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41620: Grossman's Quality Homes - Here Comes Grossman"S
44040: Grosz, George - Ecce Homo. Introd. By Henry Miller
43489: Group, Diagram - Musical Instruments of the World: An Illustrated Encyclopedia
40003: Grout, Donald Jay - A History of Western Music
40002: Grout, Donald Jay - A History of Western Music
26106: Grout, Donald Jay - A History of Western Music
144: Grover, Eulalie Osgood - Robert Louis Stevenson: Teller of Tales
23877: Groza, Vivian Shaw - College Algebra
016679: Grube, Frank & Richter, Gerhard, editors - The Big Book of Sailing: The Sailors, the Ships, and the Sea
22412: Grube, Frank & Richter, Gerhard, editors - The Big Book of Sailing: The Sailors, the Ships, and the Sea
43234: Gruber, Michael - The Book of Air and Shadows
26666: Gruber, L. Fritz, editor - Famous Portraits
32250: Grudin, Robert - Book : A Novel
41124: Gruelle, Johnny - The Funny Little Book
006529: Gruen, John - The Private World of Leonard Bernstein
016205: Gruenberg, Sinonie Matsner, compiler - Let's Read a Story. Modern, Gay Stories for Boys and Girls
33503: Grumbach, Doris - Chamber Music
33504: Grumbach, Doris - The Spoil of the Flowers
33215: Grumbach, Doris - The Ladies
33216: Grumbach, Doris - The Magician's Girl
33217: Grumbach, Doris - The Missing Person
33265: Grumbach, Doris - The Pleasure of Their Company
33266: Grumbach, Doris - Life in a Day
33267: Grumbach, Doris - The Company She Kept : A Revealing Portrait of Mary Mccarthy
33179: Grumbach, Doris - Coming Into the End Zone : A Memoir
33180: Grumbach, Doris - The Book of Knowledge : A Novel
011380: Grumbach, Doris - Fifty Days of Solitutde
010588: Grumbach, Doris - Extra Innings: A Memoir
010589: Grumbach, Doris - Life in a Day
28037: Grumbach, Doris - Extra Innings: A Memoir
17863: Grundy, Mabel Sarah Barnes - Dimbie and I - and Amelia
45577: Grunes, Barbara - Fish on the Grill: More Than 70 Elegant, Easy, and Delectable Recipes
014077: Grunes, Barbara & Van Vynckt, Virginia - All-American Vegetarian: A Regional Harvest of Low-Fat Recipes
42841: Grunwald, Lisa & Adler, Stephen J. - Letters of the Century : America, 1900-1999
32251: Grunwald, Lisa - Summer : A Novel
34173: Grushin, Olga - The Dream Life of Sukhanov
24303: Guaspari, John - I Know It When I See It : A Modern Fable About Quality
41682: Guay, Marcellin - The Life of the Venerable Father Colin, Founder and First Superior General of the Society of Mary ; Translated from the French by a Religious of the Same Society
45302: Gubbins, Ellen - Cut Diamonds Written and Selected by Ellen Gubbins
17694: Gubler, Carol - The Practical Guide to Fuchsias
42542: Gudiol, Jose - Goya
39725: Guedalla, Philip - Wellington
43390: Guedalla, Philip - Bonnet and Shawl : An Album
26873: Guedalla, Philip - Fathers of the Revolution, by Philip Guedalla... With 12 Portraits
22573: Guedalla, Philip - Middle East, 1940 - 1942 : A Study in Air Power
28829: Guedalla, Philip - A Gallery, by Philip Guedalla
23550: Guerin, Thomas - Caps and Crowns of Europe. With a Preface by Raoul Dandurand, President of the 6th Assembly of the League of Nations
009659: Guérin-Fermigier, Franette & Nicolas, Richard - Andy Warhol : Ten Lizes. An Art Play Book
012154: Guest, Edgar A. - Just Folks
32255: Guest, Judith - Second Heaven
46640: Gueullette, Thomas-Simon - Chinese Tales: Or, the Wonderful Adventures of the Mandarin Fum Hoam... Written in French by M. Gueullette. Translated by the Revd. Mr. Stackhouse. With Some Thoughts Concerning Transmigration, by the Late Mr. Secretary Addison
39459: Guggenheim, Peggy - La Collezione Peggy Guugenheim
013783: Gugle, Sara F. - History of the International Order of the King's Daughters and Sons: Year 1886 to 1930
46124: Guide, By the Editors of Consumer - Muscle Cars
17596: Guidiol, Jos‚ - Goya
34468: Guild, Curtis - From Sunrise to Sunset, by Curtis Guild, with Illustrations by Charles Copeland.
43147: Guild, Vera P. - Good Housekeeping New Complete Book of Needlecraft, by Vera P. Guild
46443: Guildhall Library (London, England) - A Descriptive Catalogue of the London Traders, Tavern and Coffee-House Tokens Current in the Seventeenth Century, Presented to the Corporation Library by Henry Benjamin Hanbury Beaufoy... By Jacob Henry Burn
37754: Guiliano, Mireille - French Women Don't Get Fat
24837: Guillain, France & Christian - Call of the Sea. Translated from the French by Caroline Hillier
012925: Guillain, France & Christian - Call of the Sea
004693: Guillemin, Amedee - The Sun. From the French by A.L. Phipson
36879: Guillén, Mauro F. - The Taylorized Beauty of the Mechanical : Scientific Management and the Rise of Modernist Architecture Princeton studies in cultural sociology
29778: Guisso, R. W. L. & Pagani, Caherine - The First Emperor of China
22805: Guiton, Jacques E. - A Life in Three Lands : Memoirs of an Architect
015050: Guitry, Sacha - If Memory Serves: Memoirs of Sacha Guitry. Translated from the French by Lewis Galatiere
44462: Guldener, Hermine van - Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Translated from the Dutch by Yda Ovink. The Little art book. edited by Berthold Fricke
38931: Gulf Oil Corporation - Harbors of New England : New London Connecticut to Jonesport, Maine
40442: Gulick, Edward Vose - Peter Parker and the Opening of China [by] Edward V. Gulick Harvard studies in American-East Asian relations, no. 3
002678: Gulick, Bill - A Thousand for the Cariboo
002718: Gundel, Karoly - Hungarian Cookery Book
018659: Gunn, Thom - Jack Straw's Castle and Other Poems
006045: Gunnison, Almon - Wayside and Fireside Rambles. Sketches, Reminiscences, and Confessions
17778: Gunston, Bill - The Anatomy of Aircraft: Eighty Five Years of Development from the Wright Flyer to the Grumman X29
43670: Gunston, Bill - Modern European Aircraft Military Aviation Library
43000: Gunter, Jon - The Riddle of Macarthur : Japan, Korea and the Far East
32257: Gunter, Archibald Clavering - Mr. Barnes of New York, a Novel
010824: Gunther, John - The Indian Sign
018708: Gunther, John - Inside Latin American
1298: Gunther, John - Chicago Revisited
32258: Gunther, John - The Indian Sign; a Novel
32266: Gunther, John - The Lost City, a Novel
32267: Gunther, John - The Lost City, a Novel
45413: Gunther, John - Twelve Cities
40363: Gunther, John - Inside Asia
7607: Gunther, John & Quint, Bernard - Days to Remember: America 1945-1955
016629: Guppy, Shusha - Looking Back: A Panoramic View of a Literary Age by the Grandes Dames of European Letters
010844: Guptill, Arthur L - Norman Rockwell, Illustrator. Preface by Dorothy Canfield Fisher. Biographical Introduction by Jack Alexander
006673: Gur, Batya - Murder on a Kibbutz: A Communal Case
23514: Gurganus, Allan - Plays Well with Others
014934: Gurganus, Allan - Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All
43475: Gurganus, Allan - Oldest Living Confederate Widow Tells All
006158: Gurganus, Allan - White People
46218: Gurganus, Allan - White People
43046: Gurney, Gene - The War in the Air: World War II. With a Foreword by Curtis E. Lemay
42385: Gurney, A. R. (Albert Ramsdell) - Love Letters, and Two Other Plays, the Golden Age and What I Did Last Summer Plume drama
41813: Gushchev, Sergeći Zakharovich - Russian Science in the 21st Century, by S. Goushev and N. Vassiliev
21935: Guste, Roy F. - Antoine's Restaurant Since 1840 Cookbook, a Collection of the Original Recipes from New Orleans' Oldest and Most Famous Restaurant
32268: Gutcheon, Beth Richardson - Still Missing
46152: Gutenberg-Reichsausstellung (1940 : Leipzig, Germany) - Gutenberg Reich Exhibition, Leipzig, 1940, June 15 to October 20 : With International Participation
46717: Guterson, David - Snow Falling on Cedars
44512: Gutheim, Frederick Albert - Alvar Aalto The Masters of world architecture series
013356: Guthrie, Woody - This Land Is Your Land, with a Tribute by Pete Seeger.
003240: Guthrie, William Norman - Orpheus Today; Saint Francis of the Trees, and Other Verse
015528: Guthrie, A. B. - These Thousand Hills
018318: Gutjahr, Paul C. - An American Bible: A History of the Good Book in the United States, 1777-1880
24609: Gutman, Robert, ed. - People and Buildings
017319: Gutman, Dan - Virtually Perfect
39239: Gutterman, Arthur - The Laughing Muse
43235: Guy, David - Jake Fades : A Novel of Impermanence
30846: Guys, Constantin - Femmes Parisiennes : Twenty-Four Collotypes
43003: Guzzardi, Walter - The Henry Luce Foundation : A History, 1936-1986
007474: Gwyther, John - First Voyage; Being the Full & Authentic Story of the Great Discoverises Made by Lt. James Cook... 1768-1771.
39525: H.P. Hood & Sons, Charlestown, Mass. - To Help You Serve Better, More Healthful Meals Let Me Deliver These Good Hood Foods to Your Door
015338: Haas, Jessie - Will You, Won't You?
816: Haas, Irvin - America's Historic Ships, Replicas & Restorations
24557: Haasse, Hella - In a Dark Wood Wandering, a Novel of the Middle Ages
34262: Habberton, John - Helen's Babies, with Some Account of Their Ways: Innocent, Crafty, Angelic, Impish, Witching and Repulsive, Also a Partial Record of Their Actions During Ten Days of Their Existence. By Their Latest Victim.
45716: Habe, Hans - The Wounded Land; Journey Through a Divided America [by] Hans Habe
32271: Habe, Hans - Christopher and His Father
32272: Habe, Hans - Palazzo : A Novel
32273: Habe, Hans - The Poisoned Stream
32274: Habe, Hans - Walk in Darkness
013929: Habegger, Alfred - The Father: A Life of Henry James, Sr
24073: Haberly, Loyd - The City of the Sainted King and Other Poems
43833: Habsburg-Lothringen, Géza von - Gold Boxes from the Collection of Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert
008306: Hachiya, Michihiko - Hiroshima Diary: The Journal of a Japanese Physician, August 6 - September 30, 1945
012176: Hacker, Louis M - Alexander Hamilton in the American Tradition
25825: Hackett, Francis - Henry the Eighth
32275: Hackett, John Winthrop - The Third World War : The Untold Story
26957: Hadamuscin, John - Special Occasions: Holiday Entertaining All Year Round
22706: Hadda, Ceri E. - The Family Circle Christmas Treasury
42110: Haddon, Mark - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time Vintage Contemporaries
39175: Hadfield, John, compiler - The Book of Delights
005869: Hadfield, John, ed. - The Saturday Book, the Thirteenth Annual Issue of
005870: Hadfield, John, ed. - The Saturday Book, 19
005871: Hadfield, John, ed. - The Saturday Book, 25
012835: Hadley, Arthur Twining - Undercurrents in American Politics, Comprising the Ford Lectures,... And the Barbour-Page Lectures...
28904: Hadley, Morris - Arthur Twining Hadley
36451: Haeckel, Ernst, and others - Evolution in Modern Thought Modern Library 37
45136: Haest, Lamberta - Frans Haest, Kunstschilder Te Antwerpen
017203: Hafner, Katie & Markoff, John - Cyberpunk: Outlaws and Hackers on the Computer Frontier
39743: Hagedorn, Hermann - The Boys' Life of Theodore Roosevelt
017140: Hagedorn, Hermann - The Roosevelt Family of Sagamore Hill
011660: Hagedorn, Hermann - A Troop of the Guard and Other Poems
32276: Hagedorn, Hermann - The Rough Riders : A Romance
28345: Hagen, Charles - Private Enemy-Public Eye: The Work of Bruce Charlesworth
32497: Haggard, H. Rider (Henry Rider) - King Solomon's Mines
44523: Haggard, H. Rider - She, the Story Retold [by Don Ward]
36237: Haggard, William - Venetian Blind
28457: Haglund, Karl - Inventing the Charles River
46267: Hagstrom, Robert G. - The Warren Buffett Way : Investment Strategies of the World's Greatest Investor
38022: Hahn, Emily - The Cooking of China, by Emily Hahn and the Editors of Time-Life Books. Photographed by Michael Rougier Foods of the world
40308: Haien, Jeannette - The All of It
30671: Haigh, Jennifer. - Baker Towers.
32315: Hailey, Elizabeth Forsythe - Joanna's Husband and David's Wife
32278: Hailey, Arthur - Airport
32279: Hailey, Arthur - Overload
32281: Hailey, Arthur - The Final Diagnosis, a Novel
23292: Haines, William Wister - Target
42682: Haines, Ray E - The Home Crafts Handbook
45397: Haines, Charles Grove and Dimock, Marshall Edward, joint editors - Essays on the Law and Practice of Governmental Administration; a Volume in Honor of Frank Johnson Goodnow... Contributed by His Students in Grateful Acknowledgment of His Scholarly Inspiration and Counsel, Edited by Charles G. Haines... And Marshall E. Dimock.
23048: Haining, Peter - Agatha Christie : Murder in Four Acts. A Centenary Celebration of 'the Queen of Crime' on Stage, Film, Radio & Tv
45516: Haining, Peter - The Sherlock Holmes Scrapbook : Fifty Years of Occasional Articles, Newspaper Cuttings, Letters, Memoirs, Anecdotes, Pictures, Photographs and Drawings Relating to the Great Detective / Edited by Peter Haining, Editorial Consultant, G. Ken Chapman ; Foreword by Peter Cushing.
012479: Haire, Frances H - The Folk Costume Book
30079: Hake, Ted & Russsell, E. Ward. - The Plate Collector's Handbook : A Price Guide to Thousands of Plates Issued from 1895 to Present.
32498: Halberstam, David - One Very Hot Day; a Novel
005488: Halberstam, David - The Next Century
32316: Halberstam, David - The Powers That Be
27902: Halberstam, David - The Teammates
37992: Halcomb, Annette - Mom's Favorite Cookbook
22221: Haldeman, Joe W. - The Coming Ace science fiction
41642: Haldeman, H. R. (Harry R.) - The Ends of Power
31186: Hale, Edward Everett - Ups and Downs. An Every-Day Novel
27822: Hale, Susan - Letters of Susan Hale, Ed. By Caroline P. Atkinson, Introduction by Edward E. Hale
009486: Hale, Edward Everett - New England History in Ballads
27202: Hale, Edward Everett, editor - The Hale Literary Readers Book Three
39873: Hale, Edward Everett - Scenes from Christian History
30557: Hale, Nathan G., ed. - James Jackson Putnam and Psychoanalysis: Letters between Putnam and Sigmund Freud, William James, Sandor Ferenczi, & Morton Price, 1877-1917.
39706: Hale, Edward Everett - The Life and Letters of Edward Everett Hale, by Edward E. Hale, Jr.
25409: Hale, Philip L. - The Madonna
39460: Hale, Edward Everett, editor - Silhouettes and Songs Illustrative of the Months. Twelve Designs by Helen Maria Hinds... Edited by Edward S. Hale... And Poems by John G/ Whittier, Oliver Wendell Holmes... Celia Thaxter
39397: Hale, Judson D. - The Best of Yankee Magazine
013946: Hale, Edward Everett - Tell It Again: A Safe Deposit
29804: Hale, John - The Civilization of Europe in the Renaissance
017136: Hale, Judson, editor - The Best of the Old Farmer's Almanac: The First 200 Years
013127: Hale, Louise Closser - Motor Journeys
26851: Hale, Edward Everett - The Man without a Country
006732: Hale, Edward Everett - The Life and Letters of Edward Everett Hale, by Edward E. Hale, Jr.
016332: Hale, Lucretia - The Lady Who Put Salt in Her Coffee: From the Peterkin Papers
32487: Hale, Albert - The South Americans; the Story of the South American Republics, Their Characteristics, Progress and Tendencies; with Special Reference to Their Commercial Relations with the United States, by Albert Hale.
005429: Hale, William Harlan - Hannibal Hooker: His Death and Adventures
011193: Hale, Edward Everett & Hale, Susan - A Family Flight Through France, Germany, Norway and Switzerland
010708: Hale, Edward Everett - Sybaris and Other Homes
42720: Hale, Edward Everett - Tarry at Home Travels
32313: Hale, Lucretia P - The Peterkin Papers
32314: Hale, Edward Everett - The Man without a Country
32318: Hale, Nancy - The Sign of Jonah
26355: Hale, Judson D. - Inside New England
38583: Hale, Annie Riley - Rooseveltian Fact and Fable
38234: Hale, Nancy - Daughter of Abolitionists
015652: Hale, Nancy - The Sign of Jonah
010039: Hale, Edward Everett - James Russell Lowell and His Friends
25129: Hale, Edward Everett - The Man without a Country
24300: Hales, E. E. Y. - Mazzini and the Secret Societies : The Making of a Myth
32319: Halévy, Ludovic - The Abbé Constantin,
015325: Haley, Alex - Roots
009307: Haley, Alex - Roots
37422: Haley, Alex - Roots
2360: Haley, Alex - A Different Kind of Christmas
36576: Haley, P. Edward - Lebanon in Crisis : Participants and Issues Contemporary issues in the Middle East
29009: Haley, Alex & Stevens, David - Alex Haley's Queen : The Story of an American Family
42133: Haley, Neale - The Schooner Era : A Lost Epic Oin History
016079: Haliburton, Thomas Chandler - Sam Slick. Edited with a Critical Estimate and a Bibliography by Ray Plamer Baker
44672: Haliday, George Vincent & Swanson, W. E. (William Elmer) - Ship Repair and Alteration
46783: Hall, A. Rupert (Alfred Rupert) - From Galileo to Newton / by A. Rupert Hall
30673: Hall, Walter Phelps; Albion, Robert Greenhalgh; Pope, Jennie Barnes. - A History of England and the Empire-Commonwealth.
014958: Hall, James Norman - The Far Lands
46705: Hall, Rich - Vanishing America
24638: Hall, Calvin S. & Lindzey, Gardner - Theories of Personality [by] Calvin S. Hall [and] Gardner Lindzey
30229: Hall, Basil. - Fragments of Voyages and Travels, Including Anecdotes of a Naval Life: Chiefly for the Use of Young Persons. In Three Volumes.
43433: Hall, Eliza Calvert - Aunt Jane of Kentucky. With Frontispiece and Page Decorations by Beulah Strong
008663: Hall, James W - Tropical Freeze
23099: Hall, George - Top Gun Fighters and America's Jet Power
018319: Hall, Donald - Principal Products of Portugal: Prose Pieces
012940: Hall, Kermit L., et al., eds. - The Oxford Companion to the Supreme Court of the United States
003478: Hall, Ariel - Pills to Purge the Paines of Love; or, Pills to Preserve Love's Pleasures
016532: Hall, Donald - The Milkman's Boy
012134: Hall, Elizabeth - Stand Up, Lucy
011828: Hall, Arethusa - Life and Character of the Rev. Sylvester Judd
003116: Hall, Mrs. Herman J - Two Travellers in Europe... What They Saw and How They Lived While Traveling... Morocco... Italy... France... Spain
003161: Hall, Donald - Here at Eagle Pond
24185: Hall, Howard Judson, ed. - Types of Poetry Exclusive of the Drama
42824: Hall, Mary Ann & Salamony, Sandra - Decorative Crafts Sourcebook : Recipes and Projects for Paper, Fabric, and More
010602: Hall, Donald - The Old Life
32339: Hall, Rodney - Just Relations
32311: Hall, James Norman - Lost Island
32312: Hall, James Norman - The Far Lands
32320: Hall, Adam - The Tango Briefing [by] Adam Hall
32282: Hall, Leland - Salah and His American, by Leland Hall
004317: Hall, Radclyffe - The Master of the House
28505: Hall, Roger; Dodds, Gordon; & Triggs, Stanley - The World of William Notman: The Nineteenth Century Through a Master Lens. Foreword by Robert Macneil
002865: Hall, H. R. - Rondeaux & Songs
018685: Hall, James Norman - Lost Island
37853: Hall, Jeanne M. - 500 More Recipes by Request
23431: Hall, Newton Marshall & Wood, Irving Francis, eds. - The Bible Story.
31622: Hall, Elton Wayland, ed. - Frederick Garrison Hall: Etchings, Bookplates, Designs. [Edited] by Elton Wayland Hall. With a Biographical Sketch by Ariel Hall & a Personal Memoir by Henry P. Rossiter
46776: Hall, James Norman - Lost Island
1898: Hallet, Richard - The Rolling World
36989: Hallett, Robin - Africa to 1875, a Modern History
32288: Hallett, Rosa Kellen - Serena and Samantha, Being a Chronicle of Events at the Torbolton Home
45467: Halliburton, Richard - Seven League Boots
45075: Halliburton, Richard - Complete Book of Marvels
23405: Halliwell, Leslie - The Filmgoer's Companion. Revised and Expanded Edition with a Foreword by Alfred Hitchcock
004552: Halliwell, Leslie - Halliwell's Film Guide: A Survey of 8000 English-Language Movies
36538: Hallmark Cards, Inc. - The Miracle of Christmas, by the Editors of Hallmark
26238: Hallmark Cards, Inc - Kansas City; an Intimate Portrait of the Surprising City on the Missouri. Designed and Edited by the Creative Staff of Hallmark Editions
45793: Halloran, Bob - Breakdown : A Season of Gang Warfare, High School Football, and the Coach Who Policed the Streets
015347: Halsey, Margaret - Color Blind: A White Woman Looks at the Negro
46521: Halsey, Elizabeth T. - Ladies' Home Journal, June 1935
27596: Halsey, Ashley, editor - American Rifleman, Vol. 114, No. 11, May 1966
27598: Halsey, Ashley, editor - American Rifleman, Vol. 115, No. 2, February 1967
27599: Halsey, Ashley, editor - American Rifleman, Vol. 115, No. 3, March 1967
27600: Halsey, Ashley, editor - American Rifleman, Vol. 115, No. 4, April 1967
27601: Halsey, Ashley, editor - American Rifleman, Vol. 115, No. 5, May 1967
27602: Halsey, Ashley, editor - American Rifleman, Vol. 115, No. 6, June 1967
27603: Halsey, Ashley, editor - American Rifleman, Vol. 115, No. 7, July 1967
248: Halsey, R. T. H. - The Boston Port Bill As Pictured by a Contemporary London Cartoonist
30033: Halsey, Margaret - Some of My Best Friends Are Soldiers, a Kind of Novel
018063: Halsey, Francis Whiting - The Literary Digest History of the World War. Compiled from Original and Contemporary Sources...
016096: Halstead, Murat - Life and Achievements of Admiral Dewey, from Montpelier to Manila...
011016: Halstead, Murat - The Illustrious Life of William Mckinley, Our Martyred President
8137: Halstead, L. B. - The Search for the Past Fossils, Rocks, Tracks and Trails; the Search for the Origin of Life
32322: Halter, Marek - The Book of Abraham
012701: Hamann, Richard - Geschichte Der Kunst Von Der Altchristlichen Zeit Bis Zur Gegenwart
33365: Hambleton, Ronald - Mazo de la Roche of Jalna
018599: Hamblin, Dora Jane - That Was the Life
28009: Hamburger, H. L. - Linear Transformations in N-Dimensional Vector Space; an Introduction to the Theory of Hilbert Space, by H.L. Hamburger and M.E. Grimshaw
38669: Hamburgisches Kolonialinstitut - Mitteilungen Fur Das Ausland, Nu 28 - 34, 7 Dec 1914 - 15 Jan. 1915
38668: Hamburgisches Kolonialinstitut - German War New. No. 9 -15, 6 Jan. 1915 - 30 Mar. 1915
2058: Hamerton, Philip Gilbert - The Saône: A Summer Voyage
45861: Hamerton, Philip Gilbert - A Summer Voyage on the River Saône. By Philip Gilbert Hamerton. With a Hundred and Forty-Eight Illustrations by Joseph Pennell and the Author, and Four Maps.
45862: Hamerton, Philip Gilbert - The Saône: A Summer Voyage
23308: Hamill, John - The Strange Career of Mr. Hoover Under Two Flags, by John Hamill; Illustrated and Documented
34601: Hamilton, David - The Metropolitan Opera Encyclopedia : A Comprehensive Guide to the World of Opera
015114: Hamilton, Flora Brent - Sonnets
39705: Hamilton, Frederic, Lord - Here, There and Everywhere
2473: Hamilton. Bob - Gene Autry and the Redwood Pirates
40993: Hamilton, Jane - The Book of Ruth
23294: Hamilton, Nan - Killer's Rights
39575: Hamilton, Edith - Mythology
018161: Hamilton, Julie - Candlelight Dinners: Romantic Meals for Two
22972: Hamilton, Nan - The Shape of Fear
017107: Hamilton, Ian - Robert Lowell : A Biography
012660: Hamilton, Elisabeth B., ed. - Reginald Birch - His Book
003313: Hamilton, M - The Freedom of Henry Meredyth
003315: Hamilton, M - Mcleod of the Camerons
22629: Hamilton, Virginia - Cousins
007064: Hamilton, Nigel - Monty: The Making of a General, 1887-1942
011848: Hamilton, Nigel - Jfk: Reckless Youth
006074: Hamilton, Charles William - A Summer in Northern Lands: The Journal of a Trip to Scandinavia
011695: Hamilton, David S - Pictorial History of Trains
43125: Hamilton, George Heard - Painting and Sculpture in Europe, 1880-1940 The Pelican history of art
41483: Hamilton, Jane - The Book of Ruth
005442: Hamilton, Carl - In No Time at All
011520: Hamilton, Virginia - A Ring of Tricksters: Animal Tales from America, the West Indies, and Africa
011169: Hamilton, Donald - Cruises with Kathleen
010761: Hamilton, Edith - The Ever-Present Past. Prologue by Doris Fielding Reid.
1042: Hamilton, Clayton - Wanderings
32284: Hamilton, Cosmo - Confession; a Novel by Cosmo Hamilton
32025: Hamilton, Jean - An Introduction to Wallpaper
41435: Hamilton, Jane - The Book of Ruth
1802: Hamilton, Ian - Writers in Hollywood: 1915-1951
17911: Hamilton, Charles F. - As Bees in Honey Drown: Elbert Hubbard and the Roycrofters
015115: Hamlin, Talbot & Jessica - We Took to Cruising: From Maine to Florida Afloat
23559: Hamling, William L., editors - Imagination : Stories of Science and Fantasy, V. 4, No. 6, July 1953
37764: Hamlyn, Paul - The Complete Book of Egg Cooking in Color
25106: Hamm, Marie Roberson - The Second Chafing Dish Cookbook
23522: Hamm, Marie Roberson - The Second Chafing Dish Cookbook
38001: Hamman, Mary, editor - Picture Cook Book
32285: Hammand, Esther Barstow - Road to Endor, a Novel by Esther Barstow Hammand, Illustrated by E.M. Simon
009728: Hammarskjold, Dag - Markings. Translated from the Swedish by Leif Sjoberg and W.H. Auden with a Foreword by W.H. Auden
25337: Hammarskjold, Dag - Markings. Translated from the Swedish by Leif Sjoberg and W.H. Auden with a Foreword by W.H. Auden
30030: Hammel, Eric - Munda Trail: The New Georgia Campaign
36987: Hammett, Dashiell - The Thin Man
22935: Hammett, Catherine T. & Musselman, Virginia - The Camp Program Book
35869: Hammett, Dashiell - Selected Letters of Dashiell Hammett 1921-1960. Edited by Richard Layman, with Julie M. Rivett ; Introduction by Josephine Hammett Marshall.
25748: Hammond, M. O. - Canadian Footprints : A Study in Foregrounds and Backgrounds
28242: Hammond, N. G. L. (Nicholas Geoffrey Lempričre) - The Genius of Alexander the Great
39036: Hammond, William C. - A Matter of Honor
32: Hammond, Geoffrey F. - Showdown at Newport: The Race for the America's Cup
29251: Hamovitch, Mitzi Berger - The Hound & Horn Letters
45604: Hampden, John, ed. - Sea-Dogs & Pilgrim Fathers; Stories of Elizabethan and Stuart Voyages... Llustrated by C. Walter Hodges
40480: Hampl, Patricia - Resort and Other Poems
009633: Hampton, Taylor - The Nickel Plate Road: The History of a Great Railroad
011481: Hampton, Kitty - The Happy Ship Victuals and Vitals for Yacht Crews
26154: Hamsherre, Cyril - The British in the Caribbean
36671: Han, Jenny - Shug
45131: Hanauer, Cathi - Gone : A Novel
31461: Hancock, Ralph - Opportunities in Latin America
42092: Hancock, H. Irving (Harrie Irving) - The Motor Boat Club at the Golden Gate; or, a Thrilling Capture in the Great Fog
016429: Hancock, H. Irving (Harrie Irving) - Jiu-Jitsu Combat Tricks: Japanese Feats of Attack and Defence in Personal Encounter
39216: Hancock, Joy Bright - Lady in the Navy; a Personal Reminiscence
45069: Hancock, H. Irving (Harrie Irving) - Dick Prescott's Third Year at West Point; or, Standing Firm for Flag and Honor, by H. Irving Hancock
45068: Hancock, H. Irving (Harrie Irving) - The High School Left End; or, Dick & Co. Grilling on the Football Gridiron, by H. Irving Hancock
46237: Hancock, John - The Prophet Jeremiah's Resolution to Get Him Unto Great Men, and to Speak Unto Them, Considered and Applied: In a Sermon
25872: Hand, Jackson - Walls, Floors and Ceilings: How to Repair, Renovate and Decorate the Interior Surfaces of Your Home
46033: Hand, Elizabeth - Generation Loss
44953: Handel, George Frideric - Teseo Dramma Tragico, Da Rappresentarsi Nel Reggio Teatro D'Hay-Market... Theseus : An Opera... The Musick Composed by Mr. Hendel
45964: Handel, George Frideric - Samson : Oratorium in 3 Theilen : Klavierauszug Edition Peters, 63.
40701: Handlin, Oscar - Boston's Immigrant, 1790-1865
37813: Handlin, Oscar - Harvard Guide to American History [by] Oscar Handlin [and Others]
23059: Hands On magazine - Woodworking Projects : 60 Easy-to-Make Projects from Hands on Magazine
46563: Handy, W. C. (William Christopher) - Father of the Blues : An Autobiography / by W.C. Handy ; Edited by Arna Bontemps ; with a Foreword by Abbe Niles
43616: Haney, Hank - The Big Miss : My Years Coaching Tiger Woods
41168: Hanley, Hope - Needlepoint
7912: Hanley, James - What Farrar Saw and Other Stories
013455: Hanly, J. Frank - A Day in the Siskiyous: An Oregon Extravaganza
24124: Hann, Penelope - Edward, the Elephant
36029: Hanna, Paul R. & Hoyt, Genevieve Anderson - Hello, David : A Study of a School Neighborhood
7807: Hannah, Barry - Bats out of Hell
34338: Hannay, James - History of New Brunswick
015415: Hannibal, Edward - Chocolate Days, Popsicle Weeks
32324: Hannibal, Edward - Chocolate Days, Popsicle Weeks
32325: Hannibal, Edward - Liberty Square Station
011273: Hannon, Jessie Gould - The Boston-Newton Company Venture: From Massachusetts to California in 1849
45941: Hannum, Alberta Pierson - Spin a Silver Dollar; the Story of a Desert Trading-Post, by Alberta Hannum, Illustrated with Color Reproductions of the Work of the Navaho Boy Artist, Little No-Shirt (Beatíen Yazz)
44460: Hanon, Charles Louis - The Virtuoso Pianist in Sixty Exercises. Book II
30700: Hansen, Chadwick - Witchcraft at Salem
41169: Hansen, Henny Harald - Costumes and Styles. 685 Examples of Historic Costume in Color
43951: Hansen, Patricia - Fish and Seafood Cookbook
33874: Hansen, Brooks - The Chess Garden, or, the Twilight Letters of Gustav Uyterhoeven
22996: Hansen, Joseph - Obedience : A Dave Brandstetter Mystery
22970: Hansen, Eric - Motoring with Mohammed : Journeys to Yemen and the Red Sea
012455: Hansen, Harry - The Chicago
26548: Hansen, Clas Broder & Hans Jurgen - Segelschiffe Kurs Hamburge / Sailing Ships Bound for Hamburg
28182: Hansen, Joseph - Living Upstairs
32328: Hansen, Joseph - Bohannon's Book: Five Mysteries
32329: Hansen, Joseph - Job's Year
1071: Hansen, Hans Jurgen - Sails in the Wind. Foreword by Alan H. Paul
28047: Hansen, Hans Jurgen & Wundshammer, Benno - Windjammer Parade
010129: Hansen, Harry, ed. - New England Legends and Folklore: Based on Writings by Samuel Adams Drake and Others
42033: Hansen, Alvin H. (Alvin Harvey) - Monetary Theory and Fiscal Policy Econimcs Handbook Series
46211: Hansen, Joseph - Living Upstairs
012588: Hanson, Lawrence & Elisabeth - The Tragic Life of Toulouse-Lautrec
46053: Hanson, Lawrence & Elisabeth - Noble Savage; the Life of Paul Gauguin, by Lawrence and Elisabeth Hanson
43459: Hanzák, Jan - The Pictorial Encyclopedia of Birds [by] J. Hanzák. Edited by Bruce Campbell. American Consultant: Ned R. Boyajian.
23667: Hanzák, Jan - The Pictorial Encyclopedia of Birds
30167: Hapgood, Hutchins. - Paul Jones Riverside Biographical Series, no. 12
016661: Happel, Margaret & Harrington, Elsa - Ladies' Home Journal Handbook of Holiday Cuisine
24405: Haraszty, Eszter & Cohen, Bruce Cohen - Needlepainting, a Garden of Stitches [by] Eszter Haraszty and Bruce David Colen
32332: Harcourt, Palma - Limited Options : A Novel
24664: Hard, Walter - Salt of Vermont
015283: Hard, Walter R. & Greene, James C., editors - Mischief in the Mountains
018105: Hard, Walter - A Matter of Fifty Houses
018106: Hard, Walter - A Matter of Fifty Houses
010846: Hardie, Martin - Boulogne, a Base in France: Being Thirty-Two Drawings from the Sketch Book of Capt. Martin Hardie
41160: Hardiman, James W., editor - The Story of Louis de Rochemont's Windjammer : Including the School of the Sea and Sailing a Square-Rigger by Captain Alan Villiers / Articles by Elmer C. Rhoden, Russell H. Mccullough, Sven Erik Libaek, Gayne Rescher, William H. Terry, James W. Hardiman
38281: Hardin, Benjamin - Speech of Mr. Hardin, of Kentucky on Mr. Adams's Resolutions Concerning the Loss of the Fortification Bill of the Last Session Delivered in the House of Representatives, January 28, 1836
45883: Hardin, Garrett James - Stalking the Wild Taboo [by] Garrett Hardin
31170: Harding, A. R. (Arthur Robert) - Fur Farming : A Book of Information About Fur Bearing Animals, Enclosures, Habits, Care, Etc.
26938: Harding, Mary - All Aboard Trains
43284: Harding, Paul - Tinkers
016567: Harding, James - Gerald Du Maurier, the Last Actor-Manager
45363: Harding, Justine - The Complete Chicken Cookbook
25239: Harding, Addie Clark & Eskew, Garnett Laidlaw - Seaports and People of Europe
32340: Harding, William Harry - Rainbow : A Novel
23976: Harding, James - Gerald Du Maurier. The Last Actor-Manager
41405: Harding, Bertita - Age Cannot Wither the Story of Duse and D'Annunzio
41370: Harding, Walter et al., editiors - Henry David Thoreau: Studies and Commentaries. Edited by Walter Harding, George Brenner, and Paul A. Doyle
017320: Hardman, Ric Lynden - Sunshine Rider: The First Vegetarian West
45763: Hardoy, Jorge Enrique - Pre-Columbian Cities [by] Jorge E. Hardoy. [Translated by Judith Thorne]
27395: Hardwick, Homer. - Winemaking at Home.
32964: Hardwick, Thomas W. - Typed Letter Signed to John L. Macvicar, Thanking Him for the Copies of Arthur Nash's "the Golden Rule in Business"
22997: Hardwick, Michael - The Revenge of the Hound
28831: Hardwick, Mollie - The World of Upstairs, Downstairs
34602: Hardwicke, Greer & Redd, Roger - Brookline Images of America
44109: Hardy, Edward - Keeper and Kid
41180: Hardy, Ralph - The Weather Book
34368: Hardy, W. J. - Book-Plates
008947: Hardy, Alice Dale - The Riddle Club Through the Holidays: The Club and Its Doings, How the Riddles Were Solved, and What the Snowman Revealed
35979: Hardy, Thomas - The Return of the Native Modern Library 121
35981: Hardy, Thomas - The Mayor of Casterbridge Modern Library 17
012893: Hardy, Thomas - The Well-Beloved, a Sketch of a Temperament
39404: Hardy, Thomas - The Three Wayfarers, by Thomas Hardy. Facsimile of the First Edition with an Introduction and Notes by Carl J. Weber
012898: Hardy, Thomas - Tess of the D'Urbervilles, a Pure Woman Faithfully Presented
36455: Hardy, Thomas - The Mayor of Casterbridge Modern Library 17
32341: Hardy, Ronald - Rivers of Darkness
12900: Hardy, Thomas - The Mayor of Casterbridge: A Story of a Man of Character
37507: Hardy, Thomas - The Woodlanders
41631: Hardy, Marjorie & Bradbury, Emilie C. - Hansel and Gretel
45963: Hardy, T. Maskell - The Songs from Shakespeare's Plays Set to the Old Tunes with Notes on the Songs and Music... Pianoforte Edition Part I
40390: Hardyment, Christina - Malory : The Knight Who Became King Arthur's Chronicler
41307: Hare, Humphrey - Swinburne : A Biographical Approach
34366: Hare, Augustus J. C. - Walks in London
009463: Hareven, Shulamith - Prophet. Translated from the Hebrew by Hillel Halkin.
37414: Hargrove, Marion - The Girl He Left Behind; or, All Quiet in the Third Platoon
32342: Hargrove, Marion - See Here, Private Hargrove [by] Marion Hargrove; Foreword by Maxwell Anderson
32478: Haring, Clarence H. - Argentina and the United States
45454: Harington, Donald - Let Us Build Us a City: Eleven Lost Towns
37050: Harkness, Samuel - Horse-Thief Gulch
018125: Harlan, Ethel Andrews - The Adventures of Little Man Coco
41252: Harland, Marion - Some Colonial Homesteads and Their Stories
41253: Harland, Marion - Some Colonial Homesteads and Their Stories
1008: Harney, Hazel Dillon - Drifting Petal; Written in Moments of Leisure on a Trip Around the World
41245: Harp, Elmer - Photography in Archaeological Research School of American Research advanced seminar series
33219: Harper's Magazine - Midwest
42104: Harper, Carrie A - One Hundred and Fifty Gymnastic Games Compiled by the Following Members of the Alumni of the Boston Normal School of Gymnastics: Ethel Perrin... [Et Al. ] Prepared for the Press by Carrie A. Harper.
015497: Harper, Henry H - A Journey in Southeastern Mexico
32344: Harraden, Beatrice - Ships That Pass in the Night
32345: Harré, T. Everett (Thomas Everett) - Behold the Woman ! : A Tale of Redemption
40844: Harrie, Christie - Once More Upon a Totem. Illustrated by Douglas Tait
015376: Harries, Meirion - The Last Days of Innocence: America at War, 1917-1918
004492: Harriman, Margaret Case - And the Price Is Right
27631: Harrington, Joseph - Blind Spot A Lieutenant Kerrigan Mystery
17731: Harrington, Alan - Paradise I: A Novel
38994: Harrington, J. C. - Archeology and the Histroical Society
32361: Harrington, William - Yoshar the Soldier
32346: Harrington, William - The Jupiter Crisis
28122: Harrington, Walt - Crossings : A White Man's Journey Into Black America
38330: Harrington, J. C. - Archeology and Local History American Association for State and Local History, Bulletin. v. II, no. 6, Feb. 1953
39941: Harris, Frank - Contemporary Portraits,
39942: Harris, Frank - Contemporary Portraits, Fourth Series
31: Harris, Frank - The Bomb
014628: Harris, Joel Chandler - On the Wing of Occasions
27055: Harris, Robert B. - Modern Sailing Catamarans
17576: Harris, Thomas - Red Dragon
33009: Harris, Jean (Jean Struven) - Marking Time : Letters from Jean Harris to Shana Alexander
36844: Harris, Robert - Pompeii : A Novel
44598: Harris, Nathaniel - Rugs and Carpets of the Orient
008781: Harris, Frank - The Women of Shakespeare
36645: Harris, Robie H. - Sweet Jasmine, Nice Jackson : What It's Like to Be 2--and to Be Twins! Growing up stories ; 3
43323: Harris, Nathaniel - A Treasury of Impressionism
018400: Harris, Warren G. - Gable and Lombard
016985: Harris, Enriqueta - Goya
012799: Harris, Joel Chandler, ed. - The Merry Maker
39310: Harris, Marilyn - The Conjurers
26736: Harris, Thomas - Hannibal
2256: Harris, Joel Chandler - Sister Jane: Her Friends and Acquaintances...
28263: Harris, Frank - Contemporary Portraits, Second Series
26503: Harris, Robert B. - Modern Sailing Catamarans
005202: Harris, Frank - The Man Shakespeare and His Tragic Life Story
32384: Harris, Leonard - The Masada Plan : A Novel
32385: Harris, Mary Kathleen - Fear at My Heart
28552: Harris, Alice - The White T. Introduction by Giorgio Armani.
21646: Harris, Jean (Jean Struven) - Stranger in Two Worlds
21591: Harris, Joel Chandler - Uncle Remus: His Songs and His Sayings
004684: Harris, Frank - My Love Life: A Love Autobiography
42729: Harris, Christie - Sky Man on the Totem Pole? Illustrated by Douglas Tait
38887: Harris, Bill - Landscapes of America : Second Series
41790: Harris, Thomas - Red Dragon
32351: Harris, Marilyn - The Eden Passion
32352: Harris, Ruth - Decades
35870: Harris, Nathaniel - The Life and Works of Dali
44528: Harris, William Cornwallis - The Wild Sports of Southern Africa African Collection series
32347: Harris, Credo Fitch - Where the Souls of Men Are Calling. Frontispiece by John R. Neill
28888: Harris, Bill - Landscapes of America. Second Series
42561: Harris, F. McCready (Frances McCready) - The Girls at Quinnemont; or, Miss Annie's Butterflies, by F. Mccready Harris (Hope Ledyard) ; with Illustrations by the Best American and British
42463: Harris, Robie H. - It's Perfectly Normal : A Book About Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex, and Sexual Health
42393: Harris, Marvin - Cannibals and Kings : The Origins of Cultures
41699: Harris, Joel Chandler - The Chronicles of Aunt Minervy Ann
41698: Harris, Joel Chandler - Tales of the Home Folks in Peace and War
24801: Harris, Robert - Enigma
45848: Harris, Kenneth - The Queen
46243: Harris, Thaddeus Mason - Good Wishes for Youth : Expressed in a Discourse Delivered at Dorchester, January 1, 1804
46246: Harris, Thaddeus Mason - A Valedictory Sermon on Leaving the Old Meeting House in the First Parish in Dorchester, 1st December, 1816; and a Dedicatory Sermon on Entering the New House of Worship, the Next Day
46248: Harris, Frank - A Daughter of Eve. Paris: Privately Printed 1898. Edition of 200 Copies Only.
46300: Harris, Michael (Michael Howard) - Mathematics without Apologies : Portrait of a Problematic Vocation
39948: Harrison, Frederic - Studies in Early Victorian Literature
30974: Harrison, Nora Vitz - Dear Kilroy : A Dog to Guide Us
45780: Harrison, Ray - Counterfeit of Murder
33836: Harrison, Harry - The Turing Option : A Novel
015222: Harrison, Henry Sydnor - V.V. 's Eyes
015257: Harrison, Harry - Skyfall
017321: Harrison, Maggie - Lizzie's List
22973: Harrison, Ray - Death of a Dancing Lady : A Sergeant Bragg-Constable Morton Mystery
006038: Harrison, Jim - Julip
24072: Harrison, Henry - Myself Limited
32353: Harrison, Henry Sydnor - Queed, a Novel,
32354: Harrison, Henry Sydnor - V.V. 's Eyes
36238: Harrison, Harry - West of Eden
40443: Harrison, Harry - West of Eden
45112: Harrison, Harry - The Technicolor Time Machine
42265: Harrison, Barbara - Theo
012099: Harrison, Kathryn - The Kiss
32355: Harsányi, Zsolt - The Star-Gazer; Translated from the Hungarian by Paul Tabor
30255: Harshbarger, Gretchen Fischer. - Mccall's Garden Book.
27828: Hart, Mickey - Songcatchers : In Search of the World's Music
25823: Hart, Albert Bushnell - The War in Europe: Its Causes and Results
33403: Hart, Marjorie Comstock - Poems
23295: Hart, Carolyn G. - The Christie Caper
39429: Hart, Carolyn - Sugarplum Dead: A Death on Demand Mystery Death on Demand Mysteries
22998: Hart, Carolyn G. - A Little Class on Murder
22999: Hart, Carolyn G. - Scandal in Fair Haven
23000: Hart, Carolyn G. - Southern Ghost
29860: Hart, Jerome Alfred - Two Argonauts in Spain
013640: Hart, Jerrems C. & Stone, William T. - A Cruising Guide to the Caribbean and the Bahamas Including the North Coast of South America, Central America, and Yucatan
016399: Hart, William S. - My Life East and West. Edited by Martin Ridge Lakeside Classics 92
36498: Hart-Davis, Adam - Eurekaaargh ! Inventions That Failed
42730: Hart, Carolyn G. - The Christie Caper
44491: Hart, Bernard - Psychopathology, Its Development and Its Place in Medicine
23781: Hart, Jeanne - Threnody for Two
46737: Hart, Sara Liebenstein - The Pleasure Is Mine, an Autobiography, by Sara L. Hart
46077: Hart, Jerrems C. & Stone, William T. - A Cruising Guide to the Caribbean and the Bahamas Including the North Coast of South America, Central America, and Yucatan
44800: Harte, Bret - Bret Harte's Writings: Mrs. Skagg's Husbands and Other Sketches
018211: Harte, Bret - Drift from Two Stories
006003: Harte, Bret - Tales of the Gold Rush. With an Introduction by Oscar Lewis.
32380: Harte, Bret - In a Hollow of the Hills
015824: Harte, Bret - Salomy Jane's Kiss. Photo Play Edition. Revised and Elaborated Version of the Famous Story by Bret Harte
21594: Harte, Bret - Three Partners; or, the Big Strike on Heavy Tree Hill
32357: Harte, Bret - Three Partners
28098: Harte, Barbara & Riley, Carolyn, editors - 200 Contemporary Authors : Bio-Bibliographies of Selected Leading Writers of Today...
1319: Harte, Bret - The Crusade of the Excelsior
42321: Harter, Marjorie & Bradbury, Emilie C. - Cinderella
42320: Harter, Marjorie & Bradbury, Emilie C. - Cinderella
33010: Harting, Emilie C. - A Literary Tour Guide to England and Scotland
23397: Hartley, Norman - The Viking Process
003845: Hartley, L. P. (Leslie Poles) - A Perfect Woman
43642: Hartman, Robert - Tales of Pinehurst : Stories from the Mecca of American Golf Sports Publishing
37383: Hartman, Mary S - Victorian Murderesses : A True History of Thirteen Respectable French and English Women Accused of Unspeakable Crimes
32388: Hartnett, Ken - A Saving Grace
34845: Hartnett, Ken - A Saving Grace
43542: Hartog, Jan De - The Children; a Personal Record for the Use of Adoptive Parents
24559: Haruf, Kent - Plainsong (Vintage Contemporaries)
012078: Harvard College. Class of 1867 - A Memorial of Francis Henry Lincoln, 1846-1911
011324: Harvard University. Fogg Art Museum. - Andrew Wyeth: Dry Brush and Pencil Drawings
45106: Harvey, P. D. A. - The History of Topographical Maps : Symbols, Pictures and Surveys
41322: Harvey, Chris - Cars : The New Classics from 1945 to the Present Day
41310: Harvey, John - Easy Meat
40032: Harvey, Peter - Reminiscences and Anecdotes of Daniel Webster, by Peter Harvey
34500: Harvey, Peter - Reminiscences and Anecdotes of Daniel Webster, by Peter Harvey.
42062: Harvey, William H. (William Henry) - The Sea-Side Book; Being an Introduction to the Natural History of the British Coasts
018172: Harvey, Peggy - The Horn of Plenty: An Anthology of Distinguished Recipes by a Connoisseur of Cookery
42935: Harvey, Virginia I. - Macrame; the Art of Creative Knotting [by] Virginia I. Harvey
42386: Harvey, Andrew - A Journey in Ladakh
41556: Harvey, Edmund H. - Reader's Digest Book of Facts Reader's Digest general books
7961: Harvey, Steven - A Geometry of Lilies: Life and Death in an American Family
018114: Harwood, Michael - The View from Great Gull
32391: Harwood, Alice - Merchant of the Ruby
7655: Hary, Phil - The Western
22422: Haselden, W. K., illustrator - Daily Mirror Reflections Being 100 Cartoons (and Few More) Culled from the Pages of the Daily Mirror
017314: Haseley, Dennis - Getting Him
33809: Haskell, B. D. - Zethar, the Celestial Visitant. A Poem in ** Books
010074: Haskell, John Cheves - The Haskell Memoirs
32867: Haskin, Frederick Jennings - The American Government, by Frederick J. Haskin; Illustrations from Photographs... By Barry M. Clinedinst
010434: Haskin, Frederic J. - The Panama Canal
39576: Haslip, Joan - Catherine the Great
34150: Hassett, John - The Finest Christmas Tree
46637: Hastings, Frank W. (Frank Warren) - The Untamed Philosopher at Home and with the Plugonians of Plugolia; Being a Tale of Hens and Some Other People, by Frank W. Hastings
32372: Hastings, William T., ed. - A Century of Scholars: Rhode Island Alpha of Phi Beta Kappa, 1830-1930
32373: Hastings, William T., ed. - More Than a Century of Scholars: Rhode Island Alpha of Phi Beta Kappa, 1830-1954
32515: Hasty Pudding Club - The First Catalogue of the Hasty Pudding Institute of 1770
017025: Haswell, Jock - D-Day: Intelligence and Deception
29339: Hatch, Alden - General Ike: A Biography of Dwight D. Eisenhower
002937: Hatch, Alden - General Ike: A Biography of Dwight D. Eisenhower
39130: Hatch, Alden - Crown of Glory; the Life of Pope Pius XII, by Alden Hatch and Seamus Walshe. Illustrated with Drawings by Louis Priscilla
38995: Hatch, Charles E. & Pitkin, Thomas M. - Yorktown : Climax of the Revolution National Park Service Source Book Series, no. 1.
27875: Hatch, Preble D. K. - Homer the Handyman
32289: Hatcher, Harlan Henthorne - The Western Reserve : The Story of New Connecticut in Ohio
31678: Hatcher, Harlan Henthorne - A Pictorial History of the Great Lakes, by Harlan Hatcher and Erich A. Walter, Assisted by Orin W. Kaye, Jr
23393: Hatfield, Michael - Spy Fever
17637: Hathaway, Katharine Butler - The Little Locksmith
29524: Hathaway, Nancy - The Unicorn
39726: Hatherill, George - A Detective's Story. Introduction by Nicolas Bentley
007130: Hatson, Constance Elinore - Who Know Not the Leaf
40471: Hatton, J. L. and Molloy, J. L., eds. - The Songs of Ireland Including the Most Favourite of Moore's Irish Meodies and a Large Collection of Old Songs and Ballads...
2391: Haugan, Randolph E., ed. - Christmas: An American Annual of Christmas Literature and Art. Vol. 34
2388: Haugan, Randolph E., ed. - Christmas: An American Annual of Christmas Literature and Art. Vol. 25
2384: Haugan, Randolph E., ed. - Christmas: An American Annual of Christmas Literature and Art. Vol. 27
2385: Haugan, Randolph E., ed. - Christmas: An American Annual of Christmas Literature and Art. Vol. 33
2382: Haugan, Randolph E., ed. - Christmas: An American Annual of Christmas Literature and Art. Vol. 31
015508: Haugan, Randolph E., ed. - Christmas: An American Annual of Christmas Literature and Art. Vol. 37
013102: Haughton, Percy D - Football and How to Watch It. Introduction by Haywood Broun.
015377: Hausman, Gerald - Tunkashila: From the Birth of Turtle Island to the Blood of Wounded Knee
43829: Hausmann, F - ôsterreich : Luftbildpanorama = Austria: Aerial Panorama. Text, Alfred Hiller
017323: Hautzig, Esther - Riches
39258: Hautzig, Deborah - The Story of the Nutcracker Ballet A Random House pictureback
010873: Havel, Vaclav - Disturbing the Peace, a Conversation with Karel Hvizdala.
21863: Havens, Herbert - Clevely Sahib, a Tale of the Khyber Pass
34621: Haviland, Maud D. (Maud Doria) - A Summer on the Yenesei, 1914
35960: Havill, Juanita - Jennifer, Too
41151: Hawcock, David - Shipwrecks: A 3-Dimensional Exploration
42006: Hawkes, Clarence - Peter : The Story of Little Stoutheart
41950: Hawkes, Jacquetta - The First Great Civilizations : Life in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, and Egypt
013513: Hawkes, Jacquetta, ed. - The World of the Past
010148: Hawkes, Ernest William - Eskimo Land. A Supplementary Reader for Primary Schools
32358: Hawkesworth, John - Upstairs, Downstairs
41791: Hawking, S. W. (Stephen W.) - The Nature of Space and Time The Isaac Newton Institute series of lectures
46271: Hawking, Stephen - The Universe in a Nutshell
27360: Hawkins, Arthur - The Steak Book
017324: Hawkins, Laura - Figment, Your Dog, Speaking
017325: Hawkins, Laura - Valentine to a Flying Mouse
22780: Hawkins, Arthur - The Steak Book
32397: Hawkins, Willard E. - The Cowled Menace,
126: Hawkins, Richard - Observations of Sir Richard Hawkins. Edited... With an Introduction, Notes and Appendices by James A. Williamson
37842: Hawkins, Nancy - The American Regional Cookbook : Recipes from Yesterday and Today for the. .
44967: Hawkinson, John & Faulhaber, Martha - Rhythms, Music, and Instruments to Make [by] John Hawkinson and Martha Faulhaber. Illustrated by John Hawkinson.
43350: Hawley, Richard A. - Seeing Things : A Chronicle of Surprises
32454: Hawley, Cameron - The Hurricane Years
32404: Hawley, Cameron - The Lincoln Lords, a Novel
32398: Hawley, Cameron - Cash Mccall, a Novel
32399: Hawley, Cameron - The Hurricane Years
32403: Hawley, Cameron - Cash Mccall, a Novel
26129: Haworth-Maden, Clare, editor - Viking Gods Ancient cultures
016652: Haws, Duncan & Hurst, Alex A. - The Maritime History of the World: A Chronological Study of Maritime Events from 5000 B.C. Until the Present Day...
009656: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Great Stone Face and Other Tales of the White Mountains
43536: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Selected Tales and Sketches, with Revised Introduction by Hyatt H. Waggoner.
43485: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Hawthorne's Short Stories
43462: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Portable Hawthorne
45549: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Legends of Ye Province House
008686: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Tanglewood Tales
26756: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The House of the Seven Gables, a Romance Riverside Bookshelf.
45263: Hawthorne, Julian - The Secret of Solomon
32468: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Scarlet Letter
32405: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Scarlet Letter with the Custom House
32406: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Scarlet Letter
32407: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Twice-Told Tales
32400: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Scarlet Letter
32401: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The House of the Seven Gables
38991: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Twice-Told Tales
161: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Blithedale Romance
42785: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Collected Works
21590: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - The Scarlet Letter
34846: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Twice-Told Tales The World's best reading
40675: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - {Orphan} the Marble Faun - Vol 2
7743: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - A Wonder Book for Girls and Boys
7832: Hawthorne, Nathaniel - Work. Illustrated Library Edition
26012: Hay, Mary - I Saw a Ship a'Sailing
018456: Hay, Peter - Movie Anecdotes
32408: Hay, Ian - The Poor Gentleman, by Ian Hay [Pseud. ]
32409: Haycox, Ernest - Long Storm
32410: Haycox, Ernest - The Adventurers
44542: Haycox, Ernest - Trail Town
44959: Haydn, Joseph - Haydn's Celebrated Third Mass in D, in Vocal Score
32412: Haydn, Hiram Collins - The Hands of Esau
36125: Haydn, Joseph - Lirenkonzerte. Concerto No. 1 (Hoboken Viih: 1)
45948: Haydn, Joseph - The Creation : An Oratorio in Vocal Score Composed in the Years 1797 and 1798 by J. Haydn ; with a Separate Accompaniment for the Organ or Pianoforte, Arranged by Vincent Novello.
30093: Haydu, George G. - Statements and Avowals.
004027: Hayes, Bartlett H - American Drawings
33435: Hayes, Jennifer Gates, editor - Pearls of Wisdom from Grandma
2459: Hayes, Clair W. - The Boy Allies in Great Peril; or, with the Italian Army in the Alps
013919: Hayes, Helen with Dody, Sanford - On Reflection; an Autobiography
29947: Hayes, Colin - Renoir
22662: Hayes, Robert H.; Wheelwringt, Steven C. & Clark, Kim B. - Dynamic Manufacturing : Creating the Learning Organization
016371: Hayes, Helen & Hatch, Katherine - My Life in Three Acts
002987: Hayes, Helen - A Gift of Joy
011694: Hayes, Bill - Steam Trains of the World
21525: Hayes, Helen & Loos, Anita - Twice over Lightly: New York Then and Now
45254: Hayes, Daniel - The Trouble with Lemons
004232: Hayes, Stephen K - The Ninja and Their Secret Fighting Art
17814: Hayes, Suzanne Lloyd, ed. - 3-D Hollywood
46153: Hayes, James - The Roman Letter; a Study of Notable Graven and Written Forms from Twenty Centuries in Which Our Latin Alphabet Moved Toward Its High Destiny As the Basic Medium of Printed Communication Throughout the Western World. Prepared on the Occasion of an Exhibition Dealing with This Subject, Held by R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company in Its Lakeside Press Galleries, Chicago, Illinois, 1951-52.
29446: Haygood, Wil - Two on the River. Photographs by Stan Grossfeld
011007: Haygood, Wil - Two on the River
23001: Haymon, S. T. - A Very Particular Murder
23002: Haymon, S. T. - Death of a Warrior Queen
35079: Haynes, J. H. & Gilmour, Bruce - Volvo 240 Series Automotive Repair Manual
010624: Hays, David & Daniel - My Old Man and the Sea: A Father and Son Sail Around Cape Horn
24884: Hayter, Adrian - The Long Voyage
41918: Hayward, Linda - Sesame Seasons : Featuring Jim Henson’S Sesame Street Muppets, by Linda Hayward ; Illustrated by Rick Brown... [Et Al. ].
28452: Hayward, Mary Ellen & Shivers, Frank R. - The Architecture of Baltimore : An Illustrated History
17935: Hayward, Brooke - Haywire
31057: Haywood, Charles Fry - Minutemen and Mariners; True Tales of New England
012914: Haywood, Charles F - Eastward the Sea
011749: Haywood, Charles F. - No Ships May Sail
008836: Hazard, Caroline - The Homing to "This Precious Stone Set in a Silver Sea
41278: Hazeltine, Silas Wood - The Traveller’S Dream, and Other Poems
25958: Hazelton, Nika - I Cook As I Please: Travels, Opinions, Recipes
016164: Hazen, Jacob A. - Five Years Before the Mast; or Life in the Forecastle, Aboard of a Whaler and Man-of War
41814: Hazen, Robert M. - The Breakthrough : The Race for the Superconductor
42567: Hazen, William Babcock - The School and the Army in Germany and France : With a Diary of Siege Life at Versailles, by B’V’T Maj. -Gen’L W.B. Hazen
43172: Hazlitt, William - Essays of William Hazlitt : Selected and Ed. By Frank Carr
2232: Head, Richard & Kirkman, Francis - The English Rogue Described in the Life of Meriton Latroon: A Witty Extravagant...
38244: Headlam, J. W. - The Peace Terms of the Allies
33875: Headley, Maria Dahvana - The Year of Yes : A Memoir
32891: Headley, J. T. - The Illustrated Life of Washington. With Vivid Pen Paintings of Battles and Incidents of the Revolution. Embracing Much New and Valuable Information Derived from the Researches of Mr. Lossing and Papers of Rufus Putnam. By J.T. Headley. Illustrated with Upwards of 40 Steel and Wood Engravings
29687: Headley, Lake & Hoffman, William - The Court-Martial of Clayton Lonetree
44897: Heal, Ambrose, Sir - The London Furniture Makers : From the Restoration to the Victorian Era, 1660-1840 / by Sir Ambrose Heal ; with a Chapter by R.W. Symonds
42628: Healey, James Christopher - Foc’S’le and Glory-Hole; a Study of the Merchant Seaman and His Occupation, by James C. Healey
34476: Healy, William & Alper, Benedict S. - Criminal Youth and the Borstal System [by] William Healy, M.D. [and] Benedict S. Alper
012207: Healy, Jeremiah - Rescue
005311: Healy, Jeremiah - Act of God
43788: Heaney, Seamus, trans. - Beowulf : A New Verse Translation
008588: Heaney, Seamus - The Redress of Poetry
25343: Heaney, Seamus, editor - Ploughshares, V. 6, No. 1, 1980. Special Tranatlantic Issue
013452: Heaney, Seamus - The Redress of Poetry
40853: Heaney, Seamus - Finders Keepers : Selected Prose, 1971 - 2001
006912: Hearn, Lafcadio - Fantastics and Other Fancies. Edited by Charles Woodward Hutson
006004: Hearn, Lafcadio - The Selected Writings of Lafcadio Hearn. Edited by Henry Goodman with an Introduction by Malcolm Cowley
010841: Hearn, Chester G. - Admiral David Dixon Porter: The CIVIL War Years
21541: Hearon, Shelby - Five Hundred Scorpions
31246: Heat Moon, William Least - Prairyerth (a Deep Map)
31247: Heat Moon, William Least - Prairyerth (a Deep Map)
39629: Heath, Sidney - Winchester, Described by Sidney Heath. Pictured by E.W. Haslehust Beautiful England series
33728: Heatherley, Joyce Landorf - Joseph : A Novel
27664: Heaton, Peter - Yachting: A Pictorial History
24400: Heaton, Peter - The Yachtsman's Vade Mecum
007483: Heaton, Peter - Yachting: A History
26549: Heaton, Peter - Yachting: A Pictorial History
1070: Heaton, Peter - Yachting: A Pictorial History
27953: Heaton, Peter - Boat
32417: Heaven, Constance - Lord of Ravensley
34151: Hebert, Ernest - Spoonwood Hardscrabble books
22223: Hebert, Ernest - The Old American : A Novel Hardscrabble books
014707: Hecht, Bessie M. - All About Snakes
37364: Hecht, Ben - The Sensualists
015889: Hecht, Ben - The Sensualists
010432: Hecht, Ben & Bodenheim, Maxwell - Cutie: A Warm Mamma
8139: Hecht, Ben - To Quito and Back
33348: Heckelmann, Charles N - Hard Man with a Gun
003484: Heckman, Hazel - Island Year
26213: Heckstall-Smith, B. & Du Boulay, E. - The Complete Yachtsman
007402: Heden, Karl E. - The Great Lakes Guide to Sunken Ships
43126: Hedgecoe, John - John Hedgecoe's Advanced Photography
31359: Heer, Friedrich, ed. - The Fires of Faith, 312-1204. Milestones of History Vol. 2
26069: Heer, Friedrich - The Medieval World: Europe 1100-1350. Translated from the German by Janet Sondheimer
015888: Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich - Philosophy of History. Translated by J. Sibree
28570: Hegg, Tom - A Cup of Christmas Tea
40609: Hegg, Tom - A Cup of Christmas Tea
017026: Heiden, Konrad - Der Fuehrer: Hitler's Rise to Power. Translated by Ralph Manheim
25577: Heilbroner, Robert L. - The Making of Economic Society
34603: Heilbrun, Carolyn G. - Writing a Woman's Life
39671: Heilbrun, Carolyn G. - The Last Gift of Time : Life Beyond Sixty
26800: Heilbut, Anthony - Exiled in Paradise : German Refugee Artists and Intellectuals in America, from the 1930s to the Present
39096: Heim, Scott - We Disappear : A Novel
32418: Heim, Michael - Aswan! a Novel
012100: Heimel, Cynthia - Get Your Tongue out of My Mouth, I'm Kissing You Good-Bye
32419: Heimer, Mel - A Family Affair [by] Mel Heimer
31464: Heine, Jorge & Manigat, Leslie, eds. - The Caribbean and World Politics: Cross Currents and Cleavages
43765: Heine, Heinrich - Werke
17656: Heine, Heinrich - Memoiren. Heruasgegeben Von Herbert Eulenberg
23858: Heine, Heinrich - Poems of Heinrich Heine, Selected and Translated, with an Introduction by Louis Untermeyer
018173: Heinerman, John - Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs
21756: Heinerman, John - Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Anti-Aging Remedies
005672: Heinlein, Robert A. - Friday
004706: Heinlein, Robert A - Job: A Comedy of Justice
27981: Heintzelman, Arthur W. - The Watercolor Drawings of Thomas Rowlandson from the Albert H. Wiggin Collection in the Boston Public Library
32420: Heinz, W. C. (Wilfred Charles) - The Surgeon
017328: Heisel, Sharon E. - Wrapped in a Riddle
009655: Heisenfelt, Kathryn - John Payne and the Menace at Hawk's Nest
42483: Heisenfelt, Kathryn - Ann Sheridan and the Sign of the Sphinx
29596: Hekker, Terry - Ever Since Adam and Eve
30029: Helfman, Harry C. - Origami
009343: Heller, Joseph - Picture This
014613: Heller, Joseph - Something Happened
018311: Heller, Joseph - Catch-22, a Dramatization by Joseph Heller. Based on the Novel Catch-22
43281: Heller, Zoë - What Was She Thinking? : Notes on a Scandal
43276: Heller, Zoe - Everything You Know
43888: Hellman, Lillian - Scoundrel Time
43889: Hellman, Lillian - An Unfinished Woman : A Memoir
011664: Hellman, Lillian - Scoundrel Time
38979: Hellman, Afred M. - Charles John Kipp. Reprinted from Journal of Mount Sinai Hospital, V. 14, No. 3, Sept. -Oct. 1947
40653: Hellman, Lillian - Scoundrel Time
1306: Hellman, Lillian - Pentimento: A Book of Portraits
004359: Hellman, Lillian - Maybe
016890: Hellum, Amanda Watkins & Gotshall, Franklin H - You Can Whittle and Carve
29208: Hellwald, Friedrich von - Premiers Voyages Au Pays Des Glaces
29209: Hellwald, Friedrich von - Voyages Au Pole Nord Pays Des Glaces
013930: Helly, Mathilde & Courgeon, Remi - Montezuma and the Aztecs
24838: Helm, Thomas - The Sea Lark
012378: Helm, MacKinley - Angel Mo' and Her Son, Roland Hayes
33275: Helmbold, F. Wilbur - Tracing Your Ancestry : A Step-by-Step Guide to Researching Your Family History
44066: Helmreich, Paul C. - Wheaton College, 1834-1912 : The Seminary Years
25203: Helms, Randel - Gospel Fictions
25700: Heloise - All-New Hints from Heloise : A Household Guide for the '90s
23227: Helper, Hinton Rowan - The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet It
31375: Helprin, Mark - A City in Winter
33825: Helprin, Mark - Memoir from Antproof Case : A Novel
43282: Helprin, Mark - Winter's Tale
26737: Helprin, Mark - Ellis Island and Other Stories
584: Helps, Sir Arthur - Life and Labours of Mr. Brassey, 1805-1870
016768: Helvarg, David - Blue Frontier: Saving America's Living Seas
29756: Helvenston, Harold - Scenery, a Manual of Scene Design
25017: Helweg-Larsen, Kjeld - Columbus Never Came
39885: Hemans, Felicia - Poems of Felicia Heman. With a Critical and Biographical Introduction by W.M. Rossetti
45287: Hemans, Felicia - The Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers
014356: Hemingway, Ernest - By-Line: Ernest Heningway. Selected Articles and Dispatches of Four Decades. Edited by William White
36589: Hemingway, Lorian - Walking Into the River : A Novel
37358: Hemingway, Ernest - A Farewell to Arms... With an Introduction by Robert Penn Warren Modern Standard Authors
22788: Hemingway, Gregory H. - Papa, a Personal Memoir. With a Preface by Norman Mailer
32422: Hemingway, Lorian - Walking Into the River : A Novel
010497: Hemley, Robin - The Last Studebaker
006125: Hemminger, Jane M - The Recipes of Madison County
43080: Hemmings, F. W. J. (Frederick William John) - Alexandre Dumas, the King of Romance
015045: Hemon, Louis - Maria Chapdelaine: A Tale of the Lake St. John Country. Translated by W.H. Blake
32427: Hémon, Louis - Maria Chapdelaine; a Tale of the Lake St. John Country
43903: Hemphill, Stephanie - Your Own, Sylvia : A Verse Portrait of Sylvia Plath
29525: Hemphill, Herbert Waide - Folk Sculpture Usa : [Exhibition... The Brooklyn Museum, March 6-May 31,. .
014604: Hemyng, Bracebridge - Jack Harkaway's Adventures Afloat and Ashore. A Sequel to Jack Harkaway After Schooldays.
009788: Henderson, Louis T - Travel: Stories and Pictures, Transportation Through the Ages
31296: Henderson, Kenneth A. - The American Alpine Club's Handbook of American Mountaineering
31320: Henderson, Marc Antony, pseud. of Strong, George A. - The Song of Milkanwatha: Translated from the Original Feejee. By Marc Anthony Henderson
26044: Henderson, Richard - Singlehanded Sailing: The Experiences and Techniques of the Lone Voyagers
004044: Henderson, Peter - Practical Floriculture: A Guide to the Successful Cultivation of Florists' Plants for the Amateur and Professional Florist.
25402: Henderson, Daniel - Yankee Ships in China Seas: Adventures of Pioneer Americans in the Troubled Far East
27081: Henderson, Daniel, compiler - Reveille; War Poems by Members of Our Armed Forces, Slected by Daniel Henderson, John Kieran, Grantland Rice
45634: Henderson, Richard - Singlehanded Sailing : The Experiences and Techniques of the Lone Voyagers Written and Illustrated by Richard Henderson
36782: Henderson, Peter - Henderson’S Handbook of Plants
008616: Henderson, Bill, ed. - The Pushcart Prize, III: Best of the Small Presses
30013: Henderson, Florence - Florence Henderson's Short-Cut Cooking : America's Favorite Mom Helps You Get Dinner on the Table Fast
013641: Henderson, Richard - East to the Azores: A Guide to Offshore Passage-Making
29486: Henderson, Philip - Swinburne: Portrait of a Poet
45274: Henderson, Charles Richmond - The Social Spirit in America, by C.R. Henderson
016021: Henderson, Richard with Dunbar, Bartlett S. - Sail and Power: A Manual of Seamanship
39101: Henderson, Richard - Sea Sense
23983: Henderson, Philip, editor - Shorter Novels Jacobean and Restoration Everyman's library. Fiction. [no. 841]
1894: Henderson, James - The Frigates: An Account of the Lesser Warships of the Wars from 1793-1815
1940: Henderson, Richard - Sea Sense: Safety Afloat in Terms of Sail, Power and Multihull Design...
28044: Henderson, Richard - The Cruiser's Compendium: A Complete Guide to Coastal, Inland, and Gunkhole Cruising
010158: Henderson, Nevile - Failure of a Mission: Berlin, 1937-1939
23705: Henderson, Joe, editor - The Complete Marathoner
46114: Henderson, J. Y. - Circus Doctor; As Told to Richard Taplinger
666: Henderson, Richard - The Cruiser's Compendium: A Complete Guide to Coastal, Inland, and Gunkhole Cruising
695: Henderson, Richard - The Racing-Cruiser
35871: Hendrex, Daniel - A Soldier's Promise : The Heroic True Story of an American Soldier and an Iraqi Boy
009606: Hendrick, Burton J - The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, by Burton J. Hendricks
26977: Hendrick, B. J. - The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page
26900: Hendrick, Burton Jesse - Bulwark of the Republic; a Biography of the Constitution
39138: Hendrick, Burton J. - The Training of an American : The Early Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, 1855 - 1913
010645: Hendrick, Edward P - The Cruise of the Sally
17870: Hendrick, Burton J. - Statesmen of the Lost Cause: Jefferson Davis and His Cabinet
017329: Hendry, Diana - Double Vision
017330: Hendry, Diana - Kid Kibble
27201: Hendryx, James B. - Man of the North
29716: Hendy, Philip - Art Treasures in the British Isles; Monuments, Masterpieces, Commissions, and Collections
32424: Henege, Thomas - Skim : A Novel
014454: Henley, Mrs. Robert - The Young Madeline: The Autobiography of a Young French Girl
42020: Henn, T. R. (Thomas Rice) - The Harvest of Tragedy
33813: Hennequin, Alfred - The Art of Playwriting
41388: Hennessey, Maureen Hart & Knutson, Anne - Norman Rockwell : Pictures for the American People
26660: Hennessy, Dorothy, editor - CIVIL War: The Years Asunder
27101: Hennig, Margaret & Jardim, Anne - The Managerial Woman
006423: Henrichs, Marshall - The Pterodactyl & the Lamb
018096: Henrichsen, Margaret - Seven Steeples
29135: Henriet, Frédéric, 1826-1918. - Les Eaux-Fortes de Léon Lhermitte
015014: Henry, Marguerite - All About Horses
009236: Henry, Robert G. & Miller, Richards T. - Sailing Yacht Design: An Appreciation of a Fine Art
25578: Henry, Marguerite - Justin Maorgan Had a Horse
33147: Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery - The Work of the Merrymount Press and Its Founder, Daniel Berkeley Updike (1860-1941) an Exhibition Prepared by Gregg Anderson
32911: Henry Wood & Co. - Lithographed Bill of Lading Completed in Manauscript for Shipping 2 Iron Stock Anchors, 1 Patent Anchor and 1 Box of Chain to New York Aboard the Steam Ship City of Baltimore
013653: Henry, Marguerite, ed. - Stories from Around the World. Illustrated by Krystyna Stasiak
25342: Henry, DeWitt, editor - Ploughshares, V. 5, No. 4, 1979. Special Fiction Issue
016842: Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery - William Blake at the Huntington: An Introduction to the William Blake Collection in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art...
40687: Henry, Louis - Only Ask; or, Avenue and Alley
23957: Henry, Louis - The Boston Boy
36551: Hentoff, Nat - Blues for Charlie Darwin
34422: Henty, G. A. - In Freedom's Cause: A Story of Wallace and Bruce
013547: Henty, G. A. - In Freedom's Cause: A Story of Wallace and Bruce
013544: Henty, G. A. - The Young Buglers
002753: Henty, G. A. - By Pike and Dyke: A Tale of the Rise of the Dutch Republic
32991: Hepburn, Katherine - Me: Stories of My Life
016062: Hepburn, Andrew - Great Resorts of North America
004905: Hepburn, Katherine - Me: Stories of My Life
23879: Heppenheimer, T. A. - The Man-Made Sun : The Quest for Fusion Power
29010: Hepple, Bob - Race, Jobs and the Law in Britain
17605: Herald, Artemis - Chagall
40961: Heras, Theo, compiler - What Will We Do with the Baby-O? Rhymes and Songs Selected by Theo Heras. Illustrated by Jennifer Herbert.
25993: Herberholz, Barbara J. - Early Childhood Art [by] Barbara Herberholz Trends in art education
44142: Herbert, Rosemary - The Oxford Companion to Crime and Mystery Writing
39634: Herbert, A. P. and others - England Speaks, a Symposium
013441: Herbert, Ivor - The Queen Mother's Horses
22625: Herbert, A. P. (Alan Patrick) - She-Shanties, by A.P. Herbert; with Many Illustrations by A.K. Zinkeisen
38988: Herbert, A. P. (Alan Patrick) - Bardot M.P. And Other Modern Misleading Cases
21369: Herbert, Rosemary - The Fatal Art of Entertainment: Interviews with Mystery Writers
36239: Herbert, Frank - Man of Two Worlds
29011: Hercules, Frank - American Society and Black Revolution
42568: Hercules, Frank - I Want a Black Doll
46551: Heredia, José María de - The Trophies : Sonnets / by José-María de Heredia ; Translated by Frank Sewall
38312: Herford, C. H. (Charles Harold) - Shakespeare
44725: Herford, C. H. (Charles Harold) - Wordsworth
7929: Herford, Oliver - The Rubaiyat of a Persian Kitten
012941: Hergesheimer, Joseph - From an Old House
012979: Hergesheimer, Joseph - From an Old House
32457: Hergesheimer, Joseph - Quiet Cities
32458: Hergesheimer, Joseph - Wild Oranges
32455: Hergesheimer, Joseph - The Bright Shawl
32426: Hergesheimer, Joseph - Java Head
7882: Hergesheimer, Joseph - The Foolscap Rose
27396: Heriteau, Jacqueline. - Oriental Cooking the Fast Wok Way
38555: Herlihy, James Leo - Midnight Cowboy, a Novel
44983: Herlihy, David V. - Tuscans and Their Families: A Study of the Florentine Catasto of 1427 Yale Series in Economic and Financial History
32520: Herlin, Hans - Commemorations
32466: Herlin, Hans - Commemorations
33341: Herman, Lewis Helmar & Marguerite Shalett - Manual of American Dialects for Radio, Stage, Screen and Television
44984: Herman, Arthur - Gandhi & Churchill: The Epic Rivalry That Destroyed an Empire and Forged Our Age
011916: Hermanns, William - Einstein and the Poet in Search of the Cosmic Man
34196: Hermes, Patricia - The Brothers' War : Melody's Story [&] Marshall's Story My side of the story
017331: Hermes, Patricia - Nothing But Trouble, Trouble, Trouble
24947: Herndon, Booton - The Sweetest Music This Side of Heaven : The Guy Lombardo Story
22135: Herndon, Booton - The Great Land
41282: Herold, J. Christopher - Mistress to an Age; a Life of Madame de StaëL
43882: Herold, J. Christopher - Mistress to an Age; a Life of Madame de StaëL. With a New Introduction by Rebecca West.
33032: Herold, J. Christopher - Joan Maid of France
016211: Herold, J. Christopher - The Age of Napoleon
28032: Heron-Allen, Edward - Violin-Making, As It Was and Is: Being a Historical, Theoretical, and Practical Treatise on the Science and Art of Violin-Making, for the Use of Violin Makers and Players, Amateur and Professional.
27190: Herrick, Cheesman A. - White Servitude in Pennsylvania : Indentured and Redemption Labor in Colony and Commonwealth
006751: Herrick, Robert - The Master of the Inn
39024: Herrick, Robert - Some Poems of Robert Herrick. The Poet of the Month
24070: Herrick, Robert - Flower Poems. With a Note on Herrick by Algernon Charles Swinburne.
17779: Herridge, Charles - Pictorial History of World War II
44039: Herriot, Edouard - The Life and Times of Beethoven, by édouard Herriot; Translated by Adelheid I. Mitchell and William J. Mitchell
46709: Herriot, James - All Things Bright and Beautiful
37067: Herriot, James - James Herriot's Dog Stories
43816: Herriot, James - James Herriot's Favorite Dog Stories
003034: Herriot, Edouard - Madame Récamier
35631: Herriot, James - Vet in a Spin, Drawings by Larry
004869: Herriot, James - Every Living Thing
8168: Herriot, James - The Lord God Made Them All
010888: Herrmann, Dorothy - Anne Morrow Lindbergh: A Gift for Life
28558: Hers, Francois - A Tale. With the Collaboration of Jean-Francois Chevrier & Roman Cieslewicz
31335: Herschel, Margaret Brodie - Memoir and Correspondence of Caroline Herschel by Mrs. John Herschel.
41832: Herschel, John F. W. (John Frederick William), Sir - Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects
013911: Herscher, Ermine - Picasso, Bon Vivant
009563: Hersey, John - Antonietta
003976: Hersey, John - Too Far to Walk
33868: Hersey, John - The Call
17525: Hersey, Jean - Garden in Your Window; Illustrated by Gertrude Herrick Howe
003710: Hersey, John - The Marmot Drive
003711: Hersey, John - A Single Pebble
003712: Hersey, John - Under the Eye of the Storm
003714: Hersey, John - Here to Stay
44558: Hersey, John - A Bell for Adano
36546: Hersey, John - A Bell for Adano
40223: Hersey, Harold - Singing Rawhide : A Book of Western Ballads... With Illustrations by Jerry Delano
32519: Hersey, John - Too Far to Walk
006227: Hersey, John - Fling and Other Stories
005686: Hersey, John - The War Lover
005698: Hersey, John - Life Sketches
32499: Hersey, John - The Call
32500: Hersey, John - The Child Buyer; a Novel in the Form of Hearings Before the Standing Committee on Education, Welfare, & Public Morality of a Certain State Senate, Investigating the Conspiracy of Mr. Wissey Jones, with Others, to Purchase a Male Child
32501: Hersey, John - The Conspiracy; a Novel, by John Hersey
32502: Hersey, John - The War Lover
32513: Hersey, John - The Wall
32514: Hersey, John - The Wall
32516: Hersey, John - The Conspiracy; a Novel, by John Hersey
32463: Hersey, John - The Child Buyer; a Novel in the Form of Hearings Before the Standing Committee on Education...
28123: Hersey, John - The Child Buyer; a Novel in the Form of Hearings Before the Standing Committee on Education...
29621: Hersh, Seymour M. - The Target Is Destroyed: What Really Happened to Flight 007 and What America Knew About It
43529: Hershey Foods Corporation - Hershey's 1934 Cookbook. Rev. And Expanded with Chocolate Recipes Brought Up to Date for Use in Today's Kitchen. Photographer: Al Gommi. Editor: Josh Gaspero.
23941: Hershman, Marcie - Tales of the Master Race
21948: Hershon, Robert - A Blue Shovel
26356: Hertzberg, Arthur - The Jews in America : Four Centuries of an Uneasy Encounter : A History
25304: Hervey, James - Meditations and Contemplations
012809: Hesieh, Tehyi - Selected Pearls of Wisdom and Buddhism
34665: Hess, William - P-51 Bomber Escort Ballantine's Illustrated History of World War II, Weapons book, 26
009384: Hess, Joan - Tickled to Death: A Claire Malloy Mystery
23124: Hess, John L. - Vanishing France
23003: Hess, Joan - Mortal Remains in Maggody
004896: Hess, Joan - Busy Bodies: A Claire Malloy Mystery
010575: Hess, Alan - Hyperwest: American Residential Architecture on the Edge
38190: Hess, Emil C. & Donald E. - Parisian, Celebrating a Century of Service
22705: Hetlick, Arthur - Family Circle Quick and Easy Christmas Crafts
37765: Hettish, Authur, editor - Family Circle Outdoor Cooking
980: Heung-gil, Yun - The House of Twilight, Edited with an Introduction by Martin Holman
006876: Heward, Constance - The Twins & Tabiffa
013559: Hewes, Agnes Danforth - A Boy Crusade of the Lost Crusade
013780: Hewett, Edgar L. - Ancient Life in the American Southwest. With an Introduction on the General History of the American Race
008877: Hewitt, Jean - The New York Times Heritage Cook Book
42203: Hewitt, Jean - The New York Times Large Type Cook Book
018280: Hewitt, Barnard - Art and Craft of Play Production
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