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BOOKS029182I: Schwarzius, Christian Gotlib - Lectorem benevolum ad orationum publicam de statu inclutae reipublicae norimbergensis sub initium regimini ... Caroli IIII ...
BOOKS019253I: Schwarzlose, Richard Allen - The Nation’s Newsbrokers, Volume I: The Formative Years, from Pretelegraph to 1865
BOOKS019252I: Schweber, S. S. (Silvan S.) - In the Shadow of the Bomb : Oppenheimer, Bethe, and the Moral Responsibility of the Scientist
BOOKS026186I: Schwedes, Theodor [1788-1882] - Über den deutsch-österreichischen Zoll- und Handelsverein
BOOKS028662I: Schweigger, Salomon [1551-1622] - Ein newe Reyssbeschreibung auss Teutschland nach Constantinopel und Jerusalem
BOOKS002716I: Schweinfurth, Philipp - Die Fresken von Bojana. Ein Meisterwerk der Monumentalkunst des 13. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS015839I: Schweitzer, Bernhard [ Hackebil, Franz ] - Das Original der sogenannten Pasquino - Gruppe
BOOKS029819I: Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz - 1. Mai 1932 : Gebt Arbeit!
BOOKS031418I: Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz - a collection of 19 Swiss Social-Democratic Party electoral propaganda pamphlets, etc, most ca. 1950s.
BOOKS024588I: Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz - Freiheit : Schweizerische Volkszeitung : Organ der Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz: 2. Jahrgang - Nr. 204: 02. September 1937
BOOKS024594I: Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz - Freiheit : Schweizerische Volkszeitung : Organ der Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz: 2. Jahrgang - Nr. 205: 3. September 1937
BOOKS024717I: Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz - Freiheit : Schweizerische Volkszeitung : Organ der Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz: 2. Jahrgang - Nr. 206: 4. September 1937
BOOKS024806I: Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz - Freiheit : Schweizerische Volkszeitung : Organ der Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz: 2. Jahrgang - Nr. 207: 6. September 1937
BOOKS024888I: Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz - Freiheit : Schweizerische Volkszeitung : Organ der Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz: 2. Jahrgang - Nr. 210: 9. September 1937
BOOKS031583I: Kommunistische Partei der Schweiz - Quo vadis? : (wohin geht der Weg?) : ein Mahnwort gerichtet an alle klassenbewussten Arbeiter der Schweiz
BOOKS017089I: Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz [ Huggler, Aug. ] - Unser Kampf gegen Krisennot und Massenelend : Erläuterungen, Zahlen und Tatsachten zum Krisenprogramm der Sozialdemokratischen..
BOOKS024461I: Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz - Freiheit : Schweizerische Volkszeitung : Organ der Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz : 2. Jahrgang - Nr. 203 : 01. Sept. 1937
BOOKS004003I: Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz - Rote Revue : Sozialistische Monatsschrift : 15. Jahrgang : Sept. 1935 - Aug. 1936, Heft 1 - 12
BOOKS031682I: Vereinigung des Archäologisch-technischen Grabungspersonals der Schweiz (VATG) - Technique des fouilles : minerai, scories, fer : cours d'initiation à l'étude de la métallurgie du fer ancienne ..,.
BOOKS020077I: Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz - Freiheit : Schweizerische Volkszeitung : Organ der Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz : 2. Jahrgang [a collection of 15 issues]
BOOKS020781I: Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz - Freiheit : Schweizerische Volkszeitung : Organ der Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz : 2. Jahrgang [a collection of 14 issues]
BOOKS024417I: Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz - Freiheit : Schweizerische Volkszeitung : Organ der Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz : 2. Jahrgang - Nr. 202 : 31. August 1937
BOOKS008087I: Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz - Dossier SPS/PSS : Programmrevision : ein Programm-Vorentwurf und Materialien für die Diskussion in der Sozialdemokratischen..,.
BOOKS030040I: Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz - Zu den Grossratswahlen vom 22. März 1925 (Illustrierte Wahlflugschrift)
BOOKS024291I: Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz - Freiheit : Schweizerische Volkszeitung : Organ der Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz : 2. Jahrgang - nr.2 01 [ 30 August 1937 ]
BOOKS024873I: Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz - Freiheit : Schweizerische Volkszeitung : Organ der Kommunistischen Partei der Schweiz: 2. Jahrgang - Nr. 208: 7. September 1937
BOOKS000421I: Schweizer, Günther - Untersuchungen zur Physiogeographie von Ostanatolien und Nordwestiran.Geomorphologische, klima-und hydrogeographischen Studien..
BOOKS003473I: Schweizer, Hans Ulrich - Beitrage zur Hydrologie der Ajoie (Berner Jura)
BOOKS027557I: Schweizerische Bankverein / Swiss Bank Corporation, Numismatic Department - Colleccion C. Soler-Cabot : Monedas catalanas ..,. / Katalanische Münzen..,.
BOOKS027707I: Schweizerische Bankverein / Swiss Bank Corporation, Numismatic Department - Coins of Peru : Auktion 20 in Zürich am 14./15. September 1988
BOOKS027775I: Schweizerische Bankverein / Swiss Bank Corporation, Numismatic Department - Coins of Brazil : Auction 22 : September 19, 1989
BOOKS024990I: Turngemeinde Schwenningen - Festschrift zur Feier des 50 jährigen Bestehens der Turngemeinde Schwenningen am Samstag, den 25. September und Sonntag..,.
BOOKS010728I: Schwer, Wilhelm [1876-1949] ; & Müller, Franz Hermann [1900-1994] - Der deutsche Katholizismus im Zeitalter des Kapitalismus : Zwei Beiträge von Wilhelm Schwer und Franz Müller
BOOKS003587I: Schwetz, J. - Recherches Malaco-Schistosomiques aux Lacs Albert, Edouard et Kivu et dans plusiers localites voisines
BOOKS028151I: Schwidetzky, Ilse [1907-1997] - Turaniden-Studien
BOOKS013511I: Schwidetzky, Ilse; Zerssen, Detlev v.; Walter, Hubert; Hünermann, Alban; Uhlig, Harald; Jürgens, Hans W.; Knorr, Karin D.; et al - Methoden der Anthropologie, Anthropogeographie, Völkerkunde und Religionswissenschaft
BOOKS028412I: Schwindl, Joseph - Ein Wort an den Herrn Reichsrath Fürsten von Wrede als Echo aus dem bayerischen Walde
BOOKS021044I: Schwinge, Ernst-Richard - Die Stellung der Trachinierinnen im Werk des Sophokles
BOOKS024664I: Schwok, René - Interprétations de la politique étrangère de Hitler : une analyse de l'historiographie
BOOKS011168I: Schybergson, Per - Hantverk och Fabriker I Finlands Konsumtionsvarindustri 1815-1870: I: Helhetsutvecking
BOOKS030221I: Sciaky, Roberto - Ethiopia (1867-1936) : History, Stamps and Postal History
BOOKS026500I: British Society for the History of Science - BJHS : The British Journal for the History of Science : Volume 35, Part 3, No. 126 : September 2002
BOOKS019853I: Union Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences / International Union for the Philosophy of Science - Actes du deuxieme Congres international..,,. Zurich 1954. [Volume III]: Theorie de la connaissance/ Linguistique ...,.
BOOKS001165I: International Union of Biological Sciences - Actinomycetales. Morfologia, Biologia e Sistematica
BOOKS001250I: Lenin Academy of Agricultural Sciences of the U.S.S.R. - The Situation in Biological Science. Proceedings of the Lenin Academy ...July 31-August 7, 1948, Verbatim Report.
BOOKS018644I: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Huygens et la France : table ronde du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, 27-29 mars 1979
BOOKS013299I: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (France) - Les méthodes formelles en axiomatique
BOOKS023982I: Scior, Gernot - Die Herren von Wallbrunn zu Ernsthofen : Geschichte einer Herrschaft : 1440-1722
BOOKS017285I: Sciulli, David ; editor: - Macro Socio-economics : From Theory to Activism
BOOKS011023I: Sclauzero, Mariarosa - Narcissism and Death
BOOKS016385I: Scobie, Alexander - Apuleius and Folklore : Toward a History of ML3045, AaTh567, 449Ae
BOOKS011548I: Scodel, Joshua [1958 - ] - The English Poetic Epitaph: Commemoration and Conflict from Jonson to Wordsworth
BOOKS024989I: Scorpan, Constantin - Limes Scythiae : Topographical and Stratigraphical Research on the Late Roman Fortifications on the Lower Danube
BOOKS015085I: Scotini, Marco ; editor: - Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti e il carattere cinematografico della visione / Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti & the Cinematic Nature ...,.
BOOKS014488I: Scott, Virginia - Moliere: A Theatrical Life
BOOKS013793I: Scott, Janet Girvan - Les sonnets élisabéthains : les sources et l'apport personnel
BOOKS029068I: Scott, George G. - A Physiological Study of the Changes in Mustelus canis Produced by Modifications in the Molecular Concentration of the External
BOOKS011077I: Scott, John - Corporations, Classes and Capitalism
BOOKS010211I: Scott-Childress, Reynolds J.; editor: - Race and the Production of Modern American Nationalism
BOOKS015508I: Scott, Peter Dale - Deep Politics and the Death of JFK
BOOKS017803I: Scott, James Brown [ 1866-1943 ] - The Spanish Conception of International Law and of Sanctions
BOOKS016751I: Scott, James C. ; & Bhatt, Nina ; editors: - Agrarian Studies: Synthetic Work at the Cutting Edge
BOOKS000511I: Scott, John & Hughes, Michael - The Anatomy of Scottish Capital. Scottish Companies & Scottish Capital 1900-1979
BOOKS004278I: Scott, Peter Dale & Marshall, Jonathan - Cocaine Politics. Drugs, Armies & the CIA in Central America
BOOKS022433I: Scott, Chuck - The Lesotho Herders Video Project : Explorations in Visual Anthropology
BOOKS002315I: Scourby, Alice - The Greek Americans
BOOKS011042I: Scranton, Philip - Endless Novelty: Specialty Production and American Industrialization, 1865-1925
BOOKS017260I: Scranton, Philip - Endless Novelty : Specialty Production and American Industrialization, 1865-1925
BOOKS031031I: Screen, John Ernest Oliver - The Helsinki Yunker School : 1846-1879 : A Case Study of Officer Training in the Russian Army
BOOKS019408I: Scribe, Eugene [1791-1861] - Zoe eller den laante Elsker. Vaudeville of Scribe og Melesville
BOOKS020158I: Scribner, Charity - Requiem for Communism
BOOKS020415I: Scruton, Roger - Art and Imagination : A Study in the Philosophy of Mind
BOOKS009255I: Scullion, Rosemary; Solomon, Philip H.; & Spear, Thomas C.; editors: - Celine and the Politics of Difference
BOOKS011576I: Scully, Crispian - Handbook of Oral Disease: Diagnosis and Management
BOOKS018133I: Conseil permanent international pour l'exploration de la mer / International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. - Publications de circonstance, No. 21 - 40 [1905-1907]
BOOKS017933I: Conseil permanent international pour l'exploration de la mer / International Council for the Exploration of the Sea - Publications de circonstance, 1 - 20 [1903-1904]
BOOKS014633I: Seal, Anil - The Emergence of Indian Nationalism: Competition and Collaboration in the Later Nineteenth Century.
BOOKS013884I: Sealey, Raphael - A History of the Greek City States, ca. 700-338 B.C.
BOOKS029794I: Long Seam - Pañha vacanasabd vidya Khmaer : Problèmes de lexicologie Khmère / Lun Siam
BOOKS018046I: Seaquist, Gwen - Study Guide to John E. H. Sherry, The Laws of Innkeepers, Third Edition
BOOKS013602I: Searby, Peter - A History of the University of Cambridge: Volume III, 1750-1870
BOOKS025060I: Searle, William - The Saint & the Skeptics : Joan of Arc in the Work of Mark Twain, Anatole France, and Bernard Shaw
BOOKS015116I: Searle, John R. - Minds, Brains and Science
BOOKS009799I: Sears, Derek W. G. [1948- ] - The Origin of Chondrules and Chondrites
BOOKS019251I: Seasholes, Nancy S. - Gaining Ground : A History of Landmaking in Boston
BOOKS013790I: Sebastian, Lynne - The Chaco Anasazi: Sociopolitical Evolution in the Prehistoric Southwest
BOOKS002901I: Sebastian, J. Jayakiran - Baptisma unum in sancta ecclesia": A Theological Appraisal of Baptismal Controversy in Work & Writings of Cyprian of Carthage
BOOKS007904I: Sebeok, Thomas Albert [1920 - 2001] - Semiotics in the United States
BOOKS012908I: Sebti Lahrichi, Fadéla - Vivre musulmane au Maroc: guide des droits et obligations
BOOKS012903I: Sebti, Abdelahad [Sibti, Abd al-Ahad] - Villes et figures du charisme
BOOKS019632I: Seccombe, Wally - Weathering the Storm : Working-Class Families from the Industrial Revolution to the Fertility Decline
BOOKS008396I: Sechenov, I. M. [Sechenov, Ivan Mikhailovich, (1829-1905)] - Fiziologicheski ocherki. Chast I i II
BOOKS021538I: Sechenov, Ivan Mikhailovich [1829-1905] [ Boiarinov, P. ; editor: ] - Kurs fiziologii chelovieka i zhivotnykh
BOOKS021540I: Sechenov, Ivan Mikhailovich [1829-1905] - Fiziologiia nervnoi sistemy / I. Siechenova [ Fiziologia nervnoy sistemy ]
BOOKS010269I: Secher, Vilhelm Adolf [1851-1918] - Om vitterlighed i den ældre danske proces: retshistoriske studier
BOOKS005014I: Secher, Knud I. A. - Coffeins og beslaegtede Stoffers Indflydelse paa den tvaerstribede Muskulatur. Eksperimentelle Undersogelser
BOOKS021188I: Secher, Ole - Bibliography of the History of Anaesthesia
BOOKS009488I: Seckinger, Ron - The Brazilian Monarchy and the South American Republics 1822-1831: Diplomacy & State Building
BOOKS028746I: Seco de Lucena Paredes, Luis - Muhammad IX sultán de Granada
BOOKS022311I: Secretan, Ed. ; translator : - De la révision fédérale : Essai d'entente. Traduit de l'allemand par Ed. Secretan, Secrétaire du Département politique fédéral
BOOKS016961I: Secretan, Catherine - Les privilèges, berceau de la liberté : la révolte des Pays-Bas : aux sources de la pensée politique moderne (1566-1619)
BOOKS009121I: [Cuba] Secretaria de Agricultura, Industria y Comercio [Munoz-Bustamanta, Mario; editor:] - Boletin Oficial de la Secretaria de Agricultura, Industria y Comercio. Vol. VI, No. 1-5 [1 de enero - 1 de junio 1909]
BOOKS009128I: [Cuba] Secretaria de Agricultura, Industria y Comercio [Munoz-Bustamante, Mario; editor:] - Boletin Oficial de la Secretaria de Agricultura, Industria y Comercio. Vol. IV, No. 1 - 6 [20 de enero - 20 de junio 1908]
BOOKS009127I: [Cuba] Secretaria de Agricultura, Comercio y Trabajo - Boletin Oficial de la Secretaria de Agricultura, Comercio y Trabajo. Vol.VII,No.6; Vol.VIII,No.1-5 [1 de enero- 1 de junio 1910]
BOOKS009126I: [Cuba] Secretaria de Agricultura, Comercio y Trabajo - Boletin Oficial de la Secretaria de Agricultura, Comercio y Trabajo, Vol.VI, No.6; Vol.VII, No.1-5 [1 julio - 1 diciembre 1909]
BOOKS009125I: [Cuba] Secretaria de Agricultura, Industria y Comercio [Munoz-Bustamante, Mario; editor:] - Boletin Oficial de la Secretaria de Agricultura, Industria y Comercio, Vol. V, No. 1 - 6 [20 de julio - 20 de diciembre 1908]
BOOKS030637I: Nationaal Arbeids-Secretariaat - Van eenheid en strijd : populaire beschouwingen over klassenstrijd en kapitalisme, naar aanleiding van de beginselverklaring..,.
BOOKS002116I: World Trade Organization. Appellate Body. Secretariat. - WTO Appellate Body Repertory of Reports and Awards, 1995-2004
BOOKS020624I: Bengal. Secretariat - Collection of Papers Relating to the Hooghly Imambarah, 1815-1910
BOOKS019757I: Turkey. Ordu. General Staff of the Western Front. Second Section. - Greek Atrocities in Asia Minor : First Part
BOOKS011380I: Seddon, D.; Blaikie, P. & Cameron, J.; editors: - Peasants and Workers in Nepal
BOOKS011938I: Seddon, David - Nepal: A State of Poverty
BOOKS015274I: Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky - Between Men: English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire
BOOKS004117I: Sedgwick, John P., Jr. - Rhythms of Western Art
BOOKS008142I: Seduro, Vladimir - Dostoyevski in Russian Literary Criticism 1846 - 1956
BOOKS005116I: See, Fred G. - Desire and the Sign: Nineteenth-Century American Fiction
BOOKS020907I: Sée, Henri Eugène [1864-1936] - La vie économique de la France sous la monarchie censitaire (1815-1848)
BOOKS029673I: Seebass, Tilman ; et al. - The Music of Lombok : A First Survey
BOOKS024064I: Seeberg-Elverfeldt, Roland - Genealogie der Grafen von der Wenge genannt Lambsdorff : Freiherren von der Wenge Grafen von Lambsdorff, Grafen Lamsdorf-Galagan
BOOKS024057I: Seeberg-Elverfeldt, Annemarie - Die Ahnen in ihrer Zeit und Welt : Ahnengeschichte der Familien Molwitz und Ludewig.
BOOKS031796I: Seeden, Helga ; & Ward, Willliam A. ; editors : [ American University of Beirut ] - Berytus Archaeological Studies : Volume XXXV : 1987
BOOKS009905I: Seeger, Paul - Variance Analysis of Complete Designs: Some Practical Aspects
BOOKS018835I: Seegrün, Wolfgang - Das Papsttum und Skandinavien bis zur Vollendung der nordischen Kirchenorganisation (1164)
BOOKS022017I: Seeley, Karen M. - Therapy After Terror : 9/11, Psychotherapists, and Mental Health
BOOKS025371I: Seemüller, Joseph [1855-1920] - Zur Kritik der Königsfelder Chronik
BOOKS022278I: Seervai, H.M. (Hormnasji Maneckji) - The Position of the Judiciary under the Constitution of India
BOOKS013101I: Seferis, George - A Poet's Journal: Days of 1945 - 1951
BOOKS014338I: Segal, Jeffrey A. ; Spaeth, Harold J. ; & Benesh, Sara Catherine - The Supreme Court in the American Legal System
BOOKS011774I: Segal, Naomi - The Adulteress's Child: Authorship and Desire in the Nineteench-Century Novel
BOOKS009064I: Segal, Lester A. - Historical Consciousness & Religious Tradition in Azariah de' Rossi's 'Me'or 'Einayim'
BOOKS017617I: Segal, Hanna - Melanie Klein
BOOKS016762I: Segal, Rafi ; Weizman, Eyal ; & Tartakover, David ; editors: - Civilian Occupation : The Politics of Israeli Architecture
BOOKS011554I: Segal, Charles - Oedipus Tyrannus: Tragic Heroism and the Limits of Knowledge
BOOKS007370I: Segal, Daniel; editor: - Crossing Cultures: Essays in the Displacement of Western Civilization
BOOKS011711I: Segel, Harold B.; editor: - Stranger in Our Midst: Images of the Jew in Polish Literature
BOOKS030607I: Seger, Gerhart [1896-1967] - Arbeiterschaft, Krieg, Völkerbund!
BOOKS006868I: Segert, Stanislaus, editor: - Studia semitica philologica necnon philosophica Ioanni Bakos dicata
BOOKS012581I: Segev, Dror - Medieval Magic and Magicians - in Norway and Elsewhere : Based Upon 12th-15th Centuries Manuscript and Runic Evidence
BOOKS018721I: Segrè, Emilio - From Falling Bodies to Radio Waves : Classical Physicists and Their Discoveries
BOOKS005941I: Segre, Cesare - Structures and Time. Narration, Poetry, Models.
BOOKS023076I: Seguenza, Giuseppe [1833-1889] - Studi geologici e paleontologici sul cretaceo medio dell'Italia meridionale
BOOKS031207I: Ségur, Louis-Philippe de, comte [1753-1830] - Opinion de M. le Comte de Ségur, Pair de France, sur le projet de loi relatif à la répression des délits de la presse
BOOKS017627I: Sehbenderzade, Ahmet Hilmi - Awakened Dreams : Raji's Journeys with the Mirror Dede
BOOKS023587I: Sehgal, Narender - Jammu & Kashmir : A State of Turbulence
BOOKS028759I: Sehn, Jan - Konzentrationslager Oswiecim - Brzezinka (Auschwitz-Birkenau) auf Grund von Dokumenten und Beweisquellen
BOOKS000903I: Sehnal, Jiri - Hudba v Olomoucké katedrále v 17. a 18. století
BOOKS011480I: Seidel, Hans-Joachim - Der britische Mandatstaat Palestina im Rahmen der Weltwirtschaft
BOOKS017544I: Seidel, Hugo - Fünf lustige Hand-Puppenspiele für Kinder bis zu 90 Jahren..,.
BOOKS012086I: Seidel, George J. - Fichte's Wissenschaftslehre of 1794: A Commentary on Part 1.
BOOKS029086I: Seidelin, Mogens Gunnar - Den Seidelinske slægtsbog : I : De ældste slægtled og kredsen om dem
BOOKS009933I: Seidenfaden, Erik [1881-1958] - The Thai Peoples. Book 1: The Origins & Habitats of the Thai Peoples with a Sketch of their Material & Spiritual Culture
BOOKS009791I: Seidensticker, Edward - Kafu the Scribbler : The Life and Writings of Nagai Kafu, 1879 - 1959
BOOKS011834I: Seidman, Steven - Contested Knowledge: Social Theory in the Postmodern Era
BOOKS020847I: Seifert, Eberhard - A collection of typewritten and handwritten papers, notes, etc., ca. 1932 - 1957
BOOKS008400I: Seiffert, Johannes Ernst [1925- 2009] - Die Aufgabe der Universitaet : ein Versuch, bei Walter Benjamin zu lernen
BOOKS020661I: Seindal, René - Mafia, Money and Politics in Sicily 1950-1997
BOOKS027293I: Seitter, Waltraut Carola ; Duerbeck, H. W. ; & Tacke, M. ; editors : - Large-Scale Structures in the Universe Observational and Analytical Methods : Proceedings of a Workshop..,.,.
BOOKS017992I: Seitz, Franz - Darstellung von Vitaminpräparaten [Vitamine und Hormone und ihre technische Darstellung, 2. Teil]
BOOKS031713I: Sejbal, Jirí ; editor : - Mikulás Adaukt Voigt : zakladatel ceské vedecké numismatiky : symposium k 250. vyrocí narození M.A. Voigta
BOOKS005234I: Sekar, Radhika - The Sabarimalai Pilgrimage and Ayyappan Cultus
BOOKS026705I: Sekelj, Berislav - Prirucnik i katalog ..,./ Handbuch und Katalog..,. / Handbook and Catalogue : Postal History Bosnia and Herzegovina, 1878-1918
BOOKS019306I: Sekhar, A. Chandra ; editor: - A Monograph on Lakkaguda (Parvathipuram Taluk, Srikakulam District) [ Census of India 1961, Volume II: Andhra Pradesh, VI, 3. ]
BOOKS021697I: Sekhar, A. Chandra ; editor: - A Monograph on Bhairavanitippa (Kalyandrug Taluk, Anantapur District)
BOOKS013710I: Sekou, Lasana Mwanza - Nativity & Dramatic Monologues for Today
BOOKS006223I: Sela, Avraham; editor: - The Continuum Political Encyclopedia of the Middle East
BOOKS022132I: Selassie, Bereket Habte [ Bereket H. Selassie ] - Conflict and Intervention in the Horn of Africa
BOOKS028070I: Selb, Walter ; edfitor & translator : - Sententiae Syriacae / eingeleitet, herausgegeben, deutsch übersetzt, mit einem syrischen und griechischen Glossar versehen .,.,.
BOOKS024784I: Selden-Goth, Gisella [1884-1975] - Ferruccio Busoni : Un Profilo
BOOKS011278I: Sele, Vagn - Hirsutisme : En kliniske undersøgelse
BOOKS017147I: Self, Robert C., editor: [ Chamberlain, Austen, Sir, (1863-1937)] - The Austen Chamberlain Diary Letters: The Correspondence of Sir Austen Chamberlain with his Sisters Hilda and Ida, 1916 - 1937
BOOKS004481I: Seliakov, Leonid Leonidovich - Ternistyi put' v nikuda : zapiski aviakonstruktora
BOOKS010164I: Seligman, Eva - The Half-alive Ones : Clinical Papers on Analytical Psychology in a Changing World
BOOKS009605I: Seligmann, Linda J. - Between Reform and Revolution: Political Struggles in the Peruvian Andes, 1969-1991
BOOKS030618I: Seligsohn, Max [1865-1923] - L'Encyclopédie de l'Islam : examen critique des quelques feuilles imprimées jusqu'à présent, donnant les raissons ..,.
BOOKS006403I: Seligson, Mitchell A. - Peasants of Costa Rica and the Development of Agrarian Capitalism
BOOKS011105I: Selinge, Klaus-Goran - Jarnalderns bondekultur i Vasternorrland
BOOKS006979I: Selinge, Klas-Goran - Agrarian Settlement & Hunting Grounds : A Study of the Prehistoric Culture Systems in a North Swedish River Valley
BOOKS025202I: Seljée, Ronald Robertus - FICCS : A Fact Integrity Constraint Checking System for the Validation of Semantic Integrity Constraints After Updating ..,.
BOOKS023392I: Selkirk, Raymond - The Piercebridge Formula : A Dramatic New View of Roman History
BOOKS025143I: Selkirk, Andrew ; & Selkirk, Wendy ; editors: - Current Archaeology : Nr.s 12-39; 41-67; 69-72; 74-75; 77-82; 85-89; 91-92; 95; 97-109; 111-112; 114-120 [1969-1990]
BOOKS025144I: Selkirk, Andrew ; & Selkirk, Wendy ; editors: - Current Archaeology : Nr.s 122-126; 128-132; 134; 137; 140-142; 146-154; 156; 158-161; 164-165; 169-170; 172-174 [1990-2001]
BOOKS025701I: Sell, Adolph [1850-1921] - Vi Læger : Et Indlæg imod Materialismen i Livet og Vidensksben / A. Sell
BOOKS005993I: Sell, A - Om Betydningen af Sindsbevaegelser som Sygdomsaarsager bortset fra de egentlige Sindssygdomme, men med saerligt Hensyn til ...
BOOKS013968I: Sellars, Wilfrid - Science, Perception and Reality
BOOKS018619I: Sellars, Richard West - Preserving Nature in the National Parks
BOOKS027882I: Sellenschlo, Udo - Untersuchungen zur Taxonomie und Biologie europäischer Torymidae (Chalc., Hymenoptera)
BOOKS023271I: Selling, Dagmar - Alexander Seton (1768-1828) som fornforskare
BOOKS013806I: Sellmann, James Daryl - Timing and Rulership in Master Lü's Spring and Autumn Annals (Lüshi chunqiu)
BOOKS002850I: Sells, Peter - Lectures on Contemporary Syntactic Theories: An Introduction to Government-Binding Theory, Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar
BOOKS007491I: Selmer, H. - Isaak Nathansen : En psycho-pathologisk Skildring
BOOKS006380I: Selosoemardjan - Social Changes in Jogjakarta
BOOKS026031I: Skandinaviske Selskab - Til Minde om Adam Oehlenschläger : To Taler og to Digte, udgivne af det skandinaviske Selskab
BOOKS021936I: Dansk Farmacihistorisk Selskab, - Theriaca : Samlinger til farmaciens og medicinens historie : Særtryksamling nr. 5
BOOKS002975I: Dansk dermatologisk Selskab - Festskrift i anledning af Dansk dermatologisk Selskabs 25-aars bestaaen 1898-1923
BOOKS025786I: Fyens Stifts Literaere Selskab - Samlinger til Fyens historie og topographie udgivne af Fyens Stifts Literaere Selskab : Tredie Hefte
BOOKS007297I: Dansk Medicinsk-historisk Selskab [Danish Medical-Historical Society] - A volume containing 40 books,pamphlets & offprints issued by the Danish Medical-Historical Society ca.1918-1926
BOOKS003860I: Det Kongelige Dansk Videnskabernes Selskab - Tre Latinske Grammatiker. Donatus. Fundam,entum. Regulae. Trykt af Gotfred af Ghemen, Kobenhavn 1493 og udgivet i Facsimile...
BOOKS025140I: Norsk Arkeologisk Selskap - Viking : Tidsskrift for Norrøn Arkeologi [later: Viking : Norsk Arkeologisk Årbok ] Bind 19-34 ; 36-67 [1955-1970; 1971-2004]
BOOKS003269I: Selten, Franciscus Maria - An Efficient Empirical Description of Large-Scale Atmospheric Dynamics
BOOKS027833I: Semenov, Vladimir Borisovich - Malakhit [Volumes 1 & 2]
BOOKS012526I: Semenzato, Camillo - L’architettura di Baldassare Longhena
BOOKS026862I: Semon, Richard Wolfgang [1859-1918] - Das Problem der Vererbung "erworbener Eigenschaften
BOOKS026612I: Semon, Richard Wolfgang [1859-1918] - Die mnemischen Empfindungen in ihren Beziehungen zu den Originalempfindungen.,.,.Erste Fortsetzung der 'Mneme'
BOOKS010794I: Semotanova, Eva - Kartografie v hospodarskem vyvoji ceskych zemi v 19. a na pocatku 20. stoleti
BOOKS002447I: Semple, D. and Greig, E.D.W. - An Enquiry on Enteric Fever in India carried out at the Central Research Institute, Kasauli...
BOOKS031047I: Sempoux, André ; editor : - Il Romanzo di Ferrara : contributi su Giorgio Bassani / riuniti a cura di A. Sempoux
BOOKS027530I: Semprini, Giovanni [ Alberti, Leon Battista ] [ Simone, Stedano de ] [ Sanctis, Francesco de ] - L. B. Alberti : con 24 illustrazioni [bound together with: "Leon Battista Alberti : Pagine Scelte" ]
BOOKS023113I: Sen, Karabi - Values and their Significance
BOOKS013558I: Sen Gupta, Anima - Essays on Samkhya and Other Systems of Indian Philosophy. Parts I & II
BOOKS003052I: Sen, Sipra - Arunachal Pradesh and the Tribes. Select Bibliography
BOOKS002775I: Sen, S.N. ; & Chaudhuri, Mamata - Ancient Glass and India
BOOKS031383I: Sen, Siba Pada ; editor : - Social Contents of Indian Religious Reform Movements
BOOKS031387I: Sen, Siba Pada ; editor : - Historical Biography in Indian Literature
BOOKS009154I: Sen, Rangalal - Political Elites in Bangladesh
BOOKS001815I: Sen, N.C., editor - Handloom Weaving in Nagaland [ Nagaland. Handicraft Survey Report. ]
BOOKS018514I: Sen, Dineshchandra [1866-1939] - Chaitanya and His Companions
BOOKS026288I: Sen, Mohit - Communism and the New Left
BOOKS005768I: Sen, Sipra - Tribes of Mizoram. Description, Ethnology and Bibliography (1840 - 1990)
BOOKS005685I: Sen, Keshub Chunder [1838-1884] - The New Veda or Jeevan Veda
BOOKS005107I: Sen, Kshitimohan - Medieval Mysticism of India
BOOKS000481I: Sen Gupta, Sudhir Ranjan - Mother Cult
BOOKS002510I: Sen, Ranjit - Understanding Indian History
BOOKS003977I: Sen Gupta, P.R. & Sen Gupta, Sudipta - Catalogue of the Meteorite Collection of the Geological Survey of India in the Indian Museum, Calcutta
BOOKS002099I: Sen Gupta, Kalyan Kumar - Pabna Disturbances and the Politics of Rent 1873-1885
BOOKS003800I: Sen, Nanilal - A Critique of the Theories of Viparyaya
BOOKS001769I: Sen, S.N. - A Bibliography of Sanskrit Works on Astronomy & Mathematics. Part I: Manuscripts,Texts,Translations & Studies
BOOKS001599I: Sen, Jahar - India & Nepal. Some Aspects of Culture Contact
BOOKS000748I: Sen, Tulika - Growth and Development of Bengalee Girls
BOOKS001826I: Sen, Dipankar ; & Sinha, Suhumar - West Bengal. Handicraft Survey Report: Masland Mat
BOOKS001614I: Sen, Gautam - The Military Origins of Industrialisation & International Trade Rivalry
BOOKS021075I: Sen, Samarendra Chandra - Four Essays on the Poetry of Yeats
BOOKS005288I: Sen, Chitrabhanu - A Dictionary of the Vedic Rituals based on the Srauta and Grhya Sutras
BOOKS023083I: Sen, Dharani ; & Ghosh, A. K. (Amit Kumar) ; editors: - Studies in Prehistory : Robert Bruce Foote Memorial Volume
BOOKS023500I: Sen Sharma, Debabrata - Aspects of Tantra Yoga
BOOKS008994I: Sen, Surendra Nath - Early Career of Kanhoji Angria and Other Papers
BOOKS009646I: Senanan, Wibha - The Genesis of the Novel in Thailand
BOOKS000385I: Sencourt, Robert - The Consecration of Genius. An Essay to Elucidate the Distinctive Significance & Quality of Christian art & literature ...
BOOKS012553I: Sender, Klaus [Kommunistischen Partei Deutschlands / Marxisten-Leninisten (Neue Einheit)] - Über das Wesen des DGB [bound together with 7 other pamphlets issued by KPD / M-L]
BOOKS009635I: Sender, Klaus [Kommunistischen Partei Deutschlands / Marxisten-Leninisten (Neue Einheit)] - The International Situation, Europe and the Position of the Marxist-Leninist Parties : Outlines and Theoretical Explanations
BOOKS017079I: Senechal, Marjorie ; & Fleck, George M. ; editors: - Patterns of Symmetry
BOOKS004208I: Sénéchal, J.-A. - Les Trois cortèges, aux mânes des gardes nationaux tués sous les feux du Mont-Valérien / Paris libre, ou le Peuple et l'armée
BOOKS030682I: Sener, Cemal ; editor: - Alevi sorunu üstüne düsünceler
BOOKS015936I: Sener, Cemal; editor: - Alevilik Üstüne Ne Dediler
BOOKS031142I: Senevipala, Nimesa Tivankara - Gampola doratu : da hataravana siyavase dvarangayak pilibanda pryesanaya
BOOKS022446I: Seneviratne, H. L.; editor: - Identity, Consciousness and the Past : Forging of Caste and Community in India and Sri Lanka
BOOKS014166I: Senft, Gunter - Classificatory Particles in Kilivila
BOOKS031604I: Prach Seng - Proit Sneh Nov Mondul Kiri
BOOKS002908I: Dara Seng - Meas Srob Nokor : [part 8]
BOOKS005436I: Dara Seng - Meas Srob Nokor : [part 6]
BOOKS029448I: Sengelia, Luiza - Irani K'erim-Xan Zendis dros
BOOKS022902I: Sengupta, Debendranath ; & Sengupta, Upendranath - Drabyaguna
BOOKS008759I: [India: Government of India, Department of Jammu & Kashmir Affairs] Sengupta, Nitish K. - Enquiry Report on Amarnath Yatra Tragedy, 1996
BOOKS008430I: Sengupta, Santosh Chandra - Human Existence, Transcendence and Spirituality
BOOKS001600I: Sengupta, Syamalkanti - The Social Profiles of the Mahalis. The Tribal Basket-Makers of Midnapur
BOOKS026047I: Nye Studenterforenings Seniorat - Beretning om den nye Studenterforenings nordiske Höitid den 13de Januar 1845 : udgiven af Senioratet
BOOKS002641I: Senn, Karl [ Stellvertret. Generalkommando XVIII. A.K ] - Im gleichen Schritt und Tritt : Liederbuch ostmärkischer Soldaten
BOOKS027589I: Senne, Heinrich - Beitrag zur Statistik des Verlaufs, der Prognose und des Ausgangs der Nephritis...,.
BOOKS006256I: Senner, W.M. - The Reception of German Literature in Iceland, 1775 - 1850
BOOKS017287I: Sennett, Richard - Respect in a World of Inequality
BOOKS015915I: SenSharma, Deba Brata [ Sen Sharma, Debabrata ] - Philosophy of Sadhana: With Special Reference to the Trika Philosophy of Kashmir
BOOKS000442I: Senyurek, Muzaffer - The Pontian Ictitheres from the Elmadag District
BOOKS027704I: Seoane Pérez, Francisco - Political Communication in Europe : The Cultural and Structural Limits of the European Public Sphere
BOOKS021548I: Seppa, Dale A. - Uruguayan Paper Money
BOOKS016093I: Seppa, Dale Allan - The Coins of Ecuador 1833-1969 / Las monedas de la patria 1833-1969
BOOKS006184I: Seppan, A. - Never Be a Hindu
BOOKS019175I: Serdyuk, Igor N. - Methods in Molecular Biophysics : Structure, Dynamics, Function
BOOKS001059I: Seremetakis, C. Nadia (Constantina Nadia) - The Last Word : Women, Death, and Divination in Inner Mani
BOOKS017888I: Serequeberhan, Tsenay - African Philosophy : The Essential Readings
BOOKS023990I: Seréville, E. de (Etienne) ; & Saint-Simon, F. de - Dictionnaire de la noblesse française
BOOKS015792I: Sergiev, Ioann I. [ John, of Kronstadt, Saint (1829-1909)] [ Ioann Kronshtadtskii ] - Moja zizn' vo Christe ili Minuty duchovnago trezvenija i sozercanija, blagovejnago cuvstva, dusevnago .,..Chast' vtoraia
BOOKS031017I: Serhiichuk, Volodymyr Ivanovic - Symon Petliura i ievreistvo
BOOKS024983I: Serner, Arvid [1890-1940] - On "Dyss" Burial and Beliefs about the Dead during the Stone Age, with Special Regard to South Scandinavia
BOOKS008393I: Serner, Walter [1889-1942 ] [ Milch, Thomas ; editor : ] [ Schad, Christian (1894-1982); illustrator:] - Angst : Frühe Prosa [together with four other books by Serner]
BOOKS013321I: Serpell, James; editor: - The Domestic Dog: Its Evolution, Behaviour, and Interactions with People
BOOKS017214I: Serra, Luis Samandú - De La derrota crear primavera : sobre el exilio latinoamericano en Holanda
BOOKS002499I: Serra-Rafols, J. de C. ; & Fortuny, Epifanio de - Excavaciones en Santa Maria de Egara (Tarrasa)
BOOKS027274I: Serra, Guy ; editor : - Nearby Molecular Clouds : Proceedings of a Specialized Colloquium of the Eighth IAU European Regional Astronomy Meeting .,.,.
BOOKS016169I: Serrano, Miguel - C.G.Jung and Hermann Hesse: A Record of Two Friendships
BOOKS028118I: Serre, Jean-Pierre - OEuvres / Collected Papers : Volume I : 1949-1959
BOOKS000251I: Serre, Jean-Pierre - Cohomologie galoisienne : cours au Collège de France, 1962-1963
BOOKS024264I: La Serre, Barbier de [1762-1826] - Essais historiques et critiques sur la marine de France de 1661 à 1789, et des principaux objets qui y sont relatifs
BOOKS028119I: Serre, Jean-Pierre - OEuvres / Collected Papers : Volume II : 1960 - 1971
BOOKS027416I: Serre, Jean-Pierre - Algèbre locale, multiplicités : cours au Collège de France, 1957-1958
BOOKS028892I: Sertkaya, Osman Fikri ; et al. ; editors : [ Istanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türkiyat Arastirma Merkezi ] - Besinci Milletler arasi Türkoloji Kongresi : Istanbul, 23-28 Eylül 1985 : Tebligler : II. Türk edebiyati : cilt 2.
BOOKS028697I: Sertkaya, Osman Fikri ; et al. ; editors : [ Istanbul Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi, Türkiyat Arastirma Merkezi ] - Besinci Milletler arasi Türkoloji Kongresi : Istanbul, 23-28 Eylül 1985 : Tebligler : III. Türk tarihi : cilt 2.
BOOKS028740I: Sertoglu, Midhat - Osmanli tarih lügati
BOOKS002818I: United States Public Health Service - Dried Milk Powder.A Review of the British Experience [bound together with 46 other pamphlets ca.1913-1919, in one volume]
BOOKS025460I: United States Information Service - The Gemini-5 Spaceflight
BOOKS009591I: Servit, Z.; editor: - Reflex Mechanisms in the Genesis of Epilepsy: Proceedings of a Symposium...September 26-29, 1960
BOOKS027164I: Seshagiri Prabhu, M. - Vedavyasan
BOOKS027551I: Sesse, Walther - Ueber zwei Fälle von Synostose der Patella
BOOKS007561I: Sessions, William Lad - The Concept of Faith: A Philosophical Investigation
BOOKS017406I: Sestay, Catherine J - Needle Work : A Selected Bibliography with Special Reference to Embroidery and Needlepoint
BOOKS006780I: Setälä, E. N. (Eemil Nestor) [1864-1935] - Bibliographisches Verzeichnis...Literatur behandelten alteren germanischen Bestandteile in den ostseefinnischen Sprachen
BOOKS018852I: Setalvad, Motilal Chimanlal - The Indian Constitution, 1950-1965
BOOKS031597I: Kim Seth - Kanha Komsot
BOOKS017342I: Seth, Krishna Narain - The Growth of the Paramara Power in Malwa
BOOKS029655I: Sethe, Kurt [1869-1934] ; editor : - Urkunden der 18. Dynastie : Zweiter Band
BOOKS009413I: Sethe, Kurt [1869-1934] ; editor : - Urkunden der 18. Dynastie : Dritter Band : Historisch-biographische Urkunden
BOOKS006990I: Sethe, Kurt [1869-1934] ; editor : - Urkunden der 18. Dynastie : Vierter Band : Historisch-biographische Urkunden
BOOKS006014I: Sethe, Kurt [1869-1934] ; editor : - Urkunden der 18. Dynastie : Erster Band : Historisch-biographische Urkunden
BOOKS001602I: Sethi, J.D. - Character of the Indian State. A Non-Marxist View
BOOKS025443I: Sethna, M. J. (Minocher Jehangirji) - Law and Morality
BOOKS000785I: Sethom, Noureddine - L'influence du tourisme sur l'économie et la vie régionales dans la zone de Nabeul-Hammamet : étude de géographie économique
BOOKS000786I: Sethom, Hafedh - Les fellahs de la presqu'île du Cap Bon (Tunisie) : étude de géographie sociale régionale
BOOKS007375I: Settar, S. - Hoysala Sculptures in the National Museum, Copenhagen
BOOKS014597I: Seuren, Pieter A. M. - Operators and Nucleus: A Contribution to the Theory of Grammar
BOOKS026579I: Seutemann, Sigrun Rana ; & Kastner, Raimund Friedrich - Homöotherapie mit Bio-Katalysatoren : Arzneimittelbilder der Säuren und Salze des Zitronensäurezyklus und der Chinone
BOOKS031647I: Severin. H.M. (Harry Mark) - The Silver Coinage of Imperial Russia, 1682 to 1917 : A Compilation of All Known Types and Varieties.
BOOKS017816I: Severinsen, P. - Daabens ord : Et bidrag til den kristne daabs historie
BOOKS004569I: Severnev, M.M., editor: - Wear of Agricultural Machine Parts...
BOOKS012840I: Sewell, R.B. Seymour - Geographic & Oceanographic Research in Indian Waters: Maritime Meteorology in Indian Seas
BOOKS002809I: Sewell, R.B. Seymour - Studies on Coral & Coral-Formations in Indian Waters
BOOKS019054I: Sewell, R.B. Seymour - Geographic and Oceanographic Research in Indian Waters: Temperature & Salinity of the Surface Waters of the Bay of Bengal...,.
BOOKS012857I: Sewell, R.B. Seymour - Geographic and Oceanographic Research in Indian Waters: The Temperature and Salinity of the Coastal Waters of the Andaman Sea
BOOKS005948I: Seyfarth, Carl - Das Hospital zu St. Georg in Leipzig durch acht Jahrhunderte: 1.: Das Hospital zu St. Georg vom Jahre 1212 bis zum Jahre 1631
BOOKS029284I: Salamon Seyum - Ya'Oromo guday : 'ena ya'Ityopya beyané kamasasaya, 'amasa 'eska 'abeyot
BOOKS019471I: Komitet vsesoiuznykh gidrologicheskikh sezdov (Leningrad, R.S.F.S.R.) - Trudy vtorogo Vsesoiuznogo gidrologicheskogo sezda v Leningrade 20-27 aprelia 1928 g. [Parts I & II]
BOOKS013687I: Demokraticheskiia Sgovor [ Stoianov, Khr.; editor: ] - Demokraticheski Sgovor [A collection of 39 issues, ca. Nov. 1933 - Jan. 1934]
BOOKS017124I: Sha'ar, Ja'far; translator [ Ibn Hawqal, Muhammad (10th century AD)] [ Ibn Huqul ] - Surat al-Arz' / az Ibn Huqal ; Tarjamah-i Dr. Ja'far Sha'ar.
BOOKS029313I: Shabani, 'Ali - Safar dar imtidad-i hayat-i Sistan : yad'dasht'ha-yi safar bih Afghanistan
BOOKS003110I: Shack, William A. ; & Skinner, Elliott P., editors: - Strangers in African Societies
BOOKS028117I: Shackelford, Jole - A Philosophical Path for Paracelsian Medicine : The Ideas, Intellectual Context, and Influence of Petrus Severinus (1540/2-1602)
BOOKS020247I: Shackle, Christopher - Urdu and Muslim South Asia : Studies in Honour of Ralph Russell
BOOKS000749I: Shadap-Sen, Namita Catherine - The Origin and Early History of the Khasi-Synteng People
BOOKS009354I: Shafer, D. Michael - Winners and Losers: How Sectors Shape the Developmental Prospects of States
BOOKS020094I: Shafer, Glenn - The Art of Causal Conjecture
BOOKS026606I: Shafer, Robert ; Aalto, Pentti ; Guber, A.A. ; et al., editors: - Bibliography of Sino-Tibetan Languages
BOOKS019130I: Shaffer, E.S. (Elinor) ; editor: - Comparative Criticism : Volume 1
BOOKS005388I: Shaffer, E.S.; editor: - Comparative Criticism: An Annual Journal [Vol. 21]: Myth and Mythologies
BOOKS003647I: Shafi, Alhaj Mian Ahmad - Haji Sir Abdoola Haroon. A Biography
BOOKS017822I: Ahmad Shafiq [1860-1940] [Ahmed Chafik Pacha] - L'Égypte moderne et les influences étrangères
BOOKS007698I: Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Earl of [1671-1713] - Standard Edition / Complete Works : Volume II / 4 : Moral and Political Philosophy
BOOKS013765I: Shafton, Anthony - Dream Reader : Contemporary Approaches to the Understanding of Dreams
BOOKS026581I: Shaginian, Marietta Sergeevna [1888-1982] - Po dorogam piatiletki : ocherki
BOOKS014644I: Shah-Kazemi, Reza ; editor: - Algeria : Revolution Revisited
BOOKS029338I: Shah Husayni, Yunus [ Ranjbar, 'Inayat Allah ; editor : ] - Shinakht-i rusta'ha-yi ustan-i Simnan : Jild-i 1 : Rusta'ha-yi Yatri 'Ulya va Hasht'abad
BOOKS026893I: Shah, R.M. ; editor: - Samdhikavya-samuccaya [ Sandhikavyasamuchchaya ]
BOOKS010467I: Shah, P.G. - The Dublas of Gujarat
BOOKS005994I: Shah, Maya - Growth, Productivity & Technical Progress in Electricity in India 1951-1977
BOOKS025630I: Shah, Shashikant Jivanlal - A Study of the Tension Variations While Unwinding Weft Bobbins
BOOKS012229I: Shah Husayni, 'Ali Riza - Kuchandagan-i sarzamin-i khvurshid-i dirakhshan : dar amadi bih shinakht-i ili Alikayi-i Garmsar
BOOKS008934I: Shah, Imran [Svaha, Imarana] - Hiyara phulanira phula [Hiyar Phuloneer Phul]
BOOKS030671I: Shah Husayni, Yunus ; & Shah Husayni, 'Ali Riza - Manzil-i chaharum : nigahi bih rusta-yi tarikhi va kuhan-i Dih Namak
BOOKS015729I: Shah, Priti ; & Miyake, Akira ; editors: - The Cambridge Handbook of Visuospatial Thinking
BOOKS016610I: Shah Husayni, 'Ali Riza ; & Hamidi, Nasir - Dar Jizin : shahr-i yaqut-i surkh
BOOKS001694I: Shah, Syed Waqar Ali - Muslim League in N.W.F.P.
BOOKS020246I: Shah, Priyabala - Pauranic Ritualism of the Fifth Century (Sri Visnudharmottara)
BOOKS020606I: Shah Husayni, Yunis - Nagin-i Alburz : nigahi bih jazibahha-yi tabi'i-i gardishgari-i shahristan-i Damavand va Firuz Kuh
BOOKS020607I: Shah Husayni, 'Ali Riza - Zarb al-masalha-yi Ilika'i (Garmsar) / 'Aliriza Shah Husayni
BOOKS020837I: Shah Husayni, 'Ali Riza - Aftar : sarzamin gulha-yi zanbaq
BOOKS020930I: Shah. V.C. - Genetic, Biochemical, and Cytochemical Studies on Leucoderma - Vitiligo : Report, 1975-1980
BOOKS024510I: Shah Husayni, 'Ali Riza - Aradan, sarzamin-i kuhan
BOOKS024975I: Shah Husayni, Yunus - Padih : rusta'i kuhan bar karani kavir
BOOKS019411I: Shah Husayni, Ali Riza ; & Ranjbar, 'Inayat Allah - Ilha va 'ashayir-i ustan-i Simnan
BOOKS020568I: Shah Husayni, 'Ali Riza - Guyish-i Ilikayi
BOOKS020741I: Shah Husayni, Ali Riza - Dibaj, chihardah Kalatah : gawhari dar shumal-i Damghan
BOOKS020809I: Shah Husayni, 'Ali Riza - Khvar (Garmsar) va miras-i kuhan-i an
BOOKS005345I: Shahar, Shahauno - Shikarpur
BOOKS019540I: Shaheen, Jack G. - The TV Arab
BOOKS005307I: Shahidi, Muzaffar - Hizb-i Rastakhiz, ishtibah-i buzurg [Volumes 1 & 2]
BOOKS012986I: Shahidullah, Muhammad; editor: - Purba Pakistani Bamlara adarsa abhidhana, khanda 1-3. [Pubra Pakistani Anchalik Bhashar Abhidan] [Vol. I - III]
BOOKS024300I: Shahin, Husin [ Shaheen, Husein Muhammed ] [Shahaan, Hussain] - Rihlah ila mamlakat Iblis
BOOKS020602I: Shahshahani, Suhayla - Sara-yi Maymand / pizhuhish, nigarish va 'aks-i Suhayla Shahshahani
BOOKS024548I: Shahzadi, Rustam ; & Shahzadi, Mihrangiz - Qanun-i madani-i Zartushtiyan dar zaman-i Sasaniyan : guftari darbarah-yi kitab-i Matikan-i hazar datistan, ya, Hazar madah..,.
BOOKS000569I: Shaishmelashvili, I. - Slava gruzinskogo oruzhiia : voenno-istoricheskie ocherki
BOOKS031405I: Shakir, Amin ; al-'Aryan, Sa'id ; & Amin, Mustafa - Adwa' 'alá al-Habasha'.,.
BOOKS000598I: Shakir, Moin - Islam in Indian Politics
BOOKS030858I: Shakurova, Ol'ha - Osnovni kontseptsii etnohenzu ukrains'koho narodu : vitchyzniana istoriohrafiia (kinets' XIX - pochatok XXI st.)
BOOKS020827I: Shames, Deborah ; editor: - Freedom with Reservation : The Menominee Struggle to Save their Land and People
BOOKS030375I: Shammakh, 'Amir - al-Ikhwan wa al-'unf: Qira'ah fi fikr wa waqi' Jamat al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin
BOOKS023598I: Shammakh, 'Amir - Radd hadi' 'ala musalsal al-Jama'ah wa-iftira'at Wahid Hamid
BOOKS014741I: Shammakh, 'Amir - al-Ikhwan wa-al-Aqbat : man yutaminu man?!
BOOKS009897I: Shams, J.D. - Where Did Jesus Die?
BOOKS011428I: Shams, J.D. - Where Did Jesus Die?
BOOKS010720I: Shamshad, K.M. - The Meteorology of Pakistan: Climate & Weather of Pakistan
BOOKS005935I: Wu Hua ; & Chao Pai-shan - Unsere Sommerferien / von Wu Hua / Illustrationen von Dschao Bai-schan
BOOKS018621I: Shanin, Teodor - Russia, 1905-07 : Revolution as a Moment of Truth [The Roots of Otherness: Russia's Turn of Century; Volume 2]
BOOKS018620I: Shanin, Teodor - Russia as "Developing Society" [The Roots of Otherness: Russia's Turn of Century; Volume 1]
BOOKS028065I: Shankar Raju Naidu, S. [ Sankara Raju Nayudu, Su ] - A Comparative Study of Kamba Ramayanam and Tulasi Ramayan
BOOKS031751I: Shanker Kedilaya, A.; editor : [ Cekkilar ] - Periya Puranam in Kannada : Volume One : Tirumalai Sargam to Mummaiyal Ulaganda Sargam: Kannada Translation with Transliteration
BOOKS013677I: Shanker Kedilaya, A.; editor: - Periya Puranam in Kannada. Volume Two. From Thirunnavukkarasu Nayanara up to Thirujnana Sambandha Nayanara - Poorvardha
BOOKS009452I: Shanks, David - Human Memory: A Reader
BOOKS011934I: Shanks, Andrew - Civil Society, Civil Religion
BOOKS019091I: Shanmukham Pillai, Muthupperumal Pillai [1919-1997] [ Canmukam Pillai, Mu. ] - Akapporu marapum Tirukkuralum / Mu. Canmukam Pillai
BOOKS024661I: Shannon, Richard - Gladstone and the Bulgarian Agitation 1876
BOOKS014302I: Shantz, Carolyn U. ; & Hartup, Willard W. ; editors: - Conflict in Child and Adolescent Development
BOOKS014404I: Shapiro, Lawrence A. - The Mind Incarnate
BOOKS008130I: Shapiro, Michael; & Haley, Michael; editors: - The Peirce Seminar Papers: An Annual of Semiotic Analysis. Volume I
BOOKS010984I: Shapiro, Michael & Shapiro, Marianne - Figuration in Verbal Art
BOOKS009588I: Shapiro, Michael - The Sense of Form in Literature and Language
BOOKS024179I: Shapiro, Robert W. - A Twin Study of Non-endogenous Depression
BOOKS015426I: Shapiro, Alan - In Praise of the Impure: Poetry and the Ethical Imagination. Essays, 1980-1991
BOOKS000474I: Shapiro, A. B. (Abram Borisovich) [1890-1966] - Ocherki po sintaksisu russkikh narodnykh govorov : stroenie predlozheniia
BOOKS003117I: Shapiro, Michael C. & Schiffman, Harold F. - Language & Society in South Asia
BOOKS019661I: Shapiro, Edward S. ; editor: [ Hook, Sidney ] - Letters of Sidney Hook : Democracy, Communism and the Cold War
BOOKS008804I: Shapiro, Ann-Louise - Breaking the Codes : Female Criminality in Fin-de-Siecle Paris
BOOKS022085I: Shapiro, David - Generations of Struggle : My Life Organizing America Mid-Century to Millenium. Our Struggle. Part I: 1950-1985
BOOKS025879I: Shapoorjee, Jehangir M. - The Reality of Religion
BOOKS019916I: Sharabi, 'Abd al-Ghani 'Ali Sa'id Hadi - Madinat al-Sawwa : dirasah tarikhiyah athariyah
BOOKS015485I: Sharafuddin, Abdul Husayn - Ghadir Khum
BOOKS003802I: Sharan, Ishwar - The Myth of Saint Thomas & the Mylapore Shiva Temple
BOOKS018693I: Sharbatov, G. Sh.; editor: [ Akademiia nauk SSSR, Institut narodov Azii ] - Semitskie iazyki. Sbornik stati'i
BOOKS025112I: Shari'ati, Ruh Allah - Huquq va vazayif-i ghayr Musalmanan dar jami'ah-i Islami / Ruh Allah Shari'ati ; [bara-yi] Markaz-i Mutala'at va Tahqiqat-i..,.
BOOKS002546I: Shariat'zadah, 'Ali Asghar - Mardum'shinasi-i Iran : majmu-ah-i maqalat / pizhuhish, 'Ali Asghar Shariat'zadah
BOOKS013200I: Shariati, Ali [1933-1977] - Hajj
BOOKS020166I: Sharib, Zahurul Hassan - Khawaja Gharib Nawaz
BOOKS022281I: Sharifov, A. ; et al: - Tragediia dlinoiu v 2 goda : fotokhronika sobytii
BOOKS029688I: Sharma, Jagdish Chander - Gojri Grammar
BOOKS023455I: Sharma, D.D. [ Sarma, Devidatta ] - A Study of Loan Words in Central Pahari
BOOKS013887I: Sharma, O.P. - Reservation : A Gimmick
BOOKS002482I: Sharma, Ram Sharan - Indian Feudalism ca. 300 - 1200
BOOKS002311I: Sharma, S.P. & Rohatgi, Chhotey Lal, editors: - Delhi: A Portrait of Population
BOOKS011377I: Sharma, D.D. - A Descriptive Grammar of Kinnauri
BOOKS002948I: Sharma, M. & Bir, S.S. - Flora of Patiala. An Annotated Catalogue of the Wild, Naturalized & Cultivated Vascular Plants of Patiala & its Environs
BOOKS010330I: Sharma, B.R.; editor: - Kanva Samhita. With the Padapatha & the Commentaries of Sayanacarya and Anandabodha
BOOKS002752I: Sharma, M.L.; Grover, S.P. ; Bafana, K.G. - Village Restudy: Naharkheda
BOOKS008927I: Sharma, J.C. - Gojri Phonetic Reader
BOOKS008923I: Sharma, D.D. - Syllabic Structure of Hindi and Panjabi
BOOKS008260I: Sharma, B.L. - The Kashmir Story
BOOKS007117I: Sharma, Soumitra; editor: - Macroeconomic Management
BOOKS023934I: Sharma, Dasharatha - Early Chauhan Dynasties : A Study of Chauhan Political History, Chauhan Political Institutions, and Life in the Chauhan Dominion
BOOKS002898I: Sharma, Sharmishtha - Buddhist Avadanas (Socio-Political Economic & Cultural Study)
BOOKS015460I: Sharma, Sri Ram - The Religious Policy of the Mughal Emperors
BOOKS015098I: Sharma, Arvind - The Hindu Gita : Ancient and Classical Interpretations of the Bhagavadgita
BOOKS005762I: Sharma, S.K. - Hijras. The Labelled Deviants
BOOKS002574I: Sharma, J.M. Sakuntala, editor: - Classified Bibliography of Linguistic Dissertations on Indian Languages
BOOKS003964I: Sharma, B.P.; Singh, N.P.; Raghavan, R.S. & Deshpande, U.R. - Flora of Karnataka. Analysis
BOOKS002032I: Sharma, K.D. & Qureshi, M.A. - Alternative Technology. Proceedings of the Seminar held in September 1975 under the joint auspices of the IIAS, Simla & CSIR...
BOOKS000443I: Sharma, B. D. & Pandey, D. S. - Exotic Flora of the Allahabad District
BOOKS001093I: Sharma, Ram Sharan, editor: - Land Revenue in India. Historical Studies
BOOKS007818I: Sharma, Arvind ; & Young, Katherine K.; editors: - Feminism and World Religions
BOOKS002707I: Sharma, S.P. & Srivastava, S.N. - Survey Report on Village Singhu
BOOKS004603I: Sharma, K.N. - Institutions, Networks,and Social Change
BOOKS021286I: Sharma, Brij Lal - The Pakistan-China Axis
BOOKS021331I: Sharma, Brij Lal - Kashmir Awakes
BOOKS021520I: Sharma, Sita - Krishna Leela Theme in Rajasthani Miniatures
BOOKS021822I: Sharma, J.C. ; editor: - Himachali mein karakchihn
BOOKS013501I: Sharma, Jagdish P. ; & Siegel, Lee - Dream-symbolism in the Sramaic Tradition : Two Psychoanalytical Studies in Jainist & Buddhist Dream Legends
BOOKS027821I: Sharma, Brijendra Nath - The Iconography of Vainayaki
BOOKS023583I: Sharma, Raghunandan Prasad - Distortions in Indian History
BOOKS013626I: Sharma, Ram Sharan - Indian Feudalism : c. 300-1200
BOOKS007553I: Sharp, Henry S. - The Transformation of Bigfoot : Maleness, Power, and Belief among the Chipewyan
BOOKS017626I: Sharp, Daryl - The Secret Raven: Conflict and Transformation in the Life of Franz Kafka
BOOKS008382I: Sharpe, Richard - Medieval Irish Saints' Lives : An Introduction to Vitae sanctorum Hiberniae
BOOKS003136I: Sharpless, F. Parvin - The Literary Criticism of John Stuart Mill
BOOKS023303I: Sharqawi, Kamil - al-Nashat al-Masuni min 'ahd Muhammad 'Ali hatta Jamal 'Abd al-Nasir / talif Kamil al-Sharqawi
BOOKS014069I: Sharratt, Bernard ; editor: - The Literary Labyrinth: Contemporary Critical Discourses
BOOKS005734I: Sharratt, Bernard - The Literary Labyrinth. Contemporary Critical Discourses
BOOKS000252I: Sharratt, Bernard - Reading Relations: Structures of Literary Production. A Dialectical Text/Book
BOOKS018042I: Sharrock, Wes W. ; & Read, Rupert J. - Kuhn : Philosopher of Scientific Revolutions
BOOKS022859I: Sharrocks, Horace F. [Jordan, Harvey Ernest (1875-1963)] [Nonidez, José Fernandez (1892-1947)] [Delage, Yves (1854-1920] ; et al - The action of specific immune serum and of normal human serum ..,. [bound together with 12 other offprints ca. 1880-1937]
BOOKS011645I: Sharwood-Smith, Joan - Diary of a Colonial Wife: An African Experience
BOOKS026920I: Shastri, Yajneshwar S. [ Sastri, Yajnesvara Sadasiva ] - Traverses on Less Trodden Path of Indian Philosophy and Religion
BOOKS008830I: Shastri, Prithuram - Durga Dutt Shastri
BOOKS006784I: Shastri, K.G. - The Havyaka Dialect of North Kanara
BOOKS018986I: Shastri, Nemichandra - Haribhadra ke Prakrita katha-sahitya ka alocanatmaka parisilana
BOOKS025886I: Shastri, Haraprasad - Lokayta and Vratya
BOOKS019034I: Shattuc, Jane M. - The Talking Cure : TV Talk Shows and Women
BOOKS015312I: Shaughnessy, Edward L. - Before Confucius: Studies in the Creation of the Chinese Classics
BOOKS004725I: O'Shaughnessy, John - Explaining Buyer Behavior. Central Concepts & Philosophy of Science Issues
BOOKS027630I: O'Shaughnessy, Brian - The Will : A Dual Aspect Theory : Volume 2
BOOKS009406I: Shaumyan, Sebastian - A Semiotic Theory of Language
BOOKS027391I: Shaw, E. M. (Ella Margaret) ; & Böhme, H. E. - Pedi Skin Dressing Technique
BOOKS012756I: Shaw, Eric [1949- ] - The Labour Party Since 1945 : Old Labour: New Labour
BOOKS002298I: Shaw, George A. - Madagascar & France.With Some Account of the Island,Its People, Its Resources & Development
BOOKS010860I: Shaw, W. David - Victorians and Mystery: Crises of Representation
BOOKS019199I: Shaw, Harry E. - Narrating Reality : Austen, Scott, Eliot
BOOKS009713I: Shaw, Kathleen M.; Valadez, James R.; & Rhoads, Robert A.; editors: - Community Colleges as Cultural Texts: Qualitative Explorations of Organizational and Student Culture
BOOKS009574I: Shaw, Tony - Eden, Suez and the Mass Media: Propaganda and Persuasion During the Suez Crisis
BOOKS015695I: Shaw, Joseph W. ; & Shaw, Maria C. ; editors: - Kommos I: The Kommos Region and Houses of the Minoan Town. Part 2: The Minoan Hilltop and Hillside Houses
BOOKS018116I: Shaw, Gwendolyn DuBois - Seeing the Unspeakable : The Art of Kara Walker
BOOKS024701I: Shaw, William Arthur - The Knights of England : A Complete Record from the Earliest Time to the Present Day of the Knights of All the Orders ..,.
BOOKS027339I: Shaw, E.M. (Ella Margaret) ; & Van Warmelo, N. J. (Nicolaas Jacobus) - The Material Culture of The Cape Nguni : Part 3 : Subsistence
BOOKS027337I: Shaw, E.M. (Ella Margaret) ; & Van Warmelo, N. J. (Nicolaas Jacobus) - The Material Culture of The Cape Nguni : Part 1 : Settlement
BOOKS001839I: Shaw, Gareth - Processes & Patterns in the Geography of Retail Change, with Special Reference to Kingston upon Hull 1880-1950
BOOKS021094I: Shaw, William Arthur [1865-1943] - A Bibliography of the Historical Works of Dr. Creighton, Late Bishop of London; Dr. Stubbs, Late Bishop of Oxford..,.
BOOKS024025I: Shaw, George [1751-1813] - Pisces [General Zoology, or Systematic Natural History, Vol. V, Part I]
BOOKS028622I: Shaw, Stanford Jay [1930-2006] - Between Old and New : Ottoman Empire Under Sultan Selim III, 1789-1807
BOOKS019162I: Shawe-Taylor, John ; & Cristianini, Nello - Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis
BOOKS019983I: Shawqi, Yusuf [1925-1987] [ Ibn al-Munajjim, Yayá ibn Ali (855 or 6 - 912 AD)] - Risalat Ibn al-Munajjim fi al-musiqá wa kashf rumuz Kitab al-Aghani
BOOKS019995I: Shaykh, Ahmad al-Mutasim - Mamlakat al-Abwab al-Masihiyah wa-zaman al-Inj
BOOKS023328I: Shaykhi, Munirah 'Ali Masud ibn 'Ali - al-Awda' al-idariyah wa-al-ijtima'iyah wa-al-thaqafiyah fi madinat Murzuq, min 1842-1911 M
BOOKS030854I: Shcherban', Anatolii Leonidovyc - Dekor hlynianykh vyrobiv Livoberezhnoï Ukraïny : vid neolitu do seredn'ovichchia : Monohrafiia
BOOKS018517I: Shchutskii, Iulian Konstantinovich [1897-1938] - Researches on the I Ching
BOOKS030749I: Rincindorji ; Dongrubjamsu ; Shoupu Ding ; Nei Menggu ren min chu ban she - Monggol arad-un minggan daguu [Vol. 2] : Aju baiidal, jang jangsil-un daguu
BOOKS021937I: Wen wu chu ban she - Zhongguo gu qing tong qi xuan [ A Selection of Ancient Chinese Bronzes ]
BOOKS010933I: Shearer, David R. - Industry, State, and Society in Stalin's Russia, 1926-1934
BOOKS024652I: Sheehan, James J. - German Liberalism in the Nineteenth Century
BOOKS011941I: Sheehan, James J. - Museums in the German Art World: From the End of the Old Regime to the Rise of Modernism
BOOKS014518I: Sheffer, Gabriel - Diaspora Politics: At Home Abroad
BOOKS016718I: Sheikh, Fazal - The Victor Weeps: Afghanistan
BOOKS027679I: Sheikh, M. Saeed - Studies in Muslim Philosophy
BOOKS017649I: Sheinkin, David [ Hoffman, Edward ; editor: ] - Path of the Kabbalah
BOOKS029743I: Shejwalkar, Tryambak Shankar ; editor : - Nagpur Affairs (Selection of Marathi Letters from the Menavli Daftar) : Volume 1
BOOKS005239I: Shejwalkar, Tryambak Shankar [ Sejavalakara, Tryambaka Sankara (1895-1963) ] - Panipat : 1761
BOOKS021497I: Shelat, Bharati Kirtikumar - The Chronological Systems of Gujarat : From Early Times upto 1304 A.D.
BOOKS011785I: Sheldon, Kennon Marshall; Williams, Geoffrey; & Joiner, Thomas E. - Self-determination Theory in the Clinic: Motivating Physical and Mental Health
BOOKS016551I: Shell, Marc - Polio and Its Aftermath: The Paralysis of Culture
BOOKS001306I: Shelton, Walter J. - English Hunger and Industrial Disorders: A Study of Social Conflict During the First Decade of George III's Reign
BOOKS018064I: Shemek, Deanna - Ladies Errant : Wayward Women and Social Order in Early Modern Italy
BOOKS017851I: Shen, Ziyin ; & Chen, Zelin - The Basis of Traditional Chinese Medicine
BOOKS004858I: Shende, N.J. - Kavi and Kavya in the Atharvaveda
BOOKS012940I: Jiao Li Jun ; Yu zhen sheng - Zhu hong deng chuan qi
BOOKS030370I: Shengelia, Mikheil - Udzvelesi kolkhur-iberiuli medits'ina
BOOKS006865I: Shenoy, P.N. Sivananda - Kirkir
BOOKS026532I: Sheombar, Haydee Shashikala - Understanding Logistics Coordination: A Foundation for Using EDI in Operational (Re)design of Dyadical Value Adding Partnerships
BOOKS010059I: Shepard, Leslie - John Pitts: Ballad Printer of Seven Dials, London 1765-1844...a Short Account of his Predecessors in the Ballad & Chapbook Trade
BOOKS024756I: Shepard, Gerald Faulkner [1867-1937] ; Jacobus, Donald Lines [1887-1970] ; editor: - The Shepard Families of New England : Volume III: Additional Family Groups
BOOKS008575I: Shepherdson, Charles - Vital Signs: Nature, Culture, Psychoanalysis
BOOKS001094I: Sher Singh, "Sher - The Sansis of Punjab. A Gypsy and De-notified Tribe of Rajput Origin
BOOKS022010I: Sher, Gila ; & Tieszen, Richard L. ; editors: - Between Logic and Intuition : Essays in Honor of Charles Parsons
BOOKS003952I: Sherda 'Anpadh' - Janthik Ghungur
BOOKS007044I: Sheridan, James E. - Chinese Warlord: The Career of Feng Yu-hsiang
BOOKS024376I: Sheridan, James J., editor: [ Alanus, de Insulis (d. 1202) ] - Anticlaudianus ; or The Good and Perfect Man [by] Alan of Lille. Translation and Commentary by James J. Sheridan.
BOOKS024378I: Sheridan, James J., editor: [ Alanus, de Insulis (d. 1202) ] - The Plaint of Nature / Alan of Lille ; Translation and Commentary by James J. Sheridan.
BOOKS010636I: Sherman, Carol - Reading Voltaire's Contes: A Semiotics of Philosophical Narration
BOOKS009606I: Sherman, D. George - Rice, Rupees, and Ritual: Economy and Society Among the Samosir Batak of Sumatra
BOOKS007321I: Sherman, Edmund A. - Meaning in Mid-Life Transitions
BOOKS015846I: Sherman, A. J. (Ari Joshua) - Island Refuge : Britain and Refugees from the Third Reich, 1933- 1939
BOOKS012567I: Sherman, Claire Richter - The Portraits of Charles V of France (1338-1380)
BOOKS014814I: Sherrington, Charles Scott, Sir, [1857 - 1952] - The Endeavour of Jean Fernel : With a List of the Editions of his Writings
BOOKS021601I: Sherrington, Charles Scott, Sir [1857-1952] - The Integrative Action of the Nervous System : With a New Foreword by the Author & a Bibliography of his Writings.
BOOKS016594I: Sherry, Vincent B. - The Great War and the Language of Modernism
BOOKS002046I: Sherry, Patrick - Spirit, Saints, and Immortality
BOOKS029381I: Sherwani, Haroon Khan - Studies in Muslim Political Thought and Administration
BOOKS019496I: Sherwood, Marika - Many Struggles : West Indian Workers and Service Personnel in Britain, (1939-45)
BOOKS011405I: Sheshadri, H.V.; compiler & editor: - R.S.S. : A Vision in Action
BOOKS006052I: Sheth, Shirish S. & Sutton, C.J.G.; editors: - Menorrhagia
BOOKS021479I: Sheth, V. S. - South Arabia : 1959-1967
BOOKS001157I: Shetty, B.V. and Pandey, R.P. - Flora of Tonk District, Rajasthan
BOOKS024930I: Shevelov, George Y. ; & Holling, Fred ; editors: - A Reader in the History of the Eastern Slavic Languages : Russian, Belorussian, Ukrainian
BOOKS021562I: Shevrin, Lev N. ; & Ovsyannikov, Alexander J. - Semigroups and Their Subsemigroup Lattices
BOOKS007292I: Shey, Thomas H. - Danish Communes: An Analysis of Collective Families in Contemporary Danish and American Society
BOOKS015121I: Shi, Changyou - Jia chao jie mi
BOOKS003203I: Qun Shi - Riben xing ming ci dian : Han zi xu
BOOKS021749I: Zhongguo she hui ke xue yuan. Xian dai ge ming shi yan jiu shi - Hui yi He Long
BOOKS022653I: Shi, Shenghan - A Preliminary Survey of the Book Chi Min Yao Shu : An Agricultural Encyclopaedia of the 6th Century
BOOKS029942I: A'shi, Mustafá ; translator & editor : - Ahadith Hirudut (489/487-425 qabla al-milad) 'an al-Libiyin (al-Amazigh) / Isawl Hirudut ghf Imazighn (489/487-425 datas ..,.
BOOKS012203I: Shibatani, Masayoshi - The Languages of Japan
BOOKS004573I: Shida, Toshi - On the Elasticity of the Earth & the Earth's Crust
BOOKS026722I: Shiel, D. J. (Desmond Joseph) - Ben Hall, Bushranger
BOOKS004082I: Shields, Nancy E. & Uhle, Mary E. - Where Credit is Due. A Guide to Proper Citing of Sources - Print & Nonprint
BOOKS008872I: Shiers, George & Shiers, May; compilers: - Early Television: A Bibliographic Guide to 1940
BOOKS015725I: Shiha, Mostafa [ Shihah, Mustafa 'Abd Allah ] - Islamic Architecture in Egypt
BOOKS019265I: Shiller, Robert J. - Irrational Exuberance : Second Edition
BOOKS008548I: Shimada, Kenji [ Kenji, Shimada ] - Pioneer of the Chinese Revolution : Zhang Binglin and Confucianism
BOOKS000299I: Shiman, Lillian Lewis - Crusade Against Drink in Victorian England
BOOKS016619I: Shimizu, Hidetada ; & LeVine, Robert Alan ; editors: - Japanese Frames of Mind: Cultural Perspectives on Human Development
BOOKS004448I: Shimkin, Demitri B. ; Shimkin, Edith M. & Frate, Dennis A., editors: - The Extended Family in Black Societies
BOOKS013086I: Shimura, Goro - Automorphic Functions and Number Theory
BOOKS004794I: Shine, Hill - Carlyle's Fusion of Poetry, History, and Religion by 1834
BOOKS005991I: Shiner, L.E. - The Secret Mirror: Literary Form and History in Tocqueville's Recollections
BOOKS020838I: Shinjiti, Ahmad ibn Muham ibn al-'Abbas al-'Alawi [ Idrisi, Muhammad al-Radi Kannun al-Hasani ; editor: ] - Rawd shama'il ahl al-haqiqah fi al-tarif bi-akabir ahl al-tariqah
BOOKS006509I: Shinkman, Paul G., editor: - Advances in Neural & Behavioral Development, Volume 3
BOOKS007627I: Shionoya, Yuichi & Perlman, Mark; editors: - Schumpeter in the History of Ideas
BOOKS018031I: Shirane, Haruo - Traces of Dreams : Landscape, Cultural Memory and the Poetry of Basho
BOOKS031279I: Shirazi, Nasir Makarim - Fifty Lectures on the Principles of Faith for Youth / by the Grand Ayatollah Nasir Makarim Shirazi
BOOKS026782I: Shirley, Evelyn Philip [1812-1882] - Some Account of English Deer Parks : With Notes on the Management of Deer
BOOKS004154I: Shirley, James - Towards an Universal & Rational Grammar , 1726
BOOKS000234I: Shirokogoroff, S. M. - Ethnological and Linguistic Aspects of the Ural-Altaic Hypothesis
BOOKS031441I: Shirvanzade [pseudonym of Alexander Movsesyan (1858-1935)] [ Zak'aryan, Anushavan ; editor : ] - Shirvanzadei hraparakakhosakan zhar'angut'yunits', 1914-1919 tt''
BOOKS021856I: Shivaji, Hajimahamad Allrakha ; editor: - Visami Sadi [Vol. 6, No.s 1.6 (1918-1919)]
BOOKS000600I: Shivanath - History of Dogri Literature
BOOKS004771I: Shivdasani, Suraj - Ikhlaki Nukta (Sahitik Essays)
BOOKS012773I: Shives, T. Robert; editor: - Advanced Technology in Failure Prevention: Proceedings of the 43rd Meeting of the Mechanical Failures Prevention Group
BOOKS002196I: Shivji, Issa G. - Pan-Africanism or Pragmatism : Lessons of the Tanganyika-Zanzibar Union
BOOKS018469I: Shkarvan, A. [ Skarvan, Albert (1869-1926) ] - Moi otkaz ot voennoi sluzhby : zapiski voennago vracha
BOOKS000428I: Shkilnyk, Anastasia M. - A Poison Stronger Than Love: The Destruction of an Objibwa Community
BOOKS012227I: Shkurti, Spiro - Tradita bujqesore te shqiptareve
BOOKS002481I: Shmiefsky, Marvel - Sense at War with Soul. English Poetics (1865 - 1900)
BOOKS028612I: Shmuelevitz, Aryeh ; Gichon, Mordechai ; Markham, J. David ; & Mendelson, David ; editors : - Napoleon and the French in Egypt and the Holy Land, 1789-1801 : Articles Presented at the 2nd International Congress .,.,.
BOOKS026830I: Shneidman, J. Lee (Jerome Lee) - The Rise of the Aragonese-Catalan Empire, 1200-1350 [Volume 1]
BOOKS027815I: Shneidman, J. Lee (Jerome Lee) - The Rise of the Aragonese-Catalan Empire, 1200-1350 [Volume 2]
BOOKS017390I: Shneur Zalman, of Lyady [1745-1813] - Likutei Amarim [Tania]
BOOKS001144I: Shochat, Yanir - Recruitment and the Programme of Tiberius Gracchus
BOOKS002239I: Shoemaker, James H. - Labor in the Territory of Hawaii 1939
BOOKS002953I: Shoemaker, Robin - The Peasants of El Dorado. Conflict & Contradiction in a Peruvian Frontier Settlement
BOOKS018288I: Shook, Edwin M ; Coe, William R.; Broman, Vivial L. ; & Satterthwaite, Linton - Tikal Reports Numbers 1-4
BOOKS015906I: Shope, Robert K. - The Analysis of Knowing: A Decade of Research
BOOKS016583I: Shopen, Timothy ; editor: - Language Typology and Syntactic Description : Volume I: Clause Structure
BOOKS019576I: Shopova, A.P. - Deset-dnevno tsaruvanie : Izbulgarskoto v'stanie v' 1876 g. Dnevnitsi na edin' buntovnik'
BOOKS005746I: Short, Kenneth R. M. ; & Fledelius, Karsten ; editors: [ International Conference on History and the Audio-visual Media ] - History & Film : Methodology, Research, Education : The Proceedings of the VIII. International Conference ..,.
BOOKS021959I: Short, K. R. M. (Kenneth R. M.) ; editor: - Feature Films as History
BOOKS000628I: Short, K. R. M. (Kenneth R. M.) ; editor: - Film & Radio Propaganda in World War II
BOOKS023927I: Shorter, Aylward - Chiefship in Western Tanzania : A Political History of the Kimbu
BOOKS011239I: Shortt, Adam - Documents Relating to Canadian Currency, Exchange and Finance During the French Period. Volume I & II
BOOKS016544I: Shostak, Marjorie - Nisa: The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman
BOOKS004763I: Shourie, Arun; Narain, Harsh; Dubashi, Jay; Swarup, Ram ; & Goel, Sita Ram - Hindu Temples : What Happened to Them : Volume I: A Preliminary Survey
BOOKS007572I: Shover, Neal; Clelland, Donald A.; & Lynxwiler, John - Enforcement or Negotiation: Constructing a Regulatory Bureaucracy
BOOKS000601I: Shreshtha, Kusum - Monarchy in Nepal : Tribhuvan Era : Imprisonment to Glory
BOOKS008785I: Shrestha, Buddhi Narayan - Nepalkee ismana / Boundary of Nepal
BOOKS012002I: Shrestha, Tej Prakash [Sreshtha, Tejaprakasa, (b.1946)] - Achame Lok Sahitya
BOOKS009115I: Shrikhande, Mohan S. ; & Sane, Sharad S. - Quasi-symmetric Designs
BOOKS022915I: Shrivastav, P.N. - Narsimhapur [ Madhya Pradesh District Gazetteers, (nr. 6)].
BOOKS020254I: Shrivastav, P.N. - Datia [ Madhya Pradesh District Gazetteers, 13 ]
BOOKS020255I: Shrivastav, P.N. - Betul [ Madhya Pradesh District Gazetteers, 7 ]
BOOKS020306I: Shrivastav, P.N. - Jabalpur [ Madhya Pradesh District Gazetteers, 3 ]
BOOKS020072I: Shrivastava, Mahesh Chandra - Sirpur
BOOKS026903I: Shriyan, Ratna Nagesh - A Critical Study of Mahapurana of Puspadanta : A Critical Study of the Desya and Rare Words from Puspadanta’s Mahapurana .,.,.
BOOKS016743I: Shrock, Robert Rakes - Geology at MIT 1865 to 1965: History of the First Hundred Years of Geology at Massachusetts Institute of Technology : Volume II
BOOKS015412I: Shryock, Andrew - Nationalism and the Genealogical Imagination: Oral History and Textual Authority in Tribal Jordan
BOOKS012314I: Shterionov, Shteliian D. & Dzhonevm Angel C. - Dokumenti za polozhenieto na Bulgarite v Makedoniia: nachal oto na XX v.: Bulgarski dokumenti ot Arkhiva kum Muzeia ...
BOOKS022436I: Shternberg, Lev Iakovlevich [1861-1927] - The Social Organization of the Gilyak
BOOKS018927I: Shu, Yi [ 1935- ] - Lao She zhi si / Shu Yi zhu bian
BOOKS023319I: Shuaybi, Muhammad - Mudawwanat mufradat wa-rumuz lughat al-khitab al-Sana'ani wa-afaquha al-ijtima'iyah wa-al-tarikhiyah
BOOKS012009I: Shubik, Martin - The Theory of Money and Financial Institutions, Volume 2
BOOKS008452I: Shue, Vivienne - The Reach of the State: Sketches of the Chinese Body Politic
BOOKS020569I: Shuja' Razavi, Saidah - Vazhahnamah-i tawsifi-i mimari va hawzahha-yi vabastah dar guyish-i Miybud: vazhigan-i ilm
BOOKS025642I: Shukla, Narayan S. ; editor: - The Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Dharmapada
BOOKS004859I: Shukla, B.R.K. - Drinks & Drugs in a North Indian Village - An Anthropological Study
BOOKS006834I: Shukla, Dinesh Chandra - Early History of Rajasthan
BOOKS008905I: Shukla, G.D. - In Defense of National Culture: A Study of the South Indian Kingdoms of the Vakatakas, Pallavas and the Vijaynagarans
BOOKS005756I: Shukla, Prabhat Kumar - Indigo and the Raj : Peasant Protests in Bihar 1780 - 1917
BOOKS003866I: Shukla, H.L. - The Literary Semantics of Kalidasa : A Pragmatic Approach
BOOKS011451I: Shukla, I.K. - Hindutva: Am Autopsy of Fascism as a Theoterrorist Cult and Other Essays
BOOKS002218I: Shulman, Helene - Living at the Edge of Chaos : Complex Systems in Culture and Psyche
BOOKS000554I: Shupza, Gazmend - Kryengritja fshatare e Shqipërisë së Mesme 1914-1915
BOOKS011826I: Shutkin, William A. - The Land That Could be: Environmentalism and Democracy in the Twenty-First Century
BOOKS024386I: Shuwayir, Muhammad ibn 'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd al-Rahman - al-Sira al-siyasi wa-al-fikri fi al-Yaman khilala al-'asr al-Ayyubi, 593-614 H / 1196-1217 M
BOOKS010384I: Shy, Oz - The Economics of Network Industries
BOOKS023424I: Shyam Sunder, Bathula [1908-1975] - They Burn : The 1,600,00,000 Untouchables of India
BOOKS025382I: Shyam Sunder, B. [1908-1975] - The Menace of the Dragon
BOOKS018843I: Siangdao - Khamphaya : kieo baosao læ thuapai / hiphom doi : Tho. Siangdao
BOOKS027781I: Sibbern, Gabriel [1824-1903] - Den stoiske og epikuræiske moral : en philosophisk-historisk sammenligning : et akademisk prøveskrift
BOOKS025509I: Siber, Heinrich [1870-1951] - Analogie, Amtsrecht und Rückwirkung im Strafrechte des römischen Freistaates
BOOKS029024I: Sibiyuwi, Madihah - Karithat al-ziyut al-masmumah bi-al-Maghrib, 1959-1960
BOOKS026572I: Sibley, F.N. (Frank Noel) ; editor: [ Colloquium on Perception (1970 : University of Lancaster) ] - Perception: A Philosophical Symposium
BOOKS002264I: Sibley, David - The Small Shop in the City
BOOKS017341I: Sichel, Kim - Germaine Krull : Photographer of Modernity
BOOKS030552I: Sickel, Theodor, Ritter von [ Kopetzky, Franz ] [ Richard Trampler - Das Reformations-Libell des Kaisers Ferdinand I: vom Jahre 1562 bis zur Absendung nach Trient [together with 2 other monographs]
BOOKS014206I: Sidarouss, Sésostris - Des patriarcats: Les patriarcats dans l'Empire ottoman et spécialement en Égypte.
BOOKS008250I: Siddhantashastree, Rabindra Kumar - Saivism Through the Ages
BOOKS023601I: Siddiqi, Mu'inuddin - Bhopal tasvir ke a'inah men
BOOKS014266I: Siddiqi, Muhammad Zubair - Hadith Literature, Its Origin, Development, Special Features and Criticism
BOOKS010946I: Siddiqi, Aulad Ahmad - Origin and Development of Land Tenures in U.P., 1800-1930
BOOKS018595I: Siddiqi, S. A. (Selim A.) - Public Finance in Islam
BOOKS004415I: Siddiqi, Atiq Ahmad ; editor: - Sir Syed’s Correspondence : Selected Documents from the Sir Syed Academy Archives. Volume 2, Part 1.
BOOKS000618I: Siddiqi, Muhammad Zubayr - Studies in Arabic and Persian Medical Literature
BOOKS031548I: Siddiqi, Asrar H. - Practice and Law of Banking in Pakistan
BOOKS011050I: Siddiqui, Ashraf; editor: - Bangladesh District Gazetteers: Rajshahi
BOOKS011058I: Siddiqui, Ashraf; editor: - Bangladesh District Gazetteers: Kushtia
BOOKS012539I: Siddiqui, Nafis Ahmad - Population Geography of Muslims of India
BOOKS005241I: Siddiqui, Mahmud Husain - The Memoirs of Sufis Written in India (Reference to Kashaf-ul-Mahjub, Siyar-ul-Auliya & Siyar-ul-Arifin)
BOOKS000604I: Siddiqui, M.K.A. - Muslims of Calcutta. A Study in Aspects of their Social Organisation
BOOKS000603I: Siddiqui, M. K. A., editor: - Aspects of Society and Culture in Calcutta
BOOKS021646I: Siddiqui, M. K. A. - Voluntary Associations of the Muslims in Kolkata
BOOKS015533I: Sidel, John Thayer - Capital, Coercion and Crime: Bossism in the Philippines
BOOKS010939I: Sider, Gerald & Smith, Gavin; editors: - Between History and Histories: The Making of Silences and Commemorations
BOOKS031158I: Sideras, Alexander - Die byzantinischen Grabreden : Prosopographie, Datierung, Überlieferung : 142 Epitaphien und Monodien aus dem byzantinischen..,.
BOOKS006850I: Sidersky, D. - Quelques Portraits de nos Maitres des Etudes Semitiques: Ernest Renan - Marquis de Vogue - Clermont - Ganneau...Berger...Halevy
BOOKS028057I: Sidler-Huguenin, Ernst [1869-1922] - Über die hereditär-syphilitischen Augenhintergrundsveränderungen, nebst einigen allgemeinen Bemerkungen über Augenerkrankungen
BOOKS027576I: Siebenmann, Fritz - Ueber Verkalkung der Herzmuskulatur
BOOKS013456I: Siebenschein, Hugo [1889 - 19??] - Abhandlungen zur Wirtschaftgermanistik
BOOKS008496I: Siebers, Tobin - Cold War Criticism and the Politics of Scepticism
BOOKS020464I: Siebold, Paul ; editor : - 1000 Worte Hitler / Verantwortlicher Herausgeber : Paul Siebold
BOOKS001739I: Sieburg, Armin [ Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg ] - Landgraflich Hessische Regierung Kassel : Ortsreposituren (1518-1821) : Band 1 - 2 - 3- 4- 5 [A-R]
BOOKS020479I: Siegbahn, Hans ; & Karlsson, Leif - Photoelectron Spectroscopy
BOOKS013792I: Siegel, James T. - A New Criminal Type in Jakarta: Counter-Revolution Today
BOOKS008237I: Siegel, Lee - Laughing Matters: Comic Tradition in India
BOOKS005087I: Siegel, James - Shadow and Sound. The Historical Thought of a Sumatran People
BOOKS000196I: Siegel, James T. - Fetish, Recognition, Revolution
BOOKS025471I: Siegele, Ulrich - Kompositionsweise und Bearbeitungstechnik in der Instrumentalmusik Johann Sebastian Bachs
BOOKS026462I: Siegfried, Erich - Die Naphthalagerstätten de Umgebung von Solotwina : Ein Beitrag zur Tektonik des Karpathenrandes in Ostgalizien
BOOKS003089I: Siegrist, J. & Halhuber, M.J., editors: - Myocardial Infarction & Psychosocial Risks
BOOKS018674I: Siegrist, Henry Galt - Selected Bibliography of 20th Century Geoscience and Related Scientific Literature of Micronesia: Part 1: Mariana Island Arc
BOOKS024583I: Siegumfeldt, Chr. - Østerlandsmissionen : Historisk skildret [Bd. I & II]
BOOKS003966I: Sielle, E.F. - Mikkel. Fjorten Historier om en Abekat
BOOKS001766I: Siemers,Gunter, editor: - Papua-Neuguinea. Neuer Staat im Aufbruch- Ein Uberblick
BOOKS013022I: Siemiatkowski, Feliks - Kometa Halleya w 1910 roku
BOOKS002110I: Siemieniec-Golas, Ewa - The Formation of Substantives in XVIIth Century Ottoman-Turkish
BOOKS013069I: Siemsen, Anna (1882-1951) [ Schwimmer, Max ; illustrator: ] - Kämpfende Menschheit : ein Geschenkbuch zur Jugendweihe
BOOKS001114I: Sierra Alfranca, Isidro - La economia agraria de Daroca
BOOKS003531I: Sierra Ochoa, Alfonso de - El Plano de la Ciudad de Tetuan
BOOKS015354I: Siesby, Gottlieb - Mendel Levin Nathanson : En biographisk Skizze
BOOKS025911I: Siesbye, Gottlieb [1803-1884] - Poetisk-politisk Nytaarsgave af ? / Udgiven af Claudius Rosenhoff
BOOKS022633I: Sievers, Kai Detlev ; editor: - Beiträge zur Frage der ethnischen Identifikation des Bundes Deutscher Nordschleswiger
BOOKS024760I: Sievert, April Kay - Maya Ceremonial Specialization : Lithic Tools from the Sacred Cenote at Chichén Itzá, Yucatán
BOOKS009789I: Sieverts, William; editor: - Hekseri og Overtro Gennem Tiderne
BOOKS011797I: Sigel, Lisa Z. - Governing Pleasures: Pornography and Social Change in England, 1815 - 1914
BOOKS017739I: Sigerist, Henry Ernest [1891-1957] - Civilization and Disease
BOOKS019924I: Sigerist, Henry Ernest [1891-1957] - Landmarks in the History of Hygiene
BOOKS016149I: Sigg, Marianne - Das Rassestrafrecht in Deutschland in den Jahren 1933-1945 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Blutschutzgesetzes
BOOKS000236I: Signer, Leutfrid - Die Predigtanlage bei P. Michael Angelus von Schorno, O.M.Cap. (1631-1712). Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Barockschrifttums.
BOOKS021593I: Sigsgaard, Erik - Scolding : Why It Hurts More Than It Helps
BOOKS019649I: Sigurðardóttir, Þórunn [ Þórunn Sigurðardóttir ] ; compiler: - Manuscript Material, Correspondence, and Graphic Material in the Fiske Icelandic Collection : A Descriptive Catalogue
BOOKS029854I: Ja Siha - Tamnoer bhias khluan chlang taen bi rapap Kambuja Prajadhipateyy : ryang bit rapás naknibandh
BOOKS015381I: Sihombing, Gr. Surung ; & Tambun, R. - Marsiajar hata Batak dohot surat Batak
BOOKS018690I: Sihtola, Hannes - Eine Untersuchung über die Hydrolyse der Cellulose in konzentrierten ZnCl2-Lösungen
BOOKS019801I: Sihvonen, Väinö I. - Die elektrolytische Oxydation der Weinsäure
BOOKS024139I: Siiger, Halfdan - The Lepchas : Culture and Religion of a Himalayan People : Part I : Results of Anthropological Field Work in Sikkim, Kalimpong,
BOOKS024140I: Siiger, Halfdan ; & Rischel, Jørgen - The Lepchas : Culture and Religion of a Himalayan People : Part II : Lepcha Ritual Texts and Commentary
BOOKS024456I: Siirala, Martti - Medicine in Metamorphosis : Speech, Presence and Integration
BOOKS019623I: Sikdar, Jogendra Chandra - Jaina Biology
BOOKS000926I: Sikdar, Jogendra Chandra - Studies in the Bhagawatisutra
BOOKS026704I: Saiyasin Sikhotchunnamali - Luam pheng pativat Lao : huankhun munsua / doi Saiyasin Sikhotchunnamali
BOOKS013850I: Sikka, Sonya - Forms of Transcendence: Heidegger and Medieval Mystical Theology
BOOKS028461I: Sikora, Franz - Beobachtungen über Stimmbandlähmung
BOOKS029420I: Silagaze, Apolon - T'anamedrove arabuli literaturat'mc'odneoba da kritika : k'restomat'ia
BOOKS024684I: Silberhorn, Heinz - Die Reihentechnik in Stockhausens Studie II
BOOKS006316I: Silcock, Thomas - A Village Ordination
BOOKS006238I: Silcock, T.H. - The Economic Development of Thai Agriculture
BOOKS014352I: Silfvast, William Thomas - Laser Fundamentals
BOOKS019749I: Suiuz na demokratichnite sili (Bulgaria) - Demokratsiia : vsekidnevnik na Suiuza na demokratichnite sili v Bulgariia [ 19 issues, 2 May - 24 November 1990]
BOOKS016095I: Silianov, Khristo [1880-1939] - Osvoboditelnite borbi na Makedoniia. Tom purvi. [Volume 1]: Ilindenskoto vuzstanie. Izdanie na Ilindenskata organizatziia.
BOOKS006533I: Sillery, Anthony - Founding a Protectorate : History of Bechuanaland, 1885-1895
BOOKS010943I: Sillitoe, Paul - Made in Niugini : Technology in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea
BOOKS014430I: Silone, Ignazio [ Humm, Rudolf Jakob (1895-1977) ] - Una manciata di more
BOOKS027727I: Silva Marta, Ilidio da - Pinhel : Invocacão nova de um culto antigo
BOOKS002828I: Silva, Manoel Correa da - O Sisal. Sua importancia, cultura e tecnologia
BOOKS015818I: Silva Barradas, Maximiano Augusto da - Apontamentos sobre as principaes duvidas..,.[bound together with 12 other Portuguese books & pamphlets ca. 1877 - 1914]
BOOKS009141I: Simoes da Silva - Palavras rebeldes
BOOKS011977I: Silva, Neluka; editor: - The Hybrid Island : Culture Crossings and the Invention of Identity in Sri Lanka
BOOKS000776I: Silva Rodrigues, Milton da - Contribuicao para o estudo de algumas caracteristicas sociais e biometricas de adolescentes da Cidade de Sao Paulo.
BOOKS002595I: Silva, Artur Augusto da - Usos e Costumes Juridicos dos Fulas da Guine Portuguesa
BOOKS020228I: Silva Pinto, Miguel Ventura da - Sobre a theoria do refractor e a nova machina hydropneumatica
BOOKS020447I: Silva Tavares, Joaquim da [1866-1931] - Importancia financeira do cafe no Estado de S. Paulo
BOOKS009538I: Silverberg, Mirian - Changing Song: The Marxist Manifestos of Nakano Shigeharu
BOOKS014091I: Silverman, Hugh J. ; & Ihde, Don ; editors: - Hermeneutics & Deconstruction
BOOKS016321I: Silverman, David - Reading Castaneda: A Prologue to the Social Sciences
BOOKS022493I: Silverman, Marilyn ; & Gulliver, P. H. ; editors: - Approaching the Past : Historical Anthropology Through Irish Case Studies
BOOKS020540I: Silverman, Maxim - Deconstructing the Nation : Immigration, Racism and Citizenship in Modern France
BOOKS017867I: Silverstein, Arthur M. - A History of Immunology
BOOKS011632I: Silverstolpe, Axel Gabriel [1762-1816] - Skaldestycken
BOOKS003442I: Silverstone, Trevor, editor: - Clinical Studies of Fluoxetine in Depression
BOOKS027872I: Sim, Katharine - David Roberts, R. A., 1796-1864 : A Biography
BOOKS016600I: Simanjuntak, M. ; Mailiswin, H. ; Saharan - Budaya pengobatan masyarakat Talang Mamak di Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu : kegiatan perumusan, kebijakan, sejarah dan purbakala
BOOKS029804I: Simek, Rudolf ; Jónas Kristjánsson ; & Bekker-Nielsen, Hans ; editors : - Sagnaskemmtun : Studies in Honour of Hermann Pálsson on his 65th Birthday, 26th May 1986
BOOKS012204I: Simeonova, Ruska - Die Segmentsysteme des Deutschen und des Bulgarischen: eine kontrastive phonetisch-phonologische Studie
BOOKS030793I: Simha, Devi - Hindu samajika vyavastha : Dô. Ambedakara ki drshti mem
BOOKS025623I: Simha, Sahadeva - Samajika nyaya ka sangharsha
BOOKS008972I: Simhadri, Yas. & Jayasankar, Ke.; editors: - Talladillutunna Telangana
BOOKS011174I: Simion, Eugen - The Return of the Author
BOOKS015211I: Simkovsky, Hans - Der Fremdenverkehr : Eine Betrachtung über seine volkswirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Bedeutung und seine Förderung..,.
BOOKS017360I: Simmel, Paul - Meine lieben Zeitgenossen : Bilder und Witze
BOOKS019696I: Simmel, Georg [1858-1918] [ Oakes, Guy ; translator: ] - Georg Simmel : On Women, Sexuality, and Love / Translated and with an Introduction by Guy Oakes
BOOKS008643I: Simmons, Clare A. - Eyes Across the Channel: French Revolutions, Party History and British Writing, 1830-1882
BOOKS011958I: Simmons, Leigh W. - Sperm Competition and Its Evolutionary Consequences in the Insects
BOOKS019624I: Simmons, Beth A.; & Steinberg, Richard H. ; editors: - International Law and International Relations
BOOKS020130I: Simmons, Alan John - Justification and Legitimacy : Essays on Rights and Obligations
BOOKS028580I: Simmons, Marc - Spanish Government in New Mexico
BOOKS030357I: Simon, László - Zsidókérdés a magyar reformkorban. 1790-1848. Különös tekinteltel a nemzetiségre
BOOKS008202I: Simon, Rachel - Change Within Tradition Among Jewish Women in Libya
BOOKS018993I: Simon, Hans-Ulrich ; editor : [ Waiblinger, Wilhelm Friedrich (1804-1830) ] - Wilhelm Waiblinger, 1804-1830 : zum 175. Geburtstag und zur 150. Wiederkehr seines Todestages
BOOKS002123I: Simon, I.M. - Khasi and Jaintia Tales & Beliefs
BOOKS003314I: Simon, Otto Jan - Geological Investigations in the Sierra de Almagro, South-Eastern Spain
BOOKS019813I: Simon, Julius - Die Juden und die Gebildeten unserer Tage
BOOKS022380I: Simon, O.K. [pseudonym of Otto Katz (1893- 1952)] - Hitler en Espagne : avec 16 documents hors-texte
BOOKS020724I: Simon, Hermann ; editor: - Tuet auf die Pforten : Die Neue Synagoge 1866-1995
BOOKS017385I: Simonffy, Aladar v. - Ibrahim Müteferrika : Bahnbrecher des Buchdrucks i der Türkei
BOOKS010991I: Simons, Anna - Networks of Dissolution: Somalia Undone
BOOKS010907I: Simons, Geoff - Iraq - Primus Inter Pariahs: A Crisis Chronology, 1997-98
BOOKS018502I: Simons, Geoff L. (Geoffrey Leslie) - Targeting Iraq : Sanctions and Bombing in US Policy
BOOKS005951I: Simons, Geoff - The Scourging of Iraq. Sanctions, Law and Natural Justice.
BOOKS030696I: Simonsen, Povl - Bønder og vikinger i nord-norsk jernalder
BOOKS007998I: Simonsen, John - Daily Life at the Turn of the Neolithic: A Comparative Study of Longhouses with Sunken Floors at Resengaard and Nine Other ..,.
BOOKS006246I: Simonsen, Ernst - Malignant Tumours of the Vulva: A Study of the Effects of Radiotherapy, Surgery and Chemotherapy in Combination or Used Alone
BOOKS031887I: Simonsen, Jørgen Baek - Studies in the Genesis and Early Development of the Caliphal Taxation System : with Special References to Circumstances ..,.
BOOKS003663I: Simonsen, Ove - Global Aspect of the Astronomical Correction for Levelling of High Precision when considering the Definition of Levelling Datum
BOOKS000289I: Simonsen, Karen-Margrethe - Epik og Metafysik I Den Moderne Spanske Roman : Litteraturhistoriske Refleksioner
BOOKS030676I: Simonsen, Svend Aage - Apotekerne i Danmark og deres indehavere siden oprettelsen samt nogle bemærkninger om apotekerbevillingssystemet
BOOKS030678I: Simonsen, Svend Aage - Farmaceutiske legater : en oversigt
BOOKS025248I: Simonsen, Povl - Steinalderbosetningen i sandbukt på Sørøya, Vest-Finnmark : rapport og tolkning
BOOKS026586I: Simonsen, Povl - a collection of 4 offprints and pamphlets concerning Scandinavian archaeology, ca. 1955-1974
BOOKS010416I: Simonton, Deborah - A History of European Women's Work: 1700 to the Present
BOOKS031448I: Simonyan, Ashot - Vayots' Dzori 1930 ev 1931 t'veri apstambut'yunnere : komunizmi zoheri hishatakin : Vkayut'yunner, hushazrut'yunner ev ayl nyut'
BOOKS011535I: Simplicius, of Cilicia [Fleet, Barry; translator:] - On Aristotle’s Physics 2
BOOKS011056I: Priscian; & Simplicius [of Cilicia] - Priscian: On Theophrastus 'On Sense Perception' with Simplicius On Aristotle's 'On the Soul 2.5-.12'
BOOKS011055I: Simplicius [of Cilicia] - On Aristotle's 'Physics 5'
BOOKS026527I: Simpson, Edward Sydney [1875-1939] - Analyses of Western Australian Rocks, Meteorites, and Natural Waters
BOOKS013552I: Simpson, Alan - The Wealth of the Gentry, 1540-1660: East Anglian Studies
BOOKS016294I: Simpson, Peter - Hegel's Transcendental Induction
BOOKS000322I: Simpson, Sutherland [1863- 1926] - An Investigation into the Effects of Seasonal Changes on Body Temperature
BOOKS003430I: Simpson, Robert H. - Studies in the Geography of Population Change, Canandaigua Lake Region, New York
BOOKS017562I: Simpson, Lewis P. - The Brazen Face of History : Studies in the Literary Consciousness in America
BOOKS013971I: Simsir, Bilâl N. - The Turkish Minority Press in Bulgaria : Its History and Tragedy, 1865-1985
BOOKS001545I: Simsir, Bilal N. - Contribution a l'histoire des populations turques en Bulgarie (1876-1880)
BOOKS022120I: Simson, Daniel ; & Skowronski, Andrzej - Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras [Volume 3]: Representation-infinite Tilted Algebras
BOOKS022340I: Simson, Daniel ; & Skowronski, Andrzej - Elements of the Representation Theory of Associative Algebras : Volume 3 : Representation-infinite Tilted Algebras
BOOKS004678I: Sinanoglu, Suat - L'Humanisme a Venir
BOOKS012877I: Sinclair, Stuart W. - Urbanization and Labor Markets in Developing Countries
BOOKS006523I: Sinclair, J.P. - Behind the Ranges. Patrolling in New Guinea
BOOKS017108I: Sinclair, Wayne A. ; & Lyon, Howard H. - Diseases of Trees and Shrubs
BOOKS026447I: Sinclair, Angus [Sinclair, William Angus (1905-1954)] - The Conditions of Knowing : An Essay Towards a Theory of Knowledge
BOOKS011905I: Sinclaire, Carollyne - Looking for Home: A Phenomenological Study of Home in the Classroom
BOOKS029079I: Sincona, Swiss International Coin Auction, AG - Top of Switzerland : Auction 14 - 17 October 2013 : Zürich
BOOKS028967I: Sincona, Swiss International Coin Auction AG - Spezialsammlung Schweiz : Sammlung Emil Zuberbühler : Auktion 16 : 18. Oktober 2013 : Zürich
BOOKS008878I: Sindhu, Suresh - Shaheed Hamu Kalani
BOOKS029623I: Sinding-Larsen, Staale - Christ in the Council Hall : Studies in the Religious Iconography of the Venetian Republic
BOOKS005992I: Sing, Charles F. & Hanis, Craig L., editors: - Genetics of Cellular, Individual, Family, and Population Variability
BOOKS014797I: Singaravelu, S. - Social Life of the Tamils: The Classical Period
BOOKS007296I: Singer, Irving - The Harmony of Nature and Spirit: Volume Three of 'Meaning in Life'
BOOKS025876I: Singer, Kurt [1911- 2005] - Carl von Ossietzky : fredshelten i koncentrationslejren
BOOKS014677I: Singer, June - The Unholy Bible: Blake, Jung and the Collective Unconscious
BOOKS020100I: Singer, Irving - Three Philosophical Filmmakers : Hitchcock, Welles, Renoir
BOOKS030969I: Singer, Samuel - Wolframs Stil und der Stoff des Parzival
BOOKS023746I: Singh, Rana P. B. - Towards the Pilgrimage Archetype : The Pañcakrosi Yatra of Banaras
BOOKS023714I: Singh, Kumar Suresh - Ulgulan: Birsa Munda aur unka andolan
BOOKS022837I: Navtej Singh ; editor: - Perspectives on Guru Arjan Dev : Contribution and Martyrdom
BOOKS008475I: Singh, Mian Goverdhan - Descriptive Bibliography of Himachal Pradesh
BOOKS008828I: Singh, Shyam Prit - A Revolutionary Reply to An Ambedkarite.
BOOKS011410I: Singh, Balwant - Struggle Against Slavery
BOOKS002949I: Singh, Puran - The Spirit of Oriental Poetry
BOOKS006046I: Singh, Ujagir - Allahabad. A Study in Urban Geography
BOOKS006047I: Singh, Jagdish - Transport Geography of South Bihar
BOOKS006050I: Singh, Jai Prakash ; & Ahmad, Nisar, editors: - Seminar Papers on the Tribal Coins of Ancient India (c. 200 B.C. to 400 A.D.)
BOOKS002743I: Singh, Ram; Panda, G.B. & Sharma, M.L. - Survey Report on Village Dikhatpura
BOOKS009005I: Singh, Fateh & Charura, Govinda; editors: - Pandit Madhudsudhan Ojha Ki Saraswat Sadhana [Parts 1 & 2]
BOOKS008661I: Singh, Ram Charitra Prasad - Kingship in Northern India, cir. 600 A.D.-1200 A.D.
BOOKS008561I: Singh, Inder - Manipuri Phonetic Reader
BOOKS007728I: Singh, R.H. & Udupa, K.N. - The Kidney & Its Regeneration
BOOKS012477I: Singh, Lal Behari & Singh, Ram Nath [Saharanpur (India), Horticultural Research Station] - A Monograph on the Mangoes of Uttar Pradesh
BOOKS012476I: Singh, Rana P. B. - Clan Settlements in the Saran Plain (Middle Ganga Valley): A Study in Cultural Geography
BOOKS006394I: Singh, K.R. - The Indian Ocean. Big Power Presence & Local Response
BOOKS018657I: Singh, Nagendra - The Legal Regime of Merchant Shipping
BOOKS018171I: Singh, Khushwant - A History of the Sikhs : Volume 2: 1839-1974
BOOKS018135I: Singh, Khushwant - A History of the Sikhs. Volume 1: 1469 - 1839
BOOKS002662I: Singh, Gurbhagat - Transcultural Poetics. Comparative Studies of Ezra Pound's "Cantos" & Guru Gobind Singh's "Bachittra Natak
BOOKS018813I: Singh, Iqbal Bahadur ; & Singh, Shakti Bali ; compilers: - Indian Textiles : A Select Bibliography
BOOKS030825I: Singh, Balwant - Sorrows of the Suppressed
BOOKS030834I: Singh, Balwant - The Suffering People
BOOKS005147I: Singh, U. Nissor - Khasi-English Dictionary
BOOKS004948I: Singh, M.K. - The Indian Army. A Sociological Study
BOOKS002561I: Singh, Anil Kumar [1953- ] - Gramina samudaya mem samajika parivartana / Anila Kumara Simha
BOOKS002166I: Singh, K. Suresh, editor: - The Tribal Situation in India
BOOKS000634I: Singh, Bhai Nahar ; & Singh, Bhai Kirpal ; editors: - History of All India Gurkha League, 1943-1949
BOOKS000605I: Singh, Arun Kumar - Ecology and Land Use Pattern in Gudalur Taluk Nilgiris : A Geographical Study
BOOKS000606I: Singh, Bageshwar and Danda, Ajit K. - The Kodaku of Surguja
BOOKS001813I: Singh, Shamshar - Rajasthan: Handicraft Survey Report: Jutt-Patti (Craft Study on Goat Hair Product)
BOOKS001790I: Singh, M.M. and Tamang, Lakpa - A Portrait of Population: Sikkim
BOOKS000506I: Singh, Bhagwan, Lt. Col. (Retd.) - The Ailing Nation
BOOKS000486I: Singh, Umrao, et al - Dictionary of Economic Plants of India
BOOKS000487I: Singh, V. - Flora of Banswara District, Rajasthan
BOOKS001482I: Singh, Sanghasen - A Study of the Sphutartha Srighanacarasangraha-tika
BOOKS000369I: Singh, O. P. - Surat and its Trade in the Second Half of the Seventeenth Century
BOOKS000609I: Singh, Udaya Narayana, compiler: - A Bibliography of Bengali Linguistics
BOOKS002487I: Singh, Kirpal, editor - Punjab History Conference. Seventeenth Session October 8- 10,1982. Proceedings.
BOOKS019043I: Singh, Kuldip Justice [b. 1932] [ India, Ministry of Finance ] - Justice Kuldip Singh Commission of Inquiry. Report. Volume I and Volume II (Part I)
BOOKS008961I: Singh, R.G. & Debbarma, Arun - Kok-Borok Primer (For Non-Kok-Borok Learners)
BOOKS002695I: Singh, Budh; Singh, R.K. and Gopal, Chandan - Town Survey Report: Vrindaban
BOOKS001777I: Singh, Shamsher, Luhadia, S.R. and Sharma, H.C. - Village Survey Report on Janvi (A Village Re-Study)
BOOKS026492I: Gurmit Singh - A Critique of Sikhism
BOOKS019669I: Singh, Jasprit - Electronic and Optoelectronic Properties of Semiconductor Structures
BOOKS021128I: Singh, Malkhan - Suno Brahaman
BOOKS002946I: Singh, Gopal, translator: - Thus Spake the Tenth Master. Rendered into English
BOOKS002945I: Singh, Harbans - Guru Nanak & Origins of the Sikh Faith
BOOKS002944I: Singh, Avtar - Ethics of the Sikhs
BOOKS021904I: Darshan Singh - A Study of Bhakta Ravidasa
BOOKS022266I: Navtej Singh - Re-exploring Baba Ram Singh and Namdhari Movement
BOOKS005305I: Singh, Harjinder - Agricultural Problems in Ethiopia
BOOKS001827I: Singh, Charan; Bhatia, R.K. and Kalra, J.C. - Punjab: Handicraft Survey Report: Panja Dari
BOOKS000608I: Singh, Surendra Prasad - Growth of Nationalism in Burma 1900-1942
BOOKS023611I: Singh, Vinod Prasad - Ruined by Hailstorm : Bullet's Storm
BOOKS017542I: Singh, G. B. (Gajendra B.) - Potential Application of Agroforestry Systems from Indian Subcontinent to the Analogous Ecozones of Africa
BOOKS023372I: Singha, Kh. Dhiren (Khumujam Dhiren) - Dimasa Word Book : A Classified Vocabulary
BOOKS019564I: Singhal, Jwala Prasad [ Patel, Sardar Vallabhbhai ] [ Bose, S.C. ] [ Dwarkadas, Kanji ] [ Madhavtirtha, Swami ] - World Peace Plan & Philosophy [bound together with 4 books & pamphlets, ca. 1948-1953]
BOOKS028032I: Singhal, C. R. - Mint-Towns of the Mughal Emperors of India
BOOKS025229I: Vangsamouth Singkeuth [ Vangsamut Songkoet ] - Un enfant victime de la guerre de 1956
BOOKS012816I: Singley, Carol J. [1951 - ] - Edith Wharton: Matters of Mind and Spirit
BOOKS022768I: Sinha, R. K. ; & Hasan, Muhammad - Glimpses of Faizabad
BOOKS022408I: Sinha, Chandreshwar Prasad Narayan - Mithila under the Karnatas, c. 1097-1325 A.D.
BOOKS010448I: Sinha, Raghuvir - The Akas
BOOKS002693I: Sinha, S.K. & Saxena, S.C. - Town Survey Report: Lohardaga
BOOKS009875I: Sinha, N.K. - Mundari Grammar
BOOKS007508I: Sinha, Debabrata - The Idealist Standpoint : A Study in the Vedantic Metaphysic of Experience
BOOKS018798I: Sinha, Bichitrananda - Sirsi : An Urban Study in Application of Research Models
BOOKS026244I: Sinha, Surajit ; Dasgupta, Biman Kumar ; & Banerjee, Hemendra Nath - Agriculture, Crafts and Weekly Markets of South Manbhum [West Bengal]
BOOKS002940I: Sinha, Shantha - Maoists in Andhra Pradesh
BOOKS004606I: Sinha, Binod Chandra - Tree Worship in Ancient India
BOOKS004600I: Sinha, L.P.N. - Nyaya Theory of Perception
BOOKS008928I: Sinha, N.K. - Mundari Phonetic Reader
BOOKS000610I: Sinha, Dikshit - The Hill Kharia of Purulia : Impact of Poverty on a Hunting and Gathering Tribe
BOOKS016142I: Sinha, D.M.; compiler: - Folk Songs & Folk Music of Uttar Pradesh
BOOKS004912I: Sinha, Chris - Language and Representation. A Socio-Naturalistic Approach to Human Development
BOOKS002596I: Sinha, Ram Narain - Bihar Tenantry (1783-1833)
BOOKS020256I: Sinha, A.M. - Hoshangabad [ Madhya Pradesh District Gazetteers ]
BOOKS021032I: Sinha, S.N. ; editor: - Simon Commission in U.P. (Documents Preserved in the U.P. State Archives).
BOOKS023082I: Sinha, P. N. ; Saxena, S. C. ; & Bhargava, V. [ India, Director of Census Operations, Bihar.; - Survey Report on Selected Village : Ghutua (A Village Restudy)
BOOKS000997I: Sinha, Narendra Krishna ; & Dasgupta,Arun Kumar , editors: - Selections from Ochterlony Papers (1818-1825) in the National Archives of India
BOOKS022892I: Sinha, D. P. (Devi P.) - Some Aspects of British Social and Administrative Policy in India During the Administration of Lord Auckland
BOOKS021853I: Sinha, Sachchidananda [1871-1950] - A Selection from the Speeches and Writings of Sachchidananda Sinha
BOOKS005688I: Academia Sinica - Collected Scientific Papers: Meteorology 1919 - 1949
BOOKS013380I: Sinko, Eril Oleg - Runy : prostoe nachalo
BOOKS009779I: Sinn, Peter - Zur Stratigraphie und Paläogeographie des Präwürm im mittleren und südlichen Illergletscher-Vorland
BOOKS016983I: Sinning, Jens Andersen [ Jacobsen, Eric ; editor: ] - Oration on the Philosophical Studies Necessary for the Student of Theology : Facsimile of the Latin Editon, Ribe, 1591
BOOKS012624I: Sinopoli, Carla M. - The Political Economy of Craft Production : Crafting Empire in South India, c. 1350-1650
BOOKS030933I: Sinowjew, G. [ Zinov'ev, Grigorij Evseevic ] [ Zinoviev, Grigory (1883-1936)] - Vom Werdegang unserer Partei : Vortrag, gehalten in einer Versammlung der kommunistischen Parteifunktionäre in Petrograd
BOOKS010599I: Dendao Sinpanon - Kæ roi Phra Malai
BOOKS013330I: Sinu, Ahmad Sinu - al-Akrad al-Ayzidiyun fi al-'ahd al-'Uthmani : dirasah tarikhiyah siyasiyah diniyah ijtima'iyah iqtisadiyah
BOOKS029421I: Siosvili, T'ina [ Shioshvili, Tina ] - T'amar mep'e k'art'ul p'olklors'i
BOOKS000974I: Sipos, Peter - Die Sozialdemokratische Partei Ungarns und die Gewerkschaften, 1890-1944
BOOKS027682I: Waschanstalt Sippel (Stuttgart) - A collection of 23 original photographs, ca. 1932-1948.
BOOKS023325I: Sipricha (Seng), Luang - Siriwibunkit / Luang Sipricha (Seng)
BOOKS025155I: Siqilli, Khalid ibn Ahmad - Urjuzat: "Durrat al-tijan wa-luqtat al-lulu wa-al-marjan" li-nazimiha Muhammad al-Bakri al-Dala'i al-Fasi ..,.
BOOKS025337I: Siraj al-Din, Fu'ad - Li-madha al-hizb al-jadid
BOOKS022986I: Siraji, Siraj al-Din Khurasani [fl. 1226-1231 CE] [ Ahmad, Nadir ; editor: ] [ Siragi, Sirag-ad-Din Hurasani ] - Divan-i Sayyid Siraj al-Din Khurasani maruf bah Siraji / ba muqaddimah wa-ta'limat bi-ihtimam Nazir Ahmad
BOOKS030461I: Sirakov, Marin St. - Gradinarite ot Tirnovsko v stranstvo : studiia
BOOKS030762I: Siranyan, Harut'yun (Anri) - Drom-Ardesh shrjani hayeri degerumnere
BOOKS023274I: Sircar, Dineschandra - The Guhilas of Kiskindha
BOOKS002067I: Sircar, D.C., editor: - Early Indian Political and Administrative Systems
BOOKS002285I: Sircar, D.C., editor: - Early Indian Trade and Industry
BOOKS013309I: Sircar, D.C. ; editor : - Religion and Culture of the Jains
BOOKS002407I: Sircar, D.C., editor: - Social Life in Ancient India
BOOKS002399I: Sircar, D.C., editor: - Religious Life in Ancient India
BOOKS001636I: Sircar, D.C. - Early Indian Indigenous Coins
BOOKS001483I: Sircar, D.C. - The Bhakti Cult and Ancient Indian Geography
BOOKS005644I: Sircar, D. C. (Dineschandra) - Epigraphic Discoveries in East Pakistan
BOOKS009288I: Sircello, Guy - Love and Beauty
BOOKS005000I: Sirelius, U.T. - Uber die Sperrfischerei bei den finnischen-ugrischen Volkern. Eine vergleichende ethnographische Untersuchung
BOOKS004500I: Sironval, C. - Recherches organographiques & physiologiques sur le developpement du fraisier des quatre-saisons a fruits rouges.
BOOKS022862I: Sirry, Hussein, Pasha - Training and Defense Works of the Nile in Egypt
BOOKS030638I: Sirven, Alfred - La Revolution pacifique, morale, politique, économique, sociale, littéraire, scientifique, artistique, industrielle et financiè
BOOKS019226I: Siry, Joseph M. - Unity Temple : Frank Lloyd Wright and Architecture for Liberal Religion
BOOKS000238I: Siska, Stanislaw - Kultura s vychodnou linearnou keramikou na Slovensku
BOOKS015194I: Sitikantha, Kavi [ Panda, Bhagabana ; editor: ] - Gitasitavallabhamahakavyam / Sitikanthaviracitam ; sampadaka Bhagavan Pandasarm
BOOKS011598I: Sitsayamkan, Luang [1901-1963] - The Greek Favourite of the King of Siam / by Luang Sitsayamkan (Sit (T.H.) Hoontrakul)
BOOKS031155I: Sittl, Karl [1862-1899] - Die lokalen Verschiedenheiten der lateinischen Sprache ; mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des afrikanischen Lateins
BOOKS019634I: Sitton, Tom ; & Deverell, William Francis ; editors: - Metropolis in the Making : Los Angeles in the 1920s
BOOKS022480I: Siu, Helen F. - Agents and Victims in South China : Accomplices in Rural Revolution
BOOKS014182I: Siupiur, Elena - Bulgarskite uchilishta v Rumaniia prez XIX vek., 1858-1877: Dokumenti
BOOKS024902I: Siva, Aksel ; Kesselring, Jürg ; & Thompson, Alan J. M. D. ; editors: - Frontiers in Multiple Sclerosis : Volume 2
BOOKS023703I: Sivadas, K. M.; Sashikumar, K.T. ; Subba Rao, N.; Setti, D.N. ; Rajurkar, S.T.; Sharma, R.K.; Gopalakrishnan, K.P.; & Sagar, A.K - Lead and Copper Deposits of the Agnigundala Mineralised Belt, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh ..,.
BOOKS023255I: Sivagnanam, M. P. [1906-1995] [ Civañanam, Ma. Po. ] - The History of the Growth of Tamil during the Indian War of Independence
BOOKS017574I: Sivagrayogin [ Suryanarayana Sastri, Satalur Sundara ; translator: ] [ Balasubramanian, R. ; & Raghavan, V. K. S. N. ; editors - The Saivaparibhasa of Sivagrayogin
BOOKS006833I: Sivamurthy, M. - Demography of Mansur
BOOKS005070I: Sivan, Emmanuel - Radical Islam. Medieval Theology and Modern Politics
BOOKS002423I: Sivaramakrishnan, K.O. - Indian Urban Scene
BOOKS022849I: Sivaramamurti, C. - Ramo vigrahavan dharmah. / Rama Embodiment of Righteousness
BOOKS011409I: Sivasubramanian, A. - Tamil acchu thanthai antirck adikalar
BOOKS023468I: Sivaswamy, G . - Tamil Brahmins in Kerala
BOOKS001475I: Sivayya, K.V. - Trade Union Movement in Visakhappatnam
BOOKS018203I: Siverts, Henning - Tribal Survival in the Alto Marañon: The Aguaruna Case
BOOKS016685I: Sivren, Ahmet; editor: - Köklü degisim: Islam fikrine dayali aylik siyasi dergi [No.s 15 , 17, 19, 21-29, 31, 34, 35 (Sevval 2005 - Agustos 2007)]
BOOKS001274I: Siwach, J. R. - Politics of President's Rule in India
BOOKS006175I: Siyasar, Qasim - Munasabat-i sardaran, ulama va tahsil kardigan-i Baluj ba dawlat-i mudirn : (az 1275 sh. ta 1357 sh.)
BOOKS008048I: Mu'assasah-i Mutala'at va Pizhuhish'ha-yi Siyasi (Iran) - Sazman-i Mujahidin-i Khalq : payda'i ta farjam (1344-1384) / bih kushish-i jam'i az pizhuhishgaran
BOOKS019908I: Siyufi, Ahmad - Infisal al-rifaq wa-al-wahdah al-Yamaniyah
BOOKS013882I: Sizemore, Russell F.; & Swearer, Donald K. - Ethics, Wealth and Salvation: Study in Buddhist Social Ethics
BOOKS022595I: Sjöbring, Henrik [1879-1956] - Personality Structure and Development : A Model and its Application
BOOKS009915I: Sjoegren, Torsten; Sjoegren, Hakon & Lindgren, Ake G.H. - Morbus Alzheimer und Morbus Pick: A Genetic, Clinical and Patho-Anatomical Study
BOOKS024580I: Sjöholm, Wilh. ; & Lundahl, Jakob Emanuel ; editors: [ Svenska Missionsförbundets Kongomission ] - Dagbräckning i Kongo : Svenska Missionsförbundets Kongomission : Illustrerade skildringar av Kongomissionärer
BOOKS031831I: Sjöqvist, Erik [1903-1975] - Sicily and the Greeks : Studies In the Interrelationship Between the Indigenous Populations and the Greek Colonists
BOOKS023015I: Sjørslev, Inger ; Gilberg, Rolf ; et al. [ Ferdinand, Klaus ] - The History of Things : Essays Presented to Klaus Ferdinand on his 65th Birthday, April 19, 1991
BOOKS024024I: Sjövall, Harald - Zeus im altgriechischen Hauskult
BOOKS018567I: Sjøvold, Thorleif ; editor: - Introduksjonen av jordbruk i Norden : Foredrag holdt ved fellesnordisk symposium i Oslo, april 1980
BOOKS015321I: Skaare, Kolbjørn ; & Miles, George C. ; editors: - A Survey of Numismatic Research 1960-1965, II: Medieval and Oriental Numismatics
BOOKS025021I: Skaarup, Jørgen - Hesselø-Sølager : Jagdstationen der südskandinavischen Trichterbecherkultur
BOOKS016912I: Skaarup, Jørgen - Stengade: Eine langelandische Wohnplatz mit hausresten aus der fruhneolithischen Zeit
BOOKS016913I: Skaarup, Jørgen - Stengade II : En langelandsk gravplads med grave fra romersk jernalder og vikingetid
BOOKS027004I: Skaarup, Jørgen - Yngre stenalder på øerne syd for Fyn
BOOKS019436I: Skade, H.N. - Noget om Sejrstrups historie i Hunderup Sogn
BOOKS002515I: Skalnes, Tor - The Politics of Economic Reform in Zimbabwe.Continuity & Change in Development
BOOKS016719I: Skalník, Peter ; editor: - Outwitting the State
BOOKS000239I: Skarsgaard, Lars - Research and Reasoning. Case Study on an Historical Inquiry: "Titian's 'Diana & Acteon' A Study in Artistic Innovation
BOOKS026267I: Skau, Peder - Blade af Laurids Skau's Livshistorie : Udgivne af hans Broder Peder Skau, Bukshave
BOOKS009833I: Skedl, Arthur [1860-1923] ; & Weiss, Egon ; editors : [Taaffe, Eduard, Graf von (1833-1895)] - Der politische Nachlass des Grafen Eduard Taaffe. / Herausgegeben von dr. Arthur Skedl ..,.
BOOKS020760I: Skeet, Ian - Muscat and Oman : The End of an Era
BOOKS000470I: Skeller, Erik - Anthropological and Ophthalmological Studies on the Angmagssalik Eskimos
BOOKS011336I: Skelton, Robin ; editor: - Herbert Read : A Memorial Symposium
BOOKS030111I: Protopora skepse [ Petrachis, Kostas ] - To Vietnam sto kentro tes pagkosmias sugkrouses anamesa se duo grammes
BOOKS021204I: Skibinska, Elzbieta - Les équivalents des prépositions temporelles francaises dans la traduction polonaise
BOOKS004207I: Skinner, G. William & Tomita, Shigeahi, editors: - Modern Chinese Society. An Analytical Bibliography. 3: Publications in Japanese 1644 -1971
BOOKS011649I: Skinner, G. William; editor: - Modern Chinese Society: An Analytical Bibliography. 1: Publications in Western Languages, 1644-1972
BOOKS011648I: Skinner, G. William & Hsieh, Winston; editors: - Modern Chinese Society: An Analytical Bibliography. 2: Publications in Chinese 1644-1969
BOOKS008670I: [Freedman, Maurice] Skinner, G. William; editor: - The Study of Chinese Society: Essays by Maurice Freedman
BOOKS020840I: Skinner, Alanson [1886-1925] - Notes on Mahikan Ethnology
BOOKS022491I: Skinner, Debra ; Pach, Alfred ; & Holland, Dorothy C. ; editors: - Selves in Time and Place : Identities, Experience, and History in Nepal
BOOKS026712I: Skjelsvik, Elizabeth - a collection of 7 extracts and offprints concerning Norwegian archaeology, ca. 1954-2002
BOOKS005926I: Sklar, Richard L. - Corporate Power in an African State. The Political Impact of Multinational Mining Companies in Zambia
BOOKS012401I: Sklar, Richard L. - Nigerian Political Parties: Power in an Emergent African Nation
BOOKS003500I: Sklar, Deidre - Dancing with the Virgin : Body and Faith in the Fiesta of Tortugas, New Mexico
BOOKS001424I: Skocpol, Theda - Protecting Soldiers and Mothers.The Political Origins of Social Policy in the United States
BOOKS020115I: Skocpol, Theda - States and Social Revolutions : A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia and China
BOOKS000448I: Skoczek, Maria - Kolonizacja rolnicza a zmiany w rozmieszczeniu ludnosci w Ameryce Lacinskiej
BOOKS024192I: Skogmar, Gunnar - Nuclear Triangle : Relations between the United States, Great Britain and France in the Atomic Energy Field, 1939-1950
BOOKS028241I: Föreningen för Skogsvård - Skogsvårdsföreningens Tidskrift : Allmänna Delen : 1912 : Tionde Årgangen
BOOKS022536I: Sköld, Tryggve - Die Kriterien der urnordischen Lehnwörter im Lappischen : I
BOOKS026265I: Skouboe, S. - Sønner af den røde Gaard : Regensliv i det 19. Aarhundrede
BOOKS011899I: Skougaard, Mogens - Cell Population Kinetics of the Gingival Epithelium
BOOKS023831I: Skousbøll, Karin - Pièces urbaines : Ny fransk byscenografi / Urban Fragments : New French Urban Scenography
BOOKS002093I: Skov, P. - Common Sense. An Inquiry into the Current Concepts Guiding Social Behaviour
BOOKS011337I: Skovgaard, O.S. - Rodkloverens Bestovning, Humlebier og Humleboer: Undersogelse over nogle i Danmark forekommende Arter af Slaegten Bombus...
BOOKS015185I: Skovgaard-Petersen, Inge - Da Tidernes Herre var nær : Studier i Saxos historiesyn
BOOKS012266I: Skovgaard-Petersen, Karen - Historiography at the Court of Christian IV (1588-1648) : Studies in the Latin Histories of Denmark by Johannes Pontanus ..,.
BOOKS030688I: Skovmand, Roar [1908-1987] - Danevirke og Hedeby [together with 'Nordslesvigs oldtid']
BOOKS019912I: Skram, Asbjørn Oluf Erik [1847-1923] - Gertrude Coldbjörnsen : Novelle / af A. E. O. Skram
BOOKS028326I: Skreb, Zdenko - Das Epigramm in deutschen Musenalmanachen und Taschenbüchern um 1800
BOOKS010732I: Skribnik, Elena - Bibliographia Sibrica: Finno-Ugristics and Samoyedology in Scientific Centres of Siberia
BOOKS002867I: Skuhravy, Vaclav - The Needle-shortening Gall Midge Thecodiplosis brachyntera (Schwagr) on the Genus Pinus
BOOKS016885I: Skydsgaard, Jens Erik - Varro the Scholar : Studies in the First Book of Varro's De Re Rustica
BOOKS004973I: Skydsgaard, Sven - La combinatoria sintactica del infinitivo espanol. Tome I & II
BOOKS010459I: Skyrms, Brian - Pragmatics and Empiricism
BOOKS026104I: Skytte, Knud [pseudonym of Jakob Nielsen (1830–1901)] - Elskov og Brøde : En Fortælling fra Hoveritiden
BOOKS026533I: Skytte, Gunver ; & Sabatini, Francesco ; editors: - Linguistica testuale comparativa : In memoriam Maris-Elisabeth Conte.,.,.
BOOKS025848I: Skytte, Jens Nielsen [1845-1928] - Jaevne folk : Fortaellinger og friluftsbilleder
BOOKS015720I: Slade, Doren L. - Making the World Safe for Existence: Celebration of the Saints Among the Sierra Nahuat of Chignautla, Mexico
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BOOKS012438I: Slater, Charles C., [1939-1978]; Walsham, Geoffrey & Shah, Mahendra - KENSIM: A Systems Simulation of the Developing Kenyan Economy, 1970-1978
BOOKS010225I: Slater, Candace - Entangled Edens: Visions of the Amazon
BOOKS003070I: Slater, Candace - City Steeple, City Streets. Saints' Tales from Granada and a Changing Spain
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