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43131: Satterwhite, Joy & Al - Satterwhite on Color and Design
26031: Saul, A. M. Kinnersley - Motor Yachting: A Handbook for Yachtsmen
013676: Saul, John - The Right Hand of Evil
013675: Saul, John - The Presence
2476: Saunders, Frederic, supposed author - Salad for the Solitary
014773: Saunders, Charles Francis - Trees and Shrubs of California Gardens
29114: Saunders, Beatrice - Tchehov the Man
1328: Saunders, Frederic - Salad for the Social
35460: Saunders, Raymond M. - Fenwick Travers and the Forbidden Kingdom : An Entertainment
33323: Savage, Mildred - Parrish
008426: Savage, Alma - Holiday in Alaska
42553: Savage, Edward H. (Edward Hartwell) - A Chronological History of the Boston Watch and Police, from 1631 to 1865; Together with the Recollections of a Boston Police Officer...
35472: Savage, Mildred - Parrish
35461: Savage, Georgia - The House Tibet
35427: Savage, Elizabeth - Toward the End : A Novel
25708: Savaiano, Eugene - Spanish Idioms
46127: Savant, Marilyn Vos - More Marilyn : Some Like It Bright!
013211: Savarin, Julian Jay - Naja
30235: Savelle, Max & Middlekauff, Robert. - A History of Colonial America.
25522: Savin, Una - The Little Gentlemen in Green
2050: Savoy, Gene - On the Trail of the Feathered Serpent
35471: Sawdon, B. M. - Son of Normandy
35470: Sawdon, B. M. & Wansbrough, P. - Another Love, Another Spring
46751: Sawyer-Fay, Rebecca - Living with Folk Art / Text by Rebecca Sawyer-Fay ; Foreword by Rachel Newman ; Introduction by Elizabeth V. Warren ; Design by Julio Vega.
30241: Sawyer, Edmund Ogden, compiler. - Our Sea Saga : The Wood Wind Ships.
17451: Sawyer, Edith A - The Way of Um . With Introduction by William Elliot Griffis
17452: Sawyer, Edith A - The Way of Um . With Introduction by William Elliot Griffis
009893: Sawyer, Corinne Holt - The Peanut Butter Murders
39820: Saxe, John G. - The Poetical Works
24172: Saxe, John G. - The Money-King and Other Poems
17952: Saxon, Lyle, compiler - Gumbo Ya-Ya: A Collection of Louisiana Folk Tales
33526: Saxton, Martha - Louisa May : A Modern Biography of Louisa May Alcott
015505: Say, Peggy & Knobler, Peter - Forgotten: A Sister's Struggle to Save Terry Anderson, America's Longest-Held Hostage
36811: Sayce, A. H. (Archibald Henry) - The Egypt of the Hebrews and Herodotos
42339: Sayre, Theodore Burt - The Son of Carleycroft; a Dramatic Romance Being the Memoirs Written by Lorrimer Weatherby...
009696: Scaduto, Tony - Mick Jagger, Everybody's Lucifer
44453: Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann - The Lady in the Loch
30547: Scarf, Maggie. - Intimate Partners: Patterns in Love and Marriage.
015867: Scarne, John - Scarne's New Complete Guide to Gambling
016309: Schackburg, Richard - Yankee Doodle
24133: Schaef, Anne Wilson - Beyond Therapy, Beyond Science : A New Model for Healing the Whole Person
44264: Schafer, Roy - The Clinical Application of Psychological Tests; Diagnostic Summaries and Case Studies. Foreword by David Rapaport Menninger Foundation monograph series, no. 6
26134: Schafer, Elizabeth - Ms-Directing Shakespeare : Women Direct Shakespeare
23504: Schafer, Todd & Faux, Jeff, editors - Reclaiming Prosperity : A Blueprint for Progressive Economic Reform
014733: Schafer, Kermit - Best of Bloopers
38221: Schafer, Charles & Violet - Wokcraft, by Charles & Violet Schafer. Illustrated by Win Ng
34185: Schaffert, Timothy - The Singing and Dancing Daughters of God
005907: Schama, Simon - Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution
010141: Schanke, Robert A. - Shattered Applause: The Lives of Eva le Gallienne. Foreword by May Sarton.
007164: Schapiro, Meyer - Vincent Van Gogh
27920: Scharff, Robert - Esquire's Book of Boating
008777: Schauffler, Robert Haven - Scum O' the Earth, and Other Poems
26778: Schauffler, Robert Haven, editor - Christmas : Its Origin, Celebration and Significance As Related in Prose and Verse Our American Holiday series
40188: Schauffler, Robert Haven - Franz Schubert : The Ariel of Music
40797: Schechter, Harold - The Bosom Serpent : Folklore and Popular Art
45406: Scheer, Robert - With Enough Shovels : Reagan, Bush, and Nuclear War
34534: Scheffer, Victor B. - The Year of the Whale
43562: Scheimann, Eugene - Sex Can Save Your Heart and Life
010576: Schellinger, Paul E., ed. - St. James Guide to Biography
35411: Schenck, Earl - Lean with the Wind : A Novel of the South Seas
26026: Schenley Products Co. - Schenley Yachting and Trophy Championship Book
31211: Scherman, David E., editor - The Best of Life
008543: Scherman, Katharine - Spring on an Arctic Island
23047: Scherman, David E. & Redlich, Rosemarie - Literary American : A Chronicle of American Writers from 1607-1952...
016459: Scherman, Katherine - Two Islands: Grand Manan and Sanibel
17906: Scherman, David E. - Life Goes to the Movies
26096: Scherman, David E. & Wilcox, Richard - Literary England : Photographs of Places Made Memorable in English Literature
43940: Schick, Walter & Meyer, Ingolf - Luftwaffe Secret Projects, Fighters 1939-1945, [by] Walter Schick and Ingolf Meyer ; [Translation by Elke and John Weal]
24529: Schickel, Richard - The Stars
43474: Schieffer, Bob - This Just in : What I Couldn't Tell You on Tv
41317: Schiff, Zeev - Intifada : The Palestinian Uprising--Israel's Third Front
013466: Schiff, Pearl - Scollay Square
24110: Schiffer, Herbert F. - Shaker Architecture
26694: Schildhauer, Johannes - Die Hanse Geschichte Und Kultur
21529: Schildkraut, Joseph - My Father and I [by] Joseph Schildkraut, As Told to Leo Lania [Pseud. ]
34337: Schildt, Göran - In the Wake of Ulysses
40897: Schiller, F. (Friedrich) - Fridolin, or the Road to the Iron-Foundery... With a Translation by J.P. Collier... Illustrated with Eight Engravings in Outline by Henry Moses
23871: Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich von - William Tell
43066: Schilling, Eugene Washburn - Illumination Engineering
43611: Schimmel, Solomon - The Tenacity of Unreasonable Beliefs : Fundamentalism and the Fear of Truth
004719: Schine, Cathleen - To the Birdhouse
27072: Schinneller, James A. - Art; Search and Self-Discovery
45531: Schlager, Neil - St. James Press Gay & Lesbian Almanac
011488: Schlee, Susan - On Almost Any Wind: The Saga of the Oceanographic Research Vessel Atlantis
38174: Schleicher, Robert - Building Plastic Railroad Models
41997: Schlesinger, Sarah - The Low-Cholesterol Olive Oil Cookbook : More Than 200 Recipes, the Most Delicious Way to Eat Healthy Food
30193: Schlesinger, Arthur M. - The Birth of the Nation: A Portrait of the American People on the Eve of Independence. With an Introduction by Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr.
013555: Schlesinger, Arthur M - Robert Kennedy and His Times
44575: Schlesinger, Arthur M - Robert Kennedy and His Times, Volume One
006517: Schlimm-Mazel, Benjamin - Mordecai Maccobber: The Story of a Scotch Jew in Australia...
41069: Schlink, Bernhard - The Reader Vintage International
42515: Schlossstein, Steven - The End of the American Century
003923: Schlumberger, Jean - Saint Saturnin
28622: Schmaeling, Tony - German Traditional Cooking
36246: Schmelzer, Robert Henry - Crosswind; a Novel [by] Robert Henry [Pseud. ]
25926: Schmidt, Heidi Jon - Darling?
41133: Schmidt, Minna Moscherosch - 400 Outstanding Women of the World and Costumology of Their Time, Compiled by Minna Moscherosch Schmidt
006870: Schmidt, Karl Patterson - Homes and Habits of Wild Animals: North American Mammals
40361: Schmidt, Dana Adams - Armageddon in the Middle East The New York times survey series
7874: Schmidt, Karl Patterson - Our Friendly Animals and Whence They Came
016458: Schmit, Bill - Sailmaking
39186: Schmitt, Gladys - David the King
26478: Schmitt, Lou A. - All Hands Aloft! an Account of the Voyage of the Square-Rigger Arapahoe to Manila in 1918
010085: Schmitt, Frederick P., et al. - Thomas Welcome Roys; America's Pioneer of Modern Whaling
46046: Schmitt, Catherine - A Coastal Companion : A Year in the Gulf of Maine, from Cape Cod to Canada / Catherine Schmitt ; Illustrated by Kimberleigh Martul-March and Margaret Campbell.
46317: Schmitt, Frederick P. & Schmid, Donald E. - H.M. S. Culloden, by Frederick P. Schmitt and Donald E. Schmid Marine Historical Association. [Publication] no. 38
39163: Schmuller, Aaron - Going Steady Poems and Translations
35644: Schnabel, Ernst - The Voyage Home
39399: Schneck, B. S. (Benjamin Shroder) - The Burning of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. By Rev. B. Schneck, D.D. , an Eye-Witness and a Sufferer. With Corroborative Statements, from the Rev. J. Clark, Hon. A.K. Mcclure, J. Hoke, Esq. , Rev. B. Bausman, Rev. S.J. Niccolls and J.K. Shryock, Esq. In Letters to a Friend.
25978: Schneider, Herman & Nina - More Power to You: A Short History of Power from the Windmill to the Atom
27263: Schneider, Sally - The Art of Low-Calorie Cooking
29946: Schneider, Bruno F. - Renoir
013469: Schneider, Elizabeth - Uncommon Fruits & Vegetables: A Commonsense Guide
29113: Schneider , Pierre - The World of Watteau, 1684-1721 Time-Life Library of Art
015600: Schneider, Stephen H. & Morton, Lynne - The Promordial Bond: Exploring Connections between Man and Nature Through the Humanities and Sciences
35656: Schneider, Joyce Anne - Darkness Falls
46128: Schneider, Iris - Images of Our Times : Sixty Years of Photography from the Los Angeles Times
17597: Schneiders, Timm - Edgar Degas
35975: Schnitzler, Arthur - Bertha Garlan Modern Library 39
33128: Schnitzler, Arthur - Bertha Garlan Modern Library
45279: Schnitzler, Arthur - Der Mörder : Eine Novelle Von Arthur Schnitzler ; Mit 8 Holzschnitten Von Ernst Huber.
010382: Schnitzler, Arthur - Hands Around [Reigen]: A Cycle of Ten Dialogues. Completely Rendered Into English. Authorized Translation.
22304: Schoenbaum, Thomas J. - Waging Peace and War : Dean Rusk in the Truman, Kennedy, and Johnson Years
21485: Schoenbrun, David - The New Israelis, by David Schoenbrun, with Robert & Lucy Szekely A Report on the First Generation Born in Israel
010551: Schoenbrun, David - The New Israelis
7779: Schoener, Allon, ed. - Portal to America: The Lower East Side, 1870-1925
009698: Schofield, Carey - Jagger
016588: Schofield, Mary Lyon Cheney [Mrs. William H.], introduction - The Cheney Award: A Record of Its First Ten Years, 1928-1938
46372: Schofield, William G. (William Greenough) - Freedom by the Bay: The Boston Freedom Trail, by William G. Schofield. Illustrated with Photos.
40200: Scholes, Percy Alfred - The Oxford Companion to Music; Self-Indexed and with a Pronouncing Glossary, by Percy A. Scholes . . ,
013871: Scholl, Peter A. - Garrison Keillor
37849: Schomp, Virgina, editor - Kenmore Microwave Cookery
26537: Schonknecht, Rolf, et al. - Ships and Shipping of Tomorrow
35650: Schoonover, Lawrence - The Burnished Blade
30133: Schoor, Gene. - General Douglas Macarthur: A Pictorial History.
012726: Schoor, Gene, with Gilfond, Henry - The Story of Ty Cobb, Baseball's Greatest Player
012265: Schoor, Gene with Gilfond, Henry - The Jim Thorpe Story: America's Greatest Athlete
27568: Schorer, Mark - Sinclair Lewis: An American Life
39798: Schorer, Mark - Sinclair Lewis: An American Life
31446: Schoultz, Lars - National Security and United States Policy Toward Latin America
38749: Schrade, Hubert - German Romantic Painting
44254: Schrag, Peter - Village School Downtown; Politics and Education; a Boston Report
35985: Schreiner, Olive - The Story of an African Farm Modern Library 132
009944: Schreiner, Samuel A. Jr. - The Van Alens, First Family of a Nation's First City
30659: Schrier, Arnold. - Ireland and the American Emigration, 1850 - 1900.
46047: Schrock, Jan West - Give a Goat / Jan West Schrock ; Illustrated by Aileen Darragh
41135: Schubert, Kurt & Vogel, Rolf - Israel : State of Hope... Pictorial Part Compiled by Rolf Vogel
23251: Schubert, Franz Peter - Symphony No. 8 in B Minor, D. 759, "Unfinished", and, Symphony No. 9 in C Major, D. 944, "the Great": Dover miniature scores
26686: Schubert, Franz Peter - Ausgenahlte Lieder Für Eine Singstimme Mit Klavierbegleitung
26672: Schubert, Franz Peter - Choix 30 Mélodies de Franz Schubert Pour Voix Graves Avec Teste Allemand Et Traduction Française Rhythmée
40147: Schubert, Franz - Fox Strangways, A.H. (Arthur Henry) & Wilson, Steuart
24536: Schubnel, Henri Jean, translator - Gems and Jewels : Uncut Stones and Objets D'Art
012517: Schuchhardt, C - Schliemann's Excavations: An Archaeolgical and Historical Study... With an Appendix on Recent Discoveries at Hissarlik...
36003: Schulberg, Budd - Waterfront
36999: Schulberg, Budd, editor - From the Ashes : Voices from Watts
28528: Schulberg, Budd - Swan Watch
36346: Schuler, Elizabeth - German Cookery
22743: Schulke, Zelda Wyatt - A Treasury of Christmas Decorations
018062: Schull, Joseph - The Far Distant Ships: An Official Account of Canadian Naval Operations in the Second World War
17788: Schuller, Robert Harold - Robert H. Schuller Tells You How to Be an Extraordinary Person in an Ordinary World
17789: Schuller, Robert Harold & Dunn, Paul David - The Power of Being Debt Free: How Eliminating the National Debt Could Radically Improve Your Standard of Living
46149: Schullian, Dorothy M. (Dorothy May) - Here the Frailest Leaves [a Talk About Fragments Found in Old Bindings]
22247: Schulman, Audrey - A House Named Brazil
35463: Schulman, Audrey - The Cage
26550: Schult, Joachim - Curious Yachting Inventions. Translated by Inge Moore with an Introduction by Dougal Robertson.
25689: Schult, Joachim - Curious Yachting Inventions. Translated by Inge Moore with an Introduction by Dougal Robertson.
26202: Schulthess, Emil - Soviet Union. Commentary by Harrison Salisbury
36854: Schultz, William - Shiatsu, Japanese Finger Pressure Therapy : Do It Yourself Acupressure
22248: Schultz, Nancy Lusignan - Fire & Roses : The Burning of the Charlestown Convent, 1834
010518: Schultz, Duane - Quantrill's War, the Life and Times of William Clarke Quantrill, 1837-1865
40335: Schultz, Duane - The Last Battle Station : The Story of Uss Houston
015087: Schulz, Charles M - Christmas Is Together-Time
015088: Schulz, Charles M - I Need All the Friends I Can Get
25116: Schulz, Phillip Stephen - As American As Apple Pie
25938: Schulz, Charles - The Joy of a Peanuts Christmas: 50 Years of Holiday Comics
46753: Schulz, Charles M - Peanuts Revisited: Favories Old and New
013461: Schulz, Charles M - Security Is a Thumb and a Blanket
013464: Schulz, Charles M - Good Ol' Charlie Brown: A New Peanuts Book
22249: Schulze, Sharon - Lady of the Keep
22250: Schulze, Sharon - The Hidden Heart
25078: Schumer, Fran - Most Likely to Succeed : Six Women from Harvard and What Became of Them
43543: Schur, Max - Freud: Living and Dying Intl Universities Pr Inc
17744: Schutz, Benjamin M - A Fistful of Empty
43933: Schwab, Charles - Charles Schwab's Guide to Financial Independence : Simple Solutions for Busy People
30036: Schwab, Gerald - The Day the Holocaust Began: The Odyssey of Herschel Grynszpan
37816: Schwab, Arnold T. - James Gibbons Huneker, Critic of the Seven Arts
34487: Schwager, Jack D. - The New Market Wizards : Conversations with America's Top Traders
45826: Schwartz, Alvin - The People's Choice; the Story of Candidates, Campaigns, and Elections. Illustrated with Photos
33914: Schwartz, Frederic - Alan Buchsbaum, Architect & Designer : The Mechanics of Taste
008640: Schwartz, Lynne Sharon - Leaving Brooklyn
26887: Schwartz, Jeffrey H. - The Red Ape : Orang-Utans and Human Origins
40744: Schwartz, Frederic - Alan Buchsbaum, Architect & Designer : The Mechanics of Taste
40726: Schwartz, Marvin D. - A History of American Art Porcelain, by Marvin D. Schwartz and Richard Wolfe
24163: Schwartz, Peter - The Art of the Long View
39093: Schwartz, John Burnham - The Commoner : A Novel
28042: Schwartz, Lynne Sharon - Ruined by Reading: A Life in Books
35732: Schwartz, Sheila - The Solid Gold Circle
35465: Schwartz, Sheila - The Solid Gold Circle
7519: Schwartz, Delmore - The Ego Is Always at the Wheel
7815: Schwartz-Nobel, Loretta - Engaged to Murder: The Inside Story of the Main Line Murders
017078: Schwarz-Bart, Andrˆ - A Woman Named Solitude
34656: Schwarzkopf, H. Norman - It Doesn't Take a Hero : General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, the Autobiography
45429: Schwarzkopf, H. Norman - It Doesn't Take a Hero : General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, the Autobiography
010065: Schweitzer, Albert - Out of My Life and Thought: An Autobiography
40151: Schweitzer, Albert - Out of My Life and Thought: An Autobiography
42804: Sciacchetano, Larry - Sports Illustrated Wrestling The Sports illustrated library
24164: Scieszka, Jon - Your Mother Was a Neanderthal The Time warp trio
24323: Scobey, Joan & McGrath, Lee Parr - Do-It-All-Yourself Needlepoint, by Joan Scobey and Lee Parr Mcgrath. Original Designs by Marjorie Sablow. Photos. By Eugene Sablow
17639: Scobie, Geoffrey E. W. - Psychology of Religion
41093: Scoffen, John - Stray Leaves of Science and Folk-Lore
35466: Scofield, Sandra Jean - Opal on Dry Ground : A Novel
41318: Scott, Willard - America Is My Neighborhood
31244: Scott, Charles W. - Pieces of the Game: The Human Drama of Americans Held Hostage in Iran
009393: Scott, Jack S. - A Little Darling, Dead
25819: Scott, J. M. - In a Beautiful Pea Green Boat
27183: Scott, Walter - Sir Walter's Post-Bag; More Stories and Sidelights from His Unpublished Letter-Books, Written & Selected by Wilfred Partington ; Foreword by Hugh Walpole ; with a Record of Scott's Correspondents.
45681: Scott, Alastair - Tracks Across Alaska : A Dog Sled Journey
43732: Scott, Walter - Tales of a Grandfather : Being Stories Taken from the History of France
43731: Scott, Walter - Tales of a Grandfather, Being Stories Taken from Scottish History... Second Series
36737: Scott, J. M. (James Maurice) - In a Beautiful Pea Green Boat, by J.M. Scott
39443: Scott, Melissa - Burning Bright
24444: Scott, Sir Walter - Quentin Durward
25301: Scott, Job - The Works of That Eminent Minister of the Gospel Job Scott, Late of Providence, Rhode Island
22905: Scott, Helen - A Gold Mine in Your Kitchen: Home Baking for Pleasure and Profit
22914: Scott, Kathryn Leigh - The Bunny Years
003511: Scott, Sir Walter - Ivanhoe... With a Preface by the Hon. Mrs. Maxwell Scott of Abbotsford
45281: Scott, Walter - The Lady of the Lake : A Poem in Six Cantoes
006706: Scott, John Anthony - Trumpet of a Prophecy; Revolutionary America, 1763-1783
006511: Scott, Sir Walter - Quentin Durward
015982: Scott, Walter - Waverley Novels. Andrew Lang Edition in 26 Vols.
010450: Scott, Clement - Ellen Terry
010392: Scott, Walter - The Two Drovers: A Short Story
23900: Scott, Walter - Waverly ; or, 'Tis Sixty Years Since
26305: Scott, Peter - The Eye of the Wind
38338: Scott, Walter - Ivanhoe Classics Illustrated, no. 2
36321: Scott Stamp and Coin Co., New York - Scott's Standard Postage Stamp Catalogue... Sixty-Eighth Edition, 1909
38193: Scott, Winfield W - The United States Air Force Academy : A Commitment to Excellence
35659: Scott, Sir Walter - The Heart of Mid-Lothian
35655: Scott, Justin - The Widow of Desire
35657: Scott, Walter - Ivanhoe
35658: Scott, Sir Walter - Old Mortality Waverly novels, vol. 10
35467: Scott, Natalie Anderson - The Story of Mrs. Murphy
002567: Scott, Morgan - Oakdale Boys in Camp a Story for Girls
37998: Scotto, E. (Elisabeth) - The Heritage of French Cooking
013528: Scottoline, Lisa - Rough Justice
37036: Scoville, Samuel - Wild Folk... With Illustrations by Charles Livingston Bull and Carton Moorepark
31599: Scribner, Ginger - Quick and Easy Microwave Oven Cooking
45300: Scudder, John - Provision for Passing over Jordan... By Rev. John Scudder
003059: Scudder, Townsend - Concord: American Town
37986: Scudder, Horace Elisha, supposed author - Mr. Bodley Abroad
45070: Scudder, Horace Elisha - Seven Little People
017267: Scully, Vincent - New World Visions of Household Gods & Sacred Places: American Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art 1650-1914
42448: Scully, Vincent - American Architecture and Urbanism
012923: Sea Breezes. - Sea Breezes: The Ship Lovers' Digest. Voume 16, July - Dec. 1953
012794: Seabrook, Katie - Gao of the Ivory Coast
23334: Seagrave, Sterling - The Soong Dynasty
40953: Seals, Jim & Crofts, Dash - Seals & Crofts I'LL Play for You
46455: Seaman, George A - Sticks from the Hawk's Nest : Being the Observations and Recollections of an Islander, Particularly in the Field of Natural History / by George A. Seaman ; Illustrated by Barbara Mcgregor.
014782: Searight, Sarah - Steaming East: The Forging of Steamship and Rail Links between Europe and Asia
010611: Searles, Baird - Epic! History on the Big Screen
24424: Searls, Hank - Overboard
22964: Sears, Barry - The Zone : A Dietary Road Map
26656: Sears, Stephen W., editor - The CIVIL War: A Treasury of Art and Literature
002949: Sears, Edmund H - Pictures of the Olden Time, As Shown in the Fortunes of a Family of the Pilgrims
29102: Sears, Stephen W., editor - Eyewitness to World War II : The Best of American Heritage
35638: Sears, Ruth McCarthy - The Golden Sentinels
39014: Seastrom, O. L. - List of Passengers Sailing Frm Havana to New York, Wednesday, August 20th, 1941. Aboard S.S. Shawnee, Captain O.L. Seastrom
45269: Seattle, Chief - Brother Eagle, Sister Sky : A Message from Chief Seattle. Paintings by Susan Jeffers
45374: Seattle, Chief - Brother Eagle, Sister Sky : A Message from Chief Seattle / Paintings by Susan Jeffers
016008: Seaver, Robert - The Diverting History of John Gilpin. Shewing How He Went Further Than He Intended, and Came Safe Home Again
43822: Sebranek, Patrick - Write Source 2000 : A Guide to Writing, Thinking, & Learning
35654: Second, Henry - Captivating Mary Carstairs
31684: Secor, Robert - Pennsylvania 1776
43686: Secrist, Margaret - Before Flight; a Book of Poems.
43241: Sedaris, David - Dress Your Family in Corduroy and Denim
44378: Sedaris, David - Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk : A Modest Bestiary by David Sedaris ; Illustrations by Ian Falconer
34690: Sedeen, Margaret, editor - Mountain Worlds
35648: Sedges, John - The Long Love
35647: Sedges, John - The Townsman
40092: Sedgwick, Jane Minot - Sicilian Idyls and Other Verses. Translated from the Greek
009739: Sedgwick, Henry Dwight - Pro Vita Monastica: An Essay in Defence of the Contemplative Virtues
26054: Sedgwick, Anne Douglas - A Childhood in Brittany Eighty Years Ago
013334: Sedgwick, Michael - Cars of the Fifties and Sixties
43242: Sedgwick, John - In My Blood : Six Generations of Madness and Desire in an American Family
43008: Sedgwick, Henry Dwight - Ignatius Loyola : An Attempt at an Impartial Biography
35652: Sedgwick, Anne Douglas - The Old Countess
007496: See, Carolyn - Dreaming: Hard Luck and Good Times in America
25161: Sée, R. R. M. - English Pastels, 1750 - 1830
42611: Seeadler, S.M.S. (ship) - Handmade Card: Grüsse Aus Kapstadt Von Bord S.M. S. Seeadler
42610: Seeadler, S.M.S. (ship) - Handmade Card: Herzlichen Gruss Von Bord S.M. S. Seeadler
014298: Seeber, Liz & Gerd - Simple Food
39507: Seeley, Clinton - Storm Fear
42921: Seeley, Mabel - Eleven Came Back
40753: Seemann, Margarete - The Hummel-Book, by Berta Hummel; Poems and Pref. By Margarete Seemann. Translation by Lola Ch. Eytel
35751: Segal, Erich - The Class
35749: Segal, Erich - Acts of Faith
35750: Segal, Erich - Fairy Tale [by] Erich Segal. Drawings by Dino Kotopoulis
35733: Segal, Erich - Man, Woman, and Child
35734: Segal, Erich - Oliver's Story
010545: Seghers, Anna - The Seventh Cross
35729: Seghers, Anna - The Seventh Cross
014026: Segur, Sophie, Comtesse de - Pauvre Blaise
013529: Seidler, Tor - Mean Margaret
35724: Seifert, Elizabeth - Girl Intern
35722: Seifert, Elizabeth - The Bright Coin
25079: Seinfeld, Jerry - Seinlanguage
43709: Seitz, William C. - Claude Monet
25876: Selby, Samuel M., ed. - Standard Mathematical Tables
35735: Selby, John - A Few Short Blocks between
36340: Selden, Samuel & Sellman, Hunton D. - Stage Scenery and Lighting : A Handbook for Non-Professionals
22305: Seldin, Maury & Swesnik, Richard H. - Real Estate Investment Strategy
27626: Self, Margaret Cabell - The Complete Book of Horses & Ponies
44071: Seligman, Paul - Debuts & Farewells; a Two-Decade Photographic Chronicle of the Metropolitan Opera
010072: Seligman, Adrian - The Voyage of the Cap Pilar
26632: Sell, Franscis E. - The American Deer Hunter
45435: Sellar, Walter Carruthers - 1066 and All That; a Memorable History of England, Comprising All the Parts You Can Remember, Including 103 Good Things, 5 Bad Kings and 2 Genuine Dates, by Walter Carruthers Sellar... And Robert Julian Yeatman... Illustrated by John Reynolds, Gent.
013140: Sellstedt, Lars Gustaf - From Forecastle to Academy: Sailor and Artist
012952: Sellstedt, Lars Gustaf - From Forecastle to Academy: Sailor and Artist
44607: Selous, Frederick Courteney - African Nature Notes and Reminiscences by Frederick Courteney Selous ; with a "Foreword" by President Roosevelt ; and Illustrations by E. Caldwell African Collection series
35737: Seltzer, Richard - The Name of Hero : A Novel
35723: Seltzer, Charles Alden - A Son of Arizona
44987: Selvin, Joel - Altamont: The Rolling Stones, the Hells Angels, and the Inside Story of Rock's Darkest Day
40941: Selz, Jean - Odilon Redon
24324: Selzer, Richard - Taking the World in for Repairs
011235: Selzer, Richard - Mortal Lessons; Notes on the Art of Surgery
010784: Selzer, Richard - Raising the Dead
44471: Selznick, Brian - The Houdini Box, Written and Illustrated by Brian Selznick.
011522: Semon, Kurt M., ed. - A Treasury of Old Silver
34268: Sendak, Maurice - Where the Wild Things Are
34294: Sendak, Maurice - In the Night Kitchen
011706: Sendak, Philip - In Grandpa's House
007045: Sendak, Maurice - We Are All in the Dumps with Jack and Guy
35639: Sender, Ramón José - Before Noon; a Novel in Three Parts
35640: Senesi, Mauro - His Beard Grew on Only One Cheek
17808: Sennett, Ted - Warner Brothers Presents: The Most Exciting Years - from the Jazz Singer to White Heat
35645: Seppänen, Unto - Sun and Storm
009673: Seranne, Ann & Gaden, Eileen - The Blender Cookbook, by Ann Seranne [Pseud. ] and Eileen Gaden. Photographic Illus. By the Authors.
011905: Seranne, Ann - Ann Seranne's Good Food without Meat
007127: Sereny, Gitta - Albert Speer: His Battle with Truth
016361: Serling, Rod - From the Twilight Zone
013840: Seroff, Victor - Franz Liszt
004030: Serullaz, Maurice - French Impressionists: A Selection of Drawings of the French 19th Century, Selected and Edited by Ira Moskowitz
35641: Servadio, Gaia - Melinda
24040: Service, William - Owl
36679: Sessums, Kevin - Mississippi Sissy
35642: Setlowe, Richard - The Experiment : A Novel
43429: Seton, Ernest Thompson - Woodland Tales
012590: Seton, Ernest Thompson - The Trail of the Sandhill Stag and 60 Drawings
003327: Seton, Ernest Thompson - Lives of the Hunted, Containing a True Account of the Doings of Five Quadrupeds & Three Birds...
22251: Seton, Nora Janssen - The Kitchen Congregation
004686: Seton, Julia M - By a Thousand Fires: Nature Notes and Extracts from the Life and Unpublished Journals of Ernest Thompson Seton
002898: Seton, Ernest Thompson - Two Little Savages: Being the Adventures of Two Boys Who Lived As Indians and What They Learned. With over 200 Drawings
35643: Seton, Cynthia Propper - The Half-Sisters
35651: Seton, Graham - The Sign of Arnim
35752: Settle, Mary Lee - The Scapegoat Beulah Quintet Series
35453: Seuss, Dr. - Horton Hatches the Egg
35231: Severin, Timothy - In Search of Robinson Crusoe
013800: Severin, Tim - The Brendan Voyage
21860: Severin, Tim - In Search of Moby Dick; Quest for the White Whale
010829: Severin, Tim - The Brendan Voyage
35536: Severin, Timothy - In Search of Genghis Khan
23435: Severy, Merle, editor - America's Wonderlands : The Scenic National Parks and Monuments of the United States
015247: Sewall, John S - The Logbook of the Captain's Clerk: Adventures in the China Seas. Edited by Arthur Power Dudden Lakeside Classics 93
006813: Seward, Desmond - Henry V: The Scourge of God
27275: Sewell, Elizabeth - Barbecue Cookbook
014421: Sexton, Richard - The Cottage Book
1439: Sexton, Anne - Words for Dr. Y. Uncollected Poems with Three Stories
012910: Seybold, David, ed. - Boats: An Anthology
016757: Seymour, William Kean & Smith, John, compilers - Happy Christmas
43226: Seymour, Charles - The Diplomatic Background of the War, 1870-1914
2059: Seymour, Charles - Arthur Twining Hadley, April 23, 1856 - March 6, 1930
41982: Shaara, Michael - The Killer Angels : A Novel
42620: Shaara, Michael - The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara ; Maps by Don Pitcher
42116: Shaara, Jeff - The Last Full Measure
45886: Shabecoff, Philip - A Fierce Green Fire : The American Environmental Movement
43005: Shadegg, Stephen - Clare Boothe Luce : A Biography
30295: Shaffer, Douglas Howerth. - Clocks The Smithsonian illustrated library of antiques
008661: Shagan, Steve - Pillars of Fire
35754: Shagan, Steve - Vendetta
35753: Shagan, Steve - The Circle
40073: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Trilus and Cressida Edited by Jackson J. Campbell The Yale Shakespeare
40072: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Richard the Second Edited by Robert T. Petersson The Yale Shakespeare
40074: Shakespeare, William - The Tempest Edited by David Horne The Yale Shakespeare
40071: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Cymbeline Edited by Samuel B. Hemingway The Yale Shakespeare
40070: Shakespeare, William - The Life and Death of King John Edited by Stanley T. Williams The Yale Shakespeare
40069: Shakespeare, William - Measure for Measure Edited by Davis Harding The Yale Shakespeare
40068: Shakespeare, William - Two Gentlemen of Verona Edited by Karl Young The Yale Shakespeare
40066: Shakespeare, William - Love's Labour's Lost Edited by Wilbur L. Cross and Tucker Brooke The Yale Shakespeare
40065: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Richard the Third with the Landibg of Earl Richmond and the Battle at Bosworth Field Edited by Jack R. Crawford The Yale Shakespeare
40064: Shakespeare, William - All's Well That Ends Well Edited by Arthur E. Case The Yale Shakespeare
40060: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet Edited by Richard Hosley The Yale Shakespeare
40058: Shakespeare, William - The Comedy of Errors Edited by Robert Dudley French The Yale Shakespeare
40056: Shakespeare, William - Venus and Adonis, Lucrece and the Minor Poems Edited by Albert Feuillerat The Yale Shakespeare
40057: Shakespeare, William - The Winter's Tale Edited by Frederick E. Pierce The Yale Shakespeare
40054: Shakespeare, William - The Merchant of Venice, Edited by William Lyon Phelps The Yale Shakespeare
40052: Shakespeare, William - The Merry Wives of Windsor, Edited by George Van Santvoord The Yale Shakespeare
40053: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Titus Andronicus, Edited by A.M. Witherspoon The Yale Shakespeare
40061: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra Edited by Peter G. Phialas The Yale Shakespeare
40049: Shakespeare, William - The Second Part of King Henry the Fourth, Edited by Samuel B. Hemingway The Yale Shakespeare
40051: Shakespeare, William - The Life of Timon of Athens, Edited by Stanley T. Williams The Yale Shakespeare
40048: Shakespeare, William - The First Part of King Henry the Fourth, Edited by Tucker Brook and Samuel B. Hemingway The Yale Shakespeare
40046: Shakespeare, William - The Third Part of King Henry the Sixth, Edited by Tucker Brook The Yale Shakespeare
40047: Shakespeare, William - Much Ado About Nothing, Edited by Tucker Brook The Yale Shakespeare
40055: Shakespeare, William - Pericles, Prince of Tyre Edited by Alfred R. Bellinger The Yale Shakespeare
40041: Shakespeare, William - A Midsummer Night's Dream, Edited by Willam Higley Durham The Yale Shakespeare
40042: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Coriolanus, Edited by Tucker Brook The Yale Shakespeare
40043: Shakespeare, William - The First Part of King Henry the Sixth, Edited by Tucker Brook The Yale Shakespeare
40045: Shakespeare, William - The Second Part of King Henry the Sixth, Edited by Tucker Brook The Yale Shakespeare
40059: Shakespeare, William - The Life of King Henry the Eighth Edited by John M. Berdan and Tucker Brooke The Yale Shakespeare
41520: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra... Edited by George Lyman Kittridge
41522: Shakespeare, William - Troilus and Cressida Edited by Robert Metcalf Smith The Arden Shakespeare
46612: Shakespeare, William - The Taming of the Shrew
31021: Shakespeare, William - King Lear. Edited by John F. Andrews. Foreword by Hal Holbrook.
41518: Shakespeare, William - The Tragedy of Othello... Edited by George Lyman Kittridge
39785: Shakespeare, William - The Life of King Henry V. The Arden Text, Edited by Heerbert Arthur Evans: With a General Introduction by Mr. Evans and a Special Prefatory Note by Mark Van Doren; Illustrated with Paintings by Fritz Kredel...
23443: Shakespeare, William - The Merry Wives of Windsor
23442: Shakespeare, William - The History of Troilus and Cressida
17792: Shakespeare, William - Othello, the New Variorum Edition, Edited by Horace Howard Furness
36862: Shakespeare, William - The Tempest... With Illustrations in Colour by Paul Woodroffe and Songs by Joseph Moorat
33078: Shakespeare, William - Much Ado About Nothing, Edited by Tucker Brook The Yale Shakespeare
24337: Shakespeare, William - The Complete Works of... Comprising His Plays and Poems... With a Contribution on the Shakespeare and Bacon Controversy by... Henry Irving.
24338: Shakespeare, William - The Complete Works of... Arranged in Their Chronological Order. Edited by W.G. Clark & W. Aldis Wright
22274: Shakespeare, William - As You Like It
41466: Shakespeare, William - The Works of William Shakespeare. The Plays Edited from the Folio of Mdcxxiii, with Various Readings from All the Editions and All the Commentators... By Richard Grant White
38854: Shakespeare, William - King Henry IV. Part I
38084: Shakespeare, William - King Henry V. Edited A.W. Verity The Pitt Press Shakespeare for Schools
45312: Shakespeare, William - Songs from the Plays of William Shakespeare
7933: Shakespeare, William - Anthony and Cleopatra, Edited by M.R. Ridley
45626: Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate - Sea and Land; Features of Coasts and Oceans, with Special Reference to the Life of Man, by N.S. Shaler
862: Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate - Elizabeth of England: A Dramatic Romance in Five Parts
34488: Shalit, Gene, editor - Laughing Matters : A Celebration of American Humor
23183: Shalit, Willa - Life Cast: Behind the Mask
33367: Shallcross, Martyn - The Private World of Daphne Du Maurier
40540: Shand-Tucci, Douglass - Built in Boston : City and Suburb, 1800-1950
26786: Shane, Sylvan M. - War Against Time -- Eleven Essays
018312: Shange, Ntozake - Liliane: Resurrection of the Daughter
011947: Shange, Ntozake - If I Can Cook, You Know God Can. Foreword by Vertamae Grosvenor
8100: Shange, Ntozake - Liliane: Resurrection of the Daughter
007036: Shank, Dorothy E. - Magic Chef Cooking
013213: Shankman, Sarah - Now Let's Talk of Graves
42154: Shanks, Hershel, editor - Understanding the Dead Sea Scrolls : A Reader from the Biblical Archaeology Review
28810: Shanks, Mike - The Flytier's Craft; a Practical Guide
26849: Shann, Renee - Air Force Girl
27795: Shannon, Elizabeth - Up in the Park: The Diary of the Wife of the American Ambassador to Ireland 1977-1981
33051: Shannon, William V. - The American Irish
005382: Shannon, Elizabeth - Up in the Park: The Diary of the Wife of the American Ambassador to Ireland 1977-1981
41667: Shannon, William Henry - Silent Lamp : The Thomas Merton Story
39701: Shapiro, Barbara J. - John Wilkins, 1614-1672; an Intellectual Biography [by] Barbara J. Shapiro
43992: Shapiro, Irwin - The Story of Yankee Whaling, by the Editors of American Heritage. Narrative by Irwin Shapiro, in Consultation with Edouard A. Stackpole American heritage junior library
39252: Shapiro, Barbara Stern - Edgar Degas; the Reluctant Impressionist, by Barbara S. Shapiro. [Exhibition: June 20-September 1, 1974]
006992: Shapiro, Doris - We Danced All Night; My Life Behind the Scenes with Alan Jay Lerner
35800: Shapiro, Lionel - The Sixth of June
35807: Shapiro, Lionel - Torch for a Dark Journey
35789: Shapiro, Dani - Fugitive Blue
35802: Shaplen, Robert - A Corner of the World
012860: Sharaf, Myron - Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich
007357: Sharin, Eugen - The Seven Voyages of Sindbad the Sailor
43857: Sharkey, Lee - First Moments
7812: Sharkey, Joe - Deadly Greed: The Riveting True Story of the Stuart Murder Case That Rocked Boston and Shocked the Nation
41105: Sharon, Ariel & Chanoff, David - Warrior: The Autobiography of Ariel Sharon
018482: Sharon, Ariel & Chanoff, David - Warrior: The Autobiography of Ariel Sharon
014998: Sharp, Morrie L. & Collins, Dean, eds. - Roses Illustrated and How to Grow Them
004015: Sharp, Dallas Lore - The Seer of Slabsides
39278: Sharp, Evelyn - The Child’S Christmas with Text by Evelyn Sharp ; Pictured by Charles Robinson.
45260: Sharp, Cecil J. (Cecil James) & Reeves, James - The Idiom of the People; English Traditional Verse. Edited with an Introd. And Notes from the Mss. Of Cecil J. Sharp [by] James Reeves.
42545: Sharp, Margery - The Gypsy in the Parlor
35744: Sharp, Dallas Lore - The Better Country
26255: Sharp, Dallas Lore - Where Rolls the Oregon, by Dallas Lore Sharp; with Illustrations from Photographs
42546: Sharp, Margery - The Gypsy in the Parlour
37921: Sharp Electronics - Sharp Carousel Microwave Cook Book
008695: Shatner, William - Star Trek Memories
011255: Shattuck, George Cheever - Diseases of the Tropics
23471: Shatzkin, Leonard - In Cold Type : Overcoming the Book Crisis
25124: Shaw, Bernard - Two Plays for Puritans
44232: Shaw, Bernard - Shaw: An Autobiography; Selected from His Writings by Stanley Weintraub
44227: Shaw, Bernard & Shakespeare, William - Caesar and Cleopatra [by Bernard Shaw] Antony and Cleopatra [by William Shakespeare. With Photos. From the Productions Starring Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh]
44226: Shaw, Bernard - Major Barbara... With Illustrations from the Motion Picture As Produced by Gabriel Pascal
44225: Shaw, Bernard - Androcles and the Lion, Overruled, Pygmalion
44224: Shaw, Bernard - Back to Methuselah : A Metabiological Pentateuch
44222: Shaw, Bernard - Plays: Pleasant and Unpleasant
44223: Shaw, Bernard - Misalliance, the Dark Lady of the Sonnets, and Fanny's First Play. With a Treatise on Parents and Children. By Bernard Shaw.
44221: Shaw, Bernard - Heartbreak House, Great Catherine, and Playlets of the War
44138: Shaw, Bernard - Caesar and Cleopatra [by Bernard Shaw] Antony and Cleopatra [by William Shakespeare. With Photos. From the Productions Starring Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh]
009409: Shaw, Irwin & Searle, Ronald - Paris! Paris!
44119: Shaw, Bernard - The Perfect Wagnerite : A Commentary on the Niblung's Ring. Illustrations by Julio Fernandez
37466: Shaw, Bernard - Don Juan in Hell from Man and Superman... Illustrated with Photographs from the Paul Gregory Production
40925: Shaw, David W - Sea Wolf of the Confederacy: The Daring CIVIL War Raids of Naval Lt. Charles W. Read
33160: Shaw, Bernard - The Apple Cart : A Political Extravaganza
36584: Shaw, Bernard - Saint Joan : A Chronicle Play in Six Scenes and an Epilogue
42197: Shaw, Bernard - Sixteen Self Sketches
29752: Shaw, Lloyd - Cowboy Dances : A Collection of Western Square Dances ; with a Foreword by Sherwood Anderson. Appendix, Cowboy Dance Tunes Arr. By Frederick Knorr.
003335: Shaw, Bernard - The Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism and Capitalism
22583: Shaw, Lloyd - Cowboy Dances. A Collection of Western Square Dances. With a Foreword by Sherwood Anderson. Appendix Cowboy Dance Tunes Arranged by Frederick Knorr
012168: Shaw, George Russell - Knots Useful and Ornamental
016165: Shaw, Frank H. - With Jellicoe in the North Sea
24239: Shaw, Reuben Cole - Across the Plains in Forty-Nine. Edited by Milo Milton Quaife Lakeside Classics 46
42976: Shaw, Alison & Hough, Henry Beetle - Remembrance and Light : Images of Martha's Vineyard. Photography Alison Shaw, Text Henry Beetle Hough. Foreword by James Reston
22073: Shaw, Mark - The John F. Kennedys A Family Album
29121: Shaw, John - Red Army Resurgent World War II
21711: Shaw, Irwin - God Was Here But He Left Early
38844: Shaw, Bernard - Man and Superman
1316: Shaw, Charles - A Topographical and Historical Description of Boston from the First Settlement of the Town to the Present Period . .
23903: Shaw, Bernard - Man and Superman
002849: Shaw, Bernard - The Apple Cart: A Politcal Extravaganza
015729: Shaw, Irwin - The Troubled Air
40136: Shaw, Bernard - The Perfect Wagnerite : A Commentary on the Niblung's Ring
35755: Shaw, Irwin - The Top of the Hill
35756: Shaw, Irwin - Two Weeks in Another Town
35738: Shaw, Irwin - Bread Upon the Waters
35742: Shaw, Lau - Rickshaw Boy
27910: Shaw, Diana - Almost Vegetarian: A Primer for Cooks Who Are Eating Vegetarian Most of the Time, Chicken & Fish Some of the Time & Altogether Well All of the Time
35492: Shaw, Irwin - Beggarman, Thief
23176: Shawcross, William - The Quality of Mercy : Cambodia, Holocaust, and Modern Conscience
018686: Shay, Edith & Smith, Katherine [Dos Passos] - The Private Adventure of Captain Shaw
41121: Shcharansky, Anatoly - Fear No Evil
013042: Shea, Michael - Maritime England
22253: Shea, Suzanne Strempek - Lily of the Valley
45036: Shea, Ralph A. - Doll Mark Clues
44819: Shea, John Gerald - Plywood Working for Everybody
44817: Shea, John Gerald - Colonial Furniture Making for Everybody
27576: Shearer, Cynthia - The Wonder Book of the Air
35743: Shearing, Joseph - ?the Golden Violet : The Story of a Lady Novelist. Foreword by Sinclair Lewis
39639: Shears, W. S. - The Face of England : A Book of the Shires and Counties
015694: Shedd, Solon - Bibliography of the Geology of Mineral Resources of California to December 31, 1930
33450: Sheean, Vincent - San Felice
43729: Sheean, Vincent - Dorothy and Red
29616: Sheean, Vincent - This House Against This House
29617: Sheean, Vincent - Between the Thunder and the Sun
35746: Sheean, Vincent - Not Peace But a Sword.
35745: Sheean, Vincent - Between the Thunder and the Sun
35727: Sheean, Vincent - A Day of Battle
35728: Sheean, Vincent - San Felice
33515: Sheed, Wilfrid - Frank and Maisie : A Memoir with Parents
013328: Sheed, Wilfrid - Clare Boothe Luce
42960: Sheedy, Jack & Coogan, Jim - Cape Cod Companion : The History and Mystery of Old Cape Cod
30729: Sheehy, Gail. - Pathfinders.
30105: Sheehy, Terence J. - Ireland. Foreword by William Macquitty.
21547: Sheehy, Gail - Understanding Men's Passages : Discovering the New Map of Men's Lives
32879: Sheff, Alexander L. - Bookkeeping Made Easy, by Alexander L. Sheff
37457: Sheikh, M. Saeed - A Dictionary of Muslim Philosophy
009018: Shelby, Philip - Last Rights
003890: Shelden, Michael - Friends of Promise: Cyril Connolly and the World of Horizon
34659: Sheldon, Sidney - Master of the Game
44691: Sheldon, Walter J. - Boating without Going Broke, [by] Walter J. Sheldon
35757: Sheldon, Douglas - The Rainbow Men
35759: Sheldon, Sidney - The Sands of Time
35760: Sheldon, Sidney - Windmills of the Gods
40604: Sheldrake, Rupert - Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home : And Other Unexplained Powers of Animals
46799: Shellabarger, Samuel - Captain from Castile
23911: Shellabarger, Samuel - Lord Chesterfield and His World
35801: Shellabarger, Samuel - Tolbecken
35816: Shellabarger, Samuel - Lord Vanity
003209: Shelley, Henry C - Literary by-Paths in Old England
28841: Shelley, Henry Charles - Untrodden English Ways, by Henry C. Shelley... With Four Full-Page Plates in Colour, and Illustrations from Drawings by H.C. Colby and from Photographs by the Author
37875: Shelton, Ferne - Colonial Treasure Cookbook. Special Time-Tester Recipes from Early America
27833: Shenk, David & Silberman, Steve - Skeleton Key : A Dictionary for Deadheads
473: Shenton, Edward - Riders of the Winds, with Drawings by the Author.
012341: Shepard, Tazewell - John F. Kennedy: Man of the Sea. Introduction by Edward M. Kennedy
28158: Shepard, Judith - Seascapes. Poems by Judith Shepard; Photographs by Rameshwar Das.
35725: Shepard, Odell & Willard - Jenkins’ Ear; a Narrative Attributed to Horace Walpole, Esq. , by Odell Shepard & Willard Shepard
25145: Shepard, Birse - Lore of the Wreckers
28466: Shepheard, Paul - Artificial Love : A Story of Machines and Architecture
43528: Shepherd, Thomas H. (Thomas Hosmer) - Metropolitan Improvements; or, London in the Nineteenth Century: Displayed in a Series of Engravings of the New Buildings, Improvements, &C. , by the Most Eminent Artists, from Original Drawings... By Thos. H. Shepherd... With Historical, Topographical, and Critical Illus. By James Elmes
23134: Shepherd, Naomi - Teddy Kollek, Mayor of Jerusalem
013584: Shepherd, Jack - The Adams Chronicles: Four Generations of Greatness. Introduction by Daniel J. Boorstin
24024: Shepherd, Jack - The Adams Chronicles : Four Generations of Greatness
35791: Sheppard, Stephen - The Four Hundred : A Novel
005011: Sher, Antony - Middlepost
39282: Sheraton, Mimi - Visions of Sugarplums : A Cookbook of Cakes, Cookies, Candies, & Confections from All the Countries That Celebrate Christmas
44134: Sheridan, Richard Brinsley - The School for Scandal & the Rivals... With Introduction by Augustine Birrell, Q.C. , M.P. And Illustrations by Edmund J. Sullivan
41130: Sheridan, Philip - Late and Early Joys at the Players’ Theatre. Illustrated by Reginald Woolley, with a Foreword by Dame Sybil Thorndike
39521: Sheridan, Frances Chamberlaine - The Discovery; a Comedy in Five Acts, Written by Mrs. Frances Sheridan, Adapted for the Modern Stage by Aldous Huxley
43344: Sheridan, Richard Brinsley - The Plays of Richard Brinsley Sheridan Everyman's Library No. 95
39046: Sheridan, Cosy - Anthymn
015769: Sheridan, Richard Brinsley - The Rivals. With an Introduction by Brander Matthews
35762: Sheridan, Anne-Marie - Summoned to Darkness
35611: Sheringham, George - Design in the Theatre. Commentary by George Sheringham and James Laver, Together with Literary Contributions by E. Gordon Craig, Charles B. Cochran, and Nigel Playfair.
30635: Sherman, Joe. - Gasp! : The Swift & Terrible Beauty of Air.
014160: Sherman, Harold M. - Interference and Other Football Stories
014161: Sherman, Harold M. - One Minute to Play
014162: Sherman, Harold M. - Touchdown!
014163: Sherman, Harold M. - Hold That Line!
014164: Sherman, Harold M. - Goal to Go!
014165: Sherman, Harold M. - Crashing Through!
013764: Sherman, Harold M. - Fight 'Em, Big Three
016602: Sherman, Sarah Way - Sarah Orne Jewitt, an American Persephone
003504: Sherman, Harold M - Hit by Pitcher
45407: Sherman, Len - The Good, the Bad, and the Famous
40332: Sherman, Edith Bishop - Mistress Madcap Surrenders : A Rebel Heroine in the Revolution
41696: Sherrill, Henry Knox - William Lawrence; Later Years of a Happy Life, by Henry Knox Sherrill
41694: Sherrill, Henry Knox - William Lawrence; Later Years of a Happy Life, by Henry Knox Sherrill
010028: Sherwin, Oscar - Prophet of Liberty: The Life and Times of Wendell Phillips
018388: Sherwood, Richard M. - A Field Guide to Sailboats of North America
35804: Sherwood, Margaret - The Coming of the Tide
35821: Sherwood, James Webster - Stradella
46131: Sherwood, May Martha - Margot and the Golden Fish : And Other Stories. [Illustrated by Frances Bassett Comstock]
35519: Shevchenko, Arkady N. - Breaking with Moscow
28340: Shewey, Don - Caught in the Act: New York Actors Face to Face. Photographs by Susan Shacter. Interviews by Don Shewey.
002907: Shiber, Etta - Paris -- Underground
008412: Shields, David - Dead Languages
013096: Shields, Cornelius - Racing with Cornelius Shields and the Masters
28045: Shields, Cornelius - Cornelius Shields on Sailing
28046: Shields, Cornelius - Cornelius Shields on Sailing
26633: Shilling, Charles W. - The Human Machine : Biological Science for the Armed Services
22901: Shilts, Randy - Conduct Unbecoming: Lesbians and Gays in the U.S. Military, Vietnam to the Persian Gulf
38130: Shin, Kwang Sung - The Art Collection of Kwang Sung Shin
45100: Shinagel, Michael - Holocaust Survivor to Harvard Dean : Memoirs of a Refugee's Progress
010006: Shingleton, Royce Gordon - John Taylor Wood, Sea Ghost of the Confederacy
41319: Shipman, Harry L - Black Holes, Quasars and the Universe
41195: Shipman, Harry L. - Black Holes, Quasars, and the Universe
1766: Shipman, David - The Great Movie Stars: The International Years
35968: Shipman, Harry L. - Black Holes, Quasars, and the Universe
35820: Shipman, Natalie & Worcester, Gurdon Saltonstall - Perchance to Dream
17934: Shipman, David - Caught in the Act: Sex and Eroticisim in the Movies
7949: Shipman, Pat - Taking Wing: Archaeopteryx and the Evolution of Bird Flight
37516: Shirer, William L - Berlin Diary: The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent, 1934-1941
017253: Shirer, William L - 20th Century Journey: A Memoir of a Life and the Times. Vol. II, the Nightmare Years, 1930-1940
017048: Shirer, William L - Berlin Diary: The Journal of a Foreign Correspondent, 1934-1941
017049: Shirer, William L - The Collapse of the Third Republic: An Inquiry Into the Fall of France in 1940
016910: Shirer, William L. (William Lawrence) - Midcentury Journey; the Western World Through Its Years of Conflict
005079: Shivers, Frank R - Maryland Wits & Baltimore Bards: A Literary History with Notes on Washington Writers
013942: Shoemaker, Bill & Nagler, Barney - Shoemaker
015472: Sholokhov, Mikhail - Harvest on the Don. Translated from the Russian by H.C. Stevens
40779: Shone, Richard - The Post-Impressionists
38249: Shonts, Theodore P. - The Old Order Changeth Giving Place to New
45210: Shore, Debbie - Home Food : 44 Great American Chefs Cook 160 Recipes on Their Night Off
39716: Short, Nicholas M. and others - Mission to Earth : Landsat Views of the World
25928: Shortsleeve, Kevin - 13 Monsters Who Should Be Avoided
013377: Shortsleeve, Kevin - The Story of Martha's Vineyard
42958: Shoumatoff, Alex - In Southern Light : Trekking Through Zaire and the Amazon
37953: Shoumatoff, Alex - The Rivers Amazon
25639: Shreve, Anita - Sea Glass : A Novel
23320: Shreve, Anita - Women Together, Women Alone: The Legacy of the Consciousness-Raiding Movement
22254: Shreve, Porter - The Obituary Writer
35763: Shreve, Susan Richards - The Train Home
23730: Shrimpton, Charles - Lillian; or, Woman's Endurance
44692: Shufeldt, H. H. & Newcomer, Kenneth E. - The Calculator Afloat : Mariner's Guide to the Electronic Calculator
35793: Shuler, Linda Lay - Voice of the Eagle
22789: Shulman, Max - The Feather Merchants
006524: Shulman, Irving - The Devil's Knee
35794: Shulman, Irving - Saturn's Child
35788: Shulman, Irving - The Devil's Knee
010082: Shurcliff, Sidney Nichols - Jungle Islands: The "Illyria" in the South Seas. The Record of the Crane Pacific Expedition, Field Museum... , Chicago, Illinois
23210: Shurtleff, Bertrand L. - Songs at Anchor
36007: Shute, Nevil - On the Beach
008838: Shute, Nevil - Pastoral
009993: Shute, Henry A - Farming It
37747: Shute, Nevil - Ordeal
28405: Shutkin, William A. - The Land That Could Be : Environmentalism and Democracy in the Twenty-First Century
43768: Shuttlesworth, Dorothy Edwards - Exploring Nature with Your Child; an Introduction to the Enjoyment and Understanding of Nature
36887: Shvidkovskiæi, D. O. (Dmitriæi Olegovich) - Russian Architecture and the West
27804: Sibley, George - Part of a Winter : A Memory More Like a Dream
26724: Sices, David - Theater of Solitude: The Drama of Alfred de Musset
003951: Sichel, Walter - Emma Lady Hamilton, from New and Original Sources and Documents
003352: Sickman, Laurence & Soper, Alexander - The Art and Architecture of China
35838: Sidgwick, Alfred, Mrs. - Salt of the Earth
35808: Sidgwick, Ethel - Promise
44268: Sidgwick, Ethel - Jamesie
34346: Sidney, Margaret - The Adventures of Joel Pepper
34350: Sidney, Margaret - Five Little Peppers and How They Grew
24535: Sidney, Sylvia - Needlepoint Book
011584: Sidney, Margaret - Five Little Peppers and How They Grew
25223: Siegel, Rosalyn - Country Floors' Decorating with Tiles
21719: Siegel, Bernie S. - Love, Medicine & Miracles
41786: Siegel, Richard - The Jewish Catalog; a Do-It-Yourself Kit. Compiled and Edited by Richard Siegel, Michael Strassfeld [and] Sharon Strassfeld. Illustrated by Stu Copans
26372: Siegfried, André - America at Mid-Century
40105: Siegmeister, Elie, editor - The Music Lover's Handbook
40205: Siegmeister, Elie, editor - The Music Lover's Handbook
45264: Siegner, Otto - France, an Art-Book; Photographs by Otto Siegner,. [Text by Hans Obergethmann]
016080: Sienkiewicz, Henryk - On the Field of Glory: An Historical Novel of the Time of King John Sobieski. Translated... By Jeremiah Curtin
35839: Sienkiewicz, Henryk - Quo Vadis, a Novel of the Time of Nero. Translated... By Jeremiah Curtin
35803: Sienkiewicz, Henryk - Quo Vadis, a Novel of the Time of Nero. Translated... By Jeremiah Curtin
21532: Signoret, Simone - Nostalgia Isn't What It Used to Be
018250: Sigourney, Lydia Huntley - Sketches, by Mrs. Sigourney
010717: Sigurjonsson, Johann; Stefansson, David; & Thordarson, Agnar - Fire and Ice: Three Icelandic Plays
33572: Sihler, E. G. (Ernest Gottlieb) - Cicero of Arpinum; a Political and Literary Biography Being a Contribution to the History of Ancient Civilization and a Guide to the Study of Cicero’S Writings.
36888: Silber, John - Architecture of the Absurd: How "Genius" Disfigured a Practical Art
29203: Silber, Irwin, compiler - Songs of the CIVIL War
29567: Silberger, Julius - Mary Baker Eddy: An Interpretive Biography of the Founder of Christian Science
25071: Silberman, Charles E. - Crisis in the Classroom : The Remaking of American Education
36036: Silberstang, Edwin - Abandoned
43848: Silenzi, Frances - Mustard Gas
003889: Silesky, Barry - Ferlinghetti: The Artist in His Time
31060: Silitch, Clarissa M. - Mad and Magnificent Yankees; a New England Portrait Gallery.
012948: Sill, Edward Rowland - Poems
009758: Sillitoe, Alan - Key to the Door
36037: Sillitoe, Alan - Raw Material
28801: Sills, Beverly - Bubbles: A Self-Portrait
35805: Silone, Ignazio - Bread and Wine. Translated from the Italian by Gwenda David and Eric Mosbacher
014862: Silver, Nathan - The Making of Beaubourg: A Building Biography of the Centre Pompidou
013018: Silver, Leonard G - Gently Speaks the Heart; This and Other Poems
40745: Silver, Gary - The Fantasy Book by Gary Silver, David Russell ; Photographs by Michele Clement
38696: Silver, Murray - Behind the Moss Curtain, and Other Great Savannah Stories
018619: Silverberg, Robert, editor - Strange Gifts. Eight Stories of Science Fiction
010817: Silverberg, Robert - Valentine Pontifex
010818: Silverberg, Robert - Tom O'Bedlam
010819: Silverberg, Robert - The Conglomeroid Cocktail Party
013934: Silverman, Willa Z - The Notorious Life of Gyp: Right-Wing Anarchist in Fin-de-Siecle France
44585: Silverman, Stephen M. - David Lean, by Stephen M. Silverman ; Introduction by Katharine Hepburn
44833: Silverman, Jerry, ed. - Folk Blues; 110 American Folk Blues
46623: Silverstein, Shel - Falling Up : Poems and Drawings / by Shel Silverstein.
008233: Silverstein, Shel - The Giving Tree
44830: Silverstein, Clara - Boston Chef's Table: The Best in Contemporary Cuisine Chef's Table
23191: Silverstein, Shel - A Light in the Attic
43448: Silvey, Anita - 100 Best Books for Children
010391: Silvey, Anita, ed. - Children's Books and Their Creators
018194: Simak, Clifford D. - A Choice of Gods
35538: Simak, Clifford D. - The Fellowship of the Talisman
36997: Simenon, Georges - The Hatter's Phantoms
36998: Simenon, Georges - The Rich Man
013214: Simenon, Georges - African Trio: Talatala, Tropic Moon, Aboard the Aquitaine
40617: Simenon, Georges - The Novel of Man. Translated from the French by Bernard Frechtman
26922: Simkins, Michael - Warriors of Rome : An Illustrated Military History of the Roman Legions
015112: Simmons, Patricia Worth - The President and Her Sweet Old Ladies; a Chronicle of the Burton Senior Citizens
39444: Simmons, Dan - Phases of Gravity
006593: Simmons, Jack - Transportation: A Tour of Museums
28197: Simmons, Steven - Body Blows
46619: Simmons, Sue - Jewelry
37759: Simmons, Richard - Sweetie Pie : The Richard Simmons Private Collection of Dazzling Desserts
45866: Simmons, Dawn Langley - Princess Margaret, an Informal Biography
35990: Simms. G. O. - Irish Illuminated Manuscripts The Irish heritage series, 29
24326: Simms, Caryl & Gordon - Introducing Seed Collage [by] Caryl and Gordon Simms
39932: Simon, Paul - Greatest Hits, Etc.
24965: Simon, George Thomas - The Best of the Music Makers : From Acuff to Ellington to Presley to Sinatra to Zappa and 279 More of the Most Popular Performers of the Last Fifty Years
45786: Simon, Matthew - The Chosen Few
014950: Simon, George T. - The Big Bands. With a Foreword by Frank Sinatra
43640: Simon, Paul - Paul Simon Complete
018220: Simon, Andr‚ L., editor - Wines of the World
018265: Simon, Andre L. - A Concise Encyclopedia of Gastronomy. Preface by Nika Hazelton
016941: Simon, Alvah - North to the Night: A Year in the Arctic Ice
011726: Simon, Neil - Rewrites: A Memoir
005700: Simon, Peter - Moving on, Holding Still, Photography by Peter Simon, Text by Raymond Mungo and Others
018683: Simon, Henry W., ed. - A Treasury of Grand Opera: Don Giovanni, Lohengrin, la Traviata, Faust, Aida, Carmen, Pagliacci
34694: Simon, Carly - The Fisherman's Song
36912: Simonds, John Ormsbee - Earthscape : A Manual of Environmental Planning
24626: Simonds, William - Jerry; or, the Sailor Boy Ashore, Being the Seventh - a Fragment - in the Series of the 'Aimwell Stories' by Walter Aimwell [Pseud. ] to Which Is Added a Memoir of the Author. The Unfinished Volume
013195: Simonds, William, writing as Aimwell, Walter - Whistler; or, the Manly Boy, by Walter Aimwell [Pseud. ]
013196: Simonds, William, writing as Aimwell, Walter - Oscar; or, the Boy Who Had His Own Way, by Walter Aimwell [Pseud. ]
014743: Simonson, Gerda - Smorgasbordet (Swedish Hors D'Oeuvres)
013251: Simont, Marc - Opera Souffle: 60 Pictures in Bravura
25985: Simper, Robert - Sail: The Surviving Tradition
17508: Simpkin, Richard - Cruising Yachtsman's Troubleshooter
44124: Simpson, Louis Aston Marantz - A Revolution in Taste: Studies of Dylan Thomas, Allen Ginsberg, Sylvia Plath, and Robert Lowell
33581: Simpson, Colin - The Lusitania
40992: Simpson, Mona - Anywhere But Here Vintage Contemporaries Series
23088: Simpson, Ruth M. - Out of the Saltbox: The Savour of Old Vermont
013215: Simpson, Howard R. - A Very Large Consulate
013068: Simpson, Andrew - The Innovative Yacht Ideas for Modern Cruising
003506: Simpson, Robert - The History of Scotland, from the Ealiest Period... With a Continuation to the Close of the Year 1849
26888: Simpson, Colin - Adam in Ochre
35818: Simpson, Lola Jean - Back Fire : A California Story
35822: Simpson, Mona - Anywhere But Here
015548: Simpson, Edward - Yarnlets: The Human Side of the Navy
26163: Sims, Edward H. - American Aces in Great Fighter Battles of World War II. Foreword by General Nathan F. Twining
27819: Sinclair, Upton - Boston
37510: Sinclair, Upton - The Jungle
26889: Sinclair, Harold - American Years, a Novel
011194: Sinclair, Upton - A World to Win
21667: Sinclair, Upton - King Coal, a Novel. With an Introduction by Dr. Georg Brandes
004625: Sinclair, Upton - 100% the Story of a Patriot
221: Sinding, Paul C - The Scandinavian Races: The Northmen; the Sea-Kings and Vikings. Their Manners and Customs, Discoveries,...
24572: Sinetar, Marsha - Ordinary People As Monks and Mystics : Lifestyles for Self-Discovery
30636: Singer, Natalia Rachel. - Scraping by in the Big Eighties American lives
008978: Singer, Mark - Mr. Personality: Profiles and Talk Pieces
44011: Singer, Isaac Bashevis - The Penitent
014277: Singer, Daniel - The Road to Gdansk: Poland and the U.S. S. R
018251: Singer, Jerome L. & Switzer, Ellen - Mind-Play: The Creative Uses of Fantasy
006148: Singer, Isaac Bashevis & Burgin, Richard - Conversations with Isaac Bashevis Singer
006225: Singer, Isaac Bashevis - The Family Moskat. Translated from the Yiddish by A.H. Gross.
005494: Singer, Isaac Bashevis - The Manor
35858: Singer, Brett - The Petting Zoo
28040: Singer, Isaac Bashevis - Enemies, a Love Story
35798: Singer, June Flaum - The Markoff Women : A Novel
35823: Singer, June Flaum - The Movie Set : A Novel
23569: Singh, Jagjit - Great Ideas of Modern Mathematics: Their Nature and Use
009816: Singleton, Esther - The Collecting of Antiques
40752: Singleton, Esther - The Collecting of Antiques
29324: Singleton, Esther - The Collecting of Antiques
005294: Singleton, Esther - Old World Masters in New World Collections
013542: Sinnott, Edmund W - Meetinghouse & Church in Early New England
17674: Siodmak, Curt - F.P. 1 Antwortet Nicht
016921: Siporin, Steve - American Folk Masters: The National Heritage Fellows
41644: Sirica, John J. - To Set the Record Straight : The Break-in, the Tapes, the Conspirators, the Pardon
7798: Siringo, Charles A - A Texas Cowboy; or, Fifteen Years on the Hurricane Deck of a Spanish Pony
45616: Sirna, Anne Lorimer & Ritchie, Antonia Fernàndez - Chap Woman's Guide to Shemanship and Pilot Handling
42042: Sis, Peter - Madlenka
31664: Sisley, Nick, editor - Deer Hunting Across North America
34610: Sitwell, Osbert - Tales My Father Taught Me; an Evocation of Extravagant Episodes
23450: Sitwell, Edith - Taken Care of: The Autobiography of...
36806: Sitwell, Sacheverell - The Netherlands. Photographs by Cas Oorthuys
008726: Sitwell, Edith - A Poet's Notebook
011495: Sitwell, Sir Osbert - Pound Wise
004906: Sitwell, Sacheverell - The Hunters and the Hunted
004907: Sitwell, Edith - Fanfare for Elizabeth
004909: Sitwell, Osbert - The Man Who Lost Himself
38823: Sitwell, Edith - [Poems] The Augustan Books of Modern Poetry
37804: Sitwell, Sacheverell - The Netherlands : A Study of Some Aspecs of Art, Costume and Social Life
44998: Sitwell, Sacheverell - The Romantic Ballet from Contemporary Prints, with an Introdroduction and Notes on the Plates Batsford colour books, 1
26651: Sivertson, Howard - Once Upon an Isle: The Story of Fishing Families on Isle Royale
46312: Sizer, Theodore R. - Horace's School : Redesigning the American High School
013673: Skelton, R. A., Marston, Thomas E., & Painter, George, D. - The Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation. With a Foreword by Alexander O. Vietor
35860: Skelton, Alison Scott - Different Families
32476: Skidmore, Hobert Douglas - More Lives Than One
009530: Skinner, Cornelia Otis & Kimbrough, Emily - Our Hearts Were Young and Gay
40945: Skinner Inc., Auctioneers - Fine Musical Instruments, Sale 1545, November 21, 1993
007432: Skinner, Cornelia Otis - Nuts in May
007434: Skinner, Otis - Footlights and Spotlights: Recollections of My Life on the Stage
007435: Skinner, Cornelia Otis - Family Circle
007436: Skinner, Cornelia Otis - Bottoms Up!
007437: Skinner, Cornelia Otis - The Ape in Me
37616: Skinner, Ada M. (Ada Maria) - A Little Child's Book of Stories
7904: Skinner, Cornelia Otis - Madame Sarah
43452: Sklar, David & Avery, Sarah - Trafficking in Magic, Magicking in Traffic
35861: Sklar, George - The Housewarming
35862: Sklar, George - The Identity of Dr. Frazier
35799: Skloot, Floyd - Summer Blue : A Novel
36858: Skogman, C. (Carl) - Fregatten Eugenies Resa Omkring Jorden åren 1851-1853, Under BefäL Af C.A. Virgin
43905: Skolos, Nancy - Ferrington Guitars : Featuring the Custom-Made Guitars of Master Luthier Danny Ferrington. Design and Photography, Nancy Skolos and Thomas Wedell ; Introduction, Linda Ronstadt ; Profile, Orville Schell ; Editor, Kate Giel ; Editorial Director, Nicholas Callaway.
018586: Skurka, Norma & Naar, Jon - Design for a Limited Planet. Living with Natural Energy
014255: Skwiot, Rick - Flesh
44663: Slade, W. J. (William James) & Greenhill, Basil - Westcountry Coasting Ketches
25640: Slater, Harrison Gradwell - Nightmusic
43724: Slater, J. Herbert (John Herbert) - Engravings and Their Value; a Complete Guide to the Collection and Prices of All Classes of Prints, by J. Herbert Slater... Sixth Edition Revised and Enlarged by F.W. Maxwell-Barbour. Illustrated with 24 Plates in Colour and Black and White, and 300 Facsimile Reproductions of Engravers' Marks.
23807: Slater, Teddy - Disney's Beauty and the Beast A Big golden book
41070: Slattery, Brian Francis - Liberation : Being the Adventures of the Slick Six After the Collapse of the United States of America
39064: Slattery, Brian Francis - Spaceman Blues : A Love Song
28227: Slaughter, Frank G. - The Golden Isle
35854: Slaughter, Frank G. (Frank Gill) - Plague Ship
35855: Slaughter, Frank G. (Frank Gill) - In a Dark Garden
35851: Slaughter, Frank G. (Frank Gill) - Divine Mistress
35852: Slaughter, Frank G. (Frank Gill) - Devil's Harvest
35829: Slaughter, Frank G. - The Scarlet Cord : A Novel of the Woman of Jericho
35830: Slaughter, Frank G. (Frank Gill) - Doctors' Wives [by] Frank G. Slaughter
35832: Slaughter, Frank G. (Frank Gill) - Tomorrow's Miracle
35853: Slaughter, Frank G. (Frank Gill) - Daybreak
35824: Slaughter, Frank G. (Frank Gill) - Doctors' Wives [by] Frank G. Slaughter
35825: Slaughter, Frank G. (Frank Gill) - The Mapmaker; a Novel of the Days of Prince Henry, the Navigator
35826: Slaughter, Frank G. (Frank Gill) - The Purple Quest, a Novel of Seafaring Adventure in the Ancient World, by Frank G. Slaughter
35827: Slavitt, David R. - Jo Stern
43132: Slayton, Mariette Paine - Early American Decorating Techniques : Step-by-Step Directions for Mastering Traditional Crafts
007395: Sleeper, John Sherburne - Salt Water Bubbles; or, Life on the Wave. By Hawser Martingale [Pseud. ]
25736: Sleightholme, Das - This Is Cruising
44668: Sleightholme, Joyce - The Sea Wife's Handbook. Illustrated by J.D. Sleightholme
28133: Slinkman, John F. - Duel to the Death; Eyewitness Accounts of Great Battles at Sea. Compiled by. .
33350: Sloan, John - John Sloan : Paintings, Prints, Drawings
44864: Sloan, William Wilson - A Survey of the Old Testament
44125: Sloane, Mary Cole - The Visual in Metaphysical Poetry
33994: Sloane, Eugene A. - The Complete Book of Bicycling, by Eugene A. Sloane
018526: Sloat, Warren - 1929: America Before the Crash
015697: Slocombe, George - The White Plumed Henry, King of France
39345: Slonczewski, Joan - Door Into Ocean
40218: Slonimsky, Nicolas - The Road to Music
2084: Slosberg, Helen Sagoff - An Air of Distinction: A Chronicle of the Brookline Chamber Music Society
36118: Slosberg, Helen S. and others, editors - Erwin Bodky: A Memorial Tribute. Edited by Helen S. Slosberg, Mary V. Ullman, Isabel K. Whiting
29077: Slote, Alfred - Strangers and Comrades
013226: Slung, Michael - Fever: Sensual Stories by Women Writers
43751: Small, John William - Scottish Market Crosses; by John W. Small. With an Introductory Chapter by Alexander Hutcheson
37738: Small, Gary W. - The Memory Prescription : Dr. Gary Small's 14-Day Plan to Keep Your Brain and Body Young
013795: Smalls-Hector, Irene - Because You'Re Lucky
013378: Smalls-Hector, Irene - A Strawbeater's Thanksgiving
22746: Smalls, Irene - Irene Jennie and the Christmas Masquerade : The Johnkankus
24661: Smart, Ninian - The Phenomenon of Religion Philosophy of Religion series
018122: Smart, Ted, producer - New England: A Picture Book to Remember Her by
42997: Smart, Ted & Gibbon, David - Cape Cod and the Islands : A Picture Book to Remember Her by
017151: Smaus, Jewel Spangler - Mary Baker Eddy: The Golden Days
45887: Smedes, Lewis B. - Shame and Grace : Healing the Shame We Don't Deserve
26029: Smeed, Vic - Power Model Boats
017085: Smeed, Victor - The Encyclopedia of Military Modeling
016453: Smiles, Samuel - Life of a Scotch Naturalist: Thomas Edward, Associate of the Linnean Society
44207: Smiley, George H. - Lake Minnewaska Mountain Houses... Minnewaska, Ulster County, New York
25253: Smiley, Jane - Moo
35897: Smiley, Jane - The All-True Travels and Adventures of Lidie Newton : A Novel
42961: Smiley, Brad - The Stone Wall : The Story of a Confederate Soldier .
21712: Smiley, Jane - A Thousand Acres (Ballantine Reader's Circle)
004393: Smiley, Jane - Catskill Crafts: Artisans of the Catskill Mountains
37167: Smith, Bradley - Twentieth Century Masters of Erotic Art. Foreword by Henry Miller
44404: Smith, Eleanor Furneaux - British Circus Life; with Additional Material Supplied by John Hinde. Edited by W.J. Turner. Illustrated from Original Photographs in Colour and Black-and-White by John Hinde.
009706: Smith, Alan, ed. - Virginia, 1584 - 1607; the First English Settlement in North America: A Brief History...
015459: Smith, D. W. - The Fourth Crow
015460: Smith, Martin Cruz - Polar Star
009347: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - The Fortunes of Oliver Horn
25080: Smith, Page - Killing the Spirit : Higher Education in America
41983: Smith, Jan - If You'Re Happy and You Know It and Other Favorites Mother Goose nursery rhymes
41156: Smith, Harry W. - Michael and the Mary Day
24872: Smith, Beverly - Figure Skating: A Celebration
45783: Smith, Alexander McCall - The Double Comfort Safari Club No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency
39772: Smith, Gerard C. - All at Sea. Decorations by Serge P. Petroff
43934: Smith, Delos - Music in Your Life; the Lives of Great Composers
36033: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - At Close Range
36034: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - Peter, a Novel of Which He Is Not the Hero
36035: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - The Tides of Barnegat
34069: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - In Thackeray's London
41129: Smith, R. T. (Robert T.) - Tale of a Tiger
44774: Smith, Richard Norton - The Colonel : The Life and Legend of Robert R. Mccormick, 1880-1955
43847: Smith, Grover - T.S. Eliot's Poetry and Plays: A Study in Sources and Meaning
014891: Smith, H. Allen - Mister Zip
014899: Smith, Page - John Adams
41091: Smith, Laura Alexandrine - The Music of the Waters. A Collection of the Sailors’ Chanties, or Working Songs of the Sea, of All Maritime Nations. Boatmen’S, Fishermen’S, and Rowing Songs, and Water Legends
27021: Smith, Gene - When the Cheering Stopped; the Last Years of Woodrow Wilson. With an Introduction by Allan Nevins
27086: Smith, Munroe - Bismarck and German Unity; a Historical Outline, by Munroe Smith
33324: Smith, H. Allen - People Named Smith
40911: Smith, Alexander - Edwin of Deira
40921: Smith, Larry (Larry Earl) - Iwo Jima : World War II Veterans Remember the Greatest Battle of the Pacific
17676: Smith, Vian - The First Thunder, a Novel of Brotherhood and Betrayal
45603: Smith, Hervey Garrett - The Arts of the Sailor; Illustrated by the Author. [Edited by Eugene V. Connett A Van Nostrand sporting book
014469: Smith, Thorne - Topper Takes a Trip
24604: Smith, T. Roger, ed. - An Illustrated History of Architectural Styles
33039: Smith, Anthony - Blind White Fish in Persia
33057: Smith, Thorne - Skin & Bones
43512: Smith, Reed - South Carolina Ballads, with a Study of the Traditional Ballad to-Day. Collected and Edited by Reed Smith.
23217: Smith, R. C. - In and out of Town
23218: Smith, R. C. - After Many Days
23221: Smith, Warren Storey - A Handbook of Musical Form
23223: Smith, Lewis Gordy - Towards a Pro-Life Society
41912: Smith, Robert - Illustrated History of Baseball
41913: Smith, Edgar - Brief Against Death... With an Introduction by William F. Buckley
45572: Smith, H. Allen - Life in a Putty Knife Factory
17535: Smith, Chard Powers - Artillery of Time
43431: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - Felix O'Day, by F. Hopkinson Smith; Illustrated by George Wright.
43404: Smith, Bradley - Japan; a History in Art A Gemini book
32943: Smith, William Loughton - A Candid Examination of the Objections to the Treaty of Amity, Commerce, and Navigation, between the United States and Great-Britain, As Stated in the Report of the Committee Appointed by the Citizens of the United States, in Charleston, South-Carolina. By a Citizen of South Carolina.
24573: Smith, Sally Bedell - In All His Glory: The Life of William S. Paley: The Legendary Tycoon and His Brilliant Circle
018378: Smith, Jo, ed. - The Entertainers Cookbook Series: The Private Recipes of International Famous Entertainers
014052: Smith, Erroll A - The American Checker Players Handbook
39369: Smith, Alexander - Poems
29809: Smith, Adam - Paper Money
25323: Smith, Alexander - Dreamthorp : Eight Essays
013171: Smith, Richard Charles - Wild Justice
003677: Smith, H. Allen - Larks in the Popcorn
003678: Smith, H. Allen - Write Me a Poem, Baby
003679: Smith, H. Allen - Lost in the Horse Latitudes
003682: Smith, H. Allen, ed. - Desert Island Decameron
26890: Smith, Anthony - The Human Pedigree
45126: Smith, Alexander McCall - The Sunday Philosophy Club
003303: Smith, Lillian - One Hour
42156: Smith, Alexander McCall - The Miracle at Speedy Motors
2261: Smith, Horace & James - The Tin Trumpet; or, Heads and Tails for the Wise and Waggish
41876: Smith, Julia & Holland, Tony - Eastenders : The Inside Story [by] Julia Smith & Tony Holland ; with Special Illustrations by Keith Harris
22575: Smith, L. O. - Exhibition Goods
012180: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - In Dickens's London
012076: Smith, Arthur Thad - Arthur Noel Smith [1851-1925]
22503: Smith, Bernie - The Joy of Trivia
006713: Smith, Alfred E. - Campaign Addresses of Governor Alfred E. Smith Democratic Candidate for President 1928
006808: Smith, Thomas Page, ed. - Cordially Yours: A Collection of Original Short Stories and Essays by America's Leading Authors
006612: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - The Arm-Chair at the Inn
016385: Smith, Bradley - Escape to the West Indies: A Guidebook of the Islands of the Caribbean
016386: Smith, Bradley - Escape to the West Indies: A Guidebook of the Islands of the Caribbean
22403: Smith, Martin Cruz - Gorky Park
016248: Smith, Gordon S. - One Man and His Sea
29451: Smith, Robb - The Complete Guide to Camera Accessories and How to Use Them
011778: Smith, Laura Rountree - Mother Bunny and Her Flowers
006178: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - Colonel Carter's Christmas
28253: Smith, Janet L. - Practice to Deceive
29273: Smith, Bradley F. - The War's Long Shadow : The Second World War and Its Aftermath : China, Russia, Britain, America
005653: Smith, Chard Powers - Artillery of Time
005654: Smith, Kirby Flower - Numa and Egeria... Read Before the P.L. Club of Baltimore, May 18, 1916.
005579: Smith Jerome V. C. - Natural History of the Fishes of Massachusetts, Embracing a Practical Essay on Angling
43111: Smith, Bill - Designing a Photograph
242: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - The Wood Fire in No. 3
43081: Smith, William Jay - Army Brat : A Memoir
35892: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - The Fortunes of Oliver Horn
35893: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - Forty Minutes Late and Other Stories
35894: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - The Veiled Lady and Other Men and Women
35895: Smith, Francis Hopkinson & F. Berkeley - Enoch Crane
35898: Smith, Martin Cruz - Polar Star
35899: Smith, Martin Cruz - Stallion Gate
35900: Smith, Robert Kimmel - Sadie Shapiro's Knitting Book; a Novel
35908: Smith, John Talbot - Solitary Island
35909: Smith, Shelley - A Grave Affair
35914: Smith, Harvey H. - Tales of the Quebec North Shore : Shelter Bay
35915: Smith, Madeline Babcock - The Lemon Jelly Cake
35927: Smith, Minna Caroline - The Joy of Captain Ribot
005463: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - Caleb West, Master Diver
015994: Smith, Jeff - The Frugal Gourmet Cooks American
015995: Smith, Jeff - The Frugal Gourmet Cooks Three Ancient Cuisines: China, Greece, and Rome
42949: Smith, Samuel Abbot - West Cambridge 1775
011089: Smith, Winifred - Nursery Song & Rhymes of England
010909: Smith, Jeff - The Frugal Gourmet
015882: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - The Romance of an Old-Fashioned Gentleman
010718: Smith, H. Allen - The Life and Legend of Gene Fowler
21549: Smith, Jeff - The Frugal Gourmet Cooks with Wine
21572: Smith, Mabel S. C. - Ethel Morton's Holidays
35891: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - The Fortunes of Oliver Horn
34905: Smith, W. Glennie - Sally Rainbow’S Stories, As She Told Them. A Sequel to Little Lucy.
21520: Smith, Fank, editor - Memorials of the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati
21516: Smith, Julie - Louisiana Hotshot
35863: Smith, Dennis - Glitter & Ash
46718: Smith, Haywood - The Red Hat Club Rides Again
44509: Smith, Norris Kelly - Frank Lloyd Wright : A Study in Architectural Content
35843: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - Gondola Days
35850: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - Caleb West, Master Diver
010271: Smith, Gaddis - Britain's Clandestine Submarines, 1914-1915
26309: Smith, William H. C. (William Herbert Cecil) - Napoleon III: The Pursuit of Prestige
015765: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - Caleb West, Master Diver
38257: Smith, Samuel - National Progress and Poverty Being a Lecture Delivered at the Hand-in-Hand Club, Liverpool, 13th January, 1884
015745: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - The Under Dog
015746: Smith, Francis Hopkinson - The Other Fellow
46795: Smith, David Eugene - A Source Book in Mathematics
35784: Smith, Earl L. - Yankee Genius : A Biography of Roger W. Babson
015656: Smith, J. Russell - Foreign Lands and People
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