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Title: Cadillac Brochure - Presenting the Newest Car in the World Cadillac Sixty-two for 1940
Description: U.S.A. General Motors Corporation. 1940, 1st Edition. Loose Pages in a Porfolio, 245 x 317 Mm. Cadillac Brochure - Presenting the Newest Car in the World Cadillac Sixty-two for 1940 - 3 folded pages in port folio. Text in English, illustrated in color plates. Interior as new, the portfolio fine and also the remains of the envelope! Rare item. Fine.

Keywords: Cadillac Sixty-Two

Price: EUR 35.00 = appr. US$ 38.04 Seller: Egidius Antiquarische Boekhandel
- Book number: 006252