Author: Wardroper, John Title: Lovers Rogues And Rakes A New Garner Of Love Songs And Merry Verses 1580 - 1830
Description: Shelfmark Books, 1995, 1st edition. Paperback, F. 366pp, a nice fine as new copy. Paperback , no dustjacket. ISBN: 0952609304 ¶ A collection of 350 songs - most lively, bawdy & explicit. Some have not appeared in print before & others have not been printed for over 2 centuries. Some of the songs have scores.
Keywords: ISBN 0952609304, song, verse, ballads 0952609304
Price: GBP 5.00 = appr. US$ 7.14 Seller: Eastleach Books
- Book number: 19162