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24544: 1960 V 16 Genève - Bibliothèque Aage Park (de Copenhague) : - Manuscrits incunables XVI XIX siècle... esoterica Bibliothèque Aage Park... (Book auction sale catalogue).
14274: 1960 XI 26 LIEGE Librairie Halbart Wahle & Cie. : - Bibliothèque d'un Bibliophile Bruxellois. (book auction sale catalogue).
11051: 1960 X 1 - Gent - Maurice DUPUIS : - Catalogue de la vente aux enchères publique des oeuvres de feu M.Dupuis. (Auction sale catalogue) Gand, Abbaye St.Pierre, 1960, October 1st.
7607: 1960 III 12 BRUSSELS - [ ] Alex DANIEL : - Bibliothèque de M. Alex Daniel. (Book Auction Sale Catalogue. Bruxelles, R.Simonson. )
52933: 1961 III 11 Bruxelles - Galerie Falmagne - Docteur J. Messinne : - Bibliothèque du Docteur J.Messinne.
40786: 1961 IV 11 - Bruxelles - Palais des Beaux-Arts - Charles DELACRE : - Collection Charles Delacre de Bruxelles, Première Partie ( Catalogue de vente publique).
36802: 1961 V 31 - 1961 VI 26 - 1961 X 30 PARIS - Drouot - Charles DELACRE : - Collection Charles Delacre de Bruxelles, Première Vente à Paris , ...sur les Costumes Militaires. ; Deuxième Vente à Paris. Lettres et souvenirs de soldats. Imagerie militaire , documents. Troisième Vente..Documents originaux...( Catalogue de vente publique).
27792: 1961 II 1 Paris - Pierre Bérès - Architecture : - Livres d'architecture de décoration et d'ornements; livres de fêtes....(Book auction sale catalogue).
24242: 1961 III 11 Paris - Bibliothèque M.G. : - Livres de collection. Editions originales de textes classiques manuscrits livres dédicacés et annotés memoires historiques et littéraires. (Book auction sale catalogue).
12942: 1961 XII 6 PARIS - Jean Davray : - Collection J.D. Manuscrits et Livres Précieux du quinzième au vingtième siècle, Autographes....Experts Bérès, Castaing, de Nobele...
6216: 1962 XI 15 PARIS : - Book Auction Sale Catalogue. Paris, Libraire Georges Blaizot. Bibliothèque d'un Amateur. 3 vols.
48230: 1962 XI 24 Liège Librairie HALBART - François BONIVER : - Catalogue de livres....provenant de la bibliothèque de feu François Boniver. ( book auction sale catalogue).
40789: 1962 III 22-24 - BRUXELLES - Paul van de Perre : - Importante Bibliothèque Musicale et Livres Variés. ( book auction sale catalogue).
40423: 1962 I 30-31 Amsterdam - Menno Hertzberger - Collection TAGE BULL : - Collection Tage Bull. Livres anciens / Littérature... Vente publique ( Book auction sale catalogue ) .
30250: 1962 VI 18 Genève - Nicolas Rauch S.A. - Livres précieux : - Livres précieux. (Auction sale catalogue). Catalogue de vente N° 31 de la nouvelle série.
27640: 1962 X 23 Bruxelles - Ch. Van Herck - Château ''De Brandt'' : - Vente publique de Tableaux anciens et modernes... Tapisseries ... Première Partie .(Art auction sale catalogue).
25502: 1962 V 3 4 Paris - Bibliothèque A. Bellanger : - Oeuvres littéraires des XIXe et XXe siècles. Editions originales la plupart en grand papier avec dédicaces autographes bien reliées. (Book auction sale catalogue).
24657: 1962 III 14 15 Paris - Bibliothèque M. et Mme Antoine Girard : - Livres modernes illustrés dans de très belles reliures... Canape Carayon Cuzin Kieffer M.Michel Meunier Noulhac Ruban. (Book auction sales catalogue).
24577: 1962 III 27 - 1962 V 28 - 1962 XII 11 Paris - Bibliothèque J. Exbrayat - Première Partie-(deuxième, troisième) : - Bibliothèque J. Exbrayat (Président Fondateur...Bibliophiles Franco Suisses. Première Partie (deuxième, troisièmième). Editions originales modernes de A à G. ; de H à Z ; Illustrés Modernes , 3 volumes ( Book auction sale catalogue).
24576: 1962 III 14 Paris - Bibliothèque M. et Mme Antoine Girard : - Bibliothèque M. et Mme Antoine Girard Livres Modernes Illustrés dans de très belles reliures.. Canape Carayon Cuzin Kieffer Marius Michel Meunier Noulhac Ruban. (Book auction sale catalogue).
24542: 1962 II 15 Paris - Bibliothèque Jean Bloch : - Bibliothèque Jean Bloch... architecture... ornements... Paris... albums lithographiques (Book auction sale catalogue).
24231: 1962 III 1 Paris - Louis Cartier : - Livres précieux provenant de la bibliothèque Louis Cartier. (Book auction sale catalogue).
13851: 1962 V 24 BERN Klipstein & Kornfeld, Archiv J.B. Neumann : - Auction sale catalogue. Auktion 105. Archiv und Teile der Sammlung J.B.Neumann. New York.
505: 1963 VI 28 London Sotheby's, Fribourg, AUCTION SALE CATALOGUE : - 1963 June 28, London Sotheby, The René Fribourg Collection Part III 18-th Century French Furniture, Clocks and Works of Art.Part I.
48629: 1963 IV 2 LONDON Sotheby's -Maurice GOLDMAN - A.J.L. McDONNELL -Gentkleman New York : - Catalogue of Modern French Illustrated Books .... (book auction sale catalogue).
41616: 1963 VI 11 LONDON Sotheby's - Earl of Ilchester - Sir John Murray - Prince Montenuevo - Louis Koch - SAVONAROLA : - Catalogue of valuable printed books, autograph letters , literary and musical manuscripts. Comprising the property of the Earl of Ilchester , Sit John Murray , Westminster School , Heiresses of Prinve Montenuevo , the late Louis Koch and other properties (Book auction sale catalogue).
37731: 1963 VI 24 LONDON Sotheby's - Nicolas RAUCH : - Catalogue of the distinguished collection of Modern French Illustrated Books of the late Nicolas Rauch of Geneva. (book auction sale catalogue).
30128: 1963 VI 11 LONDON Sotheby's - SAVONAROLA : - Catalogue of valuable printed books , autograph letters , literary and musical manuscripts comprising the property of Earl of Ilchester, John Murray , Westminster School , Prince Montenuevo , Louis Koch...... (Book auction sale catalogue).
27664: 1963 V 13 Gand - Albert HEYSE - Ancienne Abbaye Saint-Pierre : - Collection Heyse, Meubles anciens, Tableaux, Gravures, Dessins, Miniatures... (Art auction sale catalogue).
24790: 1963 VI 11 12 Paris - Bibliothèque Emile Henriot (Première partie) - André MAUROIS (Preface) - : - Bibliothèque Emile Henriot. (Book auction sale catalogue).
24788: 1963 V 6 7 Genève - Collection de Nicolas Rauch (Antiquarian) : - Livres du XVe au XIXe siècle.Très importante collection de bibliographie. (Book auction sale catalogue).
24197: 1963 III 22 PARIS - Couturier - : - Book Auction Sale Catalogue. Drouot . Riches Reliures Romantiques la plupart de THOUVENIN recouvrant les livres de madame la comtesse x...
14010: 1963 XI 16 BRUSSELS , Van de Perre, Palais des Beaux-Arts- : - Bibliothèque Jean Van Haelen (Première & Deuxième Partie). (Book auction sale catalogue).
12714: 1963 VI 24 LONDON Sotheby's : - Catalogue of the Distinguished Collection of Modern French Illustrated Books of the late M. Nicolas Rauch. Book auction sale catalogue. Sotheby's.
39819: 1964 X 20 PARIS Hotel Drouot - Ader - Blaizot - Simonson : - Bibliothèque d'un Amateur. Très Beaux Livres Illustrés de l'époque romantique...Reliures de Bozérian, Bauzonnet-Trautz... (Book auction sale catalogue).
38110: 1964 XI 7 BRUXELLES - Bibliothèque TOROK : - Bibliothèque Torok. Avant-propos de Marcel Jouhandeau. ( book auction sale catalogue).
30394: 1964 V 1 2 PARIS - Ader Lefèvre et Guérin - Editions Originales : - Editions originalesd'auteurs français des XIX et XXe siècles. Autographes et dessins de Verlaine. Lettres de Renan à son frère Alain. Livres illustrés modernes. Beaux arts Ouvrages sur la céramique. (Book auction sale catalogue).
29175: 1964 XI 26 27 Luzern - Galerie Fischer : - Manuskripte Bücher des 15 bis 20 Jahrhunderts Aquarelle alte und moderne Druckgraphik Helvetica.(Art and book auction sale catalogue).
42034: 1965 VI 21 - 23 Sotheby's London - Major J.R. ABBEY : - Catalogue of valuable printed books and fine bindings from the celebrated collection of Major ABBEY, the illustrated catalogue. (87 plates).
40787: 1965 XI 5 - 6 BRUXELLES - Collection Van Den Corput : - Beaux Livres , Précieux Autographes et Documents. ( book auction sale catalogue).
38684: 1965 X 27 28 Liège - Collection Frédéric Pény : - Catalogue de la vente constituant la collection de feu l'archéologue Frédéric Pény ( 1877 - 1965).
30373: 1965 XI 11 12 Genève - André Cottet : - Livres modernes illustrés. Catalogue de vente N°1 de la nouvelle série.(Book auction sale catalogue).
30053: 1965 V 18 PARIS Drouot : - Manuscrits à Peintures et livres anciens rares et précieux. (Book auction sale catalogue).
29532: 1965 VI 14 London - Sotheby - Lord TOLLEMACHE - David G. BARNES : - Catalogue of medieval manuscripts and valuable printed books...Helmingham Hall...Lord Tollemache...David Barnes...John Robertson... (Book auction sale catalogue).
29173: 1965 XII 3 6 7 Luzern - Galerie Fischer : - Auktion Bücher und Grafik. Meistergraphik des 19 und 20 Jahrhunderts und Kunstbibliothek aus Nachlass K. S. Zürich. Alte Helveticasammlung R. Rapperswil. Handzeichnungen des 16 bis 20 Jahrhunderts. Dekorative Graphik. (Art and book auction sale catalogue).
2267: 1965, Paris Salon Société des Artistes Indépendants : - 1965. Grand-Palais, Catalogue de la 76e Exposition, Rétrospective 1884-1894.
11538: 1965 VI 21 (until 1989 VI 19) LONDON Sotheby's - Major Abbey : - Catalogue of valuable printed books and fine bindings from the celebrated collection of Major ABBEY (Book auction sale catalogue). Complete set in 10 parts.
6665: 1965 VI 21 LONDON Sotheby's - Major Abbey : - Catalogue of valuable printed books and fine bindings from the celebrated collection of Major ABBEY, the unillustrated catalogue.
47013: 1966 III 21-22 Paris Palais Galliéra - Bibliothèque René Gaston Dreyfus : - Collection choisie de Livres et Manuscrits d'intérêt littéraire et artistique de le Renaissance à nos jours. Bibliothèque René G.D. ( Catalogue de Vente publique de livres).
43383: 1966 III 21-22 Paris Palais Galliéra - Bibliothèque René G.D. : - Collection choisie de Livres et Manuscrits d'intérêt littéraire et artistique de le Renaissance à nos jours. Bibliothèque René G.D. ( Catalogue de Vente publique de livres).
38371: 1966 III 15 Paris Hotel Drouot - Chateau de Verderonne : - Bibliothèque du Château de Verderonne. ( Catalogue de Vente publique de livres).
30371: 1966 V 24 25 Paris - Drouot - Très beaux livres : - Très beaux livres à figures des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles. Editions originales reliures aux armes.(Book auction sale catalogue).
29253: 1966 XI 11 Genève - André Cottet : - Livres modernes illustrés. (Book auction sale catalogue).
26264: 1966 II 15 16 PARIS : - Bibliothèque d'un amateur. Livres illustrés l'époque 1900...dessins... Belles reliures... (Book auction sale catalogue).
24785: 1966 XI 11 Genève - André Cottet : - Livres modernes illustrés. (Book auction sale catalogue).
2246: 1966 02 13 Antwerp 1966 Exhibition catalogue : - Museum voor Schone Kunsten. DE GENERATIE VAN 1900. SURREALISTEN, ANIMISTEN.
22127: 1966 XI 18 19 BRUXELLES - Palais des Beaux Arts - Paul van de Perre - Léo van Puyvelde : - Bibliothèque Léo van Puyvelde....Estampes et dessins précieuses reliures y compris une reliure triplée ... Henry van de Velde. Autographes de la collection d'Adolphe Quetelet. (Book auction sale catalogue).
6200: 1967 XI 29 PARIS Vente George Riviere : - Book Auction Sale Catalogue. Paris, Libraire Georges Blaizot. Bibliothèque GEORGES RIVIERE, 2 vols (complete).
6201: 1967 V 30 PARIS Vente Roudinesco : - Book Auction Sale Catalogue. Paris, Libraire Georges Blaizot. Bibliothèque du Docteur A.ROUDINESCO, 2 vols (complete)
45278: 1967 III 14 LONDON Sotheby's : - Catalogue of Twenty-Three important Armenian Illuminated Manuscripts. (Book auction sale catalogue). Illustrated Catalogue.
43769: 1967 III 14 LONDON Sotheby's : - Catalogue of Twenty-Three important Armenian Illuminated Manuscripts. (Book auction sale catalogue). Illustrated Catalogue.
34797: 1967 III 30 LONDON - Vanderkar Gallery : - Exhibition Dutch and Flemish Old Masters ... ( Sale catalogue for old master paintings ).
29533: 1967 III 14 London - Sotheby : - Catalogue of Twenty-Three important Armenian illuminated manuscripts. (Book auction sale catalogue).
24787: 1967 XI 10 Genève : - Manuscrits Incunables XVIe XIXe siècle Riche reliures. (Book auction sale catalogue).
13556: 1967 MONTREAL : - Official Souvenir map Expo 67.
13557: 1967 MONTREAL : - Album Souvenir Book.
13534: 1967 MONTREAL : - Memorial Album of the first category universal and international Exhibition held in Montreal.... expo67.
13454: 1967 X 21 Bruxelles - De Samblanx : - Catalogue de Vente Publique de livres, Galerie Falmagne, Comm. Priseur Simonson, Bibliothèque de M.J.L. de Samblanx.
40791: 1968 III 8-9 - BRUXELLES - Paul van de Perre : - Ensemble exceptionnel d'ouvrages sur Les Beaux-Arts, Livres de Peintres...Gravures & Dessins. ( book auction sale catalogue).
40424: 1968 VI 5-6-7 Utrecht - A.J. Van Huffel's Antiquariaat : - Livres - Dessins XVI-XX siècles. Lettres autographes... Vente les 4, 6 et 7 juin 1968 ( book auction sale catalogue ).
39351: 1968 VI 24 LONDON - Sotheby's : - Catalogue of Valuable Atlases, Americana, Travel & Navigation. Illustrated catalogue. (Book sale catalogue).
38277: 1968 IV 25 - 26 Paris Hotel Drouot - Bibliothèque L.L. : - Bibliothèque L.L. Première Partie. Livres du Dix-Neuvième Siècle.... (Catalogue d'une vente à l'enchère, première partie).
34379: 1968 III 23 - Collection Henri LEROUX - Palais Galliera : - Tableaux de maîtres anciens, important ensemble de portraits et paysages du XVIe siècle, dessins anciens, aquarelles, gouaches, miniatures. (art auction catalogue).
31043: 1968 Venezia - GESKE Norman A. (ed.) : - The Figurative Tradition in Recent American Art. La tradizione figurativa nell'arte americana recente.
23550: 1968 VII 18 LONDON - Sotheby : - Diaghilev Ballet Material. Décor and Costume Designs Portraits and Posters.
22646: 1968 III 22 BERN - L'Art Ancien S.A. etc. - ART NOUVEAU : - Jugendstil. Art nouveau. Buchkunst um 1900. Plakate. Graphik. Gläser.Auktion 124. (Auction sale catalogue).
16438: 1968 XII 3 & 1969 VI 24 - Sotheby's LONDON - Chester Beatty : - The Chester Beatty Western Manuscripts Part I & Part II (2 vols). Illustrated catalogues.
13459: 1968 III 16 Bruxelles Simonson - Joseph de Wael : - Bibliothèque Joseph de Wael. 2 vols. (Book auction sale catalogue).
45725: 1969 XI 24 PARIS Drouot - 1970 III 9 Paris Drout - Trésor de l'Abbé Philippe de Saint-Pierre : - Monnaies de Collection en or et en argent et Trésor de l'Abbé Philippe de Saint-Pierre ( XVe siècle) (catalogue 1) . Monnaies Royales Françaises en or et deuxième partie du trésor de l'Abbé Philippe de Saint-Pierre ( xve siècle) (Catalogue 2) . ( Two coin auction sale catalogue). together with
38018: 1969 III 20-21 - Paris - Bibliothèque A.M.S. : - Livres et manuscrits... (book auction sale catalogue - catalogue de vente publique).
37724: 1969 XII 17 - Sotheby's London - Mrs. A. Bergier de Rouville : - Catalogue of Oriental Manuscripts and Miniatures comprising the property of Mrs. A. Bergier de Rouville.... (Book auction sale catalogue).
31743: 1969 Paris 24ème Salon des Réalités Nouvelles : - 24ème Salon des Réalités Nouvelles du 21 Février au 9 Mars 1969. (Catalogue).
30134: 1969 VII 9 LONDON Sotheby's : - Catalogue of Western Manuscripts and Miniatures including a highly important Anglo-Saxon Manuscript comprising the property of ..Lord Tollemache , Winifred Hooper , W.T.B. Wildash , D.H.C. Streatfield.... (Book auction sale catalogue).
30133: 1969 XII 10 LONDON Sotheby's : - Catalogue of Western Manuscripts and Miniatures including a highly important Anglo-Saxon Manuscript comprising the property of ..Earl of Caledon , L.D. Hirst-Broadhead , M. Balcare , Morgan Grenfell , Lyon Wood... (Book auction sale catalogue).
30055: 1969 XI 25 LONDON - Sotheby's - Bibliotheca Phillippica - Part V : - BIbliotheca Phillippica. New Series . Medieval Manuscripts Part V - Catalogue of manuscripts on papyrus, vellum and paper... (Book sale catalogue).
29534: 1969 VI 23 London - Sotheby - Thomas PERCY : - The Library of Thomas Percy 1729 - 1811 , Bischop of Dromore...(Book auction sale catalogue).
23552: 1969 XII 15 16 LONDON - Sotheby : - Décor and Costume Designs from the Diaghilev period ...Collection of Boris Kniaseff (Part I)... Collection of the late Max Reinhardt (Part II).
13438: 1969 V 5 PARIS, Jean Victor Pellerin : - Book Auction Sale Catalogue. Paris, Comm.-Priseur Champetier de Ribes. Bibliothèque de M.Jean-Victor Pellerin.
13126: 1969 X 18 Brussel - Baron Max. de Troostembergh : - Book Auction Sale. Livres et Manuscripts... de la Bibliothèque du Baron Max. de Troostembergh.
29304: 1970 VI 30 London - David Solomon SASSOON - Sotheby : - Catalogue of the Sassoon collection of highly important Hebrew printed books ... (book auction sale catalogue).
48630: 1971 VII 14 - Sotheby's London : - Catalogue of Japanese Colour Prints, Illustrated Books; ....( Japanese art & book auction catalogue).
48250: 1971 IX 23 - 24 - Liège - Paul GOTHIER - Pierre DELRÉE : - Catalogue de livres et gravures constituant la collection de Pierre Delrée. ( book auction sale catalogue).
40427: 1971 V 11-12 Antwerpen - CAMPO : - Catalogue [ ] N° 86 Schilderijen - Tableaux. Veiling te Antwerpen P.V.B.A. Guillaume Campo ( Art auction sale catalogue ).
40425: 1971 IV 19-20 LONDON Sotheby's - Lt.-Gen. Sir George Collingwood - Roger Senhouse - Hans Hammelmann : - Catalogue of Children's Books, Drawings and Juvenalia - property of Lt.-Gen. Sir George Collingwood - Roger Senhouse - Hans Hammelmann (Book auction sale catalogue).
33982: 1971 XII 5. Versailles - Maitre Georges BLACHE : - Importants tableaux modernes. Remarquable ensemble d'oeuvres impressionistes des Écoles Cubiste , Abstraite et Contemporaine....( art auction sale catalogue).
13458: 1971 VI 7 Paris : - Catalogue de Vente Publique de livres, Hôtel Drouot, expert Champetier de Ribes, Bibliothèque de René Escande de Messières. (Book auction sale catalogue).
12617: 1971 X 6 UTRECHT -BEIJERS, Fraeylemaborg : - Book Auction Sale. The Library of Fraeylemaborg (Slochteren, Groningen).
12226: 1971 VI 07 LONDON Sotheby's, Boies Penrose : - The Celebrated Library of Boies Penrose Esq. Travel & Navigation (2 vols). (Book auction sale catalogue).
6950: 1971 IV 21 PARIS, Bibliothèque Vautier : - Book Auction Sale Catalogue. Paris, Expert Guérin. Bibliothèque Vautier.
6951: 1971 VI 28 PARIS, Tudor Wilkinson : - Book Auction Sale Catalogue. Paris, Expert Guérin. Bibliothèque Tudor Wilkinson.
53056: 1972 XI 21 LONDON - Sotheby's - Bibliotheca Phillippica - Part VII : - BIbliotheca Phillippica. New Series . Medieval Manuscripts Part VII - Catalogue of manuscripts on papyrus, vellum and paper... (Book sale catalogue).
48973: 1972 X 28 BRUXELLES - Galerie Emile Relecom : - Beaux Livres & Gravures....Book auction sale. Galerie Emile Relecom .
1506: 1972 III - LONDON Sotheby's, Mrs. Hutton : - A Fine collection of Calligraphic Books and Manuscripts. Property Mrs. HUTTON. (Book auction sale catalogue).
14316: 1972 VI 19 LONDON Sotheby's : - Catalogue of an interesting collection of 15th and 16th century continental books, mainly printed in France. (Book auction sale catalogue).
6949: 1972 IV 23 VERSAILLES : - Book Auction Sale Catalogue. Versailles, Expert Guérin. Très beaux livres anciens, reliures armoriées. (Book auction sale catalogue).
52201: 1973 VI 6 Paris - Raphaël Esmérian : - Bibliothèque Raphaël Esmérian, Troisième Partie ; Livres Illustrés du XVIIIe siècle, Exemplaires Uniques... (book auction sale catalogue) Paris, Palais Galliera, expert George Blaizot - Claude Guérin.
47016: 1973 III 21 Paris Drouot - Collection Robert DANON - : - Collection Robert Danon. Manuscrits enluminés et livres rares. (Book auction sale catalogue ) .
41766: 1973 V 9 - LONDON - Christie's : - Important Natural History Books. Travel and Atlases . Illustrated catalogue. (Book auction sale catalogue)
41617: 1973 X 17 London Sotheby's : - Catalogue of Japanese Porcelain an Pottery including the property of W.W.Winkworth and various owners.
33858: 1973 III 21 Paris Drouot - Collection Robert DANON : - Collection Robert Danon. Manuscrits enluminés et livres rares. (Book auction sale catalogue ) .
28932: 1973 XI 19 Sydney - William DOBELL - Sotheby : - Catalogue of Paintings and Drawings from the studio of Sir William Dobel... (art auction sale catalog).
27857: 1973 XI 24 Bruxelles - Galerie de Paris : - Catalogue ... de Tableaux de Maîtres ... (Art auction sale catalogue).
27856: 1973 V 19 Bruxelles - Galerie de Paris : - Catalogue ... de Tableaux de Maîtres ... (Art auction sale catalogue).
24573: 1973 I 24 Paris - Almanachs du XVIIIe siècle Collection de M. Jean Riollet de Boisset : - Collection de M. Jean Riollet de Boisset , Beaux Almanach Chantants et Galants du XVIIIe siècle. .. Parisiens ... Provinciaux ... étrangers ... petit alm. du XVIIe siècle.. Reliures...(Book auction sale catalogue).
22917: 1973 XI 30 PARIS - Drouot - (Book auction sale catalogue) : - Livres illustrés la plupart du XVIIIe siècle... Exemplaires de provenance royale et de la cour de France.
13881: 1973 VI 13 ROME, CHRISTIE'S : - Auction sale catalogue. Una Raccolta di Libri sulla Città di Roma ed altri soggetti. (Book auction sale catalogue).
7804: 1973 XII 17 PARIS - Drouot : - Livres Anciens et Modernes, Elzevier, Cazin, Didot. (Book Auction Sale Catalogue - Drouot, Claude Guérin. -catalogue de vente publique de livres).
7802: 1973 XII 04 PARIS - Drouot : - Beaux Livres Anciens, Livres à Gravures du Dix-huitième siècle.. (Book Auction Sale Catalogue - Drouot, Ader, Picard, Tajan. -Catalogue de vente publique de livres)...
45775: 1974 VI 21 - Paris - Hotel Drouot - Ader Picard Tajan : - Costumes de Théâtre. Dessins - Aquarelles - Gouaches (Art auction sale catalogue - theatre - ballet ).
45773: 1974 XII 11 - Sotheby's London - Eva, Countess of ROSEBERY - William BUCHAN : - Catalogue of Eighteenth Century Venetian Drawings and Prints. Including the property of Eva, Countess of Rosebery, The Hon. William Buchan... (Art auction sale catalogue drawings ).
41767: 1974 V 8 - LONDON - Christie's : - Valuable Natural History Books. Travel and Atlases . Illustrated catalogue. (Book auction sale catalogue)
41660: 1974 XII 2 - Paris - Hotel Drouot : - Livres Anciens d'Architecture d'Ornements et de Décoration.... (book auction sale catalogue ) .
39199: 1974 XII 1 VERSAILLES : - Livres Anciens Armoriés. (Book auction sale catalogue). Expert Claude Guérin.
37276: 1974 XI 11 - LONDON - Sotheby - H. D. HORBLIT : - The Celebrated Library of Harrison D. Horblit Esq, Removed from Ridgefield, Conneticut. Part 2. Early Science, Navigation & Travel Including Americana, with a few medical books, D-G.
34843: 1974 III 11 - Paris - Hôtel Drouot : - Bibliothèque Jean Paul Barbier. Poètes français des XVe et XVIe siècles.
27917: 1974 XI 23 Bruxelles - Galerie de Paris : - Catalogue ... de Tableaux de Maîtres ... (Art auction sale catalogue).
27060: 1974 IV 29 PARIS Hotel George V - Collection Roger Peyrefitte : - Collection Roger Peyrefitte - Monnaies Grecques... Monnaies ... Romaines... Objets de haute curiosité... (Auction sale catalogue).
25708: 1974 PARIS - BUIJTENEN M. P. van - : - Deux siècles de Jansémisme à travers les documents du fonds Port-Royal d'Utrecht.
23548: 1974 V 30 LONDON - Sotheby : - Costume and Decor Designs for Ballet Theatre and Opera. (Erte - Leon Bakst - Juan Gris)
17747: 1974 XII 03 Paris Auction Sale catalogue : - Binoche - Art Primitif Indien d'Amérique du Nord. (Catalogue de vente aux enchères).
14313: 1974 VII 1 LONDON Sotheby's : - Catalogue of a highly important collection of Children's Books, Part I. A-C -> Part VI T-Z & Addenda. 6 vols.(Book auction sale catalogue).
13764: 1974 II 20 BRUSSELS - Maurice Maeterlinck : - Manuscrits et Autographes de Maurice Maeterlinck. Book auction sale catalogue, Tulkens, Salon des Ambassades,
5973: 1975 VI 16 LONDON Sotheby's, Stiftung für Botanik : - The Library of the Stiftung für Botanik Liechtenstein. Complete in three volumes. (Book auction sale catalogue).
52198: 1975 XII 2 - 3 MONTE-CARLO Hotel LOEWS - Collection de Monnaies : - Collection de Monnaies. Monnaies Grecques - Monnaies Romaines, Trésor de la Guerre de Cent Ans... ( coin auction sale catalogue).
45774: 1975 VI 5 - Sotheby's London - Mila BARSACQ - Anton DOLIN - Serge GROGORIEV - Sol HUROK - Baroness von WRANGELL : - Ballet and Theatre Material . Costume and Decor Designs , Manuscripts, Books and Musical scores. The property of Mila Barsacq - Anton Dolin - Serge Grogoriev - Sol Hurok - Baroness von Wrangell. (Art auction sale catalogue - theatre - ballet ).
44167: 1975 III 26 Sotheby's London - Henri Vever Collection Part II : - Catalogue of Highly Important Japanese Prints, Illustrated Books; Drawings and Paintings from the Henri Vever Collection Part II
40619: 1975 XI 10 London - Sotheby Parke Bernet : - Catalogue of a collection of illustrated books and volumes of prints mostly of the 18th Century. The property of a Gentleman. ( Book auction sale catalogue).
39198: 1975 XII 17 - 18 Paris - Professeur MILLOT : - Bibliothèque du Professeur Millot. Livres et autographes du dix-septième siècle. Jansénisme - Port-Royal. Racine , Pièces Historiques et Mazarinades. Reliures aux armes. (Book auction sale catalogue).
33807: 1975 VI 6 - PARIS - DROUOT : - Collections Bignou. Livres illustrés modernes en partie avec aquarelles et dessins.
31676: 1975 VI 06 Paris - Collection BIGNOU : - Collection Bignou. Livres illustrés modernes ( book auction sale catalogue).
19407: 1975 V 28 Christie's London - AUCTION SALE CATALOGUE : - Fine historical steam engines models and ship models.
6945: 1975 VI 10 PARIS - Bibliothèque de Sir A. ( Vol. 1 et Vol. 2) : - Bibliothèque de Sir A. (Book Auction Sale Catalogue ) Paris, Palais Galliera, Expert Guérin. Bibliothèque de Sir A. (Idem) Deuxième partie ( 2 vols).
56840: 1976 XII 8 Paris DROUOT - [ ] Bibliothèque Sir Charles TENNANT : - Bibliothèque Sir Charles Tennant. Livres Illustrés du XVIIIe siècle. Mémoires, Voyages, Reliures aux armes. (catalogue de vente publique)
52199: 1976 XII 20 PARIS - Bibliothèque Roger Peyrefitte : - Bibliothèque Roger Peyrefitte , Première partie. Vente à Paris (Guy Loudmer) - Book Auction Sale Catalogue- Drouot Rive Gauche. PREMIERE PARTIE.
51107: X 4-5 1976 - Sotheby's - Lady Lambe - Sir Allan Eliott Lockhart - Miss G.M.Haines - W.N.J. Howard - Mrs. D.J. Blackley-Goble : - Catalogue of printed books .. property of Lady Lambe - Sir Allan Eliott Lockhart - Miss G.M.Haines - W.N.J. Howard - Mrs. D.J. Blackley-Goble...( book auction sale catalogue).
48631: 1976 XII 6 - 7 LONDON Sotheby's - Birmingham and Midland Institute - Major Edward BUDD - David LEES : - Catalogue of Atlases and Maps; Americana.... (book auction sale catalogue).
48632: 1976 XI 15 LONDON Sotheby's - Society of Advocates of Aberdeen - Prof. D.F. Anderson : - Catalogue of printed books ; books in Hebrew.... (book auction sale catalogue).
48628: 1976 XI 15-16 Paris Drouot Rive Gauche - Jules MARSAN : - Bibliothèque Romantique de Jules Marsan. ( catalogue de vente publique).
47017: 1976 XII 20 PARIS - Bibliothèque Roger Peyrefitte : - Bibliothèque Roger Peyrefitte , Première partie. Deuxième Partie, Troisième Partie . Vente à Paris (Guy Loudmer) - Book Auction Sale Catalogue: Drouot Rive Gauche. Complete in 3 vols.
43741: 1976 II 9 LONDON Sotheby's - Lady Troubridge - Frank Bridge : - Catalogue of Printed & Manuscript Music, autograph letters of musicians and books on music, the theatre and dance. The property of Lady Troubridge...Frank Bridge... (Book auction sale catalogue).
43452: 1976 VI 9 Paris - Drouot - Duchesse de Lévis-Mirepoix : - Livres Anciens et Modernes provenant de la succession de la Duchesse de Lévis-Mirepoix. (Book auction sale catalogue).
4339: 1976 VI 7 London, Christie's - Richard P. Wunder : - Auction Sale Catalogue. London, Christie's . The Dr. Richard P.Wunder Collection of Fine Architectural Ornament and other Master Drawings.
43277: 1976 III 10 PARIS Drouot : - Importants manuscrits Persans des XVIe et XVIIe Siècles de l'ancienne Collection de S.E. le Prince X... (Book auction sale catalogue).
41772: 1976 XI 16 - LONDON - Christie's : - Valuable Printed Books and Manuscripts , including Travel, Natural History and Atlases .(Book auction sale catalogue)
41769: 1976 VI 23 - LONDON - Christie's : - Valuable Printed Books. Autograph Letters and Manuscripts .(Book auction sale catalogue)
41768: 1976 III 10 - LONDON - Christie's : - Valuable Printed Books. Manuscripts and Historical Documents of the 13th to 17th Centuries. (Book auction sale catalogue)
40426: 1976 V 11-12 Antwerpen - CAMPO : - Catalogue [ ] N° 110 Schilderijen - Tableaux. Veiling te Antwerpen P.V.B.A. Guillaume Campo ( Art auction sale catalogue ).
38683: 1976 II 16 Paris - Léon TUTUNDJIAN : - Léon TUTUNDJIAN - Auction Sale Catalogue Paris, étude Maitre Claude Robert.
38176: 1976 XI 25 Paris Drouot - Dunoyer de Segonzac : - Tableaux modernes, sculptures par Daumier. Succession André Dunoyer de Segonzac. ( art auction sale catalogue).
37718: 1976 IV 26-27 Amsterdam Sotheby Max van Waay - De Geus van den Heuvel Colection - : - The B. DE GEUS VAN DEN HEUVEL Collection. Catalogue 258. ( Art auction sale catalogue).
31884: 1976 IV 12 LONDON Sotheby's - Kevorkian Collection : - Catalogue of important oriental manuscripts and miniatures. The property of the Hagop Kevorkian Fund. (Book auction sale catalogue).
19402: 1976 XI 29 Christie's Brighton & Hove - AUCTION SALE CATALOGUE : - Fine historic steam engines, ship, car and aeroplane models at the Brighton and Hove Engineerum.
14000: 1976 V 19 PARIS - Ader-Picard-Tajan : - Manuscrits du XIIe au XVIIIe Siècle. (Book auction sale catalogue).
9537: 1976 III 01 Paris Eliane PETIT : - Auction Sale Catalogue. Paris Drouot, 1976 03 01. Important Ensemble de 120 Tableaux par Eliane Petit dite ''La Villéon''.
52200: 1977 II 1 PARIS - Bibliothèque Roger Peyrefitte : - Bibliothèque Roger Peyrefitte , Troisième Partie . Vente à Paris (Guy Loudmer) - Book Auction Sale Catalogue: Drouot Rive Gauche. TROISIEME PARTIE seulement.
51170: 1977 I 27-28 Paris - Drouot Rive Gauche - Bibliothèque L.F. : - Livres anciens , incunables, illustrés, reliures armoriées ( catalogue de vente publique de livres).
51104: V 9 1977 - Sotheby's - The Broadwood Trust - R.G.Rougier : - Catalogue of printed books .. property of The Broadwood Trust - R.G.Rougier..( book auction sale catalogue).
45768: 1977 V 19 - Sotheby's London - C.R. RUDOLF : - Catalogue of Fine Italian, French and Spanish Drawings from the collection of the late Mr. C.R. Rudolf. Part I - only Part I - (Art auction sale catalogue drawings ).
44166: 1977 III 24 Sotheby's London - Henri Vever Collection Part III : - Catalogue of Highly Important Japanese Prints, Illustrated Books; Drawings and Paintings from the Henri Vever Collection Part III
41773: 1977 X 7 ROME - CHRISTIE'S - Luigi Medici del Vascello : - The sporting library of Marchese Luigi Medici del Vascello removed from La Mandria, Venaria Reale. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41771: 1977 VII 13 - LONDON - Christie's : - Important Natural History Books. Travel and Atlases . (Book auction sale catalogue)
41770: 1977 VI 1 - LONDON - Christie's : - Early Printed Books and Manuscripts .(Book auction sale catalogue)
41659: 1977 XI 28 - Paris - Drouot Rive Gauche : - Bibliothèque d'un architecte. (book auction sale catalogue ) .
41610: 1977 XI 23 LONDON Sotheby's - Mrs. A.J. Groossen : - Catalogue of important musical manuscripts , autograph letters of composers and musicians' printed music and books on music and musical instruments. Comprising the property of Mrs. A.J. Groossen and other properties (Book auction sale catalogue).
41607: 1977 II 21 LONDON Sotheby's - Mrs. E. JAMIESON : - Catalogue of Printed Books relating to travel, exploration and topography comprising the property of Mrs. E. Jamieson and other properties. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41605: 1977 X 17-18 LONDON Sotheby's - Douglas Guthrie : - Catalogue of Printed Books relating to science and medecine comprising the property of the late Douglas Guthrie M.D. and other properties. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41604: 1977 V 30 LONDON Sotheby's - Lord Cross of Chelsea : - Catalogue of Printed Books comprising the property of Lord Cross of Chelsea and other properties. (Book auction sale catalogue).
40428: 1977 V 24-25-26 - Antwerpen - CAMPO : - Catalogue [ ] N° 114 Schilderijen - Tableaux. Veiling te Antwerpen P.V.B.A. Guillaume Campo ( Art auction sale catalogue ).
40402: 1977 IV 2 - Moorthamers - Bruxelles : - Bibliothèque A. Visart de Bocarmé et autres provenances. ( Book auction sale catalogue).
38304: 1977 VI 23 PARIS Ader Picard Tajan, Roger Castaing : - Bibliothèque Roger CASTAING, three volumes , Pédagogie, Livres d'Enfants, Almanach, Minuscules; Alphabets, Calligraphie, Cartonnages. (Book auction sale catalogue)
31218: 1977 VI 20 Paris Drouot - : - Autographes Musicaux. manuscrits et lettres de compositeurs. Paul Dukas - Ricardo Vinès ( Book auction sale catalogue ).
27809: 1977 V 31 Amsterdam - Hans WETZLAR - Sotheby Mak Van Waay : - Catalogus van de kunstveiling 277. The collection of the late Dr. Hans Wetzlar. (Art auction sale catalogue).
27693: 1977 V 5 - München - Wolfgang Ketterer : - Sonderauktion einer etwas sonderbaren Sammlung. (Art auction sale catalogue).
2539: 1977 VI 22 LONDON Christie's, Evelyn Library : - The Evelyn Library, Part I, Part II , Part III , Part IV (Book auction sale catalogue).
53481: 1978 II 20 - Paris Drout - Maréchal SOULT Duc de Dalmatie : - Bibliothèque du Maréchal Soult Duc de Dalmatie - Vente aux enchères publique à Paris ( book auction catalogue).
51169: 1978 VI 26-27 Paris - Drouot Rive Gauche : - Livres anciens et modernes architecture ( catalogue de vente publique de livres).
51098: X 2-3 1978 - Sotheby's - Brodie of Brodie ( Brodie Castle ) - Duke of Northhumberland - Desmond Flower : - Catalogue of printed books .. property of Brodie of Brodie ( Brodie Castle ) - Duke of Northhumberland - Desmond Flower ....( book auction sale catalogue).
51096: 1978 VI 5 - Sotheby's - Captain Hay of Hayfield ( Delgatie Castle ) - Mrs. Hay of Seaton : - Catalogue of printed books ....books in Hebrew .... property of Captain Hay of Hayfield ( Delgatie Castle ) - Mrs. Hay of Seaton ....( book auction sale catalogue).
48988: 1978 V 22 LONDON Sotheby's - [ ] PEETERS FONTAINAS : - Catalogue of the renowned collection of Spanish books printed in the Spanish Netherlands formed by the late J.Peeters-Fontainas.
41784: 1978 VI 21 - LONDON - Christie's : - Early Printed Books , Atlases, Natural History and Manuscripts .(Book auction sale catalogue)
41622: 1978 XII 18-19 LONDON Sotheby's - The Brodie of Brodie - Roy Stringfellow : - Catalogue of Printed Books relating to natural history and science comprising the property of The Brodie of Brodie, the late Roy Stringfellow , The Institution of Structural Engineers and other properties. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41621: 1978 X 23 LONDON Sotheby's - Dr. Gregorio Marañon : - Catalogue of valuable printed books relating to Spanish travel and typography comprising the property of a lady, from the library of Dr. Gregorio Marañon . (Book auction sale catalogue).
41615: 1978 XI 20-21 LONDON Sotheby's - Dr. Curt Sluzewski - Nora Gruhn - Miss D.M. Peyton - W.D. Kearns : - Catalogue of valuable manuscript and printed music and autograph letters of composers . Comprising the property of Mrs. A. Rookwood ( formerly in the possession of Dr. Curt Sluzewski ) Miss Nora Gruhn - Miss D.M. Peyton - W.D. Kearns and other properties (Book auction sale catalogue).
41613: 1978 VI 19 LONDON Sotheby's - Professor Edward M. Wilson : - Catalogue of Spanish Books . The property of the late professor Edward M. Wilson, F.B.A. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41612: 1978 VII 3-4 LONDON Sotheby's - Graham Pollard : - Catalogue of valuable printed books . The property of the late Graham Pollard. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41598: 1978 XI 27-28 LONDON Sotheby's - Duke of Northumberland - Bischopsgate Foundation and Institute : - Catalogue of Atlases, Maps and books relating to travel & topography comprising the property of his Grace the Duke of Northumberland ; the property of Bischopsgate Foundation and Institute. (Book auction sale catalogue).
36996: 1978 Paris - Société des artistes indépendants fondée en 1884 : - Société des artistes indépendants fondée en 1894... 89e exposition, Grand Palais des Champs-Élysées, 16 mars - 9 avril 1978.
33131: 1978 XI 21 - Sotheby Parke Bernet Zürich - David Solomon Sassoon : - A further thirty-three highly important Hebrew and Samaritan Manuscripts from the collection by the late David Solomon Sassoon. (book auction sale catalogue).
31217: 1978 XI 30 Paris Drouot - Comte de Toulouse - Philidor : - Livres de Musique du Comte de Toulouse. Manuscrits de Philidor. ( Book auction sale catalogue ).
30058: 1978 VI 20 LONDON - Sotheby's - Major ABBEY : - Catalogue of the celebrated library of the late Major J.R. Abbey. The tenth portion. Thirty-four Manuscripts of the 11th to the 19th century... (Book sale catalogue).
27385: 1978 X 21 New York - Sotheby's - Fine Watches etc. : - Fine Watches, Clocks, Scientific instruments, English Furniture and Decorations [Art Auction sale catalogue).
2536: 1978 IV 7 NEW YORK Christie's, Gutenberg : - The GUTENBERG BIBLE, the Property of the General Theological Seminary, New York City. (Book auctionn sale catalogue).
2517: 1978 XII 12 LONDON Sotheby's, Lyttelton : - The Lyttelton Papers. (Book auction sale catalogue).
24217: 1978 V 5 - München - Wolfgang Ketterer : - Jugendstil Art Nouveau Art Déco. 25. Auktion. (Art auction sale catalogue).
23686: 1978 VI 29 London - Christie's : - Important Old Master and Modern Prints. (Auction sale catalogue).
23678: 1978 XII 14 London - Sotheby : - Important nineteenth century and modern prints. (Auction sale catalogue).
23483: 1978 XII 5 LONDON - Christie's : - Impressionist and Modern Drawings Watercolours and Sculpture. Properties of Gerd Brodersen. Mark's Trust. Barnett Shine and Lord Weidenfeld. (Art auction catalogue).
22124: 1978 VI 2 PARIS - Drouot Rive Gauche - Frédéric KIEFER : - Succession Frédéric Kiefer. (Auction catalogue).
19405: 1978 IX 25 Christie's Brighton & Hove - AUCTION SALE CATALOGUE : - Fine historic full size and model steam engines, locomotives and ship at the Brighton and Hove Engineerum.
19404: 1978 IV 24 Christie's Brighton & Hove - AUCTION SALE CATALOGUE : - Fine historic steam engines, locomotives and ship models at the Brighton and Hove Engineerum.
47703: 1979 X 4 - Sotheby - London - Dr. D.W. Findlay : - Catalogue of the J.B. Findlay collection. Books, Manuscripts, and other material on conjuring and the allied arts. Part II ( ONLY PART II ! ).
46566: 1979 IX 27-28 Sotheby Edinburgh - The Free Church College Edinburgh : - Catalogue of rare and interesting Scottish Books and a few manuscripts....( from) The Free Church College Edinburgh... (Book auction sale catalogue).
46565: 1979 III 8-9 Sotheby Edinburgh - SIGNET Library : - The Signet Library Edinburgh Part II. Catalogue of printed books ....... (Book auction sale catalogue).
46392: 1979 XI 5-6 LONDON Sotheby's, Honeyman collection Part IV : - THE HONEYMAN COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS Part IV - printed books F- J (Book auction sale catalogue - only loose volume ).
41611: 1979 IV 9 10 - 1979 VI 4 - 1979 IX 17-18 LONDON Sotheby's (Part I). (Part II) (Part III) : - Catalogue of an important collection of valuable medical and scientific books of the XVIth to the XXth century. The Property of a Gentleman. (complete in three parts) (Book auction sale catalogue).
41609: 1979 IV 2 LONDON Sotheby's - George Goyder : - Catalogue of valueble books mainly relating to the Reformation in England in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. The property of George Goyder. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41603: 1979 X 29 LONDON Sotheby's - Royal Scottish Geographical Society : - Catalogue of Atlases and Maps comprising the property of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society and other properties. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41595: 1979 X 15 London Sotheby's - Mr. S. POTTESMAN : - Catalogue of valuable incunabula and sixtenth-century printed books comprising the Property of Mr. Pottesman, deceased. (Book auction sale catalogue) .
38404: 1979 XII 7 Paris Drouot - Chartes Royales - Chartes Privées - Collection CHAPPÉE : - Chartes Royales et Chartes Privées. Ancienne collection Chappée. Manuscrits.... ( Auction sale catalogue).
38136: 1979 VII 16 - 17 London, Sotheby's - Jack COLE - John David GRAY : - Catalogue of the Jack Cole Collection of Books and Pictures on the Dance. Part I ( only part I). (book auction sale catalogue).
35949: 1979 V 09 - PARIS Drouot - Jean Émile LABOUREUR : - Très important ensemble d'estampes originales de Jean-Emile Laboureur (1877-1943) ... (art auction catalogue).
34352: 1979 XI 28 - Paris Drout Rive Gauche - Art Nouveau Art Déco : - Art Nouveau. Art Déco. Importante Collection de Meubles de E.J. Ruhlmann... (Catalogue de Vente Publique - Art auction sale catalogue).
34229: 1979 XII 17 - 18 Paris Drouot Rive Gauche - Bibliothèque Evrard de Rouvre - 1980 V 22 : - Bibliothèque Evrard de Rouvre Première Partie ( et Deuxième Partie). ( 2 vols.). (Book auction sale catalogue).
33611: 1979 XII 13 14 LONDON Christie's NEWALL Collection : - The Newall Collection. Highly important English Drawings & Watercolours. (Art auction sale catalogue).
30108: 1979 IV 9 10 LONDON Sotheby's : - Catalogue of an important collection of valuable medical and scientific books of the XVIth to the XXth century Part III. The Property of a Gentleman. (Book auction sale catalogue).
30107: 1979 IV 9 10 LONDON Sotheby's : - Catalogue of an important collection of valuable medical and scientific books of the XVIth to the XXth century Part I. The Property of a Gentleman. (Book auction sale catalogue).
27624: 1979 VI 13 14 London - Library of Arthur A. Houghton Jnr. : - Books and Manuscripts from the Library of ...(complete 2 Vols). (Book auction sale catalogue).
26773: 1979 IV 9 10 LONDON Sotheby's (Part I). 1979 VI 4 (Part II) : - Catalogue of an important collection of valuable medical and scientific books of the XVIth to the XXth century. The Property of a Gentleman. 2 VOLS. (Book auction sale catalogue).
2590: 1979 II 27 - Paris Drouot : - Livres Illustrées des XIXe & XXe Siècles, Manuscrits & Autographes. (Book Auction Sale Catalogue) - Paris, Hôtel Drouot.
2557: 1979 X 18 : - Auction Sale Catalogue. Paris, G.Loudmer & H.Poulain, expert C.Blaizot; LIVRES ILLUSTREES MODERNES.
19406: 1979 X 22 Christie's Brighton & Hove - AUCTION SALE CATALOGUE : - Fine steam engines, locomotives , aircraft and ship models at the Brighton and Hove Engineerum.
48089: 1979 VII 30-31 LONDON Sotheby's - B. Bentley - Birmingham and Midland Institute - M. Hughlock : - Catalogue of printed books including Hebrew books. of B. Bentley - Birmingham and Midland Institute - M. Hughlock ... (Book auction sale catalogue).
7801: 1979 VII 04 PARIS : - Livres, Gravures & Dessins du Dix-huitième siècle. (Book Auction Sale Catalogue. Drouot Rive Gauche, -catalogue de vente publique de livres).
52346: 1980 VII 22-23 - Chester, Sotheby Beresford Adams - 6th Earl of Rosebery - Earl of Kintore - Lady Mason - Colonel Williams-Winne - Catalogue of Printed Books comprising the property of 6th Earl of Rosebery - Earl of Kintore - Lady Mason - Colonel Williams-Winne (book auction sale catalogue).
48083: 1980 V 28 Paris - Drouot - Bibliothèque H.B. : - Bibliothèque H.B. Livres illustrés modernes. ( book auction sale catalogue ).
46393: 1980 XI 10-11 LONDON Sotheby's, Honeyman collection Part VI : - THE HONEYMAN COLLECTION OF SCIENTIFIC BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS Part VI - printed books N - Sa (Book auction sale catalogue - only loose volume ).
4340: 1980 XII 11 London, Sotheby's - Duke of Wellington : - Auction Sale Catalogue. London, Sotheby's . Architectural Watercolours and Drawings related to the life and residences of the Ist Duke of Wellington.
41774: 1980 XI 26 - 27 LONDON - Christie's - Chetham's Library Manchester : - Important Books from Chetham's Library, Manchester, including Scinece, Medecine , Natural History ....and Atlases .(Book auction sale catalogue)
41602: 1980 XII 8-9 LONDON Sotheby's - Arnold Haskell : - Catalogue of Printed Books comprising the property of Arnold Haskell... and other properties. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41599: 1980 IX 29 LONDON Sotheby's - The Plymouth Athenaeum : - Catalogue of Printed Books comprising the property of The Plymouth Athenaeum and other properties. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41597: 1980 V 19-20 LONDON Sotheby's - Colonel J.F. Williams-Wynne : - Catalogue of valuable printed books comprising the property of Colonel J.F. Williams-Wynne. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41596: 1980 V 19-20 LONDON Sotheby's - Jonathan SWIFT : - Catalogue of Printed books including a collection of books and pamphlets by Jonathan Swift and his contempories comprising the property of the late T.A. Hollick,...the late 6th Earl of Rosebery,....the Countess of Albemarle and other properties. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41593: 1980 XI 3-4 LONDON Sotheby's - the Earl of Kintore : - Catalogue of Atlases, maps and printed books comprising the property of the The Rt. Hon. The Earl of Kintore and other properties. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41591: 1980 III 16-17 LONDON Sotheby's - Solomon POTTESMAN : - Catalogue of Printed books comprising the property of the late Solomon Pottesman and other properties. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41590: 1980 I 28-29 LONDON Sotheby's - Downton Castle : - Catalogue of Printed books relating to natural history and science comprising the property of a Gentleman (removed from Downton Castle, Shropshire, and including the residue of the library of T.A. Knight (1759 - 1838), the celebrated horticulturist). (Book auction sale catalogue).
40764: 1980 XII 3 - 4 MILANO Sotheby Parke Bernet : - Catalogo di Libri Pregiati (Book auction sale catalogue).
40702: 1980 X 08 MONTE CARLO - Madame Simone VOLTERRA - Comte Jean De BARRIGUE DE FONTAINIEU - J.J. ROUSSEAU : - Beaux Livres et Manuscrits provenant des bibliothèques de Madame Simone VOLTERRA - Comte Jean De BARRIGUE DE FONTAINIEU ...manuscrits de la main de Jean-Jacques Rousseau... (Book Auction Sale Catalogue; Sporting Hiver, Monte Carlo, Sotheby's Monaco).
38141: 1980 XI 17 - London, Sotheby's - Dr. Yeshayahu SHACHAR : - Catalogue of the well-known collection of Hebrew books. The property of the late Dr. Yeshayahu Shachar. (book auction sale catalogue).
38140: 1980 X 20 - London, Sotheby's - John IHRE - H.G. CONWAY - Sir T.D. KENDRICK : - Catalogue of Printed Books comprising the property of the late John Ihre , H.G. Conway , the late Sir T.D. Kendrick . (book auction sale catalogue).
38139: 1980 VII 14 - London, Sotheby's - Sir Geoffrey Selby Church : - Catalogue of Printed Books comprising the property of the late Sir Geoffrey Selby Church . (book auction sale catalogue).
38137: 1980 VI 9 - London, Sotheby's - Trinity College - Oxford - Aurian de MAUPEOU : - Catalogue of valuable printed books comprising the property of Trinity College, Oxford , Wesley College, Bristol, Aurian de Maupeou...l(book auction sale catalogue).
38138: 1980 VI 30 - London, Sotheby's - Dartington Hall Trust : - Catalogue of Atlases , Maps and Printed Books comprising the property of Dartington Hall Trust . (book auction sale catalogue).
34845: 1980 V 06 New York - Sotheby Parke Bernet : - Highly Important Federal & State Constitutions, With other Printed & Manuscript Americana, Inscribed Copies, Proclamations, English Literature, Fore-Edge Paintings and Other Fine Books. From the Collection of Harry J. Sonneborn. (auction sale catalogue).
30092: 1980 III 24 25 LONDON Sotheby's - Collection of Mrs. Mate Mitchell and the late Dr. George Mitchell : - Catalogue of English medical mainly of the 17th and 18th centuries but with a few continental books of an earlier period. (Book auction sale catalogue).
26716: 1980 IV 14 LONDON Sotheby's : - Catalogue of Valuable Atlases, Globes and Maps and of Printed Books, relating to Travel and of Mrs. E.M. Chetwynd-Stapylton.... (Book auction sale catalogue).
24783: 1980 II 25 Paris - Bibliothèque Marie Madeleine Lorthios : - Bibliothèque Marie Madeleine Lorthios. Editions Originales Livres illustrés Reliures. (Book auction sale catalogue).
24199: 1980 III 24 PARIS - Drouot Rive Gauche - Roger HILD - : - Succession de Maitre Roger Hild. Livres et Autographes anciens, romantiques et modernes. (Book auction sale catalogue)
21579: 1980 VI 19 LONDON Sotheby's : - Part I Architectural and Ornamental Drawings, Part II Important XIXth century European drawings and watercolours. (Auction sale catalogue).
13920: 1980 VI 25 LONDON Sotheby's - F.G. EMMISON - Lincoln Memorial University - M.E. Butler-Bowdon - Rev. David McRoberts : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures. Comprising the property of F.G. EMMISON - Lincoln Memorial University - M.E. Butler-Bowdon - Rev. David McRoberts and other properties. (Book auction catalogue).
11808: 1980 X 27 LONDON Sotheby's : - Autograph Letters, Literary Manuscripts and Historical Documents. (Book auction sale catalogue).
7796: 1980 X 07 MONTE CARLO, - [ ] Major Adrian MCLAUGHLIN : - Livres Précieux provenant de la Bibliothèque de Major Adrian Mclaughlin. (Book Auction Sale Catalogue ; Sporting Hiver, Monte Carlo, Sotheby's Monaco).
7800: 1980 VI 18 PARIS : - Livres du XVIIIe Siècle. (Book Auction Sale Catalogue. Nouveau Drouot, Ader, Picard, Tajan. - catalogue de vente publique de livres).
5563: 1981 III 19 LONDON Sotheby's - Kit Robbins : - Catalogue of American, British and European Children's Books, from the 18th century to the present day. (Book auction sale catalogue).
53206: 1981 XI 5 BRUXELLES - Galerie Simonson - RAYMOND DEGREEF : - (Catalogue) Vente Publique. Bibliothèque d'un amateur. Première Partie.
41775: 1981 IV 1 - LONDON - Christie's : - Early Printed Books , books on the history of science, economics, literature and theology. (Book auction sale catalogue)
41606: 1981 VI 29 LONDON Sotheby's - P.C. Pearson : - Catalogue of Atlases , Maps and printed books comprising the property of P.C. Pearson and other properties. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41601: 1981 VII 27 LONDON Sotheby's - Mrs. J. Weatherlake : - Catalogue of Printed Books the property of Mrs. J. Weatherlake and other properties. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41594: 1981 II 23 LONDON Sotheby's - Dr. E. ASHWORTH UNDERWOOD : - Catalogue of Printed books mainly relating to Medicine and Science comprising the property of the late Dr. E. Ashworth Underwood and other properties. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41592: 1981 IV 6-7 LONDON Sotheby's - Dr. E. ASHWORTH UNDERWOOD : - Catalogue of Printed books including books relating to Medicine and Science comprising the property of the late Dr. E. Ashworth Underwood and other properties. (Book auction sale catalogue).
38145: 1981 XII 14 - 15 - London, Sotheby's - Colin TENNANT - Colin STAMP - Victor ALDRIDGE : - Catalogue of printed books comprising the Property of Colin Tennant , Colin Stamp , Victor Aldridge and other properties. (book auction sale catalogue).
38142: 1981 VI 22 - 23 - London, Sotheby's - John HARRIS : - Catalogue of valuable printed books. The Property of John Harris, esq. and other properties. (book auction sale catalogue).
38143: 1981 XI 2 - 3 - London, Sotheby's - R.C. CHESTER : - Catalogue of valuable printed books relating to science , medicine and natural history. Comprising the Property of R.C. Chester and other owners. (book auction sale catalogue).
31161: 1981 VI 15 - LONDON - James HARDMAN - Sotheby's : - An Important Collection of Medical Books of the 15th to the 20th century, mainly illustrating the history of neurology and psychiatry. (book auction sale catalogue) .
22183: 1981 V 18 NEW YORK Sotheby's John Carter Brown Library : - Catalogue of Western Illuminated Manuscripts, the Property of The John Carter Brown Library... (Book auctionn sale catalogue).
18373: 1981 XI 22 HONG KONG - Sotheby's : - Modern and Contemporary Chinese Paintings. Sotheby Parke Bernett Hong Kong. ( Chinese art auction sale catalogue ) .
13916: 1981 V 18 LONDON Christie's : - illuminated Manuscripts, early and valuable books. (Book auction sale catalogue).
12668: 1981 XI 24 MÜNCHEN, Sotheby's : - Book auction sale catalogue. Behrens, Ernst & Peter Graf zu Eltz - Wertvolle Bücher, Drucke aus deutschen Pressen, Moderne Literatur und Buchkunst, Bibliophile Gesellschaften, Zeitschriften.
56722: 1981 VI 18-19 PARIS DROUOT - [ ] Marquis De La BAUME PLUVINEL : - Livres Précieux du Marquis de la Baume Pluvinel - Gothiques Illustrés - Incunables - Romans de Chevalerie ....(Catalogue de vente publique de livres - book auction sale catalogue ).
6605: 1981 X 6 LONDON Christie's : - An important collection of Scottish Banknotes, together with other world banknotes. (Auction sale catalogue)
6692: 1981 VI 10 LONDON Christie's, John Saks : - Venetian Illustrated Books of the Eighteenth Century, Collection of John A.Saks. (Book auction sale catalogue).
6944: 1981 IV 28 PARIS, Professeur Th. Alajouanine : - Book Auction Sale Catalogue. Paris, Expert Giraud Badin. Bibliothèque du Professeur Th. Alajouanine. 3 vols.
53207: 1982 III 20 BRUXELLES - Galerie Simonson - RAYMOND DEGREEF : - (Catalogue) Vente Publique. Bibliothèque d'un amateur. Seconde Partie.
53006: 1982 IV 16 - Paris Drouot - Henri NOCQ : - Bibliothèque H. Nocq. Livres appartenant à divers Amateurs ( French book auction sale catalogue).
51171: 1982 IV 26-27 Paris - Nouveau Drouot - [ ] Anne Otto Wertheimer : - Bibliothèque Anne Otto Wertheimer. Beaux-Arts, Peinture, Dessin... Première Vente. ( catalogue de vente publique de livres).
43451: 1982 I 25 - 26 Paris - Nouveau Drouot - Bibliothèque Pierre Lambert : - Bibliothèque Pierre Lambert. Vente après décès. (Book auction sale catalogue).
43421: 1982 X 7-8 PARIS - Ader Picard - Tajan - ARMAND TRAMPITSCH : - Bibliothèque Armand Trampitsch. Livres anciens et modernes, régionalisme principalement Lorrain, Beaux-Arts.(Book auction sale catalogue).
41783: 1982 VI 17 - 18 AMSTERDAM - Christie's : - Valuable printed Books , topography, natural history, incunabula... (Book auction sale catalogue)
41782: 1982 XII 8 - LONDON - Christie's : - Valuable early printed Books and manuscripts. (Book auction sale catalogue)
41780: 1982 X 27 - LONDON - Christie's : - Books on Travel, Topography ands Natural History. (Book auction sale catalogue)
41779: 1982 IX 29 - LONDON - Christie's : - Printed books. (Book auction sale catalogue)
41778: 1982 VII 14 - LONDON - Christie's : - Travel and natural history books. (Book auction sale catalogue)
41777: 1982 VII 1 - LONDON - Christie's : - Important modern prints, posters and illustrated books. (Book auction sale catalogue)
41776: 1982 VI 23 - LONDON - Christie's : - Fine Printed Books and manuscripts. (Book auction sale catalogue)
33520: 1982 V 17 Paris Drouot - André VILLEBOEUF : - André Villeboeuf (1893 - 1956). 1982 V 17 . Catalogue de Vente Publique. (Art auction sale catalogue ) .
30392: 1982 XI 23 Hamburg - Die Inselsammlung. Collection Alfred Bergmann : - Inselverlag. Sammlung Alfred Bergmann, Detmold. (Book auction sale catalogue).
29444: 1982 III 30 Sotheby's LONDON : - Catalogue of highly important Twentieth Century Paintings. The property of a European Collector. (Art auction sale catalogue).
26715: 1982 XI 25 LONDON Sotheby's : - Atlases, Maps and Printed Books, relating to Voyages, Travel and British Topogaphy... (Book auction sale catalogue).
24882: 1982 VII 27 London - Christie's : - Japanese prints paintings illustrated books and screens. (Art and book auction sale catalogue).
24776: 1982 XI 27 Marseille - Bibliotheque H.B. (Deuxième partie) : - Beaux livres illustrés romantiques et anciens. (Books auction sales catalogue).
24700: 1982 VI 4 5 Köln - Asiatic Art : - Asiatische Kunst. 21. Kunstversteigerung. Indonesien Indien Burma Tibet China Japan. (Art auction sales catalogue).
24239: 1982 II 1 Monaco - Collection de livres...provenant de la Famille Greffuhle : - Collection de livres anciens et modernes provenant de la faille Greffulhe et de divers amateurs. (Book auction sale catalogue).
15962: 1982 V 21 NEW YORK Christie's - : - Musical Manuscripts, autograph letters & printed books. (Book auction sale catalogue).
794: 1982 XII 10 LONDON - AUCTION SALE CATALOGUE : - Fine Chinese Ceramics, Jades, Snuff Bottles and Works of Art. London 10 december 1982, Christie's.
797: 1982 XII 7 London Christie's AUCTION SALE CATALOGUE : - Fine Japanese Works of Art, London 7 december 1982, Christie's.
48091: 1983 VI 8 Paris - Drouot - Général Comte Bertrand : - Archives provenant du Général Comte Bertrand 1773 - 1844. Autographes de l'Empereur Napoléon Ier. Deuxième vente. ( book auction sale catalogue ).
56096: 1983 IV 25 LONDON Sotheby's - [ ] Daniel BURCKHARDT-WILDE : - Single leaves and minatures from Western Manuscripts, comprising miniatures from the Album assembled for Daniel Burckhardt-Wilde...and the collection of ... Esther Rosenbaum...(Book auction sale catalogue).
46426: 1983 V 18 New York - Sotheby's - Doris D. HAVEMEYER : - Impressionist paintings and drawings from the estate of Doris D. Havemeyer; ( Art auction sale catalogue ).
43423: 1983 IV 27 - 28 - 1983 VI 27-28 PARIS DROUOT - Institut Drouin de Montréal ( Canada ) : - Bibliothèque héraldique généalogique, nobiliaire, historique et géographique de l'Institut Drouin de Montréal (Canada) .(Book auction sale catalogue).
41969: 1983 III 1 - Paris Nouveau Drouot - Karl Wilhelm NAUNDORFF : - L'Affaire Naundorff. ( Catalogue de Vente Publique ) .
41799: 1983 XI 16 Hotel Drouot PARIS - Fondation Furstenberg - Beaumesnil : - Incunables et livres anciens provenant de la Fondation Furstenberg-Beaumesnil. ( book auction sale catalogue ) .
37567: 1983 XII 6 London - Sotheby Parke Bernet : - The Gospels of Henry The Lion Count of Saxony, Duke of Bavaria. Helmarshausen Abbey, c. 1173-1175. ( Book auction sale catalogue).
34021: 1983 IV 25 Sotheby's London - Daniel Burckhardt-Wildt : - Catalogue of single leaves and miniatures from western illuminated manuscripts. (manuscript auction sale catalogue).
33984: 1983 VI 8. Versailles - Maitre Georges BLACHE : - XXe Floralies 1983. Importants tableaux modernes par Adami, Bauchant , Beaufrère....( art auction sale catalogue).
33866: 1983 V 5 London Sotheby's - Arms and Armour - The Hever Castle Collection : - The Hever Castle Castle Collection. The Property of The Lord Astor of Hever. Volume One Arms and Armour. ( Illustrated auction sale catalogue).
33094: 1983 IV 25 LONDON Sotheby's : - Single leaves and minatures from Western Manuscripts, comprising miniatures from the Album assembled for Daniel Burckhardt-Wilde...and the collection of ... Esther Rosenbaum...(Book auction sale catalogue).
28120: 1983 XII 14 London - Sotheby's - Stravinsky : - Fine Books and Manuscripts. (Book auction sale catalogue).
53205: 1984 XI 15 BRUXELLES - Galerie Simonson - RAYMOND DEGREEF : - (Catalogue) Vente Publique. Importante collection de dessins originaux....
48617: 1984 XI 19 Nouvel Drouot PARIS : - Bibliothèque d'un amateur. Incunables , XVIe & XVIIe siècle.... ( book auction sale catalogue ) .
40763: 1984 VI 27 NEW YORK Sotheby's - John James AUDUBON : - John James Audubon. The birds of America. (Book auction sale catalogue).
40618: 1984 XII 11 NEW YORK Sotheby's, Maria Jeritza Seery - Gustave Mahler - Robert Payne - ... : - Fine Books and Manuscripts. (Book auction sale catalogue).
38175: 1984 IV 26 - Veilingen Beijers Utrecht - Anton van Duinkerken : - Books from the library of the late Anton van Duinkerken ( W.J.M.A. Asselberghs ) ( Book auction sale catalogue).
32366: 1984 VI 27 NEW YORK - Christie's : - Fine Japanese Prints From various properties. (auction catalogue).
31321: 1984 V 23 Hamburg Hauswedell & Nolte - Sammlung Dr. Ernst L. HAUSWEDELL : - Sammlung Dr. Ernst L. Hauswedell. Auktion in Hamburg. (Book auction sale catalogue).
2733: 1984 II I NEW YORK Sotheby's, Hebraica : - Important Hebraica. Hebrew Printed Books and Manuscripts. (Book auction sale catalogue).
26714: 1984 V 21 LONDON Sotheby's : - Atlases, Maps and Printed Books, relating to Voyages, Travel and Topogaphy. (Book auction sale catalogue).
2626: 1984 X 9 NEW YORK Sotheby's, Crahan : - Marcus and Elizabeth CRAHAN, Collection of Books on Food, Drink and related Subjects. (Book auction sale catalogue).
2520: 1984 X 31 NEW YORK Sotheby's : - Fine printed and Manuscript Americana. (Book auction sale catalogue).
24654: 1984 VI 20 Paris - Bibliothèque Jacques Dennery : - Première Partie. Livres anciens. Bibliothèque J. Dennery. (Book auction sales catalogue).
15504: 1984 IX 20 LONDON Sotheby's : - Important Printed Books. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41956: 1985 XI 21 NEW YORK Sotheby's : - Fine Illustrated Books and Original Drawings. (Book auction sale catalogue).
40617: 1985 II 2 NEW YORK Sotheby's, Flora Whitney Miller - Marvin FREILICH : - Important Books and Manuscripts, Atlases, Travel, Natural History, Science, Economics and Literature. (Book auction sale catalogue).
40155: 1985 IV 25 NEW YORK Sotheby's Estate of Florence J. GOULD : - Old Master and 19th and 20th Century Paintings and Drawings from the Estate of Florence J. Gould. ( Art auction sale catalogue).
40123: 1985 XI 4 Sotheby's München - Fürstlich Löwenstein-Wertheim-Rosenberg'schen Hofbibliothek : - Wertvolle Bücher Dekorative Graphik (Book auction sale catalogue).
40122: 1985 IX 24 - 1985 X 08 - London Sotheby's - George PENDLE : - Printed Books. ( Book auction sale catalogue). A collection of Books on South America from the Library of the late George Pendle....
39998: 1985 XI 7 and 8 LONDON Sotheby's : - Atlases, Travel and Topography, Natural History, Science and Medicine. (Book auction sale catalogue).
38131: 1985 VII 4 - Sotheby's London : - Old Master Drawings. (Art auction sale catalogue).
37549: 1985 X 25 - Paris - Drouot - Félix BUHOT : - Félix Buhot. ( Catalogue de vente publique Nouveau Drouot ).
36662: 1985 XI 18 - AMSTERDAM - Sotheby's : - Dutch, Flemish and German Drawings. (Art auction catalogue).
33836: 1985 VI 3 4 Paris Drouot - Guy LOUDMER - Expert Annie KEVORKIAN : - Verres Antiques et de l'Islam. Ancienne collection de Monsieur D. Ancient and Islamic Glass... ( Art glass auction sale catalogue ).
33615: 1985 XI 15 PARIS Renaud Bibliothèque Lucien ALLIENNE (Part I) : - Livres anciens. Bibliothèque Lucien Allienne. Première partie. (Book auction sale catalogue).
32367: 1985 IV 11 NEW YORK - Sotheby's : - Fine Japanese Works of Art. Including Property from the Collection of Gretchen Kroch Kelsch and other owners. (auction catalogue).
30051: 1985 X 31 LONDON - Bloomsbury Book Auctions :.00 - Catalogue of Early Printed Books many in interesting bindings and including Examples from more than 150 Presses of the 15th Century. The property of a Continental Collector and other properties.
27806: 1985 IV 24 New York - Florence J. GOULD - Sotheby's : - Impressionist Paintings and Drawings from the Estate of Florence J. Gould. (Art auction sale catalogue).
26717: 1985 V 2 LONDON Sotheby's : - Atlases, Travel and Topography. (Book auction sale catalogue).
26564: 1985 VI 27 LONDON Sotheby's : - Travel, atlases, maps, and other printed ...(Book auction sale catalogue).
2523: 1985 X 31 NEW YORK Sotheby's : - Important American Voyages and Explorations. (Book auction sale catalogue).
2522: 1985 III 27 NEW YORK Sotheby's, Philip D. Sang : - Fine printed and Manuscript Americana, from the Collection of Mrs. Philip D.Sang. (Book auction sale catalogue).
2521: 1985 V 1 NEW YORK Sotheby's, Lindley Eberstadt : - Fine printed and Manuscript Americana, including books from the library of Lindley Eberstadt. (Book auction sale catalogue).
2519: 1985 X 31 NEW YORK Sotheby's : - Fine printed and Manuscript Americana. (Book auction sale catalogue).
22915: 1985 VI 21 PARIS - Drouot - (Book auction sale catalogue) : - Manuscrits et livres. (book auction sale catalogue).
22029: 1985 VI 19 NEW YORK Sotheby's, Important Musical Instruments : - Important Musical Instruments. (auction sale catalogue).
15300: 1985 XI 20 PARIS DROUOT : - Bibliothèque d'un Amateur, deuxième partie. Livres ill. des XVe et XVIe S. à figures sur bois.... (Book auction sale catalogue).
11917: 1985 V 10 LONDON Sotheby's : - Silver and Enamel Bindings. (Book auction sale catalogue).
56718: 1985 VI 3 4 Paris Drouot - Guy LOUDMER - Expert Annie KEVORKIAN : - Verres Antiques et de l'Islam. Ancienne collection de Monsieur D. Ancient and Islamic Glass... ( Art glass auction sale catalogue ).
11805: 1985 V 22 NEW YORK Sotheby's : - Fine Books and Manuscripts. (Book auction sale catalogue).
558: 1986 I 31 NEW YORK Silver Auction sale catalogue - Cornelius Moore : - The Cornelius Moore Collection ; Early American Silver.
48085: 1986 X 19 Rouen - Christian Denesle - Georges Lainé : - Bibliothèque Georges Lainé ( book auction sale catalogue ).
45767: 1986 XI 17 Sotheby's New York - John R. GAINES : - The John R. Gaines Collection. (Art auction sale catalogue - drawings ).
43420: 1986 IV 26 Marseille , Raymond et Tabutin - M.C. CONTENCIN : - Bibliothèques de M.C. Contencin et de Mlle C.R. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41957: 1986 II 14 NEW YORK Sotheby's - Valentine MILLER - William E. HANZEL - Phillip D. SANG : - Fine Books and Manuscripts. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41657: 1986 IV 16-17 LONDON - Christie's : - Valuable Travel and Natural History Books, Atlases and Architecture. (Book auction sale catalogue)
41658: 1986 VII 1 - Monaco - Ader Picard Tajan : - Architecture et Beaux Livres Anciens. (book auction sale catalogue ) .
40027: 1986 XII 12 - LONDON Christie's - Matthew BOULTON : - Books from the library of Matthew Boulton and his family. (Book auction sale catalogue).
39997: 1986 VI 26 and 27 LONDON Sotheby's - Lionel Robinson : - The Collection of the late Lionel Robinson. (Book auction sale catalogue).
39995: 1986 XI 27 and 28 LONDON Sotheby's : - Continental Printed Books, Manuscripts and Music. (Book auction sale catalogue).
39877: 1986 X 28 NEW YORK - Christie's - The Patiño collection - Silver Auction sale catalogue : - The Patiño collection. Important English and Continental Silver and Silver-gilt. (Art auction sale catalogue).
37271: 1986 VI 24 London Sotheby's - : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures. (Book auction sale catalogue).
36904: 1986 XI 24 PARIS - Hôtel Drouot - Bibliothèque G.T. : - Bibliothèque G. T. Livres et autographes. (book auction sale catalogue).
36905: 1986 XII 1 - AMSTERDAM - Sotheby's : - Dutch, Flemish and German Drawings. (Art auction catalogue).
36795: 1986 II 22 - MONACO - Sotheby's : - Dessins Anciens et du XIXe Siècle. (auction catalogue).
33626: 1986 XII 8 PARIS Léon Bloy - Berès - P.A. FILS - Charles DUNET : - Léon Bloy. Editions originales, exemplaires dédicacés, épreuves et manuscrits autographes. Collection formée par P.A. Fils , au Caire , et continuée par le professeur Charles Dunet. (Book auction sale catalogue).
32368: 1986 II 20 NEW YORK - Sotheby's : - Netsuke, Inro, Ojime and Kizeruzutsu. (auction catalogue).
29057: 1986 X 18 - Raymond DEGREEF - Galerie Simonson - Bruxelles : - L'Amour en dentelles. (Book auction sale catalogue of erotic books).
26562: 1986 V 8 LONDON Sotheby's : - Atlases, Maps, Travel and Topography, Natural History, Science and Medicine. Comprising the Property...Duke of Northumberland..Berkeley Castle..(Book auction sale catalogue).
26563: 1986 X 23 LONDON Sotheby's : - Travel and Topography and Natural History. Comprising atlases, maps, books and prints...formerly at Newstead Abby, Bibliothèques des Fontaines, Chantilly....(Book auction sale catalogue).
2518: 1986 IV 23 NEW YORK Sotheby's : - Fine printed and Manuscript Americana. (Book auction sale catalogue).
23970: 1986 XI 17 NEW YORK - Sotheby's - John Gaines - : - The John R.Gaines Collection (Art auction sale catalogue).
22913: 1986 V 21 PARIS - Drouot - (Book auction sale catalogue) : - Précieux livres anciens romantiques et modernes. Précieuses reliures anciennes... Livres d'heures manuscrits du XVe avec miniatures etc..
13917: 1986 VI 25 LONDON Christie's : - Valuable printed Books, Medieval and Illuminated Manuscripts. (Book auction sale catalogue).
13907: 1986 V 22 LONDON Sotheby's : - Fine Oriental Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
53211: 1987 V 23 BRUXELLES - Galerie Simonson - RAYMOND DEGREEF - Collection Fernand VELLUT - Paul CULOT : - (Catalogue) Vente Publique. Bibliothèque romantique de Fernand Vellut ( 181 lots)....Atlas Cellarius...
53210: 1987 XII 12 BRUXELLES - Galerie Simonson - RAYMOND DEGREEF : - (Catalogue) Vente Publique. Livres illustrés par Beardsley, Dinet, Jouas....
55946: 1987 II 28 Monte-Carlo - Sotheby's - Marcel JEANSON : - Bibliothèque Marcel Jeanson, Première Partie, Chasse.
49464: 1987 II 28 Monte-Carlo - Sotheby's - Marcel JEANSON : - Bibliothèque Marcel Jeanson, Première Partie, Chasse.
48084: 1987 V 19 Paris - Drouot - Ader , Picard , Tajan : - Livres anciens et modernes. Manuscrits. ( book auction sale catalogue ).
45772: 1987 III 1 Sotheby's Monaco - STRADANUS : - Dessins de Stradanus. Extraits du catalogue de la Bibliothèque Marcel Jeanson. Première Partie Chasse. (Art auction sale catalogue - drawings ).
42769: 1987 XI 20 - PARIS Drouot - Collection Georges Renand : - Collection Georges Renand. Exceptionnels Tableaux Modernes... (auction catalogue).
41631: 1987 XII 17-18 Paris Hotel Drouot - Bibliothèque TRONCHIN : - Bibliothèque Tronchin ( Catalogue de Vente Publique - Book auction sale catalogue ).
40482: 1987 V 15-16 Genève Galerie Pierre-Yves Gabus : - Bibliothèque d'un amateur genevoix, lettré et ami des arts. (Book auction sale catalogue).
40028: 1987 XII 2 LONDON Christie's : - Early Printed Books, Medieval and Illuminated Manuscripts. (Book auction sale catalogue).
39996: 1987 XII 08 MONACO- Sotheby's - Chateau de La Roche-Guyon - Gilbert de La Rochefoucauld - (Book auction sale catalogue) : - Bibliothèque du Château de La Roche-Guyon provenant de la Succession de Gilbert de La Rochefoucauld, Duc de La Roche-Guyon. (Book auction sale catalogue) .
38867: 1987 X 7 TOKYO - Ader Picard Tajan - Collection DAUM : - Collection Daum Nancy. 3ème Vente au Japon. Tokyo - Hôtel OKURA. (Art auction sale catalogue) .
38107: 1987 XII 17 - 18 - Paris Drouot - TRONCHIN : - Bibliothèque Tronchin. (Catalogue de vente publique).
38108: 1987 IX 26 Bruxelles - Simonson - Félicien ROPS : - Félicien Rops. Vente publique du 26 septembre 1987 ( book & art auction sale catalogue).
36797: 1987 I 14 - NEW YORK - Sotheby's : - Old Master Drawings (Art auction sale catalogue).
36661: 1987 III 31 LONDON - Christie's : - Impressionist, Modern and Contemporary Watercolours and Drawings. (Art auction catalogue).
35897: 1987 IX 14 - NEW YORK Christie's - John AUDUBON : - John James Audubon, The Birds of America... The Property of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. (auction sale catalogue).
34844: 1987 XI 05 - London - Sotheby's : - Travel, Atlases, Topographical Prints, and Natural History. (auction catalogue).
33983: 1987 VI 10. Versailles - Maitre Georges BLACHE : - Floralies 1987. Importants tableaux modernes par Ambrogiani, Asselberg , Bauchant....( art auction sale catalogue).
33150: 1987 VII 22 London Christie's JAMES O'BYRNE : - Nineteenth century art and architecture. The library of James O'Byrne. (Book auction sale catalogue).
30803: 1987 II 28 Monte-Carlo - Sotheby's - Marcel JEANSON : - Bibliothèque Marcel Jeanson, Première Partie, Chasse.
30403: 1987 XI 27 - Paris Drouot : - Livres anciens précieuses reliures, provenant de bibliothèques célèbres, (Book Auction Sale Catalogue).
29718: 1987 I 26 LONDON - Sotheby's - Early English Drawings and Victorian Watercolours : - Early English Drawings etc. (Art auction sale catalogue).
28851: 1987 X 22 LONDON - Sotheby's : - Post War and Contemporary Art (art auction catalog).
28852: 1987 XI 11 LONDON - Sotheby's : - Modern British Paintings, Drawings and Sculptures (art auction catalog).
28360: 1987 X 27 NEW YORK - Photographs : - 19th and 20th century photographs.(Photograph auction sale catalogue).
2660: 1987 XI 6 London - Sotheby's : - Photography Auction Sale Catalogue. London; Sotheby's. Photographic Images and related Materials.
26443: 1987 IX 21 22 23 LONDON Sotheby's : - Postage Stamps of Rhodesia 1910 13 Double Heads....on behalf of Robert M. Gibbs... California. (Auction sale catalogue).
2585: 1987 X 15 - Paris - Elzevier : - Auction Sale catalogue. Paris, Hôtel Drouot, C.Guérin & D.Courvoisier. Livres Imprimés au XVIIe Siècle par LES ELZEVIER.
2512: 1987 V 6 LONDON Sotheby's : - Printed Books, Maps and Ephemera. (Book auction sale catalogue).
2510: 1987 XII 15 LONDON Sotheby's : - English Literature and History (Book auction sale catalogue).
23899: 1987 XII 08 MONACO- Sotheby's - Emile Zola et et L'Affaire Dreyfus (Book auction sale catalogue) : - Emile Zola et L'Affaire Dreyfus. Lettres et Manuscrits.
22682: 1987 XII 4 PARIS - Drouot - (Book auction sale catalogue) : - Cinquante livres et autographes précieux. Provenant du cabinet d'un amateur.
19509: 1987 XI 19 LONDON Christie's - Norman Lockyer : - Scientific and medical instruments including a collection of apparatus from the Norman Lockyer Corporation. (Auction sale catalogue)
19507: 1987 XII 17 LONDON Sotheby's : - Important Clocks Watches Wristwatches and Barometers. (Auction sale catalogue)
16041: 1987 X 26 Amsterdam Sotheby's : - A collection of Comic Books. (Book auction sale catalogue)
15977: 1987 XII 14 LONDON Sotheby's : - Fine oriental manuscripts and miniatures. (Book auction sale catalogue).
15505: 1987 IX 21 LONDON Sotheby's : - Printed Books, Manuscripts and Music. (Book auction sale catalogue).
13895: 1987 XII 1 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures. (Book auction sale catalogue).
13877: 1987 IX 23 SUMMERS PLACE, Billinghurst; SOTHEBY'S : - Auction sale catalogue. Garden Statuary and Architectural Items (auctioned at) Summers Place, Billinghurst, West Sussex.
56720: 1987 V 13 Paris Hotel Drouot - CLAVREUIL Expert - [ ] Bibliothèque A.L. NATUREL : - Bibliothèque A.-L. N. ( Catalogue de Vente Publique - Book auction sale catalogue ).
53212: 1988 V 28 BRUXELLES - Galerie Simonson - RAYMOND DEGREEF - Pascal De SADELEER (catalogue ) : - (Catalogue) Vente Publique. Bibliothèque Litéraire d'un amateur.
53213: 1988 III 12 BRUXELLES - Galerie Simonson - RAYMOND DEGREEF : - (Catalogue) Vente Publique. Bibliothèque d'un Amateur...Reliures Armoriées...
52588: 1988 VI 3 PARIS - Hotel Drouot - Guy LOUDMER - Bibliothèque Léon Givaudin : - Bibliothèque Léon Givaudan. Livres Illustrés Modernes Reliures 1900 - 1950. (Catalogue de vente publique).
43765: 1988 VI 21 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
43760: 1988 XII 6 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
40484: 1988 V 14-15 - Genève - Galerie Pierre-Yves Gabus : - Précieux Livres Anciens et Modernes. (Book auction sale catalogue).
39999: 1988 XII 7 LONDON Christie's : - Medieval and Illuminated Manuscripts. Valuable Printed Books, Autograph Letters and Manuscripts. (Book auction sale catalogue).
39994: 1988 II 1 and 2 X 17 and 18 New York Christie's - The Estelle Doheny Collection : - Part.III. Printed Books & Manuscripts including Western Americana . PART III.The Estelle Doheny Collection from the Edward Laurence Doheny Memorial Library St. John's Seminary, Camarillo, California, sold on behalf of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. PART III
39993: 1988 X 17 and 18 New York Christie's - The Estelle Doheny Collection : - Part. IV. Printed Books & Manuscripts including Early Printing, Literature & Fine Bindings. PART IV .The Estelle Doheny Collection from the Edward Laurence Doheny Memorial Library St. John's Seminary, Camarillo, California, sold on behalf of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. PART IV
38261: 1988 VII 12 Christie's London - John Constable : - Drawings by John Constable R.A. ( art auction sale catalogue).
36617: 1988 VI 3 PARIS - Hotel Drouot - Guy LOUDMER - Bibliothèque Léon Givaudin : - Bibliothèque Léon Givaudan. Livres Illustrés Modernes Reliures 1900 - 1950. (Catalogue de vente publique).
34658: 1988 I 13 Sotheby's New York - Old Master Drawings : - Old Master Drawings ( art auction sale catalogue ).
29720: 1988 XII 5 LONDON - Phillips - Old Master Drawings : - Fine old master drawings. (Art auction sale catalogue).
29525: 1988 IV 21 New York - Jaime ORTIZ-PATINO - Sotheby's : - The Jaime Ortiz-Patiño Collection of Important Books and Manuscripts (book auction catalogue).
27427: 1988 IV 14 London -Sotheby's - John Rylands University Library : - Books from the John Rylands University Library of Manchester. (Book auction sale catalogue).
2658: 1988 XI 10 London - Christie's : - 19th and 20th Century Photographs. ( Auction Sale Catalogue. London; Christie's South Kensington. ).
2655: 1988 IV 26 New York : - Auction Sale Catalogue. New York; Christie's. 19th and 20th Century Photographs.
2654: 1988 X 31 New York : - Auction Sale Catalogue. New York; Christie's. 19th and 20th Century Photographs.
2649: 1988 XI 1 New York Sotheby's : - Auction Sale Catalogue. New York; Sotheby's. PHOTOGRAPHS.
2647: 1988 V 4 New York Sotheby's : - Auction Sale Catalogue. New York; Sotheby's. PHOTOGRAPHS.
26265: 1988 V 20 PARIS : - Livres anciens. (Book auction sale catalogue).
26257: 1988 IX 16 Paris - Ader Picard Tajan : - Manuscrits et livres anciens. (Book auction sale catalogue).
2511: 1988 I 13 LONDON Sotheby's, H.W.Pratley : - The Collection of the late H.W.Pratley Esq. of Tunbridge Wells, Kent.(Book auction sale catalogue).
24237: 1988 II 1 London -Sotheby's : - Printed Books, Atlasses and Maps including a collection of Canadiana. (Book auction sale catalogue).
22919: 1988 V 14 GENEVE - Palexpo - Bibliothèque SIMONIN : - Précieux livres anciens & modernes. Bibliothèque partielle de M. Roger Simonin. (Book auction sale catalogue).
22683: 1988 VI 3 PARIS - Drouot - Georges JOUBAIN : - Atelier Georges Joubin. (Auction sale catalogue).
22635: 1988 V 2 PARIS Nouveau Drouot - Bill PARKER : - Bill Parker. (Auction sale catalogue).
22632: 1988 VI 12 LA VARRENNE S.HILAIRE Hôtel des Ventes - René LEVERD : - René Leverd. 1872 1938. Importante et dernière vente d'atelier. Provenence de la famille de l'artiste. (Auction sale catalogue).
22628: 1988 VI 28 PARIS Hotel George V - Valentin de BOULOGNE : - Valentin de Boulogne 1591 1632. Collections du château de Thoiry quatre importants tableaux représentant Les Evangélistes. (Auction sale catalogue).
22120: 1988 X 5 PARIS - FLANDRIN - DESTOUCHES - RICOIS - DESGOFFE : - Dessins et peintures du XIXe siècle français. Destouches. Desgoffe. Flandrin. l'atelier de H. et P. Flandrin (Auction sale)
17602: 1988 XI 23 LONDON Sotheby's : - Musical Instruments. (Auction sale catalogue).
16027: 1988 XI 22 LONDON Sotheby's : - The Library of Philip Robinson Part II. The Chinese Collection. (Book auction sale catalogue).
15502: 1988 IV 15 LONDON Sotheby's : - Atlases, Travel and Natural History. (Book auction sale catalogue).
15500: 1988 X 20 LONDON Sotheby's : - Atlases, Travel and Natural History. (Book auction sale catalogue).
15499: 1988 X 31 LONDON Sotheby's : - Books, Maps and Manuscripts (Book auction sale catalogue).
15042: 1988 X 20 LONDON Christie's : - Auction sale catalogue. Modern Belgian Paintings Drawings and Sculpture.
5691: 1989 X 13 LONDON Sotheby's - The Library of Henry M.Blackmer II : - The Library of Henry M.Blackmer II (Book auction sale catalogue).
55072: 1989 VII 7-14 - London Sotheby's Furniture : - Important English Furniture. ( Auction sale catalogue ) .
53053: 1989 X 14 - Paris Drouot - [ ] Camille ROGIER : - Collection Camille Rogier ( 1810 - 1896). Estampes Italiennes des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. (art auction sale catalgoue).
51817: 1989 III 4 - Paris Drouot - [ ] Tristan TZARA : - Importante partie de la Bibliothèque de Tristan Tzar...Dada ... Surréalisme... (Book and Art auction sale catalogue).
51365: 1989 IV 20-21 Paris Drouot - Colonel Daniel SICKLES - 1989 XI 28-29 Paris Drouot - Colonel Daniel SICKLES : - Trésors de la littérature française du XIXe siècle. Première Partie ( Deuxième Partie ) (Book auction sale catalogue). (Première partie ). ( complet - 2 catalogues de vente publique) Préface de Gabriel de Broglie.
4413: 1989 X 18 Paris - LUCE Maximilien : - Auction Sale Catalogue. Paris, Drouot Richelieu. P.Cornette de Saint-Cyr. 1989 December 18.. Ensemble d'Oeuvres de Maximilien LUCE.
4412: 1989 X 8 Paris - BESNARD GIRAUDIAS Hélène : - Auction Sale Catalogue. Paris, Drouot Richelieu. Binoche et Godeau. 1989 October 8 . Atelier Besnard-Giraudias.
43764: 1989 XII 5 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
39992: 1989 II 21 and 22 New York Christie's - The Estelle Doheny Collection : - Part V . Printed books and Manuscripts including Americana, Literature and Fine bindings. PART V .The Estelle Doheny Collection from the Edward Laurence Doheny Memorial Library St. John's Seminary, Camarillo, California, sold on behalf of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. PART V
56266: 1989 IV 20-21 Paris Drouot - Colonel Daniel SICKLES - 1989 XI 28-29 Paris Drouot - Colonel Daniel SICKLES : - Trésors de la littérature française du XIXe siècle. Première Partie ( Deuxième Partie ) (Book auction sale catalogue). (Première partie ). ( complet - 2 catalogues de vente publique) Préface de Gabriel de Broglie.
36669: 1989 VI 26 - LONDON - Phillips - F. NEUKOMM : - The Private Collection of the Late F. Neukomm. (Art auction sale catalogue).
36463: 1989 IV 25 New York - Christie's : - 150 Years of Photography. ( auction sale catalogue , New York; Christie's ).
34659: 1989 I 13 14 Sotheby's New York - Old Master Drawings : - Old Master Drawings ( art auction sale catalogue ).
34649: 1989 VII 3 - London Sotheby's - Timothy CLIFFORD ( collector ) - Godfrey BARKER ( preface ) : - The Clifford Collection . (Art auction sale catalogue , Italian drawings ).
3054: 1989 VI 10 Paris - Binoche et Godeau : - Photographies Anciennes, Modernes et Contemporaines. (Auction Sale Catalogue. Paris, Drouot Montaigne. Binoche et Godeau.)
30438: 1989 X 24 LONDON - Phillips - Old Master Paintings : - Old master paintings. (Art auction sale catalogue).
30043: 1989 XII 8 PARIS - Ader-Picard-Tajan : - Bibliothèque d'un Amateur. Art Militaire (Book auction sale catalogue).
29677: 1989 III 15 - Paris Hotel Drouot - Marc Ferri Commissaire-priseur : - Dessins Anciens des XVIe, XVIIe, XVIIIe et XIXe siècles provenant de la Collection de M. et MMe M.L....(art auction sale catalogue).
2860: 1989 X 30 LONDON Sotheby's : - Books and Maps. (Book auction sale catalogue).
2650: 1989 X 31 New York : - Auction Sale Catalogue. New York; Sotheby's. PHOTOGRAPHS.
2646: 1989 IV 13 London - Christie's : - 19th and 20th Century Photographs. ( Auction Sale Catalogue. London, Christie's South Kensington. ).
22122: 1989 X 23 PARIS Drouot Richelieu - Maurice MOURLOT : - Atelier Maurice Mourlot 1906 1983. Lithographies Dessins Huiles. Animeaux Scènes de ferme Paysages Fleurs Natures mortes.
19515: 1989 V 5 LONDON Sotheby's - AUCTION SALE CATALOGUE - Wheatstone : - Sotheby's. Fine Instruments of Science and Technology 1500-1900. Including The Wheatstone Laboratory Collection.
17800: 1989 X 19 LONDON Sotheby's : - (Auction sale catalogue). Modern Belgian paintings drawings and sculpture.
15986: 1989 VI 20 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures.(Book auction sale catalalogue).
15501: 1989 IV 13 LONDON Sotheby's : - Atlases, Travel and Natural History. (Book auction sale catalogue).
14005: 1989 X 19 PARIS - Guérin-Courvoisier ( experts ) : - Manuscrits provenant de la succession de Monsieur R. (Book auction sale catalogue).
14001: 1989 X 19 PARIS - Ader-Picard-Tajan : - Manuscrits, Livres Anciens. (Book auction sale catalogue).
13903: 1989 IV 10 LONDON Sotheby's : - Oriental Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
13918: 1989 XII 6 LONDON Christie's : - Medieval and Illuminated Manuscripts, valuable printed Books, Autograph Letters and Manuscripts (Book auction sale catalogue).
13875: 1989 XI 14 LONDON Christie's : - Auction sale catalogue. An Important Collection of Fine Japanese Metalwork of the Meiji Period.
51172: 199 IX 28-29 Amsterdam - Van Gendt Book Auctions - [ ] Schermerhorn Collectie - Herman STAMMESHAUS : - Van Gendt Book Auctions. The Schermerhorn Collection. ( Book auction catalogue ).
35417: 199 I 25 PARIS - Drouot Richelieu - Georges LAMBERT - René BABIN : - Atelier Georges Lambert (1919-1998). Atelier René Babin (1919-1997). Estampes, sculptures, tableaux modernes. ( Auction sale catalogue).
604: 1990 X 3 PARIS (Auction sale catalogue) Ateliers A.R.T. : - Tapestry & Tapestry-designs. October 3 1990 Paris; Tapisseries et Cartons des Ateliers A.R.T. Années 1942 - 1950.
5772: 1990 III 13, Paris, AZNAR Juan Carlos : - Auction sale catalogue. Paris, Drouot-Richelieu, 1990 03 13 . Atelier Juan Carlos Aznar (né en 1937) Oeuvres de 1958 à 1990.
47378: 1990 XI 25 Paris Drouot - Alain DELON : - Importants Tableaux Modernes. Collection de Monsieur Alain Delon et à divers amateurs. ( catalogue de vente publique ).
44064: 1990 XI 25 - Paris Binoche et Godeau - Enzio Gribaudo : - Atelier Gribaudo. ( auction sale catalogue, the contents of the studio of Enzio Gribaudo).
43763: 1990 VI 19 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
43758: 1990 XI 29 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
43543: 1990 II 18 PARIS - Hotel Drouot - Guy LOUDMER : - Importants Tableaux Contemporains (Catalogue de vente publique).
39826: 1990 X 31 PARIS Drouot Richelieu - Arcole. d'Apollinaire à Zurn : - d'Apollinaire à Zurn . ( Book Auction Sale Catalogue)
39825: 1990 XI 6 PARIS Ader Picard Tajan - Collections Le Tallec (première vente ) : - Collections Le Tallec ( Première vente). ( Book Auction Sale Catalogue)
38116: 1990 XII 7 Paris - Drouot - René BUTHAUD : - Atelier René Buthaud. Céramiques - Art Déco. (Art auction sale catalogue).
36042: 1990 XI 28 - LONDON - Christie's : - Medieval and Illuminated Manuscripts, Valuable Printed Books, Autograph Letters and Manuscripts.( Book auction sale catalogue ).
35752: 1990 VI 07 Paris Ader Picard Tajan - Bibliothèque Jacques Guérin : - Bibliothèque Jacques Guérin. Sixièmes Partie. Livres exceptionelles. Provenances Illustres ( seulement 6ième partie). (Book auction sale catalogue).
34660: 1990 VII 2 Sotheby's London - Old Master Drawings - British Rail Pension Fund : - Old Master Drawings Property from the Collection of the British Rail Pension Fund. ( Art auction sale catalogue ).
33511: 1990 III 25 PARIS Loudmer - Collection de Madame Bourdon : - Collection de Madame Bourbon et à divers amateurs composant la vente des importants tableaux modernes. (Art auction sale catalogue).
33093: 1990 XI 29 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
32297: 1990 VI 14 Sotheby's New York - Library of Bradley Martin (9th portion) : - The Library of H. Bradley Martin. Highly Important Printed Books and Illuminated Manuscripts (Book auction sale catalogue) 9th and last portion of this collection.
56279: 1990 IV 26 LONDON Sotheby's : - Oriental Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
31731: 1990 XI 15 Paris Drouot - France Télécom : - Art et Téléphone ( Art auction sale catalogue).
3055: 1990 VI 17 Paris - Binoche et Godeau : - Photographies Modernes et Contemporaines. (Photograph Auction Sale Catalogue) - Paris, Drouot Richelieu. Binoche et Godeau. Photographies Modernes et Contemporaines.
3052: 1990 XI 20 Cologne - Lempertz Köln : - Auction Sale Catalogue. Köln, Lempertz Auktion 657. Photographie + Photoarbeiten.
30444: 1990 IV 10 11, LONDON - Phillips - Fine Old Master Paintings : - Fine Old master paintings. (Art auction sale catalogue).
30366: 1990 IV 23 Paris - Avant garde : - Avant garde. Tableaux sculptures estampes livres autographes et photographies. (Art auction sale catalogue).
30137: 1990 XI 15 18 London Christie's - Property from The Estate of Roman Vishniac and from various sources : - Fine Japanese Works of Art. (Art auction sale catalogue).
28853: 1990 V 3 PARIS - Drouot Montaigne : - Importants tableaux modernes et contemporains (art auction catalog).
2657: 1990 XI 1 London : - Auction Sale Catalogue. London; Christie's South Kensington. 19th and 20th Century Photographs.
2653: 1990 X 17 New York : - Auction Sale Catalogue. New York; Christie's. 19th and 20th Century Photographs.
2652: 1990 X 11 New York Sotheby's - Virgil Thomson : - Auction Sale Catalogue. New York; Sotheby's. (Photographs, drawings, paintings) Property from the Estate of Virgil Thomson.
2648: 1990 X 16 New York - Sotheby's : - PHOTOGRAPHS. (Auction Sale Catalogue. New York; Sotheby's.)
2515: 1990 V 17 LONDON Sotheby's : - Fine printed and manuscript music. (Book auction sale catalogue).
2514: 1990 X 9 LONDON Christie's, Mostyn Hall : - The Mostyn Hall Library, printed books and manuscripts. Three Volumes. (Book auction sale catalogue).
24706: 1990 II 22 23 Paris - Bibliothèque Marcel Arland de l'Académie française : - Bibliothèque Marcel Arland de l'Académie française Editions originales d'auteurs contemporains avec envois autographes. Livres Illustrés Modernes. Pascal. Pensées Edition originale de 1670. Rouault (G.). (Book auction sale catalogue).
23901: 1990 VI 1 PARIS - Hôtel Drouot. La succession Paul BONET : - La succession Paul BONET . Dessins, aquarelles, art déco, livres,... (Book auction sale catalogue).
18065: 1990 X 16 LONDON : - Auction Sale Catalogue. London Christie's. Modern Belgian Paintings.
15506: 1990 X 23 LONDON Sotheby's : - Books and Maps. (Book auction sale catalogue).
15497: 1990 II 06 LONDON Sotheby's : - Books and Maps (Book auction sale catalogue).
1503: 1990 XII 04 NEW YORK AUCTION-SALE CATALOGUE - GLASS - 20th Century : - Christie's New-York. Important European Art Glass, Important 20th century decorative arts.
13919: 1990 VI 20 LONDON Christie's - Nelson : - Medieval and Illuminated Manuscripts, valuable printed Books, Autograph Letters and Manuscripts...Nelson...(Book auction sale catalogue).
13904: 1990 IV 26 LONDON Sotheby's : - Oriental Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
13902: 1990 VI 19 LONDON Sotheby's - Eric Korner : - Medieval Illuminated Manuscripts from the Collection of The Late Eric Korner (Book Art auction sale catalogue).
13887: 1990 XI 28 LONDON Christie's : - Medieval and Illuminated Manuscripts, Valuable Printed Books, Autograph Letters and Manuscripts. (Book Auction sale catalogue).
56723: 1990 VI 20 ROUEN - C. DENESLE (comm. priseur) - [ ] Emile DESCHAMPS : - Bibliothèque Emile Deschamps. Livres Anciens....(Catalogue de vente publique de livres - book auction sale catalogue ).
11801: 1990 IV 16 LONDON Christie's : - Literary Autographs, Historical Documents and Important Music Manuscripts. (Book auction sale catalogue).
7798: 1990 XI 28 PARIS : - Bibliothèque d'un amateur. (Book Auction Sale Catalogue. Hôtel George V.. Ader, Picard, Tajan. -Catalogue d'une vente publique de livres).
8283: 1990 X 03 - LONDON Christie's - Kissner Collection : - The Kissner Collection - The Franklin H. Kissner Collection of Books on Rome (Book auction sale catalogue).
6008: 1991 X 31 LONDON - Christie's : - Auction Sale Catalogue. London, Christie's South Kensington. 19th and 20th Century Photographs.
5771: 1991 X 14 Paris, - [ ] Vladimir VASSINE : - Auction sale catalogue. Paris, Arcole, Drouot-Richelieu, 1991 10 14 . Atelier de Vladimir Vassine (1re Vente).
5606: 1991 V 14 Paris - REISS Albert : - Catalogue de Vente Publique, Drouot Richelieu, 14 Mai 1991. Atelier A. Reiss (1909 - 1989)
4837: 1991 IV 14 - Geneva - Genève - Bréguet : - L'ART DE BREGUET. - Genève, Habsburg Auctioneers, Hôtel de Bergues: 1991 April 14 (art auction sale catalogue) .
43762: 1991 XII 17 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
43378: 1991 VI 25 London - Sotheby's - Chester BEATTY : - Impressionist , modern and contemporary art from the Chester Beatty collection. ( Art auction sale catalogue).
40429: 1991 III 6-7 - PARIS - Hotel Drouot : - Bibliothèque d'un Amateur. Littérature du XVI siècle à nos jours. (Book auction sale catalogue).
4005: 1991 XI 23 Paris - Binoche et Godeau : - Photographies. ( Photograph Auction Sale Catalogue) - Paris, Drouot Richelieu. Binoche et Godeau. Photographies.
3901: 1991 X 20 - Geneva - Genève - Chamberlain - Hilde Chan : - Important Watches, Wristwatches and Clocks. 1991 October 20, Geneva Antiquorum Auctioneers (Art auction sale catalogue).
3802: 1991 V 31 PARIS - Binoche et Godeau : - Photographies XIXe - modernes et contemporaines. (Photograph Auction Sale Catalogue ) - Paris, Drouot Richelieu. Binoche et Godeau. Photographies XIXe - modernes et contemporaines.
36665: 1991 VI 19 - PARIS - Drouot Richelieu : - Surréalisme. éditions originales - livres illustrés... Livres illustrés modernes... (art auction sale catalogue).
35262: 1991 IV 24 PARIS - Collection of J. Landwehr : - Livres d'emblèmes & recueils de fables illustrés...( de la collection of John Landwehr ). (Book auction sale catalogue).
34661: 1991 XI 25 Christie's Amsterdam - Old Master Drawings : - Dutch , Flemish and German Old Master Drawings .( Art auction sale catalogue ).
32599: 1991 XII 5 LONDON CHRISTIE'S ( Auction sale catalogue) : - An important bookcase, attributed to William Vile and John Cobb. The property of a gentleman. ( Auction sale catalogue) .
31173: 1991 IX 28 Gent - Europalia : - Triptico.
3053: 1991 XI 18 Cologne - Lempertz Köln : - Köln, Lempertz Auktion 670. Photographie + Photoarbeiten. (Photography Auction Sale Catalogue ).
3051: 1991 XI 30 Paris : - Auction Sale Catalogue. Paris, Drouot Richelieu. Beaussant Lefèvre. Photographies (Expert Gilles Dusein).
3006: 1991 XI 22 Paris : - Territoires Photographiques de la Sculpture I (1839 - 1960). (Auction Sale Catalogue. Paris, Drouot Richelieu. V.Wapler.)
2984: 1991 XII 11 NEW YORK (AUCTION SALE CATALOGUE) : - Sotheby's. Fine oriental and European Carpets.
28289: 1991 VII 1991 PARIS - photographies érotiques hongroises et contemporaines : - Photographies érotiques 1900 1940. Photographies hongroises 1930 1950. Photographies contemporaines. (Photography auction sale catalogue).
2528: 1991 X 3 London Sotneby's AUCTION SALE CATALOGUE : - Important Clocks, Watches, Wristwatches, Barometers and Scientific Instruments.
24238: 1991 XI 15 London - Sotheby's : - Books and Maps including Children's Books the Performing Arts and Related Drawings. (Book auction sale catalogue).
19393: 1991 V 14 Geneva Sotheby's AUCTION SALE CATALOGUE : - Important Watches and Wristwatches.
18562: 1991 XII 12 NEW YORK Sotheby's - SCHOYEN Collection : - Incunables from the Schoyen Collection New York. (Book auction sale catalogue).
15498: 1991 IV 17 LONDON Sotheby's : - Books and Maps (Book auction sale catalogue).
14990: 1991 VI 06 LONDON Sotheby's : - Illustrated Books, Children's Books Conjuring & Circus Related drawings (Book auction sale catalogue).
13901: 1991 XII 17 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
1318: 1991 V 13 GENEVA Silver auction sale catalogue : - European Silver; Sotheby's Geneva May 13-th 1991.
11519: 1991 V 17 LONDON Sotheby's : - Music and Continental Manuscripts, including the manuscript of Mahler's Tenth Symphony. (Book auction sale catalogue).
56683: 1991 IV 24 PARIS - Collection of J. Landwehr : - Livres d'emblèmes & recueils de fables illustrés...( de la collection of John Landwehr ). (Book auction sale catalogue).(catalogue de vente publique de livres).
5577: 1992 V 18 GENEVA Christie's : - Modern Illustrated Books and 20th Century Decorative Arts. (Book auction sale catalogue).
55079: 1992 VII 9 - London Christie's Furniture : - Important English Furniture. ( Auction sale catalogue ) .
5064: 1992 XI 22 Paris : - Horlogerie de Collection. Paris - Christian de Quay - Drouot Montaigne - 1992 November 22 (Art auction sale catalogue).
5063: 1992 XI 30 Milano : - Important Watches, Wristwatches and Clocks. Milano, Antiquorum Auctioneers, Hotel Principe de Savoia, 1992 November 30 (Auction sale catalogue).
4991: 1992 X 13 New York Christie's - Joella BAYER ... : - 19th and 20th Century Photographs. (Auction Sale Catalogue. New York; Christie's. )
4983: 1992 X 17 - Geneva - Genève - : - Important Watches, Wristwatches and Clocks. Genève, Antiquorum Auctioneers, Hôtel de Bergues. 1992 October 17 .
4890: 1992 XII 17 Sotheby's London - : - Watches, Wristwatches, Clocks and Barometers. Sotheby's London. 1992 December 17 (Auction sale catalogue).
4852: 1992 XI 15 Christie's London - PICTURE FRAMES - AUCTION SALE CATALOGUE : - Christies London. 1992 December 15. Fine Picture Frames. (Art auction sale catalogue).
4836: 1992 XII 6 Paris Surênes, Couteau Bergarie : - Paris-Surênes, Etude Couteau-Begarie. 1992 December 6. Horlogerie de Collection; Longines....(Auction sale catalogue).
45743: 1992 XI 24 AMSTERDAM - CHRISTIE'S - Hans Van Leeuwen Collection : - The Hans van Leeuwen Collection. Part I ; 16th and 17th Century Dutch ande Flemish Master Drawings. Part II ; 18th and 19th Century Dutch ande Flemish Master Drawings. (auction sale catalogue).
45413: 1992 XI 24 AMSTERDAM - CHRISTIE'S - Hans Van Leeuwen Collection : - The Hans van Leeuwen Collection. Part I ; 16th and 17th Century Dutch ande Flemish Master Drawings. Part II ; 18th and 19th Century Dutch ande Flemish Master Drawings. (auction sale catalogue).
44644: 1992 XII 03 LONDON Sotheby's : - Continental Printed Books, Manuscripts and Music. (Book auction sale catalogue).
4254: 1992 IX September 10 - Photography : - Cameras, Photographs and related materials. Auction Sale Catalogue. London; Christie's South Kensington.
4111: 1992 VI 17 LONDON Silver auction sale catalogue : - Silver, Jewellery and Chattels in Stock at Tessiers Limited.
35010: 1992 VIII 26 AMSTERDAM - Coll. Van Meerten : - Collection Van Meerten à Delft. (auction catalogue;).
33860: 1992 VI 24 Bern Galerie Kornfeld. Otto Schäfer : - Meisterwerke der Graphik von 1425 bis 1925. Teile der Sammlung Otto Schäfer. ( Graphic art auction sale catalogue).
33620: 1992 VI 15 PARIS Collection Gildas Fardel : - Livres à Tirages limités ornés d'illustrations de peintres modernes. Collection Gildas Fardel. (Book auction sale catalogue).
32369: 1992 VI 04 NEW YORK - Sotheby's : - Japanese Works of Art. (auction catalogue).
31652: 1992 XII 16 New York Sotheby's - Norbert Schimmel Collection : - Important Antiquities from the Norbert Schimmel Collection. (Art auction sale catalogue).
25596: 1992 XI 13 Bruxelles - ELKHADEM Hossam a.o. : - Cartes des Amériques dans les collections de la Bibliothèque Royale. (Exhibition catalogue).
14991: 1992 VI 24 LONDON Christie's - Nicolaus Glockendon : - Fine Illuminated Manuscripts, Valuable Printed Books, Autograph Letters. (Book auction sale catalogue).
11912: 1992 VI 30 LONDON Sotheby's : - Printed Books and Maps, comprising Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, The Middle East and other subjects. (Book auction sale catalogue).
10376: 1992 XII 03 LONDON Sotheby's : - Continental Printed Books, Manuscripts and Music. (Book auction sale catalogue).
26263: 1992 V 22 PARIS : - Livres precieux anciens et modernes. (Book auction sale catalogue).
6035: 1993 VI 14 PARIS : - Auction Sale Catalogue. Paris, Palais des Congres. Automobiles de Collection, Poulain. Le Fur, comm. priseurs.
5616: 1993 II February 24 - Paris Drouot : - Auction Sale Catalogue. Paris, Drouot Richelieu. Delavenne & Lafarge. Photographies.
55074: 1993 XI 19 - London Sotheby's Furniture : - Important English Furniture. ( Auction sale catalogue ) . Sotheby's Nr. 93632
55073: 1993 XI 12 - London Sotheby's Furniture : - Fine English Furniture. ( Auction sale catalogue ) . Sotheby's Nr. 93603
55560: 1993 XI 16 GENEVA - CHRISTIE'S [ ] SILVER : - Important silver ( auction sale catalogue).
56435: 1993 IX 23 Sotheby's London - :[ ] VIENNA 1900 : - Vienna 1900 (Auction sale catalogue).
46536: 1993 V 26 -> Paris Nouveau Drouot - Geneviève THIBAULT, comtesse de Chambure : - Bibliothèque Musicale de la Comtesse de Chambure. (Première Partie) Théorie Musicale..arts du spectacle. Book auction sale catalogue.
56094: 1993 VII 8 London Christie's - E.P. Goldschmidt : - The Stock and Reference Library of E.P. Goldschmidt and Co. Ltd.. ( Book auction sale catalogue. London, Christie's).
45771: 1993 XI 17 Sotheby's Amsterdam - H.R. BIJL : - Dutch, Flemish and German Drawings, including the H.R. Bijl Collection. (Art auction sale catalogue - drawings ).
43768: 1993 XII 12 LONDON Sotheby's - Philip Robinson - Robin Howard - Lord O'Hagan : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
41971: 1993 V 11-12 - Veilingen Beijers Utrecht - J.B.W. Polak : - The Bibliophile and scholarly library of the late J.B.W. Polak ( 1928 - 1992 ) Catalogue I ; Catalogue II ( Book auction sale catalogue). ( 2 vols.)
37862: 1993 VI 17 - 18 London - Sotheby's : - The library of Camille Aboussouan ( Book auction Sale catalogue ).
36909: 1993 VI 12 - PARIS - Hôtel Drouot - Francesco ALUNNO : - Francesco Alunno, Calligraphies, Venise 1539-1540. (art auction sale catalogue).
36906: 1993 VII 6 - LONDON - Phillips : - Fine Old Master Paintings. (Art auction sale catalogue).
36664: 1993 XII 7 - LONDON - Phillips - Sydney DUCKITT : - The Sydney Duckitt Collection. Important French Furniture and European Porcelain. (Art auction sale catalogue).
35976: 1993 X 18 - PARIS - Drouot-Richelieu - BERNADSKY Valentin : - Charmes Russes présente Valentin Bernadsky. (french art auction catalogue).
35548: 1993 XII 14 - LONDON - Sotheby's - Fairfax : - The Fairfax Library and Archive. The Property of the Lord and Lady Fairfax (Book auction sale catalogue).
33021: 1993 VII 10 Marseille - Vente aux enchères publiques dans le cadre des 25ième rencontres internationales de la photographie d'Arles. Baron Léon GERARD : - Vente aux enchères publiques dans le cadre des 25ième rencontres internationales de la photographie d'Arles. (Photography auction sale catalgoue).
31677: 1993 VI 06 Paris - Collection Roger PAULTRE de livres illustrés : - Grands Siècles & Grandes Images. Collection Roger Paultre de livres illustrés ( book auction sale catalogue).
31219: 1993 V 26 Paris Drouot - : - Cinq manuscrits Beethoven , Chopin , Schubert. ( Manuscript Book auction sale catalogue ).
30317: 1993 X 25 Mechelen - Bernaerts : - Eerste Belgische "collectie-foto" veiling. (Photography auction sale catalogue).
26064: 1993 VI 16 Paris - André Masson : - André Masson. 61 oeuvres de la collection d'Urban Company Limited... sur Monsieur Koji Takeuchi (liquidateur). (Art auction sale catalogue).
26063: 1993 XI 25 PARIS - Mihail Chemiakine : - Mihail Chemiakine. Exceptionel ensemble de 84 oeuvres (lot n° 1 à 84). (Art auction sale catalogue).
26023: 1993 VI 9 Paris - Fonds Georges Lacombe : - Fonds Georges Lacombe. (Art auction sale catalogue).
24198: 1993 VI 04 PARIS - Drouot Richelieu - (Book auction sale catalogue) : - Bibliothèque d'un amateur. Très beaux livres anciens, manuscrits à peinture, reliures du XVIe siècle provenant des Grands ateliers parisiens....
22911: 1993 XII 3 PARIS - Drouot - (Book auction sale catalogue) : - Livres anciens. Incunables premieres éditions ... quinzième au dix huitième siècle ... etc..
16487: 1993 VII 8 London Christie's - E.P. Goldschmidt : - Book auction sale catalogue. London, Christie's. The Stock and Reference Library of E.P. Goldschmidt and Co. Ltd.
15457: 1993 X 22 New York - CHRISTIE'S : - Auction Sale Catalogue. New York; Christie's. Japanese Prints.
13908: 1993 VI 22 LONDON Sotheby's - Alan Thomas : - Fine Books and Manuscripts from the Library of the late Alan Thomas (Book auction sale catalogue).
56684: 1993 III 17 Paris DROUOT - [ ] Baron Auguste Ménard de Marsainvilliers - Bibliothèque (du) Baron Auguste Ménard de Marsainvilliers (catalogue de vente publique).
10381: 1993 VII 20 LONDON Sotheby's, Cavanagh Theatre Collection : - Books, Prints and Drawings from the Cavanagh Theatre Collection. (Book auction sale catalogue).
10377: 1993 XII 01 LONDON Sotheby's : - Continental Printed Books, Manuscripts and Music. (book auction sale catalogue).
6700: 1993 X 20 LONDON Christie's : - Photographs, including Nudes from the Collection of Uwe Scheid. (Auction Sale Catalogue.)
6839: 1993 X 7 Sotheby's London - : - Clocks, Watches, Mechanical Music & Instruments of Science & Technology . Sotheby's London. 1993 October 7 (auction sale catalogue).
7064: 1993 XII 04 Paris - Beaussant Lefèvre : - Photographies. Auction Sale Catalogue. Paris; Beaussant Lefèvre.
9435: 1993 IV 07 - New York Swann Galleries : - Photographs. Auction Sale Catalogue. New-York, Swann Galleries.
9231: 1993 V 26 - Paris Nouveau Drouot - Geneviève THIBAULT, comtesse de Chambure : - Bibliothèque Musicale de la Comtesse de Chambure. (Première Partie) Théorie Musicale..arts du spectacle. (Deuxième partie , troisième partie , quatrième partie) (4 vols) Book auction sale catalogue.
55080: 1994 VI 8 - Amsterdamn Sotheby's - Silver : - Fine Dutch and European Silver.. ( Auction sale catalogue ) . Sotheby's Nr. LN 4398.
55078: 1994 I 22 - New York Sotheby's Furniture : - Important English Furniture and decorations. ( Auction sale catalogue ) . Sotheby's Nr. 6525
55077: 1994 VII 15 - London Sotheby's Furniture : - Fine English Furniture. ( Auction sale catalogue ) . Sotheby's Nr. LN 4420.
55076: 1994 VII 8 - London Sotheby's Furniture : - Important English Furniture. ( Auction sale catalogue ) . Sotheby's Nr. LN 4398.
55075: 1994 II 25 & 1994 III 4 - London Sotheby's Furniture : - Fine English Furniture. ( Auction sale catalogue ) . Sotheby's Nr. LN 4271
53901: 1994 XII 08 NEW YORK Sotheby's, Otto Schäfer : - The Collection of Otto Schäfer. Part I. Italian Books. (Book auction sale catalogue).
48622: 1994 I 26 PARIS - Picard - Georges MASSON : : - Collection de Monsieur et Madame Georges Masson. Succession de Madame Georges Masson. (Art auction sale catalogue).
45769: 1994 I 12 Sotheby's New York : - Old Master Drawings. (Art auction sale catalogue - drawings ).
45756: 1994 X 28 - PARIS Drouot - Ader -Tajan - amateur belge : - Collection de Dessins Anciens réalisée par un amateur belge dansd les années 30. (auction catalogue - drawings).
43759: 1994 VI 21 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
39660: 1994 XII 08 Christie's London - Houghton : - Works of Art from Collections of the Cholmondeley Family and the late Sir Philip Sassoon from Houghton. (art auction sale catalogue).
36671: 1994 XII 16 - PARIS - Ader Tajan - A.A. RATEAU : - A. A. Rateau (1882-1938), collection d'un amateur. (Art auction sale catalogue).
36659: 1994 IV 28 - LONDON - Sotheby's : - Islamic and Indian, Himalayan and South-East Asian Art. (Art auction sale catalogue).
36658: 1994 VI 6 - PARIS - Ader Tajan : - Art islamique, tableaux orientalistes. (Art auction sale catalogue).
36608: 1994 III 29 - PARIS - Galerie WATERMAN : - Tableaux Anciens de la Galerie Waterman d'Amsterdam. (Art auction sale catalogue).
34380: 1994 II 26 - Kunstmesse Düsseldorf : - 25. Westdeutsche Kunstmesse International Düsseldorf 1994.
33134: 1994 III 30 London Christie's Beriah BOTFIELD : - Highly Important Printed Books from the Beriah Botfield's Library ( Book auction sale catalogue).
30397: 1994 XII 8 Antwerpen - Gevaert : - Lieven Gevaert 1868-1935.
29721: 1994 VI 08 PARIS - Drouot : - Dessins anciens principalement du XVIIIIe siècle provenant notamment de trois collections particulières et à divers. (Art auction sale catalogue).
28854: 1994 XII 16 PARIS - Drouot-Richelieu : - Tableaux modernes et contemporains ... importants tableaux anciens ... (art auction catalog).
28836: 1994 XII 6 LONDON - Phillips - Old Paintings : - Fine old master paintings. (Art auction sale catalogue).
25099: 1994 X 7 London Christie's : - Book Auction Sale Catalogue. Printed Books including Travel Topography and Natural History, Atlases and Maps.
24040: 1994 III 7 PARIS - Drouot : - Livres de collection. Anciens et modernes. Manuscrit à peintures. Manuscrits autographes. Oeuvres de Picasso. (Book auction sale catalogue).
23900: 1994 IV 25 PARIS - Ader-Picard - Collection C. Zafiropulo : - Collection C. Zafiropulo . Deuxième partie. Livres Choisis. Livres anciens, autographes, livres du XIXe siècle, Livres modernes. (Book auction sale catalogue).
22920: 1994 X 26 LYON - Hôtel des Ventes : - Livres Anciens & Modernes. (Book auction sale catalogue).
22912: 1994 VI 20 PARIS - Drouot - (Book auction sale catalogue) : - Beaux livres anciens et modernes. Manuscrits Reliures.
22123: 1994 V 6 NEW YORK - Sotheby's - Tribal Art : - Tribal Art. (Sale 6559). Including Maori house front. Igbo female figure. Mahongwe reliquary guardian figure. Bakota reliquary figure (2x). Tschokwe mask. Kuba anthropomorphic cup. Ovimbundu staff. (Auction catalogue).
20235: 1994 XI 25 LEMPERTZ Kunsthaus, Auction catalague 710 : - Ostasiatische Kunst. 25./26.November 1994. China. Japan. Korea. Snuffbottles... No-Masken und Theater-Holzschnitte... Inro... Teekeramik...
15294: 1994 XII 7 NEW YORK SOTHEBY'S - Arnold Miriam ELKIND : - Fine Books and Manuscripts, including the Arnold and Miriam Elkind Library. (Book auction sale catalogue).
12180: 1994 XI 11 LONDON Sotheby's, Warren Smirl : - The Medical Library of Warren G.Smirl (Book auction sale catalogue).
11909: 1994 VII 1 LONDON Sotheby's - Donauschingen : - Incunabula from the Court Library at Donaueschingen. (Book auction sale catalogue).
11545: 1994 XI 11 LONDON Sotheby's - Warren Smirl : - Catalogue of the Medical Library of Warren G.Smirl, M.D. S.C. (Book auction sale catalogue).
11516: 1994 XII 08 NEW YORK Sotheby's, Otto Schäfer : - The Collection of Otto Schäfer. Part I. Italian Books. (Book auction sale catalogue).
11462: 1994 V 20 NEW YORK - Jerome SHOCHET : - The Jerome Shochet Collection of Manuscripts and Signed Photographs. Auction Sale Catalogue. New York; Christie's.
7395: 1994 IV 20-21 NEW YORK : - Auction Sale Catalogue. New York; Christie's. Photographs 2 vols, Part I & II.
7748: 1994 XII 14 New York - [ ] Anwar KAMAL : - Photographs. Anwar Kamal - ( Auction Sale Catalogue. New York; Christie's East. )
7777: 1994 VI 30 - New York Sotheby : - Garden Statuary. (Auction Sale Catalogue. New York; Sotheby's. )
7262: 1994 IV 27 LONDON- [ ] GRAND TOUR : - Auction Sale Catalogue. London, Christie's South Kensington. Antiquities and Souvenirs of the Grand Tour.
7396: 1994 V 13 LONDON - Sotheby's : - Auction Sale Catalogue. London, Sotheby's. Photographic Images and related material.
8290: 1994 X 19 : London - [ ] Grand Tour : - Auction Sale Catalogue. London, Christie's South Kensington. Antiquities and Souvenirs of the Grand Tour.
9969: 1994 XI 17 LONDON : - Interiors. ( Auction Sale Catalogue. London, Christie's King Street.)
9706: 1995 X 07 Chartres - [ ] Photographies : - Auction Sale Catalogue. Chartres, Galerie de Chartres. Photographies anciennes.
45770: 1995 I 10 Sotheby's New York : - A Window on Venice. Eighteenth Century Ve,netian Drawings from a European Private Collection. (Art auction sale catalogue - drawings ).
43767: 1995 VI 20 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
43761: 1995 XII 5 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
3870: 1995 X 05 - Sotheby's Baden-Baden (Germany) : - Die Sammlung der Markgrafen und Grossherzöge von Baden. ( Art auction sale catalogue). Band I-VI .Complete set in publisher's box.
34625: 1995 XII 01 , 02 Paris Hotel Drouot - D'une Bibliothèque l'Autre - René CHAR - Daniel FILIPACCHI : - D'une Bibliothèque L'Autre. Importants livres illustrés modernes appartenants à quelques amateurs. Exceptionnels manuscrits de René Char enluminés par des peintres du XXe Siècle appartenant a Monsieur Daniel Filipacchi. ( Catalogue de Vente Publique - Book auction sale catalogue ).
33623: 1995 IV 5 PARIS Comtesse de Chambure Deuxième Vente : - Bibliothèque Musicale de la Comtesse de Chambure. Deuxième Vente. Musique instrumentale, Opéra, Chants Profanes, Musique religieuse - Cantates. (Book auction sale catalogue).
32370: 1995 VI 22 NEW YORK - Sotheby's : - Japanese Prints, Paintings and Works of Art. (auction catalogue).
28937: 1995 III 8 Paris - Drouot Richelieu : - Vente aux enchères publiques ... (Art auction sale catalogue).
26271: 1995 VI 08 PARIS : - Bibliothèque d'un amateur. Beaux livres anciens et modernes. (Book auction sale catalogue).
22991: 1995 XI 19 PARIS - Drouot - Collection M.JAULMES - Jean GORIN : - Peintures. Sculptures. Bijoux. Mobilier de créateurs. Support Surface. Art abstrait. Art construit.
22344: 1995 VI 2 PARIS - Binoche - (Auction sale catalogue) : - Photographies.
20236: 1995 XII 01 LEMPERTZ Kunsthaus, Auction catalogue 724 : - Ostasiatische Kunst. China. Japan. Korea. Japanisches Kunsthandwerk... Satsuma-Keramik.
20182: 1995 V 26 LEMPERTZ Kunsthaus, Auction catalogue : - Ostasiatische Kunst 26./27. Mai 1995 China. Japan. Korea. Indien/Südostasien.Tibet. Blau/weiss-Porzelan... Kunst aus Thailand... Kozuka... Japanische Keramik...
19224: 1995 X 31 London Christie's, JAPANESE MODERN AND CONTEMPORARY ART : - Christies London. 1995 October 31. Japanese Modern and Contemporary Art.
18063: 1995 IV 6 New York Christie's : - Auction Sale Catalogue. New York; Christie's. Photographs., Parts I & II including selections from the Thomas Walther collection.
16168: 1995 X 18 LONDON Sotheby's : - Oriental Manuscripts and Miniatures. (Book auction sale catalogue).
15290: 1995 IV 25 NEW YORK Christie's - Philip Neufield : - The Philip M.Neufield Collection. Manuscripts and Printed Books Part I. (Book auction sale catalogue).
14004: 1995 V 12 PARIS - Picard : - Cabinet d'un amateur. Très Beaux Livres. Manuscrits (Book auction sale catalogue).
13906: 1995 IV 26 LONDON Sotheby's : - Oriental Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
13898: 1995 XII 5 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
11914: 1995 XI 21 LONDON Sotheby's : - The Book as Art. Modern Illustrated Books and Fine Bindings, Part II. (Book auction sale catalogue).
11913: 1995 X 26 LONDON Sotheby's : - Printed Books and Maps, including a section on Greece, Cyprus, Turkey, The Near and Middle East. (Book auction sale catalogue).
10380: 1995 V 25 LONDON Sotheby's, Earl of Rosebery : - The Continental Library of Archibald 5th Earl of Rosebery and Midlothian, K.G., K.T. (Book auction sale catalogue).
10378: 1995 VI 27 LONDON Sotheby's, Otto Schäfer : - The Collection of Otto Schäfer Part II. Parisian Books. (Book auction sale catalogue).
10379: 1995 XII 07 LONDON Sotheby's, Otto Schäfer : - The Collection of Otto Schäfer Part IV. The Hans Fürstenberg Collection of Eighteenth-Century French Books. (Book auction sale catalogue).
8757: 1995 V 18 LONDON Sotheby's : - Continental Manuscripts and Music. (Book auction sale catalogue).
8760: 1995 IV 7 NEW YORK - Sotheby's : - PHOTOGRAPHS. (Auction Sale Catalogue. New York; Sotheby's.)
9707: 1995 XI 20 Paris - René Jacques : - Les ''René-Jacques'' de René-Jacques. (Auction Sale Catalogue. Paris, Drouot, Peschetaux-Badin, Godeau et Leroy) - Catalogue de vente publique.
9968: 1995 IV 26 London Christie's : - Auction Sale Catalogue. London, Christie's South Kensington. Antiquities and Souvenirs of the Grand Tour.
9970: 1995 XI 14 LONDON : - Interiors ( Auction Sale Catalogue. London, Christie's King Street.)
54558: 1996 I 9 & 10 New York - Sotheby's - [ ] Collection of the Gallery of the BLUMKA Estate : - European Works of Art from the Private Collection and Gallery of the Blumka Estate (Art auction sale catalogue).
52150: 1996 III 30 - Paris Hôtel George V - C.P. LOUDMER - [ ] Libraire Alexandre LOEWY - François CHAPON ( préface ) : - Un libraire dans le siècle. Alexandre Loewy ( 1906 - 1995 ) ( Book auction catalogue).
43770: 1996 XII 10 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue). Sotheby's Sale Number LN6739.
38013: 1996 IV 26 - 27 KIEFER - MOIRANDAT - Basel ( CH ) - Guido JENNY : - Auktion . Deutsche Literatur-und Philosophie aus vier Jahrhunderten 1500 - 1900. Sammlung Guido Jenny. (Book auction sale catalogue).
35621: 1996 II 29 - Sotheby's London .Vigo-Sternberg : - The Vigo-Sternberg Collection of European Tapestries. ( Art auction sale catalogue ) .
34232: 1996 XI 21 Paris Hôtel Drouot - Bibliothèque Henri Paricaud. - 1997 VI 2 3 (idem) : - Bibliothèque Henri Paricaud. Livres Illustrés du XXe Siècle. (Première Vente). Éditions originales (Deuxième Vente) ( 2 vols.). (Book auction sale catalogue).
22936: 1996 VI 12 LONDON - D.M. Bensusan-Butt - Lewis Wolpert a.o. : - Printed Books Maps and Music. (Book auction sale catalogue)
22914: 1996 XI 27 PARIS - Drouot - Jean Michel Cantacuzène : - Livres de science & d'art. Collection initiée par Jean Michel Cantacuzène ... (Book auction sale catalogue).
15295: 1996 X 16 LONDON YORK SOTHEBY'S : - Oriental Manuscripts and Miniatures. (Book auction sale catalogue).
13905: 1996 IV 24 LONDON Sotheby's : - Oriental Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
13897: 1996 VI 18 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Minatures (Book auction sale catalogue).
11004: 1996 IV 12 : Christie's New York : - Fine English Furniture and Objects of Art. (Art Auction Sale Catalogue. New York, Christie's.)
11005: 1996 VI 11 - Wrotham Park, Christie's : - Auction Sale Catalogue. Cristie's London (Wrotham Park). Garden Statuary, Architectural Fittings and Chimney-Pieces.
56685: 1996 I 22 PARIS : Tajan : - Bibliothèque d'un amateur Livres Anciens et Modernes. Manuscrits (Book auction sale catalogue).(catalogue de vente publique).
10382: 1996 III 14 LONDON Sotheby's, Sören Madsen : - The Scientific Library of the late Sören Madsen. (Book auction sale catalogue).
50886: 1997 VI 23 24 PARIS - Drouot - PIASA - Frédéric et Anne MAX : - Bibliothèque Frédéric et Anne Max. (Book auction sale catalogue) .
46432: 1997 VI 2 3 Paris Hôtel Drouot - Bibliothèque Henri Paricaud.: - Bibliothèque Henri Paricaud. Éditions originales (Deuxième Vente) (Book auction sale catalogue).
43771: 1997 XII 2 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue). Sotheby's Sale Number LN7736.
43089: 1997 XI 12 - Sotheby's New York Evelyn Sharp : - The Evelyn Sharp Collection of Modern Art. ( Art auction sale catalogue - sale 7048 ).
41656: 1997 IV 10 LONDON - Christie's : - Valuable Architecture, Atlases and Natural History Books. (Book auction sale catalogue)
38203: 1997 IV 21-22-23 Antwerpen Amberes Veilingen - Prof. Walter COUVREUR : - Boekenveiling Nalatenschap van Prof. Dr. Walter Ridder Couvreur. ( Book auction sale catalogue).
35620: 1997 XII 9 - Sotheby's London . Giorgio MORANDI : - Giorgio Morandi Paintings from the José Luis and Beatriz Plaza Collection ( Art auction sale catalogue ) .
35619: 1997 XII 3 - Sotheby's New York. John Singer Sargent : - Important Paintings by John Singer Sargent. From an American Privatre Collection ( Art auction sale catalogue ) .
34665: 1997 III 25 PARIS Comtesse de Chambure Quatrième Vente : - Bibliothèque Musicale de la Comtesse de Chambure. Quatrième Vente. Musique instrumentale et vocale, Opéra, Ballets, Danse , Musique religieuse - Cantates.... (Book auction sale catalogue).
34624: 1997 X 2 London Sotheby's - Tore WRETMAN - : - The Cookery Book Collection of Tore Wretman ( book auction sale catalogue ) .
34018: 1997 V 15 London Sotheby's : - Bibliothèque d'un amateur. Fine French Books and Bindings. (Book auction sale catalogue).
33602: 1997 XI 20 NEW YORK Sotheby's KEIR Collection : - The Keir Collection of Medieval Works of Art. (Art auction sale catalogue).
31678: 1997 V 26 Paris - 20 ans d'affiches et d'amitié. Maitre Louis SAVOT - Jules CHÉRET - : - 20 ans d'affiches et d'amitié. Hommage à Jules Chéret. Galerie des Ventes d'Orléans. ( Poster auction sale catalogue).
31220: 1997 IV 30 Paris Drouot - Docteur BARBIER - Jean MONGRÉDIEN - : - Collection musicales du Docteur Barbier et du Professeur de Musicologie en Sorbonne Jean Mongrédien. ( Book auction sale catalogue ).
57173: 1997 IV 17-18 Paris - Docteur Robert FLEURY : - Bibliothèque du Docteur Robert Fleury. ( French book auction sale catalogue).
26440: 1997 V 13 Amsterdam - Christie's : - Auction Sale Catalogue. Chinese and Japanese Ceramics and Works of Art.
24653: 1997 VI 18 19 Paris - Collection/Bibliothèque Henriette et André Gomès - : - Tableaux modernes. Bibliothèque H. et A. Gomes. Francis Briest Commissaire Priseur. (Paintings and book auction sales catalogue).
22935: 1997 IV 10 LONDON - Sotheby's - John Evelyn, W.G. Wood, E. Quayle : - Printed Books & Maps. (Book auction sale catalogue)
22116: 1997 XI 18 19 NEW YORK - Christie's - Irwin & Bethea Gethen : - Contemporary Art from the collection of Irwin and Bethea Green. (auction sale catalogue).
18561: 1997 VI 16 LONDON Sotheby's BECK Collection : - The Beck Collection of Illuminated Manuscripts. (Book auction sale catalogue).
15726: 1997 X 16 PARIS Drouot : - Gastronomie et Oenologie. Bibliothèques E.Cébé-Greven et C.Genin et à divers amateurs.(Book auction sale catalogue)
15509: 1997 VII 16 LOS ANGELES Butterfield & Butterfield : - Books and Maps. (Book auction sale catalogue).
15458: 1997 VI 17 London Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures. ( Book Auction Sale Catalogue ).
15299: 1997 XII 1 PARIS DROUOT : - Livres précieux, anciens, romantiques et Livres illustrés modernes. Reliures.... (Book auction sale catalogue).
15293: 1997 VII 17 LONDON SOTHEBY'S : - English Literature and History. (Book auction sale catalogue).
12218: 1997 IV 30 Paris - Docteur Barbier - Jean Mongrédien : - Collections musicales du docteur Barbier et du professeur de musicologie en Sorbonne Jean Mongrédien. Auction Sale catalogue. Paris, Drouot-Richelieu, Expert Pierre Berès.
12176: 1997 III 25 Paris - Comtesse de Chambure : - Auction Sale catalogue. Paris, Hôtel Drouot. Bibliothèque Musicale de la Comtesse de Chambure, Quatrième Vente.
56676: 1997 IV 30 Paris Drouot - Docteur BARBIER - Jean MONGRÉDIEN - : - Collection musicales du Docteur Barbier et du Professeur de Musicologie en Sorbonne Jean Mongrédien. ( Book auction sale catalogue ).
56678: 1997 III 25 PARIS Comtesse de Chambure Quatrième Vente : - Bibliothèque Musicale de la Comtesse de Chambure. Quatrième Vente. Musique instrumentale et vocale, Opéra, Ballets, Danse , Musique religieuse - Cantates.... (Book auction sale catalogue).
7318: 1997 I 24 Paris Drouot-Richelieu - Me Renaud : - Dadaïsme, surréalisme Tchèque, futurisme Italien et Russe, écrivains du XXe siècle. (Book auction sale catalogue)
52581: 1998 XI 30 PARIS - Bibliothèque Commandant Paul-Louis Weiller : - Trésors de la bibliothèque du Commandant Paul-Louis Weiller - Book Auction Sale Catalogue: Drouot .
43772: 1998 XII 1 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue). Sotheby's Sale Number LN8737.
37694: 1998 XII 02 London Sotheby's. Jaime ORTIZ-PATIÑO : - The Jaime Ortiz-Patiño Collection of Important Books and Manuscripts Part II (book auction catalogue).
36089: 1998 VII 8 Christie's London - Wentworth Library : - English Incunabula from the Wentworth Library. Early English Printing by William Caxton and Wynkyn de Worde including the Rockingham Chaucer. (Book auction sale catalogue).
36090: 1998 VI 3 - LONDON - Christie's : - Valuable Printed Books and Manuscripts.( Book auction sale catalogue ).
36041: 1998 XI 23 - LONDON - Christie's : - Valuable Illuminated Manuscripts, Printed Books and Autograph Letters .( Book auction sale catalogue ).
34830: 1998 IV 29 - Georges JOUBIN : - Georges Joubin (1888-1983). 78 oeuvres. ( Catalogue de vente publique ) .
34410: 1998 VI 15 16 Christie's New York Haskell F. Norman : - The Haskell F. Norman Library of Science and Medecine Part II (Book auction sale catalogue).
31880: 1998 XI 19-20 Christie's New York - Harry TORZCYNER - ( René Magritte ) : - The Collection of Harry Torzcyner (Art auction sale catalogue).
29433: 1998 III 30 15 Antwerpen - Veilinghuis Bernaerts - Old Masters (paintings) : - Oude Meesters. (Art auction sale catalogue).
28246: 1998 VI 11 Paris - l'Anciene Bibliothèque de Monsieur le Comte de S. : - Livres rares des XVIe XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles de ...Nombreux ouvrages sur la reliure. (Book auction sale catalogue).
27424: 1998 XII 11 London - Sotheby's : - Old Master 19th & 20th Century & Contemporary Prints (Art auction sale catalogue).
26758: 1998 V 21 London - Sotheby's : - Fine Music and Continental Manuscripts. (Book auction sale catalogue).
22937: 1998 VII 16 NEW YORK - Sotheby's - (Art auction sale catalogue) : - Old Master and 19th Century European Paintings Drawings and Sculpture.
19927: 1998 IV 28 25 New York - Christie's : - Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Prints. (Auction sale catalogue).
16038: 1998 XII 2 London Christie's : - Auction Sale Catalogue. Christie's South Kensington. 19th Century, Topographical & Historical Photographs.
15727: 1998 VI 23 PARIS Hôtel Ambassador : - Beaux Livres, expert Dominique Courvoisier (Piasa Paris). (Book auction sale catalogue).
15510: 1998 IX 17 NEW YORK Swann Galleries. : - Art & Architecture, Prints & Drawings, Livres d'Artiste. (Book auction sale catalogue).
15507: 1998 IX 18 LONDON Phillips - Lord Coleridge : - Books and Maps, including the property of the Lord Coleridge. (Book auction sale catalogue).
15508: 1998 VII 10 LONDON Phillips : - Books and Maps. (Book auction sale catalogue).
15302: 1998 VI 8 PARIS DROUOT RICHELIEU : - Manuscrits, Livres Anciens et Modernes (Book auction sale catalogue).
15298: 1998 XI 30 PARIS DROUOT - Paul Louis Weiller : - Trésors de la Bibliothèque du Commandant Paul-Louis Weiller. (Book auction sale catalogue).
15297: 1998 VI 2 LONDON BONHAMS : - Illustrated Books, Children's Books and related drawings. (Book auction sale catalogue).
15296: 1998 IX 22 LONDON BONHAMS : - Printed Books, Maps and Manuscripts. (Book auction sale catalogue).
15291: 1998 VI 22 23 LONDON SOTHEBY'S : - Printed Books and Maps. (Book auction sale catalogue).
15292: 1998 VI 15 LONDON SOTHEBY'S : - English Literature and History. (Book auction sale catalogue).
56644: 1998 XI 30 PARIS - Bibliothèque Commandant Paul-Louis Weiller : - Trésors de la bibliothèque du Commandant Paul-Louis Weiller - Book Auction Sale Catalogue: Drouot .
47292: 1999 XII 14 Paris Drouot - Patrick DEVAUX : - Numismatique. Collection Patrick Devaux. Monnaies appartenant à divers amateurs ( coin auction sale catalogue ).
46472: 1999 VI 07 Paris PIASA : - Rares manuscrits orientaux . (Book auction sale catalogue).
43773: 1999 VI 22 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue). Sotheby's Sale Number LO9313.
43531: 1999 IV 28 - 29 PARIS - Drouot - Philippe ZOUMMEROFF : - Bibliothèque Philippe Zoummeroff. Importants livres et manuscrits autographes. (Book auction sale catalogue) .
40947: 1999 VI 18 Sotheby's London - Dr. John MURRAY : - Early Photographs of India. The archive of Dr. John Murray. (Photographs auction sale catalogue).
40086: 1999 VIII 7 Christie's Bangkok : - The Treasure old Siam. From a single private collection. (Book auction sale catalogue).
36145: 1999 X 27 Sotheby's London - Marie-Thérèse et André JAMMES : - La Photographie. Collection Marie-Thérèse et André Jammes. (Photographs auction sale catalogue).
34860: 1999 XII 17 London - Sotheby's : - The Moritzburg Treasure. Silver and Works of Art from the Royal House of Saxony. (auction catalogue).
34627: 1999 XII 18 - Sotheby's New York - Movie Posters : - The World of Movie Posters ( Auction sale catalogue ) .
33624: 1999 VI 7 PARIS Piasa : - Rares manuscrits orientaux Chrétiens et islamiques. (Book auction sale catalogue).
30372: 1999 XI 24 Paris - Drouot - Autographes Beaux Arts : - Lettres et Manuscrits autographes. Beaux Arts et Musique Littérature. (Book auction sale catalogue).
29734: 1999 XII 9 London - Christie's : - Impressionist and Twentieth Century Works on paper. (Art auction sale catalogue).
23129: 1999 X 23 MILANO - Sotheby's - Modern & Contemporary Art : - Arte Moderna e Contemporanea. (Auction sale catalogue).
23130: 1999 XII 13 LOS ANGELES - Christie's- Andy WARHOL : - Prints by Andy Warhol. From a Private Collection. (Auction sale catalogue).
23128: 1999 XI 23 NEW YORK - Sotheby's - Latin America Surrealist Art : - Surrealist Art from Latin America. (Auction sale catalogue).
23126: 1999 X 10 NEW YORK - Sotheby's - Eleanore & Daniel SAIDENBERG : - The collection of Eleanore and Daniel Saidenberg. (Auction sale catalogue).
23127: 1999 XII 7 NEW YORK - Sotheby's - Gianni VERSACE - PICASSO : - Works by Pablo Picasso from the collection of Gianni Versace. (Auction sale catalogue).
22938: 1999 V 19 GENEVE - Christie's - Collection SKIRA - ROSABIANCA : - Collection Personelle Rosabianca et Albert Skira. (Art auction sale catalogue). Bibliothèque Rosabianca et Albert Skira.
22119: 1999 X 13 LONDON - Sotheby's - Mediterranean & The Middle East : - The Travel Sale. Mediterranean and The Middle East. (Paintings books and maps auction catalogue).
16806: 1999 II 08 GENEVE Koller : - Book auction sale. Vente aux enchères (Catalogue).
16039: 1999 VI 9 New York Christie's : - Photographs. Auction Sale Catalogue. Christie's East.
15503: 1999 III 11 LONDON Sotheby's : - Important Atlases and Cosmographies. Property of a Gentleman. (Book auction sale catalogue).
51372: 2000 XII 6 LONDON Sotheby's - J.R. RITMAN - Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica : - A Selection of printed books mostly from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries the property of Mr. J.R.Ritman sold for the benefit of the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica. ( Book auction Sale Catalogue ).
45764: 2000 VII 4 LONDON - Christie's : - Old Master Drawings. (Art auction catalogue).
43774: 2000 VII 6 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue). Sotheby's Sale Number LO0507
39342: 2000 VI 7 LONDON CHRISTIE'S : - Important Manuscripts and Printed books. ( book auction sale catalogue ).
39186: 2000 XII 8 LONDON Sotheby's : - Printed and manuscript music. (Book auction sale catalogue).
38068: 2000 VI 15 Paris Tajan - Josette Day Solvay : - Bibliothèque de Josette Day Solvay et à divers. (Catalogue de vente publique de livre).
34663: 2000 XII 6 LONDON Sotheby's - J.R. RITMAN - Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica : - A Selection of printed books mostly from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries the property of Mr. J.R.Ritman sold for the benefit of the Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica. ( Book auction Sale Catalogue ).
34030: 2000 XII 5 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures. (Book auction sale catalogue).
33619: 2000 V 26 LONDON Sotheby's : - Printed and manuscript music. (Book auction sale catalogue).
28343: 2000 XI 18 PARIS - Tajan - (Auction sale catalogue Photography) : - Photographies des 19e et 20e siècles.
28287: 2000 IV 10 Paris - TAJAN : - Photographies des 19e et 20e siècles. (Photography auction sale catalogue).
18139: 2000 V 25 Paris Drouot - Alfons van UFFELEN : - Atelier du pictoraliste belge A.van Uffelen (1895-1983); Photographies anciennes... (Auction sale catalogue) Paris, Catherine Charbonneaux - Luc Monod.
54552: 2001 XII 11 London - Sotheby's - [ ] The Rudolf Just Collection; COINS : - The Rudolf Just Collection: Coins. (Art auction sale catalogue).
38922: 2001 XII 8 Paris Christie's - René GAFFÉ : - Collection of Rene Gaffe Tribal Art - Collection René Gaffé Art Tribal Succession de Madame René Gaffé. ( Bi-lingual art auction sale catalogue).
36907: 2001 VI 20 - PARIS - Four Seasons Hotel, George V - Achille LAUGÉ : - Important ensemble d'oeuvres d'Achille Laugé. (Art auction sale catalogue ).
35546: 2001 VI 6 - LONDON - Christie's : - Valuable Printed Books and Manuscripts (Book auction sale catalogue).
34650: 2001 II 6 London CHRISTIE'S - Surrealism : - The Art of the Surreal ( Art auction sale catalogue ) .
34621: 2001 XI 29 , 30 , Paris Sotheby's - Charles HAYOIT : - Bibliothèque Littéraire Charles Hayoit. Troisième Partie . Livres du Dix-Neuvième Siècle. ( Suite ) (Catalogue de vente publique de livres).
34622: 2001 XI 30 - 2001 XII 1 , Paris Sotheby's - Charles HAYOIT : - Bibliothèque Littéraire Charles Hayoit. Quatrième Partie . Livres du Vingtième Siècle. (Catalogue de vente publique de livres).
34620: 2001 VI 29 Paris Sotheby's - Charles HAYOIT : - Bibliothèque Littéraire Charles Hayoit. Deuxième Partie . Livres du Dix-Neuvième Siècle. (Catalogue de vente publique de livres).
33835: 2001 VI 26 27 28 Sotheby's - The Leverhulme Collection - William Hesketh Lever : - The Leverhulme Collection Thornton Manor Wirral , Merseyside. Volume One (...and Volume Two). 2 vols. Art auction sale catalogue.
31257: 2001 VI 19 LONDON Sotheby's - J.R. RITMAN : - A second selection of illuminated manuscripts from c. 1000 to c.1522 . The property of Mr. J.R. Ritman.... (Book auction sale catalogue).
26765: 2001 V 10 New York - Christie's - Yves Tanguy : - An Important Private Collection of Works by Yves Tanguy. (Art auction sale catalogue).
26756: 2001 I 20 21 Paris - Collection Isis Kischka : - La collection Isis Kischka. Le salon des peintres témoins de leur temps; 5000 documents d'archives dessins aquarelles etc. etc....(Art Auction sale catalogue).
24792: 2001 V 18 19 München : - Kunstliteratur und Kunst. Fotografie. Teil I. ( Book and Print auction sale catalogue).
22610: 2001 IV 23 -24 NEW YORK Christie's - Helmut Friedlaender Library : - The Helmut N. Friedlaender Library. (Book auction sales catalogue). (2 Vols)
22356: 2001 XI 17 PARIS - Tajan - (Auction sale catalogue Photography) : - Photographies des 19e et 20e siècles.
22345: 2001 V 4 PARIS - J.H. LARTIGUE - Renée PERLE : - Renée Perle. "Renée un instant de ma vie" par Jacques Henri Lartigue 1930 1932. (Tajan). Photograph auction sale catalogue 2e
22346: 2001 V 4 PARIS - Tajan - (Auction sale catalogue Photographie) : - Photographies des 19e et 20e siècles.
57433: 2002 IIII 21 Sotheby's Paris - Marie-Thérèse et André JAMMES : - La Photographie II. Collection Marie-Thérèse et André Jammes. (Photographs auction sale catalogue).
43775: 2002 VI 18 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue). Sotheby's Sale Number LO2240
41431: 2002 XI 10 New York - Poster Auctions International Inc. - Jack RENNART ( sale organizer ) - Tim GADZINSKI ( catalogue editor ) : - Posters Perform. Poster Auctions International [ Catalogue ] XXXV .
36038: 2002 XII 11 - LONDON - Christie's - Bernard BRESLAUER : - Manuscript illuminations from the Bernard H. Breslauer Collection (Art auction sale catalogue).
34494: 2002 XII 10 London - Sotheby's : - Old Master Paintings (Art auction sale catalogue).
33617: 2002 XII 6 LONDON Sotheby's - Serge Lifar : - Music and Ballet including the papers of Serge Lifar. (Book Auction sale catalogue).
33241: 2002 X 11 Christie's South Kensington - Margaret CADMAN Collection : - The Margaret Cadman Collection of British Ceramics. (Auction sale catalogue).
31690: 2002 XI Paris Drouot - Salle Rossini - Patrick Deburaux ( expert ) - Maison Lefébure : - Evantails VII (Art auction sale catalogue of fans, some with lace work). Catalogue de vente aux enchères d'évantails, quelques un en dentelles.
31682: 2002 XII 18 Sotheby's Paris - Orfèvrerie par Antoine Sébastien DURANT : - Exceptionnel ensemble d'orfèvrerie par Antoine Sébastien Durant (Art silver auction sale catalogue).
29526: 2002 VI 26 Paris - Pierre LEROY - Sotheby's : - Collection littéraire Pierre Leory, grands écrivains surréalistes et de l'après-guerre (book auction catalogue).
28081: 2002 XII 10 Paris - Gérard SANGNIER - Piasa : - Bibliothèque Gérard Sangnier, Bibliothèque algérienne... Bibliothèque littéraire (Book auction sale catalogue).
26759: 2002 XII 9 10 11 Paris - Succession Olga Carré. Ancienne collection Louis Carré : - Succession Olga Carré. Ancienne collection Louis Carré. (art auction sale catalogue).
26677: 2002 XI 14 Paris Thierry de Maigret : - Drouot Richelieu. Importantes photographies du XIXe. (Photograph Auction sale catalogue)
26314: 2002 VI 11 12 Paris - [ ] Pierre Cornette de SAINT-CYR : - Pierre Cornette de Saint Cyr - Design 1950 2000 (Art auction sale catalogue).
24641: 2002 V 30 Paris - TAJAN : - Photographies des 19e et 20e siècles. (Photography auction sale catalogue).
24132: 2002 III 25 PARIS - Pierre Cornette de SAINT CYR : - Design 1950 2000. (Art auction sale catalogue).
9228: 2002 XII 3 LONDON Sotheby's : - Fifty Magnificent Illuminated Manuscripts. (Book auction sale catalogue).
51356: 2003 XII 3 - 4 Paris Drouot - Robert Moureau - Micheline de Bellefroid : - Bibliothèque Littéraire Robert Moureau et Micheline de Bellefroid. (Book auction sale catalogue). (Première partie ). 2004 XII 10 ( Seconde partie ) ( 2 catalogues de vente publique)
47037: 2003 XI 18-19-20 New York - Sotheby's - H.P. KRAUS : - The celebrated Reference Library of H.P. Kraus. (book auction sale catalogue).
46873: 2003 XII 3 - 4 Paris Drouot - Robert Moureau - Micheline de Bellefroid : - Bibliothèque Littéraire Robert Moureau et Micheline de Bellefroid. (Book auction sale catalogue). (Première partie ).
46537: 2003 XI 27 Paris - Drouot - François MIGNARD : - Bibliothèque François Mignard. Livres anciens d'architecture et de décoration. ( book auction sale catalogue).
43776: 2003 XII 2 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (Book auction sale catalogue). Sotheby's Sale Number L03242
39795: 2003 XII 3 - 4 Paris Drouot - Robert Moureau - Micheline de Bellefroid : - Bibliothèque Littéraire Robert Moureau et Micheline de Bellefroid. (Book auction sale catalogue).
36043: 2003 III 20 LONDON Sotheby's - James WATT : - The James Watt Sale. Art & Science ( art and book auction sale catalogue).
35908: 2003 X 14 - PARIS Drouot-Richelieu - Germain NORDMANN - Nicolas STERNBERG : - Vente aux enchères publiques. Atelier Germaine Nordmann (Paris 1902-1997). Atelier Nicolas Sternberg (Budapest 1902 - Paris 1960?). (auction catalogue).
35744: 2003 X 21 Paris Christie's Henri Flammarion - Raymond Legueult : - Collection de Monsieur et Madame Henri Flammarion. ( Art auction sale catalogue - vente publique).
33703: 2003 V 13 , 14 Paris Tajan - Blaizot - Francois RAGAZZONI : - Bibliothèque François Ragazonni. 1ière Partie....2ième Partie...3ième Partie ( 3 volumes ). Book auction sale catalogues
33625: 2003 VI 24 PARIS Sotheby's Collection J.-M. B. : - Collection J.-M. B. Editions Originales. (Book auction sale catalogue).
33616: 2003 XII 5 LONDON Sotheby's Music : - Music, including important autographs by Beethoven and Wagner. (Book auction sale catalogue).
31685: 2003 I 21 Sotheby's New York - The Pouncey Collection : - The Pouncey collection . Old master drawings from the collection of Philip and Myril Pouncey. (Art auction sale catalogue).
31254: 2003 VI 17 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and miniatures. (Book auction sale catalogue).
29612: 2003 XI 25 Paris - Huguette BERÈS - Sotheby's - : - Collection Huguette Berès, estampes, dessins et livres illustrés japnais (seconde vente). (book and print auction sale catalogue).
29527: 2003 XII 11 Paris - LEOPOLD III - Sotheby's : - Livres et manuscrits incluant des livres de la bibliothèque du roi Léopold III au Château d'Argenteuil (book auction catalogue).
28229: 2003 XI 25 Paris - Bibliothèques des comtes Henri et François Chandon de Briailles et à divers amateurs : - Bibliothèques des comtes Henri et François Chandon de Briailles et à divers amateurs - (Book auction sale catalogue).
28142: 2003 X 29 Paris - Jacques FOUGEROLLE - Piasa : - Bibliothèque Jacques Fougerolle... (Book auction sale catalogue).
28078: 2003 XII 18 Paris - Jean-Marie MOULIN - Artcurial-Briest-Poulain-Le Fur : - Bibliothèque Jean-Marie Moulin, Première partie, Editions originales dédicacés, 1821-1935. Seconde partie, Livres du XXe siècle, Editions originales et livres illustrés, Reliures décorées; Ouvrages de documentation (Book auction sale catalogue).
27308: 2003 V 6 GENEVE Galerie Koller : - Photographies et livres. Vente aux enchères (Photography and book auction catalogue).
56689: 2003 II 26-27 - PARIS Drouot-Richelieu :: - Lettres de Napoléon Premier, de Joséphine, de Marie-Louise, et de la famille Bonaparte.... Livres anciens manuscrits, Livres d'Heures...(catalogue de vente publique)
56680: 2003 X 29 Paris - Jacques FOUGEROLLE - Piasa : - Bibliothèque Jacques Fougerolle... (Book auction sale catalogue).(catalogue de vente publique).
56673: 2003 XI 25 Paris - Huguette BERÈS - Sotheby's - : - Collection Huguette Berès, estampes, dessins et livres illustrés japnais (seconde vente). (book and print auction sale catalogue).
55763: 2004 XII 9 - Paris Drouot - [ ] R. MOUREAU - Micheline de BELLEFROID : - Vente Bibliothèque littéraire R. Moreau et M. de Bellefroid. Editions originales des XIXe et XXe siècles. (catalogue de vente publ;ique de livres).
50827: 2004 XII 9-10 Paris Drouot - Robert Moureau - Micheline de Bellefroid : - Bibliothèque Littéraire Robert Moureau et Micheline de Bellefroid. Editions originales des XIXe et XXe siècles. (Book auction sale catalogue). (Seconde Partie ).
43736: 2004 IX 25 - KÖLN - Venator & Hanstein - Plakatsammlung : - Teil IV . Plakatsammlung 25 September 2004. ( Auction sale catalogue of a poster collection ) .
42226: 2004 IX 23 KÖLN Venator & Hanstein - Dietmar HENZE : - Auktion 92. Teil I , Bibliothek Dietmar Henze. Geographie - Völkerkunde - Entdeckungs- und Forschungsgeschichte. ( German Book auction sale catalogue ) .
41432: 2004 V 2 New York - Poster Auctions International Inc. - Jack RENNART ( sale organizer ) - Tim GADZINSKI ( catalogue editor ) : - Posters Perform. Poster Auctions International [ Catalogue ] XXXVIII.
36283: 2004 V 25 Paris Drouot - Choppin De Janvry - BRADEL - DEROME Le JEUNE : - Première partie de la Bibliothèque du vicomte E. de B.-B. reliée par Bradel-Derome Le Jeune ( Antoine Louis François & par son atelier). (Book auction sale catalogue - Catalogue de vente publique de livre).
34863: 2004 X 27 New York - Sotheby's - Montefiore Endowment : - Important Hebrew Manuscripts from the Montefiore Endowment. (auction catalogue).
34623: 2004 II 11 Paris TAJAN - Paul VERLAINE : - Paul Verlaine ( catalogue de vente publique - book auction sale catalogue).
33898: 2004 IX 29 30 LONDON Sotheby's - Sir Gawaine BAILLIE : - The Philatelic collection formed by Sir Gawaine BAILLIE - Volume I - Great Britain Part One (Auction sale catalogue).
33838: 2004 IX 23 24 Paris Drouot Sotheby's - Mira Jacob - Bateau-Lavoir : - Collection Mira Jacob - galerie le bateau-lavoir . ( Art auction sale catalogue ).
31681: 2004 II 03 Sotheby's London - Surrealist Art : - Surrealist Art (Art auction sale catalogue).
31255: 2004 VI 22 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and miniatures. (Book auction sale catalogue).
28245: 2004 II 5 Paris - Bibliographie d'un libraire parisien : - Bibliographie d'un libraire parisien. Nombreux ouvrages sur la reliure. (Book auction sale catalogue - Catalogue de vente publique).
56721: 2004 IV 28 Paris ARTCURIAL - [ ] RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE : - Restif de La Bretonne & propos amoureux. Ventes aux enchères à Paris le 28 avril 2004. (book auction sale catalgoue).
41433: 2005 V 1 New York - Poster Auctions International Inc. - Jack RENNART ( sale organizer ) - Tim GADZINSKI ( catalogue editor ) : - Posters Excel. Poster Auctions International [ Catalogue ] XL.
41160: 2005 IV 23 Antwerpen Fotomuseum - Photography Auction : - Auction FotoMuseum Provincie Antwerpen Belgium ( photography auction sale catalogue).
38007: 2005 XI 28 - 29 PIASA Paris - Léonce Laget - Alain FOURQUIER ( preface ) : - Librairie Léonce Laget. Vente du fonds. Première partie architecture et varia. (book auction sale catalogue ) .
34028: 2005 VI 27 28 Christie's New York - Breslauer : - Bibliotheca Bibliographica Breslaueriana. The Third Portion. ( Book auction sale catalogue ).
33857: 2005 VII 6 Sotheby's London - Arthur Feldmann Collection : - Old Master Drawings including property from the Arthur Feldmann Collection. ( Art auction sale catalogue ).
32722: 2005 VII 05 LONDON Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and miniatures. (Book auction sale catalogue).
32447: 2005 XII 01 NEW YORK - Sotheby's - William GUTHMAN : - The William Guthman collection of manuscript, printed, and graphic Americana.
32045: 2005 I 21 NEW YORK Silver Auction sale catalogue - Farmington : - The Silver of the First Church of Christ, Congregational, Farmington, Connecticut, with important American Silver. (Art auction sale catalogue).
31686: 2005 XII 04 Sotheby's London - Ludwig von Beethoven : - Ludwig van Beethoven. The lost autograph manuscript pf the Grosse Fuge in B flat major for piano four-hands, opus 134.(auction sale catalogue).
31684: 2005 XI 30 Sotheby's New York : - Fine books and manuscripts. Including Americana (Book auction sale catalogue).
31683: 2005 X 26 Sotheby's New York - Silver from the collection of Charles L. POOR : - Early English Silver from the collection of the late Charles L. Poor (Art silver auction sale catalogue).
31679: 2005 XII 02 Paris - MILLON & Associés : - L'Art et la Cynégétique. ( Art auction sale catalogue). ((Objets d'art avec comme sujet la chasse et les chiens).
31359: 2005 V 26 Sotheby's Amsterdam - Private Belgian Collection : - Modern and Contemporary Art - Private Belgian Collection. (Art auction sale catalogue).
46607: 2006 X 25-26 - London Sotheby's - Macclesfield Library : - The Library of the Earls of Macclesfield removed from Shirburn Castle. Part Eight . Theology , Philosophy , Law and Economics.
43540: 2006 VII 12 LONDON Sotheby's - The Wardington Library Bibles : - The Wardington Library Bibles. (Book auction sale catalogue).
43379: 2006 V 18 - LONDON Christie's : - Rare Photobooks. (book auction catalogue).
41479: 2006 I 20 NEW YORK Sotheby's - Harriet Carlton GOLDWEITZ : - Important English Pottery. The Harriet Carlton Goldweitz Collection. (Art Ceramics auction sale catalogue).
41434: 2006 XI 12 New York - Poster Auctions International Inc. - Jack RENNART ( sale organizer ) - Tim GADZINSKI ( catalogue editor ) : - Posters Va-Va-Voo. Poster Auctions International [ Catalogue ] XLIII.
40152: 2006 X 17 Sotheby's Amsterdam - Collection Louis C. de VILLENEUVE : - 19th Century European Paintings including the collection de Villeneuve. (Session I) ; Dutch Impressionists from the collection of Jonkheer and Mrs. Louis C. de Villeneuve (Session 2) (Art auction sale catalogue) 2 vols..
37586: 2006 V 17 - LONDON Christie's : - Photographs. (auction catalogue).
36930: 2006 X 16 Paris - MILLON & ASSOCIÉS - Zoum WALTER : - Atelier Zoum Walter. Julienne Pauline Isidorine Walter dite Zoum Walter (Bruxelles 1902 - Paris 1974). (art auction catalogue).
34859: 2006 VII 06 London - Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures. (auction catalogue).
33899: 2006 V 10 11 12 LONDON NEW YORK Sotheby's - Sir Gawaine BAILLIE : - The Philatelic collection formed by Sir Gawaine BAILLIE - Volume VII - British North America (Auction sale catalogue).
33667: 2006 V 13 CHARTRES - Photographies - Collection de M. X : - Photographies ( Catalogue n° 2 ). Photographies Anciennes. Voyages. Photographies modernes. Collection de 200 vintages de M. X de 1930 à 1970. ( Photograph Auction Sale Catalogue)
33681: 2006 XI 15 LONDON Collection of John Landwehr : - Important Emblem Books from the collection of John Landwehr. (Book auction sale catalogue).
33665: 2006 V 10 PARIS - Bernard VANIER Atelier : - Atelier Bernard Vanier. ( Art Auction Sale Catalogue ).
33213: 2006 X 15 Paris Artcurial - Santos-Dumont : - Autour de Santos-Dumont Automobilia (French auction sale catalogue ).
32592: 2006 V 4 Paris Drouot - Pierre SICARD : - Atelier Pierre Sicard (1900-1981) . (Art auction sale Catalogue, contents of his studio) .
32573: 2006 - I 30 Paris Drouot - MILLON & ASSOCIÉS - [ ] Geneviève LINÉ JAGOT - Christian CHENARD : - Geneviève Liné Jagot (1920-2001) et Christian Chenard (1918-2002). (auction catalogue).
32443: 2006 IX 27 28 29 LONDON Sotheby's - Sir Gawaine BAILLIE : - The Philatelic collection formed by Sir Gawaine BAILLIE - Volume VIII - Rhodesia (Auction sale catalogue).
32448: 2006 VII 13 LONDON - Sotheby's : - English literature, history, fine bindings, private press and children's books, including the Dr Williams's copy of the Shakespeare First Folio.
32449: 2006 VII 12 ( and later dates) LONDON - Sotheby's - Lord WARDINGTON : - The Wardington Library Bibles. - Important Atlases & Geographies Part One A-K ; Part Two L-Z. - Incunabula and the Wardington Hours ( 4 vols).
32183: 2006 V 19 LONDON Sotheby's : - Music. (Book auction sale catalogue).
50444: 2007 XI 26 Paris ARTCURIAL - [ ] Bibliothèque Jan van der Marck : - Bibliothèque Jan van der Marck (book auction sale catalgoue).
42987: 2007 IX 20-21 Paris - Ruth FRANCKEN : - Vente aux enchères publiques. Succession Ruth Francken - Auction Sale Catalogue Paris, étude Olivier Doutrebente.
41435: 2007 V 6 New York - Poster Auctions International Inc. - Jack RENNART ( sale organizer ) - Tim GADZINSKI ( catalogue editor ) : - Posters Winning Posters. Poster Auctions International [ Catalogue ] XLIV.
41097: 2007 V 16 Christies's New York - Andy WARHOL : - Andy Warhol 's Green Car Crash (Green Burning Car I). ( Art auction sale catalogue).
37818: 2007 III 15 Paris - Calmels Cohen - Henri-Georges ADAM - Collection Robert et Jeanine INARD : - Henri-Georges Adam Atelier (Art auction sale catalogue).
36607: 2007 XII 4 - LONDON - Sotheby's - OTTHEINRICH BIBLE : - The Ottheinrich Bible. ( Book auction sale catalogue).
36332: 2007 VIII 1 - New York SWANN Galleries - Nicolas LOWRY ( texts ) : - Vintage Posters. ( Poster auction sale catalogue ) .
36243: 2007 V 10 Sotheby's London - Lafreri Atlas : - An important Lafreri Atlas (Book auction sale catalogue).
34848: 2007 X 08 Paris - Drouot-Richelieu : - Dragos Morarescu (Bucarest 1923-2005).
34847: 2007 XII 03 Paris - Hôtel Drouot - Collection Jean Marchais : - Arts primitifs. Afrique - Océanie, Indonésie - Asie, Documentation.
34699: 2007 XII 18 19 20 - London Bonhams - The SAVOY Sale : - The Savoy Sale ( Art auction sale catalogue) .
34671: 2007 XI 26 Paris ARTCURIAL - Bibliothèque Jan van der Marck : - Bibliothèque Jan van der Marck (book auction sale catalgoue).
34431: 2007 XI 18 - Paris Drouot - Agence Enguerand ILIADE : - Collection Photographique Agence Enguerand Iliade ( Catalogue de Vente publique - Photograph auction sale catalogue).
34437: 2007 VI 5 Paris PIASA Photographies : - Photographies. ( Photograph Auction Sale Catalogue) - Paris, Drouot Richelieu. PIASA . Photographies.
34425: 2007 X 24 Paris TAJAN - Orfèvrerie Collection de Monsieur Jean Thuile : - Orfèvrerie Collection de Monsieur Jean Thuile. (Catalogue de vente publique - Art auction sale catalogue).
34263: 2007 XI 7 Pierre Bergé Paris - Collection Marie-Thérèse et André JAMMES : - Vente Collection Marie-Thérèse et André JAMMES. Coffretes de Messages Images du Moyen Âge et Traditions Populaires. (Art auction sale catalogue)
33613: 2007 II 5 LONDON Sotheby's Surrealist art : - Surrealist art. (Art auction sale catalogue).
33614: 2007 V 17 LONDON Sotheby's Japanese art : - Japanese works of art, prints & paintings. (Auction sale catalogue).
33608: 2007 VI 13 PARIS Christie's Cloisonnés d' Exception (Part I) : - Cloisonnés d' Exception. Collection Juan Jose Amezaga. Partie I. (Art auction sale catalogue).
33607: 2007 VI 16 Bonhams KELMARSH HALL Rolls-Royce and Bentley Cars : - Rolls-Royce and Bentley Motor Cars and related Automobilia. ( Car auction sale catalogue).
33604: 2007 VIII 1 NEWTON SOLNEY Bonhams Peter MCMANUS Collection : - The Peter McManus Collection ( of Motorcycles and Motorcycle Memorabilia). (Auction sale catalogue).
33603: 2007 VI 5 LONDON Sotheby's : - Continental books, Manuscripts and Science. (Book Auction Sale Catalogue).
33609: 2007 VI 29 LONDON Sotheby's Western Manuscripts and Miniatures : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures. (Book auction sale catalogue).
33159: 2007 IV 13 Sotheby's New York -Eugène and Adalbert CUVELIER : - An important collection of Photographs by Eugène and Adalbert Cuvelier. (Photographs auction sale catalogue).
56725: 2007 VI 14 Paris ALDE - [ ] PAVEE DE VENDEUVRE :: - Livres anciens & manuscrits (catalogue de vente aux enchères - book auction sale catalogue)
43530: 2008 XI 18 PARIS - Drouot - Thierry de Maigret (commissaire priseur ) - Manuscrits & Livres Précieux. (Book auction sale catalogue) .
36497: 2008 V 6 - NEW YORK - Christie's : - Impressionist and Modern Art. Claude Monet, Le pont du chemin de fer à Argenteuil. Modern Sculpture (Art auction catalogue).
36494: 2008 XI 18 - PARIS - Drouot - Thierry de MAIGRET : - Manuscrits & Livres Précieux. (auction catalogue).
36483: 2008 XII 16 PARIS Sotheby's : - Livres, Manuscrits et Livres de Photographies. (Book auction sale catalogue).
36406: 2008 VI 3 PARIS - Sotheby's : - Arts Décoratifs du XXe siècle & Design. (auction catalogue).
36407: 2008 XI 26 LONDON - Sotheby's : - Continental and Russian Books and Manuscripts, including science and medicine. (auction catalogue).
36331: 2008 V 12 New York SWANN Galleries - Alain WEIL - Nicolas LOWRY ( texts ) : - Modernist Posters. ( Poster auction sale catalogue ) .
36273: 2008 III 19 - Paris - Pierre Bergé - Dominique de Villepin - : - Vente Bibliothèque impériale de Dominque de Villepin. (Catalogue de Vente publique de livres).
36256: 2008 XI 15 Sotheby's Paris - Marie-Thérèse et André JAMMES : - La Photographie IV. Collection Marie-Thérèse et André Jammes. (Photographs auction sale catalogue).
36255: 2008 XI 18 Sotheby' London : - Photographs ( Photography auction sale catalogue ).
36254: 2008 XI 13 Sotheby' London : - Natural History , Travel , Atlases and Maps. ( Book auction sale catalogue ).
35984: 2008 VII 8 - LONDON - Sotheby's : - Western Manuscripts and Miniatures (auction catalogue).
35907: 2008 V 17 - CHARTRES Galerie de Chartres : - Photographies anciennes et modernes. (auction sale catalogue ) .
35905: 2008 V 31 - KÖLN - Lempertz : - Photographie. Photography. (auction catalogue).
35906: 2008 V 13 - LONDON Sotheby's : - Photographs. (auction catalogue).
35903: 2008 X 14 - NEW YORK Sotheby's : - Photographs. Auction Sale Catalogue - New York, Sotheby's.
35904: 2008 X 8 - LONDON Bonham's : - India and Beyond in Books and Photographs. (auction catalogue).
35837: 2008 IV 14 Amsterdam Sotheby's : - 19th century European paintings. ( Art auction sale catalogue). Sotheby's reference AM1049
35828: 2008 VI 24 London - Christie's - Irwin and Xenia S. MILLER - Simon SAINSBURY : - Impressionist/Modern. Property from a distinguished European Collection. Property from the Estate of J. Irwin and Xenia S. Miller. (Boxed set of three art auction sale catalogues Christie's numbers 7599 , 7599A, 7599B).
35826: 2008 VI 10 London Bonhams - Lev BORODULIN : - The Borodulin Collection of Russian Photographs. (Photography auction sale catalogue).
35825: 2008 X 13 Paris Millon & Associés. - Théo BLANC - Antoine DEMILLY : - Blanc et Demilly. Un double regard, une seule signature. Théo Blanc (1891 - 1985 ) - Antoine Demilly ( 1892 - 1964 ). (Photography auction sale catalogue).
34800: 2008 II 27 AMSTERDAM - Christie's : - Topographical Observations. Picture Your Wolrd. (auction catalogue).
34790: 2008 IV 14 PARIS - Millon & Associés - Lucien COUTAUD : - Lucien Coutaud (Meynes 1904 - Paris 1977). (auction catalogue).
43542: 2009 XI 23 PARIS Hôtel du Louvre - Vicomte Couppel du Lude : - Bibliothèque du vicomte Couppel du Lude. (Book auction sale catalogue).
43139: 2009 IV 8 PARIS - Sotheby's - Christophe d'Astier : - Petite Collection d'un Libraire Dilettante Christophe d'Astier. (book auction sale catalogue).
43130: 2009 IV 21 - Paris Hôtel Marcel Dassault - Collection Gerard OURY : - Collection Gerard Oury. ( Art auction sale catalogue ) .
41484: 2009 XII 8 - Roma Finearte Casa d'Aste - ALITALIA : - Asta della Collezione Alitalia in Amministrazione Stadinaria. ( Art auction sale catalogue ).
39621: 2009 IV 21 - Nomisma ( editor ) - Lorenzo Bellesia - Matteo del Grande ( cataloguers ) : - Asta Numismatica 38 ( Catalogue of a coin and medal auction ) .
39617: 2009 X 13-14 . MEISTER & SONNTAG Auktionen Stuttgart : - Auktion 8 . ( Catalogue of a coin and medal auction ) .
38863: 2009 X 16 . Piasa Paris Drouot Richelieu : - Estampes Japonaises. Collections particulières ( Art auction sale catalogue ) .
37720: 2009 X 25 Paris - Atelier Richelieu - Art Aborigène - Gaia : - Australie - Art Aborigène. ( Catalogue de vente publique) Vente à l'Atelier Richelieu Paris.
36495: 2009 VI 23 PARIS - Drouot Richelieu - Pierre BERGE : - Livres illustrés modernes. Livres anciens et manuscrits. ( Book auction sale catalogue ) .
36481: 2009 VI 8 LONDON - BLOOMSBURY - Jan van der Marck : - Catalogue of Distinguished Typography from the Library of Jan van der Marck (auction catalogue).
53655: 2010 V 27-28 . Munten-en Postzegels Organisatie (auction house ) : - Veiling / Auction Donderdag 27, Vrijdag 28, Zaterdag 29 Mei 2010. ( Catalogue of a coin and paper money auction ) .
52351: 2010 VI 9 London Sotheby's : - Music and Continental Books and Manuscripts . (bookauction sale catalogue).
41478: 2010 IV 14 NEW YORK Sotheby's - James S. COPLEY : - The James S. Copley Library. Magnificent American Historical Documents. First Selection. (Book auction sale catalogue).
39618: 2010 V 26-27 . MEISTER & SONNTAG Auktionen Stuttgart : - Auktion 9 . ( Catalogue of a coin and medal auction ) .
38998: 2010 XII 9 - Paris - ALDE - André JOLIVET : - Musique André Jolivet. (Catalogue de vente aux enchères publiques).
38406: 2010 XII 18 - Paris - salle FAVART - Bibliothèque Dauphinoise de la Gardette : - Bibliothèque Dauphinoise de la Gardette (Vente aux enchères) ( Book auction sale catalogue).
38249: 2010 XI 26 - Berlin Grisebach - Lesser URY : - Lesser Ury. Werke aus einer Hamburger Privatsammlung. (Art auction sale catalogue).
38219: 2010 IX 14 - London Sotheby's - CHESNEY'S fireplaces : - Chesney's Chimneypieces and fire furniture. ( Auction sale catalogue ) .
46538: 2011 I 27 - Paris - Christie's - Jean Claude ABREU : - Christie's Jean Claude Abreu. Humaniste et Collectionneur. ( Art auction sale catalogue).
43012: 2011 X 28 Paris - Drouot Richelieu - PIASA : - Photographies anciennes , modernes et contemporaines. ( auction sale catalogue ).
39620: 2011 XI 17-18 . MEISTER & SONNTAG Auktionen Stuttgart : - Auktion 12 . ( Catalogue of a coin and medal auction ) .
39619: 2011 V 26-27 . MEISTER & SONNTAG Auktionen Stuttgart : - Auktion 11 . ( Catalogue of a coin and medal auction ) .
39302: 2011 V 10 Sotheby's Paris -Photographies : - Photographies. ( Photograph Auction Sale Catalogue) - Paris, Sotheby's.
38997: 2011 V 18 - 20 Paris - Rome Bloomsbury Photographs : - Photographs (auction sale catalogue).
44731: 2012 X 23 New York Swann Gallerie - Aldine Imprints - Kenneth RAPOPORT : - Aldine Imprints & Early Printed Books from the Library of Kenneth Rapoport. (Book auction sale catalogue).
43547: 2012 IV 27 PARIS Hôtel Drouot - Millon - Ugo Paolantonacci ( expert ) : - Manuscrits Livres Anciens & Modernes. (Book auction sale catalogue).
41485: 2012 IX 24 Paris Sotheby's - Marcel BRIENT : - Collection Marcel Brient. La Page Française. ( Art auction sale catalogue ).
41475: 2012 X 23 New York Sotheby's - Robert S. McNamara : - The White House Years of Robert S. McNamara. (Book auction sale catalogue).
40656: 2012 XII 19 Milano Asta Bolaffi Ambassador - Arturo TOSCANINI : - Libri Antichi et autografi. Arturo Toscanini. La Vita, la famiglia, gli affetti (book auction sale catalgoue).
56724: 2012 V 8 Paris ALDE : - Livres anciens et modernes (catalogue de vente aux enchères - book auction sale catalogue)
44734: 2013 XI 18 - Paris Piasa - Philolaos : - Philolaos ( 1923- 2010 ) - Sculptures - Mobilier ( art auction sale catalogue ) .
43382: 2013 XI 16 - Paris Christie's - Hiroshi Sugimoto - Madame Tussaud : - Photographies Contemporaines (art auction sale catalogue).
43275: 2013 XI 29 - Paris - Pierre Bergé - Dominique de Villepin - : - Feux & Flammes. Bibliothèque Dominique de Villepin . II. Les Porteurs de Flammes. (Catalogue de Vente publique de livres).
42991: 2013 X 24 - Paris - Michel WITTOCK : - Collection Michel Wittock. Cinqième Partie. De Bo,aparte, premier consul, à Napoleon III, empereur. ( Book auction sale catalogue).
42685: 2013 X 30 Milano - Asta Bolaffi - Book auction catalogue : - Libri Rari e Autografi. (book auction sale catalogue ).
41491: 2013 IV 18 - Berlin - Bassenge : - Auction 101 Incunabula .( Lots 1201 - 1439 ). (Book auction sale catalogue ) .
41476: 2013 VI 12 LONDON CHRISTIE'S : - Valuable Printed Books and Manuscripts . ( book auction sale catalogue ).
57184: 2013 VI 12 Paris - Drouot - château DAUBEUF : - Bibliothèque du château de Daubeuf et à divers. (book auction catalogue).
49004: 2014 III 6 Paris ALDE - Bibliothèque d'architecture d'un amateur : - Bibliothèque d'architecture d'un amateur. De Vitruve à Ledoux 6 mars 2014. ( book auction sale catalogue ).
44730: 2014 III 19 - London - Christie's - James Ensor Prints - The Mira Jacob Collection : - James Ensor Prints ; The Mira Jacob Collection. (Art auction sale catalogue).
44123: 2014 XI 4 Paris Christie's - Collection Édouard-Henri FISCHER : - Verlaine, Rimbaud , Mallarmé. La collection littéraire d'Édouard-Henri Fischer ( Book auction sale catalogue ).
44115: 2014 VI 4 Berlin - Bassenge - Photography : - Photography Auction 103 . (Photographs auction sale catalogue).
44114: 2014 VI 14 Paris - ADER NORDMANN - Photographie : - Photographies (Photographs auction sale catalogue).
43532: 2014 VII 15 - LONDON - Sotheby's - Fairfax : - English Literature , History , Children's Books and Illustrations. (Book auction sale catalogue).
43381: 2014 VI 5 - PARIS - Richelieu Drouot Yann Le Mouel - Viviane ESDERS ( expert ) : - Photographies. ( auction sale catalogue).

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