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151857: Prof. F.G. Donnan, F.R.S. - The Mystery of Life. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1928.
239201: F.G. Donnan - The Mystery of Life. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1929.
602066: W.B. Donne - Helps' Spanish Conquest in America, and its Relation to the History of Slavery and to the Government of the Colonies. An uncommon original article from the Edinburgh Review, 1859.
600257: W.B. Donne - Drama. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1854.
602296: W.B. Donne - Merivale's Romans under the Empire. An uncommon original article from the Edinburgh Review, 1857.
602317: W.B. Donne - Napier's Florentine History; from the Earliest Records to the Accession of Ferdinand the Third, Grand Duke of Tuscany. An uncommon original article from the Edinburgh Review, 1847.
601146: W.B. Donne - The Saxons in England. A review of the works of J.M.Kemble. An uncommon original article from the Edinburgh Review, 1849.
125824: W.B. Donne - Watson's Life of Richard Porson, Professor of Greek in the University of Cambridge from 1792 to 1808. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1861.
128954: W.B. Donne - Drama : The Dramatic Register for 1853. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1854.
363125: W.B. Donne - The youth of Milton. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1860.
423923: F.K. Donnellly - The Levellers and Early Nineteenth Century Radicalism. An original article from Bulletin of the Society for the Study of Labour History, 1984.
419544: Morwenna Donnelly - Knockalla: A Napoleonic Fort in Donegal. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1975.
274780: J.F.D. Donnelly - The How and Why of Long Shots and Straight Shots : Skill in Shooting. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1860.
236417: J. Donnelly - In The Territory of Auchencrow: Long Continuity or Late Development in Early Scottish Field-Systems. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2000.
503225: Michael Donnelly - Glasgow's Glorious Stained Glass. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1990.
507709: Tom Donnelly - Arthur Clephane, Edinburgh Merchant & Seedsman, 1706-30. An original article from the Agricultural History Review, 1970.
608290: Denis Donoghue - The Good Old Complex Fate. An original article from The Hudson Review, 1964.
608096: Denis Donoghue - The Limitations of Robert Frost. An original article from The Twentieth Century, 1959.
608305: Denis Donoghue - Eliot's Marina and Closure. An original article from The Hudson Review, 1996.
285361: Denis Donoghue - Poetry and The New Conservatism. An original article from the London Magazine 1956.
616635: Andrew Donson - Why Did German Youth become Fascists? Nationalist Males Born 1900 to 1908 in War and Revolution. An original article from the Social History Journal, 2006.
504341: Paul Doolan - Nursing Times : whether or not mothers should nurse their own children. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2008.
503674: Paul Doolan - The Dutch in Japan : 400-year-long trading, intellectual & artistic contacts between the Dutch & the Japanese. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2000.
201397: James H. Doolittle - Early Experiments in Instrument Flying. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1961.
412548: Ian Doolittle - Obsolete Appendix': The City of London's Struggle for Survival. An original article from History Today, 1983.
500095: I.G. Doolittle - The Mansion House Racket (London). An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1983.
276895: Gerald S. Doorly - Outward Bound. An original article from the Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1918.
615979: Frederick H. Van Doorninck Jr - Did Tenth-Century Dromons have a Waterline Ram? Another Look at Leo, Tactica, XIX, 69. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1993.
610390: J. C. Doornkamp - Surface, Drainage and Tectonic Instability in Part of Southern Uganda. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1966.
514169: EL DORADO, SOUTH AMERICA - Through the Gateway of El Dorado, South America : A journey to the South Casiquiare, entering the Rio Negro. By Caspar Whitney. An original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1911.
216543: John Doran - Shakespeare in France. As seen in the plays of Corneille, Racine and Moliere. An uncommon original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1878.
275215: John Doran - A Gossip on Royal Christenings. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1864.
616181: Michael F. Doran - The West Indian Sailing Canoe. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 2002.
275124: John Doran - Paint, Powder, Patches. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1863.
274933: John Doran - From Dan to Beersheba, Through Ashridge Park. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1861.
610022: W. E. Doran - The Ouse Flood Problem. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1941.
275507: John Doran - Slips on and Off The Stage : unrehearsed stage-effects. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1867.
275523: John Doran - Toasts and Sentiments. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1867.
411430: Susan Doran - Elizabeth I: Gender, Power and Politics. An original article from History Today, 2003.
275342: John Doran - Old Election Days in Ireland. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1865.
418441: Daniel Dorchester - The Drift Toward Colonial and Protectorate Governments in the Last 300 Years. An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1899.
316648: R.N. Dore - The Sea Approaches: The Importance of The Dee and The Mersey in The Civil War in The North West. An original article from the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1987.
619028: R. N. Dore - 1642: The Coming of The Civil War to Cheshire: Conflicting Actions and Impressions. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1991.
619668: R. N. Dore - The Early Life of Sir William Brereton, The Parliamentary Commander. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1953.
618959: R. N. Dore - Beeston Castle in The Great Civil War, 1643-46. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1966.
618996: R. N. Dore - Manchester's Discovery of Cheshire: Excursionism and Commuting in The 19th Century. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1983.
618971: John Morrill and R. N. Dore - The Allegiance of The Cheshire Gentry In The Great Civil War. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1967.
618936: R. N. Dore - The Battle of Bowdon Hill, April 1644. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1962.
408562: FROM M. GUSTAVE DORE'S ILLUSTRATIONS - Cedars of Lebanon Destined for the Construction of the Temple', one of Gustave Dore's Illustrations of the Bible. An original print and accompanying article from the Illustrated London News, 1866.
225541: Dr. S.F. Dorey - The Influence of The Engineer on Sea Transport and Trade. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1955.
511093: Rev. E.E. Dorling - The Heraldry of Wilton Church. An original article from the Wiltshire Archaeological & Natural History Magazine, 1908.
354233: Rev. E. E. Dorling - Notes On The Montagu Monument In Salisbury Cathedral. An original article from The Ancestor, a Quarterly Review of County & Family History, Heraldry and Antiquities, 1903.
354209: Rev. E. E. Dorling - Notes On Some Armorial Glass In Salisbury Cathedral. An original article from The Ancestor, a Quarterly Review of County & Family History, Heraldry and Antiquities, 1903.
354331: Rev. E. E. Dorling - Fifteenth Century Heraldry. An original article from The Ancestor, a Quarterly Review of County & Family History, Heraldry and Antiquities, 1905.
354323: Rev. E. E. Dorling - Canting Arms In The Zurich Roll. An original article from The Ancestor, a Quarterly Review of County & Family History, Heraldry and Antiquities, 1905.
354274: Rev. E. E. Dorling - A Montagu Shield At Hazelbury Bryan. An original article from The Ancestor, a Quarterly Review of County & Family History, Heraldry and Antiquities, 1904.
354273: Rev. E. E. Dorling - Notes On Two Nevill Shields At Salisbury. An original article from The Ancestor, a Quarterly Review of County & Family History, Heraldry and Antiquities, 1904.
511063: Rev. E.E. Dorling - The Arms of Cardinal Pole. An original article from the Wiltshire Archaeological & Natural History Magazine, 1899.
400237: Thomas Dorman - Old Painted Panels at Sandwich. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1883.
411043: James Dormon - Louisiana's 'Cajuns': French Acadians of The South. An original article from History Today, 1984.
182832: Rev. S. S. Dornan. - The Ancient Volcanoes of Basutoland. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1907.
510116: M. Dornes - The St. Louis Canal & the Mouths of the Rhone. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1875.
402688: Walter T. Dornfest - John Watson Tadwell Watson and the Provincial Light Infantry, 1780-1781. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1997.
402247: Walter T. Dornfest - British, Hessian and Provincial Troops at Paulus hook, 18th-19th August, 1779. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1967.
402292: Walter T. Dornfest - The Royal Garrrison Battalion 1778-1784. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1969.
422137: Dorothy Stroud , Ralph Edwards, Oliver Millar, et al - Woburn Abbey: Its Growth, Furniture, Portraits, Silver and Porcelain. A collection of eight original articles from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1965.
369306: DORSET - Dorset of the Poets, 1622-1968. Edited by J. Stevens Cox, F.S.A.
369059: DORSET - Origin of Winborne, and its splendid Minister, 1800. An original article from Walker's Selection of Curious Articles from the Gentleman's Magazine, published 1814.
205247: J. Owen Dorsey - On The Comparative Phonology of Four Siouan Languages. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1883.
150533: E.B. Dorsey, M.Am. Soc. C.E. - The Comparative Cost of working English and American Railways. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1889.
410804: Dr. Walter Dostal - Personality and Culture Conflict in the Austrian Gypsies. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1957.
610527: Walter Dostal - The Shihuh of Northern Oman: A Contribution to Cultural Ecology. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1972.
602664: John E. Dotson - Jal's Nef X and Genoese Naval Architecture in The 13th Century. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1973.
316641: R.G. Dottie - Childwall: A Lancashire Township in The Seventeenth Century. An original article from the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1986.
619865: Roy G. Dottie - The Recusant Riots at Childwall in May 1600: A Reappraisal. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1983.
363267: Paul Dottin - John Bull a la decouverte de sa bibliotheque. An original article from The Bookman's Journal. Published by Bookman's Journal 1925.
616597: Simon Doubleday - The Relevance of Spanish History. An original article from the Social History Journal, 2004.
367629: John Dougall - On Milk and Milk Pollution. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1882.
367582: John Dougall - Disinfection by Acids. Zymotic diseases and their control. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1879.
422964: John Dougan - The 'Paristagan' System of Building with Concrete. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1893.
505284: Charles Algernon Dougherty - The Transatlantic Captains : C.H.E. Judkins ; T. Cook (Cunard : Commodore) ; Hamilton Perry (White Star : Britannic) ; Frederick Watkins (Inman : City of Chicago) & others. An uncommon original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1886.
323622: D.W. Doughty - Portrait of a Bibliophile : Alfred Charles De Rothschild 1842-1918. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1971.
276819: Katharine F. Doughty - A Tariff Reformer of 1713. An original article from the Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1917.
505752: Introduction & Notes by A.G. Doughty - The Death of Major-General James Wolfe, a letter from Captain Samuel Jan Hollandt. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1928.
602809: R. A. Buchanan and M. W. Doughty - The Choice of Steam Enging Manufacturers by The British Admiralty, 1822-1852. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1978.
275101: William Douglas - A Ride with The Cossacks at Kertch. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1863.
129801: Robert Douglas - History of the Mongols. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1877.
501963: Langton Douglas - The Exhibition of Old Masters at The Burlington Fine Arts Club. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1903.
238934: James Douglas - Conservation of Natural Resources. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1909.
151161: Douglas Galton, C.B., D.C.L., F.R.S. - General Results of Experiments Friction at High Velocities made in Order to Ascertain The Effects of Brakes Railway Trains. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1879.
366815: Robert B. Douglas - The Folk-Lore of Paris. An original article from the Monthly Review, 1906.
200750: A. Vibert Douglas - Astronomy in a World at War. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1944.
511190: Robert K. Douglas - The Marriage of the Emperor of China. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1873.
420057: James Douglas - Land-Ownership in Danger. Symbol of values many people want to see destroyed. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1976.
611323: Rev. Robert Douglas - Parish of Kilbarchan. Presbytery of Paisley, Synod of Glasgow and Ayr. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
601049: Howard Douglas - The West India question. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1831.
349626: Howard Douglas - The West India Question ; Commercial, Financial and Political State, etc. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1831.
506634: Robert K. Douglas - A Chinese Jubilee. An uncommon original article from The Asiatic Quarterly Review, 1887.
502425: Prof. R. Langton Douglas - Dr. Bode on Dutch Art. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1909.
126888: R.K. Douglas - The Defensive Policy of China. The nuances of Oriental Statecraft. An uncommon original article from the Edinburgh Review, 1889.
609972: A. J. A. Douglas - The Cayman Islands. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1940.
358869: Douglas Carruthers, F.R.G.S. - To Bokhara and Beyond. 1911. This is an original article from the Wide World Magazine.
128094: Howard Douglas - The West India Question ; Commercial, Financial and Political State, etc. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1831.
206774: Dr. C.G. Douglas - The Development of Human Physiology. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1927.
149976: Douglas W. Freshfield, F.R.G.S. - Mountains and Mankind. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1904.
601152: R K Douglas - Travels in Tibet. An uncommon original article from the Edinburgh Review, 1892.
508334: Bell Douglas - Nathaniel Hawthorne. A Literary Critique of his Works. An uncommon original article from the North British Review, 1868.
609758: Percy Douglas - Mr. Ellsworth's Trans-Antarctic Flight. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1936.
504709: Douglas V. Duff, illustrated by S. Abbey. - Trial by Ordeal : the Bedouin tribesmen of the desert have no use for the white man's law, preferring to submit their disputes to their own chiefs. When these fail to agree, the parties concerned are invited to undergo a fiery trial by ordeal. This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1936.
610688: John Douglas - Expedition Photography. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1979.
367711: W. Miller Douglas - The Criminal: Some Social and Economic Aspects. An original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1902.
267073: David Douglas - Normandy before The Conquest. An original article from History Today magazine, 1966.
419555: James Douglas - Problems of Rural Land Use. The Scott Report of 1941-2 and the place of the countryside in British society. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1979.
275901: R.K. Douglas - Quaint Customs in Kwei-Chow. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1872.
422960: Campbell Douglas - On Architecture as an Art. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1893.
239184: A. Vibert Douglas - Island Galaxies. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1928.
602904: W. A. B. Douglas - Canadian Naval Historiography. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1984.
201190: A. E. Douglass - Some Aspects of The Use of The Annual Rings of Trees in Climatic Study. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1922.
351675: Ellisworth Douglass - Felipe's Experiment, A Bull-Fight in Puebla, Mexico : A story of real Mexican life, telling how, for love, a Pueblan youth dashed into the bull-ring to fight the most formidable bull of the day. Illustrated with photographs of the actual persons and scenes. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1898.
254654: Ellsworth Douglass - A Town in the tree-tops, tree houses : the village of Robinson. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1899.
610816: Rev. David B. Douie - Parish of Dryfesdale. Presbytery of Langholm, Synod of Dumfries and Galloway. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
423723: Karin Doull - Why was it so important to see Dunkirk as a triumph rather than a disaster in 1940? An original article from Historian, the magazine of The Historical Association, 2021.
415022: Christos Doumas - Notes on Early Cycladic Architecture. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from Archaologishcher Anzeiger. Published by Deutsches Archaologisches Institut 1972.
415549: Christos Doumas - The Minoan Eruption of the Santorini Volcano. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from Antiquity. Published by Antiquity 1974.
308026: Adolphus Dovaston - Woolston Well, Shropshire. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1886.
507304: J.A. Jordan. Illustrated by Winifred Austen & Margaret Dovaston. - Soko, the Stanleyville Chimp. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1917.
243062: C.E. Dove - The First British Navy. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1971.
369346: IMPERIAL HOTEL DOVER (from 1867) - 1863 : The Clarence Hotel, Dover. Mr Whichcord, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
349177: Doveton, Dorothy. - The Economic Geography of Swaziland. Prior to the Protectorate's transfer to the Union of South Africa. An original article from the Royal Geographical Society journal, 1936.
415613: Sterling Dow - The Greeks in the Bronze Age. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from the Report of the 11th International Congress of Historical Sciences, Stockholm, 1960.
611508: Rev. John Dow - Parish of Largs. Presbytery of Greenock, Synod of Glasgow and Ayr. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
418313: Charles M. Dow - Establishing the Letchworth Park Arboretum in New York State. An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1912.
412128: Helen J. Dow - Alex Colville as Image-Maker. An original article from the British Journal of Aesthetics, 1972.
606643: Bishop Dowden - The True Date of The October Festival of St. Regulus of St. Andrews, as Bearing on The suggested Identification of St. Regulus and The Irish St. Riaghail. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1892-93.
415703: Bishop Dowden - The Organisation of Scottish Cathedrals having Secular Canons, Prior to the Reformation. An original article from the Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society, 1908.
349451: Dowden, Edward. - French Aesthetics. The views of Leveque, Taine, etc. A rare article from the Contemporary Review, 1866.
199882: G. Dowker, Esq., F.G.S. - Julius Caesar's Landing Place in Britain. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1876.
621566: Rod Dowling - Delft Tile Fragments from Conduit Place, Bristol. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 2013.
612722: P. J. Dowling - Influence Surfaces for Orthotropic Steel Bridge Decks. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1975.
513772: Rod Dowling - Richard Champion of Bristol : Merchant and Porcelain Manufacturer. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 2008.
605768: Alec Down - Excavations in Chapel Street, Chichester, 1967. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1968.
347402: F. G. Aldsworth and A. G. Down - The Production of Late and Post-Medieval Pottery in The Graffham Area of West Sussex. An original article from the journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1990.
403171: Major David Downe - The Mutiny Diary and Sketches of John North Crealock 95th Regiment. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1985.
424053: Major David Downe - The Mutiny Diary and Sketches of John North Crealock, 95th Regiment. An original article from Army Historical Research, the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1985.
617815: Frank Downes - Dead Yard. An original article from the London Magazine 1992.
601552: Downes, Alan. - The Bibliographic Dinosaurs of Georgian Geography (1714 1830). The Dark Age of the History of Academic Geography between Varenius and Humboldt. An original article from the Royal Geographical Society journal, 1971.
618346: Frank Downes - Concertina. An original article from the London Magazine 1995.
610520: Alan Downes - The Bibliographic Dinosaurs of Georgian Geography (1714-1830). An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1971.
418949: Clare Downham - Britain's Medieval Identity Crisis. What, 13th Century Monk, Jocelin of Furness' writings on the lives of four Saints, reveal about his national sympathies. An original article from BBC History Magazine, 2012.
358829: James M. Downie - The Red Killer. A giant dingo in Western Australia. 1933. This is an original article from the Wide World Magazine.
500283: Taylor Downing - The Television's Luddites. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1988.
504015: Taylor Downing - Auschwitz : the forgotten evidence. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2005.
417572: Taylor Downing - The World at War: 40th Anniversary of the Seminal Television Documentary. An original article from History Today magazine, 2013.
504406: Taylor Downing - Screen Saviours : early days of history on television. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2009.
503560: Taylor Downing - The Cold War on Tv : Television History. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1998.
423915: M.J. Downing - Company Paternalism and the Butty System: Conversation with Residents of Cresswell, Derbyshire. An original article from Bulletin of the Society for the Study of Labour History, 1983.
423642: Angela Downing - Alexandra Park Machester: A Park of Protest, 1870-1919. An original article from North West Labour History Journal, 2020.
417311: Taylor Downing - Commeth the Finest Hour: The Day Churchill became Prime Minister, May 1940. An original article from History Today magazine, 2010.
417713: Taylor Downing - Life at Medenham, Home to the RAF's Aerial Photo Interpreters during WWII; the Story of the Central Interpretation Unit. An original article from History Today magazine, 2011.
417494: Taylor Downing - The Great War: Revolutionising the TV Documentary in 1964. An original article from History Today magazine, 2014.
323368: Robert P. Downs - Rare Books in American State University Libraries. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1957.
504201: Carolyn Downs - Two Fat Ladies : Casinos & bingo, women gamblers. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2007.
504103: Jonathan Downs - Romancing The Stone : how the Rosetta Stone found its way to Britain. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2006.
504081: Jim Downs - Reconstructing The American South After Hurricane Katrina. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2006.
504288: Jim Downs - Battling it Out : choosing between Clinton & Obama for this year's presidential nomination. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2008.
612894: D. J. Dowrick - Earthquake Risk and Design Ground Motions in The UK Offshore Area. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1981.
256017: J. Morewood Dowsett - Elephant Hunting : on the Spoor of the Elephant. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1923.
254673: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Story of the Latin Tutor : round the Fire. By A. Conan Doyle. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1899.
617228: Barry M. Doyle - Temperance and Modernity: The Impact of Local Experience on Rank and File Liberal Attitudes to Alcohol. An original article from Journal of Regional & Local Studies, 1996.
205175: W.E. Doyle - Indian Forts and Dwellings. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1876.
617235: Barry M. Doyle - The Only Fair Policy to Adopt': Responses to Manpower Problems and Conscription within The Norwich Business Community, 1914-15. An original article from Journal of Regional & Local Studies, 1998.
252537: Arthur Conan Doyle - An Alpine Pass on Ski. Illustrated with photographs of A. Conan Doyle skiing. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1894.
354389: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Silver Mirror, by A. Conan Doyle. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1908.
252274: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventure of The Resident Patient, by A. Conan Doyle. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1893.
257539: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Chronicles of The Strand Club - 21. An original article from The Strand Magazine, 1907.
252317: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventure of The Naval Treaty, by A. Conan Doyle : The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. A complete 2 part uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1893.
289605: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventure of the Gloria Scott, by A. Conan Doyle : the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1892.
289594: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventure of The Stockbroker's Clerk, by A. Conan Doyle : the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1892.
257273: Arthur Conan Doyle - How The Brigadier Saved The Army. The Adventures of Etienne Gerard. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1902.
289569: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventure of The Yellow Face, by A. Conan Doyle : The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1892.
257283: Arthur Conan Doyle - How The Brigadier Rode to Minsk. The Adventures of Etienne Gerard. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1902.
257593: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Lord of Falconbridge, by A. Conan Doyle. A Legend of the Ring. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1909.
323695: A.I. Doyle - Hugh Hutchinson Bookbinder of Durham c. 1662 or 1665-95. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1975.
257491: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Chronicles of The Strand Club - 19. An original article from The Strand Magazine, 1907.
259468: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Marriage of the Brigadier, by A. Conan Doyle. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1910.
257056: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Love Affair of George Vincent Parker, by A. Conan Doyle. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1901.
254684: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Story of the Brown Hand : round the Fire. By A. Conan Doyle. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1899.
275034: Richard Doyle - Conversazione: Science and Art. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1862.
252628: Arthur Conan Doyle - How The King Held The Brigadier, by A. Conan Doyale : The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1895.
257044: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Holocaust of Manor Place, by A. Conan Doyle. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1901.
252609: Arthur Conan Doyle - How The Brigadier Held The King, by A. Conan Doyle : The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1895.
323940: A.I. Doyle - John Cosin (1595-1672) As a Library Maker. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1991.
402176: Annotated by R. Bingley Doyle - The Notebook of a Marine Officer (1693-1699): Second Lieutenant William Besbeech. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1964.
323406: A.J. Doyle - The Bamburgh Library. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1959.
289615: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventure of the Musgrave Ritual, by A. Conan Doyle : the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1892.
253371: Arthur Conan Doyle - Playing with Fire : A Story. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1900.
254660: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Story of B 24 : round The Fire. By A. Conan Doyle. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1899.
252449: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Lord of Chateau Noir : A Story. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1894.
289485: Arthur Conan Doyle - A Case of Identity, by A. Conan Doyle : Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1891.
410235: A.I. Doyle - The Work of a Late Fifteenth-Century English Scribe, William Ebesham. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1957.
254634: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Story of the Japanned Box : round The Fire. By A. Conan Doyle. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1899.
289627: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Adventure of the Reigate Square, by A. Conan Doyle : the Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1892.
324108: A.I. Doyle - The Cosin Manuscripts and George Davenport. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 2004.
257236: Arthur Conan Doyle - How Brigadier Gerard Lost His Ear. The Adventures of Etienne Gerard. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1902.
253443: Arthur Conan Doyle - A Glimpse of The Army. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1900.
253163: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Story of The Club-Footed Grocer. Round The Fire. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1898.
253150: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Story of The Black Doctor. Round The Fire. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1898.
253134: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Story of The Sealed Room. Round The Fire. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1898.
253120: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Story of The Lost Special. Round The Fire. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1898.
253107: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Story of The Man with The Watches. Round The Fire. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1898.
252824: Arthur Conan Doyle - Captain John Gray, Life on a Greenland Whaler in The Artic Seas. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1897.
252645: Arthur Conan Doyle - How The Brigadier Slew The Brothers of Ajaccio, by A. Conan Doyle : The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1895.
252726: Arthur Conan Doyle - How The Brigadier Played for a Kingdom, by A. Conan Doyale : The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1895.
364457: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Glamour of The Arctic. An original article from the Idler Magazine, 1892.
252694: Arthur Conan Doyle - How The Brigadier Was Tempted by The Devil, by A. Conan Doyle : The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1895.
254649: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Story of the Jew's Breast-Plate : round The Fire. By A. Conan Doyle. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1899.
619082: Leslie Doyle - Joseph Jordan (1787-1873) Manchester Anatomist and Surgeon. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1999.
365136: P. Chamberlain & H.L. Doyle - German Army Semi-Tracks Part 2, '39-'45. Handbook No. 2. Light Armoured Personnel Carriers. Published by Bellona 1971.
252679: Arthur Conan Doyle - How The Brigadier Took The Field Against The Marshal Millefleurs, by A. Conan Doyle : The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1895.
253351: Arthur Conan Doyle - The Crime of The Brigadier : A Story. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1900.
601224: George Doyly - Bishop of Lincoln's Refutation of Calvinism. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1811.
600654: George Doyly - Dr. Wordsworth and Lord Teignmouth on the British and Foreign Bible Society. A summary of their disagreement described in various pamphlets by them. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1810.
605023: Eric Drabble - Additions to The Flora of Derbyshire. An original article from the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 1917.
603270: Robert A. Draffan - Mansfield Park: Jane Austen's Bleak House. An original article from Essays in Criticism, 1969.
267371: Robert A. Draffan - Jane Austen and her Time. An original article from History Today magazine, 1970.
613098: Geoffrey Drage - Post War Statistics of Poland and Lithuania. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1918.
613089: Geoffrey Drage - The Reorganisation of Official Statistics and a Central Statistical Office. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1917.
202532: Geoffrey Drage - The Balkan Main Current. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1913.
621468: David Drakard - Napoleon on Pots. Part II. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 1988.
621460: David Drakard - Napoleon on Pots. Part I. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 1987.
621510: David Drakard - Happiness and Sorrow in 18th Century Prints. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 1996.
621517: David Drakard - Early On-Glaze Transfer Printing. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 1995.
513658: David Drakard - Sailors Afloat and Ashore : Decoration on English Ceramics. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 1990.
612783: R. A. R. Drake - Construction of Extensions to Beckton Sewage Treatment Works, Thames Water Authority. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1977.
420360: Bernard M. Drake - Electric Lighting of Country Houses. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1899.
619074: Susan Riches Drake - Female Crime 1820-50 with Particular Reference to Stockport. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1998.
245274: F. C. Drake - Experiences of a Varsity Oar. A rare original article from the Idler Magazine, 1893.
408097: F. Morris Drake - The Painted Glass of Exeter Cathedral and other Devon Churches. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1913.
347406: R. F. Drake - The Infant Schools of Broadwater Parish. An original article from the journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1990.
199823: H.H. Drake, M.A., Ph.D. - Sir Francis Drake. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1873.
369066: ENGLISH CRITIC AND DRAMATIST - John Dennis's Works; the views of Dennis as critic of his times, wit, politician and poet. Literary criticism excerpts. An unattributed review for the Retrospective Review, 1820.
239488: Charles S. Draper - Navigation - From Canoes to Spaceships. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1960.
227557: Harry Napier Draper - Crystals for The Micro-Polariscope. An original uncommon article from the Intellectual Observer, 1864.
616464: W. A. Eden and Marie P. G. Draper - The Grange, Fulham and its Neighbourhood 1713-1957. An original article from the Transactions of The Ancient Monuments Society, 1958.
401071: Gillian Draper - The First Hundred Years of Quakerism in Kent (Part 1). An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1994.
614832: William Franklin Draper - Victory's Portrait in The Marianas. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1945.
611847: L. Draper - Derivation of a Design Wave from Instrumental Records of Sea Waves. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1964.
512105: W.R. Draper, of Wichita, Kansas. - The Last of the Free Farm Lotteries : an account of the American land rushes of Oklahoma & the lottery for free farms each of 160 acres on the Indian Reservations of Oklahoma. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1901.
512115: W.R. Draper, of Wichita, Kansas. - How Boom-Towns are Born in the Western States of America : the birth of Lawton, Anadarko, & Hobart. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1901.
422248: Marie P.G. Draper - The Houses of the Russell Family (The Dukes of Bedford of Woburn Abbey). An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1988.
352419: William R. Draper - How the Choctaws Keep Their Word. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1900.
603695: R. P. Draper - The Mayor of Casterbridge. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1983.
603580: R. P. Draper - The Rainbow, Lawrence's Work. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1978.
603572: R. P. Draper - Recent Approaches to Eliot. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1978.
603981: G. I. A. D. Draper - The Place of The Laws of War in Military Instruction. An original article from The Royal United Service Institution Journal, 1966.
502027: William H. Draper - Some Forgotten Fields in England (containing treasures). An original article from The Connoisseur, 1904.
505987: Draux - Viaduct of Gour-Noir. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1892.
364935: DRAWING - 1790. A Treatise on the Art of Drawing. An original article from the New Royal Cyclopaedia and Encyclopaedia, 1790.
604332: A. R. P. Ernle-Erle-Drax - The Prevention of War. An original article from Journal of The Royal United Service Institution, 1957.
604274: A. R. P. Ernle-Erle-Drax - Deterring Future Aggression. An original article from Journal of The Royal United Service Institution, 1956.
604425: A. R. P. Ernle-Erle-Drax - A Ten-Year Forecast, 1960-1970. An original article from Journal of The Royal United Service Institution, 1960.
603819: A. R. P. Ernle-Erle-Drax - Principles of War. An original article from The Royal United Service Institution Journal, 1962.
275099: A.W. Drayson - A Night at Greenwich Observatory. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1863.
617842: Charles Drazin - Robert Hamer. An original article from the London Magazine 1995.
618398: Charles Drazin - The Films of David Lynch. An original article from the London Magazine 1996.
618442: Charles Drazin - Olwen Vaughan and The French Club. An original article from the London Magazine 1998.
325336: David Drazin - Collecting Croquet Books. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2000.
368926: MURDER FORETOLD BY A DREAM - Murder foretold by a Dream, in consequence of which the Murderer was apprehended, convicted, and executed at Waterford in 1751 : Instance of a singular Dream and Corresponding Event, 1787. An original article from Walker's Selection of Curious Articles from the Gentleman's Magazine, published 1814.
600505: By A Dreamer. - Spenser's Irish Residence. A rare original article from the Dublin University Magazine, 1843.
256479: Captain A.C.L. Dredge - The Nagargali Elephants. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1938.
619583: Rev. J. Ingle Dredge - Samuel Bolton, D.D.: A Bibliography. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1888.
260254: Donald William Dresden - Paris, Home Town of The World: All Natioalities Know The Magic of The Siren City of Light, 2,000 Years Old but Young as Spring. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1952.
514093: HERALDIC DRESS - Heraldry in Dress. By Ethel Beaugeard. An uncommon original article from the Lady's Realm 1904.
364698: Louisa Dresser - Studies in the Portraiture of New England; Mrs Freake and Baby Mary to Mrs Perez Morton. An uncommon original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1971.
609957: H. I. Drever - The Cambridge Expedition to West Greenland, 1938. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1939.
206673: James Drever - Psychological Aspects of our Penal System. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1926.
151443: Prof. J. Drever, & others - Social Psychology. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1936.
325576: Dr John M. L. Drew - Collecting Dickens' Journalism and Other Occasional Writings, 1832-70. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2004.
407150: Sir Thomas Drew - Dublin for Archaeologists. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1900.
242916: Charles D. Drew - Open Arable Fields at Portland and Elsewhere. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1948.
318293: Samuel Drew - Sounds We Cannot Hear. An original uncommon article from the Intellectual Observer, 1865.
605819: C. D. Drew - The Excavation of Long Barrow 163A on Thickthorn Down, Dorset. An original article from Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1936.
277691: Jesse Carr Drewet - Tin in The Finding. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1928
607824: Peter Drewett - New Evidence for The Structure and Function of Middle Bronze Age Round Houses in Sussex. An original article from The Archaeological Journal, 1979.
607162: Peter Drewett - Marking Time and Making Space: Excavations and Landscape Studies at The Caburn Hillfort, East Sussex, 1996-98. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1999.
607113: Peter Drewett - The Excavation of Four Round Barrows of The Second Millennium B.C. at West Heath, Harting, 1973-75. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1976.
606333: Peter Drewett - Later Bronze Age Downland Economy and Excavations at Black Patch, East Sussex. An original article from Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1982.
347447: Peter Drewett - Dr V. Seton Williams' Excavations at Combe Hill, 1962, and The Role of Neolithic Causewayed Enclosures in Sussex. An original article from the journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1994.
347424: Peter L. Drewett - Excavations at Lewes Castle, East Sussex 1985-1988. An original article from the journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1992.
347383: Peter L. Drewett - Anthropogenic Soil Erosion in Prehistoric Sussex: Excavations at West Heath and Ferring, 1984. An original article from the journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1989.
347324: Peter Drewett - The Excavation of Barrows V-IX at West Heath, Harting, 1980. An original article from the journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1985.
347248: Peter Drewett - Neolithic Pottery in Sussex. An original article from the journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1980.
613782: John Dreyfus - Ten British Poets for The Limited Editions Club. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 1976.
415510: J. MacGillivray and Jan Driessen - Minoan Settlement at Palaikastro. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from the Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique, text in English. Published by Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique 1990.
324016: E.M. Dring - Fifty Years at Quaritch. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1997.
621792: DRINKING FOUNTAIN, ISLINGTON GREEN - 1862 : Drinking Fountain, and Memorial of Myddelton, Islington Green. John Thomas, Sculptor. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
621778: DRINKING FOUNTAIN, VICTORIA PARK, LONDON - 1861 : Public Drinking Fountain, Victoria Park, London. H. A. Darbishire, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
363309: John Drinkwater - The World and the Artist. An original article from The Bookman's Journal. Published by Bookman's Journal 1922.
308366: Rev. C.H. Drinkwater - Bailiffs' Accounts of Shrewsbury from May, 1275, to April, 1277. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1891.
308445: C.H. Drinkwater - The Merchant Guild of Shrewsbury. Seven Rolls of the 13th Century. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1900.
308516: C.H. Drinkwater - Muster Rolls of the Hundreds of Bradford, Munslow, etc., Shropshire, AD 1532-40. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1908.
408408: Norman Drinkwater - Hereford Cathedral: the Bishop's Chapel of St. Katherine and St. Mary Magdalene. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1954.
299256: G. N. Drinkwater - Gateshead Charters and Companies from The Twelfth to The Seventeenth Centuries and Later. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1958.
308058: Rev. C.H. Drinkwater - The Merchants' Guild of Shrewsbury. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1890.
308371: Rev. C.H. Drinkwater - Shrewsbury Tax Role of 1352. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1891.
308432: C.H. Drinkwater - The Domestic History of Henry Vynar, of London and Condover, together with a Transcript of his Will. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1899.
308372: Rev. C.H. Drinkwater - Grant of a Garden in Murivance, Shrewsbury, by John Hoord, Esq, in A.D. 1481. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1891.
308456: C.H. Drinkwater - A Glossary of Some Difficult or Obsolete Words found in the First Series. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1901.
308459: C.H. Drinkwater - Seven Shrewsbury Guild Merchant Rolls of the 14th Century. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1903.
173077: John Drinkwater - William Ernest Henley. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1922.
412624: C.H. Drinkwater - Inscribed Stone near Llandrillo, Merionethshire. An original article from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, a Record of The Antiquities of Wales & its Marches, 1884.
307991: Rev. C.H. Drinkwater - The Inner Wall of Shrewsbury. With a plate. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1883.
308428: C.H. Drinkwater - Indictment of Humfrey Kynaston and others, together with the Coroner's Inquisition respecting the Murder of John Heughes at Stretton in 1491. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1899.
308406: C.H. Drinkwater - The Drapers' Company Charter, Shrewsbury. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1896.
308405: C.H. Drinkwater - The Merchants Guild of Shrewsbury, the two earliest roles. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1896.
607772: Norman Drinkwater - Hereford Cathedral: The Chapter House. An original article from The Archaeological Journal, 1955.
308528: C.H. Drinkwater - Some Notes on a Manuscript of the Vulgate formerly belonging to Haughmond Abbey. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1909.
308424: C.H. Drinkwater - Humfrey Kynaston's Pardon, 1516, and Will, 1534. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1898.
308472: C.H. Drinkwater - Two Shrewsbury Merchant Guild Rolls of the 14th Century. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1903.
308000: Rev. C.H. Drinkwater - Mainstone and Offa's Dyke. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1884.
308474: C.H. Drinkwater - Stretton Court Rolls of 1566-7 (A Fragment). This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1904.
409522: C.H. Drinkwater - The Inner Wall of Shrewsbury. An original article from the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association, 1882.
308476: C.H. Drinkwater - A Burgess Roll and a Guild Merchant Roll of 1372. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1904.
308374: Rev. C.H. Drinkwater - Grant of Lands in Pontesbury in A.D. 1351. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1892.
308480: C.H. Drinkwater - Four Shrewsbury Merchant Gild Rolls of the 15th Century, 1450 to 1459. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1905.
308483: C.H. Drinkwater - Records of Proceedings before the Coroners of Salop (A.D. 1295 to 1306, Temp. Edw. I.), A Fragment. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1905.
308433: C.H. Drinkwater - Shrewsbury Abbey, Two Early Charters. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1899.
407547: Norman Drinkwater - The Old Deanery, Salisbury. An original article from The Antiquaries Journal, 1964.
308498: C.H. Drinkwater - Montford Bridge. Tolls, Customs, etc., AD 1285 to AD 1412. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1907.
308035: Rev. C.H. Drinkwater - Shrewsbury Trade Guilds. The Glovers' Company. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1887.
308508: C.H. Drinkwater - Shrewsbury Paving and Other accounts, 54 Henry III, 1269-70. A Roll Preserved among the Borough Records. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1907.
236546: Stephen T. Drisoll - Leslie Alcock. Obituary. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2006.
617903: C. J. Driver - Impossible Cry. An original article from the London Magazine 1966.
620601: F. Driver - Tory Radicalism? Ideology, Strategy and Locality in Popular Politics During The Eighteen-Thirties. An original article from The Northern History Review, 1991.
283336: The Earl of Drogheda - The History of History Today. An original article from History Today 1979.
367556: William Dron - McKay's Machine for Boring Tube Plate or other Plates of Metal. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1875.
415313: R. Newstead and J.P. Droop - The Roman Amphitheatre at Chester. An original article from the Journal of the Chester and North Wales Archaeological and Historic Society, 1932.
415357: J.R. Droop - Robert Newstead, Professor Emeritus of Entomology in the University of Liverpool: Obituary. An original article from the Journal of the Chester and North Wales Archaeological and Historic Society, 1948.
297575: J.P. Droop - An Altar to The Mothers in Lund Church, Near Kirkham, Lancashire. An original article from The Antiquaries Journal, 1933.
415341: R. Newstead and J.P. Droop - Excavations at Chester, 1939: The Princess Street Clearance Area. An original volume of the Journal of the Chester and North Wales Archaeological and Historic Society, 1939.
414963: R.M. Dawkins and J.P. Droop - Excavations at Phylakopi in Melos, 1911. Reprinted from the Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens. Published by British School of Archaeology at Athens. 1911.
415314: R. Newstead and J.P. Droop - The South-East Corner of the Roman Fortress, Chester. An original article from the Journal of the Chester and North Wales Archaeological and Historic Society, 1932.
403321: Edited by C.A. Linney-Drouet - British Military Dress from Contemporary Newspapers, 1682-1799: Extracts from the Notebook of the Late Revd Percy Sumner. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 2000.
513218: DROVERS - Cattle-Droving in Australia. By Edgar Bee. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1948.
242446: M.S. Drower - Egyptian Fragments. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1935.
408055: George C. Druce - The Symbolism of the Crocodile in the Middle Ages. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1909.
512753: S.B.L. Druce - Sale & Delivery of Corn. The case of Perkins v. Bell. An original article from the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1893.
512777: George Birdwood & S.B.L. Druce - The Improvement of Indian Agriculture : Agrarian Tenures. An original article from the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1893.
347526: George C. Druce - Some Minor Features of The Chaldon Painting. A rare original article from the Surrey Archaeological Collections, 1910.
347518: George C. Druce - The Symbolism of The Goat on The Norman Font at Thames Ditton. A rare original article from the Surrey Archaeological Collections, 1908.
408108: G.C. Druce - Abnormal and Composite Human Forms in English Church Architecture. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1915.
408069: George C. Druce - The Amphisbaena and its Connections in Ecclesiastical Art and Architecture. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1910.
423882: Janet Druker - Women's History and Trade Union Records. An original article from Bulletin of the Society for the Study of Labour History, 1978.
609103: R. C. Drummond - Lake Vyrnwy and Its Trout. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1899.
123571: William Drummond - Hints respecting the Education of a Young Princess. An uncommon original article from the Edinburgh Review, 1805.
417929: Maldwin and Gilly Drummond - Gardens of Scotland's West Coast. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1986.
123616: William Drummond - An Historical View of Christianity. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1806.
253741: Margaret Drummond - Fatigue. The Loss of Power in Muscles. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1905.
610889: Rev. Peter Drummond - Parish of Kirkmichael. Presbytery of Dunkeld, Synod of Perth and Stirling. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
511861: Henry Drummond - Where Women do the Work : the work of the Native Women of Africa & India. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine 1898.
123554: William Drummond - Bowles's Spirit of Discovery. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1805.
123823: William Drummond - Delile, Trois Regnes de la Nature. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1810.
616452: Maldwin Drummond - Captain Beaufort on The Sensation Felt by a Drowning Man. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 2015.
610983: Rev. James Drummond - Parish of Glenbervie. Presbytery of Fordoun, Synod of Angus and Mearns. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
510816: H.J.T. Drury - Chateaubriand's Translation of Paradise Lost. An uncommon original article from the Foreign Quarterly Review, 1837.
148391: P.J. Drury, and W.J. Rodwell, F.S.A. - Investigations at Asheldham, Essex : The Church and the Historic Landscape. An original article from the Antiquaries Journal, 1978.
510005: Charles Drury - The Sembly Quest : the annual muster of men with horses & arms was held on Easter Tuesday, where the old feudal tenure required the free-holders to provide for their lords on the open piece of flat land on the north bank of the river don. An original article from the Transactions of the Hunter Archaeological Society, 1929.
251522: C. Drury E. Fortnum, F.S.A. - On a terra-cotta head of Greek workmanship, found on the Esquiline at Rome. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1886.
510027: Charles Drury - A Relic of Sheffield Castle. An original article from the Transactions of the Hunter Archaeological Society, 1929.
199708: C. Drury E. Fortnum, F.S.A. - On some Finger-rings, of the Early Christian Period. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1869.
123126: H. J. T. Drury. - Greece. An uncommon original article from the Foreign Quarterly Review, 1828.
199766: C. Drury Fortnum, F.S.A. - On Finger-Rings of the Eary Christian Period. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1871.
199792: C. Drury E. Fortnum, F.S.A. - A Roman Key-like Finger Ring of Gold, and a Byzantine Bicephalic Signet of the same Metal. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1872.
199891: C. Drury E. Fortnum, F.S.A. - The Bronze Portrait Busts of Michel Angelo, attributed to Daniele Da Volterra and other Artists. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1876.
509944: Charles Drury - Joseph Hunter, F.S.A : an Antiquarian. An original article from the Transactions of the Hunter Archaeological Society, 1918.
420413: G.Y. Dryansky - The Perfume Composer Annick Goutal. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1988.
606412: Henry Dryden - The Sempill Sword, Now Presented to The Museum by The Baroness Sempill. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1883-84.
316128: Sir Henry Dryden - Lamp Niches. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1882.
414826: DUBLIN - Masonic Bazaar and Fancy Fair in the Exhibition Palace, Dublin. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1882.
367989: DUBLIN - United States Embassy, Dublin. Architect; John M. Johansen. This is an original article from The Architectural Review, 1964.
417536: Thomas Dubois - Asia's Role in the Global Interactions of the 19th Century. An original article from History Today magazine, 2013.
201530: Raphael Dubois - Physiological Light. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1895.
351641: Robert Dubois - Earth Pyramids: the Rosengarten Mountains, Botzen, Austrian Tyrol. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1898.
616623: Laurent Dubois - An Enslaved Enlightenment: Rethinking The Intellectual History of The French Atlantic. An original article from the Social History Journal, 2006.
150798: M.H. Dubreuil, & others - Discussion on the use of the experimental method in the field of 'Industrial Relations'. An uncommon original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1934.
239287: L.A. DuBridge - Some Aspects of Nuclear Physics of Possible Interest in Biological Work. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1938.
205027: M. Duby - Society of Physics and Natural History of Geneva, 1861. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1864.
620987: DUCHESS OF SUTHERLAND, CHURCH - 1872 : Monument of Harriet, Duchess of Sutherland, in Trentham Church. John Robinson, Architect. Mr. Noble and Mr. Earpe, Sculptors. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
510495: Earl of Ducie. - Description of a Grubber or Cultivator. An uncommon original article from the Prize Essays and Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland, 1843.
423802: Peter Duckers - A Letter from the North-West Frontier of India: The Storming of the Berara Pass, 1860. An original article from the Bulletin of the Military Historical Society, 1991.
607015: G. F. Duckett - Additional Materials towards The History of The Priory of St. Pancras at Lewes. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1887.
606728: George F. Duckett - Gundreda, Countess of Warenne; A Paarting Word about Her. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1890.
606718: George F. Duckett - Ordinance for The better Observance of The Obits and Services for The Dead, throughout The Subordinate Foundations of Cluni. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1890.
606701: G. F. Duckett - Charters of The Abbey of Cluni: More Particularly Affecting its Affiliated Priory of St. Pancras, at Lewes. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1884.
606677: G. F. Duckett - Battle Abbey Evidences. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1881.
409476: Sir George Duckett - Manorbeer Castle; Evidences of its Early Owners. An original article from the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association, 1880.
605220: G. Duckett - Observations on The Parentage of Gundreda, The Daughter of William Duke of Normandy, and Wife of William De Warenne. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1878.
605221: G. Duckett - Remarks on a Battle-Abbey Roll of The Fifteenth Century, from The Collections of William of Worcester. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1878.
409504: Sir G.F. Duckett - The Marches of Wales, Part 1; with a List of the Lords President. An original article from the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association, 1881.
409508: Sir G.F. Duckett - The Marches of Wales, Part 2; with a List of the Lords President. An original article from the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association, 1881.
512747: G.T. Brown & T. Duckham - The Progress of Legislation against Contagious Diseases of Live Stock. An original article from the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1893.
621569: Stephen Duckworth - Preacher Ceramics - Figures and Plaques. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 2013.
513793: Stephen Duckworth - Victorian Pottery Religious Figures and who bought them. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 2012.
151642: W.L.H. Duckworth, M.D., Sc.D. - Contributions to Sudanese Anthropometry. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science report, 1912.
607295: C. Dudding - Ludborough. An original article from Associated Architectural Societies, Reports and Papers, 1935.
607285: C. Dudding - Conisholme. An original article from Associated Architectural Societies, Reports and Papers, 1933.
607282: C. Dudding - The East Lindsey Carltons. 1930 Publ. An original article from Associated Architectural Societies, Reports and Papers, 1930.
613045: Reginald Dudfield - Still-Births in Relation to Infantile Mortality. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1913.
613131: R. Dudfield - Discussion on The Registration of Disease. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1923.
613011: Reginald Dudfield - Some Unconsidered Factors Affecting The Birth Rate. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1908.
612990: Reginald Dudfield - A Critical Examination of The Methods of Recording and Publishing Statistical Data Bearing on Public Health; with Suggestions for The Improvement of such Methods. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1905.
510319: Mr. Dudgeon, Spyelaw, near Kelso. - Six Varieties of the Potato, Adapted for Garden Culture. An uncommon original article from the Prize Essays and Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland, 1835.
606606: Patrick Dudgeon - Notice of St. Queran's Well at Cargen, and Offerings recently made to it. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1891-92.
414585: Vladimir Dudintsev - A New Year's Fable. Dudintsev's first new work since his declaration of 'silence' following Soviet critiques of his novel. An original article from Encounter, a monthly review of literature, the arts and politics, 1960.
604046: C. E. S. Dudley - The Role of The Guerrilla in Insurrectionary Warfare. An original article from The Royal United Service Institution Journal, 1968.
266841: D.R. Dudley - Stoicism and Roman Politics: Introduction and Prospects. An original article from History Today magazine, 1963.
505994: C.B. Dudley - Bearing Metal Alloys for Railway Axles. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1892.
604002: C. E. S. Dudley - Subversive Warfare. An original article from The Royal United Service Institution Journal, 1967.
408413: Edited by Dorothy Dudley - An Excavation at Bodrifty, Mulfra Hill, near Penzance, Cornwall. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1956.
615139: D. R. Dudley - Blossius of Cumae. An original article from the Journal of Roman Studies, 1941.
240097: D. Dudley - Excavations at Bodrifty, Mulfra Hill, Cornwall. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1952.
603980: C. E. S. Dudley - Insurrection: From The Jacobins to Mao Tse-Tung. An original article from The Royal United Service Institution Journal, 1966.
151188: Dr. L. Dudley Stamp, & others - Planning the Land of Britain. An uncommon original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1937.
242775: Harold E. Dudley - The One-Tree Boat at Appleby, Lincolnshire. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1944.
347275: Elizabeth Kelly and Caroline Dudley - Two Romano-British Burials. An original article from the journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1981.
347254: Caroline Dudley - Pagan Saxon Pottery in Sussex. An original article from the journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1980.
418840: Dudley D'Ewes - The Aughrabies Falls on the Orange River: A Little Known African Waterfall. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1976.
368515: DUELLING - O'Callaghan, Phelan, and Newbolt, for Murder of Lt. Edmund Bailey in Duelling. An original article from The Edinburgh Annual Register, 1818.
201048: J. E. Duerden - Plumages of The Ostrich. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1910.
407609: Henry Duesbury - Haddon Hall, Derbyshire; including Deeds relating to Haddon Hall. An original article from The Journal of The British Archaeological Association, 1852.
413050: E. Gordon Duff - The Fifth Edition of Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. An original article from the Library, a Quarterly Review of Bibliography, 1924.
413029: E. Gordon Duff - The Early Career of Edward Raban, Afterwards First Printer at Aberdeen. An original article from the Library, a Quarterly Review of Bibliography, 1922.
407336: Captain A.C. Duff - Air Photographs and Their Military Uses. An original article from the Army Quarterly, 1930.
611088: Rev. William Duff - Parish of Grange. Presbytery of Strathbogie, Synod of Moray. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
243530: R.S. Duff - Moas and Man. Part I and Part II. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1949.
406494: Reginald Duff - Week End Frolic. (A Short Story). An original article from The Adelphi, 1932.
508834: M.E. Grant Duff - Russia (part 1). An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1877.
508842: M. E. Grant Duff - Russia (Part 2. concluded). An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1877.
610874: Rev. David Duff - Parish of Kenmore. Presbytery of Weem, Synod of Perth and Stirling. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
508861: M. E. Grant Duff - The Five Nights Debate. Parliamentary debate on the Eastern Question. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1877.
358815: Douglas V. Duff - Whoso Sheddeth. 1933. This is an original article from the Wide World Magazine.
362452: E. Gordon Duff - English Fifteenth Century Broadsides. A paper read before the Bibliographical Society, December 16th, 1907.
417349: Andrew Duff - A Himalayan Chess Game: How the Princely State of Sikkim became a Pawn in South Asia's Politicis in 1965. An original article from History Today magazine, 2016.
410842: Charles Duff - Rodriguez' Spanish Gypsies. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1960.
216567: Lemoinne & M. E. Grant Duff - The Situation, The Eastern Question. Part 1 & 2. A Complete 2 part uncommon original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1878.
410701: Charles Duff - Scenes from Spanish Gypsy Life. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1949.
410903: Charles Duff - A Gypsy Courtship and Marriage in Spain. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1965.
325875: John Duff - The Case of The Giant Rat of Sumatra : Sherlock Holmes's unwritten case. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2010.
411213: Ian Duffield - Billy Blue: A Legend of Early Sydney, Folk Hero of Colonial Australia. An original article from History Today, 1987.
616438: Innes A. Duffus - The Trial of The Isabella of Dundee, 1846. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 2015.
402565: Dr. Michael Duffy - The British Army and the Caribbean Expeditions of the War against Revolutionary France 1793-1801. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1984.
289767: Paul R.J. Duffy - Excavations at Dunure Road, Ayrshire: A Bronze Age Cist Cemetery and Standing Stone.
412499: Michael Duffy - The Noisie Empty, Fluttring French'; English Images of the French, 1689-1815. An original article from History Today, 1982.
616233: Michael Duffy - All was Hushed Up: The Hidden Trafalgar. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 2005.
412472: Eamon Duffy - The Bishop of Rome and the Catholics of England; Dilemmas and Allegiances of English Catholics since the Reformation. An original article from History Today, 1982.
267243: Christopher Duffy - The Wild Geese in Austria: Irish Gentry Sought Service in The Armies of The European Powers. An original article from History Today magazine, 1968.
504137: Eamon Duffy - A Very Personal Possession : a study of surviving medieval books of hours can tell us much about the spiritual & temporal life of their owners & much more besides. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2006.
619107: Jill Duffy - The Forgotten Revolutionary. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 2002.
201775: Ch. Dufour - Directions For Observing The Scintillation of The Stars. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1861.
408393: A.R. Dufty - The Stathum Book of Hours; an existing MS. mentioned on a 15th Century Brass. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1952.
403878: A.R. Dufty - William Morris and the Kelmscott Estate. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1963.
403846: A.R. Dufty - The Report of the Archbishops' Commission on Redundant Churches. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1960.
512455: Dugald Campbell, F.C.S. - The Action of the Soap-test upon Water containing a Salt of Magnesia only, & likewise upon Water containing a Salt of Magnesia & a Salt of Lime. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1850.
182947: Dugald Clerk, Prof. Dalby, W. A> Bone, F. W. burstall, H. L. Callendar, E. G. Coker, H. B. Dixon, R. T. Glazebrook, J. A. Harker, H. C. L. Holden, B. Hopkinson, J. E. Petavel, H. Riall Sankey, - 1914. Gaseous Explosions. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science report, 1914.
420658: James Dugdale - Edouard Vuillard the Decorator: First Phase, the 1890s. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1965.
418907: Christopher Duggan - Mussolini's Willing Followers; the Enthusiastic Italian Supporters of El Duce. An original article from BBC History Magazine, 2012.
277252: G. C. Duggan (pseud. Periscope) - The Imperial Irish - An Obituary. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1923.
277771: G. C. Duggan (pseud. Periscope) - The Soldier Poets of Yester-Year. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1929.
277326: G. C. Duggan (pseud. Periscope) - Strange Craft. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1923.
503795: Christopher Duggan - Nation-Building in 19th-Century Italy : The Case of Francesco Crispi. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2002.
277335: G. C. Duggan - The Last Ounce. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1924.
418908: Anne Duggan - The Cult of Thomas Becket; Seven Places with Links to the Christian Martyr. An original article from BBC History Magazine, 2012.
349889: Duggan, C. - Richard of Ilchester, Royal Servant and Bishop.An Extract from the Translations of the Royal Historical Society. An original article from the Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, 1966.
238815: A. Radclyffe Dugmore - The Outlaw: A Character Study of a Beaver Who Was Cast out by His Companions. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1900.
201654: A. Radclyffe Dugmore - Nature Pictures. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1900.
512886: W. Duguid, M.R.C.V.S., Veterinary Inspector of the Society. - An Inquiry into an Outbreak of Anthrax Fever in a Flock of Ewes & Lambs, the Property of Mr. Gaitskill, Hall Santon, Cumberland. An original article from the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1876.
308365: W.H. Duignan - The Will of Wulfgate, of Donnington. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1891.
308386: W.H. Duignan - On Some Shropshire Place Names. This is an original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 1894.
238987: Prof. Dr. Carl Duisberg - The Latest Achievements and Problems of The Chemical Industry. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1912.
505114: The Duke of Argyll, K.T, illustrated by W.H. Margetson. - Real Ghost Stories, illustrated by W.H. Margetson. An uncommon original article from the Harmsworth London Magazine, 1902.
606855: Frank Duke - Recent Finds at Bramber Castle. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1927.
503732: Paul Dukes - A Long View of The Cold War. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2001.
411228: Paul Dukes - Glasnost' and the Russian Revolution. An original article from History Today, 1987.
267362: Paul Dukes - Two Great Nations (Russia & USA): 1815-50. An original article from History Today magazine, 1970.
503610: Paul Dukes - Fictory or Faction : the current boom in historical fiction. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1999.
412487: Paul Dukes - Dracula: Fact, Legend and Fiction. An original article from History Today, 1982.
411392: Paul Dukes - A Watershed in World History: How Historians of 1900 Viewed Their Pasts and the Prospects of the 20th Century. An original article from History Today, 1992.
503896: Paul Dukes - Britain & Russia 450 Years of Contact : the relationship between the land of the lions & that of the double-headed eagle. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2003.
503194: Paul Dukes - Vasily Osipovich Klyuchevsky & The Course of Russian History. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1987.
361755: Edmund Dulac - Edmund Dulac: And there in its midst stood a mighty Genie. An original colour print, c.1907 from the work Arabian Nights.
361756: Edmund Dulac - Edmund Dulac: When having brought into submission all the rest of my race. An original colour print, c.1907 from the work Arabian Nights.
361757: Edmund Dulac - Edmund Dulac: No sooner had the monarch seen them. An original colour print, c.1907 from the work Arabian Nights.
361758: Edmund Dulac - Edmund Dulac: Whereupon one upset the pan into the fire. An original colour print, c.1907 from the work Arabian Nights.
361762: Edmund Dulac - Edmund Dulac: Supposing me asleep they began to talk. An original colour print, c.1907 from the work Arabian Nights.
361763: Edmund Dulac - Edmund Dulac: The cup of wine which she gives him. An original colour print, c.1907 from the work Arabian Nights.
361764: Edmund Dulac - Edmund Dulac: She went on to vent her malice. An original colour print, c.1907 from the work Arabian Nights.
361765: Edmund Dulac - Edmund Dulac: Began to heap upon me terms. An original colour print, c.1907 from the work Arabian Nights.
361766: Edmund Dulac - Edmund Dulac: Thus by her wicked machinations the city became a lake. An original colour print, c.1907 from the work Arabian Nights.
361767: Edmund Dulac - Edmund Dulac: Great was the astonishment of the Vizier and the Sultan's escort. An original colour print, c.1907 from the work Arabian Nights.
361768: Edmund Dulac - Edmund Dulac: Their chief in a low but distinct voice. An original colour print, c.1907 from the work Arabian Nights.
361769: Edmund Dulac - Edmund Dulac: Ali Baba departed for the town a well satisfied man. An original colour print, c.1907 from the work Arabian Nights.
361770: Edmund Dulac - Edmund Dulac: As soon as he came in she began to jeer at him. An original colour print, c.1907 from the work Arabian Nights.
361771: Edmund Dulac - Edmund Dulac: Greater still was the exultation of a greedy nature like that of Cassim's. An original colour print, c.1907 from the work Arabian Nights.
361772: Edmund Dulac - Edmund Dulac: Mustapha doubted much of his ability to refrain from question. An original colour print, c.1907 from the work Arabian Nights.
236165: David Dumville - The Eastern Terminus of The Antonine Wall: 12th or 13th Century Evidence. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1994.
163511: Dun, John. - With what Margin of Uncalled Capital may the Leading Unlimited Banks safely become Limited? A rare original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1879.
613785: Patrick Dunae - Boy's Own Paper - Origins and Editorial Policies. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 1976.
621216: Jean Dunbabin - What's in a Name? Philip, King of France. An original article from Speculum, The Journal of The Medieval Academy of America, 1993.
195191: G. R. A. F. Dunbar. - Two Days Shooting in Austria. An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1897.
604397: N. C. H. Dunbar - An Historical Royal Warrant. An original article from Journal of The Royal United Service Institution, 1959.
612787: J. M. Dunbar - Troqueer Sewage Treatment Works: Alterations and Extensions. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1977.
607768: J. G. Dunbar - The Palace of Holyroodhouse During The First Half of The Sixteenth Century. An original article from The Archaeological Journal, 1963.
222481: Dunbar, John G. - The Building activities of the Duke and Duchess of Lauderdale, 1670 - 82. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1975.
501101: David Dunbar - Chasing Butterfly Books : Illustrated Books About Butterflies. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1985.
289769: Lindsay Dunbar - Fluctuating Settlement Patterns in Bronze Age Sutherland: Excavation of a Roundhouse at Navidale, Helmsdale. An original article from the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2007.
242173: J.H. Dunbar - The Holy Mountain. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1929.
610793: Rev. William Dunbar - The United Parishes of Applegarth and Sibbaldbie. Presbytery of Lochmaben, Synod of Dumfries. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
606582: Archibald Hamilton Dunbar - Scottish Sacrament Houses. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1890-91.
613543: John G. Dunbar - Dalkeith House, Lothian. A Property of The Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry - Parts I, II and III. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1984.
423395: Robert Kennedy Duncan - Chemistry of Commerce: The Making of Medicines. This is an original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1907.
511174: F. Martin Duncan - The Making of a Lily Flower. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1904.
367634: Eben. Duncan - On the Clauses in the Draft Glasgow Police Bill which have reference to the Prevention and Mitigation of Disease. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1882.
423555: Robert Kennedy Duncan - Catalytic Processes- The Chemistry of Commerce. This is an original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1906
423006: Ebenezer Duncan - Some Points on the Social Progress of Scotland in Recent Times. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1898.
422865: Dr Eben. Duncan - Biographical Notice of Dr Andrew Fergus (1822-1887), Scientist and Physician. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1888.
614823: David D. Duncan - Okinawa, Threshold to Japan. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1945.
422793: Eben. Duncan - Manure Poisioning and the Prevention of the Pollution of Wells in Agricultural Districts. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1885.
325071: Paul Duncan - Gerald Kersh. Author of Night and The City. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1996.
614873: A. M. Duncan - Mount Etna Volcano: Environmental Impact and Problems of Volcanic Prediction. An original article from The Geographical Journal, 1981.
602355: Andrew Duncan - Dr. Thomson's System of Chemistry. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1804.
611499: Rev. Alexander Duncan - Parish of Coylton. Presbytery of Ayr, Synod of Glasgow and Ayr. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
201313: Louis Duncan - Present Status of The Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1896.
201506: Carl D. Duncan - Remarks on The Influence of Insects on Human Welfare. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1947.
423475: Robert Kennedy Duncan - The Witherward of Matter. This is an original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1908.
423579: Norman Duncan - The Animal-Shop. An Old Fashioned Story. This is an original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1912.
504407: David Chester & Angus Duncan - Escape From Vesuvius : volcano in the Bay of Naples. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2009.
603191: Douglas Duncan - A Guide to The New Inn. An original article from Essays in Criticism, 1970.
610782: Rev. Robert Wallace & Rev. Thomas T. Duncan - Parish of Dumfries. Presbytery of Dumfries, Synod of Dumfries. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
610796: Rev. Henry Duncan - Parish of Ruthwell. Presbytery of Annan, Synod of Dumfries. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
610879: Rev. A. B. Duncan - Parish of Culross. Presbytery of Dumfermline, Synod of Fife. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
610892: Rev. David Duncan - Parish of Abernethy. Presbytery of Perth, Synod of Perth and Stirling. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
610711: Rev. James Duncan - Parish of Merton. Presbytery of Lauder, Synod of Merse and Tiviotdale. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
606444: J. Dalrymple Duncan - Regarding Cinerary Urns Recently Discovered at Uddingston. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1884-85.
367680: Eben. Duncan - The Scottish Races: Their Ethnology, Growth, and Distribution. An original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1896.
613563: Paul Duncan - Newhailes, East Lothian. The Home of The Lady Antonia Dalrymple - Part II only. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1987.
367737: Eben. Duncan - Some Observations on the Consumption of Alcohol, and on the Comparative Death Rate from Alcoholic Excess in England, Ireland and Scotland. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1908.
424012: Kevin Morgan and Robert Duncan - The Unpublished Memoirs of J.T. Walton Newbold. An original article from Labour History Review, the Bulletin of the Society for the Study of Labour History, 1995.
423491: Robert Kennedy Duncan - The Nebular Hypothesis of Laplace: The Beginning of Things. This is an original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1908.
242660: James Duncan - Routes in Southern Arabia. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1939.
123459: Andrew Duncan - Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia. An uncommon original article from the Edinburgh Review, 1804.
367661: Eben. Duncan - On the Causes of the Spread of Pulmonary Consumption and other Tubercular Diseases, and on the means which may be taken to prevent the Dissemination. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1892.
410669: Duncan Keen, Sebastian Rahtz and Peter Ucko - Visualisation and Analysis of the Antiquarian Record in Archaeology. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester; from the Issue, Computers and the Humanities, 1992.
367609: Eben. Duncan - Some Observations on our present Methods of Disposal of Human Excreta, and their Relation to the Spread of Epidemic Disease.With a folding map of Glasgow, and one other plan. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1881.
423508: Robert Kennedy Duncan - The Problems of Industrial Alcohol: Chemistry of Commerce. This is an original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1907.
614708: David D. Duncan - Fighting Giants of The Humboldt. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1941.
123635: Andrew Duncan - Willan and other on vaccination. An uncommon original article from the Edinburgh Review 1806.
614784: David D. Duncan - Fiji Patrol on Bougainville. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1945.
423502: Robert Kennedy Duncan - On the Chemical Interpretation of Life. This is an original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1909.
410696: Robert Duncan - The Papers of John Turner Walton Newbold, 1888-1943: An Introductory Guide. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1994.
423453: Robert Kennedy Duncan - Camphor: An Industry Revolutionized. This is an original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1911.
349261: Henry Dunckley - The Progress of Personal Rule. Baron Stockmar, Disraeli , Queen Victoria, etc. A rare original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1878.
277084: R. H. Dundas - The Last Place in India. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1920.
617544: Elaine Dundy - Hem and Tenn Remembered. An original article from the London Magazine 1994.
612480: G. I. W. Dunford - Airport Capacity - Air Traffic Control Considerations and Constraints. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1971.
201782: Theodore Dunham Jr - Stellar Laboratories. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1931.
364895: Dr Carroll Dunham - Medical and Sanitary Aspects of the War. An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1898.
421754: Dows Dunham - The Harvard University Museum of Fine Arts' Egyptian Expedition under George A. Reisner. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1970.
608062: Thomas F. Dunhill - Charles Villiers Stanford: Some Aspects of His Work and Influence. An original article from The Proceedings of The Musical Association, 1927.
606710: E. H. W. Dunkin - A Calendar of The Deeds and other Documents in The Possession of The Sussex Archaeological Society. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1889.
605197: Edwin Hadlow W. Dunkin - Contributions Towards The Ecclesiastical History of The Deanery of South Malling, in The County of Sussex. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1875.
605203: E. H. W. Dunkin - An Incised Memorial Slab in Little Horsted Churchyard. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1875.
503807: Thomas Dunlap - Communing with Nature : the development of quasi-religious environmentalism in North America. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2002.
354371: Orrin E. Dunlap - Walking on the Brink of Niagara. John R. Barlow, Chief Guide at the Cave of the Winds. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1904.
512123: Orrin E. Dunlap - Over Niagara in a Barrel : a full account of Mrs. Anna Edson Taylor's voyage in a barrel over the Horseshoe Falls, Niagara. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1901.
511974: Orrin E. Dunlap - When Niagara Ran Dry. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1903.
253314: Orrin E. Dunlap - The Romance of Niagara Bridges. Niagara Falls. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1899.
619159: J. Dunleavy - Dr. John Binns, Haslingden's Forgotten Reformer. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 2007.
366521: J. Dunleavy - The Irish Dimension of the British Labour Movement, 1886-1929. An original article from North West Labour History Journal, 1991.
619906: John Dunleavy - A Plethora of First Class Political Oratory: The Home Rule By-Election in Rossendale, 1892. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 2009.
366508: John Dunleavy - The Manchester Irish National Convention 1918. An original article from North West Labour History Journal, 1992.
366437: John Dunleavy - Michael Davitt, labour and the Irish question. An original article from North West Labour History Journal, 2008.
171272: Robert Dunlop - Truth And Fiction In Irish History. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1909.
367635: Nathaniel Dunlop - The Ships and Shipping Trade of Great Britain. Ancient and Modern Ships, with special reference to the applications of science in their structure and outfit. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1883.
419264: Ian Dunlop - Laurence Whistler's Engraved Church Glass. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1986.
419201: Ian Dunlop - The Reyntiens Windows at Christ Church, Oxford. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1984.
506697: William B. Dunlop - The Key of Western China. An uncommon original article from The Asiatic Quarterly Review, 1889.
609805: A. Dunlop - The Dadessa Valley. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1937.
615627: G. A. Dunlop - An Annotated List of The Alien Plants of The Warrington District. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1908.
171135: Robert Dunlop - Origins of The Irish Race. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1906.
613071: James Craufurd Dunlop - A Further Note on The Fertility of Marriage in Scotland. Errors of Statement as to The Duration of Marriage. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1915.
613062: James Craufurd Dunlop - The Fertility of Marriage in Scotland; A Census Study. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1914.
354502: Anna Dunlop - Accountancy, fifteenth century to the present. Keeping Books on Book Keeping. An original article contained in a complete monthly issue of the Antiquarian Book Monthly Review (ABMR), 1980.
257418: Orrin E. Dunlop - The Most Wonderful Dam in the World : Niagara Falls. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1906.
403978: H.J. Fleure and Margaret Dunlop - Glendarragh Circle and Alignments, The Braaid, I.O.M. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1942.
613138: James Craufurd Dunlop - Misstatement of Age in The Returns of The Census of Scotland. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1923.
255826: A. R. Dunlop, illustrated by John De Walton. - British North Borneo : Taming The Head-Hunters. The attempt to punish a tribe of head-hunting Dyaks. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1922.
618219: Helen Dunmore - Short Days, Long Nights. An original article from the London Magazine 1990.
507308: Mrs. Yaro Galvon & H.H. Dunn. - How I Saved My Husband From Execution : the story of Mrs. Yaro Galvon's fight to rescue her husband, who had been condemned by the Mexican Government. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1917.
511346: H.H. Dunn - Hunting Sea-Lions on the Coronado Islands, California. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1929.
611369: Rev. William Dunn - Parish of Cardross. Presbytery of Dumbarton, Synod of Glasgow and Ayr. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
501825: Dudley Dunn - Fans (feather or paper). An original article from The Connoisseur, 1901.
511395: H.H. Dunn - The Fleet of the Lost : the Star of Alaska, San Francisco Harbour. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1929.
358750: H.H. Dunn - My Tragic Honeymoon, Elena Lobrano de Romero. Capured by the Carranzistas. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1932.
503908: Alastair Dunn - A Kingdom in Crisis : Henry IV & the Battle of Shrewsbury. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2003.
367734: Theodore Douglas Dunn - English Epical Theory and the Heroic Poem. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1908.
163574: Dunn, Archibald J. - The Trade of Marseilles. A rare original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1885.
617656: Douglas Dunn - Inheritors. An original article from the London Magazine 1980.
507407: Harry H. Dunn - More About Emiliano Zapata, the Master Bandit. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1916.
325788: John Dunne - Derek Mahon : Northern Irish poet and translator. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2008.
325232: John Dunne - John McGahern. Author of Amongst Women. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1998.
325106: John G. Dunne - Manned Spaceflight : Man's Conquest of Space. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1996.
325055: John F. Dunne - Seamus Heaney : Nobel Laureate. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1996.
423733: Michael Dunne - Disputed Presidential Elections in US History. An original article from Historian, the magazine of The Historical Association, 2021.
418383: Elbridge Gerry Dunnell - The Rise of the National Democrats: The Movement for Sound Money and the Indianapolis Convention. An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1896.
620043: Rosalind Dunnet - Excavations near Mount Wood, Chenies. An original article from The Records of Buckinghamshire, 1985.
415967: Rev A.H. Dunnett - Church Building for Modern Needs. An original article from the Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society, 1937.
266847: E.G. Dunning - Football in its Early Stages. An original article from History Today magazine, 1963.
200566: E. O. Dunning - Antiquities in Tennessee. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1870.
403996: G.C. Dunning - Two Fires of Roman London. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1945.
403894: G.C. Dunning - Neolithic Occupation Sites in East Kent. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1966.
403883: G.C. Dunning - Heraldic and Decorated Metalwork and other Finds from Rievaulx Abbey, Yorkshire. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1965.
403866: G.C. Dunning - Saxon and Norman Pottery from Colchester Castle Park. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1962.
403847: G.C. Dunning - A Group of English and Imported Medieval Pottery from Lesnes Abbey, Kent : and the Trade in Early Hispano-Moresque Pottery to England. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1961.
403821: G.C. Dunning - A Norman Pit at Pevensey Castle and its Contents. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1958.
297568: G.C. Dunning - Bronze Age Settlements and a Saxon Hut Near Bourton-on-The-Water, Gloucestershire. An original article from The Antiquaries Journal, 1932.
403785: E.M. Jope and G.C. Dunning - The Use of Blue Slate for Roofing in Medieval England. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1954.
605644: G. C. Dunning - Report on Pottery from F+ith under Balsdean Chapel. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1953.
403643: H.C. Andrews and G.C. Dunning - A Thirteenth-Century Stirrup and Storage-jar from Rabley Heath, Herts. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1939.
403601: G.C. Dunning - A Fourteenth-Century Well at the Bank of England. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1937.
403581: G.C. Dunning - Alstoe Mount, Burley, Rutland. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1936.
403577: G.C. Dunning - Note on Two Urns of Overhanging-rim Type found Abroad. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1936.
419926: Brian Dunning - The Windrush Valley: Villages of a Cotswold River. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1976.
417877: Brian Dunning - Behind the Chesil Bank Dorset: Land of Swans and Smugglers. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1975.
419563: Brian Dunning - On Foot along the Sussex Coast. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1975.
199281: Geo. V. Dunoyer - Remarks on the Classification of Bronze Arrow Heads. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1850.
602820: W. P. Dunphy - The Bark Canoes of North America. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1979.
509228: Dunraven - A Colorado Sketch : a brief account with details of a deer hunting expedition. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1880.
606355: Duns - Jottings in Mid-Lochaber. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1881-82.
606632: Duns - Some Stone Implements. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1892-93.
606435: Duns - Some Brazilian Weapons and other Articles. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1884-85.
606515: Duns - Carib Incised Stones and Shell Implements. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1887-88.
606448: Duns - Notice of Photographs of Indian Rock-Inscriptions, Amazonas, Brazil. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1884-85.
606459: Duns - Some Rock Markings. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1885-86.
606463: Duns - An Idol Human Head from Ecuador, now Presented to The Museum by Dr. R. H. Gunning. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1885-86.
508345: John Duns - Scottish Natural Science. An uncommon original article from the North British Review, 1858.
606386: Duns - A Silver Brooch from Mull. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1882-83.
238020: Professor Duns - Stone Implements from Shetland (Specimens Exhibited). An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1880.
606399: Duns - Notes on North Mull. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1882-83.
289818: Philip Dunshea - Another 18th-Century Reference to Arthur's Oven. An original article from the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2010.
610142: Joyce Dunsheath - Climbing in The Caucasus Mountains of The U.S.S.R. 1957. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1958.
616582: Graeme Dunstall - Frontier and/or Cultural Fragment? Interpretations of Violence in Colonial New Zealand. An original article from the Social History Journal, 2004.
612770: M. R. H. Dunstan - Results of a Thermo-Couple Study in Mass Concrete in The Upper Tamar Dam. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1976.
612750: M. R. H. Dunstan - Results of a Thermocouple Study in Mass Concrete in The Upper Tamar Dam. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1976.
225149: W.J.T. Dunstan - Phenomena at Low Temperatures. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1950.
621578: Joanna Dunster - Isleworth Porcelain - The Mystery Deepens. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 2017.
507434: W.W. Dunsterville of Christchurch, New Zealand. - Big Game Fishing in New Zealand : after swordfish & tiger sharks with rod & line. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1926.
511104: T.F.G.W. Dunsto, B.A., & Captain A.E.A. Dunston - The Fungi (other than Basidiomycetes) found in South-West Wiltshire, especially round Donhead St. Mary. Discomycetes I, Pyrenomycetes I, & Mycetozoa I. An original article from the Wiltshire Archaeological & Natural History Magazine, 1941.
217428: Hugh H. Dunt - A Tadpole Again. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1967.
411337: Hugh Dunthorne - Games and Godliness in Old Holland: The Society and Culture of the Dutch Golden Age. An original article from History Today, 1991.
611957: Cedric Ethelwulf Dunton - Victoria Line: Experimentation, Design, Programming and Early Progress. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1965.
236097: Ian Armit & Andrew Dunwell - Excavations at Cnip, Sites 2 and 3, Lewis, 1989. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1992.
414480: F.W. Dupee - Lolita' in New York - Literary Letter from New York. An original article from Encounter, a monthly review of literature, the arts and politics, 1959.
616308: Alexandre Sheldon-Duplaix - French Naval Intelligence During The Second Empire: Charles Pigeard Reporting on British and American Shipbuilding (1856-69). An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 2008.
506144: Dupuy - The Resistance of Rivets. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1895.
238869: Prof. W.F. Durand - Robert Henry Thurston. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1903.
200349: W. F. Durand - Modern Trends in Air Transport. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1939.
507323: Ralph Durand - The Bell of Solavetski. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1924.
363859: Edward Dana Durand - The Beef Industry and the Government Investigation; Bureau of Corporations. An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1905.
267757: D.N. Durant - A London Visit, 1591: Bess of Hardwicks Last Visit, Intent upon Legal Business over her Estates. An original article from History Today magazine, 1974.
285290: Marguerite Duras - The Boa (snake). An original article from the London Magazine 1955.
512957: Pierson Durbrow - A New American Wonderland : a trip through the King's river Canyon, in the high Sierra of California. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1913.
502610: Albrecht Durer - Drawings, 1500-1900. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1912.
364675: DURER - Albrecht Durer and Our Time; The Travels of Albrecht Durer by Christopher White; Durer and the Goldsmith's Art by R.W. Lightbown; Armour and Weapons by A.V.B. Norman. A group of uncommon original articles from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1971.
503532: Michael Durey - The Fate of The Rebels After 1798 : Political Prisoners. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1998.
505654: Michael Durey - Lessons on The Somme : The Tactical Use of The 2nd Guards Brigade Machine Gun Company at The Battle of Flers-Courcelette, September 1916. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 2016.
412382: Raymond Durgnat - The Language of Film and Problems in Cinesemiotics. An original article from the British Journal of Aesthetics, 1982.
412112: Raymond Durgnat - Rock, Rhythm and Dance. An original article from the British Journal of Aesthetics, 1971.
507309: Mabel Durham - An Unknown Switzerland : Canada's Alpine Wonderland. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1917.
407713: J.M.M.B. Durham (Marshman), illustrated by Stanley L. Wood - The Forest Hermit; a Moose Hunting Story. A sporting writer discovers a curious character forsaking civilisation in the Canadian wilds. This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1915.
148774: Herbert E. Durham - Some Points in The Mechanism of Reaction to Peritoneal Infections. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1896.
506491: M. Edith Durham - Balkan Gypsies. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1910.
619975: Brian Durham - Traces of a Late Saxon Church at St. Mary's, Aylesbury. An original article from The Records of Buckinghamshire, 1978.
195231: M. Burton Durham. - A Visit to The Transvaal (South Africa). An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1899.
368071: COUNTY DURHAM - Washington New Town, County Durham; Planning for the New Town. This is an original article from The Architectural Review, 1965.
416388: COUNTY DURHAM - Annual Fete of the Bishop Auckland Floral and Horticultural Society. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1859.
417830: John Durie - A Planned Yacht Racing Centre for Britain; Portland Harbour, Dorset. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1977.
325663: Colin Duriez - C. S. Lewis and The Inklings. The Author's All Star Literary Group. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2005.
608180: Robert M. Durling - Purgatorio 5: A Canto of The Divine Comedy. An original article from Literary Imagination, 1999.
325208: Dick Durran - Modern Golf Books : Collectable Titles from 1918. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1998.
325577: John Durrant - Collecting Dickens' Novels in The Original Parts. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2004.
618649: Digby Durrant - Bottom People: The Novels of Leslie Thomas. An original article from the London Magazine 1974.
618005: Digby Durrant - Devil on Horseback: The Novels of Simon Raven. An original article from the London Magazine 1976.
618656: Digby Durrant - Born Winner. An original article from the London Magazine 1974.
415914: Rev A.P. Durrant - Lanercost Priory. An original article from the Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society, 1928.
618019: Digby Durrant - Squibs and Rockets: A Note on J. G. Ballard. An original article from the London Magazine 1976.
285240: Lawrence Durrell - Letters in Darkness: a Poem. An original article from the London Magazine 1954.
285410: Lawrence Durrell - How to Buy a Village House in Cyprus. An original article from the London Magazine 1957.
285558: Lawrence Durrell - Bernard Spencer. An original article from the London Magazine 1964.
414375: Lawrence Durrell - The Shades of Dylan Thomas. An original article from Encounter, a monthly review of literature, the arts and politics, 1957.
411113: Chris Durston - Lords of Misrule: The Puritan War on Christmas, 1642-60. An original article from History Today, 1985.
411376: Chris Durston - Phoney War; England, Summer 1642. An original article from History Today, 1992.
610189: G. H. Dury - Analysis of Regional Flood Frequency on The Nene and The Great Ouse. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1959.
610524: G. H. Dury - Relict Deep Weathering and Duricrusting in Relation to The Palaeoenvironments of Middle Latitudes. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1971.
201324: Saul Dushman - New Chemical Elements. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1951.
620953: DUTCH, ARCHITECTURE - 1871 : Dutch Domestic Architecture: Roermond and Venloo. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
500101: John Lowe Duthie - The Fishermen's Religious Revival. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1983.
195249: William A. Dutt. - The Last Camping Match (East Anglia). A rare original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1899.
417025: R. Palme Dutt - George Bernard Shaw; a Memoir. With 'The Dictatorship of the Proletariat', Shaw's 1921 article. Published by Labour Monthly Pamphlet 1951.
364384: EDITED BY R. PALME DUTT - Karl Marx, 1818-1883. The Labour Monthly, Volume 15, Number 3, March 1933. 50th Anniversary Number. See picture for full details of contents. Published by Labour Monthly 1933.
364998: Salme A. Dutt - The Chartist Movement. A Marx House Syllabus. Published by Lawrence & Wishart, c.1944.
609105: William A. Dutt - Eel-Catching in East Anglia. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1899.
412388: R. Palme Dutt - The Communist Party and the Advance of the Mass Movement. An original article from the Marxist Quarterly, 1954.
316710: David Dutton - A Mad Hatter Contest From Beginning To End: Randolph Churchill and The Wavertree by Election, February 1935. An original article from the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1993.
412298: Denis Dutton - Artistic Crimes: The Problem of Forgery in the Arts. An original article from the British Journal of Aesthetics, 1979.
411032: David Dutton - Life Beyond the Political Grave: Joseph Chamberlain, 1906-1914. An original article from History Today, 1984.
504415: Ed Dutton - Playing The Blame Game : Finland & the Soviets after the Cold War. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2009.
412150: Denis Dutton - Criticism and Method. An original article from the British Journal of Aesthetics, 1973.
619882: D. J. Dutton - A SUrfeit of Liberals: The Eddisbury By-Election of April 1943. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 2006.
619856: D. J. Dutton - Lancashire and The New Unionism: The Unionist Party and The Growth of Popular Politics 1906-1914. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1981.
422054: M. Susan Duval - F.R. Leyland: A Maecenas from Liverpool. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1986.
509211: E. Raoul Duval - The Commercial Treaty Between France and England. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1880.
359405: Mons. A. Duvaucel - On the Black Deer of Bengal. An original article extracted from Asiatic Researches; or Transactions of the Society Instituted in Bengal, 1825. [Afterwards known as The Asiatic Society of Bengal].
612862: S. Duvivier - Installation of The Piled Foundations and Production Modules on Occidental's Piper A Platform. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1979.
500071: Kurt Duwell - Germany 1945-1950 : Problems of The Economic Miracle. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1983.
217382: R. A. Duxbury - Applause in The Nicobar [K. L. Palliser]. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1965.
408778: FROM SKETCHES BY MR E.H. DWANE - The Visit to Hyderabad: Prince Albert Victor in India. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1889.
363915: DWARFISM - Jan Hannema, the Friesland Dwarf, known in Holland as Admiral Van Tromp. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1849.
407601: Sir Fortunatus Dwarris - The Local Laws, Courts and Customs of Derbyshire. An original article from The Journal of The British Archaeological Association, 1852.
510881: Dwight M. DeLong, Professor of Entomology, the Ohio State University, Columbus. - Man in a World of Insects. An uncommon original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1962.
414248: Dwight Macdonald, Ignazio Silone, Louis J. Halle, Edward Crankshaw etc. - After Stalin...A Symposium. An original article from Encounter, a monthly review of literature, the arts and politics, 1956.
407666: Dwight Long, illustrated by Jack Nicolle - The Odyssey of 'idle Hour'. From the adventures of a small craft, deep water, navigator on his cruise around the world. This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1939.
614970: D. J. Dwyer - Land Use and Regional Planning Problems in The New Territories of Hong Kong. An original article from The Geographical Journal, 1986.
614914: D. J. Dwyer - The Future of Hong Kong. An original article from The Geographical Journal, 1984.
275553: Francis Dwyer - Haberfeld Treiben in Upper Bavaria. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1867.
610314: D. J. Dwyer - The Coal Industry in Mainland China since 1949. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1963.
610275: D. J. Dwyer - The Peat Bogs of The Irish Republic: A Problem in Land Use. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1962.
514191: DYAKS ETHNIC GROUP, BORNEO - With the Dyaks of Borneo. By Mary Blair Beebe. An original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1912.
241669: Clarence G. Dyall - The Walker Art Gallery at Liverpool : The Pictures at Liverpool. An original article from the Windsor Magazine, 1895.
514052: Nigel Dyckhoff - The Cheshire Lines Committee : Then & Now.
617329: Brian Dyde - Half our Sorrow. M.P. Shiel and Redonda. An original article from the London Magazine 1988.
316775: Dye, Ryan - The Irish Flood: Famine, Philanthropy, and The Emergence of Duelling Liverpool Catholic Identities, 1845-1865. A rare original article from the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 2001.
364936: DYEING - 1790. A Treatise on the Art of Dyeing. An original article from the New Royal Cyclopaedia and Encyclopaedia, 1790.
422856: Henry Dyer - The Technical Schools (Scotland) Act,1887 and its Relations to Elementary and Higher Education. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1887.
419139: Christopher Dyer - The Abandonment of Villages and Towns in the Medieval Period. What caused such an exodus and what remains of the villages that disappeared? An original article from BBC History Magazine, 2010.
615716: J. C. Dyer - Brief Notes on The Laws of Physical Force. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1871.
408434: James F. Dyer - Barrows of the Chilterns. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1959.
615268: R. R. Dyer - Rhetoric and Intention in Cicero's Pro Marcello. An original article from the Journal of Roman Studies, 1991.
512775: Bernard Dyer - Farm-Yard manure. An original article from the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1893.
615812: J. C. Dyer - Cotton-Spinning Machinery : Roving Frames. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1868.
615804: J. C. Dyer - On Nail Making by Machinery. The Origin of Several Mechanical Inventions, and their Subsequent Application to Different Purposes. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1868.
615773: J. C. Dyer - The Introduction of Steam Navigation. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1865.
240443: James F. Dyer - The Chiltern Grim's Ditch. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1963.
422961: Henry Dyer - Technical Education in Glasgow and the West of Scotland: a Retrospect and a Prospect. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1893.
283062: Alan D. Dyer - Wood and Coal: A Change of Fuel. An original article from History Today 1976.
417413: Serena Dyer - Shopping, Spectacle and the Senses: The Complex World of Georgian Shopping. An original article from History Today magazine, 2015.
422822: Henry Dyer - The Development of the Marine Engine. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1886.
205360: W.T. Thiselton-Dyer - Botanical Work of The British Association. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1895.
205293: W.T. Thiselton-Dyer - Botanical Biology. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1889.
403849: James F. Dyer - Dray's Ditches, Bedfordshire, and Early Iron Age Territorial Boundaries in the Eastern Chilterns. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1961.
422921: Henry Dyer - Memoir of Henry Muirhead (1814-1890), Physician. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1890.
615794: J. C. Dyer - On Lace Making by Machinery. The Origin of Several Mechanical Inventions, and their Subsequent Application to Different Purposes. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1868.
422883: Henry Dyer - The Training of Architects. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1889.
255828: Carleton L. Dyer - Our Canoe Trip, through the wilds of Northern Ontario. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1922.
418610: Francis John Dyer - Improved Methods of Fruit Handling. An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1909.
242929: Ejnar Dyggve - The Royal Barrows at Jellling. Excavations Made in 1941, 1942 and 1947 and Finds and Findings Resulting Therefrom. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1948.
422059: A.F. Dygnas - The Leeds Pottery and the Continent. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1970.
620503: J. D. Marshall and Carol A. Dyhouse - Social Transition in Kendal and Westmorland, c. 1760-1860. An original article from The Northern History Review, 1976.
417715: Carol Dyhouse - Skin Deep, the Fall of Fur: The Appeal of the Fur Coat and Its Fall from Fashion. An original article from History Today magazine, 2011.
616776: CLOTH DYING - Experiments on Stoving Cotton Goods with Sulphur. By Mr & Mr S. Hall, communicated with a Note by Marshall Hall, M.D. An uncommon original article from the Journal of Science and the Arts, edited by the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 1818.
199144: Wm. Dyke - Decorations in Distemper in Stanton Harcourt Church, Oxfordshire. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1845.
368087: Henry J. Van Dyke - The Nativity in Art. An original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1886.
415347: Miss A.F. Estelle Dyke - A Cestrian Looks at Watergate Street, Chester. An original article from the Journal of the Chester and North Wales Archaeological and Historic Society, 1946.
151073: A.H. Dyke Acland, M.P. - Working Men's Co-operative Organisations in Great Britain. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1886.
414108: Dylan Thomas, James Stephens and Gerald Bullet - On Poetry: A Discussion. An original article from Encounter, a monthly review of literature, the arts and politics, 1954.
292199: Dymond, David - Five Building Contracts from Fifteenth-Century Suffolk. An original article from the Antiquaries Journal 1998.
199833: Robert Dymond - Bampfylde House, Exeter. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1874.
306207: Dyserth - [1924] Proceedings of the Dyserth and District Field Club for 1923, with An Account of the Excursions and Lectures and a General Survey of the Work of the Year.
306206: Dyserth - [1921] Proceedings of the Dyserth and District Field Club for 1921, with An Account of the Excursions and Lectures and a General Survey of the Work of the Year.
306205: Dyserth - [1922] Proceedings of the Dyserth and District Field Club for 1922, with An Account of the Excursions and Lectures and a General Survey of the Work of the Year.
603281: A. E. Dyson - Evelyn Waugh and The Mysteriously Disappearing Hero. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1960.
603344: A. E. Dyson - The Old Curiosity Shop. Innocence and The Grotesque. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1966.
619910: Tony Dyson - The Garrisons at Hooton and Puddington. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 2010.
603366: A. E. Dyson - Barnaby Rudge: The Genesis of Violence. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1967.
603303: A. E. Dyson - Vanity Fair. An Irony Against Heroes. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1964.
603399: A. E. Dyson - Dickens' Edwin Drood: A Horrible Wonder Apart. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1969.
619888: Tony Dyson - Honeygreave and The Rock House Ferry. An original article from The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 2007.
603371: A. E. Dyson - Martin Chuzzlewit: Howls The Sublime. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1967.
603613: A. E. Dyson - You, Fictional Reader. Jorge Luis Borges. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1979.
603573: A. E. Dyson - The Poetry of R. S. Thomas. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1978.
603378: C. B. Cox and A. E. Dyson - Word in The Desert. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1968.
603426: A. E. Dyson - The Stranger God: Death in Venice. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1971.
277601: John Eaden - Emrod. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1927
349455: Eadie, John. - The Text of Scripture. A treatise on Biblical Criticism, by Dr. Samuel Davidson. A review. A rare original article from the North British Review, 1853.
610929: Rev. John Eadie - Parish of Dun. Presbytery of Brechin, Synod of Angus and Mearns. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
317083: Peter Eads - Britain in Pictures. A rare original article from the Private Library Quarterly Journal of the Private Libraries Association, 1986.
419681: Nigel Eagers - Whalers of Pico, in the Azores. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1978.
419580: Judith Eagle - Queen Victoria's Children as Artists. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1977.
419190: Judith Eagle - St. Bartholomew Fair, Smithfield (1133-1850). Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1976.
420040: Judith Eagle - Lewes, Sussex and Its Bonfire Societies: Fifth of November Celebrations. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1983.
418783: Judith Eagle - The Murals of the Village School at Ford, Northumberland. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1977.
368635: BALD EAGLES - The American Bald Eagle in Action. An Intimate Study of the Eyrie Life of America's National Bird. By Francis H. Herrick. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1929.
252651: Constance Eaglestone - Lord Onslow in New Zealand : Illustrated Interview. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1895.
603221: Terry Eagleton - Nature and The Fall in Hopkins: A Reading of God's Grandeur. An original article from Essays in Criticism, 1973.
603370: Terence Eagleton - Language and Reality in Twelfth Night. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1967.
603756: Terry Eagleton - Literature and History. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1985.
603723: Terry Eagleton - Nature and Violence: The Prefaces of Edward Bond. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1984.
603581: Terry Eagleton - Literature and Politics Now. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1978.
603452: Terry Eagleton - Class, Power and Charlotte Bronte. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1972.
603432: Terry Eagleton - Thomas Hardy: Nature as Language. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1971.
603202: Terry Eagleton - History and Myth in Yeats's Easter 1916. An original article from Essays in Criticism, 1971.
182998: F.J. Cole & Nellie B. Eales. - Materials for a Graphic History of Comparative Anatomy. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1915.
500185: Chris Ealham - Crime & Punishment in 1930s Barcelona. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1993.
418090: Penelope Eames - Medieval Feasts and Ceremonies. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1985.
420009: Penelope Eames - Medieval Beds and Cradles; Symbols of State. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1986.
620164: Aled Eames - Sea Power and Sir Caernarfon, 1642-1660. An original article from Maritime Wales, 2001.
419638: Penelope Eames - Medieval Wall Hangings. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1985.
620106: Aled Eames - Lleisiau'r Gorffennol - Hwylio ar Led. An original article from Maritime Wales, 1980. Text all in Welsh.
403793: Elizabeth Eames - The Products of a Medieval Tile Kiln at Bawsey, KIngs Lynn. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1955.
620122: Aled Eames - Captain J. R. Evans and The Voyage of The Ladstock. An original article from Maritime Wales, 1989.
620188: Aled Eames - O Bwllheli I bendraw'r byd: agweddau ar hanes morwrol pwllheli a'r Cylch gan mlynedd yn ol, 1879. An original article from Maritime Wales, 2004. Text all in Welsh.
621037: Aled Eames - Sea Power and Caernarvonshire, 1642-1660. An original article from The Caernarvonshire Historical Society, 1955.
616461: Earl of Verulam, F.S.A. - The Restoration of Gorhambury. An original article from the Transactions of The Ancient Monuments Society, 1958.
512596: The Earl of Harrowby, F.R.S. - The Earl of Harrowby. Presidential Address, 1854 to the British Association, Meeting at Liverpool. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1854.
149289: Earl of Rosse, F.R.S. - Polishing The Specula of Reflecting Telescopes. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1884.
202530: Ethel Earl - De Gustibus. The English Housewife in The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1913.
411085: John Earle - Draining the Ostia Marshes: An Italian Co-operative Achievement. An original article from History Today, 1985.
151412: H.A. Earle - Storage Batteries. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1895.
419447: Timothy Mowl and Brian Earnshaw - Exiles from Oxford. The present locations of architectural pieces and fitments given away by Oxford Colleges during restoration works. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1982.
616827: FIGURE OF THE EARTH - The Figure of The Earth, as Deduced from The Measurements of Arcs of The Meridian, and Observations on Pendulums. By George Fisher. An uncommon original article from the Journal of Science and the Arts, edited by the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 1819.
616798: FIGURE OF THE EARTH - Observations Relating to The Operations Undertaken to Determine The Figure of The Earth. By Jean-Baptiste Biot. An uncommon original article from the Journal of Science and the Arts, edited by the Royal Institution of Great Britain, 1818.
357621: Earthquakes - The Earthquake in Spain. An original print featuring 7 views, from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1885.
367178: EARTHQUAKES - Some Personal Experiences with Earthquakes, by Rear Admiral L.G. Billings. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1915.
619183: J. P. Earwaker, F.S.A. - The Ancient Charters and Deeds at High Legh, Cheshire, Belonging to Lieut-Col. H. Cornwall Legh. An original article from the Journal of The Chester Archaeological and Historic Society, 1887.
619194: J. P. Earwaker, F.S.A. - The Four Randle Holmes, of Chester, Antiquaries, Heralds and Genealogists, c. 1571 to 1707. An original article from the Journal of The Chester Archaeological and Historic Society, 1892.
332521: Earwaker, J.P. - The Ancient Parish Books of The Church of St. Mary-on-The-Hill, Chester. An original article from the Journal of the Architectural, Archaeological, & Historic Society, for the County, City, & Neighbourhood of Chester, 1888.
199798: J.P. Earwaker, B.A., F.S.A. - On certain Swords inscribed Edwardus, Prins Anglie. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1873.
619579: J. P. Earwaker, F.S.A. - The Early Booksellers annd Stationers of Manchester Prior to The Year 1700. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1888.
332525: Earwaker, J.P. - The Registers & Churchwardens Accounts of St. Michael's, Chester. An original article from the Journal of the Architectural, Archaeological, & Historic Society, for the County, City, & Neighbourhood of Chester, 1890.
409630: J.P. Earwaker - Urns Discovered at Penmaenmawr. An original article from the Journal of the Cambrian Archaeological Association, 1891.
236317: Caroline Earwood - Typology of Bronze Age Wooden Containers: New Dating Evidence From Islay. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1998.
292629: Caroline Earwood - The Wooden Artefacts from Loch Glashan Crannog, Mid Argyll. An original article from the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1990.
236138: Caroline Earwood - The Dating of Wooden Troughs and Dishes. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1993.
616134: Paul Quinn and Christopher Eason - Shah Versus Huascar: The Diary of Henry Eason. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 2000.
619022: Angus Easson - Elizabeth Gaskell's Mary Barton: A Novel of 1848? An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1990.
415985: Rev D.E. Easson - The Nunneries of Medieval Scotland. An original article from the Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society, 1943.
415982: Rev D.E. Easson - Church Dedications in Scotland Seven Hundred Years Ago. An original article from the Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society, 1940.
603632: Angus Easson - The Idiot Boy: Wordsworth Serves out his Poetic Indentures. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1980.
607369: Katherine East - A Lead Model and a Rediscovered Sword, both with Gripping Beast Decoration. An original article from Medieval Archaeology, 1986.
616978: MIDDLE EAST - A Boundary Commission of The Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916. The partition of the Ottoman Empire. By Capt. Chisholm Dunbar Brunton. An original article from The National Review, 1923.
511348: Captain S.H. Woolf. Illustrated by Laurence East. - Brigand-Hunting in Anatolia. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1929.
511357: John W. Cox. Illustrated by Laurence East. - The Man-Eaters of Bandar Siantar : tigers. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1929.
201421: E. M. East - Two Decades of Genetic Progress. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1922.
609789: Gordon East - Land Utilization in England at The End of The Eighteenth Century. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1937.
130225: Elizabeth Eastlake - Venice: her institutions and private life. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1889.
600119: Elizabeth Eastlake - The Englishwoman at School; including details from the Schools Enquiry Commission on the Education of Girls. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1878.
126656: Elizabeth Eastlake - The life and works of Raphael. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1883.
600229: Elizabeth Eastlake - Galleries of the Louvre; origins and expansion through acquisition of works of art from Italy, etc. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1865.
602207: Elizabeth Eastlake - Christian Art; its various aspects including representation of Our Lord, Biblical Scenes, etc. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1864.
602241: Elizabeth Eastlake - Treasures of Art in Great Britain; being an account of the chief collections of paintings, sculptures, drawings, illuminated manuscripts, etc; by Dr. Waagen, Director of the Royal Gallery, Berlin. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1854.
601426: Elizabeth Eastlake - Planche's History of Costume; the Art of Dress. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1847.
348669: Elizabeth Eastlake - Jesse, Kohl, and Sterling on Russia. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1842.
130330: Elizabeth Eastlake - Giovanni Morelli: the patriot and critic. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1891.
128758: Elizabeth Eastlake - Music. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1848.
510768: Elizabeth Rigby Eastlake - Letters to John Henry Merck, from Gothe, Herder, Wieland, & other eminent Contemporaries. An uncommon original article from the Foreign Quarterly Review, 1836.
130221: Elizabeth Eastlake - Reminiscences of Samuel Rogers. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1888.
408985: C.L Eastlake - [Blue Book Report]. Amount of Commissions for Works of Art to Artists for the Decoration of the New Palace of Westminster. Published by HMSO 1854.
348729: Elizabeth Eastlake - Venice Defended. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1877.
257602: Stewart Eastlake - Duplicated Celebrities : George Colman becomes Sir Wilfrid Laurier ; Sir Eyre Coote becomes Sir Edward Carson ; Agnolo Doni becomes Sir Edward Grey & more. In each pair of portraits the second face is precisely the same as the first, the costumes only having been modernized. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1909.
418523: Philip Eastman - Windmill Irrigation in Kansas. An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1904.
239036: Charles R. Eastman - Olden Time Knowledge of Hippocampus. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1915.
422060: Malcolm Easton - T. Sturge Moore and W.B. Yeats. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1970.
421749: Malcolm Easton - Charles Ginner: The Painter and His Homemade View-Finder. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1970.
619154: David Eastwood - The Papers of The Second Earl of Warrington. An Examination of his Financial Situation with Notes on The Building of The Stable Block and The New Mansion. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 2007.
500149: David Eastwood - Robert Peel & The Tory Party Reconsidered. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1992.
619688: David Eastwood - Lord Stamford and The League of Nations: Part II: The Approach of War. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 2013.
619172: David Eastwood - An Account Book of Sir William Brereton, Bart. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 2009.
511976: B. Eastwood - A Battle with a Rhino. Survival after an attack by the big game animal. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1903.
611904: Wilfred Eastwood - The Effect of a Transition Curve on The Loss of Head at a Bend in a Pipeline. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1960.
619176: David Eastwood - The Accounts of Edward Russell, The Storekeeper of The Royalist Garrison in Chester Castle. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 2010.
603008: David Eastwood - Patriotism Personified: Robert Southey's Life of Nelson Reconsidered. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1991.
510623: Harold W. Eather - Papuan Policemen. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1945.
368923: FIRE EATING - Robert Powell, the famour Fire-Eater. Secrets of the Fire Eating Art, by Philopyrphagus Ashburniensis, 1755. An original article from Walker's Selection of Curious Articles from the Gentleman's Magazine, published 1814.
402462: H.B. Eaton - Lieutenant-General Patrick Sinclair: Part 1, an Account of His Military Career. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1978.
402467: H.B. Eaton - Lieutenant-General Patrick Sinclair: Part 2, an Account of His Military Career. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1978.
402472: H.B Eaton - Lieutenant - General Patrick Sinclair: Part 3, an Account of His Military Career. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1979.
402566: H.B. Eaton - The Journal of Patrick Sinclair Laing Assistant Surgeon, 86th Regiment, 1842-1848. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1984.
201890: Donald H. Richter & Jerry P. Eaton - 1959-60 Eruption of Kilauea Volcano. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1960.
419480: Cynthia N.G.G. Eaton - Happy Days in Old China. The life of the daughter of a tea merchant born in Foochow in 1908. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1981.
412243: Marcia M. Eaton - On Being a Character. An original article from the British Journal of Aesthetics, 1976.
412121: Marcia Eaton - The Truth Value of Literary Statements. An original article from the British Journal of Aesthetics, 1972.
418375: John Eaton - Sheldon Jackson, Alaska's Apostle and Pioneer. An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1896.
412393: John Eaton - Crisis and the U.S.A. An original article from the Marxist Quarterly, 1954.
353994: Peter Eaton - The Co-Op Movement and Its Books. An original article contained in a complete monthly issue of the Antiquarian Book Monthly Review (ABMR), 1989.
618549: Michael Eaude - Travelling Across The Page. An original article from the London Magazine 2001.
617540: Michael Eaude - Lorca's Centenary. An original article from the London Magazine 1998.
617833: Michael Eaude - Arturo Barea: Exile without Resentment. An original article from the London Magazine 1994.
412714: Ernest Arthur Ebblewhite - Flintshire Genealogical Notes: (Part 4) Rhuddlan, Hawarden, Fines and Recoveries temp Elizabeth, and Flint. An original article from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, a Record of The Antiquities of Wales & its Marches, 1898.
412678: Ernest Arthur Ebblewhite - Flintshire Genealogical Notes: (Part 1) Rhuddlan. An original article from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, a Record of The Antiquities of Wales & its Marches, 1896.
619203: E. A. Ebblewhite, F.S.A. - Cheshire Names. An original article from the Journal of The Chester Archaeological and Historic Society, 1895.
297426: Ernest Arthur Ebblewhite - The Parish Clerk's Company's Plate. An original article from The Antiquaries Journal, 1923.
412691: Ernest Arthur Ebblewhite - Flintshire Genealogical Notes: (Part 2) Rhuddlan, Hawarden, Halkin, Mold and Cilcain. An original article from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, a Record of The Antiquities of Wales & its Marches, 1897.
367565: Eben. Watson, A.M., M.D., Senior Surgeon to the Royal Infirmary, and to the Dispensary for Diseases of the Throat. - Some Modern Theories of the Nature and Origin of Life, regarded in Physiological Aspect. The recently propounded theories of Huxley, Tindall, Bastian, and Beale. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1876.
367572: Eben. Watson, A.M., M.D., Senior Surgeon to the Royal Infirmary, and to the Dispensary for Diseases of the Throat. - An address, regarding the work of Dr. Beale, Herbert Spencer, Prof. Huxley, and other biologists, given to the Biological Section of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1876.
500408: Dorothy Harley Eber - Eskimo Memories (the interaction between Inuit & Whalers in North West Canada). An original article from the History Today, 1989.
602019: Ferdinando Eber - Hungarian Revolution. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1853.
201172: Wolfram Eberhard - Early Chinese Cultures and Their Development: A Working Hypothesis. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1937.
285327: Richard Eberhart - Centennial for Whitman: a Poem. An original article from the London Magazine 1955.
285429: Richard Eberhart - Tree Swallows: a Poem. An original article from the London Magazine 1958.
195147: Viscount Ebrington. - Wild Stag Hunting. An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1896.
618372: A. J. Eburne - Falling. An original article from the London Magazine 1996.
403887: John Moss-Eccardt - An Iron Cauldron-Rim from Letchworth, Herts. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1965.
171297: F. Y. Eccles - Recent French Poetry. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1909.
241703: Charlotte O'Conor Eccles - Are Pretty Women Unpopular? Illustrated by Jessie Caudwell. An original article from the Windsor Magazine, 1895.
241673: Charlotte O'Conor Eccles - Men's Influence on Women's Dress. Illustrated by Jessie Caudwell. An original article from the Windsor Magazine, 1895.
241689: Charlotte O'Conor Eccles - Colours in Dress. Illustrated by Jessie Caudwell. An original article from the Windsor Magazine, 1895.
241694: Charlotte O'Conor Eccles - Varieties in Veils, Headwear. Illustrated by Jessie Caudwell. An original article from the Windsor Magazine, 1895.
241682: Charlotte O'Conor Eccles - What Women's Dress Costs. Illustrated by Jessie Caudwell. An original article from the Windsor Magazine, 1895.
423631: Yvonne Eckersley - How Wigan's Women's Weavers ran the 1906 Election Campaign of Britain's first Women's Suffrage candidate. An original article from North West Labour History Journal, 2018.
423632: Yvonne Eckersley - Peterloo: Radicals, Magistrates and Female Reformers around Leigh and Wigan. An original article from North West Labour History Journal, 2019.
608149: Grace Eckley - James Joyce. An original article from Contemporary Literature, 1975.
421569: Eclecticus' - A Rare, James I, Silver Pipe c. 1610-1620. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1955.
364351: ECONOMICS - 1837. Different Remunerations of Professions, by Dr. Thomas Murray. FEATURED in Chambers' Edinburgh Journal. A single article, extracted from an issue of the Chambers' Edinburgh Journal.
363881: Economicus - 1924 : Iron and Steel. A Projected European Combination. An original article from the Review of Reviews, 1924.
348833: Ecroyd, Henry. - The Valle Lands of Venetia. An account of the countryside and its life. A rare original article from the Fortnightly Review, 1866.
368619: ECUADOR - The Volcanoes of Ecuador, Guidepostsw in crossing South America, by G.M. Dyott. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1929.
500303: Peter Edbury - William of Tyre : Chronicles of Crusade (historians & their times). An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1988.
239213: A.S. Eddington - The Rotation of The Galaxy. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1931.
200755: A. S. Eddington - Boderland of Astronomy and Geology. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1923.
239041: A.S. Eddington - Sir David Gill (1843-1914). An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1915.
150398: A.S. Eddington, M.A., M.Sc. - Stellar Distribution & Movements. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1911.
424083: Caroline Eddleston - The Royal Military Asylum. An original article from Bulletin of the Military Historical Society, 2014.
424074: Caroline Eddleston - The Provision of Horses for the Army. An original article from Bulletin of the Military Historical Society, 2013.
298319: E. P. Eddrup - Burials in Woollen. An original article from The Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine, 1896.
319787: G. G. Eiffel & William A. Eddy - The Eiffel Tower. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1889.
225348: R. Ede - Problems of The Small Farm. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1953.
613248: Victor Edelberg - Flexibility of The Yield of Taxation - Some Econometric Investigations. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1940.
323673: J.M. Edelstein - The Poet as Reader: Wallace Stevens and His Books. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1974.
502937: F. Sydney Eden - Abbot Islip's Glazing Quarries. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1924.
421207: F. Sydney Eden - Ancient Painted Glass at Old Hall, Highgate, London. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1934.
421221: F. Sydney Eden - Heraldic Parliament Rolls. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1934.
422384: F. Sydney Eden - Ashridge, Hertfordshire and its Heraldry. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1944.
420512: F. Sydney Eden - Heraldic Glass at Bramall Hall, Cheshire. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1931.
608870: R. J. Eden - Georgians in Scotland. An original article from Blackwood's Magazine, 1966.
421559: F. Sydney Eden - Inn Bills of the Eighteenth Century. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1938.
422359: F. Sydney Eden - Heraldry in Stained Glass. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1941.
503010: F. Sydney Eden - Ancient Painted Glass in North-West Essex of The Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1925.
503051: F. Sydney Eden - Ancient Painted Glass in The Conventual Buildings, other than the Church, of Westminster Abbey. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1927.
421337: F. Sydney Eden - The Bysshe Claim: The Heraldry of the Bysshe Family. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1928.
421379: F. Sydney Eden - Verre Eglomise. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1932.
610507: M. J. Eden - Scientific Exploration in Venezuelan Amazonas. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1971.
126859: Alfred Edersheim - M. Renan's History of the People of Israel. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1888.
126702: Alfred Edersheim - Heth and Moab explorations in Syria. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1884.
610723: Rev. John Edgar - Parish of Hutton. Presbytery of Chirnside, Synod of Merse and Tiviotdale. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
502959: W.H. Adgey-Edgar - Brinjal Ware. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1924.
610740: Rev. John Edgar - General Observations on The County of Berwick. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
608028: Clifford B. Edgar - Mozart's Early Efforts in Opera. An original article from The Proceedings of The Musical Association, 1906.
609696: J. H. Edgar - Notes on The Mountains about Tatsienlu. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1933.
414961: C.C. Edgar - Pre-Historic Tombs at Pelos. Reprinted from the Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens. Published by British School of Archaeology at Athens. 1896.
615619: E. C. Edgar - The Atomic Weight of Chlorine. An original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1908.
363639: W.C. Edgar, Commissioner to Russia for the Millers' Relief Fund - Russia's Conflict with Hunger. An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1892.
604149: Edgar O'Balance - Israeli Counter-Guerilla Measures. An original article from The Journal of The Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies, 1972.
603995: Edgar O'Balance - The India Pakistan Campaign, 1965. An original article from The Royal United Service Institution Journal, 1966.
603948: Edgar O'Balance - The MacArthur Plan. An original article from The Royal United Service Institution Journal, 1965.
604381: Edgar O'Ballance - The Army of Israel. An original article from Journal of The Royal United Service Institution, 1958.
604353: Edgar O'Ballance - The Egyptian Army. An original article from Journal of The Royal United Service Institution, 1958.
601898: F.J.S. Edgcombe - Horse Flesh: The place of the horse in history. A rare original article from the Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1868.
613225: P. Granville Edge - The Demography of British Colonial Possessions. A Note on The Assembly and Interpretation of Data. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1937.
613162: P. Granville Edge - The Growth of Mortality due to Motor Vehicles in England and Wales, 1904-23. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1926.
613182: P. Granville Edge - Vital Registration in Europe. The Development of Official Statistics and some Differences in Practice. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1928.
163181: E. Wyatt-Edgell - Remarks on the Plan adopted for taking the Census in 1841, with suggestions for its improvement. A rare original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1849.
508533: F.Y. Edgeworth, M.A., F.S.S. - Some New Methods of Measuring Variation in General Prices. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1888.
613148: F. Y. Edgeworth - Untried Methods of Representing Frequency. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1924.
613139: F. Y. Edgeworth - Mr. Correa Walsh on The Calculation of Index-Numbers. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1923.
188110: T. W. Edgeworth David, E. W. Skeats, W. S. Dun, J. W. Gregory, T. H. Holland & Others. - Nomenclature of the Carboniferous, Permo-Carboniferous, & Permian Rocks of the Southern Hemisphere. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1917.
602446: R. Lovell Edgeworth - Carr's Stranger in Ireland; a tour in the Southern and Western Parts of that Country in 1805. An uncommon original article from the Edinburgh Review, 1807.
613087: F. Y. Edgeworth - The Mathematical Representation of Statistical Data. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1916.
613046: F. Y. Edgeworth - The Use of The Theory of Probabilities in Statistics Relating to Society. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1913.
613017: F. Y. Edgeworth - The Probable Errors of Frequency-Constants. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1908.
613122: F. Y. Edgeworth - Molecular Statistics. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1921.
612935: F. Y. Edgeworth - The Representation of Statistics by Mathematical Formulae. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1900.
613157: F. Y. Edgeworth - The Element of Probability in Index-Numbers. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1925.
613159: F. Y. Edgeworth - Mr. Rhodes Curve and The Method of Adjustment. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1926.
182993: T. W. Edgeworth David, E.W. Skeats, W.S. Dun, T.H. Holland, W. Howchin, G.W. Lamplugh & W.G. Woolnough. - 1915. Nomenclature of the Carboniferous, Permo-carboniferous, & Permian Rocks of the Southern Hemisphere. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science report, 1915.
402708: Keith Edghill - Dangerous Doctrines! The Battle for Anglican Supremacy in the British Army, 1810-1865. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 2002.
512288: L.M. Edholm - The Romance of Oil : the Californian-Oil-Fields. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1914.
410353: Carolyn A. Edie - Right Rejoicing: Sermons on the Occasion of the Stuart Restoration, 1660. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1979.
368035: EDINBURGH - The University of Edinburgh; A Case Study of Evolution and Planned Redevelopment. By Percy Johnson-Marshall. This is an original article from The Architectural Review, 1964.
621439: CATHEDRAL IN EDINBURGH - 1872 : Design for Proposed Cathedral in Edinburgh. Alexander Ross, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
225200: H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh - The British Contribution to Science and Technology in The Past Hundred Years. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1951.
368060: EDINBURGH - Newhaven Fishmarket Kilns, near Edinburgh. By Edwin Johnston. This is an original article from The Architectural Review, 1965.
416600: EDINBURGH - Meeting of the Scottish Chess Association at Edinburgh. An original woodcut engraving, from the Illustrated London News, 1887.
368562: EDINBURGH - Deacon Alexander Lawrie and Others v. The Magistrates of Edinburgh. An action to set aside the election of the Provost and Magistrates of Edinburgh, Jury Court, November 1817. An original article from The Edinburgh Annual Register, 1819.
205415: L. Edinger - Have Fishes Memory. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1899.
421180: C.A. Edings - The Thornton Wills Collection of Tobacco Pipes. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1931.
502980: Charles A. Edings - A Collection of Walking-Sticks. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1925.
416830: EDISON - Mr Edison the Eminent Electrician, in His Laboratory. An original woodcut engraving, from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1889.
403484: Edited by Robert Andrews, Earl John Chapman and Paul Goodman. - Journal of the Conquest of Canada. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 2012.
365042: Edited by Graham Bilbe, and others - 100 Years of Trolleybuses; a pictorial review 1882-1982.
401558: Edited by Peter Wickens, Foreword Sir Patrick Cadell - The Indian Mutiny Journal, Part 1, of Private Charles Wickins of the 90th Light Infantry. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1957.
401565: Edited by Peter Wickens, Foreword Sir Patrick Cadell - The Indian Mutiny Journal, Part 2, of Private Charles Wickins of the 90th Light Infantry. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1957.

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