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ARC93925: DEREK WALCOTT. - In a Green Night. Poems 1948-1960.
ARC93918: DEREK WALCOTT. - The Gulf and Other Poems.
BC17610: ROY LICHTENSTEIN. Diane Waldman. - Roy Lichtenstein. A monograph.
ARC92812: ARTHUR WALEY - A Hundred and Seventy Chinese Poems. Translated and introduced by Arthur Waley.
ARC91512: ARTHUR WALEY - More Translations from the Chinese.
ARC93635: WILLIAM SIEGEL. Clarence Forestier-Walker. - Romance of a Harem. Translated from the French of 'Dans l'ombre du Harem' by Clarence Forestier-Walker, and with illustrations by William Siegel.
BUL90511: DONALD SULTAN. Barry Walker. - Donald Sultan: A Print Retrospective. The catalogue of a 1992-94 touring exhibition.
ARC93827: FREDERICK WALKER. - Aërial Navigation. A Practical Handbook on the Construction of Dirigible Balloons, Aërostats, Aëroplanes, and Aëromotors.
BC15922: ALICE WALKER. - Her Blue Body Everything We Know. Earthling Poems 1965-1990 Complete. (SIGNED)
BC15232: TED WALKER. - Gloves to the Hangman. Poems 1969-72.
ARC93175: ALICE WALKER. - The Color Purple. A novel.
BC17950: ALICE WALKER. - The Complete Stories.
ARC93489: W.H.ROMAINE WALKER. - Mr Hipp; or Three Friends in Search of Pleasure. With drawings by the author.
16767: OLIVER WALKER. - Kaffirs are Lively. Being Some Backstage Impressions of the South African Democracy.
ARC93880: EDGAR WALLACE. - Unofficial Dispatches.
BC18123: ALFRED WALLIS. - Alfred Wallis. The catalogue of a 2 27 February 1965 exhibition at The Waddington Galleries
99649: PHILIP WALLIS - At the Sign of the Ship. Notes on the House of Longman 1724- 1974. With an introduction by Elizabeth Longman.
ARC92881: HUGH WALPOLE - All Souls' Night. A Book of Stories.
BC16496: GREAT WAR - Memorials of Rugbeians Who Fell in the Great War. Volume V.
BC15424: SECOND WORLD WAR. - Rank Badges of Britain's Allies.
BC18286: SECOND WORLD WAR. - Official Programme of the Victory Celebrations 8th June 1946.
BC14164: SECOND WORLD WAR - A National Registration Identity Card.
BC13670: GREAT WAR - Arras Avant et Apres le Bombardment [Arras Before and After the Bombardment].
ARC93191: GREAT WAR. - Ypres Aprčs la Guerre. Historical Souvenirs. Ten postcards illustrating various views of war-shattered Ypres.
ARC92689: GREAT WAR. - With the First Canadian Contingent. Published on Behalf of the Canadian Field Comforts Commission.
ARC90718: GREAT WAR. - Sir John French's Despatches. First and second series.
19318: GREAT WAR. - Three 1915 Overseas Club Empire Day certificates.
BC17113: JOAN E.V.WARBURG. - The Listening Ground. Poems. (INSCRIBED)
BC13677: G.KINGSLEY WARD AND MAJOR EDWIN GIBSON. - Courage Remembered. The Story Behind the Construction and Maintenance of the Commonwealth's Military Cemeteries and Memorials of the Wars of 1914-1918 and 1939-1945.
BC18458: HERBERT WARD. - Mr. Poilu. Notes and Sketches with the Fighting French. With an introduction by Sydney S.Pawling.
19825: WILLIAM WICKHAM. Kenneth Ward - The World of William Wickham. The Biography and Photography of a Remarkable Victorian.
BC14096: ALAN NEAME. Andy Warhol - The Adventures of Maud Noakes [and] Maud Noakes, Guerilla.
BUL90900: FRANCIS WARNER - Nightingales. Poems: 1985-1996. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
BUL90822: SYLVIA TOWNSEND WARNER - Twelve Poems. With a preface by Peter Pears.
BC17913: REX WARNER. - Imperial Caesar. A novel.
BC17873: SYLVIA TOWNSEND WARNER. - Mr. Fortune's Maggot. A novel.
ARC93882: SIR GEORGE WARNER. - The Libelle of Englyshe Polycye. A Poem on the Use of Sea-Power 1436. Edited with a lengthy introduction by Sir George Warner. (WITH ALS)
ARC93943: REX WARNER. - The Kite.
17512: SYLVIA TOWNSEND WARNER. - The Espalier. Poems.
17513: SYLVIA TOWNSEND WARNER. - Time Importuned. Poems.
19821: WILLIAM W.WARNER - Distant Water. The Fate of the North Atlantic Fisherman (with UK edition dust wrapper)
BC14988: ROBERT PENN WARREN - Eleven Poems on the Same Theme.
BC11339: C.HENRY WARREN. - Happy Countryman. A novel.
ARC93766: ROBERT PENN WARREN. - All the King's Men. A novel.
BC18004: JACOB WASSERMANN. - Etzel Andergast. A novel. Translated from the German by Cyrus Brooks.
991890: JACOB WASSERMANN - Joseph Kerkhoven's Third Existence. Translated from the German by Eden & Cedar Paul.
BC10975: KEITH WATERHOUSE. - Thinks. A novel. (SIGNED)
DB0021: MERLIN WATERSON. - Stone & Scorper. Wood Engravings of Churches and Monasteries.
BC18551: VERNON WATKINS. - Brian Keeble contributes his 24-page essay 'Time's Glass Breaks. The Metaphysics of Vision in the Poetry of Vernon Watkins' to an issue of the periodical 'Thames Poetry'. Vol. 1, no. 3, winter 1977. Edited by A.A.Cleary.
KP90689: VERNON WATKINS. - The Death Bell. Poems and Ballads.
KP90691: VERNON WATKINS. - Cypress and Acacia. Poems.
15638: SAMUEL JOHNSON. W.B.C.Watkins. - Johnson and English Poetry before 1660.
NAR0001: PAUL WATKINS. - Stand Before Your God.
ARC93543: COLIN WATSON. - Hopjoy was Here. An Inspector Purbright novel.
ARC93542: COLIN WATSON. - Coffin Scarcely Used. An Inspector Purbright novel.
ARC91464: IAN WATSON - The Jonah Kit. A novel. (SIGNED)
20073: MARJORIE WATTS - P.E.N. The Early Years 1921-1926.
19864: G.K.CHESTERTON. G.F.Watts - G.F.Watts. A Biography. With a preface by Quentin Bell.
ARC93821: ALEC WAUGH. - Resentment. Poems.
BC18159: ALEC WAUGH. - My Brother Evelyn and Other Profiles.
ARC93204: EVELYN WAUGH. - PRB. An Essay on the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 1847-54. With a preface by Christopher Sykes and a postscript by Christopher Wood.
ARC92562: EVELYN WAUGH. - Put Out More Flags. A novel.
ARC92488: EVELYN WAUGH. - Labels. A Mediterranean Journal.
ARC91861: EVELYN WAUGH. - Black Mischief.
ARC93770: ALEC WAUGH. - My Place in the Bazaar. Autobiography.
991891: EVELYN WAUGH. - Conduite Scandaleuse. Translated from the English of 'Decline and Fall' by Franz Weyergans.
16219: ARTHUR WAUGH. (Rupert Brooke interest) - Tradition and Change. Studies in Contemporary Literature.
BC17318: LOUISA WAUGH. - Hearing Birds Fly. A Nomadic Year in Mongolia.
BC16095: SIR LAWRENCE WEAVER - The Scottish National War Memorial. The Castle, Edinburgh. A record and appreciation by Sir Lawrence Weaver, K.B.E.
BC15749: EDWARD BAWDEN. Nigel Weaver - Edward Bawden in the Middle East.
BC18505: MARY WEBB. - Precious Bane. A novel.
BC16639: BERNARD WEBER. (Ernest Hemingway interest). - The White Leopard. Bernard Weber, alias Walter Mittelholzer, on the Tracks of Ernest Hemingway. (INSCRIBED)
BC14975: MAX WEBER - Max Weber. The Cubist Decade 1910-1920. The catalogue of a touring 1991-93 exhibition. With an essay by Percy North and an introduction by Susan Krane.
BC17606: BRUCE WEBER. - Bruce Weber. A monograph. Edited and designed by John Cheim.
FP90001: JOHN WEBSTER. - The Duchess of Malfi. The programme for a 1949 production at Oriel College produced by Michael Gettleson and with sets designed by Michael Levey.
BUL92111: ELIZABETH WEBSTER. - A Boy Called Bracken. A novel.
ARC92951: T.E.LAWRENCE. Donald Weeks. - T.E.Lawrence. An hitherto unknown Biographical/ Bibliographical Note.
BC17600: UDO WEILACHER. - Between Landscape Architecture and Land Art. With forewords by John Dixon Hunt and Stephen Bann.
19202: MATTHEW WEINREB AND FIONA BIDDULPH. - Metropolitain. A Portrait of Paris.
17986: ARTHUR SYMONS. T.Earle Welby - Arthur Symons. A Critical Study.
BC17507: PHILIP JOHNSON. Frank D.Welch. - Philip Johnson & Texas. With photographs by Paul Hester and a foreword by Philip Johnson.
KP90137: DENTON WELCH - contributes his poem 'The Driving Power' to the anthology Modern Reading 15. Edited by Reginald Moore.
14739: FAY WELDON. - The President's Child. A novel. (INSCRIBED)
19865: MICHAEL WELLER. - Cancer. A comedy.
ARC93651: ORSON WELLES. - Mr. Arkadin. A novel.
KP90116: DOROTHY WELLESLEY. - Desert Wells. Poems.
BC14140: N.KATHARIN WELLS - Diverse Roads. A novel.
BC13585: PETER WELLS - Poems.
ARC93377: GABRIEL WELLS. - These Three. With a preface (in French) by André Maurois. (INSCRIBED)
ARC93787: IRVINE WELSH. - Past Tense. Four Stories from a Novel. (WITH SIGNED INSERT)
ARC91844: EUDORA WELTY. - The Wide Net and Other Stories.
ARC92586: GLENWAY WESCOTT - The Bitterns. A Book of Twelve Poems.
BC17343: MARY WESLEY. - The Camomile Lawn. A novel.
ARC93646: MARY WESLEY. - Speaking Terms. A novel. With illustrations by Sarah Garland.
HUN0151: V.SACKVILLE-WEST. - Orchards. A Fragment from 'The Land'. With wood engravings by Anthony Christmas.
HUN0150: V.SACKVILLE-WEST. - Nursery Rhymes.
HUN0148: V.SACKVILLE-WEST, BEVERLEY NICHOLS, COMPTON MACKENZIE AND MARION CRAN. - How Does Your Garden Grow? With decorations by Nora S.Unwin.
SPE90333: TIMOTHY WEST. - A Moment Towards the End of the Play. An autobiography. (INSCRIBED)
BC18571: REBECCA WEST. - Black Lamb and Grey Falcon. The Record of a Journey Through Yugoslavia in 1937.
BC12198: REBECCA WEST - The Only Poet and Short Stories. Edited by Antonia Till.
BC11453: REBECCA WEST. - Harriet Hume. A London Fantasy.
ARC93297: V.SACKVILLE-WEST. - Selected Poems.
SPE90533: TIMOTHY WEST. - I'm Here I Think, Where Are you? Letters from a Touring Actor. With a foreword by Prunella Scales. (SIGNED)
BC11931: HENRY WILLIAMSON. Herbert Faulkner West. - The Dreamer of Devon. An essay on Henry Williamson.
BC11851: HENRY WILLIAMSON. Herbert Faulkner West - The Dreamer of Devon. An essay on Henry Williamson.
ARC92609: V.SACKVILLE-WEST - Heritage. A novel.
ARC93947: V.SACKVILLE-WEST. - Seducers in Ecuador.
ARC93948: V.SACKVILLE-WEST. - Passenger to Teheran.
ARC91825: JOHN PIPER. Anthony West. - On a Dark Night. With a dust wrapper design by John Piper.
ARC91295: SHELL GUIDE. Anthony West - Gloucester. A Shell Guide.
ARC90380: SHELL GUIDE. Anthony West. - Gloucester. A Shell Guide.
ARC93950: REBECCA WEST. - The Return of the Soldier. A novel.
20107: V.SACKVILLE-WEST. - The Dark Island. A novel.
ARC93509: PERCY F.WESTERMAN - Under Fire in Spain. A novel. With illustrations by Ernest Prater.
BC12634: RAY WESTLAKE - British Battalions on the Western Front. January to June 1915. Neuve Chapelle, Ypres, Aubers Ridge and Festubert. (SIGNED)
991746: CORNELIUS WEYGANDT - Irish Plays and Playwrights. With illustrations.
ARC93879: JAMES B.WHARTON. - Squad. A novel.
17526: EDITH WHARTON - The Letters of Edith Wharton. Edited by R.W.B.Lewis & Nancy Lewis.
16616: JOHN BETJEMAN. Andrew Wheatcroft - The Tennyson Album. A Biography in Original Photographs. With an introduction by John Betjeman.
BUL92232: DENNIS WHEATLEY. - Old Rowley. A Private Life of Charles II. With illustrations by Frank C.Pape. (INSCRIBED)
ARC92825: DENNIS WHEATLEY - The Man Who Missed the War. A novel.
BC18142: LAWRENCE WHEATLEY. - Echoes From Hell. Letters from the Western Front in 1915. With an introduction by Lawrence Wheatley and a tailpiece illustration by George Szirtes.
ARC92608: CHARLES WHIBLEY - Essays in Biography. (INSCRIBED)
BC16649: LAURENCE WHISTLER. - Engraved Glass 1952-1958.
BC16648: LAURENCE WHISTLER. - The Engraved Glass of Laurence Whistler. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
BC16071: EDITH OLIVIER. Rex Whistler - Country Moods and Tenses. A Non-Grammarian's Chapbook.
BC16057: LAURENCE WHISTLER - The Initials in the Heart.
ARC92463: LAURENCE WHISTLER - The Imagination of Vanbrugh and His Fellow Artists.
ARC92424: REX WHISTLER - The New Forget-Me-Not. An anthology. With four colour plates and various handsome decorations by Rex Whistler. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
ARC93580: EVELYN WAUGH. Rex Whistler. - Wine in Peace and War. With colour board decorations and two full-page colour drawings by Rex Whistler.
ARC91737: LAURENCE WHISTLER - Sir John Vanburgh. Architect and Dramatist 1664-1726.
ARC90105: REX WHISTLER. - Restoration Love Songs. Edited and with an introduction by John Hadfield.
19643: LAURENCE WHISTLER - Way. Idea of a City and Triune. Two affirmations by Laurence Whistler: in Glass and Verse. (SIGNED)
19627: LAURENCE WHISTLER - Who Live in Unity. (SIGNED)
16013: LAURENCE WHISTLER. Rex Whistler. - The Emperor Heart. Poems. With illustrations by Rex Whistler.
BUL90623: ALAN WHITE - The Long Day's Dying. A novel. (INSCRIBED)
ARC93824: T.W.WHITE. - Guests of the Unspeakable. The Odyssey of an Australian Airman - Being a Record of Captivity and Escape in Turkey. With a foreword by Lieut.-General John Monash and a preface by Major-General G.V.Kemball.
ARC93926: ERIC WALTER WHITE. - Stravinsky's Sacrifice to Apollo.
ARC93959: ERIC WALTER WHITE. - Parnassus to Let. An Essay About Rhythm in the Films.
BC11762: ALICE WALKER. Evelyn C.White. - Alice Walker. A Life.
ARC93057: T.H.WHITE - A Joy Proposed. Poems. With an introduction, afterword and notes by Kurth Sprague.
ARC92377: T.H.WHITE. - Loved Helen and Other Poems.
16014: R.J.WHITE. - Dr Bentley. A Study in Academic Scarlet. With illustrations.
NAR0002: GERARD MANLEY HOPKINS. Norman White. - Gerard Manley Hopkins in Wales
BC17538: REYNER BANHAM. Nigel Whiteley. - Reyner Banham. Historian of the Immediate Future.
ARC93623: CHRISTOPHER WHITFOLD AND JOHN O'CONNOR. - Together and Alone. Two short novels by Christopher Whitfield, with engravings by John O'Connor. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
15821: J.MILLS WHITHAM - Swings and Roundabouts. A novel.
ARC93624: CHARLES WHYMPER. - Egyptian Birds. For the Most Part Seen in the Nile Valley. With illustrations by the author.
ARC93194: CHARLES ST. JOHN. J.W.Whymper. - Sketches of the Wild Sports & Natural History of the Highlands. With illustrations by J.W.Whymper.
BC15942: ELIE WIESEL - The Judges. A novel.
BC14442: MAURICE WIGGIN (Henry Williamson interest). - Faces at the Window.
MA0020: KATE DOUGLAS WIGGIN. - Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. (INSCRIBED)
ARC93917: RICHARD WILBUR. - Poems 1943-1956.
20184: OSCAR WILDE - contributes 'The Disciple' to an issue of the Oxford undergraduate periodical 'The Spirit Lamp'. Vol. IV, No. II. June 1893. Edited by Lord Alfred Douglas.
ARC93810: THORNTON WILDER. - The Cabala. A novel.
20105: THE POWYS BROTHERS. Louis Umfreville Wilkinson (i.e. 'Louis Marlow'). - The Brothers Powys. A Paper.
JUL90393: HENRY MOORE. Alan G.Wilkinson. - The Drawings of Henry Moore. The catalogue of a touring 1977-78 exhibition.
BUL92193: NEVILLE WILLIAMS. - Thomas Howard. Fourth Duke of Norfolk. (SIGNED)
BUL91081: CHARLES WILLIAMS. - Collected Plays. With an introduction by John Heath-Stubbs.
ARC93826: CHARLES WILLIAMS. - Many Dimensions. A novel.
BC17003: WILLIAM CARLOS WILLIAMS - contributes prose and poems to the inaugural issue of the quarterly periodical 'Perspectives'. Number One, autumn 1952. Edited by James Laughlin.
BC16875: JOHN COWPER POWYS. Herbert Williams. - John Cowper Powys. A study. (INSCRIBED)
MA0011: KYFFIN WILLIAMS. - Across the Straits. An Autobiography. (SIGNED)
ARC93449: TENNESSEE WILLIAMS. - Battle of Angels. A play.
ARC93123: GWYLMOR PRYS WILLIAMS AND GEORGE THOMPSON BRAKE. - Drink in Great Britain 1900-1979.
ARC92779: CHARLES WILLIAMS - Divorce. Poems.
ARC92766: C.F.TUNNICLIFFE. Harcourt Williams - Tales from Ebony. With thirty-two wonderfully vibrant colour plates by C.F.Tunnicliffe. (SIGNED)
ARC92524: CHARLES WILLIAMS - The Region of the Summer Stars. Poems.
ARC91672: FRANKLIN B.WILLIAMS - The Gardyners Passetaunce [c.1512]. Edited with an introduction and transcript by Franklin B.Williams Jr. With notes on the two unique editions in Westminster Abbey Library, descriptions of the bindings in which they were preserved, and the other items found in these bindings by Howard M.Nixon.
99675: ELLEN WILLIAMS - Harriet Monroe and the Poetry Renaissance. The first ten years of "Poetry" 1912-22.
18915: MARY WILLIAMS & JAMES A.DE ROTHSCHILD. (Editors) - A Miscellany of Studies in Romance Languages & Literatures. Presented to Leon E.Kastner.
18586: THOMAS HARDY. Randall Williams - The Wessex Novels of Thomas Hardy.
16967: CHARLES WILLIAMS - Judgement at Chelmsford. A Pageant Play.
MA0049: KYFFIN WILLIAMS - contributes a cover design and his twenty-eight page illustrated essay 'An Artist in Welsh Patagonia' to an issue of the periodical 'The Anglo-Welsh Review'. Vol. 18, no. 42, February 1970. Edited by Roland Mathias.
CW90038: HENRY WILLIAMSON - Salar the Salmon. A novel.
BC18335: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Beautiful Years. A novel.
BC18473: HENRY WILLIAMSON. Anne Williamson. - A Patriot's Progress. Henry Williamson and the First World War.
BC18336: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Dream of Fair Women. The third volume of 'The Flax of Dream' sequence.
BC18337: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Donkey Boy. Volume two of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight'.
BC18338: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - A Test to Destruction. Volume eight of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight'.
BC17854: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - A fourpage extract from 'Tarka the Otter' appears in an issue of the monthly periodical 'Men Only'. Vol. 5, no. 17, April 1937.
BC12107: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Golden Virgin. Volume six of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight'.
BUL91080: GEOFFREY WILLIAMSON. - Changing Greenland. With an introduction by Ole Bjorn Kraft. (INSCRIBED)
BC17828: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Weekly Dispatch. Articles Contributed by Henry Williamson in the Years 1920-21.
BC18272: HENRY WILLIAMSON. Anne Williamson. - A Patriot's Progress. Henry Williamson and the First World War. (INSCRIBED)
20251: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Lone Swallows.
BC17080: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Spring Days in Devon and Other Broadcasts. [Edited by John Gregory].
BC16836: HENRY WILLIAMSON - contributes a four-page introduction to Sir E.John Russell's English Farming.
BC18583: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Linhay on the Downs and Other Adventures in the Old and the New World. With photographs, mostly taken by the author.
BC18584: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Goodbye West Country. Illustrated with thirty photographic plates, mostly taken by the author.
BC18585: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Tales of a Devon Village [and] Life in a Devon Village.
BC16782: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - From a Country Hilltop. Edited and introduced by John Gregory.
BC16783: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Pen and Plough. Further Broadcasts. Edited and with an introduction by John Gregory.
BC16775: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Scribbling Lark.
BC16776: HENRY WILLIAMSON. (T.E.Lawrence interest) - Devon Holiday.
BC16769: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Young Phillip Maddison. Volume three of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight'.
BC16658: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - A Clear Water Stream.
BC16656: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Dream of Fair Women. With a Valediction to The Flax of Dream.
BC16654: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Village Book.
BC16652: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Dream of Fair Women. A Tale of Youth after the Great War. The third volume of 'The Flax of Dream' sequence.
BC18281: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Donkey Boy. Volume two of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight'.
BC16330: HENRY WILLIAMSON. Anne Williamson. - Henry Williamson. Tarka and the Last Romantic.
BC16295: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Peregrine's Saga and Other Stories of the Country Green.
BC16294: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Flax of Dream. Complete in four volumes comprising The Beautiful Years, Dandelion Days, The Dream of Fair Women [and] The Pathway. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITIONS)
BC16292: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Beautiful Years [and] Dandelion Days [and] The Dream of Fair Women. The first three volumes of the author's 'Flax of Dream' sequence.
BC16291: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Alexandra Wigginton contributes an eight-page recollection of an afternoon spent with Henry Williamson to Frederick Rolfe and Others. A Miscellany of Essays.
BC16287: JOHN HEYGATE. [Henry Williamson]. - Decent Fellows. A novel.
BC16267: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Tarka the Otter. His Joyful Water-Life and Death in the Country of the Two Rivers. With an introduction by Sir John Fortescue.
BC16268: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Tarka the Otter. His Joyful Water-Life and Death in the Country of the Two Rivers. With illustrations by Barry Driscoll.
BC16261: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Peregrine's Saga and Other Stories of the Country Green.
BC16250: JAMES FARRAR. Henry Williamson. - The Unreturning Spring. Being the Collected Works of James Farrar. Edited with an introduction by Henry Williamson.
BC16243: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - A Special Henry Williamson issue of the periodical 'The Aylesford Review'. Vol. II, No. 2, winter 1957-58. (WITH ALS).
BC16124: HENRY WILLIAMSON - Love and the Loveless. A Soldier's Tale. Volume seven of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight'. (ASSOCIATION COPY)
BC16087: HENRY WILLIAMSON - Tarka the Otter. His Joyful Water-Life and Death in the County of the Two Rivers. With an introduction by the Hon. Sir John Fortescue K.C.V.O.
BC16083: HENRY WILLIAMSON - A Fox Under my Cloak. Volume five of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight'.
BC16080: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Flax of Dream sequence, complete in four volumes comprising 'The Beautiful Years', 'Dandelion Days', 'Dream of Fair Women' [and] 'The Pathway'.
BC15912: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Village Book.
BC15868: T.S.ELIOT. Hugh Ross Williamson. - The Poetry of T.S.Eliot.
BC15788: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Children of Shallowford.
BC17909: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - A Solitary War. Volume thirteen of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight'.
BC15754: GEORGE J.GILL. Henry Williamson - A Fight Against Tithes. Edited by Donald Gill and S.S.Gill and with an Epilogue by Henry Williamson.
BC15742: HENRY WILLIAMSON - Stumberleap: A Story Taken from The Old Stag.
BC15741: HENRY WILLIAMSON - Stumberleap: A Story Taken from The Old Stag.
BC18627: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Golden Virgin. Volume six of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight'.
BC17466: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Gale of the World. The fifteenth and final volume of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight'.
BC14838: HENRY WILLIAMSON - contributes 'Words on the West Wind: Crossing the Alps' to an issue of the periodical 'The Adelphi', Vol. 26, No. 2. January-March 1950.
BC14839: HENRY WILLIAMSON - contributes his regular 'Words on the West Wind' column to an issue of the periodical 'The Adelphi', Vol. 26, No. 1. Autumn 1949.
BC14837: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Old Stag. Stories.
BC14836: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Phasian Bird. With illustrations by Israel Doskow.
BC14835: HENRY WILLIAMSON - Tarka the Otter. His Joyful Water-Life and Death in the County of the Two Rivers. With an introduction by the Hon. Sir John Fortescue.
BC14833: HENRY WILLIAMSON - contributes his regular 'Words on the West Wind' column to an issue of the periodical 'The Adelphi', Vol. 25, No. 4. July-September 1949.
BC14826: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Henry Williamson Society Journal. No. 1.
BC14825: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Tarka the Otter. His Joyful Water-Life and Death in the County of the Two Rivers. With an introduction by the Hon. Sir John Fortescue.
BC14737: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Tarka the Otter. His Joyful Water-Life and Death in the County of the Two Rivers. With an introduction by the Hon. Sir John Fortescue.
BC17253: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - A Fox Under My Cloak. Volume five of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight'.
BC17227: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Power of the Dead. Volume eleven of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight'.
BC17228: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Phoenix Generation. Volume twelve of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight'.
BC14445: HENRY WILLIAMSON - contributes 'Out of the Prisoning Tower' to the anthology John Bull's Schooldays. Edited by Brian Inglis.
BC14427: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Scandaroon. With illustrations by Ken Lilly. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
BC14412: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Children of Shallowford.
BC13952: HENRY WILLIAMSON - Donkey Boy. Volume two of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight'.
BC13942: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Old Stag. Stories.
BC17279: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Tarka the Otter. His Joyful Water-Life & Death in the Country of the Two Rivers. With an introduction by John Fortescue.
BC17209: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Sun in the Sands.
BC13531: HENRY WILLIAMSON - Midsummer Night.
BC13447: HENRY WILLIAMSON - contributes 'The Winter of 1941' to The Pleasure Ground. A Miscellany of English Writing. Edited by Malcolm Elwin and illustrated with photographs.
BC18626: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight. Complete in fifteen volumes.
BC13445: HENRY WILLIAMSON - contributes 'A Devon Stream' to the anthology Countryside Mood. Edited and with an introduction by Richard Harman, and illustrated with photographs and with wood engravings by Joan Rickarby.
BC13157: HENRY WILLIAMSON - Dandelion Days. The second volume of 'The Flax of Dream' sequence.
BC13012: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Pathway. Book four of 'The Flax of Dream' sequence. (PLUS UNCORRECTED PROOF)
BC13008: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Dandelion Days. Book two of 'The Flax of Dream' sequence.
BC12685: HENRY WILLIAMSON - Green Fields and Pavements. A Norfolk Farmer in Wartime. With illustrations by Michael Loates.
BC12684: HENRY WILLIAMSON - Richard Jefferies. Selections of his Work, with details of his Life and Circumstance, his Death and Immortality.
BC12586: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Henry Williamson Society Newsletter. Numbers 3-6.
BC12576: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Labouring Life.
BC12505: HENRY WILLIAMSON - Goodbye West Country.
BC12477: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Sun in the Sands.
BC12122: OLIVE HAWKS. [Henry Williamson]. - What Hope for Green Street? (SIGNED)
BC12121: HENRY WILLIAMSON - Sun Brothers.
BC11925: HENRY WILLIAMSON, - The Dream of Fair Women. Book three of The Flax of Dream sequence. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
BC18112: T.P.CAMERON WILSON. Merryn Williamson. - T.P.Cameron Wilson.
20245: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Scandaroon. A novel. With illustrations by Ken Lilly.
BC11001: HENRY WILLIAMSON. (T.E.Lawrence interest). - Devon Holiday.
BC17331: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Phasian Bird.
ARC93440: RICHARD JEFFERIES. Henry Williamson. - Hodge and his Masters. Edited, with revisions and a foreword by Henry Williamson.
20246: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Salar the Salmon. A novel.
BC18539: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight. Complete (as published) in thirteen volumes comprising The Dark Lantern, Donkey Boy, Young Phillip Maddison, How Dear is Life, A Fox Under My Cloak, The Golden Virgin, Love and the Loveless, A Test of Destruction, The Innocent Moon, It was the Nightingale, The Power of the Dead, The Phoenix Generation, and A Solitary War.
BC17232: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Incoming of Summer.
BC18176: JAMES FARRAR. Henry Williamson. - The Unreturning Spring. Being The Collected Works of James Farrar. Edited and with an introduction by Henry Williamson.
ARC93793: HENRY WILLIAMSON - contributes a one-page obituary of Fred Majdalany to 'The Royal Society of Literature Reports for 1967-8 and 1968-9 and List of Fellows and Members for 1969-70'.
BC17278: HENRY WILLIAMSON. (T.E.Lawrence interest). - Genius of Friendship. T.E.Lawrence.
BC13838: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Linhay on the Downs [and] The Firing Gatherer. Two stories.
BC18435: HENRY WILLIAMSON - contributes his story 'The Confessions of a Fake Merchant' to the anthology The Book of Fleet Street. Edited by T.Michael Pope.
BC17231: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Collected Nature Stories.
BC17357: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Wet Flanders Plain.
BC17288: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Henry Williamson Society Journals 7.
ARC90826: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Beautiful Years. A Tale of Childhood.
ARC90288: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Dream of Fair Women. The third volume of the 'Flax of Dream' sequence.
ARC90155: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - As the Sun Shines. (The US edition of 'The Labouring Life').
20231: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - It Was The Nightingale. Volume ten of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight'.
20217: HENRY WILLIAMSON (published anonymously). - The Gold Falcon; or The Haggard of Love. Being the Adventures of Manfred, Airman and Poet of the World War, and later, Husband and Father, in Search of Freedom and Personal Sunrise, in the City of New York; and of the Consummation of his Life.
20216: HENRY WILLIAMSON (published anonymously). - The Gold Falcon; or The Haggard of Love. Being the Adventures of Manfred, Airman and Poet of the World War, and later, Husband and Father, in Search of Freedom and Personal Sunrise, in the City of New York; and of the Consummation of his Life.
20215: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Pathway. The fourth and final volume of 'The Flax of Dream' sequence.
BC17250: RICHARD WILLIAMSON - contributes his illustrated essay 'The Burrell' to an issue of the periodical 'The Countryman'. Vol. 64, no. 2, summer 1965. (SIGNED)
20155: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - In the Woods.
20147: FRANCIS THOMPSON. Henry Williamson. - The Mistress of Vision. With a commentary by the Rev. John O'Connor, a preface by Father Vincent McNabb, and an essay, 'A First Adventure with Francis Thompson', by Henry Williamson. Now reprinted with an introduction by Joseph Jerome [i.e. Brocard Sewell] and this new Williamson essay.
20103: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Lucifer Before Sunrise. Volume fourteen of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight'.
20067: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Linhay on the Downs and Other Adventures in the Old and the New World.
20066: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Village Book.
20061: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Children of Shallowford.
20051: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Children of Shallowford.
20262: AUDREY WILLIAMSON. - Artists and Writers in Revolt: the Pre-Raphaelites.
20045: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Linhay on the Downs and Other Adventures in the Old and the New World. With photographs, mostly taken by the author.
20026: HENRY WILLIAMSON - My Favourite Country Stories. Selected, edited and introduced by Henry Williamson.
20004: HENRY WILLIAMSON - Tarka the Otter. Prospectus and Order Form.
20001: HENRY WILLIAMSON - Henry Williamson, the Man, the Writings. A Symposium.
20003: HENRY WILLIAMSON (interest). - Tarka Country. A forty-four page 'Green Guide' to the Devon of Williamson's 'Tarka the Otter' produced by the Tarka Country Tourism Association.
19984: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Richard Jefferies. Selections of his Work, with details of his Life and Circumstance, his Death and Immortality.
19980: JAMES FARRAR. Henry Williamson. - The Unreturning Spring. Being the Poems, Sketches, Stories and Letters of James Farrar. Edited and with an introduction by Henry Williamson.
20055: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Lone Swallows.
19944: HENRY WILLIAMSON - As the Sun Shines
19858: HENRY WILLIAMSON - contributes the Wedmore Memorial Lecture to an issue of Essays by Divers Hands. Being the Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature. Edited by N.Hardy Wallis.
19805: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Lone Swallows and Other Essays of the Country Green.
19794: HENRY WILLIAMSON - As the Sun Shines.
19710: HENRY WILLIAMSON (published anonymously). - The Gold Falcon; or The Haggard of Love. Being the Adventures of Manfred, Airman and Poet of the World War, and later, Husband and Father, in Search of Freedom and Personal Sunrise, in the City of New York; and of the Consummation of his Life.
19485: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Scandaroon With drawings by Ken Lilly.
19447: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Lone Swallows.
19403: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Old Stag. Stories.
19415: HENRY WILLIAMSON - The Wet Flanders Plain.
19259: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - The Lone Swallows and Other Essays of the Country Green.
BC17292: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight. Complete in fifteen volumes. (PLUS AN ORIGINAL HEAVILY CORRECTED TYPESCRIPT PAGE).
BC18283: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Lucifer Before Sunrise. Volume fourteen of 'A Chronicle of Ancient Sunlight'.
BC17761: HENRY WILLIAMSON. - Salar the Salmon. A novel.
SPE90522: BOB WILLIS. - The Captain's Diary. England in Australia and New Zealand 1982-83. (SIGNED)
17562: HOGARTH PRESS. J.H.Willis Jr. - Leonard and Virginia Woolf as Publishers. The Hogarth Press, 1917-1941. With illustrations.
ARC93833: CATULLUS. Vera Willoughby - Catvlli Carmina. The Poems of Catullus. With complete verse translations and notes by F.C.W.Hiley, and illustrations by Vera Willoughby.
ARC93801: A.N.WILSON. - Unguarded Hours. A novel.
BC18090: WILLIAM BLAKE. Mona Wilson. - The Life of William Blake.
SPE90560: ROBERT ANTON WILSON. - Coincidance. A Head Test.
BUL90837: ROBERT MCLACHLAN WILSON (writing as 'R.McL Wilson'). - The Gnostic Problem. A Study of the Relations between Hellenistic Judaism and the Gnostic Heresy.
BUL90554: RUDYARD KIPLING. Angus Wilson - The Strange Ride of Rudyard Kipling. His Life and Works.
BC16385: A.N.WILSON - Aftershocks. A novel. (INSCRIBED)
BC15150: EDMUND WILSON - Note-Books of Night. Poems.
BC13537: KEITH WILSON - The Rasp of War. The Letters of H.A.Gwynne to The Countess Bathurst 1914-1918. Selected and edited by Keith Wilson and with a foreword by William Deedes.
BC18188: EDWARD THOMAS. Jean Moorcroft Wilson. - Edward Thomas. From Adlestrop to Arras. A Biography. Bloomsbury
ARC92596: JACQUELINE WILSON. - Making Hate. A novel.
ARC92594: JACQUELINE WILSON. - Truth or Dare. A novel.
ARC92595: JACQUELINE WILSON. - Let's Pretend. A novel.
ARC91368: EDWARD A.WILSON - Deep Sea Chanties. Old Sea Songs. Edited by Frank Shay, and with an introduction by William McFee and decorations and woodcuts by Edward Arthur Wilson.
ARC90192: COLIN WILSON. - Religion and the Rebel. (INSCRIBED)
20226: EDMUND WILSON. - Devil Take the Hindmost. A Year of the Slump.
ARC93848: HAROLD WILSON. - The Governance of Britain. (SIGNED)
18030: MONA WILSON - These Were Muses. With illustrations.
16980: EDMUND WILSON - I Thought of Daisy. A novel.
BC12456: SIMON WINCHESTER - The Alice Behind Wonderland.
20252: R.D.WINGFIELD. - Hard Frost.
ARC91472: R.D.WINGFIELD - Frost at Christmas. (SIGNED)
19850: NIGEL WINSER. - The Sea of Sands and Mists. Desertification: Seeking Solutions in the Wahiba Sanda
BC17660: PAUL WINSTANLEY. - Art School. With an essay, 'Photography Towards Painting: The Studio as an Allegorical Site in the Photographs of Paul Winstanley', by Jon Thompson and an interview by Maria Fusco. (SIGNED)
BC15046: YVOR WINTERS. - Primitivism and Decadence. A Study of American Experimental Poetry.
BC15020: YVOR WINTERS - Maule's Curse. Seven Studies in the History of American Obscurantism. Hawthorne - Cooper - Melville - Poe - Emerson - Jones Very - Emily Dickinson - Henry James.
ARC92088: YVOR WINTERS - The Proof. Poems.
ARC91578: YVOR WINTERS - The Brink of Darkness.
ARC93849: JEANETTE WINTERSON. - Boating for Beginners. A novel. With illustrations by Paula Youens.
BC17006: TIM WINTON. - The Shepherd's Hut. A novel. (SIGNED)
BC12522: TIM WINTON - Tim Winton. A Celebration. Compiled and edited by Hilary McPhee for the Friends of the National Library of Australia.
SPE90425: GRAHAM WINTON. - Theirs Not to Reason Why. Horsing the British Army 1875-1925.
BC16469: MICHAEL WISHART. - High Diver. A memoir. (INSCRIBED)
ARC92314: P.G.WODEHOUSE - The Coming of Bill. A novel.
20159: P.G.WODEHOUSE. - The Small Bachelor.
JUL90180: KLAUS WOLBERT (editor). - That's Jazz. Der Sound des 20 Jahrhunderts [The Sound of the Twentieth Century].
BC17717: TOM WOLFE. - The Bonfire of the Vanities. A novel. (INSCRIBED)
SPE90435: TOM WOLFE. - Back to Blood. A novel.
BC14321: TOBIAS WOLFF - The Barracks Thief. (SIGNED)
BC11182: LEON WOLFF. - In Flanders Fields. The 1917 Campaign. Illustrated with photographs and maps and with an introduction by Major-General J.F.C.Fuller.
BC18538: TOBIAS WOLFF. - Old School. A novel.
SFC0018: DODO [i.e. Dörte Clara Wolff]. - Dodo. Leben und Werk / Life and Work 1907-1998. A monograph. Edited by Renate Krümmer.
BUL90932: BERTHOLD WOLPE - Berthold Wolpe. A Retrospective Survey.
ARC92815: JACK WOMACK - Terraplane.
BUL90515: SAM TAYLOR-WOOD - Contact.
ARC93299: URSULA WOOD. - Wandering Pilgrimage. Poems. (INSCRIBED)
ARC93932: SIR HENRY WOOD. - My Life of Music. With an introduction by Sir Hugh Allen. (INSCRIBED)
BC17114: FRANCES WOODWRIGHT. - Sunshine and Colour. Poems. (SIGNED)
BC18170: VIRGINIA WOOLF. - Virginia Woolf and the Raverats. A Different Sort of Friendship. Edited by William Pryor. (INSCRIBED)
ARC93586: VIRGINIA WOOLF. - The Mark on the Wall. A story.
ARC93716: VIRGINIA WOOLF. - Recollections of Virginia Woolf by Her Contemporaries. Edited with an introduction by Joan Russell Noble.
ARC93942: FREDERICK ROLFE. Cecil Woolf and Brocard Sewell. - The Clerk Without a Benefice. A Study of Fr. Rolfe, Baron Corvo's Conversion and Vocation. (SIGNED AND INSCRIBED)
ARC93246: VIRGINIA WOOLF. - Atalanta's Garland. Being the Book of the Edinburgh University Women's Union.
BC18169: VIRGINIA WOOLF. - Recollections of Virginia Woolf by Her Contemporaries. Edited with an introduction by Joan Russell Noble.
ARC93935: VIRGINIA WOOLF. - The Waves. A novel.
BC17091: IMAGIST POETS. J.Howard Woolmer. - A Catalogue of The Imagist Poets. With essays by Wallace Martin and Ian Fletcher.
BC16961: GAMEL WOOLSEY. - Middle Earth. Poems.
BC16879: GAMEL WOOLSEY. (Llewelyn Powys interest). - The Letters of Gamel Woolsey to Llewelyn Powys 1930-1939. With an introduction and notes by Kenneth Hopkins.
19807: T.C.WORSLEY - Five Minutes, Sir Matthew. A novel.
ARC91066: JOHN BETJEMAN. Theodore Wratislaw - Oscar Wilde: A Memoir. With a foreword by John Betjeman and an introduction and notes by Karl Beckson. (SIGNED LIMITED EDITION)
BUL90224: JOHN CHRISTOPHER and JOHN WYNDHAM. John Carnell [Lionel 'Lan' Wright, J.T.McIntosh, E.C.Tubb &c]. - contribute stories to Gateway to the Stars. A Science Fiction Anthology. Edited and introduced by John Carnell. (SIGNED BY THE EDITOR)
ARC92797: RICHARD WRIGHT. - Pagan Spain.
ARC91424: RICHARD WRIGHT. - Uncle Tom's Children. Four Novellas. With a foreword by Paul Robeson.
ARC91329: JOHN BUCKLAND WRIGHT. - An original Christmas card with a two-colour abstract design of a female figure followed by a brief printed quotation from Eliot's 'Ash Wednesday' and the following further printed text: "All Good Wishes for Christmas and the New Year from Mary and John Buckland-Wright. 9 Bis rue de Valence, Paris 5".
KP90160: HUGH MACDIARMID. Gordon Wright. - MacDiarmid. An Illustrated Biography.
BC16488: MO YAN. - Pow! A novel. Translated from the Chinese by Howard Goldblatt.
ARC93809: DORNFORD YATES. - Period Stuff. Stories.
ARC93976: OLIVER GOGARTY. W.B.Yeats. - An Offering of Swans. Poems. With a two-page preface by W.B.Yeats.
BC16373: JOHN M.SYNGE. W.B.Yeats. - Poems and Translations.With a tribute to W.B.Yeats.
BC15763: W.B.YEATS. - A Full Moon in March.
BC10082: W.B.YEATS. - A special W.B.Yeats issue of the periodical 'A Review of English Literature'. Vol. IV, no. 3, July 1963.
ARC92717: JOHN BUTLER YEATS. W.B.Yeats. - Early Memories. Some Chapters of Autobiography. With a three-page preface by W.B.Yeats.
ARC92454: W.B.YEATS. - Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry. Edited and selected by W.B.Yeats.
ARC90567: JACK B.YEATS. - In Sand. A play in four acts, with The Green Wave, a one-act conversation piece. Edited and with a preface by Jack MacGowran (director of the original Abbey Experimental Theatre production) and with a drawing by the author.
19808: W.B.YEATS. - Yeats and the Theatre. Edited by Robert O'Driscoll & Lorna Reynolds
16537: W.B.YEATS - A Classified Bibliography of Criticism. Including additions to Wade's "Bibliography of W.B.Yeats" and a Section on the Irish Literary and Dramatic Revival. Edited by K.P.S.Jochum.
11601: W.B.YEATS - A special W.B.Yeats issue of the periodical 'A Review of English Literature'. Vol. IV No. 3. July 1963.
RB90115: W.B.YEATS. - Reflections. Transcribed from Yeats' Journal of 1908-14 and edited by Curtis Bradford.
16986: M.YEULETT - The Graven Image. West African Stories.
DB0090: MALCOLM YORKE. - The Spirit of Place. Nine Neo-Romantic Artists and Their Times.
BC18249: GAVIN YOUNG. - Slow Boats to China. With illustrations by Salim. (INSCRIBED)
ARC90986: FRANCIS BRETT YOUNG - Marching on Tanga. (With General Smuts in East Africa).
9156: ANDREW YOUNG. - The New Shepherd. Poems.
20034: ANDREW YOUNG. - Winter Harvest. Poems.
19809: GAVIN YOUNG - From Sea to Shining Sea. A Present-Day Journey into America's Past. With illustrations by Jack McCarthy.
16124: ANDREW YOUNG. - The Poet and the Landscape. (The English pastoral poets and their setting).
16123: ANDREW YOUNG. - Nicodemus. A Mystery [play]. (INSCRIBED). With music by Imogen Holst.
13969: ANDREW YOUNG. - The New Poly-Olbion. Topographical Excursions. With an introductory account of the Poet's Early Days.
10306: ANDREW YOUNG. - Thirty-One Poems.
BC18586: CARLOS RUIZ ZAFÓN. - The Shadow of the Wind. Translated from the Spanish of 'La Sombra del Vientoby' Lucia Graves.
BUL92125: GUSTAVO ZALAMEA. - Un Diccionario de Sabiduria.
BC11071: JOHANN ZOFFANY. - The catalogue of a 1960-61 Arts Council exhibition to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Zoffany's arrival in Great Britain.
BUL91067: ÉMILE ZOLA. - The Fat and the Thin. Translated from the French of 'Le Ventre de Paris' and with an introduction by Ernest Alfred Vizetelly.
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