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Title: FORMES - English edition - Nr. I - January 1930 - An International review of Plastic Art . (French interbellum art periodical - here in an English edition ).
Description: 0. Paris, édition des Quatre chemins, January 1930, petit in-4°, 27,5 x 22 cm, stapled issue ( as issued), original wrapper. With between 25 and 3 text pages, approx. 20 full page ills., with publicity leaves. With articles by René Huyghe on Matisse ; W. George on George de Chirico, a letter from England by R.H. Wilenski, from Italy by Margherita Sarfatti...Of the French issue in all 33 numbers were published. This is the first English issue, we don't know how many followed. .


Price: EUR 70.00 = appr. US$ 76.08 Seller: Antiquariaat Wim de Goeij
- Book number: 52277