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Title: The French Apanages And The Capetian Monarchy 1224 - 1328
Description: Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1966, 1st edition. Cloth, dj, F/VG+. xii+164pp, index, dustjacket spine sunned otherwiae a fine copy. Harvard Historical Monographs vol LIX. Hardback with dustjacket. ¶ A study of the ststem of appeange, or the grant of an estate, title, office or other thing of value to a younger child of a sovereign, who would otherwise have no inheritance under the system of primogeniture. It originated in France under the Capetians.

Keywords: medieval history, french history

Price: GBP 15.00 = appr. US$ 21.42 Seller: Eastleach Books
- Book number: 53430