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The Glass Key 7 rue de la Poelerie, 86500, Montmorillon, France. Tel: +33 (0)670 584774 Email: glasskey@orange.fr | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
85057: LASKI, HAROLD J. - Reflections on the Revolution of Our Time
9333: LASSERRE, HENRI - Les Saints Evangiles
88412: LAUAR, NOHAD - Brazilian Recipes Book
90959: LAUMER, KEITH - The World Shuffler
90924: LAUMER, KEITH - The Star Treasure
103199: Laurain, Antoine - The President's Hat
103344: Laurain, Antoine - Smoking Kills
90618: LAURENCE, JANET - To Kill the Past
103083: Laurence, Margaret - The Fire-Dwellers
96750: LAURIE LEE - The Illustrated Cider with Rosie
102433: Mac Laverty, Bernard - Grace Notes
101537: Van Lawick, Hugo - Solo: The Story of an African Wild Dog Puppy and Her Pack
97222: LAWRENCE, MARILYN - The Anorexic Experience
12510: LAWRENCE, D. H. AND M. L. SKINNER - The Boy in the Bush
82219: LAWRENCE, ANN - Mr Robertson's Hundred Pounds
98175: LAWRENCE, D. H. - Sons and Lovers
101301: Lawrence, D. H. with an Explanatory Foreword dealing with its discovery by P. Beaumont Wadsworth - A Prelude: His First and Previously Unrecorded Work
102297: Lawrence, D. H. - Sea and Sardinia
103179: Lawrence, D. H. - The Virgin and the Gipsy & Other Stories
101306: Lawrence, D. H. - David: A Play
101335: Lawson, Annette - Adultery: An Analysis of Love and Betrayal
93656: LAWSON, MARK - Idlewild or Everything Is Subject to Change
100491: LAWSON, EMMA (ED) - Sotheby's Art at Auction 1996-1997
100483: LAWSON, EMMA (ED) - Sotheby's Art at Auction 1997-1998
100484: LAWSON, EMMA (ED) - Sotheby's Art at Auction 1998-1999
104038: Lawther, Gail (Ed) - Practical Patchwork & Applique Techniques
96353: LAWTON, DENIS - Social Class, Language and Education
96639: LAWTON, DENIS - Social Class, Language and Education
82410: LAWTON, DENIS - Class, Culture and the Curriculum
84943: LAZARUS, CAROLE AND JENNIFER BERMAN - Glorafilia the Impressionist Collection - over 20 Needlepoint Projects Inspired by Famous Paintings
98540: LAZELL, BARRY - Marley 1945-1981: The Illustrated Legend
80126: LE GALLIENNE, RICHARD - Limited Editions: A Prose Fancy. Together with Confessio Amantis: A Sonnet
100882: LE FANU, JAMES - The Rise and Fall of Modern Medicine
100622: LE CARRÉ, JOHN - Our Kind of Traitor
84787: LE NEVE, JOHN - Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1541-1857: IV York Diocese
98531: LE CARRÉ, JOHN - Un Pur Espion
8097: LE STRANGE, RICHARD - A Complete Descriptive Guide to British Monumental Brasses
92300: LEACOCK, STEPHEN - The Bodley Head Leacock
100665: LEAKEY, RICHARD AND LEWIN, ROGER - Origins Reconsidered: In Search of What Makes Us Human
101141: LEAN, DEREK - Storm Force: The Westcountry's Wild Winter of 1989/90
99592: LÉÀN-DUFOUR, XAVIER ET AL - Vocabulaire de Theologie Biblique
95582: LEAN, SANDRA WITH BARRY CHATTINGTON - David Lean: An Intimate Portrait
98410: LEATHER, STEPHEN - True Colours
86620: LEATHER, EDWIN - The Vienna Elephant
99969: LEBLANC, MAURICE - La Femme Aux Deux Sourires; Victor, de la Brigade Mondaine; la Cagliostro Se Venge
103204: Leblanc, Maurice - The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsène Lupin, Gentleman-Burglar
98356: LEBLANC, MAURICE - Dorothee Danseuse de Corde
95132: LECKIE, ROSS - Gravity's Plumb Line
10523: LECLAIRE. ANNE - Leaving Eden
101633: Lecouturier, Yves - Les Plages Du Débarquement
103382: Leduc, Violette - The Lady and the Little Fox Fur
94872: LEDWELL, JANE - Last Tomato
95159: LEE, CORINNE - Pyx
9587: LEE, TANITH - Forests of the Night
92904: LEE, TANITH - Shadowfire
84199: LEE, TANITH - Dark Dance
91564: LEE, JOHN B. - Poems for the Pornographer's Daughter
103153: Lee, Jonathan - The Great Mistake
94611: LEECH, ROGER - Early Industrial Housing: The Trinity Area of Frome (Royal Commission on Historical Monuments England Supplementary Series 3 )
84271: LEER, MAUREEN - Through the Storm
99156: LeFanu, J. S. - Uncle Silas: A Tale of Bartram-Haugh
98833: LEFEBURE, MOLLY - Murder on the Home Front: A True Story of Morgues, Murderers and Mysteries in the Blitz
7149: LEFEBURE, MOLLY - The English Lake District
98351: LEGENDRE, CLAIRE - Making of
94025: LEGG, A K & DRAYTON, SPENCER - Audi A4 Service and Repair Manual
86920: LEGROS, JACQUES (ED) - Les Guides Bleus: Autriche
81528: LEHMANN, JOHN (ED) - The Penguin New Writing 31
81532: LEHMANN, JOHN (ED) - The Penguin New Writing 29
84143: LEHMANN, JOHN (ED) - The London Magazine Volume 3 1956 (12 Issues)
84144: LEHMANN, JOHN (ED) - The London Magazine Volume 4 1957 (8 Issues)
84141: LEHMANN, JOHN (ED) - The London Magazine Volume 1 1954 (10 Issues)
97894: LEHMANN, ROSAMOND - Poussière
84145: LEHMANN, JOHN (ED) - The London Magazine Volume 5 1958 (7 Issues)
84142: LEHMANN, JOHN (ED) - The London Magazine Volume 2 1955 (10 Issues)
96118: LEHR, DICK & O'NEILL, GERARD - Black Mass: Whitey Bulger the Fbi and a Devil's Deal
81260: LEIBER, FRITZ - The Silver Eggheads
90242: LEIBER, FRITZ - The Green Millennium
81977: LEICESTER-WARREN, MARGARET - Stories of the British Artists
95758: LEIGH, CHRIS (ED) - Model Railway Constructor Annual 1987
80878: LEIGHTON, ROBERT - Sergeant Silk: The Prairie Scout
87012: LEIMBACH, PATRICIA PENTON - A Thread of Blue Denim
90934: LEINSTER, MURRAY - The Aliens
94424: LEINSTER, MURRAY - Checkpoint Lambda
96225: LEINSTER, MURRAY - Space Tug
81268: LEINSTER, MURRAY - Miners in the Sky
90953: LEINSTER, MURRAY - Men Into Space
90954: LEINSTER, MURRAY - The Greeks Bring Gifts
90960: LEINSTER, MURRAY - Miners in the Sky
81269: LEINSTER, MURRAY - The Greeks Bring Gifts
102532: Lemaire, Gérard-Georges - Cafés D'Autrefois
99614: LEMAITRE, PIERRE - Au Revoir Là-Haut
102902: Lemaitre, Pierre - All Human Wisdom
103159: Lemaitre, Pierre - The Great Swindle
91527: LEMAY, SHAWNA - Blue Feast
85608: LEMPRIERE, J. - A Classical Dictionary Containing a Full Account of All the Proper Names Mentioned in Ancient Authors, with Tables of Coins, Weights and Measures, in Use Among the Greeks and Romans, to Which Is Now Prefixed, a Chronological Table
10579: LENTERIC, BERNARD - Deuces Wild
102672: Leon, Donna - The Anonymous Venetian
103067: Leon, Donna - Beastly Things
102468: Leon, Donna - A Noble Radiance
87811: LEON, DERRICK - Livingstones: A Novel of Contemporary Life
86907: LEONARD, ELMORE - When the Women Come out to Dance
85870: LEONARD, ELMORE - Freaky Deaky
98359: Leonard, Elmore - Zigzag Movie
98120: LEONARD, ELMORE - Pagan Babies
11776: LEONARD, HUGH - A Wild People
84196: LERMAN, RHODA - Eleanor: A Novel
102238: Lesage, Alain-René - Histoire de Gil Blas de Santillane (2 Volumes)
102330: Jeffries, Lesley and Dan McIntyre - Stylistics
10702: LESLIE, SHANE - George the Fourth
82217: LESLIE, DORIS - The Desert Queen
10049: LESORT, PAUL-ANDRE - The Wind Bloweth Where It Listeth
97453: LESSING, DORIS - The Story of a Non-Marrying Man and Other Stories
93873: LESSING, DORIS - Under My Skin: Volume of My Autobiography, to 1949
98551: LESTER, PAUL - Oasis: The Illustrated Story
98552: LESTER, PAUL - Oasis: The Illustrated Story
98547: LESTER, PAUL - Bjork: The Illustrated Story
98544: LESTER, PAUL - Spice Girls: The Illustrated Story
94528: LÉTOILE, VALÉRIE-ANNE, MAINE, MONIQUE AND PETER, MADELEINE (EDS) - La Cuisine: The Complete Book of French Cooking
95929: LEVI-STRAUSS, CLAUDE - Structural Anthropology Volume 2
95113: LEVI, JAN HELLER - Skyspeak: Poems
95928: LEVI-STRAUSS, CLAUDE - Structural Anthropology Volume 1
93850: LEVI, PRIMO - The Sixth Day and Other Tales
103983: Levi, Peter - Atlas of the Greek World
85415: LEVIN, BERNARD - A World Elsewhere
89627: LEVIN, MARTIN (ED) - Hollywood and the Great Fan Magazines
103860: Levine, Melinda - Colours for Living: Living Rooms
94108: LEVINSON, ELIZABETH - An Edible Journey: Exploring the Islands' Fine Foods, Farms and Vineyards
101320: Levinson, Marjorie - Keats' Life of Allegory: The Origins of a Style
84611: LEVITIN, YEVGENY - Rembrandt Etchings
97580: Lévy, Bernard-Henri - Le Siècle de Sartre: Enquete Philosophique
84055: LEVY, REUBEN - An Introduction to Persian Literature
103845: Levy, Muriel - Going to Sea": The Adventures of Wonk
100694: LEWIN, MICHAEL Z. - The Enemies Within
90926: LEWIN, MICHAEL Z. - The Silent Salesman
95160: LEWINTER, OSWALD - Ages of Chaos and Fury: Selected Poems, 1949-2005
8579: LEWIS, EDWARD - Primer for Playwrights
8056: LEWIS, JUNE R - Handbook of English Crafts and Craftsmen
96264: LEWIS, NORMAN - A Dragon Apparent: Travels in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam
103822: Lewis, Sinclair - Babbitt
103973: Lewis, Norman - I Came, I Saw: An Autobiography
104226: Lewis, Hilda - Wife to Great Buckingham
2199: LEWIS, C. DAY - Collected Poems 1929-1933
82025: LEWIS, BRIAN - Looking for Mandy's Place: An Epic Millennium Poem
87430: LEWIS, JOHN - The 20th Century Book: Its Illustration and Design
103901: Lewisohn, Mark - The Complete Beatles Chronicle
92007: LEWYCKA, MARINA - A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian
88422: LICHFIELD, PATRICK - Lichfield on Travel Photography: Making the Most of a World of Pictures
98433: LICHINE, ALEXIS WITH SAMUEL PERKINS - Guide to Wines and Vineyards
100479: LIDDELL, SALLY (ED) - Sotheby's Art at Auction 1987-88
98297: LIEBERMAN, HERBERT - Le Tueur Et Son Ombre
100102: LIEBERMAN, PHILIP - Eve Spoke: Human Language and Human Evolution
95950: LIGGES, WULF - Toscana: Immagini Di Una Terra
93787: LIGHT, ALISON ET AL - Feminist Review No 39: Special Issue
93792: LIGHT, ALISON ET AL - Feminist Review No 44: Summer 1993
93794: LIGHT, ALISON ET AL - Feminist Review No 31: Spring 1989
82621: LILJEGREN, JOH. G. - Run-Lara
97543: LINCOLN, VICTORIA - A Private Disgrace: Lizzie Borden by Daylight
93858: LIND, JAKOV - Landscape in Concrete
88835: LIND, JAKOV - Ergo: A Comedy
95793: LINDEN, EDDIE & BARKER, SEBASTIAN (EDS) - Aquarius 10: In Honour of John Heath-Stubbs
100860: LINDOP, GREVEL - The Opium Eater: A Life of Thomas de Quincey
82212: LINDSAY, FREDERIC - Kissing Judas
95682: LINKLATER, ERIC - Ripeness Is All
1801: LINKLATER, ERIC - The Great Ship and Rabelais Replies: Two Conversations
1804: LINKLATER, ERIC - The Raft and Socrates Asks Why: Two Conversations
98957: LINNICH, EIKE ET TEUBNER, CHRISTIAN - Cuisinez Comme Un Chef
85518: LINSTRUM, DEREK - West Yorkshire Architects and Architecture
104034: Cohen, Lisa et al - Sybille Bedford: In Memory
99357: LISCOMB, KATHLYN MAUREAN - Learning from Mount Hua: A Chinese Physician's Illustrated Travel Record and Painting Theory
93541: LISNIANSKAYA, INNA - Far from Sodom
98508: Lissner, Ivar - Dieu Etait Deja la
5792: LITCHFIELD, FREDERICK - How to Collect Old Furniture
11089: LITT, TOBY - Ghost Story
99647: LITTELL, ROBERT - La Boucle
86830: LITTELL, ROBERT - The Stalin Epigram: A Novel
99550: LITVINOV, IVY - She Knew She Was Right
84610: LITVINOV, BORIS P. - Applied Arts of Russia: Masterpieces and Their Creators
84772: LITVINOV, BORIS - My Soul in My Sacred Lyre In Traditions of the Home Handwritten Album of the 18th and 19th Centuries
84609: LITVINOV, BORIS P. - Orthodox Faith in the Fine Arts
96617: LIVELY, PENELOPE - Cleopatra's Sister
80077: LIVINGS, HENRY - Flying Eggs and Things: More Pennine Tales
6176: LIVINGS, HENRY - Flying Eggs and Things: More Pennine Tales
88986: LIVINGSTONE, DINAH - Poetic Tales: Logosofia Down to Earth
88988: LIVINGSTONE, DINAH - Second Sight
89205: LIVINGSTONEM DINAH (ED) - Work: An Anthology
2770: LLEWELLYN, RICHARD - Tell Me Now, and Again
95862: LLEWELLYN, MIRANDA - The Nine Hour New You
80314: LLEWELLYN, RICHARD - A Man in a Mirror
8711: LLEWELLYN, RICHARD - A Few Flowers for Shiner
100530: LLOSA, MARIO VARGAS - The Storyteller
101539: Lloyd, Clive L. - The Arts and Crafts of Napoleonic and American Prisoners of War 1756-1816
11484: LLOYD, ANN (ED) - Great Classics of the Silver Screen
11482: LLOYD, ANN (ED) - Good Guys & Bad Guys
101546: Lloyd, Clive L. - A History of Napoleonic and American Prisoners of War 1756-1816: Hulk, Depot and Parole
8045: LLOYD, WARD - Investing in Georgian Glass
95415: LO, IRVING YUCHENG AND SCHULTZ, WILLIAM (EDS) - Waiting for the Unicorn: Poems and Lyrics of China's Last Dynasty 1644-1911
101359: Lo, Kenneth - Chinese Provincial Cooking
97900: LOBRICHON, GUY - Heloise: L'Amour Et le Savoir
8513: LOCK, R. NORTHWOOD - James Duff Bown's Manual of Library Economy
90424: LOCKE, JOHN - The Second Treatise of Government
100294: LOCKE, DON - A Fantasy of Reason: Life and Thought of William Godwin
102298: Lockley, Ronald - Seal Woman
94585: LODGE, DAVID - Therapy
101976: Lodge, David - Thinks
97045: LODGE, DAVID - The British Museum Is Falling Down
102066: Lodge, David - Deaf Sentence
87749: LOFTHOUSE, JESSICA - Lancashire Countrygoer
81672: LOFTS, NORAH - Afternoon of an Autocrat
87239: LOGUE, MARK AND PETER CONRADI - The King's Speech: How One Man Saved the British Monarchy
103111: Lombarès, Michel de - L'Affaire Dreyfus: La Clef Du Mystère
102162: London, Jack - Croc-Blanc
81338: LONG, W. HARWOOD - A Survey of the Agriculture of Yorkshire
104187: Longford, Elizabeth - Victoria R.I.
10763: LONGSHORE-POTTS, MRS A. M. - Discourses to Women on Medical Subjects
102163: Lonn, George - Faces of Canada
104322: Loomis, Stanley - Paris in the Terror: June 1793 - July 1794
7120: LORAINE, PHILIP - Sea-Change
102650: Deutsch Lorànt - Romanesque - la Folle Aventure de la Langue Française
94480: LORBER, BRENDAN (ED) - Lungfull! Magazine Number 8
101291: Lord Gorell - One Man,,,Many Parts
104173: Loretelli, Rosamaria & Aldo Nemesio (Eds) - Fictions: Studi Sulla Narratività/Plots of the Mind: Narrative, Cognition and Feelings - XI
103397: Loriot, Noëlle - Prière D'Insérer
95259: LOUDERMILK, A. - Strange Valentine
90815: LOUVISH, SIMON - The Death of Moishe-Ganef: A Levantine Tale
94907: LOVEGROVE, JENNIFER - I Should Never Have Fired the Sentinel
87729: LOVEGROVE, KEITH - Pageant: The Beauty Contest
6075: LOVESEY, PHIL - Ploughing Potter's Field
6180: LOVESEY, PETER - Bertie and the Tinman: From the Detective Memoirs of King Edward VII
91652: LOVESEY, PETER - Wobble to Death
98434: LOVESEY, PETER - La Convocation
98320: LOVESEY, PETER - O, Mes Aieux!
98319: LOVESEY, PETER - Le Vicaire Persiste Et Saigne
94973: LOW, ROBERT - The Lion Wakes
10309: LOW, G. CARMICHAEL - The Literature of the Charadriiformes from 1894-1928 with a Classification of the Order, and Lists of the Genera, Species and Subspecies
96393: LOWE-WATSON, DAWN - Black Piano
91638: LOWE, DAVID GARRARD - Lost Chicago
95114: LOWENSTEIN, TOM - Ancestors and Species: New & Selected Ethnographic Poetry
104203: Lowrie, Walter - A Short Life of Kierkegaard
96966: LOWTHER CLARKE, W. K. - Chichester Cathedral: Its History and Art
101589: Luaed, Elisabeth - Family Life: Birth Death and the Whole Damn Thing
96869: LUARD, NICHOLAS - The Orion Line
101018: LUARD, ELISABETH - Elisabeth Luard's Country Cooking.
102723: Chalumeau Jean-Luc - Zao Wou-Ki
84902: LUCAS, GEORGE ET AL - Beyond the Stars: Tales of Adventure in Time and Space
84122: LUCAS, E, V. (ED) - The Gentlest Art and the Second Post: A Choice of Letters by Entertaining Hands
10624: LUCAS, AUDREY - E.V. Lucas: A Portrait
102309: Carl Werner Schmidt-Luchs - The Angler's Book of Sea Fish - Volume 1
100099: LUCK, STEVEN J. - An Introduction to the Event-Related Potential Technique
85928: LUCRETIUS - On the Nature of Things
95555: LUDLOW, JACK - Mercenaries
100518: LUDLUM, ROBERT - The Tristan Betrayal
100886: LUDLUM, ROBERT - The Apocalypse Watch
97085: LUDWIG, ED AND SANTIBANEZ, JAMES (EDS) - The Chicanos: Mexican American Voices
96736: LUGTON, JEAN - Communicating with Dying People and Their Relatives
98576: LUKACS, JOHN - Five Days in London: May 1940
90284: LUMLEY, JOANNA - No Room for Secrets
97911: LUNA, JUAN HERNANDEZ - Le Corbeau, la Blonde Et Les Méchants
12498: LURIE, ALISON - Imaginary Friends
12497: LURIE, ALISON - Only Children
12496: LURIE, ALISON - The Truth About Lorin Jones
97830: LUTZ, JOHN - L'Innocent Aux Mains Vides
87778: LUTZ, JOHN - Thicker Than Blood
88434: LUTZ, JOHN - Buyer Beware
2068: LYALL, FRANCIS - Death in the Winter Garden
97601: LYAUTEY, PIERRE - Claude Barrès: A Hero in Revolt
9718: LYKIARD, ALEXIS - Milesian Fables
9717: LYKIARD, ALEXIS - Milesian Fables
86124: LYLE, ROB - Halcyon: Poems 1943-53
97558: LYND, ROBERT - Dr Johnson and Company
87441: LYNTON, PAUL - Farewell to Barbary
102673: Lyons, John - Language, Meaning and Context
80489: LYONS, DANIEL - Dog Days
95053: M'GREGOR-ROBERTSON, J. - The Household Physician: A Family Guide to the Preservation of Health and to the Domestic Treatment of Ailments and Disease, with Chapters on Food and Drugs, and First Aid in Accidents and Injuries
104017: Maalouf, Amin - Le Naufrage Des Civilisations
102081: Maartens, Maaeren - An Old Maid's Love: A Dutch Tale Told in English (2 Volumes)
95162: MACARI, ANNE MARIE - Gloryland
83434: MACARTNEY M.D., WILLIAM N. - Fifty Years a Country Doctor
6084: MACAULAY, LORD - The Miscellaneous Writings of Lord Macaulay
92384: MACAULAY, ROSE - Milton
95896: MACAULAY, ROSE - Crewe Train
4380: MACAULAY, ROSE - Catchwords and Claptrap: The Hogarth Essays Second Series
81711: MACBETH, GEORGE - Another Love Story
98411: MACBRIDE, STUART - A Song for the Dying
98414: MACBRIDE, STUART - In the Cold Dark Ground
84063: MACCURDY, EDWARD (ED) - The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci
10140: MACDONALD, J. RAMSAY - Margaret Ethel Macdonald
101990: MacDonald, Ann-Marie - Fall on Your Knees
97726: MACDONALD, JOHN D. - Cape Fear
4552: MACDONALD, ROSS - The Goodbye Look
91650: MACDONALD, ROSS - The Blue Hammer
97835: MACDONALD, PHILIP - Quelqu'Un Devrait Faire Quelque Chose
100873: MACDOUGALL, CARL (ED) - The Devil and the Giro: Two Centuries of Scottish Stories
85008: MACDOUGALL, DONALD - The World Dollar Problem: A Study in International Economics
102937: MacGowan, Siobhan - The Trial of Lotta Rae
103039: MacGregor, Trish & Rob - The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity: Your Guide to Finding Meaning in Signsd Big and Small
103374: MacIntyre, A. C. - The Unconscious: A Conceptual Analysis
96903: MACINTYRE, CAPTAIN DONALD - The Adventure of Sail 1520-1914
101466: Mack, Maynard - The Garden and the City: Retirement and Politics in the Later Poetry of Pope 1731-1743
97750: MACKAY, DOROTHY O.B.E. - We Simply Had to Laugh
93919: MACKAY, SHENA - The Orchard on Fire
99219: MACKAY, JAMES - William Wallace: Brave Heart
83574: MACKAY, JAMES A.; BEDFORD, JOHN - Yesterday's Junk, Tomorrow's Antiques
98834: MACKENZIE, MIDGE - Shoulder to Shoulder
90620: MACKENZIE, DONALD - Death Is a Friend
88630: MACKENZIE, DONALD - Raven's Shadow
5870: MACKENZIE, DONALD - The Eyes of the Goat
103171: Mackenzie, Andrew - Hauntings and Apparitions
5910: MACKENZIE, DONALD - Raven and the Ratcatcher
100239: MACKENZIE, HENRY - The Man of Feeling
5862: MACKENZIE, DONALD - Raven's Longest Night
5866: MACKENZIE, DONALD - Raven and the Ratcatcher
5868: MACKENZIE, DONALD - The Juryman
83840: MACKINNON, DOUG AND DICK SHERWOOD (EDS) - Policing Australia's Offshore Zones
104237: Mackintosh, Clare - A Game of Lies
8096: MACKLIN, HERBERT W. - Monumental Brasses
8552: MACLAREN, IAN (JOHN WATSON) - The Days of Auld Langsyne
11240: MACLAUCHLAN, REV THOMAS - A History of the Scottish Highlands, Highland Clans, and Highland Regiments with an Account of the Gaelic Language and Literature, Division 8
98673: MACLAVERTY, BERNARD - Midwinter Break
9169: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Force 10 from Navarone
9165: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Puppet on a Chain
2674: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - H.M. S. Ulysses
9170: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Caravan to Vaccares
80354: MACLEAN, ALISTAIR - Caravan to Vaccares
12040: MACLEHOSE, J. H. - The Burnished Sword
84283: MACLENNAN, IAN - No Fairies Here
97749: MACLEOD, ANGUS - The Eighth Seal
97532: MACLEOD, HAMISH - Macleod: The Origins of the Clan Macleod and Their Place in History
9060: MACLEOD, ALISTAIR - No Great Mischief
13060: MACNAUGHTON, DAVID - Dido: A Love Story
103471: Maconie, Stuart - Pies and Prejudice: In Search of the North
95570: MACRITCHIE, JAMES - Chi Kung: Cultivating Personal Energy
7109: MADDOX, BRENDA - D.H. Lawrence: The Story of a Marriage
95743: MADSEN, KURT MOLLER - Markedsgogl Og Cirkuslojer
102737: Magnusson, Magnus (Ed) - Chambers Biographical Dictionary
100604: MAGSON, ADRIAN - Death at the Clos Du Lac
100605: MAGSON, ADRIAN - Death on the Rive Nord
99358: MAGUIRE, PATRICK J. MAGUIRE AND WOODHAM, JONATHAN M. (EDS) - Design and Cultural Politics in Postwar Britain: The Britain Can Make It Exhibition of 1946
11948: MAHAR, ALAN - After the Man Before
92491: MAHFOUZ, NAGUIB - Wedding Song
100341: MAIER, THOMAS - Masters of Sex: The Life and Times of William Masters and Virginia Johnson, the Couple Who Taught America How to Love
81867: MAILER, NORMAN - Of Women and Their Elegance
97970: MAILLET, ANTONINE - Mariaagélas
84719: MAIR, LUCY - African Marriage and Social Change
88286: MAIS, S. P. B. - This Unknown Island
82326: MAIS, S. P. B. - The Home Counties: Middlesex, Surrey, Kent, Hertfordshire and Essex
8732: MAJA-PEARCE, ADEWALE - How Many Miles to Babylon?
92492: MAJOR, JOHN - More Than a Game: The Story of Cricket's Early Years
102217: Major, Alice - Memory's Daughter
103527: Major, Alice - Intersecting Sets: A Poet Looks at Science
102916: Makela, Maria - The Munich Secession: Art and Artists in Turn-of-the-Century Munich
11365: MAKEPEACE, CHRIS - Manchester in the News
100781: MALAMUD, BERNARD - Dubin's Lives
93331: MALAMUD, BERNARD - A New Life
81660: MALDEN, RICHARD H. - The Story of Wells Cathedral
100388: MALET, LÉO - Le Sapin Pousse Dans Les Caves: Les Nouveaux Mysteres de Paris (VI Arrondissement)
97454: MALEY, ALAN - Campbell's Crossing and Other Very Short Stories
94371: MALLINSON, ALLAN - The Sabre's Edge
100656: MALORY, SIR THOMAS - Le Morte D'Arthur: The Birth Life and Acts of King Arthur of His Noble Knights of the Round Table Their Marvellous Enquests and Adventures the Achieving of the San Greal and in the End the Morte Darthur with the Dolorous Death and Departing out of This World by All of Them (2 Volumes)
103182: Malouf, David - The Great World
6535: MALOUF, DAVID - The Conversations at Curlow Creek
103188: Malouf, David - Rembering Babylon
88299: MALRAUX, ANDRE - Anti-Memoirs
94149: MANDEL, GEORGE - Crocodile Blood
103568: Mandelstam, Osip - Selected Poems (Osip Mandelstam)
86934: MANFREDI, VALERIO MASSIMO - The Last Legion
101706: Manguel, Alberto - Reading Pictures: A History of Love and Hate
94909: MANHIRE, BILL - Lifted
98461: MANKELL, HENNING - La Muraille Invisible
97383: MANKELL, HENNING - The White Lioness
101805: Mann, Thomas - Last Essays
101981: Mann, Thomas - Little Herr Friedmann and Other Stories
97153: MANN, GEORGE (ED) - The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction
101448: Mann, Thomas - The Letters of Thomas Mann 1889-1955: Volume I 1889-1942
94100: MANN, GEORGE (ED) - The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction
10657: MANN, PHILLIP - The Eye of the Queen
93291: MANN, THOMAS - Letters of Thomas Mann, 1889-1955
104355: Mann, Thomas - Essays of Three Decades
104354: Mann, Thomas - Doctor Faustus the Life of the German Composer Adrian Leverkuhn As Told by a Friend
101447: Mann, Thomas - Thomas Mann Diaries 1918-39
101984: Mann, Thomas - Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man
9828: MANNERING, DOUGLAS - The Life and Works of Gaughin
4880: MANNING, HUGO - The Secret Sea
4953: MANNING, HUGO - The Secret Sea
95164: MANNIX, AOIFE - The Elephant in the Corner
97077: MANNONI, O - Freud
102332: Manovich, Lev - The Language of New Media
94874: MANSELL, CHRIS - Mortifications & Lies
101977: Mansfield, Katherine - Selected Stories
103235: Mansfield, Katherine - The Garden Party and Other Stories
95903: MANSON, PETER & PURVES, ROBIN (EDS) - Object Permanence: New Writing Issue One
102206: Manto, Saadat Hasan - Mottled Dawn: Fifty Sketches and Stories of Partition
104126: Manzini, Antonio - Spring Cleaning
90734: MARANGOU, ANNA G - Nicosia: A Special Capital
96192: MARANI, DIEGO - God's Dog
103496: Cameron Marc - Red Winter - a Tom Clancy Jack Ryannovel
104033: Marca, Claire & Reno - 3 Ans de Voyage: 25 Pays Par Voie Terrestre En Histoires Et En Images
10929: MARCEL-ROBILLARD - Chartres Et la Beauce Chartraine
99380: MARCH, JENNY - The Penguin Book of Classical Myths
6591: MARCH, HANNAH - A Necessary Evil
100706: MARCHAND, LESLIE A. (ED) - 'Born for Opposition': Bryon's Letters and Journals Volume 8 1821
100707: MARCHAND, LESLIE A. (ED) - Wedlock's the Devil: Byron's Letters and Journals Volume 4 1814-1815
100708: MARCHAND, LESLIE A. (ED) - In My Hot Youth: Byron's Letters and Journals Volume 1 1798-1810
100709: MARCHAND, LESLIE A. (ED) - Famous in My Time: Byron's Letters and Journals Volume 2 1810-1812
100710: MARCHAND, LESLIE A. (ED) - Alas! the Love of Women!: Byron's Letters and Journals Volume 3 1813-1814
12547: MARCHANT, R.A. - Man and Beast
103697: Marcoy, Paul (Laurent Saint-Cricq) - Souvenirs D'Un Mutilé: Récits de Chasse Dans le Nouveau Monde
103399: Margolin, Phillip M. - Les Heures Noires
100355: MARGOLIS, JONATHAN - O: The Intimate History of the Orgasm
103575: Margotta, Roberto - The History of Medicine
103844: Margueritte, Paul - Ame D'Enfant
81383: MARGULIES, LEO (ED) - The Unexpected
98436: MARÌAS, JAVIER - Un Coeur Si Blanc
100342: MARION, JEAN-LUC - The Erotic Phenomenon
100944: Bortolussi, Marisa and Dixon, Peter - Psychonarratology: Foundations for the Empirical Study of Literary Response
12089: MARKHAM, LEN - Village Walks in North Yorkshire
96868: MARKS, JANE - The Hidden Children: The Secret Survivors of the Holocaust
5720: MARLEY, BRIAN - Springtime in the Rockies
82213: MARLOW, DAVID - I Loved You Wednesday
102533: Marlow, Tim - Schiele
96611: MARMIN, MICHEL (ED) - Avions de Guerre: Le Combat aérien Ajourd'Hui Volume 8
104370: Marnham, Patrick - Dispatches from Africa
93517: MARON, MONIKA - The Defector
91658: MARON, MARIKA - Silent Close No. 6
91657: MARON, MARIKA - Flight of Ashes
101156: Marpeau, Elsa - Et Ils Oublieront la Colère
98298: MARQUAND, JOHN P. - A Votre Tour, Mister Moto
88151: MARRIC, J. J. (JOHN CREASEY) - Gideon's Ride
90624: MARRIC, J.J. (JOHN CREASEY) - Gideon's Badge
11085: MARRIOTT, J. W. (ED) - The Best One-Act Plays of 1941
94372: MARRIS, PETER - The Dreams of General Jerusalem
80797: MARSDEN, BARRY M. - Chesterfield Trams and Trolleybuses 1882-1938
9179: MARSH, NGAIO - Off with His Head
6183: MARSH, NGAIO - Light Thickens
87851: MARSH, MADELEINE (ED) - Miller's Collectables Price Guide 1999-2000 (Volume XI)
9142: MARSH, NGAIO - Hand in Glove
9159: MARSH, NGAIO - Clutch of Constables
97708: MARSH, NGAIO - Photo Finish and Two Other Great Mysteries (a Wreath for Rivera; Death and the Dancing Footman)
87823: MARSH, MADELEINE (ED) - Miller's Collectables Price Guide 1997-98 (Volume IX)
9183: MARSH, J. M. - A Book of Saints
4751: MARSHALL, JACK - Bits of Thirst & Other Poems & Translations
95165: MARSHALL, OLIVER - Father's Day
90536: MARSHALL, LESLIE - A Girl Could Stand Up
88949: MARSHFIELD, ALAN - Index of Notes and Prefaces Part One: 100+or- to Hypertext
88948: MARSHFIELD, ALAN - Maps Second Edition
88951: MARSHFIELD, ALAN - Index of Notes and Prefaces Part Three: Poetics: Methods to Zoroastrianism
86283: MARSHFIELD, ALAN - Dragonfly
88937: MARSHFIELD, ALAN - Obsession
88941: MARSHFIELD, ALAN - Envoi
88945: MARSHFIELD, ALAN - Reflection and Resolution
88946: MARSHFIELD, ALAN - Grandmother and Child
88947: MARSHFIELD, ALAN - Maps
88950: MARSHFIELD, ALAN - Index of Notes and Prefaces Part Two: I Fed to Poetics: Meanings
88942: MARSHFIELD, ALAN - Portsmouth Elegy
86282: MARSHFIELD, ALAN - Mistress
88938: MARSHFIELD, ALAN - Pilgrim
88940: MARSHFIELD, ALAN - Black Queen
88943: MARSHFIELD, ALAN - The Devil and the Devil
88936: MARSHFIELD, ALAN - The Kiss
96781: MARSTON, EDWARD - Drums of War
85342: MARSTON, ADRIAN (ED) - Contemporary Operative Surgery
82421: MARSTON, A. NORMAN - Encyclopaedia of Angling
10727: MARSTON, MAURICE - Sir Edwin Chadwick (1800-1890)
103832: Marterlinck, Maurice - L'Oiseau Bleu
92565: MARTIN, ANDREW - The Blackpool Highflyer: A Novel of Sabotage, Suspicion and Steam
96638: MARTIN, GEORGE - A Companion to Twentieth-Century Opera
98854: MARTIN, ARIANE ET MUSY, ANNE - La Vie Des Colibris - Les Trochilidés
86803: MARTIN ANDREW - Francis Frith's Around Lincoln
6759: MARTIN, ELIZABETH A. (ED) - Concise Medical Dictionary
104191: Martin, Sean - Andrei Tarkovsky
93970: Martin, Andrew - The Blackpool Highflyer: A Novel of Sabotage, Suspicion and Steam
102655: Martin, George R. R. - A Dance with Dragons: Book Five of a Song of Fire and Ice
102019: Martin, Andrew - The Necropolis Railway: A Novel of Murder, Mystery and Steam
9943: MARTIN, VALERIE - Italian Fever
103400: Martin, David - Un Si Beau Mensonge
104051: Martin, Peigi & Susan Young - Imaginative Patchwork
95770: MARTINDALE, DON - The Nature and Types of Sociological Theory
82154: MARTINE-BARNES, ADRIENNE - The Rainbow Sword
87358: MARTINEZ, GUILLERMO - The Oxford Murders
87123: MARTINI, STEVE - The Jury
10277: MARTYR, GRAHAM - Dai Nihon
100205: MARWICK ARTHUR - British Society Since 1945
95608: MARWICK, ARTHUR - The Sixties: Cultural Revolution in Britain, France, Italy, and the United States, C. 1958-C. 1974
104341: Marx, Groucho - The Grouch Letters: From and to Groucho Marx
96038: MARY MCMULLEN - Something of the Night
98060: MARY HORLOCK - The Book of Lies
96901: MASEFIELD, JOHN - Captain Margaret: A Tale of the Spanich Main
11780: MASIEL, DAVID - Chasing Moneymaker
10255: MASKELL, HENRY PARR - The Taverns of Old England
103503: Mason, Alfred Bishop (Ed) - Horace Walpole's England As His Letters Picture It
11929: MASON, DOUGLAS R - Pitman's Progress
97251: MASON, BOBBIE ANN - Feather Crowns
90508: MASON, ROGER - Plain Tales from Yorkshire
97868: MASON, VAN WYCK - Tempete Sur L'Himalaya (la Mission Du Colonel North)
87819: MASON, DOUGLAS R - Pitman's Progress
10136: MASON, LIEUT.-COLONEL K (ED) - Algeria Volume II
103686: Mason, Daniel - The Piano Tuner
80869: MASON, ROGER - Plain Tales from Yorkshire
104317: Masson, Georgina - Frederick II of Hohenstaufen: A Life
97231: MASTERS, EDGAR LEE - Whitman
99333: MATANA, MICHEL (ED) - Plans à Découper 2-Dessins Adhésifs à Découper Pour Réaliser Les Plans de Votre Maison
95166: MATHUR, ANURAG - A Life Lived Later: Poems
102804: Matisse, Henri - Henri Matisse: The Lithographs 1913-1930
102174: Maton, Chris & Mark Edwards - Plans D'Eau Fontaines & Bassins Pour Agrémenter Son Jardin
103711: Matsumoto, Seicho - A Quiet Place
85529: MATTHEW, CHRISTOPHER - The Amber Room
103935: Jackson Matthew - The Canada Chronicles: A Four-Year Hitchhiking Odyssey
8947: MATTHEW, CHRISTOPHER - The Crisp Report
102434: Matthiessen, Peter - The Tree Where Man Was Born
89486: MATTHIESSEN, PETER - Bone by Bone
102313: Mattos, Bill - The Practical Guide to Kayaking & Canoeing
102311: Weis, Professor Erich with Dr Heinrich Mattutat and Dr Erwin Weis - The New Schoffler-Weis Compact German & English Dictionary: English - German and German - English Complete in One Volume
100240: MATURIN, CHARLES ROBERT - Melmoth the Wanderer: A Tale
102754: Matute, Ana María - The Island
101040: MAUGHAM, W. SOMERSET - Of Human Bondage: A Novel
104296: Maugham, W. Somerset - The Painted Veil
103775: Maugham, W. Somerset - The Complete Short Stories of W. Somerset Maugham: Vol. I
82208: MAULDIN, BILL - The Brass Ring
101985: Maupassant, Guy de - The Complete Short Stories Volume 1
89282: MAUREAU, ANDREE - Recettes En Provence
102240: Mauriac, François - Les Chefs-D'Oeuvre de François Mauriac: Tome I
103789: Maurois, Andre - A History of France
98994: MAUROIS, ANDRE - Ariel Ou la Vie de Shelley
96150: MAUSOOF, S. S. - The Warehouse
102435: Mawer, Simon - The Girl Who Fell from the Sky
83679: MAXIM, HIRAM PERCY - So Goes My Love
8593: MAXWELL, MARIUS - Stalking Big Game with a Camera in Equatorial Africa
91463: MAXWELL, GLYN - The Sugar Mile
83513: MAXWELL, ARTHUR S, - Uncle Arthur's Bible Stories
103938: May, Peter - A Silent Death
95478: MAY, PETER J. - The Perfect Pond Recipe Book
90884: MAY, DAVID - Winnetou
104218: May, Peter - Blow Back
99639: MAY, PETER - Cast Iron
86608: MAY, E. J. - Louis' Schooldays: A Story for Boys
104217: May, Peter - The Critic
9205: MAYERS, FREDERICK J. - Carpet Designs & Designing
99687: MAYES, FRANCES - Under the Tuscan Sun: At Home in Italy
89531: MAYHEW, HENRY - EDITED BY PETER QUENNELL - Londonís Underworld
90114: MAYO, KATHERINE - Volume Two
102755: Mayor, F. M. - The Rector's Daughter
90689: MCAULEY, PAUL - In the Mouth of the Whale
9215: MCBAIN, ED - Lightning
9117: MCBAIN, ED - Bread
82054: MCBAIN, ED - Widows
2603: MCBAIN, ED - Beauty and the Beast
10583: MCBAIN, ED - Beauty and the Beast
11092: MCBAIN, ED - Alice in Jeopardy
101102: MCBRIDE, ROBERT MEDILL - Romantic Czechoslovakia
94910: MCCABE, STEVEN - Jawbone
12112: MCCABE, PATRICK - The Dead School
85507: MCCABE, PATRICK - The Dead School
94875: MCCABE, SHAUNA - Ancient Motel Landscape
104092: McCaffrey, Anne - Decision at Doona
103356: McCallin, Luke - The Ashes of Berlin: The Divided City
80036: MCCANN, COLUM - Fishing the Sloe-Black River
95805: MCCARTHY, JUSTIN HUNTLY (ED) - Lady Burton's Edition of Her Husband's Arabian Nights: Volume 3
95804: MCCARTHY, JUSTIN HUNTLY (ED) - Lady Burton's Edition of Her Husband's Arabian Nights: Volume 2
95579: MCCARTHY, MARY - Cannibals and Christians
94876: MCCARTHY, THOMAS - Merchant Prince
86232: MCCARTHY, MARY - Cannibals and Missionaries
95266: MCCAULEY, SHANE - Glassmaker
102038: McCleen, Grace - The Professor of Poetry
11666: MCCLINTOCK, DAVID - Companion to Flowers
81585: MCCOLVIN, LIONEL R. AND ERIC R. MCCOLVIN - Library Stock and Assistance to Readers: A Textbook
104389: McConnel, Bridget - The Collector's Guide to Thimbles
94225: MCCONVILLE, BRIGID - Mad to Be a Mother: Is There Life After Birth for Women Today?
101761: McCord, Jim - Bittern Sweet
101808: McCord, Jim - Approaching Winter Solsrice
81009: MCCORMICK, JOSEPH B. & FISHER-HOCH, SUSAN - The Virus Hunters: Dispatches from the Front Line
102286: McCourt, Frank - Angela's Ashes: A Memoir of a Childhood
9934: MCCOY, KEN - Mad Carew
101333: McCrum, Robert; William Cran; Robert MacNeil - The Story of English
84560: MCCULLOUGH, COLLEEN - A Creed for the Third Millennium
8696: MCCULLOUGH, COLLEEN - A Creed for the Third Millennium
98863: MCDERMID, VAL - Northanger Abbey
100869: MCDERMID, VAL - Star Struck
100870: MCDERMID, VAL - The Mermaids Singing
100871: MCDERMID, VAL - Killing the Shadows
100872: MCDERMID, VAL - A Place of Execution
101577: McDermid, Val - 1979
104238: McDermid, Val - Forensics: The Anatomy of Crime
102120: McDermid, Val - A Darker Domain
100607: MCDERMID, VAL - The Torment of Others
100887: MCDERMID, VAL - The Grave Tattoo
103774: McDermid, Val - A Darker Domain
101297: McDermid, Val - Broken Ground
100888: MCDERMID, VAL - Christmas Is Murder
101612: McDermid, Val - Beneath the Bleeding
80242: MCDERMID, VAL - Killing the Shadows
101609: McDermid, Val - The Wire in the Blood
101611: McDermid, Val - The Last Temptation
96173: MCDONALD, IAN - Luna: Wolf Moon
101714: McDonald, Arline & Neil J. Stone - Low-Fat Handbook: Trim Fat from Your Life
101921: McEwan, Ian - On Chesil Beach
101922: McEwan, Ian - Enduring Love
97324: MCEWAN, IAN - Amsterdam
101913: McEwan, Ian - The Child in Time
101971: McEwan, Ian - The Cement Garden
101972: McEwan, Ian - In between the Sheets and Other Stories
101923: McEwan, Ian - Saturday
86003: MCEWAN, IAN - Saturday
99342: MCEWAN, IAN - Saturday
101920: McEwan, Ian - The Innocent
101973: McEwan, Ian - In between the Sheets and Other Stories
83865: MCFADDEN, CHRISTINE - The Virtually Fat-Free Cookbook
97238: MCFARLANE, SCOTT TOGURI (ED) - Public 30: Eating Things
100531: MCGAHERN, JOHN - Amongst Women
100532: MCGAHERN, JOHN - The Collected Stories of John Mcgahern
101912: McGahern, John - Amongst Women
99080: MCGAHERN, JOHN - Amongst Women
84090: MCGARRY, ANNIE - Laurel & Hardy
87445: MCGEE, JAMES - Resurrectionist
81545: MCGONAGALL, WILLIAM - Last Poetic Gems
12167: MCGOVERN, CAMMIE - Eye Contact
91510: MCGRATH, ROBIN - Covenant of Salt
90793: MCGRATH, PATRICK - Martha Peake: A Novel of the Revolution
99519: MCGREGOR, JOHN - Le Commissaire Priseur
102116: McGuffin, Gary & Joanie - Superior: Journeys on an Inland Sea
3703: MCGUIRE, CHRISTINE - Until Justice Is Done
99081: MCILVANNEY, WILLIAM - The Big Man
96940: MCILWAIN, JOHN (ED) - Hms Warrior: Premier Et Dernier Bateau de Guerre de Grande-Bretagne a Coque de Fer
94911: MCINNIS, NADINE - First Fire: Ce Feu Qui Dévore
94878: MCINTOSH, SANDY - The After-Death History of My Mother
94877: MCINTOSH, LEANNE - Liminal Space: Poems
102197: McKay, Sinclair - The Secret Listeners: How the Y Service Intercepted German Codes for Bletchley Park
94912: MCKENZIE, ANDREA - A Mother's String
12185: MCKEOWEN, DAVID - Grip
94879: MCKIMMIE, MAL - Poetileptic
95249: MCKIRDY, DAVID - Accidental Occidental
83659: MCKITTERICK, MOLLY - Medium Is Murder
103391: McKusick, James C. - Green Writing: Romanticism and Ecology
5275: MCLEAN, RUARI - British Coloured Books 1738 - 1898
5276: MCLEAN, RUARI - British Coloured Books 1738 - 1898
94913: MCLEOD, NEAL - Songs to Kill a Wihtikow
100639: MCLEVY, JAMES - Mclevy: The Edinburgh Detective
81118: MCLYNN, PAULINE - The Woman on the Bus
81344: MCMAHON, THOMAS PATRICK - The Little Victims
101924: McMahon, Jennifer - Island of Lost Girls: A Novel
103660: McManus, Chris - Right Hand, Left Hand: The Origins of Asymmetry in Brains, Bodies, Atoms and Cultures
90211: MCNAB, ANDY - Crisis Four
96829: MCNAMARA, SHEILA & DR SONG XUAN KE - Traditional Chinese Medicine
80975: MCNAMARA, SHEILA & DR SONG XUAN KE - Traditional Chinese Medicine
93482: MCNEICE, LOUIS - Collected Poems 1925-1948
83116: MCNEILE, A. H. - An Introduction to the Study of the New Testament
80749: MCNEILL, GEORGE - Mysterious Places
85024: MCPHEE, NANCY - The Complete Book of Insults: Being a Bumper Volume Containing the Book of Insults Ancient and Modern and the Second Book of Insults
91731: MCPHILEMY, KATHLEEN - Witness to Magic
86119: MCPHILEMY, KATHLEEN - A Tented Place
86114: MCPHILEMY, KATHLEEN - Dulse and Yellow Man
99414: MCQUILLAN, MELISSA - Impressionist Portraits
97912: MCWILLIAM, CANDIA - Debatable Land
85860: MEADE, L. T. - Betty of the Rectory
90389: MEADOWS, CECIL A. - The Victorian Ironmonger: Shire Album 32
90408: MEDAWAR, P.B. - The Art of the Soluble: Creativity and Originality in Science
93474: MEDINA, ENRIQUE - The Duke: Memories and Anti-Memories of a Participant in the Repression
9627: MEE, ARTHUR - The King's England: The Lake Counties
87774: MEE, HUAN - Weaving the Web
103132: Meehan, Aidan - Knotwork: The Secret Method of the Scribes
104215: Mehta, Ved - Vedi
97380: MELDRUM, JAMES - The Semonov Impulse
98235: MELITA NOOSE" (NORA K. STRANGE) - Blondes Prefer Gentlemen: The Ingenuous Diary of an Amateur - a Satire
103652: Mellor, D. H. (Ed) - Ways of Communicating: The Darwin College Lectures
93032: MELOY, MAILE - Liars and Saints
11892: MELTZER, BRAD - The Tenth Justice
96793: MELTZER, MILTON - A History of Jewish Life from Eastern Europe to America
5170: MELTZER, DAVID - Yesod
5171: MELTZER, DAVID - Yesod
103896: Melville, Herman - Bartleby the Scrivener
85197: MELZAK, Z A - Mathematical Ideas, Modeling and Applications Volume II of Companion to Concrete Mathematics
102917: Mendelsohn, Daniel - An Odyssey: A Father, a Son and an Epic
103795: Ménétra, Jacques-Louis - Journal of My Life
96642: MENUHIN, YEHUDI AND DAVIS, CURTIS W. - The Music of Man
11330: Menzel, Donald H. - A Field Guide to the Stars and Planets: Including the Moon, Satellites, Comets, and Other Features of the Universe
7290: MERCER, DERRIK & DAVID PUTTNAM - Rural England: Our Countryside at the Crossroads
95326: MERCER, DERRICK & PUTTNAM, DAVID - Rural England: Our Countryside at the Crossroads
94504: MERCIER, VIVIAN (ED) - Great Irish Short Stories
11115: MEREDITH, GEORGE - The Ordeal of Richard Feverel
12387: MEREDITH, GEORGE WITH NOTES BY TREVELLAN, G. M. - The Poetical Works of George Meredith
84166: MEREDITH, MICHAEL AND ANNA - Museums and Historic Houses
80463: MEREDITH, GEORGE - Diana of the Crossways
96029: MERLIN, OLIVIER - Fangio: Racing Driver
10860: MERTZ, BARBARA - Temples, Tombs and Hieroglyphs: The Story of Egyptology
101091: MESSENGER, CHARLES - Hitler's Gladiator: The Life and Times of Oberstgruppenführerand Panzergeneral-Oberst Der Waffen-Ss Sepp Dietrich
85202: METCALF, FRED (ED) - The Penguin Dictionary of Modern Humorous Quotations
102135: Mettra, Claude (textes) - Vivre En France
96572: MEYER, JEAN - Etudes Sur Les Villes En Europe Occidentale - Milieu Du Xviie Siecle a la Veille de la Revolution Francaise: Generalites - France
9898: MEYNELL, LAURENCE W. - Death's Eye
103936: Chabon Michael - The Final Solution
89650: MICHAEL, PAUL - Humphrey Bogart: The Man and His Films
94985: MICHALSKI, SUE - The Complete Book of Cocktails and Punches
103787: Michel, Henri - The Shadow War: Resistance in Europe 1939-1945
103178: Michelet, Claude - Ils Attendaient L'Aurore
102504: Michelet, Claude - Des Grives Aux Loups
99005: MICHELET - Le Procès de Louis XVI
99481: MICHELET, CLAUDE - Firelight and Woodsmoke
84026: MIDDLETON, SIR ARTHUR E. - An Account of Belsay Castle in the County of Northumberland
99167: MIDDLETON, STANLEY - Entry Into Jerusalem
104356: Middleton, Jessie Adelaide - The Grey Ghost Book
104212: Midgley, Mary - Beast and Man: The Roots of Human Nature
103502: De Mierre, H. C. - The Long Voyage
98231: MIGEO, MARCEL - Les Rogneurs D'Ailes
102906: Miles, Barry - Ginsberg: A Biography
87407: MILES-DUNCAN, BESS - Travels with Honey: A Modern-Day Pilgrimage, a Gift of Love
86513: MILLAR, MARGARET - The Murder of Miranda
83756: MILLAR, JEFF - Private Sector
91948: Millard, Rosie - The Tastemakers: Uk Art Now
98864: MILLER, ARTHUR - Timebends: A Life
92370: MILLER, ROGER - Baltimore: A Portrait
100469: MILLER, JUDITH - The Care & Repair of Antiques & Collectables: A Step-by-Step Guide
97266: MILLER, JUDITH AND MARTIN - Period Finishes and Effects
104070: Miller, Townsend - The Castles and the Crown: Spain 1451-1555
103797: Miller, Lee - Roanoke: Solving the Mystery of England's Lost Colony
95278: MILLER, ANDREW - Pure
95328: MILLER, ANDREW - Casanova
101936: Miller, Arthur - Death of a Salesman
101926: Miller, Sue - The Lake Shore Limited
92499: MILLER, ERIC - In the Scaffolding
83522: MILLER, CHRISTOPHER - Simon Silber : The Works for Solo Piano
81467: MILLER, MERLE - The Sure Thing
98999: MILLER, HENRY - Tropique Du Capricorne
85075: MILLER, JUDITH - Antiques Price Guide 2003
84188: MILLER, DAVID & CHRIS - Modern Naval Combat
103534: Millgate, Helen D. (Ed) - Mr Brown's War: A Diary of the Second World War
81090: MILLS, CRAIG - The Bane of Lord Caladon
91139: MILLS. MARK - The Information Officer
82478: MILLS, DICK - A Fishkeeper's Guide to Community Fishes
11744: MILNE-HOME, MARY PAMELA - Mamma's Black Nurse Stories: West Indian Folk-Lore
9157: MILNE, SHIRLEY - Beware the Lurking Scorpion
12242: MILNE, JOHN - Daddy's Girl
104053: Milner, John - Russian Revolutionary Art
102049: Milner, Frank - J.M. W. Turner: Paintings in Merseyside Collections
103336: Milosz, Czeslaw (Ed) - Polish Post-War Poetry
101509: Milton, John - Milton Poetical Works
102188: Milton, Giles - Big Chief Elizabeth: How England's Adventurers Gambled and Won the New World
104239: Mina, Denise - Deception
96837: MINICK, SCOTT AND PING, JIAO - Arts and Crafts of China
6997: MINNIS, NOEL (ED) - Linguistics at Large: The Fourteen Linguistics Lectures Presented by the Institute of Contemporary Arts London 1969-70
103979: Smith, Miranda et al - The Kingfisher History Encyclopedia
101938: Caroline Craig Sophie Missing - The Little of Lunch: Recipes and Ideas Foe the Office Packed Lunch
103838: Mistral, Frédéric - Mireille
6941: MISTRY, ROHINTON - Family Matters
9332: MITCHAM, GILROY - Uncertain Judgement
95446: MITCHELL, W. J. T. (ED) - Critical Inquiry Spring 1993, Volume 19, Number 3
95447: MITCHELL, W. J. T. (ED) - Critical Inquiry Autumn 1993, Volume 20, Number 1
12081: MITCHELL, W. R. - Haunted Yorkshire
12086: MITCHELL, W. R. (ED) - Yorkshire Pride: An Illustrated Antholgy of Prose and Verse
86698: MITCHELL, JAMES - Dead Ernest
82632: MITCHELL, C. S. - Records of Events Connected with the History of the Jews from the Creation to the Present Time, and Their Bearing on Modern European Society, or, the Vicissitudes of God's People Traced
8324: MITCHELL-COTTS, CAMPBELL - The Lute Player in Avalon
99580: MITCHELL, W. R. - Dalesman's Diary
89660: MITCHELL, WINIFRED M. - Soft Furnishing in the Home
4799: MITCHENER, STUART - About India. Part of a Novel with Drawings
84282: MITCHINER, MARGARET - A Muse in Love: Julie de Lespinasse
13027: MITCHNER, STUART - About India. Part of a Novel with Drawings
101648: Mitford, Nancy - The Sun King
103184: Mizubayashi, Akira - Une Langue Venue D'Ailleurs
95617: MO, TIMOTHY - An Insular Possession
99310: MO, TIMOTHY - Brownout on Breadfruit Boulevard
6794: MO, TIMOTHY - The Redundancy of Courage
98121: MO, TIMOTHY - An Insular Possession (Picador Books)
101914: Modiano, Patrick - The Search Warrant
12845: MODIGLIANI, AMEDEO - Amedeo Modigliani
88395: MOES, ROBERT - Mingei: Japanese Folk Art from the Montgomery Collection
101642: Clifton-Mogg, Caroline - French Country Living
103663: Rees-Mogg, William - Picnics on Vesuvius: Steps Owards the Millennium
93600: MOHAN, RAJ P. & WILKE, ARTHUR S. (EDS) - International Handbook of Contemporary Developments in Sociology
92539: MOHLENBROCK, ROBERT H. - Widflowers: A Quick Identification Guide to the Wild Flowers of North America. A Macmillan Field Guide
104045: Moine, Marie-Pierre - Cuisine Grand-Mere: Traditional French Home Cooking
98193: MOLOI, GODFREY - My Life
81762: MOLONEY, SUSIE - A Dry Spell
103873: Mommsen, Theodor - Histoire de Rome
11844: MONCRIEFF, A. R. HOPE - Romance and Legend of Chivalry
80035: MONCRIEFF, A.R. HOPE ET AL - European History: Great Leaders & Landmarks from Early to Modern Times
93372: MONEY, JOHN AND TUCKER, PATRICIA - Sexual Signatures: On Being a Man or a Woman
103707: Monmarché, Georges - Les Guides Bleus: Poitou Guyenne, Charentes, Périgord, Quercy, Bordelais, Agenais
86922: MONMARCHÉ, FRANCOIS, GENEVIÈVE MACHACEK-PALATIN AND CHRISTIAN LIONET - Les Guides Bleus: Antilles Françaises, Guyane, Haiti and Croisières Qux Caraibes
84277: MONSARRAT, NICHOLAS - The Pillow Fight
99645: MONSARRAT, NICHOLAS - The Time Before This
85568: MONTAGU, MARY WORTLEY - Life on the Golden Horn
80997: MONTAGUE, C. E. - Rough Justice
101201: Montale, Eugenio - The Butterfly of Dinard
91033: MONTALEMBERT, HUGUES DE - Invisible: A Memoir
100608: MONTANARI, RICHARD - The Devil's Garden
98400: MONTANARI, RICHARD - Broken Angels
85078: MONTANO, PAULO - The Collection
104154: Montano, Judith - The Crazy Quilt Handbook
1932: MONTEILHET, HUBERT - Dead Copy. Murder at the Frankfurt Book Fair
102077: Montgomery, Florence - Thrown Together: A Story (2 Volumes)
84241: MONTI, RAFFAELE - Leonardo
84934: MONTIGNAC, MICHEL - Eat Yourself Slim or the Secrets of Nutrition
101493: L'Écomusée du Montmorillonnais - élode Des Butineuses: Sauvons Les Abeilles !
12179: MOODY, RICK - The Diviners
100080: MOON, ELIZABETH - Change of Command: The Serrano Legacy Book 6
81060: MOORCOCK, MICHAEL - Phoenix in Obsidian: The Second Book of the Eternal Champion
81068: MOORCOCK, MICHAEL - The Sword of the Dawn: The History of the Runestaff Vol 3
81069: MOORCOCK, MICHAEL - The Runestaff: The History of the Runestaff Vol 4
94457: MOORE, JOHN - The Blue Field
97581: MOORE, PATRICK - Wanderer in Space
94376: MOORE, LUCY - Anything Goes: A Biography of the Roaring Twenties
5749: MOORE, MARGARET - Forests of the Night
95134: MOORE, HONOR - Red Shoes: Poems
84666: MOORE, JAMES ANDF WAYNE SLATER - Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential
8809: MOORE, DOROTHEA - Fen's First Term
98972: MOORE, MICHAEL - Stupid White Men... . and Other Sorry Excuses for the State of the Nation!
8068: MOORE, PATRICK - The Guinness Book of Astronomy Facts & Feats
91318: MOORE, PATRICK - Philip's Atlas of the Universe
99581: MOORE, GERALD - Farewell Recital: Further Memoirs
10274: MOORE, KENNEDY - Craigrowan: A Story of the Disruption of 1843
82135: MOORE, REGINALD (ED) - Official Rules of Sports & Games: 1982-1983
94377: MOOREHEAD, CAROLINE - Dancing to the Precipice: Lucie de la Tour Du Pin and the French Revolution
80848: MOORHOUSE, GEOFFREY - Hell's Foundations: A Town, It's Myths and Gallipoli
86279: MOOS, LOTTE - Time to Be Bold
95115: MORAN, ROD - The Paradoxes of Water: Selected and New Poems 1970-2005
84978: MORAN, DIANA - A More Difficult Exercise
97124: MORE, HILARY AND BARNETT, HELEN - Collins Complete Book of Soft Furnishings
95634: MORE, HILARY AND BARNETT, HELEN - Collins Complete Soft Furnishings
91669: MORENO, CARLOS MARTÍNEZ - El Infierno
81561: MORGAN, EMILY MALBONE - The Flight of the "Swallow
103778: Morgan, Charles - Sparkenbroke
6300: MORGAN, FIDELIS - Unnatural Fire
95329: MORGAN, PIERS - Don't You Know Who I Am?: Insider Diaries of Fame, Power and Naked Ambition
102865: Morgan, Max - Aerobleu
101099: MORGAN, TED - Churchill 1874-1915
102676: Morley, John David - Pictures from the Water Trade - an Englishman in Japan
8979: MORLEY, JOHN - Life of Richard Cobden
10515: MORLEY, DAVID (ED) - The Gift: New Writing for the Nhs
101132: MORLEY; EDITH J. (ED) - Henry Crabb Robinson on Books and Their Writers (3 Volumes)
92312: MORRIS, MERVYN - Shadowboxing: Poems
103518: Morris, Margarita - Goodbye to Budapest: A Novel of the Hungarian Uprising
80598: MORRIS, COLIN - History of the Hants & Dorset Motor Services Limited
92608: MORRIS, THE REV F.O. - British Birds: A Selection from the Original Work
101134: MORRIS, JAN (FOREWORD) - Wales from the Air/Cymru O'r Awyr
7940: MORRIS, COLIN - History of British Bus Services South-East England
82388: MORRIS, JEAN. - A Dream of Fair Children
98147: MORRISON, REBECCA - Matsuyoi: En Attendant la Lune/Waiting for the Moon
98148: MORRISON, REBECCA - En Suivant Einar/Following Einar
99110: MORRISON, VENETIA - The Art of George Stubbs
99688: MORROW, PAT & BAIBA - The Yukon
90880: MORSDE, PETER - John Sloan's Prints: A Catalogue Raisone of the Etchings, Lithographs, and Posters
94378: MORTIMER, JOHN - The Sound of Trumpets
94185: MORTIMER, JOHN - In Character
90516: MORTIMER, JOHN - Clinging to the Wreckage: A Part of Life
98816: MORTIMER, JOHN - Titmuss Regained
98578: MORTIMER, GAVIN - The Longest Night: Voices from the London Blitz
100216: MORTON, ALISON - Roma Nova Extra: A Collection of Short Stories
100217: MORTON, ALISON - Carina
12634: MORTON, PETER - The Carver's Companion: A Guide to Carving in Wood and Stone
100210: MORTON, ALISON - Inceptio: Book I in the Roma Nova Series
100211: MORTON, ALISON - Perfiditas: Book II in the Roma Nova Series
100212: MORTON, ALISON - Successio: Book III in the Roma Nova Series
100213: MORTON, ALISON - Aurelia: Book IV in the Roma Nova Series
100214: MORTON, ALISON - Insurrectio: Book V in the Roma Nova Series
100215: MORTON, ALISON - Retalio: Book VI in the Roma Nova Series
94881: MORTON, WENDY - Shadowcatcher
9935: MORTON, JAMES - The First Detective: The Life and Revolutionary Times of Eugene-Francois Vidocq
80847: MOSCO, MAISIE - The Waiting Game
88952: MOSELEY, LEONARD J. - My Velocette Days
82573: MOSES, JULIAN MORTON - Collectors' Guide to American Recordings 1895-1925
101270: Mosimann, Anton - Cuisine Naturelle: The Way to Better Health, Longer Life and Happiness
81303: MOSKOWITZ, SAM AND ROGER ELWOOD (EDS) - Other Worlds, Other Times
95821: MOSLEY, WALTER - Cinnamon Kiss
95831: MOSLEY, NICHOLAS - Julian Grenfell: His Life and the Times of His Death 1888-1915
90461: Mosley, Walter - R L's Dream
92295: MOSLEY, NICHOLAS - Corruption
12545: MOSS, CYNTHIA. - Portraits in the Wild: Animal Behaviour in East Africa
82048: MOSS, ROBERT - Carnival of Spies
102803: Motherwell, Robert - Robert Motherwell: Etchings - Lithographs - Livres Illustrés 1986 - 1989
9524: MOTION, ANDREW - The Invention of Dr Cake
101321: Motion, Andrew - Keats
90003: MOTT, COL. T. BENTLEY - Myron T. Herrick Friend of France: An Autobiographical Biography
86024: MOTTERSHEAD, LORRAINE - Sources of Mathematical Discovery
104179: Mottistone, Lord (General Jack Seely) - Warrior: The Amazing Story of a Real War Horse
4378: MOTTRAM, R. H. - Europa's Beast
100412: MOULIN, SYLVIE - Mieux Manger - Dépenser Moins: Plus de 150 Recettes Et Préparations
96977: MOUNTFIELD, DAVID - L'Angleterre & L'Ecosse
93431: MOWSON, AUDREY V. (ED) - The V I P Cookbook (Volume II)
91319: MOYNAHAN, BRIAN - The British Century: A Photographic History of the Last Hundred Years
94653: MOYNAHAN, BRIAN - Jungle Soldier: The True Story of Freddy Spencer Chapman
103244: Mozart, W. A. - W. A Mozart's Quartetten Fur Zwei Violinenm Viola Und Violoncello
98597: MOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS - Cosi Fan Tutte: Opera Guide 22
82657: MR. S. MR. OF ART - Gammer Gurtons Needle
80383: MRS CRAIK - John Halifax, Gentleman
102981: Mudge, Bradford Keyes - Sara Coleridge, a Victorian Daughter: Her Life and Essays
101918: Muir, Kate - Left Bank
10685: MUIR, KENNETH (ED) - Shakespeare Survey 19: An Annual Survey of Shakespearian Study & Production
103706: Muir, Frank (Ed) - The Oxford Book of Humorous Prose: From William Caxton to P.G. Wodehouse - a Conducted Tour
103661: Mulgan, Geoff - Connexity: How to Live in a Connected World
101927: Mulisch, Harry - The Procedure
101465: Mullan, John - Sentiment and Sociability: The Language of Feeling in the Eighteenth Century
104156: Mullen, Jan - Cut-Loose Quilts: Stack, Slice, Switch, and Sew
99667: MULLER, MARCIA - The Mccone Files
8018: MULROY, J. J. - Upon This Rock: The Story of the Church in Halifax
103257: Mumford, Lewis - The Condition of Man
94380: MURARI, T. N. - The Last Victory
94381: MURARI, T. N. - The Imperial Agent: The Sequel to Rudyard Kipling's Kim
98704: MURDOCH, IRIS - The Good Apprentice
95088: MURDOCH, IRIS - Nuns and Soldiers
99428: MURDOCH, IRIS - The Unicorn
95027: MURFITT, JANICE - Sweet and Savory Tarts (the Creative Cook)
103045: Wenger, Murielle and Stephen Trussel - Maigret's World: A Reader's Companion to Simenon's Famous Detective
8461: MURPHY, MARGARET - Caging the Tiger
89212: MURPHY, MAURA - Don't Wake Me at Doyles: The Remarkable Memoir of an Ordinary Irish Woman and Her Extraordinary Life
11388: MURPHY, MARGARET - Goodnight, My Angel
95365: MURPHY, MARGARET - The Desire of the Moth
11797: MURPHY, BRENDAN - Finding a Job on the Internet: Amazing New Possibilities for Job Seekers Everywhere
94382: MURR, NAEEM - The Boy
82375: MURRAY, BRIGID - Figures in a Landscape
4571: MURRAY, CHRISTOPHER - Robert William Elliston Manager
83853: MURRAY LADY (OSWYN) - The Making of a CIVIL Servant: Sir Oswyn Murray, G.C. B. Secretary of the Admiralty 1917-1936
8560: MURRAY, D. L. - Royal Academy: A Victorian Picture Show
82354: MURRELL, SHIRLEY - Farewell, Sweet Life
85071: MURRY, JOHN MIDDLETON - The Free Society
92067: MUSEUM OF NEW MEXICO FOUNDATION - Santa Fe Kitchens - Delicious Recipes from the Southwest
82393: MUSGRAVE, P. W. - The Sociology of Education.
104313: Muspratt, Dr Sheridan - Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical and Analytical As Applied and Relating to Arts & Manufactures Div VII Tin - Zinc
104312: Muspratt, Dr Sheridan - Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical and Analytical As Applied and Relating to Arts & Manufactures Div VI Oil - Soap
104310: Muspratt, Dr Sheridan - Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical and Analytical As Applied and Relating to Arts & Manufactures Div IV Fuel - Gum
104308: Muspratt, Dr Sheridan - Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical and Analytical As Applied and Relating to Arts & Manufactures Div II Bis - Dye
104309: Muspratt, Dr Sheridan - Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical and Analytical As Applied and Relating to Arts & Manufactures Div III Dye - Fuel
104311: Muspratt, Dr Sheridan - Chemistry, Theoretical, Practical and Analytical As Applied and Relating to Arts & Manufactures Div IV Gum - Oils
80547: MUSSON, A.E. - The Typographical Association: Origins and History Up to 1949
87765: MYERS, BERNARD S. (ED) - Encyclopedia of Painting: Painters and Painting of the World from Prehistoric Times to the Present Day
103858: Myerson, Jeremy - Makepeace: A Spirit of Adventure in Craft and Design
87422: MYRICK, NORMAN (ED) - Heritage '76. Ridgefield: A Place in Time
9753: NADELSON, REGGIE - Sex Dolls
9752: NADELSON, REGGIE - Disturbed Earth
9928: NADELSON, REGGIE - Red Mercury Blues
92590: NADICH, JUDAH - The Legends of the Rabbis: Volume 1: Jewish Legends of the Second Commonwealth and Volume 2: The First Generation After the Destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem
98598: NAGEL, IVAN - Autonomy and Mercy: Reflections on Mozart's Operas
9461: NAGLER, DR G.K. - Die Monogrammisten
11784: NAIK, ANITA - Travel Calm: Secrets for Stress-Free Travel
100695: NAIPAUL, SHIVA - Beyond the Dragon's Mouth: Stories and Pieces
94515: NAIPAUL, V. S. - The Loss of El Dorado
102506: Naipaul, V. S. - Half a Life
101911: Naipaul, V. S. - A Bend in the River
96358: NAIR, KUSUM - Blossoms in the Dust: The Human Element in Indian Development
103989: Naparstek, Belleruth - Your Sixth Sense: Unlocking the Power of Your Intuition
102147: Vidal-Naquet, Pierre (Ed) - Les Crimes de L'Armée Francaise: Algerie 1954-1962
87929: NARAYAN, R. K. - The Man-Eater of Malgudi
88067: NARAYAN, R. K. - The Financial Expert
94384: NARAYAN, R. K. - The World of Nagaraj
84098: NARBETH, COLIN - How to Collect Paper Money
100281: NARCEJAC, THOMAS - L'Assassin de Minuit
100047: NARDOCCHIO, ELAINE F.(RD) - Reader Response to Literature: The Empirical Dimension
94614: NASAR, SYLVIA - A Beautiful Mind
83456: NASH, OGDEN - The Face Is Familiar
81960: NASH, J. H. (ED) - Yorkshire County Cricket Club Sixty-Seventh Annual Report
81961: NASH, J. H. (ED) - Yorkshire County Cricket Club Sixty-Eighth Annual Report
8326: NASON, RICHARD - A Modern Dunciad
104088: Nassauer, Rudolf - The Examination
82366: NATHAN, ROBERT STUART - Amusement Park
99041: NAUGHTON, BILL - On the Pig's Back: An Autobiogrqaphical Excursion
98838: NDEBELE, NJABULO - Fools and Other Stories
12543: NEAL, ERNEST. - The Badger
87530: NEEDHAM, C. D. - Organizing Knowledge in Libraries
87909: NEIL, BARBARA - The Possession of Delia Sutherland
97158: NEILSON, WILLIAM ALLAN AND THORNDIKE, ASHLEY HORACE - The Facts About Shakespeare: Rezvised Edition
100367: NEISSER, ULRIC - Cognition and Reality: Principles and Implications of Cognitive Psychology
83427: NELSON, STANLEY - Idlewild
96197: NÉMIROVSKY, IRÈNE - Suite Francaise
100880: NEMIROVSKY, IRENE - Suite Francaise
96559: NEMOURS, PIERRE - Sauvez L'Irlande, Général
96558: NEMOURS, PIERRE - L' Anti-Général
96556: NEMOURS, PIERRE - Le Général Passe Au Falot
96555: NEMOURS, PIERRE - Le Général Contre le Samourai
102452: Gilles Neret - F. Leger
104297: Nesbit, E. - The Story of the Treasure Seekers: Being the Adventures of the Bastable Children in Search of a Fortune
103562: Nesbit, E - The Railway Children
92556: NESBO, JO - The Leopard
98299: Nesbo, Jo - Rue Sans-Souci: Un Enquete de L'Inspecteur Harry Hole
100596: NESBO, JO - Macbeth
100609: NESSER, HÅKAN - Hour of the Wolf: An Inspector Van Veeteren Mystery
10300: NETTEL, REGINALD - The Orchestra in England
97622: NEUBECKER, OTTFRIED - A Guide to Heraldry
81986: NEUBERGER, JULIA (ED) - The Things That Matter: An Anthology of Women's Spiritual Poetry
102708: Neuhaus, Denise - The Christening
100657: NEVILL, BARRY ST.-JOHN (ED) - Life at the Court of Queen Victoria 1861 - 1901
82371: NEVILLE, RICHARD - Playing Around
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