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004049: Meehan, Richard L. - Getting Sued and Other Tales of the Engineering Life
043841: Meekings, C. A. F. - Studies in 13th Century Justice and Administration
023871: Meeks, Wayne A. - The First Urban Christians; the Social World of the Apostle Paul
047519: Van Der Meer, P. L. G., Et al. - Administrative En Fiskale Boarnen Oangeande Fryslan Yn Der Ier-Moderne Tiid
024038: Van der Meer, P. - The Chronology of Ancient Western Asia and Egypt
033782: Meeropol, Robert - An Execution in the Family; One Son's Journey
051488: Meershoek, G. Q. A. - Le Latin Biblique D'Après Saint Jérome; Aspects Linguistiques de la Rencontre Entre la Bible Et le Monde Classique
032011: Megaw, J. V. S. - Art of the European Iron Age; a Study of the Elusive Image
048348: Megenney, William W. - El Palenquero, Un Lenguaje Post-Criollo de Colombia
001846: Meggs, Brown - Aria
038107: Megivern, James J. - The Death Penalty; an Historical and Theological Survey
033508: Megla, Gerhard K. - Musik IM Spiegel Der Philatelie
023411: Megquier, Mary Jane - Apron Full of Gold; the Letters of Mary Jane Megquier from San Francisco 1849-1856
010338: Von Der Mehden, Fred R. - South-East Asia, 1930-1970; the Legacy of Colonialism and Nationalism
043903: Mehl, Dieter - Geoffrey Chaucer; an Introduction to His Narrative Poetry
013612: Mehra, G. N. - Bhutan, Land of the Peaceful Dragon
013081: Mehren, A. F. - Den Pyrenaeiske Halvø; Sammenlignende Geographisck Studie Efter Shens-Ed-Din-Dimishqui Og Spansk-Arabiske Geographer
049892: Meid, Wolfgang - Die Indogermanischen Grundlagen Der Altirischen Absoluten Und Konjunkten Verbalflexion
048519: Meier, John - Deutsche Soldatensprache
044899: Meier, Harri - Prinzipien Der Etymologischen Forschung; Romanistische Einblicke
044741: Meier, Christian - A Culture of Freedom; Ancient Greece and the Origins of Europe
028350: Meier, August - Negro Thought in America 1880-1915; Racial Ideologies in the Age of Booker T. Washington
023872: Meier, Christian - Caesar
052750: Meier, Samuel A. - The Messenger in the Ancient Semitic World
009697: Meier, Georg Friedrich - Das Zéro-Problem in Der Linguistick; Kritische Untersuchugnen Zur Strukturalistischen Analyse Der Relevanz Sprachlicher Form
052368: Meiggs, Russell - The Athenian Empire
020041: Meili, Trisha - I Am the Central Park Jogger; a Story of Hope and Possiblity
050238: Meillet, Antoine - Les Dialectes Indo-Européens
041305: Ott-Meimberg, Marianne - Kreuzzugsepos Oder Staatsroman? Strukturen Adeliger Heilsversicherung IM Deutschen "Rolandslied
019416: Meinecke, Friedrich - Weltbügertum Und Nationalstaat; Studien Zur Genesis Des Deutschen Nationalstaates
002216: Meinel, Hans - Vogtländisch Und Nordbayrisch
034929: Meinel, Gertraud - Leben Mit Puppen; Bilder Aus Dem "Puppen & Spielzeug Museum" Rothenburg O.D. Tauber Von Katharina Engels
051650: Meinertz, Max - Theologie Des Neuen Testamentes
028749: Meinhof, Carl - Die Sprachen Der Hamiten
028658: Meinhof, Carl - Die Moderne Sprachforschung in Afrika; Hamburgische Vorträge
018140: Meinhof, Carl - Die Sprache Der Suaheli in Deutsch-Ostafrika
028939: Meinicke, Eckhard - Abstraktbildungen IM Althochdeutschen; Wege Zu Ihrer ErschließUng
027186: Meinicke, Carl E. - Die Inseln Des Stillen Oceans, Eine Geographische Monographie
045362: Meinig, D. W. - The Shaping of America; a Geographical Perspective on 500 Years of History. Volume 3: Transcontinental America 1850-1915
031019: Meis, Dan - Spectator; Selected Works
021940: Meisel, Jürgen - Einführung in Die Transformationelle Syntax. I: Grundlagen
048615: Meiser, Gerhard - Historische Laut- Und Formenlehre Der Lateinischen Sprache
004987: Meisner, Mauraice - LI Ta-Chao and the Origins of Chinese Marxism
041861: Meiss, Millard - Painting in Florence and Siena After the Black Death
014213: Meißner, Franz Hermann - Tiepolo
002597: Meissner, Bruno - Könige Babyloniens Und Assyriens; Charakterbilder Aus Der Altorientalischen Geschichte
052989: Méjanès, Jean-François - Maurice-Quentin Delatour: La Marquise de Pompadour
046070: Mejer, Wolfgang - Der Buchdrucker Hans Lufft Zu Wittenberg
038291: De Mejo, Oscar - There's a Hand in the Sky
029031: Mela, Pomponius - Kreuzfahrt Durch Die Alte Welt
036486: Melaragno, Michele G. - Wind in Architectural and Environmental Design
050290: Melazzo, Lucio, Ed - Continuità E Discontinuità Nella Storia Del Greco. Atti Del Convengo Della Società Italiana Di Glottologia
030873: Melchior, Ib - Lauritz Melchior; the Golden Years of Bayreuth
042822: Meldahl, Keith Heyer - Rough-Hewn Land; a Geologic Journey from California to the Rocky Mountains
1367: Melden, A. I. - Free Action
052459: Meliga, Walter - L'"Eructavit" Antico-Francese Secondo IL Ms. Paris B.N. Fr. 1747
044660: Melillo, Michele - Le Congiunzioni Dei Dialetti Di Puglia Nelle Versioni Della Parabola Del Figliuol Prodigo
044659: Melillo, Michele - I Complementi Verbali Dei Dialetti Di Puglia Nelle Versioni Della Parabola Del Figliuol Prodigo
018395: Melissus, Paul Schede - Die Psalmenübersetzung Des Paul Schede Melissus (1572)
043000: Mell, Max - Spiegel Des Sünders; Drei Erzählungen Aus Dem Nachlass Von Max Mell
032109: Mellafe, Rolando - Negro Slavery in Latin America
030874: Meller, Wilfrid - Music in a New Found Land; Themes and Developments in the History of American Music
018674: Mellers, Wilfrid - Romanticism and the 20th Century (from 1800)
041133: Mellersh, H. E. L. - The Destruction of Knossos; the Rise and Fall of Minoan Crete
026533: Mellersh, H. E. L. - Minoan Crete
046437: Mellick, Andrew D., Jr. - Lesser Crossroads
053733: Mellinkoff, Ruth - The Devil at Isenheim; Reflections of Popular Belief in Grünewald's Altarpiece
015501: Mellon, Steve - After the Smoke Clears; Struggling to Get by in Rustbelt America
022326: Mellor, John W. - The New Economics of Growth; a Strategy for India and the Developing World
008733: Mellor, John W. - The New Economics of Growth; a Strategy for India and the Developing World
040258: Melman, Seymour, Ed - Disarmament; Its Politics and Economics
026651: Melnyk, George, Ed - The Young, the Restless, and the Dead; Interviews with Canadian Filmmakers
036127: Melot, Michel - The Impressionist Print
049335: Melot, Michel, et al. - Prints; History of an Art
024331: Melton, J. Gordon - Encyclopedia of American Religions
040051: Meltsner, Arnold J. - The Politics of City Revenue
006710: Meltsner, Arnold J. - The Politics of City Revenue
006020: Meltsner, Arnold J. - Policy Analysts in the Bureaucracy
046396: Meltzer, David - Hero/LIL
046380: Meltzer, David, Ed - San Francisco Beat; Talking with the Poets
046326: Meltzer, David - No Eyes: Lester Young
040010: Meltzer, David - Harps
044556: Melville, Charles, Ed - Safavid Persia; the History and Politics of an Islamic Society
033874: Melville, Herman - The Battle-Pieces of Herman Melville
040271: Menache, Sophia - The Vox Dei; Communication in the Middle Ages
048535: Ménager, Daniel - Introduction à la Vie Littéraire Du Xvie Siècle
031843: Menander - Ménandre. Tome I: 2. Le Dyscolos
031842: Menander - The Dyskolos of Menander
002598: Menander - Dyscolus
045818: Ménard, Philippe - Les Fabiaux; Contes à Rire Du Moyen Age
033865: Kafatos, Menas and Robert Nadeau - The Conscious Universe; Part and Whoe in Modern Physical Theory
050847: Mencken, H. L. - The American Language; an Inquiry Into the Development of English in the United States
019114: Mencken, H. L. - Mencken and Sara; a Life in Letters. The Private Correspondence of H.L. Mencken and Sara Haardt
019111: Mencken, H. L. - The Diary of H.L. Mencken
029866: Mende, Fritz - Heinrich Heine; Chronik Seines Lebens Und Werkes
034975: Mendel, Eli - From Room to Room; the Poetry of Eli Mandel
006408: Mendel, Arthur P. - Vision and Violence
031845: Mendell, Clarence W. - Latin Poetry; the New Poets & the Augustans
041343: Mendels, Doron - Identity, Religion and Histoirography Studies in Hellenistic History
052209: Mendelsohn, Isaac - Catalogue of the Babylonian Tablets in the Libraries of Columbia University
003911: Mendelssohn, Kurt - The Secret of Western Domination
042909: Mendieta, Gerónimo De - Historia Eclesiástica Indiana
051424: Amand de Mendieta, Emmanuel - La Presu'Ile Des Caloyers: Le Mont-Athos
031159: Mendini, Alessandro, Ed - The International Design Yearbook 1996: 11
013974: Mendizabal, C. - Introduccion Al Problema de Unamuno
019607: Ruiz De Alarcon y Mendoz, Juan - Comedias
040310: Hurtado de Mendoza, Antonio - Obras Poéticas de Don Antonio Hurtado de Mendoza
028321: Hernandez de Mendoza, Cecilia - El Poeta Jorge Rojas; Estudio Y Antologia
022793: Hernandez de Mendoza, Cecilia - La Poesia de Gerardo Valencia
035394: Mendras, Henri - The Vanishing Peasant; Innovation and Change in French Agriculture
043076: Menegazzi, Luigi - Tomaso Da Modena. Treviso S. Caterina, Capitolo Dei Domenicani, 5-Luglio-5 Novembre 1979
011692: Menendez, Albert J. - The Bitter Harvest; Church and State in Northern Ireland
052690: Meneses, Paulo - Trovadorismo Galaico-Português (Vozes & Afectos)
005180: Ménétra, Jacques-Louis - Journal of My Life
044175: Menge, Hermann - Repetitorium Der Lateinischen Syntax Und Stilistik
042377: Menge, Hermann - Repetitorium Der Griechischen Syntax
036451: De Menil, Alexander Nicolas - Forest and Town; Poems
053344: Menis, Gian Carlo - I Longobardi
035579: Mennell, Stepehen - All Manners of Food; Eating and Tast in England and France from the Middle Ages to the Present
038788: Menninger, Karl - Number Words and Number Symbols; a Cultural History of Numbers
039920: De Mente, Boye - How Business Is Done in Japan--a Personal View
049973: Mentré, Mireille - Création Et Apocalypse; Histoire D'Un Regard Humain Sur le Divin
028941: Menuge, Noel James - Medieval English Wardship in Romance and Law
018676: Menuhin, Diana - Fiddler's Moll; Life with Yehudi
044983: Menzel, Roderich - Der Rattenfänger Von Hameln
053551: Menzel, Ottokar, Ed - Das Leben Der Liutbirg; Eine Quelle Zur Geschichte Der Sachsen in Karolingischer Zeit
013644: Menzel, Adolf - Menzel: Neun Farbige Wiedergaben Seiner Gemälde
047815: Menzies, Gavin - 1421, the Year China Discovered the World
007035: Menzies, Elizabeth G. C. - Millstone Valley
033183: Mercatante, Anthony S. - Who's Who in Egyptian Mythology
052824: Brea, Mercedes and Pilar Lorenzo Gradin - A Cantiga de Amigo
005213: Jellinek-Mercedes, Guy - Mr. Father Mr. Mercédès
027638: Merchant, W. Moelwyn - Shakespeare and the Artist
048937: Meredith, George - Bibliography and Various Readings
048936: Meredith, George - Celt and Saxon
048935: Meredith, George - Miscellaneous Prose
048934: Meredith, George - The Works of George Meredith
050726: Little Meredith and Natalie Jenne - Dance and the Music of J.S. Bach
035442: Mereen, Edith Amanda - A Short Odyssey in Yorkshire
045833: Merguet, Hugo - Lexikon Zu Den Schriften Cäsars Und Seiner Fortsetzer
049460: Merguet, H. - Handlexikon Zu Cicero
001848: Merian, Hans - Geschichte Der Musik IM Neunzehnten Jahrhundert
046370: Mérimée, Prosper - La Vénus D'Ille; la Chambre Bleue, Et Quelques Nouvelles Tirées de Mosaique
021927: Cordery, B. Meriton and J. Surtees Phillpotts - King and Commonwealth; a History of Charles I and the Great Rebellion
007344: Merk, Frederick - The Oregon Question; Essays in Anglo-American Diplomacy and Politics
025219: Merkle, John C. - Abraham Joshua Heschel; Exploring His Life and Thought
033086: Merkley, Paul - Reinhold Niebuhr; a Political Account
030889: Merkling, Frank, et al., Ed - The Golden Horseshoe; the Life and Times of the Metropolitan Opera House
009676: Merkling, Frank, Ed - The Opera News Book of Traviata
041341: Merlan, Philip - Kleine Philosophische Schriften
011277: Merrifeld, Ralph - The Roman City of London
011282: Merrifield, Ralph - Roman London
026891: Merrill, James - Collected Poems
007664: Merrill, Horace Samuel - Bourbon Democracy of the Middle West, 1865-1896
050201: Merrilol, James - Collected Poems
025986: Merritt, Richard L. - Symbols of American Community 1735-1775
023372: Merry, Robert W. - Taking on the World; Joseph and Stewart Alsop, Guardians of the American Century
021881: Merson, John - Roads to Xanadu; East and West in the Making of the Modern World
040864: Mertens, Benedikt H. - Solitudo Seraphica. Studien Zur Geschichte Der Exerzitien IM Franziskanerorden Der Frühneuzeit (Ca. 1600-1750)
032265: Mertz, Barbara - Red Land, Black Land; Daily Life in Ancient Egypt
012646: Mery, Fernand - The Life, History and Magic of the Cat
035758: Merz, Robert - Merz and More Merz
050295: Merzagova, Giovanna Massariello, Ed - Storia Del Pensiero Linguistico: Linearità, Fratture E Circolarità. Atti Del Convegno Della Società Italiana Di Glottologia
034432: Meskell, Lynn - Private Life in New Kingdom Egypt
004951: Meskill, Johanna Menzel - A Chinese Pioneer Family; the Lins of Wu-Feng, Taiwan, 1729-1895
052463: Messelaar, P. A. - Le Vocabulaire Des Idées Dans Ee 'Tresor' de Brunet Latin
035701: Messenger, Betty - Picking Up the Linen Threads; a Study Industrial Folklore
020341: Messerer, Wilhelm - Romanische Plastik in Frankreich
027702: Messner, Reinhold - Yeti; Legende Und Wirklichkeit
039129: Metcalf, Charles E. - An Econometric Model of the Income Distribution
036602: Metcalf, Woodbridge - Native Trees of the San Francisco Bay Region
036566: Metcalf, Christine - Cats; History, Care, Breeds
028946: Metcalf, D. M. - An Atlas of Anglo-Saxon and Norman Coin Finds, C. 973-1086
014938: Metcalf, Paulin C., Ed - Ogden Codman and the Decoration of Houses
003912: Metcalf, Paul - Waters of Potowmack
039751: Metford, J. C. J. - Dictionary of Christian Lore and Legend
049756: Metford, J. C. J. - Dictionary of Christian Lore and Legend
045265: Metherell, A. F., et al., Eds - Acoustical Holography
015913: Mets, David R. - Master of Airpower, General Carl A. Spaatz
050181: Metz, Michele Anne - Saint-Hilaire of Melle and the Romanesque Sculpture and Architecture of Poitou
053255: Metz, Wolfgang - Das Karolingische Reichsgut; Eine Verfassungs- Und Verwaltungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung
050849: Metzer, John Mackay - The Hand and the Road; the Life and Times of John A. Mackay
042096: Metzger, Henri - Les Routes de Saint Paul Dans L'Orient Grec
025003: Metzger, Bruce M. - The New Testament; Its Background, Growth, and Content
025002: Metzger, Bruce M. - Index of Articles on the New Testament and the Early Church Published in Festschriften
025970: Metzkes, Harald - Harald Metzkes: "Schwarzgesichte Und WeißGesicht--Kalte Nacht
016462: Meuer, Alexander - Seekriegsgeschichte in Umrissen; Seemacht Und Seekriege Vornehmlich Vom 16. Jahrhundert Ab
019300: Mewaldt, Johannes - Die Geistige Einheit Epikurs
052760: Meyendorff, Jean - Introduction à L'étude de Grégoire Palamas
045887: Meyer, Larry L. - Shadow of a Continent; the Prize That Lay to the West--1776
038897: Meyer, Conrad Ferdinand - Die Hochzeit Des Mönchs; Novelle
035869: Meyer, Adolf De - De Meyer
031847: Meyer, Eduard - Caesars Monarchie Und Das Principat Des Pompejus; Innere Geschichte Roms Von 66 Bis 44 V. Chr
028947: Meyer, Eduard - Ursprung Und Anfänge Des Christentums
026536: Meyer, Eduard - Geschichte Des Koenigreichs Pontos
026537: Meyer, Eduard - Die Israeliten Und Ihre Nachbarstämme; Alttestamentliche Untersuchungen
025004: Meyer, R. W. - Leibnitz and the Seventeenth-Century Revolution
023371: Meyer, Jeffrey - Somerset Maugham; a Life
053153: Meyer, Elizabeth A. - Metics and the Athenian Phialai-Inscriptions; a Study in Athenian Epigraphy and Law
015005: Meyer, Herman - The Poetics of Quotation in the European Novel
013424: Meyer, Alfred Gotthold - Canova
011492: Meyer, F. V., Ed - Prospects for Recovery in the British Economy
671: Meyer, Peter - English Cathedrals. With a Foreword by Geoffrey Grigson; Photographs and in Troduction by Martin Hürlimann; Descriptive Text by Peter Meyer
011284: Meyer, Ernst - Die Schweiz IM Altertum
008588: Meyer, Karl E. - The Plundered Past
008224: Meyer, Edith Patterson - Not Charity, But Justice"; the Story of Jacob A. Riis
003010: Meyer, Mauriace - études Sur le Théatre Latin
026538: Meyer, Louis - Saint Jean Chrysostome, Maitre de Perfection Chrétienne
015518: Meyerhof, Walter E. - Elements of Nuclear Physics
045057: Meyerhold, Vsevolod - Ecrits Sur le Théatre
025476: Meyers, Odette - Doors to Madame Marie
024076: Meyers, Harold Burton - The Death at Awahi; a Novel
043960: Meyier, K. A. De - Paul En Alexandre Petau En de Geschiedenis Van Hun Handschriften (Voornamelijk Op Grond Van de Petau-Handschriften in de Universiteitsbibliotheek Te Leiden)
046706: Meynell, Francis - English Printed Books
036762: Meynell, Francis - English Printed Books
018678: Meynell, Esther - Bach
042561: Meyrink, Gustav - Der Engel Vom Westlichen Fenster; Roman
037675: Meyrink, Gustav - Der Golem
044803: Philippe de Mézières - Letter to King Richard II; a Plea Made in 1395 for Peace between England and France
020342: Mezières, Philippe De - Le Livre de la Vertu Du Sacrement de Mariage
052196: Mézières, Philippe De - L Songe Du Vieil Pelerin
050835: Miaro, Rodrigo - La Cultura Colonial En Panama
044645: Micha, Alexandre - De la Chanson de Geste Au Roman; études de Littérature Médiévale Offertes Par Ses Amis, éLèves Et Collègues
048950: Freeman, Michael and Claude Jacques - Ancient Angkor
046638: Knight, Michael and Dany Chan - Shanghai; Art of the City
044804: Gerli, E. Michael and Harvey L. Sharrer, Eds - Hispanic Medieval Studies in Honor of Samuel G. Armistead
044211: Gerli, E. Michael and JUlian Weiss, Eds - Poetry at Court in Trastamaran Spain: From the Cancionero de Baena to the Cancionero General
038725: Cunningham, Michael and Craig Marberry - Crowns; Protraits of Black Women in Church Hats
037417: Snodin, Michael and Elisabet Staenow-Hidemark, Eds - Carl and Karin Larsson; Creators of the Swedish Style
036217: Schuyt, Michael and Joost Elffers - Fantastic Architecture; Personal and Eccentric Visions
030950: Michael, Prince of Greece - The Empress of Farewells; the Story of Charlotte, Empress of Mexico
027052: Hardt, Michael and Antonio Negri - Multitude; War and Democracy in the Age of Empire
025974: Batterberry, Michael and Ariane Ruskin - Children's Homage to Picasso
025306: Avi Yonah, Michael and Israel Shatzman - Illustrated Encyclopaedia of the Classical World
022958: Confino, Michael and Shimon Shamir, Eds - The U.S. S.R. And the Middle East
050772: Bell, Michael and Sze Tsung Leong, Eds - Slow Space
021348: Millward, Michael and Brian Coe - Victorian Townscape; the Work of Samuel Smith
051196: Michael, Sami - Bedouins; the Sinai Nomads
050245: Kan, Michael et al. - Sculpture of Ancient West Mexico: Nayarit, Jalisco, Colima. A Catalogu of the Proctor Stafford Collecition at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
016589: Shuman, Michael and Julia Sweig, Eds - Technology for the Common Good
015719: Sorkin, Michael and Sharon Zukin, Eds - After the World Trade Center; Rethinking New York City
009538: Ginsburg, Michael and Joseph Thomas Shaw, Eds - Indiana Slavic Studies. Vols. I-II
049580: Meeuwis, Michael and Frank Brisard - Time and the Dianosis of Language Change
046178: Michaelis, Adolf - Die Archäologischen Entdeckungen Des Neunzehnten Jahrhunderts
018132: Michaelis, Wilhelm - Einleitung in Das Neue Testament; Die Entstehung, Sammlung Und ûberliefierung Der Schriften Des Neuen Testaments
031541: Michaels, Axel - Hinduism Past and Present
027216: Michaels, Albert L., Ed - Studies on Latin America: A Miscellany
045224: Michaelson, Katherine - A Centenary Exhibition of the Work of David Octavius Hill 1802-1870 and Robert Adamson 1821-1848
013085: Michaut, G. - L'évolution Littéraire Du Moyen Age Français
038699: Michaux, Henri - Telegram from Dakar; a Poem
019115: Michaux, Henri - Ecuador; a Travel Journal
041964: Butor, Michel and Michel Launay - Résistances; Conversation Aux Antipodes
031021: Saudan, Michel and Sylvia Sauden-Skira - From Folly to Follies; Discovering the World of Gardens
021539: Michel, Henri - Vichy Année 40
021417: Arrivé, Michel and Jean-Claude Chevalier - La Grammaire; Lectures
020358: Michel, Paul-Henri - La Fresque Romane
672: Michel, Paul-Henri - Romanesque Wall Paintings in France. Introduction by Paul-Henri Michel
003574: Gorlin, Michel and Raissa Bloch-Gorlina - études Littéraires Et Historiques
009704: Michelana, Luis - Estudio Sobre Las Fuentes Del Diccionario de Azkue
051946: Picone, Michelangelo and Claude Cazalé Bérard - Gli Zibaldoni Di Boccaccio; Memoria, Scrittura, Riscrittura. Atti Del Seminario Internazionale Di Firenze-Certaldo (26-28 Aprile 1996)
041488: Murano, Michelangelo and Paolo Marton - Venetian Villas
052569: Zaccarello, Michelangelo and Martin Maiden - The Early Textualization of the Romance Languages: Recent Perspectives
052577: Goyens, Michèle and Werner Verbeke, Eds - Lors Est Ce Jour Grant Joie Nee; Essais de Langue Et de Littérature Françaises Du Moyen Age
052717: Michell, H. - Sparta; to Kruptov Tes Politeias Ton Lakedaimonion
049880: Michels, Heide - Monet's House; an Impressionist Interior
029131: Michelsen, Andreas Ludwig Jakob - Der Ehemalige Oberhof Zu Lübeck Und Seine Rechtssprüche
048564: Michelson, Hyman - The Jew in Early English Literature
042658: Michon, Jean-Louis - Le Soufi Marocain Ahmad Ibn 'Ajiba (1647-1809) Et Son MI'Raj; Glossaire de la Mystique Musulmane
035987: Mickelson, Bonnie Stewart, Ed - Private Collection; Recipes from the Junior League of Palo Alto
006412: Micklem, Nathaniel - The Place of Understanding, and Other Papers
045082: Micou, Ann McKinstry - Fiction Set in Vermont 3
040923: Micou, Ann McKInstry - A Guide to Fiction Set in Vermont
031290: Midant, Jean-Paul - Art Nouveau in France
032238: Middione, Carlo - The Food of Southern Italy
029341: Middlebrook, Diane Wood - Walt Whitman and Wallace Stevens
019572: Middlebrook, Diane Wood - Anne Sexton; a Biography
045080: Middlekauff, Robert - Benjamin Franklin and His Enemies
037221: Middlekauff, Robert - Benjamin Franklin and His Enemies
042306: Middleton, Thomas - A Mad World, My Masters
032795: Middleton, Thomas - Honourable Entertainments
051742: Middleton, W. E. Knowles - The History of the Barometer
015917: Middleton, Drew - Crossroads of Modern Warfare
006126: Middleton, K. W. B. - Britain and Russia; an Historical Essay
053399: Midelfort, H. C. Erik - Mad Princes of Renaissance Germany
010629: Mieck, Ilja - Preussische Gewerbepolitik in Berlin 1806-1844; Staatshilfe Und Privatinitiative Zwischen Merkantilismus Und Liberalismus
040846: Miedema, Henricus Theodorus Jacobus - Paedwizers Fan de Fryske Filology: Th. Siebs (1862-1941), F. Buittenrust Hettema (1862-1922) En de Fryske Filology Tusken 1880 En 1940
025005: Miel, Jan - Pascal and Theology
009867: Mielert, Fritz - Westfalen: Münsterland--Industriegebiet--Sauerland--Siegerland
053604: Mielke, Ursula - The New Hollstein German Engravings, Etchings and Woodcuts 1400-1700: Heinrich Aldegrever
053603: Mielke, Ursula - The New Hollstein German Engravgins, Etchings and Woodcuts 1400-1700: Albrecht and Erhard Altdorfer
015918: Miers, Earl Schenck - The General Who Marched to Hell; William Tecumseh Sherman and His March to Fame and Infamy
021947: Migliorini, Bruno - Saggi Sulla Lingua Del Novecento
021946: Migliorini, Bruno - Profile Di Parole
034760: Fatu, Mihai and Mircea Musat, Eds - La Terreur Du Fascisme Horthyste Dans le Nord-Ouest de la Roumanie, Septembre 1940-Octobre 1944
040018: Berindei, Mihnea and Gilles Veinstein - L'Empire Ottoman Et Les Pays Roumains 1544-1545; étude Et Documents
017420: Shatzkin, MIke and Jim Charlton - The Baseball Fan's Guide to Spring Training
007858: Cochran, Mike and John Lumpkin - West Texas; a Portrait of Its People and Their Raw and Wondrous Land
049894: Nickel, Mike and Cindy Horvath - Kay Finch Ceramics; Her Enchanted World
052120: Oaksford, Mike and Nick Chater, Eds - Cognition and Conditionals; Probability and Logic in Human Thinking
002429: Hepworth, Mike and Bryan S. Turner - Confession; Studies in Deviance and Religion
036600: Mikes, George - How to Be an Alien; a Handbook for Beginners and More Advanced Pupils
041205: Mikesell, Raymond F. - Public Foreign Capital for Private Enterprise in Developing Countries
028589: Miketta, Karl - Der Pharao Des Auszuges; Eine Exegetische Studie Zu Exodus 1-15
047900: Rodionov, Mikhail and Hanne Schönig - The Hadramawt Documents, 1904-51: Family Life and Social Customs Under the Last Susltans
005594: Mikhail, Mona N. - Studies in the Short Fiction of Mahfouz and Idris
050264: Mikkola, Eino - Die Konzessivität Des Altlateins IM Berich Des Satzganzen; Eine Syntaktisch-Stilistisch-Semantische Untersuchung
675: Milburn, R. L. P. - Early Christian Interpretations of History
035425: Mild, Warren - Joseph Highmore of Holborn Row
048001: Miles, Josephine - Eras & Modes in English Poetry
043895: Miles, Margaret R. - Carnal Knowing; Female Nakedness and Religious Meaning in the Christian West
042823: Miles, Josephine - The Primary Language of Poetry in the 1940's
037335: Miles, Henry H. W., Et al., Eds - Case Histories in Psychosomatic Medicine
034702: Miles, Leland - John Colet and the Platonic Tradition
029478: Miles, Barry - The Beat Hotel; Ginsberg, Burroughs, and Corso in Paris, 1958-1963
028457: Miles, Barry - Ginsberg; a Biography
026008: Miles, Josephine - Poetry and Change; Donne, Milton, Wordsworth, and the Equilibrium of the Present
026006: Miles, Josephine - Kinds of Affection
025578: Miles, Charles - Indian and Eskimo Artifacts of North America
676: Milesi, Richard - Romanische Und Ritterliche Grabplastik Kärntens
041722: Miletich, John S. - The Bugarstica; a Bilingual Anthology of the Earliest Extant South Slavic Folk Narrative Song
008093: Miliband, Ralph - The State in Capitalist Society
042552: Mililli, Grazia Ramoino - Gilbert Ryle: Itinerari Concettuali
026432: Militon, Joyce - The Yellow Kids; Foreign Correspondents in the Heyday of Yellow Journalism
025006: Mill, John Stuart - Nature, the Utility of Religion and Theism
026589: Millar, Fergus - The Crowd in Rome in the Late Republic
015920: Millar, George - The Bruneval Raid; Flashpoint of the Radar War
677: Millar, Eric G. - The Parisian Miniaturist Honoré. With an Introduction and Notes by Eric G. Millar
004978: Millar, T. B., Ed - International Security in the Southeast Asian and Southwest Pacific Region
046145: Millard, Charles W. - August Préault, Sculpteur Romantique 1809-1879 Avec Un Essai Sur la Vie de Préault
004332: Meiss, Millard and Elizabeth H. Beatson - La Vie de Nostre Benoit Sauveur Jhesucrist & la Sainct Vie de Nostre Dame Translatee a la Requeste de Tres Hault Et Puissant Prince Iehan, Duc de Berry
038462: Millay, Edna St. Vincent - The Princess Marries the Page; a Play in One Act
017593: De Mille, Agnes - Lizzie Borden; a Dance of Death
048914: Miller, James - Daoism; a Short Initroduction
051300: Miller, Adam - Experience of German Methodist Preachers
046893: Miller, James - Daiosim; a Short Introduction
044229: Miller, Joseph M., Et al. - Readings in Medieval Rhetoric
043094: Miller, Stephen G. - Excavations at Nemea II: The Early Hellenistic Stadium
001970: Miller, Roy Andrew - Japanese and the Other Altaic Languages
042632: Miller, Stephen G. - The Prytaneion; Its Function and Architectural Form
039385: Miller, Herman P. - Income Distribution in the United States
039367: Miller, Herman P. - Income of the American People
039336: Miller, Lillian B. - Patrons and Patriotism; the Encouragement of the Fine Arts in the United States 1790-1860
037210: Miller, William Ian - Eye for an Eye
037092: Miller, Sybil - Itinerant Photographer; Corpus Christi 1934
037084: Miller, Fredric M, et al. - Philadelphia Stories; a Photographic History 1920-1960
037083: Miller, Fredric M, et al. - Still Philadelphia; a Photographic History 1890-1940
036845: Miller, Mark - The Great Chile Book
036234: Miller, Kristie - Isabella Greenway; an Enterprising Woman
035774: Miller, David - Samurai Warriors
035764: Miller, Allan - Mad Amadeus Sued a Madem
035289: Miller, Juanita J. - Starward and Other Poems
034903: Miller, Susan Cummins - Fracture
033886: Miller, Henry - Crazy Cock
033206: Miller, Edwin Haviland - The Professional Writer in Elizabethan England; a Study of Nondramatic Literature
032818: Miller, Alec - Tradition in Sculpture
032348: Miller, Leed, Ed - From the Heart; Voices of the American Indian
031145: Miller, Timothy, Ed - America's Laternative Religions
030003: Miller, John Chester - The Wolf by the Ears; Thomas Jefferson and Slavery
027509: Miller, Kerby A. - Emigrants and Exiles; Ireland and the Irish Exodus to North America
026682: Miller, Dan, et al., Eds - Critical Paths; Blake and the Argument of Method
026634: Miller, Susan Cummins, Ed - A Sweet, Separate Intimacy; Women Writers of the American Frontier, 1800-1922
026007: Miller, Henry - Insomnia or the Devil at Large
025999: Miller, Genevieve, Ed - A Bibliography of the Writings of Henry E. Sigerist
021948: Miller, Boris Vsevolodovich - Persidsko-Russkii Slovar'
021298: Browne-Miller, Angela - Shameful Admissions; the Losing Battle to Serve Everyone in Our Universities
020942: Miller, Charles H. - Auden; an American Friendship
020046: Miller, Sue - The World Below; a Novel
020025: Miller, Terry E. - Folk Music in America; a Reference Guide
019808: Miller, Lynn H. - Global Order; Values and Power in International Politics
019116: Miller, Henry - Dear, Dear Brenda; the Love Letters of Henry Miller to Brenda Venus
016106: Miller, Gloria Bley - The Thousand Recipe Chinese Cookbook
015924: Miller, Robert A. - August 1944; the Campaign for France
015923: Miller, Nathan - U.S. Navy; an Illustrated History
015922: Miller, Francis Trevelyan - The Photographic History of the CIVIL War. Part 5: Forts and Artillery
015486: Miller, Robert Hopkins - Vietnam and Beyond; a Diplomat's Cold War Education
015348: Miller, Marc Scott - The Iorny of Victory; World War II and Lowell, Massachusetts
014434: Miller, Donald L. - Lewis Mumford; a Life
012309: Miller, Char, Ed - On the Border; an Environmental History of San Antonio
011841: Miller, Robert Ryal - For Science and National Glory; the Spanish Scientific Expedtion to America, 1862-1866
011776: Fülöp-Miller, René - Triumph over Pain
011496: Miller, Karl - Cockburn's Millenium
011495: Miller, Edward - Portrait of a College; a History of the College of Saint John the Evangelist, Cambridge
010003: Miller, Stuart Creighton - The Unwelcome Immigrant; the American Image of the Chinese, 1785-1882
009957: Miller, Douglas T. - Jacksonian Aristocracy; Class and Democracy in New York, 1830-1860
007991: Miller, Ross - American Apocalyapse; the Great Fire and the Myth of Chicago
007669: Miller, Ernest C. - This Was Early Oil; Contemporary Accounts of the Growing Petroleum Industry, 1848-1885
007668: Miller, John - Egotopia; Narcissism and the New American Landscape
007329: Miller, James M. - The Genesis of Western Culture; the Upper Ohio Valley, 1800-1825
006842: Miller, Lillian B. - The Dye Is Now Cast"; the Road to American Independence, 1774-1776
006632: Miller, James M. - The Genesis of Western Culture; the Upper Ohio Valley, 1800-1825
006041: Miller, Douglas T. - Jacksonian Aristocracy; Class and Democracy in New York, 1830-1860
005225: Miller, Christopher L. - Prophetic Worlds; Indians and Whites on the Columbia Plateau
003913: Miller, Helen Hill - The Case for Liblerty
002601: Miller, Molly - The Thalassocracies; Studies in Chronography, II
002600: Miller, Molly - The Sicilian Colony Dates; Studies in Chronography I.
050614: Millet, Victor - Epica Germanica Y Tradiciones Epicas Hispanicas: Waltharius Y Gaiferos. La Leyenda de Walther de Aquitania Y Su Relacion Con El Romance de Gaiferos
012233: Millett, John - The Nine Lives of Big Meg O'Shannessy
008995: Millett, Robert W. - The Vultures and the Phoenix; a Study of the Mandrake Press Edition of the Paintings of D.H. Lawrence
048191: Millgram, Abraham E., Ed - An Anthology of Medieval Hebrew Literature
049127: Milligan, Max - Realm of the Incas
035079: Millman, Lawlrlence - Wolverine Creates the World; Labrador Indian Tales
034265: Millner, Cork - Vintage Cork
017412: Millon, Henry A., Ed - Key Monuments of the History of Architecture
044294: Mills, David - The Chester Mystery Cycle; a New Edition with Modernised Spelling
041176: Mills, Frederick C. - The Structure of Postwar Prices
039626: Mills, Frederick C. - Productivity and Economic Progress
039399: Mills, Edwin S., Ed - Economic Analysis of Environmental Problems
022487: Mills, Edwin S. - Price, Output, and Inventory Policy; a Study in the Economics of the Firm and Industry
050084: Mills, A. D. - A Dictionary of English Place-Names
019791: Mills, Lisa Nicole - Science and Social Context; the Regulation of Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone in North America
015350: Mills, Daniel Quinn - Government, Labor, and Inflation; Wage Stabilization in the United States
1378: Mills, C. Wright - Images of Man; the Classic Tradition in Sociological Thinking. Selected and Edited with an Introduction by C. Wright Mills
006899: Mills, Gordon - Hamlet's Castle; the Study of Literature As a Social Experience
006891: Mills, Nicolaus - American and English Fiction in the Nineteenth Century; an Antigenre Critique and Comparison
005522: Mills, Nicolaus - American English Fiction in the Nineteenth Century; an Antigenre Critique and Comparison
048185: Lees-Milne, James - Deep Romantic Chasm; Diaries, 1979-1981
034228: Grinnell-Milne, Duncan - The Triumph of Integrity; a Portrait of Charles de Gaulle
013981: Milne, A. J. M. - The Social Philosophy of English Idealism
613: Lees-Milne, James - Tudor Renaissance. London, Etc.
039572: Milner, Joseph - Gibbon's Account of Christianity Considered Together with Some Strictures on Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion 1781
021489: Milner, Henry - Sweden; Social Democracy in Practice
021108: Milner, Clyde A., II, Ed - A New Signficance; Re-Envisioning the History of the American West
011497: Milner, Gamaliel - The Threshold of the Victorian Age
019118: Milofsky, David - Eternal People
053485: Milosh, Joseph E. - The Scale of Perfection and the English Mystical Tradition
052911: Milosz, Czeslaw - The History of Polish Literature
049936: Milton, John - The Poetical Works of John Milton
033204: Milton, John - The Student's Milton
025969: Lanyon, MIlton and Laurence Bulmore - Cinnabar Hills; the Quicksilver Days of New Almaden
021705: Milton, John - The Poetical Works of John Milton
020360: Milton, Giles - The Riddle and the Knight; in Search of Sir John Mandeville, the World's Greatest Traveller
019243: Milton, Joyce - Loos of Eden; a Biography of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh
008510: Milton, John - South Dakota; a Bicentennial History
004130: Singer, Milton and Bernard S. Cohn, Eds - Structure and Change in Indian Society
049662: Milton, John - The Poetical Works of John Milton
044884: Cranaki, Mimica and Yvon Belaval - Nathalie Sarraute
022279: Zhou, Min and Carl L. Bankston III - Growing Up American; How Vietnamese Children Adapt to Life in the United States
023100: Minasian, Stanley, et al. - The World's Whales; the Complete Illustrated Guide
022152: Minatoya, Lydia Yuri - Talking to High Monks in the Snow; an Asian American Odyssey
017203: Minc, Alain - La Grande Illusion
045469: Mincheva, Angelina - Starbülgarski Kirilski Otküsletsi
044821: Minear, Erin - Reverberating Song in Shakespeare and Milton; Language, Memory, and Musical Representation
026247: Minelli, Alessandro, Ed - The Botanical Garden of Padua 1545-1955
038008: Miner, Earl, Ed - English Criticism in Japan; Essays by Younger Japanese Scholars on English and American Literature
012811: Miner, Horace - The Primitive City of Timbuctoo
009123: Miner, Earl, Ed - Stuart and Georgian Moments; Clark Library Seminar Papers on Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century English Literature
024168: Minerbi, Sergio I. - The Vatican and Zionism; Conflict in the Holy Land 1895-1925
015287: Mines, John Flavel - A Tour Around New York and My Summer Acre, Being the Recreations of Mr. Felix Oldby
002313: Tcheng-Ming, B. Tchang - Le Parallélisme Dans Les Vers Du Cheu King
040245: Yao Ming - Yao; a Life in Two Worlds
004300: Kao Ming - The Lute; Kao Ming's P'i-P'a Chi
036955: Mingay, G. E., Ed - The Victorian Country Side. Volume 2
036192: Mingay, Gordon - Mrs Hurst Dancing and Other Scenes from Regency Life 1812-1823
043140: Minguet, René - Géographie Industrielle de Paris
045658: Miniati, Mara - Museo Di Storia Della Scienza: Catalogo
037924: Minick, Bob - Hills of Home; the Rural Ozarks
024336: Minis, C. - Bibliographie Zu Den Altmittel- Und Altniederfränkischen Psalmen Und Glossen
024335: Mink, Louis O. - Mind, History, and Dialectic; the Philosophy of R.G. Collingwood
030759: Meyer-Minnemann, Klaus - Der Spanischamerikanische Roman Des Fin de Siècle
028548: University of Minnesota - The Crisis of Mankind; the Urgent Educational Tasks of the University in Our Time
017332: Minney, R. J. - The Tower of London
011498: Minney, R. J. - The Edwardian Age
001971: Minnis, Noel - Linguistics at Large; the Fourteen Linguistic Lectures Presented by the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, 1969-70
052540: Minnis, A. J. Ed - Late-Medieval Religious Texts and Their Trannsmittion; Essays in Honour of A.I. Doyle
048672: Minns, Ellis H. - Scythians and Greeks; a Survey of Ancient History and Archaeology on the North Coast of the Euxine from the Danube to the Caucasus
022506: Minsky, Marvin, Ed - Semantic Information Processing
028272: Mintz, Alan - Hurban; Responses to Catastrophe in Hebrew Literature
021287: Mintzberg, Henry - The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning; Reconceiving Roles for Planning, Plans, Planners
006698: Miquelon, Dale - Dugard of Rouen; French Trade to Canada and the West Indies, 1729-1770
019997: Mirabeau, Honoré-Gabriel De Riquetti, Comte De - The Secret History of the Court of Berlin
018141: Mirambel, André - Grammaire Du Grec Moderne
016852: Miramontes, Octavio - Consecuencias Para Mexico de Una Guerra Nuclear: La Precipitacion Radiactive
1111: Eliade, Mircea and Joseph M. Kitagawa - The History of Religions; Essays in Methodology. Edited by Mircea Eliade an D Joseph M. Kitagawa
051918: Chazan, Mireille and Nancy Freeman Regalado, Eds - Lettres, Musique Et Société En Lorraine Médiévale Autour Du Tournoi de Chauvency (Ms. Oxford Bodleaian Douce 308)
037789: Isasi, Mirim and Melcena Burns Denny - White Stars of Freedom; a Basque Shepehrd Boy Becomes an American
009256: Miroff, Bruce - Icons of Democracy; American Leaders As Heroes, Aristocrats, Dissenters, and Democrats
027869: Mirren, Helen - In the Frame; My Life in Words and Pictures
046711: Misch, Ludwig - Neue Beethoven-Studien Und Andere Themen
042568: Misch, Georg - Vom Lebens- Und Gedankenkreis Wilhelm Diltheys
017333: Misciattelli, Perio - Savonarola
007318: Mish, Charles C. - English Prose Fiction, 1600-1700; a Chronological Checklist
040048: Mishan, E. J. - The Costs of Economic Growth
006414: Miskotte, Kornelis Heiko - Wenn Die Götter Schweigen; Vom Sinn Des Alten Testaments
003014: Mispoulet, J.-B - études D'Institutions Romaines
046194: Misrahi, Jean - Le Roman Des Sept Sages
018924: Missingham, Hal - Design Focus
014486: Missingham, Hal - Design Focus
035689: Mistry, Rohinton - Family Matters
027778: Mitcham, Samuel W., Jr. - Rommel's Greatest Victory; the Desert Fox and the Fall of Tobruk, Spring 1942
037709: Mitchell, Donald G. - My Farm of Edgewood; a Country Book
036994: Mitchell, John Hanson - The Wildest Place on Earth; Italian Gardens and the Invention of Wilderness
036398: Mitchell, P. Chalmers - The Childhood of Animals
053482: Mitchell, Bruce - An Invitation to Old English and Anglo-Saxon England
032822: Mitchell, William J. - E-Topia; "Urban Life, Jim--But Not As We Know It
030915: Mitchell, Donald - Benjamin Britten, 1913-1976; a Pictorial Biography
028534: Mitchell, Betty - Delyte Morris of Siu
052254: Mitchell, S. Weir - The Early History of Instrumental Precision in Medicine
022033: Mitchell, Mairin - The Maritime History of Russia 848-1948
021458: Mitchell, William J. - City of Bits; Space, Place, and the Infobahn
053572: Mitchell, John D., Ed - The Red Pear Garden; Three Great Drams on Revolutionary China
050619: Mitchell, C. H. - The Illustrated Books of the Nanga, Maruyama, Shijo and Other Related Schools of Japan; a Biobibliography
007146: Cohen, Mitchell and Dennis Hale, Eds - The New Student Left; an Anthology
004792: Mitchell, Brian - Women in the Military; Flirting with Disaster
003916: Mitchell, John - The Present State of Great Britain and North America, with Regard to Agricutlre, Population, Trade, and Manufactures, Impartially Considered
025927: Mitchinson, David - Henry Moore; Unpublished Drawings
025881: Mitchison, Naomi - Return to the Fairy Hill
051461: Miterre, Paul - Saint Bernard de Clairvaux; Un Moine Arbietre de L'Europe Au Xiie Siècle
003421: Mitford, T. B. - The Inscriptions of Kourion
008310: Mitgang, Herbert - The Man Who Rode the Tiger; the Life and Times of Judge Samuel Seabury
021131: Segi, Mitsuo and Minoru Kurihara - Cancer Mortality for Selected Sites in 24 Countries: No. 6 (1966-1967)
021128: Segi, Mitsuo and Minoru Kurihara - Cancer Mortality for Selected Sites in 24 Countries. No. 4 (1962-1963)
045725: Mitteis, Heinrich - Lehnrecht Und Staatsgewalt; Untersuchungen Zur Mittelalterlichen Verfassungsgeschichte
012813: Mittelman, James H. - Ideology and Politics in Uganda; from Obote to Amin
001849: Mittenzwei, Johannes - Das Musikalische in Der Literatur; Ein ûberblick Von Gottfried Von StraßBurg Bis Brecht
038058: Mitter, Rana - A Bitter Revolution; China's Struggle with the Modern World
043560: Mitternacht, Johann Sebastian - Dramen 1662/1667
043171: Mittler, Elmar, Ed - Bibliotheca Palatina; Katalog Zur Ausstellung Vom 8. Juli Bis 2. November 1986, Heiliggeistkirche Heidelberg
009847: Mitzka, Walther, Ed - Wortgeographie Und Gesellschaft
022294: Mitzman, ARthur - Michelet, Historian; Rebirth and Romanticsm in Nineteenth-Century France
027127: Mixner, David - Stranger Among Friends
039003: Miyagawa, Torao, Ed - Chinese Painting
050359: Miyoshi, Masao - As We Saw Them; the First Japanese Embassy to the United States (1860)
040045: Mizutani, Osamu - Japanese: The Spoken Language in Japanese Life
022684: Mlyrik, Jurij - Serbska Bibliografija 1945-1957 Z Dodawkami Do 1945. Sorbische Bibliographie 1945-1957 Mit Nachträgen Bis 1945
009707: Moczygemba, Gustav - Die Teleologie Des Germanisch-Hochdeutschen Lautwandels
038387: Modica, Andrea - Andrea Modica: At the Edge of Fiction
045099: Modleski, Tania - The Women Who Knew Too Much; Hitchcock and Feminist Theory
045012: Moeder, John M. - Early Catholicity in Kansas and History of the Diocese of Wichita
031975: Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich Von - Der Glaube Der Hellenen
053048: Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich Von - Der Glaube Der Hellenen
053798: Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von - History of Classical Scholarship
015931: Moeller, Susan D. - Shooting War; Photography and the American Experience of Combat
043959: Moerman, H. J. - Nederlandse Plaatsnamen; Een Overzicht
029592: Moes, Robert - Korean Art from the Brooklyn Museum Collection
014368: Moes, Robert - Auspicious Spirits; Korean Folk Paintings and Related Objects
004793: Mofat, Jay Pierrepont - The Moffat Papers; Selections from the Diplomatic Journals of Jay Pierrepont Moffat, 1919-1943
035218: Moffett, Charles S. - The New Painting; Impressionism 1874-1886
026027: Moffett, Charles S. - The New Painting; Impressionism 1874-1886; an Exhibition Organized by the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco with the National Gallery of Art, Washington
029831: Clifton-Mogg, Caroline - The Neoclassical Source Book
044454: Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin - Iran in World Politics; the Question of the Islamic Republic
040261: Mogulof, Melvin B. - Saving the Coast; California'a Experiment in Intergovernmental Land Use Control
040836: Yi-Moh, Mo - La Personne Dans L'éthique Du Confucianisme Ancien
053489: Ali Mohammed - A New Guide to Afghanistan
003917: Mohl, Raymond A. - Poverty in New York, 1783-1825
043900: Möhler, J.-A - L'Unité Dans L'Eglise Ou le Principe Du Catholicisme D'Après L'Esprit Des Pères Des Trois Premiers Siècles de L'Eglise
013757: Mohn, V. Paul - Ludwig Richter
053338: Mohr, Walter - Die Karolingische Reichsidee
014565: Mohrenschildt, Dimitri S. Von - Russia in the Intellectual Life of Eighteenth-Century France
030912: Mohrmann, G. P., Et al., Eds - Explorations in Rhetorical Criticism
035908: Moine, Marie-Pierre - Cuisine Grand-Mere; Traditional French Home Cooking
045447: Mois, Toril - Simone de Beauvoir; the Making of an Intellectual Woman
033173: Moiseiwitsch, Tanya - The Stage Is All the World; the Theatrical Designs of Tanya Moiseiwitsch
040879: Mojsisovics, Edgar Von - Metrik Und Sprache Rustebeuf's
034909: Lamani, Mokhtar and Bessma Momani, Eds - From Desolation to Reconstruction; Iraq's Troubled Journey
014261: Mølbjerg, Hans - Svend Engelund
047260: Molière, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin De - Oeuvres Complètes de Molière
034235: Molière, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin De - Tartuffe or the Hypocrite
049494: Molière, Jean-Baptiste Poquelin De - Oeuvres Complètes de Molière
052657: Molina, Luis de (1535-1600) - Ludovici Molina Liberi Arbitrii Cum Gratiae Donis, Divina Praescientia, Providentia, Praedestinatione Et Reprobatione Concordia
032643: Molina, Tirso De - Privar Contra Su Gusto
022243: Molina, Tirso De - The Theatre of Don Juan; a Collection of Plays and Views, 1630-1963
051219: Molinaro, Simone - Intavolatura Di Liuto. Libro Primo
050300: Molinelli, Piera, Ed - Standard E Non Standard; Tra Scelta E Norma. Atti Del XXX Convegno Della Società Italiana Di Glottologia
051486: Molinier, Nicolas - Ascèse, Contemplation Et Ministère D'Après L'Histoire Lausiaque de Pallade D'héLénopolis
052559: Mollat, Michel - Les Pauvres Au Moyen Age; étude Sociale
027203: Mollema, J. C. - De Eerste Schipvaart Der Hollanders Aaar Oost-Indie 1595-1597
043884: Mollenhoff, Clark R. - Atanasoff, Forgototen Father of the Computer
023338: Mollenkott, Virginia Ramey - Sensuous Spirituality; out from Fundamentalism
040922: Möller, Pontus, et al. - ätterna Knorring
034498: Möller, Theodor - Die Welt Der Halligen
034496: Möller, Theodor - Das Gesicht Der Heimat; Landschafts- Und Kulturbilder Aus Schlewsig-Holstein
020099: Möller, Håkan - Den Wallinska Dikten Från Informatorsåren Till Dödens ängel
016570: Møller, J. S. - Folkedragter I Nordvestsjaelland; Deres Forhold Til Folkedragterne I Det øvrige Sjaelland Og Til de Skiftende Moder
052512: Mollerup, Per - Marks of Excellence; the History and Taxonomy of Trademarks
015532: Molloy, Fitzgerald - The Sailor King, William the Fourth; His Court and His Subjects
038045: Bendall, Molly and Gail Wronsky - Calamity and Belle; Cowgirl Correspondence
028273: Molnar, Thomas - Sartre, Ideologue of Our Time
020917: Momeni, Jamshid A. - Demography of Racial and Ethnic Minorities in the United States; an Annotated Bibliography with a Review Essay
050955: Mommaers, Paul - Wat Is Mystiek
042884: Mommsen, Karl Johann Tycho - Annotationis Criticae Supplementum Ad Pindari Olympias
015631: Monaca, James - How to Read a Film; the Art, Technology, Language, History and Theory of Film and Media
045726: Monaci, Ernesto - Crestomazia Italiana Dei Primi Secoli Con Prospetto Grammaticale E Glossario
014576: Monaghan, Jay - Schoolboy, Cowboy, Mexican Spy
007118: Monaghan, Jay, Ed - The Book of the American West
034793: Monahan, Arthur P. - From Personal Duties Towards Personal Rights; Late Medieval and Early Modern Political Thought, 1300-1600
019863: Monahan, Edward J. - Collective Autonomy; a History of the Council of Ontario Universities, 1962-2000
001785: Scott-Moncrieff, David - The Veteran Motor-Car
036180: Hope Moncrieff, A. R., Ed - Black's Guide to Devonshire
011582: Scott-Moncrieff, George - Edinburgh
050743: Mondfeld, Wolfram Zu - Historic Ship Models
046423: Monestier, Martin - Histoire Et Bizarreries Sociales Des Excréments Des Origines à Nos Jours
034240: Money, Keith - The Art of Margot Fonteyn
015395: Money, Keith - The Art of the Royal Ballet
049279: Monfrin, Jacques - études de Philoloogie Romane
018338: Mongait, Alexandr - Arkheologiia V Sssr
045562: Mongrédien, Georges - Les Précieux Et Les Précieuses
045568: Rodriguez Moñino, Antonio - Viaje a España Del Rey Don Sebastian de Portugal (1576-1577)
006619: Rodriguez-Moñino, Antonio - Critical Reconstruction Vs. Historical Reality of Spanish Poetry in the Golden Age
033376: Parent, Monique and Jean Levaillant - Paul Valéry Contemporain; Colloques Organisés En Novembre 1971
052466: Geoffrey of Monmouth - Historia Regum Britanniae
017307: Le Monnier, Léon - Histoire de Saint François D'Assise
006417: Monnier, Henri - La Mission Historique de Jésus
034036: Monod, Jules - La Cité Antique de PompéI: Histoire, Fouilles, Monuments, Rues, Maisons, Moeurs, Vie Intime, Inscriptions
046392: Monroe, Harriet - The Difference and Other Poems Including the Columbian Ode
053513: Junior League of Monroe, Inc - The Cotton Country Collection
019573: Monsman, Gerald Cornelius - Pater's Portraits; Mythic Pattern in the Fiction of Walter Pater
008635: Montagna, Lino - L'Arte Del Barocco in Boemia
035553: Montagné, Prosper - The New Larouuse Gastronomique; the Encyclopedia of Food, Wine and Cookery
035552: Montagné, Prosper - Larousse Gastronomique; the Encyclopedia of Food, Wine and Cookery
032913: Havard de la Montagne, Robert - Histoire de "L'Action Française
048334: Montagnes, Bernard - Marie-Joseph Lagrange; Une Biographie Critique
028475: Montagnes, Ian - An Uncommon Fellowship the Story of Hart House
031020: Montagu, Jean-Yves - Burma
003178: Montague, William Pepperell - The Ways of Knowing or the Methods of Philosophy
052489: Montaiglon, A. de, Ed - L'Amant Rendu Cordelier à L'Observance D'Amours
014423: Montale, Eugenio - New Poems: A Selection from Satura and Diario Del '71 E Del '72
029394: Montalembert, Charles Forbes, comte De - Le Père Lacordaire
052502: Rodriguez de Montalvo, Garci - Amadis de Gaula
023933: Montand, Yves - You See, I Haven't Forgotten
045921: Montchrestien, Antoine De - Les Lacènes
045902: Montchrestien,Antoine De - Aman
045594: Montchrestien, Antoine De - Two Tragedies: Hectorr and la Reine D'Escosse
027217: Del Monte, Alberto - Itinerario Del Romanzo Picaresco Spagnolo
032306: Monteath, Colin, et al. - Wild Ice; Antarctic Journeys
042493: Monteiro, Clovis - Português Da Europa E Português Da America; Aspectos Da Evolução Do Nosso Idioma
011849: Monteiro, Hernani - Origens Da Cirurgia Portuense
009728: Monteiro, Clovis - Português Da Europa E Português Da America; Aspectos Da Evolução Do Nos Idioma
013086: Montel, Costanze Segre - La Pittura Romanica Nell'Italia Settentrionale
028951: Montelius, Oscar - Die Kultur Schwedens in Vorchristlicher Zeit
023057: Monteon, Michael - Chile in the Nitrate Era; the Evolution of Economic Dependence 1880-1930
046656: Monter, William - The Rise of Female Kings in Europe, 1300-1800
040643: Monter, E. William - Studies in Genevan Government (1536-1605)
041690: Montergnole, Bernard - La Presse Grenobloise de la Libération 1944-1952
033162: Rodriguez de Montes, Maria Luisa - Muestra de Literatura Oral En Leticia, Amazonas
046270: Montesinos, José F. - Pereda O la Novela Idilio
040677: Montesinos, José F. - Entre Renacimiento Y Barroco; Cuatro Escritos inéditos
028325: Montesinos, José F. - Introducción a Una Historia de la Novela En España En El Siglo XIX
019120: Montesquieu, Charles Louis, Baron De - Persian and Chinese Letters, Being the Lettres Persanes
002603: Montet, Pierre - La Vie Quotidienne En égypte Au Temps Des Ramsès (Xiiie-Xiie Siècles Avant J. -C. )
005718: Monteverdi, Claudio - Third Book of Madrigals for Viol Consort
024994: Montgomery, George S., Jr. - The Return of Adam Smith
053187: Montgomery, Thomas - El Evangelio de San Mateo Segun El Manuscrito Escuralense I.I. 6; Texto, Gramatica, Vocabulario
005212: Montgomery, Charles F. - A History of American Pewter
029313: Montherlant, Henry De - La Marée Du Soir (Carnets 1968-1971)
014337: Monti, Franco - Precolumbian Terracottas
014325: Monti, Franco - African Masks
041820: Mizrachi-Hapoel Hamizrachi Women's Organization of Montreal - Recipes Mother Never Knew; a Collection of Treasured Kosher Recipes Compiled in Menu Form by the Rohr-Soloway Chapter
029326: Gerbert de Montreuil - La Continuation de Perceval
052100: Gerbert de Montreuil - Le Roman de la Violette Ou de Gerart de Nevers
016524: Monts, Carl, Graf Von - Napoleon III Auf Wilhelmshöhe 1870/71; Nach Aufzeichnungen Des Generals D. Infant
026594: Montuori, Mario - De Socrate Iuste Damnato; the Rise of the Socratic Problem in the Eighteenth Century
043640: International Council on Monuments and Sites - Icomos: Pro Romania. Exposition/Exhibition/Ausstellung, Paris, London, München, Kopenhagen, Stockholm 1989/1990
042123: Mooij, Jan Johann Albinn - La Philosophie Des Mathématiques de Henri Poincaré
034727: Moolenbroek, Jaap Van - Wonderen Voor Alledag; Elf Opstellen over Godsdienst En Samenleving in de Middeleeuwen
039268: Moon, Marilyn, Ed - Economic Transfers in the United States
039147: Moon, Marilyn - The Measurement of Economic Welfare; Its Application to the Aged Poor
022344: Moon, J. Donald - Constructing Community; Moral Pluralism and Tragic Conflicts
022322: Heat-Moon, William Least - River-Horse; the Logbook of a Boat Across America
015936: Moon, Tom - This Grim and Savage Game; Oss and the Beginning of U.S. Covert Operations in World War II
036046: Moonsammy, Rita Zorn, et al., Eds - Pinelands Folklife
048821: Moore, Geoffrey A. - Dealing with Darwin; How Great Companies Innovate at Every Phase of Their Evolution
048092: Moore, Robert Etheridge - Henry Purcell & the Restoration Theatre
052128: Moore, R. W. - Comparative Greek and Latin Syntax
045414: Moore, Marianne - The Complete Poems of Marianne Moore
044006: Moore, Edward C. - American Pragmatism: Peirce, James, and Dewey
043660: Moore, Margaret E. - Understanding British English
041152: Moore, Will G. - French Classical Literature; an Essay
040573: Moore, Robert Etheridge - Hogarth's Literary Relationships
001664: Moore, Wilbert E. - Economic Demography of Eastern and Southern Europe
037549: Moore, Doris Langley - The Child in Fashion
037443: Moore, David G. - False Idols
036677: Moore, George - Conversations in Ebury Street
034140: Moore, Don D., Ed - Webster; the Critical Heritage
033425: Moore, W. G. - Molière: A New Criticism
033148: Moore, Rosalie - Year of the Children; Poems for a Narrative
032113: Moore, Charles W., Et al. - The Poetics of Gardens
031851: Moore, Frank Gardner - The Roman's World
028442: Moore, Henry - Henry Moore at the British Museum
027565: Moore, George Edward - Principia Ethica
025941: Moore, Henry - Henry Moore; Energy in Space
024431: Moore, Marianne - The Selected Letters of Marianne Moore
024312: Moore, Kevin Z. - The Descent of the Imagination; Postromantic Culture in the Later Novels of Thomas Hardy
016768: Damon-MOore, Helen - Magazines for the Millions; Gender and Commerce in the Ladies' Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post, 1880-1910
050690: Moore, R. I. - The Formation of a Persecuting Society; Powere and Deviance in Western Europe, 950-1250
014714: Moore, N. Hudson - The Collector's Manual
014703: Moore, N. Hudson - The Old Furniture Book; with a Sketch of Past Days and Ways
014469: Moore, Henry - Henry Moore; Sculptures in Landscape
013985: Moore, Stanley W. - The Critique of Capitalist Democracy; an Introduction to the Theory of the State in Marx, Engels, and Lenin
013587: Moore, R. J. - Sir Charles Wood's Indian Policy, 1853-66
013258: Moore, Walter - Schrödinger; Life and Thought
011503: Moore, Doris Langley - Marie & the Duke of H; the Daydream Love Affair of Marie Bashkirtseff
005829: Moore, Doris Langley - E. Nesbit; a Biography
005629: Moore, George - George Moore in Transition; Letters to T. Fisher Unwin and Lena Milman, 1894-1910
004794: Moore, J. Hampton - Roosevelt and the Old Guard
051400: Moore, Kenneth - Those of the Street; the Catholic-Jews of Mallorca. A Study in Urban Cultural Change
010766: Moorehead, Alan - Cooper's Creek; the Opening of Australia
008095: Moorehead, Alan - The Fatal Impact; an Account of the Invasion of the South Pacific, 1767-1840
049801: Moorehead, Alan - Gallipoli
050811: Moorhead, James H. - Princeton Seminary in American Religion and Culture
048843: Moorman, Charles - Editing the Middle English Manuscript
036092: Moorman, Theo - Weaving As an Art Form; a Personal Statement
011286: Moortgat, A. - Bildwerk Und Volkstum Vorderasiens Zur Hethiterzeit
051128: Mooser, Robert-Aloys - Annales de la Musique Et Des Musiciens En Russie Au Xviiime Siècle
027494: Mora, Carl J. - Mexican Cinema; Reflections of a Society 1896-1980
043282: Lopez Morales, Humberto - Estudios Sobre El Español de Cuba
030920: Moran, William R. - Nellie Melba; a Contemporary Review
051287: Morante, Elsa - Aracoeli; Romanzo
048082: Morawetz, David - Twenty-Five Years of Economic Development 1950 to 1975
019221: Morazé, Charles - La France Bourgeoise Xviiie-Xxe Siècles
035201: Morby, John E. - Dynasties of the World; a Chronological and Genealogical Handbook
050521: Morby, John E. - Dynasties of the World; a Chronological and Genealogical Handbook
046298: Morche, Gunther - Muster Und Nachahmung; Eine Untersuchung Der Klasischen Französischen Orgelmusik
040440: Morciniec, Norbert - Kontrastive Phonemik; Deutsch-Niederländisch, Niederländisch-Deutsch
031374: Mordden, Ethan - A Guide to Orchestral Music; the Handbook for Non-Musicians
030938: Mordden, Ethan - Rodgers & Hammerstein
030937: Mordden, Ethan - A Guide to Opera Recordings
026951: Mordden, Ethan - How Long Has This Been Going on
018683: Mordden, Ethan - Opera Anecdotes
018684: Mordden, Ethan - Opera in the Twentieth Century; Sacred, Profane, Godot
018682: Mordden, Ethan - Demented; the World of the Opera Diva
052776: Mordek, Hubert - Bibliotheca Capitularium Regum Francorum Manuscripta; ûberlieferung Und Traditionszusammenhang Der Fränkischen Herrschererlasse
1463: (More, Thomas). Edited by Michael J. Moore - Quincentennial Essays on St. Thomas More; Selected Papers from the Thomas M Ore College Conference
028009: Moreau, Geneviève - The Restless Journey of James Agee
006420: Morell, J. D. - On the Philosophical Tendencies of the Age
033627: Morelli, Serena - Le Carte Di Léon Cadier Alla Bibliothèque Nationale de France; Contributo Alla Ricostruzione Della Cancelleria Angioina
042155: Moreno, Ralph - A Man's Estate
023059: Moreno, Francisco Jose - Legitimacy and Stability in Latin America; a Study of Chilean Political Culture
002605: Moret, Alexandre - Le Nil Et la Civilisation égyptienne
042263: Morev, L. N., Et al. - The Lao Language
052047: Morewedge, Rosmarie Thee, Ed - The Role of Woman in the Middle Ages; Papers of the Sixth Annual Conference of the Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton, 6-7 May 1972
047744: Engle, Morey and Bernard Kelly - Denver's Man with a Camera; the Photographs of Harry Rhoads
046447: Morey, Kathy - Hot Showers, Soft Beds, & Dahyikes in the Sierra; Wals & Strolls Near Lodgings
686: Morey, Charles Rufus - Mediaeval Art
049468: Morford, M. P. O. - The Poet Lucan; Studies in Rhetorical Epic
049007: Morgan, Evan - A Guide to Wenli Styles and Chinese Ideals; Essays, Edicts, Proclamations, Memorials, Letters, Documents, Inscription, Commericial Papers. Chinese Text with English Translation and Notes
046665: Morgan, Lewis H. - Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity of the Human Family
039383: Morgan, James N., Et al. - Income and Welfare in the United States
037021: Morgan, Barbara - Barbara Morgan
027430: Morgan, Kenneth O., Ed - The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain
052996: Morgan, Edmund S. - The Genuine Article; a Historian Looks at Early America
021103: Morgan, Dan - Rising in the West; the True Story of an "Okie" Family from the Great Depression Through the Reagan Years
020429: Morgan, Dan - Merchants of Grain
013332: Morgan, Bryan, Ed - The Great Trains
011838: Morgan, William Gerry - The American College of Physicians; Its First Quarto Century
005766: Morgan, Glenn G. - Soviet Administrative Legality; the Role of the Attorney General's Office
049568: Grasselli, Margaret Morgan and Pierre Rosenberg - Watteau 1684-1721
010083: Morgenstern, Christian - Alle Galgenlieder: Galgenlieder, PalmströM, Palma Kunkel, Gingganz
042176: Morghen, Raffaello - Bonifacio VIII E IL Giubileo Del 1300 Nella Storiografia Moderna
039543: Mori, Ogai - Saiki Koi and Other Stories
051651: Móricz, Klára - Jewish Identities; Nationalism, Racism, and Utopianism in Twentieth-Century Music
006657: Morier, James - The Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan
044249: Morillo, Stephen - Warfare Under the Anglo-Norman Kings 1066-1135
039805: Moring, John - Early American Naturalists; Exploring the American West 1804-1900
050582: Morinigo, Maracos A. - Hispanismos En El Guarani; Estudio Sobre la Penetracion de la Cultura Española En la Guarani, Segun Se Refleja En la Lengua
048258: Morison, W. A. - Studies in Russian Forms and Uses; the Present Gerund and Active Participle
036072: Morison, Samuel Eliot - By Land and by Sea; Essays and Addresses
004195: Morison, Elting E. - From Know-How to Nowhere; the Development of American Technology
038268: Morisot, Berthe - Berthe Morisot. Drawings/Pastels/Watercolors
035707: Moritz, Carl Philip - Journeys of a German in England in 1782
050459: Wagner, Moritz and Carl Scherzer - Reisen in Nordamerika in Den Jahren 1852 Und 1853
051222: Morlaye, Guillaume - Psaumes de Pierre Certon Réduits Pour Chant Et Luth
039053: Morley, Christopher - Old Loopy; a Love Letter for Chicago
037645: Morley, John David - In the Labyrinth
033563: Morley, Henry, Ed - Character Writings of the Seventeenth Century
025354: Morley, John David - Pictures from the Water Trade; Adventures of a Westerner in Japan
019123: Morley, Christopher - Off the Deep End
015697: Morley, Frank - Literary Britain; a Reader's Guide to Its Writers and Landmarks
015411: Morley, Iris - Soviet Ballet
011507: Morley, John - The Life of William Ewart Gladstone
011506: Morley, Iris - A Thousand Lives; an Account of the English Revolutionary Movement, 1660-1685
010632: Morley, John David - In the Labyrinth
008431: Morley, James W., Ed - Security Interdependence in the Asia Pacific Region
041908: Morlino, Leonardo - Costruire la Democrazia; Gruppi E Partiti in Italia
016502: Mornet, Daniel - Histoire de la Littérature Et de la Pensée Françaises Contemporaines (1870-1934)
031012: Morone, James A. - Hellfire Nation; the Politics of Sin in American History
039417: Moroney, John R., Ed - Iincome Inequality; Trends and International Comparisons
031032: Mororow, Baker H. - A Dictionary of Landscape Architecture
026405: Morpurgo, J. E. - Allen Lane, King Penguin; a Biography
009661: Morpurgo, J. E., Et al. - Life Under the Stuarts
005455: Morrah, Patrick - 1660, the Year of Restoration
034693: Morrall, John B. - Political Thought in Medieval Times
036522: Morrell, Ottoline Violet Anne Cavendish-Bentinck, Lady - Ottoline at Garsington; Memoirs of Lady Ottoline Morrelol 1915-1918
048734: Morris, Richard - Journeys from Jarrow
048368: Morris, Thomas V., Ed - Philosophy and the Christian Fiath
043402: Morris, O. J. - Grandfather's London
042572: Morris, William - The Ideal Book; Essays and Lecture on the Arts of the Book
039006: Morris, C. R. - Locke, Berkeley, Hume
034259: Morris, Wright - Photographs & Words
033507: Morris, Brian, Ed - Christopher Marlowe
032669: Morris, Wright - Here Is Einbaum
032601: Morris, Brian, Ed - John Webster
030814: Engelberg, Morris and Marv Schneider - Dimaggio; Setting the Record Straight
026597: Morris, John - Londinium; London in the Roman Empire
025222: Morris, John M. - Descartes Dictionary
021262: Morris, Jan, et al. - Architecture of the British Empire
017156: Morris, Jonathan - The Political Economy of Shopkeeping in Milan 1886-1922
015941: Morris, Roy, Jr. - Sheridan; the Life and Wars of General Phil Sheridan
013502: Morris, David - Thomas Hearne and His Landscape
050882: Morris, Colin - The Discovery of the Individual, 1050-1200
049322: Morris, Wright - Collected Stories 1948-1986
006422: Morris, Charles - The Pragmatic Movement in American Philosophy
005461: Morris, Christopher, et al. - Life Under the Tudors
003920: Morris, Roger - The Devil's Butcher Shop; the New Mexico Prison Uprising
049781: Morris, Herbert - Nine Irideiscent Figures on a Vase; a Long Poem
052929: Morrison, Karl F. - Understanding Conversion
027112: Morrison, Donald F. - Multivariate Statistical Methods
027102: Morrison, Ian - The Second Curve; Managing the Velocity of Change
025604: Morrison, Richard - Orchestra; the Lso, a Century of Triumph and Turbulence
024996: Morrison, Clinton - The Powers That Be; Earthly Rulers and Demonic Powers in Romans 13. 1-7
017343: Morrison, Karl F. - Conversion and Text; the Cases of Augustine of Hippo, Herman-Judah, and Constantine Tsatsos
015942: Morrison, Wilbur H. - Point of No Return; the Story of the Twentieth Air Force
050355: Morrison, Karl F. - The Mimetic Tradition of Reform in the West
007809: Morrison, Herbert Stanley - Government and Parliament; a Survey from the Inside
021588: Morrissette, Bruce - The Novels of Robbe-Grillet
042661: Morrone, Fiorangelo - S. Bartolomeo in Galdo; Immunità, Franchigie, Libertà, Statuti
049188: Morse, Ruth, Ed - St Erkenwald
020427: Stephens, H. Morse and Herbert E. Bolton - The Pacific Ocean in History. Papers and Addresses Presented at the Panama-Pacific Historical Congress Held at San Francisco, Berkeley and Palo Alto, California, July 19-23, 1915
014712: Morse, Frances Clary - Furniture of the Olden Time
013987: Morse, J. Mitchell - Sympathetic Alien; James Joyce and Catholicism
021748: Morson, Gary Saul, Ed - Bakhtin; Essays and Dialogues on His Work
004834: Mortensen, H. Chr. C. - Studies in Bird Migration, Being the Collected Papers of H. Chr. C. Mortensen, 1856-1921
038296: Mortimer, John - Character Parts
017344: Mortimer, Richard - Angevin England, 1154-1258
011508: Mortimer, Roger - The Jockey Club
001973: Morton, John - Biological and Social Factors in Psycholinguistcs
024339: Morton, Michael - The Critical Turn; Studies in Kant, Herder, Wittgenstein, and Contemporary History
020541: Johnston, Carol Morton and Harry Morton - The Farthest Corner; New Zealand--a Twice Discovered Land
011509: Morton, Andrew - Inside Buckingham Palace
007679: Morton, Marian J. - The Terrors of Ideological Politics Liberal Historians in a Conservative Mood
049824: Morton, Rose ANita, Sisater - An Appreciation of Robert Southwell
002440: Morton, Marian J. - The Terrors of Ideological Politics; Liberal Historians in a Conservative Mood
049086: Moscati, Sabatino, et al., Eds - The Celts
042564: Moscati, Sabatino - Nuove Passeggiate Laziali; Storia E Paesaggi Da Riscoprire
011290: Moscati, Sabatino - The World of the Phoenicians
011289: Moscati, Sabatino - Oriente in Nuova Luce; Saggi Sulle Civiltà Dell'Asia Anteriore
003180: Moscati, Sabatino - Geschichte Und Kultur Der Semitischen Völker
031854: Moschus and Bion - Last Flowers
021087: Mosele, Elio - George Sand Et Son Temps I-[III]; Hommage à Annarosa Poli
014334: Moseley, Michael E. - Peru's Golden Treasures; an Essay on Five Ancient Styles
013123: Moseley, George - The Party and the National Question in China
001850: Moser, Hans Joachim - Kleine Deutsche Musikgeschichte
002221: Moser, Hugo - Das Ringen Um Eine Neue Deutsche Grammatik; Aufsätze Aus Drei Jahrzehnten (1929-1959)
030225: Moser, Charles A. - Pisemsky, a Provincial Realist
021955: Moser, Hugo - Groß- Oder Kleinschreibung? Ein Hauptproblem Der Rechtschreibreform
021954: Moser, Hans - Zur Situation Des Deutschen in Südtirol; Sprachwissenschaftliche Beiträge Zu Den Fragen Von Sprachnorm Und Sprachkontakt
018686: Moser, Hans Joachim - Lehbuch Der Musikgeschichte
032883: Moses, Stanley, Ed - Enduring Vision; the Legacy of Bertram Gross
028029: Moses, Bernard - Spain Overseas
045746: Mosey, Richard M. - 2030: The Coming Tumult; Unlimited Growth on a Finite Planet
037608: Mosher, Jake - The Last Buffalo Hunter; a Novel
034085: Mosher, Charles A., Ed - The Cambridge History of Russian Literature
046568: Mosier, John - Verdun; the Lost History of the Most Important Battle of World War I, 1914-1918
008698: Mosier, Richard D. - The American Temper; Patterns of Our Intellectual Heritage
036094: Mosimann, Anton - Cuisine Naturelle; the Way to Better Health, Longer Life and Happiness
047803: Mosino, Franco - Note E Ricerche Linguistiche
015944: Moskin, J. Robert - Among Lions; the Battle for Jerusalem, June 5-7, 1967
020453: Mosley, Charles - Lichfield in Retrospect
015946: Mosley, Leonard - The Druid
009487: Mosley, Leonard - On Borrowed Time; How World War II Began
006057: Mosley, Leonard - Curzon; the End of an Epoch
036964: Moss, Howard - Instant Lives
026661: Moss, Paul - Japanese Netsuke: Serious Art. Outstanding Works Selected from American Collections
023063: Moss, Robert - Chile's Marxist Experiement
050166: Moss, Samantha - Photos;Style Recipes
052372: Mossé, Fernand - Manuel de la Langue Gotique; Grammaire, Textes, Notes, Glossaire
029395: Mosse, George L. - Toward the Final Solution; a History of European Racism
050305: Mossé, Fernand - A Handbook of Middle English
037183: Mostert, Noel - Frontiers; the Epic of South Africa's Creation and the Tragedy of the Xhosa People
003616: Moszkowski, Alexander - Einstein; Einblicke in Seine Gedankenwelt
010920: Bille-de Mot, Eléonore - La Grèce
025914: Motherwell, Robert - The Dedalus Sketchbooks
008117: Motion, Andrew - The Lamberts: George, Constant & Kit
002223: Motsch, Wolfgang - Syntax Des Deutschen Adjektivs
042979: Mott, F. W. - The Brain and the Voice in Speech and Song
040738: Mott, George - Foro Italico
052117: Mott, N. F. - Elements of Wave Mechanics
010634: Mottek, Hans, et al. - Studien Zur Geschichte Der Industriellen Revolution in Deutschland
033775: Vail Motter, T. H. - The School Drama in England
043378: Mouginis-Mark, Peter J., Et al. - Remote Sensing of Active Volcanism
034940: Moulakis, Athanasios - Homonoia; Eintracht Und Die Entwicklung Eines Politischen BewußTseins
036904: Moulin, Gabriel - Gabriel Moulin's San Francsico Peninsula; Town and Country Homes 1910-1930
030340: Moulton, Richard G. - Shakespeare As a Dramatic Artist; a Popular Illustration of the Principles of Scientific Criticism
024128: Moulton, J. L. - The Royal Marines
023699: Moulton, Richard G. - Shakespeare As a Dramatic Thinker; a Popular Illustration of Fiction As the Experimental Side of Philosophy
022250: Moulton, Charles Wells, Ed - The Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors
009715: Moulton, Harold G. - Controlling Factors in Economic Development
051517: Mounier, Emmanuel - Traité Du Caractère
011499: Mountbatten, Louis Mountbatten, Earl - Mountbatten; Eighty Years in Pictures
003871: Mountfield, David - A History of Polar Exploration
012250: Mountford, Charles P. - The First Sunrise; Australian Aboriginal Myths in Paintings by Ainslie Roberts
022937: Mountfort, Guy - Portrait of a Desert; the Story of an Expedition to Jordan
038785: Mourgues, Odette De - Metaphysical Baroque & Précieux Poetry
034071: Mourgues, Odette De - Racine or the Triumph of Relevance
040759: Mourret, Fernaud - La Papauté
024342: Moussa, Muhammad Youssef - Islam and Humanity's Need of It
007680: Moussavi, Fakhreddin - Guide to the Hanna Collection and Related Archival Materials at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace on the Role of Education in Twentieth Century Society
028953: Moutafchieva, Vera P. - Agraian Relations in the Ottoman Empire in the 15th and 16th Centuries
035898: Mowat, Linda - Cassava and Chicha; Bread and Beer of the Amazonian Indians
033925: Mowat, Farley - Woman in the Mists; the Story of Dian Fossey and the Mountain Gorillas of Africa
010855: Mowat, C. L. - Great Britain Since 1914
028954: Mowatt, D. G. - Friderich Von Hûsen: Introduction, Text, Commentary, and Glossary
052184: Mowbray, J. P. - A Journey to Nature
045635: Mowinckel, Sigmund - Der Achtundsechzigste Psalm
052666: Mowinckel, Sigmund - Psalmenstudien
002609: Mowinckel, Sigmund - Zur Frage Nach Dokumentarischen Quellen in Josua 13-19
017025: Moxham, Roy - The Great Hedge of India
004340: Moya, Martin - Le Poesie
016989: Moyal, Ann - Platypus; the Extraordinary Story of How a Curious Creature Baffled the World
018176: Moyer, Roy, Ed - Dogançay
048883: Moyers, Bill - The Language of Life; a Festival of Poets
046255: Moyes, Patricia - Black Girl, White Girl
032737: Moynahan, Brian - Rasputin; the Saint Who Sinned
022285: Moynihan, Daniel Patrick - Secrecy; the American Experience
053373: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Die Entführung Aus Dem Serail K. 384. Facsimile of the Autographe Score, Staatsbibliothek Zu Berlin, PreußIscher Kulturbesitz, Biblioteka Jagiellonska Krakow (Mus. Ms Autogr. W.A. Mozart 384)
053371: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - IL Dissoluto Punito Ossia IL Don Giovanni, K. 527,540a, 540c. Facsimile of the Autograph Score, Bibliothèque National de France, Paris, Département de la Musique (Ms. 1548)
053374: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Idomeneo, K. 366, with Ballet K. 367. Facsimile of the Autograph Score: Staatsbibliothek Zu Berlin, PreußIscher Kulturbesitz, Biblioteka Jageillonska Krakow (Mus. Ms. Autogr. W.A. Mozart 366, 367, 489 and 490)
042092: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - The Magic Flute. Die Zauberflöte
039567: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Die Entführung Aus Dem Serail; Komisches Singspiel in 3 Akten. Kv 384: Partitura
030978: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Requiem. For Four-Part Chorus of Mixed Voices and Four Solo Voices with Piano Accompaniment
030976: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - The Marriage of Figaro; le Nozze Di Figaro. Complete Score
030975: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - The Magic Flute; Die Zauberflöte. In Full Score
030956: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Don Giovanni. Complete Orchestral and Vocal Score
030954: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Cosi Fan Tutte in Full Score
053372: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Le Nozze Di Figaro K. 492. Facsimile of the Autograph Score. , Staatsbibliothek Zu Berlin, PreußIscher Kulturbesitz, Biblioteka Jagiellonska Krakow (Mus. Ms. Autogr. W.A. Mozart 492), Stanford University Library, the Jullisard School Library
051539: Mozart, Wolfgang Amedeus - Mozart: Briefe Und Aufzeichnungen. Gesamtausgabe
053370: Mozart, Wolfgang Amdeus - Così Fan Tutte Ossia la Scuola Degli Amanti K. 588. Facsimile of the Autographs Score: Staatsbibliothek Zu Berlin, PreußIscher Kulturbesitz, Biblioteeka Jageillonska Krakow (Mus. Ms. Autogr. W.A. Mozart 588), Stadt- Und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt
053368: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - La Clemenza Di Tito. K. 621. Facsimile of the Autograph Score: Staatsbibliothek Zu Berlin--PreußIscher Kulturbesitz; Biblioteka Jagiellonska Krakow (Mus. Ms. Autogr. W.A. Mozart 621); the British Library London, Music Collection (Zweig 62)
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