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BOOKS224065I: HARRIS, Jonathan - Constantinople: capital of Byzantium
BOOKS006212I: HARRIS, Nathaniel - Porcelain figurines
BOOKS168836I: HARRIS, Clare - Minimise stress, maximise success
BOOKS012217I: HARRIS, Michael - Elite steam
BOOKS180638I: HARRIS, R.W. - Science, mind and method
BOOKS169619I: HARRIS, Richard (ed) - The reminiscences of Sir Henry Hawkins, Baron Brampton
BOOKS034978I: HARRIS, John - The claws of mercy
BOOKS038227I: HARRIS, Mollie - Another kind of magic
BOOKS037475I: HARRIS, Frank - Bernard Shaw
BOOKS041718I: HARRIS, John - Lost at sea: true stories of disaster
BOOKS042772I: HARRIS, Rex - Enjoying jazz
BOOKS152095I: HARRIS, David A. - In the trenches: selected speeches and writings of an American Jewish activist, 1979-1999
BOOKS043027I: HARRIS, Frank - Bernard Shaw
BOOKS046645I: HARRIS, Gertrude - Pots and pans
BOOKS043991I: HARRIS, Mollie - Cotswold privies
BOOKS050850I: HARRIS, Valentina - Italia! Italia! a passion for the real food of Italy
BOOKS065519I: HARRIS, John P. - An Englishman in the Midi
BOOKS055926I: HARRIS, John P. - An Englishman in the Midi
BOOKS059904I: HARRIS, John P. - An Englishman in the Midi
BOOKS060802I: HARRIS, Herbert (ed) / CRIME WRITERS' ASSOCIATION - John Creasey's crime collection 1989: an anthology by members of the Crime Writers' Association
BOOKS071600I: HARRIS, Richard - Discovering timber-framed buildings
BOOKS076081I: HARRIS, Susan E. - Grooming to win: how to groom, trim, braid, and prepare your horse for show.
BOOKS082758I: HARRIS, John P. - An Englishman in the Midi
BOOKS086731I: HARRIS, Joe - Paupers progress: from Poor Relief to old age pension
BOOKS089029I: HARRIS, Geoffrey and SPARK, David - Practical newspaper reporting
BOOKS089001I: HARRIS, D.D. and LEA, D.A.M. - A geography of South Australia
BOOKS090466I: HARRIS, Herbert (ed) - John Creasey's crime collection 1979
BOOKS024398I: HARRIS, Herbert (ed) - John Creasey's crime collection 1978
BOOKS105850I: HARRIS, Jane - Bullying online - managing online behaviour in schools and colleges: a practical resource pack
BOOKS034868I: HARRIS, Joel Chandler - Brer Rabbit stories for the children
BOOKS305393I: HARRIS, Martin C. - Homes of British ice hockey
BOOKS287438I: HARRIS CASS, A.R. - Sea-fishing from the shore
BOOKS210676I: HARRIS, Bruce - Jardine justified: the truth about the Ashes
BOOKS269598I: HARRIS, John - Without trace: the last voyages of eight ships
BOOKS000473I: HARRIS, Frank - Frank Harris on Bernard Shaw
BOOKS179549I: HARRIS, R. Cole & WARKENTIN, John - Canada before Confederation: a study in historical geography
BOOKS039034I: HARRIS, John - The cross of Lazzaro
BOOKS009994I: HARRIS, John - The cross of Lazzaro
BOOKS135869I: HARRIS, Henry - Model soldiers
BOOKS307648I: HARRIS, Michael - Great Western coaches: 1890-1954
BOOKS148265I: HARRIS, Ed - Twickenham: a history of the cathedral of rugby
BOOKS247021I: HARRIS, Rachel & others (eds) - British Journal of Ethnomusicology, volume 11/i, 2002: Red ritual: ritual music and Communism
BOOKS288951I: HARRIS, John & others - Great drawings from the collection of the Royal Institute of British Architects
BOOKS286307I: HARRIS, Judith - Evelina: a Victorian heroine in Venice
BOOKS033948I: HARRIS, Valentina - Recipes from an Italian farmhouse
BOOKS010374I: HARRIS, Mollie - Cotswold privies
BOOKS154134I: HARRIS, Brian L. - Harris's guide to churches and cathedrals: discovering the unique and unusual in over 500 churches and cathedrals
BOOKS172134I: HARRIS, D.D. & SCHUBERT, S.A. - Explore South Australia
BOOKS086922I: HARRIS, Esmond & HARRIS, Jeanette - The Guinness book of trees
BOOKS027844I: HARRIS, Brian - The art of flyfishing
BOOKS291819I: HARRIS, Ruth Elwin - Beyond the orchid house
BOOKS209908I: HARRIS, Joel Chandler - Uncle Remus: his songs and his sayings
BOOKS081135I: HARRIS, John - A peck of pepper
BOOKS244665I: HARRIS, Richard - Before trial: what should be done by client, solicitor & counsel from a barrister's point of view: together with a treatise on the defence of insanity.
BOOKS018101I: HARRIS, Mark - Something about a soldier
BOOKS136048I: HARRIS, Frank - Oscar Wilde
BOOKS176173I: HARRIS, David R. (ed) - The origins and spread of agriculture and pastoralism in Eurasia: crops, fields, flocks and herds
BOOKS213324I: HARRIS, Thistle Y. - Wild flowers of Australia
BOOKS296411I: HARRIS, Carolyn - Knitting patterns from nature
BOOKS288175I: HARRIS, Leslie G. & HARRIS, Andrew Darby - Mixed memoirs: an account of his life and business
BOOKS207355I: HARRIS, Herbert (ed) - John Creasey's crime collection 1981
BOOKS306944I: HARRIS, Tim - Politics under the later Stuarts: party conflict in a divided society 1660-1715
BOOKS207549I: HARRIS, Lillian Craig - In joy and in sorrow
BOOKS247198I: HARRIS, Thomas J. - Courtroom's finest hour in American cinema
BOOKS168817I: HARRIS, Philip R. & STRIPP, William G. - Developing the global organization: strategies for human resource professionals
BOOKS234310I: HARRIS, Herbert (ed) - John Creasey's Crime Collection 1977: an anthology by members of the Crime Writers' Association
BOOKS066599I: HARRIS, Rosemary - Summers of the wild rose
BOOKS156711I: HARRIS, Frank - Unpath'd waters
BOOKS303174I: HARRIS, John & TROW, M. J. - Hess: the British conspiracy.
BOOKS265144I: HARRIS, Walter B - The disappearance of Dick: a story of adventure
BOOKS301753I: HARRIS, Robert - The Gloucester Rugby miscellany
BOOKS141348I: HARRIS, Joel Chandler ("UNCLE REMUS") - Daddy Jake, the runaway and short stories told after dark
BOOKS159285I: HARRIS, John - Vardy
BOOKS307534I: HARRIS, Herbert (ed) - John Creasey's Crime collection 1987: an anthology by members of the Crime Writers' Association
BOOKS153022I: HARRIS, Rosemary - Three candles for the dark
BOOKS089265I: HARRIS, Gertrude - Pots and pans
BOOKS189102I: HARRIS, Frank - Shakespeare and his love: a play in four acts and an epilogue
BOOKS285018I: HARRIS, Peter - What became of Alex Bretherton
BOOKS165381I: HARRIS, Ethel A. C. - Portrait medals of a generation, modelled by Ethel A.C. Harris
BOOKS151915I: HARRIS, Colin R - Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia, South Australian Branch), volume 77, 1976
BOOKS037029I: HARRIS, Catherine - Riding for ransom
BOOKS190952I: HARRIS, Alexander - The secrets of Alexander Harris: a frank autobiography by the author of Settlers and Convicts
BOOKS306221I: HARRIS, Herbert (ed) - John Creasey's crime collection: 1980
BOOKS288605I: HARRIS, William H. - Keeping the faith: A. Philip Randolph, Milton P. Webster and the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, 1925-37
BOOKS080673I: HARRIS, Richard - Discovering timber-framed buildings
BOOKS183342I: HARRIS, C.J. - Otters: a study of the recent Lutrinae
BOOKS284356I: HARRIS, Richard - Paradise: a cultural guide
BOOKS298557I: HARRIS, Keith - Hevva!: an account of the Cornish fishing industry in the days of sail
BOOKS295706I: JONATHAN HARRIS - Works of art
BOOKS186805I: HARRIS, Nathaniel - Porcelain figurines
BOOKS066604I: HARRIS, Rosemary - Three candles for the dark
BOOKS292457I: HARRIS, Ted - Shepherding the lost sheep: a World War II memoir
BOOKS292286I: HARRIS, Eve & HARRIS, John R - The Oriental cults in Roman Britain
BOOKS188636I: HARRIS, Henry - Model soldiers
BOOKS219285I: HARRIS, Joel Chandler - Uncle Remus, and, Nights with Uncle Remus
BOOKS284788I: HARRIS, Mollie - A kind of magic
BOOKS290571I: HARRIS, John - The design of the English country house 1620-1920
BOOKS307489I: HARRIS, Herbert (ed) - John Creasey's Crime collection, 1989
BOOKS074670I: HARRIS, Joanne - Gentlemen & players
BOOKS304884I: HARRIS, W.L. - Filton, Gloucestershire: some account of the village and parish
BOOKS229011I: HARRIS, Thomas - Black Sunday
BOOKS269428I: HARRIS, Joseph - Harris on the pig: practical hints for the pig farmer
BOOKS298027I: HARRIS, Robert - Act of oblivion
BOOKS290353I: HARRIS, F. R. - Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata: a chronicle of his life
BOOKS068113I: HARRIS, Arthur - Songs of Shakespeare's shires (Kingly Kenilworth and other Warwickshire poems)
BOOKS067656I: HARRIS, Mollie - The magic of the Cotswold Way
BOOKS288438I: HARRIS, John - Much sounding of bugles: the siege of Chitral, 1895
BOOKS298935I: HARRIS, E.H.M. (editor) - Tamar: journal of the Friends of Morwellham: no. 25 - 2003
BOOKS231534I: HARRISON, Shirley - Cults: the battle for God
BOOKS242828I: HARRISON, Roger & others (eds) - Supporting lifelong learning, volumes 1-3
BOOKS304106I: HARRISON, John Bennet - The Indian mutiny
BOOKS243523I: HARRISON, Harry - The stainless steel rat
BOOKS133966I: HARRISON, David (ed) - Bristol between the wars: a city and its people, 1919-39
BOOKS201566I: HARRISON, Percival T. - Bungalow residences: a handbook for all interested in building
BOOKS230168I: HARRISON, Eunice M.L. - The Judge's wife: memoirs of a British Columbia pioneer
BOOKS199601I: HARRISON, S.E. - The Cirencester vestry book during the 17th century
BOOKS194834I: HARRISON, F.L. - Advanced project management: a structured approach
BOOKS309087I: HARRISON, John - The electronic photographic speedlamp: how to make it and how to use it
BOOKS057312I: HARRISON, Ted - Kris Akabusi on track
BOOKS309022I: HARRISON, David (ed) - Bristol between the wars
BOOKS136451I: HARRISON, Jeffrey & GRANT, Peter - The Thames transformed: London's river and its waterfowl
BOOKS110451I: HARRISON, Tim J. and ZUCKERMAN, Arie J. (eds) - The molecular medicine of viral hepatitis
BOOKS033020I: HARRISON, Frank and RIMMER, Joan - European musical instruments
BOOKS157521I: HARRISON, Carolyn - Countryside recreation in a changing society
BOOKS050462I: HARRISON, Rex - A damned serious business
BOOKS093304I: HARRISON, Fred (ed) - Geophilos, Spring 2001 No 01 (1)
BOOKS074176I: HARRISON, Harry (ed) - The year 2000
BOOKS075433I: HARRISON, Peter & HARRISON, Mary - Mystic forces
BOOKS093412I: HARRISON, Richard - Black widow
BOOKS101566I: HARRISON, Colin - An atlas of the birds of the Western Palaearctic
BOOKS180621I: HARRISON, J.A.C. - The D-I-Y guide to natural stonework
BOOKS018460I: HARRISON, Keith - Songs from the drifting house
BOOKS141215I: HARRISON, E.J. - Manual of judo
BOOKS170940I: HARRISON, John M & STEIN, Harry H (ed) - Muckraking: past, present and future
BOOKS228441I: HARRISON, Max - A jazz retrospect
BOOKS159047I: HARRISON, Ski - Ski Harrison: a photographer's journey 1964-2004
BOOKS121480I: HARRISON, Colin - Victorian and Edwardian Suffolk from old photographs
BOOKS136776I: HARRISON, Grant John - The penalty was death
BOOKS054328I: HARRISON, Shirley - A taste of cider
BOOKS188927I: HARRISON, Frederic - William the Silent
BOOKS163012I: HARRISON, Philip - Free-lance fallacies: straight talks to young writers
BOOKS296938I: HARRISON, Marjorie J. - Living history in the Ainsty: memories of Appleton Roebuck, Bolton Percy, Colton and Acaster Selby 1875 - 2010
BOOKS036690I: HARRISON, Hazel - The encyclopedia of watercolour techniques
BOOKS293208I: HARRISON, Harry - One step from Earth
BOOKS307389I: HARRISON, W. A. - Fairey Swordfish and Albacore
BOOKS196914I: HARRISON, F. Bayford - The Treasure of Spanish villa
BOOKS124267I: HARRISON, Alan and others - Landownership by public and semi-public institutions in the U.K.
BOOKS124499I: HARRISON, Anthony - Economics and land use planning
BOOKS154932I: HARRISON, David - Along the South Downs
BOOKS303736I: HARRISON, Ted - Kriss Akabusi on track
BOOKS270418I: HARRISON, Norman - Once a miner
BOOKS012053I: HARRISON, David - Along Hadrian's Wall
BOOKS207989I: HARRISON AINSWORTH,W. - Windsor Castle: an historical romance
BOOKS309021I: HARRISON, Godfrey - Bristol cream
BOOKS171629I: HARRISON, Harry - The Stainless Steel Rat goes to Hell
BOOKS157654I: HARRISON, Michael - Treadmill
BOOKS265037I: HARRISON, Marjorie J. - Four Ainsty townships: the history of Bolton Percy, Appleton Roebuck, Colton and Steeton, 1066-1875
BOOKS141927I: HARRISON, Carol - Augustine: Christian truth and fractured humanity
BOOKS309081I: HARRISON, Bertha Fortescue - By the byways around Bristol by motor
BOOKS136739I: HARRISON, Harry (ed) - Nova 1
BOOKS241334I: HARRISON, Eric & MEARS, Robert (eds) - Assessing sociologists in higher education
BOOKS030090I: HARRISON, John (ed) - Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society: Volume VI, Part I, 1972
BOOKS228572I: HARRISON, Bernard - Haydn's keyboard music: studies in performance practice
BOOKS227174I: HARRISON, Neil E. - Constructing sustainable development
BOOKS195897I: HARRISON, David - The Rick Perry Show: a play in seven acts
BOOKS301255I: HARRISON, Ray - Death of an Honourable Member
BOOKS127074I: HARRISON, Michael - Airborne at Kitty Hawk: the story of the first heavier-than-air flight made by the Wright brothers, December 17, 1903
BOOKS144818I: HARRISON, Michael - They would be King
BOOKS103749I: HARRISON, F. - A history of Northumberland for use in schools
BOOKS161221I: HARRISON, S.G. - Garden shrubs and trees
BOOKS194298I: HARRISON, Michael - Fire from heaven: a study of spontaneous combustion in human beings
BOOKS039157I: HARRISON, Peter and HARRISON, Mary - Aphrodisiacs from A to Z
BOOKS202797I: HARRISON, Andrew et al (eds) - Intelligent Buildings in South East Asia
BOOKS145331I: HARRISON, F.Bayford - Brothers in arms: a story of the Crusades
BOOKS142188I: HARRISON, Paul - St. James's Park encyclopedia: an A-Z of Uncastle United FC
BOOKS293161I: HARRISON, Harry (editor) - The John W.Campbell memorial anthology
BOOKS289398I: HARRISON, David - Along the South Downs
BOOKS297860I: HARRISON, S. E. - The tramways of Portsmouth
BOOKS167122I: HARRISON, Michael - A choice of churches with literary connections from Cornwall and Devon
BOOKS304935I: HARRISON, John A. - Raising and lowering in peal
BOOKS263763I: HARRISON, Michael - The world of Sherlock Holmes
BOOKS070238I: HARRISON, Michael - London by gaslight: 1861-1911
BOOKS222260I: HARRISON, Frank - Tobruk: the great siege reassessed
BOOKS034318I: HARRISON, Jeffery - Estuary saga
BOOKS290134I: HARRISON, James P. - The communists and Chinese peasant rebellions
BOOKS305814I: HARRISON, Royden (ed) - Independent collier: the coal miner as archetypal proletarian reconsidered
BOOKS267431I: HARRISON, Michael - Sinecure
BOOKS062532I: HARRISON, Colin - An atlas of the birds of the Western Palaearctic
BOOKS213210I: HARRISON, Jeffrey G. - Estuary saga
BOOKS062670I: HARRISON, Harry - Sense of obligation
BOOKS181094I: HARRISON, Sol (ed) - Bat-man, vol. 34, no. 252, October 1973
BOOKS287403I: HARRISON, Jack - History of speed
BOOKS181074I: HARRISON, G.J. - The Flinders University of South Australia campus plan review
BOOKS267875I: HARRISON, Derek - Salute to Snow Hill, 1852-1977
BOOKS284591I: HARRISON, Keith (translator) - Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
BOOKS270740I: HARRISON, W. A. - Swordfish special
BOOKS310428I: HARRISON, Martin - David Bailey: locations: the 1970s archive
BOOKS303929I: HARRISON, M. C. C. & CARTWRIGHT, H. A. - Within four walls: a classic of escape
BOOKS085304I: HARRISON, Michael - Higher things
BOOKS141034I: HARRISON, Harry - Analog, vol.LXXIX, no.5, July 1967
BOOKS053945I: HARRISSON, Charles - The Afghan Hound
BOOKS135539I: HARROD-EAGLES, Cynthia - Deadfall
BOOKS304224I: HARROD, Wihelmine & LINNELL, C. L. S. - Shell guide to Norfolk
BOOKS047178I: HARROD, Jacqueline - Pick of the pack: Patience games
BOOKS135419I: HARROD-EAGLES, Cynthia - Hollow night
BOOKS306591I: HARROD, Mary - From France with love: gender and identity in French romantic comedy
BOOKS210210I: HARROLD, A.F. - The Man Who Spent Years in the Bath: and other poems
BOOKS308919I: HARROP, Dorothy - A history of the Gregynog Press
BOOKS111371I: HARROP, A.J. - New Zealand after five wars
BOOKS208046I: HARROP, A.J. - England and the Maori wars
BOOKS153543I: HARROP, Martin (ed) - Power and policy in liberal democracies
BOOKS207690I: HARROP, A.J. - New Zealand after five wars.
BOOKS287301I: HARROWFIELD, David L. - Call of the ice: fifty years of New Zealand in Antarctica
BOOKS298111I: HARROWVEN, Jean - The limerick makers
BOOKS118000I: HARROWVEN, Jean - The origins of rhymes, songs and sayings
BOOKS131335I: HARROWVEN, Jean - Origins of festivals and feasts
BOOKS303009I: HARRY, John - Savay
BOOKS000410I: HARRY, Gerard / ALLINSON, Alfred (trans) - Maurice Maeterlinck: a biographical study
BOOKS293222I: HARRISON. Harry - Captive universe
BOOKS229575I: HART, Kingsley (ed) - The letters of Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple 1652-54
BOOKS199744I: HART, Jerry - Magic... with HART
BOOKS117089I: HART-DAVIS, Duff - Further country matters
BOOKS297303I: HART, Henry H (translator) - Seven hundred Chinese provers
BOOKS286420I: HART, Philip S. - Flying Free: America's first Black aviators
BOOKS200194I: HART, Elizabeth Anna - He conquers who endures
BOOKS233764I: HART, Cyril - The Forest of Dean: new history 1550-1818
BOOKS233765I: HART, Cyril - Practical forestry for the agent and surveyor
BOOKS202725I: HART, Richard - Black Jamaicans' struggle against slavery
BOOKS076259I: HART, Ellen - The iron girl
BOOKS080253I: HART-DAVIS, Adam - Scientific eye
BOOKS288876I: HART, Peter - Voices from the Front: the 2nd Norfolk Regiment: From Le Paradis to Kohima
BOOKS302285I: HART, Judith - Realities: development, basic needs, and human rights
BOOKS248785I: HART, Jeffrey A. - The politics of international economic relations
BOOKS192558I: HART, Jeanne - A decent killer
BOOKS121794I: HART, Avril - Ties
BOOKS307679I: HART, Kitty - Return to Auschwitz: the remarkable story of a girl who survived the Holocaust
BOOKS248309I: HART-DAVIS, Duff - Ascension: the story of a South Atlantic island
BOOKS080552I: HART, Gwen - A history of Cheltenham
BOOKS113588I: HART-DAVIS, Duff - The Heights of Rimring
BOOKS221907I: HART, Cyril - Watts of Lydney, 1851-1965: a brief account of one hundred and fourteen years of enterprise, progress and achievement
BOOKS089535I: HART, Russell M. - Crossing the border: an introduction to the practice of Christian mysticism
BOOKS289260I: HART, Vivien & STIMSON, Shannon C. (eds) - Writing a national identity: political, economic and cultural perspectives on the written constitution
BOOKS126188I: HART, Peter & STEEL, Nigel - Jutland, 1916: death in the grey wastes
BOOKS218338I: HART, Henry Cowles - The dark Missouri
BOOKS306202I: HART, Gerald S. - Ham Green
BOOKS166582I: HART, Ed - Cornwall/West Penwith: 1 Bosigran and the north coast
BOOKS288091I: HART, Gwen - A history of Cheltenham
BOOKS204162I: HART, Liddell - Foch: the man of Orleans
BOOKS280153I: HART, Frances Noyes - The crooked lane
BOOKS211080I: HART, Edward - Northcountry farm animals: a guide to sheep, cattle and horse breeds
BOOKS289981I: HART, Edward - Sheepkeeping on a small scale: sound advice on home wool production
BOOKS018088I: HART, Rex - Gunman's law
BOOKS233762I: HART, Cyril - Between Severn (Saefern) and Wye (Waege) in the Year 1000: A Prelude to the Norman Forest of Dene in Glowecestscire and Herefordscire
BOOKS233763I: HART, Cyril - The Verderers and Forest Laws of Dean (with notes on the Deer and the Speech House Courtroom)
BOOKS049467I: HART, Frank - One long holiday
BOOKS293589I: HART-DAVIS, R. H. - Occasional verses, between 1893 and 1913
BOOKS233512I: HART, K.M. - Vectors (Studies in Mathematics)
BOOKS293953I: HART, Edward - Walking sticks
BOOKS046575I: HART, Edward - The harness horse
BOOKS159503I: HART, Edward - The coloured horse and pony
BOOKS286929I: HART, B. H. Liddell - Why don't we learn from history?
BOOKS047133I: HART, Guy - White months return: Mongolia comes of age
BOOKS241118I: HART, Malcolm (ed) - The Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature and the Arts: report and transcations, volume 148, 2016
BOOKS074780I: HART, Christopher - Rescue me
BOOKS083166I: HARTCUP, Adeline - Children of the great country houses
BOOKS270050I: HARTCUP, Guy - The achievement of the airship: a history of the development of rigid, semi-rigid and non-rigid airships
BOOKS306761I: HARTCUP, Guy - The achievement of the airship: a history of the development of rigid, semi-rigid and non-rigid airships
BOOKS289314I: HARTE, Bret - My friend the tramp
BOOKS011907I: HARTE, Brett - Thankful blossom: a romance of the Jerseys 1779
BOOKS023232I: HARTE, Bret - Barker's luck and other stories
BOOKS154569I: HARTE, Bret - Colonel Starbottle's client and some other people
BOOKS086083I: HARTE, Brett - The Queen of the Pirate Isle
BOOKS028080I: HARTE, Bret - A waif of the plains
BOOKS015745I: HARTE, Bret - The lost galleon and other tales
BOOKS024009I: HARTE, Bret - Poems
BOOKS230383I: HARTE, Chris - SACA: The history of the South Australian Cricket Association
BOOKS204087I: HARTE, Bret - Snow-bound at Eagle's
BOOKS159112I: HARTE, Richard (ed) - Hypnosis Quarterly, volume XXVII (27) no. 2, 1983
BOOKS159115I: HARTE, Richard (ed) - The new Hypnosis Quarterly, volume XXVI (26), no.3, 1983
BOOKS148775I: HARTE, Bret - Colonel Starbottle's client and some other people
BOOKS268690I: HARTE, Bret - Cressy
BOOKS265746I: HARTE, Chris - Old Gold: a season with Carmarthen Town
BOOKS032241I: HARTE, Bret - The bell-ringer of Angel's etc.
BOOKS231919I: HARTE, Jeremy - Scenes from Medieval life in Epsom, Ewell and Cuddington
BOOKS249033I: HARTER, Walter - Deadly reunion
BOOKS305628I: HARTER, Nathan - Clearings in the forest: on the study of leadership
BOOKS175439I: HARTING, James Edmund - Bibliotheca accipitraria: a catalogue of books ancient & modern relating to falconry:with notes,glossary and vocabulary
BOOKS239496I: HARTLAND, E.S. - Mythology and folktales: their relation and interpretation
BOOKS299271I: HARTLAND,, Edwin Sidney (editor) - English fairy tales
BOOKS198672I: HARTLAND, Michael - The third betrayal
BOOKS235278I: HARTLEY, John - Mally an' me: a selection of humorous and pathetic incidents from the life of Sammywell Grimes and his wife Mally
BOOKS308037I: HARTLEY, Marie & INGILBY, Joan - Yorkshire village
BOOKS223759I: HARTLEY, John - Mally an' Me: a selection of humorous and pathetic incidents from the life of Sammywell Grimes and his wife Mally; written in the Yorkshire dialect
BOOKS043605I: HARTLEY, Harold (Sir) - Humphry Davy
BOOKS184572I: HARTLEY, L.P. - The shrimp and the anemone
BOOKS068671I: HARTLEY, L.P. - A perfect woman
BOOKS226778I: HARTLEY, John - Mally an' Me: a selection of humorous and pathetic incidents from the life of Sammywell Grimes and his wife Mally; written in the Yorkshire dialect
BOOKS233947I: HARTLEY, Jean - Philip Larkin, the Marvell Press and me
BOOKS303242I: HARTLEY, Brian R. & FITTS, Leon - The Brigantes
BOOKS168100I: HARTLEY, L.P. - The betrayal
BOOKS100221I: HARTLEY, Lodwick - Laurence Sterne: a biographical essay
BOOKS129717I: HARTLEY, Harold - Humphry Davy
BOOKS291227I: HARTLEY, Elizabeth - Roman life at the Yorkshire Museum
BOOKS293390I: HARTLEY, Brian R. & FITTS, Leon - The Brigantes
BOOKS019284I: HARTLEY-EDWARDS, Elwyn (ed) - The Country Life book of saddlery and equipment
BOOKS006112I: HARTLEY, L.P. - The shrimp and the anemone
BOOKS289533I: HARTLEY, John - Communication, cultural and media studies: the key concepts
BOOKS172142I: HARTLEY, L.P. - A perfect woman
BOOKS146465I: HARTLEY, Rex - Murder in mind: a play in three acts
BOOKS101945I: HARTLEY, Harold (Sir) - Humphry Davy
BOOKS001392I: HARTLEY, Keith - Scottish art since 1900
BOOKS269036I: HARTLEY, George (ed) - Listen: a review of poetry & criticism, vol.3, no.1, Winter 1958
BOOKS233200I: HARTLEY, R.A. / HUMPHREYS, Richard - Jack Scroggins: 19th Century pugilist
BOOKS157691I: HARTLEY, L.P. - A perfect woman
BOOKS155706I: HARTLING, Peter - Hubert, oder Die Rückkehr nach Casablanca: Roman
BOOKS117243I: HARTMAN, Howard - The seas were mine
BOOKS246444I: HARTMANN, Rudolf - Richard Strauss: the staging of his operas and ballets
BOOKS183763I: HARTMANN, John - A deer in the family
BOOKS022311I: HARTMANN, Henri - Gynecological operations including non-operative treatment and minor gynecology
BOOKS021580I: HARTMANN, John - A deer in the family
BOOKS294059I: HARTMANN-VIRNICH, Andreas - The Alyscamps of Arles: mini guide
BOOKS307075I: HARTMANN, Cyril Hughes - Charles II and Madame
BOOKS307014I: HARTMANN, Cyril Hughes - The King's friend: a life of Charles Berkeley, Viscount Fitzhardinge, Earl of Falmouth (1630-1665)
BOOKS214987I: HARTMANN, Horst - Saargebiets=Vertragsstaatenpost min Graf Zeppelin befordert LZ127
BOOKS177002I: HARTMANN, Veronique (ed) - Monument Historiques, no.143, Fevrier/Mars 1986: Jardins des provinces,
BOOKS307285I: HARTMANN, Cyril Hughes - The king my brother
BOOKS249085I: HARTNELL-BEAVIS, Susan - Blackford: The story of a village and its people
BOOKS160086I: HARTNELL-BEAVIS, Susan - Brittle glass: a history of the Holland and Beavis families
BOOKS198089I: HARTNELL-BEAVIS, Susan - Brittle glass: the history of the Holland and Beavis families
BOOKS294761I: HARTNEY, Harold E. - Wings over France
BOOKS298194I: HARTNOLL, Phyllis (ed) - Shakespeare in music
BOOKS053976I: HARTNOLL, Phyllis (ed) - The Oxford companion to the theatre
BOOKS292083I: HARTNOLL, Phyllis - Who's who in Shaw
BOOKS243149I: HARTOG, Arie & others - Shouldering Michelangelo. load, force and form in sculpture and photography: Michelangelo Schultern. Last, Kraft, Bild in Skulptur Und Fotografie
BOOKS300257I: HARTOP, Christopher - The Huguenot legacy: English silver 1680-1760
BOOKS190056I: HARTRAMPF, Gustavus A - Hartrampf's vocabularies: synonyms, antonyms, relatives
BOOKS039751I: HARTSHORNE, Mary E. - From Hackney Hill to Hill Farm: a tapestry, three score years and ten
BOOKS248984I: HARTSHORNE, Albert - Old English glasses: an account of glass drinking vessels in England from early times to the end of the Eighteenth century.
BOOKS295702I: HARTUNG, Hans Rudolf - Archäologischer Park Xanten: Kurzführer
BOOKS292953I: HARTWAGNER, Siegfried - Das Zollfeld: eine kulturlandschaft
BOOKS205314I: HARTZ, S.L. - The Elseviers and their contemporaries: An illustrated commentary
BOOKS139010I: HARVARD, Lesley C. - Country chronicles: a history of the village of Stock
BOOKS064014I: HARVESTER, Simon - Zion road
BOOKS063958I: HARVESTER, Simon - Spider's web
BOOKS238649I: HARVEY, John - Cold light
BOOKS309982I: HARVEY, Rob - Captains file: from Peden to Haynes: Australia's Women Test Cricket Captains
BOOKS115373I: HARVEY, John - Provence
BOOKS299045I: HARVEY, John - The Mediaeval architect
BOOKS170175I: HARVEY, Andrew - Hidden journey: a spiritual awakening
BOOKS033245I: HARVEY, Andrew - Hidden journey: a spiritual awakening.
BOOKS159159I: HARVEY-JONES, John - Troubleshooter 2
BOOKS050441I: HARVEY, John - The Gothic world 1100-1600: a survey of architecture and art
BOOKS218901I: HARVEY, Chris - Jaguars in competition
BOOKS309086I: HARVEY, Robert William - A Bristol childhood
BOOKS233681I: HARVEY, Brian - The hottest trumpet: the Kid Howard story
BOOKS011639I: HARVEY-BROOKS, E.C. - Marriage and marriages (Parts I. and II for single, Part III for married folk)
BOOKS299883I: HARVEY, John - The master builders: architecture in the Middle Ages
BOOKS049718I: HARVEY, Paul (ed) - The Oxford companion to classical literature
BOOKS067700I: HARVEY, John - Cold light
BOOKS075928I: HARVEY, John - Easy meat
BOOKS084365I: HARVEY, Geoff - Successful spread betting
BOOKS088707I: HARVEY, Christine and STEADMAN, Helen - Running your own hairdressing salon
BOOKS002544I: HARVEY, Paul (ed) - The Oxford companion to English literature.
BOOKS263527I: HARVEY, W.F. - The mysterious Mr Badman
BOOKS015044I: HARVEY, N.P. - The rose in Britain
BOOKS302718I: HARVEY, Robin & Barbara - Winsley: from Cecilia to Victoria
BOOKS197373I: HARVEY, John - Gothic England: a survey of national culture 1330-1550
BOOKS309649I: HARVEY, Chris - Healey: the handsome brute
BOOKS035586I: HARVEY, Paul (ed) - The Oxford companion to classical literature
BOOKS294282I: HARVEY, John - Gothic England: a survey of national culture 1300-1550
BOOKS176189I: HARVEY, A.E. - Companion to the New Testament: the Gospels
BOOKS306743I: HARVEY, Neil - The modern French Navy
BOOKS290338I: HARVEY, Wiliam - Willie's world 1959: the diary of William Harvey, Leabreck, Southside, Birsay
BOOKS002343I: HARVEY, G.M. - Colliery electrical engineering: a treatise for mine-owners. managers, colliery engineers, and mining students
BOOKS202020I: HARVEY, George - Henry Clay Frick: the man
BOOKS268517I: HARVEY, Maurice - The Allied bomber war, 1939-45
BOOKS215556I: HARVEY, John - Cold light
BOOKS239927I: HARVEY, F.W. - Gloucestershire friends: poems from a German prison camp
BOOKS301414I: HARVEY, L.A & ST LEGER-GORDON, D - The New Naturalist: Dartmoor
BOOKS295555I: HARVEY, John - With the French Foreign Legion in Syria
BOOKS039076I: HARVEY, John - Off minor
BOOKS300167I: HARVEY, J. R. - Victorian novelists and their illustrators
BOOKS216090I: HARVEY, Andrew & HANUT, Eryk - Perfume of the desert: inspirations from Sufi wisdom
BOOKS166954I: HARVEY, Richard (ed) - A guide to genealogical sources in Guildhall Library
BOOKS098442I: HARVEY, John - Publications & tour dates, Autumn 1996
BOOKS244023I: HARVEY, Chris - M.G.: the immortal T Series
BOOKS292118I: HARVEY, C - A guide to Saint Martin, Eynsford, Kent
BOOKS127977I: HARVEY, John - Dublin: a study in environment
BOOKS053749I: HARVEY, David - A nostalgic look at Birmingham trams 1933-1953, Volume I: the northern routes
BOOKS008098I: HARVEY, A.S. - Ballads, songs and rhymes of East Anglia
BOOKS308768I: HARVEY, Chris - Great Marques MG
BOOKS309866I: HARVEY, Chris - Austin Seven
BOOKS309867I: HARVEY, Chris - The Jaguar XK
BOOKS305816I: HARVEY, Alfred - Bristol: a historical and topographical account of the city
BOOKS201636I: HARVEY, A.D. - Sex in Georgian England
BOOKS303801I: HARVEY, A.S. (arranger) - Ballads, songs and rhymes of East Anglia
BOOKS212707I: HARVEY, Harold - A soldier's sketches under fire.
BOOKS249754I: HARVEY, A. D. - Testament of war: Literature, art and the First World War
BOOKS304281I: HARVEY, F.W - Selected poems of F.W. Harvey
BOOKS165135I: HARVEY, John - Conservation of buildings
BOOKS304512I: HARVEY, John - Lonely hearts
BOOKS175318I: HARVEY, N.P. - The rose in Britain
BOOKS213650I: HARVEY, John - Cutting edge
BOOKS123140I: HARVEY, John (ed) - Slow Dancer 21, 1988
BOOKS221300I: HARVEY, W.C. - Sensibility, The Stranger, and other poems.
BOOKS297827I: HARVEY, David - A nostalgic look at Birmingham trams 1933-53, volume 3: the Eastern and Western routes
BOOKS292001I: HARVIE, Christopher - Scotland and nationalism: Scottish society and politics, 1707-1977
BOOKS263424I: HARVIE-BROWN, J.A & BUCKLEY, T.E - A vertebrate fauna of Sutherland, Caithnes, and West Cromarty
BOOKS088721I: HARVIE, Christopher and others (eds) - Industrialisation and culture, 1830-1914
BOOKS131807I: HARVISON, Clifford W. - The horsemen
BOOKS031465I: HARWELL, Richard B.(ed) - The Union reader
BOOKS285666I: HARWICH, Christopher - Red dust: memories of the Uganda police 1935-1955
BOOKS033472I: HARWOOD, Eddie - It don't cost you a penny
BOOKS173698I: HARWOOD, Joy - A portrait of Portsea, 1840-1940
BOOKS305159I: HARWOOD, John - A Christmas manger: with the story of the birth of Jesus Christ as told in the gospel of St. Luke
BOOKS120103I: HARWOOD, Sam and BRYNING, Rob - Dive guide: the Maldives
BOOKS284727I: HARWOOD, Ronald - One. Interior. Day: adventures in the film trade
BOOKS301740I: HARWOOD, David (ed) - The 1988 Cub Scout Annual
BOOKS248554I: HARWOOD, Eddie - It don't cost you a penny: the memoirs of a batman
BOOKS309056I: HARWOOD, J. E. G. - Speed - and how to obtain it
BOOKS301198I: HARWOOD, H. C. - Judgment Eve: stories
BOOKS309470I: HARWOOD, J. E. G. - Speed - and how to obtain it
BOOKS266639I: HASDELL, Roger (ed) - Bulletin of the Inland Waterways Association no. 111-115, December 1974-December 1975 (5 issues)
BOOKS077847I: HASELAGER, W.F.G. - Cognitive science and folk psychology: the right frame of mind
BOOKS304948I: HASELL, F. H. Eva - Canyons, cans, and caravans
BOOKS237955I: HASHEMI, Javad - The joy of collecting egg cups
BOOKS213058I: HASHIMOTO, Kikou - The world aircraft in colour
BOOKS249106I: HASHIMOTO, Akiko - The long defeat: cultural trauma, memory, and identity in Japan
BOOKS218174I: HASKELL,Barbara - Claes Oldenburg: Object into monument.
BOOKS009915I: HASKELL, Arnold L. - Felicity dances: a children's tale about the ballet
BOOKS031580I: HASKELL, W.A. - Shadows on the horizon: the battle of Convoy HX-233
BOOKS306358I: HASKELL, Arnold L. (ed) - The ballet annual 1949: a record and year book of the ballet
BOOKS306352I: HASKELL, Arnold L. (ed) - The ballet annual 1950: a record and year book of the ballet
BOOKS125416I: HASKELL, Arnold L. - Diaghileff: his artistic and private life,
BOOKS284328I: HASKELL, Francis & others - Anatole Demidoff, Prince of San Donato (1812-70)
BOOKS153332I: HASKELL, Arnold L. - The balletomane's scrap-book
BOOKS196206I: HASKELL, W.A. - Shadows on the horizon: the battle of Convoy HX-233
BOOKS225073I: HASKELL, Arnold L. - The Australians: the Anglo-Saxondom of the Southern Hemisphere: an historical sketch
BOOKS310432I: HASKERLeslie - The place which is called Fulanham: an outline history of Fulham from Roman times until the start of the Second World War
BOOKS123130I: HASKIN, Frederic J. - The Panama Canal
BOOKS141774I: HASKINS, Jim - Sugar Ray Leonard
BOOKS157639I: HASKINS, Jim & BENSON, Kathleen - Scott Joplin
BOOKS038603I: HASKINS, Jim - Ella Fitzgerald: a life through jazz
BOOKS162119I: HASLAM, David - Caste out!: the liberation struggle of the Dalits in India
BOOKS059177I: HASLAM, Richard - The buildings of Wales: Powys (Montgomeryshire, Radnorshire, Breconshire)
BOOKS142648I: HASLAM, Malcolm - The real world of the Surrealists
BOOKS248991I: HASLAM, Nicky - Redeeming features: a memoir
BOOKS112458I: HASLAM, Chris - El Sid
BOOKS222255I: HASLAM, Dave - Adventures on the wheels of steel: the rise of the superstar DJs
BOOKS167024I: HASLAM, S.M. - River plants: the macrophytic vegetation of watercourses
BOOKS167527I: HASLAM, S.M. - River plants of Western Europe: the macrophytic vegetation of watercourses of the European Economic Community
BOOKS133923I: HASLEM, John - The old Derby China factory: the workmen and their productions
BOOKS036058I: HASLER, Julie - Kate Greenaway cross stitch designs
BOOKS037064I: HASLER, Julie - The crafty cat workbasket
BOOKS005136I: HASLER, Julie - Wild animals in cross stitch
BOOKS004273I: HASLER, Julie - Kate Greenaway cross stitch designs
BOOKS163072I: HASLER, Charles - The Royal Arms: its graphic and decorative development
BOOKS004726I: HASLER, Julie - Teddy bears in cross stitch
BOOKS229802I: HASLETT, Simon - Coastal Systems
BOOKS193702I: HASLETT, A.W. (ed) - Science News 24
BOOKS039639I: HASLIP, Joan - Lucrezia Borgia: a study
BOOKS303928I: HASLIP, Joan - Lady Hester Stanhope
BOOKS141310I: HASLUCK, Paul N. (ed) - Mounting and framing pictures
BOOKS289840I: HASLUCK, Paul N. (ed) - Knotting and splicing ropes and cordage
BOOKS310677I: HASLUCK, Paul N. (ed) - Rustic carpentry: with numerous engravings and diagrams
BOOKS159550I: HASLUCK, Paul N. (ed) - Wood finishing comprising staining, varnishing and polishing
BOOKS105524I: HASS, Ed - Fire equipment
BOOKS061685I: HASSALL, Angela - Jubilee Wood
BOOKS264878I: HASSALL, John (illus) - Blackie's Green picture-book of nursery rhymes
BOOKS187340I: HASSALL, W.O. - The Bodleian Library Heraldry: catalogue of an exhibiiton held in connection with the Engllish Heraldry Society, 1967
BOOKS103650I: HASSALL, W.O. - Index of persons in Oxfordshire deeds acquired by the Bodleian Library 1878-1963
BOOKS219250I: HASSALL, John - A Naval alphabet
BOOKS192832I: HASSAN, Rebekah - Moroccan cooking: fragrantly spiced North African cuisine
BOOKS224254I: HASSAN, Hengameh Haj - Face to face with the beast: Iranian women in mullahs' prisons
BOOKS234389I: HASSAN, Hengameh Haj - Face to face with the beast: Iranian women in mullah's prisons
BOOKS304836I: HASSE, E. R. - The Moravians
BOOKS233927I: HASSE, John Edward (ed) - Ragtime: its history, composers, music
BOOKS238233I: HASSEL, Sven - Wheels of terror
BOOKS194829I: HASSEL, Sven - Liquidate Paris
BOOKS237694I: VAN HASSEN, Amy - Menace
BOOKS230473I: Hassid, Jonathan - China's unruly journalists: How committed professionals are changing the People's Republic (Routledge Contemporary China Series)
BOOKS295045I: HASSINE FANTAR, Mhamed - Kerkouane: une cite punique au cap-bon
BOOKS310419I: HASSRICK, Peter H. and others - American frontier life: early Western painting and prints
BOOKS287984I: HASTAIN, Eugene - John Masefield, poet laureate: a folio
BOOKS148805I: HASTIE, Scott - Kings Langley: a Hertfordshire village
BOOKS032547I: HASTINGS, Adrian - Robert Runcie
BOOKS155210I: HASTINGS, J. (ed) - The great texts of the Bible: Romans (completion) (VIII-XVI)
BOOKS186499I: HASTINGS, Michael - The voyage of the San Marcos
BOOKS217376I: HASTINGS, Max - Did you really shoot the television?: a family fable
BOOKS188564I: HASTINGS, Max - Overlord: D-Day and the Battle for Normandy
BOOKS155211I: HASTINGS, James (ed) - The great texts of the Bible: Deuteronomy - Esther
BOOKS022057I: HASTINGS, Macdonald / STREET, A.G. (eds) - The Country Fair, a monthly journal of the open air: July - December 1951
BOOKS053367I: HASTINGS, Macdonald - Cork on the water
BOOKS048712I: HASTINGS, Macdonald - A glimpse of Arcadia
BOOKS131661I: HASTINGS, A.C.G. - Nigerian days
BOOKS037061I: HASTINGS, Scott E. - Goodbye Highland Yankee: stories of a North Country boyhood
BOOKS248239I: HASTINGS, Phyllis - The night the roof blew off
BOOKS113595I: HASTINGS, Michael - The killing in black and white
BOOKS113596I: HASTINGS, Michael - The citadel of the bats
BOOKS113597I: HASTINGS, Michael - The port of lost cargoes
BOOKS192582I: HASTINGS, Michael - The puma quest
BOOKS119805I: HASTINGS, James (ed) - Dictionary of the Bible
BOOKS155209I: HASTINGS, J. (ed) - The great texts of the Bible: I Corinthians
BOOKS289074I: HASTINGS, Macdonald - Diane: a Victorian
BOOKS155592I: HASTINGS, James (ed) - A dictionary of the Bible dealing with its language, literature. and contents including the Biblical theolgy, volume II: Feign - Kinsman
BOOKS212374I: HASTINGS, James (ed) - Acts and Romans I-VIII (The great texts of the Bible)
BOOKS133305I: HASTINGS, Derek - Spirits and liqueurs of the world
BOOKS303246I: HASTINGS, Hugh - High tide
BOOKS173505I: HASTINGS, Kenneth - In a right state: the reflections of an education inspector
BOOKS155208I: HASTINGS, J. (ed) - The great texts of the Bible: St John, I-XII
BOOKS006843I: HASTINGS, Macdonald - Diane: a Victorian
BOOKS155057I: HASTINGS, J. (ed) - The great texts of the Bible: Genesis to Numbers
BOOKS155591I: HASTINGS, James (ed) - A dictionary of the Bible dealing with its language, literature. and contents including the Biblical theolgy, volume III: Kir - Pleiades
BOOKS155590I: HASTINGS,James (ed) - A dictionary of the Bible dealing with its language, literature. and contents including the Biblical theolgy, volume IV: Pleroma - Zuzim
BOOKS155589I: HASTINGS, James (ed) - A dictionary of the Bible, dealing with its language, literature and contents including the Biblical theology: extra volume containing articles, indexes and maps
BOOKS165568I: HASTINGS, James (ed) - A dictionary of the Bible dealing with its language, literature, and contents including the Biblical theology: extra volume containing articles, indexes and maps
BOOKS289077I: HASTINGS, Michael - The trader of Skull Island
BOOKS072159I: HASWELL, Jack - The battle for Empire: a century of Anglo-French conflict
BOOKS029056I: HASWELL, Jock - James II: soldier and sailor
BOOKS202747I: HASWELL, Jock - James II: soldier and sailor
BOOKS229875I: HASWELL, J.Mellentin - The Thames & Hudson manual of mosaic
BOOKS186253I: HASWELL, J.M. - The Thames & Hudson manual of mosaic
BOOKS078100I: HATANAKA, K. and others (eds) - The XVI RCNO Osaka International Symposium on Multi-GeV High-performance Accelerators and Related Technology
BOOKS191778I: HATAYA, Noriko & others - Urban problems under the process of fiscal decentralization in Columbia: public services of the barrios populares in Bogota
BOOKS066598I: HATCH, Richard W. - All aboard the Whale!
BOOKS294495I: HATCHER, Julian S. - Textbook of pistols and revolvers: their ammunition, ballistics and use
BOOKS194918I: HATEFI, Youssef & DJAVADI-OHANIANCE,Lisa (eds) - The structural basis of membrane function
BOOKS304454I: HATES, M. Vincent - Artistry in wood: ideas, history, tools, techniques: carving, sculpture, assemblage, woodcuts etc.
BOOKS225906I: HATFIELD, Elaine & RAPSON, Richard L. - Vengeance is mine: a Kate MacKinnon murder mystery
BOOKS017613I: HATFIELD, William - Wild dog frontier
BOOKS226235I: HATFIELD, Elaine & RAPSON, Richard L - Deadly wager: a Kate Mac Kinnon murder mystery
BOOKS242117I: HATLEY, Jan - The Observer's book of zoo animals
BOOKS254851I: HATTAWAY, Paul - China's Christian martyrs
BOOKS003005I: HATTERSLEY, Roy - Nelson
BOOKS009128I: HATTERSLEY, Roy - Politics apart: a selection of 'Listener' endpieces
BOOKS159658I: HATTERSLEY, Roy - The Edwardians
BOOKS065609I: HATTERSLEY, Roy - Who goes home? scenes from a political life
BOOKS050382I: HATTERSLEY, Roy - Buster's diaries
BOOKS064517I: HATTERSLEY, Roy - Fifty years on: a prejudiced history of Britain since the war
BOOKS293075I: HATTINGER, Franz - The Duc de Berry's book of hours
BOOKS131825I: HATTLE, Jack - Wayward winds
BOOKS297460I: HATTON, Ricky - War and peace: my story
BOOKS232863I: HATTON, L. & others - Seismic data processing: theory and practice
BOOKS161914I: HATTON, Les - Worcestershire County Cricket Club First-class records, 1899-1996 (County Record Books)
BOOKS288159I: HATTON, John - The book of Bath: the premier spa of the empire
BOOKS306948I: HATTON, Ragnhild - George I: Elector and King
BOOKS292210I: HATZOPOULOS, Miltiade and LOUKOPOULOS, Louisa D. - Philippe de Macedoine
BOOKS304918I: HAUET, André - Les avions Caudron: Tome 1
BOOKS044788I: HAUETER, Max Walter - Ronald Duncan: the metaphysical content of his plays
BOOKS299706I: HAUGAARD, Erik Christian - The little fishes
BOOKS149936I: HAUGE, Michael - Writing screenplays that sell
BOOKS112185I: HAUGHTON, Rosemary - The liberated heart: transactional analaysis in religious experience
BOOKS287239I: HAUGLID, Roar - Norwegian stave churches
BOOKS214764I: HAUPTMAN,Milos - Motyli. PL 1217-25
BOOKS249607I: HAUPTMANN, Gerhart - Atlantis
BOOKS264422I: HAUPTMANN, Gerhart - The sunken bell: a fairy play
BOOKS292969I: HAUSCHILD, Theodor & others - O mosaico na antiguidade Tardia
BOOKS233053I: HAUSDING, Alfred - A handbook on the winning and utilization of peat
BOOKS304853I: HAUSEN, Hans - On the geology of Lanzarote, Graciosa and the Isletas (Canarian Archipelago): with a geologic map in the scale of 1:200 000
BOOKS308147I: HAUSER, Heinrich - Once your enemy
BOOKS302768I: HAUSER, Albert - Vom Essen und Trinken im alten Zurich
BOOKS298978I: HAUSMAN, William J. & others - Global electrification: multinational enterprise and international finance in the history of light and power, 1878-2007
BOOKS303808I: HAUSMANN, Axel - The geometrid moths of Europe: volume 1: introduction, Archiearinae, Orthostixinae, Desmobathrinae, Alsophilinae, Geometrinae
BOOKS169095I: HAUSNER, Ernst - Vienna: introduction and reminiscence
BOOKS041415I: HAUSSET (Madame du) - Memoirs of Madame de Pompadour
BOOKS060982I: HAUSTEIN, Erik - The cactus handbook
BOOKS297854I: HAUT, F. J. G. - A history of the electric locomotive, vol. 2
BOOKS297883I: HAUT, F.J.G. - The history of the electric locomotive
BOOKS302489I: HAUTE, Andre Van - Pictorial history of the French Air Force. volume 1: 1909-1940
BOOKS284145I: HAVENHAND, Gloria - Honey: nature's golden healer
BOOKS287090I: HAVERFIELD, F - Catalogue of the Roman inscribed and sculptured stones in the Carlisle Museum, Tullie House
BOOKS289243I: HAVERFIELD, F. - A catalogue of the Roman inscribed and sculptured stones in the museum, Tullie House, Carlisle
BOOKS204461I: HAVERFIELD, E.L. - The girl from the bush
BOOKS307119I: HAVERFIELD, E.L. and others - The best book for schoolgirls [1929]
BOOKS287106I: HAVERFIELD, F - Catalogue of the Roman inscribed and sculptured stones in the Grosvenor Museum, Chester :
BOOKS201949I: HAVERGAL, Frances Ridley - Letters by the late Frances Ridley Havergal
BOOKS207520I: HAVERGAL, Frances Ridley - Streamlets of song, for the young
BOOKS172263I: HAVERGAL, Maria V. G. - Memorials of Frances Ridley Havergal
BOOKS298872I: HAVERON, Francis - The brilliant ray: or how the electric light was brought to Godalming in 1881
BOOKS285026I: HAVERS, Elinore M. - Wigwam Island
BOOKS297820I: HAVERS, Michael & others - The Royal Baccarat scandal
BOOKS173966I: HAVERS, Alice (illus) - A book of old ballads
BOOKS110795I: HAVERS, Michael and others - The Royal baccarat scandal
BOOKS301802I: HAVERSTOCK HILL, H. - Anne of Flying Gap
BOOKS192827I: HAVERTZ, Yvonne (ed) - The joy of truffles
BOOKS245631I: HAVIGHURST, Walter - Annie Oakley of the Wild West
BOOKS054961I: HAVIGHURST, Walter - Proud prisoner
BOOKS170428I: HAVIGHURST, Walter - The long ships passing: the story of the Great Lakes
BOOKS022227I: HAVIGHURST, Walter - Proud prisoner
BOOKS081601I: HAVIGHURST, Walter - Proud prisoner
BOOKS244604I: HAVIL, Julian - Nonplussed!: mathematical proof of implausible ideas
BOOKS291093I: HAVILTON, Jeffrey - George pulls it off
BOOKS292608I: HAVILTON, Jeffrey - Study Thirteen to the rescue
BOOKS055651I: HAVINS, Peter J. Neville - The otter in Britain
BOOKS059982I: HAVINS, Peter J. Neville - The match box
BOOKS124904I: HAVINS, Peter J. - The forests of England,
BOOKS000020I: HAWCOCK, David - Paper dinosaurs,
BOOKS004425I: HAWCOCK, David - Paper dinosaurs
BOOKS114838I: HAWCROFT, Francis W. - British watercolours from the John Edward Taylor collection in the Whitworth Art Gallery, University of Manchester
BOOKS292399I: HAWEIS, H.R - Old violins and violin lore
BOOKS229389I: HAWES, Louis - Presences of Nature: British landscape, 1780-1830
BOOKS300218I: HAWES, Elizabeth - Camus: a romance
BOOKS045870I: HAWES, Annie - Extra virgin
BOOKS240084I: 'FISH-HAWK' (MURRAY, David K Wolfe) - Birds through the year
BOOKS308292I: HAWKEN, Richard - The magic of Findhorn
BOOKS288015I: HAWKER, Geoffrey & others - The Institution of Civil Engineers' arbitration practice
BOOKS020564I: HAWKER, Lilian E. - Fungi
BOOKS157028I: HAWKER, George - The adder's sting: a doctor's story
BOOKS300449I: HAWKER, Peter - The diary of Colonel Peter Hawker 1802-1853
BOOKS055386I: HAWKER, R.S. (Rev) - Echoes of old Cornwall
BOOKS212640I: HAWKER, R.S. - Footprints of former men in far Cornwall.
BOOKS157022I: HAWKER, George - "We know in part" and other sermons
BOOKS050725I: HAWKES, Jacquetta - A guide to the prehistoric and Roman monuments in England and Wales
BOOKS066262I: HAWKES, J.G. (ed) - Conservation and agriculture
BOOKS286957I: HAWKES, John W. & FASHAM, P. J. - Excavations on Reading waterfront sites, 1979-1988
BOOKS115462I: HAWKES, Terence - Alternative Shakespeares, volume II
BOOKS232415I: HAWKES, Andrew - Lifeboatmen never turn back: Poole Lifeboat Service from 1826
BOOKS040486I: HAWKES, Jacquetta - A guide to the prehistoric and Roman monuments in England and Wales
BOOKS238139I: HAWKES, Alex D. - Encyclopaedia of cultivated orchids: an illustrated descriptive manual of the members of the Orchidaceae currently in cultivation
BOOKS031842I: HAWKESWORTH, Eric - Rag picture shows
BOOKS039664I: HAWKEY, Raymond - It
BOOKS217927I: HAWKING, Stephen & MLODINOW, Leonard - A briefer history of time
BOOKS238713I: HAWKINGS, David T. & Public Record Office - Railway ancestors: a guide to the staff records of the Railway Companies of England and Wales 1822-1947 (History)
BOOKS199113I: HAWKINGS, David T. - Railway ancestors: a guide to the staff records of the railway companies of England and Wales 1822-1947
BOOKS004860I: HAWKINS, Clifford - Mishap or malpractice?
BOOKS306301I: HAWKINS, Mac - Somerset at war, 1939-45
BOOKS018186I: HAWKINS, Gerald S. - Beyond Stonehenge
BOOKS018029I: HAWKINS, Gerald S. - Mindsteps to the Cosmos
BOOKS040697I: HAWKINS, Desmond - Hawk among the sparrows
BOOKS103166I: HAWKINS, Desmond (ed) - War report: D-day to VE-day: dispatches by the BBC's war correspondents with the Allied Expeditionary Force 6 June 1944-5 May 1945
BOOKS249356I: HAWKINS, Desmond - Wessex: an anthology
BOOKS243359I: HAWKINS, Eric - Modern languages in the curriculum
BOOKS298074I: HAWKINS, L.W. - Early motor fishing boats
BOOKS198031I: HAWKINS, Desmond - Lighter than Day
BOOKS036370I: HAWKINS, Desmond - Avalon and Sedgemoor
BOOKS117517I: HAWKINS, Henry - The reminiscences of Sir Henry Hawkins, Baron Brampton
BOOKS075325I: HAWKINS, Henry - Through West Cornwall with a camera, or, an artist's pilgrimage amongs miners and Methodists
BOOKS090739I: HAWKINS, Kirstan (ed) - Male participation in family planning: a review of programme approaches in the Africa region
BOOKS305609I: HAWKINS, Bob and others (editors) - Historic airports: proceedings of the l'Europe de l'Air conferences on aviation architecture
BOOKS243367I: HAWKINS, John - Definiteness and indefiniteness: a study in reference and grammaticality prediction
BOOKS173224I: HAWKINS, Homer - Hoof-beats
BOOKS172442I: HAWKINS, Bisset - Germany: the spirit of her history, literature, social condition, and national economy; illsutrated by reference to her physical, moral and political statistics, and by comparison with other countries
BOOKS284451I: HAWKINS, Mac - Somerset at war, 1939-45
BOOKS310276I: HAWKINS, Mac - Somerset at war, 1939-45
BOOKS308545I: HAWKINS, Mac - Thanks for the memory
BOOKS274546I: HAWKINS, Desmond - Hardy: novelist and poet
BOOKS005350I: HAWKS, Ellison - The Cassell book of the Ford 'New Prefect' (1953-8)
BOOKS264781I: HAWKS, Ellison - The wonders of speed
BOOKS206193I: HAWLEY, Paul R. - New discoveries in medicine: their effect on the public health
BOOKS288658I: HAWLEY, Ellis W. - The Great War and the search for a modern order, a history of the American people and their institutions, 1917-1933
BOOKS061250I: HAWORTH, Martin C. - Smoking the mango trees
BOOKS292325I: HAWORTH, Peter (ed) - Before Scotland Yard: Classic tales of roguery and detection. Collected and arranged, with an introduction, by P. Haworth
BOOKS123511I: HAWORTH, F.M. - Pond dwellers
BOOKS106702I: HAWTHORN, Jeremy (ed) - Criticism and critical theory
BOOKS296654I: HAWTHORN, Mike - Carlotti takes the wheel
BOOKS039016I: HAWTHORNE, Nigel - Straight face
BOOKS145453I: HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel - Tanglewood tales
BOOKS130395I: HAWTHORNE, Rosemary - Knickers: an intimate appraisal
BOOKS058933I: HAWTHORNE, Rosemary - Knickers: an intimate appraisal
BOOKS063682I: HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel - The house of the seven gables
BOOKS307361I: HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel - The complete Greek stories of Nathaniel Hawthorne: from The wonder book and Tanglewood tales
BOOKS301667I: HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel - Wonder tales for boys and girls
BOOKS241057I: HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel - Tanglewood tales
BOOKS159870I: HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel - Tanglewood tales: a wonder-book for boys and girls
BOOKS103024I: HAWTHORNE, Rosemary - Stockings & suspenders: a quick flash
BOOKS199060I: HAWTHORNE LATHROP, Rose - Memories of Hawthorne
BOOKS269996I: HAWTON, Hector - The men who fly
BOOKS131585I: HAY, Thomas - Plants for the connoisseur
BOOKS133043I: HAY, Alex & WORTHINGTON,Julian - Golf school
BOOKS309932I: HAY, Ian - The Battle of Flanders 1940
BOOKS309996I: HAY, Michael - Bentley: the vintage years
BOOKS169106I: HAY, Roy - Greenhouse guide
BOOKS266657I: HAY, Ian - Peaceful invasion
BOOKS206041I: HAY, David - Honest talk and wholesome wine: A history of the St. Albans Club (1789-2004)
BOOKS149018I: HAY, Ian - Happy-go-lucky
BOOKS033470I: HAY, James - The winning clue
BOOKS065506I: HAY, Denys - Europe in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries
BOOKS065485I: HAY, Ian - A man's man
BOOKS067727I: HAY, James - The winning clue
BOOKS085395I: HAY, Ian - Paid with thanks
BOOKS135405I: HAY, Ian - The willing horse
BOOKS198019I: HAY, Roy - Garden planning guide
BOOKS061386I: HAY, Ian - David and destiny
BOOKS234972I: HAY, Thomas - Plants for the connoisseur
BOOKS266671I: HAY, Mavis Doriel - Death on the Cherwell
BOOKS246834I: HAY, John - Poems
BOOKS219209I: HAY, David & HAY, Joan - Cruising in strange waters
BOOKS131598I: HAY, Thomas - Plants for the connoisseur.
BOOKS142357I: HAY, Ian - Stand at ease: stories and memories.
BOOKS212692I: HAY, Ian - The lighter side of school life.
BOOKS150402I: HAY, Ian - The first hundred thousand, being the unofficial chronicle of a unit of "K (I)"
BOOKS237888I: HAY, David & HAY, Joan - The West Country from the sea: Lyme Bay to Land's End
BOOKS294402I: HAY, Ian - America comes across
BOOKS199090I: HAY, Roy - Greenhouse guide
BOOKS295402I: HAY, David A. - Essentials of behaviour genetics
BOOKS198037I: HAY, David & Joan - The trees are full of song: Chiltern Nature Reserve comes into being
BOOKS123072I: HAY, Ian - Half a sovereign: an inprobable romance
BOOKS127736I: HAY, Ian - A man's man
BOOKS147295I: HAY, Ian & KING-HALL, Stephen - The middle watch
BOOKS202447I: HAY, Peter - Brunel: Engineering giant
BOOKS128181I: HAY, Ian - The willing horse
BOOKS200358I: HAY, Ian - A safety match
BOOKS309865I: HAY, Michael - Bentley: 'Old Number One'
BOOKS265050I: HAY, Ian & others - The Strand Magazine: no.523, July 1934
BOOKS171446I: HAY, Ian - A safety match
BOOKS085391I: HAY, John - Pike County ballads and other poems
BOOKS238179I: HAY, Ian - The willing horse
BOOKS183902I: HAY, David & HAY, Joan - The West country from the sea: Lyme Bay to Land's End
BOOKS266726I: HAY, Ian - The midshipmaid: the tale of a naval manoeuvre
BOOKS224468I: HAY, Jonathan - Nicholas Grindley Sales catalogue, October 2010 [Chinese art]
BOOKS072535I: HAY, Frances - Barbary Kate
BOOKS300645I: HAY, Elizabeth - Sambo Sahib: the story of Little Black Sambo and Helen Bannerman
BOOKS145218I: HAYAKAWA, Yoshio and others - Annual of advertising art in Japan 1974
BOOKS234090I: HAYASAKA, Shigezo - The making of a Japanese Prime Minister: how to become no.1 in Japan
BOOKS239755I: Akio Hayashi - The English-Japanese dictionary for contemporary business communication
BOOKS296167I: HAYCOCK, Lorna - John Anstie of Devizes, 1743-1830: an Eighteenth-Century Wiltshire clothier
BOOKS284689I: HAYCOX, Ernest - No law and order
BOOKS284690I: HAYCOX, Ernest - Long storm
BOOKS308369I: HAYCRAFT, W. C. - The book of the B. S. A. Bantam covering the practical maintenance of all BSA Bantam two-stroke motorcycles from 1948-1960
BOOKS308583I: HAYCRAFT, W. C. - The book of the Ariel leader and Arrow
BOOKS057885I: HAYDEN, Arthur - Chats on old prints
BOOKS027905I: HAYDEN, Arthur - Chats on English earthenware
BOOKS062176I: HAYDEN, Arthur - Chats on old prints
BOOKS041481I: HAYDEN, Arthur and BUNT, Cyril G.E. - Old prints
BOOKS190614I: HAYDEN, Joseph - Zehn beruhmte streichquartette / Ten celebrated string quartets / Dix celebres quatuoes a cordes
BOOKS184495I: HAYDEN, Robert - Black sunrise
BOOKS301202I: HAYDEN, E.S. - The hovercraft ('How it works' series)
BOOKS286368I: HAYDEN, Ruth - Mrs. Delany: her life and her flowers
BOOKS235388I: HAYDEN, Robert M. & others - Antagonistic tolerance: competitive sharing of religious sites and spaces
BOOKS131739I: HAYDEN, Arthur - Chats on cottage and farmhouse furniture
BOOKS186292I: HAYDEN, Arthur - Chats on cottage and farmhouse furniture
BOOKS218470I: HAYDEN, Arthur - Chats on old furniture
BOOKS045788I: HAYDN, Joseph - Symphony no. 101 in D (The Clock)
BOOKS110023I: HAYDN, Joseph - Quartet, no.2, Eb major for 2 violins, viola and violoncello,Op.1 No.2
BOOKS267304I: HAYDN, Josef - Haydn, Five works comprising: 'The creation'; 'The seasons'; 'The passion'; 'Te deum Laudamus'; 'Third Mass'
BOOKS149351I: HAYDN, Franz Joseph - Quartett no.78, B-dur fur 2 violinen, viola und violoncell, Op.76, no.4
BOOKS267250I: HAYDN, Joseph - Joseph Haydn's Quartetten fur zwei violinenm viola u. violoncello: partitur-ausgabe (6 volumes)
BOOKS150004I: HAYDN, Joseph - Haydn String Quartet in G Major, Opus 77, no 1
BOOKS161845I: HAYDN, Joseph - Haydn's Oratorio, "The Creation" (composed in the year 1799) in vocal score
BOOKS080788I: HAYDN, Joseph - Symphony No.101 in D "The Clock"
BOOKS156605I: HAYDON, A.L. - His Serene Highness: a public school story
BOOKS310745I: HAYDON, A L - Stand fast, Wymondham! a story of public school life
BOOKS212612I: HAYE, Paul (ed) - The Avis Register Bulletin; various issues from 1980 - 2010
BOOKS062535I: HAYENS, Herbert - 'Play up, Greys!'
BOOKS004208I: HAYENS, Herbert - A vanished nation
BOOKS064618I: HAYENS, Herbert - Clevely Sahib: a tale of the Khyber Pass
BOOKS071847I: HAYENS, Herbert - The Gayton scholarship: a school story
BOOKS056631I: HAYES, Raymond H. and HURST, Joseph - A history of Hutton le Hole in the Manor of Spaunton
BOOKS308166I: HAYES, Charles - Contemporary Makone sculpture: the Madan Sapra Collection, Nairobi, East Africa
BOOKS167932I: HAYES, M. Horace - Veterinary notes for horse owners
BOOKS146275I: HAYES, Courtenay - On the fringe of the cyclone: a tale for adventurous youth
BOOKS027630I: HAYES, Dean - The auld enemy: England v.Scotland: the comprehensive history of more than a century of soccer rivalry
BOOKS139005I: HAYES, Matthew Horace - Riding and hunting
BOOKS030245I: HAYES, Michael - Broadcast
BOOKS005608I: HAYES, Cliff (ed) - The best of old Lancashire in poetry and verse
BOOKS047667I: HAYES, Nelson - The roof of the wind
BOOKS309268I: HAYES, Nancy M - The Castle School
BOOKS309635I: HAYES, Stephen K. - The Ninja and their secret fighting art
BOOKS122071I: HAYES, Anne - Family in print: Bailey Newspaper Group: a history
BOOKS021817I: HAYES, Katy - Curtains
BOOKS246953I: HAYES, Dean - Gloucestershire cricketing greats
BOOKS216768I: HAYES, Elizabeth S. - Herbs, flavours and spices
BOOKS158926I: HAYES, Matthew Horace - Points of the horse: a treatise on the conformation, movements, breeds and evolution of the horse
BOOKS289508I: HAYES, Richard J. & MOULTON, Lawrence H. - Cluster randomised trials
BOOKS158907I: HAYES, M. Horace - Training and horse management in India, with Hindustanee vocabulary and C.T.C. weights for age and class
BOOKS126497I: HAYES, Patricia Ann - The trout cook: 100 ways with trout
BOOKS242073I: HAYES, Hannah - Rochdale: a press photographer's view
BOOKS182408I: HAYES, Paul - Themes in modern European history 1890-1945
BOOKS212217I: HAYES, John - Catalogue of the oil paintings in the London Museum with an introduction on painters and the London scene from the Fifteenth Century
BOOKS270377I: HAYES, G. - A guide to stationary steam engines
BOOKS128383I: HAYES, Maggie - Maggie Hayes jewelry book
BOOKS237736I: HAYES, M.Horace - Stable management and exercise: a book for horse-owners and students
BOOKS229502I: HAYES, John - Face the music: a sailor's story
BOOKS305091I: HAYES, M. Horace (Captain) - Stable management and exercise
BOOKS186502I: HAYES, Dean - Gloucestershire cricketing greats: 46 of the best cricketers for Gloucestershire
BOOKS218572I: HAYES, Peter & SMITH, Kirk (eds) - The global greenhouse regime: who pays?
BOOKS198417I: HAYES, John R. - Catskill
BOOKS307211I: HAYES, Ernest H. (ed) - Methodist primary notes, 1959-1960
BOOKS172320I: HAYES, E.H. - Sam Pollard of Yunnan
BOOKS296815I: HAYFIELD, Colin & SLATER, Terry - The medieval town of Hedon: excavations 1975-1976
BOOKS082887I: HAYFIELD, Mary Rose - Spring sowing
BOOKS287969I: HAYFIELD, Mary Rose - Strawberries and cream
BOOKS178044I: HAYFIELD, Mary Rose - Country footsteps: a farmer's wife remembers
BOOKS242557I: HAYGARTH, Arthur - Arthur Haygarth's Cricket scores and biographies from 1855 to 1875, vol.V (5) [1855-1857]
BOOKS242495I: HAYGARTH, Arthur - Arthur Haygarth's cricket scores and biographies from 1855 to 1875, vol.VI [1858-1860]
BOOKS228600I: HAYHOE, Jean - Course by course from start to finish: a collection of recipes and household tips contributed by the racing fraternity
BOOKS239911I: HAYLEY, William - The triumphs of temper: a poem in six cantos
BOOKS154785I: HAYLEY, H.W.B. - A wartime interlude
BOOKS180591I: HAYMAN, Bernard - Harbour seamanship
BOOKS130430I: HAYMAN, Ronald - Contemporary playwrights: Samuel Beckett
BOOKS263536I: HAYMAN, Ronald - K: a biography of Kafka
BOOKS191232I: HAYMAN, Robert L & WARE, Leland (eds) - Choosing equality: essays and narratives on the desegregation experience
BOOKS122903I: HAYMAN, Ronald - The death and life of Sylvia Plath
BOOKS065932I: HAYMAN, Bernard - Yacht signalling
BOOKS107373I: HAYMAN, Ronald - Contemporary playwrights: Edward Albee
BOOKS027822I: HAYMAN, Ronald - Tom Stoppard
BOOKS130511I: HAYMAN, Ronald - Contemporary playwrights: John Arden
BOOKS003966I: HAYMON, Sylvia - The quivering tree: an East Anglian childhood
BOOKS308186I: HAYNES, J. H. & GILMOUR, Bruce - Reliant Robin and Kitten owner's workshop manual
BOOKS045081I: HAYNES, J.H. and WARD, Peter - Capri II owners workshop manual
BOOKS025800I: HAYNES, J.H. and PARKER, Tim - Renault 12 owner's workshop manual
BOOKS119006I: HAYNES, Renee - The hidden springs: an enquiry into extra-sensory perception
BOOKS249203I: HAYNES, R. (ed) - Sports Argus cricket annual: season 1963
BOOKS166548I: HAYNES, Jim (ed) - Homage to Henry: a homage to Henry Miller
BOOKS002981I: HAYNES, Renee - The hidden springs: an enquiry into extra-sensory perception
BOOKS124475I: HAYNES, R.M. & BENTHAM, G.G. - Community hospitals and rural accessibility
BOOKS310393I: HAYNES, Annie - The Crow's Inn tragedy
BOOKS228448I: HAYNES, Keith - Come on Cymru!: Football in Wales
BOOKS088261I: HAYNES, Johnny - Football today
BOOKS286144I: HAYNES, E. Barrington - Glass through the ages
BOOKS216865I: HAYNES, John - Education in Kent, 1953-1958
BOOKS102029I: HAYNES, J.H. and GILMOUR, Bruce - Volvo 240 series owners workshop manual
BOOKS150022I: HAYNES, R.M. & BENTHAM, G.G. - Community hospitals and rural accessibility
BOOKS288688I: HAYNES, John Earl (ed) - Calvin Coolidge and the Coolidge era: essays on the history of the 1920s
BOOKS162175I: HAYNES, J.H. & GILMOUR, Bruce - Reliant Robin and Kitten 1973-83 owner's workshop manual
BOOKS227818I: HAYS, Hoffmann Reynolds - From ape to angel: An informal history of social anthropology
BOOKS305796I: HAYS, Rex - Tribute by trophy
BOOKS210820I: HAYS, H.R. - From ape to angel: an informal history of social anthropology
BOOKS240888I: HAYS, Samuel - An outline of statistics
BOOKS293243I: HAYSOM, David - Discover Old Swanage
BOOKS126044I: HAYTER, Roy (ed) - Foodcraft 2: the wet processes
BOOKS178761I: HAYTER ,Mary - The new Eve in Christ: the use and abuse of the Bible in the debate about women in the Church
BOOKS266700I: HAYTER, R. J. (ed) - The Cricketer International, February-September 1979 (6 issues)
BOOKS288777I: HAYTHORNTHWAITE, Philip - The Russian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1): Infantry 1799-1814
BOOKS132465I: HAYTHORNTHWAITE, Philip J. - The armies of Wellington
BOOKS154638I: HAYTON, Thomas / DONALD, Joyce (ed) - The letters of Thomas Hayton, Vicar of Long Crendon, Buckinghamshire 1821-87
BOOKS211463I: HAYWARD, C.H. - English rooms & their decoration at a glance
BOOKS023686I: HAYWARD, Tessa - Simply ices: a little book of tempting ice creams and sorbets
BOOKS045223I: HAYWARD, Charles H. - English period furniture: an account of the evolution of furniture from 1500 to 1800
BOOKS039831I: HAYWARD, John - An hour's stroll on Dartmoor
BOOKS084661I: HAYWARD, Charles F. - Women missionaries
BOOKS308417I: HAYWARD, Frank H. - An educational failure, A school inspector's story
BOOKS214336I: HAYWARD, John - Prose literature since 1939
BOOKS225452I: HAYWARD, J. F. - English cabinets in the Victoria and Albert Museum
BOOKS302036I: HAYWARD, Charles Spencer - The Summer playground
BOOKS062427I: HAYWARD, Vicky (ed) - The beginners' guide to Absolute Beginners
BOOKS156665I: HAYWARD, Arthur L - The days of Dickens: a glance at some aspects of early Victorian life in London
BOOKS225347I: HAYWARD, Charles H. - English period furniture
BOOKS208777I: HAYWARD,John - Seventeenth Century poetry: an anthology
BOOKS216950I: HAYWARD, Gordon - Avalanche
BOOKS217059I: HAYWARD, Charles H. - Staining and polishing
BOOKS224547I: HAYWARD, C. - The courtesan: the part she has played in classic and modern literature and in life
BOOKS308288I: HAYWOOD, Helen - The puppy counting book
BOOKS021330I: HAYWOOD, Hilary - Enjoying dyes: how to pattern your own fabrics
BOOKS032743I: HAYWOOD, Hilary - Enjoying dyes
BOOKS073462I: HAYWOOD, Les (ed) - Community leisure and recreation: theory and practice
BOOKS152312I: HAYWOOD, Ernest (ed) - The Standard series, Book 10: easy pieces for piano
BOOKS307745I: HAYWOOD, Carolyn - Halloween treats
BOOKS120791I: HAYWOOD, Martyn & WELLS, Sue - The manual of marine invertebrates
BOOKS302148I: HAYWOOD, Pippa (ed) - Poems for refugees
BOOKS300433I: HAYWOOD, Steve - Murderous justice
BOOKS067395I: HAZARD, Terry Lynn - A study of the job satisfaction of Nebraska public high school principals
BOOKS115577I: HAZELL, Sue and others (eds) - The long distance walkers' handbook: the LDWA directory of long distance walks
BOOKS071280I: HAZELL, Edward - The naughty twins and other bedtime stories
BOOKS013848I: HAZELTON, Nika - The art of cheese cookery
BOOKS202969I: HAZLEWOOD, Rex - The further opinions of Delta
BOOKS044156I: HAZLITT, William - Men and manners: sketches and essays
BOOKS147482I: HAZLITT, Victoria - The psychology of infancy
BOOKS155634I: HAZLITT, William - Table-talk: essays on men and manners
BOOKS299819I: HAZLITT, William - The round table: characters of Shakespear's plays
BOOKS153160I: HAZLITT, William - Characters of Shakespear's plays and Lectures on the English poets
BOOKS308326I: HAZLITT, William - Table-talk; or, original essays
BOOKS302675I: HAZLITT, William - Sketches and essays
BOOKS286340I: HEAD, Vivian - Keeping bees: looking after an apiary
BOOKS309630I: HEAD, F. B. - Stokers and pokers or the London and North-Western Railway, the electric telegraph and the railway clearing house
BOOKS141447I: HEAD, F.B. - Rough notes taken during some rapid journeys across the Pampas and among the Andes
BOOKS196382I: HEAD, Michael - More songs of the countryside: Foxgloves (Mary Webb)
BOOKS285252I: HEAD, Francis Bond - Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau, by an old man.
BOOKS191516I: HEAD, Geoffrey - Far-off magic: the story of Unitarian commitment to providing holiday and convalescent homes
BOOKS201735I: HEADDON, W.H. - Homecoming of a kind
BOOKS296611I: HEADLAM, Cecil - The story of Oxford
BOOKS199672I: HEADLAM, Cecil B. - Oxford and its story; with twenty-four lithographs and other Illustrations by Herbert Railton; the lithographs being tinted by Fanny Railton
BOOKS171991I: HEADLAM-MORLEY, K (ed) - The journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, vol. CLIV, no.II, 1946
BOOKS160824I: HEADLAM-MORLEY, K. (ed) - The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, vol.CLIII, no .1, 1946
BOOKS155064I: HEADLAM, Arthur C. - The Church of England
BOOKS224682I: HEADLAM, Cecil - The story of Oxford
BOOKS152428I: HEADLAM-MORLEY, K. (ed) - The Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, vol.CLIV (154), no. II (2)
BOOKS211912I: HEADLEY, P.C. - The life of the Empress Josephine, first wife of Napoleon
BOOKS230367I: HEADLEY, James & others (eds) - Public participation in foreign policy
BOOKS148653I: HEAGER, Ronald - Kings of clubs
BOOKS310082I: HEAL, Anthony S. - Sunbeam racing cars, 1910-30
BOOKS310214I: HEAL, Jeanne - A thousand and one Australians
BOOKS208810I: HEALD, Tim - Red herrings
BOOKS053130I: HEALD, Tim - Beating retreat: Hong Kong under the last governor
BOOKS016711I: HEALD, Tim - The character of cricket
BOOKS113615I: HEALD, Tim - Business unusual
BOOKS123502I: HEALD, Tim - Business unusual
BOOKS126265I: HEALD, Tim - Business unusual
BOOKS018750I: HEALD, Tim (ed) - The Rigby file
BOOKS300873I: HEALD, Tim - Deadline
BOOKS027813I: HEALD, Tim - Brian Johnston: the authorised biography
BOOKS200563I: HEALD, Tim (ed) - The best after-dinner stories
BOOKS265835I: HEALD, Tim - Unbecoming habits
BOOKS288500I: HEALE, Michael (ed) - Journal of American Studies, vol. 28, no. 1, April 1994
BOOKS170742I: HEALE, M.J. - The making of American politics
BOOKS170785I: HEALE, Michael (ed) - Journal of American Studies, volume 30, number 1, April 1996
BOOKS309008I: HEALEY, Geoffrey - Austin Healey: the story of the big Healeys
BOOKS042894I: HEALEY, Denis - When shrimps learn to whistle: signposts for the Nineties
BOOKS052259I: HEALEY, Deryck - The new art of flower design
BOOKS003522I: HEALEY, Denis - The time of my life
BOOKS056279I: HEALEY, Denis - When shrimps learn to whistle: signposts for the nineties
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