Castle Hill Books
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86874: BERKELEY, JENKINS [ED] - A Worcestershire Book
84745: BERKELEY, JOAN - Lulworth and the Welds
72833: BERKLEY, MILDRED - Dove Cotes
72831: BERKLEY, MRS - The Dovecotes of Worcestershire
81158: BERMANT, CHAIM & MICHAEL PERRY WEITZMAN - Ebla an Archaeological Enigma
056178: DIBNER BERN - Leonardo Da Vinci Machines and Weaponry
82066: BERNARD, J H - The Cathedral Church of St Patrick
76226: CALKIN J BERNARD - Some Archaeological Discoveries in the Isle of Purbeck Including Accounts of the Beheaded Woman Found at Kimmeridge and Studland
75846: DUNSTAN BERNARD - Bernard Dunstan R.A. Recent Paintings and Pastels Including a Retrospective Exhibition of the Lithographic Work 24th March - 16th April 1993
73414: LANG BERNARD - A Fisherman's Tales and Adventures
69371: POOL BERNARD [EDITOR] - The Croker Papers 1808 - 1857
69350: JONES BERNARD E - House Painting and Decorating
69049: STEVENSON C BERNARD - Laing Art Gllery and Museum Illustrated Catalogue of Water Colour Drawings
68156: RACKHAM BERNARD - Early Staffordshire Pottery
67671: WOOD G BERNARD - Bridges in Britain
65030: COX BERNARD - Pleasure Steamers
65016: COX BERNARD - Paddle Steamers
59265: PREECE BERNARD C [ED] - The Rotary Club of Stafford a Miscellany of the First Sixty Years 1924 - 1984
053348: LOWRY BERNARD - The Shropshire Home Guard
052633: JAY BERNARD - The Adventures of a Romantic a Life Story Herefordshire
052115: LOWRY BERNARD - Discovering Fortifications from the Tudors to the Cold War
051731: WOOD G BERNARD - Yorkshire Villages
051515: SMITH W BERNARD - Staffordshire
67393: SARGANT E B AND WISHAW BERNHARD - A Guide Book to Books
59432: CHOWDHURY BERNIE - The Last Dive a Father and Son's Fatal Descent Into the Ocean's Depths
73288: { BERNIER ] - Aspects of Modern Art : The Selective Eye 111
053970: HODGE BERNULF - A History of Malmesbury
053969: HODGE BERNULF - A History of Malmesbury
69623: ELLIS PETER BERRESFORD - Caesar's Invasion of Britain
69895: BERRIDGE, CLIVE - Almshouses of London
81618: BERRY, PATRICIA - Seaford in Old Picture Postcards
62254: BERRY, JEAN DUKE OF - INTRODUCTION BY MARCEL THOMAS - The Grandes Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry
86129: BERRY, GEOFFREY - Tale of Two Lakes Fight to Save Ennerdale Water and Wastwater
76408: BERRYMAN [ED] - Surrey Record Society Volume XXVII Mitcham Settlement Examination 1784 - 1814
66491: RUCK BERTA - The Years for Rachel
054521: THOMAS BERTHA - Picture Tales from Welsh Hills
80234: BERTHOUD, JOCELYN - A History of Yetminster
76689: GREEN BERTRAM - Bishops and Deans of Worcester
72305: HURLEY BERYL [ED] - Wiltshire Pew Rents Volume 2 Trowbridge St James
57677: HAYLES MYRA AND HEDGES BERYL - Around Maidenhead in Old Photographs
85521: BESANT, ANNIE WOOD - Man and His Bodies
81856: BESANT, ANNIE - Buddhism
79072: BESANT, WALTER - Early London Prehistoric Roman Saxon and Norman
79068: BESANT, WALTER - London in the Eighteenth Century
79054: BESANT, WALTER - London City
79053: BESANT, WALTER - London, North of the Thames
61412: BEST, NICHOLAS & JASON HAWKES - Historic Britain from the Air
054388: HARRIS W BEST - Place Mannes of Plymouth Dartmoor and the Tamar Valley [ Signed ]
88368: BESTER, CAHRLES F - A Parish History of Haddenham, Isle of Ely
89228: BESTERMAN, THEODORE - Water Divining, New Facts and Theories
71502: BESWICK, FRANCIS - Traditional British Honey Drinks
050502: BESWICK - The Parish Church Through the Ages 680 - 1980
66540: TIBBOTT S MINWEL AND THOAMS BETH - The Gwalia the Story of a Valleys Shop
71380: BETJEMAN, JOHN - Pictorial History of English Architecture
68648: BETJEMAN, JOHN - Summoned by Bells
68414: BETJEMAN, BURY - Copy or Creation Victorian Treasurers from English Churches
83544: BETTESS, FRED - Surveying for Archaeologists
86360: BETTESS, FRED - Surveying for Archaeologists
85865: BETTEY J H - Rural Life in Wessex 1500-1900
64210: BETTS J H, HOOKER J T, GREEN J R - Studies in the Honour of T B L Webster Volume Two
71268: MASTERS BETTY R - The Public Markets of the City of London Surveyed by William Leybourn in 1677
58872: CASWELL BETTY - A Scrapbook of Cookley Memories 1920 - 1930s [between the Wars]
82832: BEVAN, BRYAN - King Richard II
82634: BEVAN, DAVID - Guide to Collecting English Banknotes
81344: BEVAN, THOMAS - A Dissertation on the Industrial Deveopment of the Llyfni, Ogmore, and Garw Valleys with Special Reference to Transport Facilities in the Area
85573: BEVAN, G PHILLIPS. WORTH R N [REVISED] - Tourists' Guide to the Wye and Its Neighbourhood
72606: BEVAN W L - Diocesan Histories : St David's
65499: BEVAN W L [ARCHDEACON OF BRECON] - Notes on the Church in Wales
65370: BEVAN, G PHILLIPS. WORTH R N [REVISED] - Tourists' Guide to the Wye and Its Neighbourhood
87865: BEVAN, J O, DAVIES JAMES, HAVERFIELD, F - An Archaeological Survey of Herefordshire
60102: BEVAN D J V - Recollections a Shrewsbury Scrapbook
88990: BEVAN, R. M - Cuddington & Sandiway
88398: BEVAN, J O, DAVIES JAMES, - An Archaeological Survey of Herefordshire Including Indices and Maps Mediaeval Period
78647: NICHOLS BEVERLEY - The Art of Flower Arranging
72826: NICHOLS BEVERLEY - The Art of Flower Arranging
67258: BEVIR J L - The Making of Wellington College Being an Account of the First Sixteen Years of Its Existence
77286: BEWICK, THOMAS - A History of British Birds, the Figures Engraved on Wood by T Bewick Volume II Containing the History and Description of Water Birds Plus a Supplement to the History of British Water Birds
74435: BEWICK, THOMAS & IAIN BAIN - A Memoir of Thomas Bewick Written by Himself
73993: BEWICK, THOMAS & GORDON WILLIAMS - Bewick to Dovaston Letters 1824-1828
86592: BEWLEY, R. H. & W. RACZKOWSKI [EDS] - Aerial Archaeology. VIII + 376pp, Illustrated in Colour and Black and White. Developing Future Practice
86015: LOWE W BEZANT - The Heart of Northern Wales As It Was and As It Is Being an Account of the Pre-Historical and Historical Remains of Aberconway and the Neighbourhood
86016: LOWE W BEZANT - The Heart of Northern Wales As It Was and As It Is Being an Account of the Pre-Historical and Historical Remains of Aberconway and the Neighbourhood Volume II
67803: BEZOLD C - Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum. Volume 2
67802: BEZOLD C - Catalogue of the Cuneiform Tablets in the Kouyunjik Collection of the British Museum. Volume 3
82696: BIBBY, GEOFFREY - The Testimony of the Spade
86768: BREECHES BIBLE - The Bible. That Is, the Holy Scriptures Contained in the Olde and New Testament. Translated According to the Ebrew and Greeke, and Conferred with the Best Translations in Divers Languages. With Most Profitable Annotations Upon All the Hard Places
78972: BICK, DAVID E. - Old Metal Mines of Mid-Wales West Montgomeryshire Pt. 4
86464: BICK, DAVID E. - Chapters in Newent's History
79782: BICKERDYKE, JOHN - Sea Fishing the Badminton Library
73268: BICKERSTETH, J. & R.W. DUNNING - Clerks of the Closet in the Royal Household Five Hundred Years of Service to the Crown
89886: BICKNELL, E. J - The Thirty-Nine Articles. Third Edition, Revised by H.J. Carpenter
84371: BIDDLE, FRANK & ALAN FELLOWES - Moreton Wirral a Pictorial History Volume 1
84697: BIDDLE, FRANK & ALAN FELLOWES - Moreton Wirral a Pictorial History Volume 4
88626: BIDGOOD, RUBY FRANCES - Two Villages... The Story of Mortehoe and Woolacombe. With Illustrations and a Map
68586: BIDGOOD, RUTH - The Fluent Moment
89192: BIDGOOD, R. F. - Two Villages the Story of Mortehoe and Woolacombe
83244: BIDWELL, PAUL - Hadrian's Wall 1989-1999 a Summary of Recent Excavations and Research Prepared for the Twelfth Pilgrimage of Hadrian's Wall
69955: BIELCKUS, ROGERS & WIBBERLEY - Second Homes in England and Wales; a Study of the Distribution and Use of Rural Properties Taken over As Second Residences
74060: BIGELOW, CHARLES & PAUL HAYDEN DUENSING & LINNEA GENTRY - Fine Print on Type the Best of Fine Print Magazine on Type and Typography
89550: BIGGS, B. J - Living in East Markham
72455: BIGGS, JOHN R - Illustration and Reproduction
79988: BIGNELL, BILL - Mapping the Windmill the Ordnance Survey in England
78993: BILD, IAN & WILF WYTHE [INTRODUCED & EDITED BY]. - Bristol Picture Book Fifty Years of Peoples' Lives in Photographs
86815: BILDE, PIA GULDAGER & JANE HJARL PETERSEN - Meetings of Cultures between Conflicts & Coexistence:
73717: COWLEY BILL - Farming in Yorkshire : A Regional Survey
71455: FRINDALL BILL - England Test Cricketers He Complete Record from 1877
67110: LAWS BILL - The Perfect Country Cottage
65536: POTTER BILL [ED] - The Merseyside and Cheshire Bus Handbook
64765: LAWS BILL [EDITOR] - In the Munitions Women at War in Herefordshire
59960: SLINN BILL - The History of the Birmingham Hippodrome
57909: LAWS BILL - Herefordshire's Home Front in the First World War
055635: LAWS BILL - A Slap of the Hand the History of Hereford Market
053225: BAILEY BILL - The Glyn Dwr Legacy
050473: LAWS BILL - A Slap of the Hand the History of Hereford Market
72674: BILLETT, MICHAEL & R. D. MEGILLEY - Thatched Buildings of Dorset
83752: BILLETT, MICHAEL - Thatched Buildings of Dorset
88503: BILLS, D M , GRIFFITHS, E & W R, PARSONS [ED] - Kinver a Closer Look
89511: BILTON, LESLIE - The Chillingham Herd of Wild Cattle
87402: BINDING, HILARY - Discovering Dunster a History and Guide
88369: BINDING, HILARY & STEVEN PUGSLEY - Exmoor Century a Century of Change Through Fascinating Historic and Contemporary Photographs of Exmoor
76258: BINDMAN, DAVID - William Blake Catalogue of the Collection in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
86355: BINFORD, LEWIS R. - Archaeological Perspective
86356: BINFORD S AND L [EDITORS] - New Perspectives in Archaeology
77447: BING, VALENTYN & JAN BRAET VON ÜBERFELDT - Nederlandsche Kleederdragten, Naar de Natuur Geteekend Costumes Des Pays-Bas
82223: BINGHAM, ROGER - Memories of Milnthorpe for the Millennium a Look Back at a Westmorland Village Before 1950
85470: BINGHAM, LADY ELIZABETH - Remarkable Churches Near Hay on Wye
60358: BINGLEY W - North Wales : Including Its Scenery, Antiquities, Customs and Some Sketches of Its Natural History Delineated from 2 Excursions Through All the Interesting Parts of That Country During the Summer of 1798 and 1801 Volume 2 Only
056031: BINGLEY W - North Wales Delineated from 2 Excursions Through All the Interesting Parts of That Higly Beautiful and Romantic Country and Intended As a Guide to Future Tourists
051588: BINGLEY W - North Wales : Including Its Scenery, Antiquities, Customs and Some Sketches of Its Natural History Delineated from 2 Excursions Through All the Interesting Parts of That Country During the Summer of 1798 and 1801 Volume 2 Only
80887: BINNEY, MARCUS & MARIANNE WATSON-SMYTH - The Save Britain's Heritage Action Guide
89098: BINNEY, MARCUS & ETC. - Lost Houses of Scotland
81030: BINNS, JACK - A Place of Great Importance Scarborough in the CIVIL Wars, 1640-60
80802: BINNS, JACK - Yorkshire in the CIVIL Wars Origins, Impact and Outcome
80799: BINNS, JACK - Yorkshire in the 17th. Century Religion Rebellion and Revolution Yorkshire 1603-1702
59066: BINNS - Old Kington and District Reprint of 1890 Jakeman and Carver Directory
69482: BIRBECK T T - The Foudroyant
054671: NEVINS J BIRBECK - Picture of Wales During the Tudor Period . (Henry VII to Elizabeth) . With Some Account of the Translation of the Bible Into Welsh by Bishop Morgan, Etc.
85126: BIRCH, ROGER - Todmorden Album 5 : Shops Vol. 5
85086: BIRCH, ROGER - Todmorden Album 4 4: People Places and Events
67489: HILL AND BIRCH - Cotswold Stone Homes
85608: BIRCHALL, DEARMAN & EMILY BIRCHALL & DAVID VEREY - The Diary of a Victorian Squire
052206: BIRCHAM P M M - The Birds of Cambridgeshire
83568: BIRD, JAMES - The History of the Town of Malmesbury and of Its Ancient Abbey
78508: BIRD, ANTHONY - Antique Automobiles
86593: BIRD, J. - Form and Fabric Studies in Rome's Material Past in Honour of B R Hartley
86087: BIRD, SHEILA - Sidmouth, Budleigh Salterton and District Companion
69418: BIRD R H - Britain's Old Metal Mines a Pictorial Survey
68847: BIRD, ANTHONY, ROLT L T C - Roads and Viehicles
053303: BIRD A J - History on the Ground
87310: RICHARD HEROLD & IAN BIRD - Under the Parish Lantern - Revisited a Look Back at Old Beddau, Church Village, Efail Isaf, Tonteg & Llantwit Fardre in Photographs
83257: BIRLEY A R - The Ninth Pilgrimage of Hadrians Wall 7 - 12 September 1969
83248: BIRLEY, ROBIN - Vindolanda a Roman Frontier Post on Hadrian's Wall
82624: BIRLEY, ERIC - A Roman Inscription from Watercrook
82619: BIRLEY, ERICAND CHARLTON, JOHN - Third Report on Excavations at Housesteads
82618: BIRLEY, ERIC - Fifth Report on Excavations at Housesteads
82617: BIRLEY, ERIC - Excavations at Housesteads in 1931
82616: BIRLEY, ERIC - Excavations at Housesteads in 1932
82473: BIRLEY, ERIC - Some Roman Military Inscriptions
82431: RICHMOND AND BIRLEY - Excavations on Hadrian's Wall in the Birdoswald Pike Hill Sector 1928
82425: BIRLEY, ERIC - The Roman Fort at Netherby.
83696: BIRLEY, ERIC AND GILLAM J P - The Pottery from the Roman Fort at Carzield
83697: BIRLEY, ERIC - Dalswinton and the Ala Petriana
65871: BIRLEY, ERIC AND GILLAM J P - Mortarium Stamps from Corbridge 1906 - 1938
63540: BIRLEY R N - The Registers of Kendal Parts III and IV. Baptisms 1596-99, 1607-31. Marriages 1591-99, 1606-1631. Burials, 1591-00, 1606-1631
63538: BIRLEY R N - The Registers of Kendal Part III Part III. Baptisms 1596-99; Marriages and Burials 1591-99; Baptsims 1607-31.
63537: BIRLEY R N - The Registers of Kendal Part IV. 1606-1631. Marriages, 1606-1631. Burials, 1606-1631
83813: BIRLEY, ERIC, BREWIS, PARKER, CHARLTON, JOHN - Report for 1933 of the North of England Excavation Committee
83690: BIRLEY, ERIC - John Horsley and John Hodgson Being the Fourth Horsley Memorial Lecture, Delivered on 26 February, 1958
68503: BIRMID - Cylinder Bore Wear
053598: BIRMINGHAM, GEORGE A. & FORBES PATTERSON - Round Our North Corner: Giant's Causeway, Dunluce Castle, Carrick a Raide
86971: BIRRELL [ED] - Collections for a History of Staffordshire the Forests of Cannock and Kinver: Select Documents 1235-1372 Fourth Series
69726: TYNDALE BISCOE, - Tyndale Biscoe of Kashmir an Autobiography
82702: , BISHOP L. - Henfield in Battledress Pages from a Scrap Book
87722: BISHOP, I. S. - Oldland the Village and the Parish
88052: BISHOP, JOHN - Old Rustic Rural Ruminations from Herefordshire; a Collection of Monthly Articles Which First Appeared in the Colwall Clock: Volume 2
85195: BISHOP, IAN STANLEY - Longwell Green Our Village
056766: BISHOP W J - Knife Fire and Boiling Oil the Early History of Surgery
85190: BISHOP, IAN S - Around Timsbury
054170: BISHOP KEN, CARTWRIGHT TONY, MILNER ROBERT - Round the Parish Pump: Sawston Parish Council 1895 -1995 Cambridgeshire
87028: BISHOP, GEORGE - A Parish Album of Stokeclimsland, Including the Villages - Beals MILL, Downgate, Higherland, Luckett, Kelly Bray, Monks Cross, Venterdon.
053472: BISHOP C H - Folkestone the Story of a Town
87131: BISPHAM, EDWARD - Roman Europe 1000 Bc - Ad 400
052120: POPE . WILLARD BISSELL - Invisible Friends the Correspondence between Elizabeth Barrett Browning and Benajmin Robert Haydon 1842-1845
81272: BISSON S W - The Jersey Chantry Certificate of 1550
71522: BJURLING, OSCAR - Gullspangs Kraftaktiebolag 1906-1981, Ett Kraftforetags Historia Under Tre Kvartssekel
88504: BLACK, J B - A Gloucestershire Parson's Wife 1814 - 1826
80091: BLACK - Black's Road & Railway Travelling Map of Scotland
79508: BLACK, MICHAEL - Cambridge University Press 1951-1987, Personal Recollections Scrutiny and After
79504: BLACK, MICHAEL - Cambridge University Press 1951-1987, the English List 1
79503: BLACK, MICHAEL - Cambridge University Press 1951-1987, Education Secretaries
79502: BLACK, MICHAEL - Cambridge University Press 1951-1987, Personal Recollections Documents Editorial Policy Functions of an Editor
74896: BLACK, MARY - Old New York in Early Photographs
74275: BLACK, MICHAEL & GORDON JOHNSON - Cambridge University Press 1584–1984 [Signed]
87080: BLACK, MICHAEL - Cambridge University Press 1951-1987, Personal Recollections Scrutiny and After, the English List -2, Other Literatures
87081: BLACK, MICHAEL - Cambridge University Press 1951-1984, Personal Recollections
87082: BLACK, MICHAEL - Cambridge University Press 1951-1987 Personal Recollections Chief Editor 1965-78
70617: BLACK - Black's Road & Railway Travelling Map of Scotland
65502: BLACK - Black's Picturesque Guide to North Wales
64807: BLACK, ARCHIBALD - The Story of Tunnels
87088: BLACK, MICHAEL - From Pink Order to Blue Label Presented to John Dreyfus on His Eighieth Birthday
87878: BLACKABY, F. E. (PASTOR) - Past and Present History of the Baptist Church, Stow-on-the-Wold: With Incidents of Interest
69586: M N J [JACKSON] LATE OF BLACKBROOKE - Bygone Days in the March Wall of Wales [ Grosmont, Skenfrith ]
89637: BLACKER, J. F. - A.B. C. Of Collecting Old English Pottery
68276: BLACKER, J G - British Mining Number 57 Memoirs 1996 the Stone Industry of Nidderdale Part 2 Stone Uses
68989: BLACKHAM, ROBERT J - The Soul of the City London's Livery Companies. Their Stories Past Their Living Present
65053: BLACKMORE, STEPHEN - Bee Orchids
75700: BLACKWELL, LEWIS - 20th Century Type
74245: BLACKWELL , BASIL - The World of Books a Panorama
87319: BLACKWELL, MARGARET - A Picturebook of Cwm, a Village Near the Town of Ebbw Vale , Gwent V. 2
74719: BLADES, WILLIAM - Some Account of the Typography of St Alban's in the Fifteenth Century
79235: BLADON, DENNIS - From Abbtos to Queen's 1000 Years of Health Care 1002 -2002 in Burton Upon Trent
87598: BLAGG, THOS. M. - A Guide to the Antiquities of Newark and the Churches of Holme & Hawton
82417: BLAIKLOCK, E M - The Roman and His Trouble the Significance of Roman History
84691: BLAIKLOCK, E. M - The Hero of the Aeneid; an Inaugural Address to the Classical Association of Auckland Delivered on 31 May 1961,
84050: BLAIR, DONALDSON, DUNLOP - The Spa Magazine September 1897
76619: BLAIR, JOHN - Saint Frideswide Patron of Oxford [Signed]
68651: BLAIR, PAULINE HUNTER - The Nelson Boy an Imaginative Reconstruction of a Great Man's Childhood
63188: BLAIR, ROBERT [EDITOR] - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon Tyne Third Series Volume 6 1913 to 1914
63187: BLAIR, ROBERT [EDITOR] - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon Tyne Third Series Volume 5 1911 to 1912
63186: BLAIR, ROBERT [EDITOR] - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon Tyne Third Series Volume 4 1909 to 1910
63185: BLAIR, R [EDITOR] - Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon Tyne Third Series Volume 3 1907 to 1908
052748: BLAIR J C - The Lake District
052751: BLAIR J C - The Lake District
049927: HUNTER BLAIR [EDITOR] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity 4th Series Volume XXVIII 1950
049926: HUNTER BLAIR [EDITOR] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity 4th Series Volume XXXI 1953
049925: HUNTER BLAIR [EDITOR] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity 4th Series Volume XXXV 1957
049924: HUNTER BLAIR [EDITOR] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity 4th Series Volume XXXIV 1956
049923: HUNTER BLAIR [EDITOR] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity 4th Series Volume XXXIII 1955
049922: HUNTER BLAIR [EDITOR] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity 4th Series Volume XXXIX 1961
049921: HUNTER BLAIR [EDITOR] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity 4th Series Volume XXXVII 1959
049920: HUNTER BLAIR [EDITOR] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity 4th Series Volume XXXVIII 1960
049919: HUNTER BLAIR [EDITOR] - Archaeologia Aeliana or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity 4th Series Volume XLIV 1966
80411: BLAKE, HUGO & PETER DAVEY (EDIT). - Guidelines for the Processing and Publication of Medieval Pottery from Excavations Occasional Paper No. 5:
71530: BLAKE, J P - Chippendale, and His School,
85687: BLAKE, SIMON - Cleveland Ironstone Walks the Iron Coast
85686: BLAKE, SIMON - Cleveland Ironstone Walks East Cleveland Ridge
85685: BLAKE, SIMON - Cleveland Ironstone Walks the Northern Outliers
69667: BLAKEMORE, KENNETH - Snuff Boxes
81578: BLAKENEY, RITA - Fishbourne a Village History
86109: BLAKER - A Village Remembered
86638: BLAKER, NATHANIEL PAINE - Sussex in Bygone Days Reminiscenes of Nathaniel Paine Blaker
84885: BLAKEWAY, FLETCHER - History of Shrewsbury Hundred or Liberties
053870: DERRY T K AND BLAKEWAY M G - The Making of Pre-Industrial Britain
71249: BLANCH, WILLIAM HARNETT - The Parish of Camberwell 1875
81649: BLANCHARD, DIANA - Knottingley Its Origins and Industries Part 2
65585: DEVEREUX BLANCHE - Star of Mercia Historical Tales of Wales and the Marches
65299: CHAMBERS BLANCHE - Carmel and District Through the Years [Signed]
63546: BERRYMAN BLANCHE - Mitcham Settlement Examinations 1784 - 1814
85385: BLANCOTTE, BERNARD - Montagne Noire Vigie Du Languedoc
74926: BLAND, DAVID - The Illustration of Books
89075: BLANEY, WALTER & SIMON MASSEN - King's Lynn Then and Now Portrait of a Town
86491: BLASHILL, (THOMAS) - Sutton-in-Holderness. The Manor, the Berewic, and the Village Community
85018: BLAVATSKY, H. P. - The Secret Doctrine the Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy Volume 5
85015: BLAVATSKY, H. P. - The Secret Doctrine the Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy [the Aydar Edition]
85465: BLAVATSKY H P - Theosophical Philosophy Articles by H F Blavatsky What Is Truth, Old Philosophors and Modern Critics
84849: BLAVATSKY, H. P. - The Secret Doctrine. The Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy. Volume 3 Anthropogenesis Part I
88840: BLAY, W F - Letocetum
59242: BLAY W F - Street Names of Walsall Volume 1 of Street Names of Walsall Metropolitan Borough
87606: BLAZQUEZ, J. M. - Economia de la Hispania Romana
69106: BLEWETT, ROY - Between Two Carns the History of Carnkie Illogan and Surrounding District
72645: BOWKER AND BLIGH - Mutiny Aboard H M Armed Transport Bounty in 1789
83853: BLIGH, ERIC - Two Half Moons
77970: BLOCH, HERBERT - The Bombardment of Monte Cassino
81188: BLOFELD, JOHN - In Search of the Goddess of Compassion Mystical Cult of Kuan Yin
055705: BLOOM J H - Warwickshire
055565: BLOOM - Warwickshire
84712: BLOOMFIELD, PAUL - Quite Contrary
78703: BLOUNT, MARGARET - Woman of Property [Proof Copy]
87793: BLOUNT, PETCH [COMPILERS] - Ashby-Cum-Fenby a Special Village Part of the Story of
84316: BLOWS, JOHN - The Mysteries of the Lewstone Estate in the Parish of Whitchurch & Ganarew, Herefordshire
89821: BLOXAM, MATTHEW HOLBECHE & WILLIAM HENRY PAYNE SMITH - Rugby, the School and Neighbourhood. Collected and Arranged from the Writings of the Late M.H. Bloxam... By the Rev. W.H. Payne Smith... With Portrait, Illustrations, and Memoir
77961: BLUNDEN, EDMUND, OWEN, WILFRED - The Poems of Wilfred Owen
68381: BLUNDEN, JOHN - Mineral Resources of Britain
67269: BLUNT A G - Rugby School Who's Who
84134: BLYTHE, RONALD - Word from Wormingford a Parish Year
056696: BLYTHMAN G - Watermills and Windmills of Middlesex
73372: BOALCH G T - Essays on the Exe Estuary
57165: BOALCH D H - The Manor of Rothamsted and Its Occupants
73066: COAL BOARD - National Coal Board Notes for Fitters Part 1 Materials and Hand Tools
72635: PERRIN BOB - No Fear Nor Favour
66000: ESSERY BOB [EDITOR] - Midland Record Number Ten
65999: ESSERY BOB [EDITOR] - Midland Record Number Seven
60672: JENKINSON DAVID AND ESSERY BOB - Midland Carriages an Illustrated Review 1877 Onwards
59721: THOMAS BOB - Liberace
84907: ESSERY BOB [EDITOR] - Midland Record Number Seven
84906: ESSERY BOB [EDITOR] - Midland Record Number Three
053338: BURROWS BOB - It Happened in Shropshire
053167: CURRAN BOB - Celtic Saints
052164: SCOTT BOB - The Atlas of British Bird Life
051642: MOLE BOB - A History of Ponthir Cricket Club
78027: BOCCACCIO, GIOVANNI - Isabella
050867: BOCCACCIO, KELLY {TRANS] - The Decameron or Ten Days Entertainment of Boccaccio
84278: BODDINGTON, ANDREW - The Millennium History of Finmere
65071: BODE, HAROLD - James Brindley an Illustrated Life of James Brindley, 1716-1772 (Lifelines Series)
62217: BODE H - The Staffordshire Moorlands & Caldon Canal
79916: BODEN, J. & ETC. - History of the Worthy Villages
77957: BODEN, ANTHONY - Stars in a Dark Night the Letters of Ivor Gurney to the Chapman Family
79290: BODLEIAN LIB, . - Instructions for British Servicemen in France, 1944
86243: BOETHIUS - The Consolation of Philosophy
70709: CRAWLEY BOEVEY A W - The Garden Tomb Golgotha and the Garden of the Resurrection
70708: CRAWLEY BOEVEY A W - The Garden Tomb Golgotha and the Garden of the Resurrection
87901: BOGG, EDMUND - Higher Wharfeland the Dale of Romance from Ormscliffe to Cam Fell
73466: BOGGIS, R J E - History of St John's Torquay
76903: BOGLE - Midlothian
79923: BOLEHILL W I - Our Village - Our History Bolehill
80265: BOLINDER, GUSTAV - We Dared the Andes with Plates
84014: BOLLA M. (CUR. ) - Archeologia a Verona
87668: BOLLANDS, FRED J. - Time Honoured Lancaster a Selection from a Lancaster Sketchbook.
84587: BOLT, CHRISTINE - Feminist Ferment "the Woman Question" in the Usa and England, 1870-1940
79672: BOLTON, MILES R. M. - From Clogs and Wellies to Shiny Shoes a Windermere Lad's Memories of South Lakeland
79332: BOLTON, JOHN M - Canal Town Stone a History of Life on and Around the Trent & Mersey Canal at Stone in Staffordshire
76958: BOLTON, CLAIRE - A Green Tale
87072: BOLTON, CLARE - A Very Long Tale
87810: BOLWELL, JOHN S. & ANDREA EVANS - A History of the County Infirmary, Carmarthen 1847 to 1948 and the Nhs and the West Wales General Hospital 1948 to 2004
73244: SMITH BOMMIE G - Confessions of a Concierge Madame Lucie's History of Twentieth Century France
84495: BONAVIA HUNT, D A - Pemberley Shades
81817: BOND, ROLAND - The Ancient Wells of Llyn
79734: BOND C J - Medieval Windmills in South Western England
69545: BOND W G - The Wanderings of Charles 1 and His Army in the Midlands in the Years 1642-1644-1645
67962: BOND W G - The Wanderings of Charles 1 and His Army in the Midlands in the Years 1642-1644-1645
67902: BOND W G - The Wanderings of Charles 1 and His Army in the Midlands in the Years 1642-1644-1645
80021: BONE, MARION C. - Story of Hook in Kingston
86296: BONFANTE, LARISSA - Etruscan Life and Afterlife a Handbook of Etruscan Studies
85928: BONHOEFFER, DIETRICH & EBERHARD BETHGE - Letters and Papers from Prison the Enlarged Edition
84482: BONINGTON, M. L. - Long Ashton Our Village
83772: BONIOFT, ALFRED - Memories of Mareham le Fen
65883: BONNYCASTLE, JOHN, TYSON E C, RUTHERFORD W - An Introduction to Practical Geometry and Mensuration. With an Appendix Containing All the Rules Used in the Work.
74744: BONSER K J - The Drovers Who They Were and Where They Went .
74538: BONSEY CAROL, JENKINS J G [EDITORS] - Ship Money Papers and Richard Grenville's Note Book
83360: BOON, GEORGE C - The Roman Buildings, Kings Weston Park, Bristol
65309: BOON, GEORGE C. & M. HASSALL - Industry and Trade in Wales a Numismatic Commentary
65258: BOON, GEORGE C. & M. HASSALL - Report on the Excavations at Usk, 1965-76 Coins, Inscriptions and Graffiti
71594: BOORE W H - Eternity Is Swift
79030: BOOTH, PAUL H. W. - Warton in the Middle Ages
76353: TUCKER AND BOOTH - Wind and Water Mills the Occasional Journal of the Midland Wind and Water Mills Group Number 6
76351: TUCKER AND BOOTH - Wind and Water Mills the Occasional Journal of the Midland Wind and Water Mills Group Number 4
76349: TUCKER ADN BOOTH [EDITORS] - Wind and Water Mills the Occasional Journal of the Midland Wind and Water Mills Group Number 1
73709: TARKINGTON BOOTH - Penrod and Sam
73708: TARKINGTON BOOTH - The Fascinating Stranger and Other Stories
68170: TARKINGTON BOOTH - The Fascinating Stranger and Other Stories
89764: BOOTH, JENNIFER E - A Wirral Account Book and Notary's Register, 1761-90. An Original Article from the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1966.
60014: BOOTH, JOHN - Looking at Old Prints
59985: BOOTH T J - Model Railway Kit Building
80490: BOOTH, P. H. W. ( EDITED BY ) - Burton in Wirral a History
81620: BOOTHROYD, JOHN - The Old Pubs of Gateshead
61831: BOOTHROYD B - The History of the Ancient Borough of Pontefract Containing an Interesting Account of Its Castle and the Three Different Sieges It Sustained During the CIVIL War... . Pedigrees of the Most Distinguished Royalists and Parliamentarians
71097: BORER, MARY CATHCART - The Years of Grandeur the Story of Mayfair
83934: BORER, MARY CATHCART - The British Hotel Through the Ages
81371: BORLAISE, WILLIAM COPELAND - Naenia Cornubiae the Cromlechs and Tumuli of Cornwall
75359: BORSOOK, EVE & FIORELLA SUPERBI GIOFFREDI & HENK W. VAN OS - Italian Altarpieces, 1250-1550 Function and Design
89451: BOSTON, NOEL - Solihull, Warwickshire
81997: BOSWELL, EDWARD - The CIVIL Division of the County of Dorset Methodically Digested and Arranged Comprizing Lists of the CIVIL Ministerial Officers, Magistrates and Subordinate Officers with a Complete Nomina Villarum in Four Parts; a List of the County and Other Bridges... . Together with the Annual Value of Real Property; Amount of the Land-Tax; of the Poor's Rate, and County Rate the Population; and the Rules and Orders for Regulation of the Practice of the Quarter Sessions; and Other Matters with Remarks and Observatio
85584: BOSWELL, JAMES - The Life of Samuel Johnson. 2 Volume Set
054353: BOSWORTH G F - Essex
054328: BOSWORTH G F - Essex
054307: BOSWORTH G F - West London
054306: BOSWORTH G F - East London
050484: BOSWORTH G F - Surrey
056320: BOTZUM R AND C - The 1675 Thomas Blount Manuscript History of Herefordshire
60078: BOUCHER C T G - Broadstone MILL Corvedale
86591: BOUCHIER, EDMUND SPENCER - Life and Letters in Roman Africa
86587: BOUCHIER, EDMUND SPENCER - Spain Under the Roman Empire... With a Map
69963: BOUGAUD, L'ABBE - Histoire de Sainte Chantal Et Des Origines de la Visitation. 2 Volumes
62204: BOUGHEY J - Hadfield's British Canals and Inland Waterways of Britain and Ireland
85437: HILL ARTHUR DU BOULAY - East Bridgeford Notts. The Story of an English Village
85136: DU BOULAY, ANTHONY - Chinese Porcelain Pleasures and Treasures
86058: BOULDEN, JOHN - Plympton's Past in Pictures
66615: BOULDING, RACHEL - The Church Times Book of 100 Best Prayers
65289: BOULTON W H - The Pageant of Transport Through the Ages
75930: BOUMPHREY, GEOFFREY - The South-West Lowlands Wigtown, Kirkcudbright, Ayr, Dumfries
65847: BOUMPHREY, GEOFFREY - Along the Roman Roads
88338: BOUMPHREY, RS. HUDLESTON, CROY HUGHES, J - An Armorial for Westmorland and Lonsdale
68584: BOUQUET A C - Church Brasses British and Continental with Some Notes on Incised Stone Slabs and Indents
67633: BOUQUET A C - Church Brasses British and Continental with Some Notes on Incised Stone Slabs and Indents
87679: BOURBON, FABIO & DAVID ROBERTS - Egypt Yesterday and Today
88227: BOURDILLON, PENELOPE - Pencerrig and Its Past Families
68634: BOURNE, JEREMY, [EDITOR] - Housman and Heine a Neglected Relationship
86365: BOURNE, JOHN M. - Patronage and Society in Nineteenth Century England
60766: ARKWRIGHT AND BOURNE - The Church Plate of the Archdeaconry of Ludlow Diocese of Hereford
83055: BOWEN E G - Wales, a Physical Historical and Regional Geography
80997: HAMER W BOWEN - Radnorshire in History Topography and Romance
85454: HAMER W BOWEN - Radnorshire in History Topography and Romance
79309: BOWEN, DOREEN AND BEVAN, FELICITY - Trelystan Church Township and Community Shropshire
84497: BOWEN, ELIZABETH - A World of Love
66833: BOWEN E G - Wales a Physical Historical and Regional Geography
66090: BOWEN E G - Wales a Physical Historical and Regional Geography
65311: BOWEN E G - Saints Seaways and Settlements
85529: ROBIN HUW BOWEN - Y Man-Dlysau Cymreig the Cambrian Trifles-Being a New Edition of `Annual Cambrian Trifles or South Wales Polite Repertory of Country Dances for 1812
59111: PELLOW AND BOWEN - The Shroppie a Portrait of the Shropshire Union Canal
87071: BOWEN, ELIZABETH - Anthony Trollope a New Judgement
056070: BOWEN, KEITH - Snowdon Shepherd : Four Seasons on the Hills and Farms of North Wales.
055992: BOWEN D Q - The Llanelli Landscape : The Geology and Geomorphology of the Country Around Llanelli
055269: BOWEN E G - Wales a Study in Geography and History
86998: BOWER, ALAN - North Derbyshire Collieries on Old Picture Postcards No. 1
85079: BOWER, R - Anglesey in Poems and Pictures
88440: BOWLES, ELWYN A. - Roof over Their Heads Cameo of Kirby
86848: BOWLES, REGINALD EWART - The Parish Church of St. Peter, Heswall a Collection of the Writings of Thomas Henry May, 1890 to 1922, and of the Late J.H. E. Bennett
58667: BOWLES REV W L, NICHOLS JOHN GOUGH - Annals and Antiquities of Lacock Abbey in the County of Wilts [ Wiltshire ]
054024: BOWLES C E B - Some Old Charters and Deeds [ Derbyshire ]
051390: BOWLES [EDITOR] - Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Journal Volume XXXIV [34] 1912,
60657: BOWLEY R L - The Fortunate Islands the Story of the Scilly Islands
60639: BOWLEY R L - The Fortunate Islands the Story of the Scilly Islands
72348: BOWMAKER A E - A Brief History of Leeton Australia
83210: BOWMAN, ALAN K. - Life and Letters on the Roman Frontier Vindolanda and Its People
83209: BOWMAN, ALAN K. - Life and Letters on the Roman Frontier Vindolanda and Its People
051654: BOWMAN J H - Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists' Field Club Herefordshire Index 1997 to 1999
61388: MILLETT GEORGE BOWN - The First Book of the Parish Registers of Madron in the County of Cornwall
81742: D. WARRELL BOWRING. - Ilfracombe Throughout the Ages.
70524: ALEXANDER BOYD [TRANS AND ED] - Life at Fonthill 1807-1822 with Interludes in London and Paris from the Correspondence of William Beckford
89433: BOYD, TOM - World in a Grain of Sand Poulton - a Cotswold Village Revealed
67727: SCOTT A BOYD - Lays of the Old Clyde Shores.
60935: NORTON BOYD - The African Elephant the Last Days of Eden
81663: BOYER, BRIAN DAVID - Prince of Thieves the Memoirs of the Worlds Greatest Forger
77896: BOYES, MALCOLM - Guide to the Cleveland Way and Missing Link
80966: BOYLE J R - Cottingham in Bye-Gone Times
89128: BOYLE, J R - The Early History of the Town and Port of Hedon in the East Riding of the County of York
055655: BOYLE J R - The History of the County of Durham:
055651: BOYLE J R - Durham: Its Cathedral and Surroundings , Guide to the County of Durham 2 Volumes
76763: BOYNES, TREVOR - The Mining Industry (Tauris Industrial Histories) Vol 1 Pre 1870 the Early Development of the British Mining Industry, Vol. II: 1870-1940. The Heyday of the British Mining Industry, Vol. III: 1914-1747. Mining in the Era of the World Wars, Vol. IV: Post-1947. Mining Under Public Sector Control.
68376: BOYNTON J - Three Times Table the Story of an English Village School 1863-1948
87838: BRABANT, F G - Berkshire the Little Guides
87832: BRABANT F G - Snowdonia
57579: BRABANT F G - Snowdonia
051785: BRACE C - Portrait of Bristol
78899: BRACH [ED] - Mrs Sarah Catherine Pryce Treasured Memories 1909-2009. Llandinam Montgomeryshire
78902: BRACHI, JANE - Diary of a Slug Hunter
61949: BRACK, ALAN - The Wirral
61938: BRACK, ALAN - A Cheshire Christmas
80279: BRACKENBURY, C. E. - Brackenburys of Lincolnshire a Sketch for a Portrait of a Lincolnshire Family
86043: BRADBURY, DAVID J. - Pages from Allonby's History
85874: BRADBY, EDWARD - Seend a Wiltshire Village, Past and Present
60717: BRADBY, E D - A Short History of the French Revolution 1789-1795
84310: BRADFIELD, RAYMOND - Castlemaine a Golden Harvest
81398: BRADFORD, SYLVIA - A Lifetime in Linton , My Boyhood in a South Derbyshire Village in the 1920s
60786: BRADFORD E - Wall of England the Channel's 2000 Years of History
87671: BRADFORD, SYLVIA - A History of Sidholme
81450: BRADLEY, TOM - Yorkshire Rivers, the Derwent
81050: BRADLEY, TOM - Yorkshire Rivers, the Esk
80361: BRADLEY, RICHARD - Consumption, Change and the Archaeological Record - the Archaeology of Monuments and the Archaeology of Deliberate Deposits
74788: BRADLEY, SUE - The British Book Trade an Oral History
73658: BRADLEY W J - The CIVIL War Fort Sumter to Appomatox
86378: BRADLEY, RICHARD & COLIN HASELGROVE & MARC VANDER LINDEN & LEO WEBLEY - Development-Led Archaeology in North-West Europe
72404: BRADLEY, TOM - Bradley's Yorkshire Rivers 10 Volumes
71420: BRADLEY E N - The Oscilloscope Book
85956: BRADLEY, TOM - The Ure
64311: BRADLEY A G - The Rivers and Streams of England
85952: BRADLEY, TOM - The Washburn
85725: BRADLEY, TOM - Yorkshire Rivers , the Ouse
59981: BRADLEY D L - London & South Western Railway Album
59975: BRADLEY R - Gwr Two Cylinder 4-6-Os and 2-6-Os.
89858: BRADLEY, A. G - The Avon and Shakespeare's Country,
85957: BRADLEY, TOM - The Aire Part. 1
58231: BRADLEY A G - Highways and Byways in the Lake District
84518: BRADLEY, RICHARD - A Mesolithic Assemblage from East Sussex, Excavations at Belle Tout, Beachy Head Sussex Archaeological Society Occasional Paper No 2
56976: BRADLEY A G - The Romance of Wales
055731: BRADLEY A G - In the March and Borderland of Wales
055702: BRADLEY A G - Herefordshire
055563: BRADLEY A G - Wiltshire
054500: BRADLEY A G - Highways and Byways in the Lake District
054496: BRADLEY A G - Highways and Byways in the Lake District
054331: BRADLEY A G - Herefordshire
89869: BRADLEYN M - Holy Trinity Attleboorough a Brief History of the Church and Its People
85026: BRADNEY J A - Contributions Towards the Royal Arms in 1646 and List of Papists in 1690lately in the Possession of Sir Henry Mather-Jackson
65317: BRADNEY, JOSEPH ALFRED - The Speech of William Blethin, Bishop of Llandaff, and the Customs and Ordinances of the Church of Llandaff
78943: BRADSHAW, GEOFF - Terrington Now and Then Sketches of a Yorkshire Village
63668: BRADSHAW - Bradshaw's Railway Manual Shareholders' Guide and Directory 1869
59879: BRAITHWAITE, B. WALSH, N. DAVIES, G. - COMPILED BY. - The Home Front. The Best of Good Housekeeping 1939-1945
85295: EVENS G BRAMWELL - Out with Romany by Meadow and Stream
054964: BRAMWELL, D - Archaeology in the Peak District - a Guide to the Region's Prehistory
82166: BRANCH-JOHNSON, WILLIAM - Industrial Archaeology of Hertfordshire
69345: JOHNSON W BRANCH - The Industrial Archaeology of Hertfordshire
68332: JOHNSON W BRANCH - The Industrial Archaeology of Hertfordshire
83638: BRAND, MILLEN - Fields of Peace Pennsylvania German Album: A Pennsylvania German Album
055884: BRAND - History of Newcastle Upon Tyne
72310: BRANDER, MICHAEL - The Sword and the Pen
82202: BRANDON, PETER - The Sussex Landscape
75175: BRANDON, ROBIN - East Spain Pilot Islas Baleares
67119: BRANDON, RAPHAEL AND ARTHUR J - An Analysis of Gothick Architecture Illustrated by a Series of Upwards of Seven Hundred Examples of Doorways Windows Etc Volume 1
82292: BRANIGAN, KEITH & DAVID MILES - Villa Economies Economic Aspects of Romano-British Villas
88688: BRANN, CHRISTIAN - Kemble Ewen and Poole Keynes Three Villages by the Infant Thames
58992: BRANNAN, JOE AND FRANCES - A Postcard from Bournville
59706: BRANNON G - Brannon's Graphic Delineations of the Most Prominent Objects in the Isle of Wight
59703: BRANNON - Picture of the Isle of Wight; or, the Expeditious Traveller's Index to Its Prominent Beauties & Objects of Interest.
59330: BRASH R R - The Ecclesiatical Architecture of Ireland to the Close of the Twelfth Century Accompanied by Interesting Historical and Antiquarian Notices of Numberous Ancient Remains of That Period
57418: R U S I BRASSEY - International Weapon Developments a Survey of Current Developments in Weapons Systems
82365: BRASSINGTON - Roman Derby
72391: BRASSINGTON, W SALT - Shakespeare's Homeland. Sketches of Stratford - Upon - Avon, the Forest of Arden and the Avon Valley.
81166: BRAUN, HUGH - English Mediaeval Architecture
80736: BRAUN, HUGH - The Story of the English House
78913: BRAY, ELIZABETH - The Discovery of the Hebrides Voyagers to the Western Isles, 1745-1883
72501: BRAY W - Everyday Life of the Aztecs
055400: BRAY MRS - A Description of the Part of Devonshire Bordering on the Tamar and the Tavy - Its Natural History, Manners, Customs, Superstitions, Scenery, Antiquities...... . In a Series of Letters to Robert Southey Esq
60716: BRAYBROOKE, RICHARD LORD - Diary and Correspondence of Samuel Pepys, F.R. S. Secretary to the Admiralty in the Reigns of Charles II and James II New Edition in Four Volumes
59508: BRAYLEY EDWARD WEDALKE , BRITTON JOHN - A Topographical History of Surrey
59507: BRAYLEY EDWARD WEDLAKE, ASSISTED BY JOHN BRITTON - A Topographical History of Surrey
86682: BRAZIL, ANGELA; EVANS, TREYER - Monitress Merle.
68366: BREARLEY, G.H. - Lead Mining in the Peak District
054932: BREAY ELIZABETH, COX AUDREY, HATTON NORAH, DIXON DENNIS - Kirkby Lonsdale and District in Times Past
88807: BREDSDORFF, EVA - Montgomeryshire
73525: [LAWRENCE, J ] A FARMER AND BREEDER - The New Farmer's Calendar or, Monthly Remembrancer for All Kinds of Country Business: Comprehending All the Material Improvements in the New Husbandry, with the Management of Livestock
65313: BREESE E - Kalendars of Gwynedd the Chronological Lists of Lors Lieutenants, Custodes Rotulorum, Sheriffs and Knights of the Shire for the Counties of Anglesey, Caernarvonshire and Merioneth and Members for the Borough of Caernarvon and Beaumaris to Which...... . .
85117: BREESE, C E - The Merits of North Wales Slates As a Roofing Material
056324: BREESE E - Kalendars of Gwynedd the Chronological Lists of Lors Lieutenants, Custodes Rotulorum, Sheriffs and Knights of the Shire for the Counties of Anglesey, Caernarvonshire and Merioneth and Members for the Borough of Caernarvon and Beaumaris to Which...... . .
83296: BREEZE, DAVID J - The Making of the Handbook to the Roman Wall
82301: BREEZE, DAVID J. - The Antonine Wall the North-West Frontier of the Roman Empire
78729: DOBSON B AND BREEZE D J - The Building of Hadrian's Wall
83019: BREFFNY, BRIAN DE & ROSEMARY FFOLLIOTT - Houses of Ireland Domestic Architecture from the Medieval Castle to the Edwardian Villa
75008: BREFFNY, BRIAN DE & ROSEMARY FFOLLIOTT - Houses of Ireland Domestic Architecture from the Medieval Castle to the Edwardian Villa
83204: BREMNER, G. A. - Ecclesiology Abroad the British Empire and Beyond
62336: BRENT, G. & ETC. - Early Weaning of Pigs
74157: BRESLAUER, TOULET - Historic & Artistic Bookbindings from the Bibliotheca Bibliographica Breslaueriana
79093: BRET YOUNG, FRANCIS - My Brother Jonanthan
75772: BRETT, SIMON - The Faber Book of Diaries
72034: BRETT G A - A History of the 2nd Battalion of the Monmouthshire Regiment
71989: YOUNG FRANCIS BRETT - They Seek a Country
054594: BRETTELL J O - Droitwich in Old Photogrpahs
81606: BREWER, KELLY VANSTONE - Kelly & Bradstone Parishes a Photographic Record
80825: BREWER, DEREK - The World of Chaucer
74037: BREWER, ROY - Eric Gill the Man Who Loved Letters
62950: BREWER I N - A Topographical and Historical Description of the County of Warwick
56939: BREWER J N - Delineations of Gloucestershire Views of the Principal Seats of Nobility & Gentry
86849: CHESTER NORTHGATE BREWERY - Chester & District an Illustrated Gudie to the Most Attractive Parts of Cheshier and the Adjacent Counties with Notes of the Progress and Activities of the Chester Northgate Brewery Co Ltd
67918: BREWSTER, DAVID - Business Economics Decision Making and the Firm
62178: BREWSTER T C M - The Excavations of Staple How
83025: BAILEY BRIAN - Almshouses
76692: SMITH BRIAN S - The Dougharty Family of Worcester Estate Surveyors and Mapmakers 1700 - 60
75234: ADLAM BRIAN - Yesterday's Town : Worcester [ Signed ]
85040: OWEN BRIAN - The Worcestershire Yeomanry Cavalry a Brief Chronology Complied from Regimental Histories and Other Records
73697: BREFFNY BRIAN DE - In the Steps of St Patrick
71929: CAVEN BRIAN - The Punic Wars
71678: HEENEY BRIAN - Mission to the Middles Classes the Woodard Schools 1848 - 1891
71642: BELL BRIAN - Fifty Years of Farm Machinery from Starting Handle to Microchip
70894: HALES BRIAN - Eardisley Characters and Capers
69590: OWEN BRIAN - Transportation by Montgomeryshire Courts 1788 - 1868
69300: DICKS BRIAN - Rhodes
68834: REED BRIAN - Modern Railway Motive Power
65979: LUXTON BRIAN C - Old Barry in Photographs [1977]
65722: JOHN BRIAN - Honey Harfat a Haverfordwest Miscellany Harverfordwest Town and County 1479 - 1979
65327: POOLE BRIAN - Montgomery's Buses an Empire of Independents
62374: GLOVER BRIAN - The New Guide to Beer the Definitive Visual Encyclopedia to the Beers of the World Covering over 50 Countries from Munich to Malawi
61584: PHILP BRIAN - Excavations in the Dart Valley Kent
61335: MORRISON BRIAN - Steam Around London the Postwar Years
60831: LUND BRIAN - Nottinghamshire Railway Stations in Old Picture Postcards
60673: HARESNAPE BRIAN - Railway Design Since 1830 Volume 1 1830 - 1914
60667: SOLOMON BRIAN - The Heritage of North American Steam Railroads: From the First Days of Steam Power to the Present
60634: HARESNAPE BRIAN - Railway Liveries : London & North Eastern Railway
60047: FLINT BRIAN - Windmills of East Anglia
59837: GARDNER BRIAN - Mafeking a Victorian Legend
59761: FLINT BRIAN - Windmills of East Anglia
57937: EVANS BRIAN - Around Grays in Old Photographs
056877: SMITH BRIAN S - Gloucestershire Local History Handbook
056422: JONES BRIAN H - The Churches of the Knighton Deanery
056194: BENJAMIN ALISON AND MCCALLUM BRIAN - Keeping Bees and Making Honey
056019: JAMES BRIAN - A Bibliography of the History of Cardiff
055901: JOHN BRIAN [ED] - Welsh Pictures from Victorian Times
055667: PAGE BRIAN J - Presenting Fifty Pictures of Old Woodford
055587: LEIGHTON BRIAN - A Short History of Tyneham
055527: CHUGG BRIAN - Victorian and Edwardian Devon from Old Photographs
054968: SPENCER BRIAN - Castleton, Edale and Kinder Scout
054828: COOPER BRIAN - Transformation of a Valley - the Derbyshire Derwent
053879: BAILEY BRIAN - The English Village Green
052874: SMITH BRIAN - The Cotswolds [ Signed ]
052674: HOGGARD BRIAN - Bredon Hill a Guide to Its Archaeology History Folklore & Villages
052649: THOMAS JOAN AND BRIAN - Garway Hill Through the Ages
052403: SPENCER BRIAN - Byways of Britain. 100 out-of-the-Way Places to Explore
052264: MARTIN BRIAN - Rusticus Diary of a Modern Countryman
051821: SMITH BRIAN - The Cotswolds
051674: VESEY - FITZGERALD BRIAN - Hampshire and the Isle of Wight
050044: ROBERTSON BRIAN - An Investigation of Roman Road No 167
80022: BRICE, PETER - Towards a History of the Village
89825: REV. J TROUTBRIDGE AND J FREDERICK BRIDGE - The Westminster Abbey Chant Book
75619: BRIDGEMAN - History of the Manor and Parish of Weston Under Lizard in the County of Stafford Collections for the History of Staffordshire Volume XX Volume II New Series
88088: BRIDGEMAN, MARK - The Lost Village of Lawers New Edition
81698: BRIDGES, ZOë - Barefeet & Buttonboots Childhood in Burnham-on-Crouch, 1890-1930
76757: BRIDGES, T C - Adventures Under Ground
75562: BRIDGES, ROBERT - Collected Essays Papers Etc. Of Robert Bridges. IV. A Critical Introduction to Keats
75484: BRIDGES R - The Testament of Beauty
64802: ADAMS W BRIDGES - English Pleasure Carriages
86986: O'BRIEN, GEORGE - The Village of Longing
056505: O'BRIEN - Watermills of East Anglia
61246: BRIERS, RICHARD - English Country Churches
86367: BRIGG, WILLIAM - The Parish Registers of Aldenham Hertfordshire 2 Volumes
79492: BRIGGS, VICTOR - The Apollo Story
73888: BRIGGS, ASA - Essays in the History of Publishing in Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of the House of Longman
84153: BRIGGS, C S & S J HARDMAN & JENNIFER PRICE & PETER R WILSON - Recent Research in Roman Yorkshire Studies in Honour of Mary Kitson Clark (British Archaeological Reports British Series)
88090: BRIGHTLING, GEORGE B. - Some Particulars Relating to the History and Antiquities of Carshalton Compiled from the Best Authorities
70754: CHAPMAN BRIGID - The Weathervanes of Sussex
80468: BRINDLE, STEVEN - Paddington Station Its History and Architecture
88131: BRINDLEY, DAVID - Richard Beauchamp Medieval England's Greatest Knight
054173: BRINDLEY H H - Ships in the Cambridge "Life of the Confessor"
67451: BRINE, TOM - The Graphic Guide to Hereford
74543: BRINKWORTH E R C - Episcopal Visitation Book for the Archdeaconry of Buckingham 1662
89588: BRINLEY, JONES. - References to Welshmen in "the Critic" 1843-1863
67246: JONES R BRINLEY - Anatomy of Wales
88209: BRISCOE, JOHN POTTER - Curiosities of the Belfry
59071: BRISSAUD, ANDRE - The Nazi Secret Service
82847: BRISTOW [EDITOR] - Vernacular Architecture, Volume 45 2014
82846: BRISTOW [EDITOR] - Vernacular Architecture, Volume 42 2011
82845: BRISTOW [EDITOR] - Vernacular Architecture, Volume 44 2013
79773: VICTORIA AND ALBERT MUSEUM & ARTS COUNCIL OF GREAT BRITAIN - From Today Painting Is Dead the Beginnings of Photography
83358: BRITNELL, W. J. [EDITOR] - Ty-Mawr, Castle Caereinion
88033: BRITTON J WITH BREWER, HODGSON AND LAIRD - The Beauties of England and Wales Warwickshire
68582: BRIVIO, ERNESTO - The Stained Glass Windows of Milan Cathedral an Itinerary of Faith and Light
89487: BROADWAY, IAN - St Cuthberts Church and Parish Great Salkeld Cumbria a History
82026: BROCK, BOB & ANN BROCK - Braunton Shipwrecks Tales of Ships and Seamen on Braunton's Beaches 1850-1900
67265: BROCK, W. R. & P.H.M. COOPER - Selwyn College a History
054844: CLUTTON-BROCK A - The Cathedral Church of York
054416: CLUTTON-BROCK A - The Cathedral Church of York
82151: BROCKELL, H E C - Sidelights on Portland's History
83675: BROCKIE, KEITH - Keith Brockie's Wildlife Sketchbook
88487: BROCKLEBANK, RALPH T. - Birkenhead an Illustrated History
89015: BROCKLEBANK, JOAN - Victorian Stone Carvers in Dorset Churches, 1856-80
89706: BROCKLEBANK, JOAN - Affpuddle in the County of Dorset, A.D. 987-1953
86596: BRODERICK, KATHLEEN - Rishton Remembered
78626: PENDEREL - BRODHURST J - Worcester Malvern and Birmingham , Cathedrals Abbeys and Famous Churches
054610: PENDEREL - BRODHURST J - Worcester Malvern and Birmingham Cathedrals Abbeys and Famous Churches
80080: O'BRODIE, IAN - Thirlmere and the Emergence of the Landscape Protection Movement
60132: BRODRICK A - The People's France Normandy
60131: BRODRICK A - The People's France Provence and the Riviera
60129: BRODRICK A - The People France Greater Paris and the Ile de France
60130: BRODRICK A - The People's France Paris
88769: BROGDEN, WENDY - Glimmers of Dissent Reactions to the Reformation in the South Shropshire Parishes of Easthope, Shipton and Stanton Long
70955: BROGHTON ET AL - All Our Yesterdays a Pictorial Record of the London Borough of Sutton over the Last Century
88838: BROMLEY, J. S. - Corsairs and Navies, 1600-1760
86520: BROODBANK, CYPRIAN - An Island Archaeology of the Early Cyclades
83398: BROOK, D & A. C WALTHAM - Caves of Mulu the Limestone Caves of the Gunong Mulu National Park, Sarawak
89334: BROOK, DAVID - Pevensey and Westham a Century of Change, 1900-2000
83007: BROOKE, CHRISTOPHER N L & DAVID N. DUMVILLE - Church and the Welsh Border in the Central Middle Ages
85514: BROOKE, CHRISTOPHER N L & DAVID N. DUMVILLE - Church and the Welsh Border in the Central Middle Ages
72454: BROOKE, IRIS - Four Walls Adorned - Interior Decoration 1485 - 1820
69156: BROOKE, IRIS - English Costume of the Seventeenth Century
88917: BROOKE, CHRISTOPHER - The Rise and Fall of the Medieval Monastery.
050521: BROOKE W G - The Churchwarden's Guide
87115: BROOKES J - Exploring Scotland's Heritage the Highlands
60708: BROOKES, CONSTANCE - Living in Ludlow 1521 - 1698 from Bailffs Accounts
77071: BROOKHISER, RICHARD - Founding Father Rediscovering George Washington
89654: BROOKS, CATHERINE M. & P. V. ADDYMAN & YORK ARCHAEOLOGICAL TRUST - Mediaeval and Later Pottery from Aldwark and Other Sites
71850: BROOKS, OSCAR DEXTE - Legs. An Authentic Story of Life on the Road
80352: BROTHWELL D R - Digging Up Bones the Excavation, Tretment and Study of Human Skeletal Remains
87628: BROUARD - Goodly Heritage, Ancestry of the Channel Islanders
79712: J C S BROUGH - Fretwork, Fretcutting, Inlaying and Overlaying
82243: BROUGHTON W I - The Book of the Villlage Made by Members of Broughton Women's Institute
83627: BROWN, J. D. - Kings Go Forth
83417: BROWN, H. ROWLAND - The Beauties of Lymeregis, Charmouth, the Landslip and Their Vicinities, Topographically and Historically Considered
83184: BROWN, A. E. & GLEN FOARD - Making of a County History John Bridges' Northamptonshire
89392: BROWN, DOROTHY - Avon Heritage the North the Vale & the Forest
80653: BROWN, ROGER LEE - The Fleet Marriages a History of Clandestine Marriages with Particular Reference to the Marriages Performed in and Around the Fleet Prison, London
81790: BROWN, JANET - Ulgham, Its Story Continued a Study of a Northumbrian Village in Its Parish Setting
81434: BROWN, MICHAEL - A History of the Dylife Mines and Surrounding Area
80792: BROWN, A. - The Governance of Late Medieval England, 1272-1461
80782: BROWN, CORNELIUS - A History of Nottinghamshire
80771: BROWN, LLOYD A - The Story of Maps
80688: BROWN, ROGER LEE - The Sayce Papers Volume 9 Castle and Town
80687: BROWN, ROGER LEE - The Sayce Papers Volume 7 Education and Locality
80686: BROWN, ROGER LEE - The Sayce Papers Volume 8 Chapel and Community
80685: BROWN, ROGER LEE - The Sayce Papers Volume 10 Glimpses of the Old World
80684: BROWN, ROGER LEE - The Church of St Mary of the Salutation Welshpool
80683: BROWN, ROGER L - The Sayce Papers Volume 5 Anguish and Achievment
80654: BROWN, ROGER LEE - Reclaiming the Wilderness Some Aspects of the Parochial Life and Achievements of the Diocese of Llandaff in the 19th Century
80636: BROWN, GEOFF - Herdwicks Herdwick Sheep and the English Lake District
79078: BROWN, HOSANNA - Death Upon a Spear
86163: BROWN, JANET - Ulgham - Its Story Continued
83770: BROWN, ANTHONY - Many Survivals in War and Peace Builder, Farmer, Soldier, Bobby
84080: BROWN, FRANK - Reflection on a Plank Bridge a Wayward Walker in Dorset
76910: BROWN, JONATHAN - Steam on the Farm a History of Agricultural Steam Engines 1800 to 1950
76525: BROWN M W - Northamptonshire
76346: BROWN R J - Windmills of England
89645: BROWN, DUNCAN - Pottery in Medieval Southampton C. 1066-1510: No. 133
75186: BROWN, JONATHAN - Picasso and the Spanish Tradition
74943: BROWN, CHRISTOPHER - Van Dyck
73574: BROWN, FRANCES - Traditional Scottish Honey Recipes
86041: BROWN, ROGER LEE - Llandaff Figures and Places Aspects of the Ecclesiastical History of Llandaff
73032: BROWN, G. I. & ADAM HART-DAVIS - The Big Bang the History of Explosives
72817: BROWN, ARCHIE [ED] - The Soviet Union a Biographical Dictionary
70835: BROWN, A E - Round Barrows in Herefordshire
88912: BROWN, DEE - Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee
87057: BROWN, CORNELIUS - The Annals of Newark-Upon-Trent Comprising the History, Curiosites, and Antiquities of the Borough.
67890: EDWARDS AND BROWN - Tails of the Famous
67506: BROWN R J - Timber-Framed Buildings of England
67505: BROWN, PATRICK - Buildings of Britain 1550-1750. South West England
88787: BROWN, ROBERT - Basingstoke Past and Present
64819: BROWN R J - The English Country Cottage
60087: HAIG BROWN [ED] - William Haig Brown of Charterhouse a Short Biographical Memoir
59683: BROWN R J - Windmills of England
89848: BROWN, OLIVER FORSTER & GORDON JAMES ROBERTS - Passenham the History of a Forest Village an Account of the Changing Scenes of Life in Rural England As Exemplified by the People an Account of the Changing Scenes of Life in Rural England As Exemplified by the People of
87058: BROWN, CORNELIUS - A History of Newark-on-Trent Being the Life Story of an Ancient Town 2 Volumes
86409: BROWN, A. C. - Catalogue of Italian Terra-Sigillata in the Ashmolean Museum
88727: BROWN, ROGER LEE - Reclaiming the Wilderness Some Aspects of the Parochial Life and Achievements of the Diocese of Llandaff in the 19th Century
054340: BROWN M W - Northamptonshire
67012: WILLIS BROWNE - A Survey of the Cathedral Church of St Asaph and the Edificies Belonging to It. Together with an Account Inscriptions on the Monuments and Gravestones: The History of the Bishops , Deans and Other Dignitaries As Far As They Come to Hand in Records... . .
62989: WILLIS BROWNE - The History and Antiquities of the Town, Hundred and Deanery of Buckingham
59135: BROWNE, PIERS - An Elegy in Arcady an Artist's View of Houseman's Poetry
59133: BROWNE, PIERS - An Elegy in Arcady an Artist's View of Houseman's Poetry [ Signed]
053845: BROWNE - Browne Records the Alphabetical Index Browns and Relatives. Family History
83162: BROWNING, PHILIP - Liverpool Heritage Walk
72670: BROWNING W S - History of the Huguenots from 1598 to 1838
79770: BROXHOLME, PETER - The Railway to Bishop's Castle a Brief History
85451: BRUCE-MITFORD, R. L. S - The Sutton Hoo Ship-Burial a Handbook
75957: BRAITHWAITE BRUCE - Ripples of Time a Historical Journey Along the River Sow
69077: WATKIN BRUCE - Surrey a Shell Guide
69059: ROBERTSON BRUCE - The Army and Aviation,
66691: BRUCE, F F - Promise and Fulfilment. Essays Presented to Professor S.H. Hooke in Celebration of His Ninetieth Birthday. 21st January 1964.
63036: BRUCE, JOHN - The History of Brighton with the Latest Improvements to 1835
62763: TRIGGER BRUCE - Time and Traditions Essays in Archaeological Interpretation
61205: BAIRNSFATHER BRUCE - Fragments from France...... . .
58018: JAMIESON BRUCE - North Berwick in Old Picture Postcards
57316: STEVENSON BRUCE - Middlesex
89054: CHATWIN BRUCE - On the Black Hill
053064: LENMAN BRUCE - From Esk to Tweed . Habours Ships and Men of the East Coast of Scotland
052615: COPLESTONE CROW BRUCE - Herefordshire Place Names
051700: WATKIN BRUCE - Surrey a Shell Guide
64817: BRUFF, B.R. - The Village Atlas the Growth of Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Liecestershire 1834-1904: Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and the East Midlands
75746: BRUFORD [EDITOR] - Tocher Tales Songs Traditions Selected from the Archives of the School of Scottish Studies
63125: BRUMFITT, ELISE - Old Otley
84213: BRUMHEAD, DEREK - New Mills 1894-1994 the Work of the Urban District Council and Town Council During One Hundred Years of Change and Progress
88467: BRUNDRETT, J [EDITOR] - Ashford Carbonell 2000 a D
81772: BRUNNING ET AL - Llantwit Major in Focus
81771: BRUNNING ET AL - Llantwit Major Aspects of Its History Volume 15
81769: BRUNNING ET AL - Llantwit Major Aspects of Its History Volume 11
68243: THOMSEN BRUNO - On Sand Samples from the West Coast of Greenland I: An Examination of the Contents of Minerals in a Number of Sand Samples from the Northern Part of the Holsteinborg District
60456: VAESKEN BRUNO - Les Vins de la Vigne à la Table
82728: BRUNSKILL, R W - The Illustrated Handbook of Vernacular Architecture
67502: BRUNSKILL R W - Traditional Buildings of Britain: Introduction to Vernacular Architecture
67500: BRUNSKILL R W - Traditional Buildings of Cumbria the County of the Lakes
67499: BRUNSKILL R W - Traditional Buildings of Britain: Introduction to Vernacular Architecture
62969: BRUNSKILL R W - Traditional Buildings of Britain: Introduction to Vernacular Architecture
056707: BRUNSKILL R W - Houses & Cottages of Britain Origins and Development of Traditional Buildings
84654: BRUNTON, ALAN - The Gunpowder Mills Dartmoor
86302: BRUSIN, GIOVANNI - Aquileia E Grado - Guida Storico-Artistica
69703: LITTLE BRYAN - Abbeys and Priories in England and Wales
59780: BRYAN, ANTHONY & FRANCIS FRITH - Francis Frith's Windmills and Watermills
59343: BERRYMAN BRYAN - Scarborough As It Was
57943: LILLEY BRYAN - The Book of Colney Heath St Albans out of Wilderness
053379: LITTLE BRYAN - The Three Choirs Cities Gloucester Hereford and Worcester
052848: WALTERS BRYAN - The Archaeology and History of Ancient Dean and the Wye Valley
051817: LITTLE BRYAN - Portrait of Somerset
87705: BRYANS, PETER [ED] - Channel Islands Occupation Review 1985
88014: BRYANS [ED] - German Armour in the Channel Islands 1941-1945 a Record of Panzer Abteilung 213
66232: BRYANT, ARTHUR - History of Britain and the British People Freedom's Own Island V. 2
055389: PARRI BRYNACH - Brycheiniog Volume XLIII 2012
055388: PARRI BRYNACH - Brycheiniog Volume XLI 2010
055387: PARRI BRYNACH - Brycheiniog Volume XL 2009
71756: COLES BRYONY - The Wetland Revolution in Prehistory
88218: BUCHAN, G. H. - Barnton a Portrait of Times Past
71045: BUCHAN - Borough of Willesden 1938 the 63rd Annual Health Report
85565: BUCHAN, JOHN - The Adventures of Richard Hannay, the Thirty-Nine Steps and the Power House. Greenmantle. Mr Standfast. The Three Hostages. The Island of Sheep. Introduction by Andrew Lownie.
85833: BUCHAN, ANDY & JOHN WYDE & DENIS WRIGHT - The Horfield Tithe Survey 1841 Research Group Paper Paper 2
66202: BUCHANAN, R.A. - Industrial Archaeology in Britain
050633: BUCHANAN [EDITOR] - Bath History Volume VII 1998
71369: BUCK - Samuel Buck's Yorkshire Sketchbook
83316: BUCKLAND, P. C. & K. F. HARTLEY & VALERY RIGBY - Journal of Roman Pottery Studies Volume 9 the Roman Pottery Kilns at Rossington Bridge Excavations 1956-1961
89641: BUCKLAND, P. C., DOLBY, M. J., ETC - Medieval Pottery Industry of Hallgate, Doncaster
76472: BUCKLE, RICHARD, [ED] BEATON, CECIL - Self Portrait with Friends - the Selected Diaries of Cecil Beaton 1926-1974
57202: BUCKLER I C AND BUCKLER C A - A History of the Architecture of the Abbey Church of St Alban with Especial Reference to the Norman Structure
82534: BUCKLEY, FRANCIS - Old English Glass Houses
66973: BUCKLEY, MARTIN - Classic Cars the Golden Years a Celebration of the Automobile from 1945 to 1975
66970: BUCKLEY, MARTIN - Classic Cars the Golden Years a Celebration of the Automobile from 1945 to 1975
65549: BUCKLEY R J - A History of Tramways from Horse to Rapid Transit
89771: BUCKLEY, R. J. - History of Tramways from Horse to Rapid Transit
054723: BUCKNALL - Geoffrey Bucknall's Book of Fishing
66432: BUDD - The Bears of Hafod
83846: BUDD, MAVIS. - Fit for a Duchess
78182: BUDGE, E A WALLIS - A Short History of the Egyptian People with Chapters on Their Religion Daily Life, Etc
75575: BUFFON - Buffon's Natural History : Containing a Full and Accurate Description of All the Animated Beings in Nature. In Three Parts: Quadrupeds-Birds-Fishes.
61763: BUFFON COUNT DE, KENRICK W [TRANS] - The Natural History of Animals, Vegetables and Minerals with the Theory of the Earth in General in Six Volumes
82930: BUGGE, GUNNAR - Stave Churches in Norway
85721: GREAT BRITAIN COMMITTEE ON FARM BUILDINGS - Farm Buildings Post-War Building Studies No. 17
66847: COVENTRY WALTER BULKELEY - A History of Pont-y-Ty-Pridd an Investigation of the Stability of the Arch
77841: BULL, PHILIP - Monksgrange Portrait of an Irish House and Family, 1769-1969
89086: BULL, COLIN - Hadleigh in Old Picture Postcards V. 1
89090: BULL, COLIN - Hadleigh in Old Picture Postcards V. 3
68950: BULL, WILLIAM - Knightage 1929-1930 a List of the Existing Recipients of the Honour of Knighthood, Together with a Short Account of the Origin, Objects, and Work of the Imperial Society of Knights Bachelor
62575: GRAY AND BULLEID - The Meare Lake Village Volumes 1 and 2
58262: BULLEID A - The Lake Villages of Somerset
66703: BULLEN, FRANK T - The Cruise of the ' Cachalot ' Round the World After Sperm Whales.
86144: BULLING A - The Meaning of China's Most Ancient Art an Interpretation of Pottery Patterns from Kansu (Ma Ch'Ang and Pan-Shan) and Their Development in the Shang, Chou and Han Periods.
66242: BULLOCK, ALAN BULLOCK,BARON - Building Jerusalem a Portrait of My Father
60898: BULLOUGH W S - Practical Zoological Illlustrations -Invertebrates
60897: BULLOUGH W S - Practical Zoological Illlustrations -Invertebrates
67858: BULLOWS, MAUREEN - Penmark Past
70416: BULMAN O M B - A Monograph of the British Dendroid Graptolites Part IV
68542: LYTTON SIR E BULWER - Richelieu or the Conspiracy. A Play in Five Acts to Which Are Added Hostorical Odes on the Last Days of Elizabeth ; Cromwell Cream: The Death of Nelson by the Author of the Lady of Lyons. Eugene Etc
61100: PERKINS J & BUMPUS J S - - Westminster Abbey
68982: WILLIS BUND J W [INTRO ] - Worcestershire Its Chief Towns Resources and Characteristics
64371: WILLIS BUND J W - The True Objects of Welsh Archaeology
72157: BUNNER H C - More Short Sixes
57378: BUNTING - The Lake District
87470: BUNYAN, KATHARINE & ETC. & CORIN SANDS - Houses of Compton Dando
62357: BUNYARD, GEORGE - Fruit Farming for Profit (Revised to 1911) , a Practical Treatise Embracing Chapters on All the Most Profitable Fruits with Detailed Instructions for Successful Culture on the Kent System
87074: BURBIDGE, P. G. - Prelims and End-Pages
87077: BURBIDGE P G - Notes and References.
79077: BURCH, JAMES - Lubyanka
76545: RIDGE J C AND BURCHALL M J - The Ridge Family of Sussex
76544: BURCHALL M J - Brighton Presbyterian Registers 1700 - 1837
79668: BURD, C. - Tewkesbury in Old Picture Postcards Voluem 2
80886: BURDETT, H - Village Life in Sapcote Leicestershire 1914-1924
83983: OFFICIAL TOURIST BUREAU - Come to Java: Illustrated Guide 1926/27
75104: T, BURGER - Maria Sibylla Merian - Neues Blumenbuch/Allemand
88240: BURGESS, FRANK - Cheam Village Past and Present Comparative Views from 1891-1991
60995: WISE DAVID BURGESS - Steam on the Road
58625: BURGESS J T - Historic Warwickshire Its Legendary Lore, Traditional Stories and Romantic Episodes
87274: BURGESS, MARGARET; DENYER, IAN - Bolney Village of a Thousand Years
72469: BURGR D - Forestry in the Netherlands
66263: BURKE, PETER - Fortunes of the Courtier
83949: BURKETT, MOLLY - Kirkby on Bain ; a Lincolnshire Village, 1900-2000
63293: BURKITT W - An Help and Guide to Christian Families 1827
78711: BURL, AUBREY - Prehistoric Stone Circles
89792: BURLAND, LEN - A Historical Tour Around Mynyddislwyn Mountain
85817: BURLEY, R. & F. C. CARRUTHERS - Edward Elgar Record of a Friendship
83062: BURMAN, JOHN BEDFORD - The Burman Family of Warwickshire. With Plates and a Genealogical Table
82661: BURMAN, JOHN - In the Forest of Arden
73567: BURN, JOHN SOUTHERDEN - The History of Parish Registers in England Also of the Registers of Scotland , Ireland, the East and West Indies, the Dissenters, and the Episcopal Chapels in and About London
68322: BURN, MICHAEL - The Age of Slate
89822: BURN-MURDOCH, BOB - Twentieth Century St Ives
75583: BURNE S A H - The Staffordshire Quarter Session Rolls Vol I 1581-1589
66822: BURNELL T - The National Union of Teachers' Souvenir and Guide of the Llandudno Conference, Easter 1905.
70483: BURNER, ALFRED H AND YOUNG, PETER - The Great CIVIL War, a Military History of the First CIVIL War 1642-1646
72715: BODIN WALTER AND HERSHEY BURNET - The World of Midgets
82633: BURNETT, ANDREW - The Coins of Late Antiquity Ad 400-700.
61433: DUGDALE THOMAS ASSISTED BY WILLIAM BURNETT - Curiosities of Great Britain Entertaining and Commercial - Alphabetically Arranged
77843: BURNEY, CHARLES - From Village to Empire Introduction to Near Eastern Archaeology
69324: BURT WAITE ATKINSON AND BURNEY - The Derbyshire Mineral Statistics 1845-1913
66606: BURT WAITE AND BURNEY - The Yorkshire Mineral Statistics
86414: BURNHAM, BARRY C. & JOHN KINGSBURY - Space, Hierarchy and Society Interdisciplinary Studies in Social Area Analysis (British Archaeological Reports International Series)
73621: BURNS, ROBERT S. - Triumph the Life and Art of Captain Adrian Jones
87554: BURNS, JEFFREY & ALAN NAYLOR - Birstall's Heritage
71418: BURNS ROBERT, WILSON - The Works of Robert Burns Illustrated by an Extensive Series of Portraits and Authentic Views with a Complete Life of the Poet, an Essay on His Genius and Character... 4 Volumes
050700: BURNS K V - Devonport Built Warships Since 1860
75559: BURROUGHS, STEPHEN - Memoirs of the Notorious Stephen Burroughs of New Hampshire
58333: BURROUGHS E A - Bristol Cathedral Its History Architecture Associations and Mission
58045: BURROUGHS, EDGAR RICE - Jungle Girl
65881: BURROW, MONTAGUE - Collectanea Fourth Series
65880: BURROW, MONTAGUE - Collectanea Third Series
65879: BURROW, MONTAGUE - Collectanea Second Series
65852: BURROW E D - Ancient Earthworks and Camps of Somerset.
89618: BURROW, IDA. - Snowdrops and Other Fairy Tales
81580: BURROWS, JOHN WILLIAM - Southend Pier and Its Story, 1829-1835-1935. With Plates
83744: BURROWS, J - Tilbury Fort.
87969: BURSON, WILF - Jog-Trot Days Chipping Norton in the 1920s
83837: BURSTOW, HENRY - Reminiscences of Horsham Being Recollections of Henry Burstow, the Celebrated Bellringer and Songsinger
83882: BURSTOW, HENRY - Reminiscences of Horsham Being Recollections of Henry Burstow, the Celebrated Bellringer and Songsinger
87627: BURT ROGER, WAITE PETER, BURNLEY RAY - Devon and Somerset Mines
79318: BURT ROGER, WAITE PETER, BURNLEY RAY - The Mines of Shropshire and Montgomeryshire with Cheshire and Staffordshire Metalliferous and Associated Minerals 1845-1913
82765: BURTON - King Henry VIII School 1545 - 1945, Coventry
80955: BURTON, JANET - The Monastic Order in Yorkshire, 1069–1215 4
79413: BURTON, THOMAS - The History of Hemingbrough
78586: BURTON, ANTHONY - The Rise and Fall of King Cotton
73576: BURTON S H - Exmoor
70076: BURTON, J H - A History of the Reign of Queen Anne (3 Volume Set)
68592: BURTON, ANTHONY - Rainhill Story
68286: BURTON, ANTHONY - The Miners
64212: GULICK CHARLES BURTON - The Life of the Ancient Greeks with Special Reference to Athens
87950: BURTON, LESLEY & BRIAN MUSSELWHITE - The Book of Gosport Celebrating a Distinctive Coastal Town
59804: BURTON J R - A History of Kidderminster with Short Accounts of Some of the Neighbouring Parishes
83986: BURTON, ROBERT - The Anatomy of Melancholy . Now for the First Time with the Latin Completely Given in Translation and Embodied in an All-English Text
89843: BURTON, JOHN - Nuneaton Memories from the Reg Bull Collection: Britain in Old Photographs
87784: BURTON, ROGER A. - Simonsbath the Inside Story of an Exmoor Village
89836: BURTON, JOHN - Bedworth in Old Photographs
88848: BURTON P H - Granton Street a Play in Three Acts
89839: BURTON, JOHN - Around Bulkington in Old Photographs with Ansty and Shilton
88733: BURY [ED] - The Cambridge Medieval History Volume II - the Rise of the Saracens and the Foundation of the Western Empire
88734: BURY, J. B. ; TANNER, J. R. , PREVITE-ORTON, C. W. , BROOKE, Z. N. (EDITORS) - The Cambridge Medieval History: Volume VII. Decline of Empire and Papacy
68825: PALLISER MRS BURY - Historic Devices Badges and War-Cries
67180: BURY, T TALBOT - Rudimentary Architecture for the Use of Beginners and Students. The Styles of Architecture of Various Countries from the Earliest to the Present Period, with Illustrative Engravings
87135: BURY, J. B. - History of the Later Roman Empire
83121: BUSBY, RICHARD J. - The Book of Welwyn the Story of the Five Villages and the Garden City
73149: BUSCHOR, E - Greek Vase Painting
88791: BUSFIELD, DONALD WILLIAM - History of the Surrey Village of Woodmansterne
83212: BUSH, ROBIN & GILLIAN ALLEN - Book of Wellington
81017: BUSH, M. L. - The Pilgrimage of Grace a Study of the Rebel Armies of October 1536
89904: BUSH, ERNEST T. & DAVID WARRY - South Wales from the Bush Collection
58287: DUNNING R W AND BUSH R J E - Crewkerne [ Somerset ]
82101: BUSHE-FOX, J. P. - Excavation of the Late-Celtic Urn-Field at Swarling, Kent
87572: BUSHE-FOX, J.P - Reports of the Research Commitee of the Society of Antiquaries of London: Excavations on the Site of the Roman Town at Wroxeter Shropshire, in 1912, Number 1
70024: BUSHNELL G H S - Peru
81007: BUSWELL, GEORGE & ANTHONY WILSON - Tonbridge Through Ten Centuries
84909: BUTCHER, DAVID - Chinese Papercuts
84738: BUTCHER, S. H. & LANG, A. - Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art with a Critical Text and Translation of "the Poetics"
75115: BUTCHER, JUDITH - Typescripts, Proofs and Indexes a Guide for Authors
74336: BUTCHER, DAVID - The Whittington Press a Bibliography 1982-93
73883: BUTCHER, DAVID, RANDLE, JOHN - The Whittington Press a Bibliography 1971-1981
82712: BUTLER, DAVID J. - Land Drainage Records of West Sussex a Catalogue
82220: BUTLER, LIONEL & CHRIS GIVEN-WILSON - Mediaeval Monasteries of Great Britain
85099: BUTLER, SUSAN; POWLS, KEN - Howden; an East Riding Market Town
72542: DODGSHON AND BUTLIN [ED] - An Historical Geography of England and Wales
80859: BUTT, W - Swanwick, Derbyshire 1304-2010 the Story of Our Village
89768: BUTTLE, RALPH - Boyhood in Wellington From1918 "the Other Side of Town"
87317: BUTTS, JOHN HOPKIN - A History of Beulah Baptist Chapel Newbridge 1810-2010
81068: BUTZER, KARL W. - Archaeology As Human Ecology Method and Theory for a Contextual Approach
055333: WILMOT BUXTON E M - Kilhugh and Olwen and Other Stories from the "Mabinogion"
82188: BWP - Consolidated Edition of B.W. P. Booklets 1-18, with Appendices of Documents of Post-War Reconstruction.
83619: BYROM, BERNARD - The Country Houses, Castles and Mansions of Midlothian
83648: BYROM, BERNARD - The Country Houses, Castles and Mansions of Midlothian
70858: BYROM, BERNARD - The Country Houses, Castles and Mansions of Peeblesshire
58888: BYROM, BERNARD - The Country Houses, Castles and Mansions of Selkirkshire
58883: BYROM, BERNARD - The Country Houses, Castles and Mansions of Berwickshire
74893: BYRON, JOSEPH - New York Interiors at the Turn of the Century
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