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Title: Antiquitates sacrae veterum hebraeorum breviter delineatae. Ed. tertia. Trajecti Batavorum (Utrecht), ex. libraria Gulielmi Broedelet, 1717.
Description: . Pp. (viii), 548 + lvs (21). With extra engraved title as front. Title page printed in red and black. Old inscriptions on title and an old red seal. Library stamp. Contemporary vellum, worn. First few lvs very lightly waterstained otherwise internally a fine copy. Reland was professor of Oriental languages and Hebrew antiquity at Utrecht. First edition was published in 1708. Brunet iv, 204. Tobler p. 213.

Keywords: Near East, asia, asie, asien, orient, east, asiatica, near east, hebrew, holy land, arabia, palestine

Price: EUR 360.00 = appr. US$ 391.26 Seller: Charlotte Du Rietz Rare Books
- Book number: 25010

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