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016068: ELSE, RICHARD; HALL, BRIAN - The Face: Six Great Climbing Adventures
027056: ELSEN, ALBERT E - Pioneers of Modern Sculpture
024614: ELSENER, WILLI - World of Flavours: Voyages of a Masterchef
024035: ELTON, BEN - This Other Eden
023768: ELVIN, LAURENCE - Lincoln As It Was: Vol. II (2)
023769: ELVIN, LAURENCE - Lincoln As It Was: Vol. III (3)
023771: ELVIN, LAURENCE - Lincoln in the 1930s & 40s
011248: ELVY, REV JOHN M. - Recollections of Th 'Owd Church After Forty Years Experience (Signed By Author)
025652: ELWALL, ROBERT - Erno Goldfinger : RIBA Drawings Monographs No. 3
023282: VAN EMDEN, RICHARD; HUMPHRIES, STEVE - Veterans: the Last Survivors of the Great War
024816: EMERSON, RALPH WALDO - Addresses and Essays
003676: EMERY, DAVID (EDITOR) - Bobby Moore - A Tribute : The Illustrated Biography of a Footballing Legend
022297: JOHN EMORY - Source Book of World War II Aircraft
019184: PROFESSOR CLIVE EMSLEY - The Impact of World War II: (Total War and Social Change ; Europe 1914-1955 : Book 4)
021451: LYLE KENYON ENGEL - Jackie Stewart, World Driving Champion
009632: ENGEL, MATTHEW (EDITOR) - Wisden Cricketers' Almanack 2004
027213: ENGELS, FREDERICK - On Marx
025431: ENGELSCHALL, RALF S. - Apache Desktop Reference
008151: INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS - Engineering Heritage : Highlights from the History of Mechanical Engineering Volume 1
024834: ENGLISH, JOHN - Obdurate to Daring: British Fleet Destroyers 1941-45
025655: ENGLISH, MICHAEL - The Anatomy of Illusion : A Painter's Guide to Hyper-Realist Technique
021817: ENGLISH, BARBARA (EDITOR) - East Yorkshire Miscellany I
019538: DOMINIQUE ENRIGHT (EDITOR) - The Wicked Wit of Jane Austen
016688: ENSLER, EVE - Aidoion monologoi (Vagina Monologues)
027959: ENSOR, R. C. K. - A Miniature History of the War : Down to the Liberation of Paris
024994: GREAT BRITAIN: DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT - Gilding the Ghetto: The State and the Poverty Experiments
024999: DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT - Limits of the Law
024995: GREAT BRITAIN: DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT - Profits Against Houses: An Alternative Guide to Housing Finance
026418: ERDOES, RICHARD & ORTIZ, ALFONSO (EDITORS) - American Indian Myths and Legends
013717: EREIRA, ALAN - The People's England
028123: EREIRA, ALAN - The Invergordon Mutiny
004775: ERENS, PATRICIA - The Films of Shirley MacLaine
027782: ERLAM, DENYS - Ranks & Uniforms of the German Army Navy Air Force
022771: ERNST, SOPHIE - Home : Architecture of Memory
017554: GABRIEL RIVADENEYRA ESCALANTE - Los Lideres Nacen y se Hacen (Leaders are Born and Made)
027584: ESCOFFIER, AUGUSTE - 2000 Favourite French Recipes
011744: ESCOFFIER, AUGUSTE; CRACKNELL, H. L. AND KAUFMANN, R. J. (EDITORS) - The Illustrated Escoffier : Recipes from the French Classic Tradition
021119: ESDAILE, ERNEST - The Art of Speaking
025715: ESKAPA, SHIRLEY - The Secret Keeper
023465: ESSON, LEWIS (EDITOR) - Larousse Pratique: The Practical A-Z Cookbook with Ingredients, Techniques and Recipes
019019: GEOFF STANTON ETC - Unfinished Business in Widening Participation: The End of the Beginning
019017: JACKY LUMBY ETC - Leadership, Development and Diversity in the Learning and Skills Sector
027382: ANDY LYONS ETC (EDITORS) - When Saturday Comes (The Half Decent Football Magazine} - Three Copies
023831: WILLIAM IRWIN ETC (EDITORS) - The 'Simpsons' and Philosophy: The D'oh! of Homer (Popular Culture and Philosophy): 2
024078: BILL BEAUMONT ETC - Rugby Football Union Championship 1986 (5 programmes)
020265: ETHERINGTON, ANDREW (EDITOR) - War Diary 1940
020266: ETHERINGTON, ANDREW (EDITOR) - War Diary 1939
003111: ETTLINGER, LD AND HELEN S - Botticelli
011115: EUDES, GEORGES - Ferronnerie Rustique et De Style
011557: EUSTIS, NELSON - The Greatest Air Race : England-Australia, 1919
012113: EVANS, JULIAN (EDITOR) - Making the World Legible : Five Years of Writers in Translation
024718: EVANS, BOB (EDITOR) - A Lantern on the Stern: The Later Years 2: Liverpool's Seafaring Heritage (Signed By Author)
024719: EVANS, BOB (EDITOR) - A Lantern on the Stern: The Early Years 1: Liverpool's Seafaring Heritage (Signed By Author)
024721: EVANS, BOB (EDITOR) - The Training Ships of Liverpool
024322: EVANS, JEFF (EDITOR) - Good Beer Guide 1994
019978: MARTIN MARIX EVANS - Over the Top: Great Battles of the First World War (Arcturus Military History)
005005: EVANS, CHRISTOPHER - The Making of the Micro : A History of the Computer
022777: EVANS, POPPY - Extraordinary Graphics for Unusual Surfaces: Making the Most of Hard-to-design Shapes and Surfaces
013138: EVANS, I. O. - The Observer's Book of Flags
003121: ROOSE-EVANS, JAMES - One Foot on the Stage : The Biography of Richard Wilson
026113: EVANS, JEFF (EDITOR) - Good Beer Guide 1992
026115: EVANS, JEFF (EDITOR) - Good Beer Guide 1996
026123: EVANS, JEFF (EDITOR) - Good Beer Guide 1993
025529: EVANS, LINDSAY - The Castles of Wales
022442: HUDSON-EVANS, RICHARD - Roadworthy
022443: HUDSON-EVANS, RICHARD - Competing with Production Cars
027329: EVANS, BRIAN - Walks in Silverdale and Arnside
010164: EVANS, MIKE - The Art of the Beatles
008307: EVANS, JEFF (EDITOR) - Good Bottled Beer Guide : The Camra Guide to Real Ale in a Bottle
023594: JEFF EVANS - Good Bottled Beer Guide (CAMRA)
021268: PENELOPE EVANS - First Fruits
009096: EVANS, PETER - The Protest Virus
020830: JOHN EVANS - Pembroke Dock Reflections
027685: EVERAGE, DAME EDNA (BARRY HUMPHRIES) - Dame Edna's Bedside Companion
016185: NEIL EWART - The Writer and the Reader : A Book of Literary Quotations
019013: EWENS, DAVID - Observation of Teaching and Learning in Adult Education
019611: ALLEN EYLES - That Was Hollywood: The 1930's
015079: EYSENCK, H. J.; WILSON, GLENN - Know Your Own Personality (Pelican)
023404: FABB, JOHN; CASSIN-SCOTT, JACK - Military Bands and Their Uniforms
019746: LEE FABER - Beginners Guide to Goats
016301: FABRICIUS, JOHAN - Mortal Pageant
019643: STEVEN FAERM - Fashion Design Course: Principles, Practice and Techniques: The Ultimate Guide for Aspiring Fashion Designers
012039: FAGAN, BRIAN M. (EDITOR) - The Seventy Great Mysteries of the Ancient World
010776: FAIRFIELD, HELEN - Counted Thread Embroidery
000652: FALDO, MELANIE - Golf for Women
022412: FALKUS, HUGH; GREENHALGH, MALCOLM - The Salmon and Sea Trout Fisher's Handbook (Signed By Author)
020371: VIOLETTA FARINA - Modern Art : Pocket Visual Encyclopedia
018226: KING-FARLOW, ALICE (EDITOR) - Tosca : Winter Season 1994
020051: FARMER, JOHN S. (EDITOR) - The Dramatic Writings of John Bale - Bishop of Ossory
008727: FARMER, PHILIP JOSÚ - The Book of Philip JosÚ Farmer : Or, the Wares of Simple Simon's Custard Pie and Space Man
020048: FARMER, JOHN S. (EDITOR) - The Dramatic Writings of Richard Wever and Thomas Ingelend
020042: FARMER, JOHN S. (EDITOR) - Recently Recovered 'Lost' Tudor Plays with some Others
020037: FARMER, JOHN S. (EDITOR) - The Dramatic Writings of Nicholas Udall 1506-1566
020047: FARMER, JOHN S. (EDITOR) - The Dramatic Writings of Ulpian Fulwell
020040: FARMER, JOHN S. (EDITOR) - The Dramatic Writings of Richard Edwards, Thomas Norton, and Thomas Sackville
020038: FARMER, JOHN S. (EDITOR) - Five Anonymous Plays
021580: FARNOL, JEFFERY - Over the Hills
013158: FARRELL, TERRY (COMPILER) - Images of Preston
028031: FARRER, FRANCES & GRAHAM, ALISON (COMPILERS) - The Year I Was Born 1955
024097: KAREN FARRINGTON & NICK CONSTABLE - Steam Locomotive (Build Your Own S.)
021059: GRIGORY YAR; TRANSLATER VALERY FATEYEV - Peterhof Pavlovsk Tsarskoye Selo Gatchina Oranienbaum
026292: FAULKNER, P. A. - Bolsover Castle
027408: FAWCETT, RAYMOND (EDITOR) - Empire Youth Annual 1951
015489: FAWCETT, RICHARD - Inchmahome Priory
019704: RUPERT FAWCETT - The Big Fat Fred Collection
017541: JACQUELINE FEARN - Discovering Heraldry
025318: FEARON, MICHAEL - Filey : From Fishing Village to Edwardian Resort
026310: FEATHERSTONE, SUE - Lest We Forget : Hollingworth 1914-1918
026059: FEDERER, CHARLES A. - Yorkshire Chap-Books : First Series
021187: TERENCE FEELY - Number 10: Private Lives of Six Prime Ministers
019912: MALKY FEIG - Mountain Climbers 2
008296: FEILDING, ROBERT - A Collection of Cases containing the Case of Barbara, Late Duchess of Cleavelend and Robert Feilding, the Case of Sir George Downing and Mrs Mary Forefter, the Case of John Dormer, the Case of the Lord Roos Etc.
017284: FEIST, PETER H. - Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1841-1919: A Dream of Harmony
007809: FELDMAN, ANNETTE - Handmade Lace and Patterns
025126: FENBY, JONATHAN - Dragon Throne: China's Emperors from the Qin to the Manchu
027838: FENLON, IAIN - The Ceremonial City : History, Memory and Myth in Renaissance Venice.
025696: FENNELL, JAN - The Dog Listener
028062: FERGUSON, NIALL - The Cash Nexus : Money and Power in the Modern World, 1700-2000
024803: FERGUSON, ALEX - The Unique Treble
025603: FERGUSON, NIELS & SCHEINER, BRUCE - Practical Cryptography
022822: FERGUSON, KEN AND SYLVIA (EDITORS) - Television Show Book
028127: FERGUSON, JOHN (EDITOR) - War and the Creative Arts
025879: KEN FERGUSON (EDITOR) - Photoplay Film Annual 1974
010358: FERGUSON, AJA & PRESCOTT, DT & ROBERTSON, F - A History of Medicine in South-West Durham (Signed by all Authors)
012231: FERN, DAVE - The Donington Grands Prix
023192: FERNANDEZ, JUSTINO - Mexican Art
011958: FERNEYHOUGH, FRANK - Liverpool & Manchester Railway 1830-1980
027111: FERNIE, ERIC - The Architecture of the Anglo-Saxons
018525: FERNLEY, C (CHIEF ARCHITECT) - Tameside Planning Handbook
019351: SEAN HEPBURN FERRER - Audrey Hepburn, Elegant Spirit
021968: MARC FERRO - Nicholas II: The Last of the Tsars
025421: FIEDLER, DAVID : HUNTER, BRUCE H. : SMITH, BEN - Unix System V Release 4 Administration
025558: FIEDLER, DAVID & HUNTER, BRUCE H. - UNIX System Administration
016170: FIELD, DAVID & HOCKEY, JENNY & SMALL, NEIL - Death, Gender and Ethnicity
027509: FIELD, SEAN (EDITOR) - Lost Communities, Living Memories : Remembering Forced Removals in Cape Town
023021: FIELD, ANDREW (COMPILER) - The Complection of Russian Literature: A Cento
012730: FIELD, FRANK AND TOWNSEND, PETER - A Social Contract for Families
025120: FIELDS, LANNY - EMPEROR!: A Romance of Ancient China
005450: FIENNES, RICHARD - The Order of Wolves
018691: MIKE FILEY - Like no other in the world: The story of Torontos Skydome
026694: FINCH, J. H. - A Goodly Heritage : Being a Description of Ribchester Parish Church
000141: FINCH, ROGER - A Cross in the Topsail : An Account of the Shipping Interests of R. & W. Paul Ltd., Ipswich
020170: SUSAN FINDEN - Casper the Commuting Cat: The True Story of the Cat who Rode the Bus and Stole our Hearts
013221: FINDLAY, J. J. - The School : An Introduction to the Study of Education
020387: JOHN FINLAY - Picasso's World
005752: PAGETT. FIONA (EDITOR) - Thousand Years of Spiritual Poetry : The Landscapes of the Soul
015773: FIRTH, GARY - Bradford (Archive Photographs)
017805: FISCHMAN, BERNARD - The Man Who Rode His Ten Speed Bicycle to the Moon
008444: FISHER, ALAN; DIX, BERNARD - Low Pay and How to End It : A Union View
018441: FISHER, MARTYN - Leominster & District Toutist Guide
025052: FISHER, MIKE - Beating Anger: The eight-point plan for coping with Rage
020894: KEITH FISHER - Arsenal Greats
021445: FISHER, F. H. (EDITOR) - Quarterly Bulletin of the Alpine Garden Society : Vol. 2 No. 7 September 1934 No 17
011451: FISHER, MARTYN - Leominster & District Tourist Guide
025683: FISHER, ADRIAN - Labyrinth : Solving the Riddle of the Maze
013261: FITCH, NOEL R. - Anais : The Erotic Life of Anais Nin
028211: FITTER, RSR - Finding Wild Flowers
027061: FITTON, A. O. & SMALLEY, R. K. - Practical Heterocyclic Chemistry
026384: OMAR KHAYYAM & FITZGERALD, EDWARD (TRANSLATOR) - Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
019980: VESEY-FITZGERALD, BRIAN - British Game : New Naturalist No 2 (NN)
023896: MICHAEL FITZGERALD - The Genesis of Artistic Creativity: Asperger's Syndrome and the Arts
024975: FITZGIBBON, THEODORA - Traditional West Country Cookery
011226: FITZGIBBON, CONSTANTINE - Going to the River
027738: FITZGIBBONS, JONATHAN - Cromwell's Head
014504: FITZSIMMONS, THOMAS; MALOF, PETER & FISKE, JOHN C - USSR : Its People, Its Society, Its Culture
028047: FITZSIMONS, BERNARD (EDITOR) - Warships of Sea Battles of World War I
028064: FITZSIMONS, BERNARD (EDITOR) - Tanks & Weapons of World War I
001798: FLACK, JEREMY - Plumbing and Wiring : Home Repair and Improvement
027691: FLAHERTY, FRANCES & LEACOCK, URSULA - Sabu the Elephant Boy
001797: FLAMINI, ROLAND - Ten Years at Number 10 : Images of a Decade in Office (Margaret Thatcher)
028000: FLANDERS, JUDITH - Consuming Passions : Leisure and Pleasure in Victorian Britain
027855: FLANDERS, JUDITH - The Invention of Murder
025175: FLANNERY, TIM (INTRO AND EDITOR) - Here on Earth: A New Beginning
025184: FLANNERY, TIM (INTRO AND EDITOR) - Atmosphere of Hope: Solutions to the Climate Crisis
025441: FLAUBERT, GUSTAVE - November : (Limited Edition)
026178: FLAVELL, LINDA & ROGER - Dictionary of Idioms and Their Origins
019527: FLAXINGTON, DAVID - The History of Heysham
001355: FLEMING, JIM & ANDERSON, BRIAN - Rugby Union Laws Explained
006496: FLENLEY, RALPH - Modern German History (revised)
007065: FLETCHER, IAN (EDITOR) - For King and Country : The Letters and Diaries of John Mills, Coldstream Guards, 1811-1814
027350: FLETCHER, PAUL - Norway : Insight Compact Guide
024105: FLETCHER, ADELENE - The Watercolour Flower Painter's Pocket Palette, Book 2: Practical Visual Advice on How to Create Flower Portraits Using Watercolours v. 2
023596: FLETCHER, JOHN; UPTON, PHILIP - Introduction to Clay Shooting
020676: H. J. FLEURE - The Natural history of Man in Britain (NN)
025397: FLICKENGER, ROB - Building Wireless Community Networks
025777: FLICKENGER, ROB - Wireless Hacks : 100 Industrial-Strength Tips & Tools
022196: FLORIN, LAMBERT - Ghost Towns of the West
028129: FLORINSKY, MICHAEL T. - The End of the Russian Empire
023532: FLOYD, MICHAEL - Building Web Sites with XML (Unused CD-ROM attached)
010573: FLOYD, KEITH - Floyd on Africa
019689: FLOYD, KEITH - Far Flung Floyd
027101: FLYNN, IDA M. & MCHOES, ANN MCIVER - Understanding Operating Systems
027448: GRAHAM-FLYNN, FIONA - The Simple Art of Celtic Calligraphy
027148: FODOR, EUGENE - Fodor's 1972-73 Guide to Mexico
016809: FOGG, H. G. WITHAM - Irises for Your Garden
015904: FOGG, H.G.WITHAM - The Flower Arranger's Garden
011374: FOLKARD, L F - British Trams : A Pictorial Survey
025982: FOLLETT, KEN ; GRISHAM, JOHN ; SKEGGS, DOUGLAS ; CURWOOD, JAMES OLIVER - A Dangerous Fotune ; The Client ; The Estuary Pilgrim ;The Bear
006435: FOLLEY, E. W. - Romantic Wycoller : A Haunt of the Brontës
021401: ALLAN FOLSOM - The Exile
014108: FONTANA, BIANCAMARIA - Rethinking the Politics of Commercial Society : The Edinburgh Review, 1802-1832
018973: DAVID FOOT - 40 years on: The story of the Lord's Taverners
020843: GERMAN AIR FORCE - Bedienungsvorschrift Junkers Ju-87 R-2
025428: FORD, ANDREW - Spinning the Web : How to Provide Information on the Internet
026521: FORD, TREVOR - I Lead the Attack
011098: FORD, MARTIN - Salt-Water Fishing : A Step-by-Step Handbook
023962: FORESTER, C. S. - Brown on Resolution (Greenwich Edition)
017017: FORMAN, SIR DENIS - Persona Granada: Memories of Sidney Bernstein and the Early Years of Independent Television
021375: F.N. FORMAN - Mastering British Politics
025310: FORRESTER, PHILIPPA - On the Trail of Wolves
004236: FORRESTER, PAUL - The Wood Workers Handbook
014277: FORSH, OLGA - Palace and Prison
027966: ARNOLD-FORSTER, W. - The Blockade 1914-1919 : Before the Armistice and After
017301: FORSTER, MARGARET - The Rash Adventurer : The Rise and Fall of Charles Edward Stuart
023002: FORSYTH, J. - A Grammar of Aspect : Usage and Meaning in the Russian Verb
025981: FORSYTH, FREDERICK ; EIDSON, THOMAS ; ANTHONY, EVELYN ; RAMATI, ALEXANDER - The Fist of God : St Agnes' Stand ; Exposure ; And the Violins Stopped Playing
028201: FORSYTH, MARK - The Elements of Eloquence : How to Turn the Perfect English Phrase
024588: FORSYTH, FREDERICK ET AL. - The Deceiver : Search Dog : Pestilence : the Courtship of Peggy McCoy. - Condensed Books
017825: FORSYTH, PATRICK - The Selling Edge: Tactics for Winning a Sale Every Time
017845: FORTY, GEORGE - Fifth Army at war
022754: FOSBERY, RICHARD - OCR A2 Biology Student Unit Guide: Unit F214 Communication, Homeostasis and Energy (Student Unit Guides)
007077: FOSS, MICHAEL - Undreamed Shores : England's Wasted Empire in America
001919: FOSS, PETER (EDITOR) - Cliff Richard : Private Collection 1979 - 1988
008593: FOSTER, NICOLE (EDITOR) - Chicken and Poultry : Good Housekeeping Step-by-Step Cookery
002995: FOSTER, RAYMOND - The Gardener's Guide to Rare, Exotic and Difficult Plants
027703: FOSTER, CHARLES F. - Capital and Innovation : How Britain Became the First Industrial Nation: A Study of the Warrington, Knutsford, Northwich and Frodsham Area 1500-1780
025485: FOSTER, CHARLES F. & JONES, ERIC L. - The Fabric of Society and How it Creates Wealth
012087: FOSTER, JOHN L. (EDITOR) - Standpoints
022731: FOSTER, MICHAEL WHITFIELD - Principles of Architecture: Style, Structure and Design
025227: FOTHERGILL, JOHN - The Innkeeper's Diary
007187: FOULDS, JERVIS - The Lady Dudley Challenge Cup
024926: COMMUNITY PROJECTS FOUNDATION - Community development: Towards a national perspective : the work of the Community Projects Foundation 1978-1982
027135: OPEN SOFTWARE FOUNDATION - OSF/Motif : Programmer's Reference, Release 1.1
001188: FOUNTAIN, NIGEL - Women at War (includes 1 hour audio CD of actual eye-witness accounts)
016451: FOUQUE, LA MOTTE - Undine : The Two Captains
017107: FOWKES, CHARLES - The Life of Rembrandt
026504: FOWLER, WILL - Kursk : The Greatest Tank Battle
008246: FOX, PETER (EDITOR) - Light Rail Review 3
010964: FOX, CHARLES JAMES - Fox's Speeches during the French Revolutionary War Period
024575: FOX, PETER - Old Saddleworth
010201: FOX, DAN (ARRANGED BY) - Bob Dylan : Instant Picture Chord Guitar No 2
024573: FOX, PETER - Old Saddleworth
026430: FOXLEY, ERIC - Unix for Super-Users
025643: FRAMPTON, KENNETH - Modern Architecture : A Critical History (revised and enlarged edition)
021083: FRANCE, ANATOLE - The Bloom of Life
028237: FRANCE, ANATOLE & JACKSON, MRS WILFRID (TRANSLATOR) - The Revolt of the Angels
025461: FRANCE, ANATOLE & DOUGLAS, ROBERT B. (TRANSLATOR) - Crainquebille, Putois, Riquet and Other Profitable Tales
024621: FRANCE, CHRISTINE (EDITOR) - The Great Big Barbecue Book
021080: FRANCE, ANATOLE - The White Stone
008877: FRANCE, ANATOLE - On Life & Letters : Second Series
021084: FRANCE, ANATOLE - The Merries Tales of Jacques Tournebroche
022967: FRANCE, ANATOLE & MRS WILFRID JACKSON (TRANSLATOR) - At the Sign of the Reine Pedauque
023798: FRANCES, ANNE (EDITOR) - Ten Bright Candles
013750: FRANCIS, ELIZABETH - Making a Living : Changing Livelihoods in Rural Africa
025980: FRANCIS, DICK ; LAKER, ROSALIND ; HUNTER, STEPHEN ; WESTALL, ROBERT - Decider ; The Sugar Pavilion ; Point of Impact ; Blitzcat
025984: FRANCIS, DICK ; DANEMAN, PAUL ; MEADE, GLENN ; DEVON, GARY - Come to Grief ; If I Only Had Wings ; Snow Wolf ; Wedding Night
009863: FRANCIS, DICK, OAKSEY, LORD ETC & ARMFIELD, HILARY (EDITOR) - 150 Years of the Aintree Legend
023652: FRANCIS, GAVIN - Empire Antarctica: Ice, Silence & Emperor Penguins
024898: FRANCIS, RICHARD - Taking Apart the Poco Poco (Signed By Author)
007836: FRANCIS, CONSTANCE - The Welfare of the Needy : It Happened Round Manchester (SIGNED By AUTHOR)
016036: MAURIAC FRANCOIS - The Desert of Love and The Enemy
021410: JOHN FRANCOME - Back Hander
007852: FRANGOPULO, NJ (EDITOR) - Rich Inheritance : A Guide to the History of Manchester
003132: FRANGOPULO, NJ (EDITOR) - Rich Inheritance : A Guide to the History of Manchester
007459: FRANGOPULO, NICHOLAS JOSEPH - Tradition in Action : The Historical Evolution of the Greater Manchester County
013641: FRANK, BOB & FRECKNALL, TREVOR - The Runners's Essential Guide
026119: FRANK, ALAN - Galactic Aliens
019499: FRANKFORT, HHENRI - The Art and Architecture of the Ancient Orient
010373: FRANKLAND, TONY - Salford in Print
026487: FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN - Poor Richard's Almanacks for the Years 1733-1758
021292: LIZ FRANKLIN - Dips, Dollops & Drizzles
009530: FRASER, ANTONIA - Love Letters : An Anthology
017651: FRASER, COLIN - Avalanches and Snow Safety
023423: FRASER, DUNCAN - Historic Fife
000240: FRASER, ANGUS - Fraser's Tour Diaries : The Real Story of Life on Tour with England
007074: FRASER, ANTONIA - Boadicea's Chariot : The Warrior Queens
026665: FRASER, BRYAN - Normanton (Images of England)
026664: FRASER, BRYAN - Normanton : A Second Selection (Images of England)
015302: FRASER, LINDA (EDITOR) - Best-Ever Pasta: The Definitive Cook's Collection - 200 Step-by-step Pasta Recipes
026270: FRAYN, K. N. (EDITOR) - British Journal of Nutrition : Volume 88 Supplement 1 - Probiotics and Health : September 2002
027339: FREEDBERG, DAVID - Dutch Landscape Prints
016792: FREEDLAND, MICHAEL - Dino: The Dean Martin Story
023869: FRANCOISE FREEDMAN - Baby Yoga
006650: FREEMAN, PETER; HARNWELL, RICHARD - Stockport County : A Complete Record
007945: FREEMAN, MARK P. - Finding the Muse : A Sociopsychological Inquiry into the Conditions of Artistic Creativity
022230: FREEMAN, JOHN (EDITOR) - Prisons Past and Future (Cambridge Study in Criminology)
008785: FREEMAN, RAY - Dartmouth, a New History of the Port and Its People (SIGNED By AUTHOR)
018257: CHARLES FREEMAN - The Greek Achievement: The Foundation of the Western World (Allen Lane History)
027163: FREETH, NICK - Teach Yourself Guitar
011598: FREETHY, RON AND MARLENE - The Pride of Yorkshire
009208: FRENCH, SUSAN (EDITOR) - Daily Mail Annual for Girls 1959
026739: FRENCH, SUSAN (EDITOR) - Daily Mail Annual for Girls 1957
004533: FRENCH, RAY (COMPILER) - The Match of My Life : The Top Rugby League Players Select
000257: FRENCH, SEAN - Jane Fonda : A Biography
006948: FRENCH, C.S. - Oliver and Chapman's Data Processing and Information Technology : 10th Edition
028224: FRENCH, PETER W. - Coastal and Estuarine Management
017414: FRENCH, WARREN G. - John Steinbeck
018991: SEAN FRENCH (EDITOR) - Fatherhood: Men Writing about Fathering
009464: FRENCH, RAY (COMPILER) - The Rugby League Lions Australia and New Zealand 1984
018807: KATHY FRESTON - Quantum Wellness: A Practical and Spiritual Guide to Health and Happiness
028083: FREUD, CLEMENT - Freud on Food
004185: FREUD, CLEMENT - Below the Belt : Eating and Drinking with Clement Freud
027642: FREY, PETER & MULLER, JURG - Brazil
025404: FREY, DONNALYN & ADAMS, RICK - A Directory of Electronic Mail Addressing & Networks
017489: V. KOSTOCHKIN. TRANSLATED BY V. FRIEDMAN - Fortress Architecture of Early Russia
021813: RICHARD EDGHILL; DANTE FRIEND - Once a Blue, Always a Blue: The Autobiography of Richard Edghill
027016: MONASTERY FRIENDS - Gorton Monastery
025797: FRISCH, AELEEN - Essential System Administration
025845: FRISCH, AELEEN - Windows NT Desktop Reference
012280: FRITH, FRANCIS; ANDREW, MARTIN - Francis Frith's Around Eastbourne
018640: CLIVE HARDY; FRANCIS FRITH - Francis Frith's Around Liverpool (Photographic Memories)
021619: MICHAEL FROSTICK - B. M. W.: The Bavarian Motor Works (BMW)
018310: FROW, EDMUND AND RUTH (EDITORS) - The Dark Satanic Mills : Child Apprentices in Derbyshire Spinning Factories
003748: FRUNZETTI, ION (EDITOR) - Classical Chinese Painting
003693: FRY, JOAN AND DOUST, STANLEY - Lawn Tennis
022139: FRYER, CHARLES - The Superheated 4-4-0s of the Five Scottish Railways 1910-1922
018532: FRYER, CHARLES - The Locomotives of James Cudworth
002880: FUCHS, STEPHEN - The Aboriginal Tribes of India
027633: FULBRIGHT, SENATOR J. WILLIAM - The Arrogance of Power
024148: FULBROOK, MARY; CESARANI, DAVID - Citizenship, Nationality and Migration in Europe
020614: ROBERT FULFORD - Canada - A Celebration
025902: FULLBROOK, KIM - A Guide to Digital Railway Photography
025724: FULLER, JOHN - A Skin Diary
020172: STEVEN FULLER - 1st Bedfordshires - Part Two: Arras to the Armistice
028128: FULLER, MAJOR-GENERAL J. F. C. - The Conduct of War 1789-1961
004994: FULTON, MARGARET - Margaret Fulton's Book of Suppers & Snacks
004996: FULTON, MARGARET - Margaret Fulton's Book of Pasta & Pizzas
026767: FUREY, MAGGIE - Heritage of the Xandim : Chronicles of the Xandim Volume I
020405: SIMON FURMAN - Transformers Volume 36 - Stormbringer (The Definitive G1 Collection)
005473: FURNEAUX, RUPERT - They Died By a Gun
027034: FURNER, BRIAN - Organic Vegetable Growing
021673: ANNE FURNISS (EDITOR) - The Rainforests: A Celebration
005879: LONDON COLLEGE OF FURNITURE - The Woodworker's Handbook
026503: FYFFE, A. F. - Climbers' Guide to the Cairngorms Area : Vol V. Creag an Dubh-Loch, Glen Clova
012123: GADAN, FRANCIS AND MAILLARD, ROBERT - A Dictionary of Modern Ballet
024037: GADNEY, REG - Kennedy
011981: GADNEY, REG - Kennedy
027840: GAFFNEY, DENNIS & GAFFNEY, PETER - The Civil War : Exploring History One Week at a Time
010829: GAGE, JOHN (EDITOR) - Camden History Review 16
021631: JOHN W. GAHAN - The Line Beneath the Liners : A Hundred Years of Mersey Railway Sights and Sounds
005219: GAIR, ANGELA - Pastels : A Step-By-Step Guide to Pastel Techniques
017645: GALDOS, PEREZ - The Spendthrifts
020382: MATTHEW GALE - Alfred Wallis (St Ives Artists series)
009350: GALE, JOAN - The Blaydon Races
011216: GALE, W. K. V. - Ironworking
017686: GALEA, MICHAEL - Malta Diary of a War 1940-1945
005656: GALEWITZ, HERB (EDITOR) - Great Comics : Syndicated By the Daily News - Chicago Tribune
010939: GALFORD, ELLEN - The Essential Guide to Genealogy : The Professional Way to Unlock Your Ancestral History
025741: GALGUT, DAMON - The Good Doctor
020967: IAN GALLACHER - Hard Living: Westcountry Seafarers in Victorian England
024130: GALLACHER, WILLIAM - Revolt on the Clyde
002384: GALLAGHER, JOCK - Doris Archer's Diary : Selections from 21 Years of the Archers (Scarce Hardback Edition)
001369: MANCHESTER CITY ART GALLERY - Concise Catalogue of British Watercolours and Drawings Volume I
023072: NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY - National Portrait Gallery (Great Britain) Visitor Guide
022929: HAYWARD GALLERY - Master Paintings from the Phillips Collection, Washington
026638: GALLEZ, JULES & LAMBRECHTS, JOHN - 101 Methods : Part VI : Diary of John Lambrechts
026635: GALLEZ, JULES - 101 Methods : Part IV : Successful Methods with Young and Old Birds
026632: GALLEZ, JULES - 101 Methods : Part I
019025: GALLICO, PAUL - Trial By Terror
011708: GALLIMORE, SYLVIE - Wind Beneath My Wings (Signed By Author)
004780: GALLO, MAX; MAYOR, ALFRED; MAYOR, BRUNI - The Poster in History
027839: GALLWITZ, KARL LUDWIG - The Handbook of Italian Renaissance Painters
010778: GALSWORTHY, JOCELYN - White Hats and Cricket Bats : My Painting Life
019376: GALSWORTHY, JOHN & EARL, MAUD - Memories
020663: GALSWORTHY, JOHN - The Man of Property
022208: ROBERT GAMBEE - Nantucket Island (Signed By Author)
009718: GAMMOND, PETER - Scott Joplin and the Ragtime Era
025157: GAMOW, GEORGE AND STANNARD, RUSSELL - The New World of Mr Tompkins
022110: DR JOAN GANDY (EDITOR) - Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics - Vol 20 Issue 3 June 2007 : Special 20th Anniversary Issue
007650: GANT, FRANK - The Isle of Skye
026485: GANZL, KURT - Barnum : Theatre Programme
026950: GARBARINI, VIC & CULLMAN, BRIAN & GRAUSTARK, BARBARA - Strawberry Fields Forever : John Lennon Remembered
018300: GARBUTT, ROBERT (EDITOR) - Cycling Weekly -September 29, 2001 (Special Souvenir Issue - Cavendish World Champ)
026656: GARDHAM, BRIGADIER H. P. - The Parish Church of St. Mary the Virgin : Rye
026263: GARDINER, ROBERT (EDITOR) - The Modern Merchant Ship : The Shipping Revolution
012776: GARDINER, MARGARET - Barbara Hepworth : A Memoir
011431: GARDINER, C. H. - Your Village and Mine
028080: GARDNER, PETER - The Manchester City Football Book : F,A. Cup Winners 1969
005978: GARDNER, CHAS - Flying Scale Gliders : R-C Handbook
028214: GARDNER, ERLE STANLEY - The Case of the Baited Hook
025800: GARFINKEL, SIMSON - PGP : Pretty Good Privacy
026892: GARFINKEL, SIMSON WITH SPAFFORD, GENE - Web Security & Commerce : Risks, Technologies and Strategies
026901: GARFINKEL, SIMSON & SPAFFORD, GENE - Practical UNIX Security
012463: GARLAND, PATRICK - The Incomparable Rex : The Last of the High Comedians
025827: GARMAN, JASON - Kerberos : The Definitive Guide
027651: CHRIS GARMAN, NIGEL HARRIS, DUNCAN HALLAS - Two Socialist Worker Pamphlets on Wages and Jobs (1) Why Import Controls Won't Save Jobs (2) What's Happening to Your Wages?
017662: GARNER, WILLIAM - The Us or Them War
026817: GARNETT, DAVID - The Sons of the Falcon
023452: GARRATT, MORRIS; MCKENNA, SHIRLEY - Stockport (Images of England)
019960: GARRATT, MORRIS - Looking Back at Wilmslow, Handforth, Styal & Alderley
017776: GARRATT, COLIN - The Golden Years of British Trams
011070: GARRATT, JOHN G. - Collecting Model Soldiers
013949: GARRATT, DAREN; ROCHE, JEREMY & TUCKER, STANLEY (EDITORS) - Changing Experiences of Youth
014747: GARRATT, MORRIS; MCKENNA, SHIRLEY - Stockport (Archive Photographs)
027508: GARRISSON, JANINE - A History of Sixteenth Century France 1483-1598
022647: STAN GARROD - Indians of the Northwest Coast
026186: GARROD, TREVOR - Europe Beyond the Tunnel : Exploring the Near Continent by Rail
018809: GARROW, J. S. AND SEIDELL, J. C. (EDITORS) - European Journal of Clinical Nutrition : Volume 53 No 6 : June 1999
000691: GARROWAY, DAVE - Fun on Wheels
011925: GARTON, MONICA - Don't Bother Me Now, I'm Fighting a War (Signed By Author)
009719: GASKELL, GODDARD (EDITOR) - The Wayfarer's Companion : The Popular Guide for Motorists Cyclists Hikers and Youth Hostellers
025638: GASSMANN, DORIS & SEIPP, INGE & ROGALSKI, ULLA - 100 Jahre Seipp : 100 Objekte aus 100 Jahren
011100: GATHERCOLE, PETER - Game Fishing : A Step-by-Step Handbook
003248: GATTEY, CHARLES NEILSON - Farmer George's Black Sheep : The Lives & Loves of George III's Siblings
025909: GAUGUIN, PAUL & DENVIR, BERNARD (SELECTED BY) - Paul Gauguin : The Search for Paradise
024931: GAUTSCHI, GUSTAV - Piezoelectric Sensorics: Force, Strain, Pressure, Acceleration and Acoustic Emission Sensors, Materials and Amplifiers
027994: GAY, PETER - Schnitzler's Century : The Making of Middle Class Culture 1815-1914
025000: GAY, PAT AND HATCH, STEPHEN - Voluntary work and unemployment (Research and development series)
027413: GCHQ - The GCHQ Puzzle Book
016260: GEAR, DR GILLIAN (EDITOR) - Memories of the Borough of Barnet
019280: GEARING, BRIAN (EDITOR) - Radio Times : Souvenir Issue : 19-25 April 1986
012860: GEARTY, CONOR - Can Human Rights Survive? (Signed By Author)
003606: GEDYE, MICHAEL - Golf in the Sun 1974-75
012222: GEE, SUE - Letters from Prague
027288: GEE, H. L. - Yorkshire Wit and Humour
011762: GEE, H. L. - The Pilgrim
026413: GEE, HENRY - Jacob's Ladder : The History of the Human Genome
011259: GEHRING - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756-1792
026326: GEKOSKI, RICK - A Long Island Story (Signed By Author)
022469: GELL, M. M. ETC - Happy Fancies
016808: GENDERS, ROY - The Gladiolus
026241: GENESTOUX, MAGELEINE DU - Vieux-Tilleuls contre Beau-Site
023267: GEOGRAPHIA - Geographia Linen Backed Large Scale Plan of Nottingham
023056: GEOGRAPHIA - Vintage Denmark Map 1970
024061: GEORGE, DAVID LLOYD - War Memoirs of David Lloyd George : Volume I (one)
026360: GEORGE, CHIEF DAN - My Spirit Soars
007201: GEORGE, SUSAN; BIRCHAM, EMMA; CHARLTON, JOHN - Anticapitalism : A Guide to the Movement
017538: GEORGE, PETER - Doctor Strangelove: Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (20th Century Classics)
024004: FITZ-GERALD, S. J. ADAIR - The Story of the Savoy Opera
024498: FITZ-GERALD, JOHN (EDITOR) - Practical Tutor for the Saxophone
022286: PAUL GERALDY - L'Homme et L'Amour
027299: GERMAN, LINDSEY (EDITOR) - Socialist Worker Review : Three Issues June. July, November 1985
011875: GERRARD, DAVID (EDITOR) - The Hidden Places of Cheshire : Including the Wirral
008502: GERSHICK, ZSA ZSA - Secret Service : Untold Stories of Lesbians in the Military
004379: GERTSLACHER , ANNE ET AL. - China for Women : Travel and Culture
027403: GERVASUTTI, GIUSTO - Gervasutti's Climbs
027483: GIANI, GJILLA (EDITORIAL DIRECTOR) - Case Di Campagna (Country Houses- Italian/English Version) No 104 : 2004
022835: GIBBERD, FREDERICK - The Architecture of England : From Norman Times to the Present Day
017612: GIBBINGS, ROBERT - Coming Down the Seine
025875: FITZ GIBBON, CONSTANTINE - Going to the River
015240: GIBBON, LEWIS GRASSIC - Grey Granite
026231: GIBBON, DAVID (DESIGNED BY) - New England : A Picture Book to Remember Her By
006269: GIBBONS, TONY;MILLER, DAVID - The New Illustrated Guide to Modern Warships
026162: GIBBONS, BOB - Insects of Britain & Europe
013306: GIBBONS, GARRY - Historic Places of Britain
018014: GIBBS, SIR PHILIP - The Key of Life
012580: GIBBS, HENRY - Italy on Borrowed Time
028248: GIBILISCO, STAN - Alternative Energy Demystified
008486: GIDDENS, ANTHONY - The Class Structure of the Advanced Societies
025976: GIDE, ANDRE - So Be It, or The Chips are Down
022772: DENNIS GIFFORD - Happy Days: A Century of Comics
005707: GIGGS, RYAN - Giggs : The Autobiography
015848: GILBERT, EDWARD - A Guide to the Priory Church and Saxon Chapel, Deerhurst Gloucestershire
011697: GILBERT, HARRIETT - An Offence Against the Persons : A Novel
025042: IAN GILBERT - Little Owl's Book of Thinking: An Introduction to Thinking Skills (The Independent Thinking Series)
025437: GILBERT, PAT (EDITOR) - Mojo Special Limited Edition : Punk
011701: GILBERT, W. S. & SULLIVAN, ARTHUR - Songs of Two Savoyards
010709: GILBERT, W.S. & SULLIVAN, ARTHUR - The Yeomen of the Guard or the Merryman and His Maid
010706: GILBERT, W.S. & SULLIVAN, ARTHUR - Utopia Limited or the Flowers of Progress
022342: GILBERT, SIR MARTIN - Holocaust Journey: Travelling In Search Of The Past
017605: GILES, NICK - Wildlife After Gravel: Twenty Years of Practical Research by the Game Conservancy and ARC
016532: GILES - Giles : Annual 34th Series
016533: GILES - Giles : A collection : 46th Series (Forty-sixth series)
016534: GILES - Giles : Annual 38th Series
016535: GILES - Giles : Annual 35th Series
016531: GILES - Giles : Annual 36th Series
022279: GILES - Giles Cartoons 2001 : Fifty-Fourth Series (54th)
027361: GILES - Nurse !
011439: GILES - Giles Cartoons 2003 : Fifty-Sixth Series (56th)
011796: GILES - The 44th Giles Annual (forty fourth)
019617: GILES - The 45th Giles Annual
012248: GILES - Giles Golden Jubilee Special Edition (in slip case)
012867: LORCA ; GILI, J. L. (SELECTED AND TRANSLATED BY) - Lorca : Selected Poems
023865: GILL, ANTON - Empire's Children: Trace Your Family History Across the World
015203: GILL, ERIC - Last Essays
012513: GILL, JAMES - Bloodstock : Breeding Winners in Europe and America
021333: MOLLIE GILLEN - Assassination of the Prime Minister: Shocking Death of Spencer Perceval
027254: GILLETT, MARTIN - Pluscarden Priory
012615: GILLIAM, HAROLD - The Face of San Francisco
024158: GILLIATT, MARY - The Complete Book Of Home Design
026117: GILLIES, ANDREA (EDITOR) - Good Beer Guide 1990
026124: GILLIES, ANDREA (EDITOR) - Good Beer Guide 1989
009555: GILLINGWATER, ANDREW (EDITOR) - BMW Magazine : Autumn/Winter 2005
023218: GILLIVRAY, MISS MARGARET - East Lothian Official Guide Book
007317: GILMAN, HENRY (EDITOR) - Organic Syntheses Collective Volume I : Being a Revised Edition of Annual Volumes I-IX
014371: GILYAREVSKY, R. S. & GRIVNIN, V. S. - Languages Identification Guide
027943: GIMPEL, JEAN - The Medieval Machine : The Industrial Revolution of the Middle Ages
011108: GIOIA, IRIS;THURLOW, CLIFFORD - Brief Spring: A Journey Through Eastern Europe (Signed By Authors)
026788: GIORDANO, PAOLA - The Solitude of Prime Numbers
022855: SPICE GIRLS - "Spiceworld": The Official Book of "Spiceworld" - The "Spice Girls" Movie
014429: GIVEN, JENNIE (ARRANGED BY) - The Harp of the Glen (Clarsach A' Ghlinne)
004378: GLADWIN, DAVID - Britain's Motor Buses
004163: GLADWIN, DAVID - Trams on the Road
028050: GLAESER, ERNST - Class 1902
005923: GLANTZ, DAVID - Leningrad : City Under Siege 1941-1944
024703: GLASIER, J. BRUCE - William Morris and the Early Days of the Socialist Movement (Signed By Katherine Bruce Glasier)
024825: GLASIER, J. BRUCE - James Keir Hardie : A Memorial
007159: GLEESON, DENIS - The Paradox of Training : Making Progress Out of Crisis
013655: GLEIG, REV. G. R. - History of England (Gleig's School Series)
026729: GLENDENNING, RAYMOND - Raymond Glendenning's Book of Sport for Boys
022255: BILL GLENTON - Mutiny in Force X.
010840: GLIEWE, RAMON - Welcome on Board : A Beginner's Guide to Sailing
021308: GLINSMANN, W. H. ; IRAUSQUIN, H. AND PARK, Y. K. - Report from FDA's Sugars Task Force 1986
017224: GLOAG, JOHN - British Furniture Makers
025714: GLOCK, HANS-JOHANN (EDITOR) - Wittgenstein : A Critical Reader
022506: GLOGOWSKI, DIETER; BINDER, FRANZ - Tibet: Escape from the Roof of the World
021629: JOHN GLOVER - Modern Railways Dictionary of Railway Industry Terms
022945: GLOVER, A. J. - Enrich Your English
007091: GLUCK, C. VON - Opera Libretto : Orpheus
024124: GLYN, ANDREW; HARRISON, JOHN - The British Economic Disaster
011348: GODDARD, JOHN - Big Fish from Salt Water : A Guide to Tackle, Techniques and Species in British, European and African Waters
027705: GODDARD, JOHN - Trout Flies of Britain and Europe
006660: GODFERY, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Racing Post 100 Greatest Races
018761: GOKHALE, S. V. & SHAH, R. C. - Cotton Piece Dyeing (Ahmedabad Textile Industry's Research Association. ATIRA Silver Jubilee Monographs)
018620: JOHN MONTELEONE; MARK GOLA - The 'Louisville Slugger' Complete Book of Hitting Faults and Fixes: How to Detect and Correct the 50 Most Common Mistakes at the Plate
021347: ROBERT PYEFINCH; PETER GOLBORN - The Atlas of the Breeding Birds of Lancashire and North Merseyside
025053: GOLDACRE, BEN - I Think You'll Find It's a Bit More Complicated Than That
009818: GOLDBERG, GERALD JAY - The Lynching of Orin Newfield
025151: GOLDEN, CHRISTOPHER - Buffy the Vampire Slayer : The Lost Slayer : The Complete Series ; Prophesies ; Dark Times ; King of the Dead ; Original Sins
010318: GOLDFLAM, HARRY - Round the Mulberry Bush
017542: GOLDONI, CARLO AND FRASER, GRACE LOVAT (TRANSLATOR) - The Liar : A Comedy in Three Acts
020585: GOLDSMITH, DR - The History of England from the Earliest Times to the Death of George II : Volume II
004414: GOLDSMITH, DONALD - The Hunt For Life on Mars
019176: DR GOLDSMITH - Dr Goldsmith's Roman History : Abridged by Himself, For the Use of Schools
005824: GOLDSTONE, RICHARD H - Thornton Wilder : An Intimate Portrait
011038: GOLDSWORTHY, ANDY - Midsummer Snowballs
013800: GOLDTHORPE, J. E. - The Sociology of Post-Colonial Societies : Economic Disparity, Cultural Diversity and Development
025033: GOLEMAN, DANIEL - Ecological Intelligence: Knowing the Hidden Impacts of What We Buy
021916: GOLESWORTHY, MAURICE - The Encyclopaedia of Association Football
017168: GOLLANCZ, SIR ISRAEL (EDITOR) - Death and Liffe: A Medieval Alliterative Debate Poem in a Seventeenth Century Version
017174: GOLLANCZ, PROFESSOR ISRAEL (EDITOR) - The Parlement of the Thre Ages. An Alliterative Poem on the Nine Worthies and the Heroes of Romance
025822: GOMILLION, DAVID & DEMPSTER, BARRIE - Building Telephony Systems with Asterisk
022304: GOOCH, G. P. - Recent Revelations of European Diplomacy
022165: GOODERS, JOHN (EDITOR) - Birds of Hedgerow and Garden
021667: GOODERS, JOHN (EDITOR) - Birds of Ocean and Estuary
021666: GOODERS, JOHN (EDITOR) - Birds of Mountain and Moorland
021664: GOODERS, JOHN (EDITOR) - Birds of Heath and Woodland
021665: GOODERS, JOHN (EDITOR) - Birds of Marsh and Shore
024946: GOODIEPAL (GAEOUDJIPARL) - El Camino Del Hardcore
008575: GOODLAND, PATRICK - The Greening of Wild Places : English Village Life over Two Centuries: The Story of Gorsley Baptist Church, 1800-2002 (SIGNED By AUTHOR)
021829: CAROL GOODMAN - The Sonnet Lover (Uncorrected Proof)
016501: GOODPASTURE, W. W. (EDITOR) - Hardy Bulbs and Perennials
009403: GOODWIN, GODFREY - Ottoman Turkey: Islamic Architecture
010981: GOODWIN, CLIFF - To Be a Lady : Biography of Catherine Cookson
015725: GOODWIN, JOHN (EDITOR) - Royal Shakespeare Theatre Company 1960-63
027510: GOODWINS, SARA - A Brief History of The Isle of Man
012756: GORDON, DAVID AND TOWNSEND, PETER - Breadline Europe : Measurement of Poverty
019609: LESLEY GORDON - A Country Herbal
017417: GORDON, MIKE - The Vintage Record : No 1 Summer 1975 : Rock'n'Roll Edition
004844: GORDON, SUSAN - Explore Britain's Villages
005291: GORER, RICHARD - Multi-Season Shrubs and Trees
025440: GORKY, MAXIM - Twenty-six Men and a Girl and Other Stories
009047: GORMAN, JAMES - The Complete Penguin
002985: GORMAN, JAMES - The Complete Penguin
012787: GORMAN, JOHN - To Build Jerusalem
025718: GORNICK, JANET C. AND JANTTI, MARKUS (EDITORS) - Income Inequality : Economic Disparities and the Middle Class in Affluent Countries
025449: GORSUCH, T. T. - The Destruction of Organic Matter : International Series of Monographs in Analytical Chemistry, vol. 39
025723: GORTNER, C. W. - Marlene : A Novel of Marlene Dietrich
026381: GOSCINNY, RENÚ; UDERZO, ALBERT - Asterix and the Soothsayer
026380: GOSCINNY, RENÚ; UDERZO, ALBERT - Asterix and the Great Crossing
026379: GOSCINNY, RENÚ; UDERZO, ALBERT - Asterix in Switzerland
018162: GOSCINNY, RENÚ & MORRIS - Lucky Luke : No 39 Bounty Hunter (To Koraki - In Greek)
022350: GOSLING, WILLIAM - Helmsmen and Heroes: Control Theory as a Key to Past and Future
005660: GOULD, CHESTER & GALEWITZ, HERB (EDITOR) - Dick Tracy : The Thirties - Tommy Guns and Hard Times
002802: GOULD, JACK - Gothick Northamptonshire
012955: GOULD, B. M. & I. L. AND SMITH, CHARLOTTE FELL (EDITOR) - An Anthology of Essex : collected by Isabel Lucy and Beatrice Mary Gould
027919: ALAN GOUT AND BEVERLEY CALLAND - Play Latin: (Alto Saxophone and Piano) (Alto Saxophone Piano) (Play Series)
024024: GOWAN, LEO - The Craft of Stickmaking
006936: GOZZI, SERGIO - Joyce Morgan - The Miracle of the Faces
022767: GRABAR, ANDRE - La Peinture Byzantine
020261: MAJOR GENERAL WALTER GRABMANN - German Air Defence 1933 - 1939
022544: GRABMANN, MAJGEN WALTER - German Air Defence : 22 March 1941 - 31 December 1942
022543: GRABMANN, MAJGEN WALTER - German Air Defence : 1933 - 21 March 1941
022535: MAJOR GENERAL WALTER GRABMANN - Geman Air Defences : 1 September 1939 - 21 March 1941
027608: GRADY, DAVID - Deluxe Paint : The Manual
014837: GRAHAM, ALEX - Fred Basset (No 42)
005941: GRAHAM, COLIN AND MALEY, WILLY (EDITORS) - Irish Studies Review : Volume 7 Number 2 August 1999
027357: GRAHAM, DUNCAN & WENDY - Visiting Distilleries
015955: GRAHAM, FRANK - Hexham : A Short History and Guide
009309: GRAHAM, FRANK - Hexham and Corbridge : A Short History and Guide
003253: GRAHAM, MALCOLM - Oxford Old and New
024475: GRAHAM, MELISSA - Trans Canada Rail Guide
019044: MARTIN GRAHAM, RICHARD A. SAUERS, GEORGE SKOCH - The Blue and the Gray : The Conflict Between the North & South
020924: ROSE GRAHAM - An Essay on English Monsteries
006698: GRANT, MICHAEL - Saint Peter
006582: GRANT, NEIL (COMPILER) - Rita Hayworth in Her Own Words
016750: GRANT, JOHN (EDITOR) - Aries 1
024404: GRANT, HEBER J. - Teachings of the Presidents of the Church
026412: GRANT, K. M. - White Heat : Perfect Fire Trilogy Book 2
019035: GRANT, NEIL - Laurel & Hardy : Quote Unquote
001723: GRANT, REG - World War II : Europe (Atlas of conflicts)
027333: GRANT, IAIN - One Hundred Walks in the Peak District
000295: GRANVILLE, A B - Spas of England and Principal Sea-Bathing Places : Vol 2 - Midlands and South
026153: GRASBY, JOAN - Walking in Turton and Belmont
026731: GRAU, J. - Acapulco
022456: CHARLES GRAVES - London Transport at War
021362: CHARLES GRAVES - London Transport at War
027890: GRAVES, ROBERT - Count Belisarius : a Novel
027925: GRAVES, ROBERT - King Jesus
028148: GRAY, TED - Trafford Park Tramways
006188: GRAY, HILARY (EDITOR) - Cumbria : Lake District Life: A Celebration of 40 Years
016588: GRAY, EDWARD - Manchester Road and Rail (Britain in Old Photographs)
001040: GRAY, TONY - Fleet Street Remembered
025950: GRAY, MARIANNE - Working from Home (Signed By Author)
010064: GRAY, JAMES S. - Victorian and Edwardian Sussex from Old Photographs
022076: RODNEY DALE; JOAN GRAY - Edwardian Inventions : 1901-1905
026158: GRAYLING, A. C. - The Reason of Things : Living with Philosophy
027826: GRAYLING, A. C. - Descartes : The Life of Rene Descartes and Its Place in His Times
025207: GREATOREX, VANESSA - Wilmslow Through Time
015670: GRECOV, B. D. - The Culture of Kiev Rus
021124: MIRANDA GREEN - The Gods of the Celts
013832: GREEN, WILLIAM - The Observer's Book of Aircraft
013811: GREEN, WILLIAM; SWANBOROUGH, GORDON - Observer's Airliners
028244: GREEN, WILLIAM & SWANBOROUGH, GORDON - Japanese Army Fighters : Part One (1)
028245: GREEN, WILLIAM & SWANBOROUGH, GORDON - Japanese Army Fighters : Part Two (2)
002713: GREEN, BENNY - Let's Face the Music : The Golden Age of Popular Song
024295: GREEN, W. G. - Theory of Machines
020247: GREEN, BENNY (EDITOR) - Wisden Anthology 1864 - 1900
013554: GREEN, SAMUEL G. - Scotland 100 Years Ago : The charm of old Scotland illustrated
025272: GREEN, SIMON R. - Live and Let Drood
025295: GREEN, SIMON R. - Casino Infernale
025296: GREEN, SIMON R. - Property of a Lady Faire
025297: GREEN, SIMON R. - For Heaven's Eyes Only
025298: GREEN, SIMON R. - Dr. Doa
025299: GREEN, SIMON R. - From Hell with Love
025367: GREEN, M. L. H. - Organometallic Compounds : Volume Two (2) The Transition Elements
003691: GREEN, ARCHIE - Only a Miner : Studies in Recorded Coal-Mining Songs
001275: GREEN, RF - Chess : Revised By R du Mont
020993: DAVID GREEN - Insulation and Energy Advice
005704: GREEN, LINDSEY - The Challenge of Light Tackle
027301: GREEN, JOHN RICHARD - A Short History of the English People : Volume 4
005413: GREEN, IVAN - Canterbury : A Pictorial History
018302: KEITH ELLIOT GREENBERG - December 8, 1980: The Day John Lennon Died
021283: BERT GREENE - The Grains Cookbook
024502: GREENE, ROBERT & HARRISON, G. B. (EDITOR) - A Notable Discovery of Coosnage 1591 and the Second Part of Conny-Catching 1592
005515: GREENE, PATRICK (TRANSLATOR) - Looking at Paris
027673: GREENE, GRAHAM - The Confidential Agent
017707: GREENE, GRAHAM - Travels with My Aunt
015726: GREENE, GRAHAM - Lord Rochester's Monkey: Biography of John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester
019250: MARY C. HENDERSON; ALEXIS GREENE - The Story of 42nd Street, The: The Theatres, Shows, Characters, and Scandals of the World's Most Notorious Street
012619: GREENE, PATRICIA - Book of the Archers : The Archers of Ambridge
021542: JIM GREENHALF - The Dog's Not Laughing: Poems 1966-98 (Redbeck Poetry) (Signed By Author)
006487: GREENHALGH, JOHN AND NEWMAN, PAUL - Channel Portraits : From Bristol to Lynmouth
021476: MALCOLM GREENHALGH - Freshwater Fish: The Natural History of Over 160 Native European Species
024857: GREENWOOD, CEDRIC - Glasgowtrammerung
015083: GREENWOOD, E. B. - Tolstoy: The Comprehensive Vision (University Paperbacks)
023750: GREENWOOD, GRAEME L. - ABC British Cars
017166: GREG, W. W. (EDITOR) - The Second Maiden's Tragedy (1611)
022372: GREGORY, SUSANNA - Blood On The Strand: : Chaloner's Second Exploit in Restoration London
027008: GREGORY, RICHARD L. (EDITOR) - The Oxford Companion to the Mind
006146: GREGORY, IAN (EDITOR) - In Memory of Burlington Street : An Appreciation the the Manchester University Unions 1861-1957
028251: GREGORY, NOEL ; HORTON, JAMES ; LANG, ROY ; SANDERS, MICHAEL - Oil Painting : Step-by-Step
024849: GREGORY, PHILIPPA - The Constant Princess
022291: GREGORY, LADY & YEATS, W.B. - Cuchulain of Muirthemne : The Story of the Men of the Red Branch of Ulster
021335: PHILIPPA GREGORY - The Boleyn Inheritance
008902: GREGORY, BARRY - Mountain and Arctic Warfare : Alexander to Afghanistan
027002: GREGORY, PHILIPPA - The Last Tudor
027612: GREGORY, PHILIPPA - Dawnlands
010467: GREGORY, LADY - The Workhouse Ward
027003: GREGORY, PHILIPPA - The Lady of the Rivers
022090: SUSANNA GREGORY - The Butcher of Smithfield: Chaloner's Third Exploit in Restoration London
027001: GREGORY, PHILIPPA - Three Sisters, Three Queens
026781: GREGORY, SUSANNA - A Murder on London Bridge : A Thomas Chaloner Adventure
018437: GREIG, TONY - Test Match Cricket : A Personal View
024932: GRENANDER, ULF - Mathematical Experiments on the Computer
018397: JOYCE GRENFELL - George - Don't Do That
018881: LISE GRENIER, MAURICE CULOT, ROBERT DELEVOY - Henri Sauvage 1873-1932
011357: GREY, ZANE ; REIGER, GEORGE (EDITOR) - Zane Grey :Outdoorsman
021492: STEVEN GREY - A Cold Snap on Snow Hill
027127: GREY, MAGGIE (EDITOR) - The World of Embroidery : November 1997 : Volume 48 No 6
027128: GREY, MAGGIE (EDITOR) - The World of Embroidery : May 1998 : Volume 49 No 3
027129: GREY, MAGGIE (EDITOR) - The World of Embroidery : July 1998 : Volume 49 No 4
027130: GREY, MAGGIE (EDITOR) - The World of Embroidery : January 1999 : Volume 50 No 1
027131: GREY, MAGGIE (EDITOR) - The World of Embroidery : September 1999 : Volume 50 No 5
008335: GREY, ZANE - Arizona Ames
025073: GRIBBIN, JOHN - The Birth Of Time: How We Measured The Age Of The Universe
025142: GRIBBIN, JOHN - Stardust : The Cosmic Recycling of Stars, Planets and People
003228: GRIBBLE, LEONARD - The Dead End Killers : They Died By the Violence They Generated
019140: JOACHIM DRESSEL; MANFRED GRIEHL - Bombers of the Luftwaffe
014522: GRIEVES, ROBERT - Glasgow's Trams and Buses: A Centenary Journey
004234: GRIFFIN, PENNY (EDITOR) - St Hugh's : One Hundred Years of Women's Education in Oxford
025670: GRIFFIN, DR WILLIAM - Alpha Teach Yourself French in 24 Hours
005518: GRIFFIN, A. H. - The Coniston Tigers : Seventy Years of Mountain Adventure
026743: GRIFFITH, EDWARD F. - Modern Marriage
015569: GRIFFITHS, DAVID & SMITH, DAN - How Many More ? : The Spread of Nuclear Weapons
011927: GRIFFITHS, BILL - Growing up in Manchester : The First 10 Years 1924 to 1934
016615: GRIGSON, SOPHIE; OXFAM - Fairworld Cookbook
023432: GRIMBLE, IAN - Robert Burns
026960: GRIMBLE, ARTHUR - A Pattern of Islands
025856: GRIMES, ROGER A. - Professional Windows Desktop and Server Hardening
012804: GRIMSHAW, CAPTAIN ROLY - Indian Cavalry Officer,1914-1915
011953: GRIMSHAW, NIGEL - The Volkwagen Beetle : Vintage, Restored and Customized
020631: GEORGE BIRD GRINNELL - The Fighting Cheyennes
024920: JOHN GRISEWOOD - Englisch Kinderleicht
000917: GROENING, MATT - Simpsons Comics : Royale
018545: AUDE DE BELER GROS - Pharaohs
002441: GROSS, EDWARD (EDITOR) - The Making of the Trek Films (revised)
024720: FREDERICK GROSSMITH - The Sinking of the 'Laconia': A Tragedy in the Battle of the Atlantic
025519: THE LATCHFORD HISTORY GROUP - Latchford 1902-1935 : In the Tramway ERA
014514: BATTLE WRITERS GROUP - A Tapestry of Battle
007009: LIVERPOOL WOMEN'S HISTORY GROUP - A Different World : Memories of Liverpool in the 1930s and 1940s
026655: GOVILON VILLAGE HISTORY GROUP - Govilon Heritage
017871: GROVER, ESTHER TURNER - Americana Cookbook : A Unique Collection of Recipes & Folklore Paintings
027219: GROVES, REG - The Balham Group : How British Trotskyism Began
017412: GRUFFYDD, W. J. - North Wales and the Marches : About Britain No 7
013591: GRUNDY, FRED & TITMUSS, RICHARD M. - Report on Luton (Signed By Author)
024015: GARETH GRUNDY (EDITOR) - Q Music Magazine : September 2003 : Beyonce Front Cover
021906: GRUNER, E. HAMILTON - With Golden Quill (Limited Edition)
023321: THE EDITORIAL STAFF OF THE GRYPHON - GM? Nation : The Public Debate
026027: THE EDITORIAL STAFF OF THE GRYPHON - Farb Werke : Historical Labels
023186: GUEDALLA, PHILIP - The Hundred Days
028066: GUERBER, H. A. - The Myths of Greece & Rome
022347: GUERBER, H. A. - The Myths of Greece and Rome
028164: GUEST, JONATHAN & HARMER, ANDY - Atlas of Amphibians of Cheshire & Wirral
021021: CHE GUEVARA - The African Dream: the Diaries of the Revolutionary War in the Congo
011253: GUIBAUT, ANDRE - Tibetan Venture : In the Country of the Ngolo-Setas
005839: GUILD, TRICIA - Private View (SIGNED By AUTHOR)
012444: GUILEY, ROSEMARY ELLEN - The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits
013840: GUNATILLEKE, GODFREY (EDITOR) - Migration of Asian Workers to the Arab World
026602: GUNDRY, D. W. - Leicester Cathedral
018547: ED GUNGOR - There is More to the Secret: An Examination of Rhonda Byrne's Bestselling Book the Secret
016061: GUNN, THOM - Poem After Chaucer (Limited Edition Signed By Author)
016107: GUNN, THOM - The Fantasy Poets Number 16 : Thom Gunn
021652: BILL GUNSTON - Combat Roles: Air Superiority v. 2
024572: GURR, DUNCAN & HUNT, JULIAN - The Cotton Mills of Oldham
026029: GUSTAFSON, PAUL - How to Catch Bigger Pike from Rivers, Lochs and Lakes
005802: GUTH, PAUL (PREFACE DE) - Villes et Villages de Seine Inferieure 1900-1920
028182: GUTHRIE, SIMON - John Cecil Stephenson : A Victorian Painter's Journey to Abstract Expressionism
026046: GUTHRIE, DOUGLAS - A History of Medicine
005682: GUTIERREZ, AL (EDITOR) - Woodworking Projects, 1991 Yearbook
028179: GUTKIND, LEE - The Best Seat in Baseball But You Have to Stand : The Game as Umpires See it
027075: GWYN, PETER - The King's Cardinal : The Rise and Fall of Thomas Wolsey
020729: HAAN, ENNO R. - How to Remodel Your Home
020030: W. HAAS - Standard Languages: Spoken and Written
015976: HAAS, WILLIAM H. - Phono-graphic Translation (Mont Follick Series)
015977: HAAS, WILLIAM H. - Alphabets for English (Mont Follick Series)
027634: HABEL, DR ALEX - Encyclopedia of Child Health
023543: HABERMANN, A.NICO; PERRY, DEWAYNE E. - ADA for Experienced Programmers (Addison-Wesley series in computer science)
021045: HIDDE HABERTSMA - The Vintage Car Diary
012372: HADDINGTON, PETER - Around Manchester Guide
026514: HADFIELD, JOHN - A Wisden Century 1850-1950
020015: MIKE GREGORY; ERICA GREGORY; DAVE HADFIELD - Biting Back: The Mike Gregory Story
026080: HADFIELD, CHARLES - The Canals of Yorkshire and North East England : Volume I (one)
018112: HADFIELD, CHARLES - Introducing Inland Waterways
001333: HADFIELD, DAVE (EDITOR) - XIII Winters : Reflections on Rugby League
009116: HADFIELD, CHARLES; HADFIELD, ALICE M. - Afloat in America
007651: HADJIPANDELIS, NICOS - This is Cyprus
009676: HAESAERTS, PAUL - James Ensor
018655: HAFFNER, TANYA (EDITOR) - Nutrition and Health: Current Topics 6-7
001698: O'HAGAN, TIMOTHY - The End of Law
027655: HAGE, MIKE - The Back Pain Book (second edition)
010426: HAGEMAN, KEES & DE LESTRIEUX, ELIZABETH - From Nature - Flowers : with Delicious Recipes
024282: HAGGARD, SIR H. RIDER - The Days of My Life : An Autobiography : Volume 2 (I)
020662: ALEX HAHN - Possessed: The Rise and Fall of "Prince"
005089: HAIGH, A - Railways in West Yorkshire (A New Edition)
007223: HAINES, ALLAN; CAMPBELL, MAC - The Angling Times Book of Coarse Fishing
003673: HAINES, DUANE E - Fundamental Neuroscience
012509: HAINES, ALLAN - The Complete Book of Match Fishing
003494: HAINING, PETER` - The Legend of Charlie Chaplin
007151: HAKIM, CLIFF - We Are All Self-Employed : The New Social Contract for Working in a Changed World
017286: HALE, STEVE; THOMPSON, PHIL - Michael Owen : The Illustrated Biography
027949: HALEVY, ELIE - History of the English People : Epilogue (1895-1905) Books 1,2 3
027242: HALEY, ALLAN - Alphabet : The History, Evolution and Design of the Letters We Use Today
003087: HALL, ROBERT E - The Streetcorner Strategy for Winning Local Markets (SIGNED By AUTHOR)
016627: HALL, REBECCA - Fruits of Paradise: Vegetarian Yearbook
014681: HALL, STANLEY - Railway Milestones and Millstone: Triumphs and Disasters in British Railway History
021560: DANIEL HALL - Kemp: The Road to Crecy : A Novel of the Hundred Years War
005377: HALL, A.J. - Textile Finishing
010934: HALL, WARREN - Pagans, Puritans, Patriots of Yesterday's Southold
017261: HALL, SIMON - 1956, The World in Revolt
012532: HALL, VANCE M. D. - A History of the Yorkshire Agricultural Society 1837-1987 : In Celebration of the 150th Anniversary of the Society
022093: JAMES HALL - Blackwater Sound (Uncorrected Proof)
028004: HALL, DAVID - Working Lives : The Forgotten Voices of Britain's Post-War Working Class
019531: MIRANDA HALL - Feeding Your Children
021806: DANIEL HALL - Kemp: The Road to Crecy : A Novel of the Hundred Years War
025936: HALL, MARTY - Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages
009975: KING-HALL, STEPHEN - King George V 1910-1936 : The Story of a Great Reign
020083: HALL, NORMAN AND BURTON, BASIL (EDITORS) - Photography Year Book 1957
023314: HALL, GREGORY - The Dark Backward
015119: HALL, GEORGE I. AND GARROD, CHARLES AND KORST, BILL - Harry James and His Orchestra Volume I
021491: IVAN HALL; ELIZABETH HALL - Georgian Hull
008700: HALL, WILFORD A. - The Physician at Home : A Series of Essays on the Causes and Cure of Disease, with Special Articles on Fevers.
022317: JOHN A. HALL - The Ardagh Emeralds (Linford Mystery) (Signed By Author)
027297: HALLAS, DUNCAN (EDITOR) - International Socialism : 3 Issues - January, February, June 1976
027764: HALLAS, DUNCAN (EDITOR) - International Socialism : 1st Series June 1975 No 79
027763: HALLAS, DUNCAN (EDITOR) - International Socialism : 1st Series July/August 1975 No 80
027767: HALLAS, DUNCAN (EDITOR) - International Socialism : 1st Series June 1973 No 61
027768: HALLAS, DUNCAN (EDITOR) - International Socialism : 1st Series July 1977 No 100
027765: HALLAS, DUNCAN (EDITOR) - International Socialism : 1st Series December 1974 No 73
027184: HALLAS, DUNCAN - Trotsky's Marxism
027762: HALLAS, DUNCAN (EDITOR) - International Socialism : 1st Series February 1975 No 75
027150: HALSALL, FRED - Introduction to Data Communications and Computer Networks
018333: HALSEY, A. H. - Change in British Society : Based on the Reith Lectures (New Enlarged Edition)
006591: HALSTEAD, WINSTON (EDITOR) - The Yorkshire Ridings : Magazine Vol 5 No 2 : February 1968
006590: HALSTEAD, WINSTON (EDITOR) - The Yorkshire Ridings : Magazine Vol 4 No 7 : October 1967
022830: WINSTON HALSTEAD (EDITOR) - Lancashire Magazine : Autumn 1978
027619: HALSTEAD, WINSTON (EDITOR) - Yorkshire Ridings Magazine - October/November 1987
027478: HALSTEAD, WINSTON (EDITOR) - Yorkshire Ridings Magazine - May 1975
022242: SUSAN HALSTEAD - Around Rossendale (The archive photographs series)
024048: HAMBIDGE, COLIN - The Unwins Book of Sweet Peas
026663: HAMBLIN, HENRY THOMAS - What Science of Thought Teaching is
023184: MIKE HAMER (MIKE SCANTLEBURY) - A Limp Piccolo: The Olympic Bid Mystery
023185: MIKE HAMER (MIKE SCANTLEBURY) - Off the Rails: The First Metrolink Murder: The Sponsored Edition (Manchester Murder Mysteries)
025182: HAMER, DEAN.; COPELAND, PETER - Living With Our Genes
025406: HAMER, MALCOLM - A Deadly Lie
021389: HAMIL, SEAN ; MICHIE, JONATHAN AND OUGHTON, CHRISTINE (EDITORS) - A Game of Two Halves?: The Business of Football
018681: LORD JAMES DOUGLAS-HAMILTON - Air Battle for Malta: Diaries of a Fighter Pilot
020884: HENRY HAMILTON - The Economic Evolution in Scotland in the 18th and 19th Centuries
012366: HAMILTON, HENRY - History of the Homeland : The Story Of the British Background
020020: RICHARD F HAMILTON - World War I: A Photographic History
028025: HAMILTON, LORD ERNEST - The First Seven Divisions
021828: DENISE HAMILTON - Last Lullaby: An Eve Diamond novel
026084: HAMILTON, PETER F. - The Dreaming Void (Void Trilogy #1)
024101: HAMILTON, CATHY - Dadisms (What He Says and What He Really Means)
017912: HAMILTON, NIGEL - Bill Clinton: An American Journey
021344: CHRISTINE HAMILTON - Bumper Book of British Battle Axes (Signed By Author)
002994: HAMILTON, NIGEL - Monty : The Man Behind the Legend
023000: HAMM, JOSEF - Das Glagolitische Missale von Kiew (Schriften der Balkankommission, Linguistische Abteilung) (German Edition) (Signed By Author)
021536: HAMMERTON, J. A. (EDITOR) - Mr. Punch with Rod and Gun : The Humours of Fishing and Shooting
025957: HAMMERTON, J. A. (EDITOR) - Countries of the World : Volume 1 : Abyssinia to Bengall
025961: HAMMERTON, J. A. (EDITOR) - Countries of the World : Volume 5 : New York to Siam
025962: HAMMERTON, J. A. (EDITOR) - Countries of the World : Volume 6 : Siberia to Zanzibar
010756: HAMMOND, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Birds : RSPB Magazine Jan - Feb 1974 : Volume 5 Number 1
010757: HAMMOND, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Birds : RSPB Magazine Mar - Apr 1974 : Volume 5 Number 2
010739: HAMMOND, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Birds : RSPB Magazine Nov - Dec 1970 : Volume 3 Number 6
017797: HAMMOND, REGINALD J W - The Isle of Wight : Red Guide
010744: HAMMOND, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Birds : RSPB Magazine Nov - Dec 1971 : Volume 3 Number 12
020701: HAMMOND, PAULA - Bugs and Other Terrifying Tiny Creatures (Expert Guide)
010746: HAMMOND, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Birds : RSPB Magazine Mar - Apr 1972 : Volume 4 Number 2
011677: HAMMOND, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Birds : RSPB Magazine Winter 1977 : Volume 6 Number 9
010736: HAMMOND, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Birds : RSPB Magazine May - Jun 1970 : Volume 3 Number 3
010737: HAMMOND, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Birds : RSPB Magazine Jul - Aug 1970 : Volume 3 Number 4
009335: HAMMOND, REGINALD JAMES WILLIAM - The Highlands of Scotland : Following Road, Rail and Steamer Routes with Tours from Each Centre
010734: HAMMOND, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Birds : RSPB Magazine Jan - Feb 1970 : Volume 3 Number 1
010731: HAMMOND, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Birds : RSPB Magazine May - Jun 1969 : Volume 2 Number 9
010733: HAMMOND, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Birds : RSPB Magazine Nov - Dec 1969 : Volume 2 Number 12
010730: HAMMOND, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Birds : RSPB Magazine Jan - Feb 1969 : Volume 2 Number 7
025522: HAMMOND, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Birds : RSPB Magazine Jan - Feb 1972 : Volume 4 Number 1
023401: HAMMOND, RAY - Emergence
010729: HAMMOND, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Birds : RSPB Magazine Nov - Dec 1968 : Volume 2 Number 6
010728: HAMMOND, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Birds : RSPB Magazine May - Jun 1968 : Volume 2 Number 3
010759: HAMMOND, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Birds : RSPB Magazine Sep - Oct 1974 : Volume 5 Number 5
010735: HAMMOND, NICHOLAS (EDITOR) - Birds : RSPB Magazine Mar - Apr 1970 : Volume 3 Number 2
023785: HAMRE, LEIF - Blue Two ....Bale Out
005632: HANAGHAN, JONATHAN - Society, Evolution & Revelation : An Original Insight Into Man's Place in Creation (SIGNED By AUTHOR)
014766: HANCHANT, W. L. (EDITOR) - The Book of Antiques : Number Two (2)
028077: HANDEL, G. F. & PROUT, EBENEZER (EDITOR) - The Messiah : A Sacred Oratorio
028099: HANDSLIP, CAROLE (EDITOR) - The Sainsbury Book of Wholefood Cooking
016610: HANDSLIP, CAROLE (EDITOR) - Sensational Salads (Parragon Step-By-Step Cookery Series)
025294: HANDY, CHARLES - The Hungry Spirit : Beyond Capitalism : A Quest for Purpose in the Modern World
001492: HANDY, CHARLES - The Search for Meaning
010993: HANIGAN, DES - Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly
028243: HANLEY, STEVE & PIEKARSKI, OLIVIA - The Big Midweek : Life Inside The Fall (Signed by Author)
011567: HANNON, PAUL - Three Peaks : Walking Country
013881: HANSEN, KAREN T. - Distant Companions : Servants and Employers in Zambia, 1900-1985 (Signed By Author)
024781: HANSON, LAWRENCE AND ELISABETH - Marian Evans & George Eliot : A Biography
027820: HANSON, VICTOR DAVIS - Why the West Has Won
009776: HANSON, MALCOLM - A Skipton Anthology
026114: HANSON, NEIL (EDITOR) - Good Beer Guide 1988
024109: HANSON, ROBIN - The Age of Em: Work, Love, and Life when Robots Rule the Earth
026623: HANSON, W. J. - Our Community at Work : No 11 - Home Life and Community
028234: HANSON, NEIL - The Confident Hope of a Miracle : The True History of the Spanish Armada
022378: NEIL HANSON - Priestley's Wars (Rediscovering Priestley)
010667: HAPGOOD, E. R. (EDITOR) - Stanislavski's Legacy : Comments on Some Aspects of an Actor's Art and Life.
024870: HARBARD, CHRIS - Songbirds : How to Identify Them and Identify Their Songs
009656: HARBORD, JANE & WRIGHT, JEFF - 40 Years of British Television
021271: JULIET HARBUTT - A Cook's Guide to Cheese
014116: HARDING, JOHN - Behind the Glory : 100 Years of the PFA
025159: HARDING, STEPHAN - Animate Earth: Science, Intuition and Gaia
024516: HARDING, EMILY GRACE - A Mountain Daisy
027342: HARDING, MIKE - Walking the Peak and Pennines
026847: HARDING, MIKE - When the Martians Land in Huddersfield (Signed By Author)
007872: HARDING, GILBERT - Gilbert Harding's Book of Manners
027081: HARDING, JOHN WITH TAYLOR, GORDON - Living to Play : From Soccer Slaves to Socceratti - A Social History of the Professionals
013956: HARDING, JAMES (FIELD EDITOR) - The United States Army Training Center : Infantry, Fort Dix, New Jersey
027126: CAMPBELL-HARDING, VALERIE (EDITOR) - The World of Embroidery : Autumn 1994 : Volume 45 No 3
021526: E.J. HARDING & STEPHEN CONSTANTINE (EDITOR) - Dominions Diary: The Letters of E.J.Harding, 1913-16
017093: HARDMAN, JILL - What Works for Learners 14-16 ?
005479: HARDWICK, MICHAEL (EDITOR) - The Verdict of the Court
013150: HARDWICK, MICHAEL; HARDWICK, MOLLIE - The Bernard Shaw Companion
004982: HARDY, CLIVE - Francis Frith's Yorkshire : Photographic Memories
027967: GATHORNE-HARDY, G. M. - The Fourteen Points and the Treaty of Versailles
019341: CLIVE HARDY - Sheffield at War: A Pictorial Account 1939-45
024564: HARDY, FLORENCE EMILY - The Early Life of Thomas Hardy 1840-1891
010906: HARDY, CLIVE - Around Matlock
002584: HARDYMENT, CHRISTINA - Home Comfort : A History of Domestic Arrangements in Association with the National Trust.
027554: HARE, J, N. - Bishop's Waltham Palace (with extra postcard)
010458: HARGREAVES, F. J. - The Size of the Universe
026227: HARKER, HERBERT ; KATZ, WILLIAM ; THOMAS, LESLIE ; DARRELL, ELIZABETH - Goldenrod ; Surprise Party ; This Time Next Week ; At the Going Down of the Sun
017091: HARKIN, JOE - Behaving Like Adults: Meeting the Needs of Younger Learners in Further Education
026971: HARLOW, EVE (COMPILED BY) - The New Anchor Book of Canvaswork Stitches and Patterns
010235: HARMAN, BOB - The Ultimate Dream : 75 Years of the Tote Cheltenham Gold Cup
027650: HARMAN, CHRIS - The Struggle in Ireland
027766: HARMAN, CHRIS (EDITOR) - International Socialism : 1st Series mid-June 1974 No 70
027204: HARMAN, CHRIS - How Marxism Works
024725: HARRIES, SUSIE - Pevsner and Victorian Architecture
022890: HARRINGTON, FLORENCE - Georgie Merton : or Only A Girl
023178: HARRINGTON, WILLIAM - Trial : a novel
005118: HARRIOTT, AINSLEY - Ainsley's Big Cook Out
018411: HARRIS, JOHN - The Mercenaries
004089: HARRIS, MICHAEL (EDITOR) - Railway World Annual 1985
000558: HARRIS, MICHAEL - On the British Narrow Gauge
025720: HARRIS, MICHAEL - Professional Architectural Photography
007121: HARRIS, ALAN - The Milk Supply of East Yorkshire 1850-1950
016522: HARRIS, JOEL CHANDLER - Nights with Uncle Remus
012107: HARRIS, NATHANIEL - The Life and Works of Dali
011235: HARRIS, MICHAEL (EDITOR) - Railway World Annual 1982
000651: HARRIS, MICHAEL (EDITOR) - Railway World Annual 1983
007102: HARRIS, ALAN - Rural East Yorkshire : Studies in Historical Geography
026151: HARRIS, NATHANIEL - The Life and Works of Rennie Mackintosh
012108: HARRIS, NATHANIEL - The Art of the Renaissance
027513: HARRIS, BILL - Boston : A Picture Memory
027958: HARRIS, JOHN - The Somme : Death of a Generation
025543: HARRIS, JENNIFER ; HYDE, SARAH & SMITH, GREG - 1966 and All That - Design and the Consumer in Great Britain 1960 - 1969
006313: HARRIS, PAUL - Aberdeen since 1900
007804: HARRIS, G. W. (EDITOR) - Year Book of the Institute of Clerks of Works of Great Britain 1956-1957
007805: HARRIS, G. W. (EDITOR) - Year Book of the Institute of Clerks of Works of Great Britain 1955-1956
010269: HARRIS, HELEN - Devon's Railways
007803: HARRIS, G. W. (EDITOR) - Year Book of the Institute of Clerks of Works of Great Britain 1957-1958
007634: HARRISON, IAN; DOLCE AND GABBANA STAFF - The Book of Duos : The Stories Behind History's Great Partnerships
025892: HARRISON, ANDREW (EDITOR) - Q Music Magazine : June 2013 : Liam Gallagher on front Cover
025893: HARRISON, ANDREW (EDITOR) - Q Music Magazine : May 2013 : The Beatles on front Cover
021246: HARRISON, WILLIAM - History of the Manchester Railways (1882)
009382: HARRISON, TED - Tanni : The Inspiring Story of a World-Class Athlete
002144: HARRISON, HARRY AND HOLM, JOHN - One King's Way (The Hammer and the Cross - Book 2)
006428: HARRISON, R.T. AND OATES, N.R. - The Queen's Gardens (Croydon)
026103: HARRISON, ADA M. & AUSTIN, R. S. - Some Umbrian Cities
025894: HARRISON, ANDREW (EDITOR) - Q Music Magazine : April 2013 : Bowie on front Cover
025895: HARRISON, ANDREW (EDITOR) - Q Music Magazine : March 2013 : The Ten Greatest on front Cover
025896: HARRISON, ANDREW (EDITOR) - Q Music Magazine : February 2013 : Perfect Playlists on front Cover
025897: HARRISON, ANDREW (EDITOR) - Q Music Magazine : January 2013 : The Q Awards on front Cover
025898: HARRISON, ANDREW (EDITOR) - Q Music Magazine : December 2012 : Brandon Flowers on front Cover
016640: HARRISON, HAZEL - Drawing with Pencils and Pastels
027121: HARRISON, CAREY - Cley (Signed by Author)
018988: HARRISON, J. A. C. - The Story of the Atom
004929: HARRISON, FRANK - Tobruk : The Great Siege Reassessed
022742: HAZEL HARRISON - Watercolours : Art School : Step - By - Step Teaching Through Inspirational Projects :
027913: HARROP, SYLVIA A AND ROSE, EA (EDITORS) - Victorian Ashton
017678: HARROP, SYLVIA A AND ROSE, EA (EDITORS) - Victorian Ashton
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