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Title: The Lives Of Mr Richard Hooker, Mr George Herbert And Dr Robert Sanderson
Description: printed for the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge [ SPCK ]; sold at the Depositry, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, N°4, Royal Exchange, and by all booksellers , 1847, reprint. Full calf, G+. [iv]+248pp, upper hinge a little tender, leather rubbed, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge blind stamped to the upper board, binding signed Remnant & Sons, 9 Lovell's Court, Paternoster Row to the pastedown, top of the title removed with the loss of the word 'The'. Hardback , no dustjacket. ¶ SPCK reprint ( in their binding ) of three od Walton's Lives which had originally been published in the mid & late 17th century.

Keywords: theology, protestantism, church of england, christianity, biography

Price: GBP 28.00 = appr. US$ 39.98 Seller: Eastleach Books
- Book number: 57017