroff, Victor - The Real Isadora
044571: Serper, Arié - La Manière Satirique de Rutebeuf; le Ton Et le Style
034708: López Serrano, Matilde - El Códice Aureo; Los Cuatro Evangelios, Siglo XI; Estudio Preliminar
035220: Serrigny, Bernard - Trente Ans Avec Pétain
032803: Server, Lee - Haie
046612: Servières, Georges - Weber
032679: Roergas de Serviez, Jacques - The Roman Empresses or, the History of the Lives and Secret Intrigues of the Wives of the Twelve Caesars. With Historical and Critical Notes
002874: Sesonske, Alexander - Value and Obligation; the Foundations of an Empiricist Ethical Theory
047682: Session, Roger - Roger Sessions on Music; Collected Essays
047684: Sessions, Roger - The Musical Experience of Composer, Performer, Listener
014815: Sessions, Gene A. - Prophesying Upon the Bones; J. Reuben Clark and the Foreign Debt Crisis, 1933-39
038293: Sestay, Catherine J. - Needlework; a Selected Bibliography with Special Reference to Embroidery and Needlepoint
036713: Seth, Vikram - Two Lives
035623: Seth, Vikram - An Equal Music
005035: Sethi, S. Prakash - Japanese Business and Social Conflict; a Comparative Analysis of Response Patterns with American Business
043147: Settembrini, Domenico - La Chiese Nella Politica Italiana 1944-1963
040221: Settembrini, Domenico - Fascismo Controrivoluzione Imperfetta
040212: Settembrini, Domenico - Socialismo E Rivoluzione Dopo Marx
038580: Seung, T. K. - Cultural Thematics; the Formation of the Faustian Ethos
028411: Seung, T. K. - Kant's Platonic Revolution in Moral and Political Philosophy
051069: Seuse, Heinrich - Des Mystikers Heinrich Seuse O. Pr. , Deutsche Schriften
006520: Sevenster, G. - De Christologie Van Het Nieuwe Testament
051521: Salaville, Sévérien and G. Nowack - Le Rôle Du Diacre Dans la Liturgie Orientale; étude D'Histoire Et de Liturgie
043729: Severin, Dorothy Sherman, Ed - Two Spanish Songboks: The Cancionero Capitular de la Colombina (Sv2) and the Cancionero de Egerton (Lb3)
005862: Severn, Bill - In Lincoln's Footsteps; the Life of Andrew Johnson
027852: Seversky, Alexander P. De - Entscheidung Durch Luftmacht
030953: Severson, Kim - The New Alaska Cookbook; Recipes from the Last Frontier's Best Chefs
051703: Isidore of Seville - Isidori Hispalensis Episcopi Etymologiarum Sive Originum Libri XX
047659: Seward, Desmond - Eleanor of Aquitaine; the Mother Queen
039508: Seward, Desmond - Richard III, England's Black Legend
029719: Seward, Desmond - The Hundred Years War; the English in France 1337-1453
030339: Sewell, Arthur - Character and Society in Shakespeare
017546: Sewell, Richard H. - Ballots for Freedom; Antislavery Politics in the United States 1837-1860
022857: Sexton, Jean Deitz - Silicon Valley; Inventing the Future. With an Overview of the Santa Clara Valley; a Contemporary Portrait
047039: Seymour, Charles - American Neutrality 1914-1917; Essays on the Causes of American Intervention in the World War
036588: Jennings, Arthur Seymour and Guy Cadogan Rothery - The Modern Painter and Decorator; a Practical Treatise on House, Churuch, Theatre, and Public Buildings Painting and Decorating
023367: Seymour, Miranda - Robert Graves; Life on the Edge
022311: Fisher, Seymour and Roger P. Greenberg, Eds - The Scientific Evaluation of Freud's Theories and Therapy; a Book of Readings
020242: Seymour, Charles, Jr. - Tradition and Experiment in Modern Sculpture
051087: Fisher, Seymour and Roger P. Greenberg - The Scientific Credibility of Freud's Theories and Therapy
012477: Seymour, Arthur Bliss - Host Index of the Fungi of North America
049732: Seymour, Bruce - Lola Montez
016126: Shachtman, Tom - The Phony War, 1939-1940
039593: Shackelford, George T. M. - Degas: The Dancers
006766: Shackelford, George Green - Thomas Jefferson's Travels in Europe, 1784-1789
043189: Shackford, Martha Hale - Plutarch in Renaissance England with Special Reference to Shakespeare
036101: Shadbolt, Doris - The Art of Emily Carr
023618: Shadegg, Stephen - What Happened to Goldwater? the Inside Story of the 1964 Republican Campaign
053824: Shadick, Harold - A First Course in Literary Chinese
053788: Shadid, Anthony - Night Draws Near; Iraz's People in the Shadow of America's War
006702: Shadoian, Jack - Dreams and Dead Ends; the American Gangster/Crime Film
040117: Shafer, Byron E., Ed - Temples of Ancient Egypt
024133: Shafer, Boyd C. - Historical Study in the West: France, Great Britain, Western Germany, the United States
019173: Shaffer, Harry E. - A Garden Grows in Eden; the Centennial Story of San Leandro
007685: Shaffer, Arthur H. - To Be an American; David Ramsay and the Making of the American Consciousness
045410: Shahar, Shulamith - The Fourth Estate; a History of Women in the Middle Ages
015496: Yusuf, Shahid and Simon J. Evenett - Can East Asia Compete? Innovation for Global Markets
026014: Shahn, Ben - Ben Shahn Photographer; an Album from the Thirties
025929: Shahn, Ben - The Biography of a Painting
016836: Shahn, Bernarda Bryson - Ben Shahn
014190: Shahn, Ben - Ben Shahn (1898-1969)
014189: Shahn, Ben - The Collected Prints of Ben Shahn
048435: Shakespeare, William - Coriolanus; a Facsimile of the First Folio Text
033691: Shakespeare, William - The Complete Works. Compact Edition
033353: Shakespeare, William - Lucrece 1594
033350: Shakespeare, William - Pericles 1609
033352: Shakespeare, William - Hamlet: Second Quarto 1604-5
033341: Shakespeare, William - Richard the Third 1597
033340: Shakespeare, William - Richard the Second 1597
033285: Shakespeare, William - Measure for Measure; an Old-Spelling and Old-Meaning Edition
032730: Shakespeare, William - The Comedy of Errors
032072: Shakespeare, William - Antony and Cleopatra
030467: Shakespeare, William - Antony and Cleopatra
027630: Shakespeare, William - Henry V.
027629: Shakespeare, William - The Taming of the Shrew
027628: Shakespeare, William - Troilus and Cressida
027627: Shakespeare, William - Titus Andronicus
027546: Shakespeare, William - Shakespeare's Sonnets
027543: Shakespeare, William - The Complete Works
027260: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
027259: Shakespeare, William - The Sonnets
027249: Shakespeare, William - Antony and Cleopatra
025925: Shakespeare, William - Shakespeare's Titus Andronicus; the First Quarto 1594
025819: Shakespeare, William - William Charles Macready's King John
025722: Shakespeare, William - The Tempest
025721: Shakespeare, William - Titus Andronicus
025487: Shakespeare, William - Twelfth Night or What You Will
025488: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice
025486: Shakespeare, William - All's Well That Ends Well
025485: Shakespeare, William - The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth
025484: Shakespeare, William - The Life and Death of King John
025483: Shakespeare, William - Pericles, Prince of Tyre
025482: Shakespeare, William - The Taming of the Shrew
025481: Shakespeare, William - Two Gentlemen of Verona
025480: Shakespeare, William - The Merry Wives of Windsor
025479: Shakespeare, William - Measure for Measure
025478: Shakespeare, William - The Tempest
025468: Shakespeare, William - The First Part of King Henry the Sixth
025467: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Richrd the Third with the Lnading of Earl Richmond and the Battle at Bosworth Field
025466: Shakespeare, William - The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth
025465: Shakespeare, William - The Winter's Tale
025464: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
025463: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Cymbeline
025462: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Coriolanus
025460: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus
025459: Shakespeare, William - Love's Labour's Lost
025458: Shakespeare, William - Shakespeare's Sonnets
025455: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Troilus and Cressida
025454: Shakespeare, William - The Life of Henry the Fifth
025452: Shakespeare, William - The First Part of King Henry the Fourth
025451: Shakespeare, William - Venus and Adonis, Lucrece and the Minor Poems
025450: Shakespeare, William - Much Ado About Nothing
025449: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra
025448: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of King Lear
025447: Shakespeare, William - As You Like It
025444: Shakespeare, William - The Life of King Henry the Eighth
025443: Shakespeare, William - The Merchant of Venice
025442: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of King Richard the Second
025441: Shakespeare, William - The Second Part of King Henry the Sixth
025440: Shakespeare, William - The Life of Timon of Athens
018187: Shakh-Nazarova, V. S., Et al. - English-Russian Dictionary of Diplomacy
037993: Shalit, Gene, Ed - Laughing Matters; a Celebration of American Humor
034349: El-Shamy, Hasan M. - Folk Traditions of the Arab World; a Guide to Motif Classification
010740: Shand, R. T., Ed - Agricultural Development in Asia
037176: Shank, Dorothy E. - Magic Chef Cooking
047975: Shankar, Ravi - My Music, My Life
011588: Shankland, Peter - Byron of the Wager
027423: Shannon, William V. - The American Irish
019741: Shannon, Elizabeth - I Am of Ireland; Women of the North Speak out
009856: Shannon, Ann - A Descriptive Syntax of the Parker Manuscript of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle from 734 to 891
042726: Shapiro, Ann-Louise, Ed - History and Feminist Theory
027334: Shapiro, Marianne - The Poetics of Ariosto
020299: Shapiro, Robert L. - The Search for Justice; a Defense Attorney's Brief on the O.J. Simpson Case
016542: Shapiro, Harvey - Lauds: Poems
016338: Shapiro, Fred C. - Radwaste
031437: Sharaf, Myron - Fury on Earth; a Biography of Wilhelm Reich
012662: Sharell, Richard - New Zealand Insects and Their Story
042389: Sharma, Arvind, Ed - Religion in a Secular City; Essays in Honor of Harvey Cox
018275: Sharma, Jagdish Saran - Mahatma Gandhi; a Descriptive Bibliography
013601: Sharma, Ram Sharan - Aspects of Political Ideas and Institutions in Ancient India
035178: Farmer, Sharon and Barbara H. Rosenwein, Eds - Monks & Nuns, Saints & Outcasts; Religion in Medieval Society. Essays in Honor of Lester K. Little
012505: Sharp, Dallas Lore - Wild Life Near Home
006063: Sharp, Samuel L. - Poland; White Eagle on a Red Field
043336: Sharples, R. W., Ed - Perspectives on Greek Philosophy. S.V. Keeling Memorial Lectures in Ancient Philosophy 1992-2002
029599: Shattuck, Roger - Proust's Way; a Field Guide to in Search of Lost Time
005678: Shatz, Marshall S. - Soviet Dissent in Historical Perspective
053350: O'Shaughnessy, Thomas - The Development of the Meaning of Spirit in the Koran
021513: O'Shaughnessy, William - Airwaves; a Collection of Radio Editorials from the Golden Apple
021512: O'Shaughnessy, William - It All Comes Back to Me Now; Character Portraits from the "Golden Apple
021511: O'Shaughnessy, William - More Riffs, Rants, and Raves
015062: Shavardnadze, Eduard - The Future Belongs to Freedom
041798: Shaviro, Steven - The Cinematic Body
041733: Shaviro, Daniel - Do Deficits Matter
041224: Shaviro, Daniel - When Rules Change; an Economic and Political Analysis of Transition Relief and Retroactivity
041141: Shaviro, Steven - Post-Cinematic Affect
048204: Shaw, James Byam - Old Master Drawings from Chatsworth; a Loan Exhibition from the Devonshire Collection
046549: Shaw, Peter - American Patriots and the Rituals of Revolution
043724: Shaw, George Bernard - The Perfect Wagnerite; a Commentary on the Ringe of the Niblungs
042729: Shaw, David Gary, Ed - Agency After Postmodernism
000023: Shaw, William Howard - Value of Commodity Output Since 1869
037983: Shaw, Ian, Ed - The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt
037488: Shaw, Irwin - Paris Magnum; Photographs 1935-1981
036890: Shaw, David - The Pleasure Police; How Bluenose Busybodies and Lily-Livered Alarmists Are Taking All the Fun out of Life
036448: Shaw, Lloyd - Cowboy Dances; a Collection of Western Square Dances
032804: Shaw, George Bernard - Everybody's Political What's What
032215: Shaw, George Bernard - Bernard Shaw: Collected Letters 1911-1925
031453: Shaw, George Bernard - The Great Composers; Reviews and Bombardments
010039: Shaw, Edward Pease - Jacques Cazotte (1719-1792)
008068: Shaw, George Bernard - Shaw; an Autobiography, 1898-1950: The Playwright Years
006968: Shaw, Bernard - The Rationalization of Russia
006904: Shaw, Leroy R. - The Plawright & Historical Change; Dramatic Strategies in Brecht, Hauptmann, Kaiser & Wedekind
006768: Shaw, Peter - The Character of John Adams
005636: Shaw, George Bernard - Cashel Byron's Profession
051347: Shaw, P. E. - American Contacts with the Eastern Churches, 1820-1870
040919: Shay, James - New Architecture San Francisco
046327: Shayer, Michael - Poems from an Island
030074: Shcherbatov, M. M. - On the Corruption of Morals in Russia
032374: Shea, John G. - The American Shakers and Their Furniture; with Measured Drawings of Museum Classics
043738: Sheahan, J. F. - The English in English Bibles: Rhemes 1582, Authorized 1611, Revised 1881. St. Matthew 1-14
031138: Shearer, Ann - Athene; Image and Energy
009936: Shearer, Frederick E., Ed - The Pacific Tourist. Adams & Bishop's Illustrated Trans-Continental Guide of Travel, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean
033209: Sheavyn, Phoebe - The Literary Profession in the Elizabethan Age
009986: Shebl, James - In This Wild Water; the Suppressed Poems of Robinson Jeffers
025416: Shedd, Margaret - Malinche and Cortés
022830: Shedlite, Earl Anthony - Democracy and Justice--Tis of Thee
016142: Sheehan, Neil - A Bright Shining Lie; John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam
011958: Sheehan, John C. - The Enchanted Ring; the Untold Story of Penicillin
005002: Sheel, Kamal - Peasant Society and Marxist Intellectuals in China; Fang Zhimin and the Origin of a Revolutionary Movement in the Xinjiang Region
031928: Sheets, George A. - Herodotus Book I.
038384: Sheikh, Fazal - The Victor Weeps; Afghanistan
053008: Bonde, Sheila and Clark Maines, Eds - Saint-Jean-Des Vignes in Soissons; Approaches to Its Archietcture, Archaeology and History
039425: Danziger, Sheldon and Peter Gottschalk - America Unequal
039400: Danziger, Sheldon and Peter Gottschalk, Eds - Uneven Tides; Rising Inequality in America
039146: Danziger, Sheldon and Daniel H. Weinberg, Eds - Fighting Poverty. What Works and What Doesn't
039091: Danziger, Sheldon and Jane Waldfogel, Eds - Securing the Future; Investing in Children from Birth to College
021922: Sheldrake, Rupert - The Rebirth of Nature; the Greening of Science and God
045253: Shelford, Victor E. - The Ecology of North America
045318: Shell, Susan Meld - The Rights of Reason: A Study of Kant's Philosophy and Politics
039677: Shell, Marc - Children of the Earth; Literature, Politics, and Nationhood
051647: Shelleg, Assaf - Jewish Contiguities and the Soundtrack of Israeli History
030191: Shelley, Percy Bysshe - Shelley's Literary and Philosophical Criticism
030131: Shelley, Percy Bysshe - The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
022814: Shelley, Percy Bysshe - The Poetical Works of Shelley
012617: Shelley, Donald A. - Audubon Birds; from the Original Water Colors in the New-York Historical Society
046789: Shelton, Jo-Ann - As the Romans Did; a Source Book in Roman Social History
045114: Shelvocke, George - A Voyage Around the World
025943: Fu, Shen et al. - From Concept to Context; Approaches to Asian and Islamic Calligraphy
005987: Shenton, James P. - Robert John Walker; a Politician from Jackson to Lincoln
028529: Shepard, Lewis - A Summary Catalogue of the Collection at the Mead Art Gallery
013286: Shepard, Odell - The Lore of the Unicorn
028047: Shepherd, William R. - The Hispanic Nations of the New World; a Chronicle of Our Southern Neighbors
022947: Shepherd, Naomi - The Zealous Intruders; the Western Rediscovery of Palestine
050130: Shepherd, Naomi - A Refuge from Darkness; Wilfrid Israel and the Rescue of the Jews
017146: Shepherd, Naomi - The Zealous Intruders; the Western Rediscovery of Palestine
011016: Brook-Shepherd, Gordon - Uncle of Europe; the Social and Diplomatic Life of Edward VII
026921: Sheppard, J. T. - Aeschylus & Sophocles; Their Work and Influence
025293: Sheppard, Thomas F. - Lourmarin in the Eighteenth Century; a Study of a French Villagle
024788: Sheppard, Lancelot C. - Barbe Acarie, Wife and Mystic; a Biography
050659: Sheppard, Alice - Families of the King: Writing Identity in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
005470: Sheppard, Francis - London, 1808-1870; the Infernal Wen
005875: Shepperson, Wilbur S. - Emigration & Disenchantment; Portraits of Englishmen Repatriated from the United States
043450: Sheraton, Mimi - Visions of Sugarplums
031676: Sherborn, Charles Davies - A Sketch of the Life and Work of Charles William Sherborn, Painter-Etcher
033532: Sheridan, Richard Brinsley - The Dramatic Works of Richard Brinsley Sheridan
021460: Sheridan, Betsy - Betsy Sheridan's Journal Lteers from Sheridan's Sister 1784-1786 and 1788-1790
1526: Sheridan, James F., Jr. - Sartre; the Radical Conversion
007832: Sheridan, James E. - China in Disintegration; the Republican Era in Chinese History, 1912-1949
049490: Sheridan, Richard Brinsley - Sheridan: Plays
044167: Sherman, Jane - The Drama of Denishawn Dance
041421: Sherman, Nancy - Stoic Warriors; the Ancient Philosophy Behind the Military Mind
024787: Sherman, Carol - Reading Voltaire's Contes; a Semiotics of Philosophical Narration
016143: Sherman, William T. - From Atlanta to the Sea
049683: Sherman, Eric - Directing the Film; Film Directors on Their Art
033805: Shermer, Michael - The Borderlands of Science; Where Sense Meets Nonsense
024786: Shermis, Michael - Jewish-Christian Relations; an Annotated Bibliography and Resource Guide
051982: Sherrill, Lewis Joseph - Presbyterian Parochial Schools 1846-1870
037747: Sherrill, Robert - The Accidental President
038105: Sherry, Michael S. - Gay Artists in Modern American Culture; an Imagined Conspiracy
033927: Sontag, Sherry and Christopher Drew - Blind Man's Bluff; the Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage
010830: Sherry, Frank - Pacific Passions; the European Struggle for Power in the Great Ocean in the Age of Exploration
039610: Sherwood, Katherine - Works on Paper
017385: Sherwood, Shirley - Venice Simplon-Orient-Express; the Return of the World's Most Celebrated Trains
005184: Sherwood, John M. - Georges Mandel and the Third Republic
050142: Shevchenko, Arkady N. - Breaking with Moscow
011590: Shew, E. Spencer - A Companion to Murder; a Dictionary of Death by Poison, Death by Shooting, Death by Suffocation Adn Drowning, Death by the Strangler's Hand 1900-1950
008390: Shewmaker, Kenneth E. - Americans and Chinese Communists, 1927-1945; a Persuading Encounter
052309: Shi, Nai'an - Water Margin
016963: Shi, David E. - Matthew Josephson, Bourgeois Bohemian
014072: Shi, David E. - Facing Facts; Realism in American Thought and Culture, 1850-1920
014366: Shibata, Zeshin - The Art of Shibata Zeshin; the Mr. And Mrs. James E. O'Brien Collection at the Honolulu Academy of Arts
026043: Shiedlausky, Günther - Karl Friedrich Schinkel
050769: Shig, Naoya - A Dark Night's Passing
046879: Nakayama, Shigeru and Nathan Sivin, Eds - Chinese Science; Explorations of an Ancient Tradition
027986: Shilin, P. A., et al., Eds - Nato-Staaten Und Militärische Konflikte; Militärhistorischer Abriß
020795: Shilling, Evgenii MIkhailovich - Kubachintsky I Ikh Kul'Tura; Istoriko-Etnograficheskie Etiudy
005350: Shilstone, E. M. - Monumental Inscriptions in the Burial Ground of the Jewish Synagogue at Bridgetown, Barbados
037390: Shilts, Randy - And the Band Played on; Politics, People, and the Aids Epidemic
007718: Shilts, Randy - Conduct Unbecoming; Lesbians and Gays in the U.S. Military, Vietnam to the Persian Gulf
011589: Shimmin, A. N. - The University of Leeds; the First Half-Century
040616: Shimmura, Izuru - Western Influences on Japanese History and Culture in Earlier Periods (1540-1860)
024567: Shin, Gui Hyun - Die Struktur Des Inneren ZeitbewußSeins; Eine Studie über Den Begriff Der Protention in Den Veröffentlichten Schriften Edmund Husserls
012868: Shine, Ian - Serendipity in St. Helena; a Genetical and Medical Study of an Isolated Community
016144: Shiner, John F. - Foulois and the U.S. Army Air Corps, 1935-1935
018276: Shinn, Roger L. - Restless Adventure; Essays on Contemporary Expressions of Existentialism
034377: Shinners, John, Ed - Medieval Popular Religion, 1000-1500; a Reader
025640: Kitayama, Shinobu and Hazel Rose Markus, Eds - Emotion and Cultre; Empirical Studies of Mutual Influence
011591: Shipley, A. E. - J. "; a Memoir of John Willis Clark , Registary of the University of Cambridge and Sometime Fellow of Trinity College
021384: Shipman, Pat - Taking Wing; Archaeopteryx and the Evolution of Bird Flight
047069: Shippey, T. A. - Old English Verse
035281: Shipps, Jan - Mormonism; the Story of a New Religious Tradition
041545: Shipton, Clifford K. - Isaiah Thomas, Printer, Patriot and Philanthropist 1749-1831
014796: Shipton, Clifford K. - New England Life in the Eighteenth Century: Representative Biographies from Sibley's Harvard Graduates
040332: Shire, Helena Mennie - Song, Dance and Poetry of the Court of Scotland Under King James VI
025469: Shire, E. S. - Classical Electricity and Magnetism
048245: Shirley, Andrew - John Constable, R.A.
039581: Weisbrod, Shirley and Rita Somers - Ethings and Fragments
036434: Shirley, Andrew - The Rainbow; a Portrait of John Constable
033460: Shirley, James - James Shirley
028289: Shirley, Donna - Managing Martians
052921: Lund, Shirley and Julia A> Foster - Variant Versions of Targumic Traditions with Codex Neofiti 1
040496: Gasu Shiryokan - Meiji Gasuto Nishsikie-Zukushi: Gasu Shiryokan. Meiji Nishiki-E from the Gas Museum Collection
026922: Shive, David - Naming Achilles
007284: Shofner, Jerrell H. - Daniel Ladd, Merchant Prince of Frontier Florida
016145: Shohei, Ooka - Taken Captive; a Japanese Pow's Story
036993: Shone, Richard - Bloomsbury Portraits: Vanessa Bell, Duncan Grant, and Their Circle
026663: Shone, Richard - Bloomsbury Portraits; Vanessa Bell, Duncan Grant and Their Circle
039661: Dawson's Book Shop - Japanese Picture Scrolls and Paintings; a Priced and Indexed Catalogue
021273: Shore, Harvey - From the Quay
011375: Shore, A. F. - Portrait Painting from Roman Egypt
027851: Shores, Christopher, et al. - Tunesien 42/43; Luftkämpfe über Fels Und Wüste
049930: Shorris, Earl - The Art of Freedom; Teaching the Humanities to the Poor
016146: Shorrock, William I. - From Ally to Enemy; the Enigma of Fascist Italy in French Diplomacy, 1920-1940
040587: Short, John R. - An Introduction to Political Geography
008617: Short, Ernest H. - A History of Sculpture
006769: Shotwell, Louisa R. - The Harvesters; the Story of the Migrant People
002376: Shotwell, James T. - War As an Instrument of National Policy and Its Renunciation in the Pact of Paris
046817: Shougarian, Rouben - Does Armenia Need a Foreign Policy? the Armenian-Turkish Limbo, International Mediation and the Fragmented Identity of a Security-Conscious Region
035717: Shoumatoff, Alex - In Southern Light; Trekking Through Zaire and the Amazon
035350: Shoumatoff, Alex - Westchester; Portrait of a County
030695: Shoumatoff, Alex - Russian Blood; a Family Chronicle
022503: Shoup, Carl S. - Public Finance
007719: Shover, John L. - First Majority--Last Minority; the Transforming of Rural Life in America
024013: Showerman, Grant - The Great Mother of the Gods
016881: Shrader, Weiman A. - Fifty Years of Flight; a Chronicle of the Aviation Industry in America, 1903-1953
041713: Shreve, Edith Bellamy - The Daily March of Transpiration in a Desert Perennial
036695: Shrewsbury, H. W. - The Visions of an Artist; Studies in G.F. Watts, R.A. , O.M. With Verse Interpretations
1529: Shriver, George H. - American Religious Heretics; Formal and Informal Trials. Edited by George H . Shriver
046692: Shroder, Maurice Z. - Icarus; the Image of the Artist in French Romanticism
042247: Shternfeld, Ari - Soviet Space Science
014549: Shubik, Martin, Ed - Essays in Mathematical Economics, in Honor of Oskar Morgenstern
015686: Shuchman, Abraham - Codetermination; Labor's Middle Way in Germany
041697: Shuffelton, Frank, Ed - The American Enlightenment
050361: Shuichi, Kato - A Sheep's Song; a Writer's Reminiscences of Japan and the World
016148: Shulgin, V. V. - The Years; Memoirs of a Member of the Russian Duma, 1906-1917
012479: Shull, J. Marion - Rainbow Fragments; a Graden Book of the Iris
016149: Shulman, Milton - Defeat in the West
005249: Shulman, David Dean - The King and the Clown in South Indian Myth and Poetry
023516: Shulvass, Moses A. - From East to West; the Westward Migration of Jews from Eastern Europe During the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries
004573: Shumate, Albert - The California of George Gordon and the 1849 Sea Voyages of His California Association. A San Francisco Pioneer Rescued from the Legend of Gertrude Atherton's First Novel
047004: Lo Ch'in-shun - Knowledge Painfully Acquired; the K'Un-Chih Chi by Lo Ch'in-Shun
046864: Shun, Kwong-loi - Mencius and Ealry Chinese Thought
028498: Shuster, George N. - On the Side of Truth; George N. Shuster, an Evalution with Readings
022038: Shwadran, Benjamin - Jordan, a State of Tension
1530: Shwayder, D. S. - Modes of Referring and the Problem of Universals; an Essay in Metaphysics
028415: Shwayder, D. S. - The Stratification of Behaviour; a System of Definitions Propounded and Defended
022470: Siblik, Jiri - Drawings and Watercolors: Cézanne
040099: Sica, Paolo - L'Immagine Della Città Da Sparta a Las Vegas
048431: Sicard, Patrice - Hugues de Saint-Victor Et Son école
013656: Sichel, Pierre - Modigliani; a Biography
035550: Sichirollo, Livio - Dialegesthai--Dialektik; Von Homer Bis Aristoteles
047472: Siciliano, Italo - François Villon Et Les Thèmes Poétiques Du Moyen Age
041005: Siciliano, Italo - Les Origines Des Chansons de Geste; Théories Et Discussions
034488: Sidel, Ruth - Women and Child Care in China; a Firsthand Report
022282: Sides, Hampton - Ghost Soldiers; the Forgotten Epic Story of World War II's Most Dramatic Mission
019348: Sides, Hampton - Ghost Soldiers; the Forgotten Epic Story of World War II's Most Dramatic Mission
050432: Sides, Hampton - Hellhound on His Trail; the Stalking of Martin Luther King Jr. And the International Hunt for His Assassin
034504: Sidney, Philip - The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia
049821: Sidney, Philip - The Poems of Sir Philip Sidney
044858: Sidran, Ben - Talking Jazz; an Illustrated Oral History
006928: Siebenschuh, William R. - Form and Purpose in Boswell's Biographical Works
043540: Sieber, Friedrich - Bunte Möbel Der Oberlausitz
002294: Sieberer, Anton - Lautwandel Und Seine Triebkräkfte; Eine Studie ûber Den Zusammenhang Von Lautänderungen
020422: Sieburg, Friedrich - Die Stählerne Blume; Eine Reise Nach Japan
010264: Sieburg, Friedrich - Die Stählerne Blume; Eine Reise Nach Japan
035548: Sieff, Mark - Practical Guide to the Russian Accent
041110: Siefken, Hinrich - ûberindividuelle Formen Und Der Aufbau Des Kudrunepos
040331: Sieg, Wilfried, Ed - Acting and Reflecting; the Interdisciplinary Turn in Philosophy
014865: Siegal, Aranka - Grace in the Wilderness; After the Liberation, 1945-1948
048158: Siegel, Carol - Lawrence Among the Women; Wavering Boundaries in Women's Literary Traditions
035769: Siegel, Lee - Laughing Matters; Comic Tradition in India
024406: Siegel, James T. - The Rope of God
018775: Siegele, ULrich - Die Musiksammlung Der Stadt Heilbronn; Katalog Mit Beiträgen Zur Geschichte Der Sammlung Und Zur Quellenkunde Des XVI. Jahrhunderts
043244: Siemens, Georg - History of the House of Siemens
019819: Siemsen, Cynthia - Emotional Trials; the Moral Dilemmas of Women Criminal Defense Attorneys
020937: Sierra, Justo - Discursos Pronunciados Por El Licenciado D. Josto Sierra
024524: Sifakis, Carl - Three Men on Third and Other Wacky Events from the World of Sports
016151: Sifakis, Stewart - Who Was Who in the CIVIL War
010327: Siffin, William J. - The Ahai Bureaucracy; Institutional Change and Development
011962: Sigerist, Henry E. - Henry E. Sigerist: Autobiographical Writings
048003: Feist Sigmund - Indogermanen Und Germanen; Ein Beitrag Zur Europäischen Urgeschichtsforschung
007929: Freud, Sigmund and William C. Bullitt - Thomas Woodrow Wilson, Twenty-Eighth President of the United States; a Psychological Study
050085: Sigmundsson, Svavar - Islensk Samheitaor[D]Abok
051033: Signoriello, Nunzio - Lexicon Perpateticum Philosophico-Theologicum in Quo Scholasticorum Disitinctiones Et Effata Praecipua Explicantur
024512: Sih, Paul K. T., Ed - The Hsiao Ching
050856: Sihler, Andrew L. - New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin
041914: Sik, Ota - Quale Comunismo
030071: Silbajoris, Rimvydas - Russian Versification; the Theories of Trediakovskij, Lomonosov, and Kantemir
026929: Silbajoris, Rimvydas - War and Peace; Tolstoy's Mirror of the World
034395: Silberman, Neil Asher - A Prophet from Amongst You. The Life of Yigael Yadin: Soldier, Scholar, and Mythmaker of Modern Israel
1531: Silberman, Neil Asher - Digging for God and Country; Exploration, Archeology, and the Secret Strugg le for the Holy Land, 1799-1917
014396: Silberman, Neil Asher - Between Past and Present; Archaeology, Ideology, and Nationalism in the Modern Middle East
009357: Silbey, Joel H. - The Partisan Imperative; the Dynamics of American Politics Before the CIVIL War
046887: Silcock, Arnold - Introduction to Chinese Art and History
015047: Silcock, T. H. - The Commonwealth Economy in Southeast Asia
017864: Cate-Silfwerbrand, R. B. Ten - Vlees, Bloed En Been; Synoniemvergelijkend Onderzoek Van Drei Germaanse Woordformaties
008085: Silk, Leonard - The Economists
019701: Silkin, JOn - Out of Battle; the Poetry of the Great War
019625: Sill, Edward Rowland - The Prose of Edward Rowland Sill
052180: Sill, Edward Rowland - The Hermitage and Later Poems
040742: Sillevis, John, et al. - L'Ecole de la Haye; Les Maitres Hollandais Du 19ème Siècle
045152: Marmelo e Silva, José - Obra Completa de José Marmelo E Silva; Não Aceitei a Ortodoxia
014302: Silva, Anil De - The Art of Chinese Landscape Painting; in the Caves of Tun-Huang
044772: Silver, Murray M. - Behind the Moss Curtain and Other Great Savannah Stories
043178: Silver, Helenette - A History of New Hampshire Game and Furbearers
037724: Silver, Caroline - Guide to the Horses of the World
037391: Silver, Nathan - Lost New York
024407: Silver, Philip W. - Ortega As Phenomenologist; the Genesis of Meditations on Quixote
023016: Silver, Eric - Begin, the Haunted Prophet
002414: Silver, James W. - Mississippi: The Closed Society
016154: Silverlight, John - The Victor's Dilemma; Allied Intervention in the Russian CIVIL War
042570: Silverman, Debora - Van Gogh and Gauguin; the Search for Sacred Art
036967: Silverman, Jonathan - For the World to See; the Life of Margaret Bourke-White
036585: Silverman, Willa Z. - The Notorious Life of Gyp, Right-Wing Anarchist in Fin-de-Siècle France
035792: Silverman, Ruth, Ed - The Dog Observed; Photographs 1844-1983
052154: Silverman, Carol - Romani Routes; Cultural Politics and Balkan Music in Diaspora
002398: Silverman, David - Reading Castaneda; a Prologue to the Social Sciences
037115: Silvers, Robert - Photomosaics
047306: Silverstein, Theodore - Literate Laughter
045688: Silverstein, Theodore - English Lyrics Before 1500
050911: Bernardus Silvestris - The Cosmographia of Bernardus Silvestris
035557: Silvey, Anita, Ed - Children's Books and Their Creators
011964: Simard, Emile - Communisme Et Science
036165: Simensen, S. - Harstad Gjennom Femti år 1903-1953
024408: Simeone, Laurentius - Resururectionis Justorum Doctrina in Epistolis Sancti Pauli
022246: Simmel, Georg - Conflict
020240: Schaefer-Simmern, Henry - The Unfolding of Artistic Activity; Its Basis, Processes, and Implications
033381: Simmons, J. L. - Shakespeare's Pagan World; the Roman Tragedies
030072: Simmons, Ernest J. - English Literature and Culture in Russia (1553-1840)
027283: Simmons, James C. - Passionate Pilgrims; English Travelers to the World of the Desert Arabs
019756: Simmons, Ernest J., Ed - Through the Glass of Soviet Literature; Views of Russian Society
006770: Simms, Henry H. - Life of John Taylor; the Story of a Brilliant Leader in the Early Virginia State Rights School
051660: Mikkonen, Simo and Pekka Suutari, Eds - Music, Art and Diplomacy: East-West Cultural Interactions and the Cold War
048752: Keynes, Simon and Alfred P. Smyth, Eds - Anglo-Saxons; Studies Presented to Cyril Roy Hart
048438: Simon, Josef - Philosophie Und Linguistische Theorie
046304: Simon, Jonathan - Poor Discipline; Parole and Social Control of the Underclass, 1890-1990
046010: Gaunt, Simon and Sarah Kay, Eds - The Troubadours; an Introduction
049229: Simon, Walter - Chinese Radicals and Phonetics. With an Analysis of the 1200 Chinese Basic Characters
039506: Simon, Werner - Zur Sprachmischung IM Heliand
036347: Simon, James F. - What Kind of Nation; Thomas Jefferson, John Marshall, and the Epic Struggle to Create a United States
034337: Simon, Walter, Ed - French Liberalism, 1789-1848
032665: Simon, Julian L., Ed - The State of Humanity
032137: Simon, James F. - Lincoln and Chief Justice Taney; Slavery, Secession, and the President's War Powers
031872: Hornblower, Simon and Antony Spawforth, Eds - The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization
023738: Simon, David R. - Tony Soprano's America; the Criminal Side of the American Dream
023305: Simon, Neil - Rewrites; a Memoir
021158: Simon, André - The Wines, Vineyards and Vignerons of Australia
020857: Simon, Reeva S., Et al., Eds - Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East
050190: Simon, André, Ed - Wines of the Wolrd
014860: Simon, Andrew L. - Made in Hungary; Hungarian Contributions to Universal Culture
014854: Simon, James F. - The Antagonists; Hugo Black, Felix Frankfurter and CIVIL Liberties in Modern America
014200: Simon, Paco - Paco Simon
014074: Simon, Leon - Ahad Ha-Am, Asher Ginzberg; a Biography
012048: Flener, Simon and James Thomas Flexner - William Henry Welch and the Heroic Age of American Medicine
009304: Simon, Jeffrey D. - The Terrorist Trap; America's Experience with Terrorism
005600: Simon, Myron - The Georgian Poetic
004949: Simon, Sheldon W. - The Broken Triangle: Peking, Djakarta, and the Pki
035253: Simonds, Nina - A Spoonful of Ginger; Irresistible, Health-Giving Recipes from Asian Kitchens
047246: Simone, Franco - Miscellanea Di Studi E Ricerche Sul Quattrocento Francese
025092: Simone, Franco - Umanesimo, Rinascimento, Barocco in Francia
029721: Simons, Eric N. - The Reign of Edward IV
037739: Simoons, Frederick J. - Eat Not This Flesh; Food Avoidances from Prehistory to the Present
036330: Simpson, M. C. M. - Letters and Recollections of Julius and Mary Mohl
035498: Simpson, Elizabeth, Ed - The Spoils of War; World War II and Its Aftermath. The Loss, Reappearnce and Recovery of Cultural Property
033190: Simpson, Percy - Studies in Elizabethan Drama
031459: Simpson, Harold - Singers to Remember
027088: Simpson, Amelia - Xuxa; the Mega-Marketing of Gender, Race, and Modernity
023103: Simpson, Eyler N. - The Ejido; Mexico's Way out
050257: Simpson, Marc - The Rockefeller Collection of American Art at the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
008683: Simpson, George Gaylord - Fossils and the History of Life
005955: Simpson, Brooks D. - Let Us Have Peace; Ulysses S. Grant and the Politics of War and Reconstruction, 1861-1868
004726: Simpson, George Gaylord - Penguins Past and Present, Here and There
003952: Simsar, Muhammed Ahmed - Oriental Manuscripts of the John Frederick Lewis Collection in the Free Library of Philadelphia; a Descriptive Catalogue with 48 Illustrations
040660: Simson, Otto Von - The Gothic Cathedral; Original of Gothic Arachitecture and the Medieval Concept of Order
053294: Simson, Bernhard - Jahrbücher Des Fränkischen Reichs Unter Ludwig Dem Frommen
017428: Simson, Otto Von - Die Gotische Kathedrale; Beiträge Zu Ihrer Entstehung Und Bedeutung
028286: Sinatra, Nancy - Frank Sinatra; an American Legend
013288: Sinauer, Erika - Der Schlüssel Des Sächsischen Landrechts
041864: Sinclair, Joseph - Arteries of War; Military Transportation from Alexander the Great to the Falklands--and Beyond
040091: Sinclair, May - Fame
038211: Sinclair, Upton - Mountain City
037587: Sinclair, David - Sir Gregor Macgregor and the Land That Never Was; the Extraordinary Story of the Most Audacious Fraud in History
030302: Sinclair, Andrew - Jerusalem: The Enless Crusade
023290: Sinclair, Andrew - Dylan Thomas; No Man More Magical
005757: Sinclair, Andrew - War Like a Wasp; the Lost Decade of the 'Forties
008296: Sindler, Allan P. - Unchosen Presidents; the Vice-President and Other Frustrations of Presidential Succession
029722: Sindona, Enio - Pisanello
046721: Singer, Samuel - Thesaurus Proverbiorum Medii Aevi; Lexikon Der Sprichwörter Des Romanisch-Germanischen Mittelalters. Band 1: A-Birne
046291: Singer, Charles - A Short History of Scientific Ideas to 1900
044109: Singer, Isaac Bashevis - Shosha
044107: Singer, Kurt - The Life of Ancient Japan; Selected Contemporary Texts Illustrating Social Life and Ideals Before the Era of Seclusion
044033: Singer, Peter, Ed - A Companion to Ethics
043722: Singer, Irving - George Santayana, Literary Philosopher
037834: Singer, Isaac BAshevis - A Day of Pleasure; Stories of a Boy Growing Up in Warsaw
037781: Singer, Leslie - Zap! Ray Gun Classics
025917: Singer, Isaac Bashevis - The Collected Stories of Isaac Bashevis Singer
005321: Singer, Milton, Ed - Traditional India; Structure and Change
031306: Singh, Madanjeet - The Sun; Symbol of Power and Life
027952: Singh, Simon - The Code Book; the Evolution of Secrecy from Mary Queen of Scots to Quantum Cryptography
014076: Singh, Bhagwan B. - The Self and the World in the Philosophy of Josiah Royce
010735: Das, Man Singh and Panos D. Bardis, Eds - The Family in Asia
005253: Singh, B. P. - The Problem of Change; a Study of North-East India
041475: Singleton, Fred - A Short History of Finland
820: Singleton, Charles S. - Art, Science, and History in the Renaissance. Edited by Charles S. Singleto N.
051727: Sinkoff, Nancy - From Left to Right; Lucy S. Dawidowicz, the New York Intellectuals, and the Politics of Jewish History
039249: Sinn, Hans-Werner - Risk-Taking, Limited Liability, and the Banking Crisis; Selected Reprints
034104: Sinsheimer, Hermann - Shylock; the History of a Character
047099: Siong, Han Bing - An Outline of the Recent History of Indonesian Criminal Law
042630: Siorvanes, Lucas - Proclus; Neo-Platonic Philosophy and Science
021171: Siotis, Dino - So What; Poems
008372: Sipper, Rlaph B. - Three Santa Barbara Authors & a Booksellers
025570: Siqueiros, David Alfaro - Los Manifestos; Los Vehiculos de la Pintura; Dialectico-Subversiva
007657: Siracusa, Carl - A Mechanical People; Perceptions of the Industrial Order in Massachusetts, 1815-1880
002434: Siracusa, Carl - A Mechanical People; Perceptions of the Industrial Order in Massachusetts, 1815-1880
039246: Sirageldin, Ismail Abdel-Hamid - Non-Market Components of National Income
013198: Siraisi, Nancy G. - Taddeo Alderotti and His Pupils; Two Generations of Italian Medical Learning
013199: Sirat, Colette, et al. - Le Conception Du Livre Chez Les Piétistes Ashkenazes Au Moyen Age
052564: Sirat, Colette - Les Théories Des Vision Surnaturelles Dans la Pensée Juive Du Moyen-Age
046348: Sircar, Rina - The Psycho-Ethical Aspects of Abhidhamma
006524: Sircello, Guy - Love and Beauty
013289: Siren, Oswald - Toskanische Maler IM XIII. Jahrhundert
043791: Sirett, Mark G. - Reel à Bouche. Ssa with Piano and Clarinet
012482: Sirigatti, Saulo - Gli Studi Di Psicologia Scientifica Nell'Università Di Firenze (1903-1945)
038670: Guerrieri, Sirio and Luigi Ceresoli - Dai Casoni Alla Brunella; la Brigata Val Di Vara Nella Storia Della Resistenza
005971: Sirjamaki, John - The American Family in the Twentieth Century
032929: Siskind, Diana - The Child Patient and the Therapeutic Process: A Psychoanalytic, Developmental, Object Relations Approach
047848: Sisson, Richard, et al., Eds - The American Midwest; an Interpretive Encyclopedia
034831: Sisson, Charles J. - Le Goût Public Et le Théatre élisabéthain Jusqu'a la Mort de Shakespeare
033207: Sisson, C. J. - Lost Plays of Shakespeare's Age
030360: Sisson, C. J. - The Boar's Head Theatre, an Inn-Yard Theatre of the Elizabethan Age
005872: Sitterson, J. Carlyle, Ed - Studies in Southern History in Memory of Albert Ray Newsome, 1894-1951, by His Former Students at the Univeirsity of North Carolina
038346: Sitwell, Edith - The Song of the Cold
038175: Sitwell, Edith - Taken Care of; the Autobiography of Edith Sitwell
036806: Sitwell, Edith - Victoria of England
036455: Sitwell, Sacheverall - Narrative Pictures; a Survey of English Genre and Its Painters
036421: Sitwell, Sacheverall - Primitive Scenes and Festivals
036015: Sitwell, Edith - Green Song & Other Poems
028458: Sitwell, Edith - Edith Sitwell: Selected Letters
019627: Sitwell, Sacheverall - Journey to the Ends Ot Time. Volume I: Lost in the Dark Wood
017459: Sitwell, Sacheverell - The Gothick North; a Study of Mediaeval Lifle, Art, and Thought
014480: Sitwell, Sacheverell - Portugal and Madeira
041779: Sivini, Giordano - Partiti E Partecipazione Politica in Italia; Studie E Ricerche Di Sociologia Politica
051856: Six, James - The Construction of a Thermometer
049984: Sizgorich, Thomas - Violence and Belief in Late Antiquity; Militan Devotion in Christianity and Islam
007465: Sjoquist, David L., Ed - The Atlanta Paradox
019976: Sjöstedt, C. E. - Le Axiome de Paralleles de Euclides a Hilbert; Un Probleme Cardinal in le Evolution Del Geometrie
044096: Skahill, Bernard Henry - The Syntax of the Variae of Cassiodorus
047787: Skard, Eiliv - Sallust Und Seine Vorgänger; Eine Sprachliche Untersuchung
041060: Skeat, Walter W. - Skeat's English-Anglo-Saxon Vocabulary, 1879
024784: Skehan, Patrick W. - Studies in Israelite Poetry and Wisdom
042767: Skelton, R. A., Et al. - The Vinland Map and the Tartar Reelation
047471: Skene, William F. - Celtic Scotland; a History of Ancient Alban
006525: Skillen, Anthony - Ruling Illusions; Philosophy and the Social Order
002435: Skillen, Anthony - Ruling Illusions: Philosophy and the Social Order
031410: Skilleter, Paul - Morris Minor, the World's Supreme Small Car
036799: Skinner, Basil - Scots in Italy in the 18th Century
033027: Cook, Alicia Skinner and Daniel S. Dworkin - Helping the Bereaved; Therapeutic Interventions for Children, Adolescents, and Adults
028043: Skinner, Constance L. - Adventurers of Oregon; a Chronicle of the Fur Trade
053546: Skinner, Patricia, Ed - Challenging the Boundaries of Medieval History; the Legacy of Timothy Reuter
005044: Sklar, Richard L. - Corporate Power in an African State; the Political Impact of Multinational Mining Companies in Zambia
040425: Badura-Skoda, Eva - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Klavierkonzert C-Moll Kv 491
043414: Skolnick, Arnold, Ed - Paintings of California
040894: Skolnick, Arnold, Ed - Paintings of California
047585: Skorohod, A. V. - Integration in Hilbert Space
022149: Skousen, Royal - Substantive Evidence in Phonology; the Evidence from Finnish and French
013290: Skubiszewski, Piotr - Rzezba Nagrobna Vita Stwosza
025423: Skutch, Alexander F. - The Life of the Hummingbird
022362: Skutch, Alexander F. - Helpers at Birds' Nests; a Worldwide Survey of Cooperative Breeding and Related Behavior
024412: Skweres, Dieter Eduard - Die Rückerverweise IM Buch Deuteronomium
042498: Slack, Robert C., Ed - Bibliographies of Studies in Victorian Literature for the Ten Years 1955-1964
052054: Slade, Ruth - King Leopold's Congo; Aspects of the Development of Race Relations in the Congo Independent State
037242: Sladen, Douglas - Queer Things About Japan
027836: Slater, Candace - City Steeple, City Streets; Saints' Tales from Granada and a Changing Spain
019268: Slater, D. A. - Sortes Vergilianae or Vergil and to-Day
004382: Slattery, John T. - Dante; "the Central Man of All the World
020044: Slaughter, Karin - Indelible
014417: Slaughter, Thomas P. - The Natures of John and William Bartram
002296: Slavikova, Magdalena - A Statistical Analysis of Swahili Morphology: A Basis for the Algorithmization of the Teaching Process
017912: Internationaler Slavistenkongress, 8th, Zagreb, 1978 - Referate Und Beiträge Zum VIII. Internationalen Slavistenkongress, Zagreb 1978
041823: Sleeth, Irene Lynn - William Faulkner: A Bibliography of Criticism
034547: Sleeth, Charles R. - Studies in Christ and Satan
032114: Slesin, Suzanne, et al. - Japanese Style
045280: Slevogt, Max - Gedäcthnisaustellung, Oktober-November 1948
043054: Slevogt, Max - Max Slevogts Graphische Kunst
021224: Slichter, W. I. - Pirnciples Underlying the Design of Electrical Machinery
006773: Slichter, Sumner H. - Economic Growth in the United States: Its History, Problems and Prospects
051448: Slim, H. Colin - Musica Nova; Accommodata Per Cantar Et Sonar Sopra Organi, Et Altri Strumenti, Composta Per Diversi Ecccellentissimi Musici in Venetia, Mdxl
033030: Slipp, Samuel - Object Relations; a Dynamic Bridge between Individual and Family Treatment
013497: Slive, Seymour - Frans Hals
030556: Sloan, James Park - Jerzy Kosinski; a Biography
012294: Sloan, Elinor C. - The Revolution in Military Affairs; Implications for Canada and Nato
050398: Sloan, D. Jason - Theological Incorrectness. Why Religious People Believe What They Shouldn't
029876: Sloane, Joseph C. - French Painting between the Past and the Present; Artists, Critics, and Traditions, from 1848 to 1870
020700: Sloane, Florence Adele - Maverick in Mauve; the Diary of a Romantic Age
001999: Slobin, Dan Isaac - Leopold's Bibliography of Child Languages
051595: Slobin, Mark - Chosen Voices; the Story of the American Cantorate
049859: Slocum, Joshua - The Voyages of Joshua Slocum
030230: Slonim, Marc - Russian Theater from the Empire to the Soviets
030190: Slonim, Marc - Soviet Russian Literature; Writers and Problems
030076: Slonim, Marc - Modern Russian Literature from Chekhov to the Present
014428: Slonim, Marc - Russian Theater; from the Empire to the Soviets
006889: Slonim, Marc - The Epic of Russian Literature from Its Origins Through Tolstoy
028417: Slonimsky, Henry - Essays
018781: Slonimsky, Nicolas - The Portable Baker's Biographical Dictionary of Musicians
015371: Slonimsky, Juri, et al. - The Soviet Ballet
022155: Slonski, Stanislaw - Gramatyka Jezyka Staroslowianskiego (Starobulgarskiego)
049918: Slot, Brigitte - Iedereen Kaapitalist; de Ontwikkeling Van Het Beleggingsfonds in Nederland Gedurende de 20st Eeuw
018277: Slote, Michael A. - Reason and Scepticism
016157: Slowes, Salomon W. - The Road to Katyn; a Soldier's Story
003045: Smail, William M. - Quintialian on Education, Being a Translation of Selected Passages from the Institutio Oratoria, with an Introductory Essay on Quintilian, His Environment and His Theory of Education
011596: Smailes, Arthur E. - The Geography of Towns
011378: Small, Jocelyn Penny - Cacus and Marsyas in Etrusco-Roman Legend
043112: Smalley, Beryl - English Friars and Antiquity Ihn the Early Fourteenth Century
053424: Smalley, Beryl - The Study of the Bible in the Middle Ages
052646: Smalley, Beryl - English Friars and Antiquity in the Early Fourteenth Century
048099: Smallman, Basil - The Background of Passion Music; J.S. Bach and His Predecessors
053595: Smaragdus, Abbott of Saint-Mihiel - Commentary on the Rule of Saint Benedict
026631: Kamboureli, Smaro and Roy Miki, Eds - Trans. Can. Lit; Resituating the Study of Canadian Literature
013291: Smarr, Janet Levarie - Boccaccio and Fiammetta; the Narrator As Lover
046108: Smart, Mary Ann - Mimomania; Music and Gesture in Nineteenth-Century Opera
033283: Smart, Alastair - The Renaissance and Mannerism in Northern Europe and Spain
018278: Smart, Ninian - Doctrine and Argument in Indian Philosophy
004383: Smart, Alastair - The Renaissance and Mannerism in Northern Europe and Spain
002876: Smart, Ninian - The Religious Experience of Mankind
011597: Smeaton, Oliphant, Ed - Scots Essayists, from Stirling to Stevenson
022263: Smedt, Marcel De - De Literair-Historische Activiteit Van Jan Frans Willems (1793-1846) En Ferdinand Augustijn Snellaert (1809-1872)
011598: Smellie, K. B. - A Hundred Years of English Government
029380: Smernoff, Richard A. - André Chénier
012506: Smiles, Samuel - Life of a Scotch Naturalist; Thomas Edward, Associate of the Linnaean Society
038102: Smiley, Jane - A Year at the Races; Reflections on Horses, Humans, Love, Money and Luck
023301: Smiley, Jane - Charles Dickens
021192: Smiley, Sam - The Drama of Attack; Didactic Plays of the American Depression
048989: Smith, Liz - Natural Blonde; a Memoir
048910: Smith, PHilip Chadwick Foster - The Artful Roux, Marine Painters of Marseille, Including a Catalogue of the Roux Family Paintings at the Peabody Museum of Salem
052187: Smith, Page - John Adams
047550: Smith, D. Howard - Confucius
047384: Smith, George L. - Religion and Trade in New Netherlands; Dutch Origins and American Development
047168: Smith, C. T. - An Historical Georgraphy of Western Europe Before 1800
046529: Smith, Gibbs M. - The Art of the Bookstore; the Bookstore Painting of Gibbs M. Smith
046251: Smith, Adam - The Wisdom of Adam Smith
052159: Smith, C. Henry - The Mennonite Immigration to Pennsylvania in the Eighteenth Century
053271: Smith, Julia M. H. - Province and Empire; Brittany and the Carolingians
045255: Smith, J. E., Ed - Torrey Canyon Pollution and Marine Life; a Report by the Plymouth Laboratory of the Marin Biological Association of the United Kingdom
045202: Smith, Gilbert M. - Marine Algae of the Monterey Peninsula
044904: Cairns-Smith, A. G. - Genetic Takeover and the Mineral Origins of Life
044018: Newton-Smith, W. H., Ed - A Companion to the Philosophy of Science
043731: Smith, Arthur H. - Proverbs and Common Saying from the Chinese Together with Much Related and Unrelated Matter, Interspersed with Observations on Chinese Things in General
043469: Smith, Rodney "Gipsy - Gipsy Smith; His Life and Work by Himself
043223: Smith, Diane Monroe - Fanny and Joshua; the Enigmatic Lives of Frances Caroline Adams and Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain
042525: Smith, Jessie Carney, Ed - Images of Blacks in American Culture; a Reference Guide to Information Sources
042393: Smith, Gibbs M. - The Art of the Bookstore; the Bookstore Paintings of Gibbs M. Smith
040134: Smith, P. G. A. - The "Shell" That Hit Germany Hardest
039357: Smith, Rod - Private Reserve; Beaulieu Vineyard and the Rise of Napa Valley
039348: Smith, James D., Ed - The Personal Distribution of Income and Wealth
039132: Nightingale, Demetra Smith and Robert H. Haveman, Eds - The Work Alternative; Welfare Reform and the Realities of the Job Market
038910: Smith, Rex Alan - The Carving of Mount Rushmore
038301: Smith, William Jay - The Traveler's Tree; New and Selected Poems
037928: Woodham-Smith, Cecil - The Reason Why
037247: Smith, Myron J., Jr. - Watergate: An Annotated Bibliography of Sources in English, 1972-1982
036914: Smith, F. Hopkinson - Charcoals of Old New York
036150: Nowell-Smith, Simon, Ed - Edwardian England 1901-1914
036098: Smith, William - Expedition Against the Ohio Indians
035942: Lucie-Smith, Edward - Super Realism
035065: Smith, David E., Et al. - Oxygen Dynamics in the Chesapeake Bay; a Synthesis of Recent Research
034247: Smith, Zachary A., Ed - Water and the Future of the Southwest
034238: Smith, Pamela Ann - Palestine and the Palestinians 1876-1983
034195: Smith, Bruce - Costly Performances. Tennessee Williams: The Last Stage
034033: Smith, Iriwin - Shakespeare's Blackfriars Playhouse; Its History and Its Design
034019: Horton-Smith, Lionel - Ars Tragica Sophoclea Cum Shaksperiana Comparata
033897: Smith, Adam - Lecture on Jurisprudence
033682: Smith, Gordon Ross - A Classified Shakespeare Bibliography 1936-1958
033568: Smith, David Nichol - Characters from the Histories & Memoirs of the Seventeenth Century. With an Essay on the Character and Historical Notes
033495: Smith, John Hazel - A Humanist's "Trew Imitation": Thomas Watson's Absalom. A Critical Edition and Translatioin
033300: Smith, Warren D. - Shakespeare's Playhouse Practice; a Handbook
033296: Smith, Bruce R. - Ancient Scripts & Modern Experience on the English State 1500-1700
033273: Smith, Hallett - Elizabethan Poetry; a Study in Conventions, Meaning, and Expression
033092: Smith, Steven B. - Spinoza, Liberalism, and the Question of Jewish Identity
032728: Smith, Lacey Baldwin - Fools, Martyrs, Traitors; the Story of Martyrdom in the Western World
032334: Smith, David G., Ed - The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Earch Sciences
031279: Smith, Michael E. - The Aztecs
030878: Smith, Irwin - Shakespeare's Globe Playhouse; a Modern Recontruction in Text and Scale Drawings
030560: Smith, Richard Norton - Patriarch; George Washington and the New American Nation
030456: Smith, Norris Kelly - Here I Stand; Perspective from Another Point of View
030424: Smith, Marion Bodwell - Dualities in Shakesepare
030260: Smith, David Nichol - Shakespeare in the Eighteenth Century
030184: Smith, W. F. - Rabelais in His Writings
030178: Nowell-Smith, Simon - The Legend of the Master
029908: Smith, T. V. - The Philosophic Way of Life
028815: Hartley, Percival Horton-Smith and Harold Richard Aldridge - Johannes de Mirfeld of St. Bartholomew's, Smithfield; His Life and Works
028418: Smith, John Holland - The Death of Classical Paganism
027760: Birket-Smith, Kaj - Wir Menschen Einst Und Jetzt; Die Entwicklung Der Menschheit Und Ihre Rassen
027656: Smith, M. Urwick - Luton Hoo; the Wernher Collection
027429: Smith, Page - A People's History
027240: Smith, Emma, Ed - Shakespeare's Tragedies
027237: Smith, Emma, Ed - Shakespeare's Comedies
026910: Seymour-Smith, Martin - Hardy
026479: Smith, John Boulton - Modern Finnish Painting and Graphic Art
025668: Smith, John Maynard - The Theory of Evolution
025258: Smith, William Stevenson - Ancient Egypt As Represented in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
024488: Abbott-Smith, G. - A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament
024415: Smith, Charles W. F. - The Paradox of Jesus in the Gospels
024413: Smith, Charles Ryder - The Bible Doctrine of Society in Its Historical Evolution
023131: Smith, Bradley - Japan; a History in Art
023130: Smith, Bradley - Mexico; a History in Art
023129: Smith, Bradley - Spain; a History in Art
023105: Smith, Nigel J. H. - The Enchanted Amazon Rain Forest; Stories from a Vanishing World
022455: Smith, Sam - Shadows of Hope; a Freethinker's Guide to Politics in the Time of Clinton
022430: Smith, MOrton - Hope and History, an Exploration
022276: Smith, Harmon - My Friend, My Fried; the Story of Thoreau's Relationship with Emerson
022183: Smith, M. Estellie, Ed - Studies in Linguistics in Honor of George L. Trager
020997: Smith, Carol H. - T.S. Eliot's Dramatic Theory and Practice; from Sweeney Agonistes to the Elder Statesman
020954: Smith, Al - Dictionary of City of London Street Names
020814: Smith, Henry Nash - Virgin Land; the American West As Symbol and Myth
020635: Smith, Warren Hunting - Originals Abroad; the Foreign Careers of Some Eighteenth-Century Britons
020621: Smith, Glenn Robert - Discovering Ellis Ruley
020373: Smith, A. Ledyard - Excavations at Altar de Sacrificios; Architecture, Settlement, Burials, and Caches
020328: Lucie-Smith, Edward - Joan of Arc
020265: Smith, Dennis - Report from Ground Zero
020264: Smith, Curt, Ed - What Baseball Means to Me; a Celebration of Our National Pastime
019629: Smith, F. Hopkinson - A Gentleman Vagabond and Some Others
019174: Smith, Grant H. - The History of the Comstock Lode 1850-1920
053835: Smith, Jeffrey Chipps - Sensuous Worship; Jesuits and the Art of the Early Catholic Reformation in Germany
050186: Smith, R. J. - The One; the Life and Music of James Brown
1536: Smith, Colin - Contemporary French Philosophy; a Study in Norms and Values
1537: Smith, Elwyn A. - The Religion of the Republic
017392: Smith, Sean - J.K. Rowling; a Biography
017043: Smith, Patrick J. - A Year at the Met
017037: Smith, Geoffrey - The Savoy Operas; a New Guide to Gilbert and Sullivan
016922: Smith, Janet Adam - John Buchan; a Biography
016585: Smith, M. L. R. - Fighting for Ireland? the Military Strategy of the Irish Republican Movement
016435: Smith, Samuel Stanhope - An Essay on the Causes of the Variety of Complexion and Figure in the Human Species
016432: Smith, Henry Nash - Democracy and the Novel; Popular Resistance to Classic American Writers
016161: Smith, George Adam - Our Common Conscience; Addresses Delivered in America During the Great War
016160: Smith, Charles - Lord Mountbatten; His Butler's Story
015898: Smith, Thomas B. - Educating for Disaster; the Nuclear Spectre in America's Classrooms
015734: Smith, Dennis - Report from Ground Zero
015723: Smith, E. D. - Battle for Burma
015576: Smith, Wendy - Real Life Drama; the Group Theatre and America, 1931-1940
051358: Smith, Jessie Payne - A Compendious Syriac Dictionary Founded Upon the Thesaurus Syriacus of R. Payne Smith, D.D.
014895: Woodham-Smith, Cecil - The Great Hunger: Ireland, 1845-1849
011601: Smith, F. Hopkinson - In Thackeray's London
011600: Smith, Frank - A Genealogical Gazetteer of Scotland; an Alphabetical Dictionary of Places
011599: Smith, David M. - The Industrial Archaeology of the East Midlands (Nottinghamshire, Leicestershire and the Adjoining Parts of Derbyshire)
011227: Smith, Lacey Baldwin - The Horizon Book of the Elizabethan World
010439: Smith, Goldwin - Canada and the Canadian Question
010296: Smith, Roger M. - Cambodia's Foreign Policy
010266: Smith, Robert J. - Kurusu; the Price of Progress in a Japanese Village, 1951-1975
009683: Smith, Waldemar R. - The Fiesta System and Economic Change
008235: Smith, Warren Sylvester - The London Heretics, 1870-1914
007722: Smith, R. Harris - Oss; the Secret History of America's Firs Central Intelligence Agency
007044: Smith, John - The Generall Historie of Virginia, New-England and Thesummer Isles
006121: Trow-Smith, Robert - Society and the Land
006038: Smith, William Henry - A Political History of Slavery; Being an Account of the Slavery Controversy from the Earliest Agitation in the Eighteenth Century to the Close of the Reconstruction Period in America
005576: Smith, William - The Poems of William Smith
004840: Smith, L. H. - The Lyrebird
003495: Smith, D. J. - Museum of Antiquities, Newcastle Upon Tyne: An Illustrated Introduction
049555: Smith, Michael Peter Ed - Pacific Rim Cities in the World Economy
049648: Smith, Thomas A. - De Gratia; Faustus of Riez's Treatise on Grace and Its Place in the History of Theology
049702: Smith, Bradley - France; a History in Art
049828: Smith, Roger - Trial by Medicine; Insanity and Responsibility in Victorian Trials
003048: Smith, Macklin - Prudentius' Psychomachia: A Reexamination
053383: Smither, Howard E. - A History of the Oratorio
044914: Smither, G. V., Ed - Kyng Alisaunder
003496: Smolak, Kurt - Das Gedicht Des Bischofs Agrestius; Eine Theologische Lehrepistel Aus Der Spätantike (Einleitung, Text, ûbersetzung Und Kommentar)
005765: Smolansky, Oles M. - The Soviet Union and the Arab East Under Khrushchev
052226: Smoldon, William L. - The Music of the Medieval Church Dramas
043991: Smolin, Lee - The Life of the Cosmos
043996: Smolitsch, Igor - Leben Und Lehre Der Starzen; Der Weg Zum Vollkommenen Leben
043468: Smollett, Tobias - Travels Through France and Italy
015665: Smother, Frank, et al. - Report on the Greeks; Findings of a Twentieth Century Fund Team Which Surveyed Conditions in Greece in 1947
014078: Smulders, Pierre - La Vision de Teihard de Chardin; Essai de Réflexion Théologiqu
011602: Smuthwaite, David - Battlefields of Britain; the Complete Illustrated Guide
046215: Smyth, Alfred P. - King Alfred the Great
042147: Smyth, Henry DeWolf - Atomic Energy for Military Purposes; the Official Report on the Development of the Atomic Bomb Under the Auspices of the United States Government, 1940-1945
032132: Smyth, Cherry - Damn Fine Art by New Lesbian Artists
031932: Smyth, Herbert Weir - Greek Melic Poets
026925: Smyth, Herbert Weir - Harvard Essays on Classical Subjects
005759: Smyth, Howard McGraw - Secrets of the Fascist Era; How Uncle Sam Obtained Some of the Top-Level Documents of Mussolini's Period
027508: Smythe, Donald - Pershing, General of the Armies
043018: Snaith, Norman H. - The Jews from Cyrus to Herod
028420: Snaith, Norman H. - The Distinctive Ideas of the Old Testament
024793: Snapp, Jeremy Sherman - Destiny by Design; the Construction of the Panama Canal
031158: Snead, Stella - Animals in Four Worlds; Sculptures from India
032839: Sneden, Robert Knox - Eye of the Storm; a CIVIL War Odyssey
034529: Snell, Bruno - Scenes from Greek Drama
050867: Snell, Bruno - Griechische Metrik
010386: Snell, George - The Shapers of American Fiction, 1798-1947
021865: Snellaert, Ferdinand Augustijn - Briefwisseling Van Dr. Ferdinand Augustijn Snellaert (1809-1872)
041179: Snider, Delbert A. - Optimum Adjustment Processes and Currency Areas
021446: Snitow, Ann Barr - Ford Madox Ford and the Voice of Uncertainty
047771: Snodgrass, Anthony - Archaic Greece; the Age of Experiment
026926: Snodgrass, Anthony M. - An Archaeology of Greece; the Present State and Future Scope of a Discipline
036134: Snoke, Elizabeth R. - The Mexican War; a Bibligoraphy of Mhrc Holdings for the Period 1835-1850
048079: Snooks, Graeme Donald - The Dynamic Society; Exploring the Sources of Global Change
038366: Snow, Edward A. - A Study of Vermeer
037786: Snow, C. P. - Science and Government
037346: Snow, Richard - Coney Island; a Postcard Journey to the City of Fire
013153: Snow, Edgar - People on Our Side
005675: Snow, Russell E. - The Bolsheviks in Siberia, 1917-1918
028052: Snowman, A. Kenneth - Fabergé: Lost and Found. The Recently Discovered Jewelry Designs from the St. Petersburg Archives
014666: Snowman, A. Kenneth - The Art of Carl Fabergé
032897: Snyder, Geerto - Unsterbliche Meisterwerke; Ihr Weg Durch Die Zeit
029056: Snyder, Jon R. - Writing the Scene of Speaking; Theories of Dialogue in the Late Italian Renaissance
020288: Snyder, Leslie Crocker - 25 to Life; the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Hoting But the Truth
016164: Snyder, Louis L. - Louis L. Snyder's Historical Guide to World War II
016163: Snyder, Louis L. - The Blood and Iron Chancellor; a Documentary-Biography of Otto Von Bismarck
015655: Snyder, Louis L., Ed - The Imperialism Reader; Documents and Readings on Modern Expansionism
007725: Snyder, John Francis - John Francis Snyder; Selected Writings
007336: Snyder, Robert L. - Pare Lorentz and the Documentary Film
011603: Soames, Mary - Clementine Churchill; the Biography of a Marriage
050779: Soares, Jô - A Samba for Sherlock
020557: Sobel, Dava - Longitude; the True Story of a Lone Genius Who Solved the Greatest Scientific Problem of His Time
019591: Sobel, Robert - N.Y. S.E. A History of the New York Stock Exchange 1935-1975
016165: Sobel, Lester A. - Palestinian Impasse; Arab Guerrillas & International Terror
010144: Sobel, Robert - The Curbstone Brokers; the Origins of the American Stock Exchange
043535: Sobieszek, Robert A., Ed - Particulars; Selections from the Miller-Polummer Collection of Photography
037767: Sobieszek, Robert A., Et al. - Acquisitions 1973-1980, George Eastman House
048104: Soboul, Albert - La Civilisation Et la Révolution Française. Vol 1: La Crise de L'Ancien Régime
029472: Soboul, Albert - Précis D'Histoire de la Révolution Française
038114: Soby, James Thrall, et al. - Bonnard and His Environment
037896: Soby, James Thrall - Juan Gris
037875: Soby, James Thrall - Ben Shahn
013655: Soby, James Thrall - Joan Miro
050358: Socho - The Journal of Socho
049028: Malone Society - Collections Volume X.
049027: Malone Society - Collections Volume XII
049026: Malone Society - Collections Volume XI
049025: Malone Society - Collections Volume IV
049024: Malone Society - Collections Volume III
043712: Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society - The One Hundnred and Thirty-Third Annual Report
043711: Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society - The Hundred and Thirty-Second Annual Report
043710: Royal Cornwall POlytechnic Society - The One Hundred and Thirtieth Annual Report
043709: Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Society - The One Hundred and Twentyninth Annual Report
043565: Malone Society - Collections Volume VIII
042511: Danvers Historical Society - Old Anti-Slavery Days; Proceedings of the Commemorative Meeting, Held by the Danvers Historical Society, at the Town Hall, Danvers, April 1893, with Introduction, Letters and Sketches
040890: American Geographical Society - Research Catalogue of the American Geographical Society
038282: Asia Society - Haniwa
036409: Aberdeen-Angus Cattle Society - The Aberdeen-Angus Herd Book Containing the Pedigrees of Aberdeen-Angus Cattle. Volume XL
032784: Malone Society - Collections Volume XIV
032765: Malone Society - Collections Volume XV
032762: Malone Society - Collections Volume VII
032755: Malone Society - Collections Volume VI
032754: Malone Society - Collections Volume V.
032753: Malone Society - Collection Volume IV
032746: Malone Society - Collections Volume IX
032744: Malone Society - Collections, Volume XI
032743: Malone Society - Collections, Volume VIII
029077: Pennsylvania German Folklore Society - The Pennsylvania German Folkore Society. Volume 1
018042: Friends Society, Philadelphia - Rules of Discipline of the Yearly Meeting of Friends, for Pennsylvania, New-Jersey, Delaware, Adn the Eastern Parts of Maryland; Revised and Adopted by the Said Meeting, Held in Philadelphia
012827: New England Historic Genealogical Society - The Catalogue to the Circulating Collection of the New England Historic Genealogical Society
011923: Philadelphia County Medical Society - 100th Anniversary; the Philadelphia County Medical Society, 1849-1949
011571: Royal Historical Society - Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
008096: International Arthurian Society - Bibliographical Bulletin of the International Arthurian Society; Bulletin Bibliographique de la Société Internatonale Arthurienne
026928: Soden, Hermann Von - The History of Early Christian Literature; the Writings of the New Testament
006161: Söderberg, Henry - Swedenborg's 1714 Airplane; a Machine to Fly in the Air
049724: Söderberg, Johan, et al. - A Stagnating Metropolis: The Economy and Demography of Stockholm, 1750-1850
014079: Söderblom, Nathan - The Nature of Revelation
018783: Soderlund, Gustave Fredric - Direct Approach to Counterpoint in 16th Century Style
049082: Söderwall, K. F. - Hufvudepokerna Af Svenska Språkets Utbildning
045926: Soen, Violet, et al. - L'Identité Au Pluriel; Jeux Et Enjeux Des Appartenances Autour Des Anciens Pays-Bas Xive-Xviiie Siècles. Identity and Identities; Belonging at Stake in the Low Countries 14th-18th Centuries
045922: Soen, Violet, et al., Eds - Church, Censorship and Reform in the Early Modern Habsburg Netherlands
014525: Soffer, Reba N. - Ethics and Society in England; the Revolution in the Social Sciences, 1870-1914
051836: Soggin, J. Alberto - Le Livre Des Juges
041188: Sohmen, Egon - International Monetary Problems and the Foreign Exchanges
041172: Sohmen, Egon - The Theory of Forward Exchange
031443: Soifer, Deborah A. - The Myths of Narasimha and Vamana; Two Avatars in Cosmological Perspective
031461: Sokol, Martin L. - The New York City Opera; an American Adventure
045554: Sokolov, Raymond - Why We Eat What We Eat; How the Encounter between the New World and the Old Changed the Way Everyone on the Planet Eats
035945: Sokolov, Raymond - With the Grain
019706: Moreyra y Paz Soldan, Carlos - Bibliografia Regional Peruana (Coleccion Particular)
022158: Solé, Carlos A. - Bibliografia Sobre El Español de America (1920-1986)
048682: Soler, Ricaurte - Estudios Sobre Historia de Las Ideas En America
047075: Solilo, John - Umoya Wembongi; Collectioned Poems (1922-19353)
039231: Solkoff, Joel - The Politics of Food
014788: Sollers, Philippe - Women
049594: Solmsen, Felix - Indogermanische Eigennamen Als Spiegel Der Kulturgeschichte
010675: Solmssen, Georg - Beiträge Zur Deutschen Politik Und Wirtschaft, 1900-1933; Gesammelte Aufsätze Und Vorträge
014942: Solodkoff, Alexander Von - Masterpieces from the House of Fabergé
046044: Solomon, Julie Robin - Objectivity in the Making; Francis Bacon and the Politics of Inquiry
053742: Solomon, Maynard - Mozart; a Life
040514: Solomon, Harry M. - The Rise of Robert Dodsley; Creating the New Age of Print
031463: Solomon, Maynard - Beethoven
030610: Solomon, Dorothy Allred - In My Father's House; a Memoir of Polygamy
021925: Solomon, Jack - The Signs of Our Time. Semiotics: The Hidden Messages of Environments, Objects, and Cultural Images
050947: Solomon, Maynard - Marxism and Art; Essays Classic and Contemporary
014808: Solomon, Barbara Miller - Ancestors and Immigrants; a Changing New England Tradition
013155: Solomon, Richard H. - Mao's Revolution and the Chinese Political Culture
005539: Solomon, Eric - Stephen Crane; from Parody to Realism
005179: Solomon, Howard M. - Public Welfare, Science, and Propaganda in Seventeenth Century France; the Innovations of Théophraste Renaudot
002379: Soloway, Richard A. - Demography and Degeneration; Eugenics and the Decling Birthrate in Twentieth-Century Britain
048707: Solta, Georg Renatus - Zur Stellung Der Lateinischen Sprache
010840: Soltow, Martha Jane, et al. - Women in American Labor History, 1825-1935; an Annotated Bibliography
034089: Solve, Norma Dobie - Stuart Politics in Chapman's Tragedy of Chabot
031004: Solway, Diane - Nureyev: His Life
045944: Soly, Hugo - Urbanisme En Kapitalisme Te Antwerpen in de 16de Eeuw; de Stedebouwkundige En Indusriele Ondernemingen Van Gilbert Van Schoonbeke
019630: Solzhenitsyn, Alexander - Lenin in Zurich; Chapters
040135: Sombart, Werner - Die Deutsche Volkswirtschaft IM Neuenzehnten Jahrhundert Und IM Anfang Des 20. Jahrhunderts
002877: Somervell, D. C. - English Thought in the Nineteenth Century
014080: Somerville, John - Soviet Philosophy; a Study of Theory and Practice
042874: Somfai, Laszlo - Joseph Haydn; His Life in Contemporary Pictures
006778: Somkin, Fred - Unquiet Eagle; Memory and Desire in the Idea of American Freedom, 1815-1860
048890: Sommer, Ferdinand - Vergleichende Syntax Der Schulsprachen (Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Griechisch, Lateinisch) Mit Besonderer Berücksichtigung Des Deutschen
048651: Sommer, Ferdinand - Handbuch Der Lateinischen Laut- Und Formenlehre; Eine Einführung in Das Sprachwissenschaftliche Studium Des Lateins
026278: Dupont-Sommer, A. - The Dead Sea Scrolls; a Preliminary Survey
049698: Sommer, Robin Langley - Hollywood; the Glamour Years (1919-1941)
039737: Sommerfeld, Arnold - Atombau Und Spektrallinien
023689: Sommerfeld, Arnold - Atombau Und Spektrallinien
002000: Sommerfelt, Alf - Diachronic and Synchronic Aspects of Language; Selected Articles
002299: Sommerfelt, Alf - La Langue Et la Société; Caractères Sociaux D'Une Langue de Type Archaique
009863: Sommerfelt, Alf - Diachronic and Synchronic Aspects of Languages; Selected Articles
041442: Sommerhalder, Hugo - Johann Fischarts Werk; Eine Einführung
041694: Somogyi, Stefano, et al. - IL Parlamento Italiano 1946-1963
014081: Son, B. H. - Science and Person; a Study on the Idea of "Philosophy As Rigorous Science" in Kant and Husserl
009864: Sonderegger, Stefan - Die Schweizerdeutsche Mundartforschung 1800-1959; Bibliographisches Handbuch Mit Inhaltsangaben
048439: Song, Jae Jung - Word Order
029674: Lipman, Sonia and V. D. Lipman - The Century of Moses Montefiore
016377: Sonne, Niels Henry - Liberal Kentucky, 1780-1828
018784: Sonneck, Oscar George Theodore - A Bibliography of Early Secular American Music (18th Century)
037478: Sonnenfeld, Leni - Eyes of Memory; Photographs from the Archives of Herbert & Leni Sonnenfled
027912: Sonnichsen, C. L. - The Grave of John Wesley Hardin; Three Essays on Grassroots History
007865: Sonnichsen, C. L. - Roy Bean; Law West of the Pecos
053313: Sonnleithner, Ignaz von - Idioticon Austriacum, Das Ist: Mundart Der Oesterreicher, Dder Kern ächt österreichischer Phrasen Und Redensarten. Von a Bis Z.
038136: Sontag, Susan - In America [a Novel]
024780: Sontag, Frederick - Divine Perfection; Possible Ideas of God
024417: Sontag, Frederick - The Future of Theology; a Philosophical Basis for Contemporary Protestant Thought
026935: Soons, Alan C. - Haz Y Envés Del Cuento Risible En El Siglo de Oro; Estudio Y Antologia
013156: Soothill, W. E. - China and the West; a Sketch of Their Intercourse
039299: Soper, Musia, Ed - Encyclopedia of European Cooking
046492: Sophocles - Elektra
031933: Sophocles - The Electra of Sophocles
049257: Sophocles - Fabulae
010042: Sophocles, S. M. - A History of Greece
040453: Sorbelli, Albano - Inventari Dei Manoscritti Delle Biblioteche D'Italia. Volume LXXV: Bologna
040452: Sorbelli, Albano - Inventari Dei Manoscritti Delle Biblioteche D'Italia. Volume LXX: Cremona
040450: Sorbelli, Albano - Inventari Dei Manoscritti Delle Biblioteche D'Italia. Volume LXVIII: Venezia
040451: Sorbelli, Albano - Inventari Dei Manoscritti Delle Biblioteche D'Italia. Volume LXIX: Bologna
040449: Sorbelli, Albano - Inventari Dei Manoscritti Delle Biblioteche D'Italia. Volume LXVI: Bologna
040448: Sorbelli, Albano - Inventari Dei Manoscritti Delle Biblioteche D'Italia. Volume LXV: Bologna
040445: Sorbelli, Albano - Inventari Dei Manoscritti Delle Biblioteche D'Italia. Volume LIII: Bologna
040446: Sorbelli, Albano - Inventari Dei Manoscritti Delle Biblioteche D'Italia. Volume LIV: Ferrara
040447: Sorbelli, Albano - Inventari Dei Manoscritti Delle Biblioteche D'Italia. Volume LXII: Bologna
040444: Sorbelli, Albano - Inventari Dei Manoscritti Delle Biblioteche D'Italia. Volume XLVII: Bologna
029754: Sordo, Enrique - Moorish Spain: Cordoba, Seville, Granada
039042: Sorel, Edward - Unauthorized Portraits
037334: Sorel, Nancy Caldwell - The Women Who Wrote the War
014946: Sorell, Walter - The Other Face; the Mask in the Arts
016677: Sorin, Gerald - Abolitionism; a New Perspective
025234: Sorley, W. R. - A History of English Philosophy
047966: Desmarets de Saint-Sorlin, Jean - Les Visionnaires; Comédie
007265: Sosin, Jack M., Ed - The Opening of the West
006779: Sosin, Jack M. - The Opening of the West
016417: Sosna, Morton - In Search of the Silent South; Southern Liberals and the Race Issue
047562: Sosnowski, Vivienne - When the Rivers Ran Red; an Amazing Story of Courage and Triujmph in America's Wine Country
033125: Sotei, Akaji - Zen-Worte IM Tee-Raume Erläutert (Chashitsu-Kakemono Zengo-Tsukai)
027075: Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierette - Gendered Transitions; Mexican Experiences of Immigration
025699: Sötemann, A. L. - De Structuur Van Max Havelaar; Bijdrage Tot Het Onderzoek Naar de Interpretatie En Evaluatie Van de Roman
052829: Sotinel, Claire - Church and Society in Late Antique Italy and Beyond
046746: Souhami, Diana - Gertrude and Alice
038214: Souhami, Diana - Greta and Cecil
030722: Soulié, Bernard - Tantra; Erotic Figures in Indian Art
039149: Soulioti, Stella - Fettered Independence: Cyprus, 1878-1964
039730: Soupault, Robert - Marcel Proust Du Côté de Aa Médecine
025659: Souresrafil, Behrouz - Khomeini and Israel
023017: Soustelle, Jacques - The Long March of Israel
009980: Souter, Gavin - Company of Heralds; a Century and a Half of Australian Publishing by John Fairfax Limited and Its Predecessors, 1831-1981
005050: Southall, Roger J. - South Africa's Transkei; the Political Economy of an "Independent" Bantustan
043294: Southgate, M. Therese - The Art of Jama; One Hundred Covers and Essays from the Journal of the American Medical Association
052834: Southwell, Anne - The Southwell-Sibthorpe Commonplace Book: Folger Ms. V.B. 198
020080: Southwick, Leslie H. - Presidential Also-Rans and Running Mates, 1788-1980
016167: Soward, F. H. - Twenty-Five Troubled Years, 1918-1943
019768: Sowden, Lewis - The South African Union
045394: Sowers, Richard - The Abstract Primer of Thoroughbred Racing; Separating Myth from Fact to Identify the Genuine Gems & Danies 1946-3003
047722: Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung - Vernichtungskrieg. Verbrechen Der Wehrmacht 1941 Bis 1944. Ausstellungskatalog
047531: Spaeter, Helmuth - Panzerkorps Grossdeutschland. Panzergrenadier, Division, Grossdeutschland, Panzergrenadier, Division, Brandenburg, Führer, Grandadier, Division, Führer, Begleit, Division, Panzergrenadier, Division, Kurmark... . a Pictorial History
035635: Spain, Nancy - Mrs Beeton and Her Husband, by Her Great Niece
017393: Spalding, LInda - A Dark Place in the Jungle
017461: Spalikowski, Edmond - Caudebec
006920: Spalter, Max - Brecht's Tradition
024474: Spanier, Arthur - Die Toseftaperiode in Der Tannaitischen Literatur
044573: Spanke, Hans - Studien Zur Lateinischen Und Romanischen Lyrik Des Mittelalters
044816: Spann, Meno - Heine
005883: Spann, Edward K. - Ideals & Politics; New York Intellectuals and Liberal Democracy, 1820-1880
028641: Spannaus, Günther - Züge Aus Der Politischen Organisation Afrikanischer Staaten Und Völker
035164: Spargo, Demelza, Ed - This Land Is Our Land; Aspects of Agriculture in English Art
008190: Spark, Muriel - Mary Shelley
035357: Sparke, Penny, Ed - The Plastics Age from Bakelite to Beanbags and Beyond
050948: Sparks,Edwin Erle, Ed - The Lincoln-Douglas Debates of 1858
014351: Sparnon, Norman J. - Japanese Flower Arrangement; Classical and Modern
046668: Sparrow, Walter Shaw - British Sporting Artists from Barlow to Herring
022949: Sparrow, Gerald - Modern Jorden
007732: Sparrow, Gerald - Gang-Warfare: A Probe Into the Changing Pattern of British Crime
006530: Sparshott, F. E. - Looking for Philosophy
004431: Spate, O. H. K. - Australia
053020: Spätling, Luchesius - De Apostolicis, Pseudoapostolis, Apostolinis
010267: Spaulding, Robert M., Jr. - Imperial Japan's Higher CIVIL Service Examinations
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