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002047: ABRAHAM, ASHLEY P. - Rock-climbing in Skye.
001799: ABRAHAM, GEORGE D [ THE KESWICK BROTHERS ] - Swiss Mountain Climbs and British Mountain Climbs 2 Vols
001459: ABRAHAM, GEORGE - British Mountain Climbs
002134: ACCUM, FREDRICK. - A Practical Treatise on Gas-Light; Exhibiting a Summary Description of the Apparatus and Machinery best calculated for Illuminating Streets, Houses and Manufactories, with Carburetted Hydrogen, or Coal-gas.
002004: ADAMS, GEORGE - A Treatise Describing the Construction, and Explaining the Use of New Celestial and Terrestrial Globes.
002053: ALLESTREE, RICHARD - Officium Hominis.
002019: LORD CONWAY OF ALLINGTON - Episodes in a Varied Life
001725: ANDERSON, SIR CHARLES. - An Eight Weeks' Journal in Norway etc in 1852, with Rough Outlines.
002071: ANON. - Jeu de l'Oie.
002058: ANON - Carte des Environs de Paris contenant le département de la Seine & celui de Seine et Oise 1812.
002178: ANON. - The Funny Story Book. New Series with many funny coloured engravings.
002260: ANON - An Universal History from the Earliest Account of Time... Vol VIII
002012: ANON - Legends of Westmorland & the Lake District
001401: ANON - Authentic Narratives of Most Calamitous Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea
001386: ANON - The History of Lady Godiva & Peeping Tom of Coventry .
001959: ANSTED, DAVID T, F.R.S. - Geology Introductory, Descriptive and Practical.
002249: ARMSTRONG, MAJOR C. L. - History of the Prince of Wales's Own West Yorkshire Regiment, 11th (Service) Division.
002082: ASHTON, JOHN. - Modern Street Ballads.
002081: ASHTON, JOHN. - Chap - Books of the Eighteenth Century.
002094: ATKINSON, J PRIESTMAN. - A Week at the Lakes the adventure of Mr Dobbs and his friend Mr Potts and what came of it.
002087: ATKINSON, THOMAS WITHAM. - Oriental and Western Siberia.
001564: AULDJO, JOHN - Narrative of an Ascent to the Summit of Mont Blanc
001757: AZEMA, M A - The Conquest of Fitzroy
002063: BAKER, E A. - The British Highlands with Rope and Rucksack.
001884: BAKER, G P - Mountaineering Memories of the Past
002049: BALL, JOHN (ED). - Peaks, Passes and Glaciers a Series of Excursions by Members of the Alpine Club.
001952: BALL, JOHN F.R.S. & COOLIDGE, W.A.B. - The Alpine Guide the Western Alps
001114: BALL, JOHN, COOLIDGE, W A B, VALENTINE-RICHARDS, A V, BROKE, G. - The Alpine Guide. The Western Alps and the Central Alps Parts I & II, 3 Volumes.
002171: BARBER, SAMUEL - Beneath Helvellyn's Shade notes and sketches in the valley of Wythburn.
001812: BARROW, JOHN F.R.S. - Mountain Ascents in Westmoreland and Cumberland
001980: BARTHOLOMEW, J G & HERBERSON, A J. ED: BUCHAN, A (FRS) - Atlas of Meteorology a Series of Over 400 Maps
001873: BATES, ROBERT (& OTHERS) - Five Miles High [ K2 ]
002114: BATES, ROBERT ET AL - Five Miles High [ K2 ]
002105: BAUME, LOUIS. - Sivalaya the 8000m peaks of the Himalaya a chronicle & bibliography of exploration.
001969: OFFICE OF THE BAZAAR, EXCHANGE & MART - The Tourist's [ Cycling ] Route Map of England & Wales for all Cyclists and Roadmen with the Routes of 30 Tours marked in red.
002169: BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION BBC - Broadcasts to Schools Vol IV (Autumn 1928)
001963: DE BEER, G. - Early Travellers in the Alps.
002022: BELL, J MUNRO - Chippendale, Sheraton & Hepplewhite Furniture Designs Reproduced & Arranged By J Munro Bell
001229: BELL, J H B - A Progress in Mountaineering
002223: BELLOC, HILAIRE. - The Pyrenees.
002229: BENSON, E F (& WILLIAMS, C FLEMING; MRS AUBREY LE BLOND). - Winter Sports in Switzerland.
001533: BENSON, CLAUDE E. - British Mountaineering.
001888: BERLEPSCH, H. - The Alps or Sketches of Life & Nature in the Mountains.
002270: BILL, A F ET AL, HUGGARD, W R (INTRODUCTION) - Davos as Health Resort a Handbook
001889: BLACKBURN, HENRY. - The Pyrenees a description of Summer Life at French Watering Places.
001495: BODDY, ALEXANDER FRGS - With Russian Pilgrims Being an Account of a Sojourn in the White Sea Monastery & a Journey By the Old Trade Route from the Arctic Sea to Moscow
001660: BONATTI, WALTER - The Great Days
001885: BONATTI, WALTER. - On the Heights.
002248: BONINGTON, CHRIS. - Everest South West Face.
002133: BONNEY, T G. - The Alpine Regions of Switzerland & the Neighbouring Countries; a Pedestrian's Notes on their Physical Features, Scenery, & Natural History.
001378: BONNEY, T G - The Building of the Alps
001435: BONVALOT, GABRIEL. - Through the Heart of Asia over the Pamir to India.
002129: BOON, J M. - Down to a Sunless Sea.
001619: BOURNE, JOHN - A Treatise on the Steam Engine in its application to Mines, Mills, Steam Navigation and Railways by the Artizan Club
002209: BOUSSINGAULT, J. B. LAW, GEORGE (TRANS). - Rural Economy in its relations with Chemistry, Physics and Meteorology.
001629: BOWMAN, F H - The Structure of the Wool Fibre, in its Relation to the Use of Wool for Technical Purposes
002264: BOWMAN, W E. - The Ascent of Rum Doodle.
001956: BOYLE, ROBERT F.R.S. - Tracts containing I. Suspicions about some Hidden Qualities of the Air with an Appendix touching Celestial Magnets . II. Animadversions upon Mr. Hobbes's Problemata de vacuo. III. A Discourse of the Cause of Attraction by Suction.
002251: BRABAZON, ELIZABETH JANE. - Russia and her Czars.
001588: BROCKBANK, E M & DALTON, JOHN - John Dalton some unpublished Letters of Personal and Scientific Interest with additional information about his Colour Vision & Atomic Theories
001863: DALZIEL BROTHERS. - A Round of Days. Described in original poems by some of our most celebrated poets, and in pictures by eminent artists, engraved by the brothers Dalziel.
001771: BROWN, T.GRAHAM & DE BEER, SIR GAVIN - The First Ascent of Mont Blanc
001451: BROWN, T.GRAHAM & DE BEER, GAVIN - The First Ascent of Mont Blanc
001250: BROWN, JOE - The Hard Years
001249: BROWN, T GRAHAM - Brenva [ Mont Blanc ]
001694: BROWNE, REV G F - Ice Caves of France & Switzerland a Narrative of Subterranean Exploration
002100: BROWNRIGG, WILLIAM M.D., F.R.S. - The Art of making Common Salt as now practised in most parts of the world.
002131: BRUCE, BRIG. GEN. HON. C. G. - Himalayan Wanderer.
002193: BRUCE, C G MAJOR THE HON. - Twenty Years in the Himalaya.
001162: BRUNNING, CARL K - The British Mountaineering Journal Vol 1 No 1 June 1932
001672: BRYCE, JAMES - Transcaucasia and Ararat with a Supplementary Chapter on the Armenian Question
002066: BUCKLAND, REV WILLIAM. - Geology and Mineralogy Considered with Reference to Natural Theology.
002149: BUHL, HERMANN. - Nanga Parbat Pilgrimage.
001298: BURLINGHAM, FREDERICK - How to Become an Alpinist
002117: HOWARD-BURY, BRUCE, NORTON, MALLORY, SOMERVELL & OTHERS - The Everest Trilogy - 3 vols, Mount Everest the Reconnaissance 1921; The Assault on Mount Everest 1922 and The Fight for Everest 1924.
001613: BUSK, MISS R H - The Valleys of Tirol their Traditions & Customs & how to visit them.
001939: BYRNE, WILLIAM (ENGRAVER) - Brittania Depicta; a Series of Views (with brief descriptions) . Part V Containing Twenty-Eight Views in Cumberland.
002143: LOUIS RAMOND DE CARBONNIERES, GOLD, F (TRANSLATOR). - Travels in the Pyrenees containing a description of the Principal Summits, Passes and Vallies.
001138: CARR, HERBERT & LISTER, GEORGE - The Mountains of Snowdonia in History, the Sciences, Literature and Sport
001473: CARR, H - A Climbers' Guide to Snowdon
002035: CASSIN, RICCARDO. - 50 Years of Alpinism (Signed).
002158: CATLOW, AGNES & MARIA. - Sketching Rambles or Nature in the Alps & Apennines.
001206: CAVIEZEL, M - Tourist's Guide to the Upper Engadine
002023: CESCINSKY, HERBERT - The Gentle Art of Faking Furniture
002212: CHARLESWORTH, REV E. G. - Chronicles of the Coniston Family.
001931: CLARK, RONALD W. - An Eccentric in the Alps the story of the Rev WAB Coolidge the great Victorian Mountaineer.
001900: CLARK, R - A Picture History of Mountaineering.
002139: INNERLEITHEN ALPINE CLUB. - Principal Excursions of the Innerleithen Alpine Club during the Years 1889-94, with a memoir of the late Mr Robert Mathison, first President of the Club.
001293: CLIMBERS' CLUB - Climbers's Club Bulletin No 1 June 1911 to No 7 May 1913
001555: THE YORKSHIRE RAMBLERS' CLUB - The Yorkshire Ramblers' Club Journal Vols I - VI, Nos 1-22, 1899 -1936
001764: THE CAIRNGORM CLUB - The Cairngorm Club Journal - with the coloured Panoramas
001755: THE CLIMBERS' CLUB - The Climbers' Club Journal
001841: COCKER, MICHAEL - Wasdale Climbing Book. A history of early rock climbing in the Lake District based on contemporary accounts from the Wastwater Hotel 1863-1919.
001829: COLLIE, J NORMAN F.R.S. - Climbing on the Himalaya and other Mountain Ranges.
001840: COLLIE, J NORMAN AND STUTFIELD, HUGH - Climbs and Exploration in the Canadian Rockies
002187: CUMBERLAND EDUCATION COMMITTEE. - Cumberland Education Committee Minutes of Committee and sub-committees, Volume 3, 1905-6.
002090: CONWAY, SIR MARTIN. - Climbing and Exploration in the Karakoram Himalayas.
001147: CONWAY, SIR MARTIN - The Bolivian Andes a Record of Climbing & Exploration in the Cordillera Real in the Years 1898 and 1900
002152: CONWAY, SIR WILLIAM MARTIN. - The First Crossing of Spitsbergen.
002027: COOK, THOS - Programme of Select Conducted Tours to Switzerland Season 1909
002254: COOLIDGE, W A B. - Les Cols de Glaciers des Alpes Dauphinoises dans l'Histoire.
001013: COOLIDGE, W A B. - Swiss Travel and Swiss Guide Books.
001307: COOLIDGE, W A B (SIGNED BY ASHLEY ABRAHAM ). - Alpine Studies (Signed By Ashley Abraham ).
002217: A HEATON COOPER & W T PALMER. - The English Lakes painted by A Heaton Cooper.
002216: W HEATON COOPER. - Lakeland Portraits.
001668: CORNISH, J & T - Cornish's Strangers Guide Through Manchester & Salford
001929: COXE, WILLIAM. - Sketches of the Natural, Civil, and Political State of Swisserland in a Series of Letters to William Melmoth Esq.
002079: CRANE, WALTER. - The Sleeping Beauty and Blue Beard.
002253: CROPPER, JAMES. - Notes and Memories being selections from a book of notes together with recollections of men, and their sayings.
001647: CROSS, C F & BEVAN, E J - A Text-book on Paper Making
002122: CUMMING, DAVID. - Handbook of Lithography a practical treatise.
002271: CUMMING, CONSTANCE GORDON. - Granite Crags of California ( Yosemite ).
001609: CUNNINGHAM, C D & ABNEY, SIR W - The Pioneers of the Alps
001415: FOURIER (PUB GASTON DARBOUX - Oeuvres de Fourier publiées par les soins de M. Gaston Darboux, sous les auspices du Ministere de l'Instruction Publique Tome Second
002155: DAVY, SIR HUMPHREY F.R.S. - Elements of Chemical Philosophy Part I. Vol I. (All published)
001993: DENT, CLINTON - Above the Snow Line Mountaineering Sketches between 1870 and 1880
001942: DESIO, PROF ARDITO - Ascent of K2 Second Highest Peak in the World
001216: DESMAISON, RENÉ; - Total Alpinism
001038: DIXON, WILLIAM HEPWORTH - The Switzers
001416: DOWDING, G V. - Book of Practical Television.
001304: DOWSING, WILLIAM - Rambles in Switzerland with Reminiscences of the Great St Bernard, Mont Blanc and the Bernese Alps
001953: VIOLLET-LE-DUC, E - Mont Blanc a treatise on its geodesical and geological Constitution, Its Transformations & the Ancient & Recent State of its Glaciers
001646: DURHAM, W E - Summer Holidays in the Alps 1898 - 1914
001810: DYHRENFURTH, G O - To the Third Pole the History of the High Himalaya
001310: EASTON, JOHN - An Unfrequented Highway through Sikkim and Tibet to Chumolaori Inscribed by the Author
001267: EBEL, LEIGH, KELLER - Atlas to Ebel's Traveller's Guide Though Switzerland
001573: EGGLER, ALBERT - The Everest Lhotse Adventure
001188: EISELIN, MAX - The Ascent of Dhaulagiri
001960: EMERY, M S; UNDERWOOD & UNDERWOOD - Switzerland through the Stereoscope.
002093: ESCARRA, JEAN; SÉGOGNE, HENRY DE; ALLAIN, PIERRE ET AL. - Himalayan Assault the French Himalayan Expedition 1936.
002180: FAIRHOLME, GEORGE. - New and Conclusive Physical Demonstrations both of the Fact and Period of the Mosaic Deluge...
001890: FARRER, REGINALD - Among the Hills
001106: FATIO, GUILLAUME - Ouvrons les yeux! Voyage esthétique travers la Suisse.
002210: FERGUSON, CALUM. - St Kildan Heritage.
002018: FERGUSON, R S - A History of Westmorland
001852: FERLET, R AND POULET, GUY - Aconcagua South Face
002246: HEINRICH VON FICKER AND DR OTTO AMPFERER. - Aus Innsbrucks Bergwelt.
001941: MARQUIS DE LANGLE [ FLEURIOT, JEAN-MARIE ] - Tableau Pittoresque de la Suisse
002198: FORBES, JOHN M.D., F.R.S. - The Physician's Holiday or a Month in Switzerland in the Summer of 1848.
001818: FORBES, JAMES D (FRS) & COOLIDGE, W A B. - Travels through the Alps.
002227: FORBES, JAMES D. - Travels through the Alps of Savoy and other parts of the Pennine Chain with Observations on the Phenomena of Glaciers.
002014: FORD, REV WILLIAM - A Description of Scenery in the Lake District Intended as a Guide to Strangers.
002191: [ FOWNES, GEORGE ], BENCE JONES H AND HOFMANN A W. - A Manual of Elementary Chemistry, theoretical and Practical.
001754: FRANCO, JEAN - Makalu 8470 m the Highest Peak yet conquered by an Entire Team
002240: FELL AND ROCK CLIMBING CLUB FRCC. - Doe Crag; Pillar Rock; Scawfell Group; Great Gable & Borrowdale; Great Langdale & Buttermere.
001377: FRESHFIELD, DOUGLAS W - Below the Snow Line
001864: FRESHFIELD, DOUGLAS. - The Exploration of the Caucasus with illustrations by Vittorio Sella.
001845: FRESHFIELD, DOUGLAS - Round Kangchenjunga.
001833: FRESHFIELD, DOUGLAS W - Italian Alps Sketches in the Mountains of Ticino, Lombardy, the Trentino, and Venetia
001643: GATTY, MRS ALFRED - Parables from Nature
002007: GEORGE, H B & EDWARDS, E. - The Oberland and its Glaciers Explored and Illustrated with Ice-axe and Camera with 28 [mounted] photographs by Ernest Edwards.
001850: GERVASUTTI, GIUSTO - Gervasutti's Climbs.
001628: GIBSON, CHARLES R - Wireless Telegraphy & Telephony Without Wires
002021: GILBERT, CHRISTOPHER. - The Life and Works of Thomas Chippendale.
002160: GILBERT, JOSIAH & CHURCHILL, G C (F.G.S.) - The Dolomite Mountains excursions through Tyrol, Carinthia, Carniola & Friuli in 1861, 1862 & 1863.
001737: GIRDLESTONE, REV A G. - The High Alps without Guides a Narrative of Adventures in Switzerland.
001680: JUSTITIA [ GLADSTONE ] - A Voice From the North or a Humorous Account of an Interview between John Bull and the Rt Hon. W. E. Gladstone on the Repeal of the Malt Tax, & Its Effects on Farms, Brewers & Licensed Victuallers
001569: HUMPHREYS & GLASGOW - Carburetted Water Gas and Carbon Monoxide
001625: GOODMAN, E J - New Ground in Norway Ringerike - Telemarken - Saetersdalen
001475: GOS, F - Zermatt and its Valley
001849: GOS, CHARLES - Alpine Tragedy
001881: GRAY, DENNIS - Rope Boy
001763: GREENWOOD, WILLIAM H - A Manual of Metallurgy
001554: GRIBBLE, FRANCIS - The Early Mountaineers
001040: BAILLIE GROHMAN, W A - Tyrol and the Tyrolese the people and the land in their social, sporting and mountaineering Aspects
001503: GYGER, W J - Guide to Climbs in the Upper Engadine
001599: HALLIWELL, J O (FRS) & WRIGHT, THOMAS - A Collection of Letters Illustrative of the Progress of Science in England from the Reign of Queen Elizabeth to that of Charles the Second with Popular Treatises on Science written during the Middle Ages, in Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman & English
002128: HARDING, WARREN 'BATSO'. - Downward Bound : Mad Guide to Rock Climbing.
001079: HARVARD, A AND THOMPSON, T - Mountain of Storms the American Expeditions to Dhaulagiri 1969 and 1973
001901: HECKMAIR, A - My Life as a Mountaineer.
001300: HEIM, A & GANSSER, A - The Throne of the Gods an Account of the First Swiss Expedition to the Himalayas
001731: HODY, HUMPHREY - De Bibliorum Textibus Originalibus, Versionibus Graecis , & Latina Vulgata
002255: HOLLAND, PETER. - Select Views of the Lakes in Cumberland, Westmoreland & Lancashire from Drawings made by P. Holland, engraved by C. Rosenberg.
002109: VISSER-HOOFT, JENNY AND VISSER, PH. C. - Among the Kara-Koram Glaciers in 1925.
001859: HOOKER, JOSEPH DALTON & BALL, JOHN. - Journal of a Tour in Marocco [ Morocco ] and the Great Atlas.
001972: HOOKHAM, THOMAS JUN. - A walk through Switzerland in September 1816.
002190: HOOPER, EGBERT G. - Manual of Brewing Scientific and Technical.
001982: HORROCKS, JEREMIAH - HORROX - WHATTON, REV A B - The Transit of Venus Across the Sun: a Translation of the Celebrated Discourse Thereupon by Jeremiah Horrox, to which is Prefixed a Memoir of his Life and Labours by the Rev A B Whatton
001277: HUBANK, ROGER - Hazard's Way
001073: HUBANK, ROGER - North Wall
002179: HUDSON, REV CHARLES AND KENNEDY, EDWARD SHIRLEY. - Where there's a Will there's a Way : an Ascent of Mont Blanc by a New Route and without Guides.
001936: HUGO, VICTOR - The Alps and Pyrenees
001133: HUMBLE, B H - Tramping in Skye
001444: HUMPHREYS, HENRY NOEL - The Coins of England a Sketch of the Progress of the English Coinage from the Earliest Period to the Present Time
002265: HUTCHINSON, WILLIAM. - The History of the County of Cumberland.
002070: HUTCHINSON, W. - An Excursion to the Lakes in Westmoreland and Cumberland; with a Tour through part of the Northern Counties.
002099: IMISON, JOHN & WEBSTER, THOMAS. - Elements of Science and Art being a familiar introduction to Natural Philosophy and Chemistry.
001369: INGLIS, H D - Switzerland, the South of France and the Pyrenees
001648: JACOBI, C T - Printing. A practical treatise on the art of typography as applied more particularly to the printing of books.
001893: JACOTTET, J - Coloured Litho Prints - Ascent of the Rigi
001836: JAMES, EDITH E COULSON - Bologna its History Antiquities and Art
002037: JAVELLE, EMILE - Alpine Memories
001933: JEFFERS, LE ROY F.R.G.S. - Tha Call of the Mountains Rambles Among the Mountains and Canyons of the United States and Canada
002098: MISS JEMIMA. - Miss Jemima's Swiss Journal the First Conducted Tour of Switzerland.
002001: JERROLD, BLANCHARD [ CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE ] - The Life of George Cruikshank in two Episodes
001325: JOHNSON, CUTHBERT WILLIAM - On Fertilizers [ On Fertilisers ]
002123: JONES, THOMAS RYMER F.Z.S. - A General Outline of the Animal Kingdom and Manual of Comparative Anatomy.
001534: JONES, REV HARRY - The Regular Swiss Round in Three Trips
002220: JONES, TREVOR & MILBURN, GEOFF. - Cumbrian Rock 100 Years of Climbing in the Lake District.
001854: JONES, OWEN GLYNNE. - Rock Climbing in the English Lake District.
001630: KANT, IMMANUEL ED AND HASTIE, W [ WRIGHT, THOMAS ] - Kant's Cosmogony as in his essay on the retardation of the rotation of the earth and his Natural history and theory of the heavens. With introduction, appendices, and a portrait of Thomas Wright of Durham
001747: KING, REV S W (FRGS). - The Italian Valleys of the Pennine Alps.
001176: KLUCKER, CHRISTIAN - Adventures of an Alpine Guide
001964: KNECHT, E AND FOTHERGILL, J - The Principles and Practice of Textile Printing
001897: KUMAR, COL N - Kanchenjunga
001934: LARDEN, WALTER - Guide to walks & climbs around Arolla.
001894: LARDEN, WALTER - Recollections of an Old Mountaineer
001072: LARDEN, WALTER. - Inscriptions from Swiss Chalets.
002214: LATROBE, CHARLES JOSEPH. - The Alpenstock or Sketches of Swiss Scenery and Manners.
002121: LAVOISIER, ANTOINE-LAURENT. - Elements of Chemistry in a new sytematic order containing all the modern discoveries.
002110: LAWDER, K M (ED). - Climbing Guide to Dartmoor and south west Devon.
002026: LAWSON, WILLIAM; HUNTER, C & OTHERS - Ten Years of Gentleman Farming at Blennerhasset with co-operative Objects
001736: LEIGH, SAMUEL - Leigh's Guide to the Lakes and Mountains of Cumberland, Westmorland & Lancashire
001924: LEPINEY, J DE; CHARLET, AR; DAVIES, L; GERMAIN, F; PERRET, R - Guide Vallot Les Aiguilles Rouges de Chamonix
001895: LEPINEY, JACQUES & TOM - Climbs on Mont Blanc.
001047: LEWIS, C A ORGANISER OF PROGRAMMES BBC - Broadcasting from Within BBC
002135: LEWIS, WILLIAM F.R.S. - An Experimental History of the Materia Medica, or of the Natural and Artificial Substances made use of in Medicine: containing a compendious view of their Natural History, an account of their Pharmaceutic Properties, and an Estimate of their Medicinal Powers.
002181: LEWIS, H C AND CROSSKEY, H W. - Papers and Notes on the Glacial Geology of Great Britain and Ireland.
002137: LEWIS, WILLIAM F.R.S. - Commercium Philosophico-Technicum; or, The Philosophical Commerce of Arts: designed as an attempt to improve Arts, Trades and Manufactures
002177: M. L'ABBÉ DE LILLE. - Les Jardins ou l'Art d'Embellir les Paysages Poeme par M. L'Abbé de Lille de l'Academie Francoise.
002097: LINTON, E LYNN. - The Lake Country.
001665: SIR OLIVER LODGE, APPLETON, ECKERSLEY, FLEMING ET AL - Harmsworth's Wireless Encyclopedia written for Amateurs and Experimenters by Experts in all branches of Wireless Science, Containing Upwards of 5000 Illustrations
001882: LONGSTAFF, TOM. - This my Voyage.
002140: LOVETT, WILLIAM. - Elementary Anatomy & Physiology for Schools & Private Instruction, with Lessons on Diet, Intoxicating Drinks, Tobacco & Disease.
001278: LOWE, JEFF - The Ice Experience
002068: LOWER, MARK ANTONY. - The Curiosities of Heraldry, with Illustrations from Old English Writers.
001896: LUKAN, K - The Alps and Alpinism.
002238: LUNN, SIR ARNOLD. - A History of Ski - ing ( skiing ).
001097: LUNN, SIR ARNOLD - A Century of Mountaineering 1857-1957. Centenary Tribute to the Alpine Club.
001399: ANON [ FRANKLIN ]; CAPT MACKEY - Arctic Travels or an Account of Several Land Expeditions to Determine the Geography of the Northern Part of the American Continent
002182: MACKIE, S J. - The Geologist a Popular Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Geology.
001115: MAGNONE, GUIDO - The West Face
001935: MALLESON, COLONEL G B - Captain Musafir's Rambles in Alpine Lands
001186: MARAINI, FOSCO - Where Four Worlds Meet Hindu Kush 1959
002184: MARAINI, FOSCO. - Karakoram the Ascent of Gasherbrum IV.
002258: MATHEWS, CHARLES EDWARD. - The Annals of Mont Blanc - a Monograph.
002125: MAUNDER, E W. F.R.A.S. - The Royal Observatory Greenwich.
002062: MAY, FLORENCE. - The Girlhood of Clara Schumann (Clara Wieck and her time). Fine binding by L. Hay-Cooper.
001074: MEADE, CHARLES - High Mountains
001029: MESSNER, REINHOLD - The Seventh Grade Most Extreme Climbing
001951: MICHELET, JULES - The Mountain
002252: MILLS, JOHN. - The Sportsman's Library.
001981: MONZINO, GUIDO - Italia in Patagonia Spedizione Italiana alle Ande Patagoniche 1957-1958
001559: MOORE, A W & KENNEDY, ALEX (ED) - The Alps in 1864 a private Journal
001730: MORFIT, CAMPBELL M.D., F.C.S. - A Practical Treatise on the Manufacture of Soaps
001685: MOSELEY, SYDNEY & CHAPPLE, BARTON [ BAIRD, JOHN L ] - Television Today & Tomorrow with a Foreword By John L Baird
001801: MUMM, A L - The Alpine Club Register 1857 - 1863
002204: MURRAY, JOHN. - A System of Chemistry.
002002: MURRAY, JOHN. - A Hand-book for Travellers in Switzerland and the Alps of Savoy & Piedmont including the Protestant Valleys of the Waldenses.
001455: MUSPRATT, DR SHERIDAN - Chemistry Theoretical, Practical & Analytical as Applied & Relating to the Arts & Manufactures
002025: MYER, REGINALD - Chats on Old English Tobacco Jars
001985: NORMAN NERUDA, MAY - The Climbs of Norman Neruda
001326: NESBIT, J C - On Agricultural Chemistry and the Nature & Properties of Peruvian Guano
002196: NICHOLSON, WILLIAM. - An Introduction to Natural Philosophy illustrated with Copper Plates.
002146: [ NICOL, JAMES ]. - Iceland, Greenland & the Faroe Islands.
002168: NOEL, CAPTAIN J B L. - Through Tibet to Everest.
002245: CAPT NOEL AND DR SOMERVELL. - A Series of 20 Mount Everest Player's Navy Cut Cigarette cards.
002104: NOYCE, WILFRID. - To the Unknown Mountain [the ascent of Trivor 25,370 ft].
001856: NOYCE, WILFRED - The Gods are Angry
001243: ODDFELLOWS - Laws & Regulations of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Loyal Miners Refuge Lodge No 1117 of the Manchester Unity, 10 Dec 1836
001448: OPPENHEIM, E C (& MCCORMICK, A D) - New Climbs in Norway an Account of Some Ascents in the Sondmore District
001688: OSWALD, JOHN CLYDE - A History of Printing its Development through Five Hundred Years
002222: OWEN, SIR RICHARD F.R.S. - Palaeontology or a Systematic Summary of Extinct Animals and their Geological Relations.
002221: OWEN, SIR RICHARD F.R.S [ HUNTER, JOHN F.R.S. ] - Essays and Observations on Natural History, Anatomy, Physiology, Psychology and Geology by John Hunter F.R.S. being his posthumous papers...
001990: PALGRAVE, FRANCIS TURNER. - Gems of English Art of this Century Twenty-four Pictures from National Collections Printed in Colours by Leighton Brothers
001798: PALLISER, MRS BURY - Brittany and its Byways
002272: PALMER, HOWARD - Mountaineering and Exploration in the Selkirks A Record of Pioneer Work among the Canadian Alps 1908-1912
001670: PARIS, T CLIFTON - Letters from the Pyrenees during three months' Pedestrian Wanderings Amongst the Wildest Scenes of the French and Spanish Mountains in the Summer of 1842
001978: PARKER, CHARLES A - The Story of Shelagh, Olaf Cuaran's Daughter a Saga of the Northmen in Cumberland in the Tenth Century
001365: PARKER, CHARLES A. - The Ancient Crosses at Gosforth, Cumberland.
001908: PARKES, SAMUEL - The Rudiments of Chemistry illustrated by Experiments and Copper-Plate Engravings of Chemical Apparatus
001368: PARKINGTON, JOHN A - To the Alps and back : memories, adventures and impressions of two tours in Switzerland
001589: PARTINGTON, J R - A History of Greek Fire and Gunpowder
001468: PARVILLE, HENRI DE - L'électricité et ses Applications. Exposition de Paris [1881]
002230: PAUSE, WALTER AND WINKLER, JURGEN. - Extreme Alpine Rock the 100 Greatest Alpine Rock Climbs.
002173: PEARSON, ALEXANDER. - The Doings of a Country Solicitor ... in Kirkby Lonsdale.
002225: PEMBERTON, HENRY F.R.S. - A View of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy.
001338: PEPPER, J H - Pneumatics Embracing the Air Pump and the Diving bell [ and Acoustics ]
002124: PEPPER, J H - Cyclopaedic Science Simplified.
002261: PERRAULT. - Les Contes de Perrault precedes d'une préface par J T de Saint-Germain.
002154: PHIZACKLEA, AL & COCKER, MIKE. - 'Nowt but a Fleein' Thing': A History of Climbing on Scafell.
002130: PILLEY, DOROTHY (MRS I A RICHARDS). - Climbing Days.
002067: PLUCHE, ABBÉ TRANS J B DE FREVAL - The History of the Heavens.
002089: PRICHARD, H HESKETH F.R.G.S. - Through the Heart of Patagonia.
001207: PRITCHARD, H BADEN - Tramps in the Tyrol
002228: PRITCHETT, ROBERT TAYLOR. - Gamle Norge Rambles and Scrambles in Norway.
002118: PROUT, WILLIAM F.R.S. - Chemistry, Meteorology and the Function of Digestion considered with reference to Natural Theology.
001883: PYE, SIR DAVID [ & ERIC BYNE ] - George Leigh Mallory a Memoir
001135: QUINCY, JOHN M. D. - Pharmacopoeia Officinalis & Extemporanea or A Compleat English Dispensatory in Four Parts.
002262: RATTI, ABATE ACHILLE [POPE PIUS XI]. - Climbs on Alpine Peaks.
002017: RAWNSLEY, W F { ARMITT } - Rydal by the Late Miss Armitt
002088: REBUFFAT, GASTON - Starlight and Storm the Ascent of Six Great North Faces of the Alps
001317: SWISS FOUNDATION FOR ALPINE RESEARCH - The Mountain World. Ten Volumes. 10 Vols.
001196: REY, GUIDO - Peaks and Precipices Scrambles in the Dolomites and Savoy
001994: RHIND, W G - The Six Days of Creation a Series of Familiar Letters from a father to his children describing the Natural History of each Day's Mercies
001767: RHODES, DANIEL P - A Pleasure Book of Grindelwald
002050: RICHARDSON, C J. - The Englishman's House.
002219: RICHELIEU, ARMAND JEAN DU PLESSIS, DUC DE, 1585-1642. - Letters of the Cardinal-Duke de Richelieu Great Minister of State to Lewis XIII of France.
002226: RICKMERS, W RICKMER. - Ski-ing for Beginners and Mountaineers.
002041: RIVARD, M. - Traite de la Sphere.
002263: ROBERTS, DENNIS. - I'll Climb Mount Everest Alone the Story of Maurice Wilson.
002243: ROBINSON, THO. RECTOR OF OUSBY, CUMBERLAND. - An Essay towards a Natural History of Westmorland and Cumberland. Wherein an account is given of their several mineral and surface productions, with some directions how to discover minerals by the external and adjacent strata and upper covers, &c. To which is annexed, a vindication of the philosophical and theological paraphrase of the Mosaick system of the creation, &c.
002244: ROBINSON, JOHN. - A Guide to the Lakes in Cumberland, Westmorland and Lancashire illustrated with twenty views..
001962: ROGERS, R C. ROWLAND COTTON. - Cain's Lamentations over Abel in six books.
002233: ROGET, F. F. - Ski - Runs in the High Alps.
001064: ROSCOE, SIR HENRY E & SCHUSTER, A - Spectrum Analysis
002208: ROSCOE, SIR HENRY E, F.R.S. AND SCHORLEMMER, C, F.R.S. - A Treatise on Chemistry. 9 vols, complete set.
001213: ROTH, ARTHUR - Eiger Wall of Death
001241: ROWELL, G A. - Electric Meteorology.
001865: RUTTLEDGE, HUGH - Everest the Unfinished Adventure
002256: SIR W.M. FLINDERS PETRIE F.R.S. - The Pyramids and Temples of Gizeh.
002175: SAMIVEL. - Contes A Pic.
001327: SCANTLEBURY, E [ED] - The Journal of the Fell & Rock Climbing Club of the English Lake District Volume 1
001045: SCHLEIDEN, M J - The Plant a Biography . In Thirteen Lectures.
001060: SCHMID, H AND STIELER, K - The Bavarian Highlands & the Salzkammergut
002111: SCHOMBERG, R C F. - Unknown Karakoram.
001055: SCIOBERET, PIERRE & CONGREVE, L DORA - Tales of Country Life in La Gruyere
001903: SCOTT, J M - The Will and the Way
002074: SCROPE, G POULETT F.R.S., F.G.S. - The Geology and Extinct Volcanos of Central France.
002156: PLINY. PLINII SECUNDUS. - Naturalis Historiae.
001603: SHAIRP, TATE & ADAMS-REILLY - Life and Letters of James David Forbes F.R.S.
002273: SHAW, ROBERT - Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand and Kashgar (formerly Chinese Tartary) and Return Journey over the Karakoram Pass
002242: SHIPTON, DIANA. - The Antique Land.
002232: SHIPTON, ERIC. - Mountains of Tartary.
001862: SHIPTON, ERIC. - Blank on the Map.
002231: SHIPTON, ERIC. - Upon that mountain.
001374: SIMOND, L - Voyage en Suisse fait dans les annees 1817, 1818 & 1819.
002162: SIMONIN, L & BRISTOW, H W F.R.S. - Mines and Miners or Underground Life.
002141: SIMPSON, JOE. - This Game of Ghosts.
001083: SINGER, CHARLES - Studies in the History and Method of Science
002095: SMITH, ALBERT - The Story of Mont Blanc.
001346: SMITH, ALBERT - The Story of Mont Blanc
002267: SMITH, ALBERT AND MRS HALL. - The Boy's Birthday Book / A Boy's Ascent of Mont Blanc.
002259: HASKETT SMITH, W P - Climbing in the British Isles 2 Vols
001869: SMYTHE, FRANK - Secret Mission
002059: SMYTHE, FRANK. - The Valley of Flowers - Limited edition.
001879: SMYTHE, F S - Edward Whymper
001775: SOMERVILLE, D M M CRICHTON, RICKMERS, W R AND RICHARDSON, E C (ED) - Ski Running dedicated to the Ski Club of Great Britain
002136: SOPER, J, WILSON, J & CREW, P - The Black Cliff the History of Rock Climbing on Clogwyn Du'r Arddhu
002083: SPENDER, HAROLD. - Through the High Pyrenees. Signed copy.
001375: SPENDER, HAROLD - Through the High Pyrenees
002008: SPON, ERNEST - Workshop Receipts for the Use of Manufacturers, Mechanics & Scientific Amateurs
002189: SQUIRE, PETER (CHEMIST ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE QUEEN) - The New London Pharmacopoeia ... arranged in Tabular form with the Edinburgh and Dublin Pharmacopoeias...
002203: STEIN, SIR AUREL. - On Ancient Central-Asian Tracks brief narrative of three expeditions in Innermost Asia and North-Western China.
001732: STEPHEN, LESLIE - The Playground of Europe
001657: STEVENSON, SETH WILLIAM - A Tour in France, Savoy, Northern Italy, Switzerland, Germany and the Netherlands, in the Summer of 1825, including some Observations on the Scenery of the Neckar and the Rhine
001821: STODDARD, FREDERICK WALCOTT - Tramps Through Tyrol - Life, Sport & Legend
001681: STRANG, JOHN LL.D. - Travelling Notes in France, Italy and Switzerland
001314: STRUTT, JOSEPH & HONE, W - The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England
001705: STYLES, SHOWELL. - Mountains of the Midnight Sun [Lyngen, Norway].
002040: CLUB ALPIN SUISSE - Les Cabanes du Club Alpin Suisse
002275: SUTTON, GRAHAM. - Shepherd's Warning; Smoke across the Fell; North Star; Fleming of Honister.
001983: SUTTON, GRAHAM & NOYCE, WILFRID. - Samson the Life and Writings of Menlove Edwards.
001923: SYDENHAM, P H - Measuring Instruments: Tools of Knowledge and Control
001650: TASKER, JOE - Savage Arena
002028: TCHERNINE, ODETTE - The Snowman and Company
001667: TEGG, THOMAS - A Young Man's Book of Knowledge
002185: TERRAY, LIONEL. - Conquistadors of the Useless from the Alps to Annapurna.
001531: THOMPSON, SIR BENJAMIN COUNT OF RUMFORD F.R.S. - Experiments to determine the Force of fired Gunpowder.
001472: THOMSON, J M ARCHER & ANDREWS, A W - The Climbs on Lliwedd
001408: THOMSON, THOMAS - An Attempt to Establish the First Principles of Chemistry by Experiment
002200: THORPE, SIR EDWARD F.R.S. - A Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. (7 vols)
002188: TILMAN, H W. - Snow on the Equator.
001502: TILMAN, H W - The Ascent of Nanda Devi
002257: TILMAN, H W. - In Mischief's Wake.
001748: TILMAN, H W - Mount Everest 1938
001760: TRANTER, PHILIP - No Tigers in the Hindu Kush
001762: TRAVERS, MORRIS W (F.R.S.) - A Life of Sir William Ramsay K.C.B., F.R.S.
002268: TUCKER, JOHN - Kanchenjunga
002161: TUCKETT, MRS ELIZABETH - Pictures in Tyrol and Elsewhere from a Family Sketch-book.
001663: TUCKETT, FRANCIS FOX, COOLIDGE W.A.B. (ED). - A Pioneer in the High Alps Alpine Diaries & letters of F. F. Tuckett 1856 - 1874. Edited by W. A. B. Coolidge.
002274: TUTT, J W - Rambles in Alpine Valleys
001227: TUTTON, A E H. - The Natural History of Ice and Snow Illustrated from the Alps.
002144: TYMMS, W R. - The Art of Illuminating as Practised in Europe from the Earliest Times.
001783: TYNDALL, JOHN F.R.S. - Mountaineering in 1861 a Vacation Tour.
002215: TYNDALL, JOHN F.R.S. - The Glaciers of the Alps.
002201: URE, ANDREW M.D., F.R.S. - A Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines.
001655: VENABLES, STEPHEN - A Slender Thread Escaping Disaster in the Himalaya
001970: VIEUSSEUX, A - The History of Switzerland from the Irruption of the Barbarians to the Present Time.
001622: WADE, JOHN. - The Black Book or Corruption Unmasked! with an Appendix 'New Parliament'.
002205: WAINWRIGHT, ALFRED. - A Pictorial Guide to the Lakeland Fells. Book One. The Eastern Fells.
002126: WALL, C W. - Mountaineering in Ireland for the Hill-walker & Rock-climber.
002211: WALTON, ELIJAH AND BONNEY, T G. - English Lake Scenery.
002202: WATTS, HENRY F.R.S. - A Dictionary of Chemistry and the allied branches of other sciences. 9 vols.
002192: WEBB, MARIA - The Fells of Swarthmoor Hall and their Friends...
001560: WELD, CHARLES RICHARD - The Pyrenees East and West
002151: WELD, CHARLES RICHARD. - A History of the Royal Society with Memoirs of the Presidents.
001506: WEST, LIONEL F - The Climbers' Pocket Book. Rock Climbing Accidents With Hints On First Aid To The Injured. Some uses of the Rope, Methods of Rescue, and Transport.
001999: WESTON, REV WALTER - The Playground of the Far East
002218: WHYMPER, EDWARD. - Travels amongst the Great Andes of the Equator.
002115: WHYMPER, EDWARD. - Scrambles amongst the Alps in the Years 1860 - 69.
001997: WHYMPER, EDWARD. - Scrambles amongst the Alps in the Years 1860 - 69.
002269: WHYMPER, EDWARD. - Guide a Zermatt et au Cervin ou Matterhorn.
002038: WICKHAM, HENRY & CRAMER, REV J - A Dissertation on the Passage of Hannibal over the Alps.
001911: CARL GEROLD'S SOHN IN WIEN - Album Der Arlbergbahn [ Arlberg ]
002102: WILLIAMS, ARCHIBALD. - Telegraphy and Telephony.
002235: WILLS, ALFRED. - Wanderings among the High Alps.
001499: WILSON, ANDREW - The Abode of Snow Observations on a Journey from Chinese Tibet to the Indian Caucasus, Through the Upper Valleys of the Himalaya
002207: WILSON, CLAUDE M.D. - Mountaineering.
002224: WILSON, JOHN. - General View of the Agriculture of Renfrewshire..
002266: WISE, A TUCKER M.D. - Alpine Winter in its Medical Aspects with notes on Davos Platz, Wiessen, St Moritz and the Maloja
001787: WOLFF, HENRY W - The Country of the Vosges
001417: WOOD, ANNIE ( HAVARD, HENRY) - The Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee a Voyage to the Picturesque Side of Holland
001682: WOOD, CHARLES WILLIAM - A Month at Gastein: or, Footfalls in the Tyrol.
001949: WOODWARD, HORACE F.G.S., F.R.S. - The Geology of England and Wales
002183: WOODWARD, GEIKE, CAMPBELL, TYNDALL ET AL. - Glacial Periods - a bound volume of 28 Geological papers.
002015: WORDSWORTH, W AND HUDSON, J (ED) - A Complete Guide to the Lakes.
002113: WORKMAN, FANNY BULLOCK AND WILLIAM HUNTER. - The Call of the Snowy Hispar.
002236: WORSFOLD, REV J N. - The Vaudois of Piedmont a Visit to their Valleys ...
002197: WRIGHT, THOMAS [ED] [ SIGNED BY WILLIAM PICKERING ]. - The Nutbrowne Maid from the Earliest Edition of Arnold's Chronicle [ Signed by William Pickering ].
001899: WUNDT, THEODOR - Das Matterhorn
001032: YELD, G - Scrambles in the Eastern Graians 1878 - 1897
002045: YOUNG, GEOFFREY WINTHROP - On High Hills Memories of the Alps
001457: YOUNG, GEOFFREY WINTHROP - Mountains with a Difference
001877: YOUNG, GEOFFREY WINTHROP - Freedom Poems
001967: NEGRETTI & ZAMBRA - A Treatise on Meteorological Instruments.
001966: ZINCKE, F BARHAM - 3 Vols: A Month in Switzerland; Swiss Allemands (2nd month); A Walk in the Grisons (3rd month)
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