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BOOKS016410I: Lent, John A. ; editor: - Illustrating Asia : Comics, Humor Magazines, and Picture Books
BOOKS004004I: Lentz, Wolfgang - Yasna 28. Kommentierte Ubersetzung und Kompositions-Analyse
BOOKS028190I: Lentze, Hans - Die Kurzform des Schwabenspiegels [ Forschungen zu den deutschen Rechtsbüchern, VI ]
BOOKS004253I: Lenz, Bernd & Schulte-Middelich, Bernd; editors: - Beschreiben, Interpretieren, Werten: Das Wertungsproblem in der Literatur aus der Sicht unterschiedlicher Methoden
BOOKS013283I: Lenzenweger, Mark F.; & Haugaard, Jeffrey J.; editors: - Frontiers of Developmental Psychopathology
BOOKS030407I: Leo, Friedrich [1851-1914] ; & Kiessling, Adolf [1837-1892] - Zu augusteischen Dichtern
BOOKS015534I: Leo, Christopher - Land and Class in Kenya
BOOKS004316I: Leomieva, G.K., editor - Pamjati I.I. Brodskogo. Vospominanija, Dokumenti, Pisma
BOOKS022618I: Leon, N. H. - Character Indexes of Modern Chinese / Xiandai hanyu hanzi jianzi
BOOKS020869I: De Leon, Daniel [1852-1914] - The Preamble of the Industrial Workers of the World : Address Delivered ... at Union Temple, Minneapolis, Minnesota..,.
BOOKS023785I: Léon, Armand ; publisher : - Les républicains suisses aux citoyens francais : qu'est-ce que la République ? : la République, c'est l'avenir de la France..,.
BOOKS008914I: Leonard, Arthur S.; editor: - Homosexuality and the Constitution. Volume 4: Homosexualitty and the Family
BOOKS008913I: Leonard, Arthur S.; editor: - Homosexuality and the Constitution. Volume 3: Homosexuality, Politics, and Speech
BOOKS008912I: Leonard, Arthur S.; editor: - Homosexuality and the Constitution. Volume 2: Homosexuals and the Military
BOOKS008911I: Leonard, Arthur S.; editor: - Homosexuality and the Constitution. Volume 1: Homosexual Conduct and State Regulation
BOOKS001355I: Leonard, A. - Les savanes herbeuses du Kivu
BOOKS023265I: Leonard, Zenas [1809-1857] - Narrative of the Adventures of Zenas Leonard
BOOKS020358I: Leonardi, Piero [1908-1998] - Tettonica e tettogenesi delle Dolomiti
BOOKS023300I: Leoncavallo, G. - L'Ordre de succession au trône en Turquie
BOOKS008451I: Leondes, Cornelius T.; editor: - Structural Dynamic Systems Computational Techniques and Optimization: Techniques in Buildings and Bridges
BOOKS026467I: Leone, Andrea de ; & Piccirillo, Alessandro ; editors: - Consuetudines civitatis Amalfie
BOOKS001796I: Leonhard, Wolfgang - Die Wahrheit über das sozialistische Jugoslawien : Brief an die deutschen Genossen
BOOKS002590I: Leonhard, Rudolf - Polnische Gedicht
BOOKS031950I: Leonidopoulou-Stylianou, Rea - Greek Traditional Architecture : Pelion
BOOKS003322I: Leonowens, Anna Harriette [1834-1914] - Siamese Harem Life
BOOKS014823I: Leontief, Wassily W. [1906-1999] - Essays in Economics : Theories, Facts and Policies, Volume Two
BOOKS004351I: Leontovitsch, Victor - Geschichte des Liberalismus in Russland
BOOKS027184I: Leopold, Svend Valdemar [1874-1942] - Tredje Kaktusbog
BOOKS027155I: Leopold, Svend [1874-1942] - Det blaa Monarki : Roman
BOOKS016065I: Leopold, Svend Valdemar [1874-1942] - Omkring Parnasset og andre materier
BOOKS028231I: Leporini, Bernardo [1904-1992] - 20 anni di fascismo
BOOKS022811I: Lepper, Carl [ Kunz, Rudolf ; & Lizalek, Willy ; editors : ] - Die Goldwäscherei am Rhein : Geschichte und Technik, Münzen und Medaillen aus Rheingold
BOOKS025726I: Bernhard Lepsius [1854–1934] - August Wilhelm von Hofmann
BOOKS024486I: Lera, Thomas ; editor: [Winton M. Blount Postal History Symposium (5th : 2010 : Washington, D.C.)] - The Winton M. Blount Postal History Symposia Select Papers, 2010-2011
BOOKS025169I: Lerche, Grith ; Fenton, Alexander ; & Steensberg, Axel ; editors: - Tools & Tillage : A Journal on the History of the Implements of Cultivation and Other Agricultural Processes : Vol. V [1984-87]
BOOKS012459I: Lerche, Julius [1867- 1929 ] - Der Güterberg : Briefe aus dem Lande der Arbeit und der Arbeitsfreude
BOOKS011309I: Lereboullet, Dominique Auguste [1804-1865] - Esquisses zoologiques sur l'homme: Discours lu, le 13 mai 1841, a la senance publique de la Societe des sciences...
BOOKS013537I: Lerner, Gerda; editor: [Grimké, Sarah Moore (1792 - 1873)] - The Feminist Thought of Sarah Grimké
BOOKS017725I: Lerner, Eric - Journey of Insight Meditation : A Personal Experience of the Buddha's Way
BOOKS005515I: Lerner, Arthur, editor: - Poetry in the Therapeutic Experience
BOOKS012349I: Lerner, Barron H. - The Breast Cancer Wars : Hope, Fear, and the Pursuit of a Cure in Twentieth-Century America
BOOKS004683I: Leroi-Gourhan, André [1911-1986] - The Hunters of Prehistory
BOOKS004172I: Leroux, Emmanuel - Bibliographie Methodique du Pragmatisme Americain, Anglais et Italien
BOOKS006993I: Leroy, Maurice - Main Trends in Modern Linguistics
BOOKS001087I: Lerumo, A. - Fifty Fighting Years. The Communist Party of South Africa 1921-1971
BOOKS004773I: Lesage, Jean-Loup - Les Grandes Societes de Commerce au Japon. Les Shosha.
BOOKS025444I: Lesky, Albin [1896-1981] - Die Homerforschung in der Gegenwart
BOOKS018453I: Lesky, Erna - Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis und die Wiener Medizinische Schule
BOOKS013876I: Leslau, Wolf - Concise Amharic Dictionary: Amharic-English, English-Amharic
BOOKS013789I: Leslie, Charles M.; & Young, Allan; editors: - Paths to Asian Medical Knowledge
BOOKS010567I: Leslie, R F. - Polish Politics and the Revolution of November 1830
BOOKS011742I: Leslie, Marina - Renaissance Utopias and the Problem of History
BOOKS021292I: Leslie, J. A. K. (John A. K.) - A Survey of Dar es Salaam
BOOKS024695I: Leslie, R. F. - Reform and Insurrection in Russian Poland, 1856-1865
BOOKS023873I: Leslie, Charles [1650-1722] - A Short and Easie Method with the Deists, : Wherein the Certainity of the Christian Religion is Demonstrated by Infallible Proof
BOOKS030837I: Lesmaitis, Gediminas - LDK samdomoji kariuomene : XV a. pabaigoje - XVI a. antrojoje puseje
BOOKS006529I: Lesniewski, Andrzej ; Sobanski, Waclaw ; Nurowski, Roman ; et al. ; editors : [Zachodnia Agencja Prasowa] - Irredenta und Provokationen : Zur Geschichte der deutschen Minderheit in Polen [bound together with 5 other items]
BOOKS005448I: Lesniewski, Andrzej ; editor: - Western Frontier of Poland : Documents, Statements, Opinions
BOOKS003111I: Lessa, William A. - Spearhead Governatore: Remembrances of the Campaign in Italy
BOOKS015018I: Lesser, Wendy - Pictures at an Execution
BOOKS013752I: Lessnoff, Michael Harry; editor: - Social Contract Theory
BOOKS022525I: Lester, Jeremy - The Dialogue of Negation : Debates on Hegemony in Russia and the West
BOOKS022706I: Lestocquoy, J. (Jean) - Aux origines de la bourgeoisie : Les villes de Flandre et d’Italie sous le gouvernement des patriciens, XIe-XVe siècles
BOOKS021693I: Lesy, Michael - Visible Light
BOOKS029454I: Let'odiani, Dimitri - Ap'xazet'is istoriis sakit'xebi
BOOKS008740I: Letamendia, Francisco [1944- ] - Game of Mirrors: Centre-Periphery National Conflicts
BOOKS019378I: Lethbridge, Thomas Charles - Gogmagog : The Buried Gods
BOOKS005134I: Lethen, Helmiut - Cool Conduct: The Culture of Distance in Weimar Germany
BOOKS000638I: Lethielleux, J. - Le Fezzan. Ses Jardins, Ses Palmiers. Notes d'ethnographie et d'histoire
BOOKS022569I: Letman, Henning - Red Cell Destruction in the Anaemias
BOOKS002072I: Letterie, Gerard S. - Structural Abnormalities and Reproductive Failure: Effective Techniques for Diagnosis and Management
BOOKS031272I: Leubuscher, Rudolf [1821-1861] ; editor : [ Reinhardt, Benno Ernst Heinrich (1819-1852)] - Benno Reinhardt's pathologisch-anatomische Untersuchungen / nach seinem Tode zusammengestellt und herausgegeben ..,.
BOOKS030988I: Leuenberger, Martin - Frei und gleich und fremd : Flüchtlinge im Baselbiet zwischen 1830 und 1880
BOOKS027940I: Leukart, Petra - Feld- und Laboruntersuchungen zum Lichtbedarf des Wachstums sublitoraler Helgoländer Meeresalgen
BOOKS025344I: Leung, Benjamin K. P. - Perspectives on Hong Kong Society
BOOKS016936I: Leupp, Gary P. - Male Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan
BOOKS022126I: Leutenbauer, Siegfried - Hexerei- und Zaubereidelikt in der Literatur von 1450 bis 1550 : Mit Hinweisen auf die Praxis im Herzogtum Bayern
BOOKS016620I: Levelt, Willem J. M. - Speaking: From Intention to Articulation
BOOKS001055I: Levelt, Th. W. M. - Die Plateaulehme Süd-Luxemburgs und ihre Bedeutung für die morphogenetische Interpretation der Landschaft
BOOKS014038I: Levenson, Jon Douglas - The Death and Resurrection of the Beloved Son: The Transformation of Child Sacrifice in Judaism and Christianity
BOOKS015291I: Levenston, Edward A. - The Stuff of Literature: Physical Aspects of Texts and Their Relation to Literary Meaning
BOOKS003609I: Leveque, Francois - Bordeaux et l'Estuaire Girondin
BOOKS008443I: Leveque, P. - Les amenagements de l'Oued el Abid
BOOKS008442I: Leveque, P. - Etude de quelques emplacements de barrage
BOOKS011122I: Levere, Trevor Harvey - Poetry Realized in Nature: Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Early Nineteenth-Century Science
BOOKS013353I: Leverington, David [1941 - ] - New Cosmic Horizons : Space Astronomy from the V2 to the Hubble Space Telescope
BOOKS020942I: Levert, Christoffel [ Levert, Christoph ] - De richtingsverdeling van de kosmische stralen en hun aanslagkans in de Geiger-Müller-teller
BOOKS002483I: Lévi-Strauss, Claude - A World on The Wane
BOOKS022875I: Levi, Lennart ; editor: - Emotional Stress : Physiological and Psychological Reactions, Medical, Industrial and Military Implications...,.
BOOKS015184I: Lévi-Strauss, Claude - The Elementary Structures of Kinship
BOOKS031250I: Levillain, Emile-Louis - Etude sur l'histoire des fièvres éruptives avant le XVIIe siècle
BOOKS011756I: Levin, Beth & Hovav, Malka Rappaport - Unaccusativity: At the Syntax-Lexical Semantics Interface
BOOKS012485I: Levin, Harvey J. - Broadcast Regulation and Joint Ownership of Media
BOOKS015665I: Levin, Aleksey E. ; & Brush, Stephen G. - The Origin of the Solar System: Soviet Research, 1925-1991
BOOKS014683I: Levin, Theodore Craig. - The Hundred Thousand Fools of God: Musical Travels in Central Asia (and Queens, New York)
BOOKS003716I: Levin, Poul Theodor [1869-1929] - Antoinette : skuespil i tre akter
BOOKS026248I: Levin, Poul Theodor [1869-1929] - Smaa kapitler af dagens historie : bøger og stemninger
BOOKS027132I: Levin, Poul - Sejr : Skuespil i 1 Akt
BOOKS024056I: Levin, I. [ Levin, Israel Salomon (1810-1883) ] - Nogle Træk af Livet i Hamborg
BOOKS018142I: Levinas, Emmanuel - Outside the Subject
BOOKS000797I: Lévinas, Emmanuel - Proper Names
BOOKS011831I: Levine, Joel S.; editor: - Biomass Burning and Global Change. Volumes 1 & 2
BOOKS013783I: LeVine, Peg; editor [Morita, Masatake (1874 - 19??)] [Morita, Shoma] [Kondo, Akihisa; translator] - Morita Therapy and the True Nature of Anxiety Based Disorders (Shinkeishitsu)
BOOKS009805I: Levine, Robert M. - Pernambuco in the Brazilian Federation 1889 - 1937
BOOKS009790I: Levine, Martin Lyon: editor; - Legal Education
BOOKS009271I: Levine, Joseph - Purple Haze: The Puzzle of Consciousness
BOOKS012994I: Levine, Joel S.; editor: - Biomass Burning and Global Change. Volume 2: Biomass Burning in South America, Southeast Asia, & Temperate & Boreal Ecosystems
BOOKS016645I: LeVine, Robert Alan ; LeVine, Sarah ; Dixon, Suzanne ; et al; editors: - Child Care and Culture: Lessons from Africa
BOOKS016509I: Levine, Robert M. - Father of the Poor?: Vargas and His Era
BOOKS016440I: Levine, Donald P. ; & Sobel, Jack D. ; editors: - Infections in Intravenous Drug Abusers
BOOKS005238I: Levine, Bernard - The Dissolving Image: The Spiritual-Esthetic Development of W.B. Yeats
BOOKS005673I: Levine, Norman D. & Ivens, Virginia - The Coccidian Parasites (Protozoa, Apicomplexa) of Artiodactyla
BOOKS011518I: LeVine, Sarah - Mothers and Wives: Gusii Women of East Africa
BOOKS010941I: Levine, Joseph M. [1933 - ] - Between the Ancients and the Moderns: Baroque Culture in Restoration England
BOOKS022200I: Levine, Philippa - The Amateur and the Professional : Antiquarians, Historians, and Archaeologists in Victorian England, 1838-1886
BOOKS027705I: Levinsen, Niels [1809-1857] [ Bødker, Laurits ; editor : ] - Folkeeventyr fra Vendsyssel
BOOKS029524I: Levinsen, Niels [1815-1889] - Nogle Bemærkninger om Tvangsafløsning af Fæsteforholdet / af N-n
BOOKS028370I: Levinson, Arthur - Nuntiaturberichte vom Kaiserhofe Leopolds I : Teil 2. : 1670, Mai -- 1679, August
BOOKS013258I: Levinson, Stephen C. - Presumptive Meanings: The Theory of Generalized Conversational Implicature
BOOKS003497I: Levinson, Brett - The Ends of Literature : The Latin American "Boom" in the Neoliberal Marketplace
BOOKS030301I: Levinsonas, Josifas - Skausmo knyga / The Book of Sorrow
BOOKS002643I: Levison, Herman - Dystrophia Musculorum Progressiva: Clinical and Diagnostic Criteria Inheritance
BOOKS007566I: Levitsky, David A.; editor: - Malnutrition, Environment, and Behavior: New Perspectives
BOOKS011721I: Levitt, Peggy - The Transnational Villagers
BOOKS008544I: Levitt, Laura - Jews and Feminism: The Ambivalent Search for Home
BOOKS008187I: Levitt, Marcus C. - Russian Literary Politics and the Pushkin Celebration of 1880
BOOKS010472I: Levitt, Norman - Prometheus Bedevilled: Science & the Contradictions of Contemporary Culture
BOOKS026678I: Lévy, Paul ; editor: - Aux Ecoutes [a collection of 25 issues ca. 1925-1935]
BOOKS025445I: Levy, Jette Lundbo - Hans i vadestøvlerne : En studie i mundtlig for tælleteknik.
BOOKS012528I: Levy, Reuben - Introduction à la littérature persane
BOOKS006239I: Levy, Richard S. - The Downfall of the Anti-Semitic Political Parties in Imperial Germany
BOOKS009391I: Levy, Ian Hideo - Hitomaro and the Birth of Japanese Lyricism
BOOKS009383I: Levy, David J. - Political Order: Philosophical Anthropology, Modernity, and the Challenge of Ideology
BOOKS018979I: Levy, Kurt L. ; Ara, Jesús Antonio ; & Hughes, Gethin ; editors: - Calderón and the Baroque Tradition
BOOKS023561I: Levy, Reuben - The Social Structure of Islam : Second Edition
BOOKS003108I: Levy, Arnold - History of the Sunderland Jewish Community 1755 - 1955
BOOKS004047I: Levy, Eric P. - Beckett & the Voice of Species. A Study of the Prose Fiction
BOOKS029908I: Levy, Frits - Om serøse Exsudater i Pleurahulen og disses operative Behandling
BOOKS004433I: Levyts'kyi, Ivan Omelianovych [1850-1913] [ Levitskii, Ivan Emil'ianovich ] - Galitsko-ruskaia bibliografiia XIX-go stoletiia s uvzgliadneniem izdanii poiavivshikhsia v Ugorshchine i Bukovine (1801-1886).
BOOKS008899I: Lewandowska-Michalska, Katarzyna - Ikonografia buddyjskich zwojow malowanych ze zbiorow Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie
BOOKS009417I: Lewandowska-Jaraczewska, Irena - Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich za dyrektury Adama Klodzinskiego, 1839-1849
BOOKS012108I: Lewandowski, Jan - Trudna tozsamosc: problemy narodowosciowe i religijne w Europie Srodkowo-Wschodniej w XIX i XX wieku: materiay z miedzynarode
BOOKS006696I: Lewandowski, Susan - Migration and Ethnicity in Urban India. Kerala Migrants in the City of Madras, 1870 - 1970
BOOKS017558I: Lewenhaupt, Claes Adam Carl, greve de - Bland Araber och Beduiner
BOOKS021702I: Lewicki, Tadeusz ; editor: - Folia Orientalia Vol. XXIII. 1985-1986
BOOKS016789I: Lewin, Moshe - The Soviet Century
BOOKS007373I: Lewin, Linda - Politics and Parentela in Paraiba: A Case Study of Family-Based Oligarchy in Brazil
BOOKS013847I: Lewis, James R.; editor: - The Gods Have Landed: New Religions from Other Worlds
BOOKS013767I: Lewis, James R. ; editor: - Magical Religion and Modern Witchcraft
BOOKS011707I: Lewis, M.K. & Davis, K.T. - Domestic and International Banking
BOOKS002962I: Lewis, Philip E. - La Rochefoucauld. The Art of Abstraction
BOOKS008513I: Lewis, Tom & Sanchez, Francisco J.; editors: - Culture and the State in Spain: 1550-1850
BOOKS006274I: Lewis, M.H., editor: - Glasses and Glass-Ceramics
BOOKS012107I: Lewis, Russell - Anti-racism: A Mania Exposed
BOOKS015568I: Lewis, Archibald Ross ; & Runyan, Timothy J. ; editors: - European Naval and Maritime History, 300-1500
BOOKS020895I: Lewis, I. M. ; editor: [ Association of Social Anthropologists of the Commonwealth ] - History and Social Anthropology
BOOKS013196I: Lewis, Roy - Sierra Leone: A Modern Portrait
BOOKS005580I: Lewis, Naphtali - Papyrus in Classical Antiquity
BOOKS005188I: Lewis, Bernard - The Emergence of Modern Turkey
BOOKS000333I: Lewis, Peter - A Numerical Approach to the Location of Industry: Exemplified by the Distribution of the Papermaking Industry in England .,.,
BOOKS009990I: Lewis, John L. - The C.I.O. Crusade
BOOKS016196I: Lewis, I. M. ; editor: - Islam in Tropical Africa : Studies Presented and Discussed at the Fifth International African Seminar, Ahmadu Bello University
BOOKS003134I: Lewis, Laurence - Echoes of Resistance. British Involvement with the Italian Partisans
BOOKS022518I: Lewis, Justin - The Ideological Octopus : Exploration of Television and Its Audience
BOOKS028544I: Lewis, Archibald Ross [1914-1990] - Nomads and Crusaders, A.D. 1000-1368
BOOKS030841I: Lewy, Ernst - Versuch einer Charakteristik des Awarischen : mit Exkursen zur Sprachtheorie
BOOKS023946I: Ley, Francis - Alexandre Ier et sa Sainte-Alliance : 1811-1825, avec des documents inédit
BOOKS007037I: De Ley, Herbert - The Movement of Thought : An Essay on Intellect in Seventeenth-Century France
BOOKS015463I: Leyburn, James G. - Frontier Folkways
BOOKS022142I: Leyda, Jay [1910-1988] - Films Beget Films
BOOKS029973I: Leyden, John [1775-1811] ; & Murray, Hugh [1779-1846] [ Cuvillier, A. ; translator :] - Histoire complète des voyages et découvertes en Afrique..,. Tome 2
BOOKS007001I: Leyden, W. von - Seventeenth-Century Metaphysics. An Examination of Some Main Concepts & Theories
BOOKS015548I: Leyerle, John ; & Quick, Anne Wenley - Chaucer : A Bibliographical Introduction
BOOKS017235I: Leys, Colin - Market-driven Politics: Neoliberal Democracy and the Public Interest
BOOKS005021I: Leys, Colin - European Politics in Southern Rhodesia
BOOKS019407I: Li, Zhun [1928-2000] - Bi an ji / Li Zhun zhu
BOOKS017081I: Li, Yueran ; & Quan, Yanchi - Wai jiao wu tai shang di xin Zhongguo ling xiu / Li Yueran hui yi ; Quan Yanchi zheng li.
BOOKS005198I: Li, P.H. & Sakai, A., editors: - Plant Cold Hardiness and Freezing Stress. Mechanisms and Crop Implications
BOOKS012027I: Li, Kam W. - Applied Thermodynamics: Availability Method and Energy Conversion
BOOKS019628I: Li, Yafei - Xo: A Theory of the Morphology-syntax Interface
BOOKS006565I: Libby, Ronald T. - Protecting Markets: U.S. Policy and the World Grain Trade
BOOKS021741I: Pregoeiro da Liberade - Correspondencia com o Pregoeiro da Liberade
BOOKS020941I: Accion Libertadora - Suplemento de Choque
BOOKS023098I: People's Union for Democratic Rights / People's Union for Civil Liberties. - Justice Denied : A Critique of the Mishra Commission on the Riots in November 1984.
BOOKS005289I: Libicki, Marcin ; & Libicki, Piotr - Dwory i palace wiejskie w Wielkopolsce
BOOKS024194I: Librarie Lardanchet, antiquarian booksellers (Paris) - Catalogue de Beaux Livres Anciens et Modernes, No.s 49; 59; & 60
BOOKS023626I: Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library - An Account of Bi-Amman's Bihar Visit, 1922 / introduced by Srikant
BOOKS018792I: National Library (India) - Catalogue of the Persian Manuscripts in the Buhar Collection
BOOKS018243I: South African Library - The South African Commercial Advertiser, No. 1 January 7 1824 to No 18 May 5 1824...
BOOKS003803I: South African Library - Maps of Africa. Proceedings of the Symposium on Maps held at the South African Library,Cape Town on 24-26 November 1988
BOOKS018677I: Libri, Guillaume [1803-1869] - Lettre à M. de Falloux, ministre de l'instruction publique et des cultes contenant le récit d'une odieuse persécution...,.
BOOKS021318I: Lichnowsky, Felix Maria Vincenz Andreas, Fürst von [1814-1848] - Portugal : Recordações do anno de 1842 : Traduzido do allemão / pelo Principe Lichnowsky
BOOKS007477I: Lichtenstein, L[eon]. - Neuere Entwicklung der Potentialtheorie. Konforme Abbildung [bound together with one other offprint by Lichtenstein]
BOOKS007311I: Lichtenstein, Leon - Grundlagen der Hydromechanik
BOOKS021246I: Lichtenstein, Leon [1878-1933] - Astronomie und Mathematik in ihrer Wechselwirkung : Mathematische Probleme in der Theorie der Figur der Himmelskörper
BOOKS009778I: Lichtheim, George [1912-1973] - Marxism : An Historical and Critical Study
BOOKS018139I: Lichtheim, Miriam [1914 -2004 ] - Ancient Egyptian Literature : A Book of Readings, Vol. III : the Late Period
BOOKS015912I: Lichtheim, Miriam - Ancient Egyptian Literature : A Book of Readings : Vol. II. New Kingdom
BOOKS005176I: Lichtheim, Miriam - Ancient Egyptian Literature : A Book of Readings : Vol. III : the Late Period
BOOKS018880I: Lichtheim, Miriam [1914 -2004 ] - Ancient Egyptian Literature : A Book of Readings, Vol. I: The Old and Middle Kingdoms
BOOKS025674I: Lidbeck, Anders [1772-1829] - Försök till bestämmande af några liktydiga svenska ord
BOOKS018323I: Liddell, Robert [1908-1992] - Robert Liddell on the Novel
BOOKS031757I: Lidegaard, Mads - Danske høje fra sagn og tro
BOOKS031758I: Lidegaard, Mads - Danske træer fra sagn og tro
BOOKS004324I: Lidén, Oskar Linus [1870-1957] - Sydsvensk stenålder belyst av fynden på boplatsema i Jornstorp : [volume I] : Skivyxkulturen
BOOKS018700I: Lidin, Lars G. - On Helical-Spring Suspension
BOOKS000103I: Lidin, Olof G. - Ogyu Sorai's Journey to Kai in 1706: With a Translation of the Kyochukiko
BOOKS018641I: Lie, John. - Han Unbound: The Political Economy of South Korea
BOOKS019184I: Lieb, Michael - The Visionary Mode : Biblical Prophecy, Hermeneutics and Cultural Change
BOOKS006002I: Liebenau, Hermann von [1807- 1874] - Erklärung des luzernischen Ueberfalls vom 8. Christmonat 1844 : von einem Unbetheiligten
BOOKS025882I: Liebenberg, Michael Frederik [1767-1828] ; translator : [ Motte-Fouque, Friedrich de la ] - Ridder Thüring og hans Sønner : romantisk Digtning i fem Handlinger : omarbeidet efter la Motte Fouques: die Pilgerfahrt
BOOKS027186I: Liebenberg, Frederik Ludvig - Betaenkning over den holbergske orthographi. For det Holbergske samfund
BOOKS025881I: Liebenberg, Michael Frederik [1767-1828] - Hold fast ved det, du haver! Et Ord til Medchristne og Medborgere, fremsagte i Vartou Kirke paa den sidste Dag i Aaret 1820
BOOKS005786I: Lieberkind, Ingvald - Vergleichende Studien uber die Morphologie und Histogenese der larval Haftorgane bei den Amphibien
BOOKS021200I: Lieberman, Victor B. - Strange Parallels : Southeast Asia in Global Context, c. 800-1830. Volume 1: Integration on the Mainland
BOOKS012836I: Liebermann von Sonnenberg, Max [1848-1911] - Reichstagsrede des Abgeordneten Liebermann von Sonnenberg..,.vom 10. November 1908 über: Kaiser - Kanzler und auswärtige Politik
BOOKS021994I: Liebersohn, Harry - Aristocratic Encounters : European Travelers and North American Indians
BOOKS009335I: Lieberson, Stanley [Dil, Anwar S.; editor:] - Language Diversity and Language Contact. Essays by Stanley Lieberson. Selected and Introduced by Anwar S. Dil
BOOKS015940I: Lieblein, J. ; et al. - Det gamla Egypten i dess Skrift [bound together with 8 other monographs concerning Ancient Egypt, ca. 1877-1941]
BOOKS027430I: Liebmann-Frankfort, Therese - La frontière orientale dans la politique extérieure de la République romaine depuis le traite d'Apamée jusqu'a ..,.
BOOKS024225I: Liedgren, Lars - Hus och gård i Hälsingland : en studie av agrar bebyggelse och bebyggelseutveckling i norra Hälsingland Kr. f.- 600 e. Kr
BOOKS029065I: Liefmann, Robert [1874-1941] - Die Unternehmerverbände (Konventionen, Kartelle) : ihr Wesen und ihre Bedeutung
BOOKS012898I: Liegeois, Jean-Pierre - Minoria e escolaridad: el paradigma gitano
BOOKS013002I: Liégeois, Jean-Pierre; editor: - Gypsies in the Locality: Proceedings: Report on the Colloquy held in Liptovský Mikulás (Slovakia), 15-17 October 1992.
BOOKS020305I: Liegler, Leopold [1882-1949] - Karl Kraus und sein werk
BOOKS027972I: Lieke, Edmund - Farbensehen bei Bienen : Wahrnehmung der Farbsättigung
BOOKS031354I: Lielbardis, Aigars - 150. kolekcija Buramvardi / Collection 150 Charms
BOOKS019998I: Nguyen Dang Liem - Vietnamese Pronunciation
BOOKS011215I: Lienert, Meinrad [1865-1933] - Geschichten aus den Schwyzerbergen : Erzählungen [together with 29 other volumes, all by Meinrad Lienert, ca. 1900-1936]
BOOKS016411I: Lienhard, Siegfried ; Editor: - Songs of Nepal : An Anthology of Nevar Folksongs and Hymns / [Compiled and Edited by] Siegfried Lienhard.
BOOKS007864I: Liep, John - A Papuan Plutocracy : Ranked Exchange on Rossel Island
BOOKS004505I: Liepmann, Kate K. - The Journey to Work. Its Significance for Industrial & Community Life.
BOOKS022177I: Lieten, Georges Kristoffel ; Nieunwenhuys, Olga ; & Schenk-Sandbergen, Loes Ch. ; editors: - Women, Migrants, and Tribals : Survival Strategies in Asia
BOOKS006737I: Revolutionäre Marxistische Liga - Gegen die fremdenfeindlichen Bewegungen : Für die Einheit der Arbeiterklasse
BOOKS020152I: Light, Andrew ; editor: - Social Ecology After Bookchin
BOOKS024749I: Lightbown, R. W. - Secular Goldsmiths' Work in Medieval France : A History
BOOKS014154I: Lightfoot, David - The Language Lottery: Toward a Biology of Grammars
BOOKS005581I: Lightfoot, David - Natural Logic and the Greek Moods : The Nature of the Subjunctive and Optative in Classical Greek
BOOKS019703I: Lighthill, James [Lighthill, M. J., Sir] - Waves in Fluids
BOOKS015007I: Ligne, Charles Joseph, Prince de [1735 - 1814] - Coup D'Oeil at Beloeil and a Great Number of European Gardens
BOOKS023249I: Ligt, Bart de [1883-1938] - Gandhi over oorlog, Volkenbond en ontwapening
BOOKS029425I: Lik'okeli, Ivane - Xevsuret'is sisxliani 37 : Lik'okis tartikauli
BOOKS029422I: Lik'okeli, Ivane - Xevsurebi da K'ak'uc'a : Xevsuret'is amboxeba 1922 clis zap'xuls'i K'ak'uc'a C'oloqas'vilis razmis monacileobit'
BOOKS025000I: Duangmisai Likaiya - Tong Pao Tho chai ka / hiaphiang læ khian doi Duangmisai Paolikaiya
BOOKS020003I: Lilien, Otto M. - History of Industrial Gravure Printing up to 1920
BOOKS026733I: Lilius, Henrik - Villa Lante al Gianicolo : l’architettura e la decorazione pittorica [Volumes I & II]
BOOKS012967I: Lilius, Henrik - Suomalaisen koulutalon arkkitehtuuri historiaa: Kehityslinjojen tarkastelua keskiajalta itsenäisyyden ajan alkuun
BOOKS012891I: Lilja, Saara [ Öhmann, Emil ] [ Väänänen, Veikko ] - Terms of Abuse in Roman Comedy [bound together with "Etude sur le texte et la langue ces Tablettes Albertini" + 1 other paper]
BOOKS004862I: Liljestrom, Rita ; & Ozdalga, Elisabeth ; editors : - Autonomy and Dependence in the Family : Turkey and Sweden in Critical Perspective
BOOKS015455I: Lilla, Mark - G.B. Vico: The Making of an Anti-modern
BOOKS024128I: Lillehammer, Grete - Død og grav : gravskikk på Kvassheimfeltet, Hå i Rogaland, SV Norge / Death and Grave : Burial Rituals of the Kvassheim Cemetery
BOOKS001656I: Lilley, S., editor: - Essays on the Social History of Science
BOOKS016741I: Lima, Luiz Costa - The Dark Side of Reason: Fictionality and Power
BOOKS004317I: Lima, Jose Joaquim Lopes de - Exposicao sobre o Governo interino da India Portugueza desde 24 de Setembro de 1840 ate 26 d'abril de 1842
BOOKS019547I: Limaye, Madhu [ Communist Party of India ] [ Democratic Research Service ] [ Narayana Ayyar, S.R. ] - Communist Party : Facts and Fiction [bound together with 6 other books & pamphlets concerning Indian political history, 1951-76]
BOOKS012958I: Limborgh, Coen van - Waardering van ongewone werktijden
BOOKS027577I: Limbour, Georges ; & Flamand, Elie-Charles - Die inneren Gesichte Eugen Gabritschevskys
BOOKS026534I: Lin, George C.S. [ Lin, Chusheng ] - Red Capitalism in South China: Growth and Development of the Pearl River Delta / George C.S. Lin
BOOKS023880I: Linard, H. - Sous les tropiques : 1872 - 1918 - 1920
BOOKS011628I: Linares, Olga F. & Ranere, Anthony J.; editors: - Adaptive Radiations in Prehistoric Panama
BOOKS027406I: Linck, Gottlob Eduard [1858-1947] - Aufbau des Erdballs : Rede, gehalten zur Feier der akademischen Preisverteilung am 21. Juni 1924 in der Stadtkirche zu Jena
BOOKS003974I: Linck, Olaf - Fra Kina til Danmark i en Ketch. Tre Unge Danske Maends Upplevelser paa en Eventyrlige Sejlads
BOOKS005730I: Lincoln, Kenneth - Native American Renaissance
BOOKS024234I: Lind, Lennart - Romerska denarer funna i Sverige
BOOKS006306I: Lind, Levi Robert ; editor & translator : [ Alexander of Villa Dei (ca. 1170- 1250 CE)] - Ecclesiale by Alexander of Villa Dei : Edited with Introduction, Notes, and English Translation
BOOKS028034I: Lind, Lennart - Roman Denarii Found in Sweden : [Volume 2]: Catalogue Text
BOOKS005143I: Lind, J. - Studies on the Geographical Distribution of Arctic Circumpolar Micromycetes
BOOKS016488I: Lindahl-Kiessling, Kerstin [ Kiessling, Kerstin Lindahl ] ; & Landberg, Hans - Population, Economic Development and the Environment
BOOKS004392I: Lindahl, Alfred - The Poliomyelitis Outbreak in Copenhagen in 1952: Epidemiological Studies
BOOKS001379I: Lindahl, B. Ingemar B. - Selection of the Principal Cause of Death.Studies on the Basis of Mortality Statistics for Rheumatoid Arthritis
BOOKS026006I: Lindberg, Jacob Christian [1797-1857] ; editor: - Maanedsskrift for Christendom og Historie : Første Bind [1831]
BOOKS027187I: Lindberg, Jacob Christian [1797-1857] - Smaaskrifter
BOOKS019458I: Lindberg, Bo - Naturrätten i Uppsala 1655-1720
BOOKS026516I: Lindberg, Niels Tornøe [1904-1971] - Kamp mod Inflationen eller Lønsænkning?,
BOOKS014720I: Lindberg, Otto Emil [1850 - 1920] - Studier öfver de semitiska ljuden w och y
BOOKS022228I: Lindberg, Bengt Jacob - Psycho-infantilism
BOOKS030321I: Lindberg, Jacob Christian [1797-1857] - Den kongelige Lands-Overrets samt Hof-og Stads-Rets Dom i Sagen : Magister Jac. Chr. Lindberg contra Etatsraad Frederik Thaarup
BOOKS027092I: Lindberger, Örjan - The Transformations of Amphitryon
BOOKS005126I: Lindblad, Waldemar - Die Bedeutungsentwicklung des Prafixes 'kata' in Kompositis : Eine semasiologische Untersuchung
BOOKS021807I: Lindblad, Anders - Konstruktion av linjer för moderna handelsfartyg
BOOKS021434I: Lindblom, Johannes - Gesichte und Offenbarungen : Vorstellungen von göttlichen Weisungen und übernatürlichen Erscheinungen im ältesten Christentum
BOOKS009368I: Lindblom, J. - Prophecy in Ancient Israel
BOOKS023798I: Lindboe, Ole - Smukke verden : Steffen Kindt & Popkunsten
BOOKS023761I: Lindboe, Ole - Vilje og længsel / Will and Longing : Karen Salicath and Sculpture
BOOKS029771I: Linde, Albert Berg von - Människan, vetet och kornet : studier kring odlingens begynnelse : arkeologi och genetik
BOOKS018881I: Lindeboom, G.A. ; editor: - Clio Medica : Acta Academiae Internationalis Historiae Medicinae, Volume 13 [1978-79]
BOOKS026602I: Lindeboom, Gerrit Arie - Florentius Schuyl (1619-1669) en zijn betekenis voor het cartesianisme in de geneeskunde
BOOKS024582I: Lindegren, Karin ; editor: [ Karling, Sten Ingvar ] [ Piper, Fredrik Magnus (1746-1824)] - Fredrik Magnus Piper och den romantiska parken / Fredrik Magnus Piper and the Landscape Garden ..,.
BOOKS026867I: Lindell, Kristina ; Swahn, Jan Öjvind ; & Damrong Tayanin - Folk Tales from Kammu : III: Pearls of Kammu Literature
BOOKS026865I: Lindell, Kristina ; Swahn, Jan Öjvind ; & Damrong Tayanin - Folk Tales from Kammu : II-A : A Story-Teller's Tales
BOOKS026866I: Lindell, Kristina ; Swahn, Jan Öjvind ; & Damrong Tayanin - Folk Tales from Kammu : IV: A Master-teller's Tales
BOOKS016839I: Lindemann, Albert S. - Esau's Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews
BOOKS003407I: van der Linden, P. - Contemporary Soil Erosion in the Sanggreman River Basin Related to the Quaternary Landscape Development..,..
BOOKS021630I: Lindenberger, Herbert - The History in Literature : On Value, Genre, Institutions
BOOKS003103I: Lindenfeld, David F. - The Transformation of Positivism. Alexius Meinong & European Thought 1880-1920
BOOKS002692I: Linder, Marc - Farewell to the Self-Employed : Deconstructing a Socioeconomic and Legal Solipsism
BOOKS009890I: Linder, Marc - Reification and the Consciousness of the Critics of Political Economy : Studies in the Development of Marx' Theory of Value
BOOKS025771I: Linderberg, Fernando [1854-1914] - Kristen Mikkelsen Kold : en levnetstegning
BOOKS007223I: Linderstrom-Lang, Kaj - Selected Papers
BOOKS001004I: Linderstrom-Lang, K. - Studier over Kasein: Om Kaseinets Fraktionering
BOOKS014387I: Lindert, Peter H. - Growing Public : Social Spending and Economic Growth Since the Eighteenth Century. Volume I: The Story
BOOKS014685I: Lindeskog, Gösta [1904 - 1984] - Die Jesusfrage im neuzeitlichen Judentum : Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Leben-Jesu-Forschung
BOOKS031299I: Lindfors, Axel Otto [1852-1909] ; editor : [ Linné, Carl von (1707-1778)] - Linnés dietetik, på grundvalen af dels hans eget originalutkast till föreläsningar : Lachesis naturalis quæ tradit diætam ..,.
BOOKS001890I: Lindgren, Lauri, editor: - Les Miracles de Notre-Dame de Soissons : Versifiés par Gautier de Coinci, publiés d'après six manuscrits
BOOKS016611I: Lindhagen, Curt - The Servant Motif in the Old Testament : A Preliminary Study to the Ebed-Yahweh Problem in Deutero-Isaiah
BOOKS021253I: Lindhardt, Jan - Rhetor, Poeta, Historicus : Studien über rhetorische Erkenntniss und Lebensanschauung im italienischen Renaissancehumanismus
BOOKS031698I: Lindhé, Wilma (1838-1922) - Från Vesterhafvet till Dalarne : Resehandbok för en färd med Birgslagernes Jernvägar mellan Göteborg och Falun
BOOKS024415I: Lindhe, Casimir Sparre - Variera heraldiska vapen mera : heraldisk skissbok med stilisering av sköldemärke handbok : termer och begrepp
BOOKS007159I: Lindholm, Jorgen - Studies on Some Parameters of Adrenocortical Function
BOOKS027344I: Lindholm, Gudrun - Studien zum mittellateinischen Prosarhythmus : seine Entwicklung und sein Abklingen in der Briefliteratur Italiens
BOOKS011121I: Lindholt, Lone - Questioning the Universality of Human Rights: The African Charter on Human and People’s Rights in Botswana, Malawi, & Mozambique
BOOKS015635I: Lindkvist, Thomas ; & Myrdal, Janken ; editors : - Trälar : ofria i agrarsamhället från vikingatid till medeltid
BOOKS022977I: Lindley, John [1799-1865] - The Theory of Horticulture; or, An Attempt to Explain the Principal Operations of Gardening Upon Physiological Principles
BOOKS004728I: Lindner, F.W. (Friedrich Wilhelm) [1779-1864] - Mac-Benac eller Det positiva i frimureriet : Öfversättning från tredje upplagan
BOOKS014743I: Lindner, Klaus - Untersuchungen zur Frühgeschichte des Bistums Würzburg und des Würzburger Raumes
BOOKS028630I: Lindner, Rudi Paul - Nomads and Ottomans in Medieval Anatolia
BOOKS014899I: Yan 'Ulap Savantesan ; Damhong Thayamin ; & Khrittina Lindoen. - Vatchananukom Khamu-Lao
BOOKS023490I: Lindow, John - Comitatus, Individual and Honor : Studies in North Germanic Institutional Vocabulary
BOOKS012217I: Lindoy, Leonard F. - The Chemistry of Macrocyclic Ligand Complexes
BOOKS012850I: Lindqvist, Sune [1887 - 19??] - Forngutniska altaren och därtill knutna studier
BOOKS018830I: Lindroth, Carl H. - A Revision of the Genus Synuchus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Carabidae)..,.
BOOKS023077I: Lindroth, Sten - Paracelsismen i Sverige, till 1600- talets mitt
BOOKS005822I: Lindsay, Franklin - Beacons in the Night: With the OSS and Tito's Partisans in Wartime Yugoslavia
BOOKS015058I: Lindsay, Philip ; & Groves, Reginald - The Peasants Revolt, 1381
BOOKS023765I: Lindschouw, Jan - Etude des modes dans le système concessif en francais du 16e au 20e siècle et en espagnol moderne : evolution, assertion ..,.
BOOKS004127I: Lindsey, William D. - Shailer Mathews's Lives of Jesus. The Search for a Theological Foundation for the Social Gospel
BOOKS012511I: Lindstrom, Thais S. - Tolstoi en France, 1886-1910.
BOOKS003607I: Lines, William J. - Taming the Great South Land: A History of the Conquest of Nature in Australia
BOOKS016700I: Ling, Tom - The British State Since 1945: An Introduction
BOOKS003236I: Lingard, John - The History & Antiquities of the Anglo-Saxon Church. Containing An Account of its Origin,Government,Doctrines...Vol. 1 & 2
BOOKS006367I: Linger, Daniel Touro - Dangerous Encounters: Meanings of Violence in a Brazilian City
BOOKS004263I: Lingis, Alphonso - Dangerous Emotions
BOOKS001896I: Lingis, Alphonso. - Abuses
BOOKS015486I: Lings, Martin - Un saint musulman du vingtième siècle: Le Cheikh Ahmad al Alawi
BOOKS026618I: Symposium on American Indian Linguistics (1951 : University of California) - Papers from the Symposium on American Indian Linguistics, held at Berkeley, July 7, 1951
BOOKS008408I: Linhares, Mario - Floroes
BOOKS010082I: Linhart, Sepp & Fruhstuck, Sabine; editors: - The Culture of Japan as Seen Through Its Leisure
BOOKS000243I: Link, Margaret Schevill - The Pollen Path. A Collection of Navajo Myths Retold
BOOKS030661I: Linkomies, Edwin Johan Hildegard - Die Syrerinnen im Kaiserpalast Roms
BOOKS022294I: Linnankoski, Johannes [1869-1913] - Batalo pri la domo Heikkilä
BOOKS012874I: Linnarsson, Lennart - Riksrådens licentiering: En studie i frihetstidens parlamentarism
BOOKS006414I: Linnekin, Jocelyn - Children of the Land. Exchange and Status in a Hawaiian Community
BOOKS005917I: Linow, Hans & Lampe, Jens - Møller pa Als
BOOKS019086I: Linsky, Arnold Stanley ; Bachman, Ronet ; & Straus, Murray Arnold - Stress, Culture, & Aggression
BOOKS003719I: Lintsen, Harry - Ingenieurs in Nederland in de Negentiende Eeuw. Een Streven naar Erkenning en Macht
BOOKS014503I: Lionnet, Francoise ; & Shi, Shumei ; editors: - Minor Transnationalism
BOOKS030232I: Lioy, Vincenzo - L'opera dell'Aeronautica : Tomo II : Eritrea, Somalia, Etiopia (1919-1937)
BOOKS015661I: Lioy, Paolo [1834–1911] - La vita nell'universo
BOOKS012309I: Lipe, Jorgo - Serenata e parajses (Poezi)
BOOKS017957I: Lipinski, Krzysztof - Interpretation, Rezeption, Translation : Aufsätze zur österreichischen Literatur im 20. Jahrhundert
BOOKS013096I: Lippert, Barbara; Hughes, Kirsty; Grabbe, Heather & Becker, Peter: editors; - British and German Interests in EU Enlargement: Conflict and Cooperation
BOOKS005898I: Lippi, Marco - Value & Naturalism in Marx
BOOKS028197I: Lippolis, Enzo ; Garraffo, Salvatore ; & Nafissi, M. - Taranto
BOOKS015413I: Lipschutz, Mark R. ; & Rasmussen, R. Kent - Dictionary of African Historical Biography
BOOKS018599I: Lipsey, Roger; Merton, Thomas - Angelic Mistakes: The Art of Thomas Merton
BOOKS024154I: Lipsi, Bustami M. - Limuno : Cerita rakyat daerah Indragiri Hulu / diungkapkan oleh Bustami M. Lipsi
BOOKS017295I: Lipsitz, George - Dangerous Crossroads : Popular Music, Postmodernism and the Poetics of Place
BOOKS003605I: Lipson, Charles - Standing Guard. Protecting Foreign Capital in the Nineteenth & Twentieth Centuries
BOOKS016073I: Lipthay, Ágost - Uti Jegyzetek
BOOKS005047I: Liritzis, Ioannis ; & Tsokas, Gregory N. ; editors: [ South European Conference in Archaeometry (2nd : 1991 : Delphi, Greece )] - Archaeometry in South Eastern Europe : Second Conference in Delphi, 19th-21st April, 1991
BOOKS005747I: Lis, Catharina ; & Soly, Hugo - Poverty and Capitalism in Pre-industrial Europe
BOOKS003195I: Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa - Noticia dos Trabalhos executados pela Direccao dos Estados de Hydraulica na India Portuguesa (Janeiro de 1904 a Marco de 1906)
BOOKS008070I: Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa - Regresso dos benemeritos exploradores Capello e Ivens da sua exploração geographica através da Africa em 1885,.,.,
BOOKS007706I: Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa [ Societe de Geographie de Lisbonne ] - La Question du Zaire : Droits de Portugal. Memorandum
BOOKS006042I: Lischka, Gerhard Johann ; & Giger, Bärni ; editors : [Aktionsgalerie] - Idols : Aktionsgalerie Bern, Katakombe Basel, Bündner Kunsthaus
BOOKS013211I: Lissarrague, Francois - The Aesthetics of the Greek Banquet : Images of Wine and Ritual (Un flot d'images)
BOOKS007783I: Lister, H. & Wyllie, P.J. - The Geomorphology of Dronning Louise Land
BOOKS021287I: Listowel, Judith Márffy-Mantuano Hare, Countess of - The Making of Tanganyika
BOOKS021224I: Wibun Lisuwan - Namanukrom khruangchaksan
BOOKS001187I: Wibun Lisuwan - Photchananukrom hatthakam khruangmu khruangchai phunban
BOOKS010790I: Liszka, Jozsef; editor: - Leléd : Hagyomanyos gazdalkodasa a XX- szazad elso feleben
BOOKS007313I: Liszt, Franz v. & Lilienthal, Karl v.;editors: - Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft. 16. Band (1896) [bound together with one other related serial publication]
BOOKS007341I: Liszt, Franz v. & Lilienthal, Karl v.; editors: - Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft. 20. Band (1900) [bound together with one related monograph]
BOOKS007342I: Liszt, Franz v. & Lilienthal, Karl v.; editors: - Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft. 15. Band (1895) [bound together with one related serial]
BOOKS007463I: Liszt, Franz v.; Lilienthal, Karl v.; Hippel, R.v. & Kohlrausch, Eduard; editors: - Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft, 25. Band [1905]
BOOKS007345I: Liszt, Franz v.; & Lilienthal, Karl v.; editors: - Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft. 14. Band (1894) [bound together with one related monograph & one serial]
BOOKS007343I: Liszt, Franz v.; Lilienthal, Karl v.; & Herz, Paul; editors: - Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft. 23. Band [1903]
BOOKS007340I: Liszt, Franz v.; Lilienthal, Karl v.; & Herz, Paul; editors: - Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft. 24. Band (1904) [bound together with one related monograph]
BOOKS007338I: Liszt, Franz v.; Lilienthal, Karl v.; Hippel, R.v.; & Kohlrausch, Eduard; editors: - Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft. 26. Band [1906]
BOOKS007337I: Liszt, Franz v.; Lilienthal, Karl v.; & Bennecke, H.; editors: - Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft. 13. Band (1893) [bound together with 2 related serials]
BOOKS007301I: Liszt, Franz v.; Lilienthal, Karl v.; Hippel, R.v.; & Kohlrausch, Eduard, editors: - Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft. 27. Band [1907]
BOOKS002230I: Liszt, Franz v. & Lilienthal, Karl v.; editors: - Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Strafrechtswissenschaft. 17. Band [1897] [bound together with 2 other related items]
BOOKS004501I: Literary Committee of the Folk-Lore Society, editors: - Jubilee Congress of the Folk-Lore Society, Sept. 19 - Sept. 25, 1928. Papers and Transactions.
BOOKS011872I: Litfin, Karen T.; editor: - The Greening of Sovereignty in World Politics
BOOKS012336I: Lito, Spiro - Kronike e shkurter nga historia e qytetit te veriut : Refleksione
BOOKS025583I: Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab - Om den nye Udgave af Saxo's Danmarks Historie : Svar til Lauritz Weibull ..,.
BOOKS011637I: Little, Alan M.G. - Myth and Society in Attic Drama
BOOKS015271I: Little, Roger - The Shaping of Modern French Poetry: Reflections on Unrhymed Poetic Form, 1840-1990
BOOKS008370I: Littlefield, Daniel F., Jr. - Alex Posey: Creek Poet, Journalist, and Humorist
BOOKS015772I: Littlefield, Daniel F. ; & Parins, James W. ; compilers: - American Indian and Alaska Native Newspapers and Periodicals 1826-1924
BOOKS014050I: Littler, Margaret; editor: - Gendering German Studies: New Perspectives on German Literature and Culture
BOOKS016460I: Littlewood, Roland - Pathology and Identity : The Work of Mother Earth in Trinidad
BOOKS028149I: Littmann, Enno [1875-1958] - Ahmed il-Bedawi : ein Leid auf den ägyptischen Nationalheiligen / aufgezeichnet, herausgegeben und übersetzt
BOOKS028508I: Littmann, Enno [1875-1958] - Morgenländische Wörter im Deutschen
BOOKS001895I: Littmann, Enno; editor & translator: - Mohammed im Volksepos: Ein neuarabisches Heiligenlied aufgezeichnet, herausgegeben und übersetzt
BOOKS000153I: Littmann, Enno [1875-1958] ; editor & translator: - Arabische Geisterbeschwörungen aus Ägypten : herausgegeben, übersetzt und erlautert
BOOKS030284I: Littmann, Enno [1875-1958] - Lieder der Tigre-Stämme : Deutsche Übersetzung und Commentar : [part A] Lieder der Mänsá, Bet-Guk und Mayra
BOOKS030285I: Littmann, Enno [1875-1958] - Lieder der Tigre-Stämme : Deutsche Übersetzung und Commentar : [B] : Lieder der 'Ad-Temaryam, 'Ad-Hebtes (Habak), 'Ad-Takles..,.
BOOKS030277I: Littmann, Enno [1875-1958] - Tales, Customs, Names and Dirges of the Tigre Tribes: Tigre Text [Publications of the Princeton Expedition to Abyssinia, Vol. 1]
BOOKS030279I: Littmann, Enno [1875-1958] - Tales, Customs, Names and Dirges of the Tigre Tribes : English Text [Publications of the Princeton Expedition to Abyssinia]
BOOKS023214I: Littrup, Leif - Subbureaucratic Government in China in Ming Times : A Study of Shandong Province in the Sixteenth Century
BOOKS007928I: Littrup, Leif; editor: - Analecta Hafniensia. 25 Years of East Asian Studies in Copenhagen
BOOKS018216I: Socjaldemokracji Królestwa Polskiego i Litwy - Z Pola Walki : Wydawnictwo Socjaldemokracji Królestwa Polskiego i Litwy. 1905. Nr 1-13
BOOKS010194I: Litynska-Zajac, Maria - Roslinnosc i gospodarka rolna w okresie rzymskim: Studium archeobotaniczne
BOOKS014553I: Litz, Gudrun ; Munzert, Heidrun ; & Liebenberg, Roland ; editors: - Frömmigkeit, Theologie, Frömmigkeitstheologie : Contributions to European Church History : Festschrift für Berndt Hamm..,.
BOOKS010934I: Liu, Tessie P. - The Weaver's Knot: The Contradictions of Class Struggle and Family Solidarity in Western France, 1750-1914
BOOKS016327I: Liu, Tao Tao ; & Faure, David ; editors: - Unity and Diversity : Local Cultures and Identities in China
BOOKS014360I: Liu, Xiaoyuan - A Partnership for Disorder: China, the United States, and their Policies for the Postwar Disposition of the Japanese Empire
BOOKS011063I: Liu, Po-cheng, et al: [1892 - 19??] - Recalling the Long March
BOOKS006681I: Liu, Yen-chih - The Essential Book of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Volume I: Theory
BOOKS025379I: Liu Zhaojia [ Lau Siu-kai ] ; & Kuan, Hsin-chi - The Ethos of the Hong Kong Chinese / Lau Siu-kai, Kuan Hsin-chi
BOOKS005915I: Liu, James T.C. - Ou-yang Hsiu : An Eleventh-Century Neo-Confucianist
BOOKS021350I: Liu Xiaodong ; Weiwei Ai ; Erickson, Britta ; & Merewether, Charles - The Richness of Life : Personal Photographs of Contemporary Chinese Artist Liu Xiaodong 1984-2006
BOOKS019516I: Liubenova, Iva - I grobovete umirat
BOOKS008617I: Liubimov, G.A.; Sedov, L.I. & Chernyi, G.G.; editors: - Fluid Mechanics
BOOKS013422I: Liungman, Waldemar - Der Kampf zwischen Sommer und Winter
BOOKS007357I: Liversage, David - Material and Interpretation. The Archaeology of Sjaelland in the Early Roman Iron Age
BOOKS025148I: Liversage, David - Neolithic Monuments at Lindebjerg, Northwest Zealand
BOOKS011790I: Livezeanu, Irina - Cultural Politics in Greater Romania: Regionalism, Nation Building & Ethnic Struggle, 1918-1950
BOOKS008023I: Livia, Anna; & Hall, Kira; editors: - Queerly Phrased: Language, Gender, and Sexuality
BOOKS014951I: Livianu, V.; Rusenesku, M.; Udria, T.; & Chimponeriu, E. - Iz hroniki istoricheskih dnei 1 Maia 1944 - 6 marta 1945 gg.
BOOKS012433I: Livio, M.; Panagia, N.; & Sahu, K.; editors: - Supernovae and Gamma-Ray Bursts: The Greatest Explosions since the Big Bang
BOOKS002415I: Livjanu, V.; Rusenesku, M.; Udrja,T. ; & Chimponeriu, E. - Iz khroniki istoricheskikh dnei i Maja 1944 - 6 Marta 1945 gg.
BOOKS014123I: Livrea, Enrico ; & Privitera, G Aurelio ; editors : [ Ardizzoni, Anthos ] - Studi in onore di Anthos Ardizzoni : Vol. I - II
BOOKS019881I: Ljung, Sven - Erik Jöransson Tegel : en biografisk-historiografisk studie
BOOKS002438I: Llanos Vargas, Hector - Los Cacicazgos de Popoyan a la llegada de los Conquistadores
BOOKS009998I: Llavero, F. - Thromboendangiitis Obliterans des Gehirns: Neurologisch-psychiatrische Syndrome
BOOKS028102I: Lleras, Lorenzo Maria - República de Colombia, o Noticia de sus límites, extension, montañas, rios, producciones ...
BOOKS012230I: Lleshi, Nikolle - Gomsiqja: Ne histori e etnokulture
BOOKS029567I: Llewellyn, T. D. - Lettere artistiche del Settecento veneziano [Volume 4] : Owen McSwiny’s Letters 1720-1744
BOOKS003421I: Llorca, F. Orts - Embrión Humano Cíclope de 25 Milímetros. Contribución al Estudio de la Ciclopía
BOOKS011053I: Lloyd, Rosemary - Mallarme: The Poet and His Circle
BOOKS011022I: Lloyd, Rosemary - Closer & Closer Apart: Jealousy in Literature
BOOKS019166I: Lloyd-Jones, Hugh - The Further Academic Papers of Sir Hugh Lloyd-Jones
BOOKS007975I: Lloyd, Peter Cutt; editor: - The New Elites of Tropical Africa
BOOKS015681I: Lloyd, Barbara Bloom ; & Gay, John ; editors: - Universals of Human Thought : Some African Evidence
BOOKS000309I: Lloyd, Peter - The "Young Towns" of Lima. Aspects of Urbanization in Peru
BOOKS019755I: Lloyd, Francis Ernest [1868-1947] - The Carnivorous Plants
BOOKS020104I: Lloyd, Dan Edward - Simple Minds
BOOKS017604I: Lo, Jui-ching [Luo Ruiqing ] ; Lü, Zhengcao ; & Wang, Ping-nan - Zhou Enlai and the Xi'an Incident : An Eyewitness Account : A Turning Point in Chinese History
BOOKS011935I: Lo, Clarence Y. H. & Schwartz, Michael; editors: - Social Policy and the Conservative Agenda
BOOKS019671I: Lo, Ming-cheng Miriam - Doctors within Borders : Profession, Ethnicity and Modernity in Colonial Taiwan
BOOKS020783I: Lo, Joan - Glimpses from Sarawak's Past
BOOKS005758I: Loach, Barbara Lee - Power and Women's Writing in Chile
BOOKS013967I: Loades, Ann; & Rue, Loyal D. ; editors: - Contemporary Classics in Philosophy of Religion
BOOKS006562I: Lobeck, Anne - Ellipsis: Functional Heads, Licensing, and Identification
BOOKS003427I: Löber, Hans ; & Lagudaku, Giota - O giatrós Dr. Xans Lémper : grámmata apó te Mélo 1943-44
BOOKS003062I: Lobo, Eulalia Maria Lahmeyer, editor: - Rio de Janeiro Operario : Natureza do estado e conjuntura economica, condicoes de vida e consciencia de clase 1930 - 1970
BOOKS003537I: Lobo d'Avila, Rodrigo - O General Francisco de Paula Lobo d'Avila e os seus detractores : Memoria redigida por seu filho
BOOKS005141I: Lobsien, Eckhard - Das literarisch Feld. Phanomenologie der Literaturwissenschaft
BOOKS030562I: Vu Kim Lôc - Cô vât huyên bí / Mysterious Artifacts
BOOKS023989I: Pham Xuân Lôc - Nhân danh tâp chí / Ren ming ji zhi / Un recueil sur les organisations et coutumes villageoises au nord du Vietnam
BOOKS012663I: Local, John; Ogden, Richard; & Temple, Rosalind; editors: - Phonetic Interpretation : Papers in Laboratory Phonology VI
BOOKS024034I: Locher, Friedrich [1820-1911] - Zwanglose Blätter : 1.- 7. Prise [bound together with "Wetterleuchten: Der Staatssozialismus und sine Consequenzen" 1.-4. Theil]
BOOKS019287I: Lochnan, Katharine Jordan ; editor: - Seductive Surfaces : The Art of Tissot
BOOKS014232I: Lock, Margaret M. ; Young, Allan ; & Cambrosio, Alberto ; editors: - Living and Working with the New Medical Technologies: Intersections of Inquiry
BOOKS005855I: Lock, Andrew; & Peters, Charles R.; editors: - Handbook of Human Symbolic Evolution
BOOKS024932I: Lockhart, Russell A. - Psyche Speaks : A Jungian Approach to Self and World
BOOKS007868I: Lockhart, James - Spanish Peru 1532 - 1560: A Colonial Society
BOOKS010065I: Lockman, Zachary; editor: - Workers and Working Classes in the Middle East: Struggles, Histories, Historiographies
BOOKS016523I: Lockman, Zachary - Contending Visions of the Middle East: The History and Politics of Orientalism
BOOKS025272I: Lockwood, W.B. (William Burley) [1917-2012] - The Faroese Bird Names
BOOKS018637I: Lockwood, W. B. (William Burley) - Indo-European Philology : Historical and Comparative
BOOKS009375I: Lodge, Eleanor C. - Gascony Under English Rule
BOOKS007152I: Lodlow, Peter; editor: - Crypto Anarchy, Cyberstates, and Pirate Utopias
BOOKS004418I: Lodrick, Deryck O. - Sacred Cows , Sacred Places. Origins & Survivals of Animal Homes in India.
BOOKS030652I: Loë, Alfred de, Baron [1858-1947] - Notice sur des antiquités Franques découvertes à Harmignies
BOOKS010767I: Loeb, Arthur L. - Concepts and Images: Visual Mathematics
BOOKS028302I: Loebl, Alfred H. - Die Landesverteidigungsreform im ausgehenden XVI. Jahrhundert im Zeichen des sinkenden dualistischen Staatsbegriffes
BOOKS002896I: Loeffler, Hans F. - Walther Rathenau : ein Europäer im Kaiserreich
BOOKS002659I: Loeffler, Reinhold - Islam in Practice : Religious Beliefs in a Persian Village
BOOKS007421I: Loening, Edgar - Die Gemeinedeverfassung des Urchristentums : Eine kirchenrechtliche Untersuchung
BOOKS014592I: Loepfe, Adolf - Die Wahrheit über den Streik in Wallisellen vom 15.- 22. Oktober 1938
BOOKS030165I: Loesch, Karl Christian von [1880-1951] ; & Mühlmann, Wilhelm Emil [1904-1988] - Die Völker und Rassen Südosteuropas : Mit 96 Aufnahmen und einem Reisebericht von Gustav Adolf Küppers
BOOKS028827I: Thanik Loetchanrit - Phachana dinphao yuk kon prawattisat nai Prathet Thai
BOOKS010531I: Chatthip Nartsupha ; & Phonphilai Loetwicha - Watthanatham muban Thai
BOOKS012845I: Loew, Ernst [1843-1908] - Einführung in die Blütenbiologie auf historischer Grundlage
BOOKS014660I: Loewe, Gudrun - Kataloge zur mitteldeutschen Schnurkeramik. Teil I, Thüringen
BOOKS020328I: Loewe, Fritz ; Bull, Colin ; McCormick, Jack; & Treves, Samuel B. - Reconnaissance of Sukkertoppen Ice Cap and Adjacent Tasersiaq Area, Southwest Greenland,
BOOKS007870I: Loewy, Erich H. - Moral Strangers, Moral Acquaintance, and Moral Friends: Connectedness and its Conditions
BOOKS022151I: Lofchie, Michael F. - Zanzibar : Background to Revolution
BOOKS025314I: Løffler, Julius Bentley [1843-1904] - Min virksomhed ved Nationalmuseet, 1868-1900 : Trykt som manuskript
BOOKS004902I: Loffreda, Stanislao - Holy Land Pottery at the Time of Jesus : Early Roman Period, 63 BC - 70 AD
BOOKS030217I: Löfgren, Oscar [1898-1992] - Katalog über die äthiopischen Handschriften in der Universitätsbibliothek Uppsala : sowie Anhänge über äthiopische Handschriften
BOOKS003629I: Lofgren, Donald L. - The Bug Creek Problem & the Cretaceous-Tertiary Transition at McGuire Creek, Montana
BOOKS023908I: Löfstrand, Lars - Yngre stenålderns kustboplatser : undersökningarna vid Äs och studier i den gropkeramiska kulturens kronologi och ekologi
BOOKS027127I: Loft, Johannes - Historien om Troels Nikolaj
BOOKS009276I: Lofvenberg, M.T. [& Friden, Georg; Frisk, Gosta; Schubel, Friedrich] - On the Syncocope of the Old English Present Findings [bound together with three other monographs]
BOOKS025928I: Löfving, Carl - Gothia som dansk/engelskt skattland : ett exempel på heterarki omkring år 1000
BOOKS026209I: Logan, F. Donald - The Vikings in History
BOOKS000849I: Logan, Richard F. - Bibliography of South West Africa. Geography & Related Fields. 2000 titles (closed 1966).
BOOKS004055I: Logeman, H. - A Commentary, Critical & Explanatory, on the Norwegian Text of Henrik Ibsen's Peer Gynt. Its Language, Literary Associations...
BOOKS011748I: Løgstrup, Knud E. - Weite und Prägnanz : sprachphilosophische Betrachtungen [ Metaphysik, I.]
BOOKS002750I: Lohadia, S.R.; Singh, Shamsher - Special Survey Report on Selected Towns: Nathdwara
BOOKS015522I: Lohafer, Susan ; & Clarey, Jo Ellyn ; editors: - Short Story Theory at a Crossroads
BOOKS000477I: Lohammar, Gunnar - Wasserchemie und Hohere Vegetation Schwedischer Seen
BOOKS028567I: Lohéac, Lyne - Daoud Ammoun et la création de l’État libanais
BOOKS025640I: Lohmann, Jens Johan - Kalkmalerierne i Skive Kirke : et Mindesmærke for dansk Aandsliv i gamle Dage
BOOKS016966I: Lohmeier, Dieter ; editor: - Arte et marte : Studien zur Adelskultur des Barockzeitalters in Schweden, Dänemark und Schleswig-Holstein
BOOKS010975I: Schweizer. Aktionskomitee gegen den Lohnabbau [ Moreau, Clément (pseudonym of Joseph Carl Meffert, 1903-1988)] - Schweizer Bauern! : Arbeit hat der Bauer genug
BOOKS000229I: Lohne, Otto ; Risvaag, Jon Anders ; Ulseth, Pål; Lohne, Jardar - The Mint in the Nidaros Archbishop's Palace : Coin Production under Archbishop Gaute Ivarsson (1475-1510)
BOOKS031553I: Löhr, Brigitte - Die Zukunft Russlands : Perspektiven russischer Wirtschaftsentwicklung und deutsch-russische Wirtschaftsbeziehungen ..,.
BOOKS000158I: Lohr, Charles; & Berndt, Rainer; editors: [Andreas, de Sancto Victore (ca. 1110-1175)] - Andreae de Sancto Victore Opera: I : Expositionem super Heptateuchum
BOOKS014500I: Loisy, Alfred Firmin, [1857-1940] - Les mystères païens et le mystère chrétien
BOOKS007214I: [India, Parliament of] Lok Sabha, Joint Committee to Enquire into Bofors Contract - Report [Eighth Lok Sabha]. Presented to Lok Sabha on 26-4-88. Laid on the Table of Rajya Sabha on 26-4-88
BOOKS004838I: Lokhandwalla, S.T.,editor: - Kitab Ikhtilaf Usuli'l-Madhahib of Qadi Nu'man b. Muhammad. Edited with a Critical Introduction.
BOOKS026844I: Lolos, Yannos - To anaktoron tou Nestoros
BOOKS003204I: Loman, J.C. - De Toekomst van Curacao als Nederlandsche wereldhaven in West-Indie
BOOKS019329I: Lomax, John Avery [1867-1948] - Adventures of a Ballad Hunter
BOOKS024213I: Lomax, Louis E. [1922-1970] - When the Word is Given : A Report on Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X, and the Black Muslim World
BOOKS009853I: Lombard, L. - De l'influence qu'ont exercee sur la clinique medicale: les investigations modernes de la Physiologie experimentale...
BOOKS019430I: Lombardi, Riccardo ; Ledda, Romano; Besso, Lelio; et al: - Stop Vietnam
BOOKS025044I: Lomborg, Ebbe - Donauländische Kulturbeziehungen und die relative Chronologie der frühen nordischen Bronzezeit
BOOKS019266I: Lomborg, Bjørn ; editor: - Global Crises, Global Solutions
BOOKS021453I: Lomborg, Ebbe - Die Flintdolche Dänemarks : Studien über Chronologie und Kulturbeziehungen des südskandinavischen Spätneolithikums
BOOKS025285I: Lomborg, Ebbe - a collection of 6 offprints & extracts concerning Scandinavian archaeology, ca. 1962-1977
BOOKS024638I: Lomholt, Jørgen - La concurrence entre de et en, à, dans employés dans le groupe subst. + prép. + nom géographique en français contemporain
BOOKS008307I: Lomholt, Jorgen - Syntaxe des noms geographiques en francais contemporain
BOOKS002177I: Lomholt, Gunnar - Psoriasis: Prevalence, Spontaneous Course, & Genetics. A Census Study on the Prevalence of Skin Diseases on the Faroe Islands
BOOKS030251I: Lommel, Georg - Die Unitarier in Ostfranken, die Vorläufer der Deutschkatholiken
BOOKS022632I: Lomonaco, Fabrizio - Filosofia, diritto e storia in Gianvincenzo Gravina
BOOKS029472I: Lomouri, T'amar [1883-1965] [ Kut'elia, T'inat'in ; editor : ] - P'ulis mimok'c'evis istoriisat'vis sua saukuneebis Sak'art'velosi
BOOKS017061I: Lonchamp, F.C. [Frédéric-Charles (1886-1966)] - Un siècle d'art suisse (1730-1830) : l'estampe et le livre á gravures; guide de l'amateur, orné de reproductions
BOOKS026312I: Solidarity London - Solidarity Motor Bulletin : Nr. I : Ford Struggle 73 : Antwerp - Genk - Bordeaux - Cologne - Melbourne - Amsterdam
BOOKS030108I: London, Christopher W. ; editor : [National Centre for the Performing Arts] - The Arts of Kutch
BOOKS012221I: Long, Norman - Social Change and the Individual : A Study of the Social and Religious Responses to Innovation in a Zambian Rural Community
BOOKS017019I: Long, James, Rev. - Analysis of the Raj-Mala or Chronicles of Tripura
BOOKS021999I: Longair, Malcolm S. - The Cosmic Century : A History of Astrophysics and Cosmology
BOOKS005542I: Longenbach, James - Stone Cottage: Pound, Yeats & Modernism
BOOKS021152I: Longo, Valdo - Geologie und Stratigraphie des Gebietes zwischen Chiasso und Varese
BOOKS030211I: Longo, Luigi Emilio - La campagna italo-etiopica (1935-1936) : Tomo I & II
BOOKS013462I: Longrigg, Stephen Hemsley - Oil in the Middle East : Its Discovery and Development
BOOKS010352I: Longstreth, Richard W. - The Drive-in, the Supermarket, and the Transformation of Commercial Space in Los Angeles, 1914-1941 /
BOOKS019653I: Longstreth, Richard W. - City Center to Regional Mall : Architecture, the Automobile and Retailing in Los Angeles, 1920-50
BOOKS011254I: Liu Huanjin zhu bian Fan Longsuo - Shanxi shou lei
BOOKS000934I: Lönnroth, Erik - Scandinavians : Selected Historical Essays
BOOKS017218I: Lonyay, Menyhert, Grof [ Horvath, Mihaly ] [ Beöthy, Zsolt ] [ Kratky, Janos ] [Hanvay, Zoltan] - Grof Szechenyi Istvan es hatrahagyott iratai [bound together 6 other pamphlets concerning Hungarian history, etc, ca. 1868-1918]
BOOKS022189I: Lookofsky, Joseph M. - Understanding the CISG in Scandinavia : A Compact Guide to the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts ..,,.
BOOKS015173I: Loomis, Roger Sherman [1887 - 1966] - The Grail: From Celtic Myth to Christian Symbol
BOOKS016458I: Loomis, R. S. ; & Connor, D. J. - Crop Ecology: Productivity and Management in Agricultural Systems
BOOKS000450I: Van Loon, Jan Potter - Een geographisch-pathologische bijdrage tot het galsteenvraagstuk : onderzoek met de duodenumsonde bij javanen en chineezen
BOOKS013770I: Loon, Maurits Nanning van. - Anatolia in the Earlier First Millennium B.C.
BOOKS025331I: Loosjes, F.E. - Monograph of the Indo-Australian Clausiliidae (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Clausiliidae, Phaedusinae)
BOOKS014339I: Loosley, William Robert [ Langford, David; editor: ] - An Account of a Meeting with Denizens of Another World, 1871
BOOKS027473I: Loosli-Usteri, Marguerite [1893-1958] - Le diagnostic individuel chez l'enfant au moyen du test de Rorschach
BOOKS010595I: Loosli, Carl Albert [1877-1959] - Schweizerische Zukunftspflichten
BOOKS027472I: Loosli-Usteri, Marguerite [1893-1958] - De l’anxiété enfantine : étude psychologique et pédagogique
BOOKS031686I: Lopata, Raimundas - Authoritarian Regime in Interwar Lithuania : Circumstances, Legitimation, Conception / Autoritarinis rezimas tarpukario Lietuvoj
BOOKS007596I: Lopata, Helena Znaniecka - Circles and Settings: Role Changes of American Women
BOOKS014699I: Lopes de Lima, Jose Joaquim [Casal Ribeiro, Jose Maria do] [Silveira, Joaquim Henriques Fradesso da] [Casal Ribeiro, Conde do] - A verdade zomba da calumnia [bound together with 3 other books & pamphlets relating to 19th Century Portuguese politics]
BOOKS018224I: Lopes-Sabino, Amadeu - L'Étoile du Nord : Présences portugaises en Belgique et en Hollande
BOOKS021708I: Lopes, Adérito - O Congo de Lumumba : historia de um assassinato politico
BOOKS029561I: Lopes, Dominic - Understanding Pictures
BOOKS006594I: Lopez-Neyra, Carlos Rodriguez & Soler Planas, Maria de los Angeles - La Equinococosis en Espana
BOOKS024938I: López Austin, Alfredo ; & López Luján, Leonardo - El pasado indígena
BOOKS006627I: Lopez Gomez, Antonio; Lopez Gomez, Julia; Fernandez Garcia, Felipe & Arroya Ilera, Fernando - El clima urbano de Madrid : la isla de calor
BOOKS000577I: Lopez Sanchez, Jose - Tomas Romay and the Origin of Science in Cuba
BOOKS000179I: Lopez Martin, Maria de Pilar - La Pabostria de la Iglesia de San Salvador de Zaragoza en el ultimo tercio del Siglo XIII
BOOKS014108I: Loraux, Nicole - The Experiences of Tiresias: Feminine and the Greek Man
BOOKS006054I: Loraux, Nicole [1943-2003] - The Divided City : On Memory and Forgetting in Ancient Athens
BOOKS011969I: Loraux, Nicole - Mothers in Mourning with the Essay Of Amnesty and Its Opposite
BOOKS020193I: Lorber, Jakob [1800-1864] - Briefe Jakob Lorbers : Urkunden und Bilder aus seinem Leben
BOOKS015780I: Lord, Walter Frewen [ 1861-1927 ] - England and France in the Mediterranean, 1660-1830
BOOKS018045I: Lord, Albert Bates - Epic Singers and Oral Tradition
BOOKS013539I: Lorenc, Vilem; & Rokyta, Hugo; editors: [Prague (Czechoslovakia) Statni ustav pro rekonstrukci pamatkovych mest a objektu] - Rekonstrukce historickych mest. [Sbornik praci v letech 1949-1954]
BOOKS007182I: Lorentsen, Mogens - Shear and Bond in Prestressed Concrete Beams Without Shear Reinforcement
BOOKS019361I: Lorentz de Haas, Albert Marie ; editor: - Lectures on Epilepsy
BOOKS030000I: Lorentz de Haas, Albert Marie [1911-1967] - Onderzoek over den thalamus opticus en de cortico-thalamische verbindingen bij het konijn
BOOKS004195I: Lorentzen, Jochen - Opening Up Hungary to the World Market. External Constraints & Opportunities
BOOKS031163I: Lorenz, Johann - Operative und taktische Betrachtungen über die Concentrierung des 10. Corps am 23. und 24. November 1870 bei Beaune-la-Rolande
BOOKS027413I: Lorenz, Falko - Quadratische Formen über Körpern
BOOKS010273I: Lorenz, Konrad - The Natural Science of the Human Species: An Introduction to Comparative Behavioral Research. The "Russian Manuscript" (1944-48)
BOOKS018853I: Lorenz, J.R. von ; editor: [ Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Commission für die Adria ] - Dritter Bericht der ständigen Commission für die Adria an die Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften ..,.
BOOKS024200I: Lorenz, Angelika - Das deutsche Familienbild in der Malerei des 19. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS017422I: Lorenz, Clarissa M. - Lorelei Two : My Life with Conrad Aiken
BOOKS003688I: Lorenz, Walter - Industrieminerale, Steine und Erden in der Republik El Salvador, Mittelamerika
BOOKS003676I: Lorenz, Gottfried - Das Erzstift Bremen und der Administrator Friedrich wahrend des Westfalischen Friedenskongresses. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte ..,
BOOKS030503I: Lorenz, J.R. von ; & Osnaghi, Ferd. ; editors: [ Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Commission für die Adria ] - Vierter Bericht der ständigen Commission für die Adria an die Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften ..,.
BOOKS031293I: Lorenz, H. - Dr. P.J. Möbius als Philosoph
BOOKS002449I: Lorenzen, Vilh. - Axel Urup. En Dansk Ingenior i det 17. Aarhundrede
BOOKS006212I: Lorenzen, David N. - Kabir Legends and Ananta-das's Kabir Parachai...
BOOKS021960I: Lorenzen, Eivind - Technological Studies in Ancient Metrology
BOOKS002020I: Lorenzen, Poul - Jagt og Vildt i Dansk Folketro
BOOKS014095I: Lorenzen, David N. - Praises to a Formless God : Nirguni Texts from North India
BOOKS029931I: Lorez, Christian [ Lorez-Brunold, Christian ] - Bauernarbeit im Rheinwald: Landwirtschaftliche Methoden und Geräte und ihre Terminologie in der ältesten urkundlich belegten..,.
BOOKS028024I: Loria, Gino Benedetto [1862-1954] - Intorno alla trigonometria degli antichi Greci [together with 2 other offprints by Loria, all inscribed by author]
BOOKS022864I: Loria, Gino Benedetto [1862-1954] - Da Descartes e Fermat a Monge e Lagrange : contributo alla storia della geometria analitica
BOOKS000155I: Lorian, Alexandre - L'ordre des propositions dans la phrase francaise contemporaine: La cause
BOOKS009251I: Loriaux, Michael - France After Hegemony: International Change and Financial Reform
BOOKS012051I: Loriaux, Michael; Woo-Cumings, Meredith; Calder, Kent E.; Maxfield, Sylvia; & Perez, Sofia A - Capital Ungoverned: Liberalizing Finance in Interventionist States
BOOKS018456I: Loriot, Fernand [1870-1932] - Les problèmes de la révolution prolétarienne
BOOKS014913I: Lorrain, Reginald Arthur - Grammar and Dictionary of the Lakher or Mara Language
BOOKS016921I: Lorrain, James Herbert - Dictionary of the Lushai Language (Lushai-English)
BOOKS026303I: Lorulot, André [1885-1963] - Les Secrets des Jésuites : "Monita secreta" : instructions secrètes de la Compagnie de Jésus..,.
BOOKS000410I: Los Angeles, Maria de ; & Mayor, Manrique - Instrumentos de hierro de Numancia conservados en el Museo Numantino (Soria).
BOOKS014790I: Los, Frans J. - Die Ura Linda Handschriften als Geschichtsquelle
BOOKS009056I: Lösche, Bernhard; editor: - Das Esperanto ein Kulturfaktor: Festschrift anlasslich des 9. Deutschen Esperanto-Kongresses, Leipzig, Pfingsten 1914
BOOKS017691I: Lose & Olsen, Forlag [Denmark] - Sangbog, indeholdende de oprindelige Texter til Melodierne i den paa C.C. Lose & Olsens Forlag udkomne Vaudeville-Journal
BOOKS028460I: Loserth, Johann [1846-1936] - Die geistlichen Schriften Peters von Zittau
BOOKS028361I: Loserth, Johann [1846-1936] - Matthes Amman von Ammansegg : ein innerösterreichischer Staatsmann des XVI. Jahrhunderts
BOOKS028368I: Loserth, Johann [1846-1936] - Die Krönungsordnung der Könige von Böhmen
BOOKS030938I: Loserth, Johann [ Kaindl, Raimund Friedrich ] [ Bibl, Victor ] - Ein Hochverrathsprocess aus der Zeit der Gegenreformation in Innerösterreich [bound together with 2 other papers]
BOOKS028374I: Loserth, Johann [1846-1936] ; editor : - Das Granum catalogi praesulum moraviae : nach der Handschrift des Olmützer Domcapitelarchivs
BOOKS030548I: Loserth, Johann [ Tadra, Ferdinand ] [ Jäger, Albert ] - Beiträge zur Geschichte der husitischen Bewegung, 1 ..,. [together with two other monographs]
BOOKS017192I: Loserth, Johann [1846-1936] - Erzherzog Karl II. und die Frage der Errichtung eines Klosterrathes für Innerösterreich : Nach den Acten des steiermärkischen.,.
BOOKS028362I: Loserth, Johann [1846-1936] - Johann von Wiclif und Guilelmus Peraldus : Studien zur Geschichte der Entstehung von Wiclifs Summa Theologiae
BOOKS028446I: Loserth, Johann [1846-1936] - Fragmente eines Formelbuches Wenzels II. von Böhmen
BOOKS021828I: Losfeld, Eric; editor: - Le cinéma s'insurge : états généraux du cinéma : No. 1
BOOKS021842I: Losfeld, Eric; editor: - Le cinéma s'insurge : états généraux du cinéma : No. 2
BOOKS010772I: Losonczy, Anne-Marie - Les saints et la foret: Ritual, societe et figures de l'echange avec les Indiens Embera chez les Negro-Colombiens du Choco
BOOKS021013I: Losovsky, A. [ Lozovskii A. ] [pseudonym of Solomon Abramovich Dridzo (1878-1952)] - The World's Trade Union Movement
BOOKS029829I: Kuy Lot [ Laporte, René ; & Pech Thinh ; translators : ] - Kêv Preah Phleung
BOOKS010287I: Lotfollah, Mofakham-Payan - Etude geographique de la mer Caspienne
BOOKS009341I: Lothe, Jakob; editor: - Conrad in Scandinavia
BOOKS000484I: Lother, Rolf - Wegbereiter der Genetik : Gregor Johann Mendel und August Weismann
BOOKS030836I: Lotic, Ljubomir - Nasa narodna prosveta : zadace joj i potrebe / napisao i 1910. god. sazvatom Srp. narodno-crkvenom saboru prikazuje ..,.
BOOKS005334I: Lott, Arnold S. - Most Dangerous Sea. A History of Mine Warfare, and an Account of U.S. Navy Mine Warfare Operations in World War II and Korea.
BOOKS025695I: Lottes, Günther - Politische Aufklärung und plebejisches Publikum : zur Theorie und Praxis des englischen Radikalismus im späten 18. Jahrhundert
BOOKS027265I: Lotz, Theophil [1842-1908] - Pocken und Vaccination : Bericht über die Impffrage, erstattet im Namen der schweizerischen Sanitätskommission ..,.,.
BOOKS026558I: Lotz, Ernst ; & Wezler, Karl - Die Hauttemperatur des Menschen bei wechselnden Windgeschwindigkeiten und Raumtemperaturen
BOOKS006500I: O'Loughlin, Michael - The Garlands of Repose :The Literary Celebration of Civic & Retired Leisure.The Traditions of Homer & Vergil, Horace & Montaigne
BOOKS005923I: O'Loughlin, Michael - The Garlands of Repose.The Literary Celebration of Civic & Retired Leisure: The Traditions of Homer & Vergil, Horace & Montaigne
BOOKS030802I: Louis, André - Les provisions de bouche de la maison kerkénienne [together with one other offprint by Louis]
BOOKS011556I: Louis, Prakash & Prasada, Kamalakanta - Varna evam varga vyavastha ke ´sikañje mem phamse Bihara ke dalita / sampadaka, Praka´sa Luisa, Kamalakanta Prasada
BOOKS019282I: Louis, Prakash - Casteism is Horrendous than Racism : Durban and Dalit Discourse
BOOKS004639I: Louis, William Roger - Imperialism at Bay 1941-1945. The United States & the Decolonization of the British Empire.
BOOKS000296I: Louis, Andre - Bibliographie Ethno- Sociologique de la Tunisie
BOOKS011373I: Louis, Prakash - People Power : The Naxalite Movement in Central Bihar
BOOKS019571I: United States. Congress. House. Select Committee on the Recent Election in the State of Louisiana. - Recent Election in Louisiana : Testimony Taken by Select Committee on the Recent Election in Louisiana, January 17, 1877
BOOKS019197I: Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia - Urban Design Downtown : Poetics and Politics of Form
BOOKS006198I: Lourdayyan, William - Conversion Debate & the Holocaust. The Call of Prime Minister Vajpayee for a National Debate on Conversion ...
BOOKS014702I: Lourié, Ossip [1868 - 19??] - Le langage et la verbomanie : Essai de psychologie morbide.
BOOKS012733I: Loury, Glenn C.; Modood, Tariq.; & Teles, Steven Michael; editors: - Ethnicity, Social Mobility and Public Policy: Comparing the US and UK
BOOKS022218I: Loustas, Soteriou N. - Ptocheia Ellas
BOOKS001964I: Louw, W.J. - An Ecological Account of the Vegetation of the Potchefstroom Area
BOOKS002860I: Louza, Augusto - Na Suissa (Chronicas Alpestres)
BOOKS009950I: Love, Joseph L. - Crafting the Third World: Theorizing Underdevelopment in Rumania and Brazil
BOOKS009536I: Loveland, Christine A. & Loveland, Franklin O.; editors: - Sex Roles and Social Change in Native Lower Central American Societies
BOOKS007544I: Lovell, Terry; editor: - British Feminist Thought : A Reader
BOOKS015859I: Lovell, Nancy C. - Patterns of Injury and Illness in Great Apes : A Skeletal Analysis
BOOKS005518I: Lovell, Bernard - The Story of Jodrell Bank
BOOKS001596I: Loventhal, Eduard - Efter 16 Aar i Indien. Et Ord til den danske Menigheder
BOOKS027440I: Loverdo, Costa de - Les Maquis rouges des Balkans, 1941-1945 : Grèce, Yougoslavie, Albanie
BOOKS009565I: Lövgren, Sven - The Genesis of Modernism: Seurat, Gauguin, van Gogh, and French Symbolism in the 1880's
BOOKS028999I: Low, Ruth Hull ; compiler : - St. John Voices : A Documentary Anthology of Daily Life on St. John 1718-1956
BOOKS003137I: Low, D.A., editor: - Soundings in Modern South Asian History
BOOKS029143I: Low, Ruth Hull ; & Valls, Rafael ; compilers. - St. John Backtime : Eyewitness Accounts from 1718 to 1956
BOOKS029583I: Lowden, John - Illuminated Prophet Books : A Study of Byzantine Manuscripts of the Major and Minor Prophets
BOOKS021591I: Lowe-McConnell, R. H. (Rosemary Helen) - Ecological Studies in Tropical Fish Communities
BOOKS028670I: Lowe, Alfonso - The Catalan Vengeance
BOOKS003256I: Löwenberg, A. - Causes of Coughing in a Groningen General Practice
BOOKS008845I: Lowenthal, Abraham F. & Burgess, Katrina; editors: - The California-Mexico Connection
BOOKS010498I: Lowery, George H., Jr. - A Quantitative Study of the Nocturnal Migration of Birds
BOOKS005029I: Lowery, Margaret Ruth - Windows of the Morning. A Critical Study of William Blake's 'Poetical Sketches', 1783
BOOKS022445I: Lowi, Miriam R. - Water and Power : The Politics of a Scarce Resource in the Jordan River Basin - Updated Edition
BOOKS015251I: Lowry, Malcolm [1909-1957] - Letters of Malcolm Lowry and Gerald Noxon, 1940-1952.
BOOKS028318I: Löwy, Emanuel [1857-1938] - Zur Datierung attischer Inschriften
BOOKS028202I: Löwy, Emanuel [1857-1938] - Der Beginn der rotfigurigen Vasenmalerei
BOOKS019174I: Loxham, Michael - The Flow Pattern in the Exit Pipe of a Cyclone
BOOKS026591I: Loyac, Jean-Joseph de, abbé de Gondon - Le Triomphe de la charité en la vie du Bienheureux Jean de Dieu, institution et progrès de son Ordre religieux,..,.
BOOKS023940I: Loyd, Lewis Christopher [1875-1947] - The Origins of some Anglo-Norman Families
BOOKS025356I: Løyland, Margit - Slagsmål, leiermål og bøtelagte egder 1600-1700
BOOKS031576I: Loyrette, Henri ; Ozouf, Mona ; & Revel, Jean-Francois ; editors : [ Cachin, Francoise ] - Melanges en hommage à Francoise Cachin
BOOKS006648I: Lozano Cabo, Fernando - El jurel o chicharro (Trachurus trachurus [L.])
BOOKS022952I: Lozanova, Galina - Sutvorenieto v ustnata traditsiia na bulgarite miusiulmani
BOOKS022968I: Lozanova, Sasha - Bulgarskata khudozhestvena tukan : 50-te--80-te godini na XX vek
BOOKS029885I: Lozko, Halyna S. ; compiler - Etyka ridnoï viry : Materialy Mizhnarodnoï naukovo-praktychnoï konferentsiï 'Moral'no-etychni normy zhyttia slov'ian ..,.
BOOKS030869I: Lozko, Halyna - Ukraïns'ke narodoznavstvo
BOOKS002542I: Lozowski, Przemyslaw - Vagueness in Language from Truth-Conditional Synonymy to Un-Conditional Polysemy
BOOKS019468I: Lozynsky, Artem ; editor: [ Bucke, Richard Maurice (1837-1902)] - Richard Maurice Bucke, Medical Mystic : Letters of Dr. Bucke to Walt Whitman and his Friends
BOOKS028491I: Spink Taisei Numismatics Ltd. (Zürich) - Moedas Portuguesas : Highly Important Collection of Portuguese Coins : Auktion 47
BOOKS008507I: Lu, Xiaobo - Cadres and Corruption: The Organizational Involution of the Chinese Communist Party
BOOKS007650I: Lu, Tonglin - Misogyny, Culural Nihilism, & Oppositional Politics : Contemporary Chinese Experimental Fiction
BOOKS006111I: Lu Xiliang, Liu Wenxiao bian zhu, - Gao kong jian dian : Kanpeila zhan lue xing dong / Piercing the Bamboo Curtain from the Sky
BOOKS017138I: Xiuxiang Lu - Donglan nong min yun dong, 1921-1927
BOOKS030512I: Pham Công Luân - Sài Gòn : phong vi báo xuân xua
BOOKS021521I: Sumit Pitiphat ; Huang Luang - Khon Thai Muang Kwa : Thai Thæng læ Thai Muang nai Prathet Wiatnam
BOOKS029403I: Duangsai Luangphasi - An læo di su .,.. khwamhangmi
BOOKS025009I: Duangsai Luangphasi - 25 khamtham kieokap nakkhian
BOOKS026808I: Duangsai Luangphasi - Khumu patithin 200 pi : phak khet lap kan puk ruan læ top tæng "ruang chuni
BOOKS026969I: Duangsai Luangphasi - Suphasit buhan Lao læ nana pathet nailok
BOOKS026637I: Duangsai Luangphasi - Soek kang muang Nakhon Luang Viangchan kao paet hoksip
BOOKS025228I: Duangsai Luangphasi - Mai Blia / Written by (Lao National Author) Duang Xay Luangphasy
BOOKS011494I: Lubac, Henri de [1896-1991] - The Un-Marxian Socialist : A Study of Proudhon
BOOKS005748I: Lubbers, Klaus - Emily Dickinson : The Critical Revolution
BOOKS001022I: Lubin, Michael F. ; & Smith, Robert B. ; editors: - Medical Management of the Surgical Patient: A Textbook of Perioperative Medicine
BOOKS018191I: Kata'ib al-Lubnaniyya - Programme d'action des Kataeb, Parti democrate social libanais : adopté par le Sixième Congrès du Parti tenu á Chtaura ..,.
BOOKS020984I: Lubove, Roy - The Professional Altruist : The Emergence of Social Work as a Career, 1880-1930
BOOKS013691I: Luca, Cristian ; & Mandescu, Dragos - Rituri si ritualuri funerare in spatiul extracarpatic in secolele VIII-X
BOOKS012501I: Lucas, Angela M. - Women in the Middle Ages : Religion, Marriage, and Letters
BOOKS003687I: Lucas, G. - Bordure nord des hautes plaines dans l'algerie occidentale. Primaire. Jurassique. Analyse structurale
BOOKS030152I: Lucas, Paul - Monnaies de Hainaut
BOOKS030231I: Lucatello, Enrico - Ventidue anni in Etiopia : la missione del Beato Giustino de Jacobis
BOOKS017049I: Luce, Gay Gaer - Biological Rhythms in Human and Animal Physiology
BOOKS011859I: Lucente, Gregory L. - Crosspaths in Literary Theory and Criticism: Italy & the United States
BOOKS011582I: Luchinsky, Ellen - The Song Index of the Enoch Pratt Free Library. Volume I & II
BOOKS010314I: Luciani, Georges - La Societe des Slaves Unis (1823-1825): Panslavisme et solidarite slave au XIXe siecle.
BOOKS014075I: Lucid, Daniel Peri ; editor & translartor : - Soviet Semiotics : An Anthology
BOOKS012136I: Lucius, Richard ; & Lucius, Julius ; editors : - Die Familie Lucius (Lotz) aus Lich in der Wetterau : Ein Familienbuch
BOOKS029330I: Lück, Kurt - Der Lebenskampf im deutsch-polnischen Grenzraum
BOOKS017761I: Luck, Günter ; & Michaelis, Hermann ; editors: - Ecological Effects of Tourism in the Wadden Sea : Proceedings of the Wadden Sea Symposium
BOOKS026420I: Luckham, Robin - The Nigerian Military : A Sociological Analysis of Authority & Revolt 1960-67
BOOKS027211I: Luckhardt, Horst - Extensional Gödel Functional Interpretation : A Consistency Proof of Classical Analysis
BOOKS009470I: Luczynski, Michal - Mity Slowian : Sladami swietych opowiesci przodków
BOOKS016822I: Lüdemann, Gerd - Paulus, der Heidenapostel : [Volume 1] : Studien zur Chronologie
BOOKS029548I: Ludendorff, Erich Friedrich Wilhelm [1865-1937] [Ludendorff's Volkswarte-Verlag] - Ludendorff's Volkswarte : 20. Julmond [Dezember] 1931 : Folge 51, 3. Jahrgang
BOOKS029605I: Ludendorff, Erich Friedrich Wilhelm [1865-1937] - Ludendorff's Volkswarte : Sieg der Wahrheit : der Lüge Vernichtung: 3. Jahrgang, Folge 1-3, 5-22; 29-31; 35-42; 45-50 [1931]
BOOKS029812I: Ludendorff, Erich Friedrich Wilhelm [1865-1937] [Ludendorff's Volkswarte-Verlag] - Ludendorff's Volkswarte : 6. August 1932 : Folge 9, 4. Jahrgang
BOOKS026254I: Ludendorff, Erich Friedrich Wilhelm [1865-1937] [Ludendorff's Volkswarte-Verlag] - Seht die Schlachtschafe!
BOOKS026318I: Ludendorff, Erich Friedrich Wilhelm [1865-1937] [ Ludendorff's Volkswarte-Verlag ] - Vor den Staatsgerichttshof!
BOOKS025748I: Ludendorff, Erich Friedrich Wilhelm [1865-1937] [Ludendorff's Volkswarte-Verlag] - Ludendorff's Volkswarte : 9. August 1931 : Folge 32, 3. Jahrgang
BOOKS025764I: Ludendorff, Erich Friedrich Wilhelm [1865-1937] - Revolution in Deutschland
BOOKS025646I: Ludendorff, Erich Friedrich Wilhelm [1865-1937] - Streik gegen die Goldwährung
BOOKS025214I: Ludendorff, Erich Friedrich Wilhelm [1865-1937] - Die entlarvte Freimaurerei
BOOKS029811I: Ludendorff, Erich Friedrich Wilhelm [1865-1937] - Ludendorff's Volkswarte : Sieg der Wahrheit : der Lüge Vernichtung: 4. Jahrgang [32 issues, 1932]
BOOKS025877I: Ludendorff, Erich Friedrich Wilhelm [1865-1937] [Ludendorff's Volkswarte-Verlag] - Vor'm Volksgericht : 2. Jahrgang, Folge 9., 5.3.1933
BOOKS025856I: Ludendorff, Erich Friedrich Wilhelm [1865-1937] - Ludendorff's Volkswarte : Sieg der Wahrheit : der Lüge Vernichtung : 5. Jahrgang: Folge 1. - 29. [08 January - 23 July 1933]
BOOKS027420I: Lüders, Heinrich [1869-1943] - Weitere Beiträge zur Geschichte und Geographie von Ostturkestan
BOOKS006491I: Ludomirski/Kalmanson, Betty Gabriela - The Relationship between the Environmental Energy Wave Frequency Pattern Manifest in Red Light & Blue Light...
BOOKS018654I: Ludvig, Klemens ; & Horta, Korinna - Osttimor, das vergessene Sterben : indonesischer Völkermord unter Ausschluss der Weltöffentlichkeit
BOOKS005839I: Ludvigsen, Kai - Dagbøger ført under mit Ophold som fungerende Distriktslæge i Sydgrønland 1930-31
BOOKS000156I: Ludvikovsky, Jaroslaw - Recky Roman Dobrodruzny. Studie o jeho Podstate e Vzniku
BOOKS024068I: Ludwig, Walther - Vorfahren von Paul Ludwig
BOOKS012872I: Ludwig, Albert - Die evangelischen Pfarrer des badischen Oberlandes im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert
BOOKS026009I: Ludwig, Vinzenz Oskar - Die Klosterneuburger Inkunabeln
BOOKS002881I: Ludwig, Elfriede - Rwanda : Ein Reisebegleiter zum Partnerschaftsland von Rheinland-Pflaz
BOOKS023803I: Ludwig, Walther ; editor: [ Tränkle, Hermann ; et al. ] [ Fondation Hardt pour l'étude de l'Antiquité classique ] - Horace : l'oeuvre et les imitations, un siècle d'interprétation : neuf exposés suivis de discussions : 24-29 août 1992
BOOKS022211I: Ludwig, Ernst - Die ästhetischen Anschauungen in Webers 'Demokrit' : Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Theorie des Lächerlichen
BOOKS027974I: Ludwig, Annette - Die nationalsozialistische Kunstzeitschrift 'Das Bild' : 'Monatsschrift für das deutsche Kunstschaffen in Vergangenheit ..,.
BOOKS024301I: Ludwig, Walther - Antike Götter und christlicher Glaube : die Hymni naturales von Marullo
BOOKS031296I: Lueben, Robert ; & Honecker, Martin - Sebastian Fox Morcillo und seine Naturphilosophie [Anhang: Die Staatsphilosophie des Sebastian Fox Morcillo, von Martin Honecker
BOOKS007224I: Luebke, Frederick C. - Germans in Brazil : A Comparative History of Cultural Conflict During World War I
BOOKS018635I: Luebke, David M. ; editor: - The Counter-Reformation : The Essential Readings
BOOKS009665I: Luebke, David Martin - His Majesty's Rebels: Communities, Factions, and Rural Revolt in the Black Forest, 1725-1745
BOOKS026598I: Lüem, Barbara - Wir sind wie der Berg lächelnd aber stark : eine Studie zur ethnischen Identität der Tenggeresen in Ostjava
BOOKS005179I: Luetjohann, Sylvia - The Healing Power of Black Cumin : A Handbook on Oriental Black Cumin Oils, Their Healing Components and Special Recipes
BOOKS012686I: Lufrano, Richard John [1952- ] - Honorable Merchants: Commerce and Self-cultivation in Late Imperial China
BOOKS014800I: Lugard, Frederick John Dealtry, Baron [1858 - 1945] - The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa
BOOKS002694I: Lugira, Aloysius Muzzanganda - African Religion. A Prolegomenal Essay on the Emergence & Meaning of African Autochthonous Religions
BOOKS013885I: D'Lugo, Marvin - The Films of Carlos Saura : The Practice of Seeing
BOOKS003521I: Luhadia, S.R. & Singh, Shamsher - Special Survey Report on Selected Towns: Phalodi
BOOKS031401I: Luik, Heidi ; Choyke, Alice M. ; Batey, Colleen E.; & Lougas, Lembi ; editors : [ International Council for Archaeozoology ] - From Hooves to Horns, From Mollusc to Mammoth : Manufacture and Use of Bone Artefacts from Prehistoric Times to the Present..,.
BOOKS006336I: Luizzi, Vincent - A Case for Legal Ethics. Legal Ethics as a Source for a Universal Ethic
BOOKS020419I: Lukacs, Georg [ Lukács, György (1885-1971) ] - A Defence of History and Class Consciousness : Tailism and the Dialectic / Georg Lukács
BOOKS020843I: Lukasiewicz, Jan [1878-1956] - Aristotle's Syllogistic From the Standpoint of Modern Formal Logic : Second Edition Enlarged
BOOKS001587I: Luke, Rolf E. - Von der Stabilisierung der Krise
BOOKS018572I: Lukele, Andrew Mangunte - White South Africa's Outward Adventures : An Appraisal from the Standpoint of National Liberation
BOOKS028684I: Lukes, Steven - Moral Conflict and Politics
BOOKS014577I: Lukesch, Anton - Mythos und Leben der Kayapo
BOOKS001226I: Luketic, Miroslaw - Crnogorski knjizevni casopisi 1871-1891 : bibliografija
BOOKS017262I: Lukowski, Jerzy - A Concise History of Poland
BOOKS028767I: Lumah, Muhammad - al-Mass bi-amn al-dawlah min khilal muhakamat 'Umar Dihkun wa-man ma'ah : al-mahkamah al-'askariyah bi-al-Qunaytirah, 1973 ..,.
BOOKS023539I: Lumer, Günter - Algèbres de fonctions et espaces de Hardy
BOOKS013464I: Societatii Academice Faclia Lumii - Intelepciunea Nemuritorilor
BOOKS024211I: Lund, Thorvald - Kohavegaardslægten, Vejstrup : Karen og Morten Rasmussen og deres efterkommere
BOOKS016091I: Lund, Frode - Fynske vandmøller : 455 motiver
BOOKS009249I: Lund, Ole Christian [1829-1896] - Kongens Billed : Romantisk Drama i een Act
BOOKS025308I: Lund, Ebba [1923-1999] - Oxidative Inactivation of Poliovirus
BOOKS024832I: Lund, Allan A. ; Hansen, Peter Allan [1944-2012] ; Due, Bodil ; Due, Otto Steen [1939-2008] - A collection of 20 extracts and offprints, ca. 1962-1996, all concerning classical philology.
BOOKS030422I: Lund, Frode - Sandhuse på Ærø : et topografisk bidrag
BOOKS009191I: Lund, Carsten - The Power of Interaction
BOOKS007785I: Lund, Inger Vomdram - En Kiksfabrik, der daglig producerer 1200 kg Kiks og Biskuit
BOOKS022956I: Lund, Georg Friedrich Wilhelm [ Tregder, Paul Hagerup (1815-1887) ] - De parallelismo syntaxis Graecae et Latinae usu casus genitivi demonstrato [bound together with one other dissertation]
BOOKS006766I: Lund, Samsoe & Rostrup, E. - Marktidselen, Cirsium arvense. En Monografi
BOOKS014776I: Lund, Alf - Adrenaline and Noradrenaline : Presence in the Organism, Secretion and Elimination
BOOKS009767I: Lund, Mogens - Epilepsy in Association with Intracranial Tumour
BOOKS016465I: Lund, Ole ; et al: - Immunological Bioinformatics
BOOKS005826I: Lund, Aage - Studies on Danish Freshwater Phycomycetes & Notes on their Occurrence particularly relative to the Hydrogen Ion Concentration...
BOOKS005474I: Lund, E.F.S. - Kronborg. Kaserne eller fredet mindesmaerke
BOOKS031859I: Lund, Jans J. - Rhaetic to Lower Liassic Palynology of the Onshore South-eastern North Sea Basin
BOOKS014723I: Lund, John - Sukas VIII : The Habitation Quarters
BOOKS026124I: Lund, Harald Hartvig [1902-1982] - Mistelten : Digt
BOOKS029525I: Lund Jensen, Einar ; Raahauge, Kristine ; & Gulløv, Hans Christian - Cultural Encounters at Cape Farewell : The East Greenlandic Immigrants and the German Moravian Mission in the 19th Century
BOOKS024337I: Lund, Hans Peter ; & Delon, Michel ; editors: - L'Italie dans l'imaginaire romantique : actes du colloque de Copenhague 14-15 septembre 2007
BOOKS024374I: Lund, Frode - Sandhuse på Aerø : et topografisk bidrag
BOOKS028956I: Lundari, Giuseppe - Gli Italiani in Libano: 1979-1985 / Italians in Lebanon: 1979-1985
BOOKS031823I: Lundbæk, Knud - Joseph de Premare, S. J., 1666-1736 : Chinese Philology and Figurism
BOOKS028889I: Lundberg, Gunnar W. - Charles Boit, 1662-1727 : émailleur-miniaturiste suédois : biographie et catalogue critiques
BOOKS005172I: Lundberg, Pia - Blindhed : antropologisk analyse af de blindes verden fra renæssancen til i dag
BOOKS020089I: Lundberg, Åsa - Vinterbyar : ett bandsamhälles territorier i Norrlands inland, 4500-2500 f. Kr.
BOOKS030796I: Lundbye, Johan Thomas [1874-1951] - Studier over Vejenes Udvikling i Vardesyssel i Oldtiden [together with 2 other offprints by Lundbye]
BOOKS005484I: Lundell, Torborg - Lars Ahlin
BOOKS027734I: Lundgreen-Nielsen, Flemming ; & Ruus, Hanne ; editors : - Svøbt i mår : dansk folkevisekultur 1550-1700 : Bind 1 : Adelskultur og visebøger
BOOKS027735I: Lundgreen-Nielsen, Flemming ; & Ruus, Hanne ; editors : - Svøbt i mår : dansk folkevisekultur 1550-1700 : Bind 2 : Et spørgsmål om stil
BOOKS027736I: Lundgreen-Nielsen, Flemming ; & Ruus, Hanne ; editors : - Svøbt i mår : dansk folkevisekultur 1550-1700 : Bind 3 : Tæt på viseteksterne
BOOKS027737I: Lundgreen-Nielsen, Flemming ; & Ruus, Hanne ; editors : - Svøbt i mår : dansk folkevisekultur 1550-1700 : Bind 4 : Lærdom og overtro
BOOKS001238I: Lundgren, Sune - Johan Adler Salvius: Problem kring freden, krigsekonomien och maktkampen
BOOKS006508I: Lundin, Hans - Joannes Baazius' kyrkliga reformprogram
BOOKS018708I: Lundman, Bertil - Stammeskunde der Völker (Ethnogonie) : Eine Uebersicht
BOOKS018301I: Lundman, Bertil J. [1899–1993] - Umriss der Rassenkunde des Menschen in geschichtlicher Zeit
BOOKS019099I: Lundmark, Knut Emil [1889-1958] - Sur le problème de l'origine et de l'évolution de l'idée du Messie et de l'eschatologie du Nouveau Testament
BOOKS023091I: Lundquist, R. A. (Ruben Alvin) [ United States. Dept. of Commerce ] - Electrical Goods in British India and Ceylon
BOOKS022167I: Lundquist, Gunnar Axel Rudolf - Prognosis and Course in Manic-depressive Psychoses : A Follow-up Study of 319 First Admissions,
BOOKS018773I: Lundsgaard, Konrad Kristian Karl [1867-1931] - Bakteriologiske Studier over Konjunktivitis
BOOKS024110I: Lundström, Sven - Vermeintliche Glosseme in den Tusculanen
BOOKS023689I: Lundström, Agneta, Werner, Gunnelæ ; Knape, Anite ; Madsen, Helge Brinch ; & Reisborg, Synnöve - Glass - Iron - Clay [ Excavations at Helgö VII ]
BOOKS023154I: Lüneburg, Heinz - Die Suzukigruppen und ihre Geometrien : Vorlesung, Sommersemester 1965 in Mainz.
BOOKS006647I: Lüneburg, Heinz - Transitive Erweiterungen endlicher Permutationsgruppen
BOOKS007574I: Lungstrum, Janet & Sauer, Elizabeth; editors: - Agonistics: Arenas of Creative Contest
BOOKS030302I: Lunn, B. - On the Symbolism of Severed Animal Heads
BOOKS025523I: Lunøe, Ib [1913-1996] - Dansk Personnavneret
BOOKS006278I: Lunt, G.G. & Olsen, R.W., editors: - Comparative Invertebrate Neurochemistry
BOOKS028299I: Lunzer, Justus - Steiermark in der deutschen Heldensage
BOOKS012968I: Luoto, Jukka - Liedon Vanhanlinnan mäkilinna
BOOKS007701I: Lupi, Eduardo [do Couto] - Escola de Mousinho: Episodios de servico: Mocambique, 1895-1910
BOOKS027189I: Luplau, Ludvig Ferdinand [1800-1837] - Pastor Ludvig Ferdinand Luplaus Levnet, med Uddrag af hans efterladte Breve : Særskilt aftrykt af hans Prædikeners anden Aargang
BOOKS007797I: Lupton, Julia Reinhard - Afterlives of the Saints: Hagiography, Typology, and Renaissance Literature
BOOKS018566I: Lupu, Octavian - Bemerkungen zur Lage der Rumänen in der Bukowina während der habsburgischen Herrschaft
BOOKS009795I: Luquet, Wade & Hannah, Mo. Therese; editors: - Healing in the Relational Paradigm
BOOKS028765I: Lurz, Martin - Die Kostenrechnung in der deutschen Papierfabrikations-Industrie
BOOKS019782I: Luscomb, Florence H. [1887-1985] - The Peace Candidate for Governor : Florence H. Luscomb Says End the Korean War to Build a Prosperous Massachusetts
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