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201691: J. A. Fleming - Researches in Radiotelegraphy. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1909.
423007: Wm. Jas. Fleming - A Simple and Inexpensive Method of Localising with X-rays. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1898.
611322: Rev. Alexander Fleming - Parish of Neilston. Presbytery of Paisley, Synod of Glasgow and Ayr. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
366565: Communicated by Thomas Fleming - 1831: Account of the Rain which fell on different places on the line of the Rochdale Canal. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1831.
609769: Peter Fleming - A Journey through Central Asia. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1936.
313263: J.S. Fleming - Banking and Mr George Goschen's Bill. An uncommon original article from the Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1875.
609995: Alfred Stephenson & W. L. S. Fleming - King George The Sixth Sound. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1940.
205275: Sanford Fleming - Time Reckoning for The Twentieth Century. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1886.
613790: John V. Fleming - The Pilgrim Press Sometimes Called The Prince Fred Printers. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 1977.
201818: J. A. Fleming - Sun and The Earth's Magnetic Field. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1942.
201690: J. A. Fleming - Recent Contributions to Electric Wave Telegraphy. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1907.
507718: Andrew Fleming - Bronze Age Agriculture on the Marginal Lands of North-East Yorkshire. An original article from the Agricultural History Review, 1971.
604408: Peter Fleming - Unorthodox Warriors. An original article from Journal of The Royal United Service Institution, 1959.
601766: David Fleming - Evolution and dogma. A rare article from the Dublin Review, 1896.
606284: Andrew Fleming - South Dartmoor. The Prehistoric Landscape of Dartmoor. An original article from Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1978.
601260: David Fleming - The light of faith. A rare article from the Dublin Review, 1895.
363456: Dr. J.A. Fleming, F.R.S. - The Education of Electrical Engineers. An original article from Engineering, 1901.
605688: Lindsay Fleming - Lessay Abbey, Mother House of Boxgrove Priory. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1959.
423095: William James Fleming - The Physiology of the Turkish Bath, an Experimental Enquiry into the Effects of Hot, Dry Air upon Man. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1879.
406813: Albert Fleming - Albert Durer. An original article from the English Illustrated Magazine, 1890.
600527: John Fleming - Salmon fisheries. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1828.
622643: Carmelites of Flemington - St. Teresa's Press. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 1967.
408238: Percy Flemming - St. Anthony the Great. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1932.
507177: Leonard Flemming - Harnessing a Million Gallons : a South African farmer set to work with two natives & a few oxon, to construct a dam capable of holding a million gallons of rain-water. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1914.
610268: C. Kidson & J. A. Steers & N. C. Flemming. - A Trial of The Potential Value of Aqualung Diving to Coastal Physiography on British Coasts. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1962.
501984: Etha Fles - The Mesdag Gallery. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1903.
505142: Francis La Flesche - Omaha Bow and Arrow Makers. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1926.
504277: Anthony Fletcher - Polite Accomplishments : diaries of teenage girls in the Georgian & Victorian eras. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2008.
308464: W.G.D. Fletcher - Battlefield College, or the Chantry of St. Mary Magdalene near Shrewsbury. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1903.
163087: Fletcher, Joseph. - The Coal Mines of the Chamber and Werneth Company, at Oldham. Abstract from a Registrar of Accidents, ended October, 1841. A rare original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1842.
607839: J. M. Fletcher - The Bishop of Winchester's Medieval Manor House at Harwell, Berkshire, and its Relevance in The Evolution of Timber-Framed Aisled Halls. An original article from The Archaeological Journal, 1979.
308457: W.G.D. Fletcher - The Sequestration Papers of Thomas Smalman of Wilderhope. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1903.
605017: J. M. J. Fletcher - The Vicars of Tideswell During The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. An original article from the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 1917.
500158: Brian Fletcher - Australia's Convict Origins : Myth & History. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1992.
607362: J. M. Fletcher - Medieval Artefacts and Structures Dated by Dendrochronology. An original article from Medieval Archaeology, 1984.
422318: John Kyrle Fletcher - The Painted Tray. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1937.
308518: W.G.D. Fletcher - The Sequestration Papers of Sir Thomas Eyton, Knight, of Eyton-on-the-Wealdmoors. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1908.
308057: Rev. Wm. Geo. Dimock Fletcher - The Poll-Tax for the Town and Liberties of Shrewsbury, 1380. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1890.
163107: Fletcher, Joseph. - Progress of Crime in the United Kingdom: abstracted from the Criminal Returns for 1842, and the Prison Returns for the Year ended at Michaelmas, 1841. A rare original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1843.
323641: Ian Fletcher - The Ellis - Yeats - Blake Manuscript Cluster. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1972.
604760: George Fletcher - The Origin of Derbyshire Scenery. An original article from the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 1890.
503982: Anthony Fletcher - An Officer on The Western Front : Nottingham & Derbyshire. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2004.
323793: John Fletcher - The Library of St. Patrick's College, Manly. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1980.
401019: David H. Fletcher - Mapping and Estate Management on the Early Nineteenth-Century Estate: The Case of the Earl of Aylesford's Estate Atlas. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1992.
308451: W.G.D. Fletcher - Some Petitions to the Bailiffs of Shrewsbury. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1901.
600262: M. Fletcher - Freedom of Commerce; the effects on British foreign trade of removal of restrictions, etc. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1821.
260256: John E. Fletcher - Graduation by Parachute: For Navy Girls at Lakehurst, New Jersey, Commencement Is a Serious Step - and a Long One. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1952.
339381: Allan Fletcher - Game Laws in The Late Nineteenth Century : A Case Study From Clwyd. An original article from the Local Historian, 1996.
149460: A.E. Fletcher, F.C.S. - A New Anemometer for Measuring The Speed of Air in Flues and Chimneys. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1869.
601487: Fletcher - Quarterly Review : Navigation Laws; their history, their development and reform. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1823.
501849: W.Y. Fletcher - The Library of Grolier. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1902.
308447: W.G.D. Fletcher - The Churchwardens' Accounts of Uffington, 1627 to 1693. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1900.
604773: George Fletcher - The Evolution of Derbyshire Scenery. An original article from the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 1891.
604774: George Fletcher - An Exposure in The Reuper Clays and Marls, Derby. An original article from the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 1891.
308530: W.G.D. Fletcher - Shropshire Grants of Arms. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1909.
163164: Fletcher, Joseph. - Statistical Accounts of the Markets of London. A rare original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1847.
604786: George Fletcher - The Building of The Derbyshire Limestone. An original article from the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 1892.
604811: George Fletcher - Traces of The Great Ice Age in Derbyshire. An original article from the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 1896.
422036: Hans Fletcher - John Gibson, Sculptor: An English Pupil of Thorvaldsen. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1972.
308467: W.G.D. Fletcher - A Bibliography of Battlefield, Shrewsbury. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1903.
313264: H.C. Fletcher - A Sketch of Canada as it Now is. An uncommon original article from the Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1875.
421917: Jennifer Fletcher - Marco Boschini and Paolo del Sera: Collectors and Connoisseurs of Venice. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1979.
623294: A. J. Fletcher - Sir Thomas Wentworth and The Restoration of Pontefract as a Parliamentary Borough. An original article from The Northern History Review, 1971.
366711: W. G. D. Fletcher - The Baronetcy of Peshall. An original article from The Genealogist, 1912.
407040: Rev. W.G.D. Fletcher - The Municipal Records of Shrewsbury. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1894.
308469: W.G.D. Fletcher - Two Exchequer Suits Respecting the Tithes of the Rectory of Shifnal and Certain Payments for the Poor Inhabitants, 1585. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1903.
503711: Anthony Fletcher - England's Past For Everyone : the Victoria County History's exciting plans for a new century. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2001.
170832: M. Fletcher - Colonial Policy. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1821.
277082: C. R. L. Fletcher - The Fags' Appeal to God. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1920.
260629: JosephO. Fletcher - Three Months on an Arctic Ice Island: Floating on a Glacial Fragment, U.S. Air Force Scientists Probe Top-of-the-World Mysteries Within 100 Miles of The Pole. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1953.
347479: Barry Fletcher - Chichester and The Westhampnett Poor Law Union. An original article from the journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1996.
308051: Rev. Wm. Geo. Dimock Fletcher - Religious Census of Shropshire in 1676. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1889.
619135: John C. Fletcher - Canal Restoration in The North West since The 1970s. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 2004.
502861: J. Kyrle Fletcher - A Collection of Inkpots. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1918.
422224: Benton Fletcher - Old Devonshire House, Bloomsbury. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1938.
616887: W. G. D. Fletcher - Grant of Crest to John Davies the Elder of Middleton, Shropshire, 24th December 1623. An original article from The Genealogist, 1922.
614013: Keith Fletcher - Insider Collecting - Bookseller. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 2008.
511309: Anthony Fletcher - Between the Lines : Messages sent by British Soldiers of the First World War to their loved ones back home. An original article from History Today magazine, 2009.
422609: Jennifer Fletcher - The Painter and the Poet: Giovanni Bellini's Portrait of Raffaele Zovenzoni Rediscovered. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1991.
603517: John Fletcher - Sartre's Nausea: A Modern Classic Revisited. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1976.
308482: W.G.D. Fletcher - Shropshire Men at the French Wars of 1346-47. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1905.
603468: John Fletcher - Women in Crisis: Louise and Mrs Eliot. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1973.
242765: E.G.M. Fletcher - Did Hengist Settle in Kent? An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1944.
324913: John Fletcher - Siegfried Sassoon. Poet and Memoirist. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1993.
307367: Rev. William George Dimock Fletcher - Will of Sir Edward Bromley, Knight of Shifnal Grange, 1626. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1893.
308485: W.G.D. Fletcher - Documents Relating to the Estates of Papists within the Town and Liberties of Shrewsbury, 1706 to 1722. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1905.
170826: M. Fletcher - State of Weights and Measures. The British and French standards, etc. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1822.
618938: T. W. Fletcher - The Agrarian Revolution in Arable Lancashire. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1962.
604969: J. M. J. Fletcher - Some Records of an Eighteenth Century Benefit Society. An original article from the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 1911.
417230: David Fletcher - The Careswell Atlas: Working Tool and Work of Art. An original article from Map Collector Magazine, 1995.
308490: W.G.D. Fletcher - The Sequestration Papers of Thomas Pigott of Chetwynd. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1906.
308494: W.G.D. Fletcher - The Escapades of Richard Peshall, of Chetwynd. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1906.
308492: W.G.D. Fletcher - Sir Richard de Sandford, of Sandford, Knight, 1306-1347, Shropshire. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1906.
604984: J. M. J. Fletcher - Galleries in Tideswell Church. An original article from the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 1913.
603431: John Fletcher - Meursault's Rhetoric. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1971.
205393: Alice C. Fletcher - A Study from The Omaha Tribe: The Import of The Totem. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1897.
308510: W.G.D. Fletcher - Some Proceedings at the Shropshire Assizes, 1414. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1907.
422870: Alfred E. Fletcher - On Noxious Vapours and Town Smoke, with Suggestions on House Warming. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1888.
503881: Richard Fletcher - Christian - Muslim Understanding in The Later Middle Ages. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2003.
257671: Horace Fletcher - How I Made Myself Young at Sixty, Fletcherism. The System of Feeding which has met such success in America. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1909.
366613: W. G. Dimock Fletcher - Field, of Ulceby and Laceby, Lincoln. An original article from The Genealogist, 1884.
285488: Ian Fletcher - Explorations and Recoveries: Symons, Yeats and The Demonic Dance. An original article from the London Magazine 1960.
417507: Anthony Fletcher - How Ordinary Britons Responded to the Declaration of War in 1914. An original article from History Today magazine, 2014.
411525: H.J. Fleure - Welsh Archaeology and Anthropology. An original article from the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association, 1913.
151822: Prof. H.J. Fleure, & others - The Relation between past Pluvial & Glacial Periods. An uncommon original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1930.
412808: H.J. Fleure - Archaeological Problems of the West Coast of Britain. An original article from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, a Record of The Antiquities of Wales & its Marches, 1915.
206671: Prof. H.J. Fleure - The Regional Balance of Racial Evolution. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1926.
151446: Prof. H.J. Fleure, F.R.S., & others - Genetics & Race. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1936.
412826: H.J. Fleure - A Proposal for Local Surveys of the British People. An original article from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, a Record of The Antiquities of Wales & its Marches, 1917.
151673: Prof. H.J. Fleure, D.Sc. - The Geographical Study of Society & World Problems. An uncommon original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1932.
412925: H.J. Fleure - Problems of Welsh Archaeology. An original article from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, a Record of The Antiquities of Wales & its Marches, 1923.
421732: Michel Fleury - The Discovery of King Charles VI's Golden Helmet; Part of the Grand Louvre Archaeological Project of 1984. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1989.
238925: Simon Flexner - Immunity in Tuberculosis. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1907.
238943: Simon Flexner - Natural Resistance to Infectious Disease and its Reinforcement. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1909.
419812: Pauline Flick - Children's Fancy Dress of the 19th Century. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1982.
420166: Pauline Flick - Dressing the Christmas Tree. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1976.
419368: Pauline Flick - Some Illustrated Magazines' Christmas Numbers. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1984.
419322: Pauline Flick - Bliss Tweed Mill, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire: Fire and Fortune. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1985.
417852: Pauline Flick - The Reconstruction of Historic Carpets. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1986.
401124: Colin Flight - The Earldom of Kent from c.1050 till 1189. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1997.
371193: Michael W. Flinn - The Travel Diaries of Swedish Engineers of the 18th Century as Sources of Technological History. This is an uncommon original article from the The Newcomen Society Transactions, 1959.
623923: Valerie I. J. Flint - The Historia Regum Britanniae of Geoffrey of Monmouth: Parody and its Purpose. An original article from Speculum, The Journal of The Medieval Academy of America, 1979.
200687: Richard Foster Flint - Ice Age in The North American Arctic. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1952.
352421: Joseph F. Flint - Plunging Down a Precipice. The mountain region of the Columbia River. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1899.
244682: W.C. Flood - How to Make a Cigarette : A Lesson For Smokers. An uncommon original article from the Harmsworth London Magazine, 1901.
607436: J. H. Flood - Some Quaint Old Laws of England Part I and II. A complete original article from The Antiquary Magazine, 1882.
614758: Francis A. Flood - Britain Fights in The Fields. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1944.
227053: Francis Flood - Lend-Lease is a Two-way Benefit: Innovation in Creative Statesmanship Pools Resources of United Nations, and Supplies American Forces Around The World. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1943.
368637: CALIFORNIAN FLORA - California, Our Lady of Flowers. By Chapin Hall. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1929.
621621: Zofia Florczak - Libri Polonici, A Special Collection in The Bodleian Library. An original article from the Bodleian Library Record, 1992.
514159: FLORENCE, ITALY - The Literary Landmarks of Florence. By Laurence Hutton. An original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1896.
266637: Radu R. Florescu - The Birth of Roumania: Fact and Fiction. An original article from History Today magazine, 1961.
416608: FLORIDA - Views in Florida. A collection of original woodcut engravings, with brief accompanying text overleaf, from the Illustrated London News, 1887.
616157: Sivert Flottum - The Norse Vika Sjovar and The Nautical Mile. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 2001.
500364: Roderick Floud - John Harold Clapham (historian) : Words, Not Numbers. An original article from the History Today, 1989.
412553: Roderick Floud - A Tall Story? The Standard of Living Debate. An original article from History Today, 1983.
205037: M. Flourens - Memoir of Magendie. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1866.
205032: M. Flourens - Memoir of Ducrotay De Blainville. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1865.
205059: M. Flourens - Memoir of Cuvier. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1868.
319855: M. Flourens - Academy of Sciences of Paris. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1862.
319856: M. Flourens - Leopold Von Buch: A Memoir. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1862.
319857: M. Flourens - Louis Jacques Thenard: A Memoir. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1862.
205010: M. Flourens - Memoir of Geoffroy Saint Hilaire. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1861.
511534: W. Newman Flower - Seaweed Farming, Channel Islands. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1904.
511668: W. Newman Flower - John Bull's Greatest Treasures : the portland vase ; Marie Antoinette's toilet-table ; Sahib's mechanical tiger of iron & wood & more. The Romance of Some Great National Heirlooms. An uncommon original article from the Harmsworth London Magazine, 1905.
618786: Desmond Flower - The Rise and Fall of Paul Morand. An original article from the London Magazine 1988.
613571: Sibylla Jane Flower - Knebworth House, Hertfordshire. The Home of The Hon. David and Mrs Lytton Cobbold - Parts I and II only. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1985.
323285: Desmond Flower - A Hampshire Library. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1954.
622615: Desmond Flower - How I Became a Book Collector. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 1963.
622618: Desmond Flower - The Future of Book Collecting. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 1963.
511680: W. Newman Flower - Jack Frost : Artist. An uncommon original article from the Harmsworth London Magazine, 1905.
622981: MARKET FOR THE SALE OF FLOWERS - 1883 : Market for The Sale Chiefly of Flowers, Offered to be Built on The Vacant Foreground Adjoining Adelphi Terrace. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
199767: William Floyd - The Norman Conquest of South Wales. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1871.
408179: Rev. J. Kestell Floyer - English Brick Buildings: Henry VII-VIII. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1923.
408092: Rev. J. Kestell Floyer - English Brick Buildings of the Fifteenth Century. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1913.
622172: J. Kestell Floyer - The Old Rectory House and Rectory of Warton. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1905.
502124: Rev J.K. Floyer - Some Old Bookbindings in The Library of Worcester Cathedral with their History & Legends. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1905.
368235: Henri Fluchere - French Intellectuals and The Political Crisis. A rare original article from Scrutiny Magazine, 1936.
368180: Henri Fluchere - French Literary Periodicals. A rare original article from Scrutiny Magazine, 1933.
368201: Henri Fluchere - Jean Giono (French Author): The Novels of Jean Giono. A rare original article from Scrutiny Magazine, 1934.
225138: Dr. J.C. Flugel - Human Affairs and The Psychological Point of View. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1950.
508648: A.W. Flux, M.A. - The Cost of Compensation for Mining Accidents in Germany. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1897.
613169: A. W. Flux - Indices of Industrial Productive Activity. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1927.
615456: A. W. Flux - The Costs of Sea Transport in Proportion to Values of Cargoes. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1897.
508676: A.W. Flux, M.A. - The Flag & Trade : a summary review of the trade of the Chief Colonial Empires. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1899.
615457: A. W. Flux - The Fall in Prices During The Past Twenty Years, 1876-1897. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1897.
613054: A. W. Flux - Gleanings from The Census of Production Report. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1913.
613134: A. W. Flux - International Statistical Comparisons. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1923.
613123: A. W. Flux - The Measurement of Price Changes. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1921.
613144: A. W. Flux - The Census of Production. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1924.
613206: A. W. Flux - The Measurement of Price Changes: Retrospect and Prospect. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1933.
514285: FLYING DOCTORS, AUSTRALIA - Australia's Flying Doctors. By Gilbert Mant & Myles Rutherford. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1946.
507437: Flying Officer David F. Anderson, D.F.C., R.A.F. Illustrated by F.E. Hiley. - Up & Down in Kurdistan : a flight to an outlying garrison, followed by an excursion that began as an ibex hunt & ended with a bear. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1926.
417003: Edited by Laurie Flynn - We Shall Be All. Recent chapters in the history of working class struggle in Scotland. Published by Bookmarks 1978.
504026: Kevin Haddick Flynn - Charles Stewart Parnell, The Rebel Prince. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2005.
511313: Kevin Haddick Flynn - William Ewart Gladstone & his Cloud in the West. An original article from History Today magazine, 2009.
504099: Kevin Haddick Flynn - Michael Davitt, Land Warrior : Irish republican activist for a variety of causes, especially Home Rule and land reform. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2006.
400834: K. Flynn - Romanesque Wall Paintings in the Cathedral Church of Christ Church, Canterbury. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1980.
611172: Rev. Alexander Flyter - Parish of Alness. Presbytery of Dingwall, Synod of Ross. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
419038: Glenn Foard - Boswoth Uncovered: Discovering the True Site (in 2009) of the Wars of the Roses Battle. An original article from BBC History Magazine, 2010.
624190: FOATY HOUSE, CORK - 1850 : Foaty House, Cork. William Vitruvius Morrison, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
421399: C.W. Fock - Goldsmiths at the Court of Cosimo II de' Medici. An original article from The Burlington Magazine, 1972.
200309: A. Fock - Economic Conquest of Africa by The Railroads. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1904.
200561: Aug A. Foerste - Ancient Relics at Dayton, Ohio. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1883.
611968: Charles Anthony Fogden - Hazard from Blasting Fumes in Normal Rock Tunnelling with Particular Reference to Nitrogen Dioxide. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1965.
411115: Susan Foister - Tudor Collections and Collectors. An original article from History Today, 1985.
292430: Noel Fojut - Is Mousa a Broch? An original article from the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1981.
618230: Ciaran Folan - The Lights of a Town in The Distance. An original article from the London Magazine 1990.
205572: John di Folco - St. Fillian's Church, Forgan, Fife. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1976.
292519: John di Folco - A Survey of Medieval Floor Tiles in St Andrews Cathedral Museum and The Abbot's House, Arbroath Abbey. An original article from the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1985.
606315: Robert Foley - A Model of Regional Archaeological Structure. An original article from Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1981.
417390: Robert Foley - Verdun, the Killing Field: Exploring the Strategy of the German Army in 1916. An original article from History Today magazine, 2016.
623044: COLLEGIATE CHURCH OF FOLGOAT - 1873 : The Collegiate Church of Folgoat, Brittany. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
410177: Cesare Foligno - Books on Italian History. An original article from the Quarterly Journal of the Historical Association, 1932.
607558: Arthur Folkard - The Multiplication of Surnames. An original article from The Antiquary Magazine, 1886.
513895: FOLKLORE - North-Folk Legends of the Sea. Illustrated in colour by Howard Pyle. An original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1902.
616258: Joe Follansbee - The Fisherman who Nearly Started a War with Japan. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 2006.
406259: F.V. Follett - Beyond Peace. (A Poem) An original article from The Adelphi, 1927.
614697: Edward T. Folliard - Martinique, an island in the Lesser Antilles of the West Indies, in the Eastern Caribbean Sea. A part of the French West Indies (Antilles). An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1941.
405702: Edward T. Folliard - Escorting Mona Lisa to America. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1963.
513600: FOLLIES - The Sham Castle on Bathwick Hill ; the Ruined Temple at Virginia Water ; the Folly gate at Swanley Bar, Herts ; Mad Jack Fullers Observatory & more. By T.W. Wilkinson. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1908.
512974: FOLLIES - Some Freak Memorials : the seven dials pillar, Weybridge, Surrey ; the red lion, of Martlesham ; John Bunyan's chimney at Coleman Green, Hertfordshire & others. By T.W. Wilkinson. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1913.
418512: William Watts Folwell - Bishop Henry Benjamin Whipple (1822-1901); the Friend of the Indian. An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1901.
616572: Helder Adegar Fonesca - Agrarian Elites and Economic Growth in Nineteenth-Century Portugal: The Example of The Alentejo in The Liberal Era (1850-1910). An original article from the Social History Journal, 2003.
368948: FONTAINEBLEAU - The Italians at Fontainebleau. By Reginald Blomfield. This is an original article from The Architectural Review, 1902.
622424: Una Des Fontaines - Wedgwood Blue-Printed Wares 1805-1843. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 1983.
402728: V.J.L. Fontana - The Political and Religious Significance of the British/Irish Militias Interchange, 1811-1816. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 2006.
419079: Sarah Foot - Offa beyond the Dyke, and Offa's Dyke Today. An original article from BBC History Magazine, 2007.
419023: Sarah Foot - The Rise of English Christianity: Thanet, Kent, where St. Augustine Landed in AD 597. An original article from BBC History Magazine, 2013.
623470: M. R. D. Foot - The Young Panizzi. An original article from The British Library Journal, 1997.
324095: Mirjam M. Foot - Fifty Years on: Bookbinding History Then and Now. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 2002.
505646: M.R.D. Foot - Lord Esher on War Office Reform. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 2010.
623768: Mirjam M. Foot - The Olga Hirsch Collection of Decorated Papers. An original article from The British Library Journal, 1981.
503666: John Foot - Truth, Memory & Justice in Milan : the Milan bomb in December, 1969. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2000.
409133: M.R.D. Foot - Morley's Gladstone: A Reappraisal. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1969.
323706: Mirjam M. Foot - Some Bindings for Foreign Students in 16th Century Paris. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1975.
411251: M.R.D. Foot - Stay-Behind Parties: British Plans for Guerilla Resistance to Nazi Occupation. An original article from History Today, 1990.
414843: FOOTBALL - Football: A Maul in Goal. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1882.
610995: Rev. James Foote - City of Aberdeen. Presbytery of Aberdeen, Synod of Aberdeen. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
245265: Archibald Forbes - My Servant Andreas. A rare original article from the Idler Magazine, 1893.
508958: Archibald Forbes - Flogging in the Army. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1879.
611311: Rev. John Forbes - Parish of Symington. Presbytery of Biggar, Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
603218: George Forbes - Arnold's Oracles. An original article from Essays in Criticism, 1973.
407215: Dr. S. Russell Forbes - Further Discoveries in the Forum Romanum. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1907.
407198: S. Russell Forbes - The Basilica of Constantine. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1906.
600393: J.D. Forbes - Sir John Herschel's Astronomical Observations at the Cape of Good Hope. A review with textual extracts. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1849.
171201: Urquhart A. Forbes - Water Supply of United Kingdom. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1907.
368088: Archibald Forbes - Christmas-Tide with The Germans before Paris : Army of The Meuse. An original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1886.
406684: Archibald Forbes - Wolseley: A Character Sketch. An original article from the English Illustrated Magazine, 1885.
406661: Archibald Forbes - A Christmastide in the Khyber Pass. An original article from the English Illustrated Magazine, 1885.
275252: Archibald Forbes - The Limited Enlistment Act : By One Who Has Served in The Ranks. The term of enlistment was limited to ten years for the foot-soldier & twelve for the dragoon. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1864.
245287: Archibald Forbes - My Servant John. A rare original article from the Idler Magazine, 1893.
510314: W. Forbes Robertson, Esq. of Hazlehead, Aberdeenshire. - Description of a Machine for Raising Earthfast Stones, as Applied in Practice. An uncommon original article from the Prize Essays and Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland, 1832.
371177: Prof. Ir. R.J. Forbes - Distillation : The Invention of the Rectifying Column. This is an uncommon original article from the The Newcomen Society Transactions, 1949.
602507: Archibald Forbes - The Recruiting Problem. A rare original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1891.
182461: Professor G. Forbes. - Mutual Action of Vortex Atoms and Ultra mundane Corpuscles. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1878.
406932: Archibald Forbes - Lord Roberts of Kandahar, V.C., G.C.B., G.C.I.E. An original article from the English Illustrated Magazine, 1892.
508881: Archibald Forbes - The Russians, The Turks, and The Bulgarians : at The Theatre of War. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1877.
617567: Alastair Forbes - Questions of Upbringing. An original article from the London Magazine 1977.
128963: Edward Forbes - Siluria; the History of the oldest known Rocks containing Organic Remains; by Sir Rodney Impey Murchison. A summary and review of the work. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1854.
623666: Peter Forbes - Ski Boots : Lace or Buckle ? Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1966.
406633: Archibald Forbes - How I Became a War Correspondent. An original article from the English Illustrated Magazine, 1884.
339326: Heather Forbes - The Survey of Local Authority Archive Services (measuring & recording health), 1992. An original article from the Local Historian, 1993.
201703: V. S. Forbes - Moon and Radioactivity. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1930.
149855: G. Forbes, F.R.S. - Recent Progress in The Use of Electric Motors. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1891.
277709: L. W. Mackay Forbes (pseud. Oel) - A Diversion. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1928
238025: William Forbes - The Fabric Seal of Metz. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1880.
611021: Rev. Robert Forbes - Parish of Monymusk. Presbytery of Garioch, Synod of Aberdeen. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
255829: V. Forbin - The Feast of The Vultures : a ceremony that takes place every year near Constantine, in Algeria. Where the Priests solemnly summon the holy birds to attend to convey messages to their saintly leaders. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1922.
513214: ROYAL AIR FORCE - Flying Grocery Boys for the Security Forces : supply dropping in a remote jungle fort or to an isolated patrol. By Michael Hennessey. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1957.
505961: Dr. Forcheimer - Ismid and Angora Railway. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1891.
298433: Ford, Thomas F. - East Wickham Church. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1929.
195186: W. J. Ford. - Some Cricket Yarns. An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1897.
239017: Dr. James Ford - 1913. Fundamentals of Housing Reform. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1913.
128742: Richard Ford - Head and Stirling on Spanish Art. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1848.
509929: John Anson Ford - Amid the Eternal Fires : Fourteen Years on a Volcano-Top. In a bungalow on the brink of the crater of the active volcano of Kilauea, in Hawaii. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1923.
619029: C. S. Ford - The Reverend Theophilus Caleb: Race, Politics and Religion in a South-East Lancashire Village 1926-1932. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1991.
195262: W. J. Ford. - The Australian Eleven of 1899 (Cricket). A rare original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1899.
128672: Richard Ford - Miles on the horse's foot. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1846.
368415: Boris Ford - Freedom in Education: Thoughts Provoked by Mr. Bantock. A rare original article from Scrutiny Magazine, 1948.
619059: C. S. Ford - Religious Worlds: Prospects of The Manchester Diocese since 1847. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1997.
323818: Jill Ford - Ackermann's History of Westminster Abbey. Its Publishing History and The Unique Copy in Westminster Abbey. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1981.
414268: Boris Ford - The Rest was Silence; Walter de la Mare's Last Interview. An original article from Encounter, a monthly review of literature, the arts and politics, 1956.
173088: Worthington Chauncey Ford - The Adams Family, Massachusetts. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1922.
325466: Jeremy Parrott & Eric Ford - George Manville Fenn. Victorian Novelist and Boys' Writer. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2002.
195141: W.J. Ford. - Some Big Hits and Big Hitters (In Cricket). (Bonner). An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1896.
194903: W. J. Ford. - English Cricket on Australian Grounds. A rare original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1898.
349635: Richard Ford - Transactions of the Institute of Architects: cob walls, etc. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1837.
349641: Richard Ford - Spanish genealogy and heraldry. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1838.
616285: Douglas Ford - US Naval Intelligence and The Imperial Japanese Fleet During The Washington Treaty Era, c.1922-36. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 2007.
601435: Richard Ford - Head and Stirling on Spanish Art and Artists. Including details of the Schools of Seville, Castile, etc. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1848.
601410: Richard Ford - Prescott's History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1839.
607110: Wyn K. Ford - Boltro Farm, Cuckfield. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1976.
349368: Richard Ford - Cloister Life of Charles V. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1852.
368278: Boris Ford - Wuthering Heights. A rare original article from Scrutiny Magazine, 1939.
368119: Ford, Worthington C. - Hawaii, Puerto-Rico, Philippines : Trade Policies with the Colonies. The commercial aspects of the islands now under the protection of the United States. An original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1899.
349334: Richard Ford - Lady Theresa Lewis's Clarendon Gallery. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1852.
422509: Brinsley Ford - Sir John Coxe Hippisley: An Unofficial English Envoy to the Vatican. Together with, James Byers: Principal Antiquarian for the English Visitors to Rome. Two original articles from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1974.
420802: Barbara Ford - Muromachi Ink Painting. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1985
128681: Richard Ford - The Spanish Ladye's Love, by Lady Dalmeny. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1846.
422348: Brinsley Ford - Thomas Patch, a Newly Discovered Painting: 'A Gathering of Dilettanti round the Medici Venus.' An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts.
347432: Wyn Ford - The First Forty Years. Early Mortgages and Mortgagors of The Haywards Heath Building Society. An original article from the journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1992.
195416: W. J. Ford. - Throwing The Cricket Ball. An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1900.
128998: Richard Ford - The Caldwell Papers; selections from the Family Papers preserved at Caldwell, 1496-1853. Includes anecdotes of David Hume, etc. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1855.
253417: W.J. Ford - Curious Incidents at Cricket. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1900.
608074: Walter Ford - Handel's Cantatas. An original article from The Proceedings of The Musical Association, 1932.
622543: Hugh Ford - The Seizin Press. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 1972.
347316: Wyn K. Ford - The Ordeal of Joan Acton. An original article from the journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1984.
607541: Douglas M. Ford - Ordeals and Oaths. An original article from The Antiquary Magazine, 1885.
324855: Eric Ford - James Fenimore Cooper. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1992.
600771: Richard Ford - The Cloister Life of the Emperor Charles V. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1852.
600768: Richard Ford - Prescott's History of Ferdinand and Isabella. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1839.
225044: Prof. Daryll Forde - Cultural Change: Report of a Colloquium. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1948.
225026: Prof. Daryll Forde - The Anthropological Approach in Social Science. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1947.
609882: C. Daryll Forde - Land and Labour in a Cross River Village, Southern Nigeria. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1937.
323890: Helen Forde - Domesday Bound 1086 to 1986. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1987.
297500: C. Daryll Forde - The Megalithic Monuments of Southern Finistere. An original article from The Antiquaries Journal, 1927.
618934: J. Forde-Johnston, F.S.A. - The Iron Age Hillforts of Lancashire and Cheshire. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1962.
511822: Archibald Forder - Our Plight in the Dead Sea : the author, a missionary with the American Alliance Mission in Kerak of Moab relates a boat trip on the Dead Sea. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine 1900.
352445: Elsie M. Forder - To Kerak and Back : and What Happened on the Way. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1900.
514477: H.G. Forder, Professor of Mathematics Auckland University College. - Coordinates in Geometry. An offprint from Bulletin.
255821: The Revd A. Forder - The Rendezvous of Death : Sheik Khaleel, the Hamideh Tribe. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1921.
413013: Sir H. George Fordham - The Earliest French Itineraries 1552 and 1591; Charles Estienne and Theodore de Mayerne-Turquet. An original article from the Library, a Quarterly Review of Bibliography, 1921.
413008: Sir H. George Fordham - A Series of Early French Atlases, 1594-1637, Presented to the British Museum, 1920. An original article from the Library, a Quarterly Review of Bibliography, 1921.
413035: Sir H. George Fordham - The Listes Generales des Postes de France, 1708-79 and the Jaillots, Geographes Ordinaires du Roi. An original article from the Library, a Quarterly Review of Bibliography, 1923.
200579: August Forel - Ants' Nests. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1894.
201505: A. Forel - Psychical Faculties of Ants and Some Other Insects. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1903.
617031: Dr. Lee de Forest - A New Principle in Radio Reproduction. An original article from The Scientific Monthly, 1926.
369491: ASHDOWN FOREST - 1873 : The Rectory, Maresfield, Sussex. G. Somers Clarke, Architect. An original page from The Architect. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Art, Civil Engineering, and Building.
502722: Eugene de Forest - The Colours of Pewter. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1915.
513052: U.S. NATIONAL FORESTS - Guardians of the Wilderness : an army of twelve hundred men who look after the vast national forests. By Henry Hale. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1909.
285506: Louis-Rene Des Forets - Disordered Silence. An original article from the London Magazine 1962.
620985: FORFAR, SCOTLAND - 1866 : Kinnettles House, Near Forfar, Scotland. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
414217: Andrew Forge - We Dream of Motor-Cars. An original article from Encounter, a monthly review of literature, the arts and politics, 1956.
414628: Andrew Forge - Gentlemen Impressionists: Walter Sickert and Philip Wilson Steer. An original article from Encounter, a monthly review of literature, the arts and politics, 1960.
368514: FORGERY - Broderick, Jones, and others for Bank Note Forgery on the Bank of England. An original article from The Edinburgh Annual Register, 1818.
610756: Rev. Adam Forman - Parish of Innerwick. Presbytery of Dunbar, Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
408835: H. BUXTON FORMAN - The Keats Centenary. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1895.
600165: Henry Formby - Roman History a Foremost Bulwark of the Christain Cause against the AntiChrist of our Times. A rare article from the Dublin Review, 1877.
623597: A. J. Forrest - The Art of Fishing with a Kite. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1962.
307400: H.E. Forrest - Some Old Shropshire Houses and their Owners; Braggington (with a plate), Dinthill, Whitley, & Play-Y-Court. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1915.
307396: H.E. Forrest - Some Old Shropshire Houses and their Owners; Whitton & Marshe Manor. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1915.
225274: Miss Aileen Forrest - The Origin of Life. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1952.
224103: Elizabeth A New & Mark Forrest - Impressed in Metal : The Seals of a Devon Tax Collector. An original article from the Antiquaries Journal, 2005.
360191: Charles Robert Forrester - Mr Nibble. An original essay from Bentley's Miscellany, 1840.
360192: Charles Robert Forrester - Mr Macaw. An original essay from Bentley's Miscellany, 1840.
610767: Rev. Elliot W. Davidson & Rev. A. Forrester - Parish of Sorbie. Presbytery of Wigton, Synod of Galloway. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
611272: Rev. Alexander Forrester - Parish of Linton. Presbytery of Peebles, Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
151674: Prof. R.B. Forrester - Britain's Access to Overseas Markets. An uncommon original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1932.
325833: Barry Forshaw - James Crumley. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2009.
325802: Barry Forshaw - James Lee Burke. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2008.
500768: Barry Forshaw - British Crime Writing : An Encyclopedia. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2009.
325885: Barry Forshaw - Murder Below Zero : Scandinavian Crime Fiction. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2010.
323621: Harold Forster - Edward Young in Translation. Part 2. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1971.
323624: Harold Forster - Edward Young in Translation. Part 3. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1971.
408046: W.H. Knowles and R.H. Forster - The Corbridge Excavations, 1908. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1909.
407234: R.H. Forster - The Corbridge Excavations, 1907. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1908.
323618: Harold Forster - Edward Young in Translation. Part 1. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1970.
602042: John Forster - Daniel Defoe. An uncommon original article from the Edinburgh Review, 1845.
600212: John Forster - Samuel Foote. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1854.
620491: G. C. F. Forster - Faction and County Government in Early Stuart Yorkshire. An original article from The Northern History Review, 1975.
359143: Harold Forster - Rhymes of a Provincial Bookseller. Poetical Pamphlets by Crane & Sons, c.1800, written by John Crane, A Bird at Bromsgrove. An original article contained in a complete monthly issue of the Antiquarian Book Monthly Review (ABMR). Published by ABMR Publications 1978.
620501: G. C. F. Forster - County Government in Yorkshire During The Interregnum. An original article from The Northern History Review, 1976.
602247: John Forster - Sir Richard Steele; an account of his life as a dramatist and essayist, collaborator with Addison, etc. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1855.
602306: John Forster - The Poetical Works of Charles Churchill. With Copious Notes and a Life of the Author. A summary with textual excerpts. An uncommon original article from the Edinburgh Review, 1845.
349687: John Forster - Daniel Defoe; the novels, miscellaneous works and biographical memoir of the author. An uncommon original article from the Edinburgh Review, 1845.
602981: Honore Forster - British Whaling Surgeons in The South Seas, 1823-1843. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1988.
299634: John Arnold-Forster - Wiltshire and The Town and Country Planning Act, 1947. An original article from The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, December 1950.
298797: W.H. Knowles & R. H. Forster - Corstopitum: Report on The Excavations in 1908. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1909.
217367: Helen Forster - And Things That Go Bump in The Night. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1965.
623315: G. C. F. Forster - Record Publishing in The North-West in Retrospect and Prospect. An original article from The Northern History Review, 1978.
602013: W.E. Forster - The Autocracy of the Czars; Historical examples of their power. An uncommon original article from the Edinburgh Review, 1855.
323843: Harold Forster - Rarities and Oddities in The Works of Edward Young. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1983.
623435: Leonard Forster - The Weckherlin Papers. An original article from The British Library Journal, 1993.
285357: E.M. Forster - Daughter Dear: Verses. An original article from the London Magazine 1956.
128967: John Forster - Samuel Foote. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1854.
323832: Harold Forster - Munby Ltd. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1982.
149387: Professor W. Forster - The Displacements of The Rotational Axis of The Earth. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1894.
349371: John Forster - Samuel Foote; a biographical sketch of the eighteenth century actor comedian, whose body lies in the cloisters of Westminster Abbey. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1854.
323802: Harold Forster - William Whitehead. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1980.
607533: T. Forster - Distemper Paintings in Fingringhoe Church, Essex. An original article from The Antiquary Magazine, 1885.
604100: Friedrich Forstmeier - The Image of The German Officer. An original article from The Royal United Service Institution Journal, 1969.
217413: Angus Forsyth - In a Turkish Prison. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1967.
601949: William Forsyth - Inside the House of Commons: A description of the House, its layout, workings, etc. A rare original article from the Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1877.
418118: Alastair Forsyth - Tsar Nicholas II at Cowes, 1909. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1984.
611078: Rev. Morris Forsyth - Parish of Mortlach. Presbytery of Fordyce, Synod of Aberdeen. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
126653: William Forsyth - State Trials of the Nineteenth Century. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1883.
418748: Murray Forsyth - Thomas Hobbes in Derbyshire; the Private Life of a Philosopher. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1979.
600936: Forsyth, Timothy. - Environmental Responsibility and Business Regulation : the case of sustainable tourism. An original article from the Royal Geographical Society journal, 1997.
610758: Rev. James Forsyth - Parish of Morham. Presbytery of Haddington, Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
423595: General George A. Forsyth - Sheridan's Ride: Major General Philip H. Sheridan's Victory in the Shenandoah Valley, 1864. This is an original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1897.
313346: William Forsyth - A Recent Visit to Montenegro and its Capital. An uncommon original article from the Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1877.
313341: William Forsyth - The Irony of Life. An uncommon original article from the Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1877.
313334: William Forsyth - Lord Abinger and The Northern Circuit. An uncommon original article from the Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1877.
313312: William Forsyth - Inside the House of Commons : A description of the House, its layout, workings, etc. An uncommon original article from the Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1877.
623911: Ilene H. Forsyth - The Theme of Cockfighting in Burgundian Romanesque Sculpture. An original article from Speculum, The Journal of The Medieval Academy of America, 1978.
405736: George H. Forsyth - Island of Faith in the Sinai Wilderness; St Catherine's Monastery. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1964.
236205: Katherine Forsyth - The Ogham-Inscribed Spindle-Whorl From Buckquoy: Evidence For The Irish Language in Pre-Viking Orkney? An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1995.
242553: George H. Forsyth - The Church of St. Martin at Angers. Roman, Merovingian and Carolingian Constructions. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1937.
363123: William Forsyth - Progress of Legal Reform. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1860.
611006: Rev. A. Forsyth - Parish of Belhelvie. Presbytery of Aberdeen, Synod of Aberdeen. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
195324: John Fort. - Our Opening Day in Iceland (Fishing). An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1902.
419877: Peter Fort - Self-Catering in France: Plus Francais Que Les Francais. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1986.
417855: Tom Fort - Eton School: The Rooms of Three Boys. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1986.
413160: J.A. Fort - Notes on Shakespeare's Sonnets. An original article from the Library, a Quarterly Review of Bibliography, 1929.
413163: J.A. Fort - The Date of Shakespeare's 107th Sonnet. An original article from the Library, a Quarterly Review of Bibliography, 1929.
616057: A. D. M. Forte - The Identification of Fifteenth-Century Ship Types in Scottish Legal Records. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1998.
225373: Prof Meyer Fortes - Analysis and Description in Social Anthropology. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1953.
349160: Fortes, M.; Steel, R.W.; Ady, P. - Ashanti Survey, 1945-46: an Experiment in Social Research. An original article from the Royal Geographical Society journal, 1948.
172989: John W. Fortescue - The First Lord Holland. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1920.
409608: Charles Fortey - Explorations on 'Old Field', near Ludlow. An original article from the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association, 1889.
199851: C.D.E. Fortnum, F.S.A. - Mr. Rev. C.W. King's Memoir on The Annecy Athlete. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1874.
199868: C.D.E. Fortnum - A Description of Five Finger-Rings and Two Seals, the Property of the Marquess of Ripon, K.G., &c. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1875.
316091: C.D.E. Fortnum - Signacula of St. James of Compostella. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1881.
316071: C.D.E. Fortnum - Finger Rings and on Some Engraved Gems of The Early Christian Period. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1880.
407033: C.D.E. Fortnum - An Italo-Greek Terra-Cotta Lamp. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1894.
316190: C. Drury E. Fortnum - A Few More Early Christian Gems. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1885.
199886: C.D.E. Fortnum, F.S.A. - A Key-like Gold Finger-ring of the Sixth or Seventh Century found at Marzabotto. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1876.
371143: E.A. Forward - Stephenson Locomotives for the St. Etienne-Lyon Railway, 1828. This is an uncommon original article from the The Newcomen Society Transactions, 1945.
371135: E.A. Forward - The Stephenson Locomotives at Springwell Colliery. 1826. This is an uncommon original article from the The Newcomen Society Transactions, 1943.
370952: E.A. Forward - Simon Goodrich and his Work as an Engineer. Part 1, 1796-1805. Compiled from his Journal and Memoranda. This is an uncommon original article from the The Newcomen Society Transactions, 1923.
371112: E.A. Forward - Simon Goodrich and his Work as an Engineer. Part 2, 1805-1812. Compiled from his Journals and Memoranda. This is an uncommon original article from the The Newcomen Society Transactions, 1938.
347549: Hilda Fosbery - Notes from a Carshalton Vestry Book. A rare original article from the Surrey Archaeological Collections, 1913.
170834: Ugo Foscolo - An Examination of the Primary Argument of the Iliad. History of the Aeolic Digamma; the controversy over its obliteration and reinstatement. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1822.
170782: Ugo Foscolo - Madame de Genlis, Petrarque et Laure. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1821.
260164: Foshag W.F. - Exploring The World of Gems. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1950.
201596: Jenaro Gonzalez & William F. Foshag - Birth of Paricutin. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1946.
422535: Daphne Foskett - Miniaturists and Silhouettists in Bath. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1973.
417733: Clive Foss - Cuba's African Adventures: Fidel Castro and Che Guevara's Attempts to Export Revolution. An original article from History Today magazine, 2010.
504239: Clive Foss - Islam's First Terrorists. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2007.
503443: Clive Foss - Russia's Romance with The Airship. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1997.
504053: Clive Foss - When Turks Civilized The World. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2005.
503665: Clive Foss - Propaganda & The Perons. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2000.
417340: Clive Foss - Plato's American Republic: Oneida Community, the Perfectionist Movement founded in the 19th Century by John Humphrey Noyes. An original article from History Today magazine, 2010.
365812: Edward Foss - The Temples; Inns of Court and Chancery. An original article from the Notes and Queries journal, 1856.
400039: Edward Foss - Legal Celebrities of Kent. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1862-3
513893: FOSSIL REMAINS, UNITED STATES - The John Day Fossil Beds. An original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1900.
364346: FOSSILS - 1837. Fossils. Foot Prints of Animals upon Stones. FEATURED in Chambers' Edinburgh Journal. A single article, extracted from an issue of the Chambers' Edinburgh Journal.
368662: FOSSILS - In Search of Fossils in Alberta, Canada, by Barnum Brown. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1919.
200465: HUMAN FOSSILS - Fossil Human Remains Found Near Lansing, Kansas. By W.H. Holmes. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1902.
370290: William Foster - Experiments on the Composition of Coal.
500340: Roy Foster - The Ascendancy Mind (a dream world, or a culture of style that carried within it the seeds of self-destruction). An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1988.
607592: J. J. Foster - Celebrated Birthplaces: Sir Isaac Newton and Woolsthorpe. An original article from The Antiquary Magazine, 1887.
619138: Charles Foster - Farms and The Economy in Cheshire and Lancashire. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 2005.
418616: Paul P. Foster - Meterorology: Plotting the Upper Air. An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1909.
316723: C. Foster - Cheshire Cheese: Farming in The North-West in The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. An original article from the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1995.
500108: Roy Foster - The Problems of Writing Irish History. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1984.
316109: Rev. A.J. Foster - 1882. The Churches of North Bedfordshire and The Neighbouring Portion of Northamptonshire. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1882.
403185: Paul G.M. Foster - Quebec 1759: James Gibson Naval Chaplain, Writes to the Naturalist Gilbert White. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1986.
419764: Robert H. Foster - By Rail to the Isles: The Sleeper from London King's Cross to Mallaig in the Highland Region. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1981.
602166: Michael Foster - Animals and Plants. Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of both. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1869.
602186: Michael Foster - Autobiography of a Physiologist; the Life and Writings of Dr. Charles Ernest von Baer; privately published on the occasion of the Jubilee of his Doctorate. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1867.
607290: C. W. Foster - Lincolnshire Wills Proved in The Prerogaative Court of Canterbury, 1471-1490. An original article from Associated Architectural Societies, Reports and Papers, 1933.
607288: C. W. Foster - The Lincoln Episcopal Registers, being The Substance of an Address Delivered to The Canterbury and York Society. An original article from Associated Architectural Societies, Reports and Papers, 1933.
607274: C. W. Foster - Institutions to Benefices in The Diocese of Lincoln. An original article from Associated Architectural Societies, Reports and Papers, 1929.
607266: C. W. Foster - Excavation of an Anglian Burial Mound on Loveden Hill. An original article from Associated Architectural Societies, Reports and Papers, 1927.
607267: C. W. Foster - Excavation at Edlington. An original article from Associated Architectural Societies, Reports and Papers, 1927.
415504: Benjamin R. Foster and Karen Polinger Foster - A Lapidary's Gift to Gestinanna. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from 'Iraq'. Published by British School of Archaeology in Iraq 1978.
152550: Dr. M. Foster, and others - 1880. The Zoological Station at Naples. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1880.
619318: Richard Foster - A Tale of Two Gabriels. An original article from the Antiquaries Journal, 2015.
260212: Joseph T. Foster - Folger: Biggest Little Library in The World. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1951.
502625: J.J. Foster - Exhibition of Miniatures at Brussels, Belgium : Opened by The King of Belgians. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1912.
150227: Dr. M. Foster, and others - 1881. The Zoological Station at Naples. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1881.
421278: J.J. Foster - The Wicanders Collection of Portrait Miniatures. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1923.
217390: Francis Foster - Desert Journey. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1965.
619084: Eric Foster - Foxdenton Hall in The Seventeenth Century. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1999.
503484: Sarah Foster - Buying Irish : Consumer Nationalism in 18th-Century Dublin. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1997.
205409: Michael Foster - The Growth of Science in The Nineteenth Century. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1899.
182587: M. Foster, F.O. Bower, I. Bayley Balfour, W.T. Thiselton-Dyer, H. Trimen, Marshall Ward, W. CarruThers, M.M. Hartog and W. Gardiner. - Report of The Committee for taking steps to establish a Botanical Laboratory at Peradeniya, Ceylon. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1892.
617012: Sir Harry Seymour Foster - Richard Cobden and Free Trade - A Dream. An original article from The National Review, 1924.
205372: Michael Foster - 1896. Recent Advances in Science, and their Bearing on Medicine and Surgery. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1896.
616455: John Foster - Upper Cycle Shipbuilders 1971-2 and Edward Heath's U-Turn: How a United Workforce Defeated a Divided Government. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 2016.
194962: R. E. Foster. - Association Football. An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1902.
412220: Arnold W. Foster - The Slow Radical: Restrictions on the Artist as a Change Agent. An original article from the British Journal of Aesthetics, 1976.
205386: Michael Foster - Recent Progress in Physiology. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1897.
603481: John Wilson Foster - The Poetry of Seamus Heaney. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1974.
411034: R.E. Foster - Mr Punch and the Iron Duke; how the Duke of Wellington proved a Gift to the Cartoonists of Punch. An original article from History Today, 1984.
619832: D. Foster - Poulton-Le-Fylde: A Nineteenth Century Market Town. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1978.
316695: Charles F. Foster - The Landowners and Residents of Four North Cheshire Townships in The 1740s. An original article from the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1992.
612831: S. S. D. Foster - Evaluation of a Semi-Confined Chalk Aquifer in East Anglia. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1977.
411147: Roy Foster - Together and Apart: Anglo-Irish Agreements, 1886-1986. An original article from History Today, 1986.
502360: J.J. Foster - The Recent Exhibition of Works of Art of The 18th Century at The Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1908.
615444: Professor Michael Foster - On The Physical Basis of Psychical Events. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1898.
623344: D. Foster - The East Riding Constabulary in The Nineteenth Century. An original article from The Northern History Review, 1985.
421707: James W. Foster - Textiles -East and West- in the Collection of the Honolulu Academy of Arts. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1979.
292353: Richard Foster - A Statue of Henry III From Westminster Abbey. An original article from the Antiquaries Journal 2011.
607507: J. J. Foster - A Few Notes upon The Diary of Nathaniel Hone, R.A. for The Years 1752 and 1753. An original article from The Antiquary Magazine, 1884.
620471: D. Foster - Class and County Government in Early-Nineteenth Century Lancashire. An original article from The Northern History Review, 1974.
347334: Andrew Foster - Chichester Diocese in The Early 17th Century. An original article from the journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1985.
202705: W. Foster - The Decline of Parliaments. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1916.
607553: J. J. Foster - Some Miniature Painters and Enamellists who have Flourished in England Part I and II. A complete original article from The Antiquary Magazine, 1886.
316034: Rev. A.J. Foster - Easton Maudit, Northamptonshire. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1879.
618829: Stephen Fothergill - Some Soho People. An original article from the London Magazine 1995.
618808: Stephen Fothergill - Paul Potts. An original article from the London Magazine 1993.
617524: Stephen Fothergill - Lamplighting and Georgia on my Mind. An original article from the London Magazine 1997.
414347: Max-Pol Fouchet - The Night Evita Died: A Latin-American Episode. An original article from Encounter, a monthly review of literature, the arts and politics, 1957.
625322: Trevor Foulds - The Siege of Nottingham Castle in 1194. An original article from The Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire, 1991.
625309: T. Foulds - The Foundation of Lenton Priory and a Reconstruction of its Lost Cartulary. An original article from The Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire, 1988.
625288: J. V. Beckett and T. Foulds - Landholding and Society in Laxton in 1841. An original article from The Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire, 1985.
625241: Trevor Foulds - The History of Thurgarton Priory Before 1316. An original article from The Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire, 1980.
625279: Trevor Foulds - Monastic Cartularies of Nottinghamshire: A Guide to their Contents. An original article from The Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire, 1984.
623944: Karl D. Uitti with Alfred Foulet - Editing Chretien de Troyes: Lancelot's Two Steps and their Context. An original article from Speculum, The Journal of The Medieval Academy of America, 1988.
371407: PHILIP FOULFACE - Bacchus Bountie: Describing The Debonaire Deitie of His Bountifull Godhead, In The Royal Observance of His Great Feast of Penticost. Necessarie to be read and marked of all, for the Eschuing of like Enormities. An original small format article from the Harleian Miscellany, 1809.
616913: BOW STREET RUNNERS FOUNDER - Henry Fielding : A Famous Magistrate. Founder of the Bow Street Runners. By H. C. Biron. An original article from The National Review, 1920.
513079: THE LEAGUE OF COLOURED PEOPLES FOUNDER - Witch-Doctors of Medicine, Harold Moody. By Stephen Barlay. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1965.
514815: FOUNDLING HOSPITAL, LONDON - The Foundling Hospital. By E. Beresford Chancellor. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1926.
621704: MAJOLICA FOUNTAIN - 1862 : Majolica Fountain for The Great Exhibition Building - Designed by John Thomas and Executed by Minton. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
620957: FOUNTAIN, REGENT'S PARK - 1871 : Baroness Burdett-Coutts's Fountain, Regent's Park. H. A. Darbishire, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
621420: FOUNTAIN ON PLACE DES QUINCONCES, BORDEAUX, FRANCE - 1859 : Fountain on The Place Des Quinconces, Bordeaux. M. August Bartholi, Architect and Sculptor. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
369420: FOUNTAIN SQUARE, CINCINNATI - 1872 : The Cincinnati Tyler Davidson Fountain, United States. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
513547: FOUNTAIN, VIENNA - 1879 : The Fountain at the Town Hall, Vienna. Raphael Donner, Sculptor. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
621353: MEMORIAL CROSS DRINKING FOUNTAIN - 1898 : Design for a Memorial Cross and Drinking Fountain, Town's Green, Chorley. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
511301: Nigel Fountain - Georgian Dreams : the conflict with Russia, Georgia attracted the attention of Idealistic Western Politicians & Writers. An original article from History Today magazine, 2009.
620973: FOUNTAIN, WESTMINSTER - 1866 : Memorial Drinking-Fountain, St. Margaret's, Westminster. S. S. Teulon, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
182789: H. G. Fourcade. - Instruments for Stereoscopic Surveying. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1905.
205021: Joseph Fourier - Memoir of Delambre. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1864.
616083: N. M. H. Fourquin - A Medieval Shipbuilding Estimate (c. 1273). An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1999.
508661: M. Alfred De Foville - The Wealth of France & of other Countries. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1893.
508572: A. DE Foville - The Influence of Customs Duties on the Price of Wheat. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1891.
615149: Garth Fowden - The Last Days of Constantine: Oppositional Versions and their Influence. An original article from the Journal of Roman Studies, 1994.
615286: Garth Fowden - Constantine's Porphyry Column: The Earliest Literary Allusion. An original article from the Journal of Roman Studies, 1991.
274790: Francis Fowke - London, The Stronghold of England. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1860.
625223: D. V. Fowkes - The Breck System of Sherwood Forest. An original article from The Transactions of the Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire, 1977.
364666: Frances Fowle - The Hague School and the Scots. A taste for Dutch pictures. An uncommon original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1991.
508908: T.W. Fowle - The Place of Will in Evolution. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1879.
366471: A. Fowler - The Automatic Loom Strike, 1908. An original article from North West Labour History Journal, 1980.
366718: G. Herbert Fowler - De St. Walery. An original article from The Genealogist, 1914.
615279: D. P. Fowler - Narrate and Describe: The Problem of Ekphrasis. An original article from the Journal of Roman Studies, 1991.
607293: Herbert Fowler - Early Land Charters of Rippingale, II. An original article from Associated Architectural Societies, Reports and Papers, 1935.
607286: G. Herbert Fowler - Early Land Charters of Rippingale. An original article from Associated Architectural Societies, Reports and Papers, 1933.
503609: Simon Fowler - War Charity Begins at Home. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1999.
606036: Elizabeth Fowler - The Origins and Development of The Penannular Brooch in Europe. An original article from Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1960.
206664: Prof. A. Fowler - The Analysis of Line Spectra. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1926.
620649: Rev. J. T. Fowler - Excavations on The Site of Chapter-House of Durham Abbey. An original article from The Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland, 1879.
205096: James Fowler - On Shell-Heaps. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1870.
243027: P.J. Fowler - Old Grassland: Its Archaeological and Ecological Importance. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1970.
292586: Elizabeth Fowler & P. J. Fowler - Excavations on Torr an Aba, Iona, Argyll. An original article from the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1988.
240454: P.J. Fowler - A Rectangular Earthwork Enclosure at Tisbury, Wilts. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1963.
292556: P.J. Fowler - The Past in a Foreign Country. An original article from the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1987.
609615: Gordon Fowler - Old River-Beds in The Fenlands. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1932.
608311: Dean Fowler - Three Novels and Fifty-Three Short Stories. An original article from The Hudson Review, 1996.
508855: John Fowler - Railway Accidents. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1877.
251918: R.C. Fowler, Esq., O.B.E., F.S.A. - Seals in the Public Record Office. An original article from the Archaeologia journal, 1923.
615626: Gilbert John Fowler - Observations on The Chemical Action of Tropical Sunlight. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1908.
403882: P.J. Fowler - A Roman Barrow at Knob's Crook, Woodlands, Dorset; and a Reconsideration of the Evidence for Roman Barrows in Wessex. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1965.
339294: Simon Fowler - Vagrancy in Mid-Victorian Richmond, Surrey. An original article from the Local Historian, 1991.
411154: Kenneth Fowler - Jean Froissart; Chronicler of Chivalry. An original article from History Today, 1986.
607825: P. J. Fowler - Archaeology and The M4 and M5 Motorways, 1965-78. An original article from The Archaeological Journal, 1979.
423630: Alan Fowler - A Bolton Childhood' by Alice Foley. An introduction to, and extract from, the autobiography of the first full-time female General Secretary for a Lancashire cotton trade union. An original article from North West Labour History Journal, 2018.
423638: Alan Fowler - A Bolton Childhood' by Alice Foley. A further extract from, the autobiography of the first full-time female General Secretary for a Lancashire cotton trade union. An original article from North West Labour History Journal, 2019.
607763: Elizabeth Fowler - Celtic Metalwork of The Fifth and Sixth Centuries A.D. A Re-Appraisal. An original article from The Archaeological Journal, 1963.
251895: Dr. G.H. Fowler - The Devastation of Bedfordshire and the Neighbouring Counties in 1065. An original article from the Archaeologia journal, 1921.
408314: Joseph Fowler - The Oldest Extant Minutes of a Meeting of the Governors of Sherborne School. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1942.
282992: Rev Montague Fowler - The Game (bird sport) Book of a Famous Estate, Scotland. An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1898.
423484: Henry T. Fowler - Inter-Collegiate Sports: A Phase of Modern American College Life. This is an original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1896.
412715: Charles B. Fowler - Discoveries at Llanblethian Church, Glamorganshire. An original article from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, a Record of The Antiquities of Wales & its Marches, 1898.
512629: Dr. Fowler, M.D., F.R.S. - Literary & Philosophical Pursuits as conducive to Longevity. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1854.
315487: Ellen Thorneycroft Fowler - Albert (Allbut) Tompkins (Greatest Miracle of Modern Italy) : the Man with Transparent Legs. An original article from the Lady's Realm 1898-99.
618606: Daniel Halpern and John Fowles - A Sort of Exile in Lyme Regis. An original article from the London Magazine 1971.
605940: Cyril Fox - Triskeles, Palmettes and Horse-Brooches. An original article from Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1952.
217317: G. E. Fox - The Art of Uncle Jason. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1963.
412959: Cyril Fox - A Bronze Age Barrow on Kilpaison Burrows, Rhoscrowther, Pembrokeshire. An original article from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, a Record of The Antiquities of Wales & its Marches, 1926.
408427: Aileen and Cyril Fox - Wansdyke Reconsidered. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1958.
623188: Cyril Fox - An Early Iron Age Discovery in Anglesey. An original article from The Anglesey Antiquarian Society and Field Club, 1944.
412953: Cyril Fox - A Burial Place of Dwellers in the Upper Taf Valley, near Whitland, Carmarthenshire, in the Bronze Age. An original article from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, a Record of The Antiquities of Wales & its Marches, 1925.
412976: Cyril Fox - A La Tene I Brooch from Wales: with Notes on the Typology and Distribution of these Brooches in Britain. An original article from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, a Record of The Antiquities of Wales & its Marches, 1927.
150721: H. Fox Talbot, LL.D., F.R.S. - A Method of Estimating The Distances of some of The Fixed Stars. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1871.
605861: Cyril Fox - The Socketed Bronze Sickles of The British Isles; with Special Reference to an Unpublished Specimen from Norwich. An original article from Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1939.
420080: Celina Fox - Paintings of London Street Scenes, Part 2. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1982.
152659: Francis William Fox - Indian Railways and Indian Finance. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1875.
163297: Fox, J.J. - Supplementary Table to Paper ''On the Vital Statistics of the Society of Friends.'' A rare original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1859.
242927: Aileen Fox - The Early Plan and Town Houses of Silchester (Calleva Atrebatum). An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1948.
412961: Cyril Fox - The Ysceifiog Circle and Barrow Flintshire. An original article from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, a Record of The Antiquities of Wales & its Marches, 1926.
412964: Cyril Fox - Offa's Dyke, a Field Survey: First Report, Offa's Dyke in Northern Flintshire. An original article from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, a Record of The Antiquities of Wales & its Marches, 1926.
620211: Aileen Fox - The Siting of some Insribed Stones of The Dark Ages in Glamorgan and Breconshire. An original article from Archaeologia Cambrensis, 1939.
225208: Sir Cyril Fox - The Study of Early Celtic Metalwork in Britain. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1951.
266548: M.G. Fry & J.P. Fox - The Grand Army and The Invasion of Russia. An original article from History Today magazine, 1960.
620254: Cyril Fox - Three Rounded-Gable Houses in Carmarthenshire. An original article from Archaeologia Cambrensis, 1951.
401114: Jean Fox - Sevenoaks, Seal and Ightham - 1560 to 1650. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1997.
620233: Cyril and Aileen Fox - The Golden Mile Barrow, in Colwinston Parish, Glamorgan. An original article from Archaeologia Cambrensis, 1941.
624694: Aileen Fox - Early Welsh Homesteads on Gelligaer Common, Glamorgan. Excavations in 1938. An original article from Archaeologia Cambrensis, 1939.
620222: Aileen Fox - The Legionary Fortress at Caerleon, Monmouthshire: Excavations in Myrtle Cottage Orchard, 1939. An original article from Archaeologia Cambrensis, 1940.
615952: Frank Fox - The English Naval Shipbuilding Programme of 1664. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1992.
408381: Aileen Fox - Hill-Slope Forts and related Earthworks in South-West England and South Wales. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1952.
617444: C. J. Fox - On The Line: Aldington of The Referee. An original article from the London Magazine 1986.
612182: J. A. Fox - The Analysis of Secondary Flow in Bends in Open Channels. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1968.
419421: Celina Fox - Glimpses of Georgian Life: Paintings of London Street Scenes. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1982.
618751: Edward Fox - Inside Albania. An original article from the London Magazine 1987.
617803: C. J. Fox - Reaching for Heaven - The Legacy of C. E. Montague. An original article from the London Magazine 1991.
417737: John Fox - The Story of Jane Whorwood, 1612-1684: Secret Agent in the Service of King Charles I. An original article from History Today magazine, 2010.
509277: Fortescue Fox - Stimulants & Narcotics : their Use & Abuse. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1885.
240344: Cyril Fox - A Celtic Mirror From Great Chesterford. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1960.
149481: Colonel A. Lane Fox - The Discovery of Flint Implements of Palaeolithic Type in The Gravel of The Thames Valley at Act and Ealing. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1869.
412990: Cyril Fox - Offa's Dyke, a Field Survey: Third Report, Offa's Dyke from Plas Power Park, Denbighshire to the River Vyrnwy on the Shropshire/Montgomershire Border. An original article from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, a Record of The Antiquities of Wales & its Marches, 1928.
412992: Cyril Fox - Corston Beacon: An Early Bronze Age Cairn in South Pembrokeshire. An original article from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, a Record of The Antiquities of Wales & its Marches, 1928.
616065: Frank Fox - Hired Men of War, 1664-7: Part II. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1998.
612367: J. A. Fox - Spatially Varied Flow in Open Channels. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1970.
612433: J. A. Fox - The Prediction of The Magnitudes of Pressure Transients Generated by a Train Entering a Single Tunnel. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1971.
606155: Aileen Fox - A Continental Palstave from The Ancient Field System on Horridge Common, Dartmoor, England. An original article from Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1969.
618340: C. J. Fox - Remembering Julian Symons. An original article from the London Magazine 1995.
612164: J. A. Fox - The Use of The Digital Computer in The Solution of Water-Hammer Problems. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1968.
604910: W. Storrs Fox - Recent Cave-Digging in Derbyshire. An original article from the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 1907.
612214: J. A. Fox - The Analysis of Secondary Flow in Bends of Open Channels. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1968.
242152: Cyril Fox - Dykes. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1929.
407085: George E. Fox - Uriconium (Wroxeter). An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1897.
400735: Nancy Piercy Fox - The Ritual Shaft at Warbank, Keston. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1968.
400746: Nancy Piercy Fox - Excavation of the Iron Age Camp at Squerryes, Westerham. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1971.
407043: George E. Fox - Silchester. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1894.
242241: Cyril Fox - Sleds, Carts and Wagons. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1931.
404012: Charles F. Fox - A Bronze Age Refuse Pit at Swanwick, Hants. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1928.
612206: J. A. Fox - Unsteady Unconfined Flow to Gravity Wells. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1968.
411617: Cyril Fox - The Prehistory and History of Wales; as Illustrated by the Objects in the Department of Archaelology of the National Museum of Wales. An original article from the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association, 1933.
403965: Sir Cyril Fox - Stake-Circles in Turf Barrows: a Record of Excavation in Glamorgan, 1939-40. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1941.
620241: Cyril Fox - A Shield-Boss of The Early Iron Age from Anglesey with Ornament Applied by Chasing Tools. An original article from Archaeologia Cambrensis, 1945.
200392: Francis Fox - Great Alpine Tunnels. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1901.
403854: Aileen Fox - An Iron Age Bowl from Rose Ash, North Devon. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1961.
604936: W. Storrs Fox - Harborough Cave, near Brassington. An original article from the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 1909.
403810: Aileen Fox - A Medieval Pottery Kiln in Exeter. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1957.
403791: Aileen Fox - Some Evidence for a Dark Age Trading Site at Bantham, near Thurlestone, South Devon. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1955.
618426: Janice Fox - A Good Place to Die. An original article from the London Magazine 1997.
618436: Edward Fox - My Career in Censorship. An original article from the London Magazine 1998.
128682: Octavius Fox - Constantinpole in the fourth century. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1846.
242398: Cyril Fox & Aileen Fox - Forts and Farms on Margam Mountain Glamorgan. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1934.
403748: G.C. Dunning and Aileen Fox - Twelfth-Century Pottery from Exeter. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1951.
297538: Charles F. Fox - The Bronze Age Pit at Swanwick, Hants. Further Finds. An original article from The Antiquaries Journal, 1930.
620230: Cyril Fox - The Non-Socketed Bronze Sickles of Britain. An original article from Archaeologia Cambrensis, 1941.
403730: Aileen Fox - Two Greek Silver Coins from Holne, S. Devon. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1950.
403706: Sir Cyril Fox - The Incised Ornament on the Celtic Mirror from Colchester, Essex. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1948.
403691: Sir Cyril Fox - An Open-Work Bronze Disc in the Ashmolean Museum. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1947.
297503: Cyril Fox - An Encrusted Urn of The Bronze Age from Wales: with Notes on The Origin and Distribution of The Type. An original article from The Antiquaries Journal, 1927.
604952: W. Storrs Fox - Ravencliffe Cave. An original article from the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 1910.
297484: Cyril Fox - A Dug-Out Canoe from South Wales: with Notes on The Chronology, Typology and Distribution of Monoxylous Craft in England and Wales. An original article from The Antiquaries Journal, 1926.
316275: G.E. Fox - Roman Norfolk. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1889.
316288: G.E. Fox - Painted Screens and Roofs in Norfolk. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1890.
417306: John P. Fox - Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Katyn Massacre of Polish Officers, a Plane Crash Heaps Tragedy upon Tragedy. An original article from History Today magazine, 2010.
411627: Cyril Fox - Wat's Dyke: A Field Survey. An original article from the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association, 1934.
612975: A. Wilson Fox - Agricultural Wages in England and Wales during The Last Fifty Years. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1903.
400652: Nancy Piercy Fox - Warbank Keston: A Romano-British Site. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1956.
618758: Edward Fox - The Road to Salamiyya. An original article from the London Magazine 1987.
616058: Frank Fox - Hired Men of War, 1664-67: Part I. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1998.
620239: Cyril Fox - An Early Iron Age Discovery in Anglesey. An original article from Archaeologia Cambrensis, 1944.
242692: Cyril Fox - A Croft in The Upper Nedd Valley, Ystradfellte, Brecknockshire. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1940.
242710: Cyril Fox - A Datable Ritual Barrow In Glamorganshire. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1941.
242798: Cyril Fox - Life in Anglesey 2000 Years Ago. An Early Iron Age Discovery. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1944.
242806: Aileen Fox - The Place of Archaeology in British Education. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1944.
420874: Celina Fox - Images of Artists and Craftsman in Georgian London. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1987.
618289: C. J. Fox - The Old Stone House. An original article from the London Magazine 1992.
604964: W. Storrs Fox - Derbyshire Cave-Men of The Roman Period. An original article from the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 1911.
407080: George E. Fox - The Roman Coast Fortresses of Kent. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1896.
423712: Christine Merie Fox - Black Death to Global Pandemic. London then and now. An original article from Historian, the magazine of The Historical Association, 2020.
412982: Cyril Fox - Offa's Dyke, a Field Survey: Second Report, Offa's Dyke from Coed Talwrn Flintshire, to Plas Power Park, Denbighshire. An original article from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, a Record of The Antiquities of Wales & its Marches, 1927.
401065: Jean Fox - Seal, Kemsing and Ightham - 1560 to 1650. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1994.
604981: W. Storrs Fox - A Human Skeleton in Monsal Dale. An original article from the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 1913.
617701: Edward Fox - Desert Movie. An original article from the London Magazine 1983.
411670: Aileen Fox - Dinas Noddfa, Gellygaer Common, Glamorgan, Excavations in 1936. An original article from the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association, 1937.
620226: Cyril Fox - The Re-Erection of Maen Madoc, Ystradfellte, Breconshire. An original article from Archaeologia Cambrensis, 1940.
624202: FOXCOMBE, OXFORD - 1902 : Foxcombe, Oxford. For Lord Berkeley. Ernest George and Yeates, Architects. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
615272: Lin Foxhall - The Dependent Tenant: Land Leasing and Labour in Italy and Greece. An original article from the Journal of Roman Studies, 1991.
411167: Lin Foxhall - Greece, Ancient and Modern - Subsistence and Survival. An original article from History Today, 1986.
357709: FOXHUNTING - Prize Foxhounds, Agricultural Meeting, Lincoln. An original woodcut engraving from the Illustrated London News, 1869.
608821: Peter Foxley - Sold to Hong Kong Interests : Shipmaster. An original article from Blackwood's Magazine, 1962.
323707: David Foxon - Stitched Books. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1975.
513727: Mr W.W. Hamilton Foyn - Dated London Brown Saltglazed Hunting Mugs, 1713-75. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 2000.
616595: Josep M. Fradera - Spanish Colonial Historiography: Everyone in their Place. An original article from the Social History Journal, 2004.
191883: Deborah Fraioli - The Literary Image of Joan of Arc: Prior Influences. An original article from Speculum, the journal of The Medieval Academy of America, 1981.
618742: Ronald Frame - Fruits de Mer. An original article from the London Magazine 1987.
400367: Rev T.S. Frampton - List of Incumbents of St. Peter's, Seal, (held with St. Mary's, Kemsing, until 1874). An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1893.
400458: Rev. T. Shipdem Frampton - St. Mary's Church, Minster, Isle of Thanet; list of Vicars. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1902.
400510: Rev. T.S. Frampton - The Vicars, Masters or Provosts and Perpetual Curates of the Church of SS. Gregory and Martin, Wye. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1909.
400360: Rev T.S. Frampton - Fifty Eight Rectors of Trottescliffe. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1893.
400541: Rev. T. Shipdem Frampton - Vicars of St. Mary, Westhythe. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1914.
400461: Rev. T. Shipdem Frampton - The Chantry of John Denys in Ickham Church. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1902.
400354: Rev T.S. Frampton - List of Forty Five Vicars of Tilmanstone. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1893.
400351: Rev T.S. Frampton - Early Presentations to Kentish Benefices. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1893.
260161: Shor Jean & Franc - We Took The Highroad in Afghanistan. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1950.
411904: Chateaux of France - La Rochefoucauld. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1913.
623057: CHURCH IN FRANCE - 1882 : The New Church at Fourvieres, Lyons, France. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
414885: FRANCE - East Bay and the Chalet des Rosiers at Mentone, France. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1882.
407338: Captain G. Hayhurst-France - The Territorial Army; Problems of a London Infantry Battalion. An original article from the Army Quarterly, 1930.
616051: John France - The First Crusade as a Naval Enterprise. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1997.
619466: R. Sharpe France - The County Record Office, Preston. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1940.
619510: R. Sharpe France - Longridge Building Clubs of The Eighteenth Century. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1947.
619681: R. Sharpe France - Two Custumals of The Manor of Cockerham, 1326 and 1483. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1954.
619491: R. Sharpe France - The Highway from Preston into The Flyde. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1945.
368650: FRANCE - Our Friends, the French : An Appraisal of the Traits and Temperament of the Citizens of the French Republic. By Carl Holliday. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1918.
408616: FRANCE - Another Destructive Fire at Bordeaux. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1869.
360488: By an English Resident in France. - Report on the State of the Polytechnic School in Paris. A rare original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1841.
619511: R. Sharpe France - The Poor Brettarghs of Penketh. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1947.
414884: FRANCE - Views of Mentone, France; the Queen of the Riviera. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1882.
619486: R. Sharpe France - Some Stanley Cadets in The Reign of Charles II. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1944.
503467: John France - The Capture of The Holy City Jerusalem, by The Forces of The First Crusade. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1997.
619458: R. Sharpe France - A History of Plague in Lancashire. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1938.
367174: FRANCE - The France of Today, by Major General A.W. Greely, U.S. Army. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1914.
367202: FRANCE - The Beauties of France, by Arthur Stanley Riggs. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1915.
357720: FRANCE - Opening of the French Senate, at the Palace of the Luxembourg. An original woodcut engraving from the Illustrated London News, 1869.
414806: FRANCE - The City of Bordeaux. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1871.
619557: R. Sharpe France - The Diary of John Ward of Clitheroe, Weaver, 1860-1864. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1953.
411866: Chateaux of France - The Chateau du Moulin, Cher. The Seat of Madam De Marcheville. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1917.
371402: ASSASSINATION OF HENRY 3rd of FRANCE - The Catholick Cause; or, The Horrid Practice of Murdering Kings, Justified, And Commended By The Pope, In A Speech To His Cardinals, Upon The Barbarous Assassination of Henry The Third of France, who was stabbed by Jaques Clement, a Dominican Friar. Originally printed in 1678. An original small format article from the Harleian Miscellany, 1809.
411868: Chateaux of France - The Chateau des Reaux, Indre-et-Loire. The Seat of M. Barois. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1917.
414813: FRANCE - Valley of the Loire, with the Lanterne de Rochecorbon. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1871.
411902: Chateaux of France - Chaumont Sur Loire. A Seat of Prince Henri-Amedee de Broglie. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1913.
411929: Chateaux of France - The Chateaux of Le Rocher-Mezangers (Mayenne), the Seat of Count Horrie de Beaurepaire ; & of Fontaine Henry (Calvados), the Seat of Count d' Oilliamson. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1918.
416358: FRANCE - Chateau d'Esclimont, Home of the Duke de la Rochefoucauld-Bisaccia, St. Symphorien. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1874.
412013: Chateaux of France - The Hotel Lallemand, Bourges. The Property of The City of Bourges. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1917.
412014: Chateaux of France - The Old Hotel de Ville, Bourges. The Property of The French Government. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1917.
414886: FRANCE - Queen Victoria in the Riviera: Scenes near Mentone, France. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1882.
412022: Chateaux of France - Chaumont La Guiche, Saone-et-Loire. The Seat of La Marquise Douariere Mathilde de Laguiche. Saone-Et-Loire. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1917.
412025: Chateaux of France - Chateau d'Hautefort, Dordogne. The Seat of M. D'Artigues. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1917.
619468: R. Sharpe France - An Index of Lancashire Heraldry. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1940.
514539: Frances Harris, British Library, Department of Manuscripts. - The Blenheim Papers & the Authorized Biography of John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough. An original article from Archives, the Journal of the British Records Association, 1997.
620194: Frances David, Robin Craig and Owain Roberts - The Wreck and The Rescue. An original article from Maritime Wales, 2005.
238940: Louis Franchet - Ceramic Decoration - its Revolution and its Applications. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1909.
618823: Clarisse Francillon - Memories of Malcolm Lowry. An original article from the London Magazine 1994.
402351: David Francis - Marlborough's March to the Danube, 1704. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1972.
612161: J. R. D. Francis - Open Channel Flow-Force Analysis. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1968.
612172: J. R. D. Francis - The Accuracy of Calibration of Model Gauging Structures. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1968.
615302: Francis Nicholson, F.Z.S. - The Wilkinsons, Ironmasters in The County of Lancaster. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1905.
410769: Henry J. Francis - Autobiography (part 1) of a Gypsy. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1954.
510519: Francis William Clark, Esq. of Ulva. - The Coralline Sand of Ulva, One of the Western Isles. An uncommon original article from the Prize Essays and Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland, 1843.
402506: A.D. Francis - The Campaign in Portugal, 1762. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1981.
621495: Peter Francis - The Belfast Potthouse, Carrickfergus Clay and The Spread of The Delftware Industry. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 1994.
615362: Francis Jones, F.R.S.E., F.C.S. - The Action of Alkalies on Glass and on Paraffin. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1903.
508628: Francis Galton, F.R.S. - Application of the Method of Percentiles to Mr. Yule's Data on the Distribution of Pauperism. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1896.
510136: James B. Francis - A Test Trial of a Swain Turbine Water-wheel, at Boott Cotton Mill, U.S. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1875.
198079: Francis Morgan Nichols, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. - On the Feudal and Obligatory Knighthood. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1863.
419128: Martin Francis - The Flying Hell Raisers. How RAF Battle of Britain pilots fought hard and partied hard. An original article from BBC History Magazine, 2010.
151253: Prof. Francis Ernest Lloyd, M.A., D.Sc. - The Type of Entrance Mechanisms of the Traps of Utricularia (including Polypompholyx). An uncommon original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1933.
615350: Francis Jones, F.R.S.E., F.C.S. - The Union of Hydrogen with Sulphur, Selenium and Tellurium. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1904.
615356: Francis Jones, F.R.S.E., F.C.S. - The Collection of Apparatus Used by Dalton, now in The Possession of The Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1904.
151305: Mr. Francis Galton, and others - Local Scientific Societies'. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1883.
508651: Francis Warner, M.D. Lond., F.R.C.P. - Results of an Inquiry as to the Physical & Mental Condition of Fifty Thousand Children seen in One Hundred & Six Schools. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1893.
621523: Peter Francis - Delftware and Soap. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 1995.
366057: Francis Edmund Anstie, M.D. - Workhouse Infirmary Reform. An original article from Macmillan's Magazine, 1866.
366041: Francis Edmund Anstie, M.D. - On Physical Pain. An original article from Macmillan's Magazine, 1863.
621522: Peter Francis - Irish Creamware: The Downshire Pottery in Belfast. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 1995.
615585: Francis Jones, F.C.S. - The Volatility of Sulphur and its Action on Water. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1912.
409387: Geo. Grant Francis - A Brief Memoir, Part 3, of Henry de Gower; Bishop of St. David 's in the Fourteenth Century. An original article from the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association, 1876.
421258: Grant. R. Francis - The Milled Silver Coinage of England. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1913.
149317: Francis Gotch, B.Sc., and Joseph Laws, F.C.S. - The Blood of Limulus Polyphemus. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1884.
150103: Francis Day, C.I.E. - On the Hybridisation of Salmonidae at Howietown. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science report, 1885.
410780: Henry J. Francis - Autobiography (part 2) of a Gypsy: Vocabulary. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1955.
409799: Henry James Francis - Borrow's Gypsies in a Journal of 1867-8. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1935.
406285: Francis Langer, translated by Laurence Hyde - Death in the Sand, Part 3. An original article from The Adelphi, 1927.
406280: Francis Langer, translated by Laurence Hyde - Death in the Sand, Part 2. An original article from The Adelphi, 1927.
148720: Francis Darwin, F.R.S. - The Ascent of Water in Trees. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1896.
150013: Francis Darwin, M.A., M.B., F.R.S. - The Perception of The Force of Gravity by Plants. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1904.
152569: Francis Galton, M.A., F.R.S. - Determining The Heights and Distances of Clouds by Their reflexions in a low pool of water, and in a mercurial horizon. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1880.
251470: Francis Cranmer Penrose, Esq., F.R.I.B.A. - On the Recent Discoveries of Portions of Old St. Paul's Cathedral. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1883.
404042: A.G. Francis - A West Alpine and Hallstatt Site at Southchurch, Essex. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1931.
612241: J. R. D. Francis - Observations of Flow Patterns around some Simplified Groyne Structures in Channels. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1968.
409381: Geo. Grant Francis - A Brief Memoir, Part 2, of Henry de Gower; Bishop of St. David 's in the Fourteenth Century. An original article from the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association, 1876.
615624: Francis Jones, F.C.S. - Action of Selenium and Tellurium on Arsine and Stibine. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1908.
504523: Francis W. Rowsell, Barister at Law - The Court Star Chamber : its Practice & Procedure. An original uncommon article from the Intellectual Observer, 1867.
357096: Francis Bramah, M.Inst.C.E. - A Series of of Experiments on The Strength of Cast Iron. With 3 plates. An article from the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1842.
411024: Daniel Francis - The Winnipeg General Strike, 1919: Aspects of Canada. An original article from History Today, 1984.
359302: Francis Buchanan, Esq. M.D. - Description of the Tree called, by the Burmas, Launzan. An original article extracted from Asiatick Researches; or Transactions of the Society Instituted in Bengal, 1799. [Afterwards known as The Asiatic Society of Bengal].
409368: Geo. Grant Francis - A Brief Memoir, Part 1, of Henry de Gower; Bishop of St. David 's in the Fourteenth Century. An original article from the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association, 1876.
251496: Francis Joseph Baigent, Esq. (communicated by) - On Ibberton Church, Dorsetshire, and the Painted Glass remaining there. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1885.
149887: Francis Galton, F.R.S. - Barometric Predictions of Weather. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1870.
603547: Richard Francis - Emily Dickinson. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1977.
198086: Francis Morgan Nichols, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. - Observations upon the nature of the Tenure or Service of Cornage. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1863.
195148: H. R. Francis. - Shark Fishing. An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1896.
505864: Francis W. Rowsell, Barrister-at-Law. - The House of Lords. An original uncommon article from the Intellectual Observer, 1868.
150309: Francis Galton, F.R.S. - The Equipment of Exploring Expeditions Now and Fifty Years Ago. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1881.
608390: Pat Francis - The Labour Publishing Company 1920-9. An original article from History Workshop: A Journal of Socialist & Feminist Historians, 1984.
150777: Prof. Francis G. Bailey, M.A., F.R.S.E. - Sources of Cheap Electric Power. An uncommon original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1934.
506347: Francis Crowther, illustrated by - Wakefield Chantry ; Old London Bridge ; Rotheram Chantry & more : some bridge chauntries. An uncommon original article from the Pall Mall Magazine, 1899.
506910: George Grant Francis - On the Proposed Removal of the See of Llandaff, in 1717-18. An original article from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, a Record of The Antiquities of Wales & its Marches, 1846.
512432: Francis Ronalds, Esq. F.R.S., Honorary Superintendent. - Report concerning the Observatory of the British Association at Kew, from September 12, 1849 to July 31, 1850. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1850.
251474: Francis Roubiliac Conder, Esq., C.E. - On the Antiquity of the Egyptian Calendar. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1883.
621716: TOWN HALLS IN FRANCONIA - 1866 : Town Halls in Franconia. Rathhaus at Dettelbach and Rathhaus at Volkach. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
260184: Morgan Audrey & Frank - Alaska's Russian Frontier: Little Diomede. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1950.
615176: Tenney Frank - Augustus and The Aerarium. An original article from the Journal of Roman Studies, 1933.
615364: Frank Fortescue Laidlaw, B.A. - Marine Turbellaria from Torres Straits and The Pacific, with a Description of New Species. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1903.
148279: Frank Atkinson, F.M.A., and R.W. McDowall, O.B.E., F.S.A. - Aisled Houses in the Halifax Area. An original article from the Antiquaries Journal, 1967.
357495: Frank Mossman, Game Warden of Pacific County, Washington. Illustrated by Stanley L. Wood - Hunting the Moonshiners. This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1928.
151986: Frank T. Shutt, M.A., F.I.C. - Chemical Work on Canadian Wheat and Flour. An original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science report, 1909.
511637: Frank Banfield, M.A. - The Next Premier, Prime Minister ? The Earl of Rosebery ; Earl Spencer ; The Duke of Devonshire ; Lord Curzon & others. An uncommon original article from the Harmsworth London Magazine, 1905.
511343: Frank Mossman, Game Warden of Pacific County, Washington, U.S.A. Illustrated by Kenneth Thompson. - The Great Scalp Fraud's Case : destruction of wild animals. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1929.
511709: Frank Davey, of Honolulu - Papa Ita and his Fire-Walking Performance, in Honolulu in the Hawaiian Islands. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine 1901.
506137: Frank - The Preparation of Acetylene, and its Use as an Illuminant and for The Production of Alcohol. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1895.
511805: Frank Davey, of Honolulu, H.I. - Our Photo Trip up Mauna Loa, to photograph the eruption of the Hawaiian Volcano of 1899. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine 1900.
151968: Frank T. Shutt, M.A., F.R.S.C. - Chemical Characteristics of Western Prairie Soil. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1909.
511972: Frank S.N. Dunsby, of the Seaman's Institute, Neufahrwasser, Germany. - Captain Hans Engllandt Entombed in a Capsized Ship : the Erndte. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1903.
407754: Frank Rose, illustrated by H. Coller - My Adventures in Bolivia. Being arrested as a dangerous revolutionary and escaping to the Pacific Coast. This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1919.
255928: R. Frank Reynolds, illustrated by Dudley Tennant. - Down The Old Delph Disused Mine, Roby Mill, Lancashire. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1922.
406486: Waldo Frank - The Body of Lenin. An original article from The Adelphi, 1932.
511396: Frank Mossman, Game Warden of Pacific County, Washington, U.S.A. - Wild Animal Pests of the United States : animals that destroy Stock & Game. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1929.
615341: Frank Foster, B.Sc. - Phenomena Due to Repetitions of Stress, and on a New Testing Machine. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1904.
407738: Frank I. Turner, from the narrative of Bert Fairhead, illustrated by Geo. P. Carruthers - Kangaroo Hunting and Bark Stripping. Hunting while collecting the prized bark of the mallet tree. This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1919.
407733: Frank Rose, illustrated by Nugent Barker - My Experiences in the Black Republic. A veracious narrative of a short stay in Haiti. This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1919.
504712: Frank Mossman, illustrated by Lathan - Kultis Jim's Totem-Pole : a droll story from Alaska, showing how a simple Indian got the better of a bunch of astute business men & incidentally landed them in a most embarrassing situation. This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1936.
357488: Frank Mossman, Game Warden of Pacific County, Washington. Illustrated by S. Tresilian - Two Dogs Legacy. A tale from the Modoc Indian War. This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1940.
421683: Frank McDonald, Desmond Fitzgerald, Nicholas Robinson et al - A Collection of Articles on Ireland's Country Houses, 'The Blinkered Destruction of Dublin', 'The Struggle to Protect Irish Architecture', etc. Six original articles from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1989.
152604: Frank P. Fellows, F.S.S., F.S.A. - Admiralty Monies and Accounts. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1880.
155083: Frank P. Fellows, F.S.S. - Suggestions for improving and extending our National Accounts ; being a continuation of Mr. Fellow's Paper read at The Edinburgh Meeting, a proposed Doomsday Book, &c. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1872.
407577: Tenney Frank - Dominium in Solo Provinciali' and 'Ager Publicus'. An original article from The Journal of Roman Studies, 1927.
504669: Frank M. Mc. Maines, illustrated by Leo Bates. - My Visit to Mexico. This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1921.
149009: Frank T. Shutt, M.A., F.I.C., F.C.S. - The Composition of Canadian Virgin Soils. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1897.
410675: Roberta Frank - The Search for the Anglo-Saxon Oral Poet. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1993.
501944: Julia Frankau - Mr. Harland-Peck's Collection (Art). An original article from The Connoisseur, 1903.
501848: Julia Frankau - Lord Cheylesmore's Mezzotints. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1902.
613278: H. Frankel - The Industrial Distribution of The Population of Great Britain in July, 1939. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1945.
614548: Zygmunt Frankel - Mr Finkelstein's Ulcer. An original article from the London Magazine 1967.
618195: Zygmunt Frankel - The Canonization of Schlomo Solomon. An original article from the London Magazine 1989.
404009: H. Frankfort - Sumerians, Semites and the Origin of Copper-Working. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1928.
297532: H. Frankfort - Some Notes on Pottery from Ur. An original article from The Antiquaries Journal, 1929.
151984: E. Frankland Armstrong, Ph.D., D.Sc. - The Chemical Properties of Wheaten Flour. An original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science report, 1909.
603896: Noble Frankland - The Dams Raid. An original article from The Royal United Service Institution Journal, 1964.
406845: Percy F. Frankland - Microscopic Labourers and How They Serve Us. An original article from the English Illustrated Magazine, 1891.
149419: Dr. E. Frankland, F.R.S., and others - Gases Existing in Solution in Well-waters. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1869.
423254: E. Frankland - Contributions to the Knowledge of the Manufacture of Gas. This is an original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1852.
402720: Carl E. Franklin - Draught Harness, Royal Horse Artillery, c.1814. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 2004.
613780: Colin Franklin - James Guthrie, a Dedication. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 1976.
616068: G. D. Franklin - A Breakdown in Communication: Britain's Over Estimation of Asdic's Capabilities in The 1930s. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1998.
403365: C.E. Franklin - Uniforms of the British Rocket Troops in the Napoleonic Wars. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 2003.
323819: Colin Franklin - Garlands of Rachel. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1981.
359137: Gideon Franklin - Collecting P.G. Woodhouse. An original article contained in a complete monthly issue of the Antiquarian Book Monthly Review (ABMR). Published by ABMR Publications 1976.
622571: Colin Franklin - The Books and Prints of Shirley Jones. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 1988.
225232: Prof. K.J. Franklin - History of Physiology, 1851-1951. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1951.
257587: Henry Franklin - How we tried the Daylight Saving Bill. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1909.
613854: Colin Franklin - Two Nuisances at The Private Presses. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 1986.
323984: Colin Franklin - Print and Design in Eighteenth Century Editions of Shakespeare. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1994.
621677: Alexandra Franklin - The Art of Illustration in Bodleian Broadside Ballads before 1820. An original article from the Bodleian Library Record, 2002.
323994: Simon Franklin - How High is a Bible? This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1995.
416266: SEARCH FOR FRANKLIN - Captain Richard Collinson's Arctic Expedition, H.M.S. Enterprise in Winter-Quarters, Camden Bay. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1855.
324068: Colin Franklin - The Bowdlers and Their Family Shakespeare. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 2000.
613934: Charlotte Franklin - Book Art in Hungary. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 1997.
292257: Jill A. Franklin - The Eastern Arm of Norwich Cathedral and The Augustinian Priory of St Bartholomew's, Smithfield, in London. An original article from the Antiquaries Journal 2006.
613971: Colin Franklin - Giambattista Bodoni. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 2003.
420979: Patricia Franklin - The Work of Doreen Stoneham in the Field of 'TL' (Thermoluminescence)Testing: Deception and Detection. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1990.
324115: Colin Franklin - William Fowler of Winterton. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 2004.
417455: Peter Frankopan - Viewing History from a Global Perspective of Connection via the Silk Roads, Past and Present. An original article from History Today magazine, 2015.
417643: Peter Frankopan - The View from the East: The First Crusade from Byzantine Sources. An original article from History Today magazine, 2012.
199312: Augustus W. Franks - The Collection of British Antiquities in the British Museum. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1852.
616037: Jeremy Franks - Eighteenth-Century Chinese Vessels at Canton. The Paintings at Skarva, Sweden. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1997.
607976: P. J. Franks - A Runic Forgery from Cullercoats. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana, 1969.
199292: A.W. Franks - On certain Ancient Enamels. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1851.
199362: Augustus Franks - On the Additions to the Collection of National Antiquities in the British Museum. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1854.
251589: A.W. Franks, Esq., C.B., Litt.D., F.R.S., V.P. - On some Chinese Rolls with Buddhist legends and representations. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1892.
199456: Augustus W. Franks - Bosses of Roman Shields found in Northumberland and Lancashire. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1858.
501967: Henri Frantz - Old Marseilles Ware (2 part article) An original article from The Connoisseur, 1903.
621211: Allen J. Frantzen - When Women Aren't Enough. An original article from Speculum, The Journal of The Medieval Academy of America, 1993.
363460: Prof. Franz Prazil,Zurich Polytechnic - The Kubel Turbine Transmission Plant near St. Gall, Switzerland. An original article from Engineering, 1901.
405609: Anders Franzen - Ghost from the Depths: the Swedish Warship Vasa, 1628, Raised from Stockholm Harbour. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1962.
410180: Jean Frappier - Le Style de Villehardouin dans les Discours de sa Chronique. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1946.
611145: Rev. C. Fraser - Parish of Kiltarlity. Presbytery of Inverness, Synod of Moray. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
623383: D. Fraser - The Life of Edward Baines: A Filial Biography of The Great Liar of The North. An original article from The Northern History Review, 1995.
299295: Constance M. Fraser - Medieval Trading Restrictions in The North East. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1961.
402534: John Fraser - Captain Clifford Henry Mecham. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1982.
402553: John Fraser - The Letters of Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Abercromby Yule; Part 1a. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1983.
402558: John Fraser - The Letters of Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Abercromby Yule; Part 1b. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1983.
402563: John Fraser - The Letters of Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Abercromby Yule; Part 1c. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1984.
509921: John Foster Fraser - Mr. F.E. Smith, K.C., M.P. A Character sketch of the Lawyer & Politician. An uncommon original article from the Harmsworth London Magazine, 1910.
510923: F. Fraser Darling, Vice-President, the Conservation Foundation, New York, N.Y. - The Unity of Ecology. An uncommon original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1964.
614624: J. D. Fraser - Diary of a Decision. An original article from the London Magazine 1959.
299235: C. M. Fraser - Officers of The Bishopric of Durham Under Antony Bek, 1283-1311. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1957.
402686: John Fraser - C.T. Atkinson; a Tribute. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1996.
403187: John Fraser - The Role of La Martiniere College in the Siege of Lucknow. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1987.
410724: Angus M. Fraser - Merimee and the Gypsies. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1951.
620739: Constance M. Fraser - The North-East Coal Trade until 1421. An original article from The Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland, 1962.
613121: Drummond Fraser - The Maturing Debt. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1921.
349473: Fraser, A. Campbell. - Ferrier's Theory of Knowing and Being, a metaphysical problem. A rare original article from the North British Review, 1855.
299205: Constance M. Fraser - Gilly-Corn and The Customary of The Convent of Durham. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1955.
241676: John Foster Fraser - The Building of a Battleship, On The Dockyard at Chatham. An original article from the Windsor Magazine, 1895.
511774: John Foster Fraser - The Prison-Land of Siberia & what I saw there. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine 1902.
604546: Maxwell Fraser - Lord Llanover's Last Years 1864-1867. An original article from The National Library of Wales Journal, 1970.
402599: Edited by General Sir David Fraser - An Ensign at War: the Narrative of Richard Master, First Guards. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1988.
367728: William Fraser - Fluctuations of the Building Trade, and Glasgow's House Accommodation. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1907.
508311: Patrick Fraser - Lives of Simon Lovat & Duncan Forbes. An uncommon original article from the North British Review, 1847.
512294: R.J. Fraser - Sporting. Following the Fur Trails, Hudson Bay, Canada. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1914.
354488: Angus Fraser - Collecting Gypsy Books. An original article contained in a complete monthly issue of the Antiquarian Book Monthly Review (ABMR), 1979.
267711: David Fraser - The Trial of Lord George Sackville. An original article from History Today magazine, 1974.
607977: Constance M. Fraser - Law and Society in Northumberland and Durham, 1290 to 1350. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana, 1969.
608002: C. M. Fraser - Early Recorders of Newcastle upon Tyne. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana, 1971.
410758: Angus M. Fraser - The Gypsy Problem: A Survey of Post-War Developments. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1953.
354505: A.M. Fraser - Some Pitfalls in Collecting George Borrow. An original article contained in a complete monthly issue of the Antiquarian Book Monthly Review (ABMR), 1980.
603351: G. S. Fraser - Lord Jim: The Romance of Irony. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1966.
411008: Angus M. Fraser - George Borrow's Birthplace and Gypsy Ancestry. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1972.
623542: Maxwell Fraser - Lord Llanover (Big Ben) in London. An original article from The Transactions of The Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, 1964.
367713: William Fraser - Rents and Ground Rents. Facts and Figures bearing upon The Housing Problem. An original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1902.
611137: Rev. Simon Fraser - Parish of Kilmorack. Presbytery of Dingwall, Synod of Ross. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
403263: Edited by John Fraser - Field Surgeon at the Battle of Aliwal; Part 3, the Letters of Dr John Murray during the First Sikh War. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1994.
623274: Constance M. Fraser - The Pattern of Trade in The North-East of England, 1265-1350. An original article from The Northern History Review, 1969.
623301: D. Fraser - The Fruits of Reform: Leeds Politics inn The Eighteen-Thirties. An original article from The Northern History Review, 1972.
613189: Malcolm Fraser - New Zealand - Infant Mortality Rates and Still-Births. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1929.
403217: Edited by John Fraser - Field Surgeon at the Battle of Aliwal; Part 2, the Letters of Dr John Murray during the First Sikh War. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1989.
509129: Mrs. Hugh Fraser - In Tokyo. An original article from the Lady's Realm 1896.
277626: Donald Ross Fraser - Delkatia's Eagles. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1927
277657: H. L. Fraser - Breaking Trail in Te Sub-Arctic. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1927
410950: Angus M. Fraser - Borrow's Captain Bosville. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1968.
222632: Shannon Marguerite Fraser - The Materiality of Desire : Building Alternative Histories for a Hebridean Crofting Community. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 2000.
194951: David Fraser. - Paper-Chasing in India. An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1902.
354013: Angus Fraser - Remaindered Books with Chapman & Hall Adverts. An original article contained in a complete monthly issue of the Antiquarian Book Monthly Review (ABMR), 1989.
423906: W. Hamish Fraser - Letters from Lancashire 1811-12. From the papers of the Scottish Weavers Association. An original article from Bulletin of the Society for the Study of Labour History, 1982.
403212: Edited by John Fraser - Field Surgeon at the Battle of Aliwal; Part 1, the Letters of Dr John Murray during the First Sikh War. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1989.
509165: Mrs. Hugh Fraser - Spring in Japan. An original article from the Lady's Realm 1897.
611143: Rev. Alexander Fraser - Parish of Kirkhill. Presbytery of Inverness, Synod of Moray. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
505570: John Fraser - The Letters of Brevet (part2) Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Abercromby Yule. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1986.
285474: G.S. G.S. Fraser, John Holloway, Roy Fuller & others - English Poetry Since 1945. An original article from the London Magazine 1959.
620514: Derek Fraser - Voluntaryism and West Riding Politics in The Mid-Nineteenth Century. An original article from The Northern History Review, 1977.
608034: Marjory Kennedy-Fraser - Songs of The Hebrides. An original article from The Proceedings of The Musical Association, 1919.
267033: Antonia Fraser - The Murder of David Riccio. An original article from History Today magazine, 1966.
508380: William Fraser - Popular Education in Britain & Ireland. An uncommon original article from the North British Review, 1858.
410975: Angus M. Fraser - The Diaries of George Borrow's Walking Tours. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1970.
410943: Angus M. Fraser - The 'Turkish Spy' on Gypsies, 1723. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1967.
410897: Angus M. Fraser - The Travellers: Developments in England and Wales , 1953-63. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1964.
149316: Dr. W. Fraser - Natural Co-ordination, as evinced in Organic Evolution. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1884.
150823: G.M. Fraser - Scientists of the Nort-East of Scotland. An uncommon original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1934.
503177: Derek Fraser - Joseph Chamberlain & The Municipal Ideal. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1987.
314570: John Foster Fraser - Building an Atlantic Liner : Workers and Their Work. An original article from the Windsor Magazine, 1896.
611138: Rev. David Fraser - Parish of Dores. Presbytery of Inverness, Synod of Moray. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
315470: John Foster Fraser - The Burmese Girl. An original article from the Lady's Realm 1898-99.
407719: Rev. Maurice Frater - The Eruption at Ambrim. The volcanic eruption on Ambrim Island, in the new Hebrides, in 1913. This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1915.
363243: Tutbury Fraud - A full Exposure of Ann Moore, the pretended Fasting Woman of Tutbury. An original article from The Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine, 1813.
368511: HEINOUS FRAUD - Stewart against Allan and Mackay, for a Paragraphy in the Belfast News Letter. An original article from The Edinburgh Annual Register, 1818.
617608: Christopher Frayling - Criminal Tendencies - II: Sax Rohmer and The Devil Doctor. An original article from the London Magazine 1973.
402130: Joan M. Frayn - Wild and Cultivated Plants: a Note on the Peasant Economy of Roman Italy. An original article from the Journal of Roman Studies, 1975.
370158: J.G. Frazer. Trinity College, Cambridge - 1888 : Taboo; religious prohibitions, notably from Hawaii to New Zealand. An original article from the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1888.
173072: James G. Frazer - London Life In The Time Of Joseph Addison. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1922.
279516: S. R. M. Frazer - Engine Trouble. A rare original article from the Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1963.
173062: J. G. Frazer - Rome In The Time of Pliny. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1921.
612156: W. Frazer - A Hydraulic Model Study of Heat Dissipation at Longannet Power Station. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1967.
297233: Paul W. Frazier - Across The Frozen Desert to Byrd Station. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1957.
512778: W. Fream - Wheat & Sheep in England in 1893. An original article from the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1893.
512741: W. Fream - The Apple Mussel Scale (Mytilaspis pomorum). An original article from the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1893.
512744: W. Fream - Natural History of Animals of the Farm. An original article from the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1893.
512757: W. Fream - The Diseases & Feeding of Cattle. An original article from the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1893.
512774: W. Fream - Peat & its Products. An original article from the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1893.
618177: Jean Freas - Living with David Smith. An original article from the London Magazine 1988.
623531: Rene Frechet - George Borrow and The Celts. An original article from The Transactions of The Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, 1960.
501927: W. Fred - German Art-Historical Exhibition at Dusseldorf. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1902.
501980: W. Fred - The August Zeiss Collection in Berlin. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1903.
314561: Fred Miller, illustrated by Vernon Stokes & The Author. - Epping Forest : An English Meadow. An original article from the Windsor Magazine, 1896.
511635: Fred T. Jane, Author of All the World's Fighting Ships. - A Year of Naval Warfare & the Man who Fought a Navy. An uncommon original article from the Harmsworth London Magazine, 1905.
511800: Mrs. Fred Snowden, of Railhead, Kikuyu, East Equatorial Africa. - How I Keep a House in Kikuyu : housekeeping. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine 1900.
511834: Mrs. Fred Snowden, of Railhead, Kikuyu, East Equatorial Africa. - My Housekeeping Troubles in East Africa : an account of Mrs. Snowden's domestic difficulties living in a mud hut in Kikuyu, British East Africa. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine 1900.
407690: Fred Barton, illustrated by Cyril Holloway - The Globe Hotel Murder Mystery, Singapore. A veteran detective-inspector of the Straits Settlement Police tells the story of a most extraordinary affair.
508668: Fred J. Atkinson, F.S.S. - Silver Prices in India for 1897. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1898.
508639: Fred J. Atkinson, F.S.S. - Silver Prices in India. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1897.
255803: Fred C. Cornell O.B.E., F.R.G.S. - The Orange River of Mystery, South Africa. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1921.
622722: Joel Fredell - Go Litel Quaier: Lydgate's Pamphlet Poetry. An original article from The Journal of The Early Book Society for The Study of Manuscripts and Printing History, 2006.
622669: Joel Fredell - A Little-Known Manuscript of Latini's Tesoretto. An original article from The Journal of The Early Book Society for The Study of Manuscripts and Printing History, 2000.
410365: Jane C. Fredeman - Style and Characterisation in John Capgrave's Life of St. Katherine. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1980.
410600: William E. Fredeman - A Pre-Raphaelite Gazette (part 2): The Penkill Letters of Arthur Hughes to William Bell Scott and Alice Boyd, 1886-97. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1967.
410329: William E. Fredeman - The Sphere of Common Duties: The Domestic Solution in Tennyson's Poetry. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1972.
323886: William E. Fredeman - William Michael Rossetti and The Wise-Forman Conspiracy. A Footnote to a Sequel. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1987.
409193: Jane C. Fredeman - John Capgrave's First English Composition, 'The Life of St. Norbert'. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1975.
410620: William E. Fredeman - Pre-Raphaelite Novelist Manque: Oliver Madox Brown. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1968.
410318: William E. Fredeman - Prelude to the Last Decade (part 2): Dante Gabriel Rossetti in the Summer of 1872. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1971.
410293: William E. Fredeman - Rossetti's 'In Memoriam': An Elegiac Reading of The House of Life. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1965.
410312: William E. Fredeman - Prelude to the Last Decade (part 1): Dante Gabriel Rossetti in the Summer of 1872. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1970.
410593: William E. Fredeman - A Pre-Raphaelite Gazette (part 1): The Penkill Letters of Arthur Hughes to William Bell Scott and Alice Boyd, 1886-97. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1967.
323919: William E. Fredeman - Two Uncollected Bibliographers. Simon Harcourt Nowell-Smith and Michael Trevanion of Erewhon. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1989.
197962: Frederic Ouvray, Esq., F.S.A. - Note on Saxon and other Remains discovered at and near Mentmore, in the County of Buckingham. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1853.
510147: Frederic Eliot Duckham, M. Inst. C.E. - Underpinning Great Yarmouth Town Hall. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1889.
149688: Frederic Drew, F.G.S., F.R.G.S. - The Distribution of The Races of Men inhabiting The Jummoo and Kashmir Territories. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1874.
197991: Frederic Ouvry, Esq. - Extracts from the Churchwardens' Accounts of the Parish of Wing, in the county of Buckingham. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1855.
260151: Vosburgh Frederick G. - Flying in The Blowtorch Era. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1950.
421930: Frederick A. Sweet, Margaret Gentles - Great Chicago Art Collectors. Together with, Clarence Buckingham: Collector of Japanese Prints. Two original articles from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1966.
260194: Vosburgh Frederick G. - Dog Mart Day in Fredericksburg. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1950.
358876: Told by Edward G. Fox and set down by L. Frederick - The Wreck of the Svaerdstad, a Norwegian barque. 1911. This is an original article from the Wide World Magazine.
260190: Vosburgh Frederick G. - Torchbearers of The Twilight. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1950.
510170: Frederick Ewart Robertson, M. Inst. C.E. - The Lansdowne Bridge over the Indus at Sukkur. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1890.
150569: Frederick Guthrie, F.R.S.E. - The Thermal Resistance of Liquids. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1868.
504662: Frederick W. Emett O.B.E, illustrated by Warwick Reynolds. - The Adventures of Billy : when the Prime Minister was on his way to the Peace Conference at San Remo he was told this story, which impressed him so strongly that he said it should be placed on permanent record. This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1921.
199633: Frederick Boyle, F.R.S. - The Ancient Tombs of Nicaragua. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1866.
512686: Frederick D. Hartland, F.S.A., F.R.G.S. - Vesuvius & its Eruptions. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1856.
152591: Frederick W. Hodges, F.I.C., F.C.S. - Bleaching Powder Residue. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1880.
406662: Frederick Pollock, illustrations by L.R. O'Brien - Clovelly, North Devon. An original article from the English Illustrated Magazine, 1885.
260160: Simpich Frederick - Here Come The Marines. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1950.
155088: Frederick Ransome, A.I.C.E. - Some recent Improvements in The Manufacture of Artificial Stone, and The Application of such Stone to Constructive and other Purposes. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1872.
416485: PRINCE ADOLPHUS-FREDERICK - The Death of the Duke of Cambridge: Obituary and Funeral Report. Two original woodcut engravings, with accompanying text from the Illustrated London News, 1850.
512874: Frederick Clifford, of the Middle Temple, Barrister-at-Law, Sir T. Dyke Acland, Bart., M.P. & C. Randell, of Chadbury, Evesham. - The Agricultural Holdings (England) Act, 1875. An original article from the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1876.
314572: Frederick Dolman, illustrated by Harry Furniss, T. Wlter Wilson & Raymond Potter. - Maiden Speeches in Parliament. An original article from the Windsor Magazine, 1896.
407800: Frederick Turner, illustrated by S. Tresilian - A Deal in Rubber. A captain turns his back on seafaring to dabble in rubber estates. This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1936.
512121: Frederick O'Brien, of San Francisco. - The Robbery at the Selby Smelting Works : the theft of half a ton of gold bullion from the Selby Smelting Company of San Francisco, California, by John Winters & how he perpetrated the crime & the investigation that led to his arrest. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1901.
602491: Oscar Frederik - Charles the Twelfth; a Memoir. In 2 parts. A rare original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1890.
352549: Fredk. Wm. Bull, F.S.A. - Rothwell Church, Northampton. An original article from The Antiquary Magazine, 1911.
610353: Michael Freeberne - Glacial Meltwater Resources in China. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1965.
623925: Paul H. Freedman - An Unsuccessful Attempt at Urban Organization in Twelfth-Century Catalonia. An original article from Speculum, The Journal of The Medieval Academy of America, 1979.
412299: William Freedman - Aestheticism, Works of Art, and the Glass-Bottom Boat. An original article from the British Journal of Aesthetics, 1979.
504044: Lawrence Freedman - War Official : the official history of the Falklands Campaign. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2005.
512930: Thornton Freeland - Seeking the Salt-Caravan : men on camels travel hundreds of miles across the Sahara desert to fetch salt from the ancient mines. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1938.
407253: E.A. Freeman - The Architecture of the Church and Hospital of the Holy Cross, Winchester. An original article from the Proceedings of The Archaeological Institute, 1845.
605471: Philip Freeman - The Site of A Temple by Chichester. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1854.
617863: Gillian Freeman - Wink, Kink and Co. An original article from the London Magazine 1965.
505166: Edward A. Freeman - The Proposed Revision of The Swiss Federal Constitution : A Foreigner who undertakes to treat of the internal Politics of another Country, stands at a manifest disadvantage when compared with a native. An uncommon original article from The Fortnightly Review, 1865.
416976: Mike Freeman - The Empire Strikes Back. Why we need a New Anti-War Movement. Published by Revolutionary Communist Party 1993.
324114: Arthur Freeman - A Dirty and Scandalous' Poem. William Gifford's First Book? This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 2004.
173098: John Freeman - The Work of Walter De La Mare. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1922.
606893: J. P. Williams-Freeman - The Chichester Entrenchments. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1934.
507427: Lewis R. Freeman - Our Fijian Field-Day ; canoe-races ; putting a shot ; boxing & more. The White Race Against the Brown. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1916.
504257: Charles Freeman - Threefold Mystery : why AD 381 was a defining moment in the history of European thought. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2008.
508002: E. A. Freeman - The Goths at Ravenna. A rare original article from the British Quarterly Review, 1872.
418528: L.R. Freeman - Desert Irrigation in the Far West. An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1904.
614918: T. W. Freeman - The Manchester and Royal Scottish Geographical Societies. An original article from The Geographical Journal, 1984.
600259: E. A. Freeman - Queen Elizabeth and her Favourites. Thomas Seymour, Robert Dudley, etc. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1854.
503728: Charles Freeman - The Emperor's State of Grace : was Constantine's famous adoption of Christianity a spiritual conversion or an act of political expediency. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2001.
366877: Lewis R. Freeman - Trailing History Down The Big Muddy: In The Homeward Wake of Lewis and Clark, a Folding Steel Skiff Bears Its Lone Pilot on a 2,000-Mile Cruise on The Yellowstone-Missouri. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1928.
349047: Freeman, Edward A. - The Controversy on Field Sports. Their morality or otherwise. A rare original article from the Fortnightly Review, 1870.
199275: Edward A. Freeman - On Anglo-Saxon Remains in Iver Church, Bucks. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1850.
238961: Allen W. Freeman - Sanitation on Farms. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1910.
605445: Philip Freeman - Some Antiquities Lately Discovered in St. Olave's Church, Chichester. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1852.
348801: Freeman, Edward A. - Mr. Pearson's Early and Middle Ages of England a Critical Review. A rare original article from the Fortnightly Review, 1868.
292543: Colleen E. Batey & Claudine Freeman - Lavacroon, Orphir, Orkney. An original article from the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1986.
366848: Lewis R. Freeman - Canada : The Mother of Rivers. An Account of a Photographic Expedition to the Great Columbia Ice Field of the Canadian Rockies. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1925.
323987: Arthur Freeman & Janet Ing Freeman - The Resort of The Illustrious Obscure. Hazlitt, Rackets and The Coronation. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1995.
199369: Edward A. Freeman - The Arrangement of Chapels East of Transepts. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1854.
199374: Edward A. Freeman - The Life and Death (part 1) of Earl Godwine. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1854.
199380: Edward A. Freeman - The Life and Death (part 2) of Earl Godwine : Godwine during the Reign of Harold the First and Harthacnut. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1854.
275759: G.E. Freeman - Sounding the Gong : on Hospitality. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1870.
503954: Charles Freeman - St Mark's Square : an Imperial Hippodrome. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2004.
406703: E.A. Freeman - Some Less Known Towns of Southern Gaul; Part 2, Marseille, Tarascon etc. An original article from the English Illustrated Magazine, 1887.
605377: Philip Freeman - Some of The Characteristic Features of Chichester Cathedral. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1848.
199387: Edward A. Freeman - The Life and Death (part 3) of Earl Godwine : Banishment and return of Godwine. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1855.
504120: Charles Freeman - The Bridge of Venice. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2006.
173051: John Freeman - Poems of Maurice Hewlett. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1921.
242274: J.P. Williams-Freeman - Cross-Dykes. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1932.

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