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Click on booknumber for full information
19732: APPLIED PHOTOGRAPHY NO.10 - Applied Photography 10: Photography at the Fair. October 1934.
BC17496: ALVAR AALTO. - Alvar Aalto. Between Humanism and Materialism. Edited by Peter Reed.
BC18696: MAGDALENA ABAKANOWICZ. - Magdalena Abakanowicz. A monograph. Edited by Amm Coxon and Mary Jane Jacob.
ARC93673: EDWARD ABBEY. - Fire on the Mountain. A novel.
BC13195: REX WHISTLER. Christabel Aberconway - The Story of Mr Korah. With illustrations by Rex Whistler.
BC15647: LASCELLES ABERCROMBIE. - The Sale of Saint Thomas. A verse-play.
GM90120: JOHN ABERCROMBIE. - The Gardener's Pocket Journal, and Daily Assistant in the Modern Practice of English Gardening. In a Concise Monthly Display of all the Practical Works of General Gardening, Throughout the Year.
JUL90419: MARINE ABRAMOVIC, ART IN RUINS, JAMES CASEBERE, BILL CULBERT, KEN LUM, THOMAS RUFF, KRZYSZTOF WODICZKO &c. - Art Cliché. The catalogue of a 1986-87 exhibition at Victoria Miro Gallery, London.
BUL92120: DANNIE ABSE. - Ash on a Young Man's Sleeve. A novel.
KP90485: DANNIE ABSE. - Welsh Retrospective. Poems.
BC14011: DANNIE ABSE - Collected Poems 1948-1976. (SIGNED)
BC13877: DANNIE ABSE - A Strong Does of Myself. (INSCRIBED)
ARC92790: EDWARD THOMAS. Dannie Abse. - Modern Poets in Focus: 1. Edited by Dannie Abse.
ARC92007: DANNIE ABSE - edits and introduces the first (and only) issue of the periodical 'Verse'. No. 1. Winter 1947.
19556: DANNIE ABSE - Way Out in the Centre. Poems. (SIGNED)
19557: DANNIE ABSE - Walking Under Water. Poems. (SIGNED)
16570: DANNIE ABSE - Three Questor Plays. (SIGNED)
KP90481: DANNIE ABSE. - Funland and Other Poems.
KP90482: DANNIE ABSE. - Way Out in the Centre. Poems.
SPE90242: DANNIE ABSE. - The Poetry of Dannie Abse. Critical Essays and Reminiscences. Edited and with an introduction by Joseph Cohen. (SIGNED)
SPE90352: ANDRÉ ACIMAN. - Call Me By Your Name. A novel. (SIGNED)
SPE90353: ANDRÉ ACIMAN. - Eight White Nights. A novel. (SIGNED)
BC17147: DYLAN THOMAS. John Ackerman. - Dylan Thomas. His Life and Work.
DB0070: CLIFFORD S.ACKLEY. - British Prints from the Machine Age. Rhythms of Modern Life 1914-1939. Edited by Clifford S.Ackley, and with contributions by Stephen Coppel, Samantha Rippner, Thomas E.Rassieur, Stephanie Lussier and Rachel Mustalish.
ARC93410: PETER ACKROYD. - The Great Fire of London. A novel.
ARC92935: PETER ACKROYD - Notes for a New Culture. An Essay on Modernism.
ARC91117: PETER ACKROYD - Country Life. Poems
SPE90300: NORMAN ACKROYD. - The Secret Painter. The catalogue of a 2005 exhibition at The Fine Art Society. With an essay, 'The Waters and the Wind', by Christopher Frayling. (INSCRIBED)
20168: PETER ACKROYD. - English Music. A novel. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
20095: PETER ACKROYD - First Light. A novel.
20038: PETER ACKROYD - First Light. A novel. (SIGNED)
19923: PETER ACKROYD. - First Light. A novel.
BC17303: PETER ACKROYD. - Hawksmoor. A novel. (SIGNED AND INSCRIBED)
15311: NANCY MITFORD. Harold Acton - Nancy Mitford. A Memoir by Harold Acton (largely based upon her letters to the author). With illustrations.
BC17334: GILBERT ADAIR. - Love and Death on Long Island. A novella.
BC17128: DOUGLAS ADAMS. - So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish. The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy 4. (INSCRIBED)
ARC93354: PIERRE BOULLE. [Richard Adams]. - The Bridge on the River Kwai. A novel. Translated from the French of 'Le Pont de la Rivière Kwai' by Xan Fielding.
BC12604: IAIN ADAMSON - The Forgotten Men
BC15512: ST. JOHN ADCOCK - Collected Poems of St. John Adcock.
ARC93572: FLEUR ADCOCK. - The Eye of the Hurricane. Poems.
ARC93771: PETER DE VRIES. Charles Addams. - But Who Wakes the Bugler? A novel. With illustrations by Charles Addams.
BC17593: EVA AND ADELE. - Cum. The catalogue of a 1997 exhibition at Sprengel Museum, Hannover.
BUL90538: ARAVIND ADIGA - Between the Assassinations.
ARC93084: JAMES E.AGATE. - Responsibility. A novel.
ARC93108: JAMES AGEE - Permit Me Voyage. With a foreword by Archibald MacLeish.
BC15134: CONRAD AIKEN. - A special Conrad Aiken issue of the quarterly periodical 'Wake' (formally 'The Harvard Wake'). No. 11. [April] 1952.
BC15133: CONRAD AIKEN - contributes his poem 'The Four Appearances' (the first appearance in print of this four-part poem) to a special American double-issue of the periodical 'Twentieth Century Verse'. No. 12-13. October 1938.
BC13131: CONRAD AIKEN - The Soldier. A poem. (INSCRIBED)
ARC93272: CONRAD AIKEN. John Aiken, Jane Aiken Hodge and Joan Aiken. - Conrad Aiken, Our Father. (INSCRIBED)
ARC90136: CONRAD AIKEN. - Landscape West of Eden.
99067: CONRAD AIKEN - The Soldier. A poem.
BC17778: MATTHIEU AIKINS. - The Naked Don't Fear the Water. An Underground Journey with Afghan Refugees. (SIGNED)
ARC92518: WILLIAM HARRISON AINSWORTH - Windsor Castle: An Historical Romance. (THE AUTHOR'S COPY)
BC16625: CHINGIZ AITMATOV. - Mother Earth and Other Stories. Translated from the Russian and with a seventeen-page introduction by James Riordan.
ARC92086: WALTER PATER. Alastair. - Sebastian Van Storck. With eight illustrations by Alastair and an introduction, 'The Artistry of Alastair', by P.G.Konody.
15315: JEAN ALAZARD - The Florentine Portrait. Translated from the French by Barbara Whelpton. With 32 pages of plates.
19768: EDWARD ALBEE - A Delicate Balance. A play
DUN0114: LOUISA MAY ALCOTT. - Little Women. An Annotated Edition. Edited with an introduction by Daniel Shealy.
ARC93604: CECIL ALDIN AND J.B.MORTON. - Who's Who in the Zoo. With verses by J.B.Morton and drawings by Cecil Aldin.
991564: RICHARD ALDINGTON. - Soft Answers.
991566: RICHARD ALDINGTON. - Death of a Hero. (VOLUME ONE ONLY)
BC18633: BRIAN ALDISS. - The Malacia Tapestry. A novel.
ARC94006: ROBERT JACKSON. [Brian W.Aldiss, Bob Shaw, Iain Banks, Josephine Saxon, William Gibson, Gene Wolf, and M.John Harrison]. - Frontier Crossings. A Souvenir of the 45th World Science Fiction Convention, Conspiracy '87, held in Brighton, Gt. Britain from August 27th to September 1st 1987. Edited by Robert Jackson. (SIGNED BY VARIOUS CONTRIBUTORS)
18120: BRIAN W.ALDISS & HARRY HARRISON (with contributions by Alfred Bester, Damon Knight, Frederik Pohl & Robert Silverberg) - Hell's Cartographers. Some Personal Histories of Science Fiction Writers. Edited and with an introduction by Brian Aldiss and Harry Harrison,
SPE90108: JAMES ALDRIDGE. - Heroes on the Empty View. A novel.
SPE90386: WOODY ALLEN. - Without Feathers.
ARC92836: GRANT ALLEN - The African Millionaire. Episodes in the Life of the Illustrious Colonel Clay.
19935: CAPTAIN E.H.LYNN-ALLEN. - Rough Shoot. Some Thoughts for the Owner-Keeper. Illustrated by The Master of Elphinstone [i.e. John Elphinstone].
BC13355: GRAHAM SUTHERLAND. Ronald Alley. - Graham Sutherland. The catalogue of a 1982 Tate Gallery exhibition.
BC12395: P.S.ALLFREE. - Hawks of the Hadhramaut.
ARC92894: WILLIAM ALLINGHAM - By the Way. Verses, Fragments and Notes by William Allingham. Arranged by Helen Allingham. (INSCRIBED)
ARC93422: DRUMMOND ALLISON. - The Yellow Night. Poems 1940 - 41 - 42 - 43. With a portrait and decorations by David Haughton.
19854: JOHN M.S.ALLISON - Concerning the Education of a Prince. Correspondence of the Princess of Nassau-Saarbruck 13 June - 15 November 1758. Edited and with an Introductory Essay by John M.S.Allison
ARC91850: KENNETH ALLOTT - The Ventriloquist's Doll. Poems.
BC14962: JEFF ALLRED. - American Modernism and Depression Documentary.
CAS0125: DAVID ALMOND. - The Fire-Eaters. (SIGNED)
ARC93012: CRICKET. H.S.Altham, John Arlott, E.D.B.Eagar and Roy Webber. - Hampshire County Cricket. The Official History of the Hampshire County Cricket Club. (EXTENSIVELY SIGNED)
BC15832: A.ALVEREZ. - Night. An Exploration of Night Life, Night Language, Sleep and Dreams. (INSCRIBED)
ARC93667: ERIC AMBLER. - The Dark Frontier. A novel.
ARC93854: HARDY AMIES. - Still Here. An Autobiography. (INSCRIBED)
FP90021: KINGSLEY AMIS. - Bright November. Poems
BC17952: KINGSLEY AMIS. - A Case of Samples. Poems 1946-1956.
16581: KINGSLEY AMIS. - A Case of Samples. Poems 1946-1956.
ARC93441: KINGSLEY AMIS. - The Evans Country. Poems.
ARC93504: KINGSLEY AMIS. - The Old Devils. A novel. (SIGNED)
ARC92558: KINGSLEY AMIS - is one of a number of contributors to 'For Someone Else's Son'. Extracts and talks for a series broadcast on BBC Woman's Hour, spring 1963.
ARC90416: MARTIN AMIS. - Other People: A Mystery Story.
20221: KINGSLEY AMIS. - [Poems]. The Fantasy Poets Number Twenty-Two.
DOK0004: AXEL AMUCHÁSTEGUI. - Some Birds and Mammals of South America. With an introduction by Sacheverell Sitwell and descriptive text by Carlos Selva Andrade.
JH900089: P.D'ANCONA AND E.AESCHLIMANN. - The Art of Illumination. An Anthology of Manuscripts from the Sixth to the Sixteenth Century. Translated from the Italian by Alison M.Brown and with additional notes on the plates by Alison Stones.
ARC93896: SHERWOOD ANDERSON. - Winesburg Ohio. Intimate Histories of Every-day People.
BC15183: SHERWOOD ANDERSON. - Winesburg Ohio. Intimate Histories of Every-day People.
BC15391: SHERWOOD ANDERSON - contributes 'Mid-American Songs', a sequence of six poems all of which were subsequently included in his collection 'Mid-American Chants' (1918), to an issue of the periodical 'Poetry. A Magazine of Verse'. Vol. X, No. 6, September 1917. Edited by Harriet Monroe.
BC15185: SHERWOOD ANDERSON. - A Teller's Story.
BC15184: SHERWOOD ANDERSON. - Horses and Men. Tales, Long and Short, from Our American Life.
ARC93479: J.REDWOOD ANDERSON. - The Human Dawn. A poem. (INSCRIBED)
19810: M.D.ANDERSON - Design for a Journey
19797: MAXWELL ANDERSON - The Eve of St Mark. A play
DB0080: WINIFRED NICHOLSON. Christopher Andreae. - Winifred Nicholson. A monograph.
BC18479: KELLY ANDREW. - The Whispering Dark. A novel. (SIGNED)
BC13845: GEOFF ANDREW - Stranger Than Paradise. Maverick Film-Makers in Recent American Cinema. With a foreword by Gary Oldman.
BC17081: JERZY ANDRZEJEWSKI (writing as 'George Andrzeyevski'). - The Gates of Paradise. A novel. Translated from the Polish of 'Bramy raju' by James Kirkup.
ARC93799: JOHN KEIR CROSS. Bruce Angrave. - The Other Passenger. Eighteen Strange Stories. With illustrations and a dust wrapper design by Bruce Angrave.
ARC92969: ANONYMOUS. - A Month at the Front. The Diary of an Unknown Soldier.
19953: ANONYMOUS - Picturesque Montreal. With thirty photogravures plates.
19890: ANONYMOUS - Old English Easances. A Text Book
15235: ANONYMOUS, (Great War) - The Absolute Truth. Thirty photographs (many "U.S.Official").
17391: KATHERINE ANNE PORTER [published anonymously] - My Chinese Marriage. By "M.T.F.".
ARC92376: ISABELLE ANSCOMBE - Omega and After. Bloomsbury and the Decorative Arts. With photographs by Howard Grey and a two-page foreword by John Lehmann.
DUN0166: ANTHOLOGY. - The Year's Poetry 1936. A Representative Selection. Edited by Denys Kilham Roberts and John Lehmann.
DUN0147: ANTHOLOGY. - Imagist Anthology 1930. With forewords by Ford Madox Ford and Glenn Hughes.
BC17173: ANTHOLOGY. - A Selection of Poems from Recent Volumes Published by Sidgwick & Jackson.
MA0030: ANTHOLOGY. - New Poets 76. An Anthology of Contemporary Verse.
ARC92607: ANTHOLOGY. (Philip Larkin interest). - Springtime. An Anthology of Young Poets and Writers. Edited by G.S.Fraser and Iain Fletcher.
ARC92559: ANTHOLOGY - Some Poems in Wartime.
ARC93527: ANTHOLOGY. - Imagist Anthology 1930. With forewords by Ford Madox Ford and Glenn Hughes.
ARC90694: ANTHOLOGY - A Volunteer Haversack. Containing contributions of certain writers to the Queen's Rifle Volunteer Brigade: The Royal Scots. Edited by Archibald Stodart Walker.
GM90121: ANTHOLOGY. - The Polar Star of Entertainment and Popular Science, and Universal Repertorium of General Literature: comprehending Under One Unlimited Arrangement, the Most Valuable and Amusing Articles, Selected from the English and American Reviews, Magazines, Journals, and New Publications of the Day, of Lasting Interest; for The Quarter Ending at Midsummer, 1830. The Whole Carefully Compiled, Digested, and Methodised.
19475: ANTHOLOGY. (Andrew Motion, Jeremy Hooker, Alan Brownjohn &c.). - A Winchester Folio. Ten poems by poets who have given readings at Winchester School of Art with ten etchings by staff and students in the printmaking department. Compiled and designed by Kevin Crossley-Holland and Sarah James.
18128: ANTHOLOGY - Sunshine and Shadow. A Book of Cambridge Women's Verse. Edited under the initials "M.S."
ARC93929: ANTHOLOGY. - Georgian Poetry 1911-1912. Edited with a brief preparatory note by E[dward] M[arsh].
KP90162: GUILLAUME APOLLINAIRE. - The Poet Assassinated. Translated from the French by Ron Padgett and with illustrations by Jim Dine.
BC12077: STEVEN APPLEBY (writing as 'Captain J.Star'). - Rockets. A Way of Life. (INSCRIBED)
BC17687: WILLIAM ARCHIBALD. - The Innocents. A New Play Based on The Turn of the Screw by Henry James. With drawings by the author.
BUL92046: JAMES REEVES. Edward Ardizzone. - Complete Poems for Children. With illustrations by Edward Ardizzone.
BC18819: EDWARD ARDIZZONE. - The Young Ardizzone. An Autobiographical Fragment.
BC18831: EDWARD ARDIZZONE. Nicholas Ardizzone. - Edward Ardizzone's World. The Etchings and Lithographs. An Introduction and Catalogue Raisonné. With a foreword by Christopher White and a preface by Paul Coldwell.
ARC94000: EDWARD ARDIZZONE. - The Adventures of Tim. Six Stories.
GM90119: RICHARD JEFFERIES. Reginald Arkell. - Richard Jefferies.
ARC92633: JOHN STANHOPE ARKWRIGHT - The Supreme Sacrifice and Other Poems in Time of War. With illustrations by Bruce Bairnsfather, Wilmot Lunt, Louis Raemaekers and L.Raven-Hill.
SPE90565: SIMON ARMITAGE. - Black Roses. The Killing of Sophie Lancaster. A poem.
DUN0064: SIMON ARMITAGE. - The White Stuff. A novel. (SIGNED)
BC15568: SIMON ARMITAGE - The Last Days of Troy. A play. (SIGNED)
BC15565: SIMON ARMITAGE and PETER GILL. - Eclipse [and] Friendly Fire. Two plays. (SIGNED)
BC17992: SIMON ARMITAGE. - Little Green Man. A novel. (SIGNED)
ARC92653: SIMON ARMITAGE - Killing Time. A poem. (SIGNED)
DB0008: GLYN HUGHES. [Simon Armitage]. - A Year in the Bull-Box. A Poem Sequence.
ARC93193: SIMON ARMITAGE. - Zoom! Poems. (SIGNED)
ARC91868: PAUL NASH. Martin Armstrong - Saint Hercules and Other Stories. With drawings by Paul Nash.
ARC93163: MATTHEW ARNOLD - Literature and Dogma. An Essay Towards a Better Appreciation of the Bible.
18135: MATTHEW ARNOLD - Irish Essays and Others.
BUL90518: INDIAN ART. - Contemporary Indian Art Post Independence.
ARC92457: THE SLADE SCHOOL OF FINE ART. - The Quarto. An Artistic Illustrated and Musical Quarterly for 1896. Edited by John Bernard Stoughton Holborn.
18477: SOLDIER ART - Soldier Art. Over 200 plates, several in colour.
13423: ORIENTAL ART - Ancient Chinese Woodblock New Year Prints. Over 140 mostly full-colour plates, with an introduction by Wang Shucun.
DB0061: ROBERT STEWART. Liz Arthur. - Robert Stewart. Design 1946-95.
BC14163: ROYAL ARTILLERY - An undated Royal Artillery Christmas greetings card
BC18782: BARBARA JONES. Ruth Artmonsky. - A Snapper Up of Unconsidered Trifles. A Tribute to Barbara Jones.
BC13895: BARBARA JONES. Ruth Artmonsky - A Snapper Up of Unconsidered Trifles. A Tribute to Barbara Jones.
18912: HENRY PURCELL. Dennis Arundell - Henry Purcell. With illustrations and musical examples.
ARC91554: C.R.ASHBEE. - Peckover. The Abbotscourt Papers 1904-1931. Edited by C.R.Ashebb and with five handsome full-page coloured illustrations by Reginald Savage.
ARC92880: JOHN ASHBURY - Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror. Poems.
BUL90488: RALPH STEADMAN. Daisy Ashford - Where Love Lies Deepest. With a title-page illustration, sixteen line drawings, mostly full-page or double spread, and a dust wrapper design by Ralph Steadman.
ARC93994: ELIAS ASHMOLE. - The Institution, Laws & Ceremonies of the Most Noble Order of the Garter.
ARC93916: ISAAC ASIMOV. - More Tales of the Black Widowers.
BUL90225: ISAAC ASIMOV - contributes his stories 'Trends' and 'Bridle and Saddle' to the pioneering science fiction anthology Men Against the Stars. Edited with a foreword by Martin Greenberg and with a seven-page introduction by Willy Ley.
BC12989: ANTHONY ASTBURY - Just to Two of Us. Verse and Prose Poems. Selected by Geoffrey Godbert. (INSCRIBED)
BC18561: MICHAEL ASTON AND JAMES BOND. - The Landscape of Towns.
BC17855: DIANA ATHILL. - Alive, Alive Oh! And Other Things that Matter.
BC16332: DIANA ATHILL - contributes six stories to the anthology New Authors Short Story One.
BC18440: DIANA ATHILL. - Stet. A Memoir. (SIGNED)
BC16763: KATE ATKINSON - Big Sky. A Jackson Brodie novel. (SIGNED)
BUL92014: MARGARET ATWOOD. - The Blind Assassin. A novel.
BC17116: MARGARET ATWOOD. - Stone Mattresses. Nine Tales. (SIGNED)
BC17061: MARGARET ATWOOD. - The Testaments. A novel.
BC17915: MARGARET ATWOOD - contributes her five-part poem 'Trainride, Vienna-Bonn' to a special 'Canadian issue' of the periodical 'Aquarius'. No. 13/14, 1981/82. Edited and published by Eddie Linden.
BC15869: MARGARET ATWOOD. - Cat's Eye.
BC18343: EDWARD ST. AUBYN. - Some Hope. A Patrick Melrose novel.
BC15785: EDWARD ST. AUBYN - Lost for Words. A novel. (SIGNED)
BC18400: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his poem 'Oxford' to an issue of the weekly periodical 'The Listener'. Vol. xix, no. 474, 9 February 1938.
BC18402: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his poem 'Sonnet' (which opens "Wandering lost upon the mountains of our choice") to an issue of the weekly periodical 'The Listener'. Vol. xx, no. 512, 3 November 1938.
BC18404: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his poem 'Ode to Gaea' to an issue of the weekly periodical 'The Listener'. Vol. lii, no. 1346, 16 December 1954.
BC18392: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his poem 'Plains' to an issue of the periodical 'The London Magazine'. Vol. 1, no. 3, April 1954. Edited by John Lehmann.
BC18395: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his poem 'The Common Life' to an issue of the periodical 'The London Magazine'. Vol. 3, no. 10, January 1964. Edited by Alan Ross.
BC18399: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his poem 'Poem' (which opens "Fish in the unruffled lakes") to an issue of the weekly periodical 'The Listener'. Vol. xv, no. 1936, 15 April 1936.
BC18409: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his poem 'Nocturne' to an issue of the weekly periodical 'The Listener'. Vol. 92, no. 2368, 15 August 1974.
BC18393: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his poem 'Makers of History' to an issue of the periodical 'The London Magazine'. Vol. 2, no. 9, September 1955. Edited by John Lehmann.
BC17381: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his eight-verse poem 'The History of Science' to an issue of the periodical 'The New Statesman and Nation The Week-end Review'. Vol. LI, no. 1317. 9 June 1956.
BC18166: W.H.AUDEN. - The Prolific and the Devourer. Poems.
BC18167: W.H.AUDEN. - Juvenilia. Poems 1922-1928. Edited with a lengthy introduction and textual notes by Katherine Bucknell.
BC18408: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his poem 'Lullaby' to an issue of the weekly periodical 'The Listener'. Vol. 91, no. 2352, 25 April 1974.
BC18406: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his poem 'Reflections in a Forest' to an issue of the weekly periodical 'The Listener'. Vol. lxii, no. 1582, 23 July 1959.
BC18407: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his poem 'The Cave of Making (In Memoriam Louis MacNeice)' to an issue of the weekly periodical 'The Listener'. Vol. lxxii, no. 1853, 1 October 1964.
BC18394: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his poem 'Hammerfest' to an issue of the periodical 'The London Magazine'. Vol. 1, no. 12, March 1962. Edited by Alan Ross.
BC17086: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his poem 'Natural Linguistics (for Peter Salus)' the first UK printing of this Auden poem, which was not subsequently collected, to the inaugural issue of the periodical 'Candelabrum. A Magazine of Poetry'. Vol. 1, No. 1, April 1970. Edited by Dale Gunthorp and M.L.McCarthy.
BC18567: W.H.AUDEN. - The Dyer's Hand and Other Essays.
BC17376: W.H.AUDEN - contributes a lengthy untitled song which opens "O who can ever look his fill" to an issue of the periodical 'The New Statesman and Nation The Week-end Review'. Vol. XIII, no. 308. 16 January 1937.
BC18401: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his poem 'The Ship' to an issue of the weekly periodical 'The Listener'. Vol. xx, no. 501, 18 August 1938.
BC17382: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his nine-verse poem 'An Encounter' to an issue of the periodical 'New Statesman. The Week-end Review'. Vol. 2378. 15 January 1971.
BC17383: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his four-verse poem 'Ode to the Diencephalon' to an issue of the periodical 'New Statesman. The Week-end Review'. Vol. 2170. 20 October 1972.
BC18405: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his poem 'Friday's Child' to an issue of the weekly periodical 'The Listener'. Vol. lx, no. 1552, 25 December 1958.
BC17384: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his hitherto unprinted poem 'An Unpublished Early Poem' which opens "The month was April" to an issue of the periodical 'New Statesman. The Week-end Review'. Vol. 2397. 25 February 1977.
BC17375: W.H.AUDEN - contributes a twenty-line untitled poem which opens "Now the leaves are falling fast" to an issue of the periodical 'The New Statesman and Nation The Week-end Review'. Vol. XI, no. 264. 14 March 1936.
ARC91236: W.H.AUDEN. - Sue. A poem.
BC17378: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his fourteen-line poem 'Chinese Soldier' to an issue of the periodical 'The New Statesman and Nation The Week-end Review'. Vol. XVI, no. 384. 2 July 1938.
BC17379: W.H.AUDEN - contributes his fourteen-line poem 'The Traveller' to an issue of the periodical 'The New Statesman and Nation The Week-end Review'. Vol. XVI, no. 392. 27 August 1938.
18138: THOMAS CAMPION. W.H.Auden. - Selected Songs. Selected by W.H.Auden, with introductions by himself and John Hollander.
18136: W.H.AUDEN. - The Quarry. A poem. With a musical setting by W.D.Bennett.
18137: W.H.AUDEN. - Night Covers Up the Rigid Land. A poem. With a musical setting by Lennox Berkeley.
DB0069: HOWARD HODGKIN. Michael Auping, John Elderfield and Susan Sontag. - Howard Hodgkin Paintings. With a catalogue raisonné by Marla Price.
BC16228: EDWARD BAWDEN. Decimus Magnus Ausonius. - Patchwork Quilt. Poems by Decimus Magnus Ausonius, done into English by Jack Lindsay with decorations by Edward Bawden. (INSCRIBED BY EDWARD BAWDEN).
BUL91004: JANE AUSTEN - Sanditon. An Unfinished Novel. Reproduced in facsimile from the manuscript in the possession of Kings College, Cambridge. With an introduction by B.C.Southam.
BC16621: JANE AUSTEN ('and another'). - The Watsons. A novel.
DB0010: JOHN AUSTEN. - The ABC of Pen and Ink Rendering. With a foreword by A.Moody.
14385: ROY CAMPBELL. John Austen. - The Flaming Terrapin. A poem. With a frontispiece by John Austen.
DUN0065: PAUL AUSTER. - The Book of Illusions. A novel.
BC18630: PAUL AUSTER. - Burning Boy. The Life and Work of Stephen Crane.
KP90282: PAUL AUSTER. - Travels in the Scriptorium. A novel.
ARC92936: ANTHOLOGY. A.B.Austin and Norman Wilkinson. - An Angler's Anthology. Collected by A.B.Austin and with drypoint illustrations by Norman Wilkinson. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
BUL90226: HUGH CASSON. Diana Avebury. - Zelda and the Corgis. With illustrations by Hugh Casson.
BUL91012: ANTON CHEKHOV. Lydia Avilov. - Chekhov in the Life. A Love Story. Translated from the Russian and with an introduction by David Magarshack, and with drawings and a dust wrapper design by Lynton Lamb.
20197: SHLOMO AVINERI. - Herzl. Theodor Herzl and the Foundation of the Jewish State.
BC17754: ALAN AYCKBOURN. - Joking Apart, Just Between Ourselves and Ten Times Table. Three Plays.
BC18506: MICHAEL AYRTON AND JOHN ARLOTT. - Clausentum. Sonnets by John Arlott accompanied with drawings by Michael Ayrton.
BC13187: MICHAEL AYRTON AND JOHN ARLOTT - Clausentum. Sonnets by John Arlott accompanied with drawings by Michael Ayrton.
BC11590: MICHAEL AYRTON. - The Midas Consequence. A novel.
ARC93351: DAVID CLEGHORN THOMSON. Michael Ayrton. - The Hidden Path. Poems 1922-1942. With a drawing by Michael Ayrton. (INSCRIBED, WITH ALS)
ARC93607: GIOVANNI PISANO. Michael Ayrton. - Giovanni Pisano. Sculptor. With an introduction by Henry Moore.
ARC91566: MICHAEL AYRTON - A Distraction of Wits Nurtured in Elizabethan Cambridge. An anthology selected and introduced by George Rylands, and with drawings by Michael Ayrton.
BC18623: RICHARD BACH. - The Ferret Chronicles. Complete in five volumes comprising Air Ferrets Aloft [and] Rescue Ferrets at Sea [and] Writer Ferrets: Chasing the Muse [and] Rancher Ferrets on the Range [and] The Last War. Detective Ferrets and the Case of the Golden Deed.
BC17624: FRANCIS BACON. - Francis Bacon. A monograph. With essays by Dawn Ades and Andrew Forge, a note on technique by Andrew Durham, and a select bibliography by Krzysztof Cieszkowski.
BC18674: DAVID BAILEY AND PETER EVANS. - Goodbye Baby & Amen. A Saraband for the Sixties. With photographs by David Bailey and text by Peter Evans.
BC16806: BERYL BAINBRIDGE. - Young Adolf. A novel. (INSCRIBED)
BC18548: BERYL BAINBRIDGE. - The Birthday Boys. A novel. (INSCRIBED)
BC14740: BERYL BAINBRIDGE. - Injury Time. A novel.
BC14539: BERYL BAINBRIDGE. - The Girl in the Polka Dot Dress.
ARC90747: BERYL BAINBRIDGE. - Another Part of the Wood.
BC16624: NICHOLSON BAKER. - The Fermata. A novel.
19382: ABRAHAM TREMBLEY. John R.Baker. - Abraham Trembley of Geneva. Scientist and Philosopher 1710-1784. Edward
BC17311: NICHOLSON BAKER. - Room Temperature. A novella. (SIGNED)
ARC93055: LÉON BAKST - Esquisses de Décors et de Costumes, Arts, Graphiques, Peintures.
13749: GEORGE BALANCHINE - Portrait of Mr. B. Photographs of George Balanchine with an essay by Lincoln Kirstein and a memoir by Peter Martins. Over 70 photographs, some double-spread.
BC15131: BALLADS - A special ballads number of the periodical 'Twentieth Century Verse'. No. 4. June-July 1937.
SPE90573: J.G.BALLARD. - The Empire of the Sun. A novel.
BC11514: J.G.BALLARD - contributes the first printing of 'Zodiac 2000', his updating of the signs of the zodiac, to an issue of the quarterly periodical 'Ambit'. No. 75.
DUN0120: THOMAS BALSTON. - Wood-Engraving in Modern English Books. The catalogue of a 1949 exhibition arranged for the National Book League.
ARC92368: JOHN BANVILLE - Doctor Copernicus. A novel.
CAS0161: PAT BARKER. - The Regeneration Trilogy. Comprising her novels 'Regeneration', 'The Eye in the Door' and 'The Ghost Road'. (SIGNED)
BUL92105: PAT BARKER. - Another World. A novel.
DUN0073: GEORGE BARKER. - To Aylsham Fair. Poems. With eleven drawings by George Adamson.
DUN0117: EDDIE LINDEN. Sebastian Barker. - EDDIE LINDEN. Sebastian Barker. (SIGNED)
BC15985: A.L.BARKER. - The Gooseboy. A novel. (INSCRIBED)
BC15132: GEORGE BARKER - contributes a two-page 'Note on Narrative Poetry' to a special 'The Poet and the Public' issue of the periodical 'Twentieth Century Verse'. No. 18. June-July 1939.
BC14044: GEORGE BARKER. - The True Confession of George Barker.
BC13141: GEORGE BARKER. - In Memory of David Archer. (SIGNED)
BC13083: GEORGE BARKER. - Three Poems. Number thirteen of the Mir Poets pamphlets. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
BC11666: GEORGE BARKER. - In Memory of David Archer. Poems. (INSCRIBED)
BC18684: PAT BARKER. - Regeneration. A novel.
ARC92317: PAT BARKER. - The Regeneration Trilogy. Complete in three volumes comprising 'Regeneration', 'The Eye in the Door' and 'The Ghost Road'.
20017: A.L.BARKER. - No Word of Love. Stories.
KP90211: GEORGE BARKER. - Villa Stellar. Poems.
BC14409: SIEGFRIED SASSOON. Peter Barkworth. - Siegfried Sassoon. The Story of a Young Soldier Poet. A programme for the 1987 Apollo Theatre run of a one-man play, written by and starring peter Barkworth.
18146: JULIAN BARNARD - The Decorative Tradition. A study of applied ornament in Victorian building, with numerous illustrations and photographs.
DUN0074: JULIAN BARNES. - Talking it Over. A novel. (SIGNED)
BC13811: JULIAN BARNES (writing as 'Dan Kavanagh'). - Fiddle City.
BC13808: JULIAN BARNES - England, England.
ARC91034: WILLIAM BARNES - Poems of Rural Life in Common English.
20175: JULIAN BARNES (writing as 'Dan Kavanagh'). - Duffy. A novel.
20177: JULIAN BARNES (writing as 'Dan Kavanagh'). - Going to the Dogs. A novel.
20083: JULIAN BARNES - The Porcupine.
20081: JULIAN BARNES - Cross Channel. Stories.
BC16993: STANLEY BARON. - The Kindness of Strangers. A novel. (INSCRIBED)
BC16176: T.E.LAWRENCE. James Barr. - Setting the Desert on Fire. T.E.Lawrence and Britain's Secret War in Arabia, 1916-1918.
BC14533: SEBASTIAN BARRY - On Canaan's Side. A novel. (SIGNED)
BC17743: SEBASTIAN BARRY. - The Water Colourist. Poems.
BC17744: SEBASTIAN BARRY. - Boss Grady's Boys. A play.
BC16584: JOHN BARTH. - Sabbatical. A Romance.
BC17486: ALAN BARTRAM. - Lettering in Architecture.
DUN0047: EDWIN MORGAN. Robert Baston. - Metrum de Praelio apud Bannockburn / The Battle of Bannockburn. Translated from the Latin by Edwin Morgan, and with a foreword by Jack McConnell. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
BC18171: WILLIAM WORDSWORTH. Jonathan Bate. - Radical Wordsworth. The Poet Who Changed the World.
BC18357: H.E.BATES (published anonymously). - There's Freedom in the Air. The Official Story of the Allied Air Forces from the Occupied Countries.
BUL92132: H.E.BATES. - Give Them Their Life. The Poetry of H.E.Bates. Edited, with an introduction by Peter Eads, a foreword by Richard Bates and calligraphy and illustrations by Lynne Evans. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
BC16199: H.E.BATES. - The Vanished World. Autobiography. With illustrations by John Ward.
BC15772: H.E.BATES - Charlotte's Row. A novel.
BC14352: H.E.BATES - The Sleepless Moon. A novel.
ARC93728: H.E.BATES. - The Country of White Clover. With drawings by Broom Lynne.
BC18481: H.E.BATES - contributes his story 'The Evolution of Saxby' to an issue of the periodical 'Lilliput'. Vol. 32, no. 2, issue no. 188. January-February 1953.
BC12713: H.E.BATES. - Cut and Come Again. Stories.
BC12712: H.E.BATES. - The Nature of Love. Three short novels.
BC12699: H.E.BATES - A Love of Flowers. With illustrations by Pauline Ellison.
BC12691: H.E.BATES - The Bride Comes to Evensford. A story.
BC11870: H.E.BATES - contributes his short novel 'The Cruise of the Breadwinner' to an issue of the periodical 'The Cornhill'. No. 967, April 1946.
ARC93480: H.E.BATES. - The Fallow Land. A novel.
ARC93533: H.E.BATES. - The Story Without an End and The Country Doctor. Two stories. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
ARC93002: H.E.BATES. - Day's End and Other Stories.
ARC94001: H.E.BATES. - Pastoral on Paper. With photographs by John Gay, and maps and drawings by Leslie S.Haywood.
ARC94002: H.E.BATES. - Flying Bombs Over England. Edited by Bob Ogley.
BC17211: H.E.BATES. - The Scarlet Sword. A novel.
ARC90861: H.E.BATES. - The Last Bread. A play in one act.
ARC93570: H.E.BATES. - Mrs. Esmond's Life. A story. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
19323: H.E.BATES. - The Song of the Wren.
17047: H.E.BATES - The Modern Short Story. A Critical Survey.
16183: H.E.BATES - Derriere les Communiques. ['The Greatest People in the World']
ARC94036: H.E.BATES. - A German Idyll. With wood engravings by Lynton Lamb. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
12999: H.E.BATES - The Day of Glory. A play.
12996: H.E.BATES - The Modern Short Story. A Critical Survey.
18461: WEDGWOOD. Maureen Batkin - Wedgwood Ceramics 1846-1959. A New Appraisal. Most lavishly illustrated, with some colour-plates.
ARC93985: VICKI BAUM. - Grand Hotel. A novel. Translated from the German of 'Menschen im Hotel' by Basil Creighton.
HUN0055: EDWARD BAWDEN - is the subject of the lengthy cover article 'Edward Bawden: War, Work and Wit' featuring in an issue of the periodical 'Illustration'. Issue 4, summer 2005. Guineapiguana Publications Ltd., 2005.
HUN0056: EDWARD BAWDEN. - A folding handbill for a 2009-10 exhibition at Cecil Higgins Art Gallery and Bedford Museum.
HUN0057: EDWARD BAWDEN. - The World of Edward Bawden. The catalogue of a 1973-74 touring exhibition at Victoria Art Gallery.
HUN0054: EDWARD BAWDEN. - Edward Bawden 1903-1989. A Centenary Celebration. The catalogue of a 2003 exhibition at The Fine Art Society, London.
HUN0051: EDWARD BAWDEN. - Edward Bawden. English as She is Drawn. A Retrospective Exhibition.
HUN0044: EDWARD BAWDEN - contributes a two-colour cover illustration to an issue of the weekly magazine 'The Listener and B.B.C. Television Review'. Vol. LXIV, no. 1645. Thursday, October 6, 1960.
BUL90292: EDWARD BAWDEN AND THOMAS HENNELL. - Lady Filmy Fern or The Voyage of the Window Box. A story by Thomas Hennell accompanied by Edward Bawden illustrations. With an introduction by Peggy Skipwith.
HUN0043: EDWARD BAWDEN - contributes a cover illustration to an issue of the weekly magazine 'The Listener and B.B.C. Television Review'. Vol. LXIII, no. 1607. Thursday, January 14, 1960.
BC18820: EDWARD BAWDEN AND ERIC RAVILIOUS. Peyton Skipwith. - Edward Bawden and Eric Ravilious. Design. Compiled by Brian Webb and Peyton Skipwith. (SIGNED BY PEYTON SKIPWITH)
HUN0047: EDWARD BAWDEN - contributes a two-colour cover illustration to an issue of the weekly magazine 'The Listener and B.B.C. Television Review'. Vol. LXXI, no. 1830. Thursday, April 23, 1964
ARC93765: NINA BAWDEN. - Carrie's War. A novel. With illustrations and a dust wrapper design by Faith Jaques.
15366: NINA BAWDEN - Family Money. (INSCRIBED)
16607: CLIFFORD BAX - Old King Cole. A play.
18151: JAMES K.BAXTER - Collected Plays. Edited by Howard McNaughton.
16608: GLEN BAXTER - His Life. The Years of Struggle. Drawings and captions.
99104: JOHN BAYLISS - Venus in Libra. (SIGNED)
20249: REV. ROBERT BAYNE. - Historical Sketch of Rickmansworth and the Surrounding Parishes.
ARC93856: AMABEL WILLIAMS-ELLIS. Pauline Baynes. - British Fairy Tales. Retold by Amabel Williams-Ellis. With illustrations by Pauline Diana Baynes.
ARC93353: VICTORIA STEVENSON. Pauline Baynes. - Clover Magic. With illustrations and a dust wrapper design by Pauline Baynes.
ARC93675: EVELYN SHARP. Aubrey Beardsley. - At the Relton Arms. A novel.
ARC93679: ANNIE SOPHIE CORY (writing as 'Victoria Crosse'). Aubrey Beardsley. - A Woman Who Did Not. A novel.
ARC93680: JOHN SMITH. Aubrey Beardsley. - Platonic Affections. A novel.
ARC93674: FRANCIS ADAMS. Aubrey Beardsley. - A Child of the Age. A novel.
ARC93678: WILLIAM SHARP (writing as 'Fiona Macleod'). Aubrey Beardsley. - The Mountain Lovers. A novel.
ARC93677: W.CARLTON DAWE. Aubrey Beardsley. - Yellow and White. Stories.
ARC93676: GERTRUDE DIX. Aubrey Beardsley. - The Girl from the Farm. A novel.
BC17256: H.BEARDWOOD. - The History of Colfe's Grammar School 1862-1972. Edited by H.Beardwood (then headmaster).
BC16211: CECIL BEATON. - Time Exposure. With commentary and captions by Peter Quennell.
BUL92266: CECIL BEATON. - Cecil Beaton. A catalogue of a 1986 exhibition at the Barbican Art Gallery. Edited by Dr. David Mellor.
BUL92273: CECIL BEATON. - Beaton. A monograph. Edited, with text by James Danziger.
ARC93357: PAUL COHEN-PORTHEIM. Cecil Beaton. - The Spirit of Paris. With a dust wrapper design by Cecil Beaton.
17660: CECIL BEATON - Salisbury. A New Approach to the City and its Neighbourhood. Edited by Hugh Shortt. With architectural photographs by Cecil Beaton.
BC18424: SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR. - The Marquis de Sade. An Essay. With Selections of His Writings Chosen by Paul Dinnage. Translated from the French by Annette Michelson and Paul Dinnage.
ARC93941: SIMONE DE BEAUVOIR. - The Blood of Others. Translated from the French of 'Le Sang des Autres' by Yvonne Moyse and Roger Senhouse.
BC13702: LORD BEAVERBROOK - Men and Power 1917-1918.
SPEX9006: SAMUEL BECKETT. - Three Occasional Pieces.
BC16785: SAMUEL BECKETT. - All That Fall. A Play for Radio.
DUN0015: AUDREY BEECHAM. - The Coast of Barbary. Poems.
BUL91056: PATRICIA BEER - contributes her poems 'Hans Christian Andersen', 'Bereavement' and 'Poems from Prison' to Poetry Supplement. Compiled by Peter Porter for the Poetry Books Society, Christmas 1980.
BC13121: PATRICIA BEER - Just Like the Resurrection. Poems. (SIGNED)
BC13120: PATRICIA BEER - Loss of the Magyar and Other Poems. (SIGNED)
99106: PATRICIA BEER - Loss of the Magyar and Other Poems.
SPE90111: PATRICIA BEER. - The Estuary. Poems. (SIGNED)
ARC94060: MAX BEERBOHM. - Rossetti and His Circle.
BC13861: MAX BEERBOHM - contributes a caricature of Oliver W.F.Lodge to the third issue of the literary magazine The Abinger Chronicle. Vol. 1, No. 3, February 1940.
ARC91495: MAX BEERBOHM - The Dreadful Dragon of Hay Hill.
ARC91136: MAX BEERBOHM - The Works of Max Beerbohm. With a bibliography by John Lane.
ARC91035: MAX BEERBOHM. - Zuleika Dobson; or An Oxford Love Story. A novel.
20135: MAX BEERBOHM - Cartoons. 'The Second Childhood of John Bull'.
19335: MAX BEERBOHM. - Lytton Strachey. A lecture.
ARC93729: BRENDAN BEHAN. - The Quare Fellow. A Comedy-Drama.
BC12461: OSCAR WILDE. Barbara Belford. - Oscar Wilde. A Certain Genius.
BC15595: E.A.BELL. - Poems and a Dream. (INSCRIBED)
ARC92725: NEIL BELL. - Ten Short Stories. (INSCRIBED)
19844: CLIVE BELL - Enjoying Pictures. Meditations in the National Gallery and Elsewhere.
12350: CLIVE BELL - On British Freedom.
12349: CLIVE BELL - Pot-Boilers
BUL90883: FRANCES BELLERBY - Selected Poems. Edited, with an introduction by Charles Causley. (INSCRIBED)
BC18821: HILAIRE BELLOC. - A Remaining Christmas. An essay. With an introduction by Anthony Jebb (Belloc's grandson), and wood engravings by Phillida Gili.
BC18717: HILAIRE BELLOC. - The Old Road. With illustrations by William Hyde.
ARC92696: HILAIRE BELLOC - The Highway and Its Vehicles. Edited by Geoffrey Holme.
ARC92694: HILAIRE BELLOC - The Modern Traveller. Verses by H[ilaire] B[elloc] and pictures by B.T.B. [i.e. Lord Basil Temple Blackwood].
15376: HILAIRE BELLOC - Avril. Essays on the Poetry of the French Renaissance.
ARC93648: SAUL BELLOW. - Mr Sammler's Planet. A novel.
BC10080: SAUL BELLOW - is the subject of two essays: 'Saul Bellow and the Naturalist Tradition' by Malcolm Bradbury and 'The Novels of Saul Bellow' by Geoffrey Rans contributed to an American Literature special issue of the periodical 'A Review of English Literature'. Vol. IV, no. 4, October 1963.
DUN0132: DAVID GASCOYNE. Colin T.Benford. - David Gascoyne. A Bibliography of His Works (1929-1985).
ARC92750: ROBIN BENN, ROBERT SMITH, DENNIS BIRCH AND ALAN WHITE. - Poets in Battledress. A Book of War-Time Verse.
BC17843: ALAN BENNETT. - The Habit of Art. A play. (SIGNED)
SPEX9011: ALAN BENNETT. - Untold Stories. (INSCRIBED)
BC13147: ALFRED GORDON BENNETT - Collected Poems 1920-1930. (INSCRIBED)
ARC91729: ARNOLD BENNETT - Over There. War Scenes on the Western Front.
ARC91640: ALAN BENNETT, PETER COOK, JONATHAN MILLER AND DUDLEY MOORE. - Beyond the Fringe. With an introduction by Michael Frayn.
19788: GEORGE BENNETT - Mannequins (INSCRIBED)
SPE0263: ALAN BENNETT. - Telling Tales. (INSCRIBED)
BC18544: E.F.BENSON. - Lucia's Progress. A novel.
BC18542: E.F.BENSON. - Miss Mapp. A novel.
19677: PETER BENSON - Odo's Hanging
ARC92697: HILAIRE BELLOC. Nicholas Bentley - New Cautionary Tales. Verses by Hilaire Belloc with drawings by Nicholas Bentley.
ARC92499: BARNETT FREEDMAN. Phyllis Bentley. - Colne Valley Cloth. From the Earliest Times to the Present Day. With illustrations by Harold Blackburn, and cover and endpaper designs by Barnett Freedman.
BC12335: ROLOFF BENY - Rajasthan. Land of Kings. With over one hundred splendid colour photographs by Roloff Beny.
17066: MARY BERENSON - Mary Berenson. A Self-Portrait from her Letters & Diaries. Edited by Barbara Strachey & Jayne Samuels.
8835: ELISABETH BERESFORD - The Tovers. With illustrations by Geoffrey Beitz. (INSCRIBED)
ARC93862: JOHN BERGER. - Permanent Red. Essays in Seeing.
ARC93117: JOHN BERGER. - G. A novel.
ARC93327: ALFRED WALLIS. Sven Berlin. - Alfred Wallis: Primitive.
BC17305: SVEN BERLIN. - I am Lazarus. With eight drawings by the author.
ARC93581: DAME JULIANA BERNERS. - The Boke of Saint Albans. Containing Treatises on Hawking, Hunting, and Corte Armour. With an introduction by William Blades.
ARC93454: EDWARD ARDIZZONE. Lord Berners. - Incidental Music for the Ealing Studios Film Nicholas Nickleby.
ARC93314: LORD BERNERS. - Percy Wallingford [and] Mr Pidger. Two novellas.
ARC91237: LORD BERNERS - Fugue for Orchestra.
BC10334: LOUIS DE BERNIERES. - Birds Without Wings.
BC10239: LOUIS DE BERNIERES - The Troublesome Offspring of Cardinal Guzman. The third and final volume of the 'Latin America Trilogy'.
ARC90752: LOUIS DE BERNIÈRES - Labels. With vignettes and a cover design by Christopher Wormell. (SIGNED)
13095: LOUIS DE BERNIERES - Labels. With vignette engravings and a cover-design by Christopher Wormell. (SIGNED)
ARC91663: SHELL POSTERS. David Bernstein. - The Shell Poster Book. With an introduction by David Bernstein.
BUL92015: JAMES BERRY. - A Thief in the Village and Other Stories. (SIGNED)
BC18442: JOHN BERRYMAN. - Love & Fame. Poems.
BC18443: JOHN BERRYMAN. - Delusions, Etc. Poems.
BC18441: JOHN BERRYMAN. - His Toy, His Dream, His Rest. 308 Dream Songs.
ARC92849: ALVAH C.BESSIE. - Dwell in the Wilderness. A novel.
BUL90409: RUPERT THE BEAR. Alfred Bestall. - Rupert Adventures Book No. 42.
ARC93817: JOHN PIPER. John Betjeman. - English Scottish and Welsh Landscape 1700-c. 1860. Verse chosen by John Betjeman and Geoffrey Taylor and illustrated with twelve splendid full page colour lithographs by Piper, prepared especially for this publication, plus another reproduced double-spread on the covers and replicated on the dust wrapper.
ARC94088: JOHN BETJEMAN. - Eternity. [a Christmas card]. (SIGNED)
BC15746: JOHN BETJEMAN - contributes his poem 'The Song of a Cold Wind' to Public School Verse. An Anthology 1924-1925. (PRESENTATION COPY)
ARC94069: JOHN BETJEMAN - contributes a one-page appreciation of artist and architect M.H.Baillie Scott to an issue of periodical 'The Studio'. Vol. 130, no. 628, July 1945. Edited by Geoffrey Holme.
ARC93930: JOHN BETJEMAN - contributes his six-page article 'Shakespeare on the Screen' to the anthology Press Gang! Crazy World Chronicle. Edited with an introductory note by Leonard Russell and with illustrations and a dust wrapper design by Nicolas Bentley.
ARC93456: JOHN BETJEMAN. - Ghastly Good Taste; or a Depressing Story of the Rise and Fall of English Architecture. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
ARC93271: JOHN BETJEMAN - contributes his hitherto unprinted poem 'Fruit' to the anthology Moments of Truth: Short Poems by Living Poets.
ARC93638: ANDREW YOUNG. John Betjeman. - Andrew Young. Prospect of a Poet. Essays and Tributes by Fourteen Writers (including John Betjeman). Edited and introduced by Leonard Clark, and with a preface by John Masefield.
ARC93991: JOHN BETJEMAN AND JOHN PIPER. - Murray's Berkshire Architectural Guide. Edited by John Betjeman and John Piper.
ARC92583: JOHN BETJEMAN AND HUGH CASSON. - Sketch Book. A Personal Choice of London Buildings, Drawn 1971-1974. With an introduction by John Betjeman. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
ARC93992: JOHN BETJEMAN. - A Garland for the Laureate. Poems Presented to Sir John Betjeman on his 75th Birthday.
ARC92356: JOHN BETJEMAN AND JOHN PIPER. - Church Poems. With drawings by John Piper. (WITHDRAWN FIRST ISSUE)
ARC92064: JOHN BETJEMAN - St. Mary-Le-Strand. A broadsheet poem.
ARC92040: JOHN BETJEMAN - contributes his poem 'The Song of a Cold World' to Public School Verse. An Anthology. Volume V 1924-1925.
ARC91790: JOHN BETJEMAN - Continual Dew. A Little Book of Bourgeois Verse. With drawings and an elaborate gilt cover-design by Osbert Lancaster.
ARC91601: JOHN BETJEMAN (writing as 'Richard M.Farran'). - Ground Plan to Skyline.
ARC91592: JOHN BETJEMAN (reads). - 'The Dear Old Village', 'Our Padre', 'Indoor Games Near Newbury' and 'Now to Get On in Society'. A 7-inch 45 r.p.m. extended play record.
ARC91583: JOHN BETJEMAN - A catalogue of a 1983 St. Paul's School exhibition of lworks by John Betjeman from the collection of Ray Carter. With an unpublished poem and illustrations by John Piper, Phillida Gili and Glynn Boyd Harte and an introduction by Philip Larkin.
ARC91528: JOHN BETJEMAN - Uncollected Poems. With a foreword by Bevis Hillier. (SIGNED)
ARC91463: JOHN BETJEMAN AND JOHN PIPER. - Church Poems. With drawings by John Piper. (WITHDRAWN FIRST STATE)
BC18345: JOHN BETJEMAN. - Archie and the Strict Baptists. With illustrations by Phillida Gili.
ARC91257: JOHN BETJEMAN (writing as 'Epsilon'). - Sir John Piers. (WITH CORRECTIONS BY THE AUTHOR, AND TLS)
9350: WILLIAM PURCELL. John Betjeman - Onward Christian Soldier. A Life of S.Baring-Gould. With an introduction by John Betjeman.
20134: JOHN BETJEMAN - The Order of Service for a wreath-laying to mark the centenary of the birth of Sir John Betjeman in Poet's Corner at Westminster Abbey on Monday August 28 2006.
18186: JULIAN FANE. John Betjeman. - A Letter. With a brief foreword by John Betjeman.
17669: JOHN BETJEMAN - Continual Dew. A Little Book of Bourgeois Verse. With drawings and an elaborate cover-design by Osbert Lancaster.
BC17512: EDWARD ARDIZZONE. John Betjeman. - A Ring of Bells. Poems of John Betjeman. Introduced and selected by Irene Slade and with a title page decoration, twelve line drawings and cover decorations by Edward Ardizzone.
BC12873: SUJATA BHATT - Point No Point. Selected Poems. (SIGNED)
ARC93211: PRINCESSE BIBESCO - Le Destin de Lord Thomson of Cardington. Suivi de Smaranda par Le Brigadier-Général Lord Thomson of Cardington. With a preface by James Ramsey MacDonald.
BC17666: MAX BILL. - Max Bill. Five Decades. The catalogue of a 2011 exhibition at Annely Jude Fine Arts.
BC17745: RUDOLF BINDING. - A Fatalist at War. Translated from the German of 'Aus dem Kriege' by Ian F.D.Morrow.
BC18275: LAURENT BINET. - HHhH. A novel. Translated from the French by Sam Taylor.
99114: EARLE BIRNEY - Near False Creek Mouth. Poems.
99113: EARLE BIRNEY - The Bear on the Delhi Road. Selected Poems.
BC13846: PIERS BIZONY - 2001. Filming the Future. With a foreword by Arthur C.Clarke.
ARC90731: EDWARD ARDIZZONE. Margaret Black - Three Brothers and a Lady. With thirty-nine colour illustrations by Edward Ardizzone.
BC13517: ELIZABETH BLACKADDER - The catalogue of a touring 1981-82 Scottish Arts Council exhibition.
BC15618: THOMAS BLACKBURN. - For a Child. Poems. Selected by Julia Blackburn. (INSCRIBED BY BLACKBURN'S DAUGHTER)
BC12807: THOMAS BLACKBURN - contributes his poems 'Legion' and 'Casa Montini' to an issue of the periodical 'Agenda'. Vol. 20, No. 2, summer 1982.
ARC93781: JOHN BLACKBURN. - Broken Boy. A novel.
BUL92026: T.E.LAWRENCE. Charles Blackmore. - In the Footsteps of Lawrence of Arabia.
18521: R.D.BLACKMORE - Slain by the Doones and Other Stories. Attractive pictorial title-page.
14444: R.P.BLACKMUR. - T.S.Eliot. An essay.
14362: R.P.BLACKMUR - Dirty Hands; or The True-Born Censor.
16065: VIRGINIA WOOLF. Bernard Blackstone - Virginia Woolf. A Commentary.
DB0019: WINIFRED NICHOLSON. Jon Blackwood. - Winifred Nicholson. The catalogue of a 2001-02 touring exhibition.
BUL90548: QUENTIN BLAKE - Ten Frogs. Dix Gvenouilles
BC14702: PETER BLAKE - Paris Escapades. With an interview by Marco Livingstone and commentaries by the artist. (SIGNED)
BC17252: WILLIAM BLAKE. - J.M.Q.Davies contributes his lengthy illustrated essay 'Embraces Are Cominglings: Passion and Apocalypse in Blake's Paradise Regained Designs' to an issue of the 'Durham University Journal'. Vol. LXXIV, no. 1, December 1981. Edited by J.W.Blench.
BC18225: PETER BLAKE. - Peter Blake. A Retrospective. Edited by Christoph Grunenberg and Laurence Sillars.
ARC93510: MICHAEL HOROVITZ. Peter Blake. - The Wolverhampton Wanderer. An Epic of Britannia. In Twelve Books with a Resurrection & a Life for Poetry United.
BC18185: QUENTIN BLAKE. - Pens Ink & Places.
SPE90209: WILLIS HALL. Quentin Blake. - The Incredible Kidnapping. With illustrations by Quentin Blake. (INSCRIBED)
SPE90229: E.H.BLAKENEY. - The Axiochus. On Death and Immortality. A Platonic Dialogue. Edited with translations, illustrations and notes by E.H.Blakeney.
DUN0184: DAVID JONES. David Blamires. - David Jones: Artist and Writer.
CAS0004: ALAN BLEASDALE. - Scully. A novel. (INSCRIBED)
ARC93328: EDWARD BAWDEN. Douglas Percy Bliss. - Edward Bawden. A monograph by Douglas Percy Bliss with a full bibliography by Barry McKay. (DELUXE ISSUE; INSCRIBED)
BC18718: DAVID JONES. William Blissett and Alan Horne. - David Jones. Artist & Writer (1895-1974). A Centennial Exhibition
ARC93946: KAREN BLIXEN. - On Mottoes of My Life. With a seven-page preface by Eigil Balling.
ARC93915: LAWRENCE BLOCK. - The Burglar in the Library. A Bernie Rhodenbarr Mystery. (SIGNED)
BC13975: HENRY BLOFELD - The Packer Affair. (INSCRIBED)
BC18432: ANTHONY BLOND. - The Publishing Game.
DUN0043: CLAIRE BLOOM. - Leaving a Doll's House. A Memoir. (INSCRIBED)
DUN0042: CLAIRE BLOOM. - Limelight and After. The Education of an Actress. (INSCRIBED)
ARC93878: JOHN HARRIS. [B.C.Bloomfield]. - A Century of Emancipation.
18194: ROBERT BLOOMFIELD - Poems. With thirteen illustrations by T.S.Cooper, J.C.Horsley &c., engraved by Thurston Thompson.
ARC93165: WILLIAM BLUNDELL - Cavalier. Letters of William Blundell to his Friends 1620-1698. Edited by Margaret Blundell.
BC18707: EDMUND BLUNDEN. - A Summer's Fancy. With illustrations by Randolph Schwabe.
BC17084: EDMUND BLUNDEN. - The Bonadventure. A Random Journal of an Atlantic Holiday. With an introductory letter by H.M.Tomlinson, and a drawing by R[alph] H[odgson] on the final text leaf.
BC13160: EDMUND BLUNDEN - Retreat.
11880: EDMUND BLUNDEN - Votive Tablets.
ARC91869: ANTHONY BLUNT - co-edits and contributes to the second issue of the fugitive undergraduate magazine 'The Venture'. February 1929. Edited by Anthony Blunt, H.Romilly Fedden and Michael Redgrave.
19841: FELX MENDELSSOHN. Wilfred Blunt - On Wings of Song. A Biography of Felix Mendelssohn
RB90100: WILFRID SCAWEN BLUNT (under the pseudonym 'Proteus'). - Sonnets and Songs.
BUL92280: RONALD BLYTHE. - The Stories of Ronald Blythe.
BUL91021: F.W.HARVEY. Anthony Boden. - F.W.Harvey. Soldier, Poet.
14831: JOHN SIBERCH. Robert Boes & G.J.Gray. - John Siberch. Bibliographical Notes of the first Cambridge Printer, 1886-1905. With facsimiles of title-pages, colophons &c.
BC16304: ROBERT BOLT - Flowering Cherry. A play in two acts. (SIGNED)
18528: MELVIN BOLTON - Ethiopian Wildlands. With photographs.
BC18031: DAVID BOMBERG. - David Bomberg 1890-1957. Works from the Collection of Lilian Bomberg. The catalogue of a 1981 exhibition.
BC16114: BRIAN BOND - The Unquiet Western Front. Britain's Role in Literature and History.
BC15524: EDWARD BOND - The Hidden Plot. Notes on Theatre and the State.
BC15502: EDWARD BOND - The Woman. Scenes from War and Freedom. A play.
ARC93718: T.E.LAWRENCE. Geoffrey Bond. - The Lawrence of Arabia Story.
ARC93054: MUIRHEAD BONE - The Western Front. Drawings. Part 1, December 1916. With an introduction by General Sir Douglas Haig.
ARC91431: SHELL GUIDE. Stephen Bone - The West Coast of Scotland. Skye to Oban.
ARC94046: CHRIS BONINGTON. - Everest. The Hard Way. (SIGNED)
BC18715: PHILIP LARKIN. James Booth. - Philip Larkin. Life, Art and Love.
BC17671: CAMILLE SILVY. Mark Haworth-Booth. - Camille Silvy. Photographer of Modern Life.
ARC93158: ALBERT SCHWEITZER. Edwin Prince Booth. - A Tribute on the Ninetieth Birthday of Albert Schweitzer. Edited by Dr. Edwin Prince Booth, Dr. Homer A.Jack, Mrs. Miriam Rogers and Mrs. Robert Alfred Vogt. (SIGNED).
ARC92937: MARY BORDEN. - Action for Slander. A novel.
BC18593: JORGE LUIS BORGES. - In Praise of Darkness. Poems. Translated from the Spanish of 'Elagio de la Sombra' by Norman Thomas di Giovanni.
ARC92510: JORGE LUIS BORGES - Labyrinthes. Translated into French by Roger Caillois.
18460: JACQUES LIPCHITZ. Bert Van Bork. - Jacques Lipchitz. The Artist at Work. A photographic monograph, with with dozens of photographs of the sculptor and his work and a critical evaluation of Lipchitz by Dr.Alfred Werner.
20239: JAMES BOSWELL. - On the Profession of a Player. Three essays now first reprinted from The London Magazine (1770).
SPE90523: IAN BOTHAM. - Head On. The Autobiography. (INSCRIBED)
BC17497: MARIO BOTTA. - Mario Botta. Public Buildings 1990-1998. Edited by Luca Molinari and with photographs of architectural works by Puino Musi and photographs of architectural models by Marco D'Anna.
BC13128: RONALD BOTTRALL - Farewell and Welcome. Poems.
ARC93219: RONALD BOTTRALL. - The Turning Path. With a two-page introduction in the form of a letter by Robert Graves. (INSCRIBED)
BC18146: ADOLF HITLER. Philipp Bouhler. - Adolf Hitler. A Short Sketch of His Life.
ARC91804: VERVE. Jean Bourdichon - Les Heures D'Anne De Bretagne. A special double-issue of Verve.
BC17345: MARK BOWDEN. - The Case of the Vanishing Blonde and Other True Crime Stories.
ARC93923: JOHN BOWEN. - The Birdcage. A novel. (INSCRIBED)
BC18747: ELIZABETH BOWEN. - Pictures and Conversations. With a foreword by Spencer Curtis Brown.
SPE90552: ELIZABETH BOWEN. - The Demon Lover and Other Stories.
BC18288: TOM BOWER. - Maxwell. The Final Verdict. (INSCRIBED)
ARC93984: ALFRED BOWKER. - The King Alfred Millenary. A Record of the Proceedings of the National Commemoration.
19209: THOMAS HARDY. C.M.Bowra - The Lyrical Poetry of Thomas Hardy. A transcript of the 23rd Bryon Foundation Lecture.
SPE90520: C.J.BOX. - The Bitterroots. A novel. (SIGNED)
BC18325: WILLIAM BOYD. - An Ice Cream War. A novel.
ARC93825: EDWIN R.BOYD (writing simply as 'E.R.B.'). - A Yarn of War. Palestine and France 1917-1918.
BC15807: GRAHAM SUTHERLAND. William Boyd. - Graham Sutherland. A monograph.
BC17934: WILLIAM BOYD. - Sweet Caress. The Many Lives of Amory Clay. A novel. (SIGNED)
ARC93109: WILLIAM BOYD. - School Ties. Two boarding school scripts.
ARC93737: WILLIAM BOYD. - A Good Man in Africa. A novel.
ARC93612: ARTHUR BOYD. - Pushkin's Fairy Tales. Translated from the Russian by Janet Dalley, with an introduction by John Bailey, and with lithographs by Arthur Boyd.
BC15575: T.CORAGHESSAN BOYLE - If the River Was Whiskey. Stories.
BC10274: KAY BOYLE. - Gentlemen I Address You Privately. A novel.
BC10275: KAY BOYLE. - Primer for Combat. A novel.
ARC93228: KAY BOYLE. - Year Before Last. A novel.
ARC91540: T.CORAGHESSAN BOYLE - Descent of Man. Stories.
ARC90315: JOHN BOYNE. - The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. A fable.
15676: SAMUEL JOHNSON. Robert Bracey. - Eighteenth Century Studies and Other Papers. With a Foreword by The Bishop of Clifton.
BC10097: MALCOLM BRADBURY - contributes his ten-page analysis 'Saul Bellow's Herzog' to an issue of the periodical 'Critical Quarterly'. Vol. 7, no. 3 autumn 1965.
ARC91962: RAY BRADBURY. - The Silver Locusts.
SPE90521: RAY BRADBURY. - Green Shadows, White Whale. A novel.
19361: MALCOLM BRADBURY. - Cuts. A novella. With drawings by Tom Phillips.
19232: RAY BRADBURY. - The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit and Other Plays for Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond Tomorrow. With an introduction by the author.
SPE90444: TOM BRADBY. - The White Russian. A novel. (SIGNED)
GM90002: JOHN BRAINE. - The Vodi.
BC16629: JOHN BRAINE. - The Crying Game. A novel.
RB90066: RODRIC BRAITHWAITE. - Moscow 1941. A City and its People at War.
ARC92634: ERNEST BRAMAH - English Farming and Why I Turned It Up.
ARC93688: ERNEST BRAMAH. - Max Carrados Mysteries. Stories.
ARC93993: FRANK BRANGWYN - contributes a tipped-in frontispiece to an issue of the periodical 'Vision. The Magazine of the Gloucester Society of Artists'. Vol. 1, no. 3. Spring 1930.
BUL91033: BRASSAÏ. - The Artists of My Life. Translated from the French by Richard Miller.
BC16834: JOHN BRATBY. - Breakdown. A novel.
BC11887: WARWICK BRAY - The Gold of Eldorado.
18070: JOHN FRANCIS BRAY - A Voyage from Utopia. Edited by M.F.Lloyd-Prichard.
19637: NEVILLE BRAYBROOKE AND SIMON BRETT - Four Poems for Christmas. Verses by Neville Braybrooke with wood engravings by Simon Brett. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
20112: GERALD BRENAN - A Life of One's Own. Childhood and Youth.
BUL91034: EMMANUEL BELLINI. Jean Bresson. - Emmanuel Bellini. I. LHomme. II. LOeuvre. A monograph. With a preface by Paul Vailar and text by Jean Bresson. (SIGNED)
ARC92571: HENRI CARTIER-BRESSON - Ritratti: 1928-1982.
BC13182: SIMON BRETT AND MICHAEL JUSTIN DAVIS - The Way to the Tree of Live. With wood engravings by Simon Brett. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
ARC92784: DAVID BURNETT. Simon Brett. - Nine Poets. With wood engravings by Simon Brett, printed from the original blocks. (INSCRIBED)
ARC91339: SIMON BRETT - So Much Blood. A Crime Novel.
BC11331: QUEEN MARY. Jeanie Rose Brewer. - The Life-Story of Our Gracious Queen Mary.
CAS0170: PATRICK O'BRIAN. - The Mauritius Command. Volume 4 of the Jack Aubrey / Stephen Maturin sequence. (UNCORRECTED PROOF)
CAS0137: PATRICK O'BRIAN - contributes his story 'A Passage of the Frontier' to an issue of the periodical 'The Cornhill'. No. 1079, spring 1974.
CAS0025: PATRICK O'BRIAN. - The Road to Samarcand. A novel.
CAS0006: PATRICK O'BRIAN. - The Golden Ocean. A novel.
ARC93640: PATRICK O'BRIAN. - The Fortune of War. A Jack Aubrey novel.
ARC92326: PATRICK O'BRIAN. - A Book of Voyages. Edited, introduced and with comments by Patrick O'Brian and with decorations by Joan Burton.
ARC90086: PATRICK O'BRIAN. - The Last Pool and Other Stories.
20132: PATRICK O'BRIAN - contributes his poem 'A Sung Landscape Remembered' to an issue of the periodical 'The Cornhill'. No. 1080, summer 1974.
BC12862: VALERIA BRIDGE - Air Dumplings and Paper Cutlets. A Collection of Poems.
18218: ROBERT BRIDGES - Verses Written for Mrs.Daniel. With an introduction by George Gordon and a facsimile of the manuscript verses.
ARC92874: TIM O'BRIEN - If I Die in a Combat Zone.
ARC92602: FLANN O'BRIEN - The Hard Life. An Exegesis of Squalor.
ARC95001: EDNA O'BRIEN. - The Lonely Girl. A novel. (INSCRIBED)
ARC91316: FLANN O'BRIEN - Flann O'Brien at War. Edited by John Wyse Jackson and with drawings by Hector McDonnell.
ARC93499: TIM O'BRIEN. - Northern Lights. A novel.
KP90523: EDNA O'BRIEN. - The High Road. A novel.
BC13520: ANDRÉ BRINK - The Other Side of Silence. (SIGNED)
BC12625: ANDRÉ BRINK - Before I Forget. (SIGNED)
19749: ANDRE BRINK - The Wall of the Plague. A novel.
BC18761: VERA BRITTAIN. - Honourable Estate. A Novel of Transition.
CAS0073: VERA BRITTAIN. - Testament of Experience. An Autobiographical Story of the Years 1925-1950.
BC18762: VERA BRITTAIN. - Testament of Experience. An Autobiographical Story of the Years 1925-1950. (INSCRIBED)
ARC92619: VERA BRITTAIN - In the Steps of John Bunyan. An Excursion into Puritan England. With fifty-six illustrations by Cyril Hargreaves and Others. (SIGNED)
ARC93349: LOUIS LE BROCQUY. - The Irish Landscape.
ARC92482: HAROLD BRODKEY - First Love and Other Sorrows. Stories.
BC13871: WILLIAM BRONK. - Careless Love and Its Apostrophes. Poems. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
ARC93953: JOCELYN BROOKE (writing as 'Bernard J.Brooke') - contributes two poems to the anthology Bedales Poetry. An Anthology of Verse Written by Boys and Girls at Bedales School. Edited with an introductory note by Geoffrey H.Crump.
BC18162: RUPERT BROOKE. - The Letters of Rupert Brooke. Edited by Geoffrey Keynes.
BUL90653: RUPERT BROOKE. - Twenty Poems. [Selected by Frank Sidgwick].
BC12152: RUPERT BROOKE. - Rupert Brooke: Four Poems. Drafts and fair copies in the author's hand. With a foreword and introductions by Geoffrey Keynes.
ARC93319: RUPERT BROOKE. - Poems.
ARC93192: RUPERT BROOKE. - The Old Vicarage Grantchester. With a woodcut by Noel Rooke.
ARC92339: RUPERT BROOKE. - 1914. Five Sonnets.
ARC92055: RUPERT BROOKE. - Lithuania. A Play in One Act. With a preface by John Drinkwater.
ARC91100: RUPERT BROOKE. - John Webster & the Elizabethan Drama.
ARC91018: RUPERT BROOKE. - Letters from America. With a preface by Henry James and a prefatory note by E[dward] M[arsh].
BC17306: JAMES BROOKES. - Sins of the Leopard. Poems. (INSCRIBED)
15596: HENRY JAMES. Van Wyck Brooks. - The Pilgrimage of Henry James.
BC16981: THE POWYS BROTHERS. - Recollections of the Powys Brothers. Llewelyn, Theodore and John Cowper. Edited with an introduction by Belinda Humfrey.
BC18087: T.E.LAWRENCE. Harry Broughton. - Lawrence of Arabia. The Simple Facts.
DUN0081: GEORGE MACKAY BROWN. - The Loom of Light. With pictures by Simon Fraser and photographs by Gunnie Moberg.
DUN0080: GEORGE MACKAY BROWN. - Time in a Red Coat. A novel.
DUN0079: GEORGE MACKAY BROWN. - Selected Poems.
DUN0078: GEORGE MACKAY BROWN. - Greenvoe. A novel.
BC17129: GEORGE MACKAY BROWN - contributes his poem 'Cough Cure' to an issue of the periodical 'Lines Review'. No. 21. Summer 1965. Edited by Alan Riddell.
BC15998: GEORGE MACKAY BROWN - The Sun's Net. Stories.
BC17903: CHRISTY BROWN. - Come Softly to My Wake. The Poems of Christy Brown.
ARC93086: GEORGE MACKAY BROWN. - Loaves and Fishes. Poems. (SIGNED)
17192: CHARLES DICKENS. Ivor Brown - Dickens in his Time.
ARC94042: RUPERT BROOKE. Maurice Browne. - Recollections of Rupert Brooke.
ARC92628: ROBERT BROWNING - La Saisiaz [and] The Two Poets of Croisic.
18227: ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING - The Greek Christian Poets and the English Poets. Reprinted from 'The Athenaeum'.
BC11209: ALAN BROWNJOHN. - A Night in the Gazebo. Poems. (INSCRIBED)
ARC90804: ALAN BROWNJOHN - Transformation Scene.
16639: KEVIN BROWNLOW - 9 Dalmuir West. [cover-title]. With photographs by Kevin Brownlow, Prince Marshall & Dennis Gill. (Published in association with the Kevin Brownlow documentary).
ARC93855: J.M.BRUCE. - The Aeroplanes of the Royal Flying Corps (Military Wing).
ARC94091: J.M.BRUCE. - British Aeroplanes 1914-18.
BC18785: CHRISTABEL BRUNISTON. - Life in a Liberty Bodice. Random Recollections of a Yorkshire Childhood. With watercolours by Margaret Clarkson. (SIGNED)
BC12641: GEORGES BRUYER, GEORGES LEROUX, GEORGES SCOTT AND LUCIEN JONAS - contribute Great War drawings and paintings (some in colour) to an August 1915 issue of the weekly French newspaper L'illustration.
DUN0014: BRYHER. - Ruan. A novel.
ARC92888: JOHN BUCHAN - Les Trente-Neuf Marches [et] La Centrale d'Énergie. Translated from the English of 'The Thirty-Nine Steps' and 'The Power Plant' by Thêo Varlet.
ARC92340: JOHN BUCHAN - contributes his seventeen-verse poem 'The Song of the Sea Captain' (later included in his 1917 collection 'Poems in Scots and English') to the anthology A Beggar's Wallet. Containing Contributions in Prose, Verse and Pictorial Illustration, Gathered from Certain Works in Art and Letters. Edited with an introduction by Archibald Stodart Walker.
ARC91936: ROBERT BUCHANAN - David Gray, and Other Essays, Chiefly on Poetry.
99555: TOBIAS SMOLLETT. Howard Swazey Buck - A Study in Smollett, chiefly "Peregrine Pickle". With a complete collation of the first and second editions.
15865: HENRY THOMAS BUCKLE - Essays. With a biographical sketch of the author.
ARC93160: COMMANDANT BUGNET. - Foch Talks. Aide-de-camp to Foch June 1921-March 1929. Translated from the French of 'En Écoutant le Maréchal Foch' by Russell Green.
BC14379: CHARLES BUKOWSKI - contributes his poem 'The Hollywood Hustle' to an issue of the periodical The Transatlantic Review. No. 52. Autumn 1975.
BC17037: GERALD BULLETT. - Poems in Pencil.
ARC91251: BASIL BUNTING. - Loquitur. Poems.
19811: GEORGE BURCE - Sea Talk. Poems
BC17559: CHRIS BURDEN. - Beyond the Limits / Jenseits der Grenzen. The catalogue of a 1996 exhibition at the MAK-Austrian Museum of Applied Arts. Edited by Peter Noever.
BC11972: ANTHONY BURGESS - The Kingdom of the Wicked.
BC17191: ANTHONY BURGESS. - Ninety-Nine Novels. The Best in English since 1939. A Personal Choice.
ARC90987: ANTHONY BURGESS - The Novel Now. A Student's Guide to Contemporary Fiction.
BUL90430: ERIC BURGOYNE - The Tattered Remnants.
ARC93356: THOMAS BURKE. - Whispering Windows. Tales of the Waterside.
ARC92629: THOMAS BURKE - Whispering Windows. Tales of the Waterside.
ARC90625: THOMAS BURKE - The Flower of Life. A London Tragedy. A novel.
BC13110: DAVID BURNETT AND JOAN HASSALL - The Heart's Undesign. Poems. With two wood engravings by Joan Hassall.
ARC92963: W.R.BURNETT - Little Caesar. A novel.
99128: DAVID BURNETT - Fescennines.
SPE90569: SHEILA BURNFORD. - The Incredible Journey. With illustrations by Carl Burger.
BC12824: STANLEY BURNSHAW - A special Stanley Burnshaw double-issue of the periodical 'Agenda'. Vol. 21, No. 4 and Vol. 22, No. 1, winter-spring 1983-84.
DUN0006: JOHN BURNSIDE. - A Lie About My Father. (INSCRIBED)
DUN0011: JOHN BURNSIDE. - I Put a Spell on You. Several Digressions on Love and Glamour. (INSCRIBED)
BC18183: EDWARD BURRA. - Edward Burra. The catalogue of a 1985 exhibition at the Hayward Gallery, London.
BC12871: JANET BURROWAY - But to the Season. Poems.
11661: ANTHONY BURTON - The Past at Work. (SIGNED) Published in conjunction with a BBC television series.
BC15002: STEPHEN BURY - Breaking the Rules. The Printed Face of European Avant Garde 1900-1937. Edited by Stephen Bury.
ARC94089: ELIZABETH BUTLER. - From Sketch-Book and Diary. With illustrations by the author.
BUL92265: J.M.W.TURNER. Martin Butlin, Mollie Luther and Ian Warrell. - Turner at Petworth. Painter and Patron.
ARC94092: GEORGE BUTTERWORTH. - A Shropshire Lad. Rhapsody for Full Orchestra. Composed by George Butterworth.
BC18818: ERIC RAVILIOUS. Penelope Butterworth. - Ravilious in Sussex. Then and Now. (SIGNED)
BUL92005: FREDDIE DE BUTTS - Now the Dust has Settled. Memories of War and Peace 1939-1994. (SIGNED)
BC11281: MARY BUTTS. - The Macedonian. A novel.
ARC93573: A.S.BYATT. - Shadow of the Sun. A novel. (SIGNED)
BC17702: A.S.BYATT. - Wordsworth and Coleridge in their Time.
BC18108: EDMUND BLUNDEN. Alan Byford. - Edmund Blunden and the Great War: Recollections of a Friendship.
18237: WITTER BYNNER - Tiger. A play.
ARC94090: ANTHOLOGY. John Byrne. - Aiding and Abetting. An Alphabet for Aids. (DELUXE ISSUE)
ARC92610: ROBERT BYRON - Europe in the Looking-Glass. Reflections of a Motor Drive from Grimsby to Athens.
ARC90992: SHELL GUIDE. Robert Byron. - Shell Guide to Wiltshire. A Series of Views of Castles, Seats of the Nobility, Mines, Picturesque Scenery, Towns, Public Buildings, Churches, Antiques &c. Edited by Robert Byron.
ARC94062: ROBERT BYRON AND CHRISTOPHER SYKES (writing as 'Richard Waughburton'). - Innocence and Design. A novel.
ARC94030: ROBERT BYRON. - The Road to Oxiana.
BUL90486: TERRY PRATCHETT. Craig Cabell - Terry Pratchett. The Spirit of Fantasy. The Life and Work of the Man Behind the Magic.
ARC93668: JAMES M.CAIN. - Three of a Kind. Three novellas.
BC16995: JAMES M.CAIN. - Cloud Nine. A novel. With an afterword by Roy Hoopes.
16197: JOHN BETJEMAN. Ann Callender. - Godly Mayfair. With an introduction by John Betjeman.
BC12396: DONALD CAMERON. - Sons of El Dorado. Venezuelan Adventure. With drawings by Peter Edwards.
ARC91945: KATHARINE CAMERON - Na Daoine Sidhe / Gaelic Fairy Tales. Edited by Winifred M.Parker and with illustrations by Katharine Cameron and Rachel Ainslie Grant Duff.
BUL90868: ALAN CAMPBELL - Colditz Cameo. Being a Collection of Verse Written by a Prisoner of War in Germany 1940-1945.
BC16542: HARRY CAMPBELL. - Belgian Soldiers at Home in the United Kingdom / Les Soldats Belges en Congé dans le Reyayume Uni. (INSCRIBED)
BC16511: RAMSEY CAMPBELL - Thieving Fear. A novel. With an introduction by Kim Newman. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
BC15963: ALISTAIR CAMPBELL - Wild Honey. Poems.
BC13532: CHRISTY CAMPBELL - Band of Brigands. The First Men in Tanks.
ARC92581: JOHN DRYDEN. Peter Campbell. - Alexander's Feast; or The Power of Music. An Ode for Saint Cecilia's Day 1697. With drawings by Peter Campbell.
ARC92318: R.W.CAMPBELL - The Mixed Division (T). A novel.
ARC93537: CAPTAIN R.W.CAMPBELL - The Kangaroo Marines.
19990: ROY CAMPBELL. (Wyndham Lewis, Richard Aldington, Lawrence Durrell &c.). - Hommage a Roy Campbell. Choix de poemes, traduits par Armand Guibert. (Text in French). With illustrations.
16573: J.R.ACKERLEY. A.Y.Campbell, Edward Davison & Frank Kendon - Poems by Four Authors.
DUN0037: ALBERT CAMUS. - Resistance, Rebellion and Death. Translated from the French of 'Lettres à un ami Allemand' and with an introduction by Justin O'Brien.
BC16221: ETHAN CANIN. - Emperor of the Air. Stories. (SIGNED)
ARC93453: THE BROTHER CAPEK (i.e. Josef and Karel Capek). - And so ad infinitum (The Life of the Insects). An Entomological Review, in Three Acts a Prologue and an Epilogue. Translated from the Czech by Paul Selver. Freely adapted for the English Stage by Nigel Playfair and Clifford Bax.
BC14515: TRUMAN CAPOTE - Music for Chameleons. New Writing.
BC16557: PETER CAREY. - Collected Stories.
BC17337: EDWARD CAREY. - Little. A novel. With illustrations by the author. (SIGNED)
BC18298: PETER CAREY. - The Tax Inspector. A novel. (SIGNED)
ARC93622: HENRY CAREY AND ROBERT GIBBINGS. - Songs & Poems. With decorations by Robert Gibbings. (SIGNED)
BUL90688: T.E.CARHART - The Piano Shop on the Left Bank. The Hidden World of the Paris Atelier. (SIGNED)
BC17582: ANTHONY CARO. - Upright Sculptures.
BC17627: ANTHONY CARO. - Seven Decades. The catalogue of a 2019 exhibition at Annely Juda Fine Art Gallery. With an introduction by Dieter Schwarz.
BC11391: ANTHONY CARO. - New Sculptures. A survey. The catalogue of an exhibition.
BC10284: ANTHONY CARO - Sculpture Towards Architecture. The catalogue of a 1991-2 exhibition at the Tate Gallery.
BC16772: HENRY WILLIAMSON. Sue Caron. - A Glimpse of Ancient Sunlight. Memories of Henry Williamson. With a foreword and notes by Brocard Sewell.
BC16547: J.L.CARR. - The Battle of Pollocks Crossing. A novel.
BC18822: J.L.CARR. - A Month in the Country. A novel. With drawings by Christopher Fiddes. (SIGNED)
BC18823: J.L.CARR. - Harpole & Foxberrow: General Publishers. A Business History (with Footnotes). (SIGNED)
ARC93906: J.L.CARR. - What Hetty Did; or Life and Letters. With decorations by Joan Hassall, Monica Poole and others. (SIGNED)
ARC91386: J.L.CARR. - A Month in the Country. A novel. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
ARC90561: J.L.CARR. - The First Saturday in May. An Echo of A Shropshire Lad. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
ARC93893: J.L.CARR. - A Day in Summer. A novel.
ARC93574: J.L.CARR. - How Steeple Sinderby Won and F.A.Cup. A novel.
ARC93758: J.L.CARR. - The Harpole Report. A novel. (SIGNED)
KP90255: J.L.CARR. - A Season in Sinji. A novel.
SFC0008: CARLO CARRÀ. - Carlo Carrà. Works on Paper. The catalogue of a 2001-02 exhibition.
SPE90570: JOHN LE CARRÉ. - The Honourable Schoolboy. A novel.
SPE90376: JOHN LE CARRÉ. - Our Game. A novel.
SPE90383: JOHN LE CARRÉ. - The Naïve and Sentimental Lover. A novel. (SIGNED)
SPE90378: JOHN LE CARRÉ. - The Looking-Glass War. A novel. (SIGNED)
SPE90377: JOHN LE CARRÉ. - The Spy Who Came in from the Cold. A novel. (SIGNED)
SPE90375: JOHN LE CARRÉ. - Our Game. A novel. (SIGNED)
SPE90374: JOHN LE CARRÉ. - The Secret Pilgrim. A novel. (SIGNED)
SPE90372: JOHN LE CARRÉ. - The Little Drummer Girl. A novel. (SIGNED)
SPE90373: JOHN LE CARRÉ. - The Russia House. A novel. (SIGNED)
SPE90370: JOHN LE CARRÉ. - Absolute Friends. A novel. (SIGNED)
SPE90367: JOHN LE CARRÉ. - The Tailor of Panama. A novel. (SIGNED)
SPE90368: JOHN LE CARRÉ. - Single & Single. A novel. (SIGNED)
BUL90737: DAVID R.SLAVITT. [Lewis Carroll]. - Alice at 80. A novel.
16235: LEWIS CARROLL - Novelty and Romancement. A story originally printed in 'The Train' in 1856 and hitherto unpublished in bookform. With an introduction by Randolph Edgar.
KP90158: LEWIS CARROLL. - The Hunting of the Snark. An Agony in Eight Fits. With nine illustrations by Henry Holiday.
12258: ADAM CARSE - The Orchestra in the XVIIIth Century.
BC16628: VICTOR BONHAM-CARTER. - Authors by Profession. Complete in two volumes.
ARC93871: FORREST CARTER. - Gone to Texas. A novel.
ARC93940: ANGELA CARTER. - Heroes & Villains.
ARC93080: ANGELA CARTER. - The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman. A novel.
ARC93724: ANGELA CARTER. - Several Perceptions. A novel.
BC18629: RAYMOND CARVER. - My Father's Life. An essay. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
ARC93005: JOYCE CARY. - Marching Soldier. A poem.
KP90183: JOYCE CARY. - A special Joyce Cary issue of the periodical 'Modern Fiction Studies. A Critical Quarterly'. Vol. 9, No. 3 autumn 1963. Edited by James B.Meriwether.
BC16888: MARY CASEY. - A Net in Water. A Selection from the Journals of Mary Casey. Edited by Judith M.Long and Louise de Bruin.
BC16645: ROSANNE CASH. - Bodies of Water. Stories. (INSCRIBED)
ARC92959: HORACE DE VIEL-CASREL - Marie-Antoinette et La Révolution Françoise.
20125: HUGH CASSON - A Service of Thanksgiving for the Life and Work of Sir Hugh Casson and of Lady Casson, held at St. Paul's Cathedral, 29 November 1999.
ARC93838: AGNES AND EGERTON CASTLE. - Incomparable Bellairs. A novel.
BC18353: ANGELA CATER. - Burning Your Boats. Stories. With an introduction by Salman Rushdie.
ARC90583: WILLA SIBERT CATHER - Alexander's Bridges.
SPE90518: ELEANOR CATTON. - The Rehearsal. A novel.
ARC94054: CHRISTOPHER CAUDWELL. - Illusion and Reality. A Study of the Sources of Poetry.
ARC93937: T.E.LAWRENCE. Christopher Caudwell. - Studies in a Dying Culture. Essays. With an introduction by John Strachey.
BC18199: PAUL NASH. Andrew Causey. - Paul Nash's Photographs. Document and Image.
BC16886: JOHN COWPER POWYS. Glen Cavaliero. - John Cowper Powys. Novelist. (INSCRIBED)
SPE0293: NICK CAVE. - The Death of Bunny Munro. A novel. (SIGNED)
ARC93725: GEORGE CAVENDISH. - The Life and Death of Thomas Wolsey, the Great Cardinal of England.
BC16335: MARY ANN CAWS - Surrealist Painters and Poets. An Anthology. Edited by Mary Ann Caws.
15353: MICHAEL AYRTON. Cecil & Margery Gray - The Bed; or The Clinophile's Vade Mecum. With full-page drawings, colour-endpapers and a title-page illustration by Michael Ayrton. Edited by Cecil and Margery Gray.
BC18484: PAUL CELAN. - Selected Poems and Prose of Paul Celan. Translated from the German by John Felstiner.
BC17704: JAVIER CERCAS. - Outlaws. A novel. Translated from the Spanish of 'Las Leyes de la Frontera' by Anne McLean. (INSCRIBED)
20065: CITIZENSHIP CERTIFICATE - Certificate of Citizenship of the United States of America.
BC17780: MICHAEL CHABON. - Wonder Boys. A novel. (SIGNED)
BC18653: MICHAEL CHABON. - Telegraph Avenue. A novel. (SIGNED)
BC18309: MARC CHAGALL. - The World of Marc Chagall. Photographed by Izis Bidermanas and with text by Roy McMullen.
BC12916: MARC CHAGALL. - Chagall by Chagall. With an introduction by the artist, edited by Charles Sorlier and translated from the French by John Shepley.
99145: SOMERSET DE CHAIR - The Millennium and Other Poems.
MA0063: BRENDA CHAMBERLAIN. - Essays on the paintings and writings of Brenda Chamberlain feature in an issue of the periodical 'The Anglo-Welsh Review'. Vol. 20, no. 46, spring 1972. Edited by Roland Mathias.
ARC93982: GEORGE CHANDLER. - Liverpool. With a foreword by Alderman J.Braddock.
ARC93869: DAVID G.CHANDLER. - Sedgemoor 1685. An Account and an Anthology. (INSCRIBED)
ARC93701: CHARLIE CHAPLIN. - My Wonderful Visit. A memoir.
BC16758: GUY CHAPMAN. - Vain Glory. A Miscellany of the Great War 1914-1918, Witten by Those who Fought in it on Each Side and on All Fronts. Edited with an introduction by Guy Chapman.
14996: SAMUEL JOHNSON. R.W.Chapman. - contributes 'Johnsonian Bibliography 1750-1765' to the sixteenth issue of the quarterly publication 'The Colophon'.
11564: J.A.CHAPMAN - Papers on Shelley, Wordsworth & Others.
KP90825: WILLIAM CHAPPELL. - Studies in Ballet.
BC12861: TONY CHARLES - The Bear and Ragged Staff. Poems. (INSCRIBED)
14390: THOMAS CHATTERTON, Bertrand Bronson - Thomas Chatterton. An essay. Reprinted from 'The Age of Johnson. Essays Presented to Chauncey Brewster Tinker'.
ARC91967: BRUCE CHATWIN. - On the Black Hill. A novel. (INSCRIBED)
ARC91134: BRUCE CHATWIN. - The Viceroy of Ouidah. A novel.
BC17197: BRUCE CHATWIN. - In Patagonia.
KP90390: BRUCE CHATWIN. - Under the Sun. The Letters of Bruce Chatwin. Selected and edited by Elizabeth Chatwin and Nicholas Shakespeare, who also provides a thirteen-page introduction.
BC16487: E.E.CUMMINGS. Susan Cheever. - E.E.Cummings. A Life.
ARC93742: JOHN CHEEVER. - The Way Some People Live. Stories. (INSCRIBED)
BC15425: JOHN CHEEVER. - The World of Apples. Stories.
BUL92067: ANTON CHEKHOV. - The Undiscovered Chekhov. Fifty-One New Stories. Translated from the Russian and with an introduction by Peter Constantine.
BC18811: ANTON CHEKHOV. - The Woman in the Case and Other Stories. Translated from the Russian by April FitzLyon and Kyril Zinovieff, and with an introduction by Andrew G.Colin.
991680: G.K.CHESTERTON. - [Selected Essays].
ARC93373: G.K.CHESTERTON. - Irish Impressions.
ARC93347: G.K.CHESTERTON. - The Coloured Lands. With illustrations by the author.
ARC92729: G.K.CHESTERTON - The Wild Knight and Other Poems.
BC18605: FRANCIS THOMPSON. G.K.Chesterton. - Eyes of Youth. A Book of Verse. With a foreword by G.K.Chesterton.
20206: GEORGE H.CHETTLE. - The Queen's House, Greenwich. Being the Fourteenth Monograph of the London Survey Committee.
19899: CURWEN PRESS. Sandro Chia - The Draught of Dr Jekyll. An Essay on the Work of Sandro Chia. Published on the occasion of the Italian artist's first exhibition in London.
ARC94031: ERSKINE CHILDERS AND BASIL WILLIAMS. - The H.A.C in South Africa. A Record of the Services Rendered in the South African War by Members of the Honourable Artillery Company.
DOK0001: RAYMOND CHING. - The Bird Paintings. Water Colours and Pencil Drawings 1969-1975. With an introduction by Peter Hansard and text by David Snow, A.H.Chisholm and M.F.Soper.
ARC93548: KATHARINE CAMERON. Louey Chisholm. - The Wild Swans and Other Stories for the Nine Year Old. With pictures by Katherine Cameron.
BC18702: ANNA SEWELL. Susan Chitty. - The Woman Who Wrote Black Beauty. A Life of Anna Sewell. (SIGNED)
ARC90482: RICHARD CHOPPING. - Mister Postlethwaite's Reindeer and Other Stories. With illustrations by the author.
BUL92024: E.W.HUNTER CHRISTIE. - The Antarctic Problem. An Historical and Political Study.
ARC92934: AGATHA CHRISTIE - Dumb Witness. A Hercule Poiret mystery.
ARC94003: AGATHA CHRISTIE. - The Agatha Christie Centenary. Edited by Lynn Underwood and with a foreword by Mathew Pritchard (Christies' grandson) who also contributes a personal reminiscence.
BC16751: FYODOR DOSTOEVSKY. Alex Christofi. - Dostoevsky in Love. An Intimate Life.
BC15457: JOHN CHRISTOPHER. - The World in Winter. A novel.
ARC90963: JOHN CHRISTOPHER - The Death of Grass. A novel.
ARC93754: EILÉAN NÍ CHUILLEANÁIN. - Acts and Monuments. Poems. (SIGNED)
BC15934: RICHARD CHURCH - Philip and Other Poems.
BC18829: C.F.TUNNICLIFFE. Richard Church. - Green Tide. With illustrations by C.F.Tunnicliffe.
ARC92592: CHRISTOPHER FRY [Richard Church]. - Curtmantle. A play. (INSCRIBED)
ARC91166: RICHARD CHURCH - Philip and Other Poems.
99136: RICHARD CHURCH - The Dream and Other Poems.
99137: RICHARD CHURCH - Theme with Variation. Poems.
20075: RICHARD CHURCH - Mood Without Measure. Poems.
19886: RICHARD CHURCH AND MICHAEL AYRTON - North of Rome. Poems. With decorations by Michael Ayrton.
ARC93839: WINSTON CHURCHILL. - Savrola. A Tale of the Revolution in Laurania. A novel.
18249: ALLEN CHURCHILL - The Literary Decade. [A Panarama of the Writers, Publishers, and Litterateurs of the 1920's].
ARC93190: JOHN CLARE. - Journey from Essex. Poems for John Clare. Edited by Sandra McPherson.
BC17106: BARRETT H.CLARK. - The Blush of Shame. A Few Considerations on Verbal Obscenity in the Theatre. (INSCRIBED)
BC15447: EUGENE O'NEILL. Barrett H.Clark - Eugene O'Neill. The Man and His Plays. (INSCRIBED)
BC13084: LEONARD CLARK - The Mirror and Other Poems. With an introduction by Walter de la Mare. (INSCRIBED)
19897: RONALD W.CLARK - A Biography of the Nuffield Foundation
BUL90626: LINDSAY CLARKE - The Chymical Wedding. A Romance.
BUL90617: ARTHUR C.CLARKE. - The Making of a Moon.
BUL90004: ARTHUR C.CLARKE - Prelude to Space.
BC17766: AUSTIN CLARKE. - The Impuritans. A play.
DB0037: EVELYN DUNBAR. Gill Clarke. - Evelyn Dunbar. War and Country.
19729: AUSTIN CLARKE - The Sword of the West. Poems.
BC17767: AUSTIN CLARKE. - Liberty Lane. A Ballad Play of Dublin in Two Acts. With a brief note and a prologue by the author, and a wood-engraved frontispiece by Tate Adams.
ARC93696: AUSTIN CLARKE. - Poetry in Modern Ireland. With five illustrations and a wrapper design by Louis le Brocquy.
BC17177: CHICAGO EIGHT. Judy Clavir and John Spitzer. - The Conspiracy Trial. Edited by Judy Clavir and John Spitzer, and with an introduction by William M.Kunstler.
ARC93904: TUBBY CLAYTON. - Happy Returns. A Tribute in Pictures to 'Tubby' on his Seventieth Birthday. 12 December, 1955.
ARC92631: BOOTH TARKINGTON. T.M.Cleland - Monsieur Beaucaire. Designed and with illustrations and decorations by T.M.Cleland and a preface by J.Donald Adams. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
ARC93385: JACK CLEMO. - The Echoing Tip. Poems.
991780: THOMAS MANN. James Cleugh. - Thomas Mann. A Study.
19880: EDWARD BOOTH-CLIBBORN. - European Photography 1982. The second annual of European editorial, book, poster, advertising and unpublished photography. Edited by Edward Booth-Clibborn.
15518: EDWARD ARDIZZONE. Edward Booth-Clibborn - My Father and Edward Ardizzone. A Lasting Friendship. A series of over thirty original Christmas cards designed and sent by Edward Ardizzone to Augustine Booth, reproduced in two colours.
15656: SAMUEL JOHNSON. James L.Clifford. - Johnsonian Studies 1887-1950. A Survey and Bibliography.
SPE0270: HUGH CLIFFORD. - Sally: A Study and Other Tales of the Outskirts. (INSCRIBED)
ARC93590: RADCLYFFE HALL. Sally Cline. - Radclyffe Hall. A Woman Called John. A biography.
ARC94077: ALAN CLODD. - Alan Clodd and the Enitharmon Press. A Checklist of His Publications 1967-1987 and Private Printings 1958-1998. Compiled by Steven Halliwell and with a tribute by Jeremy Reed. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
BC18812: ALAN CLODD. - An Enitharmon Anthology for Alan Clodd. Founder and Decorator of the Enitharmon Press 1969-1987. Compiled and edited by Stephen Stuart-Smith. (INSCRIBED BY THE EDITOR, WITH ALS)
991071: EDWARD CLODD - Memories.
ARC93987: SHELL GUIDE. Lord Clonmore. - Kent. A Shell Guide. A Series of Views of Castles, Seats of the Nobility, Mines, Picturesque Scenery, Towns, Public Buildings, Churches, Antiques, &c. Edited by Lord Clonmore [i.e. William Cecil James Philip John Paul Howard, 8th Earl of Wicklow].
BUL90081: SHELAGH CLUETT. - Sculpture. The catalogue on a 1982 exhibition at the Nicola Jacobs Gallery, London.
BUL90301: ALICE M.COATS. - The Travels of Maurice. Beautifully illustrated in colour throughout by the author.
ARC93138: RICHARD COBB. - Still Life. Sketches from a Tunbridge Wells Childhood. (INSCRIBED)
BC16996: WILLIAM COBBETT. - Journal of a Year's Residence in the United States of America. With an introduction by J.E.Morpurgo.
ARC93101: WILLIAM COBBETT. - Rural Rides in the Southern, Western and Eastern Counties of England, together with Tours in Scotland and in the Northern and Midland Counties of England, and Letters from Ireland. The Whole including many Rides and Tours never before Reprinted, edited with an Introduction, Notes, a Biographical Record of Upwards of Nine Hundred Persons Mentioned, an Index of Places, and a Bibliographical Note by G.D.H. and Margaret Cole. With numerous vignettes by John Nash, and a map of Corbett's Country by A.E.Taylor. Complete in three volumes.
14999: EDWARD JOHNSTON. Sydney Cockerell - Edward Johnston. A Tribute. One of six short papers read at a Memorial Meeting convened by The Society of Scribes and Illuminators.
BUL92101: J.M.COETZEE. - Slow Man. A novel.
BC17059: J.M.COETZEE. - Disgrace. A novel.
BC16430: J.M.COETZEE. - Life & Times of Michael K. A novel.
BC12518: J.M.COETZEE. - Inner Workings. Literary Essays 2000-2005. With an introduction by Derek Armitage.
ARC93181: BRIAN COFFEY. - The Big Laugh. Poems. (INSCRIBED)
ARC92341: BRIAN COFFEY - [Poems].
BC18681: LEONARD COHEN. - A Ballet of Lepers. A Novel and Stories. Edited with an afterword by Alexandra Pleshoyano.
ARC90913: ISAAC ROSENBERG. Joseph Cohen - Journey to the Trenches. The Life of Isaac Rosenberg 1890-1918.
BC18039: WILLIAM COLDSTREAM. - New Paintings. The catalogue of a 1984 exhibition at Anthony d'Offay, London.
ARC93569: GERTRUDE STEIN. Nancy Cole and Guy Jacquet. - Hommage à Gertrude Stein. Présenté en Anglais par Nancy Cole et Guy Jacquet. (SIGNED)
BC14782: S.F.A.COLES. - Cities of Troy. Memorials of Peace-Time Travel in Greece, Magna Graecia and Asia Minor. With a preface and a foreword by J.A.Venn.
ARC93890: CATHERINE BARJANSKY in collaboration with Elinore Denniston. - Portraits with Backgrounds. A memoir. (INSCRIBED)
19863: SOTHEBY. The Major J.R.Abbey collection. - A catalogue of Valuable Printed Books and Fine Bindings from the celebrated collection. The property of Major J.R.Abbey.
BC17723: JOHN COLLIER. - His Monkey Wife; or Married to a Chimp.
ARC93846: JACKIE COLLINS. - Lady Boss. A novel. (SIGNED)
BC13936: CECIL COLLINS. Judith Collins - Cecil Collins. The catalogue of a 1989 Tate Gallery retrospective exhibition.
DB0041: ERIC GILL. Judith Collins. - Eric Gill: Sculpture.
DB0040: CECIL COLLINS. Judith Collins. - Cecil Collins. A Retrospective Exhibition.
10865: WILLIAM COLLINS - Drafts & Fragments of Verse. Edited from the manuscripts by J.S.Cunningham.
19949: JOHN STEWART COLLIS - The Carlyles. A Biography of Thomas and John Carlyle. (WITH ALs)
BC11688: ALEX COMFORT - Elegies
19298: PIERRE COMMOY AND GILLES BLANCHARD. - Pierre et Gilles. Published to accompany an exhibition at the New York's New Museum of Contemporary Art. With a foreword by Lisa Phillips and a lengthy introductory essay by Dan Cameron.
BC15079: CYRIL CONNOLLY. - A special Cyril Connolly issue of the periodical 'Adam International Review'. Edited by Miron Grindea. Nos. 385-390
BC14631: JOSEPH CONNOLLY - Boys and Girls. A novel. (INSCRIBED)
BC17467: CYRIL CONNOLLY. - Enemies of Promise.
ARC91748: CYRIL CONNOLLY - contributes 'The New Medici', a three-page review of the Shell Posters exhibition at The New Burlington Gallery, illustrated with splendid colour and monochrome reproductions to an issue of the periodical The Architectural Review. A Magazine of Architecture and Decoration. Vol. lxxvi, No. 452, July 1934.
ARC90739: CYRIL CONNOLLY - The Modern Movement. One Hundred Key Books from England, France and America 1880-1950. With a bibliography of English and French editions by G.D.E.Soar.
ARC90172: CYRIL CONNOLLY. - The Rock Pool. A novel.
BUL92157: PHILIP O'CONNOR. - Selected Poems 1936/1966.
BUL90953: T.P.O'CONNOR. - Epic War Stories of the Mercantile Navy.
BC16186: T.P.O'CONNOR. - T.P.'s Journal of Great Deeds of the Great War. Vol. 1, No. 2, October 24, 1914. Edited by T.P.O'Connor.
ARC92052: JOHN O'CONNOR - Canals, Barges and People. With superb colour engravings by the author.
BC18254: JOHN O'CONNOR. - Here's Flowers. An Anthology of Flower Poems. Compiled by Joan Rutter. With an introduction by Walter de la Mare and wood-engravings by John O'Connor.
RB90094: FRANK O'CONNOR. - The Road to Stratford.
BC17923: ROBERT CONQUEST. - Poems.
MA0032: ROBERT CONQUEST. - We & They. [Civic and Despotic Cultures].
19933: JOSEPH CONRAD. - Tales of Hearsay. With a foreword by R.B.Cunninghame Graham.
17113: JOSEPH CONRAD - Letters to William Blackwood and David S.Meldrum. Edited by William Blackburn.
MA0040: ANTHONY CONRAN - contributes three poems under the title 'A Crown for Anna Daniel' to an issue of the periodical 'The Anglo-Welsh Review'. Vol. 11, no. 28, [winter 1961]. Edited by Roland Mathias.
BC13428: ANTHONY CONRAN - Stelae and Other Poems.
ARC91711: ANGELA CONSTANTINI - The Birth, Life and Death of Scaramouch. Translated from the first edition published in Paris, 1695 by Cyril W.Beaumont, together with Mezzetins dedicatory Poems and Lorets rhymed News-letters cornering Scaramouch, now first rendered into English Verse by Edmund Blunden.
CAS0172: ROBIN COOK. - Fatal Cure. A novel.
CAS0173: ROBIN COOK. - Shock. A novel.
ARC93409: ROBIN COOK. - Bombe Surprise. A novel.
99095: A.J.COOMBES - Some Australian Poets.
SFC0022: PATRICK LEIGH FERMOR. Artemis Cooper. - Patrick Leigh Fermor. An Adventure.
BC18568: WILLIAM COOPER. - The Struggles of Albert Woods. A novel.
BC17731: DIANA COOPER. - Darling Monster. The Letters of Lady Diana Cooper to her Son John Julius Norwich 1939-1952. Edited by John Julius Norwich.
ARC92829: WILLIAM COOPER. - Immortality at Any Price. A novel. (SIGNED)
ARC92828: WILLIAM COOPER. - From Early Life. A memoir. (INSCRIBED)
BC17568: THOMAS JOSHUA COOPER. - Scattered Waters. Sources, Streams, Rivers. (SIGNED)
17155: CHARLES DICKENS. Lettice Cooper - A Hand upon the Time. A Life of Charles Dickens.
BC18494: ROBERT COOVER. - Spanking the Maid. A novel.
ARC93567: WENDY COPE. - Across the City. Poems.
SPE90390: WENDY COPE. - Love, Life and The Archers. Recollections, Reviews and Other Prose. (SIGNED)
ARC91758: A.E.COPPARD - Nixey's Harlequin. Tales
ARC93536: A.E.COPPARD. - Hips & Haws. Poems. (INSCRIBED)
ARC94080: LE CORBUSIER. - My Work. Translated from the French by James Palmes and with an introduction by Maurice Jardot.
BC17498: LE CORBUSIER. - Ronchamp Le Corbusier. With text by Jean Petit and photographs by Pino Musi.
BC13130: HERBERT CORBY. - Time in a Blue Prison. (INSCRIBED)
KP90730: ALEXANDER CORDELL. - The Bright Cantonese. A novel.
19792: PHILIP CORE - Paintings 1975-1985. With an introduction by George Melly
BC18813: FRANCES CORNFORD. - Selected Poems. Edited by Jane Dowson, with a memoir by Hugh Cornford, and illustrations by Gwen Raverat and Christopher Cornford. (WITH A LETTER FROM HUGH CORNFORD)
ARC93500: FRANCES CORNFORD. - Different Days. Poems.
SPE90319: PATRICIA CORNWELL. - Quantum. A novel. (SIGNED)
BC14165: CORONATION - Official Programme of the Coronation Tattoo, Aldershot in aid of Military Charitable Funds. Held at Rushmoor, Aldershot June 10th, 11th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th and 19th 1937. Produced by the Officers of the Aldershot and Eastern Commands under the General Direction of Lieut.-Colonel H.H.Douglas-Withers, M.C.
20126: CORONATION. - A special Coronation issue of the periodical 'Harper's Bazaar' [UK]. Vol. XLIX, no. 3, June 1953. Edited by Eileen Dickson.
SPE90564: THEODORA CORRIE. - Siberian Echoes. (INSCRIBED)
BUL92081: EDWARD ARDIZZONE. Stephen Corrin. - The Fantastic Tale of the Plucky Sailor and the Postage Stamp. With illustrations by Edward Ardizzone.
ARC92878: JULIO CORTÁZAR - End of the Game and Other Stories. Translated from the Spanish by Paul Blackburn
BC14179: COUNT EGON CAESAR CORTI - A History of Smoking. Translated from the German by Paul England.
20248: HOWARD HERSCHAL COTTERELL. - Pewter Down the Ages. From Mediaeval Times to the Present Day. With Notes on Evolution. With a foreword by Antonio F de Navarro.
BC18500: DOUGLAS COUPLAND. - Everywhere is Anywhere is Anything is Everything. Edited by Diana Augaitis.
ARC93207: DAVID JONES. Francis Coventry. - The History of Pompey the Little; or The Adventures of a Lap-Dog. With an introduction by Arundell del Re and illustrations by David Jones.
BC16316: NOËL COWARD - Not Yet the Dodo and Other Verses.
BC15793: NOËL COWARD - The Letters of Noël Coward. Edited with an introduction by Barry Day.
ARC92830: NOËL COWARD - Spangled Unicorn. An Anthology. "Edited, with an introduction" by Noël Coward.
BC15098: MALCOLM COWLEY - A Second Flowering. Works and Days of the Lost Generation.
BC15099: MALCOLM COWLEY - The View From 80.
BC14987: MALCOLM COWLEY - The Dry Season. Poems.
BC14950: MALCOLM COWLEY - The Long Voyage. Selected Letters of Malcolm Cowley, 1915-1987. Edited by Hans Bak, with a foreword by Robert Cowley.
ARC93830: A.B.COX. - Jugged Journalism. With illustrations by George Morrow.
BC17996: A.B.COX. (Sherlock Holmes interest) - Jugged Journalism. With thirty-two illustrations by George Morrow.
BUL90092: JIM CRACE. - Continent.
ARC90520: JIM CRACE. - Continent.
BUL90399: TONY CRAGG. - New Works. Taurus, Ferryman, Turbo.
ARC93889: GORDON CRAIG. Edward Craig. - Gordon Craig. The Story of his Life.
ARC93218: JOHN NASH. The Earl of Cranbrook. - Parnassian Molehill. An Anthology of Suffolk Verse written between 1327 and 1864. With some account of the authors and with numerous drawings by John Nash.
ARC91947: STEPHEN CRANE - The Little Regiment and Other Episodes of the American Civil War.
ARC90472: STEPHEN CRANE. - Whilomville Stories. With illustrations by Peter Newell.
BC13544: ROBERT CRAWFORD - Talkies. Poems. (INSCRIBED)
ARC93912: XAN FIELDING. John Craxton. - The Stronghold. An Account of the Four Seasons in The White Mountains of Crete. With photographs by Daphne Bath and a splendid John Craxton dust wrapper design.
SFC0013: EMILIO GRECO. Roberta Cremoncini and Federica Pirani. - Emilio Greco 1913-2013. A monograph.
ARC93818: EDMUND CRISPIN. - Holy Disorders. A novel.
19898: HELEN CROMIE. - Ruth Erford's April Days
18960: VINCENT CRONIN - The Last Migration.
BC17499: WILLIAM BURGES. J.Mordaunt Crook. - William Burges and the High Victorian Dream.
BC17555: CHARLOTTE PARRY-CROOKE. - Contemporary British Artists. Edited by Charlotte Parry-Crooke, with photographs by Saranjeet Walia, and an introduction by Norbert Lynton.
BC15461: JANET TEISSIER DU CROS. - Divided Loyalties. [A Scotswoman in Occupied France]. With a preface by D.W.Brogan.
ARC90601: T.W.H.CROSLAND (published anonymously) - War Poems by "X".
991764: T.W.H.CROSLAND - The Five Notions. Poems.
14404: COLETTE. Margaret Crosland - Madame Colette. A Provincial in Paris. With illustrations.
99496: LEIGH HUNT. Launcelot Cross. - Characteristics of Leigh Hunt. As exhibited in that Typical Literary Periodical "Leigh Hunt's London Journal" 1834-35.
ARC93753: JOHN CROWLEY. - Little, Big. A novel.
BC15580: MARIANNE MOORE. [Andrew Crozier]. - Collected Poems.
DB0032: WILLIAM CROZIER. - Paintings 1949-1990. The catalogue of a 1990 exhibition at Crawford Municipal Art Gallery, Cork.
ARC93066: MARGARET CRUM - First-Line Index of English Poetry 1500-1800 in Manuscripts of the Bodleian Library Oxford. Edited by Margaret Crum. Complete in two volumes.
GM90125: RALPH CUDWORTH. - The True Intellectual System of the Universe. Complete in two volumes.
BC15137: E.E.CUMMINGS - contributes his story 'The House that Ate Mosquito Pie' to an issue of the quarterly periodical 'Wake' (formally 'The Harvard Wake'). No. 9. 1950.
BC13905: E.E.CUMMINGS - A special e.e.cummings issue of the periodical 'Journal of Modern Literature'. Vol. 7, No. 2, April 1979.
20224: E.E.CUMMINGS - contributes three untitled poems which begin "when hair falls off", "a clown's smirk", and "touching you I say", to an issue of the periodical 'This Quarter'. Vol. IV, No. 3, March 1932. Edited by Edward W.Titus.
ARC92364: NANCY CUNARD - Sublunary. Poems.
15280: R.N.CURREY - Poets of the 1939-1945 War.
BC17665: BARBARA HEPWORTH. Penelope Curtis and Alan G.Wilkinson. - Barbara Hepworth. A Retrospective. The catalogue of a 1994 exhibition at the Tate Gallery and a subsequent tour.
SPE90517: CLIVE CUSSLER. - Raise the Titanic! A novel.
18049: M.NANCY CUTT - Mrs. Sherwood and her Books for Children. With facsimile reproductions of two of them.
BC15498: PATRICK DACEY - We've Already Gone This Far. Stories.
BC12558: Reuvan Dafni and Yehudit Kleiman (edit) - Final Letters from Victims of the Holocaust. Selected by Reuvan Dafni and Yehudit Kleiman and with a foreword by Chaim Herzog.
BC15842: ROALD DAHL - Ah, Sweet Mystery of Life. Stories. With illustrations by John Lawrence.
18962: EDWARD DAHLBERG. - From Flushing to Calvary.
BC12956: PETER DALE. - Earth Light. Poems.
BUL90365: GEORGE DANNETT. - A Lifetime of Art. The catalogue of an exhibition held three months after the St. Ives artist's death.
16543: GEORGE DARLEY - Sylvia, or The May Queen. A Lyrical Drama. With a lengthy biographical sketch John H.Ingram.
BC17929: WILLIAM YOUNG DARLING (published anonymously). - Hades! The Ladies! Being Extracts from the Diary of a Draper Charles Cavers, Esquire, late of Bond Street London, West. With a foreword by 'Sacheverell Smith' [i.e. the author]. (SIGNED)
ARC93566: ELIZABETH DARYUSH. - Verses: Seventh Book. With a preface by Roy Fuller. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
ARC91365: W.A.DWIGGINS. Alphonse Daudet - Tartarin of Tarascon. Designed and with illustrations by W.A.Dwigins, and translated from the French and with an introduction by Jacques le Clercq. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
BC16206: ELIZABETH DAVID. - Summer Cooking. With illustrations and a dust wrapper design by Adrian Daintrey.
BC13236: DONALD DAVIE. - Brides of Reason. Poems.
BC13085: IAN DAVIE - Angkor Apparent. With illustrations by Rosemary Roberts and a four-page preface by the author. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
BC12965: DONALD DAVIE - In the Stopping Train and Other Poems.
ARC93396: DONALD DAVIE. - [Poems]. The Fantasy Poets Number Nineteen. (SIGNED BY THE PUBLISHER)
ARC91735: DONALD DAVIE - A Winter Talent and Other Poems.
AA90012: IAN DAVIE. - Piers Prodigal and Other Poems. With a foreword by Siegfried Sassoon.
20220: DONALD DAVIE. - [Poems]. The Fantasy Poets Number Nineteen.
ARC93784: WILLIAM H.DAVIES. - The Soul's Destroyer and Other Poems.
BC17796: W.H.DAVIES - contributes his twelve-line poem 'When Love is Young' to an issue of the periodical 'To-Day'. Vol. 9, no. 52, December 1922. Edited by Holbrook Jackson.
BC18419: ROBERTSON DAVIES. - The Deptford Trilogy. Complete in three volumes comprising 'Fifth Business' [and] 'The Manticore' [and] 'World of Wonders'.
BC17791: W.H.DAVIES - contributes his three verse poem 'The Flirt' to an issue of the periodical 'To-Day'. Vol. 6, no. 31, September 1919. Edited by Holbrook Jackson.
BC17795: W.H.DAVIES - contributes his three verse poem 'To Bacchus' to an issue of the periodical 'To-Day'. Vol. 8, no. 44, December 1920. Edited by Holbrook Jackson.
BC13292: ROBERTSON DAVIES - One Half of Robertson Davies.
BC13290: ROBERTSON DAVIES - The Table Talk of Samuel Marchbanks. With illustrations by Clair Stewart and a foreword by Sir Norman Birkett.
BC12315: ROBERTSON DAVIES - The Cunning Man. (SIGNED)
MA0067: DYLAN THOMAS. Aneirin Talfan Davies. - Dylan: Druid of the Broken Body.
ARC91857: W.H.DAVIES. (Edward Thomas interest) - New Poems.
BC17500: MICHAEL HOPKINS. Colin Davies. - Hopkins. The Work of Michael Hopkins and Partners. With essays by Patrick Hodgkinson and Kenneth Frampton.
SPE90301: EDWARD S.CURTIS. Barbara A.Davies. - Edward S.Curtis. The Life and Times of a Shadow Catcher. With an appreciation by Beaumont Newhall and a foreword by Bill Holm.
ARC92507: GUY DAWNEY. - Nigella. Poems.
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ARC93582: S.C.DEAN AND R.M.GARD. - The Stockton and Darlington Railway 1825.
BC18723: EDWARD THOMAS. Nick Dear. - The Dark Earth and the Light Sky. A play. (INSCRIBED)
JH900030: GEOFFREY DEARMER. - A Pilgrim's Song. Selected Poems to mark the Poet's 100th Birthday. Compiled by Laurence Cotterell and with a foreword by Jon Stallworthy.
19299: GEOFFREY DEARMER. - A Pilgrim's Song. Selected Poems to Mark the Poet's 100th Birthday. Compiled by Laurence Cotterell and with a foreword by Jon Stallworthy.
BUL92223: LEN DEIGHTON. - An Expensive Place to Die. A novel.
BC16602: LEN DEIGHTON. - Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Spy. A novel.
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BC18687: LEN DEIGHTON. - An Expensive Place to Die. A novel.
ARC94004: LEN DEIGHTON. - The elusive Len Deighton issue of 'Ark Magazine. The Journal of the Royal College of Art'. No. 10. [1953]. Edited by Rosalind Dease with Deighton serving as the art editor (this whilst a student at RCA and nine years before the publication of 'The Ipcress File').
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