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BOOKS033854I: Pitino, Rick with Bill Reynolds, - Lead to Succceed: the ten traits of great leadership in business and life.
BOOKS046159I: Pitino, Rick, - Success Is a Choice: ten steps to overachieving in business & life.
BOOKS056022I: Pitkin, Walter E., - Must We Fight Japan?.
BOOKS017121I: Pitkin, Dorothy, - The Grass Was That High.
BOOKS042487I: Pitkin, David J., - Haunted Saratoga County.
BOOKS044061I: Pitkin, David J., preface by Hans Holzer, - Ghosts of the Northeast.
BOOKS024745I: Pitman, Isaac, - Isaac Pitman Shorthand: new era edition: commercial course.
BOOKS045425I: Pitman, Joanna, - On Blondes.
BOOKS029998I: Pittenger, Peggy Jett, - The Back-Yard Horse.
BOOKS055406I: Pittenger, Peggy Jett, - Morgan Horses.
BOOKS037803I: Pittman, Helena Clare, - The Angel Tree.
BOOKS012812I: Pitts, Lilla Belle, Mabelle Glenn, & Lorrain E. Watters, - Singing and Rhyming.
BOOKS018598I: Pitts, Lula Belle, Mabelle Glenn, Lorraine E. Watters & Louis G. Wersen, - Singing on Our Way.
BOOKS026916I: Pitz, Henry C., - Howard Pyle: writer, illustrator, founder of the Brandywine School.
BOOKS045510I: Pitzer, F. P., editor, - Circus Scrap Book: October 1930 no. 8.
BOOKS026819I: Piven, Frances Fox & Richard A. Cloward, new introduction by authors, - Poor People's Movements: why they succeed, how they fail.
BOOKS038041I: Piven, Joshua, David Borgenicht & Jennifer Worick, - The Worst-Case Scenario: survival handbook: dating & sex.
BOOKS007251I: Place, Robin, - Down to Earth: a practical guide to archaeology.
BOOKS013678I: Place, Marian T., - The First Astrowitches.
BOOKS042286I: Plagemann, Bentz, - Into the Labyrinth.
BOOKS052170I: PLAID, - Painted Birdhouses.
BOOKS013318I: Plaidy, Jean, - Goddess of the Green Room.
BOOKS003637I: Plain, Belva, - Crescent City.
BOOKS018476I: Plain, Belva, - Secrecy.
BOOKS057126I: Plain, Belva, - Treasures: a novel.
BOOKS052464I: Junior League of Elizabeth-Plainfield (New Jersey), - Simply Superb.
BOOKS025894I: Planche, J. R., - History of British Costume from the earliest period to the close of the 18th century.
BOOKS012001I: Plante, Tom, - Wear and Tear.
BOOKS012005I: Plante, Tom, - Portable Sun.
BOOKS012941I: Plante, David, - The Accident.
BOOKS052416I: Plante, Ellen M., - The Victorian Home: the grandeur and comforts of the Victorian era in households past and present.
BOOKS007529I: Plasil, Ellen, - Therapist.
BOOKS048141I: Outwater Plastics, - Outwater Plastics: catalog #83.
BOOKS002509I: Plath, Sylvia, - Letters Home: correspondence 1950-1963, selected and edited with commentary by Aurelia Schober Plath.
BOOKS035696I: Plath, Sylvia, - Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams: short stories, prose, and diary excerpts.
BOOKS049901I: Plath, James (John Updike), - Conversations with John Updike.
BOOKS053614I: Plath, Sylvia plus her biography by Edward Butscher, - Johnny Panic and the Bible of Dreams: short stories, prose, and diary excerpts: Sylvia Plath: method and madness.
BOOKS019277I: Plato, translated with an introduction by W. C. Helmbold, - Gorgias.
BOOKS056903I: Platt, Chris, - Willow King.
BOOKS005389I: Platt, Kin, with clues to the plot by Robert Lopshire, - Big Max: world's greatest detective.
BOOKS031402I: Platt, Rutherford, - This Green World.
BOOKS036983I: Platt, Rutherford, - Wilderness: the discovery of a continent of wonder.
BOOKS036984I: Platt, Rutherford, - Wilderness: the discovery of a continent of wonder.
BOOKS046944I: Platt, Colin, - Medieval England: a social history and archaeology from the Conquest to 1600 A.D..
BOOKS031783I: Platts, Mitchell, - Illustrated History of Golf (OS).
BOOKS025929I: Pleasant, Barbara, - Cutting Gardens.
BOOKS014544I: Plimpton, George, - The X Factor.
BOOKS022088I: Plimpton, George, - Open Net: the professional amateur inthe world of big-time hockey.
BOOKS028417I: Plimpton, George, - Pet Peeves or whatever happened to Doctor Rawff?.
BOOKS046717I: Plotz, Helen, chosen by, - Eye's Delight: poems of art and architecture.
BOOKS045123I: Plotz, David, - The Genius Factory: the curious history of the Nobel Prize sperm bank.
BOOKS050502I: Plourde, Lynn & Paul Knowles, - A Celebration of Maine Children's Books.
BOOKS052487I: Plourde, Lynn, - Moose, of Course!.
BOOKS055637I: Plourde, Lynn & Paul Knowles, - A Celebration of Maine Children's Books.
BOOKS006666I: Plumb, J. H., - Men and Places.
BOOKS011238I: Plumb, David, - Elephant Knees.
BOOKS014535I: Plummer, James L. & Susan Troppmann, editors, - Competition in Electricity: new markets & new structures.
BOOKS055684I: Plummer, Sharon, Lois Varney, Pam Grant, and Olive Burgess, - Recollections Casco, Maine, 1841-1991.
BOOKS044648I: Plummer, Dr. A. Elmore, Pastor, Boston A.C. Church, Boston, MA, - The Pastor and Personal Counseling; Spiritual Needs of Hospital Patients; and Marital Counseling: a case study.
BOOKS046014I: Pochmann, Ruth Fouts, - Triple Ridge Farm.
BOOKS049357I: Podell, Richard N., M.D. and William Proctor, - When Your Doctor Doesn't Know Best.
BOOKS039318I: Poe, Edgar Allan Poe, introduction Wilbur S. Scott, - Complete Tales & Poems.
BOOKS049529I: Poe, Edgar Allan, Gary Kelley illus by, - Poe Tales of Mystery and Imagination.
BOOKS054895I: Poe, Edgar Allan, introduction by Wilbur S. Scott, - The Complete Tales & Poems of Edgar Allan Poe.
BOOKS050902I: Poe, Edgar Allan, Harry Clarke illus by, - Tales of Mystery and Imagination.
BOOKS046492I: Poe, Edgar Allan, - Poems and Prose.
BOOKS052387I: Poe, Edgar Allan, selected and with an introduction by William Targ, - Selected Short Stories of Edgar Allan Poe.
BOOKS046776I: Moore and how he came to write the poem, - A Visit from St. Nicholas.
BOOKS056128I: Poesch, Jessie, - The Art of the Old South: painting, sculpture, architecture & the products of Craftsmen 1560-1860.
BOOKS001540I: Poetry Society of Colorado, edited by Henry W. Hough, - Golden Harvest 1921-1971.
BOOKS007620I: Pogodzinski, Michael, - Second Sunrise: nuclear war: the untold story.
BOOKS029263I: Pohl, Frederik, edited by, - Star Science Fiction Stories no. 2.
BOOKS050450I: Pohl, William, - Down North: profiles from Alaska & the Yukon.
BOOKS055194I: Pohlmann, Lisa et al, - Information Guide for Abused Women in Maine.
BOOKS053560I: Pohlmann, Lillian, - Wolfskin.
BOOKS044585I: Poincare, Jules-Henri, - Lecons de Mecanique Celeste Professees a la Sorbonne (Lessons of Celestial Mechanics) (in French) Volumes I and III.
BOOKS030657I: West Point, - Building Leaders: the story of West Point.
BOOKS028161I: Poirier, Richard, editor, - Raritan: a quarterly review spring 1997 XVI:4.
BOOKS044584I: Poisson, Simeon Denis, - Traite de Mecanique (Treatise on Mechanics) (in French) Volume 2.
BOOKS052158I: Poliniak, Louis, - When Coal Was King: mining Pennsylvania's anthracite.
BOOKS012982I: Polisar, Barry Louis, - Barry's Scrapbook: a window into art video.
BOOKS045254I: Polisar, Barry Louis, - Notes from under the Rug: the Barry Louis Polisar Songbook: a songbook and more: songs, poems, drawings complete 1974-1984.
BOOKS016487I: Polk, William R., - Polk's Folly: an American family history.
BOOKS023682I: Polk, Irwin J., M.D., foreword by Joseph Bellanti, M.D., - All about Asthma: stop suffering and start living.
BOOKS031345I: Pollack, Elisabeth, - The Rowantree Crop.
BOOKS034576I: Pollack, Kenneth M., - The Threatening Storm: the case for invading Iraq.
BOOKS039396I: Pollack, John, - Cork Boat.
BOOKS050206I: Pollack, Elisabeth, - The Rowantree Crop.
BOOKS047546I: Pollack, William, Ph.D., - Real Boys: rescuing our sons from the myths of boyhood.
BOOKS025123I: Pollan, Stephen, Mark Levine & Michael Pollan, - The Field Guide to Home Buying in America: a home buyer's companion from house hunting to moving day.
BOOKS003813I: Pollard, Donald - artist, - The Great Ring of Canada 1867-1967.
BOOKS057232I: Pollard, Jean Ann, - The New Maine cooking serving up the good life.
BOOKS047026I: Pollard, Albert Frederick, M.A., - Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation 1489-1556.
BOOKS048523I: Pollard, Josephine, - Beautiful Stories of the Bible in words of easy reading.
BOOKS049765I: Pollet, Sylvester, - Entering the Walking-Stick Business.
BOOKS034337I: Pollitt, Ronald & Virginia Wiltse, - Helen Steiner Rice: ambassador of sunshine.
BOOKS026130I: Pollock, Bruce, edited by, - In Their Own Words: 20 successful song writers tell how they write their songs.
BOOKS038357I: Pollock, J. C., - Mission M.I.A..
BOOKS018009I: Polmar, Norman, - Guide to the Soviet Navy.
BOOKS021414I: Marco Polo, - The Travels of Marco Polo.
BOOKS017503I: Polseno, Jo, - Secrets of Redding Glen: the natural history of a wooded valley.
BOOKS009188I: Poltarnees, Welleran, - A Book of Unicorns.
BOOKS008858I: Pomerance, Alan, - Repeal of the Blues: how black entertainers influenced Civil Rights.
BOOKS041025I: from German by Arnold Pomerans, - The Decline and Fall of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan.
BOOKS010584I: Pomerantz, Charlotte, - The Piggy in the Puddle.
BOOKS013187I: Pomerantz, Charlotte, - Ask the Windy Sea.
BOOKS053374I: Pomerleau, Sandra Jewett, - Sarah.
BOOKS011100I: Pomeroy, Sarah B., - Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves: women in classical antiquity.
BOOKS046383I: Pomeroy, Elizabeth, - Chicken Cookbook.
BOOKS008769I: Pond, Jean, - Surviving.
BOOKS020966I: Pond, Elizabeth, - From the Yaroslavsky Station: Russia perceived.
BOOKS029384I: Pond, Enoch, D.D., - Conversations on the Bible: its statements harmonized and mysteries explained, designed for the family circle, study etc..
BOOKS034360I: Pond, Elizabeth, - Friendly Fire: the near-death of the Transatlantic Alliance.
BOOKS035471I: Pond, Enoch, D.D., - Conversations on the Bible: its statements harmonized and mysteries explained etc..
BOOKS040456I: Pond, Grace & Angela Sayer, - The Intelligent Cat including how to test your cat's IQ.
BOOKS042791I: Pond, Thomas, - Mending and Restoring China.
BOOKS049223I: Ponicsan, Darryl, - Tom Mix Died for Your Sins.
BOOKS028982I: Du Pont de Nemours, E. I., - Dupont: the autobiography of an American enterprise.
BOOKS046647I: Pontiac, Jernigan, - Hackie: cab driving and life.
BOOKS032631I: Pool, Daniel, - What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew from fox hunting to whist - the facts of daily life in 19th-century England.
BOOKS013836I: Poole, Gray Johnson, - Mistletoe: fact & folklore.
BOOKS048348I: Poole, Ernest, - Millions.
BOOKS048347I: Poole, Ernest, - The Avalanche.
BOOKS055189I: Poole, Victoria, - Thursday's Child.
BOOKS047530I: Poore, Ben Perley, Journalist at Washington, - Life and Public Services of Hon. James G. Blaine, choice of nation for President and Gen. John A. Logan, soldier, senator.
BOOKS055451I: Poore, Marge, - The Best Steamer Cookbook Ever.
BOOKS003632I: Poorman, Alfred P., - Strength of Materials.
BOOKS003292I: Pope John Paul II, edited by Vittorio Messori, - Crossing the Threshold of Hope.
BOOKS005255I: Pope John Paul II, compiled and indexed by the Daughters of St. Paul, - U.S.A.: the message of justice, peace and love.
BOOKS013746I: Pope, John A. Jr., - America's Historic Places: an illustrated guide to our country's past.
BOOKS017192I: Pope-Hennessy, Una, - Three English Women in America.
BOOKS017330I: Pope, Dudley, - Galleon: a Ned Yorke adventure.
BOOKS025463I: Pope, Deborah, - A Separate Vision: isolation in contemporary women's poetry.
BOOKS030948I: Pope, Robert H., - Incidental Grace: how Christ intercepts a life.
BOOKS039900I: Pope, Dudley, - Ramage's Prize.
BOOKS042083I: Pope, Marvin H., introduction, translation & notes by, - Job: the Anchor Bible.
BOOKS011499I: Popescu, Petru, - Almost Adam.
BOOKS045748I: Pople, Maureen, - The Other Side of the Family.
BOOKS051245I: Porges, Irwin, - Edgar Rice Burroughs: the man who created Tarzan.
BOOKS005685I: Von der Porten, Edward P., foreword by Grand Admniral Karl Domitz, - The German Navy in World War II.
BOOKS036657I: Porter, Eleanor H., - Cross Currents: the story of Margaret.
BOOKS002625I: Porter, Eleanor H., - Miss Billy.
BOOKS003246I: Porter, Gene Stratton, - Freckles.
BOOKS005968I: Porter, Eleanor H., - Hustler Joe and other stories.
BOOKS052581I: Porter, Miss, - Thadedeus of Warsaw in two volumes.
BOOKS052580I: Porter, Ann Maria, Miss, - The Hungarian Brothers in two volumes.
BOOKS012773I: Porter, Gene Stratton, - The Harvester.
BOOKS012774I: Porter, Gene Stratton, - The Harvester.
BOOKS012775I: Porter, Gene Stratton, - The Harvester.
BOOKS012776I: Porter, Gene Stratton, - The Harvester.
BOOKS018242I: Porter, Margaret Horton, - The House of De Mailly.
BOOKS051801I: Porter Prints, Perthshire, Scotland, - The Kingdome of Scotland (Scottish map replica).
BOOKS023330I: Porter, Pat & Ann Dunn, - Sock Bunnies: designer series.
BOOKS035064I: Porter, Eleanor H., - Pollyanna Grows Up: the second Glad book.
BOOKS037315I: Porter, Eleanor H., - Pollyanna: the Glad Book.
BOOKS039301I: Porter, Gene Stratton, - The Harvester.
BOOKS043426I: Porter, Edwin H., foreword by Robert A. Flynn, - The Fall River Tragedy: a history of the Borden murders.
BOOKS021374I: Porter, Eleanor H., adapted by Marion Leighton, - Pollyanna (Great Illustrated Classics).
BOOKS054034I: Porter, Gene Stratton, - The Harvester.
BOOKS055978I: Calvert Mary Porter (signed by author), - Maine Captured in Color.
BOOKS048475I: Porter, Laura Spencer, - The Little Long Ago.
BOOKS056123I: Porter, Eliot, - Birds of North America: a personal selection.
BOOKS050796I: Porter, Gene Stratton, - Freckles.
BOOKS054419I: Porteus, Stanley D., - The Restless Voyage.
BOOKS055177I: Posner, Gerald, - Citizen Perot: his life & times.
BOOKS012013I: Posse, Abel, translated from Spanish by Sarah Arvio, - Daimon.
BOOKS001633I: Post, Robert C. - editor, - Every Four Years.
BOOKS004580I: Saturday Evening Post, - One Issue: just one 52nd of a year, object lesson in values, a volume designed to show how one issues would look in book form.
BOOKS007402I: Van der Post, Laurens, - The Hunter and the Whale: a tale of Africa.
BOOKS009250I: Saturday Evening Post, - Book of the Sea and Ships.
BOOKS009900I: Saturday Evening Post, - The Saturday Evening Post Stories 1954.
BOOKS009901I: Saturday Evening Post, - The Saturday Evening Post Stories 1956.
BOOKS009902I: Saturday Evening Post, - The Saturday Evening Post Stories 1957.
BOOKS009903I: Saturday Evening Post, - The Saturday Evening Post Stories 1958.
BOOKS011974I: Van Der Post, Laurens, - About Blady: a pattern out of time: a memoir.
BOOKS019477I: Van der Post, Laurens, - The Hunter and the Whale.
BOOKS025320I: van der Post, Laurens, - Journey into Russia.
BOOKS033549I: van der Post, Laurens, - Venture to the Interior.
BOOKS034527I: Post, Peggy & Cindy Post Senning, - Emily Post's The Gift of Good Manners: a parent's guide to raising respectful, kind, considerate children.
BOOKS035746I: Post, Emily, - Etiquette: the blue book of social usage.
BOOKS041294I: Saturday Evening Post, - The Saturday Evening Post Stories 1958.
BOOKS041295I: Saturday Evening Post, - The Saturday Evening Post Stories 1959.
BOOKS043357I: Saturday Evening Post, - The United States Presidents: their lives, families and great decisions.
BOOKS044932I: the Washington Post, - Before Many Witnesses: the life of Howard James Chidley.
BOOKS051810I: Post Office Department, Washington, - A Description of United States Postage Stamps issued by the Post Office Department from July 1, 1847, to April 1, 1945.
BOOKS049703I: Saturday Evening Post, - One Issue: just one 52nd of a year: an object lesson in values.
BOOKS011005I: Postema, Pam and Gene Wojciechowski, - You've Got to Have Balls to Make It in This League.
BOOKS047769I: by Raymond Postgate, - The Outline of History: the whole story of man.
BOOKS055545I: Potholm, Christian P., - An Insider's Guide to Maine Politics 1946-1996.
BOOKS040369I: Potholm, Christian P., - An Insider's Guide to Maine Politics 1946-1996.
BOOKS003605I: Potter, Stephen, - The Theory and Practice of Gamesmanship or the are of winning games without actually cheating.
BOOKS007155I: Potter, Beatrix, - The Tale of Peter Rabbit.
BOOKS007156I: Potter, Beatrix, - The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin.
BOOKS007518I: Potter, Beatrix, - Peter Rabbit.
BOOKS009369I: Potter, Beatrix, retold from, - The Tale of Jeremy Fisher.
BOOKS010323I: Potter, Beatrix, - The Tale of Peter Rabbit.
BOOKS013419I: Potter, Beatrix, - The Tale of Peter Rabbit.
BOOKS013883I: Potter, Beatrix, - The Tale of Peter Rabbit.
BOOKS017906I: Potter, Beatrix, - The Tale of Peter Rabbit.
BOOKS024093I: Potter, Beatrix, - The Tale of Benjamin Bunny.
BOOKS026467I: Potter, Peter, selected by, - All about Sin.
BOOKS052188I: Potter, Angela, edited by, - Shared Histories: transatlantic letters between Virginia Dickinson Reynolds and her daughter, Virginia Potter 1929-1966.
BOOKS032415I: Potter, Robert R. & H. Alan Robinson, - Myths and Folk Tales around the World.
BOOKS033208I: Potter, Beatrix, - The Tale of Peter Rabbit and Other Stories.
BOOKS033787I: Potter, E. B., - Admiral Arleigh Burke: a biography.
BOOKS040642I: Potter, Beatrix, - A Treasury of Bunny Stories.
BOOKS042771I: Potter, Beatrix, - World of Beatrix Potter No-Sew Fabric Applique: #03002 Benjamin Peter & Jimima; #03003 Storybook Mice, #03004 Peter's Tale.
BOOKS044133I: Potter, Beatrix, - The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin and The Tale of Two Bad Mice.
BOOKS044309I: Potter, Beatrix, - The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin; The Tale of Two Bad Mice.
BOOKS044310I: Potter, Beatrix, - The Tale of Peter Rabbit and The Tale of Benjamin Bunny.
BOOKS046675I: Potter, Beatrix and Meryl Streep, - The Tale of Jeremy Fisher and the Tale of Peter Rabbit narrated by Meryl Strep VHS tape.
BOOKS043281I: Potter, Beatrix, - A Treasury of Peter Rabbit and Other Stories.
BOOKS052422I: Potter, Beatrix, - A Journal.
BOOKS038464I: Potthoff, Carl J., M.D., Boy Scouts of America, - First Aid: Merit Badge Series.
BOOKS049060I: Potts, Michael, - The Independent Home: living well with power from the sun, wind and water.
BOOKS039854I: Potvin, Damase & William Carless, - The Saguenay Trip with appendix on the Homespun Industry.
BOOKS046708I: Poulin, Clarence, - In Wonder and Unknowing: verses of the inner life.
BOOKS043853I: Poulin, James Edward, M.D., - Hysteria and Other Cases.
BOOKS000992I: Pouliot, J. Camille, - Historical Reminder - Quebec and the Isle of Orleans.
BOOKS050078I: Poulsen, Svend, - Poulsen on the Rose.
BOOKS023689I: Poulsson, Emilie, music by Cornelia C. Roeske, - Finger Plays for Nursery and Kindgergarten.
BOOKS053490I: Pound, Blake, - Duck Hunting.
BOOKS011111I: Pound, Ezra, - Guide to Kulchur.
BOOKS037702I: Pound, Ezra, - Selected Poems of Ezra Pound.
BOOKS054460I: Pounds, - Seven or So (The Better Health and Safety Program Curriculum Foundation Series).
BOOKS047828I: Poundstone, Paula, - There's Nothing in This Book That I Mean to Say.
BOOKS021037I: Royal Baking Powder, - Royal Cook Book.
BOOKS057257I: Powell, Colin with Joseph E Persico, - My American Journey.
BOOKS001453I: Powell, Colin L. with Joseph E. Persico, - My American Journey.
BOOKS002570I: Powell, Colin with Joseph E. Persico, - My American Journey.
BOOKS005549I: Powell, Talmage, - Mission Impossible: the priceless particle (authorized edition).
BOOKS007559I: Powell, Jody, - The Other Side of the Story.
BOOKS010713I: Powell, Lawrence Clark, - Where Water Flows: the rivers of Arizona.
BOOKS018395I: Powell, Richard, - False Colors (an Inner Sanctum mystery).
BOOKS019031I: Powell, Robert B., - Gaskill's Cove: a novel of early Nova Scotia.
BOOKS019211I: Powell, J. W., - The Exploration of the Colorado River and its canyons (formerly titled: Canyons of the Colorado).
BOOKS026463I: Powell, Dawn, introduction by Tim Page, - My Home Is Far Away: an autobiogrphical novel.
BOOKS035560I: Powell, J. W., - The Exploration of the Colorado River and its canyons (formerly titled: Canyons of the Colorado).
BOOKS040248I: Powell, Marie Cole, - Boys and Girls at Worship.
BOOKS041939I: Powell, A. Van Buren, - Bud Bright and the Bank Robbers.
BOOKS042337I: Powell, E. Alexander, - The Last Home of Mystery: adventures in Nepal.
BOOKS047113I: Powell, E. Alexander, - Vive la France!.
BOOKS047102I: Powell, E. Alexander, - Fighting in Flanders.
BOOKS052223I: Powell, foreward by J. Carter Brown, - An American Perspective: 19th century art from the collection of Jo Ann & Julian Ganz, Jr..
BOOKS054195I: Powell, Fred, - The Bartender's Standard Manual.
BOOKS030388I: Power, Eileen, - Medieval People.
BOOKS034280I: Central Maine Power, - Ice Storm 98: a CMP photographic journal.
BOOKS048919I: Central Maine Power, - Ice Storm 98: a CMP photographic journal.
BOOKS044487I: Central Maine Power, - Ice Storm 98.
BOOKS054068I: Central Maine Power, - Ice Storm '98: a CMP photographic journal.
BOOKS053297I: Central Maine Power, - Ice Storm '98: a CMP photographic journal.
BOOKS046702I: Powers, Mary Helen, - Flying Bats.
BOOKS010247I: Powers, Margaret, - A Book of Little Crafts.
BOOKS027168I: Powers, Alan, - Westport Soundings.
BOOKS032571I: Powers, Richard, - Plowing the Dark.
BOOKS033759I: Powers, H. H., - The Things Men Fight for with some application to present conditions in Europe.
BOOKS040527I: Powers, Mrs. O. A., - The Maple Dell of '76.
BOOKS042428I: Powers, Richard, - Galatea 2.2.
BOOKS049931I: Powning, Beth, - Home: chronicle of a North Country life.
BOOKS007614I: Powter, Susan, - The Pocket Powter: questions & answers to help you change the way you look & feel forever.
BOOKS018763I: Powter, Susan, - Sober...and staying that way.
BOOKS025187I: Powter, Susan, - Stop the Insanity.
BOOKS009442I: Powys, John Cowper, - Wolf Solent.
BOOKS014998I: Poyer, David, - As the Wolf Loves Winter.
BOOKS010675I: Pozner, Vladimir, - Eyewitness: a personal account of the unraveling of the Soviet Union.
BOOKS027432I: Pozner, Vladimir, introduction by Brian Kahn, - Parting with Illusions.
BOOKS040757I: Pozner, Vladimir, introduction by Brian Kahn, - Parting with Illusions.
BOOKS042621I: Van Praagh, James, - Heaven and Earth: making the psychic connection.
BOOKS056449I: A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, - Bhagavad Gita as it is.
BOOKS040848I: La Prade, Ernest, foreword by Walter Damrosch, - Alice in Orchestralia.
BOOKS055040I: Prange, Gordon W., with Donald M. Goldstein and Katherine V. Dillon, - Pearl Harbor: the verdict of history.
BOOKS033693I: Prasad, Rajendra, - At the Feet of Mahatma Gandhi.
BOOKS050037I: Prater, S. H., - The Book of Indian Animals.
BOOKS038598I: Prati, Steven, - Cheers from the Bull & Finch Pub: the inside story of the world's most famous pub.
BOOKS038804I: Pratson, Frederick John, - New Hampshire.
BOOKS055493I: Pratt, H. Douglas, - A Pocket Guide to Hawai'i's Birds.
BOOKS051086I: Pratt, Shirley, - Revelation: Dorothy's Story from Death to Rebirth.
BOOKS005993I: Pratt, Jane, founding editor of "Sassy Magazine" and Kelli Pryor, - For Real: the uncensored truth about America's teenagers.
BOOKS012637I: Pratt, Marjorie & Mary Meighen, - Story Train.
BOOKS017628I: Pratt, Walter Merriam, - The Mayflower Society House being the story of The Edward Winslow House, the Mayflower Society & the Pilgrims.
BOOKS030760I: Pratt, Ambrose, foreword by A. A. Dunstan, - The Lore of the Lyrebird.
BOOKS047263I: Pratt, Walter Merriam, - Adventure in Vermont: wherein we buy a house and have the pleasure of restoring it with the atmostpher & gracious living...
BOOKS043340I: Pratt, Harry E., compiled by, - Concerning Mr. Lincoln in which Abraham Lincoln is pictured as he appeared to letter writers of his time.
BOOKS051085I: Pratt, Shirley, - Don't Wait to Be Rescued: transcending the death experience.
BOOKS044866I: Pratt, Charles W., - In This Orchard: poetry.
BOOKS053136I: Pratt, William, edited and with introduction by William Pratt, - The Fugitive Poets: modern southern poetry in perspective: an anthology of the finest Southern poetry.
BOOKS053539I: Pratt, Mary E. (Mrs.), - Rhoda Thornton's Girlhood.
BOOKS039118I: Pratten, Albra, - Winkie the Grey Squirrel.
BOOKS046203I: Preble, J. Q., - Sacred Gift of Devout and Useful Sayings.
BOOKS014812I: de Pree, Max, - Dear Zoe.
BOOKS032621I: Prefer, Nathan N., - Patton's Ghost Corps: cracking the Siegfried Line.
BOOKS032022I: Preiss, Byron, editor, - Raymond Chandler's Philip Marlowe: a centennial celebration.
BOOKS016690I: Preller, James, - Big Top Pee Wee: Pee Wee and the circus.
BOOKS033472I: Prelutsky, Jack, selected by, introduction by Jim Trelease, - Read-Aloug Rhymes for the Very Young.
BOOKS035222I: Preminger, Alex, edited by, with select reading list by T. V. F. Brogan, - The Princeton Handbook of Poetic Terms.
BOOKS023940I: Prentiss, Mrs. E., - Stepping Heavenward: one woman's journey to godliness.
BOOKS041647I: Prentiss, Lt. Col. A. M., U.S.A., - Civil Air Defense.
BOOKS054695I: Prentiss, Elizabeth, - Comfortable Troubles 1854 originally titled "The Flower of the Family. a Tale of Domestic Life.".
BOOKS031387I: prepared by, - Common Trees of Pennsylvania.
BOOKS031817I: Prescott, Samuel C. & Bernard E. Proctor, - Food Technology.
BOOKS039758I: Prescott, William H., edited by John Foster Kirk, - History of the Conquest of Peru: 2 volumes.
BOOKS039759I: Prescott, William H., edited by Johon Foster Kirk, - History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic 3 volumes.
BOOKS040661I: Prescott, H. F. M., - Mary Tudor.
BOOKS042566I: Prescott, William H., - History of Conquest of Mexico 3 vols with a preliminary view of ancient Mexican Civilization & life of conqueror Hernando Cortes.
BOOKS050817I: Prescott, Della R., edited by John Cotton Dana, - A Day in a Colonial Home.
BOOKS012442I: National Trust for Historic Preservation, - Flowers and Furniture in America's Historic Homes.
BOOKS051255I: National Trust for Historic Preservation, - Historic Preservation October-December 1973.
BOOKS051129I: President, - Message from the President of the United States (vol 1) at the Commencement of the First Session of the 36th Congress.
BOOKS048431I: Vice-President (unknown), - The Barrel Club.
BOOKS044039I: Presley, Dee, Billy, Rick and David Stanley, - Elvis We Love You Tender.
BOOKS002144I: Associated Press, - The Torch Is Passed: the Associated Press story of the death of a president.
BOOKS006635I: Associated Press, - Lightning Out of Israel: the six-day way in the Middle East.
BOOKS016226I: Press, Jenny, compiled by, - The Itsy Bitsy Spider: classic verse & rhymes designed for children 8 & younger.
BOOKS018343I: Popular Mechanics Press, - Book Ends: no. 52.
BOOKS018344I: Popular Mechanics Press, - 25 Shelves You Can Make: no. 64.
BOOKS018351I: Popular Mechanics Press, - Plain and Novelty Wood Finishing: no. 40.
BOOKS018353I: Popular Mechanics Press, - Extra Rooms in Your Attic: no. 23.
BOOKS018355I: Popular Mechanics Press, - Lamps: no. 69.
BOOKS018356I: Popular Mechanics Press, - Lawn and Garden Novelties: no. 72.
BOOKS018357I: Popular Mechanics Press, - Colonial and Modern Desks: no. 58.
BOOKS018360I: Popular Mechanics Press, - House Wiring: no. 89.
BOOKS018362I: Popular Mechanics Press, - Simple Home Improvements: no. 104.
BOOKS025204I: Yankee Press, - Yankee Superlatives.
BOOKS025393I: Detroit Free Press, - Recipes from the Tower Kitchen.
BOOKS025394I: Detroit Free Press, - Recipes from the Tower Kitchen.
BOOKS043178I: Mount Salus Press, - Irish Recipes Traditonal and Modern.
BOOKS046016I: Press, - The Compleat Farmer: a compendium of do-it-yourself tried and true practices for the farm, garden & household.
BOOKS055023I: Asbury Park Press, - Sandy: the Jersey shore in the eye of the storm.
BOOKS055024I: Asbury Park Press, - Sandy: the Jersey shore in the eye of the storm.
BOOKS045331I: Treasure Press, - Crimes of Passion.
BOOKS052468I: Picture Book Press, - Cape Cod Cook Book.
BOOKS055520I: Stonesong Press, - New York Public Library Desk Reference.
BOOKS054733I: Pressburger, Chava, edited by, introduction by Jonathan Safran Foer, - The Diary of Petr Ginz 1941-1942.
BOOKS029511I: Pressfield, Steven, - The Legend of Bagger Vance: golf and the game of life.
BOOKS055389I: Prestidge, John C. (signed by author), - Crumbs from REM.
BOOKS054258I: Preston, Richaed, - American Steel: hot metal men and the resurrection of the rust belt.
BOOKS053781I: Preston, Douglas & Lincoln Child, - The Book of the Dead.
BOOKS009034I: Preston, Antony, - Aircraft Carriers.
BOOKS017950I: Preston, Richard, - The Cobra Event.
BOOKS027041I: Preston, Diana, - A First Rate Tragedy: Robert Falcon Scott and the race to the South Pole.
BOOKS038836I: Preston, Hayter & Henry Savage, - The Sea Beast: the novel of the film (founded on the celebrated classic "Moby Dick").
BOOKS041035I: Preston, Anthony, - Aircraft Carriers.
BOOKS045590I: Preston, Anthony, - Battleships.
BOOKS049153I: Preston, John, edited by and with introduction by, - Friends and Lovers: gay men write about the families they create.
BOOKS055913I: Preston, Jennifer, - Queen Bess: an unauthorized biography of Bess Myerson.
BOOKS034214I: Prevo, Nancy, - The Calculating Cat Returns.
BOOKS047842I: Prevo, Nancy, - The Calculating Cat Returns.
BOOKS008939I: Pribichevich-Zoric, introduction by Janine Di Giovanni, - Zlata's Diary: a child's life in Sarajevo.
BOOKS000498I: Price, Lucien, - Winged Sandals.
BOOKS005287I: Price, Jeffrey & Peter Seaman, - Who Framed Roger Rabbit: make the world laugh.
BOOKS008392I: Price, Eugenia, - Where Shadows Go.
BOOKS008996I: Price, Irving, - Buying Country Property: pitfalls and pleasures.
BOOKS009885I: Price, Christine, - Happy Days: a UNICEF book of birthdays, name days & growing days.
BOOKS011235I: Price, Vincent Barrett, - Semblances 1962-1971.
BOOKS013301I: Price, Eugenia, - Bright Captivity (Book one of Georgia Trilogy).
BOOKS049962I: Price, William H., - The Civil War Handbook.
BOOKS013527I: Price, Eugenia, - Where Shadows Go.
BOOKS053228I: Price, Carl F., - One Hundred and One Hymn Stories.
BOOKS018733I: Price, Eugenia, - Bright Captivity.
BOOKS019402I: Price, Eugenia, - Getting through the Night: finding your way through grief.
BOOKS020135I: Price, Eugenia, - Inside One Author's Heart: a deeply personal sharing with my readers.
BOOKS053892I: Price, Eugenia, - To See Your Face Again.
BOOKS025823I: Price, Eugenia, - Diary of a Novel: the story of writing Magaret's Story.
BOOKS028203I: Price, Eugenia, - The Waiting Time.
BOOKS030326I: Price, Eugenia, - Leave Your Self Alone.
BOOKS031626I: Price, Eugenia, historical afterword by author, - Stranger in Savannah.
BOOKS033547I: Price, Eugenia, - The Waiting Time.
BOOKS053732I: Price, Brick, - Triumph Service Repair Handbook TR2-TR6 & GT6 - 1954-1976: complete maintenance, repair, troubleshooting.
BOOKS040638I: Price, Steven D., - Get a Horse!: basics of back-yard horsekeeping.
BOOKS048222I: Price, Jane, editor, - The Complete Vegetarian Cook Book.
BOOKS043915I: Price, George, - My Dear 500 Friends.
BOOKS050108I: Price, Eugenia, - The Waiting Time.
BOOKS047209I: Price, Trudy Chambers, - The Cows Are Out!: two decadeson a Maine dairy farm.
BOOKS053503I: Price, Reynolds, - Ardent Spirits: leaving home, coming back.
BOOKS023559I: Prichard, Anita, - Fondue Magic: fun, flame and saucery around the world.
BOOKS050254I: Priddy, Roger, - Alien Al: Funny Faces.
BOOKS048350I: Pride, Mike and Mark Travis, foreword by Walter Holden, - My Brave Boys: to war with Colonel Cross & the Fighting Fifth.
BOOKS011658I: Prideaux, Tom, - The World of Delacroix 1798-1863.
BOOKS028229I: Priestley, Philip, - Victorian Prison Lives: English prison biography 1830-1914.
BOOKS050083I: Priestley, J. B., - Three Men in New Suits.
BOOKS043634I: Priestman, Howard, - Principles of Woollen Spinning.
BOOKS043639I: Priestman, Howard, - Principles of Worsted Spinning.
BOOKS051068I: Prieto, Anita C., - B Is for Bookworm: a library alphabet.
BOOKS031055I: Prieto, Mariana, - Pablo's Petunias.
BOOKS050663I: Primavera, Elise, - The Secret Order of the Gumm Street Girls.
BOOKS001694I: Primeau, Ronald, - Beyond Spoon River: the legacy of Edgar Lee Masters.
BOOKS046801I: Prince, Pamela, - Teddy Bears' Christmas: holiday greetings from the secret world of teddy bears.
BOOKS044720I: Prince, Pamela, - The Secret World of Teddy Bears.
BOOKS056033I: Prindle, Tamae K, translator and editor, - Made in Japan and other Japanese "Business Novels".
BOOKS007619I: Pringle, Henry F., - Theodore Roosevelt.
BOOKS044597I: Pringsheim, Alfred, - Grundlagen der Allgemeinen Funktionenlehre (General function teachings),(in German), Volume II A 1.
BOOKS028821I: Prins, Gwyn & Robbie Stamp, - Top Guns & Toxic Whales: the environment & global security.
BOOKS027767I: Pritchard, Melissa, - Phoenix.
BOOKS035347I: Pritchett, V. S., - A Cab at the Door & Midnight Oil.
BOOKS018721I: Pritikin, Nathan, - The Pritikin Permanent Weight-Loss Manual.
BOOKS018105I: Prittie, Joni, - The Crafter's Garden.
BOOKS035717I: Prittie, Joni, - Seasons of Giving: gift crafting throughout the year.
BOOKS049585I: Pritty, Mandy, illustrated by, - Grandparent's Journal.
BOOKS000463I: McCollum "Buck Private", - History and Rhymes of the Lost Battalion.
BOOKS047929I: McCollum "Buck Private", - History and Rhymes of the Lost Battalion.
BOOKS051760I: Probert, Randall, - A Warden's Worry (signed by author).
BOOKS054944I: Probert, Randall, - Trial at Norway Dam.
BOOKS035025I: Prochnau, William W. & Richard W. Larsen, - A Certain Democrat: Senator Henry M. Jackson: a political biography.
BOOKS031945I: Prochnow, Herbert V., - The Public Speaker's Treasure Chest: a compendium of source material to make your speech sparkle.
BOOKS039593I: Proctor, Richard A., - Myths and Marvels of Astronomy.
BOOKS051890I: Proctor, Noble S., Ph.D., - The Songbirds Bible: a visual directory of 100 of the most popular songbirds in North America with CD.
BOOKS045202I: Crop Production, - Lawn Weeds: identification and control.
BOOKS024332I: Walt Disney Productions, - Lady and the Tramp.
BOOKS041986I: Walt Disney Productions, - New Mickey Mouse Club Fun Book.
BOOKS050655I: Broken Knuckle Productions, - The Best of the Mohawk Valley 2005 DVD.
BOOKS050660I: Broken Knuckle Productions, - Railfanning in Southwest British Columbia 1987 DVD.
BOOKS050656I: Big E Productions, - Hot Times on the Overland Route 2005 DVD.
BOOKS050657I: Big E Productions, - The Transcon in Eastern New Mexico DVDs.
BOOKS050658I: Big E Productions, - CN's Yellowhead - easiest pass through the Rockies DVDs.
BOOKS050659I: Blue Ridge Productions, - B&O Part 2: West Slope: Sand Patch to Connellsville, PA DVD.
BOOKS030432I: American Forest Products, - It's a Tree Country.
BOOKS053831I: Hood & Sons Dairy Products, - New Hood Cook Book.
BOOKS052509I: Log Cabin Products, - Favorite Maple Recipes: confections, hot breads, puddings, pastries, cookies, cakes.
BOOKS050357I: Professor, MIT, - Yankees under Steam: an anthology of the best stories on the world of steam published in Yankee Magazine since 1935.
BOOKS052203I: Professor of European History, Univ of Pennsylvania, - Joan of Arc: the life story of the Maid of Orleans.
BOOKS039868I: de Proft, Melanie, edited by, - Woman's World Cook Book from The American Woman's Cook Book, edited by Ruth Berolzheimer.
BOOKS048448I: Proft, de Melanie, director, Culinary Arts Institute, and staff economists, - Creole Cookbook.
BOOKS023737I: Progoff, Ira, - At a Journal Workshop: the basic text & guide for using the Intensive Journal process.
BOOKS029403I: Progoff, Ira, - The Well and the Cathedral: an entrance meditation.
BOOKS009011I: and The Genesis II Program, - Lift Your Sails: the challenge of being a Christian.
BOOKS024642I: Portland/Shinagawa Youth Sports Exchange Program, - Holiday Magic.
BOOKS054408I: Israel Program, - A Pictorial History of the Jewish People.
BOOKS047437I: Prohias, Antonio, - The All New Mad Secret File on Spy vs Spy.
BOOKS051447I: Maine Literature Project, - Maine Speaks: an anthology of Maine literature.
BOOKS031876I: Prokop, Dave, edited by, - Training for Nordic Skiing.
BOOKS042302I: Prokosch, Frederic, introduction by Carl Van Doren, - The Asiatics.
BOOKS036679I: William Vorderwinkler & Neal Pronek, - Exotic Tropical Fishes.
BOOKS025351I: Pronzini, Bill, - Starvation Camp.
BOOKS036546I: Pronzini, Bill, - Illusions audio.
BOOKS028592I: Prose, Francine, - The Peaceable Kingdom.
BOOKS034436I: Prose, Francine, - Blue Angel.
BOOKS052759I: Prose, Francine, - Blue Angel.
BOOKS042237I: Proske, Beatrice Gilman, - Brookgreen Gardens: sculpture vol. II.
BOOKS038491I: Prosper, John, - Gold-Killer: a mystery of the new underworld.
BOOKS041013I: Protheroe, Ernest, - New Illustrated Natural History of the World.
BOOKS057369I: Proulx, Annnie, - Close Range: Wyoming Stories.
BOOKS011007I: Proulx, E. Annie, - Accordion Crimes.
BOOKS022870I: Proulx, Earl, - Yankee Magazine's Make It Last: over 1,000 ingenious ways to extend the life of everything you own.
BOOKS022871I: Proulx, Earl, - Yankee Home Hints: from stains on the rug to squirrels in the attic, 1,500 ingenious solutions to everyday household problems.
BOOKS047202I: Proulx, Earl, and editors of Yankee Magazine, - Make It Last: over 1,000 ingenious ways to extend the life of everything you own.
BOOKS056470I: Proulx, E. Annie, - Accordion Crimes.
BOOKS051829I: Prouty, Olive Higgins, - Home Port.
BOOKS015300I: Provensen, Alice & Martin, - The Glorious Flight: across the channel with Louis Bleriot.
BOOKS054449I: Province, revised by Daniel J. Sullivan, - The Summa Theologica: volumes I & II.
BOOKS043238I: Prowler, Donald, - Modest Mansions: design ideas for luxurious living in less space.
BOOKS022219I: Prudden, T. M., - About Lobsters.
BOOKS047845I: Prudden, T. M., - About Lobsters.
BOOKS039669I: Prudden, T. M., - About Lobsters.
BOOKS041872I: Prudden, Suzy, - Meta-Fitness: your thoughts taking shape.
BOOKS046040I: Prudden, Bonnie, foreword by Dr. Desmond Tivy, - Pain Erasure: the Bonnie Prudden way.
BOOKS042219I: Prudhomme, Paul, - Chef Paul Prudhomme's Seasoned America.
BOOKS047336I: Pruitt, Frank O. with 40th Division 1952-1953, - Reminiscence of a Forgotten War: the memoirs of Frank O. Pruitt.
BOOKS037629I: Pryce-Jones, David, - The Strange Death of the Soviet Empire.
BOOKS028117I: Pryde, Anthony & R. K. Weekes, - The City of Lilies.
BOOKS037162I: Pryde, Duncan, - Nunaga: ten years of Eskimo life.
BOOKS041947I: Pryde, Anthony, - Clair de Lune.
BOOKS051861I: Pryde, Anthony and R. K. Weekes, - The City of Lilies.
BOOKS017518I: Pryor, Karen, introduction by Konrad Lorenz, - Lads before the Wind.
BOOKS052462I: Pryor, Jerry (signed by author), - Southwest Missouri Mining.
BOOKS045504I: Public Schools of Mansfield, Ohio, - Grange Melodies.
BOOKS052807I: James Dwyer publisher, - Album of Salt Lake City Utah.
BOOKS054703I: Forbes Publisher, - The Vermonter October 1899.
BOOKS019506I: Publishers of the City Directory, compiled by, - Boston Arrow Street Guide.
BOOKS055303I: International Masters Publishers, - Gardening Made Easy: step-by-step to a beautiful garden.
BOOKS003842I: Tabernacle Publishing, - Tabernacle Hymns number four.
BOOKS004063I: Scott Publishing, - United States Stamp Catalogue Specialized.
BOOKS032376I: Anniversary Publishing, - Shreve's Magazine.
BOOKS049642I: Storey Publishing, - Perfect Fruit Pies: award-winning recipes from across America.
BOOKS055353I: Parragon Publishing, - Images of Marilyn.
BOOKS054331I: FC&A Medical Publishing, - Ordinary Ailments, Extraordinary Cures.
BOOKS014281I: Pucci, Eugenio, translatedby Nancy Wolfers Mazzoni, - All Rome: the Vatican & the Sistine Chapel.
BOOKS019668I: Puccini, G., music by, - The Girl of the Golden West: an opera in three acts from the drama by David Belasco.
BOOKS051925I: Pudlowski, Gilles, recipes The Scotto Sisters, - France the Beautiful Cookbook.
BOOKS017065I: Puig, Manuel, - Kiss of the Spider Woman & two other plays.
BOOKS055802I: Puleo, Stephen, - Due to Enemy Action The True World War II, Story of the USS EAGLE based largely on research by Naval Historian Paul M. Lawto.
BOOKS030671I: Puleston, Captain W. D., U.S.N. (Retired), - The Influence of Sea Power in World War II.
BOOKS036029I: Puleston, Dennis, - A Nature Journal: a naturalist's year on Long Island.
BOOKS048621I: Pullen, John J., - The Twentieth Maine: a volunteer regiment in the Civil War.
BOOKS050702I: Pullen, John J., - The Twentieth Maine: a volunteer regiment in the Civil War.
BOOKS019265I: Pulleyn, Rob, - The Wreath Book.
BOOKS028989I: Pulleyn, Rob & Claudette Mautor, - Everlasting Floral Gifts: more than 100 beautiful projects to make.
BOOKS034999I: Pulleyn, Rob, - The Wreath Book.
BOOKS053571I: Pulleyn, Rob, edited by, - The Basketmaker's Art: contemporary baskets and their makers.
BOOKS022388I: Pulliam, Tom & Clare Grundman, - The New York Times Crossword Puzzle Dictionary.
BOOKS024748I: Pulliam, Tom & Clare Grundman, - The New York Times Crossword Puzzle Dictionary.
BOOKS025079I: Punches, Laurie, - How to Simply Cut Children's Hair: a step-by-step guide to cutting, perming & highlighting children's hair.
BOOKS035239I: Pupin, Michael, - The New Reformation.
BOOKS023327I: Purcell, L. Edward, - The Shakers.
BOOKS028345I: Purcell, Ann & Carl, - The Traveling Photographer: how to shoot professional travel pictures.
BOOKS045300I: Purcell, L. Edward, - The Shakers.
BOOKS011648I: Purdy, Ken W., - Motorcars of the Golden Past: 100 rare vehicles from Harrah's automobile collection in Reno, Nevada.
BOOKS040017I: Purdy, susan G., - The Family Baker: 150 never-let-you-down basic recipes.
BOOKS044519I: Purdy, Susan G., - Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too.
BOOKS054694I: Purdy, Claire Lee, - He Heard America Sing: the story of Stephen Foster.
BOOKS019648I: Purinton, Herbert R. & Carl Everett Purinton, - Literature of the New Testament.
BOOKS055298I: Pursis, Miller, - Poultry Breeding: a complte guide for keepers of poultry.
BOOKS038392I: Pushkin, Alexander, from tale by, - The Golden Cockerel.
BOOKS050240I: Pushko, Stanley, - American Boy's Omnibus.
BOOKS003138I: Putnam, David Binney, - David Goes Voyaging.
BOOKS004713I: Putnam, Nina and Gretchen Williams, - Hurry, Scurry.
BOOKS033100I: Putnam, William Lowell, - Mountain Leadership.
BOOKS039089I: Putnam, H. E., - Bottle Identification.
BOOKS040799I: Putnam, Eleanor, edited by Arlo Bates, - Old Salem.
BOOKS042750I: Putnam, Curly, words and music by, - Green Green Grass of Home recorded by Tom Jones on Parrot Records.
BOOKS053529I: Putney, Mary Jo and Jo Beverley, - The Last Chance Christmas Ball.
BOOKS038781I: Pyenson, Louis, Ph.D., - Keep Your Garden Healthy.
BOOKS041379I: Pyke, Felicity, - Soul Thoughts.
BOOKS026252I: Pyle, A. M., - Pure Murder: a Detective Cesar Franck mystery.
BOOKS030164I: Pyle, Ernie, - Here Is Your War.
BOOKS032157I: Pyle, Ernie, - Here Is Your War.
BOOKS032719I: Pyle, Howard, - Otto of the Silver Hand.
BOOKS038887I: Pyle, Ernie, - Brave Men.
BOOKS039056I: Pyle, Ernie, - Brave Men.
BOOKS043730I: Pyle, Howard, - The Story of the Champions of the Round Table.
BOOKS043731I: Pyle, Howard, - The Story of Kng Arthur and His Knights.
BOOKS044128I: Pyle, Howard, - The Garden Behind the Moon.
BOOKS047349I: Pym, Barbara, - Civil to Strangers and Other Writings.
BOOKS026944I: Pym, Barbara, - A Very Private Eye: an autobiography in diaries and letters.
BOOKS026945I: Pym, Barbara, - Crampton Hodnet.
BOOKS047764I: Pym, Barbara, - A Very Priate Eye: an autobiography in diaries & letters.
BOOKS045101I: Pynchon, Thomas, - Mason & Dixon.
BOOKS004776I: Pynchon, Thomas, - Vineland.
BOOKS023259I: Pyper, Andrew, - Lost Girls.
BOOKS006231I: Quackenbush, Robert, - Piet Potter's First Case: a Piet Potter mystery.
BOOKS010597I: Quackenbush, Robert, - Henry Babysits.
BOOKS018776I: Quackenbush, Robert, - Henry's Important Date.
BOOKS034178I: Qualey, Martin, told by, - Stories.
BOOKS034179I: Qualey, Martin, - A Story ..or 2, for You!!! (or back to the ducky chair again!).
BOOKS041856I: Qualman, Al, - Blood on the Half Shell.
BOOKS048653I: Quarstein, John V., - The Civil War on the Virginia Peninsula: Images of America.
BOOKS048161I: Quat, Helen, - Wonderful World of Freezer Cooking.
BOOKS008772I: Quayle, Marilyn Tucker and nancy Tucker Northcott, - The Campaign.
BOOKS010511I: Quayle, Dan, - Standing Firm.
BOOKS035880I: Quayle, William A., - A Hero and Some Other Folk.
BOOKS043372I: Quayle, William A., - God's Calendar.
BOOKS038638I: Queal, Morgan, edited by, - A Guide to Ski Touring: covering Colorado, Southern Wyoming and New Mexico.
BOOKS008402I: Queen, Ellery Jr., - The Green Turtle Mystery.
BOOKS041124I: The Queen's Gallery, - Holbein and the Court of Henry VIII.
BOOKS053534I: de Queiroz, Rachel, translated by Dorothy Scott Loos, - Dora, Doralina.
BOOKS030288I: Quick, Vivien & Clifford, - Everywoman's Wholefood Cook Book.
BOOKS002068I: Quigley, Joan, - "What Does Joan Say?": my seven years as White House astrologer to Nancy and Ronald Reagan.
BOOKS035177I: Quigley, Hugh, - The Land of the Rhone: Lyons and Provence.
BOOKS045009I: Quigley, Martin S., foreword by T. Ryle Dwyer, - A U.S. Spy in Ireland.
BOOKS036693I: Quilici, Folco, - The Blue Continent.
BOOKS046597I: Quillen, Jim, - Alcatraz from Inside.
BOOKS049249I: Quiller-Couch, A. T., - The Mayor of Troy: "Daily Mail" Sixpenny Novels.
BOOKS053718I: Quiller-Couch, Arthur, Sir, chosen and edited by, - The Oxford Book of English Verse 1250-1918.
BOOKS041377I: Variable Star Quilters, - The Quiltie Ladies' Scrapbook.
BOOKS030301I: Quilty, Glen, - Food for Men: a treasury of hearty & tasty cookery, together with adventures in dish hunting, anecdotes & glimpses into ....
BOOKS026516I: Quimby, Myron J., - Scratch Ankle, U.S.A.: American place names and their derivation.
BOOKS033459I: Quimby, Myron J., - The Devil's Emissaries.
BOOKS054107I: Quinard, Claude, - Le Loup de Gubbio or Le Miracle de Saint Francois D'Assisi (in French) The Miracle of St. Francis of Assissi.
BOOKS006696I: Quindlen, Anna, - Thinking Out Loud: on the personal, the political, the public and the private.
BOOKS020278I: Quindlen, Anna, - A Short Guide to a Happy Life.
BOOKS033644I: Quindlen, Anna, - A Short Guide to a Happy Life.
BOOKS001213I: Quine, Judith Balaban, - The Bridesmaids: Grace Kelly, Princess of Monaco, and Six Intimate Friends.
BOOKS052496I: Quiner, Krista, foreword by Steve Nunno, - Shannon Miller: America's most decorated gymnast.
BOOKS014415I: Quinlan, Susan E., - The Case of the Mummified Pigs and other mysteries in nature.
BOOKS046041I: Quinlan, Joseph & Julia with Phyllis Battelle, - Karen Ann: the Quinlans tell their story.
BOOKS005529I: Quinn, Arthur, - The Rivals: William Gwin, David Broderick, and the birth of California.
BOOKS011413I: Quinn, Jane Bryant, - Making the Most of Your Money.
BOOKS011900I: Quinn, Vernon, - 50 Card Games for Children: with an easy lesson in contract bridge & complete layouts for playing.
BOOKS017705I: Quinn, John R., - The Winter Woods.
BOOKS023661I: Quinn, Brian P., C.S.W., Ph.D., - The Depression Sourcebook.
BOOKS027588I: Quinn-Andry, Terri & Kitty Haller, - Designing Campus Networks: a complete & practical resource for campus network design.
BOOKS029758I: Quinn, Gary, - May the Angels Be with You: a psychic helps you find your spirit guides and your true purpose.
BOOKS042481I: Quinn, Arthur Hobson, Albert Croll Baugh & Will David Howe, edited by, - The Literature of America 2 volumes: an anthology of prose and verse.
BOOKS048912I: Quinn, John, edited by, foreword by Seamus Heaney, - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Girl.
BOOKS043706I: Quinn, William P., - Shipwrecks along the Atlantic Coast: a chronology of maritime accidents and disasters from Maine to Florida.
BOOKS044862I: Quinn, William P., - Shipwrecks around New England: a chronology of marine accidents and disasters from Grand Manan to Sandy Hook.
BOOKS052036I: Quinn, John, edited by, foreword by Seamus Heaney, - A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Girl.
BOOKS045738I: Quinn, Tom, - Working Retrievers: the training, care, and handling of retrievers for hunting and field trials.
BOOKS055533I: John R. Quinn (signed by author), - Nature's World Records: the most amazing nature facts ever!.
BOOKS054374I: Quinn, Barbara, Prevention editors, - Diabetes Dtour Diet.
BOOKS048344I: Quintana, Leroy V., - The Great Whirl of Exile: poems (review copy).
BOOKS036580I: Quintero, Jose, - If You Don't Dance They Beat You.
BOOKS034688I: Quirk, Lawrence J., - Fasten Your Seat Belts: the passionate life of Bette Davis.
BOOKS007376I: Quirke, Lillian Mary, - The Rug Book: how to make all kinds of rugs.
BOOKS050653I: Raab, Evelyn, - The Clueless Vegetarian: a cookbook for the aspiring vegetarian.
BOOKS017952I: Raban, Jonathan, - Passage to Juneau: a sea and its meanings.
BOOKS028759I: Raban, Jonathan, - Bad Land :an American romance.
BOOKS052551I: Central Conference of American Rabbis, - Gates of Prayer: New Union Prayerbook: Weekdays, Sabbaths, and Festivals Services and Prayers for Synagogue and Home.
BOOKS030986I: Rabbitt, Mary C.; Edwin D. McKee; Charles B. Hunt; Luna B. Leopold, - Colorado River Region and John Wesley Powell; Stratified Rocks of the Grand Canyon, Geologic History of the Colorado River;.
BOOKS025750I: Rabelais, - The Works of Rabelais.
BOOKS037431I: Rabelais, translated by Urquhart & Motteux with variorum notes, - The Works of Rabelais completely translated into English.
BOOKS054486I: Rabin, Arnold, - The Christmas Bunny.
BOOKS008289I: Rabin, Arnold, - The Christmas Bunny.
BOOKS021677I: Raboff, Ernest, - Paul Klee: art for children.
BOOKS052259I: Rachel, Field, - Hepatica.
BOOKS005345I: Rachlis, Eugene, - Horses: question and answer adventures.
BOOKS012402I: Racine, introduction & translation by Bernard D. N. Grebanier, - Phaedra: an English acting version.
BOOKS041908I: Racine, J., edited by Edward S. Joynes, - Athalie: a tragedy by J. Racine with explanatory notes.
BOOKS037883I: Racz, Justin, - J. Crewd: a parody.
BOOKS002804I: Radcliffe, Donnie, - Hillary Rodham Clinton: a first lady for our time.
BOOKS014270I: Radcliffe, Donnie, - Simply Barbara Bush: a portrait of America's candid first lady.
BOOKS028471I: Raddall, Thomas H., introduction by Allan Bevan, - At the Tide's Turn & other stories (New Canadian Library no. 9).
BOOKS023870I: Rader, Dotson, - Tennessee Cry of the Heart: an intimate memoir of Tennessee Williams.
BOOKS029612I: Rader, William, - Shakesperean Studies.
BOOKS054073I: Radford, Benjamin and Joe Nickell, foreword by Loren Coleman, - Lake Monster Mysteries: investigating the world's most elusive creatures.
BOOKS053418I: Radford, Ruby Lorraine, - Peggy Parker Girl Inventor.
BOOKS049251I: Radhakrishnan, - East and West in Religion.
BOOKS019161I: Radin, Paul, - The Story of the American Indian.
BOOKS019953I: Radley, Paul John, - Jack Rivers & Me.
BOOKS025723I: Radley, Paul John, - My Blue-Checker Corker & Me.
BOOKS025402I: Radner, Gilda, - It's Always Something.
BOOKS045694I: Rado, James, Gerome Ragni, music by Galt MacDermot, - Aquarius from Hair: the American Tribal Love Rock musical sheet music.
BOOKS048824I: Radosh, Ronald and Joyce Milton, - The Rosenberg File: a search for the truth.
BOOKS036925I: Radzinsky, Edvard, - The Last Tsar: the life and death of Nicholas II.
BOOKS054933I: Radzinsky, Edvard, translated by H. T. Willetts, - Stalin: the first in-depth biography based on explosive documents from Russia's secret archives.
BOOKS050854I: Rae, Walter, - How We Built Our House for under $10,000: a true-life adventure.
BOOKS046669I: Rae-Smith, William, - The Complete Book of Water Gardening: an inspirational guide.
BOOKS053666I: Raffael, Joseph, - The California Years: 1969-1978.
BOOKS055630I: Raffan, James, - Circling the Midnight Sun: culture and change in the Invisible Arctic.
BOOKS056395I: Rafferty, Tod, - American Motorcycles (The complete Illustrated Encyclopedia of).
BOOKS011977I: Raffin, Deborah, edited by, - Sharing Christmas: cherished memories & mementos from over 100 celebrated men & women all over the world.
BOOKS009352I: Rafizadeh, Mansur, former Chief of Savak (Shah's secret police), - Witness from the Shah to the Secret Arms Deal, an insider's account of U.S. involvement in Iran.
BOOKS039171I: Ragan, James, - In the Talking Hours: poems.
BOOKS054142I: Ragle, John W., - Governor Dummer Academy History 1763-1963.
BOOKS046145I: Ragonese, Paul & Berry Stainback, - The Soul of a Cop: the story of one of America's most decorated cops.
BOOKS030188I: Rahmani, Levy, - Soviet Psychology: philosophical theoretical and experiemental issues.
BOOKS055718I: life and connection with Maine and railroads, - The Rumford Falls & Rangeley Lakes Railroad.
BOOKS055715I: Bridgton News & Edgar Thorn MeadSupt Bridgton Railway, - The Twenty-Four-Inch Gauge Railroad at Bridgton, Maine.
BOOKS034727I: Raimondi, Georgia, - The Passionate Gardener.
BOOKS010502I: Rain, Mary Summer, new preface by author, - Dreamwalker: the path of sacred power.
BOOKS027114I: Rain, Mary Summer, - Spirit Song: the visionary wisdom of no-eyes.
BOOKS029131I: Rain, Mary Summer, new preface by author, - Phantoms Afoot: helping the spirits among us.
BOOKS042147I: Rain, Mary Summer, new preface by author, - Phoenix Rising.
BOOKS042148I: Rain, Mary Summer, new preface by author, - Phantoms Afoot: helping the spirits among us.
BOOKS042149I: Rain, Mary Summer, foreword by author, - Daybreak: the dawning ember.
BOOKS042150I: Rain, Mary Summer, new preface by author, - Dreamwalker: the path of sacred power.
BOOKS044427I: Rain, Mary Summer, - Phoenix Rising: No-Eyes' vision of the changes to come.
BOOKS048941I: Raine, Craig, - T. S. Eliot.
BOOKS031917I: Raine, William MacLeod, - The Yukon Trail.
BOOKS037352I: Raine, Nancy Venable, - After Silence: rape and my journey back.
BOOKS022390I: Raine, William Macleod, - The Fighting Edge (by all-time favorite Western author).
BOOKS010939I: Rainer, Jerome & Julia, introduction by Harold Thomas Hyman, M.D., - Sexual Adventure in Marriage.
BOOKS023291I: Raines, Howell, - Fly Fishing through the Midlife Crisis.
BOOKS053839I: Raines, Howell, - Fly Fishing through the Midlife Crisis.
BOOKS052322I: Raines, Robert A., - Soundings.
BOOKS042193I: Rake, Alan, - East Africa and the Indian Ocean.
BOOKS032096I: Raleigh, Ben, lyrics, music by Bernie Wayne, - The First One to Say Good-Morning (and the last one to say good-night) sheet music.
BOOKS033413I: Raley, Patricia E., - Making Love Better: have an affair with your partner.
BOOKS033414I: Raley, Patricia E., - Making Love Better: have an affair with your partner.
BOOKS033415I: Raley, Patricia E., - Making Love: how to be your own sex therapist.
BOOKS054202I: and Ralph Stockman Tarr, Professor of Geology, - San Francisco's Great Disaster.
BOOKS054281I: Ralston, Chester F., foreword by Donald M. Love, - Oberlin Trees of Campus and town.
BOOKS054885I: Ralston, Aron, - Between a Rock and a Hard Place.
BOOKS021019I: Ramakrishna, Sri, - Thus Spake Sri Ramakrishna.
BOOKS048659I: Rambach, Peggy, - Fighting Gravity.
BOOKS011076I: Ramirez, Sharon, - Brinktown.
BOOKS025641I: Ramos, Manuel, - The Ballad of Gato Guerrero.
BOOKS025642I: Ramos, Manuel, - The Ballad of Rocky Ruiz.
BOOKS041227I: Rampersad, Arnold, - The Life of Langston Hughes: volume 1: 1902-1941: I, too, sing America.
BOOKS055159I: Ramsbottom, John,, - Mushrooms & Toadstools: a study of the activities of fungi: the New Naturalist.
BOOKS048433I: Ramsdale, Jeanne A., assisted by Philip N. Ramsdale, D.V.M., - Persian Cats and Other Longhairs.
BOOKS003354I: Ramsey, Martha, - Where I Stopped: remembering a rape at thirteen.
BOOKS005778I: Ramsey, Douglas K., - The Corporate Warriors: six classic cases in American business.
BOOKS047847I: Ramsey, James, - Winter Watch.
BOOKS039454I: Ramsey, L. W., - Landscaping the Home Grounds.
BOOKS053592I: Ramsey, Mariam, - High Country Adventure.
BOOKS054244I: Ramsey, Frederic, Jr. and Charles Edward Smith, edited by, - Jazzmen (new introduction by Nat Henthoff).
BOOKS050401I: Ramsower, Harry C., - Farm Equipment and How to Use It: a classic of American ingenuity.
BOOKS026756I: Ramthun, Bonnie, - Earthquake Games.
BOOKS027886I: Rance, Joseph & Arei Kato, - Bullet Train.
BOOKS002141I: Rand, Ayn, - For the New Intellectual: the philosophy of Ayn Rand.
BOOKS022245I: Rand, Ayn, special introduction by Ayn Rand, - The Fountainhead: 25th anniversary edition.
BOOKS029201I: Rand, Ayn, - Anthem.
BOOKS044367I: Rand, Ann, - Did a Bear Just Walk There?.
BOOKS048107I: Rand, Ayn, - Passion.
BOOKS010689I: Randall, Roy Oscar & John Sydney Baxter, compiled & edited by, - The Forgotten Men: A Photographic History: Why America Won the War showing the machinery of war as it related to ship building,.
BOOKS024353I: Randall, R. H., - Useful Songs for Unprejudiced Singing Teachers in the United States.
BOOKS035989I: Randall, Peter, foreword by Sherman Adams, - Mount Washington: a guide and short history.
BOOKS041943I: Randall, Homer, - Army Boys in France or from training camp to trenches.
BOOKS043537I: Randall, Homer, - Army Boys Marching into Germany or Over the Rhine with the Stars and Stripes.
BOOKS055857I: Randall, J. G., - Midstream - Lincoln the President.
BOOKS055058I: Randall, J. C. and Richard S. Currest, - Last Full Measure: Lincoln the President.
BOOKS051904I: Randall, Randy, - Sandbox Camp Tales from a Maine Storyteller (signed by author).
BOOKS052415I: Randall, Charles Edgar and Henry Clepper, - Famous and Historic Trees.
BOOKS022142I: Randisi, Robert J., - The Dead of Brooklyn: a Nick Delvecchio novel.
BOOKS027048I: Randles, Jenny, - The UFO Conspiracy from the official case files of the world's leading nations.
BOOKS055745I: inscribed plus note by editor Randolph, - True Stories by Three Men of the Sea.
BOOKS005990I: Randolph, Lee, - Curses & Songs & Poems.
BOOKS051640I: Randolph, Blythe, - Amelia Earhart.
BOOKS041978I: Rane, F. Wm., - A selected List of Vegetables for the Garden: Bulletin 99: March 1903.
BOOKS038117I: Ranger, Robin, - Out of School.
BOOKS034558I: Ranieri, Thomas A., - The Most Scenic Drives in America.
BOOKS001086I: Rankin, Herbert A., - Pastel Work or Colour with Crayon. Vol. 1 only.
BOOKS014796I: Rankin, Chris, - Splendid Samplers to Cross-Stitch: 35 original projects.
BOOKS014803I: Rankin, Chris, - Gorgeous Cross-Stitch: more than 60 enchanting projects to decorate every room.
BOOKS023653I: Rankin, Chris, - Great Pillows: 60 original projects.
BOOKS041348I: Rankin, Chris `, - Patriotic Crafts: spirited projects that celebrate America.
BOOKS041815I: Rankin, Chris, - Decorating Table Linens.
BOOKS047327I: Rankin, Claire, - The Tall Voyagers: the story of Barney Burnett.
BOOKS055086I: Ranney, Edward, essay by Lucy R. Lippard, - The Lines.
BOOKS019928I: Ranney, Agnes V., - Flash of Phantom Canyon.
BOOKS041450I: Ranous, Charles & Dorothy, - The Inner Zone.
BOOKS030767I: Ransom, Ron, - Santa Carving: a carving primer for beginning and advanced carvers.
BOOKS037794I: Ransom, Elmer, - The Woodland Book.
BOOKS056538I: Ransom, John Crowe, - Beating the Bushes: Selected Essays 1941-1970.
BOOKS015566I: Rapant, Larry, - Collecting the Empties.
BOOKS045233I: Rapee, Erno and Lew Pollack, - Charmaine with Ukulele Arrangement.
BOOKS011860I: Raphael, Elaine & Don Bolognese, - Turnabout.
BOOKS014396I: Raphael, Lev, - The Edith Wharton Murders: a Nick Hoffman mystery.
BOOKS026065I: Raphael, Elaine & Don Bolognese, - Sam Baker Gone West.
BOOKS037793I: Raphael, Ray, - Edges: backcountry lives in America today on the borderlands between the old ways and the new.
BOOKS019563I: Raphaell, Katrina, - Crystal Enlightenment: the transforming properties of crystals & healing stones: volume 1.
BOOKS026432I: Raphaell, Katrina, - Crystal Enlightenment: the transforming properties of crystals & healing stones: volume 1.
BOOKS041602I: Raphaell, Katrina, - Crystal Enlightenment: the transforming properties of crystals and healing stones.
BOOKS013768I: Rapoport, Louis, - Confrontations: Israeli life in the year of the uprising.
BOOKS048467I: Raposo, Joe and Jeffrey, words and music by, - The Sesame Street Song Book.
BOOKS008621I: Rapp, Lynn & Joel, - Mother Earth's Hassle-Free Indoor Plant Book.
BOOKS051223I: Rappaport, Doreen, - American Women: their lives in their words.
BOOKS051011I: Rappleyea, Geo. W., Ph.D., LL.D., Director of Boat Operations, - Navigation Wrinkles for Combat Motor Boats.
BOOKS028426I: Rappole, John H. & Gene W. Blacklock, - A Field Guide Birds of Texas.
BOOKS014576I: Rasey, Ruth M., - Out of the Saltbox: the savour of Old Vermont.
BOOKS026545I: Rasey, Ruth M., - Out of the Saltbox: the savour of Old Vermont.
BOOKS040365I: Rasey, Ruth M., - Out of the Saltbox: the savour of Old Vermont.
BOOKS031735I: Rash, Bryson B., - Footnote Washington*: tracking the engaging, humorous and surprising bypaths of capital history.
BOOKS009551I: Rashke, Richard, - Runaway Father: the true story of Pat Bennett, her daughters, and their seventeen-year serach.
BOOKS005262I: Raskin, Barbara, - Current Affairs.
BOOKS013703I: Raskin, Ellen, - Moose, Goose and Little Nobody.
BOOKS056819I: Rasmussen, Halfdan, - A Little Bitty Man and other poems for the very young.
BOOKS003666I: Raspail, Jean, translated by Jeremy Leggatt, - Blue Island.
BOOKS012343I: Ratcliff, Rosemary, - Refurbishing Antiques.
BOOKS043448I: Rathaur, Kamal Raj Singh, foreword by Hemanta Shumsher Rana, - The British & the Brave: a history of the Gurkha recruitment in the British Indian Army: Nirala History Series 1.
BOOKS050724I: Rathbone, Belinda, - The Guynd: a Scottish journal.
BOOKS014517I: Rathborne, St. George, - Rocky Mountain Boys or camping in the big game country.
BOOKS027282I: Rathborne, St. George, - Lend-A-Hand Boys' Sanitary Squad or when the fever came to Blairstown.
BOOKS043661I: Rathborne, St. George, - Campmates in Michigan or with pack and paddle in the pine woods.
BOOKS016649I: Rather, Dan & Gary Paul Gates, - The Palace Guard.
BOOKS018519I: Rathjen, Carl Henry, - Hot Rod Road.
BOOKS053556I: Rathjen, Carl Henry, - The Waltons: the Puzzle.
BOOKS006188I: Rathmann, Peggy, - Officer Buckle and Gloria.
BOOKS015089I: Rathmann, Peggy, - Officer Buckle and Gloria.
BOOKS054327I: Ratisseau, Elizabeth, compiled by, - Dogs Tell Their Own Stories.
BOOKS034680I: Ratliff, Gerald Lee, - Playing Scenes: a sourcebook for performers.
BOOKS039849I: Ratsey, Ernest A. & W. H. de Fontaine, - Yacht Sails Their Care & Handling.
BOOKS053408I: Rattray, R. Sutherland, preface by Rev. Alexander Hetherwick, D.D., - Some Folk-Lore Stories And Songs with Englsh translation and notes.
BOOKS048402I: Raucat, Thomas, translated by Leonard Cline, - Honorable Picnic.
BOOKS010397I: Rauch, Jonathan, foreword by James Fallows, - The Outnation: a search for the soul of Japan.
BOOKS053034I: Rausch, Andrew J., - Obsessed with Hollywood: test your knowledge of the silver screen.
BOOKS054781I: Raven Wolf, Silver, - Solitary Witch: The Ultimate Book of Shadows for the New Generation.
BOOKS046109I: Raven, Charles E., - Jesus and the Gospel of Love: being the Alexander Robertson Lectures delivered in 1831 in the University of Glasgow.
BOOKS054084I: Raver, Anne, - Deep in the Green: an exploration of country pleasures.
BOOKS025331I: Ravitch, Diane, - The Troubled Crusade: American education 1945-1980.
BOOKS015324I: Raviv, Dan & Yossi Melman, - Every Spy a Prince: the complete history of Israel's intelligence community.
BOOKS038364I: Raw, Charles, Bruce Page & Godfrey Hodgson, - "Do You Sincerely Want to Be Rich?": the full story of Bernard Cornfeld and IOS.
BOOKS047694I: Rawicz, Slavomir, - The Long Walk: the true story of a trek to freedom.
BOOKS056823I: Rawlence, Ben, - City of Thorns: nine lives in the world's largest refugee camp.
BOOKS010381I: Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, - When the Whippoorwill -.
BOOKS014119I: Rawlings, Edna I., Ph.D. & Dianne K. Carter, Ph.D., - Psychotherapy for Women: treatment toward equality.
BOOKS054392I: Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, - Cross Creek.
BOOKS021752I: Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, - Cross Creek.
BOOKS036661I: Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, - Cross Creek.
BOOKS037792I: Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, - Cross Creek.
BOOKS037821I: Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, - Cross Creek.
BOOKS049293I: Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, - Cross Creek Cookery.
BOOKS043373I: Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, - Cross Creek.
BOOKS056536I: Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, - The Sojourner: a novel by the author of The Yearling..
BOOKS054092I: Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, - Cross Creek Cookery.
BOOKS050871I: Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, - Cross Creek Cookery.
BOOKS055556I: Rawlings, Marjorie Kinnan, - Cross Creek.
BOOKS006996I: Rawls, Wilson, - Summer of the Monkeys.
BOOKS049790I: Rawls, Walton, edited and with introduction by, - Great Civil War Heroes and Their Battles.
BOOKS028173I: Raworth, Jenny & Susan Berry, - Dried Flowers for all Seasons: a complete guide to selecting, drying, and arranging flowers throughout the year.
BOOKS031978I: Raws, Addison C., - Set Free: living proof that no alcholic needs to despair.
BOOKS056820I: Ray, Mary Lyn, - Shaker Boy.
BOOKS002201I: Ray, Milton S., - Poems.
BOOKS013358I: Ray, Anna Chapin, - Teddy Her Book: a story of sweet sixteen.
BOOKS014959I: Ray, Cyril, - The Wines of Italy.
BOOKS046365I: Ray, Marie Beynon, - The Five-Minute Dessert.
BOOKS019064I: Ray, Jeanne, - Julie and Romeo.
BOOKS027310I: Ray, Veronica, - Green Spirituality: reflections on belonging to a world beyond myself.
BOOKS028767I: Ray, Sondra, - The Only Diet There Is.
BOOKS030667I: Ray, Veronica, - Zen Gardening: a down-to-earth philosophy.
BOOKS036716I: Ray, Janisse, - Wild Card Quilt: taking a chance on home.
BOOKS037901I: Ray, Lillian, revised by Billie and Earl of Billie's Dancing School, - Modern Ballroom Dancing with latest exhibition dances.
BOOKS045105I: Ray, Delia, - Gold: the Klondike adventure.
BOOKS051895I: Ray, Jonathan M., instructor, - Charles Milton Staples and His Place in History: a family genealogy researched by the Advanced Placement US History Class.
BOOKS055271I: Raychard, Al, - Fly Fishing in Maine.
BOOKS032282I: Raymo, Chet, - Honey from Stone: a naturalist's search for God.
BOOKS053729I: Raymo, Chet, - Honey from Stone: a naturalist's search for God.
BOOKS002457I: Raymond, George Lansing, - The Aztec God and other dramas.
BOOKS003875I: Raymond, Clifford, - Clifford and John's Almanack containing a great variety of useful and entertaining pieces pertaining to hut happiness.
BOOKS006881I: Raymond, Ernest, - Gentle Greaves.
BOOKS009228I: Raymond, Louise, selected by, - A Child's Book of Prayers.
BOOKS010147I: Raymond, Ernest, - Gentle Greaves.
BOOKS017575I: Raymond, Alex, adapted by Con Steffanson, - Flash Gordon #1: the Lion Men of Mongo.
BOOKS017576I: Raymond, Alex, adapted by Con Steffanson, - Flash Gordon #2: the Plague of Sound.
BOOKS017577I: Raymond, Alex, adapted by Con Steffanson, - Flash Gordon #3: the Space Circus.
BOOKS017578I: Raymond, Alex, adapted by Con Steffanson, - Flash Gordon #4: the Time Trap of Ming XIII.
BOOKS020964I: Raymond, Alex, adapted by Con Steffanson, - Flash Gordon #4: The Time Trap of Ming XIII.
BOOKS024028I: Raymond, Ernest, - Gentle Greaves.
BOOKS037202I: Raymond, E. T., - Uncensored Celebrities.
BOOKS051815I: Raymond, Evelyn, - Dorothy at Skyrie.
BOOKS049172I: Raymond, Evelyn, - Dorothy's Schooling.
BOOKS049210I: Raymond, Cliford, - The Men on the Dead Man's Chest.
BOOKS052815I: Dufy (1877-1953) and Maurich Raynal (introduction), - Dufy: Masterpieces of French Painting.
BOOKS005882I: Rayner, Richard, - The Elephant.
BOOKS048123I: RCA (Radio Corporation of America), - RCA Transistor Manual.
BOOKS048124I: RCA (Radio Corporation of America), - RCA Transistor Manual.
BOOKS036659I: Rea, Lorna, - Rachel Moon.
BOOKS036660I: Rea, Lorna, - The Happy Prisoner.
BOOKS001723I: Read, Miss, - Fresh From the Country.
BOOKS002452I: Read, Doris, - The Lydia Chronicles: in which a 60-something widow drives into the sunset and finds adventure in Southern California..
BOOKS017315I: Read, Piers Paul, - A Season in the West.
BOOKS019535I: Read, Francis A., compiled & edited by Frank W. Read, - Reflections of an Unrepentent Physician.
BOOKS023954I: Read, Mary Lyle, - The Ghost of Emma Louise.
BOOKS025728I: Miss Read, - Summer at Fairacre.
BOOKS025729I: Miss Read, - Summer at Fairacre.
BOOKS025730I: Miss Read, - Summer at Fairacre.
BOOKS025739I: Read, Herbert, - The Innocent Eye.
BOOKS026616I: Miss Read, - A Fortunate Grandchild.
BOOKS026720I: Miss Read, - No Holly for Miss Quinn.
BOOKS027659I: Miss Read, - Mrs. Pringle of Fairacre.
BOOKS045638I: Read, T. Buchanan, - The Wagoner of the Alleghanies: a poem of the days of seventy-six.
BOOKS055263I: Miss Read, - Winter in Thrush Green.
BOOKS051243I: Miss Read, - No Holly for Miss Quinn.
BOOKS039397I: Read, Doris, - The Lydia Chronicles.
BOOKS039720I: Read, T. Buchanan, - Drifting.
BOOKS049142I: Miss Read, - Friends at Thrush Green.
BOOKS051828I: Read, Herbert, introduction by Kenneth Rexroth, - The Green Child.
BOOKS055862I: Miss Read, - Over the Gate.
BOOKS016316I: Reade, Charles, - The Cloister and the Hearth.
BOOKS049426I: Reade, Charles, - Foul Play: a novel.
BOOKS035276I: Reader, W. J., - Life in Victorian England: English Life series.
BOOKS008646I: Reader's Digest, - ABC's of Nature.
BOOKS029693I: Reader's Digest, - Secrets of Better Cooking: a treasury of time tested methods of good cooking.
BOOKS029694I: Reader's Digest, - Secrets of Better Cooking: a treasury of time tested methods of good cooking.
BOOKS031582I: Reader's Digest, - Foods That Harm Foods That Heal.
BOOKS035867I: Reader's Digest, - Reader's Digest Books.
BOOKS041017I: Reader's Digest Editors, selected by, - Great Photographs of World War II.
BOOKS043948I: Reader's Digest, - America the Beautiful.
BOOKS004857I: Reader's Digest, - Natural Disasters: the earth, its wonders, its secrets.
BOOKS055856I: Reader's Digest, - The Story of America.
BOOKS057210I: Reader's Digest, Carroll C Calkins, Editor, - Illustrated Guide to Gardening.
BOOKS028233I: Reader's Digests, - Great Cases of Scotland Yard selected by the editors of The Reader's Digest.
BOOKS031750I: Readicker-Henderson, Lynn & Ed, - The Adventure Guide to Coastal Alaska and the Inside Passage.
BOOKS053885I: Reagan, Ronald, President, - Dear Americans: letters from the desk of President Ronald Reagan.
BOOKS056557I: Reagan, Nancy (photo on front cover), - My Turn.
BOOKS047726I: Reagan, Ronald, edited by Douglas Brinkley, - The Reagan Diaries.
BOOKS047035I: Reagan, Nancy, - To Love a Child.
BOOKS043146I: Reage, Pauline and Jean Paulhan, - The Story of O and an essay A Slaves' Revolt by Paulhan.
BOOKS013180I: Reardon, Mitch, - The Besieged Desert: war, drought, poaching in the Namib Desert.
BOOKS053292I: Reardon, Joyce, Ph.D., edited by (Ridley Pearson), - The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer: my life at Rose Red with an afterword by Steven Rimbauer.
BOOKS053120I: Reash, Janice M., - Early Vows: a collection of Poems.
BOOKS009344I: Reavin, Sam, - Hurray for Captain Jane!.
BOOKS046380I: Reavis, Charles, - Home Sausage Making.
BOOKS023789I: Rebay, Luciano, edited by, - Introduction to Italian Poetry: a dual-language book.
BOOKS046394I: Favorite Recipes, - Favorite Recipes of America Meats including Seafood and Poultry.
BOOKS027852I: Favorite Recipes, - Community Favorites Meat Magic.
BOOKS034087I: Rumford Insured Recipes, - Biscuits and Biscuits Glorified.
BOOKS043170I: Favorite Recipes, - Favorite Recipes of America Salads including Appetizers.
BOOKS054609I: Recitas, Lyn-Genet, - The Plan: eliminate the surprising "healthy" foods that are making you fat and lose weight fast.
BOOKS028448I: Brooklyn Botanic Garden Record, - Handbook on Dwarfed Potted Trees: vol. 9, #3.
BOOKS028449I: Brooklyn Botanic Garden Record, - Handbook on Dwarfed Potted Trees: vol. 9, #3.
BOOKS049724I: recorded by Vic Dana on Dolton Records, - Shangri-La (Popular edition) sheet music.
BOOKS034174I: Iglesias & Willie Nelson on Columbia Records, - To All the Girls I've Loved Before: sheet music.
BOOKS009156I: Rector, Andy, - Marla's Toyshop Adventure.
BOOKS013541I: Redd, William & William Sleator, - Take Charge: a comprehensive analysis of behavior modification.
BOOKS039127I: Redding, Eric & D'Eva, - Great Big Beautiful Doll: the Anna Nicole Smith story.
BOOKS039488I: Redding, Saunders, - The Lonesome Road: the story of the Negro's part in America.
BOOKS027933I: Redenbacher, Orville, - Orville Redenbacher's Popcorn Cookbook.
BOOKS018895I: Redfern, Ron, introduction by Carl Sagan, - Corridors of Time: 1,700,000,000 years of earth at Grand Canyon.
BOOKS007668I: Redfield, James, - The Celestine Vision: living the new spiritual awareness.
BOOKS039975I: Redfield, John, - Music: a science and an art.
BOOKS004842I: Redgrave, Lynn, - This Is Living: how I found health and happiness.
BOOKS029137I: Redman, Harry Newton, - Redman's Musical Dictionary and Pronouncing Guide.
BOOKS054269I: Redman, Ben Ray, edited by and introduction, - The Portable Voltaire.
BOOKS019057I: Redmond, Patrick, - Something Dangerous.
BOOKS045924I: Reece, John, - Golf of Course.
BOOKS003366I: Reed, Ralph, foreword by William Bennett, - Politically Incorrect: the emerging faith factor in American politics.
BOOKS003715I: Reed, Robert C., - Train Wrecks: a pictorial history of accidents on the Main Line.
BOOKS006748I: Reed, Rosie, - My Favorite Friends.
BOOKS012139I: Reed, Gwendolyn, compiled by, - Songs the Sandman Sings.
BOOKS013108I: Reed, Ralph, foreword by William Bennett, - Politically Incorrect: the emerging faith factor in American politics.
BOOKS023443I: Reed, Bobbie, - Listen to the Heart: story meditations on the fruits of the spirit.
BOOKS028454I: Reed, John, - A Still Small Voice.
BOOKS033615I: Reed, Dr. Donald A., foreword by Tom Kirk, - Robert Redford: a photographic portrayal of the man and his films.
BOOKS036348I: Reed, Rosie, - My Favorite Things to Do: Seesaw Books.
BOOKS036647I: Reed, Myrtle, - The Master's Violin.
BOOKS036648I: Reed, Myrtle, - The Master's Violin.
BOOKS037272I: Reed, W. Maxwell, - Civics (Merit Badge).
BOOKS037273I: Reed, W. Maxwell, - Orienteering.
BOOKS040964I: Reed, Gwendolyn, compiled by, - Out of the Ark: an anthology of animal verse.
BOOKS043742I: Reed, Sally D., introduction by Dale Evans-Rogers, - NEA: Propaganda Front of the Radical Left.
BOOKS052592I: Reed, Chester A., S.B., - American Game Birds.
BOOKS048893I: Reed, Pat Bringhurst '55, editor, - Westtown in Word and Deed 1799-1999: an anthology.
BOOKS049147I: Reed, G. H., - Bayside Maine: a thumbnail history.
BOOKS054882I: Reed, Henry M., - The A. B. Frost Book.
BOOKS003812I: Reeder, Roberta, - Anna Akhmatova: poet and prophet.
BOOKS014933I: Reeder, Joan, London Daily Mirror, - The Royal Children's Birthday Book.
BOOKS006395I: Rees, Ennis, - More of Brer Rabbit's Tricks.
BOOKS014573I: Rees, Martin, foreword by Stephen Hawking, - Before the Beginning: our universe and others.
BOOKS019041I: Rees-Jones, Trevor, - The Bodyguard's Story: Diana, the crash, & the sole survivor.
BOOKS027599I: Rees, Yvonne, - The Water Garden: creating water features that will make your garden sparkle: a creative step-by-step guide.
BOOKS032039I: Rees, Lucy, - The Maze: a desert journey.
BOOKS040471I: Rees, Lucy, - The Maze: a desert journey.
BOOKS044012I: Reesink, Maryke, - Peter and the Twelve-Headed Dragon.
BOOKS023054I: Reeve, Arthur B., - Craig Kennedy Listens in: adventures of Craig Kennedy scientific detective.
BOOKS030006I: Reeve, James Knapp, - The Writer's Book: a compendium of information upon matters pertaining to the trade of authorship.
BOOKS037982I: Reeve, Dana, - Care Packages: letters to Christopher Reeve from strangers and other friends.
BOOKS043042I: Reeve, Arthur B., - The Social Gangster: adventures of Craig Kennedy, scientific detective.
BOOKS005048I: Reeves, Thomas C., - A Question of Character: a life of John F. Kennedy.
BOOKS014197I: Reeves, Thomas C., - A Question of Character: a life of John F. Kennedy.
BOOKS021045I: Reeves, Pamela, - Ellis Island: gateway to the American dream.
BOOKS029805I: Reeves, J. Walter, - The Fundamentals of Argumentation and Debate.
BOOKS033445I: Reeves, Thomas C., - The Life and Times of Joe McCarthy: a biography.
BOOKS054177I: Wilson Refrigeration, - Wilson Zero Sale Freezer instructions for the care and operation.
BOOKS051091I: Regan, Patrick, - Hallmark: a century of caring.
BOOKS037256I: Regan, Geoffrey, - Great Military Blunders.
BOOKS045596I: Regan, Geoffrey, - The Past Times Book of Naval Blunders.
BOOKS043402I: Regan, Mardee Haiden, written and edited by, - Great Recipes for Great Weekends.
BOOKS053394I: Regan, Patrick with Mary Engelbreit, - Mary Engelbreit: the art and the artist.
BOOKS046511I: Staff and Board of Regents (Westbrook, Maine), - Walker Memorial Library 1894-1994: a history.
BOOKS050059I: Regmi, D. R., - Ancient and Medieval Nepal.
BOOKS049726I: Regney, Noel and Gloria Shayne, words and music by, - Do You Hear What I Hear sheet music.
BOOKS009986I: Regoli, Gigetta Dalli et al, - Vatican Museums Rome.
BOOKS031961I: Federal Energy Regulatory Commission: Office of Pipeline Regulation, - Natural Gas Pipeline Environmental Compliance Workbook: post- certificate environmental compliance Dec. 14-15, 1994.
BOOKS045471I: Disabled American Veterans of the World War: Department of Rehabilitation, - Forward-March!: two volumes.
BOOKS008602I: Rehman, I. A., - Arts & Crafts of Pakistan.
BOOKS048063I: Reich, Robert B. and John D. Donahue, - New Deals: the Chrysler revival and the American system.
BOOKS007266I: Reich, Robert B., - The Next American Frontier.
BOOKS019992I: Reich, Robert B., - Locked in the Cabinet.
BOOKS040582I: Reich, Charles, - The Sorcerer of Bolinas Reef.
BOOKS056960I: Reich, Christopher, - The Take.
BOOKS001481I: Reichard, Gladys A., - Dezba, Woman of the Desert.
BOOKS006792I: Reichart, Natalie and Gilman Keasey, - Archery.
BOOKS012073I: Reichel, Jocelyln, - Old Age Is Not for Sissies.
BOOKS024315I: Reichert, E. C., - My Truck Book.
BOOKS024316I: Reichert, E. C., - My Truck Book.
BOOKS027785I: Reichl, Ruth, - Tender at the Bone: growing up at the table.
BOOKS036914I: Reichl, Ruth, - Tender at the Bone: growing up at the table.
BOOKS007675I: Reichs, Kathy, - Deja Dead.
BOOKS008874I: Reichs, Kathy, - Deja Dead.
BOOKS055876I: Reid, Van, - Cordelia Underwood, or the Marvelous Beginnings of the Moosepath League.
BOOKS056241I: Reid, Van, - Cordelia Underwood or the Marvelous Beginnings of the Moosepath League.
BOOKS001138I: Reid, P. R., - The Colditz Story: the true story of incredible escapes from an "excape-proof" fortress.
BOOKS013949I: Reid, Jeff, - Cat Dependent No More: learning to live cat-free in a cat-filled world.
BOOKS030746I: Reid, Elizabeth of the Grail, foreword by Richard Cardinal Cushing, - I Belong Where I'm Needed.
BOOKS031433I: Reid, Edwin A., - Camps and Critters: Adirondack Readings: vol. VI.
BOOKS032091I: Reid, Van, - Cordelia Underwood or the marvelous beginnings of the Moosepath League.
BOOKS037771I: Reid, Van, - Cordelia Underwood or the marvelous beginnings of the Moosepath League.
BOOKS038588I: Reid, Robert R., edited by, - Country Inns of America Cookbook.
BOOKS041071I: Reid, Christian, - "The Land of the Sky"; or, adventures in mountain by-ways.
BOOKS043347I: Reid, Whitelaw, - The Greatest Fact in Modern History.
BOOKS043580I: Reid, Harry Fielding, - The Distribution of Land and Water on the Earth.
BOOKS050894I: Reid, Van, - Daniel Plainway or the holiday haunting of the Moosepath League.
BOOKS047713I: Reid, Phoenix, - Whole Foods for the Trail.
BOOKS054655I: Reid, Mayne, Captain, - The Young Voyageurs or The Boy Hunters in the North: St. Nicholas Series for boys and girls.
BOOKS005516I: Reiger, George, - The Wildfowler's Quest: 40 years of wandering with America's foremost wildfowler.
BOOKS011829I: Reiger, George, - The Wildfowler's Quest: 40 years of wandering with America's foremost wildfowler.
BOOKS021861I: Reik, Theodor, - The Need to Be Loved.
BOOKS051087I: Reikes, Ursula, - More Quilts for Baby easy as ABC.
BOOKS019035I: Reilly, Helen, - The Canvas Dagger.
BOOKS026204I: Reilly, Ann, - Taylor's Pocket Guide to Modern Roses.
BOOKS034766I: Reilly, Robert, - The God of Mirrors: a novel of Oscar Wilde's dazzling life and tragic fate.
BOOKS037755I: Reilly, Helen, - The Double Man.
BOOKS045423I: Reilly, Rick, with new introduction and postscripts from the author, - Hate Mail from Cheerleaders and other adventures from the life of Reilly.
BOOKS054720I: O'Reilly, Bill, - Hitler's Last Days: the death of the Naxi regime and the world's most notorious dictator.
BOOKS018270I: Reinach, Jacquelyn, - Elephant Eats the Profits.
BOOKS018403I: Reinach, Jacquelyn, - Who Stole the Alligator's Shoe?.
BOOKS032516I: Reinach, Solomon, translated by Florence Simmonds, - Orpheus: a history of religions.
BOOKS024913I: Reiner, Carl, - The Dick Van Dyke Show: volume two (contains 2 episodes) video.
BOOKS033966I: Reiner, Carl, - How Paul Robeson Saved My Life and other mostly happy stories.
BOOKS008976I: Reischauer, Edwin O., - The Japanese.
BOOKS042249I: Reischauer, Edwin O., - The Japanese.
BOOKS049948I: Reisler, Jim, - A Great Day in Cooperstown: the improbable birth of baseball's Hall of Fame.
BOOKS013220I: Reit, Seymour, - Trains.
BOOKS038284I: Reiter, Harriet G., - The Story of Sugar: Instructor Literature Series no. 94.
BOOKS016845I: Reitman, Jerry I., foreword by James G. Oates, - Beyond 2000: the future of direct marketing.
BOOKS024468I: Ferd. F. von Reitzenstein, - Woman in the Sexual Relation: an anthropological and historical survey.
BOOKS040256I: University Relations, - The Advancement of Understanding and Support of Higher Education.
BOOKS055828I: Remarque, Erich Maria, - Heaven Has No Favorites.
BOOKS044279I: Remington, Frederic, edited and with an introduction by Harold McCracken, - Frederic Remington's Own West.
BOOKS023123I: Remini, Robert V., - Andrew Jackson and the Bank War.
BOOKS037380I: Remmers, H. H. & N. L. Gage, - Educational Measurement and Evaluation: Education for Living Series.
BOOKS046651I: Renard, Gary R., - The Disappearance of the Universe: straight talk about illusions, past lives, religion, sex, politics & miracles.
BOOKS033253I: Rendal, Justine, - The Dancing Cat.
BOOKS054518I: Rendall, Raymond E., Forest Commissioner, - Twenty-sixth (26th) Biennial Report State of Maine.
BOOKS054517I: Rendall, Raymond E., Forest Commissioner, - Twenty-fifth (25th) Biennial Report State of Maine.
BOOKS028236I: Rendell, Ruth, - Talking to Strange Men.
BOOKS055930I: Rendell, Ruth, - A Sight for Sore Eyes.
BOOKS017769I: Renee, Jamina, - Tarot Spells.
BOOKS036467I: Renick, Marion, - Pete's Home Run.
BOOKS039367I: Rennert, Amy, edited by, - Helen Mirren Prime Suspect: a celebration.
BOOKS007836I: Reno, Jane Wood, edited by George Hurchalla, - The Hell with Politics: the life and writings of Jane Wood Reno.
BOOKS046833I: Rensberger, Boyce, - The Cult of the Wild.
BOOKS002474I: Rense, Paige - Editor, - American Interiors: Architectural Digest presents a decade of imaginative residential design.
BOOKS037507I: van Rensselaer, Alexander, - Fun with Stunts: two hilarious books in one Betcha Can't Do It! and Try This One.
BOOKS014778I: Renwick, Ethel Hulbert, - A World of Good Cooking or how to fit five continents into an American kitchen.
BOOKS029683I: Renwick, Ethel Hulbert, - A World of Good Cooking or how to fit five continents into an American kitchen.
BOOKS024957I: Repchuk, Caroline, Claire Keen & Andrew Charman, - The Nursery Collection: stories & rhymes for the very young.
BOOKS043666I: narrative by Fanny Bandelier together wtih Report..., - The Journey of Alvar Nunez Careza de Vaca and His Companions from Florida to the Pacific, 1528-1536.
BOOKS033442I: MacArthur Reports, - Pictorial History of the Korean War.

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