Philip Emery 43 Trinity Road, Y015 2EZ, Bridlington, East Riding of Yorkshire, Great Britian Email: | ||||
Click on booknumber for full information
66895: MAY, ROBIN - The Wild West
99354: MAYALL, BERRY - Children, Health and the Social Order
162307: MAYANS, ERNESTO (ED.) - Tupamaros
151486: MAYBERY, JOHN - Ottery St Mary Parish Church
66897: MAYCOCK, A. L. - Things Seen in Cambridge
142252: MAYCOCK, W. PERREN - Continuous-Current Motors and Control Apparatus
71667: MAYER, BOB - Cut-out
5022: MAYER, S. L. . [ET AL.] - Weapons of the Gulf War
139096: MAYER, S. L. . [ET AL.] - Weapons of the Gulf War
159984: MAYERL, BILLY AND GEOFFREY CLAYTON - The Billy Mayerl Modern Piano Method: English Fingering, Continental Fingering
150902: MAYFIELD, ANNE - The Wayward Widow
145067: MAYHALL, CAROLE - When God Whispers: Glimpses of an Extraordinary God by an Ordinary Woman
147867: MAYHEW, EDWARD AND A.J. SEWELL - Dogs : Their Management, Being a New Plan of Treating the Animal Based Upon a Consideration of His Natural Temperament
66902: MAYHEW, EDWARD - Dogs : Their Management : Being a New Plan of Treating the Animal Based Upon a Consideration of His Natural Temperament
66903: MAYLAND, HANS J. - The Complete Home Aquarium
150161: MAYLES, PETER (ED.) - How's That: The Official Journal of the Assocation of Cricket Umpires and Scorers, No 267, April 2000
66906: MAYNARD, MICHELINE - Collision Course : Inside the Battle for General Motors
66905: MAYNARD, J. - Computer Programming
66907: MAYNE, RICHARD - Channel Islands Occupied : Unique Pictures of the Nazi Rule 1940-1945
66909: MAYS, VICTOR - Fast Iron
66910: MAZAR, AMIHAY AND ALEXANDRA TRONE - Voices from the Past
71663: MAZER, NORMA FOX - Silver
167872: MAZZUCCHELLI, MARIO - The Nun of Monza
159943: MCADAM, A.W. - St Nicholas Church, Grosmont: Historical Notes Collected from 'Bygone Days in the March Wall of Wales' and Other Sources
66912: MCADAMS, D. A. - Successful Leadership
148680: MCALONAN, ELSA (ED.) - Woman's Own, 6 September 2004
153005: MCAPLINE, SUE AND SUE FLEMING - Animals at Anglesey: Anglesey Abbey Discovery Trail
152605: MCARDELL, F. - Hughenden Manor Buckinghamshire
136848: MCBAIN, ED ; JOHN GILL ; TREVANIAN - Hail to the Chief: The Last Heroes: The Elgar Sanction
131625: MCBAIN, ED - Alice in Jeopardy
002680: MCBAIN, ED - Money Money Money : A Novel of the 87th Precinct
143943: MCBAIN, ED - Nocturne: A Novel of the 87th Precinct
143941: MCBAIN, ED - Vespers: A Novel of the 87th Precinct
143942: MCBAIN, ED - Sadie When She Died: An 87th Precinct Mystery
66916: MCBAIN ED - The Big Bad City : A Novel of the 87th Precinct
162881: MCCABE, JOHN - The Comedy World of Stan and Laurel
003075: MCCABE, BOB - John Travolta
167029: MCCAFFREY, ANNE - The Rowan
66919: MCCAFFREY, ANNE - Damia
72950: MCCALLUM, KRISTY - Independent Lady
71666: MCCANN, HUGH WRAY - Utmost Fish
144572: MCCANN, LIAM - Cricket: Facts, Figures & Fun
142172: MCCANN, NICK & RICHARD PAILTHORPE - Parham, West Sussex
168083: MCCARTHY, MARY - The Group
66923: MCCARTHY, ALBERT - Big Band Jazz
164542: MCCARTY, COLIN - Flow-Schemes in Organic Chemistry
94494: MCCAUGHREAN, GERALDINE - My Grandmother's Clock
167922: MCCLAIN, MOLLY - Beaufort: The Duke and His Duchess, 1657-1715
66930: MCCOMAS, MARY KAY - Familiar Words
157380: MCCONNELL, T.H. - Magheramorne Presbyterian Church 1876-1976: A Brief History
144702: MCCONVILLE, MICHAEL (ED.) - Tell It to the Marines: A Royal Marines Ragbag
137636: MCCONWAY, KEVIN (ED.) - Studying Health and Disease
151198: MCCOOL, COLIN - The Best Way to Play Cricket
66935: MCCORMICK, DONALD - Who's Who in Spy Fiction
66934: MCCORMICK, B. J. . [ET AL.] - Introducing Economics
66938: MCCORMICK, FRANK - Sir John Vanbrugh : The Playwright As Architect
66937: MCCORMICK, DONALD & KATY FLETCHER - Spy Fiction : A Connoisseur's Guide
167735: MCCORQUODALE, CHARLES - Painting in Florence 1600-1700: A Royal Academy Exhibition Presented by Colnaghi
136014: MCCOURT, FRANK - Angela's Ashes : A Memoir of a Childhood
66940: MCCOURT, FRANK - 'Tis : A Memoir
83207: MCCOURT, FRANK - 'Tis : A Memoir
165137: MCCREA, WILLIAM HUNTER - The Royal Greenwich Observatory: An Historical Review Issued on the Occasion of Its Tercentenary
66942: MCCRERY, NIGEL - The Spider's Web
146168: MCCRIRICK, VERENA N.R. AND MARIA ROSA SERRANO (EDS.) - Collins' Spanish Phrase Book
167126: MCCRUM, S. - The Belleek Pottery
168182: MCCULLAGH, SHEILA K. - The Three Robbers
168001: MCCULLERS, CARSON - Clock without Hands
66945: MCCULLOCH, JOSEPH - Under Bow Bells
156399: MCCULLOCH, DEREK - In Green Pastures with Uncle Mac
140565: MCCULLOCH, NIGEL - St Thomas's Church, Salisbury
168633: MCCULLOUGH, NIALL AND RAYMOND RYAN - Rush Library: Mccullough Mulvin Architects
66951: MCCURTIN, PETER - Soldier of Fortune : Body Count
136428: MCCUTCHAN, PHILIP - Shard at Bay
005678: MCDONALD, GREGORY - Son of Fletch
162293: MCDONALD, GEORGE - Explorer Cyprus
001449: MCDONALD, JAMES O. - Management without Tears : A Guide to Coping with Everyday Organizational Problems
161409: MCDONALD, TREVOR - Clive Lloyd: The Authorised Biography
009562: MCDONNELL, MICHAEL - The Complete Book of Golf
148484: MCDONNELL, FLORA - Splash!
66958: MCDOUALL, ROBIN - Cooking with Wine
167366: MCDOUGALL, JAMES; SCHEELE, JUDITH (EDS.) - Saharan Frontiers: Space and Mobility in Northwest Africa
137656: MCDOWALL, LAIN - Making a Killing
165324: MCDOWALL, R.M., R.M. ALLIBONE AND W.L. CHADDERTON - Falkland Islands Freshwater Fishes: A Natural History
66959: MCDOWALL, DAVID - Palestine and Israel : The Uprising and Beyond
163675: MCEWAN, IAN - Saturday
66961: MCEWAN, IAN - Amsterdam
161039: MCEWEN, HELENA - The Big House
149144: MCGAVIN, ANDREW - Tips of the Trade: Your Expert Guide to Stamp Collecting Volume 1
138148: MCGEECHAN, IAN . [ET AL.] - Scotland's Grand Slam 1990
150965: MCGINNIS, KERRY - Heart Country
78584: MCGINNISS, JOE - The Last Brother
66970: MCGLONE, JEAN AND METLAND, DAPHNE - 1000 Housekeeping Hints
154549: ROGER MCGOUGH - After the Merrymaking
66971: MCGOUGH, ROGER - The Lighthouse That Ran Away
163312: MCGOUGH, ROGER - Ferens the Gallery Cat
66972: MCGOWAN, JOHN AND DUBERN, ROGER - The Outside Handyman : A Step-by-Step Guide to Maintaining and Improving the Outside of Your House and Garden
168762: MCGOWAN, ROBERT AND JEREMY HANDS - Try Not to Laugh, Sergeant Major
161271: MCGRATH, RORY; FINCHAM, PETER; MOORE, IAN - Cricket Made Silly
005201: MCGREGOR, TOM - The People Detective : Discovering Your Family Roots
148860: MCGREGOR-ROBERTSON, J. - The Household Physician: Division III
148858: MCGREGOR-ROBERTSON, J. - The Household Physician: Division 1
161048: MCGREGOR, TOM - Elizabeth
159349: MCGREGOR, ADRIAN - Greg Chappell
66973: MCGUFFIE, T. H. - Rank and File : The Common Soldier at Peace and War 1642-1914
66974: MCHARDY YOUNG, J - Foundations
147734: MCHOY, PETER ; DAVID SQUIRE - Gardening with Bulbs
161347: MCHUGH, CATHY L. - MILL Family: The Labor System in the Southern Cotton Textile Industry, 1880-1915
66975: MCIIROY, R. W. (ED.) - Fifth International Cyclotron Conference : Proceedings of a Conference Organised by A.E. R.E. , Harwell and Held at St. Catherine's College, Oxford, 17 - 20 September 1969
135932: MCILVANNEY, WILLIAM - The Kiln
152757: MCILWAIN, JOHN - Glastonbury Abbey: The Isle of Avalon
167991: MCINNES, E. AND A.J. HARPER - German Today: A Selection of Contemporary German Passages for Translation Practice
66976: MCINNES, CELIA - Pocket Guide to Home Matters
4904: MCINTYRE, MALCOLM - Home Extensions : A Householder's Guide
135958: MCIVANNEY, WILLIAM - Walking Wounded
168635: MCKEAG, GORDON - Bamburgh Castle Golf Club: The First 100 Years 1904-2004
007580: MCKEANE, ALASDAIR - Gcse French
167162: MCKEATING, HENRY - Living with Guilt
010818: MCKEE, ALEXANDER - A World Too Vast : The Four Voyages of Columbus
152889: MCKEE, MRS - Mrs Mckee's Royal Cookery Book
67000: MCKELVEY, JOHN B. - Cotton Modification with Oxiranes (Epoxides)
162300: MCKENDRICK, DONALD - The Royal Horticultural Society Gardener's Five Year Record Book
67001: MCKENNA, ELIZABETH PERLE - When Work Doesn't Work Anymore : Women, Work , and Identity
157544: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 152
157550: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 160: Signed Books and Autographs
158790: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 112
157577: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 194
153452: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 158
157547: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 155: J W Mckenzie Publications
157548: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 156
157549: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 157: Cricketana
161746: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Tour Catalogue 142
140667: MCKENZIE, MAISIE - Devil's Marble : John Flynn's Grave in Central Australia
157545: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 153
153302: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 159
153276: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 151
157543: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 150: Scarce Cricket Books Including a 1798 Britcher
157551: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 195
142047: MCKENZIE, KWAME - Understanding Depression
161748: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 192
161749: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 197: Cricket Biographies
160764: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 149: Clubs and Counties
161750: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 202
158737: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 198: Cricketana
162370: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 164
157546: MCKENZIE, J.W. - J.W. Mckenzie Catalogue 154: Biographies, Profiles and Benefit Brochures
67008: MCKIE, ROY - A Man's Best Friend
136895: MCKINLAY, WILLIAM LAIRD - Karluk: The Great Untold Story of Arctic Exploration
164939: MCKNIGHT, HUGH - Waterways Postcards, 1900-1930
165689: MCKNIGHT, SCOT - The Story of the Christ
67012: MCKUEN, ROD - Lonesome Cities
011310: MCLAREN, BILL - Talking of Rugby : An Autobiography
157373: BILL MCLAREN - Talking of Rugby: An Autobiography
011309: MCLAUCHLAN, IAN AND CHRIS REA - Scotland's Grand Slam '84
138776: MCLEAN, MALCOLM - To the Edge: Entrpreneurial Secrets from Britain's Richest Square Mile
137241: MCLEOD, TOM - Management of Research, Development, & Design in Industry
67015: MCLOWERY, FRANK - Guns for the Sioux
164303: MCMAHON, JOHN - Almost a Lifetime
162859: MCMANNERS, HUGH - Ultimate Special Forces
139430: MCMANNERS, HUGH - Biking : An Outdoor Adventure Handbook
67018: MCMEEKING, MARY - Pauses in a Journey
67019: MCMENEMY, LAWRIE - The Diary of a Season : Lawrie Mcmenemy's Account of the 1978-9 Season As Manager of Southampton Football Club
163728: MCMILLAN, IAN - Dad, the Donkey's on Fire
166784: MCMILLAN, IAN - To Fold the Evening Star: New & Selected Poems
143259: MCMILLAN, D AND G - An Anthology of the Contemporary French Novel 1919-1949
167814: MCMILLAN, IAN AND ANDY MARTIN - Ideas Have Legs: Ian Mcmillan Vs. Andy Martin
011843: MCMORRIS, JENNY - The Warden of English : The Life of H.W. Fowler
83796: MCMULLAN, PATRICK - Secrets of the Riviera: A Photo Essay
83793: MCMULLAN, PATRICK - Secrets of the Riviera: A Photo Essay
83794: MCMULLAN, PATRICK - Secrets of the Riviera: A Photo Essay
67020: MCMULLEN, MARY - Death by Bequest
006488: MCMURTRY, LARRY - Buffalo Girls
71506: MCNAB, ANDY - Bravo Two Zero
009702: MCNAB, ANDY - Firewall
67022: MCNAB, ANDY - Immediate Action
67029: MCNICHOLS, CHARLES L. - Crazy Weather
167083: MCNICOL, STEVE - Quorn Line Album
145332: MCNIE, ALAN - Clan Fargharson
167751: MCPEEK, GWYNN AND MARY - A Guide to the Carvings of Medieval Minstrels in Beverley Minster
67033: MCSQUARE, EDDY - Guns N' Roses : Low Life in the Fast Lane
167568: MCTAGGART, M. F. - The Art of Riding: A Textbook for Beginners and Others
159044: MCVEY, HARRY - Poetry, Paintings, and Pieces of Wood
148534: MCWHINNIE, DON - Anfield: College of Excitement
84071: MCWHIRTER, NORRIS AND ROSS (EDS.) - The Guinness Book of Records
67040: MCWHIRTER, NORRIS D. (EDITOR AND COMPILER) - Guinness Book of Records 1983
67035: MCWHIRTER, NORRIS (EDITOR AND COMPILER) - Guinness Book of Records (1978 Edition)
163387: MCWHIRTER, NORRIS D AND A ROSS MCWHIRTER (EDS.) - The Guinness Book of Olympic Records: Complete Roll of Olympic Medal Winners (1896-1968) for the 22 Sports to Be Competed in the 1972 Games and All Other Essential Information
67038: MCWHIRTER, NORRIS D. (EDITOR AND COMPILER) - Guinness Book of Records 1980
001688: MCWHIRTER, NORRIS - The Guinness Book of Records 1986
67039: MCWHIRTER, NORRIS D. (EDITOR AND COMPILER) - Guinness Book of Records 1981
67034: MCWHIRTER, NORRIS - Norris Mcwhirter's Book of Historical Records : The Story of Human Achievement in the Last 2,000 Years
67041: MCWILLIAM, JILL - The Bejam Practical Microwave Handbook
137113: MCWILLIAM, COLIN AND J. F. A. GIBSON - Brodick Castle & Garden
146274: MCWILLIAM, NEIL (ED.) - Art History, Volume12 Number 2, June 1989
158957: MCWILLIAM, COLIN AND J.F.A. GIBSON - Brodick Castle and Gardens
138132: MCWILLIAMS, DAVID - The Generation Game: Boom, Bust and Ireland's Economic Miracle
67042: MCWILLIAMS, PETER - The Word Processing Book : A Short Course in Computer Literacy
148713: MDLALO, TUMI (ED.) - Transnet Heritage Forum, 24 September 1998
166543: MEAD, MARGARET - Growing Up in New Guinea: A Study of Adolescence and Sex in Primitive Societies. Penguin Books. 1967.
166493: MEAD, MARGARET - Growing Up in New Guinea: A Study of Adolescence and Sex in Primitive Societies
67043: MEAD, JOHN S. - Maestro Owners Workshop Manual
67044: MEAD, SHEPHERD - 'Er or the Brassbound Beauty, the Bearded Bicyclist and the Gold-Colored Teenage Grandfather
162417: MEADE, DOROTHY & TATIANA WOLFF - Lines on the Underground: An Anthology for Piccadilly Line Travellers
162418: MEADE, DOROTHY & TATIANA WOLFF - Lines on the Underground: An Anthology for District Line Travellers
162420: MEADE, DOROTHY & TATIANA WOLFF - Lines on the Underground: An Anthology for Circle Line Travellers
162419: MEADE, DOROTHY & TATIANA WOLFF - Lines on the Underground: An Anthology for Bakerloo & Jubilee Line Travellers
162415: MEADE, DOROTHY & TATIANA WOLFF - Lines on the Underground: An Anthology for Metropolitan and Hammersmith & City Line Travellers
167587: MEADE-FETHERSTONHAUGH, LADY - Uppark, Sussex
163626: MEADLEY, THOMAS - The History of Beverley Minster from Its Foundation: Including Its Ancient Monuments &C with a Description of St Mary's Church
143447: MEADOWS, BILL & RON FREETHY - Lancashire: A Portrait in Colour
145127: MEANLEY, PHILIP H - Harvington Hall, Chaddesley Corbett Near Kidderminster, Worcestershire: The House and History
167524: MEANLEY, PHILIP H - Harvington Hall, Chaddesley Corbett Near Kidderminster, Worcestershire : The House and History
67049: MEAR, ROGER & ROBERT SWAN - In the Footsteps of Scott
000442: MEARNS, ANDREW - For Home and Fatherland
162888: MEDAWAR, P. B.; MEDAWAR, J. S. - Aristotle to Zoos: A Philosophical Dictionary of Biology
151326: THOMSON RODDICK & MEDCALF - Sale by Auction at Oxenfoord Castle, Pathhead, Midlothian, Thursday 30th November: Oil Paintings, Watercolours and Prints, Ceramics, Silver and Plated Ware, Jewellery, Works of Art and Collectors Items, Clocks and Antique Furniture
67051: MEDLYCOTT, JAMES - Tennis
140785: MEDLYCOTT, JAMES - How to Play Squash
164489: MEDVED, HARRY AND MICHAEL - The Fifty Worst Movies of All Time (and How They Got That Way)
136791: MEE, ARTHUR (ED.) - New Harmsworth Self-Educator Volume Seven
166255: MEE, ARTHUR - Essex: London's North Sea Neighbour
148791: MEE, ARTHUR (ED.) - New Harmsworth Self Educator: Volume Three
151583: MEEK, JAMES - We Are Now Beginning Our Descent
67056: MEEK, MARGARET, AIDAN WARLOW, GRISELDA BARTON - The Cool Web : The Pattern of Children's Reading
67055: MEEK, DAVID (ED.) - The Manchester United Football Book No. 4
84498: MEEK, DAVID; TYRELL, TOM - Manchester United in Europe
158980: MEGGINSON, IRENE - Rachel Webb: Her Life As Seen by Her Mother
168290: MEGGINSON, IRENE - Rachel Webb: Her Life As Seen by Her Mother
166744: VON DER MEHDEN, FRED R. - Politics of the Developing Nations
142382: MEHTA, RAMA - The Life of Keshav : A Family Story from India
006481: MEIER, RICHARD - Museum Fur Kunsthandwerk Frankfurt Am Main
155719: HANS MEIER - Hans Meier Tells His Story to a Friend: Printed to Commemorate the Golden Wedding of Hans and Margrit Meier, May 11, 1979
67062: MEISEL, TONY - Nautical Emergenices : Seamanship for the Unexpected
151714: MELADY, THOMAS PATRICK - An Evaluation of the United States' Position in Guinea, Liberia and Ghana
390: MELFORD, MICHAEL - After the Interval
161194: MELFORD, MICHAEL - Botham Rekindles the Ashes : The Daily Telegraph Story of the 81 Test Series
161259: MELFORD, MICHAEL AND BILL FRINDALL - Daily Telegraph Cricket Year Book 85
161609: MELFORD, MICHAEL; WIMBUSH, WENDY - The Daily Telegraph Cricket Year Book 87
155417: MELLANBY, RUTH - Cambridge in Brief
161831: MELLER, HUGH; SIMON STEVENS, STEVE MULBERRY. - Arlington Court Devon
142358: MELLER, HUGH - Knightshayes Court Devon
136688: MELLING, JUNE MARILYN - Lost for Words
148666: MELLING, ELIZABETH (ED.) - Some Kentish Houses
002947: MELLOAN, MARYANNE - Rock and Roll Revealed : The Outrageous Lives of Rock's Biggest Stars
67066: MELLOR, ISHA - Mother Also Said
153823: MELLOY, DOUG (ED.) - The Geoff Miller Benefit Year 1985
136847: MELVILLE, SUE - Crafts for All Abilities
009814: MELVILLE, JENNIE - Axwater
143757: MELVILLE, G WHYTE - The Queen's Maries: A Romance of Holyrood
67075: MELVILLE, LEWIS & HARGREAVES, REGINALD (EDS.) - Great French Short Stories
166712: MELVILLE, HERMAN - Billy Budd: Sailor and Other Stories
167812: MELVILLE, PAULINE - The Ventriloquist's Tale
130213: MELVILLE, G. J. WHYTE - The Interpreter
67074: MELVILLE, JOY - The ABC of Eating
67072: MELVILLE, ANNE - The Tantivity Trust
67071: MELVILLE, ANNE - Standing Alone
67070: MELVILLE, ANNE - Sirocco
134858: MENAGE, R. H. - Gardening in Your Greenhouse
001566: MENAGE, RON - Plants for Greenhouses and Conservatories
67077: MENAGE, R. H. - Greenhouse Manual
163003: MENAGHAN, JOHN - Here and Gone
168347: MENZIE, LUCY ; RONALD A. KNOX, RONALD SELBY WRIGHT - St Margaret Queen of Scotland and Her Chapel
160608: MENZIE, LUCY ; RONALD A. KNOX, RONALD SELBY WRIGHT - St Margaret Queen of Scotland and Her Chapel
67078: MENZIES, ROBERT GORDON - Afternoon Light : Some Memories of Men and Events
137881: MERCER, DORIS - A Corner of West Street Dorking: Six Centuries of Change
004014: MERCER, JANE - Great Lovers of the Movies
166894: MERCER, JEREMY - Books, Baguettes and Bedbugs: The Left Bank World of Shakespeare & Co.
157121: JOE MERCER (ED.) - Football
66212: LEICESTER MERCURY - Railways '89 : Views of Railways Past and Present
162067: MEREDITH, JOHN H. (ED.) - Moors Line Spring 1994: Magazine of the North York Moors Historical Railway Trust
67080: MEREDITH, GEORGE - The Egoist : A Comedy in Narrative
67081: MEREDITH, GEORGE - The Egoist : A Comedy in Narrative
166929: MEREWOOD, JACK - To War with the Bays: A Tank Gunner Remembers 1939-1945
133167: MERIMEE, PROSPER - Colomba
132917: MERIMEE, PROSPER - Chronique Du Regne de Charles IX
145506: MERIMEE, PROSPER - Colomba: La Venus D'Ille: Les Ames Du Purgatoire
147120: MERIMEE, PROSPER - Quatre Contes: 'Mateo Falcone', 'l'Enlevement de la Redoute', 'le Coup de Pistolet', 'Tamango'
145121: MERITT, BENJAMIN D. - Inscriptions from the Athenian Agora
161677: MERKX, GILBERT W. (ED.) - Latin American Research Review Volume 27 Number 3 1992
85610: MERRILL, JOHN N. - North Yorkshire Moors Challenge Walk
167605: MERRILL, JOHN N. - Explore Derbyshire by Car
81237: MERRILL, JOHN N. - Peak District Walks 2: Long Walks for the Rambler
67088: MERRILL, JOHN N. - Legends of Derbyshire
67089: MERRILL, JOHN N. - Legends of Derbyshire
81215: MERRILL, JOHN - Peak District Walks 1: Shorts Walks for the Motorist
67090: MERRIMAN, H. SETON - The Sowers
4774: MERRIMAN, HENRY SETON - Flotsam: The Study of a Life
164690: MERRIMAN, HENRY SETON - Flotsam: The Study of a Life
67092: MERRIMAN, HENRY SETON - In Kedar's Tents
82405: BROWN & MERRY - Tring Market Auctions Sale on Friday 24th March 2000 at 11am: Antique Furniture, Ceramics and Glassware, Metalware, Treen, Objets D'Art, Carpets, Clocks, Silver and Pictures
143766: MERSON, A. J. (ED.) - The English Essay
67097: MERY, FERNAND - The Life, History and Magic of the Dog
67099: MESEROLE, MIKE (EDITOR) - The 1994 Information Please Sports Almanac
159276: MESSENGER, MICHAEL - Shropshire Pottery and Porcelain: A Brief Guide to the Collection Displayed in Clive House Museum
159194: MESSUM'S - Magi Puig: Exhibition 7th-24th December 2016
66153: LE MESSURIER, BRIAN - Dartmoor
164630: METALIOUS, GRACE - The Tight White Collar
168173: METCALF, CHRISTINE - Katter
156078: METHERALL, J.S. - The Forest Pannier: The History of Locomotive 9681
167584: METHUEN, LORD - An Historical Account of Corsham Court, the Methuen Collection of Pictures and the Furniture in the State Rooms
168622: METHUEN, A. (ED.) - An Anthology of Modern Verse
67108: METZGER, BRUCE (GENERAL EDITOR) - The Reader's Bible
167107: MEURIS, JACQUES - Rene Magritte, 1898-1967
67109: MEWSHAW, MICHAEL - Earthly Bread
67110: MEWSHAW, MICHAEL - Earthly Bread
71544: MEYER, CAROLYN - Gillian's Choice
149432: MEYER, JOYCE - Don't Panic: This Is Only a Test!: The Trust Test
144009: MEYER, JOYCE - I Dare You: Embrace Life with Passion
143360: MEYER, JOYCE - Be Healed in Jesus' Name
157026: HENRY CORD MEYER (ED.) - Germany from Empire to Ruin, 19131945 (Document History of Western Civilization)
146150: MEYER, JOYCE - Seven Things That Steal Your Joy: Overcoming the Obstacles to Your Happiness
71542: MEYER, CAROLYN - Because of Lissa
71543: MEYER, CAROLYN - The Problem with Sidney
67111: MEYER, ANTHONY - Stand Up and Be Counted
77370: MEYER, JOYCE - Como Tener Exito en Aceptarte a Ti Mismo
164559: MEYJES, NATALIE - Fairytale
138025: MEYNELL, WILFRID - Benjamin Disraeli: An Unconventional Biography
67115: MEYNELL, ALICE - Later Poems
67119: MIALL, LEONARD (ED.) - Richard Dimbleby, Broadcaster, by His Colleagues
67117: MIALL, AGNES M. - Complete Needlecraft : Everything About Embroidery, Home Dressmaking, Knitting and Crochet and Home Upholstery, &C. &C.
5005: BURK. MICHAEL - The Tribunal
150849: MICHAEL, J. HUGH - The Epistle of Paul to the Philippians
64134: GLOVER MICHAEL - Invasion Scare 1940
67120: MICHAEL, JUDITH - Pot of Gold
66516: M'MICHAEL, ARCHIBALD C. - Reflections by the Way : A Series of Essays
165219: MICHAEL, IAN AND RICHARD A CARDWELL (EDS.) - Mediaeval and Renaissance Studies in Honour of Robert Brian Tate
3783: MICHAELS, LEIGH - Invitation to Love
84928: MICHAELS, RALPH AND CHARLES H. GOREN - Imperial Canasta, with the Full Text of the Official British Rules
67122: MICHAELS, LEIGH - Let Me Count the Ways
165712: MICHALSON, CARL - Faith for Personal Crises
162058: MICHELENA, HECTOR SILVA AND HEINZ RUDOLF SONNTAG - Universidad, Dependencia y Revolucion
144805: MICHELET - Saint-Louis
150650: MICHELIN - Environs de Paris
144002: MICHELIN - Benelux
143994: MICHELIN - Perigord, Limousin, Quercy
143992: PNEU MICHELIN - Guide Provence Avec Carte Touristique
143998: MICHELIN - Auvergne
143997: MICHELIN - Savoie
143995: MICHELIN - Dauphine
143996: MICHELIN - Chateaux de la Loire
67123: MICHELIN - Michelin France 1995
99712: MICHELIN - Maroc: Au 1 : 1000 000
146392: MICHELIN - Michelin Green Guide: Scandinavia and Finland
165173: MICHELMORE, CLIFF (ED.) - The Businessman's Book of Golf
148525: MICHELMORE, CLIFF (INTO.) - St Michael/Aa Guide to Britain
161150: MICHENER, JAMES A. - Caribbean
164251: MICHIE, ALLEN A. - Every Man to His Post
148418: MICROSOFT - Getting Started with Microsoft Works Version 6. 0
77474: MIDDLES, MICK - The Smiths: The Complete Story
67134: MIDDLETON, MICHAEL - Man Made the Town
67131: MIDDLETON, JOHN & TONY WALTHAM - The Underground Atlas : A Gazetteer of the World's Cave Regions
67132: MIDDLETON, LYDIA MILLER - The Making of Michael : The Story of a Broken Holiday
163402: MIDDLETON, DREW - The British
130032: MIDWINTER, ERIC - Yesterdays : The Way We Were, 1919-1939
156653: ERIC MIDWINTER - Red Roses Crest the Caps the Story of Lancashire County Cricket Club
131218: MIELCHE, HAKON - Land of the Condor
162470: MIFSUD, RICHARD - Flames over Malta
165203: MIGOT, ANDRE - Tibetan Marches
164203: MIITFORD, JESSICA - Hons and Rebels
154271: MILBURN, R.L.P. - The Pictorial History of Worcester Cathedral
167529: MILBURN, R.L.P. - Worcester Cathedral
137655: MILCHOVICH, SUE K.; DUNN-LONG, BARBARA - Diabetes Mellitus : A Practical Handbook
71599: MILDENHALL, CHERYL - The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
167551: MILES, PHILIP C. - Hull's Waterfront: Dockland Nostalgia
137376: MILES, VERONICA AND PHYLLIS BIGG - Recollections & Reflections
167506: MILES, PHILIP C. - Hull Through Time
132494: MILLAR, T. G. - Long Distance Paths of England and Wales
153241: MILLAR, ALAN - Buses March 2000
153242: MILLAR, ALAN - Buses November 2000
153243: MILLAR, ALAN (ED.) - Buses December 2000
153244: MILLAR, ALAN (ED.) - Buses April 2000
161496: MILLAR, BILL - The Coasters
67146: MILLARD, TONY (ED.) - Brighton & Hove Albion Match Programme : Notts County, Saturday, November 21, 1981
67145: MILLARD, ANNE - Ancient Civilizations
158745: MILLER, R.W.S. - Scottish Cricketers 1905-1980
167886: MILLER, DICK - America's Greatest Golfing Resorts
71783: MILLER, CHRISROPHER - Stroke of Luck
020008: MILLER, JUDITH AND MARTIN MILLER - The Antiques Roadshow Quiz Book
154033: MILLER, ANDREW - The Cricketer April 2012
003525: MILLER, JUDITH AND MARTIN - Miller's Antiques Price Guide 1988
153289: MILLER, ANDREW (ED.) - The Cricketer March 2014
137558: MILLER, DAVID - Cup Magic
137552: MILLER, JONATHAN - The Usborne Soccer School: Training and Fitness
133047: MILLER, THOMAS - Gideon Giles the Roper
67172: MILLER, STANLEY. - The Mary Celeste : A Survivor's Tale
67163: MILLER, JEFFREY - Street Talk : The Language of Coronation Street
67173: MILLER, WILLIAM - The Great Rest-Giver
153534: MICHAELA MILLER - Know Your Pet: Rabbits
153279: MILLER, ANDREW (ED.) - The Cricketer Ashes 2013
150939: MILLER, JUDITH AND MARTIN - Miller's Collectables Price Guide 1992-93 (Volume IV)
2882: MILLER, HUGH - Good Intentions: Eastenders Volume 3
2884: MILLER, HUGH - The Flower of Albert Square: Eastenders Volume 4
67148: MILLER, COMPTON - Who's Really Who
159389: MICHELLE ANN MILLER (ED.) - Autonomy and Armed Separatism in South and Southeast Asia
67171: MILLER, MONA - Part of a Theme and Other Stories
168394: MILLER, H. CRICHTON - The New Psychology and the Teacher
165855: MILLER, SUSANNE AND HEINRICH POTTHOFF - A History of German Social Democracy from 1848 to the Present
161094: MILLER, ALLAN (ED.) - Allan"S Australian Cricket Annual 1994 -95
2887: MILLER, HUGH - The Baffled Heart: Eastenders Volume 7
67149: MILLER, GORDON W. - Educational Opportunity and the Home
162330: MILLER, ANDREW (ED.) - The Cricketer August 2012
142830: MILLER, JUDITH & MARK HILL - Collectables Handbook
84632: MILLER, MARTIN AND JUDITH - Miller's Antiques Price Guide 1985
157557: DOUGLAS MILLER - Jack Bond: Lancashire Lad, Lancashire Leader
67165: MILLER, JUDITH WITH MARK HILL - Collectables Price Guide 2004
159676: MILLER, WILLIAM - Mediaeval Rome from Hildebrand to Clement VII, 1073-1600
165406: MILLER, DAVID - Father of Football: The Story of Sir Matt Busby
2886: MILLER, HUGH - Hopes and Horizons: Eastenders Volume 6
67169: MILLER, MANDY (ED.) - The Official Hong Kong Guide
145214: MILLER, MARTIN - Antiques Source Book 2000-2001
67158: MILLER, HUGH - Swings and Roundabouts
162443: MILLER, F. M. - The British Isles
67168: MILLER, KENNETH H. - Your Forgiveness
156504: SPIKE MILLIGAN - Rommel? Gunner Who?: A Confrontation in the Desert
67177: MILLIGAN, SPIKE AND HOBBS, JACK - William Mcgonagall Meets George Gershwin : A Scottish Fantasy
67176: MILLIGAN, SPIKE - Frankenstein According to Spike Milligan
134227: MILLINGTON. T. S. - Some of Our Fellows: A School Story
157426: HENRY A MILLON (ED.) - Italian Renaissance Architecture from Brunelleschi to Michelangelo
67185: MILLS, JOHN FITZMAURICE - The Care of Antiques
166539: MILLS, C. WRIGHT - The Marxists
67180: MILLS, JOHN - Auto-Mechanics
153375: MILLS, COLIN (ED.) - The Cricket Society News Bulletin April 2009
152864: MILLS, JANET (ED.) - Mercedes Spring 2001
67179: MILLS, G. R. AND R. W. NICHOLSON - London Buses in Exile
144779: MILLS, T.R. (ED.) - Lucian: Charon and Piscator
163466: MILLS, JOHN (ED.) - Car Mechanics the Motorist's How-to-Do-It Magazine October 1959
67184: MILLS, JOHN FITZMAURICE - The Care of Antiques
67183: MILLS, JOHN FITZMAURICE - Collecting Now: Know Your Picture
67181: MILLS, JOHN FITZMAURICE - Collecting and Looking After Antiques
67182: MILLS, JOHN FITZMAURICE - Collecting and Looking After Antiques
98805: MILLSON, PETER (ED.) - Nick Pearson: Neither Use Nor Ornament
67187: MILLWARD, ROY AND ADRIAN ROBINSON - Landscapes of Britain
165604: MILMINE, DOUGLAS - Stiff Upper Smile: A Twentieth Century Missionary Odyssey
160676: MILNE, JUDITH - Flowers in Watercolour
71549: MILNE, A. A. - Kanga and Baby Roo Come to the Forest
152249: MILNE, MICHAEL AND JAMES FERGUSON (EDS.) - Discover Colwall
163587: MILNE, RALPH WITH GARY ROBERTSON - What's It All About Ralphie?: My Story
67190: MILNE, A. FORBES - Beethoven. 1: The Pianoforte Sonatas
168418: MILNER, REBECCA AND SIMON RICHMOND - Pocket Tokyo: Top Sights Local Life Made Easy
67194: MILNER, DON AND TAYLOR, MIKE - The Management of Work : Administration in Business
67195: MILNER, J. EDWARD, FILBY, CAROL AND BOARD, MARIAN (EDS.) - The Green Index : A Directory of Environmental Organisations in Britain and Ireland
168125: MILNES, JOHN A. - Francis Frith's Humberside
131772: MILOVSKY, A. - Suzdal: A Guide
138792: MILTON, GILES - The Riddle and the Knight: In Search of Sir John Mandeville
67199: MILTON, JOHN - Milton's Poetical Works
67197: MILTON, JOHN - Comus : A Mask
145438: MINAMBRES, NICOLAS - Castilla y Leon: Ruta de la Plata
165399: MINCHINTON, W E (EDITOR) - Wage Regulation in Pre-Industrial England
149866: MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE, FISHERIES AND FOOD - Labelling of Food Containing Genetically Modified Soya or Maize: Guidance Notes
165858: MINNEY, R.J. - No. 10 Downing Street: A House in History
151964: MINNITT, R. J. - Gas and Air Analgesia
67202: MINOGUE, MARTIN (ED.) - A Consumer's Guide to Local Governement
67203: MINOT, VICTOR - Indoor Plants: Keeping Them Alive and Well
160503: MINTER, L. F. - How to Title Amateur Films
67204: MINTER, MATTHEW - Vauxhall Astra and Belmont Owners Workshop Manual
162950: MINTON, DAVE AND BILL GARNETT (EDS.) - The Bmw Story
130725: MIRALAI, AHMAD - Isfahan: The Living Museum
144701: MIRANDA, RUFINO - Toledo: Its Art and Its History
67206: MIRELLE, LORAINE - Basic Sewing
137363: MIROIU, MIHAI - English-Romanian Conversation Book
62620: DAILY MIRROR - It's a Fact. 1
147489: SUNDAY MIRROR - Sunday Mirror January 2, 2000
62621: DAILY MIRROR - Ve Day 1945-1995
71784: MIRSKY, NICK - The Unforgettable Memory Book
011953: MITCHELL, ROBIN - Adam Lyal's Witchery Tales : The Darker Side of Old Edinburgh
005112: MITCHELL, MARGARET - Working with French Coursebook
167139: MITCHELL, W. R. - One Hundred Tales of the Settle-Carlisle Railway
156002: CHRIS MITCHELL - Around Witney in Old Photographs
67214: MITCHELL, G. DUNCAN (ED.) - A Dictionary of Sociology
153664: MITCHELL, A.F. - Westonbirt in Colour
153080: MITCHELL, R. (ED.) - The Official Sussex Cricket Handbook 1967
67211: MITCHELL, AUSTIN - Britain: Beyond the Blue Horizon
67212: MITCHELL, CHARLOTTE - Plant Medicine : A Guide to Home Use
67217: MITCHELL, NEV - Rambling in the Grantham Countryside
144097: MITCHELL, DAVID - For Crying out Loud!: The Story of the Town Crier and the Bellman, Past and Present
167422: MITCHELL, W.R. (FOREWORD) - Connections: Artists and Writers in North Craven
162612: MITCHELL, ANDREW D. (INTRODUCTION) - Where the Land Meets the Sea: A Collection of Poems and Pictures by the Children of Bridlington
67218: MITCHELL, NEV - Rambling in the Grantham Countryside
67219: MITCHELL, RICK - Garth Brooks : One of a Kind, Workin' on a Full House
148561: MITCHELL-SMITH, C. - All Saints Faldingworth
84837: MITCHELL, DAVID M. - Cri Du Coeur
85025: MITCHELL, W. R. - Haworth and the Brontes: A Visitor's Guide
163617: MITCHELL, W. R. - Haworth and the Brontes: A Vistitor's Guide
166966: MITCHISON, NAOMI - The Rib of the Green Umbrella
164861: MITFORD, NANCY - The Blessing
162040: MITFORD, MARY RUSSELL - Our Village
167120: MITSUKUNI, YOSHIDA ; TANAKA IKKO AND SESOKO TSUNE (EDS.) - Tsukuru: Aesthetics at Work
142512: MITTER, MATT - Tom's New Friends
78548: MLAKAR, STEFAN - The Amphitheatre in Pula
67224: MLLARD, JOE - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
160704: MM (MARK MCLELLAN) - The Pavilion
67225: MO, TIMOTHY - An Insular Possession
67885: OWD MO (MOSES WELSBY) - Tales and Talks
151604: MOATE, GERALD G. - The Parish Church of St. Mary Dedham
98099: MODAHL, MARY - Now or Never: How Companies Must Change Today to Win the Battle for the Internet Consumer
68425: RAILWAY MODELLER - July 1969
67231: MODIANO, COLETTE - Twenty Snobs and Mao : Travelling de Luxe in Communist China
159777: MOFFAT, ALISTAIR; BAXTER, COLIN - Remembering Charles Rennie Mackintosh: An Illustrated Biography
67234: MOGGACH, DEBORAH - A Quiet Drink
67236: MOGGACH, DEBORAH - Changing Babies and Other Stories
67235: MOGGACH, DEBORAH - Changing Babies and Other Stories
165187: MOHNEY, DAVID AND KELLER EASTERLING (EDS.) - Seaside: Making a Town in America
167767: MOHR, EILEEN - Mother Twin
162205: MOIGNARD, DAVID - North End: The History
000526: MOLE, JACK - To Be a Layman: A Manual of Laymanship
130876: MOLIERE, J. B. - The Unwilling Doctor
164558: MOLINAR, TATIANA - Schizoid Moon: The Poetry and Prose of Tatiana Molinar
151820: MOLLOY, E. AND F.A. NORTON (EDS.) - Engineering Works Practice: Volume II, Modern Methods and Materials
143400: MOLLOY, E. (GENERAL EDITOR) - Complete Electrical Engineering: Volume III, Plant and Appliances
151967: MOLLOY, E. - Newnes Practical Handyman Vol. II
157805: MOLLOY, BRENDAN - Guide to the Ruins of Clonmacnois
84842: MONCREIFFE, IAIN - Scone Palace: The Home of the Earls of Mansfield
151808: MONCRIEFF, MARTHA SCOTT - Kezia the Kitchen-Maid
3978: MONCURE, JANE BELK - My "a" Book
161369: MOND, ALFRED - Industry and Politics
134853: MONDEY, DAVID (GENERAL EDITOR) - Aviation : The Complete Book of Aircraft and Flight
67242: MONDEY, DAVID - All Colour World of Aircraft
4164: MONDEY, DAVID - Pictorial History of Aircraft
67244: MONDEY, DAVID (GENERAL EDITOR) - The International Encyclopedia of Aviation
136803: MONETTE, YVON - Fun with Photography!
005994: MONGREDIEN, RONALD - Collins New Handy Decimal Reckoner
148573: MONK, CONNIE - Family Reunions
167150: MONKHOUSE, PATRICK (ED.) - Peak District: National Park Guide No. 3
67248: MONMARCHE, MARCEL (ED.) - The Chateaux of the Loire : Orleanais - Blesois - Touraine - Anjou
132922: MONNICH, HORST - Der Vierte Platz: Chronik Einer Westpreussischen Familie
004044: MONNIER, THYDE - Maja
167443: MONRO, HAROLD (ED.) - Twentieth Century Poetry: An Anthology
167024: MONRO, HAROLD - The Earth for Sale: Poems
161653: MONSARRAT, NICHOLAS; CATHERINE GASKIN, ROBERT RUSSELL, RICHARD POWELL - Smith and Jones: The Tilsit Inheritance: To Catch an Angel: I Take This Land
67254: MONSARRAT, NICHOLAS - The Pillow Fight
67258: MONSARRAT, NICHOLAS - The Tribe That Lost Its Head
67250: MONSARRAT, NICHOLAS - A Fair Day's Work
67255: MONSARRAT, NICHOLAS - The Pillow Fight
2167: MONSARRAT, NICHOLAS - The Story of Esther Costello
67257: MONSARRAT, NICHOLAS - The Tribe That Lost Its Head
151619: MONTAGU, LORD - The History and Treasures of Beaulieu Hampshire: Ancestral Home of Lord Montagu of Beaulieu
151464: MONTAGU, LORD - The History and Treasures of Beaulieu Hampshire: Ancestral Home of Lord Montagu of Beaulieu
67260: MONTAGU, JENNIFER - Bronzes
158935: MONTAGUE-SMITH, PATRICK W. - The Story of the Prince of Wales
71587: MONTAGUE, C. E. - A Hind Let Loose
67262: MONTAGUE-SMITH, PATRICK - Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
144950: MONTAGUE, NOEL - Printing Management
86046: MONTAGUE, LEOPOLD - Browne with an E: A Farcical Comedy in One Act
166853: MONTEATH, PAT - Who Pays the Ferryman?
136443: MONTESQUIEU - Lettres Persanes
162810: MONTGOMERIE, COLIN WITH LEWINE MAIR - The Real Monty: The Autobiography of Colin Montgomerie
167705: EARL OF PEMBROKE AND MONTGOMERY - The History and Treasures of Wilton House: Home of the Earls of Pembroke and Montgomery for over 400 Years
153804: MONTGOMERY, K. - Essex in the Benson and Hedges Cup: Detailed Scoresheets and Statistics
155267: MONTGOMERY, L.M. - Anne's House of Dreams
147829: MONTGOMERY, L.M. - Anne of the Island
000085: MONTGOMERY, L. M. - Anne of Avonlea
001976: MONTGOMERY, W. A. AND M. SCOTT WEIGHTMAN - Grace Darling
137797: MONTGOMERY, L. M. - Anne of Windy Willows
67273: MONTGOMERY, R. A. - The Abominable Snowman
69338: SHORT STORY MONTHLY - Issue 1, October 1981
62220: COIN MONTHLY - November 1967
137085: MONTOTO, SANTIAGO - Nueva Guia de Sevilla
162050: MOODY, JOHN - Romsey Town Football Club: The First Hundred Years 1886-1986
67275: MOODY, SUSAN - Playing with Fire
4651: MOORCOCK, MICHAEL - The Runestaff
67277: MOORCOCK, MICHAEL - The Hollow Lands
164698: MOORCOCK, MICHAEL - Count Brass
164699: MOORCOCK, MICHAEL - The Sword of the Dawn
164701: MOORCOCK, MICHAEL - The Champion of Garathorm
67298: MOORE, PATRICK - Astronomy for the Under Tens
131395: MOORE, W. G. - The World's Wealth
161241: MOORE, ALMA & RAY - Tomorrow - Who Knows?
161775: MOORE, R.J. - Sir Charles Wood's Indian Policy 1853-66
156403: MOORE-SMITH, G.C. (TRANS.) - The Queen Bee and Other Nature Stories
67281: MOORE, ALMA AND RAY MOORE - Tomorrow - Who Knows?
001214: MOORE, R. W. - Where God Begins : The Christian Vision in the Common Life
003849: MOORE, PATRICK - Guide to the Planets
77290: MOORE, MICHAEL - Dude, Where's My Country?
168591: MOORE, GEOFF R. - Survival!
166718: MOORE, W. G. - A Dictionary of Geography: Definitions and Explanations of Terms Used in Physical Geography
164681: MOORE, GEOFFREY (EDITOR) - The Penguin Book of American Verse
159750: MOORE, MICHAEL - Will They Ever Trust Us Again?: Letters from the War Zone to Michael Moore
139420: MOORE, REGINALD (ED.) - Sports News, May 1957: The Magazine of the Sportmans Book Club
165110: MOORE, SIMON - Spoons, 1650-1930
67289: MOORE, JILL - Belle of the Mardi Gras
67304: MOORE, RAY - Tomorrow Is Too Late: An Autobiography
67284: MOORE, BRIAN - The Great Victorian Collection
168636: MOORE, CATHAL AND GRAHAM STUART THOMAS - Mottisfont Abbey: Garden, House and Estate
168637: MOORE, CATHAL - Mottisfont Abbey: Garden, House and Estate: The Derek Hill Collection
141602: MOORE, W. G. - A Dictionary of Geography: Definitions and Explanations of Terms Used in Physical Geography
165083: MOORE, JOHN - Anarchy and Ecstasy: Vision of Halcyon Days
165148: MOORE, JOHN (ED.) - Jane`S 1981-82 Naval Annual
67305: MOORE, RICHARD (EDITOR) - Fodor's Scandinavia 1979
67306: MOORE, VIVIAN - Blue Blood
164758: MOORE, DONALD - In Search of the Past: A Picture Book
150462: MOORE, PATRICK; MASON, JOHN (EDS.) - Patrick Moore's Yearbook of Astronomy 2013
142121: MOORE, BOBBY - England! England!
160410: MOORE, FRANCES SARAH - Gilded Challenge
164206: MOOREHEAD, ALAN - The White Nile
168069: MOOREHEAD, ALAN - The White Nile
165207: MOOREHEAD, ALAN - Cooper's Creek
67311: MOOREHEAD, ALAN - Montgomery : A Biography
67310: MOOREHEAD, ALAN - Montgomery : A Biography
152783: MOORFIELD, S. H. AND H.H. WINSTANLEY - Heat Engines
160433: SIDNEY MOORHOUSE (ED.) - The Lawn Tennis Year
67316: MOORHOUSE, SIDNEY (ED.) - The Lawn Tennis Year
67315: MOORHOUSE, GEOFFREY - The Boat and the Town
162972: SIDNEY MOORHOUSE (ED.) - The Lawn Tennis Year
151179: MOORMAN, JOHN R.H. - Lanercost Priory
165326: MOORSOM, NORMAN - St Hilda of Whitby: Historical Notes
168265: MOORSOM, NORMAN - The Demon Drink in Mid-Victorian Middlesbrough.
130628: MORALES, DEMETRIO SODI - The Maya World
160248: MORAN, GARRY (ED.) - Nottingham Panthers Official Yearbook 2000-2001
160249: MORAN, GARRY (ED.) - Nottingham Panthers Official Yearbook 2001/02
71801: MORAN, RICHARD - Cold Sea Rising
146940: MORAN, M. - Smaller Domestic Architecture in the Church Stretton Area
67319: MORDUE, TRUDA - The Lonely Kitten
67322: MORE, JAQUES R. - Will There Be Non-Christians in Heaven?
67321: MORE, GEORGE AND MARY - This Is Our Life in Central India
67320: MORE, GEORGE AND MARY - This Is Our Life in Central India
67325: MORECAMBE, GARY & MARTIN STERLING - Morecambe and Wise : Behind the Sunshine
67326: MOREHEAD, ALBERT H. (EDITOR) - The Official Rules of Card Games
143921: MOREL, PIERRE - Fontainebleau
167161: MORGAN, CHARLES - Reflections in a Mirror: Second Series
140968: MORGAN-HUGHES, ANN - Black Cat Books Catalogue 98 May 2009
009511: MORGAN, ALISON - Caroline's Coat
4851: MORGAN, DAN - Inside
168281: MORGAN, F.C. - Hereford Cathedral Library (Including the 'Chained Library'): Its History and Contents with Appendix of Early Printed Books
167782: MORGAN, F.C. AND PENELOPE E. - Hereford Cathedral Chained Library: A Short Account
149003: MORGAN, CHARLES - The Flashing Stream: A Play
157354: GERALD DAVIES AND JOHN MORGAN - Side-Steps: A Rugby Diary, 1984/85
67338: MORGAN, JOHN - The Killer's Manual
144329: MORGAN, JOHN - A Discourse Upon the Institution of Medical Schools in America
67336: MORGAN, G. E. - Old-World Stories : Retold for to-Day
67332: MORGAN, CHARLES - Reflections in a Mirror : Second Series
67335: MORGAN, DAN AND KIPPAX, JOHN - A Thunder of Stars
139845: MORINO, LUIGI - Boundary Integral Methods: Theory and Applications Proceedings of the Iabem Symposium Rome, Italy, October 15-19, 1990
161354: MORISHIMA, MICHIO - Why Has Japan 'Succeeded'?: Western Technology and the Japanese Ethos
84188: MORLAND, BRIAN - Fishing
156404: MORLEY, JOHN - The Life of William Ewart Gladstone
164587: MORLEY, C.J. - Jack the Ripper: The Suspects
148077: MORLEY, JACKSON - Birmingham Mini-Guide
001715: MORLEY, ROBERT - Around the World in Eighty-One Years
005945: MORLEY, SAM - Victory in 'Site' : The 'Who-Dares-Wins' of Construction
67349: MORLEY, ROBERT - Robert Morley's Book of Bricks
155766: ADAM MORNEMENT - Extensions
67350: MOROZUMI, ATSUKO - And One Gorilla : A Counting Book
146559: MORRALL, ANDREW - History and Techniques of the Great Masters: Rembrandt
137785: MORRELL, JOHN & TOM STEVENSON - Sunday Telegraph Good Wine Guide 86
67360: MORRIS, DESMOND - Catlore
67361: MORRIS, DESMOND - Catwatching
137679: MORRIS, HELEN - King Richard II (W. Shakespeare)
137731: MORRIS, HELEN - 'Antony and Cleopatra' (W. Shakespeare)
137732: MORRIS, HELEN - King Lear (W. Shakespeare)
137733: MORRIS, HELEN - Romeo and Juliet (W. Shakespeare)
006004: MORRIS, RICHARD (ED.) - The Poetical Works of Geoffrey Chaucer Vol. 2
005566: MORRIS, JEAN - The Donkey's Crusade
145649: MORRIS, BRIAN - John Cleveland (1613-1658): A Bibliography of His Poems
168679: MORRIS, SOLENE, AND WILSON, LOUISE - Down House: The Home of Charles Darwin
165910: MORRIS, PETER - West Bromwich Albion: Soccer in the Black Country 1879-1965
167765: MORRIS, JEAN - The Song Under the Water
147651: MORRIS, BRIAN - John Cleveland (1613-1658): A Bibliography of His Poems
67366: MORRIS, M. E. - H. Norman Schwarzkopf : Road to Triumph
164789: MORRIS, JEFF - The Story of the Filey Lifeboats
67367: MORRIS, NEIL AND TING - At Home
141187: MORRIS, BEDE - Images : Illusion and Reality
145271: MORRIS, BRIAN - John Cleveland (1613-1658): A Bibliography of His Poems
67357: MORRIS, DESMOND - Animal Days
67359: MORRIS, DESMOND - Animal Watching: A Field Guide to Animal Behaviour
67356: MORRIS, DAVE - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
166372: MORRIS, JEFF - The History of the Humber Lifeboats
144051: MORRIS, CLIFFORD - Moments of My Time
000923: MORRIS, JEAN - South Africa
67365: MORRIS, JOSEPH E. - Oxford
67353: MORRIS, CAMPBELL - Advanced Paper Aircraft Construction
67362: MORRIS, ELIZABETH - A Touch of Moonshine
004160: MORRISON, BLAKE - The Justification of Johann Gutenberg
67380: MORRISON, N. BRYSSON - Haworth Harvest : The Lives of the Brontes
149646: MORRISON, ASHLEY - Headingley Remembered: A Century of Ashes Cricket
165038: MORRISON, BLAKE - Camp Cuba
168053: MORRISON, JAMES - Essential Public Affairs for Journalists
67374: MORRISON, IAN - 100 Greatest Golfers
67377: MORRISON, IAN A. - H.M. Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother
136854: MORRISON, EMMELINE - Kind Strangers: The Tale of a Family
67375: MORRISON, IAN - Hamlyn Who's Who in Golf
167116: MORRISON, BRIAN - 30a: Steam on Stratford Shed in the 1950's
96459: MORRISON, IAN - Shoot!: The a-Z of Football Records
159045: MORRISSEY, STEVEN PATRICK - Autobiography
168373: MORSE, MARY - The Unattached
163462: MORSE, RICHARD - The Book of Wildflowers
157608: GAVIN MORTIMER - A History of Cricket in 100 Objects
67390: MORTIMER, PENELOPE - Queen Elizabeth : A Life of the Queen Mother
156554: MORTIMER, JOHN - In Character
151263: MORTIMER, GERALD (ED.) - Cricket - the Derbyshire Way: Ian Hall's Testimonial Brochure
150424: MORTIMER, GERALD (ED.) - Cricket - the Derbyshire Way: Ian Hall's Testimonial Brochure
166710: MORTIMER, JOHN - In Character
94268: MORTIMER, JOHN - Rumpole and the Younger Generation
67387: MORTIMER, JOHN - Paradise Postponed
157262: DAVID MORTIMER - Classic Cricket Clangers
136656: MORTON, CATHERINE - Bodiam Castle Sussex
004852: MORTON, ANDREW - Madonna
168309: MORTON, STELLA - Source of the River
003291: MORTON, H. AND D. S. MORTON - Science for Coalmining Students
002044: MORTON, JAMES - Prince Charles : Breaking the Cycle
162284: MORTON, J.W. AND ROSSLYN MANNERING - Foulsham's Complete Guide to Gardening
67394: MORTON, ANDREW - Madonna
131124: MORTON, WILLIAM SCOTT - The Japanese: How They Live and Work
67397: MORTON, H. V. - Atlantic Meeting : An Account of the Mr. Churchill's Voyage in H.M. S. Prince of Wales, in August 1941, and the Conference with President Roosevelt Which Resulted in the Atlantic Charter
67395: MORTON, ANDREW - Monica's Story
67396: MORTON, FREDERICK - The Rothschilds
161043: MOSENTHAL, BASIL AND DICK HEWITT - Ready for Sea: A Guide to Systematic Boat Maintenance, Power and Sail
67406: MOSER, SIMON - Lebendiges Tirol : Ein Bildwerk Der Landschaft
165409: MOSER, ANTONIO; LEERS, BERNARDINO - Moral Theology: Dead Ends and Ways Forward
145967: MOSES, S. - Horace: Odes, Book I, a Translation
157620: DON MOSEY - Fred: Then and Now
159393: MOSEY, DON - We Don't Play It for Fun: A Story of Yorkshire Cricket
158414: DON MOSEY - The Best Job in the World
158312: DON MOSEY - The Best Job in the World
159820: MOSKIN, J.ROBERT - The Story of the U.S. Marine Corps
67408: MOSKIN, MARIETTA - A Royal Gift
136831: MOSS, DAVID (ED.) - Art & Antiques Weekly, August 14 1976
133524: MOSS, H. G. - The Lord's Prayer in the Bible
82384: MOSS, DAVID (ED.) - Art & Antiques Weekly December 16, 1972
137371: MOSS, ROBERT HUTTON - The Book of Football Lists
149945: MOSS, DAVID (ED.) - Antiques & Art Monitor June 16-22, 1979
67409: MOSS, ELAINE - Part of the Pattern : A Personal Journey Through the World of Children's Books, 1960-1985
148182: MOSS, STEPHEN - Britain's Wildlife: The Definitive Spotter's Guide
67411: MOSS, H. G. (ADVISORY EDITOR) - Retail Pharmacist's Handbook
67412: MOSS, KENNETH - Encounter in St Ives and Other Cornish Stories
148519: MOSS, MIRIAM - Arctic Song
417: MOSS, ELAINE - Part of the Pattern: A Personal Journal Through the World of Children's Books 1960-1985
162029: MOSSES, ROBIN AND DAVE RAMM - Walks Around Swallowfield
67416: MOSSMAN, KEITH AND NORWAK, MARY - Growing, Freezing and Cooking
67414: MOSSMAN, KEITH - The Shell Book of Rural Britain
67415: MOSSMAN, KEITH AND MARY NORWAK - Home Grown : A Harvest of Information About Growing, Cooking and Preserving Food from Your Garden
157736: ASHLEY MOTE - The Glory Days of Cricket: The Extraordinary Story of Broadhaifpenny Down
78573: MOTION, ANDREW - Public Property
70159: THE MOTOR - The Motor Manual
60541: AUTOCAR & MOTOR - Pictorial History of Motoring
4684: BRITISH SCHOOL OF MOTORING - Pass Your Driving Test
70579: VAUXHALL MOTORS - Service Training Manual for 300 Cu. In. Diesel Engine and Clutch Bedford Models Td, Tc & S
67417: MOTSON, JOHN - Motty's Diary : A Year in the Life
1105: MOTSON, JOHN - Second to None : Great Teams of Post-War Soccer
001991: MOTT, RUSSELL C. - The Complete Book of House Plants
67419: MOTT, MIXHAEL - The Blind Cross or Alan of Arney
67420: MOTTRAM, ANGELA - The Wi Book of Meat Cookery : Over 100 Recipes Tried and Tested by the Women's Institute
154968: MOTTRAM, A.S. - About Lynn
157845: MOTTRAM, R.H. - East Anglia: England's Eastern Province
67423: MOUAT, GEORGE D. - Methods of Approximate Integration
67422: MOUAT, GEORGE D. - Methods of Approximate Integration
67421: MOUAT, GEORGE D. - Methods of Approximate Integration
67424: MOUAT, GEORGE D. - The Practical Steel Column
144574: MOULT, THOMAS (ED.) - Bat and Ball: A New Book of Cricket
96: MOULT, THOMAS (ED.) - Bat and Ball: A New Book of Cricket
144961: MOULT, THOMAS (ED.) - The Best Poems of 1941
150862: MOULTON, R.G. (ED.) - Aero Modeller August 1969
166281: MOUNT, HARRY (ED.) - The Oldie February 2023
000894: MOUNTBATTEN, LOUIS - Mountbatten : Eighty Years in Pictures
001845: MOUNTFORD, ARNOLD R. - Taking Stock
141868: MOUNTFORD, A. R. (FOREWORD) - Exhibition to Mark the Centenary of the Death of James Holland, R.W. S. , a Son of Burslem, Born 18 October, 1799; Died 12 February, 1870
69917: STUDENT CHRISTIAN MOVEMENT - Everyday Prayers
165642: REAL DEMOCRACY MOVEMENT - Time's Up for Neoliberalism: Manifesto for a Transition to a Real Democracy
134145: MOWAT, FARLEY - Whale for the Killing
164926: MOWAT, R.C. - Middle East Perspective
166600: MOWAT, BILL - John o'Groats
164760: MOWFORTH, E.H. - Lastingham: A Brief History
168259: MOWLAM, MO - Momentum: The Struggle for Peace, Politics and the People
011794: MOYES, PHILIP J. R. - Aircraft Illustrated September 1972
161215: MOYES, A.G. - A Century of Cricketers
149718: MOYES, A.G. - A Century of Cricketers
83274: MOYES, PHILIP J.R.(ED.) - Aircraft Illustrated May 1973
83276: MOYES, PHILIP J.R.(ED.) - Aircraft Illustrated February 1974
165774: MOYES, A.G. - The Fight for the Ashes 1950-1951: A Critical Account of the English Tour in Australia
158125: MOYES, A.G. - The Fight for the Ashes 1950-1951: A Critical Account of the English Tour in Australia
156832: MOYES, A.G. - Australian Batsmen from Charles Bannerman to Neil Harvey
140542: MOYLE, J. B. - Imperatoris Iustiniani Institutionum: Libri Quattuor
67429: MOYNAHAN, BRIAN - Fool's Paradise : Rich Spoils from the Gullible Holidaymaker - Who Gets Them and How
153697: LEO MOYNIHAN - The Liverpool Miscellany
67430: MOYNIHAN, JOHN - Kevin Keegan : Black & White
132879: MOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS - Symphonie E Major (K. -V. No. 543)
132877: MOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS - Piano Concerto C Major (Koechel No. 467)
132874: MOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS - Concerto F Major for Pianoforte and Orchestra (Kochel No. 459)
132875: MOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS - Piano Concerto E Flat Major (Kochel-Edition, No. 482)
132869: MOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS - Concerto B Flat Major for Pianoforte and Orchestra (Kochel-Edition No. 595)
132872: MOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS - Klavier-Konzert G Major, (K. -V. No. 453)
132864: MOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS - Concerto B Major for Pianoforte and Orchestra (Kochel No. 456)
132840: MOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS - Overture to the German Opera Die Zauberflote: Kochel-Verzeichnis No. 620
145624: MOZART, W.A. - The Marriage of Figaro Overture
132892: MOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS - Piano Concerto D Major, K.V. 537
132878: MOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS - Eine Kleine Nachtmusik (Serenade) G Major Fur 2 Violinen, Viola, Violoncell and Bass, K. -V. No. 525
132876: MOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS - Pianoforte Concerto in B Flat Major (K. -V. No. 450)
67433: MUDIE, ROSEMARY AND COLIN - The Story of the Sailing Ship
142122: MUGFORD, ROGER - Dr Mugford's Casebook: Understanding Dogs and Their Owners
67442: MUIR, FRANK AND PATRICK CAMPBELL - Call My Bluff : Patrick Muir Versus Patrick Campbell
167617: MUIR, AUGUSTUS - The Kenyon Tradition: The History of James Kenyon & Son Ltd 1664-1964
165017: MUIR, GREGOR (ESSAY) - The Cauldron: Christine Borland, Angela Bulloch, Dinos and Jake Chapman, Steven Pippin, Georgina Starr, Gillian Wearing
67444: MUIR, PERCY - Victorian Illustrated Books
67439: MUIR, FRANK - Frank Muir Retells Jack and the Beanstalk : The Fantastic Story of a Boy . His Mother . And a Strange Vegetable
144986: MUIR, P. H. - Book-Collecting As a Hobby: In a Series of Letters to Everyman
67445: MUIRDEN, JAMES - The Young Astronomer's Handbook
162290: MUIRHEAD, L. RUSSELL (ED.) - Switzerland
67446: MUIRHEAD, L. RUSSELL (ED.) - Sweden
150078: MULCAHY, GERARDINE - A Country House Sculpture Trail: Burton Constable, Burton Agnes & Sledmere
168243: MULFORD, DAVID C. - Zambia: The Politics of Independence 1957-1964
85394: MULFORD, FURMAN LLOYD - New Chrysanthemums
157562: MULLEN, EILEEN AND CATH HARRIS (EDS.) - England V India: International Women's Cricket Series 1999
159883: MULLER, KRISTIANE (ED.) - The Rhine
000900: MULLER, JOSEPH-EMILE - Modern Painting 4: Cubists to Early Abstract Painters
147436: MULLINS, CHARLOTTE (ED.) - Art Quarterly Summer 2013
147435: MULLINS, CHARLOTTE (ED.) - Art Quarterly Autumn 2013
67454: MULLINS, PAT & PHILIP DERRIMAN - Bat & Pad : Writings on Australian Cricket 1804-1984
92629: MULROONEY, GRETTA - Fire and Ice
137740: MULRYNE, J. R. - Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing
168819: MULRYNE, KEVIN - Yes: The Tormato Story
157783: MULTON, LEONARD (ED.) - Stow-on-the-Wold Town Walk
165907: MUMFORD, LAURIE - Centre Forwards: The Great Ones
67458: MUMFORD, ELIZABETH - Holiday in the Mountains
67460: MUNDAY, ETHEL - The Popular Yorkshire Terrier
67461: MUNDY, TALBOT - Liafail
145830: MUNRO, STANLEY (ED. AND TRANS.) - Genesis of a Revolution: An Anthology of Modern Chinese Short Stories
168546: MUNRO, ANDY (ED.) - Jq the Jewellery Quarter Birmingham's Gem: The Essential Guide
67462: MUNRO, ALICE - Friend of My Youth
67465: MUNSHOWER, SUZANNE L. - Warren Beatty : Lovemaker Extraordinary
161795: MUNT, MICHAEL AND IAN PERRY - Eye Town Trail: Discover the Heart of Suffolk
156500: MURDOCH, IRIS - The Sandcastle
168157: MURDOCH, IRIS - The Sandcastle
168074: MURDOCH, IRIS - The Flight from the Enchanter
168141: MURDOCH, IRIS - The Flight from the Enchanter
156412: IRIS MURDOCH - The Sacred and Profane Love Machine (Penguin Books)
006466: MURFIN, FRED B. & ROBIN - How Did the Wise Men Know? : A Book Written to Show the Year of Jesus' Second Coming As Revealed in the Prophecies of Daniel and the Revelation Given Through John
4707: MURFY, ALBERT; SILCOCK, SARA - Anyone Can Draw
159877: MURGATROYD, KEITH (ED.) - An Order for Holy Communion 3
157196: MURISON, A.F. - Sir William Wallace
166146: MUROAKA, TOSHIYA - Glamorous Philosophy No. 1: Yasumichi Morata
134195: MURPHY, DERVLA - On a Shoestring to Coorg: An Experience of South India
131102: MURPHY, PATRICK - His Way : The Brian Clough Story
71645: MURPHY, BILL - Tin Kickers
153692: ALEX MURPHY - It's Not Your Leg Son. : The Book of Shankly
137826: MURPHY, JILL - All in One Piece
161594: MURPHY, PATRICK - Botham : A Biography
137555: MURPHY, PATRICK - Botham : A Biography
149719: MURPHY, CT - Catalogue of Cricket Philately
67481: MURPHY, GENEVIEVE (ED.) - The Pony Club Annual
157835: MURPHY, ALLISON (ED.) - An Assembly of Recipes
90434: MURPHY, MICHAEL AND JOHN HOBCRAFT (EDS.) - Population Research in Britain
67483: MURPHY, LIZ AND BRIAN - Before School
168032: MURPHY, ROBERTA - The Enchanted
006003: MURPHY, JILL - The Worst Witch
154368: RICHARD MURPHY - England on This Day: Match History & Facts from Every Day of the Year
91222: MURPHY, ANGELA (ED.) - Science & Society Picture Library: Introducing Our Image Catalogue
158362: MURPHY, PATRICK - The Centurions: Profile of the 20 Batsmen Who Have Scored a Hundred 100's - from Grace to Zaheer
161177: MURPHY, PATRICK - The Spinner's Turn
67482: MURPHY, GERALDINE - Acts of Betrayal
157675: MURPHY, PATRICK - Botham : A Biography
67492: MURRAY, W. - Adventure at the Castle
166877: MURRAY, WALTER J.C. - Copsford
004351: MURRAY, ALEX & PHILIP BERESFORD - 101 Ways of Investing & Saving Money
166141: MURRAY, PETER - The Architecture of the Italian Renaissance
151568: MURRAY, PAUL & HELEN (EDS.) - A Short Guide to the Stained Glass Windows in St Mary's Parish Church Swansea
163415: MURRAY, W. - I Like to Write
92386: MURRAY, NICHOLAS - World Enough and Time: The Life of Andrew Marvell
163158: MURRAY, GRAEME . [ET AL.] - Tales of the Sands: Contemporary Israeli Art
67486: MURRAY, FRANCES - White Hope
67495: MURRAY-SHELLEY, RICHARD - Computer Programming
168124: MURRAY, IAN - Charity Law and Accumulation: Maintaining an Intergenerational Balance
168837: MURRAY, HUGH - The Great Chamber at Gilling Castle
163419: MURRAY, W - Happy Holiday
145658: MURRAY, FRANCIS EDWIN - A Bibliography of Austin Dobson
67493: MURRAY, W. - Reading with Sounds
73976: MURRAY, D. L. - Commander of the Mists
162958: MURRAY, ANDY - Seventy-Seven: My Road to Wimbledon Glory
67496: MURRELL, NORMAN - Green and Pleasant Land : A Countryman Remembers
161635: MURRELL, ADRIAN - Cricket Impressions
141413: MURRELL, GLENN - Gallows Bait
161174: MURRELL, ADRIAN - Cricket Impressions
67499: MURRY, J. MIDDLETON (ED.) - The Letters of Katherine Mansfield. 2
67498: MURRY, J. MIDDLETON (ED.) - The Letters of Katherine Mansfield. 1
137403: VICTORIA & ALBERT MUSEUM - Wedgwood
136640: CONWY VALLEY RAILWAY MUSEUM - Souvenir Booklet, Incorporating a Brief History of Britain's Railways
154543: VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM - Queen Anne Domestic Silver
61436: BRITISH MUSEUM - British Museum Guide & Map
61437: BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) - Human Biology : An Exhibition of Ourselves
70600: VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM - Porcelain Figures
70599: VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM - Embroidered Hanging
70598: VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM - Elizabethan Art
70597: VICTORIA & ALBERT MUSEUM - Osterley Park
155984: BRITISH MUSEUM - Anglo Saxon and Irish Art: 15 Pictorial Postcards
166042: AMBERLEY MUSEUM - Amberley Museum Guidebook
151868: VICTORIA & ALBERT MUSEUM - V&a Map Spring/Summer 2017
147888: FRIENDS OF THE HARBOROUGH MUSEUM - Playtime in Harborough
147887: FRIENDS OF THE HARBOROUGH MUSEUM - Industrial Harborough: Market Harborough's Industrial Heritage
147886: FRIENDS OF THE HARBOROUGH MUSEUM - The Romans in Harborough: The Drayton Villa Mosaic
147885: FRIENDS OF THE HARBOROUGH MUSEUM - Sandals to Stilettos: Footwear in Market Harborough
152990: IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM - Hms Belfast Guide
152544: DALES COUNTRYSIDE MUSEUM - People and Landscape of the Pennine Dales: A Photographic Exploration
149923: NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM - The Natural History Museum Map
149087: TRUSTEES OF THE BRITISH MUSEUM - Top 10 Objects to See in 1 Hour at the British Museum
152322: IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM - Imperial War Museum Handbook
167390: NATIONAL TRAMWAY MUSEUM - The National Tramway Museum, Crich
143903: IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM - Imperial War Museum Handbook
165079: IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM - Imperial War Museum Duxford Handbook
167011: IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM - Duxford Handbook
164754: FITZWILLIAM MUSEUM - Handbook to the Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge
65335: IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM - Hms Belfast Guide
165893: SHANGHAI MUSEUM - Shanghai Museum Chinese Painting Gallery
165963: GUILDHALL MUSEUM - Finds from the Temple of Mithras Walbook
167468: MUSGRAVE, E.I. - Newby Hall: An Illustrated Survey of the Yorkshire Home of the Compton Family
152695: MUSGRAVE, E.I. - Newby Hall: An Illustrated Survey of the Yorkshire Home of the Compton Family
67500: MUSGRAVE, CLIFFORD - The Royal Pavilion
164077: MUSGRAVE, E.I. - Newby Hall: The Yorkshire Home of the Compton Family
167455: MUSGRAVE, E.I. AND WALTER LUTTRELL - Dunster Castle: An Illustrated Survey of the Historic Somerset Home of the Luttrell Family
167609: MUSGRAVE, E.I. - Newby Hall: An Illustrated Survey of the Yorkshire Home of the Compton Family
142292: MUSGROVE, ANDY . [ET AL.] - Waterbirds in the Uk 2005/06: The Wetland Bird Survey
157889: MUSK, STEPHEN - Norfolk's Splendid Innings: A Record Score at Lord's
67502: MUSSEN, PAUL H. - The Psychological Development of the Child
132788: DE MUSSET, A. - IL Ne Faut Jurer de Rien: Comedie
144937: MUSSON, A.E. - The Typographical Association: Origins and History Upto 1949
168630: MUSTAPHA, MUKHTARR - Big Game in Africa
004443: MUTCH, RONNIE - Niki Lauda and the Grand Prix Gladiators
164512: MUTCH, WILLIAM - Steal Me a Duchess
67503: MUTCH, RONNIE - Niki Lauda and the Grand Prix Gladiators : A Biography
67504: MUTTER, R. P. C. AND M. KINKEAD-WEEKES (EDS.) - Selected Poems and Letters of Alexander Pope
86538: NFU MUTUAL - Reap the Benefits of Our Success
166734: MYCROFT, ROSI - Conflict
162938: MYERS, A. WALLIS - Lawn Tennis Its Principles & Practice: A Player's Guide to Modern Methods
160436: MYERS, A WALLIS - Lawn Tennis Its Principles & Practice: A Player's Guide to Modern Methods
164205: MYERS, L.H. - Strange Glory
166716: MYERS, A. R. - England in the Late Middle Ages (1307-1536)
157221: MYERS, A WALLIS - Lawn Tennis Its Principles & Practice: A Player's Guide to Modern Methods
164840: MYERS, O.M. (ED. AND INTRO.) - The Coverley Papers from the 'Spectator'
151185: MYERS,BRIAN A. - The Rectors of the Ancient Parish Church of Bishopwearmouth A.D. 1195 to 1975
155284: MYHILL, JOHN - Political Poems
131473: MYHILL, HENRY - The Canary Islands
67509: MYLREA, NANCY - A Holiday Adventure
67511: MYSLIWIEC, EVA - Punishing the Poor : The International Isolation of Kampuchea
153533: NA - 3d Ultimate Football Fun
94274: NABOKOV, VLADIMIR - Now Remember
83549: EL NAGDY, SOHEIR YOUSSEF - Alexandria
003294: NAGENDRA, H. R, SRI T. MOHAN AND SRI A. SHRIRAM - Yoga in Education
93018: AL-NAHI, DONYA WITH ANDREW CROFTS - Heroine of the Desert
165202: NAIPAUL, V.S. - The Mystic Masseur
156495: NAIPAUL, V.S. - The Suffrage of Elvira
164913: NAIPAUL, V.S. - The Mystic Masseur
165099: NAIRN-BRIGGS, GEORGE - Serving Two Masters: A Christian Dilemma
148198: NAKHABINA, M. AND N. SOBOLEVA - Russian by Radio Course for Beginners (Lessons 16-35)
67514: NAOMI - The Story of the Beacon Fire
67515: NAPOLEON I, EMPEROR OF THE FRENCH, 1769-1821 - Napoleon's Last Will and Testament
67516: NAPOLITANO, GEORGE - Championship Wrestling : Masters of Mayhem
84950: NAPOLOTANO, GEORGE - Superstar Wrestlers Dec 1990
132558: NARAYAN, R. K. - Mr. Sampath
132559: NARAYAN, R. K. - The World of Nagaraj
67517: NARINESINGH, CLIFFORD - Gavaskar : Portrait of a Hero
153808: NASH, J.H. (ED.) - Yorkshire County Cricket Club Sixty-Seventh Annual Report Season 1965
149824: NASH, J.H. - Yorkshire County Cricket Club Fiftieth Annual Report Season 1948
164714: NASH, PAUL W. - Folio 50: A Bibliography of the Folio Society 1947-1996
142048: NASH, WANDA - At Ease with Stress: The Approach of Wholeness
167869: NASH, JAMES - A Bench for Billie Holiday: 70 Sonnets
67518: NASH, JAY ROBERT - Murder in America : Homicide in the United States from the Revolution to the Present
005518: NATHAN, GUY - Barcelona to Bedlam
164836: NATHANSON, E.M. - The Dirty Dozen
67525: NATHANSON, E. M. - The Dirty Dozen
162335: NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR - Ford's Theatre and the House Where Lincoln Died, Washington Dc
162334: NATIONAL PARK SERVICE, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR - Thomas Jefferson Memorial Washington Dc
154771: UNITED NATIONS - United Nations: Pictorial Book
165528: ENGLISH NATURE - Flag Fen: A Natural History
67551: NAUNTON, GLYN & STEWART - Bookworks Catalogue No. 13 : 20th Century Artists & Illustrated Books
160644: ROYAL NAVY - The Story of the Men and Aircraft of the Fleet Air Arm
134296: NAWRAT, CHRIS; HUTCHINGS, STEVE - The Sunday Times Illustrated History of Football
67552: NAYLOR, PHYLLIS - Revelations
137146: NAYMAN, JACQUELINE - Whales, Dolphins and Man
67553: NAYSMITH, BRIAN & TERRY HILL - Basketball
71525: NCHOLE, CHRISTOPHER - The High Country
71625: NEAL, ROY - The Magic of the Organ
143372: NEAL, MICHELLE - Come on Church! Wake Up!: Sin Within the Church and What Jesus Has to Say About It
144673: NEAL, ALAN - Local Sketches
147470: NEALES - Neales: The Nottingham Salerooms, Thursday 28th and Friday 29th September, 1995
67556: NEARY, JOHN - Wild Herds
4437: NEARY, GED - How to Be a Tourist
149626: DREWEATT NEATE - The Keith Crump Collection of Cricket Memorabilia: Tuesday 26th September 2006. Donnington Priory Salerooms
Next 1000 books from Philip Emery[an error occurred while processing this directive]