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600607: Henry Cockburn - Scotch entails. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1826.
414194: Sir John Cockcroft - The Future of Atomic Energy. An original article from Encounter, a monthly review of literature, the arts and politics, 1955.
309144: T. Cockcroft - How Elephants are Hunted in Siam. Illustrated from photographs. This is an original article from the Penny Pictorial Magazine, 1899.
225448: Sir John Cockcroft - Recent Developments in Nuclear Physics. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1954.
419572: Thomas Cocke - Gothic at Gloucester: The Cathedral Choir Screen by William Kent. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1981.
421411: Richard Cocke - An Early Drawing of Paolo Veronese. An original article from The Burlington Magazine, 1971.
422499: Richard Cocke - Botticelli's Primavera: The Myth of Medici Patronage. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1992.
513655: Dennis Cockell - Delftware Baskets and Comparable Pieces : and the Lotus Pattern. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 1990.
621467: Dennis Cockell - Some Delftware Baskets. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 1988.
323263: Sir Sydney Cockerell - Sir Sydney Cockerell. Signed Manuscripts in my Collection: VI. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1952.
617069: Professor T. D. A. Cockerell - Science and Good Will in The Pacific. An original article from The Scientific Monthly, 1926.
323252: Sir Sydney Cockerell - Sir Sydney Cockerell. Signed Manuscripts in my Collection: V. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1952.
407244: C.R. Cockerell - William of Wykeham. An original article from the Proceedings of The Archaeological Institute, 1845.
505593: A.W. Cockerill - The Royal Military Asylum (1803-15). An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 2001.
403331: Edited by A.W. Cockerill - A Journey to China, 1857. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 2000.
324744: Tim Cockin - The About Britain Series of 13 Guide Books. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1991.
285335: J.M. Cocking - Jean Santeuil (Unfinished Novel by Marcel Proust). An original article from the London Magazine 1955.
285265: J.M. Cocking - Proust and Combray. An original article from the London Magazine 1954.
505673: M.J.D. Cockle - A Contribution towards a Bibliography of Proclamations of Military interest, 1511-1641. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1921-1922.
423301: James Cockle - Researches in the Higher Algebra. This is an original article from the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 1860.
505697: M.J.D. Cockle - Old books Concerning, or Pertaining to, The Art Military. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1924.
502043: Reginald H. Cocks - Concerning Some Treasures in Possession of The Vintners Company. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1904.
616601: H. G. Cocks - Saucy Stories: Pornography, Sexology and The Marketing of Sexual Knowledge in Britain, c. 1918-70. An original article from the Social History Journal, 2004.
253508: Reginald H. Cocks - An Eighteen-Mile Switchback. The gravity railroad at Mauch Chunk, USA. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1902.
412849: Alfred Heneage Cocks - Antiquities on the Voelas Estate, Denbighshire. An original article from the Archaeologia Cambrensis, a Record of The Antiquities of Wales & its Marches, 1918.
252702: R.H. Cocks - Catching The Mail Bags : postal processes. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1895.
420611: Anna Somers Cocks - Alistair McAlpine in Conversation with Anna Somers Cocks on Collecting and Art. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1990.
620776: E. Cockshutt - The Parys and Mona Copper Mines. An original article from The Anglesey Antiquarian Society and Field Club, 1960.
507207: Thoda Cocroft - Across the Painted Desert, Arizona : a man said no modern woman could do it, & so, just to show him that he was wrong, Thoda set out on foot with her dog to cross the desert. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1925.
285400: Jean Cocteau - Poetry and Invisibility: An Address delivered at Oxford in 1956. An original article from the London Magazine 1957.
617961: Jean Cocteau - Rose and Alfred. An original article from the London Magazine 1968.
614572: Jean Cocteau - A Speech on Colette: At His Reception into The Belgian Academy Translated from The French by Margaret Crosland. An original article from the London Magazine 1956.
367172: CAPE COD - The Cape Cod Canal, by Commodore J.W. Miller. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1914.
504156: Debbi Codling - Henry IV & Personal Piety : beliefs & spiritual life of a man who usurped Richard II, an anointed king. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2007.
606727: R. H. Codrington - The Traditional Connexion of The Sussex and The Gloucestershire Families of Selwyn. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1890.
335374: G.R. Codrington - Yeomanry Cavalry. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1930.
407427: Colonel G.R. Codrington - The Dictaphone as an Instrument of Training. An original article from the Army Quarterly, 1931.
347563: Thomas Codrington - London South of The Thames. A rare original article from the Surrey Archaeological Collections, 1915.
605261: Prebendary Codrington - Ancient Coats of Arms in Chichester Cathedral. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1905.
605275: Prebendary Codrington - A Pynson Indulgence of 1523. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1907.
407632: Codrington College, Barbados - The Burning of Codrington College, Barbados (and a Sparrow's Nest in a Gun at Woolwich). An original print from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1885.
416655: BUFFALO BILL CODY - The Queen at the 'Wild West' Show of the Great American Exhibition. A collection of original woodcut engravings, from the Illustrated London News, 1887.
600897: Coe, Malcolm. - Ecological Studies of the Small Mammals of South Turkana. The South Turkana Expedition. Scientific Papers 9. An original article from the Royal Geographical Society journal, 1972.
422041: Ralph T. Coe - Zurbaran and Mannerism. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1972.
610542: Malcolm Coe - The South Turkana Expedition: Scientific Papers IX: Ecological Studies of The Small Mammals of South Turkana. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1972.
267787: J. Coen - The Seychelles. An original article from History Today magazine, 1974.
621658: Marc Coenen - The Egyptian Funerary Papyri in The Bodleian Library. An original article from the Bodleian Library Record, 1999.
607352: D. Coggins - Simy Folds: An Early Medieval Settlement Site in Upper Teesdale, Co. Durham. An original article from Medieval Archaeology, 1983.
418662: John F. Coggswell - Is There a Perfect Crime? An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1930.
606058: H. H. Coghlan - A Note upon Native Copper: Its Occurrence and Properties. An original article from Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1962.
403977: H.H. Coghlan - Some Fresh Aspects of the Prehistoric Metallurgy of Copper. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1942.
504346: M.J. Cohen - The Worthy Doctor Thomas Fuller. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2008.
149408: J.B. Cohen, Ph.D. - The Constitution of The Acid Amides. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1894.
267405: John Cohen - Human Robots and Computer Art. An original article from History Today magazine, 1970.
412493: John Cohen - Death and the Danse Macabre. An original article from History Today, 1982.
170733: Francis Cohen - Popular Mythology of the Middle Ages; the differing cultural approaches to magic, demonology, found in various European traditions. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1820.
170845: Francis Cohen - Application and Intent of the Various Styles of Architecture in England and Scotland. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1822.
618765: Elisheva Cohen - Anna Ticho. An original article from the London Magazine 1987.
170814: Francis Cohen - Astrology and Alchemy; Moore's Vox Stellarum for 1821 and Brande's History of Chemistry. A review. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1821.
410192: John Cohen - Individuality of Thought. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1954.
600453: Francis Cohen - Antiquities of Nursery Literature. A review, with examples of various mythical characters, such as Tom Thumb, etc. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1819.
207248: J. B. Cohen - Air of Towns. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1895.
414482: J.M. Cohen - Since the Civil War: New Currents in Spanish Poetry. An original article from Encounter, a monthly review of literature, the arts and politics, 1959.
170507: Francis Cohen - Brand's Popular Antiquities. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1814.
618300: Marcel Cohen - 25 Stories. An original article from the London Magazine 1992.
225483: Prof. John Cohen - Conjecture and Risk. An original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1954.
601543: Cohen, Harold R. and Erol, Oguz. - Aspects of Palaeogeography of Central Africa. A study of the geomorphology and ecology of the area and the conclusions reached. An original article from the Royal Geographical Society journal, 1969.
601872: Francis Cohen - Normandy Architecture of the Middle Ages. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1821.
603022: J. M. Cohen - Prophet without Responsibility. A Study in Coventry Patmore's Poetry. An original article from Essays in Criticism, 1951.
608094: Gerda L. Cohen - Out and About: Wit and Whimsy at The Royal Court Theatre. An original article from The Twentieth Century, 1958.
365033: Victor Cohen - Jeremy Bentham. Fabian Biographical Series No.11. Fabian Tract No.221. Published by Fabian Society 1927.
618351: David Cohen - Kindred Painters: Maurice Cockrill and Stephen McKenna. An original article from the London Magazine 1995.
366412: Steve Cohen - Fighting Deportations and for Family Unity in Greater Manchester - The Early History. An original article from North West Labour History Journal, 2002.
600398: Francis Cohen - Normandy Architecture of the Middle Ages. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1821.
610466: Harold R. Cohen - Aspects of The Palaeogeography of Central Anatolia. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1969.
239372: Edwin J. Cohn - Blood and Blood Derivatives. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1945.
363295: Albert M. Cohn - The Prolific Art of George Cruikshank. An original article from The Bookman's Journal. Published by Bookman's Journal 1924.
612358: M. Z. Cohn - Further Results on The Equilibrium Method of Limit Design. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1970.
611951: M. Z. Cohn - Optimum Limit Design for Reinforced-Concrete Continuous Beams. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1965.
417361: Samuel Cohn - Plague and Prejudice: Epidemics and the Socio-Psychological Reactions to Disease, what the Historical Records Reveal. An original article from History Today magazine, 2016.
422002: Ilse Cohnen - Early Book Production and Illustration. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1944.
421132: Ilse Cohnen - The French Book in War-Time: Part 1, Switzerland. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts.
368554: COUNTERFEIT COINS - 1819 Coining Trial : Feloniously and traitorously making shilling coins at Darlaston, Staffordshire. An original article from The Edinburgh Annual Register, 1819.
366688: G. E. Cokayne - Bland, of Carleton, York. An original article from The Genealogist, 1907.
366668: G. E. Cokayne, Clarenceux King of Arms - Pedigree of Castillion. An original article from The Genealogist, 1900.
366677: G. E. Cokayne, Clarenceux King of Arms - Diary of Alexander Bennett, 1705 to 1758. An original article from The Genealogist, 1903.
616869: G. E. Cokayne - Pedigrees of The Families of Osborne and Buckby. An original article from The Genealogist, 1908.
417620: David Coke - Patriotism and Pleasure: Jonathan Tyers' Management of Vauxhall Pleasure Gardens from 1729-1760s. An original article from History Today magazine, 2012.
360911: Col. Edward Sabine, R.A. - 1852, Address to the British Association. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report.
501968: Arduino Colasanti - The Recently Restored Pictures at The Brignole-Sale Gallery in Genoa. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1903.
502009: Arduino Colasanti - Two Unpublished Pictures by Fra Filippo and Filippino Lippi. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1903.
612169: W. R. Colbeck - Aids to Navigation at Port Approaches. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1968.
239421: Rear Admiral Leo Otis Colbert - The Sun, The Moon, and The Tides. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1952.
201822: Leo Otis Colbert - Sun, Moon, and The Tides. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1952.
325181: Richard Colbey - Rothmans Football Yearbook : Increasingly Collectable. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1997.
266690: Reginald Colby - Madagascar: The Great Island. An original article from History Today magazine, 1962.
603187: Vineta Colby - Devoted Amateur: Mary Cholmondeley and Red Pottage. An original article from Essays in Criticism, 1970.
199815: F.T. Colby, B.D. - The Heraldry of Exeter. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1873.
621372: TOWN HALL COLCHESTER - 1898 : New Town Hall, Colchester. J. Belcher, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
505968: L. Coldre - The Brine-and Gas-Wells of Sze Chuen, China. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1891.
415563: J.N. Coldstream - Gudrun Ahlberg: Fighting on Land and Sea in Greek Geometric Art - A Review. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from Gnomon, the Critical Journal for Classic Archeology. Published by Erich Burck et al 1974.
415564: J.N. Coldstream - J.L. Benson: Horse, Bird and Man. The Origins of Greek Painting - A Review. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from Gnomon, the Critical Journal for Classic Archeology. Published by Erich Burck et al 1974.
415102: J.N. Coldstream - Deities in Aegean Art: Before and after the Dark Age. An Inaugural Lecture delivered in Bedford College, University of London, October 1976.
415434: J.N. Coldstream et al - Knossos: An Early Greek Tomb on Lower Gypsadhes Hill. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from the Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens. Published by The Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens. 1981.
414909: Sinclair Hood and J.N. Coldstream - A Late Minoan Tomb at Ayios Ioannis near Knossos. Reprinted from the Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens. Published by British School of Archaeology at Athens. 1968.
415405: J.N. Coldstream - Five Tombs at Knossos. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from the Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens. Published by The Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens. 1963.
415577: J.N. Coldstream - Some Minoan Reflexions in Cretan Geometric Art. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from Studies in Honour of T.B.L. Webster, Vol II. Published by Bristol Classical Press 1988.
415457: J.N. Coldstream - Knossos 1951-61: Classical and Hellenistic Pottery from the Town. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from the Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens. Published by The Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens. 1999.
415461: J.N. Coldstream - Knossos from Greek City to Roman Colony: Excavations at the Unexplored Mansion II, Early Hellenic Pottery. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from the Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens. Published by The Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens. undated.
415519: J.N. Coldstream - The Cesnola Painter: A Change of Address. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London. Published by Institute of Classical Studies 1971.
415612: Nicolas Coldstream - On Chronology: The CG. II Mystery and its Sequel. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from 'Cyprus, the Historicity of the Geometric Horizon'. Proceedings of an Archaeological Workshop, Nicosia, 11th October, 1998.
415593: J. Nicolas Coldstream - Knossos: An Urban Nucleus in the Dark Age? Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from Scientific Monographs - Human and Social Sciences Series. Published by National Research Council 1991.
415053: J.N. Coldstream - Kythera and the Southern Peloponnese in the Late Minoan I Period. Reprinted from Thera and the Aegean World I. Published by Thera and the Aegean World 1978.
415425: J.N. Coldstream - Knossos 1951-61: Orientalizing and Archaic Pottery from the Town. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from the Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens. Published by The Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens. 1973.
415517: J.N. Coldstream - The Phoenicians of Ialysos. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London. Published by Institute of Classical Studies 1969.
415611: J.N. Coldstream - What Sort of Aegean Migration? Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from Proceedings of the International Symposium 'Cyprus in the 11th Century B.C.', Nicosia, 31-31 October, 1993.
415516: J.N. Coldstream - A Figured Geometric Oinochoe from Italy. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London. Published by Institute of Classical Studies 1968.
415661: J.N. Coldstream - Knossian Figured Scenes of the Ninth Century B.C. Author's presentation copy. 1980.
619998: William Cole - The Netherlandish Glass in St. Mary's Church, Addington. An original article from The Records of Buckinghamshire, 1980.
325621: Prof. John Cole - Herbert Cole, 1867-1931. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2005.
129703: Henry Warwick Cole - The English Bar and the Inns of Court. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1875.
612587: P. G. Cole - Seaforth Dock, Liverpool: Construction. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1973.
240175: Sonia Cole - Third Pan-African Congress on Prehistory Livingstone, July 1955. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1955.
500120: Juan Cole - The Bahais of Iran. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1990.
417934: Hugo Cole - Music Therapy for Children. Picture and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1976.
412441: Dorothy Cole - An Empiricist's View of Economic Change. An original article from the Marxist Quarterly, 1957.
274767: Henry Cole - The National Dulwich Gallery Difficulty Solved. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1860.
502927: E. Kathleen Cole - Bruegel at Hampton Court. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1924.
513770: Hamish Cole - A Delftware Kiln at Wincanton. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 2008.
601035: Henry Warwick Cole - The English Bar and the Inns of Court. The history and development of this aspect of English Law. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1875.
419974: Hugo Cole - How Country Life Featured Cycling as a Pastime from 1897 until the 1930s. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1988.
240369: Sonia Cole - Forgeries and The British Museum. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1961.
616322: Gareth Cole - Royal Navy Gunners in The French Revolutionary and Naploeonic Wars. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 2009.
406499: G.D.H. Cole - Socialism, the Labour Party and the Independent Labour Party; a Reply to Mr Murry. An original article from The Adelphi, 1932.
402149: Lieut.-Colonel Howard N. Cole - The Metropolitan Rifle Corps in Hyde Park (23rd June, 1860). An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1960.
406472: G.D.H. Cole - Communism for Englishmen. An original article from The Adelphi, 1932.
621556: Hamish Cole - Wincanton at Winterthur? An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 2009.
607748: E. Maule Cole - A Pictish Burgh near Lerwick. An original article from The Antiquary Magazine, 1895.
238945: Alan S. Cole - Ornamentation of Rugs and Carpets. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1910.
416118: G.D.H. Cole - A Guide to the Elements of Socialism. Published by Labour Party 1947.
418285: Hugo Cole - Language of the Bells; the Art of Campanology. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1987.
610695: M. M. Cole - Ecological Comparisons in the New World: Review. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1979.
617884: Joseph Cole - Night out in Dublin. An original article from the London Magazine 1965.
416083: G.D.H. Cole - The Working-Class Movement and the Transition to Socialism. Published by Socialist League 1934.
610312: Monica M. Cole - Vegetation and Geomorphology in Northern Rhodesia: An Aspect of The Distribution of The Savanna of Central Africa. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1963.
421734: Bruce Cole - Tempera on Panel: A Popular Type of Painting from the Early Trecento. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1975.
513690: Dr R.B. Cole - Glue Bat Printing on early Worcester Porcelain. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 1997.
416817: HENRY COLE - Portrait of Henry Cole, Civil Servant and Inventor. An original woodcut engraving, with brief accompanying text continuing overleaf, from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1871.
600517: Henry Cole - Public Galleries and Irresponsible Boards; The need for responsible stewardship of national institutions for science, art and education, etc. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1866.
611878: Cyril Frank Colebrook - The Flow of Water in Unlined, Lined, and Partly Lined Rock Tunnels. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1958.
359280: Lt. R.H. Colebrooke - Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Astronomical Observations made on a Voyage to the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. An original article extracted from Asiatick Researches; or Transactions of the Society Instituted in Bengal, 1799. [Afterwards known as The Asiatic Society of Bengal].
506642: Edward Colebrooke - Warren Hastings, a Royal Indian Marine in Benares, 1781. An uncommon original article from The Asiatic Quarterly Review, 1887.
359281: Lt. R.H. Colebrooke - Carnatic and Mysore Country. Astronomical Observations made on a Survey through the Carnatic and Mysore Country. An original article extracted from Asiatick Researches; or Transactions of the Society Instituted in Bengal, 1799. [Afterwards known as The Asiatic Society of Bengal].
354653: R.J.W. Coleby - William Pickering's Binding Innovations. An original article contained in a complete monthly issue of the Antiquarian Book Monthly Review (ABMR), 1985.
325222: B.B. Coleman - Thomas Hardy. Picking Out His Most Collectable Editions. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1998.
512724: Dr. Augustus Voelcker & Professor Coleman - The Improvement of Grass-Land on Mr. E. Ruck's Manor Farm, Braydon, Wiltshire. An original article from the Journal of The Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1866.
367633: J.J. Coleman - On the Preservation of Food by Cold. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1883.
367546: J.J. Coleman - On the Methods in use for determining the Value of Animal and Vegetable Oils. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1874.
500615: B.B. Coleman - George Gissing, novelist. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1997.
422787: J.J. Coleman - On the Liquefaction of Atmospheric Air and other effects of extreme cold. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1885.
422836: J.J. Coleman - On Liquid Diffusion. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1887.
614931: Alice Coleman - Trouble in Utopia. An original article from The Geographical Journal, 1984.
610239: Alica Coleman - The Second Land Use Survey: Progress and Prospect. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1961.
423098: J.J. Coleman - On the Liquefaction of Gases. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1879.
239046: Arthur P. Coleman - Dry Land in Geology. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1916.
604806: Will L. Coleman - Some Place and Field Names of The Parish of Staveley. An original article from the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 1894.
411062: D.C. Coleman, T.C. Barker and others - What is Economic History? An original article from History Today, 1985.
267232: John M. Coleman - How Continental was The Continental Congress: The Thirteen Colonies and The rest of North America. An original article from History Today magazine, 1968.
609865: A. P. Coleman - Pleistocene Glaciation in The Andes of Colombia. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1935.
422760: J.J. Coleman - A New Method of Measuring the Heat-conducting Power of various Materials, such as Cotton etc. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1884.
411417: Edward Coleman - Nasty Habits - Satire and the Medieval Monk. An original article from History Today, 1993.
423081: J.J. Coleman - The Constitution of Malt Liquors and their Influence upon Digestion and Nutrition. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1878.
325264: B.B. Coleman - Michael Sadleir : One of The Great Bookmen of the Century. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1999.
422172: Anthony Coleridge - Chippendale: Interior-Decorator and House-Furnisher. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1963.
600494: H.J. Coleridge - The letters of St.Teresa of Avila. A review of the work by Marcel Bouix, S.J. With textual excerpts. A rare article from the Dublin Review, 1863.
600389: H.N. Coleridge - Greek Elegy ; its origins and development. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1832.
601362: H. N. Coleridge - The Worthies of Yorkshire and Lancashire; being lives of the most distinguished persons that have been born in, or connected with, those Provinces. A review. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1835.
348996: H. N. Coleridge - Greek Elegy ; its origins and development. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1832.
349355: H.N. Coleridge - Coleridge's Literary Remains; with excerpts from his writings. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1837. 1837.
170503: John Taylor Coleridge - S.T. Coleridge's Remorse. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1814.
128670: John Taylor Coleridge - Sacred poetry. Lyra Innocentium, by John Keble. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1846.
600383: G.A. Dealtry & J.T. Coleridge - The Church in Ireland ; Tithing, famine, the hardship of the people, etc. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1825.
601432: H. N. Coleridge - Dyce's edition of Beaumont and Fletcher. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1848.
600440: H.N. Coleridge - Joanna Baillie's Fugitive Verses. The Scottish poet and dramatist, a friend of Sir Walter Scott. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1841.
170688: John Taylor Coleridge - Milman's Samor. An Heroic Poem. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1818.
128737: Sara Coleridge - Tennyson's Princess: a Medley. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1848.
422351: Anthony Coleridge - Andrea Brustolon, Furniture Maker: Some Additions to His Oeuvre. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts.
128223: H. N. Coleridge - Coleridge's Poetical Works. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1834.
420434: Anthony Coleridge - Furniture in the Collection of the Earl of Mansfield: Part 2. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1966.
422058: Anthony Coleridge - George Speer: A Newly Identified Georgian Cabinet-Maker. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1970.
420669: Anthony Coleridge - French Furniture at Polesden Lacey. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1965.
170735: John Taylor Coleridge - Brutus and Evadne. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1820.
420713: Anthony Coleridge - Don Petro Belloni's Table-Tops: Scagliola and Grand Tour Clients. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1966.
422592: Anthony Coleridge - Sir Lawrence Dundas and Chippendale. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1967.
600544: John Taylor Coleridge - Woman: a Poem. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1818.
600535: G.A. Dealtry & J.T. Coleridge - The Church in Ireland ; Tithing, famine, the hardship of the people, etc. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1825.
292624: D.D.A. Simpson & J. M. Coles - Excavations at Grandtully, Perthshire. An original article from the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1990.
606221: John M. Coles - Prehistoric Roads and Tracks in Somerset, England: 3. The Sweet Track. An original article from Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1973.
606281: J. M. Coles - The Use and Character of Wood in Prehistoric Britain and Ireland. An original article from Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1978.
606638: Frederick R. Coles - The Motes, Forts and Doons in The East and West Divisions of The Stewartry of Kirkcudbright. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1892-93.
236326: Andrew Dunwell & Geraint Coles - Archaeological and Palynological Investigations on The Antonine Wall Near Glasgow Bridge, Kirkintilloch. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1998.
410245: W.A. Coles - Mary Russell Mitford: The Inauguration of a Literary Career. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1957.
240367: J. M. Coles - C. B. A. Conference on The British Bronze Age, 1960. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1961.
148349: John M. Coles - The 1857 Law Farm Hoard : an Addition. An original article from the Antiquaries Journal, 1975.
606265: J. M. Coles - The Meare Heath Trackway: Excavation of a Bronze Age Structure in The Somerset Levels. An original article from Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1976.
614102: J. M. Coles - Excavations at Kilmelfort Cave, Argyll. An original article from The Proceedings of The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1983.
614093: John M. Coles - The 1857 Law Farm Hoard. An original article from The Antiquaries Journal, 1968.
606165: John M. Coles - Prehistoric Roads and Tracks in Somerset, England: 2. Neolithic. An original article from Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1970.
422238: S.F.A. Coles - Pictures of Spain: Burgos. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1936.
606063: John M. Coles - European Bronze Age Shields. An original article from Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1962.
242969: John Coles - A Neolithic God-Dolly From Somerset, England. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1968.
292342: John Coles - A Theatre of Imagery : The Rock Carving of Doltorp, Skee Parish, Bohuslan, Sweden. An original article from the Antiquaries Journal 2011.
292291: John Coles - A Land Apart : Environments and Rock Art in Northernmost Bohuslan, Sweden. An original article from the Antiquaries Journal 2008.
606092: John M. Coles - A Late Bronze Age Find from Pyotdykes, Angus, Scotland, with Associated Gold, Cloth, Leather and Wood Remains. An original article from Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1964.
606140: John M. Coles - Prehistoric Roads and Tracks in Somerset, England: I. Neolithic. An original article from Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 1968.
411176: Noel Coley - Edmond Halley and Post Restoration Science. An original article from History Today, 1986.
620718: Bertram Colgrave - Saint Peter's Church, Monkwearmouth. An original article from The Architectural and Archaeological Society of Durham and Northumberland, 1948.
242605: Bertram Colgrave - Sir Gawayne's Green Chapel. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1938.
618855: Beatrice Colin - Bear Junction. An original article from the London Magazine 1997.
619328: Colin Richards, Ann Clarke, Claire Ingrem, Jacqui Mulville and Ingrid Mainland - Skaill Bay, Mainland, Orkney : A Late Neolithic Butchery Site. Containment, Closure and Red Deer. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2015.
323700: Georges Colin - Sur Quelques Reliures De Christophe Plantin Decouvertes Recemment. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1975.
289816: Colin Breen, Wes Forsythe, John Raven & Daniel Rhodes - Survey and Excavation at Dunstaffnage Castle, Argyll. An original article from the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2010.
414901: Colin Renfrew, J.R. Cann and J.E. Dixon - Obsidian in the Aegean. Author's presentation copy. Reprinted from the Annual of the British School of Archaeology at Athens. Published by British School of Archaeology at Athens. 1965.
325492: Colin O'Hare - The Travellers' Library. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2002.
416985: David Collard - The New Right: a Critique. Fabian Tract No. 387. Published by Fabian Society 1968.
620063: Mark Collard - Excavations at Desborough Castle, High Wycombe, 1987. An original article from The Records of Buckinghamshire, 1988.
418066: Elizabeth Collard - Canada: 19th Century British Garrison Officers, their Female Companians (Muffins) and Winter Sports. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1986.
603737: Diana Collecott - Remembering Oneself: The Reputation and Later Poetry of H.D. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1985.
513900: AUTOGRAPH COLLECTING - Meditations of an Autograph-Collector. By Adrian H. Joline. An original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1902.
416181: Paterson Anarchist Collective - Basic Bakunin. Mikhail Bakunin's anarchist ideas. Republished from the Anarchist Communist Federation's original pamphlet. Published by Paterson Anarchist Collective 1993.
325638: Book & Magazine Collector - Beresford Egan : Illustrator. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2005.
500758: Book & Magazine Collector - Algernon Charles Swinburne : recent editions and critical studies. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2009.
324529: Book & Magazine Collector - Stephen King : Horror Writer. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1987.
325676: Book & Magazine Collector - The Devil's Library 666. The Books Behind The Blockbusters. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2006.
500559: Book & Magazine Collector - L.P. Hartley : First Editions by The Author of The Go-Between. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1990.
500551: Book & Magazine Collector - Bernard Shaw : First Editions of Shaw's Major Prose Works. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1989.
500544: Book & Magazine Collector - D.H. Lawrence : A Guide to The Market in First Editions by The Author of Sons & Lovers. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1989.
500534: Book & Magazine Collector - Muriel Spark : A Guide to her First Editions. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1989.
500527: Book & Magazine Collector - Virginia Woolf : Woolf's Early Life & Work, & The Setting up of The Hogarth Press. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1985.
325609: Book & Magazine Collector - Jack Kerouac. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2004.
325675: Book & Magazine Collector - The Life and Works of Ayn Rand. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2006.
325689: Book & Magazine Collector - Francis Yeats-Brown : Bengal Lancer. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2006.
325679: Book & Magazine Collector - Will Self : An Interview. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2006.
325608: Book & Magazine Collector - Allen Ginsberg, Beat Generation poet. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2004.
501138: Book & Magazine Collector - Dylan Thomas : His First Editions. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1989.
325690: Book & Magazine Collector - An Interview with John King. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2006.
325655: Book & Magazine Collector - Simon Clark, horror writer : An Interview. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2005.
325680: Book & Magazine Collector - Alexander McCall Smith : An Interview. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2006.
325681: Book & Magazine Collector - The Great Illustrators. Celebrating The Giants of Book Illustration. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2006.
325682: Book & Magazine Collector - 200 Most Valuable Crime Novels of All Time. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2006.
500682: Book & Magazine Collector - Owzat : The Cricket Library of Edward Desmond Russell Eagar. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2005.
500690: Book & Magazine Collector - Patrick Skene Catling, British journalist : My Library. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2005.
500707: Book & Magazine Collector - The 100 Most Valuable Works of 20th Century Literature. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2006.
500709: Book & Magazine Collector - The March of Penguin Books. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2006.
500716: Book & Magazine Collector - Samuel Beckett. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2006.
500778: Book & Magazine Collector - Westerns : 50 Top Titles by Ben Bridges. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2009.
325678: Book & Magazine Collector - The Speculative Fiction of Edmund Cooper. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2006.
324777: Book & Magazine Collector - Rupert Bear and Alfred Bestall. Early Rupert Annuals. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1992.
325643: Book & Magazine Collector - Edward Gorey : American writer, artist, and illustrator. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2005.
325452: Book & Magazine Collector - The Life and Works of Charles Dickens. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2002.
500566: Book & Magazine Collector - King Penguins : The Collectable Series of Illustrated Books. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1990.
337563: Book & Magazine Collector - Lawrence Durrell : First Editions by The Author of Justine. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1990.
337559: Book & Magazine Collector - Wilbur Smith : The Market in First Editions. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1989.
325727: Book & Magazine Collector - Chiang Yee : The Silent Traveller. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2007.
325662: Book & Magazine Collector - Chronicles of Narnia Special : C.S. Lewis. Into The Wardrobe. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2005.
500816: Book & Magazine Collector - The Sex Factor, or Comfort for The Masses : A New Look at Old Books. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2010.
337550: Book & Magazine Collector - Kate Greenaway : Popular Victorian Artist. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1989.
500808: Book & Magazine Collector - Nineteenth Century Dustjackets : Unwrapping a Mystery. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2010.
325868: Boo & Magazine Collector - Simon Heffer : Shop Talk. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2010.
325668: Book & Magazine Collector - A-Z of Book Collecting. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2006.
325648: Book & Magazine Collector - Argosy, The First Pulp. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2005.
325647: Book & Magazine Collector - Louis Wain. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2005.
325644: Book & Magazine Collector - The Men who Drew Billy Bunter. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2005.
500700: Book & Magazine Collector - Stephen Leather : An Interview. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2006.
325645: Book & Magazine Collector - Rupert Thomson : An Interview. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2005.
500691: Book & Magazine Collector - The Works of Jane Austen. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2005.
500681: Book & Magazine Collector - Hans Christian Anderson : A Bicentenary Tribute. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2005.
621266: COLLEGE, BANGOR, WALES - 1858 : Proposed Normal College, Bangor. J. Barnett, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
369429: ETON COLLEGE - 1871 : A Master's House, Eton College. W. White, F.S.A., Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
621274: COLLEGE, BATH - 1858 : Lansdowne College, Bath. James Wilson, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
369138: ETON COLLEGE - 1870 : The Laboratory, Eton College. Architect, Mr. W. Wilkinson. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover. 1870.
621294: COLLEGE, EDINBURGH - 1864 : Fettes College, Edinburgh. North-West View. David Bryce, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
369060: HEADMASTER OF ETON COLLEGE - Dr. John Foster, of Eton : Anecdotes, 1784. An original article from Walker's Selection of Curious Articles from the Gentleman's Magazine, published 1814.
367973: CHICHESTER THEOLOGICAL COLLEGE - Residential Block, Theological College, Chichester. Architects; Ahrends, Burton & Koralek. This is an original article from The Architectural Review, 1965.
620924: COLLEGE, OXFORD - 1879 : Balliol College, New Hall: Oxford. Mr. Waterhouse, A.R.A., Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
507156: Frederic Lees. Illustrated by Hy. Coller. - The Phantom Brigands of Pegomas. Mysterious, Ruthless, Undiscoverable Criminals who for Four long Years Transformed a Charming rural district in the South of France : the solving of a great mystery. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1914.
608067: H. C. Colles - Some Musical Instruction Books of The Seventeenth Century. An original article from The Proceedings of The Musical Association, 1929.
325807: Derek Collett - Nigel Balchin. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2008.
500792: Derek Collett - The Novels of Elizabeth Taylor. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2010.
423992: Christine Collette - The Labour Party and the Labour and Socialist International: The Challenge of Communism and Fascism. An original article from Labour History Review, the Bulletin of the Society for the Study of Labour History, 1993.
366507: Christine Collette - Irish Prisoners and the 1924 Labour Government. An original article from North West Labour History Journal, 1992.
366531: Christine Collette - Lisbeth Simm and Women's Labour Representation in the North West, 1906-14. An original article from North West Labour History Journal, 1987.
603125: M. J. Collie - The Rhetoric of Accurate Speech. A Note on The Poetry of Wallace Stevens. An original article from Essays in Criticism, 1962.
603086: M. J. Collie - Social Security in Literary Criticism. An original article from Essays in Criticism, 1959.
402364: John Bruce Collier - The Autumn Manoeuvres of 1872. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1972.
197894: J. Payne Collier - On Richard Hakluyt and American Discoveries. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1849.
325557: David Doughan & Ian Collier - J.R.R. Tolkien. Author and Scholar. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2004.
195234: W. Payne Collier. - Spinning for Thames Trout (Best fighting Fish). An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1899.
217293: Douglas Collier - The Pint-Sized U. N. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1963.
194976: W. Payne Collier. - A Devon Stream, the Avon. An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1902.
603765: Peter Collier - France: The End of History. An original article from London Magazine, 1978.
325559: Ian Collier - J.R.R. Tolkien : The Tolkien Society. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2004.
363846: Price Collier - The Rise of Golf in America. An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1900.
365521: J. Hay Colligan - Quakers: The Quakers in Greystoke Parish, Cumberland. An original article from the Journal of the Friends' Historical Society, 1909.
205364: Maxime Collignon - Polychromy in Greek Statuary. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1895.
503611: Richard Oliver Collin - Italy : a tale of two Police Forces, Mussolini, the Red Brigades & the Mafia. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1999.
148321: Collin Bowen, F.S.A., and Barry Cunliffe, F.S.A. - The Society's Research Projects. I. The Evolution of the Landscape. An original article from the Antiquaries Journal, 1973.
409149: Dorothy W. Collin - The Composition of Mrs Gaskell's North and South. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester, 1971.
423740: Alexander Collin - What did it mean to be a City in early modern Germany? An original article from Historian, the magazine of The Historical Association, 2021.
201058: Walter E. Collinge - The Necessity of State Action for the Protection of Wild Birds. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1919.
323852: Hugh Collingham - Joseph Barrois. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1984.
182837: Hon. Jesse Collings. - Small Occupying Ownerships. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1907.
510617: H.E. Collingwood - One-Front Man : Australian Infantry during the Campaign in New Guinea. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1945.
607718: R. G. Collingwood - Roman Ambleside. Vale of York. An original article from The Antiquary Magazine, 1915.
410059: R.G. Collingwood - Hadrian's Wall. An original article from the Quarterly Journal of the Historical Association, 1925.
615091: R. G. Collingwood - Hadrian's Wall: 1921-1930. An original article from the Journal of Roman Studies, 1931.
299127: E.F. Collingwood - A Prehistoric Grave at West Lilburn. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1946.
242160: R.G. Collingwood - Town and Country in Roman Britain. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1929.
242224: R.G. Collingwood - A Newly-Discovered Roman Site in Cumberland. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1930.
404024: R.G. Collingwood - Roman Objects from Stanwix and Thatcham. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1931.
242275: W.G. Collingwood - A Pedigree of Anglian Crosses. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1932.
242292: R.G. Collingwood - Two Greek Fortresses in Sicily. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1932.
619242: R. G. Collingwood - Jupiter Tanarus. An original article from the Journal of The Chester Archaeological and Historic Society, 1925.
251884: R.G. Collingwood, Esq., M.A., F.S.A. - Hardknot Castle and the Tenth Antonine Itinerary An original article from the Archaeologia journal, 1921.
615025: R. G. Collingwood - The British Frontier in The Age of Severus. An original article from the Journal of Roman Studies, 1924.
297439: R.G. Collingwood - Roman Milestones in Cornwall. An original article from The Antiquaries Journal, 1924.
298919: R. G. Collingwood - Roman Inscriptions and Sculptures Belonging to The Society of Antiquaries of Newcastle Upon Tyne. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1926.
407580: M.V. Taylor and R.G. Collingwood - Roman Britain in 1927. An original article from The Journal of Roman Studies, 1927.
615044: R. G. Collingwood - The Fosse. An original article from the Journal of Roman Studies, 1924.
605063: W. G. Collingwood - The Brailsford Cross. An original article from the Journal of the Derbyshire Archaeological & Natural History Society, 1923.
298908: W. G. Collingwood - Early Carved Stones at Hexham. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1925.
614200: Cuthbert Collingwood - The Typical Quadrumana; with Especial Reference to St. Hilaire's Division into Catarrhine and Platyrrhine Groups. A rare original article from the Transactions of The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1863.
298889: R. G. Collingwood - A Roman Inscribed Slab from Hexham, and The Worship of Concordia. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1923.
298888: R. G. Collingwood - An Altar from South Shields, Now at Oxford. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1923.
508825: Ralph W. Collingwood - Noyfull Fowles & Vermin : the Statutory Control of Wildlife in Shropshire, 1532-1861. An original article from the Shropshire Archaeological & Natural History Society Journal, 2012.
299078: R. G. Collingwood - John Horsley and Hadrian's Wall. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1938.
511243: Stefan Collini - John Stuart Mill on the Subjection of Women. An original article from History Today magazine, 1984.
604534: A. J. Collins - The Bangor Missal. An original article from The National Library of Wales Journal, 1945.
418775: Herbert C. Collins - Packhorse Routes of the Calder Valley, Lancashire. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1979.
601936: W. Lucas Collins - Mrs Oliphant's Novels: A literary critique with excerpts. A rare original article from the Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1873.
323674: John Collins - A Short Note on Alfred William Forman (1840-1925). This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1974.
313200: W. Lucas Collins - Middlemarch, by George Eliot : a review with excerpts. An original article from the Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1872.
619692: Steve Collins - The Painter, The Novelist and The Philanthropist: The Case of Thomas Wright of Manchester. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 2013.
355837: Dale Collins - Bali : Isle of Wonder. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1923.
200618: Henry B. Collins - Archeology of The Bering Sea Region. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1933.
600118: John Churton Collins - John Dryden; his prose and poetry. A literary review of his work. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1878.
614002: John Collins - The Book Business or, The Shutters at Last, a Tale of The Auctions. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 2006.
503734: Bruce Collins - Fighting The Afghans in The 19th Century : British activities in Afghanistan under Victoria. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2001.
171212: John Churton Collins - Dr Johnson's Lives Of The Poets. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1908.
323653: John Collins - Harry Buxton Forman and William Morris. A Preliminary Enquiry. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1972.
151174: Dr. Mary Collins - Tests in Common Use for the Diagnosis of Colour Defect. An uncommon original article from the Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1937.
358801: R.S. Harper-Collins - A Masai Courtship : a story from Tanganyika, showing that the gold-digger type of female is not unknown among Masai. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1933.
501882: Percy Collins - Fire-Marks and Fire-Plates. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1902.
402268: Major R.M. Collins - Lieut.-Colonel Reymond Hervey de Montmorency. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1968.
194891: George E. Collins. - An Historic Pack. (Fox-Hunting). A rare original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1898.
402249: Brigadier T.F.J. Collins - Major Timothy Raper 19th Regiment. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1967.
406672: Wilkie Collins - The Girl at the Gate, Part 1. An original article from the English Illustrated Magazine, 1885.
511684: Percy Collins - Prickles. Living Organisms : globe-fish ; thorn-backed crab ; peacock caterpillar ; stick insect & more. An uncommon original article from the Harmsworth London Magazine, 1905.
601038: J. Churton Collins - Lord Chesterfield. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1890.
267726: H.P. Collins - The Birth of The Dictionary. An original article from History Today magazine, 1974.
205117: Colonel Collins - The Green River Country. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1871.
299122: S. M. Collins - The Blue Lion of Percy. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1946.
612842: A. R. Collins - The Effect of Science on The Role of The Engineer. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1978.
423663: Stephen Collins - Guy Fawkes in Manchester: The World of Manchester born Novelist, William Harrison Ainsworth. An original article from Historian, the magazine of The Historical Association, 2005.
512124: Mrs. Charles Collins - Camping out for a fortnight on the Cod Roy River, Newfoundland. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1901.
406291: H.P. Collins - The Criticism of Joubert. An original article from The New Adelphi, 1928.
601888: W. Lucas Collins - Clough's Poems. A review with excerpts. A rare original article from the Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1862.
313217: W. Lucas Collins - Mrs Oliphant's Novels : A literary critique with excerpts. An uncommon original article from the Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1873.
283063: Lansing Collins - The Sultan's (Mohammed III) Clock-Organ (from Queen Elizabeth I), 1599. An original article from History Today 1976.
323688: John Collins - Harry Buxton Forman and his Shelley Reprints. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 1974.
275271: Wilkie Collins - The Travellers ; The Solid Side of The Scotch Character & The Wreck of The Timber-Ship. Armadale (Book I), by Wilkie Collins. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1864.
257402: Percy Collins - The Romance of Auctioneering : the vest worn by Charles I on the scaffold, which fetched £200 ; a Salt-Cellar which fetched £3,000 ; the Old Bell of Newgate Prison, £100 & others. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1906.
289635: G.N. Collins - An African Gyroscope. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1911.
403988: S.M. Collins - The Grunenberg Wappenpuch: some Corrections. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1944.
403975: S.M. Collins - Papworth and His Ordinary. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1942.
402175: Major R.M. Collins - Officer, 12th Lancers, c.1829. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1964.
298489: A.H. Collins - The Sculptured Ornament of The South Doorway of Barfreston Church. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1933.
298440: A.H. Collins - Stourmouth Church. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1930.
601896: W. Lucas Collins - William Edmonstone Aytoun: A posthumous appreciation of this writer who made such a contribution to the Maga. A rare original article from the Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1868.
508051: Mortimer Collins - American Humour. A rare original article from the British Quarterly Review, 1870.
403689: S.M. Collins - Differencing in English Medieval Heraldry. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1946.
402306: Brigadier T.F.J. Collins - The Nineteenth Regiment at Drill, Chobham Camp, 1853. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1969.
617055: Henry B. Collins - Archaeology in The Southern States. An original article from The Scientific Monthly, 1926.
275277: Wilkie Collins - The Mystery of Ozias Midwinter. Armadale (Book II), by Wilkie Collins. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1864.
205248: Joseph W. Collins - Naval Architecture of The U.S. National Museum for 1884. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1884.
612843: R. J. Collins - High Speed Track on The Western Region of British Railways. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1978.
402183: Major R.M. Collins - Private John O'Callaghan of the Royal Artillery and His Account of the Battle of Chillianwallah. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1964.
195253: Geo. E. Collins. - Neath Summer Suns. A rare original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1899.
619268: Mark Collins - The King's High Table at The Palace of Westminster. An original article from the Antiquaries Journal, 2012.
603561: Philip Collins - Pip The Obscure: Great Expectations and Hardy's Jude. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1977.
200684: Henry B. Collins - Archeological Work in Arctic Canada. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1956.
613933: John Collins - Almost a Bibliography: A Partial Account of Peter Fleming in Print. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 1997.
352548: W.G. Collins - Worked Flints from the River Drift at Holt, Wiltshire. An original article from The Antiquary Magazine, 1911.
616555: Mae Baker and Michael Collins - The Governance of Charitable Trusts in The Nineteenth-Century: The West Riding of Yorkshire. An original article from the Social History Journal, 2002.
618438: J. R. F. Collins - A Pound of Silk. An original article from the London Magazine 1998.
614783: G. E. P. Collins - Seafarers of South Celebes. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1945.
422575: Patricia Collins - Problems of Conserving Mantua's Artistic Heritage: Mantegna's Camera degli Sposi. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1987.
313183: W. Lucas Collins - Church Reform. An original article from the Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1872.
619100: Steve Collins - An Eminent Bibliophile and Man of Letters: James Crossley of Manchester. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 2001.
413105: A.S. Collins - Aspects of Copyright from 1700-1780. An original article from the Library, a Quarterly Review of Bibliography, 1927.
401686: Brigadier T.F.J. Collins - Redan Massy; Lieutenant W.G.D. Massy of the 19th Regiment and the Siege of Sevastopol. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1964.
407386: Brigadier R.J. Collins - Orders; Written or Verbal? An original article from the Army Quarterly, 1931.
402199: Major R.M. Collins - 12th Lancers at Leeds, 1860. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1965.
406676: Wilkie Collins - The Girl at the Gate, Part 2. An original article from the English Illustrated Magazine, 1885.
617202: Diane Collins - Fixed-Shop Retailing before The Industrial Revolution. An original article from Journal of Regional & Local Studies, 1993.
619644: Rev. S. E. Collinson - The Bleasdale Find: Prehistoric Rath or Stockaded Camp of The Bronze Age. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1911.
358102: P. Collinson - The life of the late excellent and eminent Stephen Hales, D.D., FRS. An original article from the Annual Register for 1764.
409704: W.E. Collinson - The Name of the Gypsies in some Northern Languages and some Welsh Parallels to Welsh Gypsy. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1928.
358166: Peter Collinson - Some very large Fossil Teeth, found in North America. An original article from The Annual Register for 1768.
222484: John Collis - Excavations at Aulnat, Clermont Ferrand. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1975.
419065: John Collis - Trouble on the Celtic Fringe. Why the modern idea of British Celts is coming under attack. An original article from BBC History Magazine, 2007.
407559: J.R. Collis - Excavations at Owslebury, Hants: an Interim Report. An original article from The Antiquaries Journal, 1968.
267512: Alan Collis - Some Survivors of The Russian Campaign. An original article from History Today magazine, 1971.
363973: CHANNEL COLLISION - A single woodcut engraving featuring a lifeboat man, with accompanying text to the reverse. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1887.
402255: Major R.M. Colllins - Colonel the Hon. Frederick Cavendish Ponsonby, 12th Light Dragoons. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1968.
611963: C. C. Collom - Construction and Operation of The Manukau Sewerage Scheme, Auckland, New Zealand. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1965.
424014: Robert Colls - Save Our Pits and Communities! Community in Mining History. An original article from Labour History Review, the Bulletin of the Society for the Study of Labour History, 1995.
417414: Robert Colls - The Forgotten World of Christian Socialism; the Religious Roots of the Labour Party. An original article from History Today magazine, 2015.
276911: V. C. C. Collum (pseud. Skia) - The Village Postwoman: An Epitome. An original article from the Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1918.
266625: Cedric Collyer - Canning and The Napoleonic Wars. An original article from History Today magazine, 1961.
175516: C. S. Colman. - The [Rugby] Football Season [of 1895 & 1896]. An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1896.
608119: E. A. M. Colman - Shakespeare's Serious Indecency. The Dramatic Use of Bawdy in Shakespeare. An original article from Essays in Criticism, 1974.
609698: John Colman - The Wood's Hole Oceanographic Institution. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1933.
255893: Colonel G.C. Porter of Winnipeg, illustrated by G.P. Carruthers. - Lord Gordon Gordon : The Man Who Fooled A Continent. The astonishing career of Lord Gordon Gordon. This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1922.
505849: Colonel H.E. Rawson, C.B., R.E. - Variation of Structure & Colour of Flowers under Insolation. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1913.
175518: Colonel H. Ward, C.I.E. - Deer Hawking In India. An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1896.
154287: Colonel Chesney, R.A., D.C.L., F.R.S. - Observations on the Euphrates Line of Communication with India. A rare original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science report, 1852.
195163: Colonel H. Ward, C.I.E. - Anecdotes of Indian Shooting. An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1897.
512780: Colonel Le Couteur, of Belle Vue, in the Island of Jersey. - The Jersey, nisnamed Alderney, Cow. An original article from the Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1845.
257473: Colonel Lockwood, M.P., Ex-Chairman of the Kitchen Committee. - The Kitchen Committee of the House of Commons. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1906.
149233: Colonel Sir T.H. Holditch, C.B., K.C.I.E., F.R.G.S. - The Progress of Geographical Knowledge. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1902.
512514: Colonel Sabine, R.A. & John Welsh. - The Kew Magnetographs TOGETHER WITH The Performance of Francis Ronalds three Magnetographs during the Experimental Trial at the Kew Observatory, April 1 till October 1, 1851. Two complete uncommon original articles from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1851.
510422: Colonel Miller, of Urquhart, Fifeshire & Mr. James Balden, Wood Forester to Lord Blantyre, at Lennoxlove, East Lothian. - Diseases in the Silver Fir Tree. An uncommon original article from the Prize Essays and Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland, 1839.
507465: Colonel Clay Garnett Porter of Winnipeg, Canada. Illustrated by S. Tresilian. - Out of the Past : a man who, condemned to life-imprisonment as a youth, & escaped from jail starting afresh in a new country. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1934.
152396: Colonel Lane Fox, and others - Instructions for Travellers, Ethnologists, and other Anthropological Observers. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1873.
198157: Colonel Augustus Henry Lane Fox, F.S.A. - An Examination into the character and probable origin of the Hill Forts of Sussex. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1869.
198158: Colonel Augustus Henry Lane Fox, F.S.A. - Further Remarks on the Hill Forts of Sussex: being an Account of Excavations in the Forts at Cissbury and Highdown. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1869.
403719: Colonel O. Pearce Serocold, Guy Maynard and Florence M. Patchett - A Dark Ages Settlement at Trebarveth, St. Keverne, Cornwall. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1949.
507491: Colonel G.C. Porter, of Winnipeg, Canada. - The Wheat-Stealers, Canadian North-West. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1937.
512554: Colonel Edward Sabine, R.A., Treasurer & Vice-President of the Royal Society. - Colonel Edward Sabine. Presidential Address, 1852 to the British Association, Meeting at Belfast. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1852.
175522: Colonel H. Wylie, C.S.I. - Elephant Hunting In Nepal. An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1896.
149657: Colonel Lane Fox, and others - Anthropological Notes and Queries for Travellers. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1874.
512600: Colonel Edward Sabine, R.A., V.P.R.S., General Secretary. - 1854. The results obtained at the British Colonial Magnetic Observatories. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1854.
512601: Colonel Portlock, R.E., F.R.S. - Earthquakes, with their Proceedings respecting Seismometers constructed under the superintendence of Major James, R.E. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1854.
512592: Colonel Chesney, R.A., D.C.L., F.R.S. - Observations on the Euphrates Line of Communication with India. An uncommon original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science Report, 1852.
150751: Colonel R. Maclagan, R.E., F.R.S.E., F.R.G.S. - The Geographical Distribution of Petroleum and allied products. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1871.
251757: Colonel J.E. Capper, R.E. - Photographs of Stonehenge, as seen from a War Balloon. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1907.
512387: Colonel Garnett Clay Porter, of Winnipeg. Illustrated by S. Tresilian. - The Clueless Crime : the Aurora branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce was held-up, but with such skill that the robbers left not the slightest lead for the police to follow. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1942.
407794: Colonel John White, illustrated by Leo Bates - A Fight on a Mountain Top. In the Philippine Islands a handful of native Constabulary capture an outlwaw stronghold. This is an uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1920.
128056: THE BRITISH COLONIES - Sir Henry Parnell on Financial Reform, and the British Colonies. An original article by Philip Pusey for The Quarterly Review, 1830.
514183: DUTCH COLONY - The Dutch Founding of New York. By Thomas A. Janvier. A complete 3 part original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1903.
513275: GHANA - GOLD COAST COLONY - Dambu's Diversion : an account of a Hausa soldier's arrest, escape and recapture in the Gold Coast Town of Elmina. By F.H. Kelly, Barrister-At-Law, & Ex-District-Commissioner of the Gold Coast Colony. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1901.
368115: Archibald R. Colquhoun - Eastward Expansion of The United States. An original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1898.
285498: Archibald Colquhoun - Lampedusa in Sicily. An original article from the London Magazine 1960.
170988: A.R. Colquhoun - Asia In Transformation. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1903.
506825: H.E. Wassa Pasha & the Late Sir P. Colquhoun - The Ancient Pelasgi (part 4) & Their Descendants. An uncommon original article from The Asiatic Quarterly Review, 1891.
506808: H.E. Wassa Pasha & the Late Sir P. Colquhoun - The Ancient Pelasgi (part 3) & Their Descendants. An uncommon original article from The Asiatic Quarterly Review, 1891.
506781: H.E. Wassa Pasha & the Late Sir P. Colquhoun - The Ancient Pelasgi (part 1) & Their Descendants. An uncommon original article from The Asiatic Quarterly Review, 1891.
614655: Archibald Colquhoun - Remembering Ischia - I. An original article from the London Magazine 1967.
614394: Archibald Colquhoun - Federico De Roberto and The Viceroys. An original article from the London Magazine 1962.
617340: Archibald Colquhoun - Remembering Ischia. An original article from the London Magazine 1967.
618572: Archibald Colquhoun - Salerno 1943. An original article from the London Magazine 1965.
420408: Percy Colson - Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century Masques. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1938.
614822: F. Barrows Colton - Your New World of Tomorrow. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1945.
614837: F. Barrows Colton - Winning The War of Supply. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1945.
260589: Herbert B. Nichols & F. Barrows Colton - Water For The World's Growing Needs: Ever Seeking More, Man Makes Better Use of Earth's Liquid Assets, Fights River Pollution, Even Desalts The Sea. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1952.
260231: F. Barrows Colton - Our Home-town Planet, Earth: Examining The Iron-hearted Globe, Science Gains New Knowledge of Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Earth's Birth and Future. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1952.
227048: F. Barrows Colton - Life with Our Fighting Coast Guard. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1943.
614762: F. Barrows Colton - How We Fight with Photographs. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1944.
227084: F. Barrows Colton - Weather Fights and Works for Man. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1943.
617080: Professor Harold Sellers Colton - The Unnatural History of The Clothes Moth. An original article from The Scientific Monthly, 1927.
614687: F. Barrows Colton - News of The Universe: Mars Swings Nearer The Earth, Sunspots Wane, and a Giant New Telescopic Eye Soon Will Peer Into Unexplored Depths of Space. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1939.
614785: F. Barrows Colton - Our Global Ocean - Last and Vast Frontier. An original article from The National Geographic Magazine, 1945.
513524: COLUMBIA MARKET, BETHNAL-GREEN - 1869 : Columbia Market, Bethal-Green. The Interior of the market Hall. Mr, Henry A. Darbishire, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
513271: KWAUKIUTL INDIANS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA - The Chief of the Kwaukiuti Indians at Alert Bay, British Columbia. The contest to be Chief demands destruction of personal property, the brave who destroys most possessions is declared chief. By J. Gordon Smith, of Victoria, B.C. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1901.
367273: COLUMBIA, SOUTH AMERICA - The River Meta, South America, by Palacio Faxar. An uncommon original article from the Journal of Science and the Arts, 1817.
513210: BRITISH COLUMBIA - Timber Wolves of Beaver Lake in Northern British Columbia. By Ida Mackie. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1957.
514150: COLUMBUS, OHIO - Ohio : The State of Individualism. By President Charles F. Thwing. An original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1896.
617539: Kieran Colvert - An Accidental Pilgrimage. An original article from the London Magazine 1998.
367683: James Colville - The Literary Art of Robert Burns. An original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1897.
423010: James Colville - The Scottish Vernacular as a Philiological Study. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1898.
422860: James Colville - Public Museums as Aids in Teaching. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1888.
226938: Olivia Colville - After Ibex in The Eastern Soudan (Khor Arbaat). An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1910.
611324: Rev. William Colville - Parish of Eaglesham. Presbytery of Glasgow, Synod of Glasgow and Ayr. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
611495: Rev. George Colville - Parish of Beith. Presbytery of Irvine, Synod of Glasgow and Ayr. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
367654: James Colville - The Rural Economy of Scotland in the time of Burns. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1892.
422885: James Colville - Primitive Aryan Civilisation. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1889.
423124: James Colville - A Theory of Education. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1904.
423026: James Colville - A Boer Admirer of Robert Burns: The Boer Vernacular. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1900.
408412: H.M. Colvin - The South Front of Wilton House, Salisbury. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1954.
240125: H.M. Colvin - A Medieval Drawing of a Plough. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1953.
613369: Howard Colvin - Robert Hooke and Ramsbury Manor. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1975.
277430: Elliot G. Colvin - The Making of Zhob. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1925.
240298: H. M. Colvin - An Iron-Age Hill-Fort at Dover? An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1959.
511191: Sidney Colvin - Theophile Gautier : French Poet. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1873.
619925: H. M. Colvin - Eythrope House and its Demolition in 1810-11. An original article from The Records of Buckinghamshire, 1964.
349530: Sidney Colvin - Restoration and Anti-Restoration. A rare original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1877.
611536: Rev. W. L. Colvin - Parish of Cramond. Presbytery of Edinburgh, Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
610792: Rev. Robert Colvin - Parish of Johnstone. Presbytery of Lochmaben, Synod of Dumfries. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
408352: H.M. Colvin - The Bastards of Blandford; Architects and Master Builders. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1947.
289782: Sir Howard Colvin - Sir Howard Colvin: Obituary. An original article from the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2008.
508877: Sidney Colvin - Restoration and Anti-Restoration. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1877.
402639: R.J. Moore-Colyer - Horse Supply and the British Cavalry: a Review, 1066-1900. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1992.
604588: Richard Colyer - Welsh Cattle Drovers in The Nineteenth Century - Part III. An original article from The National Library of Wales Journal, 1975.
148352: Christina Colyer - Excavations at Lincoln 1970 - 1972 : The Western Defences of the Lower Town. An original article from the Antiquaries Journal, 1975.
604580: Richard Colyer - Welsh Cattle Drovers in The Nineteenth Century. An original article from The National Library of Wales Journal, 1974.
612810: P. J. Colyer - Performance of Storm Drainage Simulation Models. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1977.
173091: Sydenham Of Combe - The Naval War. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1922.
202654: Sydenham of Combe - War and Illusion. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1915.
614307: Thomas Comber - The World-Distribution of British Plants. A rare original article from the Transactions of The Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1873.
605364: J. Comber - The Family of Gratweicke, of Jarvis, Shermanbury and Tortington. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1919.
607196: Pamela Combes - Bishopstone: A Pre-conquest Minster Church. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 2002.
347336: Pamela Combes - The Crowborough Warren Estate, 1809-44. An original article from the journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1985.
503480: William Combs - Fatal Attraction Duelling & The SS : The Tensions between Old & New Codes of Honour in Nazi Germany. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 1997.
512370: Seldom Comby - The Newfoundland Seal-Fishery. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1945.
171234: William Wistar Comfort - Heroic Ideal Of The French Epic. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1908.
362101: EC Comics - The Vault of Horror. Issue #2. EC Comics Russ Cochran Reprint, January 1993.
362099: EC Comics - Weird Science. Issue #6. EC Comics Russ Cochran Reprint, December 1993.
362098: EC Comics - Two Fisted Tales. Issue #1. EC Comics Russ Cochran Reprint, October 1992.
362093: EC Comics - Weird Fantasy. Issue #3. EC Comics Russ Cochran Reprint, April 1993.
362094: EC Comics - Weird Science. Issue #1. EC Comics Russ Cochran Reprint, September 1992.
362095: EC Comics - Weird Science. Issue #3. EC Comics Russ Cochran Reprint, March 1993.
362096: EC Comics - The Vault of Horror. Issue #6. EC Comics Russ Cochran Reprint, January 1994.
362097: EC Comics - The Vault of Horror. Issue #1. EC Comics Russ Cochran Reprint, October 1992.
362092: EC Comics - The Vault of Horror. Issue #16. EC Comics Russ Cochran Reprint, July 1996.
362089: EC Comics - Weird Fantasy. Issue #1. EC Comics Russ Cochran Reprint, October 1992.
362086: EC Comics - Tales from the Crypt presents The Vault of Horror. Issue #5. EC Comics Russ Cochran Reprint, May 1992.
362085: EC Comics - The Vault of Horror. Issue #5. EC Comics Russ Cochran Reprint, October 1993.
362082: EC Comics - Tales from the Crypt presents The Vault of Horror. Issue #4. EC Comics Russ Cochran Reprint, March 1992.
362126: EC Comics - Two Fisted Tales. Issue #14. EC Comics Gemstone Publishing Reprint, January 1996.
362122: EC Comics - The Vault of Horror. Issue #4. EC Comics Gemstone Publishing Reprint, February 1991.
362125: EC Comics - The Vault of Horror. Issue #3. EC Comics Gemstone Publishing Reprint, December 1990.
362121: EC Comics - War Against Crime. Issue #8. EC Comics Gemstone Publishing Reprint, November 2000.
362117: EC Comics - The Vault of Horror. Issue #18. EC Comics Gemstone Publishing Reprint, January 1997.
362118: EC Comics - War Against Crime. Issue #7. EC Comics Gemstone Publishing Reprint, October 2000.
362119: EC Comics - The Vault of Horror. Issue #20. EC Comics Gemstone Publishing Reprint, July 1997.
362114: EC Comics - The Vault of Horror. Issue #13. EC Comics Gemstone Publishing Reprint, October 1995.
362115: EC Comics - War Against Crime. Issue #1. EC Comics Gemstone Publishing Reprint, April 2000.
362113: EC Comics - Two Fisted Tales. Issue #10. EC Comics Gemstone Publishing Reprint, January 1995.
362112: EC Comics - The Vault of Horror. Issue #10. EC Comics Gemstone Publishing Reprint, January 1995.
362111: EC Comics - The Vault of Horror. Issue #9.EC Comics Gemstone Publishing Reprint, October 1994.
362107: EC Comics - Two Fisted Tales. Issue #6. EC Comics Russ Cochran Reprint, January 1994.
362104: EC Comics - Tales from the Crypt. Issue #2. EC Comics Russ Cochran Reprint, October 1991.
362103: EC Comics - Two Fisted Tales. Issue #3. EC Comics Russ Cochran Reprint, April 1993.
362081: EC Comics - Shock SuspenStories. Issue #1. EC Comics Russ Cochran Reprint, September 1992. Published by Russ Cochran 1992.
362116: EC Comics - The Haunt of Fear. Issue #2. EC Comics Gemstone Publishing Reprint, July 1991.
362124: EC Comics - The Vault of Horror. Issue #6. EC Comics Gemstone Publishing Reprint, June 1991.
362110: EC Comics - The Vault of Horror. Issue #14. EC Comics Gemstone Publishing Reprint, January 1996.
362083: EC Comics - The Vault of Horror. Issue #3. EC Comics Russ Cochran Reprint, April 1993.
511745: L.E. Comley - The Knill Festival at St. Ives, Cornwall. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine 1907.
239055: Commandant A.R. - Projectiles Containing Explosives. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1917.
324076: John Commander - Blake at The Millenium. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book Collector journal, 2001.
151150: Commander L.A. Beaumont, R.N. - Arctic Research. A rare original article from the British Association for the Advancement of Science report, 1879.
502918: Commer de Geus, Architect. - The History of The Dutch Wall Tile, as Exemplified in The Vis Collection. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1922.
368863: COMMERCE - Cotton & Wool; Gun Trade; Linen Trade; Mexican Mines; Bank Shares; Streets of London; Edinburgh & Glasgow Union. An original article from The Edinburgh Annual Register, 1823.
416581: COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS' SOCIETY, PINNER - The Commercial Travellers' Society's New Schools, Founded at Pinner. An original woodcut engraving, with brief accompanying text overleaf, from the Illustrated London News, 1853.
514135: ISTHMIAN CANAL COMMISSION - The Diplomacy & Law of the Isthmian Canals. By Sidney Webster. An original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1893.
358867: Special Commissioner - Launching the Wide World Globes. 1911. This is an original article from the Wide World Magazine.
363091: Charity Commissioners - 1835. Parish of Great Snoring, Little Walsingham, Wells, and others, Norfolk : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363111: Charity Commissioners - 1839. Parish of Market Weighton, Wapentake of Ouse and Derwent, Parish of Wheldrake, and others, Yorkshire : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363088: Charity Commissioners - 1835. Parish of Buxton, Cawston, Colby, and others, Norfolk : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363094: Charity Commissioners - 1835. Parish of Pentney, Terrington St. John, Walpole St Andrew, Walpole St Peter, West Walton, and others, Norfolk : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363098: Charity Commissioners - 1835. Borough of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363118: Charity Commissioners - 1839. Parish of Acaster Malbis, Askham Bryan, Nether Poppleton, Parish of Tadcaster, and others, Yorkshire : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363103: Charity Commissioners - 1839. Parish of Saint Mary, Yorkshire : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363102: Charity Commissioners - 1839. The Liberty of Beverley, Yorkshire : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363117: Charity Commissioners - 1839. City of York, Sir Robert Watter's Hospital; Colton's Hospital, and others, Yorkshire : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363115: Charity Commissioners - 1839. Parish of All Saints, North Street; Parish of the Holy Trinity, King's Court, and others, Yorkshire : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363110: Charity Commissioners - 1839. Wapentake of Holderness; The Charter House or God's House, Kingston upon Hull, and others, Yorkshire : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363116: Charity Commissioners - 1839. City and County of the City of York, Yorkshire : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363090: Charity Commissioners - 1835. Parish of Beeston Regis, Roughton, Sheringham, Aylsham, and others, Norfolk : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363106: Charity Commissioners - 1839. Parish of Nafferton, Cottingham, Walkington, Easington, and others, Yorkshire : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363099: Charity Commissioners - 1835. Parish of Hickling, Ludham, Stalham, Wiveton, Haynford, and others, Norfolk : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363095: Charity Commissioners - 1835. Parish of Castle Rising, Gayton, Gaywood, Grimstone, Great Massingham, and others, Norfolk : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363108: Charity Commissioners - 1839. Wapentake of Harthill, The Liberty of Beverley, The Liberty of Whitby Strand, Pocklington, and others, Yorkshire : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363109: Charity Commissioners - 1839. East Riding, General Charities, Yorkshire : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363107: Charity Commissioners - 1839. Parish of Thorpe Basset, Bridlington, Foston, and others, Yorkshire : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363113: Charity Commissioners - 1839. Kingston upon Hull, Free Grammar School, and Boynton Almshouses, Yorkshire : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363104: Charity Commissioners - 1839. Wapentake of Dickering, Parish of Hayton, Wapentake of Howdenshire, and others, Yorkshire : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
363097: Charity Commissioners - 1835. Parish of Tunstead, North Walsham, Worstead, Witton, and others, Norfolk : An original article from the Reports of the Commissioners to Inquire Concerning Charities & Education of the Poor in England and Wales.
406516: Jack Common - The Diplomat's How's How. An original article from The Adelphi, 1935.
406496: Jack Common - Introspective Capitalism. An original article from The Adelphi, 1932.
514143: COMMONWEALTH - An Indian Commonwealth, 22nd April, 1889. By Rezin W. McAdam. An original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1893.
616841: LORD PROTECTOR OF THE COMMONWEALTH - A Writ of Summons by Richard Cromwell to Bulstrode Lord Whitelock An original article from The Genealogist, 1884.
416797: PARIS COMMUNE - A Dog and Cat Butcher's in Paris. An original woodcut engraving, from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1871.
416800: PARIS COMMUNE - An English Butcher's, Maison Debos, Boulevard Haussmann, Paris. An original woodcut engraving, from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1871.
416996: COMMUNISM - The NUS and the Soviet Union: Workers' Democracy or Bureaucratic Dictatorship. Published by Welsh Organisation of Labour Students 1976.
357969: Libertarian Communist - France 1968. A Libertarian Communist Special Supplement. Published by LCG, c.1975.
357966: Libertarian Communist - Spain 1936. A Libertarian Communist Special Supplement. Published by LCG, c.1975.
357968: Libertarian Communist - Russia 1917. A Libertarian Communist Special Supplement. Published by LCG, c.1975.
357965: Libertarian Communist - Sketching the Limis of Trotsky. A Libertarian Communist Special Supplement. Published by LCG, c.1975.
416189: Libertarian Communists - Organisational Platform of the Libertarian Communists. Published by Libertarian Communists poss c. 1977.
365991: EAST INDIA COMPANY - East India Company. A Letter from Warren Hastings to the Court of Directors, December 1783. An original article from The Universal Magazine for 1784.
416237: EAST INDIA COMPANY - The East India Company's Grand Dinner in Honour of General Sir Charles J. Napier at the London Tavern. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1849.
367974: H.J. HEINZ COMPANY - Heinz Administration & Research Building, Hayes Park, Middlesex. Architects; Mathews, Ryan & Simpson. By J.M. Richards. This is an original article from The Architectural Review, 1965.
351448: 1889 New River Company - Rent receipt, dated 1889, for Two Quarters Rent for Water due to the New River Company [Islington]. Printed receipt, completed in ink. 3.5 x 6 inches.
368892: EAST INDIA COMPANY - English Usurpation of Oude, and Proceedings in India. A review by B.E. Pote for the Foreign Quarterly Review, 1839.
369498: COMPBYNE ROUSDON, EAST DEVON - 1874 : Rousdon, Devon. The Seat of Sir H.W. Peek, Bart., M.P. : George & Vaughan, Architects. View of the House, along with 2 plans & details. A group of original pages from The Building News & Engineering Journal.
368885: Compiled by G.E.C. - Marsh : Some Notice of Various Families of the Name of Marsh.
369049: DICTIONARY COMPILER - Letters from Ephraim Chambers, 1787. An original article from Walker's Selection of Curious Articles from the Gentleman's Magazine, published 1814.
514167: COLLEGE COMPOSITION - Compulsory Composition in Colleges. By Thomas R. Lounsbury. An original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1911.
200820: Arthur H. Compton - Assault on on Atoms. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1931.
239271: Karl T. Compton - The Electron: Its Intellectual and Social Significance. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1937.
200805: Arthur H. Compton - Atomic Energy as a Human Asset. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1946.
277133: A. C. Compton (pseud. Mrs. Samuel Pepys) - As Befits my Position - 3. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1921.
201592: Karl Taylor Compton - Recent Discoveries and Theories Relating to The Structure of Matter. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1922.
239405: Karl T. Compton - The State of Science. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1949.
201294: Karl T. Compton - Battle of The Alchemists. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1933.
201307: Karl T. Compton - High Voltage. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1933.
239327: Arthur H. Compton - Science Shaping American Culture. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1941.
199159: Alwyne Compton - A Decorative Pavement in Haccombe Church, Devonshire. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1846.
277152: A. C. Compton - Some Tribulations of a Public Servant. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1921.
277125: A. C. Compton (pseud. Mrs. Samuel Pepys) - As Befits my Position - 2. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1921.
277342: A. C. Compton - The Millions of Monsieur Le Colonel. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1924.
201537: Arthur H. Compton - What is Light? An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1929.
421217: Helen Comstock - Designs for Stage Scenery. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1934.
420394: Helen Comstock - Williamsburg, Virginia's Old Capital: A Reconstructed City Part 3; the Treatment of Detail. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1938.
418591: Alzada Comstock - The Specter of Russian Wheat: Raising Millions of Acres of Wheat under Bolshevism. An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1930.
149952: Comte A. de Gramont, D.Sc. - Quelques observations sur le groupement des raies du spectra du silicium d'apres l'effet de la self-induction, et sur leur presence dans les spectres stellaires. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1904.
402609: J.B. Conacher - The Asian Front in the Crimean War and the Fall of Kars. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1990.
201574: Levi L. Conant - Primitive Number Systems. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1892.
418407: Charles A. Conant - Cost and Finances of the American War with Spain. An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1898.
418387: Charles A. Conant - Plans for Currency Reform. An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1898.
418361: Charles A. Conant - The Refunding Provisions of the New Gold Standard Law in Operation. An original article from the American Review of Reviews, 1900.
621425: CONCRETE COTTAGES, KENT - 1867 : Concrete Cottages, Selling, Kent. B. Adkins, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
614590: David Conde - Harvest Home. An original article from the London Magazine 1957.
126665: Francis R. Conder - James Nasmyth's Autobiography. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1883.
126667: Francis R. Conder - Dr. Dresser on Japanese art. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1883.
126647: Francis R. Conder - Inland Navigation. British and European Railway Systems, Rivers and Canals; a brief history and account of current situations.A summary and review with excerpts. An uncommon original article from the Edinburgh Review, 1882.
126949: C.R. Conder - The origin of Alphabets. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1890.
506652: C.R. Conder - The Gnostics : a witness who lately appeared in an English court of justice refused to take an oath because he was, he said, a Gnostic. An uncommon original article from The Asiatic Quarterly Review, 1888.
349704: Francis R. Conder - Modern Architecture and its Assailants; Modern Styles and the Gothic Revival. An uncommon original article from the Edinburgh Review, 1875.
126990: C.R. Conder - Rawlinson's History of Phoenicia. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1891.
127115: C.R. Conder - The Verdict of the Monuments. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1894.
126855: Francis R. Conder - Municipal debt and local taxation. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1888.
506596: C.R. Conder - The Aryans in Syria. An uncommon original article from The Asiatic Quarterly Review, 1886.
126732: Francis R. Conder - Secret papers of the Second Empire. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1885.
126595: Francis R. Conder - Japan revolutionised. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1881.
369034: ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS - On the Phenomenon of Dew, 1757. An original article from Walker's Selection of Curious Articles from the Gentleman's Magazine, published 1814.
621617: Veronica Condon - The Franciscan Confreres in The Illustration of a Fourteenth Century Missal (Ms. Douce 313). An original article from the Bodleian Library Record, 1988.
266890: Richard H. Condon - The Fleet Prison London. An original article from History Today magazine, 1964.
402334: Dr. M.E. Condon - Living Conditions On Board Troopships during the War against Revolutionary France, 1793-1802. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1971.
316679: Audrey P. Coney - Mid Nineteenth-Century Ormskirk: Disease, Overcrowding and The Irish in a Lancashire Market Town. An original article from the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1990.
316651: Audrey P. Coney - Aughton Enclosure in The Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries: The Struggle For Superiority. An original article from the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 1987.
368903: GERMAN CONFEDERATION - The Austrian Treaty : the German Commercial League. An unattributed review for the Foreign Quarterly Review, 1839.
416865: LONDON CONFERENCE - The London Conference at the Foreign Office. An original woodcut engraving, with accompanying text overleaf, from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1871.
416281: DESTRUCTIVE CONFLAGRATION - Great Fire in Lambeth, originating at the Ordnance Wharf, Belvedere Road. An original print from the Illustrated London News, 1850.
421067: Michael Conforti - French and Italian Sculpture 1600-1900. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1983.
239264: Paul S. Conger - Significance of Shell Structure in Diatoms. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1936.
296987: Clement E. Conger - Portugal is Different. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1948.
416833: CONGO - Scenes on the Congo Africa. A series of original woodcut engravings, from the Graphic Illustrated Weekly Magazine, 1889.
621383: CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, SOUTHSEA - 1874 : Southsea Congregational Church. W. J. Stent, Architect. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
602035: John Conington - J.S. Blackie's Lyrical Dramas of Aeschylus, translated into English Verse; translation difficulties, etc. An uncommon original article from the Edinburgh Review, 1850.
602234: John Conington - The English Translators of Virgil. With numerous textual excerpts. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1861.
421435: Michael Kitson; Helen Langdon; John Sunderland; Philip Conisbee - Claude Lorrain's Earliest 'Coast Scene with the Rape of Europa'. Together with Salvator Rosa and Claude Lorrain; The Legend and Influence of Salvator Rosa in England in the Eighteenth Century; Salvator Rosa and Claude-Joseph Vernet. Four original articles from The Burlington Magazine, 1973.
423509: Edwin G. Conklin - Photomicroscopy by Ultraviolet Light. This is an original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1907.
417732: Jonathan Conlin - Chevalier d'Eon: An 18th Century French, Cross-Dressing, Spy in London. An original article from History Today magazine, 2010.
417576: Jonathan Conlin - The History of the Cancan; from Music Hall to Moulin Rouge. An original article from History Today magazine, 2013
503907: Jonathan Conlin - Raiders of The Lost Art : the history of heritage panics, from relics to Raphaels. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2003.
504140: Jonathan Conlin - Art for The People : what the National Gallery has meant to the cultural & civic life of Britain since its foundation in 1824. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2006.
417374: Jonathan Conlin - The Life and Thought of Adam Smith: The Contentious Legacy of the Father of Modern Economics. An original article from History Today magazine, 2016.
260584: Robert L. Conly - The Mohawks Scrape The Sky. An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1952.
369224: OLD CONNA - 1859 : Old Connaught; near Bray, County Wicklow. Layton & Lynn, Architects. An original page from The Builder. An Illustrated Weekly Magazine, for the Architect, Engineer, Archaeologist, Constructor, & Art-Lover.
240424: D. L. Clarke & G. Connah - Remanent Magnetism and Beaker Chronology. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1962.
603945: John Connell - Writing about Soldiers. An original article from The Royal United Service Institution Journal, 1965.
163576: Arthur Knatchbull Connell - Indian Railways and Indian Wheat. A rare original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1885.
603848: John Connell - The Middle East and Indian Ocean : British Commitments Overseas. An original article from The Royal United Service Institution Journal, 1963.
603902: John Connell - The Future of Southern Africa. An original article from The Royal United Service Institution Journal, 1964.
603956: John Connell - Official History and The Unofficial Historian. An original article from The Royal United Service Institution Journal, 1965.
266906: Owen Connelly - Jerome Bonaparte: King of Westphalia. An original article from History Today magazine, 1964.
422597: A. Bret Waller and James L. Connelly - Social Satirist Thomas Rowlandson and the London Theatre. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1967.
410662: Patrick W. Conner - Hypertext in the Last Days of the Book. An original article from the Bulletin of the John Rylands Library Manchester; from the Issue, Computers and the Humanities, 1992.
421890: Patrick Conner - Unexecuted Designs for the Royal Pavilion at Brighton. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1978.
418149: Patrick Conner - The Chinese House at Stowe, Buckinghamshire: Britain's First Chinese Pavillion? Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1979.
422680: Patrick Conner - Chinese 'Export' Painting 1780-1850: For Western Eyes Only. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1986.
421926: Patrick Conner - George Ledwell Taylor and the Funerary Monument ,The Lion of Chaeronea: A Traveller in Greece in 1818. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1979.
502649: The Connoisseur - Pottery and Porcelain, by Frederick Litchfield : A Guide to Collectors. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1912.
502489: The Connoisseur - English Furniture and Decoration, 1680-1800, by G.M. Ellwood, and Modern Cabinet Work, by Wells & Hooper. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1910.
502667: The Connoisseur - Historic English Potteries : Porcelain & Pottery. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1913.
502765: The Connoisseur - The Mansion House (part 1), London & Sir Charles Cheers Wakefield's Collection. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1916.
502525: The Connoisseur - Leonard Forrer's Biographical Dictionary of Medallists. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1910.
502121: The Connoisseur - Mr. J.G. Joicey's Collection of Sevres Porcelain. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1905.
502598: The Connoisseur - Tapestries of France : Illustrated by Examples From Sir John Murray Scott's Collection. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1911.
502238: The Connoisseur - The Cheremeteff Sevres Porcelain and Pottery. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1906.
502444: The Connoisseur - Tobacco Pipe Stoppers Illustrated by Examples From The Collection of Colonel Horace Gray, V.D. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1909.
502186: The Connoisseur - The Lace Book, by N. Hudson-Moore (a review). An original article from The Connoisseur, 1905.
502740: The Connoisseur - War and British Art. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1915.
503046: The Connoisseur - William Tasker, a Painter of Old Chester. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1927.
502353: The Connoisseur - The Indian Society of Oriental Art and The Messrs. Larmour's Collections. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1907.
502114: The Connoisseur - Old West Surrey. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1905.
502638: The Connoisseur - John Edward Taylor, The Chief Proprietor of The Manchester Guardian : His Collection. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1912.
502540: The Connoisseur - The Collection of The Rev. John O' Stephens. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1910.
502768: The Connoisseur - The Mansion House (part 2), London & Sir Charles Cheers Wakefield's Collection. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1916.
502731: The Connoisseur - Chinese Pottery & Porcelain. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1915.
618857: Cyril Connolly - Birds of America. An original article from the London Magazine 1997.
400801: M.M. Archibald and P.A. Connolly - The Meopham Hoard of Fourteenth-Century Gold Coins. An original article from The Archaeologia Cantiana: Transactions of The Kent Archaeological Society, 1978.
423681: Sean Connolly - The Tudor Monarchy in Ireland. An original article from Historian, the magazine of The Historical Association, 2018.
124539: John Connolly - Nervous System; based on the Papers delivered at the Royal Society on the subject of Nerves by Professor Charles Bell. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1828.
618463: Cressida Connolly - The Pleasure Gardens. An original article from the London Magazine 1999.
414121: Cyril Connolly - One of My Londons. An original article from Encounter, a monthly review of literature, the arts and politics, 1955.
617612: Cyril Connolly - Humane Killer. An original article from the London Magazine 1973.
359153: Joseph Connolly - Collecting Modern Firsts : Filmed Post-War Novels & Plays. An original article contained in a complete monthly issue of the Antiquarian Book Monthly Review (ABMR). Published by ABMR Publications 1978.
423438: James B. Connolly - New York Harbor. This is an original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1905.
123206: John Connolly - Andral on consumption. An uncommon original article from the Foreign Quarterly Review, 1831.
285255: Cyril Connolly - Hazlitt's Liber Amoris (unfortunate love story in Literature). An original article from the London Magazine 1954.
614371: Cyril Connolly - Art Nouveau. An original article from the London Magazine 1961.
123308: John Connolly. - Philosophical History of Hypochondriasis and Hysteria. An uncommon original article from the Foreign Quarterly Review, 1833.
603782: Cyril Connolly - The Break-Through in Modern Verse. An original article from London Magazine, 1961.
614348: Cyril Connolly - The Break-Through in Modern Verse. An original article from the London Magazine 1961.
619006: Dr. Gerard P. Connolly - The Catholic Church and The First Manchester and Salford Trade Unions in The Age of The Industrial Revolution. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1985.
613177: L. R. Connor - Certain Aspects of The Distribution of Income in The United Kingdom in The Years 1913 and 1924. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1928.
613216: L. R. Connor - Urban Housing in England and Wales. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1936.
360173: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Agricultural Intelligence. Accounts of agricultural practices from a variety of towns and regions. An original essay from The Farmer's Magazine, 1806. No author is given for this article.
360146: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Report of the Berlin Lying-in Hospital, 1829-1835, by Prof. Busch. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
360150: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - On the Application of the Ligature to Wounded Arteries, or their Trunks, at a Distance from the wounded Part and nearer the Heart. An Essay on the Treatment of Traumatic Hemorrhages, by K.J. Beck, M.D., Prof. of Surgery, at Freiburg. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
360151: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - A Letter to the Right Hon. Sir Henry Hardinge, on the Effects of Solitary Confinement on the Health of Soldiers, in Warm Climates, by John Grant Malcolmson, Surgeon E.I.C. Service. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
360152: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Researches into the Physical History of Mankind, by James Cowles Prichard, M.D., F.R.S. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
360157: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - On the Causes of Colica Pictonum amongst the Workmen who prepare White Lead, by A. Chevallier. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1836. No author is given for this article.
360166: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - On the Treatment of Smallpox by puncturing the Pustules, by John Langley, Esq. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
360168: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Description of a Reaping Machine, to be wrought by one Horse, invented by Mr Gladstones, Millwright in Castle Douglas. An original essay from The Farmer's Magazine, 1806. No author is given for this article.
360170: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - On Ploughing Matches. An original essay from The Farmer's Magazine, 1806. No author is given for this article.
360174: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Plan and Profile of a Plough that will turn the Furrow to either side, intending for Ploughing along the Sides of Steep Hills. An original essay from The Farmer's Magazine, 1806. No author is given for this article.
360175: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - On the Flax Husbandry of Ireland. An original essay from The Farmer's Magazine, 1806. No author is given for this article.
360178: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - A Treatise on the Origin, Qualities, and Cultivations of Moss Earth, by William Aiton, Strathaven. An original essay from The Farmer's Magazine, 1806. No author is given for this article.
360181: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Observations on a Passage in the Statistical Account of Renfrew. An original essay from The Farmer's Magazine, 1806. No author is given for this article.
508427: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Physiological & Pathological Researches, by Dr. Frederick & Dr. Hermann Nasse. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
508424: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Diseases of the Chest. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
508423: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Sketch of the Present State, of Medicine, & of Medical Institutions, in Russia, by George Lefevre. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
508422: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - On the Action of the Acetate of Lead upon the Animal Economy, by Professor C.G. Mitscherlich. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
508428: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - An Exposition of the Signs & Symptoms of Pregnancy, the Period of Human Gestation, & the Signs of Delivery, by W.F. Montgomery. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
360158: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Insanity and other Disorders affecting the Mind, by Prichard, Esquirol, Allen, Ellis, Ferrarese, Greco, Farr, Crowther, etc. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1839. No author is given for this article.
508437: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - The Pathology of the Brain. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
360180: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Observations on the Former and Present State of Husbandry in Forfarshire. An original essay from The Farmer's Magazine, 1806. No author is given for this article.
360177: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Essay on the Culture of Wheat. An original essay from The Farmer's Magazine, 1806. No author is given for this article.
360164: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Prostitution in London; with a Comparative View of Paris and New York, by Michael Ryan, M.D. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1839. No author is given for this article.
360163: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - The Advantages of Vaccination. A Letter to the inhabitants of Ceylon, by J. Kinnis, M.D. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1839. No author is given for this article.
360148: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Experiments and Observations on Hanging, by Dr. Casper of Berlin. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
360149: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - On Prostitution in the City of Paris, considered in Relation to Public Hygiene, Morals, and Police, by A.J.B. Parent-Duchatelet. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
360147: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Remarks on the Fallacy of Prof. Tiedemann's Comparison of the Negro Brain and Intellect with those of the European, by Andrew Combe, M.D. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
360144: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Phinoplastic Operation, by J. Mason Warren, M.D., Boston, USA. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
360145: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Smallpox considered with particular Reference to Morbid Anatomy, and more especially to the occurrence of Pocks on internal Parts, by Dr. Alexander Petzholdt. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
360143: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Contributions to the History of the Smallpox and of Vaccination in Denmark; also Observations on the last prevailing Epidemics of Smallpox, by J.C. Wendt, M.D. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
508434: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - St. Thomas's Hospital Reports. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
508440: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - On Internal Strangulations of the Intestines, by Dr. Charles Rokitansky. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
508413: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Dislocations of the Shoulder-joint, by M. Velpeau. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
508415: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Observations Relative to Changes in the Crystalline Lens, & the Cause & Cure of Cataract, by Sir David Brewster, K.H. F.R.S. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
508416: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Vegetable Physiology. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
508417: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - On the Serous Membranes, Parasitic Animals, Malignant Adventitious Structures, & the Indications afforded by Colour. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
508419: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - A System of Physiatrics, or of Hippocratic Medicine, by Ferdinand Jahn. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
360183: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Cultivation of Potatoes on Poor Soil, distant from Dung and Market. An original essay from The Farmer's Magazine, 1806. No author is given for this article.
360182: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Observations on Manures, and a Cheap and Easy way of increasing the Quantity of them. An original essay from The Farmer's Magazine, 1806. No author is given for this article.
508441: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Case of Death from the Rupture of an Intercostal Artery in Consequence of a Gun-Shot Wound, by Dr. Graff. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
508442: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - The Present State of Medicine in Denmark, by C. Otto. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
510708: John Conolly - Life & Labours of Cuvier. An uncommon original article from the Foreign Quarterly Review, 1834.
508430: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - The State of Medicine in Norway, by Frederick Holst. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
510796: John Conolly - Statistics of Insanity in Europe. An uncommon original article from the Foreign Quarterly Review, 1837.
510785: John Conolly - French & English Schools of Medicine. An uncommon original article from the Foreign Quarterly Review, 1836.
508432: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - The Nature & Treatment of the Diseases of the Ear. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
508444: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Typhoid Fever. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1836. No author is given for this article.
508433: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Observations in Practical Surgery : on the use of water by the method of Affusion ; on the infrequent dressing of wounds, &c. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
508409: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Recent Popular Works on Hygiene. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
508410: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Public Hygiene. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
508412: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Practical Observations on the Treatment of Diseases with Milk & Whey, by Dr. Leviseur. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
508443: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - A Further Inquiry Concerning Constitutional Irritation, & the Pathology of the Nervous System, by Benjamin Travers. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1836. No author is given for this article.
508446: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - A Treatise on the more Obscure Affections of the Brain, on which the Nature & Successful Treatment of many Chronic Diseases depend. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1836. No author is given for this article.
508445: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Lithotomy : Midwifery. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1836. No author is given for this article.
508450: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - A Treatise on Diseases of the Eye & its Appendages, by Richard Middlemore. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1836. No author is given for this article.
508447: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Statistical Inquiry into the Present State of the Medical Charities of Ireland : with suggestions for a Medical Poor-Law, by which they may be rendered much more extensively efficient, by Denis Phelan. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1836. No author is given for this article.
508449: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - 1836. The Present State of Medicine in Denmark, by C. Otto. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1836. No author is given for this article.
508451: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - On the Skin. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1836. No author is given for this article.
508452: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Discussions on Lithotomy & Lithotrity. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1836. No author is given for this article.
508454: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - An Essay on the Operation for Cleft Palate, by George Bushe. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1836. No author is given for this article.
508457: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - The Present State of Medicine in Prussia, by J.F.C. Hecker. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1836. No author is given for this article.
508455: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - The Belgian & Russian Armies. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1836. No author is given for this article.
508456: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - The Physiology of Vomiting, & on the Causes of its Difference in Adults & Children, by Professor C.H. Schultz. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1836. No author is given for this article.
508459: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Urinary Diseases & their Treatment, by Robert Willis. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1839. No author is given for this article.
508460: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Practical Researches on the Inspection & Mensuration of the Chest, considered as complementary of Percussion & Auscultation, by E.J. Woillez. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1839. No author is given for this article.
508462: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Observations on Infantile Gangrene, by Dr. A.L. Richter. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1839. No author is given for this article.
508463: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Essays on the most important Diseases of Women : Puerperal Fever, by Robert Ferguson. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1839. No author is given for this article.
508464: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Lectures on Lithotomy, delivered at the New York Hospital, 1837, by Alexander H. Stevens. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1839. No author is given for this article.
508465: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - On the Varieties & Treatment of Fractures of the Ribs, by J.F. Malgaigne. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1839. No author is given for this article.
508467: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - On the Structure of the Brain & Nerves. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
508469: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Delirium Tremens. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
508471: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - The Present State of Medicine & Medical Education in Holland, by C.J. Nieuwenhuijs. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
508472: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Cases of Acute Inflammation confined to the Epiglottis, by H. Marsh. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
508473: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - On the Cure of Stammering by Moral Means, by Edward Warren. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
508474: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Microscopical Observations on the Anatomy of the Aqueous Capsule & System of the Crystalline Lens, by Dr. Werneck. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
508475: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Considerations on Milk, & Particularly that of Nurses, more especially in regard to its good or bad Nutritive Qualities, & the Changes to which it is subject. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
508476: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Institutes of Surgery, by Sir Charles Bell. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
508477: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - On a Case of Alleged idiocy, by Ludovic Colquhoun. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
508479: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Essay on certain Points in the History of Cataract, by M. Maunoir. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
508478: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Outlines of the Principal Diseases of Females ; chiefly for the Use of Students, by Fleetwood Churchill. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
508431: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Physiology & Pathology of the Nervous System. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
508420: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Surgical Observations, by Dr. R. Froriep. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
508421: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Artificial Digestion, by Prof. Muller & Dr. Schwann. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
508480: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - Transactions of the Provincial Medical & Surgical Association, London & Worcester. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1838. No author is given for this article.
360172: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - On the Improvement of the Highlands. An original essay from The Farmer's Magazine, 1806. No author is given for this article.
508426: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - An Essay on the State of Medicine, & on the Prevailing Diseases of European & Asiatic Turkey, by F.W. Oppenheim. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
508438: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - On the Diseases of India. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
508439: Edited by Sir John Forbes & John Conolly - On Operative Midwifery, by Prof, Kilian. An original essay from the British & Foreign Medical Review, 1837. No author is given for this article.
277452: Conor O'Brien - The Falkland Islands. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1925.
423669: Conor O'Brien - The Venerable Bede. How his writings on the Bible illuminate his famous history. An original article from Historian, the magazine of The Historical Association, 2018.
603070: Robert Conquest - The Art of The Enemy. An original article from Essays in Criticism, 1957.
603326: Robert Conquest - Christian Symbolism in Lucky Jim. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1965.
603301: Robert Conquest - Science Fiction and Literature. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1963.
603475: Robert Conquest - Done into English: A Simple Exercise. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1973.
285289: Robert Conquest - A Woman Poet; Ten Years Ago Now & Dawn Near Bari: Three Poems. An original article from the London Magazine 1955.
285507: Robert Conquest - Man and Woman; Seal Rocks: San Francisco; Vision; Statement & Byron's Sex-Life: Five Poems. An original article from the London Magazine 1962.
369299: NORMAN CONQUEST - 1066 Commemoration Lectures.
423379: Joseph Conrad - The Informer. 'A story of anarchists where action reigns supreme'. This is an original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1906.
151121: Conrad W. Cooke, C.E., M.S., T.E. - A Galvanometer for demonstrating The Internal Current transmitted through The Liquid within a Voltaic Cell. An uncommon original article from The British Association for The Advancement of Science report, 1879.
603738: Peter Conradi - Three Critics and The Sublime. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1985.
603668: Peter J. Conradi - The French Lieutenant's Woman: Novel, Screenplay, Film. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1982.
603658: Peter J. Conradi - Useful Fictions: Iris Murdoch. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1981.
420600: Loraine Conran - Robert Adam's Influence on Furniture Design. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1951.
617286: Frank Conroy - A Yo-Yo Going Down. An original article from the London Magazine 1968.
421825: Brian Considine - Damaged Giltwood: A Change in Ethics over Issues Concerning the Conservation of Giltwood Object. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1989.
368522: 1820s RADICAL CONSPIRACIES - The Trial for Libel of Members of the Constitutional Association. An original article from The Edinburgh Annual Register, 1821.
368685: FENIAN CONSPIRACY - 1866 : Disturbed state of Ireland and Suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act; Discussions on the condition of Ireland; The Irish Church Establishment; The Landlord & Tenant Question; Revivial of the Fenian Conspiracy. An original article from The Annual Register for 1866.
368561: EXTENSIVE CONSPIRACY - John Kinnear, Mosely Woolf, and Lewis Levy. Commercial frauds against merchants and suppliers. Tried at the Court of King's Bech, April 20, 1819. An Original Article From The Edinburgh Annual Register, 1819.
606580: George W. Constable - The Excavation of Harelaw Cairn, on The Estate of Glencraig, Fifeshire. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1890-91.
420793: Giles Constable - The Main House at Dumbarton Oaks, Georgetown, Washington D.C. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1984.
621530: Peter Constable - The Manufacture of British Holy Water Stoups. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 2003.
503086: W.G. Constable - The Paintings in The Chapel of The Guardian Angels, Winchester. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1929.
421330: W.G. Constable - Devonshire Rood Screen Paintings. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1928.
421333: W.G. Constable - More Devonshire Rood Screen Paintings. An original article from The Connoisseur, 1928.
611837: Tom Constantine - The Behaviour of Ships Moving in Restriced Waterways. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1961.
205179: John Le Conte - Constants of Nature. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1878.
205371: Joesph Le Conte - Earth-Crust Movements and their Causes. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1896.
238807: Prof. Joseph Le Conte - A Century of Geology. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1900.
618085: Haroldo Conti - Bibliographica. An original article from the London Magazine 1980.
422079: Baldo Conticello - The One-Eyed Giant of Sperlonga: The Sperlonga Sculptures. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1969.
368622: AMERICAN CONTINENT - Buenos Aires to Washington by Horse. A Two and a Half Year Journey, 9,000 miles of Mountain, Plain, Desert and Jingle. By A.F. Tschiffely . An original article from the National Geographic Magazine, 1929.
363236: Bullion Controversy - The Bullion Question. An original article from The Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine, 1813.
415373: 1842 Conveyance - Combs, Suffolk. Copy of Conveyance of houses, land and hereditaments at Combs, Suffolk from Mr Robert Read to Mr John Gladwell, dated 13th October 1842. Six handwritten sheets 32.5 x 41.5 cms, tagged in the left hand corner.
171298: Martin Conway - Early Flemish Painters. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1909.
505257: Moncure D. Conway - Hunting a Mythical Pall-Bearer : Stafford County, Virginia & Fredericksburg. An uncommon original article from the Harper's Monthly Magazine, 1886.
348811: Conway, Moncure D. - Modern Times, New York. A rare original article from the Fortnightly Review, 1865.
509282: Sir Martin Conway - Italy of the Princes : the Certosa Di Pavia. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1917.
505187: Moncure D. Conway - The Internal Conflict of America : Politics of The United States. An uncommon original article from The Fortnightly Review, 1868.
422380: Michael Conway - Old English Fire-Dogs. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1945.
171220: Martin Conway - Jubilee Of The Alpine Club. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1908.
297434: Martin Conway - The Sacro Catino at Genoa. An original article from The Antiquaries Journal, 1924.
297414: Martin Conway - St. Radegund's Reliquary at Poitiers. An original article from The Antiquaries Journal, 1923.
297410: Martin Conway - The Amulet of Charlemagne. An original article from The Antiquaries Journal, 1922.
314562: Owen Conway - Llandudno and The Eisteddfod. An original article from the Windsor Magazine, 1896.
244650: Harold Conway - What The London County Council Has Done in 10 Years : Editing A City. An uncommon original article from the Harmsworth London Magazine, 1901.
348832: Conway, Moncure D. - Russia and America. The possibility or otherwise of any regular alliance between the two. A rare original article from the Fortnightly Review, 1866.
602027: W.J. Conybeare - The Church of England in the Mountains; in particular the moorlands of Cumbria and the mountains of Wales. An uncommon original article from the Edinburgh Review, 1853.
600211: W.J. Conybeare - The Eclipse of Faith, and Phases of Faith, with a reply to the Eclipse of Faith, by Francis Newman; a summary of Newman's atheistic views with a critical review. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1854.
197884: Lord Albert Conyngham - An Account of various Objects of Antiquity, found near Amiens, in France, in the Spring of 1848. An uncommon original article from the journal Archaeologia, 1849.
602017: John Coode - The Income Tax; its principles, and arguments for and against its imposition. An uncommon original article from the Edinburgh Review 1853.
411424: Anthony Coogan - Volunteer Armies of North East China: The Guerillas who Defied Japan's 1931 Invasion of Manchuria. An original article from History Today, 1993.
504187: Joseph Coohill - Indian Voices From The 1857 Rebellion. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2007.
612820: L. A. Cook - The Investigation of Sewer Networks by Computer. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1977.
200398: O. F. Cook - Food Plants of Ancient America. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1903.
402481: Colonel H.C.B. Cook - British Battle Honours. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1979.
408416: Joan Evans and Norman Cook - A Statue from the Minories. An original article from the Archaeological Journal, 1956.
510585: Theodore Andrea Cook - Josselin, Morbihan. The Property of the Duc De Rohan. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1907.
415181: J.M. Cook - The Cult of Agamemnon at Mycenae. Author's presentation copy. 1953.
200330: O. F. Cook - Debt of Agriculture to Tropical America. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1931.
417254: Andrew S. Cook - Maps from a Survey Archive: The India Office Collection. An original article from Map Collector Magazine, 1984.
299299: Michael Michael Cook - The Last Days of The Unreformed Corporation of Newcastle Upon Tyne. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana: or Miscellaneous Tracts Relating to Antiquity, 1961.
513692: Peter Cook - Ceramic Buttons, Fasteners. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 1997.
511267: Andrew Cook - The King who never was : the Duke of Clarence, grandson of Queen Victoria. An original article from History Today magazine, 2005.
503922: Andrew Cook - Lone Assassins. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2003.
403153: Colonel H.C.B. Cook - The Diaries of General E.A. Holdich, G.C.B. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1972.
611054: Rev. Robert Cook - Parish of Clatt. Presbytery of Alford, Synod of Aberdeen. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
325088: David Whitehead & Jonathan Cook - The Titanic : Books Written about The Ill-Fated Liner. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1996.
510276: Mr. J. Cook, Civil Engineer, Yetholm. - Description of a Sledge Adapted for Hilly Ground. An uncommon original article from the Prize Essays and Transactions of the Highland Society of Scotland, 1831.
510590: Theodore Andrea Cook - Chantilly, Oise. The Property of the Institut De France. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1907.
366794: E.T. Cook - Mr. Gladstone as Foreign Minister. An original article from the Monthly Review, 1903.
325059: David Whitehead & Jonathan Cook - Irwin Allen. His TV Spin-Offs are Collectable. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1996.
402348: Colonel H.C.B. Cook - The Diaries of General E.A.Holdich G.C.B. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1971.
420730: Cyril Cook - Louis P. Boitard and his Designs on Battersea Enamels. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1953.
403234: Edited by Colonel H.C.B. Cook - Letters from South Africa 1899-1902; Colin Robert Ballard. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1991.
614133: Murray Cook - New Evidence for The Activities of Pictish Potentates in Aberdeenshire: The Hillforts of Strathdon. An original article from The Proceedings of The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2011.
419017: Robert Cook - Martin Luther KIng: Did America Share His Dream? An original article from BBC History Magazine, 2013.
148303: B.F. Cook, F.S.A. - Two 'Lost' Greek Inscriptions. An original article from the Antiquaries Journal, 1971.
194974: J. Nield Cook. - A Himalayan Tour. (Hunting). An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1902.
194921: Theodore Andrea Cook. - Swordsmanship in England. An uncommon original article from the Badminton Magazine, 1901.
240340: R. M. Cook - Archaeological Argument: Some Principles. An original article from the Antiquity journal, 1960.
616226: G. C. Cook - Medical Disease in The Merchant Navies of The World in The Days of Sail: The Seamen's Hospital Society's Experience. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 2005.
616161: G. C. Cook - Disease in The Nineteenth Century Merchant Navy: The Seamen's Hospita Society's Experience. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 2001.
403191: Donald Cook - A Kitchener Man; Excerpts from the Letters of a New Army Volunteer - 1914. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1987.
618420: David Cook - Proof of Identity. An original article from the London Magazine 1997.
409826: Davidson Cook - The Gypsy Laddie and the Fair Lady of the Ballad. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1936.
422096: Cyril Cook - John Brooks and His Engravings on Battersea Enamels. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1952.
360687: Albert Cook - The Construct of Image: Olson and Creeley. Publisher's Offprint from Sagetrieb. Author's presentation copy. Published by Sagetrieb 1982.
360686: Albert Cook - VI, for Robert Creeley. Publisher's Offprint from Sagetrieb. Author's presentation copy. Published by Sagetrieb 1982.
402267: Colonel H.C.B. Cook - The 38th Foot: a Line Regiment in 1769 to 1772. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1968.
503933: Colin Cook - The Myth of The Aviator & The Flight to Fascism : political, philosophical & cultural impact of the idea of aviation in the first half of the 20th century. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2003.
274938: E. Dutton Cook - Bab Lambert. An uncommon original article from the Cornhill Magazine, 1861.
603078: Albert Cook - Stendhal's Irony. An original article from Essays in Criticism, 1958.
513761: Andrew Cook - 19th Century Lithophanes and some Perspectives on the known English Factories. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 2014.
201347: O. F. Cook - Evolutionary Significance of Species. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1904.
610741: Rev. Robert Lorimer & Rev. John Cook - Parish of Haddington. Presbytery of Haddington, Synod of Lothian and Tweeddale. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
337554: David Whitehead & Jonathan Cook - The Horror Books of Clive Barker. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 1989.
403818: Jean M. Cook - An Anglo-Saxon Cemetery at Broadway Hill, Broadway, Worcestershire. An original article from the The Antiquaries Journal, 1958.
613014: J. Basil Cook - An Examination of The Amount of In-Door Pauperism in Three Metropolitan Boroughs, and of the Causes which led to this Pauperism. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1908.
200333: O. F. Cook - Milpa Agriculture, a Primitive Tropical System. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1919.
239279: E. Fullerton Cook - National and International Standards for Medicines. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1937.
611441: Rev. Henry D. Cook - Parish of Kilmany. Presbytery of Cupar, Synod of Fife. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
217316: Patricia Cook - Leontine. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1963.
604104: E. Cook - Training Military Pilots. An original article from The Royal United Service Institution Journal, 1969.
217364: Patricia Cook - The Ice-Flower. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1965.
289812: Murray Cook - New Light on Oblong Forts: Excavations at Dunnideer, Aberdeenshire. An original article from the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2010.
402312: Edited by Colonel H.C.B. Cook - The St George Diary; a Junior Regimental Officer in the Low Countries, 1794-95. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1969.
603634: Terry Cook - Dividing The Swift Mind: A Reading of Gulliver's Travels. An original article from Critical Quarterly, 1980.
200331: O. F. Cook - Foot-Plow Agriculture in Peru. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1918.
504141: Andrew Cook - Hawking Peerages : the mysterious career of a man notorious for selling seats in the House of Lords. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2006.
217328: Patricia Cook - Angels in Gum-Boots. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1963.
217329: Cyril M. Cook - Leaves From a Policeman's Notebook [Mervyn Millward]. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1963.
252858: Charles Emerson Cook - Football in Armour. American Football. An uncommon original article from The Strand Magazine, 1897.
610981: Rev. John Cook - Parish of Laurencekirk. Presbytery of Fordoun, Synod of Angus and Mearns. An uncommon original article from The New Statistical Account of Scotland, 1845.
415268: Jno. H. Cooke - The Ancient Abbey of Vale Royal. An original article from the Journal of the Chester and North Wales Archaeological and Historic Society, 1913.
614044: Simon Cooke - Notable Books - Daniel Maclise: The Story of The Norman Conquest. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 2012.
614006: Simon Cooke - Notable Books - The Dalziels' Bible Gallery. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 2007.
613992: Simon Cooke - Notable Books - Richard Doyle's In Fairyland. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 2005.
614056: Simon Cooke - The Poets of The Nineteenth Century. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 2015.
417764: B.W.C. Cooke - Fishing Rutland Water. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1977.
335386: G.S.C. Cooke - The Commonwealth Defences of London. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1931.
422843: Stephen Cooke - On the Reducing Action of Hydrogen in the presence of Platinum. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1887.
171252: John Cooke - Vagrants, Beggars, and Tramps. An uncommon original article from The Quarterly Review, 1908.
614938: H. J. Cooke - The Kalahari Today: A Case of Conflict over Resource Use. An original article from The Geographical Journal, 1985.
409984: Rupert Croft-Cooke - Kentish Posh-Rats. An uncommon original article from the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society, 1948.
607189: Nicholas Cooke - Excavations on a Late Medieval Ironworking Site at London Road, Crawley, West Sussex, 1997. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 2001.
418033: B.W.C. Cooke - Saving the Salmon. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1978.
613972: Simon Cooke - Illustrated Gift Books of The 1860s. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 2003.
513791: Dr Nigel Cooke - The Medical Career of Dr John Wall (1708-1776), one of the Founders of the Worcester Porcelain Manufactory. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 2012.
601569: Cooke, R.U. and Robson, B.T. - Geography in the United Kingdom, 1972 76.Report to the 23rd International Geographical Congress in Moscow, USSR, in July 1976. An original article from the Royal Geographical Society journal, 1976.
163114: Cooke Taylor, W. - On the Irish Silk Manufacture. A rare original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1843.
610617: H. J. Cooke - The Palaeoclimatic Significance of Caves and Adjacent Landforms in Western Ngamiland, Botswana. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1975.
422844: Stephen Cooke - The Action of Electric Sparks on Mixtures of Nitric Oxide with Hydrogen and other Inflammable Gases. This is an original article from the Proceedings of the Glasgow Philosophical Society, 1887.
163112: Cooke Taylor, W. - State of the Lunatic Poor in Ireland. A rare original article from the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society of London, 1843.
621587: Nigel Cooke - A Coalport Tea Service c. 1807 comes Home to Plas Newydd, Llangollen. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 2017.
610624: R. U. Cooke - Geography in The United Kingdom 1972-76. An original article from the Geographical Journal, 1976.
614017: Simon Cooke - A Considerable Power: The Illustrations of Henry Courtney Selous. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 2008.
614050: Simon Cooke - John William North a Radical Illustrator. An original article from The Private Library Journal, 2013.
513782: Dr Nigel Cooke - Peter Vanina and Charles Gouyn : Two residents of St James's St, 1755-1765. An original article from the English Ceramic Circle, 2016.
509160: Grace Cooke - Winifred Emery, an Actress. An original article from the Lady's Realm 1897.
508924: Montague Cookson - The Nation before Party. An original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1879.
619987: Anne Cookson - A Medieval Homestead at Park Wood, Bradenham, Bucks. An original article from The Records of Buckinghamshire, 1979.
349269: Montague Cookson - The Nation before Party. A rare original article from the Nineteenth Century Magazine, 1879.
500256: John Cookson - What if Napoleon had Landed (on British soil in 1803-5). An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2003.
503670: Gillian Cookson - The Transatlantic Telegraph Cable : the first physical link across the Atlantic. An original article from the History Today Magazine, 2000.
423734: Rowan Cookson - Women's Friendship in Late Eighteenth-Century America and its relevance to Lockdown. An original article from Historian, the magazine of The Historical Association, 2021.
105037: W.D. Cooley - Captain Back's expedition to the Arctic regions. An uncommon original article from The Edinburgh Review, 1836.
123148: W. D. Cooley. - Von Hammer's History of the Ottoman Empire. An uncommon original article from the Foreign Quarterly Review, 1829.
123119: W. D. Cooley. - Arabic Literature. An uncommon original article from the Foreign Quarterly Review, 1828.
123274: W. D. Cooley. - Douville's Travels in Central Africa. An uncommon original article from the Foreign Quarterly Review, 1832.
510725: W.D. Cooley - Von Dr. Friedrich Parrot's Journey to Mount Ararat. An uncommon original article from the Foreign Quarterly Review, 1835.
123157: W. D. Cooley. - The Black Sea and the Causasus. An uncommon original article from the Foreign Quarterly Review, 1829.
510713: W.D. Cooley - Meyen's Voyage Round the World. An uncommon original article from the Foreign Quarterly Review, 1835.
368432: H. Coombes - D. H. Lawrence Placed. A rare original article from Scrutiny Magazine, 1949.
607939: L. C. Coombes - The Survey of Langley Barony 1608. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana, 1965.
607948: L. C. Coombes - Wigham of Coanwood. An original article from The Archaeologia Aeliana, 1966.
419533: Roy E. Coombs - Violet Farming since Victorian Times: A Flower's Fortunes in Decline. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1981.
612306: A. S. Coombs - The Heads of The Valleys Road. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1969.
618995: David G. Coombs - Excavations at The Hill Fort of Castercliff, Nelson, Lancashire 1970-71. An original article from the Transactions of The Lancashire and Cheshire Antiquarian Society, 1982.
614169: Bryony Coombs - The Artistic Patronage of John Stuart, Duke of Albany 1518-19: The Discovery of The Artist and Author, Bremond Domat. An original article from The Proceedings of The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2014.
201183: Carleton S. Coon - Climate and Race. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1953.
200591: Carleton S. Coon - Southern Arabia, A Problem For The Future. An original article from the Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1944.
615907: Jerry W. Cooney - The Mariana in The Rio de la Plata: A Challenge to Spanish Commercial Policy. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1988.
615942: Kathleen Brown and Jerry W. Cooney - River Boats on The Carrera Del Paraguay, 1776-1810. An original article from the Mariner's Mirror, 1992.
241674: Dr. J.E. Cooney - The Dangers of Tea Drinking. Illustrated by G. K. Jones. An original article from the Windsor Magazine, 1895.
421463: Jeremy Cooper - Victorian Furniture: An Introduction to the Sources. An original article from Apollo, International Magazine of the Arts, 1972.
415891: Rev James Cooper - The Doctrine and Ritual of the Offertory. An original article from the Transactions of the Aberdeen Ecclesiological Society, 1901.
605571: William Durrant Cooper - The Bonvilles of Halnaker. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1863.
500727: Shaun Cooper - The Southern Novels of Sheila Kaye-Smith. This is an original article separated from an issue of The Book & Magazine Collector publication, 2007.
417453: Stephen Cooper - The Legacy of Agincourt: How Victory in 1415 resonated with Britons during WWI. An original article from History Today magazine, 2015.
510645: Chas. Cooper - My Trip to the Portuguese Colony of Angola, Africa. An uncommon original article from the Wide World Magazine, 1946.
611743: Guthrie Stewart Cooper - The Requirements for Airfield Pavement Surfaces. An uncommon original article from the Institution of Civil Engineers reports, 1959.
402549: Edited by Roger G. Cooper - A Private's View of the Siege of Peking in 1900. An original article from the Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 1983.
420104: Nicholas Cooper - Sherborne, Dorset, Part 1. Several pictures and accompanying text, removed from an original issue of Country Life Magazine, 1977.
607031: J. H. Cooper - Pre-Reformation Vicars of Cuckfield. 1900 Publ. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1900.
607043: J. H. Cooper - Pre-Reformation Vicars of Cuckfield. 1901 Publ. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1901.
606781: J. H. Cooper - The Find of Edwardian Coins at Balcombe. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1899.
606769: J. H. Cooper - Old Cuckfield Families. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1898.
606766: J. H. Cooper - The Manor of Cuckfield from The Fourteenth to The Nineteenth Centuries. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1898.
606753: J. H. Cooper - Cuckfield: From The Eleventh to The Fifteenth Century. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1896.
236366: Scott Cooper - Ornamental Structures in The Medieval Gardens of Scotland. An original article from the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 1999.
617243: Charlie Cooper - Housing and Social Structure in Lincoln, 1842-2000. An original article from Journal of Regional & Local Studies, 2002.
277250: Storey Cooper (pseud. Estore) - The Ways Divide. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1923.
419001: Tarnya Cooper - The Lives of 'Ordinary' Elizabethans at Home, Work and Play: Eight Exhibits at the National Portrait Gallery. An original article from BBC History Magazine, 2013.
614678: H. H. Cooper - Washington: Illusions of Secrecy. An original article from the London Magazine 1969.
277127: E. S. Storey-Cooper - An Adventure with Arabs. An original article from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, 1921.
605561: William Durrant Cooper - Notices of Hastings, and its Municipal Rights. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1862.
605418: William Durrant Cooper - Extracts from Account Books of The Everenden and Frewen Families in The Seventeenth Century. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1851.
605420: George Miles Cooper - Illustrations of Wilmington Priory and Church. An original article from the Journal of the Sussex Archaeological Society, 1851.
511676: Frederic Taber Cooper - The Homes of George Eliot, the English Novelist. An uncommon original article from the Harmsworth London Magazine, 1905.
607279: T. P. Cooper - Some Old York Inns with Special Reference to The Star, Stonegate. An original article from Associated Architectural Societies, Reports and Papers, 1929.
417477: Stephen Cooper - Taking Sides on the Great War: The Hotly Debated Historiographical Landscape of the First World War. An original article from History Today magazine, 2014.
415671: Rev Professor Cooper - Laird's Lofts in Parish Churches: Examples from the Middle Borders. An original article from the Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society, 1904.
415674: Rev Professor Cooper - The Old Greyfriars Church, Aberdeen: Particulars brought to light in the Process of its Demolition (1902-3). An original article from the Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society, 1904.
415677: Rev Professor Cooper - Aberdeen; Cathedral Church of S. Mary and S. Machar. An original article from the Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society, 1905.
415679: T.S. Robertson and James Cooper - Forgandenny Church, Perth. An original article from the Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society, 1905.
415690: James Cooper - Rubbing of a Medieval Brass from Elgin Cathedral. An original article from the Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society, 1906.
415697: James Cooper - The First Cathedral of Moray. An original article from the Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society, 1907.
415705: James Cooper - Biblia Pauperum. An original article from the Transactions of the Scottish Ecclesiological Society, 1908.

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