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Title: Pierpaolo Vergerio The Elder And Saint Jerome - An Edition And Translation Of Sermones Pro Sancto Hieronymo
Description: Medieval & Renaissance Texts & Studies, Tempe, 1999, 1st edition. Cloth, F. xx+402pp, 5pp b/w plates, index, a fine copy. Parallel Latin - English text. MRTS vol 177. Hardback , no dustjacket. ISBN: 0866982191 ¶ A complete edition of the ten panegyrics that Vergerio composed to express his devotion to St Jerome. Italian humanist Pier Paolo Vergerio The Elder [ 1369 - 1444 ].

Keywords: ISBN 0866982191, philosophy, theology, italian history, saint jerome, catholicism, christianity 0866982191

Price: GBP 12.50 = appr. US$ 17.85 Seller: Eastleach Books
- Book number: 46996