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Click on booknumber for full information
23581: NIVEN, LARRY - Destiny's Road
20337: NIVEN, LARRY. - The Patchwork Girl
20339: NIVEN, LARRY; BARNES, STEVEN - The Descent of Anansi
20334: NIVEN, LARRY - Rainbow Mars
18462: NIVEN, LARRY. - A World Out of Time
17194: NIVEN, IVAN; ZUCKERMAN, HERBERT S. - An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers
7652: NO AUTHOR - The Psychology of Death
7649: NO AUTHOR - The Forest and the Sea: A Look at the Economy of Nature and the Ecology of Man.
7648: NO AUTHOR - The Citizen's Guide to U.S. Foreign Policy Election 88
7643: NO AUTHOR - SIGMOD 97: International Conference on Management of Data
7642: NO AUTHOR - SIGMOD 96: International Conference on Management of Data
7640: NO AUTHOR - Separated at Birth?
7639: NO AUTHOR - Road Atlas 1996: United States, Canada, Mexico
7630: NO AUTHOR - IJCAI 1981 Conference
7620: NO AUTHOR - Fodor's 95: Cancun, Cozumel, Yucatan Peninsula/from the Beaches to the Maya Ruins
7615: NO AUTHOR - Decks (Southern Living)
7612: NO AUTHOR - Common Lisp
7609: NO AUTHOR - Better Homes and Gardens Quick and Easy Diet Recipes
26885: NOFI, ALBERT A. - The Alamo, and the Texas War of Independence, September 30, 1835 to April 21, 1836: Heroes, Myths, and History
39350: NOGUES, P. - Recherches Experimentales De Marey Sur Le Mouvement Dans L'air et Dans L'eau
29447: NOLAN, SIDNEY; NOLAN, MARY LEE - Christian Pilgrimage in Modern Western Europe
36605: NOLEN-HOEKSEMA, SUSAN - Sex Differences in Depression
28655: NOLL, ROGER G., ED. - Government and the Sports Business: Papers Prepared for a Conference of Experts, with an Introduction and Summary
26886: NOOR, QUEEN OF JORDAN - Leap of Faith, A: Memoir of an Unexpected Life
15962: NORDAN, LEWIS - Lightning Song
17383: NORFOLK, LAWRENCE - Lempriere's Dictionary
23338: NORMAN, BARRY - The Hollywood Greats
452: NORMAN, LISANNE - Dark Nadir (Norman, Lisanne. Sholan Alliance.)
39757: NORRIE, IAN - Hampstead: A Short Guide
26147: NORRIS, KATHLEEN - The Virgin Of Bennington
34884: NORTH, ROBERT C. - Moscow and Chinese Communists
34129: NORTH AMERICAN FISHING CLUB - Smallmouth Strategies
34128: NORTH AMERICAN FISHING CLUB - Freshwater Fishing Secrets
39187: NORTHERN, TAMARA - The Sign of the Leopard: Beaded Art of Cameroon
28165: NORTON, PETER - Inside the IBM PC and PS/2
26889: NORTON, PHILIP - Does Parliament Matter
25326: NORTON, ANDRE - Catfantastic
37295: NOTHOMB, AMELIE; KREGE, WOLFGANG, TRANS. - Mit Staunen Und Zittern
26198: NOTMAN, MALKAH T. - Women and Men: New Perspectives on Gender Differences
16662: NOURSE, HUGH O. - Regional Economics : A Study in the Economic Structure, Stability, and Growth of Regions
22751: NOUWEN, HENRI J.M. - Gracias: A Latin American Journal
37114: NOVICK, RABBI NISAN ARYEH - Fascinating Torah Prophecies
38516: NOVOZHILOV, V.V.; MCQUISTON, HENRY, TRANS. - Problems of Cost-Benefit Analysis in Optimal Planning
39463: NSF - National Science Foundation 7th Annual Report, 1957
28899: NUGENT, NANCY; EDITORS OF PREVENTION MAGAZINE - The Prevention Total Health System: Food and Nutrition
28883: NULAND, SHERWIN B. M.D. - The Mysteries Within: A Surgeon Reflects on Medical Myths
20916: S.E.R.C. NUMERICAL ANALYSIS SUMMER SCHOOL AND WORKSHOP 1984 UNIVERSIT; TURNER, P.R. - Numerical Analysis Lancaster 1984: Proceedings of the Serc Summer School Held in Lancaster, England Jul 15-Aug 3 1984
38523: NUNBERG, HERMAN, M.D.; FREUD, SIGMUND, FOREWORD; KAHR, MADLYN; KAHR, SIDNEY M.D., TRANS. - Principles of Psychoanalysis: Their Applications to the Neuroses
37927: NUSSBAUM, DR. PAUL - Brain Health and Wellness
35599: NUTT, GARY J. - Operating Systems
36811: NUTTALL, JEFF - Performance Art: Scripts
38532: NUTTING, WALLACE - Massachusetts Beautiful
12263: NYE, JOSEPH S., JR. (EDITOR) - The Making of America's Soviet Policy (Council on Foreign Relations Bks.)
4512: NYE, JOSEPH S. JR. - The Making of America's Soviet Policy
38827: NYSTROM, J. WARREN; MALOF, PETER - The Common Market: European Community in Action
40534: OAKES, LEN - Prophetic Charisma: The Psychology of Revolutionary Religious Personalities
39405: OAKES, CLAUDIA M. - Aircraft of the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution
14083: OAKS, SCOTT - Java Security
22123: OANK KNOLL PRESS - Oak Knoll Books : Catalogue 253
36133: OATES, JOYCE CAROL - We Were the Mulvaneys
35424: OATES, WALLACE E. - Fiscal Federalism
32721: OATES, JOYCE CAROL - We Were the Mulvaneys
23925: OATES, JOYCE CAROL - We Were the Mulvaneys
37544: OCHS, CAROL - Women and Spirituality
11794: OCT.1974 AMERICAN COUNCIL ON EDUCATION STAFF, OCT. 1974; HUGHES, JOHN F. (EDITOR); MILLS, OLIVE (EDITOR) - Formulating Policy for Postsecondary Education : The Search for Alternatives, Proceedings
33423: ODETS, WALT - In the Shadow of the Epidemic: Being HIV-Negative in the Age of AIDS
39738: ODISHAW, HUGH, ED. - Research in Geophysics: Vol. 1, Sun, Upper Atmosphere and Space; Vol. 2, Solid Earth and Interface Phenomena
39051: ODISHAW, HUGH, ED.; RABINOWITCH, EUGENE, FOREWORD - The Challenges of Space
230: ODUM, E. P. - Crisis of Survival
37105: ODZER, CLEO - Goa Freaks: My Hippie Years in India
31643: OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT - The Effects of Nuclear War
32416: OHANIAN, HANS - Gravitation and Spacetime
25299: OHANIAN, SUSAN - Who's in Charge?: A Teacher Speaks Her Mind
36702: OHLER, JASON - Taming the Beast: Choice & Control in the Electronic Jungle
29026: OHMER, MERLIN M.; AUCOIN, CLAYTON V.' CORTEZ, MARION J. - Elementary Contemporary Algebra
608: OHTSUKA, MAKOTO - Dirichlet problem, Extremal Length, and Prime Ends
39588: DE OJEDA, JAIME - Spain and Spanish America: The Past and the Future, an Address By Jaime De Ojeda, Ambassador of Spain
18576: OKUDA, MICHAEL; OKUDA, DENISE; MIREK, DEBBIE - The Star Trek Encyclopedia: A Reference Guide to the Future
30471: OKUN, ARTHUR M., ED. - The Battle Against Unemployment: An Introduction to a Current Issue of Public Policy
35006: OLD SOUTH LEAFLETS - The Voyage of the Mayflower
12899: OLDERMAN, RAYMOND M. - Beyond the Waste Land : A Study of the American Novel in the Nineteen-Sixties
4702: OLDERR, STEVEN - Mystery Index : Subjects, Setting, and Sleuths of 10,000 Titles
20983: OLEINICK, PETER N. - Parallel Algorithms on a Multiprocessor
37188: OLIVER, JOHN E.; FAIRBRIDGE, RHODES W., EDS. - The Encyclopedia of Climatology
25761: OLIVER, DICK - Fractalvision: Put Fractals to Work for You/Book and Disk
9286: OLIVER, JOAN DUNCAN (EDITOR) - New Age : All 1998 Magazine Issues
9287: OLIVER, JOAN DUNCAN (EDITOR) - New Age : All 1998 Magazine Issues
16018: ONESS, CHAD; ONESS, C. MIKAL - Water Becomes Bone
9777: ONETTI, JUAN CARLOS - Cuando Ya No Importe (When It Matters No More)
37558: OPPEL, FRANK, ED. - Tales of the New England Past
40358: OPPENHEIM, ALAN V.; SCHAFER, RONALD W. - Digital Signal Processing
23070: OPPENHEIMER, MICHAEL; BOYLE, ROBERT H. - Dead Heat: The Race Against the Greenhouse Effect
33279: ORE, REBECCA - Being Alien
7672: ORENSTEIN, HENRY - I Shall Live: Surviving Against All Odds, 1939-1945
12762: ORLEANS, LEO A. (EDITOR) - Science in Contemporary China
39338: ORLOV, V.; MAZING, G. YU. - Thermodynamic And Ballistic Design Fundamentals of Solid-Propellant Rocket Engines
38302: ORNSTEIN, ROBERT EVANS, ED. - The Nature of Human Consciousness: A Book of Readings,
9960: ORR, KENNETH T.; WARNIER, J. D. (PREFACE) - Structured Systems Development
37351: ORSY, LADISLAS M. - The Church: Learning and Teaching Magisterium, Assent, Dissent, Academic Freedom
23753: OSBORNE, JOHN - Luther
39303: OSBORNE, HAROLD - The Art of Appreciation (The Appreciation of the Arts/4)
16088: OSEN, DIANE - The Book That Changed My Life: Interviews With National Book Award Winners and Finalists
15922: OSHAN, JOSEPH - Vanitas
30888: OSSERMAN, ROBERT - Two-Dimensional Calculus
17861: OSTALKIEWICZ, CLARENCE J., SR. - The Life and Other Ramblings of a Seed Planter
39626: OSTER - Oster Kitchen Center Cookbook
23812: OSTERMAN, PAUL - Gathering Power: The Future of Progressive Politics in America
36244: OSWALT, WENDELL H. - This Land Was Theirs a Study of the North American Indian
40375: OUSPENSKY, P. D.; BESSARABOFF, NICHOLAS (TRANSLATOR); BRAGDON, CLAUDE (TRANSLATOR AND INTRODUCTION) - Tertium Organum: The Third Canon of Thought, A Key to the Enigmas of the World
31044: OVENDEN, MICHAEL W. - Life in the Universe: a Scientific Discussion
39650: VAN OVERBEEK, JOHANNES - The Lore of Living Plants
19473: OXLEY, ALAN - The Challenge of Free Trade
3445: OYOS, LYNWOOD - The Family Farmers' Advocate: South Dakota Farmers Union, 1914-2000
16799: OZ, AMOS - Fima
20904: OZECKICI, S. (EDITOR) - Queuing Theory and Applications
19239: OZGULER, A. BULENT - Linear Multichannel Control : A System Matrix Approach
17077: PACEY, ARNOLD. - The Maze of Ingenuity : Ideas and Idealism in the Development of Technology
32396: PACHMAN, LUDEK - Complete Chess Strategy: Vol. I, First Principles of the Middle Game
23678: PACK, ROBERT; PARINI, JAY - The Bread Loaf Anthology of Contemporary American Essays
35007: PACKARD, VANCE - The Status Seekers
26901: PACKER, ANN - The Dive from Clausen's Pier
40525: PAGANINI, MARIA; LITHERLAND, CAREN; MILUN, KATHRYN - Reading Proust: In Search of the Wolf-Fish
38250: PAGE, STANLEY W. - Lenin and World Revolution
24714: PAGE, KATHERINE HALL - The Body in the Fjord: A Faith Fairchild Mystery
30178: PAGELS, HEINZ R. - Perfect Symmetry: The Search for the Beginning of Time
30177: PAGELS, HEINZ R. - Perfect Symmetry: The Search for the Beginning of Time
24321: PAGLIA, CAMILLE - Vamps and Tramps: New Essays
8791: PAGLIA, CAMILLE - Sex, Art, and American Culture
36157: PAGLIARO, LOUIS A.; PAGLIARO, ANN MARIE - Substance Use Among Children and Adolescents: Its Nature, Extent, and Effects from Conception to Adulthood
5752: PAIEWONSKY, ISIDOR - Eyewitness Accounts of Slavery in the Danish West Indies
34306: PAIGE, LOWELL J.; SWIFT, J. DEAN - Elements of Linear Algebra
29093: PALMER, CLAUDE IRWIN; BIBB, SAMUEL FLETCHER - Practical Mathematics: Being the Essentials of Arithmetic, Geometry , Algebra, and Trigonometry
19757: PALMER, JOHN L. - The Reagan Record: An Assessment of America's Changing Domestic Priorities
39657: PALMER, F.R. NIKITIN, M.V., PREFACE - Semantics: A New Outline
37062: PALWICK, SUSAN - Flying in Place
22605: PALWICK, SUSAN - Flying In Place
31267: PAMUK, ORHAN; FREELY, MAUREEN (TRANSLATOR) - Other Colors : Essays and a Story
31862: PANTER, PHILIP F. - Modulation, Noise, and Spectral Analysis Applied to Information Transmission
1085: PAPAZOGLOU, ORANIA - Wicked, Loving Murder
28081: PAPOWS, JEFF - Market Leadership in the Information Age
23163: PAPP, DANIEL S. - Soviet Perceptions of the Developing World in the 1980s: The Ideological Basis
7741: PARADIGM COOKING, INC - New Paradigm Cooking: A Tasteful Shift in Healthy Eating
17009: PARADIS, JAMES - Victorian Science and Victorian Values: Literary Perspectives
40441: PARENTI, MICHAEL - To Kill a Nation: The Attack on Yugoslavia
30949: PARETSKY, SARA - Windy City Blues
20347: PARETSKY, SARA. - Deadlock
7746: PARETSKY, SARA - Killing Orders
7745: PARETSKY, SARA - Guardian Angel
7744: PARETSKY, SARA - Deadlock
7743: PARETSKY, SARA - Burn Marks
7742: PARETSKY, SARA - Blood Shot
7054: PARETSKY, SARA - Hard Time
36634: PARINS, JAMES W. - William Barnes
39355: PARK, JACK; SCHWIND, DICK - Wind Power for Farms, Homes, and Small Industry
26340: PARKER, RUSS - Battling the Occult
29288: PARKER, ROGER HILL - An Introduction to Chemical Metallurgy
27403: PARKER, DONN B. - Ethical Conflicts in Computer Science and Technology
25010: PARKER, ROBERT B. - Family Honor
6189: PARKER, T. JEFFERSON - Red Light
40503: PARKER, DOUGLAS D.; TSUR, YACOV, EDS. - Decentralization and Coordination of Water Resource Management
39250: PARKHURST, H.E. - The Birds' Calendar
39262: PARKIN, SANDRA - APL360 Reference Manual
19128: PARKINSON, CORNELIA M. - Gem Magic: The Wonder of Your Birthstone
23233: PARKS, TIM - Adultery and Other Diversions
23060: PARKS, TIM - Destiny
13767: PARLETT, BERESFORD N. - The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem
13763: PARLETT, BERESFORD N. - The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem
11999: PARRINGTON, VERNON L. - Main Currents in American Thought Vol. 2 : The Romantic Revolution in America, 1800-1860
39423: PARRINGTON, VERNON LOUIS - The Beginnings of Critical Realism in America 1860 to 1920 Completed to 1900 Only
34046: PARRY, ARTHUR E. - Learning To Pray From The Psalmist
14132: PARSAYE, KAMRAN; CHIGNELL, MARK; KHOSHAFIAN, SETRAG; WONG, HARRY - Intelligent Databases : Object-Oriented, Deductive Hypermedia Technologies
22168: PARSAYE, KAMRAN; CHIGNELL, MARK - Expert Systems for Experts
38395: PARSONE, WILLIAM BARCLAY; WOODBURY, ROBERT S., INTRO. - Engineers and Engineering in the Renaissance
35201: PARSONS, ROBERT - Statistics for Decision Makers
38272: PASACHOFF, NAOMI - Basic Judaism for Young People: Volume Three, God
17689: PASCAL - Great Books of the Western World : Volume 33 : Pascal
8817: PASCAL, BLAISE; HUTCHINS, ROBERT MAYNARD (EDITOR) - Great Books of the Western World : Volume 33 : Pascal
38052: PASKOFF, PAUL F.;WILSON, DANIEL J., EDS. AND INTRO. - The Cause of the South: Selections from De Bow's Review, 1846-1867
15942: DI PASQUALE, EMANUEL - The Silver Lake Love Poems
27149: PASTENE INC. - Celebrating Great Cooking with Pastene
7752: PATER, WALTER HORATIO - The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry
35789: PATERSON, JUDITH HILLMAN - Sweet Mystery: A Southern Memoir of Family Alcoholism, Mental Illness, and Recovery
16180: PATERSON, THOMAS G. - On Every Front : The Making of the Cold War
21736: PATI, Y. C.; KRISHNAPRASAD, P. S. (ADVISOR) - Neural Networks for Low Level Processing of Tactile Sensory Data : University of Maryland, Systems Research Center, M.S. 89-8
25539: PATRIKALAKIS, N. M. (EDITOR) - Scientific Visualization of Physical Phenomena
31841: PATTERSON, JAMES D. - Introduction to the Theory of Solid State Physics
23454: PATTERSON, AUSTIN M. - A French-English Dictionary for Chemists
20348: PATTERSON, JAMES - The Beach House
40458: PATTIS, RICHARD E. - Karel the Robot: A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Programming
34888: PAUL, RAYMOND - Deluxe Portable Chord Organ Gold
39988: PAUL GUYER - Kant's 'Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals': A Reader's Guide
39987: PAUL GUYER - Kant's 'Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals': A Reader's Guide
39984: PAUL GUYER - Kant's 'Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals': A Reader's Guide
36203: PAULOS, JOHN ALLEN - A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market
31883: PAULU, BURTON - Radio and Television Broadcasting on the European Continent
15513: PAUST, JORDAN L.; UPP, ROBERT D. - Business Law Text : Second Edition
31214: PAUWELS, LOUIS; BERGIE - Gurdjew Der Magier
35770: PAWEL, ERNST - Nightmare of Reason: Life of Franz Kafka
17605: PAYNE, KAREN (EDITOR) - Between Ourselves: Letters Between Mothers and Daughters 1750-1982
38619: PAZ, OCTAVIO; VARIOUS TRANS. - Configurations
40376: PE MAUNG TIN (TRANSLATOR); GH LUCE (TRANSLATOR) - The Glass Palace Chronicle of the Kings of Burma
7755: PEACOCK, MOLLY - Paradise, Piece by Piece
35639: PEACOCKE, A.R., ED - The Sciences and Theology in the Twentieth Century
35009: PEAKE, HAROLD; FLEURE, HERBERT JOHN - Priests and Kings: The Corridors of Time Vol . IV
28350: PEARL, MATTHEW - The Dante Club
40392: PEARL, JUDEA - Heuristics: Intelligent Search Strategies for Computer Problem Solving
4487: PEARLIN, LEONARD I. - Class Context and Family Relations : A Cross-National Study
25449: PEARSON, ANTHONY J. - Metallo-Organic Chemistry
20350: PEARSON, RIDLEY - Beyond Recognition
11058: PEAT, F. DAVID - AI : How Machines Think
4157: PEAT, F. DAVID - Superstrings and the Search for the Theory of Everything
27414: PECK, WILLIAM G. - Introductory Course of Natural Philosophy for the Use of Schools and Academies Edited from Ganot's Popular Physics
36070: PELL, CLAIBORNE - Power and Policy: America's Role in World Affairs
20352: PELLEGRINO, CHARLES R. - Her Name, Titanic
15375: PELLETIER, CATHIE - Beaming Sonny Home
28930: PELLICANE, PATRICIA - This Wild Heart
7023: PELTASON, J. W. (EDITOR); MASSENGALE, MARCY V. (EDITOR) - Students and Their Institutions: A Changing Relationship
28834: PENCE, JAMES H. - The Angel
28833: PENCE, JAMES H. - The Angel
28832: PENCE, JAMES H. - The Angel
28831: PENCE, JAMES H. - The Angel
36120: PENNEY, ALEXANDRA - How to Make Love to a Man
11482: PENNINGS, JOHANNES M. - Interlocking Directorates
30843: PENNINGTON, M. BASIL - Thomas Merton, My Brother: His Journey to Freedom, Compassion, and Final Integration
29056: PENNINGTON, RALPH H. - Introductory Computer Methods and Numerical Analysis
35305: PENROSE, SIR ROLAND; GOLDING, JOHN, EDS. - Picasso, in Retrospect
30004: PENROSE, SIR ROLAND - Man Ray
39052: PENROSE, ROLAND; CLEGG, ALICIA, CHRONOLOGY - The Sculpture of Picasso
18292: PENTAGRAM - Pentagames
25040: PENZIAS, ARNO - Ideas and Information: Managing in a High-Tech World
33211: PENZLER, OTTO - The Best American Mystery Stories 2006
39257: PEPYS, SAMUEL; PARKERWILLIS L., ED. - Samuel Pepys' Diary
50173: PERERA, VICTOR - Unfinished Conquest: The Guatemalan Tragedy
36576: PEREZ-REVERTE, ARTURO;SOTO, SONIA, TRANS. - The Club Dumas: A Novel
36575: PEREZ-REVERTE, ARTURO;SOTO, SONIA - The Club Dumas: A Novel
25233: PERKINS, D.N. - The Mind's Best Work
35353: PERKINS, ANTHONY B.; PERKINS, MICHAEL C. - The Internet Bubble: The Inside Story on Why It Burst--And What You Can Do to Profit Now
7757: PERKINS, GEORGE - American Tradition in Literature (7th edition)
7647: PERKINS - The American Tradition in Literature V2
36674: PERMAIN, ELISA, DAVY, ED. - Doorways to the Soul: 52 Wisdom Tales from Around the World
376: 6, PERRI; RANDON, ANITA - Liberty, Charity and Politics : Non-Profit Law and Freedom of Speech
38379: PERRIN, NORMAN - What Is Redaction Criticism?
22768: PERRY, SUSAN; O'HANLAN, KATHERINE - Natural Menopause: The Complete Guide to a Woman's Most Misunderstood Passage
22297: PERRY, ANNE - Traitors Gate
20356: PERRY, STEVE - Breaking Point (Tom Clancy's Net Force, No. 4)
20354: PERRY, STEVE - Point of Impact
20353: PERRY, STEVE - Tom Clancy's Net Force 8: Changing of the Guard (Net Force, 8)
8230: PERRY, SAMUEL; FRANCES, ALLEN; CLARKIN, JOHN - A DSM-III-R Casebook of Treatment Selection
7758: PERRY, JOHN - The Sierra Club Guides to the National Parks of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska
39195: PERRY, SAM A., ED. - Fifty Famous Songs for the Harmonica
33013: PESSL, MARISHA - Special Topics in Calamity Physics
28764: PETER, LAURENCE J., ED. - Peter's Quotations: Ideas for Our Time
35826: PETERS, ELIZABETH - The Ape Who Guards the Balance
37067: PETERS, ELIZABETH - The Mummy Case
36084: PETERS, ELIZABETH - The Snake, the Crocodile and the Dog
36082: PETERS, ELIZABETH - Night Train to Memphis
36080: PETERS, ELIZABETH - Seeing a Large Cat
36079: PETERS, ELIZABETH - The Last Camel Died at Noon
35825: PETERS, ELIZABETH - Borrower of the Night
23582: PETERS, ELIZABETH - Devil-May-Care
20357: PETERS, RALPH - The War in 2020
5895: PETERS, JAMES S. - The Memoirs of a Black Southern-New Englander
39316: PETERS, TOM - Thriving on Chaos: Handbook for a Management Revolution
38442: PETERSEN, HELGE - The Test Plant for and a Survey of Small Danish Windmills
37322: PETERSEN, KURT - The Maquiladora Revolution in Guatemala
38452: PETERSON, WALLACE C. - Income, Employment, and Economic Growth
33491: PETERSON, IVARS - Newton's Clock: Chaos in the Solar System
26099: PETERSON, IVARS - The Mathematical Tourist: Snapshots of Modern Mathematics
23613: PETERSON, IVARS - Islands of Truth: A Mathematical Mystery Cruise
23088: PETERSON, MARK A.; BRAIKER, HARRIET B; POLICH, SUZANNE M. - Who Commits Crimes: A Survey of Prison Inmates
22904: PETERSON, DALE - The Deluge and the Ark: A Journey into Primate Worlds
22049: PETERSON, IVARS - The Mathematical Tourist: Snapshots of Modern Mathematics
15842: PETERSON, JOHN A.; HASHISAKI, JOSEPH - Theory of Arithmetic
7761: PETERSON, ROGER TORY - A Field Guide to Wildflowers of Northeastern and North-Central North America
5754: PETERSON, RICHARD B.; TRACY, LANE; CABELLY, ALAN - Readings in Systematic Management of Human Resources
31845: PETIT, ALBERT - La Fonction Vocale et L'Art Du Chant: Emission, Execution, Interpretation
35712: PETROSKI, HENRY - To Engineer Is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design
36193: PETTIT, PHILIP - Concept of Structuralism: A Critical Analysis
39144: PEVSNER, NIKOLAUS - The Englishness of English Art
19094: PFAHL, JOHN - Permutations on the Picturesque
4475: PFALTZGRAFF, ROBERT L. JR. (EDITOR); SCHULTZ, RICHARD H. JR. (EDITOR) - Naval Forward Presence and the National Military Strategy
40460: PFISTER, GREGORY F. - In Search of Clusters: The Ongoing Battle in Lowly Parallel Computing
22320: PFLAUM, HANS GUNTHER; PRINZLER, HANS HELMUT - Cinema in the Federal Republic of Germany : The New German File Origins and Present Situation with a Section on GDR Cinema A Handbook
26909: PHARR, SUZANNE - Homophobia: A Weapon of Sexism
27508: PHELAN, JOHN M. - Apartheid Media: Disinformation and Dissent in South Africa
37579: PHELPS, TIMOTHY M.;WINTERNITZ, HELEN - Capitol Games: Clarence Thomas, Anita Hill, and the Story of a Supreme Court Nomination
32298: PHELPS, EDMUND S., GENERAL ED. - Problems of the Modern Economy
20803: PHELPS, ETHEL J. - The Maid of the North : Feminist Folk Tales from Around the World
8114: PHILIPP, WALTER - Mixing Sequences of Random Variables and Probabilistic Number Theory
4170: PHILIPPE, ROBERT - Political Graphics : Art as a Weapon
15285: PHILLIPS, JACOB; HEYMAN, A. - Index of Verbs and Nouns in all their Declensions with Grammatical Markings in English Edited in Their Proper Order To Aid Teachers and Students
37845: PHILLIPS, CHARLES L.; HARBOR, ROYCE D. - Feedback Control Systems
29305: PHILLIPS, DOROTHY W. - Ancient Egyptian Animals
22184: PHILLIPS, JOHN J. - How to Think About Statistics
17295: PHILLIS ENGELBERT, DIANE L. DUPUIS - The Handy Space Answer Book
13755: PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE ASSOCIATION STAFF; SCHAFFNER, KENNETH F. (EDITOR); COHEN, R. S. (EDITOR) - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol. 20 : Proceedings of the Philosophy of Science Association, Biennial Meeting, 1972 (Synthese Library, Vol. 64)
34586: PICHLER, FRANZ; MORENO DIAZ, ROBERTO (EDS.) - Computer Aided Systems Theory-Eurocast '91: A Selection of Papers from the Second International Workshop on Computer Aided Systems Theory Krems, Austria
27244: PICKLES, SHELIA - A Victorian Posy: Penhaligon's Scented Treasury of Verse and Prose
23813: PICKOVER, CLIFFORD A. - Computers and the Imagination
15781: PIERCE, ANNE W. - Rain Line (Hardscrabble Bks.)
31406: PIERCE, JOHN R. - Electrons and Waves: An Introduction to the Science of Electronics and Communication
29890: PIERCE, ARTHUR D. - Jaunts and Journeys in Colonial and Revolutionary New Jersey
38506: PIERCY, JOSEPHINE K. - Anne Bradstreet
26911: PIERRE, DBC - Ludmila's Broken English
39430: LA PIERRE, WAYNE; CLANCY, TOM, FOREWORD - Guns, Crime, and Freedom
39460: PIESARSKA; SVECEVICIUS, B. - Lietuviu-Anglu Kalbu Zodynas
24728: PIGGOTT, STUART - The Druids
34890: PIKE, E. ROYSTON - Human Documents of the Lloyd George Era
39625: PIKE, DOUGLAS - PAVN: People's Army of VietNam
36153: PILATO, MICHAEL;FITZPATRICK, BRIAN W.;PILATO, C. MICHAEL - Version Control With Subversion
37515: PINDER, ERIC - Life at the Top: Tales, Truths, and Trusted Recipes from the Mount Washington Observatory
35179: PINDYCK, ROBERT S.;RUBINFELD, DANIEL L. - Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts
31364: PIPES, LOUIS, A. - Applied Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists
6732: PIPPENGER, D. E.; TOBABEN, E. J. - Linear and Interface Circuits Applications : Peripheral Drivers, Data Acquisition Systems, and Hall-Effect Devices (Volume 3)
11992: PIRANDELLO, LUIGI; BENTLEY, ERIC (EDITOR) - Naked Masks : Five Plays
18649: PIRANDELLO, LUIGI. - Naked Masks : Five Plays
6929: PIRENNE, HENRI - Early Democracies in the Low Countries : Urban Society and Political Conflict in the Middle Ages and Renaissance
24235: PIRIE, ROBERT GORDON - Oceanography: Contemporary Readings in Ocean Sciences
5612: PIRIE, GEORGE - Lessons on Rigid Dynamics
23836: PITCHER, WALLACE S.; FLINN, GLENYS W. - Controls of Metamorphism: A Symposium Held Under the Auspices of the Liverpool Geological Society
39541: PITZER, GLORIA - Secret Fast Bread Recipes for Loafing Cooks
39540: PITZER, GLORIA - Gloria Pitzer's Secret Fast Food Recipes
22295: PIVEN, JOSHUA; BORGENICHT, DAVID; WORICK, JENNIFER; BORGENICTH, DAVID - The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Dating & Sex
18620: PIVEN, JOSHUA; BORGENICHT, DAVID. - The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Parenting
29946: PIZZININI, MEINRAD - Lienz in Geschichte Und Gegenwart: Lienz Yesterday and Today
7764: PLAIN, BELVA - Promises
10982: LA PLANTE, RICHARD - Tegne : Warlord of Zendow
17650: PLATO; JOWETTT, B. (TRANSLATOR) - The Dialogues of Plato Translated into English with Analyses and Introductions : Volume II
17649: PLATO; JOWETTT, B. (TRANSLATOR) - The Dialogues of Plato Translated into English with Analyses and Introductions : Volume III
7765: PLATO - The Last Days of Socrates
23869: PLATT, JOHN RADER - The Step to Man
39054: PLAUT, W. GUNTHER - The Sabbath as a Protest: Thoughts on Work and Leisure in the Automated Society
31259: PLISS, V. A.; SCRIPTA TECHNICA, INC. (TRANSLATOR); HERMAN, HARRY (EDITOR) - Nonlocal Problems of the Theory of Oscillations
14407: PLOTINUS - Great Books of the Western World : Volume 17 : Plotinus
14642: PLOTNICOV, LEONARD - Strangers to the City : Urban Man in Jos, Nigeria
23814: PLUNKETT, JAMES - Strumpet City
17672: PLUTARCH - Great Books of the Western World : Volume 14 : Plutarch
28102: PLUTCHIK, ROBERT - Foundations of Experimental Research
15995: POETS HOUSE - Directory of American Poetry Books (Vol. 3)
6658: POGGELER, OTTO (EDITOR) - Heidegger : Perspektiven zur Deutung seines Werks
36132: POGREBIN, LETTY COTTIN - Deborah, Golda, and Me: Being Female and Jewish in America
20372: POHL, FREDERIK. - Starburst
12807: POHL, FREDERIK - Jem
11582: POHL, FREDERICK - Man Plus & Jem
11581: POHL, FREDERICK - Man Plus & Jem
11580: POHL, FREDERICK - Man Plus & Jem
11579: POHL, FREDERICK - Man Plus & Jem
35012: POHL, FREDERIK; KORNBLUTH, C.M. - Gladiator-at-Law
34702: POHL, FREDERIK, ED. - Star Science Fiction No. 5
28967: POHL, FREDERIK; KORNBLUTH, C.M. - Wolfbane
28922: POHL, FREDERIK; KORNBLUTH, C.M. - The Wonder Effect
27710: POHL, FREDERIK - Narabedla Ltd
26915: POHL, FREDERIK - Black Star Rising
20367: POHL, FREDERIK - The Other End of Time
20366: POHL, FREDERIK - POHLSTARS (Del Rey Books (Paperback))
31592: POINCARE, H.; LARMOR, J., PREFACE; W.J.G., TRANS. - Science and Hypothesis
11657: POIRIER, RICHARD - Norman Mailer
11523: POIRIER-BURES, SIMONE - Candyman
34451: POLANYI, MICHAEL - Personal Knowledge: Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy
30784: POLANYI, MICHAEL - The Study of Man
28955: POLENBERG, RICHARD - War and Society: The United States, 1941-1945
4506: POLITAKIS, PETER G. - Empirical Analysis for Expert Systems
8879: POLKINGHORNE, JOHN - Rochester Roundabout : The Story of High Energy Physics
37358: POLLACK, HERMAN - Materials Science and Metallurgy
30264: POLLACK, WILLIAM - Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood
28265: POLLACK, SANDRA - Politics of the Heart: A Lesbian Parenting Anthology
25959: POLLACK, WILLIAM - Real Boys: Rescuing Our Sons from the Myths of Boyhood
23910: POLLACK, ROBERT - Signs of Life: The Language and Meanings of DNA
34510: POLLARD, A.F.; DICKENS, A.G., INTRO. - Henry VIII
31679: POLLARD, HARRY - The Theory of Algebraic Numbers
19283: POLLARD, J. H. - A Handbook of Numerical and Statistical Techniques with Examples Mainly from the Life Sciences
17011: POLLITZER, ANITA - A Woman on Paper: Georgia O'Keeffe
25489: POLYA, G. - Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning: Induction and Analogy in Mathematics (Vol. I), Patterns of Plausible Inference, Vol. 2
39055: POLYA, G. - Mathematics and Plausible Reasoning, Vol. II: Patterns of Plausible Inference
31210: PONTRJAGIN LEW SEMJENOWITSCH - Gewohnlicher Differentialgleichungen
34373: POOL, PHOEBE - Impressionism
11459: POOLE, MICHAEL - Workers Participation in Industry
38593: POOLE, E.C.G. - Introduction to the Theory of Linear Differential Equations
36440: POOLE, SUSAN - Frommer's 1981-1982 Guide to New Orleans
27970: POOLE, CATHERINE M.; GUERRY, DUPONT - Melanoma: Prevention, Detection and Treatment
6734: POOLE, LON - Macworld Mac OS 8 Bible
39426: POPE, FRANCIS; OTIS, ARTHUR S. - Elements of Aeronautics
28053: PORTARO, SAM ANTHONY; PORTARO, SAM - Conflict and a Christian Life
34459: PORTER, ELIOT; BROWER, DAVID, ED. - Summer Island (Abridged)
20958: POSE, RONALD (EDITOR) - Computer Architecture 96: Selected Papers of the 1st Australasian Conference
20957: POSE, RONALD (EDITOR) - Computer Architecture `97: Selected Papers of the 2nd Australasian Conference
27327: POSPISIL, LEOPOLD - The Kapauku Papuans of West New Guinea
36238: POSTGATE, JOHN - The Outer Reaches of Life
36375: POTTER, BEATRIX - The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin
29907: POUND, ROSCOE - Jurisprudence, Vol. II: Part 3. The Nature of the Law
20376: POURNELLE, JERRY (EDITOR) - The Endless Frontier
540: POURNELLE, JERRY; BARNES, STEVEN - Beowulf's Children
436: POURNELLE, JERRY - Starswarm : A Jupiter Novel
27461: POWELL, E. ALEXANDER - The War on All Fronts, Vol. IV: Italy at War and the Allies in the West
21553: POWELL, PADGETT - A Woman Named Drown
36985: POWER, RICHARD - Tangled Web: Tales of Digital Crime from the Shadows of Cyberspace
22809: POWERS, DAVID - Boundary Value Problems
20379: POWLIK, JAMES - Meltdown
33063: POWTER, SUSAN - Stop the Insanity!/Eat, Breathe, Move, Change the Way You Look and Feel--Forever
35014: POZNER, ARLENE; DE KEIJZER, ARNE J.; REISCHAUER, EDWIN O., INTRO. - China: A Resource and Curriculum Guide
26917: PRAJZNER, NANCY - Natural Wonders of Massachusetts: A Guide to Parks, Preserves & Wild Places
34453: PRATT, FLETCHER - Civil War in Pictures
22842: PRATT, TERRENCE W. - Programming Languages: Design and Implementation
22834: PRATT, TERRENCE W. - Programming Languages: Design and Implementation
20380: PREISLER, JEROME - Bio-Strike
10391: PRENSKY, SOL D. - Electronic Instrumentation
35325: PRESSMAN, ROGER S. - Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach
4571: PRESSMAN, ROGER S. - Software Engineering : A Practitioner's Approach (Third Edition)
27234: PRESTBO, JOHN A., ED. - This Abundant Land: [a Portrait of American Agriculture from the Pages of the Wall Street Journal]
20381: PREUSS, PAUL - Starfire
69: PREUSS, PAUL - Re-Entry
28771: PREVENTION MAGAZINE EDITORS - Prevention Total Health System: Fighting Disease
38353: PRICE, SALLY - Primitive Art in Civilized Places
28739: PRICE, EUGENIA - New Moon Rising
39490: PRIEST, H. MALCOM; GILLIGAN, JOHN A. - Design Manual For High-Strength Steels
31226: PRIESTLEY, H. A. - Introduction to Integration
7734: PRILL, DAVID - Second Coming Attractions
18639: PRINCE HUBERTUS ZU LöWENSTEIN - A Basic History of Germany
39222: PRINCETON - Symposium on Ground Effect Phenomena: A Compilation of the Papers Presented Octover 21-22-23, 1959
16844: PRIOR, LILY - La Cucina
39783: PRITCHARD, ROY M. - Stabilized Images on the Retina
34604: PRIVARA, IGOR; RUZICKA, PETER (EDS.) - Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1997: 22nd International Symposium, MFCS'97, Bratislava, Slovakia, August 25-29, 1997, Proceedings
39234: PRO-LOG CORPORATION - Series 7000 STD BUS Technical Manual and Product Catalog
29201: PROSE, FRANCINE - A Changed Man
37085: PROULX, E. ANNIE - Accordion Crimes
33192: PROULX, E. ANNIE; PROULX, ANNIE; PROULX, E. - The Shipping News
39598: PROUST, MARCEL; MONCRIEFF, C.K. SCOTT, TRANS. - The Guermantes Way
25253: PROVINZANO, A. M. - The Secret Spring of Edith Cooley
22002: PUIG, MANUEL - Pubis Angelical: A Novel
6432: PUIG, MANUEL - Pubis Angelical: A Novel
32773: PULLMAN, PHILIP - His Dark Materials : Northern Lights; The Subtle Knife; The Amber Spyglass
31135: PULLMAN, PHILIP - The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials Ser., Bk. 1)
30321: PUPPI, LIONELLO - Scrittori Vicentini D'Architettura Del Secolo XVI
38464: PUSHKIN, A.S. - Bilioteka Mirovoi Literatury Dlia Detei: A.S. Pushkin, Izbrannoe
28874: PUZO, MARIO - The Last Don
28686: PUZO, MARIO - Inside Las Vegas
28633: PUZO, MARIO - Fools Die
18828: PUZO, MARIO. - Omerta
5463: PYENSON, LEWIS; SHEETS-PYENSON, SUSAN - Servants of Nature : A History of Scientific Institutions, Enterprises, and Sensibilities
39421: PYLE, ERNIE - Brave Men
23388: PYLYSHYN, ZENON W., ED. - The Robot's Dilemma: The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence
28577: PYSTER, ARTHUR B. - Compiler Design and Construction
22158: DE QUEIROZ, RACHEL - Dora Doralina
37394: QUENNELL, MARJORIE; QUENNELL, C.H.B. - Everyday Life in Roman and Anglo Saxon Times
11713: QUERRY, RONALD B. - Bad Medicine
14986: QUIMBY, IAN M. (EDITOR); EARL, POLLY A. (EDITOR) - Technological Innovation and the Decorative Arts Catalog : An Exhibition at the Hagley Museum Co-Sponsored by the Henry Francis Du Pont Winterthur Museum
7772: QUINDLEN, ANNA - One True Thing
26325: QUINE, WILLARD VAN ORMAN - Methods of Logic
28217: QUITTNER, JOSHUA; SLATALLA, MICHELLE - Masters of Deception: The Gang That Ruled Cyperspace
6511: RAABE, TOM - Biblioholism: The Literary Addiction
7773: RABAN, JONATHAN - Old Glory
14739: RABELAIS - Great Books of the Western World : Volume 24 : Rabelais
17681: RABELAIS - Great Books of the Western World : Volume 24 : Rabelais
6837: RABELAIS, FRANCOIS - Gargantua Extraits
39339: RABENHORST, DAVID W. - The Turbo-Electric VTOL Aircraft
39057: RABIN, A.I. - Growing Up in the Kibbutz
36129: RABOFF, ERNEST; SMITH, BRADLEY, ED. - Art For Children: Marc Chagall
30456: RACKHAM, JOHN; BRADLEY, MARION ZIMMER - The Anything Tree; The Winds of Darkover
23830: RADCLIFFE-BROWN, A.R.; FORDE, DARYLL, EDS. - African Systems of Kinship and Marriage
10016: RADDATZ, FRITZ J. - Traditionen and Tendenzen : Materialien zur Literatur der DDR
11355: RADOVICH, SLAVKO - Don't Tell Anybody You Didn't Know
7774: RADTKE, GEORGE A. - Budgerigars
28950: RAGAN, RUTH MOULTON - Voiceprints of Lincoln: Memories of an Old Massachusetts Town and Its Unique Response to Industrial America
39141: RAGAZZINI, JOHN R.; FRANKLIN, GENE F. - Sampled-Data Control Systems
35160: RAINVILLE, EARL D.; BEDIENT, PHILIP E. - A Short Course in Differential Equations
35015: RAINVILLE, EARL D. - Elementary Differential Equations (1958)
8127: RAINWATER, LEE (EDITOR) - Black Experience : Soul
3653: RALSTON, ANTHONY; WILF, HERBERT S. - Mathematical Methods for Digital Computers
34703: RALSTON, ANTHONY - A First Course in Numerical Analysis
31857: RALSTON, ANTHONY; WILF, HERBERT S., EDS. - Mathematical Methods for Digital Computers, Vol. I
39059: RALSTON, ANTHONY - A First Course in Numerical Analysis
39058: RALSTON, ANTHONY - A First Course in Numerical Analysis
15943: RAMAT, SILVIO; DI PASQUALE, EMANUEL - Sharing a Trip: Selected Poems
15944: RAMAT, SILVIO; DI PASQUALE, EMANUEL - Sharing a Trip: Selected Poems
15937: RAMAT, SILVIO; DI PASQUALE, EMANUEL - Sharing a Trip: Selected Poems
7775: RAMBALI, PAUL - In the Cities and Jungles of Brazil
31209: RAMEH, CLEA (EDITOR) - Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics: Semantics-Theory and Applications, 1976
38044: RAMEY, ROBERT H., JR. MILLER, HERB, ED. - The Pastor's Start-Up Manual: Beginning a New Pastorate
34473: RAMSEY, A.S. - Dynamics: A Text-Book for the Use of the Higher Divisions in Schools and for First Year Students at the University
4110: RAMSEY, PATRICIA G. - Teaching and Learning in a Diverse World : Multicultural Education for Young Children
5033: RAMTEKE, TIMOTHY - Networks
39363: RANDOLPH, JAMES R., ED. - Journal of the American Rocket Society
18331: RANK, MARK ROBERT - Living on the Edge: The Realities of Welfare in America
13054: RANKA, S.; SAHNI, S. - Hypercube Algorithms : With Applications to Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (Bilkent University Lectures)
30955: RANKIN, IAN - Witch Hunt
20382: RANKIN, IAN - Strip Jack
5251: RAO, BINDU R. - C++ and OOP Pradigm
33433: RAPAPORT, HERMAN - Is There Truth in Art?
40522: RAPAPORT, ELVIRA, TRANS. - Hungarian Problem Book I, Based on the Eotovos Competitions, 1894-1905
40466: RAPHAEL, BERTRAM - The Thinking Computer: Mind Inside Matter
32384: RAPP, STAN; MARTIN, CHUCK - Max-e-marketing for the Net Future: How to Outsmart the Competition in the Battle for Internet-age Supremacy
37766: RAPPOPORT, SHLOYME (S. ANSKY); ENGEL, S. MORRIS, TRANS. - Dybbuk: Between Two Worlds
24999: RAPPOPORT, SOLOMON - Dybbuk: Between Two Worlds
37204: RASMUSSEN, SUSAN J. - The Poetics and Politics of Tuareg Aging: Life Course and Personal Destiny in Niger
30903: RATEY, JOHN, J., M.D. - User's Guide to the Brain: Perception, Attention, and the Four Theaters of the Brain
957: RATHBONE, CRISTINA - On the Outside Looking in : Stories from an Inner City High School
36936: RATHER, DAN - The American Dream: Stories from the Heart of Our Nation
28842: RATHER, DAN; HERSHOWITZ, MICKEY - The Camera Never Blinks: Adventures of a TV Journalist
23139: RATHER, DAN - The American Dream
21899: RATNER, LYNN H. - Contemporary Diagnosis And Management Of Breast Cancer
3989: RAUCH-HINDIN, WENDY B. - Artificial Intelligence in Business, Science, and Industry (Volume 1)
31012: RAVEN, FRANCIS H. - Automatic Control Engineering
29006: RAVEN, FRANCIS H. - Automatic Control Engineering
7778: RAWLINGS, JOSEPH H. - SCM for Network Development Environments (McGraw-Hill Systems Design and Implementation Series)
14914: RAWLINS, GREGORY J. - Slaves of the Machine : The Quickening of Computer Technology
28004: RAWLS, ROD R.; HAGEN, MARK; HAGEN, MARK A.; RAWLS, ROD K. - AUTOLISP Programming: Principles and Techniques
39552: RAWLS, THOMAS H., ED. - Harrowsmith/Harrowsmith Country Life
39549: RAWLS, THOMAS H., ED. - Harrowsmith
39547: RAWLS, THOMAS H., ED. - Harrowsmith
39546: RAWLS, THOMAS H., ED. - Harrowsmith
1059: RAWN, MELANIE - Exiles (The Ruins of Ambrai, Volume 1)
30353: RAWN, MELANIE - Skybowl
38365: RAWN, MELANIE - Sunrunner's Fire
30650: RAWN, MELANIE - The Mageborn Traitor
18588: RAWN, MELANIE. - Exiles: Ruins of Ambrai
38113: RAY, ERIK T. - Learning XML
18631: RAY, JEANNE - Julie and Romeo: A Novel
17174: RAY, TIERNAN - E-Trading Today: Researching and Trading Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds Online
37767: RAYCRAFT, DON; RAYCRAFT. CAROL - Wallace Homestead Price Guide to American Country Antiques
28948: RAYMO, CHET - Valentine: A Love Story
1699: RAYMOND, ANDRE - Cairo
23742: RCA SERVICE COMPANY - Fundamentals of Transistors: a Programmed Text
39439: RCA CORPORATION - RCA COS/MOS Integrated Circuits: Selection Guide, Data, Application Notes
39438: RCA CORPORATION - RCA Phototubes and Photocells, Technical Manual PT-60
39437: RCA CORPORATION - RCA Receiving Tube Manual
31383: READ, WARREN W. - Comparative Essays--Past and Present
39188: READ, HERBERT - Art and Industry
27193: READER'S DIGEST - Off the Beaten Path: A Guide to More Than 1,000 Scenic and Interesting Places Still Uncrowded and Inviting
33593: RECK, ANDREW J. - Speculative Philosophy : A Study of Its Nature, Types, and Uses
31393: REDDICK, HARRY W. - Differential Equations
27190: REED, SALLY D.; EVANS-ROGERS, DALE, INTRO. - NEA: Propaganda Front of the Radical Left
23115: REED, MICHAEL - The Age of Exuberance 1550-1700
40471: REED, MYRTLE - A Weaver of Dreams
38570: REES, D.J. - Health Physics: Principles of Radiation Protection
28759: REES, MARTIN - Our Cosmic Habitat
22423: REEVES, PHOEBE - What's the Big Idea?: Writing Through Reading and Thinking
21411: REEVES, RICHARD. - President Nixon: Alone in the White House
20387: REEVES-STEVENS, GARFIELD - Quicksilver
6520: REGUSH, NICHOLAS M. - Visibles and Invisibles : A Primer for a New Sociological Imagination
31438: REHDER, HELMUT; TWADDELL, W.F. - German Area Readings: 1. The Natural Setting
23151: REICHHELD, FREDERICK F.; TEAL, THOMAS - The Loyalty Effect: The Hidden Force Behind Growth, Profits, and Lasting Value
16772: REICHLEY, JAMES A. - Religion in American Public Life
17812: REID, MARAGET G. - Housing and Income
17765: REID, CONSTANCE - Hilbert-Courant
35896: REILLY, EDWIN D. - Encyclopedia of Computer Science & Engineering
32991: REIMAN, JEFFREY - The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison: Ideology, Class, and Criminal Justice
37930: REISS, ALBERT J., JR.; TONRY, MICHAEL - Communities and Crime
37393: REITZ, MIRIAM;WATSON, KENNETH W. - Adoption and the Family System: Strategies for Treatment
37847: REMY, PIERRE-JEAN;ROE D'ALBERT, YVON ET AL. - Tresors Et Secrets Du Quai D'Orsay
31529: RENARD, MAURICE - New Bodies For Old
7783: RENAULT, MARY - The Last of the Wine
36329: RENDELL, RUTH - Simisola
23710: RENDELL, RUTH - The Veiled One
19063: RENNELL, TONY; NICHOL, JOHN - The Last Escape: The Untold Story of Allied Prisoners of War in Europe, 1944-1945
18742: RESKIN, BARBARA F.; ROOS, PATRICIA A. - Job Queues, Gender Queues: Explaining Women's Inroads into Male Occupations
12906: RESTON, JAMES, JR. (EDITOR) - Coming to Terms : American Plays and the Vietnam War
22306: REUBEN, SHELLY - Weeping: A Fritillary Quilter Mystery
38172: REYNA, FERDINAND; GATEAU, ANDRE, TRANS. - Concise Encyclopedia of Ballet
34264: REYNOLDS R. EKSTROM/JOHN ROBERTO - Evangelization
28185: REYNOLDS, LLOYD G. - Labor Economics and Labor Relations
22075: RHEINGOLD, HOWARD - Virtual Reality
16602: RHEINGOLD, HOWARD. - Virtual Reality
3998: RHEINGOLD, HOWARD - The Virtual Community : Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier
37770: RHODES, DANIEL - Timoleon Vieta Come Home : A Sentimental Journey
35543: RHODES, DAN - Timoleon Vieta Come Home: A Sentimental Journey
6918: RHOODIE, ESCHEL - The Third Africa
17828: RICARDO, DAVID - The principles of political economy and taxation
20402: RICE, ANNE. - Servant of the Bones
20397: RICE, ANNE - The Mummy or Ramses the Damned
39061: RICE, F. PHILIP - America's Favorite Fishing: A Complete Guide to Angling for Panfish
35385: RICH, BARNETT - Schaum's Outline Modern Elementary Algebra
24043: RICH, ADRIENNE CECILE - Poems:Selected and New, 1950-1974: Selected and New, 1950-1974
16896: RICH, FRANK - Ghost Light
6156: RICH, FRANK - Ghost Light
4387: RICH, CHARLES; WATERS, RICHARD C. - The Programmer's Apprentice
15755: RICHARDS, ELIZABETH - Every Day : A Novel
22874: RICHARDSON, BILL - Bachelor Brothers' Bed & Breakfast Pillow Book
3923: RICHARDSON, J. JEFFREY - Artificial Intelligence in Maintenance
35018: RICO-GODOY, CARMEN - Perfekte Frauen haben's schwer : Roman. (Serie Piper Frauen)
39126: RICOEUR, PAUL; SAVAGE, DENIS, TRANS. - Freud and Philosophy: An Essay on Interpretation
13133: RIDDLE WEIHS, JEAN - Nonbook Materials: The Organization of Integrated Collections
31957: RIDDLE, ROBERT L.; RISTENBATT, MARLIN P. - Transistor Physics and Circuits
31782: RIDER, PAUL R. - College Algebra
13593: RIFKIN, GLENN; MATTHEWS, DOUGLAS - The CEO Chronicles : Lessons from the Top about Inspiration and Leadership
18397: RIGGIO, KELLY (EDITOR) - Helicon : Volume XIII
7061: RIGGLEMAN, JOHN R.; FRISBEE, IRA N. - Business Statistics (Second Edition)
25046: RILEY, GLENDA - Inventing the American Woman: A Perspective on Women's History 1607-1877
7788: RILEY, LAURA - Guide to the National Wildlife Refuges: How to Get There, What to See and Do
15806: RINPOCHE, LAMA ZOPA; CHANG, TRUJAN DORJE (COMMENTARY); LAMRIMPA, GESHE (COMMENTARY) - The direct and unmistaken method of purifying yourself of and protecting yourself against the causes of problems : The Practice and Benefits of the Eight Mahayana Precepts
15299: RINPOCHE, LAMA ZOPA - Making Life Meaningful
12546: RINPOCHE, LAMA ZOPA - Teachings From the Mani Retreat
34481: RITCHIE, ANDREW CARNDUFF - Masters of British Painting
30376: RITTER, BRUCE - Somtimes God Has a Kid's Face: The Story of America's Exploited Street Kids
9309: RITTER, PAUL - Planning for Man and Motor
8141: RITTER-SANDERS, MILES - Handbook of Advanced Solid-State Troubleshooting
32945: RIVERA, E. ALLAN - The Almightly
38762: ROBBINS, STEPHEN P. - Organizational Behavior : Concepts, Controversies, and Applications
38289: ROBBINS, TOM - Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas
37015: ROBBINS-ROTH, CINDY - From Alchemy to IPO: The Business of Biotechnology
36378: ROBBINS, TOM - Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas
33299: ROBERT W. CRANDALL/KERNNETH FLAMM - Changing the Rules
26043: ROBERT BRITTAIN - The Booklover's Almanac
15367: ROBERTS, ANN V. - Morning's Gate : A Novel
13759: ROBERTS, ELLIS A. - Sequential Data in Biological Experiments : An Introduction for Research Workers
12077: ROBERTS, GILLIAN - I'd Rather Be in Philadelphia
36633: ROBERTS, BLAINE;HOLDREN, BOB R. - Theory of Social Process:an Economic Analysis: An Economic Analysis
31508: ROBERTS, BLAINE; SCHULZE, DAVID - Modern Mathematics and Economic Analysis
34433: ROBERTSON, WILLIAM, GLEN - Leavenworth Papers No. 13: Counterattack on the Naktong, 1950
27367: ROBERTSON, JOHN K. - Introduction to Optics : Geometrical and Physical
24742: ROBERTSON, JON - The Golden Thread of Oneness: A Journey Inward to the Universal Consciousness
33752: DI ROBILANT, ANDREA - A Venetian Affair
32358: ROBINSON, DEREK - Kentucky Blues
13199: ROBINSON, WILLIAM R. (EDITOR) - Man and the Movies
36184: ROBINSON, J. (COMMENTARY) - The Second Book of Kings
35020: ROBINSON, WILLIAM A. - 100 Best Sales Promotions of 1976/7
31184: ROBINSON, DEREK - Damned Good Show
24091: ROBINSON, ELIZABETH - The True And Outstanding Adventures Of The Hunt Sisters
22940: ROBINSON, ELIZABETH - The True And Outstanding Adventures Of The Hunt Sisters
20411: ROBINSON, LEAH RUTH - First Cut
27475: ROBLES, JAIME - A Narrow Ring of Stone
34891: ROBYN, LOUISE - The Student's Harmony Book: A Junior Course, Book No. 1
31268: ROCHE, MAURICE - Phenomenology, Language and the Social Sciences
31218: ROCHESTER FOLK ART GUILD - How Quest Sought the Truth : An Old Croatian Tale Adapted and Scripted By the Rochester Folk Art Guild
36733: ROCHESTER, JACK B.;GANTZ, JOHN - The Naked Computer: A Layperson's Almanac of Computer Lore, Wizardry, Personalities, Memorabilia, World Records, Mind Blowers, and Tomfoolery
15376: ROCK, PETER - This Is the Place
40420: ROCKEFELLER, STEVEN C.; ELDER, JOHN C., EDS. - Spirit and Nature: Why the Environment Is a Religious Issue
39548: RODENBOUGH, THEODORE F., ED. - The Photographic History of the Civil War in Ten Volumes: Volume Four, The Cavalry
36784: RODGERS, WILLIAM H. JR. - Think; A Biography of the Watsons and IBM
37750: RODRIGUEZ, BIRGITTE - Glimpses of the Divine: Working With the Teachings of Sai Baba
32812: ROGER A.LEGH/DALE SANDERS - The Plant Vacuole
10937: ROGERS, WARREN - When I Think of Bobby : A Personal Memoir of the Kennedy Years
38520: ROGERS, MILTON - AD285 845: Gas-Surface Phenomena
28954: ROGERS, EVELYN - Wanton Slave
7797: ROGERS, BARBARA RADCLIFFE - New Hampshire--Off the Beaten Path: A Guide to Unique Places
7029: ROGERS, WYATT M. - Third Millennium Capitalism : Convergence of Economic, Energy, and Environmental Forces
39577: ROGERS, HORATIO - The Diary of an Artillery Scout
24882: ROGGENKAMP, KLAUS W. - Lattices over Orders II (Lecture Notes in Mathematics 142)
9392: ROHMER, SAX - The Mask of Fu Manchu
22980: ROHNER, RONALD; CHAKI-SIRCAR, MANJUSRI - Women and Children in a Bengali Village
34716: VON ROHR, M., ED.; KANTHACK, R., TRANS. - Geometrical Investigation of the Formation of Images of Optical Instruments, Forming Vol. I of "the Theory of Optical Instruments"
31040: ROJANSKY, VLADIMIR - Introductory Quantum Mechanics
18425: ROLAND; BEDIER, JOSEPH (EDITOR) - La Chanson de Roland
17633: ROLLINS, REED C.; SHAW, ELIZABETH A. - The Genus Lesquerella (Cruciferae) in North America
17632: ROLLINS, REED C.; SHAW, ELIZABETH A. - The Genus Lesquerella (Cruciferae) in North America
17810: ROLPH, EARL R. - Theory of Fiscal Economics
35383: ROLSTON, DAVID W. - Principles of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Development
35021: ROMAINS, JULES, PREFACE - Les Merveilles de La France: La Province et Ses Richesses
35023: ROMARK - The Sins of the Fathers
35870: ROMERO, ORLANDO;LARKIN, DAVID - Adobe: Building and Living With Earth
34218: RONALD CAPLAN - Another Night: Cape Breton Stories True & Short & Tall
27116: RONALD H. ROZENSKY (EDITOR), NORINE G. JOHNSON (EDITOR), CAROL D. GOODHEART (EDITOR), RODNEY W. HAMMOND (EDITOR) - Psychology Builds a Healthy World: Opportunities for Research and Practice
28605: RONAN, CHARLES E., S.J.; OH, BONNIE B.C., EDS. - East Meets West: The Jesuits in China, 1582-1773
38835: DR. RONDA ORMONT - Career Solutions for Creative People : How to Balance Artistic Goals with Career Security
38834: DR. RONDA ORMONT - Career Solutions for Creative People : How to Balance Artistic Goals with Career Security
37554: ROONEY, ANDY - Common Nonsense
36951: ROONEY, ANDREW A. - A Few Minutes With Andy Rooney
32939: ROONEY, VICTOR M. - Analysis of Linear Circuits: Passive and Active Components
28970: ROONEY, ANDREW A. - Word for Word
28518: ROONEY, ANDREW A. - And More By Andy Rooney
39169: ROOSEVELT, THEODORE - Ranch Life and the Hunting-Trail
23116: ROPP, STEVE C.; MORRIS, JAMES A. - Central America: Crisis and Adaptation
28683: RORVIK, DAVID - In His Image : The Cloning of a Man
35687: ROSA, ALFRED F. - Subject and Strategy: A Rhetoric Reader
8636: ROSCH, WINN L. - The Winn L. Rosch Hardware Bible
30767: ROSE, MARSHALL T. - The Simple Book: An Introduction to Internet Management
26431: ROSE, MARSHALL T. - The Open Book: A Practical Perspective on OSI
7798: ROSE, FRANK - Into the Heart of the Mind: An American Quest for Artificial Intelligence
40352: ROSE, PHYLLIS - Parallel Lives: Five Victorian Marriages
19198: ROSEN, NED A. - Supervision:a Behavioral View: A Behavioral View
19158: ROSEN, NED - Teamwork and the Bottom Line: Groups Make a Difference
37033: ROSENBACH, WILLIAM E. - Contemporary Issues in Leadership
29468: ROSENBACH, JOSEPH B.; WHITMAN, EDWIN A. - College Algebra
25334: ROSENBACH, WILLIAM E. - Contemporary Issues in Leadership
36177: ROSENBERG, NANCY TAYLOR - Abuse of Power
35491: ROSENBERG, MARK L.; FENLEY, MARY ANN, EDS. - Violence in America: A Public Health Approach
40459: ROSENBERG, BARRY - Kornshell Programming Tutorial
4288: ROSENBERGER, FRANZ E. - Fundamentals of Crystal Growth I : Macroscopic Equilibrium and Transport Concepts
31562: ROSENBLOOM, PAUL C.; SCHUSTER, SEYMOUR - Prelude to Analysis
7800: ROSENTHAL, A. M. (EDITOR) - Winter: Love It or Leave It, (The Sophisticated Traveler)
24324: ROSENWASSER, PENNY - Visionary Voices: Women on Power Conversations With Shamans, Activists, Teachers, Artists and Healers
12361: ROSI, DAVE - One Good Deed
15366: ROSS, THEODORE J. - Film and the Liberal Arts
33388: ROSS, STEPHEN DAVID - Gift of Beauty, The: The Good as Art
32132: ROSS LAWRENCE GOBLE/ROY T. SHAW - Controversy and Dialogue in Marketing
29507: ROSS, ISHBEL - Crusades and Crinolines: The Life and Times of Ellen Curtis Demorest and William Jennings Demorest
18635: ROSS, DOUGLAS T. - PLEX - '85 Lectures 1-6 and Appendices 1 & 2 (Two Volume Set)
39290: ROSS, DOUGLAS T. - Structured Analysis TV Graphics
18838: ROSSETTI, CHRISTINA; CORNER, MARTIN (INTRODUCTION) - The Works of Christina Rossetti
29075: ROSZAK, THEODORE; ROSZAK, BETTY, EDS. - Masculine/Feminine: Readings in the Sexual Mythology and the Liberation of Women
33931: ROTH, STEPHEN F.; BLATNER, DAVID; AUKSTAKALNIS, STEVE - Silicon Mirage: The Art and Science of Virtual Reality
17900: ROTH, HENRY. - Mercy of a Rude Stream : A Star Shines Over Mt. Morris Park
39351: ROUANET, R.; SUFFRIN-HEBERT, M., PREFACE - Contribution a L'etude Des Avions a Ailes Deformables
12002: ROUART, DENIS - Renoir
6187: ROUGHAN, HOWARD - The Up and Comer
18056: ROUMASSET, JAMES A. - Rice and Risk : Decision Making Among Low-Income Farmers
15354: ROUNTREE, CATHLEEN - On Women Turning 50 : Celebrating Mid-Life Discoveries
10118: ROWELL, CHARLES H. (EDITOR) - Callaloo : Volume 16:1 : A Journal of African-American and African Arts and Letters
10116: ROWELL, CHARLES H. (EDITOR) - Callaloo : Volume 18:3 : A Journal of African-American and African Arts and Letters
37107: ROWELL, C. H. FRASER - Locust Neurobiology: A Bibliography, 1871-1991
32961: ROWLAND, JOHN H.; JENSEN, JENS A. - Methods of Computation: The Linear Space Approach to Numerical Analysis
39063: RUBENOVITZ, MIGNON L. - Altars of My Fathers
36767: RUBIN, VERA C.; COYNE, GEORGE V., S.J., EDS. - Large-Scale Motions in the Universe: A Vatican Study Week
25747: RUBIN, LOUIS J. - Facts and Feelings in the Classroom
24775: RUBIN, HARRIET - The Princessa: Machiavelli for Women
22903: RUBIN, LILLIAN B. - Erotic Wars: What Happened to the Sexual Revolution
38103: RUBINI, ALESSANDRO - Linux Device Drivers
28389: RUBINO, DIANA - The New York Saga: I Love You Because
35284: RUBINSTEIN, MOSHE F. - Patterns of Problem Solving
36035: RUBINSTEIN, ARTUR - My Young Years
35024: RUCH, MARTIN - Judische Stimmen: Interviews, Autobiographische Zeugnisse, Schriftliche Quellen Zur Geschichte Der Offenburger Juden in Der Zeit Von 1933-1945 Gedenkbuch
33812: RUCH, MARTIN; MENDELSSON, EVA - Familie Cohn: Tagebucher, Briefe, Gedichte Einer Judischer Familie Aus Offenburg
36220: RUDERMAN, HARRY D;GLICKSMAN, ABRAHAM M. - Mathematical Systems: An Introduction
18314: RUDINGER, JOEL - Lovers and Celebrations
36971: RUEDY, ELISABETH; NIRENBERG, SUE - Where Do I Put the Decimal Point? How to Conquer Math Anxiety and Increase Your Facility with Numbers
36989: RUETHER, ROSEMARY RADFORD - Womanguides: Readings Toward a Feminist Theology
40493: RUFF, MATT - Sewer, Gas & Electric: The Public Works Trilogy
36470: RUHLMAN, MICHAEL - The Reach of a Chef : Beyond the Kitchen
18924: RUHNKE, AMIYO; WURZBURGER, ANANDO - Body wisdom: An Easy-To-Use Handbook of Simple Exercises and Self-Massage Techniques for Busy People
10410: RUITENBEEK, HENDRIK M. (EDITOR) - The First Freudians
35983: RUIZ, VICKI; DUBOIS, ELLEN CAROL - Unequal Sisters: A Multicultural Reader in U.S. Women's History
34014: RUIZ ZAFON, CARLOS; SCHWAAR, PETER, TRANS - Der Schatten des Windes.
38206: RULE, JANE - Inland Passage
26019: RUMSEY, FRANCIS - Tapeless Sound Recording
35443: RUNYAN, W. R.; BEAN, K.E. - Semiconductor Integrated Circuit Processing Technology
23055: RUOFF, ARTHUR L. - Introduction to Materials Science
29979: RUPP, GORDON - Luther's Progress to the Diet of Worms
20956: RUSCHEWEYH, ST; SALINAS, L.C.; SAFF, E.B. - Computational Methods and Function Theory: Proceedings of a Conference, Held in Valparaiso, Chile, March 13-18, 1989
31469: RUSK, ROGERS J. - Introduction to Atomic and Nuclear Physics
17641: RUSKIN, JOHN - Winnington Letters : John Ruskin's Correspondence with Margaret Alexis Bell and the Children at Winnington Hall
36452: RUSSELL, BERTRAND - Human Knowledge : Its Scope and Limits
35521: RUSSELL, BERTRAND - Problems of Philosophy
30736: RUSSELL, BERTRAND - The Problems of Philosophy
30325: RUSSELL, SEAN - Sea Without a Shore
30173: RUSSELL, EMILY W.B. - People and the Land Through Time: Linking Ecology and History
30009: RUSSELL, BERTRAND - Marriage and Morals
39184: RUSSELL, RAYMOND - Catalogue of the Benton Fletcher Collection of Early Keyboard Instruments at Fenton House, Hampstead
29773: RUTHERFORD, VIOLET - Happy House Plants
26324: RUTHERFORD, DANIEL EDWIN - Substitutional Analysis
23955: RUTHVEN, MALISE - Islam in the World
39652: RUTLEGE, LYMAN V. - Ten Miles Out: Guide Book to the Isle of Shoals, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
31006: RYABOV, Y.; YANOVSKY, G., TRANS. - An Elementary Survey of Celestial Mechanics
39760: RYAN, W.J.L. - Price Theory
31633: RYLE, GILBERT - The Concept of Mind
34152: RYMAN, REBECCA - Shalimar.
26081: SAALMAN - The Illuminati of Immortality: Alchemy of Dreams
2810: SAARI, DAVID J. - The Court and Free-Lance Reporter Profession
12558: SABERHAGEN, FRED - The Veils of Azlaroc
11194: SABERHAGEN, FRED - Woundhealer's Story
27992: SABERHAGEN, FRED - An Old Friend of the Family
17348: SABERHAGEN, FRED. - The Berserker Throne
36447: SABIN, MARGERY - English Romanticism and the French Tradition
34893: SACHS, GEORGE; VAN HORN, KENT R. - Practical Metallurgy: Applied Physical Metallurgy and the Industrial Processing of Ferrous and Nonferrous Metals and Alloys
34389: SACHS, KURT - The Rise of Music in the Ancient World East and West
5267: SACKMAN, HAROLD - Man-Computer Problem Solving : Experimental Evaluation of Time-Sharing and Batch Processing
38322: SACKS, OLIVER, ED. - The Best American Science Writing 2003
40539: SACKS, OLIVER W. - The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales
38427: SADAT, JEHAN - A Woman of Egypt
27908: SADLEIR, STEVEN S. - The Spiritual Seekers Guide: The Complete Source for Religions and Spiritual Groups of the World
15664: SADOWSKI, WIESLAW; LEPA, EUGENE (TRANSLATOR); INFIELD, H. (EDITOR); KNIGHTSFIELD, P. (EDITOR) - The Theory of Decision-Making : An Introduction to Operations Research
7806: SAFRAN, WILLIAM - The French Polity
23578: SAGAN, CARL - Contact
23604: SAIGN, GEOFFREY C. - Green Essentials: What You Need to Know About the Environment
28892: SAKACH, TIM; SAKACH, DEBORAH - The Official Guide to American Historic Inns
39279: SAKADE, FLORENCE - Origami: Japanese Paper-Folding, Book Three
554: SALACHAS, GILBERT - Federico Fellini
26381: SALE, JOHN; STEINBERG, R.U. - Lawmen, Crimebusters, and Champions of Justice
35025: SALFELLNER, HARALD - Franz Kafka and Prague
30847: SALGADO, GAMINI, ED. - Three Jacobean Tragedies; The Revenger's Tragedy; The White Devil; The Changeling
23819: SALGARI, NADIR - Il Budda Di Giada
30256: SALINGER, J.D. - Raise High the Roof Beam, Carpenters; Seymour: An Introduction
34118: SALISBURY, DAVID; DEMROW, CARL - The Complete Guide to Trail Building and Maintenance
23307: SALT, HENRY S. - Richard Jefferies; His Life and Ideals
22677: SALVATORE, DIANE - Love, Zena Beth: A Novel
40467: SALZINGER, LESLIE - Genders in Production: Making Workers in Mexico's Global Factories
28201: SALZMAN, MARK - Lost in Place: Growing Up Absurd in Suburbia
10429: SAMETZ, ARNOLD W. - Prospects for Capital Formation and Capital Markets
36542: SAMPSON, ANTHONY - The Arms Bazaar: From Lebanon to Lockheed
34705: SAMPSON, DOUGLAS H. - Radiative Contributions to Energy and Momentum Transport in a Gas
36606: SAMUEL, RAPHAEL (EDITOR); JONES, GARETH STEDMAN (EDITOR) - Culture, Ideology, and Politics: Essays for Eric Hobsbawm
38488: SAMUELS, RUTH - Our Ten Commandments
31305: SAMUELSON, PAUL A. - The Collected Scientific Papers of Paul A. Samuelson
35128: SAND, GAYLE; NOTELOVITZ, MORRIS, M.D., FOREWORD - Is It Hot in Here or Is It Me?: A Personal Look at the Facts, Fallacies, and Feelings of Menopause
34390: SANDERS, TIMOTHY - Modern Physical Theory: Special Relativity and Quantum Physics
32106: SANDERS, MICHAEL S. - The Yard : Building a Destroyer at the Bath Iron Works
37622: SANDERSON, GEORGE; MCDONALD, FRANK, EDS. CAGE, JOHN, INTRO. - Marshall McLuhan: The Man and His Message
24541: SANDS, GAYLE - Is It Hot in Here or Is It Me?: A Personal Look at the Facts, Fallacies, and Fellings of Menopause
19776: SANG, BARBARA; WARSHOW, JOYCE - Lesbians at Midlife: The Creative Transition
17049: SANKOWSKY, SUZANNE HARRIS - Sociology for High School
39185: SANSONI EDITORE - Metodo e Scienza Operativita Ricerca Nel Restauro
17654: SANTE, L. R. - Manual of Roentgenological Technique
38600: VAN SANTEN, G.W.: NOLTINGK, B.E., INTRO. - Introduction to a Study of Mechanical Vibration
31915: DE SANTILLANA, GIORGIO - The Crime of Galileo
3767: SAP CORPORATION - Remote Communications
31453: SARBACHER, ROBERT I.; EDSON, WILLIAM A. - Hyper and Ultrahigh Frequency Engineering
33189: AL SARRANTONIO - The Fireside Treasury of New Humor
25124: SARRANTONIO - Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction
22937: SARREL, LORNA J.; SARREL, PHILIP, M.D. - Sexual Unfolding: Sexual Development and Sex Therapies in Late Adolescence
38522: SARTRE, JEAN-PAUL - L'Existentialisme Est Une Humanisme
31815: SARTRE, JEAN-PAUL; BASKIN, WADE, ED. - Essays in Existentialism
26942: SAS INSTITUTE - SAS User's Guide: Statistics
7815: SASSE, H. C. - Cassell's Concise German-English English-German Dictionary
20426: SAUL, JOHN - The Presence
20425: SAUL, JOHN - The Unwanted
18166: SAUNDERS, RAY - Management, Ailments & Injuries
18165: SAUNDERS, RAY - Horsekeeping : Ownership, Stabling and Feeding
16357: SAUNDERS, HILARY AIDAN ST. GEORGE; MOUNTBATTEN, LOUIS (FOREWORD) - Combined Operations : The Official Story of the Commandos
15165: SAVAGE, CHARLES M. - Fifth Generation Management : Integrating Enterprises Through Human Networking
37011: SAVAGE, MICHAEL - The Savage Nation: Saving America from the Liberal Assault on Our Borders, Language, and Culture
38572: SAVANT, C.J. JR. - Control System Design
14317: SAWARD, DUDLEY - Bernard Lovell : A biography
11972: SAWYER, HERBERT L. (EDITOR) - Business in the Contemporary World
33078: SAWYER, RUTH - Roller Skates
22254: SAWYER, HERBERT L. - Soviet Perceptions of the Oil Factor in U.S. Foreign Policy: The Middle East-Gulf Region
265: SAYER, JOHN - Schools and External Relations : Managing the New Partnerships
29842: SAYERS, DOROTHY L. - In the Teeth of the Evidence
40481: SAYLES, JOHN - Los Gusanos: A Novel
39502: SCANNELL, JAMES - Grolier Science Activity Series: Earth Science Research Activities
34361: SCARBOROUGH, JAMES B. - Numerical Mathematical Analysis
25491: SCARBOROUGH, JAMES B. - Numerical Mathematical Analysis
39134: SCARBOROUGH, JAMES B. - Numerical Mathematical Analysis.
30895: SCARF, MAGGIE - Unfinished Business: Pressure Points in the Lives of Women
28791: SCARNE, JOHN - Scarne's Guide to Modern Poker
15574: SCARPELLINI, BRUNO - Stability, Instability, and Direct Integrals
39510: SCASTA, DAVID, M.D., ED. - Journal of Gay and Lesbian Psychotherapy
39509: SCASTA, DAVID, M.D., ED. - Journal of Gay and Lesbian Psychotherapy
36207: SCHACHTER, BRUCE J. - Computer Image Generation
7818: SCHACHTER, BRUCE J. (EDITOR) - Computer Image Generation
16257: SCHALLER, MICHAEL - Douglas Macarthur: The Far Eastern General
36426: SCHAMA, SIMON - Landscape and Memory
32333: SCHAMA, SIMON - Landscape and Memory
34895: SCHAUM, JOHN A. - Adult Piano Course
31887: SCHAUM, DANIEL; MOUQUIN, HENRY; WISWESSER, WILLIM J.; POND, FRANCIS J., EDS. - Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems for Students of College Chemistry
37014: SCHECHTER, BRUCE - My Brain Is Open: The Mathematical Journeys of Paul Erdos
7820: SCHEFFER, VICTOR B. - The Year of the Whale
39515: SCHEID, FRANCIS - Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Numerical Analysis
3883: SCHELL, ALLAN C. (EDITOR) - Proceedings of the IEEE, December 1991, Volume 79, No. 12
3882: SCHELL, ALLAN C. (EDITOR) - Proceedings of the IEEE, January 1992, Volume 80, No. 1
3881: SCHELL, ALLAN C. (EDITOR) - Proceedings of the IEEE, March 1992, Volume 80, No. 3
3880: SCHELL, ALLAN C. (EDITOR) - Proceedings of the IEEE, May 1992, Volume 80, No. 5
3879: SCHELL, ALLAN C. (EDITOR) - Proceedings of the IEEE, July 1992, Volume 80, No. 7
3877: SCHELL, ALLAN C. (EDITOR) - Proceedings of the IEEE, June 1992, Volume 80, No. 6
3876: SCHELL, ALLAN C. (EDITOR) - Proceedings of the IEEE, Novermber 1991, Volume 79, No. 11
3875: SCHELL, ALLAN C. (EDITOR) - Proceedings of the IEEE, August 1992, Volume 80, No. 9
3874: SCHELL, ALLAN C. (EDITOR) - Proceedings of the IEEE, April 1992, Volume 80, No. 4
3872: SCHELL, ALLAN C. (EDITOR) - Proceedings of the IEEE, Frebruary 1992, Volume 80, No. 2
3871: SCHELL, ALLAN C. (EDITOR) - Proceedings of the IEEE, October 1991, Volume 79, No. 10
19487: SCHELL, JONATHAN - The Time of Illusion
14864: SCHERER, JACQUES - La Dramaturgie Classique En France
15863: SCHICKEL, RICHARD - The World of Tennis
18507: SCHIEFELBUSCH, RICHARD L. (EDITOR) - Language Competence: Assessment and Intervention
33236: SCHIFF, NANCY RICA; ERVIN, SAM J., INTRO - A Celebration of the Eighties: Portraits
34382: SCHILLEBEECKX, E., O.P. - Celibacy
31150: SCHIMMELMAN, JANICE G. - American Photographic Patents 1840-1880: The Daguerreotype & Wet Plate Era
37175: SCHINTO, JEANNE - Children of Men
27217: SCHIRRIPA, STEVE; FLEMING, CHARLES - The Goomba's Book of Love: How to Love Like a Guy from the Neighborhood
20884: SCHLEGEL, RICHARD - Superposition and Interaction: Coherence in Physics
22963: SCHLEIF, ROBERT F.; WENSINK, PETER C. - Practical Methods in Molecular Biology: With 49 Figures
30447: SCHLESINGER, ARTHUR M., JR. - The Age of Roosevelt: The Crisis of the Old Order, 1919-1933
30446: SCHLESINGER, ARTHUR M., JR. - The Age of Roosevelt: The Crisis of the Old Order
19065: SCHLESINGER, ARHUR M. JR. - The Age of Jackson
14152: SCHMIDT, B. - GPSS Fortran : Wiley Series in Computing (Computing and Information Processing Ser.)
38406: SCHMIDT, RICHARD N.; MEYERS, WILLIAM E. - Introduction to Computer Science and Data Processing
39889: SCHMIDT, PETER R. - Iron Technology in East Africa : Symbolism, Science, and Archaeology
39888: SCHMIDT, PETER R. - Iron Technology in East Africa : Symbolism, Science, and Archaeology
39887: SCHMIDT, PETER R. - Iron Technology in East Africa : Symbolism, Science, and Archaeology
39886: SCHMIDT, PETER R. - Iron Technology in East Africa : Symbolism, Science, and Archaeology
39885: SCHMIDT, PETER R. - Iron Technology in East Africa : Symbolism, Science, and Archaeology
39884: SCHMIDT, PETER R. - Iron Technology in East Africa : Symbolism, Science, and Archaeology
39883: SCHMIDT, PETER R. - Iron Technology in East Africa : Symbolism, Science, and Archaeology
39882: SCHMIDT, PETER R. - Iron Technology in East Africa : Symbolism, Science, and Archaeology
39881: SCHMIDT, PETER R. - Iron Technology in East Africa : Symbolism, Science, and Archaeology
37087: SCHNEID, HAYYIM, ED. - Family
11356: SCHNEIDER, BARRY R. (EDITOR); GRINTER, LAWRENCE E. (EDITOR) - Battlefield of the Future : 21st Century Warfare Issues
35030: SCHNEIDER, THOMAS F., ED. - Erich Maria Remarque: Leben, Werk Un Weltweite Wirkung
32582: SCHNEIDER, ANDREW; MCCUMBER, DAVID - An Air That Kills: How the Asbestos Poisoning of Libby, Montana, Uncovered a National Scandal
21093: SCHNEIDER, HANS (EDITOR) - Recent Advances in Matrix Theory : Proceedings of an Advanced Seminar Conducted by the Mathematics Research Center, United States Army, at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, October 14-16, 1963
14325: SCHNEIDERMAN, EMET D. - Facial Growth in the Rhesus Monkey : A Longitudinal Cephalometric Study
36292: SCHNEIER, BRUCE - Secrets and Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World
18334: SCHNORE, LEO F. - The New Urban History : Quantitative Explorations by American Historians
22350: SCHOENBERG, I.J. - Mathematical Time Exposures
15247: SCHOENBRUN, DAVID - On and Off the Air: An Informal History of CBS News
33852: SCHOFIELD, SUE - The PC Plus Modem and Communications Guidebook
37348: SCHONFIELD, HUGH - Those Incredible Christians
39797: SCHONFIELD, HUGH J. - A History of Biblical Literature
38421: SCHORSCH, ANITA, ED. - The Art of the Weaver TROUBLE ISBN NUMBER
12652: SCHOTTLAND, CHARLES I. (EDITOR) - The Welfare State
37846: SCHOUTEN, J. A.; VAN DER KULK, W. - Pfaff's Problem and Its Generalizations
24960: SCHREIBER, CAROL T. - Changing Places : Men and Women in Transitional Occupations
35031: SCHREINER, MARGIT - Haus, Frauen, Sex.
37020: SCHRIRE, CARMEL - Digging Through Darkness: Chronicles of an Archaeologist
37272: SCHUG, JOHN - A Padre Pio Profile
28171: SCHUG, JOHN C. - Introductory Quantum Chemistry
35399: SCHULTZ, H. - Theory and Measurement of Demand
37077: SCHULTZE, CHARLES ; FRIED, EDWARD R.; RIVLIN, ALICE M.; TEETER, NANCY H. - Setting National Priorities: The 1973 Budget
36991: SCHULZ, WILLIAM F.; ROBINSON, MARY, FOREWORD - In Our Own Best Interests: How Defending Human Rights Benefits Us All
21761: SCHUMANN, W.; ZURCHER, J. P.; CUCHE, D. - Holography and Deformation Analysis
8549: SCHUMANN, C. H. JR. - Descriptive Geometry : A Treatise on the Graphics of Space For the Scientific Professions
39069: SCHURR, SAM H.; MARSCHAK, JACOB - Economic Aspects of Atomic Power: An Exploratory Study
38465: SCHUSSEL, GEORGE; SUNG, NING - Downsizing Now: Business Re-Engineering with Information Technology
5270: SCHUSTER, DANIEL J. - Rude Computers, Angry People : Learning to Live with Computers
21685: SCHUTTE, K.; MULLER, G. H.; DILLER, JUSTUS - ISILC Proof Theory Symposion: Dedicated to Kurt Schutte on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday Proceedings of the International Summer Institute and Logic Colloquium, Kiel, 1974
33970: SCHWAB-FELISCH, HANS - Gerhart Hauptman Die Weber
20429: SCHWAB, RICK - Stuck on the Cubs
32077: SCHWAGER, TINA; SCHUERGER, MICHELE - Gutsy Girls: Young Women Who Dare
35312: SCHWARTZ, MISCHA;SHAW, LEONARD - Signal Processing: Discrete Spectral Analysis, Detection, and Estimation
32636: SCHWARTZ, STEVE - Microsoft Entourage 2004 For Mac Os X: Visual Quickstart Guide
29847: SCHWARTZ, MISCHA - Information Transmission, Modulation, and Noise: A Unified Approach to Communication Systems
28032: SCHWARTZ, ABRAHAM - Calculus and Analytic Geometry
23821: SCHWARTZ, ELKANAH - American Life: Shtetl Style, Stories and Sketches
7824: SCHWARTZ, ALVIN - Scary Stories 3: More Tales to Chill Your Bones
7058: SCHWARTZ, HARRY - The Soviet Economy Since Stalin
5149: SCHWARTZ, HOWARD - Rooms of the Soul : A Novel Told in Hasidic Tales
4417: SCHWARTZ, EVAN I. - Digital Darwinism
40532: SCHWARTZ, JOSEPH - Einstein for Beginners
40418: SCHWARTZ, REGINA M. - The Curse of Cain: The Violent Legacy of Monotheism
5769: SCHWARTZMAN, SYLVAN D. - Reform Judaism in the Making
1993: SCHWARZ, GEORG THEODOR - Archaologische Feldmethode
9798: SCHWARZ, KESSEL - The Meaning of Existence in Contemporary Hispanic Literature
22248: SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN - Scientific American's Ask the Experts: Answers to the Most Puzzling and Mind-Blowing Science Questions
7827: SCIENTIFIC - Cosmology + 1: Readings from Scientific American
39342: SCIPIO, L. ALBERT - NASA SP-5039: Structural Design Concept: Some NASA Contributions
40488: SCITOVSKY, TIBOR - Economic Theory and Western European Integration
18271: SCOFIELD, SANDRA - Occasions of Sin: A Memoir
25018: SCOFIELD, BRUCE - Fodor's Short Escapes Near Boston
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