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17283: DIMOCK HEDLEY G. - Planning Group Development, (1993) 2nd Edition
1260: DIMONA JOSEPH - Last Man at Arlington
26599: DINGLE, EDWIN J. - Borderlands of Eternity Book One Across China on Foot / Book Two My Life in Tibet
27761: DINNAGE, PAUL & L. MANSION & ST. ESCHAUZIER - British Military Uniforms a Portfolio of Prints Depicting Officers of Cavalry Regiments
13518: DION, DURRELL & ASSOCIATES INC. - Canadian Medical Protective Association Canadian Physicians and Surgeons Professional Liability Insurance Program - Non - Resident Patient Care
27795: DISNEY WALT PRODUCTION - Le Pingouin Qui N'Aimait Pas le Froid
1628: DIXON A. C. - Present Day Life and Religion a Series of Sermons on Cardinal Doctrines and Popular Sins
26263: DJIAN, PHILIPPE - Crocodiles
14208: DOBBS, MICHAEL - Down with Big Brother the Fall of the Soviet Empire
1266: DOBIE FRANK J. - Up the Trail from Texas
19909: DODD, CRAIG - Ballet and Modern Dance
2377: DODSON DR. FITZHUGH - Le Père Et Son Enfant
12639: DOERFLINGER, WILLLIAM - Magic Catalogue, the a Guide to the Wonderful World of Magic
27798: DOERR, ANTHONY - Cloud Cuckoo Land a Novel
1423: DOESER LINDA - Cocktail Bible: Traditional and Modern Cocktails for Every Occasion
6232: DOLBEARE, KENNETH M - Readings in American Ideologies the Competing Political Beliefs of the 1970s
27756: DON-STEWART - Coming Temple: Center Stage for the Final Countdown
17287: DONALD, DAVID HERBERT - Look Homeward a Life of Thomas Wolfe
1273: DONALDSON GERALD - Books: Their History, Art, Power, Glory, Infamy, and Suffering According to Their Creators, Friends, and Enemies.
15660: DONALDSON, STEPHEN R. - Daughter of Regals and Other Tales
553: DONATO - Donato's 1980 Political Cartoons
24138: DONCASTER, LUCY; HOLLAND, ANDREW - Greatest Mysteries of the Unexplained a Compelling Collection of Perplexing Phenomena, from Metaphysical Enigmas to Freaks of Nature
27271: DONCOEUR PAUL R. P. - Careme de Notre-Dame de Montreal, Notre Dieu, No 1 -7 Booklets, 1954
4012: DONNA, WILLIAMS - Somebody Somewhere Breaking Free from the World of Autism
25104: DONNE, JOHN, CHARLES COFFIN, EDITOR - Complete Poetry and Selected Prose of John Modern Library # 12
27256: DONOVAN, MARIE-ANDREE - L'Harmonica : Recit
27306: DOR GEORGES - Si Tu Savais
27737: DORCHAIN, AUGUSTE - Les Chefs D'Oeuvre Lyriques de Ronsard Et de Son Ecole
25612: DORE GUSTAVE - Fables de la Fontaine
27411: DORION, HéLèNE - Portraits de Mers
26154: DOUCEY BRUNO - Profil D'Une Oeuvre Modiano: La Ronde de Nuit
26606: DOUG FISCHER (EDITOR) - Our Times a Pictorial Memoir of Ottawa's Past
27354: DOUVILLE RAYMOND - Aaron Hart
13395: DOVE, RITA - Through the Ivory Gate a Novel
25329: DOVER - Traditional Designs from India Cd-Rom and Book
26859: DOWBIGGIN, BRUCE - The Stick: A History, a Celebration, an Elegy
26644: DOYLE, BRIAN - Easy Avenue
22063: DOYLE, ARTHUR CONAN - Puffin Classics Hound of the Baskervilles
26204: DOYLE, JAMES - Annie Howells and Achille Fréchette
1826: DRACHE DANIEL & CLEMENT WALLACE - New Practical Guide to Canadian Political Economy
1044: DRAKE DAVID - Servant of the Dragon
27480: DRATH, WILFRED - The Deep Blue Sea Rethinking the Source of Leadership
2327: DRESNER DENISE, (EDITOR) LESSING DORIS (PREFACE) - Best Books Experts Choose Their Favourites
2390: DREW, ELIZABETH - Whatever It Takes the Real Struggle for Political Power in America
1624: DROSNIN MICHAEL - Bible Code II: The Countdown
18033: DRUMMOND WILLIAM HENRY, INTORDUCTION BY LOUIS FRECHETTE - Habitant and Other French - Canadian Poems
26442: DRUON MAURICE - Les Mémoires de Zeus Les Cahiers Verts # 66
25054: DU GARD MAURICE MARTIN - Caractères Et Confidences.
13510: DU MAURIER DAPHNE - King's General
26959: DU MAURIER DAPHNE - Parasites
27624: DU VERNET SYLVIA - Muskoka Mosaic
20545: DU MAURIER DAPHNE - Hungry Hill
26489: DUBOIS, JEAN-PAUL - Une Vie Française
27145: DUCHARME, RéJEAN - Va Savoir
27221: DUCHARME, RéJEAN - Avalée Des Avalés
27302: DUCHARME, RéJEAN - Le Nez Qui Voque
27068: DUCHAZEAU FRANTZ - Vaincus Les
27772: DUCK, RUTH C - Bread for the Journey: Resources for Worship
21593: DUDER, TESSA - Alex: The Making of a Champion
21746: DUFTON, JENNIFER - Pilates Difference
27267: DUGAS MARCEL - Un Romantique Canadien: Louis Frechette 1839-1908
26660: DUGAS MARCEL - Paroles en Liberté
27128: DUGAS MARCEL - Littérature Canadienne
2384: DUGGLEBY, JOHN; EITZEN, ALLAN - Impossible Quests
9149: DUGUAY PIERRE - Jalons Pour la Reforme Electorale
27597: DUHAIME ANDRE, GORDON SKILJEVIC - Quelques Jours en Hiver Et Au Printemps
25462: DUHAMEL GEORGES - Homère Au XX ° Siècle,
421: DUMAS ALEXANDRE - D'Artagnan: Episode Des Trois Mousquetaires
27356: DUMAS ALEXANDER - Comtesse de Saint - Geran
26382: DUMAS ALEXANDRE - Three Musketeers, the,. No. 1 Classics Illustrated.
26929: DUMBRILLE, DOROTHY - Watch the Sun Rise! a Collection of Poems
26790: DUMONT, JEAN & HISTOIRE LES AMIS DE L - La Decouverte Du Canada: Tome I Les Voyages de Jacques Cartier; Tome II Les Voyages de Samuel de Champlain; Tomme III le Grand Voyage Au Pays Des Hurons de Gabriel Sagard
6911: DUNANT, SARAH - Snow Storms in a Hot Climate
10638: DUNBAR, ROBERT - Pines, the
23495: DUNCAN, DAVE - Coming of Wisdom
20203: DUNCAN N. W. , MAJOR - GENERAL - A F V Light Tanks Marks I - VI Volume 5
20204: DUNCAN N. W. , MAJOR - GENERAL - A F V Early Armoured Cars Volume 9
8544: DUNLAP, ORRIN ELMER, ** SIGNED** - Radio's 100 Men of Science
6087: DUPONT FRITZ - La Securite Contre Les Libertes le Modele Ouest - Allemand Modele Pour L'Europe?
24056: DURHAM, MICHAEL S. & CHARLES MOORE - Powerful Days the CIVIL Rights Photography of Charles Moore
11155: DURRELL, LAWRENCE - Mountolive
26427: DURRELL LAWRENCE - Bitter Lemons
27400: DURRELL, GERALD MALCOLM - Catch Me a Colobus
25307: DURRY MARIE-JEANNE - Guillaume Apollinaire Alcools, Volumes 1, 2, & 3
8431: DUSSICH JOHN P. EDITOR - International Perspectives in Victimology Volume 3, Number 1, March 2007
1363: DWYER K.R. (DEAN KOONTZ) - Shattered
24963: DYER, WAYNE W. - You'LL See It When You Believe It: The Way to Your Personal Transformation
24059: DYER, GWYNNE - War
25179: DYER, WAYNE W. DR. - Living the Wisdom of the Tao the Complete Tao Te Ching and Affirmations
22210: DYSON, JOHN - Spirit of Sail on Board the World's Great Sailing Ships
24241: DYSON EDWARD - Golden Shanty, the
5055: DYSON HOPE, CHARLES TENNYSON - Dear and Honoured Lady the Correspondence between Queen Victoria and Alfred Tennyson
5650: E. B. EDDY COMPANY - Handbook of Printing Production
2205: EADIE BETTY J. - Awakening Heart My Continuing Journey to Love
27174: EAGLE FAMILY FOODS - Eagle Brand 1-2-3- Desserts
7958: EARL HARRIS D. - Testimony of Jesus, the a Study of the Revelation with Biblical Perspective
27563: EARLES, BRENT D. - Perfect "10" : The Ten Commandments for Graduates
2162: EASTERBROOK W. T. , WATKINS M. H. - Approaches to Canadian Economic History
184: EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY - How to Make Good Pictures a Guide for the Amateur Photographer
8459: EAYRS JAMES, ROBERT SPENCER - International Journal Canada's Foreign Policy, Vol. XXVI, No. 1, 1970 - 1
2099: ECHLIN KIM - Elephant Winter
18101: ECKLER, REBECCA - Knocked Up Confessions of a Modern Mother-to-Be
26339: ECLARE - Message Des Fleurs: How to Read and Interpret the Cards
27307: ECO, UMBERTO - La Guerre Du Faux
17748: EDDENDEN A. E. - Murder at the Movies
27183: EDDINGS, DAVID & LEIGH EDDINGS - Treasured One, the Book Two of the Dreamers
27185: EDDINGS, DAVID & LEIGH EDDINGS - Crystal Gorge Book Three of the Dreamers
2396: EDDY PAUL, WALDEN SARA - Hunting Marco Polo the Pursuit of the Drug Smuggler Who Couldn't Be Caught, by the Agent Who Wouldn't Quit
382: EDELMAN MAURICE - Minister, the
2043: EDGERTON CLYDE - Red Eye a Western
20718: EDGINTON, BARRY - Health, Disease and Medicine in Canada a Sociological Perspective
22108: EDITORS OF COUNTRY LIVING - Country Living the Country Look and How to Get It
20207: EDITORS OF AIR CLASSICS - Air Aces of the 8th Fighter Command : An Anthology of the Top-Scoring American Fighter Aces and Their Bitter Sky Battles with the Luftwaffe Volume 3, 1987
26798: EDMONDS, WALTER D. & PAUL LANTZ - Matchlock Gun
12825: EDRIC, ROBERT - A Lunar Eclipse
21340: EDWARD LEAR; ILLUSTRATOR- - Edward Lear's Nonsense Songs
5393: EDWARDS I. E. S. - Pyramids of Egypt, the
5396: EDWARDS, G.B.; FOWLES, JOHN - Book of Ebenezer le Page, the
6532: EDWARDS, GEOFFREY & DAVID SPENCE - European Commission, the
27443: EDWARDS MONICA - Fire in the Punchbowl
1252: EGAN LESLEY - Paper Chase a Harper Novel of Suspense
21684: EGANVILLE LEADER / KENT WADDINGTON - Combermere: A Landscape Changed Forever - August 2, 2006
1519: EHL PETR, PARIK ARNO, FIEDLER JIRI - Old Bohemian and Moravian Jewish Cemeteries
27115: EHRESMANN, JULIA M. & ILLUSTRATED - Pocket Dictionary of Art Terms, Revised, Expanded and Illustrated
11435: EHRLICH, EUGENE H.; BUCKLEY, JR WILLIAM F. - Amo, Amas, Amat, and More How to Use Latin to Your Own Advantage and to the Astonishment of Others
2583: EHRLICH, EV - Big Government a Novel
1026: EKERT-ROTHOLZ ALICE - Time of the Dragons
27433: ELIASON JOYCE - Fresh Meat/Warm Weather
27527: ELIE ROBERT - Borduas
27712: ELIOT, GEORGE - MILL on the Floss
26145: ELIOT T. S. - Poèmes 1910-1930.
27479: ELKINS, AARON J. - Curses! - a Gideon Oliver
4522: ELLENWOOD FRANK, CHARLES MACKEY - Thermodynamic Charts Also Special Tables for Turbine Calculations Steam, Water, Ammonia, "Freon-12", and Mixtures of Air and Water Vapor
22971: ELLIOT DAVID W. - Introduction to Public Law: Source Book , Readings on the State, the Administrative Process, and Basic Values Fourth Edition
11157: ELLIOTT, OSBORN - Men at the Top
27350: ELPHINSTONE, MARGARET - Voyageurs
2644: EMERSON R. W. - Essays and Representative Men (Circa 1920s)
25859: EMERSON RAPLH WALDO - Essays. Second Series. The Riverside Editon
1797: EMERSON OLIVER FARRAR, PH. D. - Poems of Chaucer: Selections from His Earlier and Later Works
27260: EMMANUEL PIERRE - Tombeau D'Orphee Fragment
1235: EMMETT RITA - Procrastinator's Handbook Mastering the Art of Doing It Now
20717: EMMINS, CHRISTOPHER J. - Practical Approach to Criminal Procedure
12048: EMMONS, CAI - His Mother's Son
335: ENGELMAJER LUCIEN J. - Drugs and Aids Realities, Symptomatology, Reflections
6233: ENGELMANN F. C, M. A. SCHWARTZ - Political Parties and the Canadian Social Structure
24296: ENGLE ELYSE - Handbook of English Grammar for Teachers of English As a Second Language.
11728: ENGLE, MARGARITA - Skywriting
26007: EPSTEIN, MORRIS - All About Jewish Holidays and Customs
2769: ERDMAN, PAUL EMIL - Zero Coupon
20895: ERLANGER PHILIPPE - Le Massacre de la Saint - Barthélemy. Trente Journée Qui Ont Fait la France. 24 Aout 1572
26328: ERSKINE, ROBERT & MERLYN EVANS - Graphic Work of Merlyn Evans, a Retrospective Exhibition
13602: INDIAN AND ESKIMO AFFAIRS PROGRAM (CANADA) - About Indians: A Listing of Books
26670: ESTIENNE, CHARLES - Gauguin: Biographical and Critical Studies.
1552: ESTRIN MICHAEL - 2,000 Designs, Forms, and Ornaments
10649: ETCHISON, DENNIS - California Gothic
26475: ETIEMBLE - Lignes D'Une Vie, Vol 1. Le Meurtre Du Petit Père. Lignes D'Une Vie I L. Vol. 2
26476: ETIEMBLE - Propos D'Un Emmerdeur Entretiens Sur France - Culture Avec Jean-Louis Ezine
26358: EUWE MAX - Les échecs Jugement Et Plan
26512: EVANS LIZ - Barking!
2289: EVANS JOHN, INTODUCTION - Options Options Proceedings of the Conference on the Future of the Canadian Federation
1400: EVANS C. JOHN - Touch Typewriting Compete Course for Self-Instruction
27020: EVANS, LINDSAY A. - Young A.Y. Jackson: Lindsay A. Evans' Memories 1902-6
27117: EVANS, EAMON - Lord Sandwich and the Pants Man Discover the People and Places Hidden in Everyday Words
21588: EVANS IVOR H. - Brewer's Dictionary of Phrase & Fable Centenary Edition
6872: EYSENCK, HANS J. & GLENN WILSON - Know Your Own Personality
26863: FADIMAN, CLIFTON & JOHN S. MAJOR - New Lifetime Reading Plan, the
11160: FAGAN JOEN, IRMA LEE SHEPHERD - What Is Gestalt Therapy
16591: FAGOTHEY, AUSTIN - Right and Reason Ethics in Theory and Practice
22774: FAIRLEY, BARKER;DAULT, GARY MICHAEL - Barker Fairley Portraits
17658: FALCONER, IAN - Olivia
17659: FALCONER, IAN - Olivia Forms a Band
17657: FALCONER, IAN - Olivia Saves the Circus
27353: FARJEON ELEANOR - Mrs Malone
27202: FARLEY, CHRISTOPHER JOHN - Aaliyah More Than a Woman
14585: FARMAKIDES A. - A Manual of Modern Greek (1) Elementary, Revised Second Edition, Series A.
7651: FARMER PHILIP JOSE - Alley God, the
26591: FARMER THOMAS DEVEY JERMYN - A History of the Parish of St. John's Church, Ancaster: With Many Biographical Sketches of Those Worthies Who in the Early Pioneer Days and Afterwards Established and Maintained It; and Most of Whom Rest in Its Hallowed Ground
26314: FAST HOWARD - Immigrant's Daughter, the
27403: FAULKNER WILLIAM - Mosquitoes
16737: FAULKNER WILLIAM - Reivers, the
21589: FAUST, JOE CLIFFORD - A Death of Honor
1432: FAUST JOAN LEE - New York Times Book of Vegetable Gardening
26254: FAUTEUX AEGIDIUS - Les Cahiers Des Dix. No. 4
27291: FEDER, THEORDORE H. - Great Treasures of Pompeii & Herculaneum
24187: FEINSTEIN, CHAYTNA DEBORAH - Let's Learn Hindi with English - Hindi Dictionary. Signed in Hindi by the Author
26616: FEINSTEIN, ELAINE - Ted Hughes
24721: FEIST, RAYMOND E - Flight of the Nighthawks Book One of the Darkwar Saga
24823: FEIST, RAYMOND E - Rage of a Demon King Volume III of the Serpentwar Saga
24724: FEIST, RAYMOND E. - Rise of a Merchant Prince Volume I I of the September Saga
24719: FEIST, RAYMOND E - Krondor the Assassins: Book Two of the Riftwar Legacy
24822: FEIST, RAYMOND E - Shards of a Broken Crown Volume IV of the Serpentwar Saga
24723: FEIST, RAYMOND E - Exile's Return: Conclave of Shadows: Book Three
26315: FELDMAN, ROBERT - Liar in Your Life, the the Way to Truthful Relationships
27111: FELLINI FEDERICO - Le Casanova de Fellini
23892: FELTZ KURT, TEXT, GIETZ HEINZ, MUSIC, VALENTE CATERINA, SINGER - Frag' Mich Nie, Was Heimweh Ist " Cowboy Johnny "
25956: FENTON, JAMES - An Introduction to English Poetry
27471: FERDINAND, BRUNETIERE - Manuel de L'Histoire de la Littérature Française
1170: FERGUSON MARY, SAUNDERS RICHARD M. - Canadian Wildflowers: Through the Seasons
27351: FERGUSON MARY - Federal Cabinet Appointments Handbook 1995
11451: FERGUSON, TREVOR - True Life Adventures of Sparrow Drinkwater, the
27468: FERRETTI, FRED - Great American Marble Book.
2225: FERRIS PAUL - City, the
1315: FERRIS ANTHONY R., TRANSLATOR - A Second Treasury of Kahlil Gibran
1761: FETHERLING DOUGLAS (EDITOR) - Broadview Book of Canadian Ancedotes
26669: FETTER J. C. A. - Inleiding Tot Het Denken Van Kierkegaard.
9151: FEUSTAL INGEBORG - Die Lustigen Streiche Des Pitti-Platsch
21451: FEY, TINA - Bossypants
13955: FEYNMAN, RICHARD PHILLIPS - Six Easy Pieces / Tape Package Essentials of Physics Explained by Its Most Brilliant Teacher
26439: FFINCH MICHAEL - G.K. Chesterton: A Biography
27565: FICKETT JR. HAROLD - Hope for Your Church
1301: FIELDING HENRY - Joseph Andrews
25040: FILION, LOUIS-JACQUES - Tintin Minville L'Entrepreneur Et la Potion Magique
7721: FINESTONE SHEILA, SECRETARY OF STATE - Setting the Stage for the Next Century / á L'Aube Du XXI E Siéle: The Federal Plan for Gender Equality / Plan Féderal Pour L'égalité entre Les Sexes
27537: FINN, G. A. - Lazy Days at Lahinch
2900: FIORENZA, ELISABETH SCHUSSLER - Bread Not Stone the Challenge of Feminist Biblical Interpretation
1230: FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH - Hymnary, the
22813: FISCHER DOUG, EDITOR. RALPH WILLSEY, DESIGNER - Each Morning Bright. 160 Years of Selected Reading from the Ottawa Citizen 1845-2005
21620: FISCHER, PAULINE, MARY LOU FISCHER - Egyptian Designs in Modern Stitchery
27645: FISCHER BOBBY - Bobby Fischer Vous Apprend Les èchecs : 275 Situations Proposèes à Rèsoudre
26939: FISET LOUISE - 404 Bca- Driver Tout L'été
6877: FISH ROBERT L. - Shrunken Head, the
27777: FISHBURN, JANET - Confronting the Idolatry of Family a New Vision for the Household of God
5951: FITZGERALD F. SCOTT - Tender Is the Night
22829: FIX, WILLIAM R. - Star Maps: Astounding New Evidence from Ancient Civilizations and Modern Scientific Research of Man's Origins and Return to the Stars
21576: FIXX JAMES F. - Complete Book of Running , the
2404: FLACH FREDERIC, M. D. - Resilience Discovering a New Strength at Times of Stress
12224: FLANAGAN DENNIS, EDITOR - Scientific American January -December 1976
27338: FLAUBERT, GUSTAVE - Dictionary of Accepted Ideas by Gustave Flaubert
26276: FLEAUX DIDIER, PHILIPPLE GIRAUD - Chartres, Huit Siècles de Vie
27031: FLEMING MARIE L. - Retrospective Murray Favro
26945: FLESCH, RUDOLF - Art of Readable Writing, the
15278: FLOOD, CYNTHIA - Animals in Their Elements, the
4549: FLYNN, ROBERT J. & PETER M. DUDDING & JAMES G. BARBER - Promoting Resilience in Child Welfare ** Signed **
27238: FOCILLON HENRI, D'EDOUARD JULIEN - Dessins de Toulouse-Lautrec
19696: FOLLETT, KEN - Gentlemen of 16 July, the
13843: FOLLETT, KEN - Power Twins, the
11154: FOLLETT, KEN - Power Twins, the
5423: FONTAINE ANDRE - Histoire de la > Un Seul Lit Pour Deux Rêves
10481: FONTANA, D. C. & GENE RODDENBERRY; ALLEN, COREY - Star Trek Scriptbooks: Book One the Q Chronicles
27140: FONTETTE (DE) F. - Histoire de L'Antisemitisme
7598: FORBES, COLIN - Cross of Fire
4164: FORBES, MALCOLM & JEFF BLOCH - What Happened to Their Kids Children of the Rich and Famous
1226: FORD LEIGHTON - Sandy: A Heart of Gold a Moving Story of a Son
1795: FORD E. B. - Study of Heredity, the
19142: FOSTER, MICHAEL - Architecture Style, Structure, and Design
20689: FOSTER, JOHN & JANET - To the Wild Country ** Signed **
27176: FOSTER ALAN DEAN - Flinx's Folly a Pip & Flinx Novel, No. 8
24742: FOSTER, ALAN DEAN - Drowning World (the Seventh Book in the Humanx Commonwealth Series)
24743: FOSTER, ALAN DEAN - Diuturnity's Dawn (the Third Book in the Founding of the Commonwealth Series)
24740: FOSTER ALAN DEAN - Phylogenesis & Dirge, ( Book 1 & 2 of the Founding of the Commonwealth)
1029: FOTHERINGHAM ALLAN - Capitol Offences: Dr. Foth Meets Uncle Sam
27643: FOUCAULT, MICHEL - Surveiller Et Punir: Naissance de la Prison
27349: FOURNIER CLAUDE - Le Ciel Fermé
26615: FOWKE EDITH. JUDITH GWYN BROWN, ILLUSTRATOR - Ring Around the Moon, 200 Songs, Tongue Twisters, Riddles and Rhymes
15772: FOWLER, KAREN JOY - Sarah Canary
5043: FOX-DAVIES, ARTHUR CHARLES - Art of Heraldry an Encyclopaedia of Armory
12472: FOXGLOVE, COLLECTIVE - On the Threshold Writing Toward the Year 2000
14137: FRAME, RONALD - A Long Weekend with Marcel Proust Seven Short Stories and a Novel
25429: FRANC-NOHAIN - Bonjour Messieurs : Comment Les Francais Redecouvrirent le Canada Lors Des Fetes de la Commemoration de L'Arrivee de Jacques Cartier a Gaspe.
26137: FRANCIS, CLAUDE & FERNANDE GONTIER - Simone de Beauvoir
20712: FRANCIS, LLOYD - Ottawa Boy an Autobiography
2274: FRANCIS DIANE - Fighting for Canada
20780: FRANCIS, DICK - Banker
18300: FRANCIS MARY EVANS - Book of Grasses, an Illustrated Guide to the Most Common Grasses and the Most Common of the Rushes and Sedges
26187: FRANçOIS, HERTEL - ö Canada, Mon Pays, Mes Amours: Collection Les Essais
7564: FRANK, BERYL - Pictorial History of the Republican Party, the
3740: FRANK ANNE - Journal de Anne Frank
18073: FRANKEN, AL - Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot and Other Observations
26413: FRANKFURTER ALFRED M. - Art News Annual 1948. ; Vol. XLVI No. 9 French Tapestries
7952: FRANKLIN DANIEL, EDITOR - Economist : World in 2006, the 20th Edition, 1987 - 2006
27326: FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN - Poor Richard's Almanack
1579: FRANKLIN JOHN HOPE - Mirror in America: Autobiography the Twentieth Century Fight for CIVIL Rights.
27355: FRANKLIN BENJAMIN - Poor Richard's Almanac: Autobiography, Selections (1900 ? )
22574: FRANTZ, SUSANNE K. - Contemporary Glass: A World Survey from the Corning Museum of Glass
15768: FRASER, GEORGE MACDONALD - General Danced at Dawn, the
26169: FRASER G. S. - Ezra Pound: Writers and Critics
2418: FRAZIER SUNNY - Fools Rush in a Christy Bristol Astrology Mystery
27784: FRECHETTE LOUIS H. - Feuilles Volantes, Poésies Canadiennes
27088: FRéCHETTE, LOUIS - La Légende D'Un Peuple
27032: FRECHETTE LOUIS, INTRO. - Poetical Works of William Henry Drummond
13865: FRED, BODSWORTH - Sparrow's Fall, the
21608: FREED, ERIC COREY - Green Building and Remodeling for Dummies: Your Hands-on, Practical Guide to the Materials and Construction Methods of Green Building.
1255: FREELING NICOLAS - Aupres de Ma Blonde: A Harper Novel of Suspense
2338: FREEMANTLE BRIAN - Madrigal for Charlie Muffin
26963: FREGAULT GUY - La Civilisation de la Nouvelle-France
19923: FREITAS, LEO DE - Charles Robinson
21083: FREUCHEN PETER, DAVID LOTH - Peter Freuchen's Book of the Seven Seas
24418: FREUND JOHN E. - Mathematical Statistics
424: FREY STEPHEN - Trust Fund
423: FREY STEPHEN - Inner Sanctum, the
1372: FRIDAY NANCY - Jealousy
1652: FRIDGIDAIRE FOOD FREEZER - New Thrills of Freezing with Your Fridgidaire Food Freezer
6531: FRIEDMAN, STEVEN - New Language of Change, the Constructive Collaboration in Psychotherapy
25031: FRIEDMAN, MILTON - Friedman on Galbraith and on Curing the British Disease
2000: FRIEDRICH OTTO - Decline and Fall the Stuggle for Power at a Great American Magazine 'the Saturday Evening Post. '
9657: FROSTIC GWEN - These Things Are Ours
27398: FRUTKIN, MARK - In the Time of Angry Queen
27616: FRYE, NORTHROP - Modern Century Whidden Lectures, 1967
13421: FRYE, NORTHROP - Educated Imagination, the
26851: FRYE NORTHROPE - Modern Century: The Whidden Lectures
26428: FRYE DEAN, ROGER DUVOISIN - Days of Sunshine, Days of Rain
27188: FUEGI, JOHN - Brecht and Company Sex, Politics, and the Making of the Modern Drama
5427: FUENZALIDA, NIEVES - Three of Us Remain the 39th Fragments of the Clan
25135: FUMET STANISLAS - Rimbaud - Mystique Contrarie
27147: FUNCK-BRENTANO FRANTZ - Le Drame Des Poisons : études Sur la Société Du XVII ? Siècle Et Plus Particulièrement la Cour de Louis XIV D'Après Les Archives de la Bastille
2285: FYFIELD FRANCIS - Seeking Sancutary
27595: GABORIAU EMILE - Petit Vieux Des Batignolles
19407: GAGNON/ROSS - Daniel Dion Paths
1308: GAIRDRNER WILLIAM D. - Trouble with Canada: A Citizen Speaks out
27664: GALBRAITH, JOHN KENNETH, - Annals of an Abiding Liberal
27187: GALBRAITH, JOHN KENNETH - A Life in Our Times Memoirs
16783: GALLAGER NORA, EDITOR. - Patagonia Notes from the Field
26850: GALLANT, MAVIS - From the Fifteenth District: A Novella and Eight Short Stories
26860: GALLANT, MAVIS - A Fairly Good Time
27055: GALLANT, MAVIS - Paris Notebooks Essays and Reviews
19920: GALLO, MAX - Poster in History,the. With an Essay on the Development of Poster Art
17601: GALLOPING GOVERNMENT GOURMENTS - Carnival of Kitchen Concoctions
26746: GALLOWAY STROME - Heraldry in Canada: Vol. X V I, No. 1, March 1982
26747: GALLOWAY STROME - Heraldry in Canada: Vol. X V I, No. 2, June 1982
26748: GALLOWAY STROME - Heraldry in Canada: Vol. X V I I I, No. 3, Sept. 1984
2306: GALSWORTHY JOHN - A Modern Comedy the White Monkey, the Silver Spoon, Swan Song.
1251: GALSWORTHY JOHN - Forsyte Saga, the
3728: GALSWORTHY JOHN - The Man of Property Indian Summer of a Forsyte
25824: GANDOUIN, JACQUES - Guide Du Protocole Et Des Usages,
8575: GANN ERNEST K. - Blaze of Noon
20661: GANNON, JACK R. - Deaf Heritage a Narrative History of Deaf America
25581: GARCIA MARQUEZ, GABRIEL - Le Général Dans Son Labyrinthe
27548: GARDNER, JOHN - Role of Honour. #19 of the James Bond Series.
3099: GARDNER, SALLY - I, Coriander
27041: GARRATT, JOHN G - Model Soldiers, a Collector's Guide
25814: GARRETT, RICHARD - General Wolfe
22205: GARY EVANS AND RUSS POWERS - Prints of Paradise Old Dundas Through the Eyes of Photographers
10092: GARZA-VALDES, LEONCIO A. - Dna of God? , the Newly Discovered Secrets of the Shroud of Turin
27463: GASZTOL CARMEN BERNOS DE & RUMER GODDEN & CARMEN B. DE GASZTOLD - Prayers from the Ark and Creatures' Choir
18605: GATELY, ROBERTA - Lipstick in Afghanistan
27196: GATES, R. PATRICK - Grimm Memorials
11622: GATTUSO JOHN, EDITOR, SILKO, LESLIE MARMON - A Circle of Nations Voices and Visions of American Indians
26701: GAUDREAULT, AMEDEE - Cachez Ce Livre: Humour Federaliste a L'Index
27021: GAUNT WILLIAM - Pre-Raphaelite Tragedy
26960: GAUTIER, GILBERTE - Rue de la Paix
17076: GEAR, KATHLEEN O'NEAL & W. MICHAEL GEAR - Visitant, the Book I of the Anasazi Mysteries
4956: GELINAS, GRATIEN - Yesterday the Children Were Dancing
3747: GELINAS GRATIEN, MOORE MAVOR (TRANSLATOR) - Yesterday the Children Were Dancing
26256: GENET JEAN - Miracle de la Rose
25977: GENET JEAN - Miracle de la Rose
27575: GEOFFRION DR. Y. - Are Tongues of the Devil? : The Evidence Is in, the Verdict Is Clear
1314: GEORGE JEAN CRAIGHEAD - Julie of the Wolves
1389: GEORGES NORBERT - Meet Brother Martin! : A Little Life of Blessed Martin de Porres
27568: SADA & GEORGES & JIM NELSON BLACK - Saddams Secret: : How an Iraqi General Defied and Survived Saddam Hussein
27060: GEORGES, MOUNIN - Ferdinand de Saussure. No. 43
27601: GEORGIN RENE - Le Langage: De L'Administratoin Et Des Affaires: Avec Un Repertoire Des Principales Formules Commerciales Et Administratives
14638: GEORING PETER, HELENA NORBERG-HIDGE - From the Ground Up Rethinking Industrial Agricuture
14090: GéRARD, FABIEN S. - Ombres Jaunes: Journal de Tournage. Le Dernier Empereur de Bernardo Bertolucci.
27069: GERBER, FRANçOIS - Saint-Exupéry de la Rive Gauche à la Guerre
24614: GERMAIN, GEORGES-HéBERT - Monica la Mitraille
26710: GERSPACH EDOUARD - L'Art de la Verrerie.
22816: GETTINGS, FRED. - Arthur Rackham
14433: GETTLEMAN MARVIN E. , DAVID MERMELSTEIN - Great Society Reader the Failure of American Liberalism, Articles, Statements, & Reports
12307: GHAN, LINDA - Gift of Sky
18731: GHOMESHI, JIAN - 1982
23218: GHOMESHI, JIAN - 1982 ** Signed **
26605: GIAN LUCA PIEROTTI - La Donna Nell'Arte
27254: GIBBS W. WYAT - Scientific American: Physics at the Limits. Volume 24, Number 43, 2016 Special Collector's Edition
285: GIBBS TERRI (EDITOR) - Heartstrings of Laughter and Love a Tribute to Mothers
19795: GIBSON, WILLIAM - Idoru
27714: GIBSON, WILLIAM - Count Zero
4010: GIBSON, JOHN FREDERIC - A Small and Charming World
19795: GIBSON, WILLIAM - Idoru
13426: GIESECKE, MITCHELL, SPENCER, DYGDON, LOCKHART - Technical Drawing Special for Queen's University
26549: GIFFEN PETER, EDITOR - Applied Arts Quarterly, Fall 1988, Volume 3, Number 3
25113: GIFFORD, DON AND SEIDMAN, ROBERT J. - Notes for Joyce Dubliners and a Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man
1575: GILBAR STEVEN - Book Book: A Compendium of Lists, Quizzes, & Trivia About Books, the
1472: GILBERT MARTIN - A History of the Twentieth Century,Volume One: 1900 - 1933
1256: GILBERT EDWIN - Jamey: Novel of a Period 1967-1968
1468: GILBEY KAREN - A Little Canadian Cookbook
26671: GILBORN ALICE - What Do You Do with a Kinkajou?
2349: GILMAN RICHARD - Confusion of Realms, the
25144: GINSBERG ALLEN - Planet News 1961 - 1967. The Pocket Poets Series, Number Twenty Three
27540: GIONO, JEAN - The Man Who Planted Trees
20974: GIRL GUIDES ASSOCIATION - Girl Guide Annual 1977
26564: GIRL GUIDES OF CANADA - The Guide Handbook
5222: GIULIANI, RUDOLPH W.; KURSON, KEN - Leadership
13096: GLAISTER, LESLEY - Limestone and Clay
8408: GLAZER, JOAN I. - Literature for Young Children
26846: GLOVER, DOUGLAS - Elle a Novel
13494: GOBERT G. - La Papeterie Revue Mensuelle Technique Et Commerciale 83 Annee, Decembre 1961, No. 12
27631: GODBOUT, J. - Le Réformiste. Textes Tranquilles.
22274: GODBOUT, JACQUES - Une Histoire Américaine ** Signed **
27314: GODBOUT, JACQUES - Le Temps Des Galarneau
13095: GODDARD, KEN - Alchemist, the
7246: GODDARD F. W. - Higher Chemical Arithmetic
17087: GODDARD, ROBERT - Closed Circle
27532: GODDEN, RUMER - Gulbadan: Portrait of a Rose Princess at the Mughal Court
27071: GODWIN, EDWARD (1912-1988) - Warrior Bard the Life of Wlliam Morris
27671: GOETHE WOLFGANG, ALBERT BEGUIN, TRANSLATOR - Confessions D'Une Belle âme.
27491: GOFFETTE GUY - Elle par Bonheur Et Toujours Nue
25047: GOFFETTE, GUY - Mariana Portugaise
9299: GOGARTY, OLIVER ST. JOHN - Collected Poems of Oliver St. John Gogarty
25591: GOGOL, NICOLAI - Nose
2901: GOGOL, NIKOLAI VASILEVICH - Overcoat and Other Tales of Good and Evil
27724: GOINGBACK, OWL - Breed
6821: GOLDBLOOM VICTOR, COMMISSIONER - Commissioner of Official Languages / Commissaire Aux Langues Officielles Annual Report 1993 / Rapport Annuel 1993
15613: GOLDEN PRESS - Knitting Collection, Binder 1. Tabs Red to Green.
13852: GOLDEN, STEPHANIE - Slaying the Mermaid Women and the Culture of Sacrifice
27629: GOLDING, WILLIAM - Darkness Visible
27621: GOLDING, WILLIAM - Paper Men
27611: GOLDING, WILLIAM - Paper Men, the
27610: GOLDING, WILLIAM - Paper Men, the
13563: GOLDMAN ERIC F. - Rendezvous with Destiny a History of Modern American Reform
2801: GOLDMAN, FRANCISCO - Ordinary Seaman, the
10176: GOLDMAN, JANE - X-Files, the: Book of the Unexplained, Vol. 1
1692: GOLDSMITH OLIVER - Vicar of Wakefield
12310: GOLDSMITH, OLIVER - Vicar of Wakefield, the
2362: GOLDSTONE RICHARD H. , LASS ABRAHAM H. (EDITORS) - Mentor Book of Short Plays, the
27786: GOLDSTYN, JACQUES - Arbragan
25646: GOLOMBEK H. - The Game of Chess
1357: GOMES PETER J. - Good Book: Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart
1653: GOOD HOUSEKEEPING - Good Housekeeping's Meat Cook Book
1019: GOODMAN JEAN & WILLIAMSON DAVID - Debrett's Book of the Royal Engagement
9469: GOODMAN CAROL - Lake of the Dead Languages, the
11753: GORDIMER, NADINE - My Sons Story
3782: GORDON, LINDA - Heroes of Their Own Lives the Politics and History of Family Violence
gordon: GORDON ELIZABETH - Flower Children, the Little Cousins of the Field and Garden ( 11th Edition )
212: GOTLIEB SONDRA - Gourmet's Canada, the
1756: GOUGH LAURENCE - Accidental Deaths
26248: GOULD, JEAN - The Poet and Her Book - a Biography Edna St. Vincent Millay
26739: GOULD CHESTER - Dick Tracy: Alien Smuggling! : 2/7/38 to 5/1/38
27637: GOULD STEPHEN JAY - Bully for Brontosaurus: Reflections in Natural History
2275: GOULD BILL - Do It Standing Up: Boardsailing for Beginners
18420: GOVERNMENT OF CANADA, HOUSE OF COMMONS - Prime Ministers of Canada. 1867-1994. Les Premiers Ministres Du Canada
27438: GOYEN WILLIAM, INTRO BY JOYCE CAROL OATS - Had I a Hundred Mouths - New and Selected Stories
10007: GRABBE PAUL - Story of Orchestral Music and Its Times, the
26789: GRADMANN ERWIN & MARTHALER MARCEL - Styles D'Architecture
27584: GRADY JAMES - Les 3 Jours Du Condor
26807: GRAEF HILDA C. - Le Philosophe Et la Croix, Edith Stein.
11438: GRAFF, GERALD - Literature Against Itself Literary Ideas in Modern Society
3743: GRAFFTEY HEWARD, MCINENELY R. A. - Sécurité en Tête à Domicile
1576: GRAHAM VICTOR E - Representative French Poetry
330: GRAHAM RON - French Quarter, the the Epic Struggle of a Family and a Nation Divided
25204: GRAHAM, WINSTON - Merciless Ladies, the
19673: GRAHAME KENNETH - Golden Age & Dream Days, the
27608: GRANCSAY, STEPHEN V - Les Armures
26180: GRANDBOIS, ALAIN - Born in Quebec Tale of Louis Jolliet
295: GRANT R.G. - Winston Churchill: An Illustrated Biography
9990: GRANT, AUDREY - Play of the Hand Introduction to Bridge (Acbl Bridge) (Volume 2)
27511: GRANT, NEIL - James Dean in His Own Words
27659: GRANT GEORGE - Lament for a Nation, the Defeat of Canadian Nationalism
1275: GRANT BRUCE - Concise Encyclopedia of the American Indian
27135: GRANT FRANICS J. - Manual of Heraldry a Concise Description of the Several Terms Used, and Containing a Dictionary of Every Designation in the Science.
27487: GRANT GEORGE P. , GASTON LAURION, TRANSLATOR - Est-Ce la Fin Du Canada? : Lamentation Sur L'e´Chec Du Nationalisme Canadien
18279: GRAU, SHIRLEY ANN. ROGERS, HOWARD (ILLUS.) - Evidence of Love
8403: GRAUBE, IRETA SITTS; KING, JEANNE - Seasons Thematic Unit Early Childhood
27431: GRAVES WILLIAM DR. - They Hanged My Saintly Billy: The Life and Death of Dr William Palmer
26491: GRAY, MARIE - Histoires à Faire Rougir
5046: GRAY, CHARLOTTE - Mrs King **Signed** the Life and Times of Isabel Mackenzie King
16557: GREEN, RED - Red Green's Beginner's Guide to Women
27764: GREEN, MICHAEL - Evangelism Through the Local Church
1753: GREENAWAY W. G. - Way to Better Angling
11548: GREENBERG, - Managing Behavior in Organizations Instructor's Manual with Test Bank
9472: GREENBERG MARITN H. - Vampires: The Greatest Stories
16583: GREENBERG, REESA - Les Dessins D'Alfred Pellan
14278: GREENBERG MARTIN H. , BILL PRONZINI, EDITORS - Women Sleuths Margaret Cole, Mignon Eberhart, Cornell Woolrich, Marcia Muller
26270: GREENE, GRAHAM - Human Factor, the
9306: GREENE, GRAHAM - Ways of Escape an Autobiography
27544: GREENE, ALMA (GAH-WONH-NOS-DOH) - Forbidden Voice Reflections of a Mohawk
27612: GREENE GRAHAM - Confidential Agent
10254: GREENE, GRAHAM - Honorary Consul, the
26249: GREENE GRAHAM - In Search of a Character: Two African Journals.
27023: GREENE HUGH, EDITOR - More Rivals of Sherlock Holmes Cosmopolitan Crimes
26207: GREENE GRAHAM, TRANSLATOR MARCELLE SIBON - Tueur a Gages: : Suivi de Mr. Lever Court Sa Chance [Et] Sur L'Autre Rive
2484: GREENE GRAHAM - Comedians, the
27588: GREENE GRAHAM - La Puissance Et la Gloire and le Fond Du Probleme
21293: GREENE, GRAHAM - Ways of Escape
27604: GREENE GRAHAM - Orient - Express ( French )
19791: GREENWOOD, BARBARA - A Question of Loyalty
145: GREENYA JOHN & URBAN ANNE - Real David Stockman, the the True Story of America's Most Controversial Power Broker
147: GREENYA JOHN - Blood Relations the Exclusive Inside Story of the Benson Family Murders
102: GREER GERMAINE - Change: Women, Aging and the Menopause
24168: GREY ZANE - Spirit of the Border, Volume 2, Ohio River Trilogy
24169: GREY ZANE - Betty Zane, Volume 1, Ohio River Trilogy
9563: GREY, ZANE - Call of the Canyon, the
1759: GREY DEBORAH - Never Retreat, Never Explain, Never Apoligize : My Life, My Politics
1718: GRIBBIN JOHN - Spacewarps: A Book About Black Holes, White Holes, Quasars and Our Violent Universe.
375: GRIGGS TERRY - Rogue's Wedding
27222: GRIMM, ZELINSKI - Grigrigredinmenufretin
26151: GROSJEAN, JEAN - La Nuit de Saul
25152: GROSJEAN, JEAN - La Reine de Saba
27319: GROULX LIONEL - La Découverte Du Canada. Jacques Cartier
27123: GROULX LIONEL - L'Indépendance Du Canada
26999: GROULX LIONEL - Les Rapaillages (Vieilles Choses, Vieilles Gens)
26927: GROULX ABBE LIONEL - L'Enseignement Français Au Canada. Tome 2, Les Ecoles Des Minorites
26304: GROUP, DISNEY BOOK & DISNEY PUBLISHING VARIOUS AUTHORS - Disney Scary Storybook Collection: A Treasury of Tales
26305: GROUP, DISNEY BOOK - World of Reading Disney Classic Characters Level 1 Boxed Set
26834: GROVE FREDERICK PHILIP - Over Prairie Trails
26838: GROVE, FREDERICK PHILIP - Fruits of the Earth
20191: GUDDAT MARTIN - Grenadiere, Musketiere, Füsiliere. Die Infanterie Friedrichs Des Großen.
20194: GUDDAT MARTIN - Kanoniere Bombardiere Pontoniere: Die Artillerie Friedrichs Des Grossen
1346: GUEST A. EDGAR - Just Folks
14335: GUEVARA, ERNESTO CHE & VICTOR CASAUS - Self Portrait Che Guevara Self Portrait
25457: GUICHARD LEON - Introduction a la Lecture de Proust.
4760: GUILLAUME PAUL - Manuel de Psychologie
27045: GUILLEBAUD, JEAN-CLAUDE - Je N'Ai Plus Peur
26536: GUILLEMIN, HENRI - Vérités Complémentaires
26479: GUILLEMIN, HENRI - Une Certaine Espérance Conversation Avec Jean Lacouture
25862: GUILLEMIN, HENRI - L'Affaire Jésus
27218: GUITRY SACHA - Memoires D'Un Tricheur
26266: GUITTON, JEAN - Dieu Et la Science
27709: GUN, NERIN E. - Hitler's Mistress Eva Braun
26775: GUNN, THOM - Man with Night Sweats
16465: GUNSTON BILL - Modern Soviet Aircraft
16466: GUNSTON BILL - Modern United States Aircraft
24709: GUOJING - Only Child, the
26360: GUPTA MD, SANJAY - Monday Mornings a Novel
23145: GUSSOW H. T. & W. S. ODELL - Mushrooms and Toadstools. An Account of the More Common Edible and Poisonous Fungi of Canada
27066: GUSSOW H. T. & W. S. ODELL - Mushrooms and Toadstools. An Account of the More Common Edible and Poisonous Fungi of Canada
27248: GUTERAL FRED, EDITOR - Scientific American: What Makes Us Human, Volume 22, Number 1, March 2013 Speical Collector's Edition
27251: GUTERL FRED, EDITOR - Scientific American: Evolution: The Human Saga. Volume 311, Number 3, 2014 Special Collector's Edition
27252: GUTERL FRED, EDITOR - Scientific American: Secrets of the Universe. Volume 23, Number 3, 2014 Special Collector's Edition
27250: GUTERL FRED, EDITOR - Scientific American: Evolution: The Human Saga. Volume 311, Number 3, 2014 Special Collector's Edition
27255: GUTERL FRED, EDITOR - Scientific American: A Matter of Time. Volume 21, Number 1, 2012 Special Collector's Edition
27249: GUTERL FRED, EDITOR - Scientific American: Extreme Physics. Volume 22, Number 2. August, 2013 Special Collector's Edition
21454: GUTERSON, DAVID - Other, the
26742: GUY, CHRISTIAN - Une Histoire de la Cuisine Française
26637: GWILT JOSEPH - Encyclopedia of Architecture: The Complete Guide to Architecture, from Antiquity to the Nineteenth Century [the Classic 1867 Edition] (Illustrated with 1400 Drawings)
18624: GWYN, SANDARA - Private Capital: Ambition and Love in the Age of Macdonald and Laurier
317: GWYNN STEPHEN - Masters of English Literature, the
13980: GZOWSKI, PETER - Peter Gzowski's Book About This Country in the Morning
23449: GZOWSKI, PETER - Peter Gzowski's Spring Tonic ** Signed **
8814: HAAS-FOLETTA, KAREN & MICHELE COGLEY & LORI OTTOLINI-GENO - School-Age Ideas and Activities for After School Programs
16319: HAASSE HELLA S. - Source Cachée (la)
27533: HABER, ERIKA - Russian-English/English-Russian Dictionary & Phrasebook
5426: HADERLEIN KONRAD - Saskatchewan Klingt Gut Gedichte Aus Der Prarie
22339: HADFIELD, JOHN EDITOR - Cowardy Custard: The World of Noel Coward
1800: HADOW GRACE E. - Chaucer and His Times
22873: HAGEE, JOHN - Jerusalem Countdown, Revised and Updated a Prelude to War
27821: HAIK ALDO, FORNASARI, CARLOS & ALDO HAIK - Les échecs Spectaculaires
16189: HALE, R. L. - Open Road, the Stories, Essays and Travel Tales
12564: HALL SAM - Fourth World, the
27404: HALL, A. H - Star of the Cheechikois: A Canadian Flag Fantasy
2187: HALL CALVIN S. , LINDZEY GARDNER - A Primer of Freudian Psychology
1309: HALL CALVIN S., LINDZEY GARDNER - Theories of Personality
12826: HALL JOHN A. - Powers and Liberties the Causes and Consequences of the Rise of the West
651: HALL TREVOR - Story of Prince Charles
26822: HALL, OAKLEY - Ambrose Bierce and the Trey of Pearls
27596: HALLAMRK, ONTRODUCTORY BY ROBERT F. KENNEDY - John F. Kennedy Words to Remember
4165: HALLSTEAD, - Conqueror of the Clouds
16673: HALMOS PAUL R. - Introduction a la Theorie Des Ensembles
1352: HALTON WOMEN'S PLACE - Culinary Comforts
20380: HAMBLEY JOHN, OARTICK DOWNING - Art of Hollywood a Thames Television Exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum
23261: HAMBLY BARBARA - Star Wars: Children of the Jedi
27700: HAMILL, PETE - Why Sinatra Matters
11994: HAMILTON, CLAIRE & STEVE EDDY - Decoding the Celts Revealing the Legacy of the Celtic Tradition
26522: HAMILTON, JANET - Sagacity
2259: HAMILTON MARY - A - Z of Opera, Wordsworth Who's Who and What's What in the Operatic World
19786: HAMILTON, PETER F. - Fallen Dragon
18924: HAMPSHIRE, STUART - The Age of Reason - Basic Writings of Bacon - Pascal - Hobbes - Galileo - Descartes - Spinoza - Leibniz
26320: HAMRICK FRANK - Ancient Landmarks: A Guide to Personal Standards
1774: HAN VAN DER HORST, BROWN ANDY (TRANSLATOR) - Low Sky: Understanding the Dutch
162: HANAN MACK - Profits without Partners How to Transform Your Product Business Into a Service
21375: HANLEY LUCY, EDITOR - Best of New Orleans Cooking from the Big Easy (Keepsake Cuisine Series)
26662: HANNAM - Almost an Englishman
1615: HANNAY A. C. - Hints for Beginners on Riding
16462: HANNELL CHRISTINE, ROBERT HARSHMAN - Across Canada, Resources and Regions Student Workbook
7027: HANSEN ALVIN H. - Monetary Theory and Fiscal Policy
8409: HANSEN RICK & DR. JOAN LAUB - Going the Distance **Signed** 7 Steps to Personal Change
11739: HARBISON, ROBERT - Eccentric Spaces
2795: HARDING, SANDRA, PETTY DINI - Self Directed Journey, the Recipe Four Ingredients for Achieving Health & Prosperity
2385: HARDINGE GEORGE (EDITOR) - Winter's Crimes 11
9739: HARDY, THOMAS - A Pair of Blue Eyes
18379: HARE LEMAN T. - World's Greatest Paintings; Selected Masterpieces of Famous Art Galleries.
11544: HARKER, BYRON W. - Kamloops Real Estate the First 100 Years
27265: HARRIS, LAWREN - Lawren Harris Retrospecitve Exhibition 1963
1408: HARRIS MICHAEL - Con Game the Truth About Canada's Prisons
17890: HARRIS, MARK - Bang the Drum Slowly
27308: HARRIS, GAIL - Lady Ambivalence and Her Small, Secret Mansion
11748: HARRIS, MARVIN - Cannibals and Kings the Origins of Cultures
22501: HARRISON FREDERIC - Annals of an Old Manor - House, Sutton Place, Guildford
17604: HARRISON, PAUL - Sea Monsters
20657: HARRON, DON & GRAHAM PILSWORTH - Debunk's Illustrated Guide to the Canadian Establishment
19950: HARRON, DON - Charlie Farquharson's K-o-R-N Filled Allmynack Sheep and Candle Dipping. Indoor Wild Life.
13506: HARRON, DON (AKA FARQUHARSON, CHARLIE) - Charlie Farquharson's Jogfree of Canda, the Whirld and Other Places a Pubic School Jogfree ** Signed **
3424: HARRON, DON - Charlie Farquhason's Unyverse
942: HARRON DON - Charlie Farquharson's Jogfree of Canada
9417: HARROWSMITH EDITORS - Canadian Wholefood Book, the
25651: HARSHBARGER GRETCHEN FISCHER - Mccall's Garden Book
7596: HARSTAD, DONALD - Eleven Days
812: HART J.L. - Pacific Fishes of Canada Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Bulletin 180
9431: HARTER JIM - Women: A Pictorial Archive from Nineteenth - Century Sources
25074: HARTLEY ANTHONY - Penguin Book of French Verse 4. The Twentieth Century
26240: HARVEY, JOHN - Coeurs Solitaires
27125: HARVEY JEAN-CHARLES - Art Et Combat
1398: HARVEY GORDON - Writing with Sources a Guide for Students
14225: HARVEY, P. D. A. - History of Topographical Maps, the Symbols, Pictures and Surveys
401: HATCH ALDEN - A Man Named John the Life of Pope John XXIII
10452: HATTON AL, IAN POTTER - Travailler Ensemble, Une Initiative Conjointe de Gouvernement Du Canada Et Du Secteur Benevole (1999)
16116: HAWKING, STEPHEN - A Brief History of Time: A Reader's Companion
18095: HAWKINS, FRANK C. & GRETA L. LAUBE & J.C. HAWKINS - Boy's Body Guide, the a Health and Hygiene Book
27651: HAWKS, ELLISON - Bees Shown to the Children
26345: HAWKS, JOHN TWELVE - Traveler, the the First Novel of "the Fourth Realm" Trilogy
23219: HAXBY JAMES A - Striking Impressions: The Royal Canadian Mint & Canadian Coinage
9641: HAYDER MO - Devil of Nanking
14209: HAYEK F. A. , SUDHA R. SHENOY - A Tiger by the Tail the Keynesian Legacy of Inflation
5029: HAYES, DAVID - No Easy Answers the Trials and Conviction of Bruce Curtis
4783: HAYNES, MELINDA - Mother of Pearl
15085: HE, JINGZHI & CHING-CHIH HO & YING - White Haired Girl, the an Opera in Five Acts
27426: HEAD MATTHEW - Smell of Money
16068: HEALTH CANADA - Audit, Direct Heath Care Services by Four Federal Institutions / Verification, Prestation Des Soins de Sante Directs par Quatre Institutions Federales
10514: HEALTH CANADA - Le Progres Des Enfants Au Canada 2002
27583: HEAPS, LEO - Hugh Hambleton, Spy: Thirty Years with the Kgb
27615: HEBDEN MARK - Eyewitness
27075: HéBERT, JACQUES - Bonjour, le Monde !
26245: HéBERT, ANNE - Fous de Bassan
26663: HEBERT JACQUES ET PIERRE E. TRUDEAU - Deux Innocents en Chine Rouge
26185: HEBERT, JACQUES; STRONG, MAURICE F. - Great Building Bee - Canada, a Hope for the Third World
12491: HECHT, DANIEL - City of Masks a Cree Black Thriller
9103: HEDICAN, EDWARD J. - Applied Anthropology in Canada Understanding Aboriginal Issues
7630: HEER FRIEDRICH, EDITOR - Fires of Faith Milestones of Faith, Volume 2
17083: HEGGAN, CHRISTIANE - Where Truth Lies
13082: HEGI, URSULA - Salt Dancers a Novel
22625: HEHNER, BARBARA - Spirit of Canada, Canada's Story in Legends, Fiction, Poems, and Songs
8455: HEINBERG, RICHARD - The Party's over Oil, War and the Fate of Industrial Societies
7254: HEINLEIN ROBERT A. - Double Star
19789: HEINLEIN, ROBERT A. - Puppet Masters
27751: HEINLEIN ROBERT A. - Green Hills of Earth, the
13627: HEITZ ERIC - Promise of Biofuels a New Harvest for Farmers Energy Foundation Annual Report for 2005.
17557: HELD, JOHN, - Most of John Held, Jr. , the the Sheiks, the Flappers, the Woodcuts, the Water Colors, the Sculpture.
3742: HELLER, RICHARD F. & RACHAEL F. HELLER - The Carbohydrate Addict's Cookbook 250 All-New Low-Carb Recipes That Will Cut Your Cravings and Keep You Slim for Life
1471: HELLYER PAUL - Stop Think , Signed in a Letter. Globalization
1448: HELM HARVEY E. - Making Wooden Banks
1430: HELPRIN MARK - A Soldier of the Great War
26323: HEMBREE, RON - You Can Live with Your Money a Guide from God's Word
27512: HEMINGWAY ERNEST - Paris Est Une Fete
27504: HEMINGWAY, ERNEST - The Garden of Eden
26718: HEMINGWAY, ERNEST - Au-Delà Du Fleuve Et Sous Les Arbres
26719: HEMINGWAY, ERNEST - Paris Est Une Fête Edition Revue Et Augmentee
16764: HEMMINGS - Hemmings Motor News, October 1996
27070: HEMON LOUIS, H. BLAKE TRANSLATOR - Maria Chapdelaine: A Tale of the Lake St. John Country
27343: HEMON, LOUIS - Maria Chapdelaine. Recit Du Canada Francais. 29 Bois Originaux de Jean Lebedeff
173: HENDERSON FLORENCE - Florence Henderson's Short-Cut Cooking America's Favorite Mom Helps You Get Dinner on the Table Fast
11456: HENIGHAN, STEPHEN - Nights in the Yungas **Signed**
11457: HENIGHAN, STEPHEN - Places Where Names Vanish, the
26501: HENNING, SYLVIE DEBEVIC - Beckett's Critical Complicity: Carnival, Contestation, and Tradition
21416: HENNINGS, LOUISE & MARINA NIVEN - Painting Techniques & Faux Finishes
26714: HENRIE, MAURICE - Roses Et le Verglas
26538: HENRIE, MAURICE - Le Petit Monde Des Grands Bureaucrates
26622: HENRIE, MAURICE - Chambre à Mourir
26541: HENRIE, MAURICE - Fleurs D'Hiver entre L'Essai Et la Nouvelle
26542: HENRIE, MAURICE - Esprit de Sel
27578: HENRIPIN, JACQUES & YVES MARTIN - Population Du Québec D'Hier à Demain
1247: HENRY O. - Tales of o. Henry
26557: HERGE - Tintin & Explorers on the Moon
26558: HERGé - Aventures de Tintin Tintin Et le Lac Aux Requins
26559: HERGE - Tintin le Lotus Bleu
26560: HERGE - Jouons Avec Tintin - en Sylvanie - Un Album-Jeux Tintin.
22814: HERMAN, ZVI. TRANSLATED BY LEN ORTZEN - Peoples, Seas and Ships
3410: HERSHEY'S, EDITORS - Treasury of Chocolate Recipes All About Chocolate
26152: HERTEL FRANCOIS - Claudine Et Les écueils Suivi de la Folle
26163: HERTEL FRANCOIS - Quatorze Choix de Sonnets
26127: HERTEL, FRANCOIS - Jeremie Et Barabbas / Memoires Imaginaires
26930: HERVE, LAUWICK - Sacha Guitry Et Les Femmes.
21468: HERZ, PEGGY - Tv Album
23045: HERZOG B. G. - Tinkers of Turntable
15773: HESSE, HERMANN. - Beneath the Wheel. Translated by Michael Roloff.
17285: HEWIT MOLLY - Sixty Years of C G I T (1915-75) Canadian Girls in Training
26981: HEYMANN, DANIELE & JEAN-JACQUES ANNAUD - Bear: The Storybook of the Film by Jean-Jacques Annaud
27570: HIEBERT, D. EDMOND - Titus and Philemon
25027: HIGGINS, CHARLOTTE - Latin Love Lessons Put a Little Ovid in Your Life
27745: HIGHSMITH, PATRICIA - L'Art Du Suspense
26858: HILL, LAWRENCE - Any Known Blood
27159: HILL PATI - Prosper
26702: HILLIER, BEVIS - The Style of the Century
2148: HINES SHERMAN, GUY RAY - Outhouses of the East
12051: HINGLEY, RONALD - A Life of Chekhov
26373: AHLSTRöM & HIRASAWA - Suckcess Free from Fear, Full of Power
26373: AHLSTRöM & HIRASAWA - Suckcess Free from Fear, Full of Power
4534: HIRD RICHARD H. - Working with Economics: A Canadian Framework, 3rd Edition
26711: HIRIG HUGUETTER - Lune Et Vous
18704: HOBSON, WENDY - Kitchen Companion, the Your Seasonal Guide to Delicious Recipes
6238: HOCKIN T. A. - Government in Canada
22663: HODGE SUSIE - Knights Templar - Discovering the Myth and Reality of a Legendary Brotherhood Discovering the Myth and Reality of a Legendary Brotherhood
1606: HODGES HARRIET - Fine Woodworking Cumulative Index Issue #1 Through Issue #39
8420: HOEL PAUL G. - Elementary Statistics Second Edition
1549: HOFFMAN ERIC VAN - A Venom in the Blood
4551: HOFRICHTER RICHARD, EDITOR - Toxic Struggles the Theory and Practice of Environmental Justice
19796: HOGAN, JAMES P. - Gentle Giants of Ganymede, the
19796: HOGAN, JAMES P. - Gentle Giants of Ganymede, the
26410: HOKUSAI KATSUSHIKA - Twelve Views of Mount Fuji
9298: HOLLIDAY JOE - Dale of the Mounted
3741: HOLLINGSHEAD, GREG - Healer, the
25621: HOLLINGSWORTH KENT - A Barn Well Filled
6025: HOLMES, RICHARD - Little Field Marshal, the a Life of Sir John French
27345: HOLT, SIMMA - The Other Mrs. Diefenbaker
24879: HOLZER, HANS - Habsburg Curse, the
27766: HOOKER MORNA D. - Gospel According to Saint Mark
26952: HOPE LAURENCE - Complete Love Lyrics - Including India's Love Lyrics Stars of the Desert Last Poems
20197: HORAN, BILL - Military Model Showcase
13093: HORNE HERMAN HARRELL - Psychological Principles of Education: A Study in the Science of Education
2075: HORSMAN REGINALD - War of 1812
26932: HORWOOD, HAROLD - Bandits & Privateers: Canada in the Age of Gunpowder
27749: HOSIE, R. C. - Arbres Indigenes Du Canada
26993: HOSPITAL, JANETTE TURNER - Due Preparations for the Plague
26880: HOSPITAL, JANETTE TURNER - Last Magician, the
25199: HOSPITAL, JANETTE - Borderline
27077: HOUELLEBECQ, MICHEL - Sérotonine
25845: HOUELLEBECQ, MICHEL - Whatever
2191: HOUGHTON JUNE - Cooking with Meat
13303: HOUSDEN, ROGER - Chasing Rumi a Fable About Finding the Heart's True Desire
19858: HOWARD ELIZABETH JANE - Slipstream
23833: HOWARTH WILLIAM, DIVISION, SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS - Window on America : Discovering Her Natural Beauty, by Special Publications Division (1987-01-01)
13624: HOWARTH MARY, EDITOR - Federation Women's Teachers Association of Ontario Newsletter, Children's Literature November / December 1985 & June 1986, Volume 4, Number 6
6599: HOWELL DAVID C. - Statistical Methods for Psychology Student Solution Manual
25080: HOWELLS WILLIAM - Their Wedding Journey
11867: HSUN, LU - Selected Stories of Lu Hsun
12768: HSUN LU - Selected Stories of Lu Hsun
25753: HUBINON JEAN - MICHEL. VICTOR HUBINION, ILLUSTRATOR - Tout Buck Danny, Tome 3 : Les Aviateurs Démobilisés
22868: HUDSON JACK DR. W. - Amen and Amen! Eleven Sermons
26173: HUDSON, DEREK - Lewis Carroll an Illustrated Biography
1243: HUDSON W.H. - Green Mansions a Romance of the Tropical Forest
26381: HUGHES THOMAS - Tom Brown's School Days, No. 45, February 1964 Classics Illustrated
26383: HUGHES PETER - Founders of the Wallace Collection, the
26761: HUGHES, TED - Hawk in the Rain
26462: HUGO VICTOR - Morceaux Choisis de Victor Hugo. Poesie.
27451: HUGO VICTOR - Choses Vues
27084: HUGO VICTOR - Quatrevingt-Treize
24689: HUGO VICTOR - Poesies Tome I & Tome II
24691: HUGO VICTOR - Victor Hugo - Collection Les Géants - Paris-Match Numéro Culturel Hors Série 1970
26282: HUGO VITOR, CHRISTOPHE RENAULT - Poemes de Victor Hugo en Bandes Dessine´Es
26537: HUISMAN, P. , M. G. DORTU - Lautrec by Lautrec
17067: HULME, KERI - Bone People, the
24192: HUMMEL MONTE - Endangered Spaces: The Future for Canada's Wilderness ** Signed **
27822: HUMPHREYS, HELEN - Anthem
27824: HUMPHREYS, HELEN - Perils of Geography
3820: HUMPHREYS, BARBARA & FIONA SPALDING-SMITH - Legacy in Stone the Rideau Corridor
26584: HUNTER, LT. -COL. T. M. - Napoleon in Victory and Defeat
1574: HURTIG MEL - Betrayal of Canada
27644: HUSSERL, EDMUND, TRANSLATOR GABRIELLE PEIFFER - Méditations Cartésiennes: Introduction à la Phénoménologie
27516: HUSTON, NANCY - The Mark of the Angel
25459: HUSTON, NANCY, QUENTIN SIRJACQ, MUSIC - Anima laïque : Rites Et Rythmes por Une Existence Hors Religion.
27170: HUSTON, NANCY - Lignes de Faille
27161: HUSTON, NANCY - Losing North Essays: Musings on Land, Tongue, and Self
25154: HUSTON, NANCY - Nord Perdu Suivi de Douze France
10678: HUTSON, SHAUN - Erebus
12475: HUXLEY ALDOUS - Eyeless in Gaza
1304: HUXLEY ALDOUS - Brave New World Revisited
26728: HUXLEY ALDOUS - Brave New World Revisited
27278: HUXLEY ALDOUS - Brave New World Revisited
26486: HUYSMANS, JORIS-KARL, YVES HERSANT - La Bas ( French Edition)
26465: HUYSMANS J. K. - à Rebours
27089: HUYSMANS, JORIS KARL: - La Tour Saint Jacques
2262: HYDE RYAN CATHERINE - Electric God
7888: HYMAN, HERBERT H. - Survey Design and Analysis Principles, Cases, and Prodecures
27498: IBSEN HENRIK, - Terje Wiegen
25203: IGGULDEN, CONN & HAL - Pocket Dangerous Book for Boys: Things to Do
26666: IGLAUER, EDITH - Fishing with John
26482: IGNATIEFF, MICHAEL - Charlie Johnson in the Flames
20318: IGNATIEFF, MICHAEL - Virtual War: Kosovo and Beyond
26997: ILLIG, JOHN - Trail Ways, Path Wise: An Appalachian Trail Through-Walk * Signed *
17552: ILLUSTRATORS, THE - Illustrative Style
8428: EMPLOYMENT AND IMMIGRATION CANADA - Indochinese Refugees: The Canadian Response, 1979 and 1980 / Les Refugies Indochinois: La Response Canadienne, 1979 Et 1980
14855: INGERSOLL, EARL G. (EDITOR) - Conversations: Margaret Atwood
10808: INGLIS, FRED - Popular Culture and Political Power
26965: INKEL STEPHANE - Paradoxe de L'écrivain: Entretien Avec Hervé Bouchard
22078: INSTITUTE OF AMERICAN INDIAN - Keeping Our Stories Alive : An Exhibition of the Arts and Crafts from Dene and Inuit of Canada
26638: INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART (NEW YORK, N. Y. ) ; GLENBOW MUSEUM - Four Modern Masters: De Chirico, Ernst, Magritte, and Miro
4515: INTERNATIONAL, AMNESTY - United States of America the Death Penalty
23451: IRONSIDE, H. A. - God's Unspeakable Gift: Twelve Select Addresses on Evangelical Themes
14052: IRWIN, WALTER - Best of the Best of Trek II the Definitive Collection for Star Trek Fans
27619: ISAAC JULES, HENRI BEJEAN - Histoire de L'Antiquite a 1939, Cours Complet
27374: ISAACS, RUFUS - Differential Games a Mathematical Theory with Applications to Warfare and Pursuit, Control and Optimization
25806: ISHIGURO, KAZUO - Never Let Me Go
925: ISIKOFF MICHAEL - Uncovering Clinton a Reporter's Story
6175: ISORNI JACQUES - Les Aveux Spontanes Violence Et Societe
26418: ISPLAYING TITLES WHERE AUTHOR IS FUNCKEN LILIANE ET FRED - L'Uniforme Et Les Armes Des Soldats de la Guerre 1914-1918, Volumes 1 & 2
13099: ITANI, FRANCES - Leaning, Leaning over Water ** Signed ** a Novel in Ten Stories
26861: ITANI, FRANCES - That's My Baby ( Signed ) a Novel
27478: ITANI, FRANCES - Leaning, Leaning over Water: A Novel in Ten Stories
12568: IYER PICO - Global Soul, the Jet Lag, Shopping Malls and the Search for Home.
27666: J. R. R. TOLKIEN & CHRISTOPHER TOLKIEN, EDITOR - Silmarillion, the
23011: JACKSON MICHAEL - English Pub: A Unique Social Phenomenon
24248: JACOB, FRANçOIS - La Statue Intérieure
26907: JACOBS, JANE - Dark Age Ahead
26744: JACOBS, ERIC - Kingsley Amis a Biography
26842: JACOBS, JANE - Dark Age Ahead
16011: JACQUES, PASQUET - Mystère Et Boule de Gomme
22275: JAGOT, PAUL-CLEMENT - Théorie Et Pratique de Hypnotisme Comment on Devient Hypnotiseur, Cours D'Entrainement Expérimental
26964: JAMES PAUL - Margaret, a Woman of Conflict
26324: JAMES-HERRIOT - All Things Bright and Beautiful
21198: JAMES, P. D. - Skull Beneath the Skin, the
15279: JAMES-FRENCH, DAYV - Victims of Gravity
27105: JAMES HENRY - The Awkward Age the Novel Library
26785: JAMMES, FRANCIS - Le Deuil Des Primevères, 1898-1900
9734: JANES, J.ROBERT - Madrigal
124: JANKOWIAK JAMES - Prosperous Gardener, the a Guide to Gardening the Organic Way
16149: JAQUITH, PRISCILLA, ED YOUNG. & ALBERT HENRY STODDARD & DUNCAN EMRICH - Bo Rabbit Smart for True Tall Tales from the Gullah
25094: JARDIN, ALEXANDRE - Mes Trois Zèbres Livre de Poche # 33581
26691: JARRY, ALFRED & ROGER SHATTUCK & SIMON WATSON TAYLOR - Exploits & Opinions of Dr. Faustroll, Pataphysician
27019: JASMIN, CLAUDE - Le Patriarche Bleu Duplessis
27318: JASMIN-BéLISLE, HéLèNE - Le Père émile Legault Et Ses Compagnons de Saint-Laurent Une Petite Histoire
26257: JAVARY A. - De L'Idee de Progres
8542: JEAN, SISTER PATRICIA, S. L. - Only One Heart the Story of a Pioneer Nun in America
26473: JEAN-PIERRE, DUQUETTE - Fernand Leduc
25178: JEANSON, FRANCIS - Sartre par Lui-Même
21948: JENCKS, CHARLES - Skyscrapers Skyprickers Skycities
27407: JENKINS, GEOFFREY - Cleft of Stars
26201: JENNY ANNE - La Fantastique Histoire Du Roi Brioche 1er
8641: JEROME JAMES: HONOURABLE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE - House of Commons Debates: Official Report Volume 123, Number 33, 1st Session, 31st Parliament, November 1979
7561: JESSEL, ANNE MOIR AND DAVID - Brainsex the Real Difference between Men and Women
22664: JOBSON, GARY - Sailing Fundamentals ( Revised and Updated )
1602: JOCH-JAHN ELISABETH - Sieg Des Fruhlings
12005: JOHANSON, DONALD C - Lucy, the Beginnings of Humankind
21649: JOHN SZARKOWSKI, INTRODUCTION. ADAMS ANSEL, - Portfolios of Ansel Adams
27675: JOHNSON, HALVARD - Transparencies and Projections
22823: JOHNSON, KENNETH W. - Science of Hi-Fidelity, the
27427: JOHNSON WALTER S. H - Pastor Invictus or Rebellion in St Eustache
27079: JOHNSON, JAN; CARLETON UNIVERSITY - A Stroke of Genius the Invention and First Century of Lithography
27030: JOHNSON R. S. INTERNATIONAL - Old Master Prints, 1480-1800 : An Exhibit of Fine and Rare Engravings, Etchings and Woodcuts from Four Centuries
266: JOHNSON MICHAEL - Business Buzzwords the Tough New Jargon of Modern Business
27490: JOHNSTON BASIL - Ojibway Ceremonies.
13459: JOHNSTON, DAVID L, SUNNY HANDA - Cyberlaw What You Need to Know About Doing Business Online
25871: JOHNSTON, DAVID - The Idea of Canada: Letters to a Nation
13457: JONAS, GEORGE, EDITOR, - Scales of Justice Seven Famous Criminal Cases Recreated
27591: BONO & JONATHAN WELLS - Third Rail the Poetry of Rock and Roll
24511: JONES BRIAN - An Introduction to Practical Astronomy.
22875: JONES BOB SR. - Do Right!": Great Messages by the Eminent Evangelist and Founder of Bob Jones University
7268: JONES RAYMOND F. - Non-Statistical Man, the
27569: JONES, RON - When Life Is Cut Short: A Biblical Guide to Deaing with Tragedy
2782: JONES, DIANA WYNNE - Merlin Conspiracy, the
26135: JONES OLIVE, CATHERINE SULLIVAN - Glossaire Du Verre de Parcs Canada Décrivant Les Contenants, la Verrerie de Table, Les Dispositifs de Fermeture Et le Verre Plat
27806: JONES TUDOR - You and Parliament
27672: JORDAN, ROBERT - Path of Daggers Book Eight of 'the Wheel of Time'
27780: JORDAN, JERRY MARSHALL & MARY LOU ANDERSON, ILLUSTRATOR - Brown Bag: A Bag Full of Sermons for Children
7540: JORDAN, ROBERT - To the Blight
20802: JORGENSEN, CHRISTER - Great Battles: Decisive Conflicts That Have Shaped History
1559: JORVIK IRWIN - My Teddy Bear at Play
1562: JORVIK IRWIN - My Teddy Bear at Home
1560: JORVIK IRWIN - My Teddy Bear at Work
1561: JORVIK IRWIN - My Teddy Bear on Holiday
26786: JOUVE PIERRE JEAN - Les Noces Suivi de Sueur de Sang
26812: JOUY M. DE - L'Hermite de la Guiane Ou Observations Sur Les Moeurs Et Les Usages Francais Au Commencement Du Xixe Siecle / Tome 3 / 3e Edition.
2584: JOY RICHARD J. - Languages in Conflict the Canadian Experience
27494: JOYCE JAMES - Finnegans Wake. Fragments Adaptés par André Du Bouchet. Introduction de Michel Butor. Suivis de Anna Livia Plurabelle.
27448: JOYCE JAMES - Ulysses
24817: JOYCE, RON, ROBERT THOMPSON - Always Fresh: The Untold Story of Tim Hortons
26745: JOYCE, JAMES - Finnegans Wake
25402: JUL - Croisade S'Amuse
12312: JULIANA, MR. ELIS; PHD, HéLèNE GARRETT - Haiku in Papiamentu Un Mushi Di Haiku
26287: KADDOUR, HéDI - Waltenberg
1477: KADERABEK TODD - A Field Guide to Hot Sauces a Chilehead's Tour of More Than 100 Blazing Brews
26136: KAFKA FRANZ, ALEXANDRE VIALATTE, TRANSLATOR - La Colonie Pénitentiaire, Et Autres Récits
26146: KAFKA FRANZ - Tentation Au Village Et Autres Récits Extraits Du Journal de Franz Kafka. Les Cahier Verts 17.
27791: KAH, GARY H. - En Route to Global Occupation
15307: KAHLER ERICH - Man the Measure; a New Approach to History
26285: KALIDASA - La Naissance de Kumara ( Kumarasambhava ) , Traduit Du Sanskrit par Bernadette Tubini
24246: KALMAN, ESTHER - Tchaikovsky Discovers America
21391: KAMBOURELI, SMARO - On the Edge of Genre the Contemporary Canadian Long Poem
27742: KAN I. - La Défense Dans la Partie D'échecs
2336: KANDEL DENISE B. - Longitudinal Research on Drug Use Empirical Findings and Methodical Issues
9001: KANE, THOMAS - Writing Prose Techniques and Purposes
27642: KAPLAN J. D. , EDITOR, INTRO - Dialogues of Plato Apology, Crito, Phaedo and Symposium and Passages from the Republic
1470: KAROFF BARBARA - A Little Southwest Cookbook
1659: KATO SHUICHI, TRANSLATED BY DAVID CHIBBETT - A History of Japanese Literature the First Thousand Years
14641: KATZ, JON - Virtuous Reality How America Surrendered Discussion of Moral Values to Opportunists: Nitwits, and Blockheads Like William Bennett
27606: KAUFMAN, LOIS L. - Between Husbands and Wives: Quotations and Prose on the State of Marriage
11448: KAVANAGH, PATRICK - Gaff Topsails **Signed**
13625: KAVATHAS NICHOLAS A. - Modern Russian, (1988) Book 1
26607: KAYLIN, ARLEEN - Disasters from the Pages of the New York Times
3459: KAZILEK, CHARLES, COOPER KIM - Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology : Instructor's Manual
26568: KEAST, WALTER; MACKENZIE, W. JAMES - Canadian Business Arithmetic - Part 1
4009: KEATS, JOHN; BUSH, DOUGLAS - Selected Poems and Letters
27750: KEATS, JOHN; BUSH, DOUGLAS - Selected Poems and Letters
22219: KEAY, DOUGLAS - Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
2343: KEENAN JAMES (PROJECT COORDINATOR) - Taiwan Business Primer, the
26824: KEITH, W. J. (RE: CHARLES G. D. ROBERTS) - Charles G.D. Roberts - Studies in Canadian Literature
4547: KELLEY, ALLEN C. & JEFFREY WILLIAMSON - What Drives Third World City Growth? a Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach
22192: KELLY, TOM & PETER SOMERVILLE-LARGE - Literary Ireland
128: KELLY NORA & WILLIAM - Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the. ** Signed** a Century of History
26259: KELLY, WALT. - Impollutable Pogo: Don't Tread on Me
1492: KELLY NORA & WILLIAM - Horses of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police
2246: KELSEY MORTON - Reaching the Journey to Fulfillment
26182: KEMPIS THOMAS A. - Imitation of Christ: Four Books
149: KENEALLY THOMAS - A Dutiful Daughter
11148: KENISON, KATRINA & KATHLEEN HIRSCH - Mothers Twenty Stories of Contemporary Motherhood
26030: KENNEALY, PATRICIA - Copper Crown, the the First Novel of the Keltiad: Tales of Aeron
20726: KENNEDY, MARGARET - Dewdrops
26601: KENNEDY A. M. - Better Letters
26289: KENNEDY, PETER - A Guide to Econometrics
387: KENNEDY CAROLINE - A Patriot's Handbook
13854: KENNEDY, ELLEN & SUSAN MENDUS (EDITORS) - Women in Western Political Philosophy Kant to Nietzsche
26380: KENNEDY JOHN F. - Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States: John F. Kennedy: January 20 to Decenber 31, 1961
26589: KENNEDY, EDWARD M. - Decisions for a Decade
1356: KENT ARTHUR - Risk and Redemption Surviving the Newtork News Wars
1773: KENT ARTHUR - Risk and Redemption Surviving the Network News Wars
25316: KENTON-LESLIE - Raw Energy Recipes
26593: KEON, MICHAEL - 7th Dawn, the
2174: KEPEL ROBERT - Muslim Extremism in Egypt
27337: KEROUAC, JACK - On the Road
26766: KERR, PHILIP - La Trilogie Berlinoise
20731: KERR GEORGE, D. M. LUCAS, MINISTRY OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL - Laboratory Aids for the Investigator
22287: KESSEL JOSEPH - L'Equipage
26317: KETTRIDGE J. O. - French-English, English-French Dictionary of Technical Terms and Phrases French-English V. 1
14450: KEY PORTER BOOKS LIMITED - Complete Hockey Instruction Skills and Strategies for Coaches and Players
27224: KHAYYAMM, OMAR - Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam
1276: KIDD CHARLES & MONTAGUE-SMITH PATRICK - Debrett's Book of Royal Children
4792: KIERKEGAARD SOEREN - Traite Du Desespoir
20639: KILBOURN WILLIAM - Making of the Nation: A Century of Challenge
20482: KILBOURN ELIZABETH, FRANK NEWFELD - Great Canadian Painting, a Century of Art
19659: KILCOMMONS, BRIAN & PAUL KUNKEL - Good Owners, Great Dogs: A Training Manual for Humans and Their Caninie Companions
27732: KIMBALL, MICHAEL - Green Girls
26258: KIMMEL, ERIC A. - Bird's Gift: A Ukrainian Easter Story
937: KINCAID NANCI - Crossing Blood
13708: KING KEN, ANNE SMITH, FLO FRANK - Partnership Handbook, the Facilitator's Guide, & the Tool Box Human Resources Development Canada
1393: KING STEPHEN - Dark Half, the George Stark -- Not a Very Nice Guy
18130: KING, SERGE KAHILI - Urban Shaman: A Handbook for Personal and Planetary Transformation Based on the Hawaiian Way of the Adventurer
10981: KING, MAJOR W. ROSS - Sportsman and Naturalist in Canada, or Notes on the Natural History of the Game, Game Birds, and Fish of That Country
26603: KING, DONALD & DAVID SYLVESTER EDS. - Eastern Carpet in the Western World from the 15th to the 17th Century Hayward Gallery, London, 20 May - 10 July 1983
26925: KING JR. MARTIN LUTHER - I'Ve Been to the Mountaintop, & Letter from the Birmingham Jail, Two Volumes.
7287: KING, MICHAEL - Lorien Lost a Novel of Artistic Obsession
27762: KINGSLAND, P. W. [TEXT AND ILLUSTRATION]. KEABLE, SUSAN [TEXT]. HENVILLE, PETER [ - British Military Uniforms and Equipment, 1788-1830... Volume 1
7063: KINGSTON BERNARD DR. - Rapid and Effortless Weight Loss
249: KINGWELL MARK - World We Want, the Virtue, Vice and the Good Citizen
26703: KINNELL, GALWAY - Mortal Acts, Mortal Words
23220: KINSELLA W. P - Magic Time
24058: KIPLING, RUDYARD - Le Livre de la Jungle
1626: KIPLING RUDYARD - Light That Failed, the
13512: KIPLING RUDYARD - Years between, the
26341: KIPLING RUDYARD - Actions and Reactions
26212: KIPNIS, LAURA - Against Love a Polemic
26731: KIRBY, W. - Golden Dog . A Romance of Old Quebec.
26686: KIRBY WILLIAM - Golden Dog: A Romance of Old Quebec
26680: KIRBY WILLIAM - Le Chien D'or
21170: KIRBY WILLIAM - Golden Dog: A Romance of Old Quebec
4503: KIRK, SAMUEL A - Teaching Reading to Slow and Disabled Learners
2080: KIYOSAKI ROBERT T. , & LECHTER SHARON L. - Rich Dad Poor Dad What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money - That the Poor and Middle Calss Do Not!
10652: KLAVAN, ANDREW - Uncanny, the
27694: KLEIN, EDWARD, - Parachutists
2815: KLEISER GRENVILLE - Speeches for Study Suggestions for Speech-Making
27017: KLINCK, CARL F - Robert Service a Biography
22974: KNIGHT FRANK H. - Economic Organization: With Notes on Cost and Utility
21594: KNIGHT, CHRISTOPHER & ROBERT LOMAS - Book of Hiram, the Unlocking the Secrets of the Hiram Key
14860: KNIGHT, DAMON - In Deep
11450: KNISTER, RAYMOND; STEVENS, PETER - First Day of Spring Stories and Other Prose
17341: KNOX GELATINE - Une Meilleure Cuisine Avec Gel-Cookery
962: KNOX ALEXANDER - Night of the White Bear
17341: KNOX GELATINE - Une Meilleure Cuisine Avec Gel-Cookery
23260: KOBE-MCDOWELL MICHAEL P. - Star Wars: Before the Storm:
12467: KOCHAN LIONEL - Making of Modern Russia, the
7262: KOHT HALVDAN , EDITOR - Norske Hovdinger Livsskildringer
1598: KOME PENNEY - Women of Influence ** Signed ** Canadian Women and Politics
13566: KONNER, MELVIN - The Tangled Wing
25182: KONOP - Pas de Kaddish Pour Sylberstein
1513: KONSALIK HEINZ G. - L'Amour Est le Plus Fort
27496: KOONOOK, SIMON & RICHARD K. NELSON - Shadow of the Hunter: Stories of Eskimo Life
7587: KOONTZ, DEAN - Intensity
11341: KOONTZ, DEAN - Seize the Night
26809: KOONTZ, DEAN - Frankenstein 01 le Fils Prodigue
2356: KORDA MICHAEL - Making the List a Cultural History of the American Bestseller 1900-1999
11153: KORNBLUTH, JESSE - Highly Confident the Crime and Punishment of Michael Milken
1342: KOZAK JAROMIR ING. - Ships: A Concise Guide in Colour
18556: KOZELKA PAUL - 15 American One-Act Plays
15893: KRAMER ANN, ANNE MCGREGOR, RUTH MOFFATT - Met Treasury Golden Anniversary Edition
15774: KREIDER, KAREN - Disney's Aladdin
13906: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Man from the Creeks, the
27503: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Puppeteer, the
24885: KROETSCH, ROBERT - Badlands
1496: KROH PATRICIA - Design with Flowers Unlimited
20665: KROPACEK JIRI - Prague à Travers Les Siècles
21300: KUBE-MCDOWELL, MICHAEL P. - Shield of Lies Star Wars Legends
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